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4334 Jessica Ct- ' RESIDENTIAL BUII.DING Permit Application City Of Eagan I L c', a- 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 s7o.06 ca,ALts I 0'?-03 New CansVuctian Reauirements RemodeVReoairRenuiremen4s OKce Use Onlv 3 registered site surveys shaving sq. R of lot, sq. R of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of pWn Cert of Survey Recd _ Y_ N (20% maximum bt coveroge allowed) 1 set of Energy CalculaGons for heated additions Tree Pres Plan RecG Y_ N 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 site survey for addilions & decks Tree Pres Reqd _Y _ N lsetofEneyyCalculations Adddion - indicateifon-sResepficsystem On-siteSep6cSystem _Y _N 3 copies of Tree Preservatbn PWn if lot platled after 711/93 Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (bidgs with 3 or less units Date 36 / p3 Construction Cost Site Address ?' ? f?C? UniUSte # 3 Description of Work nC?? Multi-Family Bldg _ Y K N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner VAAe-'L ft?_-t a2S-- Telephone #( ) Contractor aaares5 cicy g'/d-,t? iv./7?u' State Zip Telephone #( ) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (d submission rype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Su6mitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? _ Y _ fee applies. p ? q T T N)? Licensed Plumber Telephone #( Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Coniractor Telephone #( Telephone #( N If so, 25% plan review I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of s. GgN,ew?L???t?-- ' ant's Printed Name Applaztt?s ignature xme vnava?o ew?o[s sHoMei P[x ptndnc ww er. G D ? MOM- euaww mrtnsa+s sHOw ua ron xarezarru. u+o ucr+ircx Louna? LOT AREA a 21.548 5O. FT. s smucnmEs ohtr. s¢ ?aaahciuu vuxs rax c Arm HOUSE (?EA ? 1919 S0. FT. F?? ?a"% PORCH! PATIO = 66 SQ. FT. xme rw ssEa?c saus wv[sncAnat HAs acur mhw?hn a nas w* er n+e ORIVEWAY AREA m 732 SQ. FT. sUIhVYa+. n+e smAmuir a was ro swvanr nE Scarx House IMPERNOUS COVERAGE = 12.6 X rnovosEO 15 rror n¢ aFSVwsiaun av n¢ wnWraa gU1LpING COVERAGE = 9.2 R NoTE- rws cEnmare oaES Nor auraaa7 ro saw EASDEM+s anHEre nHu+ 7XOg 910MN dl TiE RECpIDEO %AT. N07E CON7RACTOR YllSf ?Y DPoVEWA7 DE9CN. NOIE BFAMBiCS SMOM? ME BASID ON AN ASSUNFD M1NM BENCH MARK TDP OF PIPE ELEV.= 984.18 / ? , , ? , ? ? ? EwsnNc House ? 10 r- - - F-? O ^ 9826i i ? I ? Q 1 a I - f30.0 - ? 983.6 U , ? ,6.6 ? W} PO/ ? I M? 9824 ? Q>.lj- N • 7 / N i ? to L-- ? ai2o: RP? ? g RE?'? ? tZ ? N 7'13'31'W 50 ' 46.00 9? 77-4971 ? r 2 ?ousE N ; sIc.T FEN625 BENCH MARK TOP OF PIPE ELEV.= 984.10 ME HEREBY CERIIFY TO THORSON HQAES THAT THIS IS A 1RUE AND COkRECT REPRESENTA710N OF A SURVEY OF THE BWNDARIES OF: LOT 9. BLOCK 1, LEXINGTON POINTE FOURTEENTH ADDITIQN DAKDiA COUNTY, IINNE9pTq 9 IT 6DES'NOT PURPORT TO SHOW IMPR04E?IENTS OR ENCHROACNMEN75, EXCEPT AS SHOWN, ,4AS £U0EYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION THIS 47H OAY OF PPitl4 2001. SCALE 1 7 INCH = 30 FEET s7s.s 75.6 '9o X _ - 9 974.6 0 #* *4E * PIONEE * engmei * ** ? Certificate ofi Survey for: THORSON HOMES 4"-27lxA' JESSICA COURT EAGAN. MINNESOTA ?n1??L.0u? ??`fPE'. 3:1 Ma?ddmum 8lopes a or Retatntng Wall VYill ge Required (Q-,o,a) 970.8 ? ?n ? ?,d- ?o EDGE OF WATEfi PER PLA7 971.0 31"w (cf, 1,o? 963.3 292.31 298.01 Dd» Ma+ ssim 14 FA7EEbt-918S FA7t70-1E83 YT Zs I Q?PI?n? `\? ( 0 ? zno: M ^ I J O ° 9 ? ZmLU a ? ?av?i W POND JP 50 ? oi-f ? N.W.L. = H.W.L. = 963 ? ??o CI) 968,.60 0 I yNN • ? ZWd O ? Z 10 PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION: 's TpP pF BLOCK ELEVATION: A! n` GARAGE SLAB EIEVATION: ???J TOB O LOOICOUT ELEVATION: X 000.00 OQ/O7E5 E1oSItl1G 6EVAi1W ( 000.00 ) DEN01E5 PROPOSEO EIFYATOW --- DENO7E5 OWANAfiE 1WD U70.R1' EAS11ENT ' OdO/E5 qtN1A6E PLOr pqEC710N ---B- oExo7E4 OFf$7 ms zs PIONEER A??21 P.A. 99514.22 BAT PLUMBING (RESIDENTIAL) L Permit Application ? City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone 4 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 Please complete for: Single Family Dwellings Townhomes and Condos when pemilts aze required for each unit Date 6 / 3 / d3 Site Address ?13 5354 Unit # Property Owner ` Telephone #( 6$1) 6 sr?- 0 7a 3 Cor.fractor -v?L?'?6C nirni ------'- - - -------- --- 9025 w Hwy 101 address City w State Savage, MN 55378 Zip Telephone #( ) The Applicant is _ Owner V`- Contractor _ Other Septic System New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sefs of plans and MPC license $ 100.00 Includes County fee. Additional consultant fees may apply. Alterations To ErisHng Dwelling Unit, Including $ 50.00 _ Adding fxtures to lower levels or room additions, excluding water softener and water heater _ Abandonment of septic system _ Water turnaround (+ 5!8" meter if needed -$121.00) Other: _ RPZ _ new installation _ repair _ rebuild $ 30.00 ? Lawn irrigation system _ ? . D ? ?,_ , ....n• , }S,1 _ Water softener _ Water 6eater ? $ 15.00 _ replacement additional - ?1 $ .50 State Surcharge .S'o 3 0 Tocal $ . I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Pernnt and aclmowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of [he City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is no[ [o start without a t; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work wluch requires a review and approval of plafls, DONnIA K. ?oNNSoN' O?r?-`? Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanPs Signature IJ 9 ,[3 ?• I qQ ? y0 6P. L4q t, b 3 ? a 9c) - Sl RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT ? ON ? CITY OF EACAN pP - L} Qc ld ?o ? 9 o _ ? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 `- ? NewCanaWCtlon ReauiremeMS RemaEellReoairReauiremeMs • 3 registered site surveys showirg sq. ft of lot, sq. R. of houce; aM ail roofed areas • 2 cropies ot plan (20%maximum lot coverage allowed) . . 1 set of Energy Calculatbns tor heated additiore a • 2 copies of plan showing 6eam 8 window s¢es; powad fouM design, etc.J . 1 site survey kr ezterror additions 8 decka d? • i set of Eireqy Calculatbna ? . Indlpte rf hane serred by septic system for ?ditions • 3 copfes of Tree Preservafan Plan'rf lot plaKed aRer 717RJ3 • Rim Jaist OetaB Optians seledion sheet (Mdgs witli 3 or less units) _?,j DATE Agril 10. 2002 4 VALUATION JOB SITE ADDRESS 4334 Jessica Court IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY OWNER Thorson Homes, Inc. TYPE OF WORK New Construction FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 X 1_ 2 APPLICANT Thorson Homes. Inc. PHONE# 651-454-0644 ADDRESS 4466 wedqwood Drive Eaaan ZIPCODE 551 23 PAGER # CELL PHONE # 61 2-81 0-3597 FAX # 651 -405-9437 NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category X MINNESOTA RUI.ES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - ResideMial Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted _ MINNESOTA RULES 7672 New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: Thonp son Plumbina Phone #: 952-933-771 7 Plumbing System Includes: n/a Water Softener nj aLawn Spiinkler Fee: $90.00 Y Water Heater 1 No. of R.I. Baths -3 No. of Baths MechaniealConhactor. Kleve Heating & A/C Phone# 952-941-4211 Mechanical System Includes: Y Air Conditioning Fee: $70.00 n La Heat Recovery System Sewer/WaterContractor. Triomoson Plumbing All above information must be submitted prior ta processing of application. ul I A P?OZ I II I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that ihe informat is correc , nd agree o comply with ail applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan O inanc s Sfgnature of Appiicanf Certificates of Survey Received ? Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required Updated 2002 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ?< 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Parch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4sea.) 0 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex E3 70 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? OS 03-plex 13 17 10-plex O 19 Lower Level ? 24 Stortn Damage ? 06 04plex ? 12 12-plex Plhg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ?( 31 New /' O 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) .? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' 13 43 Reroof ? 48 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement •Demolition (EnUre Bldg only) - Give PCA handaut to applicant 3-t A Valuation Occupancy - MC/ES System ( Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width ? REQUIRE SPECTIONS j Footings (new bldg) ? 'naUC.O. _ Footings(deck) _ Fina Q Footings (addition) _ Plumbing ? Foundation _ HVAC Drain i'ile Roof Ice & Water Final Other Framing _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final Fireplace ?L R.I. a Air Test ),-- Final _ Siding Stucco _ Srone ? Insulation Windows (new/replacement) Approved By Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Searoh Copies Other Total ?3 ns? l2 ?r o k! 5' ? ?+A? ?-?? i ? ? x 5"q = ??? ? 21 I X S"`'f = ? ?, kfttA 6 yox l (? = FftoK,r f o7.LH- 42- x 3a 0 (ftIlL /?/90V 3 9 y , Vvt7 ' M:tldtyv v MO ' ?. )wner _ ;ite Address . -?. ?. .?? :ontractor J I/? ? V V r ?• V• ?/ ED 0,4 rNA T6A vyOFVTr ERGY COD - [TLON____?''' ,dop[lun Eff*e[!v• L/1/ 4 ? :u1lCing Classiflcatlon: Type A1 (Sinale Fa:nily 6 Duplex A2 (Residentlal (3 ttories ar ess (Other) (Over ] stories) ;ENERAI INFOR?7AT ION 1. BuildTng Perimeter \'O? ft. Wall hei9ht (ground to eave) 1'-1 ft. 2 . x 2. (aDOVe) gross r+all orpo yq-4`b ft. ' I IR? 1 3 . . x(N) 3<o • 17?`t ? ft.1 roat S floor area ;. Bullding dfinenstons (l) ??_ Fv ? r S. Sauare fcot area of rim jotst • joP riist (2Rimt o'st area ftZ 1 x e TF 6. Doors - Area ?Z • '? Z ? Thic ness n. attor ? 2 L ft. Type ot CanstructTon Manufacwrer s ?- . - 7, totnl door's perimeter ft $tate apprOvtd .8 . WSndoas: Manufacture U factor L-1 Z TYPE SIZE AR:A (f:.2) '1UMBER OF TOTAL FEE7 EACH UNITS 1! 3 L- a' •o ` ?-- (r.?. \ O ----'C? - O • 3e, e'o -- ? ? z5 O_ y, Total ft.Z Glass Ft.2 Nreplate area: WidtA x heiaht z Ft 1{ . Exposed foundstlon: Hetght x Parimater I x 11 . I-4-q ?-- . ;)MPlETION Of THIS FOR1?1 IS REQUIRED FOR ALL HEJ COf15TRUCTIOY. MAJOR R DELING ANO BUtLDI'1GS BEIt+ NINIt1Al COOE ALLONAHCE, IS USED OTHER THAY iHE YED 11HERE ENERGY 1 C . . J Phone ^a r _. .? ho !, :• Franin9 area • lOt of 9ross xall area. ?-, 6ross wa11 area Z?'? ? '°t•Z . Uindow area A .?2. ,ft.2 t;. windows • e!53 U x A= RWjolst area A ft.2 . U rim joist ? o G--4k U x A= °? ?c• ? poor area A ?-1 ,- --r ft.? 7 door area ¦- a?2-3_ U x A• ?. hc ? Fireplace area A Z-q.ccft. 2 U rireplace U x a• °t, \Z Exposed foundatton A ?-y -4k f!.J foundation U x. A= Framing area A ft.2 J franing area • -?-'`?? U x A= net wall area A •`t. J wall = a -z? U x:. ¦ G?`?..?? (1 3o : -.;,-.'?L . . . , . . . . . . U x a ? . Gross wall area x 0.1_1_ (A-1 single family S dt?;.;-x 2 allaxable UA A/Code (13. above) . x 0.23 (a-2 other resiCentia'.; x .23 'OLhEr Cuilding:; R .28 (Over i stor+e:) 6TUH wust be larger tnan A x l' Cc¢e. T?? . 138 .bave , Cailiny framin9 area (Af) aquals 10: of ceilina area or the same as) A. Gross cefling area • SL} 2:-? C? ¦ !'a m \T,q ft.2 3 Jotst area (Af) - 10'; ceiling area •? \-?, C-\. co c ft.z ;,. Net ?ceiling area (AC) (15A - 158) • ft.2 U ceiling x A ?? - C-)x U framing x A f• 7. 'QTaI U x A .... ................................ ? ? ? ? ? ? - . Ceiling,area (15A) x 0.026 (A-i sinyle `amily S Cuplex - code allowaDle U x A • x d.C33 (A-2 other reside.^.tial) x O.C6 (other) ' BTtJH !lust be larger thnn 1°0 (abuve) a (15a) \7:1 g ? x LL(Code)= °F (or the same as) ?, . ?J,iz NOTE: Use U and a values obcained f-•or^ nr.s 1. 3 anG 4. , d.? ?M1 ? , lk. ? ' ~? 1 a 1~± . WAu SlCTI47M ; il?'• i. G;? +d r.• sTUc ? SLCTIOt1 2ND uALt SCGTI'Iti Insi4e air f?im R• .69 intorior w11 .45 ino alattv„n \?.00 Cuall L ? ` . z• .SheuhfnS' - ? Z .09S Exerstax air til1a H .17 .. '- r R TOTe1__?3 . O 3 Lnterlur air (lia I* .83 aLM ' j T ? JOISi 1; ir,ch sufr -duu,l R11.88 (Rim Jot 3/q 31 z . oG stj ? ;? ?`• '?.??;?? ?• N,? it;Aar wsll covestn;. •?? Lxtorlair; air fltm ttE .17 ? ??< <.{r= , 0 4 a rorAL z4 _ 4 (e ? . , . . 1 Inc«rivsfair t:tm R' .68 ?? .?s, ImulaZtort b +, 1 C.??.?.?'? Foun?tacion (fdn, ) U ? i? • ? "-"-"Extartot •(r ftln R+..17 ` R TO1AL ?i' ?_ • l \ ? f l- .?_,,,_.. I I -[:cp.»ed 31uck i+ ?.? -~?•-, InCe ?. ' . .. . .....-.--., .. . . .. _ . ._ . _. ,-.?_?. .... .?__. ... r.,_.._.....?..._. ._ . _ .... _.._._. ?...-. a .c.?...^-...n .. . . . . ? .-r?.. . . .?. . s `r":• • i -;? tAMt??•?fi lnc?ri?e w?i! ' ?q?" (NaIU ?' _ +? .• !?sv:?ttvn , Q 'OC) Z S lV t n; Juea(4? atr Elim .l7 ? Q TOl'AL lnslde air filp .?9 tnc.: tor +s; i ?. .4g5 ? ?i• ?4?seud k' (Framtng) U' I 3?4 ?heaCAing Stdfns . `7 I; Outo1C• air tlln : :'OTAL ? O . c:\ O 1! i y t } ? ? . ? hr h 9•_' . 0.61 AEr fS3m, 0.61 3\ .`1 tn6utetion 44.0 000? Jotst .? ? 5 ?, Cetltnq • 5 ? ? O.E1 Air F11m 0.61 3-Lq 3?. Totat R t .07,(-4 u ? ?. ? Inside air fil,m Ceiling 1 Jotst (stud ! InsuZation _ Air SWct Roof deckinq - Insulation Sui1!-up root _ OutsldR •ir f.f1l ToUI' R R YAI.UE CEiLiNG 0.61 ' iSndo.+ inftltratic? .5 cfm/lineal foot of crack , tqtidtntial door infiltraN on 0.5 Cfn/square fooc or Ccor and mininur code requlrement 'apn-resiAential door Infiltratlon 11.0 cfVlineal faat of crack lb 11" conr*et* blptk no insu'lation ?.47 R 2.1 ' 12" cancrete plock lnsulated cores ?.26 R 3.8 1 2" l i3 ht-ooipht b loc k +.32 R 3.1 12" lignn.ei;ht D1oClt trtsuldted cores =.12 R 8.3 «.:. :};=iaqte 91ass * 1.13: witl? stori;? ylnQox .54 . h;,} double ytesf • .56 . ?:.! trfpl• glass , .I1 , : ?I 711 exterlor walls and te111ngs must have a vapor barritr (C.10 perm gnx.). ;;ipor Darrier mst 0e on the fnside (heated side) of wa11. ;Aayor barrfers of th• paTytthelene thfn ftlm have no Rvalue. F!.4T ROOF OR CATHEQRAL CEILING Q Va ue F R.;M I NG d. ? , . LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL , BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION M PROPERTYLEGAL: L o?' DATE OF SURVEY: LATEST REVISION: N- i n- 0 2 ? ? c m L U DOCUMENTSTANDAROS Y < o z v a ? /? ? • Registered Land Surveyor sgnature and company / ? 0 . Building PertnRApplicant ? ? ? • Legal descriptlon d ? ? ? • Address ? 0 ? ? ? • North arrow and scale H • ouse type (rambler, walkout, split wlo, spiit entry, loakaut, etc.) ° ? ? • Directional drainage artows with sbpe/g2dient k B? ? • Proposed/exis6ng sewer and water services 8 invert elevation IE( ? ? • Street name ol ? ? • Driveway I/ ? ? • Lot Square Footage G?/ / ? ? • Lot Core2ge C?' ' ? ? • Benchmark ELEVATIONS Existin G/ ? ? • Sewer service (or Praposed) ? 0 • Property comers ? ? • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions ? ? • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes v 0 • Adequate foating depth of sWCtures due to adjacent utility trenches o ? • Watenvays (pond, stream, etc.) Praoosed ?/o ? • Garage floor q// EI ? • Firstfloor Gy ? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) 0?% 11 • Propertycomers ?? • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if aoolicable) [t'/? ? • Easement ?ine Gy ? ? • NWL L? ? ? • HWL G/'? /? • Pond # designation ? q? o • Emergency Overibw Elevation ? DIMENSIONS ?"/? ? • Lot lineslBearings & dimensions I?3?O ? . Rightof-way and sVeet width (to 6ack of curb) ? ? • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring pertnanent footings) vq ? • Show all easements of record and any City utililies within those easements ? • Setbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setback of adjacent ebsting SVuctures v0 . Retaining wall requirements, ifany Reviewed: r+me: vnroago cxADEs s+oM v[x atnwNC vw+ er. i• nore: eUunW owa+sws sHowi ua vat irowmnrK um MErt7tcx Lawnor+ ar sTRUcnREs aLr. sz Artaahcni,u eLws rors eimnnc uro iIXMCA710N dMEN9d15. rmte na ssErnic srns wVEsncAnon HAS eM cawiET[u oN nas i.or er nKE wnVEYOR. me snrABurr a sars ro wrronr n¢ SPEcmc Nase GROPOSED IS NOT THE R6PON99U7Y Of IXE SURWYOR. noh: mis certrnrniure ooes wor vumwaT ro a+ow EASEwENis omvi nur+ LOT AREA = 21,548 S0. FT. HOUSE pREA = 1979 S0. FT. POR / PATIO = 66 SQ. FT. DRIVEWAY AREA = 732 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE = 72.6 96 BUILDING COVERAGE = 9.2 R MM 5"°w+ °N nHE nECORDE° °L^T' BENCH MARK Noh: cammAcraa rusr VExivr oraVewAr oESCn. TOP OF PIPE ELEV.= 984.18 NOIE: BENRNG5 SXOM1 ARE BASED p! NJ ASSl1YED DATUY ? 30 F- ' U 1 C ?U? I vJ ? 7 i s-^°L I ? , / ? 2 EXISTING ftln6s) f HOUSE I ? 0 n 3 An ? M st I ? !o.( io ?-- ssz.ei 1e,? - ?a0.0 -? I N? ? io - L---- APR o.e x97e.o - - ? 976.7 1 ' GqlJllryli ' •• i HOUSE S1LT BENCH MARK TOP OF PIPE ELEV.= 984.10 WE HEREBY CERTFY TO THORSON HOMES THAT THIS IS A 1RUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SIIRVEY OF THE BOUNDARIES OF: LOT 9, BLOCK 1, LE)ONGTON POINTE FOURTEENTH ADDITION DAKOTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO SFIOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCHRDACHMENTS, EXCEPT AS 910WN, .AS SU0EYED BY ME OR UNDER MY OIRECT SUPERV190N THIS 4TH DAY OF APRiI, 2001. SCALE j 1 INCH = 30 FEET !613 99514.22 BAT 963.3 298.01 POND JP 50 N. W.L 963 H.W.L. = 968.0 10 PROPOS ,S LOIMEST FLOOR ELEVA710N: TOP OF BLOCK ElEVA710N: q S? a` GARAGE AAB ELEVA710N: I roe o Loacour ELEvnnoN: X 000.00 OEMNOTE$ EIUSRN+G 6EVAMM! ( 000.00 ) DEN07E5 PROPOSm flFM110N oowics ortlwuz Arm uwir eASDai oexotes dRwAa noM aMcnon -? DENOra MONUMENT -P- oao,ES aTSEr Mre cn ZM? 7 O {/1 m ? < x WU ratn Org z aw a Na? a zs PIONEER Alt- ?21 lo (02 O n W O) M ? 0 O O Z P.A. ? IM n i.? 0 o 675.6] x I? ? 4.00 o c9- Q I ? /pN ? i M m a 0 ?Mss.e T6.67 0 v _ /am? j 0 Cfl ? 55120 FAX:6B1-9188 FAX:783-1883 THORSON HOMES JESSICA COURT EAGAN, MINNESOTA a ?Y ;; _ ?^1 T.1 mwdmum gopm or Fteeesinirsg WaII WNB ? ReqUIfOd N8713'31"W (??no,a) - 970.8 }?Cx?SE T?lPE''. ?nl+?sLo?J ?p ?a * PIONEE * enginei * ** * Certificate of Survey for: 292.31 EDGE OF WA7ER a,^ l?, ?? ?? 1`" r'•J? ' V..? , I c'25? I' . 9 & unun PER PLqT 971.0 37"W cchl,o? PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA124716 Date Issued:07/09/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4334 Jessica Ct Lot:9 Block: 1 Addition: Lexington Pointe 14th PID:10-45098-01-090 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and house wrap and leave on site. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 8,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Yelena Hinterberg 4334 Jessica Ct Eagan MN 55123 Delta Construction Inc 11299 Harness Draw Woodbury MN 55129 (651) 691-5021 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature .. . . . .R....' . ( r M Use BLUE or BLACK Ink ---------, � For Office Use � Clt of �a a� ; Fermit#: ��`��� � Y � � � � Permit Fee: �� "�� � 3830 Pilot Knob Road ��a��- >a-- � i Eag1n MN 55122 '�`�'����� I DateReceived: � I � Phone: (651)675-5675 � ' Fax: (651)675-5694 ��� � � ,�Q1!�w � Stafl: � ����������...�.������J � • 2015 RESIDENTIAL PLUM�ING PERMIT APPLICATION ,_. Date: ` '` Site Ad ress: � � � � Tenant: `- Suite#: � ` � � �--��'��, � ' '�� Phone: .;�Re�Si en O�� ga � Name: � — � ,.� � a � � Address/City/ ip: � �_, a��r'� .> �� ��;�� '`�, . `� Name: �bert Co�pany Inc db� Culligan Water �icense#: WC641376 � =� = � � ��� � � �� � Aaa�ess: �1�8Q1 50`� St East ��ty: Inver Grove Hgts. Contra� Mn . ��`�� � 55077 � ¢a k state: zip: Phone: 651-451-2241' �µ � -�— Contact: W11111ri1 R Mllbert Email: a� I � _New �Replacement q Repair _Rebuiid _Modify Space Work in R.O.W. II ���eO ° .;Q� � — � m � ��"a .�� � Description of work: � � _� RESIDENTIAL � � �� ' � � Water Heater , P m �,_ Lawn Irrigation(�RPZ/_PVB) �Water Softener " , �r I "�����`� Add Plumbing Fi�ures�Main/_Lower Level) f Septic System A Ne,�, Water Turnaround ,� — a�<j' �¢ A�a�:nr�onrn�nt RESIDENTIAL FEES: � $60.00 Water Heater,Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) $60.00 Lawn Irrigation(includes$5.00 minimum State S��rch�rge) $60.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic Svstem Abandonment,Water Turnaround*(includes$5.0o State Surcharge) *Water Tumaround(add$200.00 if a 5/8"meter is required) $175.00 Septic Svstem New($10.00 per as built)(includes County fee and$5.00 State Surcharge) R D O TOTAL FEES$ V CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call a!(651)454-0002 for protection agai�st underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive IocaCes of underground utilities: www.aopherstateonecali.orq i hereby acknowledge th8t this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of ragan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an appiication for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. t � • ^ X � ��- _ 1��������-► ,+�. �i� x � Applican�'s Frinted Name A licant's Si a re . PP �. �;.,: ,,,, . W... , . � ,�F ���J': � � ��,equirg��n� �e � � . � 3 , � „ t �a -, . � ��_- ��` � e���l�s��1 °. _, ,�:I�� << �, � . ��_ �,�.. PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA148930 Date Issued:04/27/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4334 Jessica Ct Lot:9 Block: 1 Addition: Lexington Pointe 14th PID:10-45098-01-090 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:One Window/Door Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 1,500.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $1500 $62.50 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $1500 $0.75 9001.2195 $63.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Yelena Hinterberg 4334 Jessica Ct Eagan MN 55123 (612) 741-9868 Pella Northland 15300 25th Ave N #100 Plymouth MN 55447 (763) 355-1300 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature