3068 Loon Lane. 9"9 S o 6 - ? ?.r:- _ ???' , v , . ??? CITY OF EAGAN Additinn Oslund Timberline Lot 26 Bik 4 Pefcei 10 55300 260 04 owner l?(:) i screet 3068 Loon Lane State Eagan, MC 55121 a Improvement pate Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 140 1968 100. 00 3. 33 30 PAID * SEWERLATERAL 170 1210.00 60.5 ZO PAID WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK * STORM SEW LAT 1970 ZO CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. sAC 200.00 2511 6-25-70 PARK CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 , • PHON E: 681-4675 BUI4.DING PERMIT Receipt # C 016520 " R£SIDENTIA[. To be used for REMODEL Est. value f500•00 Date D6C 16` , tg 9L_ Site Address 306,8 ?M LN Lot 26 Block a Sec/Sut?SLUIdD 1'IliBERL1NE OFFlCE USE ON?v FEES Parcel No. Occ"pa"`y - 15 00 nin z . eldg Pamit g o - NaT1e DQN & E1.AINE JO{'iES (nctual) Const - Suctiarge _.50_ . W ??ess 3ft8 LOOK (.N (Albwable) - Plan Reviey * of Slones ? ? ??N ZP Length ?? - Phone 454-5764 Depth - SAC, City cc Name LEISURE TIltL WOOD DESIGI?1 S.F. Total - sac, nncwcc ? Address 161$ MAxY ST N S.F. Faotprinls On Site Sewa e - Water Conn g _ (`,jty NAt'LEW00D MN Z]p 55119 on Site well - Water Meter Ph? 770-0479 MWCC System - Acct. Deposit Ciry water - Lkeme # PRV Required _ S/W Permit I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and stale ihat the Booster Pump - g/yy Surchazqe inlormation is correct and agree to comply with all apqjicable State of Minnesota Statutes a ity Eagan Ordinances. Treatment PI Signature of Permite9 APPROVALS Road Unit A Building Permit is Issued to: LEI S11RE TIME iiOaD DESICI I Planner - Park Ded. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinancas. Bldg. Ofl. _ Copies 15.50 Building Official Variance - TOTAL '9 Permk No. Permit Holder date Telephore # S,AN PLUMBING HVAC ELEc-rRIc 535 ? ? ELECTRIC Inspection Dste Insp. Comments Footings I Foundatian Framing Rwfing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. I5ul. otic-?J <f T ?' ?, ?- rG- FreplaCe ` Final Htg. Orset Test Final PI . PI6g. InspeCtor - Notify Plumber Const. Meter EngrJPlan Bldg. Final Dedc Fty. Dedc Final Well Pr. Disp. -`? / l 53542 p ??° Fequest oate Fre No qough-in Inspeclion R80wred+ ? Reatly Now QYJAfNOUty Inspector 1 --11-G 1HC4 ? No Wnen Reatly? I;?-iicensetl contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electncal work at Job Atltlress (5treet Box or Route No ) Ciry lA L o o r, - ?- Sechon N. TownshiD Name orNO Range No Counry \ Occopant IPRWT) Phone No . „ ? l? Power Svppher Atltlress J O Eiemncal Contrector ICompaM Name) Gonlractork Lmense No ? ` r I J MaJiny Acpress iCOnVaclor or Owner Makiny InslanaLOm (?Y?. ,(' ? \1,V? ?- \ AutIonied Sg i natu o Owner Mekin in ? g n Phona Numb2r L ?9 `1 `X Q- MINNESOTA STATE BOAPO OF ELECTRIQTY THIS INSPEGTION REOUEST WILL NOT Gnggs-MiEway Bldg. - Room &173 - BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Universiry Ave. St Paul. MN 55109 , UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(612) 642-0900 ENCLOSED / o??/g? _.;EQSee UESoFOROELECTRICAo oNSPECTION 5 1; '4 Fj A ? ' "X" Below Work Covered by This Request EB-00001.08 ;???3 ?O Slaf?7 e 'Add Pep TypeoiBwlding AppliancesWired EquipmeniWired ' Home Range Temporary Serwce Duplez Water Heater Electric Heatin9 Apt Butlding Dryer Other (Speafy) Comm /Industnal Furnace Farm Air Conddioner 0[nar ?syemtyl Contreclor5 Remarks Compufe Inspectian Fee 8elow: ? Other Fee M ServiceEntrenceSize Fee # Qrcui[s/Feeders Fee Swimmmg Pool 0 to 200 Amps 5 0 to 100 Amps Transtormers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps Signs insoemor's Use Only TOTA Irrigation Booms Speaal Inspecllon (22 Alarm/CommunicaUOn - ED DISCONNECTED IF NOT THIS INSTALLATION MAY _ Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 ONTH L the Electncal Inspecfor, hereby ?. oate ,. W certify [hat the above mspection has been made. F,nB1 oale/ p /?? / OFFICE USE ONLV This requesl void 18 monlM1S Iwm ?i?? G2?•. R?Ik ?0 ?h.?:??c' ?c•n ??? TOSvN OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Raad St. Paul, Minn. 55111 PFRMIT NO.: 47 The Board of Supervisors hereby grants to wenzel Pieanbing &Heating Ine. ef 1955 Shacanee Road, St. Pauk a Plumbing Permit £or: (Owner) tlensnann Constxuction at 3463 Loon Lane y pursuant to application dated 7 __ J28170 _ Fee Paid: $20.00 Dated this 29 day of Julv V 197 0. Building Inspector TOivN OF FAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road st. Paul, Mirm, 55111 PERNiIT NO.: ?,? The Board of Sttpervisors hereby grants to _MYP ,_Hqjting_d Air Conditioniug Co. Cf _13074 Pinnoar Trasi-_FAgn Prairie a Heating , Permit for: (Owner)r,rm„mai•, Cen?tr,uction Co, at 3068 Loon Lane, St, Paul 55111 pursuant to application dated 8 Fee Paid: S20.00 Dated this 6th day of Augvst 1970 ? Building Inspector CITY of EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT Ownox ...........X.....?.'/................................ Addreu (Pretent) ..... ??.?...?....... s?..°..`...?...`.-?......? ..... ...------ Suildar .......L......... ?"'1 ..... ....?.. ? ........... ............................ ....... ....... .. ......... . _? ....... . ......... - ...?.?-?.•................ Addreu DESCAIPTION .? ,. N4 3431 3795 Pilo! Knob Road Eagan, Minaesoia 55122 454-B100 /a -/?- ?s? ..... _ ....... Dsle ........................... Bioriee To Be Uaed For Fron! Deyih Heigh! Eel. Cos! Pe:mi! Fsa Remarks l " LOCATION /U• °a Slree2, Road or olhar Descripfion of Localion I LW Sloek AAtl[lioa os T:se! ,o s5300 a&o cy ?G ; •:Z,-.-...4-,-e----4- Q-L`-?. This parmif does aot aulhorize the use of slraets, roads, alleys or BItIBWSIk6 nor does it giva the owaar or his agea! the righ! !o ereale any si2uation whieh is a nuisenee or which preseaffi a ha:ard !o the 6ea!!h, eafelp, eonvanieaea and general welfare !o anyoae in the aommunilp. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WOAK IS IN PR RE88. 'Z_ ......... ......'--'-'........__....... ..................................... .__upon Shis is !o earlifp, 3hal....._._??"^-"°. ..has permicsioo !o e c the above deseribed premise subjecY So the provisioas ot all applicable Ordinences fos the Cifp of Eagaa. ........ ................L.::...:............s.:e:..L....-........._.... ............. Per ................. ........................................................ .---... MaYOS ? Hulldinq Impaelor -;JS EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT OWD02 ....•-?L .... . "_ " " . .. ... . """_'"'"_""" Address (presen!) ._... Builder Addseu DESCRIPTION N° 2265 Eagaa Towaship Town F2a11 Dele ......lO../yS'./>D .................. Slosiea To Be Ueed Fos Froa! Depth Hoighf Eel. Coe! Permi! Fee Ramarks This permit does aot aulhorisa the usa of slreele, roada, allepa or cidewalb nor does it give the ownar or 6ia agen! the righ! !o create any siluation whieh is a nuisanee or which presente a hasard !o the healih, safelp, convenience and genesal weifase !o anpane in the communily. THIS PERMIT MUST SE KEPT ON TAE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. Thia is 3o ceslifp. fhal:?:Ll.%-. :...:.-_-_ -.___-------• ----hes permissioa io eseot a.. ...... ..-:•----•-.-.--- .. upoa ' ............... the above descri6ed premiee subjee! !o the provisions o! the Building Ordinanee fos Eag n Towaship adopfed April 11, 1955. ' - ---!?1e. ' .l..??...'?....^..c:.-t-•--.........-°. Per ................_ ?f.`: ?..... Chairmab of Tnwn Board ? Huilding Inapeclor -Qj a>- 6s G.oT ?L a S7 ??. f=? Ci ?? ??-?-- ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Kno6 Road, P.O. Box 27-199, Eagan, MN 55127 PHONE: 681-4675 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL To be used for REMODEL Est. Value $500.00 H019969 Receipt # C 016520 oate DEC 16. . 19 91 Site Address 3068 LOON LN Lot _26 L Block 4 Sec/Sub9SLUND TIMBERLINE Parcel No. N2mB DON & ELAINE JONES ? Address 3068 LDON LN ? City EAGAN Zjp Phone 454-5764 x Name LEISURE TIME WOOD DESIGN ? Address 1618 MARY ST N Ciiy MAPLEWOOD MN Ztp 55119 Phone 770-0479 E3 License N I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the informatwn is correcl and agree to comply with all appkica6le State ol Minnesota Statutes an iry Eagan Ordinances.i Sgnature ol Permitee A euiming Permit is ssued to LEISURE TIME WOOD DESIG on the express condiGOn that all work shall be done m accordance wilh all applicable State of Minnesota Sptatutes antl Ci,ry of Eagan Ordinances. BuildingOfliaal ? 1.? 11Ji!' / ?p Occupancy Zoning (ACluap Const (qllowable) N of Slones Length Depth S.F. Tolal S F. Footprinls On Site Sewage On Sile Well MWCC Syslem Qty Water PRV Fiequired Booster Pump APPflOVALS Planner Council Bldg. Olf. Variance OFFICE USE ONLY Bldg. PermM SufCharge PWn Re'.dew Licerse SAQ City SAC,MCWCC Waler Conn W aler Meter Acct Deposil SIVJ Permit S/W Surchar9e Treatment PI Road l/mt Park Ded. Copies TOTAL FEES 15.00 _ 50 1 S Sn 1991 BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION CITY OF EAGAN REQUIREMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY 2 SETS OF PLANS, `REGISTERED ITE SURVEYS, 1 SET ENERGY CALCS. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS 2 SEf'S OF PLANS, 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS. # OF UNITS RENTAL FOR SALE COMMERCIAL 2 SEfS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS. PENALTY APPLIES WHEN TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE QR LOT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Ta Be Used For: -?? X- aluation: 1p1 M/MlNM'\ Date: Site Address 204 5?1 l_or??? / n? F`? Lot _L_ Block _#__ Parcel/Sub ?d '(, ' unlno, Owner JOt`? Address.3CxK (oar3 LO Ciry/Zip Code Phone Corrtractor 1?.z5u?F I-rmF ac,V J1E Address/Zi g' OA#0'+/ S; A) City/Zp Code l1J?-,?°!?k-br. Q/11p Ss% Phone 7?-C5 y7? Arch./Engr. Address City/2ip Code Phone # Occupancy Zoning Actual Const Allowabie # of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprirrt S.F. On-site sewage On-site well MWCC System Ciry water PRV Booster Pump APPROVALS Planner Counal Bldg. Off. Variance . E NLY FEE Bidg Permit - , o0 Surcharge . ,fv Plan Review - License Fee SAC, City SAC, MWCC - Water Conn. - Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit _ S/W Surcharge Treatmerrt PI. - Road Unit Park Ded. = Traii Ded. Copies SUBTOTAL Penalty Lot Change _ TOTAL Sewer/Water Licensed Contr. . Processing time for sewer/water permks is two ays once area as een approve . agrees that all work shall be done in accordance with c' .,ignatur? e?r 'mit9 e all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. EAGHN TO[dNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PSRMIT FOR SEF7ER SERVICE CONNHCTiON DATE• s,7y,7 Y_10, 1970 OWNER• Wensman Construction PLUMBER Wenzel Plumbing & Heating NUMBER 608 . Address 3868 Loon Lane, 26-4-Timberline TYPE OF PIPE Cast iron DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING Industriall Commerciall Residential I Multiple Dwelling I No. of units Location of Connections: Conaection Charge 200.00 pd 6/1970 - 25th Permit Fee 10.00 vd 7/29/70 Street Repairs ToCal Inspected by: Date Remarks• By Chief InspecCOr In consideration of the issue aad delivery to me of the above pexmi,t, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the rules aad regulationa of Eagan Tosanship, Dakota County, M3nneaoCa By Wenzel Plumbing d Heating, Inc. 1955 Rhacmaa RnadFyCt_ Paul. Minn_ 55111 Please notify when ready for.inepection and coimection and before anq portion of the work is covered. EAGAN TOWNSHIP 3795 pilot Knob Rosd St, Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephoae 454-5242 I PERMIT FOR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Date: Julv 10. 1970 Number: 456 Billiag Neme• Wensman Construction Site Address• 3068 Lobn Lane Lot 29 Block 4 Timberline Owner: Billing Addreas3068 Loon Lane Plumber: Wenzel Plumbing d Heating, Inc. Location of Meter Size Meter No. Permit Fee 10.00 pd 7/29/70 Meter Reading Meter Dep. 60.00 pd 6/70 Meter Sealed: Yea_ lAdd'1 Chg. NO ? Total Chg. Buildiag is a: Residence XXx t2ultiple Do. Units Commercial Industrial Other Inspected by Date Remarka: By: Chief Inspecxor In consideratioa of the issue and delivery to me of the abwe permit, I hereby agree to do tie proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulations of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Mianesota. By: Wenzel Plumbing & HeatinggInc, 1955 Shawnee Road, St. Paul$ Mian. 55111 Please notify the above office when readq for inspection and connection. \ MASTER CARD ?L Permit No. Issued Issued To Contractor Owner BUILDING PLUMBING JOF CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WELL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER OTHER Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distante From Well POOTING ? - 1,#V r' SEPTIC FOUNDATION ? - . CESSPOOL FFiAMING TILE FIELD FT FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER ?i Z(7 t' 7 ' Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS MASTER CAftD • LOCATION ,L oa n Z OWNER • CJ??Li"???I ???i7, .f??/f)`P ???C?7 • STRUCTURE IAND USED ASD ///AJ O_ IZ/I//. Permit No. Issued Issued To Coniractor Owner BUILDING PLUMBING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TAN C ? ? . ,: y VJELL_ I ELEQRICAL ? HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER LQ? OTHER _ OTHER I I • 0 04;4 r. Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Dis}ance From Well FOOTING FOUNDATION SEPTIC CESSPOOI FRAMING FINAL ELECTRICAL ? ?, -' TILE fIELD fT. HE,4TING ? 9v'?gI'^70 DEPTH OF WELI GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PWM8ING WELL s SANITARY SEWER 4,,p/?` _ ?f - 3 ? - 71 ? / Violations Noted on 8ack COMMENTS: AZ? /4 S.5_3 c+? ?? o o`? 3068 Loon Lane Eagan, Minnesota 55121 June 9, 1977 Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Dear Tom: Thank you again for your letter of May 31 regarding the "Dead End" siqn that was placed on my street at 3068 Loon Lane. Confirminq our telephone conversation of June 8, I would like to request that this sign be removed at the earliest possible convenience. In support of this request, I confirm that Loon Lane is a small cul-de-sac whose closed end is easily observed from the adjoining street, i.e., Red Cedar Road. I have lived at the above address for 7 years and have found that traffic into the Lane has never been a problem. I have also observed many other cul-de-sacs without signing o£ this type. My neighbor on my immediate right and another neighbor located across the street on Red Cedar Road (who faces this sign) have asked for my help in securing its removal. Your favorable consideration would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yo r , dZt?_ D. J(/ly 10 1977 Sq /4 51"3Dd a.lod QY -7 ti (iSJ GcnQ 7-1?fierh n.d. Jvne 23. 1977 ...,v Mr. D.R. Jones 3068 Loon Lane Eagan, Minnesota 55121 ,,., ,.?.,..,,...,... . . - , Dear pon : ,. . ,. . _ . _» .. „ AEter examining the dead.rqAd.si,gt3.,KbiGb,.W4g,Pl4ced.Qg yt4ur street and more specitically„ad7acent.,to.y.our.l4t-..wbich is. . located at 3068 Loan Lan@?,3;_h4ve„reqqested,thqt the_Public- . wozks Director remove thp ydi;g?. ?? , Q.oqn ..a$.,.gossi2?7,e • , . . . . . _ . . After observing a number,qf,GUladB;eagB,ip.thQ..Eitg.oE Eagan, it is apparent that therO,wag,aD_1i)cQ1i&iste4cXjm Placinq the 8ead enfl sign on youxwparticul4i;,.cu1-4e-saG.When.de4d , end signs were not required_on.other.eul74@-saQs. I hope this action is faqqroble.444.I,.oer?4inlY.a99to.g1=e,-e „ for the inconsistency tk?a'G,.Wa6.4e?jMqtr3ted .by pIaCiAQ.the.. •• dead end sign on your cul :dg .sa6. .. •« . . ... .,.- , .. . ? - • . a Sincerely, .._....?.-•. . Thomas L. Hedges _ .,.....,. _..,.., ., City Administrator ,,,,?...,...w,..»?o..»-.• cc: Bill Branch, Public.T$p;$B.DizQGtox,..-?.-.- -- -- - 1 ,' ` a?l ,? 0? June 27th., 1992 To nllen Stabner DB9 Ste.hner Electric regarcling i;Iecnanics I,ien form dated June 17th., 1992 to Denald Jones and Ela.ine Jones: I`m serry that you weren't paid by John Gpheim of Le_suse Time iYood Design for the work that you did on our kitchen improve;nenT. Jonn Cpheim w2.s paid r_inety percent of the a;qreed amount for tbe ltitc'_nen ;:nrrovement he s?gned a contract to do =or us. he Tao paid enouSn to cover a11 of _.is cos+N and pay the subcon'tr2.etors and t:nen so:ie. The reason trat he rc,isn't paid the final ter_ percent was becauoe the job a,gz•eement called for the i'inal ten percent to be paid ai'ter a. final w21k throug'r: and the completzon of the work to our S&'41S-F2Ct10Y1. .TO'_ns7 CTJ_'121M hc.411'"t e4en COT!!yJ1.E"t?d the wOrk, P.lUCh lESS to our sz.tisfaction. The or_ly person who hasr_'t lived up to the COY?TY'ar,t on this job is Johr_ (;phei::. tou should t21k to him about ge-tting psid. In regard_ to the LiQn, I h-..ve been in contact viith tne I;irs!esotz. nttos•ney Genera.l's Consurler Division. According to P,.irizesota, lasc you have no right to fiie a lien against our property. tdinr_esota lasv requires that in order to file a lien, subcontractors must gice a specific notice in order to protect their rignt to file a lien if they are not paid by the conZra.ctor. The notice must give the name and add.ress o£ the subcontr2ctor, the name of the contractor who hired the subcontractor and tne type oi service or ma.terial provided and its estimated value. The notice must be given to the person on wrose proper.t,y the work is performed within 45 days of the tirne thet the subcontractor first furnishes labor or materials or it is not enforcea.ble. ks you well know, you never gave us tiuch notice. Even if such notice vrere not repuired bJ 12w, the lien, you filed is not lega,l. A lien has to be filed witrin 120 days after the last material or labor is furnished for the job. The lien states that the last work you did on the kitcnen improvenent in our home was on the lst. of march, 1992. That is fa.lse. Al1 of the r`•or.k done by you was completed in December of 1991. The building Inspector £or the City of Eag2.n completed his inspection of the co;npleted electrical work on December 18th., 1992• Youz' 120 days are lonp• past. Sincerely yours, Elaine Jones Copy Sent To: I,ori J. Joh.nson/ Agent Niinnesota Attorney Genera.l's OfSice City of Eagan Building Inspector Mechanics' Lien AtOTICE ]S HERESY GIVEN, that it is the intention of ALLEN STABNF:R f, ;P ?'i'T„VkL•R f-."CTR7C gy LORI J. JOHNSON AGENT s+hu>e address i° 1177 NORTH BIRCH LAKE BLVD. WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 ?...irki_m nnd 1,old a lien upon the tract_ of land lying in the County t [?A I_o"1,)_____ , State of Minnesota, described ras follows, 1.0 ?it: ? 3(1F,8 LOpP•i ?,ANE PID 1410-r,5300-260-04 I,OT 26, ELOCk 9 nSLUND TIMBEP,LINE ABSTFACT PROPERTY t',;,r t11e :sum of SIX HUNDRED NINETY & NO/100------- ;- Dollars, (.$ 6Q?•?? 3 iji nLc:rest tliereon Yrom the i day of APRIL , 'Phnt. 3AS.d emr,unt is due and oWing to said claimar,t for matFrials jl,rni,.hc-.d and services performed in that certain impravement of said l-und and said materiels and supplies are described as folloWS, to-wit= F,I,F.,CTP,iCAL MATERIAL AND LABOR TF19t tt,e namP of the Contractor for rrhum and at whose request r.;-? f? mat,erial w.s?; fixrrii:hed and said labor PerPormed is as folluws, to wit LF.ISURE 'I'7ME WOOD DESIGN - JOHN OPHEIM 7'het t.hF d,ate of the first item of said claimant's contribution to itnprovement was the 17 &ty of DECEMBER 15 91 ;,xnci tt? dttt4 of the last item thereof, the 1 ddy of MARCH , 19 92; 'I'h&t a de.scription of the premises to fie charged Mith said iien, t? ?.he best of said claimant's abilitY to ascertain the sbme, is as Th;it. the name S of the ownerS of said iand and premises, at the <]:it.- of makirig t.his tatement according to the best information said nr,w has or is able to ascFrtain, is/are DOP:ALD J6`•TES & ELAINE JONES 'i'hat a cop,v o2 this statement was sErved personally by certified rs:iil c, n t.he (:iwr,er nr his authorized agent or the person who entered i ri^ .t.hc< contract. with the claimant within 120 days of the doing of the work or furnishing the last item of such skill, materlal ur 11=1"hii,ery, That Notice as required by Minnesota Statutes Section `)IA.U1l (2), iY any, was given. day of _ 7IU IE , 1992 . ALLEN STABNER DHA STABNER ei.FrmuTl` gy ' COC'YHtGHT 1999 Bl' THE LSbfC CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PNnleO In U.S.A. Fortn 0 0007 • • . SKate of Ntinne,ota, County of ANOKA I LCiFj .j . ' T)nx cmnANFA FT F(`TRT!` _ heing duly sworn, on oath says; that S he isREPRESENTING A(3ENT thcriainaantinthewithinstatemenr.thatS he has knowledge of the facts stated in said statement by reason oi the folloHing facts, to-wit: BUSINESS RECORDS ihat this statement is made by, or at the instance of, said claimant: and? the statement is true of hER ora r koowledge. ?? - - ? ? N Agent forPT •P^r STASNFR T1RA STABNRR SHAWN S. SIMOPfTON ELECTR 7 C NOtA?7Y ?' M?NNESOtA 5ubscribpyd end sworn to before methis ANOrca couNrY day of ? ? , 1Ly Cn. inmfssbn E?Iies P?u6 20. ? ??L fZi/M • ?? TJ1UN??S6?FNT WASDHAFIEDBY SIGNATUREOFNOTARYPUBUCOHOTHEROFFl('IAL LOF.L J . yJ 1 DA:'L;NPC>RT ST. N.E. (NANIE-) ---- '°-- (ADwMs) BLF.INE, MN 55434 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED MAIL 5tate of Mfinnesota, 1'ountv of ANQKA 1.QP.l._,???LQlatasnni n?FnrT I u.ofthe CITY of BLAiNE i'ountN of ANOtcA State of Minnesota, being duly sworn, says that on the of JUNE ' ,19 9z SheservedtheforegoingMechanic's C.ien Statement on,_pON L?Q??? FLATNE TONFS (the owner therein named) (the authorized ngcni nf the owner therein named) (the person who entereA into the contract with the contractor)* by mailing n said _pQNP oNS & ET * r"`F .Tnn,FS a copy chereof by certified mail, enclosed in an envelope,=postage prepaid; and by depositing the same in the post office at B.A directed tosaid DONALD SONES S i ELAINE JONF& 3068 LOON LANE _ Mtd 55121 N07AF.IA1 7 AiQP OR SEAL OR O'CI RANK ? ?..4 SHAWN S. SIMONTON U NC7TAfiY PlBl.1C • MINNESOTA ANOKA COVNN ?ny r,oR.rn..»n ?,w+?e N,o. za. i ee? ' $irike. out portions not applicable. Agen[foi ALLEN STABNER DBA START:?R Subscribe4l and sworn ro before me this ELFCTR 1 c ? 7°day of _,Ty-7 P , 19 ?. 3iGIJqTUqE OF NOTARV PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL 1-J --^--• ?+ C W L „ C! G 3 W ? a? ? o E q ? C?:; "c'eey $ y ri ' v rz ? y V: ? cy; > . ?uu ? F-J c ' V ',. ? ?C y. ? v? OJ ? C L ? 0 N V L 'T? ? 'ti ` ? 3? ?• 0. ? Q ? 0 N °t 0 o b ^ V? '? t ? q O 3 ?, o I ? ny O =a` v e U .SC 2006 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for single Camify dwellings & rownhomes/condos when permitc are required for each unit 3D-6-z) Date?/ Site Add 3 ress_ Unit # PropertyOwner ?B"Y1 V ?1? Telephone # (gs Contractor S7ANDARD HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 410 ST-aK-E-S7fi?-- Street Address MINNEAPOUS, MN 55408 City Stale _ Zip _ 7'elephone # ( ) Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner ? Conuactor _ Other Add-on or alteration to existing dwelling unit $ 30.00 ? furnace _Additional X Replacement _ New air exchanger air conditioner heat pump other State Surchar e g"E T $ 50 g 006 Total g 3o-SC, I here6y apply for a Residential Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work wiil be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; th I understand this is not a permi but only an application for a permit, and work is not to staR without a permit; that the w in accordance with the appr d plan in the case of hich requires a review and approval of 7 . ?I?.M?"? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Si e          ÿì  ÿ þýý   üüÿÿ     úýý ïùûíí æâî ýûóüö æâ   þýø  þýüûúùôöëò öýûúù øöûúùôù  öù ý ÛÝö  ò ý òîýùú ñ  þðýöï ëö ùö ùùööëÿööóý ó ùö÷öëüöì  ý ýö öùüýë ù ì òöüóêö ööðýöüú  ëóúó ì  ïèçèìæì óú  þýöö  éýèçèæìåìæå éýÿì  ò ñÿ  ø ðõ ùù  òö òûöúö  åíô í þ ýäõàþí äõà ßâÞàâà öüú  íö ùù ëöó öö öóùúùùüþ ëä þý òúë îö ì ùù÷ öóþ ýö ýúþ ýö      ñû     ì ÿ þ ý ýüüû úùù      øûûüü þÿòíí ßìåûùñú  ìß   ýü   üûúùø÷  ê æôûùø÷  óùø÷ ê ÷   ÷âû õÚ  þ ô ûô ììåû÷ ø Ûþ üðû  ö  æ   ÷ ÷ ÷æ ý  ñûñ  ÷  á    æ ú è  ü û     ÷ ú  ûæ÷ è ô úñç      ðû úø þ æ ñøñ è   ö éìãéèëèìë ÷ø  üû þ   Ý û éìãéèîèî Ý û ìýè  öúõ ú  ôó ÷÷   þ  ô þôä   ä  î   ßë   ü û ÿ þ   ïßíìëëàßà   úø   þ     ÷÷      æñ    þ ñ÷ø   ÷÷ ú ü   æ   ü û  ôøæÿ þ å  è ÷÷ á ñ üþ û û øüþ û PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA167174 Date Issued:03/01/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3068 Loon Lane Lot:26 Block: 4 Addition: Oslund Timberline PID:10-55300-04-260 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Pete DeGrood at (507) Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Angelique M Sherman 3068 Loon Ln Eagan MN 55121 (651) 242-9948 Hero Plumbing Heating & Cooling Inc 10900 Hampshire Ave S Minneapolis MN 55438 (612) 827-4674 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature