2750 Lexington AvePERMIT # /6e17 MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MM 55122 DATE: ' ? d E; $? /UU Uli PHONE:454-8100 ' Sita Address 2750 [&?.Y i r2aton Ave Lot '2- t ? Slock Sec/Sub y Name '<•ar?,kccn Ht? _ & A. ? Address i;;?[Litetu3E??' •??' City Phone 4' ,. Name aRW H't•a , j=h ? 3 Address i O CitY Phone S TYPE OF WORK . Forced Air M BTU Boiler M BTU Unit Heater M BTU $ Air Cond. ( :? ?yfyl BTU Vent. CFM Gas Piping OuUets # Other A FEE: S/C: TOTAL• BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. New Mult Add-on i- 1 Comm. x Repair Other FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIn - 1,50 EA. COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPUES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & REMODELS - 12.00 MINIMUM CQMMERCIAL FEE - 20A0 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - ,50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES SIGNATUAE OF PERMITTEE {?" _ ? ts-?!fl_'- c FOR: CITY OF EAGAN CONTRACT PRICE Site Address ' Lot -"- Bloc m Name _ ? Address c City _ c Add O CitY TYPE OF WORK Forced Air Air Cond. Vent Gas Piping Outlets # . PERMIT M ? + . MECHAHICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF E/4GAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE: am_ PHONE 4548100 - BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Sec/Sub LV 1 RQS. ? New k,r ?? Mult ? Add-on , „Comm. Repair M BTU M BTU M BTU M BTU CFM FEE: S/C: TOTAL• Other FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 ADD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU - 12.00 ADDITIONAL 6 M BTU - 6.00 GAS OUTLETS - 1.50 EA. COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - 10.00 MtNIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000.00) , NATURE OF PERMITTEE FOR: CITY OF EAGAN F`ERMIT # - ? PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT ti CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: CONTRACTPRICE PHONE:454-6100 Site Address BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block Sec/Sub Res. New - ? ? Mult. Add-on ? Name L6 64' :"? • ? Comm. Repair Address Other c - City ? ' •" ?'? ?- ,"J Phone RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Name Water Closet - $3.00 $ Addr ? , '' ? " ?? % ?-' • 'f Sr Bath Tubs -$3.00 3 p ess Ciryl_L P h o n {G 06 6' Lavatory - $100 Shower - $100 Ki?chen Sink - $3.00 FEES Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Laundry Tray -$3.00 APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES Floor Drains -$1.50 TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES Water Heater -$1.50 MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 Whirlpool - $3.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE -$20.00 Gas Piping Outlets -$1.50 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMin (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Softener -$5.00 BEYOND $1,000.00) Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 ? Rough Openings - $1.50 `SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE^ FEE: STATE S/C: FOR: CITY OF EAGAN GRAND TOTAL: O•K cll'li.a? ? . ?' U - ??= ? i --. I INSPEC CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: N .... . . PERMIT SU.BTYPE: PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: f INSPECTION D. . .. . . ' . i ? . ? . MARK`.-;: t'tf1P! f7t. Vik'LJt ii i-iY .1tiF 1lttFI 0F2 f VF l ld fl(Iltft t!-; 1 ",tli'!1 i F!A 7 F- L 0011 ?F ? fMi 1ARf:?::? Th iiF i'I ACt°t? IrJ FPrIN1 t?t t) i{ 1 f f?RiVt'--711k1i ':1'!1( 1_`: A!{1' ! t'•.{"f'1? 1 I'. , iIlF)N r, ' 7 J ..? Permit Holder Date Telephone M PLUMBING HVAC 57 Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS G/ 3 FOUND FRAMING ! IY? W-nI-,-) ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING (}? - ? PLBG AIR TEST K [i HEOATING GAS SVC TEST WSUL GYPBOARD FIREPLACE FREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG 1{ FINAL HTG 7 ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATiON METER FL USH MAINS corvoucnvirr TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. B5MT FINAL DECK FTG DFCK FINAL ? CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: A i1 11 r rx(i 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: ? Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: '?? I"" (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: i. l I PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: . .. . . . . .. I ) 61 t -02'00. 8"31 1 lflV (f '?TWF h 1 N P Permit Holder Date Telephone # PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Commen s FOOTINGS -, 7 ? • FdL3ND ?------ l3Cj0F;Nv i ; ROI;GH -- i PUihiSlP?tG ? ? PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST ? • ? , INSUI GYP 80ARD - FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL ? - G- DOMESTIC METER i IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS CONDUCTIVITY TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL Ys s l?-s•s Wertificate of Cccu.pancV Witv of cFagaa TOartracut of exi[bing anoection This Cerrificate issrced pursuartt to the requirements of the Urtiform Building Code certifying tfiat at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances af tlu City regulating 6uildueg construction or use. For the followrng: Ux ClassiCu7ui= `m"/um rQSC Bldg. Prnnit No. 32972 O-P-r Type B I Sr 1 Zo,,;,,g pisvia I- l rra caast. IIN Ow•ner d euilmua? 'IC?' TT SYSf?i Il' RD, AZ g,,;a;ngAddress 2750 IEXDIGION AVE S ,m,;ti L3 P ' f Date: _ ewming OMCLW POST tN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE f CITY OF EAGAN Addition P1ainV7-@LJ SBC 2 Lot ? Blk Par? 40 57750 020 00 owner street 2730 So. LE:x3ngton 5tate Eagan,,MN 1r5121 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1 SEWEFi LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA -1'I ICGf; „ ? ? - STORM SEW TRK IQN 1984 1453.00 96.87 15 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER 51DEWALK ` STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 9UILDING PER. SAC PARK I CITY OF EAGAN Remarks I Addition 1i Lot 3 Rlk Parcel 10 57750 030 00 OwnerU ; ??P t -4, 1 , . f? S treet Sta te 1?'A.•? • 1[)4U YDY l"l> Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. t ' STREET RESTOR. ' GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK ? ? 196$ 367.50 12,25 30 Z"' ? SEWER LATERAL - WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA - b STORM SEW TRK $? 1984 3091.00 206.07 15 ? i?`?'• `'" STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 8UILDING PER. SAC PARK I CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition ?'lainview e Lot 4 eik Parcel 10 5775Q 040 o0 Owner ` A? Street -2P ? ? ? ,?/? ? 1,?'L?? /Jr.o Sa State L' ? Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. • STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK ?:;' 1968 428.75 1.2 O ; ??•?, SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN ' WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 119.23 1 , SD STORM SEW TRK 1984 4446.00 296.40 15 ?! IY ?• G ? ' STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET UGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC ' PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Additio Pl?-nview Sec 2 Lot b Rik Parcel 10 57750 060 00 Owne t 1? -V , Street &!?O L.P,a'/?lon ve So State- 65,1,?j Improvement Date Amaunt Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. e , . ' STREET RESTOR. GRADING SANSEWTRUNK 1968 -7? SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 1977 2 065 90 137.72 15 STORM SEW TRK 9 9 4 5993.00 399.53 15 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. 5AC PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Adalition Plainview Sec 2 Lot 7 Bik Parcel 10 57750 050 00 Owneb2tL'L ??Street Zgd%z??, Xye s? State Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK tlcl 168 ?98,75 1 ???, • ?; SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 1984 5792.00 386.13 15 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK ? MINNESOTA DISPATCH CENTERS . METRO MN NORTHERN MN Se Pzul • 4iinreacais Feqoo' Lakes • P.o-?k Cree?. •'sle 1651I686-9520 Adhm • Ma;;regnr • Caltor 320 671 1 800 955 6 05 SOUTN METRO MN ) • - - - 1 ( CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY HastmRS • Resemour • Bumsville SOUTH CENTRAL MN ' CEMSTONE READY MIX, INC. io5ll588-9520 NORTH METRO Nortiied • C,z n3nFaus (??) 563J033 c' • 1-8-OC-3666910 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD.. #300 elaine • Maple Grove SDUTHWEST MM MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120-1221 Elk R"'er • Ezs[ Bethei Jordzn • Mcnlli A-lin Icn • Gibt»n 5 (651) 688-9292 • fAX: 651-688-0124 17e3) 784-3512 •(ESU 686-9520 t9 2 492 WEST METRO SOUTHEAST MN METRO DISPATCH (651) 688-9520 St, Bornlaaous • De:ano • Hnwartl lake Red Wirg 1 t ;753) 97--61 !: 1-8-Oci-543-1977 (651) 38&8996 • 1-800 325-605? 011@.CORI WWW.C@II1S CONCRETE PLACING MinrteSOta ±6511 6,56-4274 Wis=nsm 1-866r279-2221 CONVEYORS (651108.`;-428D CONTRACTOR SUPPLY Nmresota ' °G5 lr-srC • 1-800-&2°-82'P8 WSCOqSIf1 015; 243-19,70 • 1-800-555-9415 AGGREGATES Minnescta (651) 688-9526 • 1-800-3253155 Wisconsin (715) 2464238 • 1-800-555-9415 NORTHERN WISCONSIN Turt:e Law.i • F,edcn: • Dresser Spooner • Haugen (715)986-4412 • 1-866-279•2221 CENTRAL WISCONSIN New RichnIDnd • River Falls Amery • Balcv.in (715) 246-4238 • L-8011-555-9415 SOUTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN i (715)672-50".i8 • 1-8C0-3215-6135 UAN(atFi: C:UNC:Ht I t MAY C:AUSt t3UFiN5 1 V tYt, HIVU bRIIV: SEE OTHER SIDE FOR IUTATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. • The sole and exclusive liabirry o1 Cemstone for any detect in the accepted goods shall be Ilmitetl to repairing or The concrete contafned in Ihis load has been manufactured to the industry rep(acing the goods as Cemstone shall elect. The obligation to repair or replace the goocs snaiI terminare two tolerance tor water.Cement ratio. Adding additional water will change the months aRer Ihe delivery. Free unloading time of 7 minutea per yard to be computed trom arrival on job. Properties of the Concrete, inciuding color and bleed rate. Demurrege at $1.50 per minute must be pald by the purchaeer thereaRer. You should not add water if: • I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT CEMSTONE Is not liable for damage of any nature or kind incurred by my request to . the maximum wat2r-cement ratio has beBn reached, o? move its truck past curh line or righi ol way limfts. I shall pay wrecke, lees for towing and costs in repainrg any damages to ihe Cemstone wck antl to ather praperty. • the maximum slum has been obtained ? Unless olherwise agreed to, in writing, by Cemstone, the readymixed concrele represented by this delivery . yyATER AD 'AT CUSTOMER REQUES?T-(GALLONS) licket is in accordance wilh ASTM C94 oplion A. excepl paragraph 4.2,2 (Standard Specificalion lor Cemstone ?.. _ and acceptance tesling musl he by the standard test methods specified therein Non-standard tesl methods FULL LD 2J3 LD 1f3 LO cannot be used for rejection ot the concrete. tn accordance with AST61 C94, Cemstone shall be supplied with the measured by stendaM test methods and could vary I SIGN i plecemem, consolidation, curing, and protectwn of HERE THANK 'r0U FOR MANING OUR CONGRETE AfdD SLtCCESSFUL VEMi?OR SNQWCASE EUER! REMEMPER TO PICK UP AI_L TNF NEW FIIJ1^H,ri!_ TOOI_':? `ICI1? rdEEr AT A 30% DIBCQUIVT 'Tl7 MAi DEIIVERY ADDRESS! DELIVERY/DRIVER INSTF 1 i{ ;iLd IN INCHES ORDER NO. YM 1 G/ I Ilif?G I I?V. -• .-' '•• ?? ? ?I???? ?i??????1 ??? ? ? ? ? ? ti. , OR PLANT TRUCK DRIYER USE MAP PAGE SLUMP REQUESTED SLUMP fj1ETER READING SCUMP METEF REAOING FINAL SLUMP YETEIi 1? _ . . P?T /i UPON I?RRIVAL REM?1 LOAD OTY. CUM. QTY. ORD'D aTY. PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 7.50 50 ?.50 c :'5 @ 7 c-, i'h t? Rta 23.50 356EN! LM 3500 3/4 FXA 6.00 10 AIR ENTRAINMENT 1.00 ?_-'90 NO EXTERIDR USE DIESSUFtG NEATSERV FORM OFPAYMENT I AMOUNT CREOIT CARD BY 9 16:4i::! I OCP COhiT THANK Y4U FOR YOUR BUSINESS www.cemstone.com ? C? PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPEfi CUS Need secure access to "real time" information on Project History, Past, Current, and Future Orders (including delivery times), Scanned Tickets, Invoice and payment information, approved mixes - go to www,mycemstone.com or call 1-800-CEMSTONE far more information. COMMENTS: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1 - MANUFACTURER'S IDElVTfTY NAME: CEMSTOfJE PRODUC7S CO./ CEMSTONE READY MIX ADDRESS: 2025 CENTRE POINTE 8LV0.. SUITE 300 PHONE: 651•688-9292 24 HOUR PHONE: 1-800-CEMSTONE. YYERSITE: www.cemstone.com CITY: MEN60TA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 SECTION II - MAZQRDQUS INGREDIENTS/COYPONEMTS FORMULA: h4iztures ot Portland or btended cementroncrele aggregates 8 chemicflls admiKtures PORTLAND AND BLENDED CEMENTS: 3Ca0-9i0 (CAS;V12168-85-3) 2CaO-Si01CASq 10034-77-2) 3CaO-A1;0 ICASy23042-78-3? aCaO-AI,O,FE: O (CaS e12068•35-8) CaSw, 2Hz (CASA7778-18-9) Plus Traces of CaO. MgO. F(zSo.. and NaxSo. OTHER INGREDIENTS: Concrete aggreqates, inert gravel. sand, rceks, and admixturos, which may indude By asn, ganuleted slag and very smatl amounts af wganic and inorganic maienals. SECTION tll, PHYSICAUCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS SOIUBIUTY IN WATER: Slight (6.01 la 1%) APPEARANCE AND OOOR: Gray, plastic, flowe0le, granWer mud and ododess. SECTION IV - FIRE AND E%PLOSION HAZARD DATA NOT APPLICABLE SECTION V - REACTIYITY DATA STABILITY: Stahle, howevqr, produrd SOtfens and haMens in 2 to 8 hours SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA ROUTES OF ENTRY AND HEALTH EFFECTS• WARNING• INJURIWS TO EYE CAUSES SKIN IRRRATION READ THtS WARNING BEFORE USING - SKINlEYE CONTACT: Fresh ready-rrrixed conaete has an alkaiiniiy level of pN12 to pH13, antl therefore may cause irritatim end alkeli bums, partiwlarly when exposure is en area of skin previously subjeded to abias:en orurilation. Prolanged or repeated contec[ may cause aNergic dermatltis m sensitlve individuals. Skin contad may cause tocal irtitation af the aHected aree. Pre-exisdng skin conditions may be agptaveled hy 'x exposure. INGESTION; Ur,likety. May cause irritation. INHALATISN: Fresh teady-mixed concreledaes not pose an mhalation-hazartl. Howevar, sawfng, grinding, cutling, drlRng, or othervrise di5turhing hardened concrete may contn'6?ute to efevated 6evels af afrbome respirahle sHica dust. which may cause sihcosis. Aiways use appropnate respiratory protec6on In dusry environmen4s. EMeaceNCr aNO Fiasr aio PaoeeouRes: DANGER: MAY CAUSE BURNS TO EYES AND SKIN READ THIS WARNING BEFORE UeiNr SKIN CONTACT: Wash skin with large amounts of soap and clean watec For minor imtaCwn, epply a lanolio-cantaining peam lo akin aNer waehlny. Contect fl phyeician if peraiateM w sevare kAtYftn Or dietomlort cccurs. EYE CONTACT: Contatt a phy&cian immedfately. Flush eyes with large amounts ol clean weter fot at least 15 minutes. INGESTION: Due to the nature of this matenal, it is unlikely that it will be Ingested. If this dces ocwr, remove indivldual from area. If the Individual is conaCbus, iwo or threa glasses of milk or water should be prwided to dilute stanactr contents. Do not irMuee vomiting. Contad a physician or poison controt center. SECTION VII • PRECAUTION5 FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE IF SPILLED: Spill does not increase hazard. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Material can be retained untlf H herdens. Then it can be dtsposed of as canrtron waste. PLASTIC (FRESH) READY MIXED CONCRETE: Use barrier creams, gloves, boots and elotbing to protect the skin hom prolonged contact with plastic (tresh) ready-mix concrete. Particuiary avoid abrasron of the s16n in contact with unhardened plastic concrete. Precautions must be observed because cement hums occur with litlte waming - Atlfe heat is sensed. Always wear eye protecUon when olacfng plastic (fresh) ready-mixed concrete. HARDENED CONCRETE: Respirable dust may be generated when harderied conerete is subjected to mechanical forces, such as in demoltiion work antl surface treatment (sawing, sending, grMtlfng, grooving, chiselirg elc). To ihe extent practical, use wet methotls to minimize airbome dust levels when sawing a using other conerete reriovation methods. Wear an eppropnate end approved resqrata when the urork generates visible airbome dust. Provfding exhaust ventilation to remove the dust to an unoccupied area when sawing or ueing other renovation methods may afso contribute to reducetl dust levels. Persoru not weanng appropriate respiratory protechive equipment should be ezcluded from dusty areas until the demolilion work has been completed antl tbe dust has 6een clearetl. When clearing renovatbn or demdi6on reluse, avad re-eMrainmg dust. Usa wet metha/s or a vacuum with a high etticiency fitter to remove dust 5ECTION VIII - APPENOU( QO TO CEMSTONE WEBSRE FOR MSOS SHEETS One or rnore admixtures may 6e added to ready-mixetl concrete to produce specffic propemes. 171 Does nol add to or alter potentlel heeltli or environmental hazerds of plaetic or herdened concrete POZZOLITH 322N (l) RHEOMAC SP170 (t) GLENIUM 3400 POZZQLITHNC534 (1) RHEOCRETECNI (1) VMA35B POZZpLI"fH 100XR (1) WRDA82 (1) DCI MBAE90 I11 ADVA (1) CNI GLENIUM3000NS (t) QARAVAIR 1000 (t) POLVHEED 1020 RHEOMAC SF100 (1) DARATARD-77 (t) • - VEMAR 3 ' SECTION IX - DISCLAIMER THE INFORMATION IN THIS MSDS CONCERNING HEALTH hIAZARD DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM SOURCES BELIEVED TO BE RELJABLE. HOP/EVER, THE INFORMATION IS PROVIDED WITHOU'f ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARfiAM'Y, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. REGAADING ITS ACCURACY OR CORRECTNESS. ONCE THIS PAODUCT LEAVES THE CEMSTONE PLANT, THE CONDITIONS OR METHODS CF HANDLING, STOFAGE, USE AND DISPOSAL OF THE PROOUCT ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL ANO MAY BE BEYOND OUR KNOWLEDGE. FOR THIS AND O7HER REASONS, WE DO NOT ASSUME RESPONSI8ILITY AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM LIRBILtTV FOR LOSS, OAMAGE OR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF OF IN ANV WAY CONNECTED WtTH THE HANDUMG, STORAGE, V9E OH QISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT. I . MINNESOTA OISPATCH CENTERS 01NS7VNL METRO MN NORTHERN MN - Paul • Min'IediAlis St Peo.ic? L?kz5 • Ra0: Crecb. . I51?3 :65 11688 9E20 Ankin • MrGrz3sr • Ca•lto? SOUTH METRO MN 1320i 676-3355 • 1-K0-955-6105 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY Hastmgs • Rasemount • Bumsville SOUTH CENTRAL MN l CEMSTONE READY MIX INC. (051) 688-9520 NORTH METRO Northfie d • Cannon Falls (507)663-e33° ? 1-a70366-6910 + 2025 CENTRE POiNTE BLVD.. #300 siame • Maple srove SOUTHWEST MN MENDOTA HEIGHTS. MN 55120-1221 Elk R,•rer • Easl Bethel n6317an-a5iz • I551) 688-9520 Jortlan • Montgomery• Arlington • Gfb6on c952! 492-3639 {651} 688-9292 • FAX: 651-688-0124 WEST METRO SOUTHEAST MN METRO DISPATCH (651) 688-9520 St. Bon,faacu: • De?a-ro • Hcwartl Lake (763) 972 -6111 1 -8D0 533 1977 Red Wirg (651) 388-8996 • 1-800-325 oC55 WWW.C@ff15t00@.COffl CONCRETE PLACIN6 Mirnesola f6551i686-4274 WISCOnvn 1 866.=79.2221 CONYEYORS i651? 6PF42&0 CONTRACTDR SUPPLY Minn.sntd (65i) 9C5-1500 1-800 829-8228 WSCO.'ISIn I7151243-1941) • 1-&')0-555-49i5 AG6REGATES Minnesota (551) 688-9526 • 1-800-325-3155 Wisconsin (715) 2464238 • 1-800-555•9415 WISCONSIN DISPATCH CENTERS NORTHERN WISCONSIN TurUe Lakc • F,cdcric: • Oresser Sp;r?ne, • Haugen (715)986-4442 • 1-666-279-22e CENTRAL WISCONSIN New Ricnmand • Rnn:r Fal'?s Amery • 6alGwir t7151246-4238 • 1-800-555-9415 SOUTH CEMTRAL WISCONSIN :)Lrand (715) 672-5008 • 1-800-325-6A35 UAN(atH : (:UNC:KE1 t IUTAY C:AUSE t3UFiN5 1 V CYtS AIVU SKIIV! ADMI%TURES SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET¦ ADDED(GALLONS)OR INCREASED SLUMP • The sole and exclusive qebility ot Cemstone lor eny defect In the accepted goods shall be Ifmited to repairing or The concrete contained in this load has been manufactured 10 the induStry IN INCHES replacing the goods as Cemsrone shall elect The obligation to repair or reptace the goods shan terminate Iwo months after Ihe tlelrver Free unloedin time o} 7 minutea ard to be com uted Irom errlval on bb er tolerance for water.cement ratio. Adding additional water will change the y. g p y p . Dem urrege et $1.50 par minute muet be pald by the purchaser thereaflar. propeRies of the concrete, including color and blCed rate. You should not add water if: • i ACKNOWLEDGE THAT CEMSTONE is nol liable for damage of any nalure or kind incurred by my request ta move its truck past curb line or rigM af way limits. I shall pay wrecker fees for towfng and cosls fn repairing any . ?he mauimum water-Cement ratio has been reaChed, or !-- damages to the Cemstone truck and lo other properly. • the maximum slum has been obtained I• Unless otharwise agreed to. in wrding, by Cemstone, the ready-mixed concrete represeNetl uy this tlelivery ticket is in accordance with ASTM C94 option A except paragraph a22 (Standard Specification for Cemstone . y,?ATER ADD A?Y CUSTOMER F1F?11JEST (GALLOrJ,S).--- , I and acceptance testing must be by the standard test melhods speciiled therein. Non•standard tesl methods cannot be used lor reiection of the concrete. In accordance with ASTM C94, Cemstone shall be suoolied with Ihe FULL LD 2J3 LD 1!3 LD results of any acceptance test on methotls and could vary SIGN curing, and protection oi HEFiE CEMSTQNE NEWS : g??CCESSf't1L tJENDQ?i SHQWCF?SE THANF? YOLJ FOR N?AKING !]UR CONCRETE A?ID "!?:_...-'.. ?, . EVEP! REiNEMF3ER Tt] PTCK l1P ALL TNE NEW !. ri: ^dEED FiT A 30?( DISGQUNT TO MAti I CC}tJCRETE ErdTER??R I SE5 I NC 1?,_ ?? ?`ICONl I '2'7`?(A LEXIt,'_,?i?ti ? ?? t:•,.:i?: ?- 111?11Il?iiii h1l1,I111 fl!, 1111 • t_ „ F 9 * PLANT . TRUCK DRIVER . ._ _ USE MAP PAGE SLUMP REQUESTED SIUMP METER READING @ PLAN7 SLUMP METER READING UPON ARRIY/?y ? FlNAL SLUMP MErea RE?W G ? _? LdAD aTY. CUM. OTY. ORD'D QTY. PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNiT PRICE AMOUNT 00 23.50 3566N LM 3500 314 F X A 00 6.00 Ie AIR FtdTRAINMEPdI' 00 1.00 290 NA ExTERIOR U5E FORM OF PAYMENT AMOUNT RECEIVED CHECK NUMBER I CREDIT CARD APPROYAL k I RECEIVED BY www.cemstone.com THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS 9v PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Need secure access to "real time" information on Project History, Past, Current, and Future Orders (including delivery times), Scanned Tickets, Invoice and payment information, approved mixes - go to www,mycemstone.aom or call 1-800-CEMSTONE for more information. COMMENTS: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1 - M/WUFACTURER'S IDENTTTY NAME: CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COJ CEMSTONE fiEADY MI% ApDRESS: 2025 CENTRE PpINTE BLVD,. SUITE 3D9 PHONE: 651-688-9292 24 F10UFl PHONE: i-800-CEMSTONE. YVEBSITE: www.cemstone.wm CITY: MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MM 55720 SECTION 11 - FiAZARDOU5INGREDIENTS/COMPONEPf7s FORMULA: Mixtures o( Portland or blendetl cemen;-concreie aggregetes & chemcels atlmiMtures PORTLAND AND BLENDEO CEMENTS: 3Ce6-Si0 (CASk12168-85•3) 2CaO-SiO tiCAS#10034-77-2) 3CaO-Al;O (CASii23042-783) aCaO-AI,O,FE: O (CAS *1206835-8) CaSo..2Hx (CASM777&18-9) Plus Traces of CeO. MgO, K25a, and NazSo. OTMER INCiREOlENTS: Concrete nggregates, inert grnvel, sand, rocks, and admixtures. which may include fty aeh, granuleted elag arn1 very small artwunts of organk and inaganic materials. SECTION 111, PHYSICAUCHEMICAL Ct1ARACTERISTfC3 SOLLIBILITY IN WATER: Shght (0.01 to 196) APPEARAhICE AND ODOR: Gray, plastic, 1lowabie, granular mud and otlorless. SECTION IV - FIRE AN6 EXPLOSION HA2ARD DATA NOT APPUCABLE SECTION Y • REACTIVITY DA7A STABIUTY: Slahle, however, product stifFens aM hattlena in 2 W 8llpufs SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA ROU?ES OF ENTRY AND HEALTH EFFECTS• WARNING• INJURIOUS TO EVE CAUSES SKIN IRHRATION HEAD THIS WARNING BEFORE USING SKIWEYE CONTACT: Fresh ready-mixed concrete has an alkahnity Ievei of pH12 to pH13. and therelore may cause irrilatan and alkali bums. paRicularly when exposure is an area of skin previousty subjeCted to abrasion ar imtatwn. Prolonged or repeated contad mey cause allergic detmetitis in sensitive individuals. Skin contact may ceuse bcal Irtilation o1 the affected area. Pre-existing skin conditions may be aggravated by ezposure. INGESTION: Unlikely. May ceuse irritaticn. INHALATiON: Fresh ready-mixed concrete does rat pose an inhaiation hazartl. However, sawing, gnnding, cutUng, drilling, w otherwise disturbing hardened concrete may contribute to elevated leveis of airbome respirabie silica dusl, which may cause sdicosis. Always use appropnate respirarory protection in dusry ernironments. SMERGeNCr nNO FIasT pio PaoCEOURES: DANGER: MAY CAUSE BURNS TO EYES AND SKIN. READ THIS WARNING 9EFORE USIN(i_ SKIN CONTACT: Wash skin wifh large artaunts of soap and clean water. For minor irtitetion, appy a IanoUnconlaiNng cream ta skn afle? washinp. CorNW a physicien q perasterrt a eevore krita§on or tlisoanYOrt occurs. EYE CONTACT: Contact a physician immediatery. Flush eyes wAh large amounts of clean water tor at leasl 15 minu[ea. INOESTION: Due to the nature of tMs material, i1 is unlikety that it will be ingested. tt tl+is does occur. remove intlividuai lrom area. If the individuel is eonsdous. Mro or Ciree glassee N milk or water ehould be provided fo d+lute stomach contertts. Da not induce vomiting. Contact a physician or poison control center. SECTION VII - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE NANDLING AND USE IF SPILLED: Spill does not increase hazartl. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Material can 6e re[ained until it hardens. Then il can be disposed ot as cammon waste. PLASTC (FRESH) READY MIXED CONCRETE: Use barrler creams, gloves. Doo1s and cloming to protecl Me skin from prolonged cornect wiN plaslic (fresh) readymix concrete. PaAiwlarly avod abrasion of the skin in cwitact with unhardenetl plastic concrtte. Precaulions must be observed 6ecause cement 6ums accur with litlle waming - liltle heat is sensetl. ANrays weer eye prot6elion when placing plastic (fresh) ready-mixed concrete. HARDENED CONCRETE: RespiraWe dust may be generated when hardened concrete is subjected to mechanical facea, such as in demolition work and suAace treatment (sawing, sending, grinding, grooving, chiseiing etc). To the eMent pracYCal, use wet metliods to minimlze airtbortv dust levels when sawing or using other concrete renovatbn methods. Wear an appropriate antl approved respirator wlien tlie work generates visihle airbome dust. Providng exhausi veMilahon to rertwve Vie dust to an unoaupied area yvhen sawing or using other renovation methods may also contri6uta to reduced dust levels. Persons nol weanng appropriate respiratory protective equipment shouW be excludod lrom dusty areas unHl the demotitbn work has been completetl end the dust fas been deeretl. When deerinp renovetion ar demolNfon reluse, avokJ re-entratning dusi. Use wet methods or a vacuum with e Ngh etticiency filLer to remove dust. SECTION VIII - APPENDIX GO TO CEMSTONE W EBS(TE FOR MSDS SHEEfS One or rrrwe admixWres may be addetl to regdy-mixed concrele to produce speciBc propemes. (1) Does not add lo or aller potential health or environmentel hazard6 of plastic or hardened conereG P02ZOLI71i 322N (1) RHEOMAC SF1 10 (1) GLENIUM 3400 P0220LI7H NC534 (t) RHEOCRETE CNI (1) VMA 358 POZZOLITH t00XF (1) WRDA82 (1) DCI MBAE90 (1) ADVA 0J CNI GLENIUM 3000N5 (7) DARAVAIR 1000 (11 POLYHEED 1020 AHEDMACSFi00 (1) DARqTARD-77 (1) VEMAR3 SECTION IX - OISClA1MER ' THE INFORPAATION IN THIS MSDS COMCERNING HEALTH HkZARD DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM SOURCES BELIEVED TO Bf RELIABLE. HOWEVER, T?iE INFORMATION IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY ? REPRESEN7ATCN OR WARRANTY, E%PRESSED OR IMPUED. REGAADING ffS ACCURACY OR CORRECTNESS. ONCE THIS PRODUCT LEAVES THE CEMSTONE PIANT, THE CONDITIONS OR RAETHppS OF HANQLING, STQRAGE, USE AND pISPOSAL aF THE PRODUCT ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL AND MAY BE BEYOND OUR KNOWLEDGE. FOR THIS AMD UTHER REASONS, WE DO NOT ASSUME FiE$PONSBILITY AND EXPRESSLY OISCLAIM LIABILITY FOR LOSS, QAMnpE OR EXPEN3E ARISWG OUT OF OR IN ANY WAV CpNNECTED WITH THE HANDLIN6. STORAGE, USE OA DI5POSAI.OF THE PRODUCT. MINNESOTA DISPATCH CENTERS ????TD?? , - METRO MN S[ P l •'d •? NORTHERN MN P° D k A Q I • P I l . n ?ecCalis au f6511688. 9520 SOUTH ME7R0 MN q,: .? @5 .rh: t eek • s e Aifkin • M[Gre,or • Garilon i320? 676-336s; • 1-660-955-6105 CEMSTONE PROOUCTS COMPANY Hastings • Rosemoun; • eumsvite SOUTH CENTRaL MN CEMSTONE READY MIX INC (6?1) 688-9520 Northfe!d • Carincn Fal4s , . NORTH METRO (507)(563"0330 • 180c`365-6910 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD., r300 Blair.e • Maple Grove Elk R • E B th i SOUTNWEST MN Jordan • Mont o-ra- • Ariin ton • G 6 w MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55]P0-1221 ,ver cst e e p63J 784-3512 •(651) 688-9520 g y g i i ) c952; 492-3935 (651) 688-9292 • FAX: 651-488-0124 WEST METRO SOUTHEAST MN METRO DISPATCH (651) 688-9520 SL Bonifacious • Delano • Howard Lake (763) 972-6111 1800-543-1977 Red Wmg f6511388-8996 • 1-800-325-6D55 www.cemstone.com CONCRETE PLACIN6 WISCONSIN DISPATCH CENTERS Miriesola (65])68E-1274 wiyaDnsin 1-866-279-2221 NORTHERN WISCONSIN CONVEYORS(65ll 685-4260 Turt'r.•Lake • Frederic • Dresse, Spoaner • Hau en 9 CONTRACTOR SUPPLY t715798E-4442 • t-s 6-;79:?z2: Minnesota i55::,9105-150c • i-8.,?n-a2--s22a CENTRAL WISCONSIN *sco,isir (715) 2431940 • 1-800-555-9415 Nevr Rc-irionc • P,ivei Falls Arnery • ^31?wrtn AGGRE6ATES ,7=5; za 6-azss • i Minnesota (651)688-9526 • 1-800-325-3155 SOUTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN Wrsconsir. Du'a`'d p15)246-4238 • 1-800-555-9415 715?6'?.i?•Jc • 1-?XJ ;'S6•1?5 ? r?LVAU' ? I LCAYC!'S.NI?J1 I AMMIYGtlUjlw 1t I S1!(UII UISW1i M(at I tl 1?F1.UI:ilrF1AFS?at I LtAVtJUtl :illt I AMMIVtYLAIVI {l t ' I L, I UAIVt?itli : C:VIVC:1-?t 1 t MAY C:AUSt 13U1-?NS I V tYtS ANU SKIN! `'"ADMI`""`'"` XTURES SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ADDED(GALLONS)OR INCREASED SLUMP • The sole and exclusive Iiabilily of Cemstone for any defect in the accepted goods shall be limitea to repairing or . The concrete contalned in this load has been manuteCtured to the mdustry IN INCHES replacing the goods as Cemstone shall elect. The o6ligatlon to repair or replace the goods shall terminate two l h l toleranCe for water.cement ratio. Adding additional water will change the monlhs a ter t e delivery Free un oading tlme of 7 minutes per yard to be eomputed from anlval on job. Uemurrage at $1.50 per minute must be pald by the purcheaer thereafter. propeRies of the concrete. including color and bleed rate. • I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT CEMSTONE is not iiable for tlamage of any nature or kind incurred by my requesl lo move its truck past curb ?ire or nght of way 6mrts. I snall pay wrecker tees tor towmg and costs in repainng any You should not add water if: . me maximum water-cement ratio has been reached, or ? damages to the Cemslone Iruck and to other property. • the maximum slum has been obtained • Unless othernise agreeo to, in writing, by Cemstone, the readymixed concrete represented by this delivery TER ADDED At CUSTOMER REC?UEST (GALLONS) licket is in accordance with ASTM C94 option A, except paragraph 4.2.2 (Standard Specilication }or Cemslone and acceptance lesling must be by the standard test methods specified therein. Nomstandard test methods FFULL LD 213 LD 113 LD - cannot be used for rejactian of Ihe concrete In accordance with ASTM C94. Cemstone shall be supplied with the _ results of any acceptance test on piaslic or hardened concrete. • The concrete strength shown is the polentlal strength when measured by standaM test methods and cculd vary SIGN X significantly from the in place slrengM whith is dependent on platement, consolklation, curmg. and protection of HERE „ 7fIANH; YpU F0R MAKING OUR CONGRETE AND MASC cUER'. REMEMBER TO G1CK UF ALL THE NE41 FIN1 I rOiVCkETE EN7ERPRi 5ES IIVC I l='750 LEY.INGTCN AVE --EAGAN '.66 I 1i??11 ?111{ ?I?i? ?1111?ilI? II;?_I?1l??E1il !!I il?l 3 ? PLANT TRUCK DRIVER USE MAP PAGE SLUMP REOUESTED SIUMP METER REAOING SLUMP METER READING FINAL SLUMP METER I I . - , @PLANT UPONARRIYAL. REAUING LOAD QTY. I CUM. QTY. ORD'D QTY. PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT OESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 8.00 8. 00 23.50 3556N LM 3500 3/4 FXA 8. 00 8.00 6.00 10 R I Fi . ENTP.A T NMEPdT 8.00 B, 00 1.V10 290 NLl EXTEt?IDr U5E S I RECEIVED BY SJCGESSFUL VENDOR SHOWCASE i 1 NG TGOLa YOU NFEB AT p 30% D I SCUUtJT Ta Ptf 5: i I ?JCP cQraT THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS ?? ? ? www.eematone.com ?? PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CUSTOMER COPY Need secure access to "real time" information on Project Hlstory, Past, Current, and Future Orders (including delivery times), Scanned Tickets, Invoice and payment information, approved mixes - go to www.mycemstone.com or call 1-800-CEMSTONE for more information. COMMENTS: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1 - MANUFACTURER'S IDENTITY NAME: CEIASTONE PRODUCTS COJ CEMSTONE READY MIX ADDRESS: 2025 CEfvTRE POtNTE BLVD., SUITE 300 PHONE: 657-688-9292 24 HOUR PHONE: t-BOdCEA1STONE, WEBSITE: www,cemsMne.oom CRY: MENOpTA HEIGHTS. MN 55120 $ECTION 11- MAZARDOUS INGREDIENTSICOMPONENTS FORMULA: Mixtures o1 Portland or blended cemern-concrele aggregales & chemicals admiMUres PORTLAND AND BLENDED CEMENTS: 3CaO-S40 (CASk12168-853) 2CaO-Sf0 (CAS010034-77-2) 3Ca(>Al:O (CASN23042-78-3) OTHER INGREDIENTS: Concrete aggregates. mert gravel. sand. rocks, anC admixtures, which may include fly ash, granulated slag and very small arnounts of aganic and morganic matenals SECTION III, PHYSICAIJCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS SOLUBIL{TY IN WATER: SIigM (O.Ot to i%) APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Gray, ptasbc. Bownble, granular mud and odoAess. 4CaO-AI,O.FE; O (CAS 012068-35-6) CeSa, 2H2 (CASR7778•78-9) Plus Traces of CaO, MgU, I(sSa, and NazSa SECTION 14 - FIFE AND ExPLOSION HA2ARD DATA NOT APPLICABLE SEGTION V - REACTIVITY DATA STABIUTY: Siable, hwvever, product stitfens antl h9Merts in 2 to 8 h0ur8. SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA ROUTES OF ENTRY AND HEALTH EFFECT5: WARNING: INJURIOUS TO EYE. CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. READ THIS WARNING BEPORE USINQ. SKIWEYE CONTACT: Fresh ready-mixed concrete has an alkaliniry level of pH12 to pH13, and theretae may cause irrilation and alkeli bums. paAicularty when exposure is an area ol skin prevbusly subjected ro abrasion cr imtation. Prolonged or repea!ed contect may cause allergic dertnaties in sensitive intlivitluals. Skin contad may cause locel irtitation of the affected area. Pre-existing skin oorWitions mey be aggravated by exposu!e. INGESTION: Unlikely. May cause mitalion. INHALATION: Fresh reatly-mixed concrete Uoes nai posa an inhalatfon hezard. HowAOer, sawing, grinding, cutting, tlrilling, ot otherwise disturbing hardened concreie may wntribute tp eleval8d levels M aiibome respirable silica dusi, which may cause silicosis. Always use appropdete respiretory protection in dosty envlronments. eMeRCeNCr nNO Flasr aio aROCEOURes: DANGER: MAY CAUSE BURNS TO EYES AND SKIN. READ THIS WARNING BEFORE USING. SKIN CONTACT: Wash sk,n with large artrounts ot soap and clean water. For minor imtation, appy a lanofincontaining Cream to skin efter wsehing. CaMacY a physicien N peraisteM w Bevere irrilation or diecomfort occurs. EYE CONTACT: Contact a physidan immediatety. Flush eyes with large amounts of clean water for at least 15 minutes. INGESTION: Due to the nature o1 this maFerial, it i5 unlikely that fl will be ingested. I( this dces occur. remove individual trom area. It the individual i5 consdous, two or ttvvee glasaes d mi& or water should be provided Io dilute stomach contents. po not induce vomiting. Cornact a physician or poison control center. SECTION YII • PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDlINO AND USE IF SPILLED: Spill does noi increase hazard. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Matenal can be retained un[;I it hardens. Then n can be dlsposed oi as common waste. PLASTIC (fRESH) READY MIXED CONCWETE: Use bartier creams, gbvas. boots and cbthing to protect the sldn from prolonged contact with plasGc (lresh) readymix conrxete. Particv!ary avad aoresian o1 the skin Im mn[ect with unhardened qaslic concrete. Precautlons must be abserved because cemem 6ums oocur with Iittle xraming - Btlle heat is sensed. Nwsys wear eye protection when pladng plastic (fresh) ready-mized concrete. HARDENED CONCRETE: Respirsble dust may be generated when hardened concrete Is subjecled to mecfianical torces, such as In demolition woAc and surtace treatmeM (sawing, sanding, grinding, grooving, chiseling etc) To the extent practical, use wet methods to minimize airbome dust levels when sawing or using other concrete renovation methods. Wear an approprlate end apprwed respiretor when the work gerterates vis+ble airbome dust. Providing exhaust ventilation to remove the dust to an unaccupied area when sawing or using other renrnation methods may afso contnbute to reduced dust levels. Persons not wearing appropriate resp+ratory protective equipmenl shoWd be exGuded Irom dusty areas un61 the 6emdihon woAc has been completed and the dust has been Geared. When deartng renovation or dertalition reluae, avdd re-entrainirtg tlusf. Use wet methods or a vecuum with a high efticency fitter to remove dust SECI'ION VIII - APPEN017f C30 TO CEM5TONE WEBSRE FOR MSDS SHEETS one or morz admtxtures rney be added to ready-mfxed cancrete to produce specific propertios. 11 } Ooes nol add tv or alter potenlial trealth or environmental hazards of plastic or hardened conaete POIZOLfTH 322N (1) RHEOMAC SF710 (1) GLENIUM 3400 POZZOLITH NC534 (t) RHEOCRETE CNI (t) VMA358 POZZOLITH100%R (1) WRDAB2 (1) pCl MBAE90 (1) ADVA (1) CNI GLENIUM 3000NS (1) DARAVAIR t000 (1) POIYHEED 1020 RHEOMAC SF100 (t) OARATARD-17 (1) VEMAA 3 SECTION IX • DISCWMER THE INFORMATiON iN THIS MSOS CANCEANING HEALTH HAZARD DATA WA3 OBTAINED FROM SOURCES 8ELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE. HOWEVER. THE INPORMATION IS PHpVIDEO WITHOUT ANY FiEPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESSEO OR IMPLIED. FEGARDING fTS kCCURACY pR CqRRECTNESS. ONCE THIS PRODUCT LEAVES THE CEMSTONE PLANT, THE CONDITIONS OR METHODS OF HANDLING, STORAGE, USE AND DISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT AFE BEVOND OUR CONTROL AND MAY 8E BEYOND OUR KNOWLEDGE. FOR THIS AND OTHER REASONS, WE 00 NOT ASSLIME RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPRE9SLY DISCLAIM UABILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF OR IM ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE HANDLINl3, STORkGE. USE Ofi DISPOSRL OF THE PRODUCT , ? EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT N° 3098 ..°°....----- -'-"--° °..._? .................. Owner ....... .... . Eagan Township Addresa (Present) ........ ?.Z75-.?? ........iE4 ........? Town Hall Builder ....... ........... ....... .. "_....._"-"--............ c o_ .. . ? Date .."--Q.......Gl._..... ................ Address .....`J DESCRIPTION Stories To Se Used For Fron! Deplh HeighS Esi. Cos! Pe:mi! Fae Ramarka ?"-'?-•-ye 9?-? •? 1- Z-./ ??-o-u 3°. `--u - , 'd ??7?23 p U /.SS ?T' ? /ei sxreex, noaa or oxaer ueseripnon ox i.ocanon v LOI n1ocB Atltlifioe or Trac! Thfs permit does aof aufhorise the use of s2reele, raads, aileys or sidewalkc nor does it give the owaer or his agen! the righlio create any ailualion whieh is a nuisanee or which presents a heaszd !o the health, aafely, coavenieace and genesal welfaxe fo anyoxe ia the eommunify. THIS PERMIT MUST BE K PT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRESS. ? ThSs ia !o cerlifp, thaf...... ............... :7"'.°? .-•---._.has pexmission fo ereet .............................. `' ........_ on the abave described premise sub7ec! !o the provisions of the Buildiag Ordinance for Eagan Township adop2ed April 11, 1955. *?? --°°---'-°--'-----..E?-.:-'v-V"-,°.?--°" -...Per ................. AA,,p ..<........ -0----'--.?..?...-----'---....... ChairmaH af Tnwn Board BuIIdin fas ctor EAGAN TOWNSHIP Bl31LD.l.NG PERMIT Owner Address (presen!) Builder ...._.. Address ..... DESCRIPTION N° 520 Eagan Townahip Town Hall =?? Dale "----..._---°'----------------- ------- Sfories To Be Used For Fron! DepYh Heigh! Esi. Cosf PermiY Fee Aemarke I I ? ? - ' ` LOCATION 5freei, Road oz oiher Uescxipi3on of Locafion I Lo! Elock Addilion os TracY ?w??...t f??.?L>'al/ l// ?( JI?L?O'??? 1 ? ??c'??? ?? !.'??.. ? 7?ii.?a' .r,4%? This ?permiY do noY authoriae the use jsireels, roads, alleps ar sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his agenf the righS !o cr e any sifuafion which is a uisance or which presenfs a hazard fo the healYh, safety, convenience and general welfa:e fo anyone in the eommuniYp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE!7K?EPT ON T`HE PREMISA WHILE THE WORIC IS IN PRO S. This is !o aerlify, ihak._.9:.144.?h?E'2., _.rxxt, . ermission !o erecf a.:.. ..-- - -- upon a the above described premise subjecl?She prod' ions of the Building/Ordinance for Eagan Township adopYed April 11, 1955. ? i ? ------- _-------------------------------------------------- _'__ _ ------ __Per ... .. ? , _ _ _ ... _ '. . . Chairman of Town Board ?????? Suild cior EAGAN TOWNSHIP No 688 BOJILDING PERMlT owne: Address Builder Address Eagan Township `-?? ?-- Town Hall Dale -------....- ............."-'---"------... DESCRIPTION SYories To Be Used For Fronf Deplh Height Esf. Cos! PermiY Fee Remazka / I 6i/-' ?-3 S?L / J ?/,Soa 11,4 o LOCATION ox (e I I AIac? w'?-C? This pexmi! does not auihorize the use of sireeis, roads, alleps or sidewalks nor does ii give the ownes or his ageni the righi !o? reaie any siiuafioa which is a nuisance or which presenls a hasard !o the healfh, safely, convenience and general we fare Yo anpone in the communiip. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WOAK IS IN PAOGR£$S. This is !o cerYify, ihaf---------------------------------------------------------------- has permission fo erect a------- ------------------------------------------------------ upoa the above described premise subjeci io the pxovisions of the Building Ordinan e for Eagan Township adopled April 11, 1955. ` ????-? il- Chairman ------------------ ---."---- "- - --'-"---------------'-------------. Per ..... --..of Town Soard in 'ns"ec2or ' ..... ' ? P S REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See instmdions lor comple0ng Ihis form on back ol yellow copy. 015620 •X" Below 4'vorn'Cbvered by This Request le-l! N";._ ES-0 5?? ew dd Rep ' 7ypeofemitling AppliancesWiretl EquipmentWiretl Home Range Temporery Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Buiiding Dryer Load Management Comm /Industrial Wmace Other (SpeCity) Farm Air Conditioner Other (syecity) ConVatlorS flemarks p Compute Inspecbon Fee 8elow: k Other Fee # ServiceEntranceSize Fee M Circuits/Feetlers Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 700 Amps ? ff TranSformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps SignS Inspector§ Use Only TOTAL Irtigation BoomS '/G77 ,V(J? Special Inspection ? "jU nlarmiCommunication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE.ORDEREO DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 78 MONTHS. I, the Elecirical Inspector, hereby Rough-m oete certity that the above inspecdon has been made. Final oa?a f OFiICE USE DNLY This reqoest voiG 18 months bom ?'3 ~? P ?,? r`p " ? ?s ? . H15 6 2 0 . K'? a 0 a Repuest Deta Frt N. Fo,. .,, c,mn RepwreE Inspeqion OthertM1an Rougn-In ' J ? (YOU must cell mspecl $r whan reetly) L? Reatly Now „0 WIII NoVly Inspactor ,J ? Yes ,1?7 No Date ReaGy ?41"licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Atltlress IStreel 8ox or Route No ) Qty, vV Sacoon No Towns?ip Name or No Range No Counry Oaupam [PqINT) Phone No. r y /' /f• r?lf' Pawer Supplier 1 Atltlress Electricai Comractor ICompany Namel Conhactor5 Lcense No ? e I MarLng Ao ss ICOnVactor or Owner Making Installatwry 40 s h Autnonzeo SignaW:e IConhac?o ?rwmer Makmg Installalio Pnone Number MINN SOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITV THIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Grigge-MlEway Bltlg - Room S173 8E ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD 1821 Unrvcrsiry pve., St Paal. MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Ghone (61I) 602-080D ENCLOSED !? ?1 L REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ?EB-00001-03 T 7 v y, / n O' See msVUCtions for completing this form on Fack of Vellow copµ ? "X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request Q -7 New 4dd R6$. - TYOe oi Bwldin9 Applmnces Wiretl Eqwpment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Water Heater Lic?hUng Fixtures Oryer Electnc Heatin Furnace Siio Unloader M Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tanl< m Othrr Specilv Other?Spe?ify? Other Other Campu[e NnspecUOn Fee Below d Fee Service Entr rze U Fee Feeders/Subfeeders N Fee Circmts 0 to 1 s 0 to 30 Am s 0 to 30 Am s p-c 1 to m 31 to 100 Amps ?. o^C 31 to 100 qm s e ?•+?t4mps Above 100_Amps Above 100_Amps T ) s RemoteControl Grc. b Pa rtial%Oth Si s Special Inspectmn S ?L±Z, T Hmnorks J s? OTAL F aouyn-, „ o.?? - r ? ?B I. the Elec[rical Inspectoq hereby t h h ? F cer ity t at t e ebova nal ?/ Q inspectmn has been ? Q made. This request wid / j? 18 nionths hom ? This rrquest void?r/?7? T8i76220 - Yla? n?? 1-7 , O b -2-7 `t 58' Fequest Date / Fini No. RnuWh- in Insuection Requrted? ?NeodY Now AWill NoLfy Inspec- y?;?.Y? ? s? Ely?s ?o Ior Whon Ready ? Ltcensed Electnwl Contncmr I hereby request inspacbon of ebove ? Owncr electricol work installed at Stree[ Addres+. Bux or Route No. CiiV /-6-G 1 t';ti i? ?b'f 5 n ecbon o Townshi amrt or No. Ran9e No. County OccupanllPRINTI Phone No. ferat34e- o - s s7Q;rrts PowFlr Supplier A[Itlress ? ? ' K S , a e l oa - Elecvical Conv,ictor ICornpany Namel ConVactor's Lmense No. c _ ay??? 3 ? aihn{y dJra?s IContractor or Ownar Meking Installationl /? _Sd, geq?6'Y`t C??L y?o_1G'Yll eM.C..W,/. '7X1i) Il.. .7 rs Au[hnr'zed SiPnature IConRUCtor/Owner MTkmp InstallaUOnl Phone Number ,?-?. ? Y-2 3 // 5/ y MINNESOTA STATE BOAN6'OF ELECTNICITV THIS INSPECTION FEQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midwev Blda. - Poom N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STqTE BOARD 1 827 UmversityAve., SL Pnul, MN 55104 UNlE55 PROPEP INSPECTION FEE IS VA..ne IRtJI'14]_'l'Itt ENCLOSED. n7• -2 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION If See instructions for comple[irg this 1wm on back of vellow copy. '%w C'2 3 1 g 0 "X" Below Work Covered by Thrs Request INfewlAddl pe0. TSPe of Builtling ADUl.nncee Wired EquiumeN Wired Commercial Bldg. Fumace ? ? Sllo Unloader ? ? InAuctrial Blda. Av Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Y Pee ServiceEnbanceSae 11 Fea Feaders/Subleeders tt Fea Cvcwta 0 to200qm5 Oto30Ams 0m30Am) Above 200 Amps 31 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 Amps Swinxning Pool Above 100_Amps Above 700_Am s Transiormers Irngation Booms Parnal.'Other Fee Signs I I ISpecialinspechon 5 , __ ,JD?TAL FEE I, tha Elecvicel Inspector, herebV grti}y thet the above yyection hes Ceen This reQaest void -S'6 18 rronlh9 (mm ^ C 23190 ?L•Y35- Requestl]gtg SC U?? ? Fve No. RouPh-in Insuecban ReQwred> ?Beatly Now Q Will NoLfy Inspec- ?^? ?Yes o Ior When Peady Licensed Electncal Contraclor I hereby request inspection of ebove Owner alectrical work Inslalled at: Sveet Address Box or Poure No. CitY 2 ection o. awnship Name or N Range No. County ' OccupanllP NT1 Phone No Puwer Supp i¢r ' dress Electncal Co Ir ctor an am 1 Pac?imond`?'S$r?s"F ?'x Trtx dts Co actor4cen Jo. . .? . Goldxn Vallev litp. F, Rir Ci Mailme AtlJress 1 rh61(1Eio'6fOW?n07IMakmg Instailauon) 1, MR! 554 Authorized Signature IConvactor O ner M4, ng s lationl/ Phone Number ? ? MINNESOTA STqTE BOARD F ELECTflICfY THIS INSPECTION NEQUEST WIIL NOT GriB9s•Mitlwey Bidg. - Ao N-191 BE ACCEPTEU BY THE STATE BOAHD 1821 UniversitV Ava., S. Peul, MN 55104 UNLESS PXOPEfl INSPECTIpN FEE IS Dh,.... 16121 797_21 11 E NC LOSED, REQUEST FOR EIECTNICAL INSPECTION es-ooooi-fo? 0 See mstrvcLOns for completiig Ihis torm on Eeck of Vellow copy ? p ^ ???y7 E 2-8 4-Q3 "X" Below Work Covered by This Request NiniI AAd Rap. Type oi 8uildmg Appboncea Wired EquiUmant WveA Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Buildin( .1 Dryer Electnc HeaUn Comnercial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unlodder Industrial BIAg. Air Condrtion r Bulk Milk Tank Farm tnNr erw Other Isnenlvl t er uc,.ify Othe Oth,)r ComAUte lnspecuon fee Below k-7 V p Fee ServweEntmnca5ixe H Fae Fxndars/5ubieeders N Fee Crtcwts 0 m200qm s 0 to30Am s 0 to30Am s Above 200 qinps 31 to 700 qmps 31 to 100 A s Swimming Pool Above 100_Am s Above 100_Amps Transrormers Irrigation 8ooms ParLal. Ot e $igns Special Inspection $ T em nrks / OT L6E ? J HouBh-m I I ?P11e 1. t E ?ca? InsOector, heraby cerLfy thei the above Final msoection hes been mde. min requesl vold 18 moniM fmm This re0vest void 1-?//?/?'? 9 18 months Irom ? t E 2 8 4 0 3 ! j-<„ Reql?p57.UHt9 _: ? ? Fve No. RouAh-m InspecGon ?fteatlY N InsPeo- ? i ROYOStlr ?No uw ? o?rllWhentHeadY censed Electncal Contractor I hareby requast inspection of above ? Owner ebchical work installed et Stre Atld es ox or Route o. • Qtv V {5 ect on o„ T nsh e r No. ? FanBe No. County Oc aryry1PRINTI ' I Phon N `C 1 1 Power Supplier 0 Atldr s Electncal Comractor ICOmoanv NemTe??? i.,F,C T Contrar.lo's License No, U Mad nVact i ? iJgtionl 4540 P 124 Authoriz,g?$?mFe pn a in9 Installationl dw s L3? Phone Numbnr MINNESOTA STATE BOAqD OF EIEC'rNICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Gri 8E ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD ggs-Mitlwey Bldg. - Room N-191 1821 Universitv Peul. MN 66104 UNIESS PPOPEN INSPECTION FEE IS "QYe.. 51. Pn...m Ia191 fi42oHOD ENCLOSED. I City of Eap 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone:(65Y)6755675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Date: 7-29-08 Suite #: Name: ABF Freight System, Inc. phone: 479-785-8639 RESIDENT/OWNER Address/City/T?p:3801 Old Greenwood road Fort Smith, AZ 72903 CONTRACTOR Name:Minnesota Petroleum Services Ucensen.604 Address:682 39th avenue N.E. City. Columbia Heights State: MN Zp: 55421 Phone: 763-780-5191 Contact Person: Tracey Scott Deutsch TYPE OF WORK - New _ Replacement _ Additional X Alteration _ DemoliUOn Descriptionofwork:Move Dispenser island- install new island NOTE: Both rooi mounfed arW ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screencYl by City Code. Pfease contact the Mechenical Inspector or one o/ the Planners for lnfomiation on rmltted screeni methods. RESIDEMIAL COMMERCIAL PERMIT TYPE New Consnuction _ Irrterior Improvement _ Fumace X Install Pipirg _ Processed Air Condiooner - - Exterwr HVAC Unit r''? Air Exchar?r - HVAC units must be screened _ Heat Pump Under / Above ground Tank (_ InshWl /_ Remove) Other -•• When installimghemoviri9lenklsl, call fa inspecdon by Fre - Marshal and Plumbin I r RES/DENTIAt FEES: $50.50 Minimum Add-on or aReration to an existing unit (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire repair (replace humed out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (indudes $.50 State Surcharge) $ TOTAL FEE COMMERC/AL FEES: $70.50 Underground tank installationlremoval OR Contract Value $ 64 , 14 D. 56 x 7% $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) _$ 641. 41 Permit Fee - If Peimit Fee is less than $7,000, surcharge is $.50. 5 0 =$ . St2tC SUfCh8f9e - If Permi[ Fee is >$1,000, surcharge increases 6y $.50 for each $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a$t,00t-$2,o0o Pertnit Fee requires a$t.oo surcharge). $ 641 . 91 TOTAL FEE enrf rxvlae nf tFa Gri of E2a2n: th2t plans c? c.??e-?-? ----------------, 5 ForOlficeUse I c.P3 ' j Permit #: ? ? Permit Fee: ? DateReceived:O •2I- V8 I ? srarr: ?----------------? 2008 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SlteAddress: 2750 Lexington Avenue S Eagan, MN 7enant: ABF FREIGHT I fI8r8Uy apcnavnHUye met una unuwatvu la winpe.a ........................ I urWerstand ihis is rat a permrt. bul onty an applicatlon far a pemiit, and work is not to slaR witlwin a permR; that the work wi0 be in accordarnce with ttie ePWm' plan in the case of v.vrk which requires a review and approval of Ware. ? x' j x e.,..a.b.,r•c Milinsilihnik pPPucan[ s rnncea ninnm • ?-r"----' - - ---- - FOR OFFICE USE Rgviewed By' Date' Required Inspections: _?fUnder Ground Rough In 'YAir Test _Gas Service Test _In-floor Heat _jr_?Final CIty Of ?aiaIl 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 6755675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 2008 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT?j Date:•5 -S- c.'?? J Site Address: ?-] ? Ci K`' ?'! . 1?25?1 r/ Tenant: 3- Fre i ,!`1-i- ?-----------------i ? For Otfice Use I 1 c?` C7 ? Permit j Pemitl Fee: ? offie ReceNee: I I ? S1aB: -----------------? PLICATION P/7 q e? Suite #: PROPER7Y Name: Phone: ?O" ?' ?f 5^y` ?,?v OWNER CONTRACTOR Name: ''r- CX c 4 Ur-47'^ License#: ?. ?SS 3 ') ?v?' ? ry ? L : ?? Z n?s?(cylv St t ?' 3 TS C Q p . a e c nddres5: Phone: Jl?,$Contact person: J c: d- s[??? C1 i'\ TYPE OF New 4 Replacemerrt _ Rapair _ Rebuild _ AMdiy Space _ Wak in R.O.W. WORK _ - Descripdon of work: 1 . c. c ,° C- PERMIT TYPE COMA4ERCIAL ?. ecU SF' H y Space V New Construdion Mod 7? _ Irtigation System (_Yes l_ no) L RPZ /_ PVB) 16 T'C67'l? • Rain sensors required on irrigation sysiems -- f • Avg. GPM _(2" turbo raquired unless smaller srze allowed by Public Works) AAeRets Call (651) 675-5646 to verily mat tesls passed orior to wddna un meter. Oomestlc: Size & Type Fm: Size & Price 3/4" meter 783- Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No Flushometers _Yes _No PRY Requlred _Yes _No COMMEACIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contred VaweS x 1% 100 v Permrt Fee Requlred on ALL riew buiWings and boulevard iMgedon systems a= t Radio Meter Read - IF Pertnit F?e is tess Man S1,000, surcharge is E.50 =$ Meter(S) , - If Perm' flg is> §1,000, surchafge increases by $50 for each $1.000 _$ Shate Surcharge $1,000 Permil Fee (.e. a$1,001-$2,000 Permi[ Fce requires a $1.00 wrcharge). Following fees applywhen insfalling a new lawn irtigadon system. 5 water Permit Call the City's Engineering Department (651) 6755648, for requued fee am0ums. $ TreafineM PIarR $Water Supply 8 SMrage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES $ I herc-0v acknonledne ihat Ws irdormahan is cwnde[e wd acwrare:lliiat the wak rrill he in canfomiarice v?+ilh Ihe ortlinances and mdes d the Ggy d Eagan: Mat I Umdarsland th is rrol a pertnit, hut adY an WWmbon fa a permil, and wak is nIX to slail wlhout a Penrod, ttat Um requires aRm 'ew and apprwal of plans. xE? x_ Applicant's PAnted Name /A) FOR OFFICE USE Ground BY: oe m amoraance wim me a.•?.?... ...,. Test Page 1 of 3 ---12L- c U U Y i Y Dakota County Socvcyor's Office Westem Scrvire Center • 14955 Galaxie Avenue suite R 335 • Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-891-7087 ' Fax 952-891-7127 • www.dakotacounty.us May 15, 2008 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knoh Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: ABF ADDITION "Che Dakota County Plat Commission met on CSAH 43, to'consider Ihe final plan of the above ieferenced plat The plat is adjacent to CSAH 43, and is thcrefore subjcct to thc Dakota Coun[y Contrguous Plai Ordroance. The proposed plat indicates 75 Fcet of half nght-of-way from the existing centerline and meets the tight-of- way needs. The Access symbol should be shown except for the last 40 feet for a future jomt access with the property to the north. A qmtdaim deed is required for restricted access to Dakota County at the time of recording the plat mylus. ! The curzent access pomts will be permitted [o remain as temporary access until such time developmenC? ? occurs on the parcel to the north and/or south so shared acccss can bc czeated. The Plat Commission has approved the final plat provided thaf the described condfions are met and will recommend approval to the County Board of Commissioners when the plat is submitted in signed mylaz form. Mylars should be submitted to the County Board within one year of th'e Plat Commission's final approval. No work shall commence in the County nght of way until a permrt is o6tained from the County Transportation Department and no permit wil] be issued until the plat has been filed with the Counfy Recorder's Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engmeenng design of progosed accesses oc othei improvements to be made in the right of way. The Plat Commission high4y recommends early eontact with the Transponation Department to discuss the permitting process that reviews [he design and may require construchon of highway improvements, including, bu[ not bmited to, turn ]anes, drainage features, ltmitations on intcrsecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact Gordon McConnell regarding pemut[ing questions at (952) 891-71 I S or Todd Tollefson renardmg Plat CQmmission or Plat Ordinanee questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tallefson Secretary, Plat Commission ? City of Wan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 I I` e 2008 COMMERCIAL B Site Address: Date+: ;?y, Tenant Name: /?. T'/?1 (Tenant is: PROPERTY OWNER I Name: ------------? ,----- ? Permii#: 0129 ? Pertnit Fee: o ? ? Date Received: -C;2a II /i ? staif: `-? ------J New / ,TION Address/CitylZip: Xl!/l?l?l' Applicant is: ? Owner _ ConVactor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: '- Construction Cost: (PaG pOU _ CONTRACTOR Name: m -S License #: Address: .420u W a owl State: Zip: $S ?0? City: PhoneSD-7 ZW 'I3d ! Contact Person: M&4 ARCHITECT 1 Name: TlU1? C Registration #: ENGINEER pddress ? JL- City. State: Zip: ?-?'i1 Phone: Contact Person: Phone #: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: `=.iGO[lGlituc uwa u'c - - -' - " I hereby acknowledgethat this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of ihe City of Eagan; that I understand fhis is nol a permit, but only an application for a permil, and work is not to start without a permit; fhat the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in ihe case of work which requires a review and approval of plam. X ? C? ppp anYs Printed Name D X Applicant's Signature ?,=;i??\w F? LI? Ptu ?;. 21]uu Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES: ? Poundation ? Apartments ? Lodging ? Miscellaneous WORK TYPES: ? New Ne'Addition ? Alteratlon ? Replacement ? Public Facility ? Accessory Buflding Z Commercial / Industrial ? Ext. Alteration-Apanments ? Greenhouse ? Ext. Alteration-Commercial ? Antennae ? Ext. Alteration-Puhlic Facjlity ? Nail Salon ? Interior Improvement ? Siding ? Demolish Building' ? Move Building ? Reroof ? Demolish Interior ? Fire Repair ? Uemolish Foundation ? Windows ? Water Damage ' Demolition (entire 6uilding) - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION:/_e??, ? Valuation T Plan Review (25% 100 %? Ceosus Code ?'- # of Units ? # of Buildings - Type of Const :Tf Occupancy 6 ( MCES System --' Code Edition 00? S? SAC Units ^-? Zoning ? City Water '-? Stories Booster Pump Square Feet 7, 86 3??'}+D?? PRV Length FireSprinklers -' Wldth 70 1 Footings (new bldg) Footings (deck) ?/ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof: _ICe & Water _Final u,"Framing Fireplace:_R.I. _Air Test _Final Insulation Sheetrock Final/C.O. FinallNo C.O. HVAC O[her: Pool: _Footings AidGas Tests _Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Final C!O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present. Reviewed By: AAA k.,_ ? - _, Building Inspector COMMERCIAL FEES: Base Fee 4??. *75- Surcharge 3 ( p, pp Plan Review Aw SAC-MCES SAGCity S/W Permit SNV Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Yes -_?No Reviewed By: Financial Guarantee Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Lateral Street Water Lateral Other Total 4? Qp , SewerTrunk Water Trunk Planning Page2of3 MASTER CAftD , ?}-??. n w ?- LOCATION OWNER STRUCTURE AND ? LAND USED AS 20 X yZ Permit No, Issued Issued To Contractor Owner BUILDING PLUMBING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK VdELL ELECTRICAL I HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER OTHER Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING ? TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HE,4TING DEPTH OF WELI GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOI DRAINFIELD I PLUM8ING WELL SANITARY SEWER Violations Nofed on Back COMMENTS ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 FERMIT PERMITTYPE: sur.LozNs Permit Number. 032972 Date Issued: 0 8/ 2 0/ 9 8 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-57750-030-00 2759 LEXINGTOM1I AVE S LQT: 3 BLDCK: PLAINVIEW DESCRIPTION: RBF FRETGHT SYSTEMS Per°mit T y p e CQMM./IND. B?i"f?d??5'g'' k Type ADDLTIpN ?Q.q'C u;p B 1 S-1 T I N ?6 ui:..?cfirPi',.,i$_n9't1 ? 136 „ .. Bu5;l:ding' W:3=dth 70 , E. e 'F @ 9 0 4 9 7 Ce?,a',?'??s??b??,?a? -437 AL7. NONRES. % P ? -e ?r "''??'pi? a? a a'? B x^,°?'? aa tici;a'ge? 2! REM?LFA.SRevlEwEo BY JOE VOEL5. NOTE: BOLLARI]5 TO BE pLACED IN FRONT OF O.H. pRIVE-IN DOOR (S) SUCH THAT ALL CJRSVE-THRU SRACES ARE lI5T£D LESS THAN 6' CLEAR. HOUWMAN ARCHITECTS (612) 631-0200. 833 THIRD 5T SW,NEW 6RIGH70N, MN. FEESUMMARY: vAt.uArzoN $ee0 ,000 Base Fee $3,312.25 COPIES $5.08 Plan Review $2,152.96 Total Fee $5,770.21 Surcharge 300.00 Subtotal $5,765,.21 rn Tp?(?Tn R - flppl1cant - sT. Lzc. OWNER: 'S'L.RyCZTY LD'RPORATE CONST 24718741 22604 ABF FREIGMT SYSTEMS SNC. 50,92 COUNTRY CIR 3801 OLD GREENWOOD RD LU'RE7T(J MN 55357 FpRT SMITH AR 72903 (6-12) 471-8741 (501)785-8891 ?I y ack,ia:ow?ed,6o" tMat?e? hav$"read fih?s ?-p1?'??at'aort sta?tt:f?ha?. £rt?farmaCiai?..1s co ?-"G# 0;Oinpi„'?_th 'a Ik-.appYi?A bt'la't'A??-14;"o A?. ?C?;C tes acr ?_C 3? ?,a"? Qrc[i;nan,cos.??, r?e , ? >. _.?,? __ ._::. ._.. ? .:......... .. :. ........?... ? a.,_.._`- .. ,- ???r . ? > A T/PERMITEESIGNATURE ISSUEDBYSIGNAT E sna. auNnr 0 ?- I LC3 President ERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAI.) CIT'Y OF EAGAN REC?' jv?+ D 681-4675 Twin City Corporate Construction Tenani Improvemen[s ? Design Bulld.- Cons[ruction Management (L . ?J/• ' ?// Office: (672) _ z• Y7f • f37T 9 Fax' (6t2) a- P.O. Box 326 ?yp qH/ • 3$tJCellular: (612) laetto, MN 55357-0326 . Pager: (612) 0- is lans - apcaenmpernoirs s reamig-= ewre -- sons rApoR-- ? SAC determination letter from MCANS - SAC detertnination leuer frortt MC1WS - pll 802-1000 call 602-1000 Special InapeUions 6 Testing Schedule 3 a C, -? -?. project specs energy catculations JUL 2 (2 sets) (2 sets) (2 sets) (?) Food 8 Beverage or Ladging facilities: Plan must be submitled to Minnesota DATE: T . . ? DESCRIPTIO? OF WORK: C05T: a' code analysis (t) " projectspecs (t set) Key Plan energy alculations (t) rwt aWdys " Eledric Power & Lighdng Form (1) not always " SAC dMertnination letter from MC1WS - call 602-7000 l IGclc ?`at&?a ? - 4 o ea . a I 215-0700 for details . E; WORK TYPE: ZC NEW s ? REMODEL .? " . , SITE ADDRESS: SUITE LOT e-*3F0- BLOCK ? SUBD. 01- l Vl V (-et,J P.I.D. # Name: ?f f?GI!-tFf'l S"IS'f?/?h. ?//??• Phone#: ?'S07>??5- ?1 PROPERTY .-]ngfit. OWNER y?},? StreetAddress: ?C/l 6LD G????4?GY» ?}?• !' City a'OgT SThlTv State: A12 Zip: '/ 2qC7 -3 Company: 6N51XucT1oN Phone #: CONTRACTOR Street Address: ??Z ?y' ui.lTryj 4npcl,F License # City 1-4 e{n0 State: T/'. 14 Zip: r7?35'7-032(a ARCffiTECT/ ' ' • \ ENGINEER Company: d,9UVVMAPJ t)(2.C147fEGT5 Phone#: &!'?1L'-q -lJZCt'-? Name: 'bP-lAN ' 6UWTvV4hl Registrarion#: 2z(qe? StreetAddress: 6'i3 lF{1R-O ST- SLu Ciry ?EVI `bRll„/-ITON State: /??1N Zip: ?`? IIZ Sewer $ water licensed plumber (oniy if instelling sewer 8 water): 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: is correct d toyRMply with all applicable Staee of OFFICE USE ONLY t --1' ` BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation z:J?8 Comm./Ind. WORK TYPE ? 31 New Ce. ? 19 Comm./lnd. Mi ? 20 Public Facility A ? 33 Afterations ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) JrN (Allowable) UBC Occupancy ,(?/S•{ Zoning ? # of Stories ? Length 1$%67Aftw Depth -two APPROVALS Planning sc. ? '. ?OLL?Y'?AS 6. Dei?c • r"?" ? ? Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. $'/97 sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. 9 y97 Building Permit Fee ? Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. SM/ Permit 5!W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies ? Total: Engineering 21 Miscellaneous 7?;; 13i Pc,yct d J"` `ia.a.- r dF x„ br? Cs) IucN 7E/Ar 4c (" SP4 ?cs )izi Grfj -TiAk ? 'Cccax 35 Tenant Finish 37 Demolition MCiWS System City Water Fire Sprinklered Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg. Census Unit ?L ? y37 3a i Variance i 41 Valuation: $ 00? °k SAC SAC Units Meter Size CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-57750-030-00 2750 LEXINGTON AVE S LOTc 30 BLOCK: PI.AZNVSEW DESCRIPTION: 30 DOCK ADOITIONS + Typa FOUNDATION 0 ' 41 - , 1 ? , i ng t`Jo?rk Ty p e A D D I T I O N , G?en?,[vs Qa 1ie ?N 437 ALT. NONRES. J., °x P ?re ?= aP_t Y±• PERMITTYPE: guzLornG Permit Number: 0 3 2 8 6 3 Date Issued: 0B/ 11 / 9 8 fie !s ie!_ xi? [r h??ek ? 'Y?4`, u ?`se^'»e ? ?, i? 9 j z 4 .r?wi?? ?ig"°h ? REMARKS: PLAN REVIEWED BY JOE VOELS. HOUWMAN ARCHI7ECTS PHONE #(61-2) 631-0200, 833 7HTRD STREET W., NEW BRIGH70N FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Surcharge SAC SAC & SAC Units Subtotal VALUflTION $162.25 $5.00 $1,000.00 100 $1,167.25 $ 10 ,0 0 0 CITY SAC CpPSES TREATMENT PL. IANDaCAPE GUARA Total Fee $100. 00 $.50 $444.00 l?5?000.00 $6,711.75 CONTRACTOR: - Applicent - sr. I.IC. OWNER: TWIN CITY CORPORATE CONST 24719741 22604 ASF FREIGHT SYS7EMS 5092 COUNTRY CTR 3801 OI.D GREENWOOD RD LORETTO MN 55357 FORT SMITH AR 72303 (61.2) 471-8741 ' (561)785--8591 ?•I ksareby?`_ack_no`u--J' etJge_ °that--I1.Ihave ,read th1s.aRp-:i3eati Pn and stAte_tha.t the ?. ° irma,tio'n ia ?cci,r?root a;nc! ?a`g,r;ee ? zs? GtsrngI y? .w,it-ii `?],2 ap PI i;cata3?e ???s?,e 'a? `Mn.-?,. >- ? ?=.St tu€es nzi Ci y ? ;P ?qi.n tlrtEj€tanoep°: • APPLI . T/P RMITFF SIf;NATURF ??UED BY' SIGNATURE sna. auivnT ?(? ?6 1 l--l s l I ?? wesidenr gMIT APPLICATION (COMMER IAL) ? C3 3 a 8?3 `? CITY OF EAGAN RECEIVFD a 681-4675 Twin City Corporate?Con.$truction Tenantlmprovemenis • Design Builtl • Cons[mcbon ManagemeM /'Z y??.?jy?on?ce: ts1z) ,New Construction l 2 sets) ans ?L y7 . 9 Fax. (612) Tt ?s RRP ( (2 sets) J P.O. Box 326 ?Z -/• dz3Ce11uiar: 61 2) aff- Pagec (612) 901-5578 (2 aets) ? Loretto. MN 55357- ns (2 sets) - -opecrarmspectf6ffS'8'Tes ring chedule " soils report (1) ? (7) SAC detertninaGon letter irom MCANS - SAC detertnination letter hani MCANS - call 602-1000 call 602-1000 Spedal Inspactions 8 Testing Seheduk (7) " projed spacs (1) energy wlwlations (7) " Food 8 Beverage or Lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota DATE: DESCRIPTI OF WORK: CONST CTION COST SITE ADDRESS: Z - ? codeanalysis (t) " projed spea (7 set) Key Plan energycalculations (1)ndaNvays" Eledric Power & Lighting Form (1) not aMays " SAC detertnina6on klter irom MCANS - p11602-1000 nt o e?.Ga-II 215-0700 for details WORK TYPE: ? NEW ? REMODEL " cF ??imo?BL 0 ?R??c?Nr ?kP `-?• SUITE #: LOT? BLOCK C? SUBD. P l 0.? v? \J i-t Q3 P.I.D. # Name: I"V?> ( 'Jn/?-- Phone#: (50i? 27- ee`lJ PROPERTY -l?est fint OWNER Street Address: City ?Y02T SThI ? State: A!2 Zip : ?2 IC?3 T 71• O 7L1/ Company:W/ n A/ C?/T /+ Y ( 9r?'R.4KF- ?NSi ??7N? J \ Phone #: ( (0!2 1 ? CONTRACTOR Sneet Address: 6?q2 ???.l77u'1 4nRu-p- License # City 4.oe (TTD State: 1?m4 Zip: '55357-032(, ARCHIT ECT/ ENGINEER Company: EJO l] WMI'1fJ f)12&14r r6cT s Phone H: ?(v I'L )(c3% - D Z40 Name: ?1?lLLN ??U i.vlvl14N Registration #: 2 240e? Street Address: 6-?3 TFm;LD ST• Si.v ciri t?E?? ??ld,?froN State: MN zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber (only 'rf installing sewer 8 water): I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature oi Applicant: is corre?d to rnply with all applicable State of OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? D 14 77tPI ? ---- ----- - _ -? al! ?1 Foundatio O 19 Comm./ind. Misc. Y ?Z1lMiscellaneou: Gomm./Ind. ? 20 Public Facility WORK TYPE . ? 33 Afterations ? 35 Tenant Finish M,_ on ? 4, ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition ? d . ? ` p f.. ?., . GENER'AL'INF.012ATION ` Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MC/WS System (Alfowable) First Ftoor sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy sq, ft. Fire Sprinkiered Zoning sq. ft. Census Code y37 # of Stories - - sq. ft. ' • ? . , . .. SAC Code _3 0 Length sq. ft. Census Bldg. D Depth Footprint sq. ft. -T Census Unit O APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Variance ? PermR Fee /la Z ZS Valuation: $ 10?-4?29? Surcharge !5-, ao Plan Review MC/WS SAC /, ooo. ? City SAC Water Conn. N?A S/W Permit S/W Surcharge . so Treatment PL '/%?/. an Park Ded. N?9 Trails Ded. ,r,?v Water Qual. 1v/ Other Copies Total: ? % SAC SAC Units / (it( ???y UU U Meter Size V CITY USE ONLY L 96) BL RECEIPT #: SUBD. DATE: 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) • CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? all commercial/industrial buildings. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit. DATE: 'Zl 1b13q/ CONTRACT PRICE: ?60 o.v o WORK TYPE: V' NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ?1:?2d-?LGL /ZdV=a'D'>a FEES: P $25.00 minimum fee Qr 1% of cantract price, whichever is greater. . Processed piping - $25.00 . State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of pgiilit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% - O D PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: ? ? 3?rso /.a-f g 7?'b OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: TENANT NAME: (InnaROVenneNrs oNLv) INSTALLER: ADDRESS: /ZS7 CITY: 5A'A? STATE: 14W ZIP: PHONE #: ?7 ? SIGNATURE: Alua" & IGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR RECEIPT960 If 112-0 V SUBD. ? RECEIPT DATE: P d 1997 PLUMBING PFRMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 861-4675 Please camplete for. . all commerciaUndustrial buGdings. • multidamily buildings when separate permits areBp$ repuired for eech dwelling unk. • beckNow preven0er to be Mstalled in commereial aroas or resldeMial boulevards DATE: 17- 19 -9y WORK IYPE: _ Naw Const. I AddAn _ Repair DESCRIP710N OF WQRK: YC'.+'Y10LK- uJ. C. laws 1 m?P l?c.;;n r 1 IS WAIER METER REQUIRED9 _ Yss _ No. ARE FLUSHOMETERS TO BE INSTALLED? _ Yes _ No 1 .vy°_"2r:4UuD °°4.1Pr:LEa eygr04 INSTALLING METER? _ Yes _ No. NEW SERVICE7 - Yes _ No WATER FLOW: GPM. Pressure Reduang Valve may 6e required M kistelAng new serviae - corrted Ciry's Engineering Departrnent at 681-4646. FAILURE TD PROVIDE THE AHOVE iNFORMATION WILL RESULT IN A DELAY OF METER ISSUANCE FEES Minimum tee of 826.00 or 1% ot coMraG price, whichever Is greater. Minimum Stete Sureherge of 550 due on ell pertnits CONTRACTPRICE: $ ??00(D -C:)<D x t% _ $ -7aa?D COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF IN3TALLING UNDERGROUND SPRINF(LER SYSTEM BACKFLOW PREVENTER S 25.00 = $ WATER PERMR (new Service onty) 50.00 = $ WAC (per connedion) 780.00 = S WATER TREATMENT (per connection) 420.00 = $ CITY INSTALLED TAP 300.00 = $ METER: 1"= $185.00 . 2" TURBO =$846.00 = $ PERMR FEE $ FIGURE SURCHAR6E AT 80 CENTB FOR EVERY 17,000 OF PERMIT FEE DUE STATE SURCHARGE $ - S0 T6TFL a ?692 1 hereby admowledge that 1 have mad Mis appticetion, state that the intormation is correct, end agree to compty wilh atl appricabb Clly oi Eagan ordinenoes. It is the applicanfs responsibillty lo notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for eny damages ceused by the Cily during ils normal operetional and maintenanoa activities to the facilkies constructed under this pertnit within City propertyfrieht-of-way/easement. SITEADDRESS: 23`30 ?ki?ll?i"o/l kJr- . SaV}h ,Ewwr wMe: A t3 F F re,i atlr!- S?as?S in ? 1 sre. #: OWNER NAME: ' INSTALLERNAME: u?m4kr1 IYIC- TELEPHONEII: ? 0 0' 4'7lO? STREETADDRESS: 44tJ A ? K ' CITY: I"S STATE: {v`N ' ZIP: SS?JZ APPUCANTS SIGNATURE OFFlCE 118E ONLY-NCVERSE 9DF. 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) r CITY OF EAGAN 651 681-4675 Requirements to buildina oermit q --1- 9 `'7 Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement • Structural Plans (2 sets) . Architecturel Plans (2 sets) • Architecturel Plans (2 sets) • Civil Plans (2 sets) • StrucWral Plans (2 sets) • Code Matysis (1) "' • Code Malysis (1) . Civil Plans (2 sets) • Project Specs (t seq . Project Specs (1) • Landscaping Plans (2 sets) • Key Plan • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schetlule " . Code Malysis (1) " • Master Exit Plan • SAC determination letter from MC/E5 - • SAC determination letter from MGES - call . SAC determinatlon letter from MC/ES • pll call 651•602-1000 651-602-1000 651-602-1000 • Spec.lnsp &TestingSchedule (1) " • EnergyCalculaUons (1)notalways" • Project Specs (1) • Elec. Power & Lighhng Form (1) nolalways " . EnargyCalwlations (1) " . Elec7ic Power & Lighting Form (1) • Master 6cit Plan • Soils Re oR 7 - " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food 8 beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Call 651-215-0700 for details. DATE: 3" WORK TYPE: _ NEW 4 REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: S( /L?j .?OL? l F'7iA I O CONSTRUCTIQN C05T. d?L?J ^ TENANT NAME: ?42 SITE ADDRESS: ? 2 -e SUITE #: LOT 3 BLOCK ? SUBD. oi?? P.I.D. # Name: Phone #: PROPERTY Last First OR'NER ? ? StreetAddress: ? G " City ? State: Zip: ? Z (o I ? Company: (/1?llidt Phone #: ? ?, - ?' coNTRAcroR l ? ^ g Street Address: (!??? CIYy ! ?w/'l $t3t0: / ?Lyt ZiP: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: R r Uo.,.n Street City Phone #t: Regishation #: _ State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber ? I hereby acknowledge'that.l-have.,read tliis? application, st2te that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applica6le State of Minnesota Sta`tutes and City of`Eagan Ordinances. ? ? i SEP 3 1999 Signature of Applicant: L? gL ? CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT#: SUBD. ? l O-tiM RECEIPT DATE: -9 APPROVED BY: , INSPECTOR MECHANICAL PERMIT #: 199914IECHANICi4L P£RHIIT (COMMEiCIAL) CITY dF E4&!kN 3$30 PILOT KNOB RD_ EkfiAN, hIN 551 EE (651) 6$1-4675 Please complete for: all commerciai/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit ? DATE: _`? ? CONTRACT PRICE: X Z- 0-0 WORK TYPE: New construction Install U.G. Tank _ Interior Improvement Remove U.G. Tank (Minimum Fee) oel Processed Piping (Minimum Fee) "'"NOTE: When installing/removing underground tank, ca11 65 1-681-4675 for inspection by fire marshal and plumbing inspector. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? STa,Q? S vv, p 6Urn44ti m e,n ?• `b' ? vl Cq ?E?. .S?L?o r?1""`P $4hq,t TA A-)K. FEES: 1°/a of contract price OR $30.00 minimum fee, wlilchever is greater. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PERMIT FEE STATESURCHARGE TOTAL -L?o ($.50 per $1,000 of pg mj4 fee due on all permiu.) $ITE ADDRESS: ??S a L C1?C• r.. ?-fo nAU E_ OWNER NAME: PHONE #: (o ! 2 _ ? Q ' `j [ o I (AREA CODE) TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLl): INSTALLER: ??] --TZ 7JG, nDDxESS: :2510 ? S- C-v44k91 R?J. rxoNE #: cT,/ & _ 38a- 3324 (AREA CADE) crrY: STATE: /4' O zjp: l? 1?-70i ? GNATURE OF PE TfEE CTTY USE ONLY BL RECEIPT #: SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: MECHANICAL PERMIT # 1999 MECHANICAL PEiMIT (ftESIDENTIAI.) crrY oF EAsax 3830 Pu.oT tcxos [tn E1kfiAN MN 55128 (651) 6$1-4675 Date: Complete this section onlv if you are installing HVAC in a single family dwelling, townhome or condo under construction and not owner /occunied. • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U $ 30.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) State Surcharge .50 Total $ Complete this section onlv if you are remodeling, adding to, or repairing an existing single family dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteration, or repair. New _K_ Alteration Repair _ Other Reminder: Call 681-4675 for inspections. _ Fumace _ Air condirioning , -7n.S 7"A II4'?0 ? _ Air exchanger _ Other Cw-ig i N wt R'w, y $a rfi?j $ 30.00 State Surcharge .50 Minimum Total Due $ 30.50 SITEADDRESS: LCpC%`AC}40" OWNER NAME: AEF Oei?p{ r PHONE #: ?_- `{S4 •?I I D S (nxen conE) INSTALLERNAME:? IWL.. PHONE#: ?/,G? (AREA CODE) sTREETAnnREss:?c31a4 S_ w?RfKa.? ?ct. CITYAaa/Z??ny,V? ? STATE: /1 0 ZIP: G 7G SIGNATURE OF PERMITZfEE , v minnesota department of heafth O 717 s.e. delaware st' , minneapolis 55440 (612) 296-5221 ' r?-?- 1?f? September 281, 1979 _ . , .. , : a Znteratata 5ystvms " 2750 Lexingtsm Aventaa-South EaKan! Mfnxt4sata 56122 ? G?ntlamane - Wa are encalosi.ag a regort on thQ sus+vey oF yOar f?ater S+aPP1Y systeat. Baused on thas ,survey apx8 eater. quAlfty aan&lysLa, the water systeia ig 3.n gemeral compliaeioa wi#;h tAe atenflards of this 7Japartment. Ploaes tlaits tha reotsmmendat3.aA8 arnd wAter an+a2ytsss 3n ths rspnrk, IP qwu have.eny qucstione, p2eetae ca11 Mr. St.phan 6reeWMod at 622/296-8270. Yonra very trulJ, . 4laxGq L. ErigIu11d.s PrE.' ChiA$ Seation Qf Watasr Snvgly arad Goaeral Eoffiieianring Eaalpsurea cc: kiater Operator Heslth Off;toer./ City Couneil Metmpolitan Caunail 16? .. i? „ an equal opportunity employer -.3 MItI.'MA DEPAUe{f OF HtA1iRl kP(yiT INJ ItNESTICATIad OF PIIlIUC ?'ATER St.IPPLY - - - - Jul y 3. 1979 Interstate Svstems 2750 Lexington Avenue South C ty . State Zip Code yyyy; Eagan MN ? 55J22 Opemt°r: Covnty Mstrict EuBineer• Dakotd MetTO 0'ther: tdater Superintendeat C assuicavion ant assiIica?ion Cwmer 7qpe Ray Ellmez Pub2ic Non-Cormnunity Business Other Operators ClassiSication Plant Type umSing Permits and Inapectiana Required ? Yes (J Municipal L7Mohile 3ome Pzrx /-] Company 2owa ,? Ins;itution f7 Sehool or Co3lege Q IIotel/Motel Zg Reaort Q Restauraat _ L7 Aecreai.!`.on Area Q Campgroumd Q Hoi:sing 37e3EL^paent-____ ?g otber Business Population Served Szxaice Conneeta.ons Storage Capacity: (List Separately) } 25 2 Design Capaci'y ga1/c4.y) pverage Daa1S Production (gal/dsy) Agproximateiy 300 gallon :.nergPncy Capzcity (gal/dey) ffigtiest Daily Pjroduction (gal/day) j»Z'ESSUI2 "tdD1C, 2bta1: WE7.I. ?fiTk ?' o ° % o o w+ + s. o . ? u G '? p O +? ? ? > @ a• 0 ? F ? ? m m G ry Fl U .] f1 O N G P @ -? m G o ?+ .my C E +? c? C U +i w d! ? C 'O f? F ? C ? q yp G C m q C > S. ti W ?+ .i 3 O d ? . i f + a a + . V Y ? O r O O ? r1 +1 N rl 'J V 3 LL . +i 7 5 r-I ?1 F m va . 'd rl 4 4r ?o ] .G m m f. .a 4' a G m m c ..ource `Iz?^e m 6 A 6 c?.+ N ? c.0 i m F 4? W o 7' i I - i ? -ir , - - 4 4 - i Recare.s: (on back) SYuveyed ty: S Approved by: _ Greenwaod 1. Tixs fo2lowing informativn should be determined at the firsY possible opnortanity: casing diameter, screen lengtn, static usater 1erre1 and drawdaan. " 7. Zt is important taat the person in charge of the water supply system have training in the proper maintenance, canstruction and operation of the water system. Attendance at the annua2 watenvorks operators school, held in the metropo2itan area, is a valaaole experience for persons responsible for water systems. 3. Racords of bacterio].ogicaZ analgses shou2d be kept for at Zeast fioe gears. 4. Records of chemical analyses should be keyt for at 2east ten years. . . . . i • ' .. ? ? '. ` ' - . . . . . ' NFINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH . DIVISION OP ENVIRONMENTAL- HEALTH ANALYTICAL DATA Samples Collected By StHV$ 6Ze0ikWp0d RepbrtTo', S'Cgv6 GraanwooC Fiald Number . • Town, County, E[c. " Sampling Point and Source of Sample . a ? ? ? ... Eagari Dakota Co. . . ? ` . Ixi*ersta'te' Syateras .Ine. Men's Room S.T. b , > . c d • e . _ . .' . . - . t : This line for Lab. use only. Sample Number a 28032 . b ? c ?? ? "d . e f Date Collected `/ /3 /79 Time Collectad • . ' 1: 30„ p7ll Tempereture ? °F Date Received 6y Lab. 7/3I 7? Coliform ( M. P. N.?De'r 100 ml. ' 4. 2 ? group J) Con. ? ? Comp.' ? oryanisms _ l M. F. C. per 700 ml. Total Solids Turbidity Color Total hardnws as CaCO Alkalinity as CeC03 ? pH value Iron '. . . ? ? . . Manganese Chloride flesidual Chlorine Sulpbate Fluorida Total Phosphorus ' Nitrite Nitrogen Ntt2te Nitrogen ; Methylene Blua Active Sub. ABS Calcium as CeCO Sodium Potassium ' . - . . . ? . Spec: Cond. ymhoslcm @ 25°C.: pHs 0 50 °C. " ' ' ' Results are in milligrams par liter except as npted. ` ''' ' Marguerite Baker 1573 Lone Oak Road Eagan, MN 55121-1137 612-454-2155 Apri13, 1996 ABF Freight 9ystems 2750 I,exington Avenue South Eagan, MN 55121 ATTENTION: OPERATIONS MANAGER Dear Sir or Madam: ,;Fr- /D 57? So° 030 -06a 13, Ae 6, 9,IX?? Lone Oak Road has been posted with no truck traffic signs between Highway 13 and Pilot Knob Road. This has been done for safety reasons. Lone Oak Road (between Highway 13 and Pilot Knob Road) is completely residential with a public school and a park. I have noticed a decrease in truck traffic since the no truck signs were posted on Highway 13. As a home owner on Lone Oak, I appreciate those truckers who aze cooperating with this restriction. However, many large trucks are continuing to use Lone Oak Road. My daily tallies indicate that ABF Freight Systems is an offender of the restriction. Your company is located off of Lexington Avenue and it would be very convenient for the truckers to travel on Mendota Heights Road or Yankee Doodle which have been upgraded with multi-lanes, turnmg lanes, curbs and walking paths to accommodate oversized, heavy vehicles. It would be appreciated if yaur fum would be a good neighbor and discontinue routing truck traffic on Lone Oak Road between Highway 13 and Pilot Knob Road for the following reasons: • There is a 9 peroent grade between Highway 13 and Pilot I{nob. • The roadway is two lane with no curb, walking path or unproved shoulder. • This is a residential area with driveways and limited visibility at the crest of the hill. • Traffic must stop for school buses which pick up and disc6arge students along Lone Oak. • Mail trucks, sanitation vehicles and newspaper vans obstruct and change traffic patterns as they serve the local area. • Residents must cross Lone Oak to pick up mail and newspapers. • Pilot Knob Elementary School has walking students. • Trucks have difficulty with the grade resulting in slow moving traffic causing attempts by other drivers to pass unsafely. • Trucks have difficulty turning on Highway 13 resulting iu a back up of traffic on Lone Oak makaig it virtually impossible for residents to get out of their driveways. Altemative routes with access to the freeways aze Yankee Doodle Road, Mendota Heights Road and Pilot Knob Road. My help you could be in re-routing your trucks to safer roadways would be appreciated. reiy, Sin e` Marguerite aker C: 1,?Tom Hedges, Eagan City Adiniuistrator Patrice Bataglia, Dakota County Commissioner X,?+ ? . . . i T 0 = << ? t. ? HUDSON CO., INC. 1460 SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 612-688-8880 • Fax: 612-688-9501 • 800-247-7368 April 8, 1996 Marguerite Saker 1573 Lone Oak Road Eagan, MN 55122-1137 Dear Madam: Thank you for your letter dated 4-3-96. We were unaware that Lone Gak Road had changed to a no-truck route. We have posted a notice in our drivers' room alerting them to the change. Once again, thank you for the notification. Sincerely, HUDSON CU., INC. Randall Rybak Operations Manager cc: Tom Hedges Patrice Bataglia /906 Hudson DIVISION OF STATE FIRE MARSNAL MARKET NOUSE 2d9 Ec.Si 57N STREET ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 TELEPHONE (E121 296)641 October 26, 1988 Westside Equipment 902 Highway 55 Medina, MN 55340 ABF Freight Systems, 2750 Lexington Avenue South, Eagan, MN. Underground installation of one (1) 12,000 gallon Sti-P3 steel ke: double wall tank for diesel with coated, cathodic protected steel piping. For dispensing. Also, removal of one (1) ' 4,000 gallon and two (2) %,000 gallon tank,? . 7o Whom it may Concern: The plans for the above installation have been revtewed pursuant to hlinnesota Statutes, 1974, Chapter 299F.19. Preliminary approval is given f')r the aforementioned project subject to compliance with the provisiqns of Ninnesota Statutes, State Fire P9arshal P.egulations, and local ordi- nances and permits. Construction shall be in conformance with the standards contained iri fVational Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 30, Flammable and Combustible Liyuids Code (1981 edition as amended). Final approval will be given fo1lowiny an inspection or" the facility by either your area ]ocal fire authority or Depui., State Fire P7arshal. Approval of the project described in this letter does not relieve the applicant oi re- sponsibility to other Federal, State or lr,cal agencies regarding adherence to regulations or ihe need to obtain necessary Daproval,. Questions concerning this project should be addressed in writing to our office for a for- mal response. Please refer to the file number listed above i^ all future correspondence concerning this project. Yours very truly, 7homas . Brace, St e Fire Marshal ? by: ohn . ftus Deputy ate Fire Marshal - Code Specialist COPY U1STRIBUTIOW: 4Jhite-Facility, Blue-Fire Department, Green-;,entral Of`ice, Pink-Cooes Specialist, Gold-Investigator, Yellow-Pollution Controi G,eency J ? . STATE OF HAINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY NkCCJ 0c ? . aS ' ... ' File Plo. 88000492 AN GQUALOPPQRTUNITYEMPLGYER 10? Clty of EapIl 3830 Pllot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 i-_- ffice U-------------- i ? Fo-r Ose I Pe"it o ? I ? Pe"it Fee: ?3v i ? Date Received: -17 ? i ? StaN: C7 ? ---------------- 2008 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: SiteAddress: 21r7O Le1111Q1'DY1 NPe WA+V. Tenant: Suite #: PROPER7Y (?lin -2?g? cy? M6 Ph N Aa S m"f OWNER one: ame: . 4 , CONTRACTOR Name: LkCLJ-t? DQ.M0GJ -SAG • License #: ()55"rJ f3l2 P" Address: <<JZ3D CCLYl-"USC? WM Ci[y: ?mMbLIYIt Siate: is Zip:550to8 Phone:&9) 1-}Z76 •3']3D ContactPerson: RGI.CVl21 TYPE OF ace _Work in R.O.W. New Replacement Repair _ Rebuild -Modity S p WORK y ? Description of work: ?.Q?? 0ki, ?lL ?'? b??1 m-eV' PERMI7 TYPE COMMERClAL _ New Construetion Modify Space _ Irrigation System L- yes /_ na) (_ RPZ PV8) • Rain sensors required on vrigation systems • Avg. GPM _(2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed 6y Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to pickina uo meter. Domestfc: Size & Type Rre: Size & Price !4" meter 183.00 ' Avg. GPM High demand device ? _Yes -XNo V Fl h i Y / N Y Y N PRV R d es ? o us ometers _ es equ re _ o COMMERCIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Comrect vaiue $ ' x 1% _$ ??•"rJ'? PermitFee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems 4 _$ Radio Meter Read - If Pertni Fee is less than E1,000, surcharge is $50 =$ ? Meter(5) - tl Pe"it Fee is > $1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 iw each $1,000 $7.000 Permil Fee (i e. a$1,001-$2,000 PermR Fee reqmres a$1.00 suroharge). _$ J Stffi¢ Suroherge Following fees apply when installing a new lawn ircigation sysiem. $ - water Permit Call the Ciys Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounta _ $ Treatment Plant $ - Water Supply 8 Storape $ - State Sureharge TOTAL FEES S ?7D'S O I hereby acknowletlge that this Informailon I5 complete antl accurate; Na[ the work will 6e in conformance wtlB tha or0inances arW coaes oi thre ary ot tagen; mat i unaersiarw mis is not a permn, hut anly an applicetion tor a permit, and wprk is not to stert without a pertnip thM the work will 6e in awordarice wtlh the approved plan in the case of work which reqoires a remew and appmval of plans x I?GIf?'?tl 1'tn?`'lY?le? x J`?tic'? ?- Ac(.fLLnn.00_ AppiicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature 60R QFFIGE USE - ? Approved By E Page 1 of 3 JUN 1 7 7008 ? Far_'43fic?i?l?pl---------? ? Permit N' I I ? j Perrnit Fea: ? Date Received: I ? i StaH I 2008 COMMERCIAL PLUMBWG PERMIT APPLICATION oate: 1910 9 Site Address: Z? ?U l.?X 1 N(,?? PcV? Tenant: ? ?q,Nsp?? ? `?t-I Y Sultelf: PROPERTY Name: 1W5&y:""r rc GU fq?tql( Phone: OWNER CONTRACTOR Name: IV t Gt CvIO,{ )J i-l-T-? C- License #: (J50rj9 tD "YIL4 t???? Ul ? ? ?C KZ'2 e?lIaCYI ? (afV O WJ 65pzef / State Address: Df - i y: l? k Zip: / P (90 q`Z2d77?)!) Ka(fie/ erson: Phone: Contact TYPE OF (L New -Replacement Repair _ Rebuild -Modify Space Work in R.O.W. WORK ( Description of work: P'?1 n i i1a ?p Ja S l l? ? ar U4k II ?' V? PERMIT TYPE COMA'IERCIAL _ New Constructlon _ Modify Space Irrigation System (_ yes /_ no) (_ RPZ PVB) . Rain sensors required on irrigation systems . Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to oickina up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: Size & Price 3/4" meter 183.00 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No Flushometers Yes No PRV Required Yes _No COMMERCIA! FEES: $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR contract vaiue S x 1% - $ Permit Fee Required on ALL new 6uildings and boulevard Irrigation systems ?= S Radio Meter Read fl Permit Fee is less ihan $1,000, surcharge m $.50 =$ Meter(s) - it Permi Fee is >$7,000, surcharge mcreases by $.SO tor each $1,000 $1,000 Percnit Fee (i.e. a$1,001-$2,000 Permit Fee reqwres a$1.00 surcharge). _$ Sta[e Surcharge Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ water Permit Call the City's Engineenng OepartmenL (651) 675-5646, for required tee amounts $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply 8 Storage $ StateSurcharge TOTAL FEES $ I hereby acknowladge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work wtll be in conformartce wrth the ordinances and codes of ihe Ci(y of Eagan; that I underetantl this is not a permil, bu[ only an apphcation for a permit, and work is not lo start wrthout a permit, that the work wdl be in accordance wdh the approved plan in the case of work which requires a rewew and approval oi plans x ?D«ihf I -aAVV14'V1M x AppllcanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature POR OFFICE USE :_ AppiovedBy: ? ? - [3?iFe ,?I?eqwredilnsp?otians ' ,I?nderGmund `?Rough.ln AirTesY _GasTest F,Enaf ' raye i ui ,s LETTEIR OF TRAfVSMITTAL ? Houwman Architecfs, 1159 Pike Lake Drive, New Brighton, MN 55112 651-631-0200 DATE: 02-19-08 TO: City of Eagan RE: ABF Freight Systems, Inc. From: Brian Houwman WE ARE SENDING YOU: Copies Descrietion Date 3 copies Architectural Structural and Civil Drawings 2 copies Percolation Information Submitted for building permit. Houwman Architects Phone: 651-631-0200 Fax: 651-639-9726 Cell: 651-270-9877 Email: BrianH(d)Houwman.com Mike Maguire MAVOR Paul Bakken Peggy Cadson Cyndee Fields Meg Tilley COUNCIL MEMeEFS Thomas Hedges CIiY AOMINISTfiATOP MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675 5012fax 651.454.8535 TDD MAINtENANCE FACILITV 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 657.675.5300 phone 851.675.5360fax 651.454.8535 TDD www.cityofeagan.com THE LONE OAK THEE The symbol of strength and growth in our community. February 27, 2008 Brian Houman 1159 Pike Lake Drive New Brighton, MN 55112 RE: ABF Warehouse Addition 2750 Lexington Ave S Dear Brian: We have started our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a building permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhaustive and comprehensive report. Unless othervvise noted, all references are to the 2006 I.B.C. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicabie codes and we are, therefore, requesting that the following items be addressed: 1 Soils Report 1 MC / WS SAC Determination 1 Special Structural Testing and Inspection Program Summary 5chedule (Example Enclosed) 1 Set of Energy Calculations 1 Emergency Response Site Plan (Example Enclosed) If you have any questions, piease contact me by phone at (651) 675-5676 or by email at mlence on.citvofeapan.com. Sincerely, AL4i ? Mike Lence Senior Building Inspector Encl. Special Structural Testing and Inspection Program Summary Schedule Emergency Response Site Plan Cc: Dale Schoeppner, Chief Building Officiai ? HOUWR?IAN Architects 1159 Pike Lake Drive, New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 Phone-651-631-0200 Fax-651-639-9726 info@Houwman.com Mike Lence Senior Building Inspector City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road 6agan, MN 55122 RE: ABF Wazehouse Addition 2750 Lexington Avenue South Deaz Mike: Enclosed you will find the following documents requested from your letter dated February 27, 2008. 1. 1 Soils Report 2. 1 Special Structural Testing and Inspection Program 3. 1 Emergency Response Site Plan If you have any questions please feel free to cal] me. Sincerely, Brian Houwman o ?OMED ? MAR 1 3 2008 M FINE MAliJtiAL DIYISION ST?TE OF MINNESOTd DEPANTMENT 0[' PUtl41C 509TY Market Nuuba 2E9 East FiPth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 612-296-7641 /d-/y-?? FLpMyMpb1-E eND COMI3USTIki1,E {,IQUTAS $LAN 1iEYIEW GUIDELINE Plewsn f111 1n the followit4 inFormatlon complottLe2y. knere not upp2lcaDle uwCk Nd. iacompletn inforMatlon will msult in tha pYa :z Delr,d recurnnd. . I Yar: Cowpany 4ddreyo ' City Contact r r JL Ti+ak Int'o: Sixn 2 -- 3 CaDaClty Yrotluct Construction 4 :?ulp?unt: SuCadr?iGld, Suctlsn PlPind (iuyLeria l) ? i ?i- TYPn: Full Servr-x- Selj' Snrve? . _A4 :orrosion: SoiI Typv Teyt eyuipwCnc 'rptaction: TyPd Ano a InstalleC, Tank ? OIIM/(:M?OV?D ?p P1Nin6 ? ':•`Al1 mntnrlal guGmltied 14"13 be 1tl81b1c and in duollcate. `u.: . ?..IncluCe plot plan at propkrty ahowlrid locdtlon of D highw;syy and Ylltlingo, y?iuce wttnrn, dpd other y ad,Jacen[ yt'rceCa, ertinnnt lmwrjla[.: aurruundinga. 11, NYLGUIDE ' 1/U4/55 • . y L,g? 2223?4 q s ? t? S?c._•.,! :i, r ?'_ ;,::.rEcr',oN ? M1?Ih, p • c.? ? t?ublf FiNl7,`ai';`...•, :Y`?J. G CC:7:"r..?- -?zIT Pi; ;R t+t?:. 16q I61N??2 C'YQ/ Vtr'•???//lal'iJH A i . uy' - ? ? Date: . y ???:??3?1A?;?YCa4StteC pw.yt.sbpM pG 1445C tha following lnformaLion wGen bppllca-_ "`'?63?.. CtWRk pi1pA lte, De1D?1 tha6 dppeure on the plan or mdrk NA if noL uppli- ,RN??lY." , ? G1ve u?aauramenta P D?'ivpway?, rom tanka and dlspensrry to: Property L1nes, Duildings, Surluce yatar.e. Sell-Serve attendant Locacion. Yn9 N/A Yes N/A ?? ) SCalp `? O / Vent Pipe Terminatlon Height Hropttrty Llnnq . ?'t ( ) Yent Plptl Sizn , `X[, ( ) 9ulltlln$(?) ? ( ) Plping Layout ? ( ) Tank Slzo ( ?allona ) ? ( ) 4ocatlon of Disponaers I? ( ) Twn1c $lxv (Gimdnaionn) ( ) Ly-3- WaLarMays ??? ,( ) Product ?n Txnlc ?L ( ) Diapenser ProGnetlon Tai1k 9ury D@ptA ?( ) Siwis; No Smoking-Shut ot'f MoCor, l? { ) ConepeLe Th4ckntls4 Miniaum a6e for ar1P-a4?rve 16 ears-old Ovar Tank y Tank F111 Openlng ?} O F1re Extln?uiyher y? Drivewuya () ? Srlf-Serve AttendanL Locdtlon E,1uergunCy Cputrola ?O UrWnrgrountl Tank 4ocationy 3 ;;. Clearancea <. h ''?' coau n ` n y;? ?• Y' - ?? i4dreb?: ? swcn, ziP: 3 D 7W ?? .?? ? ? ,141 ?t 4,??i d a L ?' ? ?y1 ? . ?.?. n.. ? ?i 1 ?,i' ??f rfJ Y i, '. ? "i f t ? t ,- ` -- ? - ? ?-.;- ? - - ? ? -- - - ? - _ ... , . 4 IRo?'? co,.,c>c%e. -- - c_ ? • ?_? ?R? vEL- - -- ? ? iTJi DE '€Q r ?) s? t - tD-z0-88 - p-- ? . i f ! IaP? G?CJ?E4Ik? 4??c?. :o - yvp55 - ? ? ^ wNoxffr? ------ r-' ';'. - ',? . , • •- ? ' .?. \ ? r Y ? r Pftic:,rs \ Do..7c%j/?/ ?B 'fo? ,, ; 'c,?? ?? . • - ?- ? ? ??, /? i,? li?•= - ? ? t ? ? F? ? ?•?,? ? 9.:?° ??: _ .: ? c , ? ? i "ic ?the?? ? ,Y ? 7Z ? r \ r -- ? . rL X;? , ' • _.,/ - ` ? 6R.?ve? , . .. . _ _ . - ? - - - ? - ??,&RR? /3?Alv,?Jy ? ? ? - E 6$A?Ct_ , , r - r? ?' f .. . . sVSrcKLReNOJ9, i / ? . ' ? ? .. lt _ I Y4 ` .1 " _ . . . ? ,.1. , _ ". ? • t • o"•. • ? . ?+ ? . } '--?--=%"-? ?:.?„_..?`' ;..- FEN'x?-•-J---?----'. __? ? ?._: =-"?' ?Zg`?53D3p,pa j r h rn 4 ?Ae-t? ?. _ i . , . . . . _ . . . . . _ . - ?? .-`n. ??• m` 7 6 qcdt.e: ± ? . ?Z ! - 4 , - - - - -- - --_.. , , ,.. , - - - __ _ r -- _.. •F?Y!csV'LoF cz7 t-xKt,r.tC, cw-.aeer& tsvaNOS , • Ra".ovM.-oGC2a T,ooo 6d,- Ani9U) 400o QaL_exasr,,ly raNKS ? ? ?eJa4?c vOn+rs AND FIP,.rt.- p'Qr - . . !? ... _S i • EYeaJAfcD. AR.66 Bncz.clNad io GA6slF SutFOcE --- ( _• INSTaU.. 12,Af,U 6A4 9d25: ?ovbo rlAur SriA3 • 3's?'ttK ` • ail?aD wisw 4?'xLD'?.,b" R??dro?cev? ` i? -?'- ? _ ,._. wi r+ ,2eepe :ouucte su?s, - ' +? ! ' . `-?.._ r 1Ntop oP rAAIC ' L,e,:tnLf pf*pt '?'°cw?r Aiox ?a+sh rA ? c? ? . ? - - ! - -- -- --- ' ' ? • FelTUtaC 4.EtnFxE TO-`?t 64wb.tF STAM?? ? . . ; . . _.. . W?TH M4ti1t91Ca+0 GDNdi?Y'?N ?C4'+6. ? - ', ?p,? ' Gl.'? ,. ' ? " ' 'LE?u.Otrettto? ?r..ae? tN sv.,P et ?r.aR. ?RE,i`5:.?,' A,BF ?R.2.tlaVr sysTems L+ 2750 lsReNCTWAJE. So . ?ltTN G?wDIt u,1 CroaOyCA?EN? ??,?-- ?' ?- j: J?' 'cQf;AN d.IN. ? L" supp" 4ue Fa.o,n +&.sk x' CA ? r al Ot.1FwY q H&O?NAvd./ Sil - '- •?yi. -- ; E?cttft?li ? G??R o?- ,r°je' • E!•lSl; 6 . : TrIt , ?SRA^D LG60C• d„ l U ? 6I?' ¢gQ ?, . . ? l • , :- - r g ? ? HD ' 4,aGo sa4: l. .- . r" $ 96?? ' Ln R.,2 'r? ?? (t) . 2?'?? 2N?xµac8" -_-,--.. - ' ---- ' toNt??? S?A , ?? lr\ ReBSR?,<ec J?n+ , ?????? ,,. . . . _. _ .. -- -- -- - ' - - ? - • - -- - - ? DwP?cwu?. ryp[S . _ _ . . . _ . . . 1?y?c=av,iP•P tALL.PIWG 9T"44l!ruP F ? ??4m TMv?, sNrf) 1iv+N6. ' visseL cueL C5,: t^, ..? _ . . _ . 84 n, dF s, ? . . . . , . __ . . ch 4 {?, ?-i ?•? ?^ '? , . . .. _: _ . . _ _ . .__ -. '. .. , , . , . F , . ?. ? ?- . .?-?- -- - - - - -- - - • -- ' . _ ? _ _ ' ,- . - , .-- . -. , --- - - uryk,_ pEr+Gw-. acv?a. _ • _ .?_._ ?_ - --?. ` .. , , ..?-?. - ? ? ? ? ? ? ! _ - ' - _ - - - ---- , - - - ? ,- r_ - - _ . ,. ? _ ..? sj?i??'? - - L ?6 659705 C 2 T Y O F E A G A N CERTIFIED LISTING OF POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plainview Addition Lot 2 Ex Pt Taken for Highway COUNTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 10 57750 020 00 POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: Water Area Assessment Pursuant to M.S.A. 429.061, Subd. 2, as amended by the 1980 Session Laws, Chapter 560, Section 5, I hereby certify that the City of Eagan has approved the postponement o£ the special assessments as set forth above on the property described. Dated this day of ?c?hg 1984 - EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS EX@ t from State Deed Tax This Document Drafted By: City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 ! ? ? County Trea r L ? O E. anOverbeke Cit Clerk/Finance Director " . Certificate I,_. E:J.' VanO+ierbeke, City Clerk of the Ci y of Eagan, d Hereby certifyr_that"the.foregoing is a true orr ct c y. -,. E. . anOverbe e, City Clerk 3q X (;5?)'7t15 ;, STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Dakota ss. Oifice of County Recorder This is to certify tnat the within ins:r ? ??e ", .v1: s fi!ed'or record in this ff?? 't !1a ti on .h: d D. 191 a o'clock. +and that tn= same was uiy recorded fi D2kota County F•.ecorrs. _U Page 1 of 1 Pam Dudziak From: Mike Ridley Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 4:38 PM To: Pam Dudziak Subject: RE. ABF Thanks for the information and I agree, subject to the site visit. From: Pam Dudziak Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 4:30 PM To: Mike Ridley Subject: ABF Mike, I have reviewed the expansion plans for ABF. The site plan looks okay, but the proposed finish materials say -"exposed concrete block - no fmish". The expansion area doesn't reference "to match existing." I haven't actually driven up to see the building, but I did review the 1998 CUP file and the elevations in that file for the addition then also showed "exposed concrete block - no color". The 1998 staff report said that building addition would be plain concrete block to match the existing. The office portion of the existing building is brick, but the warehouse is concrete block. The City ordinance permits plain concrete block for up to 25% of an I-1 building. But under the secrion pertaining to expansion or enlargement of other nonconforming buildings, it says that if any existing nonconfornung building which is constructed of material other than metal is enlarged or expanded, the expansion struchue shall be constructed of comparible material and colar to the existing nonconfornvng structure. The provision in the Code referencing cumulative expansions (to address if a building is expanded more than once and together the expansion exceeds the threshold percentage, but individually each expansion does not), the percentage of the expansion is to be determined based on the building size as of June 1, 1995. However, that provision is in the expansion of inetal-sided buildings section, not the "bther" nonconforming buildings section. So, the bottom line is I think the Code permits them to do plain concrete block if that is what the existing building is. Before I let the pemut go, Pll get up there and verify if the block really is plain, or if it is painted. If it is painted, I will require them to paint the expansion to match. PameCa Dudziak Planner, City of Eagan 3830 Pilor Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 PH: 651-675-5691 Fax: 651-675-5694 4/4/2008 ' 101l2512006 03:57 9527586278 ADVLYJCED ONSITE INC PAGE 03 'I 1?. ? PERCOLATION ? ? TEST ? ¦ ANn SEPTIC DESIGN ?o BY J i ?c e? DATE __..a_?•? -a L BUILL?iUG IidSPECTIONS DEPT., Prepared For: ABF Freight System Attn: Walter Echols Prepared By: Advanced OnSite, Tnc. Prepared: Januaxy 25, 2008 2750 Lexington Ave. So. Eagan, MN. 55121 ' j 01l25/2006 03:57 9527566278 ADVANCED ONSITE INC LOG OF SOIL BORINGS PAGE 04 L,ocation of Pmject: ABP Proiect 2750 Lexineton Ave. So. $orings ma,de by Tom Klanchnik Date: Scntember 24. 2008 Classification System: AASHD USDA-SCS X Unified Other Auger Used (check two): 14and,X,_ Power Flight $ucket X Othar 3 Inch H:uid Auver Aepth Tn Feet SoringNumber BI Surface rlevation Depth In Feet BoringNumber B2 Surface E[evation ; i i i 10 YR 2/2 Sandy Losm 10 XR 212 5andv Loam ? ? J 10 YR 3/3 Loam 10 YR 3/3 Loam 10 YR 4/4 Sandv Loam 10 YR 414 Sandv Loam 10 YR 4/4 5andv Loatn 10 YR 4/4 Sandy Loam 3^ 4-- 4- 10 YR 614 Sand 10 YR 6/4 Sandv Loem 10 YR 6/4 Silt LoaM 10 YR 6/4 Silt Loam 6-- 6- Mouled at 58" Mottled at 56" 7- 7 - g --- R -- End of Eoring at 5.0 feat. 3tanding Water Table: PrP5Pd1Y A4 foet nf derth, hours after boring. Not Present in baring hole X . £eet. Hnd oFBozvxg at _5 0 Standing Water Table: Prcqent at feet of depth, hours aftec boring. Not Presen.t in boning hale X Mottled Soil: Observed at 4.83 feet of depth. Nof T'rescnt in borirg holc Mottled Soil: Observad at _4.67 faet of depth Not 1'ncscnt iu boring hole Observation. and Comments: Obsc7vation and Comments: 0I/25/2008 03:57 9527586278 ADVANCED ONSITE INC PAGE 05 Loc oF sor.r, BoxINGS I.,ocation of Project ABF Proiect 2750 Lex?'naEonAve. 5o. Borings made by Tom Klanchnik Date: Seotember 24, 2008 Cla.gsification System: t1ASH0 USDA-SCS X Umfied Other Auger Used (cbeclc two): Hand X- Yowcr Flight Bucket X OCher 3 Inch IIund Aa¢cr Depth tn Feet Boring Number B3 Surface Efevation Depth In Feet Boring Nambex B4 3urfaceElevation 7 D YR 2/2 Sandv T,oa.m 10 'Y'R 2/2 Sandy Loam ] 0 YR 3/3 Loam 10 YR3(3 Loam 10 Y'R 4/4 Sandy Loam 10 YR 4/4 Sandy Loam 2-- ] 0 YR 4/4 Sandv Loam 3-1 3- 10 YR 4/4 Sandy Loam 4 _.. q _. t 0 YR 614 Sandy n m 10 YR 6/4 Saztdv Loam 10 YR 5/2 Silt Loam ] 0 YR 614 Silt Loam $_ 6--- Mottled at 56" 6•-- ? Mottied at 54" 7- 7 -- g _. g _. F.nd af Roring at 5.0 feet. Standing Water Table: Presentat feet ofdepth, b.ours aftet bozing. Nat Present in boring hole X Mattled Sail: Observed at 4_67 feet of depth. Nnt Preqe.nt in bnxing kole. F.nd nf Rnrihz, at _5.0 fPet ' 5tanding Water Table: Present at feet of depth, hours after boting. Not I'resent in boring hole X Mottled Soil: Observed at 4.5 feet of depth Not Present in boring hole Observation and Comments: Obsernation and Cottauleats: ' , .61/25/2008 03:57 9523586276 PA6E 96 LOG OF SOxL BORTNGS 1 1 ' , Location of Project: ABP Pmject 2750 Le7cineton Ave. So. Borings made by Tom Klancluuk Date: SenFember 24. 2008 Classifica6on Systern: AASHO USDA-SCS X Unified Other Auger Used (checlc two): Hand X_ Power Flisdht Bucket X Other ADVANCED ONSITE INC 3 incli Aand Auve'.• Dcpth In Feet BorinRNumber BS Snrface Elevation Depth Tn Feet BoringNumber H6 Surface EIevation 10 YR 2/2 Sandy Losm 10 YR 2/2 Sandv Loam ? 10 YR 3/3 I,oam ? 10 YR 3!3 I,oam 10 YR 4/4 Sandv Loatp i aYR 4i4 sanay Loar, z --- 2-- 3 ] 0 YR 4/4 Ssndy T.oam 3 10 YR 4I4 Sandv Loem 4-- 4-- 10 YR fi/4 Sand 10 YR 6/4 Sandv Loam 10 YR 5/2 Sih Lo?a 10 YR 5/2 Silt Loam 5- 6- Mottled at 56" 6-- Mottled at 54" 7 __ 7__ g __ g _ Present at feet oF depth, hotixs aRer boxing. Not Pzesent 3n. boring hole X End of Soring at 5.0 feet. Standang Water Table: Mottled 5oi.l: Observed at 4.67 £eat o£ deptlx. Nos Prosent in boring kyole Observation and Comments: find of Boring at _5.0 feet. 5tanding watexTable: Pre.9ent at fe.et rrfdepih, houxs aftr boring. Not Present in boztitng hole X Mottled Soil: Observed at 43 feei: of, dep#h Not P:aeont in boring holc Obsezvati.on and Commants: 01/25/2606 03:57 9527586276 ADVANC£D DFlSITE INC PAGE 07 'I FERCOLA'I'ION TEST DA'I'A SHEE T ' I Percolatson 7est Iieadings made by Tom Klanchnik on Jauuary 25, 2048 stzrting at 9:00 am. Test Hole Location: ABF 2750 L.exinb on Ave. So.: Pl, Date hola was prepascd: 1/24/08 Deptb o Chole boitom is 18 inches, Diameter of hote is 6 inches. SoiJ data fxom test hole: Ae th in Inchcs Soil Taxturz D" -- 10" 10 Y12 2!2 Sand T,oam 10'° - 72" 10 YR 3/3 Loam 12" - 1 R" 10 YR 414 San.d Loaxn Method of scratching siclewall is 2 x 2 with nails. Depth of grave] in hole is 2 inches Date and how of initial watcr filling 1/24/08, 2:45 pm. Depth of initial Slling is 12 inches above bottom. Method nsed to maintain at least ] 2 inches ofwater depYh, in ho3e for at least 4 hours is Autometic Ref,3]J.. Maximurn Water depth aUove hole bottom during tese is 8 inches. Time Time Iaterval, Minutes Measurement, Inches Drop in Water I.evel, Inches Percolation ILate Minutes Per Inch Remarks i ! 9:00 ----- q>' .---•-------- -------- g„ Water Head 9:10 10 MiAautes 6 I/16' 15116" tI Refill to 8" 9:20 10 Minuees 6 1/16" 15116" l l Refi]] to 8" 9:30 10 Minutos 6 1/16" 15/16" 11 PercolaHon Rate =11 Minutes Per Inch 1 ' 01/25/2006 03:57 9527586278 qDVANCED ONSITE INC PA6E 08 PERCOLATiON TEST DATA SHEET Percolation Test R.eadings made by Tom Klanchnik on Janvary 25, 2008 starting at 4:00 am. 1 Test Hole Locauon: A$F 2750 Lexingtnn .A.ve, So.: P2, Date hole was ptepated: 1l24/08 Depth of lxole bottom is 18 inches, biazneter of hole is 6 inches. ' , ' Soil data frnm test hnle- De th in Inches Soil Tcxhire I 0" - 7 10 YR 2/2 Saad Loam 10" - 12" 10 VIi 3/3 Loam 12" - ]S" 10 X.R 4/4 Sandy Loazn Method of scratching sidewall is 2 x 2 with nails. Depth of gravel in, hole is 2 inches ' Bate and hour af initial water filling 1/24/08, 2:45 pm. I)epth af Wtial filling is 12 snehes above bottom. lvIethod used to maintain az least 12 iaches of water depth in hole £or at least 4 hours is Autoutatic ltefiil. Maximam Water depth above hole bottom during test zs 8 inches. Time Time Uuterval, Ivlinutes 3vleasuremerrt, Inches Arop in Watex Lovel. Inches Percolation Rate Minutes Pez Incb Rematks 9:00 ------ ?" -------------- --_----- ------ 8"WaterHead 4:10 10 Mulutcs G 1/4" 3/4" 13 Refill to 8" 9:20 10 Minntes b I/4" 3/4" 13 Refill to 8" 930 10 Minutes 6 1/4" 3I4" 13 Pcrcolation ltate = 13 Minutes Per Inch 01/25/2008 03:57 9527566278 ADVANCm ONSITE INC PAGE 09 ? I PEILCOLA.TiO1V TEST DATA SHEET ? Percolation Test Readings made hy Tozn IC[anchnik on January 25, 2008 starCing at 9:00 rxm. Test Iiole Location: ABF 2750 Lexittgton A.ve, So.: P3, DarE hola was preptued: 1/24/08 Depth of hole hottom is 1.8 SnChes, Diameter of hole is 6 inches. Soil data from fest hole: D th in Inchcs Soit Toxturc 0" - 10°' 10 YR 2f2 Sund Losm J 1 o" - 12" 10 YR 3/3 T.oatn 12" - i R" 10 YR. 4/4 Sandy L.oam Met6od of scra#ching sidewall is 2 x 2 with nails. Depih of gravel in hole is 2 incltes Date and hour of inifial water filling 1/24/08, 2;45 pm Depth of initiat filling is 12 inehes above bottom. Nle#bod used to maintain at ]east 12 inches of water degth in hole foz at IeA5t 4 hours is Automatic Refill. Mzximum Water depth abave hole bottom during test zs 8 inches. Time Time InterveI, Minutes Measureznent, Inches Ihop in Water Level, Tnches Percola6on Rate IvJinutes Par itteh 12emarks 9:00 _...__.__.?...___ 7" ----------- --------- ---- 8"WaterHead 9:10 10 Minuses 6 1/$" 7/8" 11 Refill to 8" 9:20 ] 0 Nlinutes 6 1/8" 7/8" 11 Refill to 8" 9:30 10 Minutes G 1l8" 7/8" 11 Percolation Rate =11 Minufes Per Inc6 ' 11i 01/25/2008 63:57 9527586276 ADVANCED ONSITE INC SEPTIC SXSTEM DESIGN PAGE ?0 DESIGN CRiTERIA; Existing commercial buelding with pmposed addition. 't1}e build'mg is a 3oading dock facilty with a maximuin of SS einployccs (uffice include:d) arid 30 drivzrc daily. Calculate dtivers as customers, see retail stores. No public use o£restrooms, no showets. Ctate And coLmty regu]ations reqixire, for this 3pplzcation, thc ir,oo of Figure A-3 on pago 5-A ofthe MPCA 7480 Manval: Fstimates of Commereial, Industriat, snd Recreational VGater Plows; Commercialllndttstrial, offices & retail stores (aee Attac.hPd). WATER USAGE; USE 7080 Figure A-3: ,55 Employcas rh 15.0 Gsllons Per Da .825 GPA y ................. .......,.......... 30 Arivers @ 2.5 Galions PerDay .....................................75 GPD rotal ........................................................................................900 GPD Use 900 gOllons per dsy maxinum sizing ARRt'nT.ATTON RA.'FE; 13 miuutes perinch. SEPTIC TAIVK; InstalA two 1,500 gallon preeast single compartmcnt septic tanks. DRtkTNFIELD; Seepage bed, pieesurization requircd. f,ocatcd on 2% slope. 1143 syuarc fccl requited, 1200 squaze feet pmposed. Tb.e bed is la feet and 120 feet long with a center faed rockbed of 6 inehes of mck helow tkte pipe. Please see detail. GENERAL COIVSTRLTC'IION PRACTICES; Di.vert alI surface water away from the drain field area. Ao not disturb the drann Seld area durzng consmiction. Fenco off the drei?i field area before permit application. If there are any questions regarding khis design please contact Tom Klancb.nik at (952) 461-2356. 01/25/2006 03:57 9527586278 ADVANCED OtdSITE INC PAGE 11 A-,5 i 11 1 ' 1 1 ' jJrt u?'RS' t Figure A-3: Estimates of Commercial. industrial and RecreafionaE Wastewater Flaws gallons per day per uniY gallons per day per unit• Averqqa MmcEmum AVaM9e Maxlmum Dwelling Unlts : Bafing and RrinkM Estabtishm?nts - hotet or ittxury mofa!' . resEaulqllY ._ '. each guest 50 60 per maol 2.5 4.0 a fnr anC,h emp10yB8 11 13 (dO6s nDt irtClud9 bOr oC Iptnlpe.) or par square foot 0.26 0.3 or eoch seat 24 40 motel-• +fOrgOCheTpIoYGe 17 - 13 Macn pucat 35 40 dtninA hatl' + for each employea 11 73 par meal - 2.5 , 40 or per square foot 0.22 0.46 cofFaa shoA' IDOTI11gOOVSa"' eoch..ustarier 20 2.3 Eocn residQnt 40 8D + tor each empioyee 17 13 + br each crnafaCw' nOnresidens m6dl 2.6 40 each customar . 2? 2.1 dayew0 +fa each emPbyee 1 T 73 Each chll0 25 25 dMe-in' - per car stall 110 745 commerclal/Indusfial uaror wurmys• rata4t siores each customer 9 5.5 er sq. fooi ot sales ar0.1 0115 + fnr aactt employee 19 16 ?or each cus omor or p0r seot 32 40 a t?r pach emPloye.rj or each toilet room 550 630 medical offica . . . per square }001 0.6 7.6 conshucflai comp a for each amployee 15 20 Wsltw csmer BdChvlslfor, 6 20 McUldlomo! ' each machine 586 690 oT each ioaa so 55 or Ner xauare foot 2,2 2.9 barper snop per chair 55 80 beauty shop pP.t 51Otion 270 300 cnr wash per inside square fooF 5 10 (Does not inclutla car wpsh wpter?' ? ??t 440? inafiiutional hotpMcls opch rcwc6oal bvd 175 260 + for edch employeo 10 15 meMal instdufioik•• ?cfi [xxi ' 120. 173 + for aach mmploYca 70 16 prkmn w 7ait•• ' eochlnmofie 120 150 _ r for each employee 10 16 nur5ing home-- ooeh rasldent 93 145 +foreachemplayee 16 76 Transpartation eMpoet, bus station or rall nepor porpoccongcr a 6 or per squora fOpt 3.33 6.5 or per publlc feshoom 500 M0 wro sntvtce etavron sachvehiclesarved 71 15 +foraachAmployee 13 ib aperlnsldesq,foot 025 0.6 , or per publlc reshoom 500 630 .4t4 S ' i ; 01/25l2806 83:57 9527586276 Trench and Bed Worksheet ' 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 H 1__I ' all boxea 2ctangles must ae enrerBd, me rest w0 be celCUlated, pDVANCED ONSITE INC 1. AVERAGE DESIGN FLOW A. Estimated 900 gpd (see frgure A-1) ar maasured x 1,5 (sateiy fador) o gpd 6. Septic tank cepecity 3,000 gallons c-1;cT enkCagWOS 110 slNms! Nuntlw ot MinImum ljqiud Q Liqiad capa?,ity aith ?? ? fc?r«?ms t?apadty garbage&aposaf liftit?icle 24tie.s 750 112$ 1 R4U 3or4 1900 tS09 . 200 5OY6 1500 2'L54 30M ?. R ar9 200d 30 2. SOILS (Si(c evaluafion dafa) 0. Depth to restricting layer= 4.5 feet D. Maximumdepthofs temltemC-38= 1.5 feet E. Tenpire d Loem Percola6onrate 13 MPI F, S8F i.27 R?tgpd (see fyure D-15) G. % Land slope 2 % 3. TRENCH OR 8ED B6TTOM AREA H. For trenches wltlh 6 Inches nf rodc below the 9ipe; A x F= gpd x ft/gpd ' f? PAGE ?2 ka: 9?:?leeseuw4eAous mGdnsrra Eqy tKinwof bedtowm OwV dmsli CWIN dctsN 2 JpD 225 190 60A, 3 450 90U 216 offie 4 EDO 875 156 vaEies 5 750 450 294 irtlhx? 6 900 525 3$2 Ciazl, 9 lo50 a 310 6,a01 8 I200 675 AU8 cdurtns, 0.151. se0 c}unNmiatoa and 5oII 94rmg rneyr(4?1L>:':?emsek'aaU RoWWndMn ' FMer wmArsp-emch 6eA75a?r. +ar? ?=8dbn tm6tr FsnQ?• ? Kbrs smd Q4S aam a? ?.ma x ? aa+ 4IM5" ? y• ? 15prt? S.N 1s a?roa? ia iim? gas I*" tl.bCD CSayiwn S"..6 eam L^rc- r"way 440 ? ? SaY?yli2hltt7"•ff ?'? ? •V»sncsncearrap p? 1A NstnTxTani?dM i i UN 2M r! < nx ne+ 1r w ?ss? tl>t? `-`ESTe 9t S1rolNSBI SjA^Ils. KAxO?VfiMSMdpINIal.'y1$1RMqd "' A MGU M7A5?M.1M bS9C? "'•f?n ?{' of {x[#qfp?ancvfy7tltf? rnust ?s nsed L For menctl86 wlth 12 IrtchB.s ot tadc Below the pipe: A x F x 0,8= gpd x iVgpd x 0,8 = ft J. For trenches with 18 indtes of rock bPJOw the pipe: A X F x 0.66= gpd x ftlgpd x 0.86 K. For trenches with 24 inches of rod; below the plpe: A x F x a.s= gpd x ftfgpd x 0.6 = ft For gravify bads vft 8 or 12 inches of rocK below the pipc; 1.5xAxF=1.5x gpdX ft/gpd - ft Far pressure beds udth s or 12 indies of rodc beiow ihe pipe; A x F= 900 gpd x 1.27 idgpd = 1143,0 f? Use 1200 Squafe Feat a. oisiMsuTfoN(CheacaRtnatapply) Rock X Bed (<6% slopC) Drop Bnxac (arryslnpp) F?ElQravelless Drop Boxes (any slope) DisaiDUtion Box (c9%) chember Pressure ?Grayfty 01I25l2608 03:57 9527586278 ADVANCED ONSITE INC PRGE 13 5. SYSTE67 WID7H, l.ENGTH AND VOLUME M. Se(eO widtlt= 10757 fl N. If using rock, divide bottom area bq width: (H, I, J ar K) divided by P= lineel feet 120D.0 111? 10.0 R= 120.0 Ilroalfeet kock tlepth neiow msmuutan pIpe plue U.s toot Gmes eottom area: (Rack tlepth + 0.5 foot x Area (H, I, J, K, L) ( 0.5 R1 0.5 ft) x ?054.0 fe A 9050.0 ft Volume in cubic yards = votume in cubie fe21 divided by 27 1050.0 127a 38.9 yd3 Weight of rock in tons = cubic yards times 1.4 38,9 x 1.4= 54.¢ tOhs Use 58 Tons 0. If us(ng 10' Gravel]ess P'ipe, length = Plaw A x pravelless SSF (see figum D-8) p?ni x fflirr,i - lineal feet P. If us[ng a Chamber H, I, J, K(based on height of chambsr slats] divided by widlh ofchamberin ft) if ! ft = fineal feet a* sM cn?mk-&fi.,.asmti.WaS hwd? tsmt«crxftnm r;pe ?rttYa?lm?te I?nEk«/ minuW?Mil tl%ir.ed?m? gMlm/dry PaelvW.a41' Ci.irmsena 0.1MF tACllumSmW rt9t SaM bih 5 ? nR 1 ieyl?n :?1lu45 SNi I? 0.67 sx 46w60 Ciesl.anmtC[] n.n m?y pIOaRM?hMIO"? 9 CL .... Ay '?qitmcvmmtor?nu•.?climlmell. V r S wr?mn Q.?? y??ppp? aedis WSL41A ?111 4l?'X Uf nlA111M1M1(1 VC IIIt!l 11d p y ? f "'StlI w1lh Im YIy,A pavnl?p d dq fu ? wnulrw..re 7. LAwN aRSa Q. Seled trench spacing, center to center = 10 w R. Multiply trench spacing hy lineal teet R x Q= sq, ft o4lavdn area 10 x 120.0 = 1200 iF 8. LAYOUT Select an appropriate Scale; one incti = F--49--Jfeet Shuw pei Gndnl pruperly baundaries, rlghts-af-way, easeRlents. Show Ioca6on of house, garage, dmreway, and all otlrer impmvaments, ebsting or proposed. Show location and layout ot sewage treahnent system, wen and dtmenainn.a rrf an rJvv2pona, sstbacks and separation distances, here6y cer6 F} e? ,p(eted this work in accordance with all appliosble ordinances, rules and laws ° ^ signature) 2666 (kense#) 1-25-08 (date) 01/25/2008 03:57 9527586278 SOII+ TREBTJffFl?+ T 83 RSQIIIRED UFFQRNATIolf Chod i if ae ? a?u..?. ? d..sr. i ? .? n , ?? rs9 trM?.ee m: ., .... p:? yae'flsad i Q ?ad14s1nP i!?'e tiK10?Nl?a? ?IIY ' ,.[f ?M ' hael.s?+ti?..aaa.ti?[?a.r»p+mt etYY? , C] wi& .Wrpa100'fo.c. , . i Edd?ISasat Q s.w.e tlwa wA?lr aa?lr! dwOc .. . i. ? * ? ? ..1 ?. . ? i ? ! ?'? •`.? : . ' ' ? ?? `l,. ? , ?? ? IJ, r 'o 1VANCED ONSITE INC PAGE 14 A D WMG . ? . ? . •Y , ? ?? v e? SCALE: 1 inch • ,; , " . i_ . I ?? ? i r .: . ?. , ? . 1• ia' ' ?: ' 'iO d i i ' ?,m ? , n. ' l? Q? ? r? ? ? i ? 'n J ? +' . .•• -?Qr??+ i I ?1 ? ? ? `.. . ??? .?? J ? S ? n+ y I : ' ,?;? s•?,?; :l v_?`o.c4 ... ?: a• ; , : ? . ;, ; „ ? N ?_ • . e. i i ..+ , ? I ly • ! ? I ? 1 I : I ' iC I? e: a ,'?. '1 , •, I ? 4 - . 1 ? e . i. .e• • I f I a . . . . , . I .'i' •. - • I I j ,y • . . 1? ' . ? . ` S i . ' i , ' , i '!' i, .e • I I '. ? ' . j I . I ? I ? I I' C : I I e I ' I I I }. J M .7 ? 0,.?1a i? ? I I I ..,? I ? ? ?.?'1?? I • ? , ? 1 ; 1? v • .. F ' ; . ? . A .???9 ? }? ? I i I? ?z . . - , .:3?.. • :;. ar?oiaam'?YIr ? tat?? M1S4N?s0.n+? ?e ' • , ? '.Qpec?eo-^.TVA attlwLi a',Np+ .?Vilns?t?iae?L min @?an.Ae ?' nPGSe rH'aMA.. _ _ ? LL1 ? Aasipw aq 9W i . . 4 ? . ?. ? ... sa? t? ^ Qe.. eX? ?d E -?uG V! Q' r? N zX ?? ? U a? ? ' I .01/25/2008 03:57 9527586276 ADVANCED ONSITE INC ?AGE 15 ' ' ? . .. • i f .w J I ' ' •?? ? . ?.. n?? " ?' / ?/ I r. . . . ?• . /'/ / . ??? J??.?f/r`t i ?n,?s: aT- c?` 67.2 zd 87,0 .,.• -.f /I . . ?, ?- 77k??/I c? 8C•z ' ? '??%? .' j,? ?/ .? ?i, • ' y??sn C? rA1 frG 0 ?'l . Id ? 7 ye}' `•. I `. ? Q •' e. ''• ? ' . . / :? ? ? f • .,R . ?? w, , ? `i? ? ?«?,?.:,? ?? •.' . m???? ' .. CWmber .., j? "'` ? ?y ? . ? i , ? • _ ` ? .. 3tsOOea3&vxa Sepsic Taek . :.? ? ,.w ' 2n SaOGAllou SGpiio Tffk ? • . . .?.? , ,?, Kl R?7 . ?A2 ?^?. W I •! i?..l ? 4°' SolidEle tl k ? 2 ? c i ? z ? =? o • . - . y.. G?iSf`' ? . . ° ? . ,.e?"',q??•• ,ecc' ? mcwi.o? ' .• - ?? • lervp?$Mmm?siSa? Kedcl?M?a°!?c +r? 2l-?b / 25 -bcg' zwmoseme.e n.a ? ' •o . . • ; v ,,?,??,; _ r- • o d . pr O ?6L ? W?Y? Ni[?ppll?vWemy?qpq?pC.Y v •.!fh dYGrt ILlSIEeG rt4114}dm : 'i ; 'I ,'. ? ? 01/25/2008 03:57 9527566278 qDVAhCED ONSITE INC PAGE 16 PRE'?SL RE SEEP,kGE 3ED CROSS-SECTTO-N ?.. ? . ? ?.?..r- ? ., -_------ 3 P6ef'fFATgfl Go? f ? -:i0- -/D =- -?_ ? IaoR.?s Ai- t ? ? 4 GE»'l?'i!G ?Abrit? SAND`LaRn?? C?? ?. ot 1',?c!!ES oE Rack duek P"Pf i :_' r"i • ? ?. ? ? ?-, ? ? , ? ? ?? . \ .. ? ,: r CP 'i1K111? ? \• \ ?? ?___.4.__ ? • ,,? W '7e 2-j2:!#cO w?Fb 5eu4 RaK 16e1ew ooNiwTic•. plpi ? t + i ? ? 30- , 30` laoOR 'n?r? ts ' ' 1 1 ' 01/25l2008 03:57 9527586278 ADVANCED ONSITE INC PRESSURE DISTRISUTfON SY5TEM fW.roKYla OWin ? A7lboxed rectangles must be elRered, are ipst wllf be cekWgleq. LLrFSCmoiMR1 W St/N" 1. Select number af perforated laterals: 0 ?. Sclcct parForetion 3pacing = ?ft 3. Since perforations should not be pfaced closer that 7 foot to the edge of the rock (ayer (see diagrem), subtract 2 feet from the rockla erlen th 11120 -2ft= 11E ft rock layer iength 4 Determine the number of speoes between perfOfations. Divide the length (3) by perforation specing (Z) and rourtd down to nearest whole number. Perforaficn spaGng = 118 R! 4 ft- 29 opaoae 5. Number of perforations is equaf to one plus the number of perforation spaces (4). • Cheok Rgure E-4 do assure the number of perlhrations perlaterel guarar+tees ? 90?i6 drscirar+ge variatfoR. 29 spaces+ 1= 30 perFOratione/latcral 6. A. Tatal num6er of pertnrations = perforations per taferal (5) times number of laterals (1). 30 perfs/ lat x 3 laterafs = 90 perfarations 6. CalculaSe Yhe squara footsgo por poYforation, Should 6e 6-10 sqfl/pert, Does not apply m at-grades. 1. Rock bed area = rock witlth (ft) x rock length (ft) 70 ftx 920 ft= 1200 ft2 2. Square faot per per(oration = Rock Bed Area / number of perfs (6) 1200.0 flz I 90 perfS - 13.3 (t=/ perf 7. Defermine required flow rate by mulfiplying fhe toEal number of perforatlons(6A) by }low per rForations (see figure E-6) 90 perfs x 0.8 gpm 1 perfs = 72 9pm 8. If 1lterals are connected to he2der pipe ae shown I in Figure E-1, to select minimum required leteral ! diameker; enter tigure E4 with perFO?atio8 spacing (Z) and • number af perforations per lateral (5). 4 SNect minimum diameter for perfolated Iaterais = aQ 1AmYnunnm+cNOrcmbaroSlf4ichP? ym Wpml A WACP70B aUX WU?GBYWI?d! DEKKM?9 k +we w i.exicn o 'A.5 A 14 tA 78 Ao e 1a I7 '16 32 ] 12 lfi $ d0 ] 71 10 YS S.D 6 10 ]-0 ?] PAGE 1' E-4: PlefataAanUmcYforoe ki Wn pattoratio tliameter haod ncrm (ioo{) F18 3116 7132 14 1.00 Q78 0.42 0.56 0.74 2.0b 026 OS9 13.9Q 7.04 SO 0.97 0.94 126 1.65 N uw ,.orc+.?, r xrypr.rrner h.wrr.a K'1tla20fa+atror?r flY .?•?":? ..?.?...? ? ?._-? •' 9. !f perforated faEeral system is attachad to manifold pipe nearthe center, like FiAure E-2, perforated lateral length (3) ?•«??a?? -?? ,,,?--?`" and number of perforaUOna per lateral (5) will be epproximately one halt of that in step B. Using these values, select minimum diameterfor perforated lateral = 2.p inches, Cq M[NY (signature) in accortlance with elf 2556 (!i«xnse #) ordinances, rules and 1-25-08 (date) , • 01/25/2008 03:57 9527586278 I' DOSING CHAAABER SIZING AIl boxed rechangies must be entered, the rest wilJ be aalcuhated. ADVANCED ONSITE INC 1. Determine area A. Recmngle area = L x W = ft x 12 R= 60 fe 6. Cirde aree = 3.14 x redius2 x Zft = ft C Get area fiom mmufar.lure Tf t-? Length WidM Radiu PAGE 18 2. Calalate gallons per inch There are 7.5 gallans per cubicTaot of wlume, [herefore muNiply tha area (1A, B orG) times ihe cmversion tactor and divitle by 12 fndies pet foot to ealculaze gallon per irtch. Surface area x 7.5112 = 60 ie x 7.5 / 12in/R = 37.5 ga9on per irrch 3, Calculate total tank volume A. Depth from hotlom otinlet pipe M lank bo}Eom =in B. Total tarrk wlume = depih from 6otNm of inlet pipe to tank bottwn(3A) z gallin(2) = AO in x 37S galfin = 1800.0 gallom 4, Calculale gallons M oover pump (W* 23 inCh95 of water coverfng pump) (Pump and btack hei ht+ 2lnehea) x ga9on per inch (+ 2 m) x 37.e galAn = 375.0 gaAUns 5. Calculatetotalpumpoutvolume A. 3elecl wnp s. ?fo145 duses er dpy, Qalkvn per dose = gpd (sge FR,7ul911•1)! qoses pertlay = 900 gpd 1 ?tlosesltley. = 18D gallons B. Calculate drainbadc 1. Detemnne total pipe length B6,Q ft 2. Determine liquid wlume ot pipe, 0.17 Vft (see figum E-20) 3. Drainbackquantity= gg.p g(501) x 0.17 gaVft{5B2) 14.5 v C, TOtBipumpou[vofume=dosewlumg(5A)+drainbadt(56? 180gallons+ 14.5 gallaris= 194.5 Caiculate float separation distanae (using total pumpout valume) Totel pumpouf w(ume(SC)! gsVinch(2} 484.5 gal ! 37.5 galP+n = 5.2 inch 7. Calculate wlume for alarm (typlcally 2- 9 hiuh?5 Alarmdepth(mch} xgallanfndi(2) =2 -]in x 37.5 galfin = 75 ga{ <n Legal Tank: 500 ge0ons ar 100%the dailyHow ar AlFeroating Pumps ht: N1MiwIedBawYa9wln6maeVV?Dw r e.9?ws qw? amn om.iu ow.M 8 80a ?s 18o eoY a aso ?ao a?e a»., a MA s?s 4S6 ve?ws s m eso ssa inttw M ' ? 7 lOW 000 5I0 mA l h e 1000 BTJ 408 eM?, 8. Cakulafe tMal gallnns = gallons over pump(4)+gallons purnqwul(SC)+galans alerm(7) 375.0 gal + 194.15 ga! + 75 gal _ 614.5 gal '01/25/2608 03:57 9527586278 ADVANCED DNSITE INC Ii PUMP SELECTION PROCEDURE . lJl6ozed rectenglea must be enPered, Me rflst will be oekWSled. ' I 7. Detarmine pump capec3ty: A. CirsuiV Datribulion 1 Mirt?mum requaea aisrxrarge ?s tu gpm ' 2, Meximum suggested distherge is 45 gpm FOf (.0pr 9st9bli9hRi2nk5 ak to@M tONn qf9AlRffhAn IhA wOMt supply rate, but no fasterlhan ihe rale at whirh effluent wlll ibw ; outafthetlistributiondevioe. 6. Ressure DfstrlbuGOn • seepressUre desapn worksheet SataUad Pump Cspactty: F-7-2--ippm 2. Determine head requircmente: veriy A, Elevapon Uifference behxeert pump and point of discharge, -- 11 _ IC2! B. 9pecial heatl requiremeni? (See Figure - SpecielHeed ReQuiremenls) ?root C Friction msv 1. Seiect pipe diameter Ofn 2. Enier Figure E-9 with gpm (1A or B) and pipe diameter (C1) Raad fridion toes in taet r 100 feet irom P'r?re &4 FdWion bss= 7,5 tV 100 ft af pipe 3, U2t2rtINne tOt31 plp2lengtltirom pump tlischalge to 30115ySWili tlIsoRBtge pOiM. estlmate by adding 25 peioant to pipe length forfitting loss. EcluivLle-nt ' Ienyfh lhnes 125 = iotal pipe lBnpfh 85 ft x 125 = 10625 feet 4. Galaila[e mtal fdcWn loss by rtwWplying Mctlon b5s (G2) by the eqWVaknt pipe lengih (C3) artd divide by 100. FL= 75 iV100f[ X 706.25 ft 1 10 8.0 feel D. To4il head requirertient is ihe sum of elevafpn difference (A), sDecial hoed reqwremenls (U), and totel friction la" (C4), 11 8+ 5 ft+ 8.0 f[ Total Head: 24A feM 3. Pump Selection 1. A pump must be seleoted to 9PM 5 laf Hewd RaquIreman GraviryDistnbu6on ON Presewe pislnLution stt E4. F(cw1 A Nqft PIPg PBf10UA99t D!nwdrKo 11oWra1B Po Ia1t16l za 2.47 o,r an : . .. :s,zs.. f.tt , a:aa 3Q 823 1.55 0.23 36 6.96 2.0h R30 d$ 17.07 3.28 G48 50 13A6 3.99 0.58 Fki*.' ?., : "j:?,.•.-: .4:76"; .0.70 6o- S.dO 6.82 66 6.48 U.95 170 7,-04 S, hareby oa ' mpleted this work In accordance W9h al applicaMe adinances, rules aW lews. ? (signature) 2656 (lic0nse? 1-25-08 (date) 1 PAGE 19 ' City af Eakau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 n 4kl`19(90Rot_rn„s 2011 MECHANICAL PERMIT Date: 9-11- k Site Address: Tenant: lir° s& CO moi.. D160 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit*: /0 gt 00 Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: PPLICATION {�vt, RESIDENT I OWNER' CONTRACTOR Name: Address / City / Zip: Name: C X14. c CS License #: Address: 5?)SO We.1,‘,A" 1\vE S. Cityy, -FA QC tirt+ot-, + Phone: to l a' o (c19 ' E 3 S 1 Phone: c ik Suite #: State: Mk) Zip: 554 as Contact: C \ • v- IPtv-a4 rSo n Email: C\ h k t C Frt< z eit-.r smear rt. iwller% TYPE OF WORK Description of work: tos u.\ .r. war New Replacement X Additional Lh. PERMIT TYPE Alteration carr Demolition NOTE: Roof mounted and groun moun ed m chan c equip; ent is requir-`_ • tse scree ¢ •'�• r Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information on permitted screening methods. RESIDENTIAL Furnace Air Conditioner Air Exchanger _ Heat Pump Other New Construction Install Piping Gas COMMERCIAL % Interior Improvement Processed Exterior HVAC Unit Under / Above ground Tank (_ Install / _ Remove) RESIDENTIAL FEES: $55.00 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $95.00 Fire repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) _ COMMERCIAL FEES: $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal $55.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) - If the Permit Fee is less than $10,010, surcharge is $ 5.00 - If the Permit Fee is > $10,010, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $10,010-$11,010 Permit Fee requires a $ 5.50 surcharge) TOTAL FEE OR Contract Value $ flr 1io x 1% =$ =$ =$ Permit Fee Surcharge TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work willbe in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x 0. A - v o C'R..S .J Applicants Printed Name ApplicC,e an es Signature FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: Underground Rough In Air Test Service Test ed By: J C Da In -floor Heat Final HVAC Screening • 411° CityofEaaall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 AUG 1 7 2011 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: / 0/ 3631 Permit Fee: ZS 3 3. `6 (-7 Date Received: Staff: 2011 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: €3/ 1(.0/ 1 Site Address: 02750 LP.4G '64 y4 Ash( j S / Qr T'1 Ni Tenant Name: Gross CCU. -v-y Caw,- .4r- (Tenant is: XNew / Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: .48 F Fa—414T Name: GILoSS Gow irj Till tau 1..4E44— Phone: 6 S —686 -.Cr 20 Address / City / Zip: i010 It -)1J Applicant is: Owner X Contractor Description of work: NEA M4**s LAN 41440- 411.°11° f oA 17to/J Construction Cost: 2.00 000 Name: g3- gyarn Cov.54(- License #: Address: 1100 i1es. er�jIks geo City: hi eteladO4a t i State: 14‘14 Zip: 55 fax) Phone: 651- 4 v 1— 0 pa Contact: Sri Lyt Ye, - Email: tI6IMt4 r ravt. Name: Lo. npe(l' - Av`G` .45 Address: 011 O d td,vwWL + City: 5+. Pa J State: MN Zip: 55 I oa Phone: 76 3-755— I Contact Person: ft,ywL 5 1 jqupvie.Email: j0.44,4f 61LLY S f er+— otec,14. cern Registration #: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: f HSr E)vs t/i"4 Phone #: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an applica '•n for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will in accordance with the approved plan in the case o j or hich re gyit a review and approval of plans. `J O x tk V�• 1 9 Applicant's Printed Name Ap scan s Signatu Page 1 of 3 60Z-6-Xl'A-62-1� DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Apartments Lodging Miscellaneous WORK TYPES /New VAddition Alteration / Public Facility Commercial / Industrial Greenhouse / Tent Antennae _ Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Replace _ Water Damage Salon Owner Change DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25%_ 100% 1/ ) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction Zoo 06 ir'B Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) VFoundation Drain Tile 4 Roof: _Decking _Insulation _Ice & Water Final V Framing Fireplace: Rough In Air Test _Final Insulation Meter Size: /0/-5'0 _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration—Apartments _ Exterior Alteration—Commercial Exterior Alteration—Public Facility Siding Reroof Windows Fire Repair Demolish Building* _ Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building — give PCA handout to applicant .8., 5 . ( MCES System die, 2t6704SRG SAC Units IS't5 ciy ZR`(1�W City Water (f`c- „L . Booster Pump 00 lc 1-4-6-12_ PRV Fire Sprinklers ssf J1�6 /' /Sheetrock Final / C.O. Required Final / No C.O. Required Other: P/etW— Pool: Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows / Retaining Wall V Erosion Control Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: _Yes Reviewed By: elAriC1 , Building Inspector No Reviewed By: M ! , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality /00' -D /t 7L. Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL 2133 • L Page 2 of 3 City of Eagan �cmo TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections Peggy Fleck, Community Development Jon Hohenstein, Community Development Mike Ridley, Planning Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal Tom Colbert, Engineering ✓John Gorder, Engineering Dave Westermayer, Engineering Leon Weiland, Engineering Tim Plath, Engineering nc Macbeth, Maintenance regg Hove, Maintenance Wayne Schwanz, Utilities Jim McDonald, Police Department Mark Anderson, Electrical Inspector FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector DATE: September 1, 2011 RE: Plan Review For: CROSS COUNTRY COURIER "ADDITION" 2750 LEXINGTON AVENUE The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the proper "hold request" form to me. Comments: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit. Amount Landscape Security Required Zoning: Water Quality Dedication Meter Size: Park Dedication Trail Dedication Tree Dedication PRV Required Signature Date G:\Building Inspections\FORMS \Commercial Bldgs Final &Plan Review Letters �,1�� ��..M fr �b t 3�a � #11 City of Ea�au demo TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections Peggy Fleck, Community Development Jon Hohenstein, Community Development Mike Ridley, Planning Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal Tom Colbert, Engineering John Gorder, Engiheering Dave Westermayer, Engineering Leon Weiland, Engineering Tim Plath, Engineering Eric Macbeth, Maintenance Gregg Hove, Maintenance Wayne Schwanz, Utilities Jim McDonald, Police Department Mark Anderson, Electrical Inspector FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector DATE: September 1, 2011 RE: Plan Review For: CROSS COUNTRY COURIER "ADDITION" 2750 LEXINGTON AVENUE The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the proper "hold request" form to me. Comments: t�JjL _ �����h��r, Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit. Amount ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes � No �, Si` ature Landscape Security Required Zoning: Water Quality Dedication Meter Size: Park Dedication Trail Dedication Tree Dedication PRV Required Date G:\Building Inspections\FORMS \Commercial Bldgs Final &Plan Review Letters #11 4 City of Eagan TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections Peggy Fleck, Community Development Jon Hohenstein, Community Development Mike Ridley, Planning Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal Tom Colbert, Engineering John Gorder, Engineering Dave Westermayer, Engineering Leon Weiland, Engineering Tim Plath, Engineering Eric Macbeth, Maintenance Gregg Hove, Maintenance Wayne Schwanz, Utilities Jim McDonald, Police Department Mark Anderson, Electrical Inspector FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector DATE: September 1, 2011 RE: Plan Review For: CROSS COUNTRY COURIER "ADDITION" 2750 LEXINGTON AVENUE The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the proper "hold request" form to me. Comments: _ i » ' 1 %'g qgbe terriNisij 4- l Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit. Amount ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ Landscape Security Required Water Quality Dedication Park Dedication Trail Dedication Tree Dedication k �-4- _Ad.sk k'cL � s 7 b ' ) �K- r,. �p `[ /'o cn Lu , S t , { U rr� g Date 4 l I / G:\Building Inspections \FORMS \Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters Zoning: Meter Size: # 11 City of Evan Nano TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections Peggy Fleck, Community Development Jon Hohenstein, Community Development Mike Ridley, Planning Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal Tom Colbert, Engineering John Gorder, Engineering Dave Westermayer, Engineering Leon Weiland, Engineering Tim Plath, Engineering Eric Macbeth, Maintenance Gregg Hove, Maintenance Wayne Schwanz, Utilities Jim McDonald, Police Department Mark Anderson, Electrical Inspector FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector DATE: September 1, 2011 RE: Plan Review For: CROSS COUNTRY COURIER "ADDITION" 2750 LEXINGTON AVENUE The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the proper "hold request" form to me. Comments: A l( me-++ &2rme_ v- 6k„,„kciwti,o92.0_ th' &Y WY 1 C1 I k/Le,tAJ Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit. Amount ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes [ No ❑ Yes %r No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Landscape Security Required Water Quality Dedication Park Dedication Trail Dedication Tree Dedication PRV Required Signature Date G:\Building Inspections\FORMS \Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters Meter Size: // # 11 ad--e-X/57/ g o g V c Cb Zoning: - Ct rjxj6c7c,c C_T Yoo 70'2- ‘2,7 yo -> q. 9 • k)ae_.d Ja sove ft /6 C(..0 0- et( (LL 0 4 7) 0 ik kiry/ Ai ailat d (is cAr urvi I/1-M ( 66 5 re74,c4)...-4-e-of EX/Stb/IS 6(J). ..-e" cf_k eivit,tiAjd l-dctik1W 7 ---14A-8-e_i 017 Cn e/bea4-1:" i\JD City of Eagan demo TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections Peggy Fleck, Community Development Jon Hohenstein, Community Development Mike Ridley, Planning Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal Tom Colbert, Engineering John Gorder, Engineering Dave Westermayer, Engineering Leon Weiland, Engineering Tim Plath, Engineering Eric Macbeth, Maintenance Gregg Hove, Maintenance Wayne Schwanz, Utilities Jim McDonald, Police Department Mark Anderson, Electrical Inspector FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector DATE: September 1, 2011 RE: Plan Review For: CROSS COUNTRY COURIER "ADDITION" 2750 LEXINGTON AVENUE The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the proper "hold request" form to me. Comments: Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit. Amount ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No L Yes ❑ e No } / Signature Landscape Security Required Water Quality Dedication Park Dedication Trail Dedication Tree Dedication PRV G:\Building Inspections\FORMS \Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters Zoning: Meter Size: # 11 City of Ea�ali Comments: ❑ Yes Park Dedication ❑ Yes Trail Dedication ❑ Yes Tree Dedication ❑ Yes ■ PRV Required Signat ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No No No TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections Peggy Fleck, Community Development Jon Hohenstein, Community Development Mike Ridley, Planning Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal Tom Colbert, Engineering John Gorder, Engineering Dave Westermayer, Engineering Leon Weiland, Engineering Tim Plath, Engineering Eric Macbeth, Maintenance Gregg Hove, Maintenance Wayne Schwanz, Utilities Jim McDonald, Police Department Mark Anderson, Electrical Inspector FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector DATE: September 1, 2011 RE: Plan Review For: CROSS COUNTRY COURIER "ADDITION" 2750 LEXINGTON AVENUE The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the proper "hold request" form to me. Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit. Amount ❑ Yes Landscape Security Required Zoning: ❑ Yes Water Quality Dedication Meter Size: Date • G:\Building nspections\ ORMS \Commercial Bich; Final ,& Plan Review Letters Yemo # 11 City of Eaaall Memo TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections Peggy Fleck, Community Development Jon Hohenstein, Community Development Mike Ridley, Planning Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal Tom Colbert, Engineering John Gorder, Engineering Dave Westermayer, Engineering Leon Weiland, Engineering Tim Plath, Engineering Eric Macbeth, Maintenance Gregg Hove, Maintenance Wayne Schwanz, Utilities Jim McDonald, Police Department Mark Anderson, Electrical Inspector- -- FRO ' Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector DATE: September RE: Plan Review For: CROSS COUNTRY COURIER "ADDITION" 2750 LEXINGTON AVENUE The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the proper "hold request" form to me. Comments: Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit. Amount Landscape Security Required Zoning: Water Quality Dedication Meter Size: Park Dedication ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Ye i17 No Trail Dedication Tree Dedication PRV Regyired Signatur / 7f Date G:\Building Inspections\FORMS \Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters # 11 Re: Subsurface Evaluation Proposed Addition to Cross Country Courier 2750 Lexington Avenue South Eagan, Minnesota 55121 BRAUN INTERTEC September 15, 2011 Mr. John Younger R.J. Ryan Construction, Inc. 1100 Mendota Heights Road Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Mr. Younger: Braun Intertec Corporation 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Project BL -11 -06172 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com In accordance with your request on September 2, 2011, we observed two test pits excavated at the proposed addition to Cross Country Courier. We discussed the soil conditions encountered in the test pits with you and prepared this report containing our recommendations for foundation and floor -slab support of the addition. Proposed Construction The 70 -foot by 54 -foot building addition (see attached survey) will join the existing 2750 building near the northwest corner. Presently, the area of the addition is paved and is part of the truck docks on the north side of the building. Elevation of the addition will match existing building elevations. Test Pit Results Test pit one (TP -1) was excavated near the northeast corner of the proposed addition. It encountered about 4 inches of bituminous pavement and 8 or more inches of dense aggregate base. About 5 feet to 51/2 feet of clean (SP) sand fill, in a usually compact condition, was present beneath the pavement section. A 2 1/2-foot-thick buried topsoil layer was encountered beneath the sand fill. The topsoil was identified as organic day, but it appeared to be moist and firm. A medium - consistency layer of clayey silt was discovered beneath the topsoil; then, rather dense gravel and sand was encountered at 10 feet. Test Pit 2 extended through 3 to 4 inches of bituminous, about 8 inches of compact aggregate base, and (SP) sand fill that extended to approximately the 6 -foot depth. From 6 feet to 81/2 feet organic clay topsoil was present. Medium - consistency clayey silt was present from 81/2 feet to about 101/2 feet. The test pit terminated in a medium- grained sand (SP) with gravel that was moist and medium dense. Recommendations In our opinion, the buried topsoil is unsuitable for support of the additions' foundations. We recommend removal of the topsoil from beneath foundations and foundation excavation oversizing down to the medium - consistency clayey silt soils. (Excavation oversizing is described below). Table 1 provides our recommended excavation depths at the test pit locations. • Providing engineering and environmental solutions since 1957 Boring Number Surface Elevation ** (ft) Recommended Minimum Depth of Excavation (ft) Estimated Elevation Excavation Bottom (f) Groundwater* (ft) TP - 1 200± 8 192 — TP - 2 200# 8 1/2 1911/2 — R.J. Ryan Construction, Inc. Project BL -11 -06172 September 15, 2011 Page 2 In our opinion, the buried topsoil can support the slab -on- grade, since there is a cushion of compact sand in place between the topsoil and slab. Thus, the topsoil does not need to be excavated beneath that portion of the slab that is not above foundations or foundation oversizing. Table 1: Recommended Excavation Depths Below Foundations *Groundwater not encountered in test pits. * *Top of existing pavement = 200 feet, assumed elevation Please note the excavation depths indicated in the above tabulation are approximate and could vary. At a minimum, they should extend through the buried topsoil. The excavation can terminate in the silty soils provided they have a medium (firm) consistency. The actual depth of excavation may differ between test pit locations and should be determined in the field at the time of construction. An experienced geotechnical engineer or technician should work closely with the excavating contractor during this work to make the necessary field judgments regarding the suitability of the exposed soils. Some contingency should be provided in the project budgeting for excavation that extends beyond the limits indicated by the test pits. Since the excavation within the building area extends below design footing elevation, we recommend the excavation bottoms be extended laterally beyond the edges of the proposed footings a minimum of 1 foot for each vertical foot below the footing at that location (i.e., 1:1 lateral oversizing). This oversizing is necessary for the lateral distribution of the footing loads through the fill. It may not be necessary to oversize the excavation of the existing building, since we anticipate the existing building is founded upon compacted fill that extends outward from the building several feet. All excavations must comply with the requirements of O.S.H.A. 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, "Excavations and Trenches." This document states that excavation safety is the responsibility of the contractor. Reference to these O.S.H.A. requirements should be included in the project specifications. Where fill soils are required below foundations and floor slabs, we recommend granular fill be placed and compacted to re -attain design grades. Preferably, the fill should be identical to the onsite sand fill or it should consist of sand (SP), sand with silt (SP -SM), or silty sand (SM). These soils should be placed in thin lifts (maximum 12 -inch thickness), and be compacted to a minimum of 98% of the Standard Proctor density (ASTM:D698 - 78). This compaction level should be used below all floor slab and foundation areas. Moisture control should be maintained during compaction. Clean granular soils are preferred since the range of moisture for effective compaction is recommended at 3 percentage points above or below optimum moisture. If silty sand or clayey sand are used, the moisture control should be 1 percentage point below to 3 points above optimum. Compaction tests must be taken in the fill. BRAUN (NTERTEC Provided the building addition pad is prepared as recommended above, it is our opinion that the building addition can be supported upon spread footings or continuous footings designed for a maximum net allowable soil - bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. At this bearing pressure, total settlement of the footings is estimated at less than 3/4 inch and differential settlement is estimated to be less than 1/2 inch. This settlement is differential to the existing building, which will not settle significantly due to the addition. We recommend a flexible connection between the addition and main building to accommodate this differential movement. For concrete slab -on -grade design, we recommend a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 250 pounds per cubic inch (250 pci) for the compacted sand fill. The top of the sand should be re- compacted just prior to slab placement. General Services performed by Braun Intertec personnel for this project have been conducted with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area. No warranty, express or implied, is made. If you need additional information regarding our recommendations, please contact Ron Shaffer at 612.369.8044. Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Professional Certification: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulOgeo8tr'r,9fessional Engineer under the laws of .state- d.V.41x ,rota. .9` a r PF Ronald A. Shaffq, ?E _ ' „ • Associate - Senior ?iieer. ... ••••FO .. J- es J. Cr.' :, Jr., P enior En:lneer Attachment: Test Location Sketch Subsurface Eval - Cross Country Courier R.J. Ryan Construction, Inc. Project BL -11 -06172 September 15, 2011 Page 3 BRAUN INTERTEC Lai 0 o z 0 LI • cr • 0 Z ,E0 — LE ce G 0 E.) (I Z <50w M LI 0 C1. LI • ."- ':•••• Z jos ' . . < : C.) J.. ',1011E 1— ••••• 1..51111L'i 0 Lc) 0 w td to n CO D N 0 N .- 0 st 4 o; 1 t, co In w 0 Q 0 0 ci. . 1 0 - w 7, 0 in rl 0 n■- mr18 2 ..' m 8 m 0. 03 Dc( CO 1 = Z ; I Z — CO ..... CO " Lu 1- 0 z �City ofBaQau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 C c, E p ' v(�� Use BLUE or BLACK Ink Permit #: Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: L 2011 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ell 116 n /' I Date: q-28-11 Site Address: 2r1& r.._C' 1 /� Tenant: l 2 / 035 t o\n,1.itC©v`' \e,r a 3 Suite #: PROPERTY OWNER J Name: Phone: CONTRACTOR Name: \I a< -3S )' �� License napCA--i> (V\ ,0�v„r�i (�( 1 ` ,plc, Address: � ijt 2l o gC� �eac ` IW6ity: oV Cr State: iY\A Zip: 353 ii� Phone: fl103 14q1- 1-151-1 Email: TYPE OF WORK New Replacement`` Repair Rebuild XC. Modify Space Work in R.O.W. _ _ ` Description of work: C� r\Q-c is Ci, c-�.Arnnn go\Q :P d'& PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space Irrigation System ( yes / no) (_ RPZ / PVB) _ • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No Flushometers _Yes _No COMMERCIAL FEES: $55.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contract Value $ C\)000x x 1 % Required - If the Permit Fee is less = $ ?t - b 0 Permit Fee on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems 4 = $ Radio Meter Read than $10,010, the surcharge is $5.00 = $ Meter(s) - If the Permit Fee is > $10,010, the surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 Permit Fee Permit Fee requires a $5.50 surcharge) = $ 5"<0 0 State Surcharge (i.e. a $10,010-$11,000 Following fees apply Call the City's Engineering when installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ Water Permit Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES $ " 0 C: Q 3 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved NAA,c plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. C_p\ t_ `E x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3