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Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes. BL - Base Fee $3K Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K Total: Applicant/Permitee: Signature - Applicant - Construction Type: Occupancy: Owner: Suresh S Rajadural 4320 Fox Ridge Rd Eagan MN 55122 Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: $88.50 0801.4085 $1.50 9001.2195 $90.00 Issued By: Signature Building EA088302 02/25/2009 ePermit I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 U ? 651-681-4675 , Qq-w l0-`?_ G ( New Constructian Reouiraments RemodellReoairRevuirements • 3 registered sife surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq. ft. of house; an?ll mofed areas • 2 copies of plan (20%maximum lot wverage albwed) . 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated additions • 2 copies of plan showing beam 8 window sizes; poured found design, etc.) . 1 site survey for exterior additlons 8 decks • 1 set of Energy Calcula6ons . Indicffie if home served by seplic system for additions . 3 copies ot Tree Preservation Plan ii bt platted aker 711193 • Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (bldgs with 3 or less units) DATE r'Ct 3 , () 1 VALUA[ION CD,, V00 ? JOB SITE ADDRESS ?3 ;-D 1,-?ox2/4eV IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY OWNER veC ? TYPE OF WORK r? APPLICANT _??veC na/?r ADDRESS PAGER # PHONE# 6 7?C jq"? ///jZ4//1%? ZIPCODE CELLPHON E # ;51d -_mr=-2 7.-2c2 FAX# W-D NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY- FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category (check one) Plumbing Contractor: _ Plumbing System Includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mcchanical System Includcs: Sewer/Water Contractor: ,Air Conditioning Heat Recovery Sys[em FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Phone # Phone # i: I d C-r" Oq ?m Pee: $90.00 P'ee: $70.00 All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that ihe info9/47-- with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordin Certificates on is correct, and agree to comply Signature of Applicant of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 1/Ot MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CA"1'EGORY - Residential Ventllation Category 1 Worksheet S - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted _ MINNESOTA RiJLES 7672 - New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Phone #: Water Softener Iawn Sprinkler Water Hcater No. oF R.I. Baths No. of 13aths OFFICE USE ONLY ? Ot Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg A02 SF Owelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 E#. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? OS 03-piex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interiar) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (FOUndation) x 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 0 34 Replacement 'Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant 93 C30 K_3 Valuation / Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning PD City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const ? Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Foorings (new bldg) Footings (deck) FinaUNo C.O. Footings (addition) Plumbing -X Foundation X HVAC Drain Tile Roof x Ice & Warer X Final Other ? Framing Fueplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation FinaUC.O. ? Approved By Base Fee `? Surcharge -S? Plan Review ?o ? ti. CJ °] MCIES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Siding Smcco Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) Building Inspector r2-/ f7 `Go 6G « 7 Total I (, O ?. 3 1-f CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition lN LT FTFTH Lot 16 Rlk ,Z Parcel 1(1 7,T??]j?l fl?_ owner Street 4320 Fox Ridge Road statie Eap-an, NN 55122 A Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Oate STREETSURF, 1985 357•37 23.83 15 3oy.73 Co/ ??? 6 STREET RESTOR. 1986 1622.2C 324.44 S q? ? a0 •?/I3? ( ? ,? GRADING Snn w L t O 1986 502.5 100.52 5 0.,5 0 SAN SEW TRUNK ? 49.84 • ?(o •D C?O ? o? SEWER LATERAL , -2- o Warpr L ral/O 198 582.46 116.49 5 ? f d d Ir (t` WATERMAIN 195 4. 55 4.31 15 '.9S (10 // / WATER LATERAL WATER AREA i> 1973 68.60 , $ 1 • (pz 4( C Q // 116 / ?. ?0 eO / STORM SEW TRK , 1971 214.60 10.73 20 cp / STORM SEW LAT ? 1985 86.95 5.80 15 5-3 ("6 // i orm 5ew Lat fJ 1986 739.56 147.91 5 ol r CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT Services 03 1986 529.15 105.83 5 1/ ur WATER CONN. 8UI'LDING PER. 11189 SAC PARK CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ' PH O N E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # ? To be used for Est. Value 111-1 Date Lnc ;?? ., „ Site Address Lot Block Sec/Sub. ? Parcel No c Name ' W 3 Address _ 0 City _ Phone ¢ Name _ .o ? Q Address ? City_ City I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances Building Official dFF ICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage OccupanCy MWCC System Zoning On Site Well (Actual) Const City Water (Allowable) PRV Required * of Stories Booster Pump Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. i:41-2.3 19 APPROVALS FEES G•Of Engr./Assess. Permit '50 Planner Surcharge Council Pian Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks ? TOTAL Permit No. Permit Holdsr Date Telsphone ? Plumbing H.V.AC. Electric Softener Inspection oate Insp. Comments Footings I Footings II Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final " Well Pr. Disp. , CITY OF EAGAN ` 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 BUILDING rERMIT Receipt She Addreas (j Lot Block `- SeclSub. ' Parcel No. W Name ? Address ' City Phone ?9 u u ? Phone ?W Name ' ?? Address , tW City Phone 1 Name Add ress I hereby ocknowledpe that I hove reod this applicotion and state that the inlormation Is carrect ond ogree fo tomply with oll applicable Stcte of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagon Ordinonces. 5lqrwture of Pertnittea N Building Permit is issued to: oll work sholl be dona in accordonce with oll oppliwble 5tate of Mii Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC WaterConn. Weter Meter . ? Road Unlt ? • I Tr. PL _ i r Perks I Copios ? Total on the express condition Iho+ and Ciry o# Eopnn Ordinonces. r.tn 11180 Erect LJ Occupancy Remodel ? 2oning Repalr ? Type of Const. Addition ? No. Stories Move ? Length , Demolish ? Depth Int Impr. ? Sq, Ft. Instalt ? Appeorak feas Assessment _ Wafer 8 $ew. Police Fire Er?q. Plcnner Courxil Bldg. Off. ' APC Var. Date Pwmk No. Pwmk Holder Dsb Tslephons Plumbinp r c u ( U r,) H.vA.c. to 5 33 YlK? A r ?i o(?s S ?f Y ?-8?1 , Saft«». Irapeetion Date Insp. Other Footinys I Footln9a 11 Foundnion ? ? ;t7 S ? ? ?? Framiny RooNnp Rouyh Plbg. ?-7 L i' /!1- _•Y , Rouyh Hty. Insul. Finplace Final Hty. Final Plbg. Flnal Gan/Occ. ?-- Water Dsscribr Location: WNI Sewsr Pr. DIGP. Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. . CITY OF EAGAN Fee ?711?'? Y Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print /egib/y Tot 1. Date BS 2. Installation Cost ? 7G0? 3. Job Address Lot?Blk. Trac['" 4. Owner e" 3?^-? { ?'??"'`?.?- -, 5. Contractor Phone yy 7 6. Address y0 1 /JbY Kv-.4 ?.+cUl << ?• 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential,4_ Commercial ? Institutional D 9. Work Description: New)< Add O Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe ??' ry S.YS4 vs'' Fuel Type Kk '(-V '(j 11. No. ? Equioment 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air S/« No. Equipment CFM dli Ai H Mfg. da rr ; eY' an r ng: Boilers ? ? Mfg, Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg, pther Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Qutlets 12. I hereby tcentiiify that the above nfomation is true and correct, and I agree to comply inan a codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough F Inal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is Your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT • Permit No. ' CITY OF EAGAN Fee I ? FiII in numbered spaces S/C ? I Type or Prrn[ legibly Tcyt. I 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address ' Lot ti Bik. . Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor - Phone 6. Address 7. City State + ' Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ? 9. Work Description: New ? 1 10. Describe I 11. Commercial ? Institutional ? Add O Alter O Repair ? No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Se tic Tank Lavatory p Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray - Floor Drains . Drinking Ftn. ? Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets -y 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ? I for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464,8100 .? . LAI ?.. we, 1)? . _ -- - -- - ; --- ME-TR0 A+R-- - ?19401 Normandale Road M+ntesota 5537? , (612) 447-8124 - ---- -- ? -- 3 --- ? _ -- - ? --- -- -- - - --- - __ _ ?.. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. 6. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Zonirp: . : O1NRlr: :? eyls'iYlu WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DNTE: . No. of Units; AddmS3: $it! AddPlSS: PluI1E1Ql? - MetOf NO.. Size: Reader No.: 1 yns fs eanoly wkb !w CiM of byaw Ordiae?. A.. DOfQ Of II1Sp.: COIHI@C'ti011 Cf1OfQE: ACGOunI D@pOSit: Permit Fee: Su?cficrge: Misc. Choryes: TotaL• DoM Fbid: ------ 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. U. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zoninp: No. of Units: " Owner. Address: Site Add ?lumber: I.oe.. ro oaepy w116 th. CNr ef E.4s¦ Ca+n.ction Chorpe: 4 2 5.00nZ OrNwwaw ? ? 5 Accaunt Depodf: - Parmit Fae: . Surchorye: By Mist. Chorpes: Date of inap.: Tctol: I nsp.: Doh Pald: ! CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT ? 3830',°it-A Knob Road ; „ i P. C'? Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: ? Eagan, MN 55121 bATE: i Za+ing: - R-1 No. of Units: OwMr: i{ey and 2ioraes ?Address: fa320 Poa Rir.lge Rd. 1,16 R?_ Sun Cliff t. I Sita Address: Plumber. Meter No.: -62 ? 1 ?k+1 Siu: Reader No.:1 n/?'1 9 ''^ E, i ? ? I yr? fo oan? wilU IIw Ci +?F?I ?E • ` Or?lsen9N. D t? I 11 K3 ; lOt . BY Date Po7d: Date I of I nsp.: I nsp.: rZ? 2-7- ? S ? CITY OF EAGAN N°_ 1 1 18 0 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 27-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT rtecelvr * _? Te b. wed hr SF DWG/GAR E?r_ vai,.. $59, 000 r,,,, OCTOBER 28 85 SiteAddress 4320 FOX RIDGE RD Lot 16 glock z sec/sub. SUN CLIFF STH Parce l Na. W Name KEYLAND HOMES = Address 3471 W 173RD ? c;tY JORDAN Phone 435-3323 o Name SAME Z Addresa ? City Phone G^ HALLQUIST wW Name 1 W OTH _ Address ?W City BLMTN phone $31-1875 I hereby acknowledge rhot I Fwve read fhis application ond srate thaf fhe inlormofion is correct agree to comply wiLin all opplicable Stata of Minnewto Srotu s o d City of E an r in S. c Sipnuture of Permittn A Bullding Permit Is issued to: KEYLA HOM' S all work sholl 6e done in oewrdonce wilh all oppl' le Stote of inr 8uildinp Officfal Erect QSI Occupancy Kj Remodel ? Zoning Rl Repeir ? Type of Const. V AddRion ? No. Stories Move ? Lenqtn 49 Demolish ? Depth 40 Int ImPr- ? Sq. Ft. Install ? Approralf Fees Assessment Permi-t?+ 310.00 Water 8$ew. Suroharge 29.50 Police PlanReview 155.00 Fire SAC 52$.00 Enp. waterconn. 500.00 Planner Water Meter 63.00 CounNl Road Unit 280.00 81dg,Off. IQ ZS $ TcPI. 1_32.00 APC Parks Var. Date Copies rotal $1,994.50 on tM exprcss corditlon that ao Q Sfatufes ond Ciry of Eoqon Ordinancet. CITY OF EAGAN No - 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ? 4$ 2$ BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-8100 Aeceipt ??s ;:4 ?s 2 J-':') To be used for nECK Est. Value $1,000 Date APRTT. 14, ,19-8B-- Site Address _ Lot 16 Block Parcel No. 2 Sec/Sub. SUN CLIFF STH : Name JEFFREI W. BAKER z Address 4320 FOX RIDGE ROAD o City EAGAN Phone 55122 452-3688 o Name SAME ?a Address w i- CityPhone ?¢ w w SAML' Name ? z _ a I Address a w City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes ane Cny of ag n O i ances. ? Signature of Permittee ' A Building Permit is issued t¢_ J F Y . BAKER on Ihe express condi[ion that all work shal I be done in acwrdance with al I applicable State ol Minnesota St/atu?tes and? City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official-,a 161"f?7?Y?/?- - 4320 FOX RIDGE ROAD OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage _ Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ (ACtual) Const Ciry Water _ (Allowable) PRV Requiretl _ # of Stories Booster Pump _ Length Depth S.F.Total Footprint S.F. APPROVAL5 FEES Engr./ASSess. Permit 24.00 Planner Surcharge .50 Council Plan Review _ Bldg. OH. SAC, City Variance SAC,MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Roatl Unit 7rea[ment P7 Parks TOTAL 24.50 REQUEST FQP EL.ECwTRICAL INSPECTION ? See InsVUciions br completing IDis form on back of yeUOw copy X" Below Work Covered by This Request EB-00001-08 ew AW Rep.. TypeofBUilding AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home ' Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Eleciric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (Specify) Comm./Industrial Fur ce HiEiH Farm ir Conditioner Omer ?spentyl . ConVaccor's Remarks'. Compute Inspection Fee Below: s Other Fee # ServiceEnirance5ize Fee # Circuils/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool . 0 to 200 Amps O to 100 Amps Transtormers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps SIgnS Inspectar's Use Only' TOTAL ? Irrigation Booms ? 5 Special Inspection Alarm/Communiwtion THIS INSTALLATION MAV BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 78 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby RO09n-'" oa?e certifythatthea6oveinspectionhas been made. F;nai D _?US?• OFFICE USE ONLV ' Tnls reouesl voio 18 rtwnihs from Requesl Date /? ? Fire No. Roughin Inspection RequireC? ?` Ves eaay Now ? Will NobiY Inspector When Reatly? I-Gi'censed coniractor ED owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Joo Atltl/r?ess 2(Street. Bov or RwteNo.) Pty ISeaion No. I TOwnsM1lp Name orNO. - Range No. County OccupanliPRl T) , PhOnp No ??? • w (Suppiier Aodress ' Eiednc ont? or ?COmp ?y Name) III CoNractors License No. MaJing Atltlress IGOnVarl woar Mak?ing In/5tallaLOn) W .???W(/L Autnonzetl 5? ure I nVactort ne: Makinq Installati Ppone Number MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION RENOT Griggs-Mitlway BItl9. - Aoom 5-173 ' BE AGCEPSED BV THE STATE BOARO 1821 Ilniversiry Ave., 5t. Paul. MN 55109 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 602-0800 , . [NGLOSEO. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION /'. Ee-"°"",_°a w - , See instmctions for completin9 this form on back ol Yellow copy. 16 AMI E "X" Below Work Covered by Thrs Requesf ' NO, A. 'a. 7vpe oi e.ilahns Appliances Wired Enuiumenc wi.ea - Home Fange Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Liyhtiny Fixtures Apt. BuilAing Dryer Electric HeaLn Commerciai Bldy. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial BIAg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tnnk ' Parm Orhei Specilv oiner ISUOdty> tha,r Suecify Ot er Olher Comnute Inspection Fee Below % 'Alee Service EntrenceSize # Poe Fyeders/Suhfenders # Fee Cirmits rv 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am ps L' - 0 to 30 Am ns A6ove 200 qi??pyi 31 to 100 Ainps 31 to 100 Ai s Swinvninq Pool Above 100-Amps Abave 100_Amps Transtormers Irrigation Booms i(J Partial,'Dther Pee Signs Specialinspection S ? TOTAL FEE Remvks ? J floueh-in the Electric.?l Inspeclor, herebV cerlify thet the abpve Final spec[ion has baen 1 meda. ThlsreQUealvo1d 18monlRalrom , p ?S gO"77 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Ee-oomim , see imtruetions far coeoietiTe_tnis fam m Eaek of ysllwr capv- "'X'" Selow Wbrk Covered by 7his Request ? Ad ev. TYPe ot eui Winy Appliancss NirW E4uipatient Wired Home flange Temporary Service Duplex Water Hrater Lighti Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Neatin Conmiercial Bldg_ Fwrece Silo Unloader indus[rial Bldg. Air C.aditi? Bulk Milk Tank Farm O[Iwr lSpeulfv) ther 15ceciryl t r ecity Onher OtM:r Compu[e lnspection Fee Belaw p Fea ServieeEnt'eoeeSixa A Fae Feedees/SuMesders C Fee Cieeuits 0 to 200 Amp5 O co 30 Amns 0 to 30 Arrivis ve 200 Amps b 31 m 100 A?s 31 to lOQ AnVs ?A ?o i Pool Above lOD Above 1 fofiners Irrimtion Boort.s Partial•`Otlier Fee Sigis Special Impection S n TOTALPE Bemarks / ?? . E r RouBh-in Oa? 1. tM Elactriol he.m,. ?tify thsx iha above Final ( Dxte i?r.peeliop Ass beeo ??3•kJ ??. , nhrrequest wW ,afficmn.m,a, rnis .ea"esc wia 18 monMs lrom I-?•Sy ?equegt Oa1 Fire No. Wo.qh ,.?? --n Insoee[ion ?11eadY N. Qtld:ll Ha,:?,. ?MPec- . ?Ves ?No tor When ReadV ?icensed Electrical Contracto+ (?jy " 0 µ?v 1 1 AereAy requast impaetim oi abova ? Owner , 8 Tr? ? I elecbical w00k imtalled at Sveet Address, eoz ar Roure No. ? ' U r G:tv C C J J 0Xr1 Q 2 R d ccot - [_ 4f ti ection o. Tovmship Name w No. Ranpe _ Cau ? O Q., Occu nt IPPINTI ? O ? ' Phme Na. a rl a ? a Power Suppl' e ey. pdd? Elacn' mtract r !C rry timne) ' GmbacWr Licrsse No. "s l ' V -Ft-3 Maflinp A Jr/? s(Con[ ctor w Ownel Maki?q I??ilatim) ,p ? Au izetl Sig ture ?Co clor r Nakinp I?cpllatiml Rnne N?n?Aer D -355 MINNESOTA $LAE BOAIID OF EIEClA1GIT' 7Mt5 TNSPEGTION REUU6?TwILL NDT Gripgs-Midwev Bidg. - R. M.791 BE AGGEP7ED BI! iHE SfA7E BOA11p 1827 UniversitV Ave., SL Paul, YN 55100 UMlE55 PROPER INSfECTON FEE 6 Vtqm 16121 2972111 ENCLOSED. lhis request vaid 18 nwn[hs trom Penuest Date Fire No. RoaBh-rn In ion Fequir Hteatly Now Notity InsVec- ? ro . os ?Nu tor When RcaAy Licens ecUic ConVector I heraby request insoaction oi nbove ?Owner elaclrical work installed aY S[reui Atl ress, Box or F te No. CitY ' J 4 ? I- ecuon o. TownshiD Name or N qnnge No. Cnuuty Occupent IP Phone No. -" Power 5 ier Addmss ? ? Electrical C Vactor tCompany Namel C ?{J I e o. , ??? Mail' A ess IConvactor or Owi a inG In ila[ion ? i ?' f- Authprizetl S?g e ICOnt h wner Ma Mnd nsta la oN ho e ber MINNE50T STATE eOF EIECTf(ICITY TMIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Gri89s• tlway BldO oom N-191 BE ACCEPTEp 8Y THE STATE BOAflD I821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNlESS PflOPEfl INSPECTION fEE IS Phone (612) 297-2111 ENCLOSED. *dtV oF eegan PATRICIA E AWADA Mayor PAUL BAHICF,N PEGGY Ct1RISON C7NDEE FIELDS MEG TILLEY Council Members THOMAS HEDGES CityAdminisvaror Municipal Cencer. 3830 Piloc Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Phone:651.681.4600 Fax: 651.681.4612 TDD: 651.454.8535 Maintenance Facility: 3501 Coachman Poinc Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: 651.681.4300 Faz: 651.681.4360 TDD: 651.454.5535 www.cityoEeagen.com THELONEOAKTREE The symbol of screngch and grsowth in our communiry February 13, 2002 BRUCKMUELLER PLUMBING 3992 PENNSYLVANIA AVE EAGAN MN 55123 RE: REFUND OF PLUMBING PERMIT 47756 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: On October 17, 2001, a permit to install plumbing fixtures at 4320 Fox Ridge Road was issued to Bruckmueller Plumbing. A representative of Janecky Plumbing advised us that your company will not be doing this work and a plumbing permit was issued to them. As a result, we are forwarding a refund to you under separate cover in the amount of $50.00. We are unable to refund the $.50 state surcharge that was collected. This letter is also meant to advise you that eFfective January 1, 2001, the City of Eagan Fee Schedule assesses a$50.00 fee to refund permits that have been processed and receipted. As a courtesy, we are informing contractors of this policy and issuing a refund, minus the state surcharge, for a cancelled pemut on a`bne time only" basis. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 651-681-4695. cerely, ? an Severson Office Supervisor cc: Dale Schoeppner, Chief Building Official PERMIT# Y-4 f 3A 9 RECEIPTDATE: OC j2"vov 2002 RnIDENTIAI. PLUM$INfi PE{iMiT APPL1CATION CITY OF £A6AN 3$30 fILOT KAOB iiD £1k8kN, MP 551EE 651-691-4675 Please complete for: single family dwellings, townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit, backflow preventer for irrigation system SITE ADDRESS: f?? (D ro x Ri u 9e- fCo 4'cl OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) INSTALLER NAME: TELEPHONE #: ?J'7 ' !2 ! ( (AREA COOE) STREETADDRESS: 7,1U V0tA I QL Pt 02 (2 CITY: t?,-OA.L7°' CT Il STATE: vVtl- ZIP: C) _ SEPTIC SYSTEM, new/refurbished (requires two sets of plans and MPC license) $ 100.00 includes $40.00 County fee Note: Additional consultant fees may apply . MODIFICATION/ALTERATION TO EXISTING DWELLING NIT, INCLUDING: ?e??oC? -T?y?cvc _ Addi fixtures to lower levels or room additions, excluding water so eners and water heaters. $ 50.00 _ Abandonment of septic system. _ Water turnaround - existing dwelling unit (+ 5/8" meter if needed -$118) ? Other: -f?; Y e- a r l- - o mt _ RPZ: new installation/repair/rebuild $ 30.00 _ lawn irrigation system ReplacemenUadditional: _ water softener _ water heater $ 15.00 State Surcharge $ .50 T l t $ - a O L I herebyacknowledge that I have read this application, sfate thatthe information is is ihe applicanPs responsibility to notify the property owner lhat ihe Ciry of Eagan operational and malntenance activities to the facilities constNCted under this per comply with al I applicable Ciry of Eagan ordinances. It or any damages caused by the City during its normal SIGNATURE OF/PEj[MITTEE / 1102 CLAIM VOUCHER - REFUND REQUEST CITY OF EAGAN MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: BRUCKMUELLER PLUMBING ADDRESS: 3992 PENNSYLVANIA AVE EAGAN MN 55123 LOCATION: 4320 FO?X RIDGE RD RECEIPT #/DATE: #18555 DATED 10/17101 REASON FOR REFUND: JOB CANCELLED PERMIT #: 47756 TYPE OF REFUND: Plumbing Pemut 9001.4087 $ 50.00 Mechanical Pemut 9001 4088 $ Building Permit Fee 9001.4085 $ P1anReviewFee 9001.4222 $ SAC(MC/WS) 9220.2275 $ SAC (City) 9379.4681 $ SAC (Admin) 9001.4246 $ Water Connection 92203865 $ SewecPeresrit 9220.4532 $ Water Permit 9220.4507 $ Account Deposit 9220.2252 $ Water Meter 9220.4509 $ WaterTreatrnent 9220.4685 $ Surcharge 9001.2195 $ Overpayment 9001.2250 $ Curb Box Deposit Refund 9220.2253 $ Construction Meter Dep Refund 9220.2254 $ O[her $ TOTAL $ 50.00 I declare under the penalties of law that Uiis account, claim, or dem and is just and that no par t of it has been paid. ?- SIGNATiJRE DATE PERMIT #: ? y5yq CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT DATE: 8002 RUIDERTIAL 14IECHARICihL PERMIT APPLICATION crrY og eaeniv SSso PaoT KNoe Ru E?s,ax suv ss i as 651-691-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: J - 7- C) 2 SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: INSTALLER NAME: /cp?r -4 /'tL TELEPHONE #: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: aS ? ' Ac STATE: ? ZIP: Place a check mark next to the permit work type Add-on, modification or alteration to existina dwelling unit $ 30.00 • furnace replacement • air e er • ' conditioner • o Nature of work: -z State Surchar e $ .50 ratal $ 3o•Sc? ????? S NA -OF PERMITTEE 1/02 CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: APPROVED BY: INSPECTOR RECEIPT DATE: 2002 COMMERCIAL MECHlkMCAI. PERE1T APPI1CATiON CITY OF EAkfiRN 3$30 ?ILOT KNOB gD EksM, MN 55 122 651-8$1-4675 Please complete for: all commercial/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: D -O(L SITE ADDRESS: 1/a)L C) F ?oo( OWNER NAME: PHONE #: TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLI): WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? Y N. NAME: INSTALLER: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: TELEPHONE #: STATE: ZIP: WORK TYPE: New construction Install U.G. Tank _ InteriorImprovement _ Remove U.G.Tank _ Processed Piping SpecifyNahue of Work When insta[ling/removing underground tank, cal! 651-681-4675 for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing inspector. Fees: 1% of contract price OR $50.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Underground tank removallinstallation = mivimum fee Contract price: $ x 1%= $ (Base Fee) State surcharge calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee TOTAL $ _ SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE Updated 1/02 PERMIT # RECEIPT DATE: l U ` I ? ` 6 l US1DEN7LAL PLUM$INf Pf"IT APPL1CATlON CI1'lt OF £AfiALN SSSO PD.OT KA08 RD F-A6AA, 6iN 5518E 651-691-4675 Please complete for: % single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for irrigation system SITEADDRESS: } 520 OWNER NAME: : INSTALLER NAME: RQJ6 STREET ADDRESS: _ 3A CITY: 5;? ,Z? /-A Place a check mark next to the permit work type S i1 2,7 New residential dwelling unit under construction and not owner/occupied $ 90.00 Add-on, modification or alteration to existinq dwelling unit, induding: $ 50.00 ! • abandonment of septic system I • new installationlrepair/rebuild of RPZ • lawn irrigation system • water turnaround Natureofwork: -?Fly2g 5eptic System, new/refurbished - $ 225.00 • includes County & Consulting Inspector fees • requires MPC license State Surcharge 50 , Total Reminder: Be sure to schedule inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. I hereby acknowled9e Mal I have read this application, state that the informa[ion is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the appliranYs responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused 6y the Cily during its normal operetional and maintenance aclivities to the facilities constructed under this permit wiNin City propertylright-of-way/easement. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TELEPHQNE #: (AREA CODE) Updated 1l07 f . i . . 1988 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SSNGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS l • A g INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CEATIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTEs ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESZRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE HUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL QNITS FOR SALE UNITS 0 OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OE PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECK WITH SLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COh4tERCIAL ZNCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: Oe tValuation: ? Date: t-? '0-X Y Site Addreas Lot Va Hlock z _ Parcel/Sub Ormer ? Q rrr ?e?E ?N. `d o k?? Address -?J, 362 ? Ex.? ?os Ry? City/Zip Code N,S'( ,2? Phone - 3 / Contractor Lt., n r r Address City/2ip Code. Phone Arch./Engr, 1) c,,, ? e? Address City/Zip Code OFFICE USE ONLY /t300- On site sewage _ Occupancy MWCC system _ Zoning On site well _ Actual Const City water _ Allowable PRV required ll of stories Booster Pump _ _ Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Engr/Assess Permit ,? Qv Planner Surcharge .?p Council Plan Review B1dg. Off. 13 SAC, City Variance • SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOTAL Phone d ///YO 1985 BUILDING PERIIIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS MUST BE LICENSED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS ? 5`i,ooo To He Used For• "'?j?[J luation: -.<? :`T=zr Date: 17 1u - .? - ?> ?- Site Address: ?OFFICE USE ONLY Lot: Block ?- Sect/Sub Erect ? Oecupancy Remodel Zoning Q,I Parcel !f Repair Type of Const _ Enlarge ?t of Stories Owner Move Length _ Demolish Depth [?p Address '2 C/ l?r Grade Sq Ft City/Zip Code :;-- Phone ? `• ? - f Contractor - ? Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. c? Address City/Zip Code APPROVALS Assessments Permit WaterlSewer Surcharge Police Plan Review Fire SAC Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Council Ro aQ Unit , Bldg Offj D 2fg?Tarks APC Treatment P1 Variance TOTAL 3 lo. Z9. ? '? 25• 500. ?3. 2?. : I 3z. L9?? S U Phone A 22 x; '1? 7 Y ??- SO Co `? (2- - (00 ? 2 ??2.S6 16 ? Y" FOR: REY-LAND HOMES l Q O? ? 1c/ - t% mMO .? ur? (1' Nq . \q?/ C. R. WINDEN & ASSOCIATES, INt. LANO SURVEYORS T*I. i45-3646 1381 EUSTIS ST., ST, PAUL$ MINN, 53100 l i Scale: 10=30' o Deaotea Iron Monument Bearings Are Assumed 1 ,; -• , s- ?, 9 Q lO/? R ? 2t' o?ze ? 6? e ' ? ?t?h'e / h /Q 4 q i ` a ? ?f ? /60o. rroTE: S 6535'? ? ` ?Nao? O Denotes Wooden Stake 47? Proposed Garage Floor E1.= 9/8•2 ? \? "/Q ?f? (917.9) Denotes Proposed Finfshed Groond E1. .r4- Denotes Direction Of Surface Drainage Vertical Datum - N.G.V.D. 1929 1 ?a Lot 16, B1oCk 2. SUN CLIFF FIFTH ADDITIONF Dakota County. Minnesota. polo/ fAis /5 t,dey ?1 ?fo?r A p, ??g5 C. R. WINOEN 3 ASSOCIATES, INC. b, 040_? a &? - Surraqer, Minnowle RaoisVafion Ne.7726, WE MERESY CERTIFII TMAT TMIS 15 A TRUE AND CORRECT IE?RESENTATION Oi A SURVET Of THE 6Ot1N0AR1lS Of THE lANO A60YE DfSCRIlED AND OF THE IOCATION Oi All WIl01NG3, li AN1; TNEREON, AND Atl VISIBIE ENCROACHAIFNTS. If ANY, fROM ON ON SAID lANO. MAf N r . ExTCrttort ENVEi__or-E nvrrinr,r °n° coMruTnrIoN OWNER; y I I(1 I I : -- ------- SITE ADDRESS; ruori CONTRACTOR;? ?--'- ? --- Determine working square footaqe of eacY) 1. Total exposed wall area..... ? ?4. sq, ft, x.11 = 12 4- 2. Total roof/ce9ling area.,... ?---sq. ft.. x _026- • Total exposed wall area abovr. floor= --1? 5 & a, b. c. d e. f. 9• h. J • Total wall window area.,...,.... ....... Total door area ........................................... ..................... Total sl9din 7ota1 fireplace wallaoeaarea ::::::....... ...................... d Total wall framin area ????????" " " " " " " '??•• Total rim joist area ..,,?aVe1.`?ye 10;;')....... ............. ......... net wall area above floor ....................... .... wall area a6ove floor ......... .................... wall area above floor ....... .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . .......... --- ?" " frame wall area at foundation .............. Total exposed Foundatinn ,,,a- . i ' T - k, 7ota1 foundation window area .... .........: 1. Total net foundation area above gradc,,,,,. .. ?- ----?-?P _ Detei^mine "u" value of each wa)1 ;eqnierit (e•9• window, door, each separatc wa11 sertion) X b. X C._x a U"-----`-}-(- U„-- ?-3l_ „u?? _ ---•-4?----!?5 8 e._._(2z f.? x ,??„--•-?-?____ 5'z 2 9. u,? _ ? - ?-?-- - -'?-?_ h._ X 'lull i. K r - ? •_____ x u?? - k . X ?? un --- ----- 1. ???---- X 3. . . . . . . . -??--- -? ?? ..........................Total , Tf item 1 k3 is the sam1 as, or less than:jtem' #1, you havemetintent of SBC 60 10110 Tvorn?JO •'ll" i:onipllCrtrlon l wga Total exposed rooL/cciling area /m. Total skyli:yht area ............................ n. Tota], roof/cciling fxvning arca (nvcr.ayc 102)... o. Total nct insul2ted roaf/cciling nrea........... Determine "U" valuc t'or each roof/ceiling segment M. X "U" _ n. a lu,l 42, o. .?CP, F3 x lu„ a ........................... Total If total oi 59 is the same as, or less 1:han 42, you have meL• hhe intenL- of SBC 6005 (c) 1. AlternaCO Dulldinq EnveJ.ope Design_ 7b utilize the total envelopo 'system meehod, thc: values esLablislzecl by tlte sun of i.tens 03 and 49 shall not be greater than the swn of items Ikl and I12. 1 • + 2. .2.'7 , /.5 0Z-= z?.?'J! ? s. + a• /gi ?• ( ;.: `i ;,, ...._•?.?:?,,...,.,_... .,. . . .... .... ,.,.. r. ? .r:.,nroxi. my:aann.ronnaeon?.nmrarxwen , ? C..iruE4L FT, 2XposED 5LOG k-"- 3,5 -r x4 + 36 -r- z9 f?s ? I3 z ? \N, O T:ULL F v L. L 2 PL.AQ ji: W,4LL ??-1 38 Sa. P-r, r=ki?'oSED wA LL ?3Locl?'? 13 ? x S - , &?? k.N EE k 5' =- PVLL. I x a = ?oSCP ' - ? , ?----- --?E--Qj _ , ---- - --= ; To tA L ?. W DWS '7- z43<? z4 44 EKaosp,D z? ?C 3g = ? C,Ej L G 7i z, -7-D = ? ?9 33 - zs I?i•33 95,? AZEA D o0?5 ?1 _3? z ?ATlO D? ? F35M4 Uur+S ? ? :_ %cExLZtic znted Hear f1ow up I'IG. 95 • l/,? ?Y.ecc flov up • , e I?vxnted YSC. 96.: . _. . ... . . : -? . • • ls ) t't ?1 ) r-i 5 J ? „?otytl?-_..:':..•'•::"'.-%- • .... ,r.?°? ..:?..? . J???;?i'(•...,..;?: '.?./' /. ??? J . • ' ? ? '???'•.• . i • .' ? . • _ hQ:J-Vm :L20 ? - , - ? . ? }ient ? - ; _ • 11av up • • . . • . . . ' $z,. #7 . .. ?• Con?tructlon R-Valae 1. Tntcrior air film 44? 4. Extcri.or air £i1n (still) 6.61 -- Total (Z i1 S pO '"f O V F?.R+rt o? . . 1. Interior nir filin 0.61 Z 3. li4su1. Z- 38.35 d. -- - I;xtcrior z,.ir f'iln (st,Ll - -:-?-------- •1'otat 2 - P. 15 . . _ . ' V = . 0 [o?.sT.?'?tri my.-- ? 1. Tnsidc air film 0.61 2- . 3. . . ? q. . ?• 5. putsidc , ir. filin 0.17 • Total ??.?.., ? . . . . . . . • 1. rnssae 1s.z filin 0.61 Z. . 3_ . A_ 5. Outsidc aiz filra 0•?? -? Total - v 1. Ynside air film • ?•?? 2. ` • - 1 3. J ?- _----- 4 ' -? . ,. -? Outsi.dc aic filin o.17 , . . TO t3l .. • . . . • . ' tlote: Usa additional sheets if more cpaco i ' . 3necdecl for details and calcu?ations. . ? ? • . 'iwn •i . m, r,r,r,iv)un u( vi,a(iuq aall nrcn !or m•` c.cdit;l?ruct.lun Connlu?r:l (r?n It-Vnlu,: It I li?ni (1.?(,II ?.:? ?. i . . . .. . . .. . . ? 1. in?:hir; :w(r. ' ?••.I .._???5 NL. _ \ ?.1- . r U1?.-T /? I T.? ?\ . ? '' ^ __- --? - G. }:r.lt:rii,r .i4i. (i;m r• 0.17 _...---_-_'.....--------- - I FIG. 11 TOPVIESl OF ? F[UU16lVALL 1. inCrrLur nir :ilin (I.GIf z. Yi...L7rcP._bp _. .. . .--..?__.45 . , ?. y - -__ _---- --- ? - ? ----? --.- --.. __ ..._.. _ ---. . .._ , 6. Es-eeloi:Nbtn.r FIG. 92 7z-011 . C--? - ---------0 ? V C oa ? 4 2 t r t i u . 1 z f i Iin ?/ ? G! • .• .-i ..-_._..? ??r-..... ... • -- ------... __ . . --.... 3 s . _. _ ...._.._... _ .1 ? ,SGA?!J( 4. _.?-t7?LL..?t.l'??.'_'...._'. _'..-.___;.•O.SI 6. };xt(nlo[ nir film - 0.1.'/ J' I',,; y o', 0 1 "•' ' 1.?? 'OeEC I n g l i l ' ) ? h i r f i l i? 0. 6R 1 )1TICll .•? ? ?1. _?_?...?._._?,? ?. ? •------- - . , . , ??, , Q• ?.____....?°- . ' A. Q .. ._ .. ? ky\ ---------..-----....- ?Y ? P .:.?•?.?"? G. l::tl?u?ii?t' .?ir_:_?.?.??_._ -._.--_0_lJ ?. ?' 1• • UC . ?44 St.11ll ON ,INUI: ..... .? • . ? -- - •. . ` .. , . ? . 4 r' ?• ` ? • `: .. C. 13 .? .• ? : ? ? ? ?`.R j? r r n . ?. {w? 1?A17_?•_' - rr?-=- . . • • ?;- ; r'r v ? ? • ?? ? ? ?: i n ? . • ? • - ? ? `. ? ? ' !ll 04 ,ri ? • :> ? il r = ? ? • _, • ?' ? Ilcrl'C: Indlru[e.ty`r, ?'q,..ValuI!, dcoCh And CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FY)R PERMiT SEWER ADID/OR WATER CONNE]CTION 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: LF]GAL DESQ2IPTION: /G, jeir 9 s;,nnl.Cl ?l-h or 1'ax Yarcel l.ll. M]iilbET) IF EXISTING STRL'C24.'RE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BUILDING PERNIIT ISSL?ANCE: on&z (Nb it Year) PRESENT ZONING/PROPOSID LSE: R-1 SINGLE FAhffLY R-2 DL'PLEX ('Pao Onits) R-3 'IbWNEiOL?SE (Three + Dnits) (Aw^Lnits) R-4 APARTMENT/CODIDOMINILM ( Lnits) CONIIMEE2CIAL/REI'AIL/OFFICE IAIDL'STRIAL INSTI'IUTIONAL/GOVEEtNMEVT 2) DIAME: ? ? )rY1(°S aoDxESS: 3 71 ti).1'`7&.d sT' CITY, STATE, ZIP: TO ir7 t-77,.e7S,S.:95Z PHONE: CL?I Z- ?.F? ?z - PHONE: 5) ? • ?• • ?? ?C0101EX.TION-TO CITY SEWEEt .?rCONNIDCTION '!O CITY WATII2 Q OTfERR (Please Describe) 6) i? • • ? PLEASE HOLD APPROVID PEE21,1IT FOR PICK-UP BY ONE OF ABOVE 7) F 0 R C 2 T Y U S E O N L Y PERMIT °: ISSUED F°ES: $ -_ 16- U $ l0-5"v $ S S $ $ ? S?p U $ Cuu uG $ S-af?o -- $ $ S $ $ u . $ $ $ /y-? t? SETiER nEB??IT (INCLuLL JUP.Cf';ARGL) WATER PE;2Mrm (INCLUDL SliRCHARGE) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER WATER TAP (INCLUDE CORPORATION STOP) SE:vER TAP ?r???i::i•r ?_'=C,g-'- _ _ . 1- ..._..=? ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - P]ATER WAC SAC TRUNK WATER ASSESSt•?E:1T TRli:TK SETNER r155ES5i1E:IT LATERAL SENEFIT/TRUNK SEP7ER LATE2rlL BEDIEFIT/TRUNK G'7AT°R WATER TREATMENT PLAftTT SURCHARGE OTHER: TOTAL AMOG'::T PAID.'RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNECTZOIV REQUIRE EXCAVATION ZN PUBLIC RIGi3T OF WAY? F-7 YES IF YES, THEN A"PERb7IT FOR 'rlORK WITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE F-7 NO ENGINEERING DIVZSION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: / DATE: Q ec CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT RNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 Moom FEES WORK DESCRIPTION NEW CONST _ ADD ON ? REPAIR _ OWNER NAME: SITE ADDRESS: /?DX i06e /rO, LOT: BLOCK _ 5UBD. INSTALLER: 2ei-Q?jO? /ieCH- ?G'/UiG es ADDRESS: 17l1 /j. CITY: ZIP: -??-?--? PHONE #: ACL-r/`// 18 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCIiARGE - $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. PROCESSED FIPING = $25.00 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDIISTRZAL SUILDINGS, APARTMENT BUILDINGS, AND MULTI-FAMILY SUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING IINIT. CONTRACT PRICE: OWNER NAME: SITE ADDRESS: IAT: BLOCK _ SUBD. INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: PHONE #: FOR: PLEASE COMPLETE IIPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMZLY DWELLZNGS & TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WHEN PERMZTS ARE REQIIIRED FOR EACH UNIT. CONTRACT PRICE x 18 $ STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL: FOR CITY USE ONLY PERMZT # RECEIPT # DATE: FEES ADD-ON MINIMUM $15.00 HVAC 0-100 M BTU 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS - MINIMUM 3.00 OF 1 PER PERMIT SUBTOTAL: $ zs? STATE SURCHARGE: .50 fiOTAL: $ ° ??.? ..' ?2 s?? SIGNATURE OF P ITTEE $ ( S IGNATITFtE ) CITY OF EAGAN (e 1/9 i'6 2004 RESIDENTIAL MECAANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when pemuts aze required for each unit 30 -s-6 Date 05 , Site Address ? a _C?Z' V, ?OC 0 ??X l `f ? ? ?? • Unit # Property Owner U r ? C? U K AZ f Telephone #((Q S! )? d?(CJ k Contractor /lqoi Street Address ? ? S I'"7 S? St • L? ' City State M Zip S Telephone # (&S/) Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner IL-£ontractor _ Other Add-on or alteration to esisting dwelling unit $ 30.00 furnace _Additional _Replacement air exchanger ? airconditioner _New eplacement other State Surcharge $ .50 Tota? .1UN 1 g $ an - so 8y? I hereby apply for a Residenpal Mechanical Pernrit and aclmowledge that We information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in nFomiance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan ancl with Mechanical Cades; that I understand this is not a ermit, t only an applicarion for a permit, and work is not to start wi a ermit; that the work will be in accordance with the app o d plan in the sg of work w'ch re es a review and approv of pl . pplicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature -- -----------i ? Permit#: I ? I I Permit Fee: I ? I ? Date Received: ? Staff: I 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT Date: '?? J? Q? Site Address: L4 C-0 ` eS " ' Aq??u Tenant: ^ RESIDEN O GG T / WNER Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: _ Owner ? Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description ofwork: 1'('C. K00 F Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes_! No ? CONTRACTOR Name: LC _, License #: ZD ?? I Y D?_ Address: ??? O ?? ? 4 1A1 ?? {J r City: state:-V^ zip: SS'lI? Phon6S L Z ??f C ct P rson: ? g d ? t . on a e COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateqorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet Category Submitted Submitted (4 SuBmission type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: ?NO7E: Plans and supporting;documents that you submit.are consideied to be publoc informatron, Port+orrsaf ' the mformation ma be classffled as non= ric reasons fhaf would ermit the`City #o blic?if y 'r vid ' _ y p , pu ou p o e spea ; i!,,N4?,1,;! conclude that the aie tratlesecrets irr I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a pe nd work is not to acwrdance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review nd appro of plans. ?l" X Applicant's Printed Name LICATION Suite #: ordinances and wdes of the City of ?%a permit; that the work will be in Page 1 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA157583 Date Issued:08/27/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4320 Fox Ridge Rd Lot:16 Block: 2 Addition: Sun Cliff 5th PID:10-72979-02-160 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Suresh S Rajadural 4320 Fox Ridge Rd Eagan MN 55122 (612) 207-0722 Estate Claim Services Llc 6701 Penn Ave S, Suite 201B Richfield MN 55423 (651) 309-1114 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA174935 Date Issued:03/02/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4320 Fox Ridge Rd Lot:16 Block: 2 Addition: Sun Cliff 5th PID:10-72979-02-160 Use: Description: Sub Type:Air Conditioner Work Type:Replace Description: Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Pete DeGrood at (507) 210-0754. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Derek Alan & Stacy Marie Hensche 4320 Fox Ridge Rd Eagan MN 55122 (952) 681-2615 Bws Plumbing Heating & A/c 7251 Washington Ave S Minneapolis MN 55439 (952) 681-2615 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature