3882 Gibraltar TrCITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition LEXINGTON SQUARE Lot 2 Rlk Owner st?eet 3882 Gibraltar Trail , Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STFEET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1985 254,53 16.97 15 254.53 C009791 10-12-84 477SE _28_8 WATERMAIN 9Qr 1986 68.33 4.56 15 68.33 C410136 1-28-85 WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 8 2 1-28-85- STORM SEW TRK LEZ j 501.29 C010136 1-28-85 STORMSEWLAT 1986 13.81 34.25 15 513.81 C010136 1-28-85 CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STFEET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. 10420 sac 525.00 PAR K CITY OF EAGAN , ? n ,? ?? ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•199. Eagsn, MN 55121 - PH ON E: 454-8100 . sU1LDINA rERMIT aeceipt ?t Site Addrea _ Loi 2 B ParFel No. - W Name _ ? Address ,O NamQ ?? Addren - 1- Citv ,MM T"ji Erect ? Occupsncy E , R@mOdel Zoning ?Repair ? Type of Const. -, Addition ? No. Stories ;,j, ? `Tr. Move ? Length , Demolish ? Depth Int Impr. ? Sq. Ft. Ifl3tHll ? Aoororals Fees Name Address Siqnoture of Penniftu . A Buildinq Penriit is issw oll work shall be dorn in Buildinp Officid and store that cll applitoble Assessment Water 3 Sew. Pol ice Fin ? Enp. Plonner Council 81dg. Off. APC Var. Date Permit Y . ? Suroharge . G Plan Review 5 i s,4c Water Conn. : ? - Water Meter Road Unit Tr. PL . Psrks Copies TnTel on tM expnss conditla Stotutes ond City ot Eopan Ordirwna@s. Plumbiiq In H.VA.C. 'rj 7 Imp?ction Date Insp. Other Footlnysl Footings 11 Flnal Hty. Finsl Plbp WatM V?i{i?Y? VVNNV?I. ? Yr? ?• Well /J' ? a??? lipt [NECHANICAI PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Fill in numbered *eces Type or Prini legibly Permit No. _ 1 Fee S/C Tm 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address .?: 'Lot Blk. Trsct 4. Owner ?- ?',,1.,? .i. .- • •?; . , . ? 5. COfltfBCLOf ?' ? ? `''- -{ '''• P10r18 ? . , - 6. Address ? ? . 7. City -- - ? ? ' -- State 2ip 8. Building Type: Residential El"' Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New ? Add 13 Alter O Repair ? i 10. Describe '?'? •,:?? ??'? ?.! =- 4 Fuel Type 11. No. 'i EquiQmenL BTU - M. Ea. Forced Air No• Eauioment CFM Air Handlinq: Mfg. 412 X, ..- .. Boilers M E Mfg. ech. xhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gac, Pipinq Outlata 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ' _ .r?.? ? ? ? • •:k_ .? for Rouph Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT • Parmit No. _ CITY OF EAGAN - , pee ' Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legrbly Tot. 1. Date 2. Installation Cost r ? 3. Job Address Lot Blk. Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor Phone ' t - - r 6. Address 7. City State , Zip 8. Building Type: 9. Work Descripti 10. 11 ? Commercial ? Institutional ? New 0 Add ? Alter ? Repair O No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs . t, Septic Tank Lavatory j ' Softner Shower r . Well % Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray Floor Drains T Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. , Signed : for •'=?f Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: .. iI fsFtAt 1 F11? ? ,'7t1 iJ .+111Akt PERMIT SUBTYPE: ON :CORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: f It + : . TYPE OF WORK: ;.?? ; i ?? i r•t?{ ., , r.I I r++ Ir I n1 1 t hA I 11I N INSPECTION .. • .• I ir1RKS: PARAIf NfRMItF; i1RE f7Vt3UIF+EI) f'Uk ANY PIIIMEtiMA Olr Ct?c lKl+'A1 lJtiRF. Ir- Permtt No. Permft Hvlder Deta Telephone It SNV PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRiC ELECTRIC Inspection Dats Insp. Commenta Footings i Foundation Framing Roofing Rough PI6g. Rough Htg. IsuL I Fireplace Final Htg. orsat res, t-- I'}?c Ooc f!' s iCr Final Plbg. I?if'? ? Ibg. Ins?ctor - Notify lumber LAJ Const. Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final 60( i i1.4h IMf3 0J?# ?h ai'?f{ak Jlg7 _ oaak Ftg. ? . ._. . I - ? Deck Final `?- - - Well - Pr. Disp. , ' CITY OF EA 13AN SMR SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERhA1T WO.: % 13 7 Fagan, MN 55121 D^TE: T-?-RS ? T No. of Units: 1 r, Con-- ress: S;re Address: _1882 r.it,rglaT Tr8i1 L2 B5 Lez ngton Sauare Plumber. PLUMI•, 100.00 pd ?.o•« to eompyy wieb !r. cihr ei L.oe¦ connecnon aorQ.: - 425.00 nd Ordiwn"& Ikoount Deposit: 15;? C) 0 Permit Fee: i:; . 00 5u?d,o ro°• • •50 By Dote of Ir?sp.: I rup.: - Mist. Chorpes; Totol: Date Paid: - CITY OF EAGAN WqTER gEMCJ PERIMIT ' 3830 Piiat Knnb Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zonirg: ? No. of Units: Owner. ?- /lddress: Site Address: i ra tr' e; ' ' r1 - `•rrci+r Plumber. Di r:; - - - Meter No.. Size; Raoder No.: 1noew 1s eawplp wMl? tV qtr wM ?r Of Epso OnomMar. Connection pwrpe: Aooount Deposit: Permit Fee: Surcharye: Mlsc. Chorges: 1 1? TOfal: r -nr , r ? BY Oate of Insp.: D'ob Poid: Irop.: Y QF EAGAN Pilot Knob Road WATER SERVICE PERMIT Box 21199 PERMfT NO.: n, MN 55121 V pA?; r fl; IZl No. of Units: i r; So].]eue Cit• " F /KRl033: Site /lddress: s?.:•1 G:[? g{???rA^? ?ai1 ?..?' ?d?:i,,?:i«; ?c, Su?2?e 1_2i' Plumber. - - ?' i fi 1 Yt?' r,. i, r b Meter No : / 7 e: )• OG ptt Co nnke ;t? ?+ C h ar ' Size: ?? .??J . g ? ?q ? T: w..65.,..6?.t„1f`u l. . 1; A d/ne !o esa'Iq wM6 fly C*y oi Eagen nat. ? e of Insp.: Permit Fee: • Sur+chargs: • , V lNlec. Cha?ges: 132. 0t7 pC' Tocol• 63.00 nd ,ner,.r Dota Patd: • CASH RECEIPT • CITY OF EAGAN ? _ 194 R@C61V6D wMOUNr ? IS `71 ? _ ooLLaes ? ?oo ? CASH 0 CHECK R 'Ci? ?/Jf euno cooc nenourv• ) o4J 7/ Thank You ? 6Y N°_ 53138 ? IMiite-Peyen Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy BUILDING PERMIT r_ a. ....a s... SF Site Addresa - 3 $ $ Z Lot 2 Block- 6? Parcel No. m iName COLLEGE CITY CONSTRUCTION Z Address OX 309, HWY $O 9 City NORTHFIELQhone 507 645-6648 ?SF` Nmme SAME u Addrest ? C{ty Phone L ,rW Neme ? S? Address u .. w City Phone CITY OF EAGAN N2 10420 3830 Pilot Kmb Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:4548100 S?z j?'?C.,/ Receipt ;j C1 ? DWG/GAR 62,000 GIBRALTER TR --Sec/sub. LEXINGTON SO I hercby ockrawledge thot I have reod rhis applicohon ond stote that fhe informofion is correct and ee to co ply with all ap0licoble Stote oi Minnesotu Statute; Gry of?dp-6fdironces. Sipnmurc of Permitt A Building Permie Is issued ro: OLLE all work shall be done in occordance with all State of 85 Eract Lk Occupancy R3 Remodel ? Zoning Rl Repeir ? Type of Conat. V Addition ? No. Stories Move ? Langth 60 Demolish ? Dep[h 35 Int Impr. ? Sq. Ft. Install ? Avvrevab Rn Assesunent Permit 319.0( Water 6 Sew. Surcharpe 31 . 01 Pol+ce Plan Raview 159 . 51 Firo SnC 525.01 Enp. Water Conn. 500 , 01 Vlonner Water Metar 63. 01 Council Road Unit 280 _ 01 Bldg. Off. 6/11I85 Tr. Pl. 132 - OI APC Parks Var. Date Copiea $2.009.51 RUCTION rrnei m ths express corditbn thoi w Statutes and Ciry oF Eopan Ordirances. Buildirq Official v`*-? -A4?;Em-g ?- ? ,5Uq (P 3 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION cmr oF E?caN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New Conetructbn BeauUemama • 3 registered eite suNey& showhg Sq. R Of 101, sq. fl. of h0u58; and J rooted areas (20% maximum bt coverage albw" • 2 oDpies of pWn showing beam & vnndow sizes; poured found design, e[c.) • lsetotEnergyCakuletbns • 3 copies ol Tree Preservation Plen u lot platted alter 717l93 . Rim,bist Detail Options seleclbn sheet (hldgs with 3 or less unils) DATE SITE ADC TYPE OF -ZCj-C;2 AULTI-FAMILY BLDG _ Y _ N FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 APPLICANT k v, \ .r 'j STREET ADDRESS (^7 7(S? / Z`Z Iv CITY:? ,tL-STATEm ZIP TELEPHONE # ? Q-(?5- /UYCELL PHONE # FAX # PROPERN OWNER a/ ?CZ- TELEPHONE # / -------------------------- ----------- ----- --°--------------------------------- ----°--------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ••NEW- RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 MININ '7?2 rC, (d submission lype) • Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • Ne y Code Workshaet Sued • Energy Envelope Calculatlons Submitted MAY 2 0[UU1 ? j Plumbing Conhactor: Phone # BY Plumbing system includes: _ Water Softener _ Lawn Sprinkler Fee: $90.00 ? Water Heater No. of R.I. Baths No. of Baths Mechanical ConhacMr: Mechanical system includes Sewer/Water Conhacfor: _ Air Conditioning _ Heat Recovery System Phone # Phone # Fee: $70.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that ihe information is correct, and agree to comply wHh all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances-., Signalure of Applicant OFFICE USE ONLY pemodeVHeoeh Reouirememe • 2 copies of plan . 1 set ot Energy Cakulatbns for heatetl atldttbns . 1 site survey lor ezterbr aCdi[rons & decks • Uidicate tl hane served 6y seplic system for additbns ? VALUATION 77' ? Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4/02 INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: Lo-r : 2 B L 0 C K: 6APPLICANT: 3882 GIBRALTAR TR HAGER ROBERT LEXIN6TON SQUARE (612) 452-2071 PERMIT SUBTYPE: BASEMENT FINISH TYPE OF WORK: surLorNG 024262 08/01/9A ALTERATION INSPECTION FRAMIN6 D. . INSULATION D• ROUGH IN PLBG FINAL REMARKS: SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUZRED FOR ANY PLUMBING OR ELECTRICAL WORK F ? L -1 PERMIT 3? ? CiTY bF EAGAN ? ?- 3830PilotKnobRoad PERMITTYPE: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Permit Number: 024262 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 8/ 01 / 9 4 SITE ADDRESS: 3882 GIBRALTAR TR LOT: 2 BLOCK: 6 LEXIN6TON SQUARE P.I.N.: 10-45075-020-06 DESCRIPTION: Building-_Permit Type ;Building W'a,r_k 7ype i ` ? ?-ti.. .. BA5EMENT FINI9H ALTERATION (?? a REMARKS: SEPARflTE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ANY PLUMBING OR ELECTRICAL WORK FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee $35.90 5urcharge $.50 Total Fee $35.50 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Applicant - HAGER ROBEi2T 3882 GIBRALTAR TR EA6HN MN 65123 (612)452-2071 ? I hereby acknowledge thar I have rsad this apPlication and stete that the infiormation xs aorrect and agree to abmply uith a11 applicable 5tete uf Mn. BCatutes and City vf Eagan 0rdinances. 7/) APPLICANT/PEIiMITEE SIGN URE ? ? ISS ED BY: NATLIRE -i t i i f ?' . CITY OF EAGAN t 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION itt 681-4675 X X X SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site su eR(? (C??yj on rgy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural lansl ? et o"p 4 specifications, 1 copy of energy calc _______ Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date J? Valuation of work Site Address: 3882 Gp(bfA 1?A2 T,rq ? STREET SUITE # Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT BLOCK I. SUBD. ZS'" P.I.D. # Descri tion of work: ?S2`rnI?n4 'n ? S The applicant is: (M Owner ? Contractor ? Other (Describe) Name /?Aqer, ,Co1xr7- Phone hff-2-2c'71 - Property LAS FIRST Owner Address ?,Ygz C? br?/?,??e STREET STE # City EA? Ai? State ??? Zip -SS Company S Q vtn if:? Phone Co ntractor Address License # Exp. City State Zip Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: ? I ?. . ? I 2/84 F' CITY Or EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERNIIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION (PLEASE PAINT) 1) PF.OPERT"! ADDRESS: J8 02 ? r rFraI. DESCRI?'I'ICV: - - ,,S' (Lot/Block/5ubdivisicn r Tax P cel I.D. Nisrner) ? iS?'RUC^.?:tE, DATE 0F OcZTGi^.Ai, ctiILJT:`:G :=-:-5. ISS??tiC.: FDFS=- ZI.'IrT;/?lP?OPOS=- C'S: SL7,GL: cPMSLY ? R-2 C•UPL{ (Tv:O L^]ITS) ? Z-3 2C:vC{?SE ('?'f?n.W + L^IZTS) ( WI"'S) ? t^.-4 Ai:.itr2T:N2'/CC.Za'S71T,-M ? UllITj) Q CCs.?IE.°.Cj7%L/RF.'I'AIL?OFF'ICE p 'CL'S i^..LU Q L?ISTI:L'PIO.?IALIGGVE??n+.?'T 2) ivPPLiC -?,r PlEAS- c J NAiIE: ? 1 /C?QG. L ACDRF.SS: CTI^'. S;rT=', ZIP: ? . PHONE: I - `?O r' ?S 3) P117 .TBM (PLEASE PRINT) FOR CITY USE ONLY ??. E vniI U INC I j6FI PDDRESS: . R pLuMa?p+s-nPa - 89701618SST.W. PLUNBER ;v$E: . Active CITY. STATE, ZIP: ?P?V ` E=- Expir PHOA]E: M H?icr O D??O I? _ pLUMBER C-ICENSE 11 ?Yf Q o of Record - ' arr nicia 4) OCC[,'PAVT/C!•z'ER 'A.NME: ADDRESS: CI'?"!, STATE, ZIP: PHO`IE : tYLtASt PN1flIJ S) IIVDICI.TE S+MICH PERidIT IS BEIIrG RFOUESTEp: (Q . ? ION Tb CITY S?r1ER CO:VNF:Ci'IO:V 'IO CITY WATEF2 ? UiH£R (P=E DESCftIBE) b) P,:DIG,::: C::c.: ? P7.Z7,SE E?OID t1PPRWEt) PERXIT FOR PICIi-IIP BY ONE OF AHGVE ? PIEtiSE :7LIL APPROVED PER:1ST TJ 1, 24 ABOl7E ' ? / . y (Circl e) 7) DA'IE: ' ? '? : ?e Rai?fs?e? +? ea ?c?s? ??a qs?as?a a? ? i rc??:aa ?e ?alf?y? a? ??s ??ssar ? FOR C I T Y U S E pN;,y PER'-1IT °- ISSUED $ -_ 1/G- U SE:,ic,°, PERMTT (I`iCL:iDE SU°CS::RGc) $ /C?SU. WAT°R PE1U1IT (IiICL'uDE SuRC::A:2Gc) $ WATER METER/COPPEBHORN/OUTSID° READER $ WATER TAP (INCLUDi CORPORATIQDI STOP) 5 S?;dCR TAP $ ? ??_?sr? .,.,. .Ji.__'- _ ?._ --- r_..... .=r.5y= $ AC.^_OuNT DEPOSIT - FIATEB $ 5 d0-u-0 WAC $ S?S:ut? SP.C $ TRliVK SaATER ASSESS:?E:;T $ TRGJIK SE;9ER ASSESJ.•iF\jT $ LATE?.aL BEDIEFZT/TRU`IK SE:•:E= $ LA:'cRr1L BENEFIT/TRU::K f9AT°_R $ / - WATE R TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE $ OTHER: $ TOTaL $ ? AMOL'tiT PAID/qgC°IPT D0:,5 UTILZ.Y CON.IECTION REQUIP.E EXCaVATION IN PUBLIC RIGI-IT OF WAY? YES ZF YES, THEN ;•, "PERMIT FOR 'AOR?C WITHIN --' ` PUBLIC ROADWHY" MUST $E 1SSUED BY THE ENGINEERING DIVZSION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION, SUSJECT TO THE FOLL0WING CONDITIONS: 10, APPROVED BY; TSTLEc `' . DATE: _ ?7 /?? • MR sw mrs :??EMM Rmre w-w ? w? w siE wf? ?c? R? w?i? wf? wt? wE ? sa si? w? ?rt? a! sw w.. t t /? Vo r 0 . . 1985 BUILDING PERNIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTR9CTORS MUST BE [.ICENSED MiITH THE CITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 3 p p6 Ji 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATZONS NrjI.V ln20oo.pOs ? To Be Used For: {?0 m? , Valuation: ? Date: G-?n -11?) Site Address:??? a 1p 4453c),.icryo,-) Sect/Sub Lot;,.? Block--'4 - Erect Remodel Parcel ll Repair Enlarge n Owner C)1 y W NZ; Move Demolish Address ?? 309, ?jk)y _3 Grade City/Zip Code /`)p(j i i-1F')CL? 11?yJ ---------• j 'S ?VS 7 p Phone &/ C1`j(? ' - APPROVALS Contract Address City/Zip Phone Arch./Engr. Address J ? City/Zip Code Phone Il OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy _ Zoning Type of Const I/ of Stories Length Depth _ Sq Ft Assessments Permit Water/Sewer Surcharge Police Plan Review Fire SAC Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg Off Parks APC Treatment P1 Variance TOTAL ' ENEIZG`I GALGS. - '(JI V,&.LL1E STANOAROS AfLE J t C L,IA?(.S? AN 0 . v2? ( RXOF/LC? R-3 CZ- I Q 3S 319. 3 '? ?- q so 5? - (03. ? 280. °-' t 32 . °° avL) ?-so ' EXTERIOR ENVELOPE AVERAGE "U" C014PUTATION I L. 04lNER ' S1TE ADDRESS !69-1a,2, = :: L 1 CON7RAC70R (?3L-? ?-?'? Qff rp&gc DATE Cr 10 PHONE 507- (0y.?' Determine working square footage of each l. Total exposed wall area ..... 1726 sq, ft: x:19 ° 2. 7ota1 roof/ceiling area .... 9b0 sq. ft. x_,04___ Total exposed wall area above floor = I'7 Z B a. Total wall window area ........................... 14-I,w09 b. Total door area ................................. ? ?bLZ t. Total sliding glass door area ................ . o d. Total fireplace wall area ........................ o e. Total wall framing area (average 10%)............. I-i2.8 0. f. 7otal net wall area above floor ................ g. 7ota1 rim joist area ........................... q. Total eicposed foundation area = 85376 h. Total foundation window area........... ? . i. Toal net foundation area abeve grade ............ 8s.3-7b Detennine "U" value of each wall segment. l a. gitu,l _34(0 =4-9. 017 b. -36. GG7 x „u„ ?? = q. ,bq3 o X „u„ „ d. o X uil - e. 17Z .130 X"U" . 0 9 Z = I 5,27`l? f. I2q I. q-88 Xfluit ,043 = 55 r'?;'?Zr 8s.3?(o X ?out' .041 = 3•f= 9• - h. O x »Ull i. BS.??7b x 11 u" .079 ° b.?4-`?- 3 . ...................................Total If item /3 is the same a5, or less than item #l, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. . Total..expased roof/ceiling area = 9(00 J. Total skylight area................. ........ . 0 . k. Total roof/ceiling framing area (average 10%)... 410, O 1. 7ota1 net insulated roof/ceiling area..:........ g? Oetermine °U" value for each roof/ceiling segment. X 14ull _ ? - k. 96 x"u" . 17 4- = I b.'i04 1: 8 b 4., 00. x$suit . 0 22 = M.nO8 4 ..................................Total = 3 ?.°II'z If total of #4 is the same as, or less than ;2, you have met the intent of , SBC 6006(c)l. Alternate Building Envelope Design To utilize the total envelope system method, the values established by the ' sum of items A3 and #4 shall rtot be greater than the sum of items pl and :2. l. + 2. _ 3. + 4. , ? ? ?? ? r .r? . . ?.' ? "' " . _ • - '_ ._ Sru n / FW, AM ,Nq ARrL se4. ,.R.._ v^L ue _??TuTeKiaR A?R Fi??1 45 `z c,yv.saar ww&.,- aonao jz ?975?SofrH/o.o /r- ? 2.0 b Z Z SHaA TN?NG b7 LAP s,n,uc, 2 ? VAFk24 6AaRitR. ?Ei1'lA.1O9, AIIC /Ol•M 0. 83 o rA Lw R.a; 1..L. L.. c. ?ry:l/?"1 • 11?0.9a5? ,Q?,? TO TAL I?ooiAG C_. 1- NS4LL.ATF-c) AKtA B&TWLC N STL?OS "R"- vAi.w[. . bl Iureeioa ^iR rti-M 19.0 .?_iNSU.LAST 10N CR,19 ) ?ZO40 ?SHtA TM1N4 Bul 5i o 1 u4 `Ae -1-7 RTL1LicM i1iR 1"LM ZZ-1le pTAL. W..+L YALIAg- ft...•w.. t j 22.96 . ? ToT A L roo?A G t. NL-4 fawn.rb Unrc: 5 1 cu..o_ ? . •.• ? . . • • • "R'- VAL uE •1O/ N1E-R102 ,,IPL fil. M 9,0 IuSULAT1ON CR•/9 ) 2.06 Z 32 SNEATlNC,r VIL.T• RI'T? ,t,7 LpP gioili4 - 7.Z1 _ I, g8 1'h." SoFrwoov • E,(TfRioR qIA. F/i-lvl 24 3 Tor a ?- • q.-?' ?iqra,i.c Z4.: ? 'farn? ??r?4k FOUN D AT ION IAIALL- ARE? CABoVE, CqRworL..D ,. R„ yA L u. E. -101 JIJTERIOQ, AIIZ Htw\ .65 .$0 CoNG,e r rr DL-ocK 11.0 e-l I C. z x 4 i s (R• ) .17 E1CTE.K.I0R. AI¢ fll.M ?s 12.63 -rorni 4,4 VnLwL- ljv4 & 1/4-4, • I Z(,3 ? E : o7= rOTAL FmTAKaE F&%., r.-i ia"lb OAtc: 91GUED t( nN? u vA Lue WINDOW AIMA : TyPji oF 1n/1N.aaw: 619" lNSVL 6055 Tue \"'NOO"u uuirs /{Avt BaC?I TFSraO FO4 12-VAL?•l?? rNAY Aec ns L.19190 qBoJC ayo 1H4y 41 135 iSMEo ,A Ocai4N Cs•rcl VwL..yt.c. oF s IdcL.NDiuri AiR f/tMS,,,- i.? pOTnl, L '+'FOOTAG< FOUNDAT i WYYlNDoW ARZA: TYPE OP In.jiiJDOW : TNE. Vv,.rooW UN+?s/JA,FE B« TCSTSD FarC'R- VA+•r-, THLY AWt A} t. 1 sls-0 ACey 01- AM.O maY ar A6fitynrLo A pasiyr/C$^wea Vauec oc •$^• ' uci. wolNq AiB RIL-MS . ?1' I???. • ?? ?? FoosA44 i FOpTA4?. ? SLID1W?'i C?LA55 Doox ARfA= TYPL oOL DaoR : S??D?•JCr C?L-0I59 DOOliS NrYC CLR^I tLSTto Fo2"R= VA`Nty THCY AiL na wa*sv Abo?L AtJO M^y bt ns4S,4NF-p A DAsIGrNGs•O'S.) yA&-Kt of•1Z"• .Z09 ,? A1G ili/„lS DOOR YYPC oF DooR. ; THEILMA T2V 0600, IJ"t'TS NAVG 6Ef04 TLSTCO 4,40 RouUO TO NAVt AN ,.M3, NHla Fii VA¢uA Of =Z9 FODTACt L x-- 5PecIqLs : TrpL : ? ANAI-7si?:) oY 1/.TE. S?GNLrS FaRM L-1 InAUnLRi, f \ NrvY v r?... ", ^-. .. .. . J0137/ FR^Mo,14 AR[^ •R•• va L u E .bl IN7ERiOR ^IR FILM .375 :0z SoRrwooo .Sg 518, 4YoS4M waLc.eoA40 ---- - vA9aR a.Kleice. _.1-7 - I N7L?R ioR, AIR iil-M 5.735 ToTA L "R:., VAJ.u.e. w, : i / a.,,, . i? S 735 =. ToTAL pc3orA4i zNSulq7f?? qRtA BLrwct*? 7NE UGISTS •Fz• - VAw.t .61 JINTE4 iOQ Ai4 FILM ? 44.oa )N5U1.A710N CR•? ? .S$ VWQYPsuM WALLDo1"0 ? VAPOQ BaMaicIL. ?? INTERIGK A1R f!L M 4roTnL R..?vALLLL 'l.% : I/n..: _ 1/ ?5.3b = ozz ldrAL roor4cr. ? 6 -1 io/M1n4 R'i pAtq SIqWID s U.U".N 4??woiwaewewo ? I'IL , t ?:,w( & xww+P? aMUrnw ? 9al Tw?r ¦ Certiiicate oi 8urvey M?mOllv 5)1lO6E 6B15 1limnv?y No fi6 rv.E Minnupo?n. Mrnewot? 6GITl SoumONin WOifO yti 9wwyW1 LW P&? Burnv?lY. Wnr?u 667]I =or COL L E(vE C/TY rOiVST L OT Z, BL OC K 6 L EXING TDiV SQIJA RE DAKOTA CDUNTY, M /N/VESOTA BearSngs 5hown are Assumed. o Denotes Iron P4onument. a Denotes 10%)Foundation Cprner Steke. Denotes Existing Elevation. ? Denotes Direction of Surface Drainage. PROPaSEO ELEVATIONS Top of Block Lowest Floor Garage Floor= ? ?J ? Y ?,04 ? c ? a? N o? ?a \ u H ? ? ?----------- - D.PAIN/r(;E !' CiT/Ur? S,SMT ? I .Sr.;F?.. I 4m '(J[?^ P[qT I I ? I K? I r. L ? ? ao o S?v 7a 0 zo.o zoo ? ? .-- ---r -F = ' ° v , ?--- ---------- - - \ ? C, UO 'L?) !J,F ? 75.00 G1BRALTAR jj J J \ r` k] 31 r?, ? i ?. ? J S .,--? ?- -?--- --- --- TWA /4 1 Inrew iarllly Ma1 rYls ha v06 w/ awnsl ry"uwNllw N• wrwr N Mo bwwMAOS N rb ?Mw NisarlYd Isd, rM N tM I04410I0" d04 WINiwet, twwN?. ?a11 ddYle our*oeWwewb, II 6wy, frN r r rN Iowd. As swvry.ed ti ww IMs??ay e1 A.0. IOg. fYsYtlIAM) NOINa!AlINO, INC. „ I w«.. av .p.s w icE issi S 852 ?8 ?;• ' Nnt VuNisArd: All RiMta Reforvad ' 6 3U 98 REQUEST fOR BECiRICAI IPSPECTION , S. ir¢true[pns Tor eowle4ng this tam an beck o/ Yellow copY. ""%" kle/ow Work Covered by This Requesf EB-a0W1Ab 104pa10.dd1 Mao-I Type oi Builefnu 1 Appliamea Nirsd I EQUipment Mired ? I Bldg. Farm Fee Service p Fec Feeders/Subteetlers ti Fea Circuits vv 0 to 20 0 to 30 Am d? ? to 30 Ms Above AAM 37 to 700 Arrys Swimm Above 700_Ams TranSi Ivigation 9oonis - jG Partial: Offier Fee Sigm Special Inspection S ? Re?erks ? TOT L FEE?. /l7 /i' / r `?J .G Rouph-in Dare `? he Elechical Irrspecbr, hereby ify thnt [he abpve 1 Funal ? Daie L/ ? ? A' i?pec[ion has been ninde. 1M1jy lequa[ ?oiA 1B mOnt116 fmn Th; nques w,d 5? r 3 ? ,8 ? L 7- 3 r - 215 flEqu te '??[y {/(y? F?re No. lbuph red-in?1 i ction Re ady Now QWill Novty ?nsDec- ?? ?Yes ?No lor Wh¢n ReatlY Licensed Elttlri"l GoMractor , 1 herebp request inspeetion o1 ahove Owner elec4:?1 rrork imWlled at Streei AdAress. Box or Rw[e No. 88'' G, /f r %/ Gity E 4 ?- ecLOn Townshi0 Name or o. Raoge o. Cou0 Occupont INtINTO Phone No. Pow¢r Su lier k l?1 ? qddireu r C, ,. Electrical Co Vactor (CovWany Nam91 F? r C haytor's License No. r? 91fi eG 1 ne.-•. Mailing AdJress (Contracmr or Owrnen Naking Irtzrdila[ion 8 . sa:q s AutAorizetl g ure (C ractor? r Ya IosUIIMionl Phone Nu."r 44?.2- 190 YINqESOTq gTpif gpppp OF EIECiRICRt THIS INSPECTION REQUFST WILL NDT Grigps-YitlwaY &dB• -R. N-797 6E ACCEPIED BY THE STAIE BOARD 7827 UnivarsitY Ave., St. Paul, YN Y+7M UNLE55 PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Plpne, (612) Zg72?111 ENCLOSED. 2 7 3? G O ( ? Sy??U 18 monlhs Imm wlidohon dme pnnted in thiz li?a ;z 9F 5 (J C f PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE • Reqoesr po / Rough-in impecLOn raquired es No Impection Olher Than Rough.ln: [I Reody Now Wdi Cvll /( 7 no? muO ?aI[ m,;r„ecio, when i D.I. Ready. I, ? licensed conirocior V?omrier hereby request inspecfion of ihe above eledricol work af: lob PAdre??heet BoX, or o Nq/? ? ! J Gry Lp Code ra ? p? U { 5«lion No. Tawnship Nome or No Range N. Fire N. County 1 Phone No V v2/Y C?` Power Supplier Addrcss Electnml Co Im r ?Compony Nomel Contmcbr Lmnse No. Mmten cc Na. (Vlvnt Eled. Only; Mailirg as (Con cor rOwner Per(oiming IrsMllotion) o Ao 5 na e(Confmnor or Owner Perhrming Inslollabon) PFwrw No. S - EB-010001A-10 6/95 0' STATE90ARUCOFY-SEEINSTAUCTIONSONBACKOFYELLOWCOPY I IIII II III II II? II II? I? III II II' rd 11 1111111111111111 IIII 1 g27 Univ Rm. S428, . * 0 2 7 3 2 3 7 3* anooe (srz) saz osaa ? 9Pa 1, ?y(p MN 55104 ome Duplez Apf. Bldg. Ot ? ? ? tJew ddn Commernal Indushial Farm `S? n?s Remod Re oir Air Cond. Htg. Equip. Wafer Hfr. Lood Mgmt. Ofher: D er Ran e Elec. Heat Tem .$ervice "k' above the work covered by this request. Enter remarks in this space and an the back oi ihe white copy only. Cal<ulate Inspechon Fee - 76is Inspection Request w"ill not be occepted wdhout the <orcect fee OH?er Fee ;(E Setvice Enkance Sae Fee # Ciicvi?/Feeders Fee Mobile Home Park Stall 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Streat Lfg./Traffic Sig. Above 200 Amps Above 100 Am p s Transformer/Generotor INSPECTON'SUSEONLY ee,, ?? T?jTpy? S Sign/Oufline Ltg. XFmr. yp ??U Alartn/Remote Confrol ? $wimmi0g Pool nz eckd ?he elednml inemllaeon docribed hermn on the doles siokd I h h rn th t I Irngafion Boom erc ce a i Ro.gh-In Da1e $pecwllnspedion Investigative fee F'"° >?_ °°?! 1 7 Q THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. ' FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIOI?Qo? ? ,tate Boa of Elachicity ? . ersAy Ave., ?.?