2053 Garnet LaneCITY OF EAGAN Remarks * Cedar Grove Accruisition Addition CEDAR GRAVE #1 Lot 17 Bik 5 Parcel 10 16700 170 05 Owner ?I Z L-- - R sireec 2053 Garnet Lat1e State EaQan• MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years '. ?, Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. PAS 1985 1266.9 84.46 15 1182. C010195 4 18 STREET RESTOR, GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK * SEwERLATERAL 1972 1 304.00 52.16 25 573.76 C0101 18 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 1972 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK S70RM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. ? BUILDING PER. SA C PARK • ,.- , CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pflot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PH ON E: 454-8100 BUI4DING PERMIT Receipt? To be used for Est. Value Date ?• ? 1- ,? ?. __ Site Address . ' ? 3 Lot " I Block Sec/Sub. 'A ' • ?;V} T Parcel No. a Name u W 3 Address ° City Phone ¢ O Nart 0 Q Add ? City Name City I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota 5tatutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: V on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with ail applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City o( Eagan Ordinances. Building Official O FFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewape Occupancy MWCC 5yatem Zoning On Site Well (Actual) Const ciN water (nuowaae) PRV Required * of Storfes Booster Pump Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. j APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Permit Planner Surcharge Council Plan Review eidy. off. sac, city Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL ' Permit Ho. Permit Holder Date Telephone i? Plumbing H.V.A.C. Electric Softener Inspection Dats Insp. Commenta Footings I Footings II Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert. Occ. r Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well ? ? i• ? Pr. Disp. . •. ,• PERMIT # PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT # f CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: " ITRACT PRICE: PHONE: 854-8100 Site Address ? Lot Block Sec/?Sub ;., Name - ? Address c Ciry Phone Name 3 Address p Ciry Phone FEES COMM/INQ FEE - 1°r6 OF CONTRACT FEE APT BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $2a.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GDES BEYOND $1,000.00) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY OF EAGAN BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. New Mult. Add-on ?- Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Water Closet - $3 00 S Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 Ki!chen Sink - $3.00 UrinallBidet - 53.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 Floor Drains - $1.50 Water Heater - $1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIT) Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $70.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: STATE S/C: GRAND TOTAL• CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pllot Knob Raod Eagan, MN 55122 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # TO Mu=A lor " •. .. ? FC* V?lI11A nA+P Site Address - Lot BIoCk SeC/Sub. • =??' "=`C?L?' ?, Parcel # 3 AddreSS 20i-3 rraI'_Tlet i.F1 o °C Ncme i° . , ... ?? Address ~ Ci Phone u? WW Name FW Z Address _? I hereby ocknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informotion is correct ond ogree to comply with all opplicable State of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordinances. Erect ? Alter ?j Repair ? Enlarge p Move ? Demolish ? Grode rl N4 6587 L-' 10 Occuponcy Zoning Fire Zone Type of Const. # Stories Front ft. Deoth ft. Fees Assessment Woter & Sew. Pol ice Fire En0• Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC Permit Surcharge - Plan check _ SAC Water Conn. Wuter Meter Road Unit - Total ? SignCture of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work sholl be done in accordonce with all applicable 5tate of Minnesota 5tatutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Officiol PemM # psN iMw? ?eenMfM Plumbing Mechonical INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rouflh-tn Finol Footings Dote Insp. Dote Insp. Foundation Plumbing Frnme/ins. Mechonical Finoi 9-p-? Remarks: CITY OF EAGAN 3794 PiIM Knob Rood Fagan, MN 55124 N2 6587 PHONE: 454-8700 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # To be uaed fo. BRICK FRONT/STDWValue 4,000 Date 4-6 ,1561 Site Address 2053 Garnet Ln Erect ? Occupancy R3 Lor 17 B lock 5 Sec/Sub. Cedar Grove 1 Alrer j? Zoning Rl Porcel # Repair ? Fire Zone 3 E l f Con T t n orge ? ype o s . - a Nome George MeCl Move ? # Sfories 3 Address 2053 Garnet Ln Demolish ? Front ft. ° Ci Phone Groda ? Depth k. ? Nome Approvals Feea 0 S3IRe ?? Address ~ Ci r-? w Nome w ? Address I hereby acknowiedge thot I have read this applicotion and state that the infortnotion is mrrect and ogree to wmply with all upplicable State of MinnesoM $tatutes ond City of Eogan Ordinances. Assessment _ Water & Sew. Police ? Fire Eng. Planner - Council _ Bidg. Off. - APC pe,,,,;r 15.00 Surcharge 2.0 ? Plon check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Total 17.00 Signature of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: C*002'ge M2C1 on the express condition rtat olI work sholl be done in accordonce with pll opplicableAtate gf Minnewta Statutes and City of Eugon Ordinonces. Building Official CITY of EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT own.: _.......1.................................... Addrese (Pzecenf) ... V;-?S . :3 ...... .................... Builder Addreu ...... w iw N° 3294 3795 Pilo! Knob Road Eagaa Minnesota 55122. 954-6300 ,C _ ;'-O ^ 7 ?} Defs ................................................ SSOriea To Be Uced For J Fronf Dapth Heigh! Esl. Cos! esml! Fee Aemulu !!'?,??o ??y„_I /D / ? oZSU. `3° ?•F S /? ??,..d ' .... ?.......___......"'--...... Per .......................... ........................................................................ ........................ .1.-?-?----?-----?? :?`-?'-' MaYor .6 Building InsPectos Q 1'his permit does not auihorise the use of slree2s, soads, allaps or sidawalks nor doas if qlve the owne= os hle egBnt the righ! !o create anp siiualion which is a nuisanea or which presenfs a hazard to the heelih, safetp, coaveatann aad ganeral weltare !o anpone in the eommunily. THIS PERMIT MUST BEEPT?N THE PREMISE WFIILE THE WORK IS IN PROGAESS. - This is to cerlifp, ihat... ..---..has permisaion !o aree! a........ . ......_aPOn ..... ? ............... ......... -.......... ._......... .. ............... ...................... the above described premise subjeaY !o the provisions of all applieable Ordinances for the i!p of Eagan. , CITY OF EAGAN N? 1 5 0 0 9 ` 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21 •199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:454-8 100 ?J? 'll BUILDING PERMIT J Receipt # /? ? To be used for BASEMENT Est. Value $1, 500 Date MAY lZ ,19 8S Site Address 2053 GARNET LN OFFICE USE ONLY Lot 17 Block 5 Sec/Sub. CEDAR GROVE 1ST OnSltaSewage _ Occupency MWCC System _ Zoning Parcel No. ' On Site Well _ (ACtuap Const a Name RON VAN DEUSEN cirywarer _ (qllowable) w z Address 2053 GARNET LN PRV Required # of Storles - 3 0 City EAGAN Phone 452-8581 Booster Pump Len th - 9 Depih o NamC S.F.TOtal , ? Q AddreSS Footprint S.F ¢ City Phone pppROVALS FEES W w Name Engr./ASSass. Permit 34.00 !-i Planner Surcharge 1.00 Address w City PhOne CounCil Plan Review Q BIdg.Off. SAQ Ciry I here6y aCknowladge that I have read this appliCation and State that ihe Variance SAC, MWCC information is correct and agree to comply with all applica6le State of WaterConn. Minnesota Statutes and Cit f Eagan Ordi a es. ? Water Meter ??? Signature of Permittee ? ??''^^? Road Unit A Building Permit is issuad to: RON VAN DEIiSEN Treatment P1 on the express Condi[ion that all work shall be done in aCCOrdance with all applica6le State o f M inneso ta Statutes an d City of Eagan Ordinances. parks 35 00 j ? ? ? , ? ., BuildingOfficial 1 TOTAL . EAGAN T0IIVNSHIP BUILDING PERNlIT Owner ... . .- ?x---------l-/- Address (Preseni) ._..¢Fide]..?..?L??..f/..n..'"._._.... Builder ....... Az.-------------- 0 Addsess ................................................. M 1170 0 Eagan Township Town Hall Dale ..................... Btories To Be Used For Froni I .Depth Heighl Esi. Cos! Permit Fee Remaxks ?1 0 . /cC 6-6 ? LOCATION - Slree3, Road or ofher Deseripiion of Location Lo! Bloak Addition or Tracf I This permif does noi aufhorize the use ot sfreels, roads, alleys or sidewalks nos does it give the ownes os his agent the righi Yo creaSe axy situation which is a nuisance or which presenis a hasard So the heallh, safeiy, aonvenience and general welfare io anyone in the communiiy. THIS PERMIT MUST 8 KEPT ON PREMISE WHILE TF3E WOAK IS IN PAOGRESS. This is So cerlifp, ihaf ..... ?4...... .___.._.has permission io ereci a----- .. . . `. . . .... .:- '...'_._---- ................... ....__upon the abave described premise s jec! !o the provisions of the Sui!ding Ordiaance for gan To nship adopSed April 11, 1955. ..........___...__.?lCl•.1!?..?!?`!4.....--------........._.._. Per ......................... .°'e.?.....A--°`--°-=:.`.l?S_ .......... . "_ _ "" Chairman of Tnwn Boaa d Building In peetos G- ° ?5,. . EAGAN TOWNSHIP NQ 387 UILDINC; PERNiIT ' Owne:..???./?t'?.u:f Ea9an Township Address (PseseniJr.Y?f.? ??? ...?t?f?r ... _14..t........:. .......... .. - Town Hal] Builder -------------------------- ---?-------------------------- ---------------- ?-------- ------ Dale 0?`.Y....y, -.... _........-- ---------.....-------........_......._......--------- .... .....__ Address --? DESCRIPTION . Slosies, To Be Used For Pron3 DOpih Heighf . Esf. Cosi PermiE Fec -- Remarks ?. i ?-- LOCATION - Stseei, RoarYor oihee Descrip3ion of Locai9on I La! I nlecB I _ttaauwn or cract - This permii does noi auiFlorize fhe nse nf sireeis, roads, alleys or-sidewalks nor dces it give the owner ox his ageni the righ!!o ereafe any siiuafion whiah is a-nuisance or whiah presenfs ahazard io the healfh,-safefy, couvenience and genesa] welfare 2o anyone inihe communiiy. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE-KE/P/qON,??/g E PF,LE THE WORK I5 IN PRO?GLRES '? This is 2o cexiifp, ihat.. ?[.iL22 . 4? .....? . . _ r has permission io erecf a...T'... .,K.E.?... ..?._._-__...__.upon . ?._. ?. f fheabove cinbed re ubjeci !o the pxovisions of ihe Building Ord'aaance tor EaganTowp adopied Apzil 11. 1955. ? ' ' ..- - --- .. Per _ ......... .--------... -----'-- -------...----._......._.._...._...._...._. _ V Chairm .? Board _ Building Inspec:or CITY OF EAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations & BUILDING PEFMIT APPLICATION 1 set of enexgy calculations. 'Ib Be Used For 4 valuation ?0 C) Date site Address: 5 3 &9Z?f Lot 17 Bloak ?- Sec./Sub. C_ G#??/ Parcel #: /O l(n-7 pC) (`7 6 C-) s Owner: Address: o?()6'3 City/zip (bde: Phone # : Contractor: Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Arch./Fhg.: Fiidress: City/Zip Cade: OFFICE USE ONLY Erect Occupancy Alter Zoni.ng Repair Fire Zone Enlarge 7ype of Const. _ Move # Stories Deirolish Front ft. Grade Depth ft. APPROUAI.S FE&S Assessnents Permit . O 0 Water/Sewer Surcharge ?.oc Police Plan Check Fire SAC Eng. Water Conn. Planner Water.Meter Council Rnad Unit Bldg. Off. APC Phone #: TWAL ? oZ, aa o CJo-?-?v? ,6-e-0 -41 5? tav '? , D, 5:,-?r / & t ? 7 _ 127, / .3 3 0 _ 3?1 ? o s=° 2000 STORM DAMAGE PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 ? 651-687-4675 ? Reauiremenis ? 2 coples of plan 2 E DATE: CON/S?TRUCT?I1ON COS7: ?¢uJs{-'wc?u?cu(I tYNSt?q,??Dn"? 6?a?, PiV DESCRIPTION Of WORK: j Ns'?c?e .Rase. e?1fi Q??»C r° If multf-famlly bldg., how many units? _ INDICAlE THE FOLLOWING EQUIPNiEPIT TO BE REPLACED APfD BY WHOM: _ Plumbfng _ Homeowner Q Contractor Name _ Mechanical _ Homeowner or Contractor Name "NOte; If somebody oTherthan the homeowner is pertorming plumbing or mechanical work, they mustapply forappropriote permit. Only licensed plumbing contractor or homeowner may complete plumbing work. STREETADDRESS: ao!5 3 (?- e`'R?j e- 4- L_ ti J?a-"?0.".) LOT: } A BLOCK: J SUBD./P.I.D. #: (Ik? C?- ( 4+ Name: +/ R tJ DeKseA Po NeC 1 CIQ Phone PROPERTY Last First OWNER Sheet Addreu: aty srare: ?j zop: 5? r a? Company: Phone #: (area code) CONTRACTOR Sheet Addreu: License # Eup. City State: Zip: ?.. _ _ . I ? OCT 0 6 2000 i_ I hereby acknowledge lhaf I have read this applicaFion, state that the information is correct, and agree to compty with altapplitz6le Siate of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ^ Signature ot Applicanf:v ? ?.c) 0 P?emfj el?N basertepj-t Pnys&-j-F a ?1ooR ?'aN s a'?a?{.e?K 7988 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - SINGLE FAMILY DWELLIHGS 15009 ?j U"?j b e us'q,v 53 6ar-K1efi LN CITY OF EAGAN G Qta0 J(}? ti PA 4k INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY On site sewage_ MWCC system ` On site well _ City water _ PRV required Booster Pump NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL UNITS FOR SALE UNITS # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECK WITH HLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENEBGY CALCULATIONS COhP'fERCIAL IUCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUC'PORAL PLAVS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used 'r'or: SA;EMENr EjN1su Valuation: I SUC>- Dat?? P:?• .-; ?:? _?+ ??3 Site Address Lot lI Block 6 1 Parcel/Sub (oJbk J1(pufli Owner -P'01l VAN DcVsFwJ Address 2•0.5I GAfZNE? LANE City/Zip Code CA,(rA"r//lAj Phone 45Z- SrtS3/ Contractor Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. _ Address City/Zip Code Phone !l I APPROVALS caLC ba-zzoais- v' Occupancy Zoning Actual Const Allowable fk of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEES Engr/Assess Permit Planner Surcharge Council Plan Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOTAL _?oo ?OD ?. ?, o a MASTER CARD LOCATI ON OWNER STRUCTURE AND IAND USED AS Permit No. Issued Issued To Conirador Owner BUILDING JAJ fe PLUMBING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WELL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OiHER OTHER Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTI NG SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING ? ?!- TILE FIELD . FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUM8ING WELI SANITARY SEWER Violations Noted on Batk COMMENTS: City of Eapn 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (657) 6755694 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT Date: 3 ? Site Address: - L I <; Tenant: -------------- ? 00r c?fFi46se ? ? Permit ? Permit Fee: ?E' 'OD ? I ? ? Date Received: ? i i ? Staff: I i _ _ , LICATION Suite #: RESIDENT / OWNER ?j Name: vy" ?..? Phone: / i23 3 TJ 1 t? 36 Address ! City ! Zip: ' Applicant is: _ Owner k- Contractor TYPE OP WORK Description of work: Lcus.s? t" tkq, 9,00 ? Construction Cost. ?3y9r Sd Multi-Family Building: (Yes _ I No CONTRACTOR Name: New Life Contractinq Inc. License #: 8030 Old Cedar Ave. S Ste. 119 AddrWI_?,c MpJ 5543si RAN Lic #2024G48E Ph: 651-274-6943 Fau: 952-405-6106 City: State: Zip: Dadid JOhnSOf1 Phone: Contaci Person: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateqorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet Category Submitted Submitted (4 submission type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plum6er: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer 8 Water Contractor: Phone: ` NOTEr Plans and supporting documents thaf you submit are considered to be public information: Portions of ; the infocmaiion. may be classified as non-public ii you provrde specific reasons t at would permit the City tv?: , i " conclude fhat the are trade secrets. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the wor4 Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a perm accordance with'Ih&? appf%Miplyqjty./hgqgASe of work which requires a review and David Johnson x ApplicanYs Printed Name of and codes of the City of that the work will be in 1 of 3 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooooi-os n 10, See inshuctions for completing this torm on back ol yellow copy. E?'13T( 4 "X ' Be/ow Work Covered by lhis Request Rdd flep. Typa ot Builtling? Appliancea WireC Equipment WireA I I I I Duplex I I Nlater Heater I?wj li,Ghtiny Fixtures J I I I I Commercial Bldq. I I Fumace I I Silu Unloader I Ik ('mmnu/n Incnarfinn Foa Rc/nui n /".....y- Nn p Fee ServicaEnVeneeSize h Fea Fenders?5ubieeders b Fee Circults U to 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am?s 0 tn 30 Am s Above 200 qmps. 37 to 100 Amps 31 [0 100 qm s Swimming Pool Above 100_Am s Above 100_AmU+ Transiormers Irrigation Booms Prrtial.'Other Fee Si oo' I$ XOUgh-m // r ue?e ?. the?jYR? I Inspectoq hereby t - cenify thnt the nbove I Final a 17, -insoection hes ?een ? . D ( O?' metle. This reques? voitl ??7 18 nqnlhs (rom E 13974 Lr?? ,,? o..ti 'YO 0`1 ly / , Request Date _ ? 3 Fire No. Fouph-in InsVectinn Required? I ?RCady Nuw Will Notify InsOer.- ?or Wh R _ ?Ves ?No en eadY ? Licensed ElecVical Contractor 1 hareby ra0uest inspacUOn oi abova W, Owner eleclrical work inslailatl at S[reet AOdress, Box or Rmte No. 0? 'laR 4 City Gac aA? ecLOn o. Township ame or No. I flange No. d Counry pa ko? g - Ocwpnnt (PRINT) ar.1 v e#,1 Phune No. Power SuOplier ?j 5 Adtlress Po s3 GaRrie-{- 1-Av Elec[rical ConRaclor ICOmpany Namel Coneractor's License No. MailinB AdJress (ConVactor or Owner Makinp Inscallationl A o ed Signawre? (C vac or Owner Making Installation) Phone Number MINNESOTA STATE eOARD OF ELECTqICITV THIS INSPECTION qEQUEST Wlll NOT Gli89s-Midwev Bltlg. - Noom N•t91 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARO 1821 Universitv Ave.. St. Peul. MN 55104 UNLESS PHOPEH INSPECTION FEE IS Phona (612) 642-0800 ENCLOSED. City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 2053 Garnet Lane Lot: 17 Block: 5 Addition: Cedar Grove 1st PID:10- 16700 - 170 -05 Use: Description: Sub Type: e- Siding Work Type: Siding Description: House Census Code: 434 - Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Fee Summary: Valuation: 3,000.00 Contractor: New Life Contracting Inc. 2478 Hillwood Dr E Maplewood MN 55119 (651) 274 -6943 Total: Applicant/Permitee: Signature PERMIT City of Eaan Construction Type: Occupancy: When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing soffit mate take steps to ensure maximum ventilation into attic space. BL - Base Fee $3K Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K - Applicant - $90.00 Owner: Ronald J Vandeusen 2053 Garnet Lane Eagan MN 55122 Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: Issued By: Signature al (i.e. debris that could block vent openings) and $88.50 0801.4085 $1.50 9001.2195 Building EA087688 12/08/2008 ePermit I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 2053 Garnet Lane Lot: 17 Block: 5 Addition: Cedar Grove 1st PID:10- 16700 - 170 -05 Use: Description: Sub Type: e- Siding Work Type: Siding Description: House Census Code: 434 - Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Fee Summary: Valuation: 3,000.00 Contractor: New Life Contracting Inc. 2478 Hillwood Dr E Maplewood MN 55119 (651) 274 -6943 PERMIT City of Eaan 5/11/09 New Life pulled 2 permits for the same job. We are canceling this permit. pf When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. BL - Base Fee $3K Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K Total: Applicant/Permitee: Signature - Applicant - Construction Type: Occupancy: Owner: Ronald J Vandeusen 2053 Garnet Lane Eagan MN 55122 Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: $88.50 0801.4085 $1.50 9001.2195 $90.00 Issued By: Signature Building EA088644 04/03/2009 ePermit I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use Permit ?~s City of EaRm,n 16 ;c- Permit Fee. 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: I I I 2013 RESIDENTIAL /BUILDIING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: `1 rZs ~ l 3 Site Address: ZO5 3 c. to LAC, Unit # Name: ~0 ~r TrM^f'+ti ~ a" b +S Phone: 5~~ • 3 ~ ~l-7 Resident/ ) Owner Address / City / Zip: 2.J S 3 ~Gtr+CA- (,G✓►L i Applicant is: Owner Contractor I I Type of Work Description of work: 0~ t'aStac~ Construction Cost: U UJ Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No Company: ZutI~ , Q6,_,C1, Contact: At N&Ay Address: O V116 kT ,-J .0, A-~iL City: e✓ •'~L~ + t~ Contractor State: /A (J Zip: JS ~Lb Phone: (O 5 Z~ ~i ' l License t3L 6 Soo 14 Lead Certificate A -7 -7 If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: i NOTE. Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. _ ..mow CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x A N &AL, x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3