1673 Letendre Stcirir oF EAGAN ' 3795 Piio! Knob Rood Eogan, MN 53122 PHONE: 454-8100 BIfILDING PERMIT tteceiPt # To be used for Est. Value Dote 5ite Address 16 Lot Block Sec/Sub. Parcel # :: 901 : -(? 03 ix Name "1RC PJ.1i113C11; C 3 Address 1673 LeTeadre O 454 -. _ a Name 0 ?` Addre ? ? r:.., Neme N2 4731 , 4r , Erect 0" Occupancy 1 Alter ? Zoning ' ` 1 Repair ? Fire Zone Enlnrge ? Type of'Coiist:` Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Front ft. Czrade ? Depth ft. Approvols Fees Assessment - Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Pianner Counci I Permit _ Surcharge Plon check SAC Water Conn. WGYer Meter I hereby acknowledge that I hcve read this applicotion and stote thot gldy, pff. the informotion is correct and ogree to comply with oll ?pplicable APC Totol ? t•' State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. ? Signcture of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express candition that aIl work shall be done in accordance with all opplicable State of Minnesota 5tatutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. Building Official uet. Iauea "•'? ' Rough-In Finol Fpptin9s I Date I Insp. Oote I Irop. Remorks: ? 3 o,?r _ l BUILDING PERMIT ADDIYIO10 CITY OF EAGAN L'% ; ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:454-8100 . ? ?- Receipt # Est. Value $25,O%U Date ;''AY 30 _ 19 Site Address 1 673 VTE`DRE 'T Lot 3 Block 3 Sec/Sub. '-TV1D1?7 2'JU OFFICE USE ONLY P2FC21 N0. Occupancy - FEES W Name M1? BIL?IRE Zoning (Actual)Const - Btdg.Permit 2 `?2 . ? ; AddresS 1673 UTENDtkE a? (Allowable) - Surcharge i?•? 0 Ci ?? Phone 4?+-2 1`? ? # oi Stories - i tifi ?+ -+ Plan Review s . Length - o Name PARKOS G0?4$Z'".'?Ud.'<'?10N C0. Ztde Depth City - SAC . c?a Address iQIQ S RfiU-R"' vr S.F.Total , SAC, MCWCC ? City W ST pAUL Phone 455-4)031 S.F. Footprints - Water Conn On Site 5ewage _ r W W Name On Site Well - Water Meter ~ z QZ Add?eSS MWCC S stem y - Acct. Deposit a W City Phone cay wacer - SNV Permit PRV Required - I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the Booster Pump - S!W Surcharge information is correct and agree to camply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Treatment PI Signature of Permitee APPROVALS Road Unit A Building Permit is issued ro: Planner - park Oed. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council - applicable S1ate of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Bldg. Off. _ Copies Building Official Variance TOTAL .5 EltS .?i7 Permit No. Permit Holder Date Teiephone # WATER SEWER PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundation Framin9 7?' ?S ? ?ry,.., .CIs Q• /?h Roofing o „ p Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace ti64- Final Htg. p Final Plbg. Const. Meter Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Engr./Plan Bidg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Ex W 179 ft Added charge for sew tr. when lot is divided/. Lot 3 Bfk 3 Parcel 10 Q?_3Q 03 5treet 167,? Letendre AVe. 5tate Eagan,MN 55122 _ Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. $ 1 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1968 100.00 no paia *SEWER LATERAL 1 WA7ERMAIN ;{- WA7ER LATERAL 1 18 WATER AREA ' STORM SEW TRK .?.STORM 5EW LAT 19731 20 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 240.00 9788 12_31 _73 BUILDING PER. sAC 7 .00 9758 12-3? -73 PARK WATER SERVICE PERMIT flv eacaN 1402 3795 PiloT Knob Road PERMIT NO.: 27? ?4 Eagan, MN 55122 Z? DATE: ? Zoning: No, of Units: Owner: L ? d - aaarefis: Site Address: - _--j673--I,e mber: Thomp3on Plumbin Pl CO. u n Charge24Q.40 nd 12/31 ti C Meter No.: o onnec 73 Account Deposit: Size: Permit Fee: 10 00 Pd Reader No.: 50 pd I ogrea to somply with fhe Villa9a of Eogon Surcharge: 60 00 es Char Mi pd Ordieonus. . g sc Total: Date Paid: By llate of Insp.: Insp.: nLL , nGE'.r EROAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3795PilofKaobRoad PERMITNQ.? 2155 Eagan. MN 551I2 DATE. 2/27/74 R-1 No. of Units: 1 Zoning: Owner: Marell Construc*iQn Co - Address: Site Address: "' ^'"^^3re Street -- Plumber: '1'hompson Plu[nbing Co. 1 agraa to comply with tha Vitlage of Eogen Connection Charge: 375.00 pd 12/ Ordinancas. Account Deposia Permit Fee: 10.00 pd Surcharge: • 50 pd By. Misc. Charges: ?ate of Insp.: __ Total: - Insg_: Da[e Paid: racuse oF eaeaw . ? 3795 Pil V47FR :SEItVIC ? B of Knob Rood P[RMiT' Ea9on, MN 55 122 ' PtHASIT Np.:-- -1?+102? • . ' ' ' ' ?•?. ',? ? ?ti ?? ? DATE:' ? 2/27 /7$ ZoninB: -?-?- _--_ ?.-'*--- Owner: Nq of tlnftr: Addrese: __,___ ' ? - ? • Sfte Addrene: _ __.j4,,,,_,, ? Pl ?1,,, amtmr: ?,,,BUII Pl ' --_"_'1' Umbtrs Qp, ""_'_--?-----?-- ._ ? Mrtear Nq.; a .3d .-:k. p' , . ., . ?? Size: Reader-No c) AOCount Deppw; : ., I o9rcr fo canply .ffh Mw villoyo o{ P?t Pee:' 1Q E 'OY°? 3utch,Rrge; ' .50 D ? ' ' Ordinwnt?s - i ? .?,• ? , . . Miac. Chazgey50. 00 Pd ' . . ? r • J By Tow:. DaOePatd: - ' .- DateoflnsP -_- . . .: .._ ---?.? lnsp.: . . --.?-- .- , . . ? . , . . , . . . ' . _ . ,? , ? ? i ? .?...T__ .. _,.. ..._.?._-_.?._.._ ..?.._ .., . __?..___•• .?' ,..?.?. _ . _.,v. • ? ' , , ,., r ,V., . . . ? , , . . . . ., . ?i" .. .: ' _ . . , . . , t• p ^ . . .J ' , • ? ? • ' . ? , ' j ? 1 . . . ? ' ? . ' ' , ,. , i . , . „ . . . . ,. ? .. ? ? . . . . . ?. vauoE or UoAN ;? , • , ? SEMIER SERVICE PERMfI" ' ? Yi ' )793 Mbe Knob Roai PERMtT NO.: 2155' , ' la9eu, MN 55127 DAT6:` 1 2 ';+?, -i; Zoning: A-1 No. ot Unite: ' Owner: Marel l [b ctr.,.+*inn OD? - - . . . . . . ? . - '? ? ' Addresa: .. y Site Addrees: 167 3 LTendrn StT eSx?, 3 `-4 Plumber: Thomv son Plumhing Co. - ?, I nyr« re eomply wkA tM v81oy. M foyon Conneetlon Chatm:? 375.00 pd 12/31; ' Ordlnonen. . Accamt Deposit: 73. . . , . . . , , PeTMu Fea: ? 10.00 pd .50 pd Br: MLc CMatsa?. ? Date of Insp.: - Tptal; Inep.: Date Pald: T'- -- -- . cITr oF Er?GAN ` 3795 Pilot Knob Rood Fagan, MN 55722 N2 4731 PHONH: 4548100 9535 BIIILDING PERMIT APPLICATION $7 437 Receipt # . , Swimming Pool APril 4, 7978 To be umd for En. Volue pete _ Slte Address 1673 LeTendre Erecr Occupancy 1 Lot Blxk Sec/Sub. Alter p Zoninq RL Parcel .# 1 0 44901 030 03 Repair ? Fire Zone Enlnrqe ? Type W20?stWg11 Vinyl Line z Name Mike Billmeiei Move ? # Stories ; Address 1673 LeTendre pe,,,ol;Sh ? F.onr 32 ft. ? Ci ag8n Phone 454-2150 Grade ? DePth 16 ft. p Ncme A9gr lls Poo 5 ApDrovab Feea o? Address 16900 Cedar Ave_ So_ "? r.,, Kasm un o,,,,,,e 432-1130 Nama_ Address I hereby ocknowledge that I have read this application and state thot the information is correct an ogree to comply wit4 all opplicoble Smte of Minnewta 5tatutes n Ci j of Eag ?dinances. Signature of Permittee Asseument Permit G / . Vt) _ Woter & Sew. Surcharge 4.00 Poliu Plan theck Fire SAC Eng. Water Conn. Plunner Water Meter Countil Bidg Off . . APC Total 31.00 A Building Pertnit is iss to: AQatius Pool s on the express condition thot ell work shall be done I uccogdapce y+ith all?applikable State of Minnesota Statutes and City ot Eagan Ordirwnces. Butldirg Officiol CITY of EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT own•e . ....l..? ?!.-.:i..¢.Rr?.. :?,.. . a?....../...S,d ....,.?.....?.J..... Addresc (vreceni) ......L9. Fx?......._ Suilder ................................................................................................ Addrass DESCRIPTION ? . i. N2 __3201 3795 PiloS Kaob Road Eagan, Minaesofa 55122 454-6100 Dele ....... ?..1.-:. 7:3 ................ Slorias - To 8 Ucpd For Fron! Depfh Haigh! Esl. Coet armit Fsa Aemssin ? G.3 ? a . s?u:r?..? µt cq._v ' - r.nrsrrnx r?-2 .,, or /6 73 ? .._, This permii daes not authori:e the use of sireele, roads, alleys or sidewalb nos doea it give the ovraes or hIa sgea! the right to creale anp si2ualion whieh is a nuisanae or which preseats a hasard !o the heallh, sefefp, eoaveaisaes aad ganeral welfare 2o enpone in the eommunify. 17 THIS PEAMIT MUST BE'PT_ ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PR71heC < This is !o eeriifp, thal------- _ `4't.?L ..?.....C??:rk?>: ?.5••.... has permissioa !o eseat aon ihe above described premise bjeci io ihe ptovisions of all applioable Ordinanees foe & ! Ea?? ? ti ?` ?R:Q• F.?,Y? . ........... ....°-°---------.. Per .....................--...°---- C? ........... l? ?"? , ............. ... .... . MaY- o? Bulldinq Impee!°s 3-5 z/eT. z CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 PERMLT NO.; 448 The City of Eagan hereby grants to Ray N. Welter Heatina Co. of 4637 Chicago Ave. so., Mpls. 55407 a FEATING Permit for: (pwner) Mare11 ConeCrt7tction at 1673 LeTendre , pursuant to application dated ]?3/74 Fee Paid: $20.00 dated thihSth day of Jatt. ? 79 74 .SO s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: /6od'z??? CITY 0F EAAAN 3795 Yilot Knob Road Eagan, Mir_nesota 55122 PERI'6IT NO.: 410 T?ie City of Eagan hereby g,rants to ,M,nnpm 9l hi r of II.2QI 141xua4twp3-aBl'ud Minnrto.•i-A 433e3 3 PbryAgww6 Permit for: (OUmer) 3350 Heritaqe Lane, 3365-3310-3280 Donald Avenue and at 1673 beTeadse Sk. ? P'arsuant to applicaticn dated Fee Paid< QBA.aA dated {hi.s day of _,W , 19 47• 2.50 s/c Huilding InsDector M,chnnical Pc:rc,it3: Bid io;al: <hp REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION r: ee-oooo,o? b ? r? See insin, ?ons lor completirg this form on back ot yelbw copy. ? ? P .915a6 p "0 'XthBelow Work Covered by This Request e Add ep TypeofBUilding AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range . Temporary Service x Water Heater Electric Heating uilding Apt. Dryer Other (S pecify) j mAndustrial Furnace ' Air Conditioner specry) CantractarE Remarks: Compute /nspeaion Fee Below: # Other Fee # ServiceEnlranceSize Fee # CircuAS/Feetlars Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 700 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps A6ove 100 - Amps Signs Inspectork Use Only- TpTAL Irrigation Booms ?,OC S"D Special Inspechon Alarm/Commumcation Other Fee I, the ElecVical Inspector, hereby R°"yn-m ? D.I. ? certdy that the above inspection has been made. Frnai e . os?r? . OFFlCE IISE ONLY This request witl 18 monihs hom ?9/8%8'9 C ?e31?12/ Request Dale Fre No Pough-in InspecHon R ired, ? Reatly NOw ? Will Not?ly Inspector tl '+ Wh R ?Yes ? No en ea Y I El licensed contractor lf? owner hereby request inspection of above elecfrical work at: Job AECress (SUeet, Boz or Route NoJ Gty t 10 1'?) (e. $ecbon No Townsnip Name or No. Hange No Coumy -?'-? Occupant (PRINp . M 1?? ? ??ti•e?en Plwne No. ?iSLt-2tS? Power Supplier Ay?ress N Eledrical Convector (COmpeny Nama) Cqnt?9clot? Lkenee No. MeAing AAdreas (COMrector or Ownar Makmg Installaian) Auttwr¢ed Signa A Irac[or ner M king Instellalwn) Phone NumOar NINNESOTA STATE BOApD OF ELECTHICffY THIS INSPECTION PEOUEST WILI NOT Origgs-llldwey Bldg. - Room 5173 BE ACCEPTED BV TME STATE BOARD 7821 Univeralty Are., SY. Poul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPEClION FEE IS PMft (811) 642-0800 ENCLOSEO w 1989 BIIILDING PERMIT APPLIC9TION - CITY OF EAGAN 3IIdGLE FAMILY DWELLING3 I L'05 343 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEYo 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTEs ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNSR MOST DESIGNATE WEiICH ADDRESS I3 DESIAED. NO CfiANGES HILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BTIILDING PERMIT IS I530ED. MOLTIPLE DWELLINGS AENTAL DNITS FOR SALE IJNITS # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SIIRVEY - CHECB WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COhMERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS ??COBO To Be Used For: BedY'oom ._ Valuation: Date: site Address 1673 LeTendre ?- Lot Bloek $ _ Parcel/Sub 10-L2mAU 'LnIQ, owner Mike Billmeire Aadress 1673 LeTendre City/Zip Code Eagan, MPd 55121 Phone 49-4-2150 Contractor Parkas Ccnstruction Co., Inc. Address 1010 S. Robert 5treet City/Zip Code W. St. I'aul, MN 55113 Phone 4?5-0031 ?- Arch./Engr. _ Address - City/Zip Code _ Phone # - 05/18/89 03E ONLY Oceupaney FEES Zoning Actual Const Bldg. Permit 7-52- Allowable Surcharge To # of stories Plan Review / Z 6 Length SAC, City Depth SAC, MWCC S.F. Total Water Conn Footprint S.F. Water Meter Aeet. Deposit On site sewage_ S/W Permit On site well S/W Surcharge MWCC System _ Treatment P1. City water _ Road Unit PRV required _ Park Ded. Booster Pump _ Copies TOTAL IaMp APPROVAL5 Planner _ Council / ? 5 ZS Bldg. Off. Variance Council N6TE: Sewer & Water Permit fees and aecount deposit fees will be ineluded in the building permit fee. Processing time for sewer and srater permits ia two days once a licensed plumber has applied for a permit at City Hall. - ' MII4NE50TA STATE BUIIDItIG CODE DIVISIOTi ? - EXTERIOR?ENVELDPE AVERAGE "U" COMPU7ATION OWNER pm2., v`Jf ?l.'MA STTE ADORESS CONTRACTOR DATE ???02ql C I pNONE C/ST-003 ? Determine working square footage of eacfi. 1. Total exposed wall area ..... (-)r)r) sq. ft. x,d 2 . Total roof/cei 1 i ng area ... . c?(? 2 sq. ft. x, 0A, Total exposed wall area above floor = dj a?- a. Total wall window area ......................... 0 b. Total .. door area .............`.............. -- c. Total ...... s7iding glass door area ............... d. Total fireplace wall area............... .... e. Tota7 wall framing area (average IOX)........... p ? f. Total net wa11 area above floor ................. g. Total rim joist area ............................ L_ Total exposed foundation area = -o - h. Total foundation window area ..................... - 0-• i. Toal net foundation area above grade ............ -Q - Determine "U" value of each wall segment. a._ (!,7 s S3 X u. b. x Hult _- _ --? c. ? X liuti d. --- X 'lull e. lxllue, f. -7 X ??Lr 9• 1 O? X--U,, h. -- X liUll i. X 1.ull 3 .....................................Total = (,S If item q3 is the same as, or less than item N1, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. ' ?` . • Total exposed roof/ceiling area ; ' J. Total skylight area............................. - O - k. Total roof/cei]ing framing area(average 70%) ... 1. Total net insulated roof/ceiling area........... _? Determine "ll" value for each roof/ceiling segment. J. -- X itU,l _-- ? k, X-Ulf J, ,:_X „U., 0?6 4 ..................................Tota1 - ?? If total of 14 is the same as, or less than n2, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)l. Alternate Building Envelope Design To utilize the total enveiope system method, the values established by the sum of items $3 and #4 shali r:;t be greater than the sum of items nl and EQ. ,. .?10 _} z. / a?.-?e 3. 7l,5-'? --+4. d'A?'J' ?, D , W 1?'? nRTE y- y- 7<7(!;? BUILDIfdG PRRMIT APPLiCATION Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations and 1 set of energy calculations. 7b be used £ar5i,liyvrriv, A'?''L Valuation ? 1 V.3 / Site ]lddresc: Lot Blcck Sec. Sub. ? -3n Owner "t*kC t'2/4?. ? Address lG rl Ye- -? ? C1 vi ? ?"i'?/(j • Contractor ??,". n,rc < s 170 o C: Bddress ??.fCC? Crs?Arr .???P ? • Arch./Eng. Address Rp -G r7 Parcel Number / L" ?j?9D/ 03a o3 Telephone Y5q " So Telephone e13A-A^ =4 0 Telephone OFFICP. USE Erect Scjra. nt - Rlter Pepair Enlarge Move ner.+olish Grade Occupancy ? Zoning Fire Zone ?--?y Type Of Const. aa.1 # of Stories Front si Depth OFFICE USE Date of ApProval & Initial Assessment FTater/Sewer Police Fire £ng. Plannes Council Rldg. Off. A.P.C. FEES Permit 27 ? -- - Surcharge .O -- Plan Check-T 514C tlater Gonn. [dater Meter TOTAI. ? ? ?_.. e ? .. ....,_.. . . i ; i ? I IV, , ?? % I r ? 1 k ? i i 31 J I I I ? f . ? t j . ? i _ "' _ _ -.? ,... `?f . .. ..... ... .... . .... ? ..... e_ .,._ _ , REVISIONS Qf](?(ik;l?$ ?"+?(..r?, r+o. owr¢ er ? s DRAWN BY CAtE CXK'O OATE a t TRAClD APV'D e qve. Sc: , 7' ,!1!) .r. s ? y DRAWINa NO. 1rT9MlIff POSf 18AE-01E-8XX11 MASTER CARD LOCATION ?3 L OWNER STRUCTUR: AND IAND USED AS Permit No. Issued Issued To Contracfor Owner BUILDING Q' PLUMBI NG CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK ? V'JELL ELECTRICAL HEATING 44 ? GAS WSTALLING SANITARY SEWER ;7 /55 ? OTHER p ! OTHER Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING }. 17.7 3 SEPTIC FOUNDATION /j•I CESSPOOL FRAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIEID PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER f]2 V Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: For Office Use � � � • SJl �, • Permit#: EAGAN ••�� ��•• Permit Fee: ii Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,MN 55122-1810 (651)675-56751 TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 Staff: buildinainspectionsc citvofeaaan.com L 2018 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1673 Letendre St. Eagan MN. 55121 Date: Site Address: Unit it: Marie Chalstrom 651-452-5550 Name: Phone: Resident/ 1673 Letendre St. Eagan, MN. 55121 Owner Address/City/Zip: x Applicant is: Owner Contractor fill in inground pool Type of WorkDescription of work: 1000 X Construction Cost Multi-Family Building:(Yes 1 No ) Company: Contact Contractor Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Email: License#: Lead Certificate#: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes,date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information, Part ins of the Information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to con lode that they we trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaaan.comisubscribe. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.sooherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and appr of plans. Marie Chalstrom x Applicant's Printed Name app. it's Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA166620 Date Issued:01/25/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1673 Letendre St Lot:4 Block: 1 Addition: Letendre 3rd PID:10-44902-01-040 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Pete DeGrood at (507) Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Michael & Marie Chalstrom 1673 Letendre St Eagan MN 55121 (651) 452-5550 One Hour Heating & Air 11825 Point Douglas Rd S Hastings MN 55033 (651) 437-4177 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature