4778 Galaxie Ave. HOUSE "HEATING TEST RECORD ADDR ESS y 7 74? &42 /Q? X? e AP T OCCUPANT nwu HEAT LO55 DATE HTG. INST SOLD BY Elsefrieal Work By TYPE OF HEAT GA . FLOOR CITY SUBURB IfO00 ? ER ALLED BY L ine By FA H1M STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER GAS DESIGN MAKE • MAKE QF BURNER µOdQl Model Model Ssrial Max. BTU Rating _ INPU7 MAKE OF FURNACE CONTROLS THERI?O?;R `.t Plvg Vsnt $ize Yolve w KIND QF LINER Limit Limit Sstting Fan Setting - Drait Hood CONVERSION SIZE NONE Regulator Filters Sixe Num6er Chkmney Location Inside Outaide Pilot Type - ?r Chimnsy Conatruction Pilot Make l?"TC^ ? ? Pilot Model Smoke Bomb Wiring Pilot Timing Draft Test Top - L.W. Cut Off Door Presswe ? Lighting Inst. Pressur + Percent CO 2 Date Tested Input CFH Percent 02 Company Testing r l?hlt?,? Srock Temp. Percent CO 14* 4 1illtol Name of Tester Form 235 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks 4;t.t5.1.Xj - % Addition PARK RDIGE 1ST ADDN Lot 7 Blk 1 Parcel 10-56750-070_01 owner street 4778 GALAXIE AVENUE stace EAGAN MAJ 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 10V I04.44 A013433 1-11-84 STREET RESTOR. • 6f?4B+fd6 rQ t ' SAN SEW TRUNK 1982 147.21 9.81 1 117.78 A013433 1-11-8 * SEWER LATERAL 1985 626.16 41.74 626 . 16 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 1985 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK ` 7 1985 370.93 24.73 15 370.93 * STORM SEW LAT 1985 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ROAD UAIIT 250.00 38906 9-28-83 WATER CONN. 450.00 it of BUILDING PER. 8524 SAC PARK PERMIT # •y??: .E ?%/,/?R ?,%L `' MECHANICAL?ERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: _ PRICE: / Z r/ PHONE: 454-8100 ' ddress •1 re07 fi X! "'- Af`', BLDG. TYPE 7 ? BIQck r - Sec/Sub Ftes. ? '4&i - y .? Name ^ 4.-'; : c?.' =? C'y' f< ? Mult Address -4 + !1J ! Comm. 42 r, Other Ciry Phone Name /_ c Address ? p City :lE OF WORK ced Air M BTU ler M BTU t Heater M BTU Cond. M BTU it CFM 5 Piping,Qutlgts # t ? er I%. FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PEFNIIT) COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 REMODELS MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000) FEE: ? - S/C: - ?IL ?? ?E TOTAL: •' i -?-?'" WORK DESCRIPTION New Add-on Repair .? - $24.00 - 6.00 - 1.50 EA. - 12.00 - 20.00 - .50 ;,ITY OF EAGAN CITY OF EAGAN 8.54 3795 tilot Knob Road Eagen, MN 55122 PHdNE: 454-$100 BUfLDING PERiVllfl'? Receipt # ?-(? - - r. To be used fur S i l4v ., CAR Est. Vol ue '; l` Oate 19 5ite qdress 4//ts GalBxle 1?venue E?ct ?? F:- 3 Occuponcy 7 ?'ark . dge Lot Bjo?k ?6/S u¢. Alter ? .- Zoning ?0 ? U 1 Porcel # Repuir ? Fire Zone ?f m e a 'II Enlorge ? Type of Const. Name ?'?O"e p # Stori W Be 1. R.oad Z /lddrcss 1766 Si ver -55122 l:agan - 0 Demolish p Grode f1 3 Length?, ? Depth Sq. Ft. °C Name z° 1000 E. 146th St. Assessment o? Address UF Cilt tzrnsville Phane 432-1413 Water & Sew. Police °C Name W W Flre r Address Enp. <W Ci Phone Plunner XK Council I hereby acknowledge thot I have read this opplication ond state that gldg. Off, the information is correct and ogree to tomply with all opplicable AR Stote of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eagan Ordincnces. Sipnoture of Permittes , f ric . I Permit Lu-J.vv Surcharge 25•00 Plon check 141.50 5ziSAC •' 4,51j. ' . Water Conn. v Woter Meter zyj-.7 J u- Rood Unit Total Y . A Building Permif is issued M: f? on the express condition that oil wark shall be done in accordarxe with all upplicabie Stote pf Minnca? ?tetutes und City of Eapan Ordinances. ? Buildin9 Officiol `' ' Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder Plumbing ??. Q^?? v /?? KZ? v ?b'7-? H.V.A.C. qC? L ? ?S3 w.n Water Disp. Sewer Electric 4001l z L?1 I-4 4S 3 Inapection Qate Insp. Other . Footings y? Foundation Framiny 1'f 3 Rouph Pibg. i ? Rough HVAC Inwlation Final Plbg. Final HVAC Final ?3a dr Water Describe Location: Wall . Sewer Pr. Ditp. Reoeipt PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly Tot. 1. Date I ? . 2. Instaliation Cost - 1. • . 3. Job Address l.ot?Blk. Tract ' 4. Owner i ,' . 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address Z 7 7. City ? IState 4 2i P ! '/. r 1 8. Building Type: Residential i0 Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New (0'" Add O Alter ? Repair ? 10. Descri be 11 No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Se tic Tank Lavatory p Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other ? Laundry Tray r Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and 1 agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed . for ? • . . ! `?fj? Rough Final f ? Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Permit Na ? Fill in numbered spaces Type or Prrnt legibly 1. Date/t 2. Installation Cost ?- ? 3. JobAddress`?? -a--3r Lot 7 Blk. ? 4. Owner Fae s/c ' - Tot Tract r'c+'-A_ PH6ne 5. Contractor ( ? -- ? • - r . 6. Address - C i' " %r? ? .-*_ _ r . - . ,? ? ; f. • , • ?' ? 7. City State / i Zip 8. Buiiding Type: Residential ? Commerciai ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New ? Add 0 Alter ? Repair O 10. Describe A- Fuel Type -Tz ' 11. No. ? Enuipment BTU - M. Ea. Forced Air . ?? ` No. Equiament CFM Air Handlin : Mfg, g Boilers ! Mfg. - _ Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final -7 Inspections: Date Irisp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-$100 CITY OF EAGAN • 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 27-198, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 r?. SUILD?IG PERMIT Receia ? DECK 11000 ? % ? 5ite Addrets - lot 7 81ock ' Sec/Sub. Pa?eel Na. W Name - ? Address I?' A City Phona ?- Name _ Address Name Address City Phone Erect lul Remodel ? Repair ? Enlarqe ? Move ? Dsmolish ? Grode ? Install O Occupancy Zoni rig Type of Const. No. Storia Lengih Depth Sq. Ft. Fees I /\ssessment Water 3 Sew. Polip Fin Enp. Plorxw Council Permit 1 / . .> . SurcFarqat • ? ? Plan Review, 5/?C Water Conn. Wcter Meter Rood Unit I hereby ackrwwledye that I hovt road this opplicction ond state that Bldg. Off. Parks fM inlormotion is correct and ogree to comply with oll applicable APC Total Stotf of Minnewto Stotutes and City of Eayonjdrdinoncaa. f Var. Date SiQnofun of Pemwttee N Buildinq Pertnlf Is iuued to: on the exprass condition tf+oi dl work sholl be dorw in occordonce with oll oppitooble State of Minnesota Stotutp wd City of Eoqan Ordlnoncits. 8vildinq pifitial i Permit No. Pormit Holder Date 7ele hone it Plumbiny H.VA.C. Ehctric Softsmr Irqpection Dats Insp. Other Footinqr Foundation Framinp Roofln9 Rouph Pibq. Rough HVAC Inwlation Final Pllq. final HVAC Final Grt/Oce. Water Detc?iba Loeation: Well Sower Pr. Dap. 3830 "ri6at KnQb Road WATER SERVICE PERMIT P. O. Box 27199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zoning: No, of Units: 1 d+vnsr, -- Addl'ess: Site Address: 4778 alaxie Ave !.7 v1 ;'q:n. ';ic!,e Plumber: St 1T ?: LXC Meter No.: Connedion Chorge: 45 0..; ? i Stze: Account Deposit: Reoder No.: Permit Fee: - . ^ i prm h eo04* with !1N City of EeYap Surchorge: .,? , i ta Ordlnenea. Misc. CFwrpes: - ?''? •???.i t_^. c? t e 1 7otal: ey Date Poid: Oate of I nsp.: I - nsp.: - 1 CITY OF EAGAPI SEWER SlRVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: ?'•*' Eagan, MN 55121 pATE• zoning: I;2 No. of Units: 1 O4Yner: Ruscoit i = e 5 Address: ^ Site Address: -_77" ' 1v .7 1 Ygrk Rid^ e Plumber: `.?-?5-;33 j';9t'„ 109tee to eomplr w1Nh tha Ciryr of Eagen Ordinanees. By Dote of I nsp.: 1 nsu,: Connection Chorpe: 425.00 nd AccouM Deppsit: Permit Fee: 10.00 k)t? Surchorga: • 54 M'rsc. Charpes: Total: Dote Paid: CITY,OF EA(iAN NO 852? 9795 Pilof Knob'Roed Eagen, MN 55121 PHONEs 454-8100 ? !? BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # y Te M uud for SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $50,000 oare September 28 ,1q 83 Site Address 4778 Galaxie Avenue Erect Xg Occupancy R-3 Lot 7 elock 1 kc/suy Park Rtdge Alter ? Zoning R-1 parcel # 10-56750-070-0I Repoir ? Flre Zone NA Enlarge ? Type of Const. V w Name Tim Heikkila Move ? # Stories = Addross 1766 Silver Bell Road ? Demoiish ? Length 35 C; Eagan 55122 phom 452-0640 Grode ? Depth 43-6 gq, Ft.- o Nome Ruscon Homes, Inc. Apv.orals Feea v? Addresa 1000 E. 146th St. Assessment Permit 283.00 p ? t Burnsville Phone 432-1433 Woter & Sew. Surchorge 25.00 Police Pbn check 14-50 Ww Name Fira SqC 52$.00 `z x? Address Erg. 450.00 Water Conn. <W Ci Phone Planner WarerMeter 60.00 Countil Rood Unit 250.00 I hereby ocknowledge thot I have read this applicotion ond sta[e that Bldg. Off. fhe informotion is correcf and ugree to comply with all opplicoble $1734.50 $tate of Minnesota $tatutes and Cify of Eagon Ordirwnces. APC Total Signature of Pertnittee uscon Aomes, nc. A Building Permif is issued fo: on tha express condition ihnt oll work shall be done in accordence with all oppliwble Statef inneso es und iry of Eaqon Ordinances. il o Build{nfl Officiol A BUILDING PERMIT r. L. ....a &.. DECK CITY OF EAGAN N° 10208 3830 Pilot Knoh Road, P.O. Box 21•199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 4548100 ?{ ? / Receipt ?,f ??^'? 1.000 SiteAddrea 4778 GALAXIE AVE Lot 7 s1«k 1 Sec/sut. PARK RIDGE Percel No. ? Name ____ ? Addm9 4778 GALAXIE AVE c;ty EAGAN pho„B 452-0640 y Name _ ?G Address ? City - Phone ?W Neme i Addresa l ts `sw City Phone 1 hereby acknowledgs thot I haw road this opDlication und store thoe tM inlormotion is wrcect and agree to eomply with all applicuble Stata of Minnewta Stat A of Epq O _jdmancas. Erect {iSl OccuPenry _ Remodel ? 2oning _ Repair ? Type of Const. Enlarye ? No. Stories _ Mwe ? Length _ Oemolish ? Depth _ Grode ? Sq. Ft. Assessment Water 8 $ew. Polica Firc ?11aa Pnner Council BIdB.OH. S fi 5 APC Var. Date Permit Surchatye .50 Plan Review SAC Woror Conn. Woter AAeter Road Unit Perks Total 18.00 Sipnofum of PermiMae - I A Buildinq Permlr is issued ro: TIM HEIKKILA on Ma exprcn caditlon tho+ all work shall ba dona ip?accordanee Ith cll appliccbla State of Minnesoro Stotutes ond City of Eupon Ordiwncas BWWfnp OffiGol ?'< ? 880 SP-LEV aTy pF gAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, . 1 i 5ite gian W,elevation5 a BUILDING PERNIIT AFPLICATION 1 set of e.ner?qy calculations. ?? ? ??p? p o a Zb Be Used For F?m i i,, aluation Da? 0 ` Z?? ?? ? Site AddreSS ?7,,R?3a1 a.,}a OFFICE USE ONLY Lot :7_ Block 1-_ Sec./Sub• n;,,,. Erect K Occupancy Parcel #: S fo `l SO - d 70 - ol Alter Zoning Repair Fire Zone `/d m;??;Ukila Enlarge _ Zme of Const. Qaner: zre Address: 1766 Silver Bell Rd. Move # Stories Degnlish Fxont ft• City/Zip Code: Eaqan, MN 55122 Grade Depth y- ft. Phone #: 452-0640 Contractor: R scon Homes Address: 1000 E_ 146th St_ City/Zip Code: g, nsvi 11 .. MN 5337 Phane * : 43 2-143 3 Arch-/En4•: Address: ,r Clty/Z1D Ci?: _RtIYTIQIll??4??.MN Phone n: 432-2044 ?qater/Seaer Surcharge P,5- °g` Police Plan Check /y/ ,'m. Fire 5AC '" S`M Eng. Water Conn. ,s D Planner Water Pleter /?6 Council Road Unit ,? Bldg.. Off-. AFC 7OTAL 9?' (?kr e?d ?- ti1 a? € ( s ?a r? f n ?? ?c~F- /u? ?Q ? 0),01 1985 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE; ALL CONTRACTORS 14UST BE LICENSED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: DECk Valuation: tpoo°%? Date: Site Address; I -f lY G^IqY?tv- .JVC,, OFFICE USE ONLY ?) P Lot; Blo ck ? Sect/Sub a4 Erect x Occupancy Remodel Zoning Parcel 1? Repair Type of Const -- ' ? Ow I Enlarge !I of Stories ner ? Move Length Demolish Depth Address t{` ?'?? Axic Av Grade _ Sq Ft City/Zip Code A.7, Y?j v.7 --------------- -------------- Phone `J S APPROVALS Contractor K?,S CJce.? Assessments Permit Water/Sewer Surcharge Address ' Police Plan Review Fire SAC City/Zip Code ' Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Phone - Council Road Unit Bldg Off,t s f Parks Areh,/Engr. - APC Treatment P1 Variance Address " TOTAL City/Zip Code ` ` ` rlso - ? /G7 ' n Phone 1l L L.cr 71 I3Lne..r- 1 PA%ri14. RlDVE I DP.KOrx. ".W4 1 Mi a?lVS a r4 . o - DWvT£S 1ko-J me.JJmEr.1r ?3o.oJ DEyercS E+c?sri?lv. E?-EJAT'lo?.l - Cq3e.o) I?•.?oi-e.s PRoPoSEO E?..C-Jhne.J ?`? OF?.1er£S V?RR1Tts.1 !?p SJ0.FI?GE D?bt RWAOAE coNSUiriHa (HOIHIIll1 ENGINEEAING PLaNH(ns erie IAHD iUAVfYOIIi 'COMPANY, INC: ?f000 WT 1140k STIIC[T, EURH3VILLC, lIIHMCSOTA 53]]7 1'}1 472-3000 ccr-l }'fcar,??JF %4?;[? z•-cy jet9at Qe-,C?{ort -. 'Alo R r1.( ?xe.LE 1 " 0 Y j ?I? Q g iV ? loeL?C6-) ID ( a N ? f ? .? a I N ? u ?• io ,1 ?-.- , w ? pRA1an[.t "D unur-( r:^s&m&xr ?J89°49, Il"w e.RA6.C Fo.Jt S4ED 6, E?f?/hnu.J a 9°i4•? Lv? t F?.eeR . r \? ' .18.0 9 3 3, b) C LvT ? 93s, j ---¦? '? ??f tfi u rv FAx-mf?Jr zo_1 ?--- --- - -?. 7-74. (cb 5 6f1° 49' 2L. " E . i.5) Sa1 40' FAoyr ga?www,. sE.TeacbL L-,ae ?.. ? v I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a tract of land as shourn and described hereon. As prepared by me on this zz-v day of SFSrvmoer- , 19 83 Minnr.sota Registration No. /LogS PIAOBE COHSUCTIHO 1H61Htll1S NGINEEAING PLANNtAS end IAHD ?URV[YORS COMPANY, INC: - L .1000 CA.ST 1441h STRCCT, EIMkSVILIC, 1tIHHC30TA 7333T tH .432-7000 1.?srat nr.?r- ???fo?x • L-or -7, a?c?v- ,j Dn.w-0rA c.ev?Jry I O - DCw?c7£S ?3o?tiJ DENO?S (fe3e.o) LEaetEs ??? GE,.1et£S i? i? Q W? S ? i, /Vo R rrl SGa?E ! " ° Q.O t jozl'-S? L931,o? N _ IO ' ? ? I -1 ? N ? ? .M ? e f ? ? N , a a -?-??- - ? lo 1.5) pajt"J .t.E A..a D vnuTr E?sq--++wr AJ89°49' Il" "/ PA0.? R1D?aE y M t •.i ^4 r--S a 1-4 . i aUa Me..h.1mct.IT E+ciSrrJ(,. E?EJqT1e?.l PRoPoSEO FiEJhne.J Ui4EcneJ ot 5j0.FAtE DRAMNbC f??,s?Fen v,awc Eib/ocnv.J c 9'S4.e F?-oo ft Lao 9'??l.oJ ? ? / 2- 33,?) ? o LUT J 7?? j??eE.n ?.1D ? . E1+SGmfv.?r _ we.i M,..ea J, 9"•S 4zo_ ? z - - - -- - - - - - ? . ? ?+ N 27 4.1eb 5 210 49' z(o" E . SErHiRG?L ?.?..1E L- ?-? I C J L/ Minnr,soto Itegistration No. 1(,og5 I hereby certify that tliis is a true and correct rr.presentation of a tract of land as shown and described hereon. As prepared by me on this z2-+D day of 5eprra+4ex- , 19 83 -. - ? - ' l l1lLLLC J L LC\l\ J1iA T Y\rJ:/ - RiltlsPS`PLAN SERViZE ,' ` ? -:` `'. . ?. ?_ - ' ': ?-, ? .? ' ? •_, , j. .. EXTERIOR ENYELOPE AVcRAGE ?"U" COMPUTATION ' " . . u?i._ " .. r ::__. ,?.- ..?....-n. r- ...i ..._.- • _. -?.-. . ._,;.. . _. . . wnCt -? A ? ?9??5"L 1A ADDRESS 1. 2. a. Total wa11 window area ............... :........... 13Z b. Total daor area ................................. 3 8 ? c. Tatal sliding glass'door area .................... . 4m ,_ _ .;..... d: Total fireplace wall area .................'.:..... - e. Total wall framing area (average 10%)...:........ IILo3Lo ?. , .. f. Total net wall area above flaor ................. Io47.2q g. Total rim joist area ..:.....:........:.......... U4•3B Total exposed foundation area = 63 .Il.Q h. Total foundation window area..................... i. 3aa1 net foundation area abpve grade ............ 3?Iln Oetermine "U" value of each wall segment. a. 13Z Xbluit . 5? = 92.Lo b. 38 X tiu" 139 = 5.28 c. yd X siu" .S ? ZZ d. _ X "U" --' ° e._ x "u" ? ?Z = 13•9Co f. ID42Zq x„u" .0 9 = Ivi.78 9• 104.?8 x ,tu„ •DS = S.ZL y ? h. X „ull ;. 83.I1o X teut, ?`?Co4 = 3?I.v s . ......:..............115.LO.`J.'3!{...Total = 2iq.8 If item 1473 is the same as, or less than item #1, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. ' / ` •. • Total exposed roof/ceiling area =' SB? ? -? Total gross roof/ce9ling area = 88C ?- • j. Total skylight area .;.. .. . -- ; .? k. Total roof/ceiling framing?area ...... ... 8 . d 1. Total net insulated roof/ceiling area....... ?q2 , Determine "U" value for each roof/cefling segment. _.. ;:.... . . ... .. x liuli ' k: X „u" .?35 = 3.oa i. ?9Z X .,U„ :03 = 23.17to a...................8.8??.......... rocai = z?. If totai af #4 is the same as, or less than #2, you have met the intent of SBC G006(c);. To utiifzed the total envelope system method, the values.established 6y the sum of items #3 and #4 shall not he greater tfian the sum of itens 01 and ffi2. . '_: . .... 3. MATERIAL3 Sxterior 61r 5lding 1laterial 5heathilig Insulatioa - ShaetroCk Interior Air $tud8 Rim Coric. BlkS. + 2. _ + 4. Therm. Resistance "R" .) r1 .45 1?- •KS .fsS A. 3 5 I.ZS /.'q, b/, A Ag-?? POWER SUPPLY TRACKING SHEET , ?aatetat*atat?t?t*ac?c-?t?t+r+t?aaet-?r?t+E+*+b*?t?+r+tatatat?tau?tatjt-?t?r?ritatit QOWER SUPPLY LOCRTIOIV Z ?y?yy?,________ MAP# POWER CO. 'DNTRC7 -------- a-------- PHOIVc* ?? ?y• ELECTftICIAN CONTACT '??'-?________________ pHONE# ELECTRICAL INSRECTQR PHONE# ? _?(?? xjt+t9t7kitiFjtatit?t?lFjtitatiFat7tat?fratik?r?tat?t+tjt+F+6ik*9tatdtitifriF?kiF7F?F?1FitiFit;tjt-7fat?lrit+t;t*9t;t;E?it;E;r;batatar;tatac;eiF?t;F9tlFat;e?;aGOWER'SURPLY SFOTTIPtG ARPROVE!? _3_z3_g2 --------------°------------------ F04lER SUPPLY MOUN7E,7 _____________ PfJWE3 SUPPLY Ei.ECTRSCAC. COMPLETED _____________ ROWER SUPPLY SfVSrEC;ED _____________ F'OWER SUPPLY FOWER CJ. f7C7IVCaTED _____________ 'ROWtR SUPPLY REiEASED TO TECH. DEPT _____________ ADDITlLINAL IIVFORMATIOIY _____________ }..11.¢2e?? ------------- ? CITY USE ONLY L ? BL sUao. ParK R?daci RECEIPT #: f a-Ms REGEIPiDA7E: ?I"O§ •a0 PERMIT# 40521 2000 PLtJM$INfi PERMIT (RES1!}ENTIkL) crrY oF F-wsnx 3830 PaoT Kvos [tn gasxx, auv 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system eivTliocc SMITH, TIM 4778 GALAXIE AVENUE EAGAN, MP! 55122 (651) 4523391 TOTAL Alterations to existing tlwelling - minimum fee Describe: $ 30.00 6ath tub $ 3•TQ X - $ Floor drain 3.00 x = $ Gas i in outlet ' minimum - t 3.00 X = $ Hot tub/s a 3.00 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 X - $ Laund tra 3•Oo X - $ ' Lavato 3.00 x = $ $B tic S stem newlrefurbished ' requires MPC lic. 75.00 X = $ $e tiC S Stem abandonment 30.00 X = $ RpZ new installationlrepair/rebuild 30.00 x = $ ? Rou h o enin 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x = $ Under rounds rinkler ifdwellin tsunderconswction 3.00 x Under rounds rinkler ifexisun dweuin 30.00 x = $ W ater closet 3.00 x = = $ I Od $ 30 Water heater 3.00 x . Water softener if dwelling underconstructlon 5.00 x = $ Watersoftener ifexistin aweuin 30.00 x = $ Waterturnaround 30.00 x ---- _ $ State Surchar e .50 --> ----> ---> $ .50 Totai --> --> ---? ----> $ 0 •50 Reminder: Cali for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. --- ----.. ------------------••---•------------------------------------•---------...--------------------------------------------• •-------•- I hereby adcnowledge that I have read this applicabon, state that the informatlon is cortecC and agree [o comply vrith all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicant's re5ponsiCilily to nolify Me property owner tha[ the Cily of Eagan assumes n0 lia6ility for any damages caused by the City dunng ifs nortnal operational and maiotPnance @L4vi6s5lg S?i ?riliU??_CAOSt[UUe?urtder fttis-pe.I mil within City propertyfright-of-wayleasement. SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: : INSTALLER NA . STREET ADDRESS: CITY: FACH # TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE #: (a.REA cooe) (892t827-4U'0'O?? STAT ' ZIP: M?w v??ccnic. ffiB? MIMNE/1POLIS, MN ?Oi ,..,:.?. SIGNAT OF PERMITTEE Q?3/? : REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-oooo/iry-os 1 See"`:y.mlions tor comoletinq lhis lorm on beck ol vellow cooV. 8& ? / ~ E 2"NM`l 1 •- "x" Be/ow Work Covered by lhis Request Nea /idd NBp. TyOa Of 8u11tlinB App1iDOCB! Wi,OE fQuipmBnt WIr¢d Home ftange Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixturev Apt. Building Dryer Bectric Heatrn Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo UnloaAer Industrial BIAg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm tnxr peci v nihcr ISnar.,fyl t r.r Vecify iher Oiher Compute Inspection Fee Below p Fee ServiceEntmnceSize M Fee fexders/5ubfenders u iee Circuits 0 to 200 qm ps 0 to 30 Am s 0 to 30 Am os Above 200 qmps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Swimming Pool Above 100-Amps Above 100_Am s Transformer5 Irrigation 8ooms A'G WOther e Signs Special Inspeclion J TOTAX FFF?/fI{/? iy? Xem?rks S I Q, $+ p ? /n cerlify that lhe above inspection hes been mede. mis requeal voia ihis request void O/?/?? 18 months from O bJ E 2 7 5 71.t -)? /v I (,jr ,z? "4ic) "o Request Date Fire No. Nouph-in Ins ecnon Requiretl? `+ *eady Now QWill Nfy InsOec- -- ??es ?No tor When fleady -?Lmensed Elecuiwl Contractor I hareby request iospaction ot ebove Owner electrical work installetl ei: Sveei Address, Box or Route No. City ecl on o. Townshio Name or No. Range o. Counly OccuVAnl (PflINT) Phone No. `Tl ?na"r! Power $upDliar Address Electrical Contractor ICompany Namel Contra[tor's License No. ?c.??c,/ac. Mailing Atldress ICOntractor or O. ner Makind Instailationl 4 33 Pac,r? witi,n rt?? E???-% rr?N s.s"laz Autho.c zed Sipnature 4COnptor/Owner Making Installationl Phone Number x0- ` ?ss1-? 3 MINNESOTq STAT BOAPD Of ELECTPICITY TNIS INSPECTION pEQUEST Wlll NOT C+riees•Midwev Bitle. - Xoom N•197 BE ACGEPTED 6Y THE STATE BOARD 1821 Universitv Ave.. St. Peul. MN 55104 UNLESS PqOVEH INSPECTION FEE IS o.....e 1e1m ano_nonn ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Ea-ooooi-oa ' See instructions for completi?g this fwm on back of yellow copV. ?,?? n 1•.q [? X'" Below Work Covered by This Requesf ?",?Q ZZ,3 d Nap. Type of Builtling Appliancee WireA EnuiPment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heaun Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unioader Industrial Bldg. Air ConAitioner Bulk Milk Tank F2r(Il Other oeu y Olher (5uecily) ther Snecify Other 01hi;r Comoute lnsAection Fee Below p Fee ServiceEMrenteSize A Fee Fanders/5ubteeJars % Frte. Circuits 1000 0 to 200 qm s 0[0 30 qm s 0 to 30 Am s A6ove 200 qmps 31 to 700 qmps 31 to 700 Am s Swimming Pool Above 700_Amps Above 100_Am s Transformers Irrigation 6oom5 Partial'Other Fee i. melnmTri-cai I InsDector, heraby carlity that the abova Final ? Daie ( inspec[ion hes baen n _ /irw /7'.71'0 made. voitl 18 monlRS Irom ihis request wid 18 months trom Annil? L7 ? d3 I, Po?rk ?c?'d? 34?z3 Nequest Date A$r !9 Y> Fire No. Houeh-in?Inspection flequ etl ?y s 0 No I ,-,,'?+ri' ? ?Ready Now L-?ii Notify InsPec- tor When Readv []1,ieHRSed Electrical ConVacmr t herebv reuuest inspection ol above ? Owner eleclrical work ins<allad at: Street Atldress, Boz or Route No. CitY `f 7 ? r E ? ? CC.?Kn ecUon o. Towns?ip Name or No. Range No. County Occupant (P INT) r Phone No. W-t Power $upDlier Adtlress /D4 =?t_ e ?vYItN l9?'? Elect al Conv/acior (Compan y Nam e l yj ac(mr'sI.icense No. Comr ? ? ? ? ? C._- ??CQ n: ? L ? L- ? ? L ,'? Mailing Address (COntractor or Owner MakinB Inslailation) ! ? c.-7`77c4 Ar/E tho?iae 'g ?ure ontrac d0 er Mak' Installati/op/ 1 Phone Number /-?44-- / -99'47.//` g MINNESOTA STATE 8040D OF ELECTNICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midwav Bltlg. - Noom N-791 gE ACCEPTED eY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Univarsity Ave., St. Peul, MN 55104 UNI.ESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phnne 1612) 297-2111 ENCLOSED. This repuast void 18 months tmm Q")h/ ? - D & 8 0 1 Renuest oate ? ' Fire No. Fnuph-in InsVect Feqviredl ?Reatly Now?W?ll Nntity InsOec- ?Ves W. [ar When RmtlY Xicensed Elecvical Contrnctor 1 hereby requast insoection ol above ? Owner electricel work inslalled at: Svee[ Address, Box or Route No. COY I ? 4 14 X ? A ecuon o. Townshio Name or No. ATnBe No. Covmy Occupam (PRINT) Phune No. Power SuOPlier ?071-4 AAdress Elecvi 1 Contractor IComuany Name! roT/fEi? f Conhacmr's License No. Mailin0 Atldress lCOntroctor or Ownar Makine ?"slallatioN 3 s C?-d r fl ? S. "/s GL? ? SS/o natwe (Co racto pwn r kiny Ins a'on) Autho 7l Phone Number 2 V . - MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY TMIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILI NOi 0E Gri09e-Midway Bldg• - Noom N•191 ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAND 7821 Universitv Ave.. St Paul, MN 56106 UNLESS PflOVEN INSPECTIDN FEE IS Phn.,n IR»16A2-0800 ENCLOSEO. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION EB-00001-06 Sae inshuctiens br completine this torm on Eack oi YellOw cOFV "X" Below Work Covered by 7his Request ? Type of Building AOCliancea WireC Equiument WireA Home ftange Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Liyhtinp Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Elecvic Heatm I M Commercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Butk Milk Tank Farm Other Speci y ihcrl5uccitvl ? P U?`tl(y O111Cf 111h1;! ompute lnspectFee 8elow p Fee ServiceEntranceSixe It iee Faxders/Subteeder Circults D U to 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s to 30 Am s Above 200 qmps? 31 to 100 Amps to 100 Am s Swinaning Pool Above 100-A U bove 100-Am s Transrormers Irrigation Boorcis rtial.'Other Fee $igns Sueclal Inspectio TOTA E p"?`?S. s P .nn/?/n /1/1?_w//?n ??I.M'i W- / ? / VeZ v i flou h-in Date I, tha E crric IpspecN, ereby Ceftily thPl LhB 9bOVB Final U^te inspecfion has Eeen / / 1 ?Li! 7 mede. rbl. ronuws? aMA tfl monMS flOln REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION y. EB-00001-06 ? See inahuctions for completing xhis torm on back ol vallow coCV• 13=8 O 16 "X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request AAd fleo. Tyoe ol Building Apoliaacea Wired Equipment WirerJ Home Range Temporary Serviw Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Bwlding Oryer EleCtri.; Heatin Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unlonder InduStrial 6idg. Air Contlitioner Bulk Milk Tenk Farm Otner Peci v Otner ISneciiyl IP.? NCCI Y O1fICf 0IhL! ompute Inspeciion Fee Belaw M Fee ServiceEntmneeSixB H Fae Feaders/Subleetlers % Fep Circoits D 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 qm s 0 m 30 Am s Ahove 200 Ampy 31 to 100 Ainps 31 to 100 q j Swinuning Pool Above 100_Am s Above 100_ formers Irrigation 8oort?s Partial.Other P Signs Special Inspection S ? TOTAL FEE p = a/ r S / ?J ? .9G?e /0 Nou h-in Final ?nte DAte I, the Elecbical Inspeclar, hereby cartiiv Ihat the ahova insDection has been maeo. This repuast vo1C 18 montha Irom ?Thi,q repuesl void 18 months from D 8a9'1s? 8P /1 / Q,Y Rxquest Oate J / n fire No. Rouph-in InsVeCt( Hepurted? gfi ? Ready No--XWill Noti?y InsPec? F? X? Qyes tor When Feadv Ucensed Electrical Contracmr 1 herebv requast inspection oi ebova ' Owner elec4ical work installed at Streei Address, eox or floute No. City 4 /' / V) ecUOl+ o. Township Name or No. Range No. Counry .. Ottapanl (PqINT) Phone No. POwer Supplier Adtlress ?O EIeGr 1 Cont,acmr 1 ompany Name ? ? T l - Conlrac( r's License No. ro / ?i?"? Mailing AdJress (Contrector or Dwngr Making Inshiilation) - -,S? Ce-d r ? AuMO ' - na ,mra (CO racto ?king Ins a-onl Phone'N ¢ ? ? J ' MINNESOTA STATE BOABO OF ELECTRICITV TMIS INSVECTION PEOUEST WILL NOT Grig9z•Midway BIEB. - R.O. N•197 _-BE AGCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 UniveraitvAve., St Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PqOPER INSPECTIpN FEE IS ENCLOSED. - . . . 1 Phone (612) 644-0800 . . . . _ . . ' . ,? . PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA143859 Date Issued:06/29/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4778 Galaxie Ave Lot:7 Block: 1 Addition: Park Ridge PID:10-56750-01-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - James R Schweickhardt 4778 Galaxie Ave Eagan MN 55122 (651) 468-9889 Hoffman Refrigeration & Heating 5660 Memorial Ave. N Stillwater MN 55082 (651) 439-5770 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA146912 Date Issued:11/21/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4778 Galaxie Ave Lot:7 Block: 1 Addition: Park Ridge PID:10-56750-01-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - James R Schweickhardt 4778 Galaxie Ave Eagan MN 55122 (651) 468-9889 Hoffman Refrigeration & Heating 5660 Memorial Ave. N Stillwater MN 55082 (651) 439-5770 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature For Office Use ,K� ,,% � e +�v Permit#: /-/7 �/ EAGAN {////�) Permit Fee: Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 Staff: buildinginspections@cityofeagan.com L 2018 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: Unit#: Name: J am e...5 J c\l‘,,,, e.i ,\,c \44,,,,, ,c'. Phone: b51"..'lip g` 1 g s7 Resident/ Owner Address/City/zip: `7 3 &e,A,0 c vc A Vi 4 c(i ra I Applicant is: Owner h Contractor p I R. .--9{J Type of Work Description of work: 7 Construction Cost: 0 4 0 vl Multi-Family Building:(Yes /No .. ) Company: F9/ -%'-.r ' :)(+ 1bf Contact: )h q(.):/ ) L i'b' Contractor Address: I:tel 3 G,�i.e(�('c Co is c--- City: [��'�f tf t��t State: rnNZip: 5-75'30 L Phone:147-35y-O4S3tImailcF.G l+J 4. -- J iii., ,,in License#: C...lo 6 Z3 Lead Certificate#: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: ei .ao ON l COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING 1 In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? { Yes No If yes,date and address of master plan: 1 Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: I Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: I,..., NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-.ublic if ou provide specific reasons that would ennit the C' to conclude that the are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.comisubscribe. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA153054 Date Issued:11/16/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4778 Galaxie Ave Lot:7 Block: 1 Addition: Park Ridge PID:10-56750-01-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - James R Schweickhardt 4778 Galaxie Ave Eagan MN 55122 (651) 468-9889 Champion Plumbing 3670 Dodd Rd., #100 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 365-1340 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature _tit 1\14 For Office Use r EAGAN :::( � " ECE1VE0 Date Received: �C c 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-56 MAY 2 9 2020 Staff: tai j buildinginspectionsacityofeagan.com BY:_ 2020 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING IT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: Unit#: '1)1410 Name: �)� .14—�� �� INS I l' Phone: -q8 Resident/ Owner Address/City/Zip: LI 77g (a._(0.y((e 1 '✓Gt secri Applicant is: Owner > Contractor D fL7 r) k)'l/16' r ^ F Description of work: (k, c-e G 9,(,( I CI, Type of Work ; I� i— Construction Cost:It S(COO Multi-Family Building: (Yes /No Company: keS2 M L/__ Contact: AITV\Ttr Contractor Address:' ' 1 LA 93.k.V3-(z�1 City: State:mN Zip: 7'3 Phone:(q`SZ)7-497-0Z- mail:yvLG hacftm ceieoSi(tg)ieL6U,C714-1 License#: f5Ci7/42/ L Lead Certificate#:fV4 -J I [ `'i i 7 If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the Cityof Eagan issued apermit for a similarplan based on a master plan? 9 Yes Klo If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information maybe I'I classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would.permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets, You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gooherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work ' not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of ns. rt x ! ricA L Ste Applicant's Pfinted Name App icant's Signature • DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE47 7 6 /9",$K `6- � /‘17/0 SUB TYPES _ Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch(3-Season) _ Exterior Alteration(Singh Family) Single Family _ Garage _ Porch (4-Season) _ Exterior Alteration(Multi) Multi Deck _ Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Miscellaneous r AccessoryBuilding Lower Level Pool 01 of Plex WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* f,Addition _ Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration _ Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Repair Egress Window _ Water Damage Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation 5140 Q Occupancy 1144 MCES System Plan Review Code Edition 0 9„0/0 SAC Units (25%_ 100% ) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Suppression Required Type of Construction 15 Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I Footings (New Building) Meter Size: Footings (Deck) Final/C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final/No C.O. Required Foundation Foundation Before Backfill HVAC_Service Test Gas Line Air Test_Hood Roof:_Ice &Water _Final Pool:_Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Framing ,( 30 Minutes 1 Hour Drain Tile Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath Brick_EFIS Insulation Windows Sheathing Retaining Wall:_Footings_Backfill_Final Sheetrock Radon Control Fire Walls Fire Suppression:_Rough In_Final Braced Walls Erosion Control Shower Pan Other: Reviewed By: it. , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES Base FeeO0 ther �r1 Surcharge 4 Plan Review , r' MCES SAC5 City SAC Utility Connection Charge 3 S&W Permit&Surcharge 710( /5 -eTreatment Plant / D Radio Meter Read Copies TOTAL Page 2 of 3 ROBE EHG1NEERING {oNAHHLA1 andLAND 'IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIMIIIMIII COMPANY, INC. - - 1000 LAST i41 $TRC T, n m 43vlttC , WI ffif OTA 953]7 tH 432'3004 Cbge.?" .e TrZt c Cr i_.c. • sk y z L•."' io rt : L..o r 7 , 13Lacrt— 1 Ph0.1L. lzki W0E. r DAV—en—i. �ov,.,rkt)! mi...) ..t+E4sa r . J\ 0 - Dc,.lcr -s t a u.4 ry'o•.J..J r i Et-1T' (2,o.aJ DEaor�S E.-41srt-6. 0-t:JA-m..1 030,0) DE•1et•E.5 PRoPoEE C .Le./A )o•J `0,4.--.....` tE Jor£S D►4F�Tle.! OF SJR,-Atte DRAWAcic Al o R r-i Fi I .J•syteu Vo.R/wc Fico. c&L.E 1 Q.o EL-b./Knox) = 934. i2 TJ z_62 7- ! PRA0o.t.e „1/4„.1 \— l • / 4(// LWILAr-{ er*s sJr L. 3-i r c 6.31_089e4411"� O_S.13;ta 0.11.5) 2.41.7S aac J I — w I - to - , cf ZS,o . J \ ` Z.N ` NJQ 1._N ' v _ C ' etil " N LUT 7 \‘,/ X � ( oma, /2\1 DRA,,..)A.4440 5 g .0 i " I MA— — s 42-o— \A :n — —— — — — — — ►i s 6.t ,✓wtE� <<.EJ. ci I3.5 VL tea_ il • 3-3-,57) 174-. Co 2. (108•f.; ''31.5) 561° 4'1' Zc." E- E= .J 0i_� 1- °/4-2A) /1 �.. I C C . I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a tract of land as shown and described hereon. As prepared by me on this 2.2--,0 day of 5epr n'&3ez , 19 83 . --1-4-:-/L Minnesota Registration No. /(aog� PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA174582 Date Issued:02/04/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4778 Galaxie Ave Lot:7 Block: 1 Addition: Park Ridge PID:10-56750-01-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - James R Schweickhardt 4778 Galaxie Ave Eagan MN 55122 Pella Northland 15300 25th Ave N #100 Plymouth MN 55447 (763) 745-1400 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature