3882 Ballantrae Rd - Ltr 2009-07-16 re Decks
JUL-16-09 THU 01:17 PM PALANISAMI & ASSOC INC FAX NO. 7635339586 P, 01/04
,>ft?l~L> 3; 2. 009
Pia.'i i - $ t /,f
Mr. Sandro Bel-tial•di / Warren Ttrmbcrge
Sentinel Management C.'ornpan),
5215 Edina Industrial Blvd # 100
Edina MN 55439
IZ.t?i ; Srrengtheni g of F'.xte1•ior Wood Deck Eagan .w PAl job # 08128
This completion report is base; on the periodic field observat.ionns done by PAl: engineers RS.
l'andian, John Hareland during exterior decks strengthening work. (Refer attached report on the
observations, discussion had during the. work.)
As a final review of the completed work I mode field observations along with Warren
Zumberge of Sentinel Management and Martin Vietori$ of Martin Joseph Construction, The
maintenance personal prepared a list of units where t1.e newly poured filler patio slab had gap
at the juncture .of existing patio slab, The contractor agreed to install sealant over the gap- In
addition at two locations the newly poured filler patio slab will be replaced.
As of Jelly 10`h the, following wort: w'Fls Wort-(,onlpleted.
1) The Zile caulk oyei this tc~}rcd dry wail juncture with garage exterior wall,
2) The sealant over the wide gap hctwccn the filler slab and replacement of filler slab over two
Contractor had completed all work as per PAI direction except the above two items. Martin
informed the above two items would be completed by next week. Conti-actor's completed
work was structurally mice}uate for strengthening; putpose.
1'alanlsa~ni • r1.ssacs.fte,4, Ine.
AttacIunent, PA.I 1.ie•J.d Observation Report,
Copy to I. Mar.-Lin Victoris - Martin Joseph ConStt'I.ICtion, 2154 Hastings Avenue # 100,
Newport ?vFN 55055
2. Tom Miklya City Of 1;i au, 3830 Pilot Knob load Eagan MN.55122
('V. O2A11,`Okt2 .RSP- f3aflcnrh.; Ary:erth ,ui)
5661 Internatimal Parkvv y a MinnLopcits Mirynesota 65428 ' (763) 533-9403 • FAX
JUL-16-09 THU 01:18 PM PALANISAMI & ASSOC INC FAX NO. 7635339586 P. 02/04
June 18, 2009 ! 08 128
CONSULTING, ENGINEERS-, Additional Sport to Balconies T3allentre Apt.
5661 International Parkway OWNE__-__-
Minneapolis, MN 55428 COWIRACfOR Sentinel Manaaernent
(763) 633-9403 Fax (763) 533-9586
E-mail (eng~~palanisarni.eom) MElrtin Joseph I_)esign &
WC'n'tirt~a_ TEMP. °at AM
TO °at
.,.Sentinel Management _ P tr.5t R r PM
5215 Edina Industrial Blvd- 100..
1 ding M.N 55439
Ann: Sandre,13crrrardi/Wa> rpo Zmpbcrae;
April 21, 2009 Observation l;y RS.Pandian )'AT
I , Field Observation to verify the contractor's lay Request 1.
.2. Contractor had installed at 24 locations the scheduled reinforcements, Contractor had not installed the footing.
3. Approved the pay request for 60% for 24 loc,nticns.
April 30, 2009 No geld Obbserv etion Te]eleL) fionic discussion with Michael Pasch
1. Michael Pasch contacted me phone and explained the difficulty of excavation near the Garage wall to install the Post
and the Kicker front t.l-he Deck.. i--Ie wanted to move the. new post inside the garage wall. To discuss this and finalize the
revised detail it was decided to have a combined observation with Warren, Martin Joseph construction a meeting was
scheduled on May .V" ?009
Mm' 5, 2009 Okrseri,atioat iL,ka1.!tx tXt3re[arid (qI'1'A] Presnf: 11fielraelW]'asch ofMartin Joseph)
1. Dur_. to scheduling conflict Pa.ndian could not make field observation. In lieu of Pandian John Hareland Engineer from
PAI inct Michael at the job site and explored Ihe'possibility of shifting the Post at garage wall, It was decided to verify,
the wall condition after removing the sheet rock and finalize the detail subject to the approval by Sentinel Management.
2. Warren of Sentinel was informed for a combined meeting at job site for making the final decision.
M:r~I2, 2t~aR? G,)1 scrmli.icrn l;v„Jc Ifrt 1;X: rel.nclM of I?t!,J (I'resenfi: 1?'ticlr!e) Pasch of Martin Joseph)
I . Warren informed PAl any change should not increase the cost, John 1-larcland Engineer from PAl met Michael at the
job site. Michael exposed the garage wall. The new detail was discussed with Macheal and John Hareland sent the
revised detail to Martin Joseph. ( Refer Sheet S4)
2. Martin Joseph agreed to follow the revised detail without any additional cost.
3. The. copy of the revised detail was sent to the (:Pty.
h!f J 9,x(109 _No fie Id C )bser s,;itiorr 'C'c Ic~ylzotxi discussioni with Tom MikIva form City of Eagan
1. 'E'orn from city of EEagan contacted me and aske(l to fax the revised detail to be signed and sent to hire for approval
2. }'andian signed the sheet and s-ut the sheet to City
JUL-16-09 THU 01:19 PM PALANISAMI & ASSOC INC FAX NO. 7635339586 P. 03/04
1. Discussed with city inspector for footing installation.
a) The post load is small and hence the post could be off centered.
b) The lateral ties # 3 could be welded to the 3 - .4 vertical,
c) The, post footing shall be independent of (lie patio slab. The city inspector informed me that inspection was
scheduled for June 4e.'' 3:00 T'i\.^,
3uire 4, 20(}1 (~bscr~ afioai lif' 2 . X'f3rrcijai? of PAT I'rc:seat: Marty Victor-is & CrewMembers of Marin Jose gib
1, Field Obsorva.tion to verify the. footing pour for the 6x6 post along with the. city Inspector. However the city had
inspected earlier and footing pour was nearing completion. The top of sono tube form was at the bottom of patio slab.
'T'his should have raised to the top of patio slab. Ile-nee the 6x6 post could be 4" deep from the patio slab.
2. Marty informed me that Ccrnstonc Mix 3067 3000 psi was used.
,irrE?e 9 2009 Obsci tioi bi I S.. 1'nd.tiarrof PAI 2:00 I'M (Present: 'Warren Ziumberee of Sentinel, Mike from
J~~irir(:it~ .Torcfr
1. Warren from Sentinel contacted me and had a concern for the 2" thick 8" x18" wood gusset plate over the exterior wall.
In addition Sentinel had a concern on the wood framing finish with some gap between the members and blocking. Also
non-continuation of the blocking above the new post for full width of the deck.
2. Made filed observation to verify the franting and the wood gusset show up over the garage wall. Informed warren that at
this stage modifying the detail will be tough. The wood gusset would be a good moisture barrier.
3. Reviewed thr, new post connecting hardware t.o the sill plate at top and bottom; the wood gusset attachment to the new 3
2x6 post; the kicker connecting ha.rdwvsre.; and-the new face. mount hanger below deck.
4. It was necessary that some additional hardware will be required. The project Sup Michael Pasch was not at the job site.
Informed the crewmembcr Mike that ..Pandinn will come back on June i V" to finalize the additional hardware items
5. The 3 2x6 post (In lieu of the 6x6 post inside the garage wall) - Connected with one A35Z connector at top and
bottom. The. contractor had to add wood blocking rit the base, top and two in the middle.
a) The new 2x4 ledger was connected with A23Z at sonic corners only.
b) No /2" lag through bolts were used on the. kicker top
c) No
little 11, Zs7(Y9 Obser:>,ttiatl [ 4`~,.l~ar:F3r;irz of 1'A1 .I AN. fl'resent: Michael Pasch of Martin Joseph)
1. Had a meeting with Michael and the following wore decided?
a) The 3 - 2x6 post (In lieu of the. 6x6 pos7 inside the garage wall) - Connected with one L50Z connector at top and
. bot.torn. The contractor had to add wood blocking at the base, top and two in the middle
b) The Wood Gusset Plate; Will require 2 - through bolt or CJRK 3/8" x 8" Long Screws. The preferable will be
informed after verifying the she r values.
c) The Kicker._ Contractor had to add one I. 50Z and with 2 - 3/8" x 8" Long GRK screw (As the Kicker location was
near the edge of the Wood Gusset one I. 50z was possible.
d) If through bolt is to be installed it has to go through the flashing over the end joist. Hence contractor had provided
BC 6OZ-post top in lieu of the 2 through bolt as detailed. Contractor shall add one LSOZ to the kicker and the joist
e) Contractor had to install A2 3Z at all Four Corners oft.he new joist.. This shall apply to first floor and second floor.
2. Michael agreed to install all the it.,ove.
3. Michael informed me that the corner piece or the patio slab will be poured and expansion material is provided around
the wood post.
JUL-16-09 THU 01:20 PM PALANISAMI & ASSOC INC FAX NO. 7635339586 P. 04/04
,Tune :15, 2BO h?o field C)lss€ r v atic~it_l~rle li~~ti iIi~ cussiori r~ itli ~iclt~re! f',tsi;}i
Michael was informed that the prefe.ra.I,;te connecting material between the Wood gusset and the new post would be through
.Imkc 17.. 2009 b1 sev: .tiorL br~X~ Pp .xrcli~tr;! ofl'rLI 1 UU PMT l'est.rit: Michael Pasch of Martin Joseph)
1. Michael was nearing coniplet.ion of the wood blocking, inside the ~f
~r arrtge wall, at building 3811.
2. lie had installed tow GRK 3/8" x 8" long screws in addition to 4 (iRK screws (Two at the Kicker end and two at the 1,50
Z) and 6 - 3 %2" screws over the wood gusset. I)ue to partial loading from the deck this is adequate,
F E I t _p 0 i~ rr T
S1f1Nt'sD} Yr `j:~Y" r fc 1~~
Copy to:
1. Marty `'ieforis / Martin Joseph ~C Construction
2. Job File.
Q4;2005. tr Dcpt08128 -k3P-[takaure Apattrnrrx !Field Oii.; rvation 001 - 0o t R09j