735 Golden Meadow RdCASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE 19 RECHIVED FROM AMOUNT $ I ?'.f ?L/?VLUWK/ & DOLLARS ? 100 ? CASH ? CHECK FOR 4 r FUND CODE AMOUNT l Than You " BY White-Payers Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy Site a? ?o a? c d c 3 O PERMIT q PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: LL? ???'I 'RACT PRICE PHONE: 454-8100 ddress -'`• r4 ^ BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Block Sec/?Sub Res. ? New <;?;.. -, Mult. Add-on -?' Name Comm. Repair Address ? . Other II City Phone '- ?- ? RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Name : i5 "i C 5? -Water Closet - $3.00 $ Address 1 - Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 City ? ? Phone FEES COMM/IND FEE - 196 OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BIDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MiNIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYONO $1.000.00) FOR: CITY OF EAGAN Shower - $3.00 Ki!chen Sink - $3.00 Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 Floor Dralns - $1.50 Water Heater - $1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIn Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: ' ? • (,: ? STATE S/C: ? C /cf ? 1??,'?GFi'AND TOTAL• ? . •`? r . ?.? ? ciTr oF EAcn?N ? 8795 Pilat Knob Read Esyon, MN 55122 N2 5055 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT RecetPt # Tw V wr fee 17-x s? r.. t, r`:3??C'C?Fe+ Vnl??n ?^ r?'-if1 ? DnfP . 19 A4 7-15 -dtv?? Site dress 4 74?=-??? t ' Q • OtcupanCY , ? . q Y ? Lot Biock _? Sec/Sub. a ?'sta+..r,s Alter ? Zoning T' ?t , P??i # Repnir Q Fire Zone Enlarge ? Type of Const. T'azl- T2 +arr? m Name Move ? # Stories W z qddrow Demolish r.n,.6 ? I""1 Front ft. DPnth ft. ? Name ?? Addross : . . . T? • Assessment ? r..., w,,,,,e 4?.3--3459 Water & Sew. Name read Pol ice Firo ? ?- Eng. Planner Council _ ond state that gldg. Off. oli opplicable ,,,,,,.- APC - Permit Surcharge Plan check. - SAC Woter Conn. aNater.l?el ?--?? I Total ' ' ` " _ : ' `_ `a' `'1'` N 1. ' on the express condition thot opplicoble Stote of MinnesoTO Statutes and City of Eogan Ordinonces. Stnte of Minnesoto 5 Signoture of Permitt A Building Permit is is oll work sholl be done Building Officiol _ P..mie # oea b...a ..Mnt.. Plumbing f,?.-7a' Mechanical / - 3' 1-1 v ., r I ? `??'S ? ( ? - .5 s?t -Lt- INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rough-In Find Footings Dote 1 Dota Irop. Foundotion _ Plumbing ? JSi w.r 3-d .? Frome/ins. -? Mechonicol Finol - Remorks: ?r-.- ( , ?r ?x / I CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addicion nvervieg F.sta c Replat Loc Bik 2 Parcel #10 56210 O90 02 Owner J•' ?." -' treet 75 "E'?lden Meadow ?S]1B 5tate Raga? Mn 55123 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF.S I 1981 3242.41 216.16 15 p_ STREET RESTOR. GRADiNG SAN 5EW TRUNK * SEWER LATERAL s D WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 280-00 rC0071 57 - STORM SEW TRK 552.37 x STORM SEW LAT 981 ' CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK , CITY OF EAGAN ? • 3795 Pilot Knob Road Fagan, Minnesoto 55122 Phone: 454-8100 STMIC PERMIT Dcte: 11"5^-79 Site Address; 715 Safklle Stxmet Lot Block _ I Name . c O ..,.? ? C-; Addreu ' City Phone: Name . $ ? Address C1.1f f '*.?t e 0 City Phone: This Permit is issued on the express condition that a)I work sholl be Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Sub/Sec. No. I Receipt No.: Single I Residential Multi Res., Comm./Ind New/Alter./Repair Cost of Installation ? • r, Permit Fee r, n Surcharge ` Toto I done in actordance with all applicable State of Building Officiol CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilof Knob Road Eagan, Minnesofa 55122 P6one: 454-8100 PIII"BIWI PERMIT No. 1283 1. 7F9(l Receipt No.: Single Residential Date: '?-1?-7$ Site Addreu: ? Lot 735 Saddle Stre-,-t ' Overviea L`stttes Block Sub/Sec. _ Name "Lark DMu'' e Address st"ict ? City `'`a- In Phone: N e _ ?r?`? . Address '74; So• FbhEX't "tJ• ? '. e 0 ? ti? . - r"; •.?_ -•,?.. City Phone: This Permit is issued on the express condition that oll work shall be rvlinnesota 5tatutes and City of Eogon Ordinances. Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I New/Alter./Repair. Cost of Installation Permit Fee 20'0r Surcharge Tota I done in accordance with all opplicable Stnfe of Building Official , CITY OF EAGAN . 3793 Pilof Knob Road .-rprj -r7:.fir.p: - ? r-? .-,• : ? •r•?•. Eagan, Minnesota 55122 - Phone: 454-8100 PERMIT No. ?'?`•' - Date: '' ?' 3--79 7'5 SaNll.@ Strek--t Site Address: i Lot Block Sub/Sec. 'm-_zview ?:s•tates _ Receipt rvo.: 11932 5ingle Residential ? Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I Nome Durm New/Alter./Repair. ? ?'7?n •?`~ l?I??'? ; Address Cost of Installotion O City Phone: ? Permit Fee ? . Name ? an Surchorge ? Address So. ?bIX'r+' i e 0 City Phone: Total This Permit is issued on the express condition that all work shall be done in otcordonce with all applicable State of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. Building Official OF EAGAN Pilot Knob Road MN 55122 PERMIT NO.: ,. DATE: No. of Units: ess: -- Address `, ,?,«zVieYt ,'qt ber. fo eompiq with fhe City of Eagan e of Insp.: Connettion Charge: Acwunt Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surchorge: Misc. Charges: Total: Date Poid: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVIC E PERM IT 3795 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT NO.: F.ogan, MN 55122 DATE: Zoning: No. of Units: Owner; Address: Site Address: Plumber: Meter No.: Connection Char9e: Size: Account Qe osit p : Reader No.: Permit Fee: I agree to eomply with {he City of Eagan Surcharge: Oedinanees. Misc. Clwrges: Totol: ? BY Date Paid: WOD CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Kno6 Road Eagon, MN 55122 PHONE:4S48700 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt .# r_ v..." .... SF Dwlci. & CxaracTeF?r_vci„e 42,000. , oate- Site Address Lot / " Block 2- Sec/Sub. Ponpal # Plat 56200 z Nome Mdx'k DUmn ? Sddd1E StY'c2t 3 Addrea o _.. Eaaan 890-5131 ? Nome U. ?<'`-"' `.i"'SU. V? ?d?? 12790 Dodd Blvd. i- Ci RDSOi[T)lIIlt PMne 423-3459 ?w Name Drdf'k1ri4 EtC ? x? Addre az C.ty ?as gs, MN ? 43?2161 I hereby acknowledge t ie reaa th apP Cation ana uare cnvv the informotion is c rect an agree com I with alI opplicable State of Minnewta (atutes _ty, o4 E ?Ordinonces. StgnMUre of PermiA A Building Permit is i! all xrork shall be done Bullding Officfal = N° 5055 Erect 2 Occupancy ^ '- Alter ? Zoning RI i R Fire Zone 3 r ? epa Enlarge ? Type of Const. V Move ? # Stories Dercwlish ? Front 54 ft. Grade ? Devth 40 ft. Approvab Fees Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner CDuneli Bldg. Off. APG ), Pertni[ --? Surchorge Plan check?- 5AC Water Conn. Wster_M?qr i?x u t Total J. Barton Constniction CA. on the express condition that daRce wkth`?ll aPVliwble State of Minnewta Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. RESIDENTIAL BUII.DING q) ? Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 New Construction ReouiremenLS RemodeVReoair Reauirements Offce Use Onlv 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq. tt. of house; and all rooted a2as 2 copies of plan CeA of Survey Recd (20% macimum bt mverage allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculations for healed additlons Tree Pres Plan Recd 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, atc. 1 site survey for addifions & decks Tree Pres Not Reqd 1 set of Eneyy Cakulations AddiUon - irMicate rl on-site septic system _ On-site Seplic System 3 copies of Tree Preservalion Plan'rf lot platted aNer 711193 Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheel (bldgs with 3 or less uniLs Date L / 0 7 / 0-s Construction Cost J? ? V3 Site Address C-ojc{t h m eq do y,- N? ? UniUSte # .'`i c) ec? ?n c?lU)U `( s U () (, & .- - - o D cription of Work Je?r d CY o i- ?G wi ?i h o? C? t c ' idi n n 1 C IkfC Mrn-L W[n OW Property Owner ctr?f J C) ti q k-lo v% Telephone # ( ) Contractor ?.? vO C2 n GL ?' d .l- k L Address City r'1 ?IS State ¢'vl ?l Zip ?Jr ??d b Telephone # (6 J? ) 7ZT 6 s-3 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (4 submissiontype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #( Telephone # ( Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Aesidential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to sYart without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved pl in th as of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? 04 r x '5 J ' J t r61iC ApplicanYs Printed Name Applic Signature ? / DATE /! - 0 - Z0 BtlILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Addresa da.?i !v 5' .cor U ?z1 ?Ci.cl,cJ -- ? 1b be used far 41e- 10m • Valuation? ?/? l ? T`ccen 7Z? Gs,v?c, ? Site Addresc: 'YLe?a'Li.? . Lot ? Block ? See. Sub. ?SParcel Numbgr??? ;C O? Owner ?Ak?'K U ?1?? TelepMne d p% ?131 Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations and 1 set f enerqy caleulations. -?i? ? cr o Contractor cc% ?f3.Gia,c) lBhSi". ----.?.-. - Addzeae i O TS,7J T s /? i?eJ/? Arch./hlnq. ?,CRf7t/.4 zfe' ? Address ,?/R STr,ca 9 /?-/ e.t3 ?f ? Fsect - /V ? Alter taepbiz Fhlarqe Mova flenclish Grade OFFICE USE oate of roval ? Initial Assessment ? ?• Nater/Sewer Police Fire ?9 • Plannflr Cvuneil Bldq. Off. A.P.C. Telephone -? Telephone 4137 °7/ 6/ . ? 3- Mice vss pccupartCyr / 2oning Fire Zone 3 iype of Const. i/ i of Stories Fiant pepth .? 0 Pezmit / =` o Surchar4e 'piart (;heck SAC F?aiBl CoM. 47eter Meter --- TOTAI. ' -?; Q; 3830 DILOI KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5519211197 PHONE: (612) 454 -81IX7 fAX(h12) 4549363 July 31, 1991 To Whom It May Concern: THOMASEGAN M&yor DAVID K. GUST/.FSON oa.Ew nnctaEO. TIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACHIER CWncil Memhers iFqNJS HEDGES Ci1y Adminislra[a EUGENE vAN OVERBEKE City Clerk The City of Eagan has received waivers of assessment hearing allowing the City to specially assess 1/3rd of the tax forfeit special assessments from Outlot A of Overview Estates Replat. The owners and properties to be assessed are: Lot S, Block 2, Overview Estates Replat Patricia and Willard Percy, Block 2, Overview Estates Replat and Steve.Mereness, l Lot 10, Block 2, Overview Estates Replat Patricia and John Todd. Since these waivers have been executed, the City considers the tax forfeit assessments of outlot A, Overview Estates Replat to be adequately addressed, and has no objection to the closing takinq place. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, E. J. VanOverbeke J It Finance Director/City Clerk ?0 ?4f., cc: Patricia & Willard Percy Lynn & Steve Mereness Patricia & John Todd EJV/vmd a l,t o? o ? rt 14? , a.. ., ? C ?bID THE LONE OAK iREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGiH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equol OpporTunity/Alfirmative Aclion Employer _700a RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 ? i°-t3. aS New Construdion Reauirements RemodeVReoair Reauirements Ofrice Use OnN 3 registered site surveys shaxiig sq, ft of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan CeR of Survey Recd (20°/a maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 set of Errergy Calcula6ons for heated additlons Tree Pres Phan Recd 2 capies of plan showing beam 8 window sizes; paured found design, efc. t site survey for additions & decks Tree Pres Nat Reqd 1 set of Eneqy Cak;ulafions Addilion • indicate ilon-site sepGt system _ On-sde Septic System 3 copies of Tree Preservatlon Plan if lol platted after 711193 Rim Joist Detail Oplions 5elecUon sheet (bldgs with 3 or lass units Date ? / ? / 0-?_ ,I Construction Cost 00c) O0 ' Site Address ? UniUSte # Descriptlan oC Work N" 69,Ar A& C? • _ Vlul[i-Family Bldg _ YZN Fireplace(s) 1 _ 2 Property Owner k/1 r- t-xA M c , 66/ aVak+c1/1 Telephone # ({?) Contrac[or 1? • ?. ? ??-?? L ? Q ' ? ?jL' . Address ? y' ???? City State 11/• Zip .55 'I Telephone#((QJ7.)?c)-9'6IOS? 9-oc COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF Energy Code Category - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 • Residential VenUlation Category 1 Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7672 . New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Telephone #( Telephone # ( Telephone ?( ._. - f' I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the infor?4tion is complete_and_?ccurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City oftagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of pl e ? `, -v <Z---> /?tl,?.? ? N?-f ll Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex X 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Yor_ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement valuation jgLal7 Census Code y 3 ? SAC Units Nbr. of Units Nbr. of Bldgs Type of Const it IS)-_ ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 EM. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (FOUndation) ? 45 Fire Repair 13 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors "Demolition (Entire Bidg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Occupancy Zoning Stories Sq. Ft. Length Width _ Footings (new 61dg) Faotings (deck) X Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Framing J? Fueplace _ R.I. Air Test _ Final Insulation MC/ES System City Water Booster Pump PRV . Fire Sprinklered REQtiIRED INSPECTIONS FinallC.O. ? FinaUNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC O[her _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Siding Smcco Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Retaining Wall Approved By Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review ' MClES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total I, 'rO Yl4= Tlaw 4, `., QEIMAR"t: SCHWA?VZ 'LANOStAvEVOq ?. . • s }- ?$,? a'. '? ?. ' _' ?; . RN?{tuW UnGr L(rf Qf TM SNU W MNMw?? 7? . . .... -. .• -- + N6IS SOUTN ROdEA7 TRAIL P.O. SOX Y ROSEMOUNT. MN/NE/OTA i60lt -"?NONE 4,12 493-1Tei . . , . ` .. : . 1 0 - . . .a ?. 5 ? . .^ .. ' - . - .. .. . , ,. ? ?? ?? • "a fFl ??'?. 8URVEYOR'S CERTIFIGTE 'C p 9 ? $ 702g'35'W y???clt '' --? • ? ? ? 30, b ? ?• s re ?-- s, 3CAI,y: 1 inch aw lfla fee? ? ?.%a Elevations are exlstinB ...?, _ Z 22 HOTE: Minimturt City oP Fgan eetbapks A_: i r Z C N W N N .t P'ront- 30 ft. ?'?' ao Vg S' o? x 9"? B 3 C k- 30 Pt• ?? ? « g ? ? _j?ole Noace Side- 10 ? '° Ft 12 6Ar S % No esisting buildinga veithin 5 ft. ; ? a?'3`'? YD O f 1 O t. . ^ _ „ a w Propose@ Pirst floor e2ev. 444.0 LO T 2 _. T hereby Oertlfy th8t th18 18 "a trtite b? ' u and earrect repreaentatbn of Lot 2, .k e? o DrBinage dc BloCk l, 078RV2?i E3TAT83, ".acsoordls?? ??= ? =g utillty easementel ? ?to Lhe reaorded plat thereof, Da?so" a ounty, Mlnrtesota. • ? _? ri _ -? . _;, ?? . . . . . ' . ? ' .. .: `b' . R p EAGAN > - ? t py - 77 - .. /1 . °.I • ? : . O>'a7E . ?. . . .. ? ri '; 30 BUIL91NG INSPEGTIONS DEPT .. ? -. : x. . .. . o-a . , q?i ? 3 SGlQ?4B NO'01'4a^ w .? M1 ? ? Y'r• ?k r_ ,?? . ?? ' - " ? • ;+ '` 7i?o?'0 P=epa=ed By: D ELMAR H. SC H WANZ IANO SUNVEI'ORB. INC. MpbtoW U? Lnn of 7M 9tm d MMnrMffi 11750 SOUTH P08ERT TRAII ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55088 SUfiVIcYOR'S CERTIFICATE r1 ? ?- ? i I .? ? ? CL ? ? ?-' ? ? k- ?n7 . ? 4J ? rh ? ? ?j ?- - - - i - ? -64L I I Preliminary plat: GOIaEN l7AADOii ADDITION Owners/ Developers: Patricia & Willard Percy 795 Golden MeadOw Road Eagan, MN 55123 Lynn & Steve Mereness 735 Golden Meadow xoad Eagan, MN 55123 Patricia & John Todd 731 Golden Me3dow Road Eagan, MN 55123 I hereDy cartity thM 1MS suney, plen, or rspoA wss propareE by me or uMer my Clrset aupervVslon anC Met Iam a duly Rspistsrsd LanO Survsyor under Us faws of 1M State ot Minmsote. Datsd 05-30-91 EtZ/4231799 r?? I\? 1? Scale: 1 inch = 100 f ? <o , ; Qutlot A [o be 50 incorporated. Present and proposed r zoning R-1, PD j so I ? New lot sizes Lot 1 25,992 Sq. ft. Lot 2 25,979 Sq. ft. Lot 3 29,164 Sg. ft. NOTES: 1. There is a single family residence on each of the platted lots. 2. All lots are served by city utilities. 3. No site grading will be done in conjunction with plattinq this property. Lot 8, Block 2, OVERVZEW ESTATES REPLAT Lot 9, Hlock 2, OVERVIEW ESTATES REPLAT Lot 10, Block 2, OVERVIEW ESTATES REPLAT Dakota County HRA Outlot A, OVERVIEW ESTA'TE! Rosemount, MN. REPLA' it" w Dslmar H. Sehwenz . Minnewfa Raplslntlon No. 111625 Z ? `, x 1 a ' ? \? J n 0 , XN z ? . < ?y • .. . . ._ ... . ? i ?J ? o ' j o I • ? 'J?- 380.35 N 8 41&"E 1 _` 173.52 \J . ?a40 x 00 7 360.05 JN 89046 b5 E 1i,i! 1 17 / I _? , I i+ ? . r. I QC' ' ^? _? ,irl • 0? i? p ? m . . I u?l Wtlr ? r. (r i. ' :? .'c _ ( • . ? • - ? ?? ? (bS ??] _. O ? ' I ? 01 . . O _ . r ? .. ° so so 9d _ j ? ? ? rrl -- 6 :59 T SPUTHe LIN , qr ? I ? ??j \ ? .°, • 5!' ! . o ?i , ? ?? ' ' ? ' N T1i OF o R ? t _702_10 ?'"'? i) s ?z \SADDLE • TREET # o. •, Q , rf71D.04 +? -? ;"• - .- . .. _._ M ?--a ' I 1 O ? ?m? op PT ?334.03FT+'?ASTOF t cFaihacaaaC i itIr? (.1, ' :et.fME.yv . .\ , O ... WEST L1NE S??F N.W.I/4 ` ? o I'$ereb? ce'rt hi? ia a true ar{8. co t, reI esentation of %, f t \2, Block ? OVERVT3SW - , ae on i?i.le ?d oP eo I,o drd in the oYPice oP ttie ow}t?f?s d ?ot?a.ttounty nne?stl s. ? , ?? `? '?; w 0..18-77? ??? I ? j A I ` .? • 0 \ ? ?. " - ? ' ' ?• y . • '? / ` Sc anz,. I,g._ No b25 • Q ? ? _ ti ,?y? ' 2o97 1 s?n s?ts weat ?? 589?4•28.W Certificate for: - Mark Dunn DELMAR H. SCHWANZ I..ANOSVfiVEVOR RepislarW UnGar Laws of Tlle Staie O/ Minn?ta 14616 90UTH NOBEHT TRAII P.O. BOX M ROSEMOUNT, MINHESOTA 65088 9'90 ? Ze ?. 96 ---_ ? W 0 P?N ?P 0 a ? . ? I Vp'?" 3 a 0o / 0°g a 0ro yo a r ?I u g ? m A'?y ?' - 0 [?i?> -k LOT 2 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ? 30 PNONE 674 429-1789 j SCALE: 1 lnch > 100 feeti Elovationn are e xlstfnr NOTE: P-?inimwn City of E{! -m oetbackr, ont- 30 ft. F r n ,,, 94\2 tQk. 30 ft. fX Sidc- 10 ft. I No exiat1.ng huildings within 5 ft. W oP lot. N i m Propoaed Plsat floor elev. 944.0 z Z hereby ccrtiPy that thio ic a tru- and corroct repreaentutbn of I Lot 2, a Drainage & Slock 1, QVERVI?'?i ?TATFS, according m utility easementol ? to the rocorded plat thereof, Dakota ? n County, fRinneoota. m -I wi Z y4 ? --- ? ? 0 I ?61 p 9 ? N n ? I 10 9? O 1 9?y1 3 220.48 NO°OI'45"W ? J/{? .l?y?/•?.? 1 ???/f?:;'.? ' MINNESOTA REGISTRATION NO-8825 ? , HEA4 66SS CALCUVITIO??? ?4FPARTMFN[ OFBUILDINCS •' A.S.Ii.V.?. --_ - 9 j ?Veatfieruri?a., Cuide Conatrnatroo No. I _ --- Vmdows Doo n RsEerenu Out Waq ]nt. WaU C.eams Roof Floor Kind 6W'6'1 -yet-1Vo 19_ ? :77 . , ` -- Wnidowi ?nd?Door?-Cracke ?e ? ?ree . x+tr t a o? I {N K IIfAIs s wnw M enal? r.• N. tt. ?^?i" ? s':t <•.•? 7'? }' X?'?•'" 1 Y?r+::', $ f . A , r 4 "F ? ?.+: ` : ' ?k?,. . '?5•' ':ti . Z ?p3' ?~? Y? ?? ?T << Coef. Bm 460 48 L ' Fsp. wall, ', ?,-'° . ' ( Z 91,0 CEiHn6 , .'?'r u, l Flpp[n. y?'• ? t ,y.,?,+ha'i ?TM?, TWW Wv.., Retjiiircd sq. &. ED.R oi sg. ioti W.A. Leidei area=: 1'zw/t? _•' ?-T( LLAOwfhoA DooractaYe and Area ? :1?a •(he. i?.....• - KAM No. ef ItfTN. ooI ft. . otttwY Area p. tt ' t4? .=.1., . . . ?yl . 'nFl. Coef. tu a6ep? ' IGb Oba .r- "u' F:m Jkt'ex0. wao Iot waU u ce;rt,,.;-, . 1 Ftoa+ . ' . 7a.. y's y ei sq. ins. WA l.eader arca mm L.ength 18 Widt6 1: -Crackax aed Aiea t ?. . a oe A[An ?LtnW [6 ' ot¢riet , wrea s0. f1. . a'1 r- ? C I ' lAC DtV uµ . ? ...:: -, -? . r ? ' • . . t .. ? ..3Y ?? ' ?. , ? ?. . ht, ?? i.+=i •,r FlOOI?+A.. _ . ToW Bta `, Raqdted aw (L E.D.EL or sq. ins. W.A. Lader area VILtAGE OF BURNSVILLE insulation ^ -? -- Fl.1 ?1(IN?Room?Length /Z_.Width ? -. Vrindows and Doors---Crackaqe and Area y Na - Wldlh of pan, Hclrhl o[ pan? No. o[ 116hu Llneet (t. ot creck Are? ea. It. . . ` Coef. ' Bta Inhltratioo sts.6 Glas? --- - /? ExP. wall -- ? Ntt up. wall -- int. wall - . Ceilin8 . ';?,. ' . . ?..,p ?W Z . . Zi: Floor ' TOtaI BtW . ' Rcquired sq. ft. E.D.R: or aq. ins. W.A. Leader arca • f FLMI oom I 1-ength /y Width /d H? ei ght Wmaowe ana uoors- ?racaa ge ana nr ea - . ,. Nw ...tci?tA o( D??• Helghe ot p?n? Na. o[ 1?Chb Llneal [l. ef craek ' Ana w- «. - . ???-. . _ _ . . .. , . - ?tn Infiltratiai a / Glau /Z F?cp. wefl Nd exp. wsl! - Int. wall Ceiling / t Fleor Total Slu. Reguired tq. ft. F D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. I.eader area Rum I Leng[h S WidthJ? Wiudows and Doorr?rackaQe end Arcs Na R'IaIA otDan* HelsFl of O4o0 No. o[ Ilinls Llnsal ft. ef vaek Arei ay. tt . . .. . cOc Infiltratioa - ` Gfau?, .? Ezp. wab Nd exp. w:U Int wall Ceiling - - Z ' . FlOO? . Tefal &n. Requiied w• h. E.D.R. or ap. ins. W.A. Leader arca I ..? . + • I??J ` ,-!' . . -. . ?JY/V T LA.CS CAtn(AT[ONS DEPAR7MFM OF BURDINGS VIIIAGE OF BURNSVILI! ' Weadurslript : A Guide . Construction No.: -- Insulation 41oon Re[ercnce put. Wa11 Int. Wa11 Ceaiog . Roof Floor I Kind How Applie< -. ? ?•n Roae l.engt6 .'4S' ..Wukh . '- r Nai1u p.,. FI.? r? . Room Length Width Height aqd Donri--Cracluige nnd 'u ? ; ' ? s?-, '.x • , . ° q VTindows and Doors-Craclcage and Arca M•W HMP?.' tlf 1a' o[~flRtt YK ?•' - '?'^. r?': -' 0 4;v;' y ? - T ? ? - $w+ J?:ij : e' t,, ?+??? a.VCi. }? ? IXY .'t. >w.n ?ff?;? ? ? ,... 426 ??' F... ???..?.. . ' . sq. k.,E.D.R.' or iq. ins. W.A. I.cader ara h Fl oom Length /p Width /(i Hight ndows and Doors--Crackage and Atea PWGF. UlY tioO ! al) . IR4 i _ J.i t. wall - il.,... . .. - . T equired sq. f6 E.D.R. or aq. ine. W.A. Leader area F7. Room I Length Width Hcight Wiadows aod Doort-Craclcage and Area _ I 1\ Height N. ot • Ot M eI ftn. II[h4 •: K : p r,aU t e:pi. waU ,.• a??...., . •A.4 . Btu epui?ed sq. EL E.D.R. or aq. ias. W.A. Leadet area I Na Wldth ot pan, Height Of paM Na ot IIghIs Llneal [l. ? et cract A e? sy f4 , Y ... ` r ?. . . CoeE Btu lnfillration . Glaas ' ?.:..,. exa,,,an Net e:p. wall = - Inl. wall Ceiling . ' Floor ?Iotal Bta ' . Required aq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Leader area Fl.I Room I l.enqth Width ' Height Windowa and Doora-CraekaQe and Area ' No. H'IdtA o[ Dan* Height ot Pana No. o[ Ii6h4 Lina.l [t of cr.ck Area N.[4 - ------ --- - - `- - - Coef. to - In6ltration ? Glau Exp. wall Net esp. wall Int. wall Ceiling Fl cor ? Total Btu. Required sq. ft. ED.R. or eq. ini. W.A. Leader aru _ FI.1RoomlLength Width Height - Windowe snd Doon--Cratkage and Ares ? NO. w9Elh e[ pan• HNht of Oan1 No. ot IILhU Llneal fL of vuck Are• ?p. ft. Coef. Btu Infiltratioo Gleu Exp, wall Net ezp. wall loG wall ? Ceiling Floor . Total Required p. f6 E.D.R. or sq. ine. WA. Lea&r arca ?-- Minnesota State Board of Electricity 79E2SJniversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55704-Phone 645-7703 . ' REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CHECK BELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST "R 42889 Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appiiances W'ved For Check Equipment Wired For Home - N ? ? Range ? Temporazy Wiring ? Duplex ? ? ? Water Heate[ (%] Lighting Fix[u[es ? Apt Bldg. ? ? ? Dryer ? Electric Heating ? Commercial Bldg. ? ? ? Furnace ? Silo Unloader ? Indus[rial Bidg. ? ? ? A"v Conditioner ? Bulk Milk Tank ? Fazm ? ? ? List ) ?, List Othec ? ? ? p } Heiersf p Hehesgi COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW,--" RINh`W?? Service Entrance Size: S Fee Feed ' bf ' s Fee Circuits: # Fee 0 to 100 Am s. 0 ` m s to 0 to 30 Am eres 301 to 200 Amps. 31 to 1' mperes 31 [o 100 Am eres Above 200 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Txansformers Remote Control C'vc. Paitial oi other fee ° Signs Special Inspection Minimum fee 'g0. ? Remazks F7-4-0 rn p{/ / _ s . TOTAL FEO.O ,? y0`` I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify (Final) This request void 18 months from been mad? p 7 e / a- ?i e 3 -I?- Jids requesc•void 18 months from r / c::Z/4 ,-Z 4, D Date of this Request / 02 '? 7k ? G? o? I, as ? Licensed Electrical Contractor O Owner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- /? ?? cal wiring installed at: ?Z_f g,Y U ¢-,\ ?_'(J t. . ee ? ? _ Z ? . . /_ Street Address or Route No. Section Township {Vhich is occupied by Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No ? Range County Yes 99 Ready Now ? Will Call 19' Power Supplier AoALw? Address ?Ye?2;•y-?'9?d-•..? Electrical ContractorAiw? Contractor's License No.?' 3S7(o/ ? (COmpany Name) Mailing Address ?O ilsD 6"-Z? Authorized (eiectHwl Controctor or Own4 R??? ? (D??? corf r owner Making Tnis Installatlon) z.? _ Phone No. kFThis Installation) This inspectian request will not be accepted by the State Baard unless proper inspection fee is enelosed. vThis request void 18 months from Date of this Request I, as Licensed Electrical Contractor OOwner, do hereby r( cal iring installed at: L?L g? ?? p Street Address or Route No. 7.5.5'=?62???'?lP> ? Section Township ia 7 s'/ R 42879 o, the ab ve electri- Range County 1Vhich is occupied by Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No10 Yes 0 Ready NowN Will Call ? Power Supplier ?6A4r?--Z2i.4?/pddress ? ? Electrical Contractor ? Contractor's License No.A-741 (COmpany Name) Mailing Address ,g 0'`f d Authorized Signature Liull No.J1,6,7 - Z/10 (nlectrlcal Contractor or owner MakingJfnls Installatlan) (? o /? p ?0(?? This ins ection re uest will not he acce ted 6 the S?(,`-',}??' D ?Op? State Board unleu praper inspection fee is enelosed. - " Minnesota State Board of Electricity ? 1954 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104-Phone 645-7703 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CHECtK BELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REOUEST /a 7 s1 R 42879 Type o[ BuOding New Add. Rep. Check Appliances W'ved For Check Equipmen[ Wired Fm Home ? ? Range ? Temporaty W'ving Duptex ? ? Water Hextex ? Lighting Fixtuxes ApL Bldg, ? ? ? Dryer ? Elec[cic Heating ? Commercial Bldg. ? ? ? Fumace ? Silo Unloader ? Industrial Bldg. ? ? ? Air Conditioner ? - Bulk Milk Tank ? Fazm ? [] ? ut L ) i Lis[ Othei ? ? ? p } Herelsl Heheis? COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BEL08?. Setvice Entrance Size: # Fee "' e SUi " . # Fee Circuits: # Fee 0 to 100 Am s 0eres 0 to 30 Am eres 101 to 200 Amps. 31 t_100 Amperes 31 to 100 Am eres Above 200_Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above l00 Amps. Transformeis RemoteConirolCiic. Partialorotherfee Signs Special lns ec[ion Minimum fee $5.00 ? d Remazks TOTAL FEE I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that the above inspection has been made. (Final) This request void 18 months from Date A)te PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA162217 Date Issued:07/02/2020 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 735 Golden Meadow Rd Lot:2 Block: 1 Addition: Golden Meadow PID:10-30590-01-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Timothy M Mcnaughton 735 Golden Meadow Rd Eagan MN 55123 (651) 452-9335 Centerpoint Energy 1240 W River Pkwy Minneapolis MN 55454 (763) 512-2765 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA162217 Date Issued:07/02/2020 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 735 Golden Meadow Rd Lot:2 Block: 1 Addition: Golden Meadow PID:10-30590-01-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Timothy M Mcnaughton 735 Golden Meadow Rd Eagan MN 55123 (651) 452-9335 Centerpoint Energy 1240 W River Pkwy Minneapolis MN 55454 (763) 512-2765 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature House heating test record Owner Irian Address A ,4161.0loov ' Jpt Controls Thermostat Ow 1 4 Heat plug Limit —H'(5 (-10 Valve Limit setting 11D Fan setting Pilot type Pilot make Pilot model Pilot timing G- 6ea e7 Gas design Pressure: Hi fire /Lo fire 35l1, 3 Make Av1)0 Mode/gib-1-4 JO 3 I %Percent CO2 ? I 1 g% p Serial no. IN 067,o I SZ 41 Input CFH -7 0 Input 'J 0l 0 a 0 Stack temp 109 City EAT) vi Heat loss Date htg. inst i611A)17 Sold by CenterPoint Energy Installed by CenterPoint Energy Electrical work by CenterPoint Energy Heat type 'A Q Space heater Gas line by CV ISfr ',- Unit heater Other Percent 02 % 1170 Percent CO 21flow) Conversion / Vent Size ?e Kind of liner/size CenterPoint Energy Draft hood / d veed Regulator Filters: Size/t X2j $/ Number l Chimney locations: (94iside 0 Outside Chimney construction0ll L Wiringard7 iC C / Test tag *,4 Lighting lnst Date tested 1/I /Zp7D Company testing CenterPoint Energy Tester's name kle,be Y) %L/G j 7 CNP 235 (11-2008) PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA168450 Date Issued:04/21/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 735 Golden Meadow Rd Lot:2 Block: 1 Addition: Golden Meadow PID:10-30590-01-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. We encourage you to retain an electronic copy of photos until the project passes a final inspection. *Roof permits issued between December and March will be inspected in the spring or when weather warms up. Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Timothy M & Mary Jo Mcnaughton 735 Golden Meadow Rd Saint Paul MN 55123--202 (651) 452-9335 Bison Builders Inc 10200 73rd Ave N, Suite 126 Maple Grove MN 55369 (612) 440-6000 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature