4592 Maple Leaf Cir? CASH RECEIPT ? . CITY 'OF EAGAN P. O. BOX 21-199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 DATE q 19 ; wEcnvto rRaM AMOUNT $ I A OOLLARS ?oe ? CASH EICHECK / i ROR ' J or- YVhite-Payers Copy Yellow-Posting CopY Pink-Fila Copy Thank You , ?r? bY f CITY OF EAGAN Lot 27 e1k 2 Parcel 10 17150 270 02 4592 Maple Leaf Circle State Eagan, MN 5512$ J. f") Improvement Date Amount Annual Years ' Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF, u 1 S? 1331.07 ? STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK * SEWER LATERAL C WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL WATER AREA S14 • r STORM SEW TRK * STORM 5EW LAT 1981 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT Road Unit $280.00 55229 9 9 85 WATER CONN. 500.00 gUILDING PER. 0920-10921 sAC 525.00 PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition ,CHES MAR EAST FIRST ADDN. Lot 28 BIk 2 Parcel 10 17150 280 OZ Owner ' 1`( 'k" '. ? street 4594 Maple Leaf Circle state Eagan, MN 551213 (,6t Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. 1982 1311. Q • STREET RESTOR, GRADING 5AN SEW TRUNK I/ 1981 280, 00 56.00 S *SEWER LATERAL 19$1 3395.18 5- . ' WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 1981 WATER AREA 1981 280.00 56.00 5 ? STaRM SEW TRK 29$1 351.10 70.22 5 6 "? *STORM SEW LAT 1981 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN, 500-00 n „ BUILDING PER. _ 2 SAC 525.00 PARK • ' CITY OF EAGAN ; 092 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Esgan, MN 55121 PHONE: 4548100 , BUILDIN G ?ERMIT R??ipt To M wa fer 4Est. Volue u Date - • s ?. ' ? ? 9 . Site Addresa a? 1::A.i, C.,. gt Erect Q Occupancy Lot ?• ` Remodel Block Sec/Sub. <'IiLF ?u? : j:; ,'??i ? Zoning ? Parcel No, Repair ? Type of Const. Additlon ? No. Stories ? Move ? Length ? .: Neme Demoliah ? ' ? :? ?C? ' R'1 O ??I ! Oepth 2 p ? Addres f':f.• : Int Impc ? '! ? . V 1-1 Sq. Ft. ?? Name SAi,.1?. ul Address r- City ? LW Name 1 hereby ocknowledpe that I have read this opplicotion ond state thot the informotion is correct or?d agree to comply with oll opplicoble Stote of Minnesato Stotutes and City of Eagon Ordinonces. Siynoturo of Permittee ' .?'i 1• A Buildiny Pertnif Is Issued tc: oll work shall be done in xcordance with oll oppliwble Stote of Mfo Buildinp Official and - L.opies ` , ?j ~' • :' U Total on tM expiess condition that r of Eopan Ordinontes. Assessment Permit ` ? 3.4 . 0 0 Wofer b $eW. SurChBryB Police Plan Revlew Fire SAC Eny. Water Conn. Plonner Water Meter "-' • u 0 Council Raed Unit ? ? ?? • ? ?? Bldg. Off. Tr. PI. 13, 1. APC Var. Date BLARS ` Pwmit No. Pamk Holdx Dots TeItphons ?t Plumhirq L? Gl 17-3 1e" H.VA.C. ? ±- -4?5 93 E?c S v s?«N. Impection Dats Insp. Othe. Footinys I -Ky FooUngsll Foundetion Framing ?j,?S Dxf Rooflny Rouph Plbg. Rouph Htg. ? Insul. Flreplece Flnal Htg. Final Plby. _ y- Flnal c.rt/occ. ? 1 r T Water Wtcri6o Location: WNI Sewsr Pr. DIsR Receipt ' MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. --• ?-- CITY OF EAGAN FN. fi!l in numbered Wwea S/C TYPe or Print /egibly Tot t. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address ? "Lot ? Blk. Tract '_ ? ! • !'7r+.? r 4. Owner 5. Conuactor Phone 777- , 6. Addnss - , ,.,. . ,, 7. Gty State Zip - ,__ v - - 8. Building Type: Residentisl O Commercial O Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New O Add O Alter O Repair ? 10. Desaibe Fuel Type 11. No. F,niiipffnapt 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Eauipment CFM Air Handlin : Mfg. g "IM Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Pipiny Outlets 12. i he?eby aertify thst the abcve information ia true snd correct, and 1 agrea to oomply with all ordinsnoes and oodes goveming this tYpe of work. Siqn°d ' for aa,ph- ` . FiMl Inspection:: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8700 Receipt ? PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. ? CITY OF EAGAN Fill in numbered spaces Type or Print legibly Fee S/C Tot 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address "7? Lot Blk. -Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor .. Phone ,•-?? ' `<G ; 6. Address ,:??• ?? ? ? ?'U ??` y ? . ? n 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential 0 9. Work Description: New -* 10. Describe 11. Commercial ? Institutional O Add 0 Alter ? Repair 0 No. - - Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cess ool/Drainfield ' Bath tubs p Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well , / Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other 1_ Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. ? Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply wito all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed :??i; for , Rough F inal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 , CITY OF EAGAN • 3830 Pilot Ktab Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 4546100 eUILDING PERMIT Reuipt # To M ww for Value Date 19 L; SiteAddreu I'_P`PL;:: ,,r ) t? Erect Q Occupancy Remodel ? Zoning lot Block ''• ceclSub. {-' -AR ? . Parcel No. Repair ? Type of Const. AddRion ? No. Stories d I, ii ? c: Move ? Length Name ? Address -? ?:1.)'..r'ihTf7 ." , I! City ? hone Name ou Addrest u? r.i.., Phnnn Name _ Address City _ Demollah ? Depth , int ImPr. ? Sq. Ft. Install ? Aporovols Fees Assessment Woter b Sew. Police fin Eny. Plonner Counci I Permit =? 2 $ 9 _ d (j ' Suroharge 26.00 ' Plan Review _ 44. 5 0' SAC Water Conn. -? ? U• ? 0 Water Meter ?' ?i • ? ? Road UMt ? • 00 I hereb acknowled e that I hava reod this a licution and state that 9?"5 1_?: .(, 0 Y 9 PP Bldg. Off. ??? Tc PI. the informafion is correct ond egree to comply with oll applicoble A? State of Minrxsota Stctutes and City of Eaqon -Ordinances. Parks , . , . 4-4 . 4- ? - Var. Date C?i? Sipnaturo of Pem+ittee ? Total 7 J.' - I .-:- o h Building Perr+lt Is iuued to: FEATURE BLDRS or, rhe exprcss condition that all work sholl be dorie in occordonce with oll applicobk Srote of Minresoto Statutes ond City of Eaycn Ordinonces. ? Bufldlr?p Offidol • Pannit No. Pwmk Holda Date T*lephona ? PlumbHq H.vA.c. a3 3-oys ENcbie , S )° ?lSo saftw,.. Irqpaetion Dsb Insp. Oth*r Footings 1 Footings 11 FoundaUon Fnminq RooHny Rough Plbg. p , Rough Htg. ?? . Insul, Flreplac* D y Flnal Hty I// lw/ Flnal Plbp. 41. Finsl Cnt/Occ. W,e? Water ?seribe Loeation: Well Ssvrer pr. DIsP. Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. -' CITY OF EAGAN Fee ' Fil! fn numbered s,paces S/C Type or Print /egibly T" 1. Date //)/%q/ 2. Installation Cost ., .. '• _ :_ ..r. ? 3. Job Address Lot - Blk. Tract i?- r- 4. Owner !- ??f! -j ur t 5. Contractor ? Phone 8. Addrsss 7. City ? v: •; ?`'?r: ? - State ? Zip : 8. Building Type: Residential 0 Commercial ? Institutional O ol 9. Work Description: New Cl Add 0 Alter ? Repair ? , . 0. Describe Fuel Type 1;/ ,j ,{'/r No. Fouioment 8 TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Eauipment CFM Ai H dli Mfg. r an ng: Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfy. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby cxrtify that the above information is true and correct, and I agres to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed: •". ,' ,t r 'l' _ for Rouyh Finel Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EA(3AN 464-8100 Receipt J ?- -'??Jt ?i PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fill in numbered spaces Type or Prin[ legibly Fee S/C 7ot. • ?` ? 1. Date 2. Installation Cost ' -- ? ; 3. Job Address ? .`? f ? ? •" 1'1 ? "? ` Lot Bik. Tract 4. pwner 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address `' ,?? 7. City 11" %, State ? Zip 8. Building Type: Residential $ Commercial El Institutional O 9. Work Description: New P.T Add ? 10. Describe 11. Alter O Repair ? No. ` Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cess ool/D i field Bath tubs p ra n Se tic Tank Lavatory p Sofiner Shower Well - Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray ' Floor Drains Drinking Fin. ? Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes?governing this type of work. Signed : , , : ???;; "• '' for Rough Finel Inspections: Date Insp. Dete Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 ?CITY OP EAGAN ?? S?v? P?? 3830 Pilot Krwb RoW P. O. Box 21199 PERti11T NO.: ?•`' Eagan, MN 55121 pATE. . Zoninp: ?'-- No. of Units: ' ? Ow1Nr: r' p` cr 1',1:'i.i r Add1'eSS: F ? Sih AWJdreSS. : / - .. Z 1. .? f Plwriber: _ r kr'i. ; ???? ??? ? ?+? y?M f BY - ? Dote of Inap.: Connactlon CFaegs: Acoamt Deaowt: -i Permft Fes: Surdwrps; . : n. AAisc. Chorqm Totol; Doh Pald: t CITY OF EAGqN 3830 Pilox Knob Road P 1NATER 3FRVICE PERMff . O. Box 21199 Esgan, MN 55121 PERMiT NO.: ( 70 , ZoninD: _ r. CfJR'T'E; • - -L .-. . OM'11l?: ?@r3 No. Of uflitS: ---- . --------- I,d1Nplb' T - She AddfQ8c Plurnber: Meter No, ;' S ' Connedion Qar9e; • . ?±r Reodar No.: A=unt oepostt: 15 770-); ; I Mne h eoveIp M C ? P rmit Fee: •- ,., pC . h of bq?? Ondiiw?ew Su'rF'c.gec .. p M+ac. Chornes; ? BY D Torot: • _? me er ? Dote of Insp.: Dats Pbid: i i CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot KNWRoad . WATER SERYICE PERINIT P. O. Box 27199 PERMIT NQ.: Esgan, MN 55127 p,,TE: Zonirg: _ No - . of Units: i ? Owner. Address: Sita 11dd?esx ;'.?e !..,•.:? :. ,' _ . . _. 77, Plumber. ev i 1 ie Fuumb Mat+sr No.: Connedian Chorfle •- Size: /\ D ooaurM eposlt: R°°der rN°.: Permit Fee: ? aOm ft 00v1* Ma tiw city of ampA SUIChGrQl: . '.'.i OrdiwM.eet. Mlsc. CFarpes: TotoL• BY Dote Pbid: Dwe af lrap.: 1.,,,, , - CITY OF EqGqN 38:30 Pilot Knob Rosd P. O. Box 21199 Eagan. MN 55121 Zoninp: Addre= ?r r Site Addres=, r . Plumber. ? alm to °°n Pb wa !y Cle1 ?i SLWER SERy1M patR PERAAIT NQ.: .. DAT'E: !Y0. of Unita: 4L41;:.i,gg ona"naR WWWO Cannectlon /?? f1?.?_vpVil.?• ?• P*?rr+it Fes: ey Surcharge. ' Date of intp.: Misc. ratai: nor. ve+e: CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rosd WATER SERVICE PERMIT P. d: BOx 21143V •. PERMIT NO.: Ea9an. MN 55121 D/1TE: zaniny: _ No. of uMts: ' ' %1=2 leX Owner, 'ix ` ttri - S.s,o /lddreaa: Sih /tddrcss: G j^4 1"321a TjAaf C r. T `'•^ - F ' za L 3 s# Plumber. =?:?'Nv • ? ? e "? AAeftr No.: CAnnection Chorye: Stze: Actount Deposit: Reoder No.: Permit Fee: Ox r; 1slme h eemphr whh fw Cihr ef Ep"n Surcha?ge: OrmMIIOM. AAIEC. CI10rglS: r- Total: - ?!?., ? p+F ., - - BY Date Raid: Rote of Irup.: Insp.: CITY OFF EAGAN WATER ? 3830 Pilnt Knob Ruad SERVI CE PERMR P. Q. Box 21199' PERMIT NO.: { Eagan, ..N 55121 rE, , . ._ , ? Zoninp; ? Owner: Address. • Site Addrom 4 54 `° '',iar E ?. = t. ! I.akeviile, i ? Plumber. ??? ?1r- ? Metar No.: _3S`l yS ? d ? ? ??' Connxtlon CharQe: 50d, (Y)pd i ?u: Accounr oeposit: i5.n?d ? Reader No.: 1? ? 117 Permit Fec: L. L,p i ?"rM te osnply wilh dN Gtr ef Espw Surchorfle: ' P i O.?I..nw. Mtac. CFwrpes: 13:c' . 0L7pd '£P ? rorol: 63. 2-nd ;neter ? BY Dota Pold: ? Dote af Insp.: Insp,; ? /!.. ? 3 _ ?'? ? CITY OF EAGAN N° 10 9 21 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 3 - BUILDING PERMIT Receiot # ? - Ts M wad fer 1/2 TWIN HOME Esr. Value $58, 100 Dafe SEPTEMBER 9 85 19 SiteAddress 4594 MAPLE LEAF CIR Ered ? Occupancy R Lot 28 Block 2 SeclSub. CHES MA]2 }.S' 1$'1' Remodel ? Zoning Ry Parcel No. Repair ? Type of Const. Vil Addition ? No.Stories w FEATURE BLDRS Name MO"e ? Lenyth ?- z Address 15513 LOGARTO LN Demolish ? I ? De th P 2() ? City BURNSVILLPphone 435-8443 nt Impr. Install ? Sq. Ft. Name SAME AYDrerols Fees ou u? f Name City Phone Phone I hereby acknowledge thot I have reud this aODlicotion ond stote tFwf the Inlormofion is corrett ond ogree to comply with oll applicoble Stote of Minnewto Sta tes?y? qd) Cify of Eogan O.rd•in-onces. Si9neturc of PermiHee- 7C?'H'0'?V? . "? •Vr?!?' A Building Permif Is Issued to: FEATURE oll vrork sholl be dorre in accordance with oll oppiicable State of MiyV Buildinp Official nssessn,enr _ Water 8 Sew. Police _ Fire Enp. Planner _ Council _ Pemi: $ 289.00 Suroherge - 26, 0 0 PlanRevlew 144, 0 snc 525.00 WaterCann. 500.00 waterMeter 63.00 RoadUnit 280.00 BId9.Off.9 $/BrJ I Tr.PI. 132.00 APC Parks Var. Date Copies BLDRS 7otal $1,959.50 on tha expren condiNon that esoM Sfatut s o of Eaqan Ordirwnces. ? CITY OF EAGAN N_ 10920 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-799, Eagan, MN 55721 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-8700 tieceipt # ,?1?? Ts be wed 1or 1/2 TWIN HOMEEst. Value $58, 100 Date SEPTEMB ER 9 )q 85 SiteAddreu 4592 MAPLE LEAF CIR ereet 91 occuPancy R3 Lot 27 Block2 Sec/Su6. CHES MAR E 15T Remodel ? Zoning R1 Parcel No. W Neme FEATURE BLDRS ? Address 15513 LOGARTO LN City BURNSVILLEphone 435-8443 p Name SAME A`u Address F f:itv Phnnn Name City Phone I hereby acknowledge fhot 1 hove reod fhis applicotion and stote fhaf the inlormotion is corre[t o d ugree fo comply with all opplicoble Stafe of Minnewta Stotu n City of Eogan Ordirw_ nces. Siynoture of PermiHee OAA-W?_C?-'? = A Building Permit is Issued to: _ FEATURE BLDRS oll work shall be done in occordonce with all aoolimhf6°3tate of Mil Repav ? TypeofConst. Vn Addition ? No. Stories Move ? Length 3 $ Demolish ? Depth 26 Int Impr. ? Sq, Ft. Install ? ADVrorals Faas Azsessment Water 8 $ew. Police fire Eny. Plonner Councfl Bldg. Off. 9/8/85 APC Var. Date Permn S 2S9 _ 00 SUrchefge 9(i -00 PlanReview 144.50 snc 525.00 Water Conn. 500.00 waterrneter 63.00 RoatlUnit 280.00 Tr.PI. 132-00 Parks - I CoDies Totel $1, 959.50 on the expreu conditlon Ihai y of Eopon Ordinances. Buildinp Officfcl -:r-,-L../-?r ltil?t REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION jok Ee-oouoi-oa ' See instruchons for wmpleLng this torm on beck o7 #. ina, Yellow copy. 1611Q /r,/ ? _ -"X" 8elow kYork Covered by This Request ' " O16 ) ?hq AAd Hep. Typa ot Baiidmg Appliuntae Wned Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Buiiding Dryer Electric HeaLn Commeraal Bldg. Furnace Silo Unluader Industnal Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tdnk Farm O[her oecifv O[her fSnomfy) thv,r SVOUfy Offior Othae CompLte lnspecUOn Fee Selow N Fee ServweEntranceSize N Fee Feadars/5ubteeders N Fee Cvcwts ? U tp 200 Am s 0 to 30 Am s ? to 30 Am ?s Above 200 qinpy 31 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 Am g Swimminy Pool Above 100_Amps Abave 100_Amps Transtormery Irrigation Booms Sfa Partiai'Other Fee SignS Speciallnspectwn T T r? Rema.ks O ALFE / Nl I flough-m te I. th?lectncal?? ? .y?' Inspactor?by Finai cert?fy tFat the above insoectmn has bq¢n j mede. This raquest valC 18 monlRa from Dlh.s request void ? 18 months fmm s ??/( a ? 075875 l° yl?, so FanuesL??al^ ' Fire No, Rwph-in Inspect?on ReymreA? E]HeadY Nuw211uhll Nobfy Insoec- [o Wh F ?) ? es No r en eady Licensed Electncal Con(rector I hereby request mspactmn of above ? Owner , electriwl work installed ei: Strey?at /Atldress, Boz or ftoure No. / Cltv ? J acUOn o. Townshio Name or No. Ranqe No. County Occupani(PRINT) Phone No. P r Suppiier Addretis EI tncel Convactor ICOmpany Name), Contrapmr's Lmense No. Matl nA /?dJress (Contracmr or Owner Making Al-P ta[ioni 6/'? /3 A onz rgnature (C hact wner Makmy talla[ion) P e Number MINNESOTp STATE BOARD OF ELECTNICITY THIS INSPECTION REQt1E T WILL NOT Griggs•Midwav eldg. - Haom N•191 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STqTE BOARO 1821 Universicy Ava., St. Paul, MN 55104 VNLESS PFOPER INSPEGTION FEE IS Phone 161212972111 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooooi.oa ' See ina[ruchons lor comvlating this form on beck of yellow copy. ? 0_ U 6.) 4 7 7 ""X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request Nqs AJtl Nep. Type of Bmlding ApP1iQ,ncee W!+ea Equipment Wired Home Range Temporery Service Duplez Water Heater ' • Liyhting Fiztures Apt Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industnal BIAg. Air Conditioner Buik Milk Tank F3fm Othei Der.i y thpr ISUCUfyI t er SUeu y Mor Other Comnute lnspectinn fee Below # .Fea ServiceEntranceSiza q Fae Feeders/5ubfeeders b Fee Cucuits 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s 16 ' ^ 0 m 30 Am >s Above 200 qmps 31 to 700 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Swimmin Pool _Am s Above 100 Above 700_/>mps Trenstormers Boor Irrigation r?s C? Pertial,'Other Fee Signs Speciailnspection TOTAL F " Aemarks EE ?G ? Houph-in Final Oate / [ ?, ?he Elecvieel rtify thnt tha above inspec[ion has Ceen mede. Thla rapuest va1018 months irom This ro0uesl vmd 5,5 - / 1Z 78 monlhs (rom M'06347-7 c1 T_ Req? t ?ate ??// ? Fire No. FouPh-in Inspecuon red? ?Reatly Novy?Will Nolify Inspec- Wh R C. Yes ? No en eady wensetl Electncal Contractor I hereby request inspecUOn ot ebove wner electncal work installetl eC Street Adtlress, Box or Route No. / City ecuan o. Township Name or No. HanBe No. Cow"ty Ociupant 1PRINTI Phon No.? 4?3? Pow uvPlie/r ' Atldress EI ncal omractor (C mpank Name .?? L r. C?ry(raVt i's ense ? U ading Address ICOn r mr or Owner Making In;tailation) „/y^? ?-3- G ? // ? Auth r S wre IConV ctor ?Ow ef /Maykiny Instalia i nl% /?2,/?s---? Phone nber/ MINNESOTA STATE BOAPD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Grigys-Midway Bldg. - Room N•191 aE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARO UNLESS PROPEN INSPECTION FEE IS 1827 Univers,ty Ave.. St Paul, MN 65104 Phone (612) 297-2111 ENCLOSED. / REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ' See instructions far com0letinB this twm on back ot yellow copy. p? - "X" Below'Work Covered by This Request ; 0Ee-oowi-cw / L)( r 08S Ftltl Rap. Type of Bmld.ng Aootionces Wved Enuiumem WireA Home Range Tamporaiy Service Duplex Water Heater lightiny Fixtures Apt. Bwldinc g Dryer Electnc Heatin Commercial Bldg. fumace Silo Unloader Industnal BIAg. Air ConArtioner Bulk Milk Tank Fann omP, oer,i v om,., tsno??rv1 inor Suemfy ther Oth,;r Compute lnspectian Fee Below M Fee ServiceEntreneeSiie H Fee Fexders/5ubteetlnrs N Fee Circults ^ 0 to 200 qm s 3,'?? 0 to 30 qm s 0 to 30 1m s Above 200 Amps S 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 A s Swimming Pool Above 700-Am s Above 100_Amps Transiormers Irrigation &oorr?s Sd Partia6'Other Fee Signs Special Inspection $ [-'s? ----i? T Remsirks XJ. OTAI FEE. I" C/ ! HouBh-m jat \ ? 1. [he'Ele?trlcal? ? i Inspector, hereby F?nal certify [het the ebova ? Inspecfion has baen mada. Thisrequeatvoitlt8moniheirom ?f n'1-,S0oas yo a 18 ffi nwns fmm w a Fcrduest u e Fire No. I Rouph-ui Insuectwn Ne urte,A? ?Ready Now ,II Notity InsOec- LJ?'r°'J Yes ?NO [o hen ReatlY LiF,ensed Electncal GonV.ctor I hereby reVuest inspection of ebove Owner electncal work installed et. Sdeet AAdress, Bou o/r ?Ro?ut?e N/o.J/?- ?J !M? ' - i ?5" '= C/zZ Crty ? <SeT ? ecuon n Township Name or No. Range No. County Occ?fllN? Phonc No. P Supplier Address Ele cal Convacmr ICompany Namel ?'c, Comracmr's Liceryse,?Vi. <?X//'?PFf Mailin A[Idress (COmract r or Owner Makinp Ins[ailaL 7?'7 ?j ? S53'7 A rze Si nawre (COntract wner Makmq I lavon) pbxyLNUn?ber MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITV TNIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Grigps-Mitlwny Bldg. - Noom N-791 gE ACCEPTED BY THE STqTE BOARD 1827 UniveraitV Ave., St. Paul. MN 55104 UNLESS PNOPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 297-2111 ' ENCLOSED. TRI- LAND C0. SURV EY1 N G SERVICES SITE PLAN FOR: FEATURE HOMES r^"Q c o? 3 by0 "p'?`` ° °''y b \ N s9° SCALE : I"= 30' - ., - Yss 3„ .?<, LEGALDESCRIPTION: ' lOTS 21 } 28 , BLoctc 2 ? ? _ - = ?.. ?--__i??.• '_,? \ CHES MAR EASr FIRST ADDIrIon I 1 -, , ` _ - ?, ? -• t ` ti? Q.A j? .5 x L ? V I `?. Q •r7? 10 I W ?? I . ? ? I ? Q Ix o i N 1 ? o? N I N ? I H ? I 1 ?S sl ? f I6'46° O -- A= 4031' Ob" 30.3? ? ?L COUNTY aoAn n?o. 32 100X00 DENOTE3 EXLSTING SPOT ELEVATiON -?-- (1oO.oo) DENOTES PROPOSEC SPOT ELEVATIoN . 4-- DEN0765 'QRAINA4E DIRECTIoN 4'7•5 PROPp$ED GARAGE FLODR ELEVA7iON PR6POSED BASEMEN7OOFL OR ELEVATiON NOTE: VERIFY ALL FLOOR 14EI6MT5 WITH FINM.. HOUSE PLANS i here!;;i c(mt; ry ina* -this sur cy. p,?n or repori ?ias prepr?rad uy rr, or urlci2:- f?ly CiiiCCl; SUpC?"'S1GI1 ii!ICI i.iiHi. ?- , '?Y'dd'°.f i?. `?'?-I150 t IIn. ?.P.y. l0. IbL.'i:. C1U1J! :?eOAE"i;Ci"20 Ldil(j >,UY""f01' UiFfl°i '.-..ir' I_aras oi tiie Siate or iunnesn,:c+. c r 1985 Bl1ILDING PERMZT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS FNST BE LICEN3ED NITH THE CITY OF EAGAN COl4MERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCT'URAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 S_T OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS' $2,000 LANDSCAPE BON? ??.?. To Be Used For: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS 1 ' `rS' iov Valuation: 4 a Date: VzL.';- Site Address AfS9.2 - Lot al Block 2 Parcel/Sub C.Dixa-h? qo.otLvl A.cQi, Owner C-t-Qi, Address City/Zip Code Phone Contractor Z..t? ?QLQe.y?? Address / s /3• ? ? City/Zip Code ?nnn?a?? ?5337 r Phone 413 S = 9- 4 Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone A Erect 4k- Occupancy Remodel Zoning Repair Type of Const ? Addition # of Stories Move , Length Demolish ? Depth Int.Impr. Sq Ft Install APPRDYALS FEES Assessments Permit 3 8 Water/Sewer ? Surcharge Police Plan Revie w Fire SAC ? Engr Water Conn ? Planner Water Meter ( Council Road Unit ? Bldg Off? Treatment P1 l: APC Parks % ? Variance Copies l TOTAL t? R AIWE 0 BY , D9'i0 3 ? ., ,, o . . . . . . , , . • EI(?ERIOR ENVELUPB AVERA:E "U" CO?it'UTATION . tiwner Addressl A, . Yhone`?3f-SYV? .¢ral Ucscciption n: Propec[y' Loi.'ZBloeko? .1ddStlon?laA`„Afigitrw.. Date. ? s :Ete Address ACESACE LIh'^AL FEET OF E%YOSED 6'ALL AItEA ABOVE GRADE pER14IT tain level 1 p / G?/O Lineal ft. of framed vall above grade?_x height of vall O ° :im jois[ area Lineal ft. of rim fiaight of rim :ar•er level ???^^^??lp .. Lineal ft. of framed vall above gradexlt+eight of vall Lineal ft. of masonry wall above grade x height above grade . . ' TOTAL wall area above grade inclvdiag vin8ovs and dnors • , Mppk'S: Area x "ll qalue/ ' • x ..a.. . . Q ' (U)1 . -•' ' ' .":dake fi type sq. ft. (0) I •? u R A CI,JI sq. ft. . , T•.---- nU,• _ (p) I _ . v u SS• Iz. ..U.. n n sq' „ (t,) i , o u sq. U.? ft. n .? sq. (U) .. S9• (ll) 'u n ' SQ' n n C. sq. " R flun (U) .o n sq. 'F(U) x X uLu n r sq. £t_ •,0^ (U) F..f 21 x "U" n .. sq. ft. x ..U.. (U) .? .? sq. ft. .?.? sq. ft. 0" (U) x " - •? a sq. fi. ,.... ..... x aUn.. . .. . . (L`) n v (L`) sq. fi.? . U , :100RS: Area x va e , x .lU,? ?. (U) . Nake & tyTc X?+? G GL sq. ft. Qx .?U?? {U) „ .pG y?.E„ sq. ft. o u , r G q. ft. „ .. (0) :, . . X ..U.?' (C) ?sy..ft. pYAOUE YAI.L CONSTRLICT70N; f?rea 'x "U" value ---1-?--""?--'? , •' " ' :. ' FRAPIED 149LL ([otal arca less _ ' . , . • .? opening, franing menbers ia ' ' .,.' ;.' .?.•,: . ?„ Uetail refer- wall, rim joisi ar..a b masunry) ?4 q. ;]` X u ence from sq. ft._ pctaehe.d ft. U9- a aheets P.3m 'oizt iY• X ?£t: ' ?D,?. . . • .? I . : '; ? ' TO7'AL ldall Arca Tacluding GJ?'/ •? f?/ ,r, , 1Jindows S lloors - I 1 I70TAL (U)(A) _____ , --? ry'OTN. ?U)?A? VAT.tI1:S a AY(:• °D° ---L-=-? I ? . I OlVIDI:i) 4Y ]'U'P.11. h'Al.l, Akl'.A ' A\9i1L?CE "U" lSin3mum ,17 or ]es.^• for 1 Z. 2 famlly dwellings - ' { .. lfinimum .22 ur 1,ss Inr nll ochcr Luildinl:a.. .. ._.. ?,..?,. .??,.+•..m.•?r: t} ; ii. i1[ •Ip4:j4C Wrll -I[aa f[.tminX oiewbe[a FW\.`4LT7G ME."M11fERS 7:1 WALLS Fxtnrto- n(r fitn Siding Sheathin3 A" sott vood R-Yrlue _17 ?/// ? •? ?1" dry vali ..?.?-- In[ector atc fLlm U -? 1/8, FRf140 4IAI.L . . . • • - . . - . Exterior air filn • . " •» ? ' Siding' • ? ? . . ' ?. ?_--?_-+---, '1?.. Sheathing ?-=?- ?? . batt insula[ion . ? . . . '' '- ' • ? ?Snterior alr filn . b$ . • ' . . - - .. . 9T1TAi •R 2 : U ? 1/R , .. . , _ U > RZM JOZST?AR£4 :. . .. .. • . . . . . ?, $xterior air film szaina Sheathlnp - , --+-=---'? • . . 14. ofc enA. . . .?? . , . .68 Inierior Mr fTln ?- -----?-^-'- . . . . ? 7YYfAL R u - i/s . . n HASOIRY 17ALL . '17 Exteriot nir film T 12" concrcte block -?- Insulatlon ' Inlcrlor air flln .68 TOTAL R• I V 7 . ------_-- r7 too Yicv . ? . . ..? i Y . C3ze J F'AQ:' Cf:LLIiti(; _ 04t?ide?ir film .61 Insulation Dryvall ,45 In[erior air Eilm .61 ' . TOiAL R ° J . y U?1JR oz I Du[side sir film _61 Insulation " 3S" Dryvall . .? ?. .. .?- .45 ? r Intezior ait film .61-. . ? ? T[1iAL R = . . Oyl/R Ovtside air f33.m '?? $ujl• iy?rnnfino'' .33 Insulation Fnod decking Xnterior air film U a 1/R ' GOOF/CIiILIRG: 1017 • . ' .; . . . ' • . TOT6). AREA: . aq. ft. . . ... ? petdil retcren:c "U" x sq. ft. (U) (i1) from a6ovr.. •'U" x sq. ft. • (U)('`) Uescri6e openings x sq. It.? ?:=(U)(t.) in rouf "U" x sq, f[. (U)(t.) ???.. x sq. ft. (tl)(:.) x sq. f[. (U) (a), .u.1 x sq. fc. {U)(A) . . ' . . - . . - _ r OTALS / D 1 I sq. •f t. 2- 0.3 cU .: T07'AL (U) (A) VAI.llF.S ?? '- - ?? .. ' . uivJn"n RY TO"fAl. I:OOF/ .02. - AVG. U . CBJb1tiG AF.FA , ' . ? \YtiRACt "lC" .OS [or vcntileted ronfc • . , .10 [oi nlt ot`.:er eonvcructlon \07'F.: ][ aver.ge "U" valucs as calculn[aA abo:'e du not neeC [hc F.ny.crCY Code TequireR.zn[x, t uAlf..rnn?n f'mrnlrnn Il..?aon° :in 7nr!1rnrnA On ?':IRt'•5.T]? ?rn nFnd..a - . r Slab oo grade _ .. . . ..? . 2iin. 8 7.5 L . . . . .. . ?. ; . ' _ . 7nsulation sha21 have a minimum R-Value of7.5 and?must extend horizon[ally (as illustra[ed)'or veztieally a • dietanee equlvalent to the design fros[ 11ne; that is: Zone 2- 3 teet 6 ineh¢a ' Tn,dTatian sha11 have a dinimua R-Value of 7.5 around the pecimc:ec oF slab on gradx floors. . . ,. . , i V`•' SHE T071L ENVEL07E CALCUL:ITION MEZk10A The icSulntlons statc that altesnative overall "U" valuse for building seetions•arc permlanabla if St is shown titat thc to[al building envelope heat lo^.slyain duex not caccede vSlifeonsiler ,Imilar building [hat e?ce[s CAe regutatioa U' valce r.axi=us. In this ease. v only tLe w+ll's anJ roof/ceiling criteria, asaumiaf• tha: the renalnder of the builAi.np cee[s rc$ulaCiun requirenxn[s. . , A. 'Total hr.at loss as desio,ned (valla and roof/ee111ng,) BTU/hr. dePree F. . 12alls - LoAo - Avxrsge "U" of vall asse=bly : average vall area sq:.ft. ? "U•" . . goo[/Ceiling UoAo Avera e of teiling x average ceiling aica 8q- f=• ° . • . " - . TOTAL ?----- B. Total heat loss if designed to meet ttle regulation ainimum.(valls and ioof/ceiling) Yalls ? U A ? Minimum required X$veragevall area. . 84-'ft- ° ° ° "U" value of vall . . , , , , . . . . . . .,..: , • ' Roof/Cciling ? pAo ° lSinim? zequired . . , ' • . ' , ' 6 s'a.. value of . . ' ?- '• : . . ' ' - . • ' . .. . eeiling z average eeJln8 azea ft. :*JM!A L -- . . -+' • ._ . . • ' . . . ' '??_ . ' . " • '':, . ': j i" " e - , ' , . . , , . . . '. . . . . ' . .r'=^_...?..__ _. . T6e follwing iable may be used as a geaCral Suide line for •determining allowable percentage of uall oP""Ss when_lovest , "U" value is esiablished. , ' ' ,. • ., ' t ` , . i ,. i ; . .. _ . . . :r---?"•' . O enln aTea (L .•ft.) ' / 7C SOD° Opening F wall arca above grade (sq. ft.) ?,;.' ' opeainS ? w?ll The folloving tablc may be used as a Emeral gulde 'LineYfor detexmining allowablc percenEage of zoof opeaings vhen louesi:_. , ' "U" value is establislied. . . •• .. . ' , . , • ' . . ' ?s~ ` . . , , . . . . X Noof 5 6 . Opening . - ll 3 JIT. lnimum ' • . R-Vnlue nf ,n ue Roof 242.2 55. x ioa . x '. O onin . arca 0: . ft.) OpeninR 6 rouf/cciline. ar.a {sq. fi.1 '.: .... . . or?iny in vall ps¢pa:ed by; Dennis J. Lunski . . Bnilcling Ins?ector nP nn.n<villc ; j? • /??? 1985 HUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRAC'fORS MUST HE LICENSED HITH TEIE CITY OF EAGAN COt4(ERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SETf OF ? ENERGY CALCULATIONS I $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND ? To Be Used For : -'?u.w Site Address 4.,L s7-9v - -)-? -44 G, SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS ion Date • 91518 S Lot -R-Ir Block a Parcel/Sub C.Q"-'hca4&--t Owner ('j_.Q,Q¢?,y&au . Address City/Zip Code Erect x Remodel , Repair ? Addition Move ? Demolish '- Int.Impr. ^ Install _ Occupancy Zoning Type of Const 0 of Stories Length Depth Sq Ft Phone I APPROVAI.S FEES Contractor a¢,a? &-- Address City/Zip Code Phone ?L35`8'f43 Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone # Assessments Permit Water/Sewer ? Surcharge Palice ? Plan Review Fire SAC Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg Off ? Treatment P1 APC Parks Variance Copies TOTAL N ? gY ? ppTE?? U ? . . • SXiE&LOR ENVELUPti AVERA:E "U" CO.MYUTATI0:1 /$S - .tgal Description o: Propereyt Lot a$ Block .°4 AddStioa ? aiy 0d.11: fi.,r. Date.7/9 :tce nddress ?'?r9? ?a=? ?'?'K-?°--- - AVERACE LITEAL FEET OF EXPOSED 6'ALL AREA ABOI'E GiUADE PERMIT t70. •. . ?J 1'- • [ain levet ,_x 'height of wall Lineal f[. of framed wall ehove gradel 22 :Lm joist area Lineal f[. of rim ?? Z x beight af rim ° ??? :.maet level - c/ ppp Lineal ft. of framed aall above gradex1height of wall ° Lincal ft. of masonry vall above grade x height above grade . TOTAL vail area above gzade including vindavs and doors opening, franing menbeis in ' ' ',. ;,?_,-., -'•:.: . 'Ue[ail refer- wall, rim joist arw S masonry) ence fxom .L x••0^'_•G?° .?.]• • (L`. sq. fY._ i attach-d x (U. }raninp neriberv in 1ra11 Sn- f=• x"U'? xhcets R_ ini ioisL nrca sq• £Y• . ]C °Un? ' Nzsnnry acea nbove rr??•? sq. £t:? ' 701'AL Wa!1 Arca IncludSng "TOTAL (U)(t.) W3ndocas S Uonis '-_2YDOk'S: Area x "U" alue ?U? , ':aake 6 type _ S?PIYIC /1 UI T?I O ?1 ?" d?l? y I Ca A! JI sq. (ll) .. sv- .' .? .? ft_ ft- N U 11. x "U <U) fr.. ft. • X 4U1. (U' fL. (U) sq. ? (u) o a ft• ? ..?.tnl . . x ,.u., (u) . a a sq. fi. (U) n n . sq. fY. . x ..ll., ? ot u ft. . g nt7° • ' (U) n n SQ. fY. x*lUn x ••Un - (U) o .? sq_ fi_ x "U" _ (u) .... sq. ft. sq. ft. X np•• (U) .t sq f t. ..... . .... X .' , sq. y .uIIll . (U) -?u -n fL._--71- °? . . :100RS: Axea x °?1" valsse . u,. ^? I . . . (U) .yakc 6 type 6 8 G?"?"Y'e sq. ft. X „ s.! J = (U) . ?? u pG .r yE ? sq. ft_ X uu,?ft. (U; n u 7 ?,r-'[i sq. x ll r" _ n n ,) ; C, •`, sq. ft. , OPAOUE UAt.L CONSThIICTION; Area x "ll" valve L2 , , • "' ' . - . FRAh;ED l'.4L1. ([otal area less _ ' • , . ' . .. 1'bTAI. AV (' . (U).(A) vn?.ur;s +--?- 01\'ID:iD );Y TU"PAI. l2Aid, Aht:A • A\'1il'ArE "U" • Fitnlmum .17 or ]ess for 1 6 2 famlly daellings . ' Ali.nimum .22 ur luss Lor .111 oLher Uulldinl,s . . . .. . .. __.. r..A,. . ?m1 r..monY.:, L} ;ji, 11E?'I`14:jOC uri! acea ios fr.w.inK oi.m6era FRAl4L:1G MF:1?ERS T!7 UALLS ' Fxt cio- .1tr filn Sidtng Sfieathing 311" soEt vood R-4alua _17 . 6 / 1.67 KJ.n ! h" dry Wall In[erior 11r flln . . ? ' " • .45 ' ?68 TOTAL R ' ? 1/8? . • ' Q° . FRlmED ta.13.k , , • . ? ? ? . ? - ? . Ex[erior air filn ? . • • ' ? ' . . ' ? ? ? / 'f SSding • .. J-y- . -? ------------ Sheathing ?-=--1- ? ? ' ?? • : ?batt Snsula[ioa , . . .. _ .45 • , ? ' ?Fa ' Interlor sir f31 ' ? ' ' ? - , ---- '- • . ? ? . . . ' ' - ? ? ' R n i.?_G?`?l 'MTAT ? • _ ( / ?+/ . p ? 1/R .: U: . . .. . • RZM JOT? ST ARE_4 . • ? . . . . . - . . . $xtecior air film .---=-!-?-- ' ? ? ? ? ? 1dl : . • ? ? n3 8 ? • Sheachi? _ . - ? ? 1 ' soft v n ' ' • .68 Intcrior nir ? . . . . ?' YDTAL R s ? 1 • I ?-1iR HASONRY W.4LL_ . . Exterfoc aSr film '17 12" concrrte filock ? • ?z Inaulation Intezlor air flln .bB • - -_ -- , ?.. r? ToD l'icv , ??• C1gY J YAOF CE:1LYtv". . Outside air film • .61 InsulatSon vy_ k" Dryvall ,45 In[erlor air fllm .61 . . . TOTAL R - J . y D?1/R U° .oz . ' Outside air film •?i1 Insulation . Drywall • - - •. : . .45 Interior air film '. •61 ?DTAL R =. .. - - tl-lIR , • •ap Outaide air fiim '17 Thti lr np,TOnfino? -' -33 Insulation _ Food detkinQ ' ' • Iisterior air film yYYfAL £. _ . U •, lIR . v < ?:.' r.ooF/cr.iLinc: / G l 7,• ' ' • f ' • ! TOPhI. AREA: C. . sq. s . . . . ft ????`» Uet.iil refcrence q. • • . (U)('1) [rom above. i i6 x sq. U xq. f[. I[.? ??U? «`? ngs e open Ileser ••11•• x s f[ (U)(t,) [n roof q. . x sq. ^ n ft. ?U)(A) .-? x sq. U . . f4 (ll7 (A) .. . . ? x sq. f4 .. . . - , -. . . ., . ; • _ . . TOTALSI ?so . •ft. (U) UF. 70SAL (U) (A) VAS.S ' ' DiVlil2D RY TO'fAL I:OOFf ?? ?? . U - AVC. U ' CEJL114C A£.EA , . . . ' \Yk:RACE "lt" .05 [or vr.n[Sle[e.d rao[s . ,10for nll ott:er eonstruction NOTf.: 7[ avor.gr "U" VJILLG+ .ls calcut.+ted abora do not neat thu tinpergp Cod¢ tequirercanix, t1 aAlrnrnarn I'nanlnm. A.c+n.." w, 1nd{r:1t.+d on 7'nf•e•5'.T] Y Ln ?nd .. . ' r , a. .. . , ,,• , r L 2fin. & 7.5 51ab on grade _ Insulatian s1ia21 have a minlmum R-Value of' 7.5 end'must . . extend horizoutally (as illuatreted) or vertically a , dIe[anee equivalent !o the deslgn fros[ 21ne; tha[is: , , .. ' - Zone 2 ? 9 taet 6 lnchea ' In:,dTatian ttiall 6ave a ntnimun R-Yalue of 7.5 around tfie ? pcrimc:cr of slab on grade flooze. • , • . . :?: rxe rornL et+vECOPe c.u.cu[.Xnov Mextion ' The reguln[Sons state that alternntiva overell "U" valuas for building xeatlons +rc permla54LLe lf 1i Sn sho•:n tlwt thc io[al bu111ing envxlope hea[ lo^.s/galo dues not excced that oF a alallar bullJing Ch,t nee[s [he regulatlon "U" valu>_ L3%i?1:3. In [his ease, ve vSll consilec mily tLe vall's and root/ceiling eriterla, assuming. [na: the re=alnder oE [he builAi.np ceeta regulation requlrxnents. . A. 'Yotal heat loss as desivned (valls an3 roof/eeiling) STU/hr. degree F. . Yalls - UoAo ' Averzga "C" of . . . vall asse=bly : average vall area sq: ft. ? ? x average ceiling acca sq. ft. a RooE/Ce11inR ° UoAo eVZ?elling, , . . ' - . . TOTAL?---_. 6. Total heat loss Sf designed to meet the regnlatinn atnimum.(valls and toef/ceiling) ' Walls = L A - Minimum zequized - • • . 'ft? 0 0 0U.. value of vall x average vall area. 84..' . . . . ;..:: , ;8oof/Cciling ? oAO y !linimum required , . , • . ' , " . . a "Un value of . • ?, . .' : . . ' -.. , eeiling z average 4deilin8 azea •.s9: fa ? . .. -._ -_. . .. ' :;.' _i . . . She iollwing table may be useII as a Sene=aS?gs h?e?est ' determining alloaable pereeniage of yall cPe^ •. . "h7" value 3s established. . _ , ._ • ' . - . . -. . .. - _ ?-?-- r._ ' R-Value Hinioum ' :,.•`'. . O enin area (s % . ft.) E 100 _.? x. . . .. Opaning F vall area above grade (sq. ft.) .'';.:;;?..;: ' .. • oPenu'S in '^all , , . . ' The folloxing tahle may be used as a Ecseral Eulde line?ior • determining allovablc perceniage of zoof opeaings j+hen.locest " ? ?• ' "U" value is estaSlislied. . , •- • •- . " . - , . ' . ' . X Reof .. 12 3 ' 4 5 6 . . . . . I Ninimum R-Valuc ot 3 ( [?1?1 lIC 1(ODL [V.?• «•? ,•, , 01..cnin? .rca (:: . ft.) Y 100 ° --; OpeninF A roaf/ccilinc nr?a LfiV• ft•? ?..• •oTeninp, iu vall Pxepa:cd by: Dennis J_ Lvnski $uildinq Ias?ector ' . .. rir., nf Rnrncville 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) ?°Lg• °?? ? CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 New ConsW ctlon Reauhemenh RemodeVReoeir ReaufremeMs ? 3 registered ska surveys showing sq. R M lot, sq. R of houee and all rooled areas RO% maximum lol eovaraae albwed) D 1 eopies o( plenrc (show beam 8 window strsc; pourad fnd. design; ek.) D lseto(enerpywkuleUone D 3 eoptas ottrae prgservatbn p4n ff IM plaCed aRer 7M193 DATE: l ? 7 2 eopies of plan 1 set of energy ealwlatfone (or heated addWom I Yb IIYIVB]I fOf extBftI8ddid0118 & dBGk8 CONSTRUCTION COST: ' eVX'G cir, 0. CIC' DESCRIPTIONOFWORK: '0?x--?6,X7 srREEr aooREss: e1S5 v-'?P41 'AlHICIV s l1*6? Cl-? ? n ?? ? LOT: BLOCK: ? SUBDJP.I.D. #: ?O 7A4-,/ e / Name: 11?4 Phone q: PROPERTY Lest Ftrst OWNER Street Address: CHy State: Zip: Company: r?•?l?L UN?? ,???J °, ?af?5% Phone #: (area code) CONTRACTOR Street Address: License #•? City Zip: SS 3c V- ARCHRECTI ENGINEER Telephone A: ( Name: Street Address: Registratlon i: City State: Lp: Sewer 6 water licensed plumber (new construction onN): Penaky applies when address change and Iot change is requested once pwmH Is lasued. I;iere6y acknowledge that I have read this application, atate Mat tlie intormatlon is corteck, and apree to eom ty wNh all appiicab State of Minnesofa Statutes and Ck of Eagan Ordinances. ? SignaWre of Applicant:<- OFFICE USE ONLY 11 Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required 2/84 CITY Ot EAGAN ? luu? APPLICATSON FOR PERNIIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION (PLEASE PRINi) 1) PROPE.T' ACD."'-'?.r55: JV S °/'? - .. rrraI. B".SCRI?TZCJI: 7 ?f-- (Zot/31ock/SL.aivisicn or TaX Parcel I.D. Nw.SZr) ? ' IF s"-= Drli:. O° Ci2T.GZT,aL c`UIL7L`:G -=;•ST ISS.:rNG.: Pn_°SL:: LTS: ? R-1 =.Q.: .PXSLY ' ? R-2 DUP??..Y (T.%'O L^:I':5) [3 R-3 1C:,.MH(7jGE (2?-a?- - LM:S) ( IIf7i_5) ? c"2-4 U:IlTJJ Q M-+1'SERCI]Ai./:2E^_'AII,/C'i'FT_C p Pi'DCS i.4-LAL ? LVSTI:LTIO:IAL/G;J?'?..?'* 2) APPIS(::-.?T IPLiASE PRI?iI) rr?•?_ FEflTaRE Su??,??,?? P.CCRESS_ LoGHRTO LN C=="-'. STA?', ZIP: P cti RNSU ? L(.er ?h N S? ?'? PF.C`E: ?l-3s-S?FN-Z ? j) pj17.+,p,:7) ?='?= RLEdSE PitlNi) LAk = FOfi CITY USE 04LY L Ulcie.. OL?tMblN6 r"LC?ESS: L AIrE V i ? L? Mb/ PLUHBE CE4SE: Active CIT'_', STa:'B, ZZ??: tqKEvil?.e, Y'?n'. Q Ezpi ed P?ONE= H?ICe PLUMBER LILENSE // a(pGG, o af Record .. tr initia ??: ADDRESS: CI^_"!, STATE, ZIP: PHUNE: %rLc„?c rrtaniJ 5) IIVDICATE W[-IICH PER-LIT IS BELM RF.QUESTEp: 0 CO:u"dF.CPZ0N M CZTI SES^7ER ? CCi7[v'ELTZC:I 'IO CITY WATET{ ? =MR (PLEA..?' DFSCPSSE) ? PT- =aSE f?OID APPR(7VID pg2,ti+3T £OR PICn-G'P HY CNE OF ABC,'VE ? PI.FASE D*'IL APPROVFa PER'lIT TO 1, 2, 3, 4 AF,OVE (Cire one) 7) sicaT.'RE: o.azE: 91?r14s? ?! ?lO??iR1iA? i O!l?JRft?! iI'ltdir?i? if?ii?:sa! rll?i?OyF?1q ?UE?pQ?s-??.. . . ? 1 .. FOR C I T Y U SE ON:,Y PE_P.`1IT °- ISSUED FEES : $ (J S C? $ /.: C'u $ ?,Q co $ 5 $ /SCb $ _ ?SGYU -" +S KLC? S $ $ $ $ ? ??, o G • $ $ $ ?u SEi•iER PE3>'!rT (I`ICL::DE SU°C';?RGE) WATER PF?I"IT:' (IL7CLliDE SliRCHARGH) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER WATER TAP (INCLUDE CORPORATZOJI STOP) 5E:6ER TA? :_=GSi: - _=._R AC.^_CliDIT DEPOSIT - p]AT°_3 j1ThC SPC T4liVK WATER RSSLSS.'1E:.'T TRu:1!{ SE:iER aSSE55.'•iEJiT L:,:E?,;,L BEivEFZT/TRU`IK SE:dE?R LATERaL BcNEFIT/TRUNK WATER WATER TREAT?NT PLANT SURCHARGE OTfIER: _ TOTaL Ab10tiNT PAID/qEC°I?T R DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCaVATION IN PUBLIC RIGi-IT OF WAY? L, YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR SJORK WITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE F-7 1`1O ENGINEERING DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUEJECT TO THE FOLLOFiIP:G CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TI:LE: DATE: Ev /?/n'C l .F 'Wlf 10?M MfI MM pF ? l! Mil Ro RW al iA w ? i • . , z/aa u CITY OF EAGAN APPLZCATSON FOR PERMIT SE:dER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIODI (PLEASE PNIHi) 1) PROPEFZ!'`_' RCD?.=.SS: lf'SJ?J'y- , " r FraI. D:..SC-tT_?T?CN: (1AL/t51pCK/Slizaivisicn or Tax Parcel I.D. Ni..^:?.?2:) "- ' naTE oc c7ZIc:.-]AL u:zr.,Dr:c P.?ESr :i' Gsz: O R-1 SL:Q,: :'PYSLY ' ? R-Z DLTr'.?.?'..{ (TE0 C,TITTS) _ ` - ? R-3 2C;','NLU?Ci?GE (?Y?= + L^T;T5) ! U.7I7S) ? R-4 lYy:;^=:T/CC:,'JCi•tr;r?I ( I,'?iI_5) Q CCi•nI?C2AL,/RE^.'I?IL?CE'FIC: p MCCSTR? Q INTSTI..T IO:]AI,/GGVa:z:N,"L-;r 2) A2PI.Ic7,?:I' (PLEaSE aatnr) ?'=•'°: FEf3Tu RE ?u+L.n ac ??'RE=S: / S'?"/.3 - Lc? G A RTO LN CT_'_"':'. 5::.ZL?: BUI4NSVICt¢.. ?yy,N ?ST?Z7 PEOVE: L!-3 i - & ?} Y-Z • 3) Pk.°-IBm M??: (PLErSE PRINi) L-14kE'?ILLe. B?LUrr?$i ?yG FOR CITY uSE 04LY CLLRL.SSC PLUHB LICEYSEc ? ' Attive CITY, ST".?TE, ZIP: L AKr-r.i Li-e M N_ Q Expire PfiCNE= 'k"`'' H"I1 -,qa6-4F PLUMBEA IICENSE Jt O(, t f Record . rr ?nici NFu'"IE: ADDRESS: Crr-" STniz, 7aip: PFi(?VE: 5} iIVDIG,iE S`1HICH PEF:•]IT IS BEID.'G REQ[7F.STID: CL"`:S1F.CPIG:I 70 CITY SEF;ER ?I cO:r%MCMcv To ciTY WAzER ? OiI= (PLLPS?' DESCRIBE) ? P7.r%SE f?OiD r1PPR(7tIED PER.'?LIT FL7R PICl;-UP BY G.WE OF AgpVE JR] PLFs+SE ?7LIL APPRGVED PFR"LIT M 1,? 3, 4 AfiUVE (Circle one) 7) SIG.?.T[.1RE- DATE: 9/12 T ??v r? - - truHac rnuii) ?t R o?.iMf??v! i S!!g? = s PR o i?al a? i s i?a ?a:? s nt ?a!la?y? al ? 1?[! s acsa? F O R C I T Y U S E O N L Y ISSUED F°_ES: $ /CJ ?-o $ /0-S C0 S ?- 3 SE.':L.D. PEBMTT (I`ICL?D=- SU°CHaRGE) WATER PF?R,*4Tm (It`.TCLUDL JLRCHARGL) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE REaD:R WATER TAP (INCLUD° CORPORATION STO $ S::vER TAD +S- /S_- Oc) nCc0i;:7r ..?Gc-- _ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATER SJAC SPC $ TRCiNK WATER ASSLSS?-?E:1T $ TRliNK SES•lER 1SSESSMEAiT S La:ERAL BE:iEFIT/TRUVK SE::'ER +S LATcRrlL BE*IEFIT/TRUNK WATER $ Z3 ? ' . , WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE $ OTHER: $ TOTAL AI`SOUJ;T PAID/REC°IPT $S3 DOES UTZLITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGiiT OF WAY? L, YES ZF YES, THEN n"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE C] NO ENGZNEERING DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SC;2JECT TO THE FOLLONING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TZ':LE: DATE : 7/i ? ?? ? ss? ?lf? w ? s? !w ?c? ?e ?t?? ?FJ? w ? /e fi% wM Ra 8k10 w IM joq Rf+ a4= wFm f! Wim "L?w R? 1! wm m m ??-I 7 O 2006 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Construction Reauirements 3 regislered site surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq, tt oi house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 set of Enei9y Calalations 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 717/93 Rim Joist Dehail OpGons selection sheel (6uildings wAh 3 or less unils) Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form RemodelRteoair Reouirements 2 copies of plan showing footings, beams,joisGs 1 set o( Energy CalcuWtions for heated additions 1 sile survey (or additions 8 decks Addifion - indicate i(ar-s8e septic system ri 19- 2 f? Office Use Onlv Cert of Survey Recd _ Y_ N Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N, Tree P2s Required _ Y_ N On-sile SepUc System _ Y'_ N Date _/-/ .-?O / (16 Construction Cost ?4106 6c) Site Address ? !_ ,js?(? Uni[/Ste # /77 f? ?w ?/SG itJ Description of Work 4 % ?G?.Uy C ? 5 ? ?wk l?.ti...c ' Mutti-Family Bldg ?, Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 OC. 1 _ 2 PrapertyOwcer , ?I?i??r.vf, Telephone#(Lr3'?5- kz//-3?drF Contractor ZZ Z2) Rct &c? ^ Address y?,? '?`O ?iT ?Ji- •r' /?. Sv - City S State Zip 5 ?S 6? 3 Telephane # (6S/ ) COMPLETE TH15 AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 --Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category Residential Ventilation Category t Worksheet ' . , •' New Energy Code Worksheet (4 submission type) ? Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the lasi 12 monihs, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a masTer plan? Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: ? - - - -?-_? Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/water Contractor Telephone # ( Telephone # ( Telephone # ( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. e) 9/o?f;? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature 2006 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX 9 651-675-5694 New Construction Reauirements 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft, of lot, sq. fl. of house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverege aliowed) 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found desgn, etc. 1 set of Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lol platted after 717M Rim Joist Defail Options seledion sheet (build'mgs wHh 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form RemodeUReoair Reouiremenis 2 copies of plan showing footings, beams, joists i setof Energy Calculations for heated additions 1 sde survey for additions & decks Addifion - indicate Non-sife sepfic syslem Telephone # ( ?ate Construction Cost ? :?' Site Address ? / -li'' A'a i` Unit/Ste # /1 ??/,•?? Description of Work . ?"?L?d- ?, /,?,Ei y? ?? iNw? ?Pt? ?i???nC?t?,??r?? Multi-Family Bldg Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 . _ 1 _ 2 Telephone # (73n Praperty Owner Contractor .? -? Address ?.? >0 S? k/r- sC L Cit3' f? 7Ile"'j State Zip S?c: 3 3 Telephone #(G-5/) 3 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet 0 submission type) Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submilted in the lasi 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plon based on a master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor ? -lv - 0o Office Use Onlv CedofSurveyRecd _Y _N Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N_ Tree Pres Requi2d _ Y_ N On-site Septic System _Y _ N ? 1 ,1 ?- I?I?11/h . dlllo . Telephone # ( N Telephone # ( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a perniit, and work is not to start without a perxnit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. % ?i 1?ad%ff? ?C%61:1?.% Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex O 13 18-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-piex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-piex X 18 Deck S ri9/2 ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 MuIti Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-piex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Tvpes ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ?' 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors )< 34 Replacement •Demoli6on (EnHre Bldg) • Give PCA handout to appliwnt D6SCript10n: Water Damage _Yes ? Valuation Occupancy MCES System ? Plan Review 100% or _ 25% Census Code 6/31/ Zoning P L) City Water SAC Units - Stories - Booster Pump - # of Units Sq. Ft. - PRV - # of Bldgs Y ? Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width - • REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) _ Sheetrock _ Footings(deck) FinaVC.O. _ Footings (addition) ? FinaUNo C.O. _ Foundation HVAC _ Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tesu Final _ Framing _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By: Building Inspector Base Fee V Surcharge Plan i2eview MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit 8 Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ]D =- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I For Office Use I~~ I City of iPermit#: I C) I Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: L Phone: (651) 675-5675 1 ~2 I Fax: (651) 675-5694 1 Staff: I 1 2009 RESIDENTIA BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 15C-4 kr`Cle- ~zqan 55t2.~ v 1~1c~ Pf Leif C M tv ~ Dater L Site Address: 45c~ NAayic pit r-C ~ L IGf) I\+~ N 5-5(2 Tenant: Tom ' )Ubt ~q Suite RESIDENT/ OWNER Name:G Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner L /'Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: T-mr - C} j~ Construction Cost: t9) ~ Multi-Family Building: (Yes /No CONTRACTOR Name: P--" Q 1'lc License#: 2_02 `1+3 SJ Address: q W t h Y"_ t ff 6 City: CPCA State: Mti Zip: 51 . Phone: L(5 _c~~ Contact Person: c COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING _ Minnesota Rules 7670 Category 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code • Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet New Energy Code Worksheet Category Submitted Submitted submission type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of lans. X X_ Applicant's Printed Name Applic nt's Signat e Page 1 of 3