3415 Federal Drh., .., -• QUILDING PERMIT T. Ir ue" U. pT Receipt r r '/?,rp 19 Site Address ? r, T, ' n7, Erect Occupanq Lot Block ?ec/Sub. Alter ? Zoning Parcel No. Repair ? Flre Zone Eniorge ? Type of Const. V oc Name `?i17LF; AS ?'?'C . Move ? # Stories Y Z Address ` •I-,, ST Demolis h Q Length ? City Phone c 3 2-8 1'.1 Grade I- Depth Sq. Ff. r? 0: O Name 0+PPro?aIs rce? ? , C)U Address Assessment Permit 1-- City Phone Woter 8 Sew. Surchorge , j C:?''SGi1 W Police Pian check ? Name FZ W • Fire , SAC ?o Address i , , Eng. Woter Conrr ', ?? _ ? , ; r CKW City Phone ' Planner Water Meter Council Rood Unit 1 hereby acknawledge that I hove read this opplicotion and stote that gldg. Off. ' the intormation is correct and cgree to tomply with OII qpplitable :r Stote of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordinonces. ^PC Totol Signoture of Permittee ? /1 Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition ihn+ oll work shall be done in accordorxe 4ith oll, applicable State of Minnesote Statutes ond City of Eagan Ordinances. ' - r 8uild7ny Officiol ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-799, Eagan, MN 55121 9009 PHONE: 454-8100 Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder Plumbing y(P ?( e li Y?? I ?kJ!? I.. r? l H.V.A.C. _ /?- ? orl? weu Water Disp. Sawer Etec t 3 9 Inspectian Date Insp. Other Footings q, r n•f i ? ?? FS- ? a ?'X r?. ? S? 2 W-* Foundatian Framing a- -?5- - Rough Plbg, '?O•?E/ Rouph HVAC Z_ _? ??? gt3- e, Insulation ?- Finai Plbg. ,C t A, i ;?-/ Final HVAC Final Water Describe Location: Well Sevuer 4p Pr. Disp. '?i. -? Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN • Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C s Type or Print legibty " Tot. ?1. Date 9-17-84 2. Installation Cost incl. v.it?L 3410 Surrey 3. Job Address 3415 k'ederal Lot ! Blk. ? TracY 4. Owner CUjSQLIDA'i'I:D PLUPII3Ii1G 5. Contractor FRI:I)RIC1fSOi7 tiTG.& A.D. Phone 153-2775 ? 6. Address 4030 13ea- ll' Rue llr. ' 7. City Eagan State Mn Zip 55122 8. Building Type: Residential O Commercial $X Institutional ?, 9. Work Description: New b Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Veiitilation only Fuel Type 11. No, Eauioment BTU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM dli Ai H Mfg. an r ng: Boilers Mfg, Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mf9• Other Air Cond. • Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : - for Rough Finel Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt ' MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. ` . ' CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prini legib/y Tot. 1. Date A??y' ? y 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address ?y/f- fp'/°? Lot/_Blk. ? Tr_; act 4. Owner /anA'ye° ?oi??/P u?sOC 5. Contractor ee-lulid&7Prl ?h?c?fv.,,.•y Phone 6. Address / s?G C C ? 1 7-1 lf'cJ 7. City Ow / n 5 v i// e State 47,? Zlp 5? 3 J 8. Building Type: Residential 4a'- Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New gr- Add O Alter ? Repair O 10. Describe Hv T wuT?° r//Pti 7 Fuel Type 11. No. Eauinment STU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM Air Handlin : Mfg. g ? Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust ? Unit Heater Mfg.i- e, , Ij h C Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with?ll or ?ances nd codes governing this type of work. r Signed : G?" %-: ?- for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8700 i Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fes , , Fill in numbered spaces S/C ' Type or Print legibty Tot . 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address Lot i Blk. i Tract 4. Owner " . , • -? • ' s 5. Contractor .i Phone 6. Address ? - , 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential E3 Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New El Add ? Alter O Repair O ?. 10. Describe ' - 11. No. V "" Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well -? Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Laundry Tray Other Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed for Final -?I Rough Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY bF EAGAN WA1'E SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Rosd P. a.,B"Z1199 ' P£ttMIT NO.: , .. ,;.. . ; , Eegen, MN , 55121 DATE: 3^ No. of Units: ,?OW?M?: . •?? ? 1 ?? , }LGnr flit? t -, ,, 1-r9 ? r ?s,, T(? T'?`t• '_1•,f nns ? Sih Add1'!:!: -- plumber. ' Mehr No. ?q?? 7tD Connection Chorfla: ? , . ?' ' i Size: 5 8' /1ooouxrt Deposit: ?+{ Repder Ne_ • c? Cl ? Permit FEe: • • F+ I o/fM 1'O 00py Mhh }!?? CUT .??/ ?¦ SlIR?1CfQl? Orll?oM. Jt?+.t.. ??Glkr.`so-?1L?(¢.t.oJMisc. Chorpm ol ' Total: Dob Pcid: , Date oi Irnp.: - - Insp.: CITY OF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DAl'E: Zoning: No. of Unlts: Avner: Address: Stte Address: 7=,I5 Gurel'a "'YiVe iI Al Surrev 'ar;iFr?, ' ,•neolidated "?.'.. Plumber. '-26-84 4232:, _ . ?"? .. 1 pne to aou+plp wNb tM CNp of Eapa OedtMnea. By dote of Insp.: n „ ? P? Connectlon Char+pe: ' ' ; ,9fi ? . Permit Fee: • . u SurcF+arpe: - Misc. Clarges: Total: Dot* Pald: CITY OF EAGAN SEyVQt SERYICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55127 DATE: Zo+inG: No. of Units: • . ;. f?o?: vy Owner: BscC Address: Site Address: 4'-- , ui'Tcv ?r Plumber oR90 _.^.te i? , I-9 w to o?plp wllh !w Cthr of Ee"n C.onneetion Chc?Qe: Adineaea. Account Depodt: Permit Fee: . SIJ1"Cf10?pQ: • . BY Misc. Charyas: Date of Insp.: Totoi: CITY OF EAGAN Remarks L ?G/? Addition SURREy GARDENS Lot 2 RIk 1 Parce?O 72995 020?O1 ? Dwner? I /Q?AZV 5treet 3415 Federal Drive State_Eaganp MN 55122 f ?r!` d ? . / yL "`'.P1. LQt,, .7yd. A'-",, .,, 411. ., . - - ? ? 7 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. Y,C 10 01600 013 GFADING . SAN SEW TRUNK laq 1970 glcl u SEWER/LATERAL qS 175 gld ll WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 1973 S1C1 il STORM SEW TRK 1985 7151 . 82 476.79 15 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT Road Unit 9152-00 WATER CONN. 16,544.00 BUILDING PER. 9009 SAC 1 n r r PARK CITY OF EAGAN * Y 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•199, Eagan, MN 55121 N? 9009 PHONE: 454-8100 // BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # `?`?A1 To 6s uwd Fer 44 UNIT APT En.yalue $1, 050, 00(bo1e APRIL 26 I y 84 SiteAddress 3415 FEDERAL DR Erect ? Occupancy R1 Lot 1 elock 1 Sec/Sub. SURREY GARDENS qlrer ? Zoning R4 Parcel No. Repoir ? Fire Zone N/A. ? Enlarge ? Type of Const. V 1}lY c Name XANKEE DOODLE ASSOC. Move ? # Stories 3 Z Address 1020 E. 146TH ST Demolish ? Length DV FLS - 33,871 ? City BURNSVILLEphone 432-8131 Gmde ? Depth_S'a?RAWFr. 14,000 Approrala Fees o Nama SAME ?? ,aad? r City ?W Name korsvsky krana erickson 92 Address 570 GALAXY BLDG x? 'W Citv MPLS phone 339-4200 I hereby ocknawledge thct I have read this opplicotion ond state that fMe inlormation is correct and agree to comDlY with all applicable Stote of Minnewio Statutes and City of Eogan Ordirwnces. Sipnofure of PermiMea _ A Building Permit Is issued to: oll work sholl be done in acco Building Official Assessment _ Woter 8 Sew. Police _ Fire Eng. Plonner _ Council Bldg. Off. _ APC Permi( $ 2,808 . 00 Surchorge S20 - 00 Plun check 1 .404 _ 00 snc 18,490.00 Water Conri h" 5 d d" 0 0 WoterMeter T7/A Road Unit q- 1 52 00 Trn,i $48,908.00 _ m the express condifion ihnl and City of Eogan Ordirwnces. CITY OF EAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, 1 Gertificate of Survey'& BUILDING PE1d,7IT APPLICATION 1 set c£ energy calculations. Zb Be Used For )* aif Valua?d 4Q(1 J?j Date 4/04IL 26 /IFQ site raaress ?yt/s fEMQR t DR , oFFzcE vsE ontLY Lot ?_ slock $r,?./sub. CAAbX&4 Esect Occupancy . Pareel # : N OT .IS.P/isn/R • oaner: YAivfi,at 1)e62L£' .4SSa4ATES Aaaress: ,ft" fAsr 1064 ST. City/Zip Code: A#.NYMLX,. JM/Ar.v Phone #: 032 - 8/s / Contractor: }I?4yjt&,t an02L1t ASSaG. Psldress: T / 4)Ad( , City/Zip Code: At1) Pnone #: 40.? Arcn./Eng.: okdtSrWtA1V A'•tAi?4 .FiriC.t?v Address: &/FLAXY QLDla City/Zip Code: M/Cr. .brii?i?. Sf. flo/ Alter Zoning Repair Fire Zone Ehlarge _ Zype of Const. Move # to ?es Demnlish _ F? ft. Grade ? /4 eoD / ft. ?4ater/Sewer Police Fire Eng• Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC Phone #: ?39- ?laa qb Surcharge Plan Check p 16 SAC SD Water Conn. - 59 Water Meter Road Unit S.Z mrAL 0 REQUEST FOR ELECTNICAL INSPECTION EB-00001.09 ?: • 1 See instructiena lar completirq this frnm on back of Yellow cooY• C 2G387 "X" 8e/ow Work Covered by This Request , ?j 3Q ? ? Ptrii"IF`ddI paO.I TvOe oi Building I Appliancaa Wiretl I Equipmant Wiretl I Mi p Fee ServiceEntranceSize M Fee Fexders/SUbieetlers p Fee Cirwits Uto200qms 0 to30Ams Oto30Am Above 200 qm??y. 31 to 700 Ainps 31 to 100 A s Swimmin Pool Above 100_Am s Above 100_Amp5 Trens(ormers Irrigation Booms Partial-'Othe I Signs ( I ISpecial Inspection ?5 ry 1Rema?rks ?? ParEial Fee • OTAL !a 1. the Electfy?aA? I Insoeclar, hereby ? cariity thet the aCOVa Final ? ??;?4inspection hes baen de. rnn renuest .oia This rcquest void 18 nqnths from )38? (?-a-? ? _?s Q- i-2 4cf•3o.- ---- - - ..o .._. .?_ . RequireA;. ? []Reatly Nuw Q Will Notify InsOec- Maa ?f 10PA ?Yes ?No tor When Ready Licensed Electriwl Conhector I hereby request inspection of ebove ? Owner - electricel work inatelletl at: Street Atldress. Boz or floute No. City ? ion 110. Townshi0 Name or No. Range o. County - OccuOent IPPINTI • Phone No. Power SupOlier Address Elecvical Contractor ICompany Nemel Bnl? E).ectrio Convactor's License No. 41903 Mailin0 Address IConiracmr or Owner MakinB Installationl Auth ? o, ing ns[allon Phone Number MINNESOTA STATE BOAND OF ELECTRICITY THIS IIVSPECTION qEQUEST WILL NOT Gripqs-Mitlwey Bldy. - Room N•791 gE ACCEPTED BY TNE STqTE BpqqD 1811 University Ave., Sc. Paul, MN 55104 UNLE55 PPOPEH INSPECTION FEE IS ' Phone 16121 297-2111 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION l`We idsfruetions ior cipmpleti.g this tam on back ot voilow copv '0 3$ 156 ?110 I$SJ "X" Below Work Covered by This Request Atltl Reo. T?oe ol BuilAino AooliaMea Wir?tl Equioment WireJ ' Water Farm Bulk Milk k Fee ServiceEnlmnceSile k Fee Feeders/Subteeders # Fee Circuw[s 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 Am s 0 to 30 Amps Above 200 qmps 31 to 100 qi?s 31 to 100 A Swinvning Pool Above 100-Amps Above 00-Aff" Transiormers Imgation Boorc4s PartiaVOffier ee I I I Signs ' I ISpecial Inspection 1$ ?pL•L ?OTAL FE ^?/', 1 Nemarks yu?? ? P'inal oavment of fee _ n. ? x ? RouBh-in .^ /'? .' Oate _ I the Elec 1 ,,. / n , i.v.eev N ` te?Llr «t che a Final • C ?7, O iffaPeetim la n meda. tM0 mpuut vOiE 18 montls irom This reques[ void rtnnths fmmr , ? ??JJ(A ( /.?/ f? ? Al ? Cl u 6I Re e ^ rl?.?/ J? Fire No. Roueh-ln Insueclion ?ou?red? ?Ready Now Q Will Not:fY Inspec- ?Yes ?No Io, WhenNeaev 13 Lfr.ensed Electncal Conhac[or I herebY request inspection of above ? 4wner electncal work ieatalled aY Sueet Address, Boz or Route No. Ciry PAgan ectmn Towns ip Name or No. Range No. County Occupunt(PRINT) . Phone No. ' Power SuOPlier Atldress Electncal Contractor (COmpany Name) ? ontrac[or's Licease No. C MailinB AtlJres onVactor or Owner Making Instailatfon) Au ed ignature nK !m ner Making Im„tallation Pha? Nuenb¢r NINNEJOTq STATE eOARD OF ELECiAICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUESTNILL NOT Grigps-Midway Bldg. - Room N-791 BE ACCEP'IED B? 7HE STA7E BppRp aT1 Universitv Ave., St. Paul, MN 55106 UNLE55 PROPER IN51'ECiION FEE LS -; . (612) 297.2111 ENCLOSED. ??j District DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Hwy. ?cL No. APPLICATION FOR ACCESS DRIVEWAY OR ENTRANCE PERMIT se.uan_./? rPio`.1?7/ (Applican[ to be Eurnished with prope.r sfanderd plete) L?S Z? ?D jK ?, Sc" }ZQ C"f Print or type application. Fill o¢c 4 copies, sign artd mail to County Highway Depaztmert. Sketch (T/}trypt?MS propecty, presert and proposed driveways and relation to County Highway on back of allfoiu copies. Name of Applicant 9 8, ??aftm 6 ASte+ei I,myQddre ss W01 i?ML 7etA Stt"t Yuite 943Te1. 920-061l0 Name of Property Owner CbZd Xo"11tA! QYlp. Addresse/rg D ES Onstst40`I iC1t Tel.O'?ol". Location: St33 ihll! 78Eh !tYlrt Bult• 443 Co. Rd. '?_ in ?1GDCI Caunty 0.4 Miles N-S-E-W of Vlle?! irsb 10?1 (Ceu" 31) (Cirele One) (3pecific raed, landmeck, or eoed intereection) Legal Description of Property (as shown on your Tax Statement) Tlwr NstISShMrt QMMtW ol' the Ysrttwst Gurrtl: o! Netio. ib Purpose of Driveway +??,I Residence XX Commercial (specify Type) Qn8AXM1111.we Cl!Mfflkoelwsa Is a Building to What be Consiructed [] No EX Yes Kind 4kbm* god mm sm plm (check ) Will the Building be [-:] Temporary or [A Permanent ( proper ) Is the Property in j Platted or 0 Unplatted Ay'ea (Squares) Dl'r11?. ?11at.Appl01 Distance from center of highway to front of building, or front of pump island is feet. ??? 1410"W. Is land higher? lower? or level? with highway. (sN andiss stta p2e) Show fmt ds inches Show feet & inchee Number of Present Driveways to ProperTy (M Date Proposed Driveway will be needed Give Exaci Location of Proposed Driveway to Properiy 1Y" oXp2WoM 0241S alLiCh" Give Exact Location of Present Driveway to Property I, We, the undersip,ned, herewith make applica[ion Lor permission [o cons[ruct the eccesa driveway e[ the above locetion, aaid drivewey to be construc[etl to coNorm wilh the sfnndards of the Highway Depaztment nnd [o any specinl provisions inclutled in the permit. it ie egreed that ell work will be doae to the savisfection of the Highway Depatment II is fwther egreed [hat no work in connection with this epplicetion will be etarted until the appHcation is approved and the permi[ tssued. laasaftr !b. 1971 oare atu re aP App I i cant Do Not Write Relow This Line Not valid unless pCCE$S DRIVEWAY OR ENTRANCE PERM17 Signed and humbe:ed 199' 71 Permit Number Permission is hereby granted for the construcfion of tne driveway as described in the above application, said driveway to be constructed an accordance wifh the Minnesota Highwoy Departments Driveway Siandard PIaTe No. and subject to the requirements on reverse side and the following special provisions: Permit granted for a tamporary entra»ce during constructicsn of the first un1L aniy. This temporary er?trance tct bs uaed for canstrucLidn oraty. Itccess W tbese un9ts to be taken from the locai street system. Thic pemlt is nat ietended to inter a tocat9on or deslqn standaM far eventual local sLreet inter5ectleas. Rppticant Lo renlave and salvage cuivsrt at tro expense to the County after constructian of the iocal roads serving th9s devetoprecnt. It is expressly understood that this permit is conditioned upon replacemeni or resforation of the trunk highway to its original or tu a satisfactory condition. It is furiher understood that this permit is issued subjecT to the approval of local city, village or borough authorities having joint supervision over said sTreet or highway. AFTF.R PERMIT IS APPROVED: , ? White [o Applicant ? Buff to Centrel Office ? Pit?c to Area Maint. O(fice ? Green to Municipality or Sec. Crew DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Da're County Traffic Engineer REQUIREMENTS No Deposit Required 1. No work under this application is to be started until application is approved and the,permit issued. ?. Nhere work on traveled roadway is necessary, traffic must be protected, and flags, flares and proper !)arricades must be placed in accocdance with the standards of the Minnesota Highway Department. 3. No foreign matenal such as dirt, gravel or bituminous material shall be left or deposited on the [oad during the construction of driveway or installation of drainage facilities. 4. Roadside must be cleaned up after work is completed. 5. After driveway construction is completed, the permittee shall notify the County Traffic Engineer that the work has been completed and is ready for final inspection and approval 6y the Minnesota Highway De- partment. 6. No changes or alterations in entrances may be made at any time without written permission from the County Highway Department. SPECIAL PROVISION CONTINUED FoR DepoS4l in amount of $ ,jOquired and attached hereto. OISTRiCT htake checks payable to Treasurer, Dakota County. USE ONLV Ihis deposit made by - Applicant Name Oi Address Party doing work Name Address Sketch Property, present and proposed Driveways and relation to Trunk Highway on all copies. ? AT> i , ?0,4 . / DAY/DATE /%o ADDRESS IU4 /?a. Frc, *i riME FOUNDATION FRAMING ROOFING INSULATION FIREPLACE R.I. HTG. AIR TEST R.I. PLBG. FINAL HTG. FINAL PLBG. FINAL C/0 DECK FTG. COMMENTS: (/w ,?• DECK FINAL FOR:? ?Wv U / ?Tr L?J ¦ 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 January 17, 1985 Mr. Ron Enright c/a Consolidated Plumbing Co. 1530 East Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Re: Fire protection check valve meters at Surrey Gardens Dear Mr. Enright: BEA eLOM9UIST MayOr THOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMIiH JERM THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members THOMAS NEDGES Clty AtlmlrYSfrofor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk On or about January 14, 1985 I contacted you by telephone about the V" meters you had installed on the fire line check valves at Surrey Gardens. I stated then that all water meters were to be purchased from the City and not on the open market. So at this time I am requesting that you remove said meters. Pur- chase (2) two 5/8 meters from the City of Eagan and have them installed at Surrey Gardens on the fire line check valves. I am enclosing a copy of City Code Ordinance #8; Section 3.20; Sub Section 10 Water Meters. Please make these changes in the immediate future and notify this office of said changes. If you have any questions please contact me at 454-522D. , P e Connofly, SupefEintendent ater $ Sewer Department City of Eagan cc: Lorna Olson Thomas Colbert, Director of Public Works Dale Peterson, Building Inspector THE LONE OAK TREE. .. THE SVMBOL OF SiRENGTH AND 6RONRH IN OUR COMMUNITY -- 1 2/84 CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATIODI FOR PER.%IIT 1111 , SELJER AND/OR WATfiR CONNECTIODT (PLEASE P3INi) 1) PPOpEztt aoDRFss: 3`// Sart ;,,/? 9Tf mr • r.Fr=,L DESC2I°TIC:I: LoT / B?oc/j / Su rJ' PY ??.?'ele?nJ (Ir?t/Block/Subdtivisicn or Tax Parczl I.D. Niunberi i: WtIS_=_:G Si":CCP.E, Da2=: GF ORZGi:AL :U2i.iI:'.G _=T ? PRES:' -_ ]^;Ii::l:/F-RCT_'CSED ? R-1 SD1GLE rpt7ILY •''- -- -__, ? R-2 DUPLFY, (?A'0 UNITS ) ? R-3 T(7•v11HCiiSE (TfIRr:n + L?:ITS) ( Wi I^_'S) ;a R-4 ApPR'?P-^F'`:T/CC,ma%1L?IIL^?i (441/- WITS) ? COL-iME.°.CIAI./Rt.'TFSI?OFFT_CE p LMUSTFUI'1L ? IINSTITCiTIOi?'AL/G^V'E.Te??,?P: AP9T,TC>;T (PLEASE ?Rlfli) NA?tE: ?it?i /Y?° P 'O'go ol/P 43'fa C AUDRESS: 16,20 ? lyr Ps sr- CITY, STA'?':.', ZSc : ?urhJ'?/ IIP bi ?i '.???/?, PFiONE: 3) p???.1=1 (PLEASE PflLhi) FOR CITY USE OHLY NPL%E: 1 ADDRESS: t/ - PL(1HKRS LICE45E: r7? Active CITY, STATE, ZIP?c?_???=tiL_GU Expired ?-^ PHOiVE:?/!J.c!- pLUMBER LICENSE N/O = Not oi Fecord arr ini ia 4) OCCUP;N'I'/G!v?I-rq NFIME: PII(7:IG: 5) (PLtASEPPINT) ADDRESS: ? CITY, STATE, ZIP: INDIG,TE WHICH P£P,hIIT IS BElNG REQUESTID: E'CC:.?'vECfION TO CITY SE:-IER Eir :.TIECI'ZGN 'Ib CITY WATER r= (PLFASE DESCi2IBE) ol V::t: 7) SIcz??'ILaE: ? PI.Er15E EiOZD APP?2(7VID PERb1iT FOR PICK-[JP BY ONE OF AB(7VE Q!`?-LE1SE ,ALL APPR= PFR?LiT Tq 1. 2' ?3 4 ABGVE ? ,, I I (Circle or.e) DATE: 3 ? 'OF F O R C 2 T Y U S E O N L Y PERMIT °- ISSUED r ,. ?.-?S: SE:?E3 DvA11T? (I`_ICL;:D: SiiRC?:?RG?) $ WATER PERCIIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSZDE RElDE3 $ WATER TAP ( INCiiiDE CORPORATIC;I STOP ) $ SE:'iER T=_P $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEi`.'ER $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATrR $ lG.S`??il o=a wac ' $ SAC $ TRUVK :4ATE.°, ASSFSSL-IE;IT $ TRli:IF SE:vER ASSESS,SENT $ LATEP.AL BENEFIT/TRUNK SE,:ER $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER $ OTHER $ TOTAL Ati10UNT PAID/RECEIPT n 1,l ??9 7 DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGiiT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK 4JITHIN ? PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE NO E[VGINEERING DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUBJECT TO TfIE FOLLO?9ING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE:_??q? ? DATE at s*9 8e00 r&MsW Sk" ncMsa 1rsN FOR USE ON NON-FIRE INCIDENTS AND GiiASS AND REFUSE FIRES WITH NO DOLLAR LOSS •.:--°-'- `?--'--??--• "A C IS REQUIRED ON GRASS AND REFUSE FIRES 0 H IS OPTIONAL ON GRASS AND REFUSE FIRES .....,,......,,........_.,...... Reporting System (MFIRS) eo - Fill in This RepOrt - ) 7? Delete in Vour Own Words c- f -' Fire Department 2? Cnange FDID 3-7 i?uaem no. 8?13 E.P. Mo. Day ?'vr Day oi week 22 Aiarm nme Arrival Time Time in Service 31-34 14-15 16-17 18.19 202] 2356 2]-30 10 . .? i TYPE OF SITUATION FOUNO: 16 - Traaz/brusn/prasz li.• 43 - Excnsive naat 59 -Sarvica ull nnt Uassifiatl 35-36 15 • Re/use fire 64 - Power Ilne Oown ' 61 - STOMa scare 2Z - SIMm ru0ture OS - Areinq/iM1Orteel elec. pu+Oment 62 . Wrong btati0n 22 . Air, ys ru0ture 46 • Ancnit s[an0by 63 - ConVOlletl Eurninq 29 - OvxDrsssure ruoWre 67 . Cnemlrai amerqentv 64 - Viclnity alarm 110f CliSfifieO 69 - HaZirOWS COntlitfOA. $[illtlby 65 •$1ldT/Ol11H 925 TiSLMen t01 STOk! 31 - InMlator u11 nol classifiatl 69 -GooO Intent not cbsSifieC ' 32 - Embqsncy maaical oii Sl - lock•out ll - Melicious/Mischievousealse wll 33 - Lock-m 52 - Water awcwtlon 72 8omb sure / no Gomp O 34 - Sarcn 53 - Smok6/00or removal 73 - SYStem maMenction 35 • EYV int ior 54 - Animal rmcue 74 - Unintsntinna l ? 39 - R"[ua qli not elassitiatl 55 - Assist Poiin 79 - False nll not cbssifiM 41 - SOilViWk with n0 iqnition 56 - UMutnarizetl burninq 99 -TyuO $Itwtion not classlffaC m 42 • EaDIosive, bomb nmowi 57 • Cowr assiqnmant/stanaCy -I m TVCE OF ACTION TAKEN: 3] •- Remova Mu.tl 8- illl in, movavp MUTU/al AID 38 O ? 1- EztinqWS?m?nt . 5- 5[an 9 bY 9? Not tlassifletl SN R l tl ?tc R t 6 S C ll 2 l y? RecaiveE 2? Glven ? .' va , ascus or ass - a e ( ance . - s e D 3- InvOftiqate Only 7- Ambulanee serviCa 0- UnCetnTlnlG/NOt rapOrtOtl r FIXED GROPERTV USE (O<tupsncy) . 39-41 IGNITION FACTOR 4243 r Q 2 n A fiE55 OF INCiOENT (UD to a maalmum of 31 cnaraclsrs) 44-66 I GOOE 65-69 CENSUS TRAC7 ?4-79 a uis z OCCVPANT NAME (Last, Firil, MI 16-35 TELEPHON 3645 POOM or APT.4650 y it . \ • OWNER NAM (Lart, FirR, MI) 16-35 OWNER ADDAE55 36-60 TELE NONE 1-70 . 12 METHOD ALARM VffffWFU_8_L_1Z: ' CO.INSP.D15T.17•19 SHIFT 20 NO_ALARM$ 21 1- Toleohone Ciract to FD 6- No alarm roe'tl./NO raSponsa 16 , 13 P- Mu^'tlwi aurm system 7- 7alapnons tfaqae 19111 . 3- Priva[e alarm syqem 8- Voict siqnal municlpil alarm ? M FI RS-EZ . . A- Ratlio 9- Mathotl of alarm not clauifieE ' - ' 5- VbDil n0a/t to FD 0- Vrtlstwminpf or not ropOrteO NO.OF FIRE SEFVICE 2234 NO. ENGINES RESGONOED 1547 NO. AERIAL APPAtiATUS 28-30 NO.OTHER F.D. VEHICLES 31-33 PERSONNEL 0.ESPONDED ? - ? I (1ESPONDED RESPONDEO A 8 C D E F G H NO.OFFIRESERVICE 1(((??? 1B NO,OFOTHERINJVRIE539•21 NO.OFFIRESERVICEFATALfTi632,2a NO.OFOTNERFATALITIE525-27 '? INJURIES (COmpletsMFIRSd) (CompNto MFIR5-3) (COmDiMeMFIRSQ) (COmDlateMFIHS-3) OFFICER IN CHARGE (Name, Posilion, Afsiqnmsnt) DATE 1 ? EMBER MAKING REGORT (?f Difluant F•om Abow? DATE REMAR K5: ORIGINAL - StatzFireMarshalRS F}-G&?-tbeGt PO-ECOUPLICATE - Local Fire Depar[ment =o :3 ?v 6 R ? • Entries contained in thrs report are intended for ihe sole um of -the Staie Fire Marshel. Estimations and evaluarions made herein represent "most like/y ' and "most, prabahle" rause and effect. Therefore, an y representa- tion as ta validity or accuracy oI reported ronditions outside the S[ate Fire Marshal:s Office is neither intended rroi rmplied. Yt ?f? ? Department of Public Satety State Fire Marshal Division 285 Bigelow 81dg. 450 North Syndicate St. Paul. MN 55104 MFIRSQ (&BG) P308014 1989 SPECIAL ASSESSHENT OBJECTIONS FINAL ASSMT TYPE OF APPRAISAL VAI]IE OWNER & LEGAL PR0.T # HEARING IMPROVIIfE[[dT AMOUNT OF SENEFITS 89-1 Ken Applebaum 427 9-05-89 Storm Sewer, $ 50,816.37 1020 E. 146th St. Yankee Doodle Streets, Suite 240 Road Trail Burnsville MN 55337 #10-41300-120-01 89-2 Dan H. Gustafson 427 9-05-89 Storm Sewer, $ 33,402.13 14661 Chicago Ave. S. Yankee Doodle Streets, Burnsville MN 55337 Road Trail #10-72995-010-01 89-3 Dan H. Gustafson 427 9-05-89 Storm Sewer, $ 22,248.37 14661 Chicago Ave. S. Yankee Doodle Streets, Burnsville MN 55337 Road Trail #10-72995-020-01 STATUS/ACTION coF eagan THOMAS EGAN MaYOr December 12, 1995 MR & MRS RICHARD MOSSMAN 3415 FEDERAL DR #109 EAGAN MN 55122 RE: INSPECTION REQUEST 3415 FEDERAL DRIVE Dear Mr. & Mrs. Mossman: PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Cowcll Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Administmtor E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk For your information, I am sending you a brief recap of concerns you have with the heating in Apartment #109 from November 3, 1995 until December 12, 1995: November 3 1995 - Our office received a call about a below normal temperature in Apartment #109 at 3415 Federal Drive. Building Inspectors Mike Lence and Bill Adams were asked to check the temperature of this unit. It was found that the temperature in the living room registered 68 degrees and the bedroom registered 66 degrees. The inspectors looked at the boilers and asked the managerto increase the boiler temperature to 180 degrees. December 7 1995 - Our office received a second call with the same concerns and once again Inspectors Bill Adams and Dirk House went to the apartment to check the temperature. Thermometers registered 67 degrees in the living room and 66 degrees in the bedroom; the outside temperature was 8 degrees. The boiler temperature was 176 degrees. December 9. 1995 - Dave Diloia. Battalion Fire Chief, responded to a cail about a below normal temperature in Apartment 109. The temperature registered 54 degrees at that time. MUNIqPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 iDD: (612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITV Equal Opporiuni}ylAffirmailve Action Employer MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 fAX:(612)581-4360 iDD: (612) 454-8535 December 11. 1995 - Mrs. Mossman met with Peggy Reichert, Director of Community Development, and Doug Reid, Chief Building Official, regarding the below normal temperature in Apartment 109. Inspectors Bill Adams and Bill Bruestle returned to Apartment 109 and asked the apartment manager to meet with them. Thermometers supplied by the apartment unit registered 67.6 degrees in the living room and 65 degrees in the bedroom. The boiler temperature was 193 degrees and the outside temperature was 6 below zero. Cold air was entering, or blowing in, around the two air conditioning units. The apartment manager was asked to cover these units on the outside, as well as tighten the covers that were in place on the inside. December 12. 1995 - The Police Department responded to a call at Apartment 109 regarding the inside temperature of this unit. They checked the temperature of the rooms on two different City-owned thermometers which registered 67 degrees at the west wall of the living room and 68 degrees on the west wall of the bedroom. The degrees registered the same on the City thermometers and thermometers supplied by the unit. An agreement was reached between Mr. Mossman and Doug Reid, Chief Building Official, to leave City thermometers in their apartment from 9:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. to compare with interior thermostats with City-owned thermometers. The thermometers were checked by our inspectors and read f? degrees on the west wall of the living room and /a 'Z degrees on the west wall of the main bedroom. Interior thermometers in the apartment located in the living room registered LZ degrees and _LY degrees in the bedroom. Sincerely, Bill Bruestle Dale Wegleitner Senior Inspector Fire Marshal WB/DWfjs cc: Peggy Reichert, Director of Community Development Doug Reid, Chief Building Official r • +J or 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 August 9, 1984 MR DAN GUSTAFSON C/0 YANKEE DOODLE ASSOC 1020 E 146TH ST BURNSVILLE MN 55337 Re: Surrey Gardens Apartments - ] Dear Dan: lding Permit #9009 BEA BLOM9UIST Mayor THOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMI1H JERRV THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Council Members iFiOMAS HEDGES Clry Atlminisirotp El1GENE VAN OVERBEKE Cify Clerk I am forwarding to your attention a letter we received from legal counsel for Peggy House of 1542 Aspen Drive, Eagan, who incurred damages due to the excavation work performed by your contractor working under the above-referenced building permit, on June 8, 1984. This letter is to inform you that any liability or claims for damages submitted to the City of Eagan will be processed to your attention for proper resolution and defense. I am requesting that you confirm your intention to hold the City harmless and provide all necessary legal defense in response to any claims associated with the action referenced in this letter. Please respond accordingly within 10 days from the date of this letter to insure that your building permit will remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions pertaining to this contact me for further clarification. "? Sincere , C homas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works cc: P_aul Hauge-,_ City _Attorney ;?Dale .Peterson,. _Chijef Building Official Enclosures TAC/KF request, please THE LONE OAK TREE. .. THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN . B. C. HnRr PHILIP L. BRUNER JAMES W. LITTLEFIELO SiEVEN Z. KAPLAN HETTY L. HL'M RO<CO f. MAFFEI. J0.. )EANNE M. FORNE&IS SiEVEN T. HALVE0.50N BARpARA[EAN D'AQUIIA PAT0.ICK ]. 0'COY40R, J0.. Par[v C. HAtis City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Dear Sir or Madam: LAW OFFICES K .?C.e' HART AND BRUNER , PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 1221 NICOLLET MALL SUITE 700 MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOiA5540] ' T[i[rxon[ (612) 332-1431 AllCJllSt 1, 1984 Teiemriee(6t2)33z-nv COQ?$J T. :_C°`^^ Si. Qakk N. 7e.,,?. C . g„"O\ . We are counsel for Peggy House who resides at 1542 Aspen Drive, Eagan. This notice of claim is submitted to you pursuant to Minn. Stat., Section 466.05. On June 8, 1984, an excavation contractor struck a storm sewer while working on a construction project located near Yankee Doodle @oad and Surrey Heights Drive, Eagan. The absence of any check valves or other safeguards in the sewer system in that area permit- ted water, sewage and other other materials to back up into the toilets, bath and other fixtures in the basement of Ms. House's residence, causing substantial damage to the walls, carpeting and various tangible items located therein. As a direct result of that flooding, Ms. House has sustained, and will future sustain, consid- erable out-of-pocket expenses and lost time. It is our position that the failure by the City of Eagan to install check valves or similar safeguards in the sewer system in the particular location in question constitutes actionable negli- gence on its part. In this regard, we understand that a similar incident occurred in approximately May, 1979 when a storm sewer was struck during construction of the Yankee Square office building, also located in the vicinity of Yankee Doodle Road and Surrey Heights Road, resulting in sewer backup and damage to Ms. House's residence. At the time of that first episode, the City was con- tacted and made aware of the incident and damage. In our view, that information put the City on notice that check valves or some other safeguard mechanism was needed to protect homes in the subject location. The City has breached its duty to Ms. House by failing to HART nND BRUNER City of Eagan August 1, 1984 Page Two take the reasonable steps necessary to cure the defects in the existing system. Ms. House will look to the City to compensate her for any damages not covered by available insurance. Sincerely yours, Steven Z. Kaplan SZK:pbs December 12, 1995 MR & MRS RICHARD MOSSMAN 3415 FEDERAL DR #109 EAGAN MN 55122 RE: INSPECTION REQUEST 3415 FEDERAL DRIVE Dear Mr. & Mrs. Mossman: For your information, I am sending you a brief recap of concerns you have with the heating in apartment #109 from November 3, 1995 until December 12, 1995: November 3. 1995 - Our office received a call about a below normal temperature in Apartment #109 at 3415 Federal Drive. Building Inspectors Mike Lence and Bill Adams were asked to check the temperature of this unit. It was found that the temperature in the living room registered 68 degrees and the bedroom registered 66 degrees. The inspectors looked at the boilers and asked the manager to increase the boiler temperature to 180 degrees. December 7. 1995 - Our office received a second call with the same concerns and once again Inspectors Bill Adams and Dirk House went to the apartment to check the thermometers. They registered 67 degrees in the living room and 66 degrees in the bedroom; the outside temperature was 8 degrees. The boiler temperature was 176 degrees. December 9 1995 - Dave Diloia. Battalion Fire Chief, responded to a call about a below normal temperature in Apartment 109. The temperature registered 54 degrees at that time. December 11, 1995 - Mrs. Mossman met with Peggy Reichert, Director of Community Development, and Doug Reid, Chief Building Official, regarding the below normal temperature in Apartment 109. Inspectors Biil Adams and Bill Bruestle returned to Apartment 109 and asked the apartment manager to meet with them. The thermometers owned by Mr. & Mrs. Mossman registered 67.6 degrees in the living room and 65 degrees in the bedroom. The boiler temperature was reading 193 degrees and the outside temperature was 6 below zero. Cold air was entering, or blowing in, around the two air conditioning units. The apartment managerwas asked to coverthese units on the outside as well as tighten the covers that were in place on the inside. December 12. 1995 - The Police Department responded to a call at Apartment 109 regarding the inside temperature of this unit. They checked the temperature of the rooms on two different thermostats owned by the City as follows: 67 degrees at the west wall of the living room; 68 degrees on the west wall of the bedroom. An agreement was reached between Mr. Mossman and Doug Reid, Chief Building Official, to leave City thermometers in their apartment from 9:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. to compare with thermostats in the apartment. The thermometers were checked by our inspectors and read _ degrees on the west wall of the living room and degrees on the west wall of the main bedroom. Interior thermometers in the apartment located in the living room registered _ degrees and _ degrees in the bedroom. Sincerely, Bill Bruestle Dale Wegleitner Senior Inspector Fire Marshal WB/DW/js 2000 BUII,DING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 651-681-4675 Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement • SWctural Plans (2 sets) • Fvchitectural Plans (2 sels) • Arohitectural Plans (2 sets) • Civil Plans (2 seLs) • SWctural Plans (2 sets) . Code Malysis (1) '• • Certificate of Survey (1) . Civil Plans (2 sets) • Project Specs (1 seq • Code Malysis (1) •• . Wndscaping Plans (2 sats) . Key PWn (1) • PrqectSpecs (1) . CodeMalysis (1) •' . MaslerExitPlan (7) • Spec. Insp. 8 Testing Schedule " . Certificate of Survey (1) . Energy Calwlations (1) not always•• • Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. 8 Testing Schedule (1) •• • Elec. Power 8 Lighting Form (1) not always" • Meter size must be estahlished . Meter size must be established . Meter size must be established - If applicable • ProjectSpecs (1) 1 • EnergyCalculatlons (1) •• 1 1 . Electric Power & Ughting Form (1) ° 1 1 . Master Exit Pian (1) 1 1 . Fire ProtecQon Plan (1) ° 1 j • SoilsReport (1) 1 • MClES SAC detertnination letter . MGES SAC detertnination letter • MGES SAC detertnination letter tall 651-&02-1000 • r....& ....a __ i_ call 651-602-1000 call 651-602-1000 ua?.<<auuuiuy I' IaNccuUns ivr sampie Food & beverage or lodging facilitles: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health - call 651-215-0700 for details. :? t7 DATE: WORK TYPE: _ NEW ? REMODEL CONSTRUCTION COST?.?t DESCRIPTION OF WORK: TENANT NAME: ep1,ta 'QO sik,NA ,Q SUITE #: FORMER TENANT NAME: 3 S/ S-}'?e?.,{? SITE ADDRESS:_ LOT ? BLOCK ? SUBD O (7.1C O"K t 1'Cutl _'?-f{?,y r Nazne: ?LU [)I?( ('?.?5 /7P1lhone#: (_) PROPERT'1' Last ustI - OWNER Street Address:???(_? ?[?C?"? p-1 yr ? City State: ( Ak Zip: Company: `??J R??^) Phone #: CONTRACTOR StreetAddress: ?Z?Q!' /?.??/?',?A %IV?U?CJ? ?1DD ????? f,yy ? Ciry _ J??MM?Q,? State: Zip: ARCHIT'ECT/ ?,? t? ? ? . c 2 ENGINEER Company: CJVI ? Phone #: ( 07i Name: Paylck.)'g Registration #: Street Address: 21Q 4tY? ??A At '301 City Lit/1 I{'v/uCf.(.yn/i 6 State: V MA/ Zip: Licensed plumber Installina sewedwater. Phone #: Meter Size: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and a9ree to w ply wi h all applicable S[ate of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. q ? Signature of Applicant: \? 411?dtV oF eagan PAT GEAGAN Mayor PEGGY CARLSON CYNDEE FIELUS MIKE MAGUIRE MFG TILLEY Council Memben THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Administra[or Municipal Center: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Phone: 651-675.5000 Fu: 651.6755012 '1'DD: 651.454.8535 Main[enanw Faciliry: 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 Phane: 651.6755300 Fas: 651.675S360 TDD: 651.454.8535 www.utyofeagan.wm THE LONE OAK TREG The symbal of s[rengch and growth in our <ommuniry January 13, 2004 VIA FACSIMILE: 952-892-8492 DANNIE H GUSTAFSON D H GUSTAFSON COMPANY 1500 MCANDREWS RD W 4100 BURNSVILLE MN 55337 RE: 3415 FEDERAL DR LOT 1, BLOCK 1, SURREY GARDENS 3410 SURREY HEIGHTS DR LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SURREY GARDENS Dear Mr. Gustafson: Your letter to Craig Novaczyk dated January 12, 2004 has been forwarded to my attention for response. Copies of inspection records for buildings located at 3415 Federal Drive and 3410 Surrey Heights Drive are included with this lettcr. Unfortunately, as it is not a requisite that cities issue a Certificate of Occupancy when performing a final building inspection, there are no Certificates on file at the City for these properties. In addition, the City of Eagan does not provide building inspection services for existing properties, therefore, we are not aware of any code violations on the property. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-675-5671. .,? Janice D. Severson Office 5upervisor Encl. Copies of inspection records BUILDING PERMIT re- ea u..a fe. , 4 n CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O.,Box 21-199, Eagan; MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8700 .. . Rrceipt :JiiIT APT Est.Volue $1, 0 50 ?00&te AFRIL 26 19 s? Site Address '3`' 1r, T'P:f,F.RAL DR Lot -I elock I Sec/Suti, ST?RRFY GzsRDEPdS Parcel No. W Name Yr`???`?''FI UOODLE ASSOC. Address 102U }:. 146TIi ST City «P,.VSVILLFPhone 432-8131 ? t` o Name o` Address ? City -'Phone kUi:BVSfiY KTi.1C1S. P_TICKSOR Ww Name ?i 5 r U t' 1Ll?X ' HLDG x- Addressa 339-a20G u'? ' G;?L: 'W City Phone , I here6y ocknowledge fhat I have reod fhis opplicatian ond stafe fhaf the inlormalion Is correct and egree to comply with oll opvlicable Stote ofMinnewto Statutes cnd City of Eogan Ordirwnces. Siqnoture of Permittee Erect Occupancy Rl Alter ? Zoniny R4 Repolr ? Fire Zone r°/A Enlarge O TvDe of Const. V 1 hY Move ? # Stories 3 Demolleh ? Length DV _ FLS 33,371 - 6rode ? Depth GARA6tr' FL- 19 I 000 Apprwals Faes . ASSCSST2f1t Water & Sew. Police fire Enp. Planner CouncH Bldp. Off. . APC Permit •}' 2,608 . 00 Surcharge 520-GG Plon check 1 r4 0 4. 0 0 SnC 1E,480.00 Water Conn16 1 5 d 4. G0' Water Merer N 6 Road Unit 9,152 , G 0 Totnl •r , ci . (1 D . YAD':ri;:E DOC!;LF.: laSSOC. on the ex ress conditlon thm A Bullding Permit Is issued to: - P . ? cll. work shall be done in accordance ?Cvith nll, 00 11wbla Staro ?Ol Minqesofa Statutes and Gty of Eagan Ordinonces. 8"dldinn (lffleiel `"._??t`,LLI' ._ _w. ?;.J??L.n'-".:.'Y. •' . . o ? I i ? ? a^ , n ? ? z z ? n f S L ? 4 .o o° ?>w u o .'a o ? 3 9 6 C -a ba p? ~ Z E - y m ? oo ? ? ?` ? ? ? a ?- Kl m O ?o N ?T ?. c `o c V a U Q > o a a t7 > 2 ' ? y S ? m W a 2 g ; o E m ? o m ? ? a ? °e_ c q e m _ ? @ qs O N ? LL LL IL ? ? LL LL LL 3 VJ p j '.. ci i r ur eHUArv ,,I; 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 N9 PHONE:454-8100 BUILDINO PERMIT eeceipt # Te M uwd fer Q`: I.'i'1;7' RP`1' EstValue +1r050a0l;iDare -.A)'RIL 26 , 19 89 Site Address 3410 ST7Ri:i`.}' H°TGI?TS .DR Erect Occuponcy RZ ? Lot y= ?ec/Sub. S11rFl.'Y r)1T?1279 qlter ? Zoning ? -'81ock 1 Parcel IVp Repotr ? Fire Zone Enlarye ? Type of Const. YF?.^ 7+F' noon, r TISSOC. - Move ? # Srories ? Pyddr?E§: 1.070 146TH ST Demolish ? Length D'J FL? - 33,571 ti;rr7ZN54TTT7,1`Pnons °? 2-k131 Gmde ? Depch GAfiASi4 ,G00 o t; ' RPlF; Approrab Faes St ? iiZY Phone I hereby 0614iRl'sdgq thor I Fiave read th7s7opp1ic ? Ihe Intortr5d?ibltrJt'.{Ohlted'•a?d.;pgfe4 to tomply $tale of Minnesoro Statut€i and Ciry. af Eogdn Asxument _ Water 8 Sew. Polica _ T'P.ICKSON Fi re E 410(1 ?? Planner - Council _ ation and state that Bldp. Off. _ with oll opplicable Ordinonces. AP? Sipnature af Parmittee _ ? A Building Permit Is issued ro: YANi:FI; DOQPI,E: 11S'30C al( work shall be dona in occo`J don,[e -wlth oll oDD??wbla Smte of Minnewta Statutes ond -, Buildin0 Offlclol . .. ' .. ..__, ,..: . . . .:.:tJf ? . . . . .. . , Q a 'J o ° 4 b ?.. , 1 o j v ? Z T ( o i T O 24 ? 6Z 2 o V } m ? 1 •E ? ? j 1.? v C ZJ N 8' V cJ q L? ? ? d ? r ` `> z E T Cn ? a m n .?y -1, m ° a S ? o e o ? V j W E ' 5 m a o ? ' A ? ? _ o LL `? li ? + N 6 - Permit *' '?rt'()"i•00 Surcharge -5'20.00 _ Plan check?? ' 0 0 iS, 4 i ). Q? _ SAC 16,544.00 - Water Conn. _ Water Meter r? ?' Road Unit y? 1 i: •?? ? Total 'S.?'?a 10 Y " ()o - ?. on tha express'condition 1hai y,of Eagan Ordinances. JAN-;2-2004 14:57 D.H. GUSTAFSON 1@1GUSMFSW C O M P A N Y Real Estate Developmeni ar+d Management Since 1968 7anuary 12, 2004 Eagan Building Department City of Eagan Attention: Greg (651) 675-5694 As discusserl by pbone, I am currently refinancing an aparhnent development I own in the City of Eagan, called Surrey Gazdens Apariments at 3410 Suaey Heights Drive. Our lender, Freddie Mac, has requested either a copy of the rnost recent city building inspection or, in the event such annua] inspections are not performed, a]eiter stating that the City does not perform annual buiiding code inspections. I would very much appreciate your preparing such a letter referencing Surrey Gardens Apartments containing 88 units, located at 3410 Surrey Heights Drive and 3415 Federal Drive, Eagan, Minnesota. I will be happy to pick up the letter when iYs complete when I pick up cogies of our occupancy certificates. If I can answer any questions, please give me a cail at (952) 892-8480 or my cell number: (952) 292-7597. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Since?ly, Dannie H. Gustafson President DHGhnkm P.Oli01 1500 McAndrews Road West, Suite lOQ • Bumsville, MN 55337 • Tel: 952.892.8480 • Fax: 952.892.8492 • www.dhgco.com TOTAL P.01 75_9y? 2006 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date0110 /? Site Address y(?+?/ Unit # Tenant Name Former Tenant Name Property Owner TelepLone # ft?z ) .Z2a - 71p ( ke Contractor naaress v:;?Id/ N?.0? 5-?- citr MRK sratio M IL J zin `-c -Telephane#(lllz) 5J ?•3?°lai License # Qq?j_S6o1s? Exgires: The App1(cant is ^ Owner Condactor Other Work Type New Bldg Modify S?ce _ Irr?gatioH System*'? Yes No Work in public r-o-w / easement? ?RPZ _ PVB: New Repeir/Rebuild _ Rep(ace _ Remove Rain sensors are required on i' tion systems Description of Work To upuue if Pce:rsure Reducing VaFve is required an mw service, call 651-675-5646 Meters - Ca11651-675-5300 to verity qiat hYdrosslaliq conductivity, mW tiactetia wsts psssed urfor w oiekiae no mcter. Irrigarion Size,& Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size ailowed by Public Works Fire Size & prica 314" meter 167 0 Domestic Size & Type Arg GPM Inclndes high demaod devices? _ Yes_ No Flushometers _ yes _ No PRV Reqaired _ Yes _ No ? r?I? ??Permit Fee $50.50 mi? (inciudes State Sarcharge) I D I Ll ? IS ?J L?, In5 ConhaclValue $ x 1% _$ N(1V 2 d 9nn@e ?Fee u $ Meter(s) Required an alt mw buildings & boulevard'urigation arPmc $ Radio Meter Read $ State Suucharge 1f oamit fee is Iw tYao $1,000, aerehacge is 11.50 [f ppnit fa is more qun 51,000, sarchnge ia S50 for nt4 S1,000 owed. Followiug kea appty when inatslling new lawo irrigatioq system $ Wa[er Permit Call Ne City's Enginceer+ng DePertmeM, 651-675-5646, Cor raryired fm amowtts $ Treatmeot Plant $ Water Suppfy & Storege $ State Surchatge $ Total Fet I he[eby app1Y for a Commemial Plumbing Penni[ end aclcnowtedge tlmt ry?c infottoetion ia wmPtde arid wm¢ah,; Rha[ the worlc vrill be in confolmana with tlce urainances atq caaes ot me c:ity oC Fagan and with tlhe plumbing Codes; ffiet I undersfand this is nnt a pecmiS but oNY ???ication fbr a pertni[, and Work is not to smrt without a permiS thaz iFre work.nll be in accordance with the ePPiuved plan in We ? of which requires a review end approval of piara. c,?-ho?c t ern+kk.?-s. AffilicaW ' FriatedName pppli y$ ignadure ? SEVERSON,SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA, P.A. SUITE 600 7300 WEST I47TH STREET APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124-7580 (952) 432•3 ]36 THLEFAX NUMBER (952) 432-3780 &MAIL 6auerr@aeversonsheldon.com TO: John Gorder, Assistant City Engineer FROM: Robert B. Bauer, City Attomey,?a? DATE: October 16, 2008 RE: Trail, Drainage and Utility Easement and Temporary Construction Easement Lot 2, Block 1, SURREY GARDENS Easement No. 1176 Our File No. 206-4768 John, Enclosed for the City's records, please fmd the original recorded Trail, Drainage and Utility Easement and Temporary Construction Easement dated September 10, 2008 and recorded with the Dakota County Recorder's office on October 7, 2008 as Document No. 2616574. J C` ' ? i ? fi,,Jra? " r L;Prr u )C? % Receiptti: 19731 2616574 - ABSTRACT FEE $46M IIIIIIIIIIII?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ? Recorded on: 7017l2008 08:48:07AM - 6y: DMB, Deputy ReWrn W: SEVEReON SNELOOH W WHERTY ETpL 7300 WEST 147TH STREET sTe 600 Joel T. Becknian County Recorder APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 DaCOI3 COllll[y, jVIN TRAIL, DRAINAGE AND UTILTI'Y EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT T'HIS EASEMENT, made this JL)d day of 5eptember, 2008, between YANKEE DOODLE ASSOCIATES, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liabiliry partnership (hereinafter refeaed to as "Landowner"), and the City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). WITNESSETH: That the Landowner, in consideradon of the sum of One Dollaz ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby aclrnowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assigns, forever, a permanent trail, drainage and utility easement over, under and across the following described property, situated within Dakota County, Minnesota, to-wit: That part of Lot 2, Block 1, SURREY GARDENS, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 2, continuing i1. westerly 15.00 feet along north properry line to the point of beginning; thence easterly 15.00 feet along north property line to the northeast comer of said lot; thence south 15.00 feet along east properry line; thence northwesterly to point of begimung and there termina6ng. Together with: A temporary easement for constcuction purposes over, under and across the easterly 15.00 feet, of Lot 2, Block 1, SURREY GARDENS, according to the recorded plat thereof. Said temporary easement shall expire on November 1, 2009. See also Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. The grant of the foregoing permanent easement for sidewalk and trail purposes includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to consuvct, reconstruct, inspect, repair i and maintain a sidewalk and/or Trail and erect and maintain signs in conjunction with the public's use of said sidewalk and/or trail and any signs erected in conjuncGon with the use of the sidewalk and/or trail. The grant of the foregoing permanent easernent for drainage and utility purposes includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to enter upon the premises at all reasonable fimes to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain pipes, conduits and mains; and the further right to remove trees, brush, undergrowth and other obstructions. After completion of such construc6on, maintenance, repair or removal, the City shall restore the premises to the condition in which it was found prior to the commencement of such actions, save only for the necessary removal of trees, brush, undergrowth and other obstructions. The grant of the foregoing temporary easement for construction purposes includes the right of the Ciry, its contractars, agents and servants to enter upon the premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct and inspect site grading and the further right fo remove trees, brush, undergrowth and other obstructions. After completion of such construction, maintenance, repair or removal, the City shall restore the premises to the condition in which it was found prior to the commencement of such actions, save only for the necessazy removal of trees, brush, undergrowth and other obstructions, subject only to permanent easement alterations. The Landowner, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is the owner of the premises aforesaid and has good right to grant and convey the easement herein to the City. IN T'ESTIMONI' WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and yeaz fust above written. Yankee Doodle Associates, L.L.P. By: z, Its: , 2 . STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF e foregoing in; , 2008, t Y ee Doodle Associates, limited liabiliry partnership. me of '? ?"'JOA°?• /? • v/u°?^ ? C/Ihe ??l"fx?2GLL' ?'GI/1:L?Zf?if of L.L.P., a Minnesota li ed liability partnership, on behalf of said Notary r fic - APPROVED AS TO FORM: t2,?4- h . ?r-? City Attorney's Oftice Dated: _ e7 (aof-,dl APPROVED A3 TO CONTENT: c lic Works Department Dated: 1-25- oi-q THLS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: City of Eagan Engineering Division Public Works Department 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Easement No. 1176 ' . MARY K, MANONJALD NOTAfiY PUBLIC- MiNNESOTA ' ?aMyCommi?onExpiresJan.31,Z010 I ? Temporary Construction Easement Yankee Doodle Road Permanent Trail, Drainage and Utility Easement 15.00, N.E. Cor -15.00' -----? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ._/ ------------.__-----------?--- -? - ii SurrEy ? Garders PIN 107299502001 ?'•. J ? _- \ i : ----- -----, ,; _. _,, r_.. t ? I ; , I I I 1 I -------------------------- L J 5?1, Pdd Ngig?`tis ey N > L ? ? (D ? ? LL 15.00' Aft. NAEL € Proposed Trail, Drainage & Utility Easement Eminomw r? 1E Il 3410 Surrey Drive Exhibit A Engineering Deperpnent Lot 2, Blk. 1, Surrey Gardens c� � Use BLU�or Bl.ACK Ink _�:__-___sz � For'Office Use I (� n ' /�Jlf1'.3,.� � V�� O� �� �li ! Pertnit#: � � � l / )r+ I � Permit Fee:_ / . /v��� f 3830 Pilot Knob Road' I � Eagan N!N 55122 � � Date Recei+r�l: I Phone:{651}675-5675 � � Fax: (651)675-5694 � Staff: j �.��J 2014�OMMERCI14L BUIL.DING PERMIT APPtICATiON bate; ����' E� SiteAtldress: � � Q.� ��1�'�. i�E�'� f �` ;�� Tenant Name: {7enant is: New/�Existing)' Suite#: Former Tenant: _ ..._�.__r,.,a�„�. .�......,�..._-.._..� __...,,�,,,w.�,.,.. ...:_..�...,�x,..�.,�...�.�..�.-.�,.,_,_,..w.�.,-.��.,�.,.�.��.m.•�,,..R,�. .aa.�.. V . . . .. , .__.:.;�. �K ��`��a,�s�� , � : _�. .a� Q _ p� . �`'�� ' ��� �dDALC I�S`i�Q 7�.�� Phane:4�"��rZ"g,�✓ f ' Pro e Dwn� � Address/City!Zip:/ O • � p � � �A��� �t� sv,r�' ea� ` ,E�vrnsv:l it� wfi�,1 5S 33? ; � ' Appl�cant is: Owner �Contractor ' � d..:�,..�,....,._....�,....r.�,....,._.:.. .,..,��;...:_...�.�,,..» .s._�:.��.._._.,.�,..�,....�.:�.�.�,..�.M.x.._.�...,.�;��..�...._�.._.......,..,�.�..._9_.,..,..�,,...._._._._»._.......�..,_....,��,,,._ . j � � Descriptian of work:��•' 1�F � Type af W�rk � p0 , � � '� 1Ib dOf�` ` " Construcbon Gost: � -�-; .�:.�. ....._s:� �.w;. ._,. ..,.,..�......e,.�,t,.,Y...;...,,�.�.•�,,�...,,ta, .�.�.,�....�..._..a...�..._.�„��.....,�-a,, m,�....�..,�_.._..�.,,...�.- �..�.,r.�,.,�.�.,�...,�,_.a�. � , , O - � ' Name:�IERILAN ��+LD�J�6 ��f����License#: �.Q��i�3 O� : � 4. .... ... . . . ... ���.€ y � � �C � J � r Add�ess: it�'� �3U�l141�t- �� ���� City: �YM1t � Contractar t rf� C � State: �'N ZEp:;«�S.�J� Phone.����'��� b��-.� � , S i `,C/� /[ k 9 . .- ' �sraA � !l�C��la7i/1��..�,... V� Contaci�141�.ON tP�L� Emai1:.����.�.,. „�,�,--•„�„-,�- C � �._....�.....R. �_...,.,,..........w.�.e�. .�.,.-._.,.,�, � ;� .. ..,..._. � � � Name: Registration#: � ' ; � a � Address: ��ty; ; ; ArchitectlEngineer ; � f # State: Zip: Phane: � ; i Contact Person:, Email: _ , _,.....�..,._ �,...._......,.......�..__.�-...,tw�,.�.�.,«.,.�..� ...�,�.�,..A�:�w...�,....:.:. ;.W..,...�:.o.�«.u:,<,�;R.,�.,,,�m,_.�.,.._�_..>.,�...._a..fi_...�.xn.�,,..�,._,� -T.�.y_.._.,,s....��.�.�� ; !. , Licensed plumber installi�g new sewerMrater service. Phone#C � �,, � .,m. _._w..:.._ _�_.,ti,�.,.M._�. ..,_.. ._.,��.�..,,.��.�.V,_._....�..,...�W..�.�..�.�.. ,,..� �...,�.... ..�.,..�.._...�.�..� ,,...�.,# ; N07'E:Plans and supparttng documenits that yau submif are considered to be pubtic informatron, Portions of � ;' the/nformatiorr may be ciassifled as non public if you pm+ride specific reasons tha#wou[d perrrrit the City to � � conclude that the are trade secrefs ` ; �-�,._�...,,,.���.�.'_..N.Y..,�.n...�br.�.,-.�-�.r� ,.�.�..�,.......��,.���z.V._.. _.,u�_„�.�_._,.�..���.__,..._.,�..,.�._�..2._.M,..�..��!.,,.��.,_....���. .,.._m.��. �::-_.z._. Y M,. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call GopherState One Cail at(651)454-0402 forprotection against underground utility damage. Ca1148 haurs before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilit�es. v✓w�N.aoahErstatPCnecall.orq t hereby acknowlecige that this infaemation is complete antl accurate; that the worlc wilt be in confarmance with the ordinanr�s and codes of the City o�Eagan;that I understand this is not a permi#,b�at only an application fo[a p�mit,,and work is nof to start withaut a permit;that the work will be in act�rtlane�with the approved plan in fhe case of work which requires a rev9ew and approval of ptans_ �� ��}n-� � X ����.� X ��: Applicant's Printed Name App nt's Si ature Page 1 of 3 � r � Use BLUE or BLACK Ink . + _� �c�+��� ,1�# �7 �---------------- � � � g�� For Office Use • ������ s ' /�� ! �� � C�t of ��oa� I Permit#: � b 01� j Permit Fee: �✓° �S I �o Piiot Kr,ob Roaa � SEP 0 8 2 � Eagan MW 55122 � Date Received: � �� � � Phone:(651)675-5675 ��;______ i i Fax:(651)675-5694 � stafF. � 1 r���� ��.��������J 2014 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 9/4/2014 3415 FEDERAL DRIVE EAGAN MN 55122 Date: Site Address: � � Tenant Name: (TenaM is: New/ E�dsting) Sufte#: Former TenaM: ivame: �ANKEE DO�GILE p►SSN P��:952-892-1200 PropertyOwner Add�ess�cityiz�P: 1500 McANDREWS ROAD WEST BURNSVILLE, MN SUITE 100 55337 Applicant is: Owner X Contractor Type of Wark �es�riPtio�otwork: REPLACE EXISTING WINDOWS Construdion Cost: 5�'� Narr�e: DEFINITIVE BUILERS, INC: �icer�se#:MN #20511976 A���,1340 27TH STREET ��y; HUDSON Contrac#or state:W� zip: 54016 Phone:��'2$"1183 co�d:NICK SJOBECK E�.,a��.nick@definitiveremodeling.com Name: Registration#: Architec#lEnglneer Address: ciry: State: Zip: Phone: Contad Person: Email: Ucensed plumber installing ngw sewer/water service: P���� NOTE:P/ans and supporling documents that you submlt are cons/der+�d to be puWic fnformat�o». PorNor►s of the Informaflon rr�ay be classified as non-publfc!f you provida speclfic r�asons tha#wauld permlt the Clty to conclude that the are trade secrets: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for rotection aaainst unde round utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aonherstateaiecall.� I hereby acknowledge that this infortnation is complete and accurate; that the work will be ' nformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that 1 understand this is not a permit,but only an application permit,and work is not to sta�t without a permit;that the work wiA be in acxordance with the approved plan in the case of work a revievv and approval of plans. X TERRY DUNN ' ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicarrt's Signat re Page 1 af 3 � . ,��Il� � d��1 �� � �a� ��� DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES - _ Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commerciai/Industrial _ Accessory Building Exterior Alteration-Commercial X Apartments _ Greenhouse/Terrt _ Exterior Aiteration-Publlc Facility _ Miscellan�us Arrtennae WORK TYPES _ New Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Buildtng* _ Addition X ExteNor Improvement I�eroof Demolish Ir�terior Alteration _ Repalr X Wfndows Demolish Foundatlon X Replaco i Water Damage _ Fire Repair ` Retaining Wail _ Salon Owner Chan� `Demolltlon of entlre bufldinp-give PCA handout to applicarn DESCRIPTtON Valuation �7� .s��� Occupancy !�° Z" MCES System � �` Plan Revie�nr Code Et{ition '�G`��yp,� SAC Unita (25%�100%� 2oning C�y yy�� Census Code Storles ` Booster Pump �of Units � Square Feet PRV �of Buildin9s �' Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Existing Wictth REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(New Buiidtng) Sheetrock Footings(Deck) �Ual/C.O.Requlred Footings(Addition) Final/No C.O.Requlred Foundatfon p�h�: Drain Tile Poot:,Footings AidGas Tests Final Roof:_Decking _Insulation _,Ice&Water _Finai Siding:_Stuccfl Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Framing X Windows Flreplace:_Rough In Air Test lFinai Retaining Wall Insulffiion Erosion Corrtrol AAeter Size: Final C�O inspection:Schedule Fire Marshai to be present Yes V No Revfewed By: _ ��� , Buliding Inspector Reviewed By:_ Planntng COMMERCIAL FEES �ase Fee � �l�•7�water c�al�ty Surcharge �Y=�'Water SampUng Fee Pian Review �'. � Water Supply&Storage(WAC) MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk City SAC Sewer Trunk S&W Permit 8�Surcharge Water Trunk Treatment Plant ����� Treatment Plant(irrigatfon) Street Park Dedicatlon �y������ Trall Dedication Other: Water Quallty TOTAL �� °�7� Page 2 of 3 41,11 O!tyofEaau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Date: ,2 Tenant Name: r Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use q9@( Permit #: j' ro Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: 2016 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION L Site Address: L C NN1 j (Tenant is: New / Existing) Suite #: Former Tenant: k •.8ttj/ 0,, it:r Name:' �� F a l `o`i et-- em --s L C Phone: 2. -8C)3 °- (Z Address /City /Zip: Z L)C O � e'-rfecy ► p Db STE 2 1 i.i Applicant is: Owner Contractor b t'( t �`i i ) t55 Li 37 / cif Wor Description of work: Construction Cost: CS til � C10 Name: License #: Address: 7t2l'2 k 5 (-rods 1)(2-, City: L kht7\ \ State: �►V Zip: �� ��'� Phone: t � C `� —60 ( _ L -i 1 3 Contact: Act 1 e Email: _ -- 0t 04-4,8 b , (.,OVV` ei Name: Registration #: A••ress: City: State: Zip: Phone: t.: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: : Plans and ® pd Adie docu n Athat mit are cons tdie informationsr# n f e f rou provide +bncl that they are trade•.'•v. • matron " • rtir ' rte City to xtnv . CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of wor 'ch requires a review and approval of plans. x csl3 o i.A Applicant's Printed Name x Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Building 3830 Pilot Knob Rd % '.' Permit Number: EA154407 Eagan, MN 55122 Date Issued: 03/20/2019 (651)675-5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 3415 Federal Dr 106 Lot: 2 Block: 01 Addition: Surrey Gardens PID: 10-72995-01-020 Use: New Challenges Inc Description: Sub Type: Apartments Construction Type: Work Type: Day Care Inspection Description: Adult Foster Care Census Code: - Occupancy: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: 651-454-0161 Fee Summary: Day Care Inspection $50.00 1221.4216 Total: $50.00 Contractor: Owner: - Applicant - Yankee Doodle Associates 1500 Mcandrews Rd W Ste. 100 Burnsville MN 55337 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature