3816 Fairhaven Rd?- -- ?' CITY OF EAGAN , S 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•189, Eagan, MN 55121 ? PHON E: 454-8 100 BUILDINCa PERMIT Receipt To be used for ;f DWGIGAEt Est. Value ?95, QUO Date al!P? 20 Site Address 361e FI-iR11avIEH ?- ' OFFICE USE ONLY + 5T',?NEB?IGGE Lot 3 Block 2 Sec/Sub On 5ite Sewage Occupancy k-3 1 ? . MWCC System K Zoning pI) R- i Parcel No. w Si ll A l C On te e ctua ) ( onst ac Name &gtit HOMES City Water x (Allowable) r-N W z `??j;a l??y?^n 5? - Address ' ? PRV Required # of Stories # 0 Cityt'JRY`.:x :LAlCE Phone 44C.-6400 Booster Pump Length 0 Depth 4$? o Name SArE S.F.7ota1 ? , z o ? Address Footprint S.F. ? a City Phone APPROVALS FEES ? 4 55 .OJ va LyW Name Engr./Assess. Permit jp -4 -7 _? Address Planner Surcharge . 277 ?? vz a W CitY Phone Council Plan Review ' ICK) DQ 4 Bldg. Off- SAC, Ciry • S I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appGcation and state that the Variance - SAC. M WCC ' 50 5 00 information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of t St d Cit di Mi t t f E O Water Conn. . • nneso agan nances. a a u es an y o r Water Meter 67•00 Signature of Permittee Road Unit 325.00 ? A Building Permit is issued to:___ - -.- _ ° Treatment P1 204.00 on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Parks appiicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. vi?? ?0 Building Official TOTAL -, Permit No. Permit Holdsr Dste Telaphone it Plumbing . i H.v.aC. &7 ,3,.? ? ? • 9i? '?' ? Electric f Softener Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I 9? ?d Footings II Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. ? Rough Htg. lq,p /D f) yMf 1?/ C- Isul. Fireplace ?5 F l? S Final Htg. /3?. . • ? Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. ? , i • PERM ? - . MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEI ' CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: aqress . - -- - -- - _ . BLDG. TYPE , ? Block Sec/Sub Res. 'V Name ,.. t: Mult Address Comm. 1? : City '',.•r -`'r Phone `, • -0405 Other Name Phone 3E OF WORK / - v , ced Air ' M BTU ler M BTU t Heater M BTU Cond. M BTU it CFM ; Piping Outiets # FEE: S/C: TOTAL: WORK D ?C,RIPTION New Add-on Repair FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW - CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PEkMIT) - 1.50 EA. i COMM/IND FEE - 1°'o OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 REMODELS - 12.00 MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 -? (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE -i 2 - u FOR: CITY OF EAGAN CITY 3830 PILOT KNOB CONTRACT PRICE: PHOP Site Address Lot i:' Block ? SeciSub Address ZWY.; S ? ? •. ? ?v , Ciry G d Phone ? Name _ 3 Address 0 Ciry - Phone FEES COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12,00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000.00) OF CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT # PERMIT RECEIPT ti :AGAN ), EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. X New ?- Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair ather RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: N?. FIXTURES TOTAL ?Water Closet - $3.00 S ? Bath Tubs - $3.00 .4 Lavatory - $3.00 L -.1-Shower - $3.00 _LKitchen Sink - $3.00 ' Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 _LLaundry Tray - $3.00 ?Floor Drains - $1.50 f ?'- ?Water Heater - $1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 ? Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIT) Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: STATE SIC: GRAND TOTAL• %?a•? ' 1 , .. __ . ? (ger#ifiratt af (Orrupttnry titp of (Eagan ?tpwftmd of Inaaing jwPrr;m This Certifcate issued pursuant to the requirements ojSection 306 of the Urriform Building Code cenijying that at the time of issuance thu structure was in com,pliance with the various ordinances oj'the City regulating building construction or use. For the following.• u,o C4mfineoo ''•?iJi;? •: Bldg. Pertait [vo. O-UwaY TYPe 7,amn Diurict .lype Camt OwnerofBw7din8 .?'?'I MES Addrm Ei MXCK TAKE Building Addcaa ' ",' ? ?,:., i•? "„ iX:?1e) LnrjBry 13, IQ. Hul.Ci ?'' .4 `!1T•a; Srr;-r ? ? 'y-7,', D&W : ?-_)N7EHNR 30. l u88 POST iN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE CITY OF EAGAN Permit No: Date: 3 ?)' 1?'-" '. 3$30 Pilot Knob Road Meter No: Si2e: fj oC/< P.O. Box 21199 Reader N o: A2 ? ? Date: Z?l - 57'?S Eagan, MN 55121 '-'^?'- SiteAddress: ?Jfi 'Pairhaven Road i3 B2 Hii.le of `'?.?cet>r?:., Plumber- iake ?tde P1u?binp Conn. Chg: Zoning: Acct Dep: 15 pppd No. of Units: r- Permlt Fee: ? f? n[?d Surcharga: S,Llpci I agree to comply with 1he City ol Eagan Tr. Plant nnp•i Ordina s. Meter. - - ?? Misc.: o„ i / ,r, ,. , ?.._ ?- WATER SERVICE CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 ; Permit No: 1 I!.i ? Date: B/P No: n751. ` Date: _ Tiv flOmB9 Site Address: b1WCC: • - rl Ciry Cng: ^ Acct. Dep: R Permit Fee: =.a, Zoning* ? No. of Units: I agree to camply wilh the City of Eagan Ordfnances. ? Surcharge: Misc.: BY SEWER SERVICE PERMIT BLDG. PERMIT NO. t SLF ? C? 01-3210 Bldg. Permit - `? (,- - ? 01-3422 Plan Check "D -7 CO 01-3445 Surch./Adm. q5 ? 01-3446 SAC/Adm. ? 01-2155 Surcharge ? 75-3860 Road Unit ? a S ?U y 20-2275 SAC 5L4?i So ,-)20-3865 Water Conn. J S? C'%O ? D -14 C'o 20-3868 Water Trmt. ??- 20-3716 Water Meter ?? ^?? ? 20-2252 Acct. Dep. oo20-3713 Water Permit n 20-3743 Sewer Permit ? J 79-3866 Sewer Conn. 1 C=O O? 28-3855 Park Ded. TOTAL CITY OF EAGAN_? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21 •199, Ea9an, MN 55121 N? 15619 PHONE: 454-8100 ? 1 ? BUILDING PERMIT Receipt* To be used for SF DWG/GAR e Est. Value $95,000 Date SEPT 20 1988 Site Address 3816 FAIRHAVEN RD OFFICE USE ONLY Lot 3 Block 2 Sac/Sub. STONEBRIDGOY- E on Stte Sewage - Occupancy R-3 M-1 MWCCSystem X Zoning PD R-1 Parcel No. on site well _ (ACtuap const V-N a Name RSM HOMES C+ry Water X (qllowable) V-N w PRV Requiretl # of S[ories z Address 5516 180TH ST E - ? City PRIOR LAKE phone 440-6900 Booster Pump _ Length 60' oePCn 481 , o Name SAME S.F. Totel ?a Address Footprints.F. ? City Phone AppROVALS FEES f-a Engr./Assess._ Permit 554.00 uW Name 47.50 ?Z Planner Surchar9e _ i5 Address 277.00 aw City Phone Council Plan Review - 100.00 Bldg. Off. SAC, City I hereby acknowledge that I have read is a li ation tl state that the Variance SAC, M WCC 550.00 inlormation is corre ct and agre to omp all plicable State of WaterConn. 550.00 Minnesota Statutes and City a n Or i ces 67.00 / Water Meter SignaWre ofPermittee\? ..? RoadUnit 32.$-00 A Builtling Permit is issued o:___ RS - HO S _ Treatment P1 204.00 ontheexpressconditionl atallworkshallbedoneinaccordancewithall parks aDPlicable State offM?i^n,n'e•so{t?a Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. 2,674.50 BuiltlingOfficial_,!j?ic???___ TOTAL ? ? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTlON y ea-?00j001-p06 ' See inshucpons (or compleiing this form on beck ot yellow cooK E 49841 ` "X" Below Work Covered by 7his Request New AAe flep. Type ot Building Apoliances Wired EquiVmenl Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Liyhtiny Fiztures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Neavn Commercial Bldy. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial BIAg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tenk Farm Othe, S5e1117 011,ce ISnacifyl t er Suecity ther Other Compute Inspection Fee Below e5ize tl Fee Feaders/Subleaders Cit s 0 to Am 5 0 tn 30 Am s Amps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 1U0 Am s E ol M E Above 100-Ampg Atwve t00_Amps Irrigation Boms Partil.'Other Fee Special Inspection S ? TOTAL F Re?rks / r.? f [tl Nough-in Date I, the Electnca • InSpBCtOr, hBreby c rtity that the above Final '??e?? mspection hes Dean c ? .. ? metla. Thia re0u0s1 void 18 moNlie Irom This repuest void [y? C?'/?? 18 momhs Imm E 4984 1Y.a S ? Reqwred? IC]ReadV Nuw Will Notity Insoec- 9`-( ? laVes ?Na lor When fteadY ? Ucensed Eleclncal Conlrncbr 1 hereby reuuest ins0action of ebove Owner alectricel work installeA at Street Ad Ares s, Box o r flovte No. . City p / / ' ? ettmn o. Township Name or No. Range No. Count? ? Occu0?,?/1[ (PPINTI /l/ Phone No. Pow¢ $upp iet ?j AtltlrE55 • Ele cvical Contractor ICompany Namal / Conrt cto r's t.ice ns No. n e / Y.??i. ( ? / y ? ?? Cf-7 ? O'? -_3 Mailinq A Jress (Conuaclor or Owner MakinP Instailation) 116u /3- 'Sa6x2 c--e //??. Author'zed Signa?ure IConVactor/ ner MakinB lti+tailationl Phone Number MINNESOTA STpTE BOABU OF ELECTNIGITY THIS INSPECTION NEQUESi WILL NOT GriB9s•Midwev Bldp. - Hoom N-191 BE ACGEPTED BY TME STATE BOARD 1821 Universitv Ave.. SL Paul. MN 55104 UNLE55 PNOPER INSPECTION FEE IS an....e ia»i aa?_rwnn . ENCLOSED. ///?f??8 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Ea00001-07 ' li? See insVUClions far completing this Nrm on back of yellow copy. ?C?y / #? Q /{ ?? 6? 7 4 j '7C" Below Work Covered by This Requesf ew Atltl Rep. TypeofBuiltling AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electnc Heating Ap[. Building Dryer Other (Specify) Comm./Indusirial Fumace Farm I Air Condi[ioner Olher (speny) Contractor5 Remarks: Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Oiher Fee # ServiceEntrance5ize Fee # CircuitslFeeders Fee Swimming Pool 0[0 200 Amps JZ - (Z 0 to 100 Amps 3[L - Transformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100- /+mps Signs InspedWS Use Only: 7p7pL -o Irngation Booms Special Inspection Alarm/Communication Other Fee y? I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby tif th t tb b Raugh-in y a e a cer ove inspection has been made. F;nei r oa?e OFFICE USE ONLY ? This request v0id 18 monlhs imm /? ?7 88 2 6 5 9 4 5.3 Fequa9l Dele i %_ 9? Fire No. gnin Inspedion Requimtl? ? Reatly Now Will NMity Inspecin Wl R d 7 - Ves ? No ren ea y IP licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: .lob AEOreas S(S?ireet, Boz or Routa No.) / (?o ( ? D?. Ciry ?'?cc?n SecYion M. Township Nama ar No. ?. Range No. Courily OcwpeM IN „^ C ? Phone No. ./ Powat uppller Atltlress n Eleclrkel Contractor (COmpany Name) )-s ppritracior's Lkense No. erl / S- Mailiig AtlORSS (CoMrador or Owner Meking IiuYallsibn) 7Z 075 4J A4u.? ? 3-- Author? Siqnature (COnirado ner Meking Installali? PFaneNu.6.r MINNE50TA STATE 60ARD OF ELECTPICIiY THIS INSPELTION REOUEST WILL NOT GriggsNidway 6Mg. - Room 5-179 BE ACCEPrED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Univeralry Ave., M. Paul, MN 55106 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phona(812)802-0800 ENCLOSED. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN J 6`P 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 657-687-4675 ?j l J New Constructbn Heaulremema V • 3 replstered site surveys showing sq. !L o1 bl, sq. f1. M house; antl JU roated areas (20% meutlmum bt coverage albwed) . 2 copies of Dlan showing beam & wUWow sizes; poured found design, etc.) • lsetolEnBrgyC9lculetion5 • 3 copies of Tree Preservatton Plan if bi plalled atter 7I1/93 • Rim Joist Delall Optlons selection sheet (bldgs wAh 3 or less units) DATE RemaieUHeuair AegulremeMa • • 2 copies of plan . lsetofEnergyCalalationsforhealedadditions ? • isResurveyforexlerioratlditions&decks • Indicale if hane served by septic system for addttrons VALUATION -//, P? SITE ADDRE55 _.;?21G -r.u i f/LL!/Gn oek MULTI-FAMILY BLDG _ Y _ N NPE OF WORK 7:P G,-i :?Y , ? /?clZ?Y3"Z FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 1 _ 2 APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS ('/V?/ z?WLe DU. - CITYA L)0Lt?STATE?""w ZIPL-f TfLEPHONE #_9S1 CELL PHONE # G l1 ?-D?-7 IG -7 FAX # PROPERTY OWNER TELEPHONE # GSI-L?g -73 qt? --------------------------------------------------°----° --------°------°------------------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR -NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY I MINNESOTA RULES 7672 (4 submission type) • Resitlential VenHlation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Woricsheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calaulations Submitted Plumbing Conhactor: Plumbing system includes: Mechanical Con}racfor: Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Water Conhactor: --------------------° ---°-------°-°--------------°------------° °------------------ I hereby acknowledge fhat I have read this application, state that the informatlon is wim all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinan9es. Signature of Applicanf OFFICE USE ONLY Fee: $90.00 Fee: $70.00 RW Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservatfon Plan Received _ Not Required _ _ Water Softener _ _ Water Heater _ No. of Baths Air Conditioning Heat Recovery System Phone N Phone # Lawn Sprinkler No. of R.I. Baths Phone # LI ? Updated 4/02 1 1988 HIJZLDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN , SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING3 q INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SUAVE3C, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CONNER LOTS - CONTR9CTOR/$OMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED, NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BOILDING PERMTT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL ONITS FOR SALE UNITS # OF DNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CEATIFICATE OF 3URVEY - CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COiM1ERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS ? To Be Used For: :?ryL lG?, Valuation: Site Address 35LG ?Ai?p,vW •? f- Lot ? Block 0_ Pareel/Sub Owner t? -S Address 55 (b City/Zip Code VQW)u`4pL-e- 6537?., Phone _ u'-v) - E°[m Contraetor ?NMF Address 1( City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. _ Address City/Zip Code Phone 4 1( tt qs^?Oc. a f r AB ABQ_ Date: 4L (3 188 On site sewage_ Oceupancy MWCC system ? Zoning ?D '2 I On site well Actual Const !!?V City water c/ Allowable v=!? PRV required _ U of stories Booster Pump _ Length Depth -7- S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Engr/Assess Permit Planner Surcharge Council Plan Rev3ew Bldg. Off. ?`]IIqSAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn SS-U Water Meter Road Unit 32E Treatment P1 ? ??/ Parks Copies TOTAL ?-4 S'0 .1--- SD,?.?g' /Vpo ,-? Gcr ?-- ` IOfJ ? f'?,! j- / , , • 1 , GWIJ(iR V1\eS- .- stn ADDltt;SS E\TEItIUU ENVLI.OI'li AVtiIiAGE "U" COI4PU'7'ATI017 onTe C? riiorie -oi'I O- G4 O6 Detecmine vorkiny s-qtkare footagc of cach. ? 1. Total cxpoyed •aall acca: ..... ;, ft. x •?? = 9,La.?,,. 2. Total roof.ceiling arca ....... /JpW ?y. ft. x •025 ? 32.5 ' Total exposed wall area above Eloo[ = 7S?B.m a. Total aall window area................................... . //$•?/ _ odinYed . . . ... . . . . lass door arca ............................. .'3/3 C. Tocal sl 9 9 . z.B L1. Tocal Cireplace vall area ................................. 0•4,0w . e. Total wall framinq area (averaye LW ..................... /7g/.$ f. Total net wall area a6ove floor ....................:...... _(AdiP 1?-_ g. Tota1 rim joist area....................................... x Total exposed foundation area O/,'S h. Total foundation Windov area .............................. ? i. Total net foundation area above gradc ..................... Getermine "U" va a. g,:K x r,. y/.3 x c. 3L,8 x a. 0 x lue of ,.U., _ „U.. .. V ..U.. each wall . S:5" .074 . SS 0 segment. a d. Z = o _ e. /7Y-tff x ..U.. , /Z = Lb. -- r . _ / 38o.3 _ x ••u" , 47Y3_ -- .?. ?,. --- a------. . ?u•' .. . ?... ' . . ?. .__.. . ..... ? v89 9• r : . 101.3 ..Tocal ...... ........ J • /8?, 'l? _ ...... ....... . . ..... . It item 07 i^+ cw: thau itum ML, tha samc nu, or L you avu n+t+t ?.ha knraui h oC suc G006(c) ' 2. r/$g,y14- • / „ r (1 f 2.J) -1-4 dAr .. ?? rIa ; 9c y eo G(c ) t- Totql e*posed roof/ceiliny acea j. T4ta1 skylight acea.... . ............. ... .. ........ O k. Total roof/cciliny Erarainy a[oa (avcrayc 10"c) _? G•? •- ............. . 1.. Total net inL;ulatcd roof/ccilirnq arc:a .... .... ............. //70+ ? Determine "U" valur for coch roof/ceiling seymenr, j o x,.Q.. p z, Cy x. 130. o x^u.. , o z c 3, Y ? 1. //70•o X ..U.. aV.f. 4 ............................ . ......Total = •2 g.0 If total of Y4 is the same as, or less than q2, you have met [Iae intant of sac eooa c01. P'tt?, "y "7- C3 :.s) 4e... J?s4c 4aoy ??? ''. Alterna[e 8uilding Envelope Desiqn To utilize thc total envelope system meth«1, thc values ?:stablish-_d by the sum of items A1 and M4 sha11 not be greater than the sum of items pl and k3. * Z APFLICATION FOR PERMIT - '? SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIQN * ? NOTE: PA3Q4FNf OF FEE AT TIME OF ? ? APPLICATION DOFS NOT CON- .'?. ? STIISTIE APPA('JAL OF PIItPIIT. • ? INSPFZTION OF SE4IIO A!ID/OR WA1ER e ; xKSratiuxxocis waa, mom sE scmvt.en ; ? [!Nl'IL PFT7NIIT HIS HEFN APPROVID. ? ?f??i?»:»+:??if:r?:i:+?343f??x W+?rf.e OF eC1gt8P9 (PLEASE PRINT i) PROPERTY ADDRESS: t df ? In-. .lJr-) LE7GAL DESQ2IPTION; . Lot B oc S vision or Tax Parcel ID IF EXISTING STRCCTURE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BUILDING PEEtMIT ISSUANCE: Mont Year PRESENT ZONING/PROP0.5ID DSE: Q.CONA9ERCIAL/RETAIL/0FFICE Q INDL'STRIAL Q INSTIT[JTIONAL/GOVERPII?NT 2) ? NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: 1 SINGLE FAMILY ? R- DL?PLEX ('iWO C'nits) Q R-3 TOWDIIIOOSE (Three + Units) Q R-4 APARTMENT/COAIDOMINIL'•M s) ? NaME: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: . 1 ` . . . . . . ?? - PHONE: 1 .1 . . . ? MASTEEt LICIIVSE # i2)41 4) • ..?i • ?- nArE: /Um /?a?, .=, ?. rDD?ss: .5-?lL ? ?f ?- CITY. STATE. ZIP: PHONE: 5) Lnits) ( Onits) I? Active Expired Not recorded Sta Initia ???CON?CTION TO CITY SEWE?_ E?-??' CON[?CT20[V TO CITY WATER a OT[?R _??. 6) * ****#*** * *** * **** **** *1Y*** ***** *t#"k+'nFlM* * ***#'4A' *rt*** ** * ***'k* *rtiftF*** *'k** *'k* *'k ** *** ***'k'k*tk * *t** *** ***Y * THE GOLD COPY OF THE PERMiT WIIS, BE SENf DIRDLTLY TO PUBL.IC WORRS 1O FACILITATE MEPIIt PIC[C-UP. * PLEASE ALTAW 1W0 WORKING DAYS FOR PROCFSSING. SONIDONE FROM '1M CITY WILL CONTIILT YOU IF THERE * * ARE ANY PROBLFMS. f ?r***??,r*****?:+*****a***t**?t+*?**,r+r**********?r**?*+r?*t***,t+**?**?*??+*****?**?***+*+*+**t,r**+***; .. ? FOR CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSOED „ ? Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ SEWER PERMZT (INCLLDE SURCHARGE) $ WATER PERMIT (INCLDDE SL'RCHARGE) $ (C 7•,9 v $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/0UTSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ lp jJ ACCOONT DEPOSIT - WATER $ ,.5-0 ' lrYD $ WAC $ ? S U ' lJ? $ SAC $ $ TRUNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TRONK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRONK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BEN°FIT/TR[!NK WATER $ ;pw 4, O-o $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE $ $ OTHER: S $ TOTAL Z: RECEIPT RECEIPT DO ES OTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGAT OF WAY? F--j YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK 6VITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSOED BY THE ENGINEERING Q NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: A??t-o TITLE: DATE: PERMI'F #: 4?qd 4_? CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT DATE: 2002 RESIDEIVTIAL M£CHAIUICAL P£RMIT APPLICATION crrY oF EnsAN 3$30 PII.OT KNOB RD EAfiAN btN 5518E 651-6$1-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: _3 ? 11 0 ?? SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: ? TELEPHONE #: MaR 14 zooz ? !! ? INSTALLER NAME: T-1w VYUl ` I'e. -14'tQi ?- A/G'ELEPHONE #: 954?4?9 I QC(a5 STREET ADDRESS: lol `t'ZS j }Gv1t`.?-e. .-42510w?'? {tUz ?D<_.) CITY: ?V STATE: rv?ZIP: Place a check mark next w the permn work type ? ? Add-on modification or alteration to existinq dwelling unit $ 30.00 i • urnace re lacemen • air exchanger • air conditioner • other Nature of work: State Surchar e $ 3050 Tot81 SIGNA F PERMITTEE voz ? Arrelor?s Certificate SURVEY FOR: R.5.b7.Homes Inc. DESCRIBED AS: I.ot 3, Block 2, lIIL[!,S OP SI'ONEBRIDGE , City oP Eagan, Ikikota County, h4innesota and reservi.ng easements of rewrd. 0 ? qo 1. I a / 9oL.i T 71 ? s , C , ? ; . PROPOSED ELEVATIONS Top of Foundafion . 903.-I Garape Floor : q o 3. 3 Baeement Floor-41Sl...l 16 675,6 Approx. Sewer Serviee Elev. . ?r3?y Proposed Elevalions . O Exietinq Elsvatlons . Oroino0a Oireetione -_. Denotas Offset Stake O ? .' C . `. ?? g g? i00 0 0? . 2 ? .? `Y ? `/ \\ L > m \?+ > 0? ' ) V •? ?'? p / , ? 48`? \ gn;h ? SCALE: 1 Inch = 30 Feef ? 89b,5 ? ? ??0 V/E D +y. Dcie_.? ? 'AGAiV ENGIIVE RI1VG DEPT. BENCHMARK, INV, San. 5ewc.- ? Fqrhu?ti Road a..d t-sa L...ati 1:i 6K Z? ItiJ. = BBS.$b MIN. SETBACK REOIREMENiS Front - 30 Nouss Slds - 10 Raar - 6arope Side - 5 I hereAy eerllfr lhat Mb wrvq. Otae a nperl ras OnpareA !y m JOB NO.: /?EDLUND er unAer my dlreel Suparvlslen en0 Ihof i am e Auly Re91sNrrA 88R-494 land 9wwyor under Me laws ef Me 9faN of Minnooeta. BOOK: Planning Engineering Surveying I3 0 no? tm ea?xro?? r?.«.+r. eroa?xyro?. M?na. ?m PAOE: Dat?: J9 I 0n. Lleens• 14376 2 a ? O m z 0 ? ? N A ? PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Building Permit Number: EA106606 Date Issued: 08/29/2012 Permit Category: ePermit Site Address: 3816 Fairhaven Rd Lot: 3 Block: 2 Addition: Hills of Stonebridge PID: 10-32990-02-030 Use: Description: Sub Type: e-Reroof Construction Type: Work Type: Replace Description: House & Garage Census Code: 434 - Occupancy: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: If there is no ice protection inspection prior to final, the contractor must meet the inspector w/ a ladder and flat bar. Pictures are not acceptable in lieu of inspections. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes. Fee Summary: BL -Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 Valuation: 4,000.00 Total: $105.25 Contractor: -Applicant - Owner: Apex Roofing & Siding Mark T Ciernia 944 Oriole Dr 3816 Fairhaven Rd Apple Valley MN 55124-0000 Eagan MN 55123 (952) 891-1919 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances.  ApplicanvFermltee: Nignature issued tiy: NIgnature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA148011 Date Issued:02/28/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3816 Fairhaven Rd Lot:3 Block: 2 Addition: Hills Of Stonebridge PID:10-32990-02-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Mark T Ciernia 3816 Fairhaven Rd Eagan MN 55123 Dakota Water Treatment 17484 Goodland Path Lakeville MN 55044 (952) 953-4643 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA168321 Date Issued:04/16/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3816 Fairhaven Rd Lot:3 Block: 2 Addition: Hills Of Stonebridge PID:10-32990-02-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Includes Skylight Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. We encourage you to retain an electronic copy of photos until the project passes a final inspection. *Roof permits issued between December and March will be inspected in the spring or when weather warms up. Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Mark T & Cynthia A Ciernia 3816 Fairhaven Dr Saint Paul MN 55123--168 (651) 688-7396 Apex Roofing & Siding 944 Oriole Dr Apple Valley MN 55124-0000 (952) 891-1919 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature