4380 Malmo Cir,r- . . . ? CITY OF EAGAN r • - 3830 Pilot Krtob Road, P.O. Box 21-7 99, EBgan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 BUILDING pERMIT Receipt# To be used for Es#. Value Date ,19 Site Address 7 '.. L??, Lot Block Sec/Sub. i Parcel Na z Name w ; Address ° City Phone ,°? Name ? ? Address P City Phone ?a W w Name Address < W City Phone I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application and state that the fnformation is conect and agree to comply with all appllcabie State of Minnesata Statutes and City af Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of I OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage _ Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ Type of Con&t City Water _ (Actual) (Allowable) # of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS Assessments _ Water/Sewer _ Police _ Fire _ Engr. _ Planner _ Council _ BIdg.Off. _ APC _ Variance _ FEES Permit 5urcharge Pian Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parlts Copies TOTAL a?r_ . . . 1?.. candition that Ordinances t /? L_.0' - Permit No. Permit Flolder Dsts Telephone # Plumbing H.V.A.C. Electric Softener Inspectfon Date Insp. Commente Footings I Footings II Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert. Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Frmg. Well Pr. Disp. CITY CF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagoe, MPI 55122 N2 6161 PHONE: 4548100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To ba used for Est. Value Date , 19 Site Address - Erect £]" Occupnncy Lot Block Sec/Sub. -•1 Alter ? Zoning parcel # Repair ? Fire Zone Enlarge ? Type of Const. W NGme `T Move ? # Stories 3 qddress Demolish [3 Front ft. ° Ci Phone Grude ? Depth ft. °C Ncme _ 0 Ot Address Nome _ Address Assessment - Water & 5ew. Polite Fire Eng. Planner Council Fees Permit % -' Surcharge Plon check SAC Woter Conn. Water Meter Road Unit I hereby ocknowledge thot I have reod this application ond state thot gldg. Off. the information is correct and agree to comply with oll opplicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. APC Totai Sfynature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that alI work sholl be done in occordance with oll npplicable Stote of Minnesoto Statutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordinonces. Buildir?g Official INwk # pah Isoad PawletM Plumbing Mechanical iNSPECT10N5 DATE INSP. Raugh-In Firwl Footings Date Insp. Dote Insp. Foundation Piumbing Frome/ins. Mechanicol Final /5! Remarks: CITY OF EAGAN Lot- 31 -plk 3 Parcel 10 84353 310 03 Malmo Circle state Eaqan, MN 55123 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date ' STREETSURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING 1 SAN SEW TRUNK 1973 $163.26 $5.16 20 PAID SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA Paidi! A melpy - STORM SEW TRK ? STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATERCONN. $320.00 2029 12-29-75 BUILDING PER. #3820 2029 12-29-75 Sac $425.00 2029 12-29-75 PAR K CITIr of EAGAN ? - BI.JILDING PERMIT own.: ..... .../ t.l..fle .t1........ J..`.`.!..o... wzf ............. .-?.n. ?'...?.... Addresc (Prasenl) .1..2.Z...... °?.p...._ - / Bullder ..... ............... ....... .....?. .'.J..............y....?. /. Addsase ....???- •.l/u.v.-.?_....1C(p..-- - M IM N4 3820 3795 Pilof Knob Road Eagan, Minaesota 55122 454-8100 Dale ... ........... SSOriec To Se Uced Fos Fron! Deplh Haigh3 Eei. Cos1 ee Ramazki ? ? 717, 0 a LOCATION i,Or / ?(`r( -? Sireel. Roed or olhec Deseriplion af Loealion I Lo!' I Slock I Addifion or Tract / I 0 This permit does noi authorisa the use of sireefs, roads, alleys or sidewalks nox does it give the owner or his agea! the xighf !o create anp situalion which is a auisance or which presenis a hesard !o the heelih, satefy, convenienee and genaral welfare !o anyons in the commuaiip. THIS PERMIT MUST SE T ON E PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRE$Sy.?? This is !o cerlifY, !hel.... /.?P/1---- ..Q'i/JY-PS.---_-"-/?tJ.Gr..has permission !o erect a.----.-.---; ? .!./.7. .... ? upoe ces for Eae Ci g the above described p is¢ subjeci !o the provisions af all applicable O' nAn ?--- __c.:.j..'.!?:t...._.--??..........-'-'--_ ................. Par . . ....L?.. ...-'-_-.......................... F' ?Mayar Building Incpec2os CITY OF EAGAN N! 13 9 8 9 t3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PH ONE: 454-8100 aeceipt n7& Oax To be used for GARAGE Est. Value $4, 700 Date JULY 30 ? g 87 Site Address 4380 MALMO CIR Lot 31 Block 3 Sec/Sub. WILD RUN 4TH Parcel No. a Name JORN GRINDLAND z Address SAME ? City Phone 454-5002 o Name SAME , ?Q Address ? City Phone c?a Wi w Name W F _g Address a= CityPhone aw I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatlon and state thattheintormationiscorrect spo agrep to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statute an?o an Ordi 9 & Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issu d JOHN GRINDLAND all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable $taite?6ol Building OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage _ Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ Type of Const Cirywater _ (ACtuaq (Allowable) # of Storles Leng[h Depth 24 S.F. Total FootDrint S.F. 336 APPROVALS PEES Assessments _ Permit *58.50 WateVSewer _ Surcharge 2.50 Police _ Plan Reviaw Fire _ SAqCity Engr. _ SAC, MWCC Planner _ WaterConn. Councll - Water Meter Bldg. Off. _ Road Unit APC _ Treatment P1 Veriance - Parks Copiea 70TAL .00 on the express condition that neq sota Stat s and'Cit f Eagan Ordinances. cz?r o^ r2craN ?!?,5 Filot Knou T,oad Ea.,an, D;innosota 55122 ? i ---r? PEP,MIT Np e : The Cit,y os" isgaaz hvreby grEunts to I,indsay Water Conditioning 4215 Cedar Ave John Heci.movich, Melvin Nelson, and aWAter Softener ermit for: (Owner) James Lenz 380 Malmo Circl . pursuant to applic2tion daied 4/15/76 Pce Pai.c: ? $15,00 de.ted tnis26 Tday of -ZIjril -r 'i9-26-= 1.50 s/c TiUl_'u'1.Yig 171ur..er ;J1' 1=-,n.;.1TilCQl F'ZY'r,,7'tS: Llfl 70ta1: ? CIi'Y OF E.7GAN 1-4 3?i?s Pilot Kneb Foad Eal-vZj Nlinrie;ota 55122 PEPMIT NO.: 658 T'Ae Cit3r es L..fian hereby grants to L. H. Peteis Co. of 1854 Gzand Ave. aPLUMB=NG Fermit for: (Owner) Tilsen HOmea a-U ?4?a^ *'nlmo Circ e__ _? pursuaat to applicvtion dated 2/24/76 _ _..a _. _.. 580.00 de.t?d this 24 day of _ Peb. ? 19 76_, 2.00 s? ? - &uiidinC IIISYJ?C b??L Ti2c:77P.1C11 P2.1'i:lti.. B1d lOt&,1: ? . -? czTr oF r:V^,?N 3795 ?'i? ot T,nov H. ad I)Y22 'i:7e Cicy o; isa;an here?y g_cnts to ?? . ?. Q ? Yliuiri ?\?. 7.?5 ef - ?PSti'&71IISTi?d'?i6attttg'&-7SjC'-- a °e:vrit for: (Uwner) i ---- gq No. Srie1T a-, _ _..? pursuant to application dwteu ___?_. f?ATING i Tilaen Fiomes Znc. 4,2,2(bp??, Carlson 7,ake 74ttt?eQ13ftgSvensk jj?r J4380? Malmo Circle, ar? 1348 Cosmosne' ' z13-/n' 560.00 2.00 s/c 12 February 76 Euilding Inepector I'ereri.t ; : L;:: ^_oLa_: ? CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Rood Eegun, MN 55722 N2 6161 PHONE: 454-8100 `70?6 ? v< BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # To be uaad fer CHII41NNE1'/UJQODBURN Est Value 300. Dote 9-15 1g8a- Site Address 4380 NKKM O lr. Erect E]C Occuponcy R3 Lot31_ e lock_3_ Sec/Sub. Wild. Run /i Alter ? Zoning Ri parcel # Repair ? Fire Zone 3 Enlarge ? Type of Const. V w Name John GTindland Move ? .fk Stories Z Address 0 4380 tvrauno Circle Demolish ? Front ft. Cit Phone Grade ? Depth ft. ? Name Approvais Fees 0 ? Address self Asussment Permit 5.00 ? Woter & Sew. Surcharge .50 ? Ci Phone ? Police Plan check w Fw Name Fire SAC Z x Address Eng. Water Conn. aCi Phone Planner - CounCil _ I hereby ocknowledge thot I have reod this opplication ond state that @Idg. Off. - the information is torrect and agree to comply with all opplicable APC State of Minnewto $totutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. Water Meter Road Unit Taol 5 50 Signuture of Permittee I . A Building Permit is issued to: JOhTl GTiridland on the express condition that oll work sholl be done in occordance fiith all oDUlj"ble $tote of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordinances. Building Official CITY OF EAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations & Ly ING PERMIT APPLICATION 1 set of energy calculations. /J 7b Be ilsed For ??/M•?E?? Valuation 3?0 n? Date / Bo Site Pddress y 3$? /?y(Inp Ci/t c cc OFFICE USE ONLY Lot .3L Block Sec./Sub. Erect ? Occupancy ,?- Parcel #: Alter Zoning J Repair. Fire Zone Owner: OH-I Enlatge 'Iype of Const. Address: ¢3 Sd /,?s ?? a?iecc E M°"e # Stories Demolish Fzont ft. City/Zip Code: E4 G A? Grade Depth ft. Phone # : ¢S ¢ -SO o 2 P.PPFtOVALS FEES Contractor: S6C.F Assessments Permit 6-9- Pddress: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Arch./ESxJ.. Address- City/Zip Cocle: Phone #: ?4ater/Sewer Surcharge 7-0- Police Plan Check Eire SAC Ehg. Water Conn. Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg. Off. APC 'it7i'AL VILLA(iE DF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pilot Kna6 Road PERMIT NO.: 1Q29 Eagon, MN 55172 nnTe: 2/?3/76 l.oning: No. of Units: 1 Dwner: 'Tileea HOMg i^-C lddress: ;ite Address: __(380 ??nID 'C.1=Cllj! Ir31 83 Ni?? "lumber: ?y=ROC PltelB ?-?-?r Meter, No ?/?' U G 7 ff U Connection Charge:320.00 pd ? . ? Account Deposit ?i :e34 No7- Permit Fee: 10.00p d I ogrea to comply wifh the Villoge of Eagan Surcharge: __-_' 50 pd 'Jrdinoncea. Misa Charges: 6e,90 NteY' pd Total: _ Hy Date Paid: :)ate of lnso.: Insa.: - _YUAOE OF EAOAN 3795 Pibt Knob Road SEWER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: 2686 Eagan, MN 55142 DATE: 2??' Zoning: RI= No. af Unita: 1 Owner: T salt Hq9e8 C? Address: Site Address: 4380 Malmo Ciicle L31 B3 FiR4 Plumber: Bey-Ro' Peters 1 ogreo fo eomplr with fhs Villa9e ot Eoyan Connection Chazge: 425.00 Bd Ordirwnwa. Account Deposit By: Date of Insp. Insp.: - Permit Fee: 10.00 pd Surcharge: SO pd Misc. Chazges: Total: _ Date Paid: 2004 RESIDENTIAL MECIIANICAL PLRMIT APPLICATION Citv Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Kuob Road, Eagan MN 55122 ? Telephaue # 651-675-5675 Please complere for. single family dwelhngs & townhomes/condos when permits are required for each unit llate 3 it # U Site .4ddress n Urvner ert Pro Telephone 3 d'? 7 p y Contractor Street A[Idress City State Zip 1'clephone # ( ) Bond Espires: The Applicant is l Owner _ Contractor _ Odier Add-on or alteration to exisGng dwelling unit $ 30.00 ? furnace _Additional _Replacement air exchanger ? air conditioner _New _ Replacement other State Surchargc $ .50 TOtal I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanical Pernut and aclrnowledge tha[ the infonnarion is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand Uus is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pennit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved n m the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Q??.? l?.cJ? I/(tvfi < ? ApplicanCs Printed Naine Applicant's Signature 1987 B[JILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF SAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS IACLIIDS 2 SETS OF PL9NS9 3 CERTIFIC9TES OF SQRVSY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCQLATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORDiBfl LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOSiNER MDST DESIGH@TE WHICH ADDRESS IS DFSIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BIIILDING PSAMIT IS ISSOSD. M[TLTIPLE DWELLINGS - RFSIDBNTIAL RENTAL IIAITS FOR SALS QHITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICAYS OF SQR9EY - CHECB iiITH BLDG. DfiPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMMERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND To Be Used For: G-G & STRUCTURAL PLANS, SET OF ?6 47 0? Valuation: ?a 6? Site Address L o t 35 /Block Parcel/Sub (,L)? /?,^ V?v Owner 3 ()A,l.J Address ??t9Q /'-ALMO CJle Date: U ? ?7 On Site Sewage_ MFICC System On Site Well ` City Water _ City/Zip Code C?GR-/ Phone VSy- ? oo?- Contractor ?ECF ' Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. ?N EC.F Address City/Zip Code Phone # IPPROVALS Assessments Water/Sewer Police Fire Engr Planner Council Bldg Off APC Varianee Oecupancy A-1- - - Zoning Type of Const (Actual) (Allowable) OI of Stories Length ? Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FS6S Sl Permit Sureharge y 997 Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies ? TOTAL t T-? 4 b. ? I? I ? CA?E/a12.. Ai2GOFJQTy LWE ? I I ? ? . ? /v J D t ? , No?S E R? ? ? Ll ?0 r! C ? ???e rv LINE E::i D ? s.4t , I ?? -. ? • ? ? . LoT fn B?ack ? I tM[ew?^?`r'?,, E i r?2oniT _?ROi?F_ fZTYLI N E 1- LOT -PL AN 7 \ t..trjw d-IQ- MASTER CARD OWNER STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS Permit No. Issued Issued To Coniractor Owner BUILOING r,rsv • . ? PLUMBING ?AAd CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WELL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLING ? SANITARY $EWER OTHER V'26`74 OTHER Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING -1j -,74 DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBWG WELL SANITARV SEWER - 26 "l.l Violations Noted on Back COMMENT?«i3 ekc.,R Ys ? ,;, q 0 - ??--?- --- -- --- - ----- ---- -- -- .? - ? S? ?? - --- - -----?- - -- -- ?va??, -- U ? -- ,y. j - 41., ?`^,: _ ? - - _- --- - - - -- ' ? %-rj -- - --- - - ----?,9?a w ----- - --- ------ ?- ? - -- -- -- - --- --- -- -- - - -- - -- - --- --- -- - - - --- ??? --- - -/ -- - -- --- - U?u a?-r,c?cJ 900024?,ti, , .t?i? ou?? -=----- °? -- e?? C'- d-rx -2,1 ?..C.?._ - --_?? -?-? ?{ --- G?af-azc,e..? -- - ew _lcz.c-x-+?Ls?- ------ _--- -- -----O?C'-'""'' 76-44o -- --??a??ein?y.r? ---- p 0 , ?/ ?n'°`?• ---_--------- -- ------ ------------------------ .?g /--?----- --- - - - -- -?, -/ ----iz`????..e-Q. ? Q- Lr.,-Z --- --- - - ?'u.`? • --_ ? ?? -- - - - --- --- - -- -- --- ? .- - - - -- - -- ? ? ----- -- ---- -- -------- --- -- --- -- - - ---------- - -- ??-?-?-?-? ?-.?-? w.?e ,?u? ?, ,?.?-?..? • ???.-n.? -- -- ---- . -- -?--- ??-- - - _ --- , --- --- ?--- ------ -- ------ ??? ----- - -:,??- ? ?Z-??-,?? . ----------- ------ --- - -- ---- -- - - ------------- ----- -:------ --- --- ----- _ --- - -- __ ? ?- -?-?- ?-? -?? ??`?.- - ---- ------- --- - --- -- ---- - --- - -- - --- - --- - - -- --- - ----- - - - - -- -----------y?... ? ?. - - - -- --- - - - - --- ?3 ?o _ ??. ?/ ?Cvn- y PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA114862 Date Issued:09/19/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4380 Malmo Cir Lot:031 Block: 003 Addition: Wilderness Run 4th PID:10-84353-03-310 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:If there is no ice protection inspection prior to final, the contractor must meet the inspector w/ a ladder and flat bar. Pictures are not acceptable in lieu of inspections. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Michael Bischel Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - John C Schueller 4380 Malmo Cir Eagan MN 55122 (651) 452-0029 Bischel Building Contractor Services Llc 100 8th Street Farmington MN 55024 (651) 463-8762 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA124533 Date Issued:07/03/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4380 Malmo Cir Lot:031 Block: 003 Addition: Wilderness Run 4th PID:10-84353-03-310 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater & Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Jennie Wood 1424 3rd St N Minneapolis, MN 55411 Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$55.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - John C Schueller 4380 Malmo Cir Eagan MN 55122 Benjamin Franklin Plumbing 1424 N 3rd St. Minneapolis MN 55411 (612) 604-4285 X61 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature