2794 Hwy 55STATE OF MINMESOTA Department of Public Safety State Fire Marshal Division EXIT INTERVIEIN n. Date: -, . -? ? Time: Name: c? Phone: J )T..t Address: R 7 14w 5? ,???• c.,.? Owner of Premises: -- C- In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statute 299F.011, Minnesota Uniform Fire Code, inspection of the above premises was completed and the following violations and/or deficiencies were noted requiring corrective actian: Code Violation Summary Deficiency and Corrective Action / //! iJ / i e' ?• ? 1 ? ? .. G'`! /1/ c . ???? ? s ?? / f ?° ?? ?.? j.l, s r, ?.. ?•r• ? wa s e f ,.v o r ? /o ? .. ' _ • . ? / / ? / . . y . -"? Y4. • NOTE *Signatures indicate receipt of copies For further assistance please Owner/Representative contact the Fire Inspector at the following number: ? • ? ? ' Fire ChiefJRepresentative Fire Inspector, Fire Marshal Division •- J?l L? ' 1' _ . : -fv, . - Distribution: White - Owner/Representative; Canary - Fire Chief/Representative; PS-06057-02 Pink - Division Office; Gold - State Fire Inspector CITY OF EAG^AN ?- Fiemarks Addition Kollofskis Plat Lot OwnerVL 1 10 Street 2794 HG A F'Cl;1Q 55 cei 10 42900 010 02 Eagan, MN 55121 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURR. STREET RESTOR. GRADING 5AN SEW TRUNIC 1968 100.00 3.33 30 SEWERLATERAL &$ttlb 1972 4713.50 235.67 20 WATERMAIN * WATERLATERAL 1972 20 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 1984 2760.00 184.00 15 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ? ATER CONN. 1975 $1610.00 $322.00 5 BUILDING PER. sac 10727 5-30-74 PARK e,.._- Cnnnartinn (trai nv-1 sgnn nn 2770 9-11-70 I CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Ea%an, Minnesota 55122-189 ? (6"12) 681 :c}675 SITE ADDRESS: ?. PERMIT SUBTYPE: . , PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: ? Date Issued: APPLICANT: 1 Ft? nt i ;;:., t r flf k: lN[a 11?1 c r> l r? 4 r,9 i•;ir, ) TYPE OF WORK: I , F ? L Permit Holder Date Telephone M PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Dete Insp. Commente FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP 80ARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PIBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLOG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS corroucriviTv TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FINAL j , . • ? ? EAGAN TOWNSI"ISP BI,IILD19VCa' PERMIT Owner /jl..---._ Address (presen!) su;iaer - - ----- . aaa:asg .............. r.- N° 432 Eagan Township Town Hall De:--------. 114:.-k ........... Sfories To Be Used For Fron< De !h Hei hPI Esf. Cosf Permii FeeI Remarks 4-1 ` LOCATION \ I axreez, noaa or oxner uesenpnon ox Locanon I LOI rtoax aaamon ox zraex o&kl' s This permii doesso! aoiize !he use of sireels, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does if give Yhe owner or his ageni ihe righiio areafe any situation which is a nuisance or which psesxnis a haaard !o She healih, safely, eonvenieace aad genesal welfare io anyone in ihe eommunily. g THIS PEAMIT MUST BE I. EpE ?EMIS£ WHI peImisOn Kf o s e, escf aO:C.?.TG?.(l?G=?:.^ ... .................... upon This is So cerfifp, ih has . t?__... !he above described premise subjecY fo tho provisions of fhe Buildin , Ordinanee fqa ?'?ownship-adonied April 11. 1955. i ,-p? ? `- .____.._..._...__ ............._....__.... :eC?- ..._.............4? ... ? . ..... .. . . __.. ---?--..... "- ...- - - - -.:.. - - - -- Chairman of Tawn Bnard \ Bu?din ins/p?or \_ • EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT N° 2134 Ownex. -... k:!a-.r.-'- _:• ?-???""-?•-'' ..................................... ..............?------ --_"--_...-------._........ Eagaa Township Address7p er sen-4J ....... Y`.... ...... ..?:4.... Town Hall / ° . ... ....... . Huilder ...................... --°-------........-°..._----......__.............----------.... Dale '-'-._........?'-'.?..................... Addreas ...... ---........... -° -"---. _ -' .................... ......... _... _......... _....... _.... DESCRIPTION _ cries To Be Used For Fzoni I Depfh I FIeigh! Esi. Cos! Permif Pee - --- Remarks 7 ot_71"'%i 11??7 i l ?.r-r-zi rJ". "-, uJj-U;?. /,C .L/ LOCATION or I i I ;,- I Y--V {te, C?. kc 'S This pesmit does aof aulhorize the use of sfreels, roads, alleys or sidewelks nor daes it give the owner or his agen! the righ22o cresie any siYua2ion which is a nuisance or which presenls a hasard !o the healfh, safefp, eonveaience and general welfare fo anyone in the eommunifp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE gKEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGAESS. This is !o ceriifY, lhai..,/,/...._L.cr.?cc:r.5:' --------------------- has permission fo ereet a---- ............ ::.? _upon '--°.... _..-- !he ebove deacribed psemise aubjec! !o the provisions of the Building Ordinance for Eagan Township adopied Apsil 11, 1955. ? ^ , .'. .................................. .. Per --......._?............. ....................... .." ........................ .. :...... . -....""'-"'. ' Chairman of Tnwn Board Q Buildin InsPector , /.;.) .tol/a fsLi SPfiCIAI. USE PEMIT EAGAN TOWNSIIIP DAKOTA COUTITY, PiINNESOTA The Board of Supervisors hereby grants to &Awrence M. Coss of Z79G Hi?r? 55; ct pn„t_ MN 5511TL Special Use Permit pursuant to applica- tion dated )_ln_7,) for the following purposes:sReeial use for nobile..bomP sala? tnr fnr 73zasr_ Sih9pet to ffincing renr of lot and that the p_npex*y io maintai a i++ na r And ripan eonditinn d auitayjy screeaed from adjornin6 neighbnss Dated: S_9_79 Fees Paid: $50.00 . SYe Chairman Attest: Clerk ' ` / d? /co1-10:?S/ci` SPECIr;L ITSE PEI41,11T Fi>C.AN TOWNSf:IP DF?KOTA COU14TY, MINNESOTt, The Board of Supervisors hei•eby grants to gPruce Motel of 2794 HiFr,hway /f55 a Special Use Permit pureuant to application dated 11/19/69 £o?- the followittg purpo6es: Ztvo (2) Buainesa aigna located on Hiphwav 455 Sign Nos. 48 & 49 Dated: hovember 19, 1969 Fees Paid: $ 30.00 B C airmon l+ttest: '??_.,? i ?'. _.?,', ? Clerk nncES sx Service Availability Charge (SAC) Commercial Detasl Q New Building Onty Alteration (change in use ) Addition {] Demolition with New Use (Attach to Form MCES 92A ) Proposed Occupant I Type of Business Site Address Building Permit No. I Date Issued I Total Square Footage CALCULATION OF SAC CHARGES : Use Ouanti Retail sq.ft. @ 3000 sq.ft. Per SAC = Office sq.ft. @ 2400 sq.ft. Per SAC = Wdrehouse sq.ft. @ 7000 sq.ft. Per SAC = Other - Determination Made by :_ _ Date ? Demolition Declaretion Only (Attach to FoRn MCES 92D ) SAC UNITS TOTAL CHARGES (n umts) C G ^ {e'` 1 Site Address ` Z 9 9 Y Demolition Permit No. Demolition te Total Square Footage I 33/2,7- CALCULATION OF SAC CREOITS : W s st nce rior ta 1973 ? ?" es [j no SAC UNITS a prewous use in exi e p y If no, Original Buikiing Permit No. Date Issued Actual SAC paid for space irnoNed: (choose one) 0 Entire Building [j Portion of Building =^_ Additional SAC paid for space irnrolved: Bldg. Permit No(s) Date(s) _ TOTAL CREDITS If yes, Use Quanti G^ u^its> 1973 Retail sq.ft. Q 3000 sq.ft. Per SAC = 1973 Office sq.ft. @ 2400 sq.ft. Per SAC = 1973 Warehouse sq.ft. @ 7000 sq.ft. Per SAC =_ . Othef St < <4e,P ;h vu/?C rr.•, ,(? !` UO/S9 P Actual SAC paid after 1973 : Bldg. Permit No(s) Date(s) Determination Made by Date TOTAL CREDITS (in uni6) If a determination for this location was made by MCES, please reference date of letter or attach copy. NOTE : Oeterminations based on phone cornersations are only estimates. NET SAC UNITS = ( 0.5 rounds up Ca whole number in units )- It NET SAC UNITS is a CREDIT BALANCE, please ? indicate how many will be reserved as... Site-spec'rfic'k- units of credit (Form 92RCR) ? or taken as... Ciry-wide units of credit (Form 92A). MSSCMODII METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 11-SEP-98 Bcreen 1 OF 2 Maintain SAC Data MSSCM001 11:38:44 Function: (Add, Update, View, Inquire, Delete, Quit): V Record No: 0015788 SAC City: 5046 location City: 0000 Report Oate: 05/74 Business Name: SPRUCE MOTEL Address Nunber: 2794 Prefix: _ Address Street: HIGHWAY 55 Street Type: ? Suffix: Suite Number: ,. Intersection: Building Permit Number: UNKNOWN Business Type: 285 SAC Charge: 6•00 Special Code: QT SAC Credit: 0_00 SAC Net Paid: 6 letter SAC Assigned: Letter Reference: Letter Charpe Comment: 10 ROOMS @ 2 ROOMS/8AC, 1 APARTMENT= 1 SAC Letter Credit Comnent: Memo: NO, PEAMIL NUMBER HIT RETURN TO VIEW SCREEN 2 ? 0 ? D U m ? Post-iP Faz Note Ta it- colV' I Co.roePt. ? LS Pnonesca8{• ?tqn l PIMe SO (a0a.lf.?1 Fax Nl71 SI. Fax YI ?? • IO.3O ? m ? ? A Qi t0 a ? i 7671 Oa1eq'y ?Of i ? Rart ? • ? m CLTY 0F E.AGhN C(-tSNIE.R: S TF_.F.MTNAL N0: 336 DATE;; 09/02/33 7IME, 16:00:12 ILi: N!-IhfEw HOFFE:ECI; TF;UCf:ING2 SNC. 3210 9001 308 LAWRNCF AVE 50.00 2155 9001 908 LAwe<Nr.,E Avr 0.50 3e1.0 9001 2795 LTNI1E. I._N 50.00 e155 9001 2r95 i_tNDr-. i_N 0.50 .=,?=.a.O 9001 2739 I-zNnF LN sci.oo 21..."?5 300:1. 2799 LIPIAE: L_M 0.50 3210 9001 912 LAWkNCf_ AVE 50.00 2i.55 3001. 912 LFlWRNCF AVE 0„50 32.0 9001 316 I...F1WfiNC[ AVF_ 50.00 2i.55 9001 91f LAI=II{NCE AVE 0.50 CR03t;865 CC)N'iINUC USf:R .T.Dc NFltJCY CONTINUC ?k'MYF?k*yF???(?XYFYn7k7k1X?*M?X'M?k#M'M?Y 'M??kk?? 'M7K?7K?F?#?k? CONTSN(JE CITY OF EAGAN CASN7:CRt S 1'FhMTNFlL NCJ: 936 DATE;: 07/02/38 TIME: 16r00:14 IU: NAME. I-IOFFbECF: TRUCKINGs It,C. 32:I.0 91701 2794 I-IkIY JJ 50.00 ^GSJJ 3001. 2734 H41V 55 0,50 ;:ie:i.o 9001 2788 Hwv e;s :;o.oo 2155 3001. 2788 H14Y 55 0.50 ? To#al Recei.pt Artiouni;d 353.50 CE'096865 lJSCR ILre NFlNCY ''YdYFY,<XtSK1R?F??FXt?%??k?k?n?X??)k:k7K?X??YXR(X<?(?1kiK '*9(?Si??C?(# FERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot KnQb Road PERMIT TYPE: Bu z?. D I N G I?IinneSOta55122-1897 PermitNumber. 033222 ` (612) 681A675 Date Issued: 0 9 J 0 2/ 9 8 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.s 10-42960-010-02 DESCRIPTION: 2794 HWY 55 ? LOT: 1 BLOCKe 2 KOLI,OFSKI'S PLAT 641"Ld1n§?;Permit Type 8,Uii.Iding 'Woea-k Type ftensu5" Gotle'?' .. Z«4 _ n ? '? t5 ma; a ;na• Y vpN i?.•e' ?Y_ix i{ , . L:F?n..aiYl. " MISCELLANEOUS DEMOLISH 649 pEMO QTHER ,2 ? ? n^e i'4s i5£ £is. ?m3dl i„? ?a £?reAelfi ?Atsis??k e?& ea F t . ?a?v _ REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee $50.90 Surcharge .50 Tota1 Fee $50.50 WO??IP?1, Y?2URCKTNG INC. RPP1i2q692367 P.O. BOX 474 LAKEVILLE MN 55044 (6P2) 469-2367 OWNER: CI1'Y OF EAGAN 3830 pTLOT KN08 RD EAGAN MN 55122 (651)681-4600 I _ .-? ? 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) ? CITY OF EAGAN 681-4675 Submit fellowina to obtain necessarv oermit Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Improvement structural plans (2 sets) architeCtural plans (2 sets) arohkectural plans (2 sets) civil plans (2 sets) sWelural plans (2 sets) code anaysis (1) ° cpde analysis (1) " eivil plans (2 sets) projed specs (t set) soifs report (1) Iendswping plena (2 sets) Key Plan projectspecs (1) codeanetysis (1)" energywlwlations (7)notalways"' Special Inspeetions 6 Testing Schedule " soils repoR (1) Electric Power & Lighting Form (7) not aH+ays " SAC determination let[er irom MCIV1fS - SAC detertnination letter from MCNVS - SAC determination letter from MCANS - cs11 6 02-1 000 call 602-1000 call 602-1000 Special Inspections & Testing Schedule (t) ? projed specs (1) energycalculations (1) " Elaetric Power 8 Li htin Form (1) ° Gontact Builtling Inspections for sample Food 8 Beverage or Lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Call 215-0700 for details. DATE:_(e-3I - /8 WORK TYPE: NEW REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION COST: ' TENANT NAME: SITE ADDRESS: r?7 /19'_?Q_g, LOT )i_ BLOCK a- SUBD. ?6 ? ? O?S 1? 1 S V`C"? P.I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER Name: &Vy ef?'( e5A9? Phone #: Last 1 First Sueet Address: City State: SUITE #: Zip: ie4: 7 b,l?-Z3? ? CONTRACTOR License # City State: MV- Zip"-56-0- ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: Name: Registration #: Street City State: Sewer & water ticensed plumber (only it installing sewer & water): I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application and state that the infortnation is correcl and Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. so I of Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 18 Comm./Ind. WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATiON Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning ? 19 Comm./lnd. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq. ft. sq, ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Buiiding Engineering ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolition MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered Census Code SAC Code Census Bidg. Census Unit Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/WS SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units Meter Size Valuation: $ #b?dtVoFcaglan October 9, 1997 THOMASEGAN Mavor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN MR & MRS PHILIP KOR THeooorze wacHrea Ccuncil Members 4925 ROYALE WAY EAGAN MN 55122 rHOMas HEOGEs al sdm,rnsr,arar RE: AIRLINER MOTEL KOLLOFSKPS PL?Tvarv ovEaeEKE - 2788 HIGHWAY 55 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 SPRUCE MOTEL , , i rlerk = 2794-HIGHWAY 55, LOT 1,-BLOCK 2, KOLLOFSKI'SP - T ? _ - - -- - -- --- - - ------? I Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kor: The City of Eagan would like to invite you to join us fo discuss the future of your properties at 2788 and 2794 Highway 55. We are extremely concerned with the amount of calls the Police Department and Fire Marshal have received regarding your buildings not being properly secured. During 1996 and 1997, these two departments logged 42 complaints regarding these structures. I think we can all agree that these structures should be demolished due to the dilapidation, physical damage, and unsanitary conditions that exist. We are well aware of the negotiations undennray regarding re-development of this area. It is not our goal to derail any development proposals by prematurely requiring demolition activity at these sites; however, we have the responsibility to our residents to abate any hazard that exists. Minnesota State Statutes 463.15 gives us the authority to require building owners to remove hazardous buildings. If the Fire Department could use the buildings for training, there is a possibility that costs to remove materials could be reduced. We understand yaur desire to coordinate demolition with site re-development and would like to continue to work with you in this regard; however, it is imperative that the buildings remain secured or we will need to proceed with demolition. The City of Eagan is looking forward to working with you to find a way to achieve a safer neighborhood. Please contact me at 681-4699 so we can meet to discuss this issue. Sincerely, Dale Schoeppner Assistant Building Offtcial DSfjs MUNIqPAL CENTER 3830 PiLOi KNOB ROnU THE LONE OP,K TREE EAGAN, MINNfSOiA 55122-1 S?? iHE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITV PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX_ (672) 681-A6 12 EqUal OpportUnity/AHirmqtive ACii01l EmplOyEf DD'. (612) 454-8535 MAINTENANCE PACILIN 3501 COnCFiMAN POWT EAGAN, NIINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX. (612) 681-43E0 IDD- (612) 454-8635 - city of eagan TO: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: JANUARY 13, 1997 SUBJECT: AIRLINER MOTEL SPRUCE MOTEL 2788 HIGHWAY 55 2794 HIGHWAY 55 L1, 61, KOLLOFSKI'S PLAT L1, 62, KOLLOFSKI'S PLAT MEMO After reviewing your message questioning the collapse of the Airliner Motel roof, I asked Dale Schoeppner to perform an on-site inspection of this site. He found that the site was secure and it did not appear that the roof had caved in. For your information, I am attaching some previous correspondence on this property. A meeting was held between Mr. & Mrs. Kor, Owners of the property; Community Development Director Peggy Reichert; and myself to discuss options to redevelop this site including leveling and hauling away the motels. Since that time Dale Wegleitner has been keeping these properties secure. The most recent contact the City had on this property was with Harry Hansen, Architect for the Kors, at a meeting on October 11, 1996. Present was staff from the City's Engineering, Planning, Fire, and Inspections Division to discuss options for the two properties. 1 hope this answers your concerns. If you would like more information, please contact me. Chief Buii ng Oificiai DR/js airliner.tlh city oF eagan gaA THOMASEGAN Mayor January 11, 1996 MRS PHILIP KOR 4925 ROYALE WAY EAGAN MN 55122 Dear Mrs Kor: PATRICIA AWADA $HAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Atlminisfrafor E.J. VANOVERBEKE Ciry Clerk This letter will summarize our conversations over the past two months concerning your properties on Highway 55 - the Airliner and Spruce Motels. As we have discussed, the City of Eagan's Chief Building Official, Doug Reid, and I, as Community Development Director, believe that the two motels are beyond economic reuse. They are currently safety hazards and we believe they should be demolished and the properties redeveloped. Thus far, the City's Fire Marshal hasordered,you to keep the buildings secured and boarded up. The City has not yet officially ordered you to demolish the structures because we are hoping to work with you to find some private investor who will remove these structures as part of a redevelopment of the property. However, should this option not be realized within the next few months, it will be necessary for the buildings to be removed. You have also asked if I have any information on land values in the area. While I am not an appraiser, I do have periodic contact with buyers and sellers of property in the vicinity. It is my understanding that industriafly zoned land along Highway 55 is generally selling in the range of $1.00 to $1.85 in today's market. I believe the County Assessor's Office has access to actual sales transactions and can give you additional information on land values in the area. I hope this information is helpful to you. Ptease let me know if I can be of any further assistance. We will be talking with you later this month about the status of your buildings. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Sincerely Yours, . AWV,,/- Peggy A. Reichert Director of Community Development PAR/js kor.phi MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122•1897 PHONE: (612) 691-4500 FAX: (612) 681-4612 TDD:(612)454-9535 THE LONE OAK TREE 7HE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OppoRwityfAffirmailve Actlon Employer MAINTENANCE FAqLIiV 3501 COACHMAN POINi EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681 •4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD:(612)454-8535 , ? - city of eagan MEMO TO: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 7, 1995 SUBJECT: AIRLINER MOTEL - 2788 HIGHWAY 55 SPRUCE MOTEL - 2794 HIGHWAY 55 The Airliner and Spruce Motels have been abandoned since 1993. Up to and including this date, the units of the moteis have been secured and broken into numerous times. The most recent correspondence from Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal, dated November 1, 1995 requested the owners to secure the structure once again. On November 20, 1995, he spoke to Mrs. Kor and gave her three additional days to board up any openings or the City would hire a contractor and the bill would be assessed to the property. As you know, Community Development Director Peggy Reichert has met with the owners in an attempt to redevelop the site. According to Ms. Reichert, Mr. and Mrs. Kor are conceding to the fact that the Spruce Motel should be torn down; however, they still believe that the Airliner could be rebuilt and business operations could resume. After making a site inspection on October 7, 1995 with Dale Wegleitner and videotaping the buildings, I don't believe that Mr. and Mrs. Kor have a clear understanding as to what extent the buildings need to be repaired. The following is a pBr ial list of items that will need to be completed before the buildings can be occupied. A complete list will need to be submitted to the City by any contractors pursuing the project. 1. The water supply lines will have to be replaced due to water being left in the lines and freezing, which caused the copper to split. 2. A septic tank exists in the laundry room which is not legal. The waste and vent will have to pass an air test before passing an inspection. A number of breaks are apparent. The toilets that are not functioning will have to be replaced with toilets that have a capacity of no more than 1.6 gallons. All plumbing work must be done by a licensed plumber. R ? - city of eagan MEMO TO: PEGGY REICHERT, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1995 SUBJECT: AIRLINER MOTEL, 2788 HIGHWA.Y_55 SPRUCE MOTEL, 2794.HIGHWAY_ 55-- This memo is to advise that the Protective Inspections Division has been working with the property owners of the Airliner and Spruce Motels to secure the buildings on these sites and to insure that they continue to be secured. These buildings have been declared unsafe by the Uniform Fire Code and Building Code. I have asked Annette Margarite to call me with information she may have regarding the state statutes on vacant structures and the best method for removal of these buildings. Once I get this information, I will so advise. ` ??•-- Chief Building Official DRfjs ?-'jS.?J,i: jfit'':'+I ?; - 612 681 4612 ?; ?,- ?:-.,J.-.?1 ro ;b??l?rrcrrarrcE Fr,??i; J a1aogon CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESUTA 55I22 Office (612) 6824600 TDD # (612) 454-8535 Fax # (612) 68I-1612 TO: FAX # COMP.4NY DATE TIMF # oP Pages to FoHow FROMc ff'hese arct betng transmitted as checked 6elocr. i ^ For Approval - As Requested -?. For Pubtlcation ? Commints: , ._ .d?.. For Yonr Use ? For tteview & Comments High Prior[ty ??. C Note ta Facsimile 4perator ??I'-' Please'detiver ttiis fax transmission to:{he above gddressee. If you did not reeeive alt of the pages in good , cond'stion, please contad us. Thank you. THE LONE Qqi( TREE,,, THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND 6R UR COMMUNITY Equaf oppoRuoitylAftirmative AcNon Emplayer 16 -19-95 1) :- 1.1 612 681 4612 Cip, ;;. _...=.:1 .; P;fAiiJTcP1AP1i;E ' tBL'SC P0$•4 F(YZ5'80 56-Bi-Ot f I i F•0 1jL,0 u ; 2805 Dodd Road • St. Paul, Minnesota 55721-1519 U3A 0 (872) 452-8100 • FAX (812) 452-0598 City of Eagan Attn: Tom Hedges, City Admi:dettqtor Dnn Chapdelaine MUNIC.IE'AL CEN!'ER 383Q Pilot Knob Road FABwL MN 55122-I847 Phom 612-681-4600 - Fax: 612-6814612 Re: fiagan Growth end Business-Rela6ect Topks GetttIeme,n: October 19, 1995 Thank you for your letter to the "Eagan business owner or manager". 'Ihis lefter wlll ConHrm My etbendance at your Meeting 1, October 23,1995, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Dart Trensit Thank you for the im+itation. prtor to the meeting, F woald appreciate yoar research in cieaning up two dllapidabed buildings located on Highway 55. These two buildings are the otd Airlhrer Mote7 (currently boarded up and a biight in the neighborhood), and directly acs'oas the mad, the old 3prrrce Motet which is in a aevere state uf deterioratlon. Please take a couple of minpfea dnd drive by theee hvo facilities and Fet me know what the cily plan of action is fvr titem. Thouaands of ve}.ricles per day drive the Highway 55 corridor, now th8t the Mendota Bridge hfls been oPBned, axtd treffic is incrEasing every week. Highway 55 is becaming 4 corrider to the MrnneapnlJglSooeE pmil jnkrnotiona! Airpost, and moborists must thlnk that the city of Eagan has smrely r21i1xed their building stattderds by tolesating these two boarded-up, ansi$htly buildings. I can't believe the neighbure have bolesated it for dvs long! So, my main topic of conversahon, will be, °What fs the City of Lugan ylamiing to do with the ol8 dirNrrerand oirl SpnucMoielP„ ' Snoerely youes, Jaxnes D. Imre Generai Memger arenanmeiso,mvr . Contracter 1or ProteCtlve Caatngs and LlNnyy 1br Indwtry, M Aft7naum Actlon, Equal OPPa'4mItY EmPloyer. Qwnn OVER 2,000 PRWE01'8 COMPLEfED 2w 60GON £5=80 S6/6iz0[ fire department . DALE NELSON DAVE DIIOIA Battoilon CNef -^RAIGJENSEN :itV oFeagan . 6attanonCnief 3795 PILOT KN08 ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55722-1318 PHONE: (612) 681-4770 TDD: (612) 454-8535 FAX: (612) 681-4771 November 1, 1995 THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Admininetmtot EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Mr, and Mrs. P. Kor cin,clerk 4925 Royale Way Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kor: This letter is in regards to the property at 2788 Highway 55 and 2794 Highway 55._ - These two addresses are now vacant and the buildings have been declared unsafe under Sec. 11.601 of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code and Sec. 203 of the Minnesota Uniform Building Code. We are requesting that you once again secure the building from any unauthorized office person(s) entering. This means all the doors in the motel and the 2794 address be done. All work shall be completed within ten (10) days from the receipt of this letter. Tharik you for your anticipated cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitaie to contact me. Sincerely, Dale Wegleitner Fire Marshal GWikmk cc: Peggy Reichert, Community Development Director Doug Reid, Chief Building Official Dale Nelson, Fire Chief THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWiH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunlty/Affirmative Action Employer :ity oF engan LI, .fl) z, ?koilo?f ski's -P laf fire department DAIE NELSON Cnief DAVE DIIOIA Banonon Cniel CRAIG JENSEN Banonon Cnbe 3795 PILOT NNOB ROAD THOMAS EGAN EAGAN. MINNESOTA 551 22-1 7 1 8 Moyor PHONE: (612) 681-4770 TDO: (672) 454-A535 PATRICW AWAOA FAX: (612) 681•.,771 SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CouncJ Membels THOMAS HEDGES CiN Admininmotor 1994 I Apfli 6 ERBEKE O EUGEN CVn C , I k Mr. and Mrs. P. Kor 4925 Royale Way Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kor: This letter is in regards to the property at 2788 Highway 55 and,2794:Highway 55:, These two addresses are now vacant and the buildings have been declared unsafe under Sec. 11.601 of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code and Sec. 203 of the Minnesota Unifiorm Building Code. We are requesting that you secure the buiiding from any unauthorized person(s) entering. We are also requesting that this be done within ten (10) days from the receipt of this letter. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. If you have any questions, pleasa do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 136 Dale Wegleitner Fire Marshal DWlkmk cc: : Doug Reid, Chief Buiiding Official Dale Neison, -VI Fire Cfiiet=? ?- • THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOI OF STRENG7H AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY G7fv O? MEMO TO: DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK FROM: ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN DATE: JANUARY 14, 1993 SUBJECT: REVISED REF FOR 2794 HIGHWAY 55 lOT 1, BLOCK 2 KOLLOFSKI'S PLAT SPRUCE MOTEL I have recomputed the REF's for Lot 1, Block 2, Kollofski's Plat located at 2794 Highway 55. The total REF's should be 3.3 instead of 5.76. The total area was reduced to 1.17 acres and the impermeable surface was reduced from 75°k to 40°k (40% equates to 2.8 REF's/acre) My computations are based upon the City's 1/4 section maps and the City's aerial photographs flown April 27, 1992. Ed Kirscht Sr. Engineering Technician cc: Michael Foertsch EJK/jf ! EAGla2d TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERMIT FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION DATE: S;eotember 10 1970 N[1MBER gin ltE51?U-?"S/C.l OWNER: Larry Coss Address 2794 Highwav No. 55. St. Paul 55118 PLUMBER Wenzel PlumbinQ & Heating 1yPE OF PIPE cast iron D&SCRIPTION OF BUI7DING Industriall Commercfall Residential I Multiple Dwelling I No, of units xxxc trai Location of Connections: Connection Charge 200,00 pd 9/10/70 Account Deposit Permit Fee 10.00 pd 9/16/70 Street Repairs Total Iaspected by: Date Remarka• Sy Chief inspector In consideratioa of the issue aad delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulationa of Eagan Towmship, Dakota County, Minneaota By Wenzel Plumbine d Neatine. Inc. 1955 Shawnee Road. St. Paul 55111 Pleaee notify when ready for inspection and connectioa aad before any portion ot the work is cwered. , WA?.VER OF .(EPRING REQUEST FOR UTILITY IN.PROVGMENTS I/47e hereby request of the Village Council' Village of Eagan, Minnesota, utility improvements on and over pxoperty owned by me/us as follcwss (Y4ention type of improvement, e.g, water, sanitary sewer, etc.) WATER CONNECTION CHAR.GE Ttie location of said utility improvements shail he generally as fo:lows: Lot 1 Blk 2, Rollo£sk's Plat Parcel 3867 $1610.00 I/F?e hereby waive notice of any and all hearings necessary for t:ie installation of said improvements and further consent to any assessm-izts necessarily levied by the Viilsge of Eagan for such improvemaats. I/4'e further agree to grant to the Village of Eagan any easements sary for the installtion of such ir.iprovements. It is further understood that this request shall be revfe:aed by the VILlage Council of The Village Of E2b'%]17 or its agent and I/we will be piven reasonabLe notice as to whether this request is possible under present utility planning as to timing, location, etc. Dsted: MaY 30, 1974 - ?L- -?"?`° ? equest accepted by a?ii Date 5-30 -- 'lSd VilZape of ragan ? Request refFrred to Village Engineer: D te Copies: 1. 2. 3. Villrge 9illage Engineer Applicant a . , BE4 BLOMOUISi MPIOF LHOMAS EGAN MARK PAqqqNTO JAMES h SMITH iMEODOPE WACHfER COUrvCt: ME!dBEWS March 18, 1981 Kor Chi Tio c% Airliner Nbtel 2788 Hwy. 55 Eagan Mn 55121 jo qaqoo cxo oQ- kolloFskt' ?5. CITY OF EAGAN 3796 PILOT KNOB ROAO EAGAN. MINNESOTA 33122 ? PMONE 954-e100 ??.. THOMAS HEDGES CIiY ADPAINISLP.1iON AIVCE BOLNE CITY CLERK , Re: Spruce Nbtel - 2794 Hwy. 55, Eagan, Minnesota - Sewer and Water Usage/Bi7lings Dear Kor Chi Tio: Your question pertaining to your most recently reoeived sewer and water bill frcm the City of Eagan was processed to my attention. You expressed concern regarding the large amount of water Usage that you were billed for for the period endinq Januazy 31, 1981. This billing was based on an estimated usage of 230,000 gallons of water fran Octnber 31st (3 months). Our records indicate that a cfiange in oanership occurred around the end of June with a new reading taken to deteanine the usage under the new cHmership. The follaaing is a remrd of the meter readings and the gallons used for the period iru7icated: DATE METER READING USA(E BILLING ANLXJNI' Jime 17, 1980 2,932,000 July 31, 1980 3,036,000 104,000 qals. $144.15 October 31, 1980 3,114,000 78,000 qals. 113.04 Januaiy 31, 1981 3,114,000 233,000 gals.* 318.36 Februazy 3, 1981** 0,000,000 March 13, 1981 299,000 299,000 gals. *estimated usage due to faulty water meter register **new water meter register head installed During the replacemnt of this new meter register head and the subsequent meter reading held on March 13, 1981, it was noticed by our utility maintenance eTplayee that there is severe internal plunbing leakage which is accotimting for exoeptional and excessive water usage. This justifies our high estimate of water usage on the January 31st utility billinq. In addition, it indicates that your next utility bill will be approxunately four times what your past utility bill was. It is apparent that water is being consimied by this facility through faulty interior plianbinq. It is witnessed that pipes are leak- ing and toilets are nxtuiing aontinuovsly. Therefore, the billing that was sent on Jan- uaiy 31st, although it appeared to be unusually high, does not accurately reflect the estimated usage as witnessed by the actual usage during the mcnth of Februaxy, 1981. Therefore, your JanUdIY water bill will remain due and payable as it was sent out. In add; ticn, we strongly urge you to wrrect all faulty pluabing prob].em tA avoid and mini- mize the anticipated future hiqh utility bills that will be processed during your next quarter billingCi/ype?;p:)d. Sinaerely, Thomas A. Colbert, P.E., Director o Public Works TME LONE OAK TREE ... THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY. .?7gy-?l'?yss ?v-?a9oo -o?o - oa. February 17, 1984 MEMO TO: DALE BRULE - POLICE DEPARTMENT JUDY HEALD - ENGINEERING FROM: DALE PETERSON - CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL 41 RE: MOBILE HOME AT SPRUCE MOTEL I have extended the removal date of the mobile home as requested by Ms. Virginia Allen until March 1, 1984. DP/js 0 -?- - - CC=: Parcel File , .. . Kollofskis ilat -irr--Bower- Lot 1. ulk 2 -2799 kR'S'55 ,.:?;.?•'Nr 10 42('%00 010 C,?_ ?z',(;r:s . .. i i n,`_. i Dots No. Yn. ToMI Annual _ Sirset Surfacinp - _ Pavlny. Bituminous _ _ Paviny. Bifuminous - Grading 6 Gravel - _ Curb and Gvtter _ _ Storm $ewar, Outfail _ _ Storm Sewer, Outfoll _ _ Storm Sswer, Trunk _ _ Storm Sawer, Loteral _ 68 Sanilary $ewar. Main ? IU70•00 103•33 _ Sonifary SewerMain _ . ° ° ?17 ? 3.5c> z35.67 -' Lz Sanitary Saw?, Laleral o ?_ .?. ,75 water corLn chargn.? 1610.00 322•00 _ Wa1sr, Moin _ Wutsr, lateral ?-O ,- Remarks: ?? `d_-to-, ? ?` : Gl?atu ? ,.? _, a?^ ? MIN[JTES OF A ItEETING OF T1iE ASSESSp1"c11T COK:ZTTEE GAGAPI TOIINSHIP, DAI:OTA COUPIT`!, HIIi'.iJSSOTA May 27, 1969 A meeting of the Aasessment Committee of the Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota wa: held on rlay 27, 1969 at 6:30 o'clock P.M. at the Tocan Hall, Those present vyere I:lein, Polzin, Ro^,ene, Eolke, Hauge an8 Supervisor Uselmann. The committee discussed the proposed assessments covering the area South of Lone Oak Road including the Winston Palmacier propetty. Upon mo[ion made and seconded, it was RCSOLVED that the two fragme:;ted parcels olkinod by 6Jinston Palmatier not be assessed fo: storm sewer purpos--s at this atage but in the event of development [hat they be assessed at the current rate at that time. Upon motion made ane secauded, it was RESOLI'ED that the assessments for lots in River Edge Circle, South of Lone Oalc P.oad be determined on the basis of [ha, average lot iaidth on the South side of Lone Oak Road in the .ame projecc that that frontage be determined for lateral assessment purposes. The Committee 3iscussed the praposed assessment credic for the Stephen- son pxuperGy in McCarthy Ridgr Addition. It was reGuested [hat the credi on Dr. Armajani's propezty adjacent to the Stephenson property be determined beiore the credit on the Stephenson property be set. The Committee discussed the asaessment for a motel in the Township and the following, upon motion duly made and seconded was recommended for approval: a. That lateral a.^.sessments be asaessed on the normai basis for other developments, b. That the water hook-up charge currently in the sum of $129;90 per honk-up be determined oa the basis of one-half of a residental unit ' per each motel unit, c. Thar the .ewage treatment hook-up c}:a:ge currently in the :.un -4 ? inn.6?0 $44A;90 also be determined on the basie of 1/2 reaidental unit per motei unit. The proposFd assessment role covering the assessment hearing ccheduled for June 30, was presented reviewed and approved. 4?u A-Z-eT ? ? 'A