4907 Jamie Rose Ct1? INSULATION INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS PROPER7Y LEGAL: Iofi ct S3 IOGK a PROPERTYADDRESS' 4 9 6 7 ITmn1P griC'e Co?r T INSPECTOR: 1-CoN U) e- laA) A INSPECTION DATE: c, o ¢ y r Z Z SITE GRADING I$ ?? All slopes 3:1 or flatter? ??? Slopes steeper than 3:1 require retaining wall. Are retaining walls present? JK ? ? Does grading conform to As-Built Grading Plan (+/- 1 foot approximately)? A ? ? Does perimeter grading tie in well with adjacent properties/undisturbed land? yff ? Cl Is there proper grading and/or drainage around Lookout or Egress Windows? EROSION CONTROL ? 0'? Is Silt Fence (or approved equal) installed and in good working order? ?? ? I od iber Btanketinstalled behind curb? ??? Is the Rock Construction Entrance/Driveway installed and in good working order (proper typelsize of aggregate, clean-not covered with soil, etc.)? r? ?? Is temporary vegetative cover w/ mulch present? ??? Is permanent vegetative cover w/ o w/o ulch present? (circle bwr CITY EASEMENTS AND UTILITIES ?? ? Are all easements clear-no part of any building/decWporch/retaining wall/etc. encroaching in easement? ?? I? Are catch basins present within the property or in the street in front of the property, if so are they clean, do they have the proper erosion control in and/or around them? [$ ?? Does the property have an Emergency Over Flow (EOF)? This can be found on the Certificate of Survey. If so, is it present and has it been graded properly7 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ?? f?S Is there tracking present on Public Right-of-WaylStreet from construction site? ?? ? Is the driveway at the proper width at ROW line? (22 ft. max.)(Curb stop is at ROW line) l? ? 0 Is the site clean, no trash and/or construction debris lying around? ?? Was the proper type of building constructed according to the approved grading plans? (LO, WO, FB, R, etc.) FOR ALL ITEMS REQUIRING ADDITIONAL FOLLOW-UP: NAME OF PERSON CONTACTED FOR FOLLOW-UP: COMPANY NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS: COMPANY TELEPHONE NUMBER: DATE CONTACTED: DATE OF FOLLOW-UP I COMMENTS: G:/FormsllNSULATION INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL.tloc Revised 2-06 ? City of Eq 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone:(651)675-5675 Fax: (651) 6755694 ? A,?«`->f -7, oq 7 I?l aIl'??'6i???-- %(? n l'S > 3 90 ?-5 0 LP ??&/-szl 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT ? -FOfOI?ICCU50 ???????? ? j Permit#: ? Pertnit Fee: + 4`"T?b • l?? I ? Date Received: I Staff: l? '?D • I I ------' APPLICATION 6?4 DMa: ?1116 sit.AcM.ms:qqD`I ?Ctn'1't,W Pi,O'??b Lk sum ty?i b't Phone: 06a1"900- Vwn&' RESIDENT/OWNER Name: , 6 4q & rn MIle nJ 64 u 0 W • Address/CirylZip: O1 Ull • Applicant is: Owner ? Contractor zo NtW UYKb w1?i??1201? TYPE OF WORK Description of work: M fi d?'/c/L -/l'( 1=/l ?/!E ??" ul IS y}?/? ?Y / No I Buildin : ( es 16-Famil ? M ? ? ? g _ y u Construction Cost: F.li UI. IJ CONTRACTOR Name: VPi hLiWvia r Licensen: ? q Address: li )) • e ??p/ : 1 Zi ?? t ?? ?? I I ( ?J St b?? a e City: 1 Phone: "I6? _q" lO_aol1 Cor?tact Person:ld? Yi 6N 1 f COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING ?Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 ? Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code '_ . Reside„nal vendMon Cam9ory i worksheei • riew energy code worksneet Cmggory Submiped ' Sudnitted (4 submission type) • Energy Envelope CalculaUons Suhmitted '? ? In the last 12 moMhs, has the Gty of Eagan issued a permft for a similar plan based on a master ? _Yes ?No If yes, date arxl address of master plan: ?? 11 '? 1'1 Q(UYYI j ?' ?'' Ph jD one: I Licensed Plumber: Mechanical CoMractor: La? vVii lA(-l.:Vl ?'{L Phone_ ?, 2 ??- - " - 7.?.? Sewer&WaterConHrector. AY?'1i (umUi 4 y(Z NOTE: P/ans and supporNng documents thai you submlt are consfdered to be puWic infwmation. Portiona of tfre !n/ormation may be classFfred as ngrt-publk if you prov/de specilk ?easons that would pertnlt the City to conclude that fbe _are trade"secrets. I hereby adcnowledga that this iMamaiion a c(mplate and accurate; tlW the vrork wiA be in conformance EaAarn: that I urderslarM Mis is not a permft, bul onty an application for a permit, and wak is not M W accordance with the approvetl plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. / x?_ c?? ?• ? ? I l[.) X Applicant's inled Name ??PP???s ?9 h and codes of the Ciry W Uiat tlie work will be in Page 1 of 3 tl'?, l atl& l.> ?l CY 6 ? DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB 7YPES ? Foundatlon 0 05-plex ? 16ptex ? Accessory Buitding ? Pool ;d Single Famlly ? O6-plex ? Fireplace ? Porch (&season) ? Ext A1t. - Multl ? 01 of _ Plex ? 07-pkx ? Garage ? Porch (4-season) ? Ext. Alt. - SF ? 02-Plex ? 08-plex ? Deck ? Porch (s<xeeNgazem/pergoia) ? Mufll Misc. ? 03-Plex ? 10-plex ? Lower Level ? Storm Damage ? 04-Plex ? 12plex ? l?7C/??eSd Miscellaneous w RKrraES New ? Interior Improvement ? Sidirig ? Demolish BuiWing` ? Addition ? Move BuiMing ? Reroot ? Demolish IMeriw ? Alteretion ? Flre Repair ? Windows ? Demolish Foundation ? Replacement ? Egress Window ? Waler Damage ' Denwlitbn (eMire building) - 9ive PCA handout to applicart DESCRIPTION: Valuatlon oqo• ve? Occupancy 'T R C 1 MCES Sysiem Pian Review Code EdRion SR c° 2°0 (o SAC Units (255'<_ 100% 4) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories ? Booster Pump C pi Unitg / Squsre Feet PRY # ot Buildings t Length Fire 5prinklers Type of Const. Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ,b Fcotin9s (new bld9) ? Footings(deck) Footings (addRbn) ?0 FoundatlOn Drain Tlle )j_ Roof:_4?6 lce & Water _?d Final 20 Freming _O? Rreplace:.,!? R.l. _26AirTest AFnal ? IIISUIetb11 A L _ n ? // / Reviewed By: = Sheetrock )d RnellC.O. RnaUPb C.O. HVAC - aher. Pool:_Footings AidGasTests Final Siding: _SNcco Lath Stone Lath _Brick 1Alindows Retelnlrg Wall Building Inspector RES/DENTIAL FEES: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC uuiny connecnon cnar9e S8W Permtt 8 Surcirerge Treatment Plant Coples Totat Lowe? /?ve/??s?cd x '29. ?g lBvC/ unF,?,;?l?ed ra ? sq.r- r X i?:3 p IfP?L° (2 ?? ??°? `l' ? n?rS ?L? e? ?6 b l .59 t" 1r 7?i•7'? 6!A'2W6-i= 7 / 3 5g-Ff X ?3.6v D ec?- 1%j/t4- F er 3.000•00 0,30 e2,?D F2on*- ert?r2 y/z41 S9 F'` °tX 45: oa Page 2 of 3 city oF eaqan Name: Site Address: Date: 1' 1-0$ Telephone #: Rim Joist Detail Opdons As outliaed in the new Energy Code, buildings constructed with three units or less require that rim joists be put up according to detail options shown below. Please circlelhighlight the option you will be usine. fi 8 Other : 117I2008 Properly Address: 4 Development Type = Single lot residential Existing Allowable Trees Removal Jamie Rose Court, Eagan, MN Actual Actual Required Cash Removal Preserved Mitigation Eauivalent 4 Trees 20% 4 Trees 0 Trees 10 B trees $3,000 1 Trees 100.0°/a 0.0% MITIGATION CALCULATIONS (Applicant to mitgate: 3 Trees) Category of Tree Number of Mitigation Total To Be Removed Trees Removed Per Tree (B) Mitiaation (B) Specimen Trees 0 6 0 Hdwd Deciduous 21-30" 1 4 4 Soft Deciduos >24" 0 4 0 Conifer > 24" (12" dbh) 0 4 0 Hdwd Deciduos 6-20" 3 2 6 Soft Deciduous 12-24" 0 2 0 Conifer 12-24' (<12" dbh) 0 2 0 totaV = 4 TOTAL MITIGATION = 10 Cate o B Trees MITIGATION SUMMARY Number of Mitigation Number of "B" Tree Requirement Cash Equivalent 7rees Required Trees Provided Balance (B Trees) Balance 10 0 10 $3,000 NOTES: ? City Inspection Dept. Copy City Forester Copy ApplicanUBuilder Copy ='i -. . .,j ??, Rfagu Development l.(11-V 61r GL tND[-f UJDUll1 l`t' NO1-11 Lot Number L Block Number 7- Address _l _101 _jW(r QO S G CT Builder (02p' Phone Number. id,llr. CC[?\ f:nntar_t• L? Li' ?? v J ?? li Y I IS"Gfs'llO? / Tree Protection Requirements_ ? Tree Protection Fencing Installed On Site Oak Tree Pruning (Immediately seal wounds during April 1 to July 31) Therapeutic Pruning Required Retaining Wall To Be Installed Other: Replacement Trees: K_ Attachments: 4- NotRequired T??? ???CJ As Follows: (} C.l,j, CF-j, C'N?" y ? Yes No Additional Notes: ?-` ( ?Ils?"?iF' C'EWtGvv• 7!f%(lA'V? Vi/ ?`?l? -? ca?vwteA7N . H:\ghweO006fiL=1VeepreslTree Preserva9on Plan Summary-2D06 gmm mumoa?roaw CN OQ4? ? y----'=-= - (BUILDER, PLEASE READ ATTACHMENTS) 01l15/2008 11:34 9528909281 VENNEHJEM BUILDING PRGE 02/03 'JAMIE ROSE COURT CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY For: ? ? ?` S11 54 ? TC 958.5 75 f 82•g7 ---.,,''' 9'so.s) _? ? ??„? N ? 960.5 w b ? : -t 956 fl ?? ?+? H MARK vs0v f~??*} o ua `?, BENCOF ?IKE ?, 1 ?' J . R vEt? o?,S u , N `? 956 r ? ' ? " ?y cn ? ?o ? £V.-gs5.73 3)p `4 ` sa ? i,+ Q t (951.3 '? oi q ?O 962.0) 60. J ZO 67 ' 11.5?' ,?? `LN N ?f' ;f ? 1 32 26 `-. ( ? ?'•" ?j' I ¢cg' '? PRpGE ? ? . ? ?' ?' ? i -'?xe p0/ S?p L"/ ; PRp -j cp cn SE .a ?( HDU p?(C`0) ; ? ?j e? 36 " -? 91/? l' 9n .?' W "J?""? i - a wo ? C° ? ? X960.9 ? s6z_ax ? ? Y?d ? 10 o-? ? ? v AR1E5 ? ? `:• ^ `?DRAINAGE & UTILIT?'L•?• L.LI 1 ?? t ? I EASEMENT PER QLAT ?I A fN n?. IT V nvn? V i ?TREE REMDVE i ; ?---?`-` (961.0) 1 0TREE SAI/E 'P r ' ` s i gg1.7 SAN. SERVICE INVERT ?J % ? 0 ? 60•00 ' ' ?.?' (965.7) Elfv.=952.03 Q5pp2'1 fi»? PER AS-BUILT PLANS ?(d .+? '`-`-- 101.05 N k p co ?c ? O ? yg v I TtT '1 7 ry PROP. HQUSE=2,558 SQ fT L_\1 I OR 17.19 OF LOT AREA .P tnl? 1N I?? 1Aff'?/1?^ Z PROP.DRIVEWqY=836 SQ FT ('? 1 V Y f 1 I.i i L_ I\ I I V\7 Y V V V V?% O LOT 9=14,968 SQ fT STi l T1 8 f C- I r-T i i n 1ti r\ i T 1 f'1 I? i i vv L_L_i i fl r-+VV1 g I Scale: 1"=30' Page 2 of 3 James R. Hlll, 131C. JAMIE ROSE COURT CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY For: VENNEHJEM BUILDING CORPORATION Lot 9. Block 2 WHISPERING WOODS FOURTEENTH ADDITION Tree Preservation plan Pre House Proposed Post House Development Construction Tree Preservotion Constructio Const. As-Built Post House Const. As-Built POINT N0. ELEV. TYPE D I A w > N ? ?, v o ? ? ? ? W 57< W z 0 > u?i ° ? v > ? ? Z ? w 57< Z ? 2730 964.5 AK 1 1.9 H 2 9 . 4 .8 0 A Preliminary Tree Certification During a site visit on December 2, 2007 all significant trees shown and designated hereon were present and in good heolth, except as noted in the table above. The house has been siaked. Tree fence will need to be placed outside the dripline of all significant trees to be saved. Future grading ond construction should not have a negative effect on these trees. gY vL? o? 64? ? Date: 12- 12 - 200'7 hn L. Benner, Minnesota L.5. No. 26708 Rv ? Signature of Owner Date: x 0 ? n y ? 0 0 Q P. Scale- 1"=30' Page 3 of 3 ?ames R. Hili, ine. WHISPBRING WOODS 14th I.OT 9 BLOCK_2 -TREE PRE9ERVATIUN CALCULATI4N WORKSHEET 1nr200e Property Address: 4907 Jamie Rose Court, Eaqan, MN Development Type = Single lot residantial Existing AIlowable ActuaV Actual Required Trgg_ e oval Removal Preserved " Mitigatlon 3 T"reds 20% 3 Treea U 7rees 8 B irees $1,800 1 Treeg ion.a% 010% 1 C`d$h Eauivalenl MITtOA410N CALCULAT{ONS (.4ppEicant to mitgate: 2 Trees) Calegary of Tree Num6er ot Mftigatfon Tota! 7o Be Removed T?r es Removed Per Tree !B? MEitaallan f61 Specimen Trees 0 B 0 Hdwd Deciduous 21-30" 0 4 0 Soft Dec[duas>24" 0 4 0 Canifer > 24" (12" dbh) 4 Hdwd Deciduos 8-20" ? ? 2 ? ? Soft Deciduaus 12-24" 0 2 0 Conifer 12-24' (<12" dbh) 0 2 0 total = Z TOTAL MITIGATION = fiTelegory B Trees MRlM11E1N BUMKUAY Numher vf Mitigation Numtier of'B" Trea Requlrement Cash Equivalent Trees Required 'frees Provfded Balance {6 Treea} Balanoe g p a $1800 NOTES: • New ?'nw?&wjywu .??w ib -?tw .,A4j ??A Caj?b ?ox. . m ? ? ? N m m m ? w A w cn N ? ?D m ?o N W N C z m ? m 3 b7 C ? 0 z C) -u D fli m m W m W Pamit Number RFScheck Compliance Certificate 20001VIinnesota Fnergy Code REScheck Sofrwm Version 3.6 Relexse 2 Daka 5lwame: C:\Program Files\Check\REScheck\kauchick4907jrc010708.rck PROJECT TTfLE: Kauchick COLTNTY: Dakota STATE: Minnesota ZONE: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5ingle Fatnily WINDOW / WALL RATIO: 0.10 DATE: 01l08108 DATE OF PLANS: 08107/08 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: LOT 9 BLOCK 2 W6ispering Woods 14th add. DES IGNER/C ONT RAC T OR: VENNEH7EM BUII,DING CORP. 2500 WEST COiINTY RD 42 SUITE 9 BURNSVII.LE,MN. 55306 COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 444 Your Home UA = 342 23.00/o Betta Thsn Code (CIA) Ceiling L• Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss Wall 1; Wood Fiame, 16" o.c. W a112: Masonry Block with Empty Ce11s:Interior Insulation Window 1: Abova-GcadeVinyl FrameDouble Pane with I.ow-E Door 1: Solid Basement Wall 1: Masonry Block with Integtal Insulation Wall height: 3.5' Depth below grdde: 3.0' Insulation depth: 3.5' Fumace 1: Forced Hot Aiy 90 AFUE Air Conditioner 1: Electnc Cenhal Air, 10 SEER Checked By/Date Gross Glating Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter B-Value BACal= Li-Fad4I I]A 1681 38.0 0.0 50 2303 19.0 0.0 136 664 10.0 0.0 34 290 0.350 102 42 0.350 15 66 10.0 0.0 5 0 ? c R t U Q ? OZ Q fd ? ? .B' 0 ? vpr ? ? nry?Y ? o 0 ,g nvw 0 ? o .z ? ? ? ? ? ? ? o 9 ? ? Jd 0 ? LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: DOCUMENT STANDARDS • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company • Building Permit Applicant . Legal description . Address 49a7 3'anv'c Rase Cf• • North arrow and scale . House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ? • Direc[ional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % o w- 410 ow . Proposed/existing sewer and water services & invert elevation s ?%$ 7 ed S • Street name DaEx Gra • Driveway (grade & width - in R/W and back of curb, 22' max.) . Lot Square Footage • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin ,? ? ? . Property comers ? ? ? . Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions p R ? . Elevations of any existing adjacent homes „z ' ? ? . Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches ? g ? . Waterways (pond, stream, etc.) Prooosed AT 0 0 • Garage floor g ? ? . Basement floor g ? p . Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) g ? ? . Property comers g ? ? . Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applica6le) ? ? ? • Easement line ? y7 ? . NWl ? yJ ? . HWL p ? ? • Pond # designation ? g p . Emergency Overflow Eievation ? yJ ? . Pond/Wetland buffer delineation y . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District y ? • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ? ? ? ? • • Lot IinesBearings & dimensions 1 Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) ? p . Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', orches tc. all structures requiring pertnanent footings) d,"X d?+?4^t;o?s a?o??s} CAns?• PI 4 do4 ?'CStf+0.I), i ? • ( .e. j„Qa.?¢.?t ea.. Show all easements of record and any City u[ilities within those easements ? ?g ? 0 ? O • Setbacks of proposed structure an sideyard setback of adjacent existing structures 'pj ? ? . Retaining wall requirements: : Date /?J O 8 d B i R y ewe ev G:lFORMS/Building Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 LATESTREVISION: tIZ6I08 ' .4907 JAMIE ROSE COURT CERTIFICATE 4F SURVEY For: VENNEHJEM BUILDING QRPORATION D i'?, O?D V' PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 9, Biock 2, WHISPERING WOODS 9 ? FOURTEENTH ADDITION, Dakota Cou nty, Minnesota. ?; R?? Be FiequiYed ? We hereby certify that this is a true and correct survey of the above described property and that it was performed by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Surveyor under the ' laws of the State of Minnesota. That does not purport to this survey show all improvements, easements or encroachments, to the property except as shown thereon. Signed this ZS4`' day of 2008. James R. Hill, Inc., DD ? AE YJ 1`y L?-? By r 11)ar 4o n L. Benner, Minnesota L.S. No: 26708 ° Notes: 1. Building dimensions shown are for 0 Denotes set spike horizontal & vertical placement of Structure 0 Denotes set iron monument • Denotes found iron monument only. See architectural plans for building x927.6 Denotes existing elevation & foUndation dimensions (930.0) Denotes proposed elevation . 2. No s ecifiC soils investi ation has been p 9 Denotes proposed drainage TC Denotes top of curb completed on this lot by James R. Hill, Inc. The suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed is not the responsibility of TNH-NW Corner Lot 9 James R. Hill, Inc. or the surveyor. Bench Mark: 963.53_ Biock 2 1 No specific title search for existence or non- proposed Garage Floor= 961.6 existence of recorded or un-recorded easements Proposed Garage Top of Block= 962.0 has been conducted by the surveyor as a part Proposed House Top of Block= 962•7 of this survey. Only easements per the recorded Proposed Lowest Floor= 954.6 plat are shown. Proposed Top of Block 957 $ 4. Proposed grades shown were taken from at Look-out Window= the grading &/or development plan prepared by gearings are on assumed datum JAMES R HILL INC. SC&I@: 1'=30' Hill Inc. ? N rt James R A m o? o 0 3 N ?? o . PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS ? ? nj 3"' o\? o Z 2500 W. Cir. RD. 42, SuIE 120, ButasvttE MN 55337 o0) Z J rr*? w N? j PHONE: (952)69f?604F FAX: (952?890-6244 °° 1943 94TM LruE NE, Sm B. BuM 11N 55449 ?'' o?, PHONE: (763)792-1136 FAX: (763)792-1743 I? CERTIFICATE ROOFRT SURVEY II For: VENNEHJEM BUILDING CORPORATION I ot 9. Rlor.k ?_ WHISPERING WOODS FOURTEENTH ADDITION Tree Preservation plan Pre House Proposed post House Development Construction Tree Preservation Constructio Const. As-Built Post House Const. As-Built OINT N0. LEV. YPE IA w > a fn _5 ? Ln ? U w o g ?v 0? cD ? cn X W ? z o 0 , w > a Vl ? U) D U w o m w K 0 p cn X w w z o 0 2 0 964.5 AK 4 37 61.9 H R Y 6 . OAK 274 6. OK FF TR Preliminary Tree Certification During a site visit on December 2, 2007 all significant trees shown and designated hereon were present and in good health, except as noted in the table above. The house has been staked. Tree fence will need to be placed outside the dripline of all significant trees to be saved. Future grading ond construction should nat have a negative effect on these trees. 2 0 gy %0 Date: 1- 25-Za0$ BY John L. Benner, Minnesota L.S. No. 26708 Scale: 1"=30' Page 3 of 3 Signature of Owner James R. Date: Hill, Inc. 0 ? P. ` 4907 JAMIE ROSE COURT CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY5'° o For: VENNEHJEM BUILDING CORPOR I0g osE c°uRT -?w p,1?It1E R E Rp 3 Cj?o?$' 49 ?k> ? ?i4P.p L d ? OO?`?PiJ \ J S1 ? g7 IC 958.5 jj?.5) 604 53 ?,? E S \ ? ?L O S c?P i 3 n ` Lp Ql _ A ? \\ -? Ig-5e.,) o 956.3) ? ? ? r 1? ? ?g62-?? < -? 3VC_ 95 ? ? `, ? , , 7?? 1 O r1J? c N ,o (957 1 ,,, , °? ol 5 ?` ?yo? 1g I ,q \ 961.3? 1 '010 6? c.?7` ? 733 /2?34/ ' ?cP S Vl,??R???? ?N ?5g 0) 1 1?0 x? X 962.8 ` 'A 1tA0 A .?? OTREE REMOVE 1I ?.? ?TREE SAVE I SAN. SERVICE INVERT =30' V LJames R. Hill, Inc. \ N rs ? :. (96a.5? ° '- X96? 9 0 . cn °? J ? ?DRAINAGE & UTILITY2 EASEMENT PER PLAT N 4- - - % ?_ ---- ? - ?_ , ? ` 60.00 --'?M ?---- 101.08 N05°02'16"W M ? ? 0 ? 0 7?s J 0 ? I ? O ? ? P ?nT \J I ?? ?I ni?nniT v n.??1 N 1 9g17 ? (961.7) I L_V I ? ?- lhll II^[?? C?I nI r" 1AJ???^ I vvfll?:? L_i\livv vvvvv.% r--ri I nnr?i-r i ? r. i I 4VL_L_I Iri /?VIJII IVIV I Page 2 of 3 z 0 t+n 2 0 ? PER AS-BUIL7 PLANS ? J 2 J PROP. HOUSE=2.558 SQ FT ELEVScale:.=1"952.03 OR 17.1% OF LOT AREA I'Q PROP.DRIVEWAY= 838 SQ FT LOT ? 9=14,968 SQ FT I?1 Address: 4907 Jamie Rose Ct. Zip: 55122 Permit: 81851 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERElWERE NOT COMPLETE AT FINAL INSPECTION ON : 7"36-0;9 Yes No Comments Final rade - 6" from sidin ? Permanent ste s- ara e Permanent ste s- main ent Permanent drivewa Permanent as Retainin Wall or 3:1 Max Slo e Sod/Seeded lawn Trail/curb dama e ? Porch Lower level finish Deck Fire lace • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the City's Engineering Department at 651-675-5646 prior to working in right-of-way or installing irrigation system. q BUILDING INSPECTDR: /' '`?, '' "tc-4-? G/Bldg InsplFOrms20071CheCklists Date: 117/2008 Revision Date: 1/7/2008 Site Information Address 1: 4907 Jamie Rose Court Address 2: City: Eagan County: Dakota Application Information Business Name: Vennehjem Building Corporation Contact Person: Joseph J. Hilla Office Ph: 952-890-3000 Fax: 952-890-9281 Address 1: 2500 West County Rd #42, Ste # 9 City: Burnsville State: Mn 2ip Code: 55337 New Construction Project #: Whispering Woods 14th Addition Lot: 9 BloCk: 2 Subdivision: Whispering Woods 14th Addition MN Contractor License #:20108964 Cell Ph: House Details Square Feet: 3362 sq. ft. Avg. Ceiling Ht: 8 ft. Number of Bedrooms: 4 Ventilation : Balanced Total Ventilation Capacity : 118 cfm. Minimum Continuous Ventilation :75cfm. Intermittent Ventilation: 43 cfm. Combustion Aopliance Water Heater: NA FurnacelBoiler: Direct Vent/Sealed Combustion Input BTUs: 75,000 Independentiy Vented Other Combustion Aupliances Gas Fired Direct Vent Fireplace(s): Yes Gas Fired Power Vent Fireplace(s): No Gas Fired Natural Draft Fireplace(s): No Solid Fuel Appliance(s): No Exhaust Eauipment Continuous Exhaust Ventilation Capacity (cfm): NA Clothes Dryer (cfm): 135 Exhaust Fan Rating (cfm): 135 Make-Ua Air No Make-Up Air Required by Code Combustion Air Minimum Combustion Air Requirements Have Been Met. ({, p,,,,,?, .,p??????_p U ?lpplicant Name (print):`IenYIA If/Y}? IJIdG?•Ll?ffYSignature/Date:GOVlVl1.(.l bl?M1kcI11dp Code Official (print): Signature/Date: 0 2004 CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco. 2004 Mechanical Code Guidelines. Page 1 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA157202 Date Issued:08/08/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4907 Jamie Rose Ct Lot:9 Block: 2 Addition: Whispering Woods 14th PID:10-83963-02-090 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Scott T Kauchick 4907 Jamie Rose Ct Eagan MN 55122 Mayday Restoration 18062 Judicial Way N Lakeville MN 55044 (651) 253-4085 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature