3510 Federal DrCn Y'OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ; ! iil 1.1f It PERMIT SUBTYPE: ON RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: Mli i i It 1 His yr$I a i f. iH/ 1 %1/`.+4 APPLICANT: ( !, 1 . J 'I ?, ?• ? ?, LS 1 TYPE OF WORK: tdiQJ IiUk1.'0N 0RY i- A(rf. INSPECTION ? ?;.. .. ? . . ,... .. I 1f •'7 1,.?i f:??i ; ii , ? 1,,. ii ?. •„ I i? ?. , ?.:? r I r: . ? k+l Iqr??;?? •. ?RJAtLk i::iiNhit I I I[IN f[F I'. iit !it I.tI l Llt ItD LN 1 1 F+I I iNiiy b 14 E' 1 H 11 I 1/a7/f? OIOPvthtP 41-f '20109s Permit No. Permft Holder Date Telephone # SNV PLUMBIIVG (,t.G. HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspectlon Date insp. Comments Footings I l Foundation Framing Roofin9 ( '?f? !?/ Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. ?5- Fireplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Plbg. z-n- Pibg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final / f .6117 Ps.-BieFi. Ic • wertiftcate uf cccuvanc4 Witv ofi ftgan MeOariaeat of 13aiibi»g anoocction This Certificate issued pursuant to the nzquirements of the Uni,form Building Code certifyrng thal at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ohdinwnces of the City reguluting building co»struction or use. For the following: U:e Qassifiation: Bldg. Permic No. 24735 Oacupo-y 7ype 93 ZooinE Disuict Type Const. jN7 o,Mner or Bttilmny SAumu e ne,.raM wame.ss 3519 RMAI DR, EAW Bailding Addiess 'lq I() TiTif'FAAT_ Mn.jE t,ocalityt t ni VANitEi AA7A j Dwe POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? ? ????ootlbi-6s ? See instmctlons for completing ihls form on back of yellow copy. ,? ? ?"X" Below Work Covered by This Request ?7,7;•a/ 0,?61 382 ? ? New Add Rep. Type oi Building Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apc Building Dryer Load Management Comm./Industrial Furnace Other (Specify) Farm Air Conditioner Oth r (specilyj Ganhaclor's Remarke: cY?' Compu[e Inspec[ion Fee Below: # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool O to 200 Amps / 0 to 100 Am s Transformers Above 200 Amps -- Above 100 ? Am s Si nS inspectors use Only. T TAL Irrigafion Booms Special Inspection / Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAV BE`ORDERED-DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 78 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Ao„qn-?o ,. ( Date certify that the above inspection has been made. F?nai ? Oate OFFICE USE ONLV Tnis reqoesf vnitl 18 monms twm /?5? 9 3 3 0 1 382 8 1/. iq[ Ll-(r.A'10p Requesl Dale / Fire . ou - n I speclion Requiretl ns0ection Other Than Rough-In (VOU u call inspector when reaCy) ? Ready Now M Wll Noti(y Inspector / _ _ Ves JRrNo Date Ready I?X licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of a6ove electrical work at Job Atltlress (SheeL eox ar Raule /No.) City Seclion No. Town Range Nn. n / Ottupent(PRINT) ?? /G/ / s N ??' ??j ?[ Phone Na, Power Supplier Atltlress Ca. ???? vcn.i .c Eler,viwl Conhactor (Company Name) Ga rador's License No. 70 .ri ' c_ ??t do Mailing Atldress (CO . ractcror Owner Making Installation) 4 112-6 (j ce- S) AutM1O' IgnaWre (Conlraclor.?Owner Mdking In t211alion? Ghone Number Ll 5? 7 u B ICITY I I T 182 n U fi12 s ty A?ve?.?SI PauL MN B S1pQ IIII IIIII I?I IIII II?I II? I If IV? I? I'II UNAE55 PROPER INSPECT ON PEE 3 ? B!I N 11 ?M IIII REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ,.°r 's4boof-os 10, See insVUCtions lor compleling IDis form an back of yellow copy. 0-_061 380 6 "X" Below Work Covered by Tbis Request Nev ndd RAp. Type of Building Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Load Management Comm.(Industrial Furnace Other (Specif ) Farm Air Conditioner other (snECity) Contraqor's aemarks. Compute Mspection Fee 8elow: # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Swimming Pool 0 to 0 Amps . Transformers Above 200 Amps w SignS Insper,?ors Use Oniy: r IrrigationBooms Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED QISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. ' f I, ihe Electrical Inspector, hereby ROOgn'" ? certify that the above inspection has been made. r e ? OFFICE USE ONLY This requesl vaid 18 manths irom 337i 9 0 0 61 3 8 02 Z/,Bl V`_(aj?Qk4. $/50 ? Raquesl Dale " ? ? Fire . Rou Aln spection Requiretl (VOU call inspactor when ready) yas ? No Inspection Olher Than Rough-In ? Raatly Now ?Will Nofify Inspeclor Date fleady IN licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Atltlrass (Street. Box or RoWa No.) J'SIV / e_ iYLC. 0.n City Section No. TownsM1ip Name or No. Rsnge No. Cau Occup,nt (PRINT) Phone No. /l , Pom^ar Suppliar (?-?o l..{J ??! ??5 . Atltlress ` ? ` _ Electrical Cont2omr (COmpany Name) / J B/L'?/-C x' G 9 /c._ Cont or's Lloense No. ??/ 4?(/ `? ?? Melling Atltlress (COntra or or Ownar Mzking Installetlon) 1,2-4 ce_. .5->e' on Siqnalure (COmractonOwner Making Ins?l on) Phona Number . Cs--?-- l/ s- ? ,L P) ? ? MINNESOTA STATE BOAPD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Grlqgs-Mitlway Bidg. - Room 5428 ,?PI I II II I ql? AUI hl 0E ACCEPTED 6V THE STATE BOARD 1821 University Ave., 51. Paul, MN 55104 UNLE55 PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phane (6121 642-0800 ENCLOSEO. _dTY OF EAGAN 830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION: PERMIT 3510 FEDERAL DR LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 YANKEE PLAZA .°?,_? NEW HORIZON Building'_Permit Type Building Wo,rk Type ? UBC Occupancy\ / Construction Typ-e 2oning ?-? Building Length ' ? Building Width ? ? Byilding stories i-' ? 4, -,5?g?rare Feet \\ 1 \y ?? .,_d Y CK 33 ? L+ ( tg ?ac'-9q PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Datelssued: DAY CARE COMM./IND. NEW E-3 V-N LB 73 93 1 6,693 BUILDING 024795 10/19J94 ?i ?iA I'?.? U L/ REMARKS: -- (WATER CONNECTION FEE IS TO BE COLLECTED IN PLATTING) . L 1.1 D I R D _ FEE SUMMARY Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge SAC SAC % SAC Units Subtotal VALUATION $1,952.00 $1,268.80 $237.50 $8,00@.@0 100 $11,458.30 $475,000 CTTY SAC S & W PERMZT TREATMENT PLANT ROAO UNIT PARK DEDICATION TRAIL DEDICATION WATER QUALITY 7ota1 Fee CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - BUILDING ENVIRONMENTS INC 29461581 9979 VALLEY VIEW RD 255 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 (612) 946-1581 $1,000.00 $100.50 $3,480.00 $1g107.00 $2,296.93 $792.00 $7.703.00 $27,937.73 OWNER: DAWSON 3510 EAGAN SANDRA FEDERAL DR MN I hereby acknowledge that I have read this information is correct and agree to camply Statukes and City of Eagan OrdYnances. L APP C TlPERMITE IGNATURE application and state that the with all applicable State o'f Mn. -i Jruin 6,wd.l17??1 ? ISSU D e SIG 7UE r-? CITY OF EAGAN 14M 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION , 681-4675 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date 20 Valuation of work `?7SL>00 Site Address ??9 Fe'0(6'V1 STREET SUITE k Tenant Name: (commercial only) A&tc) 6Liuivi 66? LOT / BLOCK ? SUBD. I,/ / a r P.I.D. # .,? .,{o C Descri tion of work: (iAiI-ICOrt (P.nk/ The applicant is: ? Owner Lf Contractor ? Other (Describe) Name _b9Gfu.)5;0i7 Phone Property LAST ? FIRST Owner Address STREET STE # City State Zip Company Rudding CnVitirun-Pi?AS .?iG Phone ?l `?6 -/5?) Contractor ? Address _gQ7g ??lle.7 ?ei?/ V ?a.SS- License # Exp. City E-o%State Zip 6-3-39'V Company 601uone'?lP Phone Sbl-?257 Architect/ Engineer Name ?avlis 6'?um??a?' Registration # S'f6I Address G ZOS Ea.-/e ??bc.,n Or, IZo City 'ev6bk-lvn Ce.'iAe?- State /XA-1 Z;p.9y36 Sewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Si t ?/?? ?? ?05y f A l gna ure o pp icant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex O 11 Apt./Lodging ? 02 SF Dwg. 11 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE 10 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition D 34 Repafr ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION ?, ? ? .. . ? ? ```?• ' r: ?. °:...?..? ? ?.a. ? 16 Basement Finish ? 17 Swim Pool O 18 Comm./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. 0 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MWCC System -? (Allowable) -IrIV lst F1. sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRU Required Zoning ? Sq. Ft. total Booster Pump # of Stories ? footprint Sq. ft. Fire Sprinkler Length On-site welt Census Code Depth yQ On-site sewage SAC Code Und e ?,PPROVALS ensus t j Planning Building Assessments Engineering Variance REGIUIRED INS PECTIONS ? .Site 0 Footi ng -0 Framing -E?'Insulation ? Wallboard Q Final ? Draintile ? Fireplace Permit Fee 6?' v.iuac;on: g`/V:?•o. ? . 9 Aei-s Surcharge r,n 'l0 5?/k Plan Review License - ? MWCC SAC 1 -200 City SAC i'^`? - /oo;-? • Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Pl. Road Unit 1107 , , . Park Ded. 2 2 96, P; _ •,,?'. Trails Ded. 29-? Copies Other 7 \N0. (er Total: ? q 73 ? SAC % SAC Units -^ ? 4t/6f PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIAL,/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN .SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNTT. DAT'E: 1 1- 1*-?'f+-l CONTRACT PRICE: $ 3,01,14 0 NEW BUILDING INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT i - o7oo-m 7 ??o>> WORK DESCRIPTION: d •^- " 9al2o! 1°,G G'F FEES rEE $ PROCESSED PIPING: $25.00 MINIMLTM FEE: $25.00 STATE SURCHARGE $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF ff ,VP.WT FEE. TOTAL $ SITE ADDRESS:6p &i.iu, OWNER NAME: ? TENANT NAME: (ItvPROVBMExTs O " SE 8 AIR CONDITIONING C0. CTTY. 881•9000 STA1'E: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE #: 0 P-4DD0 SIGN TURE OF PERM E-?!?- CITY INSPECI'OR TELEPHONE #: ? ?7A 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6514675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMvIERCL4LJINDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI- FAMILY BUILDINGS WI-IEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR ;EACH DWELLING i1NTT. ? NEW CONSTRUCTIOIrT ADD ON REPAIR WORK DESCRIPTION: CONTRAGT PRICE: $? 2•, oc.u, v? FEF: i% oF coNrnacr FEE, STATE SURCAARGE $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF FFF- PYIINIMUM FEE $ 25.00 CONTRACT PRICE X 1% STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL $ oZ? l7, b (] $ So ' $ "S 0 SITE ADDRESS: S-/b TENANT NAME:_ 12 /e w hiri zu-7 STE. # OWNER NAME: 5or? ? INSTALLER: s-r7 61c?i ?i9i,7.•- ?'c? AnnxESS: _ vb,z 5p yr ST ?-? ? w CITY: STATE: M{'v ZIP CODE: 5-5-Y2 2 PHONE #: S3,? - 2 2/eP- FOR: CITY OF EX-GAN ^1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 LOT ? BLOCK / SUBD. "_(?P' , RECEIPT #(\ ADATE o`Z 1995 CITY OF EAGAN IRRIGATION PERMIT (FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER) COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS - FORM MUST BE COMPLEfED BY LICENSED PLUMBER Date: _ Z' ? a- %,SJ Area/address to be irrigated: '-I5/o _ Commercial GPM _ Residential (boulevards) GPM _ Existing residential ?- Installer: F 7`p i'h &cGi (<yn)r Ce Owner ? Plumber Street address: n',g i,ily, state & zip code: AG66•nsXle . 1V1J/ S.Sr2Z Phone #: S.i? - 22r? Owner Name• ( ?`u'^ ? Street address:- ?cu ^' e-- City, state & zip code: Irrigation contractor, if different than installer: Telephone #: Phone #: I hereby acknowledge that i have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. 1,41 Z.?.?;e4 Z46?? Signature Ti e If construdion activity occurs in public easement or City right-of-way, signature of property owner is required. The property owner agrees to hold harmless the City of Eagan for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City property/right-of-way/easement. Property Owner. ?6?, a?y C eV''e- Date• Z- 20 -t 5- Approved by: 522r+c?_911"AIeT2 Date: 2- Zo PRV ? Yes ? No v? New service ? Yes XNo Meter Size & Cost ? 7-_ Fees due: '?oit Calculated •, ?-$-'7 s GF.Nt:RAL INFqRMAT10N ?. CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAI & 7EST CERT{FICATE fOFi BOVEOROUND PIPING VXOCE W RE . . . ? . . . . Upon com01"pi a} Wprk. inqKtion and twtz MaII bo motle DV tM tOntnctorY npnqn4tiu? bM wlinwtl Ey m ownn's rprwnutiw. All ' . . deNCb $hell M wrncty pq oYmnm INt In urvia Wfon contncter's penonnd finMlY IsM Me Iob. . A canifiuq Mdl W fiIIW out uM sipnM by Co[h wnxnntlm: Copias IIbll M PnpnM iw wprovinp wMotit7n, ownm and eontnemr: It ia unEmtooE the owner i np"nbtiwSsipnamro in rq rwY Pnludiat enY clsim ppimt cOnvsefOr br foulty menrid, poor worbMnNiO. .. or failun m eomplY wiM apProrinp wtnoriN i rpuinrtwna or Ixd ordinanns. . PROPERTV NFME , . .,, , . PA're E ?D °ZO ? r o?rvnoon ss . . „ . ACLEPTEDBV qVPROVINOPWTMORITV(S) NAMES . VLANS INSTAlLAT10N CONFORMSTOi EqUiVMENT USED IS AFVROVEO IFNO,E%PLP.IN pEVIATIONS - ?YES ?NO ?res ?No INSTRUCTIONS IEENINSTRVCTEOMSTOLOCAT101V ' ??'ES UNO .qNLE OF TNIS NEW EOUIPMENT - nNOCAPENNDMaINTENMNCECNARTS QYES QNO IOCATION SUPPLIES BLDGS. OF SVSTEM rF y? 0 f:=7 . . . ,. . .' . . . . ? , . . . ? . ri 11 - MAKE MqOEL YEAROF ORIFICE pUANTITY" TEMPERATURE MANUF.4CTURE RE PATING w- SPpINKLERS pu ? PIPEAND FIRINGS GI>ECONFORMSTO STANOAHO VE&,QNO FITTINGSCONFONMTO STqNDAFO YES []NO iFNO,EXVLAIN A ALARMDEVICE . MAXIMUMTMETDOiERA7ETNR0UGHTE8TV1iE LApM VALVE TYVE MAI(E MODEI MIN. SEC. OR FLOW /? _ . .. INDICATOR . LV E DRY D MqKE MODEL SERIAL NO. MAKE MODEL SER ALN . TIMETOTNIP ' THRU TEST NYE? WATER PRESSURE Alii VRESSURE TXIYPOINT MR PIi?SVRE TIMEWATEP pEACHED T6fOUTLET* ALAPM OPEHATED PROGERLY DNV PIYE mIN, SEL. 31 a51 ni n?lrv, SE4 '/ES MO OPEXATING TEST Wlthwt O.O.D. . /? L S 4- E nn w O.O.D. NO,ExvILqIN I •MEASUqE !SA OPb) INSGECTON'S TEST PIPE IS OPENEO. VRINTEO IN USA Contnctor's Material & Tcn Certifinte for Aboveground Pipins . (OVER) .., - ?13=10 SPRINKLF.R tiY.STF.MS PNEUMATIC -- OELUCE6 ISTMEHEANACGESSIBLEFAGLITVIN CUITF G IFNO,E%iLAIN . . PREACTION VAlVEB ? VES ? NO MA ' OpErEqOiGRNITdERAiE SlLE0.V510NL1S5ALAQM LIRNIT JIERN LEASE ?KI??TI? OVEFATERmc°cc MODEL YES NO '?ES 1 NO MIN. SEC. 1 HVDRO$TATIC: HYtlrostexic mn fheli ba maUis at not less Mm 200p, i 117.8 banl ler Iwo noun or 50 psi 17./ ban) M?a?+ sbUC ' pnuun ?n ?eceu ol 150 p5i 110.7 Ovs) IOr Iwa houn. DilfarmtiN dryqipe vslve cleppen snell ba 4h oprn Ourinp cnt t0 pHVMt Aampe. All abovegrountl pipiny leekape ihall be sropped. ' 11N1 fuM b F l ' TEST p bps at 0u ,gn matarial in 6ur bre PLUSHING, Flow the reywreC rna until wenr it Uur n indicacM by ne collactia+ o n t 600 GPM 12271 L/mint lor 54ncb GtW C bi ik FI l 000 GPM 11514 i f 6 a A fl h 6ESCqIPT1UN . p,ps, ?an?s m owo n? ar -, y US ow. nat ea [Nn L/m c at 1500 G7M 15678 LlminI br 104nch PiM antl t000 750 GiM 111339 Vmml fo, 6,nch 1000 GPM 17I86 L/minl For 8dncn pfp? -p. . p . GPM O5'!0 Umin) for 11inch pi0r When supP(V ca^^a Pradote ftipWrted flow ratn, opiain meximum wailple. si 17J ben) ait whieh sfisii nat exce^d 1?6 pd IOA b.nl in 70 houn. Tnt P TI Esbblisp 00 re nd menure tlro p pmsu a 0 preisIII nOrmal waur ievel ane air o,auurc aM manun air prnsure o.op wnich shall -iut ![cBeO I -'A Wi (0.1 Els/fl m 71 houlf. AI.IPIOING HYDNOSTHTICALIV TESTEO Ai112C-)P51 FOF HRS. if N), StATE FEASON ORVPIPINGPNEUMATICHIL'/TESTED ?YES ?NO EquIiMENTOVEFATE5V0.0aEALV CIYES ?NO X OPAN PEAOING OR GQGE TEO WATEfi $UNIV iEST PIFE: FE51>RE w?MYALYE MI i6T p1?E OPEN W IDE ? prsTS TEST STATIC PFESSVR(;f P51 /J P51 Undsryround mairr and Iqd in wnnactiom mwynsm riwn TIus1+sd bsfora tonnec[ion made to sprinklrr Pipinq. VEFIFIEDBYCOVYpFTNEUFORMNO,85B ?YES ?NO OTNEri EXVLAIN FLUSNEO BY INSiqLIER OF UNOEp. GHOUNpSPRINKLENVIPINO ' ?VES ?NO EILAMK iFSTiNG "UMBERUSED LO[ATIUrvS NuMBER REMOVEO Gw3KEl'S wEI.DEOPiPING YES ?NO . IG VES... UO VOU CERTIFV qSTHE SPPINHIER CONTRNCTDR THqi WFLOiNG PlVOCEOURES CDMGIY VVES ?NO E R WITNTHEfi qUI EMENTSOFATLEA51NW5OlD.9,lEVELAqJ N'EI C) =G 00 y"OU CERTIFV TM4T TME WELhING Wq5 VERFONMED BY WELOEHS OUALIFIGD IN ?NO ?YES . ., . , COMPLIANCE.WITMTMEREOUIHEMENTSOFATlEA5Tqw5D10.9.lEVEL0.F3 DO VOU CERTIFV TnAT wEIDING WAS CMNNIEOOUT inCOMVUnnCE wiTM A . 90CUMENTED QUALITY CONTROL PqOCEOVAE TD INSUqE TMFT ALl DISCS FRE . NETRIEVED, TNATOOENINGSIMPIPINGMRESMOpTH,TMATSLAGANDOTHfR - WELOINGRESIDUE.40.EHEMOVED,MNOTMATTNEINTENNALDIAMETENSOF ?VES ?NO o1VINGARENOTPENETRAiEO ' ' +t ?7YOFA'JLIC NAMEPLATEOROVIDEO IFryqEXPLAIN OATA NAMEPLAT! WVES ?NO 85A BnCK - ' ` ? • ' Cuntranor's Mal<riil & Tm Certificau Eor Abovegroond Piping 2nd NQTICE "gl" 11 „kee?Iazw MEMO TO: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR IVjSPECTOR `JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER `z5F-- -e - 1s- DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE DEPARTMENT BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOHN VONDELINDE, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS PUBLIC WORKSIENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ? UTILITY BILLING CLERK MIKE RIDLEY, PROJECT PLANNER SHANNON TYREE, PROJECT PLANNER FF20M: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: A115195 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION The Protective Inspections Department will be performing a final inspection of 3510 ?eclerA ? ?r? u? on °2?-7 Z95 Ntw Hoi'?aon?.ypxre A Certificate of occupancy will be issued foliowing our approval. If you are requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hold request form. Failure to return the hold request form ' wili be considered your approval. The person or department requesting the "hold" is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. MEMO TO: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR ` JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER --k-- DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE DEPARTMENT BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOHN VONDELINDE, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS , PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UTILITY BILLING CLERK MIKE RIDLEY, PROJECT PLANNER SHANNON TYREE, PROJECT PLANNER FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: //a7A3 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION The Protective Inspections Department will be performing a final inspection of on a;21111fS IVew 17oriaoo 1.AyC!4Y2 A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued following our approval. If you are requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hoid request form. Failure to return the hold request form within five working days from the date of this notice will be considered your approval. The person or department requesting the "hold" is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. L i, -Ai, uc????ee PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Y. Substantial Completion of Sewer & Water STEP I: PERMISSION TO HOOK UP SANITARY SEWER Contract No: Project No: -'T7"" Submittal Date: --7z-e3 le4 CITY OF EAGAN TER PERt9' LEAS LM Date of Occurrence WATER MAIN ? Properly Chlorinated & Flushed ! Entire System Pressure Tested Entire System Canductivity Tested ? All Valve Soxes Accessible, etraight & keyed ? Ali Valves Opened or Close as Approp. _ 8acteria test completed O ? Sa7eG??v'?L?) Lines Lamped and Acceptable ? Deflection Mandrel Test Passed ? Manhole Structures Properly Constructed (cstg. & cover, rings, cone, 1 ft. sections, final rim setting, & build and invert) _,,,,.Infiltration Test SERVICES _ All Wye Locations confirmed _ All Curb Boxes Exposed, Set to Proper Grade & Marked w/Fence Post Required Servi e ?R} ser,?Televised COMMENTS: ? EG.?- ?u " ,y6 ofC U";p STEP II: FULL USE PERMIT fOCCUPANCYS STORM SEWER _ Lines Lamped & Acceptable _ CB Structures Properly Constructed (cstg & cover, rings, 1 ft. section, invert, final cstg. setting & build, DL-DR correctly set rings & cstg, set in full bed of mortar) _ Aprons, Dissipators & Rip Rap properly installed COMMENT5? STREETS _ Material Tests Checked & Passed (Conc. compressive strength & Air Content, Bitum. Extact & gradation, gravel base gradation). _ Utility Structures & Lines Clear & Free of Debris & Gravel (Gate Valves keyed) RECOMMENDATION: I herein verify that the tests and inspections indicated above have been successfully completed. Any deviations or exceptions are described in my comments. With this considered I recommend that permission to hook up or permission for occupancy be granted as appropriate to the above indications. Signed Project I ector L. Confirmed by: ? - Public Works Yepartment 411"'llcitV oF aagan THOMAS EGAN MaYOi March 29, 1995 THOMAS HEDGES City Atlminisuatoi SEDGWICK HEATING 8910 WENTWORTH AVE S BLOOMINGTON MN 55420 ATTENTION: KEN LEE RE: NEW HORIZON DAY-CARE 3510 FEDERAL DRIVE ' Dear Mr. Lee: Regarding the installation of the two outside heating unit pads at 3510 Federal Drive, it is my contention that a floating concrete slab to set the units on would not have been acceptable. To protect the heating duct from damage due to frost heave, a minimum 42" deep footing and foundation woutd be required. Sincerely, 4?? 14?? Dirk House Construction Inspector (Plumbing & Heating) DHfjs //, %l, ?J PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Cfly Cleik _ MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOI KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOLA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FA7C: (612) 681-4612 TDD:(612)454•8535 THE LONE OAKTREE THE SVMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITV Equal OpportunltyfAlfirmative Acibn Empioyer MAINTENANCE FAdLITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD:(612)454•8535 -- - serial # u 9 3 Chip # Permit # Address: 35-1p 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF EAGAN Signature: ?--------- ??.:_c. Serial # 93 3 ? .5"/ 7 Cnip# Permit # a3 a a Address• 3 s 1 AGREE TO ORDINANCESCOMPLY WITH CIry OF EAGAW :: A . Signature. s ?*??***?7Y.?K*#?k*?***?k??k*X?? CITY'r?'AE EAGAN* s??`.; ? '?SI IIER D?i i TEftINFtI BA'fEe 02/Ei/9 ;'?? T-rME 41 ? ? NarsE :.. p _ . . . .ay?> .3 37:16 922 9510 FEUEFAL''DF ? 3212 3001 35 FELE 2155 3001 3S10IFEDERAL Dftr y y? A ? I y 5 ? ?1 ?? ?l h F „ Tn+,a1 F:eceipt. Aaioun,:,% CR03722i USLR'.SA ACNICEr F .?.-.;.., ..;; c •::r. - . LYiY?LYYYWYWWLYWW4YkWWWWWWLu 170.! r • y? ?y Q ? ? e F X ? . ; Y'?.e 4 V \Y :c 195:; > a.sY. I . - .. :. :_>'. . .. .. . . -.: - .' ;. .. .. . ? `Y . ? . .... .. . :. f j* . . ... . . . _.'. < ._ .:? ' . _ r ti ' 3 . :.. ; . . ._ :. . . .__ . ? . . .: . . .. .'.,: ? ?.. : . .? '. ". .. .... . . .. :?... . .,. y ..:._-. _ .. . .. . . .: . . .. . -._ . . _.,._ . _ .. ? :x s ?r ' c ' c - r. t e:? i .? September 2, 1994 Mr. Dale Schoeppner Construction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: 4/,,d/, " ?J? ?'l- Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth 5treet, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 612 222-8423 The Matropoli}in Caur.cil;S9actewater Services determined SFC for the New Horizon Daycare to be located at Federal Drive within the City of Eagan. This project should be charged 10 SAC Units, as determined below. SAC Units Charges: Daycare 134 children @ 14 children/SAC Unit 9.57 or 10 If you have any questions, call Jodi Edwards at 229-2113. Sincerely, R?er W. Janzig V ? Planner ? RWJ:JLE 94090253 cc: S. Sslby, MCWS Carolyn Krech, Finance Departraent, Eagan Lee Braun, Building Environments Inc. A Service of the Metropolitan Council Equal Opportuniry/AtlirmaUve Actlon Employet ? iO`i1 i. _ M E M O R A N D II M MEMO - city of eagan ? . TO: JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER ? PAT GEAGAN, POLICE CHIEF JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKSIENGINEERINGIUTILITIES/STREETS RICH-BR74SCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR PEGGY REICHERT, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SHANNON TYREE, PROJECT PLANNER MIKE RIDLEY, PROJECT PLANNER FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: P- 3 p _? y RE: PLAN REVIEW The preliminary ?? construction plans for-- 4/? w i7o r r z oti are in our plan review?ection for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. Failure to return this form within fiv days will be considered your pprovai. If you have any objections to approval of these plans, it is your responsibility to notify this department and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you are requesting that the issuance of the building permit be held, please fiil out the proper hold request form. Thank-you. COMMENTS--6ea,e. Id°li i,) rLz Lry.ff f 3 0/7 O?/ ? ? i- r )"^-i -) -? Q. (vn?? ?C) n (JJJc,l ct o? ef 1-21 oVS CfiVn _ ,?30 Signature e? eo IlI cl aVI o-P ..6'T ?'?^C .- ? Date J ? 4872879 ... -- •?. ...............,--... . DONNELLY ELECTRIC F-790 T-190 P-002 SEP 23 194 14:17 Ulum+natlon Budget Caiculation Summary ,$vwino Ad, Desipner Natnb or fYm7 D°nne11Y Electric hp": (672) 487-2877 Planse 1'ype at Pdn! • , lhit wwlcshtre161ntended fo determSnb compflanee wtlh Minnesato Enersy Cbde Patf 7670.b800 WnP the presdipflve Interlor llphiinQ Pawer Apowance method. .:.I r ? ? If Tn1ai 9< Totai A, trien the building is ln campilance. ! hereby cerfjly lhof to the best oi my knowiedge. I hove deslgnr.d fhL Blvmtnotion syxiem io Cpnfomti wHh the tequiremenls dt the Minnesoia 5ta4e £+xeryy Code. N .. ? .. ? M N a w ? re) 8 a m m ? ? m m o- LL v Er u w ? } J J W Z O C1 m ? ? V (nxe coMrt.uNCE tvxM) ILPA - INTERIOR LIGIiTiNG P(}WER ALLaWANCE PRESCRFPTIVE PROCEDURE n.'fv o 1a an 1'f[WCI:1 ?u?.e • Calumn 1 ??••., •...•r Columm 2 Colmmo 3 - - - - Cetumn 4 Coluaut S BnildinY TypeJfunction Grrag Li;htrd Am fGLA? Ueil Lig6tiat Rwer ANo+waee 1LPA iGik x LPI.AT Cnnnec?ad Liahtiag Pnwer Day Care 7,D00' 1.33 9310 7360 tPre EleFreiitary Sch 11 g31p 7360 4872879 DONNELLY ELECTRIC F-790 T-190 P-004 SEP 23 194 14:18 fELPA COMPLIANCE FORW ERTERIOR LIGHTING POWER ALL(]WANCE ProjOCtade New Horizon Day Care pate 9-22-94 Colume l C01ueM 2 Column 7 Cnlwn» t Cniwnn 3 xterior Am De+cri{Kion ' Am or Len06 fAl Unit Dower Dwiry (UPD) tmm uhk 4 -t Hxlerier LiRhtinR Pawer Aliv"n« A x 11PD Cwmeer4d Li00ini Perwet Parking Lot 10,800 .12 1,296 400 To? 1,246 400 f' . 4;V`Is`0?' '':'c c\-3Gy r,07°_ rsLCULaT?OYS 3n?=] J\ ?UnP73:t 5 C` T.U° 1.0DE nCOO.lU:1 E:I2G::'1G lll/d?, Gwner NF l?l I?1(7?1 dfJ <' Ull..b ? AK? Fhcne '>?e Q' g' 14 Site Address •^??-.••zA?.: D?..?v? ,? A^!.A?1 Mf,-I. -- Contractor Phcne Building Class`Tict:ion: Type A1 (Sinale Fzmily & Duplex) Type A2 (Residential) (3 stories or ess (Other) 7-7 pAY GAk6 (Qver 3 storl=s) 6aVERAL INF04h+;,T?0IN1 i. "cuiidina Ferimeter 3? I3 rt. 2. 'rlail height (ground to eave) (5 ?t. . Z 3. 1. x 2. (abcve) gross wall gg3 2' 730 ft. a, 5. Building dinensions (L) x (5!) _ (o?Oq3.4_ft Square `oot area of rim joist - floor joist s'ze (2 x ? 3 ? x Perimeter = Rim joist ar2a = 12 6. Docrs - Area 260 ? Thickness 13/q in. L' ractor .? . ' Type o.` Construciion ?eri^e=er '?• , '".anuraczurer "Air ?nfiitretion Rates-Res. 'uoors: CFH/sq. ft. of door area/7able No. 5-1" 7. "otal coor's Ierineter 2 5 I I I 8. !:linECws: 'Iznuiactarer U rzctor "Air infiltration Rate i •/pr SIZE (Match U Value) ??-4?? Cri4/r't. AKE.a (Ft.2) c??a 17• 2 Q. 1?- State approved o` ooerable sash crack;?able tIo. 5-3" NU;4°ER OF UNIiS I? Z ., Z rcof 3 f1oor area (J. H . =t2 = TO?AL F_ET 21 2 window 30 1 -: . - 2 ?:. ; ,••=_sia:: =raa: '?it:i x ??'?it = - x = 1?1 Q = ; i ? . c?ad ?e;_:= x •'="? °°==" s - 1?I .4 ,- _?' ` ^] ..1:J J.::1?.,?' ' ... ?..C? ..'_ ? _ ? .... '? EGt+ ?n. '?? ••??+?A'_ '? ?,-1: :.L-?.::r??l.1r ,."- ---_'a:_ -=-• , 3 nr_ - - ,__ i. . , . =rznir.a area ? 13; of gr?:ss •na'i 3P°3. walT area ;y. 2730 `t Z „ 'Wi dcs+ area U:uindc,+s U x A = ?im :oist area U rir ,;aisr = U :c n ' - eeor area U -jocr area = •`'t' U x .4 ? I Dq_ Fireplace area A `t. ? a U`ir=placa U x A E;posed foundatton A N A ft.2 U rounda:icn • U x A ? - Pra.?ning area A `Z 7 3 °t.I ? IJ frzming area ?I ?19 'J :< A ? Net wall area A q(o `t. u wali Oj? u x A ' U x A (138) TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . 14. Grosa wail area x 0.11 (A-t single ia-mi1y b duplex = altowabie U x A/Code (13: ahove) y. (:5EE Et-lC.f_USc%1R?? . ,.. A T5. Ceiting 'r=minq area (A,-) equals iC'; of cailina area . , a o 34 Tt x. Gr055 ceiIing area = (L) X ??) l:d z Joist zrn-a (rtr) = IC'; caitinc area 0 1EC. Net ceil,nc area (AC) (i`A 15a) ' Co 0 ?? U cailing x A ?_ , 02.5 _ 150•Co !7 rrzming x A;_ ? 03 5 x to 6 9 ' 2.3, 4 }:D. T07„l U x A ........................................ 174. 0 15. Cai;irc zr_z (15?) x 0.025 (%+-i sinale `znil± 3 tapiex - code silowaSle U xA x ?.?33 {',-2 oter rzsic?n=ia1; z D.O6 (other) r .045 1 3?•'H *lust ?e lar;er ?5? izc•cve} 1 ;1La} fr7ln"I ? X ?? /?..?e\ _ ?OI. x 0.23 (.4-2 ather r_s:den6iat) x .23 (Qther buildings) • x .23 (Over 3 stcries) F.IH NUS t be 1 arger 6"zn x L Cade ° "`. 133 aceve . .. :s J er.. . va i ?sg 0::zi r.e? c ,. w '.AL:. SZCT:Q:I STL,' SiCTZOY 2iID FALL SECTION R L•1 JOIST "R" is totaT R U VALUE CALCULAT;GNS R +IALiiE U YORIUE Inside air film .68 *aLZrior wall (S7a11) U ? 1 'r V 5 :nsulation Shea.hilg Sfdiag ' 1L OuLSide air film .17 & TOT?.L { 1.85 Sheathiag Es;e:ir. Wall covering rx`.eriar air film 3 =.17 2 TOTAL ;naide atr film .63 Iateriar +all 1 4" stud R= 4.38 (irarsing;'U ? R ? Sheathing Siding ,? . . Ou:sSde air film .17 R TOTaI. InsiZe air film R- .68 Iatzrior va11 t Insulation :S:all ) U ? Ia:e:ior air film R= .68 Insuia t! on ? lh inc!t sof-, vood R=1.88 (??m U st) Sneathizg °_%L2tiOt aall eovP_+Zy E:cte:io: ai: film R- .17 R :OTaL In:er:u: a:: =!1a ?_ •6? '•? ! InsuLa=?on ?.? :ounca;foa °_x:zrior ai: R' •? i: i ? r;.ast' 31oc< • .. ?_=?2?° ?. i U°?= ^'1 •?if ' T:? ?_?--. C? GC? i..vc ? P.A. =C•1I17G Cc:i._:16 Q.5i ;ir F',;ni 0.81 - , 1 q ins;:ta*_;cn 3g , 7 :oist ^ 7 Cail9nq 0.57 Air Film 0.61 2t?, 0 9 rot_7 R 035 u ? ? (qZS , _, ? ? ar .=.aoF eR c;,74 :.aaL c_tuNG R Va ue R VnLUE F?P.YI?IG ' . Cc'IL?YG . , ? ? I I 0.51 ? I e_ • ' I --?-' ! 0.17 Insfde air filim 0•51 Ceilir.g ?OiSL (SLUQ lfi$JldtlOq Afr spaca too*" decking :r,sulatian °uilt-up roor Outside zir 'iln 0.17 7ote1 R I U indow 'niiitrztion .5 cft./iineai `oot of crack BBid°_!1:';d1 dOOt' lf!'SILr3`.70R 0.5 c-ri/SG-jtre OY C'COY dTId ':1f71mUR1 C0d°_ Y0c;71Y?!..2R: cr.-resiCen:iaT dccr "r.';]Lra=ien 17.0 cfi/lineal :oot cf track h 72" c:,nr.=t= biccF nc in<_uTztion =.47-R 2.1 h,=" c_ncr=ta biock ir,sulated coreg =.25 R 3.3 h i2" i?ca:,v_iaht biac'< _ -2 K.7 h 12" i;5;«ae?:n: bleck insula_=_d c?res =.IZ i 8.3 5'.^.cie a"ass = 1.13; Ni:h 5=onwinC'OW .E4 COL'b!? C?y55 = ?] • =rici= _i:ss = .?1 ?i ?:(;2•"^vidnd C_?l'11.5 rdSL nLve 3 v2:Or :2:"^ie•- /0.I0 ;?•-:n m3:C.1. :'Cr ='Yr:?P -C52 .2 cr :'2 :CS:C° S4C2} Ct '.v2ii. '_=Cf :L.^^12`'S C' ^O :Ol?:c:..Elana :.'1't! - .?1 113V? IiC .. Blumentals0 c?hft@RMnoUD@ Memorandum 6205 Earle Brown Drive • Suite 120 • Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55430-2150 •(612) 561-5757 • FAX (612) 561-2914 TO: DATE: PAGE: OF FROM: COPY TO: RE: F•N.GW_SGl.RtoSo-_MN_,_STAi'? 1"c.NE3.f,?Y GpDf,-4A i.G-U-LA"rlpN-S?_._ - --___- _ -- -- --- - ---' SsG , = . ? _----- -- -- - At Ea -T-0-490-5-4W,qr..t_-- __.____A??.___? --"?l.?-L_!?1_3R'L SE E_ t?lE?c??!3c?E?-S_N_D ?? S_.T--F? E--? P?1.Q_U.? c--p F?_p_ _r2?__.?.?1?.t?P_O_t•l_AP-eA. _?u.o_?.?.? _?o_R-??_o?pa_c?.??A?L-?o? ,_oS ?..?uu? -?-?ENT??O_?11%-?At.lr__l„l.?l.? LJITI-Ftt..l Tk?E?GDD? ENERGY CODECHANGES EFFECTIVE JUNE 16, 1994 The Minnesota Department of Public Service hes adopted several changes to the State's Energy Code aYecting building envelope cnteria for both residential and nomresidential buildings. Thermal criteria are estabiished for two zones in the State that parallel State Building Code specific2tion for frost depths (Minn. Rules part 1305.5400). Low rise (3-stories & less) multi-family residential buiidings Max. wall Uo-factor Roof max. Uo factor Zonel (northern Minnesota) 0.145 Zonell(southern Minnesota) 0.148 0.026 0.026 Aiterations and repairs to existing built-up or membrane roofs are permitted a maximum Uo tactor of 0.033. High-rise residential and non-residential buildinos Envelope thermal performance for these buildings must meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 •1989. A prescriptive approach has been developed that uses tables (below) where the maximum window ar2a as a percentage of exterior wall is selected for various combinations oi window U•f2ctors, opaque wall U4actors and giazing shading coefficients (SC). Interpolation to intermediate values is permitted. For combinations of walls and windows outside the range of these tables, designers mzy use an envelope standard (ENVSTD) desktop computer program. The periormance altemative is stiil available where the total energy use of an aitemative design is shown to be less than or equal to a building designed to the prescriptive values. A free copy of the ENVSTD program is zvailable by calling the U.S. Department of finergy's building eneroy standards hotline, 1-800- •, 270-code. The new Minnesota Eneroy Code will soon 6e availabl= at Minnesota's Bookstore, 6 7 2 297-300D. For buildings in Zone I(northern Minnesota): Combined Thermal transmitlance (Uo) of rooting/ceilines not to exceed 0.040. Found;tion wall insulation must be R-i 3 minimum. MAXIMUM WINDOW AREA AS A PERCENT OF EXTERIOR WALL AREA Glass U= 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 0.6 Opaque lNall U=0.05 SC 0.8 32°k 27% 23% 20% SC0.6 38°h 30% 25% 21% SC 0.4 44% 33% 26% 22°/a O a ue 1Nall U=.07 SC0.8 30% 26°k 22°k 78% SC 0.6 36°k 29% 23% 19% SC0.4 42% 31% 24% 20% Ooa ue VJaII U=.08 SC 0.8 29°k 24°/u 20% 17% SC 0.6 34°h 27°/ 21% 17°k SC 0.4 40% 29°/a 22°k 16°h 0 a ue VJaII U=.09 SC 0.8 27% 220/ 18% 150 SC 0.6 32% 24% 19% 16°h SC 0.4 37% 26°h 20% 16% For Buildings in Zone 11 (southern Minnesota): Combined thermal tr;nsmittance (Uo) of roof/ceilings not to ezceed 0.045. Foundstion wall insul;tion must be R-13 minimum. Id,AXRdUM WINDOlN AREA AS A PERCENT CF EXTERIOR WALL f,REA GI2ss U 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Opaque Wall U=.06 SC 0.6 23% 22°.0 20% 18% SCO.o 30% 27% 24% 21°h SC 0.4 40% 33% 29% 25°h 0 aoue Wail U=.07 SC0.8 23% 21`/0 19% i6°k SC D.6 29% 25% 23°h 20% SC 0.4 a8% 32% 27% 23% 0 a ue Walf U=.09 $C0.8 22% 20% 118% 16% SC0.6 28% 24% 2104 19% SC 0.4 37°h 31% 26°k 22% 0 a ue Wall U=.09 SC 0.8 21% 19% 17% 16°/a SC 0.6 27% 23% 20°h 18% SC0.4 35% 29°k 24°h 21% >tav 1994AIANfY\exislet[er S ? • , ? __.. , ,. , ?6. -? ? ,_H.YDRAUUC DATA INFORMOTIQN. SHEET ?- . ,: ' 1 1I q ,1 . .,' ._ - NAME NC> W ?lZOw) ?`? ?F? - DATE IOCATION E BUILDING ?? %?_ _AqYSTEM NO ? CONTRACTOR t4Ari(3tjA-A_ ? MG IXN?B?I' . COMWAL.T N0. CALCULATED BV M- DRAWING NO f ?' .. CONSTRUCTION: ( COMBUSTIBLE [ J NON•COMBUSTIBLE CEILING HEIGNT 9---- T• OCCUPANCY ;L= - - - , . ??--. I 'NFPA 13: '? I I NFPA 137 ?: ... C9I 1 OTHEfl ISMdfYI I'?f LT. NAZ. ORC. HAZ. G7. I1 1 I 12 I I 3 I 1 EX. HA2. ( j NFPA231C: ? FIGURE - ? : CURVO: N .?--? Lu l 1 SPECIFIC RUUNG ' MADE BY ^°? • i p. ..?.. __.._ . W AREA OF SARINKLER 07ERATION y DENSITY • [ I WET AHEA PER SPRINKLEH - S ?. y. - H0.SE ALLOWANCE GPM' INSIDE / SYSTEM TYPE DRY ( I DELUGE I IPF NOSE ALLOWANCE GPM; OUTSIDE /00 MAKE ?'EN lK'?? MOOEL S6 ? ?RACKSPRINKIERALLOWANCE SIZE ?K?FACT7? TEMPERAS#JRE•flAT1A1G - CALCUlA710N GAM REaU1RED 4g4• P51 HEGUtRED `59AT &45E OF RISER ' -SUMMARY °C'PACTOR USED: OVERHEAD loo UNDERGROUND L'. J a a 4- 2 ? F 3 ? - ? O F}- O ? i; --=?I ?O a, WATER FIOW TEST DATE & TIME STATIC PSI RESIDUAL PSI GPM FLAWWG ELEVA710N SOURCE OF iUMP-DATA RATED CAPACITY AT PSI EIEVATION TANK OR RESERVOIH CAPACITY PROOF FLOW -GPM COMMOOITY- STOttAGE NEIGHT STORAGE METH00: SOIID PILED CLASS LOCATION _ REA A15LE WIDTM ? ' PAL4ETlZEO X RACK % N I 1 SINGLE ROW ' I 1 CONVENT ONAL PAILET l 1 DOUBLE FtOW I 1 SLAVE PALLET [ J MULTIPLE ROW Y Q FLUE SPACING IN INCHES ¢ LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE l I AUTOMATIC STORAG6 (. 1 ENCAPSUTATED l 1vAoLIts'sHnviNG I I NON- I - ) OPEN ENCAPSUUITED CLEARANCE FROM TOP OF STORAGE TO CEILING , IN. HORIZONTAL BARRIEAS PROVIOED . e 14 A 14 ??. Universal Wdter Flow Test°Summary Sheet ?- A Fire Protection Publlcations . 140 Oklahoma State Universit Y.: Conducted by' Location Date x Stiilwater, OK 74078 8 Hydrant coefficient Elevation Static Residual 60 p Flow 2ZJr0 . .. kPa Pst . . 827 -120 - . - ? 793 115-` ? - . . . . _. " ,758:. 110":. . r'•: 724 705 . . . . .. . 690 100 655 95 621' 90 • .. - i 586 85 i ? 0 552 80 8 S? " o? W * 577 75 Rit 483 70. ? .. . ? - . * . a aus cs W y " _ O s z Tci 414 - .60.." .:.. . - 379 . 55 . ?3'SE m . . . 395 50•,' - . _ . . . ' . 310 .45 , - " - ?. 275 241 ? • , . ?, _ ;..?. :. . - . . . ` -1? . 172 .25 ., . ::?: . . 137 20 . ? 103.4 15 ? ... . . . . 69.0 10 - aas s Scale Used 0 GPM 100- 200 300 400 500 600 700 - B00 900 1000 Scale A Imp.Gal. 83 767 250 333 . 416 5o0 583 . 666 749 833 Lfters 380 759 1139 1519 1899 2278 2658 3038 3418 3797 , 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Scate 6 167 333 500 666 833 - 999 1166 1332 1499 1665 759 1519 2278 3038 3797 4557 5376 6075 6835 7594 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2600 3200 3600 4000 Scale C 333 666 999 1332 1665 1998 2332 2665 2998 - 3331 '. . 1579 3038 4557 6075 7594 , 9113 10,632 12,151 13,670 15,788 - , CopyrigM 0 1990 Oklahoma State Univeisity ,__ ' FLOW NEW HORIZON DAY CARE, EAGAN. REMOTE AREA A:.1/1950 SQ.FT. --- OUTLE7 TABLE --- OUTLET # K-FACTOk PRESSURE FLOW ELEV. CFEET7 MIN. FLOW i 5.600 7.179 15.00 11.00 15.00 2 5.600 8.936 15.88 11.00 15.00 3 5.600 8.893 16.70 11.04 15.00 4 8.606 10.800 18.40 11.60 15.00 5 5.600 12.448 19.76 11.00 15.00 6 5.660 12.481 13.78 11.00 15.00 7 5.600 15.164 21.81 15.00 15.00 S 5.600 15.234 21.86 15.00 15.00 9 5.600 21.124 25.74 15.00 15.00 14 5.604 21.128 25.74 15.60 15.00 11 5.600 10.974 18.55 16.00 15.00 12 5.600 12.401 19.72 16.00 15.00 13 5.600 13.835 20.83 16.00 15.00 14 5.600 17.039 23.12 16.00 15.00 16 5.600 11.923 19.34 16.00 15.00 16 5.600 13.294 20.42 16.66 15.00 17 5.600 14.661 21.44 16.00 15.00 18 5.600 19.585 24.78 19.06 15.00 19 5.600 21.211 25.79 19.00 15.00 NEW HORIZON DAY GAP,E, EAGAN. REMOTE AREA A;.1/1950 SQ.FT. --- PIPE TABLE --- FRICTION FRICTION VELOCITY PIPE NO. DIAMETER LENGTH FLOW GPM C LOSS/FODT LOSS/TOTAL FEET/SECOND 1 1.049 5.00 15.00 100 0.1071 0.857 5.6 2 1.380 8.06 36.88 100 0.1071 0.857 6.6 3 1.380 8.04 47.58 100 0.2383 1.907 10.2 4 1.610 8.04 65.98 100 0.2060 1.648 10.4 5 1.610 0.10 85.74 100 0.3344 0.033 23.5 6 1.610 3.44 165.52 LOU 0.4910 4.419 16.6 7 1.610 0.10 127.33 100 0.6951 0.070 20.1 8 1.610 8.00 149.19 iuQ 0.9318 7.454 23.5 9 1.630 0.10 25.74 100 0.0361 0.004 4.1 LU 1.610 12.00 51.48 100 0.1301 1.562 8.1 11 1.049 9.00 18.55 id0 0.1586 1.428 6.9 12 1.380 9.00 38.27 104 0.1593 1.434 8.2 13 1.380 3.00 59.10 100 0.3559 3.203 12.7 14 1.610 23.40 82.22 100 0.3094 7.117 13.0 15 1.049 8.00 19.34 lOV 0.1713 1.370 7-2 16 1.380 8.00 39.75 L00 0.1703 1.367 8.5 17 1.380 25.00 61.20 100 0.3796 3.491 13.1 18 1.049 6.00 24.78 100 0.2711 1.627 9.2 19 1.380 24.00 80.57 160 0.2668 6.403 14.8 20 2.E35 13.00 200.67 lOn 0.1464 1.903 11.8 21 2.635 12.00 344.08 100 4.3970 4.764 20.2 22 2.635 20.00 394.66 160 0.5116 10.232 23.2 23 3.260 25.00 394.66 140 0.1815 4.536 15.2 24 3.260 11.00 394.66 100 0.1815 1.996 15.2 25 3.2E0 19.64 394.66 Ivv 0.1815 3.448 15.2 26 4.260 30.00 394.66 120 0.4352 1.056 8.9 27 6.900 509.00 394.66 140 0.0050 2.541 4.5 28 6.400 0.10 494.66 140 0.0076 0.001 5.6 WATER•6.2 dist. by Fire Sprinkler Consultants (913)722-FIF,E Lopyright (C) 1979 -91 by Lin McCoal Licensee - FIRE FR OTECTION DESIGN SERVICES - Anoka, Minnesota NEW HOP.IZON DAY CARE, EAGAN. P,EMOTE AREA A:.1/1950 SQ.FT. --- ROUTE NQ. 1 DESCRIPTION --- Q-ADD DIA T PIFE PT PV REFERENCE LOSS/FT E FITTS PE PE Q-TOTAL C-FACT LT TOTAL ---- PF ----------- PO N07ES ------------------------ ---------- OUTLET 1 -------- 15.00 ---------- 1.049 ---- 0 ---- 8.0 11.95 Km5.6 0.11 0 0 0.00 -4.77 PIPE 1 15.00 lOp O 8.0 --- 0.86 ----------- 7.18 ------------------------ ---------- OUTLET 2 -------- 15.88 ---------- 1.386 ---- O ----- 8.0 12.81 K=5.6 0.11 4 0 0.04 -4.77 PIPE 2 30.88 lOQ 0 8.0 --- 0.86 ----------- 6.04 ------------------------ ---------- OUTLET 3 -------- 16.70 ---------- 1.380 ---- 0 ----- 8.0 13.67 K=5.6 0.24 O 0 0.00 -4.77 PIPE 3 47.58 100 0 8.0 --- 1.91 ----------- 8.89 ------------------------ ---------- OUTLET 4 -------- 18.40 ---------- 1.616 ---- 6 ----- 8.0 15.57 K=5.6 0.21 0 u 0.00 -4.77 PIPE 4 65.98 - - 100 O 8.0 --- 1.65 ----------- 10.60 ------------------------ ---------- OUTLET 5 - ---- - 19.76 ---------- 1.610 ---- O ----- 0.1 17.22 K=5.6 0.33 O d 0.00 -4.77 RIPE 5 - --= 85.74 ----- 100 O 0.1 - 0.03 ----------- 12.45 ------------------------ ---- -- OUTLET 6 --- 19.78 ---------- 1.610 ---- O ------- 9.0 17.26 K=5.6 0.49 O 0 0.00 -4.77 PIPE 6 ---------- 165.52 -------- 100 -------- - 4 - - 9.0 -------- 4.42 ----------- 12.48 ------------------------ OUTLET 7 21.81 - 1.610 - - p 0.1 21.67 K=5.6 0.70 0 0 0.00 -6.51 PIPE 7 ---------- 127.33 -------- 100 ---------- O ---- 0.1 -------- 0.07 ----------- 15.16 ------------------------ DUTLET 8 21.86 1.610 1 2.0 21.74 K=5.6 0.93 0 6 0.00 -6.51 PIPE B 149.19 100 U 8.0 7.45 ----------- 15.23 ------------------------ ---------- REF 901 -------- 51.48 ---------- 2.635 ---- p -------- 13.4 29.20 0.146 0 D 0.00 PIPE 29 - 200.67 - 100 O 13.0 1.90 ----------- ------------------------ ----- ---- REF 902 -- ----- 143.41 ---------- 2.635 ---- O -------- 12.0 31.10 0.397 0 0 0.00 PIPE 21 344.08 SDU O 12.0 4.76 --------------------- ---------- REP 903 -------- 50.57 ---------- 2.635 ---- 1 -------- 11.0 ----------- 35.86 --- ? 0.512 b 9 0.00 PIPE 22 394.66 100 v 20.0 10.23 --------- ------------------------ ---------- P.EF 904 -------- 0.00 ---------- 3.260 ---- 1 -------- 14.0 -- 46.10 0.181 0 il 0.00 PIPE 23 394.6E 100 0 25.0 4.54 ----------- ------------------------ ---------- REF 905 -------- 0.00 ---------- 3.260 ---- 4 -------- 6.0 50.63 0.181 1 5 0.00 PIPE 24 394.66 100 0 11.0 2.00 . Q-AOD DIA T PIPE PT REFERENGE LOSS/FT E FITTS PE 0-TO7AL G-FACT ------ L7 ----- TOTAL -------- PF ------- °---- REF ----- 906 --------- 0.00 -- 3.260 0 4.0 52.63 0.181 O 15 0.00 PIPE 25 394.66 106 ----- 9 ----- 39.0 -------- 3.45 ------- ----- REF ----- 947 --------- 0.00 --- 4.260 0 2.0 56.08 0.035 4 28 0.00 PIPE 26 394.66 120 ----- 0 ----- 30.0 -------- 1.06 ------- ----- REF ----- 908 --------- 0.00 --- 6.000 1 450.0 57.13 0.005 1 59 0.00 PIPE 27 - 394.66 - 140 - ---- 0 ----- 509.0 -------- 2.54 ------- ----- REF --- - 909 - ------- 140.00 -- - 6.000 O 0.1 59.67 0.008 a a 0.00 PIPE 28 494.66 140 0 0.1 0.00 59.67 PV PE FO NOTES Supply NEW HORIZON DAY CAkE, EAGAN. REMOTE AF,EA A:.1/1950 SQ.FT. --- P,DUTE N0. 2 DESCRIPTION --- Q-ADD DIA T PIPE PT PV REFERE NCE LOSS/FT E FITTS PE PE - Q-TOTAL C-FACT LT TDTAL ---- PF --------- PO -------- ------ OUTLET --- 9 -------- 25.74 --------- 1.610 ---- 0 ----- 0.1 27.63 K=5.6 0.04 O O 0.00 -6.51 PIPE 9 25.74 lOQ 0 0.1 --- 0.00 --------- 21.12 -------- ------ OUTLET ---- 10 -------- 25.74 --------- 1.610 ---- 1 ------ 6.0 27.64 K=5.6 0.13 O 6 0.00 -6.51 PIPE 20 51.48 100 6 12.0 --- 1.56 --------- 21.13 -------- ------ REF ---- 901 -------- --------- ---- ------ 29.20 NOTES NEW HpRIXON DAY CARE, EAGAN. REMOTE AkEA A:.1/1550 5Q.FT. --- ROUTE NO. 3 DESCRIPTION --- Q-ADD DIA 7 PIPE PT PV REFERENCE LOSS/FT E FITTS PE PE -- Q-TOTAL -------- C-FACT ---- -- - LT ---- TOTAL ----------- PF ------- RO NOTES -------------------------- ------ OUTLET. -- 11 18.55 - - 1.045 0 9.0 17.92 K=5.6 0.16 O O 0.00 -6.94 PIPE 11 - 18.55 --- lOU - 0 9.0 ----------- 1.43 ------- 10.97 -------------------------- ------ OUTLET --- 12 ----- 19.72 --- ----- 1.380 ---- 0 5.0 19.35 K=5.6 0.16 O O 0.00 -6.94 PIPE 12 - 38.27 -------- 100 --------- 0 ---- 9.0 ----------- 1.43 ------- 12.40 -------------------------- ------ OUTLET --- 13 20.83 1.380 0 5.0 20.78 K=5.6 0.36 0 O 0.00 -6.94 PIPE 13 59.10 140 0 9.0 ---------- 3.20 ------- 13.84 -------------------------- ------ QUTLET ---- 14 -------- 23.12 --------- 1.610 ---- 2 - 11.0 23.98 K=5.6 0.31 O 12 0.00 -6.94 PIPE 14 - -- 82.22 -------- 100 --------- D ---- 23.0 ----------- 7.12 ------- 17.04 -------------------------- ------ REF - 902 31.I0 NEW.WORIZON DAY rARE, EAGAN. REMOTE AREA A:.1/1930 5Q.FT. --- ROU7E N0. 4 DESGRIPTION --- Q-pDD DIA T PIPE PT PV REFERENCE L05S/FT E FITTS PE PE Q-TOTAL C-FACT LT TOTAL - PF ------- PO NOTES ---------------------- ------- OUTLET --- 15 --------- 19.34 -------- 1.043 ----- p --------- 6.0 18.87 K=5.6 4.17 4 O 0.00 -6.94 PIPE 15 - 19.34 -- 104 4 - - 8.0 ---------- 1.37 ------- 11.92 ---------------------- ------- OU7LET -- 16 ------- 20.42 -------- 1.380 - - - O 8.0 20.24 K=5.6 0.17 O O 0.00 -6.94 PIPE 16 -- 39.75 --- 100 O ----- 8,4 ---------- 1.37 ------- 13.29 ---------------------- ------- OUTLET - 17 - ----- 21.44 -------- 1.380 2 16.0 21.61 K=5.6 0.38 O 9 0.00 -6.94 PIPE 17 61.20 100 0 25.0 9.49 14.66 REF 902 31.1Q NEW WORIZON DAY CARE, EAGAN. REMOTE AREA A:.1/1950 SQ.FT. --- ROUTE NQ. 5 DESCRIPTION --- Q-ADD DIA T PIPE PT RV REFERE NCE LOSS/FT E FTTTS PE PE Q-TOTAL C-FACT -- LT TOTAL ---- PF ------- RO NOTE3 ---------------------- ------ OUTLET ---- 18 --------- 24.78 ------ 1.049 ---- 0 ------- 6.0 27.83 K=5.6 0.27 0 0 0.00 -8.25 PIPE - ---- 18 ---- 24.78 --------- 100 -------- 0 ---- 6.0 ----------- 1.63 ------- 19.58 ---------------------- - OUTLET 15 25.79 1.360 2 15.0 25.46 K=5.6 0.27 0 9 0.00 -8.25 PIPE 13 50.57 100 ------- 0 ---- 24.0 ----------- 6.40 ------- 21.21 ---------------------- ------ REF ---- 903 --------- - 35.86 2008 COMMERCIAL BUILDING P Date: Site Address: 3S ? O Fe? `cj ? R TenantNam2iI,v f?fUr?74Dq_J (Tenantis: ?---- -------- ? 33'12- ' ? Pertnit#: ? ? ? . 2 I Pertnit Fee:,? - I 'I I Date Received: I ? j Staff: I L - - - - - - - - - - - - I C?&k kt?? T APPLICATION New,Existing) Suite#: 7 .? PROPERTY OWNER ? Name: Phone Address / City f Zip: 9905- S Applicant is: Owner _ Contrador TYPEOFWORK Description of work: 75-`00 LI i Construct on Cost: CONTRACTOR ? Name: Sa License ? Address 6 ? \L State: Ciry: ? v I Contact Person: ? Phone. ARCHITECT I Name: Registration ENGINEER Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service: Phone #: fions?of" blic rnformatron TPo eretl fo°be p are consi NOTE: lans and su o n documen s that ousubmif r ? , tl u P pp y, f y { M asori's fhat ?oultl permi ihe Crty to " ou prov?de?speci?c 'the information may be clas'sified as ublic if? ? ` non re y , , , p ? ? E?.. -?r ? ?con- cluale?hat tHe ar?Yrarle sec[ets. , ; , ?: ?,• ? ? . _ , ,,.. , „ . ? I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and acwrate; that the work will be in conFormance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permd, aRd ork is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved I n in the case of work which requires a review and ap of pl?s. XC' r IR ( 11,'/?S ApplicanPs Printed Name ( ??? p??p?j(}ant's Signature V ? ,j r \J L? II 1I U ?n MAY 2 6 2on8 Page 1 of 3 r DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES: ? Foundation ? Public Facility ? Accessory Building ? Apartments Commercial / Industrial ? Ext. Alteration-Apartments ? Lodging ? Greenhouse ? Ext. Alteratlon-Commercial ? Miscellaneous ? Antennae ? Ext. Alteration-Public Facility ? Nail Salon WORK TYPES: ? New ? Interior Improvement ? Siding ? Demolish Building' ? Addition ? Move Building A Reroof ? Demolish Interior ? Alteretion ? Fire Repair ? Demolish Foundation ? Replacement - ? Windows ? Water Damage ` Demolition (entire building) - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION: Valuation ?SB?D'? ? • Occupancy MCES System Plan Review Code Edition SAC Units (259/6=100°/a ? Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units ? Square Feet PRV # of 8uildings ? Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Const. Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) Sheetrock Footings (deck) FinallC.O. Footings (addition) FinaUNo C.O. Foundation HVAC Drafn Tile / Other: ? l Fi V Roof: _ Decking _ _ Final - IcenNater Insulation na Pool: _FOOtings _Air/Gas Tests Framing ^ Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Fireplace:_R.I. _ AirTest _Final Windows " Insulation Retaining Wall '--/ Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present . _ N o Yes Reviewed By: CW6'_ , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES: Base Fee A6.50 Surcharge 9 • SD Plan Review a, B p SAC-MCES SAGCity S/4V Permit Financial Guarantee S/W Surcharge Storm Sewer Trunk Treatrnent Plant Sewer Lateral Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Street Sewer Trunk Park Dedication Water Lateral Trail Dedication Other WaterTrunk Water Quality Water Supply 8 Storage (WAC) ? Total Page 2 of 3 ~j ` I For Office Use t Pe rmit 4-11 Of 1 Ea I Permit Fee: J E I 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I Eagan MN 55122 i Date Received: I Phone: (651) 675-5675 C; I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: 2008 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION L Date: 2 O'Q Site Address: Tenant: Suite RESIDENT /OWNER Name: z- E~)Af-,rtj!9-~, Phone: Address/ City / Zip: _ 2 Sit-t- RACTOR Name: O~ L fit- 4629 /q-ter-. License CONT Address: /\Z2 t- ('E City: State-^ z ! Zip: 7 Phone: 7 Contact Person: A TYPE OF WORK New X.-e lacement Additional ,Alteration Demolition Description of work: NOTE: Both roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector or one of the Planners for informatio on permitted screening methods. PERMIT TYPE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL New Construction _ Interior Improvement !Air urnace l ir Conditioner r~•a" Install Piping _ Processed Exc ger Gas Exterior HVAG Unit HVAC units must be screened t Pump Under / Above ground Tank Install Remove) ther When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $ TOTALFEE COMMERCIAL FEES: _ $70.50 Underground tank installation/removal OR Contract Value $ -XI % $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) _ $ Permit Fee - If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50. - If Permit Fee is > $1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each = $ ,50 State Surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $1,001-$2,000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 surcharge). $ 5~o.6 U TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this informa s hat the work will be in co ance wi the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but on i e0r { p n ork is not to start w' out a perm' that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires view and approval o plans. X L~ 2 8 2009 App Icant's Printed Name A icant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By; Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground ough in Test -Gas Service Test -in-floor Heat final y R 4L~ Q~ y` L.C LC 1 o~► tn.c rig OMN. ~ «apor~ +~rr !yt na «aar my dMsotl ~Mlonl~m • ~ R dPiroknkwM_6rpM- undw ftbmditowrd 111ju Dim ...Cap 9,~~m.Q9' $Wl I O. IQOMK PJE. Use BLUE or BLACK Ink ---------1 For Office Use I I I Permit q/u 7/ City of EaEd~ Permit Fee: ( I 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 i staff: It (.e V-"' I 2009 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMI APPLICATION Date. J1*1 Site Address: 3SIO ~ Tenant Name: I %ZCXA kaiE~l (Tenant is: New / Existing) Suite Former Tenant: PROPERTY OWNER Name: 71M (J 6c L Phone: Address / City / Zip: Z O 1?., 3 Applicant is: Owner A/- Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: dzu ✓ Construction Cost: CONTRACTOR Name: Ta k-CUC)rCZLA, 4SC-v 0 License Address: k~ V!/Z City: A- GA--$ Stat • 014 Zip: Phone u 938 120 3 Contact Person: 41A ARCHITECT / Name: Registration ENGINEER Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a perm' ;that the work will a in accordance with the approved plan in 7-cant's requires val of plans. x Applican 's Print Name Signa re Page 1 of 3 (ACT 20 f DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation _ Public Facility _ Accessory Building _ Apartments commercial / Industrial _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments _ Lodging _ Greenhouse/ Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial Miscellaneous Antennae Exterior Alteration-Public Facility WORK TYPES _ New Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration _ Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Salon Owner Change Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation 9 04 Occupancy MCES System B' DttT Plan Review Edition SAC Units ~ s Code a~ (25% 100% K) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet ` PRV # of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation vit 1 APR HVAC Drain Tile Other: Roof: -Decking -Insulation -Ice & Water -Final Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Framing Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Windows Insulation Retaining Wall Meter Size: Erosion Control Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes )-(No Reviewed By:A41`4 L , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee 191.75- Water Quality Surcharge Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Plan Review /r?~j~. LY Storm Sewer Trunk MCES SAC Sewer Trunk City SAC Water Trunk S&W Permit & Surcharge Street Lateral Treatment Plant Street Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Water Lateral Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication Water Quality TOTAL 9:21.31 Page 2 of 3 --4 .T 1 Ir & K Construction Services Inc. City Of Eagan This letter is to inform you of our intension to use the same plans and drawings as for previous build outs for the New Horizon Academy HVAC dormers. The older New Horizon buildings are basically identical in construction therefore we do not foresee any changes or problems. Any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you. Jeffrey Johnson 952-938-1243 T&K Construction Services Inc. 3638 Cardinal Rd Minnetonka Mn 55345 Phone (952) 938-1243 Fax (952) 938-3325 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink I For Office Use f ~ I I J { Permit I City of E I Permit Fee: } j L> ' '76-- 3830 Pilot Knob Road i Eagan MN 55122 I d j - I I Date Received: I Phone: (651) 675-5675 i I Fax: (651) 675-5694 j Staff: j L-----------------I 2009 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PE MIT APPLICATION Date: `i.)_ y_.C; Site Address: If 0 c Tenant Name: i~- (Tenant is: New / Existing) Suite Former Tenant: PROPERTY OWNER Name1E- Phone: Address / City / Zip: 7 Applicant is: Owner X Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: ~ - ,It, 1 Construction Cost: CONTRACTOR Name: License (ca~~ `CL Address: I City: Stale: Zip: 4 Phone:-t" 1 T 55s- Contact Person: ~zt~ ARCHITECT / Name: Registration ENGINEER Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a per it; that the work ill be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a_review and approval of plans. 4. Applicant's Pri ted Name Applicant's Signaaf6 e i Page 1 of 3 � � Use BLUE or BLACK Ink �04� ,------=----------, � � �Q � For Office Use � t f �/ �/ n �G �\ • � � S� I C�4 Ol �LL LLll ��G I Permit#: I � � � � � � � Permit Fee: + � 3830 Pilot Knob Road � I Eagan MN 55122 I -� - � � Phone:(651)675-5675 RECEIVED � i Date Received: � Fax:(651)675-5694 ���`^ � OCT 0 9 2015 � Staff� � , � �����������J 2015 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION Date: ZS �� Site Address: � �� �� ��=`����- �/i��t'. Tenant: ��� �'t-���� Suite#: �� � � � � � �� �c3-3�3- 6z�6 ��.� ��� � �,� ' � � Name: � t�lL Phone: � �°� � �' .A Q ,,/ �/ � � ��4� �� Address/City/Zip:__3�S {G��10U S �,�A�J�s {t-�►v�tJcJ'l� (/+�k1 �'l T� � � � �� �� �„���, _ � _ � �.� Applicant is: Owner Contractor � � ��� � p � �`���`� � � � � Descriptionofwork: vi�1�� ?>� �tT���� �w�p ��2d Sy51�� `"` ������� �� � �� �� � : Construction Cost: , � Estimated Completion Date: ' R� _ �..,� � Q � ,�� �,_�. '�� ������ Name:!� �/'�S �tEZ�: � S�C�Mui'� License#: C �S T � � , � , /1/� ����`� . � Address:y)� (t44S'j !61l�.�rA-2� �CJ City: L�- �1�— �'� �"�� � �; - ���� State: WKJ� Zip: ��,/�U Phone: ?'6� ' �!�' z2b0 �'� � � r * rt� ; �'� : / n p __ u� ��....��_. ,u��.... .: Contact: � S�L Email: /A'(i4lL�� � !��-S f ll�. CC� FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE _Sprinkler System(#of heads_) New T Addition Fire Pump _Standpipe _Alterations _Remodel �Other: I�17�G� ScS��/LGS�I�c.� Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: �Commercial _Residential _Educational FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value$ ��• � x.01 Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ �•� Permit Fee If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge _$ �i � Surcharge $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) _� �,�� TOTAL FEE 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter-$270.00 =$ Fire Meter _$ TOTAL FEE **Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and speci ications,cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X �uscf App icant's Printed Name pplicant's Signature [ �� �lS� FOR OFFICE US� � � � � � � ��� � � � � ��� ���� � ,� � �� �� �Eaui��€�=tn�s��c�rio�s�-� �� �� �� � - .., ; � - � .j-� s-�:�� ��I r�. '�.. p �,�-�.. ��"��.�a�-� ���'i� � ��`�,�'���-.,�. ��iyc�rostat�c �� `� �` ���� �`Flaw Rlarm � Drain Test� � �Rough In ���,� �� 4 �'`� :�..�" '... y,� a= � s . _ s, � ',,. t �r��.„` „r �,�.. TrGp � ��Pump Test . � Cenfra[S�atrar� ` `�� �;Fl�aal �� ��� , ' ', '. � * : � � � r . Condifions of tssuance � � 3 � � ����� � n �; �_ ,��'' z -�:._� .� ,� r� s- r- � t,- [ �„ ���- ' '�"�`` � z y �..� i J�. x �`� � s„ � �'� � , �•� w�' � � . ' �����.� � ` a � � , � .�s-� �-�-,'� i - ""-�' ��.�..' 3 'a -� � I �€ � � .� �� g� � t'�. , .. ':; �,�a � ; . ?�; Permrt Revieu�►ed by 4 �� : ,. �Date �- �� 1 ���.�� � �y� ���� �"� �x� � ��yr � � � � � .��,� >„ ..., � . �.. , . � , , � .,. ; : .. � w � ti ,, � �, � �� ��; � ��, �� �__