3632 Falcon Way. r ..-_ . . CITY OF EAGAN ' 3830 Pitot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:454-6100 . BUI?DING PERMIT ; Receipt # To be usad for `C'F DWC/GAR Est. Value $56, 000 Date DECF:t•1PER 9 19 85 Site Address 3632 FALCON WAY Erect 0 occupartcy K3 9 LEXINGTOt1 FLA FRemodel ? zoning Lot Block Sec/Sub. Parcel No. O v i?y Repair ? Type oi Canst V Addition ? No. Stories ¢ Name r 1'`dvTIER COMPAN I ES Move ? Length 38 = 390 SIB MEM HWY., BLDG E Demolish ? Depth a? o Address Int. Impr. 0 Sq. Ft City EAGp'NPhone 4 5 4- 0 4 3 3 Install ? = o Name SAME ? o¢ Address Assessment _ ~ Ciry Phone Water 8 Sew. ?? RICHARD CHAItLIER F W Name 14103 n ? ? Address _ i W City . Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application an state that information is correct and aree to comply with all a ' able of Minnesota Statutes andlty ot Eagan res. ? -?-- Signature of Permittee uRONTIER COMPANIFS Police Fire Eng. Planner Bldg. Off. j4/ 7/ °? APC Var. Date Permit ? - -' ' -' Surcharge le • 0 0 Plan Review 150 50 SAC 00 Water Conn. 500.00 Water Meter ?' 0 0 Road Unit?. OQ Tr. PI. Parks Copies , , 50 " 1 A Building Permit is issued to: ` on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable Stale of Minnesota Statutes and City o( Eagan Ordinances. Building Official v&.I -Ar- i- ? I PormR No. Pormlt Holder Da1a TNephone M Plumbiny H.V.A.C. Vi V,, Ehcbic S01tM6f Inspeetbn Dde Intp. Comm«fh Footinys I Foolinps II Foundatbn Framinq Rooflnp Rouyh Plby. -o? s AL - Rouph Nty. Insul. ? Fireplace FInN Mty. Finel Plby Bldy. FMaI CM.Occ. -3 ? Doek Ftq. Dock Frmy. WNI Desc?Ibo LocaHon: Pr. Dlsp. ? PERnnir #?'" CITY OF EAGAN MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # C.,' 454-8100 1/ 17/$6 MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - $10.00 + $•50 DATE MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE -$20.00 + $.50 1. Bldg. Type: Res xx Comm Inst 2. New XX Add _ , FEE ?4.Q0 sic .50 TOTAL $24• 50 Alter Repair 3. Total Bid Price $1700.00 4. Job T?ess 3632 Nalc.on k'ay Lot 9 Block 5 Sec ?? F,/ ? 5. Owner Frontier Companiee s. Contractor Wenze1 Meclianic:al 2600 Rennebec Drive,Eagen,MN 55122 (Name) 452-1565 (Street) (City) (Zip) 7. Contractor Phone # RESIDENTIAL HEATING - 01-100,000 BTU's -$24.00. Each additional 50,000 BTU's or fraction -$6.00 RESIDENTIAL COOLING - 01-24,000 BTU's -$12.00. Each additional 6,000 BTU's or fraction -$6.00 MODIFICATIONS/ALTERATIONS -$10.00 minimum fee HEATING VENTILATING HOT WATER STEAM AIR CONO. eIR PIPING PROCESSED PIPING AIR HAND. EQUIP. RCFRIG. RES. GAS PIPING OUTLETS -$1.50 TANKS: L.P. UNDERGROUND OTHER COMM./IND. RATE - 196 OF TOTAL BID PRICE PLUS $•50 STATE SURCHARGE FOR EACH $1,000 OF FEE. Signed: AppTOVed for Inspections: Date Rough Insp. Date Final Insp. PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly Tot. 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address Lot Blk. Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor i_ Phone 6. Address 7. City State Zip -. 8. Building Type: Residential 0 9. Work Description: New O Commercial O Institutional ? Add O Alter O Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other, Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : _ I ("(' for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 ? , ---------- INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: ? Ea an, Minnesota 55122-1897 9 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 , I , 1 1 0 =t 40 4,-c:-u • ., .. ? : SITEADDRESS: '!I I °4 H? c?c r ? APPLICANT: , .,! I j,1 WA Y , . ,.1111 1411 1 1,N [•i Fi1, 1 ,Ilu t 11 146 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: IzP rAi r Permit Holder Date Telephone p PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ? ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS CONDUCTIVITV TEST HVOROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL I TY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMi4 30 Pilot Knob Road 0. Box 21199 • PERMIT NO.: igan, MN 55121 D/1TE: ninp: No. of Units: ;.?t i2x M1 *aeGr ?:0iIIE8 No.: /o ifl -L ft omoly wiek !M CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Raad P. D, Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Zanirg: Ownar: Address: Site Address: Plumber: r t SEVM SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: _ Na af Units: 1 yrw to oomolp wl& ilr Cihr af gwo OrdIneesu. By Doft of Insp.. Insp.: Connectian Choroe: AtCOUnt DepOSih Penmit Fee: SurcFwrpe: Misc. Chorgss: Tatoi: Date Paid: CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Lexington Place South ?ot 9 Rik 5 parcel 10 45060 090 05 Owner Street 3632 Falcon Way State Eagan, MN Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. 6T o 37s ?31-2 714 STREET RESTOR. GRADING I SAN SEW TRUNK e? lo •? SEWER LATERAL 101 1986 1631 .00 326 .20 5 Services 10147 1986 729.39 1'?5.87 5 WATERMAIN 5Y 7 1985 65-81 13-15 - , WRTERLATERAL 1011. 1986 $73.43 1-74.68 5 fle.7? 1 3 " WATERAREA 101q- 1986 243.73 48 .74 5 .?9 - WAT LAT BEN 1OL3 1986 111.98 _ 22.39 S .,.? STORMSEWTRK 1012 1986 426.54 85.30 5 3*1, a? i STORM SEW LAT 101 b 1986 803.34 16 0. 6 6 5 _ a, CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN, n n 8UILDING PER. 11376 5AC PARK + , . RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 ? • 651-681-4 NewConsiructionReauirements ' • 3 registered site surveys shaxing sq. ft. of bt, sq.' N. ot house; aml4 ropfed areas (20°'o maximum lot coverage allowed) . ;'. " • 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found de9yn, etc;) • 7 set of Energy Calculations • 3 copies of Tree Preserva6on Plan if Iot platted after 711193 • Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (61dgs wiN 3 or less units) RemodellReoair Renuirements . 2 copies ot plan • 1 se[ of Energy CalculaUOns for heated adi "..isitesurveyforexterioradditions&decks DATE O I VALUATION (EXCwDING JOB SITE ADDRESS 7,7? ?3Z f?:a ? g?q,ao CaQed ?'?$'01 fl Y YI 2 IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? N('4 PROPERTYOWNER .l)-erelC ? S?lawn l-- TYPE OF WORK &d&A; oy" -ko Ha wv2 FIREPLACE(S) )C0 _1 _2 _3 APPLICANT 7-T-) P r2 k L_ PHONE # bs 1- 0 ADDRESS 3 ?032 ?ck k CO ZIPCODE !55lZ7 PAGER# CoSI'?1(9-`(Ii?T CELLPHONE# 6lZ-791:1 FAX# (.5(-?OS NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheezz Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted MINNESOTA RULES 7672 - New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: Phone #: Plumbing S??stem Iucludcs Water So[tener L.arvn Spnnt;Icr Water Heater No. of R.I. Baths vo. of Baflis ` Mechanical Conhactor Phone # V[echsmical System Inc u<les: Air Couditioning P'ee: $70.00 , .. __ Hcat Recovcry System Sewer/Water Contra tor: Phone # All above information must be su6mitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge ihat I have read this application, state that the information is all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ors. Signature of Applicani Certificates of SurveyReceived Tree Preservation P(an Received correct, ond agree to comply with ?ot Required _ Updated 1101 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 0 1 0( _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex A, 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement ? 20 Pool ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ,V 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 24 Storm flamage ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 30 Accessory 81dg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bidg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors "Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant 1 Valuation ,?9ppD Occupancy i Census Code ? Zoning SAC Units ? Stories Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. Nbr. of Bldgs --? Length ? Type of Const ? Width _ Footings (new bldg) Foo[ings (deck) . ? Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final ? Framing ? Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Windows (newlreplacement) Approved By b47 , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanicai Permit License Search Copies Other Total ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y ar_ N MGES System g L? Ciry water Booster Pump PRV 3 Fire Sprinklered l? REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaVC.O. ;1) FittaUNo C.O. _ Plumbing _ HVAC s.6u??'?.Z?'d?G S4 (, cv c7 ?L? L E l.16-,- ? 5VO?=S-?fZ llaU`' b 6,: ?- /? / 36` 7ar °° ? !?j4f? 38' 7au l CITY OF EAGAN „ 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 N2 11 s 7 6 PHONE: 454-5100 BUILDINGPERMIT Receiptu J2'p ) 7obeuaedfor SF DWC/GAR Est value $56,000 Date DECEMBER 9 ?g 85 3632 FALCON WAY C? R3 O Site Ad ess qr Erect ccupancy R y 5 Sec/SubLEXINGTON PLACE Remodel Lot Block . ? Zoning Parcel No Repair ? Type of Const. V . Addition ? No. Stories FRONTIER COMPANIES nnove ? Length 3$ ? Name d ' W 3908 SIB MEM HWY., Demolish BLDG E ? Depth G o Address 454-0433_ EAGANph Ci Intlmpr. ? ? Sq.Ft ry one Instau i o Name SAME APProva $ Q Address Assessment _ ? City Phone Watef 8 Sew. W W Name RICHARD CHARLIER Police - Fire ? 3 Address En _ g. a W Ciry ' phone Planner_ Council - Iherebyacknowledgethatlhavereadthisapplication dstateth the intormation is correct and agree to comply with alli licabl ate of Minnesota Statutes a iry of , ce . iG? Signature of Permitte A Builtling Permit is issued to: FRONTIER COMPANIES all work shall be done in accordance with all applic#bte Stpt,e of Minne?c BIdg.Off. lz/ y/ 8:) APC Var. Date Permit ?01.OC Surcharg? 0 C Plan Review OC Wat r Con 0.Q ? Water Meter Road Unit - 2-8-0-.0( Tr. PI. 132.0( Copies r,,,,, $1,979.5[ - on the express condition that of Eagan Ordinances. 8uilding This request void S months (rom ? / ? tY78944 ReQyest Date . Fire No. I 7- ?. `7i r3 s .?` -- I[-]ReatlY Now UgIlFiII Notilv.InvPec-I N. In, When Reatly L4,6censed Ettrical Contrnctor I hereAy request inspec[ion of above ? Owner elec[rical work installed at Streu AAdress Box or Route Cit?,4f- o SIT(ITT.n o. Township Name ur No. Ranpe No. County Occu ' ii INT) (?\ ' /?/ Phone No. ?y J1 -3 /i? ) 'V , ? `" Power?5 & lier ' Address ? Electrir. q?Hqe{q? o an a 1 i racto's Licrsnse No. ?? _ 1V Li21? TANE !!1 Mailing AdJre tj[aiit ' W a inp Insta, i?Op{ A ? APPLE VALLEY, MN ? ??•; AuthorizedSignature J Convactor Owner Making li stallationl Phone Nwnbe, MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTflICIiV THIS INSPECTION HEQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway eidg. - Noom N-197 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STqTE 6pqpD 1821 University Ave.. St. Paui, MN 55104 ' UNLESS PPOPEH INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (672) 297a717 ENCLOSED. y-J'l REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooooi:oa - ? ' See insfrucfipns (or completing this iorm on beck of Yellow copy. c.? ?"T7 $ 944 X" Below Work Covered by This Request 7 S?° y Ad HeP. Type ol Building, Applienroe wirsa EquiVment WireA Home Range T rary Service Duplez Water Heater Lightiny Piztures Apt. Building er Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldy. Air Coiiditioner Butk Milk TaNc Fyfm Olhei pecOY nthei (SPBdty) tho, SUCCrty Ot er Other Compute lnspection fee Below M Fee Service Entrnnca5ize p Fee Fexders/Subfenders N ? Circuits 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 qrn s U ?. 0 to 30 Ani s Above 200 Amps??? ' 31 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 q y Swimming Pool Above 100_Amps 1) Above 100_Amps 4 Transiormers Irrigation Booms 'QtllpL Fee 10. Signs Speciai Inspection $ TOT Rem?rks L F 1 t U ,l.r? ? ? / me iecv s Inoactor, ieI ebp cxrtily [het the . bove G insuec[ion has been Irom PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 P''y?i JCnob Road Eagsn,iNinnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: DaTe Issued: su7LozNG 033343 09f22J98 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-45660-090-05 3632 FALCON WAY LOTc 9 BLOCK: 5 LEXINGTON PLACE SUU7N DESCRIPTION: REROO F Bu??8tMg:,Perm3C Type gutl.kd3r[g?l rk Type ? R a ? Q?? ?aa ?? ? or STORM DAMAGE REPAIR 434 ALT. RESSOENTIAL . ? ze-n r?rt i. r" M REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ? ?-X? /? - SU? ED BY: SIGN TURE 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 9 C- 3 681.4675 q - ? New Construction Reouirements ? 3 registered sBe surveys ? Z copies of plans (inGUde beam 8 window s¢es; poured fid. design; eta) ? 1 enetgy cakutations ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan 'rf lot platted after 711/93 required: _ Yes _ No DATE: _v- RemodeVReoair Reauirements ? 2 copies of plan ? 2 sRe surveys (exterior aaditions 8 decks) ? 1 energy calculatlons lor heated addRions CONSTRUCTION COST; " ) ? ? ESEET ADDR SS• ORK: 5 -ELla LOT: ? RLOCK: ?- Name:? Phone #: (D (J(Q - {D`-t () 3 PROPERTY Last First OWNER r t ?n,? StreetAddress: ??10?? T"Q I ??7V1 kiY?XJ CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER City State: Zip: SS I a-)-- Company:_ 1iY l l • Phone '9-)4 (1- 2V d) Street Address: &( F License # (J`il) a) I c;ri - ? state: ?r . ZiP: SSy ,?j Street City State: Sewer & water licensed plumber (new conshuction onty): and lot change is requested once permit is issued. Zip: Penalty applies when address chang I hereby acknawledge that I have read this appliptian and state that the infortnation is correct and ree to comply with all applicabl State of MinnesoW Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of ApplicanY. A%f?bk- OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Phone #: Regist:-stion #: Tree Preservation Pian Received - Yes - No - Not Required 1985 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS 14l1ST BE LICENSED }lITH THE CITY OF EAGAN ?I AtzT Fo R-D COMMERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND SINGLE FAMILY DIIELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS / To Be Used For:Sirr.G,Io Valuation: ? Date: }- ,,?5 Site Address J(aa [ Lot _a, Block Parcel/Sub pQt,Q , Owner e? Address J505 C . ?u,n,,Ax,k cityizip coae 6Wy'-5v.SC4 r?.. Ss 3 3? Phone ? 94. ::S9'Nal Contractor FMyTIER COMPANIES 3908 Sibley Memorial HighwaY - BTd?B• Address ?aaan_ MN 55122 City/Zip Code Phone 15q -04 33 Arch./Engr, (26&" Address City/Zip Code 4-0-DQI ?)Q4ax, ?, SS?t2? .. _?..??._ _ Phone A r I ? s?t ra? Erect ?C Remodel Repair ? Addition ? Move Demolish ? Int.Impr. ? Install ? APPROVALS Occupancy Zoning Type of Const $ of Stories Length Depth Sq Ft FEES Assessments Permit ? Water/Sewer Surcharge Police Plan Review Fire SAC Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg Off Treatment P1 APC Parks Variance Copies TOTAL S40 Page i of 4 /plwtv.e i'mN*d4 f>Cbt6v+J • F?At??'?''?-f? -----• _ Iort Er?vELoPE nvrFnrE °u° co???ru;nTroN owNFR; _ r;nrr:_'S SI7E A.DDRESS: PHONc: CONTR{1CTOR; F-r-r,,iV Determine workin9 square fnotage of each 1. Total exposed wall area...., 16 9 ,Z? $ sq, fL. x .11 = ZC3?, Z9 2. Total roof/ceiling area...., asso sy, ft. x.026 Z z,? $ Total exposed wall arca abnvc fioor= J,116151,Z15 a. Total wall window area ....................... ... ............... ( 3 l b. Total door area .......... . C. otal ....................... . slidin9 glass door area .......... .............. . . 9• 6 Z d. Total ....... fireplace wall area.. ........... .. Z ? ..............? . e. Total .... ....... wall framing area (average 109.:).,,,,,,. ................ 4 ? -- f. Total rim joist area ......... ? 8 g 7? • et .... . . . ....... .... wall area above floor ? Y? ... . ... . . . . . . . -a ? - h. . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . wall area above floor ...... . . . . . . . .......... _( ?? - i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wall area above floor......_. . . . . ' ..." '." J. frame wall arez at foundation Total exposed foundation area= , Z g k, 7ota1 foundation window area....................... l. Total net foundation area above grade ..............? Determine "u" value oP each wall segmerrt (e.g. window, door, each separate wall section) a. II ? X b• ??. tp? X c. x d . K e.x f.??.? a 9•_ .[?;5 X n._? x t. ? 11 ul,_._Iz l,ull , 45 ,lu,l .4-5 ,? ,iui, -? j, X u„ _ 7 -zz. ? 11 (4• 85 3_as ?6q,o ( k. I X 11 U., @zftftl`ll. 1._ l04 -Z s X ?v, 3 . ............. ......... ........... Total, If item #3 is the'same as, or less thanitem; N1, you h a v e met;:tlie;'i; intent of SBC 6006' c) ' ?i?;i; •, f f..: ,r:4,;; ;'? ::, •t;. x<..;?. Q ?j-14or Lnvnlopc 'wcrlgc "U" CoinpuCal.i.on Pcige 2 0f 4 , TbCul exuoned rooL/cciling nrca = (o? M. 'lbtal s}:y1l.yht a_ea .+...?-?r .. ............................ n. Total rooP/cciling framing area (lvcraqe 10e.)... ? .. o. Total net insulated rooL/ceilir,g area........... "]e ?? 'r - -?--'---`^?- . lleter,mine "U" value for eaGi roof/cciiitig segment 711 . g n U n n. a o. ? ?7,x „U„ 4 ........................... ToLal If total ci ;,q is L-he sana as, or less than i'r2, you have met L'he inte;zt of SHC 6006 (c) l. Alternate IIuildinq Envel.ore Desiqn ib utilize the total envelopesystem method, the values establishecl by the szm of i.tems 13 and 44 shall not be 9reater than the sum oP items 11 and 42. -P do + ?. a.? 3. + 4. ' f I ?! .;. ' 19?I.L '.CC'PION? F,? f.. ,Urr ut un11 at?r,, (oi' ftrim?: acni:.lr?ci Iun 1041 pL/'1 . .. . _._.. . G?.?l?3 ---C? '' S???' - c?'`1 ? .t? `a . _ , ?R.S ?. , ? ? ?_ f--? ?; . `,?.1 A t? . A?-wP'? ? .. . _ _ . • fo ? --• , , ;;,.?? . 3 o... r? G.- h:r.l?.•: ? r .?I. ...'.' _.. _._ _ _ .__ . . .. ._.. ... ._.._...__. . ,?,i, - _.?-- s •?„? ,, i ? . L' `? --- ?J ?,, u,??'?' y ?. . E3? 11 'rot>viE1a oe ? ? FllNlli iJnLL . L,Crrl;,r ?ir :ilm U.GII ' -' - . ... . .... . . . . . ... . _ ......- --- --"---. _.. . ? , . • 4 'L?????r?!r..__..: _---..._--_..?,_SJC? G. EACrrio;_, i: i,lia..,--- ----?1.17 rIC. 112 . 'I'uLil` .?.?.?' Li g ? ? T'?? • .' . Jnt.criui' ?i,ir: film O.GR ?.?.. I _. '.. _'_..._..'......"_ _ J' ... - ?----Q - - - - - -- _ ? --- -- , p Ij(ALr? r_ ' •' ? ? 5 . .?.?!SaYf.1? _SN90M4C _ "." _ •-? ,, '' •'? ' .---- ? - . _ . ..-- ??,. '' 1 L ../ S ?LL"1:J. - - ? -- ---'--------- ------??---- ---' ---- _ ? C__>....-_', __-___.__,'il ??? .? _ __r • ? . .• ? }??. 'n' µ ?' Q? i. [nti•?i??r nir Cil??,•, O.f.,fl --------'- ,?. ,?7ICN .•. ?._.ti. ----•---t? ?a ` y , 0 ? d • : 3• ... /? --$??A .. - `S.r..?....___- . .' • ?.----- ----- -., , i y ?_ _ .. -- -- ------.._..-- --- TU1:11 ? . st.?,11 Ori (,111,ur: ...- • ----- --...... . . ;, • ,. ' ?-c ?? ;rr -- . . • c--,, ? ?' • ' .• , . f (1 - ??? ?` !'r iF " , ^ • , ' ,;iii7--: •," r f'1G. i!4 i/i d - ?> ? -- • C. 13 ?' ? - - ' ???---- ?? ? ? ?.%r ?,? -: ?lr_i;th nn<i ? .... ..y . .`__- .._ , ' Construction A-Val.tlc Sntcrior air film . .0.61 2. 3. 1,v5UL. • 44'.0? 4. £xtcri.or air f±lta (still) O.G y Total (z. 4s8? lJ mted Eea[ .low up iZC. 05 _?•1..-t.s-v:.v?.T??..`?.?%t?,tr_-?.^Yw?1?_?y . ?Ycc[ fiav up ? 16.'._ - 3 ? . • ?, . ..x? , . ,•vented ? . ..?' •:-? • 2:.C".i-i?'.`:i?] ' . . ' . tlcnL ' • , .; • flov up l?i ._ E7 ? . . _ . .t: .. • F R??+K d . . 1. Ynterioz air film 0.61 2. G 3• _Z y-?? 1k(5uL 38.3? 4. F:xtcrio_ ?ir iiln (stil ) . G o.er s•ra 'v e r i m rti1 'Sota1 2 : ?O.?s U =?.oz4.. 1. Tnside -lir film 0.61 2_ . 3. 4. 5. putridc air fil:n 0.17 Tota1 j. Znsidc air Eilm 0:61 2. . 3. ' - A. 5. Out.idc air fil:n 0.17 --- ao tal 1_ Snside air film 2. 3_ ' 4. ?. Cutr:i.dc air fiLn 0.61 0 . 17 TOta1 Note: Usa additional sheets ii morc -paco ? Leedecl for c1ct-piL^ and calcu?ativns. . a;4.1 ?) un uall nren Li>v of t?1 ??i , frr?m; cow.tn,ct.lun ?IC i; FIG.:H ?? . ii IChi i / --- O "(? - , • } Q -- ? -? "-'- '-? • -.,.•'/,. 1110 '10 .. 1 I L . . ... ?" ' _. ,? , 1. Yli\ I?I J?SI II'PI (1tkJp S! , '-. _? IKE. ..&.LQG?C. .._ . 8" MIr-( __- i? l) x rE 't,r a'?. ,., .. . . ? , . .._ . _ ,_ . , . , G? itr ni 'ilu , .. .;::' .?.:.;.. ' ? _ ?_ _ _ ..? .. . .. . ......... . ? . I ? 1. inCr_I(,r :,ir :i!m -' -'-... _.._._... . 0.611 . _ . .. . ._._._._--- ?? . . '? 2. ? '. ._ ?. - -. . -•- -.-- _...._..- --------- ?.? , ! , 4. -- ---------.. ...--------.._ .----- ? . .:,_.. -?-- -----._.._. __. _...._..__._........ . ..._.._. ......,,;. ----?------- •Cut.il-----.- 5;NVli oN ?;Il?ui: ? .:. ? ? f? , • µ ? ??r Trr ; . ; G. 1]; I ~?, ?? ? • o- , r ? ? 1 +' ____'_ • X "IYiPVI?:d OF ? Fltfvt.h' hnLT,: - ' - . - ----- - , ?,,. ? ,. l77 , <1 ?in ? ?? a: ric. ir? i c • :> (( (t( - , I?n:'C: indl?nt.r Ly??r_ , " ??lw d?uCl> >nd ? ?f ? Jl t,.r••,•1t O( PLAt..( #? ffi Li t,?tEAL F7, EXposED WALL V1..iJ4? ? 7Z?_+ 7 z 4 4tp. S= ra d. S ? r , 1h/Aa LL._. ?NE-E: '??•`S x j S r 1::uLt_ x --?-? -? ? -? -- ? F.?, - - , .? Al 8 Z I H ' i zd. 5 ?C ! a t Z.17. S TD°rA l._. = r? s -?. -e S ? 1N DW5 L?7 ?.o( ,6 x 24146 ?. ?60' 2atrom 241?a ?- !: 4- ? r `s t -326 2s Cb ? GE1 L(uC{ ego AZEA 2/84 [LEE7 CITY OF EAGAN u APPLICATION FOR PEFLMIT , .... ._ SEWER AvD/OR WATER CONNECTZON (PLEGSE PRIHi) 1) PxD= AeDRESs: 31a3 ? I-'. l c ? n I,l_xz ?i rFrai, nrscRztirTcv: Lt°X?n? (, "S? a-o;? P I aC (LOt 4 - /Block/Si;: divisi n or Tax Parcel I.D. Ni.;, =-er) IF S?==ti, DaTE 0F CRIGL1Ai, uUI7 :L`:G ::.^.;Tii7;/?R.OFCS::D L'S'-': SL:GL.: I7 R-2 DU= (T.':O L^:Z7S) , ? R-3 'ICr.;?urvTCr (mc%, _ L^nTc) ( Li?II:'S) ? i;-4 [I.iZ=S) ? ca•!:-1ERcTu,/R._.?asr?cFFzc:: [3 1NCliST.RT],I, Q 2) APPLi= IPLEaSE PRifi(J N?•:E= Frontier Midwest Homes Corporation ACDRESS: 3908 Sibley Memorial Hwy. Bldg. E CTT`_', ST?Y ?', ZZP: Eaqan, MN. 55122 - PFO`E: 454-0433 3) PLL:Lp°...."'?, {PLEdSE PPlNi) FOR CITY USE 09LY NA"E= Star Plumbinq P.DDBESS: 1018 Mound Springs Ter. PLU!!BERS :tiSE: ncti?e CITY, STATE, ZIP; gloominqton, MN. 55420 _ Expir PAOVE: $$4-4149 PLUABER LFLEYSE N 3329 f Rec rd . r inicia y1 U..i;I;YPl`IP/(,?vT:E.R . lr?tnat rKtnl) taa?: C?Lru g- I-erra5? ?Tehn??lonP .. - Ann?ss: Lj05; l.. ?')ueu 1?P p ICwv R?I44 . CITY, STATE, ZIP: I??in rr?C ?t I ?P 1 i t h- S5 3 3? _Pho>re: F594- 5) IIVpIG",TE TNI-[ICH PERt•lIT IS BEIi:G REOUESTM-: f$j cfa:tvF'_Crloi To CI:'Y sav= Please mail gold copy to ? CG:TN=ICJI TO CITY WATE:t Wenzel Mechanical 3600 Kennebec Dr. ? OTTIR (pIF'cF DFSC;'=gE) Eaoan. MN. 55122 6) Il:DIG= G:W.: • • ? PT.: `,SE F?Oill APPRW-v P&4"^ST :'OR PI Ci:-liP BY C:IE OF IBCNE ?y ,? °T?I+.S' R*_kL r?PP??(?'? P?_•LLT TJ 1. /2 J 3, 4 AFO?'E Y (Cl e one) , 7) SIC.^,TL'?.: DA'IE: .-- i' ?? 4411 0+e . ?.;, s . w aa??f?s?s y? rr ??.?_a?u a t i+e os?a+? e?.?ssa:a s a? : rr?:?r?? ?+n s? a?g? . F O R C I T Y U S E O N:. Y PE°MTT °- ?SSUFD rrZ$: $ /0-S6l $ /O SU . $ $ 5 $ $ ??cl U S S.a_ S: vu $ S $ S S S ? ,7110 l). ?u 5:!.?LD nE3M? T^` (LNi_,J,;,,_ ^T""?=' JL.q`7r'^ D./`....r._..,L) WATER P:;UtI: (Ii?CL'uD: SURC:Ac2Gc.) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OL'TS.D : REi,G ;2 WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATI0N STCP) S::,icB TA° _ _..?•i;:?_^ ??r.cl= - cc..=3 ACCCUc:T DFPOSIT - WATER wac SAC TRG?IK WATER ASSESS2?E.;T TRli:7K SF.SqER nS5ES5:??E:iT LeaTEP.AL BEivEFIT/T3li^IK SET=, Ll:ER1lL BEVEFIT/TRU:1K WATER WATER TREATMEn'T PLANT SURCHARGE OTHER: T0: AL Ai?10UVT PAID:?R^.C?'Z?T ;? ??? 3 DOES UT:LITY CONNECTION REQUIP,E EXCaVATION IN PU&LIC RIGriT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN n"PERMIT FOR TAORK WIT?-3IN PUBLIC ROADWAY" P1UST BE ISSUED BY THE ? NO ENGINEERING DZVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- -- TION. _. . .. .. .. ,. . SUEJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TI:LE: ' DnT_°' V 4W eFJw ?r? i? ?kfa w!? M sHO Oi1Jm Oa ? R?A M}? ?R4 R+? i! R1i0 Rii R# PE 0 3i PiV ?R? R41? 6A ??s j } ? . . .. .__ .., . . . . _ . _•,. ; . . ... . ' ? .. . . _ ' . .. _ ;'.a .... ?s 2000 BUiLDING PERMfT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 8581-4875 (i1S ' Remodel/Reoalr ReaulremeMs ? 3 regisfared slfe wneys showing sq. (1. of tof, sq. lt. ol houae 7- ? f' 0(? 2 copies ol plan and g?l roofetl areoa Mo'6 maY?mum lot covemaa all?wedl t 1 cal tatlons for heated addlHons > 2 coplea of plans (show beam & window slzes; poured Mtl. deslgn; etc.) ? 1 set d energy calculatlona 1 a5 Lp ?' a 3 coplea of fiee preEervcNOn plan N lot pk?Med aller 7/1/99 DATE: ? DESCRIP'flON OF WORK: I'tiG 5TREET ADDRE5S: 3b `-' z LOT: ? BIOCK: ? SUBD./P.I.D. #: PROPERTY OWNER LvVI, Name: Phone #: Wn Flrst Sheet Address: 3 > Z rr?? r,ov?. t,t a c,iy ?'? u G.h. stcte: corrrr?ncroe 3-3?-o I SheetAddress: 2io License# ZOJSZ?333F?cp. C„Y M0?S Stata: iu,v Zip: ?s ?os ARCHIiECT/ ENGINEER Company: Name: Te!sphene #: ( ? State: SSS/z3 Company: Y?.tA-?' ? Phone #: ?a 12 ? 7 cl ?? 0 t' (area code) Sheet Address: RegishaHon i: CNy Sewer/water licensed plumber (if InsWllina sewerhratarl: Phone #: I herebY acknowledge lhat I have read Ihis applkaHon, afate Mwt the of Minnesota Stalufes and Cffy of Eagan Ordinances. Signafure ot Applicanh. OFFICE USE ONLY CeRificates of Survey Received ` Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan ReCeived _ Yes - No lae o energy cu 1 site wrvey tw exfeAor addlXOna & decka CONSTRUCTION COST: 4ZZ00 21p: Lp: and Aarsm6o comply wilh atl appRcable Slate < - Not Required A 10 50'St) CITY USE ONLY L ? BL ? SUBD. Llcylyiglon (0. l.t-I I} RECEIPT #: RECEIPT DATE: / PERMIT # d P S U 2000 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OE EAGAN S+Orn) 3830 PILOT ICNOB RD EAGAN, hIN 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings 'bs &M? ? ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system cl?loec CePl.l # T? AL Aiterations to existing dwelling - minimum fee Describe: $ 30.00 Bath tub $ 3.00 x = $ Floor drain 3.00 x = $ Gas piping outlet ' minimum - t 3.00 x = $ Hot tublspa 3.00 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ Laundry tray 3.00 x = $ Lavatory 3.00 x = $ Septic System new/refurbished " requires MPC lic. 75.00 X = $ Septic System abandonment 30.00 x = $ RPZ new installatioNrepaidre6uild 30.00 x = $ Rough opening 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x = $ Underground sprinkler if dwelling is underconstruction 3.00 x = $ Underground sprinkler ifexisciny dweuing 30.00 x = $ Water claset 3.00 x = $ Water heater 3.00 x = $ Water softener if dwelling under construcqon 5.00 x = $ Water softener if existing dwelling 30.00 x = $ Water turnaround 30.00 x $ State Surcharge Total .50 -> --? --> --> ---> -> __.> $ .50 g . Reminder. Call for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. --------------------------------------------------•-•-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Ciry - of - - Eagan - - ord"m - ances. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that tha information is corred, and agree to comply wkh all - applicable - It is the applicanPS responsibility to notiry lhe property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused hy the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City propertylright-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: .-j w J 01 1- CL-k e.un w OWNER NAME: : lb-erlo-? TELEPHONE #: (0 YTI (AREA CODE) INSTALIER NAME: 4-l,31 STREET ADDRESS: ciTV: 4UE t < _DOU e #: ?? - -O ST.? , _ (AREA CODE) ,M A1 ZIP: S , `I `! / -.>, SIfGNATURE OF ' I PI,ACE YOUR CIZ'Y LOGO HERE Provided for vour use - counesv of the , City of Inver Grove Heiph[s . . . ,. ?'. L 651450-2550 Jo6 Site Address: 3(o32 ENERGY CODE WO aSR? ?`??v, 551z3 ET FOR QNE & TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete Parts [, [I and IlL Clearly mark plans with: insulation R-values; window and skyfigh[ U-values; size and type of equipment; equipment connols; and location of interior air bartier, vapor retarder and windwash barriers. More detailed information can be Found in the zYlinnesotu Energ Codv Summury Sheets available hom the Minnesota Department of Public Service. Part I. BUILDING ENVELOPE Check option uSed: X "Cookbook" Method (completz worksheet befow) 0 MnCheck method (attach report) ? Buildine Component method (attach calculations) ? Systems Analysis method (attach analysis) "Cookbook" Worksheet INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. Check item(s) that design meets on Minimum Reguirements list to the right Must meet all items to use Cookbook option. Step 2. Indicate proposed wall type on table below. Step 3. Indicate Window U-value and source. Step 4. Verify total window (including area of a!l foundation win- dows) & door azea is equal or less than allowable percentage TABLE FOR DETERMINING MAXIMUM WINDOW AND DOOR AREA ' Maximum Ailowabla.'Lotal Window and Door Area as a Percenta e of E osed Wall `3 10% 12% ' 14% 16% 18°!0 20%a 22% , 24% 26°!0 28% Wall T e'R-5 tip to'R-10 Fowidation 7nsul: : Maximum Avara e Window U-vatue ex t fouadation wmdows:p 5.6 sf' c` " 0 2x4, R-13 insulation, < R-5 sheathing 0.37 . 0_36 0.30 026 - 0.23 "020 0.18 0.16 0.15 = 0.14 ? 2x4, R-13 insulation, b R-5 sheathin 037 0:37 0:37 037 035 0.31 028 0.25 0.23 t 022 " ? 2x4, R-li insulation, b R-7 sheathin 037 0.37 037 0.37 037 034 - -0:31 0.28 626 ! .014 ?, 2x6, R-I9 insulation, < K-5 sheathin 037 : - 037- 037 037 039 031 0.28 . 0.25 4.23 ._. 0.21 ? 2x6, R-19 insulation, L R-5 sheachin 0.37 037 037 037 037 037 033 030 '.028 026 ? 2x6, R-21 insulation, <R-5 sheathing 0.37 0.37 037 : 037 0.37 0.33 030 0:27 0.25 ' 023 ? 2x6, R-21 insu(ation, r1 R-5 sheathing 0.37 0.37 037 037 ' 0:37 037 035 03I 029: ° ' 027; Wall ? e with R-I OFoundation Insulation : Maacimum Avera e Window U-value exce t foundation windows Ca 5.6 sfl: ? 2x4, R-l3 insulation, < R-5 sheathin 037 0.37 033 ; 028 ' 025 0.22 020 O;YS D.17. '. .0.15,'i ? 2x4, R-13 insulation, !1 R-5 sheathin 637 "0.37 0.37 - 0:37.: 037 ' 0.33 "030 017 0.25_: 023 ? ? 2x4, R-13 insulation, b R-7 sheathin 0.37 037 ; 0.37 ' 0:37 037 0.36 " 0.33 ' 0:30 027 ! 0.25, ? 2x6, R-19 insulation, <R-5 sheathin 037 `037 0.37: 0.37: 037 032 029 .. 0.27 0.24 , 023 c ? 2x6, R-19 insulation, d[2-5 sheathin 0.37 0.37 037 ` 0:37 037 037 035 032 0.29 ` 027:! ? 2x6, R-21 insulation, < R-5 sheathin 037 039': 037 0.37 037 0.35 031 0.29 0.26 "024 ? 2x6, R-21 insulation, b R-5 sheathin 0.37 ; 037 037 037 037 037 036 033 030 0.28 r Wall Type with R419 Fouttdarion Insulation : Maximum Avera e Window U-value (excet foundation windows p 5.6 sfl: Q 2x4, R-13 insulation, < R-5 sheathin 037 037 034 029 026 0.23 021 0.19 0.19: 0.26 ? 2x4, R-13 insulation, tS R-5 sheathin 037 ' 0.37 037 0.37 037 034 0.31 0:28 0.26 0.24 = ? 20, R-l3 insulation, b R-7 sheathin 037 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.24'? ? 2x6, R-l9 insulation, < R-5 sheathin 037 0.37 0.37 0.37 037 034 030 0.28 025 0?3 ? 2x6, R-19 insulation, b R-5 sheathin 0.37 0.37 037 037 037 037 036 033 030 028 Q 2x6, R-21 insulation, < R-5 sheathin 0.37 037 037 037 037 036 032 029 0.21 025_: ? 2x6, R-21 insulation, b R-5 sheathin 0.37 0.37 037 0.37 0.37 037 037 034 0.31 029. Window U-value: ,TZ Source: NFRC ? Code Default Table (see Part 7670.0700) ioo x ' I `? L' ZD ?s = 13.? °ro < ? g % '"''°°° window &, door area ..gross exposed wall area DESIGN ALLOWABLE (from table above) : MIIVIMUM REQUIItEMENTS ' For "Cookbook" O tion ' O Heatin, svstem efficiencv: Minimum 90% AFUE ? Entry Doors: 1'/:' solid wood or maximum U-value of 0.40 ? S ti hts: None ermitted 0 Ceilin Insulation: Minimum R-38 O Rim Joist Insulation: Minimum R-10 ? Floors over uncondi[ioned s aces: Minimum R-30 ? Foundation windows: Y:" insulated glass in wood or vinyl frame or maximum U-value of 0.51 . ? ,0 ? . SIOMA SURVEY1N0 seAVIces 3808 Sibley Memoria! Highway Eagan. Minnes0la 55122 Phone: 1612) 452•3077 9r-AL&- I'=40? ? .. ? ?c ? tA Q ri . 0 ? U? J ? k 4?1 y ? ? ?S CERTIfiCATE FOR: ? ?? IM< <,U,L „t [,:. IANUUllI <<lIt 14'. hFAI IIIHb COMPANIES MOOL'L % {}ARTFORD 135•18 S82 ? 28 ?pp"E , •, ,703,O7f ?? ? ? °.al.? ( 1 rs , 0 o , N?6r 7 2?,r J-' ?V ' WAYNL•' U CORpEg -- 14675 -. 'tf'?1 , ?.. ? 'al r` 0 ; N ? 'i _LE_GEND' PROPOSED GARAGE fL00R ELEVAIION= go2."i 0 Qenotes frcn Alrnu?rent Pfi1P05£D Tep of 81ock fLFVAT!GNm n?.0 0 Cpnotes Woa! Heb Sel PkOPOSED BASEkENP FLDOR FLf_VATlON= `10110fl SIGMA SIJRVEYING SERVICES 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612?-452-3077 HOUSE CERTIFICATE ?OR: ? „OP.,L UUI<<ii il7 s?ie L,Nuuev6ioreH, .? hEAlliiNS a' ? FRONTIER COMPANIES ? ? ?wmwmnmw ?I -?.. MOPeL' {}ARTFot2'0 ? yc.raLE : 1 °: 401 ; ?s 1+0 )T 41 a 135' t8 `?S2° 2?s'CVO o g. _":--+- ?ot q ? O ? J I?4o3pX , o -"'- U?'N; j° 10 _j k \. 9 ? ? ? j I< G 2 4. x a ?1 u s ?" ? DRpINQCqr ? Ul Il.l"r'(' ? IS ?A?MY, t?-- '?-- ?-#- N7Go?7?2q ? ? ? ' I til ?J"r 1J WAYNE D. CORDEg - 14675 - -LEGEND- O Genates Iran Manunent ° Denotes WocJ Nub Set xqps%ODenotes Existirg Spot Elevation Denotes Proposed Spot Efevation _?---- Oenotes Drainage Direction -PAOPEKIY DESCRIPTION- LOT__q_, BLGrI( 5 LC-XIFIGTQK PAGC 47001H accordirg to the recorded plat thereof, , Minnesota PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATlON= 19DZ. PROPOSED Top of 81 ock ELEVAT ION= °fa''? 0 PROPOSED BAS£MEMT FLDOR ELEVATlON= 900,0 NOTE: Verify all floor heights with Final House Plans. SUFVEI'C1R5 CERTIFICATIAN- I hereby certify that thj-s survey, plan or report was prepared by me or unrJer my direct supervision arci that I am a duly Registered Lard Surveyor urder the laws of the State of Mrnnesota. I Date: 1s l r85 Wayne . Cord, Minn. Reg. No. I4675 411,11/`° C!tyofEaQau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 r Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: —SC 6L Permit Fee: / Date Received: Staff: 2016 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: Unit #: widen ` Owner Name: J -C r4c �z--1:/ _CAE fL Phone: 6/ 2 - 44,0 - (at) 3 C Address / City / Zip: 36 301 F4 e. c� pi 1..4 pl Applicant is: V Owner X Contractor �. iYork Description of work: W x 13 NA...) "21-1sE`2-'i / T os,r,,'.c- tr i "t r/r.v cri_ Construction Cost: Multi -Family Building: (Yes / No ) Cont ,hx Company: L 'AD RS04,7/r"`('rP/" 'N T 10 Contact: J00 Address: 11-" 2 t-- IJ_ City: /`1 ct2/44,.....L. ) State:Ptt4 Zip: 53-312- Phone: 4'2- - (PO") -66 L Email: Jc�v�^�r j/els e kv (. Cor% License #: FC &?7 Lead Certificate #: 011A- If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: In the last 12 months, Yes No COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Mechanical Contractor: Sewer & Water Contractor: Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: NOT Plans a pporif w • cumen at you sub dered to bepublic n rma ion the or a d � y be cI red as n • •iic If y0.: • ®e j cific rea stha v rr d rate i d C�► r { CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota Staj7Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. r'li L1=' $, rl i x Applicant's Printed Name x Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 '*° City of Eapfill 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 JUN 032016 r Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use I ,, Permit #: 1 -31-P 913 Permit Fee: l �a. C°9// Date Received: y�X' Staff: 2016 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: Residentl Owner Typ of Work Contractor! 1/-fA.1 o Unit #: l� v th Address / City / Zip: 363z_ Cc.4 Phone: Applicant is: Owner '?` Contractor Description of work: i%ca� Construction Cost: 11 %< Company: AIiE/LS P Multi -Family Building: (Yes c- Contact: Je -s /No V ) Address: 4'1..1 7° 6,),,444.44. 7-4'' L. /46 '...030 City: I"�'o/ �a/' 1 State: kvi-ri Zip: 3'5-371- Phone: 4t2 -..bo -6u;CEmaiL Jon^OS(6js 60 1,d14m—kk, Cep, License #: I✓ 6/j 34'°)- Lead Certificate #: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: NOTE Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information, Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the arse trade secrets, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota Stage -building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x J� 61744:: oEf( Applicant's Signature Applicant's Printed Name r Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 3i40q6113 SUB TYPES -3L0-5---- --CA k - LUQ-( Foundation — Fireplace _ Porch (3 -Season) Single Family Garage Porch (4 -Season) Multi ?4 Deck Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) 01 of _ Plex Lower Level Pool WORK TYPES ?4 : New Interior Improvement Addition Move Building Alteration — Fire Repair Replace Repair Retaining Wall DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25% 100% ) ) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction F REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Roof: _Ice & Water Final Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Fireplace: Rough In Air Test _Final Insulation Siding Reroof Windows Egress Window Exterior Alteration (Single Family) Exterior Alteration (Multi) Miscellaneous Accessory Building Demolish Building* Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Water Damage *Demolition of entire building — give PCA handout to applicant Occupancy T 72(- 1 Code Edition :a lS Zoning _ L Stories Square Feet Length Width Sheathing Sheetrock Fire Walls Braced Walls Shower Pan / G--. LU Meter Size: MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Suppression Required Final / C.O. Required Final / No C.O. Required HVAC _ Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test Pool: _Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final Drain Tile Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill _ Final Radon Control Fire Suppression: _Rough In Final Erosion Control Other: Reviewed By: ) ®nr\ 'ON/ (y�}- , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies TOTAL 7- • ` ,4. . i?LjL.. `7 • •%• 7'/9;2 i`1rav5N• Page 2 of 3 Lo 1c cts-1 SIGMA SURVEYING SERVICES 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612} 452-3077 SCALE:I�=40` 0 Denotes Denotes 4o0,ODenotes (Argot) Denotes -Denotes 2, i X „LIQUSE CERTIFICATE FOR: “OPAL twlLrpt fly LAND UE YEt iJI•lAMMOMMOMEMIMIk i11 KAL TORS IMMO .40111111111.1111116. FRONTIER COMPANIES .e, �rMMs�Mrr Noungsimmir +E mope L µAr•TFcxz,U SS2°2fploo°2. Cr- r- :1; ., V r ell 10.0_. 1%3.ox E� 5 S' leD N74o ri ►2,Q ?5 -LEGEND- Iron Monurr'nt Wood Hub Set Existing Spot -Elevation Proposed Spot Elevation Drainage Direction -PROPERTY DESCRIPTION - LOT el , ELt K LeXIF-I -f »4 Plea '11.111.4 according to the recorded plat thereof, DA.F<D"ftr. County, Minnesota LOT k-) 1\1 ti N n� n a uutM► aSu////" WAYNE D. * CORDES . -- 14675 fitimallrir'11itio00,`�!`s PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= 1OZ.1 PROPOSED Top of Block ELEVATION= °fO • 2 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION= `i00,OQ NOTE: Verify all floor heights with Final Nouse Plans. SUAVEYQRS CERT IF ICATU W - 1 hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Lard Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Gt^'� I •� .J''�-- Date: lc. t 81 ne D. Cordes, Minn. Reg. No. 14675 Wa y