731 Golden Meadow RdCITY OF EAGQN Remarks Addition Overview Estates Ren]ar. Lot 10 Bik-z. Parcel ftfl 56210 100 Q2? # Qwner, •'= ? "?'' screet Zlden Meadow Lane State Eagan, MV 55123 l, / / s ? i , J/]?is //: • . _ . Improvement Oate Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF, 20 851.23 A 014292 ? 2Og4 STREET RESTOR. rj j981 1921.16 f18. 08 15 748.88 T' 'r GRADING ?59? 1981 3242.41 216-16 15 1 2.377.77 014292 2 8 SAN SEW TRUNK J!"g j?`$1 300.00 20.00 1$ 220.00 A 014292 7 20 84 *SEWERLATERAI 1981 5096.85 339.79 15 3,737.69 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 19$1 WATER AREA 1981 300.00 20.00 iS 220.00 0142 2 $4 STORM SEW TRK 1981 591.82 39.45 15 434.02 A 014292 7/2 0 84 *STORM SEW LAT 19$1 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 450.00 It of BUILDING PER. 8656 SAC PARK Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit Na (rl J'? ? P 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial ? Institutional ? CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill rn numbered spaces S/C Type or Pr/nr legibly T t _ , . - o . 1. Date ? 2. Installation Cost y" 3 73/ ? J b Add (? k ? i'- T . ress t Bl . o rac t 4. Owner ) 1 41 ' '' '` 5. 4 } r Contractor 1 Phone I 1i y 0 I ) f'9' , \ , `-t? ?2 KB,' 6. - Addr?ess 7. ,` City?l , J r ? JCC I ? , 13thte ?' d T Z Zi 9. Work Description: New ? Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type ???,? • ' ?? ? 11. No, ? Eaujnment BTU - M. Ea. Forced Ai r No. Epuipment CFM Ai i Mfg. r Handl ng: Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. ? Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all a!'idinalices #n?l codes governing this type of work. j ? 1 Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454$100 CITY OF EAGAN tt,? s5f, 3793 rilot Knob Reod Eason, MN S5122 ' ? PNONE: 434-8300 . • ? ?, _ ? o01601146 PERMIT ? To be wed fo. SF u?:'!>/(;1?1: Eo. Value $ °?), 00-1) Receipt # Date November 16 19 u3 Site Address 731 Colden Nteadow F.osc'_ Erect M Occupancy 13-3 Lot 1 OveIView E9Lates Block 2 5ec/Sub qlter p Zoning R-? . 100-32 Replat `iA Pcrcef .# Repoir Q Fire Zone Donald L `icTtahon C t Enlarge 0 Type of Const. ;r ? Na? . . ons Move p # Srories i ???? 15or? Circle Lane 6 Demolish ? _ Length ?`-' ra.,';u rneville a,- 890-0077 Grade ? Depth 44 Sq. Ft. a Nume ? ?? Addre F- r:•., Nome ._ ?..?___ .. Assessment Water & Sew. Poi ice Fire Eng. Plonner Countil Bldg. Off. APC Permit 313 . UIJ Surchorge ` Plan check SAC 00 Water Conn. ' Water Meter 7T.-U7' } O Rood Unit Total 5 d + . 5 5ipnoture of Permittee I ... . `ffc.lalion St. A Building Permir is issued to: on the express condition lha? all work sholl be done in ocwrdonte with oll applicable State of Mlnaesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinontes. Buifdinp Officlal Psrmit No. Permit Hoider Misc. Permit No. Holder Piumbing 5 ',("1 H.v.a.c. Well Water Disp. Sswer Electric a O'17?•? V W(?¢T l.f ,as? ?e? ?. inspection Date Insp- Other Footingt _a Foundation Framiny 1 Rouyh Plb& ?,. Rouyh HVA lewlation Final Plbp. ??7 y y Final HVAC Final Waftr Demibe Location: Well , Sswer Pr. Disp. Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN ? FiII in numbered spaces Type or Prinr legibly 7> ? 1. Date Z? - a 2. Installation Cost i/'?'7 -• ?i, ,?r ,,. '. i 3. Job Address Lot /' Blk. /?r Permit No. Fee S/C • `1? Tot. Tract - 4. awner 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address i 7. Citv State Zip Z 8. Building Type: Residential b Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New ? Add ? Alter ? Repair ? I 10. Describe I 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner L Shower Well I I Kitchen Sink ? ? Urinal/Bidet ?"? ? / ? Other ! Laundry Tray ? Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. ? Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed: for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 _;467 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zoning: P, 1 No. of Units: ? pw,ef; Jonald NcAahon Const Address: S?te Address: 731 Golden ![tsadotrt R<iocl L1Q :sZ +JVervieN ! Plun-ber. DC Xechanical hAeter No.: Connection Charge: 450.00 Size: Account Deposlt: Reader No.: ? Pennit Fee: I agrea to eomPip wifh !IN Ciry of Eepae $urchorge: ' n Ordinancea. Mist. Chorges: ' By Date of Insp.: Total: Date Paid: CITY OF EAGAN SEWER SmVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road - P. O. Box 21159 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DaTE: _ Zoninp; No. of Units: O - wner. Addreu: $ite Address: ?`•? Pl b um er. ] 00 r,, ? I .or.. t..ompy wm ew Ger .i 1114"a C.on*wcnon ohoroe: 4?' .0'} Ordimnar. Account Deposft: PertnR FM: ` Surdwr0e: gy k.: Misc. GtorOew Dote of Insp.: Totcl: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PfRM1T NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zoning: No. of Units: 1 OwnEr, _ _-'OI'37c? `!r'fa)IOIl 1.0I1St . fi llddross: `[,S+te Addrcss: f-' ,?'v Raod L10 b2 OvPrvie? Fst,' ? lumber: ? ) ?. •ie -?? ? ? w ?J ?Meter No,• ^r- };?nection ?'•50.QQ ,,a 512!' •j n aTCfgA. ? , ;??unt DePOSu: 15. p Reo r No.: ' Fee: 1 00 g I pre? fo ooRn E orge: ptOedlnane??. ? Misc. Choryes: et ? Totnl: BY Dots Paid: Date of Insp.: insp.: CIT`` OF EAGAN_„ ??y n ?j tP I clude 2 sets of plans, -.?--'?I U?' , site plan w/elevations & 4/? 7?` O`' /7 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI . 1 set c£ energy calculations. ??aS'3IS5 ?/ 'Ib Be Used For SF buj% 6Ct- Valuation Date l/' ?ZI-3 Site Address -] 3 6, o taE 'r\ kEa (to L,) P-nJOL-a OFFICE USE ONLY Lot 1 0 Block ? Sec./Sub. F<Ove _7, /z v gz 1 s 9 w /ee?C&?ect X_ occupancy 11,13 Parcel #: I U- S(o ,? 1 U'- / 00 - O a Alter Zoning Repair Fire 2one Owner: 2L•m e,a/746Eo?.? Coh4'Enlarqe 7ype of Const. Adclress: 2"b? # Stories /r; C G£ L?2 N? Denalish Fmnt t/ ' ft City/Zip Code: 4v,e.>11SV (LC /rilnr .?:33 7 Phone 06 77 Contractor: Address: /S-7 ?' L° ?2F t_F' Li?H?F City/Zip Code: Ov /?.n/Sv /C L F' 0(/( N S.$-?7 Phone DO Arch./Eng.: Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Grade Depth ? ft. APPROVALS FE:ES Assessments T4ater/Seaer Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC Pezmit SurCharge 3o ?° Plan Check SAC Water Conn. ys G Water Meter !oo - Road Unit T4`O ?- TOTAL 4 17? 1-CZ) CITY OE' EAGAN Bi7ILDING PEFS'IIT APPLICATICN Zb Be used Fbr MoOCY I4ou5IE-valuation Date site raaress 731 Go(ar,, A(FcAou) '?kcl-? aFFzCE oss orLY ?,/ Lot i ? Block `oL Sec./SUb.GUEr?t'f? c?'psect OccuPancy - 7 ParCel #: /O SCva/U /OU o Owner: GyeCDu-ae d- ?-, D e2a- Address • Gl 4 f' C°_n R d. 3 0 City/Zip Code: Ea?a,v1. I?I r? . 5 5 i 13 Phore #: ?( 5 ?/ -?/) 2 2 Contsactor: Gar-, de; kta. Address: city/ziP code: Pa,,.e Phone #: 2-p2 Arch. /Erx]. . Address: City/Zip Code: Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations & 1 set of energy calculations. Alter Zoning FEpair Fire Zone En].asge ZYpe of Cons ? Nbve _? # Stories Demolish Fivnt ?r ft. Grade Depth _.2e? ft. + APP%)VAIS FEES Assessments Pernut ?aat,er/Seaer Surcharge Police Plan Clbeck Fire SAC EnJ- PlannPr Council Bldg. Off. APC Water Conn. Water Meter RAad Unit Phone #: TO'rAL CITY OF EAGAN N? g656 3795 Pllet Knob Raad Eogan, MN 55112 PHONE: 454-8I00 BUILDING PERMIT , Receipt # - Jx,g? Te bs wed ier SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $60,000 pate November 16 1 q 83 Site Address 731 Golden Meadow Road Erecr R-3 }j$ O[cuponty Lot 10 Biock Z $ec/Sub. Overview Estates Alter ? Zoning R-1 parcel # 10-56210-100-02 Replat Repulr ? Fire Zone NA c Name Donald L. McMahon Const. ? nddress 1568 Circle Lane n...-..,..,s1 i„ onn nma o Name OwneY v?H Address Nome _ Address I hereby acknowledge thot I hove read ihis applicotion ond stofe fhat the informotion is correct nnd o9ree to wmplY with all opplicoble $tate of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Eogon Ordinances. Slpnature of Permittee OR8 1 A Building Permit Is issued to: oll work sholl be done in accordante with all Enlorge ? Typc of Const. V Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Length 451411 Grode ? Depth 44 Sq. Ft.- Avvr"als Fees Assessment Permit 313-00 Woter & Sew. Surcharge 30.00 Police Plan check 156.50 Fire SAC 525.00 Eng. Water Conn. 450.00 Planner Water Meter 60.00 Cquncil Rood Unit 250.00 Bldg. Off. APC Totol $1784.50 _ on the express corditlon ihni City of Eagan Ordinances. Buitdinp Officiol RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 iz S Co3.6& NewConsWCtionReauirements RemodeVReoairReauirements O(fice UseOnlv 3 registeretl sde surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq. ft of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan Cert of Suney Recd (20°h maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 set of Enerqy Calculations for heated addiGOns Tree Pres Plan ReW 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 site survey for additions 8 decks Tree Pres Not Reqd 1 set of Energy Calcumtions Addition -irMlcate donsRe septicsysfem _ Onsite Septic System 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan'rf bt platted after 7/1193 Rim Joist Detail Opfbns selectbn sheet (bldgs wBh 3 or less units Date _( 0 / If / 05 6n ConstrucGon Cost ? Site Address ' 3 1 Gol&e Y+ Oe4d-6 +J R6• UniUSte # Crag ve r?, i M iJ s'S! Z d o? Description of Work 3 S?s o iJ PO r L? St ?, i h ?i.i ] n "J Multi-Family Bldg _ Y? N Fireplace(s) ? 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner n T d 'D z? Telephone #( ) Contractor \_ , U oaP L 4 Co Address Z`fz(,, E, zu6 sr Ci[y /0D?S . State /?1n/. Zip Telephone # (?/z ) 7Z q - 6 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF Energy Code Category - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv I (J submission Type) • Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7672 . New Energy Code Worksheet Sub tted Telephone #( i i Telephone #( Telephone # ( ) I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the appr?d plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. /1 71 Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? Ot Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of_plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage )d 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 05 03•plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Yor_N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) pr 44 )f 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof 46 ? 34 ReplaCement •Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation 1 ooo Occupancy ?-? MC/ES System _ Census Code 4 3 y Zoning City Water _ SAC Units Stories Booster Pump _ Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. _ PRV _ Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered _ Type of Const Uri W idth _ Footings (new bldg) Foodngs(deck) ? Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile ? Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final Framing Fireplace R.I. Air Test Final ? Insulation Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 MultiMisc. Siding Fire Repair Windows/Doors REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinallC.O. ? FinaUNo C.O. _ Plumhing _ HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Retaining Wall Approved By Building Inspector jZxl4 x?y :P 11,A» I_oD , RI-LAND INC. SURVEYING 'SERVICES ' Eagan, Minnesota 55121 .e.?l. .. .. _ l_-..: _.?' .. . .. . Certificate of Survey for : DON NlcMahora- tt2.36 ? ? G?10?1 , 41- L ? ED _ ??F r ,r ?-•s . .. .;.. . . ...... . . ...yv. .? _.. -. ?-.. -? , .: _ . . ? _ .. . .. . . _.,_.?. SE 0 rrrrn I , to . qs N7' 5 Vr z \ 8 1 i ? , 'oa`V"0'y ? a q4.>6 NB9-'+i- t .? S ?- qqf q? ? ba,o-L ? ?< < . 0\,- S Z 4C . `00X G4kR).z SL?b . lao .4o LOT 10, BLOCK 2, OVERVIEW ESTATES REPLAT i hereby certify that ihis survey, plan or repori was prepored by me or undnr my direct supervision and ihof 1 am o duly Registered Land Surveyor under ihe Laws of the State of Minnesoia. Bradley?'lS4enson Mn. Reg No. 15235 Date: //A9/93 ? ? bener plnx I:vl l IA1. Ihe followinq: tieller warranls Ihal Ihe prnperly is dirtctly conne<led lo cit?'sewtr? -=?=Jci1?, water _ -: ,?._Sell^wvronls Ihat dl 36/23/2083 81:17 PM Ffl% FROM COMMUNIKflTE From: RYflN MOE Ta: 651 675 5694 Page 2 Permit. Niunbar MECcheck Camplit?nce Report ChcckedBylDate 2000 Minnesata Energy Code MES;chzck Softtiv?.ve Version 33 Rzlease 1 c Datefileneme: C;:1Uociunents azicl Sett.uigsS2YAN.Y0I7R-XC.LSV9Iil2.OKI".DesktopV2M?,e\-VOGEL\008-TOBB\TODII.cck 1TTI,1?: TODD RF.MC>DFI, CUiJN'CY: Dakota STA'tF.;: Mirmosota, ZONE: 2 CC3NSTRUCP[ON TYF'I': Single F:unily DA7Ti: 06%23r03 DATH OP' f'L,ANS: 6-02-03 PROIHC;T INFORM.4T[ON: 731 CiOLDBN Sv1F,ADOW RD. EAGAN,MSQ C.OMI?rU'+IY IbIFORA9A7'[ON: R.P. VUGEC./FZYAN h10ti HOME DF.SIGN C.OMYL[AiVCE: Pa.y.9ac Maxunum UA == 57 Your FIomc+ •= 56 1.8°h Bett:ur T'han Code Ciloss cllazing Area or Cavity Cunt. or Duor Perimgt:ar R_' nlue R.?'alue. TJ;Eacwr LlA (:.eiling 2: Raised crr PnerLry Truss 196 44.0 4Vu11 I: i+Vood F'rsme, IFi" o.a 352 19.0 b4`indow t: rlbuve Grade, Wnod Frame, Doublz Penc witL Low-E 74 DODF I : CJItL4S 20 4b'a112' iTJood Franta. 16" u.a 37 6.0 Air C;anciitioner 2: Elootric Central Air, 10 SEER Puisiace 6: I'orced Hot Air, 92 AP'LiE Proposed and M:Leimum U-Factor Avur»ges Propoaed Averttge U-Factor Above-Cnade 4S'vidows und Gla.cs i>oors IncLttles Foundntion Windows> i.f> 02 0340 0.0 h 6.i) IS 0340 ?5 0340 7 5.0 5 Masvrium Allowed U-Fac[or 0370 COMPLIAIVCE STA7'kiMEWL: Tlte proposed buitdinn closign described here is consisteid witkt ilie builcittig plans, specifications, and other calcuiations submitted with tlic parsnit application. The proposed btiilding has beexi desigried to mc:et he 2(H)0 Nfinnewfa. Energ,v Code reqttuemenls in MGCchzck Version 3.3 Release 1 c and W comply with tha mandatory reyuicemeut5 listed J in The MEi;chadc In.gpeclion Checklist. BuilderrDesigiet_?,???? llate 6-23-03 _ 2/84 CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION (PLEASE PRINT) 1) PROPERTY ADDR°SS : ?J? I l, n? D en? / J e? DgFw R D r= nESCruprzov: ,C o r/a ,? ? o c K l? L e r v?i w C?. ?? ?? (LOt/Block/SubcLivision or Tax Parcel I.D. NiuTber) IF E:CIS':'^:G STRUCP'RE, DA`P OF ORIGIVAL 'niiILL'DIG PWUAIT ISSJA.NG°: PR=Su :' "-i`7I_r,/P RC)POS=- liSn': JO R-1 SINQ.E rPIMSLY ? R-2 DUPLEX ('ITn'0 LNITS) ? R-3 7YRvTTHOUSE (THREE + [7NITS) ( UNITS) [3 R-4 APARTg:U'P/C,'ONp=I[.M ( [NITS) ? COMMEE2CIAL/REPAII,/OFFICE p IIMUSTRIAL Q INSTITUfIONAL/GOVERDAIENT 2) AppLICAN•P (PLEASE PRINT) NAME: DO.v /YIC- /J?saN.?h ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHOiNE: ?90-no77 ,. 3) PLUMBER PLEASE PRINT) FOR CITY USE ONLY tvkME• PLUMBF,RS LICENSE: rDDRess: 670 [L71 pctive CITY, STATE, ZIP: ? ? ?, ? Q Expired , STE [? No?f eFord PHONE: PLUMBER LICENSE N(`j0? 3 7V?77 ? c? T"J aSE-rnitiT-- q) OCCUPp?/OwNER (PLEASE PRINT) NANIE : /9,1J -- ADDRESS: UL r?pn? ?"lt°?aD?a.? R 11 CITY, STATE, ZIP: ?.' y.?c PHONE: -- 5) INDICA'PE WHICH PERh1iT IS BEING RIQUESTEp: CO.INECI'ION 'IO CITY SEFIER ? COT]NECi'ION TO CITY WATER ? (7I'EEE2 (PLFASE DESCF2IBE) 6) IINDIG'1'PE 0NE: [-] PLEaSE HOLD APPROVID PERhLiT FOR PICK-UP BY ONE OF ABOVE rZi PLEASE rTAIL AF'PROVID PER?4iT 'IC) 1, 2,ap 4 11HOVE (Circle one) 7) SI&NATCTRE: ,? ? ?? DATE: ..J . .............. .. . . . . t ?' . . .. .. ?. .? . , . . 0 F 0 R PERMIT ."-. ISSUED I 2 T Y U S E 0 N L Y F°ES: $0 $ _s0 $ l0 0 - e--d $ $ $ $ $ S <?? S= a`-o $ $ $ $ $ . S SE?l:ER AVRnfTT (i?ICLi;DE SURCHARGE) WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER WATER TAP (INCLGDE CORPORATION STOP) SEWER TP.P ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEFIER ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATER ? WAC SAC TRUNK WATER ASSFSSt4ENT TRUNK SEWER ASSESSMENT LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEWER LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER OTHER TOTAL AMOUNT PAID/RECEIPT # Y* DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN F%UBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES ZF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN ? PUB7IC ROADWAY" MriST B° ISSUED BY THF NO EIVGINEERING DIVISIO[V. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUBJECT TO TFIE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED SY: TITLE: DATE: m! iJIN oam 14MiNIN !A !mR iJa ?IJ/ 14 ? # iJ! ?lf? ?Fl? ?k? lA ii?! iJ9 /l# oE! )! w:m w-lin Rm!! mio so m ?.?..?.r.?r??. i f. AIaLK.Ae:.?..,.f_ ?'... . .. .? .. ? ?Y P L A T o F -- OVERVIEW ESTATES REPLAT > .? v .. r -t'. n ? " ? . ? . L. '!i LINE )F 51;T UF riw iM 5f?C 25 ? 3°.N03 \ N89°4605bE , ` -iArh.mnR E DRIVE ? ? , L , . . 17. _ _. - - - - - 149 -- }- -? ? • ` ' . . . I ?, - P I .., Hi, ) i .. ??' ?.6--9' S F ? p 16092 S.F c+ ? ` . ?..._ _ _- i49 - - - _ 149 ' _ _ J . '. - - -- - - ? ? c_? - - - -•? w , +wmrw a c 1.6092 S. F. , o M . .. ? ? . ? . . < -- - - ? I 3 i, w ' ; w o ?.>.?,? sF r- ;s2oo S.F. a= • . _ _ i VJ i i - -? - - - - - --? O .?, ? REVISED. 41,19/ •a ? 4 I 4 ?? . . . ?626J 5 F i ? 16200S.E I . ? L- - -i 50- - -J • , l r ? g ? W o 3N0 35 -14 89"aC; . ? ? 16200 5. F. - -- '- - - -- - ?- - - - ' - .? O L ! a _ _ i5o--- - - - - ? - -- - - ? a r - - - -- - ? I O U T L 0 T A <: ? ? 44 990 s r 6 6 7 o ` I , ? u ? 1 , . 165005 E 312 .. . - __... .... - - _._ . ? .. ? ? --- , ? -- --- I 7?iQ ? IuJ , . -- - - -- , - - -- - - .: 10 =-, -? . •. ic?or, s c _ ? ? ?,? ?n?; , i i su??i: s?, ? ?... r , ? i ,, . . I ( 101 . _. i .. . ? ^ ? . ' •? ... . . _ . .. ? I .. . _ . ... .....?. . _. . . . . . ? - . . .. ? . ..":7 -,. . . . .. C , .r? 1 f.. .. , . . . . . . . . c! VC i. 1 Vi C a JQ.viJ - ? . . ... -^._. _. ,_ -.__._.- . , -6?'?? _ r-- ( --- r J( ' -r ? _ ' ? - _ , . -- - _ i ;- _ . _ .-: ? ;- . ( . . . - ---?-r _ _ ._ ---- ? ----- ; ^ _ ? -- ----, ? - - , -W; -, .. ? -. .... ._ ...._ . ..,_r __ . i ? i ? > •f ?,- ,/ , ?rr )b'n'1 ? 1 ?r+n/ Vrny,?2vi?? ?-t.C?' ?Le?'?w'?J ?ur? v ? OF 3630 CILOi KNOB ROAD ii-IOnMS EGnN EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5 5142-189 7 wY°f PI IONE(612) 454 $100 DAVID K. GUSiAFSON FAX(612) 454-8363 o,vnEV. WCnEn TIM PA`1+LENIY THEODORE WACFRER GourKd Members 7FpMA$ HEOGES JUly 31, 1991 CRyAdminisbator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Ckrk To Whom It May Concern: The City of Eagan has received waivers of assessment hearing allowing the City to specially assess 1/3rd of the tax forfeit special assessments from Outlot A of Overview Estates Replat. The owners and properties to be assessed are: Lot 8, Block 2, Overview Estates Replat Patricia and Willard Percy, Lot 9, Bloak 2, Overview Estates Replat Lynn and Steve.Mereness, %Lot 10,?k 2, Overview s a es Replat Patricia and John Todd. J Since these waivers have been executed, the City considers the taX forfeit assessments of outlot A, Overview Estates Replat to be adequately addressed, and has no objection to the closing taking place. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, E. J. VanOverbeke C, 10 Finance Director/City Clerk cc: Patricia & Willard Percy ? Lynn & Steve Mereness Patricia & John Todd EJV/vmd Q l.r o? o f`f r? 1? a -'o THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND 6ROWfH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OpportunilylAffirmative Aclion Employer [:LIE QARRIER LOAO 111FORa1AT10N CENTER ?j'? Ili? y ??•" I d ..._? ?l ?'?JJG " 8124 ru; ;;1 "'; 7 OPT10M 1 OPTIOM 2 OPTION 3 1. Summerdesigndegrees .............. . (90, 95, 100, 105, 110 or 115) 2. (If 90, 105, 110 or 715, Item 2 N.A.) Dailyrange(0°-35°) .. ........... I?--? .I 3. Winterdesigntlegrees ................ . (Precede a minus number with M) 4. Numherofwindowpanes ............. . 5. (1, 2 or 3. If 2 or 3, Item 5 N.A.) Stormwindows? (YDr N) .. _ .......... . ? 6. Wintlowsweatherstripped?(YOrN).... . .?.?j # I ul I_1 ?# 7. Four wintlow areas starting with N or NEOriemation ............ .. . ,? u ? ? (Ex: Nq25x30#20A25ae; Max per side. 999 sq. ft.) 71 N r NE 73 # 72 E r SE ? a ? L f? rt k ? 73 or SW 74 W or NW ? ? #ri ?N ??K / +fk ? 8. Shatledwindowarea . . . O # (0 or sq. ft Enter 0 if not applicable. Max: 999 sq. ft) 9. Doorarea ........................... . q ? (0 orsq. ft. Max: 999 sq, ft If 0, Items 10 8 11 N.A) 10. Doorweathersiripped7(yorN)........ . 11. stormdoors?(vorN) ................ . NO aa na aa 12 Firststory perimeler .................. . 13. Second story perimeter ... .. .. .. .... 14. 7hicknessoPwallinsulation..... . _. (0, 2, 4 or 6" fiberglas. Enter MA for masonry; R values, enter R, then value. 15. Ex: R19) Basement perimeter .. . .. . . (0 or linear tt If 0 Ite 16 17 &2B N A q ? I # I L_I . , ms , . .) 16. 8asement heated? (Y or N) ............ . Qf N, Item 17 N.AJ 17. Percentabovegratle(Ea:S%=5) ...... . 18. Area of roof with exposed 6eams or stutlioceiling ... . .. . .. . . .... . ?8 pg qp qp (0 or sq. ft. I} zero, Items 19,20 8 21 ? 19. Woodorfiber .. rA ry p p (W for wood F for fiber. It W, Item 20 20. If F, Item 21 N.A.) Thickness offi6er .... ......... .? 21. (1.5, 2 or 3" or R values) Insulation .... . . ..... ........ . -?a# ? 1 a1 (V, N oi R values Y assumes 1.5") . E- -1 OPTION 1 OPTION 1 OP410N 3 22. Area of ceiling untler vented roof or unconditioned tl S P ...... or f O l tem 23 N.A.) (0 23. Thicknessoflnsulation ......... (0, 3, 6, 12 or 18" of fi berglas or R values Ex: R30) 24. Areaoffloors over unconditioned space Q q ? ? (0 or sq. ft. If 0 Item 25 N.A.) 25. Thickness of insulation .............. (0, 3 or 6" fiberglas, or R values) 26. Area of floors ovei open or vented space, orgarage ................... ........ ? kN #M kN 27. (0 or sq. ft. H 0 Item 27 N.A.) Thickness of insulation ................ (0, 3 or (i of fiberglas or R values) 28. Basementarea ..... ... .... . ? ii ? ? (0 or sq. fL If Item 15 is D skip ihis entry.) 29. Total heated area . ... .... .... 30. (sq, tt.) PerimeterofCOnCreteslab ............. ( 0 o r I nearft.) Qf q Item 31 N-A.) 31. k hi ess ofsla6insulation ....... ..... ? N # o ; ? ( r 2") 32. Desired summer intloor temperature swing ................................ 3 ## #N ## (Value between 1 and 6 inclusive.) 33. Desiredwimerinsitletemperature 34. DUCtlocation .......... .............. (AT = attic, BA = basemen4 SL = slab, CR = crawl space, CO = conditioned space) (If 8A, SL. or CO Item 35 N A) 35. Thickness ofinsulation ......... (0, 1 or 2"- Use 2 for 1 ngid_) 'REPEA70ATA?•' ......................... YorN .'GOPRECTIONS?° ....................... If there are no corrections requlred enter uk. If there are wrrectipns to the data, enter question number, k, the new data, and FH. N# ? Ex: 19kW## # qk q q# # qp If no furthei corrections, enterN# only. #N qq n COOLING B.T.U.H. EQUALS?AT 75- °F B.T.U.H. AT °F B.T.U.H. AT °F HEATING B.T.U.H. 6370 : 9/QQQ BfU 2a f'Wf EQUALS lSrST C'S AT °F ? 70 B.T.U.H. AT °F B.T.l1.H. AT °F "REPEATTHEANSWERS"(YOrN)......... ffi# qp q# "SAVE YOUH DATA?•• .. .... .. .. .. . .. .. ... iip I pN I kN Y or N, or VR## will save your tlata antl goes to 6eginning for new Analysis; or NRnn will not save data but goes back to beginning for new Analysis. JOBNUMBER ............................ If you want ro save your data CLIC asslgns Job Number "STRUCTURE CHANGES?............. .... If there are no change= required enter ri#. If there are changes to the data: enter quesl7on number, n, Yhe new data. and #a, tt pp u pN p ?q Ex: 25PR30uw If no further changes. enter np only. 4p nu pq ;A ,A r, nN KO* -„-- ???? OPPORTUNIN HOME 3-7e Printetl in U.S.A_ 838-039 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 3830 PIL'OT KNOB RD - 55122 q 9 Ch? New Conshucflon Reaulremenh 651-881•4875 Remodel/Reoalr Reaulremenb > 3 reglaferetl flte wneys ahowing sq, ft of bt, aq. H. of house and gff roofed areaa (20X, maxlmum bf coveraae allowe? > 2 copies of plmq (ahow beam a window aizes; poured fnd. detign; e1cJ > 1 set of eneryy caicWaNOne > 3 coplea of hea preservallon plan I11ot plattetl nfler 7/1/93 DATE: /? DESCRIPTION OF WORK: LaC!n •- STREET ADDRESS: LOT: J Company: Phone M: 657 dzo-?&-O (area code) Sheet Address: L<?`?? Kf^ti ? ' License 1bc O/ Exp?-.3? Clfy State: zip: ?Sla ? BLOCK: I SUBD./P.I.D. t: Gi Name: "?fvw Phone #: ? Lv PROPERTY Las? CoI Ch ftrst OWNER Sheet Address: '7314 %??:LG?l•t ?? C Z,P: S??-/a3 COMRACTOR ARCHIiECT/ ENGINEER ay ??.'q 1244 _ sfa?e:1L/- U Company: Name: Tetephone M: ( 2 coples of plan 1 aet of energy calcWaHons for heafed addlllons 1 slle wrvey for exteAOr addiNOns & decks CONSTRUCTION COST: ?.?SOd -? Sheet Addreas: Reglshatlon #: Cliy State: Sewer/water licensed plumber Qf Installina sewer/waterl: Phone #: Zlp: I hereby acknowledge ihaf I have read lhis appikafion, stafe thaf Ihe infortnatbn rtect, andomply wNh aA appQcable State of Minnesota Stalutes and CNy of Eagan Ordirwnces. Signalure of AppllcanY. ? OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No ' IviAY - 3 Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required TRI-LAiVD IiVC. Certificate of Survey for : SURVEYING SERVICES pON IVIcMahoo?- Eogan, Minnesota 55121 V4 O ? ? 84 4?-a8E • i " tt?.36 q'1 ,a e xxe 417 0 a 2Y? ; . a 4qt , q4.>6 ti?= 2 V?? ?? ? V v ?- . 6qRR?,z- ?SLyb . ?d? t Oc? . ?j O 2t?. \? X LOT 10, BLOCK 2, OVERVIEW ESTATES REPLAT I hereby cerTify that This survey, plan or reporT was prepared hy me or under my direcf supervision and That I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Laws of ihe Sfate of Minnesota. 8 rad ley ?f75i`irenson Mn. Reg No. 15235 Date: // I9/8 Purchase Mmn.. ffF''! ,19_ r r'RECEIVED OF c. ?i?? tho sum o( ?•i?] / i i^,r,!/SfIN?J' ??hF? /,?„',?iLf1:f'!'l?ili/r;l.°/ a.-?-. ?`'i ?-±" (S ) DOLLARS ' G r by } r to be deposiced upon acceptance of offer by all partics, but to be returned to buyer(s) j( o(fer is rejected. ? 1(hsck. Gs? or No?n ' .-. :/ ' i ..Said earnest money is in part payment for thc purehase of property at I - situated in the County of P?41 State of Minnesota, and legally described as follows, to wie r:w?f7illrf including all garden bulbs, plantx, shrubs and trees, ull sturm doors, detnchabic vestibules. screens, nwnings, windnw shadex, blinds (including venelian blinds), curtain rods. traverse rods, drapcry rods, lighiing fixtures and bulbs. plumbing fixtures, hol water tanks and heuting plant (with nny burners, tanks, stokers and otherequipmemusedinconnectiontherewith),liquidgastsnkandconlrulx,andw9fersnflmer(ifthcpropertyofseller).exteriortelevisionanlenna,incinerator, buill•in dishwasher and garbage Jisposal, built-in nvens, cook top stoves nnd eentral air conditioning eyuipment, if any, used and located on said prcmises and including alm the follow•ing personal prupeny: - , / /f/f•?ti' ??ur???,?rirf•r,ii/ .? all of which.propeny the undcrsi ?ed, as agent fo (he owner, ha> lhis da ? sold tn.lhe Muyer (or Ihe sum of ?/???i "?/ ?l+lE//'?<%'l/fr1N/?+.•L`f' ,of ca .?..sr910 fe ) DOLLARS, which'the bu4er agrea m pay in the (/o?llowing manner: EarnestmoneY herein Paid S?`7J?' ?n and$ "? ! - ` t cash.on-ocixY9r! SG' ???0 bybuyerB',annq?hisezpensea 1 mortgageinthisamoun[,amortizedmonthlyoveraperiodof years with interut thereon at , 3? %`-s per cent per annum or such rate which may be lower or higher as specified in 6uyers mortgage commitment. - Buyersagreetomakeimmediateapplicationformor[gageand[oezertreasonableeffortmucure financing.tfandwhenthelendingagencydetermincsthebuyer andJ or property docs not qua lify for said mongage loan this purchase agrecmcnt shall be null and void and all earnest money paid hereunder shall bc retumed to th buye?less a?y expenses incurred for appraisal and/or credit report. In the even[ buyers cannot secure a firm commitment Por such mortgage beforc ? 19 Ihis agreement shall terminale at the sellers option, which Seller shall have until O'clock (A.M., P.M.) ? f 19 ? to termmace this contract in writing or this contract shall remain in (u!l torce and effec[ until closing, subjec[ to the other terms contained herein. If this contnct shall so terminate th earnest money paid herein shall be refunded to buyer less any expcnse incurred by seller or agent for appraisal oS_ re i[ rcport. Sellers agree to pay r? -? percent of mortgage as insurance premmm to lending agcncy it applicable. Buyeragrea to pay -- - - percent of mortgage as insurnnce premium to lending?genc); if applicable. Seller agrees to,pay - "" percent of mort6aSeasdiscount Pointstolendin8 aBencY ifaPPIicable.BuYera8reesto PaY Percentofmort8a8easdiuount Pointstolendin8 a8eneY if ..'applicable. . ? Selleragrces to pey all special asussmenls of rccord, levied or pending a[ time of dosing. . . ?:-Subject toper(ormance by the buyer the seller agrea m ezecute and deiiver a Warranry Deed .-(to bejoined in by spouse, if any) conveying marketable tiile to said premises subject nnly to (he Collowing exceptions: (a) Building and ioning Inws. urdinanccy, Smte and Federal reguluiinn,. . (6) ReArictiom relating to use or imprmement o( premises withnut elfeetice lix(eimrt prun.iun. - - ,. (c) Resenalion of am'.minerals or mineral righis m Ihe Statc of Minnesmn. " . ,(d) Ulililg and drainage easemcnts which do nnt inter(ere Hith pre.em improaemenE>. . . (e) Rights o(tenants us fnlloxs (unlcss tipecified. not Subjca•t lo Iinancies) - The buyer shall pay ?? / 12ths of Ihe real estate taxes payable in the year 19 and the selltt sha? pay •?"'"` J 12ths of the real -esta t espa}•ableintheyearl9 .Ihesellershallpay;in(ullanyin.tallmentso(speciulussessennpayable1apayable in the ?eer 19 .Seperw•arranlsthatrealtstalelaxesfonheyenrl9 wilibc -?-'^?'homesteadclassificaiion. . -?r,n?m o? ?omo-nom?.oa-.um . th mm?? real estace lazes , . Neither Bermel-Smaby, its agents, nor the seller oritsagenlsmakeanyrepruentationorwarranlywhAtsoeverconcerningthesmountotrealesLLtttaxeswhfch sball be asxessed against the properly subseyuent to Ihe the date of purchase. - Stller rorenants Ihat AuildinRs, if anp, are entireW within the bnundan linca uf Ihe prupert? and agreex m remm'e all perxonal pruperry' not induded iherein and aIl debris from Ihe premises prior to actual delivery of possession. ? - . -Theselier(unheragreestodeliverpossessionnotlaterthan? /??/A??7 proriJedthatallconditionso(thisagreementharebeencomplied with. llnless otherwise specified ihis salc shall be clnsed on or Aefore 60 duys from'the date hrrcof. . -- Intheeventihispropenyisdestroyedorsubstanti:diydamagedhylircoranymhercausebelorethcdo.ing date.thisagrcrmemshallbecomznullandcuid.at :.the purchaser i option. anJ all monies peid hercunder shnll bc rtlunded in him. The 6uyer and seller also mutually xgree chat ro rata ad'ustments of rcnts, interes[. insurance and citc water. and. in the case o( income propeny, currcnt ' _operating expenscs, shall be made as of .Thesellershall.withinareasonablctimcafterupprovalllflhisagrermem.(urni>hunab.vaci nl'titlenraRegisiercdPropcrtv :\bstractceniliedtoda[cio include propersearcha covtring banknipicies, and Stateund Federnijudgments und licnx. The bucershall heullowrd 10 da%salrer receipt I hereo(for r.wmination otsaidlilleandthemakingoLmyobjection.thereto.saidohlectinnstohemadeinwritingurdeemediohcwaiced.ifumohieciionsare.omadethrsellenhullbr . alloaed 120 days to make such titie markeWblc. Pending currcc(ion oRitlc ihc paNmrnts hereunder rcyuired zhall be po.Iponed. bm upun corratinn of title and :within ID davs ufter wriurn nniice tu ihe buyer. the parties shull per(orm ihis agreemem accurding tn its term.. - 1[saidtilleis no[markelahleandisnolmadesowithin120davsfromthedateolw riuenobjrninmtherctousabmeprocided.thisugreementshalibrnullund . void.andneitherprineipulshallheliablefnrdamageshereundertolhen[herprincipnL.411mone)'Ihereto(nrzpaidbcthebu)'ersh:Jlhzrefundrd.IllhelitlttosaiJ ,. propertybefoundmarkciahlcnrbc.omadca'ithinxnidtime.and.aidhuycrshalldrfaWtinancofehcagrecmentsandcuNinueindel'aWiloraperiodo110days. - then and in that cau the uller may terminate (hi. convaci nnJ on uch wrmination aII thr pacments made upnn this cnntrao >hall be mtained by said seller and said agcm, asthcir respcctivc intcresb muc appcar. as liyuideicd Jamages, eimcbcing of Iheessencr hrreo(. Thix procision.hall noi depme eithtr panr nl ihe right o(enforcing the specific performance of this cumraa provided such contracl sh:ili noi be terminoteJ as a(nresaid, und prmided actiun to tnforer such specil'ic performance shall be commenced within six mon[hs a(ter such right of actiun shall arise. Il u understood and agreed that the undersigned agent is in no mxnnrr liable or responsible on accnunt-oGthis agreement. excepc m remrnor account (or the earnesl money paid under this contracL Seller please INITIAI. Ih< followinR: Seller xnrranls Ihal the property is dicectly connected to citysewer" . _-_?jcity water ---`-=L. SeUei warranls Iha1 tll ?pplivncar, heatinR,-a'naondflloningwiring 9nd plum6ing used-and4oawtedonsaid premisessrein proper-svorkingconditiort aliime of closing . BeJen¢knowledgesthatntipiiorrepiesentationeh3vE'been-madebre'rthmlhesellermhisaQentsregnrdinRpossi6leprobiemsxithleakaReorseepogeofwaterin thebasementoflheabovedescribed.property:andihalb"uyErreliexwlelyinlhalregurdonthefolluwingslatemml6v lhesellertha45eller._ hadawtl - basement.during thaperiodof.owMrb6ip.-{BUYER-AND SEI.LER-PLEASE`iNIFl.41:}-?.-^s_=------."'"`--- . "" ""'°" The delivery o( all papen and monies shall be made at ihe of(ice o(: BERMEL-SMABY fteahy, Inc. ' ., I, the undersigned, owner o( the above land, do heroby approve the above agreement and the sale thereby made. . ' f. . . . . _.. _... _ . . Sru.•, .. - (SEAL) +t??4,,PA-l25 BERMEL-SMABY Realty, Inc. By Agent , I hereby agree to purchase the +aid property (or the priee and upon the terms above mentioned. and subject to all conditions herein (SEAL) j - (SEAL) (SEAL) scn.. .. ay.. . THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT UIYDERSTOOD. SEEK COMPETENT ADVICE. . .., INSURED/CONVENTIONAITYPE a . ? ? , ' EXTERIOR ETdVII,OPE AVERA6E "U" COHPUTATION `.. , ` • ; ?>.: oWnaEx.- _ `.3.? , . . SI'PE ADDRF.SS _...? _ CONTRACTOR . DATF PHON? t . : ?^ Determiae working square foo!age of each. . Total expo L sed wall area ..... ? SS 88 sq. ft. x •1? = 3Z° 'R? '. „ . `.t 2. ' Total roof/ceiling area ... _. l ofo? sq. ft. x --.? = 3-°°J 4 3 ? . Total exposed xall area above floor = ? • 21"1?? E p a. Total dell yiadov-area ........................... r ? . , . ? b Total duor area ...... .......................... ?.7.. o; Total eiiding_glasadoor area.. ........ . d. Total fireplace wall area .... .... e. To#al: wa21 framing area (sve;age 10%)....... f. Total net wall a;ea above floor .................. 1L3?(0 g.Total. . rim joiat area ............................ t7Co - ?; ,. rky; , qC * ?-f v Total exposed Youndation:area = ? h.. Total Youadation windod area :...:......:.......:. /3,•Z " , ` ', '?`?° Total net foundation area above grade. •........ Determine "U" value of each wall segment. - ' ? i , . . ' . • . ' !` ? i <y'' g "p„ „S3 = )Is ;zz,• ' a ',? . ? /, /^? 7? X r1U11 ?_ ?y?(?D b ' a +? t .. ? • '' . . ' f 0 X nUn . S? _ Zl • 2p ` , c " ?? ? X IIUtf (J c - d• Y! . ? ? X flUti i189 = L2,3S ? F3 ;, ?,? c. ` Y4 liUs, i ?,3 r - ? .,g nUn. 13, 2 XilUf, h . ?( I1U11 dk?? y ? T ? . t • f a0 , , - ? ? • .,C?^ 4 1 ! ? Yi . ........ . ??f ? 2f?3•S? ` ............. ...........s.... Total , ? ?. r x . ; S _...5 i ite # met the.intent of or less thaxi item #1, you have the same as s m 3 60o6(c)2. . , 5 N ? 5 ? j H ' . . . . •' . ? y •-f { . ,`4V#j, i1F d i 4 ? . .. ? , ye N/? }i .,... ? rx? . t? .l .. ? 1 atetl?yi. !.'?..FFn.t4'i. ; .. ? '4 ' _. . . •f 5 ?1.3?? Y 5 fl??? y a$ oq REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ?Ift ea-00007:04 , Sae Q'nstructions foi comple?ing ihis torm on back of vallow copy. y3,6 O ? 7.?' 2 ela .Wo ? v re by Ts R Add Bep. Type ol Building APPliances Wiretl Equipmant Wired Home Range Temporery Service Duplex Water Heater Lightinp Fizmres Apt. BuilAing Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Fumace Si!o Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm oine, pecj v Oine, isueclNl t r Spcuty Uther Othcr Compute lnspection Fee Below N Pee Sarvice Enhence5ize B Fee Fendars/5vbieetlers tt Fee Circuits -0 to 200 Am 5 0 to 30 Am 5 0 tn 30 Am s Above 200_qinp;; 31 to 700 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Swinuning Pool Above 100_Amps A Transiormers Irrigation Booms • PartiaL'Other Fee Signs Specialinspection SD $ 40 Femarks 3 T E d• Foueh-in Date, the iwl n5paclOf, heraby cartity thei [he above Final pection has been s ?1 tle" Thlt reQuest voi01B monitn fmm This reques[ void l fIzgO n 18 monffis from ? Afl7.r)''1 w LtU- ill OJerJK? ??S ? `/?• (JZ7 Request Date Fire No. R?yghelnsver.tion E]Ready Now;<Will Notily, Inspeo- - ?y ?'Yes ?No tor When Ready ? Licensetl Eleclrical Conlractor 1 hereby requesi insoection ot above XOwner elactrical work installed at: Street Addre/ss, Bo/x or Route No. Ciry ??% Gc%C!e r7<rrrc?c+?J' Xp?, SC, ?ry -i4/? ecunn o. Township Name or No. Range No. County r.4 OccuVani (PRINT) Phone Nu. ow SupoIier Adtlress lectr i al C onttactor ICy ?e) rC [u uauV-M2I dL? Contrar.tor's License No. / / " ? ? ? '.+?l?1?? Mailinp Address ICOnVactor or Owner Makine lnstaiiatinnl 3 0f Cr9 ?. s.%, •?T IC'/SirL- , M.? 'Ay Authori Sign ure (COn[racj odOwn r Ma ' aI??stal ation) Phone Numbor ,?-- ?Z?,/ .----- 9: - ?3-? 9 MINNESOTA STATE BOAPD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griges•Midway Blde. - poom N-191 " . BE ACCEPTED BY THE STqTE BOAflD UNLESS PROPEN INSPECTION FEE IS 1821 University Ave., S[. Peul. MN 55104 Phona (612; 297-2171 ENCIOSED. PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA140750 Date Issued:01/19/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 731 Golden Meadow Rd Lot:3 Block: 1 Addition: Golden Meadow PID:10-30590-01-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Carmin J Pluntz 731 Golden Meadow Rd Eagan MN 55123 Champion Plumbing 3670 Dodd Rd., #100 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 365-1340 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature