3995 Lexington AveCITY OF EAGAN Remarks , - Addition ? Lot Blk Parcel 10 02200 010 03 Owner f ' A Street State EAGAN hIId 55123 + . _,,. .._:.-. ?-.oD_ 'D? Improvement Date Amount „I_ Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATEA LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK 1988 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOA CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHAIJGES WILL HE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RELVTAL ONITS FOR SALE UNIT3 # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS CONP4ERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OE ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: e llkp Valuation: Site Address 3?I'Q? h.ex,nt?'Ton A v2. ? Lot 010 Block 03 oiD 03 Pareel/Sub (UE %y ot cjeet aa 440^09- Owner l:i_7? D't LAQar1 -T Address M0 ??lof knob 2cJ. City/Zip Code Eackah r m(? 5 5 ? aa Phone Contractor _ Address City/Zip Code Phone Aroh./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone # nate: 1 C3U ? 91 l ?S?S On site sewage Oecupancy MWCC system _ Zoning On site well + Actual Const City water _ Allowable PRV required _ # of stories ' Booster Pump _ Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES ? ( ?l? Engr/Assess Permit Planner Sureharge Council Plan Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOTAL MEMO TO: MEL BAILEY FROM: BTBVS HANSON DATE: MAY 10, 1988 10-0?200 010- 03 SIIBJECT: CONDITION OF THE MCCARTHY $OME LOCATED IN PATRICR EAGAN PARK. As requested, Doug Reid and I made two inspections of this struc- ture. These inspections were performed on Thursday, May 5 and Monday, May 9, 1988. We observed the following: 1) The roof ridge board and rafters are sagging. The current design standards for roof systems would not be met by the exist- ing construction. 2) Some of the log joists that were used for the floor construc- tion are suffering from dry rot. These members should be re- placed with a system that would meet current design standards. These log joists were visible from the basement. The structure of the second floor was not visible. 3) A steel post that was placed under the mid-span of a beam in the basement appears to be set directly on the concrete floor. There should be a footing under it. 4) A portion of the home is built on a concrete slab with a crawl space under it. The concrete slab appears to be self sup- porting as we could view only a portion of it and there was no support system. The structural integrity of that slab should be verified. 5) The house is generally in good condition but if it would be used on a regular basis, it should have some repair work done. 6) At this time, no check of the plumbing or heating system was made. I 7) The electrical system has been upgraded. If you have any questions about what was viewed, please contact Doug or myself. A aAssistant Building Official SH/af i`r. .... . ? . '.....- • SCREENS 26,29&30 REAL ESTATE INQUIRY - NAME/ADDRESS/LEGAL XINPN003 PARCEL ID: id 02204 010 03 PLAT NAME: SECTION ;::? TWN 27 RANGE 43 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT5 EXEMPT FIRST DIVISION: LAST DIVISION: FEE CURRENT OWNER: CITY ?F EAGAN 3795 PILOT KIVO$ RD EA6AN MN 55122 TRANSFER TO SCREEN NUMBER: PF8-SCROLL FORWARD ;y-)l LE6AL.: S 16 A OF E 112 OF NE 1/4 EX E 400 FT LYIN6 N OF 5 E6 FT 22 2723 , ?2S vyn nfi oO. cCe ? ??'1??.-p No 90 1 on C?Y 21tJ SAC 10/9/84 IV. NEW BuSINESS - PendinQ Assessment Review A. PROJECT 411, PATRICK EAGAN TRUNK STORM SEWER 1. George & Mirian Nall (1 0-02 200-040-2 7) 61A ? BACKGROUND INFORMATION L 79i ?'?-- On Ju1y 17, the public hearing was held for Project 411 which provides for the trunk storm sewer outlet for Patrick Eagan Park and the ponds within the future Birch Park Addition located immediately east of the Na11 property. Enclosed on page9? / is the letter submitted by George and Mirian Nall requesting consideration by the Special Assessment Committee. Enclosed on page,,?3L is the preliminary assessment ro11 prepared for this property which shows the total area of the lot, the credit applied for future right of way and the net assessable area. Mr. and Mrs. Nall are objecting to the City's special assessment policy which provides for a"large lot" credit which is applied to those parcels zoned agricultural/single-family, less than 5 acres in size and homesteaded. While the property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Nall fits the first two criteria of the policy, it is presently not homesteaded. The "large 1ot" policy would have provided that only the first 16,500 square feet of each acre be assessed at the current rate. If Mr. and Mrs. Nall had qualified for this "large lot" assessment policy, their pending assessment would have totaled $2,972.00 instead of the proposed $6,282.00. The "large lot" policy was adopted by the City to provide credits to those people who live on tracts of land less than five acres in size, taking into consideration the low probability of their ever dividing such a small piece of property for development purposes. In addition, the City Council required that the property be homesteaded to protect the credit only for those owner- occupied situations and not to be applied to investment-type property. Enclosed on pageZ3 is a map showing the location of this property located just east of Pilot Knob Road. Enclosed on page? is a topographic overview of this property. An additional objection by the Nalls pertains to the fact that no credit was given for the ponding area located to the east of their property and the rugged topography over the eastern half of their property which would hinder the feasibility of this property being developed. The ponding area on the eastern portion of their property is not necessary for the City's comprehensive storm sewer plan and would be al2owed to be eliminated and filled through future development. The present elevation of the ponding area is approximately 50 feet below the elevation of the existing house. STAFF RECONAiENDATION After reviewing the topography, the configuration and existing and proposed future development of the property surrounding this parcel, it is highly unlikely that this 4-acre parcel would ever be subdivided. The cost to eliminate the ponding area by importing the required amount of fill plus the apparent inability to create a sufficient number of lots through a subdivi- sion to justify the costs associated with public improvements, it is the 11 t r . 1. George & Mirian Nall (10-02200-040-27) (continued) staff's recommendation that this parcel be classified as a"large lot" and be given the appropriate credits. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS 'L 0 _. U??( y / 7 z F Af` C z+,,e 6-4- ?y at-` r ? a. 5s -Q?s Y\ ? W 4-'-? ?-? 1?---?- Y' ¢_ C-o^.S ? dsz. ??-d by ?" c5 5?s?s ",+ Wa_y T ? ?''?'``eS?'?'°? U S, ? lc` --? , ,?y, ??,?Q ' vo ? ? z? ? -- PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL APPENDIX B PATRI CK EAGAN PARK/BIRCH PARK ADDITI ON TRUNK STORM SEWER OUTLET PRO.TECT N0. 411 Parcel Area Credit Assessable Total Description (sq.ft.) (sq.ft.) Area (sq.ft.) Rate Assessment NE 1/4, SECTION 22 • 010-02 3.89 Ac. Large Lot 3.89 Ac. $743/Ac, $ 2,890 011-04 1,873,080 Pond 91,476 1,425,284 $0.045/s.f. 64,138 Future R/W(20%) 356,320 TOTAL $67,028 NW 1/4, SECTION 22 012-26 - Eagan 771,184 Future R/W(20%) 616,948 $0.445/s.f. $27,763 154,236 013-26 - Eagan 435,600 Future R/W(20q) 348,480 $0.045/s.f. 15,682 87,120 014-26 - Dak. Co, 370,260 --- 370,260 $0.045/s.f. 16,662 010-27 188,740 Future R/W(207) 150,992 $0.045/s.f. 6,795 37,748 020-27 200,000 Future R/W(20%) 160,000 $0.045/s.f. 7,200 40,000 030-27 113,076 --- 113,076 $0.045/s.f. 5,088 -> 040-27 174,492 Future R/W(20%) 139,594 $0.045/s.f. 6,282 ec_ 8 TOTAL $85,472 1560c Page 7. ZZ ?j P/o - • ? il ?I Civlc Center slie I! . ?o z !' } li3 ;.r ;rD Ilx F Cify ot Eaqan 013-26 p/o Civic Gnter s(te I. ;::_ _ fl E?liYr?T-O6ra; -? _--I r. 6 r. '. :c c DacNO369334 S K 0 V D i .. 3 A ? p - k-? N ? ? o• ? ? • ?. .., ') , i: O I O-27 m ? i 0 ? k ? Y i !w 020'97 'v j o 0?,,'.? • /.'?• y ?? a .r nzsE fr :•D4?'27 - - - - - - i- •?= - L o. _ I , •}'s? - ? ? ?/ . ? 03D? :•.? ?Y ??. ' ? F i i / U - / ?.+ •••.s. ?• ?,. ? $ / ? '? z . ?;o 0, V D4 A L. E3 t , s ? ? • L-- - ?--= DEERWOOD - -? ?? DRtVE ?n• ci.. o.; uu»? _ Y - ..? _? ?? ?? ??•. - - ' L.. ? ? :..?..? .u' <a.> ?c . 903-' I. x 87G G h i ?'?? X tero? ? - - - - - ' , N rasi3 CS.A.H. 3 -- --=' " ---? •---------------------- ? - --- t z2 X 6"? --r---- --?1? , _ _' _ -- _ _ _ _ -- - --'? _ !. x Q = _`'-`?'c.3 ?` ' -•."- ---- ?? fJ / / i? - ? .89t ? ? - ,a? ?• ' J 5 - ------ __ (/ ?l ? ?\ ?n 1? 4 T9%µY 1 I p \ / `?\ a'?B%9 Q-89o'' i, . , ' '•' "/ ``` __'__'" .__ ', ' ? / 1 T8I9Z ii. ?l r ? r 67t•J /T- /,/ ? 1 Z?cb1 i . ? i ` ??\ ?` ? i , ? ?. ? I Y ? ? i ? ? o ? ? ??? _? ? ?i? ?/' ? ?i • T 1 I '-- ? ? ' / . ? • i 11 ?, "\ 1, rs ". a 4 _' , _-- -? ? /' ? ? ? ? r ? ?,, I _ `? /?J \\ `` ? ? ? ? / I C7 {1 I / / I ? I r,` `? ' • ` ? 1 /' ' ? / / ?Q? • / ?yl i _ - 00•"'_ - I r // '? 1, ° ? ?/ ? ? ?(' `?? i//ii/ ? ?? ??_ ,' j '. r ? .// ?,x`?n- , ? ? ?, . ; ?•?