1440 Highview AveCITY OF EAGAN Addition Sec 31k 75 Parcel 10 00400 010 75 ` state_ Ea.gan,MN 55121 Impravement Dale AMount Annual Years Payment Receipt Oate STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. = GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK : 5.83 39 SEWER LATERAL WATEFtMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 3 1977 ? ?.QQ F 12.00 1 STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIOEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. SUILDING PER. ' SAC PARK I CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Highview Lot Pts. of 6&.1k 1 Parcel 10 32880 091 00 owr,e?6?7??L%' Street 1440 Highview State Eagan. Minnesota 55121 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF, 1982 1635.74 109.05 15 STREET RESTOR. GRADING ? SAN SEW TRUNK 1968 $100. 00 " $3.33 30 * SEWERLATERAL 1970 2320.001 116.00 20 WATERMAIN ?c WATERLATERAL 1970 ZO WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT 1982 740.44i 49.36 15 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. $230.00 1779 10-7-69 BUILDING PER. sac 200.00 1779 10-7-69 PARK INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Dato Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?+ i ? ? ? ? , 1Ili.l('Jlt t.i /ii_t.t •; PERMITSUBTYPE;. ; APPLlCANT: 1 TYPE OF WORK: IiF I'.i t; { {"l' f rih! r i N t,a II ? 1IIAf+w `; !'1 RN kl vJrLlr I1 13Y R)! I. A/?AMti I F ? ------------------ uA„ i Wi I i 11 i t?? 1.;1: •,f? ? ;h, a 4 ?:?f v,?? i ,? .. . - . ,. ; ::; . .].. . .. ? Permit Holder Date Telephone k PLUMBING HVAC ? Inepeciion Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS TE3r INSUL GYPBOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG . ORSAT TEST BIDG FINAL /3? &VA DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS coNDucrivirv TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL INSPECTION RECURD ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road i Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: ?r f+iM+4 19 :1 1* 1.1lo l '1(T !A 1 1 1sry irIirNr'f npnTt=Mt`rt-i INSPECTION . . D n C. T? n A R a: r i t?1w tg Cy -f 1 4J r I 1 N[ 1" A 1 R Y• ti A 1! lV. 61(lF?k 0 N iltt T ':1 A It' (1(4AR t) t TN;f'b f 1111N^ PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 1' L 0 ' ' APPLICANT: . . 1N .?.. `-t VfiHA 1 W Pf KRI 1 NF QiIi HE n F[1Fi AINY F'J upR ? rtt; f1F1"fFt1r11Y Cttr1AF?EI[Nf, F'Iff.'.T1tyfA1 WFV MII , ? Permit No. Pertnit Holdar Data Telephone N ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Commenfs FOOTI NGS FWND FRAMING Fi00FING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST I ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOAFD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST I FINAL PLBQ FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLD(i FINAL 95 I g ( ?7CJ BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTa DECK FiNAL @ 019 2 2??o?! °° iiaQoest Date Flre No. Rough-in In ection ?{ Requiretl? ? Ready Now ?$I Will Notily Inspector ? Yes N. ? ? '?'/ren HeadyP IKite ensed c omractor ? owner hereby request inspection ot above electrical work at: ress (Slreet Box or Ro le No . Giry ? ?? lU/eGr1 iiiiiiC i Senion No. i TownsM1ip a e or No. Range No. ry G c?. Occupant PqINT) , ? Phone No. /? ' Power SuOOIi Atlaress R`C'D /??' ??/ yQ /Y1?St'2ue// Y- eGV r ?S Elecvi mracmr Gompan me? Conlrecmr§ Ucense No. Mailing Atltlress (COnVactor or qvner Making Installatron) Q Fumonzetl SignaWre ICOnlractoNOwner Ma - 4g Installalion) . Phone Number ? ` t5- MINNESOTA STATE BOAFD OF ELECTPIyrcV THIS INSPECTION FEOUEST WILL NOT Griggg-MlAwey Bldg. - Foom 5A73 ?` 6E ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD 1821 Ilnivenity Ave., 51. Paul, MN 5510C / UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) W2-0800 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ow See insVUdions tor completing fiis (orm on back o( yellow copy. n 3 ? l - 4 ? 01922 "X" Befow Work Covered by This Request a L6CJ'. ew Add Rep Typeof8uilding qppliancesWired EquipmentWirad Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (Speclty) Comm.llndusirial Furnace Farm Air Conditioner aner {roecliv) Gon actor's jle a/? ?/?? ?n??/ ?? w?/ G Compute lnspection Fee Below: 3 A) # Other Fee # ServiceEntrenceSire Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 ro i00 Amps Transformers Above 200 Amps Above 100 _ Amps Sigf1S Inspxlor's llse Only: 7OTAL Irrigation eooms ? M Special Inspec[ion Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Ron9n-in oare certify Ihat the above inspection has been made. F;nai ? oe OFFICE USE ONLY This request voia 18 months Imm ' r4TY OF EAGAN N• ? 84?i6 3795 PIlM Knob Raed Eogan, MN 55143 PHONE: 431-8100 -?)VBUILDING PERMIT ReceiPt # ?/ Te be wed for GARAGE e?r v.h,a $10,000 r?„ August 29 ?a 83 Site Addreu laenina/ 144V nigiiview aveuue Lot 010 Bi«k 75 Sc/5ib, Section 4 Parcel # 10-00400-010-75 c Nome Jvuii ncuiluic. W z Addrass 1440 Hiehview Avenue p Ea Qan 55121 phom 454-3112 p Nome Owner ? OU Addreu F' Cit Phone GW Nome u Address l '5 u r:... i ---- I hereby ackrawledge that I have reod lhis opplicntion ond state that the intormofian is wrrect nd og,ee to cam { with all ppliwble $tate of Minnemta $tat e o Cify of EoS?n Ordirronc ? SlOnoture of Pertnittea n emicTc' A Building Permit Is issue t: all work shali be done in ordante with oll ccb?.?5te ? Mir Building Official ' IZ-CC-4-zp Erect XXX Occuponcy R-3 Alter ? Zonirg R-1 Repoir ? Flre Zwro NA Enlarge ? Type of Const. V Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Leng[h 40 Grode ? Depth 26 Sq. Ft.- ADOrovala Faes Assessment Permit 60•50 Water 8 Sew. Surchorge 5.00 Police Plan check fire SAC Eng. Water Conn. Planner Woter Meter Councll Raad Unit Bldg. Off. APC Total $$S.SO on f he express condition 1hnt gqta Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordinontez. ' CITY OF EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Zb Be used Fqr 6 ci rCokrL valuation 000 Site ?Addr ss : 1?q0 40,.kV i"F!.u h-uF nt,L L Iot D10 Bloc]c 'L3 Sec./Sub.S-EC- ? Parcei #: 10 - 00 q2o - ofo - -7 S Owner: k r,- P, E w1 i C? Pddress: IqYD Cq-?AUt`€W AN& , - q City/zip Code: Ectqkr1 ?S/? I Phone #: -?? Contractor: Q r.J 1'V,?? Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Arch./Eng.: Address: City/Zip Caie: Phone #: Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations & 1 set of ener9y cal.cu].ations. Date OFFICE USE ONLY Erect )-/- Occulxzncy /' -3 Alter Zoni.ng Repair Fire Zone /V Enlarge _ Type of Const. Nbve # Stories Deirolish Front (_(o ft. Grade Depth a ' ft. APPROVAI.S F'F FS Assessments Water/Sewer Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. s-2`f APC Pesmit S)O SU Surcharge o p Plan Check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit nYPAL T ? d , SCD - EAGAN TOWNSHtP BUILDING PERMIT Ownez ......... -- '--1....._.....-'-A?."`t'??------------ ----."------'-' Address (preseni) 1 ? ? , `J .? ?-?.:.----- --- ....................... Builder .......... f Addreas ..•-....... 0 ....... --"--------... -- t?s6 o ?-- -y, ?"?'"? yb• ?fK?° N° 2'7'7'7 Eagan Towas6ip Town Hall ne:e . .............. 6Soxies To Ba Uaed Fox Fron! Depih Heighf Esl. Cost ermi! Fee P Remazka a?-•?'°< ? ? Street, xoaa or omer uescrnpuon oi Loeanon I L.07 I tstocs I AOGlI]OR OS "1"lBCI 0911 - I N,6-rtu; This permii doea aot aulhotise the use oi streets, xoeda, alleps or sidewalks aor does it give the owaer or his agea! the right !o ereate anp siluation whieh is a auisenee or whieh pzesents a hazard !o the healih, safelp, eoavenieace and ganeral welfare !o anpoae in the eommunify. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON I?HE PAEMISE WHILE TAE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. ThSs is !o ceriify, ..---•-°--•. __---------------has permissioa to eree3 a._........ ......... . .... ...._....--°---.._......_upoa the ebova described premise subjee! !o ihe p ovisions ai the BuildSng Ordinance for E an Tohip adopfed April 11. 1955. ;? ................................ ..-- ............................................ PaT ....... . ._....._.................-----.._... .- -............................................- Chairman of Tnwn Board Building Iaepectos 6 r /? ?!P T ?1 Gf+06??? ?? ?? 1?1 SHIP BUfLDONG PERMIT Owner Builder Address DESCRIPTION N9 1.78 Eagan Township Town Hall ... Dale -. - ?-- .: ?q?..-.'.??.tal 7 Storiesl To Be Used For Fron! Depth Heighi Esi. Cos! Permit Fee Remarks LOCATION - or This permit dces noi au rise the use ogslreels, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does i! ??ve the owaer or his agenf the righ!!o creale any situ ion which is a nuisance oz whieh presents a haaard 30 the hea !h, eafely, convenience and genexal welfaze io anpone in the communiip. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE KEP ?ON REj?IISE HILE THE WOAK IS IN PROGR S. This is fo cerlify, thal..... ---. .-- " -5Gs%1L1.---has permission ........ . --------------- upon the above desexibe re i e subje ' ions of the Building Ordinance foz Eagan Towns adopied April 11, 1955. . ? ? -""'--......--...... .. ---- -... ..._ :.......... . .._. Per .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "..'.' t-- Chairman of Town Boa Suilding Inspecfar t;ITY 0F EFt(:;AN C,Flf;NIERa 3 7`IiCR11INAI... PlOe 779 DFlTEn 09/21/98 T.T.Ff!_; i.,rea'.:a:J.E, ID, NP,ME;; LANI«fARl; RU:f.l.r?F:R; INr 3?:LO 9001 idfiC) FISG6IU:CEN 124.75 2155 9001 144L1 I-ISf.,FIVSf"N 3.5C) ? Ta+a3. Ficcei,at Art,ount: 08.25 Ck037'isti i1SE:R :f.T?: N(aNF:1' ?tY???t:?aK? ?F?kkt?F?k?F?k? 'M?l?k?t%k?k??Y?%knY:;:,Y?YF%kYr?k:kA?k?k?kXc FERMIT --?C, GtT.Y OF EAGAN 3030 Pilqt Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 19-32880-095-00 PERMITTYPE: euzLorNe Permil Number: 033312 Date Issued: 0 9/ 21 / 9 8 1440 HIGHVIEW AVE LOT: 95 BLOCK: HIGNVIEW ACRES DESCRIPTION: p, DETACHED Bu,i?ld`i'ng-,Permit Type Build'ing Wo;rk Type .Gensus Code` J ? . . .. i,.;a,.. i` --? .. ....? _ ,.: ? n GARAGE/ACCESSpRY ALTERATION 434 flLT. RESIDENT2AL ?,r? i?? ' _? t e v?- i '-; ^' 't i REM#?.Sy.ZEVIEWED BY BSLL ADAMS. FEESUMMARY: vflLuaraoN $7,000 Base Fee $124.75 Surcharge _ $3.50 Total Fee $128.25 Tp??±Tn p Ji • 4i' . p?/ NER' r'zFi'(VDTIR'RK BLDRS 16993135 0001992 KENNEDY? JOAN 611 SNELLING AVE S 1440 HIGHVIEW AVE ST AAUL MN 55116 EAGAM MN 55122 (612) 699-3135 (651)452-1798 I hereby acknowiedge that I have read this epplication and state that the informatipn is correCt and agree to camply with all.applicable State of hln. S'Catwtes and' Gity of Eagan Ordinances. L / i APPLS N fPERMITEE SIG RE J ___ ?r\ ?'3SUED 6 / E=U?? 1998 BUILDING PLRMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EACiAN • ^ ' 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD - 55122 - 6$1-4675 sp C.? ? New Construction Reauirements RemodeVReoair Reauirements c ? 3 registered site surveys • 2 oopies oi plan ? 2 copiea of plans (inUude Deam 5 window saes; poured fnd. design; etc.) ? 2 ske surveys (ezterior add'Rions & dedcs) ? 1 energy wleulations ? 7 energy ealculations Por heated additions ? 3 copiea of trae preserva6on plen 'rf lot plaMad after 711193 roq(uired: _ Ye(s? No -? DATE: CONSTRUCTION COST; DESC?ION OF WORK: V?- KIS Q 2• Cd?1S C ? Xc? GJPfQE?P? STkEET ADDRESS: I"7 qO H I? On e" 'zfi'k, U co S • LOT: ? s BLOCK: C? SUBD./P.I.D. #: A-c r-CZS Name: ?Q_ J Phone PROPERTY Lwt First -` oWNER Street Address:I yy0 H i`v1` w City State: ?VI A/ Zip: Company: F-f rv La/Y1 ;wU..f ?_Phone #: (a 99:3/JS' CONTRACTOR Street Address: ' f Q. I I 1 l? Q/?N •/`( ?- License # O? ciry Cc State: Zip: 5Z-/ / ?-? - , u ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company:_„___-__._ Phone #: Name: Registration #: Street Address: City State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber (new construction ony): and lot change is requested once pertnit is issued. Penalty applies when address chang I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatlon and state that the infortnation is correct and agree to comply wfth all appiicabl State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. " Signature of Applicant: OFFtCE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes - No OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Dupiex ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-plex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 = plex WORK TYPE ? 31 New J( 33 Alterations O 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? !?13 Garage/Accessory ? ? 14 Fireplace ? ? 15 Deck ? 36 Mode ? 37 Demolition Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Building 474 Engineering Variance ? ?- Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City 5AC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Capies ToWI: Valuation: - R N , ., _ . 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscellaneous MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. SAC Code Census Bidg Census Unit °h SAC SAC RJnits r:f.rV r;. EAGAt, CASI.I:f.iii:R:; 9 i'G!"if1:[fdp;l... h!C!r 0578 Dri`(G: 05%r?`7/98 1.Ci4E: !.4'FHf}!'1::.'S3 -D .. Nr'?M ESOl:ON :::a:ln 9001 1440 hfli:ii-;V:I:Fikl ,1 :3;r.?:.75 3422 9001 Wi.7 Fi:Cf);'r!'.i:frl•1 A 24409 'r..'.+..`.`.;5 900: !.440 HTr-i'J:[E:N. A 9.4..00 , 'r„ 7.a:L Rer..eir..rr A;r.a jr,i; ., 63N04 r,; f):;? f.'. f:i % L't;i-R 7;ia 1iAp.C`i ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-32880-095-00 Io 4 S C C7 DESCRIPTION: Mnc SOUND ABATEMENT BuiY"ekfn:g Permit Type SF (MISC.) Building'"W,ork Type ALTERATION tOn€us Cod4z-, 434 ALT. RESILIEN7IAL ? . ?? ! .. . ? Y-„ ,?`.? --'.a?`"'7 ? BUILDING 031926 05/29/98 REM4RK§:REVIEWED BY MIKE BARCK. SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR ANY PLUMBTNG WORK. CONTACT STATE BOARp OF ELECTRICITY REGARDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT & INSPECTIONS. FEESUMMARY: vALuarroN $28,000 ? Base Fee $376.76 Plan Review $244.89 5urcharge $14.00 Total Fee $635.64 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 1440 ? HIGHVIEW AVE LOT: ?BLOCK: HIGHVIEW ACRES r NTRpTn R - nppiicanL - J1. Lll. [? ?p? SQC'01?'"CONST"'INC 17846910 0008934 YvNTfEDV SII CHARLES 9901 XYLI'I'E ST NE 1440 HIGHVIEW AVE 6LAINE MN 55449 EAGAN MN (612) 784-6910 (612)452-1748 ? Z eby acknowledge Chat I have reasl this,applieation'?nd state t}?e ? far; at3on is correct arid>agr`.eeCn'eom?4ly°wft#? "a-11?aPp?'i'cr?bl?'S'fatie?tsf Mntat tes d City ofi Eagan Ordinances, 1 . . _. .t. . r . . _ . . c` .'i X . 14 h ? '. ' .. . ?:' -- . '_.... . .._ . .. . .,.. . . ... ...___ __,m. ? l APPLICANT/PERMITE IGNATURE ISSUED 8 E - - ./S s. ? y 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) ? I G? I CITY OF EAGAN - S/$ C??- '/ ? 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD - 55122 681-4675 New Construdion Reauirements RemodallReoair Requirements ? 3 registered site surveys ? 2 copies of plan ? 2 copies of plans (inGude beam & window saes; poured fid. design; etc.) ? 2 sRe surveys (exterior adddions 8 decks) • 1 energy calculations ? 1 energy calculations for heated additions ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan H lot platted after 7/1193 required: _ Yes _ No DATE: h?EB a'1, (998 CONSTRUCTION COST; 1274CO DESCRIPTION OF WORK: tA15c 4L?F(50u,,j0 CohrraE 0 17VI32? STREETADDRESS: _ I4`lU qfGrf j/tE;w A V ?- ? LOT: 0 1 ?' BLOCK: 0 SUBD./P.I.D. #: Name: kEF.11JED?F4?4?E$ ? ?aAr? Phonesl: y52-17L4 PROPERTY I.act ? ? First OWNER Street J{L64-Jve-w AV City tR6A-fJ State: TAr1• Zip: 55fL( Company: SOCOAI /N C Phone #: 1 B'-I - 61 IO CONTRACTOR ?3?1 p,[.i 6008734 Street Address: ?0 l K? L f i 1c S l ? G License # City TikNPLS State: ?AIQ ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: Name: Street Address: CiIY State: Sewer & water licensed plumber (new construction only): and lot change is requested once permit is issued. I here6y acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: Registration tf: Zip: SS[,/ L/`( Zip: Penalty appiies when address chang is crect and agrge to comply with all applicabl OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Require BUILDING PERMIT TYPE OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex O 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-piex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 14 Fireplace 0,05 SF Misc. ? 10 = plex ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE M?i-c- -??ou j b A-3rt -rt?vnEnr'T ? 31 New 33 Alterations ? 36 Move ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATI ON Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning Basement sq. ft. Main levei sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Buiiding /14S Engineering Variance ?l 3 y n? ? Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City 5AC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies a._ Total: y °k SAC ? ° SAG' ?i Valuation: $ 28 ovo. - ? 16 Basement Finish ? 17 Swim Pool ? 20 Public Facifity ? 21 Miscellaneous MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. SAC Code Census Bidg Census Unit MASTER CARD 1-LOCATION OWNER STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS Permit No. Issued Issued To Coniractor Owner BWLDING ?72 7 2 --4?-7 PLUMBING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK ,? S S WELL ELECTRICAL r • HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER ? OTHER I OTHER I Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FUOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION GESSPOOL FRAMING FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL A ' HEATING • 44 E ? , F GAS INSTALLATION SE? - CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WEIL SANITARY SEWER - -?? 2 .. ,. i ov%- - - ? ' z2 COMMENTS: iL ? Violations Noted on ac I'?? ? !'? COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS TO BE USED ONIY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS PERMIT NO, CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON•COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. DATE OF INSPECTION ? ACCEPTABLE SU&STITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. NON-COMPLIANCE. BWLDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. ? 0 NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPLY. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DEIAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. REINSPECTION REVEALED CE RTI FICATION - I certify that I have carefully inspected the a6ove in which 1 have no interest present or prospective, and that I have reported herein all significant conditions observed to 6e at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and specifications, and any specific repuire ments for off-sita improvements relating to the property inspected. ? ALL IMPROVEMENT5 ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED owre COMMENTS: ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPECTION SLAQ. e OZATIOM AND Bt!@LD3F!G Pff(RMV 5LIP Name Address-_i_?"?r- City or Village Work Phone_? ?- $alesman Countour of Lot A4 Garage Site Pzrmit to be obtained by: Permit No. A,ddition Lot Size _ Customer _ Block No. STREET ? v i v ? -? , r ? - --? ----_'?? ; i- ? -: i ' ; ; ?_ ? ------- -- j I _,._.._.__. ; ---' ? { J Q ? ?.. ? ..., _ . C- ? ? Check here if alley [j Paved r1 Not Paved Width [? Offic, CcPY [-? Cemenl CoPY I - , • Home Phone Home Home Days Evenings r: Flat Miles _ Lot No. ., Gornge Size / ! ? __ Gradual Steep Slope $lope , u -_, 1. . EAGlaN TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St, Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERMIT FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION DATE: October 9, 1969 OWNER•John M. Remick NOMBER 475 Address 1440 Highview Avenue 091-66 AA, . PLUPIBERG?lumhing $ HPating, LTTc$E OF PIPE naa+ iron DESCRIPTION OF BUI7A ING Iudustriall Comerciall Residential I Multiple Dwellfng I No, of units XX Location of Connectfons: Conaection Charge 200.00 pd. 10/9/69. Account Deposit 15.00 pa. 10 7/69 . Permit Fee 7.50 pd. 10/20/69 Street Repairs ToYal Iaspected by: Date Remarks: By Chief Inapector In consideratioa of the iasue and delivery to me of the above pesmit, I herebq agree to do the proposed work 1n accordance with the rules and regulationa of Bagan 1bc•mship, Dakota County, MinneaoCa By. 1955 Shawnee Road, St. Paul 55111 Please aotify when ready for.inspection and coanectioa and before any porCion ot the work is covered. EAGt3N TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St, Paul, MinnesoCa 55111 Telephane 454-5242 PERMLT FOR WATER SERVICE CONNLCTION Datez)n+nhen '71 lcr?Q Billiag Name: John M. Remick Owner: Jvhn M. Remick Number: = bg1 - Y'/I. Site Address: 1440 Highview Avenue Billing Addxesal440 Highview Avenue Plumber: Wenzel Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Meter Meter Meter Readin //? X? Meter Dep. Meter Sealed: Yes Add'1 Chg, Acet. deposit 15.00 pd. Permit Fee 7.50 pd. to/7/69 10/7/69 10/20/69 NO iTotal Cfig. Building is a: Residence Multiple n*o. Uni Commercial IndusCrial Other Inspected by Date Remarka: By: Chief Inspector In conaideration of the isaue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do ttn proposed work ia accordance with the rules and regulaCions of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota. By: Wenzel Plumbing & Heating, Ine. Please notity the above office when ready for iuEpection and connection. REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT ppyMENT COPY PAVA6LE in 1980 DAKOTA COUNN VRWERSYIDENiIFICAiION vro? JOHNM REMIGK TXOMAS V. NOVAK, 4 COUNTY TREASURER 7 GOVEMNMENT CENTEN NASTINGS, MINN. 55033 013T I VIAi,? LOT BlN .. ' ' ' V ;n , r ' . . , ' . _ " - CV: . .. i C. .. .. f ;LO 32880 091 00, 2 Aooa:1440 HIGHVIEH AVE ST PAUI MINN ' 11 °Kt ""' W/S l91M1MDMN<ETVUYF S5121 197 NAMEOFTiV[PAYER ' . . • , ' ..j'?`'• SZ9?JGO . yrl !• .r 't .. n.t. . . If • • JOHN M REM ICK nonRtr xoMEnuoEO uMireo rnAexeT v.Lue a:or 1440 HIGHVIFN AYE IAN. R NI, OR IUM. 1. Alf . T P L HIN ' 5121 ` 48 045 N S AU 5 . Y E S . ' _ - "sESSeo vuue 11r894 To lind oW il yw orv entitled ro o.alond of pan of ywr p.openy iaees f(om, the +to1e of Minnmmo, see the inlormmion on tha baak.ol thi, form. USE TMESE AMOUNTS wMn you fill out Yov. F.opa.ty Tax Refond Porm MIPR: 1 OealNyirvg Tov Amounr 1,028.72 ' limiled re dwelli cg and p to rsn e ooe? fer 340 a a af Ia? oad W bviNings ir ra.m.i 514.3E 7. StaN Paid Nam?fNad Godil Il rhia be. u eha<bd, yw owit d.linqurm, Io..a end may eal oPPlr ler IM v.opnry Taa P.Wnd. GRO55 TAX DISTRIBUTION • ' 7 5T/1tF •?C / COUNTY „ -. . 236.39 S TOWNSNIP ON QTY 185.6F 6 SCIqOI qSTRICT . 568.39 1 OTME0. TA%ING p5Ti1C( . , • 38. ZE a. FlSCAI UISFIIRITY - b. uEVEIOPMENi OISTNICT L TOiAI GRO55 TA% 1 v QZ $.7z 9 REDVC710NS a. SiATE SCHOOI AGRINIiURAI CREDIT 514 36 b. SiAtE PAID HOMESiEAO CREqT . ,o To,AL ,Ax .. 514.36 I I 5'ECIAI ASSESSMENTS . 54 192 IOGI (Se, demd ol RiOFt) . „ TOTAI AMOUNT PAYABIE 706.910 ? j FlOSi NAtF INSTALLMENT 353.45 g sECOnonr,irIns.,uuan,r 353.45 SEC PppPENTYDES(71iilON I IOTITBLKI0#d IIGHVIEM ACRES ; I 30 FT OF LOT b&IE 10 NT )F, N 60 FT (IF N 3601. F7I 00 9 I ? I I I l SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS . „ , ASSESSMENT AMOUNT iAN Sii TRK 40 6.94 ;/W L STRT 76 185.60 , . i . ,.. . . . . , , n .. . . 1'. r ? SPKIAL ASSESSMENi 192. 54 : TOiAI (i0 UNE 11) r INTEYESi INCLUOEU , ? IN ASSESSMENTS 73.21 ? D• • ? 1.4 'i;) ,OM THIS eO, ? ? . ? .... ' t I - . . I ? `dp '10' Z?f3-e.1 Qc)1 '?) ? ?I! )1 r *? ? ? J011Nfd, i? 0 lt.r; , .y l.%r40 Hi''vH'/(f'W','AVF-4i• •,•,y°`i?. i 1 P-!1 U L h1 J f`1 !'-i ii I? I ? ! 4)9 *? .. } . . . . . . ? , ? ities DiQital Oualitv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT PAYABLE in 1978 1 DAKOTA COUNTY PROVERTY IDENTIFICAiION F/O: p5Y' PLAt? LOi BLK CP: . . ? ? , r. t 11 n eooR: . Sf.'t4 ?I •• {tF"T,'.? . 1440 H[f>HV11-45'•1 ?_. PA.eL MjAICy : r .. , NAME OF iA%VAYEP } PROPERTY ,Ill?iTf ` + PYadT(.r(: ' ^v• ... XOMESTEADEC oi i ,"{H V r } +.; AV t' . . . "T Pr1;31_ t4(NN, - , . V? p lSTIMAlEO MAIIKR V4U1 lIMI1E0 M?RIfE! V?W! ?SSiSSiO VAW! YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO A REFUND SEC Tow a TolindoWiiyooa.<emirledroorelundofponolywrpwPerryrnrmiram PRO?FNTVD6CRI?TION l0T &R ? p slwa of Minneaota ue Ihe informotion on M 1h 1 b k f thi , orm. . e a< o s USE THESE AMOUNTS ?? F" ? f ??; ?•r ? r' wh.n yoe Iill ovl your iroperlr Tam Nelvnd Form M.IPR: ' ; . tr".fa.E 7. O?alifying Tay Ameunl * (-' ' T S "? ?.; 7 C I {-: ' '-? !? limibd la dwdling and ons aa. ? dpeinin9 land (1II0 aarx if /arm) ' 0. Srate Feid Nemnlwd Gedir u n.i. s,. i, <h«w.a, Yo„ ewo a.n„q,,.ne,,.., ena m?. ?a SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS apyly b, 1M ?rep" iav Rdund. Gao55 TAX DISiRIBUTION -- ' ASSESSMENT . AMOUNT 3 5T11TE er1 r " n k j.'f y ry ; - -k (? • couHrr 23 k 7' ;/?a t FR T S tOWNSNIP OR diY I 'jt3 . ,/,y + . s scraa asrxirr F,''. ) OTNER TA%ING DISTRIR 1 a. FISLIIL OISPANITY ? ? ? b. DEVflWMENT DISTRICT ! TOTAL GRO55 TAX 9 REDUC710N5 ? ? ? a. STATE YAID AGRICUITUNAI } . AID CREDIi i , b. SiAiE PAID HOMESTEAD CREpT .- , ? 10 TOTAL TA% 11 SiEC1111 ASSESSMENTS roui Is.. a.m.i m x,hn •.1 r . „ TOTAL AMOUNT SPECIAI ASSESSMENi PAYABLE TOTAL (TO LINE i i ) RRSi XAIF INSTAIIMENT r j . DE FO. fFCONC HAIF INSipIIMENi j EMl V. IEXNOER, COUNiY TNEASURER GOVERNMEN7 CENTER HASi1NGS. hVNN. 55033 PAYMENT COPY r D. . • • • :r . j I ? . ?. - . , i . . . . I 7l i . ? . . . .. . ' ' ??.. t a ? 1 y ? ? ? •'? ?R_?d7??V,{ ?`???:'n e ? ?tr . . . . .._.?,. _ ' i ? i , 1978 2 , TO AVOID PENALTY ' ND PAY ON OR BEFORE OCT. 31, 1978 2ND HALF TAX' OFFiCE USE ONLY ? 0 CHECK . +' ? COUNTER . TRAN TAX PD l ? CASM S/N ' rEN M i O MAII " * - , TOTAL ...??. _ _ . , . A ti' ?'+ ??f{_ '^"y CODE: . PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION pST PIAT lOT BLII , 2^..? .'•i• r? ? : REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT PAYABLE IN 1976 DAKOTA COUNTY MINN. EARL Y. 2EHNDER, COUNTY TREASURER GOYERNMENT CENTER? HASTINGS, MINN. 55033 +T/1TE COPY PROPERTY. IqENTIFICATION . , SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR R.E. TA% LAWS NAME OF OWNER OR TAJ(PAYER DIST. . pLAT ?or a?K. cio ASSESSMEN7 AMOUN7 ' W .,-.y.t... . - , ` . , SCMOOL LOAN UIST. COMP. 4; PROPERT OE IPTION i i ? i . ` ? " i I . : .. f. _ . _ ? . < . ;,o ? ? . : ? .. , . ? USED .• ..• . . . i . ? 1 1 • 1 ' I (SECTION AI O• I [STIMATED MAPKETVALUE LIMITED MARKETVALUE ASSESSED VALUE ROPERTY HOMESTEADED • SENIOR CITIZEN •O• ? r , SPECIALA8SESSEMENT (SEE LINE 11) FOR STATE TAX CREDIT FILING PURPOSES ONLY SECTION A INCOME ADJUSTED HOMESTEAD CHEDIT " ro .iny lor mia c,ean u. m..mnum Ibma esbrr w wmoMU rorm M.iNC. MmnxeY IMOms ^OI..'eE Hemm.lee0.nJ q..r. CrMM1 fleNm. (s« in.orvcnon. on e.u) 1. pUALIFYING TA%AMOUNT ? umn.e io e».n,no .na en..cn..aloinina ane ryxa .cm x bom) 2. STATE PAIO HOMESTEAD CREDIT .. ? 3. NO DELINOUENT TA%ES UNLE55 BO% IS CHECKED tiFCTION B SENIOR CITIZENS SPECIAL PflOPERTY TA% FFEEZE CREDIT v yw m. smwr cnivm e.. .u,.nmp n.su..e of .ns oi . smmr cm:.n a.amymy ror mu usJll un tM amounb WsE pelow b[emppta brm M-IMC Mlnrwels, IMOms MbMC Mpnepetl *M frNq CrWII Pelurn ISM In.4uc11uN On Ca[t, ' \ 4. BASE YEFR I - BASE YEAR TAX ? trmIbe ae aessmp .M on. .r. selonmv N^a Gchool Dislrict Taz (Item 9) retluceC by Stete palE ABricullurefand Cretlit in amount ol II tex la leae than S10.00 it must De paiC In lull by Mey 31at II tan Is $10.00 or more Ii muel Ce pafd in full or In equel InstallmeMS by Mey 31s-t end October 31at to evold penalt; MAIL T0: DAKOTA COUNTY TREASUREH GOVEHNMENTCENTEfl SECTION C onoss r" oIsrnieunor. . 8. STATE 7. COUN7Y B. TOWNSHIP ON CITY ? 6. SCHOOL DISTRICi 10. OTHER TAXINO DI3THICTS FISCAL DISPARITV ' 11. GROSS TAX 12. LESS STATE PAID MOMESTEAD CRE01T I.? 14. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOUL (SEE DETAIL ABOVE) 15' TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE • PAY THIS FIRST HALF INSTALLMENT AMOUNT -? SECOND HALF INSTALLMENT DO NOT SEND CASH MAKE PAYMENT TO VALIDATEO CHECK IS VOUR RECEIPT EARI V. ZEHNDER, COUNTY TREA3URER ? REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT GOVERNMENTJCENTER uNTY TREASURER (Z) STATE COPY PAYABLE IN 1977 OANOTA fO11NiV Hesriw:s uiuu ssnao PROPEirtY OENTIFIGATION F/O: ,. . . .? . ' ' ' I . ESiIMATED MARKET VAWE DIST . P"T ? LOT 9LK noon: ' i - - LIMRFO MI1PkET VLLUE SCe00? Loex w/s NAME OF TAXPAYER O6T COMY DIST ? 4 A%ESSED VhWF ? . -' .'.?" .. . , • 1 . .l " ) ?L . . . o , PFOPERTV NOMESTEADEO . . . . j ? ? . . . .. .. . ., , ' I STATE TAX CREDIT FILING INFORMATION reorean oescrsirnoN sec TOWN ??E ' ?SEE INSTRU<710N5 ON 9ACK) IOi BLK SECTION A WCOME ADlUSTED HOMESiEAD CNEDIT ' . .. . Ilyou quolily For this oedif e the amooms ? I w fo <omplete. Form M-1MC I I 1. Ovallfying Tax Amovnt lf li ibd I d i i l d d d IMI if f .p on m o we lo n rp one oue, o a? aon arm) ( i ? .. 2. Smte Paid Homestevd Credit 3. No DelinqueN Toxes Unless Box Is Checked. . SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SKTION B SEMOR CtTIZENS SPEQAI PROPERTV TA% CREDR Crodit If yoa qvolify ior thi; credit use the omounts 6elow b wmplere - - ASSESSMENT qMOUNT Form M-IHC ' .. ?i. ..?i ?i. l. Base Yeor ? Basa Year Tax . ,7 '. , . . . . . ?mred ro ewlliy nna one aae adioidnp loM ' 5. Current Yedr Toz SECTION C GRO55 TAX DISTRI9UTION ' 6. State . 7. Caunty .. : .. ' B. town:hip o. Gry • , • i . - . 9. School Dlstrici 10. Olher Tazing Disiricis Fisml Disporiy x ' Developmenf Dislri<t Arm . . . 11. GRO55 IAX 12. NEDUQION$ ' . . a. Staln Pamf A9ricolNral Credit b. Smfe Paid Momesleod Credit 1$.iOiA( IA% . • 14. SVEQAI n55E55MENi5 TOTAI Isee demil ot righn i ' SPECIAI q55E55MENt5 TOiAL 15. Total Amount Payable . ? .. . ('° l'"° 'a) t First Half Installment ' 'P. ? , .. REAL , Second Half Installment ? ?• • r2. •• °'2a? w 6 t s2 \ , , ? • ? . ? F - REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT GOVE HMENT+CENTER UNTY iqEASUNER PAYA6lE IN 1977 DAKOTA COLINTV HASnuC.s. +niuu. .s.tma (2) STATE COPY , PROPERTY•IDENTIFICATION F/O1 _ . °. .i.! . EsTMeTEDMAPItRYAWE .?-.i.._ CP: DIST ' PLAT' LOi BlK - " ? LIMREO MAN[ET VNLYE Scxaoi LOnn q/s NNME OF TFXPAYEq GIST COMP UIST ASSESSEO VALUE •.'1. n!. ? ? V _ ' . ? ? i • ? 1..: I : . . ? {- . ., . -' ? . , ? .? VROPERTY HOMESTEADED f rV11. . . . '? S7ATE TAX CREDIT FILING INFORMATION artorearr oescrsirnoN sec TowN (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK) LOi BIR ? - SECTION A INCOMP ADIUSTED HOMESfEAD CREOIT 11 You quallfy for fiis aedit the amounts bela fo mmplete. Form M.iHC use 1. Quolilying Tax Amount . - . ? F't 'ti' {=i Lmned 1. dw lli d i 120 d d l d B l e nq on one ava, a n an j ( arm) no am q?, 2. Siote Paid Homestead Credit i 3. No Delinquent ioxes Unless eox Is Checked. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SKTION B SENIOR CITIZENS SFECIAL PROVERTV TAX CREDIT Credil If yoe qealify for this credit ece tha omounh 6elow lo mmpleie ' ..ASSE$SMENT AMOUNT Form M-INC ? t ? 4. Bose Year ? Base Year Tax ? .?:, ?' ? iimded m dwdlinp end ene xro odpininq IoM 5. Cunent Year Tan SKi1ON C GROSS TAX DISTRfBUiION 6. State , Z County i 1 6. Township or Ciy . ? 9. School Oisxici i ' 10. Olher Taxing Disiricls .. . Fisml Dispariry Development Disirict Area - 11. GR055 TAX - 14. REDUQIONS a. Smre Paid AgricolN.al Credit b. Stme aoid Homesieod C.edft • , , 13.iOiAl TAX . 14. SVECIAI ASSE55MENi5 TOiAI isee di ot righlJ 15. TOtOI ATDYf1I POYpbIB SPE[IAl ASNSESS?MtNTS tOiAL First Half InstallmenT D • Second Half Installment . DO NOT P AY TAXES FR OM TH IS COPY EARI V. ZENND[R, COONTT TREASURER REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT GOVERNMENT CENTEN ,• • ? TAXES PAYABLE in 1978 - DAKOTA COUNTV „nsrnNcs, Wr+r+. 55033 • PAYMENT COPY 11141 .. O. PROPERTY IDENTIRCATION . ? i ? ? `Af ' ,? I_ ' { . i t4!1( ^ F/O: ' qsf • ?k.?i ior azK CP: . . .. ? ' 1 _ ? .. Aoort:.?3'r` I Ji . . ... .......... .:. .... : . ... ....? ,.,.. .,. ....?.t. ;t:`i. i "trq ? ? - arr Mv wis . t?- . 3 . nrMAno rANKv vuue _ ?4c1, I NAME OF TA%PAYER . . . .> ? 17 Ol?(yrl•f ,??.? q?• ? .{e F V?"' y I n;'A! fi N . . t ? ' PROVERiY urrt[o ?unkn vuu? ? XOMESTEADED •:"? '" .<. ?'i ,l,{F ? - - --?- " .. i. ` . - •.:7` ? .•,? . ; . n? ' ? ? . . - , ? ?ss?sfeovuW ? ? cn?n?c? ?v n?ccrV??u Tolindoelilyo?o?aenli?lad?oarelundalpanofyoorpraperryloaailrom pR??YDESCRIP1pN ' SK ?p} ?OW! 9V( p Iha Mab el Minnmaa uee M. informorion on fhe bod ol fih (o m ' , r . USEiMESEAMOUNiS ?:i• r r?•.,: ?? ?-?ipl T:' I-+ ?;"' ?;,?. wh*n yoe lill wt row Properry Tax Rdund Fo.m M-1 PR: ' ? i 71i N 1. Woli(yingTaiAmovnf "C . • •? . .r' 1 /fI l I C I , . um+t.d ro a..mnB ,nd o.. «.t, a I I adl i i l d 130 if ( •. r i, I- r .? o n nq on ( eam arm) ? 2. Sleb Iald Namnlwd Gedi1 . l 1l 1hb be. is ch.,k?d, yeu ew. ddinqu.nlluo ond moy nel SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS . apply /w 1he Propwry Tm Rdund. - ? ce055 inx DisinieUTioN ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 3 STATE .. ?l 1(? (?'• '. ,J ? B r !f I i i 1WUNTY 4?e1 .;aTA R.?A iZj i S TOWNSMI?OY QTY y.? 6 SCIqOI 015TRIR t? fp .11 , . . ' 7 OiXEi TAXINO DISTRIG7 f? ?!4 ' a. RSCAI DIS?RNITY b. OEVEIOPM@/T DISTNICT . 8 TOTAL GRO55 i11X • ? , , ? i V REDIICTIONS ' - a. STATE GMD AGRICULTURAI AIO CREDIi . . b. STATE VAID HOMESTEAD CREpT 10 foru tax i-I -i , I. 11 SPEpAtA55FS5MENT5 roGl (5es Mmll m Apin) i= TOTAL AMOUNT SiKIAL ASSESSMENT PAYABLE '?°•? TOTAI (TO UNE i l ) FIIST XAIF INSTAItMENT ? seaoHO NuF iNStnurerr ?ir. . _.?.. l ' ? i . . . ??-, ? . . t• ? ?3 ' 4 V 4 ? ineN CODE: ? ? . ? CHECK i OCOUNTER Tqpi OCASH ' S/N Onwl 2 1970 TO AVOID PENALTY ND PAY ON OR lEFORE OCT. Jl, 1978 2ND HALF TAX , , _ TA% PD PEN PD' + TOTAI PROPERTY IOENTIFICATION p3T ?lAT LOT 1 (l') !? , T i T ? ? REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT EARL V. ZEHNDER, 'avnaie ?in I979 , DAKOTA COUNTY PAYMENT GOPY COUNTY TREASURER GOVEkrvMENt CENTER ( PROVERTYIDENTIFICAiION Fro. JOIiN M? MARY L REMI?K I HASTINGS,MINN.55033 <. y r PIAi l0T BlN • • CP: i 10 00400 OLO 75 1 aooe: 5341 - 42 1v0' AV 5 ' i l W1 MPLS MN OISL OMY • ESiIMATEOMANRlT VAWE - 55417 1971 NAME ni ir1kPAYER 6 .?0") . PR01lRIY NDMIAFIOFO J nHN M F M A R Y L A, F M T C K IIMIIEO MAiNE1 V1WE as nr 5348 - 42ND AV S IAX. t, 1YI1 OP IYX. I. Ifll MPLS MN 5,600 MQ 554 ! 17 ASSESSfD VAWF j 40'{ . YOU MAY BE ENTITIED TO A REfUND sec row 10? 'to Flnd oulA ym me enrAed b o.elund of porr ot your propery ta.eslrom h l l h PROPERTY DESCIIIPTION L07 BLK pr ormwien on r m.nne.mb, eee r e in e back of Ihis brm. ihe sm1e o USETMESEAMOUNTS SFCTI7N 4 TWN 77 'RANIGE 123 -hen yoo tlll om qom Properiy Tm Nelvnd Form µIPR: W 331) FT OF N 3 AFif- i) 6 Iq i ououtYin9 ra. amaun, nF S 1? A OF h!F L/4l i`? Sf? , lim"ad ia dwelling ond one nve i i l d 160 il 1 ' d 00 12 51) 27173 n nq on ( a:rns o jo a.m) l. State Peid Hommteod Credit SPECIAL ASSE SSMENTS 11 rhb baa 4.be<ked. yoo awe delinque?? mves and may nol ior ehe Vre en P l f h d p y . opp y an e n . ; GRO55 TAX DISTRBUiION , ASSESSMENT AMOl1NT ' 3 st•TF .0( SAN S4: Tn }( 40 12.48 acour+rr 47,1", WATFR ARFq 339 24.48 ? 5 TOWNSMIP OR CITY 31.4 . 6 S[FIOOI DISTRICT I 75.7 ' ?] OTHEM iAXING DISiNICf 7.1 i a. FISCAI DISVARIiY 6. DEVELOYMENT OISiRICT i B TOTPI GNO55 TAX 212, i 9 REOUCTIONS i a. SiAiE PnID AGwINITURAI -AIO CRFDIi , b. SiAiE PAID HOMESiEAD CREDIi 10 iOiRl TAX 21 . 04 SPECIRI ASSESSMENIS • rrnai 'See de??n ?r wpnq ? (i ? ? - j„ TOTAL AMOUNT SPKIAL ASSESSMENi PAYABLE 749. ') 70TA1 (TO UNE 11) 3+; . nb i I INTEREST INCIUUED i1R51 HI.IF INSiALIMENT 194.50 IN ASSESSMENTS 1 1 1) . 13 IINCOME IA% PUPPOSF51 ; j SKOND XRIF INSTRIIMENT 12 4. 50 1 . , O• ? , ., A. ? 1(0 ltli4(Y .r J?'??•i i"' r '_?. ? +; ,-r' 8??.'-?;.Le?x::?"??'?•i+0? .?..i_.. ,.,...? ..il... t. ? .,..,?...?...?.t yt 1?ry. ? q I' ? ? 4 w ?r _, ??..?s.c....a.......-.?.?-... 't. ?bJ'''e» 1 y? ( :.?.... - ? d't..? ?? g^jpf y i. ',21 MiC?. 42 M n sl' ". MN ? ' 6 541.7 RC•A?L [STATf: 'TC.X SiATEM6N'i EARL V. ZEHNDER, ? Ph_r,sLe r, i979 , uAKprn couNiv STATE COPY COUNTY TREASURER ? ,J';F-+ + tA :_w+f?i?j ?k?f ?4 GOVEHNMENt CE Tf N R PRCFkkTY 19ENi1rICAiION F/o Ctl \ d D iF 1 r?n5nNG5 MiNN 5503 ? • ?l7-k ? m"`?"-" ?'4'?" F : j j i ( i ?( , . ? r . T j a ?- _ --- Fi' LOT BlK b!S1I PL _ CP ,. 1;, •;+ner, }yi. 0'7 "L noox: 1440 NIf,l141Fii AYF 3cnaa ibav -'- ?? PflUL P01IN P3 EStIMAfED M4FNflvpIUE ?i Rry? ??gj ,4??Mp G 1 q ? {27 NAME OF l ?xPAYEFi h9L ipOP(PivNOMfSttInl1! r'K ' lIMI1fPMAxKfiVqWE ? o? 0 ? t Jf ? 1 ) { 4 : i f' ?Vi F w rIVF' .11R R. i%A OR JIIH. 1. ISF? , b.Y I v F!" 5 5 l 2 Z ,r• •SSESSEO YAWE 7 • il :. ? r ? ?. S Q - . . p .?. . . . ,. YQU TSAY 6E @NTlTLED f0 A RSFUN9 I T I t j fo lir d ooi 1 y?? o• ? iYfled fa c ref., .I p?n ui pov, p uperiv toxes F,om Ihc 9o1e ol fA nnmal rh rlor r . t6 eboek oEIn'sfa .. PPOCERiY UESCRIPTION wT gLK I . . . • J ,?k S ??'k t ???'? ?+ ? USElHESFAMpUNiS whrn you I I o• y. u P ?p g i?r R f,nd fa?m M-IPR: ? ?.4 (( j7V I f'1: J1r ,r ? ? I ?. ,? ?. ' ? y !?''''`? ?' . 1 : ' 6 ?, , ? 4 J? 1 ? ?•l ?a ?l' ? ? ?i le0{,`,.3c ? '1 '•'1 F x?s-? i? 36,d rl tsV 9 . R . . ? F • -,? t ? . s S i .l adi ri d?in ist."») 46 I'??h P i ? ? t; I 1 sJlr ? ?t ? ir li, b n ?fts„ r , eRL,y,O„d y„ SPEC,IAL ASSESSMENTS oPPly 1 6e f.cnnn? i aefdUtn?_ ....>. , { . • ASSESSMENT G RO55 7AX DlSTRIPUTION ' ?. ... _` AMOUNT w. .... ?..,? , . f"? !••' r' F' ' C E'::?'? .. .. . ? i .. ,' ? ' M i .. 'r.?? J . , . 'i . . . / ? I61 _ ? COV NiV ,.. 3 ` 11 ,lo 5/M ! , y,?" • ?n t j t iA f ? •. ' i { j? . ? ?' ? ' " ... . 5 TOWNSH7Y:OR Q'Y ! ( f . Y . E ?iCMVCi Ufilft!Q . 6 >, /t 31 ., {? ,v ] OiHER ip %;4G 01StRICi ' 35. S, ; . e Fiscni o!srns.i,r .p b. OPYEtpPM:yl OL .FfCi -- F 9 iDi0.ti ROSStrt< - . _' . • -- } f)/. • 4 REDUC*i. h5 a in1E cAl[: a.'p JRUxAI ! IU < 4_:yl l .. . b. $?NE F`PID C<.?MPS?[4D ORPI:Ii ?{ .? ?.? ?( . 10 TDTqI fX Z -- --- ,:J?.W:., - ^. , ..--^r?r.----- ?-•rt-r-?,. xi - -' IfSPECIFLA4F'iMGT ? TQTlAI AM[)UNT p PAY n SRECIAI ASSESSMENT - I?gLE [ TOTAL iTO11NE 11) FIYSiN0.lfINAAGWfNT (?71? L 1 INTERiST INQUOED INAtiSCCSAfNFS f t'OI E i v n i ? i?1 7 ? ? ° ? ....-.--?,.. ...._..- N?1YE:...., ? . -.._..r._...._ 1 . ? rr? :? .. ? ? ?? - _ _ _ , l ? A ? ? ? p 7? ' .? ' f-x., C ' SfCpNflHnli?f?'SfA:u.',ENT `F l?.7/; c3? ?WSY????? A? ? Y` • * , - _ ?-. _1. t(}??.L7?d,•..-, • ?? REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT pAYMENT COPY PAYABLE in 1980 DAKOTA COUNTY ?ROPERiY1DENTIFICATION Fio.JOHN M E MARY L REMICK _i. 1? • piT vur ' tor eiK . CP; LO 00400 010 TS 1 Aoox:5348 - 42ND AV 5 asT `?. w : MPLS MN 55417 197 NAME OF 1A%PqYEN rROratnxaMarE?o[o J0NN M G MARY L REMILK .:or 5348 - 42ND AV 5 1,1N. ]. HR OP IUN. I. Di, ? THOMAS V. NOVAK, COUNTY TREASURERv DO NO GOVEFHMFNT CENiER ? 3 ?+R ? HASiINGS, MINN. 55033 1 NPL J • •• ' ?.,...,?...,?:?...?. ..u;.u:?.??......?..,?.....?u:i? ?r r i ESiIMAtlO MAI(E! VAWf 7*920 IIMRED M?RNlI VIWF MPLS MN ' 55417 69760 ND . fo find oot if you ore aniitled m u re(und of pa.t ol you• prape.iy Ioreslrom ihe smte of Minnesoea, see the inlormatian on the back of this lorm. IlSE iHESE pMDUNTS when you fill aut your Prope.ry iaM Relund iorm M-IPR: 1 Ouali(ying Tav Amovnf Limiled ro dwelling vnd vp to ren oves (o. 240 am? of lond and boildings if iarm.j ' 7. 51ota Poid Ibmnhod Credil If tFu 6a: is eha<Led, you ewe delinqvent 1axes and mry nol upylr lor Iha P.opany iax qehnd. . GROSS TAX DISTRIBUTION . . J S7ATE - .0-Q 1 COUNTY . 57.77 5 10W NSMIV OR CITT 45.38 6 SCHOOI D157RICT 138.92 1 OTNEN TAXING DISTiICi 9.3 rj o..FISCM DISPARI7Y b. DEVELOPMfNT DISTNICT 8 TOTAI GRO55 1A1f 251.42 v xeoucnons o. SIAiE SCHOO( AGRINLiURAI f.REDIi b. SiAiE PAIO HOMESTEAp CpEDIi 10 TOT11l iA% SPFCIAL.s ASSESSMENTS ioru ?s a?re?i oi xanri TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE ' HRST HAIF INSTAIIMEN7 '[COND H;IF INSTAIIMENT , Assesseo vAwE 21907 PROPERIY DESCNIYTION SEC TOW ?(ft' WT BlK 41s ECTION 4 TWN 27 kiWGE 123 330 FT OF N 3 A 0IF W 6 IA ? F S 10 A OF NE 1/41OF1 SEI 301250 yJ 2 -023 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS .00',r,r., -;otn' 75 t k. . ... ?..... . .."-7'? ' __ ._._ .. I , z. . ASSESSMENT AMOUNi ' a;:lryfy M E MARY'.:? -I?EM iL_ K N SM TRK 40 12.14 3413. - 42±vU .A?.S ., TER AREA 339 23.52 M1315 MPd 554t7 . . . .. _. ._ ....' ." " _ ... . • u ' • 0 40. a t 251.42 35.66 ZS7.OE SPKIAlA55E55MENT TOTAL (70 IINE 11 ) - 35.66 143.54 INNEASSESSMENTSO 17.83 INCOME I RVO q% PU SES 143.54 ? •' ? S i.? i i ? a ,.,:. < ? ) 1 ? 3. i r*---"---?.?'+? x az f F,?w..????M1: t'^°? ( k?i xy?, .? 7' ? J B^: ??-0,,?Y ?' F? a-r • q? °{ ??,.k?i ? r. >..- , ? ?. ''. . .: ? . . ?. Z kA.9it ? `orr-L s??--/ U ?! n a F v, i` I '§ i' y? ( r 3r =Tc ?4 +aa akst ri --------- - -- : kp ES - -/ ,7 9 C1 ? a a 'to) 4S 4 ?,... . 's-t) O? </::?33 _.C.4PYlv.- V_y,' iw 5:52 ? 1 Z 33 ?5? -- `?--- -------.6i-- -- - r ? = ,a ? - -- - - - ----------- ?-. . - ? ' ..57 z ? ?'• ? ? . ?.? 2 ' ' t ? ` ,. .? .? . . . . . . . ?1 _- . . . i y ' ___?_` -. ?....?.? - ??._. -_??.___..?J. ._ • . • . . . - f3OQ? 4/? _./., pJ_ ? OTTO O. SONGYTROO l(6f[d e?K6af ROBERT W. R06SNt / /?? J08EPX 0. ?MG?R4?K ?0. /? MNLK. 55>08 BR'OFORD A. LEMBEFG ? ROBfiRT D.iR16AAp.D PNONE: 648•4888 NICNARO E. TURNBp - Pfay 22. 1969 TaAm Soard ' . Tovn of 8agan . 3795 Pitiot Rnob Hd. St. Psulg Pfianeavta 55111 Re: Onr Yila 1io. 6049 Geetle?ns . We hava been raqueated by you to stmdy the way in 10bic4 to sesvlce ttus Ja9a 8eafck Property iA the swch heif of aoctioa 40 rith vataz. . Ia revieriag this we feal that dw to prepertr arasrahipo aad 'gresant laok of mry overall develop¦sat plam, Mr. Remick be allamad to abtetia sn eaaaoeaC fsov graperty la ValYry Viatt P1aCoau ffia. 2 and cot?nect Lo _ the watar aala aa Rf.ghr#dga lssrtao. IS Mc. Bam3.ek should aish Ce connect to the rweehipa vater systam aa deeersbad the xolloviag recammendations ass maas: 1. e minimum of 1-1/4" vsps be wee. 2. Ail come¢tfon snd ares ehssges bs mads. bY Dro"rtY wner. 3. All ewu ia installisg c1a liae be paid foz " 4. Thst the assasamaat conafttee aamir up wis6 : fair ixont foot ua"smsae. We vould also racwmsad that the Propmrti!~wners,is the unplalEed .,, artss arouad tbis prapnrs7 try to enms ap vith a tuture devalopaent ' plan ao sanitarq sarer aad wter maiso ioay be i.nstsllad aa aaeded. Youra very tivly, BOHSSTR00I H[aSIIiB? ASAEBI.YH & ASSOCS., IItC. &obext D. Prigaard RDP:li Ce7 Mr. daba Kleiu ? ffi[. John Romliek Eg. Yaal Sans -° _ ' , 4 UTILITY LINE EASLhtENT In consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and o[her good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, F. Douglas Bolstorff and i4t?&M Be1 y?erf! , husband and wife, as Grantors do hereby grant and dedicate tb 0ohn M. Remick of the Township of F.agan, Dakota County, Minnesota, the righi to lay, mainta#n, operate and repair utility lines through and over the following deacribed real estate: A temporary cons[ruction easement over the North Ten (10) Feet of Outlot One (1), Valley View Plateau, Second Addition. It ia further understood and agreed that this easement Ahall be a permanent easement three (3) feet wide, and that in addition there[o Crantors herein grant and dedicate a temporary easemen[ ten (10) feet wide [hrough and over the above tract of land for use during the construction of the utility linea. Said John M. Remick shall have the right to do whatever may be necessary for the enjoyment of the righ[s herein granted, lncluding the right of clearing said right of way and of ingress and egress to and from said tract of land for the purpose of laying, maintaining, operating and repairing said utility lines. I[ is further understood that all damage to crops, fencea, and the like caused by the laying, operating, maintaining or repairing of said u[111ty lines sliall be paid by John M. Remick and that in conaideration [hereof the said Grantors for themselves, their lieirs, executors and assigns do hereby release said John M. Remick, his heirs, executors and assigns from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the above described tract of land by rcason of the laying, operating, maintaining or repairing of said utility lines. IN WITNF.SS WtiCRFAF, the Gran[ors have hereunto set tlieir hands and seals this day of , 1969. Witnessed: / ? STATEMENT OF aEAL ESTATE TAXES PAYq, -E"IN 1?75 lAKO i A CtSURTY, MINN. Ll TAX RECEIPTS SVBJECT :)CANCELLATION BV COUNTY REASURER FOR DISHONOR F NEGOTIABLE PAPER OF. I'HED IN PAVMENT. _ _ _ 9AKE CHECKS PAVABLE TO: EARL V. 2EHNDER COUNTY TREASURER _ MAI L TO 0.KOTACOUNTYTHEASURER COURT HOUSE HASTINCS. MINN.55D33 'VOflTANT: IF THIS PROPER•' MAS BEEN SOLO PLEASE I_TVRN THIS STATEMENT TO 4fSOFPICE wITH NAME AND DDRESSOFVVRCMASER. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR _ _R_E, TAX LAWS _ _ PROPERTYIDENTIFICATION SCHOOL LOAN VOC.SCHOOL OIST.: ?317 i //?LU? ' Sf U • NHH • HOMESTEAD NON MOMESTEIIO TA%I?GE TRX • NERRL6SCHOOLOIST.DEBT. R DIST PCA? LOT B K D DIST. COMP, WqTERSHEDDIST.: NUN PL AI ICAB LE M • M?ICHINERV Z pL LOTHE OEBTTAX . L . C/ Cl ' COMMERCIALIINDUSTNIAL NCI NOME STEADCREDIi ESTIMATED MARKET: 31 , O U D OiNEX • w 55E5SMENTS SO 32890 O9S AO L L97U NFSL LIMITEDMARKET 3i 000 NI - NON IMVPOVED : g . VALUATIONOR NAME OF OWNER OR TAXPAYE R PROPERTY OESCHIPTION sEC. Lor nnr?ce TOWN + ASSESSMENT + TOTAL TAX/ASSMTS. JCHN M REMIGK HIGhVIEW AGRES S4N'SW 1?RK 40 1 1 7194 1440 FIGHVIEW AVE W 30 fi OF LOT 6 E U F S/N'L STRT 76 1 1220140 5T PAU1 MINN , 55121 OF N 60 FT UF W.3 ? F OF 9 H ,11016A0 TAX1 1 1959130 •:'E' L W 330 F1 OF I I TAX2 1 1 37 142 ,. . ,,. 9 i I ' HC 1 1325 100 I I I I I nd HA TAX APPORTIONMENT TAX ANO/OR ASSMTS. I_F I STATE OF MINN. ASSESSMENTS I O O 1228 ? 34 ? ? d. I I n I I I I 3 DAKOTA COUNTY r_ R 2 1 1975 I MUNICIPALITV SCHOOLDISTRICT, ? '1 L 2 '15 ? , 1642 140 •? I I ? 1 I I I P I OTHEfl TAXES ?, .. i 46 134 I " ?ID I I I I I I I ' . . ? 'I I ' I I ? I I I I I I HOMESTEAO.CREDIT I 1,3?r7 100 I I I I I 1976 TOTAL TAX 9 U 0 ? "6 PT UNTII VALIOATEO F L 1876 TOTAL TAX ? ? 9V Q ?? 6 ; OR FUI AMOUNT! 06Uri1 )-03115 4'`-J'v.O 3 B' t ? ? U j ? vv ? 1S PIL? Ib ooyon o?o ?S ? ? ScNoot DiST' z;;; :,. ?'Cc1/oN? 0 TwN Z. W 330 rT oF /l 3? )oA o f r y??/?o?S? e ao ? ? Do 12So ? ? va?23 o ° h '?z ? . ? 0 0 ?=- 0 ? ? cle p a -^ ? ?? - .sity oF cagan THOMASEGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAL) Mayor EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55124-1897 ON nF S Dnv t PHONE (612) 454 8100 . ? A ? ? P FnX: (612) 4548363 nM vatwiFrin THEO[10RE WACHTER Coundl,MembeS May. 9, 1991 rHCN,v,s r+EOGrs Cly Ad.riinbtmtor . EUGF.NE VAN OVEk9EKE - Gty COrk ' MARY REMICK 1440 HIGHVIEW AVE EAGAN MN 55121 RE: HOME OCCUPATiON 10-32880-095-00 - Dear Ms. Remick: The Community Development Department has received complaints regarding an illegal home occupation taking place at the above-referenced location. Our records show you as the owner of said property. Home occupations aie allowed in the City provided certain criteria is met. I have enclosed a copy of our Home Occupation Ordinance for your review. Please contact me at your eadiest convenience so we can discuss this matter in detail. Sincerely, Michael J. Ridley ? Project Planner MJR/js Encl. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportuniry/Affirmative Action Employer BEA BIOMWIST MAYOR . .. ' . THOMAS EGAN MARK PAqRqNTO CITY OF EAGAN JAMES A.SMRM THEODORE WACHtER 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAO ., coumaL ueMaeAS - EAGAN, MINNESOTA ' 75122 1 - PMONE 434-11100 October 9, 1980 il 4».a, THOMAS HED('iE5 CRY ADMINISiR/•TOF AIYCE 90LNE CITY CLEFN Re: {rProject #292,?Improvement 80-30 (Highview Avenue Street and Storm Sewer) 1?---- - ?--- -' Dear Property Owner: On July 1, 1980, the Public Hearing was held to consider the installation of streets and storm sewer on Highview Avenue from approximately 100 feet east of High- ridge Terrace to Pilot Knob Road. As a result of that Public Hearing, the City Council ordered the installation of storm sewer and the west half of street imorove- ments'for Highview Avenue only. Subsequently, the City, through its consulting en- gineering firm, prepared detailed plans and soeeifications for this improvement. As a result of these plans and specifications, and advertising for bids, the estimated cost of this improvement has been adjusted based on the bids received on October 2, 1980. This information was brought to the Council's attention on October 7 for con- sideration of bids. Subsequently, the Council awarded the contract to the lowest responsible liidder. The attached is the revised preliminary assessment role based on the bids received. It is anticipated that construction will start within the next seven-ten days with completion estimated by November 15 with final turf establishment to be completed by June l. The field engineer on this project is Mr. Jerry Bourdon who can be reached at 454-1532. If you have any questions regarding the bids received, the revised pre- lir.iinary assessment role, or this project, please feel £ree to contact me at your con- venience. Sincerely, ? ? <<! a A/VA,?- Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jac cc - Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator Ann Goers, Assessment Clerk TME LONE OAK TREE ... TNE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH-AND GROWTM IN OUR COMMUNITY. "REVISED" BASED ON BIDS F.ECEIVED PP.EiIP.tI?IARY ASSE32.I:7: ROLL PROd-CT #292 for Vlest } Niohview Avenue Street & Storm Se^:er Oetober 7, 1980 °_L ?;:) (LUT) (C:'lNEF.) F.F. EST. AA.40UC]T O10 00 (Lot 1) (Drenakhalr.t) 280.00 Ft. _ $ 2,256.60** 021 OG (Lot 2, E}) {Sperling}. 165.00 Ft. = 1,329.80** 022 CO (Lot 2, W}) (Selby) 165.00 Ft. = 1,329.80** 031 00 (Lat 3,"+137.25 (T;vomey) 137•25 Ft. = 3,988.92 of E167.25) 032 00 (i.ot 3,13137.25 (Lentsch Co.) 137•25 Ft. = 5,288.92*** of =?04.5) .00 033 00 (Lot 3, E30') (Lentsch Co.) N/A = 042 00 (Lot 4>E100' (Polski) 100.00 Ft. = 2,906.32 o£ :72;0' ) 043 00 (Lot 3, U125.5' (Gott) 125.50 Ft. - 3,647.43 ar.d Lot 4,E100' ) 044 00 (Lot 4, E100' (Knutson) 100.00 Ft. = 2,906.32 of W130' ) 04E 00 (Lot 4, W30') (Knutson) N/A = .00 053 00 (Lot 5,W1001 ) (r4urohy) 100.00 Ft. = 2,906.32 052 00 (Lot 5,E100' (Grose) 100.00 Ft. = 2,906•32 of ;7200' ) 051 00 (Lot 5, E130') (Hanes) 130.00 Ft. = 3,778.21 062 00 (Lot 6, E170' (Skar) 170.00 Ft. _ 4,940.74 Of ''N4301 ) - 063 00 (Lot 6, E1001). (Dlickolai) 100.00 Ft. = 2,906:32 070 00 (Lot 7, E140') (Bahr) 140.00 Ft. = 1,128.30** 071 00 (Lot 7, 'N1a0 (Olson) 190.00 Ft. = 1,531.27** 082 00 (Lot 8, W}) (Solberg) 140.00 Ft. = 1,128.30** 090 00 (Lot 8, Ei) (Odink) 140.00 Ft. = 1,128.30** 091 OD (Lot 6, W30' + (Remick) 85.04 Ft.*= 2,470.37 part of Lot 9) 092 00 (Lot 6, E30' of (0'Toole) 85.00 Ft.*= 2,470.37 W 6J'+ part of Lot 9) $50,948•93 TOTAL ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE 2,590.0 L.F. Str?et & Storm Sewer.($29 .06 /FF) *'.ii.^.im um Footage *wStorm Se:ver Only ( $8.06/FF) C'1REVISID" PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL K:?-J-uly_1,._1980 - PROJECT #292 • for West z Highview Avenue Street & Storm Sewer PARCEL N0. (LOT) (OWNER) F.F. EST. AMOUNT O10 00 (Lot 1) (Drenakhalm) 021 00 (Lot 2, EJ) (Sperling) 022 00 (Lot 2, Wlf) (Selby) 031 00 (Lot 3,W137.25 ('Ibvomey) of E167.25) 032 00 (Lot 3,W137•25 (Lentsch Co.) of E304.5) 033 00 (Lot 3, E30') (Lentsch Co.) 042 00 (Lot 4,E100' (Polski) of W230') 043 00 (Lot 3, w25.5' (Gott) and Lot 4,E100') 044 00 (Lot /+, E100' (Knutson) of w130') OC46 00 (Lot 4, W30' ) ( Knutson ) 053 00 (Lot 5,W100') (Murphy) 052 00 (Lot 5,E100' (Grose) of W200') 051 00 (Lot 5, E1301) (Hanes) 062 00 (Lot 6, E170' (Skar) of W230') 063 00 (Lot 6, E1001) (Nickolai) 070 00 (Lot 7, E140') (Bahr) 071 00 (Lot 7, W190') (01son) 082 00 (Lot 8, Wi) (Solberg) 090 00 (Lot 8, Ez) (Odink) 091 00 (Lot 6, W30' + (Remick) par t of Lot 9) 092 00 (Lot 6, E30' of (0'Toole) W 60'+ part of Lot 9) TOTAL ASSESS ABLE FOOTAGE 280.00 Ft. _ 165.00 Ft. _ 165.00 Ft. _ 137.25 Ft. _ 137.25 Ft. _ N/A = 100.00 Ft. _ 125.50 Ft. - 100.00 Ft. _ N/A = 100.00 Ft. _ 100.00 Ft. _ 130.00 Ft. _ 170.00 Ft. _ 100.00 Ft. _ 140.00 Ft. _ 190.00 Ft. _ 140.00 Ft. _ 140.00 Ft. _ 85.00 Ft.*= 85.00 Ft.*= 2,590.0 L.F. $ 2,055.20** 1,211.11** 1,211.11** 3,2$5.77 3,285.77 .00 2,394.00 3,004•47 2,394.00 .00 2,394.00 2,394.00 ( 3,112.26 4,069.80 2,394.00 1,027.60** 1,394.60** 1,027.60** 1,027.60** 2,034.90 2,034.90 $45,o3g.3'7 Street & Storm Sewer ($23•94/FF) *D.4inimum Footage **Storm Sewer Only ($7,34/FF) 1-7 ???? '4?614,0 Nov, 3, 1979 Eagan City Council Eagan City Hall 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, NA1 55122 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned residents of Highview Ave. from Pilot Knob Road west to about 120' west of Highridge Terrace, request that the City of Eagan perform a feasibility study to determi.ne the costs involved in upgrading Highview Ave, to a blacktop road along the area described above, (The above described section is about two blocks long and is that portion of Highview between Highway 13 and Pilot Knob Road which is not blacktopped,) We understand that by signing this petition for.a feasibility study we are in no way committing ourselves to this project but only to the study which will determine various aspects of the project such as eosts, road width, drainage etc, Sincerely, \ .? ? i ? , r ?J ? 0 Is e ? 9 Y90 j sj ?4trGi O so -O 1 . .. AVE. v° H/GNy/fW ..?: @obl?f A 6/ n < < Annl Moi 6rabarv1ki ? L.AWRr-f.1tE T ? . ?` CJSTFft d. WIFE Z A c. OSO-Oi. ii , eoy« Ca?o/y? t, Mar f SR s , y r /9 VE. v J h. EyniCe / Y I . ,! t ,/ohn .YJ• J Pe /niC,E? ,/ohn E 5. 0 3 r John E. Ei/?tn E• , Av e, r o' Taa/s 9 p' reo% j „I o,; Fj1N " ?/ v L I w/'snce T. 1 y ? a z I . s W ; S ` r ? --?---- ? . o . . . _-_ ?L/J ///1 t Q.! 1'?' _ _--- --- , ? ,/?y.n` JC1NN? QTUOLC= ...I . . ? J U y T hV CL} LA WFtL'N CE JSTt- . Wi?B 010-lS OA. 0.'7S fo. I C'1+r4?i?A? P?sY ?-------..._.----- -- --- -._. -- ----? I Louisr i9uyt F'u?sy_ 3 Ac. I c.rlo-7t n3o-!a t C. ? ? . ( Y c t ' b i?. ' , / .. . ._ . . _ _'. .. 7 1 .4 C rC f ' ; U 5 i ? : n P r v ? 1- n pSO •O1 Z.+c . ? O$D'O1 ? 4 o ,•i ? " .. . ,. .. .. ,, iio ?, .I1 " ... .. •!? . • ?}du .7 O .7 o Z/O A///I00 SCv/?? C'a9tr L. 6 Pr9?? A. ? i T , ! Rf Ofl / 2 3 4 5 ? 7 Q 9 0 •? . ,rirlil/f 4 Cd? LMa?t?CsP?dy ?? ? ? . 4o.? I 19 - 7 ? q 7 146A I46/ /ys7? 19s7 .. ¢ ?? s,o/, g ? . H</ l E W 3? r C y?y? I-?6? /ZLSI oLbl 9961 69b/ • i t s .4 N ? v ; 7 6 P 9 io ii iz?. ? i?rs ?QZi i469 1465 , ? ? W ( ip ? 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G40-7t      ñü    õ ÿ ÿþ þýýü ûúû     ùüüýý îîç ìòì á ðçô  â   þý   ýüûúë æ÷  ýüûú ö üûúëúÿ  áý  ÷ ý ìâìåýúÿû Ý  ñýÿ ù  ñýÿ æ ò æúÿ ý æÿæ è  ÿç þÿ ççôô  ý æð  ú  úú  æÿþð ÿ òý òð ú ôÞÿÿ ÿæÿÿ é ý  ÿ ÿúÿýæ ú é ÿ êééì ÷ù  ý ðÿ ÿ êéé Üÿýÿâþé  öúô  óò úúÿ áòúáò ç ý ðÿõÿÿü ÷ÿ ü  ßßï Ùÿ ç  ãÜÿûïõììú÷ ÿ îßâíìßáý üØ ð ûÿô ðÿ ðÿç ÿð ÿúúÿÿ ÿðÿðæ òÿ  ÿÿ òúûôðÿÿúúÿÿ æï ÿÿý ÿ÷ûæ ÿ ÿå ÿ é úúÿÞ  ò ÿý  ýû ÿý  City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink 1 1 For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: S5-00 Date Received: 12_ 30 / 1 \ Staff. 2011 SEWER AND WATER REPAIR / DISCONNECT PERMIT Date: Description Of Work: City Sewer City Water 7 Repair Disconnect Critor+4n &Li,/ Ln y,2ciJ Street Address for Proposed Work i4 4 b OWNER Name: R.j Ara ELizek- _ Address / City / Zip: e. Fee: $55.00 Phone Applicant is: Owner ✓ Contractor Name: Licensed Pipelayer Master Plumber r✓ Property Owner 14Aveari,/e_11,J4i;filLd-L, Address / City / Zip: 557s—S— Phone:74 Pipelayer Training Certification Card #: or Master Plumber License #: ,d 5"g(,,5"1,i0/ I acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate and that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes. I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit. .,41N NAl./(A Applicant (Print Name) Applic. is Sign ure CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One CaII at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA166638 Date Issued:01/25/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1440 Highview Ave Lot:095 Block: 0 Addition: Highview Acres PID:10-32880-00-095 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Alteration Description:Basement Fixtures Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (miscellaneous)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Brian M & Jennifer C Remick 1440 Highview Ave Eagan MN 55121 Good Quality Plumbing LLC 10621 Penn Ave S Bloomington MN 55431 (612) 242-0090 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature