873 Ivy Lane sv? . + p., ' 1, , 5 Wertificate of cccupanc? Witv of Cfagan Zoarbmear of Zxitbing 3noeecaa This Cenificate issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code cenifyrng that at !he time of issuance fhis srructure was in compliarece wrth the varraus ondinarices of the Ciry regulating building consrructioR or use. For the following: u? aassifi«tion: Ali'luA 1 Cl&-2 L1H1T.1 Bldg. Pertnit No. 24 8- Q-5 Oc-p-r'iYpe R3.1M1 Z-ina Dis? EDA? - Tya ca,st. 3M. ownerofeuitding address 7625 HTIRC] wtm 17EM Building Addrcss F122 Iff iAbE LACaIiry n,te: - ? swwing officLal/ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ' CIT'1 OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: , „ , ?`: r ! I t if i 1431 ifi'ill!i rtihifi . NOitlit PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: If.:? '+ i I I I t1?1! N. N:1Gf?. iJ I 4J i 1 I?t .' 1lNI (' INSPECTION . I DA • .. . . DA 1. I h1 ,I1I ;'s 1 1 liW . I? f 1 l „ii?,il o ri ??! itr? „?i,,?? ? r, ,, i I I?r?l !•I t;?i ! il :l I:I, Ii lIft ASs `, 1. L.I P i 2th • fi!-N," NYAIM I>lEil INSPECTIUN RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: ? ? •? i; ?,?„ + : , APPLICANT: 1," 'i 4 i : 4.-1 IF Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone t S/W PLUMBING /I f 3 HVAC ? ?k-J . U 9 ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspsctlon Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundalion Framing Raofing Roug, PJbg. Rough Htg. l5ul. Fireplace Fnal Htg. 5 Orset Test ? Fnal Plbg. Plbg. InspeCtor - Notrfy Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Plen Bldg. Fina! Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. a- -q ? W,ertifica#e of cccupanc4 wim of Cfagan . ?- . ?rnttu?tat oF 13ttfthag 3u40ecfion This Certificale issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniforrn Buifding Code certifyrng that at the time of issuance rhis srructure was in compliance with the various ordinarrces of the Cily regulating buildireg construction or use. For the following: Use CSassification: T?710f FY-! 1 tr ') TiNTisI Bldg. Pertnit No. 24$04 Ooarpancy'fype 4?M1 7,oniug District PDI-Rl Type Const. VN ownerorsnilding w(1[XN.4M) (?0[nvIKYFKAIEES IlV?'wamYss 7625 MW- Bd.VD. IDINA Building AdMess 873 NY I-AME Bnilding Official ' lonliry .,_.-• ' - POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE OTY OF EAGAN ' 3830'Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 i (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: , ?,, <<•.r,?, . N?j?r fti PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: III i ? 11 i a il;A NI t1 1 ! ??t 1 UMI t?.} INSPECTION DA • .A I i`?',II! r1 ! I??f? I 7 1 r•.?•„t? I MAf+P '. ', !. 61 ?'{}4h !,i M,' rt YitPt 1•1 F.ili ? .. !T INSPECTION RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: •, f, l „l r APPLICANT: ,., , . (;{? • E ? ? _ ? ?t?l: :'?. ? ?? . Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone B S/W PLUMBING HVAC // S 9? 2'JD- f lb I ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspectbn Date Inap. CommenU Footings I Foundation Framing 3?3 9s Rooling Ro,g, Pib,. . Rough Htg. ?? •_ c S , ? ISUI. Q? /?a tl ? NSVL cj 'el ? /-{.s- ?Gr 6-cS//L - %2 r uSY' S` Fireplace Final Htg. 11 -2 Z-N oBet Tes, y s. Final Plbg. -._ . . Const. Meter EngrJPlan fS Bldg. Final ? a, ? 9N? tf ?s/ Deck Ftg. i ? n l NT/?1 ? i H? s ? • ? ?zLA Dedc Final ?, ? < < weli A poR f1 T74m! Pr. Disp. ?tGtNrRfvr'fNT!• /Z tty ,-e_ '*I 9 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooaoi-os ? Soe iostmevons br eompleM1ng 4.is form on back of yellow cOpy Q 061 664 "X" Below Wo1WCofered by This Request ??°•<? Neu Add Rep ? Type of Bwlding Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt 8uilding Dryer Load Management Comm./Industrial Furnace Other (Specify) Farm Air Conditioner Other (speoRy) Conhaclor's Remarks Compute Inspecbon Fee Below: # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool D to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 Amps Above-t -Amps Si ns inspeotors use omy ? TOT ? Irrgation 8ooms Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MA 8 OR ISCON CTED IF NOT Other Fee ? COMPLETED WITHIN 7 TH . I, the Electncel Inspector, hereby Rou9n,n ? oaie?? ?? ct cerlify that the above inspectron has 6een made. Tl? n OiFICE USE ONLY I TM1is requeflt vord 18 monthe (rom /A/ 6/?1 6 6 4 ? 9 ?3`?? ? i °° ? Requ=S! Date _ Fve N. Rovgh?[ InsF ioy Reqmretl (VOU, ust call mspector when ready) Yes ? N. Inspecoon Other Than Fough-In ? ReaCy Now? Will No?ity Inspector Dale Read I-olicensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection ot above electrical work al: Job Atltlress (Streat Box or Route No ) Qry Sectwn No Toi fWfie or No Ranqe N. County L;? Occupanl(PRINT) Phone No Power Su lier ess ? EIecV¢sl tracbr(COmpany Nam r Conlractors Li se No Mailing Atldress (C nbeclor or O?vner Makmg Instep mn) 7 75- ? Authon .d &gnaWre (COnhar,todOwner Makmg Installetion ?- Phone Number -(0310 'M1INNESOTA STATE 80AR0 OF ELECTHICITV THIS MSPECTION REOl1EST WILL NOT Gnggs-Midway Bltlg. - Poom S4P8 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD 1821 Universi[y Ave., 51 Peul MN 55104 l1NLE5S PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 642-080D ENCLOSEO ? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-000yog_ See instmctions for compleen9 t?is form on back of yellow capy §^` p? /?w ? 0:. 0 1 663 °x„ Below Work ^overed by This Request '«??•rv Ne Add ?;ep Type of Builtling Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Ouplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt Building Dryer Load Management Comm./lndusfrial Furnace Other (Specify) Farm Av Conditioner Other Ispecdy) Contraclar's Remarks Compute Inspechon Fee Below: # Other Fee # Service EMrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 Amps A6DVe 100 -Amps Signs iosPeccors use oniy TOTAL Irriganon Booms J ??0 Special Inspection Alarm/Commonication THIS INSTALLATION MAY B DIgCON CTED IF NOT Other Fee j?ap COMPLETED WITHIN 1 TH . I, !he Electncal Inspector, hereby Roughin oaie/'1 ?J certdy ihat the a6ove inspection has been made. Final I! .- ? ?. OFFICE USE ONLV TMS request witl 18 monlhs Iram 'e- Q- 0 61 6 6 3 1L9 A r,??, i? yafi,tl 3 45??' °o Request Date ? ry qre No R ugh-In Inspechdn P.eqmred IVOU nll mspeqor when ready) Inspe ion Other Than ugh-In ? eady Now Will Nohfy Inspector ' OC ?? ? Yes No Dale Reatl I- )Kicensed contractor ?owner hereby request inspechon of above electrical work at: Jab Ntltlress fStreet Box or Route o) Qty 3 E7, ?.? Seceon No Township Name or No Range N. GouNy ? Occupa (PRINT' tf,_ /'YYlB Ppone No Power Supplier Atldress ` Eleqnca Conrcactor (Company Name) actors Lwens o ConV n '/ Madmg Atldress ( onVeetor or Owner Makmg Installato,n) 7 C.eJ• AmOOrized ignature (GOnVactonOwner Making Inslallation) Phone Number ' g' ?v / 36 ani v 0 ? uii 92 9Un versY Alae_BSt ?P v SMN85510p ICITY II? UN I E3S I T PROP ER INSPECTIONFOEE 9 Phone (611) 692-0800 ENCLOSED Address Zip 5512 3 Lot . -to Blk 1 Sub THE WOOnLANDs ND'-M 3xu THESE ITEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLETE AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPEGTION. Date: / ?? ?1/ Yes No Inspector: Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps (garage) Permanent steps (main entry) Permanent driveway Peananentgas Sod/Seeded grass TraiUwrb damage Porch Basement finish r Deck Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut•off of water supply ro the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. Contact engineering division at 681-4645 before working in righEOf-way or installing underground sprinkler system. ? White - City Copy Yellow - Resident Copy Pink - Contractor Copy Address Lot , ' e' ' Blk Sub uE kYIODLArIDS NoR1H 3Rn Zip 5512 3 THESE ITEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLETE AT THE TTME OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. Date: Yes No Inspector: Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps (gazage) c? Permanent steps (main entry) Permanent driveway Permanent gas 5odlSeeded gtass TraiUcurb damage Porch Basement finish Deck Please verify with the builder the removal of roof tes[ caps from the plumbing system and the shut-0ff of water supply to the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. Contact engineering division at 681-4645 before working in rightvf-way oc installing underground sprinkler system. White - City Copy Yellow - Resident Copy Pink - Contractor Copy • w -7?-:&-7 -E 2007 RESTDENZ'jAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConsWCllon Reauiranen5 3 registered site surveys shovring sq. k. of l04 sq. k, of house; and all roofed areas (20 % maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 SoBs RepoA il proposed huilding is lo he pWced on disturbed soil 2 copies of plan showing beam 8 wmdow sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 ut of Energy Cakulafions 3 copies of Tree Preservation PWn'rf lot plalted after7l1193 Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (buil(Figs vriU 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechanical venfilalion form RemodeVReoair Reauiremenfs 2 copies oF pWn showing fooGngs, 6eams, joists 1 sel of Energy Calwlations for healed additions 1 sile survry for addiAans & decks AddNOn -lfdcafe i/ons8e sep6'c syslem 00 C?? -/ a. Office Use Onlv Cerlof5prvtryRecA;.?'.,. Y__N TreeFiPSPIanReW -?-: Tree Pies ReQui[ed_ -:, Dn-slteSeptlcSysterti,, = Y =N Date 2/ / Z / ?-1 Site Address -I Construction Cost (VGA..nf?C Unit/Ste # Description of Work Multi-Family Bldg _ Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 Z Property Owner ?"? ? ? N?'N? ?S ??7 i Telephone #((i'r7) 451 - y4" Contractor ?VICL*=. Address /'?t1 iL?O State ??'!OV ? r ti'a-f!D AS ?'D/?7[ S eX Zip ZF? !? City dn l?L S Telephone #(4U4 761 • 6sl Z. COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota RWes 7670 Ca[eeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Enefgy Code Category , Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheel (J submission type) Submilled Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In ihe last 12 months, has ihe City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Y _ N If yes, date and address of masfer plan: Licensed Plumber Telephone #( Mechanical Contracto?? ? Telephone #( ? 1- FE Sewer/W ater Contractor Telephone # ( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Sj:?q !!:n? ??i?? ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicants 5ignature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvoes ? Ot Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex 0 04 02-plex ? 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex Work Tvpes ? 31 New ? 32 Addition 9-*?33 Alteretion ? 34 Replacement ? 13 16-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 17 Garage ? 18 Deck V?, 9 Lower Level ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 E#. Alt - Multi O 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 33 6ct.Alt-SF ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebolpergola) ? 36 Multi Misc ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous O 35 Inl Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interiar 0 44 Siding ?36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 , Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors •Demolition (Entire Bldg) -Give PCA handoutto applicant DBSCfiptl011: WatsrDamage_Yes Valuation "`/ re p Plan Review 100% or 25% Census Code L;? SAC Units # of Units 0 # of Bldgs Type of Const Occupancy le- ' ";7 MCES System Zoning City Water Stories Booster Pump Sq. Ft. _ PRV Length Fire Sprinklered Width _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings(deck) _ Footings (addi[ion) _ Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Framing Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final ? Insulation REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Sheehock Final/C.O. j[ Final/No C.O. HVAC Other Pool Ftgs AidGas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick W indows Retaining Wall Approved By: !71) ,? ? ? ? ?Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MClES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ? 07 05-plex ? 08 O6-plex ? 09 07-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 12 12-plex .. ?. • 2007 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBINGPeRmiTAPPUCarioN so Sv CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 ; Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. te' D a Site Street Address ! V Unit # Telephone #( ) Property Owner . ' ? I '( t ??O 1 $?? a' • Telephone # . or Contrac ?17• Ci ?/?z (; n Stat4 ? I , Zip SS ` `? Z3 ? - Address The Applicant is: _ Owner Contractor _ Other Septic System _ New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license InGude$s Co O fee 100, Per as-built $ 70.00 Fire Repair (replace bumed out fixtures, etc.) $90'00 Aiterations to existing dweiling $ 50.00 ? Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes installation of a water softener and/or water heater at the same time. If you are instalfing on a water softener and/or water do not complete this section; move to the heafer next section and check the , appliance(s) you are installing. Iui _Septic System Abandonment ,4 21 167 Water Turnaround (add $136.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: Water Softener _ Water Heater $ 15.00 new _ replacement _ Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 $ .50 State Surcharge $ Total I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work wiil be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the piumbing codes; that i understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permd, work is not to start wiffiout a permit and work will be in a ordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is requi d to be reviewed and approved. . .. .-. . . .I - _ n...+li_ Ne Ci?h iro RESIDENTIALBUILDINGo City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConstNCtion Reauirements 3 registe2d sde surveys showirg sq. ft of lot sq. ft of house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) 2 copies oi plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. i set of Energy Calculahons 3 oDpies of Tree Preserva6on Plan if lot platted after 711193 Rim Joist Detail Options selecGon sheet (buildings with 3 or less unAs) Minnegasco mechanipl ventilation fortn RemodeUReoair Reauirements 2 oopies of plan showing footings, beams, jdsls 7 setof Energy Calculations for heated additions 1 sile survey for addNOns & decks Addflion - indicate Non-sHe septic system ,$-7o .o C) Office Use Onlv CeAofSurveyRecd _Y _N Tree Pres PWn Recd _Y _N, TreePresRequired _Y _N Onsife Septic System _ Y_ N Date r l 1- ?/ l Q` 0 Construction Cost 0 ,Q, DDO, Site Address 173 1-y/ Lp f",C- UniUSte # Description of Work ? ?P, c t 67Y #,?¢. ?on Multi-Family Bldg _ Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0_ 1 _ 2 Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor (} Address y o r c" 6 d 7-t I t City /y/Ie -f State /r! 1?, 6 /-t 2Y3 Zip ,Y',ry! 9 Telephooe #(Gi 2. ) 7 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 _ Minnesota RWes 7672 Energy Code Category , Residentiai Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has The City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone # ( Telephone #( Telephone # ( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a pemut, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. IJA v, ?P J_? 1,A9 tA Applicant's Printed Name /0 L Lf? ApplicanP 3ignature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Eut. Alt - Multi ? 03 Ot of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 33 EM. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Tvpes ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition O 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alterafion ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement `Demolition (Entlre Bldg) - Give PCA handout to appliwnt DOSCfipti0ll: Water Damage _ Yes Valuation Occupancy MCES System Plan Review 100% or 25% Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) _ Foundation _ Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final _ Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Sheetrock FinaVC.O. FinaVNo C.O. HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick _ W indows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector ? Pionaer Ensinaarine 7831883 P.02 r •? * T * Certificate ot Survey for: CO1.II1tT yhOII House Address: 873- 8L? Iiz Lane ? House ModeL• _ xB86 ??. \ ceo7+ uHirs> D.o noot" ExWtu,g aovaam -- . - . -- . : Denotes Propowd E7awtkn . .,? ~?. ?.. ,.. `?•- ? Dsnotas Ora4rop flow Dkactlon Top of Hlodt Rewtlon: 887. S7 ? - oanotes aoR?,oge & utgny iFaeement °anUP Glob °aWU"` ? r? Dmeoteffi Afonurnent NolrAt Pfovood wldkw •n, r9*9 a a aaaadmo. r* ae a- Denotee atrset Hub Bsarings ehown are asaumvd ?°?'9 Pbn? appnw?d 6Y ??W a0? . noM- cmlrmur umsc V.rr,M mm.abw s *w.wor d.w. ?aT 9-10 ..BLOCK 1 WoodIsnds NortI? .3 d DAKOTA GMTY. OwNEsorn ? h hwby osrtify thot thb aurvey, plan or raport wne proparad by ma or unde_g my dtreet wparvislon ahd that I am dly i leanoed ond 9urveynr Lmd? Ne lare of tha Stats ot 6ttnnaootn. Ooted fhta ?p r day of ?? A.P. 1991. i v?S4 ? ra • S ?levS'igned: PIONEFR mmAti i,mls ¢us• ?? a feet ?^'-` ? ? TeRenoo E Rothenbocher. L. Reg. . 2059 aolaa,ur 95z 7631883 10-20-94 03:24PM P002 4 2422 Enlsrpriav DrM ' YnSa Hdyhb. IAN 59120 I w?o amvflrox9 . a?,i eim+?ms ( 612 ) 881-1914 FAX881 ?9488 13ryg naeN A'lg wm waut+oas • uaosCere ,waarecie 628 Hlghwoy 10 N.E 6lainq NN 6643i (e12) 7es-1aeo Fax:7e3'Iea3 I.OT BIIRVEY CHECRLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL ? BDILDINd PERMIT 7?PPLICA ION ? BROPERTY LEGALS 6 ? C ? e/ Dat• o! Surveys ? DQCLfMENT BTANDA B AA-" ? ? G 0 • Registered Land Surveyor signatuze and company H? 0 0 • Suilding Permit Applicant 6l0 0 • Leqal desoziption 8?p 0 • ]?ddress L?? 0 • North arrow and4er- scale E-7D 0 • House type (rambler, walkout, cplit v/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ?(] 0 • Directionai drainage arrows with slope/gradient i. 0?0 D • • Froposed/existiag sewer and water services 0??0 0 • street name rr D 0 • Drivexay LLE9ATIO1t6 2--D 0 • Lxietiaa Sewer aerviee tY 0 ?0 n ? • • Lot corners Top of curb at the driveway ? D D" 0 • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes 0?? 0 • PreooseQ Garage floor 0 0 r 0 0 D • First floor t i d d ti lk l . • ow) on (wa ou /w n Lowest expose e eva '?' 2 D • Property corners - ?' ? 0 • Front and rear of home at the Foundation D 2' 0 • 4CNDING 71REA8 lif aDniicabiel Easement line n 8' o • NwL D 8' D • 8wL n 0 • Pond i designation D D • Emergency Overtlow Elevation • DSMEIQBIOliB Lot liaes ? 0 0? 0 • Riqht-oF-vay and street width (Lo back of curb) cks dia a i i l d d di n G • , nc u q e mens ons ny propoBe Ptoposed home overhangs qzeater thaa 21, porches, etc. (i.e. ail ? structures raquiring permanent footings) D' D p • show all easementa of recozd and any City utilities within 0-1 thoBe easements e and setb djacent d st uctu k f f 3 D • propose r z ac a o Setbacks o a r?? / D • existinqghomes ie r ? Aetainin ?ments, if aay w Reviewed Oetobez 1992 \ rEE .52, ? / ? . `- _ ?i. 1C : :ss eeo 1d-6"Q1.P CL.52:' 14yD04T. Q} f `s: MFf 6. 7 to .- ?? ,??"\ 1 \\ \ I I I! - ' ? ?2 C?. ?\ \ \ ? . .- - J L / Q y, . 4- S Ek W 0+75 S& W i+ C.O. Q.O. >'J >INV. 882.00 I.NV, 876.00 ROW -? S&W 0+40 S 8i W 0+20 C.O. S& W 1+35 C.O. INV.888.00 ?N . 887.00 INV.882.00 C.O W 0+25 S S W 1+10 ,-?.--? ? ? 1 i ?:' ?!. .?? ? ` r:',i2??! ? . ' ,r. : 't : ?.' ? ,'.. • -• ] INV. 890.00 C.O. .?._. r.. •in !"? INV. 89QOQ _.. saw 0.90 c?: U,17 -, ,,., ??, ._ . .-: . _ C.O. P INV. 891.4 F„ -,.- _? ,.?. 1/4? •n ? - .?.- . ??....I IJ? / ? ' . .. INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAPV PERMITTYPE: su=LorHc 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: 0 2 4 8 0 4 Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: 11 ( 6 3/ 9 4 (612) 681-4675 SITEADDRESS: Lor: e BLOCK: 1 APPLICANT: 873 IVY LANE COUNTRYHOME BLDRS THE WOODLANDS NORTH 3RD (612) 447-2424 PERMIT SUBTYPE: DUPLEX TYPE OF WORK: NEW DESCRIPTION (1 OF 2 UNITS) INSPECTION FOOTING3 ., INSPECTIONTYPE FOUNDATION .• FRAMING ROOFING INSULATION FIREPLACE ROUGH IN PLBG ROUGH IN H7G FINAL PLBG FINAL REMARKS: S& W PLBR - GENZ-RYAN PL6G F L ? I-? . CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: M331L L o BUILDING 024804 11J03/94 SITE ADDRESS: 873 IVY LANE LOT: 9 BLOCK: 1 THE WOODLANDS NORTH 9RD P.I.N.: 10-75892-090-01 DESCRIPTION: r1 (1 OF 2 UNITS) B,u'ilding'-Permit 7ype DUPLEx Building Wo.Gk Type NEW UBC Occupancy`, R-3 M-1 ?Construction 7}ipe V-N j 2on3ng -, PD R-9 ? Building Length ' 90 ? Building WidCh 32 - Building stories 2 -_S'q'uare Feat 2,225 REMARKS: S& W PLBR - GENZ-RYAN PLBG FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge SAC SAC ? SAC Units Subtotal VALUATION $751.50 $488.48 $66.00 $800.00 100 $2,105.98 $132,000 MISCELLANEOUS $1s828.50 Total Fee $3,934.48 CONTRACTOR: COUNTRYHOME BLDRS 7844 150TN PRIOR LAKE (612) 447-2424 - Applicant - ST. LIC 18354126 6008508 ST W MN 55372 OWNER: WOODLAND COUNTRYHOMES INC 7625 METRO BLVD EDINA MN 55439 (612)835-4126 145 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this informatian is correct and agree to comply Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. L (2?. APPLICAN /PERMITEE SIGNA?? application and state that Che with all applicable State of Mn. -j ISS ED e`L IG TURE' 1 CITY OF EAGAN 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY mucovcw 2 sets of plans, 3 registered te surveys, 1 co y of energy calcs. pT 1 8 1994 COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & str c,t.Vral4j1.ans,_1 -zp of specifications, 1 copy of ene . Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once perm9t is issued. Oate lo / 14 / 94 Valuation af work $118,677.08 $ite AddPess• 873 Ivy Lane STREET SUITE p Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT 9 BLOCK 1 SUBD.The Woodlands Nort p I.D. # 10-75892-090-01 Third Addition Descri tion of work: Countr Home The applicant is: I@ Owner El Cantractor ? Other (Describe) Name Woodland CountryHomes Inc. PhOne $35-4126 Pro erty LnsT fIRST Owner Address 7625 Metro Blvd. #145 STREET STE # Ctty Edina, State MN ZjP 55439 COmpany CountryHome Builders Phone 447-2424 Contractor Address 7844 150th Street west License # 0008508 EXp, 11/95 City Prior Lake Stete MN ZjP 55372 Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber Genz Ryan Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this app1 ca 'on and state that the information is correct and agree to comply Fi?h all applicable ta of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE O 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 03 SF Addition ? 04 SF Porch ? 05 SF Misc. WORK TYPE JZ 31 New ? 32 Additian A(06 Duplex ? 01 4-Plex ? 08 8-Plex ? 09 12-Plex 0 10 Multi. Add'1 ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (A1lowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning P # of Stories Length Depth ? 0 3?.s= ? 11 Apt./Lodging 11 12 Multi. Misc. ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 14 Fireplace ? 15 Deck 13 35 Tenant Finish ? 36 Move Basement sq, ft. lst F1. sq. ft. 2nd F1. sq. ft. Sq, ft. total Footprint Sq. ft On-site well On-site sewage .? * Y . . +s . . ? , ...x. ? 16 Basement Finish ? 17 Swim Pool ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. 0 20 Public Facility 13 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish - MWCC System 0< City Water / ? ?- OB PRV Required G Booster Pump ° z,zzs ?? s.-° Fi re Spri nkt er 7K6 ` yZ Census Code oz SAC Code oy Census Bldg i Census Unit _L Assessments APPROVALS Planning Engineering REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Site ? Wallboard Building Variance 93?Footing C°3 Final 134raming B-Insul ati on ? Draintile ? Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Pl. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: 5AC % SAC Units /7. 31 x 6 ?- ?'z? . Z?.9Z X 7 = y3i Sb 3? ?/Srx/G= 7 /, 68? x SY 09/, Z y3 ? `.---1 . I vatuactm: g / 3 Z, o 0 0 /5 : 9z x s? ?3 ° 7• 3 3 x Is ? z,67 X /z•33 ' z x Iy = I iz x iy ` I L' io.sex 33.s1 = EXTERIOR ENVELGPE AVERAGE "U" COMPUTATION owNeR: WOODLAhb CUt7NTRyHOMES, INC. SITE ADDRESS; 873 Ivy Lane PHONE: 835-4126 CONTRACTOR: COUNTRYHOi'i[: BI7ILDERS,- INC. - ? DA7E: 10/14/94 , DETERMINE 49JORKING SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EACFi: 1. TOTAL EXPOSED WALL AREA .............. 1,804.00 sq ft x"U" 0.110 = 198.44 2. TOTAL ROOF/CEtLING AREA;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _--.1,435.00 sq it x"U" 0.026 = 37.31 , . _ 3. TOTAL EXPOSED WALL AREA CALCULATIONS: Total exposed wall area above floor..,.,.., 1,804.00 sq ft a) Total window area: Double glazed ........................ 134.00 sq ft x"U" 0.430 57.62 gla2ed ........... ............. sq ft x "U" - 0,00 b) Total door area :.................................... 38.00 sq ft x"U" 0.070 = 2.66 c) Total sliding door area: Double glazed ........................ 80.00 sq ft x"U" 0.430 = 34.40 glazed ........................ sq ft x"U" = 0.00 d) Total fireplace wall area :....................... sq ft x"U" 0.370 = 0.00 e) Totai wall framing area (AVERAGEIO°h) .......... 180.40 sqftx"U" 0.095 = 17,14 f) Total net wall area above floor (insulated) ........................... 1,279.60 sq ft x"U" 0.043 = 55.02 g) Total rim joist area;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 92.00 sq ft x"U" 0.034 = 3.13 7otal foundation area (exposed) ..............NA sq ft h) Total foundation window area .. ............. NA sq ft x"U" 0.430 = 0.00 i) Total net foundation area above grade..... 0.00 sq ft x"U" _ 0.045 = 0.00 3' Total a) thru i) 169.97 If item k3 is the same as, or less than item f11 you have met the intent of 2 MCAR 1.16008 A and 0. Page -1- /r- _ . ...... a s : 4 9 ? R. .. . • P.04 4. TOTAL EXpOSED ROOF/CElI.ING CALCULATIONS: Total eYposed roof/ceilinp area .............. 1,435.00 sq ft ll Tota :.kylipht area ................................ - Q•QQ sq ft x "U" ------ k) rooflceilinp framinp area ?'--0'?? k) (Averape 10°k ............. - 743•50 sq ft x"U" p39 = d) Total netinsulated --- 5•6? roof/ceiling area .................................... 4 --1,291,50 sq ft x "U" 0.024 - --?. 31 •00 Total a) thru i) If item !/4 is the same as, or less than item #2 36,59 you have met the intent of 2 MCAR 7.76008 A and O. ALTERNATE BUILDING ENVELQpE DESIGN To utilize the total evelope system method, the values established by the sum of Items #3 and Item A'4 shall not be greater than the sum of Items ,tl1 and 1{2. 1.-- 9844 +2 _ 37.37 = 235.75 3- 169.9? + 4 36.59 - 206,58 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I have catculated the "U" factors and "R" values herein and that the buildinp here in described meets or exceeds Ihe stata of Minnesota Ener gy Conservation Act. (signaturo) V 10/14/94 (Date) -- ---I i Page -2- INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAiV PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITEADDRESS: LoT: ie BLOCK: 1 APPLICANT: 877 IVY LANE COUNTRYHOME BLDRS 7HE WOODLANDS NORTH 3RD (612) 447-2424 PERMIT SUBTYPE: DUPLEX TYPE OF WORK: pESCRIPTIQN BUILDIN6 024805 11/03/94 NEW (1 OF 2 UNITS) INSPECTION FOOTINGS .. . FOUNDATYON D. FRAMING ROOFING INSULATION FIREPLACE ROUGH IN PLBG ROUGH TN HTG FINAL PLBG FINAL REMARKS: S& W PLBR - GENZ-RYAN PLBG ? -1 PERMIT 1/W I (,C7 ?'CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: a u r Lo= N e Permit Number: 0 2 4 8 0 5 Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 11 / 0 3/ 9 4 SITE ADDRESS: 877 IVY LANE LOT: 10 6LOCK: 1 THE WOODLANDS NORTH 3RD P.I.N.: 10-75592-100-01 DESCRIPTION: L2u -?_ (1 OF 2 UNITS) Bdilding'-Permit Type OUPLEX Building Wo.rk Type NEW UBC Occupancy?, R-3 M-1 ? ConsCruction Type V-N ; Zoning ? PD R-3 ; Building Length ? 100 ' Building Width ?`• 92 ? euilding stories r'? 1 ?"-?5'quat-e Feet ? ?--x 2,406 REMARKS: 5& W PLBR - GENZ-RYAN PLBG FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge SAC $AC ? SAC Units 3ubtotal VALUATIQN $653.5@ $424.78 $52.00 $80@.00 100 $1,930.26 $104.000 MISCELLANEOUS $1,828.50 7ota1 Fee $3,758.78 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - sT. IIC. OWNER: COUN7RYHOME BLpRS 18354126 0008508 WOODLAND COUNTi2YHOMES INC 7844 150TH 5T W 7625 METRO BLVD 145 PRIOR LAKE MN 55372 EDINA MN 55439 (612) 447-2424 (612)835-4126 I hereby acknowledge thet I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply wiCh all applicable State ofi Mn. SteCutes and City af Eagan Ordinances. L lad??c? _Dm?n -.r /Ij ? APPLICANTlPERMITEE SIGNATURE IS E SIG TURE , 4166 ? CITY OF EAGAN 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ?,j?'?.J ?• ?? 681-4675 ??? 0 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY f energy ? 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site , calcs. G C 1 1 8 1994 COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structur 1 plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 capy of energy c b-It ------------ Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lat change is requested once permit is issued. Date 10 ? 14 ? 94 Yaluation of work $95,892.40 Site Address• $77 Ivy Lane STREET SUITE # Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT 10 BIACK 1 SUBD The 6Voodlands Nort Third Addition P I D # 10-75892-100-01 Descri tion of work: CountryHome The applicant is: E#Owner E3 Contractor ? Other (Describe) Ndm@ Woodland CountryHomes Inc. Phone $35-4126 Property LAST FIRST Owner Address 7625 Metro Blvd. #145 STREET STE # City Edina Stdte MN ZiP 55439 Compdny CountryHome Builders Ph011e 447-2424 Contractor Address 7844 150th street west License # 0008508 EXp, 11/95 City Prior Lake State MN ZjP 55372 Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address ' City State ZiP Sewer & water licensed plumber Genz xyan . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this a lic tion and state that the information is correct and agree to compl 'th all applic e S e af Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. c ^ Signature of Applicant: BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwg. 0 03 SF Addition ? 04 SF Porch ? 05 SF Misc. WORK TYPE 0 31 New ? 32 Addition GENERAL INI Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Oepth APPROVALS OFFICE USE ONLY ? 11 Apt./Lodging 11 12 Multi. Mist. ? 13 Garage/Accessory E3 14 fireplace O 15 Deck 0 06 Dupl ex ? 07 4-Plex ? 08 8-Plex ? 09 12-Plex 0 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair =ORMATION -N i ? O 35 Tenant Finish ? 36 Move Basement sq. ft. lst F1. sq. ft. 2nd F1. sq. ft. Sq. Ft. total Footprint Sq. ft On-site well On-site sewage Planning Building Engineering Variance REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Site ? Wallboard & Footing Fi nal Assessments MWCC System A/ ?LZ City Water 1?e - PRV Required _ Booster Pump „ Fire Sprinkler e 4N? Census Code io z SAC Cade o2 Census Bldg L Census Unit _ ? 0-Framing ? Draintile ? 16 Basement finish ? 17 Swim Pool ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. O 20 Publit Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish °tl-Insul ati on ? Fireplace ' Permit Fee veiLocson: g /OYooo Surcharge Plan Review r License ?Q- MWCC SAC 7L Y City SAC Water Conn. /z X /vo = 720 Water Meter Z X ?y - z6 Acct. Deposit S/W Permit 3•J3.r ?s ` s° S/W Surcharge Z Treatment P1. Road Unit ?? ,? iv•ys s ??? Park Ded. Trails Ded. ?77- 17- " Copies -- --- ?-?7 Other Ff>? Total: ?--- SAC % SAC Units 4,14 . Z Z"Zo - yy? .13F /o = z ij 2 &o ??? ? Ploneer Envineerlne I ** * * * Plf'?N .?sp I. * I * n0 neer i *'K ** ? Certiftca te E i I ( ? ? ? . aVt. . mcwwcm 7931883 P_02 2422 Fncarprias Vrlw ' Yendele H•tyhb, pN 59120 (012) 681-1914 FAX:881 ; FASIt 783 i 1887 ot 5urvey for: G'ountrynorr. Xouse Address: A73-57"1 Iw Lene Rouse Model: _ ';;7 a. ? ,57-'? F . •• ? ''t,,' ?, Y j ??sem ? EAGAIVI-silLY`1: ? (e07F1 UNIT3) ! k9 ?.o DinotsH ExlsNny EIOYt1Nd1 Denotes V?npossd Oewtlal ..,? •. 5..? •. •..:: ; y? Osnates D?aMage FTow Dbectlan Tap et Blodt Atlvotbm BBT.S? ? - Oenolea Omhaqe k Utilty Eaeemant Dmvp 8fab E?sibtlon: 841? DMOZEt MOHUmerlf N01lv Preyad buldb0 dp y.adli4 b N aeaadana wRh th• -$- Denotea ORSet HUb Bearings ehowrl Ore aewmed gwbg p? eppmvd 6y ??-Ok- ?re, ?,? ?k ,?y ? ?.??o . ?y Jwg.. ?OT BLOCK I Woodlands Nort,h Jrd DAKOTA COUNTY, AIINNESOTA hreby cer4Ny tliot thb surwy, plan w raport wos prepared by me w un my dkect wpeMslon and that I am,ydiiy i luncsd and 9urv?ryur ?der fhe lore of the Stals M MlnneeaFa. Dated lhit ?.? day of ?'r A.p, 189L? i i ,,,,sL ?Idg slev ro??r?fy le, r•?atw, Io-IS y Slgned: PIONEER P.A.; I eJ.s• ? o • feet ?-?"` ? . BY• IE ? ? Txrence E. Rothenbachar. L. . Reg. . 2069 7831883 10-20-94 03:24Pht P002' it4 -.. ? ? r EXTERIOR ENVELOPE AVERAGE "U" COMPU7ATION OWNEft• WOODLANA COUNTRXHOMES. INC. SITEADDRESS: $77 Ivy Lane, Eagan PHONE: 835-4126 CONTRACTOR: COUNTRYHOME BUILDERS, INC. DATE: 10/14/94 DETERMINE WQRKING SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EACH: 1. TOTAL EXPOSED WALL AREA . ............. 976.00 sq ft x"U" 0.110 = 107.36 2. TOTAL ROOFICEILING AREA :................ 1,435.00 sq ft x"U" 0.026 = 37.31 3. TOTAL EXPOSED WALL AREA CALCULATIONS: Totai exposed wall area above floor........ 976.00 sq ft a1 Total window area: Double glazed ........... ............. 111.00 sq ft x"U" 0,430 47.73 sq ft x "U" - 0.00 b) Total door area :.................................... 38.00 sq ft x"U" 0.070 = 2.66 c) Total sliding door area: Double giazed ........... ............. 40.00 sq ft x"U" 0.430 = 17.20 glazed ........... ............. sq ft x "U" - 0.00 ? d1 Total fireplace wall area :....................... NA sq ft x"U" 0.370 = 0.00 e) Total wall framing area (AVERAGE 10%),.,.....,. 97.60 sq ft x"U" 0.095 = 9.27 f} Total net wall area above floor (insuiated) ........................... 689.40 sq ft x"U" 0.043 = 29.64 g) Total rim joist area :............................... NA sq ft x"U" 0.034 = 0•00 Total foundation area (exposed) ..............NA sq ft hy Total foundation window area .. ............. NA sq ft x"U" 0.430 = 0.00 i) Total net foundation area above grade..,.. 0.00 sq ft x"U" 0.045 = 0.00 3, Total a) thru i1 706.51? If item #3 is the same as, or less than item /!7 you have met the intent of 2 MCAR 1.16008 A and 0. Page -1- 4. TOTAL EXPOSED ROOF/CEILING CALCULATIONS: Total exposed roof/ceiling area . ............. 1,435.00 sq ft j) Total skylight area ................................ 0.00 sq ft x"U" = 0.00 Total roof/ceiling framing area k1 (Average 70% ............. ___ 143,50 sq it x"U" 0.039 = 5.60 d) Total netinsulated roof/ceiling area .................................... 1.291.50 sq ft x"U" 0.024 = 31.00 q Total s) thru i) 36.59 If item lt4 is the same as, or less than item t12 you have met the intent of 2 MCAR 1.16008 A and O. ALTERNATE BUILDIIVG ENVELOPE DESIGN To utilize the total evelope system method, the values established by the sum of Items #3 and Item N4 shall not 6e greater than the sum of Items #1 and #2, 1. 107,36 + 2 3..__ 106.51 + 4 CERTIFICATION 37.31 = 144.67 36.59 = 143.10 I hereby cartify that I have catculated the "U" factors and "R" values herein and that the building here in described meets or exceeds the state of Minnesota Energy Conservation Act. (Signat e 10/14/94 (Dace) Page -2- Jtij:; -?"'r7G L BL CITY USE ONLY CI I suaD 3 ? 1995 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 RECEIPT DATE: Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit FIXTURES EACH NO. TOTAL Shower 3.00 x Water Closet 3.00 x "? _ ? C; •U' Bath Tub 3.00 x C" Lavatory 3.00 x Kitchen Sink 3.00 x Laundry Tray 3.00 x Hot Tub/Spa 3.00 x = Water Heater 3.00 x U cc Floor Drain 3.00 x f = Gas Piping Outlet * minimum -1 3.00 x Rough Openings 1.50 x = Water Softener 5.00 x = Private Disposal ' Dakota Ciy. license 20.00 = U.G. Spr'tnkler * home under const. 3.00 = Alterations " ta existing 20.00 = Water Tum Around 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE .50 TOTAL ? ? S L? SITE OWN INSTALLER NAME: GENZ - RYAN PLUMBING & HEATING C0. STREET ADDRESS: 14745 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL CITY: ROSEMOUNT STATE: MN Zlp: 55068 PHONE #: ( 612 ) 423-1144 / PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TO.WM,QIvIES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMTTS ARE REQUIRED F'OR EACH UNTT. " ` - NO. FIXTiJRES EACH TOTAL ? SHOWER ? WATER CLJSET ? BATH TUB LAVATORY ? KITCHEN SINK LAUNDRY TRAY HOT TUB/SPA WATER HEATER FLOOR DRAIN ? GAS PIPING OUTLET • ??„m • ? ROUGH OPENINGS WATER SOFTENER PRNATE DISP. • naLay. rc. U.G. SPRINKLER • 6ome under consc ALTERATIONS • to evating WATER TURN AROUND STATESURCHARGE TOTAL: STTE AD OWNER INSTALI ADDREf CITY:_ / 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.06 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 5.00 20.00 3.00 20.00 20.00 5.0 STATE: 2'/,J ZIP CODE; PHONE #: ; 1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTTAI:) C1TY OE EAGAN 3830 PIIAT KNOB RD • EAGAN 1VIN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMTfS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNTT. X_ NEW CONSTRUCTION ADD-ON A!C ADD-ON FURNACE FIREPLACE INSERT DATE I 1 /i} 194 FEES HVAC: 0-100 M BTU $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM 1 @ $3.00 EACH) 3, ADD-ON/REMODEL (ExISnrrG CoNSTRUCr[ox) $ 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE .50 TOTAL Z 7 . So STI'E ? OWNER Nt1ME: Id-crS TELEPHONE #: 44'1 - ZQ 24 ADDRESS: '? 1 l I W I. Z6 1 ` S 1- ? a,vc.h •? CITY: ?ra ??-c STATE: (M V? ZIP CODE: 5 S ? TELEPHONE #: ? - 4 301 c SI URE OF ERMITTEE 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN bIN 55122 (612) 651-4675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. AISO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UN1T. )r NEW CONSTRUCTION ADD-ON A/C ADD-ON FURNACE FIREPLACE INSERT DATE t I /3 444 FEES HVAC: 0-100 M BTU ADDTTTdNAL 50 M BTU $ 24.00 6.00 GAS OUTL,ET'S (MINIMUM 1@$3.00 EACH) ou ADD-ON/REMODEL (ExisTING CoNSTRUGTioN) $ 20.00 STATESURCHARGE TOTAL .50 2'1 •St? SITE ADDRESS: 57 7-1 T? f_? OWNER NAME: C.Mi.1-r7_[4,s,...< P??'(v?.rS TELEPHONE #: *47 -2-4ZQ INST. ADDRESS: '7 t 1 ( ..t/ i u 4- "` CTI'Y: StiJ c? q L STATE: lM It? ZIP CODE: S 3 Z? TELEPHONE #: 43c) ( j SI WATURE O ERMIITEE 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENI7AL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PIIAT KNOB RD E.AGAN YIN 55122 (612) 6814675 ? . _ , . United States Gypsum Company { USG area Separation Fire Wall/Party Wali Systems - ---= -=-- \--:--_: :: ,.. ;? ? ? For mniti-family residential fire wall construction ` S sY- ?1?33 ? C'.aft,cµci+.v bcrwy ursa l?r l'o"nsy N•mc 4M?is??es?. C'' a L'ee L? ?Liarts. • yi./ty `?. sysy Description USG Area Separation Flre Wa11s/PaRy Walls are remarkable developmerns for canstructing common walls with fire-resistive protection for adjacem properties. These IightweigM, non-load bearing gypsum drywall assemblies are designed as vertical fire 6aMers far fire walis and parry walis separatinp occupancies in wood•frame apartments and townhouses. They are the essence of simpliciry-larpe-sae gypsum panels used in cons[ruction with steel studs and runners puickly become thin, space-saving watls offering remarkable acoustical nrivacy. Their engineered pertormance and low labor and material costs make these systems superior to the usual masonry construction. Available in two basic systems bath providinp fire-resisTaM walls trom ground level to root SWId TYpa, with imlependentty framed imerior gypsum panel suAaces both sides of flre wall or parry wall. Cariry Trpe, with iMeg21 interior gypsum panel surtaces for commonty shared party walls between apartmerds. 8olid•Type Wall consists of hvo 1"thick SHEErROCK brand Gypsum Liner Panels installed verticalty between Y USG Steel C-Runners. Panel edges are inserted in 2" USG Steel H-Studs spaced 24" o.c. C- runners are insWlled at top and bottom of wall and back-to-back between vertical panels cut to a conveniem length above each intermediate floor. Studs are attached to wood framinp at intermediate floors with 0.063" USG aluminum angle clips which break away when exposed to fire, th`s permitting: flre-damaped cture to fail while the fire barrier remains intact. Refer to Ar hitedural Specifications for euact clip placement. With 25-ga. s[eel H-studs, the assemblies are suitable for floor- to-ceiling heiphts (i.e. between clip angle supports) up to 10' under 5-nef Ig(anJ Ingef pnA gA tn $' nc en e8[aripr u•an -nfI?f 15'pef'.VIII: laad wi[hou[ mcceeding L/2 0 allo_ahle deflactirn. Wid1 Y THERMMBEH SO nd Attenuatio? Fire Blankets (SAFB) stapled each side of liner pa els, the assemby has abtained a 3-hr. fire resistance ratinp allowf p separate selectfan and construction of tenant walls. CaHry•Type Wall cronsists f steel C-H Studs and SHEETAOCic brand Gypsum Liner Panels set in teel runners and faced both sides with SNeErr+oCU brand Gypsum nels, Water•ResistaM, FiRECODE C Core. Liner panels,l"thick, are erected verticalty with ends set into 2)r USG C-Runners and edges inserted iMO specially formed 2f4" USG Steel C-H Studs. C•runners are installed sinpty at top and bottam of wall and back-taback belween vertical liner panels on a line above each iMermediate floar. Aluminum clips, whfch attach the studs to adjacent wood framinp, break away in the same fashian as with solid-rype walls. To improve sound transmission loss, THERNWiBER SAFB are inserted in the stud wvity and RC-1 Resilierrt Channels (part af ine famity of SHEETAOCK Metal Products) may be used [o isolate the hce Iayer. With 212CH25 steel studs spaced 24" o.c., the systems are suftable for floor-to-ceilinp heiphts up to 10' under 5-psf lateral load and up to 8' as exterior wails under 15-psf wind load withou[ exceedinp L/240 deflection. For buildings over 23' in height, use 400CH20 studs on the lower floors below the top 23' of the building. Components used in these systems are designed to permit temporary exposure to inclemeM weather during construaion. Construction usinp the US6 Alumfnum Breakaway Clip is covered Ey U.S. Patent No. 3,974,607, f 2 Copyright 7594, Unbd sWes 6ypaum CompM :- . . . :??i:a ?.?•^nca? <rt:: i - --? 0 afR4'6saeNxoma,IMerbpmes ? arsr Sairlxax braa0 ftiallor l/asr a U$Gsredwmnwftnw aordrenOpmrh. SeaoadClmuw I! 7/BO JClm•8M1CI1lAlinvir'IB' bact ro lower roanw fo Anldaert leW ulstmh and rroer passb. e. f66llnmmmn Bmakaeay Clqo b aGew-atFaehed m stads md ham/og. Unda Nre sxpasms, dlp breaks er?el, Pnn?b flrs-dameged nB fo lall, learl? on nlllp??? ? Function and UtlINy ThqSa cvct?mg m;V h@ iiSPA in hlildinqg i in f0 fQLtr Stprigc hiah (44') and ewith all common floor-ceiNnp hefghts found in mulh-tamily housing. Both cavity and solid types are suitable for exterior walls with appropriate weather-resistant facinp when buiiding offsets are desired; also for use wRh flat wood decks. Fire Restsfance--BoN types of Separation Walls olfer 2-hr. and 3- hr. fire ratings. 8ound Isolatlon-STC ratings up to 60 with the solid system and 57 in the caviry system are available. LlgMraigM-These drywall assemblies weiph at least 50% less than masonry walis. This fact speeds InsWlation. 8paea8aring-Use of these assemblies gains valuable floor space. Thickness is 3lf" to 4" for Cavity Type Wails, compared to 6" to 12" for a masonry wall without iMerior finish. Weather Resiefance-Nloisture-resistam componeMS permit instaliation in arry weather-eliminate many costly winter construction deWys. Code Compllance-In compliance wiTh fire resistance requiromeMs under evaluation reparts of BOCA Report No. 87-63 and SBCCI Report No. 9137. Limitations Nomload bearinp; max, irame spacinp: 240; not recommended for shear walis without suitable diagonal bracinp; max. buildinp height 44'. ? E-1 0 I ? I f011d-IJpQ ? ?• ? ? Test o.•ita-sona wails ?•?t? ?I??Pi?'a? S?` 2nr. T----------------=;r ' ' SWEUUSeWralionWdl-? t- SxEEfNOCKDnnEpicum WA A 3 h , Yrcrpme156e10e1wU56one'D?EMIH44MS2YO.c--ne1w-- _."______-_._ vr sWOCODIli6MUSeW2bn9hmrNMbhOmM'aquceN ? GambuSliDkGOnSfnttfiOn-8Yn0R 2 k• SdiG Ana Seponvon WaIHWO 1' SHEETNOCK Oliltl OYDwm !/ Bue7 m ro S•.e-,.° •BM 8 ' • ::.... .. .. , „-. , .? Imer painh 6el Eem, U56 omqm qM X4u0424 a.E.-1 .-..°, „ ' ...: : •-..:,: 1XEHMRFIBEflSRFBStiDkAaerpypwmOnnrpmMS-k' ry=. SXEFfHOCK OnnO qypsum penels--peren m1m0-fire i mop hneE on NMI-I"V-02/5 YM. • T? R lu. ? CJ sam um sewruM xnn-x sxErndCcc erma pyowm pairels-two 1' SNfffflOCK EnnE OYCSUm Oror pmels M Dft usc orc-oWu nal N-swas se- o c zM wo nuas ts• o.e rxn sde on L<pleln min. %' Irom NMr panels-7 iNENMMBER SLFB n aro mAly--pypsum puplsatt+mh ilP Type W vrer,? 17 ocymnhmp d fn.?enm oulkeb?L ?ntltli SdiE Am Sept2lqn Wa1Hfyp 1' SNEERIOCK UnM pyqsum tlner Wroh cal Mtw tfSG ono-Drax S4'JJ MiWOs 1POn-31 r0 aWOS 18' o C uch si0e on 90 pWn mm. iPM1Om Imer Wne1-1•7HERMAFIBEP sAFB e1eDled! ro OoN etles d tixr puceis-fS' SHEETROCK wantl pypcum pmek hwq a fde-?WMr6PdY-0P/S 54 nsHe 48 Buedm3chui0ro sAce-na11aa 58 9neEOn9xbmE'lSNHm OoM sida-111.04I7 A BneOOn2x4SUq75VBmone ea1-n.ws1 so easeaonaw:wraM eom e 45 u el-n-Maee &seaonRx3s,%'pypunnpmW, no 54F8-4lF7MIN 51 BaseO on 9c3s. %'pypaum pvm. 75RF9 mrc 9qe-YF7311101 9 Basetlon33c,Kp/psumWMa, Y SRFB both 6iAes-lN-0i0104 53 E4WliB 50 BaaMOnl'60iBqM sa-naeaw bpmm?piutlbmhnnOnlqmnft gulMArtq&ppnWnWalHwol'SHEETHOCKOrandpyvwm' _ WA YerWmlssetCAVUSGanero:x:ttalX-SIUUSPI'aa-2' , ? THEHMPfIBEfl FAiB EOth vtles--0Ikls ap0l norh Mpn pM iLg g. '.•::?., • • me•taWc+tlroxnerw? 1 uuvinnnunnnnn u i i v Test Oat"arHy Walls Zk CwdyAmaSeWralionWi SNEERIOCNDnnE Qypsum k fl • 47 Basedon1'5Af9inphly A ' 3% , ntMe' w Kta? ?ne C?fIgT$Wds flOC 44nM EeM? u5G 25?W. Wal ?lF7lO/M ot--Mnpb leyer pemk ea q0e aD01 ?srt 8 tmw etl-plMS Mp an ooG ciEes d Urperim pulked-0. Ow UTA M 9 wMih 3M 2N.eat CmryArn$eparalionWalF-ff5xEE7110CREnMpypwm 50 Baseeonlf SHEETROp(Mmib B T pvmis,nt4rrtsMUil,pFECODECcom-1'SNEETNOp(MiM pypsumpanNS,fliiEC00EC pypsum Imer pamk set EeM USG 25ya. slael " stuUS PP tarWF7lMlt ,• oc-AC-, m.n 24• o.a urew m m 90 roo xnn wmls-,k 7HEPMAFIBEPSAFB-nnpk layer . w.... - . e.._.........,.? a.. panels,FIflECOUECwie-7'SNEEfPOp(CnnGpypsumhxr T Wnek ttI 6CM' USG YS-pt MBI C-X sNtlb 24' OG-AC-1 CNn +'/?. 24' O.C. mew en to sitle opp Ilmr paneb-/M TXEHGINFlBEP SAF"nOk layer Wnds aN siOeaDVt an 81aew 111-2 trAi oppeiEewewmfocnam-Eauh4erapWMk-hcalryerap; vxtloNn I---perlm uuueM1-es1.6n rtlm40nea on U ol C . 2-1472 M 71 witllh /A When MlmW mSWlbn k tlqwn in a6emGN d=Mn0.s.1E1 tpcMk WM- k n0uiK0 N 1M WlmNy to aMMw tlM iWe0lue ttli 7XEXMAH6EA Vauilion. - Solid Wall Description Two-hour fire rated solid area separation walis consfst oi a fire Is bartier of two 11 SHEE'rAOCK brand Gypsum Liner Panels inserted between US6 Steel H-Studs 24" o.c. set in runners. This 6artier wall is finished one or both sides wtth ?r SHEETROCK Crand Gypsum PanelS, !4" SHEETROCK brand GypSUm P2nBi5, FIRECOOE C COre, Or fd" SHEETROCK brand Gypsum Panels, FIRECODE CA2, applied direct to USG Stflel H-Studs or to separate framinp. With Y TMERMAFIBER SAFB slapled to each side of liner panels, the assembly oNers 3-hr. fire resistance. Check focal code tor accapta0le system. Sound isalation up to 57 STC is oftered dependinp on the iMerior wall construction used. Systems using steel studs or wood studs provide the same sound corrtrol. Based on the bcation in the building the area separation wall can be vdried to provide the iraminp and finish.desired. ConsuR local code for limitinp criteria SA-925Nnited ststes 4ynam CnwoY 3 ¦ ec•1TM1111OWnenrceannor p MmuFmmromrroe• Sn1id Wall Saund Trentimissioo Lnn-dh I ma.e.b. a..cr--? ielr. ? WIMII 7t5 tW !00 fl0 i1D M m W OW 1000 779 lb! 7G00 = 319 10! tIC TL-88,350 la0 10 45 50 49 53 53 55 57 82 65 W 89 72 70 60 71 W TL-0&347 lm 31 40 IB 48 50 52 55 58 81 N % M 72 70 69 79 SB 86N-730102 laU 38 38 IB 52 55 56 A 56 58 50 59 80 59 57 SE Bb 57 11-88.351 la6 38 36 I$ 47 37 52 54 56 87 64 66 89 72 71 69 73 57 BBIF730103 la0 91 33 13 57 52 51 57 56 60 fi0 59 BO 80 57 58 88 51 i1-06318 laE 31 33 12 45 48 K 52 51 59 63 65 88 70 88 87 71 $1 iL4&318 UE 29 32 Il 0.5 49 49 50 51 67 62 65 68 Tt W 61 M Si R-08344 Il0 29 28 77 43 18 M 47 40 55 81 N 68 70 70 ? 71 SO R-BB-Y31 Ia0 31 28 31 36 3B IT M 49 52 SS 55 80 61 82 81 67 47 R-111e-3St laE ffi 25 29 95 39 R Q 52 58 61 65 09 71 67 87 70 45 W7701W laC 28 21 2B 37 /0 16 Sp 59 58 60 59 60 SA 57 58 % ?5 Cavity Wall Description Cavity area separation walls are used as a cammonty shared paAy wall and tire bartier x?th non-load bearing framing. They consist of U5G Steel C-H Studs and t" SHEE-rROCK brand Gypsum Liner Panels set in USG Steei C-Runners and faced both sides with W SriEE7AOCK brand Gypsum Panels, Water-Resistant, FiHECOOE C Core. Carity Wall Sound Transmlasion Loss-db uw e?r Tplw. WWOE 1}E 1W !W IIO 71! 400 B6N430612 ' IaE 35 36 14 50 51 55 B6N-750411 la0 26 92 12 M 18 51 96N750704 lfG 23 25 35 39 13 /8 '! { rh• usc s?d * TH6iMAFiBER ? c-nunner No.15 ?htlt 2'h" USG sted C-nmners va?ies mofinp x 3' AYP?m P?? fi!le• stti; ? oycode asrequaad -? I .. ? i twa 2'h" USG RG7 resilient 7"SHEFTHOCK Crdnd gypwm lirier panels- cancrele Boor or rowdation wau- sealam Wlth 1" THERMAFIBER SAFB It1 fhB StUd C2VIly, 47 STC SOUnd isolaUon is o6tained. Sound control of 50 STC is achieved wIM 1;4^ SAFB inserted in the stud cavity and RC-1 Resilient Channels screw-attached to studs to isolate the face layer. A 3-hr. fire-rated assembry, wtth 17S" SAFB in the stud cavity, resilient channels and double-layer panels screw- aitached to fhe channels, offers 57 STC sound corrtrol (see detaiis). 55 BO 57 BO S] 57 SB W W 55 St 59 47 SWlB: 1YY' = 1'-0' Ij[1l\-SHEETROCK dwnnell??wrtxin0 - rver ftwnm?eod nHOWaER I ; 7SrFB nvo zYx^ uSG 1 .. i, hfz use 400cH20 sdids for area ? Stad G+inrers- , .,, . belawtoD23'oibuildinpuP to 44' Ciip Placdnent may IV ? 12'max. r? h ired vary 6N irot to aa?010'o.c. req 'USG [f T anlij? h " C ? 1Y. IYPeW ja l Mt e M wi sh NoW SM" SHEEfIiOCKGand t \ n DC ? ?H ?sis? ECO L - mm gyptum pands - -- ? a j ec,siae " 2v: US6 sW C-mmriers • = - .•. suitable . . . ' . . Yesleners 24' o.c. fouadaNm piA ? F: .Ic 1s?lanl -_ -- Lohrmadhte l ka/ pltcbed aNat m! exteriorwrtxinp _ 'h'SHEETROCKbranO ? -- 9YPSUm DmIt, SHFETROCK brand vrdler re5islant Q?sum st?lhinp FIFECODECcore ? - - SHEEfHOCK 21,Y USG? Th'USGsoeel FsWCwC-runrrer c-nmw ? G I sl?ealhinp _ - - y ? 2 ,,;,;?, , 4 , x4 w0od5W03 -?.`.- - -° '?- ? USG stcel C•H i' - -- r sWd24'a.c.maz. -_ . . _.-, . Ededw .mt hftfswum rAWw..amftr,.eam u r 1 LJ 11 C1 ? maY rR u5ed 4'on 6oth sii / 2'USG steel °%'SHEEfRDCK $HffiHOCK brdW gypsum 1^ lype 5 snew tr o.c. Ystcel C-iumer E-1 THFAMRFlBfA fire blodcinp as required - 2 z 4 slud haming each side .063'USG aluminum mple clip••- hro 2' USG sleel C-mmneis ? 3/e'type S pan Iread screw ? A63'USG aluminum anple d clips at each G /ate: CIiP Ptacement belovr a for typical ronshudion. • sealarrt 12= i. Mist - SHEEfflOCK brand pypsum panels as scale.l W. t -0' 2x4sW0 No.15 asplgtt klt SHEETROC brand OYVSum sAeahim I 111 I 1! I I 1 ? t ?7 l1SG steel N-sWO 24" O.C. IINx d L SHEEMqc 6rmM sufteop man Pam, E.ario,.anmoemeeriki. srroi'ocK ?a????F???b?,assr+?wa"° 4?lxf bran 0 qypsum ? liner panels ?e abolhd? ola iB^ min. THEflMAFIBEN N ?^? ??YMO P SAFB(aptional) ? %P11. M li? ?II, 24 e 1 0 ffi ?mrea ? _ SHffrRocK p?m s?lam _ 0?.,`< i +?1 linrerparels - THERMAFIBEfl Ctunner fire'RSUlatian bleckinp at each Aoar kvel 35re4ui2d &iEETRDCK ariO W ? _ _ ~ shealhinp Nah:additional SXEETRUCK6rand ezleria clipanglesare qypmparoW , ? wrf?ing neded midheigM EMdw wag hqyswocdm between floors (5'o.c.) for area de/avlop23'ol ? ?, ??CK 2x4 } SHffIAOCK buildinps up to 44' ??I? ? ? purtls gman shettiioo 2"USGsteel N-stud 24" o.c.-, TH9iM4WB?"?X'" 7 SAFB ?? ) Nashinp -- hvo l' SHEEfROCK hran0 pypsum linw panels 2'USG steel C-rwners 2bslener 0 FOMWON. AteneeNon sf iml Mtsrmsd/sts Nour + smtant SHEETR underh2Ck Gf'Dm"' suAacinp fA-925111inited 8fates Bypwm CoMPairy 5 mw flre rwa r usc sWd c-mmers - SHEElHOCK 6rad 9YPn "& FlflECODE cotB- fi261ockina I Rwmn/m6IlsHpr l " ruscsoW }, { C-nm t"°1, %SUm 14 uner pands SHffINOCKbrax sh?lhirq (OPWW RoWNqkoIW lolsimsdhte Aeoi pVhbsda/qfivo1 USG skel H-sNA 1 Dc- (20(MIS25) SfeNcOmPmmh (wlid wall) aw asunau rett erteri« surlaanp roofinp aa reuuired, 'chedcdexignppxiryaver3'-0" .063'USG ? aluminum i angleclipai -9 ( ach Boor level^ , 3 ri z xa Woou swa ?irig oM sWe rypled roo/ parspeb (HeipM as required by cod¢) pP tlashiig USG sWel G?euvr No. 151eA draped sidinQ .? m aM stapled ro liner panel N0. 30 lell a rtew f bae Hashin9 ? r? noies ne" ="? ?: • ` u.c (omit mafar - pWte (cont) ? - - in ?irk enO lWnd) mt,41 Nashi? shinples screw at" ' ' A63'USG 0 I aluminum O anple clip • o \ _ .....?, ,...,, ••NoAe add'NOnel anple clfps are needed midheipht Gelween Aaars (5'o.c. maz.) Ia area bekwtop 23'M buildinp up l0 44: - ? , mp ? } ? al each H-stud shinpled Oack ? `t - -- riaeskft Mmmrnnsw cap ItaSAing meal rasing 6ead ? Pw1WM cemanl- USG sbW ? lime gCO { f Giumyx asphan ren ?. ; b ? . ? `' ?i ? „? ? wm cazirig eud : ?. ? .? , ?t{ } WIG-uD 00 1 mebl flashing roofin9 ?? - 7 shinples 9hinqlad dedt ? 3'Axao ? . B. ruscugei swe: i x•=i-0• E r ? ?J E-1 0 0 Steal a?1 ?m1,11(raviry walq ? ZL hnI 94'+1 M tYe•? ? 2i4• r? y ? 20 oo 41 o i o e flC-1 ° ??lierd ChanrieI USG Sleel C-H Slutl (CH) Good Uesign Practices 1 Systam PeAmmance-United States Gypsum Company will provide hst certification for published fire, sound and structural data covering systems desipned and constructed accarding to its pu6lished specfications. Tests are conducted on Company products manufactured and assembled to meet peAormance requirements of established test procedures specified by various agencies. System pertormance following substitution of materials or compromise in assembly design cannat be certified; failure may resuft under critical cond'Rions. Y CoMal Joints-Location of coMrol joints is the responsibiliry of the desipn professionaVarchitect. Gypsum panel surtaces should be iwlated with corrtrol joims or other stress reliet where: (a) partitkn abuts a structural,element (except floor) or dissimilar wall or ceiling; (b) construction cAanpes within the plane of the partition; (c) partition run exceeds 30'; (d) expansion or control joirits occur in the base exterior wall. 9 8ound Coatroi Construction--Where these construc[ions are used for sound control, seal the partition perimeter with %" min. round bead of ShfEE7ROCK Acoustical Sealant. Seal around all cuKOUS :n ligiitss, cabiraYS, pipes, ducs ;nC electricai bc ;es. Flanlon6 paths and btck-to•Cack peneiraaoas of tne aiapnragm shouW be eliminated. Exterior watl suAaces should be resilieMly mouMed to minimize flanking paths between floor and ceiling conshuction. Door and borrowed-IigM openinps are not recrommended. 4 Woad Framinp RequlremeMs-Wood framing meetlnp the minimum tequiremeMS of local buildinp codes Is necessary for proper pertormance. 5 firtme Atlaehment-LighlweipM fixtures and fim should be installed using expandable anchors for screw attachment. Medium and heavyweigM fixtures are not recommended on resilient suAaces, but H required, they should be supported from the primary framing. B CavNllype Walis-SxEErROCK brand 6ypsum Panels, FiAECODE C Core, may be used when partiGons will not Oe exposed to moisture or fndement weather during construction. If weather ezposure is expected, panels must be protected. 7 AddH(aW Infmomtioo-See technical folders in this series: Consbuction Selector SA-100for fire and sound-rated systems; Gypsum Panels and Accessories frolderSA-927for information on systems componeMS; Texture and FiNSh Products Folder SA- 933for flnishinp product spec'rfications; TifERMaF1BER Life-Sa/ety Fire Corrtainment Systems Fofder S4•707for insulation specifications. Il$G SYceI C-Runna (Cq) .053"USG pWminum Mple Clip ArchfteCtural SpeCifications PaR 1: General 1.1 8cope--Speciiy to meet project repuirements. 1.2 Qualificatlons A All materials, unless otherwise indicated, shall be manufactured by United States Gypsum Comparry, and shail be insfalled in accordance wfth its curreM priMed dlrectfons. B Sys[em must be recognized by and buitt in actwrdance with model code report. C Solid-type wall must obtain a 2-hr. fire rating without the use oi battens covering steel componeMS. 1.3 Delhery and Moroge oi Materfals All materials shall be delivered in their original unopened packapes and stored in an enclosed shelter providinp protection irom damage and exposure to the elemerrts. Damaged or deteriowted materials shall be removed ftom the premises. Installed panels should be protected from the environmem and dry before enclosing the wall. 1.4 EnvlronmeMai CondRlons In cold weather and during gypsum panel joirrt finishing, temperature within the building shall he maiatainsd wtthir: me r; ,,ge ofi 550 tu 700 F(73° tn 210 C). Adequate ventilation shalf he prowded to carry o9f raccess moisture. Part 2: Products 2.7 Matwfala A Gypsum Board--46" wide, (%") (3f") thick (Repular) (Foil-Back) SHEETROCK b2nd (Watef-ResiStant) (FIAECODE C) (fIflECODE) 6ypsum Panels--lenpths as required. B Liner Boar6-24" wide, t" SHEE7ROCK brand Gypsum Liner Paneis, 6eveled edge, lenpths as required. C USG Steel H-Studs one piece (200H525), hot-dipped palvanized, lengths as required. D USG Steel C-H Studs (212CH25) (400CH20) (600CH20), hot- dipped gaHanized, lenpths as required. E L1SG Steel E-Studs 212E525, hot-dipped pahanized, lenpths as required. F USG Steel Runners (200CR25) (212CR25), hot-dipped paNan¢ed, x 10' lenpth. B USG Aluminum Mple Ciip-2^ x 27S" x 0.063" Aluminum Breakaway Clips. N Joim Treatmem-(select a United STates Gypsum Company Joint System). 1 fasteners-Screws (1 u" Type M) (1',1 f6",14i^ Type S) (iP Type S, pan head) (Gah2nized staples, %s" crown,134" leg). J SNEETROCN Trim N0. (200-A) (401) (402) (801-A) (801•B). II SHeErHOCK Zinc Control JofM No. 093. t RC-1 Resilient Channel. M THERMAFIBEH $OUtld Att8011811U11 FrB 818nkCTS (11 (191 (2") (3") X 16" Or 24" X 48°. 11 SNeerROCK Acoustical SealaM. 0 THEHMAFIBER $8fi11p IIISUI81i011. ui ? 0 ? ¢ a a ? 1111 O ? c? ? ? ? N O ? ? Part 3: E:ecution 8.18a1id WYII A foandetlon--Position 20 wfde steel C-runner at floor and securey attach to foundation witli power-driven tasteners at both ends and spaced 24" o.c. Space adjacent runner sections X° apart. When specified, caulk runner at foundation wfth Y." bead of eCOUStical sealaM. B Ftrst Ploor-;nsiall H-studs and Iiner panels at a convenieM lenpth more than floor-to-floor heigh[. Install two thicknesses of 1"finer panels vertically in C-runner wfth long edges in H- stud. As an option, H-stud and C-runner may be screw-attached at the end that is fulty engaped to runner. Erect H-studs and double-thickness Iiner panels attemately until wall is completed. Cap top of panels wfth horizoMal C-runner. Fasten all comer C- runner flanpes both sides xdth %" Type S screws. C Intemrodiate floors--Install back-to-back C-runners and screw-atlach together wfth doubk 3f" Type 5 screws at ands and spaced 24" o.c. Secure studs to framinp wfth 0.063" aluminum angle clips screw-attached to both sides oi each stud and framing. Locate horizontal runner joim wtthin 2' of irrtermediate floor. Except at foundaUon, install flre stopping between joists and fire barrier. D Roof-ConGnue erectinp studs and panels for succeedinp stories as described. Cut liner panels and H-studs to pRCh and tenpth as necessary to follow rooT pftch. At roof, cap paneis wfth C-runner and fasten to framinp wfth aluminum ctips. E 8ound Attenuatlon Fire Blankets-When specified, install Glankets with joints staggered. For direct at[achment to 1" liner panels, attach blankets with seven ff," staples randomty driven throuph each blanket. Blanket instaltation wRhin cavities is fiction fll between stud iraminp. F and IoiSts wfth SCrewc nr nail; in r,n.+° mtinnal m?nr•rtr. 5.2 f".avitp Wsll ' A Fouadedoni-Position 2f4^ wide steel C-runner at floor and securety attach to foundation with powerdriven fasteners at both ends and spaced 24" o.c. Caulk runner at toundation wfth JG^ bead of SNEETiocK Acoustical SealaM. B Flrst Fbor-Instatl'i"liner panels and steel studs cut to a convenierrt length more than floor-to-floor heipht. Erect liner panels vertically in C-runner wKh lonp edpes.in proove oi GH stud. InsUll C-H studs between panels and cap ends of run wfth E-stud or Grunner. Fasten cap end flanpes to C-runners with 3f" Type 5 screws both sides. C IMemiediate Floorr-Cap top of panels and studs wfth C- runner and fasten studs to C-runner flanpes on alternate sides wfth )i' Type S screws. lnstatl bottom Grunner far neM row oi panels over top runner wfth end joints staggered at least 120. Fasten runners tapether wfth double ff" screws at ends and spaced 24" o.c. Secure each stud to framinp with 0.063" aluminum anple ctip, fastened to both sides oi each stud with if" screws and to framing or subfloor wfth 1 u" Type W screws. D Ibot--CorKinue erectinp studs and panels for succeedfnp stories as previousty described. At rooi, cap panels with C- runner and tasten studs to flanpes wfth If" screws. Fasten studs to framinp with aluminum dips. E Sound Atteeuatian Fire Blenkets--When specified, install blankets hetween studs and attach to liner panel wfth five Ne staDles driven through each blanket, one in ceriter and others spaced 3' from each comer. Butt 6lankets Gosey and fill all voids. F ResilFaM piaooele-When specified, install RC-1 ResilieM Channels horimntally fo face side of studs, 8^ above }bor, 6^ below ceiling joists and max 24" o.c. Attach channels to studs with %" Type S screws driven through holes in mowftinp flanpe. Extend channels to ends oi runs and attacA to E-studs or C- runners. Splice channel by nestinp directy over stud; screw- attach through both flanpes. Reinforce wfth screws at both ends of splice. B Bypsum Panels--Appty JS" SHeErnocK brand Gypsum Paneis, Water-Resistant, FiRecooE C Core, vertically to both sides ot studs. Sfagpei jaints on opposite paRition sides. Fasten panels with 1"Type S screws spaced 72" o.c. in field and alonp edpes and runner flanges. N ResllieM Sinpie•larer-Apply !4' pypsum panels verticalty to resilient channels and fasten wfth 1w" Type S screws placed B" ham stud and 12" o.c. Do not place screws directly over stud. I ResllieM Double•Isper-Appty 36" gypsum panel base layer perpendicular to resiiieM channels wfth joims stapgered; Tasten wfth 1 Y" Type S screws placed 6" away from stud and 12^ o.c. Apply W pypsum panel face layer verticaly over base layer wfth edge joints staggered and attach wfth W Type S screws spaced 12^ a.c. and stappered from those in base layer. 8.8 AcCessary ApPlicatlon A Joint bystem-Finish ail face panel joints and irrtemai anples with a United States Gypsum Company JoiM System insTalled aocordinp to manufaclurer's directions. Spot exposed fasieners on face layers and finish comer bead, comrol jointa and trim as required, wfth at least tAree coats of joint compound, feathered out oMO panel faces and sanded smooth. B Metal Tr1ni.-lNhere partition or celiinp tertninates apainst masonry or other dissimilar material, appiy metal trim mer drywall edge; fasten wfth nails or galvanized sWples 9" o.c. C Scraws--Power-drive at least 3f" from edges or ends of rnv^-m nln?lc fr nmwirly qMnvn_Aif.*,ele_!!," r^,n,p. Y 4n1dfN ?Iq(qM. -FSreak ovosum p.?nel? aad •qci: 4?r ehanrqk uetoind joint and back hy duuble suppons. Attaai control joint to face layer with nails or 9f6^ palvanized staples spaced 6" o.c. on bMh Ranpes along errtire lenpth M joiM. no?rarrrw.dxi+maw+?ae o+?u?+al. Uu amen: rm.e rnomk(60) ecsmes• e.w.W rromart. l510179244oo, ek+mx, ? E 11 leW • Yinnmtc Bbominpton,18121 C54-I293.16om1: Si Loms.1311131B-OBBp •11w ry?! AIWny. (578) 43&7497. S4qry ioim.(9u) 785-12ZO.111M OaoYS CN?otlt. (701) 552-7402• mlaCbvelanE.l278A91333•OK?Bem?on.15 631 6 26-9 861•?'qlslcfiYaOelpNe, • (470) 3557200. PqREurph,19001289-1871 • T?.Nuhuille,(615) 361-Bt10. T? onuc. (214) 4so-o771, Houeron.(71a) ese-oto7.6bk s.n we faPi.19o1128&+WS• YMre nknmana. (ea) xasasas.?m.anm.i oM1rls uo0.131216116-59e1). nraneme raw.roo mam.nn m.a nemnae ownaf Munbdsube epwm cwvnr ma nuutl comWN' US6. SMFFlXOCK. HHECOOE, 7N6YAAFIBEE. RG7. re uiV,aw. aewmm hmmry Mc.,wft. a.e obor?ppe mukile cmwe rWr na ONI OIIILL IX Rp1MIQoY! IOf 4110lIIIi0011. rme w. sqe no? a mae+m mcAmw ma mro?p? m,.pu, ulmay «mehec„y w.niroa, nor roraro ?s rwwa w woi?atlon mmna o? m? n axwumn.?m wrmn 0MW halruCtlMS w farqMttlnn tlc N1eMe0 me.0ur YWNfy k amRWy tlmXM b MPOttmwt ol Eelectlre pooUC. Mp dmm shWl M bme0 nnAW uMeat mMe Yn wWnp b 1a MNM Ctlry (7%ErRhan EN p Ms n mspYEyaAeuM Ipw OMn 6ewreM. i61el?WIl?e USG OoNOmbbn. Nraqh bWm+„n0 mbMEOrbMMI D?M merk oonwnbm w 16 YrodLvb Weyeless, m NID tVxdM1hs mIICh meblo Mslpi 1Mc.ln WOniaL mme Podce, an aqWCk in metric Ohmentbm fiom rkCbO ammulaftNq Wmn. RMto sA-Irococm,aum semn.roriaamow miasmaids me, rme a wo+c Ew.wann. UnRed 8tetes 6yp=m Company ? 125 South Franidin Street P.O. Box 806278 Chippo, Illinois 60680-4124 A Subsidiary of USG Corporation SA-925/1-99 PtINetlMU.SA PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA142110 Date Issued:04/13/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 873 Ivy Lane Lot:9 Block: 01 Addition: The Woodlands North 3rd PID:10-75892-01-090 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - James R Ondich 873 Ivy Lane Eagan MN 55123 (651) 686-7651 Controlled Air 21210 Eaton Ave Farmington MN 55024 (651) 460-6022 X253 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature