2070 Cliff RdINSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 11 1 1 11 1 N(I 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: ') ;'; 41 `.} ? Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 I SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: z+?10 cAt?FF Ra 1il.AfItil"1iNF f:iiNSl PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WURK: INSPECTION D• • DA Permk No. - Permit Nolder Date Telephone N ELECTRIC 5(07 "/ -t y,? 9 A-;1 PLUMBING HVAC Inapectlon Dete Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ? . ? • ? ?, E- wrr'?v?/ •, • ,? ROOFIN(i ? ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUI GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST ? FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL ECT Dm2 BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition SEC+u:!-0m 31 Lot Ownerl, -1-E -0 - Street `r7 7'e ,f ?C.Z / A151 _ /?t'.Q'. Improvement Date Amount Annual Ye'ars Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF, STREET RESTOR. GRADING * SAN SEW TRUNK 1979 * SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATEfiAL WATER AREA 1975 5178.60 345.2L 1 Paid /8 STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CUFB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN, BUILOING PER. sac 500.00 11641 9-13-78 PARK . . - . . . ? ? .? i ( ,? SEWER & WATER PERMR CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. ` Eagan, MN 55122-1897 DATE ? OFFICE USE ONLY METER #" 23 °77a ? PERMIT DATE 1118189 0 PERMIT # 11083 ? ?+500 4HIP ETER SIZE ? " K?+?r?P. RECEIPT # ISSUE DATE ZL- F' IF B.P. RECEIPT DATE 11 / 7/8g SfTE A[DRE95 -- t0T ? BLOCK ?.SEC/SU? - ? ? APPUCANT:44?E ("?,1',-e..'k; p St Px1L ADDRESS: 20r l"(( CITY, STATE ff-q c:?j r"`ZIP ? S 12'L PHONE: 29-1 - PLUMBER: Wt^-' L L4- M CC,?!A"• ADDRESS: _19S°1 CITY, STATE ZIP PHONE: OWNER: ? AC a? ADDRESS: _ CITY, STATE PHONE: _ PRV - BOOSTER PUMP ZIP PERMIT REGIUESTED - SEWER X WATER - TAPS ?- COMM/IND _ RE510ENTIAL ? NEW ? EXISTING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. /Credit YNILL NOT be given for-p?educt Meters. `I""REE`?TO COMBLY WITH CITY OF EAGAN ORDINANCfS a,""f I& a,. ? SIGNATU E WHEN METE ISSUED PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROGESSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTIONS. FOR STORM SEIAIER PERMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. , / &EWER & WATER PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122-1897 DATE OFFICE USE ONLY METER # - trHIP • METER SIZE PERMIT DATE 11 1$ 1" PERMIT # 110E ' B.P. RECEIPT # C 4 50?r ISSUE DATE B.P. RECEIPT DATE 1 I17/89 - PRV _ BOOSTER PUMP ? ?K ?SECJSUP .Z 1. < ADDRESS: • -' ] :} L I ' t ? ' CITY, STATE ZIp PHONE: f 7 • ? i.? 'PLUMBER:` L l ADDRESS: ? >>- ?+" `"" CITY. STATE ` ZIP PHONE: 1 ' •? J? ? fo? 01NNER: ADDRESS: ^ CITY, STATE ZIp PHONE: PEFiMIT REQUESTED - SEWER WATER - TAPS ? COMM/IND _ RESIDENTIAL A NEW ? EXISTING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. Credit I+VILL NOT be given for DeduCt Meters. "1'flGREBTO COIYIpLY WITH CRY OF EAGAN ORDINANCES SIGNATURE WHEN METER ISSUED PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTIONS. FOR STORIN SEWER PERMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. ';4'tYERB 1.Ii,:::°',:. °: `"::•. - " CITY OF EAGAN .4`'?901p*`•9117'r 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING Est. Value ;79000 Site Address 2070 CLIPF kr Lot 1 Block 2 SeciSub. Parcel No. 10-09100-014-t?k W IName ?TATS OF M+i ; Address 50 $H..?RBL'?RNE AVI: ° City ST PAuL Phone 246-2601 Address CIty - Phone Name (-V-D'°'R WR90RAT10*A Address City Phone 43q - y1 r' 3 I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permitee A Building Permit is issued to: 'j THURY IV SGI`i:"i on ihe express condition thal all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official , ': ?- Receipt # ? OFFICE USE ONLY occupancy - PEes Zoning - (Actuat) Const - Bldg. Permit 90• L1, (Allowable) - Surcharge 3. 56 # of stories - length _ Plan Review Depth - SAC, City S.F. Total - SAC, MCWCC S.F. Footprints - On Site Sewage _ Water Conn On Site Well - Water Meter MWCC System - Acct. Deposit _ Ciry Water PRV Required _ S,,W Permit Booster Pump - S,NV Surcharge Treatment PI APPROVALS Road Unit Planner - park Ded. Council _ BIdg.Off. _ Copies 93,50 Variance - TOTAL Permft No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # WATER SEWER PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC Inspectlon Dete Insp. Commenta Footings I Foundation Framing Rooling Rough Plbg. Rou9h Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Const. Meter Plbg. Inspector - Noti(y Plumber Engr.lPlan Bldg. Final Declc Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAQAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 Site Address Lot ? Block m Name,,. ? Address ? c Ciry ? Name - 3 Address O Ciry Phone COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000.00) ? SIGNATUAE - FOR FEE: STATE S/C: kN PERMIT # 110.S;'rj RECEIPT # DATE: BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTI ,9.N Res. New A-0, -? Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL -*#-Water Closet - $3 00 $ Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 Kitchen Sink - $3.00 UrPnal/Bidet - $3.00 - ??j Laundry Tray - $3.00 j Floar Drains - $1.50 Water Heater - $1.50 '- ' Whirlpool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIn Softener - $5.00 wen - s1o.oo Private Disp. - S10A0 Rough Openings - $1.50 - ; ? ; GRAND TOTAL: .P'. ? . CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 Pil?ot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ??- 12 7 7 g PHONE: 454-8100 ? BUILDING PERMIT Receipt p Ta be used for kER(KIFING Est value $y' 9U0 Date OCTUBBR 17 19 86 I ?? ? 10 -2-8a20 C L I F F ROAD Site Address Erect Lot I Block 2 Sec/Sub. SECTION 31 Remodel Parcei No. Repair a STATE OF MINNSSOTA Move W Name z Demolish o Address Int Impr. City Phone Install = o Name 'COM ? ? Address 91 6 ? C;ry if P i. S W W ? W 67 ? ¢_ t W I hereby acknowledge that I have read this ; information is correct and agree to corx?pl, Minnesota Statutes and City oi Eagan Ord .?z?i?, S s; ?,, A Building Permit is issued to: all work shall be done in accordance with all applic Building ? Occupancy ? Zoning Kb[ Type of Const ? No. Stories ? Length ? Depth ? Sq. Ft Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Permit Y4j v.-0 v Surcharge 5.00 Plan Review SAC Water Meter Road Unit Tr. PI. ation and state that the Bld all applicable State oI g Var. Date 1 Copie Total ' on the express condidon that Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. I IP•?mn No. I Pem?N Holdsr I ost• I r.l.Pnon. # I Ilnspectbn Daft I Insp• 11 Commenh I Hty. Plbg• Final Occ. Ftg. Frmy. Diap. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # Te M wed ia REMODEL Est, Volue $ l ,G 0 C pate HUGUST 14 19 84 Site Addreas 2070 CLI FF RD Erect ? Occupency Lot 1 Block 2 Sec/sub. SECT 31 Remodel D( Zoning PF Parcel No. Repair ? Type of Const. Enlarge ? No. Stories W Name STATE OF L+IItJNESOTA Move ? Length Z Demalish ? Depth t Address City " ,. IJL Phone 297-3830 Grade ? Sq. Ft. o Name CHATEAU CONST INC o? A?? 17551 RO"?cID L1vIiE BLVD u Citv AN0XA Phone 753 2 3 3 3 ? Name City Phone 1 hereby ocknowledye that I hove reod this opplication and state thct the inlormotion is torrect and agree to comply with oll applicoble Stata of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. Sipnaturo of Permiftee A Bu{Idiny Permit Is issued to: oll work shoil be dorx in acco Buildirq pfficial Assessment Water b Sew. Police firo Enp. Plonner Countil Bldg. Off. APC Var. Date Permit v ? ? • ? v SurcFwrps 1.00 Plan check SAC Water Conn, Woter AAeter Rood Unit Perks Total $33.50 on the exprcss conditlon that Stotutes cnd City of Eayan Ordinonces. Permit No. Pamit Holdar Drts Ptumbinp H. V A.C. Electric Softener Inspection Date Insp. Other Footinys Foundation Framing Rough Plbg. Rough HVAC Inwlation Final Plbq. Final HVAC Final Cwt/Occ. Water Destribe Loeation: YYell .SBWBf Pr. Disp. ///-7 /-0 CITY QF EAGAN ' PERMIT # _ INTRACT 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGJlrN, MN 55122 RECEIPT# PRICE -2.600_ vQ pNONE 45461Q0 DATE: ? Site Address W070 ? ? l(-? Lc1 Lot 10_ Blodc 0_ ? Name ? Addr i ? CftY - City FEES COMM./1ND. FEE -1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDD - RES. RATE APLLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM.IND./FEE =20.00 STATE SURCHAFiGE PER PERMIT .50 (ADD $.50 S/C PER EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE) S Res. New Mult. Com M. 74 Other Add-o? Repair RES. OLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES -. TOTAL wacer ciosat - $3.00 $ Bath Tubs - S3.00 Lavatory - $3•00 Shower - $3.00 IGtchen Sink - $3.00 ' UrinaUBidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 Floor Drains - $1.50 Water Heater - $1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outiets - $1.50 (MINIMUM -1 PER PERMI7) Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 U. G. SprinWer Sy tem -$12.00 PERMIT FEE: C? STATES S/C: S ,r? GAAND TOTAL: ' ? - , Y . . _,,;,..., , , a,yf?P? 4^(;.+L;?y.t.?t?Avlf HEAT LOSS SOLD BY MaSt@f Electrical Work By_ TYPE OF HEAT MAKE Model_? -' Serial ,? INPUT "-1 ? ? Master Mechanical, Inc. ORSAT Test Record ? ? ?'" L?? ? d? • APTFLR CITY j'f(%'t``JUBURB DATE HTG INST. O??rMechanical INSTALLED BY Master Mechanical ? f Itn -ra[c-?7--t )Ift L Gas Line By i.,", r t , ta -_ /? "- i. .. ?i - tiU Cr4 c_ GA FA.'' HW , STEAM SPACE HTR UNIT HTR OTHER GAS DESIGN CONVERSION S MAKE OF BURNER , <0 .... i 10 CONTROLS THERMOSTAT Limit Setting Fan Setting Pilot Type Pilot Make Pilot Model Pilot Timing L.W. Cut Off Pressure Input CFH _ Stack Temp. Percent C02 Percent 02 " Percent CO (? Whlte - Master Flle Yellow - Service Mgr Pink - Extra Max. BTU Rating MAKE OF FURNACE Vent Size KIND OF LINER SIZE NONE Draft Hood Regulator Filters Size Number Chimney Location Inside Outside Chimney Construc6on Smoke Door Pressure Lighting Inst. Date Tested Name of License Job # F# Inc. ORSAT Test Record ? OCCUPANT :`.1 :, d`' / 'ia .jj, UPc \ V`L JL j i I T. rlic 4.4- HEAT LOSS DATE HTG INST. ?-° C%? SOLD BY M3Stef M2CI18f11CSl INSTALLED BY Master Mechanical Electrical Work By •, i?_,. : UHt Gas Line By r',` fV; ''-: c TYPE OF HEAT GA FA? HW L.., STEAM SPACE HTR UNIT HTR OTHER GAS DESIGN MAKE -rL L- L•" r'?';, S Model V Serial INPUT " U G CONTROLS THERMOSTAT Limit Setting Fan Setting Pilot Pilot L.W. Cut Off Pressure. ?- Percent C02 f ? •?? Input CFH Percent 02? Stack Temp. Ji' Percent CO CONVERSION MAKE OF BURNER Max. BTU Rating MAKE OF FURNACE Model Vent Size KIND OF LINER SIZE NONE Draft Hood Regulator Flters Size Number Chimney Location Inside Outside Chfmney Construcdon Smoke Bomb Wiring Door Pressure Ligh6ng Date Tested Name of License Job # White - Master File Yellow - Service Mgr Pink - Extra CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 I SITE ADDRESS: II I t 1 1 f .1 , , , !IJ PERMIT SUBTYPE: l 0 1 : 1 tf 1 i! r: Ki K CI oN REcoRD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: ? . s i• I 1!?I i TYPE OF WORK: A! IF,uqi IIFM HA'.! Mf N I !+t 34?1111 I 01- `;t` R 'CP { 1 $IN INSPECTION A . • •• I r, t, l r;i? i t k tl ;i i? ?f: I 1'I Eci, 1 Ifjlili -1 Pormn No. Pornn Hokler oan TNephone M sNv PLUMBING HVAC ? ?"f • ELECTRI ELECTRIC Inapectlon Date Insp. Comtrarns Footings I Foundation Framing l a 3 ? . Roofing Fiough Pibg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. J O?sat Test Fnal Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - Notily Plumber Const. Meter EngrJPlan Bidg. Final Dedc Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. lox 4- ,. .? SI'ATE OF 1141YNESOTA 3 Department of Administradon FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Project Number . . j , ? Date ?. • Amount of Check Check Numher ` Received By Construction Cost $ ConstructionAuthorization: APPLICATION FOR PLAN REVIEW ? ? CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION BY STATEAGENCY OR LOCAL GOVERNMEN Building Codes & Standards Division 408 Metro Square Building 7th & Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 296-4639 Pro;ectrtle an yca?pe ccessi i ?'ri vers iceB.se Exami rsati an St:.:ti cns . -? City, County F a y a n, Da k ot, Construction Cost S Name of Architect/Engineer Firm Phone No. Cedar Corporati on ? ? _.:- ) - '•? ` : . Address of Firm.' .`" ? +. d Stre• City, Stete, Zip Stillwatcr, ;;'n. NEW BUILDING EXI TING B ILDING LL WABLE FLOOR AREA Typels) of Construction Type(s) of Construction Basic Allowable Floor Area v-1d Occupancy Classification(s) Occupancy Classificationlsl -2 (Offic"i Increase Over One-Story Number of Stories Number of Stwies Increase For Open Sides 1 + Bsmt. Sq. Ft. Per Occupancy Sq. Ft. Per Floor Total Floor Area Maximum Allowable Floor Area ??(} - i9diil /};?? )' C.T. A`3,J 1-1. ) Total Floor Area Yes No Rated Area Separation Wall Rating(s1 Corridors Yes No Change of Occupancy Separation Rating(s) New Buitding ?` Occupancy Area Separation YBS No Sprinklered for One Addition Walls Hour Construction Sprinklered for Area Sprinklered X Sprinklered Increase Design load(s) Used: UBCChapt.23 aa anio^W i^fomado^ , Tiie ':;orx cansist-I of r?;inor ciemo7 I 4in., toi 1 et parti ti ons , wood frame wa1 1 s as we17 as reriovai ano replacement of existir?y plumbing fixtures to conform to curi-., . 'iandicapped codes estab]ished in the Minnesota Building Cou,. 1937 Edition. Other elements of reconstruction wil] incluc',. " F:inor electrical work, nldStc!r rQsi:oration, ceramic *ile :ri toilet accessories. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: As the plan preparer I hereby certify that reasanable care has been given to compliance with a licable laws, ordinances, and buildin codes relatin to desi n. Name (Print) Signature Date Minnesota Registration No. BC-00049-01 (8/86) Building official CIT EAGAN 3795 Knob Road E _2n AN 55122 SEWER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: ' RRTE: -- No. of Units: __... .?. , Owner. -- -- Address: Site Address: Plumber: - I agree to complr with the Cilry of Eagan Connection Charge: F Oedinances. Account Deposit: Permit Fee: Surchorge: " - By Misc. Charges: Dote of Insp.: Totol: Inso.: Date Poid: EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Ownex ..... .. . y _.-_?.^:a-?..a,.?-. i................. Address (presenl) -._ Builder '-'--n-"---'- ........ ..-----.....'----°--'---- .......................-- -- J J? Address ----------..-.:----------------...--------°--------- DESCAIPTION N° 1689 Eagan Township Town Hall nate .. A.?' Stories To Se Used For Froni Dapih Height Esi. Cost Permi! Fee Remarks cl`,` LOCATION J Siceei. Road or olhei Descripiion of Loeaiion I Lo1 Slock ' AtlCl2ion or '1"rac! C+,o..,., CL,« -Jel _?/ . I D/o o2. /o 0 3 10,0 o i a o a- This pesmif does not auihorize the use of sfzeels, :oads, alleps or sidewalks nos does it give the oaner or his agen! the right fo creale any silusiion which is a nuisance os whieh presenis a hazard !o the healSh, safeiy, eonvenieace and general welfare Yo anyone in the commuaiiy. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE/ ?KEPT ON THE PREMISE WIiILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. This is So cerfify, lhef.,?K....._.?? .... "'`:?':? .._has permissioa !o ereet a.?....__.._... ..upon sj . .. . .. _ .... _. __'_ _ the sbove desaribed premise subjeet fo the psovisions of the Building Ordinance fox Eagan Township a opied April 11, 1955. - / - .. - --------°°-°-------". ° - ............... Per .------.._...?? . ..... .?....y?'?C?.......... ?irm?of Tnwn Board ? Suilding Indpeclor G' '6 DRIVERS LICENSE STATION CITY OF EAGAN RESTROOM "C" 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-6700 BUILDING PERMIT ' - ° Receipt # C" TENANT To be used for IMPROVEMENT Est. Value $7 , 000 Date MAY 1 Site Address 2070 CLIFF RD Lot 1 Block 2 SeGSub. Parcel No. 1 0-03 1 00-0 1 0-0 2 I w I Name STATE OF MN I a Address 50 SHERBURNE AVE City ST PAUL Phone 296-2601 o Name J THURY & SONS ia Address 443 W WENT4TORTH AVE ? City W ST PAUL Phone 457-1681 ? ww Name 'EK.- Address IN, City Phone I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the informallon is corcect and agree to comply wrth all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of a Omlmancps. i `? Signamre of Permrtae uL A Builtling Permit is issued . J THURY & 'SONS on the express condi6on that all work shall be done in accortlance wiih all apphcable State of M?inn?e?s?ota, ?Stat?ut?e?s and Ciry of Eagan Ortlmances. Budding Ofliaal ? ?L??i Jal??'A!A . IV N4 16463 19_89 OFFICE USE ONLY Oaupancy Zoning (ACluap Const (AlWwable) k of Stories Length Depth S.F Total S F Fo0lprints On Site Sewage On Site Well MWCC System City Water PFV Reqmred Booster Pump APPHOVALS Planner Council Bltlg. Off. Variance Bltlg. Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, Cny SAC,MCWCC water Conn Water Meter Acq Deposit S/W Permit SIW SurCharge Trealment PI Road Unil Park Ded. Copies TOTAL FEES 90.00 3.50 oz Sn ' , . . : CONTRACT S MUST HE LICE ED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 19 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY ? SET OF ENERGY GCALCULATIONS To Be [Ised For: ? QU e-(F}}M 9AL. Valuationc?CkiU Date: 05` ? Site Address: ZO?i? Lu?? RD, •' • Lot_' Block: Sect/Sub: Parcel #: 1D 03100 OIa 02 Owner: srl}!F D,G Address _ ? PA..ct L City/Zip Code: Phone #: &(Z--d'p7- 3 contractor: Address- ?75? ( KU rC!"LlIG- 9t'Ub City/Zip Code: Phone #: 75? -1333 L/t q7Q 34?F3? Arch./Eng: ,$7?&TC /VlA4Ve874• Erect: Occupancy: Remodel: Zoning: PF Repair: Type Of Const: Enlarge: # Stories: Move: Length: Demolish: Depth: Grade: Sq. Ft.: APPROVALS Assessments: Water/Sewer: Police: Fire_ Engr.: Planner: Council: Bldg. Off.: APC: Variance- Address: City/Zip Code: 4/YAlu P}inn?$- ? Permit: 32. - Surcharge: °-= Plan Rev.: SAC: Water Conn- Water Meter Road Unit: Parks: TOTAL: CITY OF EAGAN N? 9418 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT . - - ' Receipt Te M uud 4or REMODEL Esr. Volue $2,000 pate AUGUST 14 lq 84 Site Address 2070 CI.IFF RD Erect ? Occupancy Lot -_I_Block_2 _Sec/Sub. $ECT 31 Remodel EK Zoning PF Parcel No. Repair 0 Type of Const. Enierge ? No. Stories ? Name STATE OF MINNESOTA Move ? Length = Address Demolish ? Depth ? City ST PAUL phone 297-3830 Grade ? Sq. Ft. ? CHATEAU CONST INC nl ADOrovals Fees ou ame Address 17551 ROUND LAKE BLVD Assessment Permit - Vl City ANOKA phone 753 2333 Water 8 Sew. Surchurge 1.00 Police Plan check Fw 427-3484 Neme Fire SAC ?? Address Erq. Water Conn. <W City Phone Plonner WaterMefer I hereby acknowledge thot 1 have read this opplicotion and state tFwt fhe inlormotion is correct and ogree to comply with all opplicoble Stafe of Minnewta Statutes and City of Eagon Ordinonce:. Signature of Pemittee - A Bullding Permit Is issued fo: oll work shall be dorce in acco 8uildinp Offieiol Council Bldg. Off. APC Var. Date Road Unit Parks ' Total $33.50 on the express tondition thot Statutes ond Cify o4 Eugon Ordirwnces. CITY OF EAGAN N p 12778 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Boz 21-799, Eagan, MN 55121 PHOIdE: 45428100 BUILDINGPERMIT Receipt? 6?2 137 REROOFING $9 900 To be used for Est. Value ' Date OCTOBER 17 ? , 19 _ SiteAddresZ07U 2a24-CLIFF ROAD Erect ? Occupancy Lot 1 Block 2 seci5ub. SECTION 31 Remodel ? Zoning Repair 70c Parcel No Type of Const. . Addition ? No Stories a Name STATE OF MINNESOTA Move ? Length i Demolish ? Depth Address I t I ? S Ft o n . mpr. q. City Phone Install ? o Name TOM SEE INC $ ¢ ,address 916 LOWRY ? Ciry MPLS Phone 522-3933 ?Q F W Name ? ? Address i W City Phone I hereby acknowledgethat I have reatl this application and statethatihe , information is correct and agree to compl with all applicable State o( Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Or inances. Signature of Permittee-1?6 , A euilding Permit is issued to: TOM SEE INC all work shall be done in accordance with all of Assessment_ Water 8 Sew. Police Fire Planner Council eldg. Off.10 16 / 8 f APC Var. Date Fees Permit Surcharge 5.00 Plan Review SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Tr. PI. Parks COpiBS---,,,-.-,-(,- on the express candition that and Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. 8uildingOfficial ( xf[-4 <._c: ? TO: KENT 1'HERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE TOM PEPPER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER JAMIE VERBRUGGE, ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAI, SCOTT PETERSON, PLUMBING INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES ARNIE ERHART, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS AND EQUIPMENT PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST BOB KRIHA, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR TOM COLBERT, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR JOHN GORDER, DEVELOPMENT/DESIGN ENGINEER T?l -FR630f- : CRAIG NOVACZYK, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: .TLTNE 24, 2002 RE: PLAN REVIEW - 2070 CLIFF ROAD SOUTH METRQ DRIVERS EXAM STATION (ADDITION & REMODEL) The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. #z7 Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: C's n A:V lai 1? yC, ?lf d TF? cf/1 ?.- ?C7?P????L?J'7 Y? /?fc?fC? //I L ?A/r7?? 1 ? /l.?r? Pl NIO'tt /J_ \ , _Or Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building pernut: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No pazk dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ?Io tree dedication ? Y? No PRV Required `r rla?? L ZONING? METER SIZE ,?-1J?? TL Signature V' CD/FORMS/PLAN REVIEW CRAIG N UPDATED 4-6-01 Date WILLIAMS/O'BRIEN ASSOCIATES, INC. 1300 NICALLET MALL, #219 MINNEAPOLIS, 55403 MEEi1NG MEMO FE: South Metro Drivers Exam Station DATE: November 8, 2001 PRESINf: Craig Novacryk, City of Eagan Senior Inspector Bruce Hassig, Williams/0'Brien Associates S4bmitted By: Bruce Hassig . 1. The purpose of the meeting is to review preliminary plans for the addition and remodeling to the building. 2. The basement will be fire sprinklered, but not the ground level. The ground Ievei has adequate openings for fire depaRment access. 3. One exit from Written Testing is adequate, given 983 sf = 30 sf per occupant = 33 occupants. 4. At License Renewal, use 15 sf per occupant for a total occupant load of 65. Need 2 exits from this area; using actual line of travel, the exits from Vestibule 120 and Vestibule 130 are adequate. 5. Although the new and existing stair in the basement are not quite separated enough when measured in a straight line, they are adequate when measured along line of travel and are acceptable. 6. Fire department will probably require a keybox. Will probably make sense to place it at the gate, since the gate will be locked after hours when the keybox is needed. 7. We will be required to make the basement bathrooms handicapped accessible per 1341.0405,Item K, Subitem 1 and 1341.0411 (20% rule). Since main floor fixture count is adequate, the bathrooms can be single user bathrooms. 8. Received a Building Permit Application which lists requirements for a building permit. 9. If the City does not have a certificate of survey on file, they will need one. cc. Ron Lagerquist Dan Southwick Craig Novaczyk RecoiVatl: 7/18/ 2 7:09PM; 6123389962 -> ECI BUILOING CONTqqCTOR3: PeOe 3 Wiiliams/0'Brien Rssoc TEL No.6123388982 Jul 18,02 7:06 No.002 P.03 T , ?QINCK III ELECTOlk FOR FIRE AND SOUND MTED SY8TEM3 - OYPSUM WAlLB0AR0 PartitlorolWaod Fnminp (loed-Eeerlnp ) --- - ---- ----- - -?-? Mo. Flro Nsqn/ pai. Deslyn No. Ueseriplios gTC Tnl No. SINGLEIAYER FIBE - SOUND ••- u ??_-- ? 1 45 min. Ul U371 1!2' (12.7 mm) Fire-Shietd G GypsumWallCoard nadetl 34 NfiC 2181 ? hoN 51deS2 x 4(51 mm z 102 mm) SIUds, 16' O.c. FM Wt-45 min. (406 mm). 2 1 hr. tlt lJ3?6 5/8' (15.9 mm) Fire•Shield Gypwm Wallboaro a 5/8' 35 NGC 2403 ? ? (15.9 mmJ fire-Shietd MR Board nalkd 6otl? sides 2 x 4 . FM W16A-7 hr. (51 mm z 102 mm) wood sluds, 16' o.c (406 mm). , GA WP3bD5 3 1 hr. UL U309 5' (15.9 mm) Fire-Shield GypsumYfalltioard or 5/8' 38 NGC2404 r nai?d bDih nflde (15.9 r i?mm m m 2 ' ? x 102 ) studs m x 4(5 • GA WP 3510 SIHGLE IAYER (resilienl) 4 1 hr. ? Ul fM Based on u305 Based on W16A-1 hr. 50 (15.9 mml Fire-Shield Gypsum Wall6oardscrew applied 43 N6C 2387 la co?a eona Hesilient Furrinp Channel, spaced 24' o.c. t610 mm) one side onty on 2 x 4151 mm z 102 mm) sWds' 16' o.c. (406 mm) Otherside 5/8' (15.9 mm) Fire?Shidd ypsum Wallhoard GA WP 3605 or 518' (15.9 mm) Fire-ShieW MH Board naileA direct ro sluds. 5 1 hc NRiI 694-020p 5/8' (15.9 mm) Fire-Shieid G Gy?sum Wauboard, suew applied to 50 Basad ai GA • Based on WP 3230 Gold 9and Resilient Furring Channel space024' o.c. (610 mm) TL 7I-136 ane side only, on 2 x 4 51 mm x 102 mm) studs sp?ed 24' o c. (510 mm). Other side ' 15.9 mmJ Fiie-ShieM G Gypsum WallbmrA screw atlathed ?rea to studs. 3(76 mm) minerai wool (3 pct) in stud caviry. 6 1 hr ill i1312 ? 12' FM W9-1 hr. Fire (WP-147) walll GA WP 3341 spaz 7 2 hr. FM WB-2h?n1.) ? GA +?NPP4135 5I8' Sappai cw m) Fre-ShieldGWallhoaMort/1'(12.7mm ; buras?n laminaled to 1/4' pypsum sound ?adening ailed Io 6olh Sides 2 x 4(51 mm x 102 mm) sluds, o.c. (406 mm). mn) Fire-Shieltl 6ypsum WallbaaN Gase layer ?il uU? sides 2 x 4 (51 mm z 102 mm} wood sluds, o.c. (610 mm). Face layer 5J8' (1b.g mm) Fire•Shield 8 est FM Based on Twa layers 5/8' (15.9 mm) Rre-: 2 hc ? W8-2 hr. arte sidE to 2 x 4(51 mm x 102 n NIP-36D) 406 mm).7wo layers other sitle GA 4t35 esilientFurrinpChaenelsspxe 3 2hr. fM Basedon Two3ayersSB'(75.9mm) fire-,4 WB-2 hr. (w P• 360) GA WP 3916 10 2 hr. FM Based on WB-2 hr. (WP-360) GA WP 3820 or gless fi6er ulcawty 45 HGC2321 40 BtSed on ?r N6C 2363 so Ncc 236s reiled 51 NGC 2377 f24' o.c. (610 mm) hase Iayer 8' o.c. (203 mm) lace layw] to 2 z 4 (51 mm x 102 mm) wood studs 16' o.c. {406 mn) staggered 8' o.c. (293 mm). Single 6' (752 mm) plate 518' (15.9 mm) Fire-Shiefd Wallboard base iayer applied verlip nailed 24' a.c. (610 mm). Face Layer 5/8' (15.9 mm) Fre-SAieli WallboaM app3ied horizadaily, nailsd 8 o.c. (203 mm). DouD1e row oi 2 x 4(51 mm x 102 mm) vrood sluQS 16' o.c. (406 mm) on separale pWtes, sound rating with 31R' (88.9 rtm) mineial, 11 2 hr. ? UL U301 Two layers af 518' (15 9 mm) FiraShield GyDsum Wallhaard nail 40 HGC 2363 GA Based on apDlied l0 2 x 4(51 rtm x 102 mm wood studs spaced 16' o.c. WP 4135 (406 mm). Boartls may be applied rimntally or veRipllywilh 11 in:nln rMnneul 12 2 hc UL U302 iwo layers 5!8' i15.9 mm) Fire-ShieM GyPSUm Wallbwrd nailed tm horizonlaly or verlicalry to inside face ol 2 x 4(51 mm x 102 mm) il 0 7 h hl d ' ' FM W6-2 hr 6 mm).1R mm) gypsum s ?t nq ig wood studs 16 o.c. (4 (12 e GA WP 8410 to outside 1ace ot sEUds, bricic veireer facing. 13 7 hc UL Based on SIS' (15.8 mm) Fire-SMeld Gypsum Wailbaard nailed haimMally a ? 11305 veNplry to inside tace M 2 z 4(51 mm K 102 mm) waad studs I6' o.c. 9 mm) Fire-Shield G sum Sheathm ?iled vertuxfl 5I6' 15 406 GA ?!P 8105 y ( . yp g mm). {1 ]8 mm) in field 4' o Ia tutls 1' o c e oS c 102 mm) t t tl . e ou , . . ( si e c s penmeler. E)Qerior tledding atlached Ihrough sAeathinq to studs. AW,11 12 GOLD BDND QUIC1f SELECTOR/&ENERAL BEFEHENCE Alh ,iV 6123388982 n= p'Brian Rs;or TEL No.6123388932 FAX COVER PAGFJMEMO Jul 16,02 13:36 No.002 P.01 OATE: JULY 16. 2002 TO: qI4DY COMPANY: CfTY OF EAGAN FiiOM: BRUCE RASSIG RE: SOUTH MElAO DRIVERS EXAM STATION NO. OF PAQES FOLLOWING COVER pAGE; 0 f 1? FOLLOWING ARE THE USES OF THE TEMPORARY TRAILERS: OOUBIF VNDE TRAILER: THIS IS WFIERE THE PllBLIC WILL BE FOR LICENSE RENEWAL AND TESTING. WE IXPECT TO MOVE FFiOM THE OLD BUILDING TO THE TRAILER AT 1"FiE 9ND OF OCTOBER, 2002. THEY WILL MOVE BACK WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLEfE, BND OFJANUARY,2003. OFfICE TRAIi.ER: T!-IIS IS WHEFE STATION MANAGER WILL HAVE HiS OFFICF. WILL ALSO HAVE A SMALL BREAK AREA AND A SMALL OFFICE FOR THE PER90N FiANDLING INCOMING PHONE CALLS. SAME SC+IEDULE AS FOH DOUBLE WIDE TRAILER. WAITING TRAILER: THIS IS WHEFE PARENTS ORFRIEPDS OF PEOPLE TAKING TESTS WILL WAIT IN BAD VYEATHEA. SAME SqiEOULE AS FOR DOUBtE WIDE TFlUI.ER. DISPATCH TRAILER: THIS IS WHEFE PEOPLE COMING TO TAKE THEIR TEST WILL DRNE UP TO. THE TWd PEOPLE INSIDE WII.L ASSIGN THEM AN EXAMINER AND TELL THEM V1hEftE 7t7 IJNE UP FFiOAA HERE IXPECT TO MOVE INTO THIS TRAtLER MID AUGUST AND WILL MOVE TO NEW BUILDiNG WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPIEfE. WILLIAMS/O'BRIEN ASSOCIATES, INC., 1300 NIC011ET MALL, SUfiE 219, MINNEAPOIaS, MN 55403 TELEPFIONE: 612•338-8981 FAX: 612-338-8982 ? •,,. - TOTAL BUILDIfNG COMSTRUCTIOfN SERVICES i1NCORPOP7ATED ? July 19, 2002 J. Craig Novaczyk City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Re: Sout6 Metro Drivers Exam Station 2070 Cliff Road Eagan, MN Dear J. Craig, I' m in receipt of your two letters dated 3une 24, 2002 and 7uly 16, 2002. The foilowing are my responses to your earlier asked questions. Jnne 24. 2002 I.etter: jQuestion: 2 sets of Landscaping plans Answer: There isn't separate plan sheets for the landscaping. The plans call out for all disiurbed areas to be sodded. ? Question: 1 Code Analysis Answer: Please see attached document. (?:)Question: 1 Special Inspecuon and Testing Schedule Answer: See Sheet SS of the plans ? Quesrion: 1 Energy Calculations Answer: Please see attached document Question: 1 Electrical Power and Lighting Form ?J Answer: Will be forth coming ? Question: 1 Fire Protection plan Answer: Will be forth coming .Auestion: 1 MC/ES SAC determination letter Answer: Please see attached document 1355 Mendota Heights Rd, Ste 180 An Equal Opportunity Employer Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1168 www.ecibuildingservices.com Office 651-452-0555 Fax 651-452-0556 / Question: 1 Soils Report Answer: There is no soils report, please see sheet SS for design loads on footings. Julv 16, 2002 I.etter: ? Question: One of the two exits from the Exam Station basement shall be a rated exit ? enclosure with a design occupant load exceeding the maximum load for a ` single exit, Sec. 1004.2.2, Table 10-A and Table 6-A, Sea 711, trigger Answer: this. ?or At? Please see attached letter from the Architect dated July 18, 2002. ? Question: 1003 3 3 2 l with Sec The exit width of the exit enclosure shall com . . . . p y . Answer: Please see attached letter from the Architect dated July 18, 2002. Ovf kcCVW:;b ? Question: The doors of this enclosure shall have a 60-minute rating and shall open in ? A the direction of exit travel. I d lor 18 2002 Pl h A hit t d t d J l t h d l tt f nawer: . , . ec a e u y ease see a tac e er rom t e rc e Question: The elevator shaft and equipment room shall be of a i-hour construction, Table 6-A. Answer: Please see attached letter from the Architect dated July 18, 2002. Question: Ratad wall assemblies shall have a U.L. listing and testing number. Answer: Please see attached letter from the Architect dated July 18, 2002. Please give me a ca11 to discuss this letter at 651452-0555. Sincerely, .?clvr?:s/ U'- J-Y? Daniel W. Shaffer Senior Project Manager DWSlIr 1355 Mendota Heights Rd, Ste 180 An Equal Opportunity Employer Mendota Heights, MN 5 57 2 0-17 68 www.eci6uildingservices.com Office 651-452-0555 Fax 651-452-0556 6123388982 Williamsi0'Brien Rssoc TEL No.6123388982 Jan 7,03 14:10 No.005 P.01 FAX OOVER PAGEiMEMO DATE: JANUARY 7. 2003 TO: J. CWUG NOVAGZYK GOAIPAPIY: CfTY pF EAGAN RE SOU'TH METFIO DPoVERS IXAM 5TATION ND. OF PqGEg FpLLpWINC CpyEp pqpE: PER OUR 7F1.EPFIONE WNVERSATION TpUAY, THE PLYWOOD ON THE IMERIOR OF THE ELEVATOR SHAFf wALLS IS qCCEpTqg{F yWFJpE TME SHAFf WAIL IS AN F_XTERqR WALL. ON TME WALL BEiVdEEN T}1E SHAFT AND l'HE ELEVATOR LOBBY, WE HAVE 5/8" RRE FtATED GYPSW BOaFID BOTH SIDES OF THE WALL. THANKYOU POR YOUR TIME pISCIISSING TH1S. IF YOU HAVE ANY P11R'iHER pUEST10NS, PIFA.SE CALL ME. WIWAMSJO'BRIEN ASSOCWTES, INC., 1300 NMILET MAl,L, SY1tTE 219, MMNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 TELEPHONE: 612-398-8981 FAX: 612-338-8982 July 16, 2002 MR DANIEL SCHAFFER ECI BLDG & CONST SERVICES INC 1355 MENDOTA HEIGHTS RD #180 MENDOTA HEIGH'TS MN 55120-1168 RE: SOUTH METRO DRIVER EXAM STATION 2070 CLIFF ROAD Dear W. Schaffer: We have completed our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a building permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhausfive and comprehensive report. Unless otherwise noted, all references aze to the 1997 U.B.C. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicable codes and we are, therefore, requesring that the following items be addressed. One of the two exits from the exam starion basement shall be a rated exit enclosure. A design occupant load exceeding the maximum load for a single exit, Sec 1004.2.2, Table 10-A and Table 6-A, Sec. 711, triggers this. 2. The exit width of the exit encloswe shall comply with Sec. 100333.2. 3. The doors of this enclosure shall have a 60-minute rating and shall open in the direcrion of exit travel. 4. The elevator shaft and equipment room shall be of one-hour construction, Table 6-A. Rated wall assemblies shall have a U.L. lisring and testing number. If you have any questions regazding the above requirements, please feel free to contact me at 651- 681 4683. Sincerely, J. Craig Novaczyk " SeniorInspector JCN/js / j:? - g-o z ?e t-?\T-TFo 1 buiidings located in Zone [I, southem Minneaota. as defined in psrt 1300.5 00, must comply with this item. (1) Window area ien percent ar less of above-grade wall area: Framea Condnuous: -- RJ - Con • p.p 5 Gvity: R-l l Caviry: R-I I ?/y'r? (,?? •• CMU, ? 8 in. with R- CO^?m003: R Concinuous: R-0 10 w Inte?al insulation d?? - OtherMasontYWells R-5 Gviry: R-Il R-0 Caviry: Condnuous: R•II RA W indow Afsemblia Conrimuaus Condmuous: PF < 0.25 025 <_ PF < 0.50 PF? 0.50 ( 1?? 2 ZD ?1 ? _ 0 Mv ?j2 LFxI = J ? . .. SHGC 6 0 U-Valae - . . 0 0.6 . S i u U-Valuc insulatian Be 0.6 in ? Conanuous Imularion op W P(2? Raaf Asaemblies R-19 IJ All-Wood JoisVf?uss R-25 R-20 . 8 Nonwood ]oisVi'nus R-25 R-19 o 9 ConcreUe Siab m Deck h Th ak NA R30 Z /? ??1 ?6 e ?j.'L- i?? u/' /0 1 erm Metal Purlin wit rc . R Metal Purlin with ' 1 Break . . X Insuladort Beta?een Fnmin Corid m? Inwlarion . Floor Aesembl R-u All-W sNituu ' R-25 R-30 R"? Non JoisVl nus. -- - . „ R-22 -- (2) W indow azes over ten percent but not greater t6an 25 percene of above-grade wall azea: Lip ? ? ? CMU, >_ 8 in. with R-5 Integrallnsulation Conrinuoos OtherMasonryWalls R-9 Caviry: Conunuws: R-3 R-11 R-0 R-i3 CaWry: R-1t Cantinuous: R-0 f'aviev: R-II SHGC Nonwood Joistll'russ Concrcte Slab or Deck Metal Purlin with Thelmal Break Nonwood JoisVTmss NA ? x x Insulation Be[ween' R-25 R-30 NA ? R-24 R-23 R-2J ?XIS /?7G 7!? R•ZZ $?` ¢J?ISr C R-II rsXIST. K-25 q?^1 u6r? ??UL'1'?? I R-30 P.? 1as7S R-H GauT5W4 asr R• 38 ??rca asts ;nncmea Depattmene of Pubhc Servicc I0 iapmr 7676 - All Buildings Except Low•Risc Rcsidrnual ?, i 2?'Z. LF x ia =H 12 o s-F A,1WL. GJlf 2 K,2xq ? w 7#8 32113 = Gc?9 1l?,3?x l. ' 'w11 S1,/o.x1 = 16 x_ ?z = w y c ! - ?6,7, W? S.gx?l,3 = w,s 161(OxI = W 3 VJ x 2" w 16,7 -K i = 4019 i4. I ,J. 1? . 3 ---- 96,? 2?,D 3G . Z 2- w??? wtz 3f,q K ? = 31?? -t -wB, *2 x i = SD' ? ? ?JDC? ?? 805.? s? rOT I? , ?r - - Product and Glazing ?? mt';?-qo &"k-m Performance PellO Glazing Performance: Total-unit PG•13 The chart that follows provides glazing perfortnance information for standard Pella products. The values shown are t t- ' values and are certified by NFRC. When comparing to other manufacturers, be sure to compare apples-to-apples (e.g. total-unit values vs. total-unit values, not total-unit values vs. center-glass values). Center- glass values can be found on pages PG-10 through PG-12. -1 CASEMENI WINWWS: U•Value SdarHnl RVoihleLishl TryedChudK' GdeCoeffideot Tnmmiabn produl A J B A B A B Archlyct Serbs Clad CesameM (VeM) 5 /8' Clear IG- 3mm glass 0.55 0.54 0 50 0.69 50 53 (wrlh integral muntin bars) S IB' insulShieltl IG 3mm glass ' 040 0 37 0 28 0.30 « de A. 24' x 48' S /8' InsulShieltl HA IG- 3mm gless 043 0 61 028 030 aa 46 B= 30' x 60' 5 /8' InsulShiNd IG- Snm Bronzddmm Low£ 0.47 0.46 0.27 0 25 33 28 5 !e' InsulSnieie IG- 5mm Grayl4mm Low-E 0.47 0.46 028 0 25 30 24 5 18' imulShield IG- 5rtvn GreeM4rmn LwrE 0 47 0.46 0.29 028 30 40 prchitect Sarin Claa CnemsM (VaM) 518' Clear IG 3?n glass 0 55 0.54 0.54 0 .53 55 57 (with rertqveble ar no muntin bers) 518' InwlShielOlG 0.39 0 36 0 30 032 dB 51 A- 24' x 48' S!8' InsulSniHtl HA IG- 3mn glass 0 42 0.40 0.31 0 32 48 51 S. 30' xNp 5/S' InsulShieltl IG- `.m? Bronzel?m Low-E O.a6 0.45 029 027 36 31 " 518' InsulShield IG- Smm Grayl? ??'-E 0.46 0.<5 028 026 33 Zb 518' InsulShieltl - Smm GrceN<mm Low E IG 0 46 O.dS 0.31 030 4a 44 prchitecl Serla Wood CaeemeM Nant) 5/8' Cleer IG- 3rmm giass 0.50 0 50 0.49 a9 O 50 53 (with integral munun Dars) 5/e' InsulShieltl IG- 3mm glass 0.34 0 33 0 28 0.29 41 eb q_ pq• y qg• 5/8' InsulShield h1A IG- 3mm gLass 0.38 0.37 0.28 0.30 44 46 g= 3p x fip 5!B' In5ui5hiHtl IG Smm Branze/4mm Law-E 042 0.42 027 025 33 28 518'InsulShieldlG-?Grey/<rtu++Law-E 042 0.42 025 024 30 24 518' insNShieitl iG Smm Green/4mm Lam-E 0 42 0.42 028 0 28 40 40 Archttaet Sxlee Wood CeasmeM (Vem) SIB' Clear IG- 3mm glass 050 050 0.53 0 53 55 9 (with removable or ra muMin bars) 5/8' InsulShield IG- 3mm glau 034 0.32 0.30 0 37 48 51 q_ Zq• x ag• 5!8" InsulShield HA IG-3mm glass 038 0,37 0.30 0 32 48 57 8= 30' x 60' S78' ??sulShieltl IG- Srmm Bronzel?m Low-E 0 02 041 029 0 26 36 31 518' InsulStiiei0 iG- Smm Grayl4mm Low-E 042 0 42 0.27 026 33 26 5/8'Insul$nieldlG-SmmGreeNdmmLOw-E 042 041 030 0.30 44 44 eries WooA Casemant (Fl:e? 5!e' Ciear IG- 3mm giass 0 50 0A 0 55 0 52 57 57 almunnnbars) 5/8'InsulShieltllG-3mmglas5 032 03t 030 031 50 FA ' S/B' insulSnieid HA IG- 3mm glass 0 36 0 36 031 031 50 So 2' S/B" lnsulShielA IG- Smm Bronze/4mm Low-E 0 a t 041 029 0 26 18 30 5/8' InsuISnieltl IG. S,nm Grayl4mm Low-E 041 041 0 28 0 25 34 26 7 518' Insu15hiela IG Smm GreeNdmm Law-E 041 041 031 0 29 46 43 Serles WoaE Casement (Flxed) es 518' Clear IG- 3mm gla5s 0 50 0 50 0 60 0 57 63 fi4 vablewnomunbnbars) 5/8'Insul$nieltllG-3mmglass 031 070 033 034 56 Sb 8' S/8' InsulSnieitl HA IG- 3mm glass 0 35 0 35 0 33 0 3a Sb 56 2' S/S' ??SWShie?tl IGSmm 0rpn2e14rtwn LowE 0 4I 040 0 32 0?8 42 34 5/8' insulShie?a IG Smm Grayl<mm Low-E 0 41 0 40 030 0 28 38 29 5/8' Insu15hieitl IG- Smm GreeNamm Low?E 0 d? 0 y0 0 34 0 32 SI 48 t Hign Alinutle InsulSnieitl IG (tlesgnatetl as HA) antl otnet InsuiSroeia iG wcm tinted giass are airmiea REV 01/00 2006 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 F51 _(,75_S(,75 15D, sn Date .? l 21 l P?B Site Address .2070 Unit # Tenant Name Jo uTf/ ?ET-°0 K?vEG ,?A?I Former Tenant Name Property Owner IA?WPOT Telephone # (6611 ) 2`77 - 117S?eZ Contractor Address 73 izO??Stf??? e? ?? S- City xc-p?? State /?w zip 5-53 Y5l Telephone #(,9SL) License # OSR8 B/ P? Eapires: 12 -31-0 8 The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ O[her Work Type New Bldg _ Modify Space _ Irrigation System* *_ Yes No Work in public r-o-w / easement? ?RPZ _ PVB: New _ Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Remwe Rain sensors are re uired on irriation s stems ? Descriptiou of Work r-'2> To inqu've if Pressure Reducmg Valve is requued on new swice, ca1I651-675-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify [hat hydrostatic, conducrivity, and bacteria tests passed priar to oickine uu meter. Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" meter $167.00 . Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers Yes No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Perntit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcha[ge) x 1% Permit Fee Contract Value $ a 7S ?o g Meter(s) Required on al] new buildings & boulevard i[n¢ation svs[ems $ Radio Meter Read g State Surchazga If oermit fee is less thaa 51,000, surcharge is $.50 If otanit fee is more tLan SI,000, surcharge is $.50 fur nch $3,000 owed. Following fees apply wheu insialling eew lawn irrigation system $ Watei Permit Call ihe City's Engineuing DepaNnent, 651b75-5646, for requ'ved fee amounts g Treahnent Plant g Water Supply & Storage $ o? State Surctiarge g Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Pecmit and acknowledge that the infortnatio¢ is complete and s?curate; that the wor a "' t iD ordiuances and codes of the CiTy of Eagan and with ihe Plumbing Coda; thal I undersland this is not a pertnit, but only an appliwti P u start without a permit; thatthe work wilt be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requves a vand a I p s. . ` AR 2 5 2008 Applicant's PrintedName ApplicanYs Si?ature 8V _-- ? ' - _ Deparhnent of Administration " q'7' ?TF (17. %f7,%-N7rWS"i`A 1',;YVATf'>R R'?''Pi3i?'I` DEP_lldT'AsS^^ti'1' BE'Y's.MINS3COV£s.5"iJ?S7'.tNav.zx5i3?5'P?1??+-EL'?? SEcfTC?'Y 408 Metro Sauare ?;ut-dtr.n. S-°. °au:, ti:N : x?+)f 2393 z''ef!'e?i?? ?a. Ff',a1 24^ ;g"t TT.Tlii): T-1o rV4!.,x fici?ar.cxc; yr rhwMo.- a;xyy.vx^ mifi 8l'.K?g `%I"R'F.: ??, nth `,:eis, Dr.vFrt Sui*nr. ? Flen?atrc_ 1D# ."sC"B,f}:L T: ! o','d*ai13ti f'H$3?"Ni- CvNT At.T: . Prekiocr?v insptaaad: .'^ Paad4ftg: He4gh€ '_" b ' fmqt'eedic)ts .;heerRock #?SEgisS`^?'S: 'x #?lC:':?n?!g; : ?7FFL?t3i42#: i $':ECl'3:fl7',?.'?IT: '?.?:LS ED!kvaXaSrTygre .° Vsc;,-r,o;-.r E#fC?IfethAd: ?:}1::;t71iC ?t€w, fript: 10 Yiks?tlNbetlext T Uuit r.'oal.reS: Siu,pleti Sprncd: 100 -g$.nndings: 2 h OPeenimi=se ? RatoaE I.aad: ' F'naSn i`r?ns»rtm/'r• Ft4€'I [:4.L rQSPE£'TIONt ttLk'SPFCTAe:3?'4; U3T'Er ?'•' .3'"' ? £} ? ._. ?.._..._?...e_ _..__._.w ? ? '.-.___.._..._?___.?. ___._'_-?._? _? ____ ...._.,__...`?_._. -- ?----"-• 7 ?. ;purovat Starcs: ".:pptr.w;i[ peind3a; rzsr#pt ai' 4 ?Lqcvremttoa vert3lciaag t3.:?t !;,?a-a=,-e?f: ,?? ri?er.??Sn??ar?aasr?se+?rd: i3^:ts; ?}. ?. , l:L3D2C4'1??3 attfl 2U5??OF"di L`. b2:a6'_['???L ?72 7L4U35dt'a7ZS1SS Sqi;?'? IIt t. 2.'4(1i1352??:53 Jt?iUY25.'?? S?FldiS°.Eb( "Yet't 1 { s +Ht:+Td'tii•ofvPiU :+C s.r3&$f•: r°'..§ftAfiti€6 F#9k"el 1E0Zpedlok4 i 0atagrct.ror° . :<nx ans:r:r.c?:t: t:nn?tiN.ern::t Anssrrti?;ui°? lT:etr? Sractarrtnr? (•t}Nl:l1 f+.)\A1, Ri. Iti NA.`:h:i) 1:6'iSfi; S1t',h }!'?.:: kl.k. !'Ff}-S'.()6)h.!'tJNN.f.t`t ltlti? I.iS6 F.lY .AEO,s'. _'-.'.F?'L£RiSF^,}14L?'3.?4^)t'E1r?5T$ERE:t-F:s?'kr7\G7?"E3L`?X'N?e.-7,T`t"r7,F!?i?n4Y'St1FL'?sPF.t'?'it?M, ._.r.......r...r.o.?....?.. ? ? F. Lt'hh•: Rr57?::"agSes: CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: t-1 RECEIPT DATE: EOOE CO1NM£gC1AL PLUM$IN6 PEM1T lkPPLIC!lTION CITY OF E46RP 9$30 PILOT KPOB iiD $1k6RA, MP 5S12E 651-891-4875 INCQMPLETE APPLICAflONS WILL NQT BE PROCE$$ED Date: -?ALaZ. WORK TPPE New Bldg X Add-on Repair RPZ PVB ' Irrigation system ' Jerry Wobschall ro calculate fees. Required meter size is 2" turbo unless smaller size pcrmittcd by Public Works DESCRIPTION OF WOItK NEw NL,?MS[&;G P,q, kyNNs To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, call State: PY`!J Zip Code ?561Z, Plbg Permit $ Meter(s) $ ' METERS - Ca11 65 1-68 1-4300 to venfy that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to nickina uo meter Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" displacement $152.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg CPM Dces this include high demend devices? _ Yes _ No FLUSHOMETERS _ Yes _ No PRV REQUIRED _ Yes _ No Site Address: Zo-iE7 6L.,1 r-t V nFt o Tenant Name: SOi,`S l-1 IYlmO DQIUELS &AM NI LDI OG• Telephone #: Was there a previous tenant in this space7 AY_ N. If Yes, Name: Installer Name:'xAs'?&Q fylGLV,f\N (a1_ Installer Address: City: (Area Code) Telephone #: (Area Cade) FEES Contract price $_bOCD_ x 1% ($50.00 min) Required on all new buildmgs & boulevard irrigaHon systems Surchazge: $.50 Minimum. If contraM fee exceeds $1,000, calculate at 50 cents per $1,000 contract fee. Supplementary fees for new irrigakon system: Contact Jerry Wobschall at (651) 681-4624 regarding fees Radio Meter Read State Surcharge Sob TotaUTotal $ $ Water Permit $ 50.00 Treatment Plant $ 540.00 Water Suppty & Storage $ S-tP 0 6 2V I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicafion, state that the ordinances. It is the applicanYs responsi6iliTy to notify the property ow during its normal operarional and maintenance activities W the Paoiliti? the with all of Eagan y the Ciry OF CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: ?U CI D RECEIPT DATE: APPROVED BY: s? ?-?? 3, INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL MECHlEN[CAI. PFliM1T APPLIClETIOR C1TY OF EA&AF 8$30 PILOT KNOB iiD F.A6cAN. MN 55122 651-6$1-4675 Please complete for: ail commercial/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: 8-28-02 SITEADDRESS: 2070 Cliff Road, Eagan MN 55122 inneso a ep . o ranspor a ion OWNERNAME: Dan Southwick PHONE#: 651 _ 688-1893 (AREA CODE) TENANTNAME(IMPROVEMENTSONLY): South Metro Drivers Exam Station WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? X Y N. NAME: SAME INSTALLER: Master Mechanical, Inc. ADDRESS: 1027 Gemini Rd. X New construction X Interior Improvement _ Processed Piping CITY: Eagan STATE: WORK TYPE: Specify Nature of Work: PHONE#: 651 - 905-1600 (AREA CODE) MN Zgp; 55121 _ Install U.G. Tank Remove U.G. Tank Mechanical Construction - HVAC When instalfing/removing underground tank, call 651-681-4675 far inspection 7?? rshal aP lumbing Iinspector. Fees: 1% of con?act price OR $50.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. 04(? J7 I` Underground tank removaVinstallation = minimum fee Contract price: $ 256,700 x l% _$ 2,567.00 (Base Fee) BY State surcharge 1_50 calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee TOTAL $ 2,568.50 IGNATURE OF PERMITTEE Gordon Peters, P=esident 'Jpdated 1/01 ? Permit #: Receipt Datc: g/al CITY OF EAGAN 2002 SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION AND AVAILABILITY CHARGES ExisTin+G CORflMERML PROPeRn Address 20! Z2 4??le Property Owner / ,(i°1i/al,19 CXo.m ??'?T/vi'? Telephone #: 17sZ ? ?? -?W2 Plumber 1ll?(llS:!/ilGA , _p / Date of Inquiry: ?/ G(/0? Jf Crrz 83"r e507 Sewer Lateral charge $23.: Tmnk @ $1,955/a re City SAC @ $100/ ' il MC/ES SAC @ $1,2 Receipt # , Septic abandonment Permit Fee State Surcharge OFFICE USE ONLY PRV required Y<-5 R-O-W Permit: City CpxnFy Unpaid Permit Fees City Financed Water ? i.i Op "4` `T Lateral charge @ $29.70/ff Trunk @ $2,055/acre ? ? &ga Water suPP1Y & storaSe @ °"??- ?-.----_= Treatment plant @ $540/SAC unit ?c ? Permit Fee 50.00 State Surchazge 50.00 _50 $ Total Separate plumbing permit required Sewer and Water Sewer latera arge @ $2335/ff Water lateral ch @ $29.70/ff Sewer trunk @ $1,95 re Water trunk @ $2,055/acre City SAC @ $100/unit Base SAC @ $1,200/unit Receipt # , Date Water supply & storage 3,235/acre Treatment plant @ $ /SAC unit Septic abandonm Permit Fee State Surch e 50.00 100.00 $ ? W? a SYn 50.00 .50 ? o ? $ IH-1S-0 Total I S Sepazate plumbing permit required Number of SAC uniis is determined by the Metropolitan Council Environmenta( Services (651-601-1000). ce: Cazolyn Krech, Finance Department *dtV oF eagan PAI"RIC:IA E. AWADA hfavor PAULBAKKEN PEGGY CA[i150N CYNDEE FIELDS MEG T[LLEY Council blembers THOMe1S HEDGFS CiryAdministrnror Municipal Cencer: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Phone: 651.681.4600 F,u: 651.681.4612 TDD: 651.454.8535 Main[enana Facility: 3501 Coachman Poinc Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: 651.681 4300 Fax: 651.681.4360 TDD: 651.454.8535 www.ciryofeagan.com THE LONEOAKTRF.E 'Fhr rymbol uf s[rcngth and growdi in our communiry June 24,2002 MR DANIEL SHAFFER ECI BLDG & CONST SERVICES INC 1355 MENDOTA HEIGHTS RD #180 MEiNDOTA HEIGHTS MN 55 120-1 1 68 RE: SOUTH NIETRO DRIVER EXAM STATION 2070 CLIFF ROAD Dear Mr. Shaffer: We have started our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a 6uilding permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhaustive and comprehensive report. Unless otherwise noted, all references are to the 1997 U.B.C. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicable codes and we are, therefore, requestmg that the items checked below be addressed: ? ? ? 1 Project Specs .J 1 Energy Calculations ? 1 Electric Power & Ligh[ing Form 1 Master Exit Plan ? 1 Fire Protection Plan (see below)* ? 1 MC/ES SAC determination letter ? 1 Soils Report If you have any queshons regarding the above items, please feel free to contact me at 651-681- 4683. Sincerely, CJ / J. Craig Novaczyk SeniorInspector JCN/j s * [f Fire Protection Plan is checked above, please provide a plan on an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper and a ftoppy disk - dxf Auto CAD release 14. This will assist emergency personnel responding to the site. An example is enclosed. Z sets Architectural Plans 2 sets Structural Plans 2 sets Civil Plans 2 sets Landscaping Plans 1 Code Analysis I Certificate of Survey 1 Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedute O ther 40b?dtV oF eagen PACRICIA E AWADA Mayor PAULRAKKEN PEGGY CARISON cYNDeE rItLDs MEG T[LiF.Y Council Members THOMAS HEDGFS Ciry Adminianror Mumapal Center. 3830 Piloc Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Phane: 651.681.4600 Fax: 651.681.4612 TDD: 651.454.8535 Mainrenance Facility: 3501 Coachman Poinc Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: 651b81 4300 Fax: 651.681.4360 TDD: 651.454,8535 www.cityofeageu.com THELONFOAKTREE 7hc symbnl ofstrengrh and grnwdi in aur a>mmumry July 16, 2002 MR DANIEL SCHAFFER ECI BLDG & CONST SERVICES INC 1355 MENDOTA AEIGHTS RD #180 MENDOTA HEIGHTS MN 55120-1168 RE: SOUTH METRO DRIVER EXANI STATION , 2070 cLIFF xoan, Dear Mr. Schaffer: We have completed our review of the conshuchon documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a huilding permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not mtended to be an exhaustive and comprehensive report. Unless otherwise noted, all references are to the 1997 U.B.C. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicable codes and we are, therefore, requesting that the following items be addressed. 1. One of the rivo exits from the exam starion basement shall be a rated exit enclosure. A design occupant load exceeding the maximum load for a single exit, Sec 1004.2.2, Table 10-A and Table 6-A, Sec. 711, triggers this. 2. The exit width of the exit enclosure shall comply with Sea 100333.2. 3. The doors of this enclosure shall have a 60-mmute rating and shall open in the direction of exit travel. 4. The elevator shaft and equipment room shall be of one-hour construction, Table 6-A. 5. Rated wall assemblies shall have a U.L. listing and tesring number. If you have any questions regarding the above requirements, please feel free to contact me at 651- 681-4683. Sincerel ? J. Cratg Novaczyk Seniorlnspector 7CN/j s Department of Administradon ? .. LETTER OF AGREEMENT " DELEGATION OF STATE BUILDING CODE ADMIIVISTRATION FOR PUBLIC BUII,DINGS AND STATE LICENSED FACILITIES MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE 16B.61 Subd. la I MiJNICIPALITY, circle one (city, county, township) Schoeppner, Dale R. City of Eagan Date: 9/26/01 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 rRO.iECT: South ?vletrn Drivers Exam S?ation/Addit. LOCATION: City of Eagan COUNTY: Dakota DESCRIPTIOA': 1 Story w/partial basement,wood frame etc. AnvRESS: 2070 C1iffRoad **tIXYt!}****Ye M fF *ir**Ie*k*k***fY?k * *** * * *?Frt A k ' ASSIGNED PROJECT NiTMBER: 20010436 Date Received: 9/26/01 k*1e**RA ?!!}**#*?tAYrYr*#f`***YrYrYrYrir*#f *kf?t?tlf f • This letter shall serve as a contractual agreement pursuant to Minnesota Statute 16B.61 Subd.la, between City of Eagan and the Commissioner of Administration for transfer of State Building Code administration from the Minnesota Department of Administration to the municipality for the "Public Building" or "State Licensed Facility" project described in this agreement. THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE RETURNED WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS. Building Codes and Standards Division, 408 Metro Square Building, 1217th Placc Fatt, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 651.296.4639, Fax: 651.297.1973;1TY: 1.800.6273529 and ask for 296.9929 Department of Administradon qffilkNE . Projecr. South Metro Drivers Exam 5tation/Addit. Project #: 20010436 Description: 1 Story w/partial basement,wood frame etc. Location: City of Eagan 1. Duties of Municipality. Please check the duties you are willing to contract (a, b or c). a or b must be initialed by State Building Official. 71?-- a. Attend to all aspects of State Building Code administration, including: tk_ 1. Preliminary plan review with Building Codes and Standards Division Plan Review Statf when required as checked by the Division. 2. Plan Review of building and grounds with written muoicipal plan review comments and designers responses. 3. Interpretation, application, and entorcement of all code provisions. 4. Issuance of sll permits and maintenance of all records. 5. Documentation on file of all equivalences and modifications to code as required by UBC 104.2.7 and 104.2.8. 6. Adherence ro all applicable writ[en Divisian Ptan Review Policies. See www.state.mn.us/ebranch/admin/buildingcodes or contact the Division for list and copy of policies. 7. Issuance of certi6cate of occupancy with a copy informing the State Building Official when services are completed. b. Attend only to all required inspections including: L Issuance of all permits and maintenance of all records. 2. Perform alI required inspections. 3. Issuance of certificate of occupancy with a copy informing the State Building Oificial when services are completed. c. Municipality will not be administering t6e building code for this project. 2. AIl costs of buildiag code administration s6all be as prescribed by Minnesota Statute 16B.61 Subd. la. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: BUILD G OF"IAL DATE PROVED MUNICIPAL MANAGER/ STRATOR APPROVED: STATE BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE PaFormAG Page: 2 DATE Building Codes and Standards Division, 408 Metro Square Building, 121 7th Place East, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 651.296.4639, Fax: 651.297.1973;1'fY: 1.800.627.3529 and ask for 296.9929 Williamsi0'Brien Rssoc TEL No.6123388982 . OkA SO . Sep 26,01 8:20 No.001 P.01 { / Department of 25 s O INITIAL APPLICATION FOR PLAN RENIEW kV - ? `, ?.`?;L?II•. ? r Please fill out this application and retum it to the Building Codes and Standards Division approximatEl?four (4) weeks prior to your expected plan review submittal. Failwe to submit Uus form may result in up to a three (3) week delay in the processing of the pian review application. This initial application will help us expedite your teview. 'ea ' ConsWccon Vdwtioo ? f ? W? Site d t Township Ci Stde, ip n L Cowry T Y a sonuu n o»?,ea,?. o,,,?u en?e (45 1 ) 29`I - ?(2 Ciq?. Stak. Zip ' Siate A n pf A licable) Desig? Fiim 7 WG irtn Contzct n FiemAddrw LI, Phone (4/Z ) 339 S ? 03 F? ?6lZ ? 33 - 2 Public (s e) building paid fot by ihe state or other state agency as a: O State College 0 Zoo ? D.O.T. O D.N.R ? State Universiry O National duard O Stau Hospital ? State Home p Cepital Complex WBOther; speciCY 671 O Public school distrid building of S 100,000 or more in wnstruction wst. 0 State Licensed Facility licensed as a: O Hospital O Nwsing Home O Correctional Facility 0 Supervised Living Facility 0 Free-standing Outpatient Surgical Center O pther; specify O New Suilding ConstruMion bBMddition y8'1temodeling O Other; specify UBC Occupancy Clavsification(s): 8 UBC Type of Conswction: V. N Project Description: '?Y' 4J AtA5QMEiJj' j WGOD FRAME j tiwMP PACOF ) '-?'K VSua&R Total Projected Construcrion Valuation: $ Upon receiving the completed initial application we will confirm that we are the proper jurisdiction for the project, essign it a project number for traclcing and determine if the city/municipality will do the plan review, the inspections, both or neither. We will notify you of the project number, where to submit your documents for review and how the inspections will be handled. If delegated to the citylmunicipality, you will only need to follow their procedures and fee schedule. If yow submittal is to the BCSD, our standard application process will need to be followed. ereby wknowled e ? Is applicalion is not a Building Permi[, nor dves rr authorrze [he start ojconslructlon. q- Zxp -o1 Appl' t Signature Date Bui]ding Codes and Standards Division, 408 Metro Square Suilding, 121 7" Place East, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voix: 651.296.4639; Fax: 651.297.1973; TTY: 1.800.6273529 and ask for 296.9929 Y?) 1o ck ?- ? S-? c_4; C, l,- 3 f ,`l -l W"'I Ql COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 651-681-4675 Foundation Onl New Constructlon Interior Im rovement • Structural Plans (2) sefs • ArchitecNral Plans (2) sels • ArchitecNral Plans (2) sets • CivilPlans (2) • SWCturalPlans (2) • CodeMalysis (1) " • CertificateotSurvey (1) • CivilPlans (2) • ProjectSpecs (1) • Code Malysis (1) " • Landscaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • ProjectSpecs (t) • CodeAnalysis (1) ^ • Master E)dt Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule " • Certifipte of Survey (1) • Ener9y Calculations (1) not always" • Soils Report (1) • Spec. insp. & Testing Schedule (1) " • Elec. Power & Ligh6ng Fortn (7) not always" • Meter siza must be established • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be esta6lished - if applicable . ProjectSpecs (1) 1 • EnergyCalculations (1) ! • Electnc Pov.er & Lighting Form (1) 1 • MasterEztPlan (1) 1 1 • Fire Protection Plan (t)" 1 1 • SalsReport (1) 1 . MGES SAC detertnination letter • MCIES SAC determination letter. • MGES SAC detertninatlon Ietter call 651-602-1000 call 651-602-1000 call 651-602-1000 " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food & beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must 6e submitted to Minnesota Department of Health - call 651-215-0700 for details. DATE 10/15/01 WORKTYPE X NEW _ REMODEL CONSTRUCTIONCOST $22,400.00 SITEADDRESS 2070 Cliff Road TENANT NAME MN Dot SUITE # FORMER TENANT NAME DESCRIPTION OF WORK Nazne: MN PROPERTY Last 0Wti'ER COr?TRACTQR .4RCHITECT/ ENGINEER I StreetAddress 395 John Ireland Blvd St Pau] MN City State Zip 55155-1899 CompanyParkos Construction Co. SheetAddress: 1010 S. Rabert St. City West St. Paul Company MN Dot Name StreetAddress 395 .lc Zip 55118 Registration # ?-. City St. Paul MN State Zip Licensed plumber installina new sewer/watar service: None phone #: () 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is rrect, and agr to comply with all applicable State of MinnesoW Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: J n W. Park)s, ,Ir. Vice-Pres?@$aw 1/01 F'ust Phone#:( 651 ) 297-7507 '' Phone# ( 651 455-0031 State MN Phone # OFFICE USE ONLY SUBTYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 14 Apartments JK27 Commercial/Industrial ? 32 ExtAlt - Apts. ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ??? Q" *6ie 7 ? 37 Nail Salon V RK TYPE : 11"- 31 New ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 42 Demolish (Found) ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg ? 43 Reroof ? 47 Repair ? 33 Alterations ? 37 Demolish (Bldg) ? 44 Siding ? 48 Authorization ? 34 Replacement ? 38 Demolish (Int) ? 45 Fire Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code 37- `a SAC Code t)o No. of Units I No. of Bidgs. i UBC Occupancy Zoning sq. ft. Const. (Actual) (Allowable) # of Stories sq. ft. Lengih ? sq. ft. Width Za sq. ft. Basement sq. ft. MC/ES System K o_ First Floor sq. ft. _5-Lo City Water N o sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered N o MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Gas Service Test ? Heating APPROVALS ? Pianning Building ? Insulation ekol;? Engineering ? Plumbing ? Stucco/Stone Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies Total VALUATION $ % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ??? ?(? 23, 600 ?' CITY OF EAGAN FOR CITY USE ONLY 3830 PIIAT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PERMIT # PHONE: (612) 45W-PW RECEIPT # O ' ?'Y:U?tl3ZNC';????I°?C?nS/' y6oe DATE: o?lv 9?- R?SID??1'?l?s PLEASE COMPLETE UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SZNGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS & TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------°--------- WORK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE THE FOLLDWING: N0. FIXTURES EA. TOTAL NEW CONST _ ADD-ON MINIMUM 15.00 ADD ON SHOWER 3.00 REPAIR 7X_ _ WATER CIASET 3.00 BATH TIIB 3.00 LAVATORY 3.00 OWNER NAME: KITCHEN SINK 3.00 LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 SITE ADDRESS: _ HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 _ WATER HEATER 3.00 L9T: ST_OCK SL1RD. FLOOR DRAIN 3.00 ? . GAS PIPING OUT. INSTALLER: (MINIMUM - 1) 3.00 _ ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 ADDRESS: OTHER WATER SOFTENER 5.00 CITY: ZIP: PRIVATE DISP. 15.00 U.G. SPRINKLER 3.00 PHONE #: SUBTOTAL S ST. SURCHARGE .50 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL: S ?bi?AtE$C?.4I ..;tO?N17CT5T&JAI,s, [ PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SUILDINGS AND ... ... .. . .... ..... MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. --------------------- CONTRACT PRICE: In, t 0 C> FEES ? /?/ ^ ?j? ! OWNER NAME: SV-G+? cV /?!? ?t u°J? i8 OF COivTRAGT FnE, STATE SURCHARGE - $.50 FOR SITE ADDRESS: O 73 EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. LOT:/ BLOCK O? SUBD. ? $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. I INSTALLER: CONTRACT PRICE x 18 $ 10a ? b ADDRESS: -?? 6 ?"rS? lCo ?Y STATE SURCHARGE $ ? ?? . .; ?,,, •,x: , .,., „ CITY: .f+;[,...?_-. ,?ti?«;;i?:. ??'='^'•'`'?-_,"'? ZIP:-=?? .r?-.` ? ,,: . r-,- ,:r. c?r s-p ?? •, ? . d .?, y . fl .u.,, s, , , , i . , T TOTAL z? $ / PHONE #: . FOR: (SI ATI7RE) CITY OF EAGAN c? ?-. ?? O Department of Administration lik"NIbk? -- ?+•,as? CONSTRUCTION AIITHORIZATION COPY TO BUILDING OFFICIAL : Reid, Douglas Michael City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road "2 p 7d Eagan MN 55122 ! _ Z Project Tit1e: MN/DOT Driver Exam Bldg. ADA Modif. Location: City oFEagaii County: Dakota Description: ADA modifications to existing building Address: 2070 Cliff Road Date Received: 1/8/1997 1 Plan Review Number: 950511 Reviewer: Vermayne E. Bertram Dear Building Official: Date: 02/26/1997 C /= (? RS. 9Pr_, 3/ Phone: 612.2973600 Thc construction documents, for the project described above, have been reviewed and found to be in substantial compliance with requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code. Enclosed is a signed copy authorizing construciion of the project. Such authorization by this office does not relieve the Building Official from the responsibility of code compliance eniorcement prior to issuance of tYie certiiicate of occupancy. Yours truly, i?if%?`?^"' 6 •//?'?--""' Stephen P. Hernick Supervisor, Plan Review SPH:p attachments: PrFormCAO Building Codes and Standards Division, 408 Metro Square Building. 121 7th Place East, SL Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 612.296.4639; Fax: 612.297.1973; TTY: 1.800.627.3529 and ask for 296.4639 Departmen[ of Administra[ion so •yb???`.?e? ' CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION ARCHITECT/ENGINEER : MN DOT Bldg Engr. MS 715 Transportation Building St. Paul MN 55155 Project Title: MN/DOT Driver Exam Bldg. ADA Modif. Location: City of Eagan County: Dakota Description: ADA modifications to existing building Address: 2070 Cliff Road Date Received: 1/8/1997 1 Plan Review Number: 950511 Reviewer: Vermayne E. Bertram Date: 02/26/1997 Phone: 612.2973600 "fhe documents, submitted by your office for the project described above, have been reviewed and found to be in substantial compliance with requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code. Any changes on these documents or changes in the construction of the building that will affect or will be a deviation from the building code requirements shall be submitted to the Building Codes and Standards Division for review relating to applicable code requirements. Enclosed are signed copies of the application form authorizing construction of the building. One Copy is for your office, the other is for the owner of the building. Yours truly, BiJILDING CODES & STANDARDS Stephen P. Hemick Supervisor, Plan Review SPH:p attaclunent: Approved Application for Plan Review PrFormCAO Building Codes and Standards llivision, 408 Metro Square Buildin.-, 121 7th Place East, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 612.296.4639; Fax: 612.297.1973; TTY: 1.800.6273529 and ask for 296.4639 ftklR&SO--' PLAN REVIEW REPORT ARCHITECT/ENGINEER : MN DOT Bldg Engr. MS 715 Transportation Building St. Yau] MN 55155 Project Title: MN/DOT Driver Exam Bldg. ADA Modif. Location: City of Eagan County: Dakota Description: ADA modifications to existing building Address: 2070 Cliff Road Depar[ment of Administration Date: 12/13/1996 Plan Review Number: 950511 Uate Received: 12/2/1996 Reviewer: Vermayne E. Bertram Phone: 612.297.3600 The documents have been reviewed for substantial compliance with requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code. The following non-structural comments based on the Uniform Building Code, as amended by the Minnesota 5tate Building Code, shall be resolved before construction authorization is issued. The architect or engineer shall respond within 14 calendar days by letter of verification that corrections have been made to construction documents as required by this plan review. Changes in the construction documents sha11 comply with the Minnesota State Building Code. Any questions about plan review comments for the above project should be directed to the prqject plan reviewer. Plans and specifications shall be submitted to the State Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health, for compliance with provisions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code. Electricz] work ir.cluded in this project shall be approved by inspectors or the State Board of Electricity, or those of the municipality as authorized by law. Provisions of safery requirements for elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and moving walks aze enforced by the State Department of Administration, Building Codes and Standards Division. Additions or remodeling work shall not cause the existing building to be in violation of the fire/life safety requirements enforced by the Municipal Fire Code Official or the State Fire Marshal. ITEM NO. 1. MN. 1340.1170. Sheet AH-6 MENS TOILshall have 42" clear floor space from centerline of toilet to edge of sink. Note your urinal encroaches on this 42" requirement, and thus the urinal should be moved or removed entirely, which is possible since tlus is a single-user toilet. Building Codes and Standards Division, 408 Metro Square Building, 121 7th Place East, St. Paul, MN 5 51 01-2 1 81 Voice: 612.296.4639; Fax 612.297.1973; TTY: 1.800.6273529 and ask for 296.4639 *FFN ? itNE . MN. 1340.1260. Sheet AH-7 GRAB BAR . Allow 3" to 6" between the horizontal and vertical grab-bars, and not 2" as shown. ITEM NO. 3. CABO/ANSI 415.4.1 Sheet AH-7 DRINKING FOLTNTAIN should be 2'-3" FTXED, instead of 2'-3" MIN. to provide pproper knee space and not become a PROTRUDING OBJECT. ITEM NO. 4. CABO/ANSI 4.16.6 Sheet AH-7. Lavatory mirror dimension should be 38" max. per 4.16.6, and not 3'-4". Please respond to all the above comments item by item. Thank you. Youis truly, BUILDING CODES & STANDARDS Stcphen P. Hernick Supervisor, Plan Review SPH:p PrFormRL 1 Building Codes and Standards Division, 408 Metro Square Buildina, 121 7th Place East, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 612.296.4639; Fax: 612.297.1973; TTY: 1.800.6273529 and ask for 296.4639 B A • R 6 O U fl J L A D O U C E U P r n? n? i'cCi u. L ? c MEMORANDUM ? DATE: 4 February 1997 TO: State of Minnesota I3uilding Codes and Standards Division ? B -6 PIO :19 408 MetroSquare Building 7th and Robert Streets SaintPau1MN55101 0F ? ' p? Sii?5 ???Su p ? E B ertram Attn: Vermayne . cat.t.EP SAR$00 2 ota Fti. FROM: F. John Barbour, AIA Ff f3 , 21 ?U_'. CG) I 5 N 0 T" Batbour / LaDouceur Architects LLC CO (LveGT ?., U4N a ? ?_?1-N4 r PROiECT: Minnesota Department of Transportation *B k WH{u i T I 5••• W EV s!L Driver's Exam Stations - ADA ModiEications W F C_AN PllOV eyT 0 N LY pVE Arden Hills, Minnesota B1dg.CodePraj.No.950510 TID ti 9MA1.L. ^MOUNS • Eagan, Minnesoca Bldg. Code Proj. No. 950511 01= w 00.1t- 8 9? %Q G OON t3 4 T14AT W 0 p6%1.- tS SUBJECT: ResponsetoPlanReviewReportl2/13/96 MAktHG ir $¢•rrEQ., COMMENTS: V gls, • [tem No 1 Men's Toifet - 42" clear floor spare fi-om centerfiiie of toilet ta dse of siiik per MN 1340.1170. The owner, MnDOT, hereby requests [hat you econsider this item for the following reasons: a) cost. The cost to remove t existing urinals will be hundreds of dollars each to break into the wall, ca or remove plumbina and patch the plaster and tile wall. b) deanliiress £d rn nteiuaiice. Men's toilet rooms remain much cleaner and are easier to maintai when they are provided with urinals. There is not sufficient room or mon ailable to add onto the toilet room in order to allow space for a urinal c ABO/A . th the urina U?1?? th i f ona p.?. orm to e and the clear floor space at the water closet will still con standards if the existing urinal at each building is left in place. ??? ?c T • Item No 2 Sidezoall grab bar - 3° to 6" clearauce froru cei:terlirre of liorizouta! Sra6 btn to IN-M The 2" clearance shoLVn on sheets `n}e 4A 1260 MN 1340 l 6 b ` . ur per . botfovi of vertlcu Srn AH-7 and E-7 will be increasQd to 3" to 6". Sp7+GP • ItemNo 3 Drinkiiig fouettuiii - kitee space to be 2'-3° fi.red instead of 2'-3' iuiir. The 2'-3" min. dimension shown on sheets AH-7 and E-7 will be changed to 2'-3" fized. THtS EoCL • Item No 4 [avatmy ntin•ar - diiiierisioii to bottoiri of inir-ror to bc 38" instead of 3'-4 ". The ?oiu2r - 3'-4" dimension shown on sheets AH-7 and E-7 will be chanaed l0 38". J0135 cc: Ron Lager quist, MnDOT CW ?I,y j'"RLRA ' " tio U ?f LvU C{} tJ S N7-1 "R-l ;? fs11atv) 10111"7 5301 RUSSELL AVENUE SOUTN, MINNFAPOLiS. MN 55410 (612) 925-2393 FAX 9252393 STA7E OF MtNNE50TA Departrnent of Ad[[11RIStI'a[lOR t 309 A*MM010M ewkrmg ? sr. e.d. mw?ss1ss ; (612) 1964674 `aXb ? .. . REAL &til'ATB MANAC6IMM DMSION - 77YRDD Falry: 612 796159! aemM+:wo-mt-un ?kfar61I29&1899 i'.. . • . `n r. t:; S i Novamber 17, 1993 Ms. Lori Peterson Dando Dakota County Attorney's Office Dakota County Tudicial Center 1560 West Highway 55 Hastinqs, M41 55033 Dear Ms. Dando: RE: Dakota County Project 32-26 City Project 609 Cliff Road Construction Parcel 10-03100-010-02 Special Assessment/Lasement Aqreement Pursuant to the easement settlement aqreement datad July 14, 1992 between the State of Minnesota and Dakota County $73,700 was escrowed Por special assessments for the statets Eagan Drivers Exam Station. Per Clause 2.b. and Clause 6 the state has been sent notice that the final assessment on the states property was $72,937.69, interest accrued on the original deposit totaled $4,591.61. The remaining balance to be released to the state therefor would be $5,353.92. Per Clause 6 and Clause 21 of the above mentioned aqreement please hava the amount of $5,353.92 sent to this office with the check made payable to the State of Minr?esota s Sincerely, ^.???wyJ??i 'Stave J. (Mackentliun s-? I.and Section c:: Beverly H. Kroiss, Department of Administration Wilma Mackenzie, Department oi Public Safety file ? A;?50 #t 3 3 10 - qooi ? 962.31 jo y,sqo. c. c Al `?. OFFICE OF DAKOTA COUNTY ATTORNEY JAMES C. BACKSTROM COUNTY ATTORNEY Dakota Counry Judicial Center 1560 West Highway 55 Hastings. Minnesola 55033-2392 December 22, 1993 MR E J VANOVERBAKE CITY CLERK-TREASURER 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122-1897 Re: Dakota County Project 32-26 City Project 609 Cliff Road Construction Our File No.: CD-92-2 Dear Mr. Vanoverbake: Telephone (612) 438-4438 Chades A. Diemer, Chief Deputy As we discussed in our phone conversation, I am forwarding you a copy of a letter 2 received from Steve Mackenthun regarding disposition of the escrow account in the above-entitled matter. Please deduct any assessments due on the state's property and forward the balance of the account to the State of Minnesota, in care of Steve Mackenthun. I regret the delay in this matter, but as I stated, I erroneously assumed that communication had been made directly with the City of Eaqan. I hope this resolves the matter for all parties. Very truly yours, JAMES C. BACKSTROM DAKOTA COUNTY A EY - By: Lori P. Dando Assistant County Attorney LPD/dc cc: Steve Mackenthun Enclosure L/CD-92-2 Criminal Division lwenile and Pamily Sernces Division Ro6en R King. Jf. Head Donald E. Bruce, HCatl Direclor of Atlminist2tion ViCtim/Wltncss C<wrdlnaror 4F% Nortna J. 7abel Patncia ROnken 1W An Equal Opportuniry Empioyer CIVO Division KarEn A SChaffer, Heatl -ewQ STATE OP MINNESOTA Department of Administration 309 Adminisuairon BuiWing St. Paul. Minnesota 55I55 (612) 296-6674 November 17, 1993 Ms. Lori Peterson Dando Dakota County Attorney's Office Dakota County Judicial Center 1560 West Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 ?ear Ms. Dando: RE: Dakota County Project 32-26 Cliff Road Construction Parcel 10-03100-010-02 Special Assessment/Easement REAL FSTATE MANAGEMENT DIVISION 77'Y/1'DD Relay: 612 2961899 orc.ar hw: 800b77-3529 eak for 612 296-1899 City Project 609 Agreement Pursuant to the easement settlement agreement dated July 14, 1992 between the State of Minnesota and Dakota County $73,700 was escrowed for special assessments for the state's Eagan Drivers Exam Station. Per Clause 2.b. and Clause 6 the state has been sent notice that the final assessment on the states property was $72,937.69, interest accrued on the original deposit totaled $4,591.61. The remaining balance to be released to the state therefor would be $5,353.92. Per Clause 6 and Clause 21 of the above mentioned agreement please have the amount of $5,353.92 sent to this office with the check made payable to the State of Minnesota Sincerely, ? Steve J. Mackenthun Land Section c: Beverly H. Kroiss, Department of Administration Wilma Mackenzie, Department of Public Safety file 11 city oF eagan THOMASEGAN ' Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER • Council Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Admlrnsfrator November 16, 1993 E.J. VANOVERBEKE CiN Clerk STEVE J. MACKENTHUN STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ROOM 309 50 SHERBURNE AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55155 Ra: Dakota County Project 32-26, City Project 609 Cliff Road Reconstructioa Parcel 10-03100-010-02 special Assessment/Sasement Aqreement Dear Mr. Mackenthun: Per Section 6 of the above-referenced agreement, please consider this letter the City's official request for written direction from the State's authorized representative to release the escrow balance. The final assessment on this property is $72,937.69. Interest accrued on the original deposit of $73,700 to the date of assessment is $4,591.61 calculated at 6%. Consequently, there is a balance of $5,353.92 to be released. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, E. VanOverbeke Finance Director/City Clerk cc: Director of Public Works Colbert EJV/vmd MUNICIPAL CENiER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITV 9830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNRY 3`?1 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122 GHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681 -4612 EqUal OppOltunl}y/AiflfmOlNB ACtlon ETplOyef FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD.(612) 454-8535 1DD:(612) 454-8535 Fo- s -qa '? `13, ?oo p??.? 01 - -?aso - %sr7 -0o Lv,,.,cl 5???;0? D-l,i T 6` IMIs}Y0.`?0? qQto - (olo1Y `a-q(,-aa?s 14V K-?.. 9.0q, ?.?...D kv,a3 t-4,t s. sd)? ?- ? y,s.91. ?1 r7g, ?q1.L l - a 3q .(09 53.9 v - 10-7?-aa - - - - !Q-? _?r,, rn. - - - - ?,? - - ?? ?°-` - - ?D -- - - -?..?-' -- vjr - -40 -? ?,- -. - - ?--_ ? :ity of eagan MUNIqDAL CENTER 9830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 551 22-7 897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POMT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-0360 THOMAS EGAN Mayor October 7, 1992 JERRY KINGREY RIGHT-OF-WAY MANAGER DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT 14955 GALAXIE AVENUE APPLE VALLEY MN 55124-8579 Re: C.P. 32-26 Parcel 13 (118), Drivers Sgam Property Dear Mr. Kingrey: PATRICIA AWADA PAMEIA McCREA TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WACHTER Counc4 Members THOMAS HEDGES CIN AdmlMnslwtar EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Clfy Clerk This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the Dakota County check in the amount of $73,700 per the Settlement Agreement entered into by the City, County and State on the above referenced property and project. The City has deposited (October 5, 1992) this check into a segregated account and it will accrue interest while held by the City. In order to raise the rate of return, the funds have been pooled with City funds to allow the advantage of a larger investment and more flexibility in the term. The interest accrual will be made at the rate of the overall earnings for the City and will certainly be considerably higher than the approximately 2$ which could be earned on a segregated investment. I believe this is consistent with the intent of the agreement. Please let me know if any additional information is needed. I look forward to working with you upon completion of the project to close the account. Sincerely, s v? E. VanOverbeke Finance Director/City Clerk cc: Director of Public Works Colbert EJV/jeh THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opporfunity/A}firmatlve Actlon Employer DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 14955 GALAXIE AVENUE. 3RD ? ? Septemb 22, 1992 ?--? . ??- ?n • Mr. Gene Vanoverbake City CLerk-Treasurer 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122-1897 RE: C.P. 32-26 Parcel 13 (118), Drivers Exam Property Dear Mr. Vanoverbake, Herewith attached are a copy of a Settlement Agreement and a copy of an Easement document. The Agreement specifies and you and I have discussed that the County shall pay $73,700 to the City, said amount to be deposited by the City in an interest bearing account in the name of the State. The Agreement also specifies the manner in which the principle and interest may be released to the State. I will hand carry the check for $73,700 to you in a couple of weeks. If you have any questions please call me. 5 Aa Thank you for your cooperation, \0 1 Jer?`?1 "ingreY. Right Of Way Ma\agi?r JK/CW P:eag Enclosure cc: Mike Ring RimeA on Recycle0 FaPer DAYIU L. E4EHDS, P.E. COUNTYENGINEER (612) 891-7100 Faz (612) 891-7031 APPLE VALLEY. MINNESOTA 55124-0579 %? ?• ., ? ,/ J? ? m. ? Be parT Of the soGitiorc' AN EQUAL OPPOflTUNITV EMPLDYEP 0 L a a ? r D N m 0 m a 0 x ? m m O 9 m 0 m v O ? ? Z ? ? b O G? vi m Vr H --1 D O .. ?? WW O O ? • O O O O n %0 N Di m ?. N f? C? ? z ? ? N I O n C N m Z ry ? rt^ m . ` \ 3 N S ° R -? ? ? O i J' z ? f v ? 10 6 U ? - 9 P b 4 ?' O y ? A • y O (/1 ; ?-_ ? 11 O C b y G ? ? p ? 0 v+ C1 0 7a p $ 6 ? ? c ? 0 ? N Z m y V D ? 0 O O Z • O -1 O ` i ? i r H A ai CASH RECEIPT c ? 9 CITY OF EAGAN =o 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD ?o n N p EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55722 o D I n O DATE J C I [? Z 7 ? ?ceneo 7 ??'?,? l ? j FPCN /?• AMOUNT $ .j . J ? , & DOWRS a O CASH t) CHECK W1 < m 2 0 0 9 Z O N O G O O C7 O tin ? ?o .? a ? W ? W W FUND OBJECT AMOUNT J Thank You 107985 Whit?Payere Copy ve1aw--co5u?a cwy Pink-Fde Copy DAKOTA COUNTY September 22, 1992 Mr. Gene Vanoverbake City Clerk-Treasurer 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122-1897 DAVID L. EVERDS, P.E. COUNN ENGINEER (612) 891-7100 Fax(612) 891-7031 APPLE VALLEV,MINNESOTA 55124-8579 RE: C.P. 32-26 Parcel 13 (118), Drivers Exam Property Dear Mr. Vanoverbake, Herewith attached are a copy of a Settlement Agreement and a copy of an Easement document. The Agreement specifies and you and I have discussed that the County shall pay $73,700 to the City, said amount to be deposited by the City in an interest bearing account in the name of the State. The Agreement also specifies the manner in which the principle and interest may be released to the State. I will hand carry the check for $73,700 to you in a couple of weeks. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you for your cooperation, Jer`=J "ingrey,?? Right Of Way Ma ager JK/cw P:eag Enclosure cc: P4ike Ring Printetl on Recycletl Paper HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 14955 GALAXIE AVENUE 3RD FLOOR C.- j????1.I ,Mx.:.JY ?f•y IlW $QlAN,(1I/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER STATh OP MINNESOTA Department of Administration 11M1 4Jnmu,vnbun NmIJw.• tl P.ml 1linne?uW $5155 RF.ALF.STATF.h1ANAGF.MN:NTDIVISION September 16, 1992 Z?--' ?Z L Je G. Kingrey Right Way Manager Dakota Co. ighway Department 14955 Galaxi ve. 3rd floor Apple Valley, 55124-8579 Dear Jerr?: Enclosed please find the completed easement document for the cliff Road project. Please record the easement at your earliest convenience. Per the terms of our settlement agreement an escrow account,should now be set up in an interest bearing account'Hin the name of the State of Minnesota. The escrow account information you provide this office will be forwarded on to Public Safety Officials, Thank you. Sincerely, ? Steve J. Mackenthun Land Section cc: Bev Kroiss, Real Estate Management Division .t sas$rErrrs In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 1990, Section 16B.26 and rules promulgated thereto, and in accordance with the easement Settlement Agreement dated 6-/8-92 and the terms and conditions contained therein, and valuable consideration contained in the Settlement Agreement, the State of Minnesota (hereinafter "STATE") hereby grants to the County of Dakota (hereinafter "EASEMENT HOLDER"), permanent and temporary easement for drainage and utility improvements and for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same under and across the land located at the Department of Public Safety, Dakota County, Minnesota leqally described as follows: Parcel Description: northeast 1/4 of Section 31, Township 27, Range 23; Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: , TBMPORARY EASBMENTS (FOr Drainage and Utility, City of Eagan Project 609) Those parts of the south 1,160.00 feet of the north 1,230.00 feet of the east 728.00 feet of the west 1,651.07 feet of,the Temporary Easement No. 1 A 35.00 foot wide easement, the west line of which as commencing at the northwest corner of the above parcel, then 64.00 feet to the point of beginning, south a distance 35.00 feet and there terminating. Temporary Easement No. 2 Commencing at,the northwest corner of along the north line of said parcel a the point of beqinning, thence south of 38.84 feet, thence east a distance 23° 45' 00" west a distance of 34.18 of 2.24 feet and there terminating. is described described thence due said parcel, thence east distance of 672.64 feet to 26° 00' 00" west a distance of 34.63 feet, thence north feet, thence west a distance PERMANENT HIGHWAY EASEMENTS (Highway Drainaqe and Utility Easements, City of Eagan Project 609) Easement No, 1 The centerline of the 20.00 foot wide easement is described as commencing at the northwest corner of said parcel, thence east along the north line of said parcel a distance of 54.00 feet to the point of beginning, thence due south a distance of 35.00 feet and there terminating. Easement No. 2 The centerline of the 20.00 foot wide easement is described as commencing at the northwest corner of said parcel, thence east along the north line of said parcel a distance of 312.80 feet to the point of beginning, thence south 360 00' 00" east a distance of 26.00 feet, thence south 380 00' 00" east a distance of 95.00 feet and there terminating. Easement No. 3 The centerline of the 20.00 foot wide easement is described as commencing at the northwest corner of said parcel, thence east along the north line of said parcel a distance of 434.00 feet to the point of beginning, thence due south a distance of 15.00 feet and there terminating. Easement No. 4 The centerline of the 20.00 foot wide permanent easement is described as commencing at the northwest corner of said parcel, thence east along the north line of said parcel a distance of 660.80 feet to the point of beginning, thence south 260 00' 00" west a distance of 27.00 feet, thence due west a distance of 20.00 feet and there terminating. Easement No. 5 The centerline of the 20.00 foot wide easement is described as commencing at the northwest corner of said parcel, thence east along the north line of said parcel a distance of 685.80 feet to the point of beginning, thence south 23° 45' 00" easti a distance of 45.00 feet and there terminating. Easement No. 6 The west line of the 20.00 foot wide easement is the west,line of said parcel and is described as beginninq at the northwest corner of said parcel, thence south along the west line of said parcel a distance of 40.00 feet and there terminating. The temporary and permanent easements are shown on the copy of a drawing attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. TEMpORARY HIGHWAY EASEMSNT Parcel 13(118), in the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 31, T27N, R23W, on Dakota County Road Right of Way Map No. 118, filed for record in the office of the Dakota County Recorder. Parcel to be used for highway purposes contains approximately 5,197 S.F. -2- PERMANENT HIGHWAY EASEMBNT Parcel 13(118), in the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 31, T27N, R23W, on Dakota County Road Right of Way Map No. 118, filed for record in the office of the Dakota County Recorder. Parcel to be used for highway purposes contains approximately 14,562 feet. The temporary and permanent easements are shown on the copy of a drawing attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorported herein by reference. The easements shall be granted aubject to the followinq terms and conditions: 1. The easements shall be revocable by written notice by the Commissioner of Administration if at any time its continuance will conflict with a public use of land, over, under or upon which it is granted; or upon request of the Department of Public 5afety; or for any other reason. Such notice shall be effective ninety (90) days after the mailing thereof addressed to the record holder of this easement at its last known address by certified mail. Upon revocation the Commissioner of Administration may allow a reasonable time to vacate the'premises affected. 2. State lands subject to these easements shall remain subject to sale or lease; such sale or lease shall not serve to revoke these easements. 3. The EASEMENT HOLDER shall comply with all laws, regulations and municipal ordinances affecting said lands or the area in which it is situated and keep and maintain it in a neat and orderly condition and remove all refuse and debris that may accumulate thereon. 4. The EASEMENT HOLDER shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent any damage to the land subject to this easement and shall fully reimburse the STATE for any damages resulting from its use of said land, and shail hold the STATE harmless from all claims for injury or damage to the person or property of others arising out of the EASEMENT HOLDER'S use of said land. 5. The Commissioner of Administration may order such changes or modifications respecting construction or maintenance of structures, use or other conditions of this easement as she deems necessary to protect the public health and safety. 6. These easements shall not be assignable by the EASEMENT HOLDER except upon written consent of the Commissioner of Administration. -3- IN TESTIMONY WHSREOF, the STATE has caused these presents to be executed in the name of the State of Minnesota by its Commissioner of Administration, and Department of Public Safety, manifests its acceptance of these terms by its signature. EAS&MSNT AOLDER By:_ z IN THE PRESENCE OF: Title: Zfl4 n Date: FS -z1?- -1 Z FOR THE STATE OF MINNSSOT. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Dizector f Real Estate Managem t. nate: i DEPARTI+ENT OF PUBLIC SAFSTY ' Commissionft 4_?Y Date:_?/?/??J Z? APPROVED A,13 Commissioner Date: 1, Administration ?- JOHN GU YOU Commisioner of F'nance Date: - Drafted and approved as to form and execution this _IY day of 1992 HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, III Attorney General By: ? 4wg4r Specia Assistant Attorney General -4- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this,1114 day of 1992, before me personally appeared DANA B. ADGEROW, the Commissioner of the Department of Administration, State of Minnesota, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the State of Minnesota, and acknowledged that she executed the same as the free act and deed of said State of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1990 Section 16B.26. l U?-`-? ? ? ?CGZr tary Public nan w7 DELOWS S. ASKEW NDtARY PU6LIC-UNNESOTp ? RAMSEY COUNTY Mv Cmmn. E*Irp ayra 4.1996 -5- ? SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into by and between Dakota County, a Municipal Corporation, ("County"), and the State of Minnesota ("State"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the State is authorized pursuant to Minn. Stat. g 1613.26 to grant an easement over any land owned by the State and, WHEREAS, the State is the owner of an interest in certain real property situated in Dakota County, Minnesota, more particularly described herein and, WHEREAS, State agrees it will transfer to the County a permanent Highway Easement and a Temporary Easement interest for the purpose of roads, drainage and utilities in the real property and, WHEREAS, the County and State agree as to the method of reimbursement and compensation for the said easements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, it is agreed by and between the State and the County as follows: 1. State hereby agrees it will transfer to County as follows: Highway Easements and Temporary Easements on the real property situated in Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as foilows: to-wit: Permanent Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 Temporary Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 as recorded in :he Office cf tho Dakota Coui-it;+ Recorder. State also agrees it will transfer to County Permanent Highway Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 and Temporary Easement 13, Right of Way map 118, for drainage and utility purposes, City of Eagan Project 609. See attached Maps A and B which show the easement areas as described above. 2. County agrees to hold in reseroe $73,700 for the State as consideration for all of the above referenced easements. This amount will be deposited by the County in an interest bearing escrow account held by the City of Eagan in the name of the State of Minnesota. At the time that special assessments are levied by the City of Eagan for the County Highway Project (C.P. 32-26) and the City's Project 609, the escrowed funds will be released as follows: a. In the event that the $73,700 deposit plus accrued interest is less than the levied special assessment on the underlying property (State's Eagan Driver's Exam Property), the entire principal and interest shall be released, upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the City of Eagan, in consideration of the special assessment. b. In the event that the $73,700 deposit plus accrued interest is greater than the above referenced special assessment, the entire amount which fully satisfies the special assessment will be released upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the City of Eagan to fully satisfy the special assessment. The amount of escrow balance remaining over and above the assessment shall be promptly released, upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the State. 3. The parties agree and understand that any easement must meet the conditions and requiremerrts as set forth in Minn. Stat. § 16B.26 including notice of revocation. 4. All of the work to be accomplished by the County on the hereinabove referenced easements shall be in accordance with the County's C.P. 32-26 construction plans. 5. If any part of the State's existing fence is affected by the County Highway project C.P. 32-26, it shall be replaced to its current location by the County at no expense to the State. 6. Notices to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and should be sent by regular U.S. mail, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: -2- With respect to the County: Lori Peterson Dando Dakota County Attorney's Office Dakota County Judicial Center 1560 West Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 With respect to the State: Steve J. Mackenthun State of Minnesota Department of Administration State Administration Building, Room 309 50 Sherburne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon and it shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed: Approved as to form: t ?. .?/ ? ? ?r,/ ?f1,? Assistant County Att ro ney/Date Approved by Dakota County Board Resolution No. 1? Z.•- h% ?roved t executio : Z 4Z Assist c?ty-?tie /Date CO OF DAKOTA onald Chapdelain , Chair Board of Cory? mi sioners Dated: G/,'?y? L ; A t: No a B. Marsh,Auditor w? Dated: ? -ZSL -9Z- -3- FOR THE STATE OF MINNESOTA RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Commissioner Dated: 7- 1 G- 9,I Drafte and approved as to form and execution this day of Ltti • , 1992 HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, III AttorneylGeneral By: \/3uA,q ega sistan pecia ssistant Attorney General STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY j SS. On this lyC?- day of 1992, before "me personally appeared DANA B. BADGEROW, 'the Commissioner of the Department of Administration, State of Minnesota, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the State of Minnesota, and acknowleciged that she executed the same as the free act and deed of said State of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1990, Section 1613.26. •, , 6? ? ? 4 . ,_ '.tv- otary Public I case ai8 O NN/J..1 DELORIS S. ASICEW xorN+v rueuC-wNxesora RAMMY MUNW IAy Conm. EVha RpN 1. 1986 . ? AAAAAAMMMIMA -4- DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION :ity of eagan MUNICIPAL CENTER 9830 PIlOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122•1897 PHONE: (672) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 MAINTENANCE FACILFTY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681•4300 FAX: (612) 681 •4360 THOMASEGAN Mayor July 10, 1992 MR JERRY KINGREY RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 14955 GALAXIE AVE W 3RD FLOOR APPLE VALLEY MN 55124-8579 Re: County Project 32-26, City Project 609 PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACHTER CouneA Members THOMAS HEDGES Clry Atlmin Wirafor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Clry CIarR Cliff Road Reconstruction Parcel 10-03100-010-02 Special;Assessment/Easement Agreement Dear Jerry: At the July 7 Council meeting, the City Council formally approved the above-referenced Settlement Agreement with the Minnesota Drivers Examination property pertaining to the easement acquisition funds being placed in an interest hearing escrow account with the City of Eagan to be used to finance the special assessments associated with this project. Both original copies are being forwarded to your attention with the request that a copy of a fully executed aqreement be returned to my attention for our files. When payment is issued, please forward it directly to Mr. Gene VanOverbeke, City Clerk/Director of Finance for the City of Eagan, referencing this aqreement who will then administer this escrow account. Thank you for your time and effort in coordinating this matter on behalf of both the City and the County. Sincere Tho/as?A. b rt, P.E. Director of Public Works cc: Gene VanOverbeke, Director of Finance (W/Enc.) TAC/jj Enclosure: 2 Original Settlement Agreements THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Afflrmdfive Act(on Employer SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into by and between Dakota County, a Municipal Corporation, ("County"), and the State of Minnesota ("State"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the State is authorized pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 168.26 to grant an easement over any land owned by the State and, WHEREAS, the State is the owner of an interest in certain real property situated in Dakota County, Minnesota, more particularly descri6ed herein and, WHEREAS, State agrees it will transfer to the County a permanent Highway Easement and a Temporary Easement interest for the purpose of roads, drainage and utilities in the real property and, WHEREAS, the County and 5tate agree as to the method of reimbursement and compensation for the said easements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, it is agreed by and between the State and the County as follows: 1. State hereby agrees it will transfer to County as follows: Highway Easements and Temporary Easements on the real property situated in Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: to-wit: Permanent Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 Temporary Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 as recorded in the Office of the Dakota County Recorder. State also agrees it will transfer to County Permanent Highway Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 and Temporary Easement 13, Right of Way map 118, for drainage and utility purposes, City of Eagan Project 609. See attached Maps A and B which show the easement areas as described above. 2. County agrees to hold in reserve $73,700 for the State as consideration for ail of the above referenced easements. This amount will be deposited by the County in an interest bearing escrow account held by the City of Eagan in the name of the State of Minnesota. At the time that special assessments are levied by the City of Eagan for the County Highway Project (C.P. 32-26) and the City's Project 609, the escrowed funds will be released as follows: a. In the event that the $73,700 deposit plus accrued interest is less than the levied special assessment on the underlying property (State's Eagan Driver's Exam Property), the entire principal and interest shall be released, upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the City of Eagan, in consideration of the special assessment. b. In the event that the $73,700 deposit pius accrued interest is greater than the above referenced special assessment, the entire amount which fully satisfies the special assessment will be released upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the City of Eagan to fully satisfy the special assessment. The amount of escrow balance remaining over and above the assessment shall be promptly released, upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the State. 3. The parties agree and understand that any easement must meet the conditions and requirements as set forth in Minn. Stat. § 16B.26 including notice of revocation. 4. Ail of the work to be accomplished by the County on the hereinabove referenced easements shall be in accordance with the County's C.P. 32-26 construction plans. 5. If any part of the State's existing fence is affected by the County Highway project C.P. 32-26, it shall be replaced to its current location by the County at no expense to the State. 6. Notices to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and should be sent by regular U.S. mail, addressed to the parties at the tollowing addresses: -2- With respect to the County: Lori Peterson Dando Dakota County Attorney's Office Dakota County Judicial Center 1560 West Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 With respect to the State: Steve J. Mackenthun State of Minnesota Department of Administration State Administration Building, Room 309 50 Sherburne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon and it shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed: Approved as to form: ? Assistant County Attorney/Date Approved by Dakota County Board Resolution No. Approved as to execution: Assistant County Attorney/Date CO OF DAKOTA `Donald Chapdelaini,,!Chair Board of Co mi sioners Dated: A t: No a B. Marsh,Auditor ? -9Z- Dated: ? -2141 -3- FOR THE STATE OF MINNESOTA RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Director of Real Estate Management Dated: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Commissioner Dated: APPROVED DANA B. BADGEROW Commissioner of Administration Date: Drafted and approved as to form and execution this day of , 1992 HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, III Attorney General By: ega ssistan pecia ssistant Attorney General STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ? ss. On this day of 1992, before me personally appeared DANA B. BADGEROW, the Commissioner of the Department of Administration, State of Minnesota, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the State of Minnesota, and acknowledged that she executed the same as the free act and deed of said State of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1990, Seetion 16B.26. Notary Public ceae.die -4- ? CVTY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-03100-010-02 DESCRIPTION: REMODEL COMM./IND. MISC. ALTERATION BUILDING 022327 10/27/93 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 2070 CLIFP RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 2 SECTIQN 31 sASeMervT B.ui ldingi Permit Type Building Wq,rk Type r' i' r-? REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: CONTRACTOR: T & K BUILOERS 17060 DAYTON DAYTON (612) 427-4791 Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Lic. Search Total Fee VALUATION $304.00 $197.60 $16.5@ Fee $5.0@ $523.10 - RPP RIVER RD MN 55327 cant - ST. LIG 14274791 0007232 $33,009 OWNER: MN EAGAN DOT STATION 2070 CLIFF RD EAGAN MN (612) 55327 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this information is correct and agrea to comply Statutes and City af Eagan Ordinances. L `--.. APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE application and state that the with all applioa6le State of Mn. Lu 11 g,v rtj n7,?_ --(f?SUED B SI NATUR L4L' 1 O?ry1`? , INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot KnoB Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: LoT : i B L 0 C K: 2 APPLICANT: 2070 CLIFF RD T& K BUILDERS SECTION 31 (612) 427-4791 PERMIT SBTYPE: COMM. IND. MISC. TYPE OF WORK: DESCRIPTION BUILDZNG 022327 10/27/93 AL7ERATION BASEMENT REMODEL INSPECTION FOOTINGS D, . FRAMTNG ., ROU6H IN PL66 ROUGH IN HTG FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG FINAL ? ? ? ? REACTIVATE CIIY OF EAGAN PERII1i #• FO-? 993 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 'j CT 1 8 1993 681-4675 sa3 . l? . o't&_x r t4z-?" SINGLE Q MULTI-fAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. , COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural 6 structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month- in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change 1s requested once permit is issued. Date /0 Valuation of work _3 ?4 S`ov Site Address: ??70 ?A- 101 ici. SiREEi fU1TE / Tenant Name: (commercial only) /f? r?oro n 0 G% ST?c«- IAT _L SIACK SUBD. P.I.D. N ? Descri tion of work• ? The applicant is: ? Owner Rr Contractor ? Other (DeseriDe) Name 10 r fTiL T a•? _ Phone Property LAST fIRSi Owner Address sTaeeT ste r City kof9 rvn- State /'17 -?l Zip Company Td .??c= s u Phone 1112 )- V79/ C011tf8CtOf Address 170(oO QAvrow- jer?a,e otal License '22 32 Exp.33/19 3 City State 1'9,-7 ?S 2ip S't32 7 Company PAone ArchitecU Name Registration i Engineer Address City State Z1P Sewer 8 water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this aPplication and state that the information is of Minnesota Statutes and City of t bl St li a e ca e correct and agree to comply with all app Eagan Ordinances. ? Signature of Applicant: ? - OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE . . . ,. O 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dwg. 13 07 4-Plex ? 12 Mu1ti. Misc. 0 17 Swim Pool O 03 Sf Addition ? OB B-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory O 18 Comm./Ind. ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace fi(19 Coron./Ind. Misc. 0 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck ? 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous WORK TYPE ? 31 New X-33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish O 37 Demotish ? 32 Addition E3 34 Repair O 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MWCC System ' (Allowable) lst F1, sq. ft. City Hater UBL Occupancy A-3 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required 2oning Sq. ft. total Booster Pump / of Stories Footprint Sq. ft. Fire Sprinkler Length On-site well Census Code ? Depth On-site sewage SAC Code _T_ APPROVALS o. Planning Building Assessments ' En9ineering Yariance REOUIRED INSPECTIONS -Fiiur5y ? Site 0 Footing ?Framing ? Insulation ? Wallboard ? fioal O Draintlle : ? Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/M Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: ?[?J .oD v,lwcim: 7J cf- n 5AC % 4w" SAL Units /67•-0 3i00- CIT'Y OF EAGAN CITY USE ONLY L1_ B f_:et? 9p MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT #/ SUBD. (612) 681-4675 DATE lo? / 7 9?-- RESIDEN77AL PLEASE COMPIETE UPPIIt PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMII Y DR'ELI.IIVGS. ALSO, COMPLEI'E FOR TOWNHOMES/CONDOS R'HEN SEPARATE PERhIITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNI1'. OWNER: ADD-ON A/C ADD-ON FURNACE ? S11'E ADDRFSS: ADD ON/REMODEL (E7QSTING CONSTRUCPION ONLl) $ 15.00 INSTALLER HVAC: 0.100 M BTU 24•00 PHOA'E .t: :.DvITi3N°..:..;:. :v. aTEi 6.00 ADDRESS: GAS OUTLETS - hIINII1ifUM L Q $3 EA. CT1T: ZIP: SURCHARGE: $ so SIGNATURE: TOTAL• $ NO PERMIT REQUIRED FOR DUCTWORK ONLY! COMMERCIAL PLEASE COMPLEfE THIS PORTION FOR ALL WMMERCIAIJINDUSTRIAL BUII.DINGS. ALSO COMPLEI'E FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MUI,TI-FAMILY BUII.DINGS WfiEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRT.D FOR EACH DWELLING UNTP. R'ORK DESCRIPTION: lq K e?/z,.,? a?.r??/H. r ?-6, e.u,...? CONTRACI' PRICE: L o3'0, FEES 196 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCAARGE IS $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT F'EE $ N ( I r?o I VROCES.c.ED • .Ci.???.M MixnKUM FEE - $25.00 $ a s, ?= OR'NER: Sfatt c MN. / f, T a.u , TOTAL: $ srrEnnnr.FSS:a07o Cl,_ffR? 17ENANT: SUrrE #: ,.. , : nvsr,?LLEx: ;. .. . , , . DDRESS: 3GS'o ? o(h G-a.,1c. .. ...: -:: . . . .. ,.: . ... .: : _.... i: p/ ZIP: 5SYy7 pNE # : 5S _1 P C1TY NATURE: SIGNATURE. / / ??_- I :ity oF eagan MUNICIPAL GENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-189I PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX; (612) 681-4612 MAINiENANCE FAqLITY 3507 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 587-4300 FAX: (612) 581-4360 THOMASEGAN Mayof July 10, 1992 MR JERRY KINGREY RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 14955 GALAXIE AVE W 3RD FLOOR APPLE VALLEY MN 55124-8579 PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES City Adminlnstrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ciry Clerk Re: County Project 32-26, City Project 609 C1iff.ROad-Reconstruction Parcel 10-03100-010-02 Special Assessment/Easement Agreement Dear Jerry: At the July 7 Council meeting, the City Council formally approved the above-referenced Settlement Agreement with the Minnesota Drivers Examination property pertaining to the easement acquisition funds being placed in an interest bearing escrow account with the City of Eagan to be used to finance the special assessments associated with this project. Both original copies are being forwarded to your attention with the request that a copy of a£ully executed aqreement be returned to my attention for our files. When payment is issued, please forward it directly to MY. Gene VanOverbeke, City Clerk/Director of Finance for the City of Eagan, referencing this agreement who will then administer this escrow account. Thank you for your time and effort in coordinating this matter on behalf of both the City and the County. S incere l , Thofias A. C b rt, P.E. Director of Public Works cc: Gene VanOverbeke, Director TAC/jj Enclosure: 2 Original Settlement Agreements THE IONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OP STREN6TH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY of Finance (W/Enc.) Equai Opportunity/Afflrmative Action Employer SETREMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into by and between Dakota County, a Municipal Corporation, ("County"), and the State of Minnesota ("State"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the State is authorized pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 166.26 to grant an easement over any land owned by the State and, WIIEREAS, the State is the owner of an interest in certain real property situated in Dakota County, Minnesota, more particularly described herein and, WHEREAS, State agrees it will transfer to the County a permanent Highway Easement and a Temporary Easement interest for the purpose of roads, drainage and utilities in the real property and, WHEREAS, the County and State agree as to the method of reimbursement and compensation for the said easements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, it is agreed by and between the State and the County as foliows: 1. State hereby agrees it will transfer to County as follows: Highway Easements and Temporary Easements on the real property situated in Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: to-wit: Permanent Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 Temporary Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 as recorded in the Office of the Dakota County Recorder. State also agrees it will transfer to County Permanent Highway Easement 13, Right of Way Map 118 and Temporary Easement 13, Right of Way map 118, for drainage and utility purposes, City of Eagan Project 609. See attached Maps A and B which show the easement areas as described above. 2. County agrees to hold in reserve $73,700 for the State as consideration for all of the above referenced easements. This amount will be deposited by the County in an interest bearing escrow account held by the City of Eagan in the name of the State of Minnesota. At the time that special assessments are levied by the City of Eagan for the County Highway Project (C.P. 32-26) and the City's Project 609, the escrowed funds will be released as follows: a. In the event that the $73,700 deposit plus accrued interest is less than the levied special assessment on the underlying property (State's Eagan Driver's Exam Property), the entire principal and interest shall be released, upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the City of Eagan, in consideration of the special assessment. b. In the event that the $73,700 deposit plus accrued interest is greater than the above referenced special assessment, the entire amount which fully satisfies the special assessment will be released upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the City of Eagan to fully satisfy the special assessment. The amount of escrow baiance remaining over and above the assessment shall be promptly released, upon written direction from the State's authorized representative, to the State. 3. The parties agree and understand that any easement must meet the conditions and requirements as set forth in Minn. Stat. § 168.26 including notice of revocation. 4. All of the work to be accomplished by the County on the hereinabove referenced easements shall be in accordance with the County's C.P. 32-26 construction plans. 5. If any part of the State's existing fence is affected by .the County Highway project C.P. 32-26, it shall be replaced to its current iocation by the County at no expense to the State. 6. Notices to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and should be sent by regular U.S. mail, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: -2- With respect to the County: Lori Peterson Dando Dakota County Attorney's Office Dakota County Judicial Center 1560 West Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 With respect to the State: Steve J. Mackenthun State of Minnesota Department of Administration State Administration Building, Room 309 50 Sherburne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon and it shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed: Approved as to form: + Assistant County Attorney/Date Approved by Dakota County Board Resolution No. Approved as to execution: Assistant County Attorney/Date COUAYfY OF DAKOTA onald Chapdelain , Chair Board of Co mi sioners Dated: A t: No a B. Marsh,Auditor w? Dated: A 2 -ZSL -9Z -3- FOR THE STATE OF MINNESOTA RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Director of Real Estate Management Dated: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Commissioner Dated: APPROVED DANA B. BADGEROW Commissioner of Administration Date: Drafted and approved as to form and execution this day of , 1992 HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, Iil Attorney General By: ega ssistan pecia ssistant Attorney General STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of 1992, before me personally appeared DANA B. BADGEROW, the Commissioner of the Department of Administration, State of Minnesota, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the State of Minnesota; and acknowledged that she executed the same as the free act and deed of said State of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1990, Section 166.26. Notary Public ?e,s -4- ? / Q-1 ? STATB OF MINNESOTA Departmen[ of Administration BO7LDING CODP.S ANI7 5IANDABDS CONDITZONAL 408 Mctrn Square 7th and Robert Sts - Semt Paul, Minnesnta SSIUI Phnne:(612) 296-4639 FAA: (612) 297-1973 COPY TO BUILDING OFFICIAL : Reid, Douglae Michael City of sagan 3830 Pilot Rnob Road Eagan MN 55122 Project Title : So. Metro Driver Exam Station Project Deacr.: South Metro Driver Exam Station Eagan, Minnesota Location : Eagan, Minnesota Date Received : 10/24/92 Plan Review xumber: 920026 Reviewer: Vermayne E. Bertram Dear Buildinq Official: AATE : 03/18/92 Phone: 612/297-3600 The conetruction documents, for the project deecribed above, have been reviewed and found to be in substantial compliance with requirementa of the Minnesota State Building Code. Enclosed is a aiqned copy authorizing conetruction of the project. Such authorization by thie office does not relieve the Building Official from the responsi6ility of code compliance enforcement prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Yours truly, BUILDING CODES & STANDARDS )J ??? Scott D. ?McLellan Acting Supervisor, Plan Review SDM:p attachments: Authorization Conditiona Plan Review Comments Dated: Form BD80013C Designer Reeponse Dated: StA"fE OF MINNE50'IA Department of Administration 408 Metro Squarc 7th nnJ Robert Sis Samt Paul. Mmncsaa 55101 Pbone(fil2) 296-4639 FAX-(612) 297-1973 South Metro Driver $R0R1 Station BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS Eagan, Minnesota PROJECT: 920026 Authorization Letter #1 03/18/92 Paqe: 1 CONDITIONS The following commente baeed on the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Building Code (tm) should be reaolved before a permit ie iesued. This correction liet ia not a building perroit. The approval of plans and specificatione doea not permit the violation of aay section of the Uniform Building code or any federal, etate, or local regulations. COMMENTS: 1 Blectrical panel L-2, in basement, if eubject to accidental contact hy unauthorized persomnnel, shall have a lockable cover per NEC-110-17. Please verify. 2 Ceramic tile base or equivalent, where required by IIBC-510(b) shall extend up the wall at leaet 5". Within compartmenta and urinals, ceramic tile or equivalent shall extend up the wall a minimum of 4 feet. Please verify if you are doing any work that would require these areas to be updated to code. 3 Verify that any fixtures which are removed or replaced, are re-inatalled at proper heights to be useful to the handicapped, and all according to MSBC-CHAPTSR 1340. END OF CONDITIONS STA'IEOPI1mVNFSOG Building Codes & Standards Division 408 Metro Square Building 7th & Robert Streets '- i St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 ' (612) 296-4639 ? Department of s(,..) ez Administration ? ? ? I? FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Projectfjumber •?' p Oate1 24/CR J ? ? Amount of Check Check Number Received 8y Construction Cost ConstmctionAuthor' atio : v l?.i I.wW APPLICATION FOR PLAN REVIEW CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION BY STATE AGENCY OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4 O 0 ? ? Prqect Title EST7L kdRTEr t IPL ZEPGra.v?c.,.JT -? SOU 141 M ?TRa D?Z?VF2 ?XAtvt S'rA'ito City, County A _o'T"1l / CG - E R-r-1 /Y'N Construction Cost $ l , U Uo Name of ArchitectlEngineer Fnm Phone No. ? ? Si flT-c- o4 /Z1N -1?SBc Address of Firm s-1v Fl T) M,/xi 13LW So -5'lig4,"A City, State, Zip i P?L rnnJ SS(_?s J? NEW CONSTRUCTION EXISTING BUILDING Type(s) 01 ConsirucLOn Basic Albweble Floor Area TyOe(a) o/ ConsWCbon 4G -S fl Basic AiloweDle Floor Area OccuOancy Classficanl Increase Over One-Story Occupancy Classihcalion(s) Imreese Ouer OnaStory r !Cf NumCer of Storres Increeae Por Open Sitles Number M Stories Increase For Open Sitles ? Sp Ft Per Flow Manmum Alloweble Floor Araa Tptal Floor Nrea Maximum Allowable Floor Area ? , c UO S(? t Tolal Floor Aree Area Separahon Wall Rating(s) Vee No Rated Area Separetlon Wall Ratm9(s) Corridors Ves No Occupancy Separation Ratin8(5) ? Change of Occupancy Separation Raung(s) New Building Occupancy vas No Sprinklered for One Area Separation Yas N. Sprinklered for One Addition Hour Construction Walls Hour Construction Sprinklered for Area ? Sprinklered for Area Sprinklered Increase Sprinklered Increase Design Ioad(s) Used: naanionsi inrormaeion UBC Chapt. 23 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: As the plan preparer I hereby certify that reasonable care has 6een given to compliance with a licable laws, ordinances, and buildin codes relatin to desi n. Name (Print) Signatur Date Minnesota Registration Na. !'472C!Cie I? 1'_' I-/6_17?- R, 106, 1 BC-00069-02 (2/89) HIIIiflIR^fS A51:dR:8dL I?Csity oF czcigan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD THQ+M' EG/`N EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5 514 4-1897 Wy? PHONE (612) 454-81D0 DAMD K Gu5TAF50N FAX: (612) 454-8363 PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWlENTY ? THEODORE WACHIFR Coundl Mzinbers THOAM,S HEDGES OCtOb6I' 24, 1991 crtyAamimstraror EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Cay Clerk MR FRANK A AHRENS II DIRECTOR OFFICE OF FZSCAL & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 210 TRANSPORTATION BLDG ST PAUL MN 55155 Re: lParcel_10r03100-a10-02 Drivers Trainittg Center Cliff Road upqradinq City ProjeCt #609 Dear Mr. Ahrens: As per your request, the City of Eagan has researched our files to find out information on the design of the existing sanitary sewer service to the Drivers Training Center on Cliff Road. Enclosed are the following items: 1. MPCA permit for sanitary sewer extension dated 7/10/78. Developer/Owner is State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety. • 2. Specifications for State Project No. 7808 which serves Building No. 92040 in Eagan. As described on page one, the Owner is the State of Minnesota. The specifications note that the State hired the contractor to construct the sanitary sewer service line. 3. Plan sheets 1 through 4 which shows the layout and details of the sanitary sewer service construction. From our research, it appears that the State of Minnesota designed the 6" sanitary sewer service line and hired the contractor to construct the service line. As shown on the enclosed plan sheets showing the Cliff Road Upgrading, the City is still proposinq to construct an 8" sanitary sewer line across Cliff Road at Station 111+26 to serve the Drivers Training Center and Radio Tower site. The 8" sanitary sewer line would be needed to serve the two lots if future development occurs. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunlry/AfffrmaTive Action Empioyer Page 2 Also shown on the plan sheets is an 8" water main crossing of Cliff Road at Station 115+60 to serve the Drivers Training Center. The 8" water main would be needed to serve the site if future development occurs. The construction of the 8" sanitary sewer line and 8" water main crossings of Cliff Road would be by the open cut method and the work will be done before the widened Cliff Road is constructed. if the State of Minnesota does not feel that the.proposed 8" sanitary sewer and water main crossings need to be constructed with the Cliff Road Upgrading, then the State should let us know. The City needs a response in writing from the State by November 25, 1991. If the State feels that they do not need the 8" sanitary sewer and water main crossings, the City will delete the lines from the Cliff Road Upgrading project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me."-) Sincerely, ???J?N? i John P. Wingard, P.E. Development/Design Engineer JPW/jj cc: Steve J. MacKenthun Jerry Kingrey, Dakota County Project 609 Enclosure .....+;.^'r,; ?.e.?...±; ;. • .. IriftJdYf47WM1VV1111d Aasney = . -..' ? 1935 Wea1 County Road B$ RossvnlA MUrltlSofa bSHJ 'R`:;_ . ...c?1.1 r?,?.` .. . ? ?,i?UO. ?,.. •. .., ? ;?,?:a,.,,-...::?:,? :_:.•.... K ? ;?.: : : j . - •-?a.:a'??ei:u<?n? ti,i??'__..:i: o,. .. ..-_ -;. .: . ° _`'-APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS -i •?INSTROCTIONSe?l. Submit one completed?application,with one set of plans and '- _- specifications.for each.sanitary sewer extension. ?•- , °2:'ALL portions of this applioation MUST be completed and siqned -,: _..if the sewer extension is ;to be considered. 1. CIT7C: E9G9Nq lQIi2iE30TA. .• COUNT7t: DAKOTA DATE: .7/10/78 NATURE OF AREA TO BE SERVED BY TFIE PROPOSED SESPER EXTENSION: ' (a) . Residential: Number - of Pew; Homes . 4r: - . . 1•:1 : .--_ • Number. of Existing Homes (b). Commercial/Industria l (describe): South Metro Driverta Lioenee .-. .. - _ -, : . F.iominntiOII Center - . _ _ .. _ ? . • . . .. ; - - . (c}. Other: . ? r? -Ti"tle-of plans and $pecs:Sanit ar?.Sewer C?onnection - 3outh Metro Driverls 7.icenae ' . :.;'::•. , Developer/Owner: Name: State af Minneeota - Departmeat of Public 3afetq. ?Addreas: Traneportation Building, St. Paul, Minaeeota ?- - Telephone: 296-8814 or 296-7595 aontact: Joha D. Ernater, .'I=I: DESIGN OF SANITARY SEWER: . ; ? Total Length of Pipe: 515 L.F. ? Pipe Diameter (s) : 611 ???:?.:_ :...: . • = *'= ZV; ' •: DESIGN `OF. PUMP STATION (S ) ?-_' ;: - . : _ , STATI ON $1- .: STATION #2 ?«?" <<`. - •?: - ' ` ; . . ?-' • . ? - Pump Capacity. (qpin) . ? : . -== `?"y?'yTotal t Dynemic : Head `(ft) `,s;:? I -.:;`ji...,,:_'FLen4th..of Forcemain •(ft) .?,,. ..?: _ ..-• . . . ;_ .; ,;, . .. . • . .:. ? o"tceaiain"Diameter (ia 8orcemain'Material =. _.? i?-=•??:}.? Friction Factor ." ? : . .. .. . -. . 42 ?•: V.' ' 6EWAGE TREATMENT PLANT: -.- . . - . . ?' ; ,. . _ ;.. LL •- - •..;... _?. , ? ,_ . '_ :.,. Name of _ Platlt t'.. ?etropolitan Waste Seneca Plant 18 thepro . -. '?•:?._:.;...-?. - . -- - : posed sewer P?«oject in"accafrd with the City's Comprehenside? ?t? fi :i?? • SP_4/PT PIAT'1 ? x fvee qI.. DESIGN LOA^INGS: Estimated flow and BOD5 increase from proposed extension: Initia1:.00045 MGD Ultimate:,000d5 MGD Initial:l•1; #/D 1.13 Basis for estimating flow and BODS increases: No aignificant increases are 'antiaitiat eii. VII. Will the proposed sewer project be designed and constructed as described in Standard litilities Specifications published by-the League of Minnesota Municioal ties? %-YES VIIS. AS TO THE vzronme?ta AN unctil Regu AL ?.' Approximate date of completian Faii _ 1978 Do you anticipate that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) will be prepared on this project by the city or county? No Note: A'xes" answer to any of the following may require e..L...,aae?l,,,, .,f ?w., *. nw_ " MEQC 24-a Will the construction result in a new industrial park ? of over 320 acres? MEQC 24-ci K311 the construction result in an industrial, commercial or residential development.cf:40 acres or more, any part of which is within a floodplain area, as defined by ? y "Statewide Standards and Criteria for Management of Flood- ' y plain Areas of Minnesota"7 QC 24-d WiTl the constructian result in a commercial or industrial ? ` development of more than 20,000 square feet located on a parcel of land having 11500 feet or more of shoreland? QC„24-r Will the construction result in the elimination or " acres in the seven- significant alteration of 5 or more ? county metropolitan area or of SO or more acres outside the seven-county metropolitan area, either singly or in a complex of two or more wetlands? QC 24-t Will the construction include 100 or more units in an ; unsewered area or 500 or more units in a sewered area? QC 24-u Will the proposed project result in the construction of ; 50 or more units of a residential development within a shoreland area? (aa de ined b Minn. Stat.§ Z05.485 Z974) [AKIN SSWSR CONSTRUCTZON FOR THE REFERBNCSD SXTEPSION MAY BE UNDER UNTIL YOU ARE IN RECEIPT OF THE REQDIRED PERMIT(S) ISSUED THIS AGENCY AND AS DEPIPED BY LAW UNDER MIAPESOTA STATE ATUTE 1Z5.07, SUBDIVZSIOA S. Signed: Reg.No. 3 3 Eng neer Signed: Title:? Aut rize C ty Representat ve . Ffii.10/77 ixnex To srr.czFi cArto"s STATE PR0.IECT N0. 7808 BUILDING rC. 92040 1. RELATED DOCUtfEN'fS ZI. GENERAL REQi(IRaSEiNTS Division 1 III. GENERAL SPECIFICATION Division 15 IV. Plaas DIIN;: F SGT.; Advertisement for Bids Instructions to Eidders Form of Bid.Bond Form of Contract Forn of Pcrformancc Bond Proposal Form Ccneral Condicions AIA-201 Supplenentary General Conditions of tne Contract 0100 Special Conditions 1520 Sewer Service 4 Sheets SECTION 0100 - SI'fCIAL CONDIT20N5 1. _,TUS OF SPf CIAL CONDITIOV S The following speeial conditions supplcment and shall supersede the foregoing Standard General Conditions for Contract Workg wktenever the two arr_ in conflict. 2, TIME OF CC:IPL°fION The Contraetor shall caRr,:ence work within 7 days after receipt of executed copy oE contract and notification by the Director of Proeure^.ient to commer.ce work te properly expedite the project. It is desired that the project be comt -lete in 45 calendar daysg howevert the quantity of C;.lendar Days tliat bidders ctetcrmine for themselves and enter in the proposal Will be used as the actual allocvable canpletion time Eor the Project. 3. LOCATICN OF SITE The project is located approximately 1500 feet F.ast cf the intersrction of Ced.:r Ave. So. and Dakota County Road 37 (Cliff Road) in Eagan, lin, at the South Metro Driver's License Examination Center. 4. DEFINITIeVs Coatractor as hereinafter referred to in these specificationsg is he wlio has a direct ccnt:act with the Owner for the work. Owner is the Staie of Minnesota or its duly authorized representative. 5. ORDI\A?ICES, RULES :uND R6C1JL1TION5 The Contractor peYfor^ting the worlc and surplying all material covered by the plans and soecifications shail confor.r. strictly to the respec*_ive latest re- quirments or the Iatest edition of the foilowing: 1. State and Lccal Ordinancesg Regulations and Codes. (as they r.wy apply) • 2, State Plunbing Code. 3. State and Local Departrnents of Health. 4. State Department af Labor and Industry. 5. Cccupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. 6. Standard Snaciiications of the American Society of Testing and Materials. 7. American Water Works Assoc. Standards. 8. Mn/DOT Standard speeificaCions for Highway Construction. , If any plans or speeifications eonfliet with any of the above regulations or standards, the regulations or stsndarJs shall take precedence. This shall noto howevers be construed to relieve any'Contractor from complying with any require- ments of the concract docianents which are in excess of, but not contrary to, any regulations or standards. -1- - Any eonflict between items in the above, between themselvesv or with these speeificationsv must be submitted [o the Owner for adjustment before rroceeding wlth the work; as any claims for additional emnpensatien after the work is per- formedl to achieve compliance with the above requirements will not be allowed or considered. 6. PERMITS AAD FEES The Conezactor shall secure and pay for ali permits or convenience feesg license feest and/or other fees for inspection and tests required by lucal ordinattices and regulations necessary to cocnplete their work. Cost of all of these permitsg feesp etc.$ shall be included in Contractor's base bid, including the Sewer 4vai1- ability Charge which will be paid to 'the City of Eagan, and seioer permit, which must be obtained from the City of Eagan. 7, E.YAMINATI0N OF SITE Before sutm:itting a proposal on the work contemplat-,?d in these specifications, eaeh bidder sha11 visit the site, take his own mcasurements anci thoroughly famil- iarize hisaself with all the exisGing conditions and limiLations pertaining to the wrk herein. No e.etras cn_11 be allo;aed becausz oP tha Contructers r.iisunderstanding as to the amount of work involved or his lack of knowledge of ex:sting conditions. S. TE.'?7PORARY EL°CTR2CaL, 'dATER A:.Ti TOILE'" FACILI?iC•S Tenporary use of electxic power and water will be availaUle, at ne cost to the Contractort during coastruction to the e:ctent of the present capacity at the building. The Contractor shall make and remove all ttffnporary connections. The Contractor shall make arrangements for the connections with the building suner- visor in Eagang Minnesota, 612-454-3443. Tuilet facilities shall be provide- by the Contractor. 4. OCC[JP.4NCY OF EUILDIVG AVD USF, 0£ SITE The building and site in which the proposed work is to be done will be occupied during •.xrk on this eontract. All operations shall be carried on in such a manner so as.to cause as little interference as possible with the owner's noxmal operations and use of the building and property. 10. OMISSION OF EXPRESS RL•'^ER^1CF. The omission of express reference to any parts necessary for or reasonably in- cidental to the ecmplete installation shall not be co:istrued as releasing the Con- tractor fran furnishing such parts or doing such work. - 2- 11. LIGUIDATF.n DAMAGF.S The Contrnctor agrees that if he shall neglect, fail or rcfuse to complel-c tlie work within Che time specified, the Contractor slinll pay to the SCate as fixed, agreedg liquidated damages ;or each calendar day of delay beyond the time of canpletion until the work is campleted or aecepted, the sum of One Ilundrecl Dollars ($100.00) per day. 12. STORAGE OF MATERT.ALS ,4A'D F.(,U2PMNT The Contracta?shall consult with the Buildir.g Supervisor., Eagang riinnesotag for an area available for storage of his miterials. AI1 materials sr.orcd sli;ill be at the Contractos's risk and the Contraetor shall restore any aroa used for the storage of his materials to its original eonditiong at his ocn e:.pei:se. 13. UNDERGROUtdD AND OVF:RIiEPD UTILITIES The Crn-ractnr sha11 safeguard the elect=ict telephoneg fuelp water$ and sewer lines : all damage due to his operations and shall replace or repair any dgnage thereto? to Che satisfaction of the Owner. 14. SUSMITTALS REOLTIRED A. Submit with contracts for execution: 1. Guaranty (Per_`or.nanc2 3ond) ? Se_ para. 10 of Supplementar,- General Conditions. • 2. Insvrance Certificates and ::ene=aacum - See para. 9 of Supp?emenLary General Conditions. b. Iffinediately after being awarded the contract: 1. Schedule of Progress - See para. 4.11, Article 4 of A1,1 DocL.^aent A201. 2. List of Subcontractars - See Article 5 of AiL Doc;mment A201. C. Within ten days of signinS of contract: 1. Cost Breaicdown o£ Projeet - See para. 9:20 Article 9 of A.L1 Docwnent D. After signing of contract and within twenty days of award: 1. Request for Substitutions - See para. 3 of Supplementary General Conditions. E. As work progresses and as specified: 1. Inspection certiSicationas required. 2. Miscellaneous Items as speeified. -3- 1520 - SEWER ScRVICE COAT7F.C7ION A:`:U WAiER S?iRVLC? CASI*;GS PART 1 - GIINF.R4L 1.1 Tho Related Docimtents and Sect•ion 0100 Special Conditions apply tu ail wor1: in this Section. ' 1.2 Scone of Work This section includes aIl labor, materialss toolss and eeuipiacnt required for a sanitary sewer service connection from existing manhole "A" to the Citq sanitary sewer mains and the installation of casings for a future wster service connection as shown on the plans and specified elsewhere in these specifications. 1.3 Exeavation and Prenaratien of Trenches The trenches shall be dug to the aligranent and depth required and onl}• so fzr in advance of pipe line as the Engineer shall permit. The sides of tha trench shall be sloped and/or braced and the trench drsined if necessary so that c.-or'.en can aork safely and efficiently. All trenches shall be escavat=d su that the pipe :..ay be iaid accuratei}• [o grade with a minimu^i or 7 feet of cover ove_ the top of the seiaer service pire and a minimum of 10 feet of earth cover over the too of the seioer and wal•er casiues. The trench shall ?ave a bottom conforring to the grade to wltich the pioe is to be Iaid. The pipe shall be laid upon sour.d soil. cut t=ue and even so that the barrel of the pipe will have a bearing fcr its [ull 1en3th. Be11 holes shall Se provided so that, afte- iastallationy no part of the bell is in eontac: with the trench bottam. If excavation is made below grade, it shall be bac'.:filled with •.:ell ta::ped pit xvn sand oz fir,e grav?1 as apnroved 'cy the Engineer at no addi[ional etpense. 1.4 Pt:mvine and 9ailin_ The Contractor shallp at his own expenses ptanp or otherwi.se remcve any water which may exist in the trenches and shall forn all dams or othcr works necessary for keeping the excaration clear of water during progress of the work. 1.5 Sheetine and Eracine Tfie Contractor, to prevent the disturbing or settlement of adjacent surfacesp foundationsg stzucturess or other improvementv shall furnish and place all sheetine and braeing necessary to provide good working conditions accaptable to t4e Engineer, and to prevent damage and delay [o the work. The Contractor shall be responsibla for th,- st:c:gth and sufficiency of all sheeting and bracing. • All sheeting and bracingg unless otheraise specified or ordered to be left in . place by the Engineert shall be installed and remoued fram the work at no additional campensation. No sheeting and braeing shall be rc.ioved until the eonstruetion has proceeded far enough to providc amplc strength. -4- pny damage to the work under this contract? or to adjacent property or structure eaused by chis constructiono sha11 be repaired by the Contractor witliout delay . "at his?expense. 1.6 Bedding of RCP CasinQ All 12" RCP casing shall be bedded on a minimum 6 inch thickness of granular bedding material shaped by means of a template to accurately fit the lower part oi the pipe exterior to at least 60 percent of the pipe width. Atter excavating the trench to an elevation which is approximatcly 15 percent of the outeide diameterg the foundation for the bedding sliall bc prepared by carefully excavating to the required depth and shapc of the bedding. 1.7 Backfilline and Gradine Procedure: All t:e^ches shall be Uackfflled as soon as possible after installation of piping . inspection and testing. The Contractor shall salvage all tonsoil frm.n the excavation and place this material as the final lift in areas outside of the bittminous surfaced area. AlI surplus naterial shall bc removed from the propcrty by the Contractor. The backfilling operations shall be cione Uy the Contractor to the canplete satisfaetion of the Owner or his represer.tative. Accentable 3aclcfill Material: The Contraccor shall backfill wiCh the mzterial excavated from the trench. Backfillin¢ at the Pifle Zone: From the bottom of the trench to 1 foot above the top of the pipe, acceptable backfill snall be placed by hand and spre.,d in 4 inch Iayers with hand tamping or approved mechnnical metliods. Care shall be t:;!:en to deposit the materiai simultaneously on both sides ot the pipe for the full width oi the trench. The backfilling at the pipe zcne shall continue to a height of 12" above the *_op oL the pipe. This back:iil shall be well compacted by usir.3 meehanical tamping equipment in such a msnner as not to damage the pioe, pipe joints or sni:"t pipe aligssment. Backf°lline Above the Pi,.)e Zone: All trenehes shall be backfilled in the follow'ing maaner. Backfilling consists of pl:icing the material excavated fram the trench in svcceeding twelve inch (12") thici: layers. Each layer sha11 be campacted before additional hac:cfill mater:al is placed in the trench. Only mechanical ta:rmingg use of roiler or sriall tractor will Ue allowed. The densiti of the backfilZed materiai aiter compaction shall Se equal to or shall exceed the density of the material before it was excavated. The material taken fron the trench and used for backfilling may contain coarse r.iaterials but shall be free from pieces of rockt concreteg or clay lumos which measure more than one-third cubic foot in volumeg roots, stumpst tin canst rubbishg frozen materialsg and other similar articles whose presence in t'ie backfill would cause excessive settlecnent. 1.8 Fences and Barrieades The Contractor shall erect and maintain fences and barricades and provide flash- ing warning lights caherever the ground is opened or material is piled to properly protect the worlanan and the public from accidental injuzy. - 5- 1.9 Restoration of Surfac-s " The Contractor shall restore the surface of all excavated areas to a condition that is equal to or better than the original condition. 1.10 Connect;on to the Sewcr Piain Connection to the city_sewer main shall oe m3de in accordance wi.th local require- ments and as indicated on the plans. Contractor shall obCain exact locations of the inplace city sewer main and water main from the City of Eigan. PART 2 - ,fATERIALS AND MI'CIIODS 2.1 Installation of Pivine, Fittines, and Ar.nvrtenlnces All maeerial shall be unloaded carefully so as not to damage material. Dw'nping of material into tr_nches and excavation criil not be per,nitted. Piaterial sha11 be carefully lowered into the trench by using a derrick, ropes or other suitable methods. All pipe shall be inspected while suspended and any defective oine sha11 be re- jected. Ali ioreign aatter or dirt shall be cleaned from the pipe and shall be kept clean duriag and after laying. Provided suitaole stoppers aC uny suspension of wor:c to prevent dirt or otner,suostances from entering pipe. Pipe shall be bedded unifor.nly for its enti.re length. Beli holes shaIl be dug at the ends of each length of pipe, when necessary, to permit proper joi.ntiiig. No pipe shall be laid in unsuitable materialg such as waterg without approval of the Engineer. 2.2 Sewer Pine Polyvinyl Chloride (F?C) pipe and fittings shall be T4;pe PSM nonperforated pipe, confoxming to A3Pi D 3034. The sewer shall be of the bell and spigot L-3Pe and shall be installed in accordance uri th the requiremenEs of AST'.i D 2321 using rubber gasket joints. • Duct3le iron sewer pipe shall be cement mortar lined Class 52 (150 psi) conform- ing to 9.y5I A 21.51 for physical and chemical requirements of pipe barrel and ANSI A21.1 for flanges. Cast iron pipe shall be cement mortar lined Class 22 (i50*psi) conformi.ng to ANSI A21.6 for physical and chanical requirc3nents of pipe barrel and ANSI A21.1 for flanges. Cast iron pipe fittings shall be canent mortar lined 250 psi conforming to ANSI . A21.1 and/or ANSI 816.1 2•3 PiDc CasinGs Furnish and install pipe casings for the sewer sexvlce and a future water service connection. The length of the casings is indicated on the Plans. Reinforced concrete pipe casing shall be IZ" diaaeter Class II. The RCF casings shail be placed in trenches at Street "A" as shocn in the Plans. Rc.^.,cve biCu- minous surface for the fuli width of the trench. Bsckfiiling oL trench and patching of bituminous surface shall be aceomplishod as expediently as nossible to prevent interference with the normal opcrations of the bu:lding, Patching of the bituninous surface sh.,ll be done by the Contractor using any bituminous mixture annroved by tt?c F.ngineer. C¢n- paction of soil beneath the bituminous snall be 957' of st:,ndard prnctor from one foot above pipe to 21-6" below surfaceg then 100`0 :or thr toP 21-61'. Steel pipe casing shall be standard weisht wreught steel pipe of the di:sneter indicated in the plans. These casings shall be placed by jacking under the in- place roadway (County Road 32), The flow line elevation at the starting point for jacking shall be within 0.1 foot of the staked grade; the flow line shall r.ot b? reversed at any point; and the line and grade at ar.y noint c.rithin the pipe shall not vary by more than 0.5 foot from the liae designated. Stee1 pipe shall have welded (100°/, penetration) field connections. The Dakota Couaty Engineer shall be notiFied at least the jac:cing operations. Phone 437-3191, ext. 266. T_he 6" PW sewer pipe placed within the RCP and steel cradles not more than eight feet apart tLroughout the Such cradles shall be appro.r;.mateiy equal in thicknes joints of the 6" pipe. 48 houzs in advance of casir.gs shall be set on length o£ the casing. s to the tiiickness of the After t-he P`TC sewer pipe has been installed in the sewer service casiags, the annuiar space betaeen the casiag pipe and the sewer nipe siiall be blo« full of sand. The upgrade end of the casiag pipe shall then be sealed wi.th cenent mor:ar a minir.uan of eight inches t?lick around the PVC pipe. The ends of the twv waterline casings placing 3/4" exterior pl,wood over the method approved by the Engineer. shall be capped prior to backfilling by ends of the casir.gs or by an alternate 2.4 Manhole =1 Manhole T1 shall he constrscted complete in place in accordance w_th the plans and M.H.D. Standard Plate 40055ll with a Type B cone section. The rin3 casting and cover shall be ABS plastic. T?ie ABS cover shall be the Iocicing type. The easting shall be securely set in.fresh r.iortar. The top of the casting shall be set at an elevation high enough to :reve:t suriace water from acccnulating at the manhole. All exterior surfaces of the manhole shall be waterprooEed according to the following. Asphalt primer for use with asphalt iri dampproefing. and water proofing concrete and masonry surfaces above or 6elow ground level shall conzoz-n to AAS11T0 14116. Asphalt for usc as a mopping coat for dmnpproofir,g or as a plying or meppi::g eanent in the construction oE a me:lbrane system of waterproofing shall conforn to AASFITO 11115; Typc B shall be used. Before any surface is %,:itcrproofed, all Form ties shall be ranovedg all cavities shall bc filles with nortarv and 111 fins or rough spots finished reasonably smootli. Ir,nediatcly prior to apr,lying the primcr, the surface of the concreee shall bc clenned of all dust or otlicr loose nml'crial. The surface af the noncrete sliall bc dry at the tine the primer is appliod. -7- Waterproofing shall not he applied in wet weather or when the tempcratura is below 350 F, unless authorized by the Engineer. Primers shall be applied cold. Asphalt used for _ waterproofing shall be heated and placed at a tc?nFcraLUre oF not less than 3000 F,, and not more than 3500 F.9 with frequent stirring to prev.,nt local overheating. All waterproofing shall be protected against damage during succoeding construction operations. Aay dmnage to waterproofing shall be repaired to tlie satisfaction of the Engineers at the Contractor's expense. The joints between manhole sections shall be senled with a preformed plnstic joint sealer conforming to the requirements oi AASHTO ri198 for Type B(plastic). 2.5 Drov Structure Cmtstruct a sewer line drop struCture at inplace M.H. 14 according to the details in the plans and the following: The chenical resistant brick shall conform to AST:? C-279-549 Type L. The conerete mix desio for the concrete footing and concrete fill around the drop pipe shall be approved by the Engineer. 2.6 Insnec=ion and Testing The Contractor shall insure that ali pipe work installed under this contr3ct be inspected and apnroved by the City of Eagan before closiag tlie excavation. AI1 sanitary sewer lines shall be substantially watertight and shall be tested for excessive leakage upon canpletion. The pipe under test shall be clean at the time of testing but thc pipe may tc wetted. Pneumatic balls shall hz used to plug the pipe ends at manholes. Low pressure air shall be iat:oduced into the plugged'line until the internal air pressssre reaches 4.0 psi greater than the average back pressure of any ground water pressure that nay subr.ierge the uiae. At least two minutes shall be allowed for the air temperature to stabilize before readings arc taken and the timing started. The sewer section under test will be accepted as having passed the air leakage test if it does not lose air at a rate to cause the pressure to drop from 3.6 psi in less time thon one-half minute per inch of diameter of the pipe tested. The Con[ractor will receive no additional ecmpensation for performing the leakage tests nor for performing any corrective watk as necessary to'reduce leakage to , an amount beloc, the maximum allowed. 2.7 Capvin, of ExistinG Cutlet of Manhole °A" The capping of the existing outlet pipe of ManFiole "A" sliall bc acco:nplished only after the new se,aer service connection is ecmpletely ready for scrvice. The method of capping shall be appraved by the Engineer. -8- vi (L BIT. ST. "8" .. t0 ?? /INP. Q" C.I. PIPE I - ? -? ? = , - , r, ? ? , `=== ==:, -INI? SCPTIC 7APJKS ?- ? r - ` J . I? ? ? - ? / ?'? ? A3AfvDON If•!f' SYSTEM THIS AREA J ? INP. BUILDING INP, M.H...A, ??- - - - - - - - ---? , l\ _. ^ - - 2r'-`j S7REET cn .. i ? .. .q .,? ? Vf ? ? S ., I i1 GENERAL l._l1Yn! IT - NO SCALE ? 611 pVC PIPE S[WER INR DRAWFIELD ?r? (11 .. :J ..> ? u 0 . . III STREET rk 41T. Sf. °AJ I C0. R0. 32 12°x 5d RCP CASING CASINGS FOR ?MaINR I r-uru«E T I I CAtJSTRUGT I I v:1TEr? PIPE V?ryp. 1 t+A.N.I 6" PVC s"xa5'RSC casivc I i,? • PIPE SEY/ER ?---'.L ? ?RO? i?t??srRuc?.' ?SE?'t: R PIPE I 90°i ? CASIP:GS I I v I 85'RSC CAS11 JG ? • .? ? ? ? ? ? I I ? I 1NP. 19" RCP ?"• ?' GL-NERAL LAYOl1T CRaYiTY sE V,E R U NV Jlir'iLG .'.:...... . . ?1 E -412 f :...... . . :.....: ::.:'.'..::: : .....:...: { k 20 i .... :.... .. +3_j 5 : ...... .... .. . .. .: ... .. ::. • ? ...... . .. . .. . , a i .. .. ? ? ; :.: ::...:.:... ... : . :::::::::::::..::::':::::::.. >7'i;LC:r ,.?., .:. ..... :.:.. . ?. CCr, f;C 32. :. ..;. .; ..... ?;Q .........:::::::.`:::..: :::::.::.:.?.:.::::::..:::.:::..::.::::.:::::::.'.::. . . .. .. ...... ............ .............;.:..... .... ........ . ......... .. .....: l;S?GP.........:..:..1 ................ .._ ......... ........... : .. . . . .........._:.. . ........ 1. : :: ' ''' ' ; STIitiG f URF? . . , -- _ :.. .. :.:::. . .... 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PIPE CONCRETE S!.'r°QRi 8" C.I. 900 ELBON 3" *'- CCNCFETE FOOTING EVATrr",1 (',r r_: r ? (;TF.I ir, ,-! w ?t. State Proi. I1a. "Z -,¢ 4 'S ;i n ? M ? .? ? A a ? J ;OVCRETE FOOTING I??FLOW ? INP. IB" RCP ? I PRECAST CO":CRETE I I ?, I I , \ {;c i;rE 5'10 E J \crF D?.7TAIL-TF;iSSH7.,/tJ-- -I--i -r-'?lI , ? ? • ?? \\ I ?. ?3 0 3" 0 ;,7??HOr D_F.TAII_S ' NO SCALE INP. 18" DIAMETER ? I 1, 1 SEtAI-CIRCULAR TROUGH ? cyEr.?icn.L RESISTANT eRicti< (NP. 48.. \\ 1 I I ( / ht. H. 14 RCP FILL AREA AROUP:D ?, f' -r- - 1- - -r 11 ? CF"? PIrE 1NiTH CONCRETE (JiT 'f R!lUl?.i i ' f "." :_i I OF 1' T , ? INIP I£3" RCP ????mS.?city of eaga 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD iHorotn5 Ecntd EA6AN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 MaY°r PHONE. (612) 454-8100 DAVID K. GUSTAFSON FfJC(614) 454-8363 PhMEV. h1cOtEa TIM PAWIENiY THEODORE WACHTF.R Couxil Members THOAMS HEDGES Crty Atlminatrata October 7, 1991 EUGENE VAN OVFRBEKE c?y cierk MR FRANK A AHRENS II DIRECTOR OFFICE OF FISCAL & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 210 TRANSPORTATION BLDG ST PAUL MN 55155 Re: Parcel 10-03100-010-02 Per your request to .Tohn Wingard at a meeting on September 25, 1991, I provide the following information. This parcel has been charged for the following improvements which have been installed hy the City: Year Improvement Rate Ouantity Amovnt September, 1978 Lateral Senefit Sanitary Sewer Trunk $10 .28/ff 728 ff $7,826.00 Sanitary Sewer Trunk $590 .00/Ac. 16.44 Ac. 9,699.60 S17.525.60 August, 1974 Water Trunk $315 .00/Ac. 16.44 Ac. $5.178.60 1989 Lateral Benefit Water Trunk $22 .70/ff 720 ff $16,344.00 Water Availability Charge $580 .00/unit 4 units $2.320.00 1990 Storm Sewer Trunk $ .056/SF 687,232 SF $38,484.99 THE LONE OAIC TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OppoAunity/Affirmaflve Action Employer Page 2 Attached is a copy of the utility locations in relationship to your parcel. The area charges listed above cover the whole area of your parcel. The lateral benefit from trunks, both water and sanitary sewer, cover the full frontage on your parcel. I have also attached a copy of a record of the charges for improvements made to your parcels. According to the feasibility report for Project 609, the following improvements are proposed for assessment to your parcel. Imvrovements Sanitary Sewer & Water Stubs Street Rate Ouantity Amount $18,342.00/pair 1 pair $18,342.00 $79.38/ff 728 ff $57.788.64 p $76,130.64 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me; Sincerely, Gerald R. Wobschall. Special Assessment Consultant GRW/jj cc: Steve J. MacKenthun Jerry Kingrey John Wingard Project 609 Enclosure AS OF: 10/04/1991 PRUPERTY ID: 10-03100-010-02 S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 1OP609 CLIFF & RAFt N ST-UTIL 0000 10 0.0000 76130.64 0.00 PN 102037 SSTK 452R 1990 15 8.0000 38484.99 2565.66 0.00 PP 102022 WAC 1989 01 0.0000 2320.00 2320.00 0.00 PP 102021 WLTK 1989 01 0.0000 16344.00 16344.00 0.00 PP 100009 WATER AREA 0000 01 0.0000 5178.60 0.00 0.00 CL 100005 SAN SEFT LAT 0000 01 0.0000 17525.60 0.00 0.00 CL ------ SIIMMARY OF LEVIED 0.00 0.00 0.00 ****** 1991 P&I CERTIFIED 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF DEFERRED 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------ Si7MMARY OF PENDING 76130.64 0.00 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF CLOSED 79853.19 Press ENTER; or F1, F4, F5, F7, F8 .?^? ? _- p .+i? ::+f,?'`?;'x„?,'?( 'c' +k',v,)) e v?'.? .i.'y r" yts e 4• ?. : . .. , ,z ., . . • .. e^+??!!+rtrr13 wµVnAf r, " :W?"'..?. ?'..?,'?x??..L;;t'*??;::1 •,_ •.r.a 'n.a. .. ..v?.ry2.?.. "o..j,q.qy k n ..,.......r..,?l '.m'_,:? .,.....c.._w.• L P . .M. 4 s.. ?X, . `? .\ . - .? . . , . .? ,- i / r ? ' v?'? ? //'VYI?L ' ?YU/Ia-j IMP?''a??nl,?n? ? ? --- N_?.__ ? + . . 773 ? ? , ? ? ? v ?ewG?' n.t ? = ? `, ; • ? - - . . _ ... .._. ? „ ? E ?CLIFF ? 462 RD. - -- -,=__._-_ - - -- - - -- . ?o . "_ -- -? -- --- -- -- ?- - I6" - --- - -- - - ---- --- -- - ------ ; 10 - g4- __ _. ._ .._ -- -- - . r 1 - •- -- - r: - 772 461 ' ? ?---.?. wEr raa ? f SQDIQ _j TAT:?QNi,. MINN. ' 13?;?; . ? ' RA DRIVERS TESTING N DAKOTA - ? ? FACILITY COURT ?. ;; . • ! .. I FACILITY ; 9? 21 m ? ?? , , ? .• _ ?? , r S F i RAHN WAY /277P 1986 BOILDIetG PEEtl?T APPLICATIOH - CITY OF SAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACfORS MQST BE LICBNSSD 4)ITH THE CITY OF EAGAN SIRGLE FAlIII,Y nWELi-INGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCIILATIONS MOLSIPLS DiiELLZNGS - RESIDENTIAL FENT9L D6ITS F08 SALS [INITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CER 1 SET OF BNERGY CALCULATIONS COMRlERCIAL OF SORYSY - CHECB iiITH HLDG. DEPT.j INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND To Be Used For: Valuation: Date: Site Address dY9 RU Lot ? Block Parcel/sub ? 3 / Owner °jf yv,V? Address City/21p Code Phone Contractor ?VWA 45lp - ?. Address ? • City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone # Erect Remodel Repair Addition Move Demolish Int.Impr. Install APPROVAI.S Oecupancy Zoning Type of_ Const # of Stories Length Depth Sq Ft Assessments Permit ga ' s-0 Water/Sewer Sureharge Police Plan Review F3re SAC Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg Off Treatment P1 APC Parks Variance Copies TOT9L Q S . 5 0 POTE: ADDEESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOHEOWNEB MOST DESIGN9TE NHICH ADDRESS ZS DESIRED. NO CH9NGES iiILL BE ALLOiiED OACE BOILDING PERMIT IS ZSSIIED. ?' . . t'ARc$, 1O-o3loo-0/0-02. UPOM THE DIt2EGTlON OF THE DIRK-TOR OF Pi(BLIG WORKS, 2 HqVE RECALcuL.A'I'ED THE ASSESSMSNT/CaNNECT/ON OF3LiGATIoN FO2THE WA-rER SERV iCE cD N N ECTIC0y Tp REI?LEGT THE 1989 ?Z?^TES • Cr-o 2 REr-ERE'mc.t SCiE LETTF-R OF MA?y IB/ 198$) LATCRqL ZENEFIT FRoM TRuNK YYAZ"ER MAIN: 22,'70/FF X 7Z.O FF - $ l(34y * WATER AvaILA8lury cHAQ6E TREaTrnENr PLAnR: 5"aoluurt x y u,v)rs = ZZ$/GNrI 14UNYI$ _ TbTAI. -DuE AT TIH16 OFeDM NQ-TOM Z, 320 9/2 $ 19,5')(, ? AN ESTINIATE oF THE LESS /NTCNSP- GSE "S Sf45En GfFCN$ 580 PEe vvAG UN,Tl, 7HE NUMQEIQ OF UNi75 7U SE 8i45EA •UAoN TNE MwCG SAc uN1T Gti'/1E/e/A . ,4PPRox. 5560'o T Zyco OIL[NiT = 3.57 oie q [4Ni75 ;>REPae=-r'3 -iWS `1-M a" oF NOUF_YNBe-R ? f`i55`'1 - .SoE M-Rc.+iAr, , coNS-rAu.C-,-Moti, a,ua?ysT G17? OF G46AN, N?I N lV t-iOTA , ? M? 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD, PO 80X 21199 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 PHONP (612) 454-8100 May 18, 198$ MR ROGER WRIGAT DRIVER EXAMINING STATION 2070 CLIFF ROAD EAGAN MN 55122 Re: Pareel 70-03100-010-02 Assessments/Connection Obligation - Water Service Connection Dear Mr. Wright: 127 Public Facility Previously, you have contacted the City of Eagan regarding the cost associated with providing a water service to your facility from the trunk water main located on the south side of Cliff Road adjacent to the fronEage of your property. In reviewing the assessment history for this pareel, it was discovered that this property was never assessed for its henefit from the existing trunk water main installed under City Project 127 in 1973. At that time, it was the City's policy that the assessable benefit would be postponed until the time of conneetion to minimize the finane3al burden on the property until the need oecurred. Based on a request to connect and take service, the following is a assessable obligations assoeiated with that connection permit: ITEM Lateral benefit from trunk water main - PROJ # ZONING/USEAGE Water Availability Charge TREA"T7-AENT PLANT RATE 2,.c0/ff L2•7o QTY VIC ELLISON KA3yw iHOMAS EGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMEL4 MCCRfH THEODORE WACHIER Couix.Yl Members THOMPS HEDGES Cily Admmisholor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE city cia? list of AMT r 720 ff $45 /?,, 3v N S5o/NH,17- ?q y v""? 9320 .?3zo NA Public Facility -559fQni/yt ?ianit ?59 9 12 ZZS/cwiT?. . (;l?< If',uq'-l7st: ?------ Subtotal $46,-2q5-'41 19,s7? Water Availability NA Public Facility 2,015/ac 80% of $33,127 Charge (T) ,_ „ 20.55 ac (1) Water'Availability Charge obligation iP entire property were to develop to its-maximum poten4al. 'YO 94?r/ THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIIY ? \ 1, MR ROGER WRIGHT MAY 18, 1988 PAGE 2 As can be seen, for a water conneetion for its existing use, the Water Availability Charge proposed is significantly reduced. However, if this property were ever to be developed to a higher and/or more intense use, additional water availability eharges would be due at that time. These rates are based on rates in effect during 1988 and are subject to change and/or revision at a later date. I hope this information helps you to determine the finaneial obligation assoeiated with your request. If additional information is necessary, please feel free to contaet me or our special assessment consultant, Jerry Wobsehall, at 454-8100. Sincerely, C72 4&144 Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Direetor of Public Works TAC/jj / c7??? 17) m nJ .?1 • / ? ?,J,-v? __ ?o?bP!?" - ? _?/ --/ - - --- ? ? -------- - - --- ---- -...._IV --- --- ???v??? /? ?C / J t ? ?.?2? t.. _ .V_7 _ ....1 "?l ??"_ -- -- -- - -- - --------- - --- - -- ---- - -/J=J,:_?/oa- oio----?- °?i_.. --'---- --- - - ---- - -- ' - ? l`?%?'?_ i?'?r.-..--'=--- - ---- - ---- -------- - - ------- -- -- --- ------ --------.. 1/+'tL?''??Jv,_________ __.._ p _ / °?'?-_.'_____ J I v?^--y_l-?-___,_ // __-/(_G??.-____ __??>!__ __.____._?dri?..-•,f / T -- - -- -- - ? ? ? -- -- - ? / -- , - - --- -- _ ----- P? l ??' ---- - --- - -- ---- ----- --- --- ? --- Q11CJ,! 1!' - n.?in„ _ pl//7- r e _GURtz?(' ??Q ? } D UJ'c y -e _?'e?d.? ? - --------- --- ?J?S-- QAlv/'. ?- p?1 of "-?4??- cv-.---- '_' ysy? ? CP?v,?n .rewtr r.,.,,1. P?' yo.f F( as+ow ? s 3?F?Y?. _?4fc?r a 1?oi fA` 17J??-/ A"7o7'P b??? 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'? i ? r R 7•_ SLAIVlAt GF IiFAATPIG REQUx'ST FO£. UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS I/4:e hcrPby request of the City Councii, City of Eagano hlirze:ata, uti.lity improvements on and over propertl o•,aned by me/na as :o7.lcws: (Mention tyEe of improvement, e.g. water, aanitary sev. r, etc.) _ SEWER ramERer. aM g,EM mxrrtiN eecP-,cnMme 'i.`he location of said utility improvements ahall be qenerri.lly as i.:ll.c'7. Sectian 31, Parcel 10 03100 010 02 s.SEWEr ISZ'.@I'8ly 728 fC2t 8j'i$10.75 °$7826.00 Sen Sewer Tnrilc 80% of 20.55 Acres - 16.44 Aes. 16.44 tSmea $590.00 peP ACI`e -a9699.60 37 'POTAi, AS3FS.4ONP $17,525.60 .ll?B.S?rs I/Wa hereby 4aive notice of any and all hearings necesF-uy [or the installati.on of said i:aprovements and further consent to any assei?.?.r:;.s necassarily levie3 by the City of Faqzn for such imPmvenentS. I/t1e Lurther agree ta grant to the City of Eagan any easemczits sazy for the installation of such impmvements. It is further understood that this requast shall be revie•aed by the Cztp Cci:acil of The City of Ea9an or its agent and I/We will be glven reaycnable notice as to whether this request is y+.ossible under preeent utility planning as to timing, location, etc. D..*_ed: '1 -I I-7 S' K F?-ci.-..1? Siqnaturo ? Address ? '; ? ? r.sTie:.t accegted by Date ce4t,o,,,r„„ 5)7 1 Q7$ C:ty of Ea9an Asseasmerit Clerk ?' 1 I Raquest referred to 'City Administrator: Date\ `? q2 1 r Copies: 1. City Administrator ? 2. Applicant ,.??''"i0 03/DO NO O1 . . , . -. ? - - Auguat 21, 1974 State oY Minnesota nzPE+Y'tment of Pnblic Safaty 2070 ClifP Road Eaban, 2y1, 55122 Attantion: Bob Eurmeister Dear Air. Durmaister: The Eagati City Council held an assessraent meeting on August 20, 1974 at which tiiue they adoptad the assessment roll for Imprrnement #127_A which covers the in3tallation oP a water Lrunilt down C11PP Road trom Cedar Avenue to Blaek- h.qxk Road, The enclosed atatement reilects your assessment for the waterma3n oversiz]ng ip the amount af $5178,60. This statement aP asse-mainents was a azTived at by taking 80;6 of your 20.55 aores which is 15.44 ncres tiraes $31$.00. If you require additional inporm8tion pzease Peel Pree to call me at the EaZan City Ha11. Sincerely, SPECI ;I, ASSESSMENT DEppR%tTENT Aaut Goers Assessment Clerk q.ty of Eagan ? p ? vlg-? a rRHNsar;rxciv zn: R768 sr-EciAL AJJkJSMEN7S SF"E4IAL ASSESSI^1C:N'T'S SEAR(:4-I SUMMraFY PR01"=El=cl"Y T.D. TUa.)ra'r5 DATF? 10/23/87 ---,pl=(:'SAL I=LAGS---- 1-2-:_;-4•--5-6--7-5-?9--1 U 1 ??-o_;+_c]+7-Ulu-ii^ Fi:i;3E:SbMEh1°[ UESCkt YI: Yft5 1=iA'I"E 7.-' 105 S'Fthl 5L.6J LAT 04 Ct 1.(66.)9 UJATER Af-'tL=;=, 0i) ii EiUMI`IARY 0''r AL'T.T.VI_ ?•?##xx 7Ht5 YERR'; TC1' Pg,I --T'OTAL? HMI'd.1=F'tflV. Wy Pa"tY(]FFCCIMMCN'7' l1l„1 f 17525. 60 17525. OO 00% 517El. 60 5176,,60 , CI[l .d0 If LOJ ? r ? ? ' V ? F'ress rl or F'? ? OAOT ? .00 l7t_CISLD , 0 p CLIJEM D ,G0 CITY OF EAGAN • Remarks 'd - -Nns I It X r. x? ii1.- Addition SECj„iOID 31 . Lot- o .',..?-.?. . Ik Peral r Owner Street / State ?\ ? cJ -? ? ^i\f ,.tr? n.?._ ~•:?:i"::e` .__ Improvement ' . Date AmouM --. . Annual .,._ Years . .. Payment KF.,,.i•?1 .i Receipt ir,? . Date ? STREETSURF. •"q'}"'??>' • STREET RESTOR. `''^.`ri,;..? •F Y. ?'.? GRADWG y' ..,. cr . .. - .. . , . - •.=.,? • ? SAN SEW TRUNK 1979 '± :: r;*l ; j, ? SEWERLATERAL . .-..c . -... :.:...........^'•lr„ -_?.-.., . WATEflMAIN WATER LATERAL ? ' ' ?•.. 'F? ? ,' i' K WATERAREA 1975 7 ? O _ .2 1 . Paid•?. - - ?i ? . V ?a : `-?1 .. . . . . ..._. ...?L• ::.,...,._.._ .... ?.....? _..._.. .. . . .. ?_ ,,. ? •!?+,s STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT r:{: ?ti a + CURB & GUTTER . ,«y.....d SIOEWALK . STHEETLIGHT - i?s;. }.. ?uy '•ltii."•; :Lta WATER CONN. i -? ?:.-•:. 9UILDINGPER, snc PARK 500.00 11641 9-13-78 'i";. • .} '?? ! .r_ ayTi*1?%?'?? •1 : VC?: 1 .]- ?S j ?• ..7. ?? J: ??- r?S:Si Pa?y?i? / ?. o .? w ?. Y?? y??} i.F?, ? ? ? F' ? ? ?? • ? ?. ^=sv1. ? YT ?lYPtY}6'{? ( y?? ?`.L.. Y'Y "F ,L,?a. ? P1-v. #: ?y? t `F ? ? y Yy)5p' t Nr?^Z?dl?yu?' ?i.."'n ? •?./ d;;a r k ' ? J '?k 1 ? ' t T? "r` L.?i ?'t ?Y ' ? ?? :T. ??r}7:? '? ' {..ai.+?9 Y..?7.'t ??.?Mti;y?y? y?j }'1•??1?.i? ? / i?FJls'??F A` 1S ? ! r {I 'Y? ,R} K fi f 1 f J. 1! ry? 'T?$ 5 .?Y?I??c .{.<,j??.:'• 1Y`.w'?i?l5a.v;rpsiFi j't"1 ???y? ? ??,:Y.p-uY•?,?3 ' ' ?1.?. ? -y?_.'Cr'?.. 1 h ?1'L:,;::..? "1 ? {:X., tj?:.4 -'i f?` i?, iF `•r "f'{e ° ? ` ? ? '??4 .) 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SUMMi7F%v ilP F'E=f.ILiSNG, 30485„0r) 104E75.01) 3? , p=rr<-s<- 1=1 r,r° 1=?:' (He;adE•r For rn) or F7 (FiF=start It760) CITY OF EAGAN SEWER & NATER CONNECTION CHARGES - 1989 EXISTING PROPERTIES SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES WATER CONNECTION CHARGES SAC $ 675•00 WATER CONNECTION $ 580.00 Previously Pd. Previously Pd. Receipt S Receipt S ACCOUNT DEPOSIT 15.00 WATER METER 90.00 SEWER PERMIT 10.50 TREATMENT SURCHARGE 228.00 TOTAL: $ 700.50 ACCOUNT DEPOSIT 15.00 WATER PERMIT 10.50 PLUMBING PERMIT 12.50 TOTAL: $ 936.00 TOTAL FOR SEWER & WATER HOOK-UPs $1,636.50 OFFICE USE 019[.Y PROPERTY OWNERt ADDRESSs L: B: ADD: 1' t ' ' " ..• . ^'?' _, ' \ 1 ' ?? n?]? '? I i'?'I I ? i'?I?i I? ?_? laC?'c_ J `._v i . 1... _TI?': = iill. _II I_ - - I L :I VN - _ T ? ? ? , , ? ?,,,? ?? ? ? , ; , ? ? ? ,? ? , . i ? ? ? ( /aN ?IC, iYTGtLV?.CI?-? : • _V . ry L i ?. r a I ' j ? I ?. " Er /J_n -? ' ? ` ' l` ? `` V ?`'? ??I :?. .??: ;t:lnr? I ?1 ?. ? - + - i ? ..G-' : _,,?. -. • ._ce?s?.? ="' - _ . .S[..Sr3 ?t1J:?-?nJ I i _ SecT?Dr1 (%; ? ? - i d - 4 . a sri.n . ' : (!U. ?{ •u.? _;° . . _ , , _ ?•??/ JI! i.rii•.c..;,?li _ _ _I,r" ??•_' ??: lY ? ? !r/1/??Af?•-•??i ? -Ilai]?-J ?.? ?i=,_.?::%.: .a : iN' 1<; ss <? , ? r_. JO:?+ c.. . . Uq'?J G.^<CA?c. ?. ? I'?' ?? ?S?Ld PGa> cC j l? ?•. _ ?T „rn_,^= i , ?. I i ' I ? I . , B n' - - ! i I I ; . ` _ _ . -•1-: ? - . . i: , ? ? _ JLAC. ..- i rr. Dcc?:, - ' l tiLIv C-"5T/BCLL rc?.nb ur N!,.i:,, :ora 1989 BQILDING PT914IT 9PPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN `? - -21? - r"'"c' , ? J 5ffiGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRFSSFS FOH CORNfiR LOTS - CO1PfRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MQST DFSIGN9TE WFiICH ADDRFSS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BIIILDING PERMIT IS ISSOED. MQLTIPLE DiIELLINGS RSNT9L UNITS FOE SALE UNITS # OF 09ITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SOR9EY - CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CAL WLATI ONS " COhMERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCUL9TIONS Nan i??(' a,# , fi H?hclJn , n To Be Used For: ? ?u ? c Valuation: ?-G4d8r" n DrivPNS' t;scenfr S uT,cil Site Address ,?6? C?,F`r dS6a.O Lot I_ Block ? Pareel/Sub jn 0?fnn QIQ ?Z Owner 57rc I E c F /91-lvlqey Address ?d S?iNr?Nne /-?ue. City/Zip Code dq• Phone Contraetor `J ,'r11w vJI Se sa S Address 1f?? [y_ y/pNT„t/ndx Ab'P • Ctty/Zip Code Phone tl i 7- lGkl ?? i 5/?l- F,. 11PCh./Engl'. CP_/)a U rea? tl dv'af.'vA Address a74 Se, ?v?J 3Tarr7 City/Zip Code S't'LL wu7or G& ;Z Phone o //„2 - yl3 S y/7'S Date: 4Q/4 e2 Oeeupaney Zoning Actual Const Allowable d of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On site-sewage On site well _ MWCC System _ City water _ PRV required _ Booster Pump ` 9PPROV9I,S Planner i Council Bldg. Off. ld 5A Var3ance FEE4 Bldg. Permit Surcharge Plan Aeview SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Aeet. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Copies TOTAL ?j0, o0 3 ,50 v NOTE: Sewer & Water Permit fees and aecount deposit fees will be ineluded in the building permit fee. Processing time for sewer and water permits is two days once a licensed plumber has applied for a permit at City Eiall. r P n i + AVd ? ` o??. `o,t:. - 7 / qb ' K ?'?0 • 1 70*17 / a l L ? ? ",1 fL ,? /,I ?,C-!Z*-?'kv -_ C ? C?71 ,. ,?n/ 7-ow c?lie ?4 Q1JG'JJ li'IC?n 7? V7V4l;?1_ IO_' UJ/IJD - f'J(0- o? ?rI?Pd? ?ei T 'l? - j(1e `l?l?liJl/1(?' /IG? ?QPn QJJ?/??cl `/Sp ?c? pGt'C P I. ? G e ?I}/ oQ2cuC??- ?I?y?? . . "ory ,,CPwe,•l?k,-o/ /q' 7 I /'u p,(P l° 1} l U?fc y L ??T #' i?J? Kna•'?P ? Llrrir??ti? 147 ?;o, 55?? 3 i,sdl- T U_. l C O? _U/!?? (7 l (lIJ/??trt S '? 'f e 14 bJ?t 7e_ /CCtIel 1i4 w?..la/ ir ,?1z310 . . . . ?..._,i r?y?+:????'{"wj`C.',$ ,, °•,? - 'iLL " t ! ` V X " :` ?t . "? '` '? ? F . .x `4 ? ? d ? ??? ?? ? ?' = _ -77 1 AxJ??%j me zt.r? 1 2 3? a4, e ro'e c 4 5_-, g .7_ .? , g:- e??- 624- y+N \ ' ' ?'Y,?" ?'?-,z.•-Tf.' a?. `. • Imtiels Date ?y Preparedby ApprovEd by , i io "^" ? ??:: ? `"'`,.,?:• ? ? - 1 ? ??p G?/Gl" /' a?'CC - ? ' i, ? r; - a h .? 3 4 71 •4 5 / 5 s x .,4 7 7 8 . •'I ?'? S 9 - s 9 10 10 ll 12 12 l3 c ?/ G^ ?' - ? x? 13 14 ' 14 15 -- _ r - ? 15 16 ' lfi 17 . . . - = ? 17 18 ? 19 JO : T T R f 72 ?3 ?4 ' , . . . _ 24 )5 25 ?s 26 77 • -' - 27 ?8 , ., _ , . .*.;?, >-•?e?-t 28 29 30 '_ _ . 30 . . ' .x, .t; 9?IO6LiF?WB)110'WMIN680VNOf.e?{? IOGPEEN.1?i0WViE ? •• ?'? '?aAk? .• +?.r. . . "` . ??^... .. . . , ? '9?' ' . . . .. • 1E. .' -??.? ._. ,?-.?aC?t4. .? 8-2-8 . .'..... . __.. ._..- -- - -- - _ , _ ?o ? o J?? ?J?,r,/??.? ?,• _ V?SECO BERNARD H. LAR 31 T? 27-9 cuuHTr suaveron , Re' ?? . DAKOTA COUNTY, A .J4NU4RY, 1978 'Cie--? ?• s'S??'i?: r y 5'Co• ?? - AID. HI6HWAY ?. N0. 32 u?oo.c . t•? .cx.? M% ? . 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' r?.r.'?. -yn_.z'?. .,v._?rZ•.w?r, ri _?n°.-+.°?'? a.:.,?'??-,:ir? .:iry•, _ ,... ._- ?<?_ :?.:?`-.?+-(„ui'f'_, '...???r.' ?'? r„-: ?. 4 I OUfLOi'?t-?.-?t'.,•r'f yli??.- :,`'r .t ' •• " _ .. , , ' _. , ' ` ,.,.;...,.;;i1Z. ? .k' R AHN =.' . .,- . . Av?: ..d ti, . a JA, • ? ..7' T R • +u .. ' uee um " a TRAIL . Fa n Fg ? e ia ?e..n ? ?R p00°QRIVE "`?? fd PIN O0p° T 'nwOAK ia » % i . . ft? :; ?'• ' ' s R ? y , _ ,?;,T ? . . ? ? ,-!_ . 0 ' ?21-03 I uttwro Inr ? . W.y • e P:r- 1?OZZ-O?J _ ; • ??= ti }?' (. - . ` '031-03 . - 2 '5 ?. ; ?? .... ,'?. «+n ?? ? ? - ?•? ?eeoe ?±..4?. . . r?, - ? nr ?? ? . • +?' . ' % -ounmA ? _- .. - ?QRLOf . ? .6 ' , . ? ?. . _. • _ ?... _ -t'. ? ,. ?nle c H. . :, + ... ¢_ .? . '. • ,} E` 1M 1?«=? ?R ?S?r ??c r ± v.?tf+ ,<?5L„-y y, c ,r ..,?.. ?-'?°?' BERNARD'H 'LARSO€`?? COUNTY SURVEYOR'?',;:'?.,i? ' 23\ ?+DAKOTA COUNTY. MINMi.. : ;-^?oj .i 'xEi!S'.` ? , ? . . - ? ?. . • - '? 4'' "'f?' ?'? JANUARY,, 1978 ?,;?: '.a;.1 ?••% ,.3 ,. ,? .. ^? (btl ?. .? / ??. r. -. ?.,`= ?,?'ti. k`' ?=!?`] =-? I 4 t ;?i.??Yri`l?? ' ?M1?.iI 1?t4 -- .I 1 _ ? ? ? • ? ? O ? ? ,?* i '"G`I???'??,.???Ryy?* ?N?,. ' \ . ? . Y?c• ?? AID ?F;.«aa'`•r .:?« HIGHWAY •.Np'? .' ?•:n ? 32, (CUFF ROAD) =',t?,??sc" %K?r_a .,u'?J. ? i "'' ' ' I ?. ry.? ., Y?? ` un?Yw'tF .?? .r?a?t. .. • ? a Ja? ; tr + .. ' . x. :r `. ..'?7?..r? r- .?i c:. cr?,': '..-.4, _ • : ?.e '- .k?"• ?d _ `yi`f1-? . ??.-? :`c'?;sSLpil-::S<`? ?'?- `^??°,'> ... "?" ,'_•n??'?.r., ? ?' ?.'?}t..: ("?. ? .-. . - i'.W'?•,`r':.'J` : i-, -" DAKOTA?r: . COUNTY-?;,, o ..4 iy - ? •" -:'.3;. & DOC. W0. 719048r r • PONDc?. F » . %sa~ ?.d, Y•' :?.. ? ,. . . ,,. :?"'?'; ?r ..- ..., \ , _ ? , e°' , .'r' `'b? ?• ,. . ??;'?7 ?? ?r ?? ? . ? :.• ' ,,;.f.a x?5?.'. . ? ' _ . ?"?`m:%"d ki,?' ,.?v,-,,.:. .-L ? ' '+_ i' "'. v? te ' - ? • ' a .,- , ,.+: E!• ?.o?• ? _?.' . :•?'K,;,,.a}?, ., `.}z,. i.• 7: s: ? ..:}' :: ,?.' , : ? ?- - ! ?.': - ' -?? ' ~- .,., _ - ^u??.,1 ? . s .: '?:' .riK,t^ '?•. t,?,y;>'(r:--? ' ? .. ?. 4 . '?'e-' ..i."'T?._ ..? , ?,?,? . y.-p. _ ?Ji???. - .., i.S: /F?.c• v?.. i.. ?t:. .b... ?.Si'S.?: -lt:' Y a .-.. r 1` d' mn , w • ???'?? ? 4 y i.? 1 , t::: ? .?' .. ' , -p? `? i w u ., ?j.j? • ?-'±S :• ?,?:+ . W 0I . ,. ,'?._? :?. •ii' . i .5 y . .??- «if. . ? v ???.? ? J+ l ? .S.:rl ?_re.' ,. .". '. .f?• `}1 f. '`?.'<'6L'.??: •r"" ? .f ,s,..:??p'?±.Y? , _ ??:.' n' vxaa'c '-- ` .'?""s'.° '`" an'aYat ~ •.'v.ro . ? n , f , v.i a smr . '?-• „st. y'i?S. ? - . . _ v '.Gi_: ?. ' ? R RAHN roa snm WAY ? F . ?'s?u...:if`'?.' • - ..?^?,".q?.._ _? _Aaoi R b4fJ ?ar _sxim y iq_ = ?r_3'?.? ' +i+-a'?..: _ - , z?aw eanoo..•,?' " ':4b' _:, w • :;; `.' _ ?,r.._ . %r-. ??+ . ?.- .. ?. r., _..•'4:•:oaFl " .i.? Jq:.. :`? t; .y.,. - ' _ ' 47 '?-.,?5•_r.f..,t' ' ' ? i . g::+„? .?c ;? ' ±?r+: ",? f x ? • _ ~"?-?rt' ? _ _ Fr.. :.?a. ,JSy?.. :r.i.y?;,rrlf is.•6!?t i?; S-;b-rk...c?? ," w. r' ,•s._ :1L?:-' _ -•;ia?::':? .2-::':.;i.,?<<' `.:a???..W_'?..:??' ?. ?" ?' ,..,`?" } 't p.r `g•">?'^° tiiL;tl f9:V+C' _ 7.: ?.i'- "'?•'.'??3"' ,],?in`.'t:p^'`2_,Z..:-,r;i:5 rt v`-Y•.?.=,; -. W ?}??: i .?- . 'i.y ? e??. T.3,?n, •;:?Z.ii? 'i y?;"?-.r.?.? . ?_ - , ?w:..-.,..:°_?.?_ ::mx??`?rt?*T.. _ - _Y !? _ - ,:.?.,i"..` . ?.?_ : '"• _ - . ? . ?'•? _ _ ' . ` pRLOT?yI.? ??-'?,kYP".' `?'s' ?"'•? I ? ;a<.?, ??? - " _ . -- ,- ' .... : _ . ,- . _. ?.i?t.. ? . RAHN wi[ ry!' ?• Y? _ ID • 11 IS ? I6 ? a?- o n , ?ru e MY ? ? ' ? ? oe +.uv w :9 61 so>?? ?uie'R ORIVE R PINeiTm .J. ? I?? 4r00? Y!A I " 11.? IN?? ? so r.A . ?' _ • [ R ? j w • ?O ?? °.. .. ... ??! j7? ,?, `=..'_"v".. ? ??00 If00 a ' tM ? • i? ?o.y? ._°5Z _ ri'' ' . '. ?'..i:1,:?_ ?- ;`.t_.::...?,±? IV22?03 ] • ?SUO ??? .. ? - ?? ' I?ltl . 31 03 - b `-s I •? ? ? ,?? , • .' ?/•??.:, ? . : o YRAIL ?-T.? ?"7 ,y e 6 €I° 7 I 9 `d9 9 - , ,? . . ,._ ? . ? `- .+ r? ? - _ - ?.•' ..? ? ? ? , ? ? ' ? ; y inwOAK "•.r! - _-?. .°'H' q _ I - OuTlm • ' _ '.. - ?:?;'~ S ?r`?. _ _ _L•.?' ' ?+ ? q • " ? `+ 2 ? g ? •.?.,... _ isaoo ? ' ? n r e ? Z'm N'AItiER Gr HEARING REQi15ST EOF UrILIT7C II4PROVEMIIHTS I/4ue hcreby request of the Cfty Cour:cil, City of Eaqan, hLirne,:ota, utility improvements on and over property ouned by tte/ns tis ?ol.lccrs: (Me:a*ion tyFe of iapronement, e.g. water, eanitary seFmr, etc.) 'i'lze location of said utility impmvements ehall he gensru?11 ss io11r.1!-. Seation 31, Pancel 10 03100 010 02 Sewer Iateral, 728 feet at$10.75 °37826.00 San Sewer Tnunlc 80% of 20.55 Acres = 16.44 Acs. 16.44 tlmes $590.00 p6I' ACI`2 a$9699.60 37 Tarnt, ASSESSMW $17, 525.60 i/fv-- hereby v.aive notice of any and all hearin9s aecessary Lor the installati.on of said improvements and further oonsent to anY a-.e°SMA.r:;:s necassarily lei•ied by ths City of Fagr.n for such improvemente. Ilt:te further agree to grant to the City of Eagan riny easemeiits re.s?zs- ;,ary for the installati,on of such impmvewents. It is further understood that this request shall be reviewed by the C.ii:y Cct:ncil of The City of Eagan or its aqent and I/We will be given raasGilablH notice as to whether this request is possible undex' Pre=ent utilitp planning as to timing, location, etc. Dated: CI - i 1- "1 S( ?.11c?? cl Siqnature T,ddre s3 ? i? • P.eTaest accegted by 'lP Gr,n*??7'1).7e '? ? C_ty of Eaqan ASBeeBme[lt C1Erk // g [?` _? •z?-r? Request referred to City Administrator: Date\ ? Copies: 1. City Administrator 2. Applicant ..?y p o3toa D/D. o?- Auguat 21, 1974 State of Minnesota DepEU'tment of Public SeYatq 2070 Cliff Road Laban, rIN. 55122 Attention: Hob Burmeister Dear NIr, l3urmeister: The Eagan City Council held an assesament meeting on August 20, 1974 3t which tiine they adopted the assessmant roll for 7mprovement #12'7-9 which covers the inotallation of a xater trunk down Cliff Fioad from Cedar AvQnue to Black- hswk Road, 'i'ha enclosed atatement reilects your asaessment £or the watermain oversizing in the amount of $5178.60. This statement of assesmments was a arrived at by taking 80% aY your 20.5$ aares which is 16.44 ncres times $315,00. If you require additioaal information please feel Pree to call rae at the Earan City Hall. Sincerely, ' SPECIAL ASSFSSMENT DEYARDMNT arui Goers Assessment C7,erk City of Eagan ?tA? a .,. (-dl4`sF: d ? ,_,,.,.. i ,?:?-"- ill?? 1 ).`z f-?;>,:. _ ;-?-I::.?,?-?... 6-, .:??_. ' : ] ,... - _,`-il.,?r.::iy=??, . .._ ' ,?, ,:.F4t.. SF,..i? L ?. A.SF_;?;i:•1F:?V ?. i I: ? . r F ., '-,::r?.rt;'r?l ?_, ? l iMMARY Pf:i.U'L.?CT'd J.., u.. TC lll:l`dS S.)i=1 IE::: 10.'23. t37 -'-SPEi":". i?t.. 4=I_.t-1GS-'_ .. .......__.._. .. Eio61,rt .._"_' A;-:S!'iF;:;ihf:h.!'f ._.._.._._.._._._.."_'_._.__ ;JG?=tCR. Y!=. '_"__""_'__._._"' !F{!:; 1=.H'I-L __""""_"___" __...'_____.."""'....'_"" t=iNRi.I''H:tl,!„ .....__'_..."""'_ I"i-'t'll:;F(' "_ ? . i"Cll''It''II5hl7 a.'•.?)i)flfi ;.361'yJ f.iii .? ?.!.IrY% j.,'5Ma60 7.rS25_60 ,0(1 CL'.)Si'L} 100009 WAi E.R /ih`;!'.(y (.10 _ „ i.)t?% 11yct„ ::.i 7 517B.60 .=70 {..L.fJ;.iE1J ..?Y #.g.:?.y. 2r! ii'll`'IF+FiY 1_11- A%:T?.'•Jl.. :i .. 00 . I )[7 , ? )V ?-K9ydt i?-'e? VH1 :'? 'f EAR ' B '1'1.) i P&S „ 0C? ;rre.=s ;-1?n• I'=°_ iri?_?tclor I-c,r ??il ;::,?- f 7 ;:?t_+s,r.c,r-!: fi'1..>?!7 ' CITY OF EAGAN Remarks ' - " ""' ,. 7? .W:.. Addition Sec*,.iom 31 Lat Blk Parcel , ' ?S.A o h-I 1 `v ? • ; ? ` ? ' v '?Iti^i ? ? Ownerw Street Stete , ImprovemenU' % Date Amount Annual Y ars Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING ? SAN SEW TRUNK 1970 SEWER LATERAL .. _ • -r- ?.i.. WATERMAIN ' WATER LATERAL ? ? WATER AREA ._?.? . O 1 78 . .2 . _l _ . -Paid>•?,i-= . .... . . .. .r = - ,....?.. , ?? .:................... . _......... _. ,,_ . . ? STORM SEW TRK ? STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK i STREET LIGHT ' WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. snc 500.00 11641 9-13-78 PARK ??. .? y: • . ??. •?i:s . 'S4?'. i ' ? " ? . ' ?/' yy " si'?x ? ?ay?fa'?:g Lr "4.V?? w? 1?? if?d? 1'«?"y?.?,?` ? ? k ?V ?p Y 4 ?',• n.}..Y'. •j.l??-( 4: ?'?? : s[?; k.[,'?•u 1,? ' '? : .yX??t=p?t Ml? Xj'?'PAi?° ?(j',?if5 Y .?°R. ?'4 Y'??$ ? ? ? ??`' ?. Y+ , . ? ?? . , 'C{,:?.y,'r . ?. ??`?ry• .f1• ? y. Y??? S ?" yy?a, V ??'0 ,? t ,, ?l? fY \3i? ?. ?,??'?'v???••? ? ? i •i' ? ?`.?:i??.'Ti?:???? k'I',-t ? ?;.H? •yr? ?? ?k . ??• ?. • T .?.n`i: 1 4 4i Jh + a???p ¢ ?? Y+? x 3?S?fn5 . J Y. M' i'i? v_??.-'??+v.' rJ; i °^?'K4:S',i?P?i.j"?:}? S ?,' ?N ?i K A ? C' SG % y} ?k?F? ??(? i $ r 4???.. -'??.?µ?l.. ? ti?? t v?,? .1 ,' g .? `H f ? `? 4"'Y:?YIT i?t,y ' Yy't ? r ?1?..? ?•iv ? ? S,¢? ?`i1,1 1' 7• ?? ' 4 r )? ? e • ?-t- TFI ?N{ ?y,? 5?'.'9. ?2 ??j ?y.?y ? W Y ? 3 , • , ? 1A i '?? ?• ?y`1???:•- ?? ?i A' 'N ' S2.,?i'._ SU{? t J ? Y??. e S G' ? SM«;??.'?`j?L': ?i_l A',3f.ir?'??? ? fYV SL W74 ? '?w K • '`? ?,y ?.?., ,,:? 7 ?'" ? , k :i ? S? „i„??. ` r' ?"t"f??.??, ; ''t;,. i ,? ' . .. . . , ,,s- ` f ,? ? a 21: 4 `ni.?? •? •n?:j ?+ ? ?A ?t? ?!2 { ??1 ?????'?! LY Z;' , ??? , ? .. ? : ] v ...?P?3$9%fk?'y(:o-?q_?y.?:i'T.}'Clii`d5 ? 1'.R+?.f . . ?. e ^y5';r:.tlr jctir?.?3'.,yx?v. n .F. ?'J<?. y ??n1`I'F. ,.. ?' e ,.31? ...? .? ? rn /D D?IoD oio 'n a- CERTIFICATE C3F INSURANCE - WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION & LIABILITY ONLY 7his to ccrti4y thai the followinr? policies, subject to Yheir terms, conditions and exclusions have Ceen issueci by the named eompanies: 1,11id 7618 Dept, o£ Transpoztation South 1•letro Project e "+a= SeWe-r ('nnatn?rtionLocation nri yerlF iiranan F+aminatinn S+a+in Ownerqt3:£..o..f Tinnront , niviaion nf PmrmAmpnt, 112 AAminiatration Rldg , Sf Panl idn .,,,r- -'---' , , ., r,,.,s+,.,.,.+i on , Tnn Contrector Architect/Engineer 7 T n c 1( A KS?K7 Nin ' I Insured ?rschvil)P Conetruction Ittr r .. . .. Address ?- Agent Harold Rushton Insurance Consultinr S rvic s Address 7851 Merrn Parkway WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: Effective 511/78 Expir-ation 5/1/79 Policy No. 0319 00 0?+3?59 EriPLOYF.RS INSURANCE COMPANY o OF WAUSAtT,ddress M3nneapolis ?finnesota mpany Insuraace C esch accident COVERAGE - Workmen's Compensation, Statutory. Employers Liabiliey Limit 5 Locations covered Minnesota PUBLIC LIABILITY: MXX 369 41 59 Effective 5/3/78 Expirotion 5/3/79 Policy No. 2 Ol Tiinneapolis Minnesota Company FIRL,MANS FIJND INSURANCE COMPANY Address Insurance TypeofPolicy: Cn Comprehensive ? Other LIMITS: i $ Each Person 250.000.00 Each Occurance Property Damage $ Bodily Injurly gEach Occurrence 250 000.00 Aggregate ? $ 50?,000.00 . qyyregate -OR- ' Perwnallnjury $EachPerson 300 000 00 E h Occurrence Combined Singie Limit $ Each Oxurrence . ? $ ac COVERAGE PROVtDE6 (Check Applicable square): Yes , No Yes No i m ? Property Damage Liability includes: Operetions of Contractor Xj Im ? Damage due to blastiny O Operetions of Sub-Contractor (Contingent) ? pamage due to collapse o Persanal Injury includes claims m ?Y.'j 0 Damage to underground faGilities ? relate9 to employment gj ? Broad Form Property Damage: . Compl¢4ed Operations ?Cj ? ? operations of contractor ? Cont?actual Liability (Broad Form) ? ? ? contractual ? Governmental lmmunity iswaived Exceptions: ' . AUTOMO I ESILE LIABILBTY: $/24/78 Expiration 8/24/79 Policy No ? T BE DETERMINED-not yet available Effectiv htinnea olis Minnesota insurance Company t?RYLAND CASUALTY COP1PliNY Address Type of Policy: C9 Comprehensive ? Other ' LIMITS: ? Bodily Inj 250,000.00 Each Person - OR - ? lry $ S 500,000.00 EachOccurrence Comhined Single Limit $ Each Occurrence 100,000.00 iYes No Property Damage S Each Occurrence COVERAGE PROVIDED: Coverage is provided for operation of all owned, fiired and non-owned vehicies. UMBRELLIA EXCESS LIABiLITV: . E{fectiv¢ Expiration Policy No. Address Insuranced, Company ' LIMITS: i Single Limit Bodily Injury ' and Property Damage $ Each Occurrence - Yes No COVERAGE PROVIDED: Applies in excess of the coverages listed above for EmploVer's Lia6ilitY, Public Liability, ? ? ? and Automobile Liabili;y I ? ? AGENY CARRIES ERRORS AND OMIS560N5 INSURANCE Are Any Deductibies Applir.abie To Dodily Injury of Property Damage on Any of the A6ove Coverages? If so; list. $100. , 0 0 -In the event of canceilation, non-renewal or any materiaS change in the above polia s, ifteen dayS pJr nofce will be given to 4he parties to wNom this certificatc is issued. 5 978 r I DateatlMinneapolis, Minnesota on Asgust 25, .? By-*? ? Authorized Insurance Representetive ? ? ? Construt[IOn InAUStry Cooperaliva Commlttee oT Minnes37 4870 Form-701, Feb. 3961, Rev. Juna 1469, Rev. Jan. 1971 ? Prlnte0 bY H.A. Ro9ers Co.. 23z3 WaYxaia BIVC.. Mpis.. ? -- -?---T -- - -- - -- - -- --- --- ----- - - - -- - ? - i , -, Admin.,Form 900 (101) F.ge 1 , • . Stete of Minnemta CONTRACT CONTRACT BID N0. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS , . .. Dept of Administratian CONTRACT NO.7?6Q?S To Be Completed by State ? Originai (A44) [] Prior Year Encumbranca or Encumbrance Increase (A46) Trn. NO. Acco.nt I.O Organization F. V. RaquwsVtion No. Vantlor NumEer Typa Te,ms Source S. Aet Task S. Tesk I na4 81 1-8 J 7905 % 60 8 240840-00 V Cmt, Job or Cl1ent CoES Amount SuHi: t Oblac 1 o J /ZZZO1 servo rrve oF ? TRANSACTION Entered by 9- qqq q46 Data NumE r Dace TNIS AGREEMENT, made this a' # day of and Patties by and between the State of Minnesota, herein called the State, and /n•----,.._. , , ,, n__...? +i on Tnr ? ? a tocponrion organized and existing under the laws of the State of Mi nnaSntQ ^r????, CA c SFp I4 19?g cD 0 louted at 'Rnx 167y Lnri-ttn, MNrjr73?'] , herein called the Contractor, W77NESSETH THAT, WHEREAS: The Snte, acting by and through its Commissioner of `Administration, hu duly advertised for bids for the project described u follows: F,r*+;sh all labor, materials, and equipment necessary Sor Sanitary Sewer Construction at the MN Dept. of Transp. South Metro Driver's License r.xamination Station, 2070 Cliff Eoad, Eagan, Minnesota, and in accordance with plans and apecifications for State Project (Account I.D. 68171-8). ----- . • , - ; for the Depaztment of , and, Spedal WHEREAS, The Contractor has on the qth day of A»e lSt , 19-78. Conditions submitted a signed bid to construct said project in consideration of the payment of the sums set forth therein, which sums amount to a total esrimated contract price of Forty Thousand, Eight Hundred --7'?eut3La,ad »n/10n S 40a820.00 , a copy of which bid, and work to be done to construct uid project, ue hereto attached, mazked Exhibits A and B respectively, and made a part thereof, and Riusnnd NOl9, TFIERF.FORf:, the Contractor, in considention of the payment of the price and Work compensation set (otth in said bid, agrecs to furnish, except as may be otherwise provided herein, all laboq services, means of construction, and marerial required for, and ro construcq install, complece, and finish said project in thc most worktnanlike and substantial manncr, to the satisfaction in every Adm;n. Fwm 900 (10-73) , • • hW= • ttspect of the Architect or other designated represcnntive of the State, within the time•herein tpecified, all in accordance with the terms of this con[ract and the plans, specifications, and special Proviaions therefoz, including all addenda, pertaining to stid project, on File at the time said bid was opeoed in the oEfice of the Director of Procurement of the Depaziment of Administtation, and -- --- hereby made a part of this contncc as though fully set forth herein. Tinot o( The Contracror shall commence work Complerion eyeCU+Pd GOD4 Of GOntraCt p•,4j P^+ - shall proceed with diligence, and complete said project ?{)._?` 7 onA r.i ?vg f n +h da of no i4i ^ inn tn rmrPPA T'vne is oE the euence of thu contract Snte IncomeTaz It is d'utincdy understood and agreed tLat no final settlement under this contract shall be Yfnhholding had until the coneractor has made a satisEactory showing that he has complied with the provisions oE MS.A. 290.92 requiring the withholding of income tax on wages at source. It is further understood and agreod thac a cercificate executed by the Commissioner of Revenue shall satisEy [his agreement. Sismewes This tontract shall become binding upon the parties when signed in 6ehalf of the State by Ptecl"s`d the head o£ the interested depaztment or agency, approved by the Department of Administration, Division of Procurement, and countersigned by the Department of Finance who shall certify hereon ehat the appropriation and allotment have been encumbered for the full amount oE the contract liahility herein. Eucuuon IN WITNESS WHEREOF the State hu caused this contrut to be signed by its duly authoriztd officers and the Contractor has hereunto set his hand and seal. Approved as to form and execurion this _ day oE, Al5 2 8 191i , 19_. SPECIAL ASSIST STATE OF MiNNESOTA or ADMINTRTRATTO13 Dept. B?, ? F,TATF AR(!HITMT[JAAT ENGIj1F.F.R Tide APPROVED: - ' ? DEPARTME T OF ADMINISTRATION has been encumbered Dire or, f r cu ment for the obligation hereof against the previous unencumbered balance of the proper appropri- By Director of Procurement arion and allo[ment. 19- (Daee) CONTRACTOR DEPARTMEN ' •INA C• , / e By NOTE: IF THE CONTRACTO ?1 CORPORATION, THIS SHOUID BE SIGNED BY AT LEAST TWO EXECUTIVE OFFI- CEflS, SAME BEING THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY OR VICE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY, AND THE COFiPORATE SEAL ATTACHED. IF THE CONTRACTOR IS A COPARTNERSHIP, THIS SNOULD BE SIGNEO BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE CO- PARTNERSHIP. INCi. Name of Company By,P o?- a.> O /2 =.. - .P,RESIDEQTT Tide ' - - By sECxEraxr Title 1DNIN. PM 6,14 17/681 PERFORMANCE BOND KNGW ALL bfEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS that Burschville Construction, Inc. , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota located at Box 167, Loretto, rar 55357 as Pdneipel, end THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' INSURANCE COMPANY a Corporation euthocized to ect es Surety on contract bonds, es surety, ex held and firmly bomd unto the State of Minnesota in the amount of Forty Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty and no/100 .............. DOLLnRS. For the payment of this well end tnily to 6e mede we bind ouiselves, oui rep:esentatives and successors, joiaUy end sevenlly, firmly by these presents. T6e condition of this obligation is such that whereas the Principel has enteced into a eontrect with the state, evidmced by written contract of even date, tor che furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment necessary Er the Sanitary Sewer Construction at the MN Dept. of Transportation South Metro Driver's License Examination Station, 2070 Cliff Road, Eagan, Minnesota, including labor and mateaals thereEor, the regularity and validity of which eoetract is hereby affirmed; and thereunder and in accordance with the provisioa of SeMion 574.26. Minnesota Statutes for the year 1941, is re- quised to give bond to the state in the amount of the penalty heceof, conditioned as herein and as by law required; NOIV, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully perfocm the contract and shall pay as they become due ell just claims for wo=k done, tools, machinery, skill, materials, iasurance pcemiums, equipment aad supplies Eot the completion of the contract in accordance with its terms, and shall save the State harmlesa from all costs and charges thet may accrue on ecrnunt of the doing of the wock specified, and shall pay all costs of rnforcement of the tecros of the bond if action is brought thereon, including reasona6le attomey's fees, in any case in which such action is successfully maintained, and shall comply with the laws of the State appeRaining to such contract, then this obligation shall be void, but otherwise iY shall remain in fu11, force and effect. Any alterations which may be made in the tetms of the contracf or in the work to be done under it, or any extensIon of time fot the pedormance thereof, or any forebeerance on the peR of the State shall not in any wey release the Contractor and Sucety, successors or assigns, from their liability heceunder, notice to the Surety of any such alteeation, extension or forebeacance being hereby waived. Datcd August 23, ly 78 (Surety, Corporate Seal) Countersign for Sucety Execution outside of State of Minnesota. CONTRACTOR tioa, IuC ,'?FSChua??e-rN ?ts ?uoc?? gy?,?? 4.QoC,_..1// Er_ai n. Tide By ? .SeCretar8 Tide AMERICAN Reaident Agenc, Scue of Minnesoce Thomas H. Fai STS' INSURANCE . ; ? ; Adifiin. Ponn 902 44-88 CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR CONTRACTOR STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF-Q'yjj?l? ) On thisday of C , 1 ?before me rsonally epnpeared ?• and .19l?S ? ?4:?1-Ci71 G'X to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively President eaa Secretarv otBurschville Construction, Inc. , Z. a M1Ilnesot8 Corporation; that the seal af[ixed to the foregoing ?c? & Bond is?th'C Corporate Seal of the Corporation, and that said instruments were executed in beh?oMfle$Gotpbra on•by?au[hor y oEits Boaed of Directors; and they acknowledged said instruments to e e e.asi a`40eed? "CorpoY?iio. ?? (Notarial Seal) ? ?r The within bond and the suceties thereon approved and bond filed a?' -q1978 19_ ? Direccot of procuremenc Approved as to foem and execution Ihis day of AU64 8 1516 19_. ? ? ? ATTORN G/ RA te innesota ? ? cFECIA! ASSISTAnT ay . ? A1?1-0RNEY GENERAL NOTICE TO PERSONAI SURETIES: Bond will not be accepted unless accompanied by a swom financial statement of each of the sureties. NOTICE TO CORPORATE SURETIES: This bond will not be accepted unless executed or countersigned by a Minnesota agent or attomey-in-fact whose name and address must be noted below. MEMORANDUM: Affix hece Power of Attomey and Acknowledgment of Corporate Surety. 30 East Central Parkway 1'HE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' INSURANCE mMPANY Cincinnati, OH 45202 Full Name of Surety Compeny Home OEfice Addcess Thomas H. Fairfield The Fairfield Com an 1200 Second Ave So. P Y Minneapolis, MN 55403 Name of A«orney-iu-fac[ Name of Local Agency , Addiess of L•ocal Agency If this bond is executed outside of the State of Minnesota, it must be cowtersigned on the Pecformance Bond by a Minnesota resident agen[ of the Surety Company. Name of Agent effixing countecsigna[ure ? Addcesa - ) SS COL'!**Ty 0P NEVIVEFIt?) ?.jhfa ? day of ? „ 19 ?? far said Councy personally appea ed THOMAS H. FAIRFIELD?[oemere me a NOTARY PUBLSC within and bY ?e duly sWOrn he did say that he is [he ATTORNEY-IN-FACT ofpTHE AMERICAN RIIGGISTSbeing Ihsl'RANCE C0.'KPANY, the corporation named in the foregoing instzument, and [hat the seal afftxed to said instrument is the corporation seal of said corporatio $oard of ment vas signed and sealed in behalf of eaid corpora;?RA?kj ,,?"'hat said instru- Directore and said THOMAS H. PAIRFIELD acknowledged stru aEaEC? y„a;fwits deed of eaid cozporation. /_ MOTAnP??iT?icta' beS4TAe, free act and ?Y? , HENPEPIN fipUnGGJLW/ My Comml+slon •? '3^ _ Notary ? ~;4 ;. ? ? -T; ?,. .; ? t ,p THIS•POWER VOID IF ALTERED OR ERASED OR IF POWER NUMBER IS NOT IN BLUE INK. POWER NUMBER ? ? POWER OF ATTORNEY SP N° 860923 THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' INSURANCE COMPANY 800 American Building • Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 • 513 • 721-4270 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly orgazilzed under the laws of the State of Ohio, and having its general office in the city of Cincinnati, State of Ohio, has made, constituted and appointed, and does by these presents, make, constitute and appoint Thoma,a Fn.ihbie.Cd, Geacge Nocfz on Ri.chcvcd N2P6on M,i.nneapaP.iz, Minne,ao.ta o£ ib true and lawful Attomey-in•Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign and deliver in its behalf as Surety, any and all kinds of Surety Bonds, except as limited hereon, and to bind THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' INSURANCE COMPANY thereby u fully and to the same extent as if such instrumenu were signed by the duly authorized officers of THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' IIVSURANCE COMPAN]' and all the acts of said Attorney-in-Fact, pursuant to the authority hereby given, are hereby ratified and confumed, provided that the liability of the Company as surety on any such bond executed under this authority shall not exceed One Nundned Thowsand Da.P.Ccuce ('I'his power does not authorize the execution of bonds for loan, financial or bank guarantees.) The acknowledgement and execution of any such document by said Attorneyin-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regutarly elected officers of this Company. The signature of the President or a Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted, and the signature of the Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any such power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company. _ w THE AMERiCAN DRUGGISTS' INSURANCE COMPANY further certifies that the following is a true and exact copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' [NSURANCE COMPANY, duly adopted and now in force, to wit: All Bonds of the corporation shall be executed in the corporace name of the Company by the President, any Vice President, or by such other officers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The President, any Vice President, or any Assistant Secretazy may appoint Attomeys-in•Fact or agents who shall have authority to issue bonds in the name of the Company. All authority hereby conferred shall expire and tertninate, without notice, unless used before midnight of JaEy 1 .19 79 , but until such time shall be irrevocable and in full force and etfect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' INSURA CE COMPANY has caused these presents to be execut- ed by iu officer, with its corporate seal afCixed, this date of , 19:9 THE AMERICAN DRUGG[STS' INSURANCE COMPANY c:? :s 4: UOl '.MSS ?W=^ fE.ll. ??9s . 14S4 ...,....-?' . By STATE OF OHIO . r ) President COUNTY OF 1LTON ) ?? On this / , 19 bc(ore me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Gordon M. Barker who being by me duly sworn, knowtedged at he signed the above PoweroC•Attomey as an officer of the said THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' INSURANCL'• COMPANY and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of the corporation. My commission expires: January 15, 1980 P..,, ' l. Notary Public 5'?.. ?' `.:•(°.w .. . , . . ?• , , . , • . ..., Contract to Purnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for Sanitary Sewer Construction at the MN Dept, of Traasportation South Metro Driner's License Examination Station, 2070 C1iYP &oad, Eagan, P'Iinnesota, State Project (Account I.D. 68171-8), and in accordance with the Contract Documents, includi.ng Advertisement for Bids, Form oP praposal, Standard General a Conditions for Contract Work, SpeciYications and Plans, and Contractor's Bid dated dugust 9, 1978, as Yollows: B9SE BID ......................... . ................. .$40,820.00 AMOUNT OF CONTRACT ....... .............. ............. $40,820.00 EXHIBIT A oFeagan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P O BOX 21799 BEA BLOM9lll5f EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 '''1OY°f PHONE (612) 4548100 1HOMA5 EGAN 11MES A. SMITH VIC ELLISON THEODORE WACHTER Coumil Membeis APRIL 21, 1986 n{oMnsHEOGes GN ?min¢leoto? EUGENEVAN OVERBEKE Gry Clear MR RAY POGUE BUSINESS MANAGER DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES DIV MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE TRANSPORTATION BUILDING ST PAUL MN 55155 Re: Project 452, Pond AP-50 Outlet 'Pa=cel #10-03100-010-02 i Dear Mr. Pogue: I am in receipt of your letter of March 31, wherein you raised two questions pertaining to your proposed assessment on the above referenced project. Hopefully, the following information will address those questions and concerns. During the summer of 1985, the Council received a petition from the builder/developer of the Cedar Cliff Commercial Park 2nd Addition, requesting that a storm sewer outlet be constructed for our storm water management plan Pond AP-50. Upon receipt of this petition, the Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report which was reviewed and discussed at a public hearing held on March 4, 1986. As can be seen by the attached stozm water maps from the City's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan, this pond is a part of the overall system, but presently does not have a positive overflow outlet available to it. As property within the general drainage and subdrainage districts develop, additional runoff is generated decreasing the time of concentration to any of the affected receiving drainage basins. There comes a point in time when various ponds within our master plan have to be scheduled for connection to our overall trunk storm sewer system. With the recent continued phase development of the Cedar Cliff Commercial Park and other properties in the general area, the City anticipates that a future outlet for Pond AP-50 will be required prior to the saturation development of all property within the drainage district. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY Project 452 April 21, 1986 Page 2 The City's assessment policy for financing these types of improvements is to levy a Trunk Area Assessment over all properties generally located within the affected drainage district. However, several of these benefitted properties may have already "prepaid" their trunk area assessment as a condition of final plat and development approval. This was the case for Cedar Cliff Commercial Park 2nd Addition. They had prepaid their trunk area assessment and were subsequently not included under this project. Project 452 identified only those properties that have not paid any trunk area storm sewer assessment in the past. If this project is approved, all properties within this sub- drainage district will have paid their fair comparable share towards the City's comprehensive storm sewer system. Also, you questioned our assessable acreage due to the fact that you estimate approximately 358 of your drainage is contained on site. You will note that the City has allocated a credit of 208 of your land area for future public purposes (streets) should it ever develop into a use other than its present use. Due to the fact that at this time there is no protection to insure that the present on-site drainage ponds will not be eliminated through any future proposed development, our Master Storm Water Management Plan has to assume a design based on the highest and best use for all properties regardless of their present use. Therefore, because this storm sewer system provides for a higher intensified use of your property, the benefit is there, although it may not be realized until the time of such potential future development. As a result of this information being discussed at the public hearing held on March 4, the Council felt the project was slightly premature at this time and subsequently did not approve it. They did indicate that they would reconsider this project at some later date as may be necessary based on our continuous monitoring and observation of development, rainfall occurrence, etc. At such time as this project would be reconsidered in the future, formal notices will again be sent to all potentially affected properties, including this parcel. Subsequently, there will be no final assessment hearing due to the fact that the original project has not yet been approved. Project 452 April 22, 1986 Page 3 If you would like further clarification or explanation regarding this project and its affect on your property, please feel free to contact me and i will be happy to schedule a meeting at your convenience. Sincerely, ,??r--?1-?•9 ho as A. Colbert Director of Public Works Attachments TAC/jh .. .?- , ...-.e...?.,,,., ,,,..,y,.. . . . . .. . - INVOICE City of Eagan Equa! Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer TO: r pQnt of Public Safet -I F'inance :'ectlon Room 210 aS St. Paul, tfN 55155 L J Date: 11- f3- II 9 Attn: Eob EEndel , DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Driver Exaniin( Station aParcel 10-03100-010-02 2070 Clif.f Rcl L'a an PRJ ASSESSD1Ei7'i CONNECTIOIQ OSLIGATION - S'uATIiR QtJiili TInI Lateral }ie:icfit from Trurik h'atermain (22.70 x 920 FP) 16,344.60 ,7-o-386S liater Ava3lability Charge (580/unit x 4) 2,320.00 ao -3s6g 'Preatment Plant (228/unit x 4) 912•00 TOTAL $ 19,576.00 L o/p 4??2 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55722•1897 _ asa-s,oo Total Due Upon Receipt - Thank You .. ?. ? . »°v--?.-..?-......x.. . .ra?" _ ' ' ' .. r--1 INVOICE City of Eagan Equal Opportunity/Aflirmative Action Employer TO: r -I Uent oi PuY>lic Safet f'inance :'ectton, Room 210 " ci5 ;Jt. Paul, i'n; 55155 L J 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 asa-a,oo Date: 1:.-C-20 Attn: Eob LEndel . DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Driver Exaniinc Station aParcel 10-03100-010-02 -? 2070 Cliff Rcl Ea an ?•UJ ASSESSiiE:71' CONNF'CTIOld O$LIGATIQYi - fdATTR CC1I171: TI.I1 W L-I" Ac? 2o y Lateral henefit from Truiik 4aaY.ermain (22.70 x&20 I'r) "1 16,394.00 ? ?0-3865 W L 2022 tJater Availability Charge (580/unit x 4) 2,320.0+i ao -3s68' 'jreatment Plant (228/unit x 4) 911.?'? i0'S'AL $ 19,576.00 Total Due Upon Receipt - Thank You oF 3830 FILOT IWOB ROAD vIC EWSON EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 Mwor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 7F{pMAS EGAN fAX: (612) 454-8363 pqVlp K GUSL4FSON PAMEIA NkCREA 1HEODORE WACHfER CauncY Members 11iCMAhSl1EDCiE$ CMyAtlrnYibhotor November 27, 1989 EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE crcY a" PROPERTY MANAGER DRIVERS TESTING STATION 2070 CLIFF RD EAGAN MN 55122 Re: Project 583, Park Center Addition (Streets & IItilities) Parcel 10-03100-010-02, Storm Draittage Facilities Dear Sir: On December 5, the City Council will be holding a formal public hearing to discuss the installation of streets and utilities to service the proposed Park Center Addition located across Cliff Road (County Road 32) from your existing Drivers Testing Station. The proposed public improvements will provide the installation of streets and utilities to service the proposed senior citizen high- rise and future commercial/roadside business development. Presently, the majority of your property lies within a drainage district which conveys its surface water runoff northward toward Cliff Road. At that point, there presently exists a 30" diameter storm sewer culvert under Cliff Road in the northeast corner of your property allowing your drainage to continue northerly to the City of Eagan's Pond AP-50 within the Park Center development. Storm sewer to be constructed within the Park Center development will be sized to accommodate the current surface water runoff generated from your existing facility. However, it is not proposed to oversize this storm sewer to handle any proposed change in land use that would result in increased surface water runoff. Subsequently, you have not been formally noticed of this proposed public hearing as it does not propose to allocate any costs associated with it to your parcel. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNITY Eaual Opaortunitv/Affirmative Action Emplover Page 2 However, if there is a desire and/or need to accommodate future additional surface water runoff beyond what currently exists today, the City could increase the size of the storm sewer and ponding facilities to handle this with written agreement by the State of Minnesota of financing their share of the costs associated with providing this additional storm sewer/ponding capacity. If there are no plans or desires to accommodate a future different land use on the Drivers Testing Station facility through the proposed City's storm sewer system, future intensified development resulting in increased surface water runoff can be accommodated by creating the necessary detention ponding facilities on your property. The purpose of this letter is to let you know that there are some public improvements being performed within your drainage district that will adequately accommodate your current situation. There is no proposal to allocate any costs associated with these improvements to the State of Minnesota. However, if you wish the City to provide additional capacity to accommodate future flexibility in land use changes, it will be necessary for the appropriate representatives of the State of Minnesota to contact the City of Eagan to discuss your desires so that they may be taken into consideration in the design and cost allocation of this project. If there is such.an interest, it would be appreciated if contact could be made with the City within the neXt 30 days so that we may take your concerns into consideration. Please have the appropriate individual contact myself at their convenience and earliest opportunity. Sincerely, 1 ' /_kC?7naa? .I. L,C?c,c? /Q • ?? - Thomas A. Colbert,-P,.E. ? Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer s> fC h 2 ?? + ?i?F+ .uu MfN?J£. STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION CONS TRUCT I MI&PHaEZ AT I ON BUILDING GODES AND srwNOM$TvIMnBUILDING OFFICIAL Reid, Douglas Michael City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Project Title : So Metro Drivers Exam Station Project Descr.: Hdcp' Access remodeling Location : Eaqan Date Received : 012389 Plan Review Number: 890023 Dear Building Official: - IZ?- C?f00 010 OZ 408 METRO SqUARE ]TH AND ROBERT BTB. BT. PAUL. MN 55101 Phonei 612/2964639 DATE : 01/31/89 The construction documents, for the project described above, have been reviewed and found to be in substantial compliance with requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code. Enclosed is a signed copy authorizing construction of the project. Such authorization by this office does not relieve the Building Official from the responsibility of code compliance enforcement prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Yours truly, BUILDI CODES & STANDA ? ? Thomas R. Joac i Supervisor, P Review TJ:p attachment: Application For Plan Review Form Form BDB0013A AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -4wO H?AICRR OF IiEARTD?G P.EQUFST FOF. UTILITY I'MPROVEMENTS S/ttie hereby request of the City Council. City of Eagan, D4a.n,nesata, utility impmvements on and over prope±'ty ot^ned by m2/ua r+s Zc7.lc:•rs: (t5en*.aon tyFe of imp'tovement, e.g. water, sanitary seFmr, etc.) ice rnmcver nr,m ocM rtvrrnnr neece ^'xz ----- e location oE said utility impmvements ahall bo genaru?lI as &13.c". Sectian 31, Parcel 10 03100 010 02 p? .a?P?l° 1$t'i@I'81, ?8 fC@t 8t$1.0.75 °} 'Y7VG6.00 San Sewer Tnank 8096 of 20.55 Acres ° 16.44 Aes. 16.44 timee $590.00 per Aere m99699.60 IIbg.37 Tarni, assESS+ENr $17525.60 . , ;yv5 T/Ws hxeby v.aive notice of any and all hearinqs necessary for the installa.ti.on of sai.d impr.ovements and further consent to any aneetismpr.;;s necassa=ily leVied by tne Ci4y oi Eagan for such impmcem°_ntS• I/ide Lurthar agree to grant to the City of Eagan anY ea3eaieiits sary for the installati.on of such impmvements. it is further undarstood that this request shall be reviewed by the CiLp Ccnnail of The City of Eagan or its agent and I/We will be given raascnable notice as to whether this request is possible under present utility planning as to timing, location, ete. Cated: C( - I I-'1 ?' ^ /N ! R_Tiest aoceFted by r ,:-;?? ???/.<.L C-ty of Eaqan Assessment Clerk Signai:ure Request referred to City Administrator: tddress Datc? a ^r^h?'? n ?Di R - Date\ `? ???n q-z1"7 ? Cbpies: 1. City Administxator 2. Applicant /D a 3/ oo O/o o z. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER 211 STATE HIGHWAY 6UILDING STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY SAINT PAUL 55155 Septemher 20, 1974 City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 ATTN: Special Assessment Department The enclosed letter dated August 21, 1974 relating to the Special Assessments for the property located at 2070 Cliff Rpad was for- warded to me. The property being assessed is owned by the Depart- ment of Highways. Therefore, the assessment statement has been forwarded to Mr. Sohn Schorn, Director of Einance - Department of Highways, for payment. I would appreciate having you change the billing address for the property to the following: Department of Highways Room 305, State Highway Building St. Paul, MN 55155 If you should have any questions in regard to the subject, please contact me at Aoom 210, State Highway Building. Si erely, Thomas N. Watson Accounting Director TN4T /ch cc: John Schorn, Director of Finance Department of Highways Robert Surmeister Sfp 2 , ? 19j4 ?e":?O PHONE 454-8100 ClTI( OF EAGAN 9796 FILOT KMOB RORD EAGAM. Mlil'PfE607'A 35122 August 21, 2974 State of Minnesota llepartanent o£ Public Safety 2070 G3if= Rc.;.d Eagan, r[rt. 55122 Attention: Bob Burmeister Dear Yr, blumeister: The Eagan City Council held an assessment meeting on August 20, 1974 at which time they adapted the assessment roll for Improvement #127-A which covers the installation of a water trunk down Cliff Road from Cedar Avenue to Black- hawk Road. The enclosed statEnent re£lects your assessment for the watermain oversizing in the amount of $5178.60. This statenent of assessments Yras arrived at by talQng 80% of gour 20.55 acres which is 16.14 acres times $315.00. If ymx require adtli;ional in£ormation please feel £ree to ca11 me at the Eagan City Hall. Sincerel,y, SPECIAL ASSFSSMINT DEPAR7.'NIENT A^Sa CQ.°.°u Assessment Clerk City o£ Eagan ,; . ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Piiot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.a 10-03100-010-02 PERMIT PERMITTYPE: gurLDzNG Permit Number: 0 2 9 4 9 9 Date Issued: 0 2/ 2 5/ 9 7 2070 CLIFF RD LOT: 1 BLQCK: 2 SECTION 91 DESCRIPTION: ---_ _ (DRIVERS 6`uildin? ?,eermit 7ype ;Building 4l&rk Type ? Cerrsrss; Code : EXAM BLDG) PUBLIC FACTLITY ALTERATION 437 AIT. NONRE5. a ? ' _ •:?i`r'., -r' ft-`?3? ? "1m?1le71 4; LF i_ i_: REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Total Fee $A4S.75 $291.69 $18.00 $755.49 $36,000 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - OWNER: 64A0STONE CONST 27714990 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 1315 FROST AVE 395 JOHN IRELANO BLVD ST PAUL MN 55109 ST PAUL MN 55155 (ff12) 771-4990 (612)297-4742 I hereby aoknpwledge,that I.haus ,read this informat3.an 1.s correpC_and agrsp ta compAy ? Statutes and City gf Eagan Qrdin4inces.; . ?APPLJ T/PERMITEE SIGNATURL-- a,pplicsaffiivn.and state thaC the with al'k appiicable State-of Mn. IS?DBYS?.OT?1 A ? I 1997 BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) ? CI 681-4675 AN ?? z-?? iq The foliowing are required with appropriate ceRificetion for all nnconsWction: . 2 eaeh: archileGUral plans; meeh. 8 elec, plans; fire sPdnklar plans; shucWral plans; sHe plans; landseaPing plans; Bretlingldreinagderosion eontrol plan; utilily plan . t each: set of specifications; set W energy eakulations; eleGrical power & Ughting form; Spedel Inepections 8 TeaGng Sdfedule & Letter from MCANS (phone #2224423) indicadng SAC detertninatlon ? Code anatysis indiceting: Codae used; occupency dassifiptions; setbedcs; maximum ellowabb erae es per Building end City Codes along with sq. ft. per fioor; type of construcdon (synopais of wnrtrudion components) & any occupenq or area seperatlon walls; , oecupanry beds; exd synopsis wiN a diagrem indicating exRing loeda irom each room ot aree, trevel paths & all wted cortidors: Plumbing fixWres: end paAting. DATE: '?Lj f CI 7 WORK TYPE: _ NEw _,z REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION COST: ? J? TENANT NAME: 4 SITE ADDRESS: J --2070 2114t f li 1/l .?. .,.. LOT--j- BLOCKa SUBD.Jkrt?l P.I.D.# PROPERTY Name: ??I /l/ JJRtI'f . nF //i?/Z??J?r7`c??1'.m Pnone #: ,?97- y 7y? owNER StreetAddress:-=*q5 `I???h?TP lcy e-l ??: 96i:/ A City: State: Zip: SIS-IS S CONTRACTOR Companm v ,Urrtr?(p f?'m Phone#: 77Z- ?990 Street Address:lI( L L/Ld 1412e City: C51`. PL' !. ! l/ Zip: S'S /Uq ARCHITECTI Company: Phone #: ENGINEER ? r/fi-? c ? e? i i # ????? r) ame; au ; r eg strat on : 7 FEB 11 1 treetA ddress: /?v?, 1BY:._ - ity: 6? 1 D!S, State: A? ZipJ s?/O Sewer & water licensed plumber (onty 'rf installing sewer & water): I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applica6on and state that the infortnation is correct and agree to comply with ail applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Ciiy of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applipnt: ?' L L B oc. SUBD???jV_J,e? d-f NEW RECEIPT If / "r/ F(aig !tECEIPT DATE S lq/9 / 24K G.?d6i jy?? I - PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THERE IS A FEE SAORTAGE ON THE ABOVE ELECTRECAL INSTALLATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $ < - SHORTAGE 14T75T RE PATD iTTTHTN 14 DAVS_ - DATE _'- U-MARKS 0 - 30 AMP CIBCUITS = _ - 31 - 100 AMP rIRCUITS = - ? - 0 - 100 AMP SEBVICE _ I01-- 200 AMP SERVICE ? ?L: PE?tMIT ft ORIG RECEIPT 4k / RECEIPT DATE Z L ? YLEASE HETURN A COPY OF THIS FDRM WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. THANK YOU! - F` 101- l C3L a SfC?Uh 3 ? c ,?. l1 ? A rQ -1- 3 I-o ?- 2002 BUYLDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 651-681-4675 Foundation onl New Construction Interior Jm rovement • SVUCtural Plana (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sels • Architeclural Plans (2) sets • Cfvil Plans (2) • SWdural Plans (2) • Code Analysls (1) " • Certifiple of Survey (1) • Civll Plans (2) • Projecl Specs (7) . CodeMalysis (1) " • LandsrapingPlans (2) • KayPlan (7) • Project 5pecs (1) . Cade Analysis (t) •• • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule " • CertlOcate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always" • Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) " • Elec. Power 8 Lightlng Form (1) not always" . Meter size must be established • Meter slze must be establlshed • Metar size must be esfablished - if applipble • ProjectSpea (1) 1 • EnergyCalculations (1) 1 • Electric Power & lighting Fortn (1) 1 • Master Exit Plan (1) 1 • Fire ProteWonPian (1)" 1 1 • SoilsRePOrt (1) -1 ? MGES SAC detertninatlon letter • MClES SAC determination IeBer • MGES SAC determinatlon letter call 657-602-1000 call 851-802-1000 call 651-802-1000 Contact Building Inspections for sample Food & bevarage or lodging facilities - submit pian to MN Department of Health. Call 651-215-0100 for details. DATE: ' 6=19-02 WORKTYPE: _X NEW x REMODEL 5lTERDDRESS: 2070 Cliff Road (addition) TENANT NAME: South Metro Drivers Excun Station SUITE #: FORMER TENANT NAME, IF RPPLICABLE: 12002 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Addition and remodelinq of drivers exam bldg,_ narkina? MN Departanent of Transportation, Office of Namr: Maintenance: Facilities Managgnent Sexv. Phone #: ( 651 _) 296-4640 YROPERTY Las: Fus: OW\'ER SueetAddress: Transportation Building, MS '-715, 395 John Ireland Blvd. _ CiTy•; St. Paul State: CONTRACTOR Zip: 55155-1899 ECI Total Building & Company: Construction Services, Inc. Phone#: ( 651 ) 452-0555 SheetA3dress: 1355 Meridota Heiqhts Road Suite 180 _-- City: Mendota Heiqhts State: _M ZiP: __55120-Uh8- ARCAITECT/ ENGLNEER Company:. williams/O'Brien Associates, Inc. Phone#: ( 612 ) 338-8981 ?NTame: Bruce Hassiq Regisharion #: 23796 _ Street Adciress: 1300 Nicollet Mall Suite 219 City: Minneanolis State: M[V Zip. 55403 Licensed plumber installing new sower/water service: Master Mechanical _ Phone #: ( 65 )qnc;-1ypq-- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applica6le State of CONSTRUCTION CUST: 1, 257, 808.00 , - e Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: ?---=? w ?s+ ?¢2L Updated 1102 OFFICE USE ONLY SUBTYPE ? Ol Foundation ? 26 Pubiic Fxcility ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 14 Aparuments 27 CommerciaUlndustrial ?- 32 Ext Alt - Apts: • ? 15 I.odging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. C 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail Salon WORK TYPE i1 31 New ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 46 Windows/Doors yX 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg 0 43 Reroof ? 47 Repair ? 33 Alterations ? 37 Demolish (Bldg) ? 44 Siding ? 48 Authorization 34 Replacement 0 38 Demolish (Int) ? 45 Fire Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code Zoning sq. ft. SAC Code 30 # of Stories - - " sq. ft. No. ofUnits & Length ?-59• ft• No. of Bidgs. Width sq. ft. Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. 3R 38 . MClES System (Allowable) ? First Floor sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy - Qi sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered ?c2m-C Qp11 ? MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTION5 ? Gas Service Test ? Heating ? Insulation Q Plumbing ? Stiicco/Stone RPPROVALS Planning Building CELk- Engineering Variance VALUATION $ a-v Peimit Fee ? `? ? • Z ? I ?,,,` ?[D?Q ?2M ?" ?p ? D?? ? Surcharge Sa° l Vvl 4 • 1 r^lan Rev!ew Cg . ° o MC/ES SAC ?X 1200 % SAC leo? City SAC SAC Units ? iNater Supply & Storage --? Meter Size S/W Permit S/W Surcharge i'reatment Plant Park Dedicztion - Trails Dedication 1 Water Quality ' Other Copies 20 2 (? . 2S? Total COMMERCIAL 2002 BUYLDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 'a- ? 651-681-4675 . SWCturel Plans (2) sets . ArchiUCtu21 PWns (2) sels • NchiOectural Plans (2) seLa . CivilPlana (2) • SWCWreIPlans (2) • CodeMalysis (1)" • CeNficale of Survey (t) • Civil Plans (2) • Project Spees (1) • Code Analysis (1) '• • Landacaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) . ProjectSOecs (1) . CodeAnalysis (1)" . MasterEdtPlan (1) " • Spec. Insp. 8 Testlng Schedule " • CeAiflwte of Survey (1) • Energy Calculallons (1) nat aW+ays " • Soils Report (t) • Spec. Insp. 8 Testing Schedule (1) " • Elee. Power 8 Lightlng Fortn (1) not always . ' • Meter size must be esfablished • Meter size must be eslablished rf apPlicable • Meter size must be eshablished - . ProjectSpecs (1) j . EnergyCalculations (1) 1 . Electric PowerB Lighting Form (1) l • Master Exit Plan (1) • 1 l . FireProlactianPlan (1)" ? l • SoilsReport (1) l • MGES SAC determination letter • MGES SAC delertnination letter • MGES SAC determinatlon letter call 651-602-1000 call 657-602-1000 wll 651-602-1000 " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food & beverage or lodging facilides - submit plan to MN Department of Healfti. Cail 651-275-0700 for details. DATE: ' 6=19-02 WORK TYPE: _X NEW X REMODEL' CONSTRUCTIONCOST: i 1,257,808.00 (addition ) s n n r ? SI i EADDRESS: 2070 Cliff Road 5 .. tJ - . " == i TENANT NAME: South Metro Drivers EYam Station SUITE I 12002 ?J FORMER TENANT NAME, IF APPLICABLE: N A DESCi21PTION OF WORKAcldition and renodelinq of drivexs exam bla MN Depar-trnent of Transportation, Office of h*ame: Maintenance: Facilities Managanent Serv. Phone #: ( 651 ) 296-4640 PROPERTY Las: First OR'?'ER StreetAddress: Transportation Building MS 715 395 John Ireland Blvd. _ City_ St. Paul State: NID1 Zip: 55155-1899 ECI Total Euilding & Company: Construction Services, Inc. Phone#: 651 452-0555 CONTRACTOR StreetAddress: 1355 Mendota Heiqhts Road Suite 180 --- Ciry: Mendota Heiqhts State: NIlV Zip: _35lJ0_116A _ ARCFiiTECT/ ENGINEF,R Company:_ Williams/O'Brien Associates, Inc. Phone#: ( 612 ) 338-8981 Name: Bruce Hassiq Regisuation #: 23796 Street nddress: 1300 Nicollet Mall Suite 219 City: Minneapolis _ State: NIN Zip: 55403 Licensed plumber installing new sower(water service: Master Mechanical Phone #: (6,57 1Qn5=160Q I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State or Minnesota Statutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: 6-L _ ??t updated v02 OFFICE USE ONLY ;UBTYPE 01 Foundation 14 Apartments 15 Lodging 25 Miscellaneous VORK TYPE ' 31 New ;o(,32 Addition 'x 33 Alterations ' 34 Replacement ? 26 Public Facility ?( 27 CommerciaUlndustrial ? 28 Greenhouse ? 29 Antennae ? 30 Accessory Bidg. 0 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail Salon ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 42 Demolish (FoundaHon) ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 36 Move Bidg ? 43 RerooF ? 4' Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bldg) ? 44 Siding ? 48 Authorization 0 38 Demolish (Int) 0 45 Fire Repair JENERAL INFORMATION :ensus Code Y3`7 ;AC Code 3L7 Jo. of Units d do. of Bldgs. _? :onst. (Actual) ?z (Allowable) V.;L iBC Occupancy gi Zoning # of Stories Length Width Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq. ft. VIISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS _ Gas Service Test ? Heating "PPROVALS 'lannin3 Building sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. R. sq. ft. 393g . MC/ESSystem yD?y City Water Fire Sprinklered 0 Insulation Q Plumbing 0 Stiicco/Stone Ct? Engineering Variance 'ermit Fee k; S l3 •615- 3urcharge 5ql • 2U =1an Rev!ew 4- ?3 , D viC/ES 3AC ;ity SRC 4w ? Nater Supply & Storage --? 3/W Permit 31W Surcharge -" i'reatment Plant 'ark Dedication - Trails Dedication "- Water Quality - Other .opies VALUATION $ ? ? ?'4$ ? d ao , o u % SAC -? SAC Units 07 Meter Size Total CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: > -I I1 J f RECEIPT DATE: 2002 CObIbIP.gCGP1L PLUM$INfi PERMIT i4PPLICATIOP CrrY oF r.kskx 3830 ru.oT xxos Rn eAsM, Mrr 55122 953-8$1-4875 1NCOMPLETE APPLICATfONS W1Lt NOT SE PROCfSSED Date: ??Z ?/QZ -r WORK TYPE New Bldg &- Add-on Repair RPZ _ PVB ,' Irrigation system ' Jerry Wobschall to calculate fees. Required meter size is 2" turbo nl as smaller size permitted by Public Works DESCRIPTION OF WORK /U,1/ (a"' GIJII'Y'C?` ?Q,DYlG? To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, call METERS - Ca11 65 1-681-4300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to oickina un meter Inigation Size & Type Fue Size & Price 314" disulacement $152.00 Domestic Size & Type Does this include high demand devices? Avg GPM Avg GPM Yes No FLUSHOMETERS Yes No PRV REQUIIiED _ Yes _ No Site Address: Tenant Name: Telephone #: (Atea Code) Was there a previous tenant in this space? _ Y_ N. If Yes, Name: ?, . Installer Natne: /?6/ v - Installer ciTy: ( FEES Contract price $ x 1% ($50.00 min) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrigation systems Surcharge: $.50 Minimum. If base fee exceeds $1,OOQ calculate at 50 cents per $1,000 bsse. Supplementary fees for new irrigation system: Contact Jerry Wobschall at (651) 681-4624 regarding fees Pibg Permit Meter(s) Radio Meter Read State Surcharge Sub TotaUTotal ------ ---------- Water Permit Treatment Plant $ S-(D .d0 $ $ ?? $ -jV S 5b S?D $ 50.00 $ 540.11U Water Supply & Storage $ State T til 2 2002 ?n AUG2? Telephone #: / JrZ Q?U ' J(?-)d7i .. ,? (Area Code) State: ,/5?iz Zip I hereby aclmowledge that I have read this application, state that the informarion is corr%froct agree to c i[ a plicable City of Eagan ordinances.ItistheapplicanYsresponsibilirytonotifythepropertyownerthattheCityof umesn ages caused by the City dunng its normal operarional and maintenance activines to the faciLties constructe with'?- ro?l ght-of-way/easement. FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS Permit Application I City Of Eagan 5--? 3830 Pilot I{nob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 ?L L- Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications cut sheets on materials and co onents to be used Date I / 22 / 03 SiteAddress: 2,Q ?D 0,l6-Y-F -?ao NN , Tenant / $uilding Name: So. Wn Dr-,,(ers ? iam The Applicant is: Owner ? Contractor _ Other PROPERTY OWNER 5)o M?'IYO Dri Oej?:S Fa cam Address: 2-(J !o fc-(,t• City: r2l') State: ]V1? Zip: CONTRACTOR MQ}rl"r PY-lJI"2C-ho '1 MN License No. ODII Address: I02A C-APXYIiI'li 1:?(A. City: FQGiCif'1 State: MN Zip: Phone #: ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 2- / wp,?Aj FIRE PER11'IIT TY"PE: ? Sprinkler System (# of heads 3D_) _ Fire Pump _ Standpipe _ Other: 1r1fC1' ?1(??i L .f,t?J'}? OY) qr WORK TYPE: & New _ Addition _ Alterations _ Remodel Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? Commercial _ Residential I i F? Lu ational ; i 23 2?r - Other: _ - Iey I PLEASE COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Minrmum Fee (mcludes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ 11 i D-0 , co x .01 % _ $ I ID' DD Permit Fee • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 =* $ .EJ0 State Surcharge If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $30 per $1,000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter $ $ 156.00 TOTAL FEE: $ ?(.0 LO, ? I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accor ce with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. C?OYf.?0Y1 PP?'PXS ?t''C? Pn? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature 1- 2-2-D3 Date DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS U d d Pi n _ ergroun pe Hydrostatic V Flow Alarm _ Drain Test T i ? _ r p _ Pump Test _ Central Station Final Conditions of Issuance: .1D? U[?????,I I JAN 2 3 2003 I U,? v ? Permit Approved by: Date: 6 ?/ BY eY „ 1 *dtV oF eegan PAT GEAGAN February 28, 2003 Mayor Mr. James Kirchner, Project Manager Minnesota Department of Transportation . PEGGY CARLSON Right-of-Way Section CYNDEE FIELDS 1500 West County Road B2 MIKE MAGUIRE Roseville, MN 55113 MEG T[LLEY Re: Drainage & Utility Easement Council Mcmbers 2070 Cliff Road, Minnesota Drivers License & Exam THOMAS HEDGFS Deaz Mr. Kirchner: c`ryAd"""'s"a`°` Enclosed you will find three revised copies of a drainage and utility easement agreement associated with a sanitary sewer that was installed to service the aforementioned property as part of the Cliff Road upgrade project. This easement needs to be secured to provide maintenance access to the sanitary sewer neaz the Municipal Cencer: northwest comer of the property. 3830 Pilo[ Knob Road MN 55122-1897 Eagan Approval by the State of Minnesota is necessary for the dedication of the , easement. The notarization of the signatures of the authorized signers is required Phone: 651.675.5000 on the agreements. Please retum all three copies of the agreement for full Fax: 651.675.5012 execution by the City of Eagan. One of the completed originals will be retumed TDD: 651.454.8535 to you after full execution by the City. Please contact me at your eazliest convenience to discuss the requested easement Maintenance Facility: or the terms of the enclosed agreement. You may call me at 651-675-5641. 3501 Coachman Poinc Sincerely, ^ Eagan. MN 55122 ? Phon<: 651.675.5300 ' G ,? ? ?C? " " F?: 651.675.5360 `- ? t Joel R SCIl TDD: 651.454.8535 E'rig1R8EPlrig TOCIlIllC12ri JR/JJ www.cityofeagan.com c: Russ Matthys, City Engineer R. J. Dineen, Transportation Bldg Rm #511 (w/o enc.) THE LONE OAKTREE Enclosures: 3 Agreements The symbol oFscrength and growth in our communiry ? ? DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT, made this day of 2003, between the STATE OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota public body (hereinafter refened to as "Landowner"), and the CITY OF EAGAN, a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (hereinafter refened to as the "City"). WITNESSETH: That the Landowner, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assigns, a permanent drainage and utility easement, over, across and under the following described premises, situated within Dakota County, Minnesota, to-wit: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence East along the North line of said Section 31, a distance of 1,123.07 feet to the point of beginning, thence continuing East a distance of 728.00 feet, thence South 0 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 1,230.00 feet, thence West 728.00 feet, thence North to the point of beginning. Said easement is described as follows: The South 35.00 feet of the North 102.00 feet of ihe West 15.00 feet of the above described tract. See also Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. The grant of the foregoing permanent easemenY for drainage and uti]ity purposes includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to enter upon the premises at all reasonable times to constnxct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain pipes, conduits and mains; and the further right to remove trees, brush, undergrowth and other obstructions. After completion of such construction, maintenance, repair or removal, the City shall restore the a premises to the condition in which it was found prior to the commencement of such actions, save only for the necessary removal of trees, brush, undergrowth and other obstnzctions. And the Landowner, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is the Landowner of the premises aforesaid and has good right to grant and convey the easement herein to the City. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. Its: STATE OF MINNE50TA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2003, by the STATE OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota public body, on behalf of the public body. APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney's Office Dated: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Pu61ic Works Department Dated: STATE OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota public body By: Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DAAFTED BY: SEVERSON, SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA, P.A. 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley MN 55124 (952) 4323136 (RBB206-4768Basement No. 970) 2 . -i. ;• I?? Q .?~ ? ? W 3 W N Y CLIFF < ROAD ? V) X W ? 10-03100-011-03 15.00' D*I 4etsSCa? Fac ?n9.. ?i+?Y . P.I.D.1 10-03100-010-02 EXHIBIT ---? ??- A ` Proposed Drainage & Util;ity Easement 1/2M3 C( PID # 10-03100-010-02 ry oi Eeyan e x I Agenda Information Memo April 1, 2003 V. DRIVER'S TRAINING FACILITY, 2070 CLIFF ROAD DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve an Easement Agreement for Drainage and Utility Purposes with the State of Minnesota for Pazcel 10-03100-010-02 (2070 Cliff Road) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • County Project 32-26 provided for the upgrade of Cliff Road, between Nicols Road and Interstate 35-E, to a divided 4-lane roadway including various sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer improvements and off-street bituminous trails and sidewalks as outlined and discussed in the feasibility report for City Project 609. This work was constructed in 1992. • The upgrade of Cliff Road (County State Aid Highway 32) included the extension of an 8" sanitary sewer and 15" storm sewer to the northwest corner of the Driver's Training Facility property. The extension of these utility lines provides for the future potential development of the two large pazcels on the south side of Cliff Road. • Permanent easements should have been acquired from the adjacent properties for the installation of the two sewer lines. Staff recently recognized the need for the easements and contacted the property owners. A representative of the property owner far Parcel 10-03100-010-02 has consented to granting the easement to the City. • An agreement between the City of Eagan and the State of Minnesota, owners of Parcel 10-03100-010-02 has been prepazed providing for the acquisition of the necessary easement. • Engineering staff and the City Attorney's office have revlewed this agreement and found it to be in order for favorable Council action. ISSUES: • If the City Council would desire to discuss this item, it would be appropriate to direct any discussion to a Closed Session. ? Agenda 7nformation Memo April 1, 2003 Eagan City Council Meeting U. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Recbi4e the pa utility easements and schedule a public hearing to be r=6acate public drainage and May 6, 2003. FACTS: • On May 16, 2001, City staff received a pe ' ion from Mr. Bill Heine, property owner at 1480 Diffley Road, requesting the v cation of the standard drainage and utility easements on the common lot line of ts 1& 2, Block 1, Heine ls` Addition, south of Diffley Road and west of Heine S se in south-central Eagan. • The property owners propose to r plat Heine lst Addition (to Heine 2"a Addition) to reconfigure the common lot lin eriveen the two lots. On August 20, 2002, the City Council preliminarily approve this re-plat. • City Council consideration f the Heine 2"d Addition final plat is scheduled for the regulaz Council meeting, so on May 6, 2003. • Standazd lot line draina & utility easements will be dedicated along the new lot line with the Heine 2"d Ad rtion plat. • On March 12, 2003 the petitioner submitted a letter requesting that the Council now receive the petitio and schedule a public hearing for consideration of the vacation. • Notices will be hlished in the legal papers and sent to all potentially affected and/or interested utiliUles for comment prior to the scheduled public hearing. Eagan City Councif Nteeting Minutes April l, 2003 Page 2 E Tree Contracror License renewa7s. It was recommended ro approve 2003 Tree Convacror License reneNoals for Ciardelli Tree and Landscaping, 12441 Coffee Trail, Rosemount bIN. and Dacey'free, 2500 Fernbrook Lane. Kent, Ohio. G. Ntotorized Golf Cart AoplicaUOn. Pulled for discussion H. New I'obacco License Aoolica[ioa II was recommended ro approve 2003 New Tobacco Licenses for Bonfire Restaurant 1555 ClifY' Road and K-Liquor, 1274 Lone Oak Road. I. Muhuil Aid Police Assistance Aereement. It was cecommended to apprwe an updated Police Mutual Aid Agreement beaceen neighboring law enforcement agencies. J. CeRificaaon of Delinauent U[iGties. It was recommended to se[ a Public Hearing date for May 6, 2003 for the certi5cauon of delinquent udlity bIDs to Dakota County for collection with property ta.res. K. Certification of Delinquent False Alarm Bills. It was recommended ro set a pubGc hearing for May 6, 2003 to consider the final assessment of the delinquent false alarm bills and certify them to Dakota County for collection with property taxes. L. Certification of Delinquent Weed Cuttina Bills. It was recommended to set a public hearing for May 6, 2003 to consider the final assessment of the delinquent weed cutting bills and certifi them to Dakota County for collection with property taxes. M. Off-Sale Liauor Licensee Name Chanee. It was recommended to approve an off-sale liquor licensee name change &om MGM Spirits Espress, Inc. to MGM Wine & Spirits, Ine. N. Moonshine Pazk Shoreline Habitat Proerun Grant Aonliprioa It was recommended to endorse applicaflon to Minnesota Department af Nalural Resources and support plan for Shoreland Habitat Improvement Project at Moonshine Pazk. And concurrendy designate the Moonshine Park Shoreland Habitat Project as Eagan's second Water Resources Demonstrauon Project. 0. Final Subdi?ision. It was recommended to apprwe a Final Subdivision (Vogelpohl Addition) to create two lots on appro.eimately 5.3 acres consisting of Lou 3, 4, and 5, Silver Bell Additioq lceated at 2099 Silver Bell Road in the SE '/. of Section 18. P. Final SubdiNision. It was recommended ro approve a Final Subdivision (Nahues Edge 2"d Addirion) to create three lots on appro.cimately 1.48 acres located west of Dodd Road and south of Cliff Road in the DIW Y< of Section 36. Q. Assistance to Firefiehters Grant. It was recommended to authorize the submittal of a grant application for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F'EMA). R. Contrac[ 03-04. Pulled for seoarate vote S. Duckwood Drice - No Parkine. It was recommended to apprwe a resolution ro prohibit pazking on Duckwood Drive between Pilot Knob Road and Denmark Avenue and authorize the Mayor and City Cled to exewte all related documents. T. Denmark Acenue - No Parkine. I[ was recommended to apptove a resolution to prolubit parlang on Denmark Acenue between Duckwood Drive and Tamarzac Point and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. U. Easement Vacaaon. It was recommended to receive the petition to vapte public diainage and utiity easemen[s and schedule a public hearing to be held on May 6, 2003. V. Drainaee and Utilitv Easement. It was recommended to approve an Easement Agreement for Drainage and Utility Putposes with the State of Minnesota For Pazcel 10-03100-0 10-02 (2070 Cli@' Road) and authorize the Mavor and Cin Cleric to esecute all related documents. W. Removed &om Aeenda. X. Proiect 75IR. It was recommended to approve an Engineering, Conshuction and Right-of-Way Acquisition Agreement for Project 751R (Dodd Road. Cliff' Road to Buhvin Road - Street & Utility [mprovements0 with the D:ilcota County Highway Department and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to esecute all relared documents. Y. Lease. It was recommended ro approve Convention and Visitor's Burzau Lease for Community Space. Z. Convact 03-0 L It was recortunended ro receive the bids for Contract 03-0 1, Town Centre Area - Traffic Sign:il [mprovements), awud convact to ACT Electronics or a controller cabinet and cabinet equipment in the amount of S8,423.05. award a contract to Tradc Convol CorporaUOn for an Econolite convoller unit in the amount of $2,765,00. authorize Dakota County Highway Department to acquire a controller cabinet and cabmet equipment and authonze the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. 03-15 03-16 03-17 03-18 t?Z6ra ? Municipal Notice of Well Permit Application Dakota County Environmental Management Department Water and Land Management Section 14955 Galaxie Avenue West Apple Valley, MN 55124 Tel (952) 891-7011 Fax (952) 891-7031 DATE: August 15, 2002 TO: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwanz - EM Fax #: (651) 681 -4694 FROM: Water and Land Management RE: Well Permit #: 02-H118487 Municipality: Eagan Well Type: Sealed Environmental Specialist: Demuth The Water and Land Management Section of the Dakota County Environmental Management Deparhnent has received the following permit applicarion for the well described. If you require fiuther review of the applicarion or if you have any quesfions or concems about it, contact the Environmental Specialist listed above or our office at (952) 891-7011. If there is no response from your office within 24 HOURS (excluding weekends and holidays), we will assume that you have no objections to the issuance of the permit. Please note that pernut issuance is always conditioned on the permit applicanYs observance of and compliance with all apphcable state, county, and municipal laws and codes. Well Contractor: McCarthy Well Co. Date applicarion received: August 15, 2002 Anticipated Dnlling Date: Time: Anticipated Grouting Date: Time: Property Owner: Driver Exam Station MN Dept of Public Safety WellOwner: MNDOT WELL LOCATION: PLS Coordinates: ne 1/4, ne 1/4, nw 1/4, ne 1/4, Sec 31, Town 027, Range 23 Street address: 2070 Cliff Road PIN Number: 10-03100-010-02 WELL INFORMATION: Diameter: 6 Casing depth: 373 Total depth: 453 Static Water Level: 108. Aquifer: 7ordan Sandstone COMMENTS: ?a185Ba . December 2, 2003 MN Dept. of Transportation 395 John Ireland Bivd. St. Paul MN 55155-1899 RE: Hydraulic Passenger Site: South Metro Drivers Station 2070 Cliff Road Eagan 55122 Departrnent of Administration - Elevator ID# 03-08760PT02-01 Dear Sir/Madam: Minnesota Statutes Chapter 16B provides that the Department of Administration, Building Codes and Standards Division, Elevator 5afety Section, inspect and approve elevators and manlifts (endless belt lifts) before they can be legally used in Minnesota. An Inspector from the Elevator Safety 5ection recently inspected your facility and determined it meets requirements of the Minnesota Elevator Safety Code. NOTE: Compliance with Minnesota Ruies and the ANSI/ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators does not necessarily assure compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Sincerely, BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS Bill J. Reinke State Elevator Inspector bir/kad (CE-2) ° Schoeppner, Dale R., BO, City of Eagan Otis Elevator Company E.C.I. Building ElFOrmCE2 Building Codes and Standazds Division, 408 Metro Squaze Building, 121 7th Place East, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 651.296.4639; Fax: 651.2971973; T'CY: 1.800.6273529 and ask for 296.9929 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Environmental Healih REPORT ON PLANS Plans and specifications on plumbing: South Metro Drivers Exam Station, Project No. 02-TZ2824B Minnesota Depactment of Transportation, 2070 Cliff Road, Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, Plan No. 023793 OWNERSHIP: Minnesota Department of Transportation, c/o Mr. Paul Jensen, Engineer, 395 John Ireland Boulevazd, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 SUBMITTER(S): Minnesota Department of Transportation, c/o Mr. Paul Jensen, Engineer, 395 John Ireland Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 pDIL Williams/O'Brien Associates, Inc., 1300 Nicollet Mall, Suite 219, Minnea Minnesota 55403 ? T _ ? Plans Dated: April 17, 2002 Date Received: June 17, 2002 Date Reviewed: 7uly 17, 2002 JUL 19 2002 SCOPE: This review is limited to the design of this particular project only insofar as the provisions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code, as amended, apply, and does not cover the water supply or sewerage system to which this plumbing system is connected. The review is based upon the supposition that the data on which the design is based are conect, and that necessary legal authority has been obtained to construct the project The responsibility for the design of sh-actural features and the efficiency of equipment must be taken by the project designer. Approval is contingent upon satisfactory disposition of any requirements included in this report. Special care should be taken to insure that the material and installauon of the plumbing system are in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code. A copy of the approved plans and specificaUons should be retained at the project location for future reference. IN5PECTIONS: All plumbing installations must be tested and inspected in accordance with the requuements of the Minnesota Plwnbing Code. As specified in Minnesota Rules, part 4715.2830, no plumbing work may be covered prior to completing the required tests and inspections. Provisions must be made for applying an air test at the time of the roughing-in inspection as outlined in Minnesota Rules, part 4715.2820, subpart 2, of the code. A manometer test, as specified in Minnesota Rules, part 4715.2820, subpart 3, is required at tbe ume of the finished plumbing inspection. It is the responsibility of the contractor/installer to notify the Mimmesota Department of Aealth when an installation for a state coniract job, licensed faciliry, or project in an azea where there is no local administrative authority is ready for an inspection and test. To schedule inspections, contact the state plumbing standards representative for your region, or call [he metro office inspection hotline at 1-800-926- 6216 (7.30 a.m. to 9 a.m.), or 651/215-0836 (8 a.m. to 9 a.m) on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. REQUIItEMENT(S): L The elevator sump pump sha11 not discharge to grade. The elevator pit drain must dischazge to the sanitarv sewer through an indirect connection which precludes the possibility of sewage backup into the pit. If a sump is used, it must be located outside the elevator pit with a dry-pan dtain discharging to the sump. The waste pipe from the sump shall discharge ind'uectly to the sanitary waste system through a fixture that is trapped and vented (see Minnesota Rules, part 4715.1305). 2. A cleanout must be provided at or near the base of each soil or waste stack (see Minnesota Rules, part 4715.1000). South Meuo Drivers Exam Station, Project No. 02-TZ2824B Plumbing Plan No. 023793 Page 2 July 17, 2002 3. No full-size vent is shown on the submitted plans. A full-size vent stack (3-inch minimum) must be provided for every building (see Minnesota Rules, part 4715.2520, subpazt 1). This stack must be continuous in size from its base to its terminal and should be the most remote stack from the location where the building drain leaves the building. 4. The domestic dishwasher is not shown connecting to the drainage piping. Verify it discharges into the kitchen sink or into the inlet side of the kitchen sink P-trap (see Minnesota Rules, part 4715.1590, subpart 3). The dishwasher outlet must rise to a peak as high as possible beneath the counter before turning downward and connecting to the kitchen sink. 5. The site plan did not show the location of the new 8-inch water service piping. Therefore, you must verify that the buried water supply is installed in accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 4715.1710, subpart 2. 6. Water supply connections to fixtures or equipment which have submerged inlets, or inlets below the spill line of the fixture or equipment, must be provided with an air gap arrangement, approved backflow preventer or backflow preventer assembly as specified in Minnesota Rules, part 4715.2000 and part 4715.2010. This shal] include the two %z-inch potable water connections to the refrigerators. 7. The 3/4-inch temporary water supply to the trailer must be provided with an approved backflow preventer or backflow preventer assembly as specified in Minnesota Rules, part 4715.2110, subpart V. 8. The installation of reduced pressure zone backflow preventers is pemutted only when periodic testing is done by a trained bacld'low preventer tester acceptable to the administrative authority. Tesang intervals shall not exceed one year, and records must be kept. All devices must be tested after initial installation to assure that debris from the piping installation has not interfered with the functioning of the device. The devices shall be overhauled at least once every Five years. The installation of new backflow preventers must be at least 12 inches, but not more than 6 feet above the finished floor or ground level. This is in reference to [he RPZ connection to the chemical feeder system. 9. The plumbing system shall be tested in accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 4715.2820. NOTE(S): 1. The scope of this project consists of remodeling an existing building. Installauon includes a water heater, a service sink, a water cooler, a lunchroom sink, a dishwasher, and bathroom fixtures. An elevator sump pump will also be installed. 2. The building is served by existing municipal sewer and new water services. Authoriaation for construction in accordance with the approved plans may be withdrawn if construction is not undertaken within a period of two years. The fact that the plans have been approved does not necessarily mean that recommendations or requirements for change will not be made at some later time when changed conditions, addicional informarion, or advanced lmowledge make improvements necessary. S/4?lf'? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See msVUdans lor complehng this form on back oi yellcw copy @ 1 73g5`' "X" Below Work Covered by This Request °lk!6?'M, E9-00001-07 ? ?? ?;' /D 583 ew Add Rep TypeOfBmltling AppliancesWved EqwpmeniWirad Home Range Temporary Service ? Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. BuJdmg Dryer Other (Specity) omm./Industrial Furnace Farm Av Condilloner Dther?spacAy) ConUaclor9 Femarks Compu[e lnspechon Fee Below. # Other Fee # ServiceEntranceSrza Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool o to 200 Amps o to 100 Amps Translormers A6ove 200 _ Amps Above 100 Amps Signs Inspector5 Use Only TOTAL Irrigation eooms i UJ ? Special Inspeciion Alarm/Communication TF11S INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electncal Inspector, hereby Rouyn-in oate certify that the above inspection has been made F,nai o .? ?-f OFFICE USE ONLY Tn4l¢qI1B9t VOid 10 ro0(IlM16 h0111 ? /058? f TNIS INSPEGTIDN REQUEST W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 8V THE STATE BOAPD UNlE55 PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED Grlggs?MlEwey Bitlg - Room S-173 1811 llniversfty Ave.. SI. Feul. MN 55104 Plwne (612) 661-OB00 CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 r (7 <3 / DATE /•? 19 11ECEIVED L? AMOUNr ? CASH ,k CHECK 1w DOLLARS CAW-1 /ilf=/ FUND OBJEC7 AMOUNT U 3O J40 Sli ,2c? Thank You ?0 y aY No 95195 Web;??? ??, Pink-Fle Copy ? Minnesota State Board oT Electricity Griggs Midway 61dg. - Room N191 I 782"I University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104 - Phone 297•2111 ??6? ? i REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CH6CK BELOW WOAK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST EB-00001-02 73526 Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliances W'ved For Check Equipment Wired For Hnme ? ? ? Range ? 7emporary Wuing ? Duplex ? ? ? Watcx ? LtghtingFixtures ? Apt. Bldg. ? ? ? DrYer ? Electric Heating ? ? Cnmmexcial Bidg. 0 ? Fum Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. ? ?? A's diC Bulk Milk Tank ? Fa[m ? ? ? pLvc[ TS? List )} is Other 0 ? ? Here Hehe ) COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW Seevice Entrance Size: # Fee Feeders&Subfeede:s: # Fee Circuits: # Fee 0 to 100 Am s. 0 to 30 Am eres 0 to 30 Am eres ? 101 to 200 Amps. 31 to 100 Ampexes 31 to 100 Am eres Above 200^Amps. Above 100 Amps. A6ove 100 Amps. Transformers Remote Control Cim. Paxtial or other fee Signs Special Ins ection Mimmum fee $5.00 / Remaiks TOTAL FEE r i I, the Electncal Inspector, hereby certify that the il?ifrs_pection has 6een made. , (Rough-in) - Date (Final) Date - ?-szl i This request void - ?? i 18 months from 1 ! ? Thrs reqcest void 18 months from Date of is Request Fire No. ? Z???? I, as Licensed EI 'cal ntractor ? Owner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal wiring installed a: .. n I Street Address or Route No. Section Township _ Which is occupied byZ& Is a roughin inspection re uii Power Supplier??e_fvIWL Electrical Contractor XEMR'CK Ei.&C_TRTn x _""or's 1415'tyPERNOCK LANE Mailing Address a nr,> ., .. Authorized Signature SWE Will Call 9 No. _ No. This inspection request will not be accepted by Me State Board unless proper inspection fee is endosed. ? 4l ?i d9 4 6 / a Requesf Daie - -f ` Q. ` Fve a ough-In Inspeckmn Reqwretl I (YOU O call inspecto?hen reatly) InspecLOn OtherThan Fougp-? ? Ready Now ?Wdl Notlfy Inspector ? 1 ? Yes No Date Featly I? licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at Job Atltlress (SVCet, Box or Route No ) O ?' L? bl - R Qly rA64n7 .c ( d 3e eA64A) Secbon No Towns?ip Name or N. Range No County ? )/?,y0 L T"' • Occupant (PR WT) PnoneNO SiJ?u V? Pawer SuppLer Aatlress Elec[ncal Conlraotor (Company Name) Goniracror's License No L.nde?C ??-?r'%G CA O?o"? Mailing Atltlress (Gon[rac?tol,r or )Owne?ing Ins?allahon) ? L. il,J? f onzeV (GOntracrodOwner Making Installation) Phone ?b Number 27Z ? MI OE B HD OF ELECTRI CiTY THIS INSPFCTION f?EQUEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD Griggs-Mltlg. - Roam 5-128 Ave, SL Paul, MN SSIpV 1821 Universit II II I ?? I ?I I I ?? II II I I UNLE55 PROPER INSPEGTION FEE IS y o. ie.a?e nnnn ENCLOSED REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-oaooi-os Op See inatruatmns for compleLng Mis torm on beek of yellow copy ?A(a "X" Below Work Covered by This Request Ne Add Rep. Type of Building Home Appi ance`s Wired Range Eqwpment Wired Temporary Service ?uplex Water Heater Electnc Heanng Apt. Building Dryer Load Management Comm./IndusVial Furnace Other (Specify) Farm Air Condihoner Other(speoity) ConVadoPSRemarks ?elrtov+? =u-u'pk. 4 Compute fnspecLOn Fee Belaw. T? # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 Amps Above100 -Amps Signs Inspector's use Only TAL TO Irrigation Booms /? c? , ? Lv,ci•? Speaai Inspection 2 Alarm/Communicanon RE THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE O ONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, herehy a°°qn-'" oa?e certify Ihat ihe a6ove inspechon has been made. Finai , odo _g-7 OFFICE I/SE ONLY U44 ?j (? ? Tfiis ce:yuest vad 18 moniM trom O? Q (? lh? Ali 4 6 5 ?ss?s 9 ? Ae e5st0 e Fre No RouBh-in Inspecnon ^ei 3 Feq eGl ? 4 V p Reatly Now Will Notdy Inspector Yes L No y ft5n Raai I? licensed coniractor ? owner hereby request mspection of above electrical work at? JOD Address IStreet Box or Routa No, GUFF r?cefl City Seclmn No Township Name o? No qange No Counry Ocouoa (PRINTi ?OST PnoneNo? Powe, Sup0liar / Atltlres6 EIg?M1nca? Co?1?vac'1 r (G a Nampi q `'Zi EC Comrector's Licernse No . , (? f b O Adarb Adtl( mredor or Owner Making Installatiom , . ? l Fi.? Tw oa?+ S. 6 ? ar/F 4 111 HutM1oozea ig etirs onlr npwnnstallenoni PMOne Number 4 , .. . MINNE A STAT OAqO OF LECTRIQTY THIS INSPECTION PEOUEST WILL NOT ay BI - Roa 4]3 eE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Universi ve. , MN 55104 UNLE55 PROPER INSPEGTION FEE IS Phone(61Y)602 ENGIOSED REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPEC710N •st"?'•`?'aEsi ,, ? See insvudions br completmo this lorm on back ol yellow copy f i q fl ??,? ? cy ?7 "X" BelowWork Covered hv Thcc Ranura?t ?z .!V` ew Adtl Pep TypyotBudding AppliancesWired EqwpmeniWired Home Range Temporery Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt BuAdmg Oryer Other (Specify) Comm /IndusVial Furnace Farm Av Condihoner ONer rsyecify) Contredors Remarks Compute Inspecnon Fee Below # Othe, Fee p ServiceEntranceSize Fae # CvcmisiFeetlers Fee Swimming POOI 0 to 200 Amps O l0 140 Amps hansformers Signs Above 200 i Amps Above 100 T Amps Inspacmrs Use only p ' Irrigation 60 oms ? TAL SpeGal Inspection ? r Alarm/Communication TH1S INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED D7S O Other Fee NNEC7ED IF NOT COMPLETED WiTHIN 78 MO ? I, the Elecirical Inspector, hereby certify that the above mspection has R'°5n-'" 6 been made. Final ( 5ale` OFFICE USE ?NLY ? Thie request voitl 18 mon[hs Irom L ? +/ ,OFflCE USE pNLT This request wid 18 months from mlidation date primed T ? ? ?.?'" IIfIINIIINII??llllllllilllll illlllllllll?llll?i ?? ?? ?? -?9g ?% ? Y * 0 ?F 5 6 7 3 5 0* PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE 15 R t la Roagh-in mspechon requvedx ? yes Inspen:on Other Than Roagh In. ? Ready No Will Coll ,You musi coll ?he inspector when readyj oa e y 0 I licensed confmctor ? owner hereby request inspectian of the obove eledrica ork oY Z Jo6 Addreu (Snee1, Bow or ftate No.) Ciy ? - ? ' 'C) $ecM1OnNa Township Nome or 1Jo. Range No Fire N. Cauny r ?. Phane No. P. Svpplier Addreu ? Ei Carhocbr l mpon Name) c,?a ro? poense No Maskr Lic N. (%am EIec1 Omlyj oc?w w Owner P Ins anon) S?iSignrhu. I mvacio edorming Insmllmion Phone M. _,,oBY7TE BOANO COM - SEF INSfpUCTiDNS ON BACK OF VELLOW CO W 456-735 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 14 ? Minnesota State 8oard of Electricity = 1821 Universiry Ave., Rm. 5-128, St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone (612) 642-0800 me Duplez ApS. Bldg Other: New Addn Commeruol Industrial Farm Remod Re air ir Cond. Htg. Eqwp. Water Htr Load Mgml. Other: Dryer Ronge Elec. Heat Temp. Service "X" above fhe work covered by this requesl. Enter remarks in Ihis space and on the bnc f the whife copy ?anly. Caku(ole Inspecfion Fee - This fnspecfion Requesl will not be xcepled wfthouf the correcl ee: Other Pee # Service Entrance Size 1 Fee # Circuits/Feedere Fee Mobile Home Pork Stall 0 to 20. Amps 0 to 100 Amps Sbeet lfg./Troffic Sig A6ove 200_Am s A66?e,100-Amps Tmnsformer/Generotor INSPECTOR'S USE ONLV ? I TO?T ? Sign/Oufline Ltg. X(mr. '? ? Alarm/Remofe Conhol 11 2 Swimming Pool I here ?m t i m: th ni deuu6ed herei on the dme::toted .. Irrigation Boom i ll S pec a nspection F Invesfigafive Fee THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE O DERED DISCONNECTED IF ROY-COMPLETED WITHIN 18 M NT 4 76?0 01° Dlp - „ Zi >t aa is IB ? 9 SCALE v sa REYR10u OESCPIPTIOx O?TE r4???M xr ??rcnm? , CLr? tf?R M WWODU ??y FAGlW IU/ O { 1EO lOT K. uaratC?ttE LOT.GYt,? u0 PuuCG 10-]0-9C ?.. wuas?emrtsea.?. ?iw.Rirm?? P? s3?? C9MiMBrtO?i?ulVtlrtATCM aea?ive wwx DPoVERS LJCIENCE O(AM sunoN I OITION i0 EMISTING PAPI.IW LOi, FE11C1NG Q uW LAiE lttAilONS WV/ECN yv cw._ rrt ?m?u__ ' S 7 l" Nw1u?/?a-uwn ? ?o?n nuxlollfJl mw w py?,? ?YW . MI ? I.?NOOf f ?NOO?wuC.?xn ?(/.Tax wm           ë    ÿÿ þ ýüüûû     úþþÿÿ ûò þ ÿ Þ Þ  ùã ùåòÿ ÿù  ÿþýü û ú ùø  ù úùü û ÷ ö  ú ùø  ù õ  ùÿô õ  ùü û õþóþù ÿ ù÷þòý ò ÷þòý  ÿô ùùþòþ  ù  ÿ Þää  ãã þ   õ÷Þ îîæîîîäî  ùòí èçæçæ øú  ÿþùðù íå èçäçä  ÷ö ù õô ûû ùþòþ  ÿ óõ Þää  ãã ïêâ ñ   õ÷Þüùûù  ò ìîéîæîîîäîÿ þõ÷ ð ù ý ö  ððã ù ðûû ðð óùòùù  ù òû öðûûý ÿ  óõ ÿþ ï ó âù ç ûûê ùò ÿ þù þ  ÿ þù City of 1iiii 3830 P lot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: ( OPN Date Received: [ "" 30- 1 Staff: 2012 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION E Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial�"applications. Date: / 2 t7l 1. Site Address: 20`10 GI �-�-c R wk ) La9a,'1 Tenant: Ea O n tYIV6r'5 -.x601 Suit cin Suite #: PROPERTY OWNER �""nn Name:1SCLLl CU Cyy *1 kI n .9,I°0- (S Phone: (40'.5 i 3 Q(�- 3J -)`'r CONTRACTOR Name: an <Q.t License#: 61-- 1 &I,,11 _C(XR'r 1OtLLA'i f,tilecv Address: -1 V� Hi( 1Sb0(6 Av� Nelms MN X 26 City: State: Zip: Phone: 1.13-1-112,-58145 Email: a(yO F ) C ara.,k I a1anic0 060'1 TYPE OF WORK New Replacement Repair ✓ Rebuild Modify Space Work in R.O.W. _ _ Description of work: le arld re -1 t ti 1d 1 R 1Z PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL FEES: $60.00 Minimum (includes COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space Irrigation System (_ yes / no) ( ✓RPZ / PVB) _ e Rain sensors required on irrigation systems e Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to pickinq up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? Yes No Flushometers _Yes _No $5.00 State Surcharge) OR Contract Value $ x 1% Required *If the project = $ (et) , 0-0 Permit Fee on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems $ Radio Meter Read $ Meter(s) valuation is over $1 million, please call for the State Surcharge $ 5.00 State Surcharge* Following fees apply Contact the City's Engineering when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge 0 TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. efAppx Molt it l 6‘,4- Applicant's licant's Printed Name i,,,,„Lte Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: Date: Required Inspections: _Under Ground _Rough -In Air Test Gas Test Final PRV Required: _ Y Page 1 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA138763 Date Issued:09/20/2016 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 2070 Cliff Rd Lot:1 Block: 2 Addition: Section 31 PID:10-03100-02-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:One Window/Door Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 500.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $500 $40.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $500 $0.50 9001.2195 $40.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - State Of Mn 395 John Ireland Blvd St Paul MN 55155 (651) 361-7822 Window World Twin Cities 2211 11th Ave E, #130 N St. Paul MN 55109 (651) 770-5570 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature I ..ECEIVED DE C; 0 3 2019 For Office Use { � a e r I ` P:: e: .rEAGAN P Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 Staff: buildinginspections a..cityofeagan.com L 2019 COMMERCIAL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 12/03/2019 Site Address: 2070 Cliff Road Tenant: Eagan Exam Station Suite#: 12f Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components Name: State of MN-DOT Phone: Address/City/Zip: Applicant is: Owner ✓ Contractor Description of work: Remove existing fire alarm system. Install new system. 16,308.00 2-24-2020 ;� Construction Cost: Estimated Completion Date: Name: Integrated Fire & Security Inc. License#: TS001702 7180 Northland Circle Suite 138 Brooklyn Park Address: City: y State: MN Zip: 55428 Phone: (763)478-2058 Contact: Michael Karpesh Email: permits@ifs-mn.com ,..., —New Remodel _Addition Other: ✓ Alterations DESCRIPTION OF WORK: V Commercial Residential Educational FEES 16 308.00 Contract Value$ x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum =$ Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ 8.16 Surcharge* If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge 171.24 _$ TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeanan.com/subscribe. I hereby apply for a Fire Alarm permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x 41 le q e,et x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature rr sn��a'{ "E'EN ., _. ...:__ • tet ...