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1940 Cliff Lake Rd
11 ~1 5 l Use BLUE or BLACK Ink -----------------t For Office Use City of h dn 1 1(-C -l kj - I Permit 411b~ a Permit Fee: 0 3830 Pilot Knob Road I J / Eagan MN 55122 " Date Received: C l Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J 2011 COMMERCIAL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION* Date: 15 111 Site Address: El; ( h I a, Tenant: Suite Name: Phone: PROPERTY OWNER Address / City / Zip: _ Applicant is: Owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: f ^ p Construction Cost: C~ t~ p6D Estimated Completion Date: Name: ry y,,,~, ° )R\O-v-rn License#:-V5WL 7 CONTRACTOR Address: 560 Gp,LA Ty&ykU6 , Tqx~j City: %Svo Y - ) I Z.R State: MN Zip: 5s7s Phone: X157 -`~~tU I`1(~ i Contact: D ( Email: New _ Remodel r . WORK TYPE _Addition Other: iyw, T--1t~ IY~(a(11~11'lY1C( Alterations e 5 J DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Commercial Residential Educational FEES $55.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contract Value $ G b ()(D x i% Iff 4tFhe Permit Fie is less than $10,0110, surcharge is $ 5.00 p = Permit Fee tI:@'.`~°r'V,V Surcharge 101 • - TOTAL FEE 'Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Alarm permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x ~t ~Ac)g,_ l x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: )1a 9-1 Required Inspections: Rough-in Final ire Alarm Test Use BLUE or BLACK Ink - ---------1 I G I Permit C 44r 7 City of Ea dI 1 130. ae Permit Fee. 3830 Pilot Knob Road l 1 Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 1 Staff: ---------n---- 1 2011 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: 12z10 Cliff' Leake, A and )F.~E n M1J Tenant Name: C vb Fmld 5 (Tenant is: New 1_)e Existing) Suite Former Tenant: PROPERTY OWNER Name: - yvperyejy i4oidir51 -P.4c. Phone: t 6s7-/-V5-V- V606 Address / City / Zip: G1o L ga1 De-A PO a, 290 MAn ch's SS y Applicant is: C Owner Contractor AgnC TYPE OF WORK Description of work: 6,run 6vsei Jmk) ti l 1 3 Construction Cost: bt?0•UHO(15 . Sul LL, BE P•>=MOV EB'~( Ju CONTRACTOR Name: CarUo %JC41 tf ill ~ UU License Address: ~3a CyeeA VAJky Rmo/ City: 9^)nLej State: MAJ Zip: 5-5"3a3 Phone: 7/03 ` 75-3 ^167-1 Contact: Aa%roll ®AVrS Email: ad OLVi-S dV v 4 ARCHITECT / Name: Registration ENGINEER Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone NOTE! Plans and supporting documents that you submI are considered to be public information. Pbrtions:of the information may be classified as nart-PUblic if y u provide specific reasons that would permit the city to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www._oopher_stateonecall.org_ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X_ c~ r3 t,`E 5 x Applicant's Pri ted Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 e-~ ~ LH r DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES _ Foundation _ Public Facility _ Accessory Building Apartments _ Commercial / Industrial _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments _ Lodging _V/Greenhouse / Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial Miscellaneous Antennae Exterior Alteration-Public Facility W RK TYPES New _ Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration ` Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Salon Owner Change Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation S r DDO • Occupancy U MCES System tj 0► Plan Review Code Edition 2ed7 1N46G SAC Units a (25%_ 100%_) - Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings I Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction V g Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) ~~heetrock Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Roof: -Decking -Insulation -Ice & Water -Final Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick y Framing Windows Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes V/No Reviewed By: Building Inspector Reviewed By: { UUN" , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Water Quality Surcharge Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Plan Review Storm Sewer Trunk MCES SAC Sewer Trunk City SAC Water Trunk S&W Permit & Surcharge Street Lateral Treatment Plant Street Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Water Lateral Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication Water Quality TOTALA 130• Page 2 of 3 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink ------------i For Office Use , My -7 ~of E(lt]EQll jlf Permit#: WR 30 1 I I I Permit Fee: I 3830 Pilot Knob Road , Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: I Phone: 651 675-5675 I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Staff Fax: (651) 675-5694 2010 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: q`1 i ( 1 Lrf V. Tenant: Suite PROPERTY OWNER Name: i .t.IL Phone: CONTRACTOR Name: r4)1 LyL, icense r Address: 9 ~lG f ee,) Ux2,r Ci : From S r Lcu(, State: "/-7 Zip: J 1 . / city: 4(.q_ g)g(~ Email: C C~ 'JA - TYPE OF _ New Replacement - Repair Rebuild _ Modify Space _ Work in R.O.W. WORK ,O Description of work: i ( " L? z PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL New Construction _ Modify Space Irrigation System yes no) ( RPZ PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes No Flushometers _Yes No COMMERCIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contract value $ X1% = $ (.N) Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems 4 = $ Radio Meter Read - If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50 = $ Meter(s) - If Permit Fee is > $1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $1,00142,000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 surcharge). = $ r J State Surcharge Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ Water Permit Call the City's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES $ . ~ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecail.orcl 1 hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start withouta permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x p MQ U i x Applicant' Printed Name App scant' Ignature FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground -Rough-In Air Test Gas Test Final PRV Required: _ Yes No Page 1 of 3 .??_ . . CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for _'.{_ %' Est. Value Date ,19 , SiteAddress 1440 CLIFt' I.i4`!E: Rp Lot 1 Block i Sec/Sub. CLiFF LAKE CLNTR$ Parcel No. Q Name CUB FOUDS z Address 127 S WA-m: ST ? City ??'Ii.1.tiAT!:F3 Phone 43`:?_7?C0 OFFICE USE ONLY ' On Site Sewaqe Occupancy ="2 MWCC System Zoning • ?1 GSC On Site Well (Actual)Conat CiryWater (Allowable)V•- 1 PRV Required # of Stories Booster Pump Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. ?' l1 , o Name RYAN C?STRtiCTIC1N CO o? Address 900 2ha AVF= S U m City ? ?YPLS Phone "? 1y_4847 ¢ W z a z W Name Address I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is cprrect and agree to comply with ali applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City oi Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permlt is issued to: ``?A°' {;'}+{`'TRUCT ti:'N_CU on Che express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. APPROVALS Engr./Assess Planner Council Bidg. Off. Variance FEES Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL 1 ?l r,4v11 3.875 cua Mo" BUILDIMG CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 Receipt # Est. Value $600.00 Site Address 1'440 ?' M1+7 L.N'L RD Lot I Block ? SeciSub. GLI FF UX2 Parcel No. W Name Cq " :'OC5 3 Address CLIFF t.Wf; RD 0 City EI,GAK Phone 4r Zo Name '? va Address ? City Phone Address Phone OFFICE USE ONLY 19 {S'? Occupancy FEES Zoning - (Actual) Const Bidg. Permit (Allowable) - Surcharge # ot Stories Length Plan Review Depth no SAC, City S.F. Totai SAC, MCWCC S.F. Footprints _ On 5ite Sewage _ Waier Conn On Site Well - Water Meter MWCC System _ Acct. Deposit Ciry Water - PRV Required _ SNV Permd I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to coinpry wifh all appficable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan prdinances. Booster Pump - SrW 5urcharge Treatment PI Signature of Permitee APPROVALS Road Unit A Building Permit is issued to: t%?? FWDS Planner - park Ded. on the express condition that atl work shall be done in accordance with all Council _ x . applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official eldg. Off. Variance - Copies TOTAL Permit No. Permit Halder Date Telephone # WATER SEWER PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC Inapection Date Insp. Comments Footingsl Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Fina4 Htg. Fnal Plbg. Const. Meter Plbg. Inspector - Notify Piumber Engr./Plan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PH O N E: 454-8100 BUILDiNG PERMIT Receipt# To be used for Est. Value $E+0.i.:tJ47 Date 4? ?T=-?- ! ,19 ?'- Site Address 1940 LT•? FF ?AM' Rri Lot 1 Block I Sec/Sub. CLl' Z LA&` "NTA Parcel ¢ Name CUP FOODS = Address ? CitYPhone , o Name ?sn COi1ltYttCti012 o? Address 200 Second hve S U? City Mi3Is Phone 33g-%'847 Name I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to:__ on the express condition that ali workshall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official ____ _ OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage OccupanCy ?--i MWCC System Zoning On Site Well (Actual) Const City Water (Allowable) PRV Required # of Stories Booster Pump Length Depth S.F. Total ' Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES .316.00 Engr./Assess. Permit 20'00 Planner Surcharge 1SV' 00 Council Pian Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAG MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks 4Q&' 00 TOTAL Permit No. Permit Hoider Date Tslaphone # Plumbing H.V.A.C. Electric Softener Inspection Date Inap. Comments Footings I Footings II Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert. Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. " PERMIT # MECHANICAI PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN ' 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: PHONE: 454-8100 ForDffice Use Only: Site Address ~ -~'c''°6 Lot Block ' ? 1 t Sec/Sub BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. New ? Name Mult ti Add-on ? ? Address Gi . Repair Comm. c Ciy Phone 452-2775 Other ?- FEES c Name =--> F3o o?.s Du RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 6 00 ? AD ITI NAL 50 M BTU ? p Address City • Phone . - D O (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW ? CONSTRUCTION) 1 PER PERMI'n - 1 50 EA GAS OUTLETS MINIMUM . . - ( TYPE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Forced Air M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES _ ? il B M TaWMHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES o er BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAI FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 > Unit Heater M BTU REMODELS - 12.00 Air Cond. M BTU MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 V STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 ent CFM (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets # ° . BEYOND $1.000) Other Vi:ti1C bci;ce _y a q FEE ;(.0. GU . . yo SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE S/C: . $20 ' ?? TOTAL• FOR: CITY OF EAGAN -? le /,i 19r/5 a Jl? C . CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ? BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-8100 To be used for Est. Value Receipt # Date ,19 Site Address Lot Biock Sec/Sub. Parcel No. ic Name W = Address 3 ° City Phone , o Name iiIlPt i?T3tE7GTiJl1 (.u ? ? Address I' City Phone Name Address C ity I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued ta on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. OFFICE USE ONLY On Ske Sewage Occupancy MWCC System Zoning On Site Well (Actual) Conat City Water (Allowable) PRV Required * of Storles Booster Pump Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVAIS FEES ' ? Engr./Assess. Permit Planner Surcharge Council Plan Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL Permit No. Permit Holdar Date Telephone ?k Plumbing H.V.AC. Electric Softener Inspection Dats 1nap Comments Footings I / 4 Footings II ?e Foundation y ?5 Lt? C? Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Pibg. Bidg. Final Cert Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. .}•?.- N: 4:+14G:: Alf;?F' MI _ _t..'-Y' . . ' . - . . .. . ,. . .. VY OW AIWA CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 Bl11LDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-$100 Receipt # . ? ,Y,.9=/-*,1? Site Address 19JL1_Gt-T" I.AKB gn Lot 1._ Block I Sec/SutCL1112 i-1*?+' ['PU'r'ttF Parcel No. m Name w llii o Address City Phone 'o Name com ` Address _3740 318? ? City tmpt-q hat I have read this that the State of , :? t 54 OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy _3-2 FEES Zoning _ (Actuai) Const - Bidg. Permit (Allowabte) - Surcharge # of Stories Length _ Plan Review 364 -? OePth - SAG City ? S.F. Total - SAC. MCWCC ? S.F. Footprints - ! On Site Sewage _ Water Conn On Site Well - Water Meter MWCC System - City Water _ Accl. Deposit PRV Required _ S/W Permit Booster Pump - SJ1N Surcharge Treatmenl PI APPROVAIS Road Uni1 Planner - il Coun park Ded. ? c BIdg.Off. _ CoP+as Variance - TOTAI 428. ? A euilding Permit is issued to: SiECO CC11'iS1RUCTIQN on the express condition that atl work shali be done in.accordance wiih all applicab(e State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building OHicial ' ;'"? , Pe?mit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # WATER SEWER PLUMBING H.V.A.C. EIECTRIC 114 y, s 9 v ? Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. c ? Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orstat Test Final Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final /'I(, y ? Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Oisp. PERMIT # , MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN { $12 3 2 4 O, p ? PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE ? NTRACT PRICE ,PHONE: 454-8100 Site m ryary ?c Add c Ciry ? Name _ c Address O Cih - BLDG. TYPE DESCRIPTION _ Sec/Sub N SERV ICE INC Res. New _ ?rial Road Mu? - store Add-on 646-8677 Comm. Repair. 'hone Other TYPE OF WORK Forced Air M BTU Boiler M BTU Unit Heater M BTU Air Cond. M BTU Vent CFM Gas Piping OuUets # $?_ Other s VALUE: $1?21,240.00 FEE. 1,232. 170 sic: 1,233. TOTAL: FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU ADD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU ADDITIONAL 6 M BTU GAS OUTLETS COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT (ADD $.50 S/C IF PEFiMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000.00) $24.00 6.00 12.00 6.00 1.50 EA. - 10.00 - 20.00 - .50 FOR: CITY OF EAGAN MECHANICAL PERMIT ' CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT # 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: Site Address V `/le ' , ' ; / f , a ,f < i ,:. r I BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block Sec/S ub Res New . ? Name Mult. Add-on ?c Address ?? ? P ??•"? N' •; . Comm. Repair c City Phone'`? `?`? Other ? Name ?- ?? ?-`?,?• ? ,?- FEES ? ? c RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 ` Address ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 O City • ` -U Phone (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW , CONSTRUCTION) GAS QUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PEkedlln - 1.50 EA. TYPE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Forced Air M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES Boiler TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 Unit Heater M BTU REMODELS - 12.00 Air Cond. M BTU MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 Vent CFM ? STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES ' Gas Piping Outlets # BEYONO $1,000) Other ' FEE: ` ? ? "? •' -' / C.. S/C: SIGNATVRE OF PERMlT,TEE. ' TOTAL: ?- FOR: CITY OF EAGAN ' MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT # _ RECEIPT # _ CITY OF EAGAN '7 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE PRICE' PHANF• a5A_111f1A SItB Name COti, -i ?r .1.t? ?? ?? r? -. ?_c Ea c City Phone p I City Phone + TYPE OF WORK ? a p? ZI c p Forced Air ? M BTU $ Boiler M BTU $ Unit Heater M BTU R Air Cond. r M BTU $ Vent. y, CFM $ Gas Piping Outlets # pvrm BLDG. TYPE WORK OESCRIPTION Res. New X Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLEfS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PEkMIT) - 1.50 EA. COMM/IND FEE - i% OF CONTRACT FEE APT BLDGS, - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & COND05 - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & REMODELS - 12.00 MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000) 3830 Pilot Knob BUILDING PERMIT To be used for ? E Site Address Lot Block 5ec/Sub. Parcel No. I? CITY OF EAGAN ad, P.O. Box 21 •199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 Receipt # 2. i tei 1 i Date oc Name W ? Address ° City Phone °CO Name ? ? Q Address ? City phone Name Address City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota 5[atutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signatuse of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shail be done in accordanca with all appticable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ord;,, inces. Building Official_ - On SRe Sewage Occupancy MWCC 5ystem Zoning On Site Well (Actual) Const City Water (Allowable)Yti''' PRV Required # of Stories Booster Pump Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Permit Planner Surcharge Council Ptan Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL .- 4 Permit No. Permlt Holder Date Tetephone # Plumbing 'YvL f' : L ? O H.V.A.C. gqgc) l A? lo, i I 9 l ? ?rs Efectric G? ?? ky' ?'. o u softener : 3j8c, ?t, -? ? yL S/a/ S? ?` (p g(p Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Footings II ? Foundation Framing Roofing ?_ g. a.. Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. ? > >? ?, A,? • ? Isu(. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final We11 7,387 i.v?rr?c 77 ,7, Z:y.v ? ?:y... Pr. Disp. I/ ?' ?f',a.? c ..! L, y,•,` ??.. ? L!/? , ?. ?r . ? ub ?oo?.s SITE ADDRESS l I "To O? ?'? ?-ake - U Unit # Permit # ?-12 B ? Sect/Sub. ?v ?? INSPECTION DATE IN8PECTOR OTHER FRAMIN6 ROUBH PLBB. ROUBH HTB. IN8UL RREPLACE FlNAL NT6. FlNAL PLB6. UNR flNAL CERT/OCC r INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR COMMENTS 7 -/ - J12? r-? - ipp ?. , ,=7-- - . CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagar+, MinnesQta 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: , . ; , . 'SF't (rli PERMIT SUBTYPE: , , I . ; ,i, ,,, ?'.CORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: E I! i:' 1 qy l 44 TYPE OF WORK: If1- •A R 1 t'1 i it 1.! 11, INAI ?? ?, :?? . ? ? - . _ -?7? - ?' • ..?....??......?..?..?_?: ? - - ? _.... _ . fili f I ii I Ni. 0.'NfiQlz 0 4 ; t;! lw'3 n+r W I' F M f' r if? A t; 'V f, KV F N!! f l l! ?', f. Permit No. Permk Holder Rate 7elephone * S1W PLUMBiNG HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspection Dete Inep. Comrtrents Footings I Foundation FrBming Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul- ' Flr6place Fnal Htg. Orsat Tesl Fnal Pibg. Plbg. Inspector - Notly Plumber Const. Mster Engr./Plan Bldg. Fnal DecK Ftg. Deck Final Well Pc Disp. ., ? C( ?- j INSPEC I CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ? ? ? ? r ??;t r f? i? N I P F PERMIT SUBTYPE: I ,;I?s ; i trl' v: 1 , ON RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date issued: ; APPLICANT: . , , ? . TYPE OF WORK: ,:; ; ? ! ;-;;? I I m lM1, 1 1 1 r iNAI FtUli i)iNG ?llt'1% A(1 17Q ?AC. AI. TFI?A< <OIV r_ Ukt i'E Mp i3FtFEN1-I01s'p1 Permft No. PsrtnR Hotder Data Telephone # ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspoctlon Date Insp. Comments FOpTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBO AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYPBOAAD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBC3 FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG OECK FINAL CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 I SITE AQDRESS: , , r I r ( ! AF k I? 1? ? t k I?: 3 ra?, + ? i 11 I I? f: PERMIT SUBTYPE: - ,. ON RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: ?? 11 f 1[l t N fi 9 , APPLICANT: i t? I,' 1 4!??J ?1t?f1r, TYPE OF WORK: N t 4J ( T f MI' 6l2F: tfV1?()tl'rF ) {i1 ';1 (i il' 1 J 1lh1 INSPECTION ,. O „ i ? . ., . I ? ? Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone S S/W PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspeetlon Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundafion Framing Roafing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Plbg. Plbg. Inspector-Notiiy Plumber Const Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. /d ?0 9r` v R? ?INSPECTI N EC?RD ??. C{TY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: .41,01R Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: !? F• 1' (651) 681-4675 . , , ?. . , SITE ADDRESS: ' t ANF P 11 ( t 1 S f t il ! 1 ? i rJ {}? 1 PERMIT SUBTYPE: A N R FVY F LJ r= 11 [i 'i t-J A ti` IV :F'Mf'()ftA0Y CiFrf'! 14111rr!'?I 4 APPLICANT: TYPE OF VIIORK: t4r u r1i- ;• I P I IN r;l: t r ? J Permit Holder Date Telephone # SEWER/ WATER PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING FiOUGH PLUMBINC, PLBG AIR TEST RDUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS corvDucTivm TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FINAL /CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 ! SITE 1940 f I i f't C:I fFF 4Akf ('FN l"f r ' PERMIT SUBTYPE:, ,r ? ON RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: t. i i T? 1 11 t n r; t ! AKF F!Cl APPLICANT: i i? i.' i I'• ;I 4t):. TYPE OF WORK: ;., F? i t MF' (1?tE t=N{t«ULyi INSPECTION . . . ? . ? . , ? ?ARhit Pt.A? ?UV]Ci.1I 44 Hl' Itlf t;t){ 1 7 ? Pertnit No. Permit Holder Date Telephona # ELECTRIC PLUM9ING HVAC Inspettlon date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBiNG PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP 80ARD FfREPLACE FiREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL ? INSPECTION REC4RD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: ? (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: I ?F?= 1IaF F [:L NrN.r I PERMIT SUBTYPE: ? , . ., itll 1 t i? i Nfi 'iNIq1 i?)A APPLICANT: .? i r, t. , .' 1 ;?,ss l TYPE OF WORK: tlt ';I'k I l'T l UN AI if.frllTltiN frLI" Fb(lU';) iNSPECTION .A • DA ia lI .<< I.,, t ! t i?S, ?. Permit No. Permft Holder Date Telephone N ELECTRIC ?j, ?Q loo PLUMB HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING t- ROUGH PLUMBING i ? PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HE,4TING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOAR? FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL . DECK FTG ' DECK FINAL INSPECTION RECORD ' CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: < <?, ? „r ?3s. ? I :1 kl 1 I. 1 F F ( A?; f I411 '. Ct_ cFt tAaF r:r- n+rRr PERMIT SUBTYPE: 11 1.1 '1; it I '7iI APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: ['f .1 1-. 1 I' 1 I itIq f"s1l f !•is 1146 0 :'4k17 IA f, / G3 :? / (47 At rr-.RAT InN (.?) RVI"P'f1 % INSPECTION D 1 D t+:} I I fif M!\rk`7: :•;Fi'p1i AfF I'LItM 11'. FtFw1t1,*1-f1 FiII( I''Il.1pLs)NIi. rmlfI.Hf11V(f.lil , flR EI,U. i_lR 1+'A i WIiIt1 ? ? Permit No. Pertnlt Holder Date Telephone ti ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspectlon Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBCi FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERNIIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: ??? •,is. i,tH? (?1? ? PERhAIT SUBTYPE: I I .114 i iv i, I b1p,IrM'. f I h1t•t1kARY t,!<f I Nili)I P,1 TYPE OF WORK: t,i ' ';' L i i i ;10 I I IV AI . , ? ? . ?? i , ? • ? ,,? , •, , ? L? t,l ?? .' • i Ft 1 I 0Nl:.'4f`1 Nr w ( I.. tlfi P0001") ?,41?jr11?S1?U Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # ELECTRiC PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOQTINGS FOUND FRAMING RdOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOAAD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FfNAL HTG ORSAT TEST BIDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL D£CK FTG DECK FINAL ? INSPECTIUN RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: I Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ' APPLICANT: PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: fif •,r r• I I I inN I tLitfl4H ',i t4 '2 fA t I t:r{ntj 0 1 M INSPECTION .• • .A ( f?f MAP ! ?_ _l Permit No. Permft Holda Dah Telephons # ELECTRIC ??gY /019 ?J ?OpO PLUMBING HVAC InrpaeNon Date Inap. Commenb FOOTiNGS FOUND FRAMING 7 ? RODFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL aYPBOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FlNAL DECK FfG DECK FlNAL ? NATIONAL ACCOUNT KITCHEN SYSTEM MAINTENAtdCE REPORT ' Y'yco/ Fire & / Siinp/exGrinne// r? Security ? INSTALLATION L"J MAINTENANCE r L NOQ hlW?12xs P"w"', mm S" P. 7+83-W.4M F. 703-8g7•5= Customer Name Address ? SYSTEM RESTAURANT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ? INSTALLATION SIGN OFF (IF APPLICABLE) SIGNATURE DATE ? q A; r l . -4=? !,:'?2 Model, Size, Serial# ', 11 - '• <<? # of cylinders including master_ Is system UL300 Compliant? alES ? NO EXPLAIN Number of link(s) and degree rating Energy shut-off devices - type and size Other accessory equipment observed (microswitches, alarms, etc.) Cylinder(s) Hydrostatic Test Date COOKINGNENTILATING EQUIPMENT `UU6 Number of duct(s) and size, noules and type Hood size and plenum size, noules and type Cooking Appliances and size of cooking surfaces. (NOTE: List appliances from left to right and indicate nozzles used for each). 1. 5, , 2. ?,-?? ?cxi? ti v ? 6. 3. 1 ` . I" 4. r TO BE COMPLETED BY TECHNICIAN The fire suppression system is in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, NFPA Standard 96 and 17A (current issue), and all applicable state and local codes. Exceptions to the above codes that were observed are noted below: Exceptions: r Please note that the exhaust system must be cleaned in accordance with NFPA Standard 96 and is not the responsibility of SimplexGrinnell unless othenwise stated on this form. TECHNICIAN NAME SIGNATURE DATE SG0781 i•LQ-6la 7. 8. TO BE COMPLETED BY CUSTOMER ? YES ? NO I have received a copy of this maintenance report and I understand it. ? YES ? NO I understand that it is a requirement of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 96 and 17A that the fire suppression system be maintained semi annually to ensure continued efficiency and reliability and that failure to do so may result in failure of the system to operate properly. CUSTOMER NAME AND TITLE ? SIGNATURE DATE ?CompQant ? Non-Compliant I y . ?'. 5 ?D *yco /Fire & Simp/exGdnnel/ INSPECTION REPORT INSPECTION CONTRACT ^ Securit rvo. 1?+??'y / CONFEB?iED WITH REPORT OF INSPECTION BUREAU FILE _ per NFPA 13 & 25 Na _ ?......, ? . SET 1 OF 2 REPORT TO BUILDING OR LOCATION INSPECTED ?•-- STREET I iV4 r ? f= ? •? r : INSPECTOR 9-. = 1 CITY & STATE f`?T" I ,1: AJ ZIP f?/ Z2, SG OFFICE ,d.-1-? PHONE NO. ATT DA 1. GENERAL A. (To be answered by the Owner or Owner's representativa) a. Have there been any changes in the occupancy classrfication. machinery or operations since the last inspectfon? b. Have there been any changes or repairs to the fire protection systems since the last inspection? c. If a fire has occurred since the last inspection, have all damaged sprinkler system components been replaced7 d. Has the piping in all dry systems been checked for proper pitch within the past five years? Date fast Checked (checking is recommended at least every 5 years) e. Has the piping in all systems been checked for obstructive Date last checked every 5 years) f. Have ail fire pumps been tested to their fuli capacity through the use of hose streams or flow meters within the past 12 months? - g. Are gravity. surface or pressure tanks protected from freeaing? h. Are any af the sprinklers 50 years oid or older? (testing and/or replacement is recommended tor such I. Are any extra high temperature solder sprinklers regularly exposed to temperatures near 300°F? B. (To be ansWered by the inspector) a. Have tha sprinkler systems been extended to all visihle areas of the Does there appear to be proper clearance beiween the top ot all storage end thg sprinkler deflectw? Are the building areas protected by a wet system, heated, including its blind attics and perimeter areas, where 2. CONTROL YALVES Are all sprinkler system main control valves and all other valves in the appropriate open or closed Are all control valves sealed or supervised in the open position? Control Vaives Plo. of Type Easily Accessible Signs Vatve Open Secured? If yes, how? (Seaied') (Locked ) Supervision Operational Valves Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No . Su d.? Yes No CITY CONNECT{ON TANK I PUMP SECTIONAL .t. .? SYSTEM 7 49, ALARM LINE -? 3. WATER SUPPLIES Pressure Fire Pump & Tank a. Water supply source? City AGravity Tank / Pressure Fire Pump & City Watertlow Test Results Made During This Inspection Pressure Fire Pump & Pond Test Pipe Located Size Test Pi e Static Pressure Before Flow Pressure Static Pressure After Test Pipe Location Size Test Pi e Static Pressure Before Fbw Pressure Static PrESSUre After J n 7 -21 ? 4. TANKS, PUMPS, FIRE DEPT. CONN a. Do fire pumps, gravity, surface or F b. Are grevity, surtace and pressure t c. Are fire dept. connections in satisfe d. Are fire dept. connections visiWe ai 5. WET SYSTEMS a. No. of systems ,4 b. Are eold weather valves in the app If closed, has piping been drainedi c. Has the owner or owner's represer d. Have all the antltreeze systems be, e. Date antifreeze systems were teste t. The antifreeze tests indicate protec system t - ;cn 2 _ g. Did alarm valves, watertiow alarm i SG4550•R7•1 (2105) ECTIONS Ves N.A.$ No` ressure tanks appear to be in good external conditfon? inks atthe proper pressure and/or waterlevels? ? ctory condition coupUngs free caps or plugs in place and check vaives tight? , , id accessible? Make 8 Model - t ropriate open pr closed posiGon? tative been advised that cold weather valves are not recommended by NFPA? - 3n tested? d - ? tion to: 3 4 5 temperature ndicatorc and ratardc fact cafisfar.fnniv9 i 2Not INSURANCE BUREAU COPY Applicable I Explwn INoi Answers on Bac nf Snea? 2 r. SERVICE AGREEMENT ' Genecal Terms and Cnnditions GENERAL PROVtSlONS - . - . . •.. _ . . _ 1nei:U51i;F1EAlaa:t?le:ie?".'r?iv?ce?e?ddesaes?i:ercaisKe:?nge€sn . . C. MA,:i'M ia n!)lJ5 jLVC15 PI (1ro4atoR ; YU^IdC. EM1 IM'sif asfiCO IXoY'S. nl9 - . ?- Ifl lllfl EYBM OI A!1lfltEil?iKY CfCC7lRM SVS?MI(5I f&IL!?. S3kP SUG) 54fM1 sthJ:l DF CPmPIF18 Zoe h%CILS'YE. Irlhc' cUS!Cfi^! a-8ir65 51m0l0rCf'fiMI CuSrOt,+ER ackMVeierfrIes z-c a,7---s r a: vy J-•s sn+viee A?poenwl reis:ntatie 58fey vr:auUerts m qut5c12Qtrel:*?j n{;Wh'. tlsaT. {o yf6ume grli810' Ae."tMty, tr,x pzreea srell ernand t-s r.g.ecrrtiri ey e:mcr,CIc a c.mpekn,caY. ,,NvcS sp,-?Iurairy staaw. :f.ics rrA undr,r,axe ?ny cbNg,iUOn to ar6 propexty aa. agn Surh rrRasums strtl.cantinun uny B+c Ccivurpil ^uer eeturg ronh ttre urtv.wnt o` aCaiaonal Gabdrty arrtl IFe aCAttnHial aniounl mainfand ,enemall CUS T O{.lcR's syslan aeWrpinz: ,as Year 7DCd1 cwblUnl. ' Syatsrqsi arn, r,ff. arimd. Owimt Ehall rwfrfy Siin{r.oxGsiranelLes - ae mabb Gy ihe ;i:starncr &x tfie atwrtnxim by S,mpBer&=-tl uf ro= Cfean:r wMC^ (ortha tr..Tosr siWl rreun, r.aptle d cam c@y Mint4uv3 Mao! pa:trr ur?.^_ :; anuarc,na IeCdi'}. ;?ieEil hwr.w 7a:'sLcr n05- spaN r no- way ?:?'e!MeW.C A hoW t0i?ncar dM tehm atatter Qr,ttminx 31 +499 The tetms ax+ oorn,ttron dtn,s • °o mm. i+aY"v?^lt`as ipch+Ae1 .n Ars AAroqmani. S+mpkxGnnncl as en maumr. iFi NO cV=MT SrlALI. SIMPIEXGNjNN=L1, e3F apn,rmenleriCam/auachad pegeynrea+imirlertanlynrtoflhn+AgreMeMa-,i rc HAURDOUSMAfERiAL9 G1AHi.EF6R4-lYOAMAGE.LMS IN.1U0 pR aNVQiHERCLAIMARIStNG he?uEy mcarna'e?e ty?rcrce ?M ar.ceaLd hy me CUS i QMER. 'ha The L?S i GAER recreseo-'s 9?L eroaet m?.e er,eni ?ui SimplesGnnne.i nas FACKA AvY SEaY+GJING, ALTERhr,GkS, A+0Di9C-4n0KS: C4A[?ES. Op pqar.rsnl naea, arx1 ttvise Gonera? Temls and Co4tions Isollra+cdy Ure tirs.n g:vMrI wrtteS m11rn r,f tne foAOwIng 1gZar05 pw te tl+e macutpoo ot Tis WYFMENTS OF Tt-E CUVEIiEO 5v5TEA1;S 1 CR 0.NY ,ryF 1T5 C?,hi°ONrNT 'Agreeriant jiire NWndar, by 51mpixxG nnull w+4 tlta CUSTOMER.a, a 6nr,l FgreamenL U) the bes! ot (7e CUSTQMEft's hromedge there s ro: ' pARTS SY THE CUST,^,ASER GR ANY ThiiRU PARTY SIMPLEY.r;RINNELL e,yrc-r" if o,*, N,teimeit an1 as a eo?i w!e* an0 exr,{uiin:u s?:e?nt d Uhe • 'D&TM a+ilvet;{acc: as deMed GY 05t1A ShALI kpT BE LiAKE FGR IIJDiRECi. WCIJEN'AL OR CENSEQ?JEtlTW!. teim anp co-,chxs It?iro`. Tf,c Aqreerrie„ suours,.?rs MI pra, rrprcxentatgns. • '+sc ef Infr.tious da"sr. DAAIAGES OF ANZ" KiNCJ. iNCLJD'.NG BUT hn7 LiMITE,-) TO DfUd RGE.S unAere4&NlingaoragnxmenlsbeMeenSlmpkvxGnmeAam.tfln.CU577btER, • naetlfajmrrtrosvkxmq,resp.1+abrylxalectron,xaiRxrr-Kcalrisk. ARISih7GfROMTHEUSc" LL'SSOFTHEUSE.PERFONMIA!VCc,GA>AICJHE vnrGan oronI, anC sfiwl ooris:itNe Ne soW terms and condstlcr,sd sale br atl • asresia; Rxt?sianm:ainq rca'erial b-akfehyee or olrw entertaGV CF 114,E CO'vEREC SYSiEA4(S) TO ?ENFORm. kuK+rnLrt,nxt servms. SnnipleiGeauWl;s not Dound by aiy Wafsitm rAn1eG ur tu%it cK otlherx'se !saar•!cus malnral wnfa:nqtl in cY crtttm sur(ir-e Ol1 INSURAkCE oNervrise. ;; vwiame rrN d,e pgrewnem that my ay,w.ar cn arry rhe'bas.wafs, aeitlng&; s?s;ia?on ur uti!er saucTUrai ttsnporI61s of thu iha C::iSTpMEp ahall rc,me 51mGte+Gnnnell,iU off¢as: aqWyess, agenls. zGknwv'!doema+t prchM nroer w atRer brm LISLM by ms CUSTCRdEa, sucfi ania ct any buikLAg :r+ere wcrk ;s rr,ow*od m be Ds?ocrsed ircer :fi; ics. ;?:?ers. ?nr. rcrorounbtrs !es :+dainorw s4useds ai Ihn amHV;? tvaaa e:c?ssi9 reia:retl o-F. aaroer. _han,e a inodikarcn a( arry Ayie+.nxnt C?15 !OraER s g9rafai itabanY aid euto Iratit!h Pdiues. lemms or c«xlinare :f fhA +tgraemenr snaU hc Nm•np nn Svr.pk:?c;rnnc4i un:fies A': a' tha abeNe are Rentri re1&T d ro as'haxardoue cundhons" I 49DEMM7Y mane ul vmlirg anM a gna0 Cy an otl-oer d S,mmexGnrv+ek. .M vn+k te ha SinDeaYrxmetl shaA ha,e Sne dhn: tc rely on Cie Wwmasr,.,s osivd abom If TM CUS'LAAER arees 4imsferm+v. hrdd nartnies, anef e3,-tg+E SrrpbxGrtmr.s pttbmx,;- ni Simpexi,.9med wA 6e W-xnro^ C.:rrb w,:d wor"tw+sd ta:{rdaus Y,naivxts are enmufflir_w Ly ien?.vtcGr+nltrli cumy v,e ::n1?ex cf yllayist any an:1 eli Iosses, ear."es. w:u and expe?ws v??lrig reax:r3DW_ ntxinai wal qays j, 00 am - SCO prn Mcxwbsy thnxegn Fnday exehiding , SmilpdexCamr.cA'a waie, iho oiscovery ot ad+ mal?+ak shap wnsm:ts en aaont oelow co5k arfsing Iram any ard aA thiro party cisUma iw peroonnl inprty, death, SinplcrGiin:ieU hcadaYs1. a5 ?:`?wC hy S,mpkzGnVeN. uj;ess actlitional hmea beyoia S;mpqtxGriteb s mnNOl and 5 iTi{'AeaGnnnell stal Raire iw duoaM^ IO pronettY asroge a econanr Ytss. ar+siri9 n a'ry rav irom :.ry xt ar mHSS:an d ere speekaty descired M a strtim prv,nsri: to 4us Agrc-amcri fi.tftwr perfe*Fn n Ine anaa whwe 7e RTZatni* ?n??nors cist unW ft uc+a " ttie Cusurne+ a S?mdaC?nnza •naung r. any wa, ic t*s Agree.t,enL nduMtp 5Ai1RMxGnn'N,'.Y wdg PL'Ifiom! 1hE SN+'ll'_BS dQ'.y:tYl)EQ ii1 tl'tl StorR 01 WOAS 9BCIbf1 has been ma0e sei•t, yy tt+e CUS70AtLR as oerl,faa n wnl rg 5!' ail OUI MII n'17A@f) lC tll,' S(3n4k!3 UM1dOr 1hiA A9fftltTlfiFi.SMeIhOY 3uf17 C'85T,4 Md i,'Servczs 1 fur ene or mnre smt?+ni;si or er,wqmn: as descnCun in Lhu SebOa oF iN.+E(landCll It?91?:Y7 dggtxY. MQ tltN C)JSTOM.R ShdA ?F3y vSiL(?0'Ji e?renses basc.? uea, rnnuau warraity. aart r,nrautling o.,t no: limitad !o ?:?ve a{rass" ?5'a4i ;..?c3ai u!+e &sted a".-c"r.:s I'Cc^rered Syswm,e?'f aM r?mctl¢atc?+ axpwt6es as Outxm,r+zd Dy 56:,1mGmndl_ nHJbqerce, s1rTi Gaaliry u d.dwvsse. SmnCIc.Grtnaeli resevves ths rgt; Ic selec, Tle CUSTO!.tER uuM prorlpthy naMyS,mplexGnmsl nl ary rtnttur0m m pip The CUi`DMER sl?mtl rdnmety ard hda SmpiezGtinr+rU ha^rv'ess br any tn r+,ueseM il n "surh actim CtwereJ Systemis3 which comey to Ufe C4'STOMEP, artenl.ui, damsge= resulting fmm A+e exposuto of wtvkcre to hamMua conOM1", FORCE MAJEURE Snis Ayree^+ent alisumfls thn wverbd Sysiem(5) sro in nperetiorel eM 'oCudinp d%naxs $7 bodily irMxy ta4.00• ploperN Cart'aqo. ami wf"WMW S+npczG+?-w?' .c'a9 rat ba mSpnrMbie ta blUrt Ic -iwic'er Se?vic85 due ID rmuvaura0le condf" as M ma AgreemX+t daie. II. jpQn ir'Ea1 irepacilm, aitrid;iea 6amaiiat, ard a-iy arorreys' taes aiid exvrt cOus inGw,ed fn cauaus osyrxd ns conaW. WbEhng tn¢ nn1 46led w nolc smApTgu+,lire,s, cM SnripNaxGrlnnelltletemunasthatrcpair5are?nmmnemlDd.zRqirr.hargeswillpe con'ewonwiNanysucharanl.whelM, arM1;ritheCJSTbAFERwenotlfies driLaO-olar.dob.?fion5.aLi5oiGed,ardnyuhel cau:e, -eyondft contml st:hmitied !aal,Vro+'al uni' n a;ry Wak. Snoudd s.NJi m0art wari: ee?acfined Si????:xGri?f of lhe exsb_rc6 0l :aM hazoodaUS o7nQfionS. d Si?plexGd,-oN 5(mprezGnrne15#ial b5 rNieved trom a,"y ane at ieoiq ar-.tang Nereirqm, T?* Rgr:ameT. Cees rmt Pmnde (.;r IAe ast M caMLrc o;ntaimwru ca WAIVER OF SUBROGATION tlispcmr of aqr mrerAdba waste maMei& x n!rt;irtloin rtAteneiA. Tr,e C01 rC1AER dms nereby. !er ILSCN and 211 a9hers ctaiming.h,rR urtlr.rthls Unlass eEhevisa spep5ed n this Agrewlenl any insOection;anC ?'specifv_+d. erxavn?enittin any cf tv Covere3 SYatenisi atIx ]uW0 pe:iwmarce et pp Agresi•?enL •tev;e 3,r7 CLrl•etge 5rcn.-*_.r_nNle9 trxn anci 4euat sA heiet[s *s2ngl Prootlti unde+ ths AgreSman, cc!s,iot jdude amr ma,Meerloe repairs. 5eroces. Seb rt+stor3f5 srNt at aa *,mrs rema,n ihE rrsperxbillay Ana pr,4jTi GsveraC 4Y tl+e CUSTOMER s;neirance.. r t,r.ing er,presly aVed arA o=icersixtl altarqtiMn, re"uamens oi parts, a eny 5ek1 aaJUSIMPms w7aGsce.?er, no, dces rt ?0e GJS fD?tER. SI?IaKGrinne?l shall rabe respanainle 4cr 1he tesC?tg. uu,r nr? inv.uar,? ?nny o? msurei WiB have any rigFa nf suoWnon agalrnl irklWU Lhe corree?.,:io,? of aey deNiyem*s iUerbired try 5 unA"MxGr6,ne8 !a J?e •_r„vd J• J,sQ?" al sudi nats3aw mberia+s Sim*,.Gr,+re'I. CIJST^.A1ER S?nWexG+irvieY shall nc# ce'as;,cnw'a'e lor eautccnertl f?iluR PAYYEM FAIIURE ONE-YEAR UMRATION ON IICTtOM5: ClIOICE OF U1W axam}g whde SimpteirCrtinneit is In ae plxes*S tcpbw-9 tc rostecaon tt LIv! Custc+*?ir lads to nukH ar,y payment wrien due. SimpiazGrvmoll shat it i6 aprue.d ttat no .utt. or cause d acdan ai uthar pmoeetlmq t;haN be txaght iechn?ques. wtw?re Me 1?b.?re a1xi msuks hom !tre a? c; c'?,?e:cence o1 ?e rsn hzve ttie rigM at 57nu+e:?GRnnN's sak disaation ro stw> P?i?r9 anY eqarwt eiuxr uanY !rcxe N? e* (1) Yar aflei :i? aceruat ??o ceuse of aceon a caw io nr,rtral vrew anG tcar '!us r,gacmant eoes nct :c%+er systems. Ssr.;xs unEl !ae otL•xrril rv a,mert. The wsbmafs taaurew make faYmwt (x me !1 ) year altrr E+e den, o ses. Axne+s+ s shsts,. wnietno, k+c»n x ev,;pnren0.. uarrpanErHS xyars ktuch, are Delowgrad0,bd!ind walLS dr Mher n^ie-i Qua ?s a meenel trre9ch ol !his Agta9menl. unknown whan liv clairn aueqscr wherP.r OcrseC On trxt, co'.7Lrar,t, rx ar•y aher ctsUra;li:ns or exwiu.l0 thr bu;lding. dedricai wiilng. eqd pping. L1NSIED WARft4NT1' 1a01 ficufy Fre laws of Massachusetts shaB grown Nrs vafi eNacrabiBly. AEPA{RSERVICESjIfSelty;lIeCpyG,starier, - • Slh?PLEXGRWNEL11JA4RANTSTHAtlT51VORKMANSNIPAND g?,riftrpnPaticnpfWgAgremnenl Whc•re tnz G,,illomfirr expressfy irxtu6es raqa4. iep4lcement, antl a+ncr6e?4y MATERkAL FURNISHED :.fNOER THIS AGREEMEry'T YIIL, BE FReE rROM pggIpNMENT respanst sarvkes i? Ne Sca,u ol Work sedia: cn the Ayeenvent ; ags such DEFECTS FOfl A PER10D OF NINETf(9p) DAYS FROM TNE OATE OF -r_ C,;;yT(?tdER m.By rof isgn +is Aga.ynCM wdtleLl $VmpltzGInneR'E plOr ierncr- aDOY onh! W Uro csmmanams or ewarriem d MxGoverec SYsstertxs) ; rr FURN15.1:ntG. wr,'ten :.cmspnl SmV?er"meR nie1' e9a9n Ihre Agaermrt b an alFpese vFthyd .4greerrk-; pnce 3;r.s MY. mcfiCe repr.ir5 to ihz Qvemd Sysla-N,s? ?etonme?ar,ad L'1"tfr2 Sanp`eiG!rx•2t previ9as 7ro&.ct a eQUprtwn; ut a!im, cNaning Ma CUSTOMER'S consP.n6 - Ry Sim;tiazUrnial.l d!FAnq ihE irrtel inspectbn, fur which SimpleHGr+nrrell will wlmm 5una'erGrMnep wlt vomarl Ihe {xoouci ar equomar+t on?y to Ihe ext0nt pEppRTg uqape:rJ?.t pnnnc mDstorre- anc as ta +luch SwirpkxGnrmNp vr.1 no! Droceed we"nmc hy sw_q R? ^c _:ar:y Wve inspe-tior a+dLv tes: sernces d2 selecte1. wch •mspi mdia Mst un1A Bu Cusymor eutcAZes sw,h w,vh and sCpraves're pripig. P.gl a WARRANTY DISCLAIMER sind pe xmpteiteC en SlrtiptesGnnmitrs men Wrrert Report bar, .`tiich shali be reploce^!enl ol ripn-maintounailn peRS a1 Rre Govrereq 5ystam(s) nrlucling, Wt roi `_XCEP7 AS EXPRESSLY SET FOR i N IifREI`!, S1d-r'LEXGRINNEIL qmr io fte CUSTQtAEfi, an'J. wiiero 3pplicade. Simple,KGARnWI may s?.?Sxnita Lm;tcd to %;Pd cdMne. +nsufa`.?ng materal elettricaJ wlrino. strtr.Wril9uppats. aM DtSCLA1M5 ALL WARRANTIES. EXPRESS 0R FMRIED. :AClU61NG $Jf oopy ryheac' ic ryle Ixal arthanty FaNrcg rsAkt+C'.1. The Rupo' a% aN oter nn. nwvr.; pa+ts. 6 ro?. incl;::?:i m?Ler rts kgruement. MGT LtMITED?O N,?y Il.iPL IEJ WApHN.TIES GF MERCHIU+TA61LlP' OR recommandaran; ey SanpiettG^vied m a*Av adviscry n natine arb ara LmiSndei This Aurcement eqsFsah exc:udes, wittrout Nmpanon'relxcEng of, ugrduing, aM FIThE55 FOR A FAP.TCU1.4A PJRFpSE WITH RESPECr rO THE pa assmt Vra CUSTOMER in rcduppig mo risk ?f krssto prc?Ny ?y inrkcenng mairtteinir.g cnmputa soRwa:e, maluvg raualr6 otrep2cemens mees5ihired by SEH1'ICES aERFOFMED OR'HE PNpDUCTS SYSTENS Cfi EOUIGME4T, ppop,ys de;I,-, 0• mp3rtran15 rar.E to4eSystetr, arq equ(si%nl 0s,x-tte? rea5mr4 rap;a^:s nr msuse o1 aar{„ qenls a• eN+iPlyam Uy Whf^s. ampars rx IF ANY. SUPPOk'E", HEAEUhDER S IMFiEkGR hhEL_ All NO an,& a cr.;tec. The; are no: iMerde:l :o inoy mx. roairier r.efrst5 or hazarC.v exist ropdaceTaents necesiitired 6y conos >7r j incluni:xg Cut +eoi I°mR.?O lo mlac- WMRAN7Y (Mt RFPRESEN7AT!ON, AND 11N0ERTHKES WO dBLiGATtON or iinm aII avreas o11he CmnmC 5yalernr-,7eQu?vtt:?+l, eM 03m{wnAnts Are bactnrlalir ttyii caruuoe 3IIC11. trgMning, slectricW smrn ?ore!her vioieM 10 E45URE BV T4E S£RNICES'EPFCR:MFO U.'YOEIt THtS AGR£EMEM?. u^ctr rorzp; a! me wne ot imiliclwn. F6ss1 rssryonsibliiry M, Ihe eardUion a c raa?her s-e.:,iZ ol God, a ay ar,y nMei ;ause teyaM 5Pr?; MsGn:neit s ca€?y. THAT SiMP.E7(G£aINNE'- f PFOOilCTS vN THE SYSTE45 Gft Opel cf ft CM+arua Sremm;sl +nd NJPqWta1d nan?a?eMS Ires wilh tfle rni:Aynarzmi ovesnu!coversys:em?4gra0esalho(9qao~ dobnofefa EfY`iPA1ENTOfTFiE?USTGRiERW1:ICORFECTLYHAPiOiETHE CUS'04?1ER sysiems, aqulamenl .:vinpanents u uxt5. PfIOCFSSlNC DF CiV?EkDAR GATES 9EF7RE UA AFTER D£CEAIOER 31, gEyERAgU7y EMERGENCY SERVICE EXCWSIDNS 14?4 - u any pmnk;n cF thisAgreer.,er+i 4 ?tnd vi ar.y Ow1 a o??er canyel- autr" I' Emergency Se+vrces n!e enprew,y mcl WeA m the ;cope o} ws4 secton. the UhRTAT10!{ OF LIA8ILRY; WQRAT10N5 OF REMEDY to p5 •r3.u o- u'wnlorceabM ,n vA+oIN or in pM IM1's Rgreemhtt xlll confinue to 6e Agroemcrn pnco Ates rai m.dude vaval eywses pany aoW Iabor diarg" requlred 14 w undersRwd a:xl agrmf 0y Me CUS f DIdER Ilni SmoettGirtmipU ic W-sn vaitl As to tt+z utl+ar urovisrure an6 Nie remsinder ol me eMUCkxI Urows:fln. as a t45,1 oEd?.'?JN!1. fue. 5tor-n, vr.i&n, neplrt)E!+eg. nasese. rantle?ism, povrar msuErand Eu-t irtsurailcy :wenn3 Gets" Mi?I ar-t Ixope'tYAamape on;+e LEGAI FEES Fdiiii?,: ?!!£?I }tUC*RUOfB, lal'UfftQ SU!k84.WU2 QuP N M'FSk11(lW%Ci°ni190 CJSTOVEas prcmisas snap Fu ^:xarrird !y,i)i- f.LSTGMEH. isai lhe Simdnrcmrrrou shnil De ordJtlec mTMver fim irye CuS!nner ao reRS01185de 1e0 h151211aCm. paits. senfCC, 3tiri[hments, or QB+^iCeS, ur any olherc.7usa caternal la Qu51aniP gWeES la IUUh mictueivaly to 1he CuslCmer sinsimx la reCOV¢r tqr 1968 41pGmsd M fAro+CC"n ntlh 5!mplgx6nhn911 eM7dng Ne tem7e 11'h."- tMQItiwlS Uhe CCvUrec 5ys,ell qurin a• dart+aqe ,n !he e+aatl a`any bss er mft,rf Cat tM amai PaYable m af thn agraflrtten.' SYSTEM EOUIPfkEfIT Smptzt,hrreA na=s.caer a,p n,rwi ooon :rre vaue uf the sar:ixs and The ' T+repurt:n:ise of eqwpmen! rn cwnplx!rai dehcea. (e-g., smoke Oetectors, passive seope cl riaeiliry sz! torth haren: ane ttiv Senpte?mm?? te n3i guaranlAang Simpt._%Gn3xuHl Prinled in U SA mfrereI 1-Nec.brt. ortl reade-. spnnkis syslar,, comporer',t5. ¢Mongmshcn. thas no tcmswl cu:u:. if. ;rnh!ths'arrdmg !na atme s'wuk] hasns. e!c.) fron Ser.zltzGrin-wli shr.l, Ee suhlac tc Ine rerms and cnnMiana dth5 awany labdi:y on the uai; af SimPlexGinr_M itlue lottie }why 0p.aa!wn af . . ,.. . Agreenxn: ;Y}I witStanWnp anq' dA4erEsl termS dnu avidNor& o 11s? Vie C0v'effld Sy4t0rc1(S), af fel!UfC 013fp 51"MGdMeil dOt7t:C. or IaihvB i0 ? CUSTGMEA's puKtseadev. II. m SinplesGrmtsll's snbe judgrnero, any pe?.arm pr rwglyeni ceriprmorqp p( SeMceF. a w1+eniii5e'•. s0n Irnhiriff pa,lpRC•:d tamir m C:'+or syeM_? trJ:npmart. *ht-n's attachm W ft CONn'e6 shtd; be;i?MIB?', L 3l amau"1 Cr.ta IC Pn A?=CP.fiflN pnoe ias iarseasm ty . §ylv¢m,5i.'Ah@ihP rt611u{aciLL19d 7J SIRplEACirfN181I p a Lh6Q pklrty, 111t8!(ChNS WiJ'; t7g ptee (pf 8fly d3dit"1 VFifkj 0l g'at&'d C:E Ilrt:tl 2fIC II1AiG!f8! (ByfPBfl2 :tie.WOper oners9or ofdie Co°rersd 5 p4enrils1. tTe CUSTCIAER shaU remave or leim s selectetl. C:"sts!ners nmran:f Rapo nI w Sim;EexcWinnert. rwa-x >sv+ Cemce a• eywoT*ri urpl:ln no5ce hem SimpsuGnnnel. Fail-re cf Ihe NA+e2 tlrs Agreemenl cown; muitivie wes Iwl;i ay ,ta0 Oe Iniec la tM CUST014ER tn rwow Ohe ?six sha??ns!iwte a malal bmac•h ofihia amount of Ihe payr. nnts n0aca8tam tlie srtn •xMre theinciEent o-rx:urmA. " - Aqretmrent. M the l'„:si OMER adds any Lwwd puuPj devke x ar,uiG+nent T tlie - - - Cavnre0 Sysaem;sl Smpleltfxnmie;l shaii v.i ne p;aemMr'a any aariar,e la a izaL-a or me %tena syst?_Hs; nLaec iry vn,me ar mp,,rt oy sua+ cnwp ar i ment Au p . CUSTOMER'S RfSPON5IB&1TiES ' S?ieCt%STOhlEefu!tneraq-asto. • pro.,7e Sln•ptexGiMpel! attess kt ihe CcvrBe SYalaP}lst ro Oe mviced; • ii,'okl suR3dE e19Cb1Cg SeP+1C6. htll, rlBet Nedtg 8RC ECBCuatE w810[ SUp'!'y. • Ofma:P, a 4fl1.! tYpfl( CIWi(dmCnt . . _ ?. . . ' - .. - • • ? . , _ Ar. ,. ,rn ^- . . . . . . . . • - NATIONAL ACCOUNT KITCHEN SYSTEM MAINTENANCE REPORT Y'yco/Fire & /Simplex&inne// Security ? INSTALLATION aMAINTENANCE RESTAURANT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM r ? INSTALLATION SIGN OFF (IF APPLICABLE) 5400 NoM"'" L'1i";`°0 SIGNATURE ";rx??+ois, MN 564?t_t463 P 7f:3-367-5000 '' 734 '?67 `'iM2 pATE L ? Customer Name J , Address ,. , SYSTEM Model, Size, Serial# -' # of cylinders including master ? Is system UL300 Compliant? [] YES ? NO EXPLAIN Number of link(s) and degree rating Energy shut-off devices - type and size Other accessory equipment observed (microswitches, alarms, etc.) Cylinder(s) Hydrostatic Test Date COOKINGNENTILATING EQUIPMENT Number of duct(s) and size, nozzles and type Hood size and plenum size, nozzles and type f Cooking Appliances and size of cooking surfaces. (NOTE: List appliances from left to right and indicate noules used for each). 1. ' 5. 2. 6. 3. ? 7. 4. 8. TO BE COMPLETED BY TECHNICIAN TO BE C4MPLETED BY CUSTOMER The fire suppression system is in accordance with the Ip YES ? NO manufacturer's instructions, NFPA Standard 96 and 17A I have received a copy of this maintenance repvrt and I (current issue), and all applicable state and local codes. understand it. Exceptions to the above codes that were observed are noted below: Exceptions: , Please note that the exhaust system must be cleaned in accordance with NFPA Standard 96 and is not the responsibility of SimplexGrinnell unless otherwise stated on this form. TECHNICIAN NAME SIGNATURE DATE 0 YES ? NO I understand that it is a requirement of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 96 and 17A that the fire suppression system be maintained semi annually to ensure continued efficiency and reliability de, may result in failure of the system o r e D CUSTOMER NAME AND T MAK 1 3 ?OOl ITLE lr" -r'> ?? f',,C 7 \IrC{ T?N Y, ?, I'7/1/I r7L' ? F SIGNATURE "'- DATE --[?- ? E] Compliant ? Non-Compliant SG0781 ITY OF EAGAN . P?rmit Wa ?15 Date: ???27 936 Qi:at Knob Road Meter No:Y '1-1471 70 l? Size: a`' De1+" 0. Box 21199 Reader Nt Date: agan, MN 55121 Chg: Zoning: COM*t No. of Units: Cub Food s Fee: - 10 nnnA 3rge: I agree to comply wilh the City of Eagan nt;, s;76 Wnd Ordina s. 8 WATER SERVICE PERMIT :AGAN Permit Na ? 0°5?, Knob Road B/P No: P, 5 ` 61 o M N 55121 x' 19'f 0 F,ncon Date: i-'7-ga Date: F, - 3 0-- R'? NCC: ' 0.450,.00nd Zoning• cnw - - ty Chg: 1 .9 ()f;. Of1 No. of Units: a^0 c I o :ct. Dep: I agree to comply with the City oi Eagan ?rmit Fee: 10• 00L'd Ordinances. ircharae: By SEWIER SERVICE PERMIT ?^- ao ao i ? ? O? ? ai ci o n i K+ C] ? a a ? O ?. ? u ?+ u ? t? ? w W ,a U ? ? ? a ? I? L Z ? a i' =+ ? ? ? 2 CC tTv a o = W Y N Z N U. p x v C a$ c m ? M m C d C1 ei d W Ocl) ? 0 ? ? V S7 O t ti° t - a E y V ? W = o N Z f O m C c:. Cj ? p u- m ? .2:, ? U y ? v aac'n ? ? ? W a W V ? ? W N cc W 3 W U) ?/?/8 3 ? This request void ?Z 18 months irom ? ?1 -7Qn 0i .2 9' 9 V.L 1 V VA- / p1 ' 71 Hequest Date L F i o. Rouph-in?lnspect?on Required. Ready Nuw W?II Nntrfy InsPec- ? ? '?/C5/88 ?Yes ?No ?or When Rea?yO D(Licensed Electrical Contractor 1 bereby request inspection ofp6ov electrical work installed a[: << Stree[ Address, Box or Route No. Cit ? + 1940 Cliff Lake Road Ea an ection o• Township Name or No. flange No. Cour Dakota OccuDAnt (PRINT) Phone No. Cub foods Power Suppller Addre55 Dakota Electric Farmin ton ' S License No. Electrical Contractor IComDany Namel Contractor Hilite Electric, Inc. dAr. Mailmp Address (Contractor or Owner Making Instailation) 953 Shawnee A r el SiBnat o acto Owner Making InstallatVonl Phone Number ? Tim Philli s 452-1565 MINNESOTA STATE BOARD Of ELECTIKCITY Griggs-Midwey Bldg. - Room N•191 1821 Universitv Ave.. St. Paul. MN 55104 Phone (612) 642-0800 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD UNLESS PROPER INSPfCTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. 3 , REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION . Es-oooo?-os .. p?- , See instructlons lor_completirvg thss form on back of Vellow copY. p??c3 -> ? E31", O "X" Below Work Covered by This Request 714 c--.,,wnt Wired qdd ReD. Type ot BuildinB ADaliances wirsa -,- . r r Service T Home Range y empo a Duplex Water Heater Lighhn,y Fixtures Apt. Building Dryei Electric Heatin + Silo Unloader X Commercial Bldy. Fumace Industrial 81dg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tdnk f -TT dihr, Pttci Y yl Dih[??r ISI??'r.t Farm Othi;r t .r Sur.ci(y Other L Fea $ 1 19125 Inspector, herehy certlly thet the abov inspection has been made. This roquest void 16 months lrom ?D./y,4LZ y f ?•t 0",/, S V?7 ?f' BLDG. PERMIT NO. - ?. 1 01-3210 Bldg. Permit r 4-51? U1-3422 Plan Check Z?q C? 01-3445 Surch./Adm. `J 01-3446 SAC/Adm. 10 4 ? 01-2155 Surcharge ? 75-3860 Road Unit ?j 20-2275 SAC •?,? 20-3865 Water Conn. ?i 20-3868 Water Trmt. •? , 8-7 ( C-v 20-3716 Water Meter 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permit ? 20-3743 Sewer Permit 79-3866 Sewer Conn. (, cl CK 28-3855 Park Ded. co J o 40 TOTAL .3 n;e snnM nREA CITY OF EAGAN N o .19654 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 /? BUILDING PER ?MIT? Receipt # ?' ? To be used for INrMiCR IMPRDVEMERr Est. Value $25, 000 Date SEP 6 , 1991 Site Address 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD Lot 1 Block _3_ SeGSut?LIFF LAKE CENTRE OFFICE USE ONLY PBfCBI NO. Occupancy . $-.2 FEES Zoning - w Name (ACtuaq Const _ eldg. Permil 252?0 o Address (Allowable) - Surtharge ? City Phone a ot scories - PlanReview 164_00 Length _ 4; Name SIECO CONSTRUCTION oepm - snc ciry 82 ? Address 2740 315T AVE S s.F.rotai , - ¢ City MPLS Phone 721-4456 S.F. Footprin45 _ SAC, MCWCC W t C On Site Sewage er a onn ?w Ndll'IB OnSitaWell t M - W ?w Address Mwcc system er eter a _ ?z cW City ph cirywater Acct. Oeposit - - PRV Required _ S/VJ Permil I hereby acknowlege Ihal pn and state that the Booster Pump - SrW Surcharge inbrmation is correct antl y all applicable State of Minnesota StaWtes and Citc s. i @ 7raatmeM PI SignatUra af Pemlitee APPROVALS Road Unit CONSTRUCTION A euilding Permit is is e , Planner - park Detl, on the eapress condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Councii - appiicable State of Minnesota StaNtes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Bldg. Off. Copies Building Oflicial pffiq_VA4 _C ? ? Variance _ TOTAL 42$. :)v CUB FOODS BUILDING I To 6e used for - CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55721 PHONE: 454-8100 Est. Value $600.00 No 16228 Receipt # C ?-? Date MARCH 28 1 989 Site Address 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD Lot 1 Block 1 Sec/Sub. CLIFF LAKE OFFICE USE ONLY Parcel No. E Oaupancy ?-2 FEES Zoning - w Name CUB FOODS (Aquap Const _ 61dg. Permit 18.00 Address 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD (Allowable) - .50 o Surcharge City EAGAN Phone 454-4606 a m stories - 80, Plan Review Lenqth o Name SAME Depih Ciry SAC i ?Q Address S.F.TOtal - , SAC,MCWCC ? Clry Phone S.F. Foatprints - Water Conn On Site Sewage _ ww Name On Site Well - Water Meter x? 1 Address MWCCSystem - Mi 4. City Phone caywater - Acd. Deposit SNV P rmit PRV Required - e I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the ' Booster Pump - SiW Surcharge intormation is correct and agree o ply-w ? a licable State of Minnesota Statu[es and C ity of ga in s. ? ` Treatmenl PI , Sign2lure Of Pefmitee n/? APPROVALS Road Unit A 6uildinq Pertnit is issued to: Planner - park Ded. on the ezpress condition ihat all ork shall be done in accordance with all Council - 6 00 applicable State of Minnesota S[atutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Bldg. Off. _ Copies . . ,/ BufldingOifiCial _(V1T11 C\.) .ti?e'! 11 Varianrs - TOTAL 24.50 l CITY OF EAGAN N° 15 2 8 7 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-8100 Receipt ? 15 # 7o be used for CUB FOODS Est. Value 2.1 mil lion Date JUNE 30 ,1988 Site Address 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD Lot 1 Block 1 Sec/Sub. CLIFF LAKE CENTRE Parcel No. a Name CUS FOODS ; Address 127 S WATER ST 0 CitySTILLWATER phone 439-7200 Name RYAN CONSTRUCTION CO 0 ?a Address 900 2ND AVE S a City MPLS Phone 339-9847 OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage - Occuvancy B-2 MWCCSystem X_ Zoning PD CSC OnSitaWell _ (Actual) ConstiI_N SPRIN Ciry Water (Anowable)V-1 HR SPRIN PRV Required _ # of Stories 1 Booster Pump _ Length 302' Depth 255' S.F.Total 71720_ Footprint S.F. 671 50 APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Permit 5?1800_ Planner Surcharge -430 Council _ Plan Review 2 ??0 BIdg.Off SAC,City Variance _ SAC, MWCC -lQ14$_Q-:' Water Conn. Water Meter RoadUnit 7,269_ ireatment Pi 3.876 Parks TOTAL 33,125 Name City I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is crnrect and agree to compty with all applicahle State of Minnesota Statutes and Cit of agan Or an s. Signature of Permittee _ 7tiJ _ A euilding Permit is issued fo: RYIN CONSTRUCTION CO_ on the express condition that all work shall be done in accortlance with all applicable State otMi_nne.sotna StaNtes and Ciry of Eagan Ortlinances. BuildingOfficial?LL]].?d?..l- r ? CITY OF EAGAN NO- 15 0 5 9 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:454•8100 ??g? BUILDING PERMIT Receipt# To be used for FOUNDATION Est Value Date KAY 24 ,19 $8 Site Address Lot 1 E Parcel No 940 CLIFF i.AKF Sec/Sub. a Name CUB FOODS W z Address 127 S WATER ST 0 City STILLWATER Phone 439-7200 o Name RYAN CONSTRliCTION CO oa Address 900 SECOND AVE S U? City MPLS Phone 339-9847 U ?y ww U? aZ aw Name _ Address Cilty _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct antl agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes antl City of Eagan Ordinan? Signature of Pefmittee _ A Building Permit is issu o: RYAN CONSTRUCTION CO on ihe express contlition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Sta1tutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. BuildingOlficial.?.IN?f. R.?,1(d?X(. OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage _ Occupancy B-2 MWCCSystem _ Zoning On Site Well _ (ACtuap Const City Water _ (Allowable) PRV Raquired - # ot Stories Booster Pump _ Length 290' Depth 247' S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Permit 43.50 Planner Surcharge Council Plan Review Bltlg. Off. SAQ City Variance SAC,MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks 43.$0 TOTAL INT"L BANKING TECHNOL06IES CITY OF EAGAN _ -' 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 N? 15751 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-8100 Receiptx To be used for TENANT IMPROVEMENT Est.Value $40,000 Date OCTOBER 19 ,1 988 SiteAddress 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD Lot 1 Block 1 SeGSub. CLIFF LAKE CNTR Parcel No. x Name CUB FOODS w 3 z Address ° City STILLWATER phone o Name Ryan Construction oa Addrass 900 Second Ave 5 : City Mpls phone 339-9847 F? ww Nan ? z z, Add aw City I hereby acknowledge that I have read information is correct and agree lo c? Minnesola Statutes and.C,4 of Eagan that the Stafe of Signature of Permitiee?V_,? A euilding Permit is is tl to:_ RYAdCQNST&IICTI.ON on the express condition tha[ all work shall be done in accortlance with all applicable State ol? /Minnesota Statutes yanyd? City of Eagan Ordinances. BuildingOfficial OFFICE USE ONLY OnSiteSewage _ Occupancy B=2 MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ (AC[ual) Const Ciry Waler _ (Allowable) PRV Fequired _ u of Stories Booster Pump _ Length Depth S.F. To[al Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES 316.00 Enga/ASSess. Permit Planner Surcharge 20.00 158.00 Council _ Plan Review BItlg.Off. SAC. City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Me[er Road Unit Trealment P1 Parks 494 00 TOTAL . Apptication For Fireworks Sales And Storage City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 Telephone #:651-675-5675 Fax #:651-675•5694 :f?e 0 ,:AsI?"4onl g3q37 ?/oc.'.6b qD EC?I?OME",H: 2 2 700F , Apnlicant requirements 1. This application must be complated and ratumed at least 30 days prior to sales andlor storaga of fireworks. 2. A letfer from the property awner granting permisslan to the applicant to sell and/or store flrewarks on Uhe properfy shall accompany the applicatian, 3. A floor plan designating [he area whare the flreworks will be snld andlor stored shall accompany the appiication. A. A list of (he fvewor{cs thai will he sold and/or stnred elong with the name, weight, quanGty, and materisl sefety data sheets (MSDS) shall be included, 5. A copy of the certificate uf insurance covarege as per Clty af Eagsn City Ordinence No. 387, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Flreworke is required. 8. Fee upon epplieation for retail sellers selling excluslvely consumer freworks-$350; sll other retail sellers-$100 per vandor annually payabie ro the City of Eagen. 7. The Fire Mershal or his/her designee will Inspect the proposed location for seAing andlor sWring fireworks ta deteRnine iP it is a suitable locetion. 8 A criminal tac:ord check will he done on all applicanis, 9. A mpy of the Cily of Eagan license (permit) shall be displayed by tha repister. Qata: Appllcant street aaareas: , ??? ? State: Zlp: Telaphone #: ?ad F 4/0W '? - ?'Sl,?l? city: BusinessName: _ eag r"03 Telephone#: Disp{ayAddress: /9Yo C/•r'rl /,* ,(?e ,?d. Retail saller selling exelusively eonsumer flreworks: /XYas _ No X Indonr Sales _Outdoar Sales Dates: to to to Tempo2ry outdoor event means an exhihidon or sale wlth a duradon of 10 condrwoue days a less which does not accur mare ihan once every 30 eays end more tlien thrae fimes per year nr a combinaUOn of 20 days tota( in a calendar year. (See Outdonr Seles of Frswoncs) Fea: Outdoor Sales-$350.50 All other retail sellers-$100.50 Flreworks are regulated by MN Statutes 824.2D-fi2a25. In adddon W these state lews, s1i displays. sales, atorage and usa of flreWOrks shall comply with City of F.agan Ordinence No. 987, 3ectian 8.53 Fmeworks and NFPA 1124 Standsrds. I understand and agree Fa comply wfth ell ihe proviaion6 of this app " tion a the requlrem8?Its ef !he issuing authority, ? Aoolicant Sinnat? W4,/ C u i3 r vo?s . F1reularks Application Page 2 of 9 Tennessen Waming License Application Minnesota law requires that you be informetl of the purposes and Intended uses of the informatian yau provide to the City of Eegan (the City) during the license appHaation process. Any informaUon about yourself that ynu provide to the City during the licensa application process wdi he used to identify you as en applicant and ta assass your qualifieations for selung fireworks wlthin the City. If you wish to be considered for a permit to sell fireworks, you are required to provide the infarmatlon requeated in the permit application. If you refuse to supply Infarmation requestetl hy tha City, it may mean that your applicaiion wiil not be cons(dered. Alf indivi Is in the C(ty who need to know information will hava access. Z2- plicant Signature Date Authorization and Consent for Release of Information freely end volunWrily authorize the City of Eagan fo conductan Name af individual authorizing release invesfigafion to obtsin the following informatlon for the purpnse of determining my eligibillty for a permit to seli frreworks: Name: tiA Last First Middle L/ Date of Birth: ?24- privePS License #: ?/?? U Y3?"?I l State ? I also release the City of Eagan from any and ell liability fnr fts receipt and use of infortnation and records rewived pursuant to (his eonsent, I further acknoWledqe that I have carefully read this release, fully understand its femis and legal signfficance, and execute It voluntarily, Executed this e-l-? day of 200 ? ? ? . ' Signature ,. , , Fireoiorks Application Page 3 of 9 ?QFFIC4"tlS.9 ONLY DO NO,,T, WRITE BELOW fiHIS,LINE Tha Polfce Depart%pnl has conducted a criminal background oheck on the aforementionetl applicant Comments: % ent Rap sen?atirre Date Conditlons of Issuance; Background chack completed and approved by. EPO: ? Yes _ No Zoning approval ? Yes No Facility inspection camplete and all violations corracted :??-Yes _ No Insurance policy approved ? Yes Nc License approved by C Qate approved: 6-6? OZL MEMORANDUM EAGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 651-675-5700 651-675-5707 FAX DATE: June 4, 2008 TO: City of Eagan - Darrin Bramwell FROM: Sgt. Steve Bolluyee?Z4 SUBJECT: Background for Fireworks Application - Cub Foods The Eagan Police Department has conducted a background investigation as authorized by the applicants Authorization ior Re/ease oflnformation. A review of the applicant's criminal history, local police contacts andlor records, driving status, and warrant history was completed. After completion of the background for the license applicant, the police department finds no cause to deny the application. Cc:08-3008 ACORD,. 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUEDATE 05/28120D8 PRODUCER This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights MCGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS INC upon the Certiicate Holdec This Certificate does not amend, extend or atter the , P.O. Box 10265 . coverage afforded by the policies below. Birmingham, AL 35202 205-252-9871 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Company Crum & Forster Specialty Ins. Co. INSURED Company American Promotional EvenLS, Inc. B dba TNT Fireworks P.O. Box 1318 Company Florence, AL 35631 C Company D Company E This is to certify that the policies of insurance descri6ed herein have 6een issued to the Insured named herein for the policy period indicated. Nohvithstanding any requirement, term or condition of con tract or other document with respect to which this certificate may 6e issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, conditions and exclusions of such policies. LimiLS shown may have been reduced by paid claims. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE LIMITS OF LIABILITY LT EXPIRATION A GENERAL lIABIL7TY GL0711070 1110112007 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 IM commeI Generaiuaoirty 11101l2008 FIREDAMAGE $ 100,000 ? peims Matle 0 Ocwrrence ?Qwners'enaCOntrectore'Pmtection MEDICALEXPENSE $ EXCLUDED [M sia:SSqooo PERS. AND ADVERTISING INJURY $ 1,000,000 ? GENERALAGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GeoeraipggregateLimitapoIiespac PRODUCTSANDCOMP.OPER.AGG. $ 2.000,000 ZPollcy ? Project Dr,ocation AUTOMOBILE LIABILITV COM8INED SINGLE LIMIT $ ?AnyAu[amobile ? All O d A t BODILYINJURY Per erson $ wne u omobiles ?su,eduiadanomontas BODILYINJURY Peraccident $ ? Hired AulwnI PROPERN DAMAGE Per accident $ ? Non-ownetlAUtomoblles COMPREHENSIVE 13 COLLISION WORKERS' COMPENSATION WC Statutor Limit Otfier AND EMPLOYER5' LIA8ILITY EL EACH ACCIDENT $ EL DISEASE Each em lo ee ? EL DISEASE Polic Limit $ EXCESS LIABILRV EACH OCCURRENCE $ ?OCCUrtence ?CiaimaMatla , AGGREGATE $ $ $ $ $ $ This certifcate only applies to INSIOE THE STORE SALES OF MINNESOTA APPROVED FIREWORKS @ CUB FOODS WEST #30294, 194D CIIFF LAKE ROAD, EAGAN, MN, 55122. The Cer[ifica[e Holtlers are named as Addi tional Insureds with respect to General liability as required by written contract su6ject to policy terms, conditions, and exclusions. CERi1FICATE HOLDER SHOULD ANY OF 7HE ABOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES 8E CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMEDTO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO 50 SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILIN OF ANV KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. CITY OF EAGAN Authorized Representative 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 USA ...0 . ....?r.? ea e 1 ot i cenincalts io x LKHCSM9Y • - REPRINT - PACK LIST - REPRINT - 21369 Order #: 688707-53 -00002 Chain Store Sales-Wisconsin Order Dat e: 4/4/08 CUS T PO: Terms: Net 30 Days S LSMN: Chain Sto res - East Sold To: 1356949 Ship To: 1201461 - CB130294 SUPERVALU - CUB FOODS CUB FOODS WEST 30294 PO BOX 125 1940 CL IFF LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, hIN 55440 EAGAN, MN 55122 Desc/Case Packing Item Quanti ty Selling Suggested CP # Ordered Units - Sell Price ----------- ------------------------------- **,r*******,r*********+++**?? ---------------------- Novelties --- ----------- **?+****?** - *****,r,e*?*** TNT 2 PAK SNAP FDP J06 320404 1 CS 315 PK 1.00 315/2/50 27736017515 ****?*,r**??+**,r**?+******** Sparklers *****??+**? *??*++****** #8 GOLD SPARKLER US FLAG-FDP 380095 1 CS 120 PK 2.00 120/6/6 27736014521 *****+??**?**+?+**.,*,e****** Counter Cases r??,r,e?***+r **+****?,r**,r DSP - AG #12 J08 671271 3 CS 3 CS 2431.48 1/1 Containing: FREEDOM PAK TRAY S/S-AG 101101 54 EA 54 EA 20.99 8/1 27736013050 PROUD EAGLE PAK S/S-AG 101102 36 EA 36 EA 29.99 4/1 27736013067 PARTY PAK SS COM J07 101626 24 EA 24 EA 15.99 12/1 27736004577 THUNDERBOLT BAG S/S PDQ 100719 48 EA 48 EA 6.97 24/1 27736006908 AMERICA'S BEST PAK 5/S-AG 101103 21 EA 21 EA 54.99 3/1 27736013074 ICED OUT J07 200747 30 EA 30 EA 6.99 18/1 27736019977 SUPER VALUE PACK J07 200722 36 EA 36 EA 9.99 12/3 27736017775 MINI CALIFORNIA RKT FTN J 200743 108 EA 108 EA 2.99 4/36/4 27736019908 CAL ROCKET FTN - BAG OF 4 200500 90 BG 90 BG 5.47 2/30/4 27736007622 FOUR PAK FTN $8.99 200560 36 PK 36 PK 8.99 12/4 27736016389 ASST SNAKES BAG OF 8 BOXES 320333A 90 BG 90 SG 1.99 3/30/8/5 27736015764 GROUND BLOOM FLOWER-30 CT 290066 45 EA 45 EA 4.97 2/15/30 27736010899 SMOKE BALLS - BOX OF 12 - 350086 144 BX 144 BX 2.00 4/24/12 27736012244 14" DOUBLE PAK MORNING GLO 380211 162 PK 162 PK 1.00 4/54/12 27736017522 DUST DEVIL 200724 18 EA 18 EA 5.99 15/1 27736017768 Page No 1 REPRINT - PACK LIST - REPRINT Order #: 688707-53-00002 .Desc/Case Packing Item Quantity Selling Suggested CP # Ordered Units - ---- Sell Price ------------ ------------------------------- SIGN - NO SMOKING (SPAN/EN -------------- 730099E ----------- 6 EA --- ---- 6 EA 0.01 1/1 PATRIOT PACK BAG-S/S 101194 54 EA 54 EA 9.99 12/1 27736013043 DSP COMPLET CMBO 3 HUTCH S 931315 3 EA 3 EA 0.01 1/1 ?**?***?******+**?*******r* Promotional Supplies *****?********+*?*****r PALLET WRAP, BLUE JOS 730409 1/1 Case Totals: Total Pallets: Total Repack Cases: 3 CS 3 EA 0.01 5 CS CS Page No 2 BOU No: 688707 TNT Fireworks Put Pro Number Sticker Here Bill of Lading - REPRINT Shipper: 22069 Sales Assoc: Chain Stores - East TNT WAREHOUSE - WISCONSIN CUST PO #: 223 COiINTY HIGHWAY A Order #: 688707-53-00002 BLACK RIVER FALLS, WI 54615 Route: MN WLSL Lic #: Zone: 435 Stop: Vendor #: 5649728 Freight Code: Sold TO: 1356949 Ship To: 1201461 Si7PERVALU - CUB FOODS CUB FOODS WEST 30294 PO BOX 125 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 EAGAN, MN 55122 SFM #: SFM #: Phone #: 651-454-4606 *****?*****??********?*******????????+********??++?******?+?***?***??**?******++ Emergency Response Nbr: (800)255-3924 Payment Terms: Net 30 Days ???*+**?*,??*r?*?***??r?**?*?++**,r?,r,r**,r?????**,r*,r*,r**??*??****??*???*******++?+*** HM Description of Articles Weight Shipping # of Cases Class Pieces X FIREWORKS, 1.4G, UN0336, PG II 902 LBS 85 3 [X] NOVELTIES - NMFC 64300-02 77 LBS 85 2 [X] Totals: 979 LBS 5 **********?******??r*???????????????*****?***r*++,r*?*+****?********?***?****??++ Net Explosive Mass: 226 LBS *?**?******************************+?**+********?*???******?+?*******?*?*?*****? Checked By: Received By: Delivered By: Order: Ship To: Sold To: Received Date: Placards Tendered By: Delivery Instructions Page No 1 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Consumer Fireworks SECTION 1- IDENTITY: Consumer Fireworks at Retail Locations Im orter's Name American Promotional Events/I'NT Fireworks Emergency Telephone Number Normal Business Hours - 800-243-1189 After Hours - ChemTel - 800-255-3924 Address Co orate Office 4511 Helmn Dr. Florence, AL 35630 SECTION 2- Hazardous In redients/Identi Informatlon Consumer fueworks contain various mixhues of oxidizers and fuels, and are designed to bum and produce visible and audible effects when they are caused to ignite by a user. The oxidizers include potassium niuate, strontium nitrate and potassium perchlorate. Fuels include charcoal, sulfur, starch, and aluminum. All chemical composition is contained witliln the device, and there should be m;n;mal-to-no exposure to the chemicals under noimal conditions of handling of the type typically involved in retail sales operarions. The chemical mixtures aze stable to temperahues up to at least 250°F, and no ignition of these devices should occur during noanal handling, Vansportation, movement, and storage. A match or other flame or heat source is required to ignite the fuse on the devices in order to cause the devices to o ente. SECTION 3- PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boilin Point N/A Specific Gravit (H20-1) N/A Va or Pressure mm H N/A Melting Poin[ N/A Vapor Density (AIR=1) N/A Evaporation Rate But 1 Acetate = 1 N/A - All solids Solubili in Water: sli t Appearance and Odor: All chemical com osition is contained inside a cazdboard or other container SECTION 4- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Poim (Method Used) Ignition te erature exceeds 250°F Flammable Limits N/A - no vapor resent LEL N/A UEL N/A Extin uishing Media Water Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Evacuate the azea if a fire reaches the fireworks and they begin to bum vigorously. Allow sprinklers to funcdon, iFpresent- they should control the fire. Othenvise, evacuate the area and await arrival of fire fihters. Unusual Fue and Explosion Hazards - Suffoca6on meWods should not be used - the devices contain their own oxygen. Use a strong water flow instead. A fue that has reached consumer fireworks may produce substantial smoke as well as flame, sparks, and buming projectiles. Once cousumer fueworks begin buming, all persons must immediately evacuate the area. Only fue fightecs wearing appropriate safety equipment should ever consider appmaching an area where consumer fireworks aze on fire. Remote firefighting methods should be use whenever possible. Where conditions pemut, it may be advisable to allow the fueworks to burn to com leqon - tlus will greatl s' lify clean-u efforts. SECTION 5- REACTIVITY DATA Stability Unstable Conditions to Avoid: Open flames, hot surfaces, Stable X rough handling Incom atibiliry (Materials [o Avoid) none Hazardous Decom osition or Byproducts Considerable smoke ma be roduced in a fire Hazardous Ma Occur Conditions to Avoid: N/A Polymerization Will Not Occur X SECTION 6- HEALTH HAZARD DATA Routes of Entry Inhala[ion N Skin N In estion N Health Hazards Health hazazds should be minimal - all chemical composition is contained (Acute and Chronic) inside sealed devices. If leakage occurs and contact with skin occurs, be sure to wash hands rom tl , and before eating or drinkin . Carcinogenici NTP N/A IARC Mono hs N/A OSHA Regulated N/A Signs and Symptoms N/A of Ex oswe Medical Conditions None, except in case of fve. Smoke exposure is then khe greatest possible Generally Aggravated concem (in addition to fire). b Ex osure Emergency and First Evacuate azea if a fire reaches the &reworks. If smoke inhalation occurs, remove Aid Procedures ersons to fresh air and contact emer ency medical services SECTION 7- PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps to Be Taken in Cautiously pick up the spilled devices and place them in a marked container. Case Material is Contact your American PromotionaUTN1' representadve for removal Released or S illed insuvctions. Waste Disposal Method Contact your American Promo[ionallT'NT representauve for disposal informarion. Precautions to Be Taken Avoid extreme temperahues, open flame and spazks, and rough handling in Handling and Storing Other Precautions Intentional misuse/mischief poses the greatest concern with these devices in a retail setting. Moniror the fireworks display area on an ongoing basis, and keep young children, intoxicated peraons, and any time of open flame out of the fireworks azea. No smokin is ever ermitted near fueworks. SECTION 8 - CONTROL MEASURES Res irato Protection (Specif T e) N/A - no va or or dust ex osure with intact items VentilaUOn L,ocal Eachaust N/A S ecial N/A Mechanical General N/A Other N/A ProtecUVe Gloves - not required for retail sales E e Protecuon N/A Other Protective Clothin ui ment - none re uired for retail sales Work/H ienic Practices - wash hands after handlin fueworks and before ea ' or drinkin 2 TNTO FIREWORKS Site Plan Worksheet ADDRESS N 'K) Li t 4 (A tCQ (6 6u-?, CITY STATE /L4A) ZIP S IZZ,i PHONE vJI "f'Sf' 4M6 STORE NAME 1 LOCATION # CJVkKl TYPE OF EVENT: In-store sales of state•approved fireworks 4ti p l4' rcacS ca V St?F ?4?? 4 00 G Q?A n 1 ? L ,4 uk SOUTH SPECIAL INSTURCTIONS ? ' ? SIGNAT t-'t't'`-' STORE MANAGER/TNTO Representative 1 ? TE ??? ?? J, so- So 2006 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS rERMiT arrLicnTiorr 046(-?! City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications cut sheets on materials and com onents to be used Date / 2O / 0 -'?- Site Address: //,? %w' Tenant / Building Name: The Applicant is: _ Owner Contractor _ Other PROPERTY OWNER fi,?ejP-e,- Address: 441<? City: State: IWA? Zip: CONTRACTOR /1 MN License #: Address: QL1) ?te? ? TQ State: PAI Zip: Phone #: ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: FIRE PERMIT TYPE: k Sprinkler System (# of heads Mj _ Fire Pump _ Standpipe O,?t1?er: f?%P /?.t?"? 2? ? .?//'?l ?14s'/ ?`?' Gf?"?- ?"t?P?i? Cl fL? C! ?- ?l- / ?-?? GCX'>L ?'2DDCCCG L'E7Pl ?-- ' hZr?/??'?-[_ WORK TYPE: _ New _ Addition X Alterations Remodel Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: x Commercial Residential Educational Other: ? a Please continue on reverse side PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Minimum Fee (includes S[ate Surcharge) 7 i Contract Value $ x .Ol • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per $1,000 Permit Fee .?7 _ $ G c5 A-? Permit Fee State Surcharge 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $167.00 TOTAL FEE: ? $ 50. I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and ordanc e ith the approved plan in the case of work is not to start without a permit; that the work wil72z*"In work which requires a review and approval of plansLiwe?,?%? Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature WRITE BELOW THIS LINE : Clty of Eapn - ---------i ? FOue?? i ? Permd#: ?U I ? Permd Fee: 'oD ? I I ? I Date Received: I I ? I j Staff: I L -----------------I d' ;z -?? /-4"? /'1-16 S?p 2008 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: S S'teA¢dress: jI40 ??-? ? a?L-() ?A Tenant Name: LYL] Mc, (Tenant is: New /4 Existing) p Suite #: i PROPERTY OWNER Name: Phone: Address / City/ Zijo. Ub Li2dt N Cfi) ? . / Applicant is: '? Owner _ ontracror n I c TYPE OF WORK Description ofwork. Construction Cost: 'Att-06k 4G&N`FIbkeT19R Name: License #: Address: ? J I ? City: State Zip: 1 rq (y C ' VJ lL l ? Phone: Contact Person: ARCHITECT / Name: egistration #: ENGINEER Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service: Phone #: be pubhc:in#ormaSon; Portioqs of , .;;NOTE: Plans and sGppotYing'alocurirents thaf you submif ar'e considered to , i L would 79mif #he City ' the information may de cfassrfied as non-public,ii you provide speusc reasons th l ' ? are iradesecrets e ? Nconduc(e that the . , = I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and COdeS of the City of Eagan; that I' understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to stad wRhout a pertnit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval,6f p,lans. X Lj NnJ4 ?zF?- I ApplicanYs Printed Name {Cpp icanYs Signature ss?7t Page 1 of 3 ? DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 1 ? SUB TYPES: ? Foundation ? Public Facility ? Accessory Building ? Apartments ? Commercial / Industrial ? Eut. Alteration-Apartments ? Lodging ?Greenhouse ? Ext. Alteration-Commercial . ? Miscellaneous ? Antennae ? Ext. Alteretion-Pu61ic Facility ? Nail Salon WORK TYPES: L7 New ? Interior Improvement ? Siding ? Demolish Building" ? Addition ? Move Building ? Reroof ? Demolish Interior ? Alteration ? Fire Repair ? Demolish Foundation ? Replacement ? Windows ? Water Damage ' Demolition (entire building) - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION: o? Valuation Occupancy 1k MCES System ? Plan Review Code Edition Z,r06 SAC Units Z (25%_ 100% ) Zoning City Water Census Code --r Stories ? Booster Pump ? # of Units -? Square Feet PRV # of Buildings Length - Fire Sprinklers lJ Type of Const. Width ? - REQUIRED INSPECTIONS • Footings (new bldg) Sheetrock Footings (deck) ,/ Final/C.O. Footings (addition) Final/No C.O. Foundation HVAC Drein Tile Other: Roof: _Ice & Water ? Final Pool: Footings . Air/Gas 7ests Final Framing Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Fireplace:_R.I. _A irTest _Final Windows Insulation ReWining Wall Final C!O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present. _ Yes _ No Reviewed By: V µ.?, ' , Building Inspector Reviewed By: . Planning COMMERClAL FEES: Base Fee t 3Ci+ 00 Surcharge Plan Review SAC-MCES SAGCity S/W Permit SNV Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) IF Financial Guarantee Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Lateral Street Water Lateral Other Total Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Page 2 of 3 ?152 Application For Fueworks Sales And Storage City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Raad, Sagan, MN 55122 Telephone #: 651-675-5675 Fax #: 651-675-5694 ?:f?e n? ,: `+es;! +only A12alicant raquirements 7. This appiication must be completed and returned at least 80 days priar to sales andJor storage oF firewnrks. 2. A letter from the property owner granfing permisslon to the applicant to 5e91 and/or store fireworks on the prnperty shall accompany the appficatian, 3. A 91oor plan dasignaUng the area where !he Flreworks will he sold andlor stored shall accompany the appficatian. 4. A list of the fiieworks that wfll be sold and/or stnred along with the name, weight, quanAly, and materisl saFefy data sheets (MSDS) shall be included. A capy of the cerf(ficate of insurance covere8e as per Clty of Eagan Ctty Ordinance No. 387, Ghapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. , 8. Fee upon appliration for retail sellers selling exclus(vely consumer fireworks-$350; sll other retail seflers-$100 per vendor annually payable m the City of Eapen. 7. The Fire Marshal or his/Fier designes will InspeCt the proposad lacation for selling and/or storing flreworks to determine ff iS is a suitable locatlon. A A eriminal recofd chaGk will ba done on all applicants. 9. A copy of the Cily of Eagan licansa (permit) shall be displayed by the reglster. Date: Appllcant f A"3oZ9-/ StreatAddress: l5'YO C/,V 44k-r _City; 21". 3qte: rYln? Zip: SSi22 Telephone#i: ( Business Name: aL fad' 7elephone#: ( Qisplay Address; Retail seller selling exWuSively conaumer fireworks: _Yes -XIndoor Sales `OutdoorSales Dates: to ,,? No to MAY 0 4 2007 to 7emporary ouWaor event means an exhlbiNon ar sale wlth a duratlon af 10cantinuous days or iess which does not accur mare than once every 30 days and more than threa iimes per year or a canhinaUOn of 20 days Ootaf in a calendar year. (See Outdoor Sa1es af Fireworks) Fee: Outdoor Sales-$350.50 All other retail sellers-$100.50 Flraworks are regulated by AAM Sbtutes 82420-624.25, in additlon to these state lews, ali displays, sales, storage end use of firreworks shatl cpmply with City of Eagan Ordinanca Na. 987, Section 8.53 FirewoAcs and NFPA 1724 Standsrds. I understand and agree ta compiy wfth All the provieions of this pli ,aYlon nd the reqWrements of the issuing authority. `-' -_. ... . - REPRINT - PACK LIST - REPRINT - •21369 Order #: 549091-53 -00002 Chain Store Sales-Wisconsin Order Dat e: 3/26/07 • CUST PO: Terms: Net 30 Days SLSMN: Chain Stores - East Sold To: 1356949 Ship To: 1201461 - CB130294 SUPERVALU - CUB FOODS CUB FOODS WEST 30294 PO BOX 125 1940 CLIFE LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 EAGAN, MN 55122 Desc/Case Packing Item Quantity Selling Suggested ------------- CP # Ordered Units Sell Price -- ------------------ ******?******?:?*********** ------------------------- Novelties ------------ *********** - --------- ***********? TNT 2 PAK SNAP FDP J06 320404 1 CS 315 PK 1.00 315/2/50 27736017515 **************?************ Sparklers *******+*** ************ #8 GOLD SPARKLER US FLAG-FDP 380095 1 CS 120 PK 1.87 120/6/6 27736014521 **********•**r*********???+ Counter Cases ********+?* ***+*«****** LARGE SS DISPLAY -AG J05 671019 2 CS 2 CS 2358.92 1/1 27736016181 Containing: PATRIOT PACK BAG-S/S 101194 72 EA 72 EA 9.99 12/1 27736013043 FREEDOM PAK TRAY S/S-AG 101101 80 EA 80 EA 19.99 8/1 27736013050 PROUD EAGLE PAK 5/S-AG 101102 40 EA 40 EA 29.99 4/1 27736013067 AMERICA'S BEST PAK S/S-AG 101103 24 EA 24 EA 49.99 3/1 27736013074 SIGN - NO SMOKING (SPAN/EN 730099E 4 EA 4 EA 0.01 1/1 DSP LG COMPLETE-50% SAVING 930086 2 EA 2 EA 0.01 1/1 SMAI,L SS DISPLAY-W/GBF J07 671188 1 CS 1 CS 2293.60 1/1 27736017851 Containing: DSP SMAI,L COMPLETE-50% SAV 930102 1 fiA 1 EA 0.01 1/1 PATRIOT PACK SAG-S/S 101194 24 EA 24 EA 9.99 12/1 27736013043 FRfiEDOM PAK TRAY S/S-AG 101101 16 EA 16 EA 19.99 $/1 27736013050 PROUD EAGLE PAK 5/S-AG 101102 12 EA 12 EA 29.99 4/1 27736013067 THUNDERBOLT BAG S/S PDQ 100719 30 EA 30 EA 5.97 24/1 27736006908 SUPER VALUE PACK J07 200722 12 EA 12 EA 9.99 12/3 27736017775 CAL ROCKET FTN - BAG OF 4 200500 60 BG 60 BG 4.97 2/30/4 27736007622 Page No 1 - REPRINT - PACK LIST - REPRINT - Order #: 549091-53-00002 Desc/Case Packing Item Quantity Selling Suggested --------------- CP # Ordered Units Sell Price ----------- ---------------- DUST DEVIL -------------- 200724 -------- 8 ---- EA ------- 8 ---- EA - 5.99 15/1 27736017768 FOUR PAK FTN $7.99 200560 12 PK 12 PK 7.99 12/4 27736016389 ICED OUT J07 200747 8 EA 8 EA 6.99 18/1 27736019977 MINI CALIFORNIA RKT FTN J 200743 40 EA 40 EA 2.99 2/72/4 27736019908 ASST SNAKES BAG OF 8 BOXES 320333A 60 BG 60 BG 1.99 3/30/8/5 27736015764 GROUND BLOOM FLOWER-30 CT 290066 30 EA 30 EA 4.97 2/15/30 27736010899 SMOKE BALLS - BOX OF 12 - 350086 96 BX 96 BX 1.97 4/24/12 27736012244 SIGN - NO SMOKING (SPAN/EN 730099E 2 EA 2 EA 0.01 1/1 Case Totals: 5 CS Total Pallets: PL Total Repack Cases: CS Page No 2 BOL No: 549091 TNT Fireworks Put Pro Number Sticker Here ' Bill of Lading - REPRINT Shipper: 22069 Sales Assoc: Chain Stores - East • TNT WAREHOUSE - WISCONSIN CUST PO #: 223 COUNTY HIGHWAY A Order #: 549091-53-00002 BLACK RIVER FALLS, WI 54615 Route: hN WLSL Lic #: Zone: 435 Stop: Vendor #: 5649728 Freight Code: Sold To: 1356949 Ship To: 1201461 SUPERVALU - CUB FOODS CUS FOODS WEST 30294 PO BOX 125 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 EAGAN, MN 55122 SFM SFM #: Phone #: 651-454-4606 *****??********************?************?*************?*************?*********** Emergency Response Nbr: (800)255-3924 Payment Terms: Net 30 Days ***********?***************+?+*??********???****??*****??****???**+?*******???** HM Description of Articles Weight Shipping # of Cases Class Pieces X FIREWORItS, 1.4G, UN0336, PG II 1321 LBS 85 3 [X] NOVELTIES - NMFC 64300-02 75 LBS 85 2 [X] Totals: 1396 LBS 5 ??*,r********,r****,r+?******,r*******+?+++r***********,r**??t*,t********,r*xx*,r*******,r Net Explosive Mass: 330 LBS ********?**?*****************?**??************************??*************?***?** Checked By: Received By: Delivered By: Order: Ship To: Sold To: Received Date: Placards Tendered By: Delivery Instructions Page No 1 ACORD CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUEDATE n 04/,6Y2007 PRODUCER This certificate is issued as a matter of infurmation only and confers no rights MCGRIFF SEIBELS & WILLIAMS INC upon the CeAificate Holder. This Certifiwte does not amend, extend or alter the , P O Box 10265 . covera9e afforded 6y ihe policies below. . . Birmingham, AL 35202 205-252-9871 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Company Crum R Forster Speciatty Ins. Co. IN3URED Company Americen Promotional EveMS, Inc. B dba TNT Fireworks P.O. Box 1318 Company Florence, AL 35631 C Comparry D Company E 7his is lo certiy that the policies of insurance described herein have been Issued to fhe Insured nametl herein for the policy penod indicated. Notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of contract or olher document with respect to which this certificate mey be issuetl or may pertain, the insurance aHOrded by the policies describetl herein is suhject to all the terms, conditlons and exclusions of such policies. Limits shown mpy have been reduced by paid claims. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE LIMITS OF LIABILITY LT EXPIRATION A GENERAL LIABILITY GL0100992 1710112006 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 M COmmerdalGamralLlahlily 1110112007 FIREDAMAGE $ 100,000 ?ClaimsMatle MOaurrence MEDICALEXPENSE EXCLUDE? $ 0 ??,mtl??ya??,P??? M sia:5so,ooo PERS.ANDADVERfISINGINJURY $ 1,000,000 ? GENERALAGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 Generei npgreeMaLimitappliaspor: PRODUCTSAND COMP.OPER.AGG. $ 2,000,000 OPalicy ? Pmject OLOCation AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ ?A, Ai0on1Obib BODIL URY Per person) $ ? ai ownea a,mmoenes ?scneeuleanuromoeuaa BODILYINJURY (Per ccident $ ? wren a+nomdbnee PROPERN DAMAGE Per accidenl $ ? Nmo.med/wmmobiles COMPREHENSIVE 11 COLLISION WORKERS' COMPENSATION ' WC Sfatuto Limit Other AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY El EACH ACCIDENT $ EL DISEASE Each ennotovee) $ EL DISEASE Poli Limit $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ ?o.eance ?0ei.Maae AGGREGATE $ $ $ $ $ $ The Certifipte Holders are nametl as Addkional Insureds wltti respeG to General Liabifity as required by wrilten contraG subjed to policy terms, conditions, antl ?clusions. CERTIFICATE HOLDER SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIR4TION DATETHEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMEDTO THE LEF7, BUT FAILURE TO DO 50 SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIA8ILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, RS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. CUB FOODS #30294 Authorized Represerrcaove qTY OF EAGAN 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 . ?....?.as.Rz USA ea e 1 ot 1 CertifcelelD,t 7G400PAM MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Consumer Fireworks SECTION 1- IDENTTTY: Consumer Fireworks at Retail Locations Im orter's Name American Promotional Evenu/TNI' Fireworks Emergency Telephone Number Normal Business Hours - 800-243-1189 Afrer Hours - ChemTel - 800-255-3924 Address Co orate Office 4511 Helton Dr. Florence, AL 35630 2- Consumer fireworks contain various mixtures of oxidizers and fuels, and are designed to bum and pmduce visible and audible effects when they are caused to ignite by a user. The oxidizers include potassium nitrate, strontium nitrate and potassium perchlorate. Fuels include charcoal, sulfur, starch, and aluminum. All chemical composition is contained within the device, and there should be miuimal-to-no exposure to the chemicals under normal condilions of handling of the type typically involved in retail sales operations. The chemical mixtures are stable to temperatures up to at least 250°F, and no ignition of these devices should occur during normal handling, transportation, movement, and storage. A match or other flame or heat source is required to ignite the fuse on the devices in order to cause the devices to opente. SECTION 3- PI3Y5ICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS BoilingPoint N/A S ecificGravi (H20=1) N/A Va or Pressure mm H N/A Meltin Point N/A Vapor Density (AIR=1) N/A Evaporation Rate Bu 1 Acetate = 1 N/A - All solids Solubility in Water. sliht A earance and Odor: All chemical co osition is contained inside a cardboazd or other container SECTION 4- FIItE AND EXPLOSION HA?ARn DATA Flash Point ethod Used I'tion te erature exceeds 250°F Flammable Limits N/A - no va or reaent LEL N/A UEL N/A Extinguishing Media Water Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Evacuate the azea if a fire reaches the fireworks and they begin to burn vigorously. Allow sprinklers to function, if present - they should conhol the fire. Otherwise, evacuate the area and await azrival of fire fighters. Unusual F'ue and Explosion Aazazds - Suffocation methods should not be used - the devices contain their own oxygen. Use a strong water flow instead. A fue that has reached consumer Sreworks may produce substantial smoke as well as flame, sparks, and buming projectiles. Once consumer fireworks begin buming, all persons must immediately evacuate the area. Only fire fighters wearing appropriate safety equipment should ever consider appmaching an area where consumer fireworks are on fire. Remote Srefighting methods should be use whenever possible. Where conditions permit, it may be advisable to allow the fireworks to bum to com letion - this will greatly sim li clean-u efforts. SECTION ? REACTIVITY DATA Stability Unstable Conditions to Avoid: Open flames, hot surfaces, Stable X rough handling Inco atibili Materials to Avoid) none Hazardous Deco osition or B roducts Considerable smoke ma be oduced in a fire Hazardous May Occur Conditions to Avoid: N/A Polymerization Will Not Occur X SECTION 6- HEALTH HA7ARD DATA F of En Inhalation N Skin N In estion N azards Health hazards should be m;.,;.?Al - all chemical compositi on is coatained nd Chronic) inside sealed devices. If leakage occurs and contact with skin occurs, be sure to wash hands rom fl, and before eatin or drinkin . genici NTP N/A IARC MonoRe a[ed N/A J d Symptoms N/A sure Conditions None, except in case of fire. Smoke exposure is then the greatest possible ly Aggavated concem (in addition to fire). sure cy and First Evacuate area if a fire reaches the £ueworks. If smoke inhalation occurs remove Aid Procedures , ersons to fresh air and contact emergenc medical services TNTO FIREWORKS Site Plan Worksheet ADDRESS I"I O L l+' ? CITY STATE STORE NAME! LOCATION # ? j,aVe MAJ V-\ TYPE OF EVENT: In•store sales of state•aaaroved fireworks &,rFwmcf ?s?erS ? D fl ?ej SOUTH SPECIAL INSTURCTIONS SIGNATURE ? w --'?- DATE ? ? zVU_T_ S ORE MANAGER 1 TNTO Representaiive ZIP ?EIZZ PHONE(Oq 4?4_Wb FirQworks ApplicaGon , Page 3 of 9 . ?'!I' 'li. ' I ? • . I ? 1 , ?I I 'O.FFICkaU$? QNLY D0 NO,T WRtTE 13ELOW7HIS,LINE The Police Departmenl has aonduped a criminal beckground check on the applicaM. I?,, ?z3 Police Departrnent Representative Conditlans of Issuance: S-iq- 0-7 Oate Background check campleted and opproved by EPD: Yes ? No Zoning approval ? Yas _ No Faeility inspection complete and all violations conected ? Yes _ No Insurance policy approved ? Yes _ No License approved Date approved: f ?' I b"(,-::>! Fireyoorks Appljcalion , • Page 2 of 9 Tennessen 'W'aming License Application Minnesota law requires thaf yau be informed of the purpose& and Intended uses of the information you provide to fhe City of Eagan (the City) during the licenss application prncess. Any informatlon about yourself that yau provide to the City during the license applicatian pracess will be used to identify you as an applicant and to assess yaur qualffications for selling fireworks within the City. If you wish to be considered for a permil to sell flreworks, yau are required ta provide the information requested In the permit appliqtion. ft you refuse to suppty information requested hy the City, iC may mean that your application will not be considered. All individuals In the Cfty who need to know information w(il have access. -?-?- S- `? - =k) AppTma6 Si9natu pate .Authorization and Consent for Release of Infnrmatian Name of individual authorizing release freely and voluntarily authorize the City of Eagan to cnnduct an investiga6on to obtain tha Faliowing informatlon for the purpase of determining my eligibillty for a permit to se11 Pirewarks: Nams: L--r'jo h1A rGl?r`e--k Last First Middle Date of Birth: 03 Z l? 3 OrivePS License #: W?3-z b5 1. r4b3 State /A N I also release the City of Eagan fram any and all liability for its receipt and use of Information and records rewived pursuant to this consent. I further acknawledge that I have carefuily read this release, fully undarstand its ferms and legal significance, and exeoute it valunterily. Exeauted this / dey of _ 0-4 , Z001 3ignature a1?w 4?1 -'(4p 775-60 2007 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL rExmiT arrLicATIoN City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please comple[e for: commerciaVindustrial buildings multi-familv buildines when senarate nermits are not reauisod for each dwellin¢ unit Date 4 52007 Site Street Address? ? ?O ? ?"?' ?, ?? ?? Unit # Tenant Name (if applicable) 0 Previous Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # (?61) 4'S4,- 4u) W Contractor o ? , Street Address G- City State ? 1 V Zip `.? Telephone #(y? - Bond #: NLb0TV6'6 5 1 Expires: ? cLq- The Applicant is Owner _ y ConVacror _ Other Work Type _New Construction ?Interior flnprovement X Install Piping _ _ Processed Gas _Ex[erior HVAC Unit•* / '*HVAC units must be screened UndedAbove ground Tank Install Remove When installingJremoving [a nk (s), call for inspection by Fire Mprshal and Plumbing Inspector I , Nature of Work: NE (y-, p J P¢rlnit Fe¢S $70.50 Undcrground tank insNellation/removal S50.50 Minimum (ineludes S[a[e Surcherge) arConvact Value $ 99(0 69ln x 1% _ $ ?. Pemiit Fee . $ State Sumharge f? 7 U To calculate surcharge If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is 50 cents. ? If ermit Fee is> $1,000, sumharge increases by $.50 A P R;2 5 2007 Foi each $1,OdD Pertnit Aee (i.e. a$1,001-$2,000 Pevnit h Fee requires a $1.00 surc arge). Total Fee I hereby aclmowledge that this infomiation is complete and accurate; that the work will be in confoimance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I undecstand this is not a permit, but oniy an application fo[ a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan iu the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. GQ.r1,( 5+u_bb5 AppLcanPs P- ed Name ApplicanPs Si ure------"'----'---------'--- '---- ---'-------------- 7? ------------- ------------------------------"---------------------------------' ------- Approved By: Inspector Date: Required Inspectious: _ U.G. ,Y R.I. Air Test _ Gas Scrvice Test _ Infloor Hcat ! Final ? MINNESOYAOEPAIZTMENTOP LABOA Sc INDUSTRY Construction Codes and Licensing Division Commissioner of Labor and Industry Has Received and Filed a$25,000 Surety Bond, As Required by MS 326.992, for Work Regulated by the State Mechanical Code To: Steven Rolf Bond No: NL00485857 Solid Refrigeration LLC MB ID: 01750 1125 American Blvd. E. BloomiuQton MN 55420 Effective llate Expiration Datc 8/3/2006 8/2/2007 NINNeSOTA?E1APTM{MiO? I 7NDOSTRY LABOR & ? Conshuction Codes and Licensing Division Commissioner of Labar and Industry Has lteccived and Filed a$25,000 Surety Bond, As Required by MS 326.992, £or Nork Regulated by the SCate Mec6auical Code TO: Stcven Rolf 6ond No: NL0048585 Solid KeGigeratiun LLC MB ID: 01750 Effective Date Expiration Dalc 8/3/2006 8Y112007 CmI?ED MBFormRC ? BY p? ) 1 ? 'I u? ? 2006 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone 9 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 Requirements: 2 comple[e sets of drawings and specifications cut sheets on materials and com onents to be useai Date `? / / / e97 Site Address: 1l40 GLlFF 44,4e?_ /f?A-P Tenant / Building Name: 4u& The Applicant is: _ Owner x Contractor _ Other PROPERTY OWNER GGfPj Address: /Jg0 eG/Gi% zweE i?y4G' City: State: /"w Zip: SS /?Z •CONTRACTOR ^64POy3i- //? 407??01 MN License #: Cv6 r Address: 01-0/ o /? ( P/?%/li9'L fYlJ? City: 6?47??I i ? State: Z) Zip: Phone #: ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: FIRE PERMIT TYPE: ? Sprinkler System (# of heads /0 _ Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: WORK TYPE: _ New _ Addition ? Alterations _ Remodel Other. 841L?/V6 /uD0/OC 10,4?r70?li- ' AP76il'lh?? DESCRIPTION OF WORK: x Commercial Residential Educational Other: Please continue on reverse side ? PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Minimum Fee (includes State Surchazge) Contract Value $ x .01 = $ Permit Fee • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => $ d?d State Surcharge If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per $1,000 Permit Fee .? 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $167.00 $ TOTAL FEE: IJjf /ll/lwott $ I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression SysYem permit and aclmowledge fhat the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of Yhe City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in rdance wi the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval oFplans z? . lwC!44F-?st'• ?J ' '?' `??? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE r REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Hydrostaric Flow Alarm Drain Test' Rough In _ Trip Pump Test { Ceatral Station ? Final Contlitions of lssuance: j - ? Permit Approved by: Date: ' - - 7757s" ///, j -/ zq. 2007 COlVIMERCIAL MECHANICAL PExMiT ArrLicATiorr City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 ? Telephone # 651-675-5675 P]ease complete for: commercial/industrial buildings multi-famil y buildin s when se arate crmits are not re uired for each dwellin unit Date % /?/? Site Street Address_/?v Unit # Tenaot Name (ifappiicable) Previous Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor J? G 14 Lr.' StreetAddress uls? ?'L9l)6L&A)i_ A City GYJ,?'/ ?' S[ate Zip i? q7 ?3.s Telephone # Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other Work Type New Construction A/ Interior Improvement _Install Piping _ Processed _Gas Exterior HVAC Unit** **HVAC units must be screened Under/Above ground Tank Install Remove When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing Inspector Nature of Work: f?t`JO,/[xm ` r,,?i `Cv-+B?Qli? Permit Fees 570.50 Undcrground tank installatinn/removal $SO.SD Minimum (includes Stute Suroharge) or ContractValue $ x 1% _ $ PermitFee State Surcharge ? ?/] " ? l [E F E? To calcu]aYe surcharge I I I I L / S n E If P rmit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is 50 cents. If Permit Fee is> $1,000, surchazge increases by $.50 APR 2 5 2007 for each $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a$1,00]-$2,000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 surcharge). -7 ( AJ TotalFee I hereby acknowled2e that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conYormance wittt the oramances and codes of the Ciry of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that [ understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approv an in the case of work which requires review and approval of plan ? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Siwature Approved By: , Inspector Date: Required Inspections: _ U.G. _4k' RL - Air Test _ Gas Service Test - Infloor Heat 3.-?Final 2007COMMERCIAL BUILDING rERMIT arrLicaTiorr • Structural Plans • Civil Plans • Certificate of Survey • Code Analysis • Project SpecS • Spec. Insp. & Testlng Schedule . Sails Report • Meter size must be established 1 1 1 1 l d City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 /-?o- 0 0 C"q f IEd Z-(,? (2) sels • Arohitectural Plans (2) sets • (2) • Shuctural Plans (2) • (1) . Civil Plans (2) (1) " • LandsrapingPlans (2) • ('I) • CodeMalysis ('I) " • CertifcateofSurvey (1) • (1) • 5pec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) • Meter size must be established • • ProjectSpecs (1) • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 Architectural Plans (2) sefs CodeAnalysis (1) " Project Specs (1) KeyPlan (1) Master Exit Plan (1) Energy Calculations (1) not always" Elec. Power & Lighfing Form (1) not always"' Meter size must be established-if applicable • EnergyCalculations (1) • Electric Power & Lighting Farm (1) " 1 • Master Exit Plan (1) III??? d . Emergency Response Site Plan (1) • SoilsReport (1) ?-• SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 • SAC dete??? n tion - call 651-602-1000 • Fire Stopping Submittals FEB 0''J 2007 Call MN llept ofHealth at 651-201 4500 for details regazding food & beverage or lodging facilities. •* Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required *•* Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. Date Constraction Cost Qn S'Q? 1.iR Site Address T UniUSte # Tenant Name Former Tenant Name - '- Description of Work Property Owner Telephone # ( tI ) 45 ? - q 6nb App6cant is: ? O er _ Cont actor Contact #: ( ) ContraMor - Address City State a ,l p, Zip ss? ? q Telephone # `tb (l Arch/Engr Registration # Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Pernut and aclmowledge that the informarion is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application For a pemdt, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval oFplans. A12L T1L`7Z ApplicanYs Printed Name /`SU"-C xr- A plicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building ? 14 Apartments ? 27 CommerciallIndustrial ? 32 Ext Alt-Apartrnents F. 15 Lodging .,O'?28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial _ 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ko?_ 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Oemolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition Building - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Type of Const Width Plan Rev 100%_ 25% _ Occupancy MCES System SAC Units Zoning Ciry Water Nbr. af Units Stories 6ooster Pump Nbr. of Bldgs Sq. Ft. PRV Fire Sprinklered Length Required Inspections _ Footings (new 61dg) _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Footings (deck) _ Insulation Footings(addition) Sheetrock ? Fouudation FinaUC.O. Drain Tile _ FinaVNo C.O. Driveway Apron Other Roof Ice Pr Decking Insul _ Final _ Pool Ftgs Air(Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _ Final Windows N Finai CIO Inspection: Sch edule Fire Marshal to be present. o _ Yes - W ro Approved By: Planning /B r uilding Inspec Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review SAC-MCES SAGCity SIW Permit SIW Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication WatecQuality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Financial Guarantee Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Lateral Street Water Lateral Other Total Sewer Trunk Water Trunk si?oa1 ? 2007COMMERCIAL PLUMBING rExn7tT arrLicnTtorr -7 ?? CTTY OF EAGAN ` I-1?0VX "l!/9j 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN n4N 55122./ 651-675-5675 o - ?, - .?voJ.- Site Date ? AddL7ress /? l J Z l?07 /? ????i / cJ L/ ? C. i E-E L. a l?f /CD r Unit # ?p G?/K? _ ?? D/ S Tenant Name C(.t- ?'J FtJ c?eC 5 Former Tenant Name oL Property Owner Contractor Address State / Telephone #( E I d,) 7 a 1; 6CL'?,G JM eClndvitCa.i , ri v-e City oc< , ra-c't zip SS 8 7 j Telephone # (60 ) g I/ a - 17 9 3.3 License # PM p O 3 oZ S3 Expires: lA I 31 6-1 Tlle Applicant is _ Owner R'ork Type New Bldg _ Mc - RpZ pvB: DescriptionofWork IC?n'+a required on new service, Meters - Call 651•675-5646 m verify that hydrostatic, conductiviry, and 6acferia tests passed nrior to uickine uu meter. Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public VJoiks Fire Size & Price 3l4" meter $174.00 Domestic Size & Type _ Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes ` No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes ? No _ Permit Fee $50.50 minim«m (iucludes State Sw'cllarge) 0 Conaact Value $ ,i, a 0 D x 1/o Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrieation svstems = $ ? a a `, Peinvt Fee g - p - Meter(s) Radio Meter Read g "- State Surcharge If ?enit fee is less than SI,00?, surcharge is 8.50 1f e iit f e is more than SI,OUO, surcharge Is SSO for each $1.000 oweJ. ------------- ----------------- -------- °---------- ----- ----- ------------ _ I ? Fuilulring fees apPlY N+'hen inslafling new lar-n irrigation system $ 0 _ Watex Petmit Call the City's Engineering Deparlment, 651-67i.5646, for reyuired fee amoun[s $ _ p- Treatment Plant ? O' Water Supply & Storage I State Surcharge I . r a, $ ? Total Fee ? ieroby apply for a Co mmercisl Plmnhing Permil an d acknowledge Chat the information is complete and accurate, [hat [he work will be in conformance ?viCn !ne Il pplicati ordinances and codes of Che City of EaSan and with the Plumbing Codes; thal 1 understend Ihis is no[ a pemiit, bul only an aon fma permit, and worl: is rot to stzrl wi[hout a peinnii; [hnt the wmic will 6e in accordance with the apProved plan in lhe case of wodr which?requires a revitw and approval of pidns. LV j c h a,e. 1 P 90 ?vn q?-?e r App6' ant-cBd Name ApplicanCs Signature pace _ Irrigation Syscem*• Yes No 'Alork in public r-o-w / easemer,t? New _ Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Remove CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED 1NSPECTIONS: _'-U.G. Air Test _ Gas Test _rRough In ? Final , BUILDING INSPECTOR PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: General Information • Radio Me[er Read (required on all new buildings. Boulevard irrigation systems may require a radio read -$153.00 • RPZ's must be tested every year and cebuilt every five yeazs. Test results should be mailed to Paul Heuer at the City of Eagan. • A minimum fee pemut per address is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebuild, reaair, remove. • Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REOUIRING 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $136.00 4-120 1-1/2" i171gatlon syst $ 855.00 displacement or turbine** public Works maximum small conunercial must approve continuous meter size ]0 2-30 3/4" lawn iirigation $174.00 4-160 2" htrbine large irrigation $ 1,063.00 maximum displacement residential system & continuous or produc[ion lines 15 small commercial 3-50 1" displacement large residential $219.00 1/4 to 160 compound bldgs over $ 2,018.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum small commercial & continuous & ]arge comm bldgs 25 irri ation systems 5-100 1-1/2" 25-64 unitbldgs $532.00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very large irrigation $1,411.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs $3,956.00 system & production & very large lines comm. bldgs 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,577.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,623.00 very large verylarge comm bldgs comm bidgs 15-1000 4" turbine verylarge $2,533.00 6"turbo $4,090.00 irrigation systems & production lines Comments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, cal] 651-675-5675. • To anange for water tum-on, ca]] 651-675-5200. cC: UliliTy Division Systems Anatyst December 2006 ? ? -7 7 (;7q 2007 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N fr? [ lU 0(? ? City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Plans are considered public information uniess you state they are trade seCret and why. . Structural Plans (2) se • Civil Plans (2) • Certificate of Survey (1) . CodeAnalysis (t) " • ProjectSpecs (1) . Spec Insp & Testing Schedule (1) " . Soils Reporl (1) . Meter size must 6e established • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 • Certificate of Survey (1) • Structural Plans (2) • Architectural Plans (2) sets : HVAC units req'd. on bldg elev. ! site plan • Civil Plans (2) • Landscaping Plans (2) • GodeAnalysis (1) " • Energy Calculations (1) " • Emergency Response Site Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) • Electric Power & Lighting Fortn (1) • ProjectSpecs (1) • Master Exit Plan (1) • SAC determination - call 651-602-1 000 • Fire Stopping Submittals • Fire Suppression/Alarm Form . Architectural Plans (2) sets • CodeAnalysis (1) " . Project Specs (1) . Key Plan (i) . Master Exit Plan (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always" . Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always" • Meter size must be established-if applicable 1 1 J 1 • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dcpt of Health at 651-201-4500 for details regarding food & beverage or lodging facilities. Contacl Building Inspcctions ro sec if it is required and for a sample. *"* Pennit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response tii[e Plan. Date _Appj1 / 2_ / 2007 Construction Cost $1,120,000.00 SiteAddress 1940 Cliff Lake Road, Eagan , MN 55122 Unit/Ste # Tenant Name C Foods F r;nfj nt Name ? Description of Work RPmnaPl APR 0 2 2007 PropertyOwner SiTPFRVATIi T? Telephone#( 952) 939_2624 Applicant is: _ Owner X Contractor Contact #: ( 612 ) 721-9393 Contractor Kraus-Anderson Construction Co., Minneapolis South Office Address 2500 Minnehaha Ave. City Minneapolis State PIl'd Zip 55404-4118Telephone #( 612 ) 810-5632 (Cell) ArchlEngr D25ign S2xviceS Group/Planmark Registration # Address 6533 Flyi Yg Cl ottrl 1)rivP f, 4 ui tP 100 CitS' Frlan Prai ri a State Zip 55344 Telephone #( g52 X 914-5800 Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that inform ion is coi conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagnn and th Sta e of Statutes; application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that t e w r?C wi 6e in aca work which requires a review and approval of plwis. ? GreQg Koski Applicant's Printed Name accurate; that the work will be in ?d this is not a permit, but only an h?he approved plan in the case of -_?> ? - • DO NOT WRI'TE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public FaciliTy ? 30 Accessory Building ? 14 Aparhnents 1:4' 27 CommerciaNndustrial ? 32 ExtAlt-Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Crreenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundati on) ? 45 Fire Repair E7' 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacem2nt •Demolitian Building - Give PCA handout ta applicant Valuation 6 li l2U; 006 01- Type of Const T 13 Widlh ' Plan Rev 100% f25%_ t^ Occupancy ? MCES System , e s SAC Units ^ Zoning City Water ? t5 Nbr. of Units Stories "--' Booster Pump Nbr. of Bldgs ? Sq. Ft. PRV FireSprinklered N-cS ?-- Length ? Required Inspections _ Footings (new bldg) _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Footings (deck) _ Insulation _ Footings (addition) _ Sheetrock Foundation FinaVC.O. Drain Tile ? FinaUNo C.O. _ Driveway Apron _ Other Roof Ice Pr Decking Pool Ftgs Insul Final Air/Gas Tests Final _ ! Framing _ _ _ _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _ Final Windows Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present. ?Yes _ No Approved By: I&I Planning /??jkz-L-• Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review SAC-MCES SAGCity S/W Permit SM! Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) t? L--I 3 (o• -7 S -9--- ? 1 k3- 8% Financial Guarantee Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Lateral Street Water Lateral Other Total ? Sewer Trunk Water Trunk ?A .? . " JOfI-II-1 2007 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMTI' APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please comple[e for. commerciaUindustrial buildings mnlti.fnmilv hnildinoa w6rn semnte.rwrmits are nnt rnnnired fnrench dwelline uuit TTs $53.50 Dare I l 10 / 0-1 Site Street Address Iq4 O (, t,( r 1% t-A- V-L IZ L7 Utit ? Tenant Name (if applicable) (_Li [?i rt'?LiJ D 5 Previous Tenant Name Properly Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor Y A't,r M l%( i} fk?l•l i G/\ l- Street Addresa ?L?`f Cl C? I IZ%(' D ,4U L 5 City gLO uI"l tt,?C-i't"oN State ? M N Zip 1? 5 y- --20 Telephone # ( C1 Sd"4 ' 1 (o (o I Bond #: ?I 31 '-I liS'-I S Egpires: 3 -2-0-0-7 The Applicant ia _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other Work Type RL-PuRGE MENt- ? G d Intenor Improvement _ Ins[ New Construction as _ all Piping _ Processe Under/Above ground Tank Install Remove When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by F ire Marshal and Plumbing Inspeetor Nature of Work ?'.EP LA (:t E?>Ci ni C? '(.C%C%FT"U P LlN f T W I 77+ ti1 G? C.l+ P-P-i rc (?- MODL2 y P?"IrF? 3-jDIJ rT'DP IChIIT, ?ELONN?LT "iL7 G IS"rl0 "1 C P''? IP1 NC- - Permit Feea s70.50 unacrgmuna tenk insiallatiudremuval $50.50 Mirsimum (includea Sface Suroharge) o[ ContractValue $ ' D3C??,bO x 1% _$ 5?.0O PermitFee $ , ?)(.) State Surchazge To calculate surcharge &_ is less than $1,000, surohatge ia 50 cents. If Permit Fr If Pennit Fee is> $1,000, surchazge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 Pelmi[ Fee (i.e. a 51,00142,000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 suroMarge). g 53.'rJ0 TotalFee I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conYbrmance with the ordwances ana eodes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application foc a pennit, and work is not to start without a petmit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work w}nch requires a review and approval of plans. 1?7I?-? L-I (zuD ? cT6'`jL? ?`t,i.?CX?''L/ ApplicanYs Ptinted Name Applicant's Signa[ure Approved By: Inspector Date: 704 Required Inspections: _ U.G. - R.I. - Ait Test _ Gas Service Tes[ - Infloor Heat - Final 51-?-Jl E?l l= ? M E C H A N I C A L lanuary 25`h, 2) 007 City o P Eagan 3330 Pilot Knob Road Eagari, MN 55122 Attention: Heating Inspector Subject: Permit #: EA076350 Gentlemen: FEB 0 $ 2007 Yale Mechanical 9649 Girard Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55431 Phone: 952-884-1661 Faz: 952-884-0295 www.yalemech.wm Enclosed please find test repoit(s) submitted in compliancc wilh applicable building regalation work done within your jurisdiction: Cub P'oods 1940 CliffLake Road, Eagan, MN Should tliere be any, questions re-arding this work, please contact l"odd Jelle or uie by telcphone at 952-884-1661. and reference ow- Job Number J07:17. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Rowles V.P. of Service Operations /j ek Enclosure: Test Report Design/Build HVAC Construction and Service COMBUSTION ANALYSIS DATE: ?/` 1_/ - ? . CUSTOMER• ADDRESS: ° Vzelc//I %% TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: Tag# Repau: Meke: '1? ?l Jj/CI Newlnstall: X Mode] #: f ? ' . ? ? ( ? Serial t!: ` ? ? / p y?C+U?C%C•" J?' z? A Input: G G'C%f:' Outpur. ?l7?7 TypeofFuel: TypeofDrzft: jj/ .fvC? Gas Presmre: (FiiBh) Standard (Med) (I.ow) '-' Modu]atingBumer: Yu No ? Test Tag installed: Yes No ? ANALYZER READINGS: o, o, o, co, w, co, CO?'?1 CO CO StackTemp:?cysuckTemp: StackT? COMMENTS: SOB tl: t? C17- f? MIJNICIPALITY: ' ?? l.?r? TYPE OF EQUIPMEIVT: Tae M Model H: Seria] #: Repa'u: New InstaD: Output: Type of DrzR: : of Fuel: Pressure: h) Sundard (Med) ulafing Burner: Yu Ta¢ installed: Yes (LOW) No No LY7,ER READ7NG5: Hi¢hlStandard) Medium(ifavolicable) Lowfifannlicablel 0= Oz Oz co, c(? co, CO CO CO Stack Temp: Stack Temp: Stzck Temp: TYPE OFEQUIPMENT Tag# Make: Ivfode! #: Serial#: Repa'u: Tag N New Install: Make: Input: Type of Fuel: Gas Pressure: (I-IiPh) Standard - Modulaung Bumer. Test Tag installed: ANALYZER READTNGS OF EQUIPMEIVT: Repair. New Install: Output Inpuc: Output Type of Drefl: Type of Fuel: Type ofDrafi: Gas Pressure: (Med) (I.ow) (fiigh) Standazd (Med) (Imw) Yes No Modulatlng Burna: Yes No Yes No TestTaginsralled: Yec No ANALYZER READINGS: Hiph (Standard) Medium (if apnlicable) Low (if annlicable) Oz O= Oz COi CQi COZ CO CO CO StackTemp: StackTemp: StackTemp: COMMENTS: Hizh(Standard) Mediivn(ifanplicable) Lo (ifannlicablel 02 Oi Oz COz , CO= COz CO CO CO StackTemp:- StackTemp: StackTemp: YALE MECFIANICAL 9649 Girard Avmue South Service Tec6nician: Minneepolis, MN 55431 Phone: 952-884-1661 Faz: 952-864-0293 2/15R006 6 g3 ?s ? 2005 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 . svucmrai rians iu secs i- • Civil Plans (2) • Structural Plans • Certificate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans • Code.Analysis (1) • Landscaping Plans . Project Specs (1) • Code Anatysis • Spec, lnsp. & Testing Schedule " • Certificate ot Survey . Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule . Meter size must be established • Meter size must 6e eslablished (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets (2) . CodeAnatysis (1) " (2) • ProjectSpecs (1) (2) • Key Plan (1) (1) • Master Exit Plan (1) (1) . Energy Calculations (1) not always" (1) " • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always" . Meter size must be established-rf applicable . 1 • ProjectSpecs (1) . 1 • Energy Calculations (1) " y . Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) " - 1 • Master Exit Plan (1) 1 • Emergency Response Site Plan (1) 1 • Soils Repart (1) • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 • SAC determination - call 651-602-1 000 . . . Fire Stoooina Submittals Call MN Dwt of Health a[ 651-215-0700 for 1 1 l 1 1 • SAC determination -ca11 651-602-1 000 or lodging facilities. Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required **' Permit for new building or addition will not be processed wi[kout Emergency Response Site Plan. Date /oz5' Construction Cost ao0 o Site Address J 9 yD GL 1 F )? J-. A )? E )-30 W D _ Uniuste # Tenant Name e L7 4 Y, D C) J) S Former Tenant Name Description of Work 0 13% BLfI oU -D -aL,-o Property Owoer CjlA 13 '5?r O O D s Telephone # ( b5 / ) AI 5 H " '7 ? 06 Contractor / > ? JJJ?/ Address ) 3a rJ' B A )15-7y ?Ap City.Sf 1PAI-1 L State M N Zip lJ Telephone #(1j?j 1) ?? '7? 7 (OJ 99 Arch/Engr Registration # Address Cib' State Zip Telephone # ( ) D !?' t i l b i lli / Phon)#, 'QP ? um e Licensed p ng new sew r nsta wa er serv ce: er ey .??? iiii / I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the info s complete aiqi ccurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eaga the St e of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not t without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the appro ed plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name A plicant's Signature Sub Types ? 01 Foundation C 14 Aparhnents ? 15 Lodging ? 25 Miscellaneous OFFICE USE ONLY ? 26 Public Facility ? 27 Commercial/Industrial ,?Z 28 Greenhouse ? 29 Antennae ? 30 Accessory Building ? 32 Ext Alt-Aparhnents ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial D 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types >Z 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32: Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33' Aiteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDOOrs ? 34Replacertient •Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant 2o V l i a uat on Occupancy MCES System Census Code 3 ZS Zoning City water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr, of Bldgs ? _ Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const r Widih Required Inspections _ Footings (new bldg) ]nsulation _ Footings(deck) FinaVC.O. _ Footings (addition) Final/No C.O. Foundation Other Drain Tile _ Roof Ice Pr _ Decking _ Insu] _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows Approved By: Planning `-'"^ r&,_Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC Water Supply & 5torage (WAC) S/W Permit SNV Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water. Quality Copies Water Trunk Sewer Trunk Other Total : 7n . " M E C H A N I C A L December 30, 2004 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Attention: Heating Lispector Subject: Permit #: EA067249 Gentlemen: Yale Mechanicallnc. 9649 Girard Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55431 Phone: 952-884-7661 Fax: 952-884-0295 www.yalemech.com JAN 0 ??. ,?nr?5 IRV 1___ ...,... Enclosed please find test report(s) submitYed in compliance with applicable building regulation work done within your jurisdiction: CUB FOODS 1940 Cliff Lake Road Eagan, MN Should there be any questions regarding this work, please contact Ron Gundershaug or me by telephone at 952-884-1661, and reference our Job Number Y34846. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Rowles V.P. of Service Operations /amn Enclosure: Test Report Design/Build HVAC Construction and Service ' ?DDRESS-? ?q?- )CCUPANT? TYPE OF HEAT: ROOF_FA HEATING 4L`m E` -?"' 4?"` ?,9 0 G, j-'? '1_ /1.1/ Hw-STEAM _ UNlT HTR.t--r OTHER_ INFRA-RED . kIAK E ' sa?o? f3?i= ??f y 3.u ? s°? X INPU7 360r .L900 FUEL ,,// CON RO 5 THER1,lOS.T/AT f?fLCi/.f?-? Volre -?!ld?? WcLI Llmlt ???! Y?6/? Limit Seltinp e Fen Serrioy % ///"? Pilol Typ. lv,?4 Pilot 1.4ake _ IOUM' Pilot 1.4ede1 Pilot Timiny L.W. L`ut Dff r?. Prassurn 3tS pucdnrC6? IcFu4 CFFi 2?6 For?enf O q, Srock 7er?p, -?-???_ /--1=.LPereent?C? rl ??O KIIJD OF LINER _ /. (usS Zc!n « ?.orr _ /wdu?-P,d . u r.., 7oe-_T=??- 1AAKE Modol , INPUT CONTROLS THERHOSTAT Va ?va L imi1 limir S.x;np Fon S.H{nq Pilot Type Pilot F,toke F'ilot 1.{cdel - Pilot 7iming L.•w. Cui Off Preasure Percenf Cp2 S1vck T.m 'rsrc.nt U P p. .rcont CO V.nl S:x'. . . . . KIND OF LINER SIZc C?*aFt 7?sf Top 3B 4AKE hiod.l so,rcoi - INPU7 CONTROLS THERMOSTAT YolYe _ Limi} Limlt SeHinp _ ran SatTing_ Piloi Typ. - Pllot l.hk. _ Pilot Atedel - Pflet Timinp _ L.W. Cut Dff - Praiaun P?re?ne CO? . Irpvt CFH P.runt O? $ivck"(emp. L P.rtant CO d?ni Slze _ KIHD OF LINER Raft _ SIZE Toal 7op MAKE Medel . .. . . . ? . Seriol INPUT FUEL - CONTROLS THER1dO57AT Vuir. ' Ll??t Limit SaBinq . Fon $.Hing Ptl.t Try, Pilot l.kxka Pilei-Rtodol_._...... . Pilei Tlminy L.Yf. Cut Of{ ?:::sure Input LFH pcrcenl CG2 _ P.rcant OZ Stock T.I.P. Pxcant CD V•nf $iz?. .. . _ . _ _. .. .. . . . .. . ni'riu uF LINER SITE ??F+ 7e.e 7op ' '" ? //-- - - Date Tested t? 1a }5 ? ? C11 = ?? - II 96d9GlRAR QAVENGlESOlITH s Na f I y- -?? _ C MINNEApOL7$MINNESOTA554]1 me o Tes ter n Q 'NCOAPOftATED TEL1612jB841661 Fnx/sn)Be+azs5 Job NO. J??a9qca -i? ??e? ?i.n ?- ?u ?-e- ?-ri,?s ?S ? . ?--???. ? ?s ? ? 2004 FIRE 3UPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION ????'?'???,",f City Of Eagan ???'('?J ,?? S?? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 `? ?v Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 ? ? (? . ? Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications cut suee[s on ma[enais ana components to ne usea Date ? / S / _?_ Site Address: Tenant / Building Name: The Applicant is: _ Owner PROPERTY Address ? ?XJ c?'1 %? Contractor Other City: State: Zip: / ? CONTRACTOR ?l}?_?? ?`??Z J?,lL,Q? l? MN License No. ?? Address: ???;?? ?li .?.?- c?lr?J ?l ? ? ? ity: ?Urn-?? State: / y ? ? Zip: ? ? ?-?2 Phone #: ?1.?3 - 3 ?.17 - S 7? ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: ?_ / / ?f FIRE PERMIT TYPE: ? Sprinkler System (# of heads ?_ Fire Pump _ Standpipe ?cApCU? (?b..a U,L SI°n.n.Jt,t.cv (?u?..e.. Other: WORK TYPE: New ? Other: Addition Alterations Remodel DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? Commercial Other: Residential Please continue on reverse side _ Educational ? ???i???uil'' 0 6 2005 ? I Ry ?. PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Minimum Fee (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ Jz •? x Al°/o If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per Permit Fee ? J v State Surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $155.00 TOTAL FEE: $ $ 11U UL ? . ) `i I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and aclrnowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/F'ire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will e in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which r wres a review and approval of plans. ? _?? flai'L-- ; Applicant's Printed Name i anYs Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 2004 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan C? `-i 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: commercial/industrial buildings mul[i-family buildings when sepazaie permits are not required for each dwelling unit ] V? ? 50, 50 Dste li / o,3 / 04 Site Street Address I GLi O Lu f' (- L,4 IL(! P, D Unit # Tenant Name (if appiicable) Lt-L 12? FOODS Previous Tenant Name Property Owner (;U a EKZ2D5 TelepNone # ( ) Contractor YA Le MEQ4 A tJ l GA l? C.OOz-A G i PG-TZ5or1 = Da, a ScH-M i O'r Street Address qtv?q (,;,,(i2 A Rd A l? E S City gl-00M l lQ(nTD(Ji State M? zip 55? 3 I Telephone #( q??a ) Sond#: q 31q40 2. Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other Work Type New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove *`see below Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _Processed _Gas Nature of Work: P.F-'PL-ALc EXlS`st rJ(x W?1t't'.NSA-f-E?Iz cO [rH /} MoD+nJc PDP3oo ' UN r T ht?ATeP Ini aQ *`W6en installing/removing underground tank, call for fnspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing lnspecfor Ac?-E PermiY Fees: $70.50 Underground tar.k installaNonhemoval $50.50 inimum (includes State Surcharge) or ContractValue $2,`700• GD x 1% 50, 00 PermitFee • [f nermit fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 -r. o State Suroharge If eu rmit fee is over $1,000, add $50 for every $ 1,000 permit fee $ r2O •50 Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Permit and acknow]edge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand tltis is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit that the work wil] be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. (-OP-Ge (?W?l D?Nf ?,P, Q 0 ) 4l-I.l,c &OmJ ApplicanYs Printed Name App icant's Signahue , u? I? 7? Approved By: Inspector Date: M8H CK o ct I CO1bIlVIERCIAL BUILDING Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 5 ? Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 ? ? 0 C) ? Foundation Onl New Buildin Interior Im rovement • SWctural Plans (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Archdecturel Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) . Structural Plans (2) • Code Analysis (1) • CertifirateofSurvey (1) . CivilPlans (2) • ProjectSpecs (1) • Code Analysis (1) • Landscaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • ProjectSpecs (1) • CodeAnalysis (1) " • MasterExitPlan (1) • Spec. lnsp. 8 Testing Schedule • Certificate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculatlons (1) not always" • Soils Report (t) . Spec. Insp. & Tesdng Schedule (1) " • Elec. Power & Lighdng Fortn (1) not always" • Meter size must be established . Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established-if applicable 1 • ProjectSpecs (1) 1 . EnergyCalculations (1) ** . 1 1 • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) 1 • Master Exit Plan (1) d 1 • Emergency Response Site Plan (1) 1 • Soils Report (1) l • SAC detertnination - call 651-602-1 000 • SAC detertnination • ca11 6 51-602-1 0 00 SAC detertnination - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at 651-2I5-0700 for details regarding food & beverage or lodging Facilities. •* Contact Suilding Inspections for sample and if required when it states "not always". ** * Pemv[ for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. Date 7 / 15 / 03 n Construction Cost ? SiteAddress r? It(? rl. q / 5! Zt- Unit/Ste # Tenan[ Name Ep-I G LIRY)l ;rQww.? Forme Tenant Name -? Description of Work GGLC )I AllIq QT - 2 a Property Owner Telep6one # ( --?j- Contractor E A4 C, h Address 7 -3 S? - l City f_ w 420L1 State ^n /"//v ? ) Zip SSI?/ Telephone #(?/s( ) 7i Z 0? ?S? r I', ' -• i ? Arch/Engr .^ egistraUon # Address City State ? ? ;u, - - ---- - Zi Te?ephone # ( ) Licensed plumber installing naw sewer/water service: Phone #: U I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and aclrnowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the se of w which requires a review and approval of plan ? ?C. Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types 7 01 Foundation 7 26 Public Facitiry C 30 Accessory Bldg. 7 14 Apartments 7 27 Commercial/Industrial ?i 32 Ext Alt - Apts. 7/ 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse G 34 Ext Alt - Comm. _ / 25 Miscellaneous 7 29 Antetmae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? - ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement *Demolition (Entlre BItlB only) - Give PCA handout to appiicant 3o ? V l ? a uation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Z? Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories 8ooster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) /FinaUC.O. _ Footings(deck) ? FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing _ Foundation HVAC _ Drain TIle Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Au/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows (newheplacement) _ Insularion _ Retaining Wa[1 r Approved By G-- , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Copies Other Total COMMERCIAL BUILDING Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 c. aS3,-QL 3- X-03 -%'?] () .C) 6 Foundation Onl New Buildin Interior Im rovement • Structural Plans (2) se5 • Architecturel Plans (2) sets . Architecturel Plans (2) seka • Civil Plans (2) . Structurel Plans (2) . Code Analysis (t) " • CertifcateofSurvey (1) . CivilPlans (2) . ProjectSpecs (1) • CodeAnalysis (1) " . LandscapingPlans (2) . KeyPlan (1) • ProjectSpecs (1) • CodeMalysis (1) " . MasterEzitPlan (1) • Spec. Insp. 8 Testing Schedule " • Cerlifcate of Survey (1) . Energy Calculations (1) not always*" • Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. 6 Testing Schedule (1) " . Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always" . Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established-if applirable l • ProjectSpecs (1) ? • EnergyCalculations (1) " . 1 y . ElectriG Power & Lighdng Fortn (1) ! . Master Exit Plan (1) 1 b . Emergency Response Site Plan (1) b • SoilsReport (1) 1 • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 . SAC detertnination - call 651-602-1000 SAC determinafion - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at 651-215-0700 for details regarding food & beverage or lodging facilihes. Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required when it states "not always". "** Permit foi uew building or addition wil] not be processed withou[ Emergency Response Site Ptan. Date 3 /j IZ/ 03, °° Construction Cost 3 0 d O , ? Site Address _ 1710 ri 1,) f F D UniUSte # Tenant Name CiVl 6 ?-- O OD S Former Tenant Name Description of Work -11? M o A ? R G g N 0 L,iS o La L?, Ap l)- Aa X003 Property Owner Ci L4 2) Y0 ODS Tele hone #(togl ) ! 5? /?? (v 0 l? D? _? S O E p?, /? Contractor O?r 1 ) 1+ ? Lf ? ? E S Address OA. / l iq' S'1 _P1"Y lJ4L State ? Zip Telephone # ( 5 ? 9 Arch(Engr Registration # Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) - - - i MA?; ? 3 ^'?,_ ? i Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and aclrnowledge that the informationi ?iWcom ?- e; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; 1 understand this is not a pernut, but only an applicarion for a permit, and work is not to start without a pernut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? ?f/-Y, ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility G 30 Accessory Bldg. fl 14 Apartments G?7 Commercial/Industrial C 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 15 Lodging 'P.?28 Greenhouse C 34 Ext Alt - Comm. C7 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types V"31 N ew ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundafion) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Remof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement *Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applfwnt dc. Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Gode Zoning City Water SAC Units d Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units U Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const v Width REQUIRED I NSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) ? FinaUC.O. _ Footings (deck) FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Fueplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows (newheplacement) _ Insularion _ Retaining Wall Approved By Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total yF?s ?- . s ? r' 3 . ? •r "s -o ,. rt ? ....................... ?., ? . 77FT?-,? z U.llW1W. ? ? -? % , t • `? ?. \ ? ?\? \? !^t i / / . / ?`? \ •. '\ ?? `?, \ \ ?` ? ?? \'? ? \ N `?;•? l. l \ \ i ?'"%' . . . .?\??'\? •` \\\?? i ? ? ? / ? . •' ' \? \ , ` ?`` \?\ \?\ ^?\`\ {• ?r4? i? ? ?i 1I f; ,'? Y/ ?' .,;`\•'?.\,?.` \ ?)\?\\? ?,.?`'?\?e? ? ? y• •? `? ? ` , \,, `? \ , '\?,?'?;\ ?. ? •f- _'l . % - .. .. . `?.r-•-• ?, , ", . . ? ?. \ ?`. \"\\ ' 6j ^.-? \? ??` ??•? ?`?,- \'?? ' \ ? ^???\ ??? \?' ?M ? f• ' _+ • j L. . ,y r? ? ,? ^\? I j . ?--- • . '------. , . ? COMMERCIAL }?1 U S-e LG. I I 2002 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ?/ 1 ?S f_ Q S L_ Cesi-6si-a6??s ? ?' ? . `l j ? 5 f- ? Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement • Strudural PIanS (2) sets • Archifecfural Pians (2) Sets • Architectural Plans (2) seGs • Civil Plans (2) . Structural Plans (2) • Code Analysis (1) " • Certificateof5urvey (1) • CivilPians (2) • Projed5pecs (1) • Code Malysis (t) `• • Landscaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • Project Specs (1) . Code Anatysis (1) " • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testlng Schedule " • Certifirate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always'" • Soils Report (1) . Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always" • Meter size must be established . Meter size must be established • Meter size must 6e establ ished - if applicable 1 • • ProjectSpecs EnergyCalculations (t) (1) " (2, ( r ? ? ? ? 1 • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) D I ' n J v 1 • Master Exit Plan (1) " I1? n o 1 ?0 1 • Fire Protection Plan (1) ? c7 2 ry?Qn 1 . SailsReporl (1) • MC1ES SAC determination letter . MGES SAC determination letter • MC/ES SAC determin ion letter tall 651-602-7000 cail 651-602-1000 call 651{02-1000 ? " Contact Building Inspections for sample ?y Food & beverage or lodging facilities - submit plan to MN De artment of Health. Call 651-215-0700 for details. 11? DATE:,?? ? g- 0 ? WORK TYPE: ? E A? EMODEL CONSTRUCTION COST: 0 U, SITEADORESS: JId-10 GL. 1Y F L. A K? A"D TENANT NAME: G? lb Y002) S FORMER TENANT NAME, IF APPLICABLE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK % EM 'Q (3 PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR ARCHTTECT/ ENGINEER SUITE #: TiE?fF o'XEEFr. - SToAc MAI)PGEK Nazne: ?? 5::'D O D S Phone k: G( 5? ? y 5Y- YG a C Last First S4eetAddress: I yyD C...L, fYF `, (? ?(-- A p ciry: )'? PG A N conTanY: A E StreetAddress: 13 city: Company: Name: Street Address: E ? Phone #? ? Phone #: _ Registration #: f ) H59- 9? y ziP: 55119 - `I 9 '1 City: State: Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater Phone #: Zip: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is co a ree comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: Updated 1102 State: M? Zip: ?<<7 I ?. ? OFFICE USE ONLY SUBTYPE ? Ol Foundation ? 26 Public Facil ity ? 30 Accessory Bldg. El 14 Apartments ? 27 Commercia UIndustrial ? 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 15 Lodging X 28 Greenhouse Tr=i.-u P, L;IJ.F'. ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail Salon WORK TYPE )<-?31 New ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 42 Demolish (Foundarion) ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 32 Addirion ? 36 Move Bldg ? 43 Reroof ? 47 Repair ? 33 Alterarions ? 37 Demolish (Bldg) ? 44 Siding ? 48 Authorization ? 34 Replacement ? 38 Demolish (Int) ? 45 Fire Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code Zoning sq. ft. SAC Code - # of Stories sq. ft. No. of Units I Length sq. ft. No. ofBldgs. I Width sq. ft. Const. (Actual) v, r.- Basement sq. $. MC/ES System (Allowable) \J - kl- First Floor sq. fr. City Water UBC Occupancy _&_ sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Gas Service Test ? Heating ? Insulation Q Plumbing. ? Stucco/Stone APPROVALS Plarming Building ? Engineering Variance Perrnit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage 5/W Permit S/W 5urcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies 45,0 ?y-{7 VALUATION $ 30? O ? % SAC SAC Units Meter 5ize Total CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: RECEIPT DATE: I D"lS ?O I APPROVED BY: '/ 1 ? ? ~ ? ? ? ?', INSPECTOR ? u, Lo,a 6- COMMUCIAL MECHlkN1CA1. PFRM1T Af'PI1CATION S crrY oF EAsM ssso PILor xivos ftn EAsM, buv 55122 651-6$1-4675 Please complete for: all commerciai/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: / / SITE ADDRESS: ??qgv G /L-Q owrrEx rrnME: ('-' ac a feo os PxoNE #: (as-/ _ Y 51f ?f66 4 (AREA CODE) TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLl): C ?o? WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? Y N. NAME: , _ - INSTALLER: /'/ 4 f 5 Al '* ADDRESS: ?YSDZ A44x- Cr6•0 A-0 PFiONE#:g-5?-- (AREA CODE) CIT7l: ST 1,6l,C ( S j0)4YL IL WORK TYPE: 3pecif'yNahua New conshucrion Interior Improvement Processed Piping EF2lGS02ATra..? STATE: MA) zIP: SS-Y/ b _ Install U.G. Tank Remove U.G. Tank i71STr+4CJiT When installing/removing underground tank, call 651-681-4675 for inspecKon Plumbing linspectvr. Fees: 1% of contract price OR $50.00 minimum fee, wluchever is greater. Underground tank removaUinstallation = m;,dnnim fee Contract price: $ /.2 !a ) Ox 1% _ $ (2 4`6.. Sa State surcharge (Base Fee) r'e Marsh?l i?d ? ` ? OCT p S zuui t? J j' OC? calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee TOTAL $ la? /, ;q7,5o ?"- 4L SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE Updated 1/01 - ` CITY USE ONLY PERMIT RECEiPT DATE: r ? - ? - 0 I '??? COMMERCIAL PLUM$INH PE[iMIT APPLiClkT[OB CCI'Y OF P.t48lkF ' S$SO PILOT I{AOB {iD S!k&kA. b!A 881 YE 651-681-4e?5 INCOMPLETE APPlICA110NS Wlll NOT BE PROCESSED Date: ?T7 `l I O I R£no,*-L- WORK 1'YPE New Bldg _X_ Add-on Repau RPZ PVB • Irrigation system • Must completc reverse side of application also. Requircd mecer size is 2" turbo nu less smaller size permitted by Public Warks DESCRIPTION OF WORK ¢;T j To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, ca11 65 1-681-4646 METERS - Call 651-6814300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductiviry, and bacteria tests passed orior to olckine uo meter Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM F've Size c@ Price 3/4" disolacement $149.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Dces this include high demend devices? _ Yes _ No FLUSHOMETERS _ Yes ? No PRV REQUIRED _ Yes )6 No SiteAddress: I!EJ `1 ej cn)-,I FF" l-L<- RC) Tenant Name: C-ijf?? Telephone #: ?t L/ (Area Code) Was there a previous tenant in this space7 _ Y_ N. If Yes, Name: Installer Name: Doe) n'1 Y1 rG&bE q-?AL Telephone #: & -5 1 T?> (Aree Code) InstallerAddress: rj 7`?J ??i) nJ-k QrJd? City: -6'T- P-A J?-- State: T1?_ Zip Code'°S I Qs- C? FEES Contract price $ ? OOQ a 1% ($50.00 minimum) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrigation systems (Acct # 9220-4509) Surcharge: $.50 Minimum. If contract Fee exceeds $I,OOQ calculate at 50 cents per $1,000 contract fec. ;-?rp Total I hereby aclmowledge that I have read this applicadon, stste i ordinances. It is the applicanYs responsibiliry to norify the propi during its normal operational and maintenance activides to the 10/3 0-k- f)-A^ '' `* -?b 6-A4 o J?YX v c,- jW.a_.;j 7f,, 0 s e?? r?so.s? :e to comply with all applicable Ciry of Eagan ;s no liabiliry for any damages caused by the Ciry witkiin Cityrproperty/right-of-way/easement. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test _ Gas Test _ Rough in _ Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: Z--a J$0'??'.BUILDING INSPECTOR Contracr Fee Meter(s) $ IP,sFI $ 'D Radio Meter Read $ a State Surcharge $ , :.-Z^?=• 5 '• I I 1'J ? I Il?ew Service 201 0I ?e info correct, : wner t6at e Ciry of Eegan ? 11 G ta 9 ':j comnERCinr. BUILDING PERbIIT APPLICATION •--?? ?"?? ?^--'?' ?? ??-?CITY OF EAGAN - 651-681-4675 Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Impiovement • S[ructurel Plans (2) sets • ArchitecW21 Plans (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) . SWclural Plans (2) . Code Analysis (1) '• • Certificate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans (2) . Pwject Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) . Landscaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • ProjectSpecs (1) . CodeAnalysis (1) " • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule " . Certificate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (1) notalways*' • Soils Reporl (1) . Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) " • Elec. Power & LighUng Form (1) not always" • Meter size must ba established • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be esta6lished - if applipble • ProjectSpecs (1) d 1 • . Energy Calcuiations Electric Power 8 Lighting Fortn (1) (1) 1 1 • • Master Exit Plan Fire Protection Plan (t) (7) '• ??1??? I I I k I 1 • SalsReport (1) 1 I U • MC/ES SAC determinatlon letter . MGES SAC determination letter • MClES SAC d ermination letter call 651-602-1000 ca11651-602-1000 call 651-602-1 " Contact Building Inspections for sample - Food & beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health - call 651-215-0700 for details. DATE B I R I o1 WORK TYPE _ NEW xREMODEL CONSTRUCTION COST $-5 -001V04 SITEADDRESS IQqU LI4 Zcke [Zad TENANTNAME CO4j r.XJ S FORMER TENANT NAME w/o Name: Ucd22 ^ 201;' Phone#: ( 95-d ) q) L( - 503 ? Last . First DESCRIPTION OF WORK 0tl; Rcm?ct? / Z-n?r? o1 ??/?Kme^?S PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR ARCHITECTI ENGINEER StreetAddress (0533 F-1)" L)oQa 1??,+i s Suk (oo City 2 State SUITE # Y/I N ? I Sc-e?-Ii c? I a- I-t a?-`? 3 i? Company Krau,- I-?-?rSc>h Phone# ( ?o1c2 ) /dl- Q3)i/ StreetAddress: aS6U ?-,),%e& ha pu-e• City nnPa?d)0S State r Company ??.411 maRK rny z;p s5 sq y z,p SSzI D q Phone# ( q?a ) 9JL1- 57$06 Name }Ce nn eJ h STe b 6,-f s RegistraQOn # I 1$03 StreetAddress (o 5 33 Flyr, 4 da,4 Or'4 Su-PP 100 Ciry ?e? State rnN Licensed plumber Instaliinq new sewer/water service: Phone #: zip ss?3 u I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: Updated 1/U1 OFFICE USE ONLY SUBTYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 14 Apartments )Rr 27 Commercial/Indust rial ? 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail Salon WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 42 Demolish (Found) ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bidg ? 43 Reroof ? 47 Repair )K 33 Alterations ? 37 Demolish (Bldg) ? 44 Siding ? 48 Authorization ? 34 Replacement ? 38 Demolish (Int) ? 45 Fire Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code SAC Code 3 0 No. of Units 0 No. of Bidgs. 1 Const. (Actual) (Allowable) _-&r- - tl UBC Occupancy ni _ Zoning # of Stories Length Width Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq. ft. MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Gas Service Test ? Heating APPROVALS Planning Building ? sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. MC/ES System ? City Water ? Fire Sprinklered ? ? Insulation ? Engineering ? Plumbing ? Stucco/5tone Variance Permit Fee aL-1 3--1 -- -?-, ? .-?r Surcharge wO,oo Plan Review I -I .9 i-e4-4-4- MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies VALUATION $ v(Ja. % SAC SAC Units Meter Size Total L-1- 1 ? ?? ?-?) Name: 0 'X EE 5? E -'?- Fr Phone#: G( 5) )`/ 5 y- y? o?, Last First COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 651-681-4675 ? -3 _e?-_ 0 ? Foundation Onl New Construction Interior im rovement . Structural Plans (2) sets . Architectural Plans (2) sets • Architeclural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) . Slructural Plans (2) • Code Analysis (1) " • Certificate of Survey (1) . Civil Plans (2) . Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) " • Landscaping Plans (2) . Key Plan (1) . Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) " . Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule • Cer6ficate of Survey (1) . Energy Calculations (1) notalways" • Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) " • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) notalways" • Meter size must be established . Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established - if applicable • Project Specs (1) 1 • EnergyCalculations (1) 1 • Electric Power & Ligtiting Farm (1) •' d d . Master Exit Plan (1) S 1 • Fire Protection Plan (1)" 1 1 • Soils Report (1) y . MGES SAC determination letter . MGES SAC determination letter . MClES SAC determination letter call 651-602-1000 call 651-602-1000 call 651-602-1000 -' con[act tsunaing inspectlons for sample Food & beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health - cafl 651-215-0700 for details. x e) 1-1-4 E,1Z, DATE 3-J-D/ WORKTYPE NEW REMODEL CONSTRUCTIONCOST SITEADDRESS ?GI y0 e-L.? TENANT NAME ?. \A P T-O 0 D S FORMER TENANT NAME SUITE # DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1-E MPo ?'Q&?J cz'-P, EE tJ m O\,\ S & PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER StreetAddress )9yo CL)5--5- 1,?KE R p C;ry e A6A 0 State f'1 Zip ss) d, Phone # ( '00 ) 2?y ciry - '(?" Name Street Address aty n ?? ?.n -I ?1 nn; I=i .. .,i v . ..., i By zip SS-// 9 -6 /P9 Phone # ( " Registration # S[ate Licensed plumber installina new sewer/water service: Phone #: Zip I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant Updated 1/01 OFFICE USE ONLY SUBTYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 14 Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 25 Miscellaneous E WORK TYP C Uf; ? 31 , New ? ? 32 Addition ? ? 33 Alterations ? ? 34 Repiacement ? O 26 Public Facility ? 30 ? 27 Commerciai/Industrial ? 32 R? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 29 Antennae ? 35 - T? Po ?c S-r(wc--n?e.? 37 35 Tenant Impr 36 Move Bldg 37 Demolish (Bldg) 38 Demolish (Int) GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code 32P11 SAC Code No. of Units I No. of Bldgs. 1 Const. (Actual) ji , tj (Allowable) :U7 UBC Occupancy t-A Zoning # of Stories Length Width Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq, ft. MISCELLANEOUSINSPECTIONS ? Gas Service Test ? Heating APPROVALS ? Planning Building PID • ? Insulation Accessory Bldg. Ext Alt - Apts. Ext Alt - Comm. Ext Alt - PF Nail Salon ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 47 Repair ? 48 Authorization sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. MC/E5 System City Water Fire Sprinklered ? Plumbing ? 5tucco/Stone cEk? Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies Total ?•?? VALUATION $ % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ? 42 Demolish (Found) ? 43 Reroof ? 44 Siding ? 45 Fire Repair / - CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT ? PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: BUILDING 631500 02/26J98 SITE ADDRESS: 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD L07: 1 BLtlCK: 1 CLIFF LAKE CENTER P.T.N.: 10-17780-010-01 DESCRIPTION: TEMP GREENHOU3E ermit Type COMM./IND. MISC. nrk 7ype NEW 328 OTHER NONRES. I?a }?a? .$ e ik od 6n ??{?sw ? " s& REMARKS: pI.AN REVIEWED BY JOE VOELS FEE SUMMARY: VA WATION $3,000 Bsse Fee $74.75 Surcharge $1.50 Total Fee $76.25 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Applicant - CUB FOqDS 1440 GLTFF LAKE RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612)454-4606 ISSUED V:5 ATU E I 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) (?? V CITY OF EACiAN 681-4675 SubmR followina to obtain necessarv oermit 1 -'yr Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement sWCtural plans (2 sets) archBeGurot plans (2 sete) arohReaurol plans (2 eets) civil plans (2 seW) structural plans (2 sets) code anatysis (1) " wde enalysis (7) " eivil plans (2 sets) project speca (1 eet) solls report (1) landscapting plans (2 sets) Key Plan projeG specs (1) . cotle anatysis (7) " energy plwlations (t) rrot aM'ays « Spaeial Inapections 6 Testing Schedule " soils report ' (1) EleGric Power & LigMing Form (1) not always " SAC determination letter from MCANS - SAC detertnination letter from MCANS - SAC detertninetion IeKer from MCNVS - tell 802-1000 eall 602-1000 cell 802-1000 . Spedel Inspedions 8 Testlng Schedule (1) " projact specs (1) energycalwlations (1) " Electric Power 8 Li htin F.orm (7 " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food 8 Beverage or Lodging facilities: Plan must be submittad to Minnesota Department of HealtF DATE: nZ -nL3 - l?- ' WORK TYPE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Ou CONSTRUCTION COST: SITE ADDRESS: TENANT NAME: LOT I BLOCK 1 SUBD. C.INU W(-e Ce'1?kf' P.I.D. # PROPERTY Last OWNER Street 1 \? First Phone #: Call 215-0700 for details. -[ NEW _ REMODEL SUITE #: City CO-? d:'V\, State: Zip: 55Ud, Company:`,Vb FOOQ,S Phoneti: 15"["40(0 CONTRACTOR ??y? C` ?1 Street Address: ,? ?FQ License # Ciry EqqoA State: fy, V? Zip: $S, a? ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: Registration #: State: water licensed plumber (only 'rf installing sewer 8 water): Zip: i hereby acknowledge that I have reed this application and state that the information is eomect and agree to comply with all applicable Stete of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applieant: a,. m 1 0,"* Si7f(.Q_ owbw OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation -Ef-19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Faciliry WORK TYPE ? L?,?.(/f/?uS? ' /f?4?'1PO•???Y S??G?i? 0 31 New ? 33 ARerations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERALINFORMATION 'r OT? r??n"'Vel ? ?IA"7L s . C SA??? la Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MCM1S System (Allowable) First Floor sq. ft. CRy Water UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. Census Code 28 # of Stories sq, ft. SAC Code ?o Length sq. ft. Census Bldg. / Depth Footprint sq. ft. Census Unit o APPROVALS Planning Building Z.,?Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCM/S SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Quai. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Unfts Meter Size ? Valuation: $ sr oan ? , ? ?? tiMl ..,.?.....r.?...k ..? ._ ?CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT PERMITTYPE: Permit Number: Buz?orn? 0 2 9 4 3 0 Date Issued: 01 / 2 4/ 9 7 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 CLIFF LAKE CENTRE P.Z.N.: 10-17780-010-01 DESCRIPTION: -,,(TCF BANK) uildin??.P`ermit Type t?uii:aiog wa,rR Type . -Gensus Code ? CQMM./IND. MISC. ALTERATION 437 ALT. NQNRES. ? "`-+ ., i_: .. REMARKS: TNTERIOR CANOPY OVER ENTRANCG FEE SUMMARY: VALUATSON 8a5e Fee $87.25 Surcherye $2.00 Total Fee $89.25 A i $4,000 CONTRACTOR: - qpplicant - OWNER: OLSEN-LEVY CORP 25570128 SUPERVALU HOLDINGS INC 109$0 407W PL N P 0 BOX 990 PLYMOUTH MN 55441 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 (612) 557-0128 I , ? I I hereby acknowiedge that I have read this application and state,that tfie i form?t3o,n is ?c?r..ee?...,anql?agreer to cqmply'wSth all applice6le S°tate a.'f:Mn., L Statute and C' y ofi Eagan Ordin;ances, J APPLI ANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE -ISSUED B: SI ATURE n4'30 1997 BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) .?Q?q. ff CITY' OF EAGAN 887y4675 CO" 1 2J The following are required wtth sppropriate certificetion for all = conswction: . 2 each: arcJiftecturel plans: mech. 8 eleo. plans; Na Sprinklw pians: structursl plens; stte plens: Iandsceping plans; gradingldrainegeleroslon coMrol plan; utility plan . t each: set of speeifieatlons; set M energy calailations; elecMcel power 8lighting fortn; Speasl Inapections & Testing Schedule • Letter from MCMS (phone M222-8423) hWieating SAC determinatlon • Code anatysis indiceting: Codes used; octupancy dessifications; sefbedcs; maximum ellowable area as per Building and City Codes along with aq. fl. per floor, type of construction (synopsis of construdion componeMS) & any oaupancy or area separation walls; occupancy Ipsds; exit synopsis with a diegrem IMicatlng exRing loads trom each room or area, travel paths & all rsted cortidors; plumbinp fiztures; end parlcfnp. DATE: I WORKTYPE: _ NEVU ?r- REMODEL DESCRIPT{ON OF WORK: I???-tDI2C?-ltzlnPL) (3Uel- ?_-?I'l? CONSTRUCTION COST: TENANT NAME: ?- SITE ADDRESS: Alte-(4 mvr m• LOT-?- BLOCKSUBD.P.I.D.# V PROPERTY Name: 1 nonV0l1 AfX°lati^,n/? _Lnr. Phone#: OWNER ?m Street Address: Q Q d City: State: ? Zip• ? CONTRACTOR company: b Phone #: Street Address: {(ngpp - ? ?"?y ??Q • C,ty: P ,z;p: 2,3Q44 I ARCHITECTf Company: Phone #: ENGINEER Name: Registration #: L ?CEI??3 JAW 17 B97 H1?? Street Address: City: Sewer & water licensed ptumber (onty if installing sewer & water): I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application and state applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan OMinani State: the infurmation is ?rrect and Zip' comply witty all Signature of Applicant: CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERIVIIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: ---?-' BUIIDING 028915 10J01J96 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-17780-010-01 DESCRIPTION: 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD LOT: 1 BLQCK: 1 CLIFF LAKE CENTRE (cus Foops) ermit Type COMM./IND. MISC. mrk Type AL7ERATION e " ?°? 437 ALT. NONRES. ? 0?4 C0?? M s??#? `?'.'? REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: VALUA7ION $63,000 Base Fee $656.00 Plan Review $426.40 5urcharge $31.50 Total Fee $1,113.90 COfdTRACTOR: - Flpplicant - OWNER: KRAUS ANDER30P1 27217581 CUB FOODS 2500 MINNEMAHA AVE 421 S 3RD 5T MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404 STILLWA7ER MN 55082-0009 (612) 721-7581 ry I herebey acktio0lege tha?tt,=T ha+ra;resd s' appl?e??iern a?aI;e'that t:k?e infio-rmat?.on 3s ,corx"t„wrt#,- agrreee°xo caufply Ltf`?7'1 a?.?.?ap??`?cabl? ???t? ?f YM1r! ?Statu'te€s and G?ty vf ?at??n ..?. . _ n? ( wLUA., eu'&Au?h APPLI ANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ? ISSUED BY: NATU CITY OF EAGAN 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) 681 -4675 CO ; L ? The Tollowing are required with appropriate certification for all = construction: ? 2 each: architectural plans; mech. & elec. plans; fire sprfnkler plans; structural plans; site plans; landscaping ptans; greding/drainage/erosion control plan; utility plan ? 1 each: set of specifiwtions; set of energy calculations; elecUiwl power & lighting fortn; Special Inspections & Testing Schedule ? Letter from MClVJS (phone #222-8423) indicatlng SAC detertnination ? Cade anatysis indicatlng: Codes used; occupancy classfications; setbacks; meximum allowable area as per Building and Cky Codes along wkh aq. ft, per floor, type of construction (synopsis of wnstruGion wmponents) & any occupancy or area separetion walls; oaupancy loads; exK synopsis with a diagram indicating exiting loads from each room or area, trevel paths & all rated wrridare; plumbing fiMures; and parking. DATE: q - 1'7 - Q{Q WORK TYPE: _ NEw X REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CU8 Fooos REM61DRL CONSTRUCTION COST (03,000.- TENANT NAME: CuK T-7o.oys SlTEADDRESS: 1Q4b CLIFr- LAV.E Ro4n EAG AN Mw. 551'22 „?. ?. LOT BLOCK SUBD. P.I.D. # u ?i PROPERTY Name: G u F. Foon c Phone #: OWNER ""S' Street Address: 4' Zt 50 uTH 's'4+t ao SiQ-eE _? _ Clty: STILLWA :EC State: N1t NN. Zip: 5 50RZ -oooq CONTRACTOR Company: KU LS ANDr-QS-a nHsu.. Phone #: -7 21 ^ 1 581 StreetAddress• g5mQ 11"AlNwE6614a Lf6 City:?/11NN6A??aus ? Min,?l Zjp; ARCHITECT! Company: ?i-??tat.rl?Q?c 1f.IC Phone #:??2- ENGINEER _ Name: Registration #' Street Address- 5&40 SMErANn '3)twLP SEP City: Iv?,NraETaNtiA State: M+v , Zip: 554y-0 Sewer & water licensed plumber: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is corcect and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: L' 3 i °g , ^^-- , 4? ? °^.==`'&XA , OFFICE USE ONLY BIIILDiNG PERMIT TYPE o 01 Foundafion 0 18 Comm./Ind. WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATION Consk (Actuai) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS id 19 Comm./tnd. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ,e( 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq, ft. Footprint sq. ft. Planning Building w 0 21 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolition MC/WS System ? City Water ? Fire Sprinklered Census Code q 3_1 SAC Code 'ao Census Bidg. 01 Census Unit o Engineering Variance Permit Fee Valuation: Surcharge . , " Plan Review MC/WS SAC City SAC Water Conn. SM/ Permit ' SNV Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Traiis Ded. Water 4ual. , Other Copies , . Totaf: % SAC SAC Units Meter Size $ L3,vo?.? <' CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERIVII'T PERMITTYPE: BuxLnzNG Permit Number: 027217 Date Issued: 0 9/ 2 5/ 9 6 1940 CLTFF LAKE RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 CLIFF LAKE CENTRE P.I.N.: 10-17780-010-01 DESCRIPTION: CUB TEMP GREENHOUSE ermit Type COMM./TND. MISC. Type AL7ERATION 328 QTHER NONRES. *ufi+ Ni `U? REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Surcharge Total Fee VALUATION $74.75 $1.50 $76.25 $3,000 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - BAILEY NURSERIES ZNC 24599744 1325 BATLEY F2D ST PAUL MN 55119 (612) 459-9744 ? Z herekiy acls ' fI1 S'Cd?U?l38 d)7d? OWNER: HOFFMAN KEVIN 2214 E 117H S7 BURNSVILLE MN 55337 (612)894-9807 u ? J SSUED BY SIG ATl1RE CITY OF FAGAN ?J ? ? 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT{ON (COMMERC{Al} ? r ? • ?? ??? 681-4675 CoX-?'?p pp q _? The following are required with appropriate certificstlon foi all new conshuction: CAAP /1 3a • 2 each: architeGural plans; mech. & elec. plans; fire sprinklar plans; sWdural plans; sde plans; landscaping plans; grading/drainagelerosion conVal plan; utllity plan . 1 each: set of spedfications; set M energy wlculations; electripl power & lighting fortn; Special Inspections 8 Testing Schedule • Letter from MCNJS (phone A222-8423) indicating SAC detertnination ? Code anelysis indicatlng: Cades used; ocapancy classffications; setbadcs; mazimum allowable area as par 8uilding and Cily Codes along wiM sq. ft. per floor; type of construction (synopsis of conshuction comporrenfs) 8 any occupanry or area separetion walis; occupancy loads; exk synopsis with a diag2m indicaGng exiting loads from each room or area, travel paths 8 all reted corridors; plumbing fatures; and parking. - DATE: 2?I?' WORKTYPE: ? NEw REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: '??oI t-D TC`-??`?R 900J H(J`AL ? CONSTRUCTION COST: TENANT NAME: ?.L??_?)d ?? ? Y?I ? dto SITE ADDRESS: ?"?? IW ??64A) ' ? .51 TRFEf SlF • LOT --L BLOCK ? SUBD. !?lLQP.I.D. # PROPERTY Name: _ Phone #: OWNER `"" Street Address??/? 57 <?T/2Li-7- City : ?tJ?SVIL?£ state: zip: _455-337 CoNTRAcroR Company: J eSEYl- ! F- Phone #: street Address: r': ?? : -2 ! .,.y _.,.. ARCHITECT! ENGINEER IRF,CMMED i' C U L 9 109C, --------------- Company: 3&41/1,L Name: Phone #• Registration #' Street Address• City: State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber. 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this appliCation and state that the information is rrect nd a ree o wmply with ail applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE _ Basement sq. ft. _ _ First Floor sq. ft. _ _ sy µ• _ _ sq. ft. _ _ sq. ft. _ _ sq. ft. _ _ Footprint sq. ft. _ ? 01 Foundation =:P)4'19 Comm.llnd. Misc. ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 18 Comm./lnd. ? 20 Public Facility WORK TYPE ?Crlttk/loust - ?.r?,P?y,?y ?ucr?s.e? ? 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair o 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) I IO!` /1...... ,,.... .,?,,.par,cy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning PermR Fee Surcharge Pfan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. SNV Permit SM/ Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit raric Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: ?.. MCNVS System City Water .Ct,?a vnr:nLlnroa r,. . ? ?.. Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg. Census Unit keV-L : )??v sl"Icl?lqG Building Engineering Variance qg valuation: $ 3? Do ? ? ? i D ??M'j r % SAC SAC Units Meter Size PERMIT ? ?. C-Il'1( OF EAGAN / 31 :?`1 (? 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: ? s u r Lo z N Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Permit Number: 023179 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 3/ 2 9/ 9 4 SITE ADDRESS: 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 CLIFF LAKE CENTRE P.I.N.: 10-17780-010-01 DESCRIPTION: ?. i . (TEMP GREENHOUSE) Bnilding?,Permit Type COMM./IND. MISC. Building Wb?rk Type NEW r' l? i t i ? ? REMARKS FEE SUMMARY: VALURTION Base Fee Surcharge Tqtal Fee $21.@0 $.50 $21.50 CONTRACTOR: $800 OWNER• - Applicant - UB FOODS 940 CLIFF LAKE RD AGAN MN 55122 612)454-4606 I hereby acknnwledge that I have read this application and state that the infiormation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Mn. Statutes and City of Eagan prdinances. . : _ AP ANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE I UE : SIGNATURE ? CITY OF EAGAN 994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 2 4 Cb& -------- SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of manth in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lat change is requested once permit is issued. Date .2AI Valuation af work ?&r) Site Address:_ l9?IfJ L' jiFF 4?+k6 Roap STREET SUITE iC Tenant Name: (commercial only) Ccz8 rt)n? S LOT I BLOCK I SUBD. Cj'1rrF ?k- P.I.D. # CEN'TRE Descri tion of mork: ??Peh Lipv The applicant is: ? Owner ? Contractor Other (Oescribe) ufs f S?e ? Name L??' ??s Phone ???J '{?7?fD Property LAST FIRST Own2r Address d44CF 1*0- ko;A,_P STREET STE # City 15#6;+A1 5tate rri fu, Zip ?J" 5??0? Company Phone Contractor Address ?A4'Yl ?. Li cense # Exp. City State Zip Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address ' City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is twa days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applica6le State of Minnesota Statutes and City of g an Ordinances. L f nature 0 l g Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY ,??.: ? ?"?? '!"% • , BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 11 01 Foundation 11 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Basement Finish 1:1 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 17 5wim Poal ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace Z 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'7. ? 15 Oeck ? 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous WORK TYPE TG'Ay, G`,-re., ?0. ee p 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finis h ? 37 Demolish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Mave GENERAL INFORMATIO N Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MWCC System (Allowable) lst F1. sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required Zoning Sq. Ft. total Booster Pump # of Staries Footprint Sq. ft. Fire Sprinkler Length On-site well Census Code 3z? ? Depth On-site sewage 3AC Code 3 a Census Bldg ? APPROVALS Census Unit o Planning Building Assessments Engineering Variance REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? .Site ? Wallboard 11 Footing EI- Final 0 Framing ? Draintile ? Insulation ? Fireplace Permit Fee 5urcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Oed. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: vetuacsa+: SAC % SAC Units 'r a SUPERVALU CDmpany 40 1940 Cliff Lake Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 612 454 4606 February 21, 1994 T0: City of Eagan Building Inspection Department 3820 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 FROM: Eagan Cub Foods Brian Harvieux 1940 Cliff Lake Rd Eagan, MMN 55122 PURPOSE: APPLICAITON FOR BUILDING PERMIT We are applying for a permit to construct a hoop-framed greenhouse. We would have set-up starting approximately April 16, 1994. Total set-up time is one to two days. Take do„m (one day) of the unit will be the week of June 7. Construction will be done by the following company: Bailey Nurseries, Inc. 1325 Bailey Rd. St. Paul, MN 55119 Site location, design and frame detail, and materials to be used are included on the following pages. We will be using a flame retardant, unsupported poiy. If there are any other concerns, plea:,e feel free to contact me personally and it will be promptly responded to. Sincerely, Brian Harvieux Asst. Store Manager Eagan Cub Foods Enclosures BH/ps February 21, 1992 PROPOSED SITE I,OCATION AND PHYSICAL MAKE-UP OF GREENHOUSE AND SALES AREA ON CU$ FOOAS EAGAN PROPERTY 1. The Cub Greenhouse will be put up approximately the third week in April every year and stay up approximately five to six weeks. The sales for this greenhouse are very short-lived because oE the brief planting season, hence the practicality of having i;; open for only six weeks a year. The greenhouse and area around it ,,i11 take approximately ? parking spaces for six weeks. These six wr2eks are typically the tail end of our "slow" time of year, Therefore, we feel we are not using any "critical" parking spaces by putting in the gieenhouse. We have never heard any complaints about the greenhouse tal=ing up parking area. Conversely, we have had many coiapliments from our customers in having the greenhouse available to thein. The proposed space is located on the North side of the building. (See Attaced) This is our employee lot. We will move the employee lot to the West'and Northwest edge of the lot. (See Attached) 2. The actual greenhouse is put up by F3ailey's Nursery,/and is approximately 21 by 120 feet. It is secured to ttie ground with stakes that are inside the rounded steel pipes that comprise the inner structure of the greenhouse. This aliows the greenhouse to be sPCUrely anchored to the ground, while at the same time, the stakes are not visable. All product will be displayed inside the greenhouse. ?. CITY- OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: DESCRIPTION: 3ur?c+ittg L c rs,r.?.?;, ,.., r '' F REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: , ... I . i 41 I I ' I CONTRACTOR: ? OWNER: ^ T F Fl U I i5?. ,? ,•. . . .. . . . . . .st. .. . _.. ..... .. . ... ...._.. ? . 11°:at,p oe:l.rioi,rir:,x}- =.?." v ( . r^?ucr t*pn '.. .?.he q ;.C) 'Skiiq7fy ` epl.4C.tF?'i?` .? .r. ., v? ?+?'• .,?a rv ? f -- - PERMITEESIGNATURE ISSUED Y:SIGNATUT ? J'r: REACTIVATE CITY Of EAGAN PERFfI7' ? ??EW1993 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 681-4675 4APR 0 8 1993 -------- SINGLE 8 MULT - pf plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy catcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural 8 structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month- in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date 9-3 Yaluation of work F-C' ,ed` C Zet ?? c-Z L 1 I i Site Address: - STREET SU[TE 0 ? Tenant Name: (commercial only) ! cJ? ?? ° IAT BIACK _L SDBD. l? ?, 1YP, a P.I.D. * Descri tion of work: o? The appl icant i s: ? Owner Contractor ? Other (Describe) ?? ?`??'? ' P12 Name Phone Property L.ST ?IRST Owner pddress STREET STE M City State ZiP Company .lV Phone ?y»f? COntl'aCtor 16 Xy' .? p Address ?A 0 License # Exp. Clty ..5"75' St3t2 ZjP Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address City State Zip 5ewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area fias been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informatian is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: _" ??- OFFICE USE ONLY ? BUILDING PERMtT TYPE -? '._• ?t, ::,, ,9% 13 OI Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 15.E4"'"?,sellent I irr.??h 0 02 SF Dwg. 0 01 4-P1ez ? 12 Hulti. Misc. O 17 Swim Pool 0 03 5F Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory O 18 Comm./Ind. ? 04 Sf Porch E3 09 12-Plex 0 14 Fireplace ? 19 Comn./Ind. Misc. ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck ? 20 Pubtic Facility F 21 Miscellaneous woRK nrPE 4 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant finish ? 37 Demolish O 32 Addition O 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MWCC System (Ailowable) lst fl. sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy ? 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required Zoninq Sq. Ft. total Booster Pump i of Stories Footprint Sq. ft. Fire Sprinkler Length On-site well Census Code ? Depth 2o On-site sewage SAC Code t APPROVALS o Planning Building Assessments Engineering Variance REQUIRED lNSPECTIONS TE7?lppRAIQy/ Glet?'N'IdouSt ? Site ? Footing ? Framing ? Insulation ? Wallboard. Final ? Draintile ? Fireplace Permit Fee vo v.w,c;d,: Surcharge /,oo Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: s Q_e)oo ?- SAC % SAC Units ',? ? I, .? I „/ _"_. _ ___' •.?/y/? J•?`0 ? •53?6?`5 IY, \` 7 . ? „ ?, ' ` : , ?;. • . ?? `i ? ? ` .7 F>' , ? \ ? ??? ? '? . M V, ? . ? ? . . . . -? ' e?K j? Cf? `- , / ? ' ? /? '• ? . ? u ?a ? • ? ?? «?? ? %, . . . ;' ' ;, ? f'c,wl?tHI,.3?"?' y?.?. • ? , . - . , / %? ? ? ^ ' i " . y ?y ?? ,./I / ? ??,.??? 't', ? ? l , i b .? ??•?, i ,? . '.?, . ic? i`d s?,+ ?,;. .? i % . r : / •, _ i? W}v . ??fl? ?*?K- `?? //,? r •'s l? . , `, .._ ?.- . 1 ?d?s?x, ? ??,'. ? / •?,. M^ ?./_ -? ' _ / .'? / . '?4 ? v '' ?? ? ?, ''' / ' l ?)? 7K§?#.i ??? w ._ . ' •o ' ' 1` '2 5,.? # ?#?'4 ? ?? ? , \ • " ' ! 1.1 ; ' ufY?Tr ??'g • JRi?. y:.: ??j ?, '*r'ys?f st? " ' _= -Y ., ? t + ? ??.; ?d ?IC,? ,??H ????, i.:, ?..?.. _ If approved, this Speci,?l Se e •1991. ? .,•,.., ...,?,,,cr is iemporary and shall expire after May 24> . ' ,.....,. PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (651)681-4675 PERMIT TYPE: D U J i n i iv c Permit Number: 0345n3 Date Issued: 0?! 2 G/ 9 9 SITE ADDRESS: 1940 cLir-r- i.aNF Rc, i cIr : I i,L_oci<: I clzFF a Ah& cen!Ttt+= P.S.N.: 10-17780-010-03 DESCRIPTION: GRE[NHOUSE Fyi'idinq Permit Tvi) f? Bi?lldtno bl?cs??k Typp ,f;?an:sus ?',adw ? - ? % i / / . . R115CELLANEOUS nEw 327 STORI`::i _. . t ° _ ?. . .. REMARKS: N1.I1P! ftEVTEIdt_U BY UJAYPlE Mit!.[:R. (TGMPORARY GREEINMOUSI_) FEE SUMMARY: VfiLUATION $3,0470 Base Fee $83.26 Surr.harqr $7..5e l'oraJ. Fee. -- $g4.76 CONTRACTOR: - ApuLi. c zF n t- cus Fc,on; 24=44606 :LoY4o -L..L'IFF LFdICE RD EliGFliV MN 55122 FrFi1l 454-1606 : OWNER: RYP,hJ PftOPERTJF :' 1940 ci zi r F fif:iAh! (fi51.) IAnL RIl PiiV 651.?2 i herebv achrtowladqe tha,t } FavII rebd this <yop13ee(.ion and G'ta1-e 'ch,-at the IntnrwL'on i; correcc ano aq?r_ to comr,lv wit.h at1 <<pplicable StuGn ai i•In. '3t;r,':ui.-as and C1tV ofi Fanan OrrJiri,snces. L _ APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE J eui) IGNATUR ?? IS ' D BY: S 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN (651) 681-4675 Submit followina to ohtain nececcarv normit (l Foundation Onl New Construction ? Interior Im rovement strucWral pians (2 sets) architectural plans (2 sets) architectural plans (2 sets) civil plans (2 sets) structurel plans (2 sets) code analysis (1) " code analysis (1) ° civil plans (2 sets) project specs (1 seq project specs (1) lantlscaping plans (2 sets) Key Plan Special Inspections & 7esling Schetlule " wtle analysis (1) " energy calculations (1) rwtalvrays " soils report (1) Electric Power & Lighting Form (t) not alvrays ^ SAC determiaation letter from MGES - SAC detertninalion letter from MGES - SAC determination lerier from MGES - call 602-1000 call 602•1000 nll 602-1000 Special Inspedions & Testing Schedule (1) " prqect specs (1) energyqlwlations (1) •• Elearic Power 8 Li hGn Form 1 " .....a.,. ???y mayecuuns ivr sampie Food 8 Beverage or Lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Call 215-0700 for detaiis. DATE: Z IIG &IWORK TYPE: ? NEW _ REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: q?? ;??r?v,,?,? CONSTRUCTION COST: TENANT NAME: ? Go,.os SITE ADDRESS: Iq?'I O CQ di L0, 1' p CO SUITE #: ? y?1 LOT ? BLOCK SUBD. l1L C, &-±7C,- P.I.D. # Name:_/1401t/ l'opLdi6S Phone PROPERTY Last First ' OVINER SneetAddress: q-o C/j;f (tl- e /Z,C City __ f?; ?•v.. State: AnJ Zip: 551 7Z Company: 61ai hooDS' Phone#: 61.5 ?' 4cGb COK'TR4CTOR / Street Address: Ciry _ (.,?State: r/? Zip: SS-72-2- ARCHITECTi EKGINEER Company: Phone #: \ame: Registration Street Address: Ciry State: Zip: Sewer 8 water licensed plumber (only if installing sewer & water): 1) ' A 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Ciry ot Eaqan Ordinances. Signature ot Applicant: (//'?{,G?"'? y- ???%G? FEB 16 1999 G? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation C]' 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Facility .) DU S1? WORK TYPE GR,/N ? 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition 0 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) V/V Basement sq. ft (Allowable) I/N First Floor sq. ft. UBC Occupancy ? sq. ft. Zoning sq. ft. # of Stories sq. ft. Length sq. ft. Width Footprint sq. ft. APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Census Code 3 Z 7 SAC Code Census Unit ? Census Bldg. MC/ES System City Water Fire Sprinklered Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies Total /.S(7 VALUATION: $ ?0 (o % SAC SAC Units Meter Size gy,75 .??- PERMIT C17Y'OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMITTYPE: BurLpzNG Permit Number: 029817 Date Issued: p q J 2 4/ 9 7 SITE ADDRESS: 1340 CLIFF LHKE RD LOTc 1 BLOCK: 1 CLIFF LAKE CENTRE P.I.N.: 10-17780-010--01 DESCRIPTION: (CUB FOOD5) Building-Permit Type MISCELLANEOUS ,'guildiriy ab.rk Type NEW ' Census Code ?', 328 OTHER NONRES. ?-y ? Y ? T S ? j i? ?. .' r ? 7 t .4?1 C' ?Mt p i \?a{ s ?Fe?? ? 'j `w31}.,j :3 REMARKS: TEMPORARY GREENHOUSE (09 T i I E f R A MIN 6 flM B FIN,4L I-.=S-R-EET S!i 7 THE G,;,'",z-Tr"" €-) FEE SUMMARY: VALUATIQN $3,000 Base Fee $74.75 Surcharge $1.50 Total Fee $76.25 CONTRACTOR: - qpplicant - OWNER: BATI.EYS 27683374 SUPERVALU HOLDINGS INC 1'326 BAILEY RD 11840 VALLEY VIEW RD ST PAUL ' mN 55119 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 65344 (?12) 768-3374 (61.2)828-4000 i I hereby acknowlee#ge th'at I have read this appiScation and state that the informatioh is c4ri^ect, and agrae Cat aomply with- al,? appl3oatrle :State ttf Mna ? Statutes arid City s?f E,?'gan',Ordinanees.' ?? ?AP ICANg T? /?PERMIT ELVSIGNATURE ISSUED Y: STGNATURE, .? q 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) ,? 1(, . ? ? CITY OF EAGAN jw 681-l6T5 The following are required with appropriete certifieation for all na conaWction: . 2 each: archiOecWre1 plans; medh. 8 elec. plans; flre spriNcler plans; struaural plans; sMa plans; landscapin8 plens: 9radingldreinagalaroslon conVOl plan; utiiity plan • t each: set W specifications; aet oi energy calculations; eledrieal power & IiphU p form? Special Inspedions 8 Tesdng Schedule Letter from MCMIS (phone f1222-8423) indicating SAC detertninationse W?r1?,?JG?0-f `. ? Cod anatysis fndicaNng: Codes used; oaupsncy qessficadona; aetbadca; maximum elloweble area.as per Bullding end Cily Codes elong with aq. S, ?e ptu N ft. per floor, type of Construction (eynopsis o/ tonstruction componeMS) 8 any oxupanty or aree seperatian wall6; oecupancy batls; extt synopais wIN a diagrem indiceting exking loada 1rom each room or area, Uevel paths & all reted eortfdors; Plumbing fixtures; and peAcing. . DATE: 7 WORK TYPE: J NEW _ REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: To rs, Ot'u.?`u Greev\ ?0U5F. CONSTRUCTION COST: TENANT NAME: C Uk Fn( C, 1CO? G 4 r? SITEADDRESS:?gLin Gl1Tjc L-,Pp Pn N) mr \ m. LOTBLOCKI SUBD. 11 k P.I.D.# c?- PROPERTY Name: SpPrUal Q I?ol???,_ ? Th e,, Phone OWNER 'Street Address: Ud,PjnUi w i,/PH city: C& n state: zip: CoNTw?CroR Company: 'IJG'k Iq?(S Phone#:'-7rA'337y Street Address: ? 3a 5 ?a,, Iv I { ? ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER ' fQV?S . r A 1' ll b tL:e? APR l 1997 ? a ____- --. City: Zip: J S ??_I Company: ?16,trt?ne?ul !iDeL?%aV\oS 1m, Phone #: Name: A? ? ? LauV'a I Registration #: 0 5 031 Street Address: ? . C-) , ?Oy- eC4 ? ??• a ?City: ? A a ? 7.u? u\ State: Y ? N) Zip. Sewer 8 water licensed plumber (only 'rf installing sewer 8 water): ? I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informatfon is Correct and agree to comply wkh all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. i 1,7??/ .,1/ Signature of ApplicanC U OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation 0 18 Comm./Ind. WORK TYPE ? 31 New n 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATION Const (Actual) (Ailowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVAL \till Planning " ? 19 Comm./lnd. Misc. 0 20 Public Facility Ir (.1 I ? :? ? s•? ? ?"' ?"'? a 21 Miscellaneous 7e?-f#/?cS£ ?TN'lFb?eA?¢v Sr'?Grsc,et ? 4 0 0 33 ARerations o 35 Tenant Finish 0 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition Basement sq. ft. MCMIS System First Floor sq. ft. City Water sq. ft. Fire Sprinkiered sq. ft. Census Code .1 sq. ft. SAC Code SD sq. ft. Census Bidg. ! Footprint sq. ft. Census Unit _v Ni'lL ? '3e aArXUVy +"F.r.q-t Building ?? Engineering Variance ? Permit Fee Valuation: $ 3? OD o Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. SNV Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units Meter Size 010 V??oods'bv???.? ? ?Q1ock 1 PG10,4\5 lot. • ??`;:': . : ??. \\ i •.? ?', , ?. ? ?, ???^ ... ?. a \. ' \ .. • -. ? . •. .,? . ?? •. ?c :• . ??. ?. ? . ... ??.. __ . . .... _ .._ ...."-""•-...-._?_ .. ..............._..__.__.-_'_' .. . ? :???. . 7• PERMIT ` CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road B U I L D I N G Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: 029877 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: g 5/ o 2/ 9 7 SITE ADDRESS: 1940 CLIFF LRKE RO I.OT: 1 BLOCK: 1 CLZFF LAKE C.EM1lTRE P.ToN.: 10-17760-010-01 DESCRIPTION: (2) REFRIG 13'uilding,Permit Type Building 4ck Type r,asEs COMM./IND. MTSC. ALTERFlTION 437 ALT. NONRES. ..,t«!£? r: REMARKS: • SEPARA7E PERMITS REQUIRED FOR PLUMBSNG, MECHRNICAL, OR ELECTftICAL WORK FEE SUMMARY: VALUAT70N Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Total Fee $237.25 $154.21 $8.00 $399.46 $16,000 CONTRACTOR: - Flpplicant - OWNER: KRAUS ANDERSpN 27217581 5UPER VALUE FIOLDINGS 2500 MINNEHAHA AVE 101 J[FFEftSON AVE 5 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404 HOPKINS MN 55343 (612) 721--7581 (612)932-2526 ? I I hereby acknawiedge thaG'=.S hiave redd thk.s 1pp3AOa,titrn an>d sCata tMat th_e informatian Is correct an'd agree t(i'`?omp'ly wittt dli appiltable 5taC¢ of F1n. Statutes and CiLy oE Eagan Ordznances. w;ffi'I),,m, C?_,,4.?U6A APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNAT E ? ottn R ON,r( I Mlt 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 881-4675 The following are required with appropriate ceRification for all now construc[ion: \ (COMMERCIAL)0? • 2 each: architedural plans; mech. & elec. plans; fire apnnkler plans; struGUral plans; ske plans; landswping plans; gradingltlreinage/erosion control plan; utility plan ? 1 each: set of spec'fiications; set of energy calculations; electrical power 8 lighting form; Special Inspections & Testing 5chedule ? Letter from MCANS (phooe #222-8423) indicating SAC detertninatiun ? Code anarysis indieating: codes used; occupancy clasafications; set6adcs; maximum allowable area as per Building and Ciry Codes along with sq. ft. per Floor; type of construction (synopsis of construdlon wmponents) & any eccupaney ar area seperation wall% oceupancy bads; exk synopsis with a dlagrem indicating exi[ing loads hom each room or area, travel paths & all rated corritlors; plumbing foctures; and parking. DATE: 4"? 5- 91 WORK TYPE: _ NErv REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: - F-xTBNDtN[4 (2I -P`E'f21r'eeeAT,oN Gp5E5 CONSTRUCTION COST: ? I ra . 00o TENANT NAME: GuB iFoov5 SITEADDRESS: 1940 GI.IFF LAKE ?ioqD EG%AN , MiNN 5512Z man /? an. LOT 1 BLOCK f SUBD. _0-&-144 P.I.D. # PROPERTY Name: SupfR UAt-tie HowoiNas Phone#: 932 -262(c owNeR Street Address: 101 ??? ?so *1 ,4VE So. City: NpYK105 State: tnaw. Zip: 55343 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECTI ENGINEER Company: 4?at..us Anf9aQScnt GaisYrZ. Phone#: '121-'I5 P,I StreetAddress: 2500 MINNEHAN0. ,4ve City: MpLe' , MwS.t. Zip: 554 0 4- Company: 91-a,NMA2Y- 0Nc.. Phone #: q G4 -5859 Name: X Scorr 5LqNY Registration#: 5treetAddress: 1053?2 < <'.ii-pon ?.?¢.ivy-- 5u<<e too City: E-De-t.1 FRaiszie State: M.+wM Zip: 55 3 49' licensed plumber (only if installing sewer & water): I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is corcect and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Cily of Eagan Ordinances. SignatureofApplicant: ll.?%on?:n„?.v ? I/ - • ., .., , OFFICE USE ONLY f BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 18 Comm./Ind WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) ` (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS &R119 Comm./Ind. Misc ? 20 Public Facility ,?0-33 Alterations ? 34 Repair Basement sq. ft. First Fioor sq. ft. ' sq. ft. sq, ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. Footprint sq. ft. Planning Building ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolition M6/WS System City Watet Fire Sprinklered Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg. Census Unit Engineering Variance 30 ?- ? Permit Fee Valuation: Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PL Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units Meter Size $ 'lCO) ?B? ? 1988 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 161 1 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES EOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BIIILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL UNITS FOR SALE UNITS # OF UNIT3 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECS WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMMERCIAL IvCLUDE 2 SETS OE ARCHITECTURAL 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 1NTE.RInR iMPRovEMenT & STRUCTURAL PLANS, SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: Valuation: Site Address 1940 OFFIi F?cr? , vv%1?4 Lot ? Block Pareel/Sub Owner 06410 v?pp? Address City/Zip Code AW Phone Contractor ;?-YAj..( 2 Address QO? sy?Q" City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. Address 177? City/Zip Code On site sewage_ MWCC system _ On site well _ City water _ PRV required _ Booster Pump _ APPROVALS Date: (D Occupaney ?? ^Z Zoning Actual Const Allowable 1k of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEES Engr/Assess Planner Council Bldg. Off. ro (9 Variance 316,00 D.00 1-58.00 Phone If 40?- /R./id??- ' ? / l ? / • d7or?-?'?'SS? C?nrq rti. 300? ?J ?(0 9- 38 I -75?? i Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC, M4ICC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOTAL ?,?? a 1988 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAG6N SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS / 5 6 6f INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVE;Y, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTEt ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BOILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL UNITS FOR SALE UNITS $ OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECK WITB BLDG. DEPT.? 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMA1ERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTIIRAL PLANS, ??„? 5?/ ol 4 S? 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS -L FOUNIJATION rERMIT ( .Lb l?T SFIcw Va?uA?,?l To Be Used For: ?t?8 f0?5 WpQg Valuation: 000 Date: Site Address UL/fF EAAHN Keqos Lot I Block I Pareel/Sub CUFG LAKE CENTIQE Owner ?(Jf3 oevS Address /et'7 e?ellJ,¢fE,Q J7REgT City/21p Code vTiu.e?qTjrC, HAI Phone -'13 9- 7.1 0 0 Contractor RYAN l:a.vST.rucTicW co Address [Oo -A d/-? S V?' o. City/Zip Code /7i,W,v4FAE+9Pc14 0 l?fN Phone 339-?PIZy Areh./Engr. P4ANHARK Address // ,Pyo ?AtA? VdGr")/Qo6 AMM !'iOEJV J'R?IJJ?C'.I'7N- City/Zip Code ,Q {,aK /a? ?$f /?fiNNIAI?Od.I L NA O ,/ aa?rv m Phone !I p.Zp-7?Se6 On site sewage_ M47CC system _ On site well _ City water _ PAV required _ Hooster Pump _ APPROVALS Occupancy $'Z Zoning Actual Const Allowable Il of stories Length a9°, Depth 247' S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEES Engr/Assess Permit ?13.50 Planner Surcharge Council ? Plan Review Bldg. Off. 5?L3 SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies ToTnL S13.5o - RYAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, INC. 700 International Centre 900 Second Avenue South MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 (612) 339•9847 TO _ WE ARE SENDING YOU g7 Attached ? Under separate cover ? Shop drewings ? Copy of letter ? Prints ? Change order ? Plans ? - dr??TIEa oIF MaQM EoUUraL DATE 4/13/88 JOB NO. ATTENTfON Doug Reed RE: Cub Foods - Ea an Cliff Lake Center following items: ? Samples ? Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIMION 1 4/8/88 S ecification 2 Structural Drawin s Ri 2/24/88 , S1A 4/7 88 SIB 4 4 88 S2A(4/7/88), 52B (4/7/88) S3(3l28188, S4(4/4188) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ? For approval L)C For your use - ? As requested ? For review and comment ? FOR BIDS DUE ? Approved as submitted ? Approved as nMed ? Returned for corrections ? ? Resubmit copies for approval ? Submit_capies far distribution ? Return correctel prints ? PRINTS RETURNED AF'TER LOAN TO l15 REMARKS (zDm tq?'C-T?? ?-TS o?- ??? ?„?s ?.?H. > T?u?,- ????ti. ? coPv P?110.2 DIrc.G..Mm 01471 . sR $IGNED: Jeff Rice/lh 11 enelosums src nM as noted, kindh -otiry ua at onee. MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCAT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGZNEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. ? JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BIIILDING OFFICIAL DATE: APRIL. 1he preliminary plans for C Gl are in our plan 1S/ 19 68 construction X CFowNQf`TIQ-N rBRMlT) seetion ror your Please return this form to Joe Merehak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe within five (5) days will be considered your approval. If you have any ob3ections to approval oP these plans, iL is your responsibility to notify this department and resolve any problems. 1liank-you. ? . ?Jd n ? ^ D /JS Z • /Vo l.0-a4nn4? . ? lla? 9 3. 'sk 1988 HIIILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 7 4f 144 1 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIEICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CQRNER LOTS - C013TRACTOR/HOMEOWNEA MUST DESIGNkTE WFIICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL HE ALLDWED ONCE BQILDING PEAMTT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL ONITS FOR SALE UNZTS # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SUAVEY - CHECK WITA BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS C02•AtERCIAL INCLUDE 2 S6TS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, t SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: ?y?y T Valuatian: p7•? *lDate: Site Address Lot ? Block ? Parcel/Sub ?? zn,?6o City/Zip Code ?Sj"d Phone L - 7.20D Contractor Address ? e9Nd City/2ip Code Phone Arch. /Engr. Address City/Zip Code F01?01 J+/ On site sewage MWCC system ? On site well City water ? PRV required _ Booster Pump _ Occupancy --i Zoning Pv,. Aetual Const 7L-, Allowable ? +l of stories Length ? Depth ? S.F. Total Z, Footprint S.F. (a9 APPROVALS FEES EngrlAssess Permit 5800 ? Planner Surcharge q" o- Council Hldg. Off. Plan Review l SAC, City 29 0o= I O' Variance ° SAC, MW'.',C I 04SQ_ Water Conn Water Meter -? Road Unit rJ 2?9 ` Treatment Pl . 387(? ` Parks Copies TOTAI. -??- ) NKLtR Phone I/ gA ig - 4-50/) ??._ ?:._ ? _?:?ff.?_._. ?_._ . .: , . . 1989 BIIILDING PfiRMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS I ? I INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATFS OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTEs ADDRESSFS FDE CORNER LOT3 - COATRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MITST DESIGNATE WEiICH ADDRFSS IS DESIRED. NO CH9NGFS WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BIIILDING PERMIT I3 L4SDED. MITLTIPLE DWELLINGS RSNT9L DNITS FOR SALE UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SQRVEY - CHECg HIT$ BLDG. DEPT.t 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COIRMEACIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS ?l Y ery? W 2 81989 - - To Be Used For: 76Ma4<4ay 6'.0?/yvlgEValuation: M.pO Date: /-OelL ?/sW-Dzw? 57?f Site Address /PKo C?rFF ZArF' X'y• Lot J_ Block I 11 Parcel/Sub l) a,1 i ?' I ai i,Pmlxe) Owner Grid ?!S Address /9?'a cUFF 40e,-? ,qoO. City/Zip Code E,?pGqTJ , iy,rJ 55/zZ Phone `/S?/- ?60 6 jup"e Contractor 6ArG,cyS Y . Address /32S 9A,zaX LCo.?o i City/Zip Code ,u6Ak4a,<7- ?,.,,,) 55/?4 Phone yS9 -,?,Zy? Areh. /Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone S OFFICE Oecupancy T3 -2- Zoning Actual Const Allowable # of stories Length ? Depth 20' S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On site sewage_ On site well _ MWCC System _ City water _ PRO required _ Booster Pump _ F6SS Bldg. Permit 1$,L)o 9PPHOV9LS Planner _ Couneil Bldg. OPf. . t!n/j,pj Variance Couneil • OF ONIT3 Sureharge ? 5v Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Acet. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Copies / 'Oo TOT9L ILL 6 0 HOTE: Sewer & Water Permit fees and account deposit fees will be included in the building permit fee. Processing time for aever and water permits is two days once a liceneed plumber has applied for a permit at City Hall. 1991 BIII ?N E CATION CZTY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 1SITLTIPLE DWELLINGS C014fERCIAL 2 SETS OF PIANS 2 SETS OF PIANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - & STRUCTURAL PIANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG, DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET QF ENERGY CALCUTATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS OF RENTAL UNITS _# OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY IAST WORKING DAY OF tiONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. IAT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER IATS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLAWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER 6 WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS SEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. i ? To Be Used For: `i9}. Valuation Site Address /`j Lot I Slock I_ Parcel/Sub Na,U 1AL pmtu. ?? T r r- Address 1940 lVli } 1fi. ?Pd• City/Zip Code t'^AG<rl; Phone Contractor SIECZJ Cp../ST. Address .27L1a ?/ST A(). S. City/Zip Code oL1121-S ?11 SSyO(o Phone -?P1 Arch./Engr. Address CityJZip Code Phone # 11' Contr. Contractor Date Occupancy Zoning Actual Const Allowable # of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On site sewageJ On site well _ MWCC System ! City water _ YRV ? Booster Pump _ APPROVALS Planner _ Council Bldg. Off. ??-9/ S Variance q1s/9/ FEES Bldg. Permit 252,00 Surcharge 2,5b Plan Review ( o0 SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/w Permit 5/W Surchatge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trail Ded. Copies SIIBTOTAL Penalty Lot Change TOTAL ? F2?,.ao'b?'?TcF'BArIK?AR?A agrees that all woCk shall he done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ClTY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ZONING/PROPOSEp C?SE: IX?1 COhII"1ERCIAL/REPAIL/OFFICE aNDUsTa.Lnz n INSTI'IUTIONAL/00VERIZE1'p *ATE: PAYMFJTI' OF k'EE AT TIME OF ArPLicATzorr poES riom CONsrITUM nPPxovAr. oF PERMIT. IrISnncrioiv oF sDM Arm/at t,mM T.7A'[TON$ WILL NOj` $?'' $Q' '?- iLF9 tlNPIL PIItMIT AAS BFESI APPROVID. %-6i-uuaiouDaivision.or •rax Paicel ID #) IF E7ffSTIM STRCCiL?RE, DATE OF ORIGINAL HUILDING PEE2MIT ISS[,'ANCE: - PRFSEDTf lMon Year ? R-1 SINGLE FAMILY [Zi R-2 DLW.F'.1C (Iwo Units) ? R'3 ZOWNHOUSE (Three + Units) ( Units) p R-4 APARTN=/CODIDOM.LNIDM ( Units ) 2) ? NAMffi: ADDRESS: CITY. STATE, ZIP: PHONE: 3) ' ,: ?• i'''t"E;ZWW - 0Z, f. l T I Gr 5'?d1? S7 L ADDRESS:__?S-?0 fj ?L?Y'L ?Q ciTt, sraxE, zir:A??,?/,SUIGL(?' 4 r 5% PHONE: MA,STER LICENSE# 4) ?• • i?- NAME: ADDRESS: CI2Y, STP.TE, ZIP: PHONE: • ? Pliunbers License: ACtive E)cpired Not recorded Staff I[ntial .5) ' KiNl r' ' ?' : ? • a? - ?? ? CONNECTION TOCITY SEWE[t rtn CONNDCTION M CITY WATER E( OTML ' 6) '? ' ??• [? PLEASE HOLD ApPRpVID Pg211IT FOR PICK-UP BY ONE OF ABOVE Cf P?Lp,p7!??"! MAIL APPROVID PERMIT TO 1. 2., 4. ABOVE - e . (/?_ . fn:.....,- ---` . . FOR CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSUED ` Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ $ SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ $ lo " S--b WATER PERMIT (INCLLDE SURCHARGE) $ ?- $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLC'DE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ ACCOONT DEPOSIT - WATER $ $ WAC $_ ?•GIO $ SAC $ $ TRUNR WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TRONK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ $ ' LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFZT/TRUNK WATER $ ???w ^ O C7 $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE $ S OTHER: $ ?c? , Z ZO D $ c,2/` D U' TO TAL 1 8 5-9?1 2 RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQLIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? Q YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PDBLIC Q ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSLED BY THE ENGINEERING NO DZVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SC)BJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CpNDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: 2 ,_02 ? ??h" r APPLICATION FOR PERMIT CITY OF, EAGAN SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION *IOTR: PA)W.Nf OF FEE AT TIME pF aPpmcmoN DOEs rAm ooaa-rITUTE APPRC7VAL OF PERNIIT, INSPnMorr oF SE,?x ANID/ox MM INSI'ATTATTON$ (aIjL Wj' $E $CHED- ULID U@7rIL PERIYIIT AAS HM APPROVID. ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ??1) ^ ^ /?JJ PROPERTY ADDRESS: r94o ?, I? S Wcl? tn /&(,6) - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Lot/Block Su ivision or Tax Parce ID IF E7QS1'ING SIRC'CiVRE, DATE OF ORIGZNAL BL'ILDING PERMZT ISS(:ANCE: PRESEPIr ZONING/PROPOSID LSE: Mon ear 0 CON4ERCIAL/REPAIL/OFFICE 0 R-1 SINGLE FAMILY ? IND??ST!'•LD1- M R-2 GU'rLE:C (2wo C?nits) n INSTITS."I'IONAL/GOVIItAAg,'NT M R-3 TOWN[IOUSE (Three + Units) ( Units) . 0 R-4 APARTMENT/CODIDpMII•T1UM ( Units) 2) ? NAME: ADDRESS: CITSt, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: y`Z 4' - ,_} 246b 3) • ?: ?• NAME . For City L?se . . je;NC,ery-, Pi?rsLio?a?: r,DDxFSS: ?/trF P-D rctive i CITY. STATE. 2IP:_t3 (J/ZA) ?.L?`C.(??' Il? J?cSc3J? DloExpired t recorded PH01?: MASTER LICINSE# g??y '?tial 4) •• ? ?. NAME: _ F+oDxESS: CITY, STATE, 2Ip; PHONE: •5) 6) _ '? «' ' ?' : ? • aa - ?? ? CONNFX.TION ZC} CITY-SIsW32 QCONNDCTION DO CITSC WATIIt i o.5c ',_?Tb/Lvtif fiL< <'? ?AJp DNLA wu?- 0 PI.EASE HOLD ? OTHER . APPROVk9 PERMIT FOR PICK-UP BY ONE OF ABOVE APPROVID PII2MIT TO 1. 20 3, 4. ABWg , • fClrcla nnat ' . FOR CI:TY USE 'ONLY , ' . PERMIT # ISSOED ? Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: . . _ . ._...... _ ____ r?.s.. _.?_,__.. . _, ... s?? _. t . ,.. ' . ... _...__. ._.__.._.___._..?_..T .. ..,n.r.? , ,. - . .??. • .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ..... . ...._....__ ? r_ _ . _.... . . . . . . . °- ...?. ? ., .. . ' ... : ,?.. . ...., .. ,..,. ...... . _....r..._ _._._..._. ? f.?_? ... . . ..? ? . . ? .,? . ??,.; . .. . _ OS/' , . V ., CF{I 'r'?l:Ni{ r,ri s? - , M1:h:7' f' . . . _ . ..? _ ... _.___. . . - -- , .._ ?, , . . _,. ? ...??.? ??? 4T;jr'..;i. ??.i'77'11,' ?-C?rP?? . . ........_/C:' - 5?... . ,.?.:• , . . .,.. . . :,?, ../?..L,._..??.??C/, .. .... _.._ . . _ ,... ;F?'.G•. ? -t: . _ : ... . '.".±:..,. . . , . ..,''. ? , . . ' . i,... ., . . , . . . . .... .... ._-. ?f/'? ? . X-'"./'C--C9--a!?,a/ /?`-0??Gly??.._. . . . ... ..._.._,. _. . /O ? CITY USE ONLY L ? BL ? RECEIPT#: 39 SUBD. DATE: ? L49 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? all commercial/industrial buildings. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are pgt required for each dwelling unit. DATE: /0--29-9(o CONTRACT PRICE: INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT WORK TYPE: _ NEW CONSTRUCTION ' DESCRIPTION OF WORK: BFFk4t?a QAsE- edd,-rIE o?r FEES: .$25.OD minimum fee Qr 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. • Processed piping - $25.00 • State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of permit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% 3/6. /S PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE so TOTAL 3/(? .(?, s SITE ADDRESS: i 9-to e'-)FE I-Awa- Ro OWNER NAME: 0.u4 Eo64ls TELEPHONE #: TENANT NAME: (innPROVeMENTS oNLv) INSTALLER: S?Nx-k -ruw,J REfi2ic,.E2?4?no,._I ADDRESS: -?a, w , S'r- CITY: MPLS . STATE: /Yinl. ZIP:-TS?4A- PHONE #: 9.?0 -9 coo I SIGNATURE: ?es SIGNA RE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR ? . OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT #: ? DATE: / d/'//9c' L ? 8L _L SUBD. ( ""O`R.Ate _ C:Crti . 1996 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612)6814675 Piease complete for. ? all commerciaVindustrial buildings. w multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit. DATE: 16 - y- 9G CONTRACT PRICE: 41_SU4. LI-6 WGRK TYPE: ?NEtN CON:i?RUCT!ON ADD ^N RE!?AIR -DESCRIPTION OF WORK: IG /acn?c 1 SinK .ZnSNc fl kiand SinK IS WATER METER REQUIRED7 _ YES X NO. IF SO, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: WATER FLOW: GPM. ARE FLUSHOMETER:i TO BE INSTALLEU? _ YES _ NO. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL RESUL7' IN A DELAY OF METER ISSUANCE. WILI YOU BE INSTALLING A METER FOR A FUTURE U.G. SPRINKLER SYSTEM? _ YES X, NO. IF 50, YOU MUST APPLY FOR A SEPARATE U.G. SPRINY(LER PERMIT. FEE: $25.00 minimum fee or 1°/a of contract price, whichever is greater. State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of permit fee due on ail permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% ? STATE SURCHARGE .Sd TOTAL HS. So SITEADDRESS: / 9i/O _ TENANT NAME: C u,b Cr,c%rA5 _ STE. # OWNER NAME: tlce I r1. INSTALLER: ??'c?- ?-'•{"y rn?_Hnnrr.+/ et1 CA ADDRESS: 9t/3•7 '_ZDntj=i0p4.4 5"t- rUc CITY: ST fY1 tl ZIP: SS'7-Y9 PHONE #: 'IS?^ 21 CYU SIGNATURF ' AP ANT OFFICE USE 4NLY METER SIZE: " DATE: INSPECTOR: CITY OF EAGAN FOR CITY USE ONLY 3830 PIIAT KNOB ROAD EAGAN HN 55122 - PERMIT # PHONE (612)_46dr9+B9- RECEIPT # D ? 5 6 3J J DATE: 60//?fz I yGoo MM%W PLEASE COMPLETE IIPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE 7 TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WHEN PERMI;TS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH IINIT. WORK D NEW CONST _ ADD ON _ REPAIR OWNER NAME: SITE ADDRESS LOT: INSTALLER: FEES ADD-ON MINIMUM HVAC 0-100 M BTU ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU GAS OUTLETS - MINIMUM OF 1 PER PERMIT SUBTOTAL: STATE SURCHARGE: TOTAL: DWELLINGS & $15.00 24.00 6.00 3.00 $ SO $? ADDRESS: i SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY: ZIP: I PHONE #: I ? f.DP4MER?TALjINDUS1ktTw4;:i YLEASE COMPLETE THIS pORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BVILDINGS, APARTMENT BUILDINGS, AND MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACN DWELLING UNIT. - CONTRACT PRICE: $11,263.00 OWNER NAME: CUB FOODS SITE ADDRESS: 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD, EAGAN NIN LOT:? BLOCK _L SUBD. _---- Q? INSTALLER: ADDRESS: SERVICE, INC. 791 HAMPDEN AVENUE CITY: ST PAUL MN PHONE #: 612-646-8677 ZIp: 55114 FOR I?FRIGERATION, PIgING REMODEL FOR : _?,9 ,1.2a::7 6? - CITY OF EAGAN FEES 18 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE _ $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. PROCESSED PIPING - $25.00 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. CONTRACT PRICE x 18 $ 112.63 STATE SURCHARGE • $ '•50 TOTAL: $ 113.13 (SIGNATORE) BLOCK _ SUBD. _ 3 9 S _D13 Requirements 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 651-681-4675 (COMMERCIAL) s gL-I . -1S .01-La 7 - 3 U V Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement . SWCtu21 Plans (2 sets) . Architectural Plans (2 sets) . Mchitecturel Plans (2 seffi) • Civil Plans (2 sets) . SWcWral Plans (2 sets) . Code Malysis (1) " . Certifipte of Survey ('I) • Civil Plans (2 sets) . Project Speu (1 set) + Cotle Analysis (1) • Landscaping Plans (2 sets) • Key Plan (1) • Projecl5pecs (7) . CodeMalysis (1) " • MasterExitPlan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testlng Schedule •' . Certificate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculadans (1) not aiways'• 1 • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) " . Elec. Power 8 Lightin9 Fortn (1) not always° 1 • ProjeMSpecs (1) 1 1 • EnergyCalalations (t) 1 • Etectric Power & Lighting Form '• (1) 1 1 . Master Exit Plan (1) 1 1 • Fire Pratection Plan (1) '• 1 1 1 1 . MC/ES SAC determination letter . MClES SAC detertninaGon letter . MGES SAC delermination letter tall 651-602-1000 qll 651-602-1000 call 651-602-1000 " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food 8 beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health - call 651-215-0700 for details. DATE: I• Z(o ? v WORK TYPE: /NEW REMODEL CONSTRUCTION COST: 0 3000• Gv - - 17- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: f?"??y??l TCYn IQO/e-r? hd+25-G TENANT NAME: 61? FDOnS SUITE: FORMER TENANT NAME: ' 0 SITE ADDRESS: Iq40 Cfi -R-Cl4Le P_7 LOT ( BLOCK I SUBD ?(A Li4-tcr -&? ( ? 1 ) (4 -k4 , C) Name: Phone#: C.? PROPERTY Last OWNER Street Address: C:?c, rru_ City State: Company _ Phone #: CONTRACTOR Sheet Address: Zip: V( S City State: rn^ Zip: 6,5V3&_ ARCHTTECT/ , ENGIAIEER Company: Phonc #: Name: Registration #: Street Address: ., . . G City State: Zip: Sswer/water licensed plum6er (if instailina sewer/water): Phone #: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is corcect, and agree to comply with all applicable State of MinnesoW Statutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. n Signature of Applicant: ?,IC?LO? --t4 A.1 /i7/-? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 14 Apartments ? 27 Commercial/lndustrial ? 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 15 Lodging jR?'28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF WORK TYPE [a 31 New ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolish Bldg. ? 43 Reroof ? 32 Addition ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 33 Alterations ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Found) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 46 Windows/Doors GENERAL 11JFORMATION Census Code 3a ff SAC Code 30 No. of Units / No. of Bldgs. ? I Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Width Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq. ft. MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Gas 5ervice Test ? Heating APPROVALS Planning Buiiding P p sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. MC/ES System City Water Fire Sprinklered ? Insulation Q6 Engineering Variance VALUATION:$ j 3, 00 Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ? Plumbing ? Stucco/Stone bv t Total OFFICE U5E ONLY l BL ? RECEIPT #: SUBD. ?? ?• DATE: vv 1996 PLUMBING PERMIT (CQMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: . all commerciailindustrial buildings. w multi-family buildings when separate permits are noA required for each dweliing unit. DATE: .'? .2 9 -/ CONTRACT PRICE: ?, WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION _X ADD ON ? REPAIR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: c. G ?rucns IS WATER METER REQUIRED7 _ YES X NO. IF SO, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOILOWING•. WATER FLOW: GPM. ARE FLUSHOMETERa TO BE INSTALLED7 _ YES _?4, NO. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL RESUL7' IN A DELAY OF METER ISSUANCE. WiLI YOU BE INSTALLING A METER FOR A FUTURE U.G. SPRINKLER SYSTEM7 _ YES'X NO. IF 50, YOU MUST APPLY FOR A SEPARATE U.G. SPRINY(LER PERMIT. FEE: $25.00 minimum fee or 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of oermit tee due on ali permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% L6. do STATE SURCHARGE „ !) [? TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: C"?&asd, 5 TENANT NAME: I 95o CI c41 La1:e_ iQcL STE. # OWNER NAME INSTALLER: /'? ? '43?' f_? r3/ ,//[_ec.4 ['aCR_ ADDRESS: CITY:? d?n r? STA . ? ZIP: ` 9' PHONE #: `JS ?I- -1I623 SIGNATURF: APPLI T OFFICE USE ONLY METER SIZE: " DATE: INSPECTOR: aTr use oNLv L _L BL ? RECEIPT #: SUBD. zoig- DATE: 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? all commercial/industrial buiidinas. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are Dpi required for each dwelling unit. DATE: 'g' ) 7 -9-7 # CONTRACT PRIGE: ? ?1:570 0 "y' WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION X INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 44p Ne? sysrr,.•, R4a00 tsc?..o 0" 5ot_F;opz,?,j c4s£-s FEES: , $25.00 minimum fee Q 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. 0 Processed piping - $25.00 ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of Rermit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE • s° TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: C?g ?aos TELEPHONE #: 4 'r4".46 db TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) INSTALLER: "Jr?v'r-l- ?``'a^) ADDRESS: 6(910 Wfs;r 3rO'"4 ST CITY: MOcs PHONE #: 9010' q(oo/ STATE: M ^' ZI p; S5-41b SIGNATURE: d SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR ' city oF eagan iHOMASEGAN MaYOI PATRICIA AWADA May 17 1995 , SAN RA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Jeff O'Keefe Councit Members CUb FOOdS THOMAS HEDGES 1940 Cliff Lake Road City ndminisvator Eagan, Minnesota 55122 E.J. VANOVERBEKE Ciry Cleik Jeff: This letter is a follow-up to our discussion on May 17, 1995 regarding your outdoor greenhouse. Cub Foods at Eagan was granted a one time approval for a temporary outdoor greenhouse sale to be located on the north side of the building. This approval was conditional based on location, size, parking availability, hours of operation, and similar concerns. Our agreement clearly stated that no product would be displayed outside of the greenhouse enGosure. Please have all product removed from outside the greenhouse area by May 25, 1995. Thank you for your cooperation. Erik Slettedahl Planning Division MUNICIPAL CENTER 3030 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122•1891 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX:(612)601-4612 TDD:(612)45C•8535 THE LONE OAK iREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIIY Equal OpportunlrylAllirmotive AcTlon Employer MAINTENANCE FACILIiY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 iDD:(612)454-8535 CITYIOF EAGAN FOR CITY USE ONLY 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MN 55122 PERMIT # PHONE (612) 454 8100 RECEIPT # ?d ?- DATE: ZIP: ADD-ON MINIMUM $15.00 HVAC 0-100 M BTU 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OIITLETS - MINIMUM 3.00 OF 1 PER PERMIT SUBTOTAL: $ STATE SURCHARGE: .50 TOTAL: $ SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CO?R9$RCIAL%2A7bUST??L; PLEASE COMPLETE THIS 'f'ORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, APARTMENT BUILDINGS, AND MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH ?WELLING UNIT. "SIC?9"m FLEASE COMPLETE UPPER TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WNEN PE WORK DESCRIPTION NEW CONST _ ADD ON _ REPAIR OWNER NAME: CION ONLY FDR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS & ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. FEES SITE ADDRESS: LOT: BLOCK SUBD. I INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE CONTRACT PRICE: $6,855.00 OWNER NAME: SUPER VALU/CUB FOODS SITE ADDRESS: 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD, MN 55122 LCi: I ISLOCK L :U$D. 4?Z-A INSTALLER: NORTHWESTERN SERVICE, INC. I ADDRESS: 791 HAMPDEN AVENUE CITY: ST PAUL NIN ZIP: 55114 PHONE #; 646-8677 FOR:__ ?vf ?C-cr.?s CITY OF EAGAN J?? ? ?JV c ? FEES 18 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE _ $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. PROCESSED PIPING 6 $25.00 $'_S.CO MTh,iexrrM ggv, CONTRACT PRICE x 1% $ 68.55 STATE SiIRCHARGE $ .50 TOTAL: $ _59.05. 7" z:%/m?l //.Ozli? (SIGNATURE) '? CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COM?LETION PROJECT: CUB FOODS 1940 Cliff Lake Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Project: #1948.01 CONTRACTOR: Ryan Construction 700 International Centre 900 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 DEVELOPER: Ryan Construction 700 International Centre 900 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 ?OWNER: Super Valu Stores, Inc. 11840 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 TENANT: CUB FOODS 127 Water Street P. 0. Box 9 Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-0009 ENGINEER: PLANMARK 11340 Valley View Road Eden Prairie,' MN 55344 Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 1243 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL INCLUDE: ENTIRE fROJECT DEFINITIOh OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION The Date of Substantial Compleiion of a project or specified part of a project is the date when the construction is sufficiently completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, so that the Project or specified part cf the Project can be utilized `or the purpose for which it was intended. The Work performed under tiiis Contract has been insp=cted and found to substantially complete. The Date of Substantial Completion is hereby estahiished as November 7, 1988, which is also the date of commencement of all warranties and guarantees required by the Contract Documents, e:ccept as fcllows: A list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto, and is identi`ied as follows: Final Punch List of Items to be Completed or Corrected, dated November- 7, 1988. This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an items on it does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. These `items shall be completed by the Contractor within 30 days of Final Inspection. Page 1 of 2 . s, -,-- ENGINEER: ? . PLANMARK, Inc. ev: ??o?.?.S??'S?•.L?^ \?? 1? ? ?? Polly Sc -Showalter, Project Manager DATE PLANMARK CONTRACTOR: The Contractor accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct the items on the attached list within the time indicated. : By: ? Ryan Constr ction DATE OWNER: The Owner accepts the project as subtantially complete and assume full possession,,Ss of November 7, 1988 , Vice Presi TENANT The Ow posse$ \ By:_ CUB DATE cepts the project as substantially complete and assumed fult z,of November 7, 1988 DAT E Fage 2 of 2 ` 19480FI ? CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE REGARDING LOT 1, BLOC% 1? CLIFF LARE CENTRE, CITY OF EAGANr DAKOTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA The City of Eagan, Minnesota (the NCity"), hereby certifies to Super Valu Stores. Inc. , Owner of the above-described real property (the "Compliance Lot"), that trie construction of improvements completed as of this date on the Compliance Lot as of this date complies in all respects with the requirements of a certain °Agreement to Implement Certain Measures to Protect Cliff Lake and Its Shoreline" dated January 15, 1988, made among RHC Associates Joint Venture 2, a Minnesota partnership, the City and the DNR, a Memorandum of which was recorded on May 27 , 1988, in the office of the Dakota County Recorder as Document No. $41321 Compliance Lot with those covenants by Developer of a continuing nature contained in the Agreement. However, the obligations of Owner and Owner's successors and assigns after this date pursuant to the Agreement shall apply only to activities and events occurring on the Compl-i4nce Lot. Nothing in this Certificate shall be construed by any person or entity to relieve Owner and Owner's successors and assigns from the obliqation of continuing compliance on the Dated: Niarch 23 ? 19 90 C?TY OF E ; Approved as to content: - ? By l/ts: \ Thomas L. Hed es TT T•A City Administrator n 1` Approved as,,to form: y . Uucnrie V , Green, Hayes, anneson Brehl ial Counsel to simon, the City of Eagan Exhibit S Page 1 of 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA The foregoing instrument ?ST day of /77? Y ,/? 19J/? the Mayor, and ?? j???}N// Gn City of Eagan, a Minnesota muni ?i.sr..wsarRr. nsa+?r.uner?reaees.s? ?;.. 6!AF;'_Yil L WUCNEf,PFENHI,; NO*Aqv PL?3LIC - MI.,;PoCSOTA DAKOTA COUNTY My Commisslon Exp= Fah 8, 1933 ?rsse?aar:*ea+s+a?+xr»v.•?eoRSS+:? THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, Ltd. 1500 Northwestern Financial Center 7900 Xerxes Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 (AEM) (612) 835-3800 Exhibit B Page 2 of 2 , ++s__ AJ vr-'rrv / r- c--?.iiv , ?,Cr" , the CiCy Clerk, of the SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT ?-?2 ?"S?' 16 J?GY?p /4 APPLICAAiT: DUWAYNE JOHN50N LOCATION: EAGAN CUB FOODS P.I.D. #10-k7780-010-01 (.?,45 O?. L? EXISTING ZONING: PD`?(PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NOVEMBER 8,1990 DATE OF REPORT: OCTOBER 22, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Special Use Permit to allow the temporary sales of mini-donuts in the Cub Foods parking lot ]ocated at 1940 Cliff Lake Road. COMMENTS: The applicant would like to sell the mini-donuts from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. every other Saturday and Sunday for an undetermined length of time. The operation is self- contained in a van that will occupy a parking space in the Cub parking lot. Depending on the location of the van, several health and safety issues need to be analyzed. Generally, Saturday and Sunday are peak use days of the grocery store and the addition of this outside sales will produce unsafe pedestrian activity in the parking and drive isle areas of the stores parking lot. If approved, this 3pecial Use Permit shall be subject to the following: 1. Operation shall be limited to 3aturdays and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 2. Permit is valid until November 1991. 3. Sales area shall be clearly delineated and provide a sufficient amount of space to keep customers out of available parking spaces and traffic lanes. #b`1dtVoFaagan THOMASEGAN Mayor March 8, 1993 CUB FOODS GARY BERGSTROM 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD EAGAN MN 55122 Dear Mr. Bergstrom: PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Councll Membets THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Atlmininallotor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE ci+y aark The Eagan City Council has adopted an ordinance pertaining to outdoor storage and display. As a result, outdoor storage/display is not a permitted use. This ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit for all outdoor storage/display. In an effort to allow existing businesses time to comply with this requirement, the City Council allowed until March 2, 1993 before enforcement would begin. For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy of the new ordinance which defines outdoor storage/display and lists minimum requirements to be met. Conditional Use Permit applications are available at City Hall should you wish to apply for this permit. Until then, please remove all outdoor items within 10 days from the date of this letter as they are in violation of the City Code. Please inform me of your intent and provide a schedule of compliance as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding this matter, feel free to contact me at 681-4685. Sincerely, Shannon Tyree Zoning Administrator /js cc: Super Valu Stores Inc., 11840 Valley View Rd., Eden Prairie MN 55334 MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNJB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOiA 551221897 PHONE: (612) 681-460i FAx'. (612) 681-4612 TDD.(612)454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNRY Equal Opportunity/Affamative Action Empioyer MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAx (612) 681-4360 iDD:(612) 454-0535 CITY OF EAGAN SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: ROBERTJORGENSON LOCATION: LOT 1, BLK 1, CLIFF LAKE CENIRE EXISTING ZONING: CSC (COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: OCTOBER 1, 1991 DATE OF REPORT: SEPTEMBER 26, 1991 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Specisl Use Permit to allow temporary Christmas tree sales. COMMENTS: The applicant has been granted permission from Cub Foods, subject to City approval, to sell Christmas trees in a 90' x 60' (5,400 sq. ft.) area in the northwesternmost portion of the grocery store parking lot. This sales area will remove about 16 pazking stalls. Also, a 16' sales trailer will be placed on site. A 4' x 8' sign on a temporary stand is proposed for placement at the entrance to the sales area. If approved, this Special Use Permit shal] be.subject to the following conditions. 1. This Special Use Permit is temporary and shall expire January 10, 1992. 2. All other applicable code requirements shall be met. CUB FOODS TRACT' ?A\kx \?\ ,? \? ? ? `??\\\ ? Y - ' , ?. . ? ? ;- , I? ?\\4 ?- / r ..? o `. \ Z \ `??pUTLOT f ^ ! \ 1 ? -_-._.. .. \? 011T1OT I?LON tIGN - CLIFJ ????? A ? mAv ., a ' ?• ' cwe , Q? ..15° L r B ? SUBD 2Q.i, aA -p OQ.4? NEW RECEZPT # -0 0 RECEIPT DATE y a 9 97 DATE----7, ?-? TO ?l e Jos owrrER G«d i=oa?/-? ____--_--- PLEASE SE ADVISED THAT THERE IS A FEE SHORTAGE ON 'PSE ABdVE crlo? ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $ REMARKS 0 - 30 AMP CIRCUITS = 31 - 100 AMP CIRCUITS = 0 - 100 AMP SERVICE _ 101 - 200 AMP SERVICE _ TOTAL FEE DUE _ LESS F'EE RECEIVED TOTAL FEE SHORTAGE DUE _ PERMIT # GI?? - Z- 5 / ORIG RECEIPT # 73C,?i Tv RECEIPT DATE V /Z PLEASE RETURN A COPY OF THIS FORM WITH YOUR RF.MITTANCE. THANR YOU ' .. ?-> iHOMASEGAN April 23, 1997 nnovor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOM9UIST SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Marge Rykes councii Membars Special Events Assistant THOMAS HEDGES National Multiple Sclerosis Society CityAtlminisirptor 2344 Nicoliet Ave. Ste. 280 Mpls MN 55404 E. J. VAN OVERBEKE ., arvaerk RE: Root Beer Float Days, CUB Foods -1940 Cliff Lake Road Dear Ms. Ryks: Thank you for submitting the letter detailing your plans for the annual MS Society "Root Beer Float Days" to be held at CUB Foods in the Cliff Lake Center Shopping Center in the City of Eagan. As you know, the Eagan City Council has recently approved an ordinance amendment to the City Code which now regulates Seasonal Outdoor Sales and Temporary Outdoor Evenis. Seasonal Outdoor Sales will now require a conditional use permit, however, no permit will be required for Temporary Outdoor Events. Seasonal Outdoor Sales and Temporary Outdoor Events are permitted in most commercial and industriaf zoned districts. Businesses and organizations who wish to conduct a Temporary Outdoor Event within Eagan do not have to obtain a permit from the City, however, there are conditions that must be met. Temporary Outdoor Events include; promotional and fund raiser events, car washes, clothing and craft displays, and other temporary events which have a duration of less than 10 days. Enclosed please find a copy of the City Code standards which regulate Temporary Outdoor Events. If you have any questions you may contact me at 681-4690. Good Luck with your fundraiser! Sincerely, Steve Dorgan I Associate Planner 681-4690 enclosure letters/MS Society.97 MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILO7 KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESGiA 5512^_-i8U' PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX(612)6814612 lDD: (612) 45485.i.'. THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVAABOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWM IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opporiunlty/Affirmative Action Employer MAINTENANCE FACILIN 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122 PHONP. (612) 681-4300 FAX_ (b 12) 681-4350 iDC: (612) 454-8535 April 18, 1997 Mike Rid , Planning Dept. City o Eagan 3830 ilot Knob Road E an, MN. 55122-1897 Dear Mr. Ridley The MN Multiple Sclerosis Society will be holding our 13th Annual "Root Beer Float Days" at Eagan Cub Food Store, 1940 Cliff Lake Road, June 26, 27, and 28, 1997, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day. This event will be supervised by Cub Foods event coordinator and MS Society volunteers will staff the event each day. We are writing to again a request any special food permit which we may need for this. In the past, a written letter has been sufficient and we hope this same applies this year. Food being served will include ice cream provided by Kemps, stored in electric roll-around bunkers and root beer provided by Pepsi which will be served from Co2 tanks. Root beer floats will be served in 12 oz. paper cups with a straw and plastic spoon. Servers will wear caps when necessary and will be usinq metal and plastic ice cream scoops. A solution of bleach will be used in addition to a cool rinse bucket and wiping cloth. Water will be provided from Cub store and will be changed once each hour of service (or more often, if necessary). A banner will be hung above the event stand outside the Cub store entrance. Floats will be sold for 50 cents each with 100% of the contribution going to the MS Society to provide programs, services and research for the 7,500 Minnesotans how have multiple sclerosis. Should you need anything more than this letter or have questions, please call me at 874-4221. Thanks. Sincerely Marge Ryks Special Events Assistant Root Beer Float Days Voicdtdd: 632470-1500 • 800-5823296 • Faic: 612-91MM 2344 NicoDet Arenue, SLite 280, Minneapala, MinnesoW 55409-3381 ?- I 91 fti F F k,A-,<E city oF eagan G Uj%,/'7-Gk THOMASEGAN Mayor co rbb?iS of= vp??-r kUQ April 6, 1993 PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members THOMAS HEDGES Clry Admininshator CUB FOODS 127 WATER STREET P.O. BOX 9 STILLWATER, MN 55082 RE: OUTDOOR STORAGE. Dear Mr. Kemper, EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CNy Cleik Enclosed is a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Bergstrom of the Eagan store. I hope that with your involvement Cub Foods will get this matter resolved. Also enclosed is a copy of the City ordinance pertaining to outdoor storage. As I indicated in my letter to Mr. Bergstrom, I need to be informed of Cub Foods intent and schedule of compliance as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact me at City Hall (681-4687). Sincerely, 1?0dZl2--7-7-QQr Shannon Tyree Zoning Administrator enclosure cc: Jim Sturm, City Planner MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOi KNOB ROAO EAGAN. MINNESOIA 55142-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 fAX: (612) 681-4612 IDO: (612) 454-8535 THE IONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNRY Equal OppodunitylAlBrmative Action Empioyer MAINiENANCB FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINI EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FA%: (612) 68I-4360 iDD:(612)454-8535 ???ir lV / l IU(J vLL' lJ< •itv oF czaaan MUNICIPAL CENTER 3890 PIIOT KNOB f20AD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 661-0600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 MAINIENANCE FAdLRY 3501 COACIIMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA $5122 PFIONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 iHOMASEGAN Mayor July 20, ]992 CUB FOODS STORE MANAGER 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD EAGAN MN 55122 Dear Sir/Madam: PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENTY TNEODORE WACHTER Councll Membeis iHOMAS 11EDGE5 Clty Admininslwbr EUGENEVAN OVERBEKE Clly CIeiK On November 19, 1991, the City of Eagan approved an ordinance regarding outdoor storage/display in commercial and inJustrial zoning districts. As a result, outdoor storage/display is not a permitted use. This ordinance requires a Cnnditional Use Permit for all outdoor storage/display. In an effort to nllow existing businesses time to comply with this requirement, the City Council allowed six months, or until May 28, 1992, before enforcement would begin. For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy af the new ordinance which defines outdoor storage/display and lists minimum reyuirements to be met. Conditional Use Permit applications are availabfe at City Hall should you wish to apply for this permit. Until then, please remove all outdaor items within 10 days from the date oE this letter as they are in violation of the City Code. Please inEorm me of your intent and provide a schedule of compliance as soon as possiUle. If you have questions regarding this matter, feel free to contact me at 681-4685. Sincerely, Shinnon Tyree Zoning AJministrator /j5 cc: Super Valu Stores Inc., 11840 Valley View Rd., Eden Prairie MN 55334 THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OpportunlfylAfllrmallve Actlon Employer L 11 131 ( cL I F p tAKc ccw? CITY OF EAGAN REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF PIIBLIC RECORDS OR 4oI°, ° ?> I/We, the undersigned, are requesting permission te Fevi9w the following government records held in the City of Eagan: NAME t I ----- ADDRESS j '7 7 4? TELEPHONE NO. 63 3- S 7--'S O GOVERNMENT RECORDS (specify) S, f e (?Z,.` 47 c i,'r;7 ?.?1. ?,. S-ignature _ _ l?l yP1p'W! _ _f?f_77?ir. - bCnrn?ss?cn _ - l?a?? - - - - - - a_ / ???,?e5 ? i•sn ?n r/9K W/o7s P.Au?uG- ? C.AN?rAr?t r??t4?S FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Designation of Requested Data: K_Public, Private, Non-Public, Confidential, Protected Non-Public Approved: 7 Employee Date: ?? ? ? ? I -z Approval by the City Clerk is necessary for any data determined not to be public. Approved: City Clerk Date: NOV- 6-92 FRI 17;39 KKE Koesonsky Srank Erickson Arrb3tecte. Llic Memoxandum KKE ARCHITECTS FAS N0. 612+342+9267 P. O1/O1 300 liirat Avenue Nonh MinncvpoUs, MN 55401 612/339-4200 r•nx 3aa•gzG7 Yroject Name• CGI 44A!? Ptoject No.: ? To: cooe _ Fxrom: Preeent: Date: !v/2 D . el?e 612+34 + 11-06-92 05:64PM P001 #11 SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT ?? APPLICANT: CUB FOODS ,'? I-/ S--9/ LOCATION: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CLIFF LAKE CENTRE P.I.D. #10-17780-010-01 EXISTING ZONING: PD-CSC, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: JANUARY 15, 1991 DATE OF REPORT: JANUARY 8, 1991 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted by Cub Foods requesting a Special Use Permit to allow outdoor nursery sales at the above-mentioned location. BACKGROUND: Cub Foods has previously applied for a Conditiona] Use Permit twice prior to this. At the March 21, 1989 regular City Council meeting, the request was approved. However, at the February 20, 1990 City Counci] meeting, the application was applied for, and denied, unanimously. PROPOSAL: Bailey Nurseries, Inc. will be constructing the hoop-formed 20' x 80' greenhouse which is secured to the ground with stakes from within the rounded stee] pipes that comprise the inner structure of the greenhouse. The stakes are not visible and the greenhouse is securely anchored to the ground. The material being used is a flame retardant, unsupported poly. The proposed site for the greenhouse is along the north side of the building, where the employee parking is ]ocated. Cub Foods will be relocating their employee parking lot to the west and northwest portion of the lot. The greenhouse and sales area will comprise approximate]y 20 parking spaces for a period of six weeks. Cub would like to commence in the third week of April (the week of April 15, 1991), and cease their greenhouse sales six weeks later (May 24, 1991). Cub Foods holds a current permit from the Department of Agriculture for a nursery ]icense. If approved, this Special Use Permit shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. The permit is temporary and shall expire after May 24, 1991. 2. A building permit shall be obtained through our Protective Inspections Department. 3. The building shall be open ended and shall be placed within a fenced sales area to allow exiting through both ends of the greenhouse. 4. The permit shall be subject to all applicable Code requirements. C E N T R E \s c I ? O ? _.... . . ? , / 1 .,,., .... ? ?? ? •, °? ..?_ . 0 0 Cl) 0 ? _.. .. ? . 0 - r r >.'Md V . , . „y .\ ?,?i.?53C> > ?Ti ? (7 3?"/ vN173 Q3 2-113i . 39 ?? Sd?zd n?? Q3s?,dQ?s 3yi I s3:)VY5 dO -41 ? .? , ? r . . ?. . . '? `?? ' ?`/ ?? • . ? t ? / ?y" ? !. ?• • i - r. ` 3? ? / ? . . . . . , . _ ?? /?Y?/ ?''r.?r . ?-:?y? i ' ?,?,'. s'? a`d ? . / Y / ?/ . ]I . i' / `' .• _ '? `,'? _ ? 1?i` ??I v . ? ?I i M/\ //\? ?r _• ? L? •? CJ1. ' =j g i' - ? . 1 `? s;:':.'a i:=ei?«e? , •:l ?'? ?.y. 3?t ?i3-?'M : }: ?'-? . _.; 1?-- `' 11„'t't?'Z? 1- ? l f ' .R,= A ?'Nn ? 5;'? ?•? ??R?LrM ?i3.???? "' - ?'` i vE>vfmM iroiaa F.ry EN '? T? . A- 5? ' S i? x Y? "k`~• Y ? I ? ' ?'FS i 1•i .?r??f.l? 466 ?•`Y?. M?? l l ? ' e? 1?1?, • 1iS. `F• r J. ---- ? ??!-,h ?317T3n7 S113N1l0] l?V 1%a ?. . ? / `t16wl ooPr O'gWiS NN3 ? FRAME DETAIL STANDARD: OPTIONAL: GROUND TO GROUND STiiAIGH? SIDE WALL 5;7 SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT ?/? ?? APPLICANf: MICHELLE FLOREZ LOCATION: EAGAN CUB FOODS LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CLIFF LAKE CENTRE EXISTING ZONING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT/COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NOVEMBER 7, 1991 DATE OF REPORT: OCl'OBER 25, 1991 COMPILED SY: COMMUIVITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICAT'ION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Special Use Permit to allow the temporary sales of mini-donuts in front of the Cub Foods store located at 1940 Cliff Lake Road. BACKGROUND: The City Council approved the applicant's request for one year on November 20, 1990. The previous application requested the sales to take place in the parking lot. After discussing the issue, the City Council decided the sales area should not occupy parking spaces and/or drive aisles, but would be more appropriate at the north end of the sidewalk in front of the store. COMMENTS: The applicant has stated that this request is identical to last year's in that the mini-donut sales will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every other weekend for an undetermined amount of time. The operation is self-contained in a van that will limit the use area to the sidewalk on the north end on front of the building. If approved, this Special Use Permit shal] be subject to the following: 1. The operation shall be limited to Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 2. The permit is temporary and shall expire November 30, 1992. 3. Sales area shall be clearly delineated and provide a sufficient amount of space to keep customers out of available parking spaces and traffic lanes. ., ?. . , \ r , , :, .? . ? ???~\\ ? ?. ??: . = .. ».. , j ?. ? -?-'--'''- ? CLIFJ ?? ?? APF,? ?H ? ? SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT !? Z• v z- APPLICANT: CUB FOODS LOCATION: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CLIFF LAKE CENTRE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 29 EXISTING ZONING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT/COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER (PD/CSC) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MARCH 2, 1992 DATE OF REPORT: FEBRUARY 26, 1992 COMPII,ED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICAI'ION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted by Cub Foods requesting a SErecial Use Permit to allow temporary outdoor nursery sales at the above-mentioned location. BACKGROUND: Cub Foods has applied for a similar Special Use Permit three tunes prior to this application. Two special use permits were approved at the City Council meetings in 1989 and 1991, however at the February 20, 1990 City Council meeting, the application was denied. PROPOSAL: Bailey Nurseries Inc. wil] be constructing the hoop-framed 20' x 80' greenhouse which is secured to the ground with stakes from within rounded steel pipes that comprise the inner structure. The stakes are not visible and the greenhouse is securely anchored to the ground. The material being used is flame retardant unsupponed poly. The proposed site is along the north side of the building where the employee parking is located. Cub Foods will be relocating employee parking to the west and northwest portion of their present parking lot. The greenhouse and sales area will comprise approxitnately 20 parking spaces for a period of eight weeks. Cub would like to commence in the third week of April (the week of April 13, 1992) and cease greenhouse sales eight weeks later (June 7, 1992). Cub Foods holds a cunent permit from the Department of Agriculture for a nursery license. If approved, this Special Use Permit shall be subject to the following conditions: i. The permit is temporary and shall expire after June 7, 1992. 2. A building permit shall be obtained through the City of Eagan Protective. Inspections Division. 3. The bUilding shall be open ended and shail be placed within a fenced sales area to allow exiting at both ends of the gteenhouse. 4. The permit shall be subject to all applicable Code requirements. ? ? - _ ? `? 1 j? ? / _- _ `. ? . \ ? ?? / ? i . ' __ _ - ? - , _ ? ?. 4 ._ ^.t ?? _ " , ? ?i , ? _ _ • i.?'? , .,? y\ , . _ _ -?4_° ` i ? '? -i/ ? _ ? • , v ? ?-- ?-? ?< ? `;? ... - 1-? ? ? ? f ! . - ? ? ? ? i If ., ? •. , 477 I' '!_°?• / ?? i ? ;'Lf , "?__-____` .-= ? _ _ =' - - _-'_ _ . ? ? ' ? :. _ ? ? \ • ? /-' , iL ? r • ^_ ?: =?y :? ?, - "-.- ,? ? r Op$ 4MN O i K) N? ? ?' = (7 a -? - , . `-Nm - `a\L??'• ?? ??. `t?,. _i'p ?C`` ^ ((\-?? ? - ?? n'U.??, ? ; , IIr 1` ? ? `?• _ ? -- ? ROAD ci;lf f6,kz Ct4r,-?, M E M O R A N D U M TO: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER DATE: AUGUST 2, 1990 RE: CUB FOOD5 OUTDOOR STORAGE On July 31, 1990 a pretrial hearing was held for the Cub Foods outdoor storage violation. Present were the store manager and assistant store manager. Originally, the citation was given to the assistant store manager, but at the manager's request it was transferred to his name. The store manager entered a plea of guilty to the charge of outdoor display and sale of inerchandise without a Conditional Use Permit. The offense was sentenced as a petty misdemeanor, meaning no possibility of jail time and a fine of $110 was issued. This sentence was imposed by Judge Lacey. Staff will continue to monitor the situation. Whenever possible, we try to resolve these issues long before they go to court, however, this one was clearly documented and I would like to note how well the situation was handled by our zoning staff, along with Joe Earley. If you would like additional information, please advise. --4? JS/js CC: Dale Runkle, Community Development Director Li, LI, UTI Lke SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. i.ARRYS. SEVERFON' JAMES F. SHELDON J. PATR[CIi K7LCOR' TERENCE P. DURKIN MICHAEL G. DOUGHERTY MICHAEL E. MOLENDA•' PAULJ. 5TIEH A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 7300 WEST 147TH 3TREET APPLE VALI,EY, MINNESOTA 65124 (612) 432-3136 KENNETH R.HALL '"SCO'17' D. JOHNSTON JOSEPH P. EARI.EY LOREN M.SOLFEST CHRISTINE M. SCOTILIA ANNETTE M. MAitGARIT DANIEL M.SHERIDAN •AGSO LIC£.NSED IN IOWA °AL30 LICEN3E? IN WISCONSIN ... AI.50 LiCENSED IN NEBRA3KA August 1, 1990 Mr. Mike Ridley Zoning Administrator City of Eagan 3830 Px:Yot Knob Road P.O.,B'ox 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 TELEFAX NUMBER 432-3780 RE: Cub Foods Outdoor Storage Violation Citation No. 52452 Our File No. 206-8596 Dear Mike: OF WUNSEL: JOHN E. VUICF.LICN On July 31, 1990, the pretrial was held for the Cub Foods outdoor storage violation. Present were Mr. Bret Lein, the store manager and Brian Harvieux, the assistant store manager. The citation was originally issued to Mr. Harvieux but at Mr. Lein's request, I amended the citation to be charged to Mr. Lein. Mr. Lein entered a plea of quilty to the charge of outdoor display and sale of inerchandise without a conditional use permit in violation of Eagan City Code Section 11.20, subd. C(1). The offense was sentenced as a petty misdemeanor meaning no possibility of jail time and Mr. Lein was fined $110.00. Sentence was imposed by Judge Lacey. Please contact me with:any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, 5EVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. Joseph P. Earley JPE/djk cc: -dim Sturm, City Planner Dale Runkle, Community Development Director SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 1.ARRYS.SEVERSON• JAMES F. SHEI.DON J. PAIRICK WILCOR' TERENCE P. DURKIN MICHAEL G. DOUGHEHTY MICHAEL E. MOLENDA'• PAUI, J. STIEH A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTOHNEYS AT LAW 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 7300 WEST 147TH STREET APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124 (612) 432-3136 KI:NNETH R. HALL ""SCO'1'C U. JOHN51'ON JOSEPH P. EARLEY LOREN M.SOGFEST CHRISTINE M. SCOTILLO ANNETTE M. MARGAAIT DANIEL M,SHERIDAN 'ALSO LICENSED M IOWA "N.30 LICEN3ED IN WI3CON4iN ... ALSO LICENSED IN NEBRASICA August 1, 1990 Mr. Mike Ridley Zoning Administrator City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. BOx 21199 Eaqan, MN 55121 TELEFA7C Ni7A1BER 432-3780 RE: Cub Foods Outdoor Storaqe Violation Citation No. 52452 Our File No. 206-8596 Dear Mike: OFCOUNSFI.: JOHY E. WI(BLICH On July 31, 1990, the pretrial was held for the Cub Foods outdoor storage violation. Present were Mr. Bret Lein, the store manager and Brian Harvieux, the assistant store manager. The citation was originally issued to Mr. Harvieux but at Mr. Lein's request, I amended the citation to be charged to Mr. Lein. Mr. Lein entered a plea of guilty to the charge of outdoor display and sale of inerchandise without a conditional use permit in violation of Eagan City Code Section 11.20, subd. C(1). The offense was sentenced as a petty misdemeanor meaning no possibility of jail time and Mr. Lein was fined $110.00. Sentence was imposed by Judge Lacey. Please contact me with a'ny further questions or concerns. Sincerely, EVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. o eph P. Earley JPE/djk cc: Jim sturm, City Planner Dale Runkle, Community Development Director a3 Z/ LI, ,.bI, Lake Cer*e. MEMORANDUM TO: TOM HEDGES, CTTY ADNIIIVISTRATOR DALE RUNKLE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER DATE: JIJNE 14, 1990 RE: CUB FOOD5 OUTDOOR DISPLAYS AND SALES As a follow-up to the Cub Foods outdoor dasplays and sales that have been existing, Mike Ridley personally cited the store manager on Wednesday, June 13. The citation was a misdemeanor for up to $700 and/or 90 days in jail at the judge's discretion. The court date has been scheduled for T'hursday, June 28, and Joe Earley will represent the City. City staff will not be required to attend. If you have any questions, please advise. . ? Ciry anner JS/mg MavN&SMoN LAWRENCE J. HAYES JERQME B.SIMON JOHN C.JOHANNESON JAMES W.6REHL BRUCE G.OOLAUG AL6ERTA.WOOOWARO GARRETT E. MULROONEV WILLIAM J. HASSING M. MICHAEL MONAHAN JAMES A. GPLLAGHER CHARLES BANS BARRY A.6ERSICK GEOFFREY P.JARPE SAINT PAUL OFFICE 2300 WORLD TRPDE CENTER 30 EAST ]TH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101-4904 TELEPHONE:612-229-2900 TE LECOPo ER: 612-229-2600 MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE RICHARO M.GAALSWYK LARRY B.GUTHRIE SETH M. COLTON HAROLD LEVANDER,JR. JOHN J. BOWDEN NANCY BURKE HUPP GOROON J. APPLE STEVEN E. RAU PHILIP T. COLTON LONNY D.THOMAS RUTH SILSETH MARCOTT MARH R.GLEEMAN LPURA JDAVIS REPLY TO' M171712aDC]11 S Mr. Dale Runkle City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55121 520 NORTHLAND EXECUTNE OFFICE CENTER 3500 WEST 80TH STREET MINNEApOL15, MINNESOTA 55 431-45 04 TELEPHONE:612-B35-9550 TELECOPIER: 612-835-3463 May 15, 1990 Re: Certificates of Compliance Cliff Lake Centre Dear Dale: OFCOUNSEL: JOSEPH A. MAUN MERLYN C.GREEN I am enclosing one original completely executed set of the Certificate of Compliance for each of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Cliff Lake Centre. Very truly y Larrx" . Guthrie LBG:pl Encl. FOFMEpLY• MAUN, HAYES, SIMON, JOHAN NESON, BREH L AND ODIAUG LAWRENCE J. NnYES JEROME B. SIMON JOHN C.JOHANNESON JAMES W.BREHL BRUCE G.OOLAUG ALBERT A.WOODWARD QARRETT E. Ml1LROONEY WILLIAM J. HASSING M.MICHAEL MONAHAN JwMES A.GALLAGNER CHARLES BANS BARRY A.GERSICK GEOFFREY P.JARPE REPLY TO' M1 r1S1 -apf1i 1 C MAUN&SIMON RICHARO M,GAALSWYK SAINT PAUI OFFICE LARRY B. GUTMRIE $ETH M. COITON HAROLO lEVnNOER, JR. 2300 WORLD TRwOE GEtaTER JOHN J. BOWOEN 30 EASTITM STREET NANCY 6URKE MUPP SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5510i-4904 GOROON J. APPLE STEVEN E.RAU TELEPHONE:612-229-2900 PMILIP T. COLTON TELECOPIER:612-229-2600 LONNY D.THOMrS RUTH SIlSETN MARGOTT MINNEAPOLIS OFFfCE MARK R.GIEEMAN LAURA J. DAVI4 520 NpRTMLP.ND E%ECUTIVE OFFICE CENTER 3500 WEST 90TM STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55431•4504 OF COUNSEL: TEIEPNONE: 612-633-9550 JOSEPM R. MAUN TELECOPIER:612-835-3a63 MERLYN C.GFEEN May 15, 1990 Patrick C. Hoffman, President Hoffman Development Group, Inc. 2214 East 117th Street Burnsville, MN. 55337 Re: Certificates of Compliance Cliff Lake Centre Dear Patrick: At the request of the City of Eagan, I am enclosing in triplicate three fully executed copies of the Certificate of Compliance for each of Lot 1, Block 1, Lot 2, Slock 1, and Lot 3, Block 1, Cliff Lake Centre. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Very truly gours, 1•r Y ? S. Gu rie / LBG:pl Enc l , cc: Dale Runkle FORMERLV• MAUN, HAYES,SIMON, JOHANNESON,BREHLAHD ODLAUG MEMO TO: GENE VANOVERBERE, DIRECTOR OF FINANCPs/CITY CLERR FROM: THOMAS A COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF POBLIC TPORRS DATE: DECEMBBR 1, 1989 BIIBJECT: CORRECTION OF WAIVER OF HEARINCa #00247 (CLIFF LAICE CENTER) Attached you will find a copy of the above-referenced Waiver of Hearing which was executed and certified in accordance with the conditions of the development agreement for the Cliff Lake Center Addition. However, there was an error in referencing the appropriate project number for the future upgrade of Cliff Road. The attached Waiver references the $67,027.82 obligation for the future upgrading of Cliff Road as being related to Project 529. In reality, this should have been referenced as 11999" indicating that the revenue should be applied to the Major Street Fund which would be used to help finance this future project. Therefore, would you please make the appropriate corrections or notations to ensure that the $67,000 revenue from this Waiver is not applied against the Bond Fund for Project 529 but is credited to the Project # 1199911. If any additional information or explanation would be helpful, let me know. ? 7 Director`of Public Works TAC/jj Attachment .. EXAISIT "D" WAIVER OF HEARING No. 00247 Special Assessment Authorization I/We hereby request and authorize the City of Eagan, NN (Dakota Co.) t ? assess the following described propezty owned by me/us: Cliff Lake Centre, Lots 1, 2, 3, and Outlot, Block 1, and Outlot A to be divided on a sauare foota e basis for the benefit received from the following improvements: ITEM QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT PROJECT N0. Cliff Road Upgrade 600.07 Lin.Ft. $111.70 $ 67,027.82 529 Cliff Road Sidewalk 600.07 Lin.Ft. 13.00 7,800.91 999 Lateral Benefit from Trunk Sanitary Sewer 2,800.00 F.F. 15.85 44,380.00 64 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . $119 208.73 to be spread over 20 years at an annual interest rate of 9 B agains any remaining unpaid balances. The undersigned, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators successors and assiqns, hereby consent to the levy of these assessments, ar. £urther, hereby waive notice of any and all hearings necessary, and waiv objections to any technical defects in any proceedings related to thes assessments, and further waive the right to object to or appeal fcom thes assessments made pursuant to this agreement. Dated: S?rofQg STATE QF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CLIPF ROAD PROPERTZES, a Minnesota Partnership $Y:? -- Its: Pa.....o_ On this ro"= day of WI.,.,; , 19,pF, before me a Notary Publi within and for said County, personally appeared an. ?•y.?r? ? FF - to me personally known, who, being each by me dul; sworn to be partners of the Partnership named in the foregoing instrument and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said partnershic and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said Partnershi; by said /l.b,,d.l. IfeFfi.., and and the: acknowledged d instrument to be the act an deed of the Partnership -------- -- --------------------- 7 jfg?"E A56daANNE GEAC;.?: ?,? . . rkaa ouauc - 1::::::;e0T. \!?c ? DAI<OTA C^UNTY ?'aY' MY Gomm?tuon EaOim Ap 24. 19Y! This Docume HAUGE, EIDE S KELLERt P.A. Attorneys at Law APPROVED: ? 1260 Yankee Doodle Road, #200 ? Town Centte Professional Bldg. Eagan, MN 55123 gY iff??4z s- /_ ? (612) 456-9000 Department of Pub ic Works . . ? . .. SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS EXHtBIT °D° :----------------- , .• : ? d?i???? t. Owlsf C •• f • --- ' ,''? CLIFF LAKE CENTRE i1 6SYli:iL•--. •_•?y-• ?• S 'Z OoeM D ' ? + * ?• . ? % • ?i :i ..??•??r y / •?? ^ i : fF' ! •"? ., : NiM E » ...s _:«J •.y . ...-? • _• ; , : O - . ,- ? ? .. :? ? ?` ?«.• ' .? . ,.: ?• ?;, % y ? ... ? •? ?1? . ? * '??/'?`? ?i' .. ? * . . ?. ,.. :: f . .,_ ,? ,; • ? Y ? •?? ?"? , _ <;. y ? ? '/ / ?y '.? ???,• , . oune? e ,_ :.. ' ?'z? - _ ?' r? •,:4 ? • ? ? ? .?,, '•> . * y ! ?rl : . ? i ' : `• _ .:; ? , ? i» ;? •%%r ` ' +. ; Cl,,, .? .. _ . ?? .?, . ... .???•. -• ??.,-?y', - ??. '.: ?- !.r 'y. ..a•? • ^et , ?. • ? ! , ? t ? ?.. ..f•• N •"? •?? LATERAL BENEFIT FROM TRUNK SANITARY SEWER ?? CLIFF ROAO UPGRADING AND SIDEWALK r regard to the payment of, any lateral benefit assessments from trunk utilities that provide secvice to this plat, any trunk area assessments previously deferred ot not assessed and any street, trailway and sidewalk assessments as sociated with the upgrading of the zonirig of this platted property at the rates in effect at the time of final plat approval. Said ad ditional assessments have been preliminarily computed as follows: ITEM QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT PROJECT Cliff Road Upgrade 600.07 Lin.Ft. $111.70 $ 67,027.82 529 Cliff Road Si3ewalic 600.07 Lin.Ft. 13.00 7,800.91 999 Lateral Benefit from Trunk Sanitary Sewer 2,800.00 F.F. 15.85 44,380.00 64 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . $119,208.73 These assessments shall be paid in full within 30 days of final plat approval or spread as special assessments in accocdance with the attached Exhibit "D", Waiver of Hearing/Authorization Por Special Assessments. 15. Guaranty. The Developer guarantees all work required to be performed by it hereunder for a period of two (2) years subsequent to written acceptance of same by the City against both poor material and faulty workmanship and sha21 be solely responsible for the cost and expense to pecform aIl required repair work to City standards within 30 days of written notification by the City. 16. Escrow Release. A. Developei Installed Improvements. Periodically upon Developer's written request and upon completion and acceptance by the City of any Developer installed 20 NOALE M E C H A N I C A L HVAC • PIPWG • SHEE( METAL• MILLWRIGIIT Apri17, 2009 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Attention: Heating Inspector Subject: Permit #: EA088591 Gentlemen: ? ,? ' ?s 12 J l/ ?? I//I APR p 6,2009 U Enclosed please find test report(s) submitted in compliance with applicable buiiding regulation work done within yourjurisdiction: Cub Foods 1940 Cliff Lake Road Eagan, MN Should there be any questions regarding this work, please contact Steve Miller or me by telephone at 952-884-1661, and reference our Job Number Y-101212. Very truly yours, ?. Thomas M. Rowles ? V.P. of Service Operations ? /jek Enclosure: Test Report Making Buildings Work Better Since 1939 DATE: CUSTONIER: ADDRESS: COMBCTSTION ANALYSIS ??f71 I 7- L- A Josn:? lo1 ?,? MC7NICIPALITY: L ? JC Cfi!'? TYPE OF EQIIIPMENT: TYPE OF EQi7IPMENT: Repair: Tag# ? Z Tag# Repair: D Make: D ??i,u ?pJ rro,(,.lNew Iastall: -1! Make: New Install: Model#: s<p` /(/,S4--5 Model#: - Seria] q: S6t:; 9 12 1 )-710 Serial #: Input (_y? Output: //S OOo Input: Ouryut: Type of Fvel: N?q-% Type of Dnfr. Type of Fuel: Type of Drafc GsPressvre: 3 •S ,c GasPressure: (High) S[andazd (Med) p,? (L.ow) (HigL) Sta¢dazd (Ivfed) (Low) ModulatingBumer. Yes No ModulatingBurnu: Yes No TestTag insralled: Yes p( No c Test Tag iusrailed: Yes No ANALYZERREADINGS: ANALYZERREADINGS: Hirk{SE?) Medium if a licable I.ow (if a9Dlicable) Hizh (S[andazd) Medium (if anoGcable) I.ow (if anplicable) 0, Oz O, ? • ? Oi Oi Oz COz 7. 21 % CP? COZ COz COz COi CO f( p pf CO CO CO CO CO Stack Temp: S[ack Temp: Stack Temp: Stack Temp: Stack Temp: S(ack Temp: COMMENTS: - CONIMENTS: ' TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: TYPE OR EQI7IPMENT: Repair: • Tag # Tag # Repair: ' .{ Make: ?rn.?4?a New Install: Make: New Tnstall: Model#: 5,-- 62 A-S Model#: Serial #: S 6 0 1 1 -7 1 9 _ISo Output 41Co0 Input: LV.2 Serial#: Inpur. Ou[pur. Tj'yc 6i iti2i: A-) eq T ?YNcO cf?::..-.: rc ? CF ?'i.`.e:: -Fi?° ? il.yfr Gas Pressure: (fiigh) S[andard (Ivted) ? (I-ow) Cres Pressure: (fIigh) Standazd (Med) (I-o`x') Modularing Burner: Y>_s No Y Modulaling Bumer: Yes No Tes[Taginstalled: Yes No TutTagins[alled: Yes No ANALYZER READINGS: ANALYZER READINGS: Hieh (Standard) Medium ff anplica o Low (if aPDticabfe) Hiqh (Standard) Medium (if a oolicable) Low (i( anolicable) pZ Oz a. ?, O, Oi 0z Oz co, C% (? .6 7 f, coz co2 co, co, co co(tpl co co co co Stack Temp: Stack Temp: Stack Temp: Stack Temp: Stack Temp: Stack Temp: CONIMENTS: COMMENTS: YALE MECHAlVICAL _ ,/ 9649 G'aard Avenue South Service Technician: /nKJ b • ? ?/q /Y ' <- - Minneapolis, MN 55431 [./ Phone: 952-584-1661 Fax: 952-554-0295 0 / d Z l 0?7 2/21/2007 oF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE (612) 454-8100 November 8, 1988 MN DEPT OF HEALTH 717 S E DELAWAgE ST P 0 SOX 9441 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 ATTENTION: GARY ENGLUND, P.E. CHIEF SECTION OF WATER SUPPLY & ENGR RE: CUE FOODS 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD L 1, B 1, CLIFF LAKE CENTRE Dear Mr. Englund: VIC ELLISON Mayor 1HOMASEGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMEIA McCREA iHEODORE WACHTER Council Members 7HONrPS HEDGE$ Ciry ?minisiwbr EUGENEVAN OVERBEKE CiN cNVk This is to advise that the final plumbing inspection of the aforementioned facility was completed on November 8, 1988. Attached, please find copies of the inspections made by the City of Eagan, Building Inspections Department. Sincerely, William Adams Plumbing Inspector. WA/js Attach. THE CONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIIY CItV OF u , -8 1, L li-Ff I_c,l:e, I' 'virre 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 VIC ELlI50N EAGAN, MINNESOIA 55721 Mwor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 iHOMAS EGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON September 1, 19$$ PAMEL4McCREA THWDORE WACHTER Council Members nionnas HEOGEs JAMES R FELTONr PROJECT ENGINEER cnynammrotraror 700 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE EuGENEVnriovFaeEKE 900 SECOND AVE S CIN qerk MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Re: Cliff Lake Centre Dear Mr. Felton: This letter confirms our telephone conversation of August 25 with regards to the following items which must be completed before certificates of occupancy will be issued to the respective buildings: 1. Provide (as per Minnesota statutes, section 326.12, subdivision 3) signed and certified specifications for the Cliff Lake Retail Center buildings; and 2. Uniform Building Code section 506(b) permits buildings of similar size and construction to the Target store to be built only if the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout and if it is entirely surrounded and adjoined by public ways or yards not less than sixty feet in width. 7'he Target store, as currently situated, is not entirely surrounded by sixty-foot public ways or yards. However, a sixty-foot yard does exist around the entire complex of buildings located on lots 1 through 3 of Cliff Lake Centre. Thus, the Target store would be permitted by the second exception under UBC 504(c) if proper legal documents between the separate parcels were created and recorded to effectuate a common interest as a single property for the purpose of this provision. S incerely, Joe Merchak Construction Analyst JM/mc cc: RHC Associates Joint Venture i Korsunsky Krank Erickson Architects, Inc. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SVMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN L 1, ? I, C.I s fi F L A e, L ex?I? e. ;, OF 3830 PILOT KNOB 20AD. P.O. 80X 21799 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONB (612) 454-8100 August 16, 1988 JIM JACKSON PLANMARK ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE P 0 BOX 1243 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 ? Re: Cub Foods, Cliff Lake Centre Project #1948.01 Dear Jim: V1C ELLISON Mopr iHOMAS EGAN DAMD K. GUSTAFSON PAMEIA McCRE4 THEODORE WACHTER CWlICIIMBlI1bBf5 nionnns Heoees ciFyacnmizho+or EUCENE VAN OVERBEKE ciy ci.k Confirming our phone conversation of Monday, August 15, you will not need the double check assembly on the sprinkler system fire riser. Only the single detection check with the bypass meter and check is required. Sincerely, U Ji Bill Adams Plumbing Inspector WA/mc 1HE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGiH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIiY PLOIVMfIRK ARCHITLCTURE I fNG1NEEAING 11840 Valley Vie,w Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Mail Address: Rnx 1243, Minneapolis, MN 55440 Telephone:612-828-4500, FAX:612-828-4743 August 12, 1988 Mr. Bill Adams City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 R6: CUB FOODS C11Pf Lake Center Sagan, Minnesota Profect *1948.01 Dear Bill: Confirming our phone conversation on Wedneaday the lOth of August, it is our understanding that a double check valve assembly For the aprinkler system fire riaer will not be required. Only a detector check valve will be required. ?nless we hear otherwise from you in writing, the double check valve will not be installed on this project. If there are any questians with this matter, please contact us at (612) 828-4515. Sincerely, PLANMARK L Jion Mechanical Designer/Draftaman JJ/cm 1948DCS1/1 L i, /3i, C??, Cv?- - _ minnesota department of heaith 717 s.e. delaware st. p.o. hox 9441 minneapolis 55440 O (612) 623-5000 Tu1y 26, 1988 Super Valu Stores, Inc. 11840 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Gentlemen/Ladies: Subject: PZum6ing.for Cub Foods - Intersection of Cliff and Rahn Roads, Ea¢an. Dakota Countv, Minnesota. Plan No. 40007 We are enclosing a copy of our report covering an examination of plans and specificaiions on the above-designated project. A set of the identified plans and.specifications is also being retumed to you. IT IS THE PROJECT OUN£R'S RESPONSIBILITY TO RETAIN THE PLANS AT THE PROJECT LOCATION. Your attention is directed to the attached statement pertaining to inspection of the plumbing. It is important that ve receive the information indicated in order that the necessary inspection may be made. The plans and specifications appear to be in general conformance vi[h the standards of this Department. When the project is completed, please communicate with an Environmental Health sanitarian in our Metro District Office in Minneapolis, Minnesota (612/623-5337), in order that he may make final inspection. If you have any questions in regard to plumhing inspectiona, please contact Donald Stanley at 612/623-5328. Zf you have any questions in regard to the information contained in this report, please contact John Barry at 612/623-5357. Sincerely yours, Gary L. Englund, P.E., Chief Section of Vater Supply and Engineering GLE:JEB:paw Enciosure cc: Planmark, Inc. Mr. Ailliam Adams, Plumbing Inspectar ? an equal oppoAUnity employer MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Environmental Health REPORT OF PLANS Plans and specifications on plumbing: Cub Foods - Intersection of Cliff and Rahn Roads, Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, Plau No. 90007 Prepared and submitied by Planmark, Inc., Attention: Mr. Rod Hillstrom, 11840 Valley View Road, Bden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 ?Ownership: Super Valu Stores, Iuc., 11840 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Date Examined: July 22, 1988 Date Received: July 1, 1988 SCOPE: T6is examination is limited to the design of this particulaz pro}ect only insofaz as the provisions of the Minnesota Pltrmbing Code, as amended, apply, and does aot cover the water supply or sewerage system io which .ui; plum6ing system is conneccea. The examination oi plans is based upon the supposition .uat the data on which the design is based are correct, and ihat necessary legal authority has been obtained to construct the project. The respoasibility for the design of structaral features and the efficiency of equipment must be laken by the project designer. Approval is contingent upon satisfactory disposition of any requirements included in 4his report. INSPECTIONS: Special cara should be takea to insure that the material and installatian of the plumbing system are in accordance with the provisians of the Minnesota Plumbing Code. It is necessary that the Siate [-Iealth Department make roughing-in and final inspections of the plumbiag system to determine whether it complies with the Code. Provisions should be made for applying an aic test at the time of the coughing-in inspection as outlined in Minn. Rules, p. 4715.2820, of the Code. In order to facilitate this work, a self-addressed card is attached which should be returned to this office. The name o€ the plumbing contractor should be indicated so arrangements can be made for him to notify the State Health Department that the installation will be ready for a test and inspection. Na acceptance of the plumbing installation can be given until inspection and testing of the roughing-in work (Miun. Rules, p. 4715.2820, subp. 2), finished plumbiag (Mian. Rules, g. 4715.2820, subp. 3), and inspection of the completed installation by a representative of the State Health Department indicates compliance with the provisions of the Code. REQUiREMENTS: i. Verify Lfia# all gaease ttaps are fitted with flow control devices on the inlet ?. Dssiy sinks nsed- fur the sYOrage of food and drink may be indirectly connected Lo the sanitary sewer system. Sinks nsed for food preparation or washing must be dirocfly connected. 3. Dishwashing Machines - Every dishwasher in a building for puhtnc use sha?1 discharge to the drainage system through an air gap. If a floor drain constructed without a bac&water valve is installed on the horizontat dishwasher firaflch, the dishwasher may be connected direct#y ta the drainage system. The water svpply to any dishwasher in whicL the supply opeaing is ]ocaEed below the spill 1ine. of the machine should be protected with a vacuum breaker (see Minn. Rutes, p. 47I5.1250). AuthorizaYiou fot constsuctioa in accordance with the approved plans majr be withdrawu it coflstructian is. -sot underiakeu within a period of two years. The fact that plans have been approved does not necessarily mean ihat ceaammendations or requirements for change will uo{ be made at some IaYer time when changed conditions, additional information or advanced knowledge make improvements nECessary. Approved by: ?,7 /f rd _ J ???l?l.??'^' 7^'_\ \\kA'?t.? urvv??/ 0 Milton R. Beilin, P.E. John E: Barry Public Health Engineer Engineeriug Aide Section of Water Suppiy and Engineering Section of Water Supply and Engineering 612/623-5517 612/623-5357 i t5tV oF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P O BOX 21199 . . EA6AN, MINNESOTA 55121 V1C ELLISON PHONE (612) 454-8100 M?' THOMAS EGAN ' DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMElA McCREA THEODORE WACHTER Council Members July 6, 1988 nionnasHeoees CiNAdminclrrnpr EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Gy aenc SUPER VALU STORES, INC C/0 CHERYL GRASMOEN STE 600 NORWEST CENTER ST PAUL, MN 55701 REt RHC ASSOCIATFS JOINT VENTORE I SALE TO SIIPER VALU STORES, INC. Gentlemen: The undersigned, Dale Aunkle, Planning Director, and Tom Colbert, Pu61ic Works Director, of the City of Eagan, in connection with the development and construetion of a shopping center on Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Cliff Lake Centre (the Pro,ject), and the construction of a supermarket on a portion of the Projeet, namely Lot 1, Bloek i, Cliff Lake Centre (the Super Value Parcel) hereby certifies as follows: 1. The following governmental agreements, certificates and approvals to own, construct and operate, the Projeet have been obtained: A. Subdivision and Plat approval; B. Site Plan approval, including parking areas; C. Development Agreement relating to the construction of the public utilities and streets; D. Resolution of the City Council, City of Eagan approving the Environmental Assessment Worksheet; E. Agreement to Protect Cliff Lake and its Shoreline; F. iiemorandum of Restrietive and Environmental Covenants; and G. Indirect Source Permit ISP 88-3; 2. The Project, as proposed to be constructed in accordanee with the above agreements, certificates and approvals, will not violate any building, zoning, subdivision, shoreline management, or envirorunental laws and regulations. 3. The Super Valu Pareel is located in a Planned Development Zoning District and its use as a supermarket, ineluding a bakery and delicatessen, is: (i) a permitted use under the CSC (Community Shopping Center) classification allowable in the Planned Development Zoning District; (13) Super Valu is permitted to operate 24 hours per day seven days per week as long as the building is located 200 feet or more from any residential use per City Code; and (iii) by Couneil Action permltted an off-street loading dock 300 feet from a residential use. THE LONE OAK TREE.. .THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROYVTH IN OUR COMMUNIN 4. The grading permit, footing and foundation permit and building permit have 5een issued in conneetion with the construction of a supermarket on the Super Valu Parcel. 5. All building aaterials, exterior signs and elevations of the buildings to =be gonstructed on the Project have been approved as part of the Site Plan ? approiiLl. CITY 0:' EAGAN By: Plannino Directo By rf4<? Director of Pu61ic Works ' PLf11VMf1RK ARCHITECTUREIENGINEERING 11840 Vallcy View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55314 Mail Address: Box ]?.A3, Minneapolis, MN 55440 Telephone:612-828-4500, FAX:612-828-4743 April 7, 1988 W. Doug Reid F re Regulations 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagatl, bIN 55122 RE : G4JB FOODS EAGAN, MINNESOTA Project #1948.0 Dear Mr. Reid: ? L L P? ? GuFF LAge ?NTieE I am writing to confirm our conversation on 4-5-88 regarding local Fire Rec7ulations for a Cub Eoods store located on the N.E. Corner of Cliff Road and Cliff Lake Centre Road in Eagan. As we discussed, on site natural gas would be sufficient for fuel to the emergency generator. Interior and exterior fire alarms, connected to the flav switch, are required. Pull stations will not be required. If you have any questions regarding the information above, please call me at (612)828-4586. Sincerely, PLANMARK h Tom Zarembinski Electrical Designer TZ/cm 19480CS1/6 MEMO T0: TOM COLHERT, DIRECTOR OF Pt1BLIC WORI{S JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPARTMENT ? BILL AKZNS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTDR CRAIG KNIIASEN, ENGINEERING TECH SOE SHERIDAN, UTILITY BSLLING CLERK FROM: DOUG REIDO BIIILDING INSPECTION3 ?EPT DATE: Lal<e oe,i+er The Protective Inspections Department will be performin-g ?a final inspection for oceupancy of 1940 h.Cl (?i 2, on ///A eg' C u b FoOCIs. Please return within 48 hours with your approval or denial. Failure of response within that time frame will be determined as approval. It will be each departments responsibility to contact the construction firm with necessary requirements before final inspection and notifying the Building Inspeetions Department when all requirements have been taken care of. Thank-you. DR/js APPROVAL: DENIAL: (SIGNATURE & D E (SIGNATURE & DATE) 21?? - ? MEMO T0: TOM COLHERT, DIRECTOR OF PIIBLIC WORRS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPARTMENT BILL AKINSo ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR CRAIG KNOASENv ENGINEERING TECH SIIE SHERID&Np DTILITY HILLING CLERK i FROM: DOUG R£TDt BOILDING INSPECTIONS DEPT DATE: /,1, 6 1, CI; PP L a 1<e (14er The Proteetive Inspections Department will be performing a final inspeetion for occupancy of ?9 410 (2 1 j ?)f h.C.? (?'.e, ? Q QC? on il/9 8g' C u b Foods. Please return within 4$ hours with your approval or denial. Failure of response within that time frame will be determined as approval. It wi11 be each departments responsibility to contact the construetion firm with necessary requirements before final inspection and notifying the Building Inspections Department when all requirements have been taken care of. Thank-you. DR/js APPROVAL: (SIGNATURE & DATE) (SIGNATURE & DATE) W/`S Gl:e_'j- ?•G'?sv?v c/'? ?t?r?.?s' o? /? / U ?,- drt ? MEMO T0: TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PIIBLIC WORRS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPARTMENT BILL 9KINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR CRAIG [QVDASEN, ENGINEERING TECH 7 SIIE SFIERIDAN, OTILITY SILLING CI.ERR k1, 13 1, U ; P40 L a ke (14er FROM: DOIIG REIDv BIIILDING INSPECTIONS DEPT DATE: The Protective Inspections Department will be performing a final inspection for occupancy of LQ?? ??? p-P on il/9 91g' C u b FoOds. Please return within 48 hours with your approval or denial. Failure of response within that time frame will be determined as approval. It will be each departments res ponsibility to contaet the construction firm with necessary requirements before final inspection and notifying the Building Inspections Department when all requirements have been taken care of. Thank-you. DR/js i? APPROVA : DENIAL: ?I ? (SIGNATURE & DATE) (SIGNATURE & DATE) SIIBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: CIIB FOODB, BRETT LEIN, STORE MANAGER LOCATION: LOT l, BLOCR 1, CLIFF LARE CENTER 1940 CLIFF LAKS ROAD 2 _ - ?J' O yL?r.r E%ISTING 20NING: PD-CSC 2, - DATE OF PIIBLIC HEARING: FESRUARY 20, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: FEBRIIARY 12, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMiTNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SIIMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Special Use Permit to allow construction of a temporary greenhouse in a fenced sales area located in the Cub Foods parking lot. PROPOSAL: Bailey Nurseries, Inc. will be constructing the hoop formed greenhouse. The four hoops will be covered with a flame retardant, unsupported poly. The 20' x 80' greenhouse is part of a 40' x 120' fenced sales area. Cub Foods has 551 total parking spaces; the proposed location would use 24 parking spaces (12 back to back). The applicant is proposing to commence set up of the greenhouse on Wednesday, April 25, 1990. Set up time is approximately one to two days. Removal of the unit shall occur the week of June 3, 1990. Complete removal of the greenhouse shall be completed by June 8. 1990. Cub Foods applied for, and received approval for, this permit in 1989. If approved, the Special IIse Permit shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. The permit is temporary and shall expire after June 8, 1990. 2. A building permit shall be obtained through our Protective Inspections Department. 3. The building shall be open-ended and shall be placed within the fenced sales area to allow exiting through both ends. 4. The permit shall be subject to all applicable Code requirements. %j• YV• o/ `1 VL?V? f?V? ??•• ? ? s6? v aJ. , ? _...., CiIY o1 Eaqoe . ??_ • f ; 012'SI .. s? .. ; .. ? e ` HIGH j .... _.... 1100 LiNE _......TRAIL i c ? ...,.. . ? :? " ? ttrrr ' ?, Q ? .•'•c??' ? ? i ..--: .... ?. ? t.t<:i eu.r ue[ ? \c S ? ? ? i ? ? ? ? ? a : z , 0 _.. .. o zz. tI :e;4tM ?:..t?.. fu-Tq. j ? N 4p o.. Tt? ?_? .. 1 ?-. - r- . .. \ \ .. ' ?• L i ? ? `• ? \ \ / ? \ EncN SECrta,o ao' G.ryll. ? 11001, Ri ALL CORNEflS GVS56fED 4?-6"? ? FRAME DETAIL 1;3 a 1 CARRIA6E BOLT AND NUT ? ,. PERLIN BRACKET AND NUT O C y. RLIN TREATED 2 x 8 5/18 x 4 BOLT ANO NUT ? : 0 a a < 5/18 x 1 1/2 \ NUT 6 BOIT ? ? O PIECE HOOP CONNECTI, ? 5/18 1 BOIT A STANDARD: GROUNDTO GROUND T x Q 0 c < ? ? OPTIONAL: STRAIGHT SIDE WAIL LIN CONNECTION ON END CITY OF EAGAN SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTs EAGADT CUB FOODS LOCATION: LOT 1, BLOCKl, CLIFF LAKE CENTSR 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD EXISTING ZONING: PD - CSC DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MARCH 21, 1989 DATE OF REPORT: MARCH lU, 1989 REPORTED BYs COMMUNITY DEVffi,OPMENT APPLICATION SIIMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Special Use Permit to allow construction of a temporary greenhouse in a fenced sales area located in the Cub Foods parking lot. The applicant is proposing to commence set up of the greenhouse on April 20, 1989. Set up time is approximately one to two days. Removal of the unit shall occur the week of June 5, 1989. The takedown process requires only one day. Bailey Nurseries, Inc. will be constructing the hoop formed greenhouse. The four hoops will be spaced 20' apart, spanning a distance of 20' each. The frames will be covered with a flame- retardant, unsupported poly. The 20' x 80' greenhouse is part of a 40' x 120' fenced sales area. Cub Foods has 551 total parking spaces; the proposed location would use 24 parking spaces (12 back-to-back). If approved, the Special Use Permit shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. The permit is temporary and sha11 expire after June 9, 1989. 2. A building permit must be obtained through our Protective Inspections Division. 3. The building shall be open-ended and shall be placed within the fenced sales area to allow exiting through both ends. 4. The permit shall be subject to all applicable Code requirements. :v?..w ? 1/4 W 1 G ? ?? 4*d ? GV • • o A/ ? nru.: .. ?.?.. City ot Eaqan m4- . 5? .. : HIGN ; ..- °^. O WE p 012'S1 ,.... ...... ..... ....... ........ ? ?TRAIL .. . .. ,. , n A -- -- --- --- --' ^ .. I c >..?... - ? _ e a z ., ; 0 7 )L+??+ \ CE N T R s E I I - -- - -- , ?? o I ? curr i4tc ? ?\\l , z ? Q I-C 4t, 0 _.... ., ? 0 =z. ?; ?? ? ????? ? , : ? ?? ?? ? . ?^: DN . ? 10 O.g \ W \ _/ ? 0 ? jJ ? J ?nin? ? t v y ? ' J ? .? ? U l?i ,9 J ? J Oq?.? ? - f `?. It? ,? ti?n J t ? ?. ti_... _. . .. ...., _..?.?- -:,. ? ?•, ?, ? \\ 1 ? ' - . ? \ ? \ ? .-? ?`? ? ?? ?? ? L ? , \ , . i ? ,?\? EneO Secrta.o ao' Lru?l, Ri / ?_-. .. ?• ALL CORNEqS GuSSErED 4 -6°? ? G?oT ? ??o?J` 1 CtiGG LAK6 C& ... F I RE F'Fi iTEC:? i_+1`J RY CCiMf='i ITEF: DE SI GN k INDlIv:7FiIAL SF'RINF':LEF CCiRF'. k * ST. FAIJL MN 55113 r »- 612-63=-7606 a::+::4: C:<<iJTFiAL:TOfi IPJDU'=:TRIAL sF'RIN}GLEF COFF'C+FATION NAME CI iB FOOLiS + LOi_fiTION EAGAN Mhd t: S1'=;TEM NO. TWC, + i=iiNl-RACT Nii• 224'-/' + S'D ,1UL 2 5 ttS "?„` . YN=iie_:TRIAL SPRINKLER CORR. I?AC?c + M1' l ]. .. 6.lr-fJ.i.=1-?6(f6 HYDRAUL.I C DESI r,N INFORMAT I ON SIiEE? ____=== ? ._._____________•?=-•---- --------- NflME CUB f'OOUc DATE 7-14-88 LOCATION EAVAN MN BUILDING FtEi_EIVING SYSTEM NCi. TWu CLZNTRACTOFi INLiU:=TRIAL SPRINKLER C:LiRFQRATION C:ONTRACT Nii. 2249 C:ALCULATED EY HARRY WIEbE DFiAW2NG NO. 2 OF 3 CQNSTRIU_TIiiN: OiyOMEl_I=,TIBLE iX71VON-C:OMBI1t=TIE+LE C:EILING HEIGHT 22 OCCIIPANCY r ROr:ERY STCu_ t;: _ ! t ) NFFf•1 1.ti ( 7 LT. -IAZ. rifiD. HAZ, GF. ( )1( )2( )3( )EX. HAZ. _. 1( a OrHER . T !(X)S:PE_r.IFIC R!iLING .3r)/2000 MRLiE BY PROJECT SPEC.UATE E M ! AfiEA OF _:F'fi I NF:LEF: OF'EFAT T ON 1595 GYE;TEM TY'P'E ! DENSI TY- GPNi .3 ( X) WET ( )OF:Y ( ) DELUBE ( )FREA+vTIi?N D ! AREA F'ER SPRINKLER 100 SPRINKLER QR NOZZLE E !Hi78E ALLi+WRNCE GF'M-IN3IUE D MAk::E CENTRAL MODEL _ ! Hr,=:E ALLCiWFifVr:E GF'M-i il- ?TSI DE 5 Crra SI ZE 17/32 k::-FACTC?fi :. 1 'I , !RACf_: SPRINKLER ALLOWANCE U TEMF'ERATUFE RATING 286 ! 13 N ' CALCI_iLprIc_iN ? GF'M FiEQiIIFED 564 F"_:I REQLIIkED _,.c ----AT E+R=:E OF RI.:ER '=:IIMMARY ! C: FACTCiR USEU: OVERHEALi 120 UNDEkGFnUNLi 140 W!WATEf;`FUlbJ TE' T=====---_____' `F,IIMF' DATATANFC._OFi kE ERVGIfi-- A' L+ATE OF 7EST ! RATEP +:AF' V ! CAF'. t> T'TIME OF TEST ! r'aT F'=:I 0 ' ELEV• 0 E !STATIC (F"?I) 6 ?5 ! ELEV C, ! Fi !fiEc;ILIIAL (F'ST) SR ! '. WELI_ !FLiiW (GF'M) 10 F'Fii70F FLOW GFM 0 =' !ELEVATIUN GFiRDE '. ' F' ! F' !LCiCATION : CITY h1AIN RT SITE L !_:ru_iFCE OF INFOFMATIiiN ? CI'rY GF EAGAN y i ----- ------------- ' COMMODI TY i:LA'=;C LOCATIi iN i=: !STORAGE HT. AFiER AISLE WILiTH li 1STOFqGE METHnL1:Z;OLID PILEG i PALLETIZED % FpCf= ! M M! ! c)!_;INGLE RnW O Ci iNVEN. FALLET O AI iTO, STCiFAfE O EMCAF•. ? R! O UOUBLE f;GW OSLAVE PALLF T ! 7 SOL I Li SHELV I NG O NIDN-ENCAP. _! A! ( i MULTIPLE ROW { 10F'EN SHELVINti T C I ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------°------------ ----- 1i ! k:: ! FLIIE :dFAC:ING: C_EAFANC£. .^-•TORAGE TU CEiLING R ! ! LONrITUDINAL TRAN,=:VEF=':E A -__-_______---__°_ HI-IRIZpNTAL 6AfiRIERS PFGVIDED: -------- UNIT'=; - DIAMETEF (INCH) LENGTH (FiiuT) FLOW iGFM> FRE`-SUfiE (F':=:I) 4::1::ti:i::V.::4::ti:4::f:>F::k:#: :t::+::+::fi:i.::{.::k:1::f;:L-A: ?4::+: A::+::+: Y.::t::+::+::#r.kA::k:+::f:k:%F:* :Y.:+::+::4::+:Y::f::+::f::}::i'::f::f::i::t::{.::4::{.:4: FIFE FF.OTECTION--fiY 1_AMf'Ul"EF DE3IGN INLUJc:TRIAL SF'fiINF::LER C:IjFF'. 4::}::t::t:%fi%k:k::k:k:f::+::k:8:f.:i<:fiN<h:?+.?k%V::h:%1•::f:?! IJOB- CUR FOCiDS lriL' NLt 2249 PRTE 7-14-38 PRr,E Z .... . . HYURLC. ._ ? . np ?.. . . . iY1 . EQIIIV. . .... F'If'E ... ._._.?. PT ... FT .._ ..._. ' .? REF. FLO6J DIA. 1=I7TING FT13'=:. PE fiV NOiTE:3 FOINT riT LOS?S/F LENGTHS TCIT. F'F F'N -°------ --- ---- ,6.00 ------- 1.104 --...__ _ __ _--- -------- 8.41 ----------- 13.72 -- Qp= 0.30 X 100. 00=;f'iF. A L`=120 c3.00 tJ.00 FC= 8.100 V= 10.05 30. U0 0.2148 8.41 1.81 -- -°------- ------ 30.'%4 °---° 1.452 -_____---- ------- 't.41 ----------- 15.53 ------- 15.53 ---------- t;= ".1V0 ----- --- F'= 14.59 P C=120 U.Oti 0.00 0.94 VELnCITY = 11.80 --------- 60. 94 ------- i>. 2093 8.41 1.76, 14.59 --- -------- --------- . .:. ------- ,.. =. ----------- -------- .-.. - --------- ,.',.:.- ---- ; -- _.;%? C:. C=12p c;.ty?; 1.21 VELjDC:ITY = 13.40 93.4?:? -.; , n. ;.? 2 ??, 8 ,33 1.97 16.08 ---------- ------- 0.n0 ------- 2.154 ----------- GE 6.1 -------- 4.54 ---------- 19. 26 ------- ---------- C?A= 0.0 ---------- F'T= 19.2/-. D Q=120 1T12.2 1?.20 0,00 VELOCITY = 8.22 ----- ---- 93. 42 ------- 0. U677 ------- -- - -- 1=,. 74 - -- - 1.13 - ° ----- - ------ - --------- ---------- 9.-. 42 --- - ----- - - 20.39 r' 13= 20. 690 1 ---------- ------ 9?. 4.= -----° 4.260 ------------ ------- 11 .: 3 --------- 20.39 ------- --------- Q=K:a=:_:r.tfi {P) ---------- : F= 20.3? i C=i 20 o. _>;; o. on f::= 2,ta. ?.ti?-7 v= 2. i 93.43 t_i, oci24 11.83 cJ. t:i.= ?3.49 --- 4.2260 -- - ------- 10.2 _ -- 2-740.42 k::= 20.69p F'= 20.42 2 i:=120 <>, 00 n, 00 VELOCITY = 4.20 186„92 r,,pp;;:; 1n.25 n.09 126.10 4.2,60 7.79 27,ci.51 2o.51 t'= 2c,070 P= 2Ci,l:_; 3 i_=72n 0.Or, C,.0p 0.33 VELOCITY = 7.i>q. -13.02 II.I}22.1 7.7'? ct. 5?-: 20.18 --- --------- ---------- ---------- ------ 125 . /-,3 -------- 4. 2-4 n ---------- -------- 10. c,3 ---------- ?U. /,'I --- - <t], 69 - h: = '28, 070 F'= 220. 0-3 4 r=1 20 0. i x() 0. OU 0.66 VELCn_'I TY = 9. _;!. 438.65 0.0427 1 c,.;,3 C,.46 20.03 -- --------- --------- ------ 12 5. 2 = ------- 4. -26 0 ---------- -------- 26.17 ---------- 241. 15 ------- ?1. 15 ----- -- 1:= 27.960 F= 20.06 S C=120 0.60 0,00 1.09 VELOCITY = 12.48 - 563. c,8 U. 06::0 26. 17 1. 7=; - 20. pJ-. ------ ---------- ---------- ------- -- ------ 0() -------- 4,1G0 ---------- i)E 9.9 -------- 1Q1.33 ------- -- 22.93 - QA= 0.0 F'T= 22.93 = C=12 p 1T2:=:.3 28.3C; i).(-)n VELOCITY - 12.68 563.ir_ (t.0l-,`It) 12 I./-.o c.:3 ____ ?i, i;?; _______ 4.260 _________- ,E - '!. -'/ - 1. .=_, q 7 ---. ?1. 71-. i_iq- ?i.n FT= 31.7?? 7 f_:=120 1T3 60.00 ?;. 10 VFLOCITY = 12.6c? 563,E:8 i),0l.^-,0 2.Ca(')F. 132.54 'I.O.i F'E= FiiR HT . CiF ft. I_,p ' 4, ''/-.(1 - ()E `l. ,% --`.(1(i z 4'='. I=`I ID. q_. 0. p F'T= 49. R'i Z:' C:=1 'p 1T2=?. 3 '28.3U 0. 00 VFL[u.:ITY = 12. =. ?63. :_ _ t;, 30, 30 ?. oI. IhJE=ii:_;TRSraL :aF'RIN}:LER CfIRP. JOB- CI IR FppD=" JOR 7VL"I 2249 DA7E 7-14-88 F'Al-iE Z> ? HYDRU=:. L.A EiIA. '__'__'__'- E?,.I_IIV. '_'____.._._? F'IF'E _--__..."`__ F'T --__'__?..._.____ F'T REF. FU-iW "C:^ FITT7NG F=TG F'E F''J Ni iTES F'OIIVT r!T LO:::`/F LEIVGTFi'?-; TQT. FF PN ------ -------- 0.00 6.065 2.00 51.95 -- - Qp- O, o PT= 51.95 21 C:=120 0.00 264 VELOr_:ITY = 6.25 --- 563. 8:: --- 0.0121 2.00 - 0.02 ------ F'E= FOfi HT. OF 6.0 ------------------------- --- --- °-- 5/-,3. 82 - ------- ---------- - _ __--- _ _ _-- 54.61 K 14= 76.300 t-ti iR ------- ---------- - ._= -------- -- ------------- ---------- , :.-. ----------- -,:,,±,? -------------------------- :?N _.' r•T= '._, RUR;' i=:=14i.) /-,•i.lc. U.t;0 VELOCITY = 3.62 563.c?S O.0024 /.i'. 16F. 28,7.16 0.69 ----- ---------- ,,00.0O ------ 7.9,:O ---------'-- ------- p.<ri ---- 56.3o Qp= =00.0 PT= 55.30 HO_;E ,__140 p, 60 t). 00 VELCiC:I TY = 6.82 1063.::8 0,0077 0.01 (.).Oci ------ -------- - - 1 t?l-. ?. '_ _ ------- ----------- - ----- ---- ---5-. 3C? -- - F: 1 S= 143.060 CI TY I1VLii3_:TRIAL :3FRINt:LCR COFiP. ,JOB- CUP f OODS JOR Nn 2249 LiATE 7-14-O;=: F'AGE 4A- +.:c::+ , ? V j,1G ---------- HYUF:LC. ----- G!A --°---------------- ° -i:" EQUIV. --------- FIFE ------_- FT ------ F'T ------ - FEf=. FLOW DIA. FITTINr, FT6S. PE F'V NCiTES F'OINT G!T LUSBiF LENGTHS Ti iT. PF F'N 27.60 ------------ 1,452 --------- 8.41 11.61 QA= 0.30 X 92. C>USt?F. E C=120 0.00 0.00 }; 8.100 V? 5.35 27.60 0.0484 :.41 - 0.41 -----___ °- ---- ------°•-- ------- 28,08 ---------°_-_•----- 1.687 -------- 8.41 12.02 1= 8.100 p= 12.02 F C:=120 0.00 0. t>C) VELOCITY = 7. 9 ;-; 55,6„= 0.0855 =.41 0.72 ------------------------------- . f' i:_120 ::4.59 0.1854 H I 3 .] h: L M N 5 30.63 115.22 0.00 11`.22 2.154 C=1 <ir C?, ti^9CI, -------------- 2.154 c;E 6.1 C=120 iTl:_.':' 0. rY7'i'7 11._.22 :'.?4 0.00 8.41 l. _3 0.00 9.83 3, 54 12.20 15.74 ---------------------------------- 1-' -"} f::= 8.100 P- 12,74 V.UG VELOCITY = 12.13 1,°_ 14,30 K= 3.100 F'= 14.30 0.00 VELOCITY = 10.14 0. 9: : --- -------------- ---------- ------- 15.<:' Qq= 0.0 F•T= 15.2= 4, UU VELCii_ ITY = 10.14 1.5: -------- -- --------- ---------- 16.:75 - -- K: 17= 28. 07o ----=-- <7. L-0 ----------------- 1.452 2E 5.0 --------- 10.41 ------------- 11.61 --------------- [±p= 0.30 X --------- 92. OC3_:>!F. [:a j-•O 10. CtQ C7, UQ f' = 8.100 V ? 5.35 27.60 0.0484 20.41 0.99 --- «.15 ------....------ 1.687 ---------- =.41 -- _---- 12.60 y= 8.100 F'= 12.60 i_-720 0.00 0.00 VELOCITY 56.15 0.0874 8.41 0.74 ------- <9.58 ----------- - --- 1.6::7 --------- 8.41 ------------ 13.34 ---°---------- k:= =.lOp --------- F'= 13.34 C:=120 i).(-)n O,0ia VELOCITY = 12.32 -'t.':= 0.190;=; 8.41 1.61 --------- -------------- ---------- ------ =1..=2 ----------------- 2.154 ---------- 7.83 -- 14.95 f= 8.104 F= 14.,i5 r=120 0.00 0.00 VELOCITY = 10.31 117.25 0.1031 7.83 0.81 ------ <l. t?C, ---------- 2.154 iiE !,. 1 ---c----- _?. 4J-, ----- ------ 1_?.7I-. --------------- i>!p= 0.0 ---- ? - F'T- 1_?. 7/-, C:=120 iT12. 2 12.20 0.00 VELOCITY = 10.31 117.25 0.1031 17.66 1.82 --- - ----- 117. 2S ---------- ------- -- -------- ------ _ ---- 17.5_, -- - k:. 18_ 27.9 60 4::+::+::+::+::t::+::+::w:+::+::+::+::y: INUI1=:ThIAL :_;1='ftINF-::LER i::OFF'. ,TnB- Ci iB FOCiLr.3 JnR NO 2249 DATE 7-14-03 F'A6E 5 :>::+: r::+::fi:+:k::+::h:+:y::r::r::+::+::+::r.:+:y.::}::r.w:+::+::+::+::+::+::+WATER =:I IF'PLY ?. ?_CHEMAT I C:a:***_+::+::F::+:•r::+::x:+::+::+::+:**:k:+:*:+::+::+::+::+::+::+::+:* ------ --- _ __.---- ------------------- •_ _---------- '-------------------------_----------------°---------------------------' ! ST(-;TIL: F'fiE'_:. : i 65.000 F•ST ! ? ? i • ! . I I ! ? _ p ? , F, ? , y ? . c: ? . u ? 1 R t ! . `f ? ! . E ' ? . FRES. AVAILABLE ! 59.566 F"=;I ! ! SAFETY r1AfiGIN . ` ? 4. 26.6 P=:I v , SygTEM DEMAND--: -------------- *_ +- <:-- FI.nW FVAILAELE ' ' 563.88 GPM : SGO GF'hY Hi c=:E - 1455.25 GPM ! ' / ----------- --- --- . ' ! ! E ! TOTAL LiEMAND ! . ' i ti, ? 55.300 F'SI FT! . i ! / R ! . ! I063.8o GPM ! ? / II ------------- --- . ? ! i C: RESIDIIAL F'RE3.-7:+: ! 5,;. 0C?i; F'SI HT . ! ! i D . 1220.00 GPM ! N , i R , i M 3335.63 GPM E AT 20.000 PSI ' D ? 9.100 F'8I (ELEVATIIiN) ? i ? '- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------------ -°-' FLQW ( GFM ) FLi-iW SUMMARY SYSTEM FLOW 563. _" L;F'M i iUTSILE HOBE 500.00 CiF'M TOTAL DEMAND 1063.81 GPM IIVLiUSTFyIAL SF'fiIN}:LEF{ CGfiF'. QN bt (c ;k:}::?;:{::4::Y.:}::+::+:h::+::k%k::}::+::+::i:+::+::+::i:k:+::k4'k-i<-k:k:4::+::+::+:h::+::f::+::fi%i<:i::A:+::+::+::}::+::+::+::}::+:>F::l::Y•:+::}: :+::+:fi 4, :+::+: '=;T, F'Al1L MN 55113 /, i :'-G33-7 G0l-. --------°------___-- HYDRAIILIC: DESiGN INFORMATION SHEET ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ?-:? NAME C.UB FuOi1.^-. DATE 7-14-- - LOr_:ATION EAGAN MN PUiLDINi3 r_:nOLER SYSTEM NCi. TWO CnNTRAGTOR INDii'=:TfiIAI. '3FRINk:LER CORFOhATION CONTRACT NO. 2249 C{aLC:IILATED BY HARRY WIERE DfiAWING NG, 2 OF 3 C4NSTFUCTIiiPJ. t ir4P1BU:=7IRLE (X)Nnry-ivuMBli"TIBLE i:EILING HEIGHT 1:`? Oi_CLIF'RNr:Y GfiliCERY '-:TiiCFr _ =-------------_._ _-------------- ----- ---------------------------------•- c :( )NFF'A 13 ( 7LT. HAZ. ORD.HAZ.GF'. (?1( )2( 73( 7EX. HAZ. ; .ir=r,ri ,,. - -z,: ! J-. - - - - ? ?' i i^t:•:^.? - i:i_IF?:'•lE i ? . . , • . ? _ ! ( i i iTHEfi T !(X) SFECIFIC: RULINr,• ,30/2000 MADE EsY PfiOJEC:T _.FEC. DATE E M ! AFEH OF SFRI Nk?LER OF'EFiAT ION 1200 cYt?:TEM TYF'E ! GEN'= I TY- GPM .3 (X) WET O L1FY O DEL! IGE ( ) FREACTIL1N Li !AfiEA F'ER SPf:INV::LEf; 97 SF'FINF='LEfi GF NOZ2LE E !HDSE ALLQWANCE VFM-IN'3IDE (J MRKE CENTRAL MGL7EL "A" ! Hfr.=:E ALI.i iWANCE GF'!`1-Gt_ITSIDE 500 SI ZE 17/32 F-'-FACTOR ?:. 1 I !FACK: SFfiINk:LER ALLGWANCE G TEMF'ERATURE RATING 286 r ! N ! ---_------------ -------------_----- _•EF CAU_I?Lr-1TI?JN ' i3F'M REt:?II1RED=-3°98====F°IfiE??IIIREU 5Ci F`,T L?tA:,E ??F ftI` ,?UMh1ARY ' C FA_r.TOF Uc3ED: OUFRHEAU 120 LiNDEFCGF.nLiNU 140 W 'WATER FLCiW TEST-----_____•--'!-F'IIMF' DATA___-___--------' TANk:^OR RESEfiVOIFi fl! L+ATE OF TE_:T !RATED CAF' ii !CAF. 0 T!TIME iiF TE:_:T 'A T F'S I 0 ' EL.EJ. t> E ! =:TATIC (F':=:I i _ _ ! ELEV D '. R !RE=:IDUAL (F',_-;I) WELL ! FLOW (3FM) 122p 1 ! FROOF FLnW GF'I`1 n _ !ELEVATION GRAUE ! ! U F' ! p!Lpf:ATIiiN : CITY MAIN AT c;ITE L ! SOURCE +7F I NFnRMAT I i iN : C:ITY nF EAi;AN Y ! ------ ---- ----------------_---------------------_---------------------- -- ' COMMO[t I TY CLA S' . UOCAT IiDN r: (S'TnfprE HT. AREA AISL.E= IJIDTH 0 !?=TORAr,E METH4D: ^4L I U F I LED ! FALLET I ZED 'l. FALK % M M ! ! ( )oINr,LE ROW ( )L:ONVEN. FALLET ( )AI_ITC1. tiTC1RA13E ( )ENCAP. ! F ! ( )LiOiigLE FriW ( )°.LAVE F'ALLET ( )vOLIU SHELVING ( )NON-ENC:AF•. A ! ( )MI7LTIF'LE RUW t 7QFEN SHELVING 7 ! C ? ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------_ u ' 1: ! FLUE '_FAL:ING: CLEARANCE:STOFiAGE TO CEILINLi F: ! ± LONGITI_ILiiNAL TftAN=:VEFi_;E A -----------------------------------------------------__________=_____ G HOFIZCiNTAL RAfiRIER: PFciVIDED: ?- E UNI'r3 -?IAMFTEF (INCN) LENGTH (Fri07) FLUW (+3F'M) FRE'=:'=:UfiE (PSI) :}::{.::+::{::{::i::i<:t::t::}::4::F::k:f::4::{::i::l: 4: FIRE FRGTEr:TIuN---BY COMF•IITF_R DES . IGN INUliS7RIAL SFFINkLEI; CQFF'. ,Ji iB- i,1 IB FOOLiS* Jng NO 2249 DATE 7-14-88 F'AGE "! :f::+::4::4::41 :+::#::}::}: i :0OLEF: :+::+::+::+::?:a:t::+::+::+::t::r•:+::k:+::+::+::+::?h::+::+:?:x:+::r.:+::+::?::?:+::+::+::+::+::+: ---------- HYLiFLC. ------- G!A -------- "c" ---?----°---- Ei:_!UIV. ---___-- F'TPE --------- F'T - FT FEF. FLQW DIA. FITTING FTGc:. F'E F'V NOTES FCiINT l?T LOSS/F LENGTNS TiiF. F'F FN ___---_=__ ---_---- ?Y.l?i ---__-- l.i?i4 -OE `•°.F• ---- -.3.?Jq--- ----•-?--- 1<.'!1 ------- -.__----- ,. -- ?K?A= 9.3i? X 17.U(.)Si=!F. CiFiOF' C=120 iT 6.4 6.40 -1.30 F:= 8.140 V= 9.75 ----------- 29.10 ------ 0.2030 -------- ------------ 'i.4G -------- 1.91 --------- ------- RE= FCiR HT. OF -3.0 ---------------------- G9. 11) qA 13.52 k: 16= 7.910 ------- -- _-_,._= oi04 - =,:-' . , AA [:=120 0.4i) i?. i)c) 2'?. <a, 2 0 2 7 ------ - --- 8.17 ---------- 1.66 --------- ------- ----------- <9.'i'1 ----- - -- 1.452 :;.17 15.18 RB C:=120 0.00 0.00 _:?. 9" 0. 1976 8.17 1.61 ------- ---------- ;i.._?? --°-- °--- - 1.687 ?. =.r7 16.79 CC: i:=1'<0 U.00 p,tio 90.217 0.2,091 =.17 1.71 ------- -----_---- 3LI1? - .__ 1.687 8.17 18.50 DD C=12 U 0.00 U.i)p 122. 34 p. 366? :. 17 3.00 --- --- --- .'i.h. I-?7 _= t 1. /-.::7 (_]E rl. O _ .i. /_-i 21.50 EE C=120 IT10.0 lO.OC> 0.00 ts/..nl 0.5753 13.62 7.84 ------- ----c--- 156„01 ------- ------- - -- -'%. =4 1 -------------------------- r .,.. . .. . ._? 7.910 'J = '%.74 ---------------------------- 15.18 f:= 7.910 F'= 14.30 0.8:=; VELOCITY = 11.42 14.30 iL,.7'?+ f?.---7.91cJ F= 15.66 - - 1.13 VELOCITY = 12.95 1S,/.=, 1:?.50 f-.---7.'l1U F'= 16.42 - - 2.08 VELOCITY = 17.55 16 . 4Z2 -------------------------- 21.5t) K= 7.910 F= 1:=:.1? 3.38 VELUI`:ITY = 22.38 1:? . i21 ------------- E: 19= 28.800 ------- ---------- 1 q8. I.3 ------------ 4.260 -------------- 1 1. 33 ------------ 2'I. 34 ------------------ 0=};:+:g1)F (P) : F= ------ 29.34 1 C:=12p ?a. 00 c). UO += 36. 670 V = 4.47 198.63 n.<,o•;_; 11.83 o.12 - ---- ----------- -- - ------ ------- ---------- 1'%Y.!i3 ------------ 4.'?/-,0 -------------- 1U.'---,5 ----------- 25/.46 1(= 36.670 F= :"9.46 ? C:=120 0. UO 0. 00 VELOCITY = 8.94 397.66 0.cj356. l0.'=5 0.37 ---- ---------------- --- ------ ------- ---------- q. 00 ------------ 4. <i.c i -------------- 7. 79 ---- --- ^??. ;=.; ? ??A= q. ?? FT= ?'7. :?3 3 C=120 U. UO C1. O0 VELOCITY = S. 94 397.66 0. l_13Si=. 7.79 o• 2'' ---- ---------------- --- ------ ------- ---------- p.C-x? ------------ 4.22G() ----- --------- 37.00 ---- --- 3o.11 QlF= 0.0 F'T= 3U.11 4 i:=1<0 U.00 0.00 VELOCITY = 8.94 397.66 n. 03.?6 37.00 1. 32' -- ---------------- --- ------ ------- ---------- cl. --- •--------- 4.2,60 -------------- lc;.,83 ---- ------ 31.43 Qq= V.0 F'T= 31.4= 5 1?U n. i)i, U. ??0 VE_LC?r:ITY = ,_:. ?i4 3'/7. /,-./ IJ. lJ.h?I-. ifJ.:?.b IJ. 39 w:+::e*w:;.*:fi:t*:+::+::+:*:+::+::f*:+::r.:i::+::+::x:r:+: INDUSTfiIAL =:PRINF:LEk riiRP. J4E{- CUP FCiiiL'c, ,JCiE+ NO 2249 DATE 7-14-06 F'AGE 8 :+: r::+::+::+:•w.:+::+:h:+::+::?::+::+::+::+::+::+::+::+::?::+::+::+::+::+::+::?.::r:+::+::+::?::?::?::+: LiinLEh :*:+::+::r:+::+::+::+:+:w:+::+::?::+::?:+::r.:t::r.:+::+::?.:+::+::+::+::+: HYOF:Li_, OA C1IA. EQI+TV. F'IFE FT FT REF. Fl_C,W "C:° FITTTNr FTGS. PE FV Nr_iTES F'OINT i:!T Lu:=S/F LEIVGTW:3 Ti]T. F'F FN 0.00 4.260 pE 9.9 90.50 31.82 QA= 0.0 F'T= 31.82 G C=120 iT28.3 28.30 0.00 VELOCITY = 8.94 397.66 u. o35/-. 118.80 - 4.24 ------ --------------------- ------ --------- --------------- c.i. ()0 ' S. 295 ---------- 3E12. 1 ------- - 72.54 --- .;G, p6 np= 0.0 PT= 36.06 7 C=120 1T33. /-. 71.90 9.10 VELOCITY = 5. ; S' 397.66 0.0123 ?. OOF. 144.44 - 1.79 ----'---- PE= FQFt HT. OF --------------------- 21.0 ------ --------- -------' (_).'..??.? ------- ?..?i_ --------'-- .?i-?._..1 -------- .....__ 4i_.i.. ?If1= l_."lj 46..15 Zt ° C=120 IT33. E. 33. /,O U. 00 VELOC:FTY = 5.79 397.66 0.0123 35.60 0.44 ------ --------------------- ------ --------- -------- 0.cic3 ------- 6.065 ---------- --------- 2.00 --- 47.39 IZA= U. p F'T= 47.39 ZS C=120 O.OO 2.64 VELOr_:ITY = 4.41 397.66 p. 00l,.; 2.00 - ----- ti. t71 --------- PE= Fi7R HT. OF --------------------- 6.0 ------ --------- -------- .-ti'1 i.=./-. ------- ---------- - -- 50. U4 k:: :'O_ Bi}R --------- -------- 3`77. 66 ------- 7. 9=:Q ---- - ----- - ---' --- SOU. (]0 - - ------- SD. (i4 ---------------- ----- G!q= 3'J7. I-. F'T= ------' 50.04 RIIF l==140 t_t.0i1 U.Oq VEL"UCITY = 2. 55 397. i_.I-. 0.0012 500.00 0.63 --------- -------- c.0Cy. oo _, ------ -?;. r.-?"t ?_,?_ •---------- --------- -. ?? 1 ?; -•-c---- ?,n.i,? lA= 500. f7 F?T= 50, _:% HO"E C:=lqn 0.00 0. 00 VELiir:ITY = 5.75 :=`7.l-,l. i?.0ii.=6 O.i) l 0.00 ------------------ ------- -•---- ------ 66 ------- ---------- 50.67 ------ f;: 21= 126.110 CITY INDUSTRIA JnFi- i. UR FGOD:_: :{.::{::k:{cf::4::4::4::t::F::4::4::+::k k?:/•: y::+::+::+::k:+':+::fi?:H:+::+::i : y.::i.::}:`I.:4::k #::{: ---____.----------?---_._ _----------- •----•--- HYLiRLi- • i-!A "C" EO1I 7 V. REF. FLLiW DIA. FITTING F'OTNT GtT LOBS/F LENGTHc: 29.08 2.154 C}E 6.1 [I Iv=12() iT12.2 29.08 0.0078 1 2'=/. 08 L ::F'F:INt:LER C:OfiF'. JOLi NO 2249 DATE 7-14-E::; FAGE 49 i= DCiLEF: -------------•?----•------------?--- FIPE F'T F'T FTCi'?. F'E F'V NiITE'= T4T. F'f FN _---•-•--'-------------•---------------?^- 4.54 13.52 C`?=f;:+-=:ilk(F')1:1P= 13.._2 12.20 ??.??t? (\= 7.n %10 V ? 2?56 16.74 0.13 13.65 k:. 22= 7.870 • :r.:+::+`:+:?x:+::?:r::+::?:+::?::?::t::?:fi:+::+::?:?:t::+::*:t::t: INDUSTRIAL '=F'RIhJF::LER CiihF. ,anB- CUB FOaLi_; JrB NO 2249 OATE 7-14-2S FA6E JO TER :=:IIF'F'LY t-:CHEMATIC:+::+:*+:*:y:+::+:*:++:+::+::fi*:+::+::+::+:**h:*:r.:+::+::+::t '---- ---------------' ------------------------------------------ --------- ? ! ! STATIC FREg, : 65.000 FSI ' ? ? ? . ? ! . s ? ! . U ? ? ! . F ? ! . L ? . Y '- ! . ' ? . c i , u , i , R ! ! . V ' i , E ! ? . FRES. AVAILABLE ". 61.031 F':-, I ! ! SAFETY MRRGIN ' . ' ? ! 1 c? . 3C-,1 F't; I v . ! '=;Y'=;TEM DEMANLr-:: -------------- :t: a =::-- FLiild AVRILAPLE ! ! 297.66 GF'M f 500 GPM HO"E . 17?6. 9`i GPM ! ' i ---------------- ? E ! TOTAL DEMAND ! . ' V ? SC}. i;.7C) f-'SI AT.` . ? ! . ' R ! 877. /-,I. GPM II ------"--------- c RE`:I Lil IAL FFE'= . -, + ! 58.000 F.._:I AT . . ! ! i D 1120.00 GPM N _ i M 3335.63 GPM E AT 20.000 PSI ! LI ` ! *;-- 7.800 FSi (ELEVATION) ' ? i -- ------- - ---- ---------- ---- --- -- ' '--------------------------------- FUJW (GFM) FLCIW z-;UMMAfiY _:Y' :TEM FLOW 397. /-.i_, GPM OUTc•IDE HOSE 500.00 L"iF'M TOTAL LtLMANt+ 8'77. /-.f. GPM \? ?dODS L. I 13 Jll C L 1Fr- LAkE CEN7R, , - - --..---- - - - - ? C?ccu?PAr.?c? C?roun _ _ g- Z 7?, - -- - - - -- - - ?L.?4t.1??.?ULr ...?r?2?_E?- . . . -- - - -- - --- - - ? -- --- . ._ . . .-?-- `?ocr??i?-r_?•G7?sro. -- - - _ To7.a? __? (!7 Z_c? - - - -- -- - -- Lo-t. - - - __-? - - --- -- - "l3 Ci, 2 /. ? ? - - --- - -- - -- --- - -- - TY?E d? GONS7k'UGTlO/?l: -_f}G?; TyPE -•----.r.?- -- _ ----- ..- -- ?----- -O-,A, -- - - -X.Z=- -?-Fav.O_v---- - - - -- --- -- ? . sP9- i t-? sF, _ - - -- - - ,4 LL o w A% L-E; 1-1_P_ C 3-i HR,- sg-,?., ?k . ----- - ? - ---- -- ?A. sP_RLbiK,- Q?D - - - - - - - ----- - -- -- -- - PLFIIVMFIIiK ARCHITECTUREI ENGINEERING 11640 Va2ley View Road, Edeu Prairie, MN 55344 Mail Address: Sox 1243, Minneapolis, MN 55440 Telephone: 612r828-4500, FAX 612-828-4743 July 12, 1988 Mr. Joe Merchak City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. 0. Box 21199 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 RE: CUB FOODS Eagan, Minnesota Project #1948-01 Dear Joe: This letter is intended as a summary of our telephone conversation last week, regarding the wall anchors for the brick veneer on the above referenced project. The applicable building code section is 3006.d under anchored veneer, which states that in lieu of design, the maximum horizontai spacing of anchor ties shall be 24". However, we can design this detail according to section 3004.c. The horizontal force to be resisted shall be twice the weight of the veneer or 80 P.S.F. Our maximum2spacing of ties will be 2.83' hor?zontally x 1'-0" vertically or 2.83 FT . This translates into (2.83 FT. ) (80 P.S.F.) = 225#. Anchor ties specified and selected by the general contractor from Duro-O-Wall will be 16 gauge, corrugated, dovetail anchor. NCMA Tek-Note 21A specifies that this anchor has an axia2 load capacity of 450#. This will provide a safety factor of 2.0 and we feel that this is sufficient for this detail. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, PLANMARK Tam G. Peterson, P.B. Manager, Structural Engineering cc: Rod Hillstrom, PLANMARK Jim Felton, Ryan Construction TGP/jk 19480CS1 VLIRIVMflnK ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING 11840 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Mail Address: Box 1243, Minneapofis, MN 55440 Te lephone: 612-826-4500 To: O 'a g/L i?'- 3 s 3 Q et 1--c r ' Ca, L m&N, S?r z? LCE44[ER OF UG3Ik[nl??'1U44La11 DATB PROJECTNUMUER RE: ?.et. /-4vr/?f=???! r WE ARE SENDING YOU?tached ? Under separate cover via C? G'v-? the following items: ? Shop drawings ? Prmts ? Plans ? Spccifications ? Copy of letter ? Change order ? Samples ? ? Por approval ? No exception taken ? SuUmit specified item ?CVr your use ? Make corrections noted ? Rejecced ,b<As requested ? Revise and resubmit ? Return conected prin[s ? For review and comment ? ? FOR BIDS DUE 19 ? PRiNTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO i7S REMARKS Ctjz I>A- F?TSF, iv, A-`f7'7?(f'7fe'? C/?! G1? /,tCiL9Y1--%??lC _ ?1L77F- o«cuss.F43,. 19eccaeca;iv6 7c) _QM-s/G.c.t Zc- ?7 511?ui0 - U+=/urrc-e- ^= Q??sr' ?i4rriMc.Fr /? iucrlt^2- ?a?s9Y-?u? ev?`c... x z-1?---- '°--l?1??-1? GG M? d' 1F J3xt e rYz-2. !E z9xG IYz .-, Cil= -?-7?'7 ? `7'Yr? t? t.?-? cu ?vJ y2 c'1? , va l? ?- ?'/! COPY TO ENCLOSURES 33q- 9g?7 7X'-4L I-1 YES I I NO I-I YES n NO FI YES F-] NO sIcNEn: ? Fl YES n NO If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. PS 1144 (Rev. 7/88) ADDRESSEE - White Copy ORIGINATOR - Yellow Capy PRIN7qO0M - Pink Copy CENTRAL FILE - Gold Copy THESE ARE TRANSMTTTED as checked below: etal Anchors For Concrete asonry Wales entraduction The materials, size, shape and position of inetal anchors in masonry walls have a significant affect on the struc- tural integrity of masonry structural systems. Structural design practice in selecting from the array of available anchor systems has been largely empir- ical and intuifive. Testing, research and ? the rational analysis of the physical ? and chemical properties of inetal arn chors has not kept pace with the struc- tural engineering analysis of masonry. Design of wall anchorage systems is frequently in the gray area of profes•'.\ sional repsonsibility between archi• ' tects and engineers and neglect by both, could result in the use of an- chorage systems having factors of safe- ty much {ower than that of walis. Anchors attach a masonry wall to its support, i.e. another wall, floor, beam, column, or other structural sup- port. Ties hoid a masonry wall to- gether. Fasteners attach other buiiding elementr to walis. This issue of TEK is devoted to metal anchors. , ryPes of Wa9l Anchors Masonry wall anchors as discussed herein provide connections which are resistant to shear, tension and com- ? pression but not flexure, i.e. walls are simply supported. Anchors may be rigid or flexible. Rigid anchors resist tension, compression and shear. Flexi- ble anchors, which resist tension and Z 0) Cft O ? w ? C: ? ? C Z _71 ? D C/) 0 z ? -? ; F' 21.R (D 1977 National Concrete Masonry Association 4 An Information series from National Concrete Masonry Association ?- t compression but not shear, are desir- A307, Grade A). Strips (Fig. 7e) a[- able to permit differential movement tach intersecting walls at intervals not between dissimilar structural elements. exceeding 32 in. (0.87 m). They are Rlgid metal anchors are galvanized typically 1-1J2 x 1/4 in. (0.038 x (ASTM A753) steel strips (qSTM 0.006 m) in cross-section, at least 24 A303, Grade D) or steel bolu (ASTM in. (0.67 m) long with a t in. (0.05 m) 90°leg at both ends imbedded in solid- ly grouted cores or mortar filled joints. Bolt anchors (Fig. lf) are of several diameters and lengths threaded at one end with a i in. 90° leg at the other end imbedded in solidly grouted cores or mortar filled joints. Ffexible metol anchors may be made either of wire or sheet metal. The configuration nf the ends of an- chors placed in masonry should be as indicated below, or they should have equivalent mortar pull out strength. Wire anchors (ASTM A753 gal- vanizing on ASTM q82 steel wire, Size No. W3, or ASTM B227, Type 30H5 hard drawn, copper clad, steel wire, 3/16 in. in diameter) may be: hooked wi[h a 1 in. leg on both ends and looped in a 7 J8 in. (3 mm) radius bend through a rod attached to steel mem- bers (Fig. 1g): hooked on both ends and looped in a 118 in. (3 mm) radius bend through a piece of 12 gauge sheet metal twisted and dovetailed to £t into a dovetail slot in concrete (Fig. la): or hooked on both ends and looped through a 7 in. wide 70 ga. (1/8 in.) (3 mm) piece of sheet meWi bent over the wire and dovetailed to fit into a dovetail slot in concrete (Fig. 1b). Corrugeted sheet metal, veneer an- chors (ASTM A153 galvanizing on ASTM A570, Grade E, corrugated sheet steel) (Fig, 1c) should have a maximum wave length of 3/8 in. (10 mm), minimum ampiitude of 1/8 in. (3 mm), minimum width of 7 in. (0.025 m), and at least 22 ga. (0.03 in. or 76 x 10-6m) thickness. Such ties may be used only to anchor veneer of solid masonry units or solidly grouted hollow masonry units, where the dis- tance between the veneer and the member to which i[ is anchored does not exceed 1 in. (0.025 m). One end of such anchors is nailed or screwed directly to wood frame, steel studs or other supports, and the other end is placed in a mortar joint. Corrugated dovetail sheet metof wal/ anchors (ASTM A753 galvanizing on ASTM A 570, Grade E, corrugated sheet steel) (Fig. 1d) are dovetailed on one end to fit into a dovetailed slot in a concrete structural member and cor- rugated on Yhe other end to fit into a mortar joint in a wall of solid masonry units or solidly grouted hollow units. The maximum 1 in. (0.025 m) unsup- ported length of the anchor between dovetail and masonry should be flat sheet metal. Size should be the same as required above for corrugated sheet metal veneer anchors. Strength Of WC1Il AflCIlOPS The strength of flexible wall anchors may be determined by resisWnce to: (7) pullout from the masonry, (2) compression, (3) tension, and (4) pull- out from the structural support. The strength may be evaluated by: (1) structural testing, (2) design calcuia- tion based on the strength of materials and the principles of structural mechanics, and (3) pragmatic field per- formance. There is a dearth of pu6- lished test data, structural analysis and documented field performance of wall anchors. A literature search reveals only tests on wire pullout from mortar joints, compressive and tensile strength of wire, and resistance of corrugated sheet steel to pullout from mortar joinu and to tearing away from nails. No analytical research study and only one meager foreign testing program is known which would support the use of dovetaii slots with wire and sheet steel anchors, both of which are in common use. There is, however, no dearth of recommended anchorage details and requirements. Most building codes have some required design load or maximum spacings for some wall an- chors, but these empirical sWndards represent only guesses rather than rational performance criteria. A struo- tural study would demonstrate that the factors of safety for " wall anchorage systems in common use are some- Looped wire anchor ot curtzir, wall to steel ti'aine. what lower than those required for the walis themselves. Table 7 summarizes the conjectural aliowable loads on flexible metal anchors. Better estimates may be made of the strength of rigid anchors. These are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. Corrugated sheet mefal onchors should be anchored into wood studs with an 8d (0.131 in. D x 2.5 in.) (0.0033 m D x 0.036 m) nail and should be located at the spacings shown in Table 2. If screws are used, they should have ultimate withdrawal loads in excess of 240 Ibs (1068 N). . Corrugofed dovetorl sheet metal anchors for walls (Fig. 1d) have an' estimated maximum allowable load of 378 Ibs (1682 N) at width of 7/8 in., 460 Ibs (2047 N) at 1 in., and 9201bs (4094 N) at 2 in. , Wire ancHors have insufficient pub- lished strength test data to support their use. In the absence of test Aata on the pullaut strength of hooked- dovetail wire anchors from dove[ail slots, their use is not recommended. The use of other wire anchors is left to the designer's judgment based on the foilowing reason and conjecture. Consider a No. 6 gauge wire anchor hooked on each end and looped through a twisted and dovetailed piece of sheet metal (Fig. ta). Two imbed- ded hooks would have twice the pull- out strength of one, i.e. 2 x 515 Ib or 1030 Ib (4582 N). The net area of a 1/2 in, (13 mm) wide piece of 12 gauge (0.1046 in.) (0.0026 m) sheet metal with a 1/4 in. (6 mm) hole is ? ?? ?. VirtAxiei Load Imml.'r-:^'.i Ib: ?? ?*i;: : letl -SheM Uauctailed and Cortugated 1d 7I8 °(22) - 378 (16871] ??Sheaz fOavetailedendCortugated cld :1+4-?(25) ?, 460 (20461d ?SheM OovetailedendCortugated' ld''"P 'L(511 t:,f 920 140921 Wue Ometailed and twisled ?'? gi ,v ?'•loaped andhoaked -F,?" ta No 6(4 76) x- 600 @6691 Wire OvvetailBd and twisted ?i? laoped and haoked a No 8(4 11) .?? 600 (2669)' WreOoveUiled and twisted ? +cloopedandhooked ?L ta No 9I3771 ^ 600 (2669) IlMire ? Oovetaiied and twirtad toopedandhoo ed Wiw LaoDedandhooked; r 1g 614161 500(0) (2224)-i Nfire d.Loopedandhooked.,s'?-? ig .;?Na B f41ll 50 (B?(2224); Wre ?i?Laapedandhooked "? Tr 1g Na 9 i3771 -? 509fa)12224) ? wre 'jLOapedandhoaked '?`krF?"1g Na11(306) 273161(1214) i Wrte Uoretailed ead twisted . 'laopedaftd hooked 16 "No 6(476) 81OJ114151? - . . - . . .. ._ -:. . _. . . . _i -(a) Asumm No.O (0 5 07 ] mmId'wmner ro dl tie rotl welEad rt 4 in. I10 <m) t mis j..F (bi 4 imtl by entoor tem le nrngM, No ] rehiml md xsld d al A in. ryp cml inte Is m y b used.? (d B d o lanor of alery W firee in u on. No ?nl deta on rnmpresson ersilable ?,'p _ „` TASLE2i Corrugated Sheet Metal Anchor Spacing'for Veneer of i ;Solid Concrete Masonry Uniu or., - s '? S -? So6dly Grouted Hollow Masonry Umts •' r r. Spawng Hor¢ontd a` ?.Wa115urfueAreai' wndLOad hyYerLCal pN. (Pa) - ? . . , in.(m) ',`* '` . r• r.' x fty (m21 (0.1046 x 0.25) 0.026 in? (0.167 cm2). At a yield strength of 40,000 psi (276 MPa) and a factor of safe[y of 1.67 the allowable tensile strertgth is 623 Ib (2771 N), The compressive strength of this anchor is conjectural. It can be seen in Fig. 1g that a ten• sile force in the looped and hooked anchor will induce bending in the rear of tNe anchor and in the vertical rod welded to the column. To control these bending siresses, the distance between welds and the rear width of the anchor must be limited. A rear an- chor width of 0.25 in. (0.0064 m) would make anchor bending insignifi- cant. If the clearance between the column and the vertical rod is 0.25 in. (0.0064 m) and the bending stress in the rod is presumed to yield the rod, the design of the rod is controlled by rod tensile stress, which can be limited by the spacing of wetds. For a No. 4 [7/2 in. (0.0127 m) diameter round, fS = 20,000 psi (138 M Pa)] bar, weld spacing should be limited to 4 in. Un- pub4ishsd test data indicate that move- ment ocwrs in the anchor shown in Fig. 1g under an average tensile load of 3261bs (1451 N). Unpu6lished test data on the an- chorage system shown in Fig. -76 (hooked wire looped through looped and dovetailed sheet metal) indicates that the [ensile strength is nearly one kip. There is no known published com- pressive strength test da[a on this anchorage system. Rigrd metal anchors are bolts or strips either hooked or with cross bars (See Fig. 1e, 1f, or 2). The allowable loads are controlled by the strength of the masonry. Allowable shear or com- pressive loads on a rigid anchor are controlled by 6earing of the anchor or its hook or cross bar on the masonry. Allowable shear or compressive loads on bolts of several diameters are given in Tah1e 3. The allowable shear or compressive load on a 1.5 in. (0.038 m) wide strip anchor is estimated at 3,300 Ib (74.7 kN) in concrete mason• ry built with solid units or solidly- grouted hollow units and inspected workmanship, and 2,200 Ibs (9.8 kN) when built without inspecTion. The allowable compressive and tensile toads on a rigid anchor are con[rolled by the allowable bearing of [he cross bar on the masonry or the allowable shear stress in the masonry induced by the pullout or pushout force. Esti- mated allowable compressive or tensile loads on anchors as governed by cross bar bearing are given in Table 4.'? When the direction of the pullout force is parallet to wall length (i.e. anchor length parallel to wall), the rjwner Site Contr euil< 35 (Other) C0VAMEgC1AL (Over 3 stories) GENERAL INFOkMA7i0N ` 1. Building Ferimeter ?? 7?J• ? ft. 2. Wall height (ground to eave) 2Z ft. 2 3. ]. x 2. (above) cress wa11 are3.25+3=ft. 4. Building dimensions (L) 307- x(W) Zai7f ?J 7I1TLO ft.Z roof & floor area 5. Square foot area of rim joist - Pioor joist size (2 x ? ft2 > ? x Perimeter = Rim joist area = I`? 12 . Z3i !5afr - H1aa?ao 1z-. `? _ _ 6. Doors - Area 317- 4c,'tc-T_vJ Wz.t?c-hQL-VVZM6 •?q MA4 0045 Thickness "'75' in. U factor -.S5 DJw-4w do? Type of Construction Perimeter `?• I^anufacturer FS??Yr.? Air Infiltration Rates- es. Doors: ??. . ? 'OV? CFM/sq. ft. of door area/7able No. 5-3" 7. 7otal door's perimeter ?j'ZZ ft 8. Windows: Manufacturer State approved U factorjL?? "Air Infiltration Rate: JL&FCFM/ft. of operable sash crack/Table No. 5-3" 2 7ypG SIZ: AREA (Ft.z) NLMBER OF TOTAL FcET EACN UNITS ?? x `c « Z` z ia se 2 - ? z--?°` X -b-?- ?5 [ b 8"1•?' 7otal ft.2 Glass 2(?.S lu. Fi1•2?laC=_ area: Width x height = ii. ExDosed -aunda_ior: 'r.eicn-- x P2rir,z:2r_ CC--i?L"t :v?J OF 'ri;S FORA T.5 iE':?U:i=l FGR nLL .'dE':i L.vJE !•!?:'?? IJF?.i? ?i??n?Y, O'H=? IL? ui?1:MAL - N.lh 7 X - 1 x = ??t, ft.? !'C!:S??:J?.T;ON i'?nuOrZ IiJG .=+tiD SliILpi.`!GS K:';G , _. ? =.L?OId?.';C" iS 5ED. MAY?1?V'?$??__ igD :tINNE50?A ST?.±L :iILRGY GOD° CALCULATIONS 9ASZD 0N G3„PTcR 7 OF TA° •"iODL:. EN:.3,Y CODE - 198 ED?TION eldoptioa Effective 111f84 ;Z, rranino area = 101 or" gross :qa'l area. 6r-ss wa1T area `i.4 ' ° ' u n Wi^CGW d1 ?3 U ,V3TIGCWS X A ? iim ;oist area A U rim joist = U ?c ? Z ' A = /' DCOA MA&I :. U cCCr drea = r? 9 U :c 3b• a Fireplace area A M.r _ `t.Z_- U firepiaca - U _x_ A .= Z_-_ --- Exposed foundation A , rc. U - founda?icn = - U x ri _ Framina area a ??. ri.2 U rramino area = U x A = ? ^!et wa37 area A ft. U ,:all U x P. (736) TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . L' x A 14. Gross wall area x 0.11 (A-] single family S duplex = altowable U x A/Code (13. thove) . x 0.23 (A-2 other residential) x .23 (Other buildincs) x .28 (Over 3 s"cries) 57JH Mus: be targer than A x -' CoCe_ -lp ff,f4 16 7?• 138 above 1:. Ceiling franing area (A.r) equals 10a of ceiling area iSA. Gross ceiling area =(L) 1?50'7- x(.A) 14:-5-7'F 17ZcD Tt.Z lc3 Joist ar=_a (Af) = 1C;o ceilinc area = IV.?, °t.2 15C. Met ceilira area (At) (15A - 15d;? ? '=•z UceilingxAc= .??A?J x U `raming x A f_ - - x = Z:O. i07=1 U x A raiii^e area (15') x 0.025 (A-1 sing?e fanity 3 duplez - code aliowahie U x n x 0.033 {A-2 ather rer'dentizl; - x 0.06 {ozher; z"j4 Must be larger than 15D (aEcve) 4 E;` X U !cadel lQ?=? l' -se U 'cd .. ra?,:e= :n::aire? ;....,. ..:s ?. _ a^d . Tp.u Atz. Sb?t+a'Sl?I't ` 0i3o9:z; a?? ?§' .7 k q 30,5t2 4tH44.5 ' ? N?`_ "3" is total R " U VALUE CaLCULA'IONS R 4AL'JE U `lALUE Inside air f?lm .68 SdAL:. (Wa l l ) L' _ ? ° • ?Z ScCTIOV r Insulation r' f!v ?? b TD , ? S7 ? -&id ?3n wB 'Qo?T •st- -:--- _ - P --= Outside atr-film --.17 --- --- - _ . --- -- - -- - =_ - R TOTaL STL`D S'cC:ION 2ND ivALL ScCTION ?+?``Tt ?- . RI`i JOIST i Znside air :i1m .68 ?, e aall ;.. i: It st = 4.33 (r'raning)J = R = \ ; heat ? i ?.? Dutside air 'lm .17 R TOTAL Snside air f?lm R= .68 4&4,ew4er-"8&k _ y -- . ? . Insulation ?n F'(waIL ) U= R m •'?? ^ Exterior air film R ..17 P. TOTAL Interior air film R= .68 .. ---< tI Insuiation ' ??y 1 l? inch soit crood R=1.$$?? ? JOiSL) t . thing Exte x _ covering ior - film a?: :il:1 R i•I -? ?., i i? ? Insulat Founcation ExZe:'io: air _`i'^t R-'- Z ?xposeC 31oc:< r .-____?rade 3- 1 U = R = zi 1 (Fdn.) U = 2 = r ?5:5?t? -Vwl Vn- r: -lWm VWIWV b ICCe Li?4??x ? ??• ? ? ?`?1 9?ia? ;?,?? -?-r? ?.s?.. l.L.? `?L ?. ? .:? 'v1w ?-Twm Qn : n, ?1?' ? 'aaMM 0.51 ?r r"i?? _ in5• t?CR cE:? :Nc 0.61 :C15t , , C2` . -: _ . . ? _:_. ... - -- 0 A Fljrtl T9 tZl , 1 ?. U=R FLAT ROOF QR CAiriEDF.AL C'ILING T- - R Va ue R VALL'E e F.''ti4A;ING CEiLIN6 0.61 Inside air filn 0.61 .050 .? I l ? ? Z ? . , , _ attilt elm 4968 Gutside air ;ilm 0.17 Total R u .O? ------' F 'dindow in'iltration .5 c`m/lireai foot or track ?• _..,an: Resideniial door infiltra=ion 0.5 cfin/sGuzre roo: or Coor and minimum code re..?Lir,m ?!on-resiGen:ial docr ir.filtratien 11.0 cfm/lineai `oot or crack U5 12" ccncre*_e blcck no insulation =.47 R 2.1 Uy .12" ancre:2 block insaia.2d cores =:zZ R $ ;15 t2?? 1'gn-:qeight 51ock 3.1 Up 12" ;ich:weieh- bleck insulated cores =.i2 R 8.3 U sinale gizss = 1.13; with s.or..t wincow .54 J cauble class = .55 _ eiass = .41 ?1 ?Y--2r'OPd.^•,^. C°_ii'P.CS :'JSi. (1d'12 c V.'_:?OY i.d1'"4E:' (0.10 C2:" "'dX.). Vfl=CY' tc'.'•^icC i'1:5-, tE 0^ =•^.2 If57C_ (n--t== SiC2) Oi '.4dl i. 11Z7G1' Dd"""lEYS Ci :h_ rDIJE?1El?^E :?1^ Ti;Ti h3vO rC K'lfllCO. '' ?z. ; MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: QPRI L, 15/ 1998 1Yie preliminary construction x CFoukNDA*VOAI PERMIT? plans for Cc.lQ FoopS are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failtu^e to return form to Joe vithin five (5) days will be considered your approval. If you have any objeetioas to approval of these plans, it is your responsibility to notify this department and resolve any problems. /zr r 'Rhank-you. ias r r i-?r 1 , MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ORKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. '. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION ??w. BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR %' JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. fA#jf FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: APRIL- 1511962 The preliminary construction X \(PoLw?+DAT10N pERMiT) plans for C t.tCi foppg are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Joe Merehak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe within five (5) days will be considered your approval. If you have any ob3eetions to approval of these plana, it is your responsibility to notify this department and resolve any problems. 1Uank-you. I /JS 1 . MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOIIG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFZCIAL DATE: MAY j 01 IQ$B 1he preliminary plans for CL(S FC)dbS are in our plan review section construetion _x _ your review ana comments. Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe within Pive (5) days w111 be considered gour approval. IP you have aay objeetions to approwal of these plans, it ia qour responsibi ty to notify this department and resolve any problema. 1Yiank-you. /JS ? MEMD T0: JAY HERTAE - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PiJBLIC WORKS?.?y??? ? JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT.?? JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: MAY 10l 19 $@3 1he preliminary plans t'or CI.(8 FDODc are in our plan review sec construetion x_ ,or your review ana comments. Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe within five (5) days will be considered your approval. If qou have any objections to approval of these plans, it is your responaibility to notiPy this department and resolve any problems. Thank-you. /JS ,. ME;fO TO: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. EHGINEERING TECH. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. ' JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION -V/ BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF HUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: MAY 10) 19 80 1he preliminary plans for C tA$ FDODs are in our plan review section construction x_ your review ana eomments. Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe within five (5) days will be considered your approval. If qou have aay objectioas to approval oY these plans, ik is your responsibility to notify this department and resolve any problems. 7Yiank-you. I VAI?-?. t, il k-U,,q? ^ ? /JS "? - 00 ? ?' / 74 .t .. , i' REPORT OF SDBSORFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM CLIPF LARE GALLERIA I PHASE II F.AGAN, MINNESOT { #4220 87-987A I II tes= f v ? P ? August 20, 1987 a twin cittir testinq corporabon 662 CROMWELL AUENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55114 PHONE 6121645-3601 A Joint Venture Ryan Construction Company of Minnesota Inc. and Hoffman Development Group 900 Second Avenue South Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Attn: Mr. Jeff Rice 1 SUBJ: Subsurface Exploration Program Cliff Lake Galleria Phase II f Eagan, Minnesota ? #4220 87-987A Gentlemen: I We have conducted a subsurface exploration program and foundation review for the referenced project. We are transmitting fourteen copies of our report. About 508 of the soil samples will be held at this office for one ( month and will then be discarded unless we are notified to hold ? them £or a longer period of time. We trust this report will provide you with the needed I information. If questions arise concerning interpretation of the data, please contact us. Very truly yours, I Richard S. Dutcher, P.E. I WAW/djs Encs. PN EOUAL OPPOWUNITY EMpLpYEp ? • . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1 Scope of Work ....................................... 1 EXPLORATION PROGRAM RESULTS .............................. 2 Site Conditions ..................................... 2 Subsurface Conditions ............................... 3 Y7ater Levels ........................................ 4 LABORATORY TESTS ......................................... 4 ENGINEERING REVIEW ....................................... 5 Project Information ................................. 5 Discussion .......................................... 5 Foundation Recommendations .......................... 6 Lateral Earth Pressures ............................. 8 Roads and Parking Areas ............................. 9 Construction Difficulties ........................... 11 OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING ................................. 11 FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES ............................. 12 Soil Sampling ....................................... 12 Soil Classification ................................. 13 STANDARD OF CARE ......................................... 13 Appendix Sieve Analysis Test Sheet Logs of Test Borings Classification Sheet General Notes Sketch ?-Fge.un clev ro-arwin ? mooraeen 'f I = REPORT OF SUBSURPACE BXPIARATION PROGRAN CLIFF LA1CE GALLERIA P9ASE II BAGAN, MINNESOTA #4220 87-987A INTRODOCTION A commercial development is planned for the norEheast quadrant of Cliff Road and Rahn Road in Eagan, Minnesota. The proposed development will include a Target Store, Super Value Store, and a strip shopping center. The results of the borings and recommendations for the Target Store were included in a separate Phase I report dated August 7, 1987. Scope of Work In accordance with our letter of proposal dated July 18, 1987, we have conducted a subsurface exploration program for the proposed construction. Our scope of our work on this project is limited to the following: 1. Explore the subsurface conditions by means of ten standard penetration test borings and five auger borings. ' = ttlJl'1 GtM CLnstflQ = mm? I •- I ?I ; I ? #4220 87-987A - Page 2 , ? t ? i t I 1 I l 2. Provide foundation recommendations including foundation types and depths, allowable soil bearing pressure, and estimates of settlement. 3. Provide recommendations for design of the bituminous pavement. 4. Provide recommendations for site preparation for support of foundations, floor slabs, and bituminous paved areas. The purpose of this report is to describe our field operations, to present the results of our field and laboratory tests, and to provide you with our engineering recommendations. EXPLORATION PROGRAM RESOLTS Site Conditions The site has a rolling topography with grade varying from about 936' near the southeast corner to about 880' in the southwest portion of the site. Cliff Lake borders the property to the east and has a normal water elevation of about 689'. The site is covered with vegetation consisting of grass, trees, and brush. I I k' , , #4220 87-987A - Page 3 Subsurface Conditions The subsurface conditions encountered at each test location are shown on the attached boring logs. We wish to point out subsurface conditions at other times and locations on the site may differ from those found at our test locations. If different conditions are encountered during construction, it is necessary you contact us so our recommendations can be reviewed. _It will be noted from the boring logs that the typical soil profile consists of alluvial deposits overlying glacial till. The alluvium consists of fine, coarse, and mixed alluvium. The fine alluvial deposits consist primarily of lean clay and lean clay with sand. The consistency of these soils varies from soft to medium. Mixed alluvial deposits were encountered at several of the boring locations. The mixed alluvium consists of sandy lean clay and clayey sand with gravel. These soils have a soft to medium consistency. Coarse alluvial deposits are somewhat more predominant than the other alluvium. The coarse alluvium consists of sand with silt, tuAn cmv testirx7 w?oo?.aon .; I ._; #4220 87-987A - Page 4 silty sand, and sand with varying amounts of gravel. The density of these soils varies from loose to dense. Topsoil was encountered at the surface at most of the boring locations. The glacial till consists of primarily silty sand and clayey soil. The silty sand is medium dense to dense and the clayey soil is medium to stiff in consistency. Water Levels Ground water was encountered in many of the borings, especially in those borings located in the lower portions of the site. The ground water was encountered at elevations varying from about 880' to 8841. The level of the nearby lake is 889' indicating this could be somewhat of a perched condition. Seasonal and annual fluctuations of the ground water levels can be anticipated. LABORATORY TESTS Laboratory tests were run on representative samples of the soil to aid in evaluating their engineering properties. These tests were performed in accordance with current ASTM standards. The I n tWIf7CN.V t@sG11Q 7 cdoar?aon ; ,i l ? #4220 87-987A - Page 5 results of these tests are given on the attached data sheet or boring logs. ENGINEERING REVIEW r I Pro]ect Infotmation The following data represents our understanding of the project. It comprises an important part of our engineering review. If, as the project develops, there are changes from the stated values, we request you contact us for additional review. We understand the proposed Super Value Store and the strip ahopping center will both be one-story structures without basements. For this type of structure, we estimate typical column loads will be on the order of 100 kips. The first floor will vary from about elevation 899' in the Super Value Store, to 901' in the strip shopping center and then rising to about elevation 903' adjacent to the Target Store. Dfscussion ? ? In reviewing the present ground surface relative to the proposed floor elevations, it is apparent that the majority of the foundations will be supported on a controlled fill. For the most twn citv testa-q ?.?, r i .; I ( #4220 87-987A - Page 6 part, the natural inorganic soils encountered at the site are suitable for either foundation support or for placement of controlled fill on which the foundations will be supported. The topsoil and softer surface cohesive soils are weak and moderately compressible and should be removed prior to placing the controlled fill. Foundation Recommendations It is our opinion that the proposed structure can be supported on spread footing foundations. We recommend designing the foundations for a loading of up to 3000 psf (pounds per square I I foot). I { ? ? ? i To prepare the site for foundations, we recommend stripping all topsoil and the softer surficial alluvial soils. The excavations should be oversized so that at least 1' of compacted fill extends beyond the edge of the footings for each foot of compacted fill beneath the footings. We recoinmend compacting the fill to 988 of ASTM: D698-78 (standard Proctor density). The soil or natural soil will provide a factor of safety of at least three against an actual shear failure. I7e estimate total and differential settlement will be less than 1/2" and 1/4", ? ff-!g twn attir - respectively. ?Ir- com? i i ? #4220 87-987A - Page 7 The following tabulation indicates the recommended depth of excavation at each of the boring locations: MINIMUM DEPTH OF EXCAVATION FOR FOUNDATIONS OR ENGINEERED FILL Boring Surface Recommended Number Elevation Excavation Depth 9 888.2' 2' 10 905.4' 2' 11 694.5' 2' 12 884.5' 3 1/2' 13 889.6' 2' 14 899.6' 2' 15 889.4' 6 1/2' 16 896.0' 4' 17 891.9' 2' 18 886.6' 4' ? i i Fill placed as recommended above will provide adequate support for the floor slab. In the building area, from the bottom of the footings to the proposed slab elevation, the compaction requirement can be reduced to 95$ of the recommended standard. A minimum of 6" of free draining sand similar to the SP or SP-SM soils found at the site should be placed immediately below the floor slab to minimize moisture transfer from the underiying soils to the concrete floor slab. ? tuan ary testuio ? ?.?.. #4220 87-987A - Page 8 I Lateral Sarth Pressures We recommend backfilling against the foundation walls with granular material containing less than 108 passing a#200 sieve on the inside perimeter of the building. For walls supported at the top and bottom or walls spanning relatively short horizontal distances, we recommend designing the walls based on an at-rest soil pressure using soil with an equivalent fluid weight of 45 pounds per cubic foot. I I ?* f If there are retaining walls required at the site, ve recommend using a granular fill placed at a suitable slope to the back of the wall. We recommend an active pressure for this type of retaining wall and suggest that the design be based on a soil having an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pounds per cubic foot. i7e recommend that if passive pressure is used in conjunction with this type of wall, we suggest basing the design on a soil having an equivalent fluid weight of 250 pounds per cubic foot. In conjunction with this a coefficient of sliding friction 0.55 should be used between the granular soils and the concrete and a coefficient of 0.40 should be used between a clay or silty soil and the concrete. A factor of safety of 1.5 should be applied to these failures when calculating the resistance to sliding. . pl_?: eL,,n e3tv testw+o ? con? #4220 87-987A - Page 9 1 I I . t I ? I I i t. l I Roads and Parkinq Areas Preparation of the subgrade for pavement areas should include removal of all surface vegetation including roots. In areas that will require less than 3' of fill to reach subgrade elevation, the entire topsoil layer should be removed. Prior to placement of any fill or pavement base material, the subgrade should be test rolled by heavy construction equipment. Any areas that are unstable should receive additional compactive effort or be replaced with more stable granular soils. Sased on the soil conditions encountered at the site, it appears that the majority of the fill will be a cohesive glacial till soil. The following pavement section is recommended based on a cohesive glacial till subgrade: Pavement Section 10 Year Design Construction Auto Truck and Material Areas Service Areas MN/DOT SpeCS. 2 1/2" 1 1/2" Article 2341 Bituminous Wearing Course 20 Year Design Auto Truck and Areas Service Azeas 1 1/2• 1 1/2" MN/DOT Specs. -- 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 2" Article 2331 Bituminous Binder Course MN/DOT SpeCS. 6" 6" 7" 7" Article 3138 Class 5 Aggregate Base f : .5 C4111'1 GICY C@5lS70 ? moor?ban I t4220 87-987A - Page 10 ? ! As an alternate to using the Article 2331 binder course, a recycled bituminous mix meeting the requirements of Article 2332 1 may be substituted. Use of the recycled mix may result in 1 significant cost savings in the initial installation. It should be noted, however, that a slight increased maintenance cost may ? be incurred with the use of the recycled mix. I The pavement has been based on an estimated Minnesota R value of ? 30. The pavement design was adjusted to accommodate the moderate frost susceptibility of the soil. We recommend that the pavement design be modified as necessary to correspond to actual subgrade conditions at the time that grading and subgrade I preparation has been completed. ? Our design recommendations are based on a 10 and 20 year ? performance life for the bituminous pavement. The pavement life may be extended by a rehabilitation process at the end of this ` period extending the total usable pavement life by approximately ? one half of the initial design. 1 i Periodic crack repair would be required to prevent moisture i penetration into the subgrade. Period seal coating of the ? bituminous pavement is also recommended. • l f ' ? cu,r? c?r cese?r%a i cwm.ecm #4220 87-987A - Page 11 ? I i ? ? I I f 1 ? I I i I ? ; { In loading dock areas and other areas where heavier trucks will be parked for a considerable amount of time, we recommend the use of a concrete pavement to avoid rutting of the bituminous pavement during warm weather. Construction Difficulties We understand that grading on this site may take place this fall. It should be noted that the more cohesive soils require a very close control of the moisture content in order to obtain proper compaction. Proper compaction of these soils may be very difficult if the moisture content is above the optimum. Wet weather and moderate to cool temperatures will make it difficult to lower the moisture content of wet soils. OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING We recommend that all excavations be observed by a soil engineer prior to the placement of foundations or controlled fill. We also recommend that density tests be taken as the fill is placed to document that proper compaction is being obtained. P-T t?un otv timst•+•+ l? ?7 moa.em ?1 ' i . ? I I. I 1 , I 1 ?: . I ! l ? t ? ? #4220 87-987A - Page 12 FIELD EXPIARATION PROCED[TRES Fifteen soil test borings were made on August 4, 5, and 6, 1987. The borings were put down at the locations shown on the attached sketch. The locations and surface elevations were provided at the site by your surveyor. Soil Sampling Soil sampling for borings 9 through 18 was performed in accordance with using the standard. Soil sampling was performed in accordance with ASTM: D 1586-84. Using this procedure, a 2" O.D. split barrel sampler is driven into the soil by a 140 lb weight falling 300. After an initial set of 6", the number of blows required to drive the sampler an additional 12" is known as the penetration resistance or N value. The N value fs an index of the relative density of cohesionless soils and the consistency of cohesive soils. , Borings A1 through AS were put,down with a 6" power auger and I only disturbed samples were recovered at these locations. I ? Because of this method, our determination of the depth and extent of the various layers of soil and the consistency of the cohesive ; soils are only.approximate at these locations. I ? P-79euin ctv rar+..., ? •?? ? ? I I I i i ? I i ? _ I ? I ? ?i ii #4220 87-987A - Page 13 Soil Classification As the samples were obtained in the field, they were visually and manually classified by the crew chief in accordance with ASTM: D 2487-83 and D-2488. Representative portions of the samples were then returned to the laboratory for further examination and for verification of the field classification. Logs of the borings indicating the depth and identification oP the various strata, the N value, water level information and pertinent information reqarding the method of maintaining and advancing the drill holes are attached. Charts illustrating the soil classification procedure, the descriptive terminology and symbols on the boring logs are alsa attached. STANDARD OF CARE The recommendations contained in this report represent our. pzofessional opinions. These opinions were arrived at in accordance with currently accepted engineering practices at this time and location. Other than Ghis, no warranty is implied or intended. i ? t11llrl CICY CQSU11q ? mr? ? 'l j.. ( #4220 87-987A - Page 14 7 This report was prepared by: G- ? W lfred . Wahl, P.E. This report was reviewed by:? ?,?I T-f,- Richar?d S. Du cher, P. . ?.+ Proofread by: 1 herebY certify !ht' thi, plen. Vetificati011 e; repo.'i was Dreoa!ed by .^.:e or ::r _?Er Tv and tt.a! d-? f?,:r' :'.? . . i'?7:A'SiG... E':t•?,.;a: . ?? %.. n1C1iA?2:? 5. D'JTLMER Da:e 0:?2- RegiMtion No. 8656 twrn aev testu'q mpa?e+an . i? SIEVE ANALY515 TE5T5 PRO)ECT Cliff Lake Galleria DATE August 20, 1987 Eagan, Minnesota REPORTEDTO Ryan Construction of Minnesota Inc. jOBN0.4220 87-987A I BORING NO. 1 p 3 4 SAMPLE NO. 6 9 9 7 OEPTH(h) 121-131 25-26 25-26 15-16 TYPE OFSAMPLE SB $B SB SB CLASSIFICATION (ASTM: D 2487) I Sy'"b°l SC SM SM SP Defc"ptp" ? f,LAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE 6RAVEL SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE 6RAYEL SAND W/A LITTLE 6RAVEL MECHAhICAL ANALYSIS: I Dry Weieht of Total $amplr (`rams 164 188 240 ' 243 Bued on Tonl Sample 3- ? % Firxr Than Z 7' I ?.. I 3/4 100 3/8" 95.1 100 100 I 0 4 91.9 97.0 98.2 #10 87.6 94.3 93.8 I #40 61.8 79.4 50.9 I #100 36.5 35.7 4.0 #200 43.1 26.4 21.7 1.8 ? .--, .i I LOG OF TEST BORING 4220 87-987A 9 5 BORING NO. JOB NO. VERTILAL SCALE VROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE UBORATORY TE5T5 IN ? 888 2 GEOIOGIC ' LL. FEET , SURFACE ELEVRTION OAIGIN N Wl N0. PE T W D p,L Ou 1 ORGANIC SILTY LAY S #1 TOPSOIL 1 1 SB MIXED 2 56 Z CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, dark ALLUVIUM 6 3 SB 16 4 brown and ray mottled, medium SC) SILTY SAND W/A E GRAVEL, LIT TL COARSE 4 SB dark brown wet l oose SM AL UV M 6 5 SB 61 LEAN CLAY, ra , medium See #3 CL FINE* SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL, medium to COARSE fine grained, brown, wet, medium ALLUUIUM 13 6 SB 9 dense M CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL brown to grayish brown, soft to 3 7 SB stiff (SC) 13 8 SB 18 9 SB 21 16 10 SB End of Boring *ALLUVIUM 81 - black, soft (OL) #2 - LITTLE GRAVEL, brownish gray, soft (SC) #3 - a few lenses of silty sand (CL) WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS STAR1 8'6'87 COM7LETE 8 -87 SAMVLED CASING CAVEIN WATEA HSA 0' ? 19j' 1155 DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAIIED OEPTMS LEVEI ME7NOD t _ m 8-6 11:55 21' 191 1' I. ' ' 4 ' - None 5 w p CNEW CHIEF Crotty ?.r . r? .?r.w.. . SE-P In?BtS COwPOrBCIOf1 LOG OF TEST BORING 4220 87=987 A 10 ??' -$ JOB NO. VERiICAL SCALE BORING NO. PROJECT CLIFf LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESDTA OEPTH OESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPIE UBORATOPV TESTS IN 4 ' 905 GEOLOGIC I L.L. FEET . SURFACE ELEVATION OiiIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D p L Qu 1 LEAN CLAY black soft 1 95A A soft (CLI * 2 H5A 2 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to COARSE 10 3 SB medium grained, a few cobbles, ALLUVIUM light brown, moist, medium dense to dense (SP) 9 4 56 17 5 SB 9 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAYEL, TILL brown, rather stiff to stiff 10 6 56 12 (SC) 16 1 SB 1 4 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAYEL , brown, rather stiff (SC/SM) ?5 8 SB 14 9 SB 21 End of Boring *ALLUVIUM WATEN LEVEI MEASURENENTS START 8-5-$7 COMPLETE 8-5-57 $AMPLED CASING CAVf-IN WATER HSA O' ? 191' 3.40 OATE TiME DEOTw DEViH DEPTn BAiIED DEPTnS LEVEL METnOD _ N m 8-5 3: 21' 19 ' 21' Io None ' ' ' 8-6 8:40 21 19 21 ?o None 8-6 :50 -16 21' None 13 ' ?o None CREWCMIEF Crotty $E.2 (/1.0j,$ cxwrmxatmcn LOG OF TEST BORING Jos r,o. 4220 87-987 A VEFTICAL SCALE V ° 5• BORING NO. PROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MA7ERis.L SAMPLE LABORATORY TE 5T5 IN FEET SURFaCE ELEVATION 894.5 ' G£OLOGIC ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D Ll. p.L. Ou SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL, fine to TOPSOIL ? H5A medium grained, black, moist (SM) 2 SAND W/GRAVEL, medium grained, COARSE brown moist loose (SP) ALLUVIUM 8 2 5B 4 , , CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL brown, rather stiff (SC) 14 3 SB 13 4 56 10 SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, 15 5 SB brown, wet, medium dense to dense, a few lenses of waterbearing sand 18 6 SB (SM) 14 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, brown, stiff (SC) 20 7 SB 16 End af Boring WAiER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 8'5-87 COMPLETE '$-5-87 DI TE TIME SAMPlEO DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVEIN DEPTH BAILED OEPT115 WATER IEVEL HSA 01 _ 14j' METNOD ?2'3O (-- . 8-5 12:25 11' 9' 11' t0 10 ' 8-5 12:50 16' 14 ' 16' 10 None ' ' 8-5 1:00 16 None 9 ro N ne „ CqEwCMiEF Crotty sE.a m ets LWO I LRT a.ca?n ?y COfP3faC10f1 LOG OF TEST BORING 4220 87-987A 12 5- BORING NO. VEATIGAL SCALE Joe No. PROJECT CLIFF AK, GAL ERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATOAV TE5T5 IN FEET SURFACE ELEVATION 884. S' GEOLOGIC ORIGN N WL NO. iVPE W D LL. P.L. Ou SANDY LEAN CLAY black soft TOPSOIL , , (CL) 2 1 SB 2 LEAN CLAY, with a littte organic HNE Z 2 SB material black soft CL nLLUV M 3? SAND W/SILT AND GRAYEI, medium COARSE to fine grained, brown, water- ALLUVIUM 3 3 SB bearing, very loose (SP-SM) 4 SB 8 7 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL 5 SB brown, medium to stiff (SC) 21 6 SB 12 SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE 6RAVEL, 12 7 Sg brown, moist, medium dense to dense (SM) 1 20 8 SB 6 End of Boring WATEP LEYEI MEASUMEMENTS STAAT 8'5'$7 COMPLETE 8'5-$7 DnTE TIME SAMPLEO DEPTYI USING DEPTH CAVEIN DEPTH BAILED DEPTMS WATER IEVEI METHOD HSA O? ? 8-5 11:10 3' 2' 2' te 1' 8- 11:4 1' 1411 16' t0 1' ' ' -5 11:50 1 ' None to 31 „ CREW CNIEF Crotty LW?" tii_vuT SEQ R*5 OOfPmatictn 1 .. L LOG OF TEST BORING Joa No. 4220 87-987A VERTICAL SCALE 1" ° 5' BORING NO. 13 PFOJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMFLE LABORATORY TESTS IN FEET SUAFACE ELEVATION 889•6' GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D Ll. pL, Ou LEAN CLAY, black, soft (CL/OL) TOPSOIL 1 HSA 2 LEAN CLAY W/SAND AND A LITTLE FINE GRAVEL, brown, medium (CL) ALLUYIUM ? z SB 4 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, medium COARSE grained, brown, moist to 81' ALLUVIUM 15 3 SB then waterbearing, medium dense to loose (SP) 12 !If 4 SB 5 SB ? 6 SB 10} CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL a few co6btes, brown, rathe r stiff ?:C) 14 7 SB 15 8 SB 18 SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, brown, moist, dense (SM/SC) 16 9 SB 21 End of Boring WATEN LEVEL MEASUREMENTS SiART 8'4- 87 GOMPLETE 9-5'$7 DnTE TIME SAMPLED DEaTM GSiNG DEOTH CAVE??N OEGTM BAilEO DEVTHS WATEp LEVEt METHOD HSA O? - lJi- (I 9• 05 - 8-5 8:45 11' 9' 10' 10 8' 8-5 9:05 21' 19 ' 21' t0 20' ' ' 8-5 9:15 21 None 8 10 Non -- „ CREW GNIEF Crotty SE.z M15 cunn c301r Cesurip c«poration LOG OF TEST BORING 4220 87-987 P. v m 5, 14 Joe No. VERTICAL SCALE BORiNG HO. PROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS IN FEET SURFACE ELEVATION 899.6' GEOLOGIC OHIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D LL. pL pu CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TOPSOIL dark brown to brown, soft (SC) 1 HSA 2 SAND W/SILT, fine grained, brown, COARSE 5 2 SB moist, loose (SP-SM) ALLUVIUM 5 SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE 6RAVEL, 6 3 56 medium to fine grained, brown, moist, loose to medium dense to loose (SP-SM) 9 4 SB 5 5 SB 121 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL 17 6 SB brown stiff (SC) 141 , SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAY L br wn 19 7 SB 16 moist dense ?1 SC End of Boring WATENLEVELMEASUNEMENTS START 8-5-$7 COMPLETE 8-5-87 DA'E TiME SAMGLED DEPTH WSV+G DEPTH GVEn+ DEPTH BA4E0 DEPTMS wATER LEVEt HSA O' 14j' METHOO ? b ro 8-5 9:55 16' 101 16' ro None ' ' N - 05 16 None 9 ? one tp LREW CMtEF CrOLt,Y ?? ? ??w ??Fa.? Fe???w? . ????...? $E4(Tl6l+ CEWPICWHOCIIIII ? , LOG OF TEST BORING Joa r,o. 4220 87-987 VERTICAL SCALE ?•• ° 5- BORING NO. 15 CROJECT CLIFF LAKE ALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCFIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE UBORATORY TESTS IN FEET SURFACE ELEVATION 889•4' GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL NO. TVPE W D Ll. P.L. Pq CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, black, soft (SC) TOPSOIL 1 HSA 2 4 CLAYEY SAND, dark brown and brownish gray mottled, soft(SC) MIXED ALLUVIUM 3 2 SB LEAN CLAY, brown, soft (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM 4 3 SB 61 4 3T 29 49 40 0.3 SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE GRAVEL, COARSE 27 fine to medium grained, brown, ALLUVIUM 10 5 56 moist to 91' then waterbearin g, medium dense (SP-SM) 10 6 SB 9 7 SB 14 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, brown, medium to stiff (SC) TILL 7 8 5B 21 16 9 SB End of Boring WATEP LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 8-4-87 COMPLETE 8'4'87 DATE TIME SDEPTHD CASING DEOTH BAILEODEPTMS LEVEL METYIOD HSA O? ? ?9y? 6 2:50 _ 8-4 - 11- 9P 10- Ia - - _4 11 191, 211 „ l ? ? _4 None ?? -Knue- ,o IcaewcHIeF _ Crotty se.z tnars LOG OF TEST 80RING Joe r,o. 4220 87-987 A VERTICAL SCALE 1? ? 5BORING NO. 16 PROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTM DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE tABORATORYTE5T5 IN FEET SUAFACE ELEVATION 896.0 ' GEOLOGiC ORIGIN N WL NO. NPE W D LL. P.L. Ou LEAN CLAY, dark brown, soft (CL) TOPSOIL 1 HSA 2 LEAN CLAY, brown, soft (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM 2 2 5B 4 SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE GRAVEL, COARSE fine to medium (See #1) (SP-SM) ALLUVIUM 12 3 SB 6 SAND W/A LITTIE GRAVEL, fine to medium grianed, brown, moist, 9 4 SB medium dense (SP) 12 5 SB 12 SAND W/SILT AND GRAVEL, medium 16 6 SB grained, a few cobbles, brown, moist to 15' then waterbearing, dense (SP) 16 7 SB. 16 End of Boring #1 - grained, brown, moist, medium dense (SP-SM) WATER IEYEL MEASUREMEHTS START 8-5'$7 COMPLETE $'S-$] T E SAMPLED EVtH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEOTN BuLEO DEPTHS WATEA LEVEL MEIMOD HSA O1 - 1`?`j, f? 10:40 DATE IM D ro 8-5 10:40 16' 14 ' 15' t0 15 8-5 10:45 16' None 10' to None e GREW ChIEF Crotty _ se.z (rte}s LWI? ? ?1116T cwvorat?on - ? LOG OF TEST BORING 4220 87-987A 17 ?? II 5 BORING NO. JOB NO. VERTICAL SCALE VROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EA6AN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATEHIAL SAMPLE LABORATORV TE5T5 IN FEET SUAFACE ELEVATION 891.9 1 GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N Wl NO. 7VPE W 0 LL. pT Ou SANDY LEAN CLAY W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TOPSOIL 1 HSA 1} . SANDY LEAN CLSY, brown, medi m MI3fEB 2 SB 5 3 SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE 6RAV L COARSE 3 56 5 fine grained, brown, (See #1)?SP-SM pLLUVIUM SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE GRAVEL, 8 4 SB fine to medium grained, light brown, moist, loose to medium dense (SP-SM) ?? 5 SB 91 SAND W/SILT fine (See #2) (SP-SM) 6 56 ?0 , ?2 ? 7 56 14 SANDY LEAN CLAY W/A (See #3)(CL) TILL 12 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE 6RAVEL, 6 8 SB brown, medium to rather stiff (SC) 12 9 5B 13 10 SB 21 End of Boring #1 - moist, very loose (SP-SM) #2 - grained, light brown, moist, medium dense (SP-SM) #3 - LITTLE GRAVEL, brown, medium (CL) WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS STAR7 8-4-87 COMPLETE $-4-$7 UATE 71ME 54MPLE0 DEPTH GASING DEPTH CAVEIN p(PT11 BAILEO OEPTHS WATER LEVEL HSA O' - 1J j MEiMOD 12: QJ N m -4 2:45 21' 191, 21' ta None r ' ' 2:55 21 None 13 10 None - ?a 10 `LY GREWCIIiEF Cr0 SE.2(n4eh5 LW11" vvLT ?c... .y . CIXGOl8t10n . ? I ? ? ? r 1 1 ., ? ? l. 1.... 1 I.:. i.. 1 i t ? ._. ? LOG OF TEST BORING Joe No. 4220 87-987A VERTICAL SCALE BORING NO. _ 18 PROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESDTA OEPTM DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL S.e.MPLE UBORATOAY TESTS IN FEET SURFACE ELEVATION 886.6 ' GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N Wl NO. TYPE W D LL P.L. ?u CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TOPSOIL 1 HSA 1} SANDY LEAN CLAY, 6rown, soft MIl(ED (CL) ALLUVIUM 2 2 SB 4 SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE GRAVEL, COARSE fine to medium grained, brown, ALLUVIUM 4 3 SB waterbearing, very loose to loose to very loose (SP-SM) 6 4 SB 6 5 SB 4 6 SB 14 SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL brownish gray, wet, very loose 4 7 $B (SM) 18 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, brownish gray, rather 5tiff (SC) 10 8 SB 14 9 SB 26 End of Boring WATEN LEYEL MEASUREMENTS START 8-4-87 COMPI.EfE 8-4'$7 DATE TIME S?MPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTM CAVE-IN DE?TM BARED DEPTNS WATEA LEVEL HSA D1 ? 241- METMOO 11: BO _ tl 8-4 10:20 6' 4' 5' a 5' 8-4 11:30 26' 24 ' 26' t0 24 ' ' ' ' 8-4 11:40 26 None 11 10 4 10 CREW LMIEF Crotty SE-P }5 CWY ? ?911.T COfPO(at10f1 ? l:> LOG OF TEST BORING Joe No. 4220 87-987 A VERTICAL SCAIE ?•° 5BORING NO. a'1 PROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEVTM DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPIE LABORATORY TE5T5 FEE7 SURFACE ELEVATION 893 • 1' 6 0A G N'C N WL NO. TYPE yy p LL. P.L Ou 1} LEAN CLAY, black to dark brown (SM) TOPSOIL 1 FA 4 LEAN CLAY W/SAND, brown (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM 2 FA SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE GRAVEL, medium grained, brown, moist to 81' then waterbearing (SP-SM) COARSE ALLUVIUM 3 FA 10 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 8'6- 87 COMPLETE 18-6-87 DATE tir?E SAMPLED DEPTH LASING DEVTn CAVEIN DEPTw 6AILE0 DEPTHS WATEF LEVEI METMOD 6 FA 01 10i ? 9. 1O m 8-6 9:15 10' None 8' t0 8' t C p y roL CREWCMIEF se 2 mers LLLHO I V??T LG??I ?y COfpOfMlOfl .?? I ? LOG OF TEST BORING aoe r+o. 4220 87-987 A yERTIGAL SCAIE 1" ° 5' BORING NO. A-z PROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCHIPTION Oi MATERIAL SAMVLE LABORATORY TESTS F ET SURFACE EIEVATION 906 • 2' OR G NIC G N WL NO. ttPE W D L L P.L. Ou ? CLAYEY SAND, black(may be fill)(SC TOPSOIL* t FA SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE GRAYEL, COARSE fine to medium grained, brown, moist (SP-SM) ALIUVIUM 2 FA 5 SAND W/SILT AND 6RAUEL, medium grained, a few cobbles, brown, moist (SP-SM) 3 FA 4 FA 16 CLAYEY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL a few co6btes, brown (SC/SM) 5 FA 21. Obstruction (cobble/boulder) *OR fILL WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 8-6-87 COMPLETE 8-6-$7 pFTE i1ME SRMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVEIN DEPTH BAqED DEMM$ WATEA LEVEI 6 FA D- - 21.1 METNOO 9:40 lo -6 9:50 21.1' Non 14' ,o None to -- „ ------------------ GREwCM1EF Crotty sE-z m ers ICwin cILrr L;ftrs?IrIy corporac3on LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4220 87-987 A YERTICAL SCALE ?'• = 5- BORIHG NO. A-3 VROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA AGAN MINNE OT DEPTH DESCAIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE UBORATORY TE STS 7 ' 881 G N'C G LL. FEE7 SUAFACE EIEVATION • ORI N WL NO. TYPE yy p P.L. Qu LEAN CLAY, dark gray and dark fINE 1 FA brown mottled (CL) ALLUVIUM 2 SAND W/SILT AND A_LITTLE 6RAVEL, COARSE 2 FA fine to medium grained, Crown, ALLUVIUM waterbearing (SP-SM) 3 FA 10 End of Boring 8'6'87 8-6-87 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS COMPLETE START SAMGLEO GASING EPTH CAVEIN DEPTH BRILED DEPTMS WATER LEVEL 6 FA O- 101 METHOD 1• 5O M - DATE t1ME DEPTH D 10 1:50 10, None ' e '° tt C - ' ro GREw CHIEF Y io r? A we? ?sFa..! t92CF1P9f 7 SE-2 (TF8?5 CWPWatl0n .I I ? I LOG OF TEST BORING 4220 87-987A A-4 JOB NO. YERTICAL SCALE 1?? ° 5' BORING NO. VROJECT LIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE UBORATpRY TESTS IN FEET 5UAFACE ELEVATION $98•7' GEOIOGIC ORIGIN N WL NO. TYFE W D lL. P.L. Ou LEAN CLAY, black (CL) IUYZ)UlL 1 FA 2 LEAN CLAY, brown (CL) fINE ALLUVIUM 2 FA 3 FA 10 End of Boring WA7ENLEVELMEASUREMEN75 STAR7 8'5-87 COMPLETE $-5-$7 AT Tt $AMPLED EPTH GAAING OEPTn CAVEIN DEPTH BAilEO OEPiHS W>TER LEVEI 6 FA W METHOO 2. 25 & D E ME D io 8-5 2:30 10' None 9' to None - --- ,o 1o CREW LMIEF Crotty _ SE 2 MAIIS LWO " a.va.T Iiwc?r.n ?y - CaPOf8t1oR r I f- I 4 I I I f .\ ?_. S , f LOG OF TEST BORING 4220 87-987p a A-5 JOB NO. VEHTICIIL SCALE 1•? 5' BOFiNG NO. pROJECT CLIFF LAKE GALLERIA EAGAN MINNESOTA DEPTN DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE IABORATORY TESTS IN FEET SURFACE ELEVATION 883.E' GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL NO. 7YPE W D LL p,L Ou CLAYEY SAND, brownish gray (SC) MIXED ALLUVIUM 1 FA 3} SILTY CLAY, dark gray and brownish FINE gray (CL-ML) ALLUVIUM 2 FA 7 LEAN CLAY, gray and brown mottled (CL) 3 FA 10 SILT, gray, wet, a few lenses of lean clay, silty sand and water- bearing sand (ML) 4 FA 1 5 End of Boring WATER LEYEL MEASUREMENTS STAR7 8'6-87 COMPLETE •8- 6-87 DATE TiME SAMPLED DEOTn CASING DEPTn CAVEIN OEPTH BAiLED DEVTNS WATEp IEVEL METNOD 6 FA 0 1 - ?J 6 10:30 - to - n • one ,e - 8- 1 ;_ ' None 21, „ p CREW GMIEF CYOtt SE2(n9?5 16.WYf 1 11-10116T ?11 Iuy . CMPDIaOOfl . rI • V? . 1i ? I I ?.. ?. f j GENERAL NOTES DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS TEST SYMBOLS SYMBOL DEFINITION SYMBOL DEFINITION HSA 3 114" I.D. Hollow Stem Auger W Water Content - S of Dry 4Vt. - ASTM D 2276 _ FA 4", 6" m 10" Diameter Flighl AuRPr D Dry Densiry - Pounds pa Cubic Foot _MA 2". 4" or 6" Naad Auper LL. Pl Lpuid and Plastic Limit • ASTM D 1318 . _oc z 1/2°, 4°, 5° or 6° Aeei o.iw casinR Additional Insertioni in Last Column _RC Size A. B. or N Rotary Ca4ng PD Pire Drili or Cleannut TuAe Qu Unconfined Como. 5lrcngth'psl' ASTM D 2166 CS Continunus Splii &1rfPl $amplinR Pq Penevometer Reading • TomlSpwrc Fooi DM DrilGnp Mud Ts Torvane Reading - 7ons75Quare Fooi IK' lening Water G Speci(c Gnviry • ASTM D BSI SB 2" O.D. Split Barrel Sample Sl Shrinkage Limits - ASTM D 427 _L 2 1!2" or 3 llY' O.D. SB liner Sample OC Organic Contenc - Combusiion Melhod _? 2" or 3" Thin WalleA Tuhe Sample SP Swell ircssure - TonslSquare Foa 3TV 3" Thin Wa11eA Tube IPitcher $amplerl PS Perttm Swell _TO 2° er 3" Thin Wrlled Tuhe IOSterFxrp $ampierl FS free Sweil - Percent W Wach STmple pH Hydrogen lon Content, Meter MetM1od g grR 5amnlp $C Suliare Content - PartslMillion, mme as mg1L P Trct Plt Sample CC Chbride Contmt • PansfnMillion, same as mglL _.Q BQ. NQ, at PQ Wireline Sysiem C. One Dimensionsl Consolidation - ASTM O 2435 _X A%. 8X, qr NX DeuAle Tube Barrel Qc' Triaxial Campression CR Core Recovery • Percent D.S.' DirKt Shear • ASTM D 3080 NSR No 5, mple Recovered, classifintion AaseA on action o! K. CoeHrciene of Permeability • cmfsec drillinµ equipmem and;er maierial noteA in driliinp fluid O• Dispersion Test or o^ sai^pli^R Aii. DH• Double Hydrometer - ASTM D 1221 NMR Nq Meawrement Remrded, primarily dua to presence MA• Partide $ixe Analysis • ASTM D 422 q( drillinp qi corinR fluid. R la6oratory Resislivity, in ohm - Cm • ASTM G 57 E' Pressuremeter Deformation Modulus - TSF ? Water Cevel Symbol PM• PresSUremtter Test - VS' Field Vane Shear - ASTM D 7573 IR' Infiltrometer Test • ASTM 0 3385 RQD Rxk Quality Designalion • Percent • See anached daq sheet or gnph WATER LEVEL . Water levels shown on the bonng logs are the tevels meawred in the borings at the time and under the conditioro fndicated. In sand, tbe indicated kvels may be considercd relia6le ground water levels. In c6y soil, it may not be possi ble to determine the ground wmr kvel within the normal lime reQuired for test borings, except where lenses or layers oi morc pervious waterbearing soil are present. Even then, an extended period of ' time may be necasary to reach equilibrium. Thereforc, ihe position of the water kvel symbol far cohesiveor mixed texwre soils may not indicate the true level of the ground water uble. Perched water rcfers to water above an impervious layer, thus imptded in reaching the water able. The availabie waier level information is given ai the bottom of the log sheet. DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY DENSITY CONSISTENCY Wminalion UD to 1@° thitk mnNm TERM "N" VALUE TERM Wyer 112" M 6" Ihic4 stnlum yery Loose p.q ' Spft Lens , 1/3" to 6" diuontinws stntum, pocket Loose 5-B Aledium Varved Alternating laminatbns of clay. silt and /or fine Medium Dense 9-15 Rather Stiff gnined s+id. or cobn thereo! Dense 1630 StiH Dry Gowdery. 1w naictable water Very Dense Over 30 Very SIiH Moisl Below saluratan Sundard "N" Penetration: Blows 7er Foot o( a 140 Pound Hammer Wet Sawnted. above liquid limit Falling 30 inches on a 2 inch OD Split Waeerbearing Pervious soil below water Barrel Sampler RELATIVE GRAVEL PROPORTIONS RELATIVE SIZFS CONDITION TERM RANGE Boulder Over 12* ' Coarse Gnined Soils A linle gravel ]- 14k Cobble 3" - 12" ' With grevel 15. 494. Gravei Coarsc 314" • 3" Fine Grained $oils Fine 01 . 314.. 15•29°L + No. 700 A liitle gravel 1- 7% Sand 1529% + No. 200 With gnvel B- 29% Coarse 10 - s10 30% + No. 200 A liltle gravel 2- 14% Medium f10 • i40 30% + No. 700 With gravel 75 - 24% Fi^e i40 -0200 30% . No. 200 Gravelly 16 - I9% Silt 6 CIaY -1200. Based on Plasticiiy SE-d BFQ ?• CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES • nsTnn Desi9nacion: o 24e7 - ss SOIL ENGINEERING I (Based on Unified SoU Classification System) ?00~lw . ppaM ror AWCnhw Orow $Ymbob ?n0 G'°"p N?m?s Uahq IJC°'?t°'y T"N" pmup p?p Wme? m..w.J I. CWn f1rMb Cu2t u?G 11Ce1? OW Mhn qnaw prtvrP (?.0\M-021ME $Oft Onwb Mors IMn SO% rwinW an Mon tlun 50% e? l.as tlwi 6% krse <4 uWa 1> Ce ) 3P C OP Po?b OnaW Omvsl` No. 400 tNvs lnction ntumE on u No. 1 W" Orw+b wiN Fna Fkrs NwMY u ML a MN OM B" 9n',alr.a.w Fina.GrainsC Soils 60% of mon puses tlro No. 200 wrs Mipnh «GAnic ta4 Fibric Peat > 6'Y. Fiberi IAOn Mui 1246 flnM° iinM UW?1Y ?s CL m CFI OC I 'WY?Y OySswl0.aw S ft Cu>e wE tSCei9I SW WeltyraMC nnC Sands 60% m moro ot ewna CyN wi LOss tlun S% finu° Cu ( 6antl/or 1) Cc ) 3E 6P 9nOSO ?anO iocM ? fitcdon pwes No. ? sN" 6antls witn Fmp Faws e4ndY n ML o? MM B?d 3?r4°?".? SN?' Mon tlW+ 12% flrof F4wn cWSMy O CL Or CM 8C CbYWY pr&".' wow?e ri »."a own a+ a.no+. « U?? ?_.RLY C-V &ro .?,a crr ••A•• ? L'quiE limit Nsf iNn 60 PI t 4 x pbb D?bw' ••A•• UL 6m- tlrrj ?K 1 NU{Q IIT11 • Mn d? <O ? a 0M ?a ? ? ? . ypyiC Wn0 - nol dried . pr y?nk Wlµ Yqwrtic PI DW on p Wo" "A., ins CM Ftl day?"' 6ills atM dsys l'puld GmN SO a mon PI plift boic ..K' K" MM EWtic tll1'um y K =ufd Nmit . oren OrwA <0 76 ON orp"ie Wf"u.• W . LiqYd YIM • 1101 AIME QrgaMC NII?Y.O P^^amy w7&"K "do• dwk q' ewr• and °Manic 000, p{ iNl 5apric Peat ? 33% fibers Nemic Peat 33'4-675 fiDers A8sess on mA, ffawiN PWmY qw S+n. 17Smml ph. S11 Mk MmD0 owairid WCMM a COUiOwm. p CoN. WO 'bNh aeUNt x Ewtltn. x OoV" le PWO ?• kwo.n .++m s m ix% nn.w, rwpft aw pW (IM wlyrW W pnM wth Yrt 6WGC wOpmded Pa`vi w't1'tla/ ? CAGM viyorb Veded ifwvM •m+un Go-Gc woM Paded w+v.i .lm wr b5a11o{ W11b 4 m 12% *n Issups 4Wd i/Tp04: BWSM wNyMdeO PM NM 4M BWSC WMVeeW xM wM WY 6P.SM poory Waded wM No^ M SP•SC WollI Vtlb YM wiM WY q0 LCVE AMALY3I5 aa4tr-u I MRV[ we. ? . .o n w1 CDDN IDIp C, -`?- fM ik mtasM215N neW. WC'+MN WMf" p poI0 AllM. % MO CW WY Y R4ML. IM GIMI M?W QC4M. > 9GBM. mtl MM m di^ic. KE "wN awk MN.• IV V WO 51 OM mntliu275M pwM. MO'tMN V??, 0 V^UP nnM. p ? ?? to 0 z s Q ?? W 6 ?I ? I t 6 1 S?. I I ?' I t0 Z ? j lOr'tswn V ? a i a W 1: ? ? s ?o ?'J 6 I 1 i D.-o.en p ?? I ? o0 1 f0 q ? i.0 0! 0?0 ?pRTICLE 512E IN MILLIMETEp4 o? ?,_ •s:ay•?m (D,,{ • As. -. 4 4"6T iE•? (86-D) M v x W O 2 s f V H < s JII MrOrO ? Ob1 ie MsmG rw. so Ya GML. oM4 WY. tll aP aeNYro tf ro 9iM pw Ne. f00. W'1.4kn Mb" d'+dN pAM." MayMwlr Y V?t 4Mou oawM.).311% o`" m. tao. a.eD-.^tlr ••w. pp ••rndl,- b p Qpq I817111. Utl mW mCw2lCM 0ka IM.100. Pedowerwi^II1' ynwl, sOE "V?wtlV•• b PWC irny. aV121 MO 0im " x ••A•• aN. OII <4 x Obs Wb?'11" iM. Pp1 ykp m a IM. OPI pley CMt- 'K ir. LIGUID LIY1T (LL) - ? CLLlll'1 C*-Y CQStII""11 ?perr?en Metropolitan Waste Control Commission 350 Metro Square Building 7th and Robert, St. Paul, Minnesora 55101 612 222-8423 April 25, 1988 Mr. Joe Merchak Construction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Merchak: This letter is to inform you that the Metropolitar.jQaste Control Commission has made a SAC determination for the Cub Foods to be located within the City of Eagan. It has been determined that 19 SAC Units should be assigned to this building. This determination was made as follows: Charges: Office 1344 sq. ft. @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit Retail 47228 sq. ft. @ 3000 sq. ft./SAC Unit Prep Areas 23 people @ 14 people/SAC Unit Warehouse/Receiving 10755 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit Total Charge: If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Donald S. Bluhm Staff Engineer DSB:RWJ cc: S. Selby, MWCC W. K. Johnson, MWCC Jeff Rice, Ryan Construction Company cg(l g'eaII°s SAC Units 0.56 15.74 1.64 1.54 19.48 or 19 ???'?AHR'?8 '088 R939-1998 ?? k?z'= July 6, 1988 Mr. Steve Hanson Asst. Chief Building Inspector City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minn. 55122 Dear Mr. Hanson: 612 222-8423 This letter is to inform you that the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has made a SAC determination for Cub Foods to be located within Cliff Lake Centre of the City of Eagan. It has been determined that 20 SAC Units should be assigned to this building. This determination was made as follows: SAC Units Charges: Retail Area 46770 sq.ft. @ 3000 sq.ft. per SAC unit 15.59 Warehouse Area 11095 sq.ft. @ 7000 sq.ft. per SAC unit 1.59 Office Area 3009 sq.ft. @ 2400 sq.ft. per SAC unit 1.25 Emplayees 22 @ 14 per SAC unit 1.57 Total Charges 20.0 If you have any questions, please call. Si rely, LIS0s.?-? Donald S. Bluhm Staff Engineer DSB:RWJ cc: S. Selby, MWCC H. C. Grounds, MWCC Craig Meuissen, Planmark 50 g'eaII's Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 a 9 3 0 °?9 0 0 ? ENCOMPASS ? February 21, 2002 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Attention: Heating Inspector SubjecC Permit #: EA048486 Gentlemen: YALE INCORPORATED An Encompass Company 9649 Girerd Avenue Soulh Mlnneapolls, MN 55431 Phone:952-884-1661 Fax 952-8840295 www.encompserv.com Enclosed please find test report(s) submitted in compliance with applicable building regulation work done within your jurisdiction: CUB FOODS 1940 Cliff Lake Road Eagan, MN Should there be any questions regarding this work, please contact Greg Miller or myself by telephone at 952-884-1661, and reference our Job Numbers JO1-243. Very truly yours, A,?-- Thomas M. Rowles V.P. of Service Operations /amn Enclosure: Test Report FFR 2 s ?no? ii! -lb ' HEATING TEST RECORD /«?+? ? EAOWSTSp F? MUNICIPALfTYw'L/. >CCUPQNT_(" 12!4 OWNER G,[Ja '?_ 7YPE •OF HEAT: ROOF _ FA _ H W_STEAM _ UNIT HTR. k OTHER?d?' PC? M CJj? INFRA-RED . IAAK E`"{ (`eE?)I1 E C.& ?*a kJ:K E . Model //J- a'7, Aiodel swia i 'b:2 SL(_- IHPUT??a, r.e_ Fu?1 N?U7 FUEL ? THERMOSTAT Volva CONTROLS TdR,.)Sa?j ? Limlt T(7 Liml! Se!ting _ L?(_) ?- 7v ran Senir+fl x Q 1r i3 ,J ? / Pilel iype _Vi / :GC.f D ?I ? ?iiot Ai?kc ??uJ I?iiol ?4oda? ? -! ? 1 1V- ?Cti 5 ?ilal Yiminp I' S'ec-- L.W. Cu> Df? ' Pre:sure Percdn![0 /? ? `??, InPvt CF'r. (?'. P«cen+ 02.? Stuck T.mp. "?arcenY?CQ /'?/ V?n7 Sise KINr)OFLI?y)EH ---?SIZE -- D+eEr 7?N v/' T.at Toe 7 MAKE Mod.l Swial . INPUT rUG CONTRDLS THERF40STAT Ve?va Limit Limir S?Hing Fen Se!}Ing Pilai Type Pilot 11okc Pilot N,odel Pilot 7iminy L.W. CW Off Presiura Pareent CO InpW CFH Z P.runt OZ_ Sfack Tomp. Pereonl [p Vent Six. K1ND OF LINER SIZE Drah T..t Teq J? 1 P-1 i? 9649 GIAARO AVENUf SOVTH je? ? ??--j? 1= M/NNEAPpL/S,MINNESOTA5547f CONTROl.S TH=RM0571.T Vcire Limi1 Limlt Settinf _ Fan Sstting _ 2iiet lype _ ?Ilot lwks _ .pllN G108e1 ? pllo! Timinp - ;-w. Cut Oii _ r"ras sura P.runt C02 . irgot CFFi P.re*nl 0? StccFTemp. 'Parcent CO Yen! Size _ KIND OF LINER Greft - - 1.(AK E Atodel , Sorio 1 . IN?UT _ SIZE .T.,.r Tay - FUcL - CONTROLS THERAIOSTAT Velr• LImi1 Limi` Sotting _ Fan $aHin9 - Ptler 7rp. _ Qiiai l,Ka _ P;lot lAodol _ Pilet Tlminq _ L.W. Cut Off _ Pre,a ure _ Input CPH_ Sfuck Temp. - Y.nt Sise __ KIND OF LINE DraFl Date 7ested NdfO? Of TPSii.?Y' Peresnt COl P.rcon! OZ Pxean1 CO _ SIZE 7vnt Top INCORPOP,ATED TcL:(612JB844661 FIY.:(612)HHd-0295 Job No.JO/^ t c) c,L I C? ??L-O- 2004 COMMER IAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION " City Of Eagan ,--? _ n p (1 3_ f S 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 Q,C) U • Structural Plans (2) sets . Architectural Plans (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) . StrucWral Plans (2) • Code Anatysis (1) " • CertificateofSurvey (1) • CivilPlans (2) • ProjectSpecs (1) • Code Analysis (1) • Landscaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • ProjectSpecs (1) . CodeMalysis (1) " • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testinq Schedule • Certificate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always" • Soils Report (1) . Spea Insp. & Testing Schadule (1) • Elec. Power & Ligh[ing Form (i) not always" • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established-if applicable 1 • Project Specs (1) d • Energy Calculations (1) " d 1 • Eiectric Power & Lighting Fortn (1) *' 1 d • Master Exit Plan (1) d 1 • Emergency Response Site Plan (1) d • Soils Report (1) d • SAC determination - call 651-602-1 000 . SAC detertnina6on - calt 651-602-1 000 SAC determination - cail 651-602-1000 Call MN nent n£Healfh at 651-21 5-0700 fnr detailc rraa.xlinv fnnd & hevnr»oe nr Indninv facili[ies " Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required when it states "not always". *** Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. q Date 0 nstruction Cost 3 ? o ?. ? C o Site Address /Cyo C ? ) f S { ? 1.. fl K?, ? 1 D Unit/Ste # Tenant Name L`J U E) yo(Di S Former Tenant Name Description of Work v ? 1V ?A S U O N 1 0O Property Owner ?0 O,b S Telephone # c b51j y? y' Vto 0(, Contractor / Address J 5- ? City State J"} / Zip55 ? 1 ? Telephone #((?51) ? J? /? 9? H y Arch/Engr e istration # Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) -= I I ij)? Licensed plumberinstalling newsewerlwaterse rvice: Phone#? v ?i I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information i lete and accurate that the work will 6e in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the CiYy af-Eagan=artd=tfie-St`ate of MI` Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without ; permit; that the work will be in accardance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review anc approval ofplans. l'o )i o .? 5 5 --- Applicant's Printed Name ? Applican S gna re OFFICE USE ONLY Su6 Types ? 01 Foundation ? 14 Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration 0 34 Replacement ? 26 Public Facility ? 27 Commercial/Industrial --r"28 Greenhouse ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 ? 36 Move 81dg. ? 42 ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 `Demolition (Entlre Bldg only) -Give P ? 30 Accessary Building ? 32 Ext Alt-Apartments ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors CA handout to applicant Valuation 1? b00 Occupancy tk Census Code Zoning -CI/P SAC Units Stories ? N6r. of lJnits - Sq. Ft. - N6r. of Bldgs ? Length - Type of Const r Width - Required Inspections , Footings (new bldg) - Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile _ Roof Ice Pr _ Decking _ Insul _ Final _ _ Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ MCES System ? Cily Water - Booster Pump - PRV ` Fire Sprinklered ` Insulation FinaUC.O. FinaUNo C.O. Other Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tesu _ Final Siding _ Stucco _ Stone Windows Approved By: 6?_ Planning A/ Building Inspector Base Fee 93. a s Surcharge 1,50 Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Copies Other Total IN ,ns • ? ?. s • i f G °Q . ?6 ? ? y le- v ? .? ? ?, 1 ?- ' .\ / ? . ? .. .. i %., . ? ? ' : "' f • ? ?? ? 'l i u ??` ????, \ {??\'' . \ ?` . ? i • \ \\. ` \ ?`? ,' ,\• :??\ `: ` ? \\ )- \ .;,t ?t: ? • ?? C?\? '? Fa' •E? ? ? (? ?. \' ?' ? .- ? ? :w ?? v. ?? m L ? / tyco Fiie & Security Simp/exGrinne// 5400 Nathan Lane, Minneapolrs, MN 55442 Te%: (763)367-5000 Fax.• (763)367-5002 Customer F t)0 2o5LAc4 Address Ini40 GC.+FF'LA?(E RO tdwiv /rJ,u S6,+a•2 Inspection is performed: [?''Semi-Annually ? Annually Type of System: td) q;'E,2 $,e,st p Detection: (?t.qs, 2 A 3P r.?A(1F0- Coverage: '$A" As-oD Fuel Shut Off: r j_cr? ?„s?••( Comments: Serviced by: Date/Time: _3-12 Customer Signature: qPR WHITt - Customer YELLOW - File tyco Fire & Security Simp/exGannel/ 5400 Naihan Lane, Minneapolis MN 55442 Tele: (763)367-5000 Fax (763)367-5002 OOD SYSTEM INSPECTIO . O. Customer 4'-Q8 jF'ooaS *k 302QI1I Address 1440 CliFF LAKC 12D fr.G A$a e44 SS? A.2 Inspection is perFormed: ["Semi-Annually ? Annually Type of System: LtJAr'f![ geas n Detection: _?gtAss 39xa Svai,?u.?oc Coverage: M , Aoa Fuel Shut Off: lr'LocO 6r,.r<y Comments: Serviced by: Date/Time: Customer Signature: WHITE - Customer YELLOW - File ? 2004 Application f'or f'ireworks SalES And StoraqE City Of £aqan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, £nqnn, MN 55122 TelEphone #: 651-635-5675 f'nx #: 651-675-569 ??M ? m od MAY 2 5 2004 ? Applicant requirements 1. This application must be completed and returned at least 30 days prior to sales and/or storage of fireworks. 2. A letter from the property owner granting permission to the applicant to sell and/or store fireworks on the property shall accompany the application. 3. A floor plan designating the area where the fireworks will be sold and/or stored shall accompany the application. 4. A list of the fireworks that will be sold and/or stored along with the name, weight, quantity, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) shall be included. 5. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage as per City of Eagan City Ordinance No. 378, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. 6. Fee upon application for retail sellers selling exclusively consumer fireworks-$350; all other retail sellers-$100 per vendor annually payable to the City of Eagan. 7. The fire chief or hislher designee will inspect the proposed location for selling and/or storing fireworks to determine if it is a suitable location. 8 A criminal record check will be done on all applicants. 9. A copy of the City of Eagan license (permit) shall be displayed by the register. Date: '6"0-?s 'Vl ApplicantName: ?-TekY\ StreetAddress: L-Lq7i5?????? ??`?-? ??r City: 0e1rt(IV-0,i"1 State: ?il.lV Zip: ?S,3 Telephone#: (Xi `t'"/ll-777? Business Name: '(.iV! B 55C) o D.S Telepnone#: (4 5) ) 11S `/- `I (o O ` Display Address: )GW? G-L ) 15? T ?-- t\ Y-,, L ?V'? Retaii seller selling exclusivety consumer fireworks: X- Yes _ No x Indoor Sales _ Outdoor Sales (See Outdoor Sales of Fireworks) Fee: Outdoor Sales -$350.50 All other retail sellers -$10D.50 Fireworks are regulated by MN Statutes 624.20-624.25. In addition to these state laws, all displays, sales, storage and use of fireworks shall comply with City of Eagan Ordinance No. 378, Section 6.53 Fireworks. I understand and agree to comply with all the provisions of this application and the requirements of the issuing authority. Applicant Signature Fireworks Application Page 2 of 8 TennESSen Wnrninq LicensE Applicntion Minnesota law requires that you be informed of the purposes and intended uses of the information you provide to the City of Eagan (the City) during the license application process. Any information about yourself that you provide to the City during the Ilcense application process wifl be used to identify you as an applicant and to assess your qualifications for selling fireworks within the City. If you wish to be considered for a permit to sell fireworks, you are required to provide the information requested in the permit application. If you refuse to supply information requested by the City, it may mean that your application will not be considered. All individuals in the City who need to know information wiil have access. c-- g ktc? S ,z- Ap lic nt Sign ture Date Authorization and Consent for flelensE of Informntion 11 \? V\, lgfE , freely and voluntarily authorize the City of Eagan to conduct an Name of individual authorizing release investigation to obtain the following information for the purpose of determining my eligibility for a permit to sell fireworks Name: Cjo-- e- J oAvl Last First Middle Date of Birth: Driver's License #: L-?T1?Yc?7 `fo T 6"c??J? State IA)? I aiso release the City of Eagan from any and all liability for its receipt and use of information and records received pursuant to this consent. I further acknowiedge that I have carefully read this release, fully understand its terms and legal significance, and execute it volUntarily. Executed this 47? D day of , 200Y. 1 ignat e Fireworks Application Page 3 of 8 The Police Department has conducted a criminal background check on the aforementioned applicant. Comments: Police partment Representative Conditions of Issuance: Background check completed and approved 6y EPD: Zoning approval Facility inspection complete and all violations corrected Insurance policy approved J 2 7 z)Y Date ? Yes _ Na ? Yes _ No ? Yes _ No ? Yes _ Na License approved b l KXSZJ??n ? Date approved: (? ?/? QC/ Page 1 of 1 May 27, 2004 08:49 AM DL# SYatus CDL CL! Issued! Name End Exp L000429676237 VALID N/A D 0 2/2 7 12 0 0 2/ JOHN PATRICK LEE 03/2412005 School Bus Physical Action Items II II # II Oate II Descriotion II Coun4v II CDL II Oa2e II Description II Length II Unti1 Date 11 violations recorded as of this http:N 5/27/2004 ?? SM I - CERTIFICATE NUMBER ?su?a?c? -? RriFIC? '? ?? , , CH?-oo„6488o.oz , ? ? PR4DIICER iN15 CERTIKICATE IS ISSIIED A$ A MATTER OF INiORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS M2fSYl USA If1C. NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER OTHER TNAN TNOSE PROVIOED IN THE ? 333 Sauth 7th StreeC Suite 1600 POLICY. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMENO. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE 612-692-7400 HFFORDEU 8Y THE POLICIES UESCRIBED NEREIN. Minneapolis, MN 55402-2400 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE 774 SUPER GL GOMPANY OLD REPU ?-" r,1 '?I SU E C - - - 7 A N FZA ?jl I_l; IN4UREU COMPANV SUPERVALU INC. B ??J N 0 ? Zn j4 PO BO% 990 - ' ` U ? MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55440 -? coMPnNV C COMPANY Y D ;" . , . II ? ?!? i ??, YERR?RS?,c` ?:r' This certi[ioate6l?Pt?_..,.;. ??ed??, ]fi6@5.<? k . y'?Pte*gD.ds(yi591ecFl0dd¢??:tirlih??p¢I?€;*p?w?J1?., THIS IS TO CERTIFV THAT POLIQES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED HEREIN POR THE POLICY PERIOD INOICATED. NOTMTHSTANDING ANV REpUIREMENT, TERM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR O THER DOCIIMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY 8E ISSUED OR MAV PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLIQES DESCRI8E0 HEREIN IS SUBJEC T TO ALL THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND E%CWSIONS OF SUCH POLIqES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAV HAVE BEEN REOUCED BV PAID CLAIMS. CO LiR TypE OF INSORANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE f oArs(mwvooirv) POLICY E%PIRATION onreimnvomvv) LIMITS GEN ERALLIA6ILITY . GENERALAGGREGATE $ 4,000,000 ({ X COMMERCIALGENERALLIABIUTV MWML18561 03/01/04 03101l05 pqODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $ 2,000000 1#}i!F!?. GLAWS MP.OE 1-X 1 OCCUR General Aggregate applies PERSUNAL 8 AOV INJURV $ 2.000,000 - DWNER'SBCONTR4CTOR'SPROT perlocation FACHOCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 FlRE DAMAGE (Any one fre) $ MED EXP An one ersan $ AUT OMOBILE LIABILITY CpMBMFD SINGLE UMIT $ ANV AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILVINJURV $ SCHEDULED HUTOS (Per person) HIREDAtIT05 I BODILYINJURV $ (Pes accident) NOIJ-OWWED AlITO5 PROPERTYDAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILIIY AUTOONLY - EAACCIDENT $ ANVAl1TO OTHER THAN AUTO ONIY: p*^^ EACHACCIDENT $ AGGREGATE $ E%CESSLIABILITV EACNOCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLAFORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UN!24ELLA FORM $ WORKERSCO PENS0.TIONAND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITV - TORVLIMITS ER lrlf ?O?a"Cu? 1'. S EIEACHACCIDENT THE PROPRIETOR/ ? MGL EL DISEASE-POLICV lIM1T $ PARTNERS/EXEGUTNE OFFlCERSARE I E%CL ELDlSEASE-EAGNEMPIOYEE S T R DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESISPECIAI ITEMS CITY OF EAGAN IS ADDITIONAL INSURED FOR THE GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY AS REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT AS RESPECTS THE SALE OF FIREWORKS AT CUB FOODS, 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD., EAGAN. MN. IF ?N.. SHOULD HNV OF iHE POLIQES OESCRIBED HEREIN 8E CHNGELLED BEFOftE THE E%PIRATION OATE IHEFEOF, THE INSURER FFFORDiNG COVERAGE WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL IQ OAVS WRITTEN NOtILE TO THE CITY OF EAGAN CITY CLERK CERTFlCATE HOLOER NAMEO HEFEIN, BUT FAILlIRE TO M41L SUCH NOi1CE SHALL IMP0.5E NO OBLIGATION OR 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD LiABILIrv OF qNY KIND UPON THE INSURER nFFORDWG COVERAGE. RS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, OF THE EAGAN,MN 55122 ISSUEROFTHISCERTFlCATE. MARSH USA INC. sy; Jan M. Oxendale 2005 Application For Fireworks Sales And Storage ? ? City Of Eagan ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 Telephone #: 651-675-5675 Fax #: 651-675-5694 ( I'D t,1 ` b Apolicant requirements 1. This application must be compieted and retumed at least 30 days prior to sales and/or storage of f reworks. 2. A ietter from the property owner granting permission to the applicant to sell and/or store fireworks on the property shall accompany the application. 3. A floor plan designating the area where the fireworks will be sold and/or stored shall accompany the application. 4. A list of the fireworks that will be sold and/or stored along with the name, weight, quantity, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) shall be included. 5. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage as per City of Eagan City Ordinance No. 387, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. 6. Fee upon application for retail sellers selling exclusively consumer fireworks-$350; all other retail sellers-$100 per vendor annually payable to the City of Eagan. 7. The Fire Marshal or his/her designee will inspect the proposed location for selling and/or storing fireworks to determine if it is a suitable location. 8 A criminal record check will be done on all applicants. 9. A copy of the City of Eagan license (permit) shall be displayed by the register. Date: 5 ?, I IL ? Applicant Street Address: P6C/40? City: State: Zip: Telephone #: (?72) S S 9 c7 I (o 2 Business Name: \ N T P i,YclC,s Telephone#: (7?3) Display AddYess: t? `- C--1 ? K• i " j " ; ? Li .., Retail sellerseliing exclusively consumerfireworks: _Yes _ No Indoor Sales \/Outdoor Sales Dates: ? to 3L to to Temporary outdoor event means an exhibition or sale with a duretion of 10 continuous days or less which does not occur more than once every 30 days and more than three times per year or a combination of 20 days total in a calendar year. (See Outdoor Sales of Fireworks) Fee: Outdoor Sales-$350.50 All other retail sellers-$100.50 Fireworks are regulated by MN Statutes 624.20-624.25. In add'Rion to these state laws, all displays, sales, storage and use of fireworks shall comply with City of Eagan Ordinance No. 387, Section 6.53 Fireworks and NFPA 1124 Standards. nd the require ents of the issuing authority. ?? I understand and agree to comply with all the provisions of this applica7Zze-' Appli ant ignature • . COMBUSTION ANALYSIS DaTE: CUSTOMER: pDDRESS: aoa n: N7i1N]CIPAL.ITY: fr? l ryPE OF EQUIPMENT•?,?( . ` Pl/Id J?)"? TYPE OF EQlJIPMENT: N T Rep?r. ? Repair. " f a g# h? ag Make: IMbT?JM2- Newlnstall: Make: Newlnstzll: Mode]#: ? P 100 f= 9213 ZO). Mode1M: smal s: sQ;al 4: inpuy. pntp»c g" C??'n D f ' uL ? Inyuc e of Fuel: 'T wcyut: Type of Drafl: ra t / N . ?/ 7'ypc of Fuel: Type of yp GasPressure: . . GasPressure: (HiSh) Standazd (Med) (Low) (HiBh) Standard (Med) (-'OW) Modulaung BumQ: Yes No Modulafing Bumer: Yes No Test'I'aginsWled: Yes No " TestTaginstalled: Yes No pP7pLYZER RF.ADINGS: ANALYZER READINGS: Niah(Standard) Mcdiurn if applicable l.ow(ifapn&cab) e) Hieh(Standardl Mediwn(ifaonlicahle) Low(ifavnlicable) 02?0 Oz ai 0' 02 C02 Cpz c COi COZ COz COW CO CO CO Stsck Temp: Stack Temp: Stack Temp: Stsck Tamp: Siack Temp: Stack Tanp: COMhIEN1'S: COMIVIENTS: . TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: TYPE OF EQIJIPMENT: Tagq Rcpair. TagM R?a'I' ....` ---- ---------'- -New Install= Fla7ce: -..... . . 1vlakc New lnstall: Model m_ Model #: Seriai #': Saial »: Input: Outpu? Inpuc - Output Type o(Fuel: Type oiDrafr: Type of Fud: Type of Dmft: Gas Pressure: -as . ure: Hig6) Stnndazd (Med) (I-ow) (HiBL) Standard (Md) (LOw) dodu]atingBwna Ya No - ModulatingBumer. Ya No ''est Tag installs3= Ya No Tut Taginstalled: Yes No WALYZER READINGS: ANA7-YZER READINGS: . Hi¢h(Standard) Medium(ifapplicable) Low(fano]icable) Hi¢hlStandardl Mediiun(ifannbcabld I.ow(ifzoplicable) Oz dz 0Z , ? ? Q2 COi COz C6i COi COi C0, CO CO CO CO CG CO Stack Temp= Smck Term Stack Temp: Stack TR"P= : Stack Temp SEaCk Femp: OIi°' F\TC - ? e t g .*.,ECak-?-;IC:iL lNC- 49 Girard Avenue South Inneapo]is, MN 55431 une: 552-984-1661 Fnz: 952-884-0293 Service TecLnician: ? ? I ?? ? 912112005 ['` U?4 muli • M E C H A N I C A L February 1, 2006 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55122 Attention: Heating Inspector Subject: Permit #: EA072198 Gentlemen: Yale Mechanical Inc. 9649 Girard Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55431 Phone: 952-884-1661 Fax: 952-884-0295 www.yalemech.com Enclosed please find test report(s) submitted in compliance with applicable building regulation work done within your jurisdiction: Cub Foods - #30294 1940 Cliff Lake Road Eagan, MN Should there be any questions regarding this work, please contact Ron Gundershaug or me by telephone at 952-884-1661, and reference our Job Number Y-43612. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Rowles ? V.P. of Service Operations ljek Enclosure: Test Report U l?? FEB t? ? yn;i5 Design/Build HVAC Construction and Service ? . ? ?acq? 2006 COMMERCIAL MECHArTICAL PERNIIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: oommerciallindusVial buildings multi-family buildings when separate pemiits are not required for each dwelling unit Date I / atl/ o(c LAKE Site Street Address Ic't'-f G L14 P-r-n P-OA7 uois a Tenaot Name (ifapplicable) Cl,(f'3 VODDS Previous Tenant Name Property Owner Ll,t (:? Fi?.'rUS75 Telephone #( ) ContraMor YR "Lr P`1L"L_4+l5,-n3(CA'L_ Street Address CA ?C `"f q A'?-) l;-- 5 City t? LOc)i`l I 1j C: T-o1,? State m N Zip 5 5`43 ? Telephone #(Cl Sa,) F S'T ' I6(o ? Bond#: cI3 ?cl L40 7). Expires: YJ'I?"??P The Applicaot is _ Owner -2L Contractor _ Other Work Type New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove "see below ? Interior Improvement (QEFLAcc) _ Install Piping _Processed _Gas NaWre of Work: REC>t RG-PLaCCM - t)F r ?'i?r2 E ? V[ C M'LFA ?EW U.NIr j? A MOt7iN6 MooEl. Pt?P1apAEVk3p ioo,ocX:fi?u **When installing/removing underground tank, call for inspection by Fire Marshal and P(umbing Inspector P¢t'mli F¢es: 570.50 Underground tank instsllation/removal $50.50 Minlmum (includes Sfate Surcharge) or r Contract Value $? ? 0200 - OQ x 1% _ $ ?l0, DO Permit Fee $ • Lj? State Surcharge If oemit fee is less t6an 51,000, add 530 I If permi[ fee is more than $1,000, suroharge is $.50 for every $ 1,000 owed. $ ?0, FjD Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Pertni[ and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the worK will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start wi[hout a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. LoRr_-E G51w-uc)C- M Applican4s Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature Approved By: ,lnspec[or Required Inspections: _ U.G. - R.I. - Air Test - Gas Service Test - Infloor Heat - Final `'7CA4.5_? 2006 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX 4 651-675-5694 70, O? • Strudural Plans (2) sets . Civil Plans (2) • Certificate of Survey (1) . CodeAnatysis (1) " . ProjectSpecs (1) . Spec. 1nsp. & Tesring Schedule " • SoilsReport (1) . Meter size must be established 1 l 1 1 1 1 • SAC determination - call 651-602-1 000 • Architectural Plans • Siructurel Plans • Civil Plans • Landscaping Plans • Code Analysis • Certlflcate of Survey • Spec. Insp. & Tesling Schedule • Meter size must be established (2) sets • Architeetural Plans (2) sets (2) • CodeAnsysis (1) " (2) • Projecl5pecs (1) (2) • Key Plan (1) (1) • Master Exit Plan (1) (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always" (1) " • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always'" • Meter size must be established-if applicable • Project5pecs (1) • Energy Calcuiations (1) " . Electric Power 8 Lighting Form (7) • Master Exit Plan (1) . Emergency Response Site Plan (1) • Soils Report ' . (1) • SACdetermination-caIF651-602-1 000 1 1 1 1 . SAC determination -'ca1 651602-1000, ? _. , . .:? i.. i MN Denf of Health at fi51-215-0700 fnr detailc reaardina fnnd R heverane nr Indoine facilities. - - , ** Contact Building Inspections for sample and i£required *"* Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Respanse Siie Plaa Date 3 /k& ^? I nstruction Cost?O? Co Site Address j / l? C?-. ? fr?-+ p ?O+,D Unit/Ste # Tenant Name G v' IJ ?:- o D(? S Former Tenant Name Description of Work i?N?PoRAAy vSF Property Owner (e L4 P) 3:?Q U?) s Telep6one #(Cj6l ))Y5" 1` /6 o la Applicantis: / v Owner Contractor ui. Contact#: ( ) ViGk.P Contractor A ? r" N L4 S H '- `15 2- N 3 Z- 027-7 Address ? 33?5 , Aj 1. ?,J i? D City S I • t" A L4 1.., State Zir,5JF // °Telephone #((,$ j) i Arch/Engr ? Registration # Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: (_) I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work wil] be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work wil be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ?oHrO ?,?? Applicant's Printed Name Ap icant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ? Sub Types E. O] Foundation ? 14 Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement Valuation Z, 000 Plan Rev 100% - 25% - SAC Units '-" Nbr. of Units - N6r. of 6idgs ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building ? 27 CommerciaUIndustrial D 32 ExtAlt-AparGnents ?28 Greenhouse ? 34 ExtAlt-Commercial ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bidg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)` ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire Bidg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Type of Const Widtfi ------ Occupancy ll? MCES System Zoning City Water ` Stories -? Booster Pump ? Sq. Ft. G' PRV -? Length Fire Sprinklered - Required Inspections _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundatio? Drain Tile _ Driveway Apron -Roof ` Ice Pr _ Decking _ Insul _ Final ? Framing _ Fireplace _ R.L _ Air Test _ Final _ Insulation _ Sheetrock FinaUC.O. fFinal/No C.O. _ Other _ Pool Ftgs AidGas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _ Final _ Windows Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present. _ Yes _ No Approved By: Planning rhi-_ Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review SAC-MCES SAGCity SIVJ Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Financial Guarantee Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Lateral Street Water Lateral Other Total Sewer Trunk Water Trunk -7aqa? 2006,apPi;cation f-o,- Fireworks SQIES And StoraqE City Di £aqc» 3830 Pilot fCnob Road, £oqon, MN 55122 Te%phonE 4k. 651-675-5675 f nx # 651-635-569'i c?m 4 Eo Aoolicant requirements 1. This application must be completed and retumed at least 30 days prior to sales and/or storage of fireworks. 2. A letter from the property owner granting permission to the applicant to sell and/or store fireworks on the property shall accompany the application. 3. A floor plan designating the area where the fireworks will be sold and/or stored shall accompany the application. 4. A list of the fireworks that will be sold and/or stored along with the name, weight, quantity, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) shall be includetl. 5. A copy of the ceAificate of insurance cove2ge as per City of Eagan City Ordinance No. 387, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. 6. Fee upon application for retail sellers seiling exclusively consumer fireworks-$350; ali other retail sellers-$100 per vendor annually payable to the City of Eagan. 7. The Fire Marshai or his/her designee will inspect the proposed location for selling and/or storing fireworks to determine if it is a suitable location. 8 A criminal record chedc will be done on all applicants. 9. A copy of the City of Eagan license (permit) shall 6e displayed by the register. Date: (1`1 cuu I Q -7 .J ar. il Business Name: C- ';1l ?:r,??d ? -I? .3:: 7 "? -t Telephone#: (4,5 I ) 45 'y - 14 fo n l> Display Address: 1(i 4 C C' 1,? F L ? ?P- A -----?ss_a.?--------------------------------_--___._._____- Applicant Name: ? rirN K ?e -( C`?? ? r?e Y"11 c Street Address: I rr City. ??. ?? c, State: Zip: Telephone#: ((,?:i Q HS `a - 4_?? ?? - Retail seller selling exclusively consumer fireworks: _Yes _'?-No X- Indoor Sales OuWoor Sales Dates: to to to Please check the selections that aoolv to this oertnit Outdoor Sales (inGudes tent) $350.50 All other reqil sellers $100.50 Temporary outdoor event means an exhibition or sale with a duration of 70 or less continuous days which dces not occur more than once every 30 days and more than three times per year or a combination of 20 days total in a calendar year. (See Outdoor Sales of Fireworks). Fireworks are regulated by MN Statutes 624.20-62425. In addition to these state laws, all displays, sales, storage and use of fireworks shall comply with City of Eagan Ordinance No. 387, Section 6.53 Fireworks and NFPA 1124 Standards. I understand and agree to comply with all the provisions of this application.a d th .requirement ofthe iss ing authority. % ' C 1 I?"?t i rit Signatu e ACORD,M CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 3/DATE 27/2006Yn PROOUCER phone: 440-24e-4711 Fax: 440-248-5406 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Britton-Gallagher and Associates, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 6240 SOM Center Rd. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Cleveland OH 44139 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# insuReo iNSURERA: Lexington Insurance Co ? ALAN COMPANY B J Ins C ecialt ATCY1 S ompany . . y p MSORERB' BIG BEAR FZREWORKS, INC. PHANTOM FIREWORKS ecialty Ins Company AXis S p iNSUaEac 555 MARTIN LUTHER KING SR. BLVD iNSUaERO: YOi7fIGSTOWN OH 44502 INSURER E: COVFRAC.FS THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED eELOW NAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUTAEMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MP.Y BE ISSIIED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSORANCE AFFOADED HY T9E POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBdECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLiISIDNS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH PDLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDIICED HY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR OD' I POLICYNUMBER POLICYEFFEGTIVE POLICVEXPIRATION LIMITS F1 GENERALIIABILITY 7410423 10/30/2005 10/30/2006 EACHOCCURRENCE 51,000, 000 X Ir4ILI o^M^ SO, OOO COMMERGIALGENERALLIABILItV PREMISES Eaoccurence g CLAIMSMADE X IOCCUR MED EXP(Anyaneperson) $ PERSONALBADVINJURV $1rOOO, OOO GENERALAGGREGATE I $ 2, 000,000 I 2 OOO OOO GEN'LAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER: PRODl1CT5-GOMPIOPAGG ? ? $ POLIGV PRI X LOC AUTOMOa1LE LIABILITV COM01NE0 SMGLE LIMIT ? ANVAUTO (EeaccldenQ ALL OWNEO A11T05 BODILV INJURY $ ISCHEDULEDAUTOS (Perperaon) I HIREDAUTOS eODILYINJURM $ NON-OWNEOAUTOS (Peraccldent) PROPERN OAMAGE (Peraocltlent) $ GARAGELINBILITV AUTOONLV-EAAGCIpENT $ ANYAUTO OTHERTHAN EAACC $ A.T. ONLV: qGG $ jj EXCESSIUMBRELLALIABILITY IILP0002485 10/30(2005 10/30/2006 EACHOCCl1RRENCE $4•0OQ•000 X OCGUR ? CIAIMSMADE AGGREGATE 5 4,000' OOO 5 OEOUCTIBLE `? Y' RETENTION $ lO , ODD I $ WCSTN A- OTH- I WORKERSCOMPENSATIONANU T Y IMITS ER EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY E.LEACHACCIDENT $ ANYPROPRIETORlPARTNERIEXECUiNE OFFlCER/MEMBEftEXCLUOEDi ELOISEASE -EAElAPLOYEE $ fyes,descnbeuntler SPECIALPROVISIONSbelow ELDISEASE -POLICVLIMIT $ C. OTHER EAU704353 10/30/2005 10/30/2006 $s,aoo,ooo eACli occUa7tsNCe ERCE55 LIAB (OVER ARCH $5,000,000 AGGREGATE SPECIALTY) OESCRIPTION OF OPERATION51 LOCATIONS I VEHICLE51 EXCLUSIONS AOOEO BV ENDORSEMENT ISPECIAL PROVISIONS PRODUCT LIABILITY EXTENOS ONLY TO PRODUCTS PURCHASED FROM H.J.ALAN COMPANY OR DIAMOND SPARKLER C0. CUB FOODS #30294-1940 CLIFFLAKE RD., EAGAN, MN 55122 AD?ITIONAL INSURE?: CITY OF EAGEAN, hN] Group Code: YDUngstown, Ohio CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY DF THE ABOVE DESCRIHED POLICIES HE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSi1RER SufJeiVd1U dYld Cub FOOds WESt WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE 421 South 3xd StrEEt CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO StillwdteT MN 55082 SHALL IMPOSE NO GBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY RIND UPON THE INSORER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESE!JTATNES. AOTHORREOREPRESENTATIVE ?ygf N? ACORD25(2001/08) v/+vvrcua.urtrvivaiIvN 1938 , ? ? I ?ji'\ ? , I? -, ,•, / { 1 '_ I_L ? ?? i r? ` i i, ? ??? I__I I I L7 I. i r-1 L i ; . , ,.... ? eA( I i I ';:m?rt; ????.?:a i ? _i ; i •.i U i! ?- I I li? ? ? II !? ? ! I I ? ? ? ??. 'I I ad .i-I i\a ? ? i I r -..? i' _I. I Lr-..411- ri ' :y : . . LOiAYF ` • i r`d. ?" ? L ' I L_ : '? ' I i r le '_Il_;i: IH ' th 4 *?t,•? x! ?_. _II ?;Itl i •(i?1? ' ?I' ?j i? . K, CUB FOODS WEST SAFE SANE O-DER SAFE AND SANE ¦ • B402 PALLET TRAY DISPLAY CONTAINS: PACK PIECES WEIGHT 45030 038269-05030-4 #1 PHANTOM FURY TRAY 42 42 45040 0-38269-450403 02 PHANTOM RETURNS TRAY 36 36 Subtotal Wei ht 375 PDQ CASE GOODS: 45040Q 038269-450403 42 PHANTOM RETURNS TRAY 7 14 74 45050Q 0-38269-45050-2 03 PHANTOM UNLEASHED TRAY 6 12 98 450604 038269-45060-1 #4 PHANTOM REVENGE TRAY 3 6 64 451390 038269-45139-4 PHANTOM'S FEST ASST BAG FTN 24 48 68 45110Q 038269-45110-3 PHANTOM'S FEST ASST BAG FTN 24 48 36 A-040Q 0-38269-70002-7 THUNDERFESTlPHANTOM BLAST(2-PK) 16 16 24 A-042Q 0-38269-45042-7 PHANTOM LARGE FTNIHISSING COBRA (2PK) 12 12 24 H-109 0-38269-54099-9 BREW HAHA FOUNTAIN 9 18 40 M-0604A PHANTOM TANK W/WHEELS 6 PK 32 32 23 T-014Q 0-38269- FIERY EYE 12 12 18 H-058A 0-38269-54058-6 PHANTOM FIZZ 4PK FTN. 12 24 52 H-OOSQ 038269-54005-0 WARHEAD ROCKET FTN 200 Gram 15 30 25 D•010Q 0-38269-51010-7 NOVELTY ASST. FTN. 36 36 72 H-0060 0-38269-54006-7 FIRECRACKER FTN 24 24 24 H-080K 038269-54080-7 RELOADABLE FTN KIT 12 24 52 H-091Q 038269-54191-0 MOONDANCE FTN 2-PK 48 48 27 H-122 0•38269-04122-9 STELLAR PERFORMANCE FTN 8 8 27 F-082Q 038269-70068-3 CRACKLING SILVER SALUTE 12PK 48 48 20 B-094 038269-46094-5 #36 MORNING GLORY 36 36 12 1-0080 0-38269-55008-0 SNAPS 200 CT. 60 120 32 P-015Q 0•38269-48015-8 COLOR SMOKE BALLS 12 PC CARD 48 96 76 S-010QK 038269-50109-9 #8 GOLD SPARKLERS 6-PK 60 120 36 S-019BQ 038269-50192-1 #14 MORNING GLORY 6-PC BOX 708 108 10 Subtotal WEIGHT • 814 CUB FOODS WESI SAFE SANE ••D - DUMP DISPLAY CONTAINS: UNIT PACKED WEIGHT 45139 0-38269-45139-4 PHANTOM FEST BAG ASST. BAGS 36 29 45200 038269-45200-1 ALL AMERICAN BAG ASST. BAGS 48 24 A-040 038269-70002-7 THUNDERFESTIPHANTOM BLAST 2- k PCS 8 77 A-042 038269-45042-7 PHANTOM LG FOUNTAINlHISSING COBRA 2- k PCS 10 21 H-006 038269-54006-7 FIRECRACKER FOUNTAIN PCS 24 22 H-066 038269-54066-1 TIAJUANA TREMOR FOUNTAIN PCS 24 29 H-097 0-38269-54191-0 MOONDANCE FOUNTAIN 2- k PKGS 48 5 H-096 038269-54096-8 CITY FEST FOUNTAIN PCS 9 18 H-071Q KILLER BEES PCS 36 50 H-123 038269-04123-6 GLITTERING GEMS FOUNTAIN PCS 32 52 H-166 038269•041663 GARGANTUA FOUNTAIN PCS 15 44 H-0334 FLASHTRON FOUNTAIN PKGS 48 12 H-080 038269-54080-7 RELOADABLE MORTAR FOUNTAIN PKGS 76 32 H-058 0-38269-54058-6 PHANTOM FIZZ 4- k PKGS 15 5 M-060QA PHANTOM TANKS wlo WHEELS PKGS 36 29 , °MATF RTAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DATE YREPARED 5-1-2000 CLASSIFICATIONS 1JN0336 1.4G (Ciass "C" Fireworks) or iJN0335 13G (Class"B" Fireworks), as classified by the U.S. Depaztment of Transportation. TS/IDENTITY INFORMATION Contains pyrotechnic composition - a solid mixture of oxidizer and fuel. Will burn upon igcu[ion. PHYSICAL/CHENIICAL CHARACTERISTICS SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Slight APPEARANCE/ODOR: Pyrotechnic Composition contained in cattlboard casing. Exposed composition appears as powder, dusc or caked ma[erial. Varying colors. ' FIRE /EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: F1ood with water - DO NOT USE SUFFOCAT'ION METHODS. SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Devices con[ain their own oxygen. If large amoun[ of 1.4G product is inwived, allow to bum and preven[ spread of fire. 13G Product may explode in a fire situation. Do not a[[empt to fight a 13G fue; immediately evacuate azea to a minimum of 1000 feet radius ins[ead. UNUSUAL FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS: 1.4G Product will burn rapidly in event of fire. Expect extreme smoke levels. T'here is a possibility of explosion when 13G product is 6eing transported: azea must be evacuated to a minimum of 1000 feet tadius if 1.3G productinvolved. REACTIVITY DATA STABII,ITI': Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Open Flame, 5moking, Exueme Heat (in excess of 120 degrees), or any combusuon producing environments. . INCOMPATIBILITI': Exposure to water may cause deteriorauon. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITIONBYPRODUCTS: Ex[reme Smoke, Nitrogen Oxides, and Sulfur Oxides may be produced in a fire or burn situation. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur HEALTH HAZARD DATA HEALTH HAZARDS: Exposure to finished produc[ dces not pose any health hazard. PRECAUTIONS FOR I3ANDLING / USE ST'EPS FOR MATERIAL SPII,LAGE/RELEASE: Avoid all smoking, open flame, elecuical contact and exposure ro excessive temperature (above 120 degrees F). Keep cartons cool and dry. CONTROL MEASURES RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: None requued when handling finished product. In event of 1.4G fire, full Self Contained Breathing Appazatus should be used. Do not fight 13G fire - evacuate instead. PROTECTTVE GLOVES: None required. W ORK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES: No Smoking, open flame, or o[her combustion producing practices [o be conducted in vicinity of producf. EMERGENCY RESPONSE TELEPHONE NUMBER 1-800-255-3924 EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION UN0336 1.4G CONSUMER FIREWORKS Consumer fireworks contain limited quantities of explosive and pyrotechnic composition and are classified as UN0336 1.4G Consumer Freworks by the U.S. DepartmenT of 7ransportation. No chemical composition is released or exposed during normal handling, storage and transportation. In the event of a vehicle fire or intense heat that reaches the cargo area, the fireworks are likely to ignite. They wi11 burn, spreading burning particles over a limited area. A mass explosion is not expected. Smoke and potentially-irritating gases wili be produced in a fire. If the fireworks are spilled as the result of an accident but do not ignite, they can be safely picked up and repackaged. The area should be kept cleared of unnecessary people while this is being done. EMER6ENCY ACTION In case if fire, stop traffc, isolate the immediate area and deny entry. Keep unnecessary people away. Fre in cargo area can be fought with water spray if necessary, although disposal and site clean up wil4 be simpiified if maierial is ailowed to bum. Try to prevent other types of fiire from reaching the cargo area. Seif-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and structural fire fighter's protective clothing will provide some limited protection. Fire fighters shouid retreat if fire approaches cargo area and use unmanned hose hoider to direct water spray on fire. For additional information, call the shipper using the emergency telephone number listed on the shipping papers: if there is no answer, call Chem-Tei's 24hour number, (800) 255-3924. fIRE Truck fire (other than cargo area): Fiood with water. rre fires may start again. Unhook and separate hactor from hailer, if possible. Remove vehicle that is not involved in fire from fire area if you can do so without risk. If cargo area is exposed to heat and flames, direct water spray on outside of container to cool it down. Continue to spray until well affer fire is out. Cargo fire: Do not move carao it cargo has been exposed to heat. wthdraw from area if and when fire reaches cargo and leT fire bum, if situation allows. If fire must be fought, flood with water spray. Use firefighting team to prevent spread of fire to adjaceni structures and materials. Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident. Obtain more info;mation from competent outhorities listed on the shipping papers. SPILL OF CARGO Shut off all ignition sources. There shall be no flares, smoking, tools capable of producing sparks or flames in the viciniTy of the spilled material. Cautiously pick up the spilled devices and place them in cardboard cartons. FIRST AID Cali emergency medical care. Use first aid treaiment according to the nature of the lnjury. 555 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Youngstown, Ohio 44502-1 1 02 FIREWORKS IMP02TER MANIIFACfURE2 WHOLESALER Phone: 888-449-0001 • Fax: 330J43-2205 4.. ?iscributor of Phanroe and Wolf PacO Brand Fireworks www.fireworks.com • www.bjalan.com March 27, 2006 AtYn: Pire Marshal Dale Wigletner City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Pennit Fee for Retail Sales of Fireworks Cub Foods #30294- 1940 Clifflake Rd., Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Ms. Smith, ?I -??? ? L7 ' "ju, t'o This letter is in request for a fireworks permit to sell in the City of Eagan. All State and local laws, ordinances and regulations will be followed, including Minnesota Statute 624.20 - 624.25. We are submitting the following required items for your city permit: Perniit Application Check in the amount of $100.50 Inventory List Floor Plan Insurance MSDS Sheets Please submit the permit to the referenced store location. We also need a copy sent to us for our records. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 1-800-777-1691, Ext. 512 or fax copy of permit to 330-743-2205, please make sure city and state is on fax. Thank you in advance for your help. Very truly yours, ?-- °--/ eleiiFord Chain Store Divi?sSon 03/27/2006 14:33 6514547361 EAG4N CLJB PAGE 03/03 ?Naf-Z4-200fi 03:07pm From- BJ ALAN CONPABY ••330746Y205 1-992 P.002/002 F•9i4 fftwonks Appication Rage 2 of 9 Tsnneswt Wartiiriq l.icense i4pplicntian mromsota mw requires vo ya+ ae lMormea ot are pwposes ana rtttencWa uxs of ene mforma6an yau pro„ae oo me Cny of EO9en (tNs City) Ouru+9 ttle liasnse applica9on process Am infOgnaaa+ aaou yaagea mat you pavwe m me cnr armns u,e nmse apwam praxss wiu ae um eo Mrn(Py yrou as w appan am ro aman Yd+r qm1'1fiCdGOns for sel4ng firawotks wdhin !he City. If you wis1 t0 ce Eouereq (ar a pemuc to seu fire+waxa, rQ+ are reqmfreq m proviae me irbmew nu*mua in ao pertrot appGcmon d ywreFuse co supplY dtfonnation requested dy tpe CAy, k may mean OW Your applua4an wiR not he conswwea NI indiviQuOts Ln ihe City wno need w Miow uVarmoian x;q rave aame. l.? .3 -(?-? ?'+PP ?we WRe AU111OP17JQY1C11 aIN! COT1SEfYt ki' ftoQSE Ot b1fOT1IKl'hOTI i. i0k7%GL iee Usety ana vauraril aumadu ft c.ity of rag811 m canauQ an Neifte of inWvklual auttwraing release ,mesoganan so obw metoltwes in4oimmalwn fw ma purpose of as[emninin9 o'iY eftpairy for a permrt to aell fircwuenw: ??'-- ?'S) ?-! r? Pctf 7t Ic.c? N9tDa: 1.1031 First Mitlale A", r oaceofaro,. Z(o? t?,rors?O. Wo( IZRD?tsM_? t?v_ I alsa release the Cdy of Baga[s irom any 314 all rapildy Tw its fsCapt ana uSa nf infbtmadn antl recom receireq pur6t1n [01t11& f'.Gf19ali. I TuNter ackflolklCtlga d181 I rIOVE carof4qy r38tl ttlia t069080. Tully ut1gersMna d5 OCfms Snd 1E0 signficarce, ana exaaM R vGwnenN. Fxeased thls 1?0 aaY of 200=! I ?ign re ,_." . Fireworks Application Page 3 of 9 The Police Department has conducted a criminal background check on the aforementioned applicant. Comments: i 4 7 '-V k? LXC.L[/I i. ,-5t-; w L Po Department Representative 41- / '- 1-oolp Date Conditions of Issuance: Background check completed and approved by EPD: _ Yes _ No Zoning approval _ Yes _ No Facility inspection complete and all violations corrected _ Yes _ No Insurance policy approved _ Yes _ No License approved by Date approved: 4qo' Clty 0f EaRaD 3830 Pilot Knoh Road n Eagan MN 55122 C? ?! Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 (1 rA,?,? ??1? { j Permit #: ?? ? ? I j Permit Fee: ao 7 v j I !? ? ? Date Receivetl: I ? [? I ? Staff: lJ ? ? _________.. 2009 COMMEFtCIAL?PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Atldress: iq`tD L1, 14 I2?'iCa Gk, TenanL• 0.1 A.v, 1?C>O&-? Y P Name: S LaP?Q,(Va,,u. Phone: OWNER CONTRACTOR Name: -V\2;nt?oiQ LGC(>License# Address: Stty L?tC' 57ate:v'Y1.k?Zip: `> ?)?4qq Phone: 7(c' ?7X(0 - ?,?Co I 7 Contact Person: &(-IK 5?^ 1'?,??.Qx TYPE OF New 4Replacement Repair Rebuild Modity Space Work in R.O.W. - - - WORK T - - Description of work: + A r7e i.U vvRSk vA"haaa? PERMITTYPE COMMERClAL l epkkce (Cv Tct ttS 4tn (a U?^i?a S L?r i{-I? _ New Construction -)L Modify Space Irrigation System ( yes /_ no) L_ RPZ PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM _(2" tur6o required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) _ Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to pickinq up meter. Domestic: Size 8 Type Fire: Size & Price 3/4" meter 203.00 Avg. GPM High demand devices? Yes No Flushometers Yes No COMMEACIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contract Value $ 113 ; OOi) x 1/ cc _$ 13 {1 ?:+ ? Permit Fee Required. on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems -) _$ Radio Meter Read - If Permit Fee is less Ihan $1,000, surcharge is $ 50 =$ - Meter(s) - If Permit Fee is > $7,000, surcharge increases 6y $.50 for each $1,000 $7,OGG Fermie Fee (i.e. a$ 1,001-$2,000'rermit Fee requires a$1.00 surcharge). _$ +?U State Surcharge Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ - water Permit Call the Ci[y's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. _ $ Treatment Plant - $ - Water Supply 8 Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES $ 50 i nereby acknowietlge tnat mis inlormation is complete antl accura[e; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I undersfand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to s[art vnthout a permi[; that the work will 6e in axordance vnth the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Ck i'N,\C?? X 0'?» ApplicanPs Printed Name Applici's Sig?fure ------------, j F4T , I I Permit N: ? Permit Fee: ? Date R/e.,??grved: ? Staff: lY? I L ________________' 2008 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT AP LICA ON Date: 11/03/08 c Tenant Name: Cub Foods Addres 4110'?- J (Tenant is: New / X Existing) Suite #: PROPERTYOWNER Name? Cf1pF.AVALU Phone: 952-914-5837 Address / City / Zip: 6599 Fl ?ii nn ('1 nnr] Dri vP Rf1Pn Prai ri e MN 55344 , ., Applicantis: Owner _Contractor TYpE OF WORK Description of work: New exterior screen wall Construction Cost: S45 .,D00 CONTRACTOR Name:Krauc-AndPraon Constnuction Co License address: 2500 Minnehaha Avenue. City: Minneapolis State: MN Zip; 55404 Phone: 613-721-9323 Contact Person: c;ragg xnGki ARCHITECT! Name: DSG Architect Registration#:14868 ENGINEER Address: 6533 Flyinq Cloud Drive, Suite 100 City, Eden Prairie State: MN Zip 55344 Phone: 959-914_594 Contact Person: Daren Johnson Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone p: M"°NOTE: Plans and,supporting:tfvcainents #hat yov-nsubmf3 are corrsJtlered'to be pu6fic Pnformat n. Portlons ff"? v? 'theinforma#/ani may bettasStfied as nern-p@bfic F3 yoei-proulde°spec!/fc iei?ans -auld rmit {he Gty [a , ? _ ... , concfrrde''+at ttie are'`tr`ade s etss- I hereby acknowledge that ihis intormation is complete and accurate; that the work will bn c Eaqan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and ork accordance with the approved plan in ihe case of work which requires a review and appro 4101 x Applicant's nnted Name ance ith the or n ce ntl codes of the Ciry of ro st rt without rm' ? Ihat the work will be in Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES: ? FoundaTion ? Apartments ? Lodging ? Miscellaneous WORK TYPES: ? New ? Addition A AlteraTion ? Replacement DESCRIPTION: ? Public Facility ? Accessory Building X Commercial / Industrial ? Ext. Alteration-Apartments ? Greenhouse ? Ext. Alteration-Commercial ? Antennae ? Ext. Alteration-Public Facility ? NailSalon ? Interior Improvement ? Siding ? Demolish Building• ? Move Building ? Reroof ? Demolish Interior ? Fire Repair ? Demolish Foundation ? Windows ? Water Damage " Demolitian (entire building) - give PCA handout to applicant Valuatlon Plan Review ? (25% _ 100% ? ) Census Code # of Units 0 # of Buildings I Type of ConsL IL • 13 Occupancy MCES System Code Edition 2007 MSgG SAC Units Zoning Ciiy Water Stories Booster Pump Square Feet PRV Length Fire Sprinklers Widih NA- &-'r: wcAJL-? REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) Sheetrock Meter 5ize: Footings (deck) FinallC.O. V/ Footings (addition) _V"FinalMo C.O. ? Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other: Roof: Decking _ Insulation _ Final _ IceNJater Pool: _Footings AiqGas Tests _Final Framing Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Fireplace: R,L _AirTest _Final Windows Insulation Retaining Wall Final C!O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present. _ Yes ? No N`om R i d B ` ev ewe y: , Building Inspector Reviewed By: 01, Planning COMMERCIAL FEES: Base Fee fo Z 00 Surcharge 22 • S7 Plan Review Q g, pp SAC-MCES SAGCity 5/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication W ater Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Financial Guaran[ee Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Laterai Street Water Lateral Other Total * 105-0,70 Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Page 2 of 3 COMMERCIAL BUILDING Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 6$1-675-5694 Foundation Only New Build Interior Improvement • Structural Plans (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) • Structural Plans (2) • Code Analysis (1) • Certificate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans (2) • Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) • Landscaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule • Certificate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always*" • Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) . Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always** • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established-if applicable 1 • Project Specs (1) 1 • Energy Calculations (1) 1 1 • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) 6 1 • Master Exit Plan (1) 1 1 • Emergency Response Site Plan (1) d 1 • Soils Report (1) l • SAC determination call 651-602-1000 • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at 651-215-0700 for details regarding food & beverage or lodgi g facilities. Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required when it states "not always". Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. Date 3 / 2r 11 O q Construction Cost Site Address Unit/Ste # Tenant Name p Former Tenant Dame Description of Work Property Owner km~elephone # ( ) Contractor Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Arch/Engr A//A 1 Registration # Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for 4 permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved pl e o w which requires a review and approval of plan1C., pb Applicant's Printed Name Applic ' Signat e 70 o-v 2005 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION jL , ~,a , rs r Y City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 • Structural Plans (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) • Structural Plans (2) • Code Analysis (1) • Certificate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans (2) • Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) • Landscaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule • Certificate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always- • Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) . Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always- • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established-if applicable • Project Specs (1) • Energy Calculations (1) • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) • Master Exit Plan (1) ! • Emergency Response Site Plan (1) • Soils Report (1) • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 • • Fire Stopping Submittals Call MN Dept of Health at 651-215-0700 for details regarding food & beverage or lodging facilities. Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. Date S / S t Constructiinoeen Costtt Site Address 19 L40 CA1, QA Unit/Ste # Tenant Name CL) tip Q 9 Former Tenant Name Description of Work Q(" sa e- Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor Y KY WAY EV Jr St~ l~ I~/ C E5 Address 1 ~y L # R/i-10/ N City//y/ fl 0 LIS State 1 fJ . Zip 0 (3 Telephone # (b!Z) 7 91 - S lS 2_ Arch/Engr (\J /i Registration # Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service: 0- - Phone I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work i is td =stprt yvithout'(a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work whic requir' s &r approval of plans. 1T1 Applicant's Printed Name Applicant' OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building ? 14 Apartments ? 27 Commercial/Industrial ? 32 Ext Alt-Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement *Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation 0900 Type of Const Width Plan Rev 100% 25% Occupancy MCES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Required Inspections - Footings (new bldg) _ Insulation - Footings (deck) _ Final/C.O. - Footings (addition) _ Final/No C.O. _ Foundation _ Other Drain Tile - Roof _ Ice Pr Decking Insul _ Final _ Pool Ftgs - Air/Gas Tests -Final - Framing Siding _ Stucco _ Stone - Fireplace _ R.I. - Air Test -Final _ Windows Approved By: Planning Building Inspector 6 C o0 C0Vh?N1'EA9TS Base Fee ' If LifttTI TO 3 StdrvS i Cc 61YUE10 `rrmL ND 6&,t'34Tl Surcharge C 0 Tbt A to 2G 5, F, Plan Review JUo OFF-PeErl:%Se StbNS ?Rt.L©Wi 1 SAC-MCES ` SALE )-l CUP-$ Lt Vat 1.-re TO 8a.- 10p SAC-City S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Financial Guarantee Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Storm Sewer Trunk Park Dedication Sewer Lateral Sewer Trunk Trail Dedication Street Water Quality Water Lateral Water Trunk Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Other Total 7O 7 C7 1 v For c~ffi e Use '4 cJ Q rte' O Permit l~ La __g _ I City of E I Permit Fee: / c (2 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I Eagan MN 55122 1 Date Received: 3 " 30 Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: G_' L----------------- 2009 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION el j 1130 Date: Site Address: Tenant N /Me: (Tenant is: New / 4 Existing) Suite PROPERTY OWNER Name: gfixw V *toerA Phone: 1~VS~' Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: 19 Construction Cost: CONTRACTOR Name: IL / License f Address: City: • State: ~ Zip: Phone: Contact Person: ARCHITECT / Name: Registration ENGINEER Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an appli 'on for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of w hich requires a review and approval of plans. X I/#&*- ITV / X Applicant's Printed Name phi nt's Signature Page 1 of 3 [ Fes ; )qw DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE J Jn J SUB TYPES Foundation Public Facility Accessory Building Apartments _ Commercial / Industrial Exterior Alteration-Apartments Lodging X Greenhouse / Tent Exterior Alteration-Commercial Miscellaneous Antennae Exterior Alteration-Public Facility WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement Siding Demolish Building* Addition Exterior Improvement Reroof Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace Water Damage Fire Repair Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation Occupancy M MCES System Plan Review Code Edition Zool t4S . SAC Units (25%_ 100%_) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories l Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet ?24 0 PRV # of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) Final I C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other: Roof: -Decking -Insulation -ice & Water -Final Pool: Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Framing Siding: _Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Windows Insulation Retaining Wall Meter Size: J Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes ? No Reviewed By: t'kit., , Building Inspector Reviewed By: Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee 62$ . yd Water Quality Surcharge ! • g'y Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Plan Review Storm Sewer Trunk MCES SAC Sewer Trunk City SAC Water Trunk S&W Permit & Surcharge Street Lateral Treatment Plant Street Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Water Lateral Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication Water Quality TOTAA /O • ®"d Page 2 of 3 For Office Use Permit City of Eaan Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: Phone: (651) 675- 02009 Fax: (651) 675-5694 5675 Staff: 2009 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION y''s Date: 63 ..C / O C?Site Address: ( mil "I 0 C ('S I.;-r- 4,A Tenant: 3 t"~''D Suite RESIDENT / OWNER Name: C.0 iS -F O Phone: Address /City / Zip: CONTRACTOR Name: T t- LC t t S C C License _ I' A 8 L-( S Address: j q1 Gi-S e- -(-D 4-V S a City: 1~L @~ r TO 1?' State: Zip: Phone: C S C3 - Contact Person: X715 l05 TYPE OF WORK New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Description of work: ter Pc4c u I -i 5 a"U'O Is-ri up ='r H--)M, S NOTE: Both roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector or one of the Planners for information on permitted screening methods. PERMIT TYPE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Furnace New Construction Interior Improvement Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit Heat Pump Under/ Above ground Tank Install/_ Remove) When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Other Marshal and Plumbing Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES: 0.50 Underground tank installation/removal OR Contract Value $ 2, 1 t3'fl x 1% $50.50 Minimu includes State Surcharge) Permit Fee If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50. If Permit Fee is > $1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each State Surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $1,001-$2,000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 surcharge). $ 6 C~ t0 TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x ' zx Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground Rough In Air Test Gas Service Test -in-floor Heat Final Exterior HVAC Screening Inspection • Date: City of Eaall 3830 Pi of Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 «� vii ;D NOV 0 2 2009 Li /42 7x) Eqr Office Use Permit #: qj F60.4 Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: 2009 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION i CA 3 0 \ Cie‘ Site Address: Tenant: Cutivv'r Y c L2 19 ti 0 CI Lc:Aar c< -o .& . Suite #: PROPERTY OWNER Name: t- " �L✓- Phone: CONTRACTOR Name: m "s &--- 0-.- ON g „CR to ,A(6 .0 0a, esW\)License #: ng--2--)gr")-1)A1 Address: 9 LO3 1) 0, 1 t -k , SA (311y: ,N,(3 :y'y�o - State: wV1LZip: 55 ce q q Phone: 7( 3 ?Q R(o (7 Contact Person: 7 7 art g-67 I TYPE OF WORK New Replacement Rebuild Modify Space Work in R.O.W. — _ _ .. 4\ �`�-P'--C \ (Dv - OC 3+ Q - - 1 t1q Description of work: PCC7O164 u.::i s >i.Dv() \ ,,.6... ". PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL P� New Construction Modify Space Irrigation System ( yes / no) ( RPZ / PVB) _ • • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: Size & Price 3/4" meter $203.00 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No Flushometers _Yes _No COMMERCIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contract Value $ { af. O. 00 x 1% Required - If Permit Fee is less than = $ I a' , OD Permit Fee on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems -4 = $ Radio Meter Read $1,000, surcharge is $.50 = $ Meter(s) - If Permit Fee is > $1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 a $1,001-$2,000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 surcharge). = $ 1 ,DD State Surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. Following fees apply Call the City's Engineering when installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ Water Permit Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES $ 1-,.----3, 50 . D I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start witho permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x O SSZ ' Applicant's Printed Name FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: PRY Required: _ Yes Under Ground No App 'cant's ure Approved By: Rough -In _Air Test Page 1 of 3 1.1 2200 Food Generator - Plumbing Guide 0 E 00 Rt5,%!CrIo - '000007 1315737373? Val7126 00000 c uvuoug .317 9L l0-0001 01 t oa 0 if Q a: 0 E 2 9 for Doer Filling Inslollotion 0001-0398.doc 0 page 4 of 13 City of EaQaft 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 NOV 9 51009 `51 o- bO7C T S i l 0 2009 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Date: It/03i66( Site Address: I I Lk Tenant: 0-0 t3 cenL7S Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: qii/ Permit Fee: 11/0 Date Received: // Staff: Suite #: RESIDENT / OWNER Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: CONTRACTOR Name: YA-t. � I� e .1-} N, I: L. A L License #: 9 Si LAI kk Address: ci C yC"..1.742... Ave- SU t City: \ ei O TN 6%;1b )� State: vn tJ Zip: S S x-13 1 Phone: qS).--" $7LL 16C 1 Contact Person: 1-13Ub S t<Lto TYPE OF WORK New /� Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Description of work: R PL J1t, Cliot✓ ILY-1 O r I b -- O t-) TV NOTE. Roof mounted acrd"ground mounted mechanical equipment Is required to tie screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical inspector for information on permitted screening rt thuds. PERMIT TYPE RESIDENTIAL Furnace COMMERCIAL New Construction Interior Improvement Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed _ Air Exchanger Gas X Exterior HVAC Unit Heat Pump Under / Above ground Tank ( Install / Remove) Other _ _ **When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbinj Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $.50 State Surcharge) $ TOTAL FEE $90.50 Fire repair (replace COMMERCIALFEES: $70.50 Underground tank $50.50 Minimum (includes installation/removal OR State Surcharge) surcharge is $.50. increases by $.50 for each Permit Fee requires a $1.00 surcharge). Contract Value $ 1 I , POO x 1% = $ I (b .cru Permit Fee - If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, 0 = $ • Surcharge - If Permit Fee is > $1,000, surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $1,001-$2,000 ii © 10_ $ tt TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.uopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ('} F 0`&Z 30 J J Applicant's Printed Name x Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough in Air Test _ Gas Service Test In -floor heat Final _ Exterior HVAC Screening Inspection Date: City of Eaail 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 MAR 16 2010 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink Permit #: w,mx. 93 Permit Fee: /30 0 �✓t l Date Received: Staff: J 2010 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION C'-�lt d" 3/2-5 2-75-- - %O Site Address: Tenant Name: CA) nods 19yo cIik Jck.e. . Ecc .h MN Ss -12.2 (Tenant is: New / X Existing) Suite #: Former Tenant: PROPERTY OWNER Name: S�pervo u 14 1/1 Address / City / Zip: C./b /e5c..1 Art, Applicant is: )�` Owner Contractor Phone: 6S/- S'S''- Y606 M, nnc7oel15 Mt) CYVI/ TYPE OF WORK Description of work: Greerkovse. J tn4 Construction Cost: - tefrniwary zi d o CONTRACTOR Name: actiieiS 1191 CS-V./tie S License #: Address: I3Z5 8A;le1 td City: S1-• P 1 i State: Mak Zip: SS//9 Phone: 651- 764-337'/ Contact: Email: ARCHITECT / ENGINEER Name: Registration #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.oro I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X A/Otetc A 1)-htriYS' Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Apartments Lodging Miscellaneous WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace Retaining Wall DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25% 100%_) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction _ Public Facility Commercial / Industrial Greenhouse I Tent Antennae _ Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage 5I tr0 a —, REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof: _Decking Insulation Framing Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width _Ice & Water Fireplace: Rough In Air Test Final Insulation Meter Size: Final Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Reviewed By: C‘e"' , Building Inspector _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration -Apartments Exterior Alteration -Commercial Exterior Alteration -Public Facility Siding Reroof Windows Fire Repair _ Demolish Building* _ Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklers /Sheetrock ✓ Final / C.O. Required Final / No C.O. Required Other: Pool: Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Yes No Reviewed By: I (/(,(k , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL l3G .uc - Page 2 of 3 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675-5675 www. ci. eagan.mn.us PERMIT 411!!illib Cityoaan Permit Type: Fireworks Permit Number: EA099186 f Date Issued: 05/24/2011 Site Address: 1940 Cliff Lake Rd Lot: I Block: 1 Addition: Cliff Lake Centre PID: 10-17780-01-010 Use: Cub Foods Description: Sub Type: Indoor Retail Sales Sign Permit Required: N Work Type: Legal Consumer Fireworks Tent Permit Required: N Description: Temporary Event: N Sales Dates: 05/24/2011 to 11/01/2011 Number of Days: 0 to to Comments: Fee Summary: Indoor Sales Surcharge -Fixed $100.00 $5.00 0801.4097 9001.2195 Total: $105.00 Contractor: Owner: % Supervalu Inc SVH Realty Inc PO Box 990 Minneapolis MN 55440 - Applicant - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the 'nformation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. r City of Eaaau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 .,r-CEIVED MAY U 2011 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink 2011 FIREWORKS SALES AND STORAGE APPLICATION Applicant requirements 1. An application must be completed and returned at least 30 days prior to outdoor sales and/or storage of fireworks. 2. An applications for indoor sales of fireworks must be submitted between April 1st and June 1st to obtain a permit. 2. A letter from the property owner granting permission to the applicant to sell and/or store fireworks on the property shall accompany the application. 3. A floor plan designating the area where the fireworks will be sold and/or stored shall accompany the application. 4. A list of the fireworks that will be sold and/or stored along with the name, weight, quantity, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) shall be included. 5. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage as per City of Eagan City Ordinance No. 387, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. 6 The Fire Marshal or his/her designee will inspect the proposed location for selling and/or storing fireworks to determine if it is a suitable location. 7 A criminal record check will be done on all applicants. 8. A copy of th,City Eagan license (permit) shall be displayed by the register. Date: .</ Business Name: CUB FOODS Telephone#: ( 651 ) 454-4606 Display Address: 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD Applicant Name: CUB FOODS / —174001g 5 "7720 a d ,. (p c Street Address: 171/0 C L t ef (Ike 12P. City: �! State: /►'t Zip: �� 12.2 Telephone #: 4 $ I) V S Li 4/40 �o Retail seller selling exclusively consumer fireworks: Yes c.N x Indoor Sales Dates: 05/2011 to 07/07/2011 and New Years Season Outdoor Sales Dates: to to to Please check the selections that apply to this permit Outdoor Sales $415.00 X All other retail sellers $105.00 (includes: $280.00 Fireworks Permit; $128.50 Tent Permit; $6.50 State Surcharge) Sign Permit $ 25.00 Temporary outdoor event means an exhibition or sale with a duration of 10 or less continuous days which does not occur more than once every 30 days and more than three times per year or a combination of 20 days total in a calendar year. (See Outdoor Sales of Fireworks). Fireworks are regulated by MN Statutes 624.20-624.25. In addition to these state laws, all displays, sales, storage and use of fireworks shall comply with City of Eagan Ordinance No. 387, Section 6.53 Fireworks and NFPs. I understand and agree to comply with all the provisions of this application an. ism -: authority. AIi t Signature Fireworks Application Page 2 of 9 Tennessen Warning License Application Minnesota law requires that you be informed of the purposes and intended uses of the information you provide to the City of Eagan (the City) during the license application process. Any information about yourself that you provide to the City during the license application process will be used to identify you as an applicant and to assess your qualifications for selling fireworks within the City. If you wish to be considered for a permit to sell fireworks, you are required to provide the information requested in the permit application. If you refuse to supply information requested by the City, it may mean that your application will not be considered. All individuals in the City who need to know information will have access. sly /// Date Authorization and Consent for Release of Information I1.1,004 ht -s /,g 00 6't (DC7- , freely and voluntarily authorize the City of Eagan to conduct an Name of individual authorizing release investigation to obtain the following information for the purpose of determining my eligibility for a permit to sell fireworks: Name: �%�0CA) g1Dr3 /U ii $ L®U/S Last First Middle Date of Birth: 5-1 3 7s- 7 Driver's License #: K 9"C / Z•-5.-1,0 ‘ 36 ( State Alf /v I also release the City of Eagan from any and all liability for its receipt and use of information and records received pursuant to this consent. I further acknowledge that I have carefully read this release, fully understand its terms and legal significance, and execute it voluntarily. Executed this F; "( l'4day of Fireworks Application Page 3 of 9 2011. Indoor Fireworks Sales — 2011 Applicant: -nic m►4S - ejto BRJ b Phone: 6,5-1-/.4 Sales Location Name & Address: t U is pems jc -tD CLIFF LAKE Ri3 Location within store: of UUeST Si it IN tZ.On9T 6F CttfcKDUT RE Ls-t9JP$ X. Clear background check from PD "No sales to under 18" form posted 2 ea 2-1/2 gallon pressurized fire extinguishers Two exits to the outside when required 48" minimum width display aisles 6' maximum height display of product Fireworks fuses covered or arranged out of touch X Posted list of consumer fireworks (MSDS, name, weight & quantity of fireworks) A Certificate of Insurance provided (minimum of $1M per claim per incident; City named as add'l insured; gen liability, property damage, bodily injury) Potato i Q, u /o .. `aeyi Application Approved: Inspection Approved: Date: n5-, q -1t Date: ZONING: Property is zoned: po (Allowed in: GB (retail sales), NB, CSC, PD (retail sales). No sales on R or mixed with R. SALES ONLY ON PREMISES: Retail sale of consumer fireworks shall occur only on the premises for which the permit is issued. SMOKING WITHIN 50' OF BUILDING: Smoking within 50 feet of the retail consumer fireworks sale and storage areas is prohibited. USE OF FIREWORKS WITHIN 100' OF BUILDING: No consumer fireworks shall be discharged, exploded or used within 100 feet of the building in which the consumer fireworks are being sold or stored. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: The building in which the consumer fireworks are sold shall have at least two, 2- 1/2 gallon pressurized fire extinguishers in the area where the consumer fireworks are sold or stored in accordance with the 2000 International Fire Code. EXITS, AISLE WIDTH, PRODUCT HEIGHT: The building in which the consumer fireworks are being sold or stored shall have at least two exits to the outside and all consumer fireworks display aisles shall be a minimum width of 48 inches. The height of the consumer fireworks display shall not exceed six feet. COVERED FUSES AND PACKAGING: All consumer fireworks fuses shall be covered or arranged so fuses cannot be touched directly by a person handling the consumer fireworks without that person puncturing or tearing the package. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS & PYROTECHNIC COMPOSITION: In buildings in which consumer fireworks are sold or stored, and do not have an approved automatic sprinkler system, consumer fireworks' sales, displays or storage shall be limited to 50 pounds net pyrotechnic composition or 200 pounds gross weight, if the pyrotechnic composition weight is unknown. In buildings with an approved automatic sprinkler system, fireworks sales, displays and storage shall be limited to 100 pounds net pyrotechnic composition or 400 pounds gross weight, if the pyrotechnic composition weight is not known. LIST OF SALES PRODUCT & MSDS: A list of all consumer fireworks displayed for sale or stored on the permitted property shall be posted in a conspicuous location near the display and storage areas. The list shall contain the name, weight and quantity of the consumer fireworks and shall be accompanied by the material safety data sheets. Upon request, samples of the consumer fireworks shall be made available to the fire chief or his/her designee for testing. NOT TRANSFERABLE: A permit granted under this subdivision shall not be transferable. BUILDING AND FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: The building in which retail sale consumer fireworks are permitted hereunder shall meet all applicable provisions of the State Building Code and Fire Code. EMPLOYEE ACTIONS: The permit holder shall be responsible for the actions of its employees or agents with regard to the sale of consumer fireworks on the licensed premises and for purposes of this provision, the sale of consumer fireworks by an employee or agent will be considered a sale by the permit holder. INSURANCE COVERAGE: The permit holder shall maintain at all times during the duration of the permit and as a condition thereof, general liability, bodily injury and property damage insurance approved by the city in a minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 per claim and for each incident. The city shall be named as an additional insured and the permit holder shall provide to the city clerk a current certificate of insurance. The permit holder shall notify the city clerk at least 30 days in advance of any insurance cancellation or threat of cancellation of insurance. EFFECTIVE PERMIT DATES: The permit shall be effective for a period of 12 months, expiring March 31st of each year. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMIT: Suspension or Revocation of Consumer Fireworks Permit. The city fire marshal shall have the authority to immediately suspend or revoke any consumer fireworks permit for any violation of this Section, or any other provision of the City Code or state statutes. The permit holder has a right to appeal the suspension or revocation of the permit upon filing a request for hearing with the city clerk. The hearing shall be held before the city council at its next regular meeting after the filing of the request for hearing, but in no case less than five days from the date of the request. The suspension or revocation of the permit by the city fire marshal shall remain in effect pending the hearing, if any, before the city council. The Police Department has conducted a criminal background check on the aforementioned applicant. Comments: G�'-r Poli a Department Representative Date Conditions of Issuance: Background check completed and approved by EPD: X Yes No Zoning approval Yes No Facility inspection complete and all violations corrected X Yes No Insurance policy approved Yes No Need Site plan, r A. Yes No Building Permit Application for Tent Yes . No License approved by Date approved: Fireworks Application Page 4 of 9 ACCMC, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) 03/21/2011 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER MCGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS, INC. P.O. Box 10265 Birmingham, AL 35202 CONTACT NAME: PHOE (A/C. No. �: 800-476-2211 FAX No): E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A :Liberty Surplus Insurance Corporation 10725 INSURED American Promotional Events, Inc. dba TNT FireworksINSURER P.O. Box 1318 Florence, AL 35631 INSURER B :Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company 25445 C :Lexington Insurance Company 19437 INSURER D $ 1,000,000 INSURER E : $ 100,000 INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:PNPJZG48 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDE1SUBR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF (MMIDDIYYYY) POLICY EXP (MMIDD/YYYY) LIMITS A GENERAL X LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DGLBO0810581 11/01/2010 11/01/2011 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ 100,000 CLAIMS -MADE X OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) $ EXCLUDED PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES�PER: 7 POLICY n J2,8-iIIEI LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS _ SCHEDULED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ $ B X UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB X OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE 000788300 11/01/2010 11/01/2011 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 DED RETENTION $10,000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ,� / N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below NIA WC STATU- OTH- TORY LIMITS ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ C EXCESS UMBRELLA POLICY Per Occurrence 013136604 11/01/2010 11/01/2011 XS of Primary $5,Mil $ 5,000,000 $ $ $ $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more space Is required) This certificate only applies to INSIDE THE STORE SALES OF MINNESOTA APPROVED FIREWORKS @ CUB FOODS WEST #30294, 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD, EAGAN, MN, 55122. The Certificate Holders are named as Additional Insureds with respect to General Liability as required by written contract subject to policy terms, conditions, and exclusions. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 USA ACORD 25 (2010/05) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Page 1 of 1 © 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ACCMC, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) 03/21/2011 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER MCGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS, INC. P.O. Box 10265 Birmingham, AL 35202 CONTACT NAME: PHOE (A/C. No. �: 800-476-2211 FAX No): E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A :Liberty Surplus Insurance Corporation 10725 INSURED American Promotional Events, Inc. dba TNT FireworksINSURER P.O. Box 1318 Florence, AL 35631 INSURER B :Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company 25445 C :Lexington Insurance Company 19437 INSURER D $ 1,000,000 INSURER E : $ 100,000 INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:PNPJZG48 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDE1SUBR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF (MMIDDIYYYY) POLICY EXP (MMIDD/YYYY) LIMITS A GENERAL X LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DGLBO0810581 11/01/2010 11/01/2011 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ 100,000 CLAIMS -MADE X OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) $ EXCLUDED PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES�PER: 7 POLICY n J2,8-iIIEI LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS _ SCHEDULED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ $ B X UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB X OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE 000788300 11/01/2010 11/01/2011 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 DED RETENTION $10,000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ,� / N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below NIA WC STATU- OTH- TORY LIMITS ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ C EXCESS UMBRELLA POLICY Per Occurrence 013136604 11/01/2010 11/01/2011 XS of Primary $5,Mil $ 5,000,000 $ $ $ $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more space Is required) This certificate only applies to INSIDE THE STORE SALES OF MINNESOTA APPROVED FIREWORKS @ CUB FOODS WEST #30294, 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD, EAGAN, MN, 55122. The Certificate Holders are named as Additional Insureds with respect to General Liability as required by written contract subject to policy terms, conditions, and exclusions. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 USA ACORD 25 (2010/05) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Page 1 of 1 © 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD -S3-01181953 - REPRINT - PACK LIST 21369 Chain Store Sales -Wisconsin Terms: Net 30 Days Sold To: 1356949 SUPERVALU - CUB FOODS PO BOX 125 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 Desc/Case Packing Item CP # "/ "l i �S c - REPRINT - Order #: 1181953-S3-00002 Order Date: 3/31/11 CUST PO: SLSMN: Chain Stores - East Ship To: 1201461 - CB130294 CUB FOODS WEST 30294 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 Quantity Ordered Selling Suggested Units Sell Price *************************** 2 PAK SNAP 225 FDP J09 225/2/50 *************************** #8 SPRKLERS ASST BOX FDP 120/6/5 *************************** DSP SS MED 50 VA WV J11 1/1 Containing: BOOMIN SALUTE SS 6/1 SHOW OF FREEDOM USA SS J09 10/1 FREEDOM RINGS SS USA J09 16/1 PARTY PAK SS -COM J09 16/1 STARS AND STRIPES SS J09 2/12 STARDUST SS COM - J09 30/1 SUPER VALUE PACK REV J09 12/3 CAL ROCKET FTN 2/30/4 STRIKER J10 24/1 4 FOR 2 VALUE 36/4 PIT STOP #2 5 4/28/5 MINI CALIFORNIA 4/36/4 SMOKE BALLS BX OF 4/40/9 Novelties 320514 27736022922 Sparklers JO 380236 27736022755 Counter Cases 671804 J10 USA 102073 27736022076 101831A 27736022083 101832A 27736022090 101933 27736004577 101833 27736022106 101960 27736024612 200722 27736017775 BAG OF 4 200500 27736007622 200862 27736026043 PAK (RAIN) J 200850 27736025626 PK SS SM PDQ 320530B 27736023288 RKT FTN J 200743 27736019908 9 SM PDQ 351043B 27736022113 *********************** 1 CS 225 EA 1.00 *********************** 1 CS 120 EA 2.00 *********************** 1 CS 1 CS 6 EA 10 EA 16 EA 8 EA 21 EA 18 EA 8 EA 30 BG 6 EA 8 EA 12 EA 36 EA 40 EA 6 EA 10 EA 16 EA 8 EA 21 EA 18 EA 8 EA 30 BG 6 EA 8 EA 12 EA 36 EA 40 EA 2441.73 59.99 39.99 24.99 15.99 9.99 5.00 10.00 5.99 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.99 2.00 Page No 1 Desc/Case Packing - REPRINT - PACK LIST - REPRINT - Order #: 1181953-S3-00002 Item CP # Zig 10 0 Quantity Selling Suggested Ordered Units Sell Price ASST SNAKES BAG OF 8 BOXES 3/30/8/5 DINOSAURS FTN 3 PK SM PDQ 4/16/3 14 IN DBL PK MORNING GLORY 4/54/10 AMAZING FNT 4 PK SM PDQ J 4/48/4 SIGN - NO SMOKING 1/1 GROUND BLOOM FLOWER -30 CT 2/15/30 CRAZY EYE BALLS J09 6/32/3 FDP 50(SHOW,FRDRNGS) SS V1 J1 1/1 Containing: SHOW OF FREEDOM USA SS J09 10/1 FREEDOM RINGS SS USA J09 16/1 DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE 320333A 27736015764 200816A 27736002177 380250 27736023332 200037B 27736002337 730099E 290066 27736010899 290067A 27736013210 671568 101831A 27736022083 101832A 27736022090 30 BG 16 EA 54 EA 24 EA 2 EA 15 EA 32 EA 30 BG 16 EA 54 EA 24 EA 2 EA 15 EA 32 EA 2 CS 2 CS 12 EA 12 EA 16 EA 16 EA Case Totals: 5 CS Total Pallets: PL Total Repack Cases: CS American Promotional Events, Inc., dba TNT Fireworks, certifies that all consumer fireworks identified on this invoice have been tested by the American Fireworks Standards Laboratory and found to conform with all applicable regulations, standards and bans enforced by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Testing and certification for these items complies with rules, standards and bans applicable to consumer fireworks: Performance Standards 16 CFR 1500.17(a)(9) 16 CFR 1500.17(a)(11) 16 CFR 1500.17(a)(12) 16 CFR 1507 Powder Content Bans 16 CFR 1500.17(a)(3) 16 CFR 1500.17(a)(8) 16 CFR 1500.85(a)(2) Cautionary Labeling 16 CFR 1500.14(b)(7) 16 CFR 1500.83(a)(27) Contact information for laboratory that performed conformity testing. American Fireworks Standards Laboratory (AFSL) 7316 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 214 Bethesda, MD 20814 301-907-9115 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 1.00 439.86 39.99 24.99 Page No 2 -S3-01181953 TNT Fireworks Bill of Lading - REPRINT Shipper: 22069 TNT WAREHOUSE - WISCONSIN 223 COUNTY HIGHWAY A BLACK RIVER FALLS, WI 54615 WLSL Lic #: Vendor #: 5649728 Sold To: 1356949 SUPERVALU - CUB FOODS PO BOX 125 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 SFM #: Put Pro Number Sticker Here Sales Assoc: Chain Stores - East CUST PO #: Order #: 1181953-S3-00002 Route: MN Zone: 435 Stop: Freight Code: Ship To: 1201461 CUB FOODS WEST 30294 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 SFM #: Phone #: 651-454-4606 ******************************************************************************** Emergency Response Nbr: (800)255-3924 Payment Terms: Net 30 Days Contract Number: MIS0006877 ******************************************************************************** HM Description of Articles X UN 0336, FIREWORKS 1.4G, PG II NOVELTIES - NMFC 56290-4 Totals: Weight Shipping # of Cases Class Pieces 457 LBS 85 62 LBS 150 519 LBS 3 [X] 2 [X] 5 ******************************************************************************** Net Explosive Mass: 114 LBS ******************************************************************************** Checked By: Received By: Delivered By: Order: Ship To: Sold To: Received Date: Placards Tendered By: Delivery Instructions Page No 1 ADDRESS TNT® FIREWORKS Site Plan Worksheet CITY rd /0 STATE ui /i) ZIP ccS722- PHONE t< S— C' gs-y «a' Co g F®®D s /z c -3i e -J 57-' STORE NAME I LOCATION # TYPE OF EVENT: In-store retail sales of state -approved fireworks NORTH .c=73 r(4-ee f — I SOUTH SPECIAL INSTURCTIONS SIGNATURE ® Representative DATE S/Y /// qq/e6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET — Consumer Fireworks SECTION 1— IDENTITY: Consumer Fireworks at Retail Locations Importer's Name American Promotional Events/TNT Fireworks Emergency Telephone Number Normal Business Hours — 800-243-1189 After Hours — ChemTel — 800-255-3924 Address Corporate Office 4511 Helton Dr. Florence, AL 35630 SECTION 2 - Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information Consumer fireworks contain various mixtures of oxidizers and fuels, and are designed to burn and produce visible and audible effects when they are caused to ignite by a user. The oxidizers include potassium nitrate, strontium nitrate and potassium perchlorate. Fuels include charcoal, sulfur, starch, and aluminum. All chemical composition is contained within the device, and there should be minimal -to -no exposure to the chemicals under normal conditions of handling of the type typically involved in retail sales operations. The chemical mixtures are stable to temperatures up to at least 250°F, and no ignition of these devices should occur during normal handling, transportation, movement, and storage. A match or other flame or heat source is required to ignite the fuse on the devices in order to cause the devices to operate. SECTION 3- PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point N/A Specific Gravity (H20=1) N/A Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) N/A Melting Point N/A Vapor Density (AIR=1) N/A Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) N/A - All solids Solubility in Water: slight Appearance and Odor: All chemical composition is contained inside a cardboard or other container SECTION 4- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point (Method Used) Ignition temperature exceeds 250°F Flammable Limits N/A — no vapor present LEL N/A UEL N/A Extinguishing Media Water Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Evacuate the area if a fire reaches the fireworks and they begin to burn vigorously. Allow sprinklers to function, if present — they should control the fire. Otherwise, evacuate the area and await arrival of fire fighters. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards — Suffocation methods should not be used — the devices contain their own oxygen. Use a strong water flow instead. A fire that has reached consumer fireworks may produce substantial smoke as well as flame, sparks, and burning projectiles. Once consumer fireworks begin burning, all persons must immediately evacuate the area. Only fire fighters wearing appropriate safety equipment should ever consider approaching an area where consumer fireworks are on fire. Remote firefighting methods should be use whenever possible. Where conditions permit, it may be advisable to allow the fireworks to burn to completion — this will greatly simplify clean-up efforts. SECTION 5- REACTIVITY DATA Stability Unstable Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Conditions to Avoid: Open flames, hot surfaces, rough handling Stable X Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) none Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts Considerable smoke may be produced in a fire Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Conditions to Avoid: N/A Will Not Occur X SECTION 6 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA Routes of Entry Inhalation N Skin N Ingestion N Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Health hazards should be minimal — all chemical composition is contained inside sealed devices. If leakage occurs and contact with skin occurs, be sure to wash hands promptly, and before eating or drinking. Carcinogenicity NTP N/A IARC Monographs N/A OSHA Regulated N/A Signs and Symptoms of Exposure N/A Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure None, except in case of fire. Smoke exposure is then the greatest possible concern (in addition to fire). Emergency and First Aid Procedures Evacuate area if a fire reaches the fireworks. If smoke inhalation occurs, remove persons to fresh air and contact emergency medical services SECTION 7 - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Cautiously pick up the spilled devices and place them in a marked container. Contact your American Promotional/TNT representative for removal instructions. Waste Disposal Method Contact your American Promotional/TNT representative for disposal information. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing Avoid extreme temperatures, open flame and sparks, and rough handling Other Precautions Intentional misuse/mischief poses the greatest concern with these devices in a retail setting. Monitor the fireworks display area on an ongoing basis, and keep young children, intoxicated persons, and any time of open flame out of the fireworks area. No smoking is ever permitted near fireworks. SECTION 8 - CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) N/A — no vapor or dust exposure with intact items Ventilation Local Exhaust N/A Special N/A Mechanical (General) N/A Other N/A Protective Gloves — not required for retail sales Eye Protection N/A Other Protective Clothing/Equipment — none required for retai sales Work/Hygienic Practices — wash hands after handling fireworks and before eating or drinking 2 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675-5675 www. ci. eagan.mn.us PERMIT 411!!illib Cityoaan Permit Type: Fireworks Permit Number: EA099186 f Date Issued: 05/24/2011 Site Address: 1940 Cliff Lake Rd Lot: I Block: 1 Addition: Cliff Lake Centre PID: 10-17780-01-010 Use: Cub Foods Description: Sub Type: Indoor Retail Sales Sign Permit Required: N Work Type: Legal Consumer Fireworks Tent Permit Required: N Description: Temporary Event: N Sales Dates: 05/24/2011 to 11/01/2011 Number of Days: 0 to to Comments: Fee Summary: Indoor Sales Surcharge -Fixed $100.00 $5.00 0801.4097 9001.2195 Total: $105.00 Contractor: Owner: % Supervalu Inc SVH Realty Inc PO Box 990 Minneapolis MN 55440 - Applicant - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the 'nformation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. r City of Eaaau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 .,r-CEIVED MAY U 2011 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink 2011 FIREWORKS SALES AND STORAGE APPLICATION Applicant requirements 1. An application must be completed and returned at least 30 days prior to outdoor sales and/or storage of fireworks. 2. An applications for indoor sales of fireworks must be submitted between April 1st and June 1st to obtain a permit. 2. A letter from the property owner granting permission to the applicant to sell and/or store fireworks on the property shall accompany the application. 3. A floor plan designating the area where the fireworks will be sold and/or stored shall accompany the application. 4. A list of the fireworks that will be sold and/or stored along with the name, weight, quantity, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) shall be included. 5. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage as per City of Eagan City Ordinance No. 387, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. 6 The Fire Marshal or his/her designee will inspect the proposed location for selling and/or storing fireworks to determine if it is a suitable location. 7 A criminal record check will be done on all applicants. 8. A copy of th,City Eagan license (permit) shall be displayed by the register. Date: .</ Business Name: CUB FOODS Telephone#: ( 651 ) 454-4606 Display Address: 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD Applicant Name: CUB FOODS / —174001g 5 "7720 a d ,. (p c Street Address: 171/0 C L t ef (Ike 12P. City: �! State: /►'t Zip: �� 12.2 Telephone #: 4 $ I) V S Li 4/40 �o Retail seller selling exclusively consumer fireworks: Yes c.N x Indoor Sales Dates: 05/2011 to 07/07/2011 and New Years Season Outdoor Sales Dates: to to to Please check the selections that apply to this permit Outdoor Sales $415.00 X All other retail sellers $105.00 (includes: $280.00 Fireworks Permit; $128.50 Tent Permit; $6.50 State Surcharge) Sign Permit $ 25.00 Temporary outdoor event means an exhibition or sale with a duration of 10 or less continuous days which does not occur more than once every 30 days and more than three times per year or a combination of 20 days total in a calendar year. (See Outdoor Sales of Fireworks). Fireworks are regulated by MN Statutes 624.20-624.25. In addition to these state laws, all displays, sales, storage and use of fireworks shall comply with City of Eagan Ordinance No. 387, Section 6.53 Fireworks and NFPs. I understand and agree to comply with all the provisions of this application an. ism -: authority. AIi t Signature Fireworks Application Page 2 of 9 Tennessen Warning License Application Minnesota law requires that you be informed of the purposes and intended uses of the information you provide to the City of Eagan (the City) during the license application process. Any information about yourself that you provide to the City during the license application process will be used to identify you as an applicant and to assess your qualifications for selling fireworks within the City. If you wish to be considered for a permit to sell fireworks, you are required to provide the information requested in the permit application. If you refuse to supply information requested by the City, it may mean that your application will not be considered. All individuals in the City who need to know information will have access. sly /// Date Authorization and Consent for Release of Information I1.1,004 ht -s /,g 00 6't (DC7- , freely and voluntarily authorize the City of Eagan to conduct an Name of individual authorizing release investigation to obtain the following information for the purpose of determining my eligibility for a permit to sell fireworks: Name: �%�0CA) g1Dr3 /U ii $ L®U/S Last First Middle Date of Birth: 5-1 3 7s- 7 Driver's License #: K 9"C / Z•-5.-1,0 ‘ 36 ( State Alf /v I also release the City of Eagan from any and all liability for its receipt and use of information and records received pursuant to this consent. I further acknowledge that I have carefully read this release, fully understand its terms and legal significance, and execute it voluntarily. Executed this F; "( l'4day of Fireworks Application Page 3 of 9 2011. Indoor Fireworks Sales — 2011 Applicant: -nic m►4S - ejto BRJ b Phone: 6,5-1-/.4 Sales Location Name & Address: t U is pems jc -tD CLIFF LAKE Ri3 Location within store: of UUeST Si it IN tZ.On9T 6F CttfcKDUT RE Ls-t9JP$ X. Clear background check from PD "No sales to under 18" form posted 2 ea 2-1/2 gallon pressurized fire extinguishers Two exits to the outside when required 48" minimum width display aisles 6' maximum height display of product Fireworks fuses covered or arranged out of touch X Posted list of consumer fireworks (MSDS, name, weight & quantity of fireworks) A Certificate of Insurance provided (minimum of $1M per claim per incident; City named as add'l insured; gen liability, property damage, bodily injury) Potato i Q, u /o .. `aeyi Application Approved: Inspection Approved: Date: n5-, q -1t Date: ZONING: Property is zoned: po (Allowed in: GB (retail sales), NB, CSC, PD (retail sales). No sales on R or mixed with R. SALES ONLY ON PREMISES: Retail sale of consumer fireworks shall occur only on the premises for which the permit is issued. SMOKING WITHIN 50' OF BUILDING: Smoking within 50 feet of the retail consumer fireworks sale and storage areas is prohibited. USE OF FIREWORKS WITHIN 100' OF BUILDING: No consumer fireworks shall be discharged, exploded or used within 100 feet of the building in which the consumer fireworks are being sold or stored. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: The building in which the consumer fireworks are sold shall have at least two, 2- 1/2 gallon pressurized fire extinguishers in the area where the consumer fireworks are sold or stored in accordance with the 2000 International Fire Code. EXITS, AISLE WIDTH, PRODUCT HEIGHT: The building in which the consumer fireworks are being sold or stored shall have at least two exits to the outside and all consumer fireworks display aisles shall be a minimum width of 48 inches. The height of the consumer fireworks display shall not exceed six feet. COVERED FUSES AND PACKAGING: All consumer fireworks fuses shall be covered or arranged so fuses cannot be touched directly by a person handling the consumer fireworks without that person puncturing or tearing the package. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS & PYROTECHNIC COMPOSITION: In buildings in which consumer fireworks are sold or stored, and do not have an approved automatic sprinkler system, consumer fireworks' sales, displays or storage shall be limited to 50 pounds net pyrotechnic composition or 200 pounds gross weight, if the pyrotechnic composition weight is unknown. In buildings with an approved automatic sprinkler system, fireworks sales, displays and storage shall be limited to 100 pounds net pyrotechnic composition or 400 pounds gross weight, if the pyrotechnic composition weight is not known. LIST OF SALES PRODUCT & MSDS: A list of all consumer fireworks displayed for sale or stored on the permitted property shall be posted in a conspicuous location near the display and storage areas. The list shall contain the name, weight and quantity of the consumer fireworks and shall be accompanied by the material safety data sheets. Upon request, samples of the consumer fireworks shall be made available to the fire chief or his/her designee for testing. NOT TRANSFERABLE: A permit granted under this subdivision shall not be transferable. BUILDING AND FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: The building in which retail sale consumer fireworks are permitted hereunder shall meet all applicable provisions of the State Building Code and Fire Code. EMPLOYEE ACTIONS: The permit holder shall be responsible for the actions of its employees or agents with regard to the sale of consumer fireworks on the licensed premises and for purposes of this provision, the sale of consumer fireworks by an employee or agent will be considered a sale by the permit holder. INSURANCE COVERAGE: The permit holder shall maintain at all times during the duration of the permit and as a condition thereof, general liability, bodily injury and property damage insurance approved by the city in a minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 per claim and for each incident. The city shall be named as an additional insured and the permit holder shall provide to the city clerk a current certificate of insurance. The permit holder shall notify the city clerk at least 30 days in advance of any insurance cancellation or threat of cancellation of insurance. EFFECTIVE PERMIT DATES: The permit shall be effective for a period of 12 months, expiring March 31st of each year. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMIT: Suspension or Revocation of Consumer Fireworks Permit. The city fire marshal shall have the authority to immediately suspend or revoke any consumer fireworks permit for any violation of this Section, or any other provision of the City Code or state statutes. The permit holder has a right to appeal the suspension or revocation of the permit upon filing a request for hearing with the city clerk. The hearing shall be held before the city council at its next regular meeting after the filing of the request for hearing, but in no case less than five days from the date of the request. The suspension or revocation of the permit by the city fire marshal shall remain in effect pending the hearing, if any, before the city council. The Police Department has conducted a criminal background check on the aforementioned applicant. Comments: G�'-r Poli a Department Representative Date Conditions of Issuance: Background check completed and approved by EPD: X Yes No Zoning approval Yes No Facility inspection complete and all violations corrected X Yes No Insurance policy approved Yes No Need Site plan, r A. Yes No Building Permit Application for Tent Yes . No License approved by Date approved: Fireworks Application Page 4 of 9 401" City of Earn 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use / Permit #: % a/ 6-/ �( Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: n -ti- 2011 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION /0-q- II Date: % -3v l' Site Address: / (7 0 r I t Fc LaKc Rd. 1 ja h AV - Tenant Name: C V b Fa, O S (Tenant is: New / Existing) Suite #: /✓4 Former Tenant: PROPERTY OWNER Name: S u fe V a I U Phone: 66/ ! 1 7- yf Address / City / Zip: %'1 cSout-I,, 3rp /Vlr✓ J Applicant is: Owner i) Contractor Description of work: Construction Cost: Roart:n Mem b mine, R pl Gefrten a OR, y23 see a ONT ACTOR Name: %<a iv Roo.4,15' h S) Zile . License #: 2A)'/2 W ' Address: 321 L Pi -1 o f h 1 I vD City: Man ((4+0 State: MA/ Zip: $S66' 1 Phone: Sa%- 3TV -11// 2- r Contact: e14►1Ct. y QAf yEmail: a4:1et - T • !w ARCHITECT ENGINEER Name: Ai 4 Registration #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: OTE: Plans and supportie he information may cl Phone #: ents that you submit are con non-public if you provide spa conclude that they are trade secret be public information. Portion stens first would permit the; City CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.Qopherstateonecall.oro I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x lahc Br- ary Applicants Printed �me App mants Sig ture Page 1 of 3 igqo tfl(- DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Apartments Lodging Miscellaneous WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace Salon Owner Change _/Public Facility �/ Commercial / Industrial _ Greenhouse / Tent Antennae Interior Improvement _ Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage DESCRIPTION Valuation Z/O/ DOD 4164 Plan Review AiedvE Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width Footings (Addition) Foundation Drain Tile V Roof: _Decking _Insulation _Ice & Water Framing Fireplace: _Rough In Air Test _Final Insulation Meter Size: Final _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration -Apartments _ Exterior Alteration -Commercial Exterior Alteration -Public Facility /Siding _ Demolish Building* Reroof _ Demolish Interior Windows Demolish Foundation Fire Repair Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant M Zero? M SSG MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRY Fire Sprinklers Sheetrock Final / C.O. Required Final/ No C.O. Required Other: Pool: _Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Siding: Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes Reviewed By: 69-4-16 , Building Inspector /No Reviewed By: VA" , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality 1714 .7S /OS O. e.a Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL 11 /6 Z /. 75' Page 2 of 3 Date: Tenant: City of Ea all 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 0-/7// Civ fO5 RECEIVED DEC 0 9 2011 Y-os715 5.01. 2011 MECHANICAL PERMIT Site Address: 1GII0 aLFF L- Art; Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: //e/9 6/6 Permit Fee: ��(J Date Received: Staff: APPLICATION WO p S - rem CJknce.rtcl Soo* Suite #: Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: Name: YkLz.. Address: State: ellN Zip: c9-0-0 Contact: t 6 r License #: ' J , L atI City: f 4 r,v A?'ric Phone: CI 5)' ?Ci( -1 C Email: New X Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Description of work: ( Le ') o N k=. 5'M) o. a 01.31 -.1 - RESIDENTIAL 1 RESIDENTIAL Furnace Air Conditioner Air Exchanger Heat Pump Other New Construction Install Piping Gas COMMERCIAL Interior Improvement Processed Exterior HVAC Unit Under / Above ground Tank ( Install / _ Remove) RESIDENTIAL. FEES: $55.00 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $95.00 Fire repair (replace bumed out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES: $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal $55.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) - If the Permit Fee is less than $10,010, surcharge is $ 5.00 - If the Permit Fee is > $10,010, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $10,010-$11,010 Permit Fee requires a $ 5.50 surcharge) c"o OR Contract Value $ .2 (.YO. x 1% =$ 'D _$ =$ 55,c° Permit Fee Surcharge TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.00pherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to s art without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work hich requires a review and approval of plans. 7) j/ x \'-tat-0 div tlC-sM1 Applicant's Printed Name x A'pplicant's Signature • OS-ia fly- C LQ -a.& CM.c:v; 1w 4.>Et#t,t'.Q e oS-Ab-' a. 4,tnd .- 11111 City of Eaali 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 RECEIVED MAR U 82012 r Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: /0 3 / Permit Fee: / 5 0 Date Received: 6 /� Staff: 2012 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: /I 2.. Site Address: Tenant Name: foo(t5 (Tenant is: New/. . Existing) Suite #: Former Tenant: Applicant is: Description of work: Construction Cost: e e Name: r�/� C ®® Address: r 1 r i City: l\a. C I" 1 O State: Ni\K Zip: P one: J S3 Contact: () ( Email: Name: Registration #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: Owner Contractor License #: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand thisis not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance. with the -a:- • oved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicais Printed Nam x Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 Cli(-/ Pc( DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Commercial / Industrial Apartments Miscellaneous WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace Salon Owner Change DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25% 100%_) Census Code #of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction Public Facility Accessory Building Greenhouse / Tent Antennae Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage I tX150 D I d•6 Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof: _Decking Insulation Ice & Water Framing Fireplace: _Rough In Air Test Final Insulation Meter Size: Final Exterior Alteration -Apartments Exterior Alteration -Commercial Exterior Alteration -Public Facility Siding Reroof Windows Fire Repair Demolish Building* Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building — give PCA handout to applicant U 2i'dI msb .. MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump 12` o PRV L Fire Sprinklers 21' Sheetrock Final / C.O. Required i Final / No C.O. Required Other: Pool: _Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final Siding: Stucco Lath Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: V Yes No Reviewed By: COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality , Building Inspector Reviewed By: Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL l35 , Planning Page 2 of 3 City of Iaall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 U{j Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: ottcki v 2012 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Site Address: i 4 C Date: Tenant: �\ - PROPERTY OWNER Suite #: J Name: C _17) iC^ �� ` , Phone:1451 1 oak, Name: 1`n('1 C` 91 .�rn Q �.x�bl nsse�#: J �� "C��te- Address r �?f± tate: /AV Zip: 5 Phone:�© 1— t }"D47,4.„9:, Email: _ New /' Replacement Repair _p Rebuild Modify Space Work in R.O.W. Description of work: ger pJ . (C {� / I �l v t n' 9 COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space Irrigation System ( yes / _ no) ( X-RPZ / PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No Flushometers _Yes _No COMMERCIAL FEES: $60.00 Minimum (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) OR Contract Value $ x 1% = $ Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems 3 $ Radio Meter Read *If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for the State Surcharge $ Meter(s) $ 5.00 State Surcharge* Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Contact the City's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge = $ 1.4:5C) - L (; jTOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x 151 \ LC 1 c., j n Applicant's Printed Name FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: Under t rtru x Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 *° City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office 1Use (� �( Permit #: I O _ `' Upt� Permit Fee: f35.Q� Date Received: : - J 13 Staff: cJ 2013 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT, APPLICATION Date:7"A. Site Address: �C \C Tenant Tenant Name ,`', (Tenant is: New / Existing Former Tenant: Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type af.Wark Description of work: Construction Cost: Name: �k L•1 rS� �� V Address: State: it Zip: ss -it one: Contact: Email: Name: I ee, Tat 1 o Address: 6 530 U w State: Zip:3. Contact Person: Registration #: jj f ity Phone: -1S-15 (, Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: NOTE; Plans;and supporting documents that the information may clas ified as non-pu stud+ Phone #: you sub it bicifyoupi that th .9a. vide specrfi trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gapherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only``an applicatio p rmit; th t the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the casseof work wh\ch requires a r view and approval of plans. x . Applicants Printed Name a permit, and work is not to start without a x Applicants Signature Page 1 of 3 Rqo CWP Lei t .d DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Commercial / Industrial Apartments Miscellaneous W9RK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace Salon Owner Change DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25%_ 100%) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction Public Facility Accessory Building Greenhouse / Tent Antennae Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage 3, ova 1.. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Drain Tile Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width Roof: _Decking _Insulation _Ice & Water Final v' Framing Fireplace: Rough In _Air Test Final Insulation Meter Size: Exterior Alteration -Apartments Exterior Alteration -Commercial _ Exterior Alteration -Public Facility Siding Reroof Windows Fire Repair Demolish Building* _ Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant Sheetrock MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklers nal / C.O. Required nal / No C.O. Required • Other: Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Siding: Stucco Lath Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes Reviewed By: 4.1 i/ , Building Inspector COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality No -," Reviewed By: 1 Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL F 7 , Planning Page 2 of 3 City of Eapil 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 RECEIVED MAR 1 8 7014 r Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: I 13;)0 35 vs Permit Fee: Date Received: `--3—I p I Staff: IS: 2014 COMMERCIA BUILD N R IT AP' ICATION Date:^ Site Address: \C:\� Tenant Named oz$45 (Tenant is: New / Former Tenant: Property Owner Name A,,eoA Phone: tS\ (1Y 11 -,'A Address / City /zip: P\V--0 Q.A \ ; - ‘%c4cto. Applicant is Owner Contractor Type of Work YP Description of workA: SJ \ c��� S c (' �Q q --- Construction Cost: Contractor Name: \, - < License #: Address.(l1j ( (k City: cK,Ic �CX,�� ,1 J�Q Stag N Zip: Phone: Contact: Email: Architect/Engineer Name: .,,SC...41\QRegistration #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org Ihereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and des of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but onl n application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pert; that the rk will,be in accordance with the approved plan in the cas of work whic equines a revive and approval of plans. x C\-06 Applicant's Signature licant's Printed Name Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Commercial / Industrial Apartments Miscellaneous WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace Salon Owner Change DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25% 100% ) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction Public Facility Accessory Building Greenhouse / Tent Antennae Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width Drain Tile Roof: _Decking Insulation Ice & Water V/ Framing Fireplace: _Rough In Air Test Final Insulation Meter Size: Final Exterior Alteration -Apartments Exterior Alteration -Commercial Exterior Alteration -Public Facility Siding Reroof Windows Fire Repair 2I 3zb. Demolish Building* Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant Sheetrock MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklers Final / C.O. Required Final / No C.O. Required Other: Pool: _Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes /No Reviewed By: to V , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge 00 Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOT Page 2 of 3 -41 —_: /3137Z * (rDCctl O O o! N (D (o O N Q N 0 of A ..-Pi c (D N = p Q. CU ln c Q vi 0 C O (�D TS y S " " N CD 0 - O C N 0 fl_fZQ = aa, a: n • a=o (o N(o� O- n r A F O (D N n ,, n. rD a o r+ A (SD O O17 0 Ado) S Io13 Ioo * * * 0 0D((D (o • -p w VU 01:1 0 C N. Nz.. z in (D (D N Q �_ �, Q :�. r ▪ o-� Q.Q�.3 -.< a0i r+ ,.r 0 (D N ro 0' L.J. ami C a -o • o, ao , 3 ° 'Po g•'3 '+ C .r O H T CD -s N (D Q < N ..O '+ _. 00 2 0 Q a (D .G v ? S O cr • • v N a S St _. (D CDX n 2 (D v 0 A O IIIIIIHr IIIIIIII�i!1 i • zo m m D, rrl (D -�• < -, e F, CDD (D w C (-r st r -PN 9.2)O_ O r • C N'fD �+ 7 N (D F-+ • (/) w - • ou gQ O• N (D Q • N N S O y (D � ct° Use BWE or BLACK Ink � --, j}(�5 ;� i For Office Use � ' � i �. �-�y I1������V � �,Q-� � Permit#: � �a� I ty Of����Il �� , 3830 Pilot Knob Road uG a� �9t� i Permit Fee: � Eagan MN 55122 �► � Date Received: � � Phone:(651)675-5675 � � � Staff: � Fax:(651)G75-5G84 � I ���__���______ � J 2014 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑'� Please submit two(2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: �,"Z � Site Address: 1 -1"�� �� 1 � �¢-1�� �.�� Tenant: l..�t� �,�� Suite#: ,,,�;��� �� ������ rr � ��'�'�; ,"'"``�� ;, Name: �e-��v �i�'����S Phone: ' / `� ��.������ ,��,�`,��� � � '� , •,�� ('�'�� '�/ �,�,,( �/�r� C� !,!'f 1 � 1��� _"/�`''(�"'� � �,f,� � Name: i�[ '� l,+�lf°C� i License#: �� p�� --�� �r � �f� ��,G ntr�e o, � address: ��5''L7 ��Vh."�_�('-�'� c�t �'c�t.,�•e� �� z� �,. ,, � �� , �,� � y: rl-e S State: p:5,�� ��� ������ 7 � � f, ,%�'�'�, �`�' � " ��,� � , ; � � ,, Phone: �c�i-Z��'�TC?`�d Email: �?�-��-��'--�' �w��'_.C.tF .� S ���'/��� ���� J��� — — — — — `�f�% �� ��� % New Replacement Repair Rebuild �Modify Space Work in R.O.W. //�,�� . � r ��������,- Description of work:� c� �'t'��.�t� �d2v�-w�. �t� �� �r�, � ;/�i` „�,'/'�,` . /�yi��!�'`���% _ �y P B►�-w-,,._ „��i, ;`r�� �%� COMMERCIAL New Construction �C_Modi S ace � �i r�'�� � : "/j�� ���F Irrigation System�yes/_no)�RPZ/_PVB) /� '�'�> � f f,,` ���'�'� �„�� ,�, ,� • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems � � ����fEC1t� ,f/ . Avg.GPM (2"turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) � � Jf //��/ ,y,i F,� _Meters Call(651)675-5646 to verity that tests passed qrior to pickinq uo meter. � ��� � � �f`�����' Dog estic:Size&Typ g Fire: 1 — — Av GPM Hi h demand devices? Yes No Flushometers Yes No COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ SSb c",, v t� x.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum _$ ���U c� Permit Fee "If contract value is LESS than$10,010, Surcharge=$5.00 =$ St d�� Surcharge" ""If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 �"`If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =� ��� o U TOTAL FEE Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Contact the City's Engineering Department,(651)675-5646,for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply&Storage $ State Surcharge _$ C�.OU TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. \ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and w k is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approva f pla . x�J '�-G�C'r,c� �•�O�c.rr—� X �, Applicant's Printed Name Ap ica 's ignature f�'r��r ��, F�-�` ; fr�v ; ,!�r ii r�i,/f;'%�,�f%,�'/'/��%/11/� .�'/�`� l ��i%�� /%'% �,� � �f � /� r ,�r��,.�� ,, ,,� �r .., ,� ,:�'�,`F�!,f�,F'`�`f`��,�%�� ,��;'�,�/,�,�`��/`�i,,/�.,� ' . % ^�y.�,�', �FOR ;f�`,��C , � �� ff �`, � �` `���i�f``,�i�l,' p � �� �r,� ��,�`�����,�'pa�t� � ,�rfi�„�� ,�f��' �...�,1,�„',�;F�",/fff���i/,;"� ,�� •',yr ':7i''�f'��„1:�.' �`.��/�l�f j� ����,F , �.. f ,,,y,% "',/,' �,�. ,�, � , � � � L����,�,@C�fQ � �'��% �.. ��/�� � �i` %' �/ F .r'� �� � � ��' �''�r�� � „��'f�„`!l,� �''i�.;. W�.//r�✓' >>>•, � �5�,�j �yy i/;�,�F %" '�E�� ���,£;s�"����i� � .;�''��/%''1'j�,'�`J;''m���� /i�r1;,�,, f�ifi�,`f,"�,fr,�l1����f�� i' ;,,.s%�,fi�?, ,%i"•���i'hN.�f„ � f ��� :.� / ' ,•r.�ja,� f �'�� �������,�5 ,�'�j�M��:% `��, ���;�i,,, ���,F, r�� �n � ������t .��a ������� �� %�% l /,%' !ffi �.r«` ;�!r'��/��i�rr�,�. ..,� �,ry�.�fi,fF 1 0 „,, ,,.,„,..,.i �f ii ir/ ;�,��,' /�,s�,�,.,,.,;.N<< ��:�:fi,�,,�'�"��, �,.,r`.���,. �� � . , . .. ,.,,,�.. , , ,,.,..._.., Page 1 of 3 �v ��� '�./��� ���� ___ Use BLI�E or BLACK Ink N � --i ������ � For Office Use � I l � �t U��� � I Permit#: 1 I I � AUG 2 5 2014 � permit Fee:���1�3 I 3830 Pilot Knob Road � t I Eagan MN 55122 � I � Phone:(651)675-5675 �u; ____, I DateReceived: � Fax:(651)675-5694 � I � Staff: � _________________J . 2014 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two(2)sets of plans with all commercial applica ions. Date: °���1 Site Address: � �{ � �i {�1 � Tenant:___�v �c�cs Q� Suite#: �Ne — ,�� �esidentl�Jw�ier Name: Pnor,e: �' ' � ��� �; Address/City/Zip: �:F= � � �;,,� �" € x � c� ���; Name: r E� License#: ��(�C� �J��-� / � � ' �� Address: � � l'�"1 �� � 1� � City: �e�ca�itr���f e Contrac#c�r �`� State:���Zip:5 S�� Phone: C7 �� dA�<'�� s�� Contact: �� i cJ � EmaiL � i ���� � New Replaceme t Additional �Alteration Demolition �,�, �a p �T�►pe�f 1��cic �� Description of work:i�E � � � C S � I��TE:Rot�f Enourr�d a�d grour����rics�tn��d:��:�har�����ui�am�r�t���t�t�tc�#���cr�a��a�af�a��y�� ; �'� �"�o��s Pfease c�n�c�t�i�Mgc�aniea�1n��e�t���s�r s�t'ortrrafi' �o �y e;����run�arre#l�a�s. � � „��z ��, �,a ��.a� ..._�.. � :r���'` i�� t.,: N,�. , �� RES/DENTIAL COMMERCIAL ���, �"� �y Furnace New Construction Interior Improvement ��� fi — — — � �����•��� _Air Conditioner _Install Piping _Processed � �, _Air Exchanger _Gas _Exterior HVAC Unit , � = �� , � _Heat Pump Under/Above ground Tank �Install/_Remove) ���` Other RES/DENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) $100.00 Residential New(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEE ���rn�qr`��� F��� Contract value$��_�� x.o� $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal =$ ���_ �� Permit Fee �If contract value is LESS than$10,010, Surcharge=$5.00 =$ y� ��� Surcharge" If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 "`**If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$<�p' � � TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and appro I of plans. X 1�r4� ?`c.J S X Applicant' Printed Name Applica s Sig ture ��p ��� � '� FC1R C��F�t�SE � ' �.� �� ' � ' '� � ` � Requrreit��sp�cfion�: �� � - Ft��ew�:ttgy. e� �at�� '4 ��' � 1lndergr,awnc�,; '�o�gh�n f�ir Test G�s'Ser�ce Test " ln-�ia�r•hl�t ��n�����, ���!1�'�,�C��reening' w r ' Use BLUE or BLACK Ink --------- � For Office Use j � � Permit#: /�(��d0 I Clt of �a a� �������° f '7 � � � '�� � Permit Fee: �/�/. �T j 3830 Pilot Knob Road �� �`� � � � � i Eagan MN 55122 � � �` �` i Phone: (651) 675-5675 Date Received: Fax: (651) 675-5694 i i I Staff: I 2014 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION � V Datg: 8/25/14 Slt@ Addl'eSS: 1940 Cliff Lake Road �1 / W Tenant Name: super�aiu-c� Fooas (Tenant is: New/ x Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: r a� � ��°� ���t���� � ���4�,��' Name: super.►aiu � Phone: 9sz.z94.��oa � �����t�c� ��r �� � �� . 7075 F1 in Cloud Drive/ Eden Prairie/ 55344 �� � , " Address/City/Zip. y� g �� ������� � °����i ��� — I��a�,��,�ub���a��b��� � �= � � � � ' ��r�����,a,,�, ,�a�i��� ��� Applicant is: Owner x Contractor � � � � u��������������o y� � 4 '� � a ��� �� � � ��"�����d°1"��� ��°��a���Gd°"°��t��W���� � D0SC1'Ipt1011 Of WOI'k: Remodel of existinq store based on architeatural draraings • �i!��������� } � d'rNu� � � „�,A���'S����'����I� COtlStl'UCtlOtl COSt: $135,000.00 ' ' �� ������������� �����������N� � N2i71@: Kraus-Anderson Constructioa Co. �IC@IlS2 i$: � � il ,� ' �q��h'� � � � � � � �p �6 ���� ,�� ,� �� ���r���� � ���� ` Address: $62s� xenaooa st. rrE City: circie Pines ���r� ( ����Y ��I)i� �i� 1 ti�ra i�r � �0� ��6 "'I�����;'������'D��I������I��������� St8[e: � Zlp: 55014 PhOfl2: 763.786.7711 � G������ � � � ,��� �� �n.���h, ������ �r�� � �������������p����������'����° COIltBCt: Gregg Koski Elllal�: 9regg.koski@krausanderson.com ������i i� � � �� � , �i��1�_ -�,�r� : U� . � ����r � 's� �- Name: sEx Architects � Registration#: � � �� ����r �� � � �* _ �� � �(�������� Addl'ess: 3535 Vadnais Center Drive Clty: St. �Paul � � �r �i �_�eer ������ � � �� �� ��'� State: r� Zip: ssiio Phone: ssi�.2ss.o42z � � ; , � k � ��0����� � .. � � . ��ti� � �����` COIltBCt P21'SOII: Daren Johnson E171811: djohnson@sehinc.eom � Licensed piumber installing new sewer/water service: N�A Phone#: �gd�da�p �n; ��ad��ans��°p' '' � �r��;d`�r� �+���;'�' scr xrsr��+' G'u �� �„�� �'���"��'���I��h�����:�M � gad��9 �a�° �r� ��, �_.i� (�i�� � =� �='u - G ha" s�N. IIINii�l�i J� i�u a -= t ��� ,�7�n�t ,1{� .+ '� i N � �a4( • G�,a�: N �Na� �alh�1� '° ��d; G i � _ ���:��+�"PFi4�� � � ����fi��iax,�tF��; H a�be����i � 1��"ic r€ �i�_ u�t���� �c� r �� �r � ��r u�+���' ����� n�, „ � ., . - � �',��. ` �� 4 r,,, 1�, ��'� ,#�`� ,- ,��,����,��� � � ,,. � � � , ,_��, , . ��� � �� Nt''�w �n=�� �:�� d�°�� ��a�r_.�� al�� �.,,, r��' Nd8�o a� tl 6 �I i� i��q a n i �� ;� o a�7�r,� '� ,�o a�e�uti�� � , � ��� ���� .z,�� �q�� 3�� � � � ��,,, � ��n�� ����@a8�� �� ���a� ����; ���' �� ��4� � � �` �,,��_�n CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecali.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an ap ation for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of o yGhich requ' s a evie and approval of plans. / �/ � �� x��l� IL�S l�( x �' ApplicanYs Printed Name Applic t's Si n ture Page 1 of 3 i . 19�c� c=�i�'� �a.l� ,�/ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Public Facility Exterior Alteration-Apartments ✓ Commercial/Industrial Accessory Building Exterior Alteration-Commercial _ Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES -/ New " Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage _ Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner'Change *Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION ✓ ot� Valuation 1�33��f10� Occupancy M MCES System Plan Review � ✓ Code Edition �67�S6G SAC Units O,�i✓o G�Zt /ll/uSE Dlt Ott.40. (25%_100%�/) Zoning �_ City Water ✓ Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units � Square Feet s7 PRV � #of Buildings � Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction �[� Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(New Building) Sheetrock Footings(Deck) Final/C.O. Required Footings(Addition) � Final/No C.O. Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool:_Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Roof: Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick � Framing Windows Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes No Reviewed By: ���i , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee �� Z GG•�� Water Quality Surcharge `7� ro Water Sampling Fee Plan Review $Z 3•39 Water Supply&Storage(WAC) MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk City SAC Sewer Trunk ' S�W Permit 8�Surcharge Water Trunk Treatment Plant Street Lateral Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Street Park Dedication Water Lateral Trail Dedication Other: Water Qualit TOTAL �Z/S7 `� Y Page 2 of 3 �✓ . Use BLUE or BLACK I c�C� r————————————————^ I For Office Use � � � Permit#: �� ���� �'�'/� Clt of �a �� � � Af��.� Y � f��_ �� � �� I Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road � � Eagan MN 55122 � � Phone: (651) 675-5675 i Date Received: i Fax: (651) 675-5694 j Staff: j �-----------------� 2015 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT AP LICATION Date� "�� ' 1� Site Address: 1 \y � �` ��� ���� (�'� ��. Tenant Name: \ ��`7 ���5 (Tenant is:._New/�,Existing)'°`t Suite#: �,� � Former Tenant: ��� � j � � (�, 1, lJ '� � �- �f Name: �, s� Phone: �� '�� s�;- � ���� ���i� � �.-� . �`� Q ��� '�� ` � Address/City/Zip: � � � ��f � • Applicant is: Owne Contractor . �� �, ����. �a . �. . , 4�\� � � '� -� _ O � Description of work: Y `<J�T�3�� Constru 'on Cost: � ��i �� �'iJl�a:�. - /�,p � ��� Name: ` L.4 I��� v -�License#: `V ` U� � � ��, Address: c. � t City: ���i� .,���Ct01'� — � �'� 5�303 a - � State:�3�-s' Zip: T - Phone: 7(D�J -�s ?j�+ � (�� � � �� � — � __``_ �� _� Contact:�}6�1--�0�1_) 1�6419 I S Email: �1 l g �V � _ �� �� ' 4 ���, Name: ����.fY'�- - Registration#: � � ,_ � � . k � � � Address: City: �7' ��£��'1 lt'1 — #� �� State: Zip: Phone:_ � } ��� tr ��t . = Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: ��111��TE��P��ns�a�d�s�p������a W � �t'�� tciu�irm` � �, a s tle :� - , - l ���tl�eanf� ��ion= .a�r e a"s � �z�'ara �a c f� ,o � r �r ¢ �t �i F.: � , � � � ...'��_ ..�, . . ' :.- ... . _..�. _; . .. wo. c�.. ���i� �h�. _ > = �. ._.��� _ ,a►e��ci�#s. _ - _ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. ww�ro.aopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the worlk will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but onl an application for a permit, and work i not to start without a per it;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the ca of work which re ires a review and�approval of plans. � X , - ��. � '����� , �� x \ � � ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicant's Signature � _ I����� ��C,��� Page1of� �� �' ci�{� �` (; �� ���� �;�! �` l :��� � �. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE � SUB TYPES _ Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments _ Commercial/Industrial �cessory Building Exterior Alteration-Commercial Apartments Greenhouse/Tent Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement Siding Demolish Building' _ Addition _ Exterior Improvement _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration _ Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation _ Replace _ Water Damage _ Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION �� Valuation ��� � Occupancy (, MCES System Plan Review Code Edition �t�g� � SAC Units (25%_100%� Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(New Building) _�Sheetrock Footings(Deck) v� Final/C.O. Required Footings(Addition) �nal/No C.O. Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Poo1:_Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Wafer _Final Siding:_Stuccb Lath _Stone Lath _Brick ,/Framing � Windows Fireplace:_Rough In Air Test _Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Concrete Entrance Apron Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: " Yes No Reviewed By: �� 2� �- , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES � Base Fee �✓s � Water Quality Surcharge Water Sampling Fee Plan Review Water Supply&Storage (WAC) MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk City SAC Sewer Trunk S8�W Permit&Surcharge Water Trunk Treatment Plant Street Lateral Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Street Park Dedication Water Lateral Trail Dedication Other: � � ����' Water Quality TOTAL � Page 2 of 3 Sep 28 1511:25a concept fire protection 763-422-0691 p.1 �� ' Use BLEiE or BLACK(n � � � ForOificeUse T--------� �`� . � /.��/�� � r� �l� 0��� ��l , ��„�#: t : � � � ' Perm�Fee: -V �� ���(� � �� � I �`.." 3830 Pilot;Knob Road � ��.i, � � Eagan MN;55122 � Da(e Received:_ � ar- � Phone: (651)675-55i5 I _ � Fax:�851)675-SS94 I I �n � Staif: � ������_����������J 2815 �IRE SUPPRESSIQN SYST�MS PERiVIIT APPLICATION Date: l� Site Address: ��7'V �/�rT .�C f-L!� � Li fiCJ'.. .. ! Tena�t• Suite#: f � � Name: �.' �./ lu Phone: ��J� 7��' � Property Owrier �1 � '� /� ; Address I City/Zip: `7�� t� � �- �/�GG�[x#C� J��,K> 1 Applicanl is: �Owner Contractor � ,,�l , Type of Wo�k ��cription ofwnrk: �1�� �I.C�Z� ,UY'� �,J' � Construction Cost:_ ���� G� �� � Estimated Comptetion Date: 7 �.� S � , Name. 1��rl /�yt �D'C_��JQ71 �icense#: t�►t�� � ; Contractor E Address: � �� City: C 5 �1 ` State:_�/�ZiP: ��,,�_.,� Ph one: 7�v� "d�y'� �� � Gorrtad: �g Email: � FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE _Sprinlder System(#of heads�} ,_New A dition _Fire Pump _Standpipe Alterations Remodel Other: �� — Other: �ESCRIPTION OF WORK: _Commercial _Residen#ial _Educational FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum, includes State S�rcharge Contract Va�ue 5���_x.01 'If contrect value is GREATER than$2,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ Pertnit Fee � If the project valuatlon is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =� Surcharge* $100.00 Residential New(inGudes State Surcharge) _� TOTAL FEE � 3/4"Displacemer�t Fire Meter-$270.00 =$ Fre Meter _$ TOTAL FEE '"Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheels o�materials and componerrts to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and adcnowledge that the information is comptete and ac�urat�e;that the woAc wll be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Buikting/Fire Cades;thet J understand this is not a pertnit,Dut only an application for a permh,and work is not to shdrt wilhoat a permit;ll�at the work will be in accordance with the approved plan io the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Applicanfs Printe ame X i Appl�canYs Sign re . / ��`�� . � �:,_. . �;�. : �Oi������E U��: t�E���R�[�``'�t�PECTI4NS ' , Hydrost�ti� �lpw Ataem f�rain T��� R<au�h tn Trip t'�mp T'est .��ntr�l atati�n .: \ ���'inal C�nditions c�f Is����e. � , � _.. :�, �:�:� ,;. � � � �� �� '�r�"'"� . �� � ` e. p��'m��F�eveev�r�d k�y', .�.�.����'���: �� ����..�� Dat� ��_���/,�,+�� : v� �� �> `� ��.; ;.• : •- �c���„ ��. „ �: , c.. � Use BLUE or BLACK Inlc . . . r---------------- � ��/ ��. I For Office Use ����y Cit� � Permit#: / ��(� � � of Ea �� . _. ..��..Y} � . �7�. Q .���s � � - � Permit Fee. � / � � 3830 Pilot Knob Road �� �-� � `� `'` � .-� i Eagan MN 55122 �� � ��1,/� Phone: (651) 675-5675 !��.� � ���� i Date Received: � � ► Fax: (651) 675-5694 j Staff: ''� I �-----------------� 2015 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date:_��(�t'j� Site Address: I�i �!� (,�r � �t �°� �a � Tenant Name: C�-� j-OQ K�S (Tenant is: New/ �Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: �s�,� # ��� ! �x � �; ��: �S f�� (�(G /,r�, �� � � � v 5�, Name: �� � �d C��? � Phone:�C �l- v`'� , �� :h ��p���Q���� �:�� Address/City/Zip: ���� ��� � �-�i h"e- � £� :: �µ Applicant is: Owner � Contractor �����"�;� � �� # �� ���� ` � � �� '� �� � Description of work: ���G�e �OL t`�- �� � � � � �,. �� �� x„w. Construction Cost: [ � � �� ����} �� �� ���� Name: ING4� wel.3 �,iAi2�„- }-lVG� tv' <� f�t� L,1`� j License#: � �`} �:. Address:�`�S 3 (9oc�� �lnv v i�. Q�,..�e� City: �T�vc✓ Grc,�c �'�S� ,.. � :���O�'�faC�4�':� � � ��r � � �` � � "�� State: �'v Zip: ,���� Phone: �s�-'7 S S-��r''C O � �� � � ����� � � . � ���; ` �`, Contact: �-�-� [�t 1�"�-eV" Email: �-e�� ^ W�c ��-V � CG+i'�C G�S�, �t•-'�-�. � ����� # � � Name: ,N��} Registration#: � � �„�y �j P xx �� § Archit ��`E��ginee�„R Address: City: � �"� � ' State: Zip: Phone: � �� ��,�� � � ;� N�x: � Contact Person: EmaiL• Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: , � � NOTE*.��ans antl� or�i� �nenf�� a� u.subm+t��e ct��sfaler�al�o be��r�l��an � �� e�r���rmatror� � � �ed�� ��� ubli��f yc���%�"���� s�i�c�fic:�easv����l���u��� �� � �o � � ���� , �:�� .u. �� ���� � .� . �°:.��� � C...�.. ��� , �,fi��#�he� are;.K� e��r�fs..�� � ��� � CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X �:tll� .� �'� �f�'v. �' X ApplicanYs Printed Name Applica 's Signature Page 1 of 3 I �1�� �� �d C 1 �t��� i� �-1 ' DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE l.�S ��� ' SUB TYPES _ Foundation _ Public Facility Exterior Alteration—Apartments _ Commercial/Industrial _ Accessory Building ✓ Exterior Alteration—Commercial Apartments Greenhouse/Tent Exterior Alteration—Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES _ New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration �Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation _ Replace _ Water Damage _ Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION �o Valuation ��, �✓�!� "� Occupancy � MCES System ---�" Plan Review /�(Q Code Edition ���� �5�� SAC Units --�-"'� (25%_100%T) �— Zoning %�.— City Water � Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet J'''� PRV `—", #of Buildings Length ----� Fire Sprinklers G"" Type of Construction � Width �'— REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(New Building) Sheetrock Footings(Deck) Final/C.O. Required Footings(Addition) f inal/No C.O. Required � Foundation �dG� �-��-• Other: Drain Tile Pool:_Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Framing Windows Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Concrete Entrance Apron Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes -�No ��'""-`"�,,y, Reviewed By: �/��- ��-�- , Building Inspector Reviewed By: �. --- � � , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee a��S',S4 Water Quality Surcharge 'j, s!) Water Sampling Fee Plan Review Water Supply&Storage(WAC) MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk City SAC Sewer Trunk S&W Permit�Surcharge Water Trunk Treatment Plant Street Lateral Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Street Park Dedication Water Lateral Trail Dedication Other: s Water Quality TOTA ri- Page 2 of 3 City of Evan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 .APR 042016 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: 2016 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 4/4/16 Site Address: 1940 Cliff Lake Road Tenant Name: Cub Foods (Tenant is: New / _X_ Existing) Suite #: Former Tenant: Name: Cub Foods/Supervalu Inc. Phone: 651-454-4606 Address / City / Zip: 1940 Cliff Lake Road Applicant is: _X_ Owner Contractor Description of work: Construct greenhouse tent for outdoor plant sales Construction Cost: $1,500 Name: Bailey Nurseries Inc License #: Address: 1325 Bailey Road City: Newport State:MN Zip: 55055 Phone: Contact: Email: Name: Registration #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Email: Phone #: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a mit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which q res ; review and approval of plans. X Michael Route Applicant's Printed Name ACblicant's Si • a - re Page 1 of 3 191-10 CL(( L DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Commercial / Industrial Apartments Miscellaneous WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace _ Salon Owner Change DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25%_ 100% ) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction _ Public Facility Accessory Building X Greenhouse / Tent Antennae Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof: _Decking _Insulation _Ice & Water _Final Framing Fireplace: _Rough In _Air Test _Final Insulation Meter Size: _ Exterior Alteration -Apartments _ Exterior Alteration -Commercial Exterior Alteration -Public Facility Siding Reroof Windows Fire Repair _ Demolish Building* _ Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant Sheetrock MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklers ✓ Final / C.O. Required Final / No C.O. Required Other: Pool: _Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Concrete Entrance Apron Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes No Reviewed By: L . , Building Inspector COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: Reviewed By: TOTAL: , Planning Page 2 of 3 it 0 CtlE. C f ---- Use BLUE or BLACK Ink ._ For Office Use 41 � —1 rC 91/` City of Eaaall 1/143),/s c6 ` ::: # / s. Fee: ( R �" l v� 3830 Pilot Knob Road fCEIVED Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: I/ /-7 Phone:(651)675-5675 Fax: (651)675-5694 JAN 1 1 2017 Staff: ,'IK` I \ J 2017 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION e,\U) rA Please submit two(2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. 7 0/111 I Date: I//t/2.0i 7 Site Address: /9'io G�/t<F L.' kiE ,Q.0#9h I+� Tenant: e_.%..)13 i---00.b S Suite#: ''' 'z„,„(,/y/;,%,--t moi//e, roperty 5�% �.ri/�r�r � Q rr� r� Name: .S Pcf-A-V44..c1 Phone: ,4',iii/r ,/r',.`%"l'" 4 ',A:-,-.1:,- Name: (-ho 1i' T&i ie.t� ,f,� � s'�i`�c'N�A✓ License#: vbo8 9? �w— //rr /�, Gi rrtraC ori/ Address: 34-Z L $61 /got' AJC City: £c.A1i41E State: N•'4O Zip: 1"..(b'5✓ /00„„,70i50,17/5.0.' Phone: 7G•3-780 Po3G Email: Ca2Y @vd ,[d A..v l o , , ' i/ //%';/,,, —New —Replacement —Repair —Rebuild �' Modify Space Work in R.O.W. Type of 1t�` 951,1 t, �/'fi / Description of work: Iulr'cL pou"-.A'i-lc. AAA.- rp,ry�yis,. "mil. %0/r,/f P -.0.57.555.5„ , ��/i,� COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space /y _Irrigation System( yes/—no)( RPZ/_PVB) //,j Rain sensors required on irrigation systems %permitT pe" • Avg.GPM (2"turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) ,,p,:,,,,;/,,, �, % Meters Call(651)675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. , / Domestic:Size&Type Fire: 1 !' /� ,4/: Avg.GPM High demand devices? Yes No Flushometers_Yes No o.,r//// ,,ALO — _ COMMERCIAL FEES eft Contract Value$ /ZY,oc. x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum - $60.00 PVB/RPZ Permit(includes State Surcharge) _$ zYo Permit Fee =$ (,2- Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ 36Z TOTAL FEE Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Contact the City's Engineering Department,(651)675-5646,for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply&Storage $ State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. \ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x ,-------- x Sr4 VrG 1340,-54-1- Applicant's j4oer5✓-Applicant's Printed Name/ Applicants Signature 0. Fii ..., , // i.: /'%.. /FOROFICE UE f ' „ /, oed By: ,,// � � ,f,,, Date ‘,...,..e74,0 i /✓ .�/> ✓�i ; , % A/ f / , ,< � � /�1 „ r //� �Requrred Inspettons % �nerUroindl � ss,� k / ,Air /�s , /�a ; S %] F1� �iWe , ,://1/144,/,',. .,,,;,.,,,, , r, ' �4Mt�e:r,,R,,e:ated Items: Nitof,,Sz4�. ;: A/ Radio/Reed ,,o zManon � r .� � /i //� / Page 1 of 3 i) 0 Q /6-C y Use BLUE or BLACK Ink �/I 1 �L r-' For Office Use �] j") 4/�fi� ?c-cici - Permit#: /10 [ t I Citi of Eaaii Permit Fee: 7 3, L,':, 3830 Pilot Knob Road -2Eagan MN 55122 RECEIVED Date Received: // / Phone:(651)675-5675 Fax: (651)675-569417Staff: l\ ` hI�II 2017 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION \.". -) pc-N lIl Please submit two(2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: 1////Zo!7 Site Address: /9No aGape G,pki£ /Zoip.A Tenant: e v a3 f=ocj S Suite#: �R�sc�'nt/Owner , Name: ►� /9{.v Phone: 7e;.4�f / ,/%,i �,f Address/City/Zip: fir ; ,i1//i, / /,<4 /r ,%�� r�, � � Name: vr,iTAA dTYQIXl �4�'/i�N✓as�c.. License#: OG0B97�i�-... Idt � �� Co"/// ' ,, Address: ,',I'2G $8 /i / .tea£ City: i5L.A¢'d1 ,,;//77/3/./0).1,47);:l' ;;; ,//r .' State: / Zip: ,S S'-o/q/ Phone: 743^790-9030 , ,g' Contact: C04-r ,8,v.//6 Email: COY&CJi — M c./.c i".07 i�iV,-.4* � /� �, ,,, New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Type oWor�c Description of work: j0,1011,01( t1 �i�sdG /�ics�- �»rti � -oS . /f/ ,,. i/'�f sir i� �F // ,; 4/' 4 ;f,// , ,. ,,, r�.,, , ,,,, r,rof,r//,df,'r%T/�1�.%//J/+,'��i"r(///iz%f///y,.,, ic%!,,ewa,o �a`l 1eii;r,��� i: y i; ,-:r te /�/'/''�' i,,. gib,// ,,�' �< � ted; � rt?lltlQ- 'TEL4' f/li .,,, /„/�lr //r:�/.�. %!//i� �J%////1.1,/%' 1„s/JrF,f%/ .,/J e s eq e Scrnec • ..G� ,„ G' . too e, � 1�,, ,�, eats o +� he JNechanreal Insp c „' o .., ,, ./ a (, t l/ ; , ,..10,..,- ,,,6< �/l/%%�i'�f/,r/Jr%!.� .%iffF //off//y/ ,ffi///,-.//r%,;r, r;,Ica,i„ ,, /Jf',�////JJl.!%ff/f�,j,,,f:.,;,�1,� '�// 1lliT.%fr;%r�Il,,,,.�,/�,!'!�i'r//F%%t,Jv;! �ffF„`,/l�l%'!i��,-�Js �* V '�%%f RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ,,,,,,,�, i/�f,v ,„,/,,,,,,/, Furnace New Construction Interior Improvement ,./.1/4;,.../:;"0,04 —Air Conditioner i/ Per/7 e, Install Piping Processed /� ,; , l/f4 -Air Exchanger f///, „„>/,,,,,', 1,/ '4:,/�4,/W/ 9 X Gas Exterior HVAC Unit 1/, .f /f ' Heat Pump Under/Above ground Tank ( Install/_Remove) ,f„%// %/ Other „ i/ P _ RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit, includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New, includes State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ Z2,ere ^ x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum — $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal,includes State Surcharge =$ Zan Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ // Surcharge If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ 23 1 TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. _D x .57-4,/,‘ 4/Zrjua,�„0 x ....X1:00/-4,,, Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature ,......../ FOR OFFICE USE -,/., ,,/,,, ;o „ i , ,^ ,'7,,-r ,ter, i/ � � ,J f 0.0-. 400,A..0.7,,./:///,,...„.4., z / Required lnspectiona Revie e a' �� e t Underground Rough(n r Air Telt Qas'Ser�ijce Test ;,,, )n t,eP Hest' , P 9eP,. {;'�/, / ,.—+r i,,.: ,/�,G,,,.,,,,,, ,,✓„//,/,, „moi+;;,%/i,,,,,,✓//,„ /r.5,//tly/,,, ,/1,'i. f%/,r,/�Ff,,,�,'�c, //�.l Ch6(- Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use I I 1 Sc / d --) " / Permit#: /LII 33 Ciq Of E a ia n Permit Fee: ` t// °°L) 3830 Pilot Knob Road // Eagan MN 55122 RECEIVED -27 Phone:(651)675-5675 Date Received: Fax:(651)675-5694 FEB 0 3 1017 Staff: J 2017 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two(2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: t9 `"' �b)1 Site Address:n1 �'lU c-i1-Cs Lk R el Tenant: rood Suite#: .x. ..:..:.....:..:..:..:..:.:.....:..:..:. Name: Phone: xx.::.::: :ilii 7 3 .: 61i0 rV�/ _ i ip J�1 ZIV TA � �a�kt S' Address •/Ct / •Z : S)I'C ?ec te_0 ► f yJ � y;:, � Name: fir, �-G a License#: Address: ) I ac /'iM -r'�•/U 71LJ `C City: 3/60 r}7 /YV?)aILJ Contra '5,1? d :rv�_"�, v:i {{:�r:� �r{iX:i:i{i:i{i:i{i:.�� L/Q .5` °m x x k . State: Zip: �a0 Phone: (O/ - - L %0 )a 3� - :; :.,-,,x x _= Contact: 1 4r mail: �i 112 . � _ � � .�►� g��y �� � rte,,. New Replacement ,- Additional ,--i X Alteration De o•ti n �/ n II tT �r 1 Zed _ of aF. Description of work: 6.7 L_! �t 7�1� --.. ((; �L� 5 n.::r::.:.::.::.::. „T .� oof mou �..:-z--r` and -,,,,,,,s..:�_�..F �� ,, i �. . c�_1 t s� - it to .......... Code s; ,..,.:i,. tic'? . >�x::::::. ................. .,� • d� ir; � ,��- •3 e�::S• .{>. • {As r. ,;;`Y'i; �I-y.A . � {max„s•�%a;� x:.: _........_. :,}•9�r•S. ................................... _ :. F '� '� RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL - -_ Furnace New Construction Interior Improvement p :` t _ irjil kii r, Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed Air Exchanger Heat PumpGas Exterior HVAC Unit it Under/Aboveground Tank Install/ Remove) —Other RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit, includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New, includes State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ )9d oao x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum �} $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal, includes State Surcharge =$ ! dtp� fit) Permit Fee =$ —7 l i Cx:# Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ 7 4/94 07) TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x C?)ANJA, Ur R I J x -Y Applicant's Printdd Name Appli ant's S' nature E US ................. .. .. -.. xx. .:� ...... .. ... ................;,m x::ucu::u::u::u::u:;;,;;;: ....................... .3 m ss e a1..,.'Ff.'''..c m.......... .. .... ........." 5... . i.•.................................. .- ..,}.x s ::...:.:,,,-„::..x ::.::x::u:e s::u::u::u::_ :!x',,.' :{{isi{is{{{:{{{:{{{:{{{:{{{:{[{:{{.:t�'S-;. -1-:.:.i:.i..i..i.. .............................. Und .,7 a,3 i 1 ...... .. ri:- -st - ...........Ms., a :S -,,*,,,;,'1..1� i�-::.,�a . _ �, A,t� l- Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use ' . ::::ee Cit of �a a� . 3830 Pilot Knob Road y��7 /�1 Eagan MN 55122 RECEIVED Date Received: 0 (i"a' Phone: (651) 675-5675 / Fax: (651) 675-5694 DEC 2 , 2016 staff: .,---4, 2016 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION • date: 12-19-16 Site Address: 1940 Cliff Lake Road Tenant Name: Cub Foods (Tenant is: New/ X Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: '��m�,�u'�o��� ��� sur ��'���� ��u��p�� �� ��l�M SUPERVALU�� i��Jp� � r`il���i;,�� ,,hpr Name: Phone: ��id N4[�i�l����l ��1I�i i il�I l�iVi,IJ i h�I��������i , r �e Owner Address/City/Zip: 11840 Valley View Road - Eden Prairie, MN 55344 ��Qu;� Applicant is: Owner 7� Contractor � � P,�„ Renovation of existing grocery store ie o, Description of work: �� >. ,p��u� $796,865 �, „ � ��,�� Construction Cost: ���� � 'm�u�� i��"��° °�'oKraus Anderson Construction Co. BC008368 �ilgil � ���"�ilut °�u�i6p14 Name: License#: '�' " 8625 Rendova Street NE Circle Pines �l�ilj� i ''',� Address: City: ! for 6 .' , ,, p , state: M N Zip: 55014 Phone: 763-792-3591 ��'�'�� ����'',�� 1i �, 3 Gregg Koski gregg.koski@krausanderson.com h� "0��� 'W � ��, Contact: Email: p SEH Architects 51092 ���iP' ��°�'��?'gyp' Name: Registration#: �� ��� ' Address: 3535 Vadnais Center Drive City: St. Paul rchite t/Engin e+ r " '�""''''� ''�"����'# M N 55110 651-256-0422 .,�� State: Zip: Phone: 7:1��' �� y;�� �, Daren Johnson djohnson�sehinc.com �,� con tact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: t.: ,A,,,--A- 7,�a0-��„4II r” pipe = �r�'�II,b�s�°i�„ i,,m ,,,,, I�� �� a� I�_iil!; 6 �d������������1��11. 18ut�u = ' ii III���1j, 474'? ,.y ®ii�� , he ino atto aylbe cl s e as rein pu i cl pecriri 'eason h ouermrt.th r n _ �I�II�IIII�611D , 6 PUIO DSI i� s - r wY_ ' _ onclud that they ar`e� .4.-.- et.�trlm'illl i'II' a4 P Hh ,rte CALL BEFORE YOU__DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against under%round utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. •o•herstat •ecall.or� i I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the • will be in confo�.rce w the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an app . '•n for a p:rmit, - work . not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of hich requi :s a r; iew a . approval of plans. s x Gregg Koski x 4 �1 , .� Applicant's Printed Name Applica4(sIfig Page 1 of 3 .s,o , 40.111,a 7 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINES i SUB TYPES /94o Cj $ _ Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commercial/Industrial _ Accessory Building Exterior Alteration-Commercial Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New )( Interior Improvement Siding — Demolish Building* Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration _ Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION yy Valuation R Q6,ews Occupancy H'1 MCES System +O Plan Review Code Edition 1015 h+ L SAC Units 3 ftr idler- (25% 100% `�) Zoning City Water ✓ Census Code Stories Booster Pump x #of Units Square Feet 72,03 S PRV -• / #of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers ✓ Type of Construction g Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(New Building) Final/C.O. Required Footings(Deck) -X Final I No C.O.Required Footings(Addition) Other: Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Pool:_Footings _Air/Gas Tests Final Drain Tile Siding:_Stucco Lath Stone Lath _Brick_EFIS Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Retaining Wall --)( Framing )C 30 Minutes 1 Hour Erosion Control Fireplace:_Rough In Air Test Final Concrete Entrance Apron Insulation Meter Size: Sheetrock X Electronic Plans Required xWindows Final CIO Inspection: edule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes No Reviewed By: , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Water Quality Base Fee 9,9 h7.-S- Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge 3 98. Sewer Trunk Plan Review ` ' 3,211 . d. Water Trunk MCES SAC 7'!'SS �" Street Lateral City SAC 330. Street — S&W Permit&Surcharge Water Lateral — Treatment Plant # ZC 7 S,9J Other: Treatment Plant(Irrigation) — Park Dedication — 79 Trail Dedication TOTAL: 19,612. Page 2 of 3 • MCES USE:Letter Reference: 161219A1 Address ID:4933 Payment ID:398403 /V/ Date of Determination: 12/19/16 Determination Expiration: 12/19/18 etings! Please see the determination below. Project Name: Cub Project Address: 1940 Cliff Lake Road Suite U/Campus: Cliff Lake Centre City Name: Eagan Applicant: Daren Johnson Special Notes: None Charge Calculation: Office: 2980 sq.ft. @ 2400 sq.ft./SAC= 1.24 Meeting: 352 sq.ft. @ 1650 sq. ft./SAC=0.21 Warehouse: 4924 sq.ft. @ 7000 sq.ft./SAC=0.70 Retail: 46,618 sq.ft. @ 3000 sq.ft./SAC= 15.54 Indoor Seating Fixed: 16 seats @ 10 seats/SAC= 1.60 Indoor Seating Non-Fixed: 12.25 ft. @ 1.5 ft./seat @ 10 seats/SAC=0.82 Counter: 381 sq.ft. @ 15 sq.ft./seat @ 10 seats/SAC=2.54 Total Charge: 22.65 Credit Calculation: Foods (SAC 06/88) = 19.40 Total Credit: 19.40 Net SAC: 3.25 —or— 3 SAC Due The business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. It is the City's responsibility to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or size, a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions email me at:cory.mccullough@rnetc.state.mn.us. Thank you, Cory McCullough SAC Technician Please visit our SAC website by going to: http://www.metrocouncil.org/SACprogram 390 Robert Street North St.Paul,MN 55101-1605 *holy 651.602,1000 I Fax 0 1.602,.1560 6 ITY 51,201.090 ( me roto r iLor METROPOLITAN RL POf IT'Al' art L :x l ps rte�t,;y t .... u N C Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use O ��1 ej2)2- 411* Permit#: ///7/ �t� tyofEaall Q('' pr.-:7,7,_,„„,,, �` Permit Fee: �� 6 I I 3830 Pilot Knob Road 3 Eagan MN 55122 /)0 J�61e MAR 117 2017 Date Received: 3'7�/ 7 Phone: (651)675-5675 I Fax: (651)675-5694 I Staff: L J 2017 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: 3/7/)-O/'`� Site Address: /'40 CLam'F Lig• gd Tenant: 'Ca.-A FDD bS' Suite#: 1' %/ r 00--c---;`,, . `r'4,v, ,,/ „�'� Name: Phone: Resldenu® //;'/% 4% , ,;J `% Address/City/Zip: / / / /'J' , , / /�� ���/� Name: �'[) �2 fNT>v l3 �'l f.L ense#: yr '/ /i%/%'{/ f'' 1):'406:60, COntr 111:/ /t i 4//f',/'"` Address: i2-s-7 )1111-12,5"e17952-1- _L /� M7j City: �•1'� �g'L/ fi,„//::?4,,t / , State: ` Zip: .�S"3 7 9 Phone: 04> %`7 ie, - -/tO 0 4.1 -.7.07.0,407,,,, /f yf rF/ /F // ;//i/ i j Contact: / E �.4�� �% /r lJ' /' li L 1 mail Imo_ , /Al �, . -� /L // '% r l %/ A- ; , /, : //r/r �r New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition ;jyp0f Wor / Descri•ption of work All iv )2777.(1 K C7Zc,D, AL ,-//y� �,�;c rrJ//a/�'i:?� � %J/ ," /�,r.rfg/ ,/ /l /f% r.6 f;-/:®`% J r ,- .rs �r, '4'.),/1.. :, �J/r/ /// %/,,'��`� //f 1��E�'' �i O�.ICIt����` rr ,v,` `,f," /ice i .l" �`'�//.`:,%ofd ,�,? ,,' /;�rt..�`//:�.J�s;/�; .;%,. i rr../.. .--.:0 ./ b71 OYP,'Ii, fid. 1g,, •CSI t 1; e s /. ,5,7, it /.../ ,.(�� � :'.'� .�.��. � ,%,:,: „,is•/ i4; f.,<'�f .,� > ,,,,� .,.,::�' sl�f/�/r J. ,.J ����L,1,`r.';'%Si�,`'/.vJ"" //.',.+��ii �'/,' "/ri: �,,.rr�r fj�%,�,,."��//�;/. �`��/ � ,r,; .%:( „,,'y''�/ „,y/ Jsr�� JlJ..f� .,sir'.,. .//' J�.r�.�`;�,,%,�„%`>����� "ii '%,' /'r 4: /'J t..P+O e, FV:01,C411 ��h eah* Fa R , ® 4,riT + 4),,A, e r !;a, •e �;, l �i' %/fri/!-,sir .. J //' ,'tr... x:.i - rir �� /!/� .,. ., '�,....r�' pr-�Ji f,�` 'x ,a�,?',?,AF f/�" ��r,� ��� ,�" � '"r ,%f! ', Y7:7://://. 74 7 J RESIDENTIAL COMMEIpAL 0/ //,, ,',/,,,V4/404:',:',.':;, Furnace New Construction Y Interior Improvement / //'/ / r,,`o///' Install Piping yrocessed J'/ /,�///;fi Air Conditioner e/ r�Perritt ype 7 p 9 / ;r! r ,. Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit fif" j / j — fJ Heat Pump Under/Aboveground Tank Install/ Remove 4/` 4J�//� ( ) 4-P,,,,„.,...,:,, ./ Other J„ RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit, includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New, includes State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ 1) �p-(.6 x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum , / $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal, includes State Surcharge =$ 7 / ver6 Permit Fee =$ . 6-86 Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ 4/3&' 8 O TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x 6 4z4 Yh e-5fZ x Applicant's Printed Name Applicants gnature ras::.. ids✓r,.r, fr:;":,r�:..+�r/�',rr/FF f• ;:,; ":,,,,”, /:�f,+//'" r /.,•',;v ,r ' .::-.� r r ��;:"/ -.r. FOR OFFICE 1.t ,. > !r .,/ ; / /,�'''J<efri//`//'Y,�,A/./; Arr%/J` � ,'4,,'''r";:; .:: .FF,/1,. :. .:„i: „r:i ,.,,..,:;;,,,,',0,40/:,,k. is / % ✓ // /, ,,.z.�i,f�`%''f,. rrF� :.•�S �r ,'`::.! /� �” IZE.q. Ct1OflIP'//,-2,14/001/PP-4"7:40'0,0,p. pevf Q . "r <" s F , .;.s,,,i�,r1r'; ���s�l'`!',.,. r.�„/ r.Fr' /!' . ,.ri / ; ,.,,,,. r..,,�?:.r r.�,.� JA,/,•%// !r'sX` r'f„",.� ://�' ,:. ,.". , ," rrr,,.,,;f �,• ,,.'Yr / / ;, i/'/ , - � ///'r%r•f`.-' ////�!r� ,,, ,,, .r%�r li /�fi/j„: ,�ii.�/i'`.� ;r',�f.. f� �,/� 1f 1�1.% ,J,� ,. ,,,U -et- ro n .,ril'.Y% Q ' r s 4/// t c f',; ."41".w./102/01017% r f v",./ /` ,f'';'�'" % /''',/5/1,7 � ! 'f � ”,P .., ', /e,r.'7 .” ,;-; ,R � At,:;e �.i0�J, er�t )//,r�'!r/%,�'' � �f ',/,/ FFnal ,.-�, �” ,:`�, � ".:,.,�.,.�:::iir�rrf.,��r���•/:'li1�//. ./.,..,.�ii/�i%���,.,,: i�/„ �rJrrf,%l�rrr�.� �: ,:::, ��,� i�%FJ .,,'r .:..,c,, ,:,,,,ridJr i�'ri':i'�,frr///,i/^:J'e���i c Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use / Cit �1 �� Ull Permit#: / /��� Permit Fee: qe 2 E 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651)675-5675 Fax: (651)675-5694 Staff: J J 2017 FIRE SUPPRESSION(SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION Date: / :"i 1,-1 Site Address: I,L �L (- ig-1 Le`1�.. . 1v Tenant: � ----CCI _CI Suite#: - t I Name: Phone: Property Owner Address/City/Zip: I Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: i'-h>d tl-C 'C-cc� 4, )1t 5 Tv t v 1LLrir >r V•> iY�c:dt' „ Construction Cost: Estimated Completion Date: (1 I Name:r-c(L �'lt✓.-�- v.Y, '�: ^L'r'1 License#: r� .� 1) I t �,.. tde City: 14-le. C, � a— Contractor Address: ; % l �°i .t� i State: fm"V Zip:C�.]) ll Phone: Lc t- /-7 71- W 7 € t Contact: q;' _Q , i t(' Email: — •:' 1 ck2 e -l- L1e --- FIRE PERMIT TYPE t✓ WORK TYPE .Sprinkler System(#of heads 1) _New Addition Fire Pump _Standpipe Alterations �� Remodel Other Other: 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ><.,Commercial Residential Educational FEES I $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value$ Cig5C.- s x .01 s Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ /`/ 56 Permit Fee If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge _$ ?3 Surcharge $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) =$ 3 TOTAL FEE 3/4" Fire Meter-$290.00 =$ — Fire Meter $ C �3I. LTOTAL FEE **Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. A i X �1 c-��i l���Q x �L��� L' / Applicant Printed Name, ( App icant's Signature„e- ii .... ,. iq/5 9 4, .0,„,,,,.._ , FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Hydrostatic Flow Alarm Drain Test Rough In Trip Pump Test Central Station i'------ Final Conditions of Issuance; I a H:: ± Date: 3 ! 1 F l 7 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink 1 {/ For Office Use � .i lit(' '*. �� Permit ��`' � � 0-OYJ I Cityof �� a� Permit Fee: l V 3830 Pilot Knob Road .z-;/ � Eagan MN 55122 �. �/ -6�7 Phone: (651)675-5675 RECEIVED Date Received: Fax: (651) 675-5694 i..4._, APR Q 61017 Staff: t 2017 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: qi G h 1 Site Address: iciy 0 Ci-i FF tArCE -1-2C^A p Tenant Name: CU1 F'CaODS (Tenant is: New/ /Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: ' Name: �Sue-c-..2,v A 1..L.) )nJC." SJ 4-1 iZtV>-L~ry IaJGPhone: (,SI-LIST- (4(.4.5(=, Property Owner 130K °AC) M+N N E vV oL.1% \t SS ci0 I 1 ,Oe .., Applicant is: X Owner Contractor � )172 .4,- Gam/-` Po Description of work: /C ti hE?(. C ... . ' I Type of Work I 1 Construction Cost:Y � , Name: /`,i:__ r S. e‘-`Va- -,{ License#: IAddress: /ei K a CL r A7-c- (,,q-s-i r i2: City: CA-6-,----".J Contractor II State: n nt Zip: 5C`i 2-( Phone: a25' (4 St/ °- `i!‘c)C IL Contact: 14Art Email: k)ct--lkn1 Ie'�. E. S eti L `K JAC C)<� � Y Name: Registration#: i Address: City: Architect/Engineer £ State: Zip: Phone: I ' Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: , NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to 1 ,m ,,,, „ conclude that theme trade secrets. _ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x 1 '°c E. S91:0ACE ( ,0 x / Applicant's Printed Name ' App'ant's Signatu Page 1 of 3 / CiLIC ( LAIC- 'D NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE /6/90, 0 SUB TYPES Foundation Public Facility Exterior Alteration–Apartments Commercial/Industrial Accessory Building Exterior Alteration–Commercial Apartments ✓Greenhouse/Tent Exterior Alteration–Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES ✓/ New Interior Improvement Siding Demolish Building* Addition Exterior Improvement Reroof Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace Water Damage Fire Repair — Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation FIXt Occupancy 1,31 MCES System t.I A Plan Review "/I Rt t.L:D Code Edition ` -G'(s- 6', SAC Units (25%_100% v'') 1/4tt.-/0 Zoning City Water Census Code Stories I Booster Pump #of Units '0 Square Feet PRV #of Buildings I Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction V • 16 Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ,/� Footings(New Building) " Final/C.O. Required Footings(Deck) Final/No C.O. Required Footings(Addition) Other: Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Pool:_Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Drain Tile Siding: Stucco Lath _Stone Lath Brick EFIS Roof:_Decking _Insulation Ice&Water _Final Retaining Wall Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Erosion Control Fireplace: Rough In _Air Test Final Concrete Entrance Apron Insulation Meter Size: Sheetrock Electronic Plans Required Windows Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: ./Yes No Reviewed By: , Planning New Business to Eagan: lts Reviewed By: , Building Inspector FEES Water Quality Base Fee (3S• 6``5 Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge I14�P Sewer Trunk Plan Review I to.64..-V, Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit& Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Other: Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication TOTAL: # 135--" Page 2 of 3 I je4t-z' ((LQ.0 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink' City �,C� ( For Office Use f Eaaali 5 Permit:ee Permit : 6 ,;-0 3830 Pilot Knob Road MAY 1 1 2017 Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: ,5--1/-/ 7 Phone:(651)675-5675 Fax:(651)675-5694 Staff: a 2016 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 5/2/2017 Site Address: 1940 Cliff Lake Rd Tenant: Cub Foods Suite#: 004�9:j , 7�� ''' Y,. Name: Phone: > rop r Or"ier .. - 4 1�io„ Address/City/Zip: r.* Applicant is: Owner Contractor G Type qmfW iti , Description of work: �, ia m'„ ,-.,,,-- -,',161;:v7.-, „uta 1,,,k, - ” Construction Cost: Estimated Completion Date: -IIPFZ +tl 7. Nardini Fire Equipment Co License#: TS000686 ,� ` Name: abs CtrontractoT' ,n Address: 405 County Road E West City: Shoreview �:d i � � State: MNZip: 55126 Phone: 651-287-1070 epi e Co Wood cwood@nardinifire.com Contact: Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE Sprinkler System(#of heads_) 1New _Addition Fire Pump _Standpipe _Alterations _Remodel 1 Other: Ansul R102 _Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: X Commercial _Residential _Educational FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value$4390.00 x.01 Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ 43'90 Permit Fee If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge 2 20 _$ Surcharge $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) =$ 60.00 MINIMUM TOTAL FEE 3/4”Fire Meter-$280.00 =$ Fire Meter _$60.00 TOTAL FEE **Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Cory Wood x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE' itt -- c1)6 3,333 0. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS kk3,,,,,,,, ,),:.-.0,,,,, -mold i in drostatic7i':?,..!.'''-',",,'''':-.,,'' Flaw Alarm 1 Quin fest __, , 9 t7,,-". _ "�'^'i°*i r _ 1 V "" q� a ,:, 33,3-„--„,-,i,,,,!- P Trip D- mp Test --7--,,,,, Central$fatiori ,. Ens€ Conditions of issuance y k J 1 7,4 a T P i �s r a � F d 1 - n^ Permit Reviewed Date — �l Use BLUE or BLACK Ink OF For Office Use/Li /9 + } i : � .._ -70 A' Permit#: Permit Fee: DEC 6 ,-.';i1 Date Received: Lg.-/5- 1 attsHEo Staff: 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan MN 55122 Phone:(651)675-5675 I buildinginspections@cityofeaean.com 2017 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2)sets of plans with alllcommercial applications. Date: \ ' \ ±\ Site Address: \C`A.) C2\* \ ) f--c Tenant: Suite#: Property Owner Name: Phone:. rz, Name: Its �_ ~ _ 1: \ cense Contractor X444-kg-5% e c�\'��~ � . e: Zi c Address: .`� t 1. p:cJ Phone: Email: New Replacement Repair Rebuild —Modify Space Work in R.O.W. Type�of Work — — — — Description of work: COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space Irrigation System( yes/_no)(_✓RPZ/_PVB) ' •• Rain sensors required on irrigation systems e, Permit Typ • Avg.GPM (2"turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call(651)675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. 14411Niittf," Domestic:Size&Type Fire: 1 Avg.GPM High demand devices? Yes_No Flushometers Yes_No COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum =$ Permit Fee $60.00 PVB/RPZ Permit(includes State Surcharge) �� ' l =$ Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ C)C) TOTAL FEE Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Contact the City's Engineering Department,(651)675-5646,for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply&Storage $ State Surcharge $ TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaqan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval� of plans. x --'�:�(-.fit'\ CtAr ' \ x ( n .. -Q-`-1 - -�. Applicant's Printed Name Appli is Signature R OFFICE USE Required Inspects• s Under ro ted _Rough In ; it st s Tds F 1 PVR ® + rim � No �. titer Delated,:Iten�s )l e r izeRads ea " a Staff: Page 1 of 3 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink 1 l For Office Use OP ElQ Z ; E,°.7 Permit#: l `1 \ 10 g ' Permit Fee: i0 O 1 • (0 4 Fate..-ted .° '1.. , ,,,__C-'1 ` iiSKe Date Received: 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan MN 55122 LStaff: Phone:(651)675-5675 I Fax:(651)675-5694J buildinginspections@citvofeagan.com 1 ,11 # 2017 COMMERCIAL�t � (/‘BUILDING nPERMIT APPLICATION Date: t0i 2(!1 Site Address: I_"4`E b � it Lc V''`- EAT ith N c .) 1 Tenant Name: -1—CF I .E (Tenant is: New/ Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: 2 �2 Name: TOTr QfV Phone: ( J).37-Coot 2Q Property Owner Address/City!Zip: t 4 0 b YC f(to LOA N a 171\) m ou*h , MN S 't 1. Applicant is: Owner ✓ Contractor Type of Work Description of work: 1 -e rI On rn pl®"eYNYItS Construction Cost: 4 (20l 0co VOX. (�n9� Name: 1` ►G t f CO i\ racDS Lcense#; contractor Address: t 020 NE i II 1 Y S � City: o� t0,1(14 State: Or- Zip: "I 1220 Phone: OO - o k 1 - 010 2- Contact: V_iU 4 V reI Email: 1`.1 v�` 1`t►aF +r'�1 C 11{o, ;th S"CCm Name: l ,u t t T 11 1Y) ei t out Registration#: y �/'� Architect/Englneer, Address: 2.01 Mai f i Si--•5E City: Min hQG O 1 5 State: 1 N Zip: 5 �4{ 4 Phone: ((L ) �V4 v �, l� V� Contact Person: Er tC, • Ievs_ .,tmai1: F LCX' e f t 1- - C. � 1 t�r —� cca Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE:Pians and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information maybe classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. -- You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.eityofeacran.comfsubscribe, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)4540002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in confo, ance ith the ordinances a • codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work i not o sta without a permi• at the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of%ans. t 1 x (gtCAA VE Ye-7- x Applicant's Printed Name Appli 's Signature Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE /G'7/—s> SUB TYPES / /z/C2 CA'4' I,Y9/1d ,,, Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments v--Commercial/Industrial — Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial _ Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent — Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES / ii*New , Interior Improvement Siding — Demolish Building* Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration _ Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation — Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant — DESCRIPTION Valuation I ,beOccupancy Occupancy 5 MCES System Plan Review V Code Edition iC l5 wt et- SAC Units 0/NO 44,1-1./C. /N USE tet-Oa-LA, (25%_100% VS/ Zoning 'r City Water ✓ Census Code Stories I Booster Pump #of Units C Square Feet t7C PRV #of Buildings ( Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction III e5 Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building_Deck Addition Drain Tile Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control v Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Concrete Entrance Apron Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking _Insulation Ice&Water Final Meter Size: Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick_EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final ✓ Final/C.O. Required Pool:_Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Final/No C.O. Required Final CIO Inspection: S ire Marshal to be present: V Yes No Reviewed By: ..0-- , Planning New Business to Eagan: jo Reviewed By: Cit& , Building Inspector FEES Water Quality Base Fee 1i 174.7 S—Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge ®� °t`J Sewer Trunk Plan Review 7 G V.g9 Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit&Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant " Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication TOTAL: 41. 2001. L `f' Page 2 of 3 Jan. 18. 2018 11 :58AM No. 4591v P. 1 For Office Use �f r/ . % I• :::: /117,5 <ii, E AGA N ( • Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,M 5 -18 k (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I .i,: Staff: buildinainspectionsta7.citvofeagan.com L 2018 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two(2)sets of plans with ail commercial applications. Date: 11 Vcg V) Slte Address: 1 °t LAO C_Vcc t a P•0CA-14' Tenant: 'TC- Suite e: ' .''Resident/Owne,r,• Name: Phone: •• ' ' • . • Address/City/Zip: ..________, Name: Commercial Plumbing &Heating, Inc. License f!: PC643117 : '' ' • Address:24428 Greenway Ave. city: Forest Lake ';''Co ntra coo r'..: State: MN Zip: 55025 Phone:(651)464-2988 . , Contact: Anna Wicks Email: awicks@cpandh.com _New Rep came t —Addi'oral -Alt 4etlon, D mo I -::!;::hpe'.of Work ' Description of work: , r,,//4C E. 3 xxff 2 1;.(-- . �� ltkts((/' NOTE,''Roof!mountod,:and:groun; iiiounted n e'c iianioa equipment:is required to be screened.by.'City•: ':'.''Code:: PlOase.contact*ha Mechanical,Ins ect'o"r rot information,on.•erR itted screening methods: ...eon CAIT'S A 1 ICOMMERCIAL CALL ANNA WICKS —New Construction x Interior improvement • WITH PERMIT FEE OR QUESTIONS. Install Piping Processed P.emitType'; I — — 651-464-2988 —Gas —Exterior HVAC Unit awleks@cpandh.com _Under/Above ground Tank (_Install/—Remove) tjther I RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit,includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New,includes State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value$_42/40_2_x.01 $75.00 Underground tank Installation/removal,includes State Surcharge =$ Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 -$ Surcharge If the project valuation Is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.cltvofearian.eomisubscrlbe. I hereby acknowledge that this Information Is complete and accurate: that the work will be in conforman,- with ' ordnances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit but only en application for a permit,and work Is not to s rtout a 6 erml that the work will be in accordance with the ppr ved plan in the case of work ich requires e review and approval of plans. x E0 tli3ft• x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature .FOH,,O,.Fi,., •SE. : *;:!::i'•:: . , •:.'' ''........:!!'ii!!;•;:•,''',,;i.,1 :.;Z,..-.:,,,:!!!!!;:!:!'-'1:;:,1,':q.:6 ::!!., '.y';'''",'T.,iT....,;;i;, :"::':.;'i':::! ':;,1" .,..;:,.; •:;.,,•::,!:iri!:::'i:l': ::'`iiii!::f:!:;: , :�4 ,E,) E� y,, S� .'ria 'i'; Rei. • .d I:'Pat i. .!iii' :i': n er ro�nd•. .%Ur�7est:�. �� u ::� u GssS tvice)Te))'ti'•�,� .�I' -'flOet '�s)!� �:HV �'8 i:;;...:,./..,1 '?�, ' �_�..:�.:.g,,..,. . . ..•o.gh.,,.. ,':rti:. ... ..... .. ...:J � '.' ...P', . ....,.�.. ''�� �,...... �..i-lt?..,I''���:- ,...,A�,,,.a:. l �',�:..,.;�.,, TWN CITY MECHANICAL 11&: Certified Test Adjustment Balance Report Project: TCF Bank 1940 Cliff Road Eagan, MN Architect: Mechanical Engineer: General Contractor: Market Contractors, LTD. Original Site Visit: January 22,2018 Technician: Dave Haapoja TABB Board Certified Certification No. BB979044T Data presented in this report is a record of system measurements and adjustments obtained in accordance with the accredited ICB, TABB, and ANSI Programs. TWIN CITY MECHANICAL T&B PROJECT: TCF Bank 1940 Cliff Road Eagan, MN SYSTEM: Carrier Roof Top 4 Ton PAGE: Design Prelim Final No. Area Served Type Outlet Size CFM CFM CFM 1 Back Area 2 x 2 Layin 60 135 2 Back Area 2 x 2 Layin 60 135 3 Back Area 2 x 2 Layin 60 135 4 Back Area 2 x 2 Layin 60 135 5 Back Area 2 x 2 Layin 60 145 6 Front Area 2 x 2 Layin 80 225 7 Front Area 2 x 2 Layin 80 225 8 Front Area 2 x 2 Layin 80 225 9 Front Area 2 x 2 Layin 80 225 I Total Supply Air CFM: 1585 0 0 Return Air CFM: 1300 Outside Air CFM: 300 Outside Air Ratio %: 20% 24428 Greenway Avenue, Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-2988 Fax: 651-464-2425 For Office Use s (6 4 : � AGA N Permit#: 67/4L/Vkl-4 Permit Fee: RECIEVFO Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 J (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 FEB 2 3 2018 Staff: buildinginspections(&citvofeagan.com L J 2018 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Z _ �3 Zc i Site Address: leN0 Cc..rf7 t/AiczD Tenant Name: C(Y3 rex--5� (Tenant is: New/ Existing) Suite it: Former Tenant: Name: C.A7, VOC)�S Phone: S ySW _ Pr gi,®erty Owner Address/City/Zip: 1� ('f o CLQ i- ins 55 I zi Applicant is: X Owner Contractor -ifpe of Work Description of work: G �oU �1�,���ti "/L NSP 0 R��'/ TEMT slo s t S`t R.T APRtL. 13 ao l S Construction Cost: I Name: 11.9 AZ ! 1 = License#: Ci Address'• City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact: Email: Name: Registration#: Architect/Engipeer Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: yr Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE:Plans and ipporting,docul ents that ou sub it are considered to be public: -"er 'ortion of th ' ation m R classified as non public if u providespecific reasons would pe it e Ci � nclude�:that°41,3:!:4 r •.trade {ww r. �. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. IQA'iC Qt k Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE /WO SUB TYPES 10410 CA , c is 1.Al j1( Rd Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments _ Commercial/Industrial Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial _ Apartments ✓ Greenhouse/Tent — Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae — WORK TYPES _ New Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition _✓ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration — Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace — Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation tIVUt t Occupancy L MCES System NIA: Plan Review - Code Edition Zn 15 M PC.- SAC Units (25% 100%_) _ Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings 1 Length Fire Sprinklers '+'1 Type of Construction V. g Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building_Deck_Addition Drain Tile Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control Framing .30 Minutes V 1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water Final Meter Size: Siding: Stucco Lath _Stone Lath Brick_EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace:_Rough In Air Test Final V Final/C.O. Required Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final Final/No C.O. Required Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: ✓ Yes No Reviewed By: q , Planning New Business to Eagan: �" r' Reviewed By: C�x(� , Building Inspector FEES Water Quality Base Fee i35 • " Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge I kiCL-D Sewer Trunk Plan Review 14a Gt,b Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit&Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication TOTAL: } �' 6-6 Page 2 of 3 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF THE //ili ��' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGAN 64.-/ � {� DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA cu-II- 2 -9--Piqe,il:47. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Eagan Municipal Center located at 3830 Pilot Knob Road in said City on April 1, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Egan, Wachter, Blomquist, Awada and Masin; the following were absent: None * * * Awada introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: CITY OF EAGAN Resolution approving a • 1• al Use Permit Seasonal Outdoor Sale of Plants and Planting Material and a Temporary Greenhouse. Structure for the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto, and attaching conditions thereto WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.357 the City of Eagan has adopted zoning regulations to control land uses and performance standards throughout the City. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, that a Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved subject to the conditions as set forth in the Conditional Use Permit attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. DATED this 1st day of April 1997 CITY OF EAGAN T (D (Seal) , B `. J. VanOverbeke Its Ci • Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Bloomquist and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Egan, Awada, Blomquist, and Masin and the following voted against the same: Wachter STATE OF MINNESOTA) : sS COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this 1st day of April, 1997, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared E.J. VanOverbeke to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the City Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said City Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. :./14/..LA-/c/ //i/61)-KA(el Notary public lam•/��F./ 1- �'"cRPFEiINIG This Document was drafted by: MARILYN ���.MINNEsoTA o DAKOTA COUNTY Cityof Eagan My Commission ExP« rr�r 9 3830 Pilot Knob Road �� Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 EXHIBIT A CITY OF EAGAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, Cub Foods has complied with all the requirements of the City of Eagan necessary for obtaining a Conditional Use Permit. NOW THEREFORE, By order of the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, and subject to the terms and conditions hereof, a Conditional Use Permit is authorized as follows: 1. Permitting a Conditional Use for seasonal outdoor sale of plants and planting materials and a temporary greenhouse structure within the confines of a "Planned Development" zone. 2. Said Conditional Use Permit shall apply to the following described property: Lot 1, Block 1, Cliff Lake Centre 3. Said Conditional Use Permit shall run with the land as long as all conditional use standards are met. 4. Said Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to conformance with the Eagan City Code and with the conditions set forth herein to include, but not limited to: Additional Conditions: 1. The CUP shall be recorded at Dakota County within 60 days of Council approval and submitted to the City. The CUP shall be continually subject to the following conditions: 1. The greenhouse and display area shall occur between April 13th and June 13th of each year. 2. The greenhouse shall be removed from the property by June 20th of each year. 3. All parking stalls within 30 feet of the temporary greenhouse structure shall be signed "no parking" and bordered with a barricade while the structure is standing and shall conform with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code. 4. All signage shall meet City Code requirements. 5. No outdoor storage other than which is approved by the City shall occur on the site. 6. A building permit is required for the construction of the temporary greenhouse structure. Additional Conditions (cont.) 7. An enclosure shall be provided for all product display areas with the exception that trees and shrubs may exceed the height of the enclosure. 8. The seasonal outdoor sale shall consist of plants and plant products only. 9. The proposed seasonal outdoor sale shall be in compliance with the submitted site plan dated February 24, 1997. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 17th day of April 1997. CITY OF EAGAN A Minnesota Municipal Corporation By: Steve i organ Associate Planner ( k , STATE OF MINNESOTA) :ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA) On this 17th day of April 1997, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared Steve Dorgan, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Associate Planner of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and said Associate Planner acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 1 f!/_lYjll r ffs A�IARILYy L.`,IVI;Ci-1rRPFENAisG � 4.1,4,„,_'i, =' \'. N07w`i(PUBLIC-MINNESOTA � ���e '.:c '' DAKOTA COUNTY,31,2600 4 o . Publ�i R . e / "; -;::° My Commission Ex�l�!��Jlf / I hereby verify that the above said Conditional Use Permit was recorded at the County Recorder's Office on t / , 1997. BY: JAMES M. e.C7:01,Ail COUNTY RECORDER ITS: - &Py— L / 'c7:,. -J--/ q- I_ 9.7 Cub Foods CUP GQ N N —^v N o Or 2 a - (D _ UJ — m QO. m o, R°3 °:C. , — c"i ril!ilrll(I(' II (;r; � `' '') Ir: ,k9 N as omoS 'mo i` I, ^ � ZiD � oD, c .+ rna , 1 = Wt11111l.11t11i h C • N — h igp, /� 7 n •.,...:,.\.•.• , .1: I\ ,, .0„. ., ',4 '1.•'- yr to O Ro O CO v, a y ^ 'j . ,-9' �• T - Z CL e D 3 7 3 X a CD fP 5. :4' J I 73z o di ,- ( "i O n w o,, --0 ,CD o- on ooi 3 •j^ )" • N o 8 O P O 0• o .. F p1aO a m < w v m � nO O/ _`\• , ,{ 1c J1 } t . -0 t�� I it � 1 cio n_NA ( Cu 'aYS.W :\':`OlvO �_ ' • \•• p , a \„..\\\.. .;,,, ‘.4.„.-)) i •:, -2 /.: or o, n a n o m- o o m -r ria r , ,‘'•\:.*t,`\j\' \�l�r'• , i.J °• 3—' ss in m fl o s{ i?!�r `. t ,' :�/ice?' \' .`\01 /' C, (D 7 i tD '.; N or to '{�i1 ! II C 0 v, 077 — O h N -. 3 0' (S;it i I 1. / , r. �. • "al. 7 a' �. N ,3+ No 'n J . z. f ' ( �, f - iw r-f'D -I .-+ D Z D r) D -I - .n 0 -0 O - -, - j y °' O F.c I ', .r{; ? r N O (D (D p (/) 7 p (D lL w m D- c .t t; e: / . i • r^ rn c Oq O D C 3 '* — tD 7 d ".3 t, ..1.., •� P- _—___LD .• N ar U� OC crQ (D fD r n °' o o X of rD wG I 1) ..i. o Q o r�o Z i.)1140 0 a \n o m fD v / r az fi C ` 0 �G (o •p .(-r v cr 0- - v+ o = D % I/:::: r.11TRIIIIINFI'Ll • g V� d X n a rho zi„ i (�{ jj = m n < -, .< v (.n o -1 s a o // UIIif - f7 v cD Q- /' '7 /• :.-- rili1-2-,Z -it „ :Z. %,\I` .....1,'7 I .. 0 -'s = fD fp art %/ /iJ \Y/lam\�:5 a' ' (n O a� n -s — 3 n�i f `/ i `,s"� S vii m• �' n) r��p O -o „Dcr 5- //// , -� O O In rD r+ o /��� A 'L J, . -a , HrD, w 1 F\\..\;:\\ \\,\`` \ \`\\\ rte„ ' • cin :\:.It li.t • ,\.\\\:-•))°\ ‘...-'.°) .‘4\\•C' 0 . . •-r vi \ e. III11111ILLLL11111111111I ------c----4( .4 0►1 Imil II ,eii 1 I f Zm+" il$11 A.. i- 4.- �� � tet►. s e v c Z " )%I 4..t, s4 ?, es,:r• Ck ^ N t 4 • L z „ o r s C Yii. I x i ts P p ,• y K f.7 'i PIP Ung • Z. � \ _ '4,. os ?Iw ]ems ., w•✓ Y `' I e ElIn ri `� _ s It �I `I 1 i -A' e3 .� I a . ' . \ .... 1 N. 's A. � . ) 14 1 s 1 U h CI II y (I rrl © o C • I . • k Z .y a ILa i v ►P fl 'n _. 3 �, n � a, n -- P t rt P i. r .. icon c ->o aa0 `1N T - N 1. I ti:3 WH 6G1 : 0 1 a D il LE,, 6 i—aid 1+Y rt v k - Y Y Y K Y Y s. + v r v„ K • • v v • ,l ' ��"1v * n A Y w ��/1/y/y���f�� • v r• Mn Y F /�' Y /114 v u r v , v • L n v R R v ■ R 151,� CA * n Y • R R Y vvv 11R 9 • M Y Y R R ✓ Y • Y • 411 P Z . Wit ;, V ■ 1. n v • • R Y • • RII X R ,[ v K n Y • n n Y v R ' • • v • • 7 Y n • K k k K • • 11 v ■ • R n k / 1t Y % • K K • n R r k R R Y • A Y • n v Y • Y v k R v M R R 1,4,Y Y • R Y M R M —• u w LJ ! _ 0 --..-"j N ■ U. II / 1 23 Dry U J' 23 Xi mO II, 0Piz mci rjz 13 U. !IPI Li! Arri ici i))__ n) I n .� .11 -4 i II L-t n G(.11 La:,r, JIg jUl Ti Pi 2 1 51. If N (T1 Z Z ! = III t !' I ' zErT1 II 1r� G7 Ill z II SHADE II m m 0 O t 7 `n • /• Li JTI r: • • R Y , n • Y w rj v K • •n+ K : A v v Y X1, 21.11ir _ R R u XXX tre. vg. 2.2'd T9EL17S1?TS9:°1 :woad S£ 0T 8002-90-2�dW 00113 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES;APRIL 1, 1997 PAGE 11 parking" and bordered with barricades while the greenhouse structure is in place and shall conform with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code. 4. All signage shall meet City Code requirements. 5. No outdoor storage other than which is approved by the City shall occur on the site. 6. The seasonal outdoor sale shall consist of plants and plant products only. 7. A building permit is required for construction of the temporary greenhouse structure. 8. An enclosure shall be provided for all product display areas with the exception that trees and shrubs may exceed the height of the enclosure. 9. The pumpkin display area shall occur between October 1"and October 31'of each year. The display area shall be removed from the property by November 1"of each year. Aye: 4 Nay: 1 (Councitmember Wachter opposed) Councilmember Wachter stated he was opposed because he feels the City is being inundated with nurseries. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-CUB FOODS Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Blomquist seconded a motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)to allow the seasonal outdoor sale of plants and planting material and a temporary greenhouse structure to be located in the parking lot of the store located at 1940 Cliff Lake Road,on Lot 1, Block 1,Cliff Lake Centre, (PID#10-17780-010-01)in the SW 14 of Section 29 subject to the following conditions: 1. The CUP shall be recorded at Dakota County within 60 days of Council approval and submitted to the City. The CUP shalt be continually subject to the following conditions: 1. The greenhouse and display area shall occur between April 13th and June 13t of each year. 2. The greenhouse shall be removed from the property by June 20th of each year. 3. All parking stalls within 30 feet of the temporary greenhouse structure shall be signed "no parking"and bordered with a barricade while the structure is standing and shall conform with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code. 4. All signage shall meet City Code requirements. 5. No outdoor storage other than which is approved by the City shall occur on the site. 6. A building permit is required for the construction of the temporary greenhouse structure. 7. An enclosure shall be provided for all product display areas with the exception thattreesand shrubs may exceed the height of the enclosure. 8. The seasonal outdoor sale shall consist of plants and plant products only. 9. The proposed seasonal outdoor sale shall be in compliance with the submitted site plan shown on the attached Exhibit A. Aye: 4 Nay: 1 (Councilmember Wachter opposed) The 96-D Alien Boulevard �/ Farmingdale,New York 11735-5626 USA Gowrie Tel.+1 (631)293-8944 Fax+1 (631)293-8956 e-mail:info@govmark.com Organization, Inc. Page 1 Received:09/11/2007 Completed:09113/2007 'Letter:Z 1 rb P.O.#: Test Report#: 2-69789-0. Client's Style:6.0 mil. White PE Greenhouse Film.Width:336 in-28fe Identification Tested For: Bill Meads Key Test: NFPA 701-2004 TM#2 Fold 185 Berry Plastics 17 Hartwell Avenue Tel: 1-(781)-372-2244 Ext: Lexington,MA 02421 Fax: 1-{781)-372-2290 PC: 1H TEST PERFORMED: NEPA 701 - Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flaw! Propagation of Textiles and Films - 2004 Edition - Test Method #2 - Folded Specimens TEST CONFIGURATION: (x) Single Layer; ( ) Multi Layer RESULTS REPORTED: (x) Initially ( ) After 72 ho=irs water leaching ( I After 3 dry cleanings ( ) After 100 hours accelerated weathering ( ) After 5 launderings @ 160"F RESULTS: Length Afterflame Drip Burn Char Length Specimen # (seconds) (seconds) (mm) i o ___�____ 410 ..- 2 0 0 340 0 0 360 4 0 0 370 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT OF MATERIAL (as measured by Govmark) : 146 g/m2 FAILURE CRITERIA: For each individual specimen -- Afterflame Drip Burn Char Len=4th Exceeds 2.0 Seconds Exceeds 2 seconds Exceeds '',050 mm (41.34') RETEST PROVISION: Test 2 additional specimens if Only 1 specimen f.Lils. CONCLUSION: Based on the above Results and Failure criteria, the ::tem tested: [x) Passes; ( ) Fails.; ( ) Requires testing of 2 additional specimens CERTIFICATION: I certify that the above results were obtained afte:c testing specimens in accordance with the 'procedures and equi meet specified by NFPA 701 - 2004 Edition Test Method #2 Folded .Specimens.. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE THE cOVMARK ORGANIZATION, INC. /rb (Page 1 of 2) Nip. HEATHER ROBERTSON The• 96-D Allen Boulevard Farmingdale,New York 11735-5626 USA Govimark Tel +1 (631)293-8944 Fax+1 (631)293-8956 e-mall:info@govmark.com Organization,Inc, Page 2 Receiv ed:0911 1/2007 Completed:09/13/2007 Letter:Z rb P.O.#: Test Report#: 2-69789-0- Client's Style:6.0 mil White PE Greenhouse Film.Width:336 in-28fe Identification Tested.Fort Bill Meads Key Test NFPA 701=2004 TM#2 Fold 185 Berry Plastics 17 Hartwell Avenue Tel:: 1-(781)-372-2244 Ext: Lexington,MA 02421 Fax: 14781)-372-2290 PRECONDITIONING: (x7 1 hr a 220°F (Standard) 1 ) 24 hrs e 684-9°F (Alternate: Material shrinks distorts Q 220°P) R EMARKS: None- CONVERSION one*.CONVERSION FACTORS: Mm 2.5-.-4 = niches g/m2 28.35 x .835 = oxjyd2 (Page 2 of 2) • The results contained in this report relate only to item(s)tested.The test report shall not be reproduced,except in full,without written approval from The Govniark Organization,Inc. General Description FT-En ThermaGlas®Twin-Wall polycarbonate provides clarity,durability and strength.Because the panels have an insulating air-filled space between the inner and outer wall,energy efficiency is increased. While 4mm,6mm,8mm,10mm,and 16mm thicknesses are available, 8mm is the industry-standard thickness for most double layer polycarbonate products in the commercial greenhouse market.This is because it offers the best combination of strength,rigidity,good insulation value,and cost,as well as a wide variety of attractively priced glazing systems. ThermaGlas Triple-Wall polycarbonate offers increased energy efficiency while also offering very good light transmission,which represents a major improvement over standard twin-wall products. While ThermaGlas triple-wall is available in a variety of thicknesses, including 8mm,10mm and 16mm,the most widely used thickness is 8mm. Benefits of ThermaGlas 8mm Triple-Wall over 8mm Twin-Wall Feature Benefit 14%more insulating efficiency • Greater R.O.I.on glazing(see R.O.I.examples,page 6) • Reduced condensation • Less fluctuation of light transmission due to condensate formation 50%fewer internal vertical ribs • Improved light transmission • Greater clarity • Better aesthetic appeal A heavy exterior wall • Good impact resistance Compatibility with industry-standard • Lower cost for glazing systems 8mm glazing systems • Greater variety of system choices THERMAGLAS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Thickness Rib Spacing Standard Widths Weight Lengths Product Colors mm in. mm in. mm in. g/m2 psf ft. 4 5/32 6 —1/4 777 0.16 24'in Clear Twin-Wall 6 1/4 6 —1/4 1300 0.27 stock. Opal Available Bronze 8 5/16 10 —'3/8 1200 47.25 1500 035 up to 1220 48 39.(3) Solar Control 10 3/8 10 —3/8 1810 71.25 1700 035 1830 72 80) 5/16 20 13/16 21001 1 82.68(1) 1700 035Clear 24'in Triple-Wall stock. Opal 1011 3/8 20 —13/16 1990 0.41 AvailableEEEEI Bronze up to 39'12) Solar 16 5/8 20 13/16 1200 47.25 2670 0.55 Control (1)2100mm(82.68'9 wide panels not available in all thicknesses. (2)Please note that panels longer than 20'are not recommended due to expansion and contractions and also may require a longer lead- time and additional freight surcharges. 1 s., 151 -- J No.ofLayers PanelThickness R-Factor. U-Factor. 4mm 1.49 0.67 Twin-Wall 6mm 1.62 0.62 8mm 1.72 0.58 10mm 1.89 0.53 ASTM C-177 Triple-Wall 8mm 1.99 0.50 10 mm 2.08 0.47 16 mm 2.36 0.42 Optimal Service Temperature Range -40°F to+248°F(-40°C to±120°C) Maximum Service Temperature 270°F(132°C) ASTM D-648 Minimum Service Temperature -103°F(-75°C) Heat Deflection Temperature(Load:264 PSI) 275°F VICAT Softening Temperature(Load:2.2lb.) 300°F ASTM D-1525 Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 3.6 x 10-sin./in°F ASTM D-696 Thermal Conductivity(BTU-in/hr-ft2-°F) 1.45 ASTM C-177 Tensile Strength At Yield(0.4 in./min.) 9,400 psi Tensile Strength At Break(0.4 in./min.) 8,800 psi Elon•ation At Yield(0.4 in./min.) 6% ASTM D-638 Elon•ation At Break(0.4 in./min.) >90% Tensile Modulus of Elastici (0.4 in./min.) 350,000 psi Flexural Modulus(0.052 in./min.) 380,000 psi ASTM D-790 Flexural-Strength At Yield 14,500 psi ASTM D-790 Rockwell Hardness 118 R Scale ASTM D-785 Density 75 ib/ft3 ASTM D-792 Specific Gravi 1.2 g/cc ASTM D-792 Clear White Opal Gray Test Panel Property Method Thickness Twin Triple Twin Triple Twin Triple Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall PAR Light 4mm 82% 30 ' " 35% Transmission 6mm 80% 20 35% - ASTM (see next page for x1003 8mm 80% 76% 45% 45% 35% 35% more information 10mm 79% 76% 30% 45% 35% 35% about PAR light) 16mm ti J 76% 35% 35% Refractive Index ASTM 4All thicknesses 1.59 Yellowness ASTM All thicknesses <1 Index D-1925 Flammabili Ratin• CCI t- ASTM D-635-74 Self I•nition 1000°F ASTM D1929 Flash I•nition 930°F ASTM D1929 Smoke Density(%) 8.6% ASTM D2843 ®� ' Smoke Developed 350(Class A) _' Flame Spread 15 Class A MIIIIIIEKTIMETINI_MI /ii Vertical Burning UL94-5VA UL94-1998 t Select products apply /(1 IC 2 Garden Mart 2003 Instruction Manual • i,k1 • . • • POI3j4TEIC urn Datmifiellwanne-PAL Bu458 eastio Bean 55010 en 83 ILL and Canada Tell Free-1-800-1152-3443 Tap into oar WO Site Today& Fair:1-851403-2419 newspe&-tmeem • . , E 0 a Z r N M 0 'c1' � lOh. a0G� G1rNC9tl' tt? 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Ill W4 _ z a .., • .x • ,.,M • 0 . • LI) Z \\ '; z 4111 0 U \ \ f iZ& 1, .,./ 1 \ . i 11 o•�z \. - m1-6-W — • LL-W a z0� mo Dci g= ..2w w(nwcnr • V) 1— . ._ _ N(n0wg • <<z cow 9528840295 14:15:10 12-20-2018 1 /1 For Office Use 1 Lff "�, i Permit#; / /2 'k • , l2- i'rE AGA Permit Fee: � Date Received: J 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,MN 55122-1810 ( GI (651)675-56751 TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5894 Staff: '`6 ' buildinoinspectionst7a citvofeaaan.com L J !' i�� 14 ei 2018 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CC ❑ Please submit two(2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: 12/20/18 Site Address: 1940 Cliff IV L 4 l - WC( Tenant: Cub Foods Suite#: - - Name: ResidenUOwnerr : Phone: Address/City/Zip: - Yale Mechanical LLC - - Name: License M B 00 48 22 I220-W- 220-w-81st St�: aAddress: City: MN Zip: 55420State. 952-884-1661 on : . Steve Miller - Email: smiller@yalemeck.com mec k.co m New X Replacement nl _ _Additional oral AI fetation Demolitionolition remove replace existing unit heater _ '�;T. '`e`of:Work:::':�`"� Description n ........ NOTE::. _ ..::,::;=:,.;.<,,.,.:� ::;,:.,.s...::_,,.::,.:�;.: :.. ,;.:., ;;;.;:.,..'2Y;,;;;,;,::.,. '..No,,.:.•,,,,,.00.mountedand muntfimount>ed;mechanical=e ul entas:re ulredaobescreened CI ,Code Please contact the Meeh nicat Ins"esti :for info' 'ation3,on.ermitted screening'methods.. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL = - - Furnace New Construction Interior Improvement - -_ Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed _ - -- _- _Air Exchanger X _Gas Exterior HVAC Unit -- -- ----- _ -_ __- Heat Pump _Under/Above ground Tank Install/ Remove) .�:.,.::.:... Other RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit,includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New,includes State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value$2,277.00 x.01 . $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal,includes State Surcharge =$ 60.00 permit Fee _$-1 -//(-{ Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 v� /II , J If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =$ _ [I TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaoan.com/subscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information Is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with 1 e ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this Is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is of o start withou rmit;that the work will be In accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. // x Steve Miller x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's ignature FOR OFFICE USE ,.•..,„,,.,,,...i..7.,'.......,,,,l,,,..,,,,7,,,','N',...i-0.;,..5,Y,I .,-Sil.,.:.,,iF.,,,-,‘,,, ,,:--.,.,:, ,,..!vptp,',,:4;q:',IT).-.,';',':'t.'a..,;..AtX::( i I Required ins ections. 4 P , Reylew By edI. Date Unde round..`- _ .RoughFIn :_AirTest„ Gas.Service Test,w_.: in floorHeat , Farlal _.HVAC;Screeriing CI; itC/ For Office Use Permit#: /J(-4 ik r e E AGA N Permit Fee: Staff: Mr Payment Recvd: Yes No 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 G E N E (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675- Plan Submittal: eplans( citvofeagan.com L Plans: Electronic2c,er FEB 2 8 2019 J 2019 COMMERCIAL B LDING PE IT APPLICATION Date: ��� - �R Site Address: RI-40 Tenant Name: CLY6 1 (Tenant is: New/ Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: rift+e Name: Sopa 'JAL_ ) I L Phone: Q 5i LISLE 4 t Property Owner Address/City/Zip: 11'6 O JP ' <Y V,aw ?L24 - MA) Applicant is: )( Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: &`Rz f1 1 eM P Construction Cost: Name: D�� � �����`� � �(..� � uS�se#: 1)(1 Contractor Address: (�/ � 61 \ffl 16-"/ /267 City: (Z!"I/q1S. —(� State: 1.()( ( Zip: Phone: /6 - / Contact: Email: Name: Registration#: Architect/Engineer Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaoan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with th- .rdinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to sta. t t a permit; that the work will be in accordance with thje approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x gglit 6 tied x Applicant's Printed Name A.plic> Signature �� I DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE / >-/fes D `;--- ` SUB TYPES / 14/0 C (' ( ( L Jl4 a` Foundation Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration—Apartments _ Commercial/Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration—Commercial Apartments Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration—Public Facility _ Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement Siding Demolish Building* _ _ _ Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof Demolish Interior __ Alteration _ Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall — Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation f ixt1) Vss, Occupancy vF MCES System N`k Plan Review INS Code Edition To IS µg(,, SAC Units (25% 100% ) 1/.1("LAD Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings I Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction V• F5 Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building Deck Addition Drain Tile Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking Insulation Ice&Water Final Meter Size: Siding: Stucco Lath Stone Lath Brick EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace: Rough In Air Test Final i Final/C.O. Required Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests Final / Final I No C.O. Required Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: V Yes No Reviewed By: NO G , Planning New Business to Eagan: '4 e OW Reviewed By: 6 , Building Inspector FEES Water Quality Base Fee 13 S ik-e Storm Sewer Trunk r Surcharge /iVGLD Sewer Trunk Plan Review Map Water Trunk MCES SAC r"^ Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit&Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication TOTAL: ' /3 c -O Page 2 of 3 For Office Use Q Permit#: // / , �; i i �i • ::tFee: EA AN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,MN 55122-1810 Payment Recvd: _Yes _No (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX: 651 675-5694 Plan Submittal:eDlans(r citvofeaaan.com ( ) L Plans:—Electronic _Paper J 2019 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 05.16.2019 Site Address: 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 Tenant Name: (Tenant is: New/_Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: Name: CUB FOODS Phone: Property Owner address/city/zip: 421 3RD STREET S, STILLWATER, MN 55082 Applicant is: _Owner 1 Contractor Type of Work Description of work: TEMPORARY TENT SET UP Construction Cost: $1500 2-C' X +p t .}ey`-1-- Name: TNT FIREWORKS License#: Contractor Address: 4003 HELTON DRIVE City: FLORENCE State: AL Zip: 35630 Phone: 701.400.7661 Contact: CHRIS ULMER Email: ULMERC@TNTFIREWORKS.COM Name: . Registration#: Architect/Engineer Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information maybe classified as nonpublic if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaoan.comisubscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.000herstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. xCHRIS ULMER Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Ifs --7q SUB TYPES Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commercial I Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial _ Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous ✓ Antennae WORK TYPES • New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition _ Exterior improvement _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration _ Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation _ Replace _ Water Damage _ Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation 4 Fab f Occupancy LA MCES System /4/Ac Plan Review Code Edition 249 cc MP,I SAC Units (25%_100%____) '---- Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building_Deck_Addition Drain Tile — Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control Framing_30 Minutes 1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Meter Size: Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick_EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace:_Rough In Air Test _Final /Final I C.O.Required Pool:_Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final V Final/No C.O.Required Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: LYes No CReviewed By: .G • ,Planning New Business to Eagan: ----- Reviewed By: GAG NI • ,Building Inspector FEES Water Quality Base Fee 1364-0 Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge %G3 MI, Sewer Trunk Plan Review t MG L$ Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit&Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication TOTAL: it 15C." Page 2 of 3 • Ott '&C For Office Use // T kc)c/ Permit#: /5 i!D . (/ .4 .,•:, Permit Fee: E AGA / ^)A 'tCEIVE ll Staff: r Payment cvd: es No I 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 JAN 0 8 2020 I (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)45485351 FAX: (651)675- 4 Plans: Iectronic aper I Plan Submittal:eplanst cityofeaoan.com BY, 2020 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1 .Date: /- 7 -/ad ao Site Address: /940 61/ AC L d'ie JZ 6,41‘...-.� MA) 55-17, 2- Tenant Name: eu6 Fo�S (Tenant is: New/ )( Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: Name: ,li,,,er-l/u.4.4 17 i I J -2;14 Pho : 657-41$ 606 Property Owner Address/City/Zip: CIO L elJ til r 1 X 99vial-04,304. Applicant is: X Owner Contractor Description of work: aIvey/kot,$pi 4/0e)I S- YCn&i e 2 / p5 Type of Work Construction Cost: C4-1--I Name: 4r180-7 License#: Contractor Address: 65 3D G,veh Val/6i� , R4. City: Ru in,ye State: M Zip: 5-5 303 Phone: 763 " )5-3- 16Z Contact: /TQ/'oin 1 Vi S Email: o d et vi S @ V L.Ga tA-1 Name: Registration#: Architect/Engineer Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: • Phone#: NOTE Plans,and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x I�G�Q1'h if i 'ler 651- tiPi-L(606 x �_ Applicant's Printed NameApplicant's Signature u�ParH.c.K;rc k n er•Qsc)p ervK,l N.CO rro DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE / / 90 SUB TYPES 1 Gj'g6 (/ (' (r LA i<E PC( . _ Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments _ Commercial/Industrial Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration—Commercial _ Apartments V Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration—Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES _✓ New _ Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation — Replace — Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION aa Valuation FIXED (/1 UI MCES System /�c Plan Review Code Edition 20/1; 466. SAC Units (25%_100% ) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units 0 Square Feet PRV #of Buildings ( Length Fire Sprinklers V Type of Construction V•a Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building_Deck_Addition Drain Tile Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Meter Size: Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick_EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final _ V/ Final/C.O. Required Pool:_Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final Final/No C.O. Required Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: ✓Yes No Reviewed By: -' , Planning New Business to Eagan: Reviewed By: C17-41(..• , Building Inspector FEES Water Quality Base Fee 1$5 •at? Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge (NGL, Sewer Trunk Plan Review 1 n1G L D Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit& Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication TOTAL: 14 13r. "47 Page 2 of 3 • r For Office Use Permit*: /60-3"-3" �✓ „ „ EAGAN Permit Fee' Staff: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 Payment Recvd: _Yes No (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 Plan Submittal:eplans a(.cityofeagan.com Plans:_Electronic Paper j 2020 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 01 .02.2020site Address: 1940 CLIFF LAKE ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 Tenant Name: (Tenant is: New/ Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: Name: CUB FOODS Phone: Property OwnerAddress/City/Zip: 421 S 3RD STREET, STILLWATER, MN 55082 Applicant is: Owner ✓ Contractor Type of Work Descriptionofwork: TEMPORARY TENT SET UP Construction Cost: $1500 Name: TNT FIREWORKS License#: Contractor Address: 4003 HELTON DRIVE city: FLORENCE State: AL Zip: 35630 Phone: 612.263.4666 Contact: JACOB QUAM Email: QUAMJ@TNTFIREWORKS.COM Name: Registration#: Architect/Engineer Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public Information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaaan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X JACOB QUAM X P Applicant's Printed Name Applica a re DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 40 ?-6:. SUB TYPES MLA() C( i z_19K &. Foundation — Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commercial/Industrial Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial _ Apartments /Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES ✓New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration _ Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant — DESCRIPTION '' AA Valuation HIV) FELE Occupancy VA MCES System N//4 Plan Review Code Edition /015 Met SAC Units (25%_100% ) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings I Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction V' ' Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building_Deck_Addition Drain Tile Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Meter Size: Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick_EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final ! Final/C.O.Required Pool:_Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final ✓ Final/No C.O.Required Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: /Yes No Reviewed By: Okk1 C, S` (• , Planning New Business to Eagan: • Reviewed By: G'�� �' '�` , Building Inspector FEES Water Quality Base Fee 190C.0-1) Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge INGI;p Sewer Trunk Plan Review I N GI.ft) Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit&Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: it Trail Dedication TOTAL: 12,S-•as Page 2 of 3 F al COal 0 m N, a) -0 6.* ,1, Alo, illi:IH C Z 0 y u u = a�Ll w N 1n . 1 v1 1.0 W a Q W Hill co, Q O y O W 0fkl d..r Q ..-. LLI R3 in - mLos „ � o boa) fas'47, 10- h: u oE, a`i c c m Car v (2m `jc a, ry ▪ Cro ti VI u a o M al = MM. LU CI CD •Ca a v y m ra c C , Lu. M `p a > N• E „, 3 0 E a, 5 w , �1 •� m 1 CCtI w E onF- EOm -a, n 4 •C .p O LL u u O f+ 0 IA, , _di.. . . . . . cn ,.. , cL ,.._ .. 4, _ . .r v t, .4 c. au C I 0 CO 4-' \ ,a-' 11r5,00t.,e '' s:tt- . S*4.0 . ..„."?'••� i�r E i O� •M•a) ZY 44P 'at L NO O -- 77 0 iiiik- CU \ 4iiv-x v `° r ro v a, n +o' hn -14 yrs ` Iflilhi , it ``?C � U al • 0- •ai - a+ ; Y a) N To D a, c >, 0 E - ' E u c u a) 0 E O ,_ O / / 1111411 . - '•Q — ra= C u pO a) \‘).„\,,,,) € -, 1\ . (0,.. 45 1. Z ul m w 2 �► 'i Om moYj C QQ 'n U U Y Y •.y \\ , _ . 1 : '''''N'Eu) it.,:7 /At f-i i1 1 a�yy Q' N !A., �'9..it* O LL z '� t. . • r..._ .,.mow... _ .. s_ `. • OLLZ JO a ` N JZ �{ y'J Zook' t a 11-s-' < % a Gip N I TNT® FIREWORKS SAFE-N-SANE PLAN-A-GRAM 20 X 40 TENT (10 Tables) Assortments Emergency Table Exit 5 ,t. Assortments Assortments Table Table 4 Assortments Assortments Assortments Assortments Table Table 7 3 Fountains Fountains Fountains Fountains Table Table 8 2 Fountains Fountains Fountains Fountains Table Table 9 1 Novelty moromm► Novelty .A3,7t�l...l Table American Pride Add-Ons0 EXIT ENTER Giveaway N I Place all items together by category priced lowest to highest. Your highest priced assortment will be on the end of table 5. You will want the Right side of your tent to look exactly like the Left side. g9 - Ftrc E, n'v;‘,442r 20' x 30' Master Series Frame Tent Directions MASTER SERIES F+—.,Comer..,,,Side Tee '1 Master Series Poles FOICOR FO2ST Description Size Color Qty. Rafter 14'4" Red 4 Hip Rafter 10'6" Green 6 6 Way Crown _ �� FOSGWC Spreader 9'4" White 11 F. I �� Legs 6'8"(7'8") Brown (Black) 11 Master Series Fittings ��. EZ°'1 Qty. l \ 1 4 r `.- 6 „ VII. 110.0111'.. 1 Hip 6 Way Crown 2 l�e� Ratter Master Series Style Base Plates 10 Pin &Bail(R Pin) 72 Spreader 1. The layout begins with the frame parts being laid out on the ground in the approximate location that they will be when the frame is assembled. The perimeter parts are laid out to form the perimeter, and the roof support parts are placed in the interior in their general locations. Laying out the parts in this way facilitates the assembly. (See Diagram) 2. Begin with one of the 6 way crowns.Attach the hip rafters (14'4"red)to the 6 way crown at the second and fourth points by sliding the pole over the fitting and lining up the holes in the pole with those in the fitting.Place a pin in the first hole to secure the pole in place. Make sure the pin is positioned so it will not touch the tent top fabric. 3. Attach the rafters (10'6"green)to the remaining points-one,three, and five of the 6 way crown using the same tech- nique as in step 2. 4.Attach a spreader(9'4"white)to the second 6 way crown. Repeat steps 2 & 3. 5.Attach the corner fittings to the hip rafters by sliding the pole over the fitting. Line up the hole of the pole with the first hole of the fitting and place a pin. 6.Attach the side tee fittings to the rafters by sliding the pole over the fitting. Line up the hole of the pole with the first hole of the fittings and place a pin. 7. Now,the perimeter is ready for assembly. Connect the side tees to the corners using the spreaders(9'4"white). Slide the poles over the fittings, line up the holes, and pin the pole and fitting together. When all of the spreaders have been secured in place,the frame will be complete. 8.Attach a loop end strap to all four corners (and side tees if applicable). Wrap the strap around the fitting,pull the flat end through the loop and tighten around the fitting. These straps will be used to secure the tent with the ratchet buckles and straps attached to the tent stakes around the perimeter of the tent. 9. Attach the Master Series style base plates to the legs by sliding the leg(6'8"brown/7'8"black)over the longer tube on the base plate and securing it with a pin and bail. www.GetTent.com/instructions.htm Page 1 of 2 PARTS / MINIMUM STAKING LAYOUT pie "141111* b. 4441140,41,.. 40'' 10' 10' 0 10' 0 10' 1 z Master Series Base Plate i j\ 440 M Legs d� D B nM 1.-- 0..:;..-,, ' QJ, r •rte r •; . eC'o <--Cemex —' `l.'ll:\ r D i Slde Tee w/RingJI FO2STRING 0 F Spreader +r—Hip Rafter 2 6 Way Crown Double Head Stakes FOS6WC Ridge Crown / /FOBRC e+r 1/ 1 .- 020 T - zE ) Double Head Stakes SidFe02TeeSTRwl RingING Raker Spreader--a. .11.—Rafter 20'Cables WI Carabinera—0- Spreader ►Spreader S/a ,- t I e r 1 :a Jar r ..,'4,.. , / rlef e, ac Er dr iii REQUIRED HARDWARE Description(Key) Size/Color Qty. Picture Tent Bag D 1 11L__ -• Q D e OR {:::-.} • • Wrap Around Tent Bag Round Bottom Tent Bag OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Description (Key) Size/Color Qty. Picture Sidewall(s) 20' 6 Sidewall(s) 30' - RATCHET ASSEMBLIES Ratchet Assembly Master Series A. Ratchet Buckle with Loop Strap D oilRatchet Assembly 04 B. Loop Strap D C. Master Series Ratchet Buckles Loop .i D Strapw/O Ring /13 D. Master Series Loop Strap 2 • A c I it Set Up Instructions 1. Lay out the frame parts on the ground in the approximate location that they will be when the frame is assem- bled. (See parts/ minimum staking layout diagram) _.1:,:, - -_-�--'-- -` _ - - . ,lf_ .,,,,,i.,..------__ -: 2. Place the 6-way crown in the framework; the protrusions on the crown will alternate between lifted and touching the ground when it is laid on a level surface. All lifted protrusions will point to the hip rafters, angled toward the corners of the tent.The protrusion parallel to the ground will point toward the other 6-way crown. 3. Connect the 6-way crown to the hip rafters (14'4" red): a. Each protrusion on the crown has two holes; one closer to the center(the alignment hole) and one Z further down the protrusion (the placement hole). V) b. Place a pin in the alignment hole;this keeps the rafter from moving too far onto the crown. Slide the D tubing onto the protrusion until it meets the pin. r— r c.Align the placement hole in the crown with the hole in the rafter and insert a pin. d. Remove the alignment hole pin. (*This procedure applies to all frame fittings) 0 4. Connect the rest of the tubing in the following order: Z a. Rafters (10'6"green) to first 6-way crown b. First spreader(9'4" white)to the first 6-way crown c. Ridge crown to the first spreader(9'4" white) d. Rafters (10'6" green) to the ridge crown e.Second spreader (9'4"white) to the ridge crown f. Second 6-way crown to the second spreader g. Hip rafters (14'4" red) to the second 6-way crown h. Rafters (10'6"green)to the second 6-way crown i. Corner fittings to hip rafters (14'4" red) j.Side tee fittings to rafters (10'6" green) k. Spreaders(9'4"white) to side tee fittings I.Spreaders (9'4" white) to corner fittings 5. Clip one carabiner on the 20' cable to the 0 ring on the side tee. Pull the cable across the 20' width and con- nect the other end of the cable to the side tee on the adjacent side by clipping the other carabiner to the 0 ring on the fitting. Repeat at all corresponding side tee locations. 6. Fasten the loop strap (B) around the fitting at each leg location. irrf ° , , for„ _. 41wI 7. Roll out a drop cloth to protect the tent top of dirt and abrasions next to the frame and unroll the tent top. Pull the tent top over the frame, lifting up on the fabric or"flapping" it to create a cushion of air. Make sure the tent top is centered from all sides. 3111111111111P � •* "" - 8. Loop the perimeter cord around the outside post of each corner. ill z t!1 Pi- 9. Fasten the master series loop strap (D) to each corner and each point where valance curves meet by pulling r the strap through the two metal rings on the tent top,then through the end loop and tightening. r G _i ''t —Its O \' 2 10. Attach the master series base plates to the legs (7'8" black) by sliding the leg tubing over the longer protru- sions on the master series base plates, securing with a pin. kt.it ths " ' 40 11.In windy conditions,locate the downwind side of the tent to lift first;this keeps the wind from catching the tent. 12. Step on the master series base plate to free both hands and lift one side of the tent frame. Do not lift one corner at a time; lift the entire side of the tent. Insert corner fittings into the top of the leg, securing with a pin. Insert all pins from the outside in; this keeps the protruding section of the pin from puncturing the tent fabric. Make sure the staking hole on the base plate is on the outside of the tent. 13. Connect the 0-ring of the master series ratchet buckle(C)to the base plate hook mounted on the small tub- ing of the base plate. Feed the master series loop strap (D) attached to the tent top through the reel bars slot of the ratchet (ratchet buckle needs to have handle facing upward at all time) and pull the strap back towards the tent approximately 1 % feet. Hold the strap at this point with one hand and begin to crank the ratchet handle back and forth. el 1 • u Ili , i , f \,_-,,v., , . 1 41111.1e4 i - _ it, . 1 c,' ir'\:"I 14. Repeat with the other side of the tent. When finished with the corner legs, install all other legs at side tee fitting locations. Pull the anchoring devices (ratchet buckle strap) through the tops of the hook and loop exten- sions on the tent top to provide access to the stakes. 15. Place stakes 5' out from each leg; drive stakes into the ground so that approximately 6" or less of the stake is showing. 16. Attach the ratchet buckle with loop straps (A) to the stakes by turning the 6" loop at the end of the ratchet Z inside out and pull the strap through the loop to create a noose and pull tight over the stake.Take the loop strap Ti (B) attached to the tent and pull it through the reel bars slot of the ratchet (ratchet buckle needs to have handle facing upward at all times) and pull the loop strap (B) back towards the tent approximately 1 % feet. Hold the r strap at this point with one hand and begin to crank the ratchet handle back and forth. O It, ( , x Z 4,,,,ar , _ ,,. . „., , ,.. g4-1411111,1 N- � -. / . I , r ... , .. s ,, AI k 41. '. ..01'14;'4 . , (1, I17. Make sure the legs are straight then secure the master series base plates by driving a double-headed stake through the smaller tubing on the master series base plate.Tighten all ratchet assemblies. 18. Roll excess ratchet straps and secure into the ratchet buckle. MI 9111 I. ' r 408 19. The tent top should now be complete. If sidewalls are desired, unroll the sidewalls between the stakes and the legs around the perimeter of the tent. Starting at a leg, clip the sidewall snap hooks to the rope line that is attached to the tent top. Sidewall Rope Tensioning: For new tents and during its life cycle, it may be necessary to tighten the sidewall support rope that runs the perimeter of the tent top. After the tent has been set up and tensioned, locate the corner where the sidewall rope starts and stops. Securely tie off one end of the rope. While pulling against the tie-off point,work your way around the perimeter of the tent, pulling out any unnecessary rope slack.Tie off the opposite end of the rope once reached. 1 a G1 1 ' e 01 Striking Instructions 1. Loosen all ratchet assemblies. 2. Remove stakes from master series base plates. 3. Remove interior side tee ratchet assemblies. 4. Remove the side legs leaving the 4 corner legs. 5. Unfasten all anchoring devices from the perimeter tubing(with the exception of 2 at each corner). 6. Remove 2 corner legs from one side and carefully set the tent frame on the ground. 7. Repeat with opposite side. 8. Unfasten the rest of the straps, completely disconnecting the tent top from the frame and stakes. Pi- r- 9. r- 9. Roll out a drop cloth next to the frame. r- 10. 10.Carefully remove the tent top from the frame, lifting up on the fabric or"flapping"it to create a cushion of air. 11. Fold and roll the tent top as tight as possible. Remember not to stand or walk on the tent top fabric. Z 12. Bagging(always use a drop cloth to protect the tent top from dirt and abrasions while bagging): a.For Wrap-Around Tent Bag: i.Lay the bag next to the tent top with the side-release buckles facing down. Roll the tent top onto the center of the bag. ii.Connect the two short male and female side-release buckles; pull tight. iii.Connect the remaining side-release buckle and pull tight. b. For Round-Bottom Bag: i. Place the folded tent top into the upright vertical position. ii. Pull the round bottom tent bag over the upright tent top. iii.Turn the tent top and bag over, pull the draw string tight and tie off. 13. Fold and roll up the drop cloth. 14. Disassemble all of the corner,side tee,and center crown fittings by removing the pins and sliding the tub ing off of the fittings.Work from the perimeter of the frame inward. 15. Remove remaining stakes. A r \ ♦ \ ■ s \ Before You Stake By law you are required to contact your local "Call before you dig" number before you plan to dig or drive tent stakes/anchors.After calling,your local utility companies will mark the location of all underground utility lines. Laws from state to state vary on how far in advance you must call. Planning ahead and checking with your state's program is always a smart idea. Failure to obtain a utility line location before digging can result in a substantial fine or serious injury.Please find your local"call before your dig number"in the contacts section of this manual. A TIRO Prior to staking, be sure that no underground utilities are present.Celina is not responsible for meth- ods that installers may choose to erect and secure the tent,canopy,structure,or shelter to the site surface.Celi- na's responsibility is limited to the manufacture of the tent parts and materials. It is the installer's responsibility, not Celina's,to determine the appropriate number of stakes to meet the necessary wind loads on the installation site. WNW Soil and setup conditions can vary greatly between installation sites. It is the installer's responsibil- ity to be sure the staking is adequate for each site on each setup.Additional staking,tiebacks, and/or stake bars may be required in order to safely setup and secure the product. A►wAR lNG The number of stakes suggested in this manual routinely does not meet the relevant local codes of the installation site.The number of stakes included in the standard kit will,in most cases, keep the tent,canopy, structure,or shelter setup. Due to various soil conditions the standard staking kit may be inadequate to keep the tent secure in high winds and wet or threatening weather. Regardless of the number of stakes included in stan- 11. dard kits,Celina makes no representation or warranty as to whether this is sufficient to meet the requirements for your installation site(s). Staking Basics A properly driven stake will have 6" or less of the head exposed. The deeper that the stake is driven,the greater holding strength the T c—r �/ r stake will have.Anchoring stakes must be driven deep and vertical. `""1 dyi Stakes driven vertically have a greater holding strength than stakes driven at an angle. Vertically is defined as straight up down or an- gled up to 10°away from the tent,canopy,structure, or shelter. T r °r Mts X:\ You Tube For more information on staking and soil conditions, please view Celina Tent's 15 part video series on YouTube.com or follow this link:Stake Pull Demonstration(1/15)www.goo.gl/vOXhV ot Flame eel ISSUED BY: • EUREKA!TENTS I a div.of Johnson Outdoors Gear LLC BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK 13902 '170a Manoufadiaers of the Finest : Tent Products Described Herein • : ' fit DEALER NAME Ultimate Events ADDREss: 8933 Lyndale Ave. S. CITY: Bloomington STATE/ZIP: MN 55430 ® ♦ � This is to certify that the products heroin have been manufactured from material Inherently flame retardant as here alter specified by the material supplier. Certification is hereby made that The articles described an this certificate have been manufacb,red with an approved flame retardant chemical that was tested and passed the Mowing codes:Caldomia State Fre Marshal Code,NFPA-701,Underwriters Laboratory of Canada(ULC-8109-M87)and(ULC-S109-2003). �� 20' x 10' frame white end section Desatica amidst Flame Retardant Process Used Will Nd Be Removed By Washing And Is Effective For The Lite Of The Fabric 4awo Allow_ TENT OE4ARTENT,JOHNSON• i GEAR WC R Oa/ 4., -, leC4PISSUED BY: e IIIet, 4 N., • EUREKA!TENTS!a div.of Johnson Outdoors Gear LLC d Nip. BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK 13902 -4,4, ' Manovfedurers of the Finest �', 2Pia R ,. Tent Products Described Herein V *,110 IVCli.P ,4, .z... ...1- 'fie r. DEALER NAME Ultimate Events ADDRESS: 8933 Lyndale Ave. S. CRY: Bloomington STA1EIZF: MN 55430 • ♦ ® This is to certify that the products herein have been mamtactuted from material inherently flame retardant as here after specified by the material supplier. Certification is hereby made that The articles described an this certificate have been manufactured With an approved flame retardant chemical that was tested and passed the following codes:California State Fre Marshal Code,NFPA-701,Underwriters Laboratory el Canada(ULC-S109-1467)and(ULC-S109-2003). m �� Evolution top 30' x 15' mid white saipiatFlame Retardant Process Used Will Nd Be Removed By Washing And Is Effective For The Life Ot The Fabric DEPARTMENT,am, , ..GEM LLC OW .04,14 rx CALL ALISSA ANTON WITH PERMIT FEE OR QUESTIONS. 651-464-2988 Aanton@cpandh.com EAGAIV 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651) 675-5675 I TDD: (651) 454-8535 I FAX: (651) 675-5694 Email: buildinginspections at citvofeagan.com Plan Submittal: epiansAcitvofeaoan.com r -' For Office Us I %- Permit #: C1 6a- 0 d Staff: Permit Fee: Fi z� Payment Recvd: Yes _No Plans: Electronic Paper I 2020 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of paper plans with all commercial applications as well as an electronic set of the submittal, submitted via email, CD or flash drive Date: 6/23/20 Site Address: 1940 Cliff Lake Road Tenant: - Cl< Suite #: Property Owner Name: SuperValu Phone: Contractor Name: Commercial Plumbing & Heating, Inc. License #: PC643117 Address: 24428 Greenway Ave City: Forest Lake State: MN Zip: 55025 Phone:651-464-2988 Email: mwisgerhof@cpandh.com Type of Work New Construction V Addition Modify Space in Right -Of -Way dispenser. PVB installed serial # 060467. V Replacement Repair Rebuild Work Description of work: SVB replaced above floor sink serving soap irrigation System (__ yes / no) (_ RPZ /_ PVB) by Public Works) prior to picking up meter. _ • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed Meter Required — Call Utilities at (651) 675-5200 to verity tests passed Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Flushometers _Yes _No Average GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No COMMERCIAL FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value $ x .015 $ 60.00 Permit Fee $60.00 PVB/RPZ Permit (includes State Surcharge) Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call City for Surcharge $ Surcharge $ TOTAL FEE The following fees may apply when Installing a new lawn irrigation system or connecting a new water service. Contact the City's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Water Permit $ Treatment Plant $ Meter Fee $ Radio Read $ State Surcharge = $60.00 TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.comisubscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. "rl Applicant's Printed Name \ lY) Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 4