1503 Clemson Ct CITY OF EAGAN ? ?? ???.941 ? • 3830 Pilot Kno6 Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Reu!ipt SF DWG/GAR FM v,,,,,. $67, 000 r,,,*e AUGUST 13 ,0 84 SiteAddress 1503 CLEMSON CT Erect ? Occupancy R3 Lot 2 5 Block 1 Sec/Sub. THONIAS LK HTS Remodel ? Zoning Parcel No. Repair ? Type of Const. Enlarge ? No. Stori ? Name SUNSIiINE CONST Move ? 4 Lenytn - s ?.4 7?. ''HOh'?.S LN Add Qemalish ? 4 8 Depth ? res ..:_. _ EAGAN ___ 4 54 - 4 5 Grade ? 5q. Ft. A Name SAME uu Address M Citv Phnnw I hereby acknowledge thut I hove read this opplicution and stote that the inlormotion is Corcect und o9ree to comply with oll applicoble Stote of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eogon Ordinonces. Sfyncture of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: all work sholl be done in occa Buildinp pfflciol Assessment _ Woter & $ew. Police Pionner Council Bldg. Off. APC Var. Date Perrrit O 33.50 Plan check 167.00 snc 525.00 Wuter Conn. 470.00 Woter Meter 63. 0 0 Road Unit 260. ? 0 *" (COPY) .50 Total ? • on the express condition Ihot Minnesoto Stotutes and City of Eopen Ordinonces. Parmit No. Parmit Holder Date Plum6in9 -R,,r o H.V.A.C. V b -C El.ct.,c aa?t ???; ???1gK 5 Softenar lnspection Date Insp• Other Foat,?? 10 q 4 J J Foundation Freming r:,= "P r u P{hg. r A ugh HVAC Ro ,. ,Isy J Xjf Inwlation g -$'y y.? Final Plbg. . )_ Final HVAC F inal Cart/Oce. Water r Describe Location: w.?s Sewsr Pr. DisP. i Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. Wr / CITY OF EAGAN F? ? „• O . c frll in numbered spaces S/C TYpe or Prini legibly Tot ?,'? csd 1. Date 2. Instaliation Cost /- 3. Job Addr?? r%Lf .' tLot Blk. ,l Tract I 4. Owner D. i 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address wE /' iiJ, i 7. City lz. State Zip - ? 1 8. Building Type: Residential 6--- Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New ? Add ? Alter ? Repair ?- 10. Describe I 11. No. i ! Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Z- Bath tubs Septic Tank 1 ? Lavatory Softner ?i Shower Well ? Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other i? Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes g0verning this type of work. Signed : Rough jor Final Inspectfons: Date Insp. % Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fill in numbered spaces S/Fee C Type or Print /egib/y Tot ')J ? U 1. Date X o1 ? 4 2. Installation Cost C/ /) ./-, 3. Job Address/?5293 Lot x? Blk. ? Tract 44 z 4 4. Owner 5. Contractor _1_),1?1)1Ve,4/ Phone / 3"+? 0 9 s9 6. Address 9f9V CVC s7WWa 72ie , i ,,,? ?3 y 7. Cityf0?? /RA/, ?t 'X State /hA) Zip 8. Building Type: Residentiai C] Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New 2*" Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type rlJ' 6,17S 1 11• No. Epuioment 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM Air Handlin : Mfg, g Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater . Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. ? Gas, Piping Outlets T - 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordina s and codes governing this type of work. Signed : Y?? ? i ? for Rough F inal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition 'I'homa.s Lake Heischts Addition Lot 25 Rik 1 Parcel #ld 75950 250 01 Ownar I,11ui ill- - 'F- srreee 1503 Clemson Court stete Eagan, M 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 0 1981 884.24 176.85 5 353.72 A012172 --8 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 9 73 ,tSEWER LATERAL ? 199.02 , 39, b0 .62 A0321 2 --8 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 1981 544.32 36.29 15 435.48 A012172 5-5-83 * STORM SEW LAT ' CURB & GUTTER ? SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT Road Unit 260.00 #45426 8-13-84 ' WATER CONN. 470.00 ?1 11 BUILDING PER. 9412 tv SAC 525.00 it I PARK ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. CJr Box 21 t99 Eagan, MN 55121 Zonirig: Owner. -,, ;nn MdfESS: ite /lddress: ?'3 J z? r WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: D/1TE: No. of Units: 5 R 1 Thnim Tatke T?ot tt 'Wleter Na.:t' ?G . ? i?i?? - ??J ?-'?onnection Char9e: Size: ?? ?oount Deposit: . Reade Not?. i' ?'J y i i?- ?' `' Permit Fee: Ieyew to aanply wlfr the Cilr of Ee"n Surchcrge: " G?/lwa Iac. ChorQes: - tal: •_??> ? BY Dote o sp.: Insp•; I .. . s nz?.? 3?3 ?71?0 ?a? o?L 6ao// CIT•x OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERNIIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. f3ox 29'189 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 D11TE: . Zoning: No. of Units: 1 Owner:C'nnretn4cti9[] Address: ??3 sqan Cflu Sita lldd?e ? t L' 1 T'f.o& I,s??e Ti?t s t Ptumber: Metsr No.: Connection Char9e: 470.00 pd Size: Acoount Deposit: 15 • 00 pd Reader No.: Pervnit Fee: 10 . Od 1 "rm to oanvly wuh !M Cify ef La"e Surcharge: .50 rc: o.ai"nc... Mrsc. cha?ges: 63.00 pd -necGr Total: horn BY Dote Paid: Date of Irup.: Insp.: CITNVOF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road i P. O. Aox 21199 PERMIT NO.: EBEjan, Mro 55121 DATE: , Zoninp: j No. of Units: i p,,,,,,r; Sunshine Conatruct io-, Address: Slte Addreu•15i ' ClenSOn Coi:it I?5 T'1 "'}:?? ?±,1.?. t?or, . ? Plumber: - -- - ''-t' - . 1 -yrN ta aeMalp wNh the CNy of EpP¦ , Ordinenm. I nsp.. Conr?ettion CFwrge: 4" 5, f?C n e, ey Date of Ir?sp.: Acwunt Deposih 7. 1 . p Permit Fas: - Surcha?pe: 7 7. ,. Misc. Chorges: Total: Date Pnid: - CITY OF EAGAN N? 9412 ? 3830 Pilot Kiwb Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ` PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # Te 6a oaad fer SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $67,000 pate AUGUST 13 _ jy 84 SiteAddress 1503 CLEMSON CT Erect n Ocwpancy R3 Lot 25 Block 1 Sac/Su6. THOMAS LK HTS Remodel ? Zoning ?- Parcel No. Repair ? Type of Const. V Enlarge ? No. Stories w Name SUNSHINE CONST Move ? Lenqth 44- Z Address 1471 THOMA$ I+N Demolish ? Depth 4$ City EAGAN Phone 454-7485 Grade ? sy. Ft. SAME o AVVroralf Faes Name ? Address 0 .Sssessment Permit ?? V? City Phone Woter 8 Sew. Surcharge 33.50 Police Plan check 167.00 Gw nlame JAMES R HILL Fire 5AC 525.00 ~ 8200 HUMBOLDT AVE SO I? Address Erg. WaterConn. 470.00 ?W City BLMTN Phone 884-3029 plonner WorerMerer 63.00 Councif Road Unif 260.?0 I hereby acknowledge thut I have read this eDVlication ond state thot Bldg. Off. ( COPY ) .50 the inlormotion is correci ond ogree to comply wifh oll opplicable APC Total $13. 0 0 State of Minnewta Statutes and City of Eogon Ordinonces. Var. Date Sipnoture of Permittee A Building Permit Is iuued to: SUNSHINE CONST on tha express tondition thoi oll work shall be done in atcord e all aDP?iw ta Minnesoto Slatufes ond City of Eoyan Ordinoncea. Buildinp Official Q? "' ALL CONTRACTORS MUST BE LICENSED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN '_- ?,? INCLUDE ig SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY / 5,? Db`«7 ??aP(Z• ? SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: Valuation: Date: site Address: /5?_)-3 (?So?a '? `Sr97,Gt?-°= • WI Lot:?a?Block: / Sect/Sub:--A..uo, Ca/ef/??Erect: Parcel Remodel: Repair: Owner: Sc,k.t?n i*,t. ur?? _ Enlarge_ Address: /y) / Cct U? City/Zip Code: Phone # : Contractor: Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Arch./Eng: k/ Address: R:LpU k"c07'- pYwe.5??. City/Zip Code: Phone#: pfs?{-3dZ?/ Mave: Demolish: Grade: ? Cccupancy : 2oning: ?-I Type Of Const: ? # Stories: _ Length: -44-_ Depth: 46 Sq. Ft.: " Assessments: Permit: o? Water/Sewer: Surcharge: 33.?? Police: Plan Rev.: Fire: SAC: 525. Engr.: Water Conn p,? :- Planner: Water Mete r (,3 °- Council: Road Unit: Z/o0.V Bldg. Off.: Parks: APC: Variance: i 2? ??42 = io9 2 K 54 42 x 4? ' 1T22 22-x 2-2= a94 xD(I 4 531¢ ?'oC00 ( 4 :) ., i;a•ac+ >i•5C+ 167?OC+ 525=004. 47L' ^ 03 .; OCi i 26L'=06 F 1352?5=* This request wiA (?,Cb l('1 %) 26 ?t k/ 18 .mhs (rom ? A 0 68 6 4 2?),s g) A0,,.,t, L?. flepuest Oate Fi.¢ Nn. qo?qM:n I???in.. ???//?/Cl J.Q (? ??y'°?? QHadN Nwl Nu1i1y Inspee- 1a? nWo mr Mn.e.. wm.... ?LicenSeA Eleclncal Con[mqor ? Owne? I he,abY rwusst iamoactim M abwa SVeet Atldress, Box o1 Route Nn. em?on TownshiD Neme or Na. qa? No. Cott, Cou Occupant (PRINT) ITone No, G ?wer Suppl?¢r Addess ^ Elect.ical Contractm IC?lly p/.) L•m?•SImC!/ISe W_ ? S& U 3- O?flG na A Maili ress ICnntracta W, 4akinp .s J/ . N-G? . Au?hori SignB?ure 1 orrt2elm (lrryer Maknp ImmllatimJ ? - pppt Nurnlaw G3G ??? ??A SiwIE 60AItp oF EIFCTRICm Griggs-yidwaY Bltlg- - quom N-797 1821 Universiiy Av¢.. St. Paul, MN 56704 Phone (672I 297-2117 THL4 1lLSPECTIM g@UENT WILL MOT BE ACCETtED 81 iNE SYAiE 90AIID UMLESS PQppO INSPECTON FfE IS ENCL08EU. E?O0001-0' ? 5? Nj REnuesr Fon eLEcrl0m iwECnau Ad% 1 see tmtruetims tw eavobtino t6is tum m baek M w?ia? eooY- j?7.8 I G? ? n r+ n r e n ••y • Qa,.,.., wnrk ('~ied bv 7his Request e-v •• --' - -- -- - ?n? ?ir? EOUiV EFT; Add Reo. - TYOe of Bw10i?q AOW iadaT T??arY ?rvice Home ?? Duplex ater He;tter Licihting Fixtures Apt Building Dryer Efectrkc Heatf Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unloadr.r Irukstrial Bldg. Air Cmdilianer Bulk Milk Tank Efvher CSwe(ihl Fartn t r Sueofv ? a?, ompu[e lnspection Fee Below p Fea Servi<aEMranee5ize ?.sis N fine s. c:K??? OtOZ? 0 m? O?? Above 200 Am 31 m 100 Amps 31 Lo lOQ Swimmi Pool A6ove 100-AHM Above 100_A ` dti011 800ff6 IRil Otlxx Fee Partial Trarefon?rs J SigS Special lr?spee:twon 5 ? TOTAL .o oa? ao?an -?? e se*or. ee.oM ??baf?bs s i t. dm Ms Eeen ' Final KY 7tds mVmt witl temoMhOuam -??_ ' REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooaoi-os ' See instrvebo.s for camOleluq thus form on back of Vellow copy. ? FO) 75677 -"R'' Be/ow Work Covered by 7his Request Ney4 Addj fleO. TyOe of Builtlmg Aovbances Wvea Equiumant Wved Home Range Temporary Sernce Duplex Water Heater LiyhiinG Fixiures Apt BmIAmq Dryei Elecine Heaiin Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unloader Industnal BIAg. Au Condrtioner 8uik MiIk Tnnk Farm otnei veci y OtnFr (Sneufv) t P. su„? ?rv oine, rnn,., ComDute Insoection hee 8elow M Fee Serv¢eEnVancaSize fl Fea Featlers/5ubieeders N Fen Cvcuits 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 qm 5 0 tn 30 Am )s Above 200 q... py, 31 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 q y Swimming Pool Above 100-Amps Ahove 100-AmVs Transtormers Irngation Bonms Parual "Othcr Fee Signs Speaal Inspection 70 ert? rks V TA • 0 Rouuh.in .,? O;lle I. thn E Inspecloq hereby certdy ?hat the above F.nal le insVecUOn hes been mada. TnisreQuestvoiElBmonnuirom ? ihis re4uest void•??/?? lA months tmm DD 756,77 2r Request Uate Frre No. Q Rouph-in Insperbon Pe qwretl? Reatlv Now Q Will Nnufv Inspeo ?` J y J? ? ves No tor When Reaay Llcensed Elecvical ConVactor I hereby request inspeclion oi above Owner elechicwl work installed at Street AAtlress, Box or floute No. C'tv x.? Fff-G-',6Lov j.Sd 3 C, le kK.Sa al ?T ecunn o. Township Name ur No. Renge No, County AD'/ Kd '7 Q OccuGant IPFINTI Phone No. ?,'a.. I "P. u Y Pawe? Su plier A-ddrre-ss FI cal nVactor ICOmuany Namel T ? Cnn[racior's Liccnse No. : ? x+- ev" ??e? ?- « Q No y G 1-( t3 MaJin?1e AdJrevs ICoy?nV.?r.tor or/y[^?w'ner /MaTbnp Il stallIioN ff 1 ?- 1 /L,7 ?R/ ??•' [.'! ? Au?hor ig wre (Con[r Oeyner kinq Installation) ' P/h?"Q,ne Nber I.i?/ r MINNESOTA STRiE BOAND Of ELECTNIGTY IHIblNbreeiFurv ncuoesi niLL rvui Griees•Midwey Blde. - poom N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY TME STqTE BOAND 1821 lJniversitv Ave.. St. Paul. MN 65100 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(612) 642-OB00 ENCLOSED. Bour,daxy Siirvey For: Mike & Peg McAlom 1503 Clemson Court Eagan, M 55122 H02143 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAN7 SURVEYORS. INC. Registeie0 Untler Uwe of The Stale of Mmnnma 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 651/423-1769 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 2002 44.26 PLAT NA3'03'pq•N 43,99 MEqS. $ •$A. ig• 50"W sg 68 1AEAS . 1? - - - - ? 5 I DHAINAGE AND UiILI7Y 5 1 EA3EMENi 1 ? ? I 1 ? ? RETAININ6 NALL ? H I r FouNO i/z eou SCALE: 1 INCH = 30 FEET • = FOUND IRON PIPE MONUMENT UNLESSA OTHERWISE NOTED 58 ?p u ?Q ? ENCROACHMENi ? I < n ? a? 'LOT 25 BLOCK I Na 1? ? , I m ~ ' I a ? 0) N to CO) m N ;M ) ? o -!_ 26.92 exrsrrNC House $ ? 1 ? 6ARA6E ? I i i ? \ h/ \ fy1 H ? ? ° \!9 ? -- ----J •?\ ?° - H@l75.g1 PLAT & MEAS. Property Descsiption: Lot 25. Block 1, TYIOMAS LAKE HEIGEITS, aooording 7- --? to the recorded plat tl?eteof. Dakota Co?mty. M;nrwrrrta, 1 I hereby certily Ihat Mis survey, plan. or report was prepareE by me or untler my direct supervision and that I am a tlWy Registeretl Lend Surveyor untler the laws ol Ihe Slete ol Minnesota. Oatetl Delmar H Schwenz Minnesota Fegistretion No. 8625 C y ? z/a4 y I ? CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PEILMIT " - SELVER AND/OR WATHR CONNECTIODT (PIEASE PSINT) 1) PENJP"tY:"! ADDRESS: /'Tn-z cl?aw COC? iFryI. DFSCP?PI'IC:I: 4 o+ LS 1310cK / (Lot/Block/Subdivision or Tax Parcel I.D. Ntmilberj iE:STRLCP^:2E , D?'I? GF GRIGi :AL 'aiiILCL`:G F=?IIT ZSSU?NC^: I FPzS-_- ?]I`i'/F:.?O°CS ;D USEc 0- R-1 SuiGLE FP?AILY ? R-2 GUPIEY ('Itiip LNITS) 0 R-3 TC4vN3C{;SE (TI-IItEc +[7*]ITS) ( Wi I':c) ? R-4 ApAR'It"F'`T/CCfIDQ?iL?IILA ( LZ 7I.:. i ? CCx+N?..'RCIAL/REI'AIL,/OFFICE ? LMCS'I'tzTar, ? INSTIZUTIONAL/GOVMNZIE[v'P 2) AP_nLT _C_`+T (PLEASE PRIHi) ADDRESS: /=I7/ Tt-2?? CITY, STa'i'E. ZI?: PHOINE: 7TY'S'Y ? 7 Yff__T? 3) PU,--1B= NAb1E: ASE PR1NI) J FOR CITY USE ONLY ADDRESS: Q • Q PlU!! RS LICEtiSE: i ? l lV Active CITY, STATE, ZIP; ?? N'TON ('///Y? '?5?5?20 0 Expired PHODIE: . ?ic pLUMBER LICENSE N3 0 Not of Aec rd ST-a-rr initia 4) OCCZ,PnNI•/C'.,PIER (PLERSE PPINr)/ NPt?- S2i?c O S .?cl??v2.. ADDRESS: CITY, STA'PE, ZIP: PH0:7E: 5) INDSCI,'PG WHICI3 PEP,MIT IS BEING REQLJESTID: ? COtiT1ECtI0N 'iO CITY SETr1ER ? CO:.TIDGTSGN TO CITY WATEIt ? (7I'F'.F72 (PLFASE DESCRIPE) ti! L.ulc:,:? v:.t: E] PLEASE F!OLD APPRC7VID PERMIT FOR PICiC-UP SY ONE OF ABO`,?'.. ??I.EASE ?'AIL APP?'ED PER?IIT 'N 1, 2 3,4 71BO?IE ? /( ? (CirclL5-one) 7) SIG,:??L:?E: >& Z?? 2? DATE: ! w Ola1i1/FA:1? i il?:t??! fl.t Htr.sa:a PI? 1? wi ?f r:ss:a t? ? Pe Fl?rl.rlrl?i.? f? s?[ R C I T Y PE?-M2T '- ISSUED F°rs : $ i a s d $ $ $ 5 S U S E O N L Y $ , ?, •-o i c , o-a $ $ $ S $ S SE:^iE? ncv%iTi (I`iCI,:;Dc SliP.CH1:G?) :? WATER PERP1IT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSID° REr`.GER WATEP, Tt1P (INCLUDE CORPORAT:CV S-?OP) SE:'7EA TLD ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEINER ACCOUNT DEPOSZT - WATE?2 wac SAC TRUNK WATER ASSESSi-IE;]T TRliNK SE[dER ASSESSMENT LATEP.AL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEZVER LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER OTHER S TOTAL AMOUNT PAID/RECEIPT q G DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUZRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF [VAY? ? YES ZF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN 'PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE ? NO ENGINEERING DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUIIJECT TO TIIE FOLL0:9IDIG CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: SURVEY FOR DUNN & CURRY REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT. INC. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE , ..-.- . -;,- ?_,! 9/2. O. ? M a?4• z ? \ Q' C,. ? t?} SZ/,B x 1 O ? 920./4? L .3 ? DRAINAGE ? 8i UTILITY 1 LOT 25 1 Kg13 R??/ a o y U 1 ro £ j p S m 9/9.B' ?j O f.C1p I ? r? ? X920.! ?X920.7 I ? N G/AR 22.Oa N.._ I I \ N ?\ \ m c? x a v, X 9, ? 0 ' 2 ?1'9'9 C 4 z3/ 0? 1 J( TCo '4 CR_2O 414?I M t?? 8.99 'Xg20.3 M?0N? - COURT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 25, BLOCK I, THOMAS LAKE HEIGHTS, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, DATCOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT AM A DULY REGZSTERED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATED THIS ZSTDAY OF JAtd 1981 SIGNED: JAMES R. HILL, INC. HAROLD C. PETERSON, LAND SURVEYOR MINNESOTA REGISTRATION NO. 12294 L ? 1 ? SCALE : 1 INCH = 40 FEET APPROVED FOR DDNN & CURRY REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, INC. BY: I DATED THIS _ DAY OF REVISE? ?1?1?'l-84 TD SHOW PROPOSED HOVSE Fo'R SUNSNI-?'GE- GONST. CU, PROJECT NO. BOOK / PAGE JAMES R. HILL, INC. 80207 e0208 planners / Engineers / Surveyors FILE NO. 8200 Humboldt Avenus South FOLDER Bbomington, MrL 55431 812-8B4-3029 NOTES * 100.0 DENOTES EXZSTING ELEVATION *(100.0) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION * PROPOSED GARAGE ELEVATION = 9ZI•9FEET * PROPOSED TOP OF BLOCK - .: ELEVATION a = 9'Ci.9 FEET * PROPOSED IAWEST FLOOR E7.EVATION= 9) g.SFEET ,- 1- 1 ,. . ; n??;._ ? . CI'I'T Of •UZLDIIG DBPAR?lQ;IR SI?ElSOAKrOEWn-rOLnCt ^U" CMUTATIOM (To be subaltted iQtA buildieft pernit applieation) On• or two taaily dvellieg Orntr 411 ather 91t• address Contraccor r7u1?5i?1?E ?oA?ST. Date -pbone 1'?Rb 'R.'?'r sp? eAil?y LIN6A1 FT. OF SF E 4 r4z'3Z? z EZPOSED YIALL . WOR.K IS 56j ft. above grade - 1 EI(POSED W O A ? T L A V. • OPAQUE MAL}. CONSTRUCTION: "U" value x area ?',eJ»„M wAc .c, "u« 10S96 = sq. rc. • o - 95,83 (u)(A l.oiuL'. "U" . x sq, fL, . - (U) (A ? q lfo.Lb ? Detail reterence "U" x s . ft. ? ?U)(A; t-om "U" x sa. Ir„ - (U)(A; attached sheets "U" x sq. Ct. -= (U)(A1 ^U" X S;. .'' - (U)(AJ ^U" x sq. ic. - (u)iAl "U" x sq. ft. - _ (U)(A1 "U" x sq. ft. - (U)(A) I2NDOWS: "U" value x area Make k type SW WeRJ(yk ET"U" SL x sq. ft. 141400 - 73403 (U)(AI w w "U" X sq. fL. m (U)(A) w n wU" x eq. fL. - (U)(A) "U" ? x ? 3q. fL. - (U)(A) n w nU" x sq, ft. = (U) (A) " " "U" x sq. fG. ? (U)IA) 30ORS: "U" value x area take k Lype 4ftet- 1 StX.. n ^ .14 x s ft. Z?oo $AQ?g (U)(A) biL U 4' Q: == fL 5 U)(A) 3 . f x s . . 0 2, w n «Uw X 9q. !'L.. ? (U)(A) w n U. x sq, ft. M (U)(A) 2C 7 TAL4 Z I`}Sq, ft.?,13 (U)(A ---- 0 [OTAL (U)(A) VALUES +23 . JC . ?.II.. )IYIDED B7 TOTAL W? Z?e)Z?3L C ? 1 ? IVERAGE "U"Ogii? sa for 1 k 2 faaily dwel lina' , or less for all othar buildings ZOOP/CEILING: ' 'OTAL AREA: 1Ip0 sq. ft. tetail reference "U" •02? x sq. 7 . ll?o ? •? (U)(A) fc 27 irom "U" x aq. ft. ? (U)(A) ictaeh*d aheets. "U" x aq. ft. - (U)(A) ;aecribe openings "ll" x sq. ft. - (U)(A) la roof. "U" x sq. ft. ? (U)1A) O?AL (U)(A) VALUFS 27,37 -'t'?TAIS ?f?_Sq. ft..7•37 (U)(A IVIDED BY TOTAL ROOF/ lt4- ? ?02?j ? CEILING AREII VERAGE "U" , far ventilated roofs "M for all other conatruction - waLL s?c.T?oN - WEIF-MiNIN(a "U" VALUE`? A7 TZoDF, WAIL, VIM, ANp CpNG. BLK. ROOF f GEILINU (R) VALUE O IW(ERIoR AIR FILM O.&I 20 SIS" GYP. Bb. .56 ? INSULA?ION efp,pp O EXj6R10(Z AlR FILh1 ,lal (STILL) oZ3 TbTAL CR)= 41.78 .? WRLL (R) VALcJE O INTERIoF- AIR fllM 0.?8 O 1I2' GYP. YiD. .45 ? 3fj' INSULATIoN 13.00 Q 2Sj;je 14fl6 ' , _ . 2,6fo lo M/iwNITE. 51DjN(x 47 11 EXTEtZId(L A1'fZ FII.M ,11 0f51B ToTp,(- ( 1 tz) = l7•03 T?IM • ( P ) VALUE INTrz-I'•lotz A1R FlLtl 0,(D8 i3 511,L!' IN;ULA71oN 19•00 ? 'Z FIR RiM JoisT J.88 IS Z%e Owl&,' 2,0&P MAsor1ITE 5iti?r?(? 1(2i-i O E.XTtan1oR AIR FILM .Il 11 ul, ToTAL ? («) = 24.4"!v . foUNbAJioN (f<) VALUE Q iNTeizlotz Airc FILfl o,06 ? ? ?1 Cbt Ic" Y,L1(, ?.2g (22) r3 CXTE.RIoR AIR FII.M [lull = i?rz= ,4?4TO?P? ??<1= ?,t3 n v r_ • - i; ' . ;?. '? s.83 x?4?+4? t 3z tz8) =. ? z3?, zo__ .. .. . i; I S, ?7 X 40 = 34?o•:So . ''' s,?7 x C4?+z8+L8) - s44 , .3Z z; 14z, 3z - - I'? •!fl7 X ?Qvt¢o tZS+ZB? = 9/,!Z ' S,oo X 3 ^ lS,on . x C4of4o+ 3Z+2.g) _._ _ ?.. .. ? Z4 xpa(o _ lo,o X 7 zo X 48 = 1vP7 X 8 - - ?'? 24X 74X 60 = /o.o X 3 ------- ?,? . ? - -- - `? , __.... --?-- -= 3=- RoNT at.oo ? ...... I;I Z - Lp%.= Pi?Tio - _ . ? . -- g¢.oo--? - --- _. ?-?=----- ; - L; ? LL_ ?? __.... P5 - 1,Jncc. Z,14z?3z. ---- - ? '? lellil N/o.ZO - ; ??F . .. ..,. -_ ,28 x4v - ?.sxm = 4 z Xts = 30 17.s z x 7 = ?4 1999 BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN $16.7 3830 PILOT KNOB'RC • 55122 651-681-4675 New Conshuction Reaulremenls D 3 rogisfered sHe surveys showing sq, ff. of lol, sq. fl. of house and ?II rooled areas (20% maximum lot coveraae allowed) ? 2 copies of plans (show beam 3 window slzea; powed hW. deaign; etc.) D 1 sef W energy ealculaHons D 9 copisa of hee preaenaNon plan 8 bl plalfed aNer 7/1/93 DATE: 2- W1 n _ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: Znl S n LOT: ? BLOCK: I SUBD./P.I.D. #: PROPERTY OW N ER CONTRACTOR ARCHRECT/ ENGINEER model 2 copies W plan 7 set of energy calculaHoro lor heafed addfllaro 1 aXe survey for extedor addHtons 3 decks noN cosr: &Oza NameY> / / /G"7/ieE ( ? 4k 92?llj 7 Phone #: ??7 2 ' 341'r LasT FIM SheetAddress: 1??f Ck/us?? C`7' ? Ci1y _??E'i 4 N StaFe: Zip: Company: Phone #: (area code) Street Address: license # Eup. City State: Company: Name: Tefephone #: area code ( Zip: Shee4 Address: Regisfration #: Ci1y Sewer d, water Ilcensed plumber (reaulred fw new conshuction onlvl: State: Penally applies when address change and lof change is requested once permN Iz issued. Lp: 11 hereby acknowledge ihal I hwe read this applicaNon, stafe MwiF fhe informaFion ia correct, and agree to eomply wHh ali applicabl State of Minnesota Sfatutes and CfFy of Eagan Ordinances. . ? Signature of Appllcanh % OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plen Received - Yes - No - Not Require NX 2 3 ? RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ? CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILDT KNOB R0, EAGAN MN $5122 651-681-4675 New Construttion Reauirements • ) registeretl srte surveys showmg sq A of IoC sq ft of house, antl all mofed areas (20 o maximum lot cove2ge allowed) • 2 coFies of olan showing beam 3 window sizes; poured found design, ek.) . 1 set of Eneryy Calculanons . 3 copies of Tree PreservaGon Plan A lot platted afler 711193 . Rim Joist DeUil 0 Gons selec6on shee[ (61Egs wilh 3 or less umis) DATE ?- SIiE ADDRESS /503 TYPE OF MUUI-FAMILY BLDG _ Y x N PIREPLACE(S) X 0 _ 1 _ 2 APPLICANT V•5 - STREET ADDRESS 5J S f f ( TELEPHONE # bl; 7,21 '/YY8 C PHONE #&A;?A;21 - I000 fAX # EQ&STATE/W ZIP J? PROPERTYOWNER lvC=A4:1!? TELEPHONE#&/-S? wS?Sa l?6? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR "NEW"'RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ yIIrNF;SpTA RIJLES 7670 G\"CEGORY t MIVNLSO'C.\ R["L.l•;ti 7672 (•i submission type) • Residential Ventilahon Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Plumbing Controctor. _ Plumbing system includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mcctivuc;il svstcm indudes: Sewer/Water Conhactor: _ AiT CO[lCllllOlllllg _ Heat Rccovcry Sysccin ------° ----------------------------------- • --------------------- •-- • -------.. . I hereby acknowledge that I have read ihis application, state that the inforrr with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Ciry of Eaga rdinanc Sfgnafure of Applicant -----°-----°--°------°-----_'-.---------°----------- ----__--__.--°---°--___-------' ° OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservahon Plan Received _ Water Softener _ Water Heater No. of Baths RamadeURewir Reauirements . 2 capies of plan • 1 set of Energy Calcula6ons for heated addiUons . 1 site survey (or exlenor addifions & decks . IrMicate d home serve0 by sep[ic system for adddmns VALUATION Phone # _ Lawn Sprinkler _ No. of R.I. Baths Phone # Fee: $90.00 Ecc: $70.00 t IIII 0 is correct, and agre to comply No[ Required _ Updated 4102 -IL-k'?'59 2006 RESIDENTLAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3530 Pilot Knob Roed, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Constructim ReauiremeMs 3 registered sife surveys showing sq. R of bt, sq. ft of house; and all rooFed areas (20%mmcimum lot Covetege a0owed) 2 apies of plan shwnng beem & window s2es; poured found Aesign, etc. 1 sd af Enefgy Calculatians 3 apies of Tree Preservation Plen iF Id pletteA after 111N3 Rim JdW DeW Options selectian sheet (hrildings wilh 3 w less units) Mimegasoo mectianical ve¢tilation form RemadeUReoa'v Reauiremenis 2 capies of pWn showing foolings, beffins, jaisis 1 set of Energy CBIWIationS 8r hBated eddition5 i sHe survey for additiais & dedcs Additbn - mdicate i/onsHe sepfk system -W 7 o .M office use a? CedpiSUrveyRed _Y _N Trea Pres Plen Recd _ Y_ ( Tree Pres Repuired _ Y_ N Onvsite Saptic System _ Y_ N -c?c-Jv Dg(e ? / ? ? / ;2??!J V" C009tC11Cf100 COSt Site Address l ?-?pp)5[sf t )? f ' '? ?`ifE 4 UnI G c n f? tC.? C ? Description of Work Multi-Famity Bidg _ Y V N Fireplace(s) _ 0 1 _ 2 O P l ( paCY ((?- Telephone#(E7a{) L`)s) wner roper y ti J o n ContraMor _ Address 4 1 L f4?""`' ' ir?wti4 I dliel Gt ?-...._r. Yn Glty State A 6 f5-d t / ? Telephone#( COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential VeMilaUon Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code worksheet (4 submission type) Submitted Submitted . Energy Emelope Calculations Submilled In the last 12 months, has the Ci1y of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan basad on a master pldn? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address af master plan: Licensed Plumber V` Tv phone # ( ) _ Mechanical Contractor 13 1p46 Telephone #( Sewer/Water Contractor P Telephone # ( )_ I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work hich requires a review and apProval of plans. ApplicanYs Printed Name Applant's 5ignature ? DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes ? Ot Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg V 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Aft - Multi ? 03 01of_plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 33 Ext.Att-SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Tvpes ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof 'fp 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 ReplaCement `Damolition (Entire Bldg) -Give PCA handoutto applicant DeSCrIDfIOn: WatarDamage_Yes Valuation DcC . D a Occupancy ? MCES System PlanReview 100%or 25% census code L13 y Zoning ciry water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Finaf ? Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final lnsulation Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge 5&W Permit 8 Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total REQiTIItED INSPECTIONS _ Sheetrock Final/C.O. FinaUNo C.O. HVAC Other Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wal] Building Inspector PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA115266 Date Issued:09/25/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1503 Clemson Ct Lot:25 Block: 1 Addition: Thomas Lake Heights PID:10-75950-01-250 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:If there is no ice protection inspection prior to final, the contractor must meet the inspector w/ a ladder and flat bar. Pictures are not acceptable in lieu of inspections. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Ivan Tkach Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Alex Mezeritski 1503 Clemson Ct Eagan MN 55122 Marshall Building & Remodeling Inc 6975 Washington Ave S Suite 215 Minneapolis MN 55439 (612) 369-0123 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA120382 Date Issued:02/05/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1503 Clemson Ct Lot:25 Block: 1 Addition: Thomas Lake Heights PID:10-75950-01-250 Use: Description: Sub Type:Siding & Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of house wrap and leave on site for final inspection. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 8,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Alex Mezeritski 1503 Clemson Ct Eagan MN 55122 Marshall Building & Remodeling Inc 6975 Washington Ave S Suite 215 Minneapolis MN 55439 (612) 369-0123 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature