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4731 Hittner Pt
" s296076301* 05/22/2097 ?982120070000237556 ti This is a LEGAL COPY of your ? check. You can use d the same v way you would use the original ? chCtk. ? a RETl1RN REASON (B) ? IINCOLLECTED FUNDS HOLD :3 ? a ? ? .t1 ti 7 X r ti u DONALDJONES 2673 DBA: CAPlTAL CARPENTRY ax-re?weeca 5985 WEO(iE1V000 LAf1E 147 Q PLYAd0U7H, MN 55449 paatooK`. UF ?9-/J $ /a ?%?.. i1099965f 4000000 i3050r' 4l: 296076 30 iI: i L09996 5 1000 26 7 3 1'00000 l30 50.1' ? . ....... ??1710CY?Y t+0% 1 pL f'R$ . NPLS. C=0940 AK=U] !37556 9^o/2f Wk ?96y4?-?0t? 7999226;?9 - '7Btifi21279 •[i4G?t5??,2? - : ANCHOR "ElAtJ{< ST PAUL ' ? aD - ..... • ? .?•? . : _ :,... : , fi OOA'< .. I . . . z-nms-l ?mmbp0 . ? 'S?666076??yD.m77' 1?0 >09tO7+F?6?c or-n C)p?-' l:NCHOFt BAFlY. _F! ..n .. NDZyZfl. . . . tN.an' =i7Cm ; . .. _ . m2DZ?? ? - 'tt : r . . . _ _ •1 iR? a5 ? ?-?M6__- c ? I I ??? ?qU-??a- I I v tr o? _A Ff j D- ? ?Pna? fi?ev1 ? ?, _ ' C6l?t N ?- - { I ? ? i ?5'i• 3z2 • ??67 AV73 ! hWvxsn' ; ?65-7 ?63 • ZG3 ?kGti5 --1 PA ., ( 6jt ?-- , ? ? l / r r- ?? 66 East Thompson Avenue West Saint Paul MN 55118 Notice of Returned Deposited Items Account Number: 100021239 DATE: 8/23/07 Nlc'a -1'o City of Eagan General Acct 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan MN 55122-1810 $ 130. so z0. 0o 150, sC) EP6095P ieCA- E Co a.t. (eode 5arn2 as 1,v?Crl ??1?Fha'CCi.' Co t ltc.{-cd) C)SO i • L{ zt 0 `I0? '-*? The following ir_em(s) ware rPturned to us and ei.Yber resubmitted fR.1 on your behalf or charged back (C) to your account. PAYOR RETURN REASON ACTION CHECK# AMOUNT DONALD JONES Nonsufficient Funds Chargeback 2673 130.50 Total items charged back or resubmitted: 130.50 Please deduct a handling fee from your account of: 0.00 This notice is provided to assist you in verifying the transactions affecting your account. Please review the information and contact us if you have any questions. All items received are subject to the terms and conditions stated on the signature cards currently in use by our institution. Your business is important to us and we look forward to the opportunity to continue serving your financial needs. If you have any further questions regarding this notice, please contact your local branch at (651) 687-0111. Thank you for your Cindy Haas Anchor Bank Saint continued business. Paul, N.A. -O 7 u _. 4 dF/L o ? r , i j C?- i Cr=i4 S -" ' ` , , ?? 1'??)? ?' City of Eapn Make Check Payable to: CAPITAL DONALD '\Address: 5985 WEI PLYMOU Permit # 79133 Receipt #: 8/2312007 Site Address: 4731 HITTNE Reason For Refund: JOB \ S CANCELLED iOD LN N #47 55446 POINT TYPE OF REFUND ? Buildin Permit Base Fee 0801?4085 $88.50 Construction Meter Dep Refund 9220: 254 $ Curh Box De osit Refund 9220.2253 $ Fire Su ression Permit 0801.4096 $ Mechanical Permit 0801.4088 $ Plan Review Fee 0720.4222 $40.00 Plumbing Permit 0801.4087 $ SAC MCES) q9220.227 SAC (Ci ) $ SAC (Admin 0801. 246 $ Sewer Perntit 620 .4532 $ Surcharge 9001.2195 $1.50 Treatment Plant 6101.4685 $ Water Permit 6101.4507 $ Water Meters & Radio Read 6101.4509 $ Water Su l& Stora e I 6101.4680 $ Co ies 0201.4230 $ $ Total $ 130.00 I dec under the penalties of law that this account, cla' , or demand is just and that no part oF it has been paid. August 23,2007 ? SIGN URE DATE PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Building 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Permit Number: EA079133 Eagan, mx 55122 ? Date Issued: 08/13/2007 (651) 6755675 City of EgIgR www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 4731 Hittner Pt Lot: 2 Block: 2 Addition: Hittner PID: 10-33250-020-02 Use: Description: Sub Type: Deck Construction Type: Work Type: Addition Description: SEE COMMENTS Census Code: 434- Occupancy: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Cancelled 8l23/07 - contractor could not agree with the home owner. pflsb Fee Summary: BL - Base Fee $88.50 0801.4085 BL - Plan Review - Fixed $40.00. 0720.4222 Valuation: 3,000.00 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $1.50 9001.2195 Cooies $0.50 0201.4230 Total: $130.50 Contractor: - APpi;ca,t - Owner: Capital Carpentry Conrad M Tanasychuk 5985 Wedgewood Ln N#47 4731 HittnerPt Plymouth MN 55446 Eagan NIN 55122 (651) 4856745 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature August 21, 2007 To: City of Eagan RE: Cancellation of pernvt Request for refund Permit # tA-CiZq 13z' Reason for request, I did everything I could to keep cost down, I gave the home owner materials at cost, I gave them 5 different bids for different materials, I even shaved my time so I wouldn't quite make as much as I should. On Monday the 13'" day of August, I was laying out where all of my footings were going to be, I had my tools all at the job ready to go. As I was laying out for the footings, I went to grab my camera to take some pictures of the before, during and after shots of the job. As I was walking back to my truck I looked down at the driveway and noticed some cracks in the cement. For some reason I started to take pictures of the cracks, it never occurred to me that this was going to be such a good thing that I did. Around 1 O'clock in the afternoon on said day my materials showed up, I had the driver unload in the drive way as far back as he couid leaving room for the owners to get their cars in and out of the garage as requested by Conrad eazlier that day when he stop home to let the dogs out. I continued to work after the delivery until 5 o'clock. On my way to a meeting I received a call from Conrad around 6 o'clock pm the same day, and he stated that his drive way was all cracked from the deliveryman. I told that I would call him in the morning before I get to the job, and see what was going on. I met Conrad at 9 in the morning on the 10, as he stepped from kus caz, we shook hands and he stated that he wasn't mad at me, but he wanted to get a hold of the company that made the delivery. When we walk up his driveway he stated that the cracks at the lower part of the driveway did have some cracks, but at the top, where my materials were sitting, that the cracks were new. I told him that I was responsible for telling the deliveryman where to set them and that he would have to come after me. Then I asked him if he was sure that the cracks were not there before and he stated yes. I then told him "Well I have pictures of the cracks before the delivery". He then stated, "Why did you take pictures". I said, "To cover my ass". He then wanted to see the picture, so I showed him them. All he said was "Well I have to talk to Denise" (his wife). Then all he wanted to talk about was the price of the deck and where the money going. I explained to him again, and 1 thought we were set. At the end of the conversation we both agreed that I would do no more work until things were resolved about the driveway and where the money was going. He said they would call later. lt was the following night, the I5t', before I heard back from them and I talked with Denise. I went over with her again about the cost of materials and where money was going. When I brought up the driveway issue, and how Conrad kind of lied to me about the driveway, she told me "don't even go there". She got very aggressive and angry about it and even somehow said I took my picture ofthe driveway for other reasons. She also stated "Well maybe they were there before, but now they are bigger. And if I took more pictures and compared them that I would see a difference." She also stated "thaYs why I cazry home owners insurance, why you carry your insurance." Which made me think that they wanted to run this through my insurance if I didn't catch them. Then she wanted to talk about the deck again. The type of cedaz that I was using, and if I was sure that what was sold to me was actually what I was supposed to receive. She kept drilling me on it and told her to take a look at the cedar, it's sitting in your driveway or you can go to Lowe's and see it for yourself. I told her the only way to cut more cost is to reduce the size of the deck. I said "the deck you want is a thousand square feet, that's is a huge deck, it's bigger than the townhome I live in". Her response was, "well get a bigger house" as she snickered. That was very disrespectful and not an accepiable response. In my mind I was getting more and more worried about getting paid at the end of the job. I brought up the idea of putting the remaining balance of $6000 six thousand dollars, of a$17,000 seventeen thousand dollar job, into a escrow account so no one could touch it until some job was done and both sides were happy. She said no and started stating how contractors set their contracts up, payments being 30%, 30%, and 40%. I didn't even want to tell her that they can be drawn up any way possible as well as both parties agree. Finally at the end of our conversation we agreed that she would look at the cedar and we would talk before 1 start up again. That night I had a hard time falling asleep wondering if I would even be paid at the end of the job or just held up in courts for a while. They are both lawyers by the way. The next morning the 16d' I awoke with a sick feeling about the job, I gave Denise a call Around 9 in the morning and left her a message stating that I diddt want to do the job anymore and they could have their money hack. 10 minutes later she called me I told that I didn't want to work for them anymore and that I think we would both be happier to part ways. I told her she could have their money back as soon as I could get everything retuned and credited to my account. I also said that it would probably take about 10 days as to some stuffhad to be returned via FedEx, I also said that 1 would stay in contact until this was done. That is the story, I feel that they were trying to get a$20,000 deck for $] 5,000, and when that couldn't happen, they wanted a new driveway to make up the difference. J , floxyk?-L) ?P&-)rlzr Address:? 4731 Hittner Point Zip: 55122 Lot: 2 Block: 2 Subdivision: Hittner TFIE FOLLOWING ITEMS R'ERE/WERE NOT COMPLETE AT FINAL INSPECTION ON Yes No Comments Final grade - 6" from siding ? Permanent steps - garage ? Permanent st s- main entry :- Pertnanent drivewa Permanent as Sod/Seeded lawn Ii lii-+ TraiUcurb damage Porch Lower level finish Deck X Fir lace Z ? Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. Tum off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. Call the City's Engineedng Department at 651-68111645 prior to working in right-of-way or installing irrigation system. ? BUILDING INSPECTOR ? cd/bidginsp/forms/2002/Fnalinspection checklisc ie; et uL itiLa I'll'Lb 0 Ulteig Engineers, Ync./ J. H. DahlmeierEngzneering, l'nc. 5201 East River Ttaad Snite 308, Minne$polis, MN 55421 707 (763) 571-2500 FAX: (763) 571-1168 TO: Jason Myrlie COMPA,NY: FAX NUMBER: 651-4234724 P$ONE NUMBER: FROM: Jason Hanlon TIME: 10:00 AM DATE: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 PAGES (INCLT7DING COVEIt SHEE1): 4 PTZOJECT NUIVIBER: 02-6899 SU$JECT: 4731 Hittner Point, Eagan, MN REMARKS: -- ------- ----._... ---- ------.._ - ----- . ? ? T3ere is the letter addressing the cracks in the masonry foundation. A hard copy of the letter will follow in the mail. I Please call with any questions. I Jason Hanlon if you do not reCeive sll of the pages, please coatect us ' As soon as possible at (763) 571-2500. NOU-27-2002 10-06 ULTEIG MPLS . CON5UlTING ENGINEERS SINCE 1944 dbff Zis November 27. 2002 Jason Myrlie 15852 Cinnamon Way Rosemount, MN 55068 UlTE1G ENGINEERS, iNC. J. H. DahlmeierEngineetrng, t'nc. 5201Ea$'rRwERROA0, 5UITE30g PHONE•763-57t-2wo MMNEAPOLIS,MNSSd21 FnX• 783•571d1915 WEBSITE- www.Nteig,wm Re: Review of Distressed Foundafion 4731 Hittner Point Eagan, MN UEI Project No. 02-6899 Dear Mr. Myrlie: 7635711168 OTI{ER OFFICES: FqRGO, ND BISMARCK. ND SIQWC FAU,S. SD P.92 &OW The purpose of this letter is to report the findings of a structural engineering review of the masonry foundation wall for your residence. ASSIGNMENT Ulteig Engineers Inc./ J. H. Dahlmeier Engineering Inc. has been retained to provide a structural engineering review of the distressed basement foundation wall at the residence under construction locatsd at 4731 Hittner Point, Eagan, MN, as directed by Jason Myrlie, the homeowner. BACKGROUND The residence is currently under construction. The house has a full basement and an attached garage. A stainvell allows entrance into the basement from the garaga. The City Building Inspections Department wishes to have an independent structural enginsering review of the distress in the foundation wall. OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTS The following infonnation was obtained during a site inspection on November 26, 2002 6y Jason Hanlon of Ulteig Engineers Inc./ J. H. Dahlmeier Engineering Inc_: a. The basement is constructed with 12 courses of 12-inCh concrete masonry units, with 8-inch nominal height. b. The clear height from the top of the basement siab-on-grade to the bottom of the floorjoists is approximately 8'-6". c. The sill plate for the floor joists is attached to the top of the wall with %rinch diameter anchor bolts spaced at approximately 6'-0" on center. d. The floor joists are 11 7/8-InCh TJI's spaced at 16-inches on center. EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER NOV-27-2002 10:06 ULTEIG MPLS 7635711168 P.03 > > Jason Myrlie November 27, 2002 Page 2 e. There is a hairline step crack that occurs in the east foundation wall starting approximately 5-feet north of the stairwell from the garage. The step crack is the full height of the wall over approximately 5-feet. f. There is a step crack occurring on the 4'-0" wide foundation wall facing south into the stairwell coming from the garage. The crack is approximately '/.-inch wide and starts at the top and ends at the bottom of the wall. g. The walls with the cracks are relatively plumb and level. 2. The Cracks appear to be the result of backfilling the walls without adequate temporary bracing at the corner where the stairwell begin. 3. The floor framing and the basement slab-on-grade are now in placa and provids the necessary support at the top and bottom of the foundation wall. 4. The cracks shall be repaired and tuck-pointed using standard industry practices. 5. It is my professional engineering opinion that the foundation walls are structurally adequate. The corrective measures are to be completed. GENERAL 6. The information, observations, and opinions stated in this report are based on an inspection made by Jason Hanlon. The inspection consisted of a visual walk-through observing exposed elements and those accessible without the removal of finished materials. 7. The observaGons and opinions expressed in this repoR were based on my professional engineering judgment and professional pracGce. B. No other engineering was perFormed or requested for this project. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely. ULTEIG ENGINEERS, INC. I J. H. DARLMEIBR ENGINEERING,INC. ason S. Hanlon, P.E. NOU-27-2002 10:06 ULTEIG MPLS 7635711168 P.04 Jason Myrlie November 27, 2002 Page 3 1 hereby certify that thfs plan, specificatfon or report was prepared by me or under my diract supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws-c[ the Statdof Minnesota. Jason 5anlon Date: / I z7 z_ Minnesota Registration No. 41941 Feb 12 03 06:12p Hom 4 ME INC 651-423-6286 800sef2eeb i6r?? [.er.a?eoo?,r..?3+eae?E!!6 400am AF'FLDAVIT OF EXEW'CZON FROM STATE CONTRACTOR LLCENSE State of Minnesots ) sa Affidnvit of ^ Cotlin Myrtic ) (B«ilding ?erntit Appfieanf} County of Dskota ) CoUin MyrAc , heing first duly sworn, upon oatlf, depases md sates the (Bwlding Prxmrt.fpplicanr) the following: i. Yhis Affidavic is subnuiued in connecdon with the building permit Applicadon made by Collin Myrli 'agPer.,eitAppl'uanl) far a propoud work pmjeet loeated # 4731 Mttaer Patnte) --- • Ea$aa. Mintiesota. 2. I aeknowledge and ??at Miniaesou Statutes, s326.94, requires all residmriai building conffacwrslremodeltzs tn obtain a license from the Mmaesota Deputment of Comtn?ercc, unles9 orherwiu extmpt under the statute. 3. I sm exempt from the residenaal building cvntractor liceme re4uirement Pursuams to ritinnesora Statute s326.84, Subd. 3, for reason(s) indicated belnw (eheck those that apply): ? a. I am the owna of the residenLial real estate on which the home shall be built nud I wi1l do the work mysclF or }omtly with my own crnployees or agents that I am buitding sueh home as my own pelsonal residencc and intend w permancntly live therein. ? b. I ann an arclutcet or enginecr eagaging in profaslonal praetiee as defincd in Minnesota Stanues. Chay[er 326. _ c. My azmual goss receipts are ltss thaa $15,000. _ d My coaOracu on individual projccts in aggrcgute do not cxcced 52,500. e, I ua a rnxhanical contracwr, plmnbcr, or an olccaician. f. I am a speciatity wntractor, remodelrr, ar mataial supplier involved only in part otthe pmposed improvuaent w the raidential rwl cssatc. 4. S aclmowledge ufd undcra[and that the stetoraeats in. this Afffdsvit are made under oath ond if I make aay stuemeRit ui this Affidavii that I lrnow to be false or incorrcct, T unde that I could be au6jcct to criminat proaeeution or demal or nvoeatioa ofAe buil ' permic or both. Let? FURTEER Y O AFFIAN? 5AYETH NOT. f/ Datcd: .? ?1G",J ($Kil g pplitan/) Subscribcd nnd aworn to bcforc mc This _/,p day of 1 200 v"? . t Colliu Mvrlit 15852 LSnnamon Way Rocemouat MN 55068 651-3224107 (Pr00)Pe APPUCQnNl Nnme axJ Addrer.rj p.2 eei Feb 13 03 03:02p Hom 4 ME IhC 651-423-6286 p.2 @@1?"t?ike6 716mti tolem .- vsr....a r?o AFFiDAVI'r OF WEMPTI0N FROM STwTE CON'TItAC'rOR I.ICENSE Stata of Minncseu ) sa Affidavit of Collio MYrtc ? .- (a??rd?$ P?u ?r;eaR+) County of Dakota ) Collia 1Hyrlie , being ficst duly swom, upon oath, deposes and states the (Buddwg Permit Applicanr) the following: 1. 'I'pis Affida'vic is submitted in comnaction with the buildiug perniit application made by Collib Myrlie (BuadingPernritAppYrnnt) for a proposed work project locaud at 4731 FCittner Pointe •EaSan• M1°nesota. 2. X aeknowledge and understand that Minuesota Statutes, 026.84, re9uires all resideatial building contraciors/remodelers co obcaia a license from she Mmaesoca l7epertmcnt of CoxUmerce, vTiless othervvisc extmpt undqr thC statute. 3. Y am exempt frocu tbe resideutial buildiag corLaaceor lieense requirement pursuant to Minnesota Statu[e s326.84, Su6d 3, foc rcason(s) imditated below (e1utk thou that aPPly): ? a. I an the owncr of the residtnriai real estate on w1urh the homo sLall be built and I will do Nu work mysel£ or josndy s++irh my own emPlaYees or agents that I am building sueh hoa,e az my own parwnal rasidoncc and intend w perma++cntly live thertin. b. I am, an arebdtut or mgincer engaiing in profeuional practiee as defincd in ? Minnaota Statutes, ChaDtar 326. c. My annual gross receipts are tess than 315,000. d. My conaaccs on individual projects in aggmg++tc do not exceed $2.500• e. I am a mechanical contractor, Plwnbcr, or an elaOieian. f. T am a speciality conuector, remodclu, ar material supplier inWolved ouly in part ? of the proposed improvetncai to the residcntial rcal estate. 4. I eclmowledge azad wndecatand that thc statetaents in this Affidavit arc made under oath ond if I make any s4atemrnt m this AfSdavit that I lononv to be falx ar ineoaect I undc that Y conld be subject W criminal pcosccution or denial ox revocation of e buil ' pem?it or both. Fu[tTHEx Ya ' ,?raivT sA?Tx Nox. DucA: /.3 ' /?/.. ?s) {Bui7 Perm?t RppGcaxr) Subscribai and awom to beforc mc This /,2 day of ? ? • ? Colliu Mvdie -- 15852 CSanamon WaY Roscasount MN 55068 GS 1-322-4107 (PHntl7)ope ApplioaM's Name axd itddress) ? gP 5o ti ?t b=. RESIDENTIAL DING PERMIT APPLICATION r CITY OF EAGAN S? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55'122 L? q -? 651-681-9875 ? P SD U ({ "i Sul So S'l( QJ 7?sa cJ U, s o LVs ?3 ? ,97 ConsWCli n Re ulrements RemodeVReoair ReauiremeMS (? registered site surveys showing sq R. of lot, sq ft, of house; afM all roofed areas • 2 copies ot plan ? C 20°,6 maximum lot coverage allowed) • t sel o( Eneyy Calculations for heated additions 2 copies of plan showing beam & window s¢es, poured found design, etc.) • 1 sRe survey for exterior additions & decks ?j ? i set of Energy Calculations • Indicate'rf fwme served by septic system for additions ? 3 wpies of Tree Preservalion Plan if lot platted after 711193 Rim Joist Depil Options selectian sheel (61dgs with 3 or less units) DATE VALUATION ? oa 51TE ADDRESS 4T3I (Aith2? Qo:, ??'L MULTI-FAMILY BLDG _Y ?QhI TYPE OF WORK t4l"' Co-56w6 ,,. FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 <D_ 2 APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS 3? TELEPHONE # CELL PHONE #I 6/1-3?/4 FAX # 427- j9-16 PROPERTY TELEPHONE# ----------------------- --------------------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RLJLL,S 7670 CATN:(UORY 1 MINNESOTA RULFS 7672 (4 su6mission type) • Residential Venlilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculalions Submitted ` Plumbing Contractor: 1' n??1-?_ ?n1'!*_ Phone # Plumbing syslem includes: ? Water So ener Iawn Sprinkler Pee: $90.00 ? Water Heatcr ? No. of R.I. Badis No. of Baths Mechanical Contractor: 4"-n1 Mechatucal systcm includes: L Air Condi i ning r ^ C? Heat Recovcry System I v Sewer/ ate ontractor: MAy p g 'LUU2 Phone # . I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the i rrc with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Or nanc ? Signature of Applicant ---------------- ------------- --------------- ---____--_. ___---- ------- --..___..--------- - OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received c'?11 Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Y0 - Fee: $70.00 °--------------------- and agree to comply Not Required ? Updaled 4/02 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation X02 SF Dwelling ? 03 Ot of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or_ N ? 20 Pool ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 23 Porch(screened) ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 30 Accessorv Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi l? 31 New ? / ' 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundatlon) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bidg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement "Demolitfon (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation /q OC71D Occupancy I't 1. MC/ES System Census Code Zoning ?? City Water -? SAC Units Stories 0-1 Booster Pump ? Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. 3, ooa PRV ? Nbr. of Bldgs ? Len th g ? Fire Sprinklered ? Type of Const W idth 3N, _ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Footings (new bldg) ? FinaUC.O. _ Footings (deck) FinaUNo C.O. Footings (addition) Plumbing Foundation HVAC _ Dram Tile _ O[her Roof Ice & Water Final Pool Ft s as Tests Final ? Framing Siding Stucc S one Fireplace $ R.I. \? Air Test ? \y Final _ Windows replace Insulation Tu Retaining Wall Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total Approved By ?F 2 , Building Inspector -- -- --------------------------------------------------- - ---------------- -- Ojral -zi fL /3 /o X 15"- f?i (a S D A1ri i5w f -?(o v ovo f ?r/ ? n? ?om??t x S- '-/ = !r ?< < x 3v = ??r ??? /' FRDM :HOM4ME FAX N0. :6514236286 I°IHY.C0.C!'I'UG Gl1.NU ?n%vni ??..May. 20 2002 02:49PM P2 ? • fiomtvo. 1-M-WARRANTY DEED Minnmara Ueltmm Coavoyanoing H1ank6 (N1/97) Individual(s) oo lndivlducl(e) Dete: A9H126. 20(I2 FOA VALUABLE CONSIDHRA7'10N, Cory C. Clarin md Dawn ? C ?S'?, c?d ?.?????? ? eolloww ' wnvey(s) und wurmt(s) m Colun Myrtic, Gcmcae(s). [ee! prapsrtr 0'. "2. $luck 2, togNha wrth aa undivtded 1/3 interest in Outte A, FShtneT Addition, acwrcmnH t° the recordod plat t}iaroof, and simeto in Dakaa Courtty, MinneweL tagedia whh atl hersditsments and sppuroamnla belocgle= dtoeto, wbim, m the followiag exteptiona: 8ub}eet W reohiatiana, reemvetiose zbd eaRemeats ofraoord, iiany. Qmck bwc if applLcable: ? The SeUor corlif as tlkat the sel Ier Qoac ao! Kmw of any wells vn We deserfbaa real proputy- ? A we1l disciwtaa caYlticxe aecompania tlris leeument ? 1 em fmuiliar wifh the property descnbmxi ia this ininment and T ceeiify thst the spuw eM nuta7K of welu on the Aescrlhed real propaty have not ehangod since the last prevtously fikd weU disciwure catiSwSe. Alfia Deed Tu 3+amp I{erc STATE OP MINNSSOTA COUNT'Y OF DAKOTA C6[YC. ckarln :?QGc?n.A.?. GPl,t,c.c.rv arm Iws insawnent was erYnowlcdged beftre me on Mls 26ch dsy of April, 300 Cary C. Garin aed Fawn M. C1erin. husbend and wi&. prµr u NOTAPJA[. rru.m OR ssAs. fon anl6ciM9 OR XAW) qh'k r.e dirn er en onnc wea I A?WmW (ie?ea?f O •ieWUmee194NIJ8eSNia 'nqhsea?PQiRC?N?? ?'^W COUIn M17h0 13E32 GtiMamon Way Iteaeroowrt. MN 5506s 77115 INSSRUM&'M WAS DRAF7ED BY (NA6R +ViD ADDftESSk nwKO7A COUNTY ASSTRACr Et TI'ft.E DHED TAX AUE:$_ FROM :HOM4ME , J1JaTlalluI lWH! lNdYt , APPLE VALIEY. M4d 3111A DC0203D454-R FRX N0. :6514236286 May. 20 2002 02:49PM P3 OCS WARAAN71lDSdD(3• IVIDVALTOWUNIDIIAL M'isIA31 LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 4 • /1 PROPERTY LEGAL: L ai' k 2 ?/?nP?/ ?7a? . f> > n " DATE OF SURVEY LATEST REVISION m rn c m ? DOCUMENTSTANDARDS Y < v O 2 Q q/ ? ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company G/ ? ? • Building PertndApplicant q? ? ? • Legaldescriptan ? ? • Address [d 0 ? • North arcow and scaie [f/ ? ? • House type (rambler, walkout, splR w/o, splR entry, lookout, etc.) [3' ? ? • DirecGonal drainage arrows wdh slope/gredient % r ? ? • Proposedlexdsting sewer and water services 8 invert eleva6on Q' ? ? • Street name rd' ? ? . Driveway G' o ? • Lot Square Footage dl ? ? • Lot Coverage [Y ? ? • Benchmark ELEVATIONS Exstino [a' ? ? • Sewer service (or Proposed) ? ? • Property comers d?/ ? C ' • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions E ' ? ? ? • levatwns of any ex sting adjacent homes ? riJ /I ? ? • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utiliry trenches W ? ? ? • aterways (pond, stream, etc.) Prooosed Lt/ ? ? • Garege floor m? ? ? • First floor l? ? ? W • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) P ? ? / • roperty comers [ ? ? O • Front and rear of home at the foundatlon / PONDING AREA (rf aoolicable) r?/ ? ? • Easement line C3'/ f.l ? • N W L p' fJ/ ? • H W L ? ? • Pond # desgnation ? rW ? . Emergency Overfbw Elevation DIMENSIONS iJ u • Lot lineslBearings 8 dimensions ?i ?? • Rightof-way and street width (to back of curb) ?? ? • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all sWctu2s requiring permanent footings) ?? • Show all easements of record and any City utilfties wRhin those easements i?(/[7 Ci • Setbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setback of adjacent existmg structures ?r ? ? • Retaining wall requirements, 'rf any Reviewed: 'A/ Name / Date ' . Surveyor's Certificate SURVEY FOR DESCRIBED AS : Lot 2, Block 2, HITTNER ADDITION, City of Eagon, Dakota County, , Minnesota, an6?reserving easements of record. - •y? % . ;°"???F"r?/'? ;?'? ? WETLAND i:^ .. r? FI ?-?--? 1:r i? •"? NWE = 910.0 • ( ? ? \ ' HriL= 913.3 ? , ' - -J- \ NOTE : Minimum Hause 9 Opening Must be q . ? 3' Above HWL / p. r. 30, ? S89048'05"^189.91 14' --------- - - 1o I----- ` ? b. I - - F 34.00 L? \ \ `9 W `" .oo , '?`] I ''vG?i ? G 2•00 Proposed N I I I , f t , z-scorv ? w ? ? 9Z , I N 9'pcw w/o ? I V1 O I ??e J? i 4.00 4.00 I N I ? ?G ? ? ~` I II I ? ? N I I Ip ?? I-P g rTi Garar9e ^' ILA. I I Drop 5' m pp O I I I ? I p \? ? 12.00 o 18.00 ? 1 I i Zz ` i? i ??etsit??9?IYVf69 ?,N?4, •9z a ? 9r9 ? (?equired ? 36.0 P° I ? ? N I U?n? I ? ''----- L,--------------------------- - - - - - - ? 16.6 Qa6.0 S89°48'05"W 192.95 LOT SQ. FOOTAGE = 27,191 HSE. SQ. FOOTAGE = 2,343 r LOT COVERAGE = 87o ? FROPOSEG ELEVATIONS Top of Foundation = 925.5/GAR.TF.920.5 : ?o?o V o Garage Floor = 920.1 Basement Floor = 916.5 Aprox. Sewer Service = 909.7 ' Proposed Elev. _ Existing Elev. _ Drainage Directions = Denotes Offset Stake = • SCALE: 1 inch = 30 leet BENCHMARK, TNHO 1/2 ELEV.=922.69 MIN. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ' Front - 30 House Side - 20 Rear - 30 Garage Side- 15 JOB N0: 02R-210 I HEREBY CERT1fY THAT lHIS IS A 1RUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERN AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND OOES NOT PURPORT TO BOOK: PAGE: HEDLUND PLANNJNG BNGINB6R/NC SURVBYING SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENC OACHMENTS, EXCEPT 5 SHOWN. 2005 Pin Oak Drive ? Eagan, MN 55122 DATE _,.L/.L_K? • CAD FILE: Phone: (651) 405-6600 F E! D. LIN?GREN, LAI SURVEYOR Hittnef Fox: (651) 405-6606 1 SOTA IJCENSE NUMBER 14376 RECEIV6D ' MAY 16 2002 EAGAN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT C,' . , ,.. . .. FROM :HOM4ME FAX N0. :6514236286 May. 20 2002 10:53AM P2 1-11, -MECcheck Compliance Report 2000 Minnesota Energy Code MECcheck Sotiwarc Vers'ron 3.2 Release Ib COIINTY: Dakota STATE, Mimiesota 20NE: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE- Sinble Family DATE: 03101102 COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 413 Your Ffome = 376 9 0% Better Than Code Permit Number Checked By/Date Gross Glazing Area or Cavily Cont. or poor P rim -t I g:VnLa.C S-Valu IL-FACJSi f19. Ceiling l: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1800 19.0 0.0 92 wall l: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 2750 19.0 0.0 143 W indow I : Above Grade, Vinyl Frame, Double Psne with Low-E 332 0340 113 Basemens Wall k: , Sofid Concreu or Masonry, 9.0' ht/I.0' by/8.5' insul 172 12.0 0.0 12 W mdow S: Basement <= 5.6 f12, V inyl Framc, Double Pane with Low-E 48 0.340 16 Furnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 85 AFUE Air Conditioner 1: Eloctric Central Air, 20 SEER Proposed and Mscimum U-Fector Averagea Proposed Maximum Average U-Factor Allowed U-Faccor Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors 0.340 0.370 Includes Foundation Windows > 5 Foundation Windows <= 5.6 R2 0340 0.510 COMPLJANCE ST ME proposed building design descrituxi here is consistent with the building ptans, specifcadons, and er wle t ns ubmitted with the permit application. The proposed building has betn designed to meet the 2000 nnesota gy ui ' MECcheck Version 3.2 Release 16 BuildedDesigner Date ? ?/ 6a- Feb 12 03 06:12p Hom 4 ME InC 651-423-6286 90102ef2l106 iPAIt1 C??4d+?BG?r?'9r@db@!s6 '? AF'FIDAVff OF EXEMOYION FROM STATE COLVTItACTOR LTCENSE • State of Minntsota ) ss Atfidwvit of CoUin Myrlie (Bwilding Pemiit Applitanq County of Dskots ) Collin MyAic , being fiYSt duFy swom, upon oatlf, deposes mnd states the (6wlQing PPxmit.fpplicanr) the following: ?. 7'his Affidavis is submimed in coanection with the building permit applicatian made by Collin Myrlie (Bu:ldingPermifApplicant) for a proposod'work projxc ^located az 4731 Hittner Pointe •Ea8an• MiuwSOm 2. I ackiwwladge and uodastand ttaat 1Vdiwacsota Statutes, 026.84, requires all residenrial building contractorslremodelers to obtain a licersse from the Minnesota Depernnent of Comlmerce, waless otherwise exdmPt undez the staNte. 3. T am exempe from the residentia] buildin$ cvMracwr ucense requiremcnt pursua*iL to Minnesow Statute 026_84, Subd. 3, for rcason(s) indiCated ixlow (ehcek those that apply): a I aa? the owner of Ihe residenCial rCal estate an which thc homc shall be Duils und I wilt do the work myulF or join[ly wi[h my own emPloyees or agtnts chac [ am btilding such home at my own personal residence and intend to permananllY LYc therein. b. I am an arclutcet or mginecr argap}ng in profeuional pzactiee as defincd in Minnesota Statuus, Chapter 326. _ c. My aanual gass reeeipts are less thaxi $15,000. _ d. My contracu on individual projccts itt aggcgote do rwt cxceed 52,500. e. I am a rneeFianical contrsctor, phunber, or an claodcian. ? f. 1 am a speciality contracior, remodelcr, or .matcrial supplier involvpd oaly ia paR of the proposed ianpxovemrnt w the zaidential rcW csutc• 4. I aclmowlufge an0 tuiderawnd that ttie statements ia chis Afficiavit are made under oath and if ,pd 1 make any skatsment in ilus A£fidavit that I know to be falu or inconctt, T undt that T e bui1 ' permit or could be subjccc to criminat prosecution or Qemal or revocation of 4wlg?erV2. both. FURTiIER YO' . AFFIANT SAYET?T NOT. Daud. /.? ?1 c? tpphean?) Subscribcd rmd sworn to bcforc mc COllin Mytlie -- This /,,,9 day of- 200 ,?L. 15852 Cinnamon Way Rosemouat MN 55068 651-322-4107 (Print/lypeAppliraunfl Nomeand dddrsss) p.z FM 12/03/02 07:51 2P715 924 2585 ABC TRUSS -,-,. UBC HASTINGS Q 001/001 7111 - 8TH STREEf P.O. BOX 133 CHETEK, WISCONSiN 54728 1-800-5249990 1-800-472-6510 FAX 1-775-8242585 Campany Name: U?JL' 11A$77r(f6C Datte: /Z Nuxmber of Pages: 3 ?qLG LORA//?b ?p?z DpCN?nl? 1 o ? ? m R lO ? oE Wy G ? g o ? na °s==°sPO`?v la =? ??.WIN..I nu uuILvinc COmppNENTS, INC. N O 0 . O O 0 h ? Z ? ? ? :J ? ? T T ? ? ? ? z ? :J 5 C y » in Y ? .V ? ? .i nN N :7 ?n 0 :V 0 n1 J \ u .i Joo rvame: CwuArv mwtL Truss ID: A7 Q: 3 BRG 1[-LOG REACT SI2E RFA'O 1 0-2. 0 BBBEq ae" 00' 2 TC 3aB SP 2250F-18E BC P p?a4ng?ec:hHSVIR-1995 ThisdeopnbueEmMadbmdngeppFed . . L105 2250FA.9E LwEetlbr40 yslnrown,pluswYalhv parNelo3ow?qgaCM1edub 22&10.01W55qOV 2 9T WEB 2x<SPFtl1CAN tltlNanalbedsindceled max ac 4om la 2x85PFC1650F1.6Eli-9,1&9 l.IwloaddeNr110nnmomel/9B0 TC 1000" Q-6090-UO A1nX DEFI.EGiION (apan) TIE BFAL7 2xa SPF rVY2?G?N TNIS OESIGN IS THE COIIPOSITE RESU! T OF fiC taO.ao' 0. a 0 9a a o WI6INMEM1748 IVE) ? ATTIC WB 2i/ SPF p3CAN MULTIPtE I OAO CA5E5 pPLIFf RFqCT10N(S7 L=-0bB'aAN" A,Bt' lunbvvioareloweblee veperNDSe1. - Supporlt-10BI6 Neilpatlemsnownlshrunlbimiaats llnncirJnaCharizLl.OeAectian-0 33 Suppotl"e-137W oMy Conca M2leJ lwtla > ]SOM musl Ee - MlpDrop,0.i-15 tluN0uletllpyalM1arz)?p?elybOaM py,unbssmllebuenen?M1OwnO. Oravugeminlbe p/OUiOedWavoq ontlnY OnamwmcroubrMpNp?%LreGng?mryhe TIrtsWSSlatlsslgixEUSinqtl?e ASCE] 894Y R ' CS O •GCCallerue?eQUlrcslelerelb?atl?p repu4adatunleAineolmompxNOS9] - peo ra On m BNgEntlmetl=Yee ahownplusEradqqMlhepamlpoFIsal &PLYINaIIM10dCOAWON,sIapBene?NDS-9/ TrvcaLaWan•NOtEnd2ww i IM coYar Oe1wlasa nolM aNwNe), uect 1)J In:TCTlII BC- 2T WEBS 3/II H?rtiuntlOr.wall Une = No, EaD GIepory C ? er npitl a1reaNNq o n4? Nal inYyey a M1am eech fe<e Bltlg IangiM1= CO 001% BNp WitlN =/O 00 A l Maennmmi hl- ]Ol7Rmph • eo i TPISIentlaN ency,DeaOteetl= li.Opet -LOAJCA9 81 DESIGNLOADS- Ov LPIf LLac R.%f RLOC LLRL TCVetl 3M 89 0.0?0 28983 7-1-4 095 . TCVert 951.W 7-2-4 9514010.7. B 070 TC VeN 289.63 16 ]-s 269 B3 1& C40 0.85 TCVetl 351.5019-4ID ]515022-&1] 0.10 TCVetl 2M 0011. 9-14 209.e] 30-40 005 BCVert 81.67 0-0.0 91fi] 7-2-4 0.00 BCYetl ]UB.37 7-2-4 3003322-8-12 0.71 BGVetl e1,97 yp-&i] 6167 00. 0.0 000 ? 7240-9 4--14 12-10.9 5-8 V B167 1b7-6 81.87 13440 000 1 2 3 4 ? 5 6 ?7 H 9 10 1112 ? Type IW k.Lac IVfL 3-PLYS BCVeA 33i9 7-2-9 000 - BCVM ?8n-&12 0.00 REpUIRED toaa - BCVM eoo0z3-n-? oao -1000 ecven aao.oYS-if-4 aoo BCVan 900029-tb4 0.00 N -B 5-f I 0-9-71 ? w- fe w-?sie?i aaao ? ?? rruswal Syatems eannector plalas are 70 ga. unless shown by "18" 118 92.1, "W' (18 ga.1, or "67X" (high sheength PO ga.), paal[lonad otrJOlnl Oefall ftapons avallable finm Truswal soriware. Circled platea antl false troma pirte¢ are posillonad ac shown ebove. 1 0-9-11 1?a MN'?Iv 28? nii i?uiesa 'vii iiia aiie@i aiiii yiYe d I:Vjry VI`Ii iu ilie O'eciiny ?,t ? mma.do??fiuanHU.miaeNouccon,semNaw...res-nnuee.ne...aon.n.ns?.em.a?wuwWw..nro.?..nm.wnun? ?nCtlmeinauardan?evnO?IM1eWneRV?rtlm?o?lCl?nE/FpqJeep?alandYG? NaInyasihLyksnwmdbdimmalonYxevary qmeneo?u veb0evmfeO6ybeeempmeNmmWa?WnrenElab?vldngJeslpiapnarlahbriomon.ThepullAyLetlynermuste?cetldnNalnelwN u TRUSWA utltlaEanNpeeaip?mselwnwWNebaUnO??W+?tlEYNeS?dbNMp?eEeaMqeD????YVlbbn Theaeyg?axaumeaNnllxepcnoN b iw.r+ren..aer n. mo?a eed.nwwm.ne m. mn.ma.ai. iaunnr enaauy.?aeanemM mmiw mrecN an.?em. uu.u on.nnae IeE Bnmp?MwnlsbthlpYwpponolmmyorcnl?membercatlYl•ndueeEUcdmglengN TikaompaneMsFVllnoibeplattdlnmy FZ74;Z;"q71 SYSTEMS emlranmwlNNUWewseNemoiiNrtmNReltluwooEloacndlYAanNa?eemecametlttphlemnouen Fabnob?anAe,YUW nwr.?. ua w.: a.:.,a,nu wn n. iama?v n.,,avm•.ww.?a c?mao.nu aw?o•.?,.n.u.,.,,,mm xomrNavwwm.re, •a?aVroi ?,mw e-womTN.. camunam?. su?e?e omyn xewen.Rneee, •wurouH? ixsrnwnc rwo aw?nxe usrn? 1oiNMaisy/,pNyy„qm}qnTXp6an pLq}QCpNNECTFOW00D iRU85E6'-MI&G1I mE'HI9-914UMMMYSNEE}'byTPl.lpeTruaP16lalnvtlNleIrnpieleneEa1D'Oimbuonve, MaNSaR W K?+In 5]ilA Tlie AmMcan Fu?ul anE PapRNSOCte?m ?AfPA? 6leaaleJ el tHi i9N Shet NW, Sm BM, WutBqlep, DG ]00]6. 1 fiBRHBY CER77PY iAAT TH[5 PI,A CR7CA'rtON, 01t ftEPORT WAS PR BY hIF OR TINUEN M'DQtECi 5 104 ADULY IS PESSIOT OFTHE!Ii T80F 5 DAYH NCGISTRA170ti ,.....-..ET7`..,.. WO Oriva S c230fi1_I.00005_JD0001 osanr kar Chk: TC Live 40.00 psl DurFacs L=1.15 V-t 15 TC Oead 7.00 psf Rep Mhr Bna 1.15 BC Live 0.00 psf O.GSpadnB 6- 2- 0 BC Oeatl 10.00 psf Design Spec TPI TO7AL 57 00 psf Seqn T6.5.9 - 57261 i IV-IV 5-6 5=B-B S=&B f 0-10 io-io 3_6 N O O \ O Z y U Z H f-? ? ? V ? T T T h ? R.' E. U ? ? ? u c A -i M 4 7 ? ? h V -? v 5 %-lAC REACT SIZE REp'0 0- 2- 0 9Bg8400' 2<B" TC 2vB SP 1250F4.9E BC 0 PlatlngspecqNSII?PI-?s55 2&10.010]55q,00"]9T' x105P 2350F-1.9E WEe 2x4 SPFL3CAN LOapedforqOpsllOroom,plusanyelFn XDEFLECTION(epanI 2?6 SPF C1e5pF1.5E 11<, 18-s TIE9EAM 2a45PFkiMl2-C0.N adtlllknalbatlsindiraleA. Lva loatl eanetllon im mam ie lI]W IB IN MEM 1?-08 IV E (L) ^ TTTIC WB 2kq SPF Y3CAN THISpESIGN15THECOMPOSIiERESULTOF MOLiYPI E LOPD GASES ose o=.ozn•r=-0.BZ" WmhershearaEmveNesareperNDSB]. , Nall pallem ahaxn u br uniform beGC nlyGarcnnUeletlbaUS?350kmustPa UnreslranaJ honz LL deflec4on • p 33 _ tlieMbmetl(p)(oNwe)eqw6Y roeach py anlasanallcWSWaarasl?ormI I. rdl A[flcar 0e n ulms l t l O 0lemegemuzlbeplohtle0bavoltlponENg. Onaromafaoec blEgNg(X-brednp)may0a q a e?a racin8 shown plus brmnp ai ?rye panal poinR pl Na mder U. (unlesv noletl lh i repuin nelceMeAineofmompe?NDS9) 9-PLV1 Nal w11pC COMMON, aiayperetl ?NOS-9? o eiw ze) , er tl ld h Sen, 12) Im TF Ln eG- IIII VvEBS vX p s eaUnng ie requtretl Nall rn luyers or hom eam fece Tlils daslgn OeseU on diaN hracing ep0b? per Ihe IdbwMg acnetlule: mexo.c fmm la TC 7900" 0.0-0 30.6p ec 120.00° ao-a sa-a.o uaurr aearnnueM Ihe u Datl = i].o pal 1 0-9-11 ? 1 12-00.9 4-2-04 12-10-9 3-PLVS 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 REpUIREO ?r00Q q0o-? 5-f H3-IC--1518I7 ao-0-o }g}928 2 t24-1 fruswal Systems connector plales are TO ga. unless shown by "18" (78 gal "H" (16 pa.), or "M%" (hlgh zlrength 20 ga.), poslfloned leNOlnf Defall Repprts avellable from 7ruswal sa(lware. Cirolad plales andlalae Game plates are posltlonetl as shown ahova, il:Van Ltl9.93 0-0-0 TB9.B3 T-]- TCVart 35t50 7-2-4 35150107- TCVeh ]A9B3 10.7-9 299.63166 TCVetl 3515019-410 351.50 22-@ TLWp 289.83 32-en2 299.83 90.( 9CVen 81,67 60-0 81fi] ]-p-q BC Vatl 389.03 P 2-4 308.33 23? 4 BG VOh 8187 Yl. 9-12 61.6] W. 0. SB V 61.67 10.9-8 01.97 18-411 Type.. Ibs XLoc IVfL OCVaN 934.8 7-2-4 U00 9C Veh 331e M-gq2 01 BCVen eooa 23-11-4 aoo BC Ven 900.0 2541-4 a,Op BCVad 000029.11-4OUO 12 -9 T 0-9-77 1 treVYNIS/Y/iYlFaa?ta/f L-L?/(?iL? :a..mnkror.?meimmaemiao °.•?_ r? e mmpm.mnet.?..avn.m ??na. n.?? eumw„P.am.?m?nro.;aeany me eama?+•M m.??r?wp, y?? n4dMa Ip eumUmn vnM Me wnmlvwuom oI T%anJPFpq @s?p? ybnW?ds Na rtapmtlElllryY aeaume0 fa? dmienekny ecaveey. pmmeiam xr lo be rMlled py N[ mmpweM manupdurct mQbr huilting dedgnnpnrc m lebrlwtlon. Trt Wildnp Jecyn¢r must azcehsn NasNe hoe4 TRUSWA ?uemwwsaeeie?meeima.c..ame?wmnqmye..anym.mviw?w?a??a.?an.p„u.,a,r.qawee„ rnaeevgna..umamame?epcxare i.i.i.?.i o.aceae h uKmaor?oorsme v mi .nam.coa M omNarels buerela.ae H betllefinli mtl &eefiBzM1evmkbrlalerelsu Y 0 hnpmeb?aldreNyapeqrzO,uMnatl?rvne< I? SYSTEMS PW" olmmpanera mamber?wJybnGuabucNlmgknglfi.llnscamponenlahallrwlLe0lsaedFaTy enWonmenlpYrnllwu?aNamolsNmwnlenlalAavrvoElaevreetll9%mNaicausemppepq?plabmmalen Fep¢ale,M1onda,1h¢hll andbnn qIa Wis In a«o?Eanae xiN ILe kYm.iyslantlaNC:'hipl aM CuNnO ?eml qepops' a?elloble ae ouput kom TNexal wllwan, 1f01Nanetsw,vM1 'AN9RPIP,INCAp.yyootlTmnCamdolMUNmBIa?tlutlGetlgnq¢spenalEiptle;'fMNOLINOMSTPLLINGANOBfiACINGMETAL ?, An^ua°^TX.>> PIATECONNECiEDWO00TflO83E5'-(NIB-81I enE'XI9-0ISUNMAFYSNEEThyIPITM1, TcwaPlaleNc4lumRF411eboekEalO'OnaBaOnve, WJam,NASronslnWflB lLePmMCanfweslantlPeperAautletlen(AFPApsIaaMEaHV119P6trao?NYV,siee00.WaeN?m,OL¢ome I }lpitFBY CP$TIFyT[YpT Tt![5 p],A CIFICATTOfl, ORAEPORI WA& PR BYMP OR OP7DWf 1Hy DQtECi S D'ULY I$ AND YELIT?I `A ]{7?g [? HP55I0 OFTHE F 9 OA1E AEG1g17tA770ri Cual' I IRO H4STIN!_R WO:Drive S c23464 L00005 JDOOUI Dsgnr.KJT Chk: TCLIve 4000 psl DurFacs L=115 P=1,15 TC Dead 7 00 ps( Rep Mbr Bnd 7 15 BC Llve 0.00 pal O C.Spacin9 6' 2- 0 BC Deatl 10.00 sf P Oes n 5 ec TPI TOTAL 57 00 psi I Seqn T6.3.9 - 57260 5'e VS=B-6 s=e-e i o-i o 10J0 y_g 12/11/02 tfED 13:27 FA7L 612 896 1117 TRUS JOIST lih 001 ? - !RC-a-Z - fS'SZ 4530 West 77th Street Suite 200 Edina, MN 55435 Phane: (952)-896-1115 Fax: (952)-896-1117 Pdx To: A? Fax: - Phone: ? Re: A 4Z 1 ? r10 - Y- :?,2 From:" Jerad Banksfon Date: CC: ? Urgent L] For Review ? Please Comment ? pfease Reply ht St -3 M ? Pfease Recycle This fac.5imlle may contain confidential informalion ihaf is not intended for tlistribution to any one other than the intended recipient listed a6nve_ !n the event tha intended recipient or en employee ,esponsl6le ior defivering fhis facsimile to the infended recipientis unavailable, p/ease do not distn6ute this tacsimife, notrfy us immediafely by telephone, and return this /acsimiie by mai7. Thank you. •Comments: ? Q r fv- -t GoLe- ? P"; «Zt s ca ?&Ac U ' V fF? Y1 ? ' - h ) J er ad 1Y/11/02 WED 13:28 FAX 612 896 1117 TRUS d0I5T ??a ? C. ? ?/nv?,??u,,c, a?iriess llecember 11, 2002 . ason Myrlie ]3om4Me 5852 Cinnamon Way Itosemont, MN 55068 Re: 4731 Hiriner Pt Rd Eagan, MN D4-02-I 132 Dear Jasan: '['his letter is bemg sent to verify the adequacy of the 11-7/8" TIIC/FroT"'-130 joist at 16" on center in the abuve referenced project. The enclosed product applicarion venfication (PAV) shows the i equired repair. The PAV can be identified by the fi]ename M-02-1132 in the upper right hand comer. Please review the enclosed detail and install accordingly. The I 1-7/8" TJIV/ProTM-130 joist at 16" on center wil] be structurally adequate for the given conditions if the PAV detai] requirements .we met. "['his analysis is based on infonnation Gary Parshall w/ Trus Joist provided. Any deviation from this informarinn will require re-evaluation. 'Ne have not reviewed the project plans to determine if product applicarion, desip loads, and dimensions are conect. An authority familiar with the shvcture must confirm the validity of the loads and dimensions shown. "Che calculations apply only to Trus Joist products in the above project. Please look for the proper 'Crus Joist trademarks when at the project site. ]'lease contact us if you have any quesrions Sincerely, )erad Bankston TQorth Central Region L'ncl. <:. Gary Psrshall, Trus 7oist Ca 002 Honh Canval P<Bion • 4530 W)7th Sxrest Smm dpD • EOlna, Minneeau 55435 • Pnone 952.896.1115 • Toll Frce 800.438.1427 • Fcv 952.896 1117 12/11/02 fYED 13:28 FA% 612 896 1117 1RUS JOIST Q004 ? Date: Decem6er 11. 2002 T ' Jason M e w ?o vrli / Ham4me Job #M-02-1132 A M ry?rM1aeuner Bcainess 4`30 W. 77th Sireet, Ste 200, Edina, MN 55435 (952) 896--1115/(800)438-1427/Fax: (952) 896-1117 PAGE z OF 2 1'RODUCT APPLICATION VERIFICATION JOB NAME 4731 Hittner Pt Rd LOCATION Eaean, MN 3ALESMAN Gary Parshall pRCH NA F:NGR NA TY v(ATERIAl, TJ /Pro-130 LENGTH 18' DEPTH 11 7 B" 3TRESS 100 % CODE UBC SPACING 16" O.C. DEAD LUAD 12 nsf FLOOR LOAD40 psf TOTAL LOAO 52 osf 8" SHORT 11 7/8" T1I'PROT"130 @ 16" O.C. ? SiLL PLATE- t , ? - - ?- 16 ? 1'_4.? ? i ]EXISTING ? " ' " SCALE: 1/2 = 1 -0 11 7/8" TJI7PROTN130 ? 16" O.C '' g• ? SILL PLATE FILLER . . , : : 16' - 2' ? A TD 1 3/4° x 11 7/8" 1.9 D MICROLLA J LVL W/ (4) ROWS OF l Od NAILS SCAI,E 1/2' = 1'-0" C? 6" O.C. (REPAIR TYP [CAL FOR ONE SIDE OF JOIST) NOTE. Manufecturers determmatmn ot T.1 produM(s), proRles, deptns, end devgns based on decails, dimensmns and )oadmgs show a6ove Any devmtions shall void above defermina4on and shall requve revi w b t f Th i l t h d + a y maou e ac urec is n arma ion app es only La the pro7ect refermced above an is not lo ' / be vievred as lypica7 for T] products used m ather applicatiovs. J COMMENTS: -AFPLY STRUCTURAL ADHESNE TO ALL CONTACT SURFAC?S. ',x'uc nnu ia:en rex tilz 896 1117 TRUS JOIST 12003 ? a ' ? n n w.ye.n.ruaer ev,;neas Daie: Deceznber it 2002 ToJason Mvrhe w/ Hom4me dob p:M-a2-1132 4530 VI 77th 3treet, Ste 200, Edina, MN 55435 (952) 1396-111?/(B00)438-1427/Fax: (852) 896-ll27 PAGE 1 OF 2 PRCDUCT APPLICATION VERIFICATION JOB 1dAME 4731 Hittner Pt Rd LOCATIDN_Eaean MN SALE3MAN Cary Parshall ARCH -NA ENGR NA MATER[AL TJ1??Pro. 130 LENGTH 18' DEPTH 77 STRE3S lOD % CODE UBC SPACING 16" O.C. DEA? LOAD 12_psf FLOOR LOAD40 osf _ TOTAL LOAD 52 psf 1: :-: c ? ? EXISTING SCALE: 1/2" = 1-0'. 16 - 1 1/4" 1.3E TIMBERSTRANDJR?_ LSL RIMBOARD NAILED INTO TOP AND BOTTOM FLANGE 11 7/8" TJI?PRO'"130 (ha) 16" O.C 2 ? ? . . . . . 16' 2, ? REMOVE 4' SECTION OF 1 1/4" 1.3E TIMHERSTRAN] 7? 7--?/? LSL RtMBOARD 1ZEd-L-?IR CADD (1) 11 7/8" TJI7PRO"130 NEXT TO EXISTING ?SCALF: 1/2" = 1'-0" PACK OUT WEB NAIL THROUGH WEB TO ATTACH SECOND PLY. NAIL (2) ROWS OF 10@ NAILS @ 6" O.C. (TYPtCAi.). NOTE. Manufacturers delermination of TJ roduct s ?? dimensi +r(D :ms and loadings show abave Atty deviaLion? shall eofd a6ove sdete manat?on and ? shall reqoire review Ly manufacterer Thss mformaLion app?ies only to the projeet referer,ced a6ove and is rtot to be vnewed as typical for TJ p:oduc[s used m o[her applicaGons. 11 7/8" TSI?PROT"130 @ 16" O.C. ? coMMEKrs: -A?PLY STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE TO ALL CONTACT SURF'ACES. -REPAIR IS TYPICAL FOR BOTH JOISTS W/ GIRDER TRUSS LCAD ON THE END OF THE CANT[LEVER 11 city oF eegan PAT GEAGAN Mayor PEGGY CARLSON CYNDEE FIELDS MIKE MAGUIRE MEG TILLEY Council Members THOMAS HEDG6S Ciry Adminisva[or Municipal Cenrer. 3830 Pibt Knob Road Fagan, MN 55122-1897 Phone. 651.675.5000 Fax: 651.675.5012 TDD: 651.454.8535 Mainanance Fuiliry: 3501 Coachman Poin[ Fagan, MN 55122 Phone: 651.675.5300 Faz: 651.675.5360 TDD: 651.454.8535 www.ciryofeagan.com THE LONE OAK 1REE The symbol oFsarngth and grow[h m our communiry March 21, 2003 Jason Myrlie 15852 Cinnamon Way Rosemount, NIN. 55068 RE: Grading/Erosion issues at 4731 Hittner Point Deaz Jason, As per our conversation, the certificate of occupancy for this residence (4731 Hitmer Pt.) has been placed on hold until the grading and erosion issues on the north side of the home have been completed and accepted by the City. The items aze listed below. ? Expose outlet to pond adjacent to property and re-grade slope behind outlet. ? Remove all fill material placed in wetland and drainage easement azeas. ? Re-install silt fence to City specifications azound perimeter of the property. All silt fence should be within the property lines. ? Seed and mulch disturbed azeas within the wetland and drainage easement with wetland-type seed mix. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to these matters. If you have any questions, please contact me at651-675-5640. Sincerely, 7 '?2?? / Dale Ronning Engineering Technician ' = r?` ? zov RESIDENTIAL BITILDING PExMiT nrrLlcaTioN City Of Eagan ?Q 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan NIN 55122 •/ \\ Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-56 4? 116? ; .. 3 registered site surveys sha g sq. R. of lat, sq. ft. of house; and all roafed areas (20%maximumlotcoverage owed) 1 Soils Report if proposed huild?n 's W he placed on disWrbed soil 2 copies of plan showirig beam 6 wi ow sizes; poured found design, etc. t set of Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservafion Plan d lat tted after 7(1193 RimJOislDetailOpGOnsselecfionsheel( ildingswith 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechanical ventilafion form t air Reauirements an shovring foohngs, beam 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated ad 1 site survey for addifions 8 decks qddifion -nroScate if an-sRa sep6c system Otfice Use OnN CettafSurveyRecd, _Y -N SoilSReport _Y _N reePr cd _Y _N. TreePresRequired _Y _N ao-sdeSeo6c5vstem _Y_ _N d ? ??kc?- trade secret and thi Plans are conswerea um c 1n11onuaLI.,IR ..lllu-? Date ?? I?`' I G 1 Construction ast SiteAddress ?! 1 rG? UniUSte #? Description of Work Multi-Family Bldg _ V ?<' N Property _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 ryta K) Telephone 1f 4S k) qd Contractor k -v-- Address State vI G? Z?P COMPLETE THIS A A ONLY IF Energy Code Category (J submission type) :- R iden6al Ventilalion Calegory 1 Warksheet t bmitted nergy Envelope Calculations Submitted In fhe last 12 months, h(is the _ Y _ N If) Licensed Plumber Mechanical _ ciTy, Puk?yu[yJr 1't' _ Telephone # (IpSl ) 46 S - ?E2 `"\ CTING A NEW BUILDING _ Minnesota Rules 7672 l ? . New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted ` of Eagan issued a permit for a 5imilar plan based o a master plani r" date and address of master plan: Telephon Telephone Sewer/WaterContra or Telephone#(\ n . --------------------- I hereby apply for Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; v? that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN? Statutes; I under and [his is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the ork will be in accoidance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. D?(? ???? D ?.J/a-L.1 G??1F- A IicanYs Si ature pplicant's Printed Name PP ? i ,.? . . Sub Tvpes ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? OS 03-plex ? 06 04-plex Work Tvqes ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement ? 07 05-plex ? 08 06-plex ? 09 07-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 12 12-plex DO NOT WI2ITE BELOW THIS LINE ? 13 16-piex ? 16 Fireplace ? 17 Garage >< 18 Deck ? 19 Lawer Level ? 20 Pool ? ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4sea.) ? ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo/pergola) ? ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous 30 Accessory Bldg 31 Ext. Alt- Multi 33 Ext. Alt - SF 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WndowslDoors •Demolitlon (Entire Bidg) - 6ive PCA handout to applicant De5C1'Ipt1011: WaterDamage_Yes Valuation Occupancy MCES System Plan Review ? 100% or _ 25% Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const 1/6 Width REQUII2ED INSPECTIONS Footings(new bldg) Sheetrock Footings(deck) FinaUC.O. Y Footings (addition) x Final/No C.O. Foundation T HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final Pool Ftgs AidGas Tests Final _ Framing _ _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By: Building Inspector - ------------------------------------------------------- ----- -------------- -- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------ Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge _TreaVnent Plant , `. License Search Copies,.,. , ?: . ,. ;.Other ; Total Surveyor's Certificate r FoR MBED AS : Lot 2, Block 2, HITTNER ADDI110N, City of Eagan, Dakoto County, Minnesota, and? reserving easements of record. ? ? 7 :- p ? 30, Z ,o r-- ?- i I i U) 0 0 O N N N w r*i ? O O 0 fEN?? I WETLAND NWE = 910.0 HWL = 913.3 NOTE : Minimum House Openinq Must be / ? 3' /Above HWL ° ' ? I ? ?1? ???av, 9?r,? S89°48'05"W\189.91- (/` tb, i? y p r 34.00 \2?? ?? ?w w ?la?, \ ?2 pZp i ..` ?9 2.0o proposed ? 2-Story I 9'pcw w/o N ? m i ' 'e,? tIZ2) o I dT?? ReC?U1P6d ? i L---------------------------- -- -- - N ?p S89°48'05"W 192.95 ? ? I t.m tz? y ? ? Zz , ? I 1 " I Ib.? i - r ?-\---qL-a LOT SQ. FOOTAGE = 27,191 HSE. SQ. FODTAGE = 2,343 LOT COVERAGE = 8% @9_ -?,p- II,..,,.,.-.. -- -- .. _. _. - Y - Y 7??14(7 City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan NIN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConsWCtion Reouiremenls 3 registered ste surveys showing sq. R. N lot, sq. fl. of house; and a0 rooted areas (20%mazimum lot coverage allaved) 1 Soils Repod if propased building is to be placed on disWrbed soil 2 copies of plan shuwing beam 8 window sizes; poured fwnd design, elc. 1 sel of Energy Calalafions 3 copies M Tree Preservatlon Plan if lot plaked aNer 7l1193 Rim Joist Oetail Dptions selection sheet (6uildings with 3 or less unifs) ASnnegasco mechanical ventiWtion form nl?.... .. a -:.1.. ..d nnLJ:n infnrmm4inn RemodeUReoair Reauiremenls Office Use Onfv 2 cropies of plan showing footings, 6eams, joists Cert of Survey Recd " =Y _ N 1 set of Errergy Calwlations for heated additions Sals RepoR -- _ Y_ N 1 sde survey for additions 8 decks Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_' N. Addifion-indirafeAoo-sitesepticsystem TreePresReqmred _Y _N On-site5epticSystem _Y _N 'C'c.P?cd q ??- ti.,ipcQ vnu ctate thev are tra e secret and t e reason. riana rc muaiuvmd Date ? / [c) / ? Construction Cos / S)?- ? Sitenddress 4731 f '1I77Nt_r-?-k ??• Uniuste # Description of R'ork /`7 12) 2IIV C/ &!' 9e 28?? Multi-FamilyBldg _ Y ,-' N Fireplace(s) Z_/?' 0 2 Property Owner (11N r?,? ? ?i"1 N/T 5 7 CT'• ??? Telephone #(EjS/ )?? Coutractor Address -/ State Nl /V /? vl'? ?? `• G L ? ? J?l/? Zip SSl/2 2_ ,,? CiTy Y? ?}?&?i(/S? G? Telephooe #(6/2) 79Y' IZ 7Z COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Cate9ory 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (+1 submission rype) Submitted Su6mitted , . Energy Envelope Galculalions Submiried , In ihe last 12 monihs, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a masier plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber 2007RESIDENTIAL BUILDING rExMiT ArrLicaTrorr l Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor apply for a Permit Telephone #( Telephone #( Telephone #( that the information is complete and accurat r, e; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes ot tne Liry oi nagan anu uic 31?.U U. 1?1N lication for a permit, and work is not to start without a Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an anz permit; that the work will be in accordance with the apof work D r s d approval of plans. ?? ? ? C ApplicanYs Printed Name c ? . DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 Ot of _ plex ? 04 02-plex 0 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex Work Tvpes O 31 New 'K 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement ? 13 16-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 17 Garage ;K 18 Dedc ? 19 Lower Level , . ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessary Bldg ? 21 Porch (3-sea ) ? 31 Ezt. Alt - Multi ? 22 PorcFJAddn.(4-sea.) ? 33 Ext.Alt - SF ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo/pergola) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 24 Stortn Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous ' ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors •Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant D05CflptlOfl: WaterDamage_Yes Valuation Lg iD Plan Review ? 100% or _ 25% Census Code 1. ? SAC Units # of Units # of Bldgs Type of Const Occupancy MCES System Zoning City Water Stories Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered Width Footings (new bldg) ? Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundazion Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final ? Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation REQUIItED INSPECTIONS _ Sheetrock FinaVC.O. Final/No C.O. HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Approved By: ::y 1, , guilding Inspector 8ase Fee Surcharge Plan Review MClES SAC CRy SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge : Treatment Plant License Search ?Copies ' Other Total ? 07 OSplex ? 08 O6-plex ? 09 07-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 12 12-plex ? k r? t_t? 3iil; 0 f . I Surveyor's Certificate f FOR rZIBED AS : Lot 2, Block 2, HITTNER ADDITION, City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, anc??reserving easements of record. ?#,;. ? ' : ? '-. .°' _ • ` _. __..? \ WETLAND NWE = 910.0 OWy _ 9133 NOTE : Minimum HoUSe Opening Must be 3' Ahove HWL / o 'Y.r.S. \ / \ ? ? SNW 91/,J 3p, Z S89°48'05"VV\189.91 N /S -___--_____,` . /6' , r 34.00 ? $ 1 LT .oo ? i tEN?? \ C 2.00 Proposed N I ? ? T 1> 2-StorY u I I I 9'pcw w/o I N I \ iyl ? II Q oo ?y \ 4.00 N fTl I E' • ' m Gor'orge ? Orap 5' ? O I ? ` I 12.00 0 ? o ? g? ? o 18.00 i \ V ? S?O? ' 3:itning i or V?I Wi ll ? N?\ ?qi .a , 919 S? - pequired FIL,. VJau P' I P I ` N ? \ 1 L---------------------------- -- -- --? ?-----? N 521,.0 S89°48'OS"W 192.95 LOT SQ. FOOTAGE = 27,191 HSE. SQ. FOOTAGE = 2,343 LOT COVERAGE = 8% y ? ? 1 ?? ? . I03 I I ly i zz ? i QIG.? I I ? ?Q Qlb.? Vm ? ???F ? '????? ?? PROPOSEG ELEVATIONS Top of Foundation = 925.5/GAR.PF=920.5 ? Garuge Floor = 920,1 ' Basement Floor = 916.5 Aprox. Sewer Service = 9di.7 ' Proposed Elev. =L? Existing Elev. _ Drainage Directions = Denotes Offset Stake = • scnLE: i inch = 30 teet /'fEDLUND PLANNINC 6NCINEFRINC SURVEYfNG 2005 Pin Oak Drive Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: (651) 405-6600 Fax: (651) 405-6606 BENCHMARK, TNH? 1/2 ELEV.=922.69 MIN. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Front - 30 House Side - Zo Rear - 30 Garage Side- 15 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A 1RUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF THE BOUNOARIES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERN AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND DOES NOT PURPORT TO SNOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENC OACHMENTS, EXCEPT 5 SHOWN. DATE 5/3-K'_ ?• E F E f D. LINDGREN, LA SURVEYOf II SOTA LICENSE NUMBER 14376 N0: ozR-21o I ( CAD FILE: Hittner BLUE o+ B,AC"K Ink ESIDENTIAPLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Repair T Rebuild Abandonrneft Add Pmb�ng,F�re�, Septic System Abandonment, Water Tumarou 'Water Tu�narntrnd (add 5280 00 ita314" meter is required) 115,00Septic System New (includes County fee and State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES ►LigFORE ¥OU G. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities +nww 4©pherstateenecallorq k will b in conforance with the ordinances and codes of the City of metion is complete and accurate; that the work w+ e m Rota permit, but only an application fora permit, and work isnot to start without a permit that the work will be in n in the case of work which requires a review and approvalplans licant�ted Name x Appit Date: viewed By: -- A;r TestT €st nanometer Staff: Final PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA155081 Date Issued:04/26/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4731 Hittner Pt Lot:2 Block: 2 Addition: Hittner PID:10-33250-02-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Justin R Ernesti 4731 Hittner Pt Eagan MN 55122 (763) 482-9397 Champion Plumbing 3670 Dodd Rd., #100 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 365-1340 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA157103 Date Issued:08/05/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4731 Hittner Pt Lot:2 Block: 2 Addition: Hittner PID:10-33250-02-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Justin R Ernesti 4731 Hittner Pt Eagan MN 55122 Air Mechanical 16411 Aberdeen St NE Ham Lake MN 55304 (763) 434-7747 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature