3310 Heritage LaneCITY OF EAGAN Remarks- Additior. Letendre Addition 4f1 Lot 11 Rik 1 Parcel 10 44900 110 Ol Owner ? ?• ??1?rlf? ?LIs':?' ::_ Street 3310 HeritaQe Lane State Eagan, MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. I / STREETRESTOR. PgViII 1975 669.9? 10 deferred GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK ?( 1968 $100. 00 $3.33 30 PAID ? *SEWERLATERAL 1973 1926.74 20 deferred * " " 1975 20 *WATERMAIN Lat 1975 20 *WATER LATERAL & Stl1bS 1973 ? ZO WATER AREA I STORM SEW TRK &li 1979 932.36 62 *STORMSEWLAT 1973 $2679.80 $133.99 20 PAID CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATERCONN. $300.00 7688 4-2-73 9UILDING PEF. sac $260.00 7688 4-2-73 PARK VILLAQE OF EAGAN WATER SERV15 E PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knab Road PERMIT NO.= . Eognn, MN 55124 DATE: --4/1/7 3 -- R-1 No. of Units: 1 Zoning: Owner: I'a'yTle Anderson Address: ssce Aaaress 3310 e' e Lane elumber: Weier-ke 'I`renc g Meter No.: 22529981 Connection Charge:M0 .00 Dd 4/1- Size: SIS R1o?Ck. pccount Deposit: 1_OQ_pcL?? ? Reader No.: ±37816 Permit Fee: 10.QCQ pd 4n 1 agree ro comply wiM The Villaga of Eagan SurcharKe: . •70 p??/I4? `? Qrdinanch, Misc. Charges: Total: gy Date Paid: . Uate of Insp.: Insp.: EAGAN TOWNSH1P Td' 279 BIJILDING PERMI'r Ownex Address (Psese Builder ..... L1._ - - :??.?--- _ z - Address ._.._......::.__-----_._.---------.? -?-------_. ...F?-1 ? DESCRIPTION Eagan Township Town Hall Da..................... Siories To Be Used For Froni Depih Heighi Esi. CosY Permii Fee - Remaxks ? of LOCATION or ??4o,t,4? This permii does noi auihorise the use of streels, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does ii give the ownex os his agenf the righY !o create any situalion which is a nuisance or which presenfs a hasard to !he healih, safety, convenience and general welfare fa anyone in the community. THIS PEAMIT MUST B ceriify. -T ON/ yy?' P M,,?I(S?E?W?HILE THE WORK IS IN PROG *T, Kl??fiP`?has permissim So ereci a._ --------------'* ---------.-..uPon This is !o !ha . !he above dEi6ed pre c ihe provisions of ihe Building Ordinance far Egap adopied April 11, 1955. t -'-"!. l?/'?. . ._ ................. Per ..... ..___._- _ ..------ .----------- .----- _... Chairman of o Board Building Inspecfor EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT No ?''t"??""'?` .--.'-' Eagan Township -. .- " ......... ............. ......... ---._..---` Owner ... -"------'---- Addreu (Preseni) _..: ...... .?2_?.'+.?.?._.'.'%''C'`"+•'- :.._.-...: Towa Hall ................... Builder ...... /4?:.-'-._4???2`=r:'^:?. "..... ---- - -- --- ? . Dafe .........---'-?---'--- Addsesa __..-'-'--..._ ...................... ....... _.._...?.... . -...--' r DESCAIPTION 1838 5tories To Be Used Far Fron! Depth Heigh! Esi. Cos! Permit Fee Aemarks tr_.'?,c '1- a y ? y 3s- o o q. °_-° lo LOCATION This permit does not aulhorise the use of sireefs, roads, alleps ot sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his agen! the right fo creale anp sifuafion wbich is a nuisance or which presenfs a haaard !o the heellh, safeiy, convenienee and general weltare !o anyone in the eommunity. THIS PEAMIT MUST BEEPT ON TIiE PREMISE WHILE TI-IE WORK IS IN PROGAESS. This is !o cerlify. !hal... .°---.-..haspermission !o erecY a.._._ - ? '.-° --._upoa --.. ....-- °----.... .?° the above descriLed premise s ._-ubj-----ec!°---!o-° -°!he--......--- --- provisions oi the Buildin4 Ordinance for agan ownship adopfed April 11, 1955. ?{n... ....................... -.-a.--'---?-_..._.---. Per ..---°.?......-- rd Cairma of Tnwn Boa Building h or ?' B i \D?0zoos RESiDEN71A ?P? ol?&Bti? ? PFRr?mz APP?.ocA?`iON ? 3830 F+BLt37' KNi3B R0/D, EeA(aAN 9s7N 55122 651-67 sm56?5 ase complete for modifications Lo existing resSdentiai dwellings. 'S_50 : Street Actdress Unat # TefiepFamne # ,K? /.: '? perty owner 1? nt?actar u Tese?ahoaae # ,, )? d zlFf l 61A M/ J??o Mm c9E' d1 ? ? _ - 4 § F y lPCSS = Applicant is: _ Owner ACmeatsactoe - Othee 7tic Systerto ^ New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of p;ar.s anti M6'C iicense includes Ccunty Fee $ 100,00 ?er ?s-bu;dt $ 10.Ot3 erati¢ns to existing dw¢16ing $ 50.00 qcfd plumbing futures. This fee incWdes instaliation af a waier softener and/or water heater at the same time. lf yau aee esastalding oniv a waf?e s?{?raer antdlot wafer heater, do nat complete this sectian; =nove io the nexf seczion and eheck the ?; D appliance(s) you are irssYaiiing. stemAbandonment ti S I_l ?- ??'% L ?1 I,' } ? _i ? c y _Sep i EB Q 6 2001 ? Water Tumaround (add $130.00if a 518" r??eter is requireci) -- I ? Other. i WaLer 5oftener ? iAiater Fiea4er $ 15.00 _ _ new X replacernent i Lawn Brrigation _RPZ _PWB Tnew _repair _rebuilc9 $ 30.00 ate Surcharge ? $ 50 ,ta6 s I S - 5? ereby apply for a Rasideniial Plum6{ng Fermit and acknowledge fha± the ia'orrna#scr ts complete and accurate; that the )rk will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of Yne ,r.ity es*" Eagan and -the plumbing codes; that I derstand this is not a permit, but only an applicaYion for a permif, work is tot to sFaR vr;thout a permit and work wsll be in cortlaNe with the approvedylan in the event a p{an is rsqiJlf°d `:O,>q fCv!2W°d ana 30praved- ,piicAnt7s Printed Name 1- Appric?r.ts S?ahaiure EAGAN 1,DWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERPIIT FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION DATE: 12/29/72 (4/1/73) OWNER: TyWMP pnderson NUMBER 1301 ? Address 3310 Heritaee Lane %? ? ?.?i • -? pLUMBER Weierke Trenching & Fxc. TypE OF PIPE heavy cast iron AESCRIPTION OF BUILDING Industriall Cammerciall Residential I Multiple Dwelling I No, of units xx Location of Connections: Conaection Charge_2A?73 Acct. Dep. T pd Permit Fee10.00 pd 12/29/72 .50 p 29 72 Street Repairs Total Inspected by: Date Remarks: By Chief Inspector in consideration of the issue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulations of Eagan Tormship, Dakota County, Minneaota By Weierke Trd,nching & Exc. Please notifq whea ready for inapection and connection aad before any porCion of the work is covered. I l- l ( LE}-en.d;re_ ( s' BEA BLOMqU15T MAYON TMOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRVTHOMAS THEODORE WACHTER COUNCiI MEMBEflS Jtme 17, 1982 ,q CITY: OF :qEAGAN s? 1795PILOTKN06ROAD ?} P.O: BD% 211f9 ?+,k C.,. EAGAN;, AAINNESOTA „? .. x ? PHONE?AS 8 1100 ? ?. ?? . THOMASHEDGES CITY ADMINISTR0.i0N EUGENEVnN OVERBEKE CITY CIENN TAVnE E & SHI= ADIDERSCN c33I0=HER7.'PAGE-AVE EAGAN MN 55122 Re: Erosion - Gravel Driveways Dear Mr. & Mrs. Anderson: An inspection by the Public Works Department has revealed that your gravel driveway is presently washing into the street area in front of your house. This sediment is caused by the erosion resulti.ng frcan an tiuipaved driveway approach apron. Would you please take the neoessavy prevPntive neeasures to insure that all materia.l is contained witfiin your property and is not washed into the street where it even- tually is deposited in the City stoxm sewer systen. This can be acomplished by having tfie boulevard area of your driveway approach apron (13' behind curb) paved with a hard surfaced material to pxevent sediments fran being emded and ultimtely deposited witliin the street area. Your anticipated coopexatian in response to this request by July 15th will be great- ly appreciatecl by the City and your neighbors. Sincerely, ?? ? rntas A. Coibert, P.E. Di.rector of Public FTorks TAC/jach THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTN AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMLJNITV. 17?-??? y'?%dd. F z- if , 131 OR C city oF eage 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 BFA eLOM9uiS1' EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55721 - M? MHONE: (612) 454-8100 TMoMAS EGAN JAMES A SMIM VIC ELLISON 1HEOOORE W0.CHTER CancNMemExs 7HOMP5 HEOGES • CW Mmnbvaror EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE qry C?anc August 19, 1986 MR 8 MRS LANE ANDERSON 3310 HERITAGE LANE EAGAN MN 55121 Re: Waiver of Plat Application Dear Mr. 8 Mrs. Anderson: I was contacted today by Mac Carll of Century 21 explaining that you would like to split your property at 3310 Heritage Lane- into two separate lots. The City requires that you apply for a Waiver of Platting which would mean a public hearing by the Advisory Planning Commission. They meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month. The information requested on the application, along with a notarized signature and fee must be received at the City by the lst day of the month in which the item will be scheduled. If you have any questions tegarding this application process, please give me a call at the City Hall. Yours truly, Julie B. Dykstra Planning Aide JBD/jd enclosure THE LONE OAK 1REE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIIV MEMORANDUM TO: MIKE RIDLEY, PROJECT PLANNER FROM: 5T'EVE HANSON, ASST. BUILDING OFFICIAL I?ATE: SEPT'EMBER 4, 1991 RE: FEES ASSOCIATED WITH WAIVER OF PLAT LAT 11, BL,OCK 1, L.ETENDRE ADDITION Mike, once a Waiver of Plat has been approved and a building permit is applied for on a newly-created lot, certain fees must be paid. The building permit fee, plan review, and state surcharge are based on the valuation of the home; i.e. if a$100,000 home was built on this lot, these fees would total $1,106. Listed below are other fees that are collected with all building permits for new homes: SAC (Sewer Availability Charge) $ 750.00 WAC (Water Area Charge) 660.00 Water meter 95.00 Sewer & water account deposit 30.00 Sewer & water permit 30.00 Sewer & water surcharge .50 Water treatment plant 276.00 Road unit 370.00 Total: $2,211.50 Please note that these are 1991 fees and are subject to increase next year. There also may be a charge for tapping into the City's sewer and water lines. These amounts should be verified with the Public Works Department. The address for the new lot will be 3311 Donald Avenue. If you desire more information, please contact me. 4,0:?tL A Asst. Building Official SN/js : r C I T Y O F E A G A N CERTIFIED LISTING OF POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: . Lot 11, Block 1, Letendre Addition . .,COUNTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 10 44900 110 01 POSTPONED SPECZAL ASSESSMENT: $treet assessment - 110-B Utility assessment - 73 $669.90 at 8% interest $1,926.74 at 8% interest Pursuant to M.S.A. 429.061, Subd. 2, as amended by the 1980 Session Laws, Chapter 560, Section 5, I hereby certify that the - City of Eagan has approved the postponement of the special assessments as set forth above on the property described. ` Dated this 2nd day of Ju1y 1987 EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS ,-i _. ' . ?.•. . :..:?_:? ? ? ? ? L.??xA[ . .... . .' '• II? 'n' / .t La. /J:_f . / / . . ? ±ities Di ital uality Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. 3 t 71 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 „7? ? ?? ?- - - 1] % tt Z w ?' ` • A.A A = W , = ti ,# _ :'a:a ? , , ,,1 :,; ; .,y, ii ; ? t l`:1 `e? 131;1 i ii j?? 1 UkAA 1,111111 i? 1?, t 1 ? a 31 - i i?4?t+' ; . . 1, 41i i l , ? ?, : .? : ;iq i ; :';iz ; .1 ,1 i? 1i ii ?1 t • f - ' ? l I $ - L/ ?i..?.c .:? - ? . ?:.' J `w L / / 1 " i 11 j ? ? ? ?.o.. / ! ' y a 3 ' W t - A ? 1 A 1.1 4 4 , - A 1 1 , 9 1 Re 1 14 il l 1 1 11 Mi lill 17 A&A y / ? s ? - . i ,., ? ? 41?dtV oF eagan THOMASEGAN Mayor April 20, 1994 Recorder's Office Dakota County Government Center 1560 Hwy 55 Hastings MN 55033 Attention: Ms. Pat Brown Dear Ms. Brown: PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Membera iHOMAS HEDGES Ciry Adminisirabr E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk Enclosed please find the Releases of Certified Listing of Postponed Special Assessments on property (10-44990-110-01, now platted as 10-44900-111-01 and 10-44900-112-01) within the City of Eagan. Also enclosed are copies of the original documents. Would you please record this appropriately and return a copies to me. Thank you for your assistance. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Deanna Kivi Special Assessment Clerk MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOi KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-I897 PHONE: (672) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 TDD:(61Y)454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OpportunltylAtfirmatlve Actlon Employer MAINTENANCE FAqLITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX:(612)681•4360 TDD:(612) 454-8535 CITY 08 EA(iAN DAROTA COIINTY, MIlit RBLSIlBB OF FERTIBISD LISTIN(i OF P08TPONSD BPBCIAI+ ASSSSSM8NP6 P80J8CT NO. THIS RELEASE is dated, made and entered into this llth day of Anril , 19 94 , by and between the City of Eagan (hereinafter "City"), and Lavne and Shirlev Anderson . (hereinafter !'owner"); WHEREASI the City and the Owner entered lnto an agreement to postpone special assessments under City Project No. ; and WHEREAS, on the 18th day of pec?nber , 19?1 , a Certified Listing of Postponed 5pecial Assessments, dated the llth day of pecP{nber , 19?, was recorded by the City as Document No. lol 660 , with the Dakota County Recorder in accordance with Mlnnesota Statute $429.061, subd. 2, against the following property: Legal Description: Letendre Addition, East 163 Feet of Lot 11 Block 1 Dakota County Identification No.: 10-44900-112-01 NOW THEREFORE, the City hereby releases the Agreement to Postpone Special Assessments against the Owner's above-descrlbed property. DATED: Certificate I, E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk of the City of Eagan, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy. E. VanOVerbeke Ci Clerk 1018660 C I T Y 0 F E A G A N CERTIFIED LISTING OF POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Letendre Addition, East 163 feet of Lot 11 Block 1 COUNTY IDENTIFZCATION NUMBER: 10 44900 112 01 POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: Water and Sanitary Sewer Trunk Pursuant to M.S.A. 429.061, Subd. 2, as amended by the 1980 Session Laws, Chapter 560, Section 5, I hereby certify that the City of Eagan has approved the postponement of the special assessments as set forth above on the property described. Dated this I IT}4 day of QstlV?Atv 1941 EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS This Document Drafted By: ' City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 ?1 ??1l.X?Ylh?tS_- E.?VanOverbeke City Clerk/Finance Director Certificate I, E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk of the City of Eagan, do Hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy. E. VanOverbeke, City Clerk ] ? ?c 1018064 oFFice oF nie courm RECORDER-DAKOTA CpUNTY, MN. CERTIFIED TRAT THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THIS OFFlCE ON AND AT pEc / a 155 PH t3l ooc. No 1018660 JAMES N. COUNTY? R?E-C°OR?D-ER DEPUTY FEE , CASH ? CHECI(p CHARGE4Er CHARGE WHOM Z-- 0.v REFUND DO NOT REMOVE ('o t cS ttr/?c n CITY OB BA(iAN DAKOTA COUNTYo llINl R8LSA88 OB FBRTIFIBD LIBTING 08 POBTPON$D SPECIAL ASSB88M8NT8 PROJBCT NO. TFIIS RELEASE is dated, made and entered into this llth day of il , 19 94 , by and between the City of Eagan (here nafter "City"), and La mP na snir v nd raon . (herainafter "Owner"); WHEREAS, the City and the Owner entered into an agreement to postpone special assessments under City Project No. ; and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of Julv , 1987 , a Certified Listinq of Postponed Special Assessments, dated the 2nd day of .T„iy , 19g?, was recorded by the City as Document No. 793991 , with the Dakota County Recorder in accordance with M nnesota Statute §429.061, subd. 2, against the following property: Legal Description: Letendre Addition, Lot 11, Block 1 (now platted as 10-44900-111-01 and 10-44900-112-01) Dakota County Identification No.: 10-44900-110-01 NOW THEREFORE,. the City hereby releases the Agreement to Postpone Special Assessments against the Owner's above-described property. DATED: 4- 1 q• ql Certificate i, E.J. VanOVerbeke, City Clerk of the City of Eagan, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy. W erk 4L By: . J. Vanoverbeke s: City Clerk C I T Y 0 F E A G A N CERTIFIED LISTING OF POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 11, Slock 1, Letendre Addition COUNTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: Street assessment - 110-B Utility assessment - 73 10 44900 110 01 ? I $669.90 at 8% interest $1,926.74 at 8% interest Pursuant to M.S.A. 429.061, Subd. 2, as amended by the 1980 Session Laws, Chapter 560, Section 5, I hereby certify that the City of Eagan has approved the postponement of the special assessments as set forth above on the property described. Dated this 2nd day of Ju1 1987. EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS This Document Drafted By: City of Eagan ' 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 • E. UanOverbece Ci Clerk/Finance Director Certificate I, E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk of the City of Eagan, do Hereby certify that tlie foregoing is a true anA cor? ect Nopy. , City cler ???5SIL OFFlCE OF THE COUNTY RECARDER-DAKOTA COUNTY. MN. CEf{TIFIED TNAT THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT WAS FILEDFOR RECORD IN THIS OFFICE ON AND AT JuL 13 9 Is QM '81 DOC. NO. '????si JAMES N. DQLAN COUNTY C ER By- DEPUTY FEE CASH ? CHECK Cl CNAQ ?j CHAqGE WHOM ? REFUND ' 'OF -I/ 1211121 CITY OB BAGAN DAROTA COUNTY, MIWNBSOTA erbeke By: J. Vanov fma .s: City Clerk R8L8A88 Op ¢BRTIBISD LIBTIN(i OB P08TPOAiED BPBCIAL ASSSSSMSNTS PROJSCT NO. THIS RELEASE is date3, made and entered into this llth day of April , 19 94 , by and between the City of Eagan (hereinafter "City") , and Lavne and hir1 v nd on , (hereinafter O'Owner"); WHEREAS, the City and the Owner entered into an agreement to postpone special assessments under City Project No. ; and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of Julv , 1987 , a Cer_tif_i_ed Listing of kostpotted Gpec9_al Asseasments, dated the 2nd day of ,7„ly , 19g7 , was recorded by the City as Document No. 793991 , with the Dakota County Recorder in accordance with Mlnnesota Statute §429.061, subd. 2, against the following property: Legal Descript'1on: I,etendre Addition, Lot 11, Block 1 (naa platted as 10-44900-111-01 and 10-44900-112-01) Dakota County Identification No.: 10-44900-110-01 NOW THEREFORE, the City hereby releases the Agreement to Postpone Special Assessments against the Owner's above-described property. DATED: 4- ITY AG . TholftT a Its: Mayor Certificate I, E.J. Vanoverbeke, Ci.ty Clerk of the City of Eagan, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy. ? E. VanOVerbeke Cit Clerk ? 1211121 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA CERTIFIED THAT THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT WAS RECOROED IN THIS OFFICE ON AND AT An 11 9 0011M '9?j 1211121 DOC. NO. JAMES N. DO COUNTY RECORDER BY: ? - Deputy FEE SURCHARGE y CASH ? CHECK? ESCROW ? WELL? CHARGE ? CHARGETO: REFUND DO NOT REMOVE C 7- ?% U j" ??7G F3,'0 / -.2 .. 793991 C I T Y O F E A G A N CERTIFIED LISTING OF POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: rj Lot 11, Block 1, Letendre Addi[ion f? COUNTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: "10 44900 110 01 I ? POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: Street assessment - 110-B $669.90 at 8°!, interes[ Utility assessment - 73 $1,926.74 at 8% interest Pursuant to M.S.A. 429.061, Subd. 2, as amended by the 1980 Session Laws, Chapter 560, Section 5, I hereby certify that the City of Eagan has approved the postponement of the special assessments as set forth above on the property described. D3ted thiS Znd day Of July 1987 EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS This Document Drafted By: City of Eagan ° 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 + '?? \?" E. VanOverbe e Ci Clerk/Finance Director Certificate I, E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk of the City of Eagan, do Hereby certify that *_he foregoing is a .. ,,,,., ._ ,G/// 11 or&=we xa iia WELL AND WATEIt SUPPLY MANAGEMF.NT WELL PERMIT AKOTA COUNTY F,NVIItONMENTAL MANAGEMEN'P DEP, WATER AND LAND MANAGEMENT SECTION . 14955 Gd.rie A?moe; App1e VaRey. MN 55124 . ,. Tdep6ane (612) 891-7011 . WHEREAS, t110 PERMITTEE/DBA: Kimmes-Bauer Well Drilling ADDRESS: 21830 Lillehei Av. Hastings, MN 55033 Permit No. 94-9105 Unique:f H48765. NON-TRANSFERABLE ISSUED TO: 19521 REVIEWED BY:Luehrs has submitted a permit application,.has paid the sum of $111.00. dollars to the County of Dakota as sequired'by.Ordinance Number 114 and has.complied with all,.of the>requirements-of;,said'Ordinance necessary for,.obtaining this.permit.to.-sea1`the.Well'described herein: An abandoned;-well with.a-,casing,4diameter of 4'inches,-tdepth of,234 feet;: and,?.comnl cement pressure grouted and terminated at least two'feet belowtgrade ,rt ,,+ ? < . . : . , , n... ' . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . x "? . . THE WELL SS.LOCATED IN`THE.MUNICIPALITY.OF EAGAN AS FOLLOWS. WELL LOCATION PROPERTY OWNER & ADDRESS WELL OWNER & ADDRESS 3310 Heritage Ln Laynec?=Anderson Layne°Anderson''! 3310-Heritage-:_Lane 3310 Heritage Lane: Eagan,;MN 55121. t Eagan,.MN 55121 NOW,,THEREFORE, Kimmes-Bauer We11:Drilling is hereby permitted and. ' authorized to seal.the well described and located..above for a period:. of one year from the date of this permitC,:Sealing of this well is subject to all provisions of Dakota County Ordinance 114, the Minnesota- Wells and Borings.Code and any conditions attached on the reverse side of this permit. _ Given under:my hand.Tuesday, May'10, 1994 ATTEST T}, -?11s ?il]Lrt][)T SVCY[tYlaCJOR ?. y?•.'}?VLRQ R? . .. . . . . z. . _. . .» ? . ? ., ? _,. :..??-, ;,? . ? :'? ? ? ?,; ? ? ?? :: ? ? ?w? w y RESIDENTIAL ? t f7/7s BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATlON //3, 75 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 New ConsUUCtion Reauiremenls RemadeUReoair RenuiremenGs • 3 reqislered site surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq. ft of house; and all roofed areas • 2 copies of plan (20°h mazimum lot coverage allowed) • 7 set ol Energy Calculatlons for heated additbns . 2 copies of plan showing beam & windax sizes; paured faund design, etc.) • 1 sile survey for extenor additions 8 decks • 7 set ot Energy Calculations • Indicate it home served by sepdc system for addNOns • 3 copies of Tree Preservatbn Plan if lot platted after 7/1193 . Rim Joist DeWl Oplions selecfion sheet (61dgs wiU 3 or less units) DATE 16I?(L0 I VALUATION '7 , JOB SITE ADDRESS 'J??? /f?? ?`z 9? C???? IF MULTf-FAMILY BUtLDING, HOW MANY UNIiS? PROPERTY TYPE OF WORK FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 ?o APPLICANT f.je-5fc.rPn Q'? S4 PHONE#?63 Sy? J`"7 ennaFCC vv. '0 fy ZIPCODE PAGER # FAX # NEW RESIDENTIAI BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category MINNFSOTA Ri7LES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted - Energy Enve(ope Calculations Submitted MINNE50TA RULES 7672 New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: Plumbing System Includes: Mechanical Contractor: Nlechanical System Includes: Sewer/Water Contractor: Air Conditioning _ Heat Recovery System Phone # Fee: $70.00 Phone # All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinanc ? S(gnature af Appl(cant Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ . Updated 1101 C-C CEiL PHONE # _ Water Softener _ ? Water Heater _ _ No. of Baths Phone #: Lawn Sprinkler Fee: $90.00 No. of R.I. Baths OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling O 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 Ot of _ plex ? 09 07-plex O 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Parch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N 0 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MCIES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width Footings (new bldg) Footings (deck) Footings (addition) Foundarion Dcain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Framing Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Fina] Insulation Ot6er _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final Siding Stucco _ Stone Windows (new/replacement) Approved By Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC W ater Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaUC.O. FinaUNo C.O. Plumbing HVAC Building Inspectar PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA159821 Date Issued:01/21/2020 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3310 Heritage Lane Lot:111 Block: 1 Addition: Letendre 1st PID:10-44900-01-111 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Terry L Burton 3310 Heritage Lane Eagan MN 55121 Haley Comfort Systems 4320 Hwy 52 N West Frontage Rd Rochester MN 55901 (507) 281-0138 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature