820 Great Oaks Lane. . . ' INSPECTION RECORD Control "°. 1189 T? CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: N'} 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: 00 ? k? 3111 ? Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: a tl/ 1? l?? (612) 681-4675 SITE AQDRESS: tOI v2 APPLICANT: , .. .. R;'A GRL AT OAK4 1.A{VE' MA11RFFt CtYN1ST xNC AIA1lGE TWE 4fU(1f?! ANf?°.i NORYW (612) 894-8904 - PERMIT S,YBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: ? iNSPECTION t 0) -r a N 0 ., . FRRMlMR .. fNSUT A 1 1 tlM FINAt F?7RfF"'1 /1r ? i ? F, t MAitt; -? - .; F, W C(lNl'RAC 1-QR -- f.AA'at)!! f xcnvnTtNQ ?: •?° ?5._ ?f ... . ., ' _ ' ?L Iy? ??I?- ?.a?_ l'.?1-J? ".?,?• ??,.J???'_ ._ ' ? ? "' °?? ?ill} ?- ??• ? L??!tV?3? ? • ...J.i u {. -.?-Lr: ? ti?2n ? _ ? ? LL Psrmit No. Psrmlt Holder bate Telephons 0 SNV PLUM8ING HVAC ?tjG r ELECTRIC ELECTRIC tnspectlon Date Insp. Commer?ts FW3ings t z "/(* 3 b S Foundatron Framing tK Ocaa ;. - O Roofing rrc c4 ?d,°¢,s :.,? c.cr. - -33 - Rcw9?, Pbp. Z - Rougn F??g. 3 f? ?9??. Ca•?-A: e.v z -i?-9,5 S Firepiaca Rrral Fftg. omat rOM Fnal Plbg. Plbg. pnspector - Notihr Plumber Const Meter Engr./Plen ?ldg. Fi,Hl Declc Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. aisp. Z I ? ?i ? ? -'e, 5 91 5 .i a7 Requef ata Frte No Rouq?/// nlnspection R?tl7 Yes ? N. O Reatly Now itl Nolify Inep? n R I licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of a6ove electrical Job ress (She¢t 9ax FoNe No I Qty { - Seclion No Township Name or No Rainge No Coun L Occu n? (PFINT? Pho Power SupOter AtlOress Ei m ai Comrac ?(COmpany ame? Co an Li M i q DO s C mract Owner Making Installat n) Autnor etl 9g awre o nt ctonOwner Makin Inst I aLOn, Phn er MINNESOTA STAA BOANO OF ELECTflIpTY ' THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT GrlggrMbwey BIOg. - Foom &173 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE 90AR0 1821 Univ¢nlty Ave., SL Peul. MN SSiOi UNLESS PFOPER INSPECTION FEE IS PM1One(811) 642-0800 ENCLOSED REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION eeoooo,.oa ? ji? See inslmc0ons lor pompleting this lotm on Oack oi yellaw copy 59115 /08? 35 Be/ow Work Covered by This Requesf ?•?? • dw dtl SRq TypeoFBwlding ApphancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heahng Apt. Building yer Othev-(SpeCify) Comm./Industnal Fumace Farm Air Conditioner ONer (syeciry) Contractors Remerks iil?n`?v J Compute Inspecfion Fee Be/ow: # Other Fee # ServiceEnirance 5ize Fee # Circuils/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Trensformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 700 _ Amps SI(Jn5 Inspecmr5 Use Only; ?..1 TOTAL ' Irnqation Booms Z) Special Inspechon - i Alarm/Communication ?01,.E-IF OT THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DIS Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 19 M HS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rough-in ,! ?? t ,F re Xp. certify that the above inspection has been made. Fi„ai (O OFFICE USE aNLY Tbis request voM 16 months from Address s2n cxFaT nnxs LN Zip 5512_ IAt 3, Blk 2 Sub THE WOODLANDS NORTH THESE 11'EMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLETE AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. A Date: APRIL 15, 1993 Yes No Inspector: Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps (garage) Permanent steps (main entry) ? Permanent driveway ? Permanent gas Sod/Seeded grass ? TraiUcurb damage ? Porch Basement finish Deck Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shutoff of water supply to the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. Contact engineering division at 681-0645 before working in right-of-way or installing underground sprinkler system. ? White - City Copy Ye]Iow - Resident Copy Pink - Contractor Copy CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: RECEIPT DATE: op5p/ 2002 ftE $DENTIAL MECi$IANICi1h.L '?'?3YMrr APPLJ.riA`CQON CITY OE EAfiRN 3850 PILOT KNO$ iiD EASAN MN 55122 651-6$1-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: z SITE ADDRESS: OWNERNAME: TELEPHONE#: INSTALLER NAMFr??/ TELEPHONE #: 7__ STREET ADDRESS: CITY: e?r STATE: ? ZIP Place a check mark next to the permit work type Add-on, modification or alteration to existin dwelling unit T $ 30.00 . furnace replacement • 21f BXChHngeL_-?? I r^ I- - r ? ?- 7_1l -81f-66R?IEI6n9K-- ? 1 ? . . other . Nature of work: IRv State Surcha e $ 50 $ TOt81 '1 k # j REjE unz I ?TY OF EAGAN 30 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 820 GREflT QflKS LANE LO'ie 3 BLOCKa 2 THE WODIJLAIVfJ5 NORTIA BUILCITNG 091638 10J16/92 DESCRIPTION: :'$uild.in,g Perrn0t Type SF DWCa ' 8uild3no`Wor!< Type NEW UBC Or.eupaney R--9 M-1 „ GnnStrUCt7-on 'Type V-N 2oning PD R-1 Building Lengtih ? 89 6uilding Width ? 94 ; - ,. .,,, •r-' .. ?-_ t ?._? , .... ...-.! ?--.. " J ?.?` , r'4_: _. REMARKS: C ? a ? a y8 5 &, W (:ONTRfVC:'!"OFY - LAftSOpI EXCAVFlT].NG FEE SUMMARY: Rase Fea Plari Review Surchargc SflC SAC ? SHVC Llnits SubtaTal VALURTIQN $1,213.50 $788.78 $132.00 $700 . 00 100 1 $2 , 8:14.28 $2611 ,000 MTSCELLANF:OUS 60 Tntal Fee $4.444.%£3 CONTRACTOR: - Applzoant -- sr, L 1'pWNER: hIAUREF2 CONST INC GEpRGE 18948904 0881315 GE"ORGE MAURFR CQNS7 INC 201 W TftAVELERS 7f2 201 I,J TftAVELERS TR BURNf3VILLE MN 56337 BUftNSVILI_E MN 55337 (612) 894-8904 (612)894-8904 I hereby ackrrowledge that T h'ave read this appricaCian and state that the 3nformation is correct and agree tio compJ„v w3th all appYica6le State of Mn. Statutes an City n'F ?aqan l?rdinances. ? J APPLICANT/ ER IGNATUR ISSUE SI NATUFE Control No. 1189 INSPECTION RECORD Control No. CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: r? u r i_ n r iu ?, 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: A 01 6 3 8 Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: 1 m/ a 6 j!3 2 (612) 687-4675 SITE ADDRESS: L 0 r; s aLo c K e z APPLICANT: 820 GREfll' OAK5 LANE MAURFR CONST INC GEORGE TF1E WC1QpLRN[)S NORTH (612) 894-8904 PERMIT SUBTYPE: sF nwo TYPE OF WORK: NEW INSPECTION FOD7IIVG ., . PRAMING .ATE INSPTR. INSULA'1'ION FINAL F"TF?EPI.RCE REMFVRKS: S& W CC7NTftACTOR - LARSUN EXCAVA7ING 1- ?? . -7 ? J l f . ?? PERMIT # REAC7IOATE _ I c-st CITY OF EAGAN ? 1992 BUILDING PERMIT APPLIC 681-4675 ; : - ? , ? a SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 co f er calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies xhen typing of permit is requested, but not picked up by last.working day of month in which re uest is made or lot chan e 9s re uested once ermit is issued. Date 10 / 12 / 92 Valuation of work 450.000.00 Site AddT'@S5: 820 GREAT OAKS LANE STREET SUITE / Tenant Name: (commercial only) IAT i_ BIACR _Z SUBD:11?? WOODLANDS NORTH P.I.D. iF Descri tion af work: Lt) Z-?F.fJE"L, The applicant is: ? Owner OD Contractor ? Other (Deaeribe) Name GANYO RICHARD A. PIl01i'v 454 2541 Property LAST F1RS7 Owner Address _ 4521 Ridaeview Drive, STREEi STE M City Eagan State m ZiP 55123 COIIIPdOy GEORGE C. MAURER CONSTRUCTION, iNC. Phone 894 8904 Contractor Address 201 west Travelers Trai1 LiCense # 0001315 EXp. 3/31/94 City Eaqan $tat@ Minnesota Zip 55337 Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address Cit,y 5tate Zip L? Sewer 3 water licensed plumber LAasora ExcAvATrNG . Processing time for sewer 8 water permits 1s two days onte area as een approved. I liereby acknowledge tha t'T-e read 's application and state that the information is correct and a ree to com y i h ll i bl St t f Mi t t g p ,y v{ a ca nneso p e a e o a Sta utes and City of Eagan Ordinances. \? GEO GE C. MA ONSTRUCTION, INC. Signature of Applicant: Terrance . Maurer OFFICE USE ONLY BUtLDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 foundation ?02 SF Dwg. ? 03 SF Addition ? 04 SF Porch O 05 SF Misc. ? 06 Duplex ? 07 4-Plex - ? 08 8-Plex ? 09 12-Plex ? 10 Multi. Add'1. WORK TYPE ? 31 New O 32 Addition O 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION y ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Besement Finish ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 17 Swim Pool 0 13 Garage/Accessory ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 14 Fireplace ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 15 Deck ? 20 Public facility ? ZI Miscellaneous El 35 Tenant finish O 36 Move Const. (Actual) V-N Basement sq. ft. (Allowable) v- N lst F1. sq. ft. UBC Occupancy -R 3 M_j 2nd F1. sq. ft. Zoning PD R_i Sq. Ft. total ?f of Stories Footprint 5q. ft. Length DR_? On-site well Depth 9 4_ On-site sewage APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering t Yariance REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Site ? Nallboard ? Footing ? Final ? Framing ? Draintile ? Insulation ? Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review license MWCC SAC Cfty 5AC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge 7reatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Cop ies Other Total: v.tuacip,: g 26i1, ooo,.' GARAG?.', 410aX 26 = 1157 zy /a= " 2 x'2? I??u ; 106Sx/G= 1?04? ?62g)c 6 Y= ,2?1G?oN ah3 ??141 ? 37 Demolish MWCC System YES City Water _ Yt3 PRY Required Booster Pump Fire Sprinkler Census Code ? SAC Code o t Assessments SAC % f b o SAC Units _? l3.= BL ? CITY OF EAGAN Y PLUMBING PERMIT SUBD._? ? (612) 681-4675 RESIDBNTIAL PLEASE COMPLETE UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. WORK DESCRIPTION NEW CONST V? ADD ON REPAIR OWNER NAME:.?Ll?TJ ' SITE ADDRESS: sao COMMERCIAL ? ?R -?.3 NO :z ? o? ? _t?-- CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT # IO ?7`??-J DATE ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS COMPLETE THE FOLIAWING: FIXTURES EA. REPAIR/ADD ON 15.00 SHOWER 3.00 WATER CIASET 3.00 BATH TOB 3.00 iAVATORY 3.00 KITCHEN SINK 3.00 LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 WATER HEATER 3.00 FLOOR DRAIN 3.00 GAS PIPING OUT. (MINIMUM - 1) 3.00 ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 OTHER M2S%OfS 3 v WATER SOFTENER 5.00 PRIVATE DISP. 15.00 U.G. SPRINKLER 3.00 W. TURNAROUND 15.00 TOTAL ?U D C7 ?ldd ?v G U ?v C-9 v ?v O STATE SURCHARGE .50 TOTAL: PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR AI.L COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI-FAMILY BUILUINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. WORK DESCRIPTION: OWNER NAME: SITE ADDRESS: _ TENANT NAME: _ SUITE #: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE FOR: CITY OF EAGAN CONTRACT PRICE: 1% OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE - $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL: $ $ (SIGNATURE) CITY: 2IP: YHONE #: 6_./19"JV)' `07,L c./_c_e rn ?/ 6r,2 W11lo1,-, : PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENI7AL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII,OT KNIO8 RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PI.EASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. AL50, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMTI'S ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. NO. FIX1'URES _?? ? ? EACH ? (? ?./ G?/ _3c? d SHOW ? 3.00 WATER CLCISET 3.00 ? BATH TUB 3.00 LAVATORY 3.00 ? KTTCHEN SINK 3.00 ?- LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 ^L HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 ? WATER HEATER 3.00 ?- FLOaR DRAIN 3.00 ?- GAS PIPING OLTTLET • 3.00 _L ROUGH OPENII3GS 1.50 WATER SOFTENER 5.00 PRIVATE DISP. • neiLcn.. tic. 15.00 U.G. SPRINKI.ER • eome uodff oona. 3.00 ALTERATIONS • a ?une 15.00 ? -W??RTURN AROUND 1300 STATESURCHARGE TOTAL: SIT'E QWNER CITY: PHONE #: ( TOTAL (o U CJ ?'/(>D ? .50 00 cJ STATE: 2E'Y7 ZII' CODE: 0 S.? (a ? ??<? --ll ff? ? " ??%""' v / . ?/r?/?`1/-C-C-? '? ?/Zy ? L c? ?G? ??c /3 rp?ic-i?D E'c? aurcvcrL /Ce/?Y= /?da,?, T x ,?UV?s ?srz= . ,. ,: . - - - aY r??-- - -- -- - - . r . . _ ? ['L!'r;sil,IG PFRTT FOR 4% Great OaksN(ircle - George [iaurer PK-170; ? ri ", -ulr,! A;lir unVI ?; Drtl_I_l1pS*+* i`i loi. 1':tiub Ro 71,4V 1 C? ? nn-? nnrtoal'r flovember 6, 1992 ***$?;n,(??*** ? V07 CITY OF EAGAN L 3 B?- MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT #?? SUBD.?(?/,Ui?a?GLx,rX4"/ ? (612) 681-4675 DATE December X? 1992 RESIDENTfAL PLFASE COMPLEI'E UPPER PORTiON ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWEI.LINGS. AL50, COMYLEPE FOR TOR'NHOMES/CONDOS WHEN SEPARATE PIItMITS ARE REQUIREQ FOR EACH DWELIdNG UNIT. OWNER: George Maurer Construction FEES SITE ADDRESS: 820 Great Oaks Lane ?D ON/RFMODEL (EXI51'ING CONSTRUCTION ONLS) $ 15.00 INSTALLER Kleve Heating & Air Conditioning gVAC: 9-190 M BTU "5'd' qp 24.00 ? PHONE #: 941-421 7 ADDI770NAL 50 M BTU 6.00 ? ADDRES3: 13075 Pioneer Trail GAS OVfLE15 • rIITtIMUM 1@ $3 EA, a' 6•w CTPY: Eden airie ZIP: 55347 SURCHARG& $ .50 SIGNATURF,VI TOTAL: $ COMMERCIAL ELEASE COMPLE'I'E THIS PORTION FOR ALL CQMMERCIAUINDUSTRIAL BUII,DINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APAR7?vi"cYT BUILDINGS OR OTHER hYUL1T•FA]riIL; i0JiL1DINGS R'HEN SII'ARATE t EitFiITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNT!'. wotuc nEscRIPTIox: coxTx,rcr rRIcE: 196 OF CONTRAGT FEE. FEEs STATE SURCAARGE IS $.SU FOR EACH $1,000 OF PIItMTP FEE. $ PgpE,'FCCF.lA pLPING - $25,0II hfINIMUM FEE - W.00 $ OR'NER: TOTAL: $ SITE ADDRESS: TENANT: SUITE INSTALLER: ADDRESS: C11'Y: ZIP: ' PHONE #: C11'Y SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE. IAT J BLOCK ^?' SUBD. °A/a o> ?RECEIPT # ??9& 5,5. 3-3-- CITY OF EAGAN UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYS'I'EM PERMIT 1993 Date: ?/" 0?7"?.- ` ?7? Commercial project V Residential project Existing residence Area/addc Installer: Street add eyo"s i ? I ?J -Z- ? i City, state & zip: __?!'?lJiL:4 r•flYC? J1T/Y! - 5-'5 ? 6 8 Telephone #: Owner name: 3treet address City, state & zip: Phone #: Irrigation contractor, if d'affeaent: -?- sW - Phone#• "3 -Zs (?.7 -- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is wrrect and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. 1-Z &/`73 G? I ? ? `? S 7 New service required Fee due: $ Calculated by: CITY OF EAGAN UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROCEDURE 1993 1. Plans must be submitted to the City's engineering department for apprrnal before installing a]awn sprinkler system. If digging in the boulevard, a right-of-way permit may be required. 2. Once plan is approved, it will be presented to the City's plumbing inspector far sizing c: the meter. 3. Jerry Wobschall, Finance Department, will calwlate permit fees as follows: a. Commercial proiect: $ 25.50 plumbing permit. $ 50.50 water permit fee only if new service is installed. $100.00 per tap if installed by City. Please consu]t with engineering department regarding feasibility of City installation (City will only install taps up to 1"). b. Residentia] proiect: $ 15.50 plumbing permit. $ 50.50 water permit fee if new service is installed. $695.00 ner connection - WAC. $324.00 per connection - water treatment plant. c. Ebstiniz residence: $15.50 plumbing permit -(not required if backtlow preventor previously installed) however plan must still be presented for approval and an application must be filled out. 4. tince meter size is determine6, ouilding inspeciions cierk typist wiu contact utiliYy billing clerk for cost and notify installer of all costs associated with project. If new service lines are not reouired, one check may be written for meter and permit costs. No meter will be sold befom all sewer snd water inspections are rnmplete on a new service--(engineering department will advise utility billing c]erk when meter can be sold). Receipt will be coded ta 20-3716 (meter portion only) with pink copy forwarded to utility billing clerk. 5. The installer is to contact building inspections division at 681-4675 for inspection of the inside water line and bacldlow preventor. The public works department may be reached at 681-4300 for water turn-on and set and sea] of ineter. Inspection hours are 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Requests for AM inspections should be made on the preceding work day. Requests for PM inspections will be accepted until 12:00 noon that day. , CITY OF EAGAN Page 1 of 4 PSRMIT TO WORK WITHIN CITY YROPERTY/RIGHT-OF-WAY/EASEMENTS G ^ ?// ?2iDO?Ar?DtI4o?l? 1. Location /?? «2e.?+-T Dih.('C 2. Nature of Siork I n)A rTiZ a P-O(/'YCf' SZ2 I'vlC/e'h S?iS?1?2- 3. Zndicate belov items to he affected and include a sketch or plan of work to be done. Curb & Gutter Street Surface TrailjSidevalk Trees: Pond/Wetlands Public Traffic Control Devices/Signs Private Drainage Uties ' Structures/Buildings Other /lJnitJ 4. Method of Installation oz Construction 1AJ i.Dr_ Gr CL ? 5. Work to start on or after: and shall be completed by: U/f/L unless an extension granted to: by: DATE STAFF/DATE 6. LTill detouring of traffic be necessary7 ?,? v . If necessary to detour traffic, describe suggested route: DETOURS: The Director of Public Works shall be notified in writin¢ at least 72 hours in advance of any detour being established, changed or discontinued. NAME OF APPLICANT L R C n! Gh_ z'2 L,Fv?r/ tc !s1 PHONE ? 3 ?S 1?S PIEASE PRINT nnDxsss ! J/ /c STREET CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF PARTY OR CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS (-J.{,-, The undersigned as herein con?a Eagan. / ,/ C S FOR CITY USE ONLY FINANCIAL SECURITY: cx/ HR. ) PHONE #: 4/? S-f 2-'/ DAY PHONE CITY STATE ZIP th accepts the terms and conditions of thia permit bq the City of Eagan ad agree to fully comply therewith to the satisfaction of the City of Title: tCDATE: T--?'7-? 3 AUTHORI2ATION OF PERMIT AMOUNT: Fee: $-. C a? C Receipt No. TYPE: (Cash,bond,LOC,etc.) Permit No. In consideration of agreement to comply in all respects vith the regulations of the City of Eagan covering such operations, and pursuant to authorization duly given by said City of Eagan; permission is hereby granted for the vork to be done as described in the above application, said work to be done in accordance vith special pzovisions as hereby stated: APPROVED BY: DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS BY: 04?.-g4 ¢ -t 7 . y-2 /DATE ALL I.EGAL REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE AND ON ALL "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" TO BE COMPLIED WITHI THE DATE WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED MUST BE REPORTED TO THE EAGAN CITY ENGINEER. Permit No. Page 2 of 4 PERTINENT REGULATIONS Safety 1. Traffic shall be allowed to pass and to be protected at all times. If it is not possible to allow traffic to pass, a suitable detour must be provided and plans submitted to the Director of Public Works 72 hours in advance. 2. Barricades shall be erected in a manner which will provide suitable visibility in all directions. All barricades shall be in good condition, and all signs shall be of such size and legibility to provide adequate warning to oncoming traffic. At least two 7" flashing amber lights shall 6e mounted on each end barricade with one on an advance warning sign. 3. Excavations must be shored or sheeted when necessary to prevent under-mining of roadway, trailways, utilities, or for safety reasons. 4. Guys or stays shall not be attached to trees on right-of-way or private property without written permission. 5. Flagmen shall he furnished by the party or organization performing the work whenever the work being done creates a hazard eithez to the traffic using said road or the personnel engaged in the construction, or when directed to do so hy the City. OPERATIONS 1. Permit on Job--Permits or copies shall be kept on the site of the work while it is in progress in the custody of the individual in charge, and shall be exhibited upon request made by any City official. 2. Provisions and Specifications--These general provisions, specifications and Std. Plate P-1 shall be considered as forming an integral part of each and every permit issued for operations within Eagan. The work authorized by this permit shall be done at such time and in such manner as shall be consistent with the safety of the public and sha11 conform to all requirements and standards of the City. If at any time it shall be found by the City that the work is not being or has not been properly performed, the permittee, upon being notified 6y the City, shall immediately take the necessary steps, at his own expense, to place the woxk in condition to conform to said requirements or standards. 3. Execution--The permittee shall use diligence in the execution of the work authorized under this permit in order not to endanger or unnecessarily obstruct travel along any road or trailway. Operations shall be so conducted at all times as to permit safe and reasonable free travel over the roads and trailways within the limits of the work herein prescribed. All safety measures for the free movement of traffic shall be provided by the permittee at his own cost. 4. Conformity to Laws--The installation shall be made in conformity with all applicable laws, regulations and codes covering said installations. All installations shall be made in conformity with regulations of governmental agencies for the protection of the public. a. The applicant shall furnish a bond or £inancial guarantee in the amount to be determined by the City which is required to ensure adequate & timely completion of repair. This bond or financial guarantee shall remain in effect for 2 years subsequent to completion of street repair to protect the City from defects in material, workmanship or non-compliance with City Standards or specifications. Permit No. Page 3 of 4 b. The applicant shall furnish evidance of public liability insurance of not less than $100,000/300,000 and property damage of not less than $25,000 issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota on which the City is named as an additional insured party. c. Except for the negligent acts of the City, its agents and its employees, the permittee shall assume a11 liability for, and save the City, its agents and its employees, harmless and defend same at its sole cost and expense from any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action arising out of the work to be done herein and the continuing uses by the permittee, including but not limited to the placing, constructing, and reconstructing, maintaining, protecting and use of said facility under this application and permit for construction. 5. Existing Facilities--The utility facility and installations shall not interfere with any existing utility facility on the City's right-of-way or essements. It is the responsibility of the applicant to call for necessary locations of existing utilities. (Gopher One 454-0002) 6. Private Property--The work permit or permit for construction as issued does not in any way imply an easement on private property. 7. Quality of Work--Finished surface, base and sub-base of road or trailway upon completion of work shall be at least equal to or better than specifications of originally provided road or trailway in accordance with City Standard Specifications. Surface shall be finished within 48 hours unon comnletion of backfill. 8. Cutting Trees--The permission herein granted does not confer upon the permittee the right to cut, remove or destroy trees or shrubbery within the legal limits of the right-of-way, easements that are not specifically identified on the plan attached to this permit or relieve permittee from obtaining any consent otherwise required from the owner of the property adjacent thereto. 9. Drainage--All waterways and lines of drainage shall remain operative. 10. Pole Anchors--Pole anchors, anchors, braces or other construction will be permitted within right-of-way or easements and will be approved on a case by case basis. 11. Driving Limitations. a. Driving or parking on City trails or sidewalks shall only be permitted for those operations requiring direct access to the boulevard area. b. Vehicles operating or parked within the right-of-way area shall utilize their warning flashers at all times. c. Vehicles driving on trails or sidewalks shall not operate in excess of 5 miles per hour. Vehicles shall operate at slower speeds when weather conditions, trail conditions, poor visibility, obstructed sightlines or other conditions require special precautions to ensure the safety of trail users and the general public. d. Driving shall not be permitted within those boulevard areas where damage to turf trailways or other infrastructure may occur. e. Vehicles shall not be parked on trails or sidewalks in such a manner as to unnecessarily impede the safe and efficient use of trailways by the general public. Permit No. Page 4 of 4 12. Vehicles or equipment traversing roads or trailway surfaces shall not utilize studded or chained tires, caterpillar traction, or any other form of traction which wi11 result in damage to the surface. 13. Clean-Up--Street, trailways and affected right-of-way shall be scraped clean at the end of each work day and swept clean after construction is completed and left in a neat and presentable condition. 14. Trees and Vegetation-Burning or disking operations and/or the use of chemicals to control or destroy trees, brush and other vegetation is prohibited without prior approval from the City. 15. Replacement of Sod--Wherever top-soil and sod are disturbed, they shall be replaced and maintained satisfactorily until the turf is established. The undersigned hereby declares he/she has read and will comply with all the PERTINENT REGULATIONS as stated above and relevant City Ordinances. DATE: f?3 SIGNEDi Revised 4/93 LTS#l-PERMIT.FM PAOPERTY L'NE ? ? SAME AS REMOVED (3' MINiMUM) '..'?•..'."•'.? SAME AS REMOVED ?:.:•:' :.:•: (6' MINIMUM) DTRAILWAY ? 1. Curb and Gutter shall be removed only after saw cutting at joints and replaced according to specifications or Standard Plate. 2. Bituminous pavement area removed shall be saw cut prior to patching. 3. Boulevard sod removed shall be replaced with minimum 4" of topsoil and cultured sod. 4. 2341 bituminous wear course shall be paved between May lst and November 15th for permanent patch. Temporary cold mix patch should be used November 16th to April 20th (or as permitted by weather). 5. Class 5, 100% crushed aggregate base. 6. Bazricades and warning flashers are to be provided as per MnDOT standards. 7. Bituminous trailway closure requires Type II MnDOT barricades with flashers. 8. Backfill shall be thoroughly compacted by the "Specified Density Method" of compaction. All suitable backfill material placed below a depth of five (5) feet below the final pavement surface shall be placed in maximum lifts of twelve (12) to eighteen (18) inches and compacted to a minimum ninety-five (95X) percent of ASTM Specification D698- 64T (Standard Proctor Density), method "A". All suitable backfill material placed within five (5) feet below the final pavement surface shall be placed in lifts not to exceed twelve (12) inches and compacted to a minimum of one-hundred (100X) percent of the above ASTM Specification. City Of BS Sll standard 9 STREET AND 81TUMINOUS TRAILWAY approved: plate PUBLIC WORKS EXCAVATION /PATCH DETAIL 2/92 p_1 GY,'PERIOR ENVELOFC 11VFRAGE "0" COMPUTATION wner RICK GANYO/GECRrF C. mnrmFR Address SEE CONTRACTOR Phone Rqa aaqa CONSTRUCTION, INC. egal Description of Property: Lot 3 Block 2 Addition1d00tAnmS NORmu Date 10/12/92 ite Address 820 GREAT OAKS LANE AVERAGE LINEIIT, FFET OF EXPOSED WALL AREA ABOVE GRADE (e -I ?, 5U l I Id- ? ZZ'-?. 07 lain Leve1 Z? Lineal ft. of framed wall above gradeZ"1°.S x height of wall 9-C) = Z?-???• ?%?? tim Joist Lineal ft. of rim I,& x height of rim I ' (?? _ ;?V ED ,ower Level - I Lo14Z• 5 Lineal ft. of framed wall above grade x height of wallt, N PDp G-K - Lineal ft. of masonry wall above grade x height of wal].pN F.:a&GIG- = Z?r`'? 11g - TOTAL wall area above grade including windows and doors = 5JV y.q I aINDOWS: Area x "0" value lalce & 1ype e,sl-tT wIDWS: 6GM t2A0- Z1J s9- ?? „ 2.- GGM Ze]f?2!a- 3W sq- ,? „ 2- C,_ n ukco- zW Sq • ?4-ccluXy__0-2W S9- ?? ?? GG-N I Z°.ldJ. ?_1,4 sq. " " 2- cG I- 1 2P?dJ ? 2ttil S9 - 2.-cu-r 2e?4o 59• Sq. h 6 -*r sq. sq. sq. u n IC?? ?I?(T /' ?W??? p? G??J?1S'i V"?Cf• sq. ti sq. 59- ?? q S, sq. DCORS: Area x "U" value Make & Type ? -?jK p__\1IGF ?ZJ sq. • S9• ?? ?? sq. Sq, ft. x ?, U,, _ (U) (A) ft. x .1u... - = (U) (A) ft. x 'lull - (U) (A) (U)(A) ft. x ?? Il (U) (A) ft. x u ? " _ --- .1 (U) (A) ft. u llUll _ (U)(n) ,A x ft. I I,? r it.L--7C -,Ull - (U)(11) Lt. ?x "U.- _= I 11, 7CV (U) (A) ft. x l.u,. - (U) (A) fY. X "U„ - (U) (A) ft. --`?x "U"?= Z ? CP? (U) (A) ? Et. X „U„ = IU1(A) ft. X "U., _ (U) (A) ft. X „Ull _ (U) (A) ft. X "U" - (U)(A) ft. X ??U" _ (U) (A) ft. X "Ull_-- ?U)(A) P r?? '3?JC? ? (oCoP? ft. ?,U2 x „u„ (o) cA> ft. -&o,o l X 11U.,-?-= ?l ll ?0 ? (U)(A) (U) (A) ft. X ft. X u _ „Ull - (U) (A) OPAQOE WALL CONSTRUCTION: Area x"U" value FRAMED WALL (total area less )etail refer- opening, framinq members in wall, rim joist area & masonry) ?nce from ??c.? ? 3ttached sq. ft. >I,??,?1"1 x'U . ;heets Framinq members in wall sq. ft. "u" Rim joist area sq. ft. X??U?? ?? Masonry area above grade sq. ft. 1'16 x"U" TOTAL Wall Area Including ? ??IIQI windows & Doors 1 I Total (U)(A) TOTA4 ( U)( A) VALUES AVG. "U" DIVIDED BY 1TJTFSL WALL AREA r? . AVERAGE "U" Minimum .L7 or less for 1& 2 family dwellings Minimum .22 or less for all other buildings -i,?0:1 = 14S,tsg U (U)(n) _ ?'--153C0 (U}(A) = I?a ?Iq b (U)(A) = '7LIS (o)(r,) ZI q ?'?? ?'I - I• NOTE: If average "U" values as calculated above do not meet the Energy Code requirements, the "Alternate Gnvelope Design" as indicated on Page 5 may be used. i.. ?.? ,?? ?:.1 Ill'.C u( u;?n??uu vall iinin , ' ? ii+.i? fruinln1l d?aui6?Yn ? ? •.?. ? ? . j ? , 1 ? ? ?'? 1 " , i' . ., , ? ?i 1 ,I i , ?: . ' . I? ?1 i I ? +! j i. ?_ ? i ., i' • 'r. f ? . ? . .? • j ...-?.:.???.-?,( :?? I "",? k""r-? ?/...? `'???,.?..... 1 =~? ?``` `` Y• . ? ? . • • ' Tn?rn ' ? I , !??? ? U?N 1?R . U P ? v`I ?? , ' . ,'. ' ' ' ????,?.??.-, f ? ?' . ' i'. • ? - - _..r.-r-.. ? ?----?---- ? ? ? ' • ....... . ? ..._? _ i . 'r+ •?.?n+r.. ? f???_??J??% FIE;IOIIIY IN I;,LI^S 'l'n?V 1 cu "_ -• _ . _ _t:r.t.??rlnr 'lir film ? i ' '------- ? ?.r{_ ? ' sidin?: ??I=???..1? ?.?? ? ? ? ? ?I I . ., -? ? ? , : 4+.? . . ... H7??.!JQ?:r].???{??..,. . .i ' ?xLerior eir ftlm °''• /? " _... • . . ' Sidina , . Shenthing ?S',?j? ?I LTfZ I TL-' x? ?r?2?'t'`?noft uoud • }'ItAt{I;tl 17A1,j,? ' . kxecrior nir fiLn Siding • Sheathlna ? N ?? ?Z.2?t` bac? insulntion ?9" dTy ??nll , . . ?I'?igu 2 , i , .?7 , ? °I ?' v?' lC??? '_ ??5`- Intcrlor nir fllr2 .6fl ? a'pTnt_ u ? ?? ? ?.:J U A 1/It ; ? . . . U ., ,??_ ?5?? .dry uull Intcr.tor,utr Hlro R-Valne ?,_-.?-! `. ? z, ? ?? LP ??-fi?'-'R' ,45 .68 ° I-I shcrat.h tn??? 2, [?- i? • . ?? 1?" _ROEC t ' 1. (I(S ? in ? Jnpi?_ ' ? ? O ? In[erxor atr Film ? ? ?W? .68 ? ? TOTAt. R -? '. ? C?- t? ? ^ 1 / R U ° '--?? 11A4QNkY 1?? L ? . i._L._. . ? • E:xtcriur air HZm ? ` ' 1Z" concre[r. binck ?--__---_ _ _ Inaulattan ?..... lntartor olr fiLn ? . . ' ... _._..____... __..??_ , ,..? : __.,.1! "L?.?. 7, ? _; 6 ti ???J o ??? . .? , . , , . . • , . , ._____.. , • ? i' ., ItqUN C1:TI,TN,r, ? ?---_ 0?lLda n1 i.Tm __,_,__...?_ •---• .G. ' Inaulntlon . ,, - --•_... nrY„oii . 2nturi tilw .61 . , • ? ? ? ,,??.i . ..' ?• ? ' ' .... ........." . . ...ii,?• .:;•,. + ' . r• .I ' . . . ?. U ? I/It ' . , e _ . TOTAL R « r . . OutofJa n17 film .G1 '.IneuluL•ion .. . . .1 '• . '1"' DryWall In[otior nfr filln U - 1/R .4S .G) TOTAL Il - U ? ' . . ' . . . ?.I ? Ou[efde aAr fl2m .7% , ... ;' • ? JY Bui3.t un r^of1nit-.._.--= ___•,??.__. Ineulution ..«r+• " ? Wood decklnp .? . ? ? . . Intecior ntr filin ? . • • . . .W ? • ? • ? . -•--.TarnL It r • , . . • . -- . ,• U"lIA ... uw . , ------- JF/CEILIN(7i ? ' '._ ? • ' , ' , [AL ANEAt ? . . .? . . call refnrenee 6q.'EG; im ahove. . . . • uir OZZ x a9, f L•. v.. icrlba opening's ,uaq. (k,?,y e (U) (n roaf x eq, [[, n ..-`--•---- Un sq. f' (U ) ( p : '-"-- . (A x eq. tt.?'_ ^-l-(? ? ----- ) (n ,?u?, x sq. [t. (n ., (n rAL (u) GA) vAr.ur•.s 7q, `?' ((l l nont•/ ,q,?f r?. VIf1EU IlY TOl'i.l. ? MiGr. nnen ?' ^I • ?? Avr.. "u" -\---- e1tnCE "U" ,05 !ur vanttlnted coo(s .lQ tnr nLl otLcr canntrurtton "--- ' i'KI If ,ivern"j. "(aI Vnlu,m un cnlcnl.,nt,nbn 1 vo do not maier [Iin F.nprrrp Cmle r?ryu[remea[s? ....?., a.r..l?? •???i., n j . . . .. , , . - . • . . ? ?Q(;? cP'IflNNEOS nd6lAN? s?U11YEY0A5 PBGINEERING COMPANY, INC. ; ? 1000 EAST 146th STREET, BURNSVtILE, MINNESOTA 55337 Pfl 432-3000 CLIENT 6E0,Arri5ir 2. AAUezw (fegul,iT. PROJECTNO.S?JZ4:DI 8K.182. PG. S3 CERTIFICATE OF SIJRVEY - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT 3 UENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION ( 813,0 ) DC-NOTES PROPOSEU ELEVATION . ?---- INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE 843 33 a FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION 88.5 = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVA710N • 9g 3. ?ab = T'OP DF FOUNUAfION BL[VAI'IUN scnLE s r - au' OqKS' i as N7¢?2?',si., i r¢,-?s, , ??,4 gj? 0 69./3 ? l .38 2 °l65.Oo ?93.0 3o FT. FRcNT BU/GD/N6 0/467 /cs6=? S?rBAC.?C L/NE o0 9,67 ti/6.67 5 m ? Ml \i V! EX/STiNG ?' o0 2 1 > . /6.20 8 I c\ I??q8 y:? `?33 ? M'6> a io. ?B 93 T V ,f' 33Ma° ? oPp 88 ?930 ??.p 5,33 8/2,33 33•57 o ? ? ? 23 ,oo pK,K Y Z9 C ? ??v Q?' / ? l??•3? ?R ?'iz .i5)` / r I N , ` t d ? iv es°s6'zs"w ? GdR1 ?lyGI EERIII?TG DE --- -? ? N 69 ORA/N?46E ?ND 5 p' o.eq.,v \ ?ozs>•o¢, lrriG/TY ?AsE?lEivr ?4 •96e ?ASEr?1E,vr ?`? ?r. I5 ?' ------ _\\\ 8b7o) N89°SS"ZB",kl 1J89°53'21"? 8(,?.s) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A TRACT OF LANQ AS SciH?OWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON. AS PREPARED BY ME THIS g? DAY OF ?CT?SE/Z i 19?. ........ MINN. REG. NO. I6OB9 .? . i? NO 5c-z. I a- MAf IL Go. / loas pA,. ^:&L..4e DIZAw ( 9 EAT DPL-S e- v R-9 L' °n & / _ ... . . ?G . :7` .?'.: . .;?.,; ? :.., . .. ,.,.__ . .? ..,. .:. ?.? ..z ?? ? . . . , .. ?.?, . . . . ' . . ., . . .? . , ... ? ?.._._- . ? : ' --. - ??: ,?. .??. . , . ?? !,????'" ??,•` , . , . . ,., ....:........ , ..: ... ; ..,:: . ? .?_ :y , g,v,. . -._ : . ? ;. ' . . . . _ . , ... . . _ ' ??...'. , ... _.. ? ., ._ . ..r.? . ? : . . . . . ' ... ,II,- . , ?. . . . ? . , ? .}:_. . 'r . .. . . i ' Ss+q ?•i ? ? , ' t . ? , :'i, . ? -Sr •"? ?. ?. ' . . . , . . ? ? i'? ? ?.?• . - ?? - . ' . . ? . ? '.'{ ? ' ?'t. . ''-`v':'s?'?i. ? '.?? . ?.___, .l.?y .°\.?' \; `'.• :,' 14l_ ?? . ?. ?,?-?; ;?• { ?y . ,i ?' • ( ?? 't??r , ?. ?.?'4''?i ?? ?'t 1/ ' ' T' ?I . , • • ?? : ? , ?!? , ' _ ;.•4 ?Y n - ?.? ,?? .. _ ???-?,??y?,1 '/Y'3???j?''M?'Y`f7?,: 7 . . ? ' 4 J - - ? . - . _ ??` ,? , •i ? ' , " '. - ? . , ' ? . . ' ?' . , ?, ? LI ctr??'?. • . _ a_? . i. ? . ?? :::-?s ' ?,.,o?.? ' ? .•, ?. ? . . . ' ' 1 . , i .. , . ?•? '. ? ., ' ' ? 15. ? ? \ . eo t^^?sCp.A:'7 ? I ' iY'a ' `• i r ?? " % ?. . . . J ?l .. .. ::v0..J? . . . RT.?, ?c. ' :I } t fVq , _ " I r' t"t ,5 . ? •? ; ; , ? .t v ? Q J g --=-??--, ,?- I I?? ._- ;. ?.. =7r. ? -w - { ??? - - -- . _ -, , y, /. ? ? . `'' r• ' 1. ?/. J -. %, . ?.? R:E V ????? 9,4 c. K DetQ -!??.! ?? 7! 9 9 3 1RAC3" ENCiiIN£:ERIRtCv DEPT . . ' , ,u.1YF+l?i+far , bN!.52lrV?l-'.lh,:i: J •Tl??r yntis'?.V Wk.,?'C o-F Lof L;sle Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use j~ ' I Cit of o n I Permit ~~c./ Eld I J I ~~j~ I Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road I /'I I - l 3 I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 i Staff: tom/ ` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PER/MIT APPLICATION Date: 0 Site Address: Unit Name: ~-4~" ~14Vv~ ~9 f~ Phone: B Resident/ Owner Address / City / Zip: a"ec",~ ~2aE5 WV i Applicant is: Owner Contractor L' ' rb+ Type of Work Description of work: Construction Cost: p C_)& 0 „ Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No Company: ~Y ~Vtas:+.1 Contact:lr t ~L, „ to 4 f* Contractor Address: 211 City: C 5g/.,Jo State: t, Zip: Phone: (S l ' License ,l R<r Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Cosle must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x(Ja x Applicant's P-rinted Name Applicant's Signatur' Page 1 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA143234 Date Issued:06/07/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 820 Great Oaks Lane Lot:3 Block: 2 Addition: The Woodlands North PID:10-75890-02-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Richard A Ganyo 820 Great Oaks Lane Eagan MN 55123 (612) 963-4993 Champion Plumbing 3670 Dodd Rd., #100 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 365-1340 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature