4321 Fox Ridge RdCITY OF EAGAN SUN CLIFF FIFTH Owner Remarks Lot 14 Bik 3 Parcel 10 72979 140 03 Street 1+.321 Fnx Ric-3g P RrAd State ?, MN 55122 fC Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF, 1965 357-37 . 30 9' 73 (`z -2.G s , STREETRESTOR. Q 1986 1622.2 324.44 5 4-2-?2• GRADING San Sew Lat O 1986 50 .5 100.52 5 .SO . Cv SAN SEW TRUNK .64 . /(o , p SEWER LATERAL . / 6 1+. 7., o Water Lateral 198 582.46 116.49 5 58 . eo 9 1r 7Z' WATERMAIN 1995 4•55 4.31 15 55. 9 Gr0 ?/ / 2 / Z- u 41- WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 1973- .60 4.58 15 . 6.1 [!Q / Z .2 -d?r 1995 1.94 7.13 15 a. -7 D ea/? ?. /a-a4-8s- STORM SEW TRK p 1971 - 2I4. O ZO. r]3 20 .2, ?? O// .Z ?a eZ ' S STORM SEW LAT 1995 86-95 5.80 15 Storm Sew Lat O 1986 739.56 147.91 5 73 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ervi es 10--4 7 1986 29.1 105.83 5 ?.2 •/ // 53 WATER CONN. 500.00 BUILDING PER. 11143 SAC PARK BUILDING PERMIT "^ 11143 Receipt # . To b wod fer Est. Value Dete ,: ;, ' ?• F , 19 Site Addreas ? Erect ? Occupancy Lot Block Sec/Sub. Remodel ? Zoning Percel No. Repair ? Type of Const. Addition ? No. Stories W Name r J ' ' Move ? li h ? D Length ; Address emo s I t I r ? Depth S F . n mp q. t. b City Phone Install ? Approvols Fees Z uu 9 ? Name Address Name _ Address Nssessment Woter 6 Sew. Police Fire Enp. Plonner Council I here6y ocknowledge that I hove reod this opplicution ond store thot Bldg. Off. I ? rhe inlormotion is correct cnd ngree to comply with oll opplicable APC Stota of Minrxsota Stututes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. Var. Date Slpnoturc of Permittes „ . i _ ..? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 4548100 Permit _ Surcharge _ Plan Revfew SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit _ Tr. PI. Parks _ Copies _ h Building Permit Is issued ta I I - on the express condition Ihat all work sFwll be done in occordance with all applicoble Stete of Minnesofa Statutes and City of Eoyon Ordinonces. Bulldinp pfflciol Pwmit No. Pwmit HoldK Date Telephone # Plumbirp H.VA.C. EMeMo Softenar Inspeetion Dato Insp. Othar Footings I Footings 11 Foundatlon Framing Rooflny Rouyh Plbg. Rough Hty. • Inwl. / S Fireplsce Final Htg. 17 Final Plby. Flnsl ? CeryOcc. Wwtw Dewibe Locatlon: WNI 3ewer Pr. Disp. Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fi1l in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly Tot. 1. Date 101,R2. Installation Cost - IftJ ' ,r•? 3. Job Addres4-?21 FnY,f)lJ?(-C Lot 81k. ? 7tact ` 4. Owner 5. Contractor,4)Rat1f1U S Ni t- eA1C Phone 6, Address?1 62,1 -c 1?rs71ac1oe)U %C x 7. city c JcN State ziP 8. Building 7ype: Residential ? Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New 0 Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11. Fuel Type No. EaLnment 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM Ai H dli Mfg. r ng: an Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. ? Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances- and codes governing this type of work. 5igned :,??i.?/fL1 t au,._ for -? Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8704 PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN / ?• ? 1,? ,, , Fm ? Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly Tot. 1. Date ` 2. Installation Cost r 3. Job Address'?'-) ; r{* Lot ? Blk. Tract 4. Owner , ?' / • 5. Contractor i • „, ?'rC Phone 6. Address st1', 7. City k' State zP 3-b 8. Building Type: Residential Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New Q Add ? Alter O Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No, Fixiures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank ? Lavatory Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray ? Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink - - - Gas Piping Outlets I 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinance5 and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rosd P. O. Box 21199 Eagan, Mk 55121 Zonlnp: _ Owner: Mdress: SfEs Address: - Plurnber. Meter No.. Size: . Reodsr No.: 1 qno to aomPlf mil% lM Aty of Emp¦ O?dinsns?s. WATER SERVICE PERMtT PERMIT NO.: D/1TE: _ No. of Units: 3 Su:t CI By Dots of I ns p.: Connedion ChOr9e: /koount Deposit: _ pertnit Fee: Surcha?9e: Misc. Chorqes: - Total: Dote Poid: 11 ? CITY aF EAGAN SEWER SERVIC E PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road ? P. O. Box 21199 p?µ?T NO.: - - . Eagan, M!1! 55121 DATE: , Zoning: No. of Units: MI': U N AddfE53: I ?- I -, :??1C1 Z ,a V ? C. _ i i ' - 51tQ ?1?fES4: P1umbBr: I yme fo eowolfr wilb fM Ci1p of Eeve¦ OrdlMnaL By Dote of 1 rnp.. Connsction Chaw: Acmum Deposif: 1- i; Permit Fee: Surcharpe: Misc. Cha?qes: Total: DoM Pa1d: CITY 00 EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road , . P. Q: Box 21199 . PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 OATE: - Zoninp: _ No. of Units: Heritag,e Energy Henes Owner: Addross: Site Address• ;'121 Fox Ridge Pr!. 11,14 a-"3 Suu Clif6 _tl2 Plumber . 1;cDert??otC Flt • AAeter No.: PTAnrm on Charye: 1'fi!S .. n. size: Reader No.: 4 %ew -M= • ° 1 Nrw 1e ae?nol?r ai11??Q1?}? ti aat ?... ? u K ? f f nsp.: 3;o ? ? .. BUILDIN6 PERMIT To 6e wed. Mr SF DWG/GAR Est. Volue $73. ( SiteAddren 4321 FOX RIDGE RD Lot 14 elack3-Sec/S.b. SUN CLIFF STH Parcel No. Name HERITAGE ENERGY HOMES INC m z nddress 4655 NICOLS RD City EAGAN Phone 452-5950 ? Name SAME N_ 11143 Receipt # Z 772 Erect !il Occupancy x3 Remodel ? Zoning RZ Repair ? Type of Const. V Addition ? No. Stories ? Move ? Length 52 Demolish ? Depth 4 $ Int Impr. ? Sq. Ft. Install ? Approrals Faas o? Assessment Permit $??52• 00 Address V 1- City Phone Water 8 Sew. Surcharge 36.50 t Police Plan Review 176.00 W Name w Firc SAC 525.00 Address Erp. Water Conn. 500.00 <u=i City Phone Plonner WaterMeter 63.00 Council Road Unit 280.00 I hereby ackrwwledge tFwt 1 have read fhis opplicotion and state thaf gid9, pf{. I0/21?8 7r, pI, 132.00 the in(ormafion is corre[t and ogree to comply with all upplicoble Stofe of Minnewto 5latutes?r?d-?ity of Eo9oance?- AP? Parka ??` \ J \ _ ? Var. Date Copies ?-e-? Sipnaturc of Permittea 15 82 _ n F a Total S0 HERI E EN •RGY HO A Building Pem+it is issued to: _' MES INC on the expreu condition thot all work sholl be done in accordante wit op "cable Stote o Minn ot St utes and City of Ecpon Ordinonces. Bulidinp Officlal CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8700 ` 1985 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS MUST BE LICENSED YIITH THE CITY OF EAGAN To Be Used For; Valuation Site Address: C(,(DC,C Lot: 4y Block .3 Sect/Sub SLu CL1Ft' STM Parcel # 10- /3tj 7q_ i1/o _ o\ Owner Address City/Zip Code INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS 13,000 Date: f7 /' b ? y"S OFFICE USE ONLY Erect x Remodel Repair ? Addition Move ? Demolish Y Int,Impr. ? Install Occupancy Zoning Type of Const II of Stories Length 52 Depth 48 Sq Ft Phone APPROVALS FEES Contractor?L'%' i'?A-(sC (TIl?-f?`?/ IJOrViC-SJ;,c Assessments Permit 35Z. ?,. Add /? ?Ld?j d?n Water/Sewer ? Surcharge ? ?.5 ress - Police Plan Review 11 t-, Fire SAC 25. City/Zip Code s?3 /aa- Engr Water Conn 500. Planner Water Meter {03. Phone ?S?--S 1SV Council Road Unit 2L0. Bldg Off/D- - STreatment Pl ?32. Arch./Engr. APC Parks Variance Copies Address iOTAL City/Zip Code j ??L Phone I! 2?X ?2-` Io°IZx ?5"v - ?3?3 ?jOK'Z2 ` . &(b o x I"? _ ??1 12 x?o ? 120 r, b , 1((g ? ?22?b d??I Foa'.P,o46 W. i . . 0/ Y" FOR:HERITAGE ENERGY HOMES NOTB: O Denotes R'ooden Stake Proposed Garage Floor EI, (911,6) Denotes Proposed Finished Cround E1. -4- Denotes Direction Of Surface Drainage Vertica2 Datum - H.G.V.D '??p 1% 0 h wry / v 1 b 0 ] = 9/7.9 , 1929 9/5•6f y ? ?_ f1c?_ ?? • @..ci. ? .6 ? ? C. R. WINDEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. IAND SuRVErORS TeL 945•3646 1781 EUS11S STy ST. ?AUI, MINN, 85108 Scale: 1'-30' m Denotes Iron llonument I I, eearings Are Aasumed F 4r?o ?v 9 m? //0 ?V` 30 ? \ ?. , , ? . i r? y v v ?Q ti 6126 ? 049 O ? ?... w 0 ? 0 Q ? ?O O '?') ? ryn p?• O 0) ? n •? a? -- 0? ? Lot 14, Block 3, SUN CLIFF PIPTH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota. WE MERE&1 CERTIfY TMAT TNIS 13 ATRUE AND CORRECT RE?RESENTAiION Of A SURVEY Of TME IIOUNDAlIES OF iNE IAND AWVE DESCt1NED AND Of TNE IOCATION Of Atl WIl01NGi. If ANY, TNEREON, ANO Alt VIS1DlE ENCROACMMENTS. If ANY, fROM OR ON SAID IAND. D.n, Dctobei A.D. it 95 G t. INOEN i ASSOCIATES. INC. b 4Q'7 ,?G.?.?G.? Y? }.+"'k ?F1,?'•J?53 J?v.<?.i? '. > -.-t?. IIAIITAT/A?f ? .?,m ? . i. : t;. -.? .::?;r:?.Aq+u }:.,:.. ...?,?`::S?ri:?`..- i ?::•.rw-?+t:..':.te 1;.dwit,:,1. C01f1fOCfOn ". Site Address: ." . - . "70TAC DttiOR 'AREA ` '' ?: r 0 TOTAL GIASS DOOR AREA .":GLAZEO -? ? - 70TAL FIREPLACE WALL AREA 70TAL WALL FRAMING AREA NET INSULATEO WALL AREA TOTAL RIM JOIST AREA TOTAL FOUNDATION AREA(EXPOSED) TOTAL FOUNDATION WINDOW AREA ...:, _ _... .._... .,,? sq:fiz?U'?'rri'i sq.ft x"U° Sq.ft.x"U?? sq.ft.z"U" sq.ft.x"U" YJ? sq.ft.x"UBe 3) TOTAI ? !f item 3 is fhe same as,or less fhan ltem l, you have met fhe lntenf of 2 MCAR 1.I6008 A and O. ROOF/CEILINO CALCULATION3t 70TAL SKYLIGHT AREA TOTAL ROOF/CEILING FRAMING AREA NET INSULATED ROOF CEILING AREA If item 4!s the same os,a fess fhan item 2, you have met the intent ot 2 MCAR 1.16008 A and O. AL7ERNATE BUILDINB ENVELOPE DESIAN To utifize the total envelope system metAod, the sum of Items 1 and 2 shcll nof be yren?er fhan the aum of items 3 ond 4. tq.tt.K"Ull ip_Z62: Z.8 sq.iLxU azZ ?i` ,? 4? TOTAL .I'=-?• ? ? 17 t 2) _ 3J +a1 = ? 1 hereby cerNfy that ths butldinp here described meeta or exceeda the State of Mirmesoto Entrqy ConservaNon Acf. ,r? n X ?-•t . y} 5 s, r E _; ...: •. = _ ??? . . .+,. . . ?.ec. ?. . .. .. .. . ,..?ro. .:.l,... • u 'Fi'Y.rv..?:V?ir+-!{`i'. '-;Y:-fi,.S..:w`iy;c'._'v _,•.?? , , . ? ?. ? . , , _ , • - , WALL FRAMIN(3 SECTION --(( fnterior air film 0.68? . -._..._ ... 2 i/y 5, . 3 ??nches of soff wood (e?7 q ts, Fzt. ??,? .-. _ .. . . _ . _ •-• U = I/R ..., 4'?pqiy"rlw?N" wa.?,waw?, w*+aa«f?-?r-?",•?-. , . •. ; .: .. ,:. ,, :? .. ,MY?L?iC. " . . . .. plk WALL' SEC710N (iN9ULATEO).°j".x ,. . . --?I j,nterlor air film ? 0.68 2 ??z 5•R- .4S 3 S?' ??I6 . .. 9'° 4 '5 g exferior air film 0.17 TOTAL R •1 U = 1/R >IST SECT{ON ? 'nlerior oir tllm 0.68 2 5?b' P.??-h i..is Iqv 3 I'?z' ti.lczv I ,b9 q PE• R4 ?.oro g 15.*awc. •t? g exterior arr film 0.17 TOTAL R -174-Z5 U = I/R '° ATION SECTION ? inlerlor air film 0.66 q exferior air film g 0.17 TOTAL R ke• I 3 _ U = I/R 'I Lo CONSTRUCTION CEILING SECTION (INSULATED) 0 t r' ..Sfo t3 a«? ???L (q 80erior oir film (511111? 0.61 TOTAL R y"l 8 U = 1/R • ?? ;- CEILING FRAMING SECTION 0.61 j I interlo? oir fllm l2-`?? ° ..9? ( 3 12, '- 33,0 "(4 inferior oir film . I (S ,? aeche of aof! wood 4? ' TOTAL R U s I/R-1-0Z=W CEILIN6 SECTION (INSULATED). 0.61 0 interlor oir film _ (2 (3 0.61 (q extarior air film (sfill) TOTAL R U = 1/R VENTED CEiLING FRAMING SECTION ' 0 61 ( I.lnterior air film . (2 (3 (q interior oi? fi7m 0.61 (5 inahes of soft ?o d .TOTAL R U = 1 /R EXPOSED BEAM CEILING SECTION 0.61 0 } Ir ?Ilm {p (3 (S 0.17 (5 rf ri r ir ' TOTAL R L : I/R ? I ?? I I 2/84 CITY OF EAGaN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT -" SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION (PLEASE PPINi) 1) P.PC)PFS2'?^! ACDRESS: eP r Frnr DESCRIPTTcv: [ ol ync aiw (Lc?t/Bloc.k/Stihdivisicn or Tac rarcei I.D. NLrb2r) S'I":L'C^'i'E , DAT' OF C2IGZF1i u;I=S`:G p----'-_Im ISS?r.?:C.: ?-'=r._•,' ??-; PPE= Z':.:Tiir'/?.?OPOS::D U5': PLR-1 Si:;,Z: :??ffLY - ? R-2 DUrT.?.'Y (7{0 U^IITS) ? R-3 ',C:,.'Cvrcg L'^IZTcj ( UNZ•^c) a ..-4 E,c:i:?nn..?.•;m?CC`Z?Ct.ir?;r;?,l ( UiiI`?': ) ? CCNa%1E.°.C1-AI,/:2ET;.i?,/OFFIC:: ? zCliSi'-.?L-?I, ? D.STI'1'L'PZOVAL,/G.?^4'??M-= 2) APPISC.JT (PLEnSE PRiNr) NA?'TE: ? ns'a E-KC_ •r,' /? A'ivRE..C.J: P0. 0-9 6 k g / C+ Y? STKTr, ZIP: Il OSer/lO[ Yl ??/ /L ? PHOVE: 3) pj?„TEll (PLEASE PRINT) FOR CITY USE ONLY NPLME: PDD:ZESS: IS rio PLUHB lICE9SE: ctAa.l Active CITY, STATE, ZIP_ l':..yl ?:?iv ?:? 3 ,7 0 Expired PHO:,IE: NJ, cn ? ? ' ??Sl OOSG PLUNBER UCEYSE N 06.25 -76 M Y Q Not aF Record - arr nicia ?^ ?YLLA?t YN1NI) NAME: c) Q.cusv?l cs / .?u.i /eQ?ra AwoREss: .?66S` ' CITY, STATE, ZIP: t c?5 Q n ?f?J?n 2 ? 5- 1.2 PI-;ONE: 7 4, 5) II`1DIGATE W[-IICfi PERf•1IT IS BEZtiC REQLiESTID: [S] CO?iNECPIO:] 'In CITY S?.YiIIZ ] C0,N=IC:7 2t7 CZTY S%T'IE1t LAI? ? 0'iR:Et (PId'1'1SE DFSCftZEE) 6) P,rDIG,::: C::c.: • ? PI.z"-?SE E?OLD APPROVEp pEP,ti+ST FOR PICi:-U'P BY CNE OF 216GJE ? PT_E'SE :•AIL APP?2UVF.D PFF_•LIT TrJ 1, 2, 3. 69NZU`/C: (Circle one) 7) sic?TLRE: DATE: . . ??! olaLi111?JS i? ? a?s:a?! ? r'+t ?ai?r.? +A s s is?a :a a?R I?aliras?i ? s+s ?c ??sar : FOR C I T Y [7S E ON:,Y PER'V1IT °- ISSUED rcr5: $ l?. g7J . . T !J S?. 6YJ $ $ $ S'6-b 6b $ SaS? s S $ $ $ S S 5-7 6'0 (riCT uiL JUP.C :r3GL) Wo-lTF.R P.".RA1IT (i1:CL'vDL JL'RCHARGL) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSZTJE REi,DER WATER TAP (INCLUCE CORPORATION S^_OP) S :;dcR TAP ---_?•i;:._ ?_=::5?= - ?_.._? ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - i•IAT.°_R wac sac TRGVK WATER ASSESS:122IT T4liNK Sr.WER =.SSESS::ENT Le.TEB.-1L BE:iEFIT/T:?U`IK SE;•:ER LA:ERr1L BEVEFIT/TP.U`IK S4ATER WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE OTHER: TOTAL AMOU\T PAIDjR: CZI?^ ; S?Ze•?D y DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATSON IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES ZF YES, THEN H"PERMIT FOR 'AOR:; WITHIN P[7BLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSliED BY THE NO ENGINEERING DIVZSION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUBJEC: TO TfiE FOLLOWI.IG CONDITZONS: APPROVED SY: TZ.LE: DAT° : ld?Z 2-Id311 . MEMO TO: TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM: CRAIG E. KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN DATE: MARCH 7, 7997 SUBJECT: SUN CLIFF 5TH ADDITION - EASEMENT OVERLAPS In regards to the City Council's request I have researched the possible easement overlaps within the Sun Cliff 1 st though 5th Addition. As a result there was one additional easement overlap discovered. This overlap is located on Lot 14, Block 3, Sun Cliff 5th Addition and was originally provided as the typical five foot drainage and utility easement for Lot 1, Block 4, Sun Cliff 2nd Addition. The property owner of this lot is probably unaware of this conflict and should be notified in order to initiate the easement vacation necessary to insure a clear title. Please find attached a copy of the lot survey for Lot 14, Block 3, 5un Cliff 5th addition showing the underlying easement. ? raig E. Knudsen Engineering Technician ? ' • • ?n s / FOR: xERITAGE ENERCY HOMES NOTE: O Denotes Wooden Stake Proposed Garage F1oor E2.- 917•9 (917.6) Denotes Proposed Finished Cround d2. , --4- Denotes Direction Of SLrface Drainage Vertica2 Datum - N.G.V.D. 1929 C. R. WINOEN i ASSOCIATES, iNC. IANO SUtVEYORS T*L 640• 3445 I341 EUSiiS ST., ST: PAUI, MINN. 65106 Scale: 1'=30' ?{I e Denotes Iron lSonument 8earings Are Asaumed Q ? ?O 47 '? ` ?, 6?e6, f 49.0 \ C.. y!- UNDERLYING EASEMENT I"V (n ..i Lot 14, Block 3, SUN CLIFF PIFT6 1?DDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota. WE MERE&Y CEfTlf1 TMAT TMIS IS A TRUE ANO CORREGT REtlESENTATION OF A SURVEt Of THE WUNDARIfS Of THE IAND AWVt OESCtIIIED AwD OF THE IOCATION OF All WIIDIMGS, ti ANI; TMEREON, AND All VISIAIE ENCtOACMMENTS. If AN1, lROM OR ON SAIO lANO. Cee*I 1his `7r" Joy o{ Ocfabtv A.D. 14005 G!. INOEN i ASSOCIATES, INC. S?r.?r, Miew?»N ?NiUntiM fM. 77LG . , R 4 MEMO city of eagan TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL C10 THOMAS L HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: THOMAS A COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: MARCH 14, 1997 SUBJECT: VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS - SUN CLIFF 5T" ADDN At the March 4 meeting, the City Council held a public hearing to consider vacating an old common lot line drainage and utility easement resulting from a replat of the Sun Cliff 2n° Addition into the 5?' Addition. The City Council directed staff to investigate any other similar situations. As a result of researching the files, it has been determined that a similar underlying 5' drainage and utility easement for Lot 1, Block 4, Sun ClifF 2nd Addition was never vacated with the replat into the 51h Addition. Subsequently, Lot 14, Block 3, has a legal easement of record located approximately through the middle of the lot which is developed with a single family residential structure as shown by the attached graphic. In response to staff's inquiry as to whether the City should initiate this vacation, the City Council requested only that they be informed of such encroachment for consideration of future direction. This memo complies with that request. Respectfully submitted, ? Director of Public Works TAC/jj Attachment: Graphic FOR: HERITAGE ENERGY HOMES NOTE: o Denotes H*ooden Stake Proposed Gatage F1oor E1.= 917•9 Denotes Proposed Finished Grouad E1. , --*r- Denotes Direction Of SYurface Drainage Vertice2 Datum - N.G.V.D. 1929 / ? U r ? . a h / C. R. W1NDfN a ASSOCIATES, INC. LANO SUtvEYOfS Tel {46•344{ I341 EUSTIS STy 57; /AUI, MINM. 8b10g Scale: 1'-30' ?{I e Denotes Iron ?i?{ Monument Bearings Are Assumed E?°-1i , a'?? 8? Lt. n ? 'b n• v C OJ?3' e°? ? ry) t??f I ry O? V 30 UNDERLYING EASEMENT Lot 14, Block 31 SUN CLIFF FIFTH ADDFTION, Dakota County, llinnesota. wE NERESY CEtTIfr TMwT TMIS IS A fIUE AND CORtECi RE?lESENfAT10N Of A SURVEI Of TME WUNGAlIf3 Of TNE lANO AWVE 0ESC1I1E0 AND Of TME IOCAiION Of All WIIDINGS, If ANY, ?NEREON, ANO All VlSIOIE ENCROAC„MENTS. If ANV, FtOM Ot OM SAIO IAND. Doroj rAia 17r? /t,, .) Oci'o%tr A p 19 05 G R. INDEN i ASSOCIAiEi, INC w 1 SYf??ry?1, Yi11MMN RNi?lI?/1M ?. 7 7 Z G .