1924 Covington LaneCITY OF EAGAN N_ 10024 . 3830 Pilot Kirob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55721 PFIONE: 4548100 50S'? BUILDING PERMIT Re,oe+vt # , SF DWG/GAR $61, 000 r,,,, APRIL 2 SiteAddress 1924 COVINGTON LN wt 16 siock 3 cec/su6. PARK RIDGE Percel No. g Name FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES CORP Z ndd.ess 3920 BEAU D'RUE DR ? City EAGAN Php„B 454-0433 o Name SAME Z su Address ? City Phone ?W Na,,,e RICHARD CHARLIER _? A?,?s 14103 GARDEN VIEW CT ?W City APPLE VAL phpne 432-5492 Erect LX Occupency R3 ? Remodel ? 2oning RL Repair ? Type of Conet. V Enlarge ? No.Storiec Move ? Length 40 Demolish ? Depth 46 Grade ? Sq. Ft. In9Lell ? Approvoif Faes Assesunent _ Woter & Sew. Police - Fire Eno• Plonner _ Pefmit Y y"•?" Surcharqe 30.50 Plan Review 158.00 S,e,C 525.00 Water Cann. 5 0 0. 0 0 Wafer Meter 63,9 0 Road Unit 98()- 0 yjANT.P_ 132.00 7aal $2.004_50 Council 1 hercby acknowledye thot I hove reod rhis application ond stare thot eidg. ott. 3/29/$5 fhe inlormation is corrett and egree fo comply wify oll aOGlicable AP? Stata of Minnesoto Stotutes d Ciry f E an O(dfnance , I !? / var. Date Sipnoture of PermiMM I w Buildinfl Pem,tt is iuued eo: FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES CORP m ths express caiditlon thot all work shcll be done In cccordunce with all pppliwble,,Stot of Mi newto Stafutes ond City of Eapon Ordirancas. Bufldinp Official CITY OF EAGAN N2 13 5 21 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21 •199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-8100 aeceipt # -? ,;? ? ? G, To be used tor DECK/PORCH Est Value $1,950 Date APRIL 27 1987 Site Address 1924 COVINGTON LN Lot 16 Block 3 Sec/Sub. PARK RIDGE Parcel No. a Name SIDNEY HEGSETH = Address S? ? City Phone 452-8123 .o Name SAME ?a Address ? City Phone a W w Name iF za Address aw City phooe I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application and state thattheinformetianiscorrectan ag ree to co mply with allapplicable State of Minnesota Statutes d 6ity of Eagan Signature of Permittee -PC / A Building Permit is issued to: S NEY all work shall be done in accordance with all aF Building Official State of M OFFICE USE ONLY OnSiteSewage _ Occupency MWCCSystem _ 2oning On Site Well _ Type W Const Ciry Water _ (Actueq (Allowable) # of Stories Length Oepth S.F. Total Footprlnt S.F. APPROVALS FEES Assessments _ Permit 37.50 water/sewer _ surcnarge 7 nn Police Plan Review Fire _ SAG City Engr. _ SAC, MWCC Planner _ WaterConn. Council _ Water Meter BId9. O%. _ Road Unit APC _ Treatment Pt Variance _ Parks Copies TOTAL V36. 50 on the express condition that Mesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. J 5 ,? ?u s HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD ADDRESS l-OUi h q ?-eYl 1919? ppT. _FLOOR _ OCCUPANT d '(fff OWNER _ HEAT LOSS DATE HTG. INST. ?_- SOLD 8Y INSTALLED Elechical Work By Gas Line 8y TYPEOFHEAT GA_FA !t'HW_STEAM-SPACEHTR._ GAS DESIGN MAKE ' MAKE OF Model ?-L> o?SO o7 Model - Serial a? Max. BTU INPUT t,D,3D ?0 MAKE OF Model _ CONTROLS THERMOSTAT Heat Plug i,-,.?r5 m, d B(o C8 vai.e f.cA1 r? Limit .JC ?OtIP?u/2?? L yO&q Limit $etting Fan Setting / ?O PilotType h PilotMake Wh?? Se? Pilot Model ?- Pilot Timing P? PC L.W. Cur Off ; Pressure Pereent COZ InpuiCFH ¢O C Parcent OZ ?J $tack Temp. aZ50 Percent CO ? BY i Vant $ize L_? ` KIND OF LINER 'S? SIZE ??? NONE Drok Hood Noyl Regularor hon e Filters Siza 1(& 05 K? Num6er / Chimney Loeation Inside l? Outside ChimneyCanstruction / l:11ys5 .6 -4(u?+1 Smoke Bomb Draft - Door Prossui DaTe Teated - Company TesTing Name o{ Teseer _ CITYEQ ? SUBURB UNIT HTR. -OTHER CONV SION BURNER ? Rati n9 - FURNACE 'Form 235 ' CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ? PH O N E: 454-8100 BUILDING PEAMIT Receipt # To be used for Est. Value ' Date 7 ,19 SiteAddress `'Lot Block Sec/5ub. Parcel No. ic Name ' W ; Address ° City Phone ¢ Name _ . 2 - 0 ? Address _ i ?¢- City Phone I Name _ Address City I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is Correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee OFFI CE USE ONLY On Site Sewage _ Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ Type of Const City Water _ (Actuaq All bl ( owa e) * of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Assessments Permit ..37. S( WatedSewer _ Surcharge ? Police _ Plan Review Fire _ SAC, City Engc _ SAC. MWCC Planner _ Water Conn. Council _ Water Meter Bidg. Off. _ Road Unit APC Treatment P1 Variance Parks TOTAL A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that ail work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinancea Building Permit No. Permlt Holdsr Date Talephono it Plumbing H.V.A.C. E ElectriC Softener Inspaction Oate Insp. Commants Footings I Footings II Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Ntg. Isul. Firepl2ce Final N/g. Final Pibg. Bldg. Final Cert Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. ; -t'-'r, i ~= ' "- • Deck Frmg. WBII +?O ,? •v S - N T? ?' Pr. Disp. -i,,,qe- - - , uv? ?.,cnv?o Lp ELBG.%gTg ' ' ITY OF EAGAN 10 0 24 • 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PH ON E: 454-8100 dU1LD1NG PERMIT Receipt # Te 'w w"d fer Est. Value Date _1_9 Site Addrets ' Erect Occupancy Lot Block Remodel •^+ac/Sub ? Zoning . Repair ? Type of Const. Parcel No. Enlarge ? No. Stories ? Name Move h ? ? Langth h ? Address Oemolit G ? Dept F S rade q. t. - City Phone ' -' Install O ? Name Addre u ?- rGrv StL'91: ? Name =?i•?1+' W x? Address u • ? Z. City Phone 43.c - `' 4 Assessment Water b Sew. Polite Fin Eny. Planner Caixicil I hercby ocknowfedfle that 1 how reod this opplicofion and stote thet glde, pff. the inlormotion is torred and agree to comply with all applicobl* Sfate of Minnesola Statutes ond City pf Eogon Ordinonces,•O APC 9uHdirq Offidol Per?nit Var. Date Sipnoturo of Permrtt" A Butldinfl Pertnit Is issued to: dl wwk shalt be done in occo.donce.with otl oppliooble State of Minnesota 5' iees Plan Reriew ' SAC I Water Conn. Woter Meter . Rood Unit PBFIcs ' Total ..- on Nhe expraa cwditfon that tutes ond City of Ecgon Ordinances. PKmit No. Permit HoldK Dab TNephons ?t P?umb;ng Z j H.VA.C. El:ctric r?'R ?c.?.. ? b r yv. So(tsnir Inweetion Dato Insp. Othe? Footinqs r Foundation Fnminp S? RooHng Rouyh Plby. i Rouan Hvn s,?, inwlstion ? FinN Plbp. Finsl HVAC ? ? Final S f /dr G G?t/Ooe. !.u wa?r F Wscribe Location: YWII Sowsr Pr. Disp. l Rapipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Psrmit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee 0. (Y) ff/l in numbened spaces S/C _ 5nType or Prini /eyiblY To? •,,.; 1. Date 2, Instellation Cost 1 i..?!. 0, . , 3. Job Address 1174 ('oy inatan ; Wt•° Blk. Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor 6. Address ,w • - . . Phone 452-1 Sh?, . 7. Ciiy ra 17 aftEe _"?'N Zlp 8. Building Type: Rasidential W? Commercial ? Institutional 0 9. Work Description: New ? <1dd ? Alter ? Repair 0 10. OssQibe he:?t`ng c,y•.. _Fuel Type !jr; z Fquipm?ni B TU - PA. Ea. Forced Ai r Mf9• Boi lers Mfg. Unit Heater Mfg, : Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets Equiament CFM Air Handling: Mech. Exhaust ?'aT.h fa - Other I 12. I here6y certify that the above, information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances a;nd codes governing this type of work. Signed : Inspections: Date This is your permil Approved • -??- for RouQh ` Flnal _ Insp. Date Insp. numbered and approved. CITY OF EAGAN 454-6100 Raceipt ? PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN F!! Fi!l in numbered spaces S/C =, r Type or Prini /egialy Tat . , ? . 1. Date 2. Installation Cost ? 3. Job Address ?ot?Blk. -!r_ Trac ? 4. Owner ? _ . 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City - State i;;t ? Zip 8. Building Type: Fiesidential 0 9. Work Description: New O 1 10. Describe I 11• Commercial O Institutional D Add O Alter O Repair O No. ' Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs $eptic Tank ?Z. Lavatory Softner , Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray 1 ? I Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to camply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for ,. , , Rough Final Inspectioni:' Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN Addition pARK RIDGE 1ST ADDN Owner street 1924 COVINGTON I,ANE OT state EAGAN 14QN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years j! Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. 7 1982 149.13 14.91 10 STREET RESTOR. 459.20 C0102 1 --8 GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK ?qj 1982 147.21 9.81 j$ 1,?7 * SEWER LATERAL - 626.16 41.74 . 584.42 C0102 1 - - WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 198 2 147.21 9.81 SS STORM SEW TRK . 346.21 C0102 1 -85 * STORM SEW LAT 1985 _ . 1 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT n,i 280.00 50597 4 WATER CONN. 500.00 11 to BUILDING PER. 10024 it SAC PARK JF LA"AN WA7ER SERViCE I?RAiT ilot Knob Road G ox 21199 PERMIT NO.: MN 55121 DATE: ` i No. af Units: ` . Q? E a d? i+x' tar No.. p U Connec,Hop rge: 500.00 PL! ?; ?' ? - ti: ? ? •: _ w . Aitc?bUril+'`Qe? ? T: i n :-, r , ;der No.: Permit Fee: Ime to comPh? wuh IM Ciffr oE leson Surchorge: ' Inanas. Misc. Charpes: _ 1. 32. 00 nd Ta#ol: Date Paid: e af Insp.: Insp.: -IZ' S TY OF EAGAN SEVYER SERVICE PERMIT 30 Pilot Knob Road 0. Bor. 21199 PERMIT NO.: ' gan, MN 55121 pwTE; ^'^fl: r.; 1 No. of Units: 1 Addrcss: to esmpy wkh Mis CiFy ef Eagow By Dcte of Insp.: ?ion Charge: 425.00 pd AcoourK Deposit: 15.0 pd PennR Faa: SurtFwrpe: Misc. Chorpes: Totoi: Dote Paid: _ Th:S mq ?t ,?;d ?? trom LI l, b P" A L f o, o? Regoust Dat Fire No. Rough-in Inspection , n ?? if J\ Requir ? Ready Now ?II Nolify InsPec- ? X a? es No [or Nflen Ready ? 6censed Electrical CoMractor I hereby request inspection of above ? Owner electrical work installed at: Sireet Address. Bo?or Route No. • C 1 4-47-t-?t--7L City sectoun . Township Name or No.' Range No. County . Oc nt ?RINTI / J LD Phone o , ?- ?r Sypplia AddVes. . EI !ncMsi C.'``!'?tIC tracF or's License No. Yailinp r a lationl APPI.E VA,I,L- EY MN 512 ? ' Altlharized SiBnature IContractor Owner Making Installation) Phone Number YI1iMESOTA STATE BOARO OF ELECTRICITY GriMs-Yidrray Bldy. - Room N.191 1827 Univarsity Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 Pro?r {612) 297-2111 THIS IHSPECTION REDUEST wlLl NOT BE ACCEPTEU 6Y THE STA7E 80ARD UNLES.S PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL IAISPECTION EB'00001-04 , See instructions for completing this form on baclc of yetlow copy. 0 10?9 "X" Below Work Covered by 7his Request 1 ? Add ReD- TYpe of Buifding Applianess Mired Equipmarit ylired Hane Range Temporary 5ervice Duplex Water Heater v Lightin,y Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heatin Cortrnercial Bldg. G. urnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Mi?k Tank Fafm Other Spec? y Other (Specify) t r SVecify Other Other --- a °?--- ---- Fee r'-----'- - °- -- --- Service Entrance Size # Fee Feeders/Subfeeders # Fee Circuits 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 A s ;,Z.[f, 0 to 30 Amps Above 200 Am s 31 to 100 Amps / rp 31 to 100 Anips Swimming Pool Above 100-Amps Above 100-AMPS Transiormers Irrigation Booms - Partial.'O 1'? " JI?IS J}?CC?e? ?na cu?n / TOTAL ?F1 ?? L1, (?9(7 ? ?? ..--, / . PAxogh~i^ ate the Elacafcal 1 , / (?./i(? . I?pector. hare6y ? L ifr thai the a6ovs Finnl inspection has been ??? L/? ?.-? `? mede_ . tKs wq??sst voio ie momns rrom RESIDENTIAL ? BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OP EAGAN ?/ ??I5 q 7 5 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 ?„,?, ( 657-681-4675 U{ New ConsW clion Reauirements • 3 registered slte wrveys showirig sq. il. af lat, sq. ft. of hause; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) • 2 copies of plan showing beam & window saes; poured found design, etc.) • 1 set of Energy Celculatians • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 717193 • Rim Joist Delail Options selection sheH (bidgs with 3 or less unifs) DATE -7 I 31 Z-00 1 VALUATION ? r V ?"! i:yo _J JOB SITE ADDRESS_ tC? 2t4 Cs? ??a?o.,S L/a-•? ? t(,?4t? IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY OWNER 91 P.1 C--R-oST TYPE OF WORK Po?L. - Pr('?'W_ Cl-o,rr?U FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 1_ 2 APPUCANT - T-1 A--+ V-fPHONE# ADDRESS (°l-Z-4 ZIPCODE SS?Z-2? PAGER # CELL PHONE #_ L9' 'S?3 jl S`? 4 FAX # NE1V RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Su6mitted - Energy Envelope Calcufations Submitted _ MINNESOTA RULES 7672 New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: Plumbing System Includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mechanical System Includes: Sewer/Water Contractor: Phone # Phone # Fee: $90.00 Fee: $70.00 All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to compiy with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant :517.1--r__L.? Water Softener _ Water Heater _ No. of Baths RemodellReoair Reauirements • 2 caples of plan . 1 set of Energy Calculatians for heated additions • 1 sfte survey for exterior additions & decks • Indicate'rf home served by septic system for additions Phone #: L.awn Sprinkler No. of R.I. Baths _ Air Conditioning _ Heat Recovery System Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated VO1 -i ?? ? ? , ??= i i ? CITY OF E?:G-.N ?T I APPLICATION FOR PER`4IT SEWE R AND/OR WATER CONNECTIO,i (PLEASE P9IHT) ., 1) PP.OPER'I'Y ADDRFSS_ 192-4 Cao?r,U ?n (onL -- - TFr.,L DESGRI°TiC:i_ C n+ lc o t-'l ?0lrkP ` F 6 SP T-- (Lot/Block/Subdivision or Tax P e1 I.D. Nu[nber) iSTRt='E, :;a^ G° DRIGii:AI. EiiILTJIPIG ".=1S' TcS!:?.NG: - I FRZS:' ? ?:7;Ii_i;/^pC)°CS=:., US: R-1 SI.NGLE cp-X=.T.Y " , -- --• -_ ? R-2 DUPT?,"Y (?4?'0 UNITS) ? R-3 T(PvTIIRCi',SE ('I'FffiF." + CJNITS) ( tJAIITS) ? R-4 ApAR'I"''F'`:T/CC:M',LLNI[r'M ( II.]ITSi ? COf4SL.F'4C7AL/RE.'Pr1IZ/OFFICE ? LMliSTRI?L Q INSTITUTIONP.L/G0VE??.TMIENT 2) AF?LIC.:?NT (PLEASE PR 4T) NAh1E : ? ADDRESS: ? - ' CTTY, ST?TE, ZIP: = S PHONE: - p 3) pu„.'I$ER i LEASE PR1NT) - FOR CITY 115E ONLY ?y?• - ` ? L ? PIUY.BE ICE45E: ADDRESS: Q • i T+ Active CI'TY, STATE, ZZP: zlat Expir d PHO?IE: ? ? - j _ - ?pLUMBER LICENSE ii ?,?? Q H oi Record ' 4) OCCCPAiv'T/CS'7i`IF?.'R I (PLEASE PI7INT) ?"E; Sid,o G? qLoc?i e7;rti,mPr AnDREss: ll09l )crI PKwS( czTr, szATE, zrP: mh 55111e P??: ? toq9- ??3 5) INUICATG WHICH PERbffT IS BEI1G RD;2UE5TE7: 0 CC:?."dEC:IOV 'Ib CITY SEwER 14 CC:I"c'X.'TZC:V 'Ib CITY [JP.TER ? 0I'F'.EE2 (P:,EASE DE.SC°SPE) 6) r.'DIG?:: C^:-?; ? pl-=Qc f:OLD A.pPRUVED PEF.yIIT FOR PI UP BY O:vTE OF t'1BC)C':: P=L '•?L't?pT.l?t'?'?1 t??'?TT r?i Lr & 4 F1??/L cCi? ? ore> 7) SICZ.:L';c.: ?oQ a?aa? ?av- ?c- ,c:, c_ c c:s7sa s ae ? ass?a:? a? ??s r.s::a :?. ? s? .e fa:.re io-wi-w ?e sr ? s e?a?a• c " H C I T Y U S E O N L Y PL.7..tTm _ - ?D $ l(, S O $ • ??-, -?/? f $_ C? "j.s?EJ > $ $ L ? . UU $ ??UU $ !?""bU $ S $ S $ 61ATE.°. PE?2:1IT (Ii1CLliDE SURC:iARGc,) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER WATiR TiaP (1\'CLi1DE CO'.?PJRH^tiC'i.V STC't') SE:•iE.°. ':P.? ACCOUVT DEPOSIT - SET::2R ACCOUNT DE?OSIT - WAT°R WAC sac TBUNK WATE.°, ASSESSMENT TRti.iK SE'WEP, ASSESSMEN`S LATE°AL BE:.EFIT/TRlitTK SE-:? -P.R LATERAL BE*7EFIT/TRU:Ii; WAT°R OTHER $ TOTaL $ ?1 v2?lc-?j .'AMOUNT PAID/RECEIPT DOES L'TI:.ITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXC:sVATION IN PUBLIC RIGnT OF WAY? C YES ZF YES, THEN A"PE3MIT FOR WORK WITHILd C RG:;DWAY" N1UST BE ISSUED 3Y THE 0 ENGIN ZRIVG DZVISION. LIST A5 A CONDI- TION. SUEJEC'i' TO TIIE FOLLO:,IING CO:IpITIO^:S: ;;PP30VED BY: mT^,--. D,7?? _- -.. ?@?P:l?:Ri?a le4 ?B i?a stPB 6r.m.0? El? t- i! 0 i4 -1W !4!0 §.li r4iA I* ifi il# ok ?If4 i.fm lkm. /k? 14 YA P r 19-3en7-el fy`,,p_ClKca,v.? ZZ l :• s / Ovc;%M,' NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS NUST BE LICENSED WITH TFIE CITY OF EAGAN k `a 'v` INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS w iot,eT7CJ- To Be Used For; _Sin°le FamilyValuation: 61,-948-. Date: 3-26-85 Site Address: l/oZ?COl? N6TON ^N • ? OFFICE USE H i O LY Lot: 1 r,! Block 3 Sect/Sub 1?????_ Erect X Occupancy ?-3 I ?L) 6-E Remodel Zoning ?-? Parcel # Repair , Type of Const CC Enlarge li of Stories Owner Sid Hepseth. Norrie Zimmer Move _ Length 4-0 Demolish Depth 410 Address 1 696. Ford PkwV. Grade _ Sq Ft City/2ip Code _ St. Paul, MN 55116 --__--__. ContractorFrontier Midwest Homes CorpAPPROVALS Address 3920 Beau D' Rue Dr. City/Zip Code Eaqan, MN 55122 Phone /I 612-454-0433 Arch,/EngrctRschard Charlier Address 14103 GardenView Ct. Apple Va ey, M Phone # 432-5492 Assessments Permit Water/Sewer Surcharge Police Plan Review Fire SAC Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg Dff? Parks APC Treatment P1 Variance i0iA1. Do 3 I cC. - ?a I 5g. ?+ 2S. = (0 3 . OP Z0C7. °-° I 32. °D Z4 =9 l2 x Sq - 492,?8 12e, x 54 ?°? r22 Z? 1C ?L'L. ? ?-?O rC f f 1 q'g ?° . , , ?. •.. .r (O[oQO .. . . . . . . .. : s? Y x -},p "it} A ?h ry.y . C 1ROSG COHSUCTIN6 ENGINEERS. l?EYOflS pe17?±I?t??AING PLRHNEAS and Li1ND SURY I? COMPRN4, 9idC. ` 1000 EAST 146M STREET, BURNSVtLLE, IAINNESOTA 55337 PM 432'3000 Certificate of Survey LEGAL DESCRIP710N: LOT16,BLOCK3 PAf<K' RIDGE, ?DAk47-A COUNTY rIINNE s oTA ?5?7cs/ jl ? 151, ,bRrW <1 St,ALE /"J3d? Wi X Q Q -- -- --, r --- _. , . ? N h ? - - - - - i ING SE(TBACK L7NE '-- I ? 3°) C9s3c? 1 ? %sE w.o. C9u. i P ?. 0 O \ ? 02? a I \ C r I CiS, . . .,- --.?.: ' ,--, .? n ? PROPOSED ra ti NOGSE A1 -?I 0? r`. ? [ANCASTE/l" ? Q ?; ' 1?? 2D DO I Q - GAR/WE - ?9ZV0? ^- ?: ? I 37.to+i7 z5.?? •3D8(J/LD/1/G , ` ?9t?L? SEraACK t. _? ? - 5 DiZA%NAGE E x : - • o o , y?VT/LITY • ` ?EASENlE NT,?' r ? r ? y?/.95 .z3,?, , 4 .S Iybl7"W ,?. . ¢'?GOV/NGTON L- 74- '?rES :E?CasTl? ?n? ?-? 1aDic.ai?S D?RCC?oa ?c? 5?.I2Fdc.E C;, ?9z?a.o? ?'?6rC5 'PR? Et?N4?O? Fi?s?}E? (?AF?AGE ?'sa?2 ^?JP?/'lTfu?l ;`?2L •93 I hereby certify [hat this is a true and correct representatioii of a,tract of land{„ :_ , e r 5? Y • ` as shown and described hereon. As prepared bp.me on Ehis day:.of?,4i2eE??19. Minnesota Registration No 'rO- , , . .. . . .,. ..: . .. ' .. - _.._..?_ ..r..»1'._ . . . k?i? x I• I = Lt9?3 ? ?eet ? o! ?` . 6f6 . HEA'C LOSS CALCULATIONS WeatherNripr A' ' Cuidc Windowi Doon Refereace 11 Out. Waq Yer oI Y- erRo 19_., 1 ?•I?? i.l /I_ir Room Length I 1I Width Window? and Doon-Craekage and Area Nms i I' pxt., n ?.'2 14,r-+w-s tddresa: LA tJc-^s 7j---n- ' DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTlON Construdion No. Int Wa11 C.eiling Roof Floor 6 ?e. if'IOtb otpan? H?ItM ofD?ee Ne. o! Ilt?t, Llnnl t0. atertck Area. pp.t0. 9 . I '?+ ... ?Za? ° I 3Z lld . .s Cuf. Btu Inbltwtion U$ p I :)- Glast yW -4-;o a..,3 l? 0 Exp. wall ZdV Nee t:P. w.l1 153 b `t 1 lnt. wall Ceiling 3`/O ?1 00 Floor Total Btu. Required sq. ft. E.Q.R. or eq, ina. W.A. Lsader ira (a (o '? Q IF1•1lxD Room Leneth IZ Width ? S Heieht q Ifo Btu Gleu c:.. ivee e:p. Inl. wall Floor tt. t.U.K. or sq. ms. W.A. L.esAer erca Room (Lensth r V Width l• and Doon-CrackaRe end Area Na. WIA[h of p.M Hpipl of p?n? No. ot Ilf?l. 61nea1 f[. o/ cr.ek AffR ?0. ft. ? Coe(. Btu lnfiltration ZS•(i o 1 Ua '? Gla?I 0 o Fsp. wall 212 Net exp. wall (p l Is- $ Int. wsll Ceiling t7"j ,7 $ 5 Ffoor Total Btw Required sq. Ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. l.eader arcs `WENLEL MECNMIICAL 3600. Kennebeq..Drive Eagan..,MQk; Iowl?tion I Ftow Acplied . Lengt6 I O ?flideh ,5 NeieAt . --T- wl nOOws e nC uoorM -+.rscu ?a ana M c. ... No. Widts of 0... NdgOL et wn0 No.4 tlghn Unwl[4 et en<Y AtY . h. ' ' . ? ' Cocf. Btu In6ltntion Glus Exp. wall Net exp. wau ? q a-? Int. waU Cailing Ftoor .+?U J a 7 S Total Btu. Required W ft. E.D.R. or aq• in+• W.A. Leader area $ I Fl.IFoYt,:?t. Room [i..eneth g Width 4 Height Wmdowe an a uoon -4.racea ae ana nre. Nn. wmte at Dan, Hdrnt oe M. No. at urnt• w?.•? e?. nex oe e An• w- n. ? / u InGlual'wa 19' U 7 a-- Glau i.0 't} 0 O Exp. wall Z Ntt ezp. wall IOt. WGII Ceiline 32 1 ? 0 Floor Towl Btu. I Required iq ft ED R or sq. ins. W.A. Lea:der arts t 9 3 o?L ? Fl ? Liv Room I L.eneth 1$ ° Wulth Ifo° Hete6t 8° __] A__. wu ' Ne. ?uava r WIGt? o! o?n? v ?w. HaIghI at Dans ...__?_ No-ot ??nt• e_ _.._ "_ Llnulff. of nack __ Arw q. fL ? 41 11 l3 [.j 2a / t .8 # Caef. _ j3tu Infiltration 1f0• 4 4?+?"I (o Glaa 7$? '2,3 EsP, wall 272. Net e:p. wall ? rf 11 lo '?}? In[. wall Ceilin8 Z 8PJ :7 1 '?-'-4-0- Floor ? Total Btu. " I Required aq. ft. E.D.R. ar s4. ins. W.A• Leader Arca I 1 U,9'1-O a ? :; EAT LOSS CALCULATIONS Weathentrips A"""-Y'L CiY1dC Windows Door T0_I Rekreace es-o 4 19_ { Namst JXdd=tise: l,n N cr. Z7L-IL DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION : . . CDIIIWCtIOA NO. - I . 0 a 1:e. N'IOtn of van* Hr'/?t e! p?w Na. ef Ilf?u Llneratul ft. et Y An? w. [L ' .. . zK i 8, 0 3a 2s s. , w - CoeE. - Bm ln6ltntion (o q O L'7 (n 0 cJ.,s y 6 a. 4a fip. wall 9wb N« <:P. w.ll 0 2n 55a.6 Int. wall Ceiling Floor ? 2? a (o p$ O Total Btu. Required sq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. L.eader srca 177.1 Room Length Width Windows and Doon-Cracka¢e end Arcs No. wmm of D?n1 li.?snt of Dan? He. et Ilf?t? Lln.N [t. ot et?CY wn• N. tl. Coef. &u 1n61tration Glass Fsp. wall Net e:p. wall Int. wall CeJing Floor Total Btu. ? Required sq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. im. W.A. Leader ares FI.I Room I Length Width Windows and Doors-Creckage and Area No. WIJtp ol p?n? H-IffhI o! o.n. No.o[ ?thl. Llnull4 of crack An• ?V. ft. Coef. Bm Inhltration Glus Esp. wall Net exp. wall Int. wsll Ceiling Floor 7ou1 Btu. Reauircd sq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ini. W.A. l.eader area I _ I .. . II -. ,. . F7.1 •. - -- - Room ? Lci `NENZEL MECHANICAL 3600 Kenne6ec_Drive Eagan, MN;.55122.- lwdation i _ How Appfied. ; _ . Width '..:c,- Heiaht . . ... W wtloM7 aRO YOOrF-a.raua ga awa n?c.-. ? ' N0. W latq a[ anf ' BNg6t af yaN Na o! 11[bu Llenl et. et eraeY wnA M? fL '. - Coef. _ Bm ? IO6lIta1100 -. _.. _._ ... ...._ _. ...? ., :.. . Gt... Esp. wall Net e:p. wdl • _.. . ..... nL wa -._._._..._. . ,. _ . ?. CeJing Floor 7ou18tu. Requircd sq ft E.D.R. or aq. ins. W.A• Le+der arca F1.) Room I Lensth Width HeiBhe W mdows en d 1.16011-4-raees ge saa n.c¦ Ne. wmae at y?R? x•?rn? e[ pw? Na et Ilisb .laol f4 e! eneY An6 qf4 . I cAef.1 tu ln6ltration Glau Ezp. wall Net e:p. wall Int. wall Ceiling Floor Total Btu. Required sq ft E.D R or fq. in?. W.A. I-esder ares p Room I Leneth Width Heieht W.A. ..d Deer?--Coeksae and Arcs No. Wlath et pu?? H.lirt ot O?P? No. et IItAIs Lln.d ft. o[ er.eY Ang N, ft. CAlF. , B1Y IPUltf8h011 Glsu Exp. wall Net exp. wall lot. wall ? ? Ceiling Floor iI Total Btu. Reqvired sq. ft. f.D.R. or sq. ins. ?A. Leader are? Paye 1 of 4 ? EXTERIOR ENYELOPE IIVf.RAGF. "U" COMPIITATION C.p1.„pco9:k.sTeT. ? -- - ?CGWta+i.?? ; OWNER: nnrr: . ,? S1TE ADDRESS: PFIOr7E: CONTRACTOR: FIZpf?"CtG3?? Determine working square footage of each 1. Total exposed wal i area. .. .. sq. ft. x .11 = ZZ7Cj8 2. Total roof/ceiling area..... ( O1 ' sq. ft. x.026 = Ze• .! 7 Total exposed wall arca above floor=_A440 3 a. Total wall window area ............................ ............... b. Total door area ................. c. Total slid9ng glass door area.................................... d. Total fireplace wall area ............................ ............ e. otal wall framing area (average 10%) .............. .............. f. Total rim joist area............ 9• net wall area above floor.'E!44 ..... .......................... h• wall area above floor .................. ................... i• wall area a6ove floor .................. ................... j. frame wall area at foundation ............. 7ota1 exposed foundation ai°ea= ( 2O. k, Total foundation window area ................. l. Total net foundation area above grade .............. Determine "u" value of each wall segment (e,g. window, cloor, each separate wall section) a. ?ZCO.? X b • 3?.?i ? X c. 4z x d. ?j X e .------CJG. 3 - x f._ M Z X 9.1(ova03 x h. _ X 1. ?• ,lull • 35= q t. ?1V___?_? . llu„_ . 'lul, .?•.? _ ??. ? „u,. .0 3 = • Z.(A „u„ 4L4 . lUl. _ X "U" _ x ,iui, _ X "U" lul, , IS = to, q& 3 . ................................. 7ota1 ' 4S• ? : .. i:.:.. JL•??.'..k' If item #3 is the"same as, or less then°'item';; #i, you have met;;,th@ intent of SBC, 600 ? „? ?°` , 19 r Envalopo Avorugp "U" Computat:zon Tol•a1 oxponed rnoi/coiling area A_ 10,71 m. Total skylight areA ............................ n. Total roof/ceiling framing area (avcraye 108).... a, o. Total net insulated roof/ceilinq <irea........... . Determine "U" value for each roof/ceiling segment Pago 2 of.4 M. ?r $ ?r n. a ??U?? ? ?,Z4 e Z• ?w Z o. L?X t 1t 10 . 4 ........ ................. .. ToL•al m ? . 3 6 if total of $4 is tha same as, or less than R2, you have met the intent of SriC 6006 .(c) 1: Alternate Building Envelo e Desiqn To utilize the total enyelope'system method, the values established by the s;urc of items #3 and #9 shall not be greater than the swn oi items $1 and #2. i i. Z'j. ci8 + a. i Z ---gS g? S • ? ' ;;i + 4. _ ?>;'? ? -- 7cum.U ral' r11a11d1? w?t11 nrcA fur lti4ructlun C??n.?iur?i??i? 1: Vilu•, , • . .»,? ._. . rp ?M ...?..,... ?.. ' , ' ? `? ?' , ? o , . ?r '' c? .y. .p.... .R't? . . . _ . .. . .. .. .4. - ? ', 3???'??; t?, ,. ..??, ,.,,.,i q. 38 _aMlin?i'41f _7:. W ? -" - -- a , • ?? s. T..tU?? --.A1.w?ll• --. ... ?.?a ? . ?:C •' .?.`" . f?. F:r.li•rii,Y .111 lilin » p%1f? ? ____ .._ ...... . .. ....__._..._...."'..._".... fo t?i l 13: y s FIU. pl '1'OME3V OF , ---.-----' - 0. GIi . . , . FIWtL IJALL it? r. _111111 ' -----' ----._ .. . _ _ ...-- ? --- ? 4• . , _. . _._._..... . .._?. • _.._ ?_...:? s. ,p,wrn._ st?s4? , i_r iiL.I_.!_ _ ._Q.I'1 FIC. R2 ? ? '1'ut.al •L?. ?' . • ? ---? ? • ' . Intcii?ir iir Cilm - • -• ? •'? _?u --(L? 2. '?7???/!1_.. . ??. .. -'---...___. ?•??J •? ;` ?, ? - sc t yr:,al ?, ?,• .- ? 0.7.7 "-Q (,. }:xtrlor nie iilrn 9 c 3 . ? Intrilo[ nlr fll?:? .. O.GR ?..a---^- --^--•-.-_.?Q ._._..._ . .... ..---._.. . _..?.__._ , . .. .... _ -. -. ??^ • r.°?- ---_. ? ? ? 2. ._.1?[??._ ?L4i.d6 8?.__._. ...?Bg. ? )\2ICI1 :'. pA t\.• • -?? Y • 3. _.. 1? T!.Lx.?!R ... .. ._.. ?.r..?.. ----?-- 1. : ' • •..---- •-- A . P?sctfm tlkC... 9^-6?uc P_...""^ --- ?,. _, . 0-11 ' . h • r•''/, ? • - - I --- LA V. . {5 st,ntl ort .` . •. i. . .` . ? . L?A p C. !3 ` • o- I V • ',I. ? • .. ?_?_. , ' ? . , , ?• ? , ? =' ?r 1((?-- . • ' ? C -=.i P( 1110 .- fcr ? ` _?? / s (ll Iln'I'C: Indlracc t.y????, ":1" a,ilu?:? ?)cnth nnd ' ??1.n:rnd?.iT. nf ir?:•.i1.tCir.?n. - = r . .. ' ? Cbnst?ruction R-ValaQ r •? ?? r, l. Intcrior air film .0.611 ? r, 2. F3 U .J ? Extcrior air filn (sti11)?0. 61 Tota-L 2 457- 8o.. VEIT . =: \?.'?Y? . ? . : ?. • ? • ? = . 02 • °`*? . . . . . . s . • ' F?m 6;7 ' • . ? ; ' 1. Intorlor nir f31m ? 0.61 . f znted Hea[ flocr .. ': ! 2. uP b-L ? , • • 4. F.xtcrioz air filn (stzl • ' , - . • . ? , TotaL 2 _ . FZC. I5* ? . . • . . ? . ' U ? .OZ?' .. . ." . • „ • • _ . . ?.. ' . , . . ' • ` . C o.? yr?c ? ? ri .. y.?, ' . ' ' ' •?tn.-.,-f.^•r?n?.t:a:e. . 0.61.,,r.?,?-?-.v,=^'z__''?--= Insidc air film _ - - - r-?---Y- 2 _ --------------- 3. ' . . Outsidc air. filin Total f SMo. i7 ??? : ? ? ^ 7 . - ? . : ,r,r?•-. ? . . ? - . ;. • : J 4"' ?• y. Tnside air Pilm 061 2. • - . .vented 3. ; L'ecc flav up • . . ? . . 4_ • •? . • 5, Outsidc ais Eilin 0.17 • ' . FIG_ l6.?. _. . . ' ' '•-. . . : . Tota1 ? 3 ? I V 'u 1. Ynsidc air filrn . ? • ? .?..5'•t°'l"=a? 2 ' ' ?y,o? !:1',??r: •? : .. ' 3- . ' ? ,- 9. ?e1t;•%-. :.. . : ? 4 . 0.17 • ., r. ,_--. .._ , . ,-,-. ?.. ?;? ??•?• r ? 1-"?? ? S. Q'11t.;1.C?C .?1C F11111 ¢l._'1-?";'i• :::; ;•.':'. er.:;..:,•;:• ? ? Total . ? ? ' . .. ? ? ? : .:; ?:-? - ? • . ?a,?_?.??? : Flotc: Usc+ additional sheets if morc rpaca i: -• • . pecctcJ for detaiJ.s and wlculaticros. "' ' ' • , , . flov up • ' . . ' $I ,. f7 ` . .. e' . • , ja,.J.3 .. . . ? .rv. ni,u ,?.,» . ..,.... '£ 1b1:roC ?+?iallua wall"nren Lur ., IYQ Cylltll UGI;I?11 i 1?I??. ??` YI?HµI l 1.?' ,. l w? • . .. . ?. ?? I.SSi#,YY . , r !m J. in?l?,; ? ??? •l ? ??pi? ..... . ? ? t 1'.i [L IC 6 }:r,Lunrii,r_nfi. (tLu . -' U.l'1 ?,a v I ? , I?:' ^ uf ??;s AI'L +t 1 Aro fs{?1 Ary: 1 1,.' i ti,¢ ? i'rG TGI'VIY7IV-OF?, ? IiI` 'i iFIV?IfE iQA47,j 1. int?tl.nr itC m,-------'-, (D G!I .Mt,n 4. ----•----..__... .-----?--- --- 44.? r ?? ?a 5 f ?, k ? I Ii' , ' r.? f --- •---- - - -_ .. _._. ?? G. Eatcrior aii_film.? FIG tA2' ».b, I` Iu tnl??; ?u I f I ?? V i . . ?? h ? t ??I!) t .•. ? ?'. , i,i, E?'v `,- i 31 ??_? .' • ' 1. Intci ior nir F?lm .'--^r t 1,.? : Q t . 2. -.._....?_ _ ......°• ,-^'--"- .':`??,? _01 ?! 4. ..--•---•'- -' •' -' .1F?'?+;? lSfeC?k? ? t., J.: .i `r; i _ "'__{? 5. -?----•-•- --.... - -? - ?hf ? ??::IIZ! ;'; ??.? i? •____"'_"_' _'.?__.?.._? fy. ? nir ftlm ?7'ot:1 l'f K' ? !, ? .•, • ',? ?-- xk,., ? . „•.°.'.. - `:.?.T._Q . 1. incuitor ,,ir rtI!?.?_ I -? ..? 'IV / ?.n• ..:u.r,j?? • ? -- ---? ----?---...-- ----?----...--•° :?? : Vti , . ? ?-.`-1 - ?- --------- --- -- --, -- - ----------° .t? •d, r r?,'",1 . G. 1::<C?ri?rC_???r :ii?i h y. '. . ...__ -T01.11 -- . '. . i .??.?.,....?_?_? - • '."F...s`i ? 1 . ? i 11 ? ? y G? 1 3j , ` t, ^ 7 . . I, P , ? ?( ? •? . ? 'F ?„?'Ha ?? V Y II A ? ?' "??`u F 1 G. 1/ l S. • .? . 1 f I?UV ' gy. . I ! ( K !In•CC: Indl caG Cy"'e, ., 4valut d?»Lli nn51... v, z ? f`??1C Cndllt O? m;tll.dl'lt]P ? . - PLA&J *i? . ? .... ? Uru E.4 c,.. FT, .E.+CposED WALL Bl._o?k.; ; . '?Lfiza t3z tZa.s #-8•ZS = ?3?• ?S ; ;; _ ? .... .. . , _--: I:ULL 38t2. 17? ??4 = t4L ?r 1 FZ.Ef? ???GE ? u? o?t Do.??.ti) Zo?e4,S -= 1G - SaL. ;rT, ski?'05eD WA L.l., A2.EA __ .._ .._:...,:`. t3Loc?C'? ?31.?S K, S = 6?.? ? -.... EE ; 4 Z. 5 SC S= 4(ot.5 ? '. ?F v LL. I; l'tZ- k S- tt = 48 FZ i M'' 14 z. >C += 14 Z To-tAL.. . 06 sQ,Ft . eKpoSa:.D GE1 Llijq 9tZ4- « ? 'j"+'f 1NDwS L? DootzS t? ?_'A , ?j; .- I ?I 20j?p m Z ?s '' ?? 1 ??4,b s 3 ? , ?AT? O Zqt 44 & :- r 3G CZ,v. 3 LOT ? BLOCK ? SUBD. laA ? RECEIPT #Ov DATE D? 7 r }'T41?,? S}/dt/ 1996 CITY OF EAGAN IRRIGATION PERMIT (FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER) COMMERCIAL NST LLATIONS: FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY LICEN5ED PLUMBER Date: q6 Commercial ? Residential (boulevards) _ Existing residential Area/address to be irrigated: Installer: Owner ? Plumber? Street address: /'? GPM GPM City, state & zip code: %?k?2_°?J?GLn7i 1221V ??o #: Owner Name• Street address: J City, state & zip code: Qaa/7 Phone #: ? . . .? , Irrigation contractor, if different than installer: ? Telephone #: ' I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanYs responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operatianal and maintenance acYivities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City property/right-of-way/easement. CopDpllicaeWs JCsigna?ture Title Approved by: Date: PRV ? Yes ? No New service ? Yes ? No Meter Size & Cost Fees due: /6 -l- ?G w a/t4s pve Calculated by: ga0 ? ??? PROCEDURE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEMS - 1996 An irrigation permit j$ required - please contact Protective Inspections at 681-4675. Fees Commercial project: $25.50 irrigation permit to cover installation of backflow preventer. $50.50 water permit fee only if new service is installed. $300.00 per tap if installed by City. Residential project: $20.50 irrigation permit to cover instaltation of backflow preventer. $50.50 water permit fee if new service is installed. $760.00 per conngr?'?Q,n - Vb'r;C. $396.00 12er connection - water treatment facility. Existing residence: $20.50 irrigation permit to cover installation of backflow preventer -(not required if backflow preventer previously installed). Meter charge: If gallons per minute are less than 25, a 1" meter will be required at a cost of $182.00. If gallons per minute are more than 25, a 2" turbo with strainer will be required at a cost of $822.00. This information is to be supplied by the designer of the system. No meter will 6e sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete on a new service. If new service lines are not required, one check may be written for meter and permit costs. Receipt will be coded to 20-3716 (meter portion only) with pink copy forwarded to Utility Billing Clerk. The installer is to contact Protective Inspections at 681-4675 for inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer. The Public Works Department may be reached at 681-4300 for water turn-on and set and ssal of tye meter. inspectio-ii hrurs are 8:30 a.rri. 40 3:30 p.m. Monday ihrough Friday. Requests for A.M. inspections should be rnade on the precsding work tlay. Requests for PM inspecfians will ue accepted until 12:00 noan. Z SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS IBCLODE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CEETIFICATES OF S17ROSY, 1 SST OF ENERGY CALCOLA2IOH5 HOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNSH LOYS - COHTR6CTOR/HONEOWNER HIIST DESIGAAr6 WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGBS WILL SE 9LLOWSD ONCS BDILDIHG PERMIT IS ISSiJGD. tiOLTIPLE DiiELLINGS - RESIDENlIAL RENTAL ONITS FOR SAL6 DYISS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CfiRTIFIC9TS OF SDRVEY - CHECS WITH BLDG. DfiPT.v 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS - INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE SOND sc24???-0 ? qS?Y To Be Used For: 1?' c Valuation: 'i °"q Site Address CpU<lv?-, pe.-411 LN Lot ? Bloek ? Pareel/Sub Owner hkgIc-tS? Address Call°'JCzTU?d LA City/Zip Code Phone 4 15-?? Contractor 5 ?L ? Address City/2ip Code Phone -" Arch./Engr. _ ?- Address City/Zip Code Phone # Date: lI' a-?! On Site Sewage_ Dccupancy MWCC System Zoning On Site Well ? Type of Const City Water _ (Actual) (Allowable) 0 of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. 9PPROVALS FEBS Assessments Permit '=?-7 SC Water/Sewer Surcharge ?? Police Plan Review Fire SAC, City Engr SAC, MWCC Planner Water Conn Council Water Meter Bldg Off Road Unit APC Treatment P1 Variance Parks Copies TOTAL :1 ??AoBE CONSUlTIN6 EHGINEEBS. ENGINEEtilidG PLpNHEtiS and IpND SUHYEYOBS ? CQIU1f'i71,Y, INC. 1000 EAST 146q? STREET, BURNSVILLE, 4tNNE50TA 5:337 PH 432-3000 Certificate of SurveY C^f''(2-c- ?--- LEGAL OESCRIPTION: 1-07-16,BLOCK3 PAl2K"RIDGE, pqX0;WC0Uii/7Y M/NNES OTA ? -- --- , -? ? ? ??-- ? -'- ' '-? - ?•, %) CazS .6) 9y9> ??? p?_ o ? ?, - s J W;NG L BACK LlNE Linl <'??? _?. i? i i? •,jy 7 t5f erN ? ! a "e? ? ? `L ''L 3O) ?`?i3e) W!?i9' M1?. ' x ; A i?.SE w-?. ?1 Q 38.0 ? p': j- ? p $ ? n° ?ROPOSED = ? ? J 1 I (+a Q , O h i_ 1? '[ANCASTER" 4??': m U La I l5 lu I o ? \O C GARffGC ? / i io ` o ? L 0 . ? ? 95! 95 ? gr9 ? zs. 1]; W .1.) I! \ O _? ,... S?li ? O • ? i - 30 ?,BUIL D/.t/G r SETBACK L . DRA/NAGE E Y!T/L I T y E'i15EME Ni • ¢ CoV/NGTON • L?- '-?- ? ?T@S ,.?ROfbSEfl L?iCJM'Ic.? '. 16-_ FJDIC.Ntt".a ,?IF?JG.TO.1,?4:? S ? :: . ... .., . .: .Flwi{S? ,6APA4gE ?f7? hereby certify Ehat this is a true and correct representatiori of a;tract,,of shown and described hereon. As prepared by me on„fhis ?+'L4 daI 3'of .? e . e-- ??. `-Minnesota Registration No 41 . . .. . . . '.. . . • '?v?*s7 S-476 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CiTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New Construction ReaufremenM • 3 registered site surveys shoxirg sq. ft. W lot sq, ft. of house; and all roofed areas (20% rnaximum lot ccverege allowed) . 2 copies of plan showing 6eam & window s¢es; poured found design, etc.) • 1 set of Energy Calculations • 3 coples of Tree Presenation Plan if lot platted aNer 711193 • Rim Joist OetaB Optians seletUon sheet (Mdgs with 3 or less unNs) DATE a -b ' Z ? SITE ADDRESS 1101 TYPE OF WORK _ Rcoi APPLICANT W 9 06 MULTI-FAMILY BLDG _Y XN FIREPLACE(5) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 STREET ADDRESS aSl ( kAW ? `) , CITY &ccLbt?c STATE MfJ ZIP J_f 33 k TELEPHONE# 9S2 '47o-4403 CELLPHONE# 6si SZ144 FAX# gs"Z- y7u -4Fq/3 PROPERTYOWNER -' t96 f-AD 5`r TELEPHONE# 61-1-64-7J974 ---------------------------------------------------------------------°------------------------ COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR °NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOT:1 RULrS 7670 CATEGORY 1 MINNESO'1'r1 RLZLS 7672 (J submission Type) . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Plumbing Conhactor: Plumbing system includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Water Conhactor: _ Water Softener _ Water Heater _ No. of Baths Phone # _ Lawn Sprinkler No. of R.I. Baths _ .'lir Conditioning _ Heat Recovery System Phone Phone # Fee: $90.00 D p uG 19 2002 ? I? Fee: $70. G --------------------------------------------------°------°--°--------------------------------°----------°------------ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the irmation is correct nd agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan G ances. Stgnature of Ap OFF'ICE USE ONLY ? RemodellReoair Recuirements • 2 co0ies of plan • 1 sel of Eneqy Calculations for heated additions • 1 site survey for extenor addi6ons & decks ."Intlicate if home served by septic system for additions VALUATION bUl ?l G'i ,a S 1, i Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ lJpdated 4/02 ?- ? ? ? 0 ? : f}TF`vu,r; ?oo,p-? ?? 1 r ; c?? ? ? ?. I 3 0 T 10 0 Lllt L?ra??55)`t?? { ? ! i %`/ ? I PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA129130 Date Issued:01/13/2015 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1924 Covington Lane Lot:16 Block: 3 Addition: Park Ridge PID:10-56750-03-160 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Ashley Orman 130 Plymouth Ave N Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Martin G Fox 1924 Covington Lane Eagan MN 55122 (651) 235-3775 Standard Heating & Air Conditioning 130 Plymouth Ave. N Minneapolis MN 55411 (612) 824-2656 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA152338 Date Issued:10/10/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1924 Covington Lane Lot:16 Block: 3 Addition: Park Ridge PID:10-56750-03-160 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding & Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and house wrap and leave on site. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 12,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $12K $221.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $12K $6.00 9001.2195 $227.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Martin G Fox 1924 Covington Lane Eagan MN 55122 Capstone Bros Contracting 216 North River Ridge Cirle Burnsville MN 55337 (952) 882-8888 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature