2180 James StCITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot ISnob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PH ONE: 454-8100 - ` - . - BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # " - To be used for `"'`? !('? 1? Est. Value Date "CTOBER y ,19 'Site Address 2180 JAT'tES ST Lot ') Block b Parcel No. SeclSub. t)AK CLIFP ADII a Name ALLAN THOhUS HtdPSE5 INC ; Address ?jf` 2 nLD tiHF?KOPt{H RD 0 City Pie., Phone 884-3232 Name _ ¢o , zr ? Q Address im City _ ¢ W Name _ Z Address ? W City_ I hereby acknowledge that I A< information is correct and agi Minnesot&Statutes and City c Signature of Pbrmittee ? . Y A Building Permit is issued to; on the express condition that a applicable State of Minnesota read this application and state that the to comply with all applicable State of 4AS ..0., '':i I:\G ie in accordance with all ol Eagan Ordinances. OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage OccupanCy -' 3 MWCC System m Zoning !.' 1 On Site Well (Actual) Const 1ln City Water ? (Allowable) kla PRV Required # of Stories Booster Pump Length ;ij Depth 44 S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES ? 454.50 Engr./Assess. Permit Planner 5urcharge 43.00 Council PlanReview 127-25 BIdg.Off. SAGCity W" Variance - SAC, M WCC 52 S_ FY] Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL ti` 2. 42E3 . 75 CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 O A T E ???-- 19 RiC61v6D FROM AMOUNT Ac DOLLARS ' oo E] CASH [] CHECK IOR BY ? White-Payers Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy Thank You BLDG'.' PERMIT N0. ? 0I-3210 Bldg. Permit `-? - 01-3422 ? Plan Check 01-3445 Surch./Adm. ? 01-3446 f= SAC/Adm. 01-2155 Surcharge --' ; '- 17-3960 Road Unit `,-- 20-2275 sAC .T l ' l 20-3865 Water Conn. 20-3868 Water Trmt. 20-3716 Water Meter 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permit 20-3743 Sewer Permit 79-3866 Sewer Conn. ? 11-3855 Park Ded. TOTAL CITY OF EAGAN Remarks ,4ddicion OAK CLIFF ADDITION Lot 6 Blk 6 Parcel 10 53550 060 06 owner ixG 2180 James Street ? ? Street State t? I [ v /7 [K . -E'k' !/ q czzq, Y/+ iV J J '.< / Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. 1981 2420.83 242.08 10 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK ° r 1973 103.83 6.92 15 SEWER ATERAL 19 81 581].1] 581,72 10 WATERMAIN WATEA LATERAL WATER AREA ? 1982 160.83 10.72 15 STORM SEW TRK L/Li 1979 349.33 17.47 20 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGNT WATER CONN. gUILDING PER. SA C PARK ? J. 'r . (g.ertiftratP uf (Orrupanry titp of Cagan sPparttlptlt Df iliddttto 3t1S}1ptYiDti This Cenifrcate issued pursuara to the requirententr of Section 306 of the Urtifor?n Building Code certifying that a1 rhe time o.f'issuarree this slructure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building corrstruction or use. For the following. ux cl.eaific.tioe Ftrmu rw. O-VaY TYM ? Zoning Diuria 'fype CaM Vn owm .r &am.8 1•11AN M09AS !K.; , Addma ? W C'_D ;"t i:j ;'43i'EE Fm, I3LIC eunUng Aaarm i.oc.uty (}Ak'_ Q_IF'F AM n.m: BwWs Cffidd POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PUCE EN'r CITY OF EAGAN Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 ' To be usedf or Est. Value Site Address Lot Block Parcel No. Sec/Sub. Name W 3 Address 0 City Phone ¢ o Name . ? ? Address ? City Phone r¢ yVj Name I W ? Address ? Z a W City Phone i hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the intormation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signatureof Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official_ ??2038 Date On Ske Sewage MWCC Syaton On Site Well City Water . PRV Required Booster Pump Occupency Zoninp (Actual) Congt (Allowable) s..i # of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS Engr./Assess. _ Planner _ Council _ BIdg.Off. _ Variance _ FEES ' Permit Surcharge • ?? Plan Review SAC, Clty R SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment Pi P k ar s TOTAL . Pormit No. Permit Holdsr Date Telephons * Plumbing H.V.AC. j I? Electric Softener Inspection Dat* tnsp. COmmsots ? Footings I % ? Gt •. ?¢ Footings II Foundation , Framing % - ? Roofing /?dao?ry t--o Rough Plbg. !?_?? !1 1 - ?f f7 /? Rough Htg. Isul. - .LZ 8 - -v s Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert Oca. CtiECK WITH ENGR. BEFORE - Tem p. L P 1:,k' Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. PERMIT # PLUMBING PERMIT , • 3830 PILOT ? CONTRACT PRICE: RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address ? 9LDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION lot ?e Block Sec/Sub Res. ? New Mult. Add-on m Name ? Comm. Repair m Address Other c City ' P h o n e ` ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: RES PLBG . . NQ. FIXTURES TOTAL aD Name ? Address Water Closet - $3.00 $ ?? Bath Tubs - $3.00 t $3 00 `-? L 3 O City Phone ava ory - . 7 -Shower - $3 00 • -? . _.-I_Kitchen Sink - $3.00 FEES COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 -LLaundry Tray -$3.00 - APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12. 00 -LFloor Drains -$1.50 R -?_Water Heater -$1.50 - Whirlpool - $3.00 _ MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 -LGas Piping Outlets - $1.50 + - STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - . (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1 00g 00) 50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIn Softener -$5.00 Well - $10 00 , . . D ? - . isp. - $10.00 Private Rough Openings - $1.50 = i SIGNAT E OF PERA?fTEE . FEE: ?, sTarE sic: FOR: CITY OF EAGAN GRAND TOTAL: - ?__ ... ..... .. . . ... . .. . . . , . . . , . .. .. .., . .. . ._.a_. ..;ui..?.L... . . . . , . MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT # 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: ;T PRICE: PHONE: 454-8100 Name ?a F rz -e ? Address I.l _? 0 t??.,1 i, tA c CiN c t? ? Name _ c Address p CitY - TYPE OF WORK Forced Air Boiler Unit Heater Air Cond. Vent Gas Piping Outlets # Other M BTU M BTU M BTU M BTU CFM % FEE: S/C: TOTAL• 6? ( BLDG.TYPE Res. k Mult Comm. ,_ ; Other WORK DESCRIPTION New Add-on Repair FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) - GkS attfitET3 (NFi COMM/IND FEE - 1 % OF CONTRACT FEE . APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONOOS - RES. RATE APPLIES j MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & ? REMODELS - 12.00 MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 ? STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES OF , i. FOR: CITY OF EAGAN I CITY OF EA(iAN 3830 Pflot Knob Road P.O. Box 21188 Eagan, MN 55121 Owner. , Al Iaa ? .S'ita Orlriroce• -) 3 fr? Chg: Permit No: i a4 0u Date: B/P No: 72315 Date: No. of Units: Fee: .. • Pc, I agree lo comply wHh the Clty d OMinances. rge: . S Otxl By SEWER SERVICE PERMIT ? W-? ?--?- - a ' ' OF EAGAN Permit No: 92 59 pate. 11-30-87 ? 1 Pilot Knob Road Meter No: Box 2119? Size: Reader No: Data m, MN 55121 er. . :11an ThoM8 ^ougt n o . Conn. Chg: ?`?•fl) 0 Pd Zonin Acct Dep: 5•71Fll No. of Units: _ Permit Fee: I )• ooPd Surcharge: •50P?' I agree to comply wlth the City ot Esgan Tr. Plant 1"0• onn ' Ordinances. Meter. »•;,, ?.-h.,I:..^,? Misc.: By WATER SERVICE PERMIT CITY QF EAGAN 3830 Pilqt Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eaga6, MN 55121 Owner._ _,U1g? Site Address- 2180 Permit Ma 9259 Date: 1' .. _ Meter No: Size: Reader No: Date: i I3 usin?. T?...oe e??,..... , . .,. .. . -- Conn. Chg: 525. 0 cl Acct Dep: de5 Rl {(N?14?lftFQs: 1 Permit Fee: 1 [ Surcharge: r 1 aGirAff fLtcrnplr yvith the City of Eagan Tr. Plant 1?' '• `'^?' Ordlnances. Meter. Misc., B y WATER SERVICE PERMIT RI CITY OF EAGAN N°- 14 2$$ 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PH ONE: 454-8100 ?7? J Receipt # ? p?+? ? To be used for SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $86,000 Date OCTOBER 9 19 87 Site Address 2180 Lot 6 61ock 6 Parcel No.. ST Sec/Sub.OAK CLIFF ADD w Name ALLAN THOMAS HOMES INC 3 Address 5402 W OLD SHAKOPEE RD ° City BLMGTN phone $$4-3232 o Name_ 0 a Address : City_ w i a w Name Address Clty _ I hereby acknowletlge that I have read this application and state [hat the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and C' agan di!ryen/ges. Signeture ot Permittea --?-w"Z?-- A euilding Permit is issuetl to: ALLAN THOMAS HOMES INC on the express condition that all work shall be tlone in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota S tutes and City o Eagan Ortlinances. BuiltlingOfficial ? OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage _ Occupency MWCCSystem X Zoning On Site Well _ (AC[uap Const Ciry Water X (Allowable) PRV Required X # of Stories Booster Pump _ Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS En9r./ASSess. Planner council Bldg. Off. Variance FEES Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC, M WCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL R3 R1 Vn Vn 52 44 $ 454.50 43.00 227.25 100.00 525.00 525.00 67.00 305.00 _1 8D?00 $72, 42-677 5 ThiS reQUest void 1?3 j6'r? 18 nnmhs f?om D 3 4 2 4 91 /,, Al., 11C14 Ii0: 'Zr ?5ac' ReQUest Date ? I . /[y Q _ Fire No. RqL' '-i InsVection R q iretl? v? ?HeaGy Now Will Notify, Inspec- , ? r ? f ?V? U ?es ONo ?or When Reatly ?O?censetl tlecVical Conlraclor I hareby reQUasl ins0action of above wner electrical work insialled at: Sveet Address, Box or qoute No. l?s ??/ Cit? ection o. Township Name or No. anBe No. C itW7 L6t Occopant IPflINTI ? Phone _ Power SuOP?ie? Atltlress EIc al Convanor tCOm ny N am e) f t Contractor's License No. / (/ } /'? `? y? N 21 ?/ /l? l? f! t 0 ? _ Maili A Jress IConVac or or Owne MakinB Insta'lajionl ? n?? vP oo? ar ?'L/,S,Sr1 uth rized Signamre ICon r cmr O ner Makine iiislallaiion) Phonr. N ber S? 16 6 MINNESOTq STpTE BOARD OF ELE(?t"NICITV THIS INSPECTION HEQUEST WILL NOT Griges•Midway Bldq. - qoom N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Univarsity qve.. St. Peul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phooe16121642-0800 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOfl ELECTRICAL WSPECTION ee-ooooi-os , See ins-ructiuns for completing lhis form on beck of Vollow copy. v• ??/.J..??.. D3 4 2 4 9 "X'" Below Woik Covered by 7his Request Add Rep. Typa ol BuiltlinB AGVliancea Wired Equiumenl Wired Home Fiange Temporary Service Duple,x Water Heater Liqhtiny Fixtures Apt. 8uilding Dryer Bectrie Heatin Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo-Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm Otne.i pecr v .iher ISper.ifyl twr Snouify Othor Other (:ompute Inspectian Fee 8elow Fee . ServiceEntrence5ize tt Fee Fexders/Subfee.tlers b Fee Circuits ? U to 200 qmps 0 to 30 qm s .13,06 0 tn 30 An! Above 200 qmoy 37 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 qm s $wimmfng Pool Above 100_Amps Above 100_Am?s Transiormers hngation Booms Partial.Other Fee Signs Special Inspectfon S Remarks , J3 TOTAL FE ? .P6 Houeh-in inal a i. • Dnte -?.L' '??e f= ? I, the Elecvica ?ns0actor, hereby certify thei the abova inspection hes been mede. tltla reQuest voiE 18 montlu tmm U--- ?.? ? a aio ? ? `? ._ , Se3liS PLUMBING (RESIDENTIAL) Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 ?elephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 Please complete for: Single Family Dwellings Towahomes and Condos when pemuts aze required for each unit Date S/ 1/ 0 3 Site Address $ Unit # Property Owner %?-N Q?a S q ?A Telephone #(65, l p• 3 lo Oof Contractor N ZiA is-? Address A City c -c k State M 1? Zip 55113 Telephone #( loii) 3ls S- ? 3? o The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other Septic System New Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license $ 100.00 InUudes County fee. Additional wnsultant fees may apply. Alterations To Existing Dwelling Unit, Including $ 50.00 _ Adding fxtures to lower levels or room additions, excluding water softener and water heater _ Abandonment of septic system _ Water tumaround (+ 518" meter if needed -$121.00) Other: _ RPZ _ new installation _ repair _ rebuild $ 30.00 _ Lawn irrigaHon system - Water softener 1 Water heater ? $ 15.00 ? replacement _ additianal V ?r1a?? u ` State Surcharge 1 $ .50 Total $ I hereby apply for a Residenual Plumbing Permit and aclmowledge [6at the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand tlils is not a permit, but only an application for a pe:mit, and wock is not to stazt wit6out a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work wluch requires a review and approval of plans. ? IN`r gFl< A ,Ls F_rl ti? ApplicanYs Printed Name ? ? Applic t's Signature k..rnu Ak- L6= U OF SU RVEY ? ?5? 7 \ ? r51•S ? O o9" ? fS7.8 . i ? . i 9 i / I r 9S 6 S'T . o \ `\ ? ?6. ? \ ?y C ........ ?E v- h _0;r? ....... ? .. \\ I ? p M ? ? ? - _ _ - ._ --.. _ _ ' ? •..=` _ _ - - \" ?3 p-> YP ? --O1C91i1fi6L7 ?y u ri [ iTy ? I ? EASFh14=niT /,Z N89°'48'o4"E 033J7 LE-GRL L D T 6, BCOGf[ 6, OH K L'L/FiC Dn KD 7"A G'D!!A/TY' M! 11/ NE'SDT'A 96y? 96AO ? 9 '63 8 ?= WODD STAKE.PLACED p= IRON MON. SE7 •- IRON.MON. INPLACE B.M. Ri.vG oF MN A7- Ts,/E 1Nr,e1?'CTia?/ oF 7Amgrr, 9 T,art?c cT BEARINGS ON PROPOSED INFORMATION ELEV. 964.27 c.-rYD.9Tq ASSUMED DATUM '.. 6 3- 9 lst PLOOR EI,EV. 69 Z, 4 GARAGE FLOOR EIEU. --9 = DRAINAGE 'OOO:O?ExIST': ECEU. BASEMENT"ECq.1?; • • TOP BLOCK ELEU. ' (000.0)=PROP05£D'ELEU:'60.0°EXIST.PROP. ELEU: I hereby•certify that this plen, aurvey or ,70B ? SCNOB O RG £eport was prepared by me or under.my.dirdat / superviaion and that I am e duly Registered 30?p ND SURVEYING Lend Surveyor under tha laws of the Stete OP, Book-•Pag INC. ? Minnesota. RT.1.B0%208 JSCdIC 272•322I OC1aN0. MN 55328, ,. , oete: o- - 911 t6tr$t;airt r,o, 14760 ?= 3d ? APFLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIQN ? N018: PA1MffSlf OF FM AT TIME OF ? ; nrrLicnazaa noES Nar eo*- ; i STiN1E APPRGVAL OF PERGIIT. ? : ? II15PflCPION OF uFMR APD/OR NA1ER . t I[1S1'A[iATIIX1i WII.L P101' HE SCFDUII= w k ON1ZL PfIiUIIT HAS BFFSI ApPROVm. ? f fw?s??i+?t?xe:?tt??ss?rw?rr.e??Mri?fr?? 9tV OF aCIiiCIi1 ? P E PRINT 1) PROPII2TY ADDRESS: . . . ? 14W / ?j . IkGAL DESCRIPTION:. ......... Lot B oc S vision or Tax Parce ID IF EXISTIWG STRLiCTURE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE: Mont Year PRESENT ZONING/PROPOSID USE: Q COMMECtCIAL/RETAIL/OFFICE Q IbIDOSTRIAL a : I NSTIRLrPIONAL/GOVEE2DP-E6TP 2} NAME: V &? ADDRFSS: r-9<-'l-SINGLE FAMILY ? R-2 DDPLEX (3tao Ljnits) q R-3 TOWDHOUSE (Three.+_Umits) Q R-4 APARTDENT/COAIDOMINIUM CITSt, STATE, ZIP: .. PHoNE: ( Units) ( . . Units) rur "Cy L-5e 3) NAME= Plwnbers License: ADDRESS: ' Active Expired CITY, STATE, ZIP: Not recorded PHONE: MASTER LICENSE #332rj St Initia 4) NAME. ? ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: 5) ? ? a ?• • ?? ? ?? gi ONNECTION 'N CITY SEWER ECTION TO CITY WATER F-I CfiHER 6) ******,r***,?**?*?**???*,8x#*???***,t***?**+***********«*?**,r***?********,r******,r**********??*,e*****??? x * TfE GOID COPY OF 14iE PERMIT WIIS, BE SE[1P DIRFX.TLY TO PUBI,IC MRK5 7O FACILZTATE ME.TER PICK-UP. ? ? PLF.ASE ALI,OW 1WO NARKING DAYS FOR PROCFSSING. SONIDONE FROM Tm CITY WILL coNfACT YQU IF TmE * * ARE ANY PROBLEMS. + ? ***? ***********t****,t*ir*****?+**t***+,t******??*t+r ******,r*,r?+*,t,r***,t******,r+,r**?t+?**++*r++***t+?,r+fl FOR -CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSUED . ,? ?F ?c •. Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: • $ $ JG S-0 SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ $ 16 'S-b WATER PERMIT (INCLLDE SORCHARGE) $ $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/ODTSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLLDE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ ACCOONT DEPOSIT - WATER $ 57-S,b--o $ wAC $ ?pZ S ? U? $ SAC $ $ TRLNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TR[7NK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER $ $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLRCHARGE $ $ OTHER: S TOTAL RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PDBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? F__j YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK 69ITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" M[JST BE ISSDED BY THE ENGINEERING Q NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING COIVDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: ll ,?()/?7 Form No. 29-M-QUIT CLAIM DEED Minnesote Uniform Convcyancing Blenks (1978) MillerOavis Co., Minneapolis Indivitlual(s) loJOintTenants I i No delinquent taxes and txansfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( ) not required 001PCertificate of Real Estate Value No. _ ,19-- County Auditor i by i STATE DEED'PAX DUE HEREON $ Date: NOV. 19 7 (reserved for recording data) FOR VALUABLE L'ONSIDERATION, DONAI,D J. HILLA and DOROTHY L. HILLA HUSBAND & WIFE , Gcantoi(s), hereby convey (s) and quiLclaim (s) to as joint tenants, rea] property in THE SOUTHERI,Y THIRTY (30) FEET OF LOT SIX (6), ffiOQC SIX (6), QAK (3,IFF, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, , Grantees County, Minnesota, described as follows: (i/ more space is needetl, continue on back) ? together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belongine thereto. / DONALD J. HII? OOROTHY L. HALA_ STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 COUNTY OF naxo'M ; ?The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this?day of by DONALD J. HILLA drid DOROTHY L. HILLA HUSHAND & WIFE NOTAI2IAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OA AANK) ? . .? "V?Y'l7Vtl'?'/GY'GGJVVVV?tivv`V`?^?';/ ! . THIS INSTRUMENT W AS DRAFTL'.D BY (NAME AND ADDRESS): HILLA CONST. C0. I 14405 JUDICIAL ROAD FTAYNE L. HELMBOLT and MARILYN M. HELMBOLT HUSI3AND & WIFE SI( GNATURE O ', Tsx 5[atemenq tor tha be arnt to ([nelude name , Grantor(s) yroDetty descefbad 1n thL ln?teument ahoWd ?ddraae o2 Grmtee): NOV. ,1987 , BURNSVILLE, MN, 55337 rErio To: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BUILDING IDTSPECTIODTS THOMAS A COLBERT NOVEMBER 9, 1987 LOT 6, BLOCR 6, OAR CLIFF EASEMENIT VACATION At the November 5, 1987 City Council meeting, Council authorized the placement of a structure on the north 20 feet of the existing 30-foot-wide roadway and utility easement across the above referenced lot. This authorization was granted, prior to public notification and vacation, if the applicant could provide the City with documentation from possible affected utility companies that they have no objection to the proposed easement vacation. The applicant has provided the required documentation (see attached documentation). The applicant will be submitting a revised "Certificate of Survey" showing the new proposed house location. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. ? Di ec or of Public Works Attachments TAC/mc ( November 6, 1987 Re: Placing of House On City Easement Prior To Vacation of Easement Dear Mr. & Mrs. Helmbolt: We the undersigned have reviewed and approved the proposed encroachment upon the north 20' of the existing 30' roadway and utility easement by planned new home construction as shown on the enelosed sketeh. We realize this approval is prior to the proposed vacation of the north 20' of said 30' easement and leaves a 10' wide strip of easement free of any structures or appurtenances. We will reserve the right to grant approval for any given appurtenance at any given location within the south 10' of this easement. DTILITY: thwestern?el? Teiephone SIGNSD: (? 'PITI.E: DAT6: DTILITY *Ppl Na 4,,Gas SIGNSD: YITLS: DATE: DTILITY: kota Electric SIGNSD: I TITI.S: `? L.l '.,;, nArE: '? Z ? DTII.ITY: No h Cent al Cable SIGNSD: TITLE: Co.sfr?c??a? Sv?cr..:w DA7B: 1I - 6-87 DESCRIPTION OE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED: Vacate the north 20 ft. of the south 30 ft. easement of Lot 6, Block 6, Oak Cliff, excepting the 5 ft. of easement along the west lot line and the 10 ft. of easement along the northeast and southeast lot lines of said Lot 6, Block 6. ?r 9 \ 1677.7 F 09 , ?, ; 57 8 •i-- - --. \ . i ? . , . I I ? i I I i i i I i ? ? e :/? 9G/. z ?p . ? Siu ?DINCr- \ s'T ? uNF-'• ? \ \ ?; • ,P \ ?e v.. G '.,.., C ` ey32Ti ? ? \ .\ ? .. ? Proposed .\\ house Iocation / . ."ann.... _ . - -11 77 20' of easement to be vacated L EGRG L o r 6, &ocIc 6, q R KD TA coaAVTY, Existing 30' easement oHx CL/F7 MI NAIFSOrA ? ? S? IN PROCEEDINGS SUBSEQIIENT TO INITIAL REGISTRATION STATE OF MINNESOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COIINTY OF DAROTA FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT In the Matter of the Petition of: Copy WAYNE L. HELMBOLT and MARILYN M. HELMBOLT In Relation to the Land in the County of Dakota and State of Minnesota described in Certificate of Title No. 78328 as follows: PE T I T I O N Lot Six (6), Block Six (6), Oak Cliff according to the recorded plat thereof, subject to an easement for inqress and egress and installation of public utilities over the South 30 feet of that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 27, Range 23, lying Westerly of Slaters Acres, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Affects the South 30 feet of above and other lands) For an Order Deleting a Recital from the Body of the Certificate and the Memorials of Document Nos. 60308 and 108446 from said Certificate. TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF DAKOTA COUNTY: Comes now the Petitioners and show to the Court as follows: 1. That on the 22nd day of October, 1987, the Registrar of Titles of the above named County entered Certificate of Title No. 78328 to Wayne L. Helmbolt and Marilyn M. Helmbolt for land in said County described as follows: Lot Six (6), Block Six (6), in OAK CLIFF, according to the recorded plat thereof. Subject to an easement for ingress and egress and installation of public utilities over the South 30 feet of that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 27, Range 23, lying westerly of Slaters Acres, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Affects the South 30 feet of above and other lands)_ 2. That on said Certificate of Title the following memorials appear: DOC. N0. 60308 Order and Decree of Registration. Subject to a perpetual easement granted to Charles L. Bolstrom and Maxine S. Bolstrom, his wife, for roadway and utility purposes over the South 30 feet of that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 27, Range 23, lying westerly of the Northwesterly line of James Court in Slatters Acres. (Affects the South 30 feet of above and other lands). 108446 Quit Claim Deed dated May 1, 1979 and registered February 7, 1980 by and between Charles L. Bolstrom and wife, Maxine S. to Donald J. Hilla and wife, Dorothy L. (Easement for roadway and utility purposes over above and other lands). 3. That Petitioners are filinq with this Petition a Quit Claim Deed from Donald J. Hilla and Dorothy L. Hilla to your Petitioners conveying to Petitioners the easement set forth in the body of said Certificate as a recital and as memorials on said Certificate as Document Nos. 60308 and 108446. 4. That although the recital in said Certificate does not refer to specific persons in whose favor the easement was created, an examination of the original Registration records contained in District Court File No. 71678 reveals that this recital was placed in the legal description of the land as a result of the easement given to the Bolstroms as also set forth in Document No. 60308. 5. That the land that this Deed once benefited has since been platted as Whispering Woods and there is no longer any need for said easement because all lots in Whispering woods have their own road access. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner prays the Court for an Order directing the Registrar of Titles to cancel Certificate of Title No. 78328 and to enter a new Certificate of Title for the land therein described in favor of the Petitioners free from the above described recital, the memorials of Document Nos. 60308 and 108446 and free also from the memorial of this Order. WayrfA L. Helmbolt // i.&Y/ ) 0/7 i Marily M. Helmbolt STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Wayne L. Helmbolt and Marilyn M. Helmbolt, having been duly sworn on oath, depose and state that they are the Petitioners in the above entitled proceeding, that they have read the foregoinq Petition and that the same is true of their own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and as to such matters they believe it to be true. ?".a?a-•-l- ? `a?.e?-Q.?.Gt?' Wayn&'L. Helmbolt ?? l` G?4i.?1Z- ???L?? MarilyEM. Helmrolt Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ya.Jday of?w?y?-e?a-:J , 1987. Notary Public Y AAi AALENE SWENSON " ` NOTARY PUBLIC - MMNESOTA 'c'Vi HENNEPIN COUNTY .' My Commlssion Expires Hov. 14. 1991 ? ' 7?'Ytl'aaVVCYV'N l .? 7987 BQILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGgN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS IACLDDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATfiS OE SQRVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCQLATIOHS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWPiER MIIST DESIGAAtE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE 9LLOWED ONCE SIIILDING PERMIT IS ISSDED. MULTIPLE DWEI.LINGS - RESIDE34TI9L RENTAL OAITS FOR SALE OB9ITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SORYEY - CHECg IiITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COLMMRCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & ST[7UCTURAL PLANS, 7 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 7 SET OF ENEftGY CALCULATI0135, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND To Be Used For: 3/N40; ffiVn/Lf? Valuation: T- - Date: /5 Q,/r J?/7 Site Address 'Awlfis T s% OFFICS DSE ONLY ? ???, oo Lot Bloc k On Site Sewage Oecupancy ?-3 MWCC System ? Zoning Pareel/Sub ( f A J Ftr On Site Well Type of Const City Water ? (Aetual) V-N Owner ?GiY1 & t-7 ? K v ( Allowable ) V-/?- Il of Stories Address Length Z - Depth City/Zip Code S.F. Total Footprint S.F. Phone APPROV6LS FSSS Contractor '19 LGAN 7ND/nA5 iiOfgfS / ,Assessments Permit 4511150 Water/Sewer Surcharge 3,00 Address 5yP1 W UL17 s#Ak, Qp AM Police Plan Review 2z7, z5 Fire SAC, City 106,DU City/Zip Code Engr SAC, MWCC 525.00 Planner water Conn 25.00 Phone Couneil Water Meter 6`11 00 Bldg Off Road Unit 3 05.00 Arch./Engr. /d/iF}N-6 6 [nJ APC Treatment Pl 1 0,00 Variance Parks Address 143 5 4)4f11 /Af;tf1,, Copies TOTAL ot? ? 5'- City/Zip Code n/ Phone !1 ?'v 7 ` CA!?AGE`j ? ? ?, i? , . zvA'6=!??y xr2= / H?usr -? 2oX Lf z ; gyo i& x/ 8= zga 1C) Xr2= I z.o yX 6q IXio= io Z y -7 zxL_ y ?- .r- / 3yn X s8= 'lrlrl2o 852 o g ? ? 9-37-?'VYe :?--b One or Two Family All Other CITY OP ilS&Fl?% BUILDING llEPARTMENT EXTERIOR E14VF3,OPE AVERAGE "Ull COMPUTATION (To be suhmitted with building permit application) Dwelling Owner `y\'r-IL !v Site Address _ - ,?2 J r0 Ti-Lll•i Contractor Date e G A7 Phone sb=</- 3,q 3?2 ? LINEAL FEET OF \A Za? I r04 EXPOSED YIALL ft, above grade = ! TOTAL rX°OSED 4VALL ARLA SQ. FT. OPAQUE WALL COPiSTRUCTION: "U" Value x Aroa 2 iipil D • R eference ?N?"' "U" ? x SQ, from 7 "Ull G? x SQ, attached "U" x SQ. sheets l'u" x Sq. npu x SQ. WINDOWS: "U" Make & Type n u u u u n Value x Area 1A}=t-- GA4VW?'C ?lUll nU n njjii ` njJli DOORS: ll'U" Value x Area FT. UII_7t2(U)(A) FT. Z , (p'G- -r'i (U) (A) I'T. (U)(A) FT. _ (U)(A) PT. - (U) (A) FT. _ (U)(A) x SQ. FT. 162 = Orj/ (U)(A) x SQ. FT. _ (U)(A) x 5Q. FT. _ (U) (A) X SQ. FT. _ (U)(A) t•talce & Typa ::U:: x SQ. " r? 91-, n0u ` x SQ. n n X sa ??U?; , x SQ . TOTALS Z ?/gQ, AVERAQE IfUll TOTAL (U) (A) VALUES DIVIDED BY TOTAL 4VpLL ARLA AVERAQE 115?r less for 1&2 family dw gs TOTALCAREANa: J? I FT. 41117 =?J16.0 (U) (A) FT. FT. ! i0 (U)(A) (U) (A) FT. _ (U)(A) r'T.- (U)(p) Detail reference 'IUII %CiZ-1 x SQ. FT. ?311 = ZC?7?7? (p)(p) from liUlt x SQ FT attached sheets, liUll . . . (U)(A) Descri6e openings ipUit x SQ. FT, (U)(A) in roof. ??U?? • x SQ. FT. (U)(A) x SQ. FT, _ (U)(A) TOTAL (U)(A) VALUES DIVIDED BY Trhl-? z$,? CvyA\ ?3 TOTAL ROOF/CEII.IN6 AREA AVERAQE °UlI'?"025"'fqr ventilated ?C 0 13_] I roofe, ?-- 14 g-7 - -flb wo -,- -? Vi ?'oX (?' ?+<i? ?4-1o4- I-I) = 3l?5 ???C ? ?z??Z??? 3?1-t3??-1-?) L77 1?4' . OL)=1 I - I+ j ?auNP '?vp = lz .K I = IZ" o 1'71'FX(= z-75 41, 35) o ,3 - 7.PX 3c..o : Zl ? oX I= Z1 1v e ?nn = ?r5, a ?????? . : y --VlALL SECTION-- "' , Determining l'U" valuee at Roof, Wall, Riinp and Conc, Bloclc R00 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) F/CDILING Intorior Air F'ilm 5/81, ayP, sa. Insulation rxterior Air Film (STILL) R V1l[,UE 0.61 .56 q4.oo .6t uU" = 1/R= OZ1 'POTAL (R)= qj.-?fj WA7,L 6.) Interier Air FiLn . 7.) i" GYP. IId. 8.) Insulation 9.) 10,) Masonite Siding 11.) Exterior Air Film (R VALUE 0.68 .lt5 Ft_Ov ? 7? .17 • flUll _ I/R= -(?yI3 TOTAL (R)= Z3?0 RIM 72.) Interior Air P'i1m 13.) Insulation 14.) 2" Fir Rim.Joist 15.) 1?Uil,Tiz?r?, 16.) htaaonite Siding 17.) Exterior Air Film R VALUE 0,68 19.00 1.88 z•U? .67 .17 iip" = 1/R= .CY(O TOTAL (R)= FOU1dDATIOPT 18.) Interior Air Film 19.) 20• ) R%61D 1A15UL 21.) 12" Concrete Bloclc 22.) 23.) Exterior Air Film R VALUE 0.68 5•? 1.28 .17 ifUll = 1/R= . 11 TOTAL (R)= 7 13 Proposed Construcfion Under Construction VETERANS ADMINISTRATION, U.S.D.A. FARMERS HOME AOMINISTRATION, AND U.S. DEPAPTMENT OF HOUSING AND UReAN DEVELOPMENT HOUSING - FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER lFor accurare icgister oI carhon capica, /orm may be separated alon9 aLove lold. S(ap/e col"plefed sheefs ro9ether in original order.l DESCRIPTIO(d OF lVIATERIALS No. _ /To hc in,c,itJ 4y F1IA. V.I urFrnllN 'roperty oddress ??RD /%?"z? S?- City Sfafe v/ ?41• Nortgagor or Sponsor . ?Yamel'/ I?Jm?) :onMacfor or Builder ?EQGua t,C?'?L?9 YY?-? ;. ??• 5402 W. Old Shakopee Road INSTRUCTIONS 7. F0r addr7iona7 in/onnation on how this loim is to 6e suLmittetl. 7, Work not mecilica!!y desc/iGed or shown ?wili no1 be conriderad numper ol copies, eta, see Ihe insbucfions applicab/e ro the HUD Applica- vn/ess required, fhen tDc minimum acceptaAle wi71 be atsumed Work ex- (ion Por Morf9age lnsurantr, VA Reques[ /or Determinarion ol AeasanaGle ceCdinq m(nimum requiremmis cannot be considered uMesa speci/ica!ly V,Nue, o/ FmHA Properry /nlonnalion and ApPrni.ta! Reporl, as thn casc descrihed. nray be. 4. fnc/ude no ulMrnates. "ur epva("Ohrases. or canfr. dicforV itain:: 2. Describe nll nrafenalt and epuipmenf (o be uted, whethei or nut (Corrsidcration of a rcOUesf fnr accepbnc¢ o15uWfitutemateriali Of eOuiO- mrnt it nat lher¢Ay Precluded.l shnwn an Me drawings, hy morking an X in exh , ppropriafe check-Lox 5. lnclude siynalures reyuired af (he end ul this /orm. and mtering the iNOrmatian w!!ed /or each sPate. !/ spaCe is indAcqoufc G. The consfruction sh:dl fm complerod in comPliance wiih Ure re- enfer "See misa"and destribe under /tem 77 oron on attacheds/rnnt. farcd Jrewinpr aiid spr.cilications, as amendeA during processiny. The THE USf Of PAlNT CONTAINlNG MORE THAN i'HF PfRCENTAGf specilir.ations inNude tMS Destriprion of Marerials and the applicaLle Min:- OF LEAD BY WEfGHT FfRMfTTfD (tY LAW 1S PROHlOlTfD. 'num Properry Srandards. 1. EXCAVATION: Acaring wil, rypc SanCI/C].:ly 2. FOUNDATIONS: Fooiinga: wncrtie mia pOUTEa ConCYete atrcngih psi 2000 Rcinforcing Steel Rod Fvundmion w>II: material 8° nT 1.2° concrete }ilOCk Keinfor<ing Intrriot found>tian wall: matrrial 8" nr 12" COi1CYCtC hLO[?inY (oundation wall Colomm: material and aius _ Pien: matcrial and reinfurcing POUYE_ COOCLete Girdm: malcrul and siza Sills: matvrial 'Daetmvm cNranct arcaway \Vindow arcaways ??'aitrproofing Ttowel. on Master/611 Mil.l. Po].y Foooing dni?., 4' Drain Li.. e openings per oc Tarmitc p`oi«uon Baxmendkis spact: ground tovrr ; invulation ; founda?ion v<nu Spccial foundaiwm Front stoop and parage door opening Addltional informatiqr: 24 x 8 poured steel reinEorced footings 12 course 12 b oc - smC ; course ..oc -'nec wa. s , 3. CHIINNEYS: Cla58 13-6 DI3L Metal HSb(:St05 M????ial PrdabribtcJ(nmk, a ndiitr) Flue lining: material Hcaicr flue size FirSpi,ce mu< siztS? °.G zl c Vems (malrrialandnZr): g» or oil hcatcr ; walcr heascr 3 Galrinizc7 Ylue Additional infortnatian: 4. FIREPLACES: Type: (R aolid fucl; Q gas-burning; Q circulalor (nwk, and ii;r) Aah dump anJ Otanoul Firrplau: 6cing : lining : htanh : maniel ('o,lar l i ti Addi i f arma on: t ona n 5. EXTERIOR WALlS: Dou,las I'ir 19%,dried Nood fnmc: wond gnJe. aad slot<its_ Corner wrapping ? Cvrntr bncing. BuildinH paper or (dt Shrathing Bullt7:lt6 ; thicknns 25 32 . widih 4xb ; Q salid: f],7paccd ._ ••,,o. c.: ? diagonaLQ?? 5 Siding Bradc . cy{x ? x: aizc : exposure ": faatening Shingln ; gradc : typc : size rxposure- ": Vflcning Statto ; ihicknees . IAth ; weight Ib. p' venecr Silb I.imcb Bax flashing ? ason • wlid ? Gced ? smccatd: toul.wall thicknvv : fuing ihic4ncas ": facing mal<rial Oackup matcrial ; thi<kncse °: bonding Door oills Alum Window sill, WOnd linlela. Bax Oa>hing Interior aur(aeer dampproofing, cwce a( ; fufring Addi l i f i i i ormat on: ona n Eat<rior yinting: muerial rl?''la nPp11Cd T' ; num6cr of coau Gable will wn:truuion: [Y]` samc aa main walb; Q othcr tomtru<tion 6. FLOOR FRAMING: DP 2x10 160c 1x3 Pine ? ho?? Met? _ a Joiols: wooJ, gndr, and spcdva : othcr r , 6ringing ? ???-?--- . : Ihic4ntu Q firs? Ooor, 0 ground aupponed;',] xlGsupponing; miK Concretc slab: 11 bastmrn, Eoor j rcinforcing irP mesh lgar?pe) ; insulatiun . mcml>fane d 4 Z X 10 U-jO15L hangers i l i ( -; Ihickncss Pill undcrsUb: matcrial San ormat vn: n . AdJitiana 7. SUBFLOORING: (Destribe undarFlooring for speciol (loors under ifem 21.) 3 4" Ton e b Groove b Clued 4X3 Dxboard Na?vriaL grade and spccies ? Fi? : sixe ; IYpc Laid: ? fint (1mr, 0 sccond (loor, Q auic sq, ft.; ? diagonal; 0 right angia. Additional informalion: 1/4" MahoKany 4x8 P].y uncler Vinyl 8. FlNISN FIOORING: (Wood only. Describe ofher finish Aooring under item 21.) c.oc„Im, a??o.... c..nc s.«". Tim.".., Iv'orn ma. r,,.t. Fi fl aor nt d ll S - ccon wr nitic 17oor sn. ft. Farm ApV,ovr.cl OM6 Nu. 2502-0192 c AdAilion-iI infnrmalinn• Previous Edition May Be Used Until SunPN is ExhaustM DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS ? HUD•92005 16•791 VA Form 26•1852, Form FmMA 474-2 .. . ..? i, DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL: 9. PARTITION FR/1MINfi: Stud.: wood, gndc, aod ?pecin DP 19% MC ,;,c and ,P,c;,,g 2x4 16"oc p,h« Double Corners nnaitionai intonnation: -noor & window headers 2x10 on Ueari.nQ wa11s 10. CBIJNG FR/1MING: Joiats: woal, grade, and apeties DP 19"/, MC 2x10 pther Bridging 1X3 P171C ndditional infortnation: A].7. 16" oc 11. ROOF FRAMING: Raftrrs: wood, grade, and tpecica Manuf.actured Truss Roof truucs (fee dcuil): gnde and apecio Addidonml infurmation: G3rage ROOf TrusseS 12. ROOFINCi: Sholhing: wood, gndr, and specia L5" OXh07Td 4X8 ; 0 miid; 0 spacedoc Roofing _ 240 # AsPh81t ; gnde GAP size 12x36 ; iypc Se11 Tab Underlay fCl.t ; wcight or ahickneas 1511 ; oize 36" : faatcning staple Built-up roohng ; number of pliea ; mrfxing material Flafhing: material M0t3l ; gnse ar weight : 0 6ravcl vopr Qsww guards AdJitional information: Met81 Vell Ys 13. GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS: Guucrs: material : Hage or wc;ght ; size ; shape Downspouts: material ; gagc or wcight ; size : shape ; numEer Dmvnspows ronntcied to: ? Siorm sewtr, ? mnilary stwer; E] dq•-well. ? Splaah bixke: material and ai:e Additional infurmuion: Raitt 1've rters ovex' uncovered entiies 14. u?ni rwn rLasree lath []walla, [icceilingf: maltrial Cy7)s um w•eight or thickn<ss 518" Plastcc coau 3 finish SPYay-textuTe Dry-wall [n walls, ? ceilingf: material G ynsum ; ihicknesat Ifini.h Sand, prime, &paint Joint ttealmcnt 3 coats-joint co muound over tane metal corners nailed 15. DECORATING: (Poinf, wallpoper, elt.) R0045 WALL FINIfN tiIATP1Al ANO AMLIGTION COLINC FINB11 MAT[IIIAL ANO ARLIGTpN Kitchen - eX re Bath 2 Othrr _ Additional infarmation 16. INTERIOR DOORS AND TRIM: Doon: type 1'Lish Np]1pta f:nra+ ; material Oak VenfCr ; ?hickness 1 3/8" Ooor trim: tpx PrinrrrYnn ; material. Oa k Bxsc type Prineeton ; material Oak ; aize Z1-" Finish: doon.. Sr,q;.,rd 7 rnnts catin vn rnish ; irim st8ined 2 coats satin varnish Olhtr Irim (ilem, ypt andlumlion) A11 Yrim 0 ,91c Additiowl informalion: 17n11.,,., .-nro (1 1 Ri fnld dnnrc 17. WINDOW$: \Vindawe: typt C.snmpnh ; makt '9/3e -L'1 -? ; matcria14GQ(ZW, C4110 `; saah thickneu Glasa: qnJr Q$/` i.+mll -,rPA ? 0 msh woights; 0 laalances, iype rmmPrrcci on ; hcad Ila ehing comllressi0il Trim: type j?iCCux'e : matcrialt're arnrl Pinp Paint_ . - ; number toan 2 Wtathorsiripping: type cnmproccinn ; material Vinyl 6 Rnbh[.t' Siorm sash, num6er Screens: $j Cull; ? half; tqpt Al+im Rramn ; number nl l ; screen ebth maierul tiberElass Basement windows: iypc $=+mp - : matcrial_ ; acreens, number All . ;Storm sash, numbcr Special windows Addiiional information: 18. ENTRANCES AND EX7ERIOR DETAIL: Main emrance door. material $^? i a 41^^A ; widih 2'9'thicYness.1.314 1 Frame: material Wood ; ihickneu 34 • Other rntrance doon: material Mnral Clar1 ; width 9'9" ; thickneasl__V4 Framc material Wood ; ie;ctne..3 4• H<ad Oashing Q19 M mi Wuthenvipping: type Vinyl Magnetie ;,,d dles Alum, Vinyl Scrttn doon: ihic4nessJj._°; number pgrir. ; scrten cbth material rihrrSla?SSrorm Joors: thick nnt numbtr. Combination siorm and scrnn doon: thickness _] number_; xreen doth material 1'hPT(j1 a5 ShuUtrs: ? hingcd: ? fixcd. Railinga , Alut louven Extetior miliwor4: grade anJ speciea_pi p,e Paint rurnrinr i.nfrx ; num6er emu2_ Additional information: Fj'vM$" Clirling An pir'n S, 7)erk lrvrls inculated H orq ZaSS 19. _ CABINETS AND INTERIOR DETAtL: , Kit<hen cnbincts, wall unils: material n.,t, P.?.pA (`iichnm ; lincal fett af shclv<s ; ahdf widih 12" Bau uniu: material Qak??ased 6B6G0? : counlcr lop fnrnii ra ;edging formlCd Hack and end splash (prp?iCo Finish of nbintu St'nin & V'lrriiSIl ; numbcr coab 2 M<dicinc cabintu: makr ; mod<I Other cabin<u and 6uilt-in fomhurc _gatbrse m Ynri1t1E's? nnli- Farorl rncYnm Additioml :n formation: 20. STAIRS: $T??11 TIIC.?W RISCIO STIIIN4! I?.?VUMIL B\Lll]T[kf , Mu.rial 7Tickrcu Ma?rrul "fTrtkntu AL,,rui Sice Mawrul Siu M.onw Sia Baxmem riY 1 P1O0 '1Y X '1 Main Part:ic e ine ?lr x 4 - Auic Dimppearing; make and modrl number Additional information: HUD-92005 16-79 2 VA Form 26•1852, Form FmHA 424-: +PEGAL ROORS AND WAINSCOT:(pescribe Cnroct as listr.d in Ceriilicd Prnducis b..????rvl A4nTtAw.. Cnint. 9oRUU. Stau. Gnce, F.rc. Tucwo?.o MwTr.SUwL Wwu B?sa MAnAuL Unouvtnw M. rw.L ' 8 Kitchcn Bath - - CamhCay 7 w Y r I.OCAi1pN MATLRUI.? CpIqA, BORDG, Gr. SIZI]. GAGL, ETC. HGGNT HVONT Ovu Tu. HIMM IM SNOWLL] IF.o. FtouM) R Y IIa?h I n', i 3 Bathro«n accesmries: 0 Receucd; material ?'pY'imic ; numlxr ? ; C] Mtached; maiuial Cc.ramir ; numbtr Additio`ul infortnalion: $,p?j ?J j?,j?1 pl 1 ? j?t;ps 1 1 Z4. PLUJNBINCi: FI%TVRC NuVKR LACATlON A{A<{ 1 MWS F,%N4! IOlMT?IGTIf?N NO. 51)[ C•Old S;,,k 1 Kitchen Ster].ing 22x " S.S y,v,b,y 1 Bath Kohler 1c-2904 rounc ite watcrdous 1 ]3ath Koh].er ic1200, 21xj ite B,ihwb 1 IiaLh Koh].er k-7155 x ite Showcr ovcr uub'?` 1 ISath E1jeY Scall Shower& ' Laundry iraya 13asement Mustec . x iite A[t Quuin rod A 0 Dopt ? Showtr pan: ma4rial Walv iupply: [lpublit; ? community ayaccm; 0 individual (private) ayatcm.* Sewage du?oaal: W puWic; ? tommunity syslem; ? individual (private) system.* *Shau ald dntnbr rnliuidwf ryifcm in tomP4le Ertail irt .reParotr dramingi ald tprcifimfiau arrorAixg m rrqvirrmrnlr. . liouae dtain (inside): Q cast iron; Q tile; [] olher Houx uwu (wtide): ? ra:t iron; 0 tile; 0 aher Water piPin6° ? 6alwnized settl; [R copper tubing: 0 oeher Sill cocks, number Z Dometic water heaiu: typt AllqBip-gwrzy : rtukt and model 40 ?t_]_; heating eapuity f7 ?+ gph. I00' riu. Storagc unk; matcrul G].155 lined steel : "wc,iY 6'???*• Gas aervice: 60 utility companY: Q liq. pet. gm: ? othuN--..-?j r-..- Gas piping: ? caoking: $] houx healing. Footing dnins connaicd to: Q slorm stwcr; ? aanitary scwcr; [7 dry wcll. Sump pump; makc and malcl n.,gjrptj.14C' 110d ; tapaciiy : diachargea into . 23. HE?nric: ? Hot wuet. ? Sttam. ? Vapor. ? One•pipe system. ? 7'wwpipe aystem. . ? Radulon. ? Convttiora. ? Daac6oanl radiation. Makc and modd Radiant pand: Q Ooor; 0 wall; 0 ceiling. Aancl coil: matcrial ? Citculator. ? Rctum pump. Makc and modcl ; upaciry gpm. Hoiler. make and model Owput Btuh.; ntt niing Dtuh. Additional information: Warm air: ? Gnvity. [l ' Forccd. TYpt of ayritm .. Duct matcrial: supply - 6a1y? .. . : rcturn GRry Inaulation. thic4ncu2(j6A 23 Outside air inWee. Furnact: make and mod<I R12ectlt Input- Owh.; owput BWA. Additiorul in(ormation: ? Spacc hesler; Q floor furnace; 0 wall hcaten Input BNh.; oufput Bluh.; numbtr unib Makc, modcl Additional informalion: Commis: makc and rypcs lSoneywell Addilbnal infortnalian: ' - Fuel: ? Cpal; Q oil; ? 6ar ? liq. pcl. gae; Q clcctrir, 0 othcr ; sbragc capacity Additiotul information: Firing cquipmcm (umi:hed scpanlcly: 0 Gaa 6urncq convmiom typc. ? Stokcr: hoppcr fttd ?; bin fttd ? Oil burncr: Q prcssutc atomizing; 0 vapori:ing Make and modtl Conlrol Additional inlormation: Elcctric heating ryst<m: typc _ Inpw waus; @ volu; ouIput Btuh. Additional infvrtnation: Vtntilating equipmmc attit fan, makc and modcl Kenmore 53388 : uwtstr cf^• kilchcn cxhausl fan, make and modd Othcr hwting, vtntilating. or cooling cquipmcnt 24. BECTRIC WIRING Scrvitc: ? ovcrhmd: 6(] mdcrground. Pancl: ? fuu Iwz; C] circuit-brcakcr, makc G]y AMP'> > nn No. tirtuita30_ Wiring: 0 conduit: Q armorc<I cablt; t2 nnnmctallic cal)lr,' 0 knob and [ubc: 0 o:hcr , - $pccial oullcq: ? range: O water htat<r: Q 0lhcrt Doorlxll. 0 Chimo. Push-0vimn locaciiros Ft,Ont Addi[ional iu(ormalion: Oy;,].10g l 4 8 l, r? swst?4res - --- 25. llGFff1NG FIXiURES: Total num6tr of fiawres PCY plan rasi allowanct for fixtures. typiwl insiallalion, 3 Nontypical installation Additional information: 3 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Hua92005 (6•791 VA Form 26•1852, Form FmHA 4242 ' ? • ? ? DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS 6. 1NSUUTION: LOfJTIOn TNC4NW Mw?Rlnt, Trrr., ewo Atan.uo Ur iNSTwIL1AT10N VAI,Ok B/.tllta Kwf 131own f.i.ber l:ass M+ Owens Cornin Ccilin8 14?z'1 4 Mil7. pol.y yyall G" fiber lass baths Owens Corning 4 Mil7. poly Floor •CanCileivers- 6i in bal'hs Kraft Paper MISCELLANEOUS: (Destribs any main dwsllinq matariafs, aquipmsnf, or consMVCfion ifami not shown ebswMrs; or uie to provide oddifionol inlormalion whers !he apoca provided was inadpvate. Aiways ra/arencs by ifem number to corrsipond to numbaring uied on Mis form.) HARDWARE: (maka, mahrid, ond fmiih.) Kwi clcset Brass Ki tchen hardwar. e]3rass p7.lled, a27. _ rxterinr lnrkc kpyrcl slikr SPECiAL FOUIPMENT: (Stah materia) or moke, mod*l and quontiy. Include onJy equipment and oppfiancos which ore occspf- obla by local law, cuitom and applitablit, fHA ifondards. Do not includa iNms which, by ssfa6lished cuilom, are supplied by «cupanf ond removad whsn he vocofti promises or thaMles prohibifed by law From bacoming realty.) nl C}1W;1ChC`Y /7m a/11d- Rnnge Hnod /,' I14 14 NA Sinlr Tlis,nnar+r PORQIES: TPtRACEi: (iARAGES: Sizc oer nlan Construction ;;ame as housc, sl.ah reinf:orced with wire mesh. 160 Mzsonite Eluch door Torrion spring 5/8" Gypswn firewa7.l Keyed locks, 3 x 4' s1aL aC scrvicc door WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS: Driveway: width1.6,: bau matcrial CLa55 5 Ihickna. 4 "'; wr6eing material I;l,tumi_nous ; ihietrcu? ° ; Frone wal4: widiA31: malerial. CoticTeto thickncu 4 . Scrvice wdk: width ; material : thickneu_•• Siepa: matcrul trrac4 "; risen . Chtek walb OTNER ONSITE IMPROVENIHrTS: (Sprrifj o!l r:lerier enrilt imprownitnli nof dnnibtAtfuwhnc, rixfudina ifrnu iurh ai vnuimo( `rodina, d•ainaar iHUrrurn, rHainin` eualL,I?no. roifin6i, and atmu6ry ilrYt(vnl.) uwDscnrINO, rtnrmrou, aria pNisN nannirw: Toqoil << "thick: ff Gcmt yard: b udc yarcb: [Trur yud to A1.1. fxa bchind main buiWing. I,awna (irrdtd, mddtA. or iPriggrA): p Gom yard : Q aidc yatds rtat yard Planiing: [I aa ipmifitrl and ehown on drawings: Q am (ollowr Shade treu, deciduous. " uliper. Evergreen tron. ' to '. B A B: Low Aowcring trecs. Jcciduous. ' to__' Evergran shruM. B k B. HigA=growing shrubs, dttiduouti ' to_' Vinci, 7ryur Madium-growins shrub., deciduouut, ' to_' Low-growing ahruba, dtciduous, ? 10_1 IDCrmnunox.-'Ihis uAibit shall be ideotificd by thc sig'uNm of the builder, wtpma, and/or the p'opo" maipgor if the Ltter u luawn at the Woc of appliution. Date Signasurc , wU.S.GOVEflNMENTPflINTINGOFFILE:l98t-SS4-OI4I1J6t.7 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS 4 HUD•92005 I6-791 VA Form 76-7852, Form FmHA 424•2 cPe ' ? 2005 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ?U-1. ag City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Kaob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for. single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when pertnits are required for each unit k- ?D. 150 Date q / I co Site Address (31 _ k P)o ?0?1"r?e? ? • Unit # Property Owner Telephone!(( (.?J) %gCr,? Contractor FWohlers Southside Htg. & Air I Inc , . ? 6950 W. 146th St., #106 i, Street Address ? Apple Valley, MN 55124 City (952) 431-7099 F State Jlephone # ( ) Bond Q8L4 '7 Q u'7 Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner WContractor Other Add-on or alteration to existing dwelling unit $ 30.00 _?:Z, furnace _Additional '-/-Replacement air exchanger airconditioner _New _Replacement other State Surcharge $ .50 T t l 3L? o a I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work wifl be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit,. but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval ofplans. QN--t? La_-?,ke?s Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature ?=LID Lr LI U? I !;l, ,SEP 1 9 200 5 ? 79 9l0 2007 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConsWction Reauirements 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft. of lo( sq. ft, of house; and all roofed areas (20°k maximum lot coverage allawed) 1 Soils RepoR if proposed building is to be placed on disNr6ed sdl 2 copies of plan showing 6eam 8 window sizes; poured fand design, elc. 1 set of Energy Calalations 3 copies of Tree Preservalion Plan if lot platted aRer 711193 Rim Joist Delail Optians selection sheet (6uildings with 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form RemodellReoair Reauiremen4s 2 copies of plan showing foolings, beams, joists 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated additims 1 site survey fir additions & decks Addifron -indicate d on-sNe septic system OfficeUsebnlv C6A of Suriey:Recd ? =_. Y -= N Sals Repon: :T Y =N Tree Pres P.lan ReGd =Y =N TreeP?esReguired =.°.Y _;N On-sAeSeptic,System <11 Y _N Cr' kd 9 // Plans are considered pubEic information unless vou state thev are trade secret and tFee eason Date 08 / 24 SiteAddress 2180 / 2007 .Tames Street, Eagan, ConstructionCost $27,000 MN 55122 Unit/S[e # DescriptionoTWork Porch addition Multi-Family Bldg _ Y X N Firepiace(s) _ 0 X 1 _ 2 Proper[yOwner Kim and Paul BerQ Telep6one#( 651 ? 882-6330 Contractor Self Address 2180 State MN James Street, City Eagan ZiP 55122 TelephoneN(651 ) 882-6330 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF Energy Code Category - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 (? submission lype) • Residenlial Ventilalion Category 1 Worksheet Submitled • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted A NEW BUILDING Mincesota Rules 7672 . New Energy Cotle Worksheet Submitted In the last 12 months, has ihe Cify of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor _ ????? Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone # ( Telephone # ( ) Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledee that the _ => that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. INvI I er Applicant's Printed N e `? 7a---P, Applicant's Signat •e . DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvaes ? 01 Foundation p 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? OS 03-plex ? 06 D4-plex Work Tvaes ? 31 New 0 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement ? 07 05-plex ? OS 06-plex ? 09 07-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 17 Garage ? 18 Deck ? 19 Lower Level 30 Accessory Bldg 31 6ct. Alt - Multi 33 Ext. Alt - SF 36 Mul6 Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors 'Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant D@SCfIDtlOfl: WaterDamage_Yes Valuation ? Di UDz) . O o Plan Review 100% or 25% CensusCode 53 y SAC Units # of Units # of Bldgs Type of Const Occupancy _12KC'% MCES System Zoning !?- ( City Water Stories ? Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered Width ? _ Foo[ings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) ? Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final ?O Framing ? Fireplace J. R.I. 4 Air Test LQ Final ?G Insulation ? ^-. I I Approved REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Sheetrock FinaUC.O. '?Q, Final/No C.O. ?p HVAC O[her _ Pool F[gs AidGas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick _ W indows _ Retaining Wall ? 20 Pool ? ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo/pergola) ? ? 24 Storm Damage 0 25 Miscellaneous Building Inspector Base Fee " Surcharge Plan Review MGES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total 24 z x -) I.po = 1 7?1gZ.e-o . Certifica te of Boundary Survey for.• ? PAUL BL`RG M 589'25'02"W 30.06 ? Meos. \ N89'48'04"E ? HWsrssw 89,95 30.05 ••NOte** ffset Distances Measured to Found Monuments ? ? 0 Ezistirtg W to House ?s T n N ?a z 0 Z DE'LMAR H. SCHWAN LAND SURI/EYORS, IJVC. DR.4VYN DATE 14555 So. RoseRT TRaiL JM 7/ 17/07 RosehtouNT, MN 55068 APPROVED DATE 651-423-1769 DGR SCALE SHEET PROJECT NO. 1 " = 30' B07049 Property Description: Lot 6, Block 6, OAK CLIFF, according to the recorded pla[ thereof,.Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showing the location of a proposed addition staked thereon. ? \ ? hQ ? ? " . BLOCK 6 ?osa ? ?° a?V oa? S I s Pdd?ti . \> 7 ?? .!° ? L-------- -' ------ ---------------------? ° Oroo?? o 10.2 10.2 10.2 14.80 M ?.? 0 r Found Iron Pipe Monument \ 51 3' Choinlink Fence ? -.;? e _ Gute Fencepost I \? ? I \ \?9e o s?? ?OB'32, ' LoT 5 SB I Property Addresm 2180 James ? ` ? SP?e?f ? 4? $ 4BOS, ? ?TS \ I ?' ??? 39 \ ? c ? ? o. o9P ? ----a4.i---- xis.fi? 9 ? i P ec yODSQ \ \ ? Ws< ?- w 90.02 ?- - N 89'48'04" E 233.77 ? 5 8546'31' W 233.82 = Neas. /1"ebycBdilythat Ihis survey, p/en arrepart was prePaieo"bYme ^_. l^ G?' ?C/ - or 11nde1-my dirscf supeivision and Uief/am a dv/yRegis7eisdLairo' Sunre,?rc?randerfhe /aws o1b5e State ofiLfln?snfs -10 LotArea = 20,597sq: it. Hse & GarAraa = 2,055sg: R. , r. co C)? DA!!ID G. ? ? ? ..1 ?PP =? -22844- i.? ? "?"°"° -' -1- N06'w27'E- 1.42 from Comp. - 2-1' 1077 A67/ro9018 LiG1sn80 NO. 22044 ? PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA168211 Date Issued:04/13/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 2180 James St Lot:6 Block: 6 Addition: Oak Cliff PID:10-53550-06-060 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Joshua D Scott 2180 James St Eagan MN 55122 Renewal Andersen 1920 County Road C West Roseville MN 55113 (641) 264-4088 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature