1563 Lancaster LaneCITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55421 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT •- ?- ----• ,-- :;F :);AG/GAR 56. 000.00 Receipt Site Address y'' ?'' ""`•`""••' •• ?"?•`? Lot ?3 B lock 2 Sec/Syp E1 Parcel No. 10 13500 U o U ? Name t)??Ii Ci;1?S'r; BLJiZS, lcd?,. ? Address 34(") "'"?%AI[J1 #1Ull City ' Phone 454 79 c Name Z? u Address ? ? City Phone Cu W Name ? W 2 Address 0 ? W City Phone I hereby ocknowledgs that I hove read this applicotion and stote that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable Stnta of Minnewto Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordirances. Erect Occupancy Remodet ? Zoning 1;1 Repair ? Type of Const. V Enlarge ? No.Stories Move ? Length 44 Demolish ? Depth 4l1 Grada ? Sq. Ft. ApPrmols Fee. Assessmenf Woter S Sew. Police Fire Eny. Plonner Council Bldg. Off. APC Var. Date Permit Plon c SAC _ Water Rood Unit L U v• U v Parks 7otai 1,797.50 Sipnoture of Permittee ? A 8uildin9 Pertriit Is issued fo: o?, ' on ths express conditlon Ihot oll work sholl be done in accordonce with oll opplioable State of Minnesota Stotutes ond Ciy oF Eoqan Ordinances. Bulldinp Official Psrmit No. Permit Holder Dete Plumbiny y ?'? 1 {'? ? H.VA.C. Electric a Lj;,- (j ? U ?PSCcIa(a ? ?3l`b? ?v vD Softener Inapection Date Inap. Other Footines ~ll??lb4 ?v Foundation Framing ' - CT' ?J- ? `?Al Rough Plbg. Rough HVAC 7-77 3J Inwlation -?' Final Plbg. IGb•y Final HVAC 0 Final ? Csrt/Oce. Water Describe Location: YYell , Sewer Pr. Oirp. Receipt PLUMBING PERRAIT • Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN - Pee ' Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly Tot. -- J t. Date 2. Installation Cost •'' 3. Job Adreu ? ?N«? ???t Blk. , Tract 4. Owner ' .i7t" ,. . , r 5. Contractor:-,-.s ._; a. Phone ' , j 6. Address % ? f i' Ge , ,t:,•' ,?'i. i ?1 i? Zip 7. Cit ` y State , 8. Building Type: Residential C3 Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New 10 Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11 No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield i Bath tubs Septic Tank •' Lavatory Softner Shower . Well ' Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other : Laundry Tray y Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. ? Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed: for - Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. _ This is your permit when numbered and approved. I agree to Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN P. 0. BOX 21-199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 DATE aecEiveo FROM AMOUNT $ - ' & DOLLARS 1 oo FICASH EICHEGK Roa ?Sa &4x ?`'7? `?%F.,H?,?'/?? J? FUNO COOE AMOUNT lw `_. r 43•? ?? Tha Y?`ou I? i B Y G. White-Payers Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File COpy Receipt ??.10 MECHANICALPERMIT PermitNo. ?CITY OF EAGAN i Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly ? ? ? Tot. J C' 1. Date 2. Installation Cost ` 3. Job Address Lot r/ Blk. ? Tract ? 4. Owner 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City State - ' `J • 8. Building Type: Residential i!? 9. Work Description: Newer 10. Describe 11. Fuel Type No, Equjgment 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. _ Equipment CFM qir Handling: Mfg, - Boilers _ Mfg. - Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater _ Mfg. Othe Air Cond. r Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 72. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 I Zip Commercial ? Institutional ? Add ? Alter ? Repair ? CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition RFACOn? HILL ADDITION Loc 8 aik 2 Parcel 10 13500 080 02 Owner A0 a street 1563 Lancaster Lane state F.agan, yiN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 1f0 O 1027.07 A014923 12-5-84 STREET RESTOR. GRADING 1982 3 8' 59.76 9 298.80 A014 23 12-5-84 SAN SEW TRUNK 1976 135.97 9.06 15 45.37 2 12- -84 +t SEWER LATERAL (? :[ n n WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 1982 WATER AREA * Stubs 1982 STORMSEW TRK Z 1982 367.77 40 86 204.33 12- -84 * STORM SEW LAT 1982 9 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT Road Unit 260.00 #44 21 7-16-84 WATER CONN. 470.00 11 t I BUILDING PER. n n SAC 525-00 n r PARK INSPECTION RE ORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number. I Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: I (651) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: ;a•;fFh: LAI?i , ?; ??? ; .•?r; , PERMIT SUBTYPE: IP f) 1 !"N Ts I F ? V TYPE OF WORK: Ai rr,{ar iOn oESr.kt{l t7CIN tro^^;INl! rxtlit f t1i 7 Permil Holder Deb Telephone 11 SEWER/ WATER j - PLUMBING HVAC Inspectlon Dete Insp. Commenta FOOTINGS Q8d-1,00, FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING 6AS SVC TEST INSUL GYPBOARD FIREPtACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDCa FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS CANDUCTIVITY TEST HVDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FINAL CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN P. 0. BOX 21-199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 DATE 19 ? RECEIVRD i ' ZF?L PROM _./ . ._ ..- I AMOUNT $ 3 ? v & OOLLARS 100 ? CASH ?CHECK FOR f?- / White-Payers Copy Vellowv-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy Thank You BY ?`v ?= s CITY OF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: . Eagan, MN 55721 DATE: ' Zonirg: `?1 No, of Units: ' Owner: nak Gtiase 31crs Stte Addi Plumber, 1 syros fo eanply wit6 tM Gy ef Eeoas Oedinseea. By Date ot Irap.: I nsp.: Connectlon Chorpe: 425.00 n.3 Account Deposit: 15.00 p.? PermM Fes: °">OQ Surcharge: Misc Charoes: . Total: Date Pcid: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT ° 3$30 Pilot lCnob Rpad pERMIT NO.: ' P. Q_ Box 2.199 - Eagan, MN 5512,1 DATE: Z• No. of Unitr. I ornng. .,. ?.hase --?rs Owner: Address: .; >s ancnater Site Address: t??s.eree, -enz :?an Plwnber: Meter No.: Connection Chorge: ; . Size: Account DePOSit: Reader No.: Permit Fee: 1 ayrm ro eemplr wifh the City of Ea9om Surcharge: Ordj?nem Misc. CFarpes: l T t : o a BY Date Paid: Date of Insp.: I^sp•' CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road WATER SERVICE PERMIT P. O. Box 21799 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zoning: No. of Units: Owner: AddfE55' ra q? Site Address: . "j?= : r;, Plumber. B°TG!F ^'^";^^ °all" (d}"l Li{jiRfOS Meter Na? - CConnection Charge: ' , . !1 Size: - ccount Deposit: ; . Reader :. Permit Fee: ara/7 pir with H?e City e w $urcherge: Or.lu. CMrger l /? /tL1LD? ?: By Date o Insp.: ? ?? / ? REQUEST FOR ELECTRtCAL INSPECTIOPI E&' ` , See instruclions tor eonwlyting 4hea:turm m 6ack of yelbe wpy- A?R!p,' A "X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request aad Reo• 7rce oi suildirg Aooliances Airad Epuipacnt wired Home nge Teenporary $ervice Duplex ater Heater Lighting Fixtures Apt Building EDryei Etectric Fleatin Comrercial Bldg. J umace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. ir Conditiaier BuIk Milk Tank Farm Neer lsoeciryl Other $VCCiFy . OIhCr FPP # Fee ServiceF.n[ra?eSize tt Fee Feeders/SUbteedera ? Fce Cireui[s ? 0 tp200 Anws 0 to30A 0 m30 Amas Above 200 Arnips 31 to 100 Amps 37 tu 100 AnVs Swimming Popt Above 700_ AUWS Above 100_Amps Trarsionners Irrigation Boars Partial•'Other Fee Signs Special InspecTion S / T?Tf? FEE Hemarks ? H v RouBh-in Flectrical 4 { ?/ . / I" tqr,"h?eM ? ? wrtitr thst Me a6ova Final ale Ires Aesn asede . TMS raquesl voiA 18 monthsfiom _ ?st ,ro,d a 3 TN monihs from i4 G &8 6 6 6 Hequest Date ?, / _I ? - Fire No. poupA-in Inspeclqn rflequj, ?red? . QHead?r Now i11 Nolify IMpec ' . O / f ? ,, ,a.os .m oo. wn,, aaw Licensed Eiectrical Conttactw . I hereyY request ???tion of a6ove ? Owner - elecdical work iusmlNd at: Street Address, Box or Ibrtte No. . City . ' n e.c ?e r /=a .c /1 ctwn o. Tow?hio . or No. Rarge o_ CpunlY Occupant (PFIINT) Phwm No. 0,4,0L Power SuPPlier ?n? . Electrical Contractor ICompany Namel Cmtracim s LiceRSe No. Maitin9 Addrbsd IContractor m ing InsmilaNon) 1?. o' ed Sigreture (C ?nractor Ow?ar Naking Imtalla[ion) Nbne Ntm6er WINNESOTp STpTE Bpqpp OF ELECTRIC(Tl' TM? HISPECTION BQUEST MILL NOT Griggs-MidwaY Bldp- - Room N-787 BE ACCEPtEO Br iHE SfA7E BOARD 7827 Universiiv Ave_. St. Paul, IMN 56106 UNlFSS PRDPER INSPECTION FEE lS Phoere 16121 287-2771 ENCLOSm. REQUEST FOR 6..ECTitlCAL IPISAECTION ee-ooooi-oa ' Se0 itmtnre[i- fm conqletilo this fam m haok of Yellow eopY. v D 25 "X" Be/wv iYork .7 :w2red by This RequesJ Add Rep. Type ot Buiming Appliames Nired Equipmenc Wired Home Range iemporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lighting Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Elecvic Heatin Crnrmnercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Blda. Air Caditioner Bulk Milk Tank p Fee SarviceEMranceSize p' Fee Feeders/5ubleeders !t Fee Circuits 0 to 200 Amps 0 tn 30 Anws 0 to 30 Am Above 200 p - 31 to 100 Arnps 31 to 100 A 5 Swirtening Pool Above 100_Amps Above 100_Am • Transformers Irrigation Boans Partial,'Other Fee aigns apeciai inspecuon S G S-p Nemarks TOTA EE ' /A.OU i, ene eieF,tc:eai Inspector, hereby r tifV thet the a6ova pection has been TIYalBpueslvoiAlBmontlofrom `? ` 9? IB i 'd mont 5 from A 05-9 52 5 L? /5 Request Date ' / Fire No. Rouglrin Impection Required? ?Rea Now ?V?II Notify, InsPec- ?? ? I? `/ ?es ?No tur When Ready ?Licensed Elec[rical Comractor I hereyy request inspection ot above Owner eleciripl Mdk irtstalled at: Street Address, Box w Route No. . City G .3 CQ"? aas ecti n a. Towmhiv Nartie or No. qartge No. Cou OccuDantIPRINT) Phone No. Q Power SuPpiier . qddr¢ss k 4 ce c- e 0 Electrical Contractor (ComPany Nama) Contractor's License No. d / U3? Mailing Address ntrector w Ow ner MaktnWimtailation) n ??? ?r??• /??? Auth ignature (Cont c[w/O.met Malcing Imtallation) Phone Number I e- MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ElEC7RICRY THIS INSPECTION pEUUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg. - Room N-791 BE ACCEP'iED BY THE STATE 90ARD 1827 University Ave., Se_ Peul, YN 557U7 UNLESS PBOPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (byZ) 297-2111 ENCLOSED. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot K?ob Raad P O Box 21-199 Ea an MN 55121 _ Approvals _ Foes . 9 . PHONE: 454-8100 * BUILDINC PERMIT 24Y Receipt # To 6a wed "Wr SF DWG/GAR Est. Vclue 56 ,000 .00 pate JULY 13 _ 1984 SiteAddress 1563 LANCASTER LANE Erect Ek Occupancy R3 Lot g Bl ock 2 cec/Sub. BEACON HI Remodel ? Zoning R1 Parcel No. 10 .13500 080 02 Repair ? Type of Const. Enlarge ? No. Stories i W Name OAK CHASE BLDRSt INC_ Move ? Len9th 44 z Address 3460 WAS$INGTON DR 0 Demolish ? G ? Depth 46 City EAGAN phone 454 796 rade Sq. Ft. o Name $ AMF. , Address ' . City Phone Fw Name I Address. ; u ' i?W City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I hove read this epplicotion and stote that .the inlormotion is torrect ond ogree to tomply with all npplicoble 5tate of Minnewta $tatutes and City of Eogon Ordinances. Signature of Permittee _ A Building Permit is'issued fo: all work shali be done in cco Building Official - /L Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Plonner Council Bldg. Off. APC Var. Date Permit ? Surchnrge 2 8 Plan checkl5 0 . 5 0 snc 525.00 Water Conf47 - 00 Water Meter6 3 .Q0 Road Unit-760_00 Parks rotal 1,297.50. OAK CHASE BLDRS, INC. on the express condition thm wit?,all opplicoble State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eayan Ordinoncea. p - qo. cv C4 of Ealan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 ;---- -- ; ; ? -------- - ? ?? ?, , ? ?? ; ; PeffritFee: , ; DatBReoetved: ? ; ? I Staff: I ? i-------- ---------? 2008 RESiDENT1AL BUILDING PERMtT APPL.ICATfON nate: °' aa os siftAaarea: 1Sio3 Lprnc? s? ? n sUIN III: Tenant: 4 ? ? a ? ? 1?? r? c Phone: RESIDENT / OWNER Name: Address / C+ty / T?p: AppGCant is: _ Owner yContractor 12 • (o(o SQ UU ? O-1 a . 'k- O P? ? TYPE OF WORK Description of work. • TCl?rL Construction Cast: 3139 ?. so MuM-Family Building: (Yes _ I NcI4j CON7RACTOR Name: Ucense ? Address: C4 ' G City: _ Shate: ?? ?? S J? Phone: G61. 419-M 9V Contact Person: COMPLETE'i'{i!S AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING IN innesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 _ Minnesota RulQS7f72 Energy Code • Residentia! verrtlatian. Cetesory 1 workar+eet • New EM9Y COde waksheet cg"pry Su6min¢d : Submitted (J submission type) • Er,eW Ernebpe Caia?a6ore SuMniCted in the last 12 mortdts, has tho City ot EagBn +ssued a pernfit for a Similar plan b8aed on a masta PbR? _Yes _NO If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Piumber: Meehanieal Cont2ctot': Sewer & Waaer Comractor. Phor?ss Phone: PhOne: -., > F_,n..» xY I ,rereby acuvwledge shat u3s inromtatlon is canpaie arw accurate; a,atnie wodc wiA be in coMamarwa wNn n,e orcrnanOos ana maes m ma cay ar Eagan; thst i undestand tFus is rwt a pwmit. but oNy an applicadon for a pemdt, and work is not to:start witlfout e pemiit; that Cre work wM be in aocordar= w8h the approved dan m tlie ease of mk which requires a review and approvat of Pfam . 0qs1 s1 x W l,!'tl-l!-'ll.tCA AppilcanYs Printed Name ApPlicant's Signpture Page 1 of 3 3 ?o ?P'?- 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN '30-Z c? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 (651) 681-4675 New Construction Requirements Remodel/Repair Requirements ? 3 registered site surveys ? 2 copies of plans (include beam 8 window sizes; poured fnd. design; etc.) ? 1 energy calculations ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan if lot platted after 7/1193 required: _ Yes _ No DATE: .5-'- Z 31 ? 2 copies of plan ? 1 site surveys (exterior additions & decks) ? 1 energy calculations for heated additions CONSTRUCTION COST; DESCRIPTION OF WORK: e- LL?[ e, s!„ i.? /e t• STREET ADDRESS: Z-4 •537 Z2 LOT: 5? BLOCK: SUBD./P.I.D. Name: //(/p//1/ot«9t ?"f'icl Phone#: PROPERTY tasTt First oWNER Gh Street Address: City ?? 45t? 5tate: Zip: ?jr'-/ Z 2 Company: f'fvu e°ru'b^ Phone #: CONTRACTOR Street Address:Z22 V7?? ?/??T ?- l• License # r11 9:3?`r? =x P• City ?hLlrbSdState: Zip: q?337 ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: Name: Registration #: Street Address: City State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber (new construction only): and lot change is requested once permit is issued. Penalty applies when address chang I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable Stat of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? Signature of Applicant OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No ow Not Required 6126459943 10/22"89 13':38„FAX 6128959993 WHEELER HARDWARE IN01 We1,fv0/7g 0 C T 2 2 1999 r-om rr,om 65r-4s2-0779 1563 lanms/er [ana work Phone 65I-645-4501 EaSan. MN 55122 Wwlc Fa: 651-643W43 October2l, 1999 City of Eagan Attn. Russ RRaHhys,City Engineer Fax : # 851- 6e(_17c6q,,? Dear Mr. Matthys, 7hank you for responding ta our request to attend a meeting at our home regarding various mold and indoor air quality problems ihat we've been dealing with over the past 2 years. A panel of several individuals who have been involvsd at various stages of the work has been assembled. This meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 27th at 9:00am. As you may know, we have invested considerable time, energy, and funds trying to wrrect the problems in our home_ For severat reasons, including ongoing health issues, uve believe there are Still problems that have not been correCtly diagnosed and which need to be identified and correCtlve measures determined. You have been invited to join us because we feel your expertise and knowle0ge is vital in obtaining an accurate diagnasis and plan for correction. We are currently involved in a Univpssity of Minnesota Study involving the finishing of lower levels and basements in residential dweflings. After correcting any remaining problems, we plan to complete the lower levef of our home, in addition to restoring all areas that have been "under construction" for the past 2 yasrs. The pur?pose of this meeting is to: A) consider test data and work completed thus far B) consider remaining areas of concem C) reach a consensus regarding additional testing that may be required, and determining sources and SOlutions of remaining problems We have attached an ovenriew of the testing and work completed thus far for your review prior to our meeting. ff you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing you ofi Oct4 qq{ 27th. '. ` John & Bonnie Wellvang 5r?s 10/22/98 13:38._.FAX 6126459943 _612645994.a_ WHEELER HARDWARE ? 002 , '. 1563 Lancaster Lane - C?rrerview Due to continual unexplained health problems over ttfe past several years, we began to invastigate our house as being the possibie sourve oFthese problems. Symptoms included dizziness, headaches, muscle spasms, muscle and jofnt pain, stiffness, fetigue, lethargy, tachacardia, anxiety, irritable bowels, and general flu-like symptoms. Another unusual symptom was a metallic tasfe while in the lower level. These symptoms generally improved when we were away firom home for several days, and would then retum shonly after we returned home. After consuking various people, it was suggested lhat mold coutd be e source of somia of the problems. We had trensite ductwork in our lower levef which would occasionally have water sitting in it. The first mald testing was in January 1998. The findings were as follows: Sample focation CFU 1 m3 8 no. of cotonies on plate Malds found 1. Kitchen table 824 / m3 26 Cladosponum spp 3 minute air sample 64 colonies on plate 24 Aspergillus spp DCG medium 12 Penicillium spp 4 yeasts 2. Kitchen table 330 / m3 9 yeasts 3 minute air sample 28 colonies on plate 7 penicillium spp IMA medium B Gladasporium spp 5 Aspergillus spp 1 Rhodotoruta sp 3. Master bedroom 318/m3 8 Penicillium spp 3 minute air sample 26 eolonies on plete 8 Aspergillus spp DCG medium 6 Gladosporium spp 4 Flusanum spp 4. Brittanys room 2581 m3 10 Cladosporium spp 3 minute a+r sample 21 colonies on plate 5 Fvsarium spp IMA medium 2 Aspetgillus spp 2 yeasts 1 Pencillium 5p 1 Rhadotorula sp "" "both bedrooms had air Geanars at time of testing 5. Basement family room 2460 m13 60°'o Aspergillus spp 3 minute air sample 163 colonies an plete 20:'o Cladosporium spp dCG medium 20% Penicillium spp 6. Basement famiiy room 61441m3 42.Aspargillus spp fumifure 78 cnlonies on plate 18 'Penicillium spp aggressive sample 15 Gladosporium spp 30 secand air sample 2 Alteranaria spp DCG medium Z Basement laundry room 97931m3 60°JO Penicillium spp 3 minute air sample 350 wlonies on plate 20:"D Aspergillus spp DCG medium 20% Cladosporium spp 8. Schooi room +++++?+++ 50% Aspergillus flaws ventilation duct Very heavy growlh 50% Cladosporium spp Stivab sample 9. Laundry room + 17 Cladosporium spp insulation behind Very light grorvth washing machine Svab sample 10. Basement school + B Aspergillus spp room -white Very light growth 5 Cladosporium spp stairted c6ment block wall Swab ssmple We then began IookinB for a contractor who could abort our current transite systcm, and correct the moisture problem so the fower tevel could be finished. ' _ 10i22/-99 13,:39 FA1 8126458943 6126459943 WHEELER HARDWARE ta 003 We then had blower door and pressure testing done by Dave Betzler, Energy Specialist. This was required prior to obteining e loan through the H.R.A. (copy of resuits attatched) We hired a contractor who made the following improvements per his analysis: - remove and disposa of existing fi,rnaee and install new Cartier 58MVP060 - instsll Spaceguard Media Air Filter and 600 NS Hepa Shield Air Cleaner - instail Vemmar 100 Duo Energy Recovery Verrtilator vented through air ducts to include supra coritrol. - cap off existing 6" Flu and vent new fumaee through side wall - install two 4" Fantech FR100 fans. One 4" fan in garage to exhausi odors and gases and to create a negative pressure to protect indoor air quality. The other 4" fan to vent the sump basket to aeate a negadve pressure and to proted indoor air quality. - install two 70 CFM Panasonic exhaust fans. One in the main bath and the oiher tan in the future basemerri bath. - add 7 basement supplies and 2 return airvents. - excavate perimeter oF house and garage (exeept the walk-out) - remove existing sidewalk, garage epron, retaining wafl and berm to dig an approximate 2' wide treneh. - clean and tuck point newly exposed block walls - instafl Warm-N-0ri (drainage and insulstion board) for an insullation faaor of R-5. - install Tuff-N-Dri (waterproofing membrane) - install drain tile and rock in trench to daylight - install aiAight sump basin - remove and reinstall existing fence for trenching - repour concrete for sidewalk and garage aprnn - install seamless guttars and downspouTS on all eaves of house and garage - replace gas water heater with Marathon electric water heater - remove existing 2x4 furred walls that covar block kneewalls and replace after installing 1/2" foam bosrd over the block that has all seams sealed and also seafed at sill of outside wall and sealed at concrete floor. - seal new Panasonic bathroom fans and any other easily accessible ceiling openings in those areas with foam sealer. - bfower door test and series pressure tests to evaluate home aRer worlc is completed. - inslall centrel vac system The final step in the construction was to have series pressure testing completed, however we do not have any documented resuRs_ One finding dunng this time was the old fumace flue, which now was used to vent the sub slab ventilation, ran thmugh a shared cavity in the kitchen containing a cold air retum duct Tor the fumace. It was noticed that beeause neither of the ducts were sealed, it was likely that there was crou contamination between the exhausted fumace gasses and the cold air retum. Shortly thereafter a particle test was pertormed. 7he results were favorabfe in the iower level, but very unfavorable in the upper level_ We had the mold levefs re4es6ed January 1988, afterthe work had been completecl and results were favorable indicating we had resolved J correded the mold issue. We are not sure of the accurac.y of this testing since we had just thoroughly deaned the lower level, and recerrtly washed the floors wrth a Gorox solution to Gean arry residusl mald. The ony undesirable finding was in the old insulation we had tested. It appeared mold free, however the results showad more than 185,589/m3, 400 eolonies on plate - sampler w2s overioaded. The first winter did seem to show imprevemeMS, however we still had some apprehension in completing the lower level. Another area of concem we had prior to the construction was the amourrt of dust in the house. This problem did net improve, in fact it seemed to get worse. We then had the dudwork thorough7y cleaned using a rotory auger method. We found that the dust problem continued to remain, if worsen. That spring of 1988, we noticed a new problem with an area of moisture / saturatfon near the sump basket on the cancrete 51ab. We also noticed that thers were new crdcks developing near the areas where the transite floor ducts had been filted in. It elso looked as if the floor were beginning to heave. The humidiry levels were also quite high, so we purchase a Sahara de-humidifier. (which ran steady unti{ September) We noticed that the humidiiy levels also dropped rather 4uieicly after a rainfall. Concemed abovt this probfem and whether or not we could frnish the lower level, we had the pressure field measured to determine if the suYrslab ventilation system was working properly. It was detertnined at that tims, that the system was adequate, but that we could install a larger fan as an vption_ It was questionable if this was necassary. We once again began to notice an unusual odor similar to (if not the same) as we had prior to the construction, Onve again, we were unable to spend any length of iime in the lower level. We did notice thet when soil was pulted out during the sub-sfab testing that d also had this unusua( odor. We then had the water in our sump basket ana(ysed hoping to get an idea of what may be in the soil and if that could be a possibie souree of the remaining concems_ (resuRs attached) Due to the coliform levels and sligMly elevated nlMates, we detertnined it would be wise to have the sewer lines checked for any leakage. (the city of Eagan had checked the main lines earlier) The Sewer lines were chedced via a video camera. There was no sign of leakage in the sewer sysiem_ We also had the interior drain tile checked by the plumber via the video camera. To our surprise, the drain tile was filled with cobwebs, indicating that it hed been quite some time since R contained any water, The drein tile was also colfapsed from the bottom, however not enough to restrict water flow. The compressed point in the tile was in the same area where the predaminant cracking was occurring. This may be coincidental. The latest testing completed was done through a U of M Study. Pressure testing indn:aIing thsre were efevated negative pressures in the house, which will need to be correeted. ' 6126459943 10f22-99 13:39 FAX 0126458843 WHEELER HARDWARE R004 MEMORANDUM Ta nave schaffer FROM: Dave Betrler, Energy Specialist DATIE: May 21,1998 SLTBJECT: Results from fieeshng done an 5/11/98. CC: I would describe this home as having a split entry and garden level basemen#, with an aHac'neci garage. There is one fireplace, and the homeownea has mentioned thet a windvw should be opened before trying to light a flre, bo ensw+e that the draft of the chimney will take the smoke out of the fi=eplace. The fiestu?g was done or? a breezy day, so the wind was producing pressures between -6 and -12 pascals in the attic, relative to the living, space, befvre the blower doar test With all windows and doort; tlosed, I performed a blower door test to determine the total air lealcage of the house. Sirce I had reason iia believe there was moid present in sub-slab ductwork, I decided to measure the house air lealcage under positive rather than negative pressure. With a house press-we of +50 pascals I measured a to#al air leakage of 1800 cubic feet per utinute, which is 200 dm lower than accepied guidelines for a house with five or fewer occupants, a wood-firnci heating appliante, and no balanced mechanical ventilation system. The attic presaure was about .56 pascals relabive to the living space, fluctuating with the varying wind speed autside. I carunot be certain that there ar+e na attic bypasse.9 indicabed by this test because of the varying wird speed that day, but I suspett very there is little air leakage through bypass air leaks into the attic. I also checlced a few of the registers in the sulrslab ductwork fvr air leakage during the hvuse pressurization best I measiued 0.2 to .04 pascals, which I inberpret as little air ]eakage. Pressure pan bssts of duct leakage can be difficult to interpret, and there is a degree of uncertainty inherent in the procedure. The sub-slab ducts are I'VC, and they hare a dusty-lookir.g light 5rown coating on tl±e inside thiat easly wipe-q off• There is a sump basket in the same slab that had no pump in it at the time of my visit, and there was standing water in the basket The owner stabed that at iimes the water level has been almost np to the floor level, whith could mean that the level of the water in the ground may have been up ta vr over the level of the sub-slab ducts. I also perfornted a worst-case draft best of the furnace and the water heaber, with aU windows and doors closed and all venbed equipment running. The water heaber draft was a marginal -1.2 pascals with continuous flue gas spillage at the diverber. The furnace draft was an accep4ble -3.5 pastals. ' 6126459943 10/22%99 13':40 FAY 6126459943 WHEELER HARDwARE Q005 .71_III. ?J. 19y'? 11 =2?bNN SFECTkUIti LRFiS fVU. tiGb r. i Road SPECTRLTM ?51 ? 3• 101nPnX 651. G33.1?F02, ? 5$112-6859 www.spectrum-&bs.com LABORATORY A2ALY9L9 ItEPURT DRA,FT 0 IDATE: June29, 1999 SA.MPLE #: L23561-1 CI.TENT: 7ohn Well Vaag bATE ItECEIVEb: 6121/99 1563 Lancustar Ln SAMPY.E IDt Sump Heskot Fagaa. LvIIV $5322 YTwTS: mgn. EXCEPTION(5): ' NO7 REPOttTBD in mg/L (ppm) Ivo GaMc AvAx.YSrS An eis Res t EPA NICI. Prfnnarv/Smondar!v " PH 7.9 6,5•9.5 9econdary Tota] Dim[ved Solids 360 500 Secondary Alkatinity. Total es CaCO3 160 -- -- Hardnass, Totsl as CaC03 ZZp Iron ¢0,1 0.3 Secondary Chloride 9.9 250 5ocondary Su]fnte 2 g ?SO S econdary Nitrate & Nirrita Nitrogen 11 10 Pdmary 3odium 7 (t)250 Seconda=y Manganase <0.01 0A5 Secondary CoPPa t0.02 1.3 Priuwry Aluminum t0_I 6.2 Secandary Calcium 64 ._ Magnaeium 14 -- - ziric 0.10 5.0 Secondary Lead a0.001 0.015 I?rienmry Fluorlde <03 2.0 Secondary '" Corrosion Indax 9.1 _ • Total ColiPormBacteria Invaiid 1 CFU/100 mL Pdmury INYAT.YDt The presence of non-wllTorm aacteria was found to be at a conceoastiatl of gta$ber dzon 200 CFU/100 mL making tlxe detarmiaation of totsl coliform in the sample unattainable. < means I,ess Thari m raeans Milligrams Por Lftar which is equivalent to psrrs Per Milliqn (ppm)• vols should not exceed 20 mgli, (ppm) xf diet Ls sodium restriated. NOTE: The hnrdness fa grains per gsllon (6pg) aquals 13. NC,?E: Tf Corrosion Tndez ie groeter flian 9.9 thea Eho water moy have a[endency io ha corrosive_ 7['he Msximum CoacQminant Lcvel (MCL) is set farU, In t6e Safe prinkin6 Wecer Aet (SDWA) by the Environmencsl Pcotection Agcttcy (EPA). The MCL is regutated by Primary and Secondary limiu or levels. The primary MCi. is a health relfued atandard. Test results that sro gseater than or equnl to the primary MCI. s6ould be eonsiderea a heal[h concern ancl the water sovrca shauid reeeive immedined uoatmnnt Tho seoondesy NiCL is an aeathotlo etondard. Tesr results tt18t aro greater than or equal to the secondazy MCL, may causo non- health ralated effects to the water suah es taste, odor, appenranca, and can also affoct end usa producls such us glssaware, dishes, fixnues, and apPliances. Repart 5abmitted Hy, ? Thomas L. Halvere0n Laboratary Manager As a mamut proiecrlon, alI reporn ar su6mitfed ia eoqfideneiayry and may no, Poat-It°1 Fax Note 7671 pagaaib, T' nJ Lzk 71?? From CpJpepl. ?O. Phone# FMnep?ry _ ' Fex 114'rr„ eeM Fax @ I IR A mcmber oF The MGmen GtOUp oE Coalpnnics John Bonnie Original testing found high levels of mold throughout house, water in transite, garage air entering the house and combustion gas spillage from water heater. Remedial plan addressed the above issues, and included the following systems: Whole house ventilation New furnace(Sealed combustion) New water heater(Electric) Increased furnace filtration(35% main air handler HEPA bypass) Sub slab suction system to control moisture and gas migration into house. Not done as a Radon mitigation system. Exhaust fan in garage. Exterior drain tile system. Biological sampling on completion showed significant reductions in mold levels. Particulate sampiing after remedial showed low levels in basement and much higher levels upstairs. Pressure testing with exhaust fans operating found pressures approaching -20 Pascals in the home. These negative pressures are drawingair into the home from the soil. walls and attic systems. Blower door testing found the house e}ctremely tight, with average ambient infiltration estimated at 20-30 CFM. Cunent issues: Garage fan is not able to maintain the garage negative to the house. We would be able to increase flow by changing the roof jack to a larger size. This negative pressure is part of the original design criteria in the remedial plan. Sub slab system is not able to maintain the soil gases negative to the house. We would be able to increase soil pressure using one of the following: vent out the side wall increase fan size increase duct size through the roof Ventilation system is installed into the return duct system of the furnace air handler. This installation has the supply air upstream from the exhaust air. This design is exhausting a percentage of the fresh air. This can easily be changed so the exhaust portion is upstream of the supply. The homeowner is still having health concerns with living in the house, and has been hospitalized on numerous occasions. In addition, the homeowners are pursuing other test methods to determine if there are contaminants that have not been identified. I feel additional testing is not warranted at this time, and fixing things that are "broken" should be the next step. '.S Prior to any additional testing, I would suggest that the existing conditions be dealt with. Although the options listed above could be done, the effects tested and verified, I would suggest a more holistic approach to solving these. As the root cause of many of these problems are house negative pressures, addressing these should be done as part of the remedial work. 1. Change ventilation system to draw from the main floor, either in kitchen or family room.(Would prefer kitchen) • Eliminate eachaust portion of kitchen fan(change to recirc) This will eliminate the largest exhaust appliance, and its effect on pressures, from the house. (Optionally, the exhaust could be ducted to the bathrooms, thus eliminating bathroom exhaust fans from the pressure equations.) 2. Increase garage roof jack to a larger size, thus increasing flow and pressures. This would create an air flow pattern of house to garage, which was part of the original design. 3. Use the ventilation system as a make-up air system for the clothes dryer. This would eliminate the negative pressures caused by the dryer operation, and may create a slight positive pressure on the home. This is a relatively simple system and could be controlled with current or pressure sensors to operate automatically. With the above changes, we would eliminate most of the negative pressures on the home and increase ventilation efficiency. The reduction in negative pressures, would eliminate the need to make changes on the sub slab system. We would then have a better definition of where contaminant sources would be as we would have eliminated sources outside the air barrier/vapor retarder of the home. Once this is completed, additional testing may be warranted. However, until the pressures are dealt with, I do not believe that any testing would be beneficial in the resolution of the homeowner's health concerns. Although I have heard this from several people involved with testing, this house was not done as part of the American Lung Associations Health House Remodel. It was submitted, but was not done as part of this program. 3 ., _A 6- V (-? ? - ol ? CITY OF EAGAN BUILDING PEF461TT APPLICATION Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations & 1 set of energy calculations. 'Ib Be Used For I "j ?- 0412C Valuation f2 QOCD- oG Date Site Address jS _ ,{ &176 OFFICE USE ONLY Lot ? Block Sec./Sub. Zi Fxect Occupancy I?- 3 Paroel #: !? - I3 SZO- 6 V-6 - Alter zoning 1"Z - I Owner: RPpair Fnlarge Fire Zone Zype of Const. N /A _ET Nbve # Stories Address: IF Dennlish Fivnt 44 ft. City/Zip C'ode: , Grade Depth 4(P ft. Ptione # : Contract,or: --- Ac3dresss City/Zip Oode: Phone #: Arch./Ehg.. Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: APPR7VAIS F'EES Assesmelts Pe,xmi.t 3O1 . °° fv,., - -'; ?eweu 3urcharge 2 g « Poiice Plan Check C5 , s0 Fire SPG Eng, Water Conn. Plaruler Water Meter Council Road Unit 2Co 0.2L- Bldg. Off. APC 'WTAL .1 1 7 17 2 4 . . .. 7 ( ?'' ??,Cc?C?OCJ ? ?,S P C--Z) EXTERIOR Et1VyLCPE AVERAGE "U ` C014?'.;TATI4:J OMINER SITE ADDRESS CONTRACTORje?, ra, • DATE PF:OI`JE Determine rtork3ng square footage of each. .l I 2nz .44X 1. Total exposed wall area sq- ft. x?,1SY .02., 2. Tot31 rooP/ceiling area sq. ft. x-r@-4 _ ?- Total exposed wall area above floo'r =/ JIp 1N ZA • 44-? a. Total wall vrindovr area ... :• ............. Idap, ij_ b. Total door area ........................ c. Total sliding g2ass area ............... 0 :........ ? d. Total fireplace orall area .... e. Tot31 wall frar.iing area (average f. Total net wa1Z area above Ploor ........ly4e.e S. Total ria: joist area ............ S,?-oz Total exposed foundatlon srea a D1 0,i/ h. Total foun3stion a:indow area .......... P ne±- .£our.eatinn P-rea 3r0vG g"adr Determine "U` value of each wall seer.?ent. 8. .,?? 7[ nII" ,SS a 473 _ t? .1110/i. ?9 X ttU c: .09i a?..?.? C. ?• 7 X nU _-L rt o n. D.6 X "U`' D ° d _ e./Rw.D X '.U" •,.y = a?./ f.,IIGD,d X ItUt: .04/2 a 2.4.6, q.? X ?,U+- . os d ° ?/...?_ h. J X ;' U' o 0 o i. O. X ?:U,, 3.2 ' 3 ................... .......................... Tota1 ? ?/G•y?` If item #3 is the sa.Te as, or less than item #1, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. C)&M (dj4P12-)d-, ",0l (3 y37:?) 01'Cdw. 3i3C GooG (c? ? 4 v ? ? • '' d Total exposed.roof/ceiling area = ?L6110 J. Total skylight area ............ .... o k. Total roof/ceiling framind area {average 10; 1. Total net insulated roof/ceilinS area ....... 64,14.o Determine "U' value for each roof/ceiling segr,ient. j • o x ?v?+ k, 9?!! o x 'Un 1.944.0 X ';U'' c • o 0 .? 4 .................... ............... ......Total p -,P_3.4 ? If total af 9-4is the same as, or less than f2, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)Z. C?-" # y (v /'3,4 ) 'e '94P, ,, Alternate Buiiditig Envelope Desit,n To utilize the total by the sum of items items #l an3 02. 2oz.44 i.+ * envelope syster. V3 and #4 shall 24 .44 2. 4. cP3,4 n method, the values esta511shed aot be greater than the sum,of 'L. 26. F?8 y. < „? ? ?t ca fo ., ?/ ? ' CertiAicatc fors ,? •?-o ex me ?i st c. Oak ChaGe Buildern yJ 60 a 1 ad? 4525 Oak Chaae ?lay n ai r 5 S 4 ? Eagan, T'ln . 5t)123 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LANOSURVEVOR Re9isleretl Untler Laws ot The Stale of Minnesota . 2978 - 145TH STREET W. - BOX M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 PHONE 612 423-7769 C 1..1FF ?',dAD cO!-d. k 3 SURVEYOR'SCERTIFICATE. GONYPAa.?('v.D RC[..¢Wj ?, oo S garb 44cv' ?" E 0 0 9?-- - ---?y ? ? ? ? 0 a V?• O-p Z TPf/UB 0 qV.pe 7Ap py0 ? i ??---? ? . ? ? ? o I ? ? 38 Zs• 0 v Pfl?'f'gSF? M N f/OHS? N 4 7, z P? 1 r ? v,1 N ?P,fc . N ? N zo _ ? 28.?_ 9?6, b ? 9?6_ o tj ,. ? ? ? 0 40 q??•is Z TPNNB. O O K? y96• 3 ? 7"eP N"g o DRa1434E f ?3 tiATIL;{TY EASf.ME1?1T r q?7• O. oo Sg90 4co 2Aa E SCA}e' n, I jnc.6 = 30 ?eeT o Ienotes.set iron pApe O IIenotea set w00d l110 Elevations shown are exist1n.rr Propoaed garage floor elevation - 977,00 ft, 0 0 "4-A Ne a s r? R L ra N?.X y,s 3 R cu,¢ f? T?? ? ?o c..,?e 7? I hereby cerZify that this i$ a true and correct representation oP Lot 8, Block 2, BEACON HILL3, aceording to the recordec9 plat thereof, Dakota County, Niinnesota? Febrzary 2, 1981 Propo3ed houae and garage atakQd July 3., 1984. , r . ?C ? MINNESOTA REG'ISTRATION NO.86 e!- v ca fo . . ./ - Certi?icate for: /C ex me 4 t Oak Ghase Suilders ?D a 1 ad 4525 Oak Chase Way n air . q Eagan, F7n, 55123 B3 g ? .? ? ? D Q? V?• o° ? TPi/aB 0 rci TA° DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LANOSUAVEVOR Reqisterea Untler Laws ot The State of M innesota 2978 - 145TH STREET W. - BOX M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 ? L1FF ^ORA W'+-??k-iZ SURVEYOR'SCERTIfICATE coN-rea???.o kcs-g-?rs So.oo S f3cib 4(4; 246" E 40 O 9?-- - ---?5 ?? - J I i 4 p 4 i a?o ?ry9 ? 3$ v P/?oPss??'' M I I N f/U H 5?' N 'O 2 L ? p N I- a ?3 t ;9,6, o j q,6, o I; ? pRA?n) 4c? t,ti-TIL,%rr EASeMENT ? ti s ? ? O 40 97o•/S Z 7P/wud 0 a ? ? 9?6 • 3 1 Toi' N"8 q?' ? PHONE 612 423•1769 . Scale N I incA = 3? ?e4 o D2nores set iron pipe C Denotes set wood huo Elevationa shown are ex3stlng Proposed garage floor elevatian = 977.00 Pt. ? ! Q ?° ?4--A Nea ST ? R L a N EX 74, R RT P eN,?eB 7cP cuQ r? 3 he?by certify that this is a true and earrect representation of° Lot $, Block 2, BEACON HILIS, aecording to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. February 2, 1981 Propozed houme a.nd garage staked July 3, 1984, f 1??'?%P MINNESOTA REGISTfiATION N0.86 i . o-• __..? 1 ? s^? j 2/84 CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SELJER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIOPi 1) PROPEfrPY ADDRESS: (PLEASE P3INT) 5 " r? l i ,,? b __ ^ i ("p• ? ? lf ? .l r.Frar DESCRI?'TICN: / (j- / F (LOt/Block/S visicn or Tax parcei I.D. Nlmber) u ti{I?:G S''RL'CT[;2E , DAT GORIGi dAL ;uII::L`iG F-=.?", ?g??'. \C=.: I FR:.?y ?LR-1 SINGLE FPV.i.?TY ?'? --- _-• --- , D R-2 DUPI:E? {'I??p ULNITS) ? R-3 TGSv-DIHCL?SE (TF?IZF:" + TJT]TTS} ( Ui?TI'_"?) ? R-4 ApAR'I"?-,;m/CQ1!1 GL=IUrI ( Wi IT Sj ? CCCnMEf2CIAL/RETr1II,/OFFICE ? =us_lRI:-y ? nvsTSTUTIoNAL/ccvEp_7?Z= 2) APPLIC3V"I' rArE: ? (PIEASE PRI ) a - ??f'? s ? ? ? ? r? ? ADDxESS: 7 ?C2?? C'' ;/7 ??Q CTTY, sTAT_E_ zZP: PxoLNE: C1 C?J' / 3) pirmBER/ ??_ ? ADDRESS• . ' e PIEASE PRIN1,J7 - FOR CITY 115E ONLY PLUMBERS LICE45E: Ac t i v e . C TY, S ATE, ZIP: PHOi?IE: ? pLUMBER LICENSE # Expired Nat of Record arr initia 4) O=.N {-S (PLEASE I PRINTj ? REss : ? CITY. ATE, IP: PHONE: 5) INDIGATE Wf-IICH PEP,h1IT IS BEIP:G RD2UESTID: ? CC.,,."VECI`ION TO CITY SET^JER ? CO:.i'VECTION TO CZTS.' ti?ATER ? ClI'E'.ER (PLFASE DESC'i?Z8E) 6) LNDZG, i C:Z: ?' - P=E fiOLD APPR= PERtilIT FOR PZC?:-UP BY ONE 2FkBOVE ?°I.??SE ??iL APPROVED PER?LLT 'Il? 1, 2, 3, 4 ABON.?'?? 7) sz(:Z??T..-RE: ?: ? ? 7?/lltfl:MPf1lfn!!w -"?i{re . . . , .. . . . . .. . . ? F O R C I T Y U S E O N L Y ? PERti1IT u ISSUED F°ES : S $ $ f??d $ $ $ Z7 sp`? $ sE.'?r.R ncO%'T'y^ (-?,'C.r..-7^= "'•or?.7 ??? WATER PEI2P4IT (INCLUDE SURC::ARGE) WATER METER/COPPERHORNjOUTSIDE REaDER WATLR TAP ( INCiiiD° CORPORnT7C11 STQP ) Cr:E T.? D ...a.D . . ACCOUiNT DEPOSIT - SE;vTER ACCOUNT DEP05IT _ WAmrq WAC SAC TRUNIi [4ATE° ASSESSi-I::IT $ TRli:IK SESVER ASSESSMENT $ LATEP.AL BENEFIT/TRL7NK SEZ•7ER $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRU:Qri WATER $ OTHER $ TOTAL 77 $ AMOUNT PAID/RECEIPT n? O?} ?-?;l r DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUSLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A"PEgMIT FOR WORK WITHIN ? PUBLZC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE NO ENGINEERZNG DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUBJECT TO TFIE FOLLO:IIDIG CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE e ? a? ?esr ia ? ? ?s? ? ? ne ??? ?i ? ? ? ?-? w? ?a rt? w ?? f ? w.a ? ? ?.e sw ?a ?.? nt w r? w ? CITY USE OIYLY LOT D BL oU RECEIPT SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: 1997 iVIECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 P[LOT KNOB RD ` EAGAN MN 55122 Date• (612) 681-4675 b Complete this section onlv if vou are installinQ HVAC in single familv, townhome, or condos that are under construction and are not owner /occupied. • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U S 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) • State Surcharge: .50 • TOTAL: Complete ttus section onlv if vou are remodeling, addine to, or repairing eaistinQ siugle familv dwellings, townhomes, or condos. ? Add-on fumace Add on air conditioning ? Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Ottier Minimum fee appliesto all remodel or add-ons of existing residences $ 20.00 State Surchazge - .50 Total: $ 20.50 SITE ADDRESS: OWNERNAME: UV VVIUW' "?I ?f-?- (3 V? U? vl `C? L??b ?ONE #: INSTALLER NAME: ? I G??i ?I 1 ?? C PHONE #: 5Ta`- STREET ADDRESS: CITY: (? O 6h? l Y uvl IT/i4 STATE: M ' 1 ZIP: 6,J `I a TiJRE C:L7`! !:iF I_F1i;;A'i•? i.:nSHzr:G;a i:, n::.r.:MINAi._ Nn: 774 nF,rc: i.OrSOi9e ra:MF a.5:45:,O4 NnME? haBB r.,As: _.,rtliCT:l:t7N INC a"c:l.ll 90(]1 1563 3...r^NCfii£iT1=ii 3h?S,.i`i 2IJJ r:7r???:?. .i.lf_'t?:? ?_AN?..AST?:Fl '.J.501 10'l:a:L RHr:ej.prl. Rmou7';'4;;' :5.25 CErO9(396t, 'JSE:R Ir,: NANi:v .` '_--?F EAGAN .?oU Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (651) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: B U I L D I N G Date Issued: 033876 10/30/98 SITE ADDRESS: 1563 LflNCASTER LANE L.OT: 8 RLQCK: 2 BEflCON HILL P.I.N.: 10-13500-080-02 DE$CRIPTION: r'"?INSTALL EXTER TTLE BuA"'lding -Permit Type MISCELLANEOUS Bda;lding Wa[";k._TYPe ALTERATION C'ensus Gode 434 ALT. RESIDENT"TAL ?,. F ? -. i? a ?- . a 4 3K$a ? REMARKS: PLAN REVIEWED 8Y OALE SCHOEPPNER. INSTflLI EXTERIUR URAIN TSLE. FEE SUMMARY VALUA7SON $1.000 Base Fee $34.75 S u r c h a r g e __.._._._.. ?.._.._ ?_$ :_5 0_ Total Fee $35.25 CONTRACTOR: - wpRiicant - sr. Lxc. OWNER: ROBB GASS CONSTRUCTION 14246225 1069 ELLVANG ,70HN 6884 FISN LAKE RD EflST 1563 I_flNCflSTER LflNE MRPLE GRQVE MN 55369 ERGAN MN 55122 (6.12) 424-6225 (651)462--0779 I hereby acknnwledgs that S:have read this application and state that the infarmation is correct and gree tp comply with all appla.cabxe State ofi f?n. L 5tatuCes an?i C?ty pf?qan 4rdinances. SUED BY: SIGNATl1RE ? -1 ; -. 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (R.ESIDENTIAL) ` CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD - 55122 ?i ?S• ,?? 681-4675 ?? New Conshudion Reouirements 0 3 registered site surveys 1 2 oopies of plans (inGude beam & window s'¢es; poured fid. design; etc.) • 1 energy caiculations 4 3 copies of tree preservation plan if tot platted after 7/1193 required: Yes _ No DATE: w - 20 M DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: LOT: BLOCK: ?- SUBD./P.I.D. L V?l ? Name:1/??4,kA 16 A .,t-1 Phone 4: V5-X 0'°7 -21 ? PROPERTY ?-ast ?J First OWNER Street Address: City 5tate: Zip: ( ?,rA ? Phone #: y„"T y • /o ,;Z 2 5- CompanY:_ c CONTRACTOR / /G Street Address: 15 G, 4 l?, License # / 6 ln q City L7 a "/E State: ?Ael Zip: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone #: _ Name: Registration #: 5treet City State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber (new construction only): Penalty applies when address chang and lot change is requested once permit is issued. t hereby. acknowledge that I have read this applica6on and state that the information is corr d agree to ? ply with II applica6l State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. , // Signature of Applicant OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No RemodeVReoair Reauirements CaQ" ? 2 copies of plan 10 - J6 '? V ? 2 site surveys (exterior adddions & decks) ? t energy calculations for heatetl edditions CONSTRUCTION COST; 7-5--dc:9 Tree Preservation Pfan Received ? Yes - No _ Not Required OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation O 06 Duplex ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-plex 0 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex O 05 SF Misc. ? 10 _-plex WORK TYPE ! e-2 s 6-" . ; . ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Basement Finish ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? 17 Swim Pool ? 13 GarageJAccessory ? 20 Public Facility ? 14 Fireplace ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 15 Deck ? 31 New PI 33 Alterations ? 36 Move ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actuaq Basement sq. ft. MC/WS System (Allowable) Main level sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq, ft. PRV # of Stories sq. ft. , Booster Pump Length sq. ft. ' Census Code. U-3 Y Depth Footprint sq. ft. SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Variance Permit Fee 3y --1 S Valuation; $ a? ? Surcharge ? Plan Review license MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. ' Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. ' Traiis Ded. ' Other Copies ' Total: ??-?? % SAC SAC Units ? ??**********?************************* CITY OF EAGAN CASHIER: JS TERMINAL NO: 748 DATE: 08/21/00 TIME: 14:40:53 ID: NAME: MINNESOTA EXTERIORS INC 3210 9001 1563 LANCASTER 125.25 2155 9001 1563 LPNCASTER 3.00 Total Receipt Amount: 128.25 CR136155 USER ID: JAN 4??jJj 2000 BUILDINC PERMIT APPlICATION (RESIDENTIAL) ?ITY oF E?GAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4875 New Conatrucflon Reaulremenis RAmodel/Reoalr Reaulrefnenfs * 3 reglafered site aurveys showing aq. tL o11of. sq. H. o/ houae 2 Copies of plan . and gfi roofed areaa QOX mmclmum bt covaraae albwad3 1, set ot energy cdculaHons for healed addlMons > 2 coples ot plqns (show beam & window sizes; poured fnd. design; etc.) 1 site survey for extedor addiNona d dacks > 1 set ot eneryy cciculafions ? 3 Copies of free preservaHOn pfan If tot pfaffed a8er 7/i/93 00 DATE: A s, s LA.o coNSreucnoN cosT: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: I SD?) LC`'k_U"l ( C'k_S?C? LOT: ?._. BLOCK: 9- SU6D./P.I.D. it: &4C6Y1 Nt L I Name: I?ilrYl P l'.P? 1? 1'C l? C"1 1 C`?'1 Phone ?: ??P?1 ?tD?D ? S?? ?D PROPERTY Wat Flrst OWNER 1 1 ? Sheet Address:1? aH O,(» " Ci1Y _naQ M l1 L MKn S State:_ m? Zlp: r,Z-1 . Companv-vi trl Yl t°...50-kA_( Phone #??. (area code) COMRACTOR Sheet Address: k2LL__OL C bY\ a?c P.? ?CP LP ticense # (EDZ 0: g,?. Cfy OS s.P p'7 State: ?? k) Zip: 3 ARCHITEGT/ ENGtNEER Company: Name: Telephone #: ( Street Address: Regishatfon #: CNy Sewedwater liCensed plumber (Jf installina sewerlwater j I hereby acknowledge that I have read thls applicaFion, stafe Mmt the infortnation is cortec of Minnesota Stalufes and Cily of Eagan Ordinances. k\ ? Signature ot ApplicanY. OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes ? No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No Zip: Stcfe: - Not Required comply wtfh ad appNcable StatE 7he weeeva?? ?amiey 1563 Larcea.a#oJt Larce' Eagan, MN 55122 Nom¢ Phone 651-452-0779 Ro66 Gcusz Corus.t4ucti.on, Inc. 6884 Ecvsx F.izh. Lafze Road Map22 Gnove, MN 55369 RECE9 VED SEP 17 1999 Sep-t2mb¢A 150 1999 p D¢.wc Robb, I wcvs evJr.ta,%vcty y.2ad ta jina.?,ey mafze con,taat uu,th you on 7u"day. John ccnd 1 uni,?X be .2oofung bonwaAd to 3e¢,i.ng you nex.t w¢,eh, a,t owr. home. A3 w¢ di,6cu,6zed, xhoJCe cow#.in.u" zo be a pnobt¢m wi.th mo.us-twce / wa,tvA undeA the coneAete 3.Cab in the 2oweA teve.e. G!e cvice vvJcy eaneaArc¢.d wi.th the eh.aeiz,i.ng and heav.ing ai the jtoon a.s w¢tt cvs the uxrteA mignat-ing up xlvcough the 6ta6. We have been una.G.Ce to eomptete the eo?vsfi)r.ue.#ion in x.li.¢ towvA .2ev¢,e due to zh,i?s pna6.e¢m. 1 kave spoFzen .to xhe e,i.ty engine¢A .6eve4a.2 ?',i.ma.s ovec the pn.st y¢an, a,s ur¢X.t a,s many othe& ezpvJr,tz, and n,Ze agn¢z .th¢n.e may .6ti,2.2 be -izzues tha,t n2ed to be addn.e,s3¢.d. Gle hope -to have a phuzwie t¢.st / video eameha -test dane ph,i.on .to yowc eomi.ng to dQ.tehmi.ne .ij th¢h.e .i,s a tea(z on a 6neak in the .6¢unn / wa,tvJC .P.ine.s. (Ue may a,?so be abte to 6ind ou,t a,t the .6ame zi,me, iS the 6ump / dna,ina.ge ?syst¢m .i,a bunc.ti.owi.ng pnopoJc.ey. The othoJc eancvAn ob cowuse -i.s .th.e amaun.t oi bae.te)r,La jaund in the 3ump 6cusk¢t. ,43 you cvice auxfte, we had Spec.th.um Lab,6 compte.te an ana,2ya-u6 th,i,a pcust ,6umm¢1c. It 3eem3 appcveerct tha,t th¢Ae -i,a cr,2ot ai 6ae.t2n,i.a in xlze bod.e; phobab2y mahe .than oh,ig.ina,Q.Qy rceeogn,ized, oh tha,t you ?s2em¢.d canc¢Aned uu,th. I quo,sfi,ion .is xla.i.s eonc¢An need.s to be n¢-add&e.sa¢.d. U!e ean di,acws,s .tha,t, a,eong w<,th any o-tho.t eaneoA?vs, wh¢n you wv&iv¢ n¢x.t w-ek. we hope yau wi.e.e be abte to hetp .iden.t-i.{yy and caAucee.t tk"e pnabtem.6. It woutd 6e hetpiut ij you cou.Pd adv.use ws a,a 3aan a,s poezib.Ye aa ta the day and fi.i.me cve ean expee,t you .6a that Jah.n can makz avLangeme?z#-6 t0 6e kome, ws w¢.Q.e, Son the 6enes.i,t os any atheA pah,#i" tha,t may uush ta b2 phQ.sen,t. Thank you in advanee {on yocvc coopoJra,ti.on -i.n n¢.spondi.ng -to ttLi,6 s.i,tuation. rhank- you, aannie we.e.eva,.y CC: Ruae Ma,tthya, C.i.ty ob Eagan S.teve K2oszneh, Advaneed Cett,i.b.i.ed Thehmognaphy Mcvck Han,son, Daka#ic Coun.ty HRA R.i,ek Non.Cing, S.tlcuctune Tech MeGkegan P¢aAee, MPH, Mo2d Sampti,reg and D.i,agnaatic Selr.v.i,c.¢ Indoon A.ih Quati,ty Inve?s.ti,ga,ti.on,s 11/04/2009 14:14 9529446228 METROMILLWORK PAGE 03105 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink C14 of Eajan I permit 1 I I Permit t=ee:. 6 I 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: I Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I staff: I 2009 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: to site Address- i S 6 Tenant: ash h it WXVVIVL1 Suite RESIDENT ! OWNER Name: ?-M h r-,'% t Phone, Address/ Clfy t Zip:b 3 L GR Applic ant is: owner -~<Contmctor TYPE OF WORK Description or work, W►+~~..a ~tGtGe rk.~.-y.- Z-A tijn~~ Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes I No CONTRACTOR Name: L~wp r tc License *:'-10S `t~'tic -7-&o Address: WS 16 A4-.-- 5' City: State: ~'1 • 7~ : Phone: 7 _-9,4 $ _ Contact Person: a ser,.t COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan Issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? __Yes ,No If yes, date and address of master plan: t-lcensed Plumber. - Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer 8 Water Contractor. Phone: MUM. a~ g 't~t~ct r s ~ ~ed err ~ 9iil ~y CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454.0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.ctopherslaterineCall.prC I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate: that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan: that I understand this is not a permit. but only an appflcation for a permit, and work is not to start w9thout a permit: that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the cage of wprlf which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Prin4d Name Applicant's Signature Page 7 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA117301 Date Issued:10/17/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1563 Lancaster Lane Lot:8 Block: 2 Addition: Beacon Hill PID:10-13500-02-080 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 8,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - John M Wellvang 1563 Lancaster Lane Eagan MN 55122 Minnesota Exteriors 8600 Jefferson Hwy Osseo MN 55369 (763) 391-5514 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature