1868 Gold Tr Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use I ina n I City of Ea I Permit V I Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 Staff: Fax: (651) 675-5694 L--------------- INFLOW & INFILTRATION PERMIT APPLICATION Plumbing / Sewer & Water Date: oZ / Site Address: IOR Tenant: Suite M RESIDENT /OWNER Name: Mad4l'~ Phone: ~7 1- (J Address / City / Zip: / 6ln J' Name: License M CONTRACTOR Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact: Email: PLUMBING (Within the building envelope) SEWER & WATER (Outside the building envelope) TYPE OF WORK Sump Pump Repair Repair Other: Other: Description of work: J L f p I,,a le j2- to o A L,o d W i R V DESCRIPTION ~J^` ~T- FEES $55.00 / Each (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEE $ *Permit fees will NOT be reimbursed by the City of Eagan. If you plan to submit 1/1 repair costs for reimbursement, two quotes from qualified contractors must accompany this application. A list of contractors can be found by visiting www.citvofeagan.com/inflow, or City Hall at 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.goi)herstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case o ork which r quirepproval of plans. zz_ 7 ld~ !lpplican Printed Name Applic t Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground -Rough-In -Final CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Sew & w+,r permdts 1-20-49 Additio?n '•C'??'' Grove #6 Lot 8 Rlk 3 Parcel 1 167nK 080 03 owner??.Y2L??..r ` treet 1868 Gold Tra31 State Eagan,MMPII 5622 ' Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. ' STREET RESTOR. GRADING 5AN SEW TRUNK 1968 92.43 0$ 0 Paid # SEWER LATERAL ' 1 97 O O WATERMAIN # WATER LATERAL 1970 1472.00 ZO Pi WATER AREA # STORM 5EW TRK 1970 20 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 200OO 9UILDING PER. sAC 200.00 1191 1-27 9 PARK cirir oF E?c,AN 3795 Pi1ot Knob Rood Eogon, MN 55122 NR 5794 PHONE: 454-S100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt 1# To be owed for Est. Value ' Date , 19 Site Address - - - - Erect ? Occuponcy Lot Block S ec/Sub. Alter p Zoning Repair ? Fire Zone Parcel # Enl ? e of Const T arge . yp Name Move ? .# Stories W Z 0 Address Demolish ? Front ft. Ci Phone -Grade ? Depth k. ? O Name Approval* - Fees ?? Address oti,,.,e Name _ Address I hereby acknowledge that I hove read this opplicotion and stote that the information is correct ond agree to comply with all appficable State of Minnesota Stotutes ond City of Eogan Ordinnnces. Assessrnent Woter & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Counci I Bldg.Off. , APC Permit Surcharge Plan check SAC Woter Conn. Water Meter Rood Unit Totol Signature of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in occardance with all applicable Stute of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Bullding Offlciol PnwM # Yete Iowd PxmMtM Plumbing Mechonical INSPECT10N5 OATE INSP. Rouqh-In Final Footings Date Insp. Date Irbp. Foundution Plumbing Frame/ins. Mechonical Firwl Remarka: ( , _r'i - CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 35722 NO 5794 ? PHONE: 4548700 ' / 757 BUILDING PE RMIT A PPLICATION Receipt # Te be uwd for Garage Esr.value 2,500.00 oate May 1, 19 80 Site Address 1 869 Gold Trai 1 Erect ? Occuponcy R3 Lot $ Block 3 Sec/Sub. Cedar Grove #6 Alter ? Zoning R1 Parcel .fk Repair ? Fire Zone TIT E l ?C e of Const U T n arge . yp z w Name Rohert J I.aTkin Jr Move ? # Stories 3 Address SaMe Demolish ? Front 14 ft. ? Ci Ea 3R MN phone 452-3889 Grode ? Depth ?'? ft. Name Same Approvalc Fees r ?o ? Address Nome I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informofion is correct and agree to tomply with oll opplico6le State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of PermiMee ?a} ,l, • ??"--?-''"?" \ A Building Pertnit is iwued to: 3Tki11 all work sholl be done in occorda i II o lic le State of Mir Bulldin9 Official Asseument - Water & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner - Council - Bidg. Off. - APC Pertnit SurcMrge 1•00 Plon check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Toral 13.00 on the expreu condition thot Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. , 44?'J / /?_o --&-,sz?? `?5 CITY OF EAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, /? ? 1 site plan w/elevations & ? BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1 set of eneryy calculations. ? ?"5-wr) - ?. To Be Used For.?R???'? Valuation -? Date , J Site Address: 18,,/ g(?-; o Icl 7&-, / OFEICE USE ONI.Y Lot _'j' Block ? Sec./Sub. C G(p Parcel #: ^ Qwner: c"i2) Pdaress: j!?(oS G o/d ? A? j City/Zip Code: ER?? rn? SS I 2-L Phone #: 9 S Z- 3 S3 Contractor: Kob?f 1 . L.aek r..i ,-J? Address: .4.60e1'4_:: City/Zip Cocle: Phone #: Arch./Eng•: Pr3dress: Erect occupancy Alter Zoning ? - Repair Fire Zone 3 Enlarge ? 7ype of Const. y Nbve # Stories Delrolish Front / ?_ft. Grade Depth ?.? ft. APPROUIILS FEFS Assessments PeLmit `r W3ter/SEwer Surcharge Police Plan Check Fire SAC Enq, Water Conn. Planner Water Meter Council Roal IJru.t Bldg. Off. APC City/Zip Code: Phone # : TOTaL EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT / i oWna: ?, __.L.?...?--'--?.._-- ..._-t.... _------......- ................... Addreu (Preseni) ..'4 ------ ?."_...if:_""'..._..."'...._._._. Builder ..------------------------------ ......... .......----.. _-------- .... 7lddress DESCRIPTION N° 1939 Eagen Township Toan Hall Date ?-1-................. Sfories To Be Used Fo: Fsonf Dep2h Heighi Est. Cosi l Permif Fee Remarka y ?^. . SIIBOf. H09tl Of OI71Bt UEiCIIpIlOII OI LOCBIlOi1 I LOI I 2510CK I AtlQIIlOn O[ TfBCi C : /?' ?r Gr This pesmit does not auihorise the use of sirae}s, roads, alleys ar sidewalks nor does it give the ownes or his egeni the righ2 2o areaie anp siiua2ion which is a nuisance or whiah presenfs a hasard !0 the heallh, safely, convenienee and genera3 wellare !o anyone in the eommunity. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WOAK IS tN PROGRESS. This ia !o eezSify, ihal.. ..... hespermission !o erea! a......:°:`.:.' - upon L.'.:^?:'.":---?! :... .... .........- ....... 'f y/ . . ... ' - -- !he above deseribed premise subjeci fo the provisiom of the Building Ordinance for EagaiY TOwnship adopled April 11, 1955. --° ............. ...?-- ...... `--^------........-°--....---- Per ---....... .._?....... (!'"'..._......... '.:?:J....._....-.`------.. ? h`C irmen of, Tn2ln Board Suilding 7nspecfor ? EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Ownet ....'-'...--' .. _ "- ....................................... Addreu (Presen _.I.Q.?.B....1rf.?K...'_?.`......--"-'-°-°.... suiiae= ----- ....... 6.3 .............. ................ _ - Addreas ?s ...... -, ?yh.i?-° ...........................'--v--° -'-•°-'°.--'-----'--.................... DESCRIPTION ? N° 3082 Eagan Towaship Town Hall aata ........... Stories To Be Used For Froni Depih Heigh! Esf. Cosi ermi! Fae Remazka G LOCATION 144•ov. or ? 1.3 1 C-6-0 This permit does nof suihorise the use ot sfxeels, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give 16e owaes os hia ageaY the rightYO creafe any s?luation whieh is a nuisance or whieh presenls a haasrd !o the heallh, safely, eonvenienea and general weltaxe to aayone in the communilp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON T4E PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS SN PAOGRESS. ? Thia is !o eer2ifY. that.....?.t ......... ...................... has ermiscion !o ezect a....... ^+^? . ?°" --'."."."...`? P -•-•--° --°°°•-------?...._.._upon the abave described premise eubjeei !o the provisions ot the Suilding Ordinance for Eagan Townchip adopted April 11, 1955. ?/? ?-?,-, ----- ` ? . -•-•-°'---...._..-' ............. .....:....`- •.Q"v'O?- 5:!?-? Per _.................--'-°- ... ----°--..._g ._.._P............ Chairman o s„ f ThWn BoS:a? aai.n Ias eclor-? q EAGErN TOWNSHIP 3795 Pi1ot Knob P.oad St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERMIT I'OR SE47ER SERVICE CONNECTION DATE• Q & '7_ OWNEF.• PLUMBER ??,r.r•? v?hC/ DESCRIPTION OF BUIIAING Industriall Connnercial4 Residential Location of Connections: N@fBER 331 _ Address P'3-6 /14 jJ TYPE OF PIPE (./ L Multiple DwelLing I No, of uniCs Connection Charge 200180 Permit Fee 7•50 Street Repairs ToCal Inspected by: Date Remarks• By. Chief Inspector In consideration of the issue and delivery to me of the above pexmit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulations of Eagan Tormship, Dakota County, Minnesota gy c% ?. Please notifq when ready for inapectian and connection and before any portion of the work is covered. . , EAGF,N TOWNSITYP 3795 Yilot Rnob Road St. Paul, Minneaota 55111 Telephoae 454-5242 PER4IIT FOR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Date: .? Billi Name: Owaer• Plumbe'r: tion Number• 213 Site Address• p-o3-( Biliing Address Meter No,!,Pi,Y.s`i ?iMeter Parmit Fee 7•50 Meter ReaDep. Meter Sealed: Yea_ IAdd'1 Chg. NO ITotal Chg. Inspected by Building is a: Residence-j_ tiultiple Ho. Causnercia 1 Iadustrial Other Date 8emarke: By: Chief Inspector In coneideration of the ieaue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do tte proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulatioas of Sagan Townahip, Dakoia County'?sota. gy; //u/ b Please notify the above oftice when ready for inepection and connection. - - N MR s ?•? S --?'? N - -- - -- _ 1 g b f3-Cc5j-o_- NORTHWESTERN BUiLDERS • 80'Sr3 BtoomFngton P reeway Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420 Phones $84-886e exVcTr N? 30N ^ J W / N'locw F I ' t? JsS Y ? ?S%? 6 1, ) r\ J,?` 4z°°r, 'p . o?'9N 5 , - ? -- !? - , I ?+ I GPQA4g- ? R?2c-'. ??'??L Y0 a?i' 1 N l?rS H ?p ?ZooF a' ouegF7AN& I N8OL./{TF-(J 3}4E.4TN?lr ,CtLOM11vpN 9Xn&, , ?2" PoaR2? foo'?i r, as C?'rv.?.,n1T $Lac.k$'Zb ?R+v?p?.. t? a?R?C ?o ou"r L?,$ }i iA--I? 3Y NbMT- Ot.uN?R. , Z,F N)uu E So'D A,? y.i ae'i-t-TtAC27 ?olZ, ??t ?r I??.? C.?,fl t?13 L b S-,\ G;QJ ? MASTER CARD STRUCTURE AND I V/I A A&701 Dd LAND USED AS 2ro? 0 Permit No. Issued Issued To Contracfor Owner BUILDING PLUMBING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WELL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS WSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER I OTHER I I}ems Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING '1 _ s ?f L ? ? 73 SEPTIC FOUNDATION --I - CESSPOOL FftAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL DEPTH HEATING OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER -,7 " Violations Noted on 8ack COMMENTS: 'IiF?r?i'pY?NLi _ city of eagan MEMO TO: DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK FROM: ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH DATE: AUGUST 25, 1993 SUBJECT: STREETLIGHT ENERGY COSTS CEDAR GROVE NO. 6(141 LOTS) This memo is to inform your department to begin to invoice the energy costs at the single family rate effective August 1, 1993 to the property owners in Cedar Grove No. 6 Addition as listed below: BloCk 1, Lots 1 1 Block 2, Lots 1-8 8 Block 3, Lots 1-18 18 BloCk 4, Lots 1-11 11 Block 5, Lots 1-9 9 Block 6, Lots 1-53 53 (tots 54 through 61, Block 6, should not be billed at this time) Block 7, Lots 1-12 12 Block 8, Lots 1-18 18 BloCk 9, Lots 1-11 11 TOTAL 141 The City is currerrtly being billed by Dakota Electric for streetlighting in the above listed subdivision. L?'?•?..7 li?? ? '?Q? ? ? ? Ed Kirscht Sr. Engineering Tech cc: Mike Foertsch, Asst City Eng. EK/je Sarah Thomas From: James Lanigan <jamie@Ianigankolb.com> Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 3:42 PM To: Sarah Thomas Subject: Opal Services, Inc. Hello Sarah, Thank you for your response to our call regarding the group home locations that Opal Services, Inc. is in the process of buying and licensing. As my colleague mentioned in the voicemail this morning, Opal Services is buying Opal In -Home Services, and applying for licensing of all existing group home locations. The county and state licensing process requires that we inform each municipality that we are applying for licensing. We are not requesting to be licensed within the city of Eagan. We simply needed to inform you that we are applying for county and state licenses for homes that are located in Eagan. Per Minnesota Department of Human Services form DHS -0250 -ENG, page 5: "Applicants for a residential program (adult foster care) license issued by the Department of Human Services under Minnesota Statues, Chapter 245A, The Human Services Licensing Act, are responsible for contacting the municipality where the program will be located to inquire about applicable local ordinance requirements." The form requires we list the contact name, phone number and date - of -contact for each city that we informed of our application. I will note on our license application that you are the person we informed for the city of Eagan. For your information, the four group home locations in Eagan are: Coachman, 3518 Coachman Rd, Eagan, MN 55122-1212 Diffley, 941 Diffley Rd, Eagan, MN 55123-1775 Gold Trail, 1868 Gold Tr, Eagan, MN 55122-1616 Slater, 4489 Slater Rd, Eagan, MN 55122-2382 Regards, James Lanigan Opal Services, Inc. Owner, President & Administrator 763-242-0212 Circular 230 Statement To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that, unless specifically indicated otherwise, any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (1) avoiding tax -related penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (2) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any tax -related matter addressed herein. INFORMATION IN THIS MESSAGE, INCLUDING ANY ATTACHMENTS, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USE OF THE RECIPIENT(S) NAMED ABOVE. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, or an agent responsible for delivering it to an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this message in error, and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately, delete the message, and return any hard copy print-outs. 1 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675-5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us PERMIT Permit Type: Building Permit Number: EA109000 Date Issued: 01/30/2013 CityofEaan Site Address: 1868 Gold Tr Lot: 8 Block: 3 Addition: Cedar Grove 6th PID: 10-16705-03-080 Use: Description: Sub Type: Single Fam Construction Type: Work Type: Day Care Inspection Description: Census Code: Occupancy: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Opal Services - Kristi Filipiak 651-554-6160 Fee Summary: Day Care Inspection $50.00 1221.4216 Total: $50.00 Contractor: Owner: Merkan Corp 706 S Robert St St Paul MN 55107 - Applicant - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature Sarah Thomas From: Sarah Thomas Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:00 AM To: 'James Lanigan' Subject: RE: Opal Services, Inc. Thank you for the information. We will put a note in the parcel files. Regards, Sarah ...1/ L..(L \. I L€ , * C 1$-L-1 ct S (ciO4 Sarah Thomas 1 Planner 1 City of Eagan City Hall 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan, MN 55122 1 651-675-5696 1 651-675-5694 (Fax) 1 sthomas(a)cityofeaoan.com THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. From: James Lanigan [mailto:jamie@Ianigankolb.com] Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 3:42 PM To: Sarah Thomas Subject: Opal Services, Inc. Hello Sarah, Thank you for your response to our call regarding the group home locations that Opal Services, Inc. is in the process of. buying and licensing. As my colleague mentioned in the voicemail this morning, Opal Services is buying Opal In -Home Services, and applying for licensing of all existing group home locations. The county and state licensing process requires that we inform each municipality that we are applying for licensing. We are not requesting to be licensed within the city of Eagan. We simply needed to inform you that we are applying for county and state licenses for homes that are located in Eagan. Per Minnesota Department of Human Services form DHS -0250 -ENG, page 5: "Applicants for a residential program (adult foster care) license issued by the Department of Human Services under Minnesota Statues, Chapter 245A, The Human Services Licensing Act, are responsible for contacting the municipality where the program will be located to inquire about applicable local ordinance requirements." The form requires we list the contact name, phone number and date - of -contact for each city that we informed of our application. I will note on our license application that you are the person we informed for the city of Eagan. For your information, the four group home locations in Eagan are: Coachman, 3518 Coachman Rd, Eagan, MN 55122-1212 Diffley, 941 Diffley Rd, Eagan, MN 55123-1775 Gold Trail, 1868 Gold Tr, Eagan, MN 55122-1616 Slater, 4489 Slater Rd, Eagan, MN 55122-2382 Regards, James Lanigan Opal Services, Inc. Owner, President & Administrator 1 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA116905 Date Issued:10/14/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1868 Gold Tr Lot:8 Block: 3 Addition: Cedar Grove 6th PID:10-16705-03-080 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Brian Preuss Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Merkan Corp 706 S Robert St St Paul MN 55107 (763) 242-0212 Aspen Exteriors Inc 14245 St. Francis Blvd Suite 101 Anoka MN 55303 (763) 277-8869 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature