3165 Jurdy Ct NINSPECTION RECORD ? CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number. ??' r-> > ee Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 , SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: , I Iirz??; ? ? w ; , ,, . ???r?ri pfii4 I 1.fi)!i11 , (. { . i i 'F71 A ? PERMIT SUBTYPE: F L TYPE OF WORK: 1:rrAaR i ". rt,tNfi ? Pertnlt No. Partnit Noldsr Dats Telephone N ELECTRIC PLUMBIN(3 HVAC Inspectlon Date Irtsp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL ^ ?' J? ? INS CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: v . ?;,t?? ,. ? r? ? I PERMIT SUBTYPE: I I' I M t I lyf,t [ ftFMApKS. .PI AN`+ RFVIi i.li lI 13Y M1Kf H .1i?F ! TYPE OF WORK: f IMA1 t3U11 f) iNri a 3:1y'3 h oR tio:q A , ?- 0 PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: IA r r, I.i :,?t?? •7?• ?? Permit No. Parmit Holder Date 7elephons It ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inapectlon Date Insp. Commants FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIFiEPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FlNAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT f WAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL INSPECTI4N REC4RD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: (I i)NNYtJunl) PERMIT SUBTYPE: ( n% 11 t i A NW) 3 iiA N r n t.' i t.>{f1 ]t.1 4 TYPE OF WORK: , t'Al.R , , , ? ? i ? • . <<t, ? : t?t1u 1 N{3 1 PermR No. Permlt Holder Date Telephone • ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFINCi 0 ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Do ,ywood Ac_3dn. Lot 20 Rik 1 0 ??-screet 3165 No. Ju2'd.V Ct. ?.[.?QJ?? Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. .}F. STREET RESTOR. 1975 GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1970 2.80 2.51 2 40.21 A006494 8-14-78 #SEWERLATERAL 197 227 .7 .7 455.78 A006494 8-14-78 WATERMAIN ;E WATER LATEFiAL & StuUB 1975 5 -# WATER AREA 1975 ' ? STORM SEW TRK 1975 * S70RM SEW LAT 1975 CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK ? STREET LIGHT Road Unit Char e 75.00 9743 4-24-78 WATER CaNN. 250.00 9743 4-24-78 BUILDING PER. #4759 sac 500.00 9743 4-24-78 PARK CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Wlot Knob Reed Eogan, Mlnnesota 59122 Phone: +I54-6100 Date: Site Address; Lot ,. j Nome = Address - PERMIT iay 25, 1978 3165 No. Jur:iy Cour?. Block ' Sub/Sec. baririYWOOd _ ! ?efsor. ial:r s City Anple Vcl?le'. Phone• - ?T"°c'r1.C?'SCGl1 :IeatirC 1(' No.l 18 9 ' . Receipt No.: Sir?gle I Residentiol Multf Res., Comm./Ind. I New/Alter./Repair. ? Cost of Installotion Permit Fee 20.00 ? Nome . , . •, - Surchorge • 5 0 Tr ?..f ? •. .. ?-, •. - g Address t City Phone: Totol This Permit is issued on the express condition that ail work shall be done in occordance with all applicable State of 7ta tatutes and City of Eogan Ordinonces. Building Official CITY OF EAGAN • ' ? . 3796 Pilaf Kaotr Rood Eogon, Mienesota 55122 Phane: 454-8100 ' - PERMIT Dote: Site Address; ' ? r. 5 ;'a':: . Jui'< Lot Btock 5ublSet. ' t'Tvc_i• _ Name i lClar':; ? ; Address O City Phone: Nome 7-?'Vdn Q. - y Address ?`i'Y c'Z ? C O V City Phone: This Permit is issued on the express condition that oll work shall be Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. No. Receipt No.: Single Residential Multi Res., Comm./Ind. ) New/Alter. / Repair Cost of Installotion Pertnit Fee Surcharge Totol done in accordonce with all applicoble Stote of Building Official BUILDING PERMIT cirY oF EA"N 8795 Pilot Knob Road Eoyen, MN 56122 PHONEs 454-8100 O 3'0O0 Receipt # Lot -- Blotk ? Set/Sub. Porcel # ! 200 01 oc I Name .._?.._...... ..?...... W 3 AddreSS lIA16 Hn1 vnko I_n ? ? ¦? ? e• r n? w 0! Z0 Vu < s H Nume _ Address Name Address 24, N? 4759 Ered 0: ; Occuponcy Alter ? Zoning Repair ? Fire Zone Enlarge ? Type of Const. Move 0 # Stories Demolish ? Front ft. Grade ? Depth ft. Assessment Water & Sew. Pol i ce Fire Eng. Planner Council Pertnit !I? ' Surcharge Plan check SAC Wuter Conn. -? Water Meter I hereby ackrrowledge thot I have reod this applicotion and stote that gldg. Qff_ the informution is rnrrect and ogree to comply with oll opplicable APC Total 5tute of Minnesota Statutes and Ciry of Engan Ordinences. Signoturc of Permittee r r 5. A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition thot oll work shull be done in accordonce with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. Buildirg Official Plumbing .?-? ?_ 7Q Mechanical INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rough-In Find Footings Date Insp. Dote Irap. Foundation Plumbing •/d- Framelins. • L- ? ?-- S- 7if Mechoniool F i nnl ? Remarks: 8'-3-7 f" 616SP'; V? - )(?'l ?"? c pf EACiAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Zoning: Owner: Address: Site Address; Plumber: Meter No.: Size: Reader No.: I agree to eomply with the Cify of Eogan Ordinances. Date of Insp.: to eomply with the City of Eogan WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No. of Units: Connection Charge: Account Deposit: Permit Fee: $urchorge: Misc. Churges: Total: ._ Dote Paid: Insm: SEWER SERVlCE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No, of Units: Connection Charge: Account Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Chorges: - Totul: Date Poid: cIrir oF EA"N 3795 P(bt Kno6 RondEagan, MN 55122 . • PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION $33,000 Receipt # _ Te be uted for SF Dwlg. d GargEsr. volue • Site Address 3165 No. gurdy Ct. Lot 20 Blockl Sec/Sub. DPnnywOOd pa,ui # 10 20960 200 01 w Neme Tollefson Bldrs. ; Address 13R16 11o13roke Ln o Name Z '0Qu Addre , ? ?1- Name_ Address I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this the informotion is correct and agree ro c State ot Minnemta Statute ond City of Signoture of Pertnittee A Building Permit is issued toL oll work sholl be done in ardanc4 with Building Official and stote that alI applicable _ Aoril 24 Erect EIK Alter ? Repair ? Enlar9e p Move ? Demolish ? Grade f] Assessment _ Water R Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner - Council - Bldg. Off. _ APG 'i Permit qW 'OiV" _ ?i 5urchor9e 16.50 Plan check SAC 500.00 Water Conn. 250.00 Water Meter?.?. Road Unit 75:p 05 Total 999.50 l IS1tlIS. on the express condition that State of Minnewta Stotutes ond City of Eagon Ordirwncea N4 4759 9743 78 Occupancy I Zonin9 Rl Fire Zorre Type of Const. V # Stories Front 42 _ ft. Depth 24 - fi. Peea This request void 18 months from Date o?f? Request I, as Q"Licensed Electrical Contractor OOwner, do hereb cal wiring installed at: ?./ ?6 / p{ / Street Address or Route No. eI Section Which is occupied P 80106 request inspection of the above electri- Range r County Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No O Yes Power Supl Electrical C Mailing Adi Authorized Ready Now ? Will Call 91? No. _ ?? /;?f.'?`,1(J j?'? ?? f7,jn]?? ?Q?? This inspectian request will not 6e accepted hy the ?vJ State Boerd unless proper inspection fee is enclosed. Mlnnesota Siate 6oard ot tlectriclty 1954 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104-Phone 645•7703 •- REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CNECK BELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST P 80106 Type of Buiidi g New Add. Rep. Check Appliances Wized For Check Equipment Wired Fot Nome ? ? Rxnge Temporary W'uing ? Du leai' ? ? ? Water r Li htin Fixlures Apt. BIJg. ? ? ? Drye ? Electci ?Nealing ? Commetcial Bldg. ? ? ? ' Furn Silo Unloader ? lndus[rial Bldg. ? ? ? Av C diti c Bulk Milk Tank ? Farm ? ? ? List ) ist L Other ? _? ?_ p } Hetelsf_ p Heiers? COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW Service Enhance Size: p Fee Feeders&Subfeedecs: # Fee Ci:cuits: # Fce O l0 100 Am s. 0 to 30 Am eres 0 to 30 Am res 101 to 200 Amps. 31 ro 100 Amperes 31 to 100 Am ies Above 200 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above lOQ-Amps. Transformecs RemoteControlCirc. Pa[tialor o[herfee Si s Special lnspection Minimum fee $5.00 Remarks TOTAL FEE y ? I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby i that e oye inspection has been made. (Rough•in) ? ? ? 4Date ,r- 3- 7y (Final) Date 7,:Y This request void 18 months from ' ? CiTY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 3165 JURDY CT N LOT: 20 6LOCKs 1 pQNNYW00D P.I.N.: 10-20960-200-01 DESCRIPTION: DECK NEW 434 ALT. RESIOENTIAL ?? ?,vC ??fb 160y?? ?.[at ?°?,es ms ? ?e ? t;? aqa e BUILDING 032036 05/19/98 REMARKS: PLANS REVIEWEp BY MIKE BARCK FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Surchergs Total Fee CONTRACTOR: , ? $50.00 $.50 $50.50 OWNER: - Applicant - CASTELLANOS JOAN 3165 . JURDY CT EA6AN MN 55121 (612)688-7514 ( ' 1998 BUILDING Consdvction Reouirements PERNlIT APPLPOATYUN CI7f^3 OF EAGAN 3830 PII.O'Y' KHOB RD - 55122 681-467B (RESIDENTIAL) *,N% ?? A RemodeUReOaG Reauirements ? 3 registered sHe surveys ? 2 copiea oi plans (InGude beam & window saes; poured fid. tlesign; etc.) ? 7 energy plwlations • 3 copies of tree presenatan plan if lot plalted after 711193 required: Yes No `f? DATE: CONSTRUCTION COST; DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ?-?-- Y?STREET ADDRESS: C7?" Il.? M ti1 LOT: , ??Q BLOCK: SUBD./P.I.D. #: `I?ili? Name: _c ?'+ck? 1r?S ._Tc.n Phone#: (c?12???[)'?J/ ?/ PROPERTY Lact First ?OWNER ? 1 .? T 1 Street %CONTRACTOR Ci City C??yVe,n State: hl ti.' Zip: •S •Sl Z ? Company: ?' O11? ? 2 eopies of plan ? 2 sRe surveys (exRerior addltions & tledcs) ? 7 energy celwlations for heated additions Phone #: Street Address: License # City State: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: Street City Sewer & water licensed plumber (new construction only): and lot change is requested once pertnit is issued. Penalty applies when address chang I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informaGon is co and e to comply with all applicabl State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. P t-,Signature of Applicant: . ? OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required o',?o Zip: Regis"Aon State: Zip: -„?? Greg 2 ?,? 10 Eagan, DELMAR H. SCHWANZI ? ? . UNO sun`/EronS. 1Nc ? . Ile4121.np Vnd*r LaM el tFt SbM el Mlnn0*0b 11750 SOUTH R08ERT TRAII ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA SSOBB 612/429-1 i89 SURVEVOR'S CERTIFICATE ? I ? v Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet i i. ? . , 3b o I? ? 5 '° \? • ? ?° I1 .) ? \ A h N ? ? v r'- \ wo ' ? . L O T 20 %,A?,. . C3?otK I 'm G ? - ?istirg Drainage ? Utility Fa"?sements? O ? a l LO ? a L ?a V) ? Z O T ,2 1' ?q 1v \. p BIOCK . ?a C01 ; o 0 ? _99.// rJ 89°44'13 "E ? Proposed Description: f. M easement for drainage and utility purposes over the southerly 5.00 feet of Lot 20, elock 1, UOPAlYFAOD, aocordinq to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. 5aid 5.00 feet being measured at right anqles to the southprly line of said Lot 20. I heleDy cerlily ihel Ihb survey. p1en. or reDorl wsa pieDeretl Cy me or under my tllreel supervhlon end Ihel 1 em e duly Neglltered Land $urvayor under tne lewe of Ihe Slele of Mlnnaeote. oated 01-16-97 ..,`? ?. '•. Y'L ()cinInnii. s<a iWr,NZ ; M325 - ?n. !.A . ? `,• ? .. .^ P .'.•1 H. Sehwanz 11a HegNVetlon No. 882$ ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Mlnnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: BUILdING 031970 05/07/98 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.e 10-29960-200-01 DESCRIPTION: 3165 JURDY CT N LOT: 20 BLOCK: 1 DONNYWDO? (SIDING) ermit 7ype 5F (MISC.) Type REPATR 434 A1.7. RE5TDEN7IAL a M ? . ? ???? ?:? , ?? ?t 3 ? p- 1 y? °?s ? p?"`"k ? °?we r??m?? ?se???? 1- Nw?& ?91 ? ? , ' ? aw .. i REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION 6ase Fee $21.00 5urcharge $.50 Total Fee $21.50 CONTRACTOR: . $5ee OWNER: - Applicant - CASTELLHNOS JUAN 3165 JURDY C7 N EAGAN MN 55121 (612)688-7514 & RJ f 1 111 a rISSUED G _ TURE? 998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) `?L[?'?o 31qqt C ITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 65122 681-4675 Naw Construction Reauirements ? 3 registered sile surveys ? 2 wpies of plans (Indude beam 8 window sizes; poured fid. design; etc.) • 7 energy ealculations ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan 'rf lot platted efter 711l93 required: _ Yes _ No ? DATE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ?e, pa i r- Y? STREET ADDRESS: _ 3I E.S J,,,-J, C7- rL7 RemodeUReoair Reauirements ? 2 copies af plan ? 2 site surveys (exterior addRions & dedcs) ? 1 energy calculations for heated addkions ?CONSTRUCTION COST; YOO- °p /?1 ?l) SS 1 LOT: BLOCK: SUBDJP.I.D. #: hftn?PLIAT(wt Name: &,S)-eIIG.nGS 4LQ17 Phane#: ??/ZJ PROPERTY 1-est Pvst ' Nk OWNER Street Address: C`T A.' Ciry ?.e.?.? Sta[e: NO Zip: SS/ ZI t, CONTRACTOR Company: Phone #: Street Address: License # City Zip: State: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: @egistm6o:: #: Street Address: City Sewer & water licensed ptumber (new construction ony): and lot change is requested once permR is issued. Zip: Penalty applies when address chang I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appiicatlon and state that the infurmation is cortect and agree to comply with all applicabl State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. "$-Signature of Applicant: ? OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required State: .. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-20960-200-01 DESCRIPTION: PERMIT PERMITTYPE: euzLozrvG Permit Number: 0 2 9 9 6 0 Date Issued: m 5/ 13 J 9 7 3165 JURDY C7 N LUT: 20 BLOCK: 1 DONNYWOOD (R00FING) ?uildi__Permit Type :$ui„1Cfinq W?p.t'.P, Type Census Code L, i t y.??. / f 7i h • 1 t \ s 3 ?? - % `, ?- _ F?,, SF {MISC.) REPAIR 434 ALT. RESTDENTZAL REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: , VALUATION Base Fee $45.75 Surcharge $.70 Total Fee $46.45 ? . CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Appl.icant - CASTELLANOS JUAN 3165 JURDY CT N EAGAN MN 551:1 (612)688-7514 I hereby aclenowYed-ge C1hFat T hawe +read this a pPli?at ign and stata that the information is correct anci agree to camply wiCh aIl applic3bl;e State of Mri. ? 5tatuCes arld Gityof,Esqan?Ordinanaev: APPUCANT/PEfiMITEE SIGNATURE SSUE?D n: SI eA?U E 191to 9 97 BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 8830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 681-4675 New Construetion Reauiremerrts RemodeVReoair Raouirements ? 3 rogistered site surveys ? 2 copies of ptan • 2 eopies of plana (indutle beam & windaw acea; poured fid, design; eta) ? 2 site ourveys (exderior addNiona 8 dedcs) ? 1 energy ealwlations ? 1 errergy plculations for heated additions ? 3 aopiea W tree preservatton plen ff IM plattetl after 7l1/93 requlred: _ Yea No DATE: ? Z CONSTRUCTION COST: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Ul-?o f STREET ADDRESS: _ 3I,CS G% 1V LOT ?[L BLOCK SUBD./P.I.D. #: i r;' PROPERTY Name: _ Cas+c?lc.r,czs joa„ Phone#: OWNER Street CT AJ CitY: State: N0 CONTRACTOR Company: Street Address: Zip: Z 1 ? Phone #: License #: City: State: Zip: ARCHITECT! Company: Phone ENGINEER Name: Registration #: Street Address: City: Sewer & water licensed piumber (new construction ony): and lot change are requested once permit is issued. Penalty applies when address change I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the iMormation is correct and agre o comply with ail applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Orclinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No State: Zip: Tree Preservation Plan Received - Yes _ No _ Not Required 9 0?? I./y?1 ? P ? IIUILDI17G P;;Ps-;ZR` ;iF''.':.,ICA1'10PI include 2 sets of plans, 7. site plan w/elevati.ons an(t ]. To be u. ed foz Site Address: 311v f?a -? dy/ r I?ot 61ock Sec./Sub. owmer Ac?clress J"2p// f??/ ?/!_? L n?1 p Contractor 1 ?61' ,? s • }kidress ZeeZ2 e- Arch./Eng. Address set of energ}- calculations. "nluar.ion _ - r=- parcel tatanner /d ? o fG 0? DD o l Telephcne 6 $ 73 Telephone Telephone OFFICP•. tJSE Erect Alter Repair Lnlar9e h+ove nemolisR rrade OFFICE tJSP i3hte of Approval & Initial " zi/i? --- . ? ..?.ii .c....._ PoliCe ? Fire Flanne.r I ,,r)unci' P 2 d4.. Of. f.. --------- --- - L.P.C. P.ng. Occupancy ZoninR Fire Zone 3 Type af Const. fl of Stories Front ? nepth .,:,?yt- ------ ------??/ ? :ZC7' rlan checlc SRC _ SQ»_'eak,?,:. r,rater Conn. O:ater i 4.e.ter `?- ? OTnT, Tollefsoe Huildera Inc. ?=lr, r! Ur??:?ay? I M[R[tY CQRTIRY TNAT TX[ F. C. JACKSON LAND SURVEYOR N[GIiTEHED VND[R LAWi OI 9TAT6 Or NINN[WTA LIC[X1[G K'/ ORDiNANG[ OF CITY O/ MINN[ArOLtS M ? h \ \ 0 . \ I \ y ` Or.10815 183-13A ._q7s? ? ? ?0 19 ic 3e1e ewsr aaTx STREET 5)Q1] 727-3484 i ibuibepOC'g ICtcti 'Gtatt I? ! ,?+? ' \ ID\ Lot 20,Block 1,Daoaywood, Dakata County,Ninnasota. An suavereo ev Mt rNts-__ 1S«!t_o?v oF _Ksrch , p 1978 ? F. C.'JACNSON. M R[airiIIwiwN. No. 3600 z:F:• jq: '! f?hene :,?3 Tr .Yl ,, ,,.(.°17 Lti',' Jl:i:y.t-d•?j•^ ?jT1jf'i? l?!17?'ii ?5',`.:7 r n.,.,,w- . 4....'.[J _. _.......? ? Erd?L-iTfl^ r:???x:o^: ncr;??.c?? ?.? c,o.zr??-F?^$cs j , ? ?: I•,q.??,,T' 'i ' 1r;iTL P.??o .o ''1P3 ',C. a.S F n16VY ? . , - . . .. .. .. ('-'I p ? +T'nC''; `+li'? ? ie?owoot> `s'YPE,iiOF' I?vULt1TIC1..? %9 f711LLO r?Ti 1 1a ?rgcr ? a?.? a afi ?CPI L(3o ???.'ok?ti t c;. , Ci,? F i ? s 'sy + a ? s p v? ?*' ?? ?w aZPI.:, ,E&3G'LhaTOJ; YT i?Io00?L; - i it r K?; ????TYvs?.? :.x •. . . ? ? ? ifi:? m?e'.?-t E? Y t i. . ; ?:F' r x ? 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I .1 ? .b.? ?y A.r-...-.V .C(-? ?-? -? M E M O R A N D U M CITY OF EAGAN ENGINEERING DIVISION to: Vlike Dougherry from: Mike Foertsch subject: Utility Easement Acquisipon Lots 19 & Z0, $lock 1 Donnywood date: October 23 1996 You may recall the "Waiver of Plat" for Greg Rounds which was approved by the City Council on October 5, 1993. The waiver created 2 pazcels from a single pazcel which inciuded the Round's residence. The onginal approval of the waiver required the water service for the newly created building site to obtain its water service from the water main located on the west side of Pilot Knob Rd. In reviewing the difficulty associated with construction within Couniy R/W, vfr. Roands requested the Ciiy to review an aiternate focarion for water servica, ie, through the reaz yazd area of his pazcel, adjacent to Donnwvood along North Jurdy Court. We discovered that the Round's residence and his northerly adjacent neighbor currently "'shaze" the same 1" water service. L(r. Rounds was of tha opuuon that he could simply tie into the exisring 1" water service thus creanng 3 homes tied to the same service. You can cleazly see the problems associated with this opinion. In researching all available oprions for service to the newfy created pazcel, we discovered that the City does not have a unliry easement over the existing sanitary sewer line locazed along the common lot line between Lots 19 & 20 of Donnywood. This locarion is also the best place for the Ciry to consffuct a "City" maintained water ]ine to service the two exisiing homes as well as the pazcel created with the waiver. Attached aze tegal descriprions and corresponding sketches for use in prepazation of rhe required easement documents which are needed to approach the affected properry owners for easement acquisition. I am requesting your office to assist us in the easement acquisirion process. The next issue is the prepazation of a"waiver" for the Rounds to agree to so the City can issue a building permit for a home they wish to construct. This creates difficulty because of the uncertainty involved with the easement acquisition as well as the availability of sewer and water service. My understanding is that Bob Bauer is working with Craig Knudsen on a draft agreement of some sort. We aze actively pursuing two quotes for the sewer and water service installanon. At this point, we think the Rounds should pay for 2/3's of the cost of the sewer and water service installation because they are in connol of two o£ the three parceis involved with the installarion. The agreement should inciude that cost esrimate. Please contact me a23er you receive this information. Thanks for yout help! i a hdka?r ? ? ? C ? m C ? Z ? Y F- ? Q ? FL ` ? I I I l / ? ? ? Ot0-32 I ?• \l t7 VNp t6 ^ 020-32 195.23' PROPOSED 20.0' uriurY ea,sEMe aso-u ^ I ? a i 195.22 1.00, i ao-3z I osd-az _xisT. is, ? UTIL? c?\'cMEN? 19 100 1 } ? ? _?o.a• \ ,p ? J`?o =0 t? 9Q ? 6 27 \ 22 23 za A 10 foot utility easement over, under, and across the northerly 10 feet ofLoi 20 Block 1, Donnywood, Dakota County, iv[innesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. Q Ga o,o-3x `i 16 ,1v I Q / ? ? I I? 02a3Z N EXIS . 15' , ' l Z UT1L? / = \S cMENi I / Y - - - - ? Z Q ? N 19 ? ? t 95.23' 'O y ! PROPOSED 20.0' 11 i uTnUrY EAsaMErrr -'?:=.. _.. i i ,o.o1 aSo-sz m ti? \ q \ O ^ r I 21 ? I 795.22 99.7.. ? 137.00' I u 1 ? ao-az OW- y 23 I I 24 A 10 foot urility easement over, under, and across the southerly 10 feet ofLoi 19 Blocic I, Donnywood, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. ' oF eagan THOMAS EGAN Mayor November 4, 1996 PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN Hl1NTER ' SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Memters JUAN M & MARIA CASTELLANOS ' 3165 N JURDY CT ? THOMAS HEDGES 'EAGAN"MN 55121 CW ndminisrrator E.J. VANOVERBEKE Re: Pertnanent Easement Acquisition for Drainage & Utility Purposes ciri aere Dear Mr. & Mrs. Castellanos: You may or may not be aware that your neighbors, Gregory and Marilyn Rounds, have divided their property into iwo parcels. One parcel was created for their e)asting house at 3160 Pilot Knob Road and a second parcel was created for the construction of a new home. In the Cily's review of the building permit applicatlon for Mr. and Mrs. Rounds to construct their new home, the installation of the appropriate sewer and water services to the proposed home is required. In researching the availability of the sewer and water service for their new home, Mr. and Mrs. Rounds requested to take their water senrice from N. Jurdy Court In researching the feasibiiity of providing public water service from N. Jurdy Court, ihe most probable location for The consUuction of this water service would be along the common lot line between Lots 19 and 20, Block 1, of Donnywood, or 3159 N. Jurdy Court and 3165 N. Jurdy Court, respectively. As you may be well aware of, the Ciiy currendy has a sanitary sewer line constructed within this location. In reviewing the appropriateness of extending water service to Mr. and Mrs. Rounds' parcel, it was discovered the City does not have adequate permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes to protect the existing sanitary sewer line as well as the proposed water service line construction. Attached to this correspondence you will find three original copies of a drainage and uGlity easement for the eAsting sanitary sewer line as well as the proposed water service line to Mr. and Mrs. Rounds' new residence. After you have reviewed this information, please contact me with any questions or concems which you may have regarding properly executing the attached easements. I can be reached at 681-4646 and look forward to meeting with you in the very near future. Thank you for your consideration. 'n er / I ' • ?Fi P?. ? 'cael P h . oe c Assistant City Engirieer MPFfjj cc: Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works Gene VanOverbeke, Director of Finance Bob Bauer, Assistant City Attorney Enclosure: 3 Original Drainage and Utility Easements MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PIIOi KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 68I -4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 iDD:(612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Actlon Employer MAINTENANCE fAqLITY 3501 COACHMAN POINi EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 691-4300 GAX:(612)CB1-4360 TDO: (612) 454-8535 I a DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT, made this _ day of , 1996, between NAN M. CASTELLANOS, a single person, hereinafter referred to as "Landowner" and the CITY OF EAGAN, a municipal coiporation, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WITNESSETH: That the Landowner, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby aclaiowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assigns, a permanent drainage and utility easement, over, across and under the following described premises, situated within Dakota County, Minnesota, to-wit: A 10 foot utility easement over, under and across the northerly 10 feet of Lot 20, Block 1, Donnywood, Dakota County, Vlinnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. See also Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. The grant of the foregoing permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to enter upon the premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain pipes, conduits and mains; and the further right to remove trees, brush, undergrowth and other obstructions. After completion of such construction, maintenance, repair or removal, the Ciry shall restore the premises to the condition in which it was found prior to the commencement of such actions, save only for the necessary removal of trees, brusb, undergrowth and other obstructions. And the Landowner, its heirs and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is the Landowner of the premises aforesaid and has good right to grant and convey the easement herein to the City. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. Juan M. Castellanos ._ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 1996, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared NAN M. CASTELLANOS, a single person, to me personally lmown to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing insmunent and aclrnowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. Notary Public APPROVED AS TO FORM: ?- /, City Attomey's01 Dated: i APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Public Works Department Dated: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA, P.A. 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley MN 55124 (612) 432 -33136 MGD/wkt • , 1 I I ? I . O ? Z ? Y ? I O ? ? n. ` i I I I ? / ? I I I I ? ? ? Q ? 0,o-3: `.% 195.24' 17 ,e ozo--u PROPOSED 20.0' untm Ea,sEMENr azo-az "' a rn 195.22 040-32 I 050-32 24 s A 10 foot utility easement over, under, and across the northerly 10 feet of Lot 20 Block 1, Donnywood, Dakota Counry, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. EXIS . 75' ? UTIL ; =?\'cMENi Z / 70 to.o' Z ? zo 27 \ u Exhibit "N" L)O i Ma ?iot?°u;ot-f'Pbunds Eagan, NA1 155121 ?gl?? DELMAR H. SCHWANZ. , . UNDSVRVEVORS.INC . ? . Pspbie.dA Undu lmwt el TM SlaU ol MinnO.ou 11750 30UTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOtA 55088 8121429•1 t89 Sl1RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ? I ? v IY ? I? 3p ? " •?E , - A. 5 0 ? ? i L U T 26 • ' -Q?-OCK / % -<- btist;rv prainage & Utility E ? n ?? i ? I I ? ?3 ' "' ow I 0 h ?a ? o 99.// /q 89°44'/3 "E ' i ?q1 0 , ?. ,. . Proposcd Description: P,n easement for drainage and utility purposes over the southerly 5.00 feet of Lot 20, Block 1, DOIa]YWOOD, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dekota County, Miruiesota. 5aid 5.00 feet being measured at right angles to the southPxly line of said Lot 20. 1 hereGy cer111y thel th{a eurvey. plen, or reDOA waa preDared Dy me or under my Olrsct avpervlslon entl Ihnl I em e duly Peglslered Lsnd 9urveyor under the lewa ol Ihs Stela al Mlnnssole, oeted 01-I6-97 \ Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet Z 6 . ? D \ y N WO cr' W - . \ °' \\ \ W ? ? BLoc-K I ? ?'•? :4:.:::.- v ) ?• ... . PEI Ml111 FI. "CFIbNANZ - 3G25 - H. Schwen: He Reglslrsllon No, 8825 ? ._..._._.__'_i _.__..1........._.. 1' I I 1 Im. rvlc ue Isl lu Juml ennula .? ? No delinyueni taxes and lrmisfer enter?d; Ccr6ificnle of Real Estate ValUe ( ) filed (?) nvt required Certi[icate?of Real Estate Velue No. ?r,I'n 3 , 19.Q7 i ???ama j I?YLn-ua./v County iluditor by De S'CA'PE DEEU'1'AX llUE HEREON: $ (O- S"` Date: Z- 3 - ?? , 19 _ FOR VALUABLE CONSIUERA'PION, JuAn ard Maria Castellanos husband and wife , Grantor (s), hereby convey (s) and yuitclaim (s) to Greqorv and Marilyn Rounds , Grantees as joint tenants, real pruperLy in ? Dakota __County, Minnesota, described as [ollows: f An easemPnt for drainage and utility purpuses ovet- ttie southerly 5.00 feet of Ltit 20, Block ], DONNYWOOD, 2Ctosding to the recorded plat thereof, Dailcota County, Minnesota. Said 5.00 feet being measured at right angles to ' the soutYierly line of said Lot 20. SEIUFS CERTIFY 7HAT IM SE •LFnS DO NOT FfNOW QF ANY FIDSS ON THE AESDV'E-nF"ttE23 REAL PROPIIt77'. 7f1E 701AL CONSIDERATION FC)R T}iIS TRANSACIZON WAS Ib55 'IHAN $509J00. COUNTY CANSEpVAT10N FEE $5A0 THOMAS V. NOVAK ?J P-- DAKOTA COUNTY TRFJw4URER-AUDITOR Iif mora speca is neaded, continue on back) together with all hereditaments and appurtenances beloi ' h 0 _ 87540 DAKOTA COUN7Y MINNESOTAw,,P- DEED TAX AMT.S 1.65 ? STATE OF MINNESOTA GOUNTY aF 22/o7- SS The toregoing instrument was acknowled f,?ed before me t is z??h day of 7? bY Juan and Maria Caste].lanos, hu?band and wie: .?._ _ ., , Grantor(e). NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTNBR TITLE OR RANK) 07 i CHilSfOPHEAJ MCOPBVY Rd1c ?• Ccxnm. E?1rm Jan 21.10m I TIIfS IN9TRUMENT WAS ORAPTEO BY INAME qND ADURESS): !! I David T••ssliny ; 1217 West Sevecnth Strc+et ; Saint Paul, M 55102 ' Tox 9talemmts foe th• n4 y opertf dswdbed In thb fn.[oumeat .hoWd bo pnt lo pnelud? nune md ??dr?n o[ Onnta): W 7/? T /"' lMDA- -T C?sTEz L.n-,-1v s 3r6s 5o e.?q 44F? M 'ii'?, G?-, rJ a 57/z( 51%& 1 PLUMBING (RESIDENTIAL) Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 Please cornplete for: Single Family Dwellings Townhomes and Condos when pemvts are required for each unit Date / S t Add e ress Unit # r,,?,/?, Property Owner , ,? Telephone # ((Q?I) U/'YJ((J" Contractor Address City State Zip Telephone #? The Applicant is _ Owner Conhactor Other Septic System New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license $ 100.00 Includes County fee. Additional consultant fees may apply. Alterations To Eaisting Dwelting Unit, Including $ 50 00 _ Adding fxtures to lower levels or room addftions, excluding water softener and water heater . _ Abandonment of septic system _ Water turnaround (+ 5/8" meter if needed -$121.00) Other: IJ? _ RPZ _ new installation _ repair _ reb 1 JAN 3 0 2003 $ 30.00 _ Lawo irrigaHon system By -4 Water softener _ Water heater $ 15.00 x replacement _ additional State Surcharge $ .50 IS. sn Total $ I hereby apply for a Residenual Plumbing Pemrit and aclmowledge tUat the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plu?abing Codes; that I understand tlus is not a permit, but only an application for a perrnit, and work is not to start without a permit;?tha the work will be in accordance with the appr??d pn the case d/ f,Tvork wMch requues a review and approval of plans ? ??- Applicant's Pnnted Name t?pplicanYs Signatnre Doscripl, ion For: ,. 3 G14 S r? , - -, DELMAR H. SCHWA Z?. . ? . . . LANO SUAVEYOR9.INC , . . IIeQIfbtlU UnU*r Uw$ OI TM 9t.b ol MInnO01. r 11750 SDUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA SSOBB 812/42 • ?'? SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Cl- -0. N Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet , i. ? , •? • Q ?,?E , o ? ? 9 ? % ,L U T_ . 20 .? , , ?137;0_C1C f ? -?- EKist;.n Drainage 5 Utility ,,. 5 ?? os i ? \ N ?N ?O ? W W ? , y0 Qw I •• LOT 2 I• a BiocK I L o b N 89°44'13'"E ' ?6 G ? ? \ " Vd \ ? \\ . \ ?N v ` 6 - ? k? o , ,. Pxoposel Description: Aii easenent for drainage and utility purposes over the swtherly 5.00 feet o: T_ct 20, B1ocY. !. Lr*E9Y5qCYJD, accorfling to the rec? nlat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. 5aid 5.00 feet 6eing measured at right angles to the southerly line of said Iot 20. I hereCy cerlily thet IhlS eurvey. plen, or reporl waa vfeoare0 by me or under my Alreel lupervNlon anA tnel t em e duly Reglslered Lend 9urveyor under Ihe lewf ol Ihs Slets ol Mlnnasote. Delea O1-1G-97 Ori Mnn i J. `. 5c:! ItNANZ , ._ ^f25- H. Schwenx ita Regletratlon No. 8825 ? bIdivldual (i) ta Juinl I enmits % ? No delinquen6 taxes and lrans(er entero; CerliCicaLe of Real Estete Val(le ( ),[iled (?) not required Certi[icatebIt Real Eslate Value No. 3 , 19?_ i ?UVaK/ Cowil.y %luditor by 5fA'I'E DEEU 7'AX Ul1E HEREON; $ (0--? Date: Z- 3 J/ , 19 _ FOR VALUAk3LE CONSIDEItA'l'ION, Juan and Maria Castellanos husband and wife , Grentor (s), hereby comey (s) and quiLclaim (s) to Greqorv and Marilyn Rounds , Grantees as joint tenants, real property in _ Dakota __County, Minnesota, described as follows: 1 •• rF An eascinent for draiiiage and utility purpuses crver the southerly 5.00 feet of Ltit 20, Block ], DONNYWI70D, aCCbrdirig to the recorded plat thereof, Dailcota County, Minnesota. Said 5.00 fr-et being cneasured at right angles to the soutlierly line of said Lc)t 20. SEI.IkItS C'ERTIFY Z41AT '14M RFr.i.FrtR DO NOT IiNt'X+1 OF ANY WE1 S.S ON THE A}I(7{7'E-DF:ICRI1314] RE'AL PROPFJt77. 7HE 1C11'Ai. CoNSIDERATION FCA2 TFIIS TRANSACIZON WAS 7JFSS ZS)AN $50000. COUNTY CANSERVATION FEE $5.00 THOMAS V. NOVAK .j fZ DANOTA COUNTY TREASURER-AUDITOR . 1i1 more speca ia needad, cantlnua on backl together witli all heredituments and appurteuances beloi ' "' ?2-3-77 N_ 87540 DAKOTA COUN7Y MINNESOTAw,P_ DEED TA% AMT.t ?' bS w STATE OF MINNESOTA GOUNTY OF _ ?i?6so)- The foregoing inatrument was acknowled ed before me is z`6?H dey ot 'TshwIt by Juan and Maria Caste].lanos, hund and wipe NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTNBR TITLE OR RANK) --- R' CNRSff]PllSQ0I004F(V7 ? Nota7 Pudia (ygnryp}p - °? ! • • Canm. Euplrof Jan 71, MM ? THIS IN9TRUMENT WAS ORAFTED BY (NAME ANU ADURESS): ! ? David Fssliny ? ' 1217 SVE:st. $Elr(:PY}I $t'SF.E't. i j Saint Paul, Nfld 55102 ? , Grantor(e). 810N`XTURB OF PBR80N.TARIN6 ACl(NOWLEDOM6NT TaR 9tabmmte Ior the n4 p operty desedbed In thls Imtrumant shoWd be s•nt to (Inciude nune eM a ?drw of Ormbq: 4/J 4- "A2IA- 04STELL4A-10s 3r6S ?o q _11?i4-6 /th/ M A'?, C-T- 0 a 57 ?2 ( City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 3165 Jurdy Ct N Lot: 20 Block: 1 Addition: Donnywood PID:10- 20960 - 200 -01 Use: Description: Sub Type: e - Furnace Work Type: Replacement Description: Furnace Comments: Quesetions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to Mark Anderson, State Electrical Inspector, 952- 445 -2840 Fee Summary: Contractor: Controlled Air 21210 Eaton Ave Farmington MN 55024 (651) 460 -6022 X253 Cindy Lilienthal ME - Permit Fee (Replacements) Surcharge -Fixed Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State Applicant/Permitee: Signature PERMIT City of Eaan - Applicant - $50.50 Owner: Paul Melgar 3165 Jurdy Ct N Eagan MN 55121 Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: $50.00 0801.4088 $0.50 9001.2195 Issued By: Signature Mechanical EA078645 07/03/2007 ePermit City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 3165 Jurdy Ct N Lot: 20 Block: 1 Addition: Donnywood PID:10- 20960 - 200 -01 Use: Description: Sub Type: e - Air Conditioner Work Type: New Description: Air Conditioner Applicant/Permitee: Signature Fee Summary: Contractor: Controlled Air 21210 Eaton Ave Farmington MN 55024 (651) 460 -6022 X253 Comments: Questions regarding electrical perm 952- 445 -2840. Permit expired without required inspections. 1 -16 -09 CE ME - Permit Fee (Replacements) Surcharge -Fixed Total: PERMIT City of Eaan - Applicant - $50.50 Owner: Paul Melgar 3165 Jurdy Ct N Eagan MN 55121 Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: Mechanical EA083782 06/24/2008 ePermit equirements should be directed to Mark Anderson, State Electrical Inspector, $50.00 0801.4088 $0.50 9001.2195 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA163481 Date Issued:09/02/2020 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3165 Jurdy Ct N Lot:20 Block: 1 Addition: Donnywood PID:10-20960-01-200 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Daniel B Hall 3165 Jurdy Ct N Eagan MN 55121 Experienced Builders Llc 463 5th Ave N, Apt. 3 Bayport MN 55003 (651) 285-6702 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA175940 Date Issued:04/22/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3165 Jurdy Ct N Lot:20 Block: 1 Addition: Donnywood PID:10-20960-01-200 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Daniel B Hall 3165 Jurdy Ct N Eagan MN 55121 Minnesota Rusco 5010 Hwy 169 N Brooklyn Park MN 55428 (952) 935-9669 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature