4100 Lexington Ave Use BLUE or BLACK Ink 1 For Office Use I 1 Permit # I City ofEalan Ia,a I I Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road I i Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: I Phone: (651) 675-5675 I r Fax: (651) 675-5684 I Staff: I 2010 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date• Site Add s 'T ((ICJ L k !1 ~C Tenant: Suite PROPERTY ~ iir OWNER Name: ( t-y- I rA 10~ - Phonel-51, Lt5-~ °-&A CONTRACTOR Name: License* ;16e? Address: N6 c6cu" e l 4 City: i Y Lam' is State Zip r Phone: 0) - `i 71\2 Email: < TYPE OF New Replaoemept Repair RebuRd Modify Space _ Work in R.O.W. WORK Description of work: u- t1J c5 33 PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL _ New Construction _ Modify Space _ Irrigation System l_ yes no) Q f RPZ / PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Gall (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to nicking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1' Avg. GPM High demand devices? ___yes No Piushometers ,_Yes No COMMERCIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contract value $ X1% $ Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems + = $ Radio Meter Read - If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50 = $ Meter(s) - If Permit Fee is > $1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 $1,000 Permit Fee (Le, a $1,001-$2;000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 surcharge). / State Surcharge Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ Water Permit Call the City's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES $ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (851) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.ciot)herstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and odes of the City of Eagan; that 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; thak a rk will be in accordance Wth the approved plan in t e of work whio0{equir a review and approval of plans. X ,l - x g'(a/ Ap icant's Printed Name Applicant's Sig tore FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough-In Air Test Gas Test Final PRV Required: Yes No Page 1 of 3 i I I CITY OF EAGAN I 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 I (612) 681-4675 I SITE ADDRESS: It:slhi6i??r! i PERMIT SUBTYPE: I t 1:1irl , ! itil ,j i . CTION RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: rI i t a iI t ta?? ? R {'Rik f'11'i ftOf)Flf#41} • ? li+, I I Pi:,. ., • !- rli•i t Pt?, .A '(1?1[il? fiJ ( I li?i 1?iill.rfl 1!? i11+? I ltytlf i'I{:?? i Itif,l 111? ? i ran! Permit No. Permit Holtler Date Telephone # S/W PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - NOtity Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. To be used fot Site Address Lot Block Parcel No. c Name W z Address o r.irv oti„no ' '0 Name ?< Address ? city i ?s ° W Name ' W y? _? Address u Q W City I I hereby acknowledge that I have read t information is correct and agree to coi Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan ( Signature of Permittee _ A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work sh applicable State of Minnesota Statutes Building Official CITY OF EAGAN , Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 Est. Value ;Pr./Ruh ?a and state that the applicable State of ie done in accordance with a I City of Eagan Ordinances.• Receipt # Date 14270 .19 OFFICE USE ONLY ? , . ? On SRe Sewage Occupancy , I MWCC System _ Zoning ?, I On Site Well _ (Actual) Const ! Ciry Water _ (Allowable) PRV Required I # of Stories I Booster Pump Length . Depth ? S.F. Total Footprint S.F. ? APPROVALS FEES .1 Engr./ASSess. I Permit I j Planner Surcharge ! I Council Plan Review I ? Bldg. Off. SAC, City , Variance SAC, MWCC I Water Conn. I Water Meter I Road Unit I Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL ,. Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # Plumbing i H.V.A.C. Electric Softener ??- In¦pactlon Date Insp. CommentE Footings 1 Footings II Foundation Framing _3., n? ?-.f-?? t.f/• Cot.err?r?oya-l-G4-s?8- Roofing j'a.o?,?tic- ?i2? S3a?- ?y-i=? ?x.?.-? Rough Pibg. Rough Htg. IsuL FirePlace Final Htg. ??S Final Pibg. Bldg. Final Cert. Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck F(nel Well Pr. DisR - ?•? ? ?? Lc? ? L'?/ i4i?_?,eS?' o,c/ ^y _ - - -- :% ? ` > s?. • . ? A (gpxfifiratr of (Orrupanry titp of (tagan EP}iaYY1tIPtlY Df WitQtttq Jt19.}tPtttDtl This Cerli)icate rssued pursuant to the requirements ojSection 306 of the Uniform Building Cade certifying rhat at the rime of issuance lhis srructure was in compliance with the various ordrnances of the City reguladng buelding cronstrucaon or use. For the followrng.Ux Clasfintirn - Bldg. Rrmit No. Omupa-r'n'x zooin` Diw;a rype camt. - Ownm M Building qddrm .. ... . ... . :.. Buildin8 Addrm . . .. . . . . Loulity Dale: Buildiog OBicial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE . ,. _ . • PERMIT # - ? • MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # ' CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: ' ? " i`•-- ' '? CONTRACT PRICfi: ,.. , _ _ .. ., ; PHONE:454-8100 Site Address " "' k ` ' • BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block ? Sec/Su b Res. New MuR Add-on - ? Name ? Address Comm. Repair - , ' c City- • , Phone?-'%? ? Other ? Name FEES RES HVAC 0 100 M BTU $24 00 u? Addr ess, ' . - - . DDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 A , 3 p City . :,., PhonA? :- 1??t- _,) 1, RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW ( CONSTRUCTION) 1 PER PEFiIAIT GAS OUTLETS MINIMUM 1 50 EA ( - ) - . . TYPE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Forced Air M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. R.4TE APPLIES B il TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES o er M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & Unit Heater M BTU REMODELS - 12.00 Air Cond. M BTU MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 Vent CFM $ STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 . (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets # R BEYOND $1,000) ? Other , FEE: f ^ ' ? ?? J S/C: ' ' SIG?rATURE OF PERMITTfE TOTAL: ? FOR: CITY OF EAGAN ' _ ? , . PERMITtt ` PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT ri 7,'?..t??C? GTY OF EAGAN ? 3830 PILOT KN08 ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: PHONE:454-8100 Site Address. - BIOG. TYPE WORK DE?CRIPTION Lot Block i ` Sec/Sub Res. New Mutt. _&..I', Add-on ? Name I % • . Comm. Repair ?a Address Other c Ciry Phone ' RES PLBG ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: . . NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Name . -Water Closet - $3.00 $ " ' -Bath Tubs - $3.00 3 Address " ' ' ',',. 7 _Lavatory - $3.00 O Ciry ( :rns::Phone 6G6 7Z4 Shower - $3 00 _ . -Kitchen Sink - $3.00 FEES -Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE -Laundry Tray -$3.00 I APT. BIDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES _Floor Drains -$1.50 I TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES -Water Heater -$1.50 ? MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 -Whirlpool - $3.00 ? MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 -Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 ? STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMII) (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES -Softener -$5.00 , BEYOND $1,000.00) -Well - $10.00 _Private Disp. - $10.00 .1i -Rough Openings - $1.50 SIGNATURE ERMITT FEE: -+-70 • u? j STATE S/C: ' FOR: CITY OF EAGAN GRAND TOTAL: CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE; 454•8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt# - Tobeusedfor .. -(''•''j"' r;t•? Est.Value Date b" ,19 SiteAddress 4100 Li-,4- 1.?1'C7?V AVF. Lot I Block 1 Sec/Sub. LFk1NGTON H1L1.8 1 Parcel No. _ c Name a & Z PAU'6r-;ri`i = Address P.O. BOX ?",0 ° City -.1t,br.>SSh Phone 606/784-5910 UQ I Name- ?1^?£ I o? Address ? City Phone ? W W Name -,?ATERSAK ARCHI?ECT Address r:iSi ALbC'MHR JA, 1_ uf) QW City 7:ic:Pi1$r;F Phone 50h47Rh__2764 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the inforrhation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota S[atutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. i Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official OFFICE USE ONLY On SKe Sewage Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well (Actual) Const CityWater x (Allowable) V lEiR . PRV Required _ # of Stories , `- Booster Pump Length 1`' 3 Depth ?' ?-' S.F.TOtal 20, 51H1 Footprint S.F. IJ. Z 5n APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Permit - 1,70. SU Planner Surcharge 2 50• (X Council Plan Review 85L.75 Bldg. Ofi. SAC, City 1.Y10 .06 Variance SAC, MWCC W U8 .11Q water Conn. lti) 080 . t)G WaterMeter l?/A , RoadUnit ?..?11sh-0() TreatmentPl 45UU Parks TOTAL 34, 1 ; i . _ ? CITY OF EAGAN ' 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE; 454•8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for Est. Value FA a:l Date ,19 Site Address "110 AV."'. Lot Block i Sec/Sub. LA` A'"'C1W; 'i 1'.LS : Parcel No. s Name & Z PAR'C'iNEitS z Addrem %1•0• fl+?X 2997 ° Ciry .? .( ;.=',SS:.. Phone 6U?i/7?4-•z4'IO o Name'_ ? Q Addres ? City uw ' Name aKTEABAK ARCNITECI'S FW Building Official OFFICE USE ONLY _? Address '751 8L(?C1M??: Pl]LL k:J <W City Phone -t764 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the infordnation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee ' • A Building Permit is issued to: ' ` ' =?'' ? ' ''"- • on the express condition that all workshall be done in accordance wiih all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. OnSiteSewage - Occupancy MWCC System Zoning OnSiteWell _ (Actual) Const V 11*1 City Water ?(Allowable) Y 1 NR PRV Required # of Stories 1 BoosterPump Length 1?'3 Depth 5$ S.F. Total ll', Footprint S.F. (? ? 5J APPROVALS FEES ? i,-Y(3.50. Engr./ASSess. Permit = ?'U. C3[) Planner Surcharge `??1•?5 Council PlanReview 81dg. Otf. SAQ City 1' 970•00 Variance SAC,MWCC 1L'01'0'00 Water Conn. 1u,080.00 Water Meter NtA RoadUnit 7,656.00 Treatment P1 7 r 456. CN) Parks N ! A roraL °34,1?1 7.?y CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT To be used for =`<--C ,NI T APZ Receipt # ? !4 2"2 Est.Value $500*000 Date OCTOUH b ?g n7 Site Address 4I20 LBX INGT04: AVE Lot ' Block i Sec/Sub. LEXINGTON H1LLS 1 Parcel No. m Name ?i S 2 PAP:'SEkr> z Addre'9s P.O. '.St),( IL757 City 1iAiKc?SS(: Phone 608/7$4-591i' 0 a o Namd 4faN1 ? Q Address P City Phone ? yVj W Name ' SATEAbAii AkCH1TECT5 Address ?1:751 8L(X?1k1t:k ?:1LL R;) a W City ' Phone ii0br? 7? as-17b?, I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the inlormation is wrrect and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City ot Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee . A Building Permit is issued to: << &<- on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Otlicial_ OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage Occupancy Ri MWCC System Zoning ?? OnSiteWell (Actual) Const V 1 Ciry Water ? (Allowable) V 1!: H PRV Required of Stories ` Booster Pump Length 1$3 Depth 56 S.F. Total 26,501.1 Pootprint S.F. 10, 1 50 APPROVALS FEES ? 1 103.5U Engr./Assess. Permit , Planner Surcharge 250•UO Council Plan Review 851 • 75 BIdg.Oft. SAC,Ciry ' 1,920•00 Variance SAC,MWCC tV?48() - 0 0 Water Conn. 1 U.(?(i0 . 00 Water Meter N/A RoadUnit 5,&SG•OC) Treatment P7 3.45b.00 Parks k ? ? ?34`?•` TOTAL _ . : D-I ? BLDG. PERMIT N0. . I{ + _ ... _ .... ,y 01-3210 .?, Y . Bldg. Permit U 3 c? " ,01-3422 Plan Check 01-3445 Surch. /Adm, . ?01-3446 SAC/Adm. ? 01-2155 Surcharge 17-3860 Road Unit G O 20-2275 SAC l ? ? . -v ?. ? . , 20-3865 Water Conn. b:_: 0(_'; ? 20-3$68 Water Trmt. - 20-3716 tiater Meter + 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permit 20-3743 Sewer Permit ? 79-3866 5ewer Conn. '. 11-3855 Park Ded. TOTAL j ? ?- .,_4 BLDG. PERMIT N0. ? 01-3210 Bldg. Permi 01-3422 Plan Check ` 01-3445 Surch./Adm. 01-3446 SAC/Adm. 01-2155 Surcharge 17-3860 Road Unit 20-2275 SAC 20-3865 Water Conn. 20-3868 Water Trmt. 20-3716 kater Meter ? 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permi 20-3743 Sewer Permi 79-3866 Sewer Conn. 11-3855 Park Ded. TOTAL ' L? BLDG. PERMIT N0. fj ? 01-3210 Bldg. Permi 01-3422 Plan Check ? 01-3445 Surch./Adm. • 01-3446 SAC/Adm. 01-2155 Surcharge 17-3860 Road Unit 20-2275 SAC 20-3865 Water Conn. 20-3868 Water Trmt. 20-3716 kater Meter 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permi 20-3743 5ewer Permi 79-3866 5ewer Conn. 11-3855 Park Ded. TOTAL CAS1i RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNO(3 ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE 19 aeceiveo iROM AMOUNT $ I 8 DOLLARS 100 ? CASH Q CMECK POR " BY . White-Payers Copy Yeilow-Posting CopY Pink-File Copy Thank You - . 1 ' OF EAGAN Permit No: Date: Pibt Knob Road Meter No: Size: Box 21199 Reader No: Date: in, MN 55121 Pr ?. :' Partaz:r =: .Chg: - 1u.O?d0.00rn? ZoNng: '.74 Dep: No. of Units: "`+ t Fee: _ 10UUp d I agree to comply wfth the City of Ordinances. By WATER SERVICE PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob I P.O. Box Z1 Y 99 . Eagan, k4N15512• Permit No: B/P Na Date: ' - - ? Date: - ? I agree to comply wHh the City of Ordinances. By SEWER SERVICE PERMIT Y OF EAG AN Permit No: Date: U-15-f? i 0 pi!-.,t Knob Road Meter No: Size: ??? oc . Box 21199 Reader No: Date: 1 an, MN 55121 ner. ` 1 rirtnex:: Address: xiU?tou ?^ve fl i T 1 P1 Lcx, oton ilil' - umber._ .Toe 71Pnge l Pl Conn Ch : . g Acct. Dep: Rafnro d• Permit Fee: ' Surcharge: F t I a9r?Yb t6n PlY with the City of Eagan Tr. Plant ' , Meter. Misc.: B WATER SERVICE PERMyT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PNMJCnob Road Permit Na B/P No: P.O. Ffox 21799 Eilyan, MN 55121 Owner. Site Addr Plumber. MWCC: _ City Chg: _ Acct Dep:_ Permit Fee: Surcharge: Data Date: i Zoning• ` No. of Units: - ? OOpd I agroe to eomply wilh the Gty of Eapan Ordinances. By ?-- ?_ SEWER 8ERVICE PERMIT - _ _ ?? CASH RECEIPT , CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 onrE ?s ? 43 Kcerveo FPOM nMOUNr & DOLLARS O CASH IXEHECK '? _ c?2 y?-?2.?Lp ??-cG/ /- 5/ '-? FUND I OBJECT z-111a ,1- j2 ,, AMOUNT Thank You sv /?-G (l7'--t7 81563 White-Payrers CppY i Yellow--Pos?ing CopY Pink-File CApy This request void 18 nwnths irom 69336 /-?///,'"?r ,?? ?? _ "?-. ?/?,; s7?6 Iel?s ??A 0-0 Request baie . Fire No. Rouph-in InsVartion / ' ) - Require . OReady Now Q Will Noti(y Inspec- r { ?Yes No ^ ? ? tor When Ready Ucensed ElecVical Contractor ?- ? ? Owner 1 hereby reque5l ins pection ot ahove electricel work installed at: u Sheet Address, Boz or Route Na. Citv er.uon o. Township Name or No. R»ngc No. Count Y OccuUant IPRWT) Phone No, N G? Power Supplier Address b e Electrical Contractor ICompany Name) Contractor's License No. ?,*???s? ?F?? o a ", Maiiin AdJress IContractor or Owner Making Instailation) Authorized Si ature IContractor/Owner Making Ir stallation) ph??e ryimbyr mirvrv[bUiq STATE BOqpD OA.ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILI NO7 Griggs-Midwey 91dg. - poom N•191 BE ACCEP7EO BY THE STATE BOARO 1821 Universitv Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(612)642-0800 ENCLOSED. 00001-06 `7 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION w EB- ?C? 5/ '. '7 0 See inslructions for completing this form on back of yellow copy. 3 3 6 "X" Below Work Covered by This Request 179 -2 C,? ti p Fee Service Entranca Size H Fee PePders/Su6feeders k Fee Circuits 0 ta 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s 0 tn 30 An s Above 200 Ampsl 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Aps Swimminy Pool Above 100_-Amps Above 100_Amlri Transformers Irrigation Booms , Partial•"Other?' Signs Speciallnspection i? TOTAL E ? Nemarks Rough-in ? Ua 1, the lecvicaI ? Inspect aby ertity that the Tbove Final ,-.? 7 j?'9,? inspection h een r mada. ? Thla requesl vofd 18 montha Irom ? This request void 18 rnon[hs ?f+rom I? ^ 7 (/' ?{ ? V ?J /? J 51_ I . ),, ? ,? /1li /Y/ ., i n,/e"-i.r . /?-K??ri ` ??/.? J ?• ?'"? Request fJate Fire No. Rph•in Insperlion ??eqoLuired? []AeadyNowjgWillNotify.lnspec- 1-9? 19Yes ?No lor When Ready IN L-censed Electrical Contractor I hereby request inspection of a6ove ? Owner electrical work installed at: Street Address, Bux or Route No. City y/ a LC- 4017 ??tr.*AJ ecuon o. Township Name or No. Range No. Counly L F. ?r? ?- .j i??, Or.cuuantlPRINT) 1 / Phone No. . 4 /vGEG C. ? ?'" p -S,V/t?j Power Supplier AddresS 7AKa rxt i'C !G ? i Electrical Contractor (Company Name) Contrar,tor's License No. dj!?M.e_ FL ?c. P7? ! C_ D 4?0 7 Mailing Contractor or Owner Makinu Instailation) a Z,5;Fri Authorized SiOnature (Contractor/Owner Makiny Installation) Phone Number 4 %? ?J Sr MINNEJOIA STqTE BOAHD OF EDECTRICITY THIS iNSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bld9. - Hoom N•191 gE ACCEPTED BV THE STqTE BOARD 1821 Universitv Ave.. St. Peul. MN 55104 UNLESS PROPEN INSPECTION FEE IS' Phone 16121 642-0800 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION . es-oooot-os Ii, See instructions tor completing Ihis form on back o( Vellow copy. ?(/Gd 6929 5 "X" Below Work Coveied by This Request New Add Rep. Type ol 81.1iltling ApDliancee Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electrie Heatin Commercial Bldy. Fumace Siio Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tanl< Farm Ofne, pPCify il,er (Sp?er,ifv) t er $UCCify 0thC? Comoute lnspection Fee 8elow # Fee ServicB EntrenceSize R Pex Fexders/Subfeeders N Fr.e Circuits ----------------------- U to 200 Am s 0 to 30 Am s 0 to 30 Aurps Above 200 Amps 31 to 100 Amps Z 31 to 100 A s Swimming Pool Above 100_Amps Above 100_Am s Transtormers Irrigation Booms o$D Partial-'Other Fee Signs Special Inspection ? 4 TOT FEE Rertmrks -0 1 . flouBh-in DaVI, the 'spector, heroby 3, .,certify thet the above Final DA"' nspection has been W141.4-4) . 3 Y?Y mada. Thin request void 18 months Irom CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT To be used fbr 24-liNIT APT Est. Value $500,000 N° 1427'0 Receipt # tl?R? --7 ;? ? `i , D ? Date OCTOBER 8 19 87 Site Address 4100 LEXINGTON AVE Lot 1 elock 1 Sec/Sub. LEXINGTON HILLS 1 Parcel No. c Name H& Z PARTNERS z Address P.O. BOX 2997 o City LACROSSE phone 608/7$4-5910 , o Name SAME ? a Address ?m City Phone pjW Name SATERBAK ARCHITECT _? Address N751 BL00 F.R M.. RD V 4W = City i.A CRf1SSF Phone. 6DA1788_7764 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree t comply wi h all applicab State ot Minnesota Statutes and Cit o an Ovan es. Signature of PermitteeX _ A Building Permit is issued to: -? P TN S. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State Of Minnesota S tes and City of agan Ordinances. ? 8uilding OfliciaL _ I _ J OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage Occupancy Rl MWCC System X Zoning PD On Site Well (ACtual) Const V 1HR City Weter X (Allowable) V 1HR PRV Required # of Stories 2 Booster Pump _ Length 183 oePth 56 S.F. rotal 20, 500 Pootprint S.F. 10, 250 APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess_ _ Permit 1,703.5( Planner _ Surcharge 250.0( Council Plan Review 851 . 7-' BIdg.Off. SAC, City _1 . 920.0( Variance SAC, MWCC 10?080.0( Water Conn. -Lo'o 8 0 ? 0( Water Meter N/A Road Unit T 6 _ 0( Treatment Pt _L45kL. 0( Parks TOTAL $34,197.2' V9 36-1 2005 CONIIVERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date -8 / ? l / 3c6'rj Site Address ky I nq-"Q ? &v°t, - 19• U nit # Tenant Name l?C,k 1?'llT?`?'p {-?-1 ???; rCIU ?- Former Tenant Name Property Owner elephone # ( j Contractor Vv I C,Lga? Address 3 4LV) 175;1 f-4 L&F7 City -f•}A ry)n L/4--IL? State rn t,? Zip55R b Telephone #(? ?? SSO I" r O's 1 LicensP # Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor Other Work Type _ New Bldg _ Modify Tenant Space RPZ PVB _ New Repair ebuil _ Replace _ Irrigation system Work within public right of-way/easement _ Yes _ o Rain sensors are re uired on irri ation s stems Description of Work ?f iDU 1 Id 12 PZ ?a [v'e gria i3b To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, call 651-675-5646 Meters - Cal1651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to oickine up meter. Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" disolacement $161.00 Domesric Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Pertnit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ x 1% _ $ Permit Fee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irri arion systems $ Radio Meter Read If permit fee is $1,000 or less, surc6arge is $.50 $ State Surcharge If permit fee is over $1,000, surcharge is $SO per $1,000 of the Permit Fee Following fees apply only when installing new irrigation system? Y$ ' Water Permit Call Jerry Wobschall a[ 651-675-5024 for required fee amounts $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ --------------------------------- Total Fee ? 1- , , ., ? rn r I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Pemut and aclmowledge that the informarion is complete and accurate; 'tha6, t}ie ';workE?will be in6 ? conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is ta I iot a pemut, but only an !! application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pemut; that the work will be in accordance with the approvedyplan inLtl'te casefbNNi V which requires a review and approval of plans. f? I 1 GY?LI C( W e S}YY?lrl .? :f . ApplicanPs Printed Name Applicant's Signature t??_ -- --- -- CITY USE ONLY . REQU[RED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test _ Gas Test _ Rough In _ Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR ? General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevard irrigation systems- $141.00 • RPZ's must be tested every year and rebuilt every five yeazs. Test results should be mailed to Paul Heuer at the City of Eagari. • A minimum fee perxnit per address is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebuild, repair, remove. ? • Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REOUIRING 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 518" residenfial $125.00 4-120 1-1/2" itiigatlon syst $ 735.00 displacement sm commercial turbine** Public Works maX"nu°' must approve continuous meter size 10 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigarion $161.00 4-160 2" turbine lg irrigafion syst $ 931.00 mazimum displacement residenrial & continuous sm commercial production lines 15 3-50 1" displacement very lg res $296.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,849.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum sm commercial & continuous & lg comm bldgs 25 irri ation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $429.00 maacimum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOLJIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very lg irrigation $1,182.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,563.00 syst & production very lg comm bldgs lines 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,282.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,076.00 very Ig comm bldgs very lg comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very Ig irrigation $2,226.00 syst & production lines c;omments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11 65 1-675-5675. • To arrange for water tum-on, call 651-675-5300. cc: Maintenance Division Clenca] Technician January 2005 f Q Y • y :d ?i?.? ? {.., r ? s ?': r _:f F?. ? ?;; a . _ ?:'., ' _ ?I a 8 ? CITY USE U1%Y 4 . . .. . ., .? 3 - . . PERMIT # RECEIP'f DATE• _ VtStF .._..._ ._??v: ?:,ffti ?iI1.?.rzf;:3.?f?f?U?f?l.i!f>? Tt. ?, ?.,.... • . r_ . wm?iipV4'iL TYVMLL?G FEMET AMPUVlil LVl\ . .. . _ "i'•?...6,???I/T?LlIVM?.;?ai,,, , :. . '.'i?? .? . ? . . ., ?, .l ?70?/ 1 ?f01/i W\Va ??V ??N; IiW lfS188 851?81?08?S INCOMPLETE APPUCARONS tMLL NOT BE PROCESSF? WORKTYPE _.New.Bldg. Add-0n ._. _ Repait........ _.RPZ _A/ PVB 'Irrigationsystcm . • Must complete reveree side of application also. Required meter size is 2" tiubo unles smalier siu pemiitted by Public Works DESCRIPTIONOF WORK , .. /mZ 14 f 1S-/ I -_. To inquire if Pressure Reducing.Yalve is required; on new`servic,,caR 651-681-4646 METER$ -.Ca1165,1481 4300,to, verify, that hydrostatic, conductiyity, and bacteria tests, passed prior to uicldna up meter Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM Fire" Size-Bc Type . Avg GPM Domestic Size 8t Type Avg GPM Does this include high demand devices7 Yes _ No FLUSHOMETERS _ Yes _ No PRV REQUIRED _ Yes _ No Site Address: 'S??D O /. Z°Xj j 1 Q/ Qz-) Tenant Name: Wes there a previous tenant in this epace? _ Y_ N. If Yes, Name: InstaUerName: /7).;?Z(2 ?Ql'?o.') /0/n'l Imtalier naaress: ?3?6a2 ?? b ra ry City: ? State: Zip Code FEES Contract price $ 11% ($50.00 minimnm) Contract Fee $ . . . .. . . .., _.. . , . __......,...... .. _. . _ , - . . Meter(3? ._ . $ ... - Required on all new bnildings &.boulevs"rd_irrlgation systems (Acct # 92211=4509). Surcharge: $.50 Minimum: If eontract fee exceeds $1,000, calculate at 50 cents per $1,000 contract fee. Total From Reverse Rsdio Meter Read $ State Snrcharge $ 1_?o New Service $ Totat S ?JO. eo I hereby aclmowladge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agee to comply with all applicable Ciry of Eagan ocdinances: It is the appficanYs responsibilityto notifythe propertyoavner thatthe CityofFaganassumasuo liability for anydamages oausedbytheCiry during its normal operationat and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed underis pe?mt within City property/right-of-way/easement 116'o SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE . .-:. , . . . . . .:.. . . ..... .. ... . . . .. ?. CIT'Y USE ONLY ° .: . REQUIItED IlVSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test Gas Test .._ Rough In, • _ Final PLANS.SUBMI'I"I'ED APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR Telephone #: 6 1'.?- Y?a' (acea Code) Telephone#: •/vo?- 9620 -aeo ?"/V (/vea Code) PERM[T #: CITY USE ONLY 14- c) 1 RECEIPT DATE: FLU$Mfi;PW=APMCAT10N CIIYOF E146lkN 8850 PDMT HNOB $D $i46M.IdP" I22 e51-6$14675 ING4MPL.ETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT 8E PROCESSED Date: C?..,) - a<g ' c) I WORK TYPE New Bldg Add-on Repair x RPZ _ PVB • Irrigation system • Must complete reverse side of application also. Required meter size is 2" turbo unless smaller size permitted by Public Works DESCRIPTION OF WORK To inquire lf Pressure Reducing Vatve is required on new service, call 651-6814646 METERS - Ca11651-681 -4300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed pr[or to oicldna ua meter Irrigation Size & Type Fire Size & Type Domestic Size & Type Dces this include high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Avg GPM Avg GPM Avg GPM FLUSHOMETERS Yes No PRV REQUIRED _ Yes _ No _% A? e S. Le_x'%r-%$Aoj sice Aaaress: 4 ldr Tenant Name: LEX? nq? n Telephone #: Cos )_ y S a- O 313 1 (Area Code) Was there a previous tenant in this space? _ Y_ N. If Yes, Name: Installer Name: M ( I-, A fz,So-fN Installer Address: Sy () Telephone #: 9 S o`L - 9 02 O- o? l0 9 Z? (nrea coae) City: State: TYIt? FEES Contractprice $ 00 xl% ($SO.OOmioimum) Contract Fee Zip Code S Sy oZ tp g .?"? . 60 $ - Meter(s) Requved on ell new buildings 8c boulevard irrigation systems Swchazge: $.50 Minanum If contract fee exceeds $1,000, calculate at 50 cents per $1,000 contract fee. Total From Reverse Radio Meter Read $ State Surcharge $ New Service $ - 1_?a Total $ 13'0. sa I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable Ciry of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eaga?n? ounes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under fs perm within City property/right-of-way/easement. SIGNATURE OF PERMF CITY USE ONLY REQ[JIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test _ Gas Test _ Rough In _ Fina1 PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: , BUILDING INSPECTOR A city oF eegan December 12, 2000 MR PETER HILGER PORTFOLIO DESIGN SERVICES NC 2500 W COUNTY ROAD B ROSEVILLE MN 55113 RE: STORAGE BUILDING 4100 LEXINGTON AVENUE LOT 1, BLOCK 1, LEXLNGTON HILLS 1ST Dear Mr. Hilger: PATRICIA E. AWADA Mayor PAUIBAKKEN BEA BLOMQUIST PEGGY A. CARLSON SANDRA A MASIN Council Members THOMAS HEDGES City Atlmirnstrotor We have completed our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a building permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhaustive and comprehensive report. Unless otherwise noted, all references are to the 1997 U.B.C. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicable codes and we are, therefore, requesting that the following items be addressed. Please have the enclosed Special Inspection and Testing Schedule filled out and signed by both the owner and contractor. This must be done before a building permit can be granted. 2. Submit two sets of landscape plans. 3. Provide a fire protection plan on an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper and a floppy disk in Auto CAD dwg release 14 or dxf release 14. This will assist emergency personnel responding to the site. An example is enclosed. 4. A contractor must be named. 5. Submit construction cost. If you have any questions regardina the above requirements, pleae feel free to call me at 651-681-4683. Thank you. Sincerely, J. Craig Novaczyk Building Inspector JCN/j s Enc. MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (651) 681 d600 FAX: (651) 681-4612 TDD: (651) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunity Employer www.cityofeagan.com MAINTENANCE FACIIITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (651) 681-4300 FAX;(651)681-4J60 TDD: (651) 454-8535 . INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: LOT: 1 4100 IEXING70N AVE LEXINGTON HILLS PERMIT SUBTYPE: COMM./IND. MISC. BUILDING 024538 09/15/94 B L 0 C K: 1 APPLICANT: A70P ROOFING CO (612) 649-0156 TYPE OF WORK: DESCRIP7ION REPAIR (APT ROQFING) INSPECTION ., . .• FOOTIN6S FRAMING ROUGH IN PLB6 ROUGH IN HTG FINAL PLBG FINAL H7G FINAL ? F- - ? L .? PERMIT 31 s/j CITYOF EAGAN 3830PilotKnobRoad PERMITTYPE: auILoxNG Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Permit Number: 0 2 4 5 3 B (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 9/ 15 / 9 A SITE ADDRESS: 4190 LEXING70N HVE LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 LEXINGTtlN HIIIS P.I.N.: 10-45025-010-01 DESCRIPTION: (APT ROOFING) B/uilding",Permit Type COMM./IND. MTSC. Suilding Wo`r-k, 7ype REPAIR .; 45+; -uL,?D -?\ REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: VALUATZON $12,000 Base Fee $135.00 Surcharge $6.09 Tatal Fee $141.00 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - OWNER: ATOP ROOFING CO 26490156 REACQR LTD 1845 UNIVER5YTY AVE 4116 LEXINGTpN AVE S7 PAUL MN 55104 • EAGAN MN 55123 (612) 649-0156 (612)452-0.313 I hereby acknowledge that I Mave read tFris applicat-ion and state that the znformation is correct and agree to comply with all appliaable State of Mn. 8tatutes artd City f E an Ordinances^. " L 4 ;1) - /I VL _ _ APPLICANT/ R EE SIGNATURE ISSUED IGI?TU?E' ? ? JCITY OF EAGAN 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 _?_ 4I"J`,9 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy af energy calcs. MMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date S e,cT Valuation of wor ? Site Address: ?`id? .. e e, ? STREET SUITE # Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT -1_ BLOCK ___?_, SUBD. ? • ??1f .? ?} 3bf ,A? P . I . D . # Descri tion of work: ?lZed '"? d- ?- cr' The applicant is: ? Owner W Contractor ? Other (Describe) Name _ "A-/ ?Lf •roea_ 6ca/z- Phone 5 Z 0-9?3 Property LAST FIRST Owner pddress L1l1? Le x".d 4,1 STREET STE # City 5tate Zip ?5S/Z 3 Company A720C f2eW:,dG C0102.u41".4 Phone COntraCtOr Address 19116- -/1 A-ile- License # Exp. City 6 -4 State ,Lj'#j Zip S.?"la Company I'luNf?- Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address ' City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application nd tate that the informatian is correct and agree to comply 11 appl'cable State o Mi sota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Si t f l gna ure o App icant: v OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE O 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex O 11 Apt./Lodging ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 03 SF Addition O 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 04 SF Porch O 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck ? WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth _ APPROVALS Planning Engineering REGIUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Site ? Wallboard Basement sq. ft. lst F1. sq. ft. 2nd F1. sq. ft. Sq. Ft. total Footprint Sq. ft. On-site well On-site sewage Building Variance ? Footing ? Final ? .,. ? ? ."?? .. ? •,.ti . :? ? ? „r•r"4. ? 16 Basement Finish El 17 Swim Pool ? 18 Camm./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish MWCC System City Water PRV Required Booster Pump Fire 5prinkler Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit Assessments 0 Framing O Draintile ? Insulation 0 Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit 5/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: vetuat;«?: g SAC % SAC Units c U 1987 BDILDING PERMIT 9PPLICATION - CITY OF EAG9N SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLIIDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SQfiVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOTiiNEE MUST DESIGAATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BIIILDING PERMIT IS ISSQED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS - RFSIDENTI9L RENTAL ONITS X FOR SALE [JBiITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF FLANS, CERTYFICATE OF SIJRVEY - CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.p 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COLNMRCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF . ENERGY CALCULATIONS, « $29000 LANDSCAPE BOND To Be Used For: Multifamily Valuation: Date: Site Address 4 1 00 L?. 4%,(F_ OFF Lot ? Block ? On Site Sewage MWCC System ? ParcellSub Lexington Hills First Addition On Site Well Owner H & Z Partners City Water Address PO BOX 2997 City/Zip Code La Crosse Wi 54602 Phone 608 784 5910 Contraetor H & Z Partners Address p0 BOX 2997 City/Zip Code La Crosse Wi 54602 Phone 608 784 5910 Areh./Engr. Saterbak Architects Address N751 Bloamer Mill Rd City/Zip Code La Crosse Wi 54601 Phone Ik 608 788 2764 areaovALs Assessments Water/Sewer Police Fire Engr Planner Council Bldg Off APC Variance Oecupancy Zoning Type of Const (Actual) (Allowable) ?k of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEEs Permit Surcharge Plan Review SACt City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit -Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOTAL c U 1987 BQILDING PERMIT APPLICA?ION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLIIDE 2 SFsTS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICA?ES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCQLATIOHS AiOTE: ADDRESSES FOR COBNER LOTS - CON?RACTOR/HOMEO'iiNER MIIST DESIGAASE WHICH 9DDRESS IS DESIRID. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BQILDING PERMIT IS ISSQED. MOLTIPLE DWELLINGS - RESIDENTIAL RENTAL QAITS X FOR SALE IIBIITS INCLliDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SIIEVEY - CHECK IiITH BLDG. DEPT., l SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS - CO'I?MRCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF , ENERGY CALCULATIONS, y $29000 LANDSCAPE BOND To Be Used For: Multifamily Valuation: Date: Site Address 4 1 OO LEC. &Ie- ` Lot ? Block ? Pareel/Sub Lexington Hills First Addition Owner H & Z Partners Address PO BOX 2997 City/Zip Code La Crosse Wi 54602 Phone 608 784 5910 Contraetor H & Z Partners Address pp BOX 2997 City/Zip Code La Crosse Wi 54602 Phone 608 784 5910 Areh./Engr. Saterbak Architects Address N751 Bloamer Mill Rd City/Zip Code La Crosse Wi 54601 On Site Sewage_ MWCC System ? On Site Well City Water ? 6PPROYALS Assessments Water/Sewer Police Fire Engr Planner Council Bldg Off APC Variance Oecupaney Zoning Type of Const (Actual) (Allowable) ' ? of Stories Length Depth I S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEFS Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOTAI. Phone # 608 788 2764 C:CT`! Q!= [::r'1[:,AN Ci1S1..I. ''i.l-.,?,; `:i if:l:MINt'il... Nt'3a 764 n•}- r..• ? ? r +,. _° i? ?`i'..::';rr ii,-i L.C f1..??7.?t/:3:.) ?r.L,tL- ?W ;T1;; MnMF : i s_;P t:,t.lN :i: Fdr, ;:'c':I.C? 9001 KDO I._f:_?( ialJE 03,25 c..`..'i5 9::101 /+:Lflfl L_L•:X Fl'.,l!: i „Lii} i To'i:al CiS7t:_£•. i ?-.p'f ? ( i!. _ r?d(i' 1?1tC 07.2?! C; : I, C; s; };:; :.=, 4. I..MG:.R ILI,°, A.ifyi\f[,"Y _? k . ?jnY(i.,:•,..,.1FY?Ci,.:-..d.n>,..,,$.:?.Er.M.r.p.:?...,,,r;th:?tr.5,....?r....rR)'r 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ?Q? CITY OF EAGAN ? v (651) 681-4675 Submit followina to obtain ner.ecsanv nprn,if Name:---L.f?? ?? Phone #: Last First Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement structural plans (2 sets) civil plans 2 architectural plans (2 sets) architectural plans (2 sets) ( sets) code analysis (1) •' svuctural plans civil plans (2 sets) (2 sets) code analysis ro ect s ecs (t) •• 1 project specs (1) landscaping plans (2 sets) p j p Key Plan ( set) Special Inspections 8 Testing Schedule " cotle analysis (1) " energy calculations (1) not aMays " SAC determination letter from MC/ES - soils report SAC determinaGOn letter from MC/ES - (1) Electric Power & Lighting Form SAC detertnination lerier from MC/ES - (1)notalways ° call 602-1000 cail 602-1000 qil 602-1000 Special Inspections & Testing Schedule (1) •' project specs (1) energy plculations (1) •• Electric Power & Li htin Fortn 1 '• 'v, omnpic Food & Beverage or Lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Call 215-0700 for details. DATE:_ _ 6 / q (? WORK TYPE: X NEV/ _ RFMODEI DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION COST: O.?ITENANT NAME: ??n?rCf 1 pM eII nl1P.Y) SITE ADDRESS: ?y ?-??" y? ?- ??? ? SUITE #: LOT I BLOCK ( SUBD. P.I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER CONTR4CTOR ARCHITECT/ ENIGINEER Screet Address::1 Itz? (?'a(jfm / 0 City V W!I LU' I State: ? (COMMERCIAL) ?• ?? ? nl A.). Zip: 5sIa3 #: ??- 3VIo-A?kz Sneet Address: f U7t"'S( Q ??)r1??(1&, 01,1a, : ;ty State: 1 f l L Zip: SS `( 3-?- Company: Stree MAY 11 199? city . `.----- Sewer 8 water iicensed plumber (only if installing sewer & Phone #: Registration #: State: Zip: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is co?ct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. V 1 Signature of Applicant: ei ;5!A BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 18 Comm./Ind. WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATION Const, (ac+uai) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Width APPROVALS OFFICE USE ONLY ? 19 Comm./lnd. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility O 33 Alterations 13 34 Repair ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish O 37 Demolition Rqcempnt sa. ft. ? Census Code First Floor sq. ft. SAC Code sq. ft. Census Unit sq. ft. Census Bldg. sq. ft. ' • MC/ES System sq. ft. ' City Water Footprint sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Planning Building Engineering Variance . .. ? VALUATION: ? 53 • a? Permit Fee Surchar e g Plan Review %nG/ES S4C % SAC City SAC SAC Units Water Supply & Storage Meter Size S/W Permit S!W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other ' Yr Copies . " • ,i 2 t. ' r Total $ I CLAIM VOUCHER - REFUND REQUEST CITY OF EAGAN MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Top Gun, Inc. ADDRESS: 10736 lYormandale Blvd. Bloomington, MN 55437 LOCATION: 4100 Lexington Ave P.I.D./LEGAL: Lot 1 Block i Lexington Hills RECEIPT #/DATE: 108854/5-14-99 VALUATION: $8,000.00 REASON FOR REF[JND: Valuation was incorrect PERMIT #: 35768 TYPE OF REFUND: Electrical Permit 3211-9001 $ Plumbing Permit 3212-9001 $ Mechanical Permit 3213-9001 $ Building Permit Fee 3210-9001 $ 56.00 Plan Review Fee 3422-9001 $ SAC (MC/WS) 2275-9220 $ SAC (City) 3866-9379 $ SAC (Admin) 3446-9001 $ Water Connection 3865-9220 $ Sewer Permit 3743-9220 $ Water Permit 3713-9220 $ Account Deposit 2252-9220 $ Water Meter 3716-9220 $ Water Treatment 3868-9220 $ Surcharge 2155-9001 $ Utility Acct Overpayment 2250.9220 $ Curb Box Deposit Refund 2253-9220 $ Construction Meter Dep Refund 2254-9220 $ Water Usage Charge 3711-9220 $ Other $ TOTAL $ 56.00 I declare under the penalties of law that this account, claim, or demand is just and that no part of it has been paid. SIGNATURE7/?/Q q ? ? ? C? DATE North Office 5014 Parrish Ave. N.E. Rogers, MN 55374-9009 (612) 428-4559 Faac (612) 428-8826 July 2, 1999 City of Eagan Building Inspections 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 To Whom It May Concem: License # 20155030 South Office 10736 Normandale Blvd. Bloomington, MN 55437 (612) 346-8000 Fax (612) 346-8005 RECEIvED JUL a 8 1999 BY: This letter is in regards to a phone conversation I had with a woman in the Building Inspections division. On Apri127, 1999 we applied for a residing permit for the following address. Lexington Hills Apts. 4114 Lexington Ave. Eagan, MN 55123 When I filled out the permit application, I did not realize that the job consisted of two separate buildings. Therefore, I entered the job value of the $8,000.00. When it was brought to my attention that the project consisted of residing two buildings and not just one like I applied for. I sent a check in the amount of $157.25, which is for the value of $8,000.00. It was someone from your inspections deparhnent who brought it to my attention that I was going to need another permit for the job. So, I mailed another check for $157.25 for the second permit not thinking that I should've only paid for the total job value of $4,000.00 for each permit. I guess what I am trying to say is that for permit number EA035400 (address: 4110 Lexington Ave.), the job value is $4,000.00 and I should've paid $99.25 and not job value $8,000.00 for $157.25. The very same situation goes for permit number EA035768 (address 4100 Lexington Ave.). We would very much appreciate the change in your system and refund us the difference of $116.00. If you have any questions at all please call me at 612-346-8000. I wouici be happy to explain this more clearly to you. Enclosed, please find a copy of the permits for your reference. I am very sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused Sincerely, , Kellie Busker Top Gun, Inc. South Office &Ijltlo Tu"TN, ?NC. cvNrRacroRs - --U vou in advance. P- ,--?? ????90 , . . . North Office 5014 Parrish Ave. N.E. Rogers, MN 55374-9009 (612) 428-4559 Fax (612) 428-8826 TT ???? ?NC. ? C???RACTQRS License # 20155030 July 2, 1999 City of Eagan Building Inspections 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 To Whom It May Concern: South Office 10736 Normandale Blvd. Bloomington, MN 55437 (612) 346-8000 Fax (612) 346-8005 RECEIVED JUL 0 8 1999 BY: This letter is in regards to a phone conversation I had with a woman in the Building Inspections division. On Apri127, 1999 we applied for a residing permit for the following address. Lexington Hills Apts. 4114 Lexington Ave. Eagan, MN 55123 When I filled out the permit application, I did not realize that the job consisted of two separate buildings. Therefore, I entered the job value of the $8,000.00. When it was brought to my attention that the project consisted of residing two buildings and not just one like I applied for. I sent a check in the amount of $157.25, which is for the value of $8,000.00. It was someone from your inspections department who brought it to my attention that I was going to need ariother permit for the job. So, I mailed another check for $157.25 far the second permit not thinking that I should've only paid for the total job value of $4,000.00 for each permit. I guess what I am trying to say is that for permit number EA035400 (address: 4110 Lexington Ave.), the job value is $4,000.00 and I should've paid $99.25 and not job value $8,000.00 for $157.25. The very same situation goes for permit number EA035768 (address 4100 Lexington Ave.). We would very much appreciate the change in your system and refund us the difference of $116.00. If you have any questions at ail please caiI me at 612-346-8000. i wouid be happy to expiain this more clearly to you. Enclosed, please find a copy of the permits for your reference. I am very sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Kellie Busker Top Gun, Inc. South Office &?w ??0 P ? CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION xx]f%C]«]tJY]t]«JCxKxx F'?]CxLF ?F Ri[;i[]CiClC?]C'F ?R . ? ^ATS: PAYMFNT OF M AT TIME OF * ArPUcAMoN ooFS tUr oorSTIMM * APPRovAZ oF pEFdUT. * * INSPF]CTION OF SEiWQt ANID/C2 WA1II2 * I T.TA`['3ONS WILL BX)T BE SCHM- t UI,M t)DTrIL PER14LT HAS BEQI * ? APPRWM. * ? * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P ease Print 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: LEGAL bESCRIPTI013: ?/I?e 1- 5 Xi/L.? c.ra,? "4 Ll'&( , kar , ????K _/ sion or Tax Parce IF EXISTING STRL'CMIRE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BLILDING pERMiT ISSL'ANCE: " Nbn Year) PRESIIVT ZONING/PROPOSID L'SE: q corMERcIAL/RErAtr./oFF2cE Q 2NID(!STRIAL n INSTI7.i]TIONAL/GOVERI?mENT ? R-1 SINGLE FAMILY ? R-2 DL'PLEX (Zt,o Lnits) ? R-3 TOWNHOUSE (Three + Units) ( Units) ? R-4 APARTMENT/coDIDOMINIUNl ( a-`r Units ) 2) ?? . N11(E: H44 2?- ADDxESS: 9 7 ?.. ' CITY, STATE. ZIP: PHONE: 6°? p 3) • i: a?• For City Use NAME: ?.Pk Plumbers License: ADDRESS : ?o, 8° 2 9? 7 Active EScpired CITY. STATEt ZIP: 1, r,. ('r PS S? (,.9 /jC • S?j/6 ?/ Not recorded PxorE: `° ? : y y _3?-y i ? rAsTm iscErrsE# Staff Initial 4) •• • NAME:=?. _ P.DDRESS: p, o 24 'q 7 ' . CITY. STATE, ZIP: f-a. Q?P rf e L-i1J. PHONE: ?f f '5) oCONIVECTION 7O CITY SEWgt Q COIVDIDCTZON ZO CITY WATER 6) 10 • i- CTPLEASE HOLD APPROVID PERNCLT FY)R PICK-C?P BY ONE OF ABOVE ..-- Q PLF.ASE MAIL APPROVID PEE2NLiT TO 1. 21 3, 4, ABOVE `f _ (Circle one) SIC?lA4[IRE-'• 1 /0-13 -IF7 aonm , FOR :CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSUED , ? j -5--a -j . Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ $ /G -? SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE S[JRCHARGE) $ $ & WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLLDE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ACCOUNT DEP05IT - SEWER $ $ ACCOLNT DEPOSIT - WATER g??? ?6 6) i? b - o- ? $ wAC S SAC $ $ TRUNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TRUNK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ $ LATERAL SENEFIT/TRLNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK WATER S A R R A W TE T EATMENT PLANT SLRCH RGE $ $ OTHER: $ LrZTOTAL --- _? c3 -f ? ? , ,• . ?lJ ? ? ?-RECEIPT ' RE EIPT -DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQLIRE EXCAVATION IN POBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PLBLIC ROADWAY" MLST $E ISSUED BY THE ELVGINEERING El NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: ? TITLE: DATE : zl,{ e CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD , EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 ;. \ DATE zI -7 tg ' ) I i Q lp ? 1 t NECEi?vE?o yl '1 ? J ?I I ..r?n. .. 1 A ??- nnnouNr ? A a ooLLAas ? V ? ? CASH IETtHECK ? ? wn ''J ? -? ,c,j '_7 0 ? y ' ? L n,.{ l ' 1,.0 •, ? i -i?/!<; Plt??c?t* 4//ov `? / _s ? ?¢ I I ca ?f 5'"y LI 1 ?. o ?C k Y~`'; ocj - FUND O&IEC-V - AMOUNT ?? . clFr "? 1 'E?P? IS - a , , hadn oy.?? ?? \ ??? ?I(??n/1 eY ;0 asP 9?0? ? -- ;l??c ?. vy O?? ?5t? ???? ?1 Y ?+' , R ? . . Yellow-Poetug Copy . /' ., . Pink-FfleCo(iY ?'. I`QCid?°?' ?ex,'.,5?vbx I e r-l' m. 3?6 1?-. 3 ?V(/ 91 ?2, J ORF) 9q632, p&P 99UCoG Os' P 99OCo'] DAKOTA COUNTY NAME / DESCRIPTION AND DELINQUENT TAX RECORD ? l w N V DESC fi IPTIQ PROPERT . J PARCELIOENTIFICATION D?STRICT? _. ' ? T ??? ?l?r Schoa iCt Di 1 SECIOi 70W? a CK RANGE F OIST PLAT LOT BLK 5 ? S io ? i? 0[v q., u?64 :_Sc u L_Xi:Vi;7?:;+ NILL? = .t T a _ ? TRANSFER DATE CRV. NO. IAST GRANTEE ?1 ,;IVIS1..'rJ JIV :.?XIPv7L:i? ,?'s'..;UTH iNL d7 Y..? L`?%I!??T?:J ??.:+t7H INC ?U H L Z PTN!t5 4 17 87 H& Z Paztners WD 13 T D' S T,l u. ?f .,? 5 Al N7 S (5-11?) ?-??- f?_,? / ? - ig ? v - -. tJ HAUGE, EIDE & KELLER, P.A. J'Lttn.neys at d.ow TOWN CENTRE PROFESSIONAL BLDG., SUITE 200 ? 1260 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5512-3 (612) 456-9000 June 17, 1987 TO: Tom Hedges Tom Colbert X Gene VanOverbeke Dale Runkle FROM: Paul Hauge Kevin Eide X Dave Keller Lori Bellin Debra Schmidt i%ij 7 7 PAUL H. MAUGE KEVIN W. EIOE DAYID G. KELLER IORI M. BEILIN DEBFA E. SCNMIDT ?. Lots 1,4,7,8 and 11,_Block l,?Lexington Hills First Addition project rto.i` 478 - Lexinqton South, Inc. to the City of Eagan Enclosed please find: Development Contract PUD Agreement 1 Easement Trai1 Easementi Deed ` Other Action requested: Please place this recorded document in your permanent file. cc: Bruce Allen ? TRAIL EASEMENT r ..?.Yw.q q w THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this /,S"11A_ day of ,-4 ?-I "",?jzz- , 1986, by and between LERINGTON SOUTH, INC., as Grantor, and the CITY OF EAGAN, Dakota County, Minnesota, as Grantee. ? WITNESSETH WHEREAS, said Grantor is the owner of the tracts of land in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: Lots 1, 4, 7, 8 and 11, Block i, Lexington Hills First Addition. NOW THEREFORE, the said Grantor in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable consideration to it paid by Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, warrants and dedicates to said Grantee, its heirs and assigns, for trail purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of all encumbrances, the following described tracts of land: A 10.00 foot wide perpetual easement and across that part of Lots 1, 4, First Addition, according to the Minnesota, the Westerly line of sa southwesterly lines of said lots and right-of-way of County Road No. 43. for street and trailway purposes over 7, 8 and 11, Block 1, Lexington Hills recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, id easement being the westerly or being parallel with and adjoining the The Grantor, for itself, its hzirs, executors, administrators and assigns, does covenant never to cut, damage, destroy or remove any tree or shrub or _ other natural, growth upon the hereinbefore described premises for the - continuance of this easement, and does hereby grant and convey to the said City of Eagan all grasses, shrubs, trees and natural growth now existing on said lands or that may be hereafter planted or grown thereon. The Grantor, for itself, its heirs, executors, administrators and assigns does hereby release the said City of Eagan, its successors and assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across which the parcel of land hereby conveyed is located by reason of the location, grading, construction, maintenance, and use of a public trail wer and upon the premises hereby conveyed and from the uses incident thereto, and the said City of Eagan shall have the right to use and remove all earth and other materials lying within the parcel of land hereby conveyed and the right to construct and maintain, upon the lands adjoining the parcel hereby conveyed, such portable snow:fences during such months as weather conditions ,make necessary. All s,tumps and other debris resulting from the clearing of the right-of- way will be disposed of by Grantee by burning or otherwise, according to law, The Grantee shall have the right to post such signs and posters along said trail as are deemed necessary and suitable to define the above lands and locate them for public use. ,- .. ` LEX/NGTOIV HILLS FIRST ADDIT/ON ? ? I . . I ?? `\ YMM ?j1Y 1/ III? f1 111 I/ ft K 01I 11 SKIIM _23 y.?\ rA ? ""S89'0139'E 123926--• - ' ? --- - " wa 'uM 7 I \Si S 3 ? N \ ` 1? ?, `? ??/l 4???a \'Y I \ •? ``` • ` ` ???/Y•`\? / \ fr'I ? ' \ ?`` `` •//: I q ? ,.? •} ' ? 4 M •e . ` ,?l' ? G?'. ?' : I? ? .?. I \, ?9?+A `` ?Sr.M ??? -? •? ``? `\? • \ 6 ,y ?' ; i ?•1 2? t .I -N- ;, ' : ?,. ? ? ' . ' :'±? • \ . • ? t a ' ?'br• yQ ,?? ? ? ? `L. N1 I t \?? `';?4 .r"° i•? ? a?? nwr?eoti ? i e m wo a ,I ,? ,? ?w? ` .•'. a m ? 1 L-?+1?.? _ ? ?_, q?`\•? •y; uav . mao ? ? us m 6 0 8 ? 0 {?, J .? ' ?` t[4[ ..ro e e ?rw. ...?.. ....... .. ; ., - Street and Trailway Easement \I %` ?-"??4-`-- ? EXHIBIT \Z " 1 - Hgg•49'00'W 620'54-- , ..( . ,,O 1 u i I J' I _ Z A 10.00 foot wide Perpetual Eaeemant.`for 5treet and Trailway purposes over and across that part of Lots 1,4,7,8 and 11, Bloek 1, LEXINGTON HILLS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, the i9esterly line of said easement being the westerly or Southwesterly lines of said Lots and being parallel with and adjoining . . the right-of-way of County Road No. 43. - ? ? .r ? ?- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has hereunto set its hand avtDc.vexi the day and year first above written. LEXINGTON SOUTH, INC. sy: , zts • el?? By: irs: STATE OF MLNNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ?//{ 1__ ) On this i50 day of c, 19?'G, before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared 77?j j?• C?ui22 and ?- to me personaliy nown, who..y, being each y me duly sworn that they are respectively the ?and °--' of the Corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said ,i.4 „C/,7,k 1„ L and -? acknowledged said instrument to be the ree act and deed of the corporation. (S E A L) THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Hauge, Eide fi Keller, P.A. ? 1200 Yankee Doodle'Road ' Water View Office Tower, Suite 303 Eagan, MN 55123 (612) 456-9000 a .+u U < ,•o, eiaa?•M PiOTA4Y FU3GC MINNESOTA ' ? DAKOTA COUN7Y `•?? y Commiasion Expires Sapt. B,1S 90 A? EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS Exempt from Dakota County Deed Tax hhYY)l?n Oekota County Treasurer COVNTV CONSERVATIO??h?F klbtL= Unma? DAKOTA COUNTY TAFASURErI jlb-? 2004 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APpLICATION . ? CITY OF EAGAN / 3830 PILOT KN08 ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date 3 Site Address ? Unit # Tenant Name t a Y?_:_ u?}r A_ e _ Former Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # ( ) -% ? :f ?, Contractor Address State Zip r) 1 Telephone # The Applicant is pWRCT Work Type _ New Bldg ., __,K'Contractor RPZ meter si" is PVB Irrigation system * ess smaller size permitted by Public Works Description oF Work rZ C!2 p? To mquire if Pressure Reducine ValvP;? new service, Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatiq conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to nickin2 un meter Irrigarion Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" dis lacement 155.00 Domesfic Srze & Type Av GPM g Iacludes high demand devices? Yes No Flushometers , Yes _ No PRV Required _ yes No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ x 1% _ $ Base Fee Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrisationsystems $ $ Meter(s) If base fee is $1,000 ur less, surcharge is $ 50 Radio Meter Read . If base fee is over $1,000, surcharge is $.50 per $1,000 of the Dase Fee ------^---- $ State SutChal'ge -????______------------- Following fees apply only when installing new irrigation system C ontact Jeny Wobschall at 651-675-5024 for required fee amounts WatCr Peirilit $ ? , - ? -? - ? Treatment Plant , Water Supply Bc Storage ----------- ? l $I I State Surcharge ------------- k -------------- , ?_; ?---------------- ------ ? - ------------------------ --------------------------- --------- ;r"y $ ? 5? • ? Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and aclrnowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Ea an d i h h g an w t application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the which requires a review and approval of plans. t e Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a pernvt, but only an work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work P&,, I L2 a-sQ-V?e.?- 2 Z- f ¢' ApplicanYs Pnnted Name 1 - - - -- Apphcant', Signature ' REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: PLANS SUBMITTED CITY USE ONLY _ U.G. _ Air Test _ Gas Test _ APPROVED BY: _ Rough In _ Final , BUILDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevard irrigation systems- $141.00 • RPZ's must be rebuilt every five yeazs. A miniroum fee permit per address is required for RPZ rebuilding or repairing. • Water meters include copper horn/sirainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 7/8" residential $121.00 4-120 1-1/2" ltng3tlOri Syst $ 788•00 displacement sm commercial turbine** must receive maximum appCOVaI continuous 10 from Public Works 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigation $155.00 4-160 2" turbine Ig irrigation syst $ 992.00 maximum displacement residential & continuous sm commercial production lines 15 3-50 1" displacement very lg res $200.00 1/4 to 160 2" wmpound bldgs over $ 1,880.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximurn sm commercial & continuous & lg comm bldgs ZS irri ation systems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $488.00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOiJIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very lg irrigation $1,338.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,749.00 syst & production very lg comm bldgs lines 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,407.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs S6,124.00 very Ig comm bldgs very lg comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very lg irrigation 52,384.00 syst & production lines ?,ammencs • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11651-675-5675. • To arrange for water turn-on, ca11651-675-5300. cc: Maintenance Division Clerical Technician Updated 8103 , 22405 EAGAN CENTER 1ST 41600 KENSINGTON PLACE ••22407 EAGAN CENTER 3RD 45025 LEXINGTON HILLS 1ST 22602 EAGAN RSC TWO 45097 LEXINGTON POINTE 13TH 24100 EPISCOPAL CHURCH LEXINGTON AVENUE PAGE 4 OF 4 4045 10 02200 015 75 sF 4065 10 02200 020 75 sF 4085 10 02200 012 76 sF ,f+?'C)U 10 45025 010 01 LexingtonHills24-UnitApt 1 Q 10 45025 030 01 Lexington Hills 24-Unit Apt 4116 ' 10 45025 04001 Lexington Hills Community Center q 10 4502$ 050 01 Lexington Hills 24-UniY Apt e? 412$ 10 45025 060 01 Maintenance/Office For Apts _4j--Ie 10 4$02$ 070 01 Lexington Hills 24-Unit Apt 41 0 4$02$ 080 01 Lexington Hills 24-Unit Apt 4 10 45025 090 01 Lexington Hills 24-Unit Apt 4155 10 70500 040 01 Knowledge Beginnings Daycare 4160 10 45025 110 01 1.exington xills 24-Unit Apt 4165/ 10 02300 031 54 City Booster Pump 4175 10 22602 010 01 Qwest Addition - 2001 4180 10 24100 010 01 Episcopal Church 4201 10 Lexington/Diffley Athletic Facility 4220 10 45097 010 01 Walgreens 4225 10 02700 012 01 4250 10 22405 010 01 Lexington Ctr Mall-Dr Jacqueline Burns 2/99 4260 OUTLOT D 4300 10 22407 010 01 New Horizon Child Care 4301 10 02700 014 01 Lexington Diffley Service Bldg 4325 1002700 Lexington Diffley Park Pavillion 4391 10 02600 015 31 Goat Hill Park 10 41600 010 00 11 2004 COMIVVIERCIAL PLUMBING PERNIIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 -A 5 0•Z?? Date Site Address Unit # Tenant Name ? Former Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor Address *jQt- City '?( [C(C?_r/\ State ?VkNf Zip Telephone # (Lj The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ pther Work Type _ New Bldg _ Add-on _ Repair RPZ PVB Irrigation system * * Jer Wobschall to catculste fees. Re uired meter size is 2" turbo unless smaller size ermitted bv Public Works DesCription of Work r-Q mCy.,e_ + CC+.Q 1 mCIC:??? h,,`? To mquire if Pressure Reducmg V'alve is require?on new service, ca11651-G75-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatiq conductivity, and hacteria tests passed orior to nickine un meter Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" disnlacement $155.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 mrnimum (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ x 1% _ $, Base Fee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard uri tion systems $ Radio Meter Read If base fee is $1,000 or less, surcharge is $.50 $ StatC SAich3rge If base fee is over $1,000, surcharge is $.50 per SI,000 of the Base Fee -" -----------'---°--------'-°-------------------'--'°--'--- FoUowing fees apply only when installing new irrigation system $ ----------- ------'---?? Water Pernut Conffict Jerry Wobschall at 651-675-5024 for required fee amounts Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Starage $ i State Surcharge ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------°--rr------- --- ----------=-------,--------- t??._. ----------------------------------- ? Total Fee , L___ti.. -° ??, 'rrr . w,noIng rermu ana acimowieage tnat tne mtormanon is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pemvt; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which reqmres a review and approval of plans. PcL ?... I? Cz SCke r- ?? ???? Applicant's Printed Name Applican 's Signature ?- CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: U.G. Air Test Gas Test PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: Rough In _ Final BUILDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevard irrigation systems- $141.00 • RPZ's must be rebuilt every five years. A minimum fee pernut per address is required for RPZ rebuilding or repairing. • Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE ? 1-20 5/8" residential $121.00 4-120 1-1/2" irrigation syst $ 788•00 displacement sm commercial turbine** must receive tnatimum approval continuous 10 from Public Works 2-30 3/4° lawn urigation $155.00 4-160 2" turbine lg irrigarion syst $ 992.00 maximum displacement residential & continuons sm commercial producrion lines 15 3-50 1" displacement very Ig res $200.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,880.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum sm commercial & continuous & lg comm bldgs 25 irri ation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $488.00 mzximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP F METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very lg irrigation $1,338.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,749.00 syst & production very lg comm bldgs lines 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,407.00 10-1000 6" campound +400 unit bldgs $6,124.00 very lg comm bldgs very Ig comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very ig irrigation $2,384.00 svst & production lines ?.VIIIIIIGllLS • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11651-675-5675. • To arrange for water turn-on, call 651-675-5300. cc: Main[enance Division Clerical 'fechnician Updated 8/03 ? 2005 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 ,-? 5D .E?D Date 3 / iq_ / Q(, Site Address I ?? e-5 Unit # Tenant Name L{' I fp f-? t?t,6 Former Tenant Name Property Owner ?e- Telephone #( 451) 45.1"-6313 Contractor I2F7 2 ??V-0 Ce5 Address ? Lfqp ? 153 ? e- VS .Fi Cit? ??4-(LE State rn t'? Zi ? Telephone #(t/j License #=3?2PM Expires: 1.`) - 3 The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ Other Work Type New Bldg _ Modify Tenant Space RPZ PVB _ New Repair/Rebuild /V, Replace _ Irrigation system Work within public right of-way/easement _ Yes _ No Rain seosors are re uired on irri ation s stems erv vc- 2 veL c- i a- D Description of Work (0 n'6n?[ 4r- JA)l ?AeJ1G . ?V'i%7,+? Iw) 3:'i -LF?.? •-`r?s??- ?G//I? . fioi?juire tf ressure Reducing Valve is require on new service, call 51-bi 75-5646 Meters - Ca11 65 1-675-5 300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to nickine uu meter. Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" displacement $161.00 Domesric Size & Type Avg GPM Iacludes high demand devices? Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No O 0 Permit Fee $50.50 mdnimum (includes State Surcharge) ?O ? ? ? Contract Value $ x 1% _ $ ? • ? Permi ? e ? $ Meter(s) Z?6?6' ? Required on all new buildings & boulevard irripation svstems $ Radio Meter Read If pemvt fee is $1,000 or less, surcharge is $.50 $ SY3te SUICh3ige If permit fee is over $1,000, surcharge is $.50 per $1,000 ot the Permit Fee Following fees apply only when installing new irrigation system $ Water Permit Call Jerry Wobschall at 651-675-5024 for required fee amounts $ Treahnent Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge -- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?? --------------------------- $ ?? ? J V ---------------------------------------- Total Fee 1 hereby apply tor a Commercial Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work wiD be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a pemut, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pernut; that the work wi11 he in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? ? Wi p.ha e I lkks?ma..n ApplicanYs Printed Name Ap icant's Signature j ? CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. A'v Test, . Gas Test Rough In _ Final , ;,. PLANS SUBMITTED ,4PPROVED,BY BUILDING INSPECTOR . . . . .n _ . .. i ?....,.?,?i. General Information •. • Radio Meter Read (required on:all new liuiiduigs & boulevard irrigaUOtt systems- $141,00 • RPZ's must be tested everyyeaz and rebuilt;every five years. Test results should be mailed to Paul Heuer at the City of Eagan. • A minimum fee permit per address is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebuild re air , remove. _? • Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REOUIRING 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP METERS USE ,;. , . PRICE, ..,GPM METERS USE PRICE residential $125.00 4-120 1-1/2" . "imgatlon Syst $ 735.00 [ displacement sm commercial turbine** public Works ra must approve meter size 3/4" lawn irrigation $161.00 4-160 2" turbine Ig irrigationsyst $- 931.00 maxunum displacement residential & conhnuous .... . _ .. sm commercial _ .. ,-.. production . lmes _.....,..,. 15 , ,, . . „ ?,- •_ _- ... i • , ._ `? ?.. 77 _ 3-50 1" displacement very lg res $296.00, ._1/4 to 160 2" compqund b]dgs,ovez f ?$ I;$49.00 bldg to 24'-umts " - - ?` 65 units • maxunuxn ° . : _ _ . . . _ sm commercial _, ._,. .. , . &.,-- .._. ... ., continuous & .. m , ; , ± lg comm bldgs 25 irrigation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units , $429.00 •. - ; maxunum displacement & - continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very lg irrigation $1,182.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,563.00 syst & production very lg comm bldgs lines 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,282.00 1 1 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,076.00 very Ig comm bldgs very lg comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very7g irrigation $2,226.00 , syst . ' , , ._ , ... & production Bnes ... . .:...: .. : , ; , ._ ,.,, . . _ : iV11LL11111W • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11651-675-5675. • To arrange for water turn-on, ca11651-675-5300. cc: Maintenance Division Clerical7'echnician January 2005 i- - -----------, ? Far OH.ice?Use ? I Permit #: 85034 I I j Parmit Fee: I I ? Date Received: ? ? Staff: J - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2008 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 72 O$ Site Ad?es s:`EXI NG7?.r .IQv? 5, TenantName: /ExlAJb'}nj T'tf"5 (Tenantis: New/ k- Existing) Suite#: PROPERTY OWNER Name: ??4 Co2 ? c- Phone: °y97 Address / City / Zip: 6q0 9 fITT 40t3T/h* 4--- t d2- Applicant is: _ Owner ?C Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: r1 Construction Cost: 091'5tu?,' ?I CONTRACTOR Name: WALICxyL 4'-'F (N(y License #: Address: Z27 C/vaP 4 City: S"s `'A?.[- Siate: A/"4-) Zip: SS?/Y Phone: & 5-('ZSI"0910 ContactPerson: C-/L( C- 4 ARCHITECT / Name: Registration #: ENGINEER Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: NOTE: Plans and suppartfng documents fhat you submit are consfdered to be publlc information. Portlons of the information may be ctassified as non-public if you provlde speclfic reasons that wouid permlt the City to conclude that the are irade secrets. I hereby acknowledge that lhis information Is complete and accurale; Ihat the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Eagan; thal I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work Is not to start without ermit; that the work will be in acwrdance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval ot plans. "V X grcc- ApplicanYs Printed Name Page 1 of 3 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink I For Office Use I Permit City of Ea Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road I L I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: f 1 Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: I I 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: U e 17 Gvj S Unit Name: CL Cli X2 Phone: -763 " 3 ~3 Resident/ v 1 _ Owner Address / City / Zip: inA Si 3 Applicant is: Owner _ Contractor Type of Work Description of work: Z5- Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No Company: I'`)~~~~ > z~rs n~ Contact: EJ/ kR c r Contractor Address: J LGL4. -k- Sh%; -e- City: '-LAy-er- (so- ,e-State: /YIZip: ~ X71- Phone: 31- ~ V-666 t1' License 9 e g$'3-7,']l{ Lead Certificate A/A-r 7L/s3 S-/ If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE; Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.oopherstateonecall.ora hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x tAk///A.yt K2C/e-k x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signatur Page 1 of 3 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink . r_________________ I For Office Use � � Permit#: �� � �� � Clty of �a�a� , , 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Permit Fee: U I Eagan MN 55122 � � Phone: (651) 675-5675 � Date Received: � Fax: (651) 675-5694 � � I Staff: I �-----------------f 2014 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: �� �1' l� SiteAddress: '�� � �-�X���'����`" �U� �"�.� ���rV Tenant: Suite#: Name: ��1�-� -- - --- - � ..�...� �. N �.9..w._.._.__, Resident/Owner "'� ��^'�0j F m�w Phone: �J63��{�� 3//� Address/City/Zip: �{� C� W�sT r ��cvt� ci'Fw l�Af��� ��.3�� Name: f� � � (,��yS �f1 f��'�S License#: ��Yl C'S� G a� Contractor Address:_��S � GDL�f,� L-(� J.�- City: �112��, � f �ivfS (� Udv.��� State:��'-�Zip: 5���� Phone: ���' 36�' �a�� ���^ (�O U G Contact: (�S J` o�I� - Q��y Email: New _�Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition � Type of Work Description of work: NOTE: Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information on permitted screening methods. RES/DENTIAL COMMERCIAL _Furnace _New Construction _Interior Improvement � Permit Type —A��co�a�t�o�e� Install Piping _Processed � _Air Exchanger �Gas PtP�M1'G _Exterior HVAC Unit � =Heat Pump _Under/Above ground Tank �Install/_Remove) � Other RESIDENTIAL FEES � ' $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) �`'� $100.00 Residential New(includes $5.00 State Surcharge) _ $�Q�� TOTAL FEE � COMMERCIAL FEES � �� Contract Value $ x.01 � $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum � $70.00 Underground tank installationlremoval =$ Permit Fee � `If contract value is LESS than$10,010, Surcharge= $5.00 =$ Surcharge` � '"'If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 ""I� f the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =� TOTAL FEE ; I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x t� rV � X , Applican 's rinted Name ApplicanY S'gnature FOR OFFICE USE __ Required Inspections: Reviewed By: Date:� � � �� ,, _ - �/'����� Underground Rough In Air Test \ Gas Service Test In-floor Heat -�inal � HVAC Screening Use BLUE or BLACK Ink �-----------------� � For OfPlce Use � f 3 I ' � Permit#: /� G( ����/ � �1�� �f ���a� � � �D. �� � � Permit Fee: � � 3830 Pilot Knob Road � � Eagan MN 55122 4 ,� • � Date Received: � Phone: (651) 675-5675 � ��� �� � star�: � � i Fax: (651)675-5694 �________________� 2015 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: �� � Site Ad ress: � V�- � � � Tenant• � L t� � Suite#• ���������` Name: �v� I �l� ��`� Phone: l(J✓l '� �1 J� T D 3� 3 �°� Address/City/Zip: �� �'� ��� `� `-�-� �� ` pc�� a� � `;� . Name: icense#: D 1 ri: �Q,� � ��+M�?�`��f"' ` , . Address: �-' � Ci ' Phone:�'�-'' '- ��`°l State: Zip: � f ��: �"� \ !�� Contact: Email: _� ` ' New Replacement !Repair Rebuild _Modify Space Work in R.O.W. ������� — — ��� � (,��-� a.- 33 y„ ' Desc�iption of work:�=�L e � � ��� RESIDENTIAL � Water Heater Lawn Irrigation(_RP21_PVB} Water Softener ���'�� Add Plumbing Fixtures�Main!_Lower Level) Septic System � �� t .��� New Water Turnaround � Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: $60.00 Water Heater,Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(includes$5.00 State Surcharge} $60.00 Lawn Irrigation (includes$5.00 minimum State Surcharge) $60.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic SYStem Abandonment,Water Turnaround*(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) *Water Turnaround(add$200.00 if a 518"meter is required) $115.00 Septic SVStem New($10.00 per as built)(includes County fee and$5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES$ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of unde�ground utilities. www.cl,opherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this infamiation is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that 1 understand this is not a permit, but onty an application for a permit, and rk is not to start with t a perm+t; that the work rnriH be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approv f plans. .�-� X � �� �f l� t.�¢- x 'I � ApplicanYs Printed Name App cant s Signature , � , � � � , ; � �����"����� ; �z x�_ a x` _ •�������'r r � .-:��i.u.w ����- . ���� � �.��Y��:��� $ s�' z����� �,_����� �,��� h t,y` 1 +' � t 1��!I��`���+����`c ��'�����k�!� �� ����+f�t� y Z'1�3 � �" �� � , ; _:, < c � k.` . a...a� ... ..,...� ,.✓ �, h.,,..w. . , �rt.. ,x.n � , . .. ,. a.�. � v: .�.� . ... .., .. .. �= � x