4561 Hay Lake Rd SP"4r? SEWER & WATER PERMIT CITY OF EAQAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55 1 22-1 897 DATE OCT 10. 1941 METER #.ZYU /(' /,L PERMIT DATE 10 / i S/41 CHIP #??? ?? ? ? X_ PERMIT # 12344 METER SIZE B.P. RECEIPT # C 15744 ISSUE DATE I I J l B.P. RECEIPT DATE 10115 /91 _ PRV -BOOSTER PUMP SfTE ADDRESS . t+561 S HAY LAKE RD LOT 7 BLOCK 2 SEC/SUB QVERHILL FAftli 1?S7'_ APPLICANT: ADDRESS:_ CITY, STATE ZIP ' PHONE: PLUMBER: REGENCY PLUMBII4C ADDRESS: 320 FRONT AVE CITY, STATE ST PAUL i?i Zip 55117 PHONE: 489-7344 OWNER: $EASONAL BUILDERS IAFC ADDRESS: 4580 SCOTT TR STE 212 CITY, STATE FAGI0.N MN Zip 55122 PHONE: `a 54'-597 i PERMIT REQUESTED h SEWER X WATER ? TAPS COMMIIND X- RESIDENTIAL X NEW - EXISTING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Do?nestic Meters on Water Line. Credtt;WILL OT be given for Deduct Meters. C t i 1 AGREEIO COMPLY WITH C17Y OF PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTIDNS. FOR STORM SEWER PEfiMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition OVERHILL FARM 1ST ADDN Lot 7 e1k- Owner &/????+ _ Street 4561-63 S. Hay Lake Road 10-56150-070-02 State Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. j 310.74 15,54 70 STREET RESTOR. 1$ 3913 33 782.67 S GRADING 1 2134-89 426-97 5 SAN SEW TRUNK 575 19$1 359.28 17.96 2 862SEWER LATERAL 6637.04 132 %.40 Is; ? ZSAN SEW TRK LAT BEN 196 !,l+9.01 29.9 15 WATERMAIN WATERLATERAL 573 19$1 172.42 8.62 2 WATER AREA 1981 359.2$ 17.96 Z STORMSEWTRK J 1984 861.89 57.46 15 STORM SEW LAT - rr 13 1984 154. g3 10.32 15 r CURB & GUTTER y SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN, BUILDING PER. SAC PARK CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knvb Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT SUBTYPE: PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: UF `•;i Klf't1UN ftll f I I? 1 N1i 0.'?.,,•,=? If i•I ItA'. 1 rNf nNIY) INSPECTION .A . D. ? L -1 ? ?¦ Pwnk No. Parmft Holder Date TNophone t ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspsetlon Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYPBOARD FlREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST .? FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST 8LDC3 FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FINAL ? 4 !? •_'s? ? i.... . . ?,: ! , _ F ? r Ttf#iticate of (Orr?paury - ? of (Eagart EPprbnnlt Qf W1ttldtltg JltoppttiUlt Tkis C.atifraate issued pursuarrl to 11u requiremeirtr oJSeciW 306 of !he Uniform Building C.ode certif*g lhat at tJte time ojrssuana thisstruclure xws in tampliance ivith the various orrlinawes of the CYty re8ukft buMA8 consruction or use For !!u jollowing. the cb=X=fM SF D{,TG/GAR M* Rxmk Nm 19789 x-3 M-1 R-1 ?---^--_ V-N DECEMBER 19, 1991 .. ., _ ? ..,.,._ . POST IN A COtJSPICUOUS PUCE , j 3830 Pilot Knob BUILDING PERMIT To be used for SF Est. V P Site Address 45 Lot - 7. Block 2_ Sec/Sub. OVEIR Parcel No. W Name S_wanWA _?Ilt??r tc iE o Address + :ITY OF EAGAN ad, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PFiONE: 454-81 QO Receipt # 91,000 ,,,,.,, fv"r I r Name ?g Address ti ?e that I have read this application and state that Ihe ?s1 and agree to comply with all applicable Slate of and City of Eegan Ordininces. :onaiuon tnat an work shau be done in accordance with alt of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. --- - , i ??7 ?'A OFFICE USE ONLY ? Occupancy B-3 1?--1 FE ES Zoning R-i V N ? 5?? 0 (Actual) Const Bldg. Permit . 0 (Altowable) V-x 45 50 Surcharge , ? ol Stories Length Plan Review 389•00 Depm A&I SAC. City too.? S.F. Total - SAC, MCWCC 650•? S.F. Footprinis - Qn 5ite sewage _ water Conn 660•00 On 5ite Well - Water Metar 93•00 MWCCSystem X 3o oo C+ty Water ct. Qeposit Ac • PRV Required - S/W Permit 30•? Booster Pump - S!W Surcharge • ? ?• TreatmentPl 275.OG APFROVALS Road Unit 370100 Planner _ Park Ded. Council ^ ? BIdg.Off. _ Copies ? Variance - TOTAI 3,245.00 ? 5 Permit No. Permit Halder Date Telephone # WATER 1S 9 3EWER PLUMBING ? cS19 lf - ? H.V.A.C. 51t7 EIECTRIC LW`JI i? ? Inspeation Date Insp. Commems Footings I Foundation Framing W ?2!e2? Roo(ing Rough PIb9. 41 Rough Htg. Isul. ?? aa 9? D S 11-2)- Fireplace y Final Htg. l/ -? r Orstat Test Final Plbg. . Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Const. Mater Engr./Plan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Dedc Fnal wen Pr. Disp. r !? RESIDENTIAL BUILDiNG PERMIT APPLICATION arr oF eacEw U 0601 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 OQ 651-681-4675 NewConslruetionRenuirements RemodeBRaoairReauirements q'6 oI • 3 registered site surveys showirg sq, fl. of l06 sq. ft. of twuse; and ?II raafed areas • 2 copies of plan ? (20% mazimum lot coverage allowed) . t set of Energy Calalatians far healed additbns • 2 copies of plan ahowing heam 8 window sizes: poured fouM design, etc.) • 1 sBe survey for exterior addilions & decks . 1 Set af Enargy CalcNationS . IMicate d home served by sepflc syslem tw sdd'dions • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan H lot platled after 711193 . Rim Joist DeUil Oplions selecfion sheet (bldgs with 3 or less units) L DATE VALUATION JOB SITE ADDRESS 5r S'? ? S? ? TH N/?Y d/if ebz 120_'q 0 IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY Gy Zv ir?> 1011a_?14 T Y P E OF WORK .?v diTl a, v y? Al1,yi-?GIf U//r?'Pdu' FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 1_ 2 APPLICANT % /}L /.?/-' 6k°iL /0 DO/t C . /.i/ o PHON04l2 "d?d'v -ZY%S ADDRESS 2- A-1-642n/ Ad/ l? //1/61f?h GRvJsz' HjC M!? ZIPCODE ?7'To7 7 ? PAGER # CELL PHONE # L/z -kv"o -Y.Y'/v " FAX # 627, '£f?5<'3000f NEW RESIDENTIAI BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPIETELY Energy Code Category MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential VentilaGon Category 1 WorksheeT Ene rgy Envelope Calculations Submitted MINNESOTA RUI.ES 7672 - New Energy Code Worksheet Su6mitted Plumbing Contraetor: Phone #: Plumbing System Includes: ? Water Softener _ Iawn Sprinkler ee: _ Water Heater ? No. of R.I. Baths _ No. of Baths Mechanical Contractor. _ Mechanical System Includes: Sewer/Water Contractor. _ Air Conditioning _ Heat Recovery System Pfione # Phone # Fee: $70.00 All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of ApplicanT Ze? CeRificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Requ ri'ed _ . Updated 1101 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? OS 03-plex ? 06 04-plex ? 07 05-plex 0 13 16-plex ? OS 08-plex ? 76 Fireplace ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 10 OS-plex W18 Deck ? 11 10-plex ? 79 Lower Level ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N O 20 Pool ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 22 Poroh/Addn. (4-sea.) O 23 Porch(screened) ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 E#. Alt - MuRi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi ?9 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Sid'+ng CJ 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'DemolfUon (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation 910657e?2 00 Occupancy MGES System Census Code yJ zoning ? Citywater SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const W idth REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) -o Footings (deck) FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings(addition) Plumbing Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Other Framing _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final Fireplace R.I. Air Test _ Final Siding Stucco _ Stone _ Insulauon ? Windows (newheplacement) Approved By 0C1 , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/E5 SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Perrnit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanicai Permit License Search Copies Other Total FinaUC.O. ?o HVAC `??C?d? ? ?-aoo ?G Dl?'JOG) Address: 4561 5 HAY LAKE RD Lot 7 Blk 2 Sec/Sub OVERHILL'rFARM 1ST These items were/were not complete at the time of the final inspection. Yes No Final grade (6" from siding) ? Permanent steps - garage s? Permanent steps - main entry Permanent driveway ? Permanent gas y Sod/seeded grass Tzail/curb damage Porch Basement finish Deck Please verify with the builder the removal o£ roof test caps from the plumbing system andthe shut-off a£ water supply to the outside lawn faucet 6efore freeze potential exists. ? White - City copy Yellow - Resident copy Pink - Contractor copy CITY OF EAGAN N2 19789 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-799, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:45a81oo BUILDINGPERMI ,I G+ S -? 9`d? T . Receipt # To be used tor SF I]WG/Gt1R Est. Value 91,000 Date OCT 10 , 1991 Site Address 45- S HAY LAKE RD Lot 7 Block Z SeGSub. OVERHILL FARM 1S OFFICE USE ONLV PafCel N0. Occupanq R-3 M-1 FEES R-1 zoning W Name SEASONAL BUILDER IN (Actuap Const v-N Bld9 Permit 599.00 o Address 4580 SCOTT TR STE 212 (nnowame) -N . 45 50 Sumharge . City Eagan Phone 454-5971 M of Stories 44' Plan Review 389.00 Lenglh o Name SAME Depth ??! SAQ Cit 100.00 8Q Address S.E7ota1 - y 650 00 ? SAC,MCWCC . City Phone S.F. Footprims - C W 660.00 On Site Sewage _ ater onn F ? W Name on sae wen M W 95.00 w - ater eter ?? AddfBSS MWCCSystem X ¢z Acct. Deposit 30.00 <W City Phone cirywater x 30 00 PRV Required _ S/N Permil . I hereby acknowleg read 1hi pplication and state that Ihe Booster Pump - ?y.? Surcharge 0 .5 information is correto co with all applicable State of *Cf MinnesoW Slatutes agan O nances. • Treatment PI 276 . 0 Signature ol Permile APPHOYALS Road Unit 370.00 A Building Permit is iSEAS NAL BUILDERS Planner - park Ded. on the express condilion that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council applicable State of MinnesotaSWtutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Bldg. ott. _ Copies BuilOingOtficial ,J? -_?,oill Q?lQf,(L? -c Variance - TOTAL 3,245.no METRO 1875 PLAZA DR SURVEYORS surrE 200 INC. - EAGAN, MIY. 5!51?2 Certificate of Survey for: (&2)452-7850 " b `? SEASONAL 'BUILDERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 7•,BLOCK? , OVERHILL FARMS IST ADD ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT HA,? Lp,KE T,,THEREO?? DAKOTA q COUNTY, MINNESOTA q?&1 20 .OQ q?10 L. = 89'46 ° ? 05 ? ° 5r ?p0 ll? N N ti aN *I 3 to M to z 5 1 N A? ? ?y 2 - f ?131- ?/ ? ,o . ? Lo 0 25.0? 6? ?•? , o ?? ? ? •' yilR` ?yE A?? G V T7 6 ?k ta N , V / ? N / . / w / 4611 / N 61- 3, Zg° ? E n DRANAGE 8 UTILITY EqSEMENr n 160,16 R = 1834.86 C. S. A. H. N0. 32 ( ci ?PC" N? ? .Q ? ?pND ? V ?3. a?`?n\)" . S 80° 15' 45" W n,. . _ _ 29 C)? L BL SUBD. APPROVED BY: INSPECTOR RECEIPT #: RECEIPT DATE: MECHANICAL PERMIT #: 1999 MECfiANICAL PE$MIT (COhIM£RCltkL) crrY aF EAsAu 3$30 PILOT KNO$ RD F,k6AN, l4IN 55122 (651) 681-4675 Please complete for: all commerciallindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: 1% of contract price OR $30.00 mioimum fee, whichever is greater. Processed piping - $30.00 CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING PERMIT FEE STATE SLIRCHARGE TOTAL ------------------------------ SI i E ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY): IN5TALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: CITY USE ONLY PHONE #: - c,da cone> STATE: ZIP: ($.50 per $1,000 of uermit fee due on all penniu.) PHONE #: (AREA CODE) I f SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY LOT ? BL 9- RECEIPT #: 4IQiq SUBD. ()vj;r?\ic{ RECEIPT DATE: T )()-_l °} MECHANICAL PERMIT # ?7031 1999 MECHAcHICAI, P£RMIT (itESIQENTIAL) crrY of $AsAN 3830 PuoT Kuoe Ru F-A6RN MN 5514E (651) 681-4675 Date• Complete this section onlv if you are installing HVAC in a single family dwelling, townhome or condo under construction and not owner /occuoied. • H'JAC: 0-iu0 N B T U ALDITIONAL 50 tvi BTU • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) . $ 30.00 6.00 State Surcharge .50 Total $ Complete this section oi¢!v if you are remodeling, adding to, or repairing an existing single family dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteration, or repair. ? New _ Alteration _ Repair _ Other Reminder: Ca11681-4675 for inspections. Furnace ? Air conditioning Airexchanger e _ Other SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME! E INSTALLER NA s0.00 ?X ?C\ State 5urcharge .50 V-A `l-?• J Minimum Total Due $ 30.50 STREET ADDRESS: lc}Yi( CITY: v PHONE #: ?` ??J (A COD ) ?V k/ lL PHONE #:RE ? - LDUO ? ` ODE) STATE! ZIP: S S.j-/-j7 RE OF PERMITTEE INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: s u z L D z N e 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: 026594 Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: 10 / 2 3/ 9 5 (612) 681-4675 SITEADDRESS: P . 1 .N. ` Lc?-56 1 '0707 0?-el APPLICANT: LOT: 7 IiLOCK: "L 4551 i-IAY LAI<[ ftD S GAVIC & SONS I'I..RG OVERWILL FARM 1S7 (612) 755-6468 ^.., _.... . ..... p .. ?, . ? .....?.? -?.i- ..T-v -. ..... -. .F... -?4.J .._ . . .. ,.? . <m, r., . . . ?- -.?? z- ? .. ..,?. . ..._ .., _... '_ ee . -.,,-. .._., ? . . . r . < ? ' ,. . ? Eld PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: F7:REPLACL" NEW DL'5CRIPTION (GAS LINE ONI_Y) PERMIT - CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT TYPE Permit Number: Date Issued: c00 1'1 B U I LUIMG 026594 1@/23/95 SITE ADDRESS: 4561 MAY LAKE RD 5 LOT: 7 BLOCK: 2 OVERHILL FARM 7.Si P.I.N.: 10-56150--070-02 DESCRIPTION: ? ^-.. (GA5 LTNE OPILY) Mi].ding,.Permit 7ype FTREPLACE 'Aufl.ding_ W'O,rk Type NEW - f^FJ ?a r?11 (rf } tt Q..v 133 `',,,i ?... L' n? REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: sase Fee q:25.00 Surcharge ?.50 7ota1 Fee $25.50 CONTRACTOR: - Applioant - OWNER: 6AVIC & StINS PLBG 17556448 QUCK HOBERT 12725 IVIGHTENGALE ST IVW 4561 HAY LAKC RD S COON RAPIpS MN 55448 EAGAN MN (eiz) 755-6468 1 (612)452-3825 T hereby acknowle;dge tii#C Z have read this app'1,icaC?,crn arlcf sxate:.L•hat Che , ., inForPatiaq as czorrszct,arrd ag.eee ?i carrc?s?.?r ?lia?pp?,i??ttle,4tate q1 Mrr 4<< : statutes are?tCiC?isf Eag?rr 6xfinan?'er.' ' APPLICANTIPERMITEE SIGNATURE _JJ p!lBT: lsr`rQT A./ II !1'" IV94 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 1995 FIREPLACE PERMIT APPLICATIaN 881 -4675 DATE: /C/ 9 ?- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _ INSTALL Npp( FIREPLACE: _ WOOD BURNING _ GAS _ INSTALL GAS LOG ONLY IN EXISTING FIREPLACE _ INSTALL GAS LINE ONLY IN EXIS' O? OTHER: LL AREA TO BE INSTALLED IN: STREET ADDRESS: LOT BLOCK - APPLICANT: (circie one only) FIREPLACE ? w 0 ? ???? t • ? ? ?? /,?? ,??P ? SUBD./P.I.D. OWNER CONTRAC O I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. PROFERTY OWNER FIREPLACE INSTALLER GAS LINE INSTALLER Name:-Z? c-- ? X "?? ? Phone#: IABT fIP6i Signature: Street Address: City: State: ZiP: Company: d-!ff Phone #: Signature: - Street Address: City: Company: ? ? i License #• State: Zip• s Phone #- `25-S -'L5'6 ? Street Add ress • e L,) - ? City: L-?o v? ? ? , State: ?'' ?-? Zip: -??yy OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE a 14 Fireplace WORK TYPE 0 31 New o 33 Alteretions 0 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code. SAC Code REMARKS: FEES Permit Fee Surcharge Other Copies Total: Chimney/flue must be inspected before concealing. , . • _ o 59J°!JOi- 4 6=`i0+ ?;? 9 • J'J+ 2>>11•?0' ;>z45•?) 0 - o,j ; 4,J ` 5 D n) 3L; j • 0;? ?? ?r 2, 2 11 50._ 3>2 ,+')•0 0;. rL0 S-t E77' kq-o'`Rl 1991 BUIlG'f'IT??ICATION CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS TIULTIYLE DWELLINGS I • a COMZfERCIAL 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - & STRUCTURAL PLANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATZONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCU LATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS _# OF RENTAL UNITS _# OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH I N WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. LOT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. To Be Used For Site Address Na W &U4iOn Valuation 4% 1 • H24 LCtk fZd F Lot -7 Block a Parcel/Sub nqQf hf ? ( F:d1'(ry'1 15t ?WQ/, Owner Address City/Zip Code Phone Contractor SO/Lb(1(Y ( & ldQ6?,Lt? Address 4 c-ss() L,U6L Tv-Ci I I ,S(,UTe-"z" City/Zip Code ??4b, Phone T5q'`',,,) /-7 J Arch./Engr. _7?)fQG! ?.t(Y\?311y1G Address City/Zip Code ?I,oOD 0? vate: IO-%-9I OFFICE USE ONLY FEES Occupancy 9'3 M') Bldg. Permit S'N'OJ Zoning ? Surcharge T'/S.Sc7 Actual Const V-N Plan Review 39100 Allowable SAC, City /00i00 # of stories SAC, MWCC ( .Do Length -?- water Conn. 6 a•V1> Depth 'j 7 1A1. Water Meter $,Oa S.F. Total Acct. Deposit 30,00 Footprint S.F. 5/w Permit 30.d0 S/W Surcharge iS?o On site sewage_ Treatment P1. 279,00 On site well Road Unit 3 D oa MWCC System ,/ Park Ded. City water ? Trail Ded. YRV _ Copies Sooster Pump _ APPROVALS Planner _ Council Sldg. Off. bL O• ,9/ Variance SUBTOTAL Penalty Lot Change TOTAL 4,7Z6 7tjp Phone # 4- 455 agrees that all work shall be done in accordance with (Signature of Contractor) all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ... 141%, V C?ar?.?Uc ..?--- ZZ x 2i ?/Z = 1-4 ?3 --7(/S' = 70 Is' GSMT, ?6 u ?+N : 11 N y ,, g k ?"'/2 ? ?r y 1?$IS???t ?/ 6 G 3°z , ? ? ?'?°1 T' := I 1 ? ? 2?. K I'?2KZ _ G? ?r---.. ?Zsyx 5,3? G6416 2 ?l?P 1$q o?Q 9 I, ooo ? METRO /875 PLAZA p/L SURVEYORS suIrE 200 INC. - EAGAN, MIK 55/22 Certificate of Survey for? (612)452-7850 SEASONAL 'BUILDERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION; LOT 7.9BLOCK2 , OVERHILL FARMS IST ADD ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT Y LAKE T,J?HEREO-1F COUNTY,MINNESOTA HA ??- ? q ?131'?OAQ 46 R ? 2? .00 L 89• ? q3? n D N N ? N ON? 3 ? to e z 0 5r t.I 5 tp i _l? {?r q3i- 0 h n 25 \ ? y2.b ? ?? \ vNc?? a \ o a J ?2? r '?i (?j33 a k?• 23 . q g?R aE ?7.10 10 N ' . G?Zq, z N ? P ' N / / W ? O 146 ? N 61. jz 2g PpND . o , tD1 / ?RA/NAGE $ UT/L/TY EqSEMENT S9. 03 160.16 C. S. A. H. N0. 32 SGALE = I" = 30,',' LEGEND o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT ? DENOTES WOOD HUB SET DEMOTES EXISTING SPOT ELE VATION OENOTES PROPOSEO SPOT ELEVATION ? DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION I MrNy certify thot this surveY.Plon a ropaf xaa prepond by nw or under my direet supwisim and Mal I am o duly Reqistered Land Surroyor undM tM Lows of fM StaN of MieMsofa. R= 1834.86 S 800 15' 45" Vy (CLIFF ROAD ) 22.01. , FRD PoS?vklR44K ? ?.i ??'4T7z K6/34. 4' INVERT ELEVATION AT SERVICE EXTENSIONa PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION• PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION • 3• PROPOSED BASBYIENT FLOOR ? ELEVATION NOTE' VERIFY ALL FLOOR NEIGMTS WITM ? FINAL HOUSE PLANS 8rodley J. san, Mn. RnNo. 132',fS' Dott? 171 `% I e , -- - FX"fFRIf.IFt EPJVEL.OF'F AVf._RA6E "LJ" f..:Of-1F'UTAI'IQP.I ----------------------------------------------------------- P].an ik ----- [?at.e ::._.i.....qi --- Owr'?er- __......___... .ontra.r.1-.c.nr Sit.e adr.irPSS .....................z__ _ ---------__ - , . - , 7.)Total e:;poseci wea).7. arFa ----...--_-------?'?J'..ft,._.11= 27 Tota). e;;Pused r..naf /ce.i :l :i. ng Wa7.l ea].c:ulatiori I'ntal wi.ndow area Total duor area T'nt:al. gl a.=.s5 daor° area Tat:al fir-epI.ace ar-ejA T'otal 4va11 frZminy area Net i nsul ated wat 1 area T'ntal r:im :lcai.st area 7otal f ni.iridat:i.on Ell• PE3 T'otal foi.indation window 1 1.? 8-- Rt?-- n/a 1.J"L 13b9 ?J _.._ cn') h --nf @ s n. f t , -'",."='- Sq._fk.__f_)7= s cl=. f t.e.. _.r..x_ 10"f. i _ _ "' E: _ W_'ft___V2= 59-. f. t..e..r G4 i- > 1:? ^.. f.. ?_., _ • l.)<}=: =.9_ft. vS= :') "f otal. ='9= b- iv7 / 1'..7 5F3_, Ei- P.Si 1?.4 1.4b..? If :if_em ::i. is the same as, or l.ess t.han i.P_em 1, voi..i have met t:he intent of 2 ME:,AFi1.16008 qand q Ftoof/reili.ny r_al.c:u:lation 7'c7ta1 sF::yl. i yht ar E:r?-a T'at.:al rooffceiliny frarniriq Not in=ulat.ed roof area .... nIa___pei_'_f..t.e.._r J:; _ ;' -----° ---l.c':4----?'9-Ft..._t?=?6 --1.?.:?b----y9" ?t 41 `fotal. _<7_8_ tif i1=em 4 i.s sarnF? as9 c?r° .lee,s 'LI'ian 2, yni..i met tl-ie i.ntent of 2 MLAF 1.16008 Aanrl Ct Rltern:tte bi.ii.l.di.riy F?flVf?.LOE:IE? CIBS7.C)Il tO i..it:il.i.ze t:.he tatal mrivel.c:aPc:. +.syA,t.em methocl tfie si_un nf i'tems i and ^sI'tall be grea{:tr- than {_he sum oi' itern, ' Nnd 4 1 ) +•::'. Y _........_..._..._....._._.-= .._..------- - +q. ) ? I her-eby rert:itfy thiaL tFi.a_ buildiny I-iere dcribed meets or exceeds the st.at.e of minnesota energy conse vztion act„ Si.qric;,d . _._.._..... .... ..__...._._...._.... .._._._ ...._? WniL....,c..QMS.1.FiWgy:C ( il`I 2%;6 w,% Bi7.dri.te CE_Il_:I:r![i G'DIVS`fRUCT7Old .. .........._......_..._.._..._.._..- --...._ F",- 42.0 bl own ins. F?r-;:imi.nq se,rc.i: _ ............... :i r.x,? ' 1- , , _.._.. T.nker-i.nr ai.r- film bg f r.?zmi_ri.g !_ect.,ion ... 1/2" 4YP, hd. , 45 l. Inkeri.or air ' " '• " 5 1/."..:,?? ??.f ? -? nf'k. wonrl . 6 87 : . 5/i3 ?. - 3YP bd. ??? ;, -' > q?. :?,r/.'..:? ?:111f?P'1t7P_ , .? .( ?8 ? .... .. , .. ,.. . ? wc?t::?ci :Lii" i 4 °;. Sidiriy . . . ns. 6• F'::tFl'..].C)Y' 31.Y' 'P7.? 1i1 ,.H:L 17 Tot.a1 k . . I.J =_ :I./Ft T'oica:l F": i 1. U6 U - 1ik .09 I.n,MAN sec.t,i,,on, 1. Interipr air film 2. 1/2" yyp. bd. _.. 5 .`; %F3 taa1:l a n=;. 4. =5/32 bi.l.dri.t.e _°;. sicliny 6. e:;fieri.car- air filrn , Tota1 Fi U = 1/k Fi,m ,j,oi..st ser_ti??n ----.._ ?........._.... 1. Snt.er-ior- air fi7.m 2• r 1/2" b8't'f 1 I"1 S. ._. L 1/2O WOOCI 4. 25,i._:_->.? bildrit.E> 5. si.d.'tnq 6. e:;teriur- air film i'atal R 1..1 = 1 / Fi Fuundati_gn. 1. inl:Nri.ar- _.. i" stvr-o -. 12" conc 4,, e:;'terior =ect_i un air film ins. b1 4:: . a:i r- F:i. 7. m Trrtal Fi U = 1!R , 6E3 .45 1.v.c> 2.08 „B1 . :l 7 _. .. ''-' . :l 9 _.............. ,6H 19. () 1.89 2.08 .81 .:1.7 M6u .04 .68 °r. t i0 1.213 .:1.7 7.13 --„ 14 fi.im .hN .56 4.37 =:'.24 _ El_ E1S . 2:'o Tnsulated secki??n 1. Int:er:iqr air f:i.lm .6E1 '.?. S/N" gYP bd. .56 . 14" insulat:ion 42.iiC> . 'I"ot.:a.l Fi 4':_24 U °_ ]. /r 917 1 :lpvci,.ti coridit.ian n/a 1. Location_ 2. Nature of CITY OF EAGAN Z 7 ({ Z PERMIT I ' WORK WITHIN CITY ROADWAYS Qt)IC,t,ri (? ? .?o . ?/ s/ /Iif ? /'' =s??? C /`i?l=ia/'? . AOw E,p Jy/? 4 (? Page 1 of 4 ,5.S /.2 3 3. A construction sketch or plan shall show the location of the proposed work. A copy of the sketch or plan shall be provided with permit a plication. 4. Method of Installation or Construction ?J?? 5. Work to start on or after 9-s! 9a and shall be completed by approximately v'30- +Z 6. Will detouring of traffic b essary? /llp If necessary to detour ?tAraffic, describe suggested route: DETOURS: The Director of Public Works shall be notified in wri[ing at least 72 hours in advance of any detour being established, chaneed or disconti-nuad_ NAME OF APPLICANT PLL ADDRESS /.]?? -5e;. ?7/li??i9JlF A??/ NAME OF PARTY OR ORGANIZATION PERFORMING WORK ADDRESS PHONE The undersigned herewith accepts the terms and conditions of the regulations by the City of Eagan as herein contai.ned and agree to fully comply therewith to the satisfaction of the Eagan City Council. For: Signed:? PHONE ? Title: Date: ? / 7 Z IFOR CITY USE ONLY[ AUTHORI2ATION OF PERMIT i Fee: $ Q. Receipt No. Permit No? In consideration of agreement to comply in all respects with the regulations of the City of Eagan covering such operations, and pursuant to authoriza[ion duly given by said Eagan City Council; permission is hereby granted for the work to be done as described in the above application, said work to be done in accordance with special provisions as hereby stated: OF PUSLIC WORKS DA'fH:? :?./ ?I/ / C- „ ALL LEGAL REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE AND ON "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" TO BE COMPLIED WITH! THE DATE WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED MUST BE REPORTED TO THE EAGAN CITY ENGINEER. , Page 3 of 4 c. Except for the negligent acts of the City, its agents and its employees, the permittee shall assume all liability for, and save the City, its agents and its employees, harmless from any and a11 claims for damages, actions or causes of action arising out of the work to be done herein and the continuing uses by the permittee, including but not limited to the placing, constructing, and reconstructing, maintaining and using of said utility under this application and permit for construction. 5. Existing Facilities--The utility facility and installations shall not interfere with any existing utility facility on the City's right-of-way. 6. Private Property--The work permit or permit for construction as issved does not in any way imply an easement on private prciperty. 7. Quality of Work--Finished surface, base and sub-base of road upon completion of work shall be at least equal to or better than specifications of original road in accordance with City Standard Specifications. Surface shall be finished within 48 hours upon completion of backFill. 8. Cutting Trees--The permission herein granted does not confer upon the permittee the right to cut, remove or destroy trees or shrubbery within the legal limits of the roadway or relieve permittee from obtaining any consent otherwise required from the owner of the property adjacent thereto. 9. Drainage--All waterways and lines of drainage shall remain operative. 10. Pole Anchors--No pole anchors, anchors, braces or other construction to be put on roadway shoulder, except by permit authorization. 11. Driving Limitations--No driving onto highway from ditch or driving on shoulders or over curbs where damage wi11 occur. 12. Lugs on Equipment--No lugs shall be used on equipment traversing road which will damage the road surface. 13. Clean-Up--Street surface and roadside shall be cleaned after construction is completed and Ieft in a neat and presentable condition. 14. Trees and Vegetations--Burning or disking operations and/or the use of chemicals to control or kill trees, brush and other vegetation is prohibited without prior approval from the City. - 15. Replacement of Sod--Wherever top-soil and sod are disturbed, they sha11 be replaced and maintained satisfactorily until the turf is established. The undersigned hereby declares he/she has read and will comply with all the PERTINENT REGULATIONS as stated above. DATE: ? ??- SIGNED: ?p'??? sp-:zs Re.f . • ' w ?? ? ? • . ? ?• \ I Y ? 1 J i ? ? ' ? ? ? ?. ?? . . . .. ...v F 4 kJ J?-.C?. ? i ? .ror ur /v ? rDk*- zej-05ro CASt Ci• B GPr?? c1 o sP-zs zy,.?.? uP Fu.? c??.f r3.o ? - 1! l !) , .r ll j . _ } - .? .. ...?. . ? ?.\`._ `,{ J. i ?.. Lot Block Snbd. UNDERGROUND SPRIIVHI.ER SYSTEM PLUMBING PERMIT Date Receipt # C C? ao 7/lo _ Commercial: $25.50 + water tap if required. (City installs all taps up to 1"). If adding new service, a water permit will be required, as well. Eadsting residential: $15.50 (Plumbing permit not required if backflow preventor was previously installed). _ Residential develonments: Fee to be determined by building inspections department. May requi-re payment of water permit, plumbing permit, WAC, and water treatment plant fees. ddrto be sprinklered) Homeowner/Plumber: 4,5Ze?1010 Phone #: IIS2 7?,?8Z S? Street Address: City, State, tip: A Owner Name: h'? e//? StrEet Address: Phone #: Irrigation Contractor: Phone #: 5S 3 •93 6j I hereby ac ledge that I have read this applicadon and state that the information is conect d am ' h all applicable City of Eagan Ordinances cc: Engineering Department ? MEMO TO: GENE VANOVERBERE, DSRECTOR DF FINANCE/CITY CLERK FROM: THOMAB A COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PIIBLIC WORRS DATE: 3SARCH 13, 1989 SIISJECT: TA% FORFEIT PROPERTY The Public Works Department has reviewed the following tax forfeit parcels and provides the following comments. PARCEL 10-00200-090-25 Potential additional future right-of-way dedication requirements may render this property unbuildable from a setback and/or area requirement basis. Due to its present location being situated between City and State public right-of-way, it seems most practical that this property could be best utilized by the City for potential future right-of-way and/or ponding easements. Therefore, we recommend that this be retained by the City. OUTLOT Z, CEDARCLIFF ADDITION The original purpose was to provide pedestrian access to Rahn Park. No engineering concern, but the Parks Department should respond. OUTLOTS A& B, CINNAMON RZDGE 2ND ADDITION These parcels serve as public access for Lots 1 through 14 of the 2nd Addition. However, they are substandard in size and design and were required to be owned and maintained as a private access by the homeowners association. Subsequently, it should have been recorded and legally tied to each of the 14 lots within that development to ensure adequate and proportionate ownership and related responsibilities. If this is not the case, a legal opinion should be obtained as to whether the City should accept these for public right- of-way and then vacate them through a public hearing process to the 14 lots within that subdivision to accomplish the original intent for this development. LOT 6 AND 8, BLOCR 1, OBT&R ADDITION No public benefit from an engineering concern. ,t56/..?'`U 070 oa- . LOTS 11 2, 5, 6 AND 7, BIACR 2,, OVERHILL FARM 18T ADDITION No public benefit from an engineering concern. OIITLOT D, PILOT RNOB HEIGHTB 18T ADDITION (013-00) The City is currently actively negotiating the acquisition of ponding easements which incorporate the major portion of Outlot D remaining after previous right- of-way acquisitions for Duckwood Drive. Recommend the City retain all rights for public interests on this parcel. OIITLOT A, SHEFFIELD ADDITION There is presently a need for a ponding easement over the southwest corner of this parcel. The residual of the property was originally dedicated with the intention of open space preservation. The Parks Department should comment on acquisition for City benefit. Please let me know if any additional information is necessary to determine the benefits of retaining these parcels for future public rights. ? Director of Pub ic Works TAC/jj •?-V rc,';In MM-? -+?:iii? ??W 4 W ••. l? at l[ Y H MAi 4M O.M ? 41 L"t ° LaTS 1, 2, 5, 6& 7, BL 2, OVERHILL FARM I ST.ApDN Council Minutes January 18, 1983 or? oiu OVBRHILL PROPERTIES - AAIVER OF PLAT C I' 7j / L? The application of Overhill Properties, Inc. for waiver of plat to divide twin home lots into individual ownership was submitted. Mr. Dehler was present an3 the Advisory Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 11, 1983 recommended approval, sub,ject to certain conditions. After discussion, Egan moved, Smith seconded the motion to approve the application subject to_ the recommendation of the Planning Commission, including compliance with all applicable ordinances. All voted yes. R 83-2 SEE PLAT FILE HANAGIIMEPIT APPLICATIONS - CONDITZOHAL IISE PERMIT The application of Management AQplications and Innovations, Ine. for conditional use permit to allow more than three amusement devices at the former A& W Restaurant at 3998 Sibley Memorial Highway uas submitted to the Council. Tom Truax and Dave Maddis were present. The Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval subject to all conditions provided in the Amusement Device Ordinance. Smith moved, Thomas seconded the motion to ap- prove the application, subject to the same conditions. All voted yes. BE1Ty BASSSIT - EAGAN FIILLS WF.ST PLANNED DEVE[,OPMENT AFIENDHENT The request of Betty Bassett of the Eagle's Nest Home for amendment to the Eagan Hills West Planned Development to allow a change in the proposed use and allow R-2 as underlying zoning was submitted to the Council. The staff recommended the Council continue consideration of the amendment until the February 1,1983 meeting and upon motion by Wachter, seconded Egan, it was resolved that the application be continued until the February 1, 1983 meeting. All voted i? favor. OFF-SALE LIQUOR LICEHSE POLICY CHANGE AND MGH OFF-SALE LZQUOR LICENSE The request to consider a change in the liquor 1icPnse policy to ailox an additional off-sale liquor license in the Cedarvale area and also the applica- tion of MGM Liquors for off-sale liquor license were, upon motion by Wacnter, seconded Egan, continued until the February 1, 1983 meeting. All voted in favor. 8 I ? : •^ ? OF 3830 DILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5 514 4-18 9 7 Ph+ONE: (614) 454-6700 FAX: (614) 454$363 November 13, 1991 SEASONAL BUILDERS INC 4580 SCOTT TR STE 212 EAGAN MN 55122 Re: 4555 S Hay Lake Road (Lot 6, Block 2, Overhill Farm ist Addition) 4561 S Aay Lake Road (Loi_Z, Block 2,-.Overfiill Farin lst Addition) To Whom It May Concern: TFIOrMS EWN AWYa DnVID K GUSTAf50N DMA6.A NcORFA TUA PAWIfMY ThIEpDOqE WACFfIFR 0pUrp1 MQnb¢R THoMAs r? tAy Mnnincrmr pJGE7JE VNJ OVERBFJCE Gty Ckh The above-referenced lots were originally platted and zoned as R-2 (duplex). Accordingly, two sets of sewer and water services were installed to each platted lot to accommodate each of the individual dwe]]ing units. Because single-family houses are being built on these lots and only one set of services will be activated, the City requires that the second set of services be abandoned in accordance with City Code 3.20, Subdivision 3(copy enclosed). This requires that the services be disconnected at the main in the street which requires excavation within public right-of-way. Correspondingly, a separate permit for work within public right-of-way must also be acquired to ensure that the appropriate performance and warranty bonds are submitted, that construction and restoration are in accordance with City standards, and that our record plans can be properly modified. For information on how to accomplish this, I recommend that you contact Craig Knudsen in the City engineering department at 681-4646. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Si X?? erely, 40 Doug Reid Chief Building Official Enclosure DR/mg cc: Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer THE LONE QAK TREE.. THE SYMBOL OF 51RENGTH AND GROWfH M OUR COMMUNRY Fqual OpporhmRV/Affirmdrive AcTion Employer ities Diizital Oualitv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. § 3.20 1 ? ? . ? i M ? SEC. 3.20. ROLES AND RBGULATIONS RELATING TO WATBR SERVICB. Subd. 1. Deficiency of Water and Shutting Off Water. The City is not liable for any deficiency or failure in the supply of water to customers whether occasioned by shutting the water off for the purpose of making repairs or connections or by any other cause whatever. In case of fire, or alarm of fire, water may be shut off to insure a supply for fire fighting. In making repairs or consttuction of new works, water may be shut off at any time and kept off so long as may be necessary. Subd. 2. Repair of Leaks. it is the responsibility.of the consumer or owner to maintain the service pipe from the curb stop into the house or other building. In case of failure upon the part of any consumer or owner to repair any leak occurring in his service pipe within twenty-four (24) hours after oral or written notice has been given the owner or occupant of the premises, the water may'be shut off and will not be turned on until a reconnection charge has been paid and the water service has been repaired. When the waste of water is great or when damage is likely to result from the leak, the water will be turned off if the repair is not proceeded with immediately. Subd. 3. Abandoned Services Penalties. All service installations connected to the water system that have been abandoned or, for any reason, have become useless for further service shall be disconnected at the main. The owner of the premises, served by this service, shall pay the cost of the excavation. The City shall perform the actual disconnection and all pipe and appurtenances removed from the street right-of-way shall become the property of the City. When new buildings are erected on the site of old ones, and it is desired to increase the old water service, a new permit shall be taken out and the regular tapping charge shall be made as if this were a new service. It is unlawful for any person to cause or allow any service pipe to be hammered or squeezed together at the enas to stop the flow of water, or to save expense in improperly removing such pipe from the main. Also, such improper disposition tbereof shall be corrected by the City and the cost incurred shall be borne by the person causing or allowinq such work to be performed. Source: City Code Effective Date: 1-1-83 Subd. 4. Service Pipes. Every service pipe must be laid in such manner as to preaent rupture by settlement. The service pipe shall be placed not less than seven feet ; 43 (4-30-84) MEMO TO: DOIIG REID, CHIBF BIIILDING OFFICIAL FROM: THOMAS A COLBERTp DIRECTOR OF PIIBLIC WORRS DATS: NOVEMBER 7p 1991 BIIBJECT: LOTS 1-7, SLOCR 2, OVSRHILL FARM 18T ADDN UTILZTY BSRNICE REMOVAL RSQIIIREMENT WITH BIIILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE The above-referenced lots were originally platted and are currently zoned as R-2 Duplex/Twinhome lots. Accordingly, two sets of sewer and water services were installed to each platted lot to accommodate each of the individual dwelling units. it is my understanding that the potential exists for a single- family house to be built on these lots where only one set of services would be activated. In such situations, the City requires that the second set of services be abandoned in accordance with City Code 3.20, Subdivision 3(copy enclosed). This requires that the services be disconnected at the main in the street which requires excavation within public right-of-way. Correspondingly, a separate permit for work within public right-of-way must also be acquired in conjunction with the building permit issuance to ensure that the appropriate performance and warranty bonds are submitted, that construction and restoration are in accordance with City standards and that our record plans can be properly modified. I would appreciate it if you would put a specific notation on each of the above-referenced lots regarding this requirement and to also help to ensure its application to any other similar situation throughout the City. Your cooperation and assistance in this matter will help to inform the property owner/builder of this requirement early in the process so that it can be properly budgeted and scheduled as well as protect the City's infrastructure sygastem ease let me know if you have any questions or concerns rerdi g his matter. ? Director of Public Works cc: Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent of Utilities Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer Enclosure g 3.20 SEC. 3.20. ROLBS AND RBGOLATIONS RBLATING TO MATSR SBRVICB. ?-•? ^c.c? Q c : 06 ( O ( • t ? i 0 '. C . C a ; oc c cc?? c •C E_( ?? ? ? ?• L.L.? 0 f ??-cc c \ OcFCC •I C (.) • t ( 0' .. pt; G ( •1 U 4 C ( (.le, ?. • ` C. C. t- (" 5ubd. l. Deficiency of Water and Shutting Off Water. The City is not liable for any deficiency or failuie in the supply of watec to customess whether occasioned by shutting the water off for the purpose of making repaics or connections or by any othec cause whatever. In case of fice, or alasm of fice, wate= may be shut off to insute a supply for fice fighting. In making repairs or constcuction of new wocks, water may be shut off at any time and kept off so long as may be necessary. Subd. 2. Repair of Leaks. It is the cesponsibility.of the consumer or ownec to maintain the service pipe from the cucb stop into the house or othec building. In case oP failure upon the part of any coneumer or ownes to cepair any leak occur=ing in his service pipe within twenty-four (24) hours after ozal o= written notice has been given the owner or occupant of the premises, the wate= may be shut off and will not be tucned on until a teconnection charge has been paid and the watec service has been repaited. When the waste of water is great or when dama kel water tucned off lif th t epaiz lis not proceea e ith immediatelybe Subd. 3. Abandoned Services Penalties. All service abadoned?or, Cfor any a eason he haveebec ome e have useless fot futthec service shall be disconnected at the main. The ownec of the premises, served by this sesvice, shall pay the cost of the excavation. The City shall perform the actual disconnection and ell pipe and appurtenances cemoved fcom the street right-of-way shall become the propecty of the City. When new buildings are erected on the site of old ones, and it is desired to increase the old water service, a new shallebe ade as if this were a new serviceeL ItPisnunlawful for any person to cause or allow any service pipe to be hammered or squeezed together at the ends to stop the flow of watec, or to save expense in improperly removing such pipe from the main. Also, sueh impcopec disposition thereof shall be correoted by the City 5 h incurred work toebe be borne by the person causin9 or allowin9 sc performed. Source: City Code Effective Date: 1-1-83 Subd. 4. Service 4ipes. Every service pipe must be laid in such manner as to prevent rupture by aettlement. The service pipe shall be placed noY less than seven feet ic, 43 (4-30-84) ----------------- j FoinOffice.lJSe ?h ? / I ? Permit#: U ? I I ? ? Permit Fee: ? ? Date Received: I ?? I ? Staff: I I ------------------ 20os RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: 956( So , H ?t l.-`l kc ' 1 d ' r Tenant: Suite #: RESIDENT / OWNER Name: wio vii SI., e Y Phone: 65-/` Address / City / Zip: J" s?q V\,% \0- ?l 5 S t? f'-- ? Applicant is: _ Owner %--?Ccontractor TYPE OF WORK R?-- roo 7- 1 ViC ?, Te`tY? oF? Description of wor ? o c? Construction Cost: 6p - MWti-Family Building: (Yes_/ No ? CONTRACTOR Name: R PS+oJ q T i o v\ I? P 5 a?.CY'C P5 +? C? License #: Address: 6(?;70 C`(- ee p t I kw)/, 4:f City: ?'(ook?`?tn C?k1? State:m /V, Zip: ?r.S7 30 Phone: ? _76 3 9,60 ContactPerson: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet CdtCgory Submitted Submitted (4 submission type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a pertnit for a similar plan based on a master plan7 _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical ConUactor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submif are considered to be public information., PoRions of _ the'informafion, may be c!a"ssiflred as non-public i/ you, provide specific reasons that would permiithe City to =ij ' condude'that the are trade secrefs. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to staR without a pertnd; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the wse of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x ?? < x -Tctuj ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature Page 1 of 3 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 4561 Hay Lake Rd S Lot: 7 Block: 2 Addition: Overhill Farm 1st PID:10- 56150- 070 -02 Use: Description: Sub Type: Work Type: Description: Comments: Fee Summary: Contractor: Tony's Appliance 2090 County Road 42 West Burnsville MN 55337 (952) 435 -2442 e - Water Heater Replacement Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Mike Skaja 2090 County Road 42 W. Bumsville, MN 55337 PL - Permit Fee (WS & /or WH) Surcharge -Fixed Total: Manufacturer Applicant/Permitee: Signature PERMIT City of Eaan - Applicant - Serial Number Remote Number Owner: Ross A Norton 4561 Hay Lake Rd S Eagan MN 55123 Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: $50.00 0801.4087 $0.50 9001.2195 $50.50 Issued By: Signature Plumbing EA082548 04/11/2008 ePermit Line Size I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA116728 Date Issued:10/10/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4561 Hay Lake Rd S Lot:7 Block: 2 Addition: Overhill Farm 1st PID:10-56150-02-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Luanne Yang Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Adam Johnson 4561 Hay Lake Rd S Eagan MN 55123 New Life Contracting Inc. 814 Grand Avenue St. Paul MN 55105 (651) 224-3442 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA155768 Date Issued:06/03/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4561 Hay Lake Rd S Lot:7 Block: 2 Addition: Overhill Farm 1st PID:10-56150-02-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Peter J Vogt 4561 Hay Lake Rd S Eagan MN 55123 (651) 245-1976 Great Lakes Window & Siding 14690 Galaxie Ave, Suite 100 Apple Valley MN 55124 (952) 891-3400 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature