1175 Duckwood TrSITE ADDRESS // / ? ,? ???• Unit # I Permit # ???640 L ?? B SITE ADDRESS Z Unit # fe- Permit # `r B Sect./Sub. 4. INSPECTION INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS fr ? 8r-9 ?`? ? ?/?/O•-!' ?i ? f lr Ir.... 41 %?-?1 * 5 -g'Y .,.,, SITE ADDRESS 1/2 ..G?[J?t/?l9? ?n• Unit # Permit #aIII L ll B ' # 3 • ii?? y A av INSPECTION INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS SITE ADDRESS Unit # Permit # awIG ? . / ? L ?r B Sect./Sub,, 00 d V941 • ???o -"' ? INSPECTION INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS Cl??, ?? Q ua -G ? 9w? D'?f e/1? .-? ?. /' v INSPECTIOM INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS -'C- ln, ? ? oJ?/UG ? /? 02 ?? ? • ? G v r C.?' ? i SITE ADDRESS 117AVJA0VVW _? unit # Permd # (.0 B Oll Sect./Sub. /A,?? ?? ,?193 ?? ??o19il t?'1 /j' °u INSPECTION IHSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS y 7-? e. ? 9-18` 9 . ? ?Y ??y r D L i-a, ?/y4 ? ? SITE ADDRESS ???? 4Unit # PeRnit # aV16 G L B INSPECTION INS ECTOR DATE COMMENTS 14 l 4 . o- ,? ? ? 4 11r,at.l v .? °- •`,?'- Wertificate vf cccuvaj?c* WU4 of Wagon zkosrbaext of $ttilbing ?n?rcctuan This Certijcate issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code certifyrrrg that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of rhe City ngulating buildirtg construction or use. For the following: Use Classificatian: 141T.TT"5mR$3C Bldg. Pcrmit No. 24 166 o«,p-y rype R 1/141 zorLimg niuicc V 1/EtR Type Const. R3 o.= of swiaing 9IIM ----S cam ! nadnss 9f,E37 63ALAVF--N,-YARE? suiwing naanss I Locaiicy T 1 I FO, CT FRebrIc arrrlc 41u Dac: ??? 3h? POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ._.?.. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: i,i?k.?..??ti? r.,iW t , iitil111 4111 ? PERMIT SUBTYPE: RECORD PERMiT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: j III '..I.1= l H I 1$IN t:lll t UIN?l 0 " a l f. Ey 01, 10 1 194 Ni u ( 1, Pi r x 1 INSPECTION rA • rA ( I._ilf1 f P1?? t?i;?l ? PI? t tJ'.III (1 1 f 1iiJ i I 1 I f'1 ??? i ! I ?Illl I 1 i??i i 1 r?fl) t MAkkSt `: b W P 1 IIk Permk No. PermR Holder Date Tslephone k S/W PLUMBING 533'? HVAC LAI- ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspectlon Dete lasp. Commenta Footings I / Foundatlon Framing RaoFlng Rough Plbg. •Rough Htg. -lsul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Pibg. Plbg. Inspector- Nolify Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final ? [/•v/T C' Deck Ftg. Deck Flnal Well Pr. Disp. Address 1175 vUUaM Tanti. Zip 5512 3 Lot 11 Blk 2 Sub sT F-Rat?'is [,Oon 41x THESE ITEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLETE AT TIiE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPECI70N. Date: /a0 AS Yes No Inspecror: Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps (garage) Permanent steps (fiain entry) ? Permanent driveway Permanent gas ? Sod/Seeded grass / TraiUcurb damage Porch ? Basement finish ? Deck Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut•off of water supply to the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. Contad engineering division at 6814645 before working in rightof-way oc installing underground sprinkler system. ? White - City Copy Yellow - Resident Copy Pink - Contractor Copy /?1/0/11 339 ? N 6 9 9 2// ReQu t ate _ ? Fire No. Roughln Inpsection Repuiretl Qlou m s? ' Oector when ready) Inspection Other Tnan Rougn-ln ? qeady Now ? Will No1Hy Inspector Yes ? No Dete Feetl 1? icensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above elecirical work at: Job Atlares el. o out ) ^ City C/ k 7 /?e-_ / ? t Sechon No. Townsnip Name o, No. Range No. Co n ?2- zs Occepant(PRINT Phone No. n Power Su Atldress Elecuic Conva 1 ompan ame) Con tl'S - o.) / rf:Vle Mailln tl s iCO do Owner a' g Installelion) Amhorizec 9gnaW IC V or:Owner Makmg stalla , PVm Z JZ^ ? /1 MINNESOTA STAT BE OAFD OF ELECTRIQTY THIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT? Griggc-MlOway B10g. - Room S173 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE 80/+RD 1621 Universiry Ave.. St. Faul. MN 55104 ' UNLESS PROPER INSPEGTION FEE IS Pnone(612)6df-0800 . ENCLOSEO. C? 6.3 -92 C? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? Se5 instmctions lor completing thls form on back o1 yellow cvpy. 61 Below Work Covered by This Request ?EB -ive ew Atld Rep. Type of Building AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range . TBmporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer load Management Comm./Indusirial F ace Other (SpeCify) Farm Air Conditioner Other (specrly) ConVector's RemeMS. Compufe Inspecfion Fee 8elow: # Other Fee # ServiceEmranceSize F Circuits/Feeders Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Trensformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 Amps $19f15 Inspeoor5 Use Only: ^ t i "Gv TOTAL Irrigation Booms Special Inspection ? Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY D ISFONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 1 H I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that the above inspection has been made. RO°9n"" ? F;?ai ° iue ;?? e . f - OFFlCE USE ONLV Thi3 raquest void 18 monihs Irom *'/0/? ?339? C? 6 9 3 3 .- - ,r,?.,v '- ? 9?' ReQU ate Fira No. Fough?ln Inpsetli tquire0 Ins ction OI arTh an Rough-In ' ? ?VOU T 5? SOetto? when raetly) qB6tly Npw ? Will NOlily In50ect0f n Vea ? No Date ReaOy IA censed contractor ? owner hereby reque i spectio of above ele rical work at: Job Atltlre Ir 1. te No.) ? Ciry ? .?=L Sectior. No. Townsbip Name or No. Range No. Coun OccuOantIPRINT Phone No. Power Sup er Atldress Elemriwl Conv ICOmpa Namei r Comract 5 Lryicense /?j Mailing ACOres ICOnbac o wner M i Inslallatmn) - ? Ao1non 9gnalu nt c[or?0 er Making I tallal Pho N ? MINNESOTA STATE BOpRD OF ELECTPICITV " THIS INSPECTION REDUEST WILL NOT Grlggs-MlOway BIAg. - Raom 5-173 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD 1821 Univeralty Ave., St. Peul. MN 55100 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE i5 Vhone (612) 602-0WO ENCLOSED. 3 391o M 6 9 3 6,/i/ Repu ?e / ? Fire No. Roughln Inpse ' n Repuire0 (YOUm stc nspeciwwhenreaEy) I6e, c[ion O,M1er T1an Rough?ln atlyNOw ? WIIINOtilylnspector Yge ? Na Daleiieaay Icensed conhactor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work aC Job Aotlre s rael. o te N. Ciry $ecuon o. Township Name o o. Ranqe No. Cou ? ? OccupanllP ? Phone No. Power Su ? /+tltlress Elecmcal Conlra ompa Name) Contracroi5 Lyi?cense // Mailm aress i o? Owne ning Installatio? ? 4 •? ? ? Auth i ed Slgnet i nVec?oc ? er Mawn stall Pnon H MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION FEOUEST WILL NOT GAggs-MlEwey &Eg. - Room S173 6E ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD 1821 Universlly Ave., SL Paul. MN 551U4 UNLE55 PROPEF INSPECTION FEE IS Phono (612) 642-0800 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION / i See mstmctions br campleting Ihis form on back of yellow wpy. 069396 - "X" Belaw Work Covered by This Request ? ''; ? ? E8-00001-08 33 9l ? ew Add ept -= Type ol Building AppliancesWired EquipmeniWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplez LA%ter Heater ElectriC Heating Apt Building r load Management Comm.llndustrial F inace Other (Specity) Farm Air Condilioner Other(syecily) Contraclor's Remarks', Compute lnspecfion Fee Below: # Other Fee a ServiceEmrance5ize CircuitslFeeder F Swimming Paol 0 l0 200 Amps to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps SignS Inspecvor§ Use Onty: TOTAL Irr igationBooms L? 'i Special Inspection ? Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY 8E ORDERED; ONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 M NfMS / _./)'1 7d I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rooqi r??je ?-• r?! ?: ? e-. ???_G? certifY that the above insPection has been made. ',/`/? G y?"-`Y Final ?a? ? p OFFICE USE ONLY Tpis request voitl 18 montM1S Irom 1?410?lq 33 91 o N 6 9 3 5 17'°gp Repu 1 le Fire No. FougM1ln Inpse Repviree Ins?eMmn Other Than PougRln pou must pecror when reatly) ?J qeatly Naw ? Will Notity Inspeclar Yes ? No Date Reetly I 1 ensed coniractor ? owner here request inspection ot above electrical work aC Job Ad re e ar ou iry Seqion No. Townshi ame or o. Fange No. Coun I Occupant(PRI Phone No. Power Sv00f ? Adtlress Elechical omra ompan amel . Con ct s- ns . q % L Maili ss or or Ow r aking Insiallati ) d J Aulnonzea ignevr c Vecl n woer Makin nstalla? Pno Nu' ?v? MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITV THIS MSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Grigga-Mitlwey BIEg. - floom 5473 BE ACGEPTED BV TNE STATE BOARD 1621 Univeniry Ave.. 51. Paul. MN 55109 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(6t2) 662-0800 ENCLOSED. 1?11o/9r4 REQIIEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ?q / ? See insVUClions for completing Ihis lorm on back ol yellow copy. uV 69.3 9.5 ' "X" Below Work Covered by This Request ee.ooom.oe 4a" 33 910 ew Add Rep. TypeolBUilding AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home ange Temporary Service Duplez ter Heater Eleciric Heating Apt. Building yer load ManagemeM Commlindustrial F ce Other (SpeciTy) Farm Air Conditioner OtnerlsVecily) Conttactor§ Pemarks. Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # ServiceEnirenceSize Circuiis/Feetlers Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps ? to 700 Amps Transiormers Above 200 _ Amps bove 100 _ Amps Sigf15 . inspector5 Use Only. 7? ' Irrigetion Booms Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY B O DER CQNNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 *ONWS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rough-in / e E? certify that the above inspection has been made. F;nai oate -q OFi1CE USE ONLY This reQuest vaitl 18 monlns iram //?io/g 339/0 0 6 9 3 4 o,w 401 Reaues e FiM Nv. - ougn-In Inpseetio eqvireG ?1'ou must peMr when ready) Ins ection Other Than Rougndn ? I qeatly Now ? Will No1Hy Inspactor -1 Ves ? No Dete Ready I^ Ised contrector D ow er hereby request inspection of above elecirical work at: ou?e N) Job Aatlress (SVee ? Sacti n o. ownsnip Nam or No. Range No. A P ? Otcupant (PqI ' PowerSup AOOress a ElacVical o Com ny Namel Conlra o? Ic se .? r Mailing Atltlress Gonva • ro ner Ma nstallation) AuNOrized Ignemre eclor/Ownar aking Installati PM1??Z) MINNESOTA STATF 60ARD OF ELECTNICITY THIS INSPEGTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggn-Mitlway Bldg. - Poom 5-113 6E ACCEPTED 6V THE STATE BOARD 1821 Unlversiry Ave., SL Veul. MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Pbone (612) 642-0800 ENCLOSED. IIX? ?? RE?UEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION /? ? See Inslructions (or complaling [his lorm on back ol yellow copy. G? 6r? ? ? "Jj" Belom Work Covered by This Request ew Adtl Rep. 7ypeofBuiltling AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex - W ter Heater Electric He9ting Apt. Building To yer Load Menagement Comm.nndustriai _jZ u ce Other (Specify) Farm ir Conditioner Olher Iryecifyl Gonllactor's Remarks: Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # ServiceEntrence5ize # Circuits/Feeders - Swimming Pool 0[0 200 Amps to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100_'; Amps Sigl15 Inspector's U. Onry: ? J 7p7 ? ' Irrigation Booms Special Inspection ? Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDE DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN48:11II01filTHS.i, I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certifthat the above ins ection has `1 P been made. poU9h-in Final • -„ p ,- U)? ?f,y?-'?Jd..??.J oace oate r OPFICE USE ONLY This request voitl 18 mombs Irom REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION lp See instmctions for completing iM1is form on back of yellow [opy. C? 6 g 3 9 3 -'Jl" Below Work Covered by This Request EB-00001-08 e AQtl 9ep: _. TypeofBuilding AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex atar Heater ElectriC Heeting Apt Building ryer Load Manegement Comm.llndustrial F ace Other (SpeCify) Farm Air Conditioner OtM1er (syecilyj ConVadOr's Remarks'. Compute Inspectian Fee Below: # 01her Fee # ServiceEnlrance5ize # Circuits/Feeders Swimming Poal 0 to 200 Amps o-106Amps hansformers AbOVe 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps Signs , m:Paoro.s usa oriy. ?TOT ? Irrigation Booms ? 7 G?C i Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS WSTALLATION MAV BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 ONTHS. I, the EleCtriCal InSpeCtor, hereby Rough-in Date ? certiy that the above inspection has been made. F;nai OFFICE USE DNLY ? This repuesl voitl 18 months fmm ----- - ? Fnr??ce'slis"'e ? ? Pertnit#: Zjv D I Permit Fee: I ? Date Received: I I I SWff: L ----------------' 2008 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMITAPPLICATION Date: q'1q'VU SiteAddress: OuGH'V 00d IV-66 I Tenant: - Suite #: ? RESIDENT/OWNER Name: \ }%kYl ? rlC,C7-P.! Phone: 5;a F4 Address/CitylZip: ryw - CONTRACTOR Name: License#: Champion Address: 651-365-134n 3670 Dodd Rd. #100 City: Fa9anAaN55123 13S9 State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: K-Y i Soi e h V TYPE OF WORK _ New Replacement _ Repair _ Rebuild _ Mod'rfy Space _ Work in R.O.W. Descripfion of work: PERMIT TYPE RDENT/AL T W9ter Heater Water Softener Lawn Ir(gation Add Plumbing Fixtures ? RPZ! _ PVB) ? Main _ Lower Level) Septic 5ystem _ Water Turnaround New Abandonment RESlDENTlAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $30.50 Lawn Irrigation (includes $.50 State Surcharge) i $50.50 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround` (includes $.50 State Surcharge) 'WaterTurnaround (add $136.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) $100.50 Septic System New ($10.00 per as built) (includes County fee and $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire Repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) ?• ?- Jv TOTAL FEES $ 3 1vo ? P I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurete; fhat the vrork will be in confortnance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagart; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit: that ffie work will 6e in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X X ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs gnature INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55723 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: Lo r: 11 B L 0 C K: 2 APPLICANT: 1175 DUCKWOOD TR SUNSET HOMES CORP 3T FRANCIS WOOD 4TH (612) 531-0714 PERMIT SUBTYPE: MULTI. (ADD'L.) TYPE OF WORK: pESCRIPTION BUILDING 024166 09/01/94 NEW (5-PLEX) INSPECTION FOOTINGS .. . FOUNDATION .A FRAMING ROOFIN6 INSULATION FIREPLACE ROUGH IN PLBG ROUGH IN HTG IFINAL PLBG FINNL REMARKS: S & W PLBR - ? ? 7 J ? CIT,Y OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681=4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-65909-611-02 DESCRIPTION: PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: MULTI. (ADD'L.) NEW R-1 M-1 V-1 HR R-3 164 , 72 2 BUSLDING 024166 09/91/94 E?; PERMIT 1175 DUCKWOOD TR LOT: 11 BLOCK: 2 ST FRANCIS WOptl 4TH (5-PLEX)? Building'-Permit Type Building Wo\rk Type ?.UBC Occupancy~' ' ? Construction Type Zon3.ng -.) ? Building Length ? ? Building Width ? ?. Building stories .J', ? ,. ? REMARKS: S & W PLBR - FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $342,000 Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge SAC SAC $ SAC Units Subtotal $1,486.50 CITY SAC $966.23 WA7ER CONNECTION $171.00 S & W PERMIT $4,000.00 S & W SURCHRRGE 100 TREAT MENT PLAN7 5 ROAD UNIT $6,623.73 Total Fee $14,639.23 CONTRACTOR: - Applicent - ST. LIC. OWNER: SUNSET HOMES CORP 15310714 0002176 3UNSET HOMES CORP 9667 63RD AVE N 9687 63RD AVE N MAPLE 6ROVE MN 55369 MAPLE GROVE MM 55369 (612) 531-0714 (612)531-0714 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the infiormation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable 5tate of Mn. 5tatutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. " (? q?-??? '?nua ',(_ I m?f APPIICANT/PE MITEE SIGNATURE ? ISSUED BY SICa ATU E $500.00 $3,625.00 $100.00 $.50 $1,740.00 $2.050.00 I REACTIVATE _ PERMIT M idi'LL CITY OF EAGAN 1M BUILDING PERMIT ' W 681-4675 APPLICATION ??j -o 14, L.94. 2-5 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered s survey , of energy calcs. J U L 0 6 1994 COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & stru a1_klans_ 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy, Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date 6 / 30 / 94 Valuation of work }bl)r ka "," •.,'., Il•j? A ° " _ ur i t ° " Site Address: STREET SUITE / Tenant Name: (commercial only) IAT 'D1 BLOCK 2 SIIBD. St. Francis Woods P.I.D. M IV 0@SCY1 tion Of wOrk: New construction-5 unit.buildin The applicant is: ? Owner 0 Cantractor ? Other (Deserlbe) Name Sunset Homes Corporation PhOne 531-0714 Property «5T FIRST Owner Addt'eSS 9687 63rd Avenue North STREET STE / ' City Maple Grove State MN Zlp 55369 Company same Phone Contractor Address License # 0002176 Exp. 3/95 City State ZiP Company xenrv stencruist Phone 871-3413 Architect! Name Registration # 8119 Engineer AddYeSS 215 Franklin Avenue West • Ctty Minneapolis State MN Zip 55404 Sewer & water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is f d Cit y o correct and agree to comply with all a plicable Sta 1of Minnesota Statutes an Ea9an Ordinances. ? Signature af Applicant: vA i i v... u.J L_ ua a" . BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwg. , 0 03.SF Addition ? 04 SF Porch ? 05 SF Misc. WORK TYPE ,B 31 New ? 32 Addition O 06 Duplex ? 07 4-Plex p 08 8-Plex ? 09 12-Plex ? 10 Multi: Add'1 ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION O 11 Apt./Lodging ? 12 Multi. Misc. O 13 Garage/Accessory ? 14 Fireplace ? 15 Ueck ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 36 Move 0 16 Ba;emen_tFiritisrh 'l?`l?`S'wiii? op1.•?? 0 18 Comm./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public facility ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MWCC System (A1lowable) V l X? lst F1. sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy ??-i 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required Zoning (;-3 Sq. Ft. total Booster PumP # of Stories 2 Footprint Sq. ft. Fire Sprinkler Length //TN On-site well Census Code Depth ?2- On-site sewage SAC Code APPROVALS Planning Building Assessments Engineering _ Variance REGIUIRED INSPECTIONS O Site ? Wallboard P Footing ,119- Final a framing ? Draintile ? ? ? ei3 S" -M-Insulation ? fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review license MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Pl. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: SAC % !?F SAC Units wlu.c;on: S ?LZ ?od) F ?vo.3 ,4-sy = 3Y?S76,z X z :. ?9!$z _ ?---- g ;so z-,i- .?y c el?oo .4- ;-Y - /9dj P a` i6 _ A , z-CGZco y ?Y = sg? a-,Sy ? 27lloA 32?`/00 3./d D 339oy,?- z = 3 ?6 vykZ ? -3? DLl ?"?) G 08 "?6/6 Established in 1962 LOT SURVEYS C0MPANY INC NO F ? , e 592 75 B. LAND SURVEYOItS SCALE 1" = 20' o Denotes iron Monumeni REGI$TERED UNDER LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA p Denofes Wood Hub Set 7601- 73rd Avenue North 660-5093 For Ezeavotion Only Minneapolis, Mlnnesota 65428 x000.0 Denotes Existlnq Elevation ED Denotes Proposed Etevation ????? ?fdft& E? Denotes Surface Draindqe 9D I• 1 Proposed Top of Biock SUNSET HOMES Property Address: St_ Francis Nay 1 2 36008 90 1 - proposed Garaqe Floor E A G p N 3600C Proposed Lowest Floor EV4 E p 3600D R E ?? 3600E TyDe of Buildinp - nV Du?Kwoor? . D??v? sl zd on g ?? ?- Z44 AN 4 J ? ? 0 8 ? ? ? ? O M.A. TM oNy wwwb sIwwn ars from plata of rscad a Infortnation provlded by Gfsnt 1Me hxsby cMify that thla Is a trus and cortncl repreaentatlon of s euhrey of the boundrisi of tM abow deecAbed IarW and the Iocatlon of dl buildinps arM vle- Ib{s oncrowhmenb, If arry, from or on said IarW. gurvrMby us mis 6th day of June 19 94 Lot 1, BlockA , ST. FRANCIS NOODS 4TH 3igned A. Prasch Minn. Reg. No. 6743 aw Proposed building (nformotion must be checked with opproved building plan before excovotion and eonstruction. ? Exisr'. HY, . 4(,.0 _ - ? ? -----? - DUCKWO? -- --- ?? - 74' 1 85 °/ ? FrisrrN G. ?-/ .pC° _.?f?g R jf4fnisr?Y.H?vE ° -b'T-f?d?--E? f.7 % 1.73 % ? vE ° 30? /,Z „lRCF' CL.Y C' ?e- o V i I 589?? 156 _ cB- ? 1 -_ - --- -- - -__? -?_--- ? B-102 r9-ee888.92 7- p "`?895 I%oP -q? , -? '--- +Er - ?895.25 -- /Nv -$qf A $ i?vY -$9i-?4 ZPRON w TRAg/-( 891 I 892.13 ??. ;UARD, %z . RIp RqP ; tzAV? 7-o n y uGN r) > W m I ? m ?I ¢ ? z ? i - ? F?o? r ? zs.5 ? ? ,?I%4B NU C?I.? - ? / 6 TYI _ z,.. = RY Bi.r ?qI VE CuR$ -- @°? I/.2 ? t q r I ?r? ?r?? ?, ,• t Lq ? ? i ? r F NCIS ? _._,...? IL25:EASEMENT J I I ' v N , J ? h ' . co ?0 MH,r1 ?ST., FRRNCIS WA'f . ,? F' G?' P;, ?`? .: . d;CL.JFRACI° OF UTIl-IT'f L0Ura" 0?<? rLEVATI4PlS. THI' I7 Ail; iS F-'OR Aii0N PURPOSES ONLY AND US4NG IT SHO?!L?:? ?,'";:`?'?" `?-?E 0N THE SiTE. 905 ` 900 ' :895 `890 .. . .. . .......................... ....... .. ..::.:.::::::::::: ..::.:::::.?:::::::... °_ ::......:::::::::::::... :::::::?::::::: ? ..... ._.... . ;::. . . ... . .._.. .......................::? ..... . ... ................ :... ?? ....... ............: ..... .. : ..... ..... .. . R. .! f.? P . . : ...... : .............. A(a.!?ry : ............. . ?. .......... ............;............... v..-........; .. . : :......::::::::::::' i :::::::::::::::::::........ ........... ..? ..............{.y.j...... ......... ...................? F:::: .::: ........ ::: : ' ..::::::::::.:..... ................... ..p:?36 oi ............. _ .... .,..._,'i•.r.r..c ..?......... N012T? : ............................ 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Q ? s m LOT BIIRVEY CHECRLIST FOR RE6IDENTIAL BIIII PROPERTY LEGAL: DOCIIMENT BTANDARDS B'?b 0 • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company 0--17 0 • Building Permit Applicant ? • Legal description 9?0 0 • Address ?' 0 • North arrow and bar?scale ? 0 • House type (rambler, walkout, split a/o, split '-' 0 • lookout, etc.) dient $ Di ti I3 0 . rec oaal drainage arrows with slope/qra p? ? 0 • Proposed/existing sewer and water services 0 • Street name B?0 D • Driveway ELEVATIONS Existi ? • na Sewer service 0 0 • Lot corners L•Y ? 1]- •. Top of curb at the driveway D 0' 0 • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes • 4roposea Garage floor C?? ? • First floor 0 Q" 0 • Lowest exposed elevation (walkout/window) 01? 0 0 • Property corners 0'?0 13 • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREAS (if appli.Cablv1 0 [i D • Easement line 0 ? 0 • NwL o r? o • xwL 0 _?/? • Pond # designation 0 0 0 • Emergency overflow Elevation entry, DIMENBIONB H'0 0 • Lot lines Yti 1 0 • Right-of-way and ctreet width (to back of curb) 0 2- 0 • Pzoposed home dimensions includinq any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 21, porches, etc. (i.e. all ' structures requiring permanent footings) 0 0 0 • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within ' those easements Er 13 13 • Setbacks oP propose8 structure and setback of adjacent Q ?Y L October 19 Date of 8urvey: ?- 814 ZOOd %dZD:ZT 66-£T-LO t090t£5Zi9 %96=x '. page 1 of d . ?. . X?T?atOR ?yE?.OPE. :Rnr,r CanvnTn'frpn • . . pNnER: .-- ' SITE ADDRE55:? IC PN[1NE:_ CONTRACT9R, Deternine working square (aotage of eaeh 1. Tatal. exposed wa11 area.,... )?1? 1,.?2,.r$4• .,ft. x.11 2. Total roof/ceillny area..... 'QcM. '-sq, ft, x T.026 Total exposed wall Area abave fioor=..__- I Ja,?_Q .....•? a. Total wa11 windoN area..........,..........: ........... b. Total door area............. ..................... .............. p c. Takal.sliding glass dourarea ................................ .... d. Total flreplace wall area ....................................... • e. Total wa17 framtng area (everage 10:) ............................ f. Total rim jo1st area ....... ................ , ..................... g. net wall area above floor ................. .............. .h. wall aPea above flaor ....................................... , wai7 area a6ave fioor................... .................... J. frame wa11 nrea et fwtxtat3on .......... ............. ..••••••..•" Totdl exposed foundaCion arean-_ , k. Total Pwundation window area ....................... 1. Total net foundation area above 9rade .............. Determine °u" value oP each wall sagment (e.g. window, door, each sepnrata wa11 sectian) x No?N? ! ,Z"' x "u" •? °?c..? c. 7 X hlul) ,?? '?]? ? d. % nUu I ' X "U" IfS f. ' ZI r? xPu° ,rPCv -, IZ ,SS i?.t '_ K oU??°??._.._ fi, x uuu..?..._.._.._.«- ? - ? i. g Itu« i % nUn ? . `"""_. If 1Cem 03 is thB as, or less than 1 01, yau have net.t tntent of SBC BOp# k. X "u" ---- 1. % "U" -- 3* ..r.......ToCQl ' , . ZOd 600 S3WOH 135Nf15 [090IESZ[9 b0:1[ E[-LO-t66I er# eooa Yqazo:zt cs-ei-eo rosoteezts ..•:8x£'ri4x Ernqlopo AverAgO °U° Camputaelon • .. Page 2 of 4 ?? • , . , . ?? ' To6aA exposed zooF/Ceiling araa p . ta. Tbra], akylight ereA ........................... ? n, Total xaoP/asil3ng fZSming aroa (nvorago lo%)'.. • p, TOC83 net iosulated rooY/ceilinq rtxea•••.•••.••• . patermiae "u" valuu Ror saah xoof/aailing se9ment . R nqn 111. ,-.-..,?...,._ II• ?„? ( •? X "l1M .,,.?...[.J? ° ,? . • x "Ulf 9 ............. ............. 7?tal - Z.4.n,Q IR total of #4 ia the sama aa# ax lase t:han 02, you have met tihe+ inrenC oP HifO 60U6 (n) 1. A].ternate Eu11d n Bnva].o Desi n Tq utllisa the t+otal anvalope'eyaCaro mothod, the valuea eatablishe4 by the Ssurt af items 43 and 04 shall not be grealex than tha aum a1' ?tema #1 and B2. 1. `f a• L.?S I s ' /47I ? 3, + a. _???'..,,e? °' 4 5? • , . . p`.._?..-. . £Od 600 ' , r.. w ? S3WOH 13SNf15 L090[£Sd[9 SO:I[ Et-LO-666L i. ?,ii, : •' ... . :n.------'? ',.19EA7?I,?1SS'Cl1?.CU1./17101`d.`'n ti?r:rr???irne?t_ar ?.ac ?i?ui?.tair?+??r? ?' WeelLenpip? (?uidc Uoon Ile(ercncel UuL 1Va11 I»t. N?II CeJiuq Hvu( 1•lvor !"Wiudowt ?? ' I I9?. ^?--- ? , fl. ?'•' ' -llomn?Leug11?? _ 1Viddi zo lleipld Windowt id Uoon-Ctacknpe at d Alee 1Vind??+v?? -3tv1?11h INrybl I?o. rt Lln?ii i? n?+? b IAII? No. af p?n? ol pan? Il?hb ol c rck W. (t. ilo. ol C?n• ?? 1??_1?o cori. - - - ? Infiltratimi J?0 ??dQ? I CJua ?? YO .r42-0-0-- ?xp. well ' Nel exp. +vell ??- Ld. wall _ O'otal Utu. ? RmluileJ sq. It. E.U.K. or iq. iiu. W.A. Lendcr nrtn _ ? ? /lic+? ?Vindu?n auJ Doou-?:r?ckaQc nd 1 WIA?Ii 1?1?n1 IIO.M b?nnlli. A?+• I.??•I?? I??. ?.• I II?AI? I,nf ee??.Y I•a. IL IcJ.,s Cocl. Utu So a Oc j l'mal llw, ;IleryuiieJ ?q. fL E.D.H. or sq. im. W.A. L.cadcr nicn M. Room Lenglb ?Vidlh Ilcighl -- ' W:,M,.wj iuJ Uoou-Cuekeet end Aien I1a. 't?idlh ol0.n4 111?IH al puv Ilv.of Iltllls 41niR?l1 of eneh Aie? •u. tl. ?- - - ?- - ? -?__ ? ? ?M CnaL 13?.u Infiltietion - ? Z. 3(a _?.q 0 Gleu ?._ ? / ?'..7{?1. SYAII Net e xp. wnll Inl. wnll ?? ? .Ccilin8 ? _? t'loor ilbtal f31a ` Ilcqai?c? iq II, ? I) R ..r ,•,. iiu. 1/ n. I •,??.? . ? . .. , . . Gln?c ?_ [?et exp. rrnll LU. wnll rioo? _ codl ut" -? llc=_?uiied nj. It. E.U.It. or oq. iui. V7.A. Lendcr mca_- - fl.? lonm ? 1,eup?h 1Vid?6 j j, .-?[ttr?lz ---- \Ymdvws nnd Iloaip-Ctncknde „tid A«j '-_ n'I?un f1 )t.lolil Ilo. [! IJi?e?l Il. Ne. unJl ol cnnm 1 oI Van1 I?Sld• I al v?ck I w. IL Inrduelion Net cxp. ,vn Ld. Irnll- ('ciliup- _...._???i.. /080 _..? I'luor ? ? ?'Ibtol Illti. 3?? Hequi?ecl ?q. It. F U.It. ur eq. iiii. \7.A. LenJer ntcn __ FI.I ??'pvtn " Koom I Lsnpl6 Width /V I jciplit nd I1.„,.-CTockene nn?? l??cn Il/o. ol rp???• 0[ Ou?• 110111? of [IICk IuGhr a?ion ! .J ? 10-a0 l;lni$ BSZQ--- ?pTwnll f•?ct exp. ,r?ll ? ?_ pp? _LZr1S[ ?L?L unll _ Ceilina ?? . ? Iloor / " ?P?Lp 'Iolnl Uui. - - ?? !°7' ?'.. 17.1 R. rr el. i . ?. lueidntim? l lurv Applicd Uoaia-Gncknaa nnd nren ^_( , .. ?w-. : •- ?_. ? riEnT LOSs cni.cuLn111010 A.?r:r`I'11C1PlIPtlY ?!F llUll.Ulf'lace "??Wce?6enlrip? l1.S.?IVL• _=-`-`---Coiuliuc?iou IJo.^------ Guidc -- Uovn Refcccncc Uul. Nell hil. \VnllI Ccilinp livu( Fluor I?___-?--- I- _ '1Yindawl end Uoou-CrRckXee aud Aiee kuwh of 9 ns IIjh1l I o'I cr. krl2 ? I vl l -- - Cocl. _ Uln [Gxp. wnll w,ii -ro , (Floor l"1'owl Utu. ' RequireJ iq. It. E.D.R. or sq. im. W.A. Lrndcr nten _ Il.? Iloum Lcugth??3?-llicl?h Ilcigld • • ? \Vindaws and Uooir(;inckage nnd Aicn ? ol v.n. al pan• 11/htl af ctock 2Q. I6 o.C4-?=? ? ?' ?? CueL Ulu , .- '?Cleu '<acK l5 7 'tampiu1A1 L A6wr .3' sr 6wr .3' sr ?l:ciling - I1710oF 9'.3 ? rot.i ulu. _ Itenuiud iq. 11. E.D.R. or sq. im. W.A. L.ender men 7 nnd Doms.-Cucluve uid Aren No. NIAIg- ot Dons 11??i1?1 o[ pan• lo. nf IIILb 11 a/ craclt Aie? ?V. 11. ? v ? -- Cnef. Hlu ?-- Infil??alian C??u Eap, irnll Nel erp, well ?nl. rrnll .Ceiling ? Plaor ;leial Blu Ilcquiicd tq n? i InGllrnlion ---- -?Jii??Y Icuvm I.enwi_ i??7idt?i ? mo..-Crncknnc nnJ Aten I? 1{lv l:lnsc Exp. ?rnll I,Ct tTll. ?Yf1?I 6i1. ?rall Ceiliup ?'Coln] Utu. Itcquiicd ???. (I. I:.U.Il. or ?q. im. ?I.A. Lcodcr mcn__ ? Tf L? Room I Lena?h Plidtli I lri ?Id ??it?„I,,.?. ???d Uoou-Gnckegc nnd fltcn I---- IV 14 il: l ???• It:Iphl al Pan, [la.ef ?EILL. I.in<il?ii. ot cud? Ain u1. ft. Ilo. o D ^infdl?nlinn l.?p. ivnll - - -- I?d Int. ?vnll - - --. CeilinR - '_-- ovr _,_i?i u<<?. Requi?eJ iq. N. F_U.II. ur eq. iiie. \'J.A. Lender nrea Il?? lloom I Lenath 1Yidih I lcipli? ?ud U.ou-Gncknrte anJ Atcn I --'- No. .. wllii? af pwu? -ll:l,lit of Ouu -?o. vl Ilnhb I.Ii?:-[t1. ef s?ack A?•f- ro, lt. ?InGll?nliou C?nn Latp. well ? [lCI CJC1p. \Yhll _ ?6d. nnll ?.tl?llld .. Floar lotel Uui, - ----- - --- i, ?. :?r rq i.,. "?' A. ? .. .. . . ??? ? . , . 4_ NEAT LbSS CR!»CULl11I0115 AIF.[InitimFT11 Oe nuMuirU«a -- ;'I,'w?.a???????,,, ..n:5.11.V.L•:" ----._ co?????u??????I'lo. luauln?ion _,----. iiu,-r n dic?.l Winjows ; Uoon Reluence Uu1.1'(aI? Int. tiYnII (:siliug Ilou1 I'lvor ?:i??? ?'? . , ,__. ....... ... - ..._..? _. _ ' fl," ` ?.-? Room-?-Lcu?gili \Vidlh ' Ilciglit I'I.? Raow Lcug16 1'li?IIL IlciUlit Dnn \4iuJmv, ?ud ou??-??nck?ac nnd Aicn ??-C??ek?ne sl?tl /?lee I -II .----•'°-"-.--°_r;; _,.-I-: :- .??? No.' ? Ylall? el p?n? ?I?If?I ol D???? I?o. rf II?IJ? ?.Iniil?l? ol <r?cN Ai?i W. [l; . ?... ? ?._ - ? ?- ? - -? ? '_ - ? u?w 6diludiun OL GI¦a? ,3_.1- -XQ ? d? Ntt e,p. WAII ! ,, ?' - lut. wall CcIling ?-- rl'loor 'I'olai ulu. ??.. ItaquiieJ sq. Q. E.D.R. or oq. ius. NV.A. Lendci nien - ---- - - -- - -- - f1.1. Itouml_l.cusdl 1Y I-NVindowi an Uoou-Ueckape nud Aleo? IIlo. el .... oI Valle II?Ab of u?cY ?V. Il. 3- Ilvi¢Id?- Z1200_ ?lilu? • ?-?- `IQ- ----?-(z?- C7?1. 1Nct -?-- ?611. wall ?l'eiliug <-?- ? ?'?oor l'l'olal Ulu, -- ?11.?-?^I \V./1. Lcader nien Atcn Ila. . `p'(JIT oI p?no I-paq ol P*In Ilo?v? III? I,?b Lmiwly" of naCh -y•.;-. W. 11. ? ? (? Cael. Iltu ?n??l?elion _ Net eap. wall nt, well Ceiliug 1'loor _ _ i]'01a1 I11w ---- Ilrquiud l';A. .-,, , • , . ? 10. IufilUniion G1nFC _ ?aP. itinll Ld. rrmll I loor 'fulnl L11u. IlequiieJ ?q. ?t. Ii.U.?I. or eq. i?u. 1L?. Lc.der mcn 19iudu+.? nnd Ilooi?-Gnckape nud /lien Ila. I ol l'???• I of I,an1 I Ileh4 l otu?ck I ?_b Il_ I<o (?Ini? ?_ _Z(L -Ll? I'7tl cnp. u•nll 20 Int. wnll .?-? - ? Q _??__(J `l ?uai Ilequiied iq. (l. li.U,lt. ur eq. iii.. W.A. LcnJer ntcn \77..?1?, Ilo. ol V?n? of ff ? '20 ::: E ?IufdUnlion ?Q 7v _.C l:ln?? ?? ? ?OC L?atp??vnll ?'?cl r.xp. ?rrt?l ?1 of ? q_ M6 Int. ?+'nll 2 03_ ? 013 4, Hoor _ ?.. Aica 7 ) rr r.j. L ?. +MHE ?r ??s cnLcuLA11orI. uFraAttzrnFrar +us nuu.taitvGS Condruction 1Vo. 4uidc Windowt ", .' Doou 12efaronce 11 UuI.lYell Int. Wnll ?Ceiling I Kuuf I'luvr . eSi-Ro "` I' eS- 0 19_ - -_ 4-?? ,.'zfl. ".' Romn Leng16 / WidtlI leight ?_ ?I.? "''Windaws and Doou-Crackaue end Atcs ? 1Viudowe an, A Glus ! N<< <.N. w.ll y o ? / 60 _ Int. wall 1 lotal Otu. ReauireJ w. (1. E.U.II. or an. im. W.A. 1?++Jcr eren nnd Aien 1110. Cve(.1 Uhi wal) zo. waR 7otal Qlu. Requued sq. It. E.D.R. or sq. iw. W.A. Lcedcr nieA , FI RoomI Lenglli 1VidiL lleig6t ''Winclowi and Uoota--Crackeue and Aren ? '?.T Ne^? P/14? olpang Ib iSl 0(0on, fla. vf llthb Lli?it?t. afersela n:ei sa•It. ? s I F- F- Infilu?lion --- Cl??i - - -- Exp, wdl -? IVet eap, w.ll ?Inl. wall iCeiling - - ?'?oor ?11 bl?1 lflU, Raquiud ?q. ?I, F. I).(i .,? r•?. in? 1J ??L?n ?? -"--TT _..?._?__.___.._. . ?.__._ .. ._._. . ...?_?..?- - .i _ _ . . _. _.. I luw floomI [cugth 1'liddi Ilcipli? Uoula-Cfeckant nnd Am ? Ilo. 1v191? ol D?n? II?IIAt af penl tla. oI Il?hb L?wJ tl. of cr?ct Arw •0. fl. ? (.aC(. ?h? InGIUn?ion - - _. 41nu ?ap. ?rnll -ii<< CrP. „nii IqI. WPII - - Ce?Iinp Floor 'I?olnl Ulu. . Itequi?cd ?q. (t. E.U.Il, or sq. im. VAA. L-e1der nien .. PI.? IToam I l.cngth NYiddi ? I I^ipLl \*lindom nnd Uoms-GncknQe nnJ Area I llo. ?19diP ofp?n• 1[?IPhI olpano Ila. ol II[h4 Ll?u?l li o[n.ck Are? ?p.Il. D1 Lddtialinn Ullll ???. tivnll Net cxp. rvnll ` ]nL ivnil (?c1?II1R - _- -_I' J00 f 'fo??l Utu. llequireel iq. [L f•„U.Il, or ey. iiis. W.A. Lender mcn _ Fl.? Iloam I Lenpl6 1Vidt6 l kiQ6t _ \Viudom nnd Uovn-Cracknae anJ Aren I ?o. WldtW ot p.n• 7l70l e[ p.n• Iio. of IlphtG Lbi:.l U. of cuck Ani w. 1t. ? ?.oc(. ??)In 1nGlUniiou - - Clnu Gap. rvnll -- -- Ncl enp. wnll fnt. wnll - - - (:ailiuy -- Hoor lotel [Tlu. p . ? . ? r.!?.ft c t cq. i •r. W.A. I ... '.: : i; : ?,.....,.., .....,...-: . .?.: ,. ? iiw`LllSS (:I1l.C;U6./11I01d R l.1ft'AItif/IF1111 . OG pIJll.IllUl3,S ??? __-----, - 1 ?i`'.WcelYieulrip? I I V.E, ^ConslluclionP'Iv. -?^ -- _ ' Is?ulntion L? Cuidc "jlVindowi ``t Uoon IIlIC[l114C Vul. `Yall hd.WnII^ (,ciliug IlvoE^ flwr I:ind I Iulv Applicd? ijYa-?No- I tr o?I 19_. I _.. - - - ,. '1'I. '? (J l?oom?Leugdi a„ ?vidd? ? ?kipld 19,? /`Yl Y Itoom Leuglll P/id?l? IlcipLt 8 .?.LLrtP windaws and Uoari-Craekspc and Alea 1Vindoivs enJ ouie-CTncka¢e nnd A«n '??;: tvlall? IId1??t I?o, o/ 4?nu11[- M.? 0'1?1??. Il.i?ht ilo. o! LInr.7 el: ?s A. ll. ?;? Ne?`- ?el D?n? ol Dan• Il?hb ol u?ek N. II. 77e. nf O?n? al pnn? 1101?b o[ etaek •91 .-I-'?Q. Infiltration Glaee ' Lxp, wa1l 1, Nel exp. in ? Floor '1'otal Ulu. Requifed sq. (1. E.U.It, or n fL?? fr Room I ? 1Vinduws ni Uoou-Ct zz., T--- eien I Arem ei.I,V,. 4 4w IL uuI I 700 ?InGlirntion [:xp. rrnII / 6 S Nei car. „ lid. well T ?? ? ? l eiliup ___ _ `I'loor 2 W_ ys ???I ~I?aln? ?11u. tirall l:ei?inH I 15 1q,y IFloor ITalal UIu. !Ile? quiied iq. 11. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Leadcr mea ,-,- fl. '7rC(1z( loom Lenglh /?'j 1Yidl L_I IleieLt 1Vindowi end Uoors-Cuckege and flren Na ..• lV(EUi ol panii Illfhl of p.n4 Iiv. v! lIgLU I.luiel lt? af clo ck ?A?:? I l. e V . . . _ / _.3- ? ? ? ?-= ? ? •- ' } I ? ? - - - F' Coel. Ui u hifJtfation 'Q -? ? ? ? 6 VQ.__ L???f _?_ Eap, wall Mel up. wdi Int. wnll .Ceiling y YBo ? i'loor ?fblll plu, I-4 Rcquittd tq. (L E.p.(t. .•? r•?. ino. ?LA. I.--.?'?? .• -? i qui?ed ?q. (t. E.D.R. ur #q, im. V/.fl. Lcnder nwn r ?toomlLeuplh 1VidiL ? boou-Gnckene nud Arcn ? m,. Ilo n(3`???• OIVI i I? i:i71::iii- Ilfhl? OI???tk -nll ??1?<<?. . _ _ ?` .veL l a ? l ^LifdUelion ? ? ?,? ( / v ? . p ? L•:xp. ivall ?Jel eap. n'nll 9JA_ _Y_ ?? ?!..C ?nt• ?vn?? _ /' Floor _ _ ? Require<I ?q. II. L.U,IL or eq. iiie. \7.A. Lender nien I f1.1_ IloomILenplli 17 1Vidt6 Ilcipl?? \VL,&wi nnd Ueoit-Gatltertc and flren Ilo. tvl,lili of p???? Il.l1lil of c?n? Ilo. CI IIpIW Lln?Rl?ll. a( ua e k Are? ?q. lL , / ? 2o "?- C.6CL I.In IuGh?n?ion / li?nlt n ?Cd _YJ_ _&OO L•'atp. nnll Pic ex;,.-,Yftii IVY 5/_ AN Ld, ivn(I c:eilina I'laor _ ?'Iolnl Utu. ?y --y • 'i9?AT i.055 CP1I.CUI.AllOfd r, ..'----------- °?':Weathtulrip? ?.5.? L.?. liuic?e "??Vindom llooo Hefe?cnce Uul. ?Yell I iv__ --- fl?iq?-N' Roum?Leuglh /?1Vidi6, ? Wiado}vs uid Uoun-CuckOge auJ Aiee f' 1Yldlh Ibl?lrt 1l0. o? Lln?r.l lr Au• ? J ifa. af p?n? ol puu Ilmhl• of uack ?1. It. ,?_,'`• 1 OrrnirYrnr•rar OF HUi1.uic10re Cowtfucii-o tJu. nLlVell ? (:tiliup I Iluvf1l- fluor ----L I ? Cotl. __ Uln__-- ?_lufillr.limi -- --- -- -'--- --'-- I (;JaIe . -- i_L.xp. wall ? Nel eap. well yb __?_ ?? 0-- ha. Will - ..-- .lci?ing rl'luur '1'owl Utu. IiequueJ sq, It. E.U.R. oc 3q. im. W.A. I.endcr 01[II - -- l_?. (?•? ?v lloom? L.cng16 \?i?.1iL ? Ilci¢lil .?a_.__._???. 1 Windowo auJ Uoou-Cieckape nuJ Aron Ulu --- irdl .1 l'I'old Ulu. " ;Ileyuiled eq. 1t. E.D.R. or eq. inu. W.A. l.eedcr n?e? ???? , CI. ' Routn Lengdi \Vidth lleieht ' 1Vindom enJ Uoou--Crackage and Arcn R'IeUi Il?jl?l No. of Dan* o( Dant Ilthls of cnclt 44. Il. ? ?'- - ? Coef. ^phi lnfihrelian ? Chu - ---- Enp, wall - --- Net exp, well Jnl. wnll -?-- Ceiling I loor :fuul Utu. - - . ._._.??..?---.-_ ---- ------ __ 1lequiud ?q !i. I'1) H. , r?•?. ia? 1?/l. I--•' ? ? Ineulntion --__--- Kind I I luw llppGcd Room ? LcuOtl? Y(id?L ! Icipld •u?l Dnnte-CIRCk.M1iIE 11I1d nfCM1 I No. ot Dan• ol yen? e( IIOhU I.?wil fl. a! c?ncY Ali• •i. It. - -- - --- -- - _ l'.ocL _ Hl? _ _- ?_---- - -- - 6iGlUnlivn -- - _' --. GJnst _.`_. Gxp. ?rnll - [,Ct CEp. 1YIIII -- -_- IIII. 1YPII . - - Cciliup - Flvor "Iotnl Ulu. Ilequiicd ul. ft. f b.R. or eq. ini. C/.11. Lcidcr nron-- FI.? lionin ? Lcuad? \Vid?6 I1-fpLt VJ??.d?.v? nnd Uoui?-C?ncknne euJ Men I--? -- P0. 'n'13iTl- af p?n• Il:iai?! of I?an? Ilo.ef IIe1?U i.ii?<I?ii o[ u?Ck n7ei ?V. Il. - - -- lnGlt?nlion - -- Clnt? [?]t?r. 1YRII _.__. IJet cxp. »nll Inl. ?rnll -. ? ?our 7 vtol U?u. Ikquirtd sq. It. E.l).Il. ur eq. iiie. C/.A. Lender ntan liovm I LenUl6 1ViJt6 UcipL? I Wiwdmw, noJ I)oors-Ctockanc nnd Aten I Ilo. of Oan, e[ pant Ilehlo of c1 ack n:+; ea. ll. ? ' ?.oC?. ?)Ir In6lhntim? Glnn I:np. ?vnll ? fi?< <x;,. ,nii Inl. onll - Ceiliu?i Floor loinl Ulu. I 1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE' COMPLETE FOFi SINGLE FAMILI' DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES :AND CONDOS WHEN PERMTTS ARE REQUIRED'FOR EAGH UNIT. - - - --------------------------------------- - --- ; ----- - -- NO., FIX1'URES EACH T.OTAL SHOWER 3.00 10 WATER CLOSET 3.00 30 . 06 _5 BATH TUB 3.00 t s. oo " ID_ LAVATORY 3.00 30 00_ 5 KTTCHEN SINK 3.00 dS• ncz.:=?,. s LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 HOT TUB/5PA 3.00 •- ? WATER HEATER 3.00 -I s- oa 5 FLOOR DRAIN 3.00 t S?: GAS PIPING' OUTL,ET + minimum - 1 3.00` 1 S• oG? ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 WATER SOFTEN$R 5:00 : : PRIVATE DISP. • nek,cry. uc 20.00 . U.G. SPRINKL$R + home wieee consr. 3.00 ALTERATIONS • ta exisung 20.00 " WATER TURN AROUND 20:00 STATE SURCHARGE .50,. TOTAL: t S p. SD. ' SITE ADDRESS: U. 11 t OWNER NAME: ?i? ?oryY?-d - INSTALLER: ADDRESS: lo`t O`l CITY; --QA? Pcf:n?- STATE: Pt-Lo ZIP CODE: PHONE #: ( ) S Z5 ? ?} 1 ?71::ic.,-.d, _ SIGNATUBE OF PERMITTEE ` . ? . ..: ..k. . . . PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL. COMIlvIERCIAL/INDUS'TRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO FOR 1vfL1LTL- FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMTTS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. _ NER'CONSTRUCTION ADD ON _ REPAIR WORK DESCRIPTIONt CONTRACT PRICE: $ FEE: 1% OF' CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE; $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF :FEE. MINIMITM FEE:. $ 25.00 '"`". „ C011iTRAC1` PRICE JC 1% $ STATESURGHARGE $ TOTAL $ SITE ADDRESS: TENANT NAMEr STE: # OWNER NAMEd INSTALLER: ADDRESS• CI1'Y: P,HONE #c STATE: ZIP CODE: FOR: CITY UF EAGAN APPI,ICANT 1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) : CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII,OT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. V NEW CONSTRUCTION ADD-ON A/C ADD-ON FURNACE FIREPLACE INSE T DATE FEES HVAC: 0-100 M BTU S? $ 24.00 1?0,c ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS (MtNiMUas i@T.s.ao Eacx) 3-0D ADD-ON/REMODEL (EXISTING CoNSTxUCTION) $ 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE ? s .50 TOTAL /l75 ?dv?4? SITE ADDRESS: .? C, OWNER NAME: l.[N/9-CJ TELEPHONE #: INSTALLER: HEATING & COdIING TWO, INC. ADDRESS: 929D zACHaav I,qNE N MAPLE GROVE, MN 55359 CITY: 7 STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE ? SIGNA URE OF PERMITTEE 1994 MECHANICAL PERNIIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCLAI.) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING5 WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT WORK DESCRIPTION: FEES CONTRACT PRICE: I% OF ??#.... ...???' FEE $ ..... ..:...<::?,.:..,; PROCESSED PIPING: $25.00 MINIMUM FEE: $25.00 STATE SURCHARGE $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF FEE. TOTAL $ S?TE ALDRESg. OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONL7) INSTALLER: MEATING & COOLING TWO, INC. ADDRESS: MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 CITY: "FELEPHONE #: STA ZIP CODE: SIGNATLTRE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR G.S r1?-? a/y- zs ? PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE EAMILY DWELL GS. .4LS0, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EA H UNTT. --- --------------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---- -?- -------- --------- --------------- NO. r iXTY7RES _ ? ?' ?H TUTAL SHOWER ??? !??( " 3.00 WATER CLOSET ? 3.00 SATH TUB f 3.00 LAVATORY ? 3.00 KITCHEN SINK 3.00 LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 NOT TUB/SPA 3.00 WATER HEATER 3.00 FLOOR DRAIN 3.00 ?: GAS PIPING OUTLET • min?mum • t 3.00 ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 _? WATER SQFTENER 5.00 ??-? :- PRTVATE DISP. • nax:cry. r?. 20:00 ' ` U.G. SPRINKLER • nome unaer const 3.QQ ,?;?- ? ALTERATIONS • io exining 20.00 WATER TURN AROUND 20.00 , STATE SURGHARGE .50 TOTAL: .... ? ? ADDRESS; '7P3--= ?, ?°rc??iohs ?vP . GITY: ???,?D STATE: YVI ?. ZIP CQDE: SS ?4?' .? PHONE #: ( ?p IZ. ) 938'- /?S'U ??? 1994 PI,UMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (b12) 681-4675 S?ITt: HliUKt';Jj: ??./? ?l??g????LL?C?C.l? o???'. ?1J.LLT ? . ?ibn_pr? . .._. _. . 1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB -RD EAGAN MIV 55122 (612) 681-4675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN ?)wFr 1 INr: UNIT_ . X NEW GONSTRUCTION ADD ON REPAIR WORK DESCRIPTION: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRI:AL BUI'LDTNGS, ALSO FOR IYIULTI- SEPARATE PERMTI'S ARE NQT REQUIRED FOR EACH CONTRACT PRICEt $ Fliis: 1% OF CONTRAC7' FEE. STATG SURCHARGEd, $.SO FOR EACH $1,000 OF PM? FEE. NtINI111Uhi FEE: $ 25.00 coNTxncr riucE x i% STATESURCHARGE TOTAL $' $ SiTi ADL`RESS: TENANT OWNER NAME: INSTALLER: AD,DRESS: '., . CI11': STATEp . DIyR??CQ??"s PHONE #: , FOR: CITY OF EAGAN APPLICANT' > a=` *dtV oF engan THOMASEGAN Mayoi PATRICIA AWADA CHANGE OF ADDRESS SHAWN HUPJTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Membeis THOMf(S'HEDGES City Administrabi OLD ADDRESS: 3603 Abbey Way E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Cily Clerk NEW ADDRESS: 1175 Duckwood Trail LOT 1 BLOCK 2 PLAT NAM E ST. FxaNCZS WOOD 4TH ADDITION REASON FOR CHANGE: Mistake in oriqinal address (SIGNATU ? ? ?-/3 -J (DATE) MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOi KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOiA 551221891 PHONE (612) 681-0600 FAX: (612) 681-0612 iDD: (612) 459-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OpporluNtylAtflrmatlve Actlon Employer MAINTENANCE FAdLITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDO: (612) 454-8535 ? F yy ,1k o.•. ,. ..:?riUN... ? _ ciiy of eagan TO: MIKE RIDLEY, PROJECT PLANNER FROM: MIKE FOERTSCH, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 11, 1993 SUBJECT: AUGUST 17, CITY COUNCIL ITEMS MEMO Var(ance, Sunset Homes Corporation. A VarfanCe of 20' to the sideyard setback to the dwelling unit for Lots 5-7-, Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2 and Lots 2- 6, Btock 3, St. Francis Wood 4th Addition, located In the SEk oi Section 15. - Sanitary sewer and watermain exist along the common lot line between Lots 5& 6, Block 3, within a 25 foot wide utility easement. The existing sanitary sewer along this alignment is 15-20 feet deep. Without a proposed grading plan and building elevations, a Variance to the 30 foot building setback cannot be supported. - Proposed Conditions: • Provide a Certificate of Survey showing the as-constructed location of the existing watermain and sanftary sewer in relation to the 25 foot utility easement along the common lot line between Lots 5& 6, Block 3. • A 7, foot minimum and 10 foot maximum ground cover is required along the existing watermain along the common lot line between Lots 5& 6, Btock 3. • The existing drainage and utility easement along the common lot line between Lots 5& 6, Block 1, requires vacaUon by the City prior to buiiding permit issuance. • The bottom of the footings for the proposed buildings on Lots 5& 6, Biock 3, cannot encroach within a 1:1 backslope as measured from the invert . from the existing sanitary sewer or the watermain, whichever distance•is greater from the common lot line. - The other proposed setback requests do not impact existing public utilities which are owned and mairrtained by the City. Special Use Permit, Steintnger Construction Company. A Speclal Use Permit renewal to ailow continued concrete recycling, processing and stockplling on PID #10-01300-012-26 located in the NW%, Sectfon 13. - Engineering staff is not aware of any concerns relating to the renewal of this permit. If yb)j have any questions, please advise. / 14, ??/ As istan City Engineer MPFIJI seriai # h/8el 56 / Q 6 cnip # 1J 4sy g /R_5-3 Permit # ,;t 0 Addtess: 7 5" 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF EAGAN ORDINANCES 1 .... ? . .. .d '? ? _,. ... _ ? ... ....?.. ?._ ! f .;.. .,. .?..? ;..?t.) ? ? .?14zO y,?++-if:?. ,( r> ?? ???6-7 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILDT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New Constnniion Reauirements • 3 2gistered sAe surveys showing sq. fl. of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas (20% mazimum lot coverege allowed) . 2 copies ot plan showing beam 8 window s¢es; poured found dwign, etc.) . 1 set of Energy Cakulations ? • 3 wpies of 7ree Preservation Plan if IM platted after 711/93 . Rim Joist DetaA Options selection sheet (61dgs wifh 3 or less unhs) DATE ?S b SITE ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK RemodellReaair Reouirements • 2 copies of plen • 1 setof Eneqy Calculations for heated addttions • 1 site survey for extenor additiore & decks • Indicate rf Irome served by seDtic system tor addNons VALUATION MULTI-FAMILYBLDG ?/ _N FIREPLACE(S) i! 0_ 1_ 2 APPLICANTfv114J E`4,A?? ( Q!? STREET ADDRESS,=?k,?0??.lApWc4abtrVLe--?_ CITY wL? ?L STATE h'11,J ZIP5%-Z?>? TELEPHONE #(6T??1? b lifl CELL PHONE #(012. a,a \ O?() ---R fAX #&E-) q?5' Sib ?S PROPERTY TELEPHONE # ------------------------------------ ----------- `v - --------------------------------------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR KNEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CA'I'EGORY I ?tU?S ?72 (J submission type) • Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submit[ed ?levi Energode Vdo rlsryeet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted ? hlp UG 0 6 200? ? Plumbing Contractor: Plumbing system includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mectuvnical system includes: Sewer/Water Confractor: Air Conditioning Heat Recovery System --------------- - ---- --- ---------- ° ---- ° - - • ------- ° - - ° ------° --- ° I hereby acknowledge thpt I have read this application, state tha with ail appiicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagai Signature of Applicant OFFICE USE ONLY Phone # ree: $70.00 Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Phone # Water SoFtener _ Lawn Sprinkqei ' _ Water Heater _ No. of R.I. Baths _ No. of Baths Updated 4102 OFFICE USE ONLY ? Ot Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt • SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move 81dg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demalition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning Ciry Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) FinaUC.O. _ Footings (deck) FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & W ater _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ A'u/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding Stucco Stone ^ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows (new/replacement) , Insularion _ Retainin° Wall Approved By Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit 8 Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total Building Inspector Oct 2 2014 12: 04PM Crest Exter ors 651-463-8095 P• 1 Use BLUE or BLACK ink � For Offica Usa^ � � I f a��f9 � Clt of �a a� j Permit#: I � � � Permll Fae� ��J�v� �� � 3830 Pllot Knob Road � � �/� � Eagan MN 55122 � oale Recelved: � Phone: (651)676•b675 � Fax:(651 676-6694 1 Slaff: �_ � � !_-�___-__-J 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION �� �;� Date:l� Site Address: Unit#: . . Name, l� Phon��� /���` (1,��� =Resiclent�-� � 1 �- `?Q��� Address I Ciry I zip: " � ���'��` `� �' �� ` Applicant is: Owner Conlractor .:.c�::l�SS:'a_�.�.h:�:�a:_ _ :.,s�'.�: _ ;-�;- _��� .. �,:`ro.�• . _ . ' Oestriptlon of work; -tt�e Of���,: ,�;;. .�.,�... . C� p - � � -� ConstrucUon Cost ��J � � b Multi-Family euilding:(Ye /No�) . ( Ll� ��� - Company:\�l Y�j� I"'"�,I � ��� � _Contacf' — . 1 ,��OI'1EfdC�Ot` � Address:7��fl� �� � r\�'I( Ciry: � .:..,�.. , `r r ✓ , {. • ' State: V Zip��„� Phone: (�mall:l.,�Q,��.���r� o�l rn�r�l Licens�#:�)C� Y� �� r Lead Certtficats#: IF the project is eXempt from lead certiFicatlOn, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional inFormation) � �� �� �� IX� � � ) /� 1 " h � � COMPL�TE TH15 A A ONLY IF corvSTRUCTING a NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the Clty of Eagan issued a pertrllt fOr a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes,date and address of masfer plan: Llcensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewar&Water ConEractor: Phone: NOTE:Plans and support/n�,q,J�dQ u�``e"fs;fhaf .�u.S ' �e corisi e` .Q�be pu6lic lnforntat�on. Porf�ons of ,�. � �,s s,-,-:. z°-�� ffie iritorrh�i�td)i may 6e classifi� ,a • e �•t at would perinit the G'ity to . . :.3�0�� � � .�. . CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher Stste One Call at(651)464-0002(or protecllon againsl underground Wliiy damage, Call 48 hours 6etore you inlend lo O�g lo recelve locales of underground ulilides. www. a hersl all.or I hereby eCknowledga that Lhls informal�on Is complele and accurale;Ihat lhe work wlll be in conforrnance�+rilh lhe ordiaances antl codes of lhe Cily of I Eagan; lhat I undersland Ihls ls nol a permit, bul only an eppllcaUon for a permil, end work Is not to slart vrilhout a permil; fhal the work w�ll be in accurdance wlth the approved plan in lhe case of work whlch reQui�es a review and approval of plens. Exterlor work authoraed by a bullding perm(t issuad in aceorclance wlth the Minnasel.a ate Building Code must he completed�•�iEhln 180 days ol permlt Issuance. x.�-p� Q I V �1� J X Appllcant's Printed Name Applic ts Signature Page 1 0(3 r For Office Use 14 ::::: ee: /40 Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 Staff: buildinginspectionsa_cityofeagan.com J 2020 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: if` 9 `4 Cr Site Address: ti 70- Ptie.,k fe,G7o4 rn Z. Tenant: Suite#: Resident/OwnerName: OPIVE Phone: V.06-.5-09- 09' 9 6 Address/City/Zip: I L 75'401.1'4,k 14-P0 a d ilk A.. Name: ,1A4 /7" P7 //E/r/ 7"'T 41 License#: ?VG 6 1 1 . . Contractor Address: ?6 1$i'i AY Ai City: State: /y,{/ Zip:1":5;0 7' Phone: 65/ yfl nz ' i Contact: t tf e ��71p5PAW Email: Type of Work —New Replacement —Repair —Rebuild —Modify Space —Work in R.O.W. Description of work: Tankless Water Heater Lawn Irrigation ( RPZ/—PVB) Standard Water Heater Add Plumbing Fixtures( Main/ Lower Level) Description Water Softener Description: Septic System New Abandonment Connection to City Water from Well RESIDENTIAL FEES 60.01 Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Lawn Irrigation (includes State Surcharge) $60.00 New fixtures, adding or removing piping (includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Septic System Abandonment $100.00 New Residential (fee collected with Building Permit) $115.00 New Septic System (includes County fee and State Surcharge) $60.00 Connecting to City Water from Well`+ $290 for Meter and $200 for Radio Read = $550 *Sewer&Water Permit also required for connection charges TOTAL FEES $ /86;e0 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeauan.com/subscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. MirJ P (ew 5rd Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 2