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3240 Hill Ridge Dr
? CITY OF EAGAN Fiemarks ? Additton ROBERT KARATZ ADDN Lot 3 9ik 2 Parwl Owner ?? &Street 3240 Hillx'i.dge Drive state E8$an• Mn 55121 Improvement Oate Amount Annual Years ' Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING - 5AN 5EW TRJJNK a SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL 4 15 p ? WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 1975 11 209.73 747.31 15 Paid ' STORM 5EW LAT CURB & GUTTER 51DEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK INSPECTI4N RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number; Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: ; i ::; I.1 1 :ii.??t.' t?,1. ! "iRi•,!y!'?E'il PERMIT SUBTYPE: W" 1, 'J,; ., , 1, 1 . l hI A F7 bc `.'. : f iV , 0 114 i!'• 1.101 TYPE OF WORK: IIi 1 1.11 I I ii^I Hll i 1(iL Nl; 0.10 +s! ,/ 69b /AE> /');j Rf..PA I!i R f nl. At:F: R+"+0 r- 1 Nri i.''tiq H i I! i' 1 Illif 111 PermR No. Psrmft Holder Dste Telephone N S/1N PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC kispecdon Qab Insp. Comments Footings I Foundatbn Framing Roofing 77 ( <.3 Gl4+ Rough Plbg. Rough ktg. Isul. Fireplace Fnel H1g- Orsat Test Final Plbg. Pibg. Inspector - NotHy Plumber Const. Meter Engr.JPlan Bidg. Fnal Deck Ftg. DeCk Final Well Pr. Uisp. INSPECTIDN RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: , ,. 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION ., . D. ;>>, I M l b ? ? . .... . . .. ? ? ? ?? .. ? ? ?? . ?. ... ? ?.. . .. ? .. . .. Pennit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inepection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL ?? f? BSMT R.I. L BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL ? RESIDENTIAL U BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55722 651-681-4675 New Constructlon Reauirements • 3 regatered site surveys showing sq. ft oF lot, sq. ft of house; and all raofed areas (20% maximum lol caverage allowed) . 2 copies of plan showing beam 8 windax saes: poured found design, etc.) . 7 set of Energy Calculatioris • 3 copies af Tree Preservation Plan N bl plaped after 717/93 • Rim Joist Detaa Optiois seledion sheet (ddgs with 3 or less wids) DATE F-O I JOB SITE IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY PROPERTY < TYPE OF WC APPLICANT ADDRESS 1. PAGER # _ NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category MINNESOTA RLTI.ES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted MINNESOTA RULES 7672 - New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: _ Plumbing System Includes: Mechanical Contractor. _ Mechanical System Includes: Sewer/Water Conhactor: _ Air Conditioning _ Heat Recovery System Phone # Phone # Fee: $70.00 P TP,r?o'T T All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. By -- -- ..-------J I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the inform tislc a d agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinanc Signature of Applicant CeRificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ uPdaeed 1101 REPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 '?IS?I tSPHONE# 1sSl- 2?LUp hlyfiy( tmpq 5?Si,A I ZIP CODE CELL PHONE # Lwrl 'olC9D - 9qS.3 FAX #1a.S7" /s,919 " ZI?.,1LQ Water Softener _ Water Heater _ No. of Baths I 1--I 1-?"?_ 'R - -)--?. C) I RemodellRewir Reauirements . 2 apies of pan • 1 set of Energy Caladations (or heeted addiEans • 1 sfle survey lor exledor additbns 8 decks . Indicate if home served by septic syslem for additbfa Phone #: Lawn Sprinkler Fee: $90.00 No. of R.I. Baths OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OB 06-plex O 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 37 EM. Alt - MulS ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex O 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? OS 03-plex ? 11 10-plex O 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or_ N 0 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bidg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bidg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement •Damolition (EnHre Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MClES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories , Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) Footings (deck) Footings(addirion) Foundation Drain Tile Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Other Framing _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Au/Gas Tests _ Final Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Siding Smcco Stone Insulation _ Windows (new/replacement) Approved By Base Fee Surcharge Pian Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply 8 Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanicai Permit License Search Copies Other Total FinallC.O. _ FinallNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Building Inspector 23-Jun-2008 09:03 AM HOME DEPOT HOME SEHVICES17633679779 2007 RESIDENT{AL. PLUMBING PeRnnir APPLicATioN CI7Y OF EAGAN 3830 PfLOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 _ Please complete for modifications to existmg residenfial S ite StreetAddres Property Owner Contractor Addres5 ( The Applicant is: _ Owner 8 Occupant Septic System _ New _ Refurbish 2/Z C? ? ,( EL)?? e? UnK ":?> -?i C? , Telephone # Pa) a .y(;s Telepbone# 3p7- 9362 State?, Zip s? Licensed Plumbing Contraetor sets af ofans and MPC license $ 1 Fire Repair (replace hurned out flxtures, etc.) This fee aoolies when exFensive olumbinq raqdir3 8re m8de to a building. Alteratlons to existing dwelling ? Add plumbing fixtures to main level lower IeveL This fee includes installation of a water softener andior water heater at the same time. If you are installing onfv a wafer sofrener and/or water heater, do not complete this saction; move to the next section and place a checkmark next fo the appliance(S) you are installing. -Septic System Abandonment iWater Tu?qaro nd (add $136.00 if a 5!8" eter is requi d) a ?Other: 'tC..??yt? ?tb' vervP- Water Softener Water Heater - _ new ? replacement -Lawn Irrigativn _RPZ _PV6 -new _fepalr _rebuild State Surcharge Total I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknbvuledqe that the information is ca work will be in eonformance with the ordinances and codes of fhe City of Eagan and understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a pe *cn k is o to s yyithoi ac ordance th the ap roved plan in the event a plan is req ' rev d pr , ??' AppflcanYs Printed Name p ?gna ure $50.00 $ 95.00 $ 30.00 $ 50 $ S. ?'v ete and accurate; that the : plumbing codes; that I permit and work wili be in City of Eapn 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55722 Phone: (651) 675-5675 QO Fax: (651) 675-5694 -----------------, j Permlt R.//-,_ 1 ? Permit Fee: i ? ? Date Recaived: I i ? ? Staff: f I -----------------J 2008 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Date: ? II%A ID0 Site Address: 3 2'? kN)lill, Ziow D- Tenant: Sulte #: RESIDENT/OWNER Name:- DqnLy, VnWi? Phone: Address / City/ Zip: `1-t;? `1 ? tk- CONTRACTOR Name: i n Address: City: State: ? Zip: 102 Phone: Contact Person: TYPE OF WORK ____ New _?,4Replacement _ Additionai _ Alteration _ Demolifion Description of work: NOTE: Soth roo/ mounted and ground mounted mechanlcal equlpment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanlcal Inspector ar one of !he Planners for /nformatton on ermitted screenln methods. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL PERMIT TYPE 4- Fumace _ New Construction _ Interior Improvement Air Conditioner _ Install Piping _ Processed _ Air Exchanger _ Gas _ EMerior HVAC Unit ' HVAC units must 6e screened _ Heat Pump Under / Above ground Tank (_ Install /_ RemoveJ Other " When installing/removing tank(s), call lor inspection by Fire - Marshal and Plumbin Ins tar RESIDENTIAL FEES: 0.5 Minimum Add-on or alteratlon to an existing unit (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 FIfB fBp81f (replace bumed out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 Sta[e Surcharge) ab?J TOTAL FEE $ COMMERCIAL FEES: $70 50 Underground tank installation/removal OR Contract Value $ x 7% . inimum (includes State Surcharge) Permit Fee - If Permit Fee is less ihan $7,000, surcharge is $.50. - It P rmi Fee is >$1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each =$ Sta[B SUfCharge $7,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a$1,001-$2,000 Pertnit Fee requires a$1.00 surcharge). $_ TOTALFEE I hereby acknowledge [hat this information is complete and accurele; that the work vnll be in conformance wim tne ormnances ana cwes oi me Ciry or cagan; ma, I untlerstand this 15 not a permit, but onty an application for a permit, and work is not to start vrithout a permit; ihat the vrork will be in accortlance vrith the approved plan in the case of vmrk which requires a review antl approv of plans. T^ L AppliCant's Printed Name A?icant's S ature FOR OFFICE USE Revlewed By: Date: Requlred Inspectlons: Under Ground Fough In _Air Test _Gas Service Test In-floar Heat Final INSPECTION RECORD CITYOFEAGAN PERMITTYPE: BulLoiNs 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: 020857 Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: 05 J06 /93 (612) 681-4675 SITEADDRESS: LoT: s BLOCK: Z APPLICANT: 3240 HILL RIDGE OR GRU5SIN6 ROOFING ROBERT KARATZ (612) 935-0557 PERMIT SUBTYPE: MULTI. (MISC.) ? TYPE OF WORK: REPAIR DESCRIPTION REPLACE ROOFING REMARKS: INCLUDES 3242, 3244, 3246, 3246, 3250, 3252, & 3254 HILL RIDGE DR PERMIT -? CiTY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: BUI4DIMG 020857 05/06/93 SITE ADDRESS: 3240 HILL RTD6E DR LOT: 3 BLOCK: 2 ROBER7 KARA7Z DESCRIPTION: REPLACE ROOFING Building Permit Type MULTI. (MISC.) Building lJork Type REPAIR INCLUDES 3242, 3244, 3246, 3248, 3250, 3252, & 3254 HILL RIDGE DR REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: ?- ?,?a .' _. ? .. VALUATSON Base Fee $72.00 Surcharge $2.50 Total Fee $74.50 $5,000 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - OWNER: GRUSSING ROOFING 19350557 HAFNER AL 4305 SHADY OAK RD 3240 HILL RIDGE OR HQPKINS MN 55343 EAGAN MN (612) 935-0557 (612)774-6013 IL I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informetion 3s correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Mn. Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. f LW46 - I-?'?'? APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATU ISSUE BY' SIG E REACTIVATE _ PERMIT # _ . ?oam A if CITY OF EAGAN 1993 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION $0.9 681-4675 SIN6LE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural 8 structural plans, 1 set of " specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month• in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Dat Yaluation of work i`{d? ' Site Address: S //0 STREET SUttE Y Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT BIACK SUBD. lYU P.I.D. Descri tion of work: The applicant is: ? Owner b?Contractor Other (Deccribe) Name Phone 7 Property LAST FIRST Owner Address 3a ?d ? STE M STREEi City G&Z-oV\ State ZiP Company Phone `l3 5- ?`? 7 Contractor Address 64 License # Exp. City ? State Zip Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration M Address City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State uf Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: t, OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 11 01 Foundatian ? 06 Duplex 0 11 Apt./Lodging , ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex 0 12 Multi. Misc. 13 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory O 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 05 Sf Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. O 15 Oeck WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning Engineering REDUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Site ? Wallboard Basement sq. ft. lst Fl. sq. ft. 2nd F1. sq. ft. Sq. Ft. total footprint Sq. ft. On-site well On-site sewage Building Variance 0 Footing O Final ? Framing ? Draintile ? Insulation ? Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Pl. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: Yeluation: $ ? 16 Basement finish 0 17 Swim Pool ? 18 Comn./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish MWCC System City Water PRV Required Boaster Pump Fire Sprinkler Census Code SAC Code Assessments SAC % SAL Units INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 BUILDING 025492 05/02/95 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: LOT: 3 BLOCKe 2 3240 WILL RIqGE DR HAFMER ROBERT KARAT2 (612) 454-8145 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: MULTI. (MTSC.) DESCRII'7SQN ALBERT ALTERATION (SIDING) INSPECTION RAMING D. . ROpFING DA NSULATION FINAL REMARKS: INCLUqES 3242 3244 3246 3248 3250 3252 3254 HILL RIDGE OR r e x fi `P. ? ? ? ? ? ' _r= '- + } : ? _ [0 4 ?"..t ? _ !„ ? . .. . • ' ' ... e._ .£._ ... .. _ .?`s " ` - °° . ?_ . . .- . . ? . . . ` ? e . .. .. ... ._ ._,... ._ ......?.. .. ...-... _. ....m .. ........... .. fl^ • CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 3240 HILL RIDGE DR LOT: 3 BLOCK: 2 ROBERT KARATZ DESCRIPTION: MULTI. (MISC.) ALTERATION CoW BUILDING 025492 es/ez(s5 'J ?w'? (SIDING) Building Psrmit Type Bui7ding Wo`r-k,Type ; - p, . ? . ? REMARKS: INCLUDES 3242 3244 3296 FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Surcharge 7ota1 Fee 3248 3250 3252 3254 HILL RIDGE DR VALUATION $99.00 $4.00 $103.00 $8,000 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Applicant - HAFNER ALBERT 3240 HILL RIDGE OR EAGAN MN 55121 (612)454-8145 I hereby aeknowledge that I have read this°applicatinn and state that the in'Formation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State o# Mn. Statutes and CfCy pf Eagan Ordinences. . ? APPUCANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE - 991 1 lil ISS D ' SI ATIJR I CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 164911995 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-4675 4 i pi, C. 0 ? 3 registered ake surveys ? 2 copies of plen ? 2 eopies of plans (indude beam 8 window sizes; poured fitl. design; eto.) ? 2 site aurveys (eMerlor aOditiona 8 tledca) ? 1 energy caleulations ? 7 energy calculations for heated addklons ? 3 apies ot tree prosenation plan H lot plaHed aRer 7/1/83 required: _ Yes _ No DATE: April 25, 1995 CONSTRUCTION COST: $$.000.00 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: sidinq STREETADDRESS: ' 3240, 3242, 3244, 3246, 3248, 3250, 3252, 3254 Hill Ridge Drive LOT j_ BLOCK J . SUBD./P.I.D. #: PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR Robert Karatz Add. Name: Albert M. Hafner Ph011@ #: 454-81 45 u., .?.r Street Address, 3240 xiii Ridge Drive Cjty; Eaqan St8t2: MN Zjp: 55121 Company: sAME Phbne #: Street Address: License #• City: State: Zip• ARCHITECT/ Company: Phone #• ENGINEER Name: Registration #4 Street Address, Ciry: State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber: Penalty applies when address change and lot change are requested once permit is issued. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applica6on and state that the infortnati is corce and a ree to comply with all applicable Scate of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. V Signature of Applicant: I OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received - Yes _ No OFFICE USE ONLY f `" • ,.i .. ° BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation o 06 Duplex o 11 Apt./Lodging o 16 Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dwelling o 07 4-plex o 12 Mutti RepaidRem. ? 17 Swim Pool 0 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 20 Public Facility 0 04 SF Porch o 09 12-plex o 14 Fireplace o 21 Miscellaneous 0 05 SF Misc. 0 10 _-plex ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE 0 31 New o 33 Alterations ? 36 Move 0 32 Addition ? 34 Repair o 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. (Allowable) Main level sq. ft. UBC Occupancy Sq, ft, Zoning sq. ft. # of Stories gy, ft. Length sq.ft. Depth Footprint sq. ft. APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering MClWS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit Variance Permit Fee ?190O Surcharge ?/.? Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC T_ Water Conn. Water Meter Acd. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: Valuation: $ P I oQO ? % SAC SAC Units x _. , Requeated by: NTr.va T FRTC('H_ Attorneys at Law 2350 West 7th Street St.Paul. MN 55116 GYtq of Eagan Attention Jack Zachow 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan; Minnesota 55122 Ilte February 22, 1978 LEQAL DESCRIFTION SEARCH Ehcloaed hef%ein is the legA description 4rhich pou requested for the Pollowih#g ADDItES3 ,. 3240 Hillridge Drive NOTE: The above addresa hae been assigned by the dity of Eaganl 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTIOId (see bdlow) pDpiTIpT7 ROBERT KARATZ ADDITION LOT 3 BLOCK 2 PARCII, 10 41300 030 02 SECTION Section 9 WAIVER• Neither the City of Eagan or its employees guarantees the accuracy of the above information which was requested by the person or persons indicated. Nor doea the City or its employees assume any liability for the correctnees thereoP. In conaideration for the supplying of the indi- cated information in the above form, and for all consideration of any nature whataoever, any claim againat the Citq or ita employees rising ' therefrom ia heretry exorasaly waived. LAW OFPIC&6 NILVA AND FRISCH ar.Lax i. xiLVw OERALD E.FRI6CH THOMA9 J. LAIIQHLIN MICHnEL P. 6WOR PAVL J. OATTO PAQL A.WSINOARD6N 9360 WE6T SEVENTH 6TREET-eAINT PAUL,MINNE60TP 56118 612 690-1691 February 14, 1978 City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MinnesoYa 55122 Attention: Ann Dear Madam: Enclosed please find a check for $2.00. Please furnish me with the legal description £or the following Eagan address: 3240 Hillridge Drive Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours very truly, NILVA AND FRISCH -Skdt, 3 0..c? Jack Zachow JZ:£k Enc. Rivergate Townhouses 3240 HILLRIDGE DRIVE -EAGAN A 55'121 12 1 PHONE? 454-8145 1.? AJ ? Zi41' 9s 1980 hlqyr ?x Thanas Hedgea ,y Eo ? City ddminiatrator 3795 Pilot KnoL Road Eegen, MN. 55122 Tear Sir, it haa been brought to my attention that garbage h4s been blowing out oP the Rivergate Townhonae dumpaters. Thank you for your concern for our neighbors. We are aleo concerned about this problem and hsae taken steps to correct it. Our garbage pick up deya are mondays, thuradey and saturday. EfYect3ve HW 3o 1980 our groundsman started working saturdW mornings for the sole pnrpose of folloving the Browning - Ferris track and catching any looae debris. Hopefully thia xill solve our weekend trash problem. In the fhture please call me if this problem ariaes again. Thenk yw, hi`a L. &oxe Manager ,^- A N o,? wP ??? ?'rN ciT?ES ?'r E ? Cnr? 300 Metro Square Building, 7th Street and Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612, 227-9421 February 25, 1974 Mrs. Alyce Bolke, Clerk City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 RE: Project Mortgage Insurance Application Metropolitan Council Referral File No. 1941 Dear Mrs. Bolke: Please refer to the attached explanation of the Metropolitan Council's re- sponsibility to review Department of Housing and Urban Development Application for Mortgage Insurance. The Council has been foivuarded such an application for a project known as Rivergate Townhouse - Phase II, to be located at Eagan in your municipality. A copy of the application, which provides further details, is enclosed. Thank you. Sincerely , METROPOLITAN COUNCIL J n Boland Chairman JB: cmo Encs. cc: Phil Katzung, Metropolitan Council Housing Staff Paul Thuet, Metropolitan Council District 1 An Ageney Created to Coordinate the Planning and Development of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Comprising: Anoka County 0 Carver County 0 Dakota County 0 Hennepin County 0 Ramaey County 0 Soott County 0 Waehington County M,Tr,oror.rTAN couNc7L Suite 300 ivIotro Squar- Builjiny, Saint Paul, VIinn^sota 55101 t_ 2'L7 -94 21 REVIEW OP FEDER(aL TiO:TS?N:_ ADiviI'dISI'RATIOiJ I1PPiiCA'iI0i1S I,VOiiQcl?7(? 1RSi;ir tlC?'? ---- The ME?tropolitan Council is requircd by fodoral law and regulations to review CPt"ic7I.17 SpG`C1i1C'.CI c3DT711CaT.lOriS iOr iC'Cl.'.?Cc; IOuRS< <?Yaili5, OY" Oih°Z dSSLSC3riC2. One of the many types of appLcatior:s whicn the Council re.views is Federal iIousing Administration (F!i11) Fo;m 2013, Applicalion - Project NIortqacTe: Insurance. This application is submittea to =h^ iocai Fedc:ral Housing Administrr±ion office by a developer as a preliminary step in secu<ing Pedcrai Housing Admfrustration insured financin7 ior necv muiti-larnily housing. Such applications arc fo:cvarded to tile Councit ay ?hn Fe.^.'er_l `_iousing Admiriis- tration for Comment concernir?g: 1. "...the consistencp ot the propos<:d pro;ec: witl-i...?uea-wi?e dev2lcpm?--nt plans." 2. "identiiic;rtion of ,iajcr cnvironrlanta? conc::r._s. ' ? If'- ?.OU;iCll i*lUSt CGi?l?l?t^ SL]C?? . l:'il :` f^ :i1C ifli..'?P..:SOtil rCa :IiiJn i offic^ wiChin 30 days. ThLr? !ilticniat;a notification and T'i V'°Cti pZOCCSS lS tn _-?r?lU."-,_?n T?r> C:1C?r•;_,=.i7`... :)? _.'.C1Cr., :? ?:?:7 .=:'.CcI1V c1S515i.C:C1 h:)Iisiiiq ')rogra*ns cvil.h rcgional plannil!r t'>_rde;rlv gruo-vth of loca] areas. T1'!.lS pYOJe!;t CNlll IJ° YPVLTl dCC01"j 3TiCl? I A7i'i1 ?.?AOC?:Qll':LS Oi thB Ofi2C(9 OI M1?tdgi?Clt:ni dl"iC'l BU.liJr>i wh1Ci? I'C'qll1Y? i:i_+C 1l18 LOLi?'.OCli'.r [?r;:enii:=lly a,fCCi°Cj U'11PS Ot C)OVClill'11L'1?t' f?;?'7liOLll1C;71t8l C?3(il111??5101]S? i1:lQ (lll(f1dR 7'1g:1G:i COIIi:'!11SS).OT15, lll'`_O"1i?I t}1C!i1 t:18t SUCiI :eVi°vJ !S .c.ktIIy 3rCA iGViY3 C{i:Cs110II5 OC C,-JII?T.*?(?I1CS. Thcse co:nmanis wil] n? incorporatran inro the r?vic?a?ind relayeri *_o HJD. If yoti have questions, pleasc ctlll Ln?; ivlotco.polil.-In Ccnriu:i _Iousizly Stal. - at 227-9421. f . r FEDERAL HOt' -ING ADAi1MISTRATION ` v•` Y 1 ? Fo FHA FUn'M ND. ?011 im npp.o ' - - OMB Ko. 6i xan,.s:n p,ppLICATION - PROJl:CT MURTGAGEI.N.S.ll-R-ftNCE PrI'lJeclNo. - K ?lrtii ?SJY ) 5 : - C1?uJC t?. " 1 Knutson Mortyage & I'inancial Corporation t•-t:iiraiAt. nocsNc roNta»ssio: '1'hr nn.lr?.i?nrd ho,rrLy rrqlie•.t. .1 luan in Ih, priuripnl nmooni of tn Lr inaurrd andrr Ihc pro%isions o( `ii -__221?}'4l( tLe \.iiimc?l Iluu.in;; 1,t,-..eid Ioran to Lc rrun•d Ly a(ir.l mortRa{;e on thv pruprrty hrrrinn(tcr dc.rribcd.---- ''- ? Insur:mvo of mivanrr.s dLiring cun.irnction 'j X; i•, [? i5 nut dcsimJ I }(j Fc:isibility f' j Cowlitional E:] Fitm Tyl.- a( 31ort;;a;;ur. [X I'11 I_ , IS-ti [_) NP Permanent \Ion,my;c Interevl Ii:Ar_7-7S ;, A. LOCATION AND DE1.C9IPTIf1N (]F PRhPFATY• 1. Svcrt ICus. + 5lreet Valley Ridge Drive 3 . \Wnivipaiity Eagan 4 . Cenr.us Tract . Cuunty 5akota G. Stete antl 2IA C fllinnesota ! i. 7')'ve o( Project: F-I lllow Elevalor X? 1C.d?:u 1 N Prta,lied `]?cmi-Drlachvd R.na.Storie. 9. Founr.ition. ? ?.` lab on F'n.l 1 artial Craw1 ?-?S??t(,radc ?13sm1. 013smt. ?$picc 9.a kiasement Floor. S[ructural r-i'5 QCta6 L_.IC 10. 11. Number of Vnit< l2. No.Liilyx. ]s. o ist Acceasory I3Wgs, and Aree 13. a List Becrealion Fac:tities and Area ? d ?P Revcnuc \un-Hc,. ?o??,?x X lEristing 100 0 14 p dppY POOl, Play Areas, icnic areas. Tennis court, f SITE INFORMATION BUILOING INFOF,MATiC:3j1 lSt I'ld5@ 14."imensions: 704 (t• fiy 662 Et. 0*446 048 111. It• 16.YCduiit TO 52C1 16.a E]M:viufactnrrdl3ousing ??fadulo.. OComportents (.Oaven[i0rtally Built 15. 7.oninR= (it reecnely ehmnqed, avGmit evidenee) Multiple R-6 Ib. Fx[erior Fini-h? '? ood ash?phlalt IJ. Struchva] System wocd frame 17.a FloorSys:em 18. HentinP-A: S""` Gas eat, Cent B. INFORMATION CONCERNING LAND OR PROPERTY: -•4`•y" `w` 19. 20. , 21. 22. If Lca« 23.. Y3.0 1)atc AdditionalCosts hold, Annual 0 Acpuircd Purchaec Pricc PaidnrAcrrncd C?..nd N..,.i Tolal C.os[ 7,253 -I- 4=5-72 IS 83,625 1$ 10,1 25. UU(ities- Pubtic Community Dicmnce - From S'te R?.IICI ' ? *_ g1yP ? Sewcrs ER ? tn gi tA *11.15 acres less str, de3ic; C. ESTIMATE OF INCONE: y''.....•. Elect., A/ Rclationship - Qusiness, sonal or Other f3etwe $rllcr wd QUyef Pk.Dbw. Is 26. Unusual Site Fea[ures- ? Cuts [?) Fills ? Poor Drainngc _ )IflOther(SpeceJy) ? Rock Fortnations ? kliqh Rater Table - ? Emsion E] [.on ? Retaining R'a11s ? O (f Si tc improvements YZ. \o, of I;ach Living qrea Unit Rent 'Patal \ionthly l;ent Family Type tinit (Sq. Ft.) Com osilion o( Units Per 3lonth For Unit Type 100 1,125 3 BR Taanhouses 310 31,000 $ 3 1 1/2 BA, Patio, Basanent 100 Stone Fireplaces 10 1,000 24 Walk Out Basement Uni.ts 10 240 10 View Units 10 100 I ? za. T4TAL ESTIMATED RENTALS FOR AL L FAMILY UNITS 32,340 ? 19. Na. Parkind Spates- 1 [:?]AaenJed 3 Open Spaces @ g per mantli , Srlf F'ark X 201 tuc}cunder garagesr nio„th Cov r J"C' ? c e p lic ao. comme.cial ' . prca -Ground Lrvel Srp Fi. a 5 pcr sq. [t./mo. _ ? Othcr Lcvcis Sq. Fc. @ g per +q. It./mn. tl. TOTAL ESTIMATED GRO55 PROJECT INCOME AT 100 e OCCUPANCY • az. TOTAL ANNUAL RENT (Irrm 31 x l2 meinth.c ) F 406.081 JS• Gross Floor Ama- I34. Ret RentaM1le Reavdenhal Area- I 35. Kct Remabte Commercial Area_ , 1?6, 500 s,?. r ?. ? _ 112, 500-- s? NON-REVENUE PRODUCING SPACE Trpr o( I':mplny-re 1u. Iim.. Campovilian of Unit Locatinn of Unit in Projecl ? n N D. EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES INCWDED IN RENT: (ClirckApn,onri„rr nem.) 39, Spreial .4ssrxaments: 37, t:QUlf \IF:NT •t SF:R\'I(Atllt125 by 38 Estimated -Pendinc , ? . ant except water a. Q Prcpnyablr LX, liangrs ll:as nr F,lrr.l LX, nispn.al CpS: Gl ?c.l[ ? Ilot I{?.?Irf ?o„-?,,,• ahic O N?,Y [XI fir(rig. l?r+a or F:1lrJ [XI Di..hm:?shrr ? Cooking C? :1ir C.onditiouirt? L. Principal Lx, ,vr aon??. rr:.,?,ir?: u„iy7 FYJ carrvel ci.ec.: -, n,.,l Ilol 11i1l1'( uaianc.: c20.000 I Xi Kitrhnn F:vhnnvt F?an ? Uraprs Cooking L ? ( J \ir Coudilioning t. :\nnuol i.Xl I.eundn-Frr-ilirhR Oihor(Jprrifr) . C? L.i?h?., F:t<?., in I?ni[ Paymrnt S hook-uPs U'Pfl F:lf FLih,l.: rl llval r-'' llol :{alrr d. flrmaininc _jUl'Ilh:i{$EWP.Xs.SRO ? rrm - & trash renoval ...-,?..?.--. ?-...?.?.,.„?.. - «_..? ?•:.,??? _<. . . .,? ,?.,.?,?•.,,..^°- _Nw..w....mf? *S'tuart Nolan, the Managing Agent, has reviewed ancl is in agreaient with the iteni.zed excpefises. Please refer to the enclosecl Cextification. _2. E. ESTII.tATE Or ANNUAL EXPENSE: G. ESTIMATE? KtF'LACEAtEMT COST: :11)\1IVIC'j'R,Yll1'I:-- , s 5f.?. Unusnal L.rod Impro?emems --_ 5 I. ?\?h?c?t?sinr """"""" ? _???- ? 1fiL. Othcr L:?nd Impru??rmcnts """ ? " ? { ? ? ? 35c. Total L.?nd Im vwrments ' "' • S" - _.11ena?Ymrn?'"'"45 contract 7.5 40- 4 "'""" E-Z?.r .. 3.OtLi•r"' • __"' • """' S"I'lIC(:9'1'IIF.ti- .y, TO7AL AD?AIN?STRATIVE -- 4 17?9h ? 3?• ?l???n Nuildin?+ ----------- 5?-/8?1/4U0 OPl:li l'I'1\G- ? . 0 1II. hcvr.sory ISnil?ling+ S.F:leeatur\L?in.4:?p.""" c ___ 439. Car:i;;o""'_"""""" G. b?ucl ( II?•atin;; and 0 40. :111 olhcr ISuilding+""""" ' i 41. TOTAL STRUCTURES---------- SI1HO?.?400 Uumr.lii Ilai ll':rt{'r)' :"' ?fSldll?- 49 678 7y??t Il }lt5 ? 4^_. Gcnrrnl'llr?nircmrntn --Z.So_"'""'" g • :.I.i?hlin? S 11i.X r'I,?..i.? _g . _ ?rSOO- i Frr:s- ??. u.,«? -& .sewer- - - - - - - - 4,_Q00._ - 0 43. BuilJcr'S Gcu. O?rd?cnd •g.f,a. "_"""""_"" -_ ?il- ^ --------?----s 4Q,.736 IU.Garb. A'frn+h R?•moval""' ?.tiQQ?_ e an. i??ua?rs Pro(it - u.P??.?u -------------- 6,-DOIl__ ? -?9? ?-`^ ------------- r,.o?ne? ---------------- _]_,?nn0 A •}5. Arch. Fce-I]etii?n 13. TOTAL OPERATING------.> ? ., 3 < ------------- 62.325 1111V"fE?:l\'t:F: A 46. :1rch. Pcr-Siir??r. ??.i??•???.????,?------------- s s,1?nn ?--° ------------- 21t398 I;.I{lilJlf?_______________ 4,QOO , 1 _____ 1S,OOO • M1 i. , Bond Premium _ _ _ _ _ _ . if.F:xterriin:etinr_""""" ?:lfi. OinerFer? ------------ 58?67 17-In.?u:mr.e-"-'-"'---" -3-rr10Q-- ?d9. TOTAL FEES --"-""--'-' = 197.826 Il3.CrounJ F:?pen?c --------- -4.?0?- 50.T0T. tor all lmprmts. (Line.;t5c, -tl, 4.^. C?19) 5 2.234,604 19.Othr.r " """"""" -.5Q4- t7_nno si•ca.?r??c?o5,s?.F??.--------------- s 12.66 ?0 TOTALMAINTENANCc----$ 5?.F.stima?rdConstrnri?anTimc----------- ?.S llanihs ??.IIcplacemrnt ftescrvc (.0060 x'total for G1RR1'I\G Cli \IiC1:5 & PIS:1\CISG- ? struc?uresl.ino41)"' """"'"""'$?-O-r81LL---- ?53.Int?S \lo..? 7_7?JT2 ^_?. TOTAL EX PENSE • - - - - 5 on >1.?3pgrz5Q- - - s 126,834 ?rn ? izc_ 5755/Unit 67cents per?l.? : sn. ? ,<<•. - - - ? ? . - - - - - - - - 3T000 p3. pral F:s?.?tc: F:+t. :Vsnc.?cd ? $5. Insurunce --"' -" ""' --?-rOOO Yal. 5 -'? A 56. FII;l \1i?. In?. Prr.(O.S;So ?6T-L8S $ Pc? 51000- $??.1Q9- ? 57. FILI F:?a?m. Fcc (0.? o) -?-r856 ?-i.P^rsonal Prop. F:st..\s+e.sed ? ?58. FlLi Inspec. Fee (uS?l b3,-093 y?l. 5 !a _ ? 59. F'inancin? Fec Q°?) ?2?? , $ p?'TSI000- 160. A11P0 ( %o) ?3.F:mp1.P?yrull'1'nr--'------_JQO- 161.Fh11.4/CN11AFee 4.$1 ??78 _ _^u.Othrr ---------------- A62.Tit1e&Recording------- 9.(1(l? .??,pi?,i?________________ 63.70TALCARRYINGCHGS.&FINANCING--$ ?R'?_F1F _^II- TOTALTA%ES----------5 ?6,nno LF;C3I.:1\D Of1G:\\1'L.:1T10\- $1,350 PUPA eea.[.?g:??---------------?---,'-r900 ^_9•TOTALE%PENSEBTAXES-----•-•-•--£?J???_ e65.Organization-•----•----5--?,-Jn?? F. INCOME COMPUTATIONS: " 66. TOTAL LEGAL AND ORGANIZATION----•: ?d;?1?1n_ 30.I'?timntrJ Projrct - ?67. Supplemental Slanngement Fund---"""'S . Cro?. hn„me (l.inc (:'S? Pag?• 1) """' ? 406??80 ?68. Con?ultan[ Pee-"""" 5 3I.Occ'ip.?ncq (1'?ni:r Pro?rrtl 95 r 69. Builder and $ponsor Yrofit 8 Risk--------S-ZS3.22? Irrcrnta?"- ----'---'-""-'---- '?5 ,f?IS 70.Contingencrftc?;erce-_""""_'_""$ 1?.I:ff??ctiv??Cru.+lncnmc(I,inc30s3U------ 3 ? 71.TOTALEST.DEVELOPMENTC05T(F,sd.-of • 13.?Ib?al Project F:<pca.e?(1.inez?l -------- 5135,??? Landor0/(-site CostJ(50+53+66+67+6Rth9+70?? ?,7gS,d? 250 775 3d. Se? in??oinr to Projcct (Liror 3? - l.'uie 33I"' S ? i2. L/,pA\D (Est. \larket Price oI Si[e) :1.F:ep?•n?r li;?iia!l.inc?9=Lin?•.??l'-"--" 35 : 6??0`?0?? 5(?.IL LJ $ .28 pcrsq.It. S 1.3?.?0? H. TOTAL RE'.?UIREI.IENTS FOR SETTLEMENT: ?3. TOTAL ESTIAIATED REPLACEMENT , __..'__.__-__ _ ___-___.____'-_._'. COST OF PROJECTfAdd 7! +72)•"""S 2.91rJ?44 i. uet•t:i.or?ie?, r co?•n (Linc ?i, -- - - -- - - - 2,785?444 ?. 1.:1?f1 ISDICRTF;i).\'F:S? ?or Ca?h rcquired Suurce uf Cash tn ruret Re uircmtn:s: Amount ro? i:,??d:?,??„n?o?,t---------------- ? - 8Z,503- s.siniror:?tcr_??<? ?+?) -------------- 2,57??.947 _ Cash?'rcr??gorso 5 ?.225- M1.:\lort;.a?o :lmount ""'""" =2,618.,500. 5 5. Fce.?'.?idbyOtlicrTh?nC:?tih - 5 ?$3?.222 -S+E?.PSS??'?2C?1t 4r1a-p- 6.Linc M1 iLiue 5 """""""'"_"_??..$.?,?.22-_ _ ? • 7. C.1ti11 f\?'I:S'I'?IF:\TIii:QL'IRf:D (Linc 3- 61 -` 1-?25_ a.i?Pr??i. orr:¢:ti'risc u?ct ?r.rr ----.------ =.NonP ? 9. ????ricir:?'rF:u uiscoo??r 4? ----------- ?_109,7Q0 - ? io. n???:??; c:,?. c'_' ? of ll:, r. :lmunnt) ' I.2?Y'S O?t.'rE'Cllt- g I I.Ofbsi?c Con.lruction CoaL '2u'?: -Sp2Clc'T15° _Z?Q?__. - ??,70TAL ESTI/AATED CASH REQUIREh1ENT ],?S QES TOTAL U.?n,?<;+A+9+IU+tU ^-------` ?? IS l7S 9F?5 1. ATTACHMENTS: (Reqaired Exhibirs) S. 9•}{ F:nvironment,d ??;?tement 1.X Lncution ?l:ip ' ----_-- 10? Par:unal ['inancial 5 Credic St:d?•mra? o( ?punsor? 2.?•iJenec o( Site Coiitrol (Cption or Purch.iscl and Legal ? l• Fom? 2:?30 Yre?'ious Panicip:diun Certi(icatiun Description o( Proycrty I'?-? Fonn ?3"_A Contr?ctor's aaJjo? ilartgaRor's Co+t Rr••:?kJo??n a_?' Fnnv2010 F:i?uel I:mLI??Zment-O??poriunityCertification I:i.? .Irchi?te?!nral h:nhibits-Ptelimhary d, ' Form 3113 F:Ii;;iLility a. \on-Pruht Corpura[ion______ ?ti• ? Arehitectr.r:tl F:?I?iLits- Final 5.?{ 4:??idrnoe nf Le.t Arni.?Lrn:;ll? ?Iln?ua.tiuu Pn??r 13.L Sunre.ind PII?1 Punu Yo.'_'l:; _ _____________ _ "'_ __' __ ' ' ' ____" -_ 6.}l til.rrch Pi.?n ??( ?iu. ? 16.1 k:vi?l,..??... nf ?lr,hiir?i 4: G O In.•v:mr.. f:?,c..n?_•.• ^.Y \6?n.i_rmrnt I`i.in __"?"'? __'_'_-"_'__'__-"__'__"'-'_ 1i..1 (:?.F??ufU???u??SnLilrrt.\::r???::ir:i? .;;_ J. NAMES, ADDRESSES AND TELEPHOYL NUhi8ER5 OF THE FOLLOWING: ___, __ _'__. ._•. _'._.__ _ i. s???.:.,,?(,igiverr,ate Taanhouse Ccxnpany II, a limited partnersYup (to be formed); Gerald B. Pautz (85s) and Pautz Franklin Realty, Inc. (15%) General Partners 2617 E. Franklin Avenue Mpls., M (612) 333-2577 2. Cem•r.d Ccrotr.icmr -- • Antler Coxporation 2954 Rice Stseet, St. Paul, MN 55113 (612)484-7244 s. A«ht<<t Design: Reese-Rova Associates 5350 W. 78th 5£r., hlpls., NuI (612) 835-5411 A Supervision: Wallace & Mundt Inc., 5350 W. 78th Str., Dpls., hV (612)83I-3509 4. Spon,nP> .Vnorn-y RyCY11YCl Sw3RSOR - DOT'S2y, T7dTqt73t"t, hindhorst, vv25t & Hdlldqdy A 2400 First National Bank Buildincr, Mols., YiLq 55402 (612) 340-2716 K. CERTIFICATION: 'I he uudcnioncd, :m 1hr. priucip.il vpunsix of thc pruposed mortr.i?or, certifie, t6at he is 6uuiliar xilh the provisions aI Htc Hegulations o( tLe FeJcral Ilousing Commi.nianer under the aLavc idrnti(ieJ Section o( the \ational ffousing :1ct and th, t to tLc best o[ his knouledge and be lief lhe mortgagor 6us compli!°I, ur aill Lc aLlc to comply, }.ith all oi the reqmremer,ts thereu( which are prerequisite to insuraneo o( the mort- gagc imdcr uch Section. . 'fh, nndrraignrd (nrthcr rcrti(ioa lLaL lo the Lest o( 6is knm.IcJgr aild bclir( nu in(onnation or datx contnincd hcrcin or in the echiUi[s or aet:mLmrnt, li>lVd hrtein .re in uny i,ay (.•Le ur inco;rcet and tLxt they nre truly descriptive oI the project or properly wItich is intended as IIu sccurity (or the propoxcd mortgaor and t6.it the proposcd construction wil) nui ciolntc zanino ordinances or restrir.tions o( recorJ. The unScrsinned agrecs aith the Fedcal {tousing Adminiseration that pursuant to the requirements of the FkL•1 Regulations, (a) neither he nor anyonc authorized to act for him will decline ta scll, rent or otherwise make availa6le nny of the proper[y ar housing in the multi(ami{y proj ect to a prospective purehnser or tenant bccause o( his race, color, religion or national origin; (b) he will comply wi[h federal, state and local laws and ordinances prohi6iting discrimination; and (c) his (ailure or re(usal to comply nith the requirements of either (a) or (b) shall be a prop basis (or the Commissioner to reject reque>ts for future 6usiness nith which the sponsor is iden[ified or to take any ather corrective action 6e may decm necessary. I7otc FPhrnarv_$?],Q74 ? _ Signed _ (5 ?snr) REQUEST FOR CONDIT10AAL COMMITMENT TO: FE:Dt:12.1L fI0C5!\G COM)IISSfOSk:IL- Pursuani to the provisions of the Section of the National }Iousing Act identi[icd in theforegoing applicationanJ FFG\ Hegulations applic ble thereto, rcquest is hereby made for the issuance o[ a conditional commitmeot to insum a mortgage cocering the property described above. AUcr examination of the application nnd the proposed security, the undersi.,ned consider+ the project to be desirableand is interested, su jectlo the issuance ot a firm commitment by Pf11, in making a loan in the principal nmount of 5 . which c?ill bcar intercat at _°, nill require repayment of principal over a period of months accorJing to an amortization plan lo Lc aorced upon. insurance of advauccs during construction E) is, i -1. is not denirel. h is under.tood th, t the (inancing rxpense in the ammmt o( g is snbject Lo adjustment so that the total 'Leill not czcceJ _`E o[ the amount of your commitment. Heraaith i. check (or j ahich is in payment oI the application (ee required by said FHA liegulations. $igned (Propased ,17ortgageeJ (dddress of,t(or[gngce) REOVEST FOR PIRM COMMITMENT . 'P0: FF;llEHAL HOU51\G COlI)tItiSIO\I•:II: punuant to the provisions of the Section of the iVationa] tlousing Act identi[ied in ihe (oregoinp applicationand F}!A Regulations eppli ble thrreto, request is hercby made for the issuance oI a Eirm commitment to insure a mortgage wverino the property destrihed above. . Aftar e>amination of ihe application anJ the proposed security, the undersigned tonsiders the project to be desirable and is interested in making a loen in tLr. prinoip:d ainount of S ,which will Lrar interest at 5c, s.ill requirc repa; ment nf principnl ocvr a period of months according to amortization plan to be agreed upon. In.urance of advanrrti durin., construelion [I is, v is nul desired. ' . It i.s undrrstoud that Ih•• fin.mcino c%pcn.e in the aninunt oI S is subject to udjuslment so that tltc total will noi ezcreJ o ol Ihr amount oI your commilmenL ?vm%.iih i< checl. (or $ whicit is in poy,i,cnc of the applicatiun and/ar commitmcnt [cc rcqnirc, by said Fll l Rcgulationa. Signed _ lPropos7A .l)ortgageel (Address of 1)artgagee) ; Oatc Rec. ? AmouN _ Code ? -Schodulc - ' _ ? Rec. F3y ? ? ? i. ' .. . i .r.? CITY OF EAGAN REQQEST FOR RE7IEW OF PUBLIC RECORDS I/We, the undersigned, are requesting permission to review the following govern records hG?in the City of Eagan: rr i NAME ds? ?? TELEPHONE NO. GOVERNMENT RECORDS /?' i - <?a / Signature FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Designation of Requested Data: x Public, Private, Non-PUblic, Confidential, Protected Non-Public Approved: Employee l Date: 7 ?/ $ e ?-r n i 4 Approval by the City Clerk is necessary for any data determined not to be public. Approved: City Clerk ? 4 \ S ? ? Date: ADDRESS Y-2 1,7 z 2, z`J?/ ?/p`?- --+ Q 9 3.T 2005 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. _$?.IS. S ° ek?W. 193( Date ? I :5 I d.5- ? Site 5treet Address f Unit # Property Owner Telephone #?/) - O? / Contractor ? r!'I .l> f? 7`P Telephone # Address /,2Dl?J 51??1? ??n City f/i/J..e- State,&zO Zip ' The Applicant is: _ Owner ? Contractor _Other Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures (excludes water softener andlor water heater--complete next section if installing these appliances). _Sepiic System Abandonment _Water Turnaround (add $125.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: X Water Softener _ Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new x, replacement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. App icanYs Printed Nam ApplicanYs Signature m o Iu, ;; VILLA OF EASrN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3795)1 «nob Road PERMIT NO.: 1511 • E on,M 55122 DATE: JO 3, 1974 Zo g: 2,-4 No. of Units: Aiv'e,t:'ate .AC � P g ss: s"3pr c,rs ; Address: 3240•- 42- 4 4 u•48- -5C' -. - 4 F� ridge w 1ber: Meter No.: Connection Charge: Size: Account Deposit: 4$13 Reader No.• Permit Fee: .50 I agree to .only with the Village of Eagan Surcharge: Ordinances. Misc. Charges: Total: By Date Paid: Date of Insp.: Insp.: VILLAGE OF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knob Rood PERMIT NO.: 2270 Eaton, MN 55122 DATE: July 3, 1 974 Zoning: 3{..r No. of Units: F# Owner: Rivera ate 1 .i Address: Site Address: }' t t. •ste w `C? �' z 1 ^°i r - Plumber: t, ; t agree to comply with the Village of Eagan Connection Charge: -r Ordinances. Account Deposit: C posit: Permit Fee: * 5 Surcharge: By: Misc. Charges: Date of Insp.: Total: Insp.: Date Paid: Aug 18 2014 9:09AM Schwantes Heating 6513510233 page 1 Use BLUE or SLACK Ink � For Office Use 1 � ��� E� I C14� Vl ���LL� � Pertnit#: �� I , � � , 3830 Pilot Knob Road � Permit Fee: � Q'' I Eagan MN 55122 j Date Received: u � � I Phone:(651)675-5675 � � Fax:(651)675-5694 � I � Staff: -------- -------- I 2014 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date:�� SiteAddress:���� t'�1���j,���_F�� � Tenant: Suite#: � � }�t t 1 i 4!f� :-P� i � '�� � e��� �'�'1�t�,� `, :� ' �`s; Name:e� X'S1J�� � h i.s Phone:�al –(.a� n–ocJ�.in d ¢� A 3� `� <��� ;��z�`�t1���:.i Address/City(Zip: k�fC•�. �� {� CJ ��v�, rx; � 3._ 0 �C � �!' y 1`�rn i �-,d��,,�,E�'�fi��� ,�,� •r� Name:�1_.__b�sl� t�t�o��,, �i P' License#� r '. ~ e4��'��t'M z � � . �, "3°' f�"�' i�4;`�� ' Add ress:�,f,��� ��Y1 �tv�. C ity: �H„l�G�_T�Cl� �� 9i sr��; �� "���'b�' �'' State: ��' Zip:S��- Phone:�•'�3�� , tsF,. � ; '�k�3���'�-�n -: � � � � ? � ;��P,njw i��i�*i t� .;�'.'f:. > ; 4�r���� Contact. � Email: J >2 '>: b�Pr r�� "y ;��"' �M ``� � _;� �������;s��s��*��;;� ; _New _Replaoement Additional � Alteration Demolition � �`� .1s'��5��� ' i �� �� ` ���7 �`� � Descriptionofwork � � 4 y^ [ �..✓`[-k'[ 'a' �s��f,'� � S�e!�'lrih° 4 Y r � � a.- t} �.. Y`� i F r;>,�'��`��,�3�iaj��i�� Ir ���� � � f.• p� �S i...' .,.: � _ r, � � � t ,.:,+t ,,:.�a , i�H��i . , ,:. :: „ .� . . .,..:�, ,_, , .. .>,.. : _ ' ! _i ft f i.+'s�9SJ S 1'�.k �tl.S,���7�'L{ s:. . ,k V:A�, �� ,_ ; � RESIDENTJAL COMMERCIAL ; "' �'�'�E'�{� "}���`��°�t �' ; Furnace New Construction Interior improvement � � ������3 ti ; — — 3 � �x�a F �'E # P 4 i,r '. '" j"����'E ' _Air Conditioner _Install Piping _Processed , : , �y�.T� f: ���,,��s���x " _AirExchanger Gas ExteriorHVACUnit �ykn c�� 7 ii�,R�hE1P,.Y`�1t _ - `! * � � _Heat Pump UndeNAbove ground Tank �Install/_Remove) � �c� � , i i SL r i `t„�,, n ,�, �,',� s Oihe RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minirnum Add or afteration to an existing unit(inGudes$5.00 State Surcharge) o� $1�0.00 Residential New(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) _� �� 70TAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ x.01 $55.�0 Pertnit Fee Minimum $70.00 Underground tank installationlremoval =$ Permit Fee 'If contract value is LESS than$10,010, Suroharge=$5.00 =$ Surcharge' •'If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 ""Ii the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in confor with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;lh I understand this is not a perrnit,but only an application for a permit,and work is�ot to st wi out a permit;Ihat the work will be in accordance with the roved plan in the e of wvrk which requires a review and approval of plans_ �� �e�.f X X _ _ ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Si� ture ,�,�� S I xrti>94 E ?����.Ci9S£# y�f�i - � :. ��� I k }t } ty�: y v: �u 'ia'���`3i„�3 r� � ��itRPr,�;i$pCy� i ��.&�'�. ( ( � � { ' t J )�Y k b} i Y`IQQ.a SR 3 lih �t iJ�l�f�.l.��j1 fEf��ki��t��l: �� � � S ��7NL - q } ��°�,�{ S' . . � 1 . :: .f � M1 ,� . c C� s ; . � �1���: �r�� -- J �_ i 9 a i d f:: >« :jel4z I� E�.Pi ie.; - �wMY 9^I'e �� a * � 3 ��'4 �:t I 4 €1 y' `�'3 S � ��� � �' ' F a� �'Y� ��''�'4"��.e��' i?�it�+ � z �:��f���. �.�u�W4if.+��, `� � ° � '�iy�_"�����.i �t�� ;��'��.�.� '�t, �.�, � -- ��`� i*i.CllyofEta 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 676-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 32L1O �� `324 /(0 —S2- Use BLUE or BLACK ink/^y Z `� For Office Use J t , 3 ?S L% � , c� L Permit #: / 1 `{-�� 1 Permit Fee: Lig) • �J �\ Date Received: I Staff: l l 2016 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: 'i" de ,. / Eagan / 55121 Unit #:32yo--3zsy Idem wnelr Name: Valley Ridge Townhomes S..2 7 0 .Z Address / City / Zip: 1650 City View Dr. / Eagan / 55121 Phone: Applicant is: Owner J Contractor Type o Description of work: oil h 4-S Construction Cost: Z9, SS 1 t7 Contractor Company: Capital Construction, LLC Multi -Family Building: (Yes / Contact Cole Quinnell Address: 406 Gateway Blvd. City: Burnsville State: MN Zip: 55337 Phone: 952-222-4004 Email: cole©capitalconstruction-Ilc.com License #: SC645094 Lead Certificate #: NAT -F156131-1 I If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the fast 12 months, has the City of Eagan Issued a permit fora similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Mechanical Contractor: Sewer & Water Contractor: Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: Phone: Phone:. Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting docui the information may be classified.s lelits that you submit are considered to t s non-public if you provide specific reas conclude that the are trade secrets. public information. Portions ns that would permit the City CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Calf Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. CaII 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aooherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota: State Building Code ust be days of permit issuance 9 completed within 180 of x Cole Quinnell Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3