3432 Hwy 551 TY QF PEA,GAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 :il I t AUUFit55: 1 ci ? . : Iy ?., r, PERMIT SUBTYPE: WECTION RECORD PERMIT TYPI Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: . I iAtrtt ? . TYPE OF WORK: A , U 14 A , . . I f?f?t?N(t!? 1 wtii i INSPECTION D• . D• ? Vi hi?1 ? F•. $:i. fl4lR5.05W f'ni l l C)Fp 711-F'IVSIIF?f 114AT $tfil f1Tp1+; 1`. s F r1U13lI1 TMIf.? fr)NFt?RFiAf4r17 1117/-! A!'t'l..l'fAf.;l F f.{ItlEfltNl:i 1.f1liY PI y11TRFMIFMt`a. itt(' {1, AIwl+Nf T() Rf, fii`FI1M(!' !, i ? 1 f?l I r?fJti ! ' F:•tt ("1 t?ti !y'1 • ?5"t f it' ; f i r• ELECTRIC `J?a ?G?SI PLUMBIN & HVAC v ? y inapection D.11, Insp. Commenta 'FOOTINGS O FOUND S/ FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING ,? 1 I ? AIR TEST ??-/7-?? FiOUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP 80ARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG ? ? FINAL HTG OFISAT TEST BIQG FINAL l.uv BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL Permft No. Permit Holder Uete Telephone M CITY OF EAGAN Addition SPn f n.['i-, ? Remarks ?7 TJ ? ?? S r 7?- k ' Street St 'I-7c>? IV -?'y 5? r, J. ?ti•. : n. I51- ' Improvement Date Amount Annuai Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK ? 1 2 ($ 2 aid SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 1984 4814.00 320.93 15 4,493.07 7 2 84 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK /S?g_ REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION i ?- Ee-ooom-o? '? See instructlons for cnmpleting this brm on back of yelbw copy. G? 6 6 3 81 ' %K" Belaw Work Covered by This Request e AOd Rep. TypeofBUilding AppliancesWired EquipmentWred Home Range Temporary Servica Duplex Water Heater Eleciric Heating ApL Building Dryer Other (Specity) Comm./Industrial Furnace Farm Air Conditioner Other (spetiry) ConVactor§ Remaiks: Compute Inspection Fee Befow: # Other Fee # Service EniranceSize Fee # CircuilsiFeeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 700 _ Amps SignS Inspecmr5 Use Only: 7p qL Irrigation Booms ? ? Special Inspection I AlarmlCommunica[ion ? I Other Fee 1, the Electrical Inspector, hereby tit th t th b i Rough-in ?ateO^ / 4k cer y a e a ove nspection has 6een made. F„y o, OFFICE USE ONLV ? L This repuest void 18 monNa fmm ?? e'?a9d I '??7L Request Date Flre o. Fiaugh-in Inspection Required? u Ves ' Na Veetly Now? Wll Notity Inspeclor When fleatly? I El licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: .bb Adtlress (Street, Box or Roule .) Ciry Za Sectlon No. Township Name o, No Ralge No. Counry 1 Occupant(PRI1Jl) ne . Power uppliar Atldress ? Ele cal Cortlrepor (COm ny N ?mrector§ License.NO. Mailing Adtlress omract r Malting Insta9ati ,,12 rizeE SignaW Canha /qvne 9 IrM b Phone Nu ber / ( Q' ? MINNESOT ATE BOApU Of ELEC7AICITY Griggs-MMway Bltlg. - poom 5773 1821 Unfversity Ave.. SL Paul. NN 55109 Poone(812)802-OB00 THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT BE NCCEPTED BYTHE STATE BOARD UNLESS PROPER INSPEGTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. r,p 7/FaGaN crrY cotrNca tAwqtrres - August 3,1993 Sunta mwed, Egan wwnded, a motion too approve a vuiana of 126 feet W the minimum bt width requirement of 300 fset in ae agriaehmal distcict fas Aecrel! L I.mdeen tar PID i3"120046402 aa pctaeated. Aye: 4 Nay. 0 ' `111III?IIdG_PBRI?T VARUNCE/RON? L AVIIFSZ ? Mayar F.gan introduced this rtem as a variana to the S aen mmimam 1ot sme to allow a bwldin8 Perm+t ' for Paral #10-01200480-02,lomted 'm the NE 1/4 of Sertion 12 GSty Admmictr8tor aated that the application ic for a varisam of apprmomately ame ure [rom the 5ve ace mmimum bt siu reqairement for an apictiltival disuict aad a variana of 35.77 feet to the 300 foot minimnm bc width fw aa agricultural zoning disuiet. Ading Community Developmtnt Director HoLenstein ap]aiaed tLst the appficaat is ioteading W teL the property to a prospective bvyu aho would likc to construet a home wme time in the tuture. The appLrsnt is also requesting the Council consider a loager tLaa one year term for the varisace but has not provided an esplanation of Latdahip. Mayor Egan esplaiaed that m order for the CouncB to approve a variana a Lerdship aeeda to be idwtified. He asked Mr. Aviles to ezplain what t6ey tiewed the hardship to bo. Mra. Aviles explained that they had origiaally purchased the lot to build oa, however they fouad it to be too large for their use and aow have an interested buyer. The buyer, however, does not knaw wLet tLey wM build on the site aor do tLey kaow what the timiag wiD be, thereforc aa extension to the oae year term of the variaaa is being reguested. Mayor Egan darified that the Council would need more ieformation relative to what is being planned for the lot in order ro consider the requested variaaces. Coundlmember Wachter aoted that if the Council denied the request, the applicaat could not eome back witL another request for one year. After further disciusion it was felt that the applicaat ahould obtain fivther iaformation from their prospective buyer sad Wlain what they vicwcd the hazdship to be to enable the Cotmcil to make a more iaformed dedsion. F.gan moved, Hunter seeonded, a motion to cantmue iade5nitely a variana of one aae 8om the minimum of five aae lot siu in an agricultural district and a variance of 35.71 feet to the 300 foot min;-um lot widtb tor Ronie L Aviles for PID #10-01200-080-02 until fiuiLer information is provided. Aye: 4 Nay. 0. LOT COVERAGE VARIANCE/SANFORD BRUE CEDAR GROVE 2ND ADDITION Mayor Egan muoduced this item as a variaace to exaed the maxdmum lot coverage of 20% loeated on Lot 15, Bioc]c 6, Cedar Grove ?ad Addidon. CSty Adminisvator Hedga added tLat the variana is requeated to permit wnsWction of a 22' z 36' gsrage, resulting iu a bugding lot cmrage of 2L15°!o. Aeting Community Development D'uector Hohcauein aoted that the applieant is propoaing to remove his easting 22' = 24' garage and build an new 22' z 36' garage whieE wiU provide apaa for a hobby ahop. This new eonswdion results in a building coverage of 21.15°,b and ataff Lu wggested nmoving the 8' z 10' thed that exists wluch wrould result in e lot ernerage of 2026%. 'I'hc applicaat Lu aot provided en exptanation of hardsfiip to date. In rcsponu to the question regardiog hardtLip Sanford Brue atplaiaed tbat he Las 13 graadehildren. With his hobby shop wrreatty in tLe bmement of his Lome Le tek it wonid be safw for tLe tools and equipment to be moved into the gara@e area so it aouldn't be quite so tempting to his grandchiidren. It was also noted that severa] aeighboring residents bad rupcmded 'm writing that they Lad no eomeeras for this eonstructioa. Mr. Brue expresud his rtluaance to remove the garden sLed siace it aes buik only 3 years ago. Couacilmember Wacbter expressed his support for this requwt noting that the concem for safety of Mr. Brue's gandchildr:; v•L: aa important wasideratioa He also expresaed his avpport of Mr. Bruds request to expand his garaga ta pr?ide the hobby s6op apace he needs. sUBJECr: APPLICANT: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: DATE OF REPORT: VARIANCE ROIVIE L AVII.ES P.I.D. #10.01200.080.02 (AG) AGRICULTURAL AUGUST 3, 1993 JULY 28, 1993 COMPILED BY: COMMiJNITY DEVELOPMIIVT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SZJMMARY: An application hac been submitted requesting a Variance from the minimum five-acre 1ot size and a Variance of 35.77' to the 300' minimum lot width for an Agricultwa] zoning disuicG This site is located in the northeast quarter of Section 12, north of Highway 55. BACKGROUND: In 1984 the applicant, Harvey Kirschner, requested a Variance to the minimutn lot size and frontage. The City Council approved this Variance with several conditions, as well as extending the term of the Variance to two years. The Variance was never acied upon and expired in 1986. CONIlVIENTS: The current owner of the properry is intending to sell the property to a prospective buyer who would like to construct a home on it sometime in the future. Mr. Aviles is also requesting the Council to wnsider a longer than one year term. Variances aze valid foz one year after date of Council approval. City Code, Section 11.40, Subd. 3, states: "The City Council shall determine that a special condidon applying to the structures or land in question aze peculiar to such property or immediately adjeining property and do not apply generally to other land or stractures ;n the dastric: in which said land is located...... ist that tk!e granting of such Variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonsuable hardship or difficulty." Nowhere in the applicant's submission for the Variance request was an explanation of any hardship provided. The parcel is approximately four acres, has 26415' of frontage along the north right-of-way of Highway 55, and completely surrounds a smaller parcel along Highway 55. \ Chapter 11, Subd. 24(b)13, Platting, requires all land zoned Residentiai to be platted prior \ to placing any structure thereon. Subd. 26, Placement of a House on a Residential Lot, states: "On alI residential lots not served by pubGc utilities which are ai least 24,000 sq. ft in area and 170' in width, all structures shall be placed so that the lot may be further subdivided in the future unless othenvise approved by the Council." The current Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan designates the ent'ue azea south of I.one Oak Road and north of Highway 55 as D-II, Mixed Residendal (0-6 units/acre). If approved, this Variance shall be subject to: . All applicable CSty Code requirements. city of eagan MEMO -?- PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE ---;P-RUSS MATTHYS, CITY ENGINEER o . DALE SCHOEPPNER, SEIYIOR INSPECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 2,1997 SUBJECT: BUILDING MOVE PERNIIT FROM 3555 HIGHWAY 149 TO 3432 HIGHWAY 55 We have received a request to move a house and detached garage from the West Group site to 3432 Highway 55. The planned route is from Opperman Drive to North T.H. 149 to E. T.H. 55. As City Code Section 4.10, Subd. 4c, requires a recommendation of the Chief of Police/City Engineer prior to issuance of a building move permit, please contact me at extension 699 with your comments regazding this move. p? Assistant Building Official Ds/;s ?-- ?,??/vtti'-1??u?-• l.??-?`? • I/ I? ? F 40h-city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE RUSS MATTHYS, CITY ENGINEER FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SEIVIOR INSPECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 2,1997 MEMO ? ? ? 6" t„1 / SUBJECT: BUILDING MOVE PERMIT FROM 3555 HIGHWAY 149 TO 3432 HIGHWAY 55 , We have received a request to move a house and detached gazage from the West Group site to 3432 Highway 55. The planned route is from Opperman Drive to North T.H. 149 to E. T.H. 55. As City Code Section 4.10, Subd. 4c, requires a recommendaUon of the Chief of Police/City Engineer prior to issuance of a building move pernut, please contact me at extension 699 with your comments regazding this move. Assistant Building Official DS/js clrv nF r-_nrAra CA sH:[Ef'e '.i T'FfiM:f.NAL. N'0; 771 4A7E„ 02/13!98 T7:P1F_.: 1.4::31:34 I IDc NAME: tAMES !3IMONrT 2.257 9001 355,`5 fIWV :1.49 27F]00,.f]0 ? Tn+,r0. Rr.cs=:ipt, Amc;untr 2700Q.O0 CF:O86:364 i.i,r::r; cD. NANr.v L'TTY (7f" E'.F1GAN rASH.T.r'I;:: S 7ti::RMINFlL NIC?e i'71 DATE:: 02l1.3/98 l ]:Mf:.. 14e20-21. ILi :; NAMEa JqMES g SSMOt.I-T 3218 3001 3,`'i.5`,'i FIPIY 1.49 75„00 205 9001 3555 HWY 149 0.50 300 9001 3432 HWY `i,`.; 249.75 055 900i 3432 I1WY `,.`i,i 0..50 r Tota7. fteceipt Flmouvni:e 325,,75 C(?O8636'.3 U>cR IUc NANrv r??YdYF%R?k1k?:?C?k? ?<??k??R'M>X>k>X??XX?".??'n>k?X?;??M?l>k`ln8cr'F?k'M?k `-;?"CITY,OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT " PERMITTYPE: auzLozNG Permit Number: 031431 Date Issued: 0 2/ 12 / 9 8 SITE ADDRESS: 3555 HWY 149 L07: 1 BLOCK: 28 SECTION 13 DESCRIPTION: WOUSE MOVE Buildint},,,Permit Type MZSCELLANEOUS $uilding Wq;rk Type MOVE r. ? ?.? . ?a. mn l'-, ...... }i( -p--??[ REMARKS: $2.000.00 COLLECTED TO ENSURE THA7 WELL IS CAPpED AND 5EPTIC SYS7EM IS ABANDONED. UPQN FULFILLING THESE REQUIREMENT5, $2,900.00 WILL BE REFUNDED. FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee $75.00 OTHER $2,000.00 Surcharge $.50 Total Fee $2.075.50 Subtotal $75.50 CONTRACTOR: RIVER FALIS WI 54022 (715)425-2279 OWNER: - Applicant - SIMONET JAMES W10829 HWY 29 I hareby`acktlowled?ge' tltiat';, I ".hat+ereadCh3s epRL;?cat xon anCi s„sa?e 't?hat tMe infor?nation is correct and agree to compl?+ wi.th ai:l apptiGahie `StaCe'ofi Mn: 4 t Statutes end Cityof Eigan Ct=rditiance?.` ..m.. . . APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUED V: SIGNATURE ?ab 75'. .5'o :? 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAC4AN 3830 PII.OT I{NOB RD - 86122 681-4675 New Construction Reauirementa RemodeVReoair Reauiremenh ? S rogistered eite aurveys • 2 wpies of pians (include Deam 8 window s¢es; paured fid. tlesign; atc.) ? 1 energy alculationa ? 3 copies oi tree pieservation plan if lot Platted afler 7l1/93 requirad: _Yes _ No DATE: ?0- 9 8 F . OESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: .S l LOT: BLOCK: ? SUBD./P.I.D. #: PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR Name: S/('774rie7- T8P77P5 Phone#: 7lS? `1 r'? S- a.a 79 Lsst First bj?, Pa.p4? --> b2Z •,?/o a Street Address: LtJ/ OPa. CJ' H w v ,?, q city ;V/ve r ralls srare: L.e>r s, zsp: S yo Company:__ _ 5 a /Lt e Phone #: Street Address: License # City • 2 copies of plan ? 2 site surveys (exterior addkions & tlecks) • 1 energy calculations tor heated atld'Riona CONSTRUCTION COST4'4!?(-/? State: Zip: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: Street City Registration #: _ State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber (riev construction onry): . Penalty applies when address chang and lot change is requested once pertnit is issued. 1 herehy acknowledge that I have read this application and sfate that the infortnation is correct and agree ta comply with all applica6l State of Minnesofa Statutes and Cily of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant , OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservatlon Plan Received _ Yes - No - Not Required BUILDING PERMIT TYPE D 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex pi 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 03 5F Addition ? OS 8-plex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? OS SF Misc. ? 10 = plex WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? ? 14 Firepiace ? ? 15 Deck 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscellaneous #ouSe ? 33 Alterations R 36 Move ? 34. Repair ? 37 Demolftion GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Aduaq (Allowabfe) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning Permit Fee '4 Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies ToffiI: Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Buiiding i2 MC/W5 System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. SAC Code G I Census Bldg i Census Unit ? Engineering Variance /?. OFFICE USE ONLY Valuation: $ % SAC SAC Units 1 ' tIt OWNLR'j ?r-M=T .qpoLyCA?ION (F00 3U71DT*IG MOVE) 0 Data of apolication: CCJ?, 7 ? 4? q'7 . ?' 