1475 Cliff RdCaNTRACT 3830 PILOT PRICE 55122 SLDG. Tf PE WORK qes. New Cc Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair. Other COMM./IND. FEE AP7. BLDGS. - C TOWNHOUSE & MINIMUM - RES MINIMUM - CON STATE SURCHA OF OF Phone FEE $12.00 $20.00 .50 FEE} RES. PLBG. DNLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Water Closet - $3.00 $ Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 Kitchen Sink - $3.00 UdnaVBidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 Floor Drains - $1,50 Water Heater - $1.50 Whiripool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM -1 PER PERMIT-NEW COMST.) Sofbener - $5.00 Well - $10.40 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 U. G. Sprinkler System - $12.00 ? Water nn?avd PERMIT FEE: STATES S/C: .50 GRAND TOTAL: 12.56 ? -? ?-?-?- l.t? on w ? ? /? ? d^ 0 f LJ aI;! /ty AOC ? cirir oF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eogan, MN 55122 N2 4256 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT `.' = r ?` • Receipt # Site Address Lot Block Sec/Sub. - Porcel # iU-?i'•' ??-,. ?1 p? Name ?.Nca ..iih4%.cul,' Z Address 1475 Gliff Ad, O _ -gigZ1 454-b3t% ' Nome 0 ?Q Addre ? ? r:... Name _ Address I hereby acknowledge that I hove reud this opplicotion ond state that the information is correct ond agree to comply with all applicoble Stote of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eagan Ordinances. 4 SignoYure of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: all work shall be done in accordance Building Official Erect ? Occupancy T Alter Q Zoning - Repair ? Fire Zone Enlarge ? Type of Const. Move ? # Scories Demolish ? Front j ' ft. Grade ? Depth 2 i> ft_ Approvals Fees Assessment - Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. - APC Permit -- Surcharge ? - ` Plan check SAC Woter Conn. Woter Meter Total 13.50 on the express condition that State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eacan Ordinanc=_s. PonwM # pefe yewi perWMtM Plumbing Mechnnicol INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rough-In Flnd FooYings y? Data Irqp. Dote Irup. Foundation Plumbing Frame/ins- f 6-j 7'7 Mechoniool Finol Q_ ?? i? ?/. - _?? ? ?r I Remarks: . CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Section 28 Lot Rik ? Parcel 10 0280d 030 81 ? Owners ti„ Street 1475 Cliff R.d. State Eagan,NlN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK JnY 1976 8 6 0 15 Pa7.d 7-9-75 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 1977 820.80 -54.72 1 656.64 h007002 10-15-78 STORM SEW TRK 1981 903-00 STORM SEW LAT "` CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK I .3 /Jes. y?OS 445 FOr pi Rol.t? ? f' ? i? 3/AD AC3 q hJint e"e Mn e?,t , CITY OF EAGAN SEWER & WATER CONNECTION CHARGES - 1990 EXISTINC RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WER CONNECTION CHARGES WATER CONNECTION CHARGES SAC $ 0.00 WATER CONNECTION $625.00 Previo ly Pd. Previously Pd. Receipt # Receipt # ACCOUNT DEPOS 15.00 ACCOUNT DEPOSIT 15.00 SEWER PERMIT & S CNARGE 15.50 WATER PERMIT & SURCHARGE 15.50 SUBTOTAL $ 730.50 WATER METER 90.00 + SEWER TAP TREATMENT PLANT FEE 252.00 AL PLBG. PERMIT & SURCHARGE 12.50 SUBTOTAL $1,010.00 + WATER TAP 100.00 TOTAL $1,110.00 woo WER & WATER CONNECTION CHARGES SAC 700.00 Previou Pd Receipt # WATER CONNEC N $ 625.00 Previously Pd Receipt # ACCOUNT DEPOSIT $ 30.00 SEWER & WATER PERMIT & URC GE $ 30.50 WATER METER $ 90.00 TREATMENT PLANT FEE $ 252.00 PLUMBING PERMIT & CHARGE $ 12.50 SUBTOTAL $1,740.00 + SEWER,?& WATER TAPS OFFICE USE ONLY ASSESSMENTS ?IU PROPERTY OWNER U)?? i)61)9G PRV `{ts p,<s ? ?a•£rZ r??? ic $°TE6LEPHONE C7 # TAPS ? Xe5 ADDRESS ? ,P,C? k 5t-6, ".d CJG , u.pf"%?AIVER ? ? L 3 B 81 SECT. SECTION 28 P.I.D. # 10 -02800-03 0-81 5EWER & WATER PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122-1897 DATE 3°C 4, 1 SITEADDRESS 1475 CLI::' nD LOT BLOCK °-SEC/SUB SECTIOi: 24 APPLICANT: ADDRESS: CITY, $TATE Zlp PHONE: PLUMBER:_ ADDRESS:_ CITY, STATE PHONE: _ OFFICE USE ONLY METER# ??6 A Zi ! 9'I pERMITpATE 12105iC30 •CHIP #' ? 05" 27 Lo PERMIT # 1 1 76b ' METER SIZE ff1?5 ? U. RECEIPT # r 112S4 ISSUEDATEa?i?+^S?lJ B? RECEIPTDATE 12?04 ?C v PRV _ BOOSTER PUMP ZIP OWNER: LUDVICI; \+?sLiOVw ADDRESS: 1475 CL_PF :.p CITY,STATE EAGnN 711 Zlp 55122 PHONE: 6 o1 -t153 4 PERMIT REQUESTED - SEWER 1-WATER 1 TAPS COMM/IND X RESIDENTIAL NEW x EXISTING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Domestic MeTers on Water Line. Credit WILL NOT be given for Deduct Meters. I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF ?AN ORDINANCES / ` SIGNATURE WHEN METER ISSUED PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCHSSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTIONS. FOR STORM SEWER PERMIT$, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT; l2-I?? l! J rlyKi/RI? ??? h: r• ?,?.,? ' , DATE: DW S, 1990 RE: 1475 CI.IFF RD X ? - Your ??Wff Water Permit for the above property has 6een completed. It will be held at the Public Works Garage (3501 Coachman Road) until the meter is picked up. BE SURE TO CALL PUBLIC WORKS (454-5220) FOR YOUR PERMANENT WATER TURN ON. - Your Sewer & Wa[er Permit for the above property cannot 6e completed for the following reasons: 4 -• j Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed, but the meter cannot " be issued or occupancy allowed until further notice. ? - COMMERCIAL PROJECTS ONLY: Please pay for meter at City Hall. Meter size must be confirmed by Bill Adams or Dirk House (Plumbing Inspectors-454-81D0) before issuance. WARNWG: BEFORE DIGGING, CALL LOCAL UTILITIES - TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC, GAS, ETC. - REQUIRED BY LAW. ' CONTACT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR WATER TURN ON POLICY. Secretary, Building Inspections Dept. EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Owne: ----.G:..?--- ....... ................................. Address (Presenl) 1?.?`.5........ ......... . ------ 1--re .L.........."'......... 8ullder ..........1.R:?. .... ..................................................................... Addreu .............................................................................................. DEBCAIPTIOM 11T° 2255 Eagan Township Town Hall Dele ..... .................... 81eriae To He Usad For Fron! D?plh HHph! Esl. Col! PGrm !ea Aemne ¦ LOCATIOIQ Ssreel. Aoad or olhar Dsseslpilon ei Loes!!on I Le! Sloek dd!lioa er T:ae! CZSeD IFSI Stcma ? -:? This pexmit does aot aulhosise !he use of slssete, sonds, alleps or sldewalkt nor doas !t giva !6s ewasr or hle agen! !he righ!!o ereate anp siiuafloa whieh Is a nuisanee os whieh presaats a hasasd !o !he heallh, safelq, eonvanianee and general melfare !o anpone in !ha eommunify. THIS PEAMIT MUST SE KEPT N T E PAEMISE WHILE TFiE WOAK IS IN PR06RE88. , TLis is !o eerlifq. !hal..... LF... ............. ?......---..... ......i.............. has permissioa !o azee! a.... ..... ?.^.".:'.:-e :...._upoa !he above deacsi6ed premise eubjee! !o !he rovisons ot !he Sullding Ordiaaaca !or Eagaa Township adoplad April 11, 1955. / ............... ........ . ..... . ...... .. . ( ?"`--`='-'----._.... .......... Chair?an of Tnwn=Board Pez .............. X.9 ..... :...I...... ............................ . .......... Z Buildinp Impeclos le EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Ownez .... (.o-a.----- a ........tx. p -- ............ - Addreas (Presenl) ...... F?k ....?....e?4?'!=y[------ ----- - -`_--'--.'- O Buildex ------- . '.... -?---------------- ------------ .............---- ( Address ------------------------------------ .._.....--------'-----'---.._."-`-----------' DESCRIPTION N° 1026 Eagan Township Town Hall Date..._4?6.?L3 ............... .. 5lories To Be Used For Froni Depth Heighf Est. Cosf Permi! Fee Aemazks LOCA Sireel, Road or olhex Descrip2ion of Locaiion I Lo3 I B1oek I Additiox or Traci ?., C. K. `G `?-? - -?'?Yy ?----? .!- 10.30-81 -?eriv?8' ? ?---_ This permit does nof auihorize the use of s2reefs, roads, alleys or sidewalks nos does iS give the owner or his agent the sigh! !o creale any sifuaiion which is a nuisanee or whieh presenis a haaard !o the healih, safety, convenienae and general weliare !o anyone in the eommunifp. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE KEPT O THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. This is fo ceriify. Shai_.?.__a:,..... _-'_.. .... . - _......has permission Yo ereat a---.. _'.. .. - -.- " ""'.. . "'..u pon the above deacribed premise subjecf !o lhiions of the Building Ordinance for Ea?Township ad9 3ed April 11, 1955. ' ......-" ...................... ..V.?0.:SHe..?..'-----. Per _ -'.._ . ' ?- ll..?" . .. . ..... ......----- ? --" . ..........."'----"...-"" C airman of 7'nwn Board Building Inspecior C?• Q, Lot 3 Block PID # Permit # Q -'? Subd. S e C, 0 ln 3-? Receipt 7), CITY OF EAG SEWERIWATER REPAIR OR ISCONNECT PERMIT 2000 Date O o? Sewer Water V Fee: $50.50 Address/azea to be repaired l'?? S' Ole Description Owner: v a knC? ?ti ? L Telephone: 3(? o StreetAddress: i (? k?C? 1 Zip Code: ? 2?- Installer: (?m+.tec G(,,?2 ?Telephone: ?' 77'U'o33 c? (area code) Aaare5s: , City Zip Code: L Signature P rmittee 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLiCATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD • 55122 Q 0 651-687-4676 y? 9 ^+? New Comfruetlon Reauirema? RemodeVReoair Reauiremanh ? ? - `( ? 3 re0lstered site surveys ahovdng sq. ft of bt, sq. % of house 2 wplae of pWn and all roohd amas (20X mmimum lot eoveraae allowed) 7 eet of energy cakulatlons for heated addIDons 9 2 coples of plens (show beam 8 window sizes; pourel fid. dasign; ek.) 1 site survey tor ezterbr addXions 8 dacks Y 1 set of enefgy Weulatbns > 9 copfes ottree preservatlon plan if lot platled a(ter 711193 ? DA7E: CONSTRUCTION COST: DESCRIPTIONOFWORK: R2y^oJe- Zis.?.Qa+"re+. STREETADDRESS: ^? IY7-? CI??? RO LOT: ? BLOCK: ? 5UBDJP.I.D.#: O V, ? Name: Phone#: 3 6,5O PROPERTY Last FlBt OWNER /1 StreetAddress: 0 /'r'c.ars- ,A",,,.6 A,0_ City &5? a«. State: Zip: 5S/ Z Z Company: ?. Xa?.,3? -.- so1.s Tl-? Phone#: (area code) CONTRACTOR StreetAddress: &Vo/7S CY:?,NC6610 161v,o License# Exp. City State: A ?• Zip: S"?,6-2 ` ARCHITECTI ENGINEER Company: Name: Telephone #: ( ) Street Address: Ragistration 0: City State: Zip: Sewer 8 waMr Iicensed plum6er (new conatruction onNl: 7Nephone #: Fenalty appliea when address change end bt change k requested once permit la issued. I hereby acknowledge that I have read fhis applicatlon, sfate tlhat tlie iniormation is corted, and agres to comply xdtli ali applicable Sfate of Minnesofa Statutes and Ct of Eagan Ordinances. Signature ofAppliqnt:?-/tA?"3?? OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required ` y,?y - ) vs--t ? 7 ate ? ALMUkEl? ?) BUILDIiiG PiRf•SIi P..rPLICn.TIO'd LOT BLOCK FDDTTIO?7 PARCEL & SECTIOId I-U L3ER IF UiIPLATTED /U° 0 43 2 S-'00 -- CS 36 ?„'_?LRESS OF PARCEL / ; I Y t 5- 0 1,'A R aQW i0? d7?:G -4 I OCCUPANCY ESTL•iP.T-M COST? 1000 /3 X g4r' TELEPHOb7E NO. COid1i2Z1CTOR ,Se I T TELY:PHOTdE 510. A]>DREuS 'r7otec Include si.ta plan, huilding plans, and energy calculations with this application /? /? ?' Signed 06J l ?f ?/[./?C,?Ll- ? OF:'ICS USE SF C S 7x=Z C0:12SEC.IOi1 C1.TEFi f9ETER ' BUiLDING PERt•iIT FL E . R, uIIACI4.FIRCP PLF', ? l FI,fi't, CiSCK FEE PAEiIC DEDICATIOi? FT-E _ OTT',.:,R TOTFiL* PPPP.OVnI,S: A85E6a+1E:3T CLERK BUII,DIidG DZPT. POLICS llEPT. ?'TA^ER £e SEFdER DEPT. FIEL AEPT. PF1RK DEPT. cirr oF EAcaN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 PHONE: 4548700 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION $2,500. Receipt #p N8 4256 5595 To be uxd fo. Garage Addn S Patio Dare E+Pri1 6, , 1977 Site Address 1475 Cliff Rd. -- Erect ? Occu an I Lot Block Sec/Sub. - Parcel ?F 10-02800-030-81 w Name Carl Erikstrup z 1475 Cliff Rd. 3 Address ? ,... aSa- 4D4-bJLV ? Nome Smmp ac nhn?.n 0 ou Address Nome _ Address I hereby acknowledge thot I have read this applicotion ond state that the information is correct and agree to comply with oll opplicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City o4 Eogan Ordinances. Signoture of Permittee A Buildin Permit is issued o: _ i tTU a P all work shall be done i cdordonce wi ??al licable STare nf Mi. Building Official P cY Alter 0 Zoning _. Rl Repair ? Fire Zone _ Enlorge ? Type of ConsT. Move ? # $tories Demolish ? Froni 13 ft, Gmde ? Depth 24 ft. ADVrovola Feea Assessment _ Water 8 Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner ? Countil _ Bldg. Off. _ APC Permit 1L.UU Surcharge 1.50 Plan check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Toral 13.50 on the express condition rhat Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinon[es. ? ? \ ? r -T -- ? ?I I T- -- -- / ?- ' q_3 4 ?- -? -1 ? - - -- -- -i -h? r --'-- ? - - -- r-'-- ' ? ._ I ? _.--1 ? I ? i ? -?- ----- '- ? - I ? ? , --- - - I- : ' --? - i . _ .-_ I _ ' _ __?'- , ' _ '__-,- . . ' _. ? _ _ '_ _'_ ' __ _- . ' , - _ _ - -_ _ • _. ? "__ i i i ` " ~' ' . , i ? _._ , . '_ _'?• ? ? .. } f ?i-? ? _'_- L_ ' ? + - _ '_;?_ ? _ ? , I _ _ -? _ • i - - T -- i ?? ?APPh'?X, - - : ?? ? - -- ----- . . , _ - - -- i r- ? ?- ? --- i -.;- - ?Y7.3` }- 1 ' ? yoa i --,GL.rFF-? li?oA,p ,o,F . . . . I i . ' I .L . . . _?` .?:.• . . . _ . + CITY pF E:,GAP1 37°5 Filot Kriob Road F?t;an, Minnesota 55122 PERM,IT NO.: 234 The City of RaZan r,ereby 8rants to Carl Erikstr? o? 1475 , a `?f2td FII'LD Cliff gpad r,a an at Permit for: (Owner) same same ' , Pursuant to appli Fee Paid: ¢ ' 10 00 G'aJ? , o ???fJJd ted . 9 29 7 ,SU s/c dated this Zq _ d 5 of ? l9-z _ P?Iechanica2 F-ermits: Bid Total; ? ,-. ' 10 Building Inspector ` ? -., a . . . . I .? . ? r ? t I I I .? I I i I I ? ? .SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY AS OF: 12/03/1990 PROPERTY ID: 10-02800-030-81 S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 100010 STORM SEW TRK 0000 1 0.0000 903.00 0.00 0.00 CL 100304 SAN SW TR 1975 15 8.0000 896.40 0.00 0.00 CL - 100351 WATER AREA 1976 15 8.0000 820.80 0.00 0.00 CL 102065 SL 466 1990 10 9.0000 6407.26 640.72 0.00 PP 102066 WL 466 1990 10 9.0000 3837.18 383.71 0.00 PP 102069 ST 466 1990 10 9.0000 7123.44 712.34 0.00 PP ------ SUMMARY OF LEVIED 0.00 0.00 0.00 ****** 1990 P&I CERTIFIED 0.00 ,7? h ?j ? ?P (0,1/,? ?O-L,.? q ?/-?'/,/o ?/ ?A,?? e- L? V?70 y . . SIJMMARY OF DEFERRED SUPII4ARY OF PENDING SUMMARY OF CLOSED 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19988.08 Press ENTER; or F1, F4, F5, F7, F8 ,.. ..r w.?a.['.;. SE - 28 N.E I/4 SEC.33,T 27. R 23 BEA BIOMOUI3T YAVON TMOMASEGAN CITY OF EAGAN MAf1K PANRANTO J4MESA.SMITM TMEODOREWnCNTER 3796 PILOT NNOB ROAD fAMtItNFM9ER5 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 33122 PMONE 454-l100 ' DATE: 7-15-83 : ? •- . . - . . ` 4.n. ?. y. ? ? .. ' . • ?' . , RE: Project,384, Walden Heights Storm Sewer Trunk parcel ?10-02800-030-81 Dear Property Owner: ' THOM<SHEDGES LI1Y PLWNISiflAfOR EUGEMEVnNOVERBEKE CIiY CLENK This letter is to inform you that on August ?_, 1983 AT '- ' 7:00 P.M., a public hearing will beheld at the Eagan City Hall to discuss the proposed proiect providing for: A Trunk Storm Sewer outlet from the Walden Heights Addition northerly across Cliff Road and into Thomas Lake across the northeast corner of your property . , .. This will require the acquisition of a draifiaqe and utility easement by the City of Eagan to allow both the construction and permanent installation of this --_____storm_ sewer line. This public hearing requires that all property owners to be assessed as a result of this project receive a legal notice of this public hearing prior to [he actual public hearing date. Since your property was previously assessed, you- will not be assessed again under this proposed project. However, this letter is informing you of the proposed easement acquisition required if this project is or- dered for installation at the Aueust 22 1983 Council meeting. I£ you have any qucstions regarding the proposed alignments, location, schedu- ling, etc., please try to have a representative attend [he meeting of AuQ. 2 1983 wtien all these items will Ue discussed in detail. Your anticipated conPeration in the acquisition of tliese easements will be greatly apppreciated by the City of Eagan. Sincerely, 67 Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Date: pugust 22, 1978 Edina Realty SPECIAL ASSESSh1ENT SEARCH 4015 W. 65th Straet RE: 1475 Cliff Road, Eagan Edina. MN 55435 Section 28, 10 02800 030 81 Enclosed herein is the search which you requested made on the above described property: Kin o Inprovement Runs Beginning Origina Amount Balance Due Water Area 15 1977 820.80 711.36 I further certify that according to the records of said office, the following improvements are contemplated or pending after having been approved, and are now ip the process of planning or completion. Kin o Improvement Approximate date o Completion Approximate Cost NONE S4AIVER: Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees the accuracy of the above information which was requested by the person or persons indicated. Nor does the City of its employees assume any liability for the correctness thereof. In consideration for the supplying of the indicated information in the above form, and for all other consideration of any nature whatsoever, any claim against the City of its employees rising there from is hereby expressly waived. Levied assessments to be paid to the County Auditor at Hastings, Minnesota 55033. Very truly yours, SPECIAL ASSESSF9EENf DEPARTMENT /s/ Ann Goers Assessment Clerk . .! i ' Edina Office ?NC. 4015 W. 65th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55435 • 927-1100 August 17, 1978 City of Egan 3795 Pilot KnoBe Road Egan, Minnesota 55122 RE: 1475 Cliff Road Dear Sirs: Please send me a special assessment search on the above property, our fee of $5.00 is enclosed. Thank you. Sincerely, Lois L. Hietala Closer '? T qU? /f ,?I . rs19j8 ??,0 Anoka-Coon Rapids . Bloomington • Bumsville • Brooklyn P2rk • R°°m' Edina • Fridley . Golden Valley • Hopkins • Minneapolis . St Paul . Wayzata REALTORS M. MLS, INTERCOMMUNITY RELOCATION INC, %b Oz sS?. o G3r? :-L; l nuguet 4, 1975 Carl A. Frikatrup 1475 Cli£P Road Eagan, m 55122 Dear Ifir. Erikatrups Res Sanitary Sewer Tnuilc Ponding Easeaent Resent]y you aigned an easement for poading with the City of Eagan far Thamas Lake, I have bear? informed by our City Attorney Mr. Paul Hauge that we need the r.Art 4i_a e oF Ti .la in order to record the essament. Pleses contact Mr. Hauge at your earliest canvenience at 451t-4224 to have thia matter reaolved. Thank-you Por your cooperation concerning the above meationed lbnding easenmt. Sincere].y, Arm (}oers (Mra. ) Assessment Clerk City of Eagan SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCII SUMMARY AS OF: 04/15/1994 PROPERTY ID: 10-02800-030-81 S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 100010 STORM SEW TRK 0000 01 0.0000 903.00 0.00 0.00 CL 100304 SAN SW TR 1975 15 8.0000 896.40 0.00 0.00 CL 100351 WATER AREA 1976 15 8.0000 820.80 0.00 0,00 CL 102065 SL 464 1990 10 9.0000 6407.26 0.00 0.00 PP 102066 WL 466 1990 10 9.0000 3837.18 0.00 0.00 FP 102069 ST 466 1990 10 9.0000 7123.44 0.00 0.00 PP ------ SUMMARY OF LEVIED 0.00 0.00 0.00 ****** 1994 P&I CERTIFIED 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF DEFERRED 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF PENDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF CLOSED 19988.08 Press ENTER; or F1 F4, F5, F7, F8 ? ?, ?-' .i ?. r / L? l' ,• '? t.' ?;, i / 7 i ' 1 ? - -70 ?o ? / C Y3, s ?7 (??? /65onX?,( ?. 0 7 y ?? ??? I s?z, Ytr 0 16:13 FEB 05, 1997 ID: DRICOTR COUNTY TEL N0: 438E516 Municipal Notice of Well Permit Application Dakota County Environmental Management Department Water and Land Managemeat Section 14955 Galaxie Avenue West Apple Valley, MN 55124 Tel(612) 891-7011 Fax (612)891-7031 DATE; Febmary 5, 1997 T0: Torn Colbert/Wayne Schwanz FROM: Water and Land Management RE: WellPermit #: 97-H105326 Municipality: Eagan Fax #: (612) 681-4612 WeII Type: Domestic Environmental 5pecialist: Olsen The Water and Land Managemcat Section of the Dakota County Fnvironmeatal Management Tlepartmeat has received the following pemut applicaticn for the well described. Tf yau requse further review of the application or if yai have any questions or conceras about it, contact the Envirommenta( Specialist listed abwe or our office at (612) 891-7011. If there is no response from youx office witliln 24 HOURS (excluding weekends and holidays), we will asswne tLat you haue no objections to the issuance of the permit. Please nou that permit issuance is always conditioned on the permit applicaat's obscrvance of aod compGance with all aPPlicable state, coumy> and mumcipal ]aws and codes. Weli Contiactor: Bohn'W'ell Drilling Date application received: 7anuazy 27, 1997 Anticipated Drillmg Date: _/_/_ Time: Anticipated Groutmg Date: Febraary 6, 1997 Tmne: 10:00AM Property Owner: Ron Hceft WellOwner: RonHoeft WELL LOCATION: PLS Coordinates: 1/4, sw I/4, sc 1/4, se 1/4, Sec 28, Towa 027, Range 23 Sueet address: 1475 Cliff Rd PIN Niun6er. 10-02800.030-91 ? WELL INFORMATION: Diameter. Cacing depth: Total depth: Static Water Level: Aquifer: COri1MENTS: Permrt application to seal an existing well. *9464 PRGE: 1/1 J at•.?., ? ?? %9 ?- R-97% ? DAKOTA COUNTY 02-05-97 05:llPM P001 1$30 0 1999 BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 75 S CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD • 55122 651•681-4675 New Consfroctlon ReaulremeMS Remodel/Reoafr ReoulremeMs ? 3 regtsfered afle surveys thowing sq. R. of lot, sq. M. of house 2 coples of plan and QII roofed areaa (20% maxlmum loi eoveraoe allowed) 1 set ot energy colculafiona ior heafed addillons. D 2 copies of plans (show beam S window aizes; poured ind. deslgn; eTc.) 7 sBe aurvey for exierlor addRions S decks ? 1 sef of energy calculatlons ? 9 copies of hee presenatton plan B IW platfed affer 7/1/93 DATE: _2= I S" C CONSTRUCTION COST: DESCRIPTION OP WORK: STREETADDRESS: i?-?- LOT: 7-?) BLOCK: C? t_ SUBD./P.I.D. #: PROPERTY OWNER Name: C4.?? dt?, ?.a?.Phone #: Lasf Flni Street Address: ? U 1./V?A IL? City ? Sfate: Iip: 73 Compan?_??d't?. ? Phone #: 3 (area code) CONTRACTOR Sfreet Address: c ?U a `? ? license # bcp. a1 City State: Zip: S S'3 y o ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Telephone #: area code ( Name: Streefi Address: Registration #: City State: Sewer 8 water licensed plumber (reauired for new conshuction onlvl: PenaNy applies when address change and lot change is requested once permH is Issued. Zip: t hereby acknowledge ihaf I have read this appltcation, stcte that the InformaHOn is conecT, and agree to compl with all applicabl State of Mlnnesota Statufes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of AppUcant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE a• ? 01 Foundation ? 06 4-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 16 Firepiace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 5-plex ? 12 12-plex 0 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4sea. ? 03 1 of _ plex ? 08 6-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 04 2-plex ? 09 7-plex ? 14 Apartments G 19 Lower Levef ? 24 Storm Damage ? 05 3-plex ? 10 8-plex ? 15 Lodging ? 20 Pool ? 25 - Miscellaneous WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 38 Gas Line Only ? 43 Siding/Soffits/Fascia C] 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 40 Gas Insert ? 44 Wndows/Doors ? 33 Alteration 37 Demolish Bldg.* ? 41 Wood Stove ? 45 Fire Repair ? 34 Repair ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 42 Reroof " Give PCA handout to applicant for demolition permit GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. Census Code (Allowable) Main level sq. ft. SAC Code ? UBC Occupancy sq. ft. No. of Units ? Zoning sq. ft. No. of Bldgs a' # of Stories sq. ft. MC/ES System Length sq. ft. City Water Width Footprint sq.ft. ?.. APPROVALS ? S Planning Building ? Engineer, ? Uzrv nr EArAN ? Permit Fee Valuation: ? Surcharge CASHIL-".Fi: ,?; TE=hMINFlL NOe "r';e PlanReview nArre 07i23i93 T.T.Mi'i;; 1 1c03e License MC/ES SAC II ? ? City SAC NAPf&:, (sWIFT hlOllF:iE MC)VT.NL; HF_AVY MA WaterConn. 921G 9001. 4515 PTL.I]7 F:NOfl ?5.r1o ; Water Meter P_i.;;5 9004. 4:5:I.5 F'IL.OT 4(tl0B 0.'S0 Acct. Deposit I J.i.q :300J. t475 [:t_:rer- hzi 715.00 S/VN Permit i 2155 9001 1.475 C;L.:CF'f` ItI7 0.50 S/W Surcharge 32i.8 900i 4565 PII...UT KKPlCII+ i.4.Q0 Treatment PI. 2.1.55 9N J. 4:,65 P.T.l..[11 KNnD 0,50 Park Ded. Trails Ded. - Other ? CopleS la+,al Fierei?;t, Ainoiln+.; i'26.50 Total: cRi.t4n76 uSER Tri.", inN SAC Units % SAC I ? 7-14-1999 1:25PM FR014 DAKQTA ELECTRIC ENG 4636107 P.2 THE FOLLOWTNG SkRVTCES WERB DiSCONNECTED 6Y 6UR CK'L'W ON NLY 13, 1999: 4565 PTT.OT KNOB ROAD 4515 PILOT KNOB ROAD 4575 PILOT KNC)B FtOAD (2 SERVICES) LA'?75 CLIFF ROAD DELORES DENNX Dakota Electric Associaiion 461-463-6247 ?. MOVER'S PERMIT APPLICATION (FOR BOILDING MOVE) 0 Date of Appllcation: -1,'?3 '?" 0 Address & legal description of building being moved: Lv ? 0 Address & legal description of proposed destination: ?1 ac?-h aQ Je Yl.£ nrl - 0 Qieck situation that applles: V"" Suilding presently lxated in Eagan - to be moved out of Eagan Hailding presently located in Eagan - to be relocated in Eagan (Requires Council approval) Building located outside oP Eagan - to be relxated in Eagan (Requires Council approval) Building located outside of Eagan - to be moved through Eagan to another City. o Mover's Name: 'Sa),M, E?U sfrl'ZOUinG Address: c??gL[S t(Z,{'L/.1n v(ati' l nVCoYQn Phone # c o i a-4-? €-u 3(+3 Mn. Mover's License # 3 -i(submit a copy of license) 0 Highligst origin, route, & destination on current City map. If County or State roads are used, provide copy of those permits. 0 Proposed date 8 time of move (notify Eagan Police Department). &OTE: Eagan Poliee vill not acoompany move until time ooordination has been aade vith neigbboring m cipality. p\??? !'? 1 _ . ll , r f .- _ , ? , n . ?.?n _ i .i i • f. U Size 6 weight of atruetures ???L lG ?6- L) 2Z 17 /zl" OFFICE QSfi ONLY !lover's permit fee Permit # Guaraatee to repalr 3 E ?. , ... ' I. OWNER'S PERMIT APPLICATION (FOR BUILDING MOVE) 0 Date of Application: -I- i3-qg' 0 Address ? legal description of building being moved; \ 141 5 0 Address 6 legal description of proposed destinations l3? a&h i??_? 0 Building owner's name: address: 01.0?45 'w 42d - C0rcc5rarti- 5s3?0 phone 0 Landovner's name: 1-0,,Sk-f LAkN('mn LhU-r address: ?ano P1 ?c)T E1 IoVJ o-ci phone I1: If landowner is di£ferent from building owner, provide approval from landowner to operate on the property. 0 Indicate if structure is connected to: _ City sewer City water _ 5eptlc _ Well _ Electric service _ Gas service ? Other (list) 0 Indicate party responsible for utilities disconnect: _ Owner Mover _ Other C Jri'So ? OFFICE OSE ONLY Real estate taxes/assessments on building Real estate taxes/assessments on land Utility disconnect: Electric Gas Sewer/water Landoxner approval 2 I ?? ? ?1Nq 350tl I~ ? I A3771'A 37dd1' s ? 9 % ? ? f r .? ? _ ' ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? 6 ' ? ? l ? ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? l i ?? 1 B _I' Y` ? ? • ?_ ir ? ? '` ? 0 ? ? 4 F? + i ` ° ' ''? ? ? ? ? ? c a ? ? . . . ??r? - ?' s ? c, 9 • x , °? • ?.?? '*? . ? ._. .? ? ?f'' ° I? 2 / a ???'' ,.,?? ? ? - - • ? ? ? - .yC?,. :/ . .` { , I??i ?. ?? ' i f . ? ?r '? ?`??? '? .-e- • ;, ? ' ' ? r`'eh ' ' I ?µ ^ A?/?' ?' ?y1, a?? ' +..? !,? .?\• ???? IT", i' ir?' a ..? ?j 1 \ / ? s? \ ? •? ?t 1 !i _ _?PO\? ? ?`.?i..... / 9•: r' i?-M1 ?C.& i? ??? ?? ? u. ?y °' -.. "? iF•?i{ :i ? I i:ca E '?/ • , ?? \? / I a ? Y T ' ? ti??J R ?? ?I' .!.":°vr??C "?` ?es- ,cl ' :r? '.f1 ? ?\ 3 - a ?' . ??? A~? ,? J'1 ? , • • u? ? _ ,,,? v• ??;?`, i?% ? \ ? I •R /? •'' , ? ? , II ,? ? ,. ; + 9 =• - ?'?• r ? ?•I 1 M ?? ' ?? ? ? F? -- - ?-4 - ? i?4 ? _ . '? - - ? % ? pp ? ? ? ? ? ?' o " i ??: i • % -- -- -? " w'j '3 ' ti 9 °° c + ? •?,-- Y ? . ??G , .. . .? :.?.f?i? ,\+ ?? :? "'• Ui p 4__ 1? I ?-- - '???? 't ? N1 ;? •.......J i? I 3?u eY? f ... , ?, .x? ? ? ?_+ ?1_/ ? ? -• ? /' _._??- 1- , ? ? ' ? ? ?? ?? I ? • ?? 'v ' ? ? ? -? -• ?T - ? . , ? / y m 9 a e' ' 3 a o e v ? kt: Ntlt15P/GAftat MtlVt 1 guitAhltB I Will Fbptilt gNy uHd sl) damage tv tocal rntidways, uttllties, tind puhlic right-or- wdy that tnlky be damaged by thls moving aperatlon. bale gy; .,.. ___ a.::. :zs --.?n^?BRS i-.Sa o.2a'o5J? ' D4KOTA COVNTY HIOiiWAY D@YAA'IMBNT WOwtn swlu Cam P?mut PM' ?, tA0l3 GaW V Avww. 7vd lWur Nw? sYu+ou APCH VSIIqI MT1 7S121 plw?ro: (dt2)19t•7{00. Pa?: (6121 Wt-71i7 AppllWtivn foe uec cf Dokota Counry 01111hwaY, for rehlCks Of W(vt w01{ht or ftxe. 1 hdroby *NMN rftiwlun ta more tso Collowler vaAieI+K4 or bu111On9(1) owt eoAa1o D coumY fu"7s' oalECt i0 8e MovBp: COUNTY IeOADS aaQvesTw' f hwa ?d ?od ?ndrwid ?M Pruvlsiam of C?pPat ?e?, w Uuou10 169.11 of ins Min?e?eV Mowr vsAiole ?ud Tnffio Lw ud 1 eontPy ih?t, ?pt a?? ??n. ? np?uuon? of ?he C?pNr vnll be itnair oompll?d th. l Nnhfr.?i? ? n?^e? Couelr fa wy duwir w dbu ro?d WIor ??^r^oM ?owd " r rault of ?rloa+ w by r?io prrtail. pgpAdi2 iIBQUea7'dD !'OR; Prtone.fP??I?G3.3??-- COMY/?NY fIM1B: ADOR6SS; _` Fu: w2 gd = c ? AXL WfiiGH7: -- SIONATURE: WIDT1': INSUAAHCB CO.: ? eQ, L&VO M: .? 2g ?fICiLG POUCY NO.: 7,??,(e„Gn ! HSPO rEtnur ponnial" if 111ao"w kr sh? GiPvw ?+wmmt undef Provloforo o1 Chrpur 169.96 of tEe Mln aeu MlgAuroy'!'nFCc ReBulanon wa wbjwt a IlN followiay gpwiil requtnmenu: Mpy„eW'0,L CIA CZV-40(? . Mov.«aw ar.;ng a.rr,tiht nowo sri,. }K w??AQ. 1 oa.rJ. S?s Qn fw??+ oF- Mov+mwrc Gom !A.m. m 7:30 p.m. mly. Motinwe from I2:30 s,m. w l:70 ls.oi. oaly, (Sae iwan " tw Speoisl Provwa NwIPr DaIcau Ooumr 34orlff i497-aE1 p ivro iaun befofu bealming movcman. ? ApNes ou &6d1 prww! .nd fultvw oM v.hicle(q a wue an0 iWow tnflky.J i? ?ernJar ?iWl qe?lfy dl uNlitr eanprniq Invohwl in tAip mov& belon prrmit u vdi}I. l6m b.ck pop far MapAons a+mbm). ? w oayY 01 lFIv I"mpt iftN 1v kye with IM raldcb rt ¦fl 001" oMI dWbyw Ypen Yonwtd of lwy plles nfAcr w e(Ifati o( Dskqr QpYner, Oek 4 Ceu y A A71 MGnwoia lWrrm wny DoMnmau of?uMie salbgy Rsyuirtiwr miut M aompllp wlgh, ? -7/r f Pnrn?i? V.TiJ UniJ r.?G?e?v?.? #? 3?- - R c'I Swift Housemoving & Heavy Machinery Inc. 20845 Larkin Road, Corcoran, MN 55340 Plione:612-478-6343 Fax:612478-6934 Purchase Agreement This Purchase AgreemenY is made this 6th Day of April, ] 999 by nnd between Easter Lutheran Church- Mark Keel, 4200 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota 55122 hereinafter called the Seller and Swift Housemoving & Heavy Machinery Inc., 20845 Larkin Road, Corwran, MN 55340 hereinafter called the Buyer. In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained the Buyer agrees to purchase the building described as follows:Three Bedroom Rambier., located at 1475 CliffKoad, Eagan, Minnesota. Purchase price will be $8,000.00 with $1,000.00 down and $7,000.00 paid prior to removal of the building. Seller will be responsible for sewer, water and bonding as may be requued by the city. Seller shall he responsible For cleanup of the site and removal of the old foundation and debris. Seller ftuther guaran[ees that he has the right to setl the building to be removed &om the property and shall not hold the buyer responsible for any liens or real estate obligations as may be required by the City or County, Seller will be responsible for well abandonment and sewer disconnection. Buyer will 6e allowed to show the house for the purposes of sale to prospective buyers. Buyer will indemnify the property owner from accident or injury related to removal of the building and provide a certificate ofinsurance. Buyer shall remove the building &om the property on or before 7uly 15th, 1999. Buyer: Swift Housemoving & Heavy Machinery Inc. By: kvj,??? A -'-ILIZ -1 - Ro- bert A. Swift, OwiWr- Seller: i^/.?S"rG?2 (&J`CL/4/? CN?1L?? SELLERS COMPANY NAME By:?,? SELLEFCS NAME if1Jr??rfc ? . K!F ?tc? t0NESO)9 m? ?o a g ? a e TOF TP Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Motor Carrier Services 1110 Centre Point Curve Mail Stop 420 MendoW Heights, MN 55120 Building Mover License CEK1'IFICATE NO: 312227 iSSUEll TO: SWIFT HOUSE MOVIIVG 8x FIEAVY MACHINERY INC '1'he abnve numed hcensc holder ha, complied witli the hcense ieywremems anJ is heiehy issued thu Mmnesota Buddmg Mnvet Licenae whieh wdl expue on thc datc ?huwn below. [XPIRATICN DA'll.: FEI3RUAP.Y 29, 2000 lFhe heen,e holder agtecti tu cnmply wuh ull upphcable Steie anU Federal kceulauun.. Feilure iu comply may resuh mievucauon uf Ihfs hcense. The Liceme HolJei may not peiiunn bmlJinV moving operalwiis in Muineco[a unlesti lhu vehides hnvc been iegisiered nnJ displey n valid idcniihca[mn exb caid itiwed by die Minnetiota Departmeni ul 1'ranspoilauor 1-OR VHRIFICATION CALI (651) 405-6060 5W11=T IIUUSIi MO\+ING K HIiAVY 11AC1IWGR1' WC 20845 LARKIN ROnD CORCORAN MN 55340 Gtl -I:C:IIVti UATF 01/25/99 4AP,-12-99 SAT 09:21 fA}S NG. 8126:89762 P.02 AfZ98o CERTIFICATE OF LlABILITY tNSURANC 03"?°°';; ? I r Sbo M?qli?sa MMe M rM w W"ISIXTIM auv nwo wnreu rro rooM uoon rHe camnaTe NO 0. y LpF Tlli C6Rf?ICATL OOiY NOT I,I?ND. EIITEND OR 1935 Ihat Counly Aoed B-2 ,M241 AITEII TNE COV6NACi[AfFpRpiO BY TME iq.KAM tLLOW. Roewille D!1 55113 ? CpMpuul3+lFipRpwGCOVERAOE M71ttlU1l A. 8t7i1dNR ??'?* ,ya, 651-636-9L00 a?s..6S1-638-9762 A PWftYal Insuraaee Coopany r?o ooM??wr B JWrican IalASstate Ins Co Svaft xouH lioaanq 6 Xaavy -- Maahirery, Inc. ? 20845 Urkin Read Corooran PIIi 53310 p COYERAOES 7IOi I6 TO C?1Milllt MlKlp M IItluUNILE uSTlD WW1 MAY4 I!W UlIItA TO ift INtYM N?AIiDA"YC /dl TMe iOLKY PN00 IIOKAilO, MOIMfMIT"VIINIG ,Wy RMWMAM7. nM pR ?OfTON OF AWCpMMApTOR OTIf1100CU1AMTyRn ApMT'M YM'OM TNB 014nFIG7l IMr!! Wu[D 0R wr}WMX TIIIiMWAMC! MM1low tPTX5roLICIiB OHCNlt01RON e MdRTro Ml T41l1tlLf. Yi"UiOM AHD OONO:TON\ Os MM pLK,l!!. UMRSlMOWN MFY W" BWI R{DMC f( h11DCL4MC ? r ?......? ?~ I 1 TYR 0P IMWNNGf I COLICV W MNIM TR L 1?1T! ' ? OM w" wex.in i x?u?oopa?a 1 OOO,oao A X e 38375694 12/OB/i8I 12/00/99 P?ouats•eo?nw.cv ?1 000,000 IOIMar?M?X OCCII?I I .!lYOMtti?OVINJIIRY fl 0?? ??? .. .. ovrnpis?oanuem,n.aoT i ?ucNaooYP"ULNQ I/S,OOO„?,OOO ..., l ? ru?[o?M?OSlram•mq I? 1 000 000 i ..oa.w,..w.? ?.• 5,000 A .?noror?s wakm X un?uro j i 73256901 12/00/98 12/09/99 ???i?T 61,000,000 atIOWMOAUi'0{ i 10ptY1N,lYl1'f ? !CM[OYtJ0AYi0I I?M?n1 ? -R MuoAuM i j ' r r +w ' X MoNOwNIOiu7lea ? w.e i ?R01[I1TVwW0[ ? 6AM06tYSl1fY AvtOONLY.YACCCiMT { ? ANVAYtO 01?B1TY?uli00Kr: 9AONAODOlNT 1 atocuu?utv am oecuswiol ? uronnuwue I ' I ? '°0?0'n ? iw mncM nrw urwmw raiw ? i ? vXNlttpe0l/RIMna/uo UIlOYGO WMYPI ? i 9L MCN11eOWNT $100 000 g ? 99wn?II?i132596 04/13/99 02/f7{OOLoaNx•rouar?nr* ?500,,000_ ? ?? l a ow?x • n anoew t 100 000 ???, ? OTWA A lCarpo Cevozage 75375696 17/08/98 14/00/99i ACV np te g75,000 9300 ood. encO&rnoMaon?unow?oe?rww.+thiae new GERi1FKA1E M0.0fiR CANC0.LAT16N ?? ? axouow/vxrNUUatwfc.rarouuw?swcauwmwrw ?v?anaMOannn?.n,B aawwacowunwwL WouwR Ior" ? 1,0.anvnerreu BOonee n na c0mmTI NoLoeR wweo x ml urr, :o wKOrf sr rwx coxcnner eutrnaurtmrutwexwonee Mreteroaue?noxaewaun ; a uw wNa uroH nic wrpuir. Au. • ;srasthw A. sunaNn Y I^