861 Lakewood Hills RdPERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA128780 Date Issued:12/04/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Lot:021 Block: 1 Addition: Rockwoods Woods PID:10-64500-01-021 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Scott Follese 5182 West Broadway Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jane G Rockwood 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Eagan MN 55123 Golden Valley Heating & Air 5182 West Broadway Crystal MN 55429 (763) 535-2000 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature - .,?.?.- . :.... .. ...... ..,.•..... ..r=..,. .... ...-s.-,.-c-,,. . . . ?. % CITY OF EAGAN 18346 ?- -?-?+- 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for SF OW/GAR Est. Value $i"s' SiteAddress $hl LAKEWOOD F[ILLS RD Loi 021 Block 1 SeGSub. R?KWOODS iIQODs Parcel No. W Name AKiYL"{ 1allAhi` 3XULTLUTI o Address 18305 MZNNETOttKA BLVD City wAY2ATA phone 476-6756 o Name ou ¢ Address '- City Phone Name Phone I hereby acknowlege lhat I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesola StaWtes and City of Ea gan Ordinances. Signature of Permitee A Building Permil is issued to: AR14DT CQNSTI{UCTIQN on Iha express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applica6le State of Minnesota Statutes and Gity o( Eagan Ordinances. OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy R-3 M-1 FEFS Zoning S"' 1 (Actuaq Const V"N Bldg. Permit 794•00 (Allowable) V N 72.00 Surcharge p or stories ?i 516.? Plan Review Lenglh t oaPm - snc,cay S.F. Total , SAC,MCWCC S.F. Foolprints On Site Sewage X Water Conn On Site Well X Waler Meter MWCC System - Acct Deposit CilyWaler _ PRV Required _ S/W Permit Booster Pump - S/W Surcharge Treatment PI APPROVALS Road Unil 355.00 Planner - Q 6$5.00 Council -- Traij? ? ? ' Bldg. Off. ? 2022.00 Variance _ TOTAL ' Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone AF 1NATER SEW2R PLUMBING ' 90 H.V.A.C. ELECTAfC Inspection Dale Insp. Comments Footings I 9 !/ ?;D ae 9i 4c,? Foundation /-/ Framing / lU 90 QS. Roofing Rough Plbg. RoughHtg. igui. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. '-6 Const. Meter Plbg. Inspector- Notify Plumber Engr./Plan Bldg. Final `/ Deck Flg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. -? ^g ? CITY OF EAGAN NO ? g348 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-8100 Receipt # ^,? < <1 ?«J To be used for SF DWG/GAR Est. value $144, 000 oate SEP 7 , 1994_ Site Address 861 LAKEWOOD HILLS RD Lot 021 Block 1 Sec/Sub. ROCKWOODS WOODS Parcel No. W Name ARNDT CONSTRUCTION 3 Address 18305 MINNETONKA BLVD 0 City WAYZATA Phone 476-6756 o Name SAME ;iQ Address U? City Phone ? ¢ Ww Name W Address a W City Phone I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that Ihe information is correct and agree lo comgly with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes a iry o Eagan r8i?rla es. Signature of PermiteeI y A Building Permit is issued to: ARNDT CON TR CTION on the express condition lhat all work shall be done in accordance with all applicabie SUte of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. 8uilding Official - , 1• 1 n61QJrL , rn„U OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy R-3 N-L FEFS Zoning R=1 (Actual) Const V-N 0 Bldg. Permit 794.0 (Allowable) V=N Surcharge 7 _ nn # ol Stories 60' 0 Plan Review 516.0 Length Deplh , 54' , SAG Ciry S.F. Total - SAC, MCWCC S.F. Faotprints - On Sile Sewage X Water Conn On Sile Well X Water Meter MWCC System - Acct Deposit City Water _ PRV Required _ S/W Permit Booster Pump - 5/W Surcharge Trealment PI APPROVALS qoad Unit Planner - Park ea. 685_ nn Councii -_1Yai1 Dedication 100.00 BIdg.Off. - ? Variance - TOTAL 2,522.0 Address:86 I LAKEWOOD HILI,S ROAD Lot021 glk I Sec/Sub RO'.,KWOODS WOODS These items were/were not complete at the time of the final inspection. DATE' 3/II 91 Yes No INSPECTOR: (,C1 ?- Final grade (6" from siding) t-,? Permanent steps - garage Permanent steps - main entry Permanent driveway Permanent gas ; Sod/seeded grass Trail/curb damage y/ Porch ? Basement finish ? Deck Please verify with the builder the removal of rooF test caps from the plumbing system and the shut-off of water supply to the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. White - City copy Yellow - Resident copy Pink.- Contractor copy rAUv G 1 1990 ? ?- r .. 1990 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIuN CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS MULTIPLE DWELLINGS COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - & STRUCTURAL PLANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS • 1 SET aF ENERGY CALCULATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS # OF RENTAL UNITS # OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED lYP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. LOT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDZNG PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. To Be Used For: ;ool, ?ye-Valuation:? ? Date: aLLc,i., 27- ly Site Address Srct LAKEwCK)D HL" 20A1j I OFFICE USE ONLY Lot 0?{'( Block I %c- Ey500- oZ! - o/ Parcel/SublOGkWOOc,? WDod.S Rc1Gw4Orn OwnerVV1°?y?e.?? fic?eJ?WO?c? Address C'jgtS City/Zip CodeRps" ;(t t ?N -41?5is'? Phone ?? 8 4 ' &,:?7& Contractor ry%t^,c`+- Co?ny?,rv?c? Address jgws City/Zip Code WaYx,w? 55:3,11 Phone 474-67-56o Arch./Engr. ?,G.??.se?. • P,SSoc. Address 2-301 Cnw•0 City/Zip Code ,s¢-N.,, t ,$,5108 /yy? ooop Occupancy !?- Zoning R-1 Actual Const V- N Allowable V-N # of stories Length [.?D ? Depth 54' S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On site sewage ? / On site well MWCC System _ City water _ PRV _ Booster Pump _ APPROVALS Planner Council Bldg. Off. Variance FEES Bldg. Permit '?KC7Ca Surcharge r/ Z, Od Plan Review S/b.DU SAC, City -- SAC, MWCC -•-- Water Gonn Water Meter -! ' Acct. Deposit S/W Permit --? i S/W Surcharge -- Treatment P1. 77? Road Unit 35$,OO Park Ded. ? Gapi*:s IRAIL D99, OI n, oD SUBTOTAL Penalty TOTAL +r Phone # (,y/-T- e675 i G/aRAG? VALUATIOtJ 10iyo +i o u, z.'L6 X? d= l??so x/o5= Zo fl Z?o f? ?g k ? = ?jv J = 6/G • ? o) u76 y51= 242?C. 1 1-13 b/6 r t. ? r . ,. Sam & Jane Rockwaod 985 Lydia Drive Roseville, MN 55113 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ uNO sunveroas, iNC. . RspietNW VnAx LnM of TM S1NS of Mlnnssolm 14750 SOUTH R08ERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 5508E 612/423-1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Description of Tract B: That part of Lot 2, Block 1, ROCKWOOD'S WOODS ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota which liea easter3.y, southeasterly, southerly, and southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the SouthweGt c.orner of said Lot 21 thence North OS degtees 28 minutes 24 seconds East, assumed bearing, alonq the west line of said Lot 2, 62.48 feet to the point of beqinning of line to be describedi thence on a bearing of Eaet 36.1.4 feet; thence Nortli 04 degreec 13 minutes 33 teconds East 135.00 feet= thence North 30 degrees 37 minut•es 00 RP_COhdR East 90.00 feetl thence South 65 degrees 31 minutes 26 secondG East 399.39 feet to the angle point in the easterly line of said Lot 2 and therd terminating. ' Area: 78,053 square feet Groes 96,317 square feet Within drainage easement 31,736 square feet Net NOTES: Area is served by a platted privatel.y maintained road. Area has individual wells and on site sewez systems. f ,. ' - ` 1 hereby certity thet thla survey, plen, or report was prepared by me or under my diract supervisfon snd thet I am s duly Reglsteesd Land Survsyor under the tswa ot the Stets of Minnasota. Datea 9-*90 ?x?,???1 ?' f?il Oslmor H. BeNwanz Minnawla Rophtrtlion No. Ms . .. __. .... . . . .,.. ? -- -'_------n --nr- __..-..•- . . Sam 6 Jane Rockwood ° 985 Lydia Drive Roseville, MN 55113 shee*?}o€ 3 , • . DELMAR H. SCHWANZ Bk:1 38/78 tANO SuavErons. iMC. 110019I0tM VnAw loW 011M !Hb OI MInnM01? • .. 14750 SO11TH f10BER1 1RAIL p03EMOUNT, MINNESOtA S506S 012/149-17e0 SURVEYOR'S CERtIFICATE ? ??a?e• r? %0 •- ??" 16T.24 S83039?40°W ? ??( - - - - - -?? '- - -? • '-..-SOUTHER4Y E%TEPlSION OF EAST LINE OF SNEFf1EL0 ,v ?? ? ?:`•`- 17.42 .... .. ` V -- 175.71 589059,05 ?- 11702 PER CERT. N0.45866) \ \ NNORTH LINE 6F'SI/2 OF SEI/4 'lIERLY EXTENSION OF WEST) SEC.28t TWP.2T?ROE. 23 l0T 1, WILOEFiNE59 RETREAT I I \ ?ON' \ -?7 .• ? J I r . -- W ip, , N I ? •a ^ •?\ ? .. ? o y? TRAC T 4 E:? ?:'riJ,i% %';?,•,,??_ _I- ? ``r? I ? I \ _ ?.. , ? a , F . w N N ? . \ Z I ? \{ 11) a.? ?y! O ? aA * • ??_ , - ? / ? , ,• ,p /? -.-, ? s .? ° ?4._?g o h I W 1? ..? - ? 5 \/. o ? 4, . ` I N w n ?oo 34439 ? ,t,` ? / 01 ? • _I, ,r \?` W I /v 2 ? ,„ S sde W o S , i aw q40 0 RA1NAG? B9o a_ zza s Zg ? ? , 3e 3g ? ? qBo P?apO o D' J ?•'? ? 1` `???) ? r a'_? \qH? E URVEY Q . Z Q , ! L E! W l?" ?" ` WATER ELEVATION AS OF ? ot ? cir bAUGUST# 1987 =883.8 ' (N.aN.U. 1929) wp? ? !l i 8001 ? i N . %9 °? • N o f /cao o LP_34 ? ? ? ? raPNU3 ? 1 , ? 36.14., TRACT B Qj9.0? ? m EasT ' o ? ; rt • ?i • ?- LJ ,n ^+ '? 62.4e ' it ? _.i ° Z '• N 5028'24" E _ / ? s6r ?a ??? af 3Q ? ` ? . SI6'?,p dJ ? L.: ? / ?'? r 410.68 <N09:5_9???"?:??i?`vL????ff g ?1?T ^?? e (? ) -? ? '' -- - - - - - - - - ` - - - .. _. 66 ± . O : • ? Z 60 a - - - - • - - -235.00 - - - - - \ ? o ?0 l_? ?'r •e? \ d) 1 • `Mo - f l z N 0 , ?-' ( S N oI I ? o = Set offset hub. I hsiebr eoHlly IhN thls i sunsy, plan, o? raport wn /00,0 = Existing elevation on an assumed datu , prsppnA br m? or unAsr my Alrect supervislon ond ?N\\J+?1???? ' iq?? House will have its own well and sew IAa11 pn tfuuly Rs01919rsA lmnA 3urveyor undsr .?.` ??.. ........,, j,?y ?.?`?.;. ?sposal system. tn• qwb ot 1M S?ns ol pinrwot•. .? •.,.? 08?`?:p?0 (Elevea?,? 100. 00 = 902 _ 75 IQGVD) = DELMAR H. DNmn H. Schwan= ? D?t?d 09-11-90 = SCNYVANZ = Mlnnewh Rylotnllon Ne. AA25 08-14-90 Stake house = '• _ $625 - ' . ?<•.^ ? . . CITY OF EAGAN EXTERIOR ENYELOPE AVERAGE 'U' CO!lPUTATION OWNER: S Gth,,ue? ( ctv% d Jcttne_ PloUKwoo SITE ADDRESS: /[^ - G y SZ?C) -° U'Z- I - 0 I CONTBACTOR: rc{n ? '?' CCoins}rN??'%? ? 4?(n- S DATE: (t¢ +4 U 6uST 90 PHONE: 47 (o Determine rrorking square footage of each: 1. Total exposed wall area ... afa i sq, ft. x. 11 = 3 16, 3 I 2. Total roof/ceiling area ... ) °f-? sq, ft, x.026 = SZ• dat Total exposed xall area above floor _ Zo4;5 a. Total wall Window area . .. . .. ... . . . . . ..... . .. .. . . .. 733 b. Total door area ................................... k:i c. Total sliding glass area .......................... l0 6 d. Total fireplace wall area ......................... 2 rm e.-I Total wall framing area (average 10%) ............. 45 ) f.-I Total net wall area above floor ................... 5 9t 3G5' g. Total rim joist area .............................. 16"0 E-z ?.?nc? -4.ee0 Shea.ti... ?d , G-Z VJees. F2HV.,t-LeieidJLrio?l+.?.t` 'J?? 5 Total ezposed foundation area = '15 3 (P3 h. Total foundation window area......... ........... ... i. Total net foundation area above grade .............. r7?.3 Determine 'U' value of each vall segment: a. 233 x , U' • 2-154s? = w d. t 9 o. s? x lul ,3;?-?, = 171 G. Ib(v % IU, .<?'ra: b = 2?'.57 d. z?o x 'U' iV e• - (ft x 'U' .p?-7 7to c (?•3S f• 5--72 x 'U' n?s5z e g. x 'U' I,G2i 3 - 7•Iq h. x 'U' .; 75? = I! ?oi i. x fUt vfnzo? f - i 0 d3i" : 3. ......... F. ?..... .' .:........... ..'.::.:3:............ TOt%1_1c 300.? 1 If item 83 is the same as or less than item #1, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. D k / Total exposed roof/ceiling area = a ol? GEIL.IUG ONE - U MLLTSp J. Total s i,,, :..r,r sze& ............................... i ?fZ % ?bGb t ;: r???u6 oNE. k. Total roof/ceiling framing area (average 101) ..... 10 4 - Total net insulated coof/ceiling area.............. 334 C6!(.in??7wo M. ya"r? LQrqGL"?lvti l.1Ar4 ,_. , 3"7 :;ho se??:5??,lsl OVER Determine 'U' value for each roof/ceiling segment: ? J. 14a?x IUI t k. (bc1- x ,Ui azmo3 _ ?.?1c9 1. 33 b Yquo ?6 230 3 M_ ?') `x `V ,o2s u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ?- If total of #4 is the same as or less than 82, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(01. J !,,- Alternate Building Envelope Design To utilize the total envelope system method, the values established by the sum of Items #3 and S4 shall not be greater than the sum of Items #1 and #2. + z. r2,?.;z. = 369 2. -7 3. t u. dA.Gd ? = 3s o.ss ?? vTV-: To I1/iec'f Cuclt .!-`l D?r? vn?ra- i?art liiS'ti1a4,o? 3e)e Aa???' r, ThCr< fA i -?u GCGUVre?', t s 2 a, w?NC?o?vs- N &+?sEMErvr tiv/ iNsuL.. Low ? lo: tba?-S I?? ? z. ?3 ?M?9?2v,r•? ?wcE rba? 2, (3 ?2,R5 G, 5+?7*,7!NG bdorLS - lr?t?y?,VIN ?+4'?'io C?oo(?...w `fNt?r(?LOw? (?Ut?}Z?Nb ?1,: ?.?j(v + •?a?-+.I? - ?3 't) p. F?P-epr.w,c E, w4 L, L. . 3? Y ?- 5?8 Cp??? ,. ? L= cG L? c. (SC.o ?fc_ , ?, z8' I N 1 . ?A + r?. , • !?p , , 'ro•r-pit. ?2 - 5 •Colo ?Err w*L-L- e FRo?Miti (p ;? EriT• !9 ?rt . !'1 `i ¢' ?NG• ?7?/QL/G. ??{ lfirrt Sp+raE ?„ .?¢ ?It" GYp, ?D. , 4f ! 0/ elae?il2 ?' ?2 , ? rO ? rW-L-• ?7*3 ? V . ? O•.Z3 . . . ,... _ ? -2 e r -F. ?} ? R • 10) FELJ". qi2 ??cH., -Gf '1,1n3 \ _? L(J ?L(?1 GDN'r . ;? ?7I,'GXl-L ?'?3LG?- t}-iSu?? i rc?Br? p?so?t, '?- ' ?xT, ??n Sp?? . I'7 -- ' 4„ ca?4,-. /31???. • -r 1 A,a S I% ?-G,£ Fr d- i (S? GCt?-- E .O? G 7h rG.e? f-t? ,,,? , 4 f ? IN ?GtlYE GI /R i ? ?d 6 90 ?-2 -wdUiJS . 04 • ?r ?o.qr .? f.?q 19 •6p 3. 35 IMAVVfN G(}S6MSN7 ' E?• !O? . i/• fa? N de f ra'? cK,,,. I'I t26 OHG. ? notyt-1yor?+?'ic1r«A? 7•r i ?. . • ??Z / ?/?- l3d. _ , ?? (hde?ir l9i/?- f!?r?. , fiTi. Tb R- G_+9 G v` f G, 2-rr'L, tJorsT. 1'7 Q" CcMC `?t.et,? ?') ? /" ??.K S?K+G? .?4- ??r r-?t+ F??Lyr,lc ? c, ?Oc, n ?4 i ra r??•r u. 2 ?I//Ll ?mw /il I???dC.r f'ipr7 +. ?P 1-7 ?: EI?tNU I ;:. ?xT• ?i2 F?il rl., r.?.- ;a ?? ISt1 Gcrf. ,aCP I?i ? ?42, " ?J1?waooP. ? .62. ? 32- 2) G yP r3,-i . . S? s? , 2- _,._---?_ -_-------- ?ZIM?t • r2. v 19 i. v r t ,. t ?- 6. 2 fj a ti ? Gr?t L?t???s t e (?-09 F1?.ti , 131?0 3" i'oGT- wouo. y'?1 1 N R/ ?? jZ.- ?? f}' G?_ F [?. Y`^I?nv? (?Iz.. ??Su? C? 'rD" L. !2 V A- v u ?' {' ^ r ? ? ? }' i !? 2 Nel 2 ?xr- atn. 1 -r V}ST%H'fRvf S?l-f?NbLL-!. .¢-k- }? ir FSLT - ,oC. ?IZ,n;hwl•d . .!o'L !?'' 13/oc.•M /?Ic.? . ? 5"18 d yA 13n. l'?l c?a0 J? ?? ? - TC) D. C.?I L'tAi (. Z BltFTEf=-r. i N rL...e . r. / o. h SaFTG?oat> - R. - !T : _, _ ? SUBJECT: WAIVER OF PLAT 4?:_ Z? - (0 - `3 - ` ?7 C) APPLICANT: JANE & SAM ROCKWOOD LOCATION: IAT 2, BLOCK 1, ROCKWOODS WOODS ADDITION ?-s-y'r? EXISTING ZONING: R-1 (SINGLE FAMII.Y RESENTIAI.) DA1'E OF PUBLIC HEARING: MAY 22, 1990 DATE OF REPORT: MAY 9, 1990 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Waiver of Plat to divide Lot 2, Block 1, of Rockwoods Woods Addition into two lots. EXISITNG CONDITIONS: Lot 2, Block 1, Rockwoods Woods Addition consists of approximately 4.1 acres and there is a home on the northern portion of the lot. This home was built in 1976 and is occupied by the applicant's daughter. The area has individual wells and on-site sewer systerns. COMMENTS: The Rockwoods originally owned approximately five acres of unplatted property at this location. In 1976, they built a retirement home (now occupied by their daughter). In 1988, they platted the property and sold an acre (L,ot 1, Block 1, Rockwoods Woods Addition) to their son who built a home on this parcel. The Rockwoods are now nearing retirement and have realized that the 'retirement home' built in 1976 is too small to accommodate their needs. Therefore, they are seeking a Waiver of Piat to divide the 4.1 acre Lot 2. As proposed, the split would provide the existing home with an approximate 2.3 acre lot while creating a 1.8 acre parcel approximately on which the Rockwoods plan on building their home. The two existing lots have direct access to Lakewood Hills Road which is a platted, privately maintained, road. The proposed Waiver will create a lot that also has direct access to said road. If approved, this Waiver of Plat shall be subject to: 1. Recording with the County within 60 days of Council action. 2. All other applicable Cade requirements. FINANCIli1L OBLIGATION - ROCICWOODB wOODB wAZVER OF PLATs . +, Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The charges are computed using the City's existing fee schedule. Improvament Proj Qse Rate Quantitp Amonnt Sanitary Sewer Trunk 241 SF $11435/A .73 A $1,048 Water Trunk 241 SF 1,450/A .73 A 11058 Storm Sewer Trunk 444R SF .053/SF 69,772 SF 3,907 $6,013 l IN X 1 L? LPJ.SO 1 ? ' ,j ??. ?? ? ? -?}m a? ? ?? ?? f ?l? ?r• ? .CrMVn[ ?n 1 1?...1.1? N Z ??E U I ?t ? N I ??Wl?iUAT , 411 1?vi \-.----- Im ¢ g . •,v i? ? '.:h'.p ?; r.n 2 ^ARX . i. l R q? ?. - n f ?1 ? ?I j -`. ? _ ? 5a y \ _ 1 - ? ? t N : 1.AK ? weii E ?7 n gy ` a\?? llrv ??4r ? N(C R(1 R? "t: 4.4 4 Rl - ? ? • 17?K ` •.,,ir??i E ?, r r,?u?' i??1(k ? NE ... NW , j?SY o o- " Z ? ?4?i `iY? ?ICB9?1L???na. i Y pl,lu!h' t '. ? ll??ll ? 1 ?t_GIN 411.1 ^ ? ? P SW '•.:'??..??/nnS6 I ! AAt 51DE p??, s?laan ASn ? S?. NE / • r ,'1 t ..F .? ml? 5t - ?1 J "o.. .ai?iuy xppucailon Sam 6 Jane Rockwood 985 Lydia Drive 'Roseville, MN 55113 Sheet 1 of 3 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ ?....?......«?....?.,,... • fA130 SOUTN qOpERi iMlt NOSEYpUNT. YINNE90TAl50!! f1L423-176Y 8URVEYOp'S CENiIi1CATE V 167.24 S&2°39'40"1N n? . 742 --- -. ? '- --? _-SOUTFIEIILY E%TENSION Oi EAST LINE OF SHEfFIELD 175.1t 589°58?05"?/ ?NORTN IINE OF SV2 Oi SE 1/4 kTNERLY EXTENSION pF WEST (1705 GER CERT. N0. 15866) SEC.06, TWP. 27, RGE. 23 IE LOT I, WILOERNE54 RETREAi I I \ %?; I ?• . ?, ? 0 aJ "y. .. T o ? •, ? ? 00 ? TRACT A w , ? ? a _ g ? 4' ?.0 N SG 3 i ?Do?e'ts"w j w ti rv \ ? i i F O o 96% o n 4i \ 3qa3g ? <,` w z ? l? 1 = `? i? \ • d s'Ja m w b? I a \ `? I o ORp?NA \ ? - SB9ose O 3g ? °?? ? F ` \ Ojnw`e`` ° ? ?. rv b ^ r 0 SURYEY ? i ?• I b ?? !I UNE D W i I WATER ELEVATION AS OF N? r ci L,' I n? ' I AUGUS7, 1987 =883.8 t? I--- e ?' . . ?•- ? , 1 (N.G.V.D. 1929) N d. ., - p o m• 36.14.• Tp I,ACT p i ^ 40 , EAST \ V = N ? • LJ _„ oo ? •, sz ae 1 .. ? •N5°28'29"E J63 ry \ / i1? MI -J " / m 410.68 N 990 59'40'* 60 a - - - - - 235 DO 2 - - - - - '\ / ?' 1 ?? F? v <? ?/ ?P \ ? IESEMEµ ? t N 0 0I 1 Mnby pqily Intl tnM ?Urv1r. pIM. a?pOn w1? Om"IM DY me w uMn my Oirftt tupwvbbn anE tMl I am a evry qsybtaeee land Sur.yyer un!e? IM bo o11M SIH. el Ylmasd,. len.m Dal y 04-11-90 ylnn?al? Re,loom6a No. Mx! //yJ\ V J?rr ? nuqn? (Nr[mq.1 nr Kn? o im .,vmntnro?e m?nrn? -- I W T_ 0 N .? M. ? e , II !i1 ? 4 ^ O i n i ? n ? \ t I? : . M ` 1.?= '•F?.? 1 rI ? OELMAR H. SCHINANi rws? ..?. ? ?....... . ??w?M?rwYMt?tt??? w1tirlwNi.?MMl?01??IOr MMHfI1N \imvf?fMl! Cf?1rnICA1! Q ? •5? C\ \? ? 16i.24 SBi-!! 40"• u:r -__.. '- '- ?• "\ --?MUntRI ltiFNSUM Er Gsf LM[ M 9kr.nte 05'• iiroern erar xn.S.t.1 ?\? `wan?''m[er? ?t?n ??• lie Sol, ` i• / l-'"- _ FINANCIAL OBLIQATI4N ROCKWOODS WOODS WAIVER OF PI.AT PRIOR ASSESSMENT / • r • L STORM SEWER TRUNK Pr..n..l l 1.?, INI '•.1 ?\ ^Fnr1 1 ni \ DEIMAR H. SCHWAN2 .w-?w..,?. ?...... ?? ..r?.?.xr.?w..w.? r?praw?_rnw?rnor?e?er ??arqsirw .I ??ETp1! CF111NICAl! . CE ? ittt4l seo•af'?o"w -- --? - ----- , ? ? •??d (" ?tr I- = V?f- - "' '- --\ •--f0V"t4V Cit[MW R tA11 lnK M Srt[lttltD ?"_"-' __"" _'F'" ! - _____" .'•` __ _ i]it1 ih"511'Ol?O .T- ?rx?nr Pq?ISA? II K1i) I? urot Rn RR, Ib .u4n ? \ ?M0??11 ?JK n1 tV7 K N V. ? lnl ?,wIM?r1I51 PE1?[?! '• ? 1IC>?.i?t ft0[;tf - J1 I ? ? • \ "? I s • ? rRacT A . „-?,•,:: ,-,., , ?_ ? ?.?, . ? ? \? E " ? y ? , a g ? '.? j! `? ??• ?? .:t/( ? ? ? ? \?, / ?'• t7 ?' - rrl ? e o I r ?4' ?(.i ?/! 4.. `?• ?.? ? ?• "' r }}::. ? 2 /?? ( + 4 -? ' ?_' ,. ? R n?r•}:tir1 ' - . ' `• i f ,?,. ? o ? : i:tir •;• ? 1'?': s ?? - \ / ? . C t "• ? :a:;;:;`#? ? ,,,?. ? `-- / ?, .:..... , . I •/ J:7•.•!.':.':?'???? ' ry?•? ?? / (PS???'1t/ i;:::H ;:::::{:;: n I ? •. . r \ ? IV ?•:i.:?•?J•?•'•?...?'? ?\ 1?' ??!/' Y S 1 r ?1;?.}?..•:::..:'.:•:.•.1 ?Pp`Nl4f" ?.JJ fe s ? O ? •.{f'r.•}:: t.' ti :ti}•.ti•:s / \\ e1?0}as +? ???:::' "?:::?::•::::? / ? ' _ 1 ??•? •?•???'?'?'?' ? ?? ? A?{? "?•??'.??f.'j A, r ? Ti?::::•: }.?:4?¢:•: :: : : . ` 1 ti ? ?::;i,•::::::.::?::: ... . I '..?r•:ti::•? •.•:: ••:'?•'r'1 I WAIER EIEVAfION A90r 1 .?? `z l.-I ? ? ::???•',:.:? .Y?.;?"?::'}:'? 11VOU5T, 1981-8013 0 {•X•'C?'? ? 'i •:::::•? ) tl '8 }}[•4:f: :??:?::(,;?;:"::ti•ti':4.J ? (N.OV.O. 1929) • jT?•: ? ? : .: :•: :•:ti•: : ? : :•:•???? • ? ? ? ; 1 ? :.;: "?:'.:?:? ?::•::•:::; :: •:: • 0 •. •?:•: >:•:: :•: . ? . :::?. \ ? :, i : .::.: : .. :.::::: •. :.:: ? •?? x... _ . . :,,a?,:.; :::. ,?C: ..?::;:?: •. Q j ? 2{'. ?? ': : .•: •.'. . . : ' '• : .?.?.•? ' U ?'; f • ?i .'::.?::::::::... ::•:..••::::. • lJ _? ? n "? ?.:?)??I???1•::.•:::::.•.•.?.?..?.•::: ? .?':V? ??JS \\ //?? n ,? 2 7?'RN?3'l?.t:.':..•..:..:.. • . ? \45 . i?.:•::::.:?:::::: :::::.•:. ... e• n ? .. ' ? ••' '• ' .?.•I.:•.:•.' • • ? •.? ••.:?:: ::••?.? .?y it•: :::.?... NB9°59'10' • !_I ` ' ??:' •'.R!'.M:.•A'i':..?'.??.',.?..'?":FL'1:tYMr.ti'i':tiT: "' O . ? a ri •'. _ _ _ _ ?'i)!00 _ _ _ _ _ .` FINANCIAL OBL{GATION BpCKW00DS WOODS WAIVER OF PLAT SJATER TRUNK :,ANITARY SEWER rt?o4a SO]Z PF.EiCULATION TEST SAM LOQCtiVOpD ' I.akewvod Hills Addition August 25, 1990 , .3` 1.) A three (3) bedraan hcane has an average daily flowage of 450 gallons per day. 2.) Pverage Perc Rate is 5 M.p.I., due to the fine sands that were encountesed in the borings. The rate nust be increased to 16 M.P.2., which will require 752 square feet with 6 inch rock unrlar the pipe. 3.) Use 12 inch rock under pipe and system can be down-sized to 602 squa.re feet. Use 4 drop boxes with 3 foot wide trenches, this will requ.ixe 4 lines, 51 feet in length. (See diagram.) . 4.) 33.42 cubic yards of rock are required. 5.) 1250 septic tazi}c will be required. 6.) No garbage grinder allowed. 7.) Punp septic taiilc every twn (2) years. ISTA #D0666 L DAKOTA COUNTY #P-666 ? I'harils you.far letting A-1 Perculation be of service to you. , corn - R r? gjj.4'" Coiy and Bret Lucking 1, j - : ._ ? ?. , . . ' i ? .\ ? i , ., ? \ r '! 1 ?4. ,.. ? . , ? ? ' C?I?55 r AsGMGn?- ? 3 Rc d?co rw oP rv pca fP.s'ir , - D Qavk ? 4cc?c . 75 • h TVs Y ? ? J ? \ ? ,. / / ;. ?-.. _ _.. PERCOLATION TEST DATA SNEET ,?;... „ 'Jast"hble loca[ion_ 6-? L^ ole number i' 4.Z ?ate tes[ h(,Ie vas prepared 2-11_To Depth of hole bottom._?/L inches. Diameter of hole, ? inches. Soil data from test hole: Depth, inches Soil texture ( k t QXA.5- On , d rre1:,n'•,.) ? V Me[hod of scracchinq sidevall __2".,?? Depth of pea-sized gravel in bot[om of hole, • a., inches. Date and haur of initial water tiliing X-2B _90 -') ;P M Depth of initial aater fillinfr_ 1?,7- inches above hole bottom. Hetho,& used to maintain at least 12 inches of water depth in hole for at least 4 hours-_ -1,p 9N Percolation test readings made by ? --•- E-P-'3..y - ci n starting at (da[e) ?--P-O• during test, inches. on . Maximum water depth above hole bottom Time Time IntervaZ, Hinutes Measurement, inches Drop in vater level, inches Yercolation rate, minutes per iach. Remarks • ` 5 ` . . e Percolation rate m , -?j minutes per inch. LoQs of Soil BorinRs B-27 =. • i.or_atian or Pro ject ? Borings made by [Z;-,hpk p,? Date -l6-90 -? Clasaification System: AASHO ; USDA-SCS t/ ; Unified ; other Auger used (check two): Hand or Power t!?; Flight _, or Bucket other Deptho Boring number Depth, Soring number ? in Surface elevation in Surface elevation feet feet , O 1?7 t?. d SD?rv-i? O I - 2 AdtY ? 3 - 4 - 5 - • ? ,.?'? ?'?? cL o-a.n,rr?. 6 ?- 7 - ? J 8 - End of boring at _ feet. Standing water table: F-rosent at ? feet of depth, hours after boring. Not present in boring hole Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Obsurvations and cou¢nents: 1 - 3 - 4 - S - 6 -- 7 - 8 - Ead of bor*ng at €eec. 5tanding water table: Present at feet of depth, hours af[er boring. Not present in boring hole Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Observations and couments: ' _DEC 06 130 09:59 DHKDTA COIJNT'Y HUf1RfV SEP'JICES - DAKOTA COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH CEPARTMEtVT NI 1MCN .5'ECIVIC.'ES DIVISION F' . 1 DONNA M. ANDERSON a{aecYaA (612)450-2619 Fax(672)450-?946 P,,olic reaith Nurs nq Environmentai Healih Emergency Medical Servlca? Se=v!ces Services .. ... .._- ? ?asnia Loo?•y :vart?arn a"arvic: Gsnter ? ?urnavnle 4U;te 33 E?ri Wentr.ur!n Avc+!uC i 101 Wbat CountY Rcad 4: :He&' St. >aJi.'AN 53118 Burnsvllia, MN 53337 let"a7 415-8055 aragram +?.i2V 439-849B De? x't7 a'A C[,1liIvTY P JBZ I C H.E.3LTH DE?,ARTMEI3T WAT^.R Q;.?4i.ITY MiAN3GE"1ET Avenue, Sui?e 345 (6:2; 450-2790; FAX 450-294$ .`:_''??_.,,..'?.'?_-? ?°?.; ?_ •°'r+'.j4ii1 ;•._ JU 1`lT4N itiD LOa ?..,...0.........._.___ ._ ..-?-.« a?o??tG Li/01{'kS' TEr E: ?ONF: 4s? ????? Ran_q,?,"r???'?,.,?m???? PM REi F-k 2•.) WEuX.: }'.k.?.=uMIT i. ;b ... _ 3GJ _ ._) I 74 ?.=ka?'FA C?:rii':d'I'1 tFli.iT HAS RECEIVEb BELOW, IF YO[I _ePl ICATI4N dR TF Y+JiI q .?': E??i J.: i'Y'? ?,E?ULiT ZT, PLEASE C;0?4TnCT OJR aFa f^,? ;+01 OR THE FNVIRON- -, L HE4.LTP? "PF''rMI-f-'-I T 1';-v Ai4VE. IF Tf1ERE eS '3Ct T.;E4FONSE FROM .'•.iUR 0 ,"W~'?rr s:? 24 HOURS (EX- CLL'DIi4G CJEEkE:CD? ???Ti' !?Ci.i:i;r.15 j: THE DEPAfiTM:ENT STnPs G1lLL a=.S5lTME i&AT Yt1J t(AVF' N0 O37ECTIONS "L'Q ;qE TSSIJ,?-NCE 0-r' THE FPRMIT. Pl.?'??E trOTE THAT THE PERMT1 IfiSt7A:ICE TS A2?WAYc> CONDr?TON.;D ON COMPLIANCE WITH :AI.L r?-PPLYC?.BLE LOC_yT !;FQU'?Rl?iEN"I'S/GRDiNANCES. OWNiE. n, DPSLv(4H ??rbrLm _ _..?.h..Z • ,,-?C-?s',a OF w'ELL(S)14/lc sr-jt-?q/rF/S4s.2da rnUNIc7PALzTY: L;A Tr,: Al D DRILLEft: H4 WELT(s) DEsCRIPTION: Privah dc 4t1d4 t3a 449a ' . - . ?, ?. . ? * ZE you xeceive a poor facsimllie eo , eall $12450 AIV E9l1AL OPPpRTUfVITY EMPLOYER DAKOTA COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPAFiTMENT HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION DONNA M. ANDERSON DiRECTOR (612) 450-2613 Fax(61Z) 450-2948 Pubiic Health Nursing Environmenlai Health Emergency Medical Services Services Services REPLY TO: S Dakota County Northern ServiCe Center C Bumsville Otfice 33 EaSt Wentworth Avenue 170'1 West Counry Raad 42 West St. Paul, MN $5178 Burnsviile, MN 55337 (612)450-2614 (612) 435-8055 WIC Progrem (612) 435-8496 DAKOTA COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT 33 East Wentworth Avenue, Suite 345 West St. Pau1, Minnesota 55118 Telephone (612) 450-2790; FAX 450-2948 SAVINFAX FACSIMILE REQUEST FORM NOTICE OF WELL PERMIT APYLICATION SEND T0: Tom Colkr-f oFFZCE: Ci?qd.raqam PNkl?c A/Ork.s TELEPHONE: (61Z) 4'sT'B1Q6 FAX: ?TS?-8363 FROM: R6YISpayII5 tTCTT4UChY,STELEPHONE: 450-2932 DATE: /2/6/90 TIME: PM REFER TO WELL PERMIT N0. ,J O- O/ 74 DAKOTA COUNTY WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT HAS RECEIVED A WELL PERMIT APPLICATION DESCI2IBED BELOW. IF YOU REQUIRE FURTHER REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION OR IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS ABOUT IT, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE [(612) 450-27901 OR THE ENVZRON- MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST LISTED ABOVE. IF THERE IS NO RESPONSE FROM YOUR OFFICE IN 24 AOURS (EX- CLUDING WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS), THE DEPARTMENT STAFF WILL ASSUME THAT YOU HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE PERMIT. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PERMIT ISSUANCE IS ALWAYS CONDITIONED ON COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICAELE LOCAL REQUIREMENTS/ORDINANCES. PROPERTY OWNER: Da vid G?ar/sar LOCATION OF WELL(S) : 861 L-aiGe WOOd MIir1CQ SEISWISEISCC.26 MUNICIPALITY: DATE: DRILLER: ?1r?7Y1?,/'?/'1 WcII LO. WELL(S) DESCRIPTION: PrivOcft daV»e.rfic ukll ,410 1 •- --- .-,,, tu p- Pa __? :1- I * If you receive a poor facsimilie copy, call (612) 450-2614 immediatelv to.re[rzncmit. I AN E9UAL OPPORTUNIN EMPLOYER PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA117571 Date Issued:10/21/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Lot:021 Block: 1 Addition: Rockwoods Woods PID:10-64500-01-021 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Inna Bodnar Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jane G Rockwood 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Eagan MN 55123 (651) 274-7756 Intelligent Design Corp 4009 103rd Ave N Brooklyn Park MN 55443 (612) 919-2596 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature tyofEaill 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: 076344o 3�1 Date Received: Staff: *1 2015 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1L201 Date: /`2 Site Address:LO/ ,C�/�c 1�.4✓i�C,� /i// A-701" Unit #: �/�% Resident// Owner Name: 7 iW., OCfiLJC C/ Phone: IO5/ `972 Address / City / Zip: 8(0/ ,42,�/ 0,26Yj� 0,4 ga.04) Applicant is: Owner X Contractor Type of Work Description of work: ,2.!,. �,l'%5 t/.� 4).els'`- ,'/O uier C%Sl e,,sG S id Construction Cost: C:a r"). oD Multi -Family Building: (Yes / No ' ) Contractor Company: Z/KiUS 6//.1521 ,,h , Contact:.. / // ;7;eh C Address: 879 eul 6'3 City: _r Zug. State: Zip; 5-1/O0 Phone:c.5/' 96 / %(Email: 17,5h 0) ;iduS( (o1' License #:(11)7'// Lead Certificate #: A/4T 51/J If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) In the last 12 months, If COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? yes, date and address of master plan: _Yes _No Licensed Plumber: Mechanical Contractor: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: Phone: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qooherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code mus be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x ,lcsk `�r`FtXJj I Applicant's Printed Name App /cant's Signature Page 1 of 3 bkL&cd H,i<S �O NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Single Family Multi 01 of _ Plex WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration lc, Replace Retaining Wall DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25%_ 100%)() Census Code #of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction Fireplace Garage ›G Deck Lower Level _ Porch (3 -Season) Porch (4 -Season) Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) Pool Interior Improvement Move Building Fire Repair Repair Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) " Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Roof: _Ice & Water _Final Framing Fireplace: _Rough In Air Test _Final Insulation Sheathing Sheetrock Fire Walls Braced Walls Reviewed By: RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies TOTAL IZ Siding Reroof Windows Egress Window I)-eioco _ Exterior Alteration (Single Family) Exterior Alteration (Multi) Miscellaneous Accessory Building Demolish Building* _ Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Water Damage *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant MCES System 5/ SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Suppression Required Meter Size: Final / C.O. Required Final / No C.O. Required HVAC _ Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test Pool: _Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Drain Tile Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill _ Final Radon Control Erosion Control Other: , Building Inspector 1,-14A- 0,115 c-0( /C--- 317s---0 36,4 x isoS� ;�°-- po C)) Page 2 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA143411 Date Issued:06/15/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Lot:021 Block: 1 Addition: Rockwoods Woods PID:10-64500-01-021 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jane G Rockwood 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Eagan MN 55123 (651) 274-7756 Genz Ryan Plumbing & Heating 2200 West Highway 13 Burnsville MN 55337 (952) 767-1000 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA143412 Date Issued:06/15/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Lot:021 Block: 1 Addition: Rockwoods Woods PID:10-64500-01-021 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jane G Rockwood 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Eagan MN 55123 (651) 274-7756 Genz Ryan Plumbing & Heating 2200 West Highway 13 Burnsville MN 55337 (952) 767-1000 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature Attn: Derek Permit Number: EA166264 861 Lakewood Hills Rd Plan Change Basement: Room in basement doesn't meet egress code not allowing the room to be marketed as a bedroom. We, the property owners chose not to change out the window to make it a legal egress. It will be used as marketed as that. Denny Hansen Heartlight Properties �Jo � j Josh Schugel C �l -7 1/l (-) S7/ Z- RE IEqED Date: --- Eagan BuMng inspections Division