0 Address & legal desc^iption of building being aoved: ?C r, 0 Addr<ss & lega'_ description of proposed destination: 3 1-/? Kwu ?dcxr,_ M?nn ?5S/: ( si?-e 3 ftS c h e.1 -f'u r 1e4?.?! DPS6a??4rr.;n 0 Building owner's aame: S In? 5? rnopz address: W(Ugaq H rv ?c1 P;V??rp'ylk J`YazZ DaY N tr e phOne ti: 6/A-687-76a5 7Ha.r . ?cr 0 Landowner's naae: _7in-, S,mon e-f- addr=ss: WlOf?d.ri f-/wv i? n 4 LrvR+v F .9/ic l r/? ?. t;:?<? PB.y rt.'?rs pq9e phone !k: 6/2-6Kr-7F,;S -," `- * 25"2 27 9 619- - L 2-x-91oZ If lancowaer _s differeai °rom building owner, provide anproval from Iar.downer to operste on the ?roperty. 0 Indicate '_F structure :s connected to: City sewe^ City water -4 Septic 7Z Well 'clectric service _ Gas service _ Other (list) T 0 Indicate party responsible :or utilities disconnect: ? Owner _ Mover _ Other OFFICE QSE ONLY Real estate taxes/assessments on building Real estate taxes/assessments on land Utility disconnect: Electric Gas SeWer/vater Landotimer approval 2 i`;4 n ud'? DEC-03-97 WED 12:49 PM . P_01 'r _''- , • Q wne"c ta-F Nac•se? M4VBR'8 PERMIT APPLICAYION (FOR BUILDTNti l70VS) ?? ? 5?imone-}- 0 Date oP 6ppltcat2tm: .12Z/ 19 7 6 dddreae & legal desaription of 6uilding betng movedt 355"? Nd ? R-?,[j• CaGtx.y.J T Y`?•?-../ ` ? _ 0 Addx'ess 1e 1@gal deeoription of prapased destinabione \5?f3a P4[A}-.l1_ 55 F-a Lf(ZlA, ? 0 Check aitvation tLat sppiiea; Huilding presently looated Sn Eagan - to be moved eut oP Eagan ? Buildiag preseatlq leeated in Eagan - to be reloeaLed in Eagan (Hequires Coumcil &pDI'09&1) Huildfng locatad outeide oP Eagan - to be velxated in Eagan (8equires Council approval) Building loeated oubside aY Eagan - to be moved through Eagan to s»othar City. o Kover'e Nsmes I,I X Addreas= /[?y-Z ??•?'LG?? „?'?&-j-s? ??4 ftoae # 612 - 77V- 7Y2i rin. Mover's Lieenee # iV36??. (submit a copy of liaenee)- 0 8lghlight origin, route, & deatination on ourrent City map. I£ County or Sbate roads are uaed, prov3de oopy of thosa pemita. 0 Proposed date A time of y¢oye (ootify Eagan Police Department). 90TEt Eagan pol3oe vill not aaoampaep move untii time aoardlnatioa hso bsaa rade wlth ?elBtiboYi.pB munfoi?rality. /:30 ?? c+ r. ? -?"::., e. ?-h? o n ??. o -? 'Fe.b : h ? •-ro s_aoJ04 o size b areighti of struoture: 2E3 X 60 5"o"7o"n, ? DFP'ICE lo88 08LY Mover's permit fee Permit r Guaranbee tio repair 3 R=95% 12-03-97 01:57pM P001 #11 f f JDEP %. -03-97 WED 12:49 PM . . ltkt HdUNjbAltAtlt Mtlvt 1 gUlf9f1ke 1 W{ll flpHit 9Ny sHd gll dxmage iu lc?cal rnadwxys,lilillties, nnd pubftc rtght-et way ihat hfAy be damgged by Ihis ?nnving operailon. 2 y '° r3 ! By'S`?? . 'e, 0 Q?e?Mac. /yy? ywy ss"' t , P.02 R=95% 12-03-97 01:57PM P002 #11 M 0 a -(Minnesota Depactmentaf Transportalian pMkeof MDtAr Carrfer Servlces 1110 CenVe Polnf Curva Map Smop420 Wlendota Helghb, MN 35718 Building I?over Ltcense CERTTFICATE NO: 143685 ISSUBD TO: SEMPLE BIIHLDING MOVEltSo INC. F a 0 N N - w G w 3 - h N I M m I ? U . W . L7 ? The abam named lisense holder hae campliod wiih The licenae requirmxais and is 1exeby issuad thg Minnasou Bui[ding Mover License whicB wi31 axpiro on the dam showa 6elow. EXPIIiATIOHV DATE: FUNE 30,1998 '17m Gcense holder agnrx m casp]y wifi all applicable Saft and Federal Regula[wns. Faflnre m comp[p may resul[ in ravocation at ttas license. The L'ceose Soldec may nat pe[fo[m 6nit6ing moving ppetations i4 Minneson unless 1he vehicles have boen regispcred aod disphy a valid ideaEificatlaa eab card Lcsued by The Minnesaa Depuhnent of Transpnrfation. FOR VERIFlCA1I0N CALL {6M 405-6060 $EMPLE BUII.DING MOYERS, INC. 1045 FPSSIE 51ZtEET S't. PAUL NIN 33101 EFfEC'IfVE DATE: 06103197 ? m 0 0 a ? w r N O r m i 0 ? ? ? rn ? t ion Map Jim Simonet 3432 Hwy 55 N Building Move Permit W+E City at EaBan Communily Devalopment Departmanf au rea Agenda Information Memo December 16, 1997 Eagan City Council Meefing A. BUILDING MOVE PERNIIT - JIM SIMONET ACTION TO BE To approve a building move permit to relocate a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' detached garage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. FACTS: • The proposed parcel is unimproved and unplatted. • The house is a two-story brick structure and according to the applicant was built in approximately 1904. • A site inspection by the Protective Inspections Division revealed that the house and gazage aze both structurally sound; however, the house will need some modifications to meet the Uniform Building Code standards. • Pazcels on the north and south sides of the proposed site contain walkout style ramblers with accessory buildings. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: (1) Location Map, page PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 5,1997 APPLICANT: JIM SIMONET PROPERTY OWNER: JIM SIMONET HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 16,1997 PREPARED BY: DALE SCHOEPPNER REQUEST: BUILDING MOVE PERMIT LOCATION: 3432 HIGHWAY 55 (10-01200-080-02) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONING: AGRICULTURAL SUMMARY OF REOUEST Mr. Simonet is requesting a building move permit to relocate a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' garage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 4, Section 410, gives the Protective Inspections Division authority to issue permits to move a building out of the City and authorizes the City Council to issue a permit to move a building to a Iocatlon within the City. Ciry Code, Chapter 4, Section 4.10, Subd. 13 states that a moving permit shall be denied for any one of the following: A. The applicant has not complied with any requirement ofthis section. B. Moving the building would endanger persons or properiy in the City. C. The building is in such a state of deterioration ar disrepair or is othenvise so structurally unsafe that it would constitute a danger to parsons or properiy in the City. D. The building is structurally unsafe or unfit far the purpose for which it is moved. E. The equipment for moving is unsafe and persons and property would be endangered by its use. F. The building or its use would not be in compliance with zoning, building codes or other provisions of the City Code G. If the building to be moved is in substantial vaziance with either the established or the expected pattem of building development within the neighborhood to which the building is to be moved. Comparative age, bulk, azchitectural style and quality of construction of both the building to be moved and the other buildings in the neighborhood shall be considered in determining whether a building is in substantial variance. If the building to be moved is more than ten yeazs older than the oldest building situated on lands abutting the land to which the building is to be moved, such fact shall be evidence that the building to be moved is in substantial variance. EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject site is an unplatted 4.7 acre parcel (P.I.D. #10-01200-080-02) and does not have any structures on it. EVALUATION OF REOUEST Mr. Simonet is requesting that a moving permit be issued for the purposes of relocating a house and detached gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. The proposed placement of the house and gazage meet City code setback requirements. A representative of the Protective Inspections Division has conducted a site inspection of the house and garage. Subsequent to the inspection, the applicant has been informed that the Uniform Building Code requires moved buildings to be upgraded to current standazds. The house will need new egress windows in the main bedrooms and one in the basement. New hard-wired smoke detectors must also be installed. Both the house and gazage appear to be structurally stable. Pazcels to the west and east aze vacant while parcels to the north and south contain walkout rambler style homes and accessory buildings. AIRPORT NOISE CONSIDERATIONS The City of Eagan considered airport noise as a factor in its Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan. With the State's decision to expand the airport at its current location, the Metropolitan Council has adopted a revised Aviation Chapter tUat anricipates the impacts from the continued operation of the aiiport at its current location. The noise policy contours in northem Eagan place the subject property within Noise Zone IV. Within this azea, infill single family residential development would be conditional. While the proposal to move a home is different from typical development, it does place a residenrial use in a higher noise impact azea than at its current location and the Council may treat it similazly. To be approve such development in this area, the City Council would need to make acceptable findings concerning the following: 1. Specific nature of the proposed use, including the extent of outdoor activities. 2. Relationship ofthe proposed use to other planning considerations, including adjacent land use activities, consistency with overall comprehensive planrung and relation to other metropolitan systems. 3. Frequency of exposure of proposed uses to aircraft overflight. 4. Location of proposed use relative to aircraft flight tracks and aircraft on-ground operating and mauitenance areas. 5. Locarion, site design and construction restrictions to be imposed by the community of the proposed use with respect to reduction of exterior to interior noise transmissions and shielding of outdoor activities. 6. Method community will use to inform future occupant of proposed building of potential noise from aircraft operations. 7. Extent to which community restricts the building from having facilities for outdoor activities associated with the use. Distance of proposed use from existing or proposed runways, parallel taxiways ar engine run-up azeas. With respect to the factual aspects of the fmdings, the property lies approximately 4.5 miles southeast of the primary runways at the airport. On an annual auerage, approximately half of all arrivals and departures use these runways to and from the southeast. At current traffic levels, this equals approximately 300,000 operations annually. Because of the relationship of the property to the current deparhare and arrival procedures and the runway centerlines, a significant portion of the depamires and arrivals will track over or neaz the proper[y. The property is approximately 5 miles from the engine maintenance and run up area. While the 3tage III airline fleet, federally mandated by the year 2000, will create less noise per operation than the current fleet, the future net affect of such reductions is not certain. As such, regional policy requires that cities take current noise levels into account until such time as reductions in actual noise result in a reduction of the policy contours. Architectural designs and conshuction methods for new construction within this azea would be required to meet sound attenuation standards. In particulaz, the building plans, materials and conshuction would need to be such that they would insure an interior sound level of 45 dBA as compazed with the noise level at the inner boundary of the noise zone, in this case 65 DNL. Sound attenuation in existing structures may not achieve the same levels as can be achieved with new construction. Therefore, the applicant would benefit by applying at least the 5 dBA level of attenuation targeted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission's Part 150 Program. It is advisable that the applicant attempt to exceed this level to the extent that it is feasible. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION Mr. Simonet is requesting a permit to move a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' detached gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve/deny a building move permit to move a house and gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55 subject to the following: A building permit for the foundation and interior improvements would be applied for and issued prior to construction. 2. The house is modified to be consistent with the current building code. The applicant performs sound attenuation improvements to the building to achieve an inside noise level reduction of at least an additionalSdBA. Agenda Information Memo Januaty 6, 1998 Eagan City Council Meeting B. BUILDING MOVE PERMIT-JIM SIMONET ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a building move permit to relocate a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' detached gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. FACTS: • At its meeting on December 16, 1997, the City Council continued action on this item to reseazch the egress window requirement. • The proposed parcel is unimproved and unplatted. • The house is a two-story brick structure and according to the applicant was built in approximately 1904. • A site inspection by the Protective Inspections Division revealed that the house and gazage aze both structurally sound; however, the house will need some modifications to meet the Uniform Building Code standazds. • Parcels on the north and south sides of the proposed site contain walkout style ramblers with accessory buildings. ISSUES: • The applicant has located replacement windows that meet the egress requirement and have minimal aesthetic affects on the exterior of the house. • The applicant should demonstrate no less than a 5 dBA sound reduction with installation of the new windows. • Peggy Carlson, a resident to the north, has asked that approval of the permit be contingent on moving this home via the field to the east of the proposed location. The applicant has no intention of changing the route, therefore, this concem should be satisfied. BACKGROUND/ATTACHMENTS: (3) Staff Report, pages ) 7 through,3 Y. December 16, 19971etter from Peggy Cazlson, page as.? t- q ? PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 30,1997 APPLICANT: JIM SIMONET PROPERTY OWNER: JIM SIMONET HEARING DATE: JANUARY 6,1998 PREPARED BY: DALE SCHOEPPNER REQUEST: BUILDING MOVE PERMIT LOCATION: 3432 ffiGHWAY 55 (10 01200 080 02) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONING: AGRICULTURAL SUMMARY OF REOUEST Mr. Simonet is requesting a building move permit to relocate a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 4, Section 4.10, gives the Protective Inspections Division authority to issue permits to move a building out of the City and authorizes the City Council to issue a permit to move a building to a location within the City. City Code, Chapter 4, Section 4.10, Subd. 13 states that a moving permit shall be denied for any one of the following: A. The applicant has not complied with any requirement of this section. B. Moving the building would endanger persons or property in the City. C. The building is in such a state of deterioration or disrepair or is otherwise so structurally unsafe that it would constitute a danger to persons or property in the City. D. The building is structurally unsafe or unfit for the purpose for which it is moved. E. The equipment for moving is unsafe and persons and property would be endangered by its use. C? q F. The building or its use would not be in compliance with zoning, building codes or other provisions of the Ciry Code G. If the building to be moved is in substantial vaziance with either the established or the expected pattern of building development within the neighborhood to which the building is to be moved. Compazative age, bulk, azchitectural style and qualiry of construction of both the building to be moved and the other buildings in the neighborhood shall be considered in determining whether a building is in substantial variance. If the building to be moved is more than ten yeazs older than the oldest building situated on lands abutting the land to which the building is to be moved, such fact shall be evidence that the building to be moved is in substantial variance. The subject site is an unplatted 4.7 acre pazcel (P.I.D. #10 01200 080 02) and does not have any structures on it. EVALUATION OF REOUEST Mr. Simonet is requesting that a moving permit be issued for the purposes of relocating a house and detached gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. The proposed placement of the house and gazage meet City code setback requirements. A representative of the Protective Inspections Division has conducted a site inspection of the house and garage. Subsequent to the inspection, the applicant has been informed that the Uniforxn Building Code requires moved buildings to be upgraded to current standazds. The house will need new egress windows in the main bedrooms and one in the basement. New hand wired smoke detectors must also be installed. Both the house and gazage appeaz to be structurally stable. Parcels to the west and east aze vacant while parcels to the north and south contain walkout rambler style homes and accessory buildings. AIRPORT NOISE CONSIDERATIONS The City of Eagan considered airport noise as a factor in its Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan. With the State's decision to expand the airport at its current location, the Metropolitan Council has adopted a revised Aviation Chapter which anticipates the impacts from the continued operaUon of the airport at it s current location. The noise policy contours in northern Eagan place the subject property within Noise Zone IV. 20 Within this azea, in-fill single family residential development would be conditional. While the proposal to move a home is different from typical development, it does place a residential use in a higher noise impact area than at its current location and the Council may treat it similazly. To be approve such development in this area, the City Council would need to make acceptable findings concerning the following: Specific nature of the proposed use, including the extent of outdoor activities. 2. Relationship of the proposed use to other planning considerations, including adjacent land use acdvities, consistency with overall comprehensive planning and relation to other metropolitan systems. Frequency of exposure of proposed uses to aircra$ overflight. 4. Location of proposed use relative to aircraft flight tracks and aircraft on-ground operating and maintenance areas. Location, site design and conshuction reshictions to be imposed by the community of the proposed use with respect to reduction of eaterior to interior noise transmissions and shielding of outdoor activities. Method community will use to inform future occupant of proposed building of poten6al noise from aircraft operations. Extent to which community reshicts the building from hauing facilities for outdoor activities associated with the use. 8. Distance of proposed use from existing or pmposed nanways, para11e1 taxiways or engine run-up azeas. With respect to the factual aspects of the findings, the property lies approximately 4.5 miles southeast of the primary runways at the airport. On an annual average, approximately half of all arrivals and departures use these runways to and from tke southeast. At current traffic levels, this equals approxunately 300,000 operations annually. Because of the relationship of the property to the current deparuire and arrival procedures and the runway centerlines, a significant portion of the departures and arrivals will track over or neaz the property. The properiy is approximately 5 miles from the engine maintenance and run up area. While the Stage III airline fleet, federally mandated by the year 2000, will create less noise per operation than the current fleet, the future net affect of such reductions is not certain. As such, regional policy requires that cities take current noise levels into account until such time as reductions in actual noise result in a reduction of the policy contours. Architectural designs and construction methods for new conshuction within this area would be required to meet sound attenuation standards. In particulaz, the building plans, materials and construction would need to be such that they would insure an interior sound level of 45 dBA as compazed with the noise level at the inner boLUidary of the noise zone, in this case 65 DNL. Sound attenuation in existing structures may not achieve the same levels as can be achieved with new construction. Therefore, the applicant would benefit by applying at least the 5 dBA level of attenuation tazgeted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission's Part 150 Program. It is advisable that the applicant attempt to exceed this level to the extent that it is feasible. 31 If the City Council determines that findings concerning the conditions above support the approval of this application for in-fill development, it should be conditioned on the following: The applicant shall be required to perform sound attenuation improvements to the buiIding to achieve an inside noise level reduction of between 5 dBA and 20 dBA. ISSUES The Uniform Building Code requires egress windows in all bedrooms and basements for emergency escape and fire-fighter access. They aze a vital passive life-safety system built into the construction of houses. Relocated houses aze required by the Uniform Building Code to be retrofitted to comply with current standards. The applicant has located replacement windows that meet the egress requirement and have very minimal effects to the exterior aesthetics. The mullion (vertical space beriveen the windows) will be approatimately 8" in width compazed to the current 10". Existing openings in the bedrooms are approximately three square feet in size. Egress windows aze required to be no less than 5.7 square feet. A resident to the north of this properiy has requested that approval of the permit be conUngent on moving this home via the field to the east of the proposed location. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION Mr. Simonet is requesting a permit to move a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' detached gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve/deny a building move permit to move a house and gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55 subject to the following: A building permit for the foundation and interior improvements would be applied for and issued prior to construction. 2. The house is modified to be consistent with the current building code. 3. The applicant shall be required to perform sound attenuation improvements to the building to achieve an inside noise level reduction of between 5 dBA and 20 dBA. 2C2, + • Location Map Jim Simonet 3432 Hwy 55 Building Move Permit uty m m--ivy o?vOopm.ne ocp?rtmen< 23 . 5 ?O J • M \- 9v %f 3i ?? ? " ..... ?. M0035S1 W 19 Ab /o/'/ p_ ? "' .:. .. . i ; . r 1 m / '1jgy?? ? Y I ep b • ? •?SA , ? _ Rl ? ? ? Cbn / Cb ?a . `• '? -- e p4? ; W b ?? ?. b { 4? ? N 00'35'51' z J . ?. 2 I a a " t? C-b W?Y L-- W TWL.-TNE OF 7HE EAST 1/p ? EAST 1/2 OF NE1/ SfC / 27, R.23 j _? F T H E ? / , d f, w _ m n ? . N ? r Ei C ? Q1 N /. ° ? U ?r ?;?;?N December 16, 1997 Dear Mayor and Council: At this time the applicant is stating that the house will be moved in via lheeld to the east of the proposed location. It seems to be the best and most logical way, with little to no damage occurring to the area's land or vegetation. But, I must ask that approval of the permit be contingent on this claim and a condition be added to state that if this route is not feasible that the house will need to find a different locarion Justification: Trying to bring this 24' house up our 10' narrow dirt driveway would result in total destruction of a wetland and a11 (;?C) significant trees that hug our road. The costs are to high to the neighbors and native habitaYs eco-system to attempt to use our driveway for this move. We believe this property has the right develop as a homesite, but hope the council realizes that if this were new construction, the area's environment and driveway would not be adversely affected. We are simply asking that the same condition be applied with this home being moved in. Regards, Peggy Cazlson Resident 35 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNE50TA )SS County of Dakota ) NANCY J. GUSTAfSON, 6eing duly swwn, on oath says Ihat she is an oufhorized ogent and employee of the publisher ol the newspaper knawn as Dakota County Tribune, ond has lull knowledge 04 the facfs which ore stafed below: PUBLIC NOTICE A077C6 OR PUBL[C ILpRpy6 (A) The newspoper has complied with all of the requiremenrs consNlufimj qualiiicafion as a legal CIIY OP SM.Ary N071CE 1S IERBSY CPVEN 79WT ON '1T7B9DA1. Oeoember 18,1987 at 630 pm a n¢wspoper,asproridedbyMinnesofaSfatufe331A.02,331A.07andotherapPlicablelnws,asomended. wneo xming w;n ne nma cy m: a'Vn cyiv CMol at Ure Eagdn CitY Fiall louhd et 3830 PibtltnobRoadWrswntbtMapplkatianot . (B)Theprinted_____. .Nm Sioonet W oonsider the requeat to be isaed a 6ui1din6 Pe'mit Por Uce reJoution M a ? ? ??Y 149 to 432 ?ChwaY 55. DATEP. Deremper 3, 1997 Pe1GAN C17Y COUNCIL . QTY OF EACpN F.J. VanOverbeke pa Clu* ppr more In formatiun, plqx ?1? 5g1?5gy which is aMxhed wos cut from fl?e columns o4 said newspaDer, and was q' inted and p u6lished once 7be Cib M I:aBan u mmmitted to the poLL cY tlul all persons hse equal xcess to ita pro Bnms,services.actrvkia.halitiesandemDbY meot wit60ul Ieg91d OD rdc4 color, Cfepd. R1?. eq?y,Yral''frn'= sueea?ks:ifwas 00% Odt1011dI OIIgIp.SpG AIEiDtlitY, i$C_ zadI arimGtion, mariW atalus or shtus viN rtOrd m Dubtlc aatl fl ? I ? a ppe. Atml wY aiAS ?r cersons xith disabl'tiea Iirst published on Thursday, the _ - . day of ' -_ - _. -. • wi116e pm+ided uWn adwoce natice of at Imit 96 hau2 If a ndia of Im Wm % houe b O? imdved,theCityofEaQaowillxttemg po pm vide sudb aid 19 ond wos thereaher prinMd and Dublished on erery Thursdoy eo ond induding 447 Thursday. the d°y oF __ _--_- -._ _-.. -.. _._-___ • 19 and prineed below is a copy of the lower tase olOhabet hom A ro Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged os being the size and 4ind o4 type used in the composieion and publitafion of the nofice: .d-1i!,.1111111i1...l..l.llll BX 1.hC?CQ_4?9C-?_._- TITLE: Secrefary to e Pu ?sher Subsvibed ond swwn 1o before me/6dQhis `Wtl-doy o4 NoMry CARCL.i.NAVERLAND Np7ppY PUBLIC - MINNESOT0. ? ??yy?o? ?@hat J1n 91, 70 W NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF EAGAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON TUESDAY. December 16. 1997 at 6:30 p.m. a Public Hearing will be held by the Eagan City Council at the Eagan City Hall located at 3830 Pilot Knob Road pursuant to the application of jim Simonet to consider the request to be issued a building permit for the relocation of a house and garage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. DATED: December 3, 1997 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL For more information, please CITY OF EAGAN call 681-4699 E.J. VanOverbeke City Clerk The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 5,1997 APPLICANT: JIM SIMONET PROPERTY OWNER: JIM SIMONET REQUEST: BUILDING MOVE PERMIT HEARING DATE: 16,1997 PREPARED BY: DALE SCHOEPPNER LOCATION: 3432 ffiGHWAY 55 (10-01200-080-02) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: RURAL RESIDENTrar, ZONING: AGRICULTURAL SUMMARY OF REOUEST Mr. Simonet is requesting a building move permit to relocate a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' garage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 4, Section 4.10, gives the Protective Inspections Division authority to issue permits to move a building out of the City and authorizes the City Council to issue a permit to move a building to a location within the City. City Code, Chapter 4, Section 4.10, Subd. 13 states that a moving pernut shall be denied for any one of the following: A. The applicant has not complied with any requirement of this section. B. Moving the building would endanger persons or property in the City. C. The building is in such a state of deterioration or disrepair or is otherwise so structurally unsafe that it would constitute a danger to persons or property in the City. D. The building is structurally unsafe or unfit for the purpose for which it is moved. E. The equipment for moving is unsafe and persons and property would be endangered by its use. F. The building or its use would not be in compliance with zoning, building codes or other provisions of the City Code G. If the building to be moved is in substantial variance with either the established or the expected pattern of building development within the neighborhood to which the building is to be moved. Comparative age, bulk, architectural style and quality of constnxction of both the building to be moved and the other buildings in the neighborhood shall be considered in determining whether a building is in substantial variance. If the building to be moved is more than ten years older than the oldest building situated on lands abutting the land to which the building is to be moved, such fact shall be evidence thaf the building to be moved is in substantial variance. EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject site is an unplatted 4.7 acre parcel (P.I.D. #10-01200-080-02) and does not have any structures on it. EVALUATION OF REOUEST Mr. Simonet is requesting that a moving permit be issued for the purposes of relocating a house and detached gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. The proposed placement of the house and garage meet City code setback requirements. A representative of the Protective Inspections Division has conducted a site inspection of the house and garage. Subsequent to the inspection, the applicant has been informed that the Uniform Building Code requires moved buildings to be upgraded to cunent standards. The house will need new egress windows in the main bedrooms and one in the basement. New hard-wired smoke detectors must also be installed. Both the house and garage appear to be structurally stable. Parcels to the west and east aze vacant while parcels to the north and south contain walkout rambler style homes and accessory buildings. AIRPORT NOISE CONSIDERATIONS The City of Eagan considered airport noise as a factor in its Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan. With the 5tate's decision to expand the airport at its current location, the Metropolitan Council has adopted a revised Aviation Chapter that anricipates the impacts from the continued operation of the airport at its current loca$on. The noise policy contours in northern Eagan place the subject property within Noise Zone IV. Within this area, infill single family residential development would be condiuonal. While the proposal to move a home is different from typical development, it dces place a residential use in a higher noise impact area than at its current location and the Council may treat it snnilazly. To be approve such development in this area, the City Council would need to make acceptable findings conceming the following: Specific nature of the proposed use, including the extent of outdoor activities. 2. Relationship of the proposed use to other plaiuuug considerations, including adjacent land use activities, consistency with overall comprehensive planning and relation to other metropolitan systems. 3. Frequency of exposure of proposed uses to aircraft overflight. 4. Location of proposed use relative to aircraft flight tracks and aircraft on-ground operating and maintenance azeas. 5. Locadon, site design and construction restrictions to be imposed by the community of the proposed use with respect to reduction of exterior to interior noise transmissions and shielding of outdoor activi6es. 6. Method community will use to inform future occupant of proposed building of potential noise from aircraft operations. Extent to which community restricts the building from having facilities for outdoor activities associated with the use. 8. Distance of proposed use from existing or proposed runways, para11e1 taxiways or engine run-up areas. With respect to the factual aspects of the findings, the property lies approximately 4.5 miles southeast of the primary runways at the airport. On an annual average, approximately half of all arrivals and departures use these runways to and from the southeast. At current traffic levels, this equals approximately 300,000 operations annually. Because of the relarionship of the property to the current departure and azrival procedures and the runway centerlines, a significant portion of the departures and arrivals will track over or near the property. The property is approximately 5 miles from the engine maintenance and run up azea. While the Stage III airline fleet, federally mandated by the yeaz 2000, will create less noise per operation than the current fleet, the future net affect of such reductions is not certain. As such, regional policy requires that cities take current noise levels into acwunt until such time as reductions in actual noise result in a reducfion of the policy contours. Architectural designs and conshucrion methods for new construction within this area would be required to meet sound attenuadon standards. In particulaz, the building plans, materials and conslruction would need to be such that they would insure an interior sound level of 45 dBA as compazed with the noise level at the inner boundary of the noise zone, in this case 65 DNL. Sound attenuation in existing structures may not achieve the same levels as can be achieved with new construction. Therefore, the applicant would benefit by applying at least the 5 dBA level of attenuation targeted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission's Part 150 Program. It is advisable that the applicant attempt to exceed this level to the extent that it is feasible. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION Mr. 3imonet is requesting a pemut to move a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' detached garage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve/deny a building move permit to move a house and gazage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55 subject to the following: A building permit for the foundation and interior improvements would be applied for and issued prior to construction. 2. The house is modified to be consistent with the current building code. The applicant performs sound attenuation improvements to the building to achieve an inside noise level reduction of at least an additionalSdBA. 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122-1897 city oF eagan M. Rodney Effress % Barry H. Effress 5001 - 80th St. V1 Minneapolis, MN ' 11.5. MC r„At9 t? ?,?? ° ??_ j ' % ? _?-? *j ? FS ASCTFG r 'f? RFvFMC;J r--? „ :JL , ; 199T EFFROOI•h 554373095 1796 19 12/07/97 FDRWARD TIME E:CP RTN TO SEND :BRRRY EFFRE55 AND ASSOCIA7E5 5700 NEWPORT DR EDINA MN 55436-1726 RETURN TO SENDER , - =' 4''-- k5?'a-1 Steven D. & Gail C. Myhre 3205 Rolling Hills Dr. 5t. Paul, MN 55127 Wilfred E. & Karla A. Ab6ott 526 Lone Oak Rd. 5t. Paul, MN 55121 Jeffrey J. & Peggy R. Carlson 3434 Hwy 55 Eagan, MN 55121 Frank A. & Mary A. Huml 3415 Hwy 55 St. Paul, MN 55121 M. Rodney Effress % Barry H. Effress 5001 - 80th St. W. Apt. 275 Minneapolis, MN 55437 George J. Mikutowski 520 Lone Oak Rd. St. Paul, MN 55121 Gerald M. & Colleen Mike 3430 Hwy 55 , Eagan, MN 55721 John W. Cina 3400 Hwy 55 St. Paul, MN 55121 Herbert Legler Jr. & Marilyn Legler 510 Lone Oak Rd. St. Paul, MN 55121 John & Claudette Sexton 502 Chapel Lane St. Paul, MN 55121 ; EAGAN C1TY COUNCIL MEETMG MINUTES: DECEMBER 16, 1997 PAGES V. TerminaHon of Interim Ordinance on communication towers in PF zones No action was requ'ued on this item. W. A2prove revision to Eagan Board revresentation of Gun Club Lake Watershed Mana ement Organization. It was recommended to approve the replacement of the D'uector of Public Works by the City Engineer as the Eagan Alternate to the Board Members of the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organizalion 1998. X. Contract 95-Y, acknowledge completion/authorize Citv maintenance (Centex Vermillion Addition - Street & Utiliaes). It was recommended to acknowledge the completion of Contract 96-Y (Centex Veraiillion Addition - Street & Utilities) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to wananty provisions. Y. Contract 96-L, acknowledge complelion/authorize Ciri maintenance (Centex Vermillion 2nd t - Street & Utilities). It was recommended to acknowledge completion of Contract 96-L (Centex Vermillion 2^d Addition - Street & Utilities) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Z. Contract 96-GG, acknowledge completion/authorize Cit,Xmaintenance (Town Centre 70 Nineteenth Addirion - Utilities). It was recommended to acknowledge the completion of Contract 96-GG (Town Center 70, 19th Addition - Utilities) and authorize perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. AA. Contract 96-07, approve final payment/authorize City maintenance (Hayes/Delosh Additions - Storm Sewer Improvements). It was recommended to approve the final payment for Contract 96-07 (Hayes & Delosh Additions - Storm Sewer) in the amount of $13,887.94 to G.L. Contracting, Inc., and accept the improvement for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. EB. Refuse hauler license. Clean Sweep, Inc for construction/demolition debiis It was recommended to approve a construction/demolition debris hauler license for service provided for 1997. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Awada sxonded a moaon to approve the consent agenda. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to have the Personnel Committee review the City's compensa6on program during 1998. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PUBLIC HEARINGS BUILDING MOVE PERMIT - JIM SIMONET City Adnunistrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. He noted that a letter was received from Peggy Carlson requesting the house be moved to the site via the field in order to avoid damage occurring to the area land and vegetation. Mayor Egan opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. ]im Simonet, applicant, said that he teek the house will fit well in the,proposed location and it will also be nice to keep the shvcture in the City for historical purposes. Councilmember Blomquist asked about the need to break out the windows in the house. Mr. Simonet explained that the second floor windows do not meet fire the code requirements. Councilmember $lomquist' asked how this will affxt the historical value of the house. Councilmember Wachter said it will be parhally destroyed. Councilmember Masin asked if the City CouncIl has the authority to grant an exemp6on in order to retain the integrity of the structure. Councilmember Wachter said he would like to get information from the Building Inspections Department to see if something could be worked out with regard to the code EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MMUTES; DHCEMBER 16, 1997 PAGL 6 ' requvements. Councilmember Blomquist further said she would like to see the architectural integrity the building maintained, including the porch and the windows. Peggy CarLson, 3434 Highway 55, stated that she is in favor of the house being located near her I house as long as it is moved in via the field. She added that she would like to see the veranda put back on the front of the house. Senior Planner Rid]ey indicated that these concerns will be taken into consideralion before the route is determined. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Egan turned the discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Masin seconded a motion to close the public hearing and defer action on the building move permit to relocate a 43' x 27' two-story house and a 24' x 28' detached garage from 3555 Highway 149 to 3432 Highway 55 until the move details are clarified. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PROJECT 687, FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING (BISCAYNE AVENUE - STREET & UTILIT'Y IMPAOVEMENTS) City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. D'uxtor of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report. He noted that five objections to the assessment were received. Mayor Egan opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. T7iere being no one wishing to speak, he tumed the discussion back to the CouncIl. He said that this was an area the City considered rezoning, but at the request of the industrial owners the City did not change the zoning. He added that the owners were required to comply with City standards. Councilmember Blomquist asked how much cost was added to the assessment roll with regard to the administrative legal fees. D'uector of Public Works Colbert provided the amount of the legal fees. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 687 (Biscayne Avenue) and authorize its certification to Dakota County for collection. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PROJECT 725, (OAK CHASE 15T - 6TH ADDITIONS - STREET IMPROVEMENTS) City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. D'uector of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report. Councilmember Blomquist stated she would be abstaining from participating in the discussion on this item and also on the vote since it involves her neighborhood! Development/Design Engineer Gorder provided further information regarding this project. Mayor Egan opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. Rick Arbour, 4467 Oak Chase Lane, indicated he was the representative for the neighborhood. He distributed a handout which addressed the background and history of the situation, concerns of the residents, the financial impact, altematives considered by the neighborhood and a zecommendation to negotiate the cost to residents and proceed with the reconshvction project. Roger Martin, 4435 Oak Chase Road, said a major concern is that maintenance and repair of the streets was discontinued in 1986. He further said that residents were told at a meeting with staff that the maximum assessment would be $2,400, but now it is much higher. DEC-ODEa,ewcv9io1C?00 W. PUB 612 6877849 FAX N0, 6126389762 1'1P,03 .. ?Dw 4R.4RT?f ??? aROOVCEN ? ... _. .. • ... .. T!!e M49ty3ra Ageaey inee ONLV AZID CO NC??oFa_ tfrcc tlp ?? "Sb.: ..... DATE MM166l`/Yi .. noo?. ?ouncy nca?i. g_2,?'j?jl, Roseville i?f $5118 q17ERTH£C?IVeitA6EAPFORDEIyBV?7NCPOLICE56ELOW, COhEPANIES AFFOROMO COVEApGE DSatthew A. Svadaen iMau?o 6 -9100 ?, u. - ? 76 ?,,,,., A Fadera2 .Lnsurance Campany COMiANV ' -"-- a scata Punti tnxtuel Iaeuraace Sla Huilding Mpverg, r?. & co?nvuav 3le Hneerpri¢es c 1 1Jasaxe Streat SC. Daul, 26p7 SSI03 COMPMrv ' CQSIERAGHS 0 TMiS iS TQ CEfiTFV THhT THE P0416E5 OF INSUAAUC6 ...' •..-'-?" • ? ..•.?. ." •••'• _ ....• , ... ,' .: .? . . LIS 1NDICATED, NOTWITNSTqNpING ANY REQUIREME7JT, TERM CEATiFiCATE TED BE LOW HAVF BEEN '83UED TO D1k INSVRED NAMED A80VE FOR7F1@ Pq??Cp pERIQD OR CONOITIOk Oa ANV CANTAACT OR 07HER OOCi1MEN7 WIT H RE$PECY TO WN1CN THIS MAY BE 1$$UEO OR MAY PERTAIN, TNE lNSURANCE AFFOROEll BV TME pOLICYES D49CRl4f0 HEREka I$ EU&IECT TO AL6 TME TERMS, EKCL,VSIONSAND CONb{TIOMS OF SUCH POUCIES I7 . LIM S S NOWN MdY }{qy£ BEEN R£OUCED BY PdIC CUIMS. °O L7R 7'?iE OF WSURANCE PO4CY NUMaf11 ? vaucrEFiECTIVE p{KW E7(ryp/.t10H DATtl fNM/DD/Y'!/ MTE V.1MN?f?YI wul'f G GENFpAI NAflIq7Y - A ? COMrnlFCfALGFNEFhLL ' ? 6¢kBGdL 444N96.Y! 14500,OQD A.181lITV }p4 ? 7fQQ ' 06?a1/97 06101198 PRDO r ?AIT?ISMA?F ? UCTS•GQM?IOFAlY? Y J0 Q?OpQ OGCW I Uv?keN'y 4 ?aNTRACTDA'S P pER$pf?qL4ADY UUJVRY -- • SOO OOO pOT fACNOCCURREHCE e SOO ? OOO KI9[OAMAQCIMyon?lbo • 50,Q0Q AVYOIM001K WOIUT' mED EX? fMy uw pppn? n j y 5? 000 A A u+rauro ALL oWNEO dUT05 I 79477546 ?- OB/Ol/97 06/01J98 . CDMB-nEUainw.e4:urt ".. $500,000 SCNEWLEO a T ? ? T ' . B09tlY INJUPY y O£ ? $ MUiEDAtiTpg +1 (P?r ppr?l - 6 N Y - cocrcv+uourtr . oN?owNeoqU7o5 1Pe,??n?? ? ? I I I PpOPCATV pAMACE 0 i 6AdAGF UAQipTY ? ANY A4170 4t IT0 prylV. Ep ACCIOLNT 1 6TMM Tn?N ?4TQ ?T E?CM AGCIDFNT f A66AlW7i ? EXCE56 YA81(Jry A R uMfae a F EA4'wGCC4ARiMCE i1,0OO,OOO w o u OTMER TNqN Up B 79477547 p6/01/97 . 06/Ol/98 AGGREGATE s1, 1000,000 A qELtq Fpi1M D wORKERSCOwWbLTIpHµO ' ' Aru. p'rN. . .. .. ' EMPIOYWi UA8IUTY M , ffs ." . ., . . ?. ?? 8 MEiROPWF?OW I ' P?M[nAGGOlM *500,000 XECyTtVB IMfNEX$fE?AE pFi1C8RS INCL Qf.0a3 J.$f}? 0(/01197 / 0610?./98 ELOISEASE - POOCYLIMIT : Og(y(?1 QQO : UTXER EiCPI EL D19fA.5E • Ef EMVIAVEE f 500 , ODa A Csrgo Covarage 79477595 66/01/97 06/O1/98 SgeC.Parm $75,000. ' SSOO.DB@. Sllct. Ltan£t CFSCAIpfbN Oi OARwiqr740CA11oNr(14N1CIA717YlCIK lipet . ?loers Liability Aeg3deat d Dieeaee Poli.cy LieiiE fe $500,000., Theo rleqra Compensata oa ag *a oag to E[iaaes Ea Ati6 loyees vhile wpXking Q I K M p Geaeial L9,abflSty Pdl?t3o r al Yu t i . e OY M1?SSt680L•a. i ta ity o? Aa 9 i i e z d C A ? ¢ERTIFICA7E'HOLDFA ?<. . -.:.." ' ... . . .. ; ;; . . .. ... .. .... . . . . ... .... ...... >.. . :. : .... . • - . _, :.. :c _ , ,.. . _ . ... __.... . .: ?+ am EMOULO PMY oF iME ABOVf DFSCPo9ED DOUCIFS Yp W NCELIED BEFOAE 7HE City d£ $bqon EXP1RAilON D47ETMiMOF, rifE!9YUING COMPANV WIY £NO[AVOR YO MAIL 3830 P12ot Xnob Road ZO WYSwPmFNNOTIOGTOTN¢CERTVICATlMOtD211NwwqOTpT11LLLA, P.O. BOX 21199 WTFNtuppTpMA1LWCXNOT(CESN4ULLtPOSENOpWW710NOFLUHIl1iY $agili, mu $5121 WMIYRWDVMNTx[COMI`NH.IY9AWNT80RflFY11E3[MTairvE6 . .? 0lP2EOIE?X6S ATVE PI7 ' •?' / 4coR0 25•5 f1196f .. , ..... liatthew A. Suad9eA /'/ .. . .. -.? .' .. ".":.' . . . . .: . . . w.aCbRO CORPORATION 1988 SENT BY:L G N g H " ? :I1-26-97 :12:59P]1 LOCKRIDGE GRiNDAL NALI;N 6. HOLSTEIN P.L.L.P. nTTOPNFvS AT LAw sUIre zzoo IUy wa?NING!ON AVE?4UE sOVT, MI!dNEAPOLiS, MINNESpTA SS401-215D TE?ePnON6 (d@) 339-BBOO Ya?siHiLE f6?2f 3]9-oss9i $UITE 9OU. SOUlH BUIl.O1NG 601 PENNSYLVAMIA ?VENUE, N.\v. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20004 TEL[PM?NE ($C3) >39-GIG] 1'1L3?FtILE f2oz? 63B•B2]B LG\gH, H09EPi J.4tyyiT n?OCfv L.ESt[eo LnnR?_9 A. NAlli.v r?. Tr?CUL'I?RE ?rft?NLA? 4N0A L,wOLSTGN M'JOSCr+4 BIiVCKNeq ?GLOLEY w, uCERSpn ?nrqin? ..aLoooCOno JOSCPM N.NV3-LEN CHRISTOPNCR S. SANOnCI+C X4BflY E.G41LAnfp 612 E8? 5718:= 1% 1 arILl'h" n.0e11aLCn (n,c c. rovro,;J ?+C1:A1 C. w:YC?-E •SEV ?,4A.?`SQN f4Fle i'IVYLF, i Ssqq .i?D4Fu 9VSnN E.LLLI!+'??T1J rerr. ??.. k.... •? c. nr.i?t. *. B?l[Hi JOnOnN c?oisrinN u.s.+N>c h40N a (???u JEFlP[v T. ryppt<Np O/ COVM9LL ?EHO, r, ?nOVlrv DAV1El A. FAf10(ql' NiLOA M. MCOnLO" npr?STEO IN W?9n?NG1QHD.C ONl1 FACSIMiLE TRANSMITT r ?FsT /TO: ?! !11r I47YI ?C1.S[?'iZ? FROM: ??-- ".=aX ii : Ln 3 1' 57/9 DATE: IJnl? 4li /997 TGTAL, PACES (include thi4 pg) FILB NO. : ---- Ll FILE NAME: ORIGI27iiI, TO FOLLOW HY N•ATL: vES CUhIMF:NTS /INSTP.UCTIONS : FOR YOUR: INFORM,ATIGN 1150 - rn _'_.. NO REVIEW FtcSpONSE lIiON Fa% LOwv?["r[ON MCRIAN !O: _y ?1L ? [ppT rtOpTe y Oft MV9:!_ DU? BY: _ f ,f vo. 339-65UU ext. 347 for ,.o,. L:1: le belr.q c1a11m:1.e0 On a aemx Tn:e[as Our cele,au ?lil r ? rance oEfice n0uY9 (9 em - , m, •?•S?a aoc?mmca nuppnucicaltl betq;?, Quring enC ?{?er ?e?Y Lloamncinn cmt>SneQ in tlLLa [acslmlle epewge la attorney-elime prlvlleged eM mn1,14MCin1 inCnry,SOn Snteetl,d for?t?l??? o[ tbe 'vmdi?eeHttyA?^ d?e. If 1N 1wtilnr f thva r?.py9e lo nae tn< intended r<dVlcni, oC tM or agcnt ponuiLle t c11ver 1[ to [R[ lnGended zeclPlen[, ou a dieoemiwpion, pye[Yldu[ivv er coDying of cA+n c[r.w?lc?cinn Se B[clccl ? TC ?eneby natl=lec4 [ha[ any c.?.micatlon in crror, pl.rwae famedi.cu o Y pT??? ?°d: wf 1'ou Gave .LveQ [Clv a?ene via Che U.S. pun[xl aesvlCC. Y° C1Ly ue by [el?pnone, ?oa ??yrn Vm origlnal exn?ge [o uq a[ ihe abav? L3NGX]] 503-l-1 SE\T 6Y:L G 1 g H :11-26-97 :12:39P11 : LOCKRIpGE GRINDAL NAUEN & HOLsTEIN P.L.L.P. ATT7kfJEY5 YT LAW sui E 2200 !Ou w*?aiNtiTOrv wvfNUC SCUi, MINNEAPOLig, MINNE90TA 5540,-z159 TELcPHONE (612i 3!e-gg00 FAC91Milc (u12) aJP OZ9i zUITE 900, sc]uTN BU'.LDInJ O41 I CNNSVLV/.N1.1 AVCWIJC, N.W. WASHIruGTON, D.Q 20004 TELCpryONC (EOL) 03r-0,03 IA1_SIMI11 :2U2) b33-Aei,, VIA r'AC 'IMif.F - 687-5718 Thomas Wairath West Group 610 Oppcnnan Drive Eagan, MN 55123 RE: 3555 Dodd Road Dear Tom: LG\gH- k09EFT J. SCIIMIT RI[N/?RU A.LOCHIIIAGC ?VOPCV L.[?}ICBO iYAQt.E3 N.Nq'JCA H. f4Fn.ORE GL'n'nA_ LINOA L. HOI Sl'F'IN W. ?osEnii OpJCttNER ??'?Dlt W.AN?F.(tSpN Pn-niciA A. bLuCJwuaO j osr.rH m. IusiLcn C^RIyiOPNER M. 11ryU8E.6 M<RRY F.C-AILA?E.i OV'COUNE_L JF.NUME F. MGOWN ?ANIEL M. F4R0F(3' MILD< ,(. Fl?]9?.OM 1IIUITlEO1V W?Z-ucTOM.>?.uw- Novemher 26, 1997 612 687 5718,= ?! 4 wn L,iwm A. GENf.i 1'w LRIC C..TO:i ?HJ] -En14t 6. MIntR[ FANEN N.hqNyJ\ CARLE ; . n"L[ ly SSl1A 4A]SEV •+F=?•4 F?. fISM6EIN .. J:iAN E c: LIN4ITPD JEAN K..JANE; bCNL'NL F. FETT,.JC eP.HEN E.fiFl '.v T. pnF.N' JUR04h :I+f.l$?IHN nL Sl.N^._ qAppN A. ry,^nry ?fi1=qCVT,.VVpL4N? Enclosed please find a druft of the Abreement and flill of Sele concerning West Publishing Corporation's sale ofthe abovo-referenced property to James Simonet togethcr with b4r. SimoneYs at;rsements cone:erning his removal of the house from West's property. After you have had an opportunity to review the agreement, please,cali wiih any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely yours, IE,G:mdw Enclosures LOCKRIDGE GRiNDAL NAUEN & FIQL-ST'E[N p.L.L.P. ? Harr? E. er uanMi SENT BY:L G N g H :11-26-97 : 1:OOPM : L G N g H, 612 687 5718:TM 3/ 4 , • ? • , . DRAFP I IP26/97 AG12EEMENT AND BILL OF?AI F TIIlS ACREEMENI• iy entered into by and between WEST PUBLISAING CORpOI2ATI0N, a Minncsota c:orporation ("Seller'), and aAMES SIMONET, West 10829 Highway 29, Riverfalls, Wisconsin 54022 ("Buyer")- ? WIiEREAS, Seller is the owRCr of a residential housing structur ("St ??e") located at 3555 Dpdd Road, Eagaq Tvlinnesota and desires to have said Structure removed frpm its property; and W13ERf'.AS, Buyer desires to acquire the Structure from Seller and remove it from Seller's property; NOW, TEiEREFpRE, jn con5ideration of the forcgoing and the mutual premises wfuch follow, the parties agee as follows: 1. Buver's Aareeroent. In cpnsideration of Seller's agreementc set forlh in Section 2 hereot; 8uyer agees to undertake the following at Buyer's sole cost and expense: a. To arrange for the removal and relocalion ofthe Stnac(ure from Seller's reaI property by a properly licensed and insured contractor, acceptable to Seller, in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances and permitsi b- To apply for, secure and comp(y with all applicable parntits necessary for the removal of tha Struaure. ?. To obtain liability and casualty insuraiuc nanung Seller as an additionnl insured in the amount of One IvTillion Dollazs ($1,000,000.00) covering loss to the Structure, damage or injury to Seller's property, employees and agents and damage or injury to the persons or properiy of any third partic;s. d. To arrenge for a properly licensed and insured contractor, acceptable to Seller, to seal ?he weu loeated on Sellers property serving the Structure in compliancc with all applicable laws, regulalions and orAinances and to notify the proper authorities o£the closure ofthe we(I, e. To attange for a properly licensed and insured contractor, accepta6le tu Seller, to backfiil the foundation left by the removal of the Structure with clean fi11. £ To remove and properly dispose of all debris, rubbish and other materials resulting from the removal of the Structure, g. To indemnify, defend and hold harmless Seiler, its officers, directors, employees and agents, from and agauul any and all claims, actions, causes of action, damages, liabilities, injuries, costs or expenses of any nature resutting from or arising out of Btiyer's removal and relocation ofthe Structure. 238692-I SEyT BY:L G N g H 11-26-97 : 1:01PN : L G N g H- 612 687 5718:: 4/ 4 2. 1 s A r em n. In consideration of One Dollar ($1,00), $uyer's agreemc,nts set forth herein and other good and vaiuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 5eller does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and quit claim unto Buycr, his successors and essigns forever, SeUefs right, title and inierest in anQ to the Sfructure. The Structure conveyed by this Agreement and gill of Sate is transferred to Buyer "AS LS" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limitrd to, the warranties of compliance with applicable codes, performanc;e, merehantability or fitness for 8 particular purposc. 3• Bu r's Acknowledgment, Buyer heroby acknowledges and agrees thal nothing cnntained Iierein shall give Buyer any right, tiUe or interest in or to ihe real property on which the Structure is located. 'N TESTIMoNI' VVHEREDF, Buyer nnd Seller have executed this Agreement and Bill of Sale this _ day of 1997 BU YER: SELLER WEST PUBLISHING CORPORA'CION Jaines Simonet By D. J_ Bec]unghatn Its Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer ?38692•1 2 DA KOTA COUNT Y DAKOTA COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER THOMAS Y. NOVAK TREASURER - AUDITOR MASTINOS OFFICE Administration Canter 1580 Hlghway 55 West He9lings, MN 55033-2392 (612) 438d576 Fax (612) 438-8260 Date: November 21, 1997 RE10 83803 050 00 To Whom It May Concem: WESTERN SERYICE CENTER ,14955 Geleiie Avenue APOia Valley, MN 55124-8579 (612) 897-]5]0 Fax: (812?891-7575 This is to certify that there are no delinquent tvices for the year 1997 & 1996 and prior on the above described property. I£you have any further questions on this matter, please contact our office. , --, ? G'?i Thomas V. Novak ? Dakota Co aty Treas rer-Auditor ? ,-? ? Primetl on recycled OaoeG 20% posFCOnsumer AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITV EMPLOVEft iJ /?E1/'fOT?1 ELE[TR/[ N S 5 O[! q 1/ O N . ' r ' r 3300 220di Street West Farmington. W\ 55024-9583 (612) 463_7134 1-800-874-3409 F,1.C (612) 463-6256 A Locally Oulned, Noreproftt E/ectr ic Ufiliti' October 30, 1997 West Group Gene LaBarre 610 Opperman Drive St Paul MN 55164 Re: Account #241382 3555 Dodd Rd, Eagan Dear Mr. LaBarre, This letter is in regards to the above mentioned property. It is our understanding that this home will be moved from iYs present site. We agree that West Group will contact Dakota Electric Association at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled move to have the electric service disconnected and removed from the home. Please contact Verne Frandrup, Utility Services Director, at 463-6276 to schedule this. Sincerely, 1 Julie A. Simansen ? Energy Services Assistant 463-6237 ? Printrd on rccN rlcil paprr AitAffu'mativcAction/}?yual OppurtuninEmplu}er .? . . ?'ITY OF EAGAN 830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT PERMIT TY Permit Number: Date Issued: 2 3432 HWY 55 LOT: S BLOCK: SECTION 12 P.I.N.: 10-01200-080-02 DESCRIPTION: FOUNDATION Building,,Permit Type 80il,ding, ?qrk Type Census Gode & WINDOWS I SF (MISC.) ALTERATIONI 434 RLT. RESIDENTIAI , rT k11 , 1? i ? ? I sf1 r? EEr }t^,`i?i, i Ft s. . A? BUILDING 031432 02/10J98 REMARKS: • $3.000.00 CpLLECTED TO ENSURE THAT BUILDING IS BROUGWT INTO CONFORMANCE WITH APPLICABL£ BUIIDING CODE REQUZREMENTS. THIS AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED TN ' Fiiii nNCF RFOUTREMENTS ARE FULFILLED FEE SUMMARY: i VALUATION $17,000 ? Base Fee $241.75 OTHER I $3.000.00 5urcharge $8.50 Total Fee I $3,250.25 Subtotal $250.25 ?•. ? . ? ; CONTRACTOR: OWNER: ? - Applicant - SIMONET ? JAMES W10829 I MWY 29 RIVER FALL3 WI 54022 (715)425i2279 a z , , I hareby_aeknowled-ge that-I have',read thi,s applica ti4n arid stata; that tMe inFormation iscanrect an.d' agre?e,to compl,yk wi„th,arll aP'PY14 ai kle State dfMn;? Statu?tes and Git;y 4f Eagan Ordinznces.' L . n _ . . _ . . _ .. .. ??. . ` n . __ _ . _ .? APPLIGANT/PERMITEESIGNATURE ? ISSUED BY. SIG ATU E ? ?j 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CR -S' ? J I T??? CITY OF EAGAN 5830 PII.OT KNOB RD - 55122 ,l 681.4675 New Conshuction Recuirementa Remodel/Renetr Reauirementa ? 3 regiatered site surveys ? Z copies of plans (include beam & window aizee; poured ind. desipn; etc.) • 7 energy calculations ? 3 eopies of tree preservetlon plan H bt platted after 7/1/93 required: _ Yes _ No DATE: =,?F- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? 2 copies of plan ? 2 sita surveys (exterior eddttions & dadcs) ? 1 energy eelalations for heated additions CONSTRUCTION COST?I6, SO G STREET ADDRESS: 3 't ?7- N cv ) S ?7 I'u IV, 2, ? C/ LOT: o BLOCK: ? SUBD./P.I.D. #: ? Z- Name: ?-S /rnpl7C r TF7(T7P5 Phone #: 715- `/ :L S- a. a 7?I PROPERTY Lsst F"5t b2Z OWNER CONTRACTOR Street Address:-U.,11dPa1'y HWY a. Q City _X/frp /' rat& State: U( S, zip: s yo a? Company: 5 ig /Lt e Phone #: Street City State: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: Name: Registration #: Zip: Street Address: Ciry Sewer & water licensed plumber (new constructi?on only): and bt change is requested once permit is issued. License # Penalty applies when address chang I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to crompty with all applicabl State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? Signature of Applicant ? OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required State: Zip: . h OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE O 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex O 03 SF Addition ? 08 S-plex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex I? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 _-plex l' WORK TYPE T" ? 31 New 0 32 Addition O 11 Apt./Lodging ? O 12 MuRi RepaidRem. ? O 13 Garage/Accessory ? ? 14 Fireplace ? ? 15 Deck b,? l'%g4wd (anIX ?dVhQ'q/v'h 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscelianeous g 33 Alterations ? 36 Move ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. Footprint sq. ft. APPROVALS Planning Building Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. ?/j SAC Code Census Bldg ? Census Unit ? Engineering Variance Valuation: $ Z000 Ala P/? fLu?rsuc? ? ? °k SAC SAC Units CITY USE ONLY V LOT ,/J BL ? RECEIPT #: % O 0? Y SUBD. t/ RECEIPT DATE: 1 ??a??l? , ?? 199$ M£CHi4NICAL PEitM1T (liUIDENTiAia cirY oF EAsex 3630 PaoT Kvoa Rn EAsax MN 55122 (612) 681-48T5 Date: Complete this section onlv if you aze installing FiVAC in single family, townhomes or condos under construction and not owner /occupied ' • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets ( minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) • State Surcharge: .50 • TOTAL: Complete this section onlv if you aze remodeling, adding to, or repairing existing single family dwellings, townhomes, or condos. Note: Mechanical permit is not required for alteration/add-on to ductwork in existing residential units; but is required for the following: ? Install fumace _ _ Install air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. ? Minunum fee applies to all remodel or add-ons of existing residences State Surcharge Install air conditioning Other 0/- WL_? &atz?,? $ 20.00 50 Total: $ 20.50 SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: JC? Y17 P_C PHONE #: COD / 7D c?S^ INSTALLER NAME: -6e( f PHONE #: STREET ADDRESS: CI71': 1S/FORMS BLD/MECH PERMIT (RES) - 1998 STATE: ZIP: ? ?c-"???' f51GNANRE OF PERMITTEE L Q? gL 02- CITY USE ONLY RECEIIPT #: 9??Cp U ? SUBD. ? RECEIPT DATE: ?z 9 I I 1998 PLLJNBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CSTY OF EAGAN I 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 ? (612) 681-6675 Please complete for: D single family dwellings .. ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTURES Shower Water Closet Bath Tub Lavatory ?fn nP p Q,?f' ?1?? h Kitchen Sink Laundry Tray Hot Tub/Spa T ? Water Heater Floor Drain Gas Piping Outlet " minimum - t Rough Openings WatefSoftenQr `fordwellingsunderconstruction Water Softener ' for existing dwelling U.G.Sptinkler 'fordwellingunderconst. U.G. Spnnkler ' for existing dwelling Alteration5 ' to existing residence Water Turn Around Private Disposal System " MPC rc. (new and refurbished systems) Private Disposal Systems ' abandonment RPZ (new installation only) EACH 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 5.00 20.00 3.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 75.00 TOTAL = 20.00 20.00 = STATE SURCHARGE .50 TOTAL I ? .50 i -----------------------at ----------------------- ---°----------------- I--------------------------------------- I hereby adcnowladge th 1 - have read this application, state thatthe infamstion is corred, and agree to comply wdh all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPs responsibility to notiy the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for sny damages caused by the City during its normal oparetional and maintenance activities to the hacilities constructed under this permit within City propertylright-of-wayleasement. SITEADDRESS: iSqA-5c./- 1,*,!4 lf1 n I TZ"irt 1`? OWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: ?rmnlr_ ? X r! n7.?-E- i :=inL TELEPHONE #: C?eSI? ?-f 2- 1??? STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: SIGNATURE bF PERMITfEE x ' x x I x ? x i x '. x ? x I x x ? x x x ? ZIP: SSI[?-7 CDlPERMIT FORMS/RPLBG PERMIT (RES) - 1998 p? CITY USE ONLY p? L O. BL• 02 RECEIPT#: 5?SO SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: 1998 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PIIAT IINOH RD EAGAN, A47 55122 (612) 681-4675 _-?--__---? Please complete for: ?? sin le famig, ly dwellings? -? homes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTURES EACH # TOTAL Shower 3.00 x = Water Ctoset 3.00 x = Bath Tub 3.00 x = Lavatory 3.00 x = Kitchen Sink 3.00 x = Laundry Tray 3.00 x = Hot Tub/Spa 3.00 x = Water Heater 3.00 x = Floor Drain 3.00 x = Gas Piping Outlet ' minimum - 1 3.00 x = Rough Openings 1.50 x = Water Softener ` for dwellings under eonstruction 5.00 x = Water Softener " for existing dwelling 20.00 x = U.G. Spflnklef ' for dwelling under const. 3.00 = ' 20.00 = Aiterations to existing residence 20.00 = Zo Water Turn Around 20.00 = Private Disposai System ' MPC iic. 75.00 = (new and refurbished systems) Private Disposai Systems "Abandonment 20.00 = RPZ (new installation only) 20.00 = STATESURCHARGE .50 TOTAL 2G, Sa ha of Eagen ordinances. Yhereby acknowledge that I ve read this epplication, state that the infomiation is correct, and agree to comply wifh all applicable City It is the applicanPs responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance ac[ivities to the facilities wnstructed under this permit within City propertylrightvf-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: 3 9 3 Z. ?w 1/ S 5 c7 rl /ti N SS ? Z/ OWNER NAME: 4- -? 7/S INSTALLER NAME: J/ry! ,Srr» on ?+ TELEPHONE #: 'YZ.S- Z Z 72 STREET ADDRESS: 4-)? G?-"' Z N?v v? r CITY: gI Y l-c? l STATE: ZIP: 5y0 2 Z X j OF PERMITTEE CD/PERMIT FORMS/RPLBG PERMIT (RES) - 1998 -, ? /U- ?/aoo- Site Evaluation & Design Specificatiores r-.;r- On- Sife Sewage Treatment Systecri For Jim Simonet Property located at: ?? . .55 T27N R23 S12 CiTy of Eagan, MN Prepared By: Bolton & Menk I Consulting Engineers and Surveyer;s 515 N. Riverfront Dr. Mankato, MN 56001 ' SITE EVALUATION AND DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR ON-SI7'E SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM Jim Simonet Dec. 29, 1997 BMI Project No. ER97.0360 I hereby certify that ffiis report was prepared by me and that I am a Designated Registered Professional in the ISTS progam under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ISTS License No. 2487 BOLTON & NfENK, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND LAND SUAVEYORS A. INTRODUCTION This site evaluation and desisn of an on-site sewage treatment system w,as on December 29, 1997. The scope of this project is limited to: 1. Define and locate an area which is suitable for an on-site sewage treatme.-,: s, s.::n on property owned by James Simonet, located in the west half of the east hai.' e--= 7N, R23W, 512, within the city of Eagan. 2. Explore and review the subsurface soil conditions on ProPertY to deterr:: :_ ?:: :bilir. an on-site sewage treatment system. 3. Provide written documents of subsoil conditions as pertaining to the on-st_ ?°, age treatment system. 4. Provide design specifications for an on-site sewage treatment system. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM ON PROPERTY The system shall be located in the grassy area located Northwest of the house. C. SOIL CONDITIONS Soil samples were extracted usina a 3-1/4 inch bucket auger. At this site the soil is poorly drained in the upper horizons. Poorly drained sandN clay soils are predominant in the subsoil. The color in the topsoil in a typical horizon was ? ;:r%dark brown (10YR2/2) to a depth of 6 inches, the texture was loamy sand. The subs.e,i; !_yers consisted of poorly drained gravelly clay soils, 10YR4/3 and 10YA3/2 niottles :. visible at a depth of 18 inches. Sire Evaluatiarr & Design Specs - Jim Srmonet Page 1 On-Site Sewage Treatmenr System - ER97 0361 Prepdred hY 73o1;m: <f Menk, lnc. D. PERCOLATION TESTS Percolation tests in the top 12 inches of soil ranged from 16 to 18 minutes per inch. E. ESTIMATED WATER USAGE Information submitted indicates that the house has 4 bedrooms.(Type n The estimated water flow to the system is 600 gallons per day. This system is not designed for a garbage disposal. It is recommended that low water use appliances are used in the home. F. DESIGN REVIEW The presence of mottling at a shallow depth will require the installation of a mounded on-site sewage treatment system. A pressurized mound system would be requi;ed by Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 for adequate treatment. The construction of a mound will require the placement of clean sand on the treatment area to a height suitable to allow adequate treatment of effluent above the zone of mottling. Pressure distribution is required. Design parameters: 1. 4 bedroom type I residence 600 gallons per day 2. Soil absorption rate .50 gallons/ day / square foot 3. Septic tank size - 1,500 gallons Site preparation The dischazge pipe for the mound shall be installed prior to soil surface preparation. The trench excavated to install the pipe shall be carefully backfilled with compacted fill to prevent Site EvQluation & Design Specs - Jim Simonet Page 2 On-Site Sewage Treatment 5ystem - ER97 0367 Prepared b), Bolton & Menk, Inc. seepaae of effluent. All vegetation in excess of four inches in len-2th anu d-_ a_ .:•r ;::.ic dc must be removed from the surface of the total area selected for the mound h:;cr: plac of the fill material. The total area selected for the mound, includin_ the di;_? is to scarified using the teeth on a backhoe bucket in a cross hatchina patterr.. T;:_, :iirec wi11 be over the long axis of the mound. Penetration should be the entire ien211? o; :ne tee the bucket. The top 12 inches of the soil must be dry during scarification. No r?z?=ria1 c: excavated ar removed from the mound area. No wheel traffic is allowe'd ?,vfthin th_- ,carii area before or after the scarification process. A minimum sand layer thickness of 18 inches shall be placed over the mour:c A11 equipment that will be on the sand for placement must be tracked. At lei asc 6:r,=:m?t. of sar must be under the tracks at all times. The surface of the ground under iiie _th o1upslope edge of the rock bed must be at the same elevation. The sand must be well eraded, clean washed sand with at ieast 25% coarse unc :r.ec;ium sa:. and less than 50%o fine or very fine (25 and .OS), and less than 5% fines. Sanc rna:?rials ;:.... conform with current County Regulations. Rock Bed A m;n;mum of 9 inches of clean drainfield rock must be placed on sandlprior to piacement of the distribution pipe. An additional 3 inches of rock must be placed over the pipe for a total depth of 12 inches. The rock layer is to be 10 feet wide and a minimum of 50 feet long. The rocl: nnesi 13e level on the top and bottom. ? Equipment used to place the rock must have tracks. Site Evaiuation & Desigii Specs - Jim Simonet Page 3 On-Site Sewage Trearmenr System - ER97.0361 Prep'pred h? Bolror, ?: Mei:k, /nc. Pressure distribution Effluent from the pumping stadon should be distributed over the rock layer by 2 inch diameter perforated pipe and be under presure. Perforadons in the pipe should be ?/a inch diameter and drilled at a 36 inch spacing. The last perforadon in each lateral should be drilled horizontally into the end cap near the crown of the pipe. Insure at least one foot of rock beyond the ends of the laterals. Layout of the perforated laterals should consist of 3 laterals spaced 40 inches apart. The laterals shall be connected to a 2 inch diameter manifold pipe located at the center or end of the laterals. The manifold must back-drain completely at pump shut off. Sand Mound Dimension The uphill dike should be at least 11.3 feet, with a slope ratio of no steeper than 4:1. The downslope dike width should be at least 21.5 feet with a slope ratio of 4:1. Total sand mound width will be at least 43 feet. Also, 4-5 feet of backfill should extend beyond the toe of the sand to help prevent seep areas. A 4:1 slope ratio is recommended for the dikes at the ends of the rock layer. Insure proper grading on the toe of the uphill dike to insure complete drainage of surface water azound and away from the mound. The total length of the mound must be at least 72.6 feet. Inspection Well An inspection pipe at least 1 1/z inches in diameter should be installed at the center of the rock bed. The pipe should be perforated along the bottom 12 inches, with th'e top capped and extending to the surface of the furished backfill grade. Site Evn(unt(on & Design Specs - Jim Simanet Page 4 On-Sire Sewage Treatment Sysrem - ER97 0361 Prepared b), Bolron & Meni-, Inc. Backfill A layer of Geotextile fabric shall be placed over the rock layer. Construction vehicles shall not be allowed on the rock layer until backfill is nia_'e?. Sandy loam fill shall be placed over the rock layer and sand fill to a depth of i_' :i;c;:es ov the drainfield rock and a depth of 6 inches atthe sides. Six inches of topsoil shall be placed on the entire mound. A=rass cover sha:; b. es:;;blish_ over the entire mound. No shrubs or trees shall be planted on the mound. Pumping station The pumping station should provide a minimum of 27 gallons per minuie with e, 5 f cot hea. . the discharge mainifold. The Quantity of effluent delivered to the mound each pump cycle shall be no mor_- than 25 5( oi the design daily flow. All applicable rules pertaining to the construction of mound style drainfields shall be followed. G. SETBACKS Ail portions of the systems must meet or exceed all required setbacks from strucrures and boundary lines as required by all State and Local reuirements. The sytem must b: a. least 10 feet from all neighboring property lines, and 50 feet from all water supply wells. The septic tanks and lifr station shall be at least 10 feet from all buildings, and the mound d;.,.i ::ield must be at least 20 feet from all structures. ' Site Evaluation & Design Specs - Jim Simonet Page 5 On-Sire Sewage Treatment System - ER97.0361 Prep'ared b) Itnhnn & Menk, Inc. H. LIIbIITATIONS I The recommendations within this report represent the professional opinion of Bolton & Menk, Inc. The findings are in accordance with current accepted standards for evaluating sites and soils for individual sewage ueaunent systems in the State of Minnesota. No warranty is implied or intended regarding the hydraulic performance of the system due to unknown conditions during system construction, future water usage over the life of the system, abuse of the system, and/or inadequate maintenance of the system, all which will adversely affect the life of the system. Soil Boring Report Sheet Site Evaluation & Design Specs - Jim Simanet Page 6 On-Site Sewage Treatment System - ER970361 Prepared by Bolton & Menk, lnc. Soil $oring Report Sheet Borine # SB ] Depth (inches) 0-12 inches 12-18 inches 18- 24 inches 24 - 36 uichc? ? Texture Loamy gravelly clay a aveily clay Lyravelk ciaN j Color (Munsell) 10 YR 2/2 10 YR 5/4 10 YR 5/6 10 Y'R I5/6 ? Structure granular granular granlar granular Restricting Y/N No No Yes (mottling) Yes (Mottlin«) I BOT'.1Tlg # ',;R2 CamP ac ahnva Depth(inches) inches inches inches inche,j' Texture ' Color (Munsell) ' Structure Restricting Y/N ? '-- Borine # SB 3 5ame as ahnve Depth(inches) inches inches inches inches Texture l i Color (Munsell) j Structure i Restricting Y/N ' Boring # SB4 Same as above Depth (inches) inches inches inches ?inches inches Texture I Color (Munsell) Structure i Restricting Y/N I Site Evalu¢tian & Desrga Specs - Jim Srmonet P4ge 7 On-Site Sewage Treatment System - ER97.0361 Prepared hi 6atror & Menk, Inc. • ' ' MOUND DESIGN WORKSHEET ' (For Flows up to 1200 gpd) A. FLOW Estimated ?gpd (see pages D-7 or I-3, 4, 5) or measured O gpd x 1.5 = B. SEPTIC TANK LIQUID VOLUMES .?d77 `gallons (see pages C-3 or G5) C. SOILS (refer to site evalua6oN l. Depth to restricHng layer = inches 2. Depth of percolarion tests = inches 3. Percolation rate ?f- Slr mpi 4. Land slope / % Eaimned $nvye Fb? in Galiuns pc day ' (6pd) 'Nim n' 'al TYP` I rypc 11 ryR m rrv ? .: 2 30? ZZS 130 ? 950 30D 216 ? 375 256 s ?w aw zx 6 90D 525 332 ?1 I ?? 1050 600 770 t 1200 675 406 m sqls 7..k or?'+o ?. pu... \wehvd MiniooLiqu?d l.i9uNerys'ry?iW o.a?.?. c?s.?+n lvhv lib 7" 1 a 100 ? ? 4 6 721 D 7.11 s9 2ppp 700p aw9 D. ROCK LAYER DIMENSIONS i. Multiply flow rate by 0.83 to obtain required area of rock layer: Daily Flow x 0.83 = i(iC2 gpd x 0.83 sq. ft./gpd sq. ft. 2. Select width of rock tayer (10 feet or less) 3. Length ock layer = Area + Width 49 fk. _ - sq. ft. - -/ ? ft. E. ROCK VOLUME 1. Multipi rock area by rock dept to get cubic feet of rock; 21,90, sq. ft. x L ft. _ cu. ft. 2 Divide cu. ft. by 27 cu. ft./cu. yd. to get cubic yards; ?nL cu. ft. + 27 =-Alr-cu. yd. 3. Muldply cubic yazds by 1.4 to get wei?ht of rock in tons; ??cu. yd. x 1.4 ton/cu. yd. = p'? tons. ? Rock Bed ? 1-.f•! •M'\w. V 1K.1.H r4 .ti•ti.4.?.. µ" •?y?•rY•r?- idld 570 ft .t?ti:L•ti??w???FM•!y.l?f ..?.I+J•1'4VFlNY :%??hty%S! ?-- Lensm --? F. ADSORPTION WIDTH 1. Perwlarion mte in top 12 inches of soil is ?mpi 2. Select allowable soil loading rate from table on page E-; gpd/ft' 3. Calculate adsorption width ratio by dividing rock layer ioading rate of 1.20 gpd/fP by allowable soil loading rate; 2.20 gpd/ft2+ '5?- 8Pd/ftz = -?.-. Check this value on page E-16. 4. Mulriply adsorprion width ratio by rock layer width to get required adsorption widtt; /0 x .' ft=gA-ft Absorption Width Six(ng Tabk evcWaGen Raid inMinuioyw Irch (Mi1) SailTasturt Gobns pcrmyper puue foa xuioor Abmpiunwdin in Rock I»er wam F,..am a,• cm.esre . _-- 0.105 Svid 1.7D IAO 0.1bS•• FioeSaod•• 0.60 7M 6 u I S SnOy Ltwn O.M I S2 16a30 Low 0.60 i.W ci 60 b 17l1 Cliy 0.71 SIq slmre,we Cl,y - --- 1'!7•. G. L2pWNSLOPE DIKE WIDTH 1. If ]andslape is /% or more, subtract rock layer width from adsorption width to obtain minimum downslope dike toe for absorption: 'R`( I/ ft - AD ft = ? feet 2. CaIculate minimum mound size based on geometery: a. Detemvne depth of clean sand fill af upslope edge of rock layer: Separutron -4Lfeet h. Multip]y rock layer width by ]andsIope to determine drop in elevation; Slope Difference ?x-,(a-%,-100=,t,P feet m?mc. Add depth of clean sand depth of clean sand for separation at upslope edge (2a) to depth of rock layer to rock depth and the depth of cover to find the total mound height at upslope edge of rock la er• J,? ft + 1 ft + 1 ft = feet d. Enter table on page bottom with landslo e and upslope dike ratio. Select dike multiplier of a 3 e. Multiply dike muitiplier by upslope mound heighE to get upslope dike width: .7,.23 xfeet f. Add the depth of slope difference (2b) to the upslope height to get the downslope hei ht 3. b + r ?o =?feet g. Enter table on page bottom with landslope and downslope dike ratio. Select dike multiplier oF h. Multiply dike multiplier by downslope mound height to get downslope dike width:Zf 2? x50 _ 021,feet i. Compare the values of step G.1 and Step G.21. Select the greater of the two values as the downslope dike width; a/, feet j. Total mound width is the sum of upslope dike width plus rock layer width plus downslope k. dike undth; 11•3 ft+ Z 0_ft+ ZI.S ft= "LLfeet Total mound length is the sum of upslope dike width p2us rock layer length plus upslope dike width; f I. 3 ft + So ft +!1. 3 ft feet x? ai ?s ope sa e 1 7a 2:1 ei is ? ci 7a e:1 s abpe 0 i )A ].Oi 4,0 (.lf 5.0 S.M CO LS{ ].U 77 ]A 291 4.0 ) f SA 60 ' 7A BA 2 7 319 ISS 5_ib CC 3,14 213 . i ]n 4.76 {d{ s.(6 S,]{ 65{, GU ]Al 690 A 730 341 454 lM 5.9 6Zi 732 7d9 flM 9.71 2]S 266 lS/ iq 4-U 5.01 5]v iiS S 79 SAG ip t37 107/ 267 33t il9 4-00 lL 4.62 SAi 3391 6.OG ST 7 i ]!) 3% SSi SA1 7.6Y L 103+1 I37I 2" 117 ].A ?. {.71 L lJ0' SSA1.]] 9 411 6b 31 9.00 1154 i]A1 15.91 Ii97 242 2I6 I.0 29{ ySf 345 4.p5 7 90 4.49 L]0 1 ?9? l C 30 1• ?2y ? Y 6D [OA 15L0 7317 331 2K 373 . 3.75 l17 . 1 N IZ . ?,6p 7.14 ).N 11.11 1250 1765 IIA] J11.? t].Ta 2l6 31 2 2]! 170 ]37 7.61 3.95 ' t16 . ].R 7;9 ].BO ? 41M k Tm., L?.gt, 7.1?------?? pm !? ?? y O' ` V i ??j.1 • , ` ,e5 ? „t. • ,- 't - ''" ?, ti:-•-`•, °s ' • 16,p•'o f ?t 5 . . . : ? a ?' p l j. . ? /Cl rg,,, J ? W ?C p w ? 3 Q ? 0 'W Cb ? 1?? N ~ pw. ? g n o? / ? 3 ? r ? ) / 0 , ? $ 00'35'SY I O?Cb / // '// u?t.30. 1997 2Fh?/ h4CCurdlls FR?.?dI; tOuSr i oNI /v ? S? V-% i, ? a. 373 i F. ;/ ? co `" N00' S1 W ` •- ? Itz / / ti 0 D ? x ? f ? W Cfl pa rri (? y c o p I? o i a ? n m a o = 0 I?E-- ?N 00'35'51' at3.At M I mnvEwar \ r? w ??- u' ,-? ex? isnNC BLDc -- N ?4•1g,18, 1 6180 ? ? Ln ?S t n Q M • \ O O ti ? l 12 .? 0 x ? z ? w ? ? r ? r 3 •o w PROPOSED DRAINFlELD n2? v 18.0' Cv u' 1"2, . _n PROPa5E0 828 ? oan,rvrAr c?oAR??yN,P t0 w \? c ) ., W \ ? r Q ? ......... ? W ? N W z S ? F-- C:3 O ? L.1 ? Z H (? ? N 0i < ? F W ? Lj n LLJ 3 i-=- cu ? ? J \. . [V ? 85.0' ' ? LO , ' r I I ? I MR. JAMES SIMMONET ??F?vqr I ? 4.7 ACRES i ? ? m ?`?_? ?---------------? , , MARTIN & I ? KIRHNER I i 1.4 ACRES ; I ? ? ? ? ?. L/ ?. N , -? , ?-? ._, -?_ ??- ? -?_ ? .? `? .` ..? ,. .. ? m?.,? •? , / • ,,,,,, ? ' ?' • `l?.L.?Z? J ' O:MFt ?`\`` / ??ti_`` ,Y ?`? •... S J 1 1'+. ? ..t ?,-,?,? ? ? p ??•,, ? ' .LM' Atneriims=vmrzVs ...............AM..f._t..tS ? iemr aar-r ExlatlnE LeEal Deacriptioa: Th3t part of tne Weat Half of the East Ha:f o: thc Northeaet QuarLer of Section 12, I Towr.s?tip 27,0 Ranpe 23, beE.inainG r,t a_point on Lne_eaBS line- of eaid Neat Hal: of the Fast Y.alf of' the Northexst Quarter salo pc1nL beine 837.16 ;eet south of the norLn line of eald Section 17; thenae Weat 156.10 Teet; thenze North 180.26 feet; thence West 275' feet to a point Mhlch is 230 feet Eset of the Hest line o.* said k'est Hal!' of the East Ha1P of the Northeaet Quarter; then::e 5osth and parallel with said Went lins 735.8 feet to tre.nartherly right of Nay line of 5tate Tr:mk Highwav No. 55; thence southeaeterly j alonE. eiLid riFht o; way line to the Esat line of said Went Hdlf of the Fast Half o: ttie Northeast Quarter; thence North alonp s:.id East line 760.27 teet to the point of`.beginning, i ContalninE; 7.67 acree, more or less. I °XCBPTING tnerePror. tha lande descriLed aa Tollowa: Befinning at a point on the Eaet line of eaid Weat Half of the Faet Hal:' of the Northeaat 4uarter, said point being 637.16 faet south of the North line of aaid Seation 12; thence West 156.10 faet; thence North 190.16 feet; thence Weat 275 ?'eet to a poiat whiah la 130 feet East of the Heet line of ssid Xsst 'Ha2f of the East. HalT of the Northeaat Quarter; ther?ce South and parallel with said Meat ? line 285 teet, thence aouthoaaterly to a Dolat on the Fzst line oT,the liest 4alf of tbe BaatlisiP 'i NortheaEt Cuarter which Se 265 t'eet South of the point of beginniag; thence Nortifi aloag I said!Ssst line to the point of beginning. A ND A I S O n C C E P T I N G t be 1 ieat 190 feet of the Sast 250 t'eet of the West Halr of the I East half of the Hortheast Quarter of 3ection 12. Townshia 27, Renbt 23, Dakota County, Mlaneaota, lying south of a line draxn at riEht angles from a pcint on the Eaat line of said Went Half of.the Faat Half of the Northeaat 4uarter Section 12, diatant 1362.43 feet South ' of the Horth line o!' Seation 12 and North of the Northerly right of ray line of State Trunk HighMaq No. 55. 7bgether xith an essement over that part of the Eqst 60 leet of the iiest Half of the Fast Halt' of the Northeaet Quarter, Section 12 adjacent thereto for ingresa and egresa. I r 9ne? A. ? Ae. ? v ? 175 _ , . ?ac ? byd a`t?y 4?? s 5 • ?. ? ; tit? l?rv I ? Asu/ A. AI 6?ntri? vc ?1, Mei?p?Sil I Z s°A?I 0 l Z ?' l u ? 1 ? ? o v rl _ L e W/J J ?. ° ? g t? A c. L t /ene Mi/?.Y *>',!" ?w -? -r \ :as tS ? ? . ? o 0 ? ? . a , '? Alrin G,. J•\ i L. R.t C. Ih'p J? 1s+-R ? v . ?I : i I ? c ? r m \? ? VZO n te,' Avti 1 . _{ .w . O?typla- ?!? 3- IARTIN A LYp1A CiRCMpI?[i? T. ?iTl-J ti4P \ r ?. K . S? ?l r? 1? December 16, 1997 Dear Mayor and Council: At this time the applicant is stating that the house will be moved iniYia theeld to the east of the proposed location. It seems to be the best and most logical way, with little to no damage occurring to the area's land or vegetation. But, I must ask that approval of the permit be contingent on this claim and a condition be added to state that if this route is not feasible that the house will need to find a different location. Justification: Trying to bring this 24' house up our 10' narrow dirt driveway would result in total destruction of a wetland and all (?,o ) significant trees that hug our road. The costs are to high to the neighbors and native habitat's eco-system to attempt to use our driveway for this move. We believe this property has the right develop as a homesite, but hope the council realizes that if this were new construction, the area's environment and driveway would not be adversely affected. We are simply asking that the same condition be applied with this home being moved in. Regards, Peggy Carlson Resident t 1250 Highway 55 • P.O. Box 456 \ }? 6us: (672) 437-5600 Hastings, Minnesota 55033 Da ota CDUnI Fax: (612) 437-8876 IT ACCOUNT NO. 1013 3 CHARGE TO: ATTN: DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACT C 0 D- ASSTRAGT DEPARTMEHT 1250 HIGHWAY 55 HASTINGS, MN 55033 INVOICE 95233 ?.? DA'ff. 10/1097 _ ORD_NNO. A97-25118 UNITl6lOSE9# 0 ' pftD R . .° .... POL VA' OUM?? ... ... NPE 29 ? f. . I MOflTWGEE'S . _ . OWNEft'S, ,. _ _ . _.?. Simonet _CUSTOMER flEFERENCE Zonin Re . ORDERED BV_ JIM SIMONET I _IENDEF. _ . _ ' . PROPERNADORESS CIN. .. ' . ST. :GOUNTY Eaqan I, (7H Dakota LE -AL DESCRIPTiON _ .. _. _ .. . _ ,_ . . . ... ... Zoning Report rithin 5ection 12, Tawnship 350 feet of Part of East Half of Northeast 8uarter, 27, Range 23. (Needa 1 Set Mailing Labels) BUYER: Simonet, Jim cFiiFR• Simonet, Jim aeooucr CADE . DESCRIPTION . . ;, AMpUNT . 29 Zoning Report 8 Labels ? I 105,00 ZONING REPORT - S1??00 i MAILING LABELS - IS5.t?1? r i ^ ? Q 9 i i / I . . i ; ? ? xj .t I t 4 ??? ?? MT a.t f^(B r"rk 1? ? ? - _i ._.._ ? .. T? \//i Y \?/ l} ?Y: • : I I ? f •, ? " ?+ l %' .J _. i i I I REINARDY • ' AMOUNT ' 105 0@ CUSTOMER COPY 09:27 AIJG 19. ,1998 ID: DHKOTA COUNTY TEL N0: 8516 • 4 #40442 PqGE: 1i1 Ll? Municipal Notice of Well Permit Applh Dakota County Environmental Management Depi Watcr and Land Managcmcnt Scction 14955 Galaxie Avenue West Apple Valley, MN 5 5124 Tel (612) 891-7611 Fax (612) B91-7031 DA7'E: Augua 19, 1998 TO: Tom ColbertJWayne Schwanz Fax 4: (612) 681-4612 FROM: Water and Land Management RE: We[1 Pemut #: 98-618225 We11 Type: DomesKic Municipality: EWn Environmexdal Speciallist: Olsen The Water and Land Managecnent Section ofthe Dakota County Enviroamental Managemetrt Depamnent has received the following pemiit appliration for ihe avell described. If you reqiiire furfhar review of the apglication or iF you have any questions or concans about it, contact the Environmental Specialist listed above ox our office at (612) 891-7011. Ifthere is no response from yonr o9"ice within 24 HOURS (excluding weekends and holidays), we will assume that you have no objections to the issaance of the pennit. Please note that pecmit issuance is aluays condirioned on ihe permit applicant's ohservance of and compGance with all applicable state, coumy, and mmricipai laws aud codes. ? Well Contractor. Date application received: August 18, 1998 Atrtioipated Drillmg Date: August 19, 1998 Time: 9:30 AM rlnticipated Grouting Date: Tune: __-_ Property Owner. Jim Sirnonet Well Owner: 7im Simonet WELL LOCATION: I PI.S Coordinates: 1/4, SW 114, NE 114, NE 174, Sa 12, Town 27, Range 23 Street address: 3432 Hwy 55 PIN Nwnber: 10-01200-080-02 WELL INFORMATION: Diameter: 4 Casing depth: 310 Total depth: 360 Static Water Level: Aquifer; Prairie du ChienDolomite COMMEN'I'S: Old house moved onto lot. Pk2 /16 b R-yq% DAKOTA COUNTY 1 08-19-98 09:28AM POOI ${36 14:14 NOV 06. 1997 ID: LAKOTA CqJNTY TEL N0! 4388516 Municipal Notice of Well Permit Appfication Dakota County Environmenta! Managemeat Department Watcr and Land Managcmcrit Scction 14955 Galaxie Avenue West Apple Valley, MN 55724 Tel (612) 89t-7011 Fax(612) 891-7031 DA7'E: Navember 6, 1997 T0: Tcem Colbert/Wayne Schwanz Fax tl: (612) 681-4612 FROM: Water and Imd Managemern RE: Wdl Permit #: 97-H116745 Municipality: Eagtn Well Type: 3?Y7 F.nvircmmeNal Specialist: Olsen The Water and T.and Mauagement Section of the Dakata C.aunty Environmartal Managemeft Depaztment has received the follooving perrnit appliqtion for the weIl descri6ed. If yw require furfher review of ihe aPPlicarion or if you have any questiams or concems about it, contact ihe EnvironmeNal Specialis[ listed above or our office at (612) 891-7011. Ifthere is no response from your office withbm 24 HOURS (exchiding weekends and holidays), we will asswne that you have no objections to the issuance of the permit. Piease note that permit issuance is aiways conditioned on the permit applicaaYs observauce of and compliance with all applicable state, counTy, and nwnicipal laws and oodes. Wetl Contractor: Kimmes-Bauer'Well Drilling Da[e application recxived: November 4, 1997 Anticipated Dcilling Date: Time: Anticipated Gro¢ting Date: Time: -- - P7'OpCIL}' OWIICt: ?IIIIO?.?pWell Owner: Jim Sunonet WELL LOCATION: PI.S Coordinates: 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 114, Sec 13, Town 27, Range 23 Smet address: PIN Number: ID-83803-050-00 WELL INFORMATION: Diameter: 4 Casing depth 371 Total depth: 400 Static Water Level: 135 Aquifer: 7ordan Sandstoae COMNIEN7'S: #25190 PAGE: 131 "'du /?U. . ?-? R'97-/ OAKOTA COUNTY 1I-06-97 03:17PM POOI #33 ?'eclz ? p6',zOz - MRY 27 '98 16:17 W. PUB 612 6877849 p Y1EGL ON 60qI?G LGtJATtpN ' MtNNESOTA O ?^? Nenb WELL AND 80R EPARTMENT OF NEALTM MinnasoW WeH antl 9orirg 6745 ING SEALING RECORD Sea?in9 ? , H flAKUTA CQ. Minnesora MmnesMa Uniqua Db. ?'--?- &atNas, Chapler 1031 ar W-ranea No, TernshipNam.e TOwneAipNo. R?rgoNwlSoclmnNO. Ffficllon(sm.sk} I - tw... a.m d w n,wq ) DatoSOLad 0ateWeUO•BonngCqnaM1UCbG ? 27N 23 13 NW` SE? N NUY. 197ff, $597 198Q? Nurtwnce18Vaef dtlWeys c. ?Iro Numturara Cly o! Well or Bming ?y?ipn S10 OPPBRM N DRIYE EA6AN MN. oeM, eam,eseanng_ 4AD ?,. 0,;9,,,,,o,oth 400 ry. Sfwwoxactlaq?molwapOrbo"nB aBCIpn 3AetGnmapolwailar bwg mpne wnn •X'. Ir ? n M ApUIFER(S) STATICWATERLeVCI , on. a ov.i Crgen. ? iina: r nul?ns. Y aos, and ? N &??a Apnigr ? f.lJtapuk9r N ?j. WELU60fUNC ?J Meaeurutl ? E:timatvd ?. ?,?.? y • iC f/ +-'-- -i-- vS 0 WawrSvcavwou O All Watl q en, eole Na« ? omo. 135 &,,,,,,. ,,. ?a6welanaaufece W , E CASWG TYFE(S) --F-''+- 1 ? 9tB& Q Plaslic ?] T?a ? OUB? ? '__' GASING $ ? Diameter D¢DIn Syt in owi n s r iao MIe9 AMrU812f Bpecei?l?pellY grau1utl7 ? 31 ' in. ?ron V ?p Yee 0 No ? Unkr.own N. ? Ve3 .[1 No x„w PROVERNOWNEkSDlAME xM SIMONET .? 'm.iram lo,_ tl, ? Ves 0 No ? 1'ee ? No Q UrWiawn P?Wp?11 ??+M% S II19?INa nW r035 ? tllRpeB?? I?dn wfll Io- ?MrB58 Upfqiqp 9y0w. _ i?, ?rym 'o R. ? YBB 0 No ? Y04 !b UnNipi q10829 HwY. #29 9CREEWQPepHOLE RIVER FALLS, WI. 54022 ,,. 6°•a"""" ?O h. OOenHdefmm 371 „ 400 064TRUC?IOW OEBa1?FILL WEIL OMMEP'S NAME JIM SIHUNEY ? oo`v"tuo" ?°°°??' ? Fni X nwooav??on WsloxnersmNi?giaNwenedkmn?MnDrooaMawnersaaerass??ieaaoova. . . . . Tyoo oi ADalrucibNOeonflKin - W10829 HWY. #29 aeav?n+?m.bwFn.e?naveai ? vav p N. RZVER fALLS. 0(I, 54022 °UN° ,y„ SUBMERSIBLB! GEGLOWLAL YA1liryAL COLOR ?„AqONESSOf F?b TO ? FONY?IiION ? Remova0 f] NotPresMt ? Olner Ifnotwnwvn,indca'eeabm,elnrmµqn!ppVynrae?ywabipplnp. METN00 USEDTOSEALRMNUlARBPACEtlETVEEN2CASINf.S,ORCASINGANQ130REHOlE: CIAV BROWN SOFT 4 6 X) NoAnnWer50ecei ? nmule,apaee grouM witli tremie Wpu qsavEL ROWN SOFT ss ss 0 Ce6ingPa?loreton/Removal CLAY IM1. kOm lo p. ? Fef(W81l0 ? FOmOVW SAkOROCK RAY HARU 70 O o«w.-o q n.rat,ilina ' rvw Of vanorear - ? - OHwr GflOtfflNG MATEFIAI(S) '-- 6mWngMqlanal NEAF CEM??(?, ?,tla „w Vpn Yartle yeyy Mem b K ynrCs pege . . Irom q n. ysNa b?ps NENNUt9.sWRCEOCnwiA:dvPICUL7tE9?waFwUNG VNBE??EOwEU.sknD80fnN64 - omer ?nsoatod wqi or oonnp en o?ocalp? O ree Xj(No LICEIISVp pq pEGISTFqEO GONTpACTOH CEfiTIFMATIpN TnisweltorppqrywayypolrlMiccorCaneOwanMnneeoleRWea.CMptar4P:& TMMtarmqlqn<cnta'vyCp?lNarepatb huo W Iba Oae! of my xnowleABp. KIHME5-8AUER WELL DRIILIAtG, INC. #19521 cnnnxcm, a,v?eu Ha?w Lreroa wa.y,r,.mn Nn. Pp?gyRep.qe neen $19?Jre Daro IMPORTA4T-FILEWI7NPROPEHW - MARTY 0'CONNOR ti0VEM8ER 19TH. 1997 PAPFpS•WFLLOWNERfqpy H 116745 ^amoanenonSverugy,.arn•gp, NFA11L'L.m . tlM5p \ . S 4.10 4. A cash deposit from the owner of the lot fcom which the bulldtng la [o be moved In the sum of $2,000.00 as an lndemnlty to enaure comple[lon of the folloving wock: (1) capping the we117 (2) abandoning sewerage syeten es requtred by the Cityl and (3) fLlling all excave[ione to grade, cemoving ell rubblsh, and leaving the premiees tn e eafe and eanitary conditlon. 5. A caeh deposlt or letter of cred(t, the amount of vhich eAell be 751 of the ea[lmated cos[, ae determlned by the Clty, to bring the building eo moved into the CSty lnto conEormence wlth appliceble Bullding Code [equlremente, 6. Payment oE the permlt fee. 7. IE the building !s to be located rlthln the City eftec fte movement, a eucvey by a licensed eurveyo[ of the land !o vhlch the bullding fe to be moved, Including the locetlon of the bullding !n relatlon to ttie boundarlee of the land. B. If the building le wi[hln the Clty aftec tte movemen[, photogr or more viewa oE the bullding to be moved; vhich the bulldtng 1s to be located; and, (l) stcuctures thereon, adjacent to the lot buLlding is to be located. to be loceted aphe of (1) tvo (2) the lot on the lande, and on whlch the C. outies of the Protective Inspectlone Department. Upon recetpt of the application accompanled by the fee, deposit, statement and lnformati.;a required, the Protective Inepections Depactment ahall revtew the appltca- tlon and make such lnveettgatlon as ahall deem approprlate. The Department ehall also obtatn the recommendatton of the Chlef of police and City Engineer with reapect to the st[eet9 on whlch the building may be moved to aaeure the greateat degree of safety to peraone and property and to mintmlze congestlon. Upon completion of the review and inves[lgation, the Protectlve Inapecttone Department ahall: building to a locetion other Y th n e vltAin i[he fCtty ?stating in wrltlnq one oc moce of the grounde etated ln Subdlvlslon 13 of thls Sec[Son, or authocizeleauance of a pecmlE; or, 2. In all other Lnetnncee, make Lts report m the Councll, D. Coancil - Publlc Nearing. 1, Whece of a building to a location ehall hold a publlc heering lseued not later then 60 days applicant cequests the moving wl[hln the Ctty, the Councll on whether a permit shall be after the appltcetton has been eccepted Eo[ flling. NolSce, tncludtnq the tlwe, date; place and purpose of the heecing ahall be glven by publfcs- tlon and by mailtng to the ownece of real property eltuntad vithln 350 feet of the land to whlch the bulldlnq le Go be moved at Lese[ ten deys prio[ to the deGe of the heacing. - Notice contelning the eene lnformatlon ehell be postaE on the pcoperty to wh(ch the bulldlnq te [0 6e soved, no[ leiLfl than 30 daye prlor to the date oE the heering. Fallur• to gtve mailed notlce or eny defect in the notlce ehall not, lnvalldete the hee[ing or any proceedinge [aken [hereet. 2. Not latar tAen flve deye efter concluelon of the heerlnq the Councll ehall elther deny the permlt /n rclting eteting one or moro of the qrounde eteced in SuGdlvlelon 13 of thie Sectlon, or authorize laeuence of a pecmlt. 6. The owner Bhellt 1. Clear P[emleee. Remove all cu661eA and materlals and fill all excavatlone to exieting gradee at the orlginal building atte, SE vithln the Clty, eo tha[ the premlaea are left ln a eafe, neat end eanltary condltton. All foundation etructuree ahall be removed to e depth oE 18 inchee below the flnlehed g[ade of the eerth. 2. Remove Servlce Connectlone. Cauae any sewer llnea to be plugqed, shut off, or removed lf the orlglnal site Le within the Clty, in such menner ae may be requlred by the Clty. 3. Completion of Pemodeling. If the bullding la reloceted ln the Clly, complete, vlthin 90 deye aEter removal, all remodeling, eddltlons or repalre as indicated ln the appllcetlon, ln any documen[ flled in euppoct thereof, or ln any bullding perml[ feaued ln connection thecewith. 0. Take ell reeeonable preceutione to aecure the bullding and to reduce dangec to any menbec of the publtc untll the bullding La aet on lte foundatlon and any remodeling, edditlone o[ repelre,_ deec[.lbed ln the appllcetionq -have been completed, lncluding but not 1lmi[ed to, (1) locking ell dooce and wlndowsl (2) provtdtnq sufflcient euppoct or bcacing ao se to etablllze the bullding to p[event it or any pact [hereof fcon elldtng, ellpping, falling or movingi and (3) erecting end maintaintng a securlty fence or vell the 6aae of which ehall be rw highec than four lnchea, end the top of whtch ehsll be at least fouc feet, above the eucface oE the qround end whlch ehall encloae the entlre bullding ae well se the excavatlon for the foundatlon. ? 67-1 (4-30-84) 67-2 (4-30-84) r. . ExiatinF Leeal Deacriptioz: TC11L part of tne West Half of the East Helf o; thc Ncrtheast Quarter of Sectlon 11, Towr.ship 17, Fang.e 23, beF.inning at a poirit on trie east line of said West Hal° of the Fast Yal; ot' the Northeast Giua:•ter said point beinE 637.16 feet 6outh of the nortn line of aaid Section 12; thence West 156.10 !'eet; thenze Nortn 160.16 feet; thence West 27', feet to a point which is 137 feet Eaet of tne West Iine o* sald West Half of the East Half of the Northeaet Cuarter; then-,e 5osth dnd para12e1 with eaid Weat line 735.8 ; feec to tre.northerly rii;ht of Nap line of 5tate Tr•ank HiC.hway No. SS; thence aoutheaeterly t alorii; esic riFht of way line to the Fast line of said West Half of tne Faet Half of the ? hortheasti 6uarter; thence :3orth alone said Fast line 760.27 feet Lo ttie point of'beginnin6. I Contairiinr 7.67 acres, more or less. EX?rPTINC tnerefror.. the lande descriLed aa foilowa: BeE;inning at a point on the East line of aaid West kia2f o* the Faet Hal° of the North.ea6t r?uarter, said point Deing 837,16 feet south of the North line o; said Section 12; thence West 156.11 feeL; then..e North 18n.16 ? feet; thenae West 275 feet to a point which is 230 feet East of the West line of esid West Ha2f of the Fast. Half of the Northeaat Cuarter; thence South and parallel with said West llne 285 feet, thenae aoutheaaterly to a Do1.nt on the East line of,the West Fialf ot the ZaatHaifi Northeast Cuarter which ia 265 feet South of the point of beginning; thence North along eaid!8ast line to Lhe point of beginning. AND AISO EXCEPTING the West 190 feet of the Eaet 250 feet oS the West Half o Faat Half of the Northeaet Quarter of Section 12, Townahip 27, Range 23, Dakota MSaneaota, lying eovtki of a line draxn at riEht angles fro?+ a point on the Eaet West Half of.the Fz.at Half of the NorthesaY Quarter Section 12, diatant 1362.43 of the North line of Seotion 12 and North of Lhe Northerly right of ray line of H1ghMay No, 55. 7bgether-++ith an eaaement-over thet part of the East 60 feet of Half of the Fast Half of the NortheaBt Quarte^, Section 12 adJacent thereto for and egresa. j f the County, line oT said feet South State 3'runk the West ingreas r Y 1 ? ? 11 bs State of Minnesota,) :ss. County of Dakota.) Dakota County Abstract & Title does hereby certify that the foregoing exhibit consisting of entries numbered 1 to 10 both inclusive, constitutes a true and complete report of the apparent ownership of all parcels of land situate within a radius of 350 feet of: That part of the W 112 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 27, Range 23, beginning at a point on the east line of said W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 said point being 837.16 feet south of the north line of said Section 12; thence West 156.10 feet; thence North 180.16 feet; thence West 275 feet to a point which is 230 feet East of the West line of said W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4; thence South and parallei with said West line 735.8 feet to the northerly right of way line of State Trunk Highway No. 55; thence southeasterl,y along said right of way line to the East line of said W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4; thence North along said East line 760.27 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom the lands described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4, said point,being 837.16 feet south of the North line of said 5ection 12; thence West 156.10 feet; thence North 180.16 feet; thence West 275 feet to a point which is 230 feet East of the West line of said W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4; thence 5outh and parallel with said West line 285 feet, thence southeasterly to a point on the East line of the W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 which is 265 feet South of the point of beginning; thence North along said East line to the point of beginning. AND ALSO EXCEPTING the West 190 feet of the East 250 feet of the W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying south of a line drawn at right angles from a point on the East line of said W 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4, Section 12, distant 1362.43 feet South of the North line of Section 12 and North of the Northerly right of way line of State Trunk Highway No. 55. all as shown by the records of the County Recorder and County Treasurer of said County. ? Dated at Hastings, Minnesota this 15th day of September A.D.1997 at 8 o'clock A.M. Dakota County Abstract & Title By An Authorized Signature MEMBER AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION and MINNESOTA LAND TtTLE ASSOCIATION Dakota County Abstract & Title accepts no responsibility as to the accuracy of the addresses in this report as said addresses are taken from the records of the office of the County Treasurer and County Recorder of said Dakota County and are not necessarily the most current addresses of said property owners. 1 1 Steven D. & Gail C. Myhre 3205 Rolling Hills Dr. St. Paul, MN 55121 OWN: I,ot 1, Block 1, Bur Oak Hills 3rd Addition. 2 M. Rodney Effress E 1/2 ofE 1/2 ofNE 1/4, lying North of % Barry H. Effress STH #55, 5001 - 80th St. W. Apt. 275 Section 12, Township 27, Range 23. Minneapolis, MN 55437 OWNS: 3 John W. Cina Part of W 1/2 ofE 1/2 ofNE 1/4, commencing 3400 Hwy 55 269 feet East of NW comer, South 657 feet; 5t. Paul, MN 55121 West 267.3 feet; North 327.5 feet; East 200 OWNS: feet; North 329.5 feet; East 69 feet to beg. Section 12; Township 27, Range 23. AND, The West 230 feet lying North of TH 455 and South ofNorth 657 feet of TH W 1/2 of E 1/2 ofNE 1/4, Section 12, Township 27, Range 23. AND, The East 435.6 feet, Except the North 500 feet o f Lot 2, Auditor's 3ubdivision No. 38. 4 Wilfred E. & Karla A. Abbott West 103 feet of East 391 feet of North 657 526 Lone Oak Rd. feet of W 1/2 of E 1/2 ofNE 1/4, St. Paul, MN 55121 Section 12, Township 27, Range 23. OWN: 5 George J. Mikutowski West 133 feet of East 288 feet of North 657 520 Lone Oak Rd. feet of W 1/2 of E 1/2 ofNE 1/4, St. Paul, MN 55121 Section 12, Township 27, Range 23. OWNS: 6 Herbert Legler Jr. & Mazilyn I Part of W 1/2 of E 1/2 of? NE 1/4, commencing Legler 659.65 feet West of NE corner, South 837.16 510 Lone Oak Rd. feet; West 156.10 feet North 837.16 feet; East St. Paul, MN 55121 154.65 feet to beginning; Section 12, OWN: Township 27, Range 23. 7 7effrey J. & Peggy R. Carlson 3434 Hwy 55 Eagan, MN 55121 O WN: 8 Gerald M. & Colleen Mike 3430 Hwy 55 Eagan, MN 55121 OWN: 9 John & Claudette Sexton 502 Chapel Lane St. Paul, MN 55121 OWN: 10 Frank A. & Mary A. Huml 3415 Hwy 55 St. Paul, MN 55121 OWN: ! I Part of W 1/2 ofE 1/2 ofNE 1/4, beginning East line 837.16 feet; South of North line; West 156.10 feet; North 180.16 feet; West 275 feet; South 285 feet SE to point on East line 265 feet South of beginning, North on East line to beginning, Section 12, Township 27, Range 23. West 190 feet of East 250 feet of W 1/2 of E 1/2 ofNE 1/4, lying SouthofNorth 1362.43 feet and North of Hwy 55, Section 12, Township 27, Range 23. Part of W 1/2 of E 1/2 ofNE 1/4, lying South of TH 455, except commencing int. West line and South R/W of TH #55, SE on R/W 147.5 feet South 4493 feet; West 138.4 feet to West line North 498.5 feet to beginning, Section 12, Township 27, Range 23. Part of W I/2 of E 1/2 of NE 1/4, commencing int. West line and South R/W of TH 455, SE on R/V? 147.5 feet; South 4493 feet; West 138.4 feet to West line, North 498.5 feet to beginning, Section 12, Township 27, Range 23. Scnie ._ .I..inch = lU0 feet ? -- - - 230 ----- ? I ' , C V? .. ? ? .. ` . . ? . . _. ' _" _ .' . .. ?'i.. . . . ? ? ' o indzcates iron Y ? N z ' i ? ,N ? N ! J LJJ I ?'I ! ua ? `N 1 W ? w i ? t O , t ' W I ? z ? DESCI2IPTION ATTATCfITIl i 2750 ? ?I r ?I ? ? ? 56. 10 659.G6' .- J 1 • ' I? r .. ? ? ^ m !. ?. . r' i I • ?? _ , .. . . ? ? ?j . , . . .? ? K Z ) ? ` N m ?Rp±' rA` ? ? ? I ` \ \ 2 (• ?? ( o ?? !„ b ?nul ?2 ? \ M NJ "\ 1. , cuiM voucHER crrY oF EAaAN MAKE CHECK PAYABLE "I ?-% a ?i t n?20if ?o 0,a. ! declan under the penalties of law that thls aceount, elatm or demand ta Just and that no part of It has peen paid. Sipnature Oate 11.81 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA116899 Date Issued:10/14/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3432 Hwy 55 Lot:1 Block: 01 Addition: Gift Of Mary PID:10-29800-01-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Dayna Gardner 505 Randolph Ave Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Gift Of Mary Llc 525 N 7th St Minneapolis MN 55405 Bonfe's Plumbing & Heating 505 Randolph Ave St Paul MN 55102 (651) 228-9071 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature r City orEatau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 r Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For 0mce Use Permit #: Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: 2016 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date 9J1/: Site Address 3 }-1-w y 4J :S Name: 3a P S eano V I c... Address / City / Zip: S 1) 6 ,/ f I l rro r La /To 1,,.1 r 1 I.. d i fl \ 1 ► SS ('IS Applicant is: Owner X Contractor Type of Work Description of work De mo i l s l t' o m t, and. -F:)01 caion Resident/ Owner Phone: Unit #: J Construction Cost: Company: l I i r i- „ o'n 5 Contact: IGi Ir Contractor I Address: 1 I (JO) CO Rd- S City: N001► h S I state: Elj. Zip: S53 LL) Phone: q0 -q38- " Li email: bol J dg, d nds:fJ amyl, r' 1 1 006 Multi -Family Building: (Yes / No ) License #: Lead Certificate #: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: Fire Suppression Contractor Phone: NOTE Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be cIassified as nonpublic if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to rive locates of underground utilities. www.gogherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use ' : /(-4/67 Clty of � �� ti V �✓ 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651)675-5675 Staff: Fax: (651) 675-5694 L 2017 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: (1i Site Address: 3 tiS7--- y Tenant: Suite#: Name: � �-� �ctin..� �� ,..Phone:...... e.�.. Resident/Owner Address/City/Zip: 'cg d\\;)rgdl\;) -• S ---5 License#: (- o -37&� R ti Contractor { Address: �y �� City: T . -A.- 5 State: Zip: � Phone: /5-2- ?Si `f( 9 Contact: AA i Email: `ats c� C- New Replacement —Repair —Rebuild —Modify Space Work in R.O.W. Type of Work — — i Description of work: RESIDENTIAL Water Heater Lawn Irrigation ( RPZ/—PVB) F Water Softener Permit Type Add Plumbing Fixtures( Main/—Lower Level) Septic System New Water Turnaround Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: $60.00 Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Lawn Irrigation (includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround*(includes State Surcharge) *Water Turnaround (add$280.00 if a 3/4"meter is required) $115.00 Septic System New(includes County fee and State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES$ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start :,.ut a permit; that th;1 rk will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x 6 Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough-In Air Test Gas Test Final Meter Related Items: Meter Size Radio Read Manometer Staff: Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use ` ' '' Permit#:City of Eakan Permit Fee: & 0 - 0 (-) 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: • Phone: (651) 675-5675 Staff: Fax: (651) 675-5694 L 2017 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 2 -('t - (7- Site Address: 3 (T H (wy S Tenant: Suite#: Name: \ '"'' t tt. "_e� I":. Phone: ReSidetltiOWner i 1 ' Address/City/Zip Name: 2 t (,, ct_...1dk, S cy--•-..) License#: e- 11 U - 39.$ `E`t f Contractor i Address: 1 4 0C C�� 3 City: R-714 , 5 State: Zip: `1 17 Phone: ' 4 '2 `6 Lit 73 IContact: Email << 5 0r13 ( /til S _,� a Type of Work New Replacement —Repair Rebuild —Modify Space Work in R.O.W. 3 ,, Description of work: i RESIDENTIAL 1 Water Heater Water Softener Lawn Irrigation ( RPZ/—PVB) Permit Type Add Plumbing Fixtures( Main/—Lower Level) li Septic System —New f Water Turnaround x..Abandonment.w.., „ x„,.,„ ,_.. , RESIDENTIAL FEES: $60.00 Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Lawn Irrigation (includes State Surcharge) I $60.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround*(includes State Surcharge) *Water Turnaround (add$280.00 if a 3/4"meter is required) 1, $115.00 Septic System New(includes County fee and State Surcharge) 1 TOTAL FEES $ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of e City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start w t a permit; that the will be in accordance with theapprovedplan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ' v 1f x . ..— C-L '.t-1-. x Applicant's Printed Name Applit's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough-in Air Test Gas Test Final Meter Related Items: Meter Size Radio Read Manometer Staff: *i r,i i 6 a'4=...., M ? r aM 4 � • • - - , :,. ,..,_„.- ,..„-,-,,,''......',..1*..,:' .=:;.,,,.;.• 0 In I I Tri 1 _ rel M g 5 L N Ma M ._ -. ,, y y` } Ibt TIE g M , ,i.*.t..., '..if.-1,:i'..'.7.;',4,.:2!,,,,`4'si,!„'?--t;-::";": --,:',-,.:1.-..f* i''`. ott m•1.; i CI- � x O G