720 Hackmore DrCITY OF EAGAN 10$ Q9 , 3830 Pilot Knob Rosd, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ` PHONE: 4548100 ? BUILDING PERMIT Reuipr # - To MaskeA faa SF .% r1ti1':TZ Esf. Velue ??' ?l ?()(? ?! r,,, p _%lil?US`' 21 1 Q i: ? Site Address ' 2 0 =U?C:I'."- °:1 c? E DR Lot r Block Sec/Sub. izi.??- Parcel No. W ? ? Ou u F Name ' ",CSS CONST - ---- ,. . TH C ity Name _ Address Phone Erect )kJ Occupency Remodel ? 2oning Repair ? Type of Const. ? Addition ? No. Stwies Move ? Lengtn 3 Demdish ? Oepth ; Int Impc ? Sq. Ft. Install ? Appeavah hes U ?' ` ' Asussmen t Permit •° - Water b Sew. Surcharqe 25- V O Police Plan Review 141.50 r_ - L n Name Fire SAC Q Address Enp. Water Conn. ' t n City Phone Plonner Water Meter I hereby ocknowledfls thot I how read this oi the informotion is eorrect ond ogree to cor Stote of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Ec Sipnotum of Pertnittee A Buildinq Permit Is Issued fo: oll work shall be donw in aCOOrdonoe with ol Buildirg Offidal Council Road UnR z '? U.0 U and stcte that Bldg. Off. `; 3 Tr. PI. ???o r) all applicable wntes APC Parks . Var. Date Copies Total on the exproaf candttlon tho+ le Stote of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eegon Ordinonces. Pormk No. Pormk Hddor Dob TeIsphons ?k rlun,nNw CC) 1 L; `?- 3-?? 5° 2 - c, vs - H.VA.C. eleav?c SoTtwor Irqpeetion Date Insp. Other Footinga I ?;? Z I Footings 11 Foundatfon Freming Roofing Rouqh Pibp. Rouyh Hty. Insul. Flreplaer Final Htg. Final weg. (J. Floal 72 -g?? Csrt/Occ. W?cribe Location: L DI*P. Reaipt ? MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN _ FN " Fill in numbered rpecss S/C Type or Pr/nr /egiWy Tot i / i 1. Date 2. Installetion Cost / 3. JobAddress Lot?Bik. Tract ??" ? . 4. Owner 5. Conusctor Phone 8. Address ? " -_ l ?' ; •? 7. City State 2ip 8. Building Type: Residential O Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New ? Add 0 Alter 11 Repair ? 1 10. Destxibe Fuel Type I 11. No. EqujpmCpi 8TU - M. Ea. Forpd Air No. Enuiament CFM Air Handling: Mfg. . Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mf9• Air Cond. Other Mfg, Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ' - for Rouqh Final Inspections: Date Insp. Oate Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Fill in numbered spaces Type or Prini legib/y Permit No. _ n Fee S/C Tot I 1. Date 2. Installation Cost I 3. Job Address ? LotBlk. Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor - Phone 6. Address 7. City State • ; Zip " - 8. Building Type: Residential 13 Commercial O Institutional O 9. Work Description: New O Add ? Alter ? Repair El I 10. Describe 1 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well Kitchen 5ink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ` - for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454,8100 r: CITY OF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MPi 55121 DATE: Zonir+0: No. of Un1ts: - f OYNtbr; C:CsCk-rl. ? Address: Site Add Plumber. I .,m te eemPy wilh K. ckq ef Gse. Orawewon. BY - Dcte of Insp.: c«??«? a?o.: AcoourM Deposit: Per?nit Fee: l, .. ?-`?. ??`? •, Surchorpe: ' ?.,A Miac. CFwroes: Total: Dote Pabd: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, A,iN 55121 DATE: Zoniny: - No. of Units: Owner, . j Add?eas: i Site llddren: ? - 9cc •I"E:9 D; ? Plumber: - ' Q Ci+:? "'' 4?9?3 ? Meter No.: Sirme - Readsr No.: 1s!m 1he oomoly wili N» ctry of Emmn Onomonaa. 8v - Dote of I nsp.: Conneetion Chmfle: Nccourn Deposit; _ Pertnit Fee: SurcFwrge: Mlac. CFwryges: Totol: . • Dote Poid: ITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT ' 0 Pilot Knob Road . O. Bor.. 21198 °PERMlT NQ.: agan, 11lIN 55121 , DATE: Zanlnp: _ No. of Unitsi I: I Awdd I Site Adt!?lss: - ? Plumber: Mstar N, Stu: 10? i 1 qm Iv aess* wiA !Iw City of Ggan ' Oaiw? By Dote of Inap.: e-5 Connection ChOrge: _. ., " . Acoount Depostt: _ ; . ?, . Permit Fee: Surcharye: Mlac. Charges: Total: . . , Date Paid: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN ??cjC, I 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 O l 5° 651-681-4675 C) / New Construction Reaulrements RemodeVRewir ReauiremeMS f • 3 registered site surveys slwwing sq. R. of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed ereas • 2 copies oi plan (20% mazimum lot coverage allowed) • 1 set of Energy CalculaUons for healed additions • 2 copies of plan showing beam & window saes; poured (ound tlesign, etc.) . 1 site survey for exterior additions & decks . 1 set of Energy Calcula6orts . Indicale'rf home served by septic system for addiCwns • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan'rf lot platted after 711/93 • Rim Joist Delall Options selectbn sheel (bldgs with 3 ar less uniGa) DATE b1 VALUATION -- JOBSITEADDRESS 700 W,.c,Krv,o-(P, Ur kam,,,,r, IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY TYPE OF WORK_ tQc,?-o'Cf '.', rp,moi'' FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 1_ 2 APPUCANT R.nS-YcA Lor-Y rv. r?; 0 Yl PHONE# 651- 11?%a -0c) ADDRESS PAGER # CODE 55 i 1:) PHONE# Co 5 I 'atl :? FAX# G51 -"Iqo ^1c1aS NE1V RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted _ MINNESOTA RULES 7672 New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: _ PlumUing System Includes: Mechanical Conhactor. Mechanical System Includes: Sewer/Water Contractor: _ Water Softener _ Water Heater No. of Baths Air Conditioning Heat Recovery System All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. -; Slgnature of Applicant Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Receive Not Required _ Updated 1101 Phone #: Lawn Sprinkler Fee: No. of R.I. Baths Phone # _ Phone # $90.00 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg O 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 Ot of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF O 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) O 36 Multi ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement "Demolitlon (Entire Bidg only) • Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bidgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) Footings (deck) Footings (addition) Foundarion Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Other Fr?B _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Siding Smcco Stone Insulation _ Windows (new/replacement) Approved By Buiiding Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total ?. Z?- FinaUC.O. _ _ FinaUNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition HAEG 1ST ADDN. Lot 4 Rlk_ Owner Street 720 Hackmore Drive 01 Improvement Date Aniourit Annuai Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF, 981 602.00 30.10 20 1/5/. -/O 07 /O'ffd'S STREET RES70R. 1981 25 5• dfl 12 • 75 20 / -?- . GRADING .s`f` e /O 70 7 / - e-b'S SAN SEW TRUNK -?f'- 1981 20 , a5 0 O SEWER LATERAL 1 4 5,5 a-50 C- 1O O WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL -7 530-O D ,39 , G -/O 70 /04- WATER AREA /,d S -/ a - -c?5 STORMSEWTRK 1986 123.20 5 1 7 6, 15,9 C-/07O U'?4S STORM SEW LAT 1 CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK , STREET LIGHT Road WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. 10849 ' sac 525.00 PARK 1 CITY OF EAGAN N2 3830 P?Y'ot Knoti Road, P.O. Box 21-799, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT keceipt # Te M wed fa SF DWG/GAR Est. Volue $50,000 pate AUGUST 21 SiteAddress 720 HACKMORE DR Lot 4_ Block 1 Sec/Sub. HAEG 1ST ADD Parcel No. Name BARSNESS CONST 2 Address 7614 165TH b City LAKEVILLE phone 431-1240 to Name SAME ?? Address " City Phone ?!!!s Name City Phone 1 hereby acknowledge thut I hove read this oppliconon ond state ihat fhe 7nbrmation Is correct and ogree ro tomplyyyth all applicnble Stote o4 Mmnesota StotuteLyqd"City qLJEagod4fdinances. Sipnotum of Pertniftee J BARSf A Building Permil is iuued to: all work sholl be done in accordo e all Buildinp Ofliciot 10849 85 Erect R7 occuvancv R3 Remodel ? 2oning RI Repair ? Type of Conat, V Addition ? No. Stories Move ? Length 3$ Demolish ? Depth 43 Int Impr. ? Sq. Ft. Install ? Approvelf iaes Assessment Permit $ 283: 00 WaterBSew. Surcharge 25.00 Police PlanReview 141.50 Fira SAC 525.00 Enq. WaterConn. 500.00 Plonner WaterMeter 63.00 Council Road Unit 280.00 BIdg.Off. $ I9/8S Tr.PI. 132.00 APC Parks Var. Date Copies rotal $1,949.50 [ON an the expreu condition Ihoi wfa Sfatutes ond City of Eoqan Ordinonces. This request voud 553?7 /? Rll" l?? 18 monchs from ° 0 O L??l ? 4 ?,, 2. Ren?est ate - ?? Fire No. Rouuh-in InsO r.bon P qarteA? ?Heatly Nuw??J?h'ill Noufv Inspoc- ???S e? ?NO Ib When Reatlv ? icensad Eleclncal ConVac[or I hereby requast inspectron of above ? Owner elechical work instailad at Street Add!r,ess. Boz or flaute No. ? I r Gty Zl7 (J , ?//•' ^^?Ce'?/ i .'i^/' ?iL??="?-?.. actwn o. 10wnshl0 Name or No. ange No. Counjry? L/!-r Z, k OccupantlPRINTI Phane No. Power $upPber ??-- Atldres?s! ? - i - Electnqal ConVacmr ICOmpa?nV Ndmel ., " ' ' o?ntractor's Lic/ense No. '??% / ?.f ! .? Maihng A Jress ICOnVactor or Owner Makmg Installavo)rY, // ? , / F ? ? 4'? .,F?? ? / /????? / ?' AuMonzed?ignamre ?Contractor Ow er aki B Installdtionl -- Phon N umber ?c ,/??!" i L/.' // ?'Pi? /G' ? i•- ' MINNESOTA STqTE BO/,YND OF ELECTRICITY ? THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT GriB9s-Mitlway Bldg. f Hoom N•791 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Umversity Ave., St. Peul, MN 56104 UNLESS PROPEfl INSPECTION FEE IS Phona (612) 28]-2ti1 ENCIOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ^/EB-,?/a00001-0-0 See instruetiona tor complehng this-farm on beck of yellow co v. ? FAR "w/w? 7R '"X'" Below Work-Covered by Thls Request v ? keV tl Nep. • TYUa o1 Bmltlmg AoPbences Wired EquiDment Wh,ed Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightin, Fixtures Apt. Building , Dryer Electnc HeaLn Commercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industnal Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm ONer oeci y Dther l5nocifyi ther, ueufy fher Other ComPUte lnsoection Fee Below N foe ServieeEntranceSae fl Fee feedars/5ubfeeAers d Fee Circwts -' 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s to 30 Am Above 200 qmn 31 to 100 qmps / s 31 to 100 A s Swimming Pool Above 700 Am s Above 100_AmVs Transtormers trngatio oms ? .Pdrtial'Other Fee Signs SUecial Inspection 5 TOTAL fEE? flemarks j / Foueh-m # ; Ispcoq hareby rUfy that the bove F.ndl r rt e has baen de. mis reQuest voitl 18 moniRS irom l , ///1 ? . _1 V 7985 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL COlITRACTORS NUST BE LICENSED WITH THE GITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: ?}?JG Valuation: -99uu?r- Date: ,?j y$5 Site Address: /?0 '?AGr?MOR£ ?? OFFICE USE ONLY Lot: -7 Block ? Sect/Sub ? E ?; ?Jce,,`eet }? Occupancy Remodel Parcel It Repair /? Enlarge Owner ?/7u/A,(J ??,Dl1j/Gff /"/?? Move Demolish Address Grade Zoning 2-( Type of Const ?7-- IF of Stories Length ?g Depth 43 Sq Ft City/Zip Code Phone Contractor Address 7? City/Zip Code Phone APPROVALS Assessments Permit 283 - Water/Sewer Surcharge 2 5,°= Police Plan Review Fire SAC 525.= Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter l93_°? Council Road Unit 2FO, °° Bldg Offe'-11-? Parks APC Treatment Pl Variance TOTAL g Arch.lEngr. Address City/2ip Code Phone 0 'LZx 3b = °`3Co ?-- 54- ` Zo ?,2 ' 2? : , 44 D n 11 - ,?SS l 44- q?'j jO 41?71 (54- TR i- LAND, CO. SURVEYIIV G SITE PLA!•d SERVICES EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 - ---?- - - T5tHACKM0RF_ DRIvE ? N S84°46'a5" W S \ a Ix?. 03 No yp I - -? l0 __?CALE: I"=30" ? I I ZL' , -, q I .: { ? . I _ 7 \02 W 0 HOUSE I V. Vl H ? N I o T M I o 38' z ? ? N r I I + i ? Q I 4 f !_ 1 i ; v J 5 ?-?-- ---- --1 io h !!S•37 ? Q ?p3 t S 89°46'OS" W CEG}CL MMPT lQN ? LOT y, _$LOCK--1 - I1AEG FJRSTJIQD1Tl9.N N0Ig:._yER1FY__ALL_fLQQA_.HEIGHTS WITH FIMAL HOUSE .PLAN.S_.. i riereby certify ttiat tnis survey, pdan or report was prepared by me or urider my direct supervisaon and tiiat 1 an a duly Registered Land Surueyor underl tiie Laws ot` the State o'r i'ISnneFoi:a. kEY : 104x00 DENOTES_EXl5T1NG SVOT ELEWTIDN (1QO.pO) _.DENQT,ES _PRDP95ED SPQT -.ELEYATIQN _Ic-' -.DENOF£5 DRAINAf+?.._Nt?F.GSlRN.,.---. J92•00 ._Q9,QP04E0 GANBGE_.FLA0.8_.El.EVATI0N --.-.PROPOS? (ZpppgEp D .FJl45T_.,Pl.QDR. E1.B![AZJ9N _Q gASeMENr FLooR ELFVATION 6radie F Srrerison P4n. Reg. No. 15235 Uate: aizlef COMMERCIAL BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS Gomponent Performance Approach BUILDING ADDRESS '"1 ER FpRM B 3/34 TE % ?D -,S 1-'" CONTRACTOR MINIMUM BUDGET l. .Total exposed wall area 2. Total roof/ceiling/averhang area 3. Total unheated flaor area (5- f Z sq.ft. X sq.ft. X sq.ft. X A. PROPOSED WALL SEGNENT a. Total wall window area b. Total door area c. Total sliding glass door area d. Total fireplace wall area -70 sq.ft. X "U" 4,? sq.ft. X "U" 7-? sq.ft. z "u'l sq.ft. X "U" .34 = v?3, 1T& ??`? = y/ 7h -o-- ? .c--? e. Total wall framing area (avg.15%) sq.ft. X "U" _2 6,Ig f. Total net wall area above floor /a Dv sq.ft. X "U" g. Total rim joist area Y6 sq.ft. X "U" n. Totat foun dation window area sq.ft. X "U" i. Total net foundation area above grade 30 sq.ft. 7( "U" *y7 = a- %s TOTAL /vrS? {If Item A is same as or less than Item #1, you have met the intent of Code B. PROPOSED ROOF/CEILING/OVERHANG SEGMENT j. Tatal skylight area -?--_sq.ft. X"U" k. Total roof/ceiling framing area ?sq.ft. X"U" (avg. 10%) t. Total net insu]ated roof/ceiling area sq.ft. X"U" m. Total overhang area 74 sq.ft. X"U" TOTAL (If Item 8 is same as or less than Item N2, you have met the intent of Code C. PROPOSED UNHEATED FLOOR SEGMENT n. Total unheated floor area sq.ft. X"U" _ TOTAL ;If Item C is same as or less than Item #3, you have met the intent of Code (continued on reverse side) nL iLnnniL uulWllIu CIYYCIVPC UC31UIV To utilize the total envelope system method, the values established by the sum of Items A, B, and C, shall not be greated than the sum of Items #1, 2, and 3. Item #1 + Item #2 + Item #3 = Item A + Item g + Item C = Based on Building Classification: Buildings other than Residential Buildings L 3 Stories Buildings other than Residential Buildings ?;P3 Stories CITY OF ROCHESTER, MN: Degree Days - 8277 Latitude - 44° North TABLE N0. 5-21 ELEMENT MODE YALUE Heating Uo = 0.233 3 stories or less Cooling OTTVw = 34.61 Cooling SF**= 131.50 Walls Heating Uo = 0.280 Over 3 stories Cooling OTTVw = 34.61 Cooling SF 131.50 Roof/Ceilin 2 Heating or cooling Uo = 0.06 g Cooling OTTUR = 8.5 Floors over unheated spades Heating or cooling Uo = 0.08 Heated3 slab on grade Heating or cooling R value =8.78 Unheated4 slab on grade Heating or cooling R value =6.48 FFar = soiar tactor 1 Values shall be determined by using the graphs (Figures Nos. 3,4,5,6, and 7) contained in Chapter 7(based on Standard R5-9) using heating degrees days as specified in Section 302. ZThe overall thermal transfer value OTTVR for roofs(?ceilings of buildings that are mechanically cooled shall not exceed 8.5 Btu/h ft.. 3There are no insulation requirements for heated slabs in locations having less than 500 heating degree days. 4There are no insulation requirements for unheated slabs in locations having less than 2500 heating degree days. *502.2.1.6 Foundation Walls. If floors are not insulated as required in Section 502, the basement or crawl space walls must be insulated. Either the thermal resistance (R) of the entire waTl must De not less than R-5, or the thermal resistance (R) of the wall must be not less than R-10 down to the design frost line. NOTE: Vapor barrier is a material to retard air 2nd water vapor passage with a maximum perm rating of 0.1 grain per haur per ft per inch Hg pressure differential. ? -- ,, ? C 2/84 d CITY Or EAGAN ? ,t?lu APPLICATIGN FOR PFR'r1IT SE1,1ER AND/OR WATER COiVVECTZON (PLEASE AFIHi) 1) PP.OF= ACDRrSS: L)_ d"l Ca C G? (Y11? a P ?? (Ij0tBlock/SL.:aivisicn or Ta:c rarcel L.D. N=mer) ' IF -'_=:G SIT-i:=m; , D.aTE Oz' QiZTG.i:Tr.i, uiI7?^.1^.:G _-':iT ISS??tC:: P??.??:? ..^:.i. ?.Ci.`C? ? 0'(R-1 S= F;!=y ?=-' _- -_- • CI R-2 CU:= ("_'.•:J L^'.ITS) ? R-3 2C:,ti?:^*?S: + L":i^S) ! W. =^S) ? r-? [hc:..=:!`^•"^/CV_?,:.tn;r?,j ? Uiii:S) ? CCi•2-ffRC _.7./.^ti-.^y^uI.?C: ? ??cusr? i ? Z) APPT7i:`7T (PLEADE 7RI;if) IS?'•?' -c) Y? 3 A \ J ?Ci1 Q L)P AD??.?'?.CJ: _ C.y.._.?_rr S71i=? PEKD`E : J 3) Fu:.a^R NA"`'= ?PLEd?E rRlYi) FOR CITY USE 04LY , i.ss: PLUN.9E ICEYSE: A ti CITY, ST?.^_'F.', ZSP: o (?.y-`z c ve Expired PfiMM: PLUNBER LILEYSE N??, Not f Record ' a ,ni;tal 41 I?1'e,t•tE: S ??-?F aDnRFEs: CT'='Y, ST?TE, ZIP: J??E ?'Yt ° c2 trl PF:C? E : 5) ZNBiC1.ir. :;liZCH PEP.'•1IT IS BEING REQUESTI77: ? CC::?IEC;SON 'IO CITY SEYiER ? CC:"N=IC,I 'IO CITY UATEt ? U;HFR (PLF1'1SE DF.SC2IBE) ?..u:?... ?:...,: - ?PT-=.`SE E?OID APPP,= pgZti+ST FOR PIac-Gp BY O;IE OF RB= D n:Z;SE :,7UL APPRpVFD =•LIT TJ 1. 2. Z) 4 FXME I-D (C'v-cle cne) n? • Li 7) sica?.n:: 6) oazE: ??A'rl.M!!A1llp Al?JTftf?! iAP??ii? 1? irFiii.aa! ?!!_lT???Ff f? lY6tis?y F O R I T Y U S E O N L Y P=?ttl- u rSSli°D rcrs: $ $ S JF'? z.a S $ S S $ g="•=? n?l•.?T' I?;,^'-'J, i•or._,-,.. \ r..r _ _ I ? _... r. .J...,?_..._;J:./ W -T?.^-. PE3"tT_T {I::C?;;DE Si;aC::yRGc) < , .J?.? Fka=R METER/COPFE:;i?OcZN/CGTS:'JE iZ ;A^uER Sti.-1TER TAP C0R?OaATIOM S':'0?) 5_E:;'cR T.A? r'+C^,^,J::T DE°C'SIT - ?i= Lvni. S:.C y..,,. I{ (•7ATz'R AS:._......_.._ T3i:?.N SE:CE3 ycc.?-,,, ..c.._-•...c..r.•.-._1 LAi ::-:?L bL.•.LLITIT.-..l::? 5?...... L3LNG: ?./m-"U.':Y ?dATER TREATHM PLAXT SLRCI:ARGE OTHER: TCT?.L a?!.:;Nm Pa1? ?R? - - 1 . _`.?:? r. DOES UTS;,ITY C0..2IEC:ION REQUZP.E EKC:.VaTION Z.7 PUB;7;C RZGHT OF WAY? L Y°5 ZF YES, TH::: n"PERMIT FOR b7Q='K WIT:?-- N PUBLIC ROADSv.-lY" MUST BE ISSGE= BY TEE NO EDIGZ;VEERING DIVISION. LZST I,5 rl CONDI- TZON. • SCH.7ECT TO TFiE FOLLOWI:IG CONDITIC?:S: APPROVED BY: TI :':,E : DAT_° : . / VETERANS AD STRATIDN, U.S.O.A. FARMEqS HOME ADMINIe kTION, AND . U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT . HOUSING - FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER ' For accurete cegister of carbon copies, form may be separated along a6ove fold. Staple completed sheets together in original order. ? Proposed Construction DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS No. - (To be inserted by HUD, VA or Fmf1A) p Under Construdion , ? . Properfy address Cify State Mortgagor or Sponsor Confractor or Builder (Namr) (Addms) " INSTRUCTIONS 1. For etltlitianal Informatlon on how thl¢lorm Is to ba submittetl, numbar requlred,- }flen tho minimum accaptabla will W eecumetl. Work exceetlinp of eoples, eic., sea tha InsSruetions epplicabla to Me HUO Applicatfon for minimum requlrements cannot be considered uniess eclflcelly tleacribed. ? Mortpege Insurenea, VA Reauest tor Decerminetion of Reasonable Value, or 4. Include no elternetea, "or equel" phresas, or onttadietary Itams. FmHA Property Informatlon antl Approlsal Report,-as the caze may be, (COnslderatlon of a requeat for acceptance of s4bsHmte meterlels br equlp- 2. Dexribe ell materials and equipment m be used, wha<her or not ahown ment Is nat thareby precluded.) on the drawings, by merkinB en X in each appropriata chack-box antl entering 5. Inclutle signetures required et the entl of this form. tha information ealled for eaeh spaee. If space is inadaQUate, entar "See mise:" 6. TYe eonstructlon shall be completed in eomplianee wlTh the reletetl antl describe under item 27 or on en attechaG sheet. THE USE OF PAINT drewings and speciflcetions, as amentletl tluring proeessing. The speclflcetions CONTAINING MORE THAN THE PERCENTAGE OF LEAD BV WEIGHT inclutle this Oescriptlan of Materlals entl the epplicable Minimum Proparty PEqMITTEO BV LAW IS PRqH181TED. Stendards, 3. Work not epecificelly tlettribed or shown wlll not ba caneiEeratl unleas 1. EXCAVATION: BWring wil, type clay 2. FOUNDATIONS: Redi-Mix ' 2500 ' Footings: concrcte miz ; strcngtfi \ Reinforcing psi Foundation wall: matenal concre 0 O \Reinforcing Interior foundauon wall: material Pany foundation wall Columne: matcrial and sius Picn: material and rcinfurcing ? Girdera: maicrial and sizn S 0 e 0$i11 '' S U - Wa "Sills: 'malmal ` Basement entrance arcaway \Yindow arcaways , ?Vacerproofing aspha w po 37 Fooling draim rain i e: Termite protecuon Bascmendeaa spaee: ground cover ; in,ul a[ion : foundation venu _ Special foundatiom ,. ? ., . . , _ , . ? . AAdifional information: 3. CHIMNEYS: Matrrial Prefabricaled (mn/,r ond mg) Flue lining: mat<rial Heater flue eize Fireplace flu< siu Vems (maleriol and tiiej: gaa or al heater ; waler heater Addiuonal in(ortnalion: 4. FIREPLACES: Type: ? solid fuel; 0 gaf-burning; Q tirculator (makt and iiu) Ash dump and dunout Firrplace: (acing lining ; hearth ; mantel Addiliorml informaiion: S. EXTERIOR WALLS: 16"o,c;. . ?-= 2x6 doors&win. , Wood Game: wwd, adc, and s cies x lt-rig b ? Corner 6racing. Building pzper or fe4 ui Shealhin ; thickness width maSOnlt ? OrZ ;? sp iaQ epaced "p. c.; 0 diagona ? - n???- ?_ l? , rype , ; grade Siding ; ezposu faslening ; size e $hingln ; gradt ; jype ; size ; exposure Grtening ? Stucco . . , - . ; thickneas _?•,; Iach weighl . 16. Mawery veneer Sills Lintdi ? Bau flashing ' Masonry: ? aolid ? faced ? etuccoed; toul wall thicknrn '; tacing thi<knas facing material Backup malerial ; thicknem °; bonding Door sills Oak Window sills Plne Lintela Baae flaahing Imerior surCaces: damppraofing, coals of ;(urring Additional information: Extcriur painting: material exterior 8t,2X ; number of coala Gable wall mns[ructian: ? sam< as mam walb; E] othcr conslruction 6. FLOOR FRAMING: "' 16 lO 2X1O COT13t ]. fgh l d d i i .C, ix3 8 ' anehors2 brid in ,, cts: wow , gra e, an Jo spxc es ; g g 4-' 1 Concrcte sla6: t basrment Pwr, ? firsl floor; 11 ground suppor[<d; ? sdGaupporting; miz 3000 ; thicknas rcin(orcing, inaulation ; membranC RII under alab:matrrial' Sand thickness ? Additional in(ormation: - 7. SUBPLOORING: (Describe underfl94rin? for special Roors under item 21.) AtalcriaL grad< and apcoes &P> oxboard , i,i,4X8 _tYpe BXt. Laid: ff Frst floor; ? second Hoor;"? attic ' sy. fi.; b dagonal; ? right angla. Addiiional informatiom 8. flNISH FIOORING: (Wood only. Describe ofher finish flooring under ifem 21.) LOC.TIOX ROONS GR,DL StECIFS TNICItVE55 WtDTH BLDG. P.QEP FIYI511 Fmt floor Second Floor Auic floor s(i. fi. Additimal informatinn: HUD-9200516-79) ? QESCRVION Of MATERIAl.S VA I m111711 11110 Foim I:mHA 424-2 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS 9. PARi1TION FRAMING: Studs: wood, grade, and specin COt1S'C. 2XX?1 ].(>?? O C, aize and apacing . Other Addnional informa[ion: 10. CEILING FRAMING: Joisb: waod, grad<, and apecies COY1S'1', f lt' f'.T'USS Dther Bridging Additional infartnation: 11. ROOF FR/?MING: Raftcn: wood, 8rade, and sPMm s C011St, fir t,TU3SBS 2?F" O , C , Roo( vussa (see detail): grade and specics Additional information: 12. ROOFIN ? - ??: ? 'r 1cdx dePa group 1_nxboard Sheathing: ?'gia , and specin2 ;E] wlid; 0 apacedo.c. Roofing ?i"eTg1333 - ; grade -; size .?y? e sea Underlay e S ; weight or dhickness ; size ; fastening ap es ' Built-up roofing I i number of plies ; iur(aung material .? Flaahing: material c or wagh` .. S 2T' er S Elj?? OO?s?? 8Qg ?? Sravel siopa; 0 snow guarda Addi[ianal information: 0 13. GUiTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS: CWters: mataial ' -' .• ? ) . ' ;,gage or wcight ; size ; sha Pe Downspouts: material ; gage or weight ; size ; ahape ; number Dwvnspouu connrcted to: 0 Storm sewer, Q sanitary sewer; ? dry-well. 0 Splash blxks: mattrial and size Additional infuririatiom f 14. U?TH AND PLASTER L.aih ? walla, 0 ceilingr material ; weight or thickneu Plaster. coan _; finish Dry-wall d walis, If ce;rng,: ma,«;,igypsum board ; ,h;ckmiW & p-,Jointtrcatmem t3DeC? With'? 1'?'^'s?a?'1S smooth ce?ling tex ; __ . mud c6ats 15. DECORATING: (Paint, wallpcper, eh.) ROON9 ?? J _ WALL FIHISH MATLRIIL ANO AYV4GTION CLILING FINISH MAT[RIw1, A-D APYLIC.TION I Kitchen 2 coats ,was ableGlatex textured , Bath it n Olhrr to u npartional Worma[ion 16. INTERIOR DOORS AND TRIM: Doorr type_ f7llCh }1011 OW OPP ; material Oflk : thicknesvl 3f8 Door trim: typc_T1T`1nCP.tOri ; material0 3}C ? ??: IYP? ; matcrial oak si? ? Finu6: doors C'?;ai p gl p` vay?n ; 3 n „h ; trim Bam.e Other Irim (umi, rypr onJ lomhon) - Additional information: ». wwoows: Windowr typt r.aCpmont ; makeSeM GO ; mamrialWOOd ; sash Ihi<knesl 1f$ Clasa: qraJe A ; Q saah weighls; [I balances, type ; head Oashing IDe .''1I Trim: Iype CZflCl WOOd ; material Paint ; numbcr coaca Weatheratripping: typcYr1Ct1021 ; material V1YlYl Siorm sash number SCrftN: E] fUll( Q hdlf; ff'PG , number ; screen cloth materal a1llID. ' Basemenl windows: t?pe ; m 1 i i ' aterial ; xrans, number ; Storm sash, number d saciai winaows S a a io door w screen Additional in(urmation: 18. ENTRANCES AND EXTERIOR DEfA1L: Main enirance door: material" '$'t>e@l' ; ; width 3611 thickness ?_???4 Frame: material F1171@ ihickneg? r /,' J J " Other cntrance doon: material '-3tee1 ? 3/4 . ; width 32„ ? thiskheasi Frame: material 131Y10 ; (hicknessr/'' Hesd flazhing metal Wealherstripping: type ID3g, V1IIy1 ; saddles Screen doon: thicknesi num6er ; urxn dolh material Storm Joors: thickness _"; numlxr Com6inalion siorm and scrcrn dmn: lhickness _ "; numher__; screen cbth materul Shuttert: ? hingtA; ? fixed. Railings , Atuc louven Ecterior millwork: gradc anJ speaes Paint ; numbcr coals Additianal information: 19. CABINETS AND INTERIOP. DEfAIL: Kilchen tabineb, wall unib: material Oak ; lineal @et ot shelves18 1_; shelf wid(h1 1 a..c unit:: material O'd}C _ ; tounter top eaging formi ca Batk and end eplath Formica Finish or cabineu factory Medicine ubin<ts: makr ; nu,„n« coats , model Other rahinets and bwit-infumiwrtVanifi.y W/G marbl a op - plate glase mi 1^rnr Additional informalion: 20. STAIRS: Sr??x TR!\W AISE0.] SiiIN4! IIAVU0.i1L BLLI:STEk3 Mahnal Thickneu Maurial '1'hickneu Maierial Siu 1.1a?rrul Sitt Alao-rial Size Batement arti al 1 ine 4 fir 2x12 fir Main board " oak o k n?ac uiaappcanng: make aml modrl numbcr Additional information: _ 2 \ 41. SPECIAI FLOORS AND WAINSCOT: n«,..;tio „. r;?ePa in Carliliail Prndurle n;.aPr,,.,,i I?('wT10M MATtR1AL? C/JLOR? BOIID[l? SIilJ? GAGL? EIC. TNtPSNOLD MnnxuL WALL BKO MnTCRuL UNDE0.PLOOt MAI'ERPL g Kitchen sheet oods FHA a roved oak 8 satn w all ot er Car etedFHA a roved " LocArton MnrzauL, Cowa, Bowu, GP. Srsa, GAee, ETC. }fewxr Huc xr OVBR TU! Hucxr tn Sxow?a3 (FPOM FLDO0.) ? Bath 3 Bathroom acusaories: Q Reeaaed; malerial ; number ; QAttachcd; material ; number _ Additional information: zs. KuMeiNC: FI%NRL NUYut IOC,,TON MM6 MM b FI%lUR[ IOENlIiIGTON NO. SIZL C?LOt Sink Lavewr y Waeer elwet Bathtub Shower ovet lub'? Stall ahower& i.sundry tray? ? .: . _ .? , .. . _ . A? Curtain r}o?d A ? Door ? Shower pan: material - Water tupply: L] pu6lic; Q community syrtem; Q individusl (priva[c) system.* Sewase dispowl: [kpuWic; 0 community sptem; ?'individusl (priva[e) system.* *SAm ond dambe indiuidual ryikm in rampkte dtlai[ in nparals Mau+ingr and rPetificolioru a[mrding !o nquinmtrtlr. Houw dnin (imide): ? qrt iron; ? tile; 0 other nli_n House sewer (ouuide): Q cast iron; Q tilr, Q ahtt Waiet piping: ? galvanizcd steel; f[] copptr wbing; ? other Sill cocha, num6er2- Domolic waler hrater. type g a g : make and modei ; hwting capaciry gph. 100' riu. Swrage unk: material ; wpuiry J4 e galloro.. , Cu ofervice:rj utiliry companY; ? liq. pet. gas; ? other Gas piping: Q cooking; O house hwting. ? Footing dnins wrmected to: 0 atorm aewer; [] sanimry xwer; 0 dry well. Sump pump; make and modcl ; capacity ; discharges in[o 23. FIEATING: ? Hot water. ? Steam. ? Vapor. ? One-pipe system, ? Two-pipe aystem. ? Radiaton. C) Convectnn. ? 8aseboard radiation. Malee and model Radianl panel: ? flaor; ? wall; ? ceiling. Panel coil; material ? Circulator. ? Return pump. Make and model ;mPacitY BPr^- Boiler: makc and model Output Btuh.; net rating Bmh. Additional in(ormation: Warm sir- 0 Graviry. (M Forced. Type of system Duct material: supply qhP.P.t mP.tAlrcturnqhP(?t mPtal [nsula[ronnoYyp , thickncse 0 Ouuide air in[alce. Fumace: make and model Input75y_p.ppu-BCUh; output Bmh.. Addironal in(ormaiion: 0 Space heattt; Q floor fumace; Q wall hwter. Input Btuh.; output Btuh.; num6er uniu Make, model Additional information: Connols: make and types AAdIl1ONI inWrtnatian: l ^+ronic ignition Fuel: ? Cod; Q oil; 0 Bas; 0 L'4• pet• gar, ? elxtric; 0 oiher : swrage capacity , Additioml informatim: Fitin6 equipment fumished wpantely: 0 Gas 6urner, wnvmion type. ? Stokcr. hopper feed Q; 6in feed ? Oil bumcr. 0 prneurt atomizing; ? vaporizing Make and modd Control Additional information: Eleclric heating aystem: type Input waus; Q volts; output Stuh. Additiona: infmmation: Vrntilating equipmena attie fan, make and model c"PecitY °f'^• .' ' ki[chm ezhaun fan, make and model Othcr heating, veniilating. or caoling equipment 24. ELECTRIC WIRING: Service: ? overhwJ; EJ underground. Panel: Q fuu box; E circuit-breaker, make AMPZ?Q_No.eircuitt_ Wiring: ? conduit Q armorecl n61r, [7g nonmetallit cable; ? knob and m6e; 0 othtt Special owlels: g] range;)] water heater; D oiher M Door6ell. ? Chimo. Puak-bution IocationsfrOtlt dOOY' Addnional information: 220 volt range & drver outlets- 25. LIGHTING FIXTURES: Total number o( fixtura 12 Toul allowance (or fizeures, lypical inataltation, 54?0. o? Nontypital installation Addiuonal information: 3 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS 26. INSULATION: • LOLATbN THIC(Nt1{ MnTUUy 7Yre. Ann A(arHOO .11 INETA?TOM VA1011 BA}R[C{ Roof Ge;i;,,g ' - wau " blown cellulose' R-44 fiber lass Rl 4millpniy Floor 27. MISCEILANE0U5: (Describa ony main dwelling materials, equipmanl, or conshucfion ifemi nof shown elsewhere; or use to provide addifional informofion wherV¢el??,?8Wded was inadeqvats. Alwyi refarenca by ifam number to correspond to numbering uted on ?his form.) HARDWARE: (moke, moterial, and finish./ SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: (Sfafe maferiol w moks, model and quantify. Include only squipmsnf and appliances which are accepf- able by local law, cusiom and applicobls fHA i?andards. Do not include items which, 6y esfab?ished custom, ore iuppliad by xcupant and removad whsn he vacater promissr w chaHles prohibifed by low from 6ecoming reoHy.) PORCHES: TERRACES: - GARAGES: _ attache garage wi h x7 o,h, oor WALKS AND DR11lFti1MAYS:. f Driveway: width Ib ; baw matcriaFrushed T'OC?hick (° gS glt q" .. ?as surfacing material P ; [hic4ncW Fmnt wal4; widhh ; matcrial ; thic121, i_". Ser?ice walk: widhh ; mAtcrial ; thickneu__ Stepc matcrial concrete ; ": riien 72 . Cheek walli 7 OTMER ONSIfE IMPROVEMENTS: (Spenjy af( rxtnior artrite improuemrntr rto1 dr.rniM1eAe!ltwhnt, indudins ilems turh ni unurual a.nAirts, draina;e shu<(uaf, rr(oinirt6 u;u(!t, Je?rtn, mileng.r, and cettadry Nruduiet.) . . .. UINDSCAPING. KpNTINO, AND FIhISH GRADINO: Topaoil " chick: ? Gont ysrd: ? side yards; Q roar Yard a ket 6chind main buifding. Lawns (.rrcQr,f, roddrd, or ipnggeA): Q Gont yard ; 0 side yards : Q rcar yard_ Planting: 0 sa fprcifitd and shown on drawings; [] ef fdlowa: . Shade trcn, dttiduous, ° caliper. Low flowrring trees, dtciduou? ' to_ High.growing shrubs, deciduom. ' to Evergrcen trees. ' to '. B& B: Evergrcen shruM. ' w B& B. Vinu, 7-ypr Malium-growing shrubs, deciduous, to_, ' Low•growing ahrubs, deciduous, IDENTItICAT10N; '('hjS uhibet shall be ideutified by tht signatum of the builder, or qmeor, and/or the propwed mortgagor if the latter u known at t6e time of applieation. ' ' Signamrc HUD-92005 VA Form 26-1852 Form FmHA 424-2 16-791 . . . . .. .: '? ? , _i PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA142063 Date Issued:04/13/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 720 Hackmore Dr Lot:4 Block: 1 Addition: Haeg First PID:10-31750-01-040 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Ericka R Chino 720 Hackmore Dr Eagan MN 55123 New Windows For America 2123 Old Hwy 8 NW St. Paul MN 55112 (651) 203-0149 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA146983 Date Issued:11/29/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 720 Hackmore Dr Lot:4 Block: 1 Addition: Haeg First PID:10-31750-01-040 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Ericka R Chino 720 Hackmore Dr Eagan MN 55123 New Windows For America 2123 Old Hwy 8 NW St. Paul MN 55112 (651) 203-0149 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA148122 Date Issued:03/07/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 720 Hackmore Dr Lot:4 Block: 1 Addition: Haeg First PID:10-31750-01-040 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Ericka R Chino 720 Hackmore Dr Eagan MN 55123 (651) 500-3758 Hoffman Weber Construction Inc 3515 48th Ave N Brooklyn Center MN 55429 (866) 970-1133 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature