1498 Clemson Ct         ð ù  ÿ þýý  ðûüüûü     úýý ü ù ý ûëô ó ë ä   þýö  þýüûúùø ÷  ò  ýûúù  ûúùø ÷  öø÷õùô   ùóý  ò ý òñíýùú ð  þïý î ôù ìô ëëô ïý  ô ü ô ê é  øøù ÿé é ô   ý  ùêòé é ùé  ê ò üôè   ïý üúø  éôúëô ê  îæñåæêê õú  þý ë  çýæñåæêäêä çýñÿê  ôó ö òñ ùù ùè úþý ìõ  äþýë   ì äòô ò ý  ìãöñà ãö áàßàñä ë üúø ë ëì ë ùù ëëé ô   ôùúøëùùüþ éã þý òúé í  ê ùù÷  ôþ ý  ýúþ ý  cInr oF IE?GAN , 3795 PIlef Knob Raad Eo4on, MN SS1'l2 ' ? ? • PHOHEi 454.8100 ? BUILDING PERMIT ReceiPt Site 't,ddress 14913 Cle mson Court Erect p Occupancy R-3 Lot 2 ) Black 1 Sec/Sub. ThOr188 I.ake lit9 . ^ltef ? Z?ing R-1 parcel # 10 7595 0 200 Ol Repoir Q Fire Zone t1A Enlarye p Type of Const. ?'n a,,, e Name Sunshine Construction Co. move ? # Staries 2 Addrcn 1507 Cle ? wson Court Demollsh ? Length 44 ir;r„i'.sgau 55122 a,?,,,? 454-7485 Grode ? Depth 28 Sq. Ft. Waier 8 Sew. Nome _ Addreu I hereby acknowledge that I have reod fhis application and state that the iniormation is corred and ogree to comply with oll opplicable Stote of Minnesota Stotutes ond City of Eagon Ordinances. $ipnoture of Permittee A Buildiny Pem,it is issued to: Sun9hine oll wo.k sholl be done in acoordonce with ell op Bultdirp Offic(al of Fire Eny. Plonrxr Council Bldp. Off. APC Permit 337.00 Surchorye '14 -50 Plan check 1-68 _ 5 0 SAC 525.O;i Water Conn.lya,aCi_ Woter Meter 60. QO Road Unit 25000 Total $1825. 00 _ on the expreu conditlon thno City of Eoqan Ordinances. Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder 3sg3 ?v?'s -? Fr3 p o-73 g'7 ?? ECi vc-1-2i 7sl << le 5-1743 Inspection Date Insp. Other Footings ZO 1 ? Foundation Framfnp Rouph Plbp. . p Raugh HVAC Inwlation ??? Final Ptbg. • j?y? ?)? Finel HVAC Final .? Wour Datcribe Locetion: VYeli ' Sewer . • + • Pr. Dfap. • ' ?Citp of (Eagatt IDrpar#mPnt n# Builbing ?Jn?rpr?i?m Tbis CMiflcatt i.uurd pursu4nt to the rcqrarements o f Sution 306 o f the Uni form Huilrling Code ctrtif ritjg that at the time o f it.ruance thil structurr wa.c rn com pliana witb the various ordinantu a f the Cisy regulating building mnrtructian ar are. For thc folloeuing: u.. c SF DWG/GAR aas.ho,,,;+No. 7996 ??uao ? k.199?4j? 'June 23, 1983 euaaog offi.t ?X?•? nu': . ? _ . -- - . .. .v J.S.A. 5 ?d? - Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. , CITY OF EAGAN • Fee a j ? Fill in numbered spaces S/C j Type or Print /egibly Tot. y d 1. Date 2. Installation Cflst C T 3. JobAddressry9 ? Lot o-2?`'? Blk. ! Tract . 4. Owner 5. Contractor,?)/0j r,j Phone ? 6. Address 7. Citye ?C ?./ ?,?, Ri? State / ' )/? Zip--' 8. Building Type: Residential Commercial El Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New 4B' Add ? Alter ? 10. Describe ? 11. Repair ? Type //W;' C-, 1 S No. ? Equioment 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Eouipment CFM Ai H dli Mfg. r an ng: Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other L- Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with-all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. i Signed : I ?i' r„ - for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt '-7 _`1 -? PLUMBING PERMIT i . Permit No. , CITY OF EAGAN Fee ? Fill in numbered spaces Type or Prrnt legibly S/C - - Tot 1. Date 2. Installation Cost , ! 3. Job Address Lot2a Blk. Tract !_.? 4. Owner 1 i , ?' ,? ? ? ?• 5. Contractor/- % !?r „• .' - Phone fi. Address 7. City State •f? Zip 8. Building Type: Residential 0 Commercial 0 Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New ,?2 Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank - Lavatory Softner _ Shower Well Kitchen Sink - 1 Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray , 1 4 %s Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. ' - - Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and 1 agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. .' . Signed : • ' f for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CiTY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks - Addition T'Fiomas Lake Heights Addition Lot 20 pik I Parce? #10 75950 200 01 Owner streec 1498 Clemson CouTt state Eagan, MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 353.72 A0121Z 5-5-83 STREET RESTOR. GRAOING SAN SEW TRUNK 9 7 *SEWERLATERAL 1981 199.02 39.80 5 .62 A01212 5-5-83 WATERMAIN * WATEF LATERAI 1981 WATER AREA /9 7 STORM SEW TRK 435.48 A012172 5-5 3 * STORM 5EW LAT 1981 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ROAD T 250.00 35016 5-543 WATER CONN. 450•00 M » 9UILQING PER. 7296 5AC 525-00 M M PARK Receipt - ,? - ? •+ ! 6) , Z- Fill 1. Date `z??' 2. 3. Job Address / " ! . ,n • 4. Owner 5. Contractor 8. Address H2 7. City i PERMIT Permit No. EAGAN r. , , Fee )ered spaces S/C . nt /egib/y Tot on Cost ; t c2C) Blk. Tract'? Ave. E. Zip 8. Building Type: Residential Q Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New I? Add ? Alter ? Repair O 10. Describe 11. L No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory / Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Qther Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : , for ' - Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 This request void 1 B mvnths f rom W0739350 L E ? request Date ' fire No. Rouph-In Inspection Req ired? ?Ready Now G ? ? / ? -6? 'es ?No ?licensed Electrical Contractor I hereby request inspection of abu Owner a)ectrical work installed at: Sireet Address, Box or Ro No. C?t ? ection o. Township Name or No. Range No. County Occupa INT) Phone No. Power p lier C? wz& Address Elec ri Contractor ICompany Nam ) Contractor's GiC/I?ill?.f ?i Mailing A dress (Contractor or Owne Making Instailation) Is T *_? sV 44?z ?? Au orized S3b natuZo nt rector Owner Making Installation? ` Phone Numbe 63 ?,` , MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY Ciripga-Midway Bldg. - Room N-191 1821 University Ave., St. Peul, MN 65101 Phona (6121 297-2111 ? a "r. G d ' = W r u m ? W •• ._, U ? i Vf p ?/ Z t r^ c O ? p ° W F_ ... W I ? ? ., o a C ? ? • 0 0 4 v noZ s o c 4 aWR? , U ? e ±1 O a] v °@? e U L? 0) g • OG _ A ? 0 Y N ? ? OL .. ? °„ .. E ? Z° s ? o 9 C ? 1? p.O ? V M? ? ? ? .a?. 7 o ? $ g O ?.Vj O'? O ??? N ,n a ? in m O THIS INSPECTIOI BE ACCEPTED 85 UNLESS PROPER ENCLOSED. F Y= ? - W d u _ N Z C V! a0Z : - ; . ? ? a cz p U e - ? ? g p y.' e r r ? ? e od = w ? m . o ? O? OI C (j w?f ? N? -vq ` y in ? a M ? . >°o ? ?da°„',f Fd a ? ? ? ? g! ? o i C q` . ? n r-.') ? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Eg-00001 •04 w ' See instructions for complsting tAia form on back of yellow copy. w Q13935 t+ "X" Below Work Covered bv This Heouest zS g`1 ( AAd ReD- Type ot Building Appliances Wired Equiumen[ Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightin, Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Bidg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm ther Peci y ther (SVer,ify) t er Speci y ther Other # Fee ServiceEntrenceSize h Fee feeders/Subfeeders it Fee Circuits Z 010 0 ta 200 Am s D to 30 Am s 0 to 30 AmL)s Above 200 qm )y i 31 to 100 Amps o 31 to 100 Amps Swimmin Pool Above 100_Am S Above 100_Am s Transformers Irrigation Boon-ts Partial- Other Fee Signs Special Inspection $ pB TO L F?E Remarks ? G?/?? ? a Rough-in Date the Electrical pector, hereby ertify that the above Finai Date insPection has been :,74 ) r_z maa. ? Thla rsquest void 18 months from g ? o 6Q m M W ? M O 0 i `o s ? z 2 0 C p 0 U E a° z? J a U m ? ? n a) U 0 m W p ? J .. y W n C) o ? LL ? -0 N C y W ` m ?? LLJ ? y O ac ? dE? ?s ? QO a (D !J 1 3 m > ? y x = ti Y "0 w E LL N ? ?•- ' 3 >. 2 r, Y ? Q 7 fV ? V ? E F- s J " W o „ ap r r O y a m N m 4) t = m o ? n ? ? n a a ` U O U cn CD a r c v c+ ¢ 3 O iy Q ? c ? 9 p C ? m U m O ? , . U ca v a m F N o x ?' a m n m E p ? N -o E a - 2 ? Q U ? u?. m x Q r V V^I ? v VI M ? V ? ? ? 1 72 °>E m? L `1 C?Z ? f0 G ? L m ? F ? Q ? 29 m ^ C ? C> u J c ? ,?,A I V > n U Z m 0 a ? U ? C U (D ( Il? j ?Y Z m O a O Z yU) j .? c O co c m m 'D v a O 2 _ ? - c N ? Y ? -ppp ??' ?A Y o c Y ?• 2 o Z « o ` m ? W ? m Z ? C ti v 1 ? m c ; 0 O d c 0 `a U W ? ? o 0 Q y c 3 ? E 0 V `o L) ° U ? c 0 U 0 c U ? m ? O Z c c 0 m ? a..?- o C O a - 9 0 3 ? Q Vl ° V U ? I I +?? ? v . C in v N O ? Vl m U O d W Y 7 Q 0 D 0 C a O « Z ° i p a c u - c o y 7 C O 3 > q a ? m? ? U t m _m O V ¢ c O U U U m a m W C q m C U J O CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pllot Kno6 Road Eegan, MN 55723 ?T l?l ? I'J996 PHONEt 454-8700 BUILDING? P ERMIT Recelpt Te 6a asad fee SE DWG/GAR Est yalue $68,000 pate May 5 1 q 83 SIM Address 1498 Clemson Court Erecr Occupancy R-3 Lor 20 BI«k 1 Sec/Sub. Thomas Lake Hts. Alter ,? Zoninq R-1 parcel # 10 75950 200 Ol Repair: ? Fire Zone NA Vn a Name Sunshine Construction Co. Enlarga Q Type of Const. Move ? # Stories Z ? Address 1507 Clemson Court pen,oush 0 Length 44 C; Ea gan 55122 phone 454-7485 Grade ? Depth Z$ Sq. Ft.- rc Name Owtier App.orola Feas ' ? _ ? ?? Addrea f r:w. Noma _ Address I hereby acknowledge that I have reod this avvlicotion und state thaf the intormation is corrett and ngree to camply with all opplicable State of Minnewta Stotutes and City of Eagon Ordirwnces. Sipnofure of Pertnitfee A Buildiny Permir Is issued ro: Sunshine Construction oli work sholl be done in accordonce wlth all oPPlica/y? tote f BuildingOfficiol ? Assessment Water & $ew. Police Fire Eng. Plonner Councfl Bldg. Off. APC Permit jj/•UU Surchorge 34.50 Plan check 168.50 SAC 525.00 Water Conn. 45Q?QQ WoterMeter 60.00 Rood Unit 250.00 Torol $1825.00 _ on tha ezDress condition thm City of Eogan Ordinonces. CITY OF EAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations & CeA BUILDING PERMI`P APPL TION ? 1 set of erexgy calculations. ? Zb Be Used For ` Valuation -7 7a, Date Site Address: qUC Lo t ao Bl? I CIFW5c?h (bi.C CA S?. 15?..??... .1? ??t ? OFFICE USE OfII.Y ??? ,? ? Parcel # _(0'j5950 ZDn o Owner: .i -1 1.,.e,k...o ? C.?'.? C.ar Address: 15o7_ city/ziP c«3e: ? S57.2A Phone #: i6;-f` 'flr s- -Contractor: lo.nkx e..i 6i,•••4.. Address: `( 6+ City/Zip Code: /' u e Phone #: N K ? Arch./Eng.: 1? ?9'?•?°- _ Address: f Uoo K%,Tt- (y,d ,a3P- ,o:? (oc City/Zip Code: ?s.lofy.?.?u? 55?3, Alter Zbning Repair Fire Zone Enlarge _ TyPe of Const. iy-.-- Nbve # Stories Dennlish Front 44 ft. Grade Depth ft. APPROUALS F EES Assessments Permit Waber/Sewer Surcharge _ ? Police ---- Plan Check- ? Fire SAC S 2S ' Ij Eng. Water Conn. e ?so ° plannps Wa er .Meter t O ? 6 Cou1(.'11 .?a ^ ^ T 1W? Unlt ! f LJ/) b. Bldg. Off. -a APC _ ?Phone #: ?LEc-j- wb-I3qr - l??*F- C-leEl -4-zr -t-3 mrn l92a- oU C?? ?j SURVEY FOR DUNN & CURRY REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT INC. _ S0N' 9Yvsl 9 GOr? 9? R-2 5?gg ? R- 60.00 ??? 9Q?qX O 3 ? a-64 04 07 6 A0--0 _S 67.09 i ? / 8 . -0 . _ 1 ? , ?. 4019 < . ,g! 'VA\, i ,411? / . ? ? .J ?- ,?`?-' o ? •?eU\ x \ \ REVISED APRIL OTH, 1W TO SHOW PRCIPOSED FOUNDATIoN AS 5rAKEp1FOR .5uN5HITJ E, CANSrRtJCTtotii coMPf+NY. C? \3? E? ?? . , a• ? . J v \ DRAINqGE a '?UTILITY EASEMENTS ,?hr\ 139.40 - - '- - ? 0 0 \ vO? '0 \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION i I LOT 20, BLOCK I, THOMAS LAKE HEZGHTS, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT AM A DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATED THIS zl Sr DAY OF 5,41?J 1981. SIGNED: JAMES R. HILL, INC. HAROLD C. PETERSON, LAND SURVEYOR MINNESOTA REGISTRATION NO. 12294 NOTES EXISTING CONTOURS ARE SHOWN * 100.0 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION *(100.0) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION * PROPOSED GARd1GE ELEVATION FEET * PROPOSED TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION FEET * PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION=a?c1,o FEET PROJECT NO. BOOK / PAGE JAMES R. HILL, INC. 80207 832ao 80208 5064 Planners / Engineers / Surveyors FILE NO. 8200 Humboldt Avenus South FOLDER Btoomington, Mn. 55431 812-884-3029 I. ? ?D • TE ? \ ?O ? 0O i .? . .' ? SCALE : 1 INCH = 40 FEET APPROVED FOR DUNN & CURRY REAL ESTATE MAD7AGE14ENT, INC. BY• I DATED THIS _ DAY OF _ 19_ iY`Zg CcgniSO.,! cv " e>,;i . 0 r.,::. ,zosr . ? We them6 AS.H.VE T I Guide ? V.'indowt D wr? . Reference Oul. Qlall Int. ee- o I es-ho 19_ (Room Length V1'f,; Width 2,i'? Windows and Doors-Crar'kdee ..9 A... I Comtroction No. Imnlation ¦N Ceilinp Roof Floor F:indT- Ha?' Applied "he Fl'c?" II ? Fl.? O?w?in? Room?Length?p`{o,. WidthQla'-` Fieitht6'C V1??.4..... .na M.a--Cracke¢e and .4res Ne. WIEW otDane HN(ht ofoan• N. o! Il.hb LInW ft. ot<nck Atu p fl. y ?a' 30? ? 2 Z2_ Z,o 3,0. ? 3 24 Z ' o' ti 1 1 ?-'0 1a6 0 19 1 Cocf. &o Infiltration \I ?lp y -4 o Gl'» \Ob '=?o S o0 Fsp. wall 115 Net exp. wall t NSyI 1.5-1 1 ? Os.wall wr .u.iav,4 15 S flonr 1023 CeJ. lotal Htu. c? (3-iv,h F P 2 Il Repuired sq. FI. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Leader atea ( F7•I ?o Room Leng?h $o" Width 'l'to Height6'O' Windowe and Doors-GackaQe nnd Ar?A Na Wletn Ot D??• Helcnt aI ptm No. ot II[?U Lleul it, e( cnck Ana q. (L 1 1'0' 1 lb ?1 Coef. Btv lnfiltration SS ?l0 2ZOo Glass l0 2 00 Exp. Wall 1 r N<<<SP. Wil 1 ? l02 Int. wall ' Floor Cea. to\ U zUtA lotal 9tu. 5() 4cl Required sq, ft. E.D.R. or sq. ine. QIA. L.eader aree ? Fl-I Room I Lenirth1?'e" Width Hceaht fN0.. W mdowe a nd Doora -Cracka ge and Ar ea No. a'Idtn of o.n• Ilel?nt o( p?na Ye. o[ II???• Lln.l Li of vack Are? w, tt s'a" 1 C«f. Btu Infiltration 0 ?`JcO Glan 3b I fxp. wall Net ezp. wap 21 Z, " 1 `I Int. wall Floor Ceil. Total B;u, lp'3o 0 Requirrd s.;. ft. E.D.R or sq. ins. N.A. L,e?der ??ea 4-r}l A Na, WIJ[E at pao. Ibi?Et of ?re? No.of 11?l1a WoulII. ef er?ct Area ?G. [L Z- 3'0° b'6" 1 34 yt -- Coef. Btu Infiltration Z 40 t 3 GI... LI l Exp. wall \ lo N<< exv. wsu t Z b Int, wall Flaar C-1. ?0 2. 408 Totel Btu. yl O Required sq. ft ED.R. or sq. int. W.A. Leader area ? Fl.l K%-rcNc.1 Room I Ungth \3' Width,p' p• Height8'O w maows an a voors- -a.raeea ge-ana nr ea Ne widtn Ofpane Helchi nfD?M Ha. o[ 11(Dl. Llnul ft. 0I<twM Aru p fl. 1'a" 'o' 1b \1 Cocf. tu Infiltration b 0 l, -io Glaea 11 Sp Q Eup. wall ? Net exp. wall bS Int. wall Floor Ceil. Tota1 Btu. Required 3q: ft. ED.R. or aq. ine. W.A. L.eader aren 1 Fl•1 N1N ?,M ti Room I Lenqth a` lo " Width t,' b„ ? Windnwe and Dnnrs-Craclcaae end Arca Nu wldln of D.ne Ilel[hl o[,p.n? No. a[ IIcTt• Uneal fL of <m<Y Aru Coef. Btu Infiltration Glass L.xP. WJI; r Net exp. wall Int. wall Floor l , I Cc;l. S1 Z'L Total Btu. Req::ired sq. ft. E D.R..or iq. im. W.A. Leader area Weatherrtrigs• A.SR Gui Conshvctioc No. -- I IIde ? R'indows Doors Reference l. Ou Wall Inl. WaN Cciling `rtoof eS- o- Yn-?o 19_ - \ F7.? AAyry On-c?-Room Length ?k'o' Width V'u" F"ht E}'r," II F ..?_? ?., „ . .. NO- WICUl Of D..e HeqAt o[ pan• N. o! 111111• LlnulfL , p( cract ?An• p. (l, C«f. I3?n Inhltratioa Gla» Fsp. wall y Nec exp, wall Int. wall Flenr Ct1{. C,1 ZO lotal tltu. (oS2 Required sq. (t. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Leader ares t F1.1 E Room I Lengthjj? p" Width 1S`E;' Neight Windows and Doors-Crackaae and Arrm, N? Width O( y.n. Neisni ot yan• No. ot 11(TU Lma. 1-1 t , Of Efatk An. y, h. z ro' o° ? ? i2 Coef. Btu inblttatioo ? y0 O GIiL ? Z. S ?OOO fsp. wall 24 li?s Net ezp. wall r 1(o S lnt. wall floor Ccil. Z q?b lotal Htu. 3 Requircd sq. G. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. L.eader aree k Fl.I %;T= f=" Room I LenRth \O b" Widthg'Height Fy,o- Windowe and Doors-Crackace end Area No R'Id[n ef D1M Iteicni o( Vann Yo. of 11[?t• LIna?1 fL of cnck wre? q. p, Z Coef. Bn, InfiItration 3?1 "\O l?l00 Gl'" V1 SO 20S Fsp. wall ?sL Net exp. wall Int, wa11 Floor Ceil. Tolal B;u. Kequired s;. h. E.D.R. or sq. ine. WA Leader 4rca I Floor W inclows lntnlation F:ind How RoamI LengLh \ \ \ lo" Width ors.--Crackn¢e aed Area Ha Width o[ p.ae x.t.et o[ {rn. No. e[ ?t? V Llowl ft. e[ craek Are• « u Coef. Btu 1n61tntion - Glass ? Exp, wall Net exp. wall Int. wall Pnnr ('.1, 5 ly6 Twal Btu. quircd sq. ft E.O.R. or aq. ins. W.A. l.eader area •l.l 424EO RoomlLengthltio' Width\l•p" Windows and Doors-CrackaQe and Area 14O NO WIAth a( p.ep H" Of paM No. o[ 11(!b Llnul ft. Ot Ct?CN Are• p[l. 2 20'• 3'0' t 1 2 Coct. tu Infiltration ? le$rJ Glass V2 OQ_ Fxp. wall S Ntt e=p, wall S32 Int. wall Eloor CeJ. 110 ?1?10 Total 6tu. 2251. Requirod sq. ft. E.D.R. or 3q. ins. W.A. l.ead'er arce ?Fl.1 Room ^I Len1gth Width Height WIlIdf,W< .t,1 111111T4--?{?I.1fC,10! A.d Ql[R Na wWtn or pane 11e1eAt ot,p?n• No.o! IIRhu Llne?l([. of cn<k wrt? w? ft. CoeE. Bm In(?Itration Gla:s E,cp. wal: Net exp. wall lnt. wall Flovr ceo. Tolal Btu. Reveircd sQ. ft, ED_R, uc &n. ias, N.A. laada aeca , 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL)? aTV oF eacari 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 851-681-4875 (e - .ra0= artair•.ra= _ ??: ? 7 C?t133s t l ??? 7s --)-?. C) o > J registeretl aite wrveys showlny sq. fL ol bt, sq. N. of house ?,? ?• 6 0 2 copies al plan and gfl raofed areas C10% rtwAmum tot covemae albwed) 1 sef ot energy cdculatbns for haated addlHOns > 2 coples of plans (ahow beam & wintlow slzes; poured fid. design: efc.) 1 alfe survey for exteda addiflons ! decks > 1 aef ol energy calculaHOns > 3 coples W lree PreservaHOn Plan H lof plotfed alfer 7/1/93 DATE: C3 '^ a7' 00 t CA)ISTRUCTION COST: ? DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 010- ?-??• ? s? i STREET ADDRESS: ? y 7? ???-?vIS O^'l 0Ju r(- LOT: D v BLOCK: SUBD./P.I.D. N- Name: ° UklSo v-, f K K-z Phone GS PROPERTY Las? First OWNER Sfreet Address: I l ! Q c?-lLr?l.S.an 00..?? CHy ?CG, v? Sfate: mA) ZiP: ? A"fo e 1-13 2- 2a 63 . Company:? (area code) CONTRACTOR Sheet Address: llcense #9& 5?38 ?.z Exp• 3 clty I lGS-}-?'c. S stafe: ?? uP: 3 ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Name: Telephone a: ( ) Streef Address: RegishaHon #: Cly State: Sewedwater licensed plumber (H Installina sewer/water): Phone #: 1 hereby acknowledge Mwf I have read lhis applicatfon, sfate thaF 1he ??S of Minnesota Stalufes and CHy of Eagan Ordinances. Signafure of AppcaM: zz?? OFFICE USE ONLY Lp: to comply wNh all applicable State Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No ' Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required 2005 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION . City Of Eagan -; 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please comple[e for: single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when permi[s are required for each unit Date JI/ 11_ / 05 Site Address I"f qt (/? eln-XJ n L/+ Unit # Property Owner V 4 v? Telephone #(&e? ) CQ '? Dy Contractor `i g`V Ci lK ? Street Address . ty State ?V1 ?J Zip Telephone # ?- Sond i!: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ Other Add-on or alteration to existing dwelling unit $ 30.00 l t Additi XR l ' f umace _ o v na acemen _, ep ' air exchanger airconditioner _New _Replacement other State Surcharge $ 50 T l ota I hereby apply For a Residential Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information Ls complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will 6e in accordance with the approved plan in che case of work which requires a review and approval of plarjs. . , n I / „ n,rl Applicant's Printed Name f Applicant's Signa'hire          ðî  þýý  üûüûû     úýý ùîð ý  ýìõôì âææ   þýö  ÿþýüûïøûóøÿýüû øýüûÛ ø øû óÿóòîÿûü ñ ðÿøï õûøíõììõõüøðÿøõøþøõëóìõüùêÿõÿþûûøø  ý ë óøþõéøøøðÿøþüúêõüìõë ïçòçååëæå ëåæ õú  ÿøìøèÿçòç ëæ ë æ èÿòë  ôîó ö òñ ûû ôøìôõýì íöø â÷ëïøíúí åóõó öíä÷ææ òä÷ææ  áàæ ßàòåòò ìøþüúì ìíøìûûììêøõøøøõûüúìûûþ  êä ÿóüêîøë ûûù øõ ÿø ÿü ÿø PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA127032 Date Issued:09/18/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1498 Clemson Ct Lot:20 Block: 1 Addition: Thomas Lake Heights PID:10-75950-01-200 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and house wrap and leave on site. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 8,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Ryan Kaufman 1498 Clemson Ct Eagan MN 55122 (952) 210-3940 Walker Roofing Company 2270 Capp Rd St Paul MN 55114 (651) 251-0910 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA166931 Date Issued:02/16/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1498 Clemson Ct Lot:20 Block: 1 Addition: Thomas Lake Heights PID:10-75950-01-200 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Pete DeGrood at (507) Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Ryan & Lisa Kaufman 1498 Clemson Ct Eagan MN 55122 (952) 210-3940 Pronto Heating & Air Conditioning 7415 Cahill Rd Edina MN 55439 (952) 835-7777 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature