605 McFaddens Tr. ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot -Knob Fioad Eagan, Minnesota 55123 ' (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: I ` .i, rad?3: 1d I k.ti '' I i I; ) i<i1 f I INSPECTIUN RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: ra i u INSPECTION .. , I tt+. I Permit No. Permit Holder Dete 7elephone # S/W PLUMBING / aj AV- W HVAC / 3p t) ^(tD4d2_.. ELECTRIC 00 ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings f Foundation Framing ??* d Roofing Rough Plbg. fZ6 ?? ? Rough Htg. 1-2- 9r, [sul. ??- g s' Fireplace Final Htg. ` 3-? Orsat Test - /L/- Final Pfbg. Ptbg. inspecror- Notrfy Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final .? •w Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. 1' - r+ _, . .r WCr#tftCRte 0f cCClivQ1iC4 (Fitv of Cftgan Zqmftmtut ? ??? ???o"dori This Certif;cate issued pursuanl ro rhe riequrrements of 1he Unifarm Burlding Code certifying that at rhe time of issuance this srructure was in compleance wrrh the various ordinances of the Ciry regulating building construciion or use. For rhe following: Uy? ?ifscaprc $(+ Ljr Bldg. Pumit No. 24Q 17 pavponcy IYpe R3M1 ZminB Qistrii.y Type Const. 1 3m_ Osrner of 8uilding HMS BY MM Address I fif? 1''• C? •i1''R ED. RIM:r]Z Building Address 605 mmrya$ TRAII. [anlity L]DATT. i ? F.B UARV 14. 1945 &.Idik odkw POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE INSPECTION REC4RD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date lssued: (651) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT SUBTYPE: it !, 10 ft! it APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION .. . .• I ; I :,h I F L_.= 111 rIraI ? ? ? Permit Holder Date Telephone i1 SEWER! WATE R PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS . FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBlNG PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH H EATI NG GA5 SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST ? FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLt15H MAINS CONDUCTIVITY TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL Address 605 MZFAnDStvs rxnu. Zip 5512 3 L.otio Blk I Sub LnxEVZaw TRan. THESE ITEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLEI'E AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. Date: 02/14/95 Yes No Inspector. Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps (garage) Permanent steps (main entry) Permanent driveway Permanent gas Sod/Seeded grass TraiUwrb damage t v? Porch Basement finish ? Deck Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut-off of water supply to ihe outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. Contact engineering division at 681-4645 before working in righ[-of-way or installing undergmund sprinkler system. ? White - City Copy Ye]Iow - Resident Copy Pink - Contracror Copy o--li REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 77 10- See instmmions for compleung Nis form on back ol yellow copy "X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request EB-00001-09 ??'? ?5777 Ne dd Fep. Type of Building Apphance9'Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Tamporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Load Management Comm./lndustrial Furnace Other (Specify) Farm Air Conditioner Olher (speniy) Conkactor's Remarics Compute Inspechon Fee Below: # Othar Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuds/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps P-o. to 100 Amps (v O. Transformers Above 200 Amps ? AboJe 100,-Amps SI fIS Inspaclorsuseonly ) ,(JCl TOTAL Irrigation Booms ? 80 , $-O S ecial Ins ection ' AlarmlCommunication THIS INSTALLATION M E OR DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN NT ?e N I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby R°u9mm o"' oaR_ l certify that the above inspection has been made. Fmai OFFICE USE ONLY Thls reQUest vaitl 1 8 momhs ho. 0?fD°477 ? ?? /?-?/? ' • ??? a/ .?9 ? CJ Request oala Fve No qo gn,ln Insp tion Reymretl (YOO m -u s? cell i?or when ready) Inspechon OtherThan R gh-In ? Ready Now Will Noety Inspeclor 1 7- ?- ? y ?p ?es ? No ?ate Peatl I Zt'ficensed contractor ?owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work aT Job AOtlress (Slreet. Box or Route No ) Qry SecUOn No, Township Name or No Pange No Coumy Occupant(P INT) meJs Phone No S'- S33 Power $upplier f?i-lco?u- F"?.Cs??^?G Adtlress ? /rLCSt ?oxr Elecincal C"on?[m-clor (Compeny Name) " W6-71 6 Contractors License No 3 O 51 • o MaLng Address (Coniractor or Owner Making Installation) ?'Ltyi f?e S ls s-S-Tfa Aulhoraetl Sign ure (Contracror/Owner Mekmg Instailetion) `?o-,?? Pho Number 7a4? 9s`?7o MINNESOTA STATE 60ARD OP EIECTPIGTY THIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT GAggs-Mitlwey BIOg. - floom 5428 II II I I I I I I I I II II II II 9E ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARp 1821 Universlty Ave., St. Peul, MN 55100 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION PEE IS Phone16t216C2-0800 ENCLOSED INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: Lo r: 10 B L 0 C K: 1 APPLICANT: 605 MCFADDENS TR HOMES BY CWASE LAKEVIEW TRATL (612) 895-5937 PERMIT SUBTYPE: SF DWG TYPE OF WORK: NEW BUILOING 024917 12/05J94 INSPECTION FOOTINGS .. . FOUNDA7ION .. FRAMTNG ftOQFING INSULA7ION FTREPLACE OUGH IN PL66 ROUGH SN HTG IFINAL PLBG FIPIAL REMARKS: PRV ? ? 5 6 W PLBR - VALLEY PLBG 7 -j PERMIT rt , 3Yjno/ --?-CI"I`Y OF EAGAN /.) -5?y5° 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: B U I L D I N G Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Permit Number. 024917 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 12 / 0 5/ 9 4 SITE ADDRESS: 605 MCFADDENS TR LQ7: 10 BLOCK: 1 LAKEVIEW TRAII P.I.IV.s 10-44330-100-01 ' DESCRIPTION: _. 6u31dinq?Permit 7ype SF pWG PuiJ.dxng W+ark Type NEW ?-UBC Ocawpan4y-., R-3 M-1 f C ons?ructiqn T+`?p,e V-N I 4 0nin9 f ` 1 ry l?-1 f Building Length 62 I Building WfdtM 50 Bw31'ding staries, ? 2 ? °-^-.?5tc?rla•re Fe•et, 2,106 ? ? ?? ? ' S ?i ? ? % ..:?LI ti.=\.._!`,' l•_ I ._I ? '. 4__ rv`?, ,. . ? X REMARKS: PRV S& W PLBR - VALLEY PLBG FEE SUMMARY: VALUATTON $ 170,090 Bese Fee Plan Review Surcharge 5AC SAC % SAC Units Subtotal $884.50 $574.93 $85.00 $800.00 190 $2,344.43 MISGEI.I.ANEOU5 $1,828.50 Total Fee $4,172.93 CONTRACTOR: - Appricant - sT. Lzc. OWNER: HqME5 BY CHASE 18955337 0001619 HOMES BY CWASE 1668 E CLIFF RD 1668 E CLSFF RD BURNSVILLE MN 55337 BURNSVILLE MN 55337 (612) 895-5337 (612)895-5337 I hereby aaknnwledge tMat Z hawe read this applieation and state thet th5 in°fbrmation i.s correot and agree to comply with all, a•pplicsble State af Mn. Statutes and City af Eagan Ordinances. ? APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUED : SI 7 R9 -1 1.4,q I #I CITY OF EAGAN 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION 681-4675 ? ('i 1b.1E l ?- l SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets af plans, 3 registered site ,energy calcs. ? , G'? 3 0 ?93l+ COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structur 1 plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy c ----- Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but nat picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. ?ate Valuation of work Z/? Site Address: ?.? ? ?? ?ysA/?<L. - SiREET 7 SUITE 8 Tenant Name: (cammercialonly) LOT BLOCK _L SUBDI-411ea/e6l) P.I.D. ik ? Descri tion of work: The applicant is: ? Owner Contractor ? Other (Uescrlbe) Name o X* ? s Phone Property ' AST -? FIRST Owner qddress /?lp Az/ SiREET STE A City ?e zo State',Zaw? Z i p ,'?L-33 Company Phone Contractor Address License # 4?7l Exp. City State Zip Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name l ^ ? Re4istration # Address ' City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once ea has been approv d. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State af Minnesota Statutes and City of Ea9an Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging 4 02 5F Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. O 03 5F Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 04 Sf Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 fireplace ? 05 5F Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. 17 15 Deck WORK TYPE @(3I New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATtON Const. (Actual) _ff-V (Allowable) n< UBC Occupancy +Z Zoning Q % # of Stories y?f,„, Length !cz Depth so APPROVALS Pianning Engineering REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? _51 te ? Wallboard Basement sq. ft. ,S'gy lst F1. sq. ft. ? 2nd Fl. sq. ft. s5-7 Sq. Ft. total oP Footprint Sq. ft. ? a?s* On-site well [,c" 4 On-site sewage 40 Building Variance Er Footing EFFinal 1!3?-Frami ng ? Draintile Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit 5/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: SAC % SAC Units YatLatim: $ 170,O o p ^ r?1.83x 8 = if /z x (oz = 7'?Y 7 nr ? x 8 ' ? (e X 3a ' iE?° Z,?t re> `< le ? 4 607 ksY ?`8fv, 77,5 ? Z Na?' / x !L , F`/s r ? ..: . ? 16 Basement Finish ? 17 5wim Pool ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facillty ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish MWCC System City Water PRV Required ? Booster Pump Ffre Sprinkler Census Code SAC Code oL Census Bldg ? Census Unit Assessments 13rw+r• ? C /,BSX j? a fL 7 X 5-`1 11721 _ - ;___-_.----- - E1'Insulation ? Firepiace > /,Sf3Yx is° y7/(o ' -----'l Z77 800 -- P.01 . ** ? **? 2422 Entarprise Drive Mendoto Netghts. IAN 55120 - annL waHrMa (612) 681-1914 FAX: B81-9488 NOSOAPE "RMR0T8 826 Highway 10 N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 (812) 783-1886 fAX:783--1883 Certificat8 of Survey for: HOMES 8Y CHASE N INV? 30,8' 93710 q•cT' X= w {O? ? 9A4.9? OWFONCH M0.RK yN,II 805 MCFADDENS?TRAIL 8 cat -- 105604 S6 ° 212D is ??"?H ? 5; ; 345 1uE AGA1V E P ?INE ERII?i DEl'T ? ?? ? n LP-26.2 ? NWL=990.0 ' ?\ \ I HWL=932.0 O 'O y9\ ? ? Z ??? u ?:L=?J:??LIi \ `? J FA s ,s `?,93 0 `` ?Q ? r P?,,, TOP OF PIPE E4EV.=944.34--- / ? ? (qa2?? . ? \? a 941.8 9425 ? 94 135t SERVICE ;4_ u az " °- `NA7ER UN6 ?? NI{=931.6? .??y 9?%?`.` .. 159.ly yzz.5 EXISTQJG HWI,?E 942Y? / ?38.6 9?7 nt?n auoEs aHo5n? v?x y?a aUW gY PI O N EER NOIEe eWLdINi MlENNOaN3 91owt ANE FQt HORIiONUiL N1D V11ImCIL VYB Lfn'IFICAT LOCATp1 6 STOJUOAM dAY. ME WtpH1OCNAL Puuls fdt BUq.dINO O7NBR TIAN 1M um FaUIlUAl1011 qME119CHs ? EASlAEf173 PLAT. Npv-; cmgmcna ou war pRNwAY oMM SCNLE : 1 INCN = 30 FEET noM no avMFla saus oNesnonnm HAs am aMrtETEn aN n? ?M MM AFtE "SWM Wt BY n+e cvneEYcr+. n+E surn.Mrr aF sa.8 To suPPORr nW CiWFl0 HOUU PROPOM B NOT 1FE REWON9KRY OP 1W 91A1?EtGR. x ooom Denotes fXisting Elevatlan ( aao.oo l Denotes Propoaed Elevaflan 36 ?a,?? Flaa' Elewtton: ?? ^-? Denotes 0rotnage Ec UGlity Easament ? Top af 81ock ElovatTon• ??S `f «n Denotee Droinuge flow Direat -t? Denotes Monument c?,?,? Garoge Slab Etewttom• .?_' 5 -? Denotes ONaet Hub ? 1NE NEREBY CERTIFY TD HOMES BY CHASE iHA1' 1HiS IS A TRUE AND CORRfCT REPRESEN7A710N OF A SURVEY OF 1HE BOUNDARIES OF: BLOCK 1, LAKEVIEW TRAII. LOT 10 AdDl1'ION , DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 17 DOES NO7 PURPORT TO SHQW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCHROACHNENTS, EXCEF7 AS SHOWN. AS 7994 • S1IRVEYED BY ME OR IJNDER MY DIRECT SUPER1A90N 7HA22hk DAY OF N OV, . p{oNEER £NqN ING P.A. _ . !' _.......__ 94381.00 R-96% .! o 'Q G ? w „ cli "w F- r ? ? ? jj , la3o?o? Ca,q r? ?E 0 ( I 12-01-94 09:01AM P001 #25 11 I ? ? LOT 80RVEY SDZL YROPERTY LEGALs FOR RESIDENTIAL Date of Survey: a7Z 7 Z_?/ DOCIIMENT BTANDARns V 0 • Reqistered Land Surveyor siqnature and company 0 • Building Permit Appiicant 0 • Legal description G • Addreas D?? 0 • Ncrth arrow and bar 6cale iY0 0 • House type (rambler, walkout, cpiit w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) 0 • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient g. G 0 • • Proposed/existing cewer and water services 0/y p • Street name 3-10 Cl • Driveway 0 • Sewer cerviee ? ? 0 • Lot corners 0 • Top of curb at the driveway D 0 • Elevatfons of any existing adjacent homes Propoaed @' 0 0 • Garage floor V0 0 • First floor II/? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (walkout/window) 0 • Property corners D? 0 D • Front and rear of home at the foundation 40NDING ]IREAS lif aflfll3eab1el [d'? 0 • Easement line r O • NwL D 0 - HwL i'??? • Pond # desiqnation D iY ? • E7aergency Overflow Elevation ? D D • Lot lines 0 0 • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) ?0 0 • Fropesed home dimensions including any proposed dscks, overhanqs qreater than 21, porches, etc. (3.e. all / structures requiring permanent footings) D D 0 • Show all easements of record nnd any City utilities within those easements ? 0 0 • Setbacks of proposed structure and setDack of adjacent existing homes ,3 D • Retaining w e i ents, if any Revsewea: /7-// / Oetober 1992 . ? r? • ? \ • j ? ' ? _ 7 I 1 ? ? I 1 ? 4±95 941.2 .. ? ? i IAH . ? ? 10 ` j1? I 5+00 ? i ? 941.2 ' i ? ? i -4+90 941.5 ,...20' ERMIlNENT DRMNAGE ;i 34 A?JD TILITY'EASEM?NT - ? 3.2 i M 12 . ? J ? • DITION ?,??, ,,??'?• ?? 8" PLUG, Iv1ARK END - w/4' x4' POST 2 7n_ '0 If}?CT TO Ex. W.M \ ` I P/ PONf) ? LP-26.2 NWL=930.C HWL-932.G BOX ? ? / ? ,. ; i " / . ? COhJ?IE':?i 10. % , ? , ? ? / x6" TEF 8" G:V. & BOX PROTECT GAS MAII AS RFQ(. > 11 ???.:?.?,1 ?. ? ?. .,.:i. ? ? ?•?1!! i•'91? i?l,l! ti. . U?ILITY THis PURrrOS ? L.S O;:LY Ai "D , XISTING . „ ? ?:"? IT SI-?OUi_:, t!?,^.,,=Y ! :;c ? . ... C;?? (x IRED NUTE PROiECT ALL OPE=N ?f?I WITf-I "JERSEY l3ARRIFR! rrRMft f?E?UIREMFNI ,. RESTORF T.H. 3 f!ITCH FnND Bf-RM !?S DIRFr„1 -?- .-__- , -------------- i ? ? ,-'v; hi .?. .J,`?. ., C0, . uC ` N ? U ? k', _ 1.95 LrJ? ?i lf?Ji C7 AIN .7C HAVE- MINIIMUN OV.P.DE°TH INCIDENTA! ; _itH-9 ?-- ,- _- MH- 5 ...7-S?'r-?64? t 943.8 940.6 PRO7ILE O.VER P1PE . -3.Opq f? . , - - : --- - _ _ _ _ _ u3 z - - =- _ ____.. _---- - - -- -- - ? -? -, -_ --- -- _ - ------ - - - --- -- _ _- - - ;?. 5L-? 934.4 7--- ? ----- ? ? -- , ? ? 39'-8" PVC S-D R 35 ? 0.4C% = I .16%? ? f > ; yp? , Y : . . ""s ,; ?.`" iJd.. r, t.? c'J ? IftiL(+,'.i\, ?.. ?', 4.:' ^?''??? 7' < 4 (""d {?ii A ?? 3 s:. ... r' ym QF UITI'.ITY LC3C,i',TI?NS) ? €'l ON S. THlS ?F'aTr`•. is:? c Ftiii UH i-' ?Ud7 '!` QD IT -Y .2? _ f.. 6 : ? ? ? . a . ? . . . - _ i .-._.._____-?a.._._.....?_.._.......?._ ?y? ___._.____?...___?_?_?_......_?:.?..._ _?_`___. ___ : -Y,_ _• • 6) LO y : 00 Q? , ; . + N , . + C,r' j . . . rO a) ?- RAINAGE AENT IA .55-"-' G?7,? 2?> A = 46 00'ZJ" R = 109.11' T = 46.32' L = 87.61' ' ?. PC = 13+87.35 PT = 14+74.96 :.. ,? IN?? `:`., _.:?,_.._----.-? 73 1`\?\ :DRAINAGE '' ?"PERMANENT UTI LI ?" EASNT L - - , POND 'L°-2E.2 ? NWL=930.1 ? ?09 ? (WA"ER GUAL , /0 oTM=924 ? -------------- ? '• ; ? . ? ? , r? I Ji?iIVIIVItKUO. ?t I / \ i ? ' ? /. 1 ? r ?:.:-:.. :.... .: ,.;.. a ""Y OFI Ul'-1 ? i I Y' LOCA ?T H 13 D?Ti !.. . . ., . `.. ? _. . tG ?!_Y Pl1?7P0C ir' sH ?.??o vEF;;,-v T? ?2 , ? PW ? ? ?. Y / / ? Y / i ,. , „ ..cc!e ... fee: # j v c.,, P . a. co, i rt Y ? i Z); J . Ln; o E ? ____""" _"_ . _"' _ _ """_'_ _. . .. __"'." __ •" _ 'Wx?.,_,,. ; B.;?y ?i^.Ct .ntC_n ^e?.{ C t 5S _- ? -:?__ . . • _ . _ UTILI I Y ."r"r Or LOGAi I'?? a VJ {? p'? / .?.?iO???J THI' ' f ? p fI r (?V?l ?. . a 1 PURPOWE3 Ca.LY AN'I} IT SHOLLL V-??,??°l' 50 _. . _ .._._ _.. . _.. -- -- .. _ ..-.--_-., . _ _ y,? C5-109 940.0 -- - _ -'- - - - -- ..... _ _ _ ? -- i Ln i 1 L'7 fi'-l5n Rv` A?RJi`: r 4 n n r. r?.-. A n W ?.Y. ., ; ?. ? nr? tc r -? / / . i : 133'-11. 5"! R CP CL. 5 ? 14.00% ._._'__.. _ __ Q40 93a - - _ :_920 ? . : PROVIDE FILL OVEf2 , PIPE AS bIRECTED. ' -IF?3? RI?'j ? _940 ?INCIDENT?4L.. ? ? _.. . _ . t:! ?.. an ? ? •L , . O CmU? !O O y? !C cn +„ m ?l Q :q:;: r r N 0) < Z V) ?- Z 0 Z ? o w Q j Q W ? Q of a z z ? O U z J Q l~ c L rK ? ? Z w 0 p c[ ? Q z ? ?: W ? Q J n J F-- uimeiu ?i?1??,os f'?. ??.?s,? .... , . , . . . , . • '. • ?. siiE nuunESS: 'y17??o1n/ ?? < ?`'?r??L . . , . . • coIiInncTO , n: DnrE s// -? ? riionE t?s:s3.3 7 ' bETER11111E. 4i0ttY.I11C sounnE FOOTI1fE OF EACII: ;.. ? • . • . . • . . . . I . l OTAI EXPOSEb t1A1,1, AItEA.......... ' .. sq f t x "U" 2. TOT/1L ROOF/CEILIIlG nnCn........ sry ft x "U" '' „G? .. ••?,E>!7 3. TOTAI EXPOSFD 1JAI.L hREA CAICUlhTI0115t I ? . . „ . Total exposed wall • '. '. ' or•co above floor` ' ...... s ? ?? ft , ' " ? ''^•' .''i' , , q , / r . .. , . ,y, u) Total wall wlndow areat • • ' ? ? qlazed.. sq f t x ??U" , 7 7/ * ., ?6 q!?zed...... sq ft x i?U" v . b) 7otal (loor arca ,,,, 'gq ft x t'U't ??f ,.. ., ? c) • 7otnl 511Jln ' ' • ti !llass',doar *areat•" ,?, ' , • . ' . ' • •. . .,, . sq ft x ?,u,i . g1a zeJ.'..... so ft x nUn . e . d) Total flrepluce wall erca _•?' s'ry ft x "U" e ' e) Total wal 1 fraining area (AVCI'ilgC 107)....r.. Sh ft X liUll ' f) Total ne[ wall area above . floor (InsulnteJ),,....._ sq ft x "U" q) Total rlm Joist.area......_ `2r sq Ft x "U'! Total foundat.lon a rca (Exposed)...,..... s ft ry , h) Total founJatlon wlnJoal area ............. ' ?sq ft x nUn e I) Total net foundatlon" area above.graJc% ....,,._ ,,?•? sq ft x "U" ? Q?g d s 7 oTAl a) thYU 1) If'Item p) Is the snme as,, or lass than Itr.m A1, you Iiovc me[ thc Intent of S•11.C. Sectlon G00f. (c) p. .. ,•i?-???i?tu i.??L6U?fAIIUIIS: . . 'Tot.71 exposed ? roof/celllitq area........ft ' :'... - J) . Total skyllnht. area.',..... _ Sq (t x"U" ''?? "• ?,•'t!?.i. ' • ..? ? ,,,. , ? . . . . . '. k) 7ota) roof/celilnq freming ? ' "•' ' . .7rca (Averanc 107)......?sq ft x "U" / 2- Z. ° ?????`'?•.• . r ?--?--?' •. ? I) 7ota1 riet Insulated .• • ??! .'? • , roof/celllnq bYt!8.$,..?r-?` ?Sh f t X "UII ??n ?sT?•. ? , • ? , To1nl J)? t',ru 1) totalbf Nh Is the same t+s, or Icss thnn P2, you I,ave met the Intent of ?' °??!``• I.C. Sectlon 6606 (c) 1. •, '',.. ' ' .? ? ?. . • ' . • • . . . ,, :", ?: ' , , °? . . -.f. 1}' L?a..;s.' • . . • . ? ? . . • • ' ? ' .. ?''• S ? . ', ', ' .. nLreiVnnre t,uil-niur, EIIVELOPE bC51r,N • . n utl l la.c tllr. totol envelopc system methoJ, the volUes.estublls ierl by the sum .C Items h3 nnJ N4 shall not bc greatcr then the sum of Items //' and P2. l. + 7.. 3• + ??. r_E nT1 r ,1 cnrtn tr .? d• 1 hereby certify th.it I have calcvluted the "U" factors anl "R" vaitres hercir, tir,d that the bulldlnn here described meets or excecrls the Stnte of illnnecota Encrpy C.onservatlon Act. • . ' ? Z qnaturc ? Vh??? ? kaTf7d''.'?:%k?F=F?nri,'rr''^?? ?<iF?FY•::;Y„XriC::;:y,(';(h?i:?iU?:>?;:ti`.);?);:?.zi° ?'n;Y„?:k C;:f?`/ fJf" ?f+SN.LT i:: Ei IDti7'Ii.:VAI_ NO;; +ii? '1A'7E.n 12/t:)V!9E; t':'N,'t.:e 150029 -i% FIbli'i_:; 'iti_`:L^ 9001 6(:15 hi!'F'F1D±1cN`3 "1' 50.00 2165 9001 605 MCFi?DTq=P..': ? C!,50 ?. . . 50.50 iG..:.IJ. r{P.Gtriph. firtiOt.t;'ii:: C:S :I. f: t 13':3r: U=;;...i: 'f.Dc r!(aNf;V PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 <{6511 681-4675 PERMITTYPE: sU iL n1Nr Permit Numbec 8 3 q 1, 7 q Date Issued 12/0 7 f g g SITE ADDRESS: e0 5 rir; e) ciuE' N :; ra L07; 10 t3LOCKr. 1 LFlKEVIEW l"RAIL Po:L,IVo^ 1.0 --A4:330-100-oj DESCRIPTION: a 44 d3.ttqrmit l"yD e BAiYldir7g Wca'Rk, , Ty7c, /l A`OriSU5 F ? ? Jt l, l {-'.. F1HEPlACL" . ly f W 434 ALr. REs[rIeNrT,aL z.? ... REMARKS: c,3zNNevJ r-Uc Musr st rN.'?PecT FO i,t- FaRF cONr.caI_rNr,. FEE SUMMARY: i3ase 1=ee $50.00 Surcharqe ^'.50 i'otal Fae 50 C,ONTRACTOR: apUli.cunt - M7NNF6ASCO 18616572 601 WESY E13T STREET I?iINi?lEilPOLi,?, P1N 55419 (61.2) 861-85T2 OWNER: KtVIGMTEN 60 ?i MC EA(;AN (857)686-94II5 Ef7f+fR FNfJ0EiV5 7Fi hfN 55123 Z hereby aoknouledqe thzik Z hawe read Chis infqrihatipn is cCarrect nd qi'ee tt7 Gafip1Y ST.atutes a 4? g rd1nance5. ? , APPLICANT E ITEE SIGNATURE aupl9.daCi.on and a4ate tpvat the with a1l apPiirab.le State crt Ma7. IS ? BY SIGNATURE ? -1 314 ? -I ? . CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD - 55122 1998 FIItEPLACE PERNIIT APPLICATION 681-4675 DATE: & / 'xl/ !0 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -f Conshuct new fireplace _ Install eas insert oniv Other JOB ADDRESS: IOU, `l - LOT: I Q BLOCK: APPLICANT (circle one only): OWNER Iv 'A qu .C?-o ??--? -?g' PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Alterations w existing Install eas Gne only SUBDIVISION/P.I.D. #: LC??C 4 ll t-P c?j CTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. PROPERTY OWNER Name: 7l /v/c/?fO/? ?i??9f? Phone #: Z6VZ_/ 7U Last F'vst Phone #: ?J?eF FIREPLACE INSTALLER GAS LINE INSTALLER Street Phone #: (O? City State: Zip: Street Address: License # City i???? State:? Zip: ..7 /? ' OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 14 Fireplace WORK TYPE ? 31 New 13 33 Alterations ? 32 Additian 0 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code. 434 SAC Code 01 REMARKS Chimney/flue must be inspected before concealing. .....:..:.:.,. :.<.::?....... ..:..,...:.:. ,.? ,. . . .........<_.. - .,.?..,....::.,?:?,?.;a..,,..,?.,.. ??... ....:.. : . .......?. , . .•::.,<:....;.,.,...; :...<,:;,, ,. ,,,.;.,:.,<;:::,;..,,.:<>?a?;?:?; V.. .? ,,:.:.. . . ,.: ,..,,...: ;, .. . ... ...... .. .. .::..,.,, .>.,:...... , ...,:.: >.?,..,:<,. , ?.>... ;. .,. , :,.:::<...:.. ..:.. , . ., .,..,,, -•, . ' ?:.i.'..3 .:,.:: ... ....,.<. .,<,. .;;,•: . ??.::a,;:. .s.,.>>.a.k?: s::z,.:?:?;<,h,y?>:',"+C'. ? ...r..? . :[:k.. L;'Ci , r ..:..?{?::..?..:..., rii3i..rM ,'Fy9:?.....? :.,l:;•. . :,: ..? ..,., . .. :x. . . 'o..;.°i: . ...?:?.:'. eAt ?::?::??$Y> i5.3.?..:?S.i{.?..??• ute t?if.?'+ ..:. . .. r y .. ., _...1: b. u?.?:. +y ? •.';Z ? ' .>..'': ? n.:. '.....:... "' .: ?. . .:.%??`%" r . . . .? . .., s:.:... ''?: . . ::o..:.'.• ;.:.u.??. ::..g._ .. <: ? . ...:.f uP.:q...: :L•.?"?a.3'. ..,...n:..::,q ?>5?i:?.:<.. P.. .. ij). . .' . .;??x :? . ? " :?:.:: . . :......?......,.:a.:?)te (.R?iJ:v....:.i..a nn.e,'w?<: '??::?+?`.° `::.. ?• 'ii:i::'°.%!<F ?'?:•' ' ?:., .?. . . .. ... ? ? ?' ?., ? 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENT7AL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. AISO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNTf. ? idEW CONSTRUCTiON _ ADD-ON A/C _ ADD-ON FURNACE FIREPLACE INSERT DATE /2- 2 P` - 9'1 FEES HVAC: 0-100 M BTU $' 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU _6:00- GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM 1 @ $3.00 EACH) / 00 ADD-ON/REMODEL (EXISTING CONSTRUCI'fON) r$ _2A:9fj-- STATE SURCHARGE .50 TOTAL 33,So SITE ADDRESS OWNER INST. ? ? S YYI ef -lq DDE,t/ 7-P . By PffFj6? TELEPHONE #: ? 95_-'5-3 3 7 k ADDRESS: 30 9 2N6 '57 CITY: ??07 iA/GV/? STATE: lhAl ZIP CODE: 330 2 y TELEPHONE#: 1-1k 0 -6 6'L2 SIGNATURE PERMITTEE BL ? '. tr? U il?. ? ... . . . .... ... .. ... .... . . PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMIvIERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL $UILDINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. DATE: ?Z - Zd' CONTRACT PRICE: ? NEW BUILDING _ INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT WORK DESCRIPTION: P/P/NG? VtN`1?ING FEES 1% OF G`CS?±t'I'I?,?,,"x' FEE PROCESSED PIPING: MINIMUM FEE: STATE SURCf3ARGE TOTAL $ $25.00 $25.00 $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF FEE $ SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TELEPNONE #: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLI) INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE #: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR 1994 MECHANICAL PERMTf (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN $5122 (612) 6814675 ,.. -. ? PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMII.Y DWELLWGS. AiSO; FOR. TO WPHOMFS} t11VD' CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQIJIRED FOR EACH TJNTI': . NO. FIXTITRES EACH - ,=T01'AL= := `? { SHOWER 3t.U0. WATER CL05ET 3:00 ` q -- - BATH TUB 3.00- ? LAVATORY 3.00 - - ? > _ 1 KTTCHEN SINK 1,00 f LAi7NDRYTRAY 3:00 . , ' a - HOT TUB/SPA 3:00 = J_ WATERHEATER 100 - ? FLOOR DILAIN 3.00 GAS EIPING OUTLET • mwm?m - ? 3.00. ROUGH OPENINGS 1:50 '. r'' :: _ _ -;?? ?:T• ,': WATER SOFTENER 5;00 PRIVATE DISP. • Dat.ay. u, 20.W U.G. SPRINKLER • noma wiaer ooosc 3.00' ALTERATIOAIS • a emisung 20:OU." WATER TURN AROUND 20 0 0? . , STATE SURCHAEtGE TOTAL: srrE ADDRESS: l"'1 L ADDRESS:- J,uk kn,. (`I „I CIT'Y: ?C) c c?l n.e STATE: 1"'`I .i ZIP L'ODE:? c?S.$ x.1._ PHONE #: ( ) 4( b- a ?a? ? ` ? 1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDIIV: :,TIA•L) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 FILUT KNOB RD' - EAGAN MN 55122 (6T2) 681-4675 PLEASE COMPI,ETE FOR ALL FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN DWELLING UNIT. _ NEW CONSTRUETION ADD ON - REPAIR woxx nESCxIMox: CONTRACT PRICE: $ FEE: 196 OF CONTRAGT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE: $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF : FEE. MIlYIMiJM FEE: $ 25.00 ?? CONTRACI' PRICE X 1% STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: $ $ $ Iv1IJL't'I- . F.:E1CH . TENAIVT NAME: ?. STF. # OWNER NAME: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE #: STATE: ZIR CODE: - F.OR: CITY OF EAGAN APPLICAIVT 1994 ELU3VIBIlYG PERMIT (COMM'ERCIAL) C1TY:.OF Ee1GAN , 3830V1 LUT=KNOBRD EAGAN MN 55122 (C12) 6814675 CITY USE ONLY LOT 0 BL I RECEIPT /?? 7l SU9D. RECEIPT DATE: 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD EAGAN MN $5122 (612) 681-4675 Date: Complete this section only if vou are installine HVAC in sinele familv, townhome, or condos that are under construction and are not owner /occuuied. • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U $ 24.00 ADDiTIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) • State Surcharge: .50 • TOTAL: Complete this section onlv if vou are remodeline, addine to, or reosirin¢ eaistin¢ sinele familv dwellings, townhomes, or condos. _ Add-on fumace ? Add on air conditioning _ Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. _ Other Minimum fee applies to all remodel or add-ons of existing residences $ 20.00 State Surcharge -50 Total: $ 20.50 srrennDxsss b05 Mc_Fadaer, Tr. OWNER NAME: G Y` i'?7Gt. K h 1 q ry?? PHONE #: ? r,e. INSTALLERNAME: WOh??I':S Sdu?Y?SiC?e A'IG 'PHONE4-3LIDE?41 v STREET ADDRESS: P(V'e • CITY: UQ I teV STATE: p N ZIP: SS?a q' )_ 7_ 91 R • (.CWLZ? ?p?/ SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE ?C! ?! CITY USE ONLY L _ BL _ SUBD. RECEIPTi{: RECEIPTDATE: 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55722 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for. ? ali commerciaUndustrial buiidings. ? muiti-tamily buildings when separate pemiits are W required for each dwelling unit. DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: ? $25.00 minimum fee Qr 1% of contract priee, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of oermk fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE TENANT NAME: (tMaROVennen'rS ONLY) INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CIN: STATE: PHONE #: ZIP: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR D FIFO j~ a m" ~ i SEP 0 4 2009 i t Qq ofEa an Y-,-// I i Ml Pilot Knob Road l Perrtdt Fee: S ~ _'5 1 Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) Date Received: Fox: (661)6T5-5894 St& S 2009 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Dsie• Slta Address: D. 64 T Tom: Sultr#: RESIDENT / OWNER Name: Phone: Address /cry /zip: (3 WVte, S, C CONTRACTOR Name: % P YLhi a License 10 Address: B1 U,4 city: _ Y`~YC Gt1~, Stale; JOD~ Zip: _ r_:F; 35--t Phorw. 1i21.. gto contact Person i..S&'t TYPE OF WORK L New _ Re*=ffm nE _ Repair - ReWid Modify Space Work in R.O.W. letim of worts: PERMIT TYPE RESADENTIAL Water Heater Water Softener Lawn t Add Pluff6ft Fbdures (.w RPZ 7PVB) Min Lower LeveQ Septic System water Turnaround New Abandonment RESIDE)MAL FEES: $50.50 Mn ms Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater iilild Softener (dudes $.W State Surcharge) $30.80 Lawn Irrigation (includes $.5o State Surcharge) $50.50 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment. Water Turn around' ('ndudu $.5o State Surcharge) 'Water Tumaround (add $165.00 It a 6V meter is new) $100.50 septic System N m ($io.0o per as bulk) (ncludes County fee and $.50 State surc haW) $90A0 Fire Repair (replace burned out appliances, dmhmk etc:) (Includes $.50 Smote Surcharge) TOTAL FEES I hereby adurowfedge that this irdamation Is oomviefe and accurate, 11181 the work will be in oorriom+ancs with the ordnances and codes of the City of Even; that i undaratand this Is not a permit, but only an application for a pwrrh% and work is not to start Wow a permit; V* the work wis be in soooRWM with the approved plan in 1 he cwa:se of work which reyukw a review, and approval of x x. Applioautt's Ptintted Name is V J PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA114270 Date Issued:09/12/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 605 Mcfaddens Tr Lot:10 Block: 1 Addition: Lakeview Trail PID:10-44330-01-100 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:If there is no ice protection inspection prior to final, the contractor must meet the inspector w/ a ladder and flat bar. Pictures are not acceptable in lieu of inspections. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Erma A Knighten 605 Mcfaddens Tr Eagan MN 55123 (651) 686-9485 Cmr Construction & Roofing Of Mn 2535 Pilot Knob Rd #105 Mendota Heights MN 55120 (763) 398-7663 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature