657 Lone Oak Dr6 6 g?17 PL 6(I?49 sw 2004 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date/L")/ ZZ /? Site Address Unit # Tenan[ Name Fc a L 6,?-p Former Tenant Name Praperty Owner G?? ? A LIS Telephone # ( (pS/ ) Z 93 - Z 30 -7 Contractor E1h/ZI.S /Z'IiLcGGA-N?C?? Address T 90 1 /i{/ION T2FzA Cit3' S?i.vr Akc-Q State AI,C/ Zip 5S1o Z Telephone #((eS/) bo a- 65do The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other WorkType _NewBldg Add-on Repau _ ?C RPZ _PVB C Irrigationsystem* • lia in sensors rc uired. Jer Wo6schall [a calculate fees. Description of Work ?-a/Sr?oc /?Pz 1( ttloy7Fn ?/Y/ar6t ?'2 Zs-i v frod+ ? To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, call 651-675-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatic, conducdvity, and bacteria tests passed urior to pickina un meter. IrrigaUon Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" displacement $155.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flus6ometers _ Yes K No PRV Required ? Yes _ No P¢[roi[ Fee $$0.50 minimum (includes Sta[e Surcharge) Conhact Value $ x 1% _$ 5(0°Q 0 Base Fee p?,_-`?.•,-? $ qqa 0O Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrieation svstems 2 Radio Meter Read -? $ ?41' If hase fee is $1,000 or less, surcharge is $.50 T $ $fate SUI'CI12TgC if base fee is over $1,000, surcharye is $.50 per $1,000 of the Bau Fee ? Following fees apply onty when installing new irrigation system ? $ Water Pertnit Contact Jerry Wobschall at 651-675-5024 for required fee amounts -p O t Pl t T reatmen an $ _f?r^ Water Supply & Storage $ • S? State Surcharge ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ° ---------------------- $ ---- ? -------------------------------- ----------- 'pa- a"n Total Fee I hereby appty for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and acknowledge [hat the information 9s complete and accurate; that tne wore wm oe m conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a petmit, and work is not to stan without a pemut that the work will bac ?rdance with [he approved plan in the case of work which requires a rcview and approval of plans. ?{ l.<-C-CC SG fjLGj't y T ApplicanYs Printed Name icanYs Signature u ? CITY USE ONLY 11 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test _ Gas Test _ Rough In _ Final PLANSSUBMITTED APPROVEDBY: ,BUILDINGINSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevard irrigation systems- $141.00 " • RPZ's must be rebuilt every five yeazs. A minimum fee permit per address is required for RPZ rebuilding or repairing. • Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. ^ METERS RrOUIRING A 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO YICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $121.00 4-120 1-1/2" ittigation syst $ 788•00 displacement sm commercial turbine** must receive maximum approval conNnuous ?p from Public Works 2-30 314" lawn irriga[ion $155.00 4-160 2" turbine Ig irrigation syst $ 992.00 maximurn displacement residential i & continuous sm commercial production lines 15 3-50 1" displacement very ]g res $200.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,880.00 bldg to 24 uniu 65 units muximum sm commercial i & continuous & Ig comm bidgs 25 irri ation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" bidgs 25-64 units $488.00 mlximum displacement & continuous most comm bidgs , 50 METERS REQUIRING 30-0AY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USG NRICE CPIVi METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" tur6ine very Ig irrigation $1,338.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bidgs & $3,749.00 syst & productimi very Ig comm bldgs lines 1/:-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,407.00 10-1000 6" componnd +400 unit bldgs $6,124.00 vcry Ig comm bidgs iven Ig comm bidrys 15-1000 d" turbine very lg irrigation $2,384.00 svst & production lines Lomments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To arrange for water turn-on, ca11 65 1-675-5300. cc: Maintenance Division Clerical Tcchnician , Updated 5/04