2228 Liberty LaneJanuary 29, 2007 Mike Maguire MAVOH Paul Bakken Peggy Carlson Gyndee Fields Meg Tiliey COUNCIL MENBEFlS Thomas Hedges Cm AoeaiNisrAaron MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012fax 651.454.8535 TDD MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone 651 675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TDD www.cityofeagan.com THE LONE OAK TREE The symbol of strength and growth in our community. BILL DIEDRICH DIEDRICH BUILDERS 13320 CEDAR AVE S APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 RE: INCOMPLETE PERMITS AT EAGAN HEIGHTS TOWNHOMES Dear Bill, Enclosed is a list of 10 addresses at Eagan Heights with permits (some over three years old) that have not been finalled, including the inspection record and correction comments. These units are in various stages of completion. We have information alleging that 2220 Liberty Lane has been occupied since December 15, 2006 without passing a final inspection or a temporary Certificate of Occupancy as of that date. This is in violation of the Minnesota State Building Code. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued on 1/23/07. The residence at 2247 Liberty Lane has no siding on the back side. The gyp sheathing has been exposed to the weather since July 2003. Please provide an affidavit from the gyp sheathing manufacturer stating if the Gyp sheathing is still adequate. The 3 units (4169 - 4177) on Old Sibley Memorial Highway currentiy do not have vaiid mechanical permits. Please familiarize yourself with the excerpts from the Minnesota Building Code below and respond accordingly: Minnesota Rules Chapter 1300.0120 Permits Subpart 11 Expiration Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by the permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work authorized by the permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 davs after the time the work is commenced. The building official may grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not more than 180 days each. The extension shall be requested in writinq and iustifiable cause demonstrated. Minnesota Rules Chapter 1300.0130 Construction Documents Subpart 9.(C) C. Work regulated by the code shall be installed according to the reviewed construction documents, and anv changes made durinq construction that are not in compliance with the approved construction documents shall be resubmitted for approval as an amended set of construction documents. Minnesota Rules 1300.0220 Certificate of Occupancy Subpart 1 Use and Occupancy No buildinq or structure shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building, structure, or portion of a building or structure shall be made until the buildinq official has issued a certificate of occupancy for the building or structure under this part. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy is not approval of a violation of the code or other ordinances of the municipality. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the code or other ordinances of the municipality are not valid. Minnesota Rules 1300.0220 Subpart 6 Temporary Occupancy The building official is authorized to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy before the completion of the entire work covered by the permit, provided that the portion or portions shall be occupied safely. The Buildina Official shall set a time qeriod durinp which the temqorarvi certificate of occupancv is valid. Minnesota Rules 1300.0140 Violations It is unlawFul for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, atter, extend, repair, move, remove, demolish, or occupv anv buildinq, structure, or equipment regulated 6y the code, or cause any of those actions, in conflict with or in violation of the code. The building official may serve a notice of violation or order on the person responsible for the erection, construction, alteration, extension, repair, moving, removal, demolition, or occupancy of a building or structure in violation of the code, or iri violation of a permit or certificate issued under the code. The order shall direct the discontinuance of the illegal action or condition and the abatement of the violation. Minnesota Rules 1300.0150 Violations, Penalty A violation of the code is a misdemeanor under Minnesota Statutes, Section 16B.69. Please respond in writinq by Februarv 15, 2007 with vour plan for brinpinq these ermits into compliance. If you have any questions regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-675-5680. Sincerely, -, i ? / /? ?2? aZ l Jeffrey T Wheeler Building Inspector cc: Dale Schoeppner, Chief Building Official MN Department of Labor & Industry, Residential Building Contractors, 443 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul, MN 55155 Sharon Hills, City Attorney Date: 01/26/2007 City of Eagan Page: 1 PermFRes.rpt PERMIT FIND RESULTS Permit # Type Sub Type / Description EA068593 SW Residential R# 86149/ 1 of 6 units EA068587 PL Residential EA068580 ME Residential EA068565 BL 01 of_-plex 25% Plan Review 1 1 Of 6 units WorkTypelValuation Issued Final Address New 04/28/2005 05/1912005 2244 Liberty Lane $ 0,00 New 04/27/2005 2244 LiUerty Lane $ 0.00 New 04/27/2005 2244 Liberty Lane $ 0.00 New 04/27/2005 2244 Liberty Lane $ 106,000.00 PermAddrIRes.rpt City of Eagan Date: 0 1/26/2007 ADDRESS INSPECTION RESiJLTS Address: 2244 Liberty Lane Permit Type Date Inspection Type Inspected By EA068565 BL 09/01l2006 Footings Jeff Wheeler BL 05l18/2005 Foundation Terry Zelenka BL 05/03/2005 Footings Tom Miklya EA068593 SW 05/19/2005 Sewer and Water Dave Westermayer SW 05/19/2005 Sewerand Water Dale Wegleimer Result Comments PAGE 1 Pass deck footings Pass PartialInspF still need deck footings Pass Pass Date 01/26/2007 Page Permit Inspections Entry Comments Identification: EA068565 - 2244 Liberty Lane Comments: 02/17/O6 7TW - braced wall ]ine framing at front of garage OK to cover , C.B. 3 s co x J Q ? 0 W ? ? J m N 0 O < w n ? O O ? 10 I 10 I ?z PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN INLET PROTECTION UNTIL FINAL TURF IS ESTABI.ISHED I (897. C.B. (8 97.6 C.B. (897 5?5' IN ALL EROSION °"?""` ""° °?"TM g'""T - . (897.03' SnN . SEwER (897.5 M.H. o 9747 + (897.69 97.91 m _ IJBERTY E (gg7; -\ (897 .3 7.0 697.2 as?.ai WATERMAIN • 8 (89? T.C. T.C. ?- . J ? HUB?B9]J7 NU&: .E9 HUB:897. HUB?B9] B-B9]. SERV. NV?BBg I " O N SERJ?? x N Sp[y WVsB87 7,SBB?S N ? T? o 7.2 T 114 HYD. 1 . . N . IMV-BBB.i S2W Z?O.OOINVe8B7 4 98 • 91 ' 9] 1 ? 4ZW (BMVIDE AND MAINTAIN T sa l?,q? m 21.00 o By m 21.00 899 o 0 0 ° m 20.33 21.00 899.3) 21.00 ti o ? 9] ? IIVdET PROTECTION UNTIL 12.006 ° iz.aow o o v'p v e' p40 ? 1200 008 °o ° 12.00 b e m ? : FIN EtURF IS ESTABL[SHED 5.00 o v GARAGE DROP-1C GARAGE ° GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE o?? -+? , UROP-1C 6 DRW-1C DROP-1C DROP-1C DRW-1L r+ 6 OD ? e L-- m L-- L -- J - j - -? " ? dN u 29 u 28 27 26 25 G A. o °o 24 ?0 o aIsnNG °=m o ? PROPOSED ? PROPOSED PRDPOSED u PROPOSED ' PROPOSED U Nw EO.F. x PROPOSED ° (g93 HOUSE m HOUSE ' ' HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE ' ' HQUSE ?o , HOUSE { RAIIBLER RAMBLER 'lW0 STORY '1W0 STORY 'RFMBIER' 'RAMBLER' ? m B9B.f ? I k?9? i; °°°?FG/?r. '? ?0.l? ?' ?• (897.69 X 887.0r - (896.: ? 40 +--_ _- O Pur ur+e TOP 901.4 ' X ? PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN -? INLET PROTECTION UNTIL FINAL TURF I5 ESTABLISHED EWED gy. oate 4-1i9/os' EAGAN ENGINEERING DEP'[; ROfiE °opm`,w e?s?rus ' +° NGINEERING PtCOMPRNY, INC. L?tOro EASf iKM SIRFEf. BUPNSMLLE 10NNESOTA 55]S1 RI ? L 16d3 21O.GO 5 S ? 3.9 (898.4) % . (896.6?j" \ S )cS' De??. ? S89'SS52*W TOP (902.2i X C.S.A.H. N0. 30 (DIFFLEY 'C n nJ i?E Y ({! fr . _ Rv r,4?? / u OFFSET 16.13 //?? OfFSlf 16.1i B HUB-991.19 HUB-897.35 ? ? ? \ (896.X) x?" 95.? _ X (896.8(897.0) - _ - - - - _ _ unutt Enso.+[r+r;/ / \ ? p ?/?]/? (903: ? x TOP Legal Description: Lors 24, 25. 26 .27. 28 dc 29, BLOCK 2 EAGAN HEIGHfS TOWNHOMES 3RD ADDRION DAKOTA CDUNTY, MINNESOTA. 498D? DENOiES IX45TING F1.EYA710N (899.6) oaolrs PROaosm ¢EvnnoH INDIG76 DIRECIION OF SURFACE DRNNAGE 899.33 - FlNSHm GVtAGE FLODR ELEVATION nszaa a BASDAENT FLOOR ELEVA710N 900.33 - 7pp pF FpUNDAfON FIEVATION SCALE : 1' = 30' LOT AOORE55: LOT AREA " BENCH MARK: LOT 24-2228 LIBERiY L.ANE LOT 24-2,644.74 S.F. e TOP 54N. MH OPPOSfTE LOT 25-2232 LIBERiY WJE LOT 25-2,329.69 S.F. NE CDRNER LOT 24. LOT 26-2236 LIBERiY L.ANE LOT 26-1.637.22 S.F. • ELEV.= 897.45 LOT 27-2240 LIBERiY LANE LOT 27-7,637.22 S.F. -' LOT 28-2244 LIBERiY LANE LOT 26-2,329.69 S.F. LOT 29-2248 LIBERiY tANE LOT 29-2,644.74 S.F. BY CIX16Y 1MAT iX15 PL1N WAS iNED BY ME Qt UNppt yY OPECf ?5 REN40N5 oR? 5 PREPMm FOR asoa o?m A ?Y ?9? ,? '"?' ?sm [.Mro DImRICH BLDRS. uNUm nHe uws oF nHe sute CERTIFICATE OF SURYEY I ? m P _ ' -05 p?g N0.j9v8 h khow OAKOTA CWNtt, MMNESOT J Address: 2236 Liberty Lane Zip: 55122 Lot: 24 Block: 2 Subdivision: Eagan Heights Townhomes 3rd THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE/WERE NOT COMPLETE AT FINAL INSPECTION ON L frp Yes No Comments Final rade - 6" from sidin Permanent steps - ara e Permanent ste s- main ent Permanent drivewa Permanent as Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slo e Sod/Seeded lawn 14 Trail/curb damage Porch Lower level finish Deck ? Fire lace ` o • Verify with your builder that roof tes[ caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Tum off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential cxists. • Call the City's Engineering Deparlmen[ at 651-675-5646 prior to working in right-of-way or,insialling - , irrigahion system. V BUILDING IN9PF.CfOR: CONTRACTOR: Diedrich Builders 13224 Grand Oak Court Apple Valley, MN 55124 Address: 2240 Liberty Lane Permit: 68564 Zip: 55122 TAE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE/WERE NOT COMPLETE AT FWAL INSPECLTON ON Yes No Comments Final grade - 6" from sidin Permanent ste s - garage Permanent ste s- main entry Permanent driveway Permanent gas Retainin Wall or 3:1 Max Slope 5od/Seeded lawn TraiUcurb damage Porch Lower level finish Deck Fir lace • V erify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have 6een Lemoved. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets hefore freeze potential exists. • Call the City's Engineering Deparnnent at 651-675-5646 prior to working in right-of-way or installing irrigarion system. V Bi11LDING INSPECTOR: Address: 2248 Liberty Lane Zip: 55122 Permit: 68573 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE/WERE NOT COMPLETE AT FINAL INSPECTION ON :?"- .<? l?Yes No Comments Final grade - 6" from siding ? Permanent ste s- ara e Permanent ste s- main entry Permanent driveway Permanent gas ? Retainin Wa11 or 3:1 Maac Slo e . Sod/Seeded lawn % TraiUcurb dama e Porch Lower level finish ?- Deck ` Fire lace L • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the City's Engineering Deparhnent at 651-675-5646 ptior to working in righUOf-way or installing ungation system ? BWLDING INSPECTOR: / U • Site address: O??b (n Lot ? Block2-- Subd. ??y4?fc_??? yw 3 / JQ On April 15, 2000 the Minnesota Energy Code, Category I Building Requirements for insulation protection, air tightness, and ventilation, was adopted. As a result, the City of Eagan is requiring that the following information be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ? This structure: is constnucted to meet minimum requirements of the Mn Energy Code, Chapter 7670 OR _ This structure: will be constructed to meet more restnctive reqwrements of Chapters 7672 or 7674 APPLIANCE GAS EIEC MANUFACTl1RER MOQEL BTU'S VENTINGTYPE Water Heater i Mc?W 05? I N u? Fumace x 71 07d pv Dry? \'1 E ?1t-1.._?1 EXHAUST SYSTEM LOCATION TYPE MOOEL CFM's VENTED ves rao Kitchen kitchen N5 C^ jk.AA Bathroom 1 t-1-14-v- Bathroom 2 Bathroom 3 Ati Bathroom 4 Other VENTING FIREPLACE S LOCATION GAS W00o MANUfACTURER MODEL BTU'S DIRecT aTMas MAKE-UP AIR MODEL TYPE CFM's I hereby acknowledge that fhe above information is correct and agree to comply with the Minnesota Energy Code and City oT Eagan requirements. a &?L? MZL&L Date CompanyName This form is the responsibility of fhe General Contractor. ., _aL r Address: 2228 Liberty Lane Zip: 55122 Lot: 24 Block: 2 Subdivision: Eagan Heights Townhomes 3rd THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE/WERENOT COMPLETE AT FINAL IttSPEC'1'ION ON 1-7 O6- Yes No Comments Final grade - 6" from siding Permanent ste s- arage X Permanent ste s- main ent X Permanent drivewa y, Permanent as Retainin Wall or 3:1 Max Slo e Sod/Seeded lawn IN, Trail/curb dama e y Porch Lower level finish ?C Deck Fire lace ? . Venfy with your builder that roof lest caps from Ihe plumbing system have been remwed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potenlial exists. • Call the City's Engineering Department at 651-675-5646 prior to working in right-of-wac or installing inigation system. BUILDING INSPECTOR: 7 ? ? CONTRACTOR: Diedrich Builders 13224 Grand Oak Court Apple Valley, MN 55124 Subd j Site address: 7/'?`e-LotL?Y Block '?7 On P,pril 15, 2000 the Minnesota Energy Code, Category I Building Requirements for insulation protection, air tightness, and ventilation, was adoptetl. As a result, the City of Eagan is requiring that the following information be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ? This sGucture: is construcfed to meet minimum requirements of the Mn Energy Code, Chapter 7670 OR _ This sWcture. will 6e constructed to meet more restrictive requirements of Chapters 7672 or 7674 APPLIANCE GAS ELEC M UFACTURER MODEL BTU'S VENTING TYPE WaterHeater X 3?^? ` ??? y0?? ? ?? ??' U Fumace Dryer ?I--J U ? t? ,?c??` EXHAUST SYSTEM LOCATION TYPE MODEL CFM's VENTEO YES No Kitchen kitchen t? ? ? 'k, Bathroom 1 t ,r ? -_ ?k' Bathroom 2 Bathroom 3 .., Y Bathroom 4 Ofher FIREPLACE S LOCATION GAS WOOD MANUFACTURER MODEL BTII'S VENTING DIRECT ATMOS ? Ffe°ar'!n.'??s ?C,UG O?itL 1 D?=?? k' MAKE-UP AIR MODEL TYPE CFM's I hereby acknowledge that the above information is wrrect and agree to comply with the Minnesota Energy Code and City of Eagan Date Company Name ` This form is the responsibility ot the General Contractor. o fi a9 f3 I o ck a- B? (aks-?3 2005 ESIDENTIA?L?BUILD G ERMIT APPLIC'ATIOl? ? SS City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675? `69?4 b? g 9 ? ?o,5p go- s'b LFe gq. lg ? New Consimdion Reqwrements RemodellRepair Reqmrements Offtce.USe.UMM u 3 registered stle surveys showing sq. k of lot, sq fl of house, and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan Ce?to(Suraeyfteed '? - N (20°h maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated adddions Tree Pres Plan Recd Y ? 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes, poured found design, etc 1 stle survey for addtlions & decks T[aC presRe?ryutted Y isetofEnergyCalculations Adddron - indirateifonsitesepticsystem OrtsiEeSepA"y510m _Y_N 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan rf bt piatled after 711193 Rim Joist Detatl Op6ons selection sheet (bmidings wtlh 3 or less umts) Date 3/ Z?-t / bJ 1 Construction Cost Site Address ai oZ 4 g ?.A ?e- UnidSte # cc,r) , 1'1'> K,?rJ 12. Z Descripdon of Work ntA? ??GIC_-E' ? 9JYl Mulri-Faznily Bldg ?Y _ N Fireplace(s) _ 0_ 1 _ 2 Property Owner ?51? Telephone # ContraMOr Ule3r 1CV) 61JLi jCAeIf"$ IY1C _. , IJ 1 I( tJ %eC7r iCh Address Gmn6 D?t.k ? BZ.I,C"{' City Aviok- L?-? ?Q y State lr1'W Zip .55 Z Telephone #(GtZ 637- 27-q2 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 D'linnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category , Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (d submission type) Submitted Submitted . Energy Emelope Calculations Submitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? ? Y _ N If so, 257. plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber Telephone #6)2) 2a? "14?'NZ Mechanical Contractor W8I'1 ?e?5 Telephone #(qSZJ 143) -`7CA Q 1s'Y?'1 Sewer/WaterContractor 5ZiY P(LLkY?)01`r`A Telephone#A11 rw(A?i4 IN .rv,H?, ? j ? I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknawledge that the informat}on is c and acc rate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinanees and codes of the City o? MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and wor is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case,of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name ?`- - ??? Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? ? ,• ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dw e lling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi 1 ? ? 03 01of?pplex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 33 Ext.Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OB-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage 0 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types -?b 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Adddion ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demafltion (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation D? 000' 04 Occupancy R? MCESSystem Census Code Zoning pp City Water SAC Units g? Stories ? Booster Pump # of Units o t Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs 0 1 Length 5-6 I p" Fire Sprinklered Type of Const X/3 Width 37 e Foo[ings (new bldg) _ FooGngs (deck) Footings (addition) ?O Foundation Drain Tile Roof ?O Ice & Water Y Finai ? Framing Fireplace X R.I. _?PAir Test k Final ? Insulation _ A Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other ToWI REQUIltED INSPECTIONS FinaUC.O. _ Final/No C.O. _ Plumbing _ HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall 8uiltling Inspector 6- flZAc, G `l26 b$14,0 c? rv?D¢?t+ /6$ k5?i!oo = 9a?2.p• ZL F.'r,;sreD Sgn k25.oc L L, vnP:n;s?eZ? '0q9-x15-.ao f 36 75-, o? pe,ctc r'IA7F-ec. a, oaa , np - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?...a 40,/ °5-- , 6Y3 ? Pernvt Number REScheck Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date 2000 Minnesota Energy Code REScheckSoftwaze Version 3.5 Release le Data filename. C:\Program Files\Check\REScheck\03-0401 A4 (END LiNIT RAMBLER).rck PROJECT T[TLE: RAMBLER (Eiv-D UN]T) COUiv'TY: Dakota STATE: Minnesota ZONE: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Multifamily DATE: 04/02/04 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EAGATvT TNHS DES IGiVER/CONTRACTOR: DIEDRICH BUII.DERS COMPLIANCE: Passes Maxiinum UA = 343 Your Home UA = 327 16.8% Better Than Code (UA) Ceiling I: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Tmss Walf 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Window 1: Above-Grade:Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low-E Door i: Glass Door 2: Solid Wa112: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Basement Wall l: Solid Concrete or Masonry Wall height: 3 2' Depth below grade: 2.7' Insulation depth: 3.2' Basement Wal12' Solid Concrete or Masonry Wall height: 8.3' Depth below grade: 7 8' Insulation depth: 83' F7oor 1: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air Fumace 1: Forced Hot Air, 90 AFCJE Proposed and Maaimum U-Factor Averages Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA 1313 44.0 0.0 35 1603 19.0 2.0 69 256 0300 77 80 0.350 28 38 0350 ]3 236 5.5 2.0 25 117 0.0 5.5 13 77] 0.0 5.5 61 185 30.0 0.0 6 Proposed Average U-Factor Maximum Allowed U-Factor Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors 0312 0370 Includes Foundation Windows > 5.6 ft2 COMPLIAIvTCE STAT'EMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2000 IvLnnesota Energy Code requirements in RES checkVersion 3.5 Release 1 e(formerly MEC chec,? and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed'?mth,S checklnsp ' Checklist. Builder/Designer !, '?-?•? £ "/?a?L.i? Date ??- O.r?•-r?_ W (i:, ? - -Pai•t IT. )JEPRESSUIZIZATION PR.OTEC`Z'ZON Chcck option uscd: O nggrcga(c jcom Iccc a vrc aie w P B., 6 urkshcci on ntxl pagcj ? Pracriptive (complctc wcr? shccl bclow) Q Per(omiancc (submit msc rcpon prior to final inapccliun) O No fucl burtiing cqwpmcm PRI;SCRIPT(VF PATFT WO[ZEiSHELT r_ - [N?"rkUCiiorlY COAIDUS770NEQITfPhIENTSCEIEDULE Pemiitted Equipmeot (chcck all rype: proposed) Pa!h 0 Paih 1 Paih 2 Sttp I CUmplete dir Combuinvn Sp1Ct hcalwg Q$caltd co b Y Puh 3 m ustlan Y y C,papm<•w SJirJufi• an hc Dircci or power vtnccd M Y Y y $iep 1. Ct.uosc a?b/??kc•-up Pr.r4 widi a O qmtosphcrieolly venttd i1 N Y' ' ' Y Y 1 ( i rs) for all sdectcd cyuipmane. Waler heanng O Scaled cambusrion Y }' y y Sicp l. CampJcu ihc ublc Uclow for cht y,'? D'ucct ur powcr vcntcd N Y Y MaAr-up,lv Pwi, chuscn, ind,cntm5 ? Atmosphcncally vemcd N N N Y Ilutvs :n ;(m fur cahaust anJ makc• Hcarlh - gas O Swlcd combuation Y •{ y up air mcihoJs pronoscJ. Unly aie Dircet or prjwef venltd N Y' y `[ capnciry cf largezr cahaus[ 20,11i3ncc ' O Acmosphcncally vcnled N AL Y' N m cach oayury• nccd bc considcrcd. Hcar.h - SOlid ? Cbscd conirolltd N Y? Y. N Stcp J. Fiil ow the Pinrive hln+l'c•up Air luel O Detoralive N N N OPen«ng Schrd,de on thc ncs[ ?j5c• ' Onlyonc aCUOSphetically vented applr.u?te may bc in;fallcd in Ptescnpnvc Palh:.' u Path 0- Prescriptive tvIahe-up Air 11'Iethod Exbaust Passivc pu:ivc rowcrcd Clo ihcs drycr: Pass?ve 11J11:1;11:1on for up to 175 efms 13fillrahon Opcrun& V!;ikc-up Passivc opcaiugs for cGns ov<r I75 k:itc6co cxhcust: Pusivc i?ICapan for up lo :50 cfa7 Passivc apeoinga for cfmi over 250 Pow•ered to.malch tlow for cfrtu ever 500 Olhcr achausCt pa3sivc openipgs !or up to 140 cfm Powered to osstch flow for efrns over 140 N/A t Nced aot includc cenv2cuum exLaust ui Path 0. TO"CAI.$ ? Path 1- Prescriptivc ;1?1?ke-up Air YTetJiod E:c.hausl rau;vc r?f;ve 7ow«<d 2 Pusrvt i??IRabon for up io l75 cfm [nfiltration , OpcuingI :;aJ:c-up Passrve oprnwgs forcfms over 1?5 'Jr0 /S" sC Passive opepings for up Io 250 efm Powcrcd lo tnatch tlow for cfnts ovcr 250 N!A L j Parsivc opeamgs Corup to 140 cfm P Po?vered to match Aow for cfms over 140 S? N:A O TOTALS n?ailed comb,ution salid•fue! burnia? appliopce is iastalled ie P?th 1,1heu Ibe clothe9 drycr and any ccuhal vacuuc? thaf outtide mvst be provided u?itS m3ke-up ait by passive opc¢ing to mateh Ilow. OtLanvuc need not includc ee a?a! vacau¢ Path Yrescriptive hlake-up Air Nlethod E:ctwust rassivc rzssivc tlowcrca Clolbcs drycr pustve openmgs for up to l75 cfin I InCiltrafioa Opc¢ing i.iakc-ap Powcrcd to match (law forcCms ova 175 jq/q ICdt6e¢ eahause: Powercd to maech flaw NIA HIA Othrr cxhaust? Pow?ercd ro match Ilow N;A NiA TOTALS N/A O Path 3- Prescriptive Ntaf:e-up Air Hlethod E'?aust Passi,•o Pusive F?wcrcd Infiltradon OpcninF Makoup CloWce drycr. Pow•cred to mal<h (low N/,q h/q xianen cxhausi: roW«od to match flow N/A NrA -' O(hcr atf,ausc Powcrcd to match Oow N/n Nl.a TOTALS N/q N!A ? . Pa-Yt IIIa. VENTILATXON 1NSTftUCTIONS Slcp 1, Comp(Cte thc Vinrrfapoa Quandry workshcct bdow. Sicp 2. Check,ihe Makc-up qir Poch (from Pan !O on ihe Ven?darian s?rrr,odJ cablc bclow. Sicp J, Choost pcrniirtcJ mtthod(s) far Pcopk and Supplemerltal Vuriilmion Gom Ihc Venlilnlrun rllcrLndr iable Siep 4. Complctc ehc Yrnrrlahon Fun Schtdule. VENTILATIOIY QI7ANT11Y Toru vENiuATIoN: 0.05 cCm/sf z y-y 4g st = ?? z cfm eondiiiooed tloor uea uormaliv meludine 6aaemene PEOPLE VEt?TIl.q17pN: ?? x 15 c(mlbedroom ) + 15 cfm cfm N of hedoams SUPPLEMENfAi, tENTILnTION: cfm _ r--? =--? cfm cfm coql vennl?aaa ?6'-J __ neoole vrnlJnenn VEIVTiLA'CION METHOAS -- ?E'? PEQPLE SUPPLEMENTAL E?,alu.t O Prescripqve (or Aggregatc) patA 0 Baleoced or EaLaust ouly ' Balanced orExhuvu onlv Not « qcircd Prcscnpuve (or AFFrcgair) puh l alaaced O P n ' alantc r 6idteum-emly• Nol :equucdY rut ptice (ur Acgrtgau) Polh 2 Ba enced Balaneed ar Exhaust oniy' Reyuuce O Pruenptive (ur Aggrccaie) Path J Bilar,erd Balaneed Reqw;cd O Prrformsnce Paih (scc part 7672.1000 subpan i) Per(ortnana • Pedormaoee ReyuueC Pusive i¢(?ltrsuun shal! no[ be uccd eo pcovidt ma'se-up au :ar er,itautt only supplceueoWt venlilation ia exce;s e1'0 0 5 cfmis( . t A wtbon monozide alum must bc iostllled iCa cootrollcd eombus7on solid-Cuel buming appliance is instaUed in Aath I. VENTTLATION FAN SCFIEDULE Fta dcscn?uoa or luutioa Fia Pwpmc ? People p Neople a Pcoplc p Pcop:c TOTA-;S cCm ? Supplemenial ? Supplemen:ol O Supplcmrn(al Z) Suvvlemenw! ? cfm VEN7lLAT10N (nuke 2 o cfm dm cfm eCm ctin AS DESIG?'ED Ezhaus? ' 2 oZ7 •cFm cEm cfm c(m cfm Statement of Complunce; lhc proposed bwlding design represeneed in ihex documents is consistcni Wiih ihe 6uilding p(ans, Speafico[ior.1. an1 athcr ealeulitwns submuled wtth the pemtit applie-atiun. TAc proposed buddin? }tis bcen designed io m:et ihc rcqvircmenn oi chc ?Imnesoia knergy CoJe. Appliclnl (pnnt namc) ? Sigwcurc Datc 7clcphonc numbcr Part IIIb. VENT7LATYON (Submlt Parf IIIb upon compiction of5N'stcm Ycrifica;iori) ? ?---- --------- ----------------------------------------------------..._._ Jub $uc Address- Pcnnu VWUb.r Fan dacrtptioa.or locatton ; T07A:_S MEASUftED ' fn2ke• cfm cfm c(m eCm cfrn P[RFORI-L:NCE E.rhaust• cfm t!m efin efin efm 'Mwsurcmene rcquved rar venulanon sy5tem imalces and c.rhausu from the bmldir,y, with desizn mr f ow oC30 ctm'and crcattr. Compllance Slicemcnt: LnstallcJ v<ntJation syslem is m compliancc wnh MN [ncrgy Code and is sized to providc the dcvcr. air ?lon. ApphcaN (print nnma) SignaNre Datc Trlcphonc numb.r e, YQ Oz ?' ? .B' ? g 0 A" ? k7 ? LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: U1'-)L._/? DATE OF SURVEY: LATEST REVISION: m a c A r U ? a DOCUMENTSTANDARDS ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ? . Building Permit Applicant ? . Legal description ? . Address ? • North arrow and scale ? . House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, spiit entry, lookout, etc.) ? . Directional drainage arrows with slopelgradient % ? • Proposed/existing sewer and water services & invert elevation ? . Street name ? • Driveway (grade & width - in R/W and back of curb, 22' max.) O • Lot Square Footage ? • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS ,d Existin ,K ? ? . Property corners .P1' ?? • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions .? ? 0 • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes fd' ?? . Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches ? ,e( ? • Watenvays (pond, stream, etc.) Proposed pr ? ? • Garage floor ;T ? ? . Basement floor JZ ? 0 • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) ? ,ff ? • PropeRy corners ,e' ?? • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if apolicable) ? z ? . Easement line ? g ? • NWL ? .ef ? . HWL ? 0 ? . Pond # designation ? 0' p • Emergency Overflow Elevation ? 4? ? • PondNVetland buffer delineation Y ?N . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y 't • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ,? ? ? • Lot lines/Bearings & dimensions ,e( ? ? . Righ[-of-way and street width (to back of curb) p` ? ? . Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) 'z ? ? • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements z ? ? • Setbacks of proposed structure and srdb?ard set6ack of adjacent existing structures ' ? Z ? • Retaining wall requirements: i , ? Reviewed By: ' Date? S G:/FORMS/Bui lding Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 r PROVIDE AND MAINTAIAI IIdLET PROTECTION UNTIL I FINAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED - -ll L??Iq56? LSIr3F=?.J¢?3lliYJ? - - LIBERTY 7.(897.69 i 97.9,10 1 ! a 9 7_ 3 CR09 R (89?.3G ¢ 3 x c? x Q ? 0 W ? J m N O HYD. 10 ?' ? I I W ? ? O ? I 10 I / / HUB9].]9 SQN o}N o - • o `" 5E] . INV=BBB.O ° N O SQN. ??_? ? P f N Iryy ? ?9]?. m 21.00 b 898. 3 .0 0 (g9 ? 21.00 : 12.00?' 12.004 s.oa o ? GARAGE °400 GARAGE DROP-lC DROP-lC L- L_ dN '" 2?/ ? C? p ? FrU °De ? PROPOSED PROPOSED m HOUSE HOUSE m "RAMkER" 'RAMBLER' PORCH o A IC iFa?.oo?- 12.00 I ?42.W 1 X 897.0" ? (896 a-t ---- O' PUT L1NE TOP (901.4? X PROVIDE Atill Mr11N1'A1N 1NLET PRO'I'ECT10N UNTIL FINAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED MV? ?llE D By Vi9?a? _- Date EAGAN ENGIIVEERING DEP'fa ? COMMLTM n p I 01]E R1111ERS?; 11 S71RYEldK PIENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. I.. 1000 FAST t/BN STIEET, BUfnSNl.l{ YMNESOTA 553S1 RI L 16.13 20.}3 (897 N ? p INV e71 9 . ? OROP-iC uKON-'C 5 6 DROP-lC I ?--- --- J --? 27 ? 6 25 PROPOSEDu PROP SED PROPOSED HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE "TWO STORY 'TWO STORY "RAMBIER' 210.00 S89'53"52"W 1 ? ??si (898.4) (896.6? X 2??x ORAINAGE ? S8953'S2'W (902.2J TOP X C.SAH. N0. 30 (DIFFLEY ROAD) ?y ?`_ ?^?/;t.'•?9 Y?Y EVII /EG ffED ??`r? • ? - -e F? (903.5? X TOP Legal Description: LoTS 24 25 26 27 28 dc 29 BLOCK 2 EAGAN HEIGHTS TOWNHOMES 3RD ADDfiION DAKOTA COU_NT`f, MINNESOTA DENQfES IXISfING ELEVATpN (899.0 DQJ07ES PROPOSm ELEVATON INDIGTES DIRECIION OF SURFhCE DR/JNAGE 89933 - FIM$Hm GkRi4GE f1.00R ELEVA710N 892.33 m gqSpMQKr FLppR ELEVATION 900.33 - 7pp pF FpUNDA710N ELEVAiION SCALE : 1° = 30' L0T AODRESS: LOT AREA: BENCH MARK: LOT 24-2228 LIBERTY LANE lOT 24-2,644.74 S.F. TOP SAN. MH OPPOSfTE LOT 25-2232 L18ERlY L4NE LOT 25-2,329.89 S.F. NE CORNER LOT 24. LOT 26-2236 L16ER7Y LANE LOT 26-1,637.22 S.F. ELEV.= 897.45 LOT 27-2240 LIBERTY LANE LOT 27-1,637.22 S.F. LOT 28-2244 LIBERTY LPNE LOT 28-2,329.69 S.F. LOT 29-2248 LIBERTY LANE LOT 29-2,644.74 S.F. NEREBYY CIItIIFY iHAT 1HI5 PLAN WAS PPEPAFFD BY NE OR UNpFIi 4Y DIftEGT 1 IS REN90N5 EJi E ro?LNES 5 f PREPqRm FIXi: cnvm om? SIIPp2N90H AND iHAT I A WLY LICENSED L&JV tdavEye DIEDRIqi eLutts. °^•~ °"rz CERTIFICATE OF S[TRVEY ? urIDEit iME uWS aF srw1E OF YI 60i ? n p p LSb ?s- ?? ° .,.. DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTw 5/ua. GAR4GE -J DROP-lC --? PR24 ED HOUSE "RAMBLER" (897.6? C.B. ORAINAGE PND UTIJTY EASEAIRIT (697.58 M.H. HYD. PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN ?897 9'VLET PROTECTION UNTIL FRWC"fURF IS ESTABLISHED ? 9 S F a o IXISTING . x E 0 1 q9a HOUSE 098.0 HU6-491118" d ¦`HUB?891.35J 1 B. (896.2) .-? ? 95.? f i X X 22R T6 (833' 096.8(897.0) . ? - - - ` _ _ _ unun ea?E+T ? ? 0 I J % ° ? 4?s ?Vsub..,? •` • ??"??'? 2005 StDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT AP?IC? TION ??? yp. 0 City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 SZ ?6 ? Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5?694 New Consiruction Reauiremenis RemodeVReoair Reauiremenis 3 registered site surveys shawing sq ff of lot, sq. R of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan CCd qf $uivey?_.. ry (20Yo maximum lot coverege allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculahons for heated adddions Tree f?I'09 PIM R2Ctl Yt,,,?N,? 2 copies of plan showing beam & windav sizes; poured fou? design, etc 1 site survey for additions & decks Tree Pre9 RecNiied ,,, , ?1J lsetofEnergyCalcula6ons Additbn-indicafeAon-sResepticsystem Ott-sile:SepGaSystem= - _Y?_N 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot plafled afler 7/1193 Rim Joist Detail Options seleclion sheel (bmldings wdh 3 or less units) Date I / -)A / b.5 Construction Cost Site Address ?:lb{'iV-??j ?A.' rie_ UniUSte # Laa an'1 V?'1 rl J _ Z Description of Work nP?,J Multi-Family Bldg ? Y _ N Fireplace(s) _ D _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner r %1'-,'le_ Telephone # ( ) ConMactor 1 15 ?? 1 Olf.iAY i C 1'1 Address 13 723 65? d 00,K ? truMt? cicy 14" it L,h I I-e-v ? State k 1( Zip fMZA Telephone #(QJ'?Z) )432" Zzq Z- COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Micmesota Rules 7670 Cate¢orv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category , Residential Ventilation Category 1 Wwksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J submluion type) Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Su6mitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan2 ? Y _ N If so, 2597. plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber Wes?a,,Yi P1wmb'i,-)A Telephone #(&IZ) 2610" 454Z Mechanical Contractor Telephone #05Z 1?31 -17OqR Sewer/Water Contractor Um?b I Y1@ Telephone #(q5Z)' (3r' 1'tFt? r I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the informationli's"complet?ccura e; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of E' and Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and wor is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name A plicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of tO plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch(screen/gazeho) ? OS 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plhg_Y or_ N? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types 'p 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement Valuation Census Code /a Z SAC Units h ? # of Units # of Bldgs Type of Const ? FooUngs (new bldg) _ Footings(deck) Footings(addidon) o Foundatlon Drain TIle Roof )0 Ice & Water 'A Final )0 Framing ? Fireplace _e- R.I. _tAirTest?Q Final ?y Insulalion Approved .. + . ? ? 30 Accessory Bidg ? 37 Ext.Alt-Multi ? 33 Ect. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire 81dg) -Give PCA handout to applicaM Occupancy 1Z-3 MCES System zoning PD city Water Stories Z Booster Pump Sq. Ft. I 7 I( PRV Length z- Fire Sprinklered Width 2.6 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS >4 FinallC.O. _ FinaUNo C.O. _ Plumbing _ HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs AidGas Tes[s Final _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total 6 o R06-r qoa sq, &x16 .oo = 6906, - Z owm I,evC I v firrn;sneD 1371g?%, x?S °o =2 o55, o0 Lowez lE'Utl Y': a' S//?''D 41Ia'4 Sq,i--tx z5" oa-= )Z,roo, la/oa,Z 610 Sg,ry'XSy.oo =' 37,2bo.oa f)?o2 783 59 f?'kS?l,oo =90,z$z.0C) D eck. '6a o 1- tr?r ? e c /?7, a9? Permit Number REScheck Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date 2000 Minnesota Energy Code REScheckSoftware Version 3.5 Release ]e Data filenarne: C:1Program Files\Check\REScheck\03-0401A4 (CEN7'ER UriZT 2-STOR1).rck PROJECT TITLE: 2-STORY (CENTER UN['1) COiJNTY: Dakota STAT'E: Minnesota ZONE: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Multifamily DATE: 04102/04 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EAGAN TNHS DESIGNERlCONTRACTOR: DIGDRICH BUQ.DERS COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 325 Your IIome UA = 235 27.7% Better Than Code (UA) Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1086 44.0 0.0 29 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 1471 19.0 2.0 69 Window l Above-Grade:Vinyl Frazne:DOUble Pane with Low-E 164 0300 49 Door 1: Glass 40 0.350 14 Door 2: Solid 38 0350 13 Wa112 Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 147 5.5 2.0 IS Basement Wall I: SoGd Concrete or Masonry 282 0.0 5.5 22 Wall height: 8 3' Depth below grade: 7.8' Insulation depth: 83' Basement Wa112: Solid Concrete or Masonry 98 0.0 5.5 11 WaII height: 32' Depth below grade: 27 Insulation depth: 12' Floor 1: All-Wood JoistlTruss:Over Unconditioned Space 396 30.0 0.0 13 Furnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 90 AFUE Proposed and Macimum U-Factor Averages Proposed Average U-Factor Maximum Allowed U-Factor Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors 0.310 0370 Includes Foundation Windows > 5.6 ft2 Floors Over Unconditioned Space 0.033 0.033 COiMPLIANCE STAT'EMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the pemut application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2000 Minnesota Energy Code requirements in RES check Version 3.5 Release 1 e(formerly MEC checl? and to comply with the mandatory requirements Gsted in the RE,S checkJnspection Checklist. BuildedDesigner Date .? ?? W u:l ??art rr. X3EPRESSURIZA,TION PROTECTION Chcck option uscd: ? ASgrcgatc (complc!c aggrcgatc wurkshcei on ncxf pagcj O Prescriplive (compicic wcr.:shcec bclo%v) ? Perfomioncc (3ubnuc icsc rcpon prior to final iaspcaion) ? No fucl burning cquipmcm , PRLSCRIPTiVE PATFT WO[tICSHEET IYyrr+uCnoM COABUSIlOfY EQUpPhiENT SCFIED(11,E Permittcd Equip meot Sup I Cumpkrc die CariAiurion (chcck all rypes yroposcd) Pa:h 0 Paih I path 2 Spatc 6eannQ p Salcd comb i Y path ) E,,uip,n,vu on ;hc rn_ht. ust on Y y Dircct or power vcntcd N Y Y y Sitp 2 CEuou i ?Nrrl?'-up .-Iv P?:th ?-itlt a ' O Atrnosphcricallpvtnccd N N y, Y y Y ( i cs) for all selte(cd cyuipmtni. Waltr CeaUttg O Sealtd eombustion Y }' y y Sicp 3 Complcic ihc ublt bclow for tht Ducct ur powcr vcnted N y y A/o4r-up,4, Pwi:chuscn.indintmg rJ AmiosphcnwllYvenicd N N N Y Iluws :n ; fm for c.Nhau;i anJ makc. Hcarlh - gas O Scokd combustion Y 1' '{ y up air mnhoJs proposcd Unly die Direct or power vented N Y Y '! capxiry of largrst cthoust appliancc O Atmosphtncally vrn(<d N DL y ?.1 m c:+ch tvtyory nccd bc tontidcred. Heu7h- SOlid ? Clased wrorolitd N Y? y n Slep 4 Fiil om ehe Pusrrvr hlnkr•up Air I . utl O Detotative tJ N Y'• V Opr,ung S01r44, on (h: ncxt paSc. ' Only ooc ohpospherieally vented appliance may 6c installcd ui Presenprve Path 2 u Path 0- Prescriptive Make-up Air Methad Exb??s? rasscvo rus,vc rowe?cd C(othcs dryu: pauive utfiltratioo for up to 175 cfms lofllrolton Op[ninF ?!:tkc-up Pusive opeaiugs for c6ns ove[ 175 ticben eahausc Pusive iFjtraaon (or up 10 250 pCm --- Pauivc openings for cfms ovec 250 Pow•ered to.malth (luw for cfrtu ever 500 Other e?heLLtc} passive opCplogS Cat up to 140 tfm Powered ro vuteh Oaw for efms over 140 N/A } Nted oot includc ccnaal vacvum eX6sust'vn Pi1h 0. TOTAL$ Path 1- Prescriptive Make-up Air Metfiod Exhau51 PasSiYc Puslve Powead Qo(bes dr ycr:j P?s,re ;nC?vabon for up w 175 c(m - Infiltr??ion i OUe?ungt ;,Sal:c-up Passive oprnmgs for cC,ns ovcr 175 j5 0 Kiichen ezhausC Pusive openipgs for up l0 250 efm Powcrcd to match (Iuw for cfuu ovcr 730 N/q ONet cxhausc 2 Passrve opemags for up to 140 ctm - Powtred lo mateh tlow Cot efriu ovet 140 -6 0 N:A _5 d TQTaLS J,S ; lf closed conaolled comZtion :olid•fuel burnin? appliance is iastalled in Pith 1, then t6e clothes diycr ind any ceohal vaciiuci that cKSimb to oueside must be provided wuS m:ke-up air by paasive opening to malth Il ow OtLe vi t i d d l : . se ne n e no nc u c ec ntra vacuuu ? Path 2- prescriptive h(ake-up Air Niethod ElhauSt Passiyo Passivc :'owcred I IlifiItralioa ODcning IMakc-up Clothcs drycr: Passtvc opcnmgs for up to l75 c5n Pow<rcd to u7atch flow forclms ovcr 175 N/q Kitc6eo e.?hau3r. Powcrcd lo matcE ftow iA N?A "-- Othcr czh3u5t: Pou•ercd to match (low N;q N/A ? TOTALS N/A ? Path 3- Prescriptive NIake-up Air Nlethod Exh;iust l'ajsi,•c Pusive r)W«<a Iafiliradon Opening h`.akc•up CIoUies dryac Pcw•cred ta match [low N1 .4 NIA - Krtchcn cxhausi. Powcrcd lo mattil fiow N/A NiA Othtt e1,11w5r Powered t0 mateh Oou• N/A NIA 70TACS N/w NlA ? -?'a-rti IIIa. VENTILATZON INSTRUC'1'IONS VEIYT [LATION METHOAS I MA1CE•UY AIIt PA'fH (from Put ll) pEOPLE SUPPLEMENTAL CO Af_AlU.t Q PfcstrryOv: (oc Aggrcgatc) Path 0 Balonced or ExLaust ouly Balanced or Ezhcust only Not rtqu!:cd Prescnpt ivc(orAggrcgatc) Piiht alaaced ' al?ncc [MaMwt-onl- Noi:equvcdY O Prescnptive (ur .4ggrcgatc) Path 2 Ba anced Balaoced or Exhaust onlyr Reyuuc., O pIesenpnve (or Aggregam) Path J Boljr,crd Balaactd Kequt;cr O Prr(ornunce Paih (sec part 7672 1000 subpan i) Pe[for.nantt Pe[(0[maoCC Reyuuec • Pusive infdtration shall aoe be u,cd to provide ma;;e•up aa for o;iuust only suppletuenul vcnldation in exce,s e10.05 cltn/sf t A tacbon monoxide aIann must bc iastallcd iPa cootralled combusaon solid•Cucl buming appliance is insiaIled in Path 1. vEIYTTT,aTIOIV FauY SCHEDULE Fin dcscnpoon or lauuon TOTA:_S Flua Pwposc ? P<ople p People Q Pcoplc O Pcoplc efm ?$upplcmeniai ? Supplemert:al G Snpplcmental :I SupplcmrnW! ? cfm VENTILATION intake 2 o cfm cfm cfm cCm ? cf'm AS DESIGN'ED Exhaust ' 20? •cfm cEm cfm cCm cbn Sutement a( Compliance: Tlic pruposed budding d<sign rcpresenecd m thcse documcnes is consistcni wiih the buildin; plans, speeifiealior.s. and oiher aaieulation: submiued wnh the pemiit appliea[ion. The proposed building his been dcsigned to rs.:et chc requiicmenif or"thr ?bGnnl Energy Cod<. Applicant(pnntnamc) Slgnatuic Dalc 7clcphonc numDcr Part IIZb. VENTYLATXON ($ubmit Part lIIU upan cornpictiou ofsvslem YcriGca?ion) Y, ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Jub SUC Address Pemut Vwnber Fan descnpooo.or loation ; T07AL$ MEASURED ' INake• cfm cfm clm c1m ?fm P[RFORhWNCE E.?thlust' t(m tfm cCm cfm cfm 'Measeucmcnt rcquacd far vtntdanon sy5tem iaukes uld c.zhau5ts from the bwldmg wiUi design 7ir I ow of JO clm'1ad Frcamr. Compllance Staeanicnr. Installed vennlauun sysiem is in tompliance with >1M1 Energy Code and i5 sized to prox•ide the duier, air Applicam (print namt) Signanue Datc itlcphune numb.r ? Sitp I. Comp(ac thc Vcnrilufron Qunnirrywutkshcct bclow. Slep 2. Chak'Ihe Make•up Ait Paih (from Part If) on Ihe 4rnnlutiart Alcdiodr ublc below. Sicp 3. Chvosc pcrmittcd methad(s) for Pcoplc and Supplemenul Variilouon Gom the Venrrlrriiun rtlcr7,uJr izblc Sicp 4. Compkta the Ycnrdafian Fun Sthtrlufc. --'-.(--J. ? PASSIVE MAI{E-UP AIR OPElYTNG SCHEDULE ? •I-ADLE FOR SIZINC PAS51VE MAKE-UP A,IR OPENTNCS ?low: a) T1us bAle assumts 20 &et of smooth unobsttvcted raund Diunctcr 3 mchcs Path 0 50 cfm Path 1 35 tf ?ach 2 I; cLa duct witS il:ree 90' elbows and oscrccncd hood 4 ufchcs 90 cfrr; a0 cfm =J cfm b) 'cauivalent dnigns calculatcd using prtssures ol50 FucaLt S 9ChC5 140 cfm 100 tGn ? i'c!m foi Patll 0, 25 Pucals Cor Puh 1, aua i Pasals Cot Path 2 6 incffes 200 tGn 140 cfm ES cfm may bc tucd. 7 inc6es 270 eCm 190 chn E 5 cfm c) ICa make-up a'v opening is used with ou duct or olbows, thc 8 inches 350 chn 250 cfm 110 cFm dir.mekt can be dareascd by I iach. 1 d) I(Aex duct is uscd, inacue diunctc[ by l inch. Mal:c•up Air Application/Lxatioa CFfv1 9 mchcs 10 inthe3 cning size 450 cfrn 570 c5m 320 cfm 400 c6n Duct 7'ype 140 cfm 1;0 cfm Smooih O Flex 0 Oprn-.^ or,ly T Smuoh Ficx :7 Opcn:ng only ? $mooth ? Fles Operuae only " ? Smootn O Flcz 0 Open;nc only .4GGR.LGATE N1AtiE-UP AIR WOR]{SHEET lnsTaucrIoNs Siep 1 Cumplece E.rbaum Srhr<hdr on thc nght ind;eatinl efm of IarGCSI dcvi[t in tach category. $iep 1. Compicic ihe CanbuuJinn Er,Wpmrnr $cia'dtrlc on preccding nage. S(ep J Chuosc.j paih wiUi : Y(Yes) (or ail selccccd cquipmanc. Sicp 4. Complete Aggregnre I.Jnkr..up dL• wble bclow (nr choser. path. Using the toial cfm Gom ihc E'.xhuwi 50,6:u1r, indicotc flo.v in cfm Cor propo;ad mcihod(s) o(providin; make-up air. $tep 5 Fiti out ahe Pwv,•e Ma;.e-up An- Openi,ry Sclirdida abo,•e, E.`Qir1UST SCHEDULE DEViCE CFhi Clochu dryer Q Kiteheo cxhautt OII1t[CRS0U51 D TOTAL a,.r) 0 O Path 0- Aogregate !?lake-up Air Nietliod Fassivc infiltrauon Psss[ce 09eninv Pc ?•crcl Makc•up Pustve iafiltntiaa for up ro 425 cbrn Puuve opcniugs Cor cfms over 425 Poweced to nuk:h (low tor c{ms owet 985 Path 1- Aggregate Make-up Air Method I P?Si,?e I?ltratia'i Pa:sivcy Openin?: Po ?ercd ?:take•up Pusivc infilvauou up to 175 c(m' Pas<ive opcuings for cCms ovcr 175 / Poweted to match flow for cfms ove: SGS '!f e closed ccncolled solid-!ud buming appbanec u iusuUed w Path 1, ehen a passivc opening muse bc i-uwll<d [o pro.•iJc rvJec-up zir for the clothes dryer and Cor any ceoval vacuum that eXhauses ro tbe outtide. ? Path 2-Aggregate Nlake-up Air Method P'S:"'° lnCcltrnhon P'S5"'` Opcnmg °°`""`d M4kc•up Pusrvc oya¢mgsi Coc up in 175 ctin vow«<a to maccn noW ro«a,.s over 175 wn ? Path 3- Ag;regaie 1Vlake-up Air MethOd ' Pa? Intil[ration c g T Y"'+/ticJ M_kc-uy Pow?cccd co motch tlow ? Ni.? NIA ? 11 Y< Oz 'g 0 Ir o .H ? ? D D B' ? Id" ? X? 0 .e ? LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION PROPERIY LEGAL: F,4ry??6-(",?LO " G 1 U tu?_ DATE OF SURVEY: LATEST REVISION: m ? c R t U ? Q DOCUMENT STANDARDS ? . Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ? • Building Permit Applicant 0 • Legal description ? • Address ? . NoRh arrow and scale ? • House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ? . Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % ? . Proposed/existing sewer and water services & invert elevation ? • Street name ? . Driveway (grade & width - in R!W and back of curb, 22' max.) ? . Lot Square Footage ? • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existina 0 0 ? . Property corners ,(1' ? ? . Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions 2r ? ? • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes fd' ? ? . Adequate footing depth of strudures due to adjacent utility trenches ? ,?( ? • Watenvays (pond, stream, etc.) Proposed ? 0 ? • Garage floor ? ? ? • Basement floor ? ? ? . Lowest exposed elevation (walkout/window) ? ,& ? . Property corners ,H` ? ? • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) ? 19 ? • Easement line ? H' ? • NWL ? .ef ? • HWL ? 0 ? • Pond # designation ? H' ? • Emergency Overflow Eievation ? -TT ? • PondlWetland buffer delineation Y % . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y v • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ,0 ,zr ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . Lot lines/Bearings & dimensions • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) . Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) • Show ail easements of record and any City utilities within those easements • Setbacks of proposed structure and si e ard setback of adjacent existing strudures ? 0 13 • Retaining wall requirements: ? Reviewed By ' A Date !& G:lFORMSlBw lding Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 r , • PROVIDE:\\U M:VNTAIN INLET PROTECTION UNTIL SAN. SEwE - TS - a S c? x J Q K O ? W ? W J m ? 0 w N h A 'o N FIl'D. 1 I 10 I / u SERV. o ?^ INVv8H8.O A N m <.??o p6 s.oo o GARAGE DROP-1C N L-- a u 29 N D ED P ?v HOUSE , 14 ? 'RAMBLER' rSERV. ? INJ-B99.1 '?y { 'IINVf6;.2 ? 1 ? GARAGE P6 GARAGE I GARAGE°G??vGARAGE J DROP-1C OROP-iC OROP-1C DROP-iC L-- L - - - J --- --J p ?O e ?r y P 3 t ?+ s? O PR ED PR 0 EDw PROPO ED P OSED HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE "RAMBLEk* 'PNO STORY 'TWO STORY 'RAM9lER' / ?9.??9?> >? WVI ?I 899.OL?PORCHO 0° 97 PORCHO W.. o A o Ww mb 9O ' PATi ' 0 J r I J 14 t I a c 1<.OO12_ J ? )?1`.? 12_OO ]. 97 ?95 Li2_00_ 37 00 - 99.0) (898.0) 2600 (899.0 26 1 1 :? . B. OFFSEf 16.15 OFFSEf 18.1] XUB-897.62 HUB=B97.13 5 ? OFiSEf 16.13 OFfSEf 11.13 OFFSEi 18.11 HUB-89].t9 HUB-89].01 HUB-895.10 ' ' sT°RU 5EWER 210,00 S89'53 52hV • ?? B.O.F. ?O (897 69 X ?? (896.2? (898.4) " b? ? J (896.6? % 12% O ? - - - - - - - - - - - - DR / PUT l1NE AINACE , TOP S89'53'52?N! (907_? x (902.2_?, X TOP C.SAH. N0. 30 (DIFFLEY ROAD) PROVIDE ANll MAINTAIN - INLET PROTECTION UNTIL FINAL TURF IS EST,4BLISHED P ROBE MMMM -d LMO UMW,UM NGINEERING COMPANV, INC. L f000 EASf 101h SIRFEf. BUIWSNIE. IONNESOTA 55331 PX A ? ne-.nn9 . nE?'?,? I qt#{?.? i? t? ?U.Y? ?i . - - L , 'YFne? ."a`.?t? ? !"• r 1ea.? DENpTES pQSTqrG ELEVATpN (399.6) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION INDICA7E5 DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRNNAGE ass aa - FlNISHm GARPGE FLOOR ELEVATION 892a3 : BASQAQfT FLQQ(t ELEyA710lJ 900.33 - TDP OF FOUNdV10N ElEVA710N SCALE : 1" = 30' LOT ADORESS: LOT AREA: BENCH MARK: LOT 24-2228 LIBEKiY LANE LOT 24-2,644.74 S.F. TOP SAN. MH OPPOSRE LOT 25-2232 LIBERiI' L4NE LOT 25-2,329.89 S.F. NE CORNER LOT 24. LOT 26-2236 118ERiY LANE LOT 26-7,637.22 S.F. ELEV.= 897A5 LOT 27-2240 UBERN LANE LOT 27-1,63722 S.F. l0T 28-2244 LIBERiY UNE LOT 26-2,329.89 S.F. LOT 29-2248 IIBERT' LANE LOT 29-2,644.74 S.F. I IEIEBY CfRIffT TIAT ilBS PLIN WAS Pf1EPARkD BY ME OR UNDFR MY ORECf IS REN90N5 EVI D PRm/3!m FpL aESUa umw sUffnNSw ?rm nur i?,u A ou?r fICQlgp LM.?7 <di¢?E?a DImRICH BLDRS. w.? art ? NDEA lHE UWS OF TfE STA7E U C.FRM??i OF ??iY 1 MI?60Tti CF N "'OS ? ? DAiE REG NQ14?B_ iarsm DAKOTA CWNTY. MINNE TA 6ARAGE OROP-1C 24 PROPOSED HOUSE "RAMBLER" 12_00 Ca97.s c.e. uan umUTr F(f- FR m 'o E.O.F. x OFFSEf 16.11 //?? OIfSEf t6.1] HUB?091.18 ? NUB?H9].]5 (896.2) 2'" 95 _ X 2.2% (896.38' 096.8(897.0) HYD. - Y 97.t DE A\ U MAINTAIN PROTECTION UNTIL TURF IS ESTABLISHED IXISTING HOUSE UTL17Y EASEMENT? ? 0 (903.5? x TOP Legal (69J.5? M.H. I J l-o t- a- -1 8 l6 c!- ?Q? ?P ? g g??V1 2 OSRIDEN IT AL?BU?DIN ERMIT APPLICATION 8jo City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 S+%J (0 ? New Coratrudron Reauirements 3 regislered sife surveys shaxing sq it of lot, sq fl o( house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) 2 capres of plan shaxing beam 8 wirdow sizes; poured found design, elc 1 set otEnergy Calculalions 3 copies of Tree PreservaUon Plan rf bt plafled after 711/93 Rim Joist Detail Ophons selection sheet (buildings wtlh 3 or less units) RemakUFteoair Reauiremenis 2 copies of plan 1 set of Energy Caiculations for heated additions 1 sRe survey for additions 8 decks Addition - indicate if on,site septic system s9v 4A7 /1. i q ?a. s-0 9 0,S-0 Y47d• /`J catof suivvey Rsca... N TreePresP[anRactl;: ? TteeAres'Required...; . SSa-sile5eptieSyslem:•: -_Y _"N Date 3 / IJT, ! fj J Construction Cost SiteAddress 9oZ)-lrd },-tb-cilr{'y k&,v)C,' Unit/Ste # Ea K .?5 zz DeacriptionofWork `1iuA) ?S`?'?LIC?"ib'Yl Multi-Family Bldg ? Y _ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner avyne, Telephone # ( ) ?/rYle Contractor p'i td r`ic.h 6.u 1 16Q?5 rr-tc•I V ,)( O1 e61' ? C, Y 1 Addresa 13ZZ3 &rOna C154, e&I-W-E State YnK Zip C,tyN?21e- -itey Telephone #05'J, ) 93 Z` Z 2 0l Z COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Categorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category , Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar planB Y"Y _ N If so, 259r. plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber [Je_t-A?? P\u^N`b jncj Telephone #(In)7-) 2qO -?`E"1t-FZ Mechanical Contractor W64'1 k-V'S Telephone # Sewer/Water Conhactor 5krLY' P )ltMb + YYd Telephone # R ti ? MAR 1 2005 ??? `? I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the informat n is comp e and acc rate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of?- MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature °-?" OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? Ot Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) L? 03 01 ofL,, plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch(screen/gazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or_ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types `q 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement Valuation O o a Census Code ) o Z SAC Units # of Unfts o ? # of Bldgs e l Type of Const ? Footings(new bldg) _ Footings(deck) Foolings(addition) ? FoundaUon Drain Tile Roof l Ice& Water Sd Final Framuig ,,4 Fireplace )LC R.I. _)? Air Tes[ 4 Final 10 Insulation Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Pfan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S8W Permit 8 Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Muki Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building` ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors `Demolition (Entire BIdg) -Give PCA handout to applicarrt Occupancy )2 `3 MCES System Zoning ?' l7 City Water Stories Z Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered Width ?z (o REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaVC.O. ?j Final/No C.O. _ Plumbing _ HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding ? Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector 5l X/6.oe? = 6qeQ, uo 137 sa ?`r xli n° = Z'05T.DQ yJN S9'Ai'"2S.0n : 12) i00, r,a ? sr flooR 69? 5;?oc`7 , KSy, oea ? 3 71 ? toc, wo 2"p i 1ae, R- ?83.59,rFt-xSy.°=? r u2j 7-82,60 re? 2?na p,-. L ') ec. ,.e f rAT ..- fo 2.? 04 7 Permit Number REScheck Compliance Certificate Checked BylDate 2000 Minnesota Energy Code REScheckSoftwaze Version 3.5 Release le Data filename: C:\Program Fdes\ChecklREScheck\03-0401A4 (CENTER IJNIT 2-STORi).rck PROJECT TITLE: 2-STORY (CENTER iJNII'1) COCJNTY: Dakota STATE: Minnesota ZONE: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Multifamily DATE: 04/02/04 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EAGAIVT TNHS DESIGNER/CONTRACTOB DIED1tICH BUII,DERS COMPLLANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 325 Your Home UA = 235 27.7% Better Than Code (UA) Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling I: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Tmss 1086 44.0 OA 29 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 1471 19.0 2.0 69 Window 1. Above-Grade: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 164 0300 49 Door 1; Gtass 40 0.350 14 Door 2 SoGd 38 0.350 13 Wall2: WoodFrame, 16" o.c. 147 5.5 2.0 15 Basement Wall I: Solid Concrete or Masonry 282 0.0 5.5 22 Wall height: 83' Depth below grade- 7.8' Insulation depth: 8.3' Basement Wall 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry 98 OA 5.5 11 Wall height: 32' Depth below grade. 2.7 Insulation depth: 3.2' Floor I: All-Wood JoisUTruss:Over Unconditioned Space 396 30.0 0.0 13 Furnace 1. Forced Hot Air, 90 AF(JE Proposed and Maximum U-Factor Averages Proposed Mayjmum Average U-Factor Allowed U-Factor Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors 0310 0,370 Iacludes Foundauon Windows > 5.6 ft2 Floors Over Unconditioned Space 0.033 0.033 CO.vIPLIANCE STA1'F.MEDIT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the perxnit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2000 Minnesota Energy Code requirements in RES checkVersion 3.5 Release le (formedy MEC chec? and to comply with the mandatory requirements Gsted ' tHe S -che I tfiion Checklist. ?- Builder/Designer Date 0 u:j ,.. ' I'az-t IT. ]7EPRESSUKTZATION PROTEC'X'ZOZV ? Chcck o tion uscd: P 0 Aggrcgaic (complctc aggrcgi(c workshcu on ncxf pqc) C) Prc;trjplrve (complctc wcrKshcc( balow) Q Pcrfomiancc (subrtiu ccst rcpon prior to final inspcclion) ? No fuel buming cqwpmcni PRLSCRIPTIVk: PATfT WOItKSHELT ' i:+araucnon5 Stip I Camplne die Co'rihiurruri fyinp,u,•nt Sibr?hr;?• uu i,c nclii. Siep2. Chooicj Mule-up.4rrP;uliw1111 a Y (1'rs) (or all stlectcd cyuipmptt. Sicp J Cnmpinc tlu tiblc bclow for tht d/aAo-upAu-Puri, chuzcn. ip6c,tms Iluws m;fni fur cxhau;t anJ mdkc. up air mahaJS pffiposcd. Utlly IhC cap3cirY cf larsrst czhaus[ applioncc in cAnc eucyory nccJ bc tonsidcrcd. Slcp u. Fill oul lha Pau'nve XlnL'r-up Air Opcnrng Sdi. dulv on Ih: nc.[t pagc. CUMBUSIIONEQUII'hSENTSCAEDULE PcccnittedEquip,ncot (ch', , k all rypcs yroposed) Pa!h 0 Pa(h I paLh 2 P3tL 1 Space hcatinQ p Scalcd combustion Y y y y Dircci or powec vcntcd N Y y y C) Atrnosphtrically vrnted i r N y' y Waitr htaong O Scaled combusnon Y Y y y Dtrccl of Dowcr vcmCd N y y :] Acmorphcnwlly venccd N N N Y Hcaclh - gas O Scalcd combusuon Y 1' '{ y Dircct or puwtr vcntcd N Y Y `[ O Atmosphcritally vcnled N AL Y• N cat,h- solid ? Cfoscdcon fucl O pccorativc ' Only aac atrGOSphericaqy ve N Prescnpr,vc u t'atti 0- p,•escriptive Nlake-up Air N'Iethod Exbzust rasstvic eus,Ye rowccca Clothcs tiryu; passive uJltrzdoo 1'or up to 175 cGtu Ioni lrnrion Op[rung ;A;Ikc-up Pusivc opcnwgs for c5ns ove[ 175 Pvtcben cxhoust: Pusive inriI4aaon for ap to 250 tfm Passivc opeoings for cfms ovcr 250 Powered mmalch fluw for cfms cva 500 Otltet exhausl•t Pa3sivc openiogs Cor up to 140 c{m Powcrcd co oncch tiow for cfms ovcr 140 N/q t Necd uot inclvdc ccn=l vuuurn ezhaUSt'vi Psth 0, TOTALS Path 1- Pre5criptive',V1ake-up Air Vlediod E?ijl,aust Pnss;ve Pus??c -?oWcrcd Clu?es drycr.I Pauire irdiltrapon far up to 175 cGn mrio-auan ? onnungr ,.tal:c-up Paasive oprnings far cfins over 175 r ICiichra cxhausC Pusive openipgs fot up Io 250 etm Powcrcd (o match Oow for cfoLt ovcr 250 N/q (ALetcxhautcl PassiveoyeamgsCorupla140cfm Po-tted ta mateh flow COt cLms ovct 140 N;A 5 ? rnTnLs 4 . ; I: closcd con¢ollcd comb,ution:olid.Fucl buraLuc aypliancc is imtillcd in Path I, ihcu t6e clothc5 dcycr aod any ccotral vx.:ucn that cKSiiusb to oucside must be provided witS mzke-up sit by passive opcning to malch Ilow. OtLet+viee need not includc ec nvai vacuua O Path ?- prescriptive htake-up Air Nlethod E?aU3e Possivc Pzssivc t-o?YCred IntdcraUOO Opcniag J'[,lkc•iip CloLbcs drycr Passivc opcnmgs for up to 175 cfm Powercd co macch llaw (arclms over 175 N/q 1Crt<hen tahrosc powered to macch flow N?A NIA Other cxh?use Pou•ercd m ma?ch flow N;A NIA ? TOTALS N/A i O Path -P rc scriptive ?Iake-up Air blethod E?=?t PzsS???? Pas:;vc powcrcd I?Itranon Opcrting A:akc-up 5 ; i Clodica dryred to malch tlow N/A N/A Krtchcn cxh rcd to much tloN• N1A NiA Othcr ctl,o rcd to mncch (7ou• N/A Niq V 70TAAC5 N/q N1A r IIIa. VENTILATION ? INSTftUCTiONS VENTILATION METHOAS ? MAKE•UY AIIt PATH ((rom Part II) PEOPLE SUPPLEMEN7'AL CO AI.AEU.t O Prescn01Jv; (or Agg:aqoic) path 0 Balaoced or E:chaust only ' 8alanced or Exhaust only Not rcqu,;cd Preunpnve (ar Aggrceuic) Path 1 alylted ' alanee [ b'dtwol-nlY Not :equ.rcdT O Prescnptice (ur.4cgrrEuc) Paih 3 B? anced Balaueed or Exhaust ooly' fteyuuccT O P?es<r?puve (ut 4gEreeatcl Puh ] Balar,crd Balanced Requi;cd O Prr(ortnance Paih (see part 7672 1000:ubpan i) Pecfortnautt Pedormaott ReyuueL ' Pusivn infiltrahun shill not be uccd to pcovide ma;:e•up av far exiuust oply suppltmeajit veptilation in exce:s ef0.05 cfm/sf Y A ar6on monozidt alum must be inshllea iCa controllcd combusnon solid-Cuef buming oppiiance is installed in Palh 1. VENTILATION FAiY SCFTEDUT,E TOTn:_.5 nrnj iw; d People 7 Pcopte O Pcoplc ? Supplemen:al G Suppicmcmal :I Suppkmenia; cfm , VEN11LAT70N ' Intike 2op efin ' efin e(m efm ? efm AS DES[Gn ED Ezhaus[ 2 p? -ctm chn cfm cCm ?<Im S(atemenl af Compliancc: Thc piupased budding design rcpresenud m ihese documrnts is <onsistcnt wiih Lhe buddin; plzns, sprafiwfior,s, and othti C]ICYIJf10tli zubntnicd u'tch Iht pCCrilil applicaliuil. Tht proposcd building lias bcen dcsigncd w m-cL :hc reqviicmems ofthc Minncsota Energy Code. Applicant (pnnt namc) Signacvrc Daic 7clcphonc nunibcr Fart Iub. VENTILATION (Submit Part IIib upun eompiction u[sN•sicm Verifii:a:ion) X ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Jub snc Aeaicss Pernut ?iumbu Fan dcscnpaoa.or Iocatton ; TOTALS M8ASU3iED ' INake• c!m cfm cl'm cCm ihn PLRFORI?LINCL E.thaust' tfm c(m cGn cfm cfnF •Masuremcnt rcquved For vtnplahon system iaukes utd c?haus[s from the bwldirG wiUi dengnait I ow o(JO Gm`and grcamr. Complfance Swemeni: Insr..llcd vrneila[ion sysiem is m tompl:ance wuh MN Encrgy Code and it Sized to providc Ehc Jcsicr. av (la?%. ApphcaM (pnnt nanu) Signanuc Dacc Trlcphunc numbcr Stcp I. Comp(cm chr Venriluuort Qunnrrry wurkshcct bclow. Sltp 2. Check'the Make•up Air Path (ftom P3rt SI) on the YNmdunon alerhodr eable bclotv. Slcp ). Chaose pertnineJ mtihod(s) for Pcaple ond Supplemcneal Venulanon Gom lhe Vrnr;/uriun ,Ncr6ods ia61e Sicp A, Complcte thc Ycnnlalion fun Sdi[dulc. PASSIVE MAICE-UP AIR OPENTNG SCHEDULE (S???'f`AOLE FOR $1ZiNC PASSIVE MAKE•UP AJR OPENTNCS ? Nofrr: a) '[7?is I?ble assumts 20 feet ofsmooth unobsRVCted round Diamcttr 3 inchcs Path 0 50 c(m Pach I 35 cC Peth 2 k 5 cGn duct witS three 90• dbowt md a tuerned hood 4 mchen 90 cfrr a0 cCm i0 cfm b) Equivalenl doigis cakulatcd ustng pressures of SO Psscak 5 mclics 140 uz't 100 cfm 45 cCcn for Path 0, 25 PasCals for Path 1, ana i Pascals for Path 2 6 inchcs 200 cfm 140 cfm 6; cfm may bc tsscd. 7 inehra 290 tCm i90 chn BS cCm c) IIa make-up nir opening is uscd with oo dvct or elbovvs, R:c 8 inches 35 0 cfm 250 cfrn 110 cCm diametcr can bc dacrcascd by t inch. 9 tnchcs 450 cfm '320 cfm 140 cfm d) !f fJcx duct is uscd, inacuc diunctcr Fry 1 inth. 10 itlcltp 570 c4n 400 cAn 1,s0 cfm Mak'o-upAirAppiuatiodLxation CFM dpcningsizc DuctType $muoih ? Ficr Oprn.n2 or,17 5muo!h Fle% ? Qpcnag only ? Smoath ? Fles ppar,r:g only ' ? Smootn O Flcx Z) Opcmng only AGGR.I:GATE MAtiE-UP AIR WORICSHEGT in•s7auc noNs °lep l. Compiele £xh,mev Sihrdu7r on lhe nght icid,cacingefm of larGese dc,iet in each category. Siep 2. Compltte the Cambusrfon Ermpnrrnt Sehethdr on preceding pagr. Step 3. Chuosca paih with : Y(Yes} for aq sdccecd cquipmenc. Sicp 4. Compl<te Agbregnre I•lakr-up rI L' ea61c br.low for choser. path. Using Tht tota! cfm (rum ihe E'.eHuiuiScher:Wr, mdicaic flow in t(m for propo;ed nutbod(s) af Froviding make-up air. $tep S Fill ouuhc Pru,irrOprnrng Sdirdula abo?c. EXHAUST SCHEDULE DEbZCE CFMI Ctochcs drycc Q !Citchzo exhausc Ocher e:cSaust O TOTAL $.rJp ? Path 0- Aocregate ?Iake-up Air NIethod ?usive Fasst?-c rc4?crca fnf-lLtradon Openine Malc-up Pastve tnfiltmtion for Up to 425 c5n ' Pusvs opcnings for c6ns over 425 powercd lo match ilow for cims ovet 985 Path 1- Aggregate Make-up Air Method PasSi,re Pa:Sivc " Powered I Infiltratia•i Opening ;,ke-up Passivt infilvatton up to 175 cfrn• Patsive openiags for cfms over 175 /J Powercd to match flow for cfms ovc; SGS • lf a Qosed ecnttolted solid-fvei bucning appLanet i5 iilstalled tn Path I, then a passive openiug muze bc css[alkd [o provide a:akc-up ait for the clothes dry•eT and for mV CtaQal vacuum 1haC exhausls N tbt oUtSide. ate 1Vtake-up Air Methocl ? Path 2-Aggre passivc Passivc Powacd g lnfiltrnlioa Opcnwg Makc-up Pazswe opemngsitor up lo I75 etin Powercd co match Oow for cfrns ovcr 175 NIA ? Path 3- Aggregate lVlake-up Air Method ' P?Siie Pus??= Y?'ti[icJ Infiltration Opcning Make-up Powead co matcB flow ? Ni., ? Nl.? ? LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: Ya Oz ? 11 jd' 0 .6` ? B' ? 2-0 ? ci ,6 ? DATE OF SURVEY: LATEST REVISION: m ? c m t U ? ¢ DOCUMENT STANDARDS ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company D • Building Permit Applicant ? • Legal description ? • Address ? • NoAh arrow and scale ? • House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ? • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % ? . Proposed/existing sewer and water services & invert elevation ? • Street name ? • Driveway (grade & width - in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.) ? . Lot Square Footage ? • Lot Coverage rd ELEVATIONS Existin 0 0 ? . Property comers .ff ? ? . Top of curb at [he driveway and property line extensions 2r ? ? • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes fd' ? ? • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches ? ,e1 ? • Waterways (pond, stream, etc.) Prooosed X 0 ? • Garage floor ,7 p ? • Basement floor fd ? 0 • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) ? ,Pf ? • Property corners ,e 00 • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) ? ,g ? . Easement line p 0 ? • NWL 0 -ET ? • HWL ? z ? • Pond # designation ? 8 ? . Emergency Overflow Elevation ? ? ? • PondMletland buffer delineation Y ? . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ,? ? ? • Lot lines/Bearings & dimensions ? ? • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) p' ? ? • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. alI structures requiring permanent footings) )er ? ? • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements 'z ? ? • Setbacks of proposed structure and derd setback of adjacent existing structures ? 0 ? • Retaining wall requirements: i , Reviewed By. ' Date ? .f G:/FORMS/Bu ilding Pertnit Application Rev. 11-26-04 r • + a c? Q R' O ? W ? ? J m N ? O W n P 0 y PdiOVFDE AND MAIAITAIAI IAILE'Y' PROTE("fIORI U1V'fIL FINALTURF IS ESTABLISB IEID c.e. I ?897. C.B. (1397.S,C.B. . '^'A 12Q?e?J???\f ORNNAGE AND UTIJTY EASENENT , u (897 0' sw sewm (897.5 M.H. o . . uaEFm NE e97.41 (897.56 97.7 (897.69 97.91 m (gg7_ 3 - \ (897.3 ' 897.29 7.07 0 wpTERI4 a (897.8 .C. lIL_ .C. T. - -Tim T. . Sj ?89 o HYD. ?' HU9?B9].'!] H? .49 HUB?89? =9 '?89 .'!8- HUB-897. 7 g NUB?89].]9 SFRV. o f i o EIN. ?° ° s ? 1 ?? I?a e ' ' }1 1 Ir SQN. • f„ 1 SIERV. -°o wv L N `• ' \, ?y? 97. j HYD. ?nv-eae.o H nrv- irrv-ggg t a7.7 S89 S3 52 W 210.ODirr?r-ae7 ? 2 P i C ?9 37'D 9' ' 1 1 97 :? 4 J/- ? •C' T'?e?j?VIDE AND MAINTAIN 10 8'0 ? ?97 m z+.oo ? zi.oo ? o a e 2033 ° m, 21 20.33 .00 B99.3) 21.00 tidL?ET PROTECTION UNTIL I zooo °? ,z.oou o o °4 ? N ° „,e, N $ y? o,ZOa ?? g° o1Z ? „ FIId ??URF IS ESTABLISHED s.oo a GAR4GE DROP-1C GARAGE DftOP-iC GARAGE 6 DROP-iC GARAGE GARAGE OROP-1C 56 DROP-1C GAR,4GE OROP-1C ? L?J ?. ?F m? , oo I ? L L-- L --- ---? - -? --? 41 m? ar I aN ? u 29 m u 28 27 26 25 24 m o? ? DCISTING . ROPOSED P PROPOSED PROPOSED u PROPOSED" PROPOSED PROPOSED N? E.O.F. x 9a HOUSE 0398.0) I F m HOUSE ' ' HOUSE ' ' HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE £ RPMBLER RAMBLER 'ryp STORY "TWp STORY "RAMBLER' 'RAMBLER' f m I ? ?(8 901opORCH°oIC p14.00 f'IZ.00 & .8. OFFSEf 18.11 HuB-887.62 95.Z' STORAI SE 10 I F. ?? &OF. (897.6? X BD7.0S ??. ?L --_-- ? O PUT UNE TOP / 901.4? X PROVIDE AND MAtNTAlN U IIVLET PROTECTIOM UIVTIL FIAIAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED E ?DID) By. Dace ?/ /9V05 EAGAN ENGINEERWG DEP[: PEi RO f3E n?iu.e7N0ns?s?,va GINEERING COMPflNY, INC. t..7000 E/5T 1? SIRFET, BUitlISMLL[ ?A 55337 PX L L° rou io.io OFFSEf 16d3 UttNtT 11.13 +qTSEf I6.13 - ??ET 1&11 D?Ef 16./3 iB=89]43 HUB-89Z29 HIIB=89].04 HU8=095.10 HU8-897.18 HUB-897.35 .B. ? ?9???SZ? Z?Q ? - . ± (896.z) 22Z 95.6 2 '96. u ? ?.? (698.4) u 2.2z ' . 2.2% (896.63 X (896.33' x (896.8z(897.0) ? ? - - T ORAINACE ND UTIJN EASEMENT?/ 0 ? ' S8953'52W ? (902. ? x TOP (903.5? x TOP C.SAH. N0. 30 (DIFFLEY ROAD) L@921 D2SCfIptI0f1: LOTS 24. 25. 26 .27. 28 dc 29, BLOCK 2. EAGAN HOGHTS TOWNHOMES 3RD ADDfTION DAKOTA COUNTY. MINNESOTA (09e DQMES E70SfING ELEVA7WN (699.6) DENO}E$ PROPOSED Q.EY/1TION INDIGTES DIRECIION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE ? ? •?, . 899.33 - FINISHm C,11RNI;E FLpOR ELEVATION - e?uexr Fl.ooR raEVaart 90021 - iDP OF FOUNWVIINJ ELEVA710N 4E? SCALE: 1" = 30' 89233 LOT ADDRESS: LOT AREA?',? BENCH MARK: LOT 24-2228 UBERTY LANE l0T 24-2,644J4 S.F. TOP S4N. MH OPPOSfTE LOT 25-2232 LIBERTY LANE LOT 25-2,329.89 S.F. NE CORNER L07 24. LOT 26-2236 LIBERTY tANE lOT 26-1,637.22 S.F. rEIEV.= 897A5 LOT 27-2240 LIBERTY LANE LOT 27-1.637.22 S.F. LOT 28-2244 LIBERTY IANE LOT 28-2,329.89 S.F. LOT 29-2248 LIBERTY LANE l0T 29-2,644.74 S.F. I lEREBY CIIf16Y IXAT 1H5 PLAN WAS PpEPARED BY ME pi UNDFR AIY dRECf I K I 11' EJi ORL ci PREPqRm FIXt: or.?vm uom ?y ???M ? ?r ? A ?r ucENSm 1AND sva?er.,¢ DImRICH BLDRS w..? ' ? ur?ooe n¢ uvrs ar nHe sure ? mroro CERTIF ICATE OF 3URV 1 a` ? ?• E D P. ?c4«?.,...L-- _? 6 DAIE "-05 PEG N0.1 G '° M6 ' ?32-]WJ mm DN(OTA COUN7Y T .11 ? I J ?? ? ], ?1 61' oS55`) SIyK?? :.•- '-1 ??.?'?rn?1?,? b S 5 7 S- 7? • S-? . Ee?r?o ??SIDkNTIALv?BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA"1'IO+SS B) 90s 0 City Of Eagan ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 U) NewConsUuchonReauiremenis RemadeVReoairReauiremenls 151- R* gB`Ig CNfim UseClnlv 3 registered sde surveys showng sq N of bl, sq fl of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan Cgr! OF Swvey R¢cd' ?? hl (20% maximum lot cwerage albwed) i set of Energy Calculahons for heated additions #reeRCS Plan R2ctl ' _Y: 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc 1 stle survey for additions & decks Tiee Ffies'Required =Y? 1 sel of Energy Calculahons AddRion - indicate if onsife septic system Dh-site Sepiie Sy91em. ' Y 3 copies o( Tree Preservation Plan if lot platled aNer 7/1193 Rim Joist Detail Ophons selectron sheet (builcbngs wilh 3 or less umis) Date 3_ / 02 q / b ? J?`?? Canstruction Cost Site Addresa o'? ? ag I?y.blr'4'y VCk.yl p. Unit/Ste # a.Y, m . 551zz Description of Work V)e_k?- L&-nS-{'Y l.iLO-4-1 6'Yl Multi-Family Bldg ? Y _ N Fireplace(s) _ 0_ 1 _ 2 Property Owner .SavYV-, Telephone # ( ) _SQ?2 Contractor 0 ?6 r- 10? Cjt,-', eXS ?Y1C • ndaress 13Z2-3 Ey-a? b0.K cisy e C). State MK Zip 55(Z4 Telephone #(?f5?? I-? - 22 2 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cate¢Ory 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Enefgy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submilted SubmiRed . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Have you previousiy constructed a building in Eagan with a similar pian? *Y k N If so, 25% plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber i.Jes? P1u-vnb i r-l!) Mechanical Contractor W4A1'P_e5 Sou?l'151C?? Telephone#(GIZ) '2A 0 °?4`1 H Z Telephone # i-! 31 - `10 q a Sewer/Water Contractor 5+0-v P I uA-,,Nb i na Telephone # I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the informati'n is compl?d' acc ate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of?gan_and thP CtatP r,f MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ?'?,,•?,-..,' ? ?-?-? /011 Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature ?'.` leus,:a!„G OFFICE USE ONLY _•r • Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex O 13 18-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OB 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3sea.) *-03 01 0(gD plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garege ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch(screen/gazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y w_ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types zr 31 New ? 32 Add'Rion ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement valuation J o 6., Do+0 Census Code C) I SAC Units d l # of Units C) I # of Bldgs a l Type of Const V fa ? Footings (new bldg) _ Foodngs(deck) Foodngs (addition) 46 Foundation Drain Tile Roof ZO Ice & Water ti Final Framing Fireplace k R.I. 't Air Test}a? Final ?p Insulalion Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair 0 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire 81dg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Occupancy IZ--3 MCES System Zoning Y l?, City Water Staries I Booster Pump Sq. Ft. 7 q PRV Length ?b ' Fire Sprinklered Wid[h 97 REQUIItED INSPECTIONS ? FinaUC.O. Final/No C.O. _ Plumbing _ HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector . 4nr211`19e 926 X4-00 ??rtA ?n F taaR lAlS X Sy 0 a ` 6 r S 343, an j?ot2Ct4 16 $ X ?-q.o,, = j 10 ?2 ?oo .b6 ^' ? ?2?? fSfJ 4b4SC02 ? ENCI Qqb k Z!;- ri n;Ske,1? LOWEI11tNet,24?.??.1C/S.?+a = ?{c7SrA0 V e r': n: f i?ca ? l? aa O. b Cf )-)4°iCK F?,4rl FE°c ' ?...,»..-. Permit Number REScheck Compliance Certificatc Checked ByNate 2004 Minnesota Energy Code REScheckSoftware Version 3 5 Release ]e Data filename C:\Probram Files\Check\REScheck\03-0401A4 (END UN1T R.AMBLER).rck PROJECT TITLE: RAMBLF,R (END UNIT) COUNTY: Dakota STATE: Minnesota ZONE: 2 COIvTSTRUCTION TYPE. Multifamily DATE 04/02/04 PROJECT DESCRIPT[ON EAGAN TNIiS DESIGNER/CONTRACTOR DIEDRICH BU[LDERS COMPLIANCE Passes Maximum UA = 343 Your Home UA = 327 16.8% Better Than Code (UA) Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling 1: F1at Ceiling or Scissor Tmss 1313 44.0 0.0 35 Wall l: Wood Frame, 16" o.c 1603 19.0 2,0 69 Window 1: Above-Gradc:Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with I,ow-E 256 _ 0300 77 Door 1: Glass 80 0.350 28 Door 2: Solid 38 0350 13 Walt 2 Wood Frame, 16" o.a 236 55 2.0 25 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry 117 0.0 5.5 13 1Vall heighr 32' Depth below grade. 2 7' Insulation depth: 32' Basement WaII 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry 771 OA 5.5 61 Wall height: 8 3' Depth below grade' 7.8' Insulation depth: 83' Floor 1; All-Wood JoisUTruss Over Outside Air 185 30.0 0.0 6 Furnace l. Forced Hot Air, 90 AFUE Proposed and Masimum U-Factor Averages Proposed Maxtimum Average U-Factor Allowed U-Factor Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors 0312 0370 Includes Foundation Windows > 5.6 ft2 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the peRnit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2000 Minnesota Energ}+ Code requirements in RES check Version 3.5 Release le (formerly MEC checAj and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the RES-checklnspection rhecklist. Builder/Designer 10-4CL T/2? Date T 3a -d? .,;z ? _ ?l?f fl:l . P'art IY• l7EPRESSURIZA,TION PROTECTZON Chcck option uscd. ? psgrcgatc (complc:c aggrcgatt wurkshccc on ntxl a c' ? P 5 1 PrcSttiptive (complctc wcr.:shect bclow) Q perfomionu (subnua tcst rcpon prior to final inspcclion) ? No fuN buming cqwpmcni PR,LSCRIPTIVE PATFT W0[thSHELT , I-NS ixUCTlorn EQUSYhSENTSCFiEDULE PcrtntttcdE m 9 P:neai Step I Compku dle Combinnar all rypes proposed) Pa:h 0 Paih I O patt:l Pa?h } f,,??tpm,?,ri SJ?rJulr on hc rn_Iit Scaled combuseion Y Y ? Y Y . Sicp 2 Chuosc a?luLc'-up.lv P?:th widt a Dirccl or power vrnicd N Y Y 1' (Ycs) (ur ail selectcd cywpmen[. O Atrnosphcrically vrn?ed N N O l Y Sup ). Campictc ihc iabic belo?v for tht Sca ed combusnon Y y '7( pvect ut Dower ve d o d1oAC-up,1?,? p(,eJ chuscn, ind,conng y nte ?,?lmosphcnwlly venicd .! N y Y Ilaws :n c(m Cor cal?aust anJ mikc• ? Scaled eombusiion Y 1' y up air mcthoJ; proposcd Unly Uie Ui(eci or power vented N Y Y caaicin• cnarscs, crnausc ap;,iizn« O Atmozphcncofly vcnled N 1?L Y` N m cich aicyorynccJ bc .ansidcrcd. soivj Closcd cunurollcd N Y N SUp d Fiil om Ihe Prutivr hfrikc-up .4ir DoCOra(IVC pi N Y" N Openuui Srbrdul" on ih: nexl pagt• ' Only aac atrnosphetically vmted applr:tnce may 6c in:tallcd in Pretcnpr.vc Paih :.? ? Patft 0- Prcscriptive fVlake-up Air Method ExIsausi Passive Pu:lvc rowoced Clothcs drycr: Passlvc utfiitraoon Ior up to 175 cFms JoGlVation crting Op ?!akcwp Passive openiug5 for cSTU ove[ 175 }:itc6eo c?puv: Passive iArlIt7aGOn for up to 250 cfm Passivc openinga Cor cfrns avtr 250 Po-ered tomalth fluw for cfrtu ever 500 Other exhamC f Paasivc opentogs Cor up to 140 cCm Powered ?o mztch llaw for e6ra aver 140 N/A t Nced aot indudc ccn?l Vuuum Cxbaust viPalh 0. TOTALS Path 1- Pre5criptive',V1ake-up Air rYTethod Exhaust Passive Passive ?owered QVtbes drycr.j Passive initInapon for up ia 175 cfrn Infiltration i OpeiungY "?[aS:o-up Passive nprnwgs forchos over 175 I?O /SO Kitchcu echaust: Ptssivc openipgs for up Io 250 efID Powcrcd to rrutch Ouw far cfms ovcr 250 N/q Othu achaust j Passive oyeumgs for up ta 140 efm ' Po-ered to maieh flaw Cor tfms ovcr 140 -6 0 N;A TOTALS /5' 5 0 ; 1.`clused conaolled comoastian solid-Fuel burnior appliance Is iasWled in Path t, then t6e clotha dx}'er aod any cenhal vact;ucti that cxSausts io ouCCide musl be provided witS make.up au by pauiva qDeninB to match ftow 0t5envuc o<ed not includc tc utrai vacuua ? Path ?- prescriptive htake-up Air Nlethod ExhaUSt Passive passivc rowcrca Cloi6cs drycr. Passive opcnmgs for up to t7S cfin lnfil[rauou Opcning IMakc-up Powtrcd to match flow farcfms ovtr 175 NYA 1Cilcbeu exhause Powcred ro ma[c6 pow N/A Othrr cxhnusr Powercd to match tlow N;A NA? TOTALS N/A ? O Fath 3- Prescriptive Nlake-up Air hiethod E?aust PaSSi.•e Passive FoWrcd Clotha dryer. Powcred lo malch flow lofiltradon NIA Opcning M1IA h:akoup Knchcn cxhausr. Powcrcd to matth flow N/A Niq -? Other cxhauit: Ppwcrcd ro match Oow• NIA N1A J 70T.iC5 N/A NIA ? ?a-?-t IIIa. VENTILATXON lNSTRUCTIONS VENTILA'CIOiV METHOAS I MA1CE•UY'AIIt PATH ((mm Part I() PEOPLE SUPPLEMEN7'AL C?.AKht O Pmscripav; (or Aggrcgaie) Path 0 8alanced or Ezhaust only Balaneed or Exhaust nnly' Not requ :ed Prctcnpuve (or Aggregaic) Path I alnnted ' alanec t 6khaUO/areF?" NoI :equ?.rcd7 ? Prucnptive (ur Acgrcgaoc) Path Z Ba ¢nced Balaaced or Exl?aust only' fttyutre? ? Prcscnpuve (ar Aggrceatq Pa?h 7 Balorced Balanced Requi;cc!- O Perfornunce Path (sec pan 7672.1000 subpan i) PerfaRnanee Peefo[manee ReyuucC ' Pusive infiltrauon shall pot be turcd to provide ma;;e-up air :ar euiaust only supplemenWl vcuttlation in tx<c;s ef 0.05 tfmisf t A cacbon monoxide alann musc bc iosulled if a cootrollcd combusaon solid-fucl buming appliancc is ins;alJcd in Pach I. VEfYTTT,ATION FAY SCHEDUT,E Fan dcscnv?oo or locanon TOTa; S Ftu Pueposc ? Peop e 0 Veople Q Pcople 0 Pcop:c efm ? Supplemenwl ? Supplemen:al G Supplcmen(al Z) Suppicmtnia! cCm VENTILpT10N innke y e cfm cfm c[m cCm cfm AS DESIGr'ED Exhaus[ ' 2, pZ7 •cfm cfm cfm cfm cfro Stotemcnt af Compliancc: Thc propostd bwlding dcsign rcpres<nud ia thuc daumrncs is consistcni with ihc building plans, spreifialior.s. nnd uEhec uleulations zubmttted wich the pemti( appliea(iun. The propo5ed building fijs been designed m m,el the reqviicmenu oi ehe Nlinncsoia Energy CoJe. npplianl (pnnt nomc) ? . $igwNtc Da[c 7clcphonc nuntbcr Part II.lh. VENTYLATION ($ubmit Par(IIib upun compiction ofsN•stcm vcri(cvion) X -------------------------------------------------------------------- Iub Suc Pcmut vwub.r fan descnptioa or locatton ; TO'TAi.S DiLASURED ' Intake• cfm cCm cl'm cfm cfrn PGRfORlyti.NCE E.chausC ifm tfm cfm cfm ctm 'Masuccmtnt ctquued for venplahvn rystem mtakts and c.zhsutCS (rom thc bwldirg with dcstgn air i ow of G'm'oad Frcattr. Cempliona Sbirnicnc IintallcJ vrnnlauon system is in compliantc wiih >1N Encrsy Code and is siied to providc thc Jcsrer. 3ir tlao. Appluant (prinl name) Signmvrc Datc 76kyhuni numb.r Sltp I. Comp?ie the Vrnrilution Qurtntiry wurkshcct 6claw. Step 2. Check'lhe Mak<•up qir Palh (!rom Pui 11) on Iltc Vrnnfanon Mediods toblc bclow. Slcp 7, Choost ptrtnirtcd mathod(s) for Pcoplc and Supplemrncol Vaitilanon Fwm Ihc Vi-nalrrrivn r1lcrGwdr tablc. Slcp 4. Complctc (he Vrnnlodon Pan SCGcdvle. PASSIVE MAICE-UP AIR OPENTNG SCIiEDIJLE •.'I`ADLE FOR SIZ[NC PASSiVE MAKE-UP AlR OPENTNCS wotn: a) T1us tible usumes 20 fetl oCsmoolh wobSRUCted tound Diunctar 3 inchcs Peth 0 50 cfm PatL I 35 cC Fath 2 ! S'cGn duct witS thrct 90• elbows and a scrcened hood 4inches 90 cfrr 60 cCm 75 cfm b) Equivxlent dcsib-ns calculatcd usmg pressurts of50 Puc11s 5mc6u 140 cfci 100 cLn 4S cfm for Pa1h 0, 25 Putals for Path 1, ¢na 5 Pascals for Path 2 6 inchLs 200 c6n 140 cfm E; cFm may bc tucd. 7 inehes 270 ckn i 50 cfrn F. S cfm c) IC c make-up a'v opening is used with nu duct or elUow•s, !]:c 8 incbcs 3S0 tFm 250 cfm 1 i 0 cfm dismctu can be decreucd by t im:h. • 9 incdes aso cG '320 cfm ]ko c&n d) ICllcx duct is uscd, inacuc diuncla by 1 inch. ]0 inchw 570 cfm 400 ctin 180 cfm MA-o-uP A'v AppluariodLocstioo CFM Opeuing size Ducc Typa $mooih O Flex O Oprn n; or,ly $Inuo!h Fltx :j Opcr.:ngonly O Smooth O Fles Opcn,r.g anly ' O Smoom O Flcx ? Open.nc only AGGR.1?GATE NTAIiE-UP AIR WORICSHEET IKSTRUC"CIONS Sitp L Cumplece Evbinm Sebrdulr on iha righi md,caeing cfm oClarCesl dcvien in eadi aategory. Siep 2. Complttc thr Copnbustion Err.rpmow Srhrdtdr on prcccding page. Siep 3. Chuosca paih with a Y(Yes) for ail sdccicd equipmtne. Sicp d. Complete Aag.rgn« • Mnk.-up ,(ir tablc bclosv for choser. poth. Using [he total c(m from thc E<tiuwi Schri ulr, indicoie flo.v m t(m for propo;ad method(s) of providlng make-up air. Step 5 Fi11 om xh: Pwiivr,LLue•upA;r Op.•nuiS Sdicdtde abuvc. EXI-LAUST SCHEDULE DEb'ICE : Fh! Clothcs dryer (1 Kitchta cuhaust Othcr cxhausc O TOTAL a,,.? p ? Path 0- Ao?regatc vIake-up Air NIethod Fusivc pass«?e PcwereS infiltradon Oycnin_v, M:.ke•up Pustve uiCiltration for up to 425 c5n ' Pusive opeaiugs for cfms over 425 ( 7oweced W auu;h tlow for cfrns ovet 985 Path 1- Aggreaate Make-up Air Method o ° Pus+ve - Pa::ivc , Powered i ilaatio•i lnf OpcninR P:t;z'<c-up Yusive infilmtio¢ up to 175 cfm' Patsive opcniugs for efttts over 175 ' f/,7 I aS Po«•errd ro match (low for e(ms ove: SGS • lf a closed eeoaolted solid-!vei burning appLanee u iusulled m PaLLi 1, then a passive opening must bc i.-L?ia1kJ tu pro?ide rtrilec•up 3it for the elothes dry•er and for anvi ceaonl vaeuum tba[ exhausts to che outstde. ? Path 2-Aggregate Nlake-up Air Mcthod p'SS'°° P'S5"'e °°m`r`d tifiieotton ovenine na.kC•uv Pbcstvc oycnings, for up io 175 ctitt poW«<a ce ma«n noW for c6m oycr in NIa O Path 3- Aggregate lVlake-up Air Method ' P?S?v? r?:?Y? YO'NCIC(1 lnfiltralion Opcmng Makc-vp Pow•aed co match 17ow ? NiA i N;A LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION PROPERTYLEGAL• <.S?Gb., (, l G6" G l" AI?JC..Ic ?? DATE OF SURVEY: LATEST REVISION. d m e R L U ` ? z O ¢ DOCUMENT STANDARDS ? ? ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ?' ? ? • Building Permit Applicant .B ? ? . Legal description ,z 0 ? • Address ,z ? ? • North arrow and scale ,Z ? ? . House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ,e' ? ? • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % z ? ? • Proposedlexisting sewer and water services & invert elevation fd' ? ? • Street name Ja' ? ? • Driveway (grade & width - in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.) ,ef ? ? . Lot Square Footage ,a ? ? • Lot Coverage rd ELEVATIONS Existina ,? ? ? • Property corners .tl' ? ? • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions ? ? . Elevations of any existing adjacent homes ? ? • Adequate footing depth of strudures due to adjacent utility trenches ? ..eff ? • Waterways (pond, stream, etc.) Proposed ? ? ? • Garage floor ? ? ? • Basement floor ?a ? ? . Lowest exposed elevation (waikouUwindow) ? 19 ? . Property corners ,H' ? ? • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) ? .g ? • Easement line ? II ? • NWL ? kf ? . HWL ? ,B ? • Pond # designation ? 8' ? • Emergency Overflow Elevation ? .9°J ? • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation Y . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ,0' ? ? • Lot lines/Bearings & dimensions ,pf ? ? ? ? . Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) ? ,0 ? ? ? ? . Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements • Setbacks of proposed structure and sidevlard setback of adjacent existing structures ? X ? • Retaining wall requirements: , / Reviewed By: ' Date q S G/FORMS/Bui lding Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 r ?- ? PROVIDE ANU MAINTAIN IAILET PROTECTION UNTIL FIIdAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED Q x ? x Q ? O ? w ? ? m cn O (B97. (897.56 (897J C. HYD. ? ' ? 6 .c 10 98. l w O n? O N I n IUB.B9].]9? ??? ? , SEtN. o SQry_ IN„=888.o 1200 - ? GAR4GE ` DROP-1C , Ln-_ y PROPO ED HOUSE "RANBLER" 8.50 }7.p0 89?? n 9?0?°PORCHO PA IOa 1a.?oo?1zooJ / t2? ` •F. ?? BO.F. I ? ?(897.6 1" x BD7.DY ?? O ? PIAT LINE - - - TOP (901.4.?, x ? PROVIDE.ANll NIAINTAIN JNLET PROTECTION UNT[L F1NAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED ?. ??_ ? 'L_ V U ED Da:c / 0 EAGAN ENGwMUNG DIE'lC. ROBE ??suVE01M GINEERING EI NC. t .100p FASr 1MIh SIREEf. BI.RIlS191& YMIESpTA GS.U] RI L (av7:. ? c.s. DRNNPGE AND U71UTY EASENENT Snn. scvER ? C897.5 M.H. f?A, GARP,GE ? DROP-1C L --. 28 PR PO ED HOUSE RAMBLER' 3] 00 zoo ,I OROP-1C I UKOY-1C r L - - - - - _ J 27 ?a O PR0 D u PR P SED HOUSE HOUSE "TWO STORY" -TWD STORY b4 N ?. f ? I'o INV ?.2? . 21.00 B w, ?GAR4GE . oS UROP-1C P? OSED HOUSE 'RAMBLER' i 37.00 18 µW i i PATiO°o? FORCHoIQ Dz_oo ,a.oy _tE ? z J 210.00 S89'53'52'W t 3 (898.4) ?896.6 x ?-? - - - - _ - _ _ DRAINAGE S8953'S2'W TOP (902. ? x C.S.A.H. N0. 30 (DIFFLEY ROAD) 1gy ? -e (903.5? X TOP Legal Description: LoTS 24, 25. 26 .27, 28 dc 29, BLOGK 2. EAGAN HEIGHTS TOWNHOIAES 3RD ADDRION DAKOTA COUNTI'. MINNESOTA 19g.T DENOTES IXISTING ELEVATION (999.6) DQNOrES PROPO$m QF,VATION INDICATES DIRECIION OF SURFNCE DRAINAGE 899..3 = FlNISHm CkRAGE FLOOR ELFYATION 89733 aBASEMQNT FLOOt QF?/I?TION 900.33 - Tpp pF FpUNDA710N ELEVAT10N SCALE : 1" = 30' LOT ADDRE55: L0T AREA: BENCH MARK: LOT 24-2228 LIBERlY LANE LOT 24-2.64474 S.F. TOP SAN. MH OPPOSI7E LOT 25-2232 LIBERTY LANE L0T 25-2,329.89 S.F. NE CORNER LOT 24. LOT 26-2236 LIBERTI LANE LOT 26-7,637.22 S.F. ELEV.= 897.45 LOT 27-2240 LIBERiY IANE L0T 27-7,637 22 S.F. LOT 28-2244 LIBERN LANE LOT 28-2,329 69 S.F. LOT 29-2248 LIBERTY tANE LOT 29-2,644.74 S.F. 1 HEiiiFHY CERTIFY 7HAT THIS flN7 WAS Pf1FPMFD BY IIE pt UNOER YY qFECT 1 IS K RENS10N5 [Ji 0 ft PREPMED pR avum a<o? ? p ?y ? WlY ?s? ? ? vR COISED LjH?D E DImRICH BLDRS w.r wre ? urmm Txe uws av nHe srKh CLL{?L1j'1Nl'J? OF SVl??? ? 1 cF Esorti ? - ase,,.. l? ? -" 6 , '-O$ ? REG NQ? u 2_3" DAIE ORKOTR COUNTY, MINNESOT 897. ? HYD. 4ZGO C. ^ T .(897.91 zt.oo m ? ? r ? 008 12 GP RAGE ??/ .• _ IIV LET IVTAIN ?I'EC MAITION UNTIL , OROP-1C ? FINAL' Q URF IS ESTABLISHED --? ? a 24 IXISTIN G m Nd E.O.F. X ?9? HOUSE PROPOSED ` ?o l9se.N ? HOUSE 'RAMBLER' ? m XU8?09].1B 2 ? HU6-89].35? B. (896.2) zzx 2.2% - X X ? (896: ?(897.0)T UTILIN EASEMENT? - - ^ - ? - - ? J aP. 6 65 60 4 733. 6 y •; ?-- Y\0'??t.? -? ? p 2?00'ESIDENl'IAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 6`6 3t3 SO -,S3 ' City Of Eagan _7 ------ 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 (o? Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5696 bKgq0 OtFxe Usn'Ontv New Consiruction Reauirements RemodellReoev Reauiremenls y$ Li 3 registered site surveys showing sq fl of IW, sq. N of house, and all roofed ar?s 2 copies of plan Ceil of SmvAy Rerd. _. N (20'k mauimum lot coverage allowed) 1 sel of Energy Calculalions for heated additions 'f[98 BYes Pluti RECd --'" Y? 2 copies of plan showmg beam & window sizes, poured found desgn, etc 1 site survey for add?tions & decks Fr¢e Pres t2e4uited - Y isetofEnergyCalculalbns Additan - iridicafeifon-sdesepficsysfem 0?-siisBepliaSystem?i.'_Y W., 3 copies of Tree Presenrahon Plan rf lot platled afler 711193 Rim Jmst Detail Optians selection shcet (buildings wdh 3 or less uniis) Date 3 / 2-4 / D5 Construction Cost Site Address '??3:a UuiUSte # JJIZZ- Description of Work yleLJ Mu1ti-Family Bldg Y?Y _ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner 5Q/mc Telephone # ( ) ?_ Contractor bit&?a\ Lwk:%ld-P_?:s snc • l 13,11 &edrich Address I 3ZZ3 6r0.na t)'-K C State YY)K Lx ii^'}" city Pft) p 4k?11ey Zip P)?, 6 12.14 Telephone#(q5`L)1-E,3Z-Zz9Z_ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Ca[eQOrv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Enefgy Code Category , Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet . New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? %"'?Y _ N If so, 257c plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber 0`SAi'you-n Telephone #((p]L) zaO-t-krtwZ MechanicalConfractor lt,?I-evS TelephoneflqJ'r7a 1-I31-he)a01 Sewer/WaterContractor Telephone#A ?.)?? ? i , I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the informaffin is complete " '?* rate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City o?,3?agan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a pernvt, and worcI-is no o s a out a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Signature Applicant's Printed Name OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 OB-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) Z? 03 01 of.6 plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorcNAddn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 16 Deck ? 23 Porch(screenlgazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 72-plex Pibg_Y or_ N? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteretron ? 34 Replacement valuation ? n6,DOfl Census Code 5 SAC Units 6 I # of Units 61 # of Bidgs A ( Type of Const I, .. .. ? 30 Accessory Bldg O 31 Ext. Alt- Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish IMerior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundffiion ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire Bldg) • Give PCA handout to applicant Occupancy MCES System Zoning ? D City water Stories ? Booster Pump Sq. Ft. I 7 3q PRV Length r/ FireSprinklered Width :R -) t ?0 Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) Footings (addition) ?D Foundalion Drain Tile Roof )4 Ice & Water A Final ?Q Framing Fireplace )6 R.I. ? Air Test A Final ?j Insulaflon ? _. I . Approved By: REQUII2ED INSPECTIONS ? Fina]/C.O. _ FinallNo C.O. _ Plumbing _ HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Pertnit & Suroharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total G-Anwqe 42? sg ,"r k J(0.oo f 6Y/6.nz . MA:n F t1l 4S'- k5q. oo = bl 0?•ev pc,es" /6$ gqi-t-,?e?-`t 00 ,-9472.aV l.nwea levei 89pa9Ar xt9.00 s " leveI e„j°:O;SNGs?74)99og?rXJSco0o Fl.4-r ?ee- 2coo.oo ?/a?h?3,o-0 Pemtit Number REScheck Compliance Certificate CheckedBy/Date 2000 Minnesota Energy Code REScheckSoftware Version 3.5 Release le Data filename: C:\Program Files\CheckUtEScheck\03-0401A4 (END LTNIT RAMBLER) rok PROJECT TITLE: RAMBLER (END iJNIT) COLJN'TY: Dakota STATE ivfinnesota ZONE: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Multifamily DATE: 04/02/04 PROIECT DESCRIl'TION: EAGAN TNHS DB SIGiVER/CONTRACTOR: DIEDRICH BUILDERS COivIPL1AIv'CE: Passes Maximum UA = 393 Your Home UA = 327 16.8% Better Than Code (UA) Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling l: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Tmss 1313 44.0 0.0 35 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 1603 19.0 2.0 69 Window 1: Above-Grade: Vinyl Frame;Double Pane with L,ow-E 255 0.300 77 Door 1. Glass SO 0350 28 Door 2: Solid 38 0350 13 Wall 2: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 236 5.5 2.0 25 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry 117 00 5.5 13 Wa(1 height: 32' Depth below grade: 2.7' Insulation depth: 32' Basement Wall 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry 771 OA 5.5 61 Wall height: 8.3' Depth below grade: 7.8' Insuladon depth: 83' Floor 1: Ail-Wood JoisUTruss:Over Outside Air 185 30.0 0.0 6 Furnace 1. Forced Hot Air, 90 AFUE Proposed and Maximum U-Factor Averages Proposed Ma7cimum Average U-Factor Allowed U-Factor Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors 0.312 0370 Includes Foundation Windows > 5.6 ft2 COMPLIANCE STATEMEN'I': The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2000 Nfinnesota Energy Code requirements in RES checkVersion 3.5 Release le (formedy MECchec? and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed i?n the_RE?f(` checkInsge tion Cyh-?ecklist. BuildedDesigner ?,.f?1"-?-<ac?=G Date 31e--?'S I . . - . 4J u:l . . I'art Tr. llEPRESSU;RTZATION PROTEC'z'ZON Cbcck option uaccC Q rsgrqalc (complr.c aggrcgatc wurkshcct on ntxt pa6c) O Prrcriptivc (complc cc wcn shce t bclo%v) Q Perfomiancc (submit tcst rcpon pri0r to final inspcclion) ? No fucl burning cquipmcni PR,LS CRIPTIVE PATfI u'0[2.KSHELT I wikucnorn C0mffiUSfIOIYEQIJII'MENTSCFfED[lT.E PemlittcdEqwpmepl Sup I Complete fhe Comhrctrrua (check all rypes pcoposed) Space heawe p Scilcd ca b i Pa!h 0 Path t Y Path 2 Path 3 wpm, G •m Sihr h ; - h m ust nn Y Y Y , . i , , un ; c n,_he Direct or pawet ven¢d N Y Y Stcp 1 Choosc { N d Y . a, r t-up . tr P;:rh wich a ? ? Apnosphcdcally vrntcd N N y+ Y 1 (Yrs) for alf selectcd cyuipmrnc. Waler heaM 6 O Scaltd combusrion Y Y y y Sicp ) Com inc th t bl l b p c a c c uw for (hd Ducci ur powcr vcnud N y y A/uAr-up,I, Pulichoscn.indianng OAmiosphcncallyvenrcd N N N Y Ilcivs :n ;(m fur c.Nhau;t anJ makc• Hcarlh - gas O Sealed combusiion Y 1' '{ y up oir mahoJ, prupoxd Only dic DiRtt or puwer vcntcd N }' Y y caaxip• cf largrst cxhziust apiliancc O Atmosphcrically vcnltd N NL Y. N m cich nrcgory nccJ bc contidcrtd. Hcat7h- solid 0 Closcd concrollcd N y? Y. N Slcp d Fiil out lhe P bl k itrlfve rj c•up Air luel O Detoralive N N Y' u ONrning Schrd,dt, on Uic ncti 015c. ' Onty ooc apnospherically ven?ed appli?.ncc may bc in;u(]cd m Pmscnprve Paih' u Yath U- Prescriptive Make-up Air Method Exboust rassiYC rus;ve rowercd Cbchu drycr: Pa:s?vc uifilaacion for up w I%S C(IiB 101,1]I(3h0? Opcrunf" mJkhllP Pusive opcniugs for c6`u ovct 175 kJithcn cnhpust: Puitvc inf11tra0on for up t0 250 cCm Passivc openings for cfms over 250 Powcred to.malch tlow for cfms cver 500 Othcr atheutCt Paasive openiags for up to 140 cfm Powcred to match tlaw for cfms ovcr 140 N/q t Need aot include ccn?! vacuum exbaust u' Path 0. TOTALS Path 1- Prescriptive '.V1ake-up Air Nlediod F-v-hau5t Pnsl;ve pa,sive ?owercd QUtbes drycr.I pivrvo ?rullpaaon Ior up to 175 cfm [ufiltnlion , OuetungT ?takc-up Passive oprnmgs forcfms over 175 I5-0 Kiiehea ochaust: Passive apenings for uy Io 250 efm Powcrcd to truich [low for cfou ovcr 250 NIq Other cxhaust j paJSive opening5 for up Io 140 cfm , Powcred lo maleh tlow for clms over 140 15 0 N;q ? O TOTALS ; Ilclused concolled comb,ution :olid-fuel burnm? applionce i: imtalled in Paih I, Uun the clothes drycr and any cenhal var.?uci chat ccSAuses io outside must be provided wirS make-up ait by passive apening to matth fl ow 0t5<nvu d i d i l . c ne e not ne c c u cutra vacuua. O Path 3- Yrescriptive h(ake-up Air hSethod E'haU3t rassivo Passivc ro%vcr.d Cloihcs drycr. Passive openmgs for up to 173 efin I lnClhafiou OPcninC :Makc•ap Powercd to match (loW CorcCms ovcr 175 wA ICiI[ben exhause Powcrtd to mateh flow Oth h N/q N/A cr cz rust Powcrcd m malch tlow N;A N4\ TOTALS N/A ? O Path 3- Prescriptive I1Iake-up Air Niethod E?aust Passivc pu:iYe PaWcrce C1otLos dryec paw•cred to match Ilow IariItration N/,q Opcning NJq htakt-up Kitchcn cxhausc Powcrcd to matth flow N/A NiA -^ Otha ex2„usc Powaed ro maa6 llou• N/n N?A ? TOTACS N/A N/A i -.-? Part IIIa. VENTILATXON INSTRUCTfONJ VENTILA"CiON METHOAS ? MAKE•UY AIIt PATH (hom Put 11) P60PLE SUPPLEMPNTAL C?t O Prescnpnv; (or Aggrcgaic) Path 0 Balenced or ExLaust Oaly -?A' P Balanccd or Exhous[ nnly No[ rcqcircd fes[npnr (or AF tceatc) PatM1 I 44 alanted ' al?n[c r&ehewtaK+?f Nof rcGCVadt ? Prcscripcive (or .4cgregatc) Poih Z Bn mced Balanecd or ??aus[ ool}r Reyuuca ? Prescnpnve (or AggrceatcJ Pa'h ) Balar,ced Balanad koquccd O Perfornwnce Paih (scc patt 7672 1000 subpan i) Pedartnanet Pedo[maoce Reyuucc ' Pusive iofilhatiun shall uoe be uucd Io pcovide mai:e•up au 1ar cai?ausl only suppltNeutal vtuh[ati0n in eXCCSS ef0.05 [fm/sf t A tarbon monoxide alum must bc imtalled iCa coatralicd eombusnon solid•Cucl buming opplianct is in5talled in Path l. vENTTT,ATION FAN SCHEDUT,E F?n dcscapuoo or loution TOTALS Fia Purpose ? People a Yeople :] Pcople ? Pcoplc cfm 0 Supplcmental O Supplemen:al G Supplcmcmal ZI $upplcmenea: ? cCm VENTILATIOH lntake 2on cfm cfm cfin efin efm AS OESIGNED Exhaus[ ' Z pD - cfm cEm cIm cfm c6a S12tement af Compliancc: Tlu pruposed buJding dc5lgn «presencad in ihue daumcnis is consistrnc wiih ihc buildin3 plans, spenficrtior.s. and oihtt ealeulauuns subntiucd unN ihe pcmiic applieution. Thc proposed buddin, has been dcsigncd to rn:n hc «quucmcmf of;}?r?bLnncsnl? EnaSyCoJC. npplicani (prmt namc) $IgnaNrc Daic 7clcphonc numbcr Part Iub, VENTZLATXON {Submit Par( II[U upun compiction ofsN•slcm Ycrifica:ion) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1ub Site Addass: Pemut ?iunibcr Fan dcscnptlan or localion ? TOTAi.S p LA5URED ' Inuke• c!m cfm clfi clm cfrn PGILFOR1yUNCL• E.?hausN tfin efn eGn cfin efnt 'Meosurcmcnt rcquvrd (or venUlanon system iowkes and e.rhausU from thc buildiny with dcign aor f Ow oCJO cfm'and grcattt. Compllonce Slatement: Installcd vrnnlauon syslem i3 in camFliance wiih 'N1M1 [nugy COde and i5 sized to pruk•ide ihc Jezrer. ai- flou. ApplicaotlDrintnamtl Signaturc Dacc ?clcphunenumb••r -- Skp I. Comp(cte thc Vcn1ilu1rort Qunnrrry wurkshccc bclow. Slcp 1. Chak'ihe Mnkc-up Air path (from Part II) on dte Vrnnlotian ,tJrrho(ir ublc bclow. Skp J• Choost pcrtnirttd mnhod(s) (or Pcopk and Supplemencol Vuuiianon Crom Ihc VemuGatiu), ,1,fc1LnJ,r table Siep 4. Compku thc Ycarilahon Pun Schsdule. YASJlvE MA1CE-UY P,ilt VYEiVllVU SCHEDULE -'fADLE FOR S1ZINC PASSIVE MAKE-UP tUR OPENTNCS • ZJo(a: a) This tible usumes 20 Eett ofsmooth unobskucted raund Diunetcr 3 inchcs Path 0 50 cfm Pa? I 35 cf Pa(b 2 I 5 cLn duct witS ?[cc 90' elbows and a scrcencd Yood 4 inches 90 tfrr. 60 cCm :3 cfm b) Equivxlrnt designs calculatcd using prcuutcs of 50 Pistak 5 mc6u 140 cfm 100 cfm 4 5'cCm for Yalh 0, 25 Patcals for Path I, ano 5 Pascab for Path 2 6 inehLs 200 cfm 140 cfm 6' cfm may bc t,scd. 7 inchea 270 cfm 190 chn 85 cfm c) If a mako-up air opcning is used with oo duct or ellwa•z, tI:c B inches 350 cfrrt 250 cfm 10 cCm diameter can be decreued by 1 inch. • 9 inches 450, fm •320 cfm 140 efm d) If Ocx duct is uscd, inacuc diamckc by I inch. 1D incdw 516 c6n 400 ctin icD cfm Makc-upAirApplicariodLoaaon CFM Opeuingsiu DuctType Smooih ? Flex ? Oprrrn; only ? Smuo:h Fle:c ZI Opcnng only O$mooth 0 Fles Opcn;;:g only ' ? Smooth ? Flcz ? Openmc only AGGn.I:GATE MAtiE-UP AIR WORI{SfiEET InsTaucriaNs Siep I. Complcie £rAo« uxi SrLrdulr on the nghi mditaein-, efm of IarGCSt dewia in each ntegory_ Step 2. Complcte the Cow6wvimi Eqr.rpni.w StheJule on preceding n]gr. Sicp i. Choosc.3 paih -ith a Y(Yts) for aU scic-tcd cquipmeni. Sicp 4. Complete Agdrrgnre hlnkr-up .frr eabie br.low (or choser. path. Utmg rhe toeal c(m from ihc E:chuuji ScGer.'iJr, indicate tloa m cGn Cor propo;ed nuthod(s) of providin; make-up av. $lep 5 FiII Ouf Af1C P(usirC rLlni.e-up,,fw Openirrg Sdirdulu above. EXFIAUST 5CH£DULE DEVICE CFhi Clochu drycr (1 Kiteheo cxhaust Other e:chaust O TOTAL ao p O Path 0- A;?rcgatc Make-up Air NIethod Pusivc Pn:stva Pavuqs InFiltmtiort Openin¢ Mai"-up Punve mWtr3tion for up to 425 c5n ' I Pusve opcaings Coc c6ns aver 425 Powered lo nuich (low Cor cfms oveY 985 Path 1- Aaeaate Make-up Air Method °gr° Pusi•?e ea.5ivc Pcwemd i Infiltratio•, OpcninF* ?:l:kc-up - Pusive iufilVZno¢ up to 175 ctm' Pu<ive opeaiags (or eCms oYer 175 ? n? I ? Powered to match flow for efms ove: SGS • If a closed eentrolled solid-fuG burning aPpbanee u installed m Paeh 1, tben s paasive opening [ouu be =alkd tu pro? ide m.kc-up zir for the elofies dryer and for any teatral vacuum t6at exhausts co the ouiside. ? Path 2-Aggregate Nlake-up Air Mcthod paSSivc Passive Dowtrca InCcltrnlwn Opcnmg M::ke-up Picsive opewngs, foc up io 175 etiit Powercd to mat[h Oow (or cfms ovcc I75 N/A O Path 3- Aggregate Nlake-up Air Method ' Pus??e pu:cve 1'r,',vcrcd infiltralion Opcmng M:kr- Powcccd io match flow I NiA i NfA , LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: }. G?FrG S Gb <- l LO , 4?. 1 u 1uL-?c. DATE OF SURVEY: LATEST REVISION: d ? c R t U O Z ? ¢ DOCUMENT STANDARDS J4 ? ? . Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ,a ? ? • Building Permit Applicant .H ? ? • Legal description ? ? ? . Address R( ? ? • North arrow and scale ? ? • House lype (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ? ? • Direetional drainage arrpws with slope/gradient % g ? ? • Proposed/existing sewer and water services 8 invert elevation 2- ? ? • Street name 0 ? ? • Driveway (grade & width - in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.) 0 ? ? • Lot Square Footage ,E!l ? ? . Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin ,? ? ? . Property corners .El' ? ? . Top of curb at the driveway and property line eMensions 0 0 O • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes fd' ? ? • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches ? ,P1 ? • Watenvays (pond, stream, etc.) Prooosed )? ? ? • Garage floor 'z ? 0 • Basementfloor fd ? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) ? ,g ? . Property corners ?? . Front and rear of home at the foundation ,'C1 PONDING AREA (if applicable) ? ,9 ? . Easement line ? 8 ? • NWL ? X7 ? • HWL ? ,B 0 • Pond # designation ? b' ? • Emergency Overflow Elevation 0 `fT ? • PondNVetland buffer delineation Y . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y ? • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ,B ? ? • Lot lines/Bearings 8 dimensions ,z ? ? • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) ? ? • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all strudures requiring permanent footings) 'z ? ? • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements '0 ? ? • Setbacks of proposed structure and sid"ei?ard setback of adjacent existing structures ? 0 ? • Retaining wall requirements: ? '' ? ? Date ? .f i d B R ev ewe y: G' /FORMSBui lding Permit Application Rev.'17-26-04 ? . PROVIDE AND MAIRITAIN INLET PROTECT[O1V URITIL FINALTURF IS ESTABLISHED I (S-7.2 .B. (8 97.6 C.B. - - Q ' ?Q l( J1, M@Mm - - - - oaur+,.ce aNO unun easawr <697s1'S Mf"lw (riw) C'urlf? i (897.SAN. SEHER ? (897.5? M.H. 97.69 97.91 m (gg? "\ (897.3 97.0?' 897.29 - T.C. - .18?89).]9 N SERV. V?BBBA ?N N HUB-897.7] SERV. * ?qy-Bgg.t a HUB- > ?+l ? . • e7.7 . w I? ?M 58933S2 W 210.OOinr . - d?-gg7? o °+ HU8-887.36 P ? o tNV ?s a x c? J Q ? O ? w ? ? J m ? O w n h P 'o ? I ? I I 10 I / n i[.V p.o GARAGE [WO °+?? O 0,4WqGE y V $GARAGE N GARAGE° u r ?GAIZ4GE 41200 ??$ I[? GAR4GE W' X? DROP-IC DROP-IC 56 DROP-IC DROP-IC 56 DROP-IC DROP-IC o ? L -- w L _- L --- --- J --? -? - e ` 29 ? p w ? ? ?+ c? e e?,? °i- ? PR ED pR SED PR OSED u PROPO ED ' P 0 OSED PR PO ED m 1 HOUSE ' ' HOUSE ` HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE . f' ? RP1dBlER RAMBLER' '1Wp STORY "TWO STORY RAMBIER' "RRMBLER' 13 210.00 S89'53'52'W f (898.4) ` -- -- X -- 2.23 DRAINAGE I ~? &OR ? (897.6? X BBYOS ?y o ? - - - - - PIAT IJNE TOP (901.4' X PROViDE AND h1A1NTAIN ? INLET PROTECTION UNTIL FINAL TURF 1S ESTABLISHED RhILWED By Date EAGAId EIdGDNEERWG DEP'[: AOf3E PLANNM OW LAND SURVE,CRS NGINEERING PE'COMPRNY, iNC. ?tOW FATT iNM ?. BURNSNLIC Yd?A 633T/ PH ? L ' sa9sa'sz•w (502.2 X TOP C.S.A.H. N0. 30 (DIFFLEY FACA;14 ?'?? ? M909 HPLD9?? ????FCT!n.re T. FiYD. - ?ROVIDE AND MAINTAIN 97 IidLET PROTECTION UNTIL a flRWTURF 13 ESTABLISHED °El. o pCIS11NG EO.F. X 03 HOUSE (ese.y OFFSlT 1G11 /?-? OF}SEf 18.13 ; tl B9]35 HUB-89Z18 6 ] HUB . . / ri ?896.X) 2.zr 95.? _ X 2.2% (896.33' C696.6'4(697.0) ? - - U7RItt EASEMENT? r? - - - - 0 (903. ? X TOP Legal Description: LoTS 24 DENOiES E705IWG ELEVATWN (ase.q DENOTES PROPOSm ELEVATION INDIGTES DIRECIION OF SURFACE DRNNAGE asv aa - FlNISHm GARPGE FlAOR ELEVATION 89233 a gASpUpT FLppR k7EyAT10N 900.33 - TOP OF FOUNUhlION ELEVA710N SCALE : 1' = 30' LOT ADDRESS: LOT AREA BENCH MARK: LOT 24-2228 LIBERTY LANE LOT 24-2.644.74 S.F. TOP SAN. MH OPPOSITE L0T 25-2232 UBERTY LANE LOT 25-2,329.89 S.F. NE CORNER LOT 24. LOT 26-2236 UBERTY VWE LOT 26-1,637.22 S.F. ELEV.= 897.45 LOT 27-2240 LIBERiY INJE LOT 27-1,637.22 S.F. LOT 28-2244 LIBERtt IANE lOT 20-2,329.89 S.F. LOT 29-2248 LIBERN LANE LOT 29-2,644.74 S.F. iHBMBr mmFY mAr iws r?w w,vs PflFPhRED BY 1? IXt UNUER W pwEC} SU 1 IS KK ? na.. v?s EJ?SP ORGi 5 ?REPMm fpL P90N AND IHA T ?' A DULY '" ? l 7 a 9 SYa?EV ucasm lAF DImRICH BL i 1; amrn na uws ac n? sr?re E -- E OF SURVEY OF IY?T A ? ?J /°tw.GO.JX_? !'. 19? OAIE -I 'O$ REG NO f? . . _ f2_]OW OPl(OTA CWN7Y M SOTR , J 1z fi D-2S ? 1 vIr s6? O-2 1 v w .o?/?- 1Y?n? 6 S Sfr 20 RESIDEIVTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLIC`ATION? 52 7 City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Construclion Reauvemenis 3 regisiered sde surveys showmg sq. fl of lot, sq ft of house: and ?II roofed areas (ZO% maximum lot cwerage allowed) 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes', poured found design, etc 1 set of Energy Calculahons 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platled afler 711/93 Rim Joist Delail Ophons selection sheet (buildings with 3 or less units) 11733. 6.9 70 .,5O °/°' Sa RemodellReoau Reqwrements C7ffxe lke C3nfu 2 copies of plan CxrCof$urveyRecd ? _N 1 set of Energy Calculaiions for heated addihons Iree.Pres=Plan R2Ct€ 1 sile survey for addiM1Ons 8 decks iree Pres Required 'mm F;;w Addition - indicatei/onsdesepfresystam t3rrsi1858pCicSystem ?_'Y ,,,,,N <?*? s93 Date 3 / 2.4 / 65 Construction Cost SiteAddress Z.7-44 k-Nk}fX4y ??e_ UniUSte # Nlrl 55i zZ Description of Work n?u) .A LIC,A- i 64-l Multi-Family Bldg _V"Y _ N Fireplace(s) _ 0_ 1 _ 2 Property Owner ?yyy_ Tclephone # ( ) _,hL»7e Contractor CY1 eA211 r i ch 15 i.L- ` 1? PXS :rr'?CI Address _13ZL3 GY?d State _ ?/? nnsk CQLIX-??? City ? Zip ,.,(J f Z4 Telephone #(q5Z) W. ??I?Y +'tJ' Z' 'ZZ.a Z COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Mmnesota Rules 7670 Ca[eeory 1 Minncsota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet . New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? kY _K N If so, 25%a plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber Pes-6rvii„n P1wrr,b irta Telephone #((p)Z) zQD- ?-Fr(?Z Mechanical Contractor b_)CY?11 P 4''S !57L.?'?'l5 01f_ Telephone #p?-?-3•I_-?'r=?j I Sewer/Water Contrpctor d'42?X ??lf.r?'??'JIYIq Telephone#( (1 M I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the informati'?n`' is com?eY? and acc rate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of?aga e a e o NIN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to staR without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the casg of work which requires a review and approval ofplans. ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicant's Signature.1e0??11_1_ Sub Types , -? ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of?plex ? 09 07-plex 0 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? OS 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Yor_ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types r 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement valuation /06, oUo Census Code D 1 SAC Units D 1 # of Units fa t # of Bldgs 4t, I Type of Const \/ P-j ? Footings (new bldg) _ Foolings(deck) Footings(addition) 40 Foundation Drain Tile Roof 4 Ice & Water 'wO Final ? Frammg Fircplace 43 R.I. rAirTest P Final ? Insulation Approved By: ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt- Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. [3 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interiar ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building" ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy R 3 MCES System Zoning r"% City Water Staries I Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Ei FireSprinklered Width 37 1 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? FinaUC.O. FinallNo C.O. _ Plumbing _ HVAC O[hcr _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total 5 6lF7 - q26, x>b.oo = 6?)b,oo M?-ltrt?'loo2 114r kS?/•oa = GI$3?ota ?Pb?LI'F /6t XSy.Go =: q a72.ED L.t F;n:s?4 B9o uzfor. ? Z z, ??o, o0 !.L tj nf?•M•'S/?pDZq SX I57e0 :367S.0 p Dj bq T F'e+e al ooo,eo .. , ^ . Permit Number REScheck Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date 2000 Minnesota Energy Code REScheckSoftware Version 3.5 Release le Data filename: C:\Program Files\Check\REScheck\03-0401A4 (END iJDIIT RAMBLER).rck PROJECT TITLE: ItAMBLER (END UNIT) COLJNTY: Dakota STAT'E: Minnesota ZONE: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Multifamily DATE: 04;02/04 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EAGAI`' TNHS DES IGb1ER/CONTRACTOR; DIEDRICH BUQ,DERS COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 393 Your Home UA = 327 16.8% Better Than Code (UA) Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter R-Value R-Vatue U-Factor UA Ceiling 1: Ftat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1313 44.0 0.0 35 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.a 1603 19.0 2.0 69 Window 1: Above-Grade:Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with L,ow-E 256 0300 77 Door L Glass 80 0350 28 Door 2: SoGd 38 0350 13 Wall2: Wood Frame, 16" o.a 236 5.5 2.0 25 Basement Wall 1: Sofid Concrete or Masonry 117 0.0 5.5 13 Wall height: 32' Depth below grade: 2.7' Insulation depth: 32' Basement Wall 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry 771 0.0 5.5 61 R'all height 83' Depth below grade: 7.8' Insulation depth: 83' Floor 1: All-Wood JoistlTruss:Over Outside Air 185 30.0 0.0 6 Furnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 90 AFUE Proposed and Maximum U-Factor Averages Proposed Average U-Factor Maxtimum Allowed U-Factor Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors 0312 0370 'Includ'es Foundation Windows > 5.6 ft2 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specificauons, and other calculations submitted with the pemtit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2000 Minnesota Energy Code requirements in RES check Version 3.5 Release 1 e(formedy MEC chec? and to wmply with the mandatory requirements tisted ' hg RE5 qheckInspe?j?n Ch? ...rG y BuIlder/Designer Date .. • . ?a?•? YY. l7EPRESSURTZATION PR,OTECTZON Chcck oprion uscd. ? ASgrcgaic (complr!c aggrcgau workshmi on ncxl pagtj ? Prc;cfipti vc (complctc wcr;shect belo.c) Q Perlomiancc (submn rosc rcpon pripr to final m3pcctiun) ? No fucl buming cquipmcni PRI;SCRIPTIVF PATFT WORI<SHELT IxS'IRU?.-TIOH} COM1ffiUSTIONEQIJIPhIENTSCFLED[TLL PcmtittcdE9uiFmcm Step I Complae tI1C ComAifrliun (<hcck all rypos ytoposed) Pa!h 0 Spacc hcatw O Pxlh 1 Pach Z Palh 3 Q Salcd cambustion Y f,,mpnr,,nr SJn?lu;c an ,hc rn:hl y y y . Ducci or power vcn[cd N Siep 2. CFuoic a?Hnti•-up.arrP;ulr with a Y Y Y 0 Atrnosphtrically v[nted N 1' (1'cs) (or ap selecccd cyuipmenl. W'altr hnUng p S l d N Y, y' ca e combuseon Y Sjcp 3. Compicic tlic ublc bcloiv for tht y y Y Duccc ur powcr vcntcd N A/uAr-uP a'r' Purk choscn. ind,cotmg ' Y Y J Acmosphcncally vcnccd N Ilc?vs :n c!m fvr c.\haust anJ m.ikc• Hcarlh - as 6 O Scalad combustio Y N N Y ' ' n up av mnhoJ; ptoposcd. Unly l6t Difect or priwtt vemcd N { y l }' Y capiciry cf largosr cahausc appli2ncc O Atmosphcncally vcnl<d N ? rL y= jy m cich cucgury nccJ bc ionsidcrcd. Heuth- solid O Clostd cuncrollcd N Sie d F il y? Y. n p i ou[ the Purrivr hlnkc-up.9ir Cucl O Dccoracivc H N y, ?Jprmng Sd?rd?de on dic ncsl PiSc. ' Only ooc ahnosphetically ventcd applir»ce may bc in;ullcd in Prescripr,vc Pat 2 0 PaUi 0- Prescriptive IVIake-up Air 1iethad E,?bau51 rassrvc pu:ivc roworcd CloUus drycr: Passwe uJ(tradon for up to 175 efins lafillraqon Opcning ;4!aknup Passivc openiug3 for c6nz ove[ 175 kvtcbeo eahuust: pusrve iiItraGOn Ior up to 250 [Cm Passivc apenings for cfms over 250 Powered to.malch flow for c(rtu ever 500 OUTcr ex,hausLj pa3sive openwgs Cor up to 140 efm Powered to mateh flow fot cims over 140 N/a t Necd not includc cenaal vunum txhaus[ ui Path 0. TOTALS I Path 1- Prescriptive',V1ake-up Air Metliod Exhaust ra5,;ve P=;,,c ,ow«<d Clocbcs drycr.I Pusire ii?lvation far up to 175 e(m ?I?tion i ppccuogI ;?ial:c-up Passiv? oP??Rs forc[Tas ov?r 175 I5O /SO Kilchea ethausl. Pusive apepings for up to 250 e(m Powcrcd to rrutch tluw for cfou ovcr 250 N/A Otbu cxhausc I Paasivc oycnwgs fo[ up lo 140 cfm Powered to malth [law fOt cfms over 140 . -6-0 _ N;q ? O I e,cSausls to ouCSide must be provided witS m PaLh 1, thcu the clothes dcyer aod any ccnhal vacuuci that ig to maleh Aow. Othtnvise pted not includc ccutra! vacuua I u Path 2 - Prescriptive iviake-up Air Ntethod E:ctwUsC Possivc Passivc Powrcd CIaiSes drycr Pusive openmgs for up ro 175 eFin lnflUaliotl Opcning i• iakc-up Powered eo u7aech floW farc(ms over 175 N?? 1C ltchto exhaasi. powered to maich Aow OLher cx63usr. Poa•ered to mateh (low N/A N/A -- N,A NiA TOTALS N/A -? O Path 3- Prescriptivc nlake-up Air iYlethod E?aust Passivc Pu:ive F?wu?d Clodin dryer. Pcw•cred to match [low In(tl tradon Operting Aakeup Knchen exhsusi: Powered to mattli floH' N/A N/A N/A NiA ---- OU?n r.Yl+oust: Powncd ro match (low + N/A N1A 70TACS N/A N1.? i "- . -va-rr IIia. VEIYTILATION ? , INSrRUCrioNs Sup L Compktc thc Vcntiluimrt Qunnliry workShcci bcbw. Skp 2. Chak'the Makoup Air Path (Crom Part !l) on Ihc Yrnularion 64diads tablc below. Slcp J, Choosc pertnittcd meihad(s) (or Pcoplc and Supplem<nul Ventdauan Crom Ihc Vvridlntia+ ?L7cdru,Lr wble. Sicp 4. Complctc fhc VrnrrlaGOn fun SChCrfule. . VENTLLATION QiJANT1TY TOT,+,[, vEM'tL,TI01. 0.05 cfm/sf Y yZ. 4p sf = cfm 1!z _ coaditioUCd tloor azw ootmallv mdudin? PEOPI.E VE'."('p,q7lpN; ?? z 15 c[m/bedroom )+]5 cfm = ? cim k oCbcd:oams SWPLEh[ENTAL ?'EMJLnTION: cotlf vennlaoao oeoole ven??? VENTILATION METHOAS -- MA1CE•UI' AIR 1:1A7H (from Put Il) PEOPLE SUPPLEMENTAL q['u.t O Prcxrip4v: (or Aggregaic) Path 0 BaloOCed or Exhaust only ' Halmced or ExhuuSt qnlv Not «quved Prcccnpuw_ (or ngFrcgatc) PiiA l alanced O P n r al?ncc r 6whan?? Not:cqu?,:cdt rue ptice (ur Aggtegaoc) P31h 2 Ba anced Balaaeed or Exhaus[ onl}r ReyuueC O P?cscnpav; (ur.igFrceacc) Path ) Baluced Balanccd Rcqui;cr, O Perfonnance PaLh (stc part 7672.1000 subpan i) Pcr(orrnance ' Pedocmaace Reyu,rec Pusive i¢filtrsbon shill uot be tucd Io ptovide mawc-up ait :at t?iit3u5t only supplemcoL?l vcnliloti0n ia tx?e:s eC0 0 5 cfml;f . t A wtbon monozide alurn muse bc iasuped it a cooaollcd rombus-non solid•(ucl buming appliance is instaUed in Yath 1. VENTrLATION FAiI' SCFIEDUT,E Frn dcscnpuoa or lowuoa FinPucpasc ? People ? People :] People O Pcopk TOTA:_S cCm ?$uppiemenial O SuD0lcmen:31 G Supplcmtnwl :I $upplcmema: efm VENTILATION Incake Zon cfm cfin e(at cCm clm AS DESIGN'ED Exhaust ' Zp'O •cfm c!m c!m cfm cfm Statement of Campiinnu: '[lic pcoposed budding design rcpresenud in thcse daumcnis is eonsistrni wiih ihc huildin3 pfans, fpe[iGco[ivr.1, Ond uiM1cr caleulaUOits submiUCd with the pemiic applieaeion. The propOSCd building h,ts been designeS eo rnrat ihe rcQuiicmenu or U+c Mmncsoia Energy Code. npplicanl (prmt namc) 7elcphone nuntbcr ? Pa rt IIIb. VENTrLATrON ($ubmi[ Par([l[b upun compictiou uf svslcm vrriftcatiori) X ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Jub Sue Address: fan dac?pdoa or loanon ; TO7ALS MEASURED ' Wakc' c!m cfm clm c(m cfrn P[RFORI.WNCE• E.tltaust• tfm t(m efm cfm efm 'Measurcmcnt rcquaed for •rnttlation SyStem iawl(ts and c.ehausU Gom tfte bW Idmy, wieh dciizn Ju I ow of 10 dm'and arcater. Signaturc Pemw Vum6er Complioncc Staumrnt: Lnsizflcd ventilatiun syzlem is m compliancc with \IM1 Encrsy Cpde and is siztd to providc (hc dcvcr. av Iloa. Apphcaai (Print naiut) Dacc T.Icphunc number Synaturc ?-- -- - PASSIVE MAICE-UP A[R OPENTNG SCHEDULE r,•'fApLE FOR SIZINC PASSIVE MAi(E-UP /#1R OPENINGS .tJ(u: a) Tlus tiblc assumes 20 feet of smooth unobstructed round Diametcr TImchcs Path 0 50 dm Path 1 35 ?ath 2 duct witS ?ree 90• eibows and a scrcencd Sood 90 cfrr 60 cCm 3 cfm b) equrvalrnt dn?-ns cqkulatcd usmg pressutu oCSO Pucals l4U e? !00 efm 5cfcn lor Path 0, 25 Pucals Cor Puh I, nno S Pascals for PatA 2 200 cfirt 140 cim 6S c(m may bt LLtcd. X 290 tfin i 50 cfrn € 5 cCm c) ICa m3ke-up a'v op<nir?g is used with ou duct or elUoa?s, tl:c 35Q ehn 250 cfm 1; 0 cFm dismckt can be decreased by I i?h. d) If (lcx duct is uscd, inacuc diamclcr by 1 inch. 450 efm 570 c6n '20 cfm 400 ctin 1?:0 e6r? 1;0 cCm M?Y.e•up Aa Appi,catiodLocatioa CFM ening size Duce Type ? Smooth ? FIC[ ? Oprn..i^ or,ly Smuoth Elts ZiOpcn;,?s only O Smooth ? Fles Opcna:g unly Smooch ? Ficc 0 Open:ic only AGGR,I;GATE MAtiE-UP AIR WORICSHEET IKSTRUC'CION$ Sitp L Cumple:e E.r11,11ar Si hrdulr on the nght mdicating efm of IarGesi dcviet in eaeli tategory. $lep 2. Compleic thr Comhu57ion Er,cipnenr SClredufe on prceeding pagr. Sap i. Chuosca paih with: Y(Yes) for ail sckacd equipment. Sicp a. Complete Aebregnrr tifnkr-up ,tir table br.low fo[ chosen path. U>ing tht total c(m (rom ihe E'zGuwi Sdierhdr, indicoic RoNN in c(m for propo;ed mc(bod(s) o(Frovidin; moke-up air. Slep 5 Fill oui xhc Pm,h•e,t/,,;,e-t,p Anr Oprning Scherl+dd above. E7QiAUST SCHEDULE DEbICE CFhI clowe: arycr p !Ciccnea exhaust Othcr cxLaust O TOTAL 0-1,1j p rJ Path 0- Abgregatc Nlake-up Air Nlethod ?usivc Fa:5ive Powerea InFilhntion Openine hfckc•up Pustve mfiltntioa foc up to 425 c5n " Pussre opcnings Car cfins over 425 powercd lo nute:h flow Cor cim5 oveY 985 Path 1- A.ggregate Make-up Air Method PuS;,e pa;sivc Poaemd ? Intilaaeo•? OpcninF" P:t.kc•up -- Pusivc infilvauoa up to 175 cfm' Patsive o eniags for cfms ovcr 175 ? Potvered ro match (low for efms ove: SGS ' lf a cbsed ccavolled solid-!uN burning appLonte u iustzlled m Path I, tben a paosivc opening muse be i.tismlkd w provido n:tlec-up za for tLe clothes dryer and Cor any eentnl vaeuum thac exhausu ro the oumdc. ? Path 2-Aggregate Nlake-up Air Method I Psssivc Passive Po mercd (nfiltrnlion Opcnmg M:kc-up PtSSIVC OJ/CR3ngLC0[ uP 10 I75Cllil Pow«<a te maccn noW ro«tins ov« 175 N,a O Path 3-Aggregate l?Iake-up Air Method ' Pas:ive ras:ivc N-H«cd intltrvtian Opcning M _kr-up , ' Powcccd to matt6 flow ? NiA ? NlA _ ! LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Y a OZ' ? 0 -0 D .0' ? .E ? ? 0 A' ? .B' ? 0 11 ,6 ? PROPERTY LEGAL: h U`F? 4 S C c? C,T ?-v , c. i u rQL-ti DATE OF SURVEY: I,ATEST REVISION: d ? c R U ? ¢ DOCUMENT STANDARDS ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ? • Building Permit Applicant ? . Legal descripFion ? • Address ? . North arrow and scale ? • House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ? . Directional drainage arrows with slopelgradient % ? • Proposed/existing sewer and water services & invert elevation ? • Street name ? • Driveway (grede & width - in R/W and back of curb, 22' max.) ? • Lot Square Footage ? . Lot Coverage rf) ELEVATI ONS Existina 00 ? . Property corners .0' ? ? . Top of curb at the driveway and propeRy line extensions 00 0 . Elevations of any existing adjacent homes fd' ? 0 • Adequate footing depth of sVuctures due to adjacent utility trenches ? X1 ? • Watenvays (pond, stream, etc.) Proposed ? 0 ? • Garage floor ;T ? ? • Basement floor fd ? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) ? ,? ? • Property comers ? ? . Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if aqplicable ? 19 ? . Easement line ? 8 ? • NWL 0 .? ? • HWL ? ,g ? • Pond # designation ? 8' ? • Emergency Overflow Elevation ? ? • PondlWetland buffer delineation Y ? . Shoreland Zoning Overiay District Y • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ,9 ? ? • Lot lines/Bearings & dimensions ,0 ? ? • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) ? ? • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) ,9 ? ? • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements f1 ? ? • Setbacks of proposed structure and si e rd setback of adjacent existing structures ? 0 ? • Retaining wall requirements: i ' ( ? i -/ JJ????] / Vl] : Date / vi wed B R y e e ? G:IFORMSlBui lding Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 r C.B. a s c? 2 5 ? O W ? ? m N 0 O 10 w'., w I n Q ? o - ? N I I 1? I PROVIDE AND MAIIdTAIN IIVLET PROTECTION UIdTIL FdIVAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED I (897.2 C.B. (897.6? C.B. nnn f2(2?p DRAINAGE ANU TT 97.05? M.H. ° ° ueERTY tA asza, 'Oov 7.(897.69 97.91 m (697.9 ? (897.3 9Z0?' 897-2 wqrffeuu (897.8?6 .C. ? T.C. . . . T.C. . . _ ? . . NU : ffl o ? -• ?? • . ? ?,.:? ,? +,? z• ? 89?. J T-1 ?. a.o ,. . eas.t ?xir+'ia ee7.7 S89'53'52 W 5 . eg 210.OOir.n?e7 ? 1 ? .B. ? 698 24 ?s? x?.oo ? m 0 ?98. 37.00 p 21.00 as m 91 m 20 33 ? 2 m 899.J) zi.oo 21.00 m 42.00 „ o?9, ? Q T . AND MAINTAIN . p izaoo ? OM1. 12.00 w O S O o . O 0.33 4 - !+iz.oo O opO iz.oo O b v " T ?. P IQN UNTIL s.oo o GARAGE DROP-tC . GARAGE DROP-iC °GARAGE 56 oaoa-u GARAGE° DROP-iC 6 ?GARAGE OROP-1C GARAGE ? oaov-ic o kk?? - FIN AL T[ RF IS ESTABLISHED r !? ? L-- u L-- L--- - --J - ? ? J _ - n 9' u 29 w 28 27 26 25 ? 24 n ?o IXISTING o.? PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED ? u PROPOSED' PROPOSED PROPOSED m `" E.O.F. e. o.a. x m- ?se.y H O U S E , m m HOUSE ' ' HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE ?m ? RAMBLER RMIBLERI "WO STORY '1W0 STORY "RAMBLER" 'RqMBLER' ? m - ia.oo 12.00 ?&AE:r? - ?? &OJ. I (897.69? X ? - ? PuT ur+c xTOP (901.41?5 PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN IIVLET PROTECTION UNTIL FINAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED ? J 210.00 589'5352'W • j A ?, - ?? (898.4) ` T (896.6? x 2.2% DRNNAGE . S89"53'52'W TOP (902.2 % C.S.A.H. N0. 30 (DIFFLEY ROAD) ??---? - n; Il?liE %.?N?E?A.4?8umE'IORS PE'NGINEERING CoMrriNY• INC. L-.tOW FAST 1MN 51PFET BURNSMtlE, YNNSU?A SS1Tl RI 4 ? ? ? '•! i - ' ? ? OFiSEf 16.13 OFFSET 1643 ? HUB-B97.IB 0 ¦ HUB-89].35 8. / ? (896.2) z ya _ X - X (896: ??S' _ (896.k.(897_0) unurr enseuo+r 0 (903.5? X TOP Legal Description: t.o1s 24, 25. 26 .27 28 ac 29B (E9? DFNOTES E)OSIWG ELEVATpN akss.W DENOTES PROPOSm EL?yATON INDIG76 DIRECf10N OF SURFNCE DRAINAGE 899.33 - FlNISHm GARPGE FLOOR ELEVATION 892.33 - gASpMp,R FLppR EtEVA710N 9oo.33 - lOP OF FOUNDATION ELEYATION SCALE : 1' = 30' LOT AODRESS: LOT ARFA BENCH MARK: LOT 24-2228 LIBERTY LNJE LOT 24-2,644.74 S.F. TOP 5lW. MH OPPOS(iE LOT 25-2232 LIBERTY INJE l0T 25-2,329.89 S.F. NE CORNER LOT 24. LO7 26-2236 LIBERTY L4NE LOT 26-1,637.22 S.F. ELEV.= 897.45 LOT 27-2240 LIBERTY LANE LOT 27-1,637.22 S.F. L0T 28-2244 LIBERTY LHNE LOT 28-2,329.89 S.F. LOT 29-2248 LIBERTY LANE LOT 29-2,644.74 S.F. 1 HBtMY WiIFY MAT 1HI5 RAN WA$ ?P ?ED BY W Ut UNUFN YY DIRECT SIIPERN90N ANO MAT I IL A W{.Y /? / 1 Iz REN 5 J? E aRC PRMMm Fpt ooom om.fn ??.. 9 So[?e?eQ u CENSEO ` DImRICH BLDRS auw? o?rz /? /'???1 ? y? 7 utmmna uws or n?c srnte . }} {? ?/1J L'i? l'1NL'\i Ol' L ? ' 1 a . L VLL?L ?j 6 DAIE -I -O$ REG N0.f? '°M° _ !2_y000 ?m ON(OT? CWNTY MINN 5 TR Z ? J 0 ? gs?5' a c> 2 J 6 ? O W :2 ? m N O w N I'l Q D ? rno. ? O?T ? ? I I 70 I ? PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN 'jv= T/V' 1- /?-Fr rr r INLET PROTECTION UNTIL ?( (7 /Di6 rcj;z er,ke FINAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED ??,? lliomo 1-3 (897.6'9'C.13 . B C . . $ ?? ?89? ' w?? °?????? p??P• ' oRUNnce nr+o unun EnC ENT? 897.5 M.H. ?n S . (897.0 ua. SEwEn ? ,i o UBERlY NE i e`.4_1 97.7 (897.69 97.97 m 9? "\` (897.3 7.0? 897.29 WAIFRMAIN (897.8?6 .C. ?- T.C ° ^ p MUB?897.]9 SFR/ O i. HUB=89?.77 - -- ywga 't9 HUB=891. - '--NIl6 9Z1 - "- ` ? O H S 0 N SQN ? o (6978 --- HU9=697.38 " .-HUB-8975 ? . ?p?p INV?88?/.4 897 H1D. IM/ B].l ? . . S . EfN 569'53'szw 210.ooIW=? IW_??.? .c. r cr??} VIBEANDAIAINTA]N ' 0'? m Z,. JT N?9& 37.00 ? 97 B99 7 ' W ?SYl. 21.00 21.00 o B m >° 8 9.3) Z,.°° ? H m,. ?- IIVdET PROTGCTlON UNTIL m 8.24 1200?" ° 0 20.33 20.33 ? ' 12UOu o o .. ^' g+ ° 40 V V "12.00 a 612.00 ^ I V' - URF I$ ESTABLISHED FIN ? i GARAGE ° GARAGE s.oo GARAGE GARAGE° ° ?GARAGE GARAGE o ? DROP- V iC DROP-1C 5.6 DROP-1C OROP-1C 5.6 OROP-1C DROP-1C p r? L-?- - - L-- L-- ----? -? --? o o ? aN ? 291 °? u ? 28 7 1 26 u A ? ? on sriNc 25 w 24 o° m N EO.F. x?93 House PROPOS?D PROPOSED PR POSED, PROPOSED' PROPOSED PROPOSED " mO1 (898?1 HOUS?1t "RAMBLFp HOUSE ?OUSE NOUSE "RAMBLER" " 0 STORY 'iYlO STORYr HOUSE HOUSE 'RAMBIER" 'RAMBIFR* f m ? ???.. 899.OW ppRC H ? i WW '? PA Oo - ?? PORpl ,<. ? 1 PA I° ,2-?J . M11(317W 200c, ww ? {8 .O) ° I?U oPAPO°o L,z_oo B OFi'SET 16.1} pF"SET 18.13 OFFSEf .13 OFFSEf 11. I01110 I6.11 MJB=891.6] Z HUB=897.13 HUB- 25 HUBaB91. HU ? ' " B=895.90 95. STOPo.1 5 EWEF ? 1 53 $2 W C A 97 69 X 4 (898.4) . (69ti.6. ?'3 ? 1 , ? ORAINAGE PIAT LINE 58953'52'W TpP 41 5' x 901 TOP ? n ? . j X (902. C.SAH. N0. 30 (DIFFLEY RDAD) I PROVIDE An`D MAINTAiN ? INLET PROTECTION UNTIL FINAL TURF I5 ESTABLISHED IEW ? g5, . Date EAGAN ENGINEERWG DEPT< cmiEMTM OIIE RA111F7t5? II S1RYElT11t4 1RY 1t$ NGINEEatNG PECotvlrRNV, iNC. L?10D0 EAST lAeUi SIPFEi, BIIRKSALLE YBUE9pfA 5535] PH 43 _-?r,nTG E@ A 1 7 ?A'7E - ON OFFSEf 16.11 ??ET 1611 1. B NUBa89].19 MIUBe897 5 . (896.2) 2-' 2 95.? X X _ 3` ;' (896 N . . ? (896.1i4 (697.0) ^- UTIJTY EASEMENT? ? O (903.2? X TOP Legal Description: LoTS 24. 25. 26 .27, 28 & zs, BLOCK 2. EAGAN HEIGHTS TOWNHOMES 3RD ADDRION. DAKOTA COUNTI'. MINNESOT0. 4ae.? DENOIES DOSIiNG E1.EVATiON (699.6) ooNmES PaoPOSm o.EVnnoN INDIGTES DIRECSION OF SURFACE DRNNNGE 899.33 a fndI$Hm G4RAGE RQOR Q.EVATIQH aszsa : gqgpAENT FLppR ElENA710N 900.33 - 7pp pF FpUNDATION ElEVAiION SCALE : 7" = 30• LOT ADORE55: LOT AREA: BENCH MARK: LOT 24-2228 L1BERiY LANE LOT 24-2,644.74 S.F. TOP SAN. MH OPPOSfTE LOT 25-2232 L18ERiY IANE LOT 25-2,329.89 S.F. NE CORNER LOT 24. LOT 26-2236 LIBERTY IANE LOT 26-7.637.22 S.F. ELEV:= 897.45 LOT 27-2240 LIBEftTY tANE LOT 27-1,637.22 S.F. LOT 28-2244 LIBERiY tAtJE LOT 28-2.329.89 S.F. LOT 29-2248 LIBERN LANE LOT 29-2.644.74 S.F. 1 f?T WiIIFT 7HAT 7M5 PLAN WAS PREPIAFD BY IIE OFt UNOQt YY CIRECT 1 IS EN9015 EJ O PREPnRm FOR: sm +n. SIPFRYI90N N!D 7HAT 1/JI A WLY ?fFNgD LANO SOiP?EYe R DImRICH B?RS. ?? ? CERTIF ICATE OF SURVEY i uwom n¢ u ws cF ixe su? ? ? ? r g ? ??'?1Op ?_?? DAIE 'I AS pp? N0.19aB OAI(OTA CGUNTY. MINNESOTA , J Address: 2232 Liberty Lane Zip: 55122 Lot: 24 Block: 2 Subdivision: Eagan Heights Townhomes 3rd THE FOLLOWItiG ITEMS WERE/WERE NOT COMPLETE AT FINAL INSPECTION ON _? Yes No Comments Final ade - 6" from sidin Permanent ste s- gara e Permanent ste s- main ent Permanent driveway QC Permanent as tv_ Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope Sod/Seeded lawn Trail/curb damage Porch Lower level finish /BOnrn ? Deck ` Fire lace • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Tum off water supply [o the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call zhe City's Engineering DepaRment at 651-675-5646 prior to working in right-of-way or installing imgation system. V BUILDING INSPN:CTOR: CONTRACTOR: Diedrich Builders 13224 Grand Oak Court Apple Valley, MN 55124 Site address' ' On: Aprii ;15 r'? ` . . .. ThissNichire: _ mis sUuclure: t . . , I. APPLIANCE ??F?.'y? ?GAS'' r? s...'? ELEC? ? ?.?'.y??_..??t v..} r: ?'MANUFACTURER' .. ',? . .. ' ' :•? .? : ' ` , ' MODEL a? ? BTU S? + ar,VENTINGTYPE ? WaterHeater F??s s?[ ?jiM1VF ? ?" 1 ` ? ? " •? ?? ??? ? ?y n f ? ? ? ; f ? ? + . ?.... . R ! t?ln i? ?/ ' 1 i?.... 5 ? ' 4??1 , s???.;?. Fumace4?+?.?. n;, c..' k ?? ??' °u',??' . .,,e;???.:JC Y':£?.;d?? r >Y ??) _ ',; .. „??c ?; ? r .'13 ^g. \ wrG f .. ; ,?? Y e^ d, ??? .' . <" .. }.L ' ._ . :??j'rr ,y . ?„ ; _ ? ? . . .. ........ .. . . . ..?? .. ' ..?, _":"C?,? . - t ` • ? " ?'``;' ` `? ? ;• , -,. . i`?? ` ;: ? ;: v: ?„ _ - . ,;^ •;VENTED : EXHAUST SYSTEM LOCATION :TYPE' ` r.. • : `?MODEL: . -•, =_`'?' ?: ; s_ CFM's? 5?1`ES< ??No ' 1 tGtchen . ?? . . ? .? '" ? q ? ' ?? ? i• •.a. , " . ._ c . . .' . . . „ i. , . . . 09, a ?: 8athroomt 115__ ?_e •'? 4 Bathroom 2 ii i? .Zi,j ??ll.:? ma t;?'y?'?, d33 ???:a? ?') 4t ir•-'??: '? l? ?',? - ? ,,.. ? : Bathroom 3 41 0l ' ' Bathroom 4 ` ' _ ? : ? ,- . r JN ; ? ,•: ,, . s . .. , ? ? ??? „ri ?•; ?:?:,?;; . r"' s? Other. ,, "y.i??,'2t 4, ???f? ?q •???i?eiiti:. ;`?.;.:'uc,"??; ?i',7?:'a@S?:+qFl14b`.????'`-•?':??bai'?'":t:?'ss'St?,??.`.,t`. - . . '" .i, ? '<r`?Pi`::'t:3i??;r-:? !` ?.q?`4.?7i ?. ?' x:f;?yye,,?i? i.?, , 3s'V vr'• ?t+9 ?1 ' ? 'IL ?C?c?".?' M" ?,(^? b-l¢ . FIREPLACES `;== ?y'?°??ic^',i' ?ELpCATI ON O' ?1?'*%:?° cGAS? ?;",';'??;?:? _WOOD"' MANIJF ,? BTU'S VENTING'? DIRECT_AiMOS„ y ? e. , d±N vh'[? ? ?? ?? K ? H2Yt?i{4?'i? ? .e? ? } •??? " ') ' ? . . ? , ?+". e?V' \ i ?p.( r ?? ?` W,rvi? ? ? S f1 ,1?! 1!\ ' " ? u.. ? k ' ?. , . . ??. y - '?.i'F`?? ' ?r'?ui?':M1?F? ; 'i:?' ?v?:j7 ?.•u.. .. N '? Ay RfY,j.?;, 3•?"R.?Nh??: ?;?? : !• ?p?,Yi?S'/?'':?•?,,?•,i? } ' {'fl ?(S :?.)y y?y„?"t?'r?i?• ??'::'d,..r.Y" ???, yl H .Y? ?jy?} . ,? £.`•••??,?"i . . , . . i S)A..? n'I x. ? .?'{ iJ• . ? ?y. h. h? J? A. ' _oJ_ •a. _ ? ny.ygy,. t-FS` `3r. ` PTl;,`•yy( ( .y,?{, F,.?;...;° i?? ?• :..., c%a;,•.. ' _ .', ;. , • . . 't. • a _ .l' +r. ? _- , . ) ' i "(,va q?' `? s, dn{a?.c.rt MAKE•UP.AIR'+?:x•:'w' % <::e:"'? ?'•5,`a`_MODEL•: . ?. 4 YPE: CFM'S ' „a.",t?. I here ?ackn wledge: ? Biaf.lhe"above;infartnation,is?correct;an.?dlagree to comply wilh the Minnesota;Energy C requir me ts f, - ? r},?? r ?-„ # + ? ? `+r , ? , ,? r ? r 3'g? Q w>>?yU,:.;;:=r '?}?.,?,.?': ate Z.ta, Company Name,: `` ., ? ' This (orm is'ihe respdnsibility of the General,ConUactor.: ; '- ' • . ; ;' ?.,, . ?. J,?.'?'i,?r'•i,?N,,#; sr ? s??f ?? Yr ? ?,,`z Lol? Block? Subd. ?' 1? '1?` ?•e?Y ? ?* i ?` 1^??}? :'s`?ae Y, 'y. ?: .?y..? . ? .. ` ' ??i'i,s?'?:?,?{'??:???,y' ??•»„'??:Y`r"r??„?:_?,ts????:?_Y.:4:p..?4r?ei:-i:rs<`' ': :?',' ? : . . i?,the;!Minnesota.Energy.',Code;;Category?a,I;Buildirig?Requirements for insulation'protection, air ilationwas adopted: As a result the City of Eagan is requiring that the following infortnation be mance 'of,a;Cejtificate of`Occupancy.:' ? ?'?. ? •?a?-?x.?:?..? • ' ?' + ' . !7? ' y , : . - • .,f .k .hr?tia2".'.. ?e ~Ia' `, :' a' , .. ? nsWcted to meet minimum requireme,?n}ts of,vthe?Mn Energy Cbde, Chapter 7670 ORF •• g3??+??k:'??A.ioti'e.?p.pm,}?T??r,? a 'y.?i ?.,-'. . , . . +" 4 ie constructed to meet more resfnc6ve requirements of Chapters 7672 pnZ674 ' - ,NY'1. r? ? " e . : ? ` i ' • ? '? Sj'?.Ti,:u;?!.:%,?,t? ?" :, '^ . ' a , . Site address: LotoEE Block ? Subd. fl,?c On April 15, 2000 the Minnesota Energy Code, Category I Building Requirements for insulation protection, air tightness, and ventilation, was adopted. As a result, the City of Eagan is requiring that the following information be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. X This structure: is constructed to meet minimum requirements of the Mn Energy Code, Chapter 7670 OR This structure: will be consWcted to meet more restrictive requirements oi Chapters 7672 or 7674 APPLIANCE GAS ELEC MANUFACTURER MODEL BTU'S VENTING TYPE Water Heater ? 114? Fumace Dryer ?, -' C?' ?C? ? D?¢ EXHAUST SYSTEM LOCATION TYPE MODEL CFM's VENTED vES No Kitchen kitchen ( Bathroom t ?w f V ? Bathroom 2 / 35- ? Bathroom 3 ? ' - / 3r Bathroom 4 x Other FIREPLACE S LOCATION GAS WOOD MANUfACTURER MODEL BTU'S VENTING oiREC7 AiMOs I hereby acknowledge ihat the above information is correct and agree to comply with the Minnesota Energy Code and Ciry of Eagan rq' -1}7q' Date ' This form is the responsibility of the General Contractor. ?a7a9 2406 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION / City OfEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX 4 651-675-5694 New ConstmcM1on Reamrements RemodelJReoair Reamremenis 6 e keOnlv 3 registered site surveys showing sq fl of lol, sq ft of house, and ail roofed areas 2 copies of plan showing footings, beams, jasts CedoFHUmey Recd' _Y ': N (20°h maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated addihons Tree Pres PIan.Rectl. : `_ Y_ N 2 copies of plan showing beam 8 window srzes, poured found design, etc 1 site survry for addihons & decks Trze=f'res`I2equired _l` ' N lsetofEnergyCalcula4ons Addihon -mdicateifoasrtesepficsystem De-sile5epticSystem." ,_,.Y,;,_,N 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan dlot platled afler 711/93 Rim Joisl Detatl Optrons selection sheel (bwldmgs wilh 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechazucal ventila[ion form Date _? / ZZ / a4' 1 ConstructionCost Site Address Zz Unit/Ste # Description of Work Multi-Family Bldg ?Y _ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 Property Owner ?JN-2t, CA 2 L7 Telephone # (G'?l ?Zl-- Contractor Fireside Hearth & Home 14399 Huntington Avenue Adaress Savage, MN 55378 State 952.736_7761 License#20512060 City _ Telephone # ( COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category • Residential Ventilation Category 7 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has ihe City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan8 _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #( Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approve lan ' the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Telephone #( 0-c,.,,?,J ` Applicant's Printed Name Applican 's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bidg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (&sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garege ? 22 PorchlAddn (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Tvpes ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replecement •Demolition (Entire Bldg) -Give PCA handout to applicant DESGrIpt1011: Water Damage_ Yes Valuation Occupancy MCES System Plan Review 100% or 25% Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) Sheetrock _ Footings (deck) FinaUC.O. _ Footings (addition) FinaUNo C.O. _ Foundation HVAC _ Drain Tile Othcr Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool F[gs Air/Gas Tests Final _ Franung _ Siding Stucco Lath Stone Lalh Brick _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Tes[ _ Final _ _ _ _ Windows _ Insulation _ Retaming Wall Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Pian Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Pertnit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total Building Inspector ;v;.: :x: • . Lot ? Block Subd ..in Apnl 15, 2000?the;Min e`sota;Energy Code? Category,l Building Requirements for insulation.protection, air /Gghtness,?and.veritilation ?wastedopted i As a result; the City of Eagan„s requirmg that the following.information be f47.yik j ? ? submitted pnor to issuance of a Cerhficate of Ocoupancy g,? niniruTsWcre is consWcted to meet m reqwrements of the Mn Energy Code Chapter 7670 - ? OR This sfructure w?ll 6e consWcted.to meet more resfichve reqwrements of Chapters 7672 or 7674 a; " `' ? ? { * - APPLIANCE ' 4GAS =ELEC' "7.hMANUFACTURER- MODEL ; Water Heater ? ;. '? Aa? a ' E r ?' ?' BTUS VVENTINGTYPE% . Pumace`: "'?'? ,; ? ? '? •* ?? ?? tt ?-?i ? ,° ? , . S Dryer ., 2 11 n-'?!VENTED ?='' EXHAUST SY3TEM LOCA710N . e, ??pE MODEL "' i%j . ' ES ?: Ho [ tchen kitchen. throom 1 throom 2 .- Bathroom 3 Bathroom 4 QYIer, ? _'1 ? 3 , .. 'LIYa. '.J q ,?y 'I. ?d? ,'"• ? `??- ? F}S'Y(). !? S' +1?;? 5 '" ? ? ? ? ' ? , P. r ? . - .7-3.;:1 ? : . n } . 1 $. { .... . . ... . :t ,-.y;. ? .. : y 1 f X ` `' FIREPLACES LOCATION" kGASa -WOOD MANUFACTURER!', J ?MODEL' . BTU'S DIRECT ,i 'p7MOS? . ,. ? ? ? .),?Y -,ti i? • . R - i . . 2 r..€.- v - _ , M `.I .? y v3 $ Company Name? ' This form i§;Uie responsihility of the General,Contractor. WItII 1h8 ? ? I 2007 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PeRnniT aPPLicarioN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 1 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. Do not combine inside and outside plumbin on the same application; se arate applications and ermits are required. Date ?S I 1_ I 07 Site Street Address 2-2-44 Unit # Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contrector !, 'K• A ecGtocut,V 1Gcf Telephone# ( )Z .?-223-d' Zip J?2' Address ?.,7OU.h-eL/-//. 41o,I /Uy? City La4XC-?, State_,, The Applicant is: _ Owner & Occupant kLicensed Plumbing Contractor Septic System _ New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license Includes County fee $ 100.00 Per as-built $ 10.00 Fire Repair (replace burned out fi7ctures, etc.) $ 90.00 This fee a lies when extensive lumbin re airs are made to a buildin . Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures to main level lower level. This fee includes installation of a water softener and/or water heater at the same time. lf you are installing onlv a wafer soffener and/or wafer heater, do not complete this section; move to the next section and place a checkmark next to the appliance(s) you are installing. _Septic System Abandonment _Water Turnaround (add $136.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: Water Softener Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new _ replacement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 ToWI I here6y apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a pertnit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. Applic tsna Pri'nted Nam> ApplicanY ure ?---------------- ? €o?;,Q?ce?Use I ? Pertnit#: 4163 I Permit Fee. hQ I ? Date Received: I I ? Staff: L ---------------- 2008 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: ?zZY?J G;L?- A?- t Tenant: Suite #: RESIDENT 1 OWNER Name: Phone: Address ! Cjty / Zip: CONTRACTOR Name: ?X_ M?-ckac-fi'r?d fU?L License#: Address: 06g_i7' Ll utw k.<..t _ `/z . ?el, ./??![? ?;2Crp City: iu? 'Gy StateAt.• Zip:S---30-) Phone: 7E3--)Y3--o17C ContactPerson: Aysj TYPE OF WORK -4New _ Replacement _ Repair _ Rebuild _ Modify Space _ Work in R.O.W. Description of work: PERMIT TYPE RES/DENTIAL Water Heater _ Water Softener Lawn Irrigation Add Plumbing Fixtures (_ RPZ /_ PVB) (_ Main _ Lower Level) Septic System _ Water Turnaround New Abandonment RESIDENTlAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener (includes $.50 Siate Surcharge) $30.50 Lawn Irrigation (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $50.50 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround' (includes $.50 State Surcharge) "Water Turnaround (add $136.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) $100.50 Septic System New ($10.00 per as built) (includes County fee and $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire Repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES $ I nereby acKnowieage mat mis imormauon is compiece ano accuraie, mac me wuin ww uG "I WIL - .?.? ..a........?......• .,•.. .,•., .,• Eagan, that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x a 67ccIlCy LQc+h ApplicanYs Printed N me d8t@ 1 '., , t , i. . FOR.OFFICE USE Reviewed By Required Inspections Under Ground Rough In? Air Test ?Gas Test ?? Final - . , . . ,..?... _ t_ . ,,.. ----------------, ? For Office U?? r I j Permii #: ? I ? i Permit Fee. On ? ? I I Date Received: ? I I ? Stafl: ? 2008 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: 2 L y'v G/ ?4- 7`.? L4/` Tenant: Suite #: Ph RESIDENT/OWNER one: Name: Address / City / Zip: CONTRACTOR Name: A? " Y 'Z?G License#: 4- ' 9 z 3 9lk 1 . Address: City. ? rm?hs?av? State: 10' '7 Z ip : 3 ?U Z% ? J / 2"G? /C Phone: ContactPerson: ' TYPE OF WORK ly New _ Replacement _ Additional _ Alteration _ Demolition Descripiion ot work: ° NOTE: Both'root mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipmenf rs required to be screened by City Code. Please coniact the Mechanical lnspector or one of the Planners for 7nformafion on ermitted screenin methods. RESfDENT1AL COMMERCIAL PERMIT TYPE ? New Construction _ Interior Improvement Furnace - Air Conditioner _ Install Piping _ Processed Av Exchanger - _ Gas _ Extenor HVAC Unit ' HVAC uniis must be screened _ Heat Pump Under / Above ground Tank (_ Inslall !_ Remove) Other " When ins[allinglremoving tank(s), call for mspection hy Fire - Marshal and Plum6in Ins ecror RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $50 State Surcharge) $90.50 FIf2 fBp21f (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etcJ (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $ TOTALFEE COMMERClAL FEES: $70.50 Underground tank installation/removal OR Contracf Value $ x 7°k $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) - $ Perfnit Fee - If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50. - Ii Permrt Fee i's >$1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each =$ Siate SutCharge $1,000 Pertnit Fee (i.e. a$1,U01-$2,000 Permit Fee requires a$7.00 surcharge). $ TOTALFEE I hereby acknowledge tha[ ihis iniormanon is complete and acwrate; that the vrork will be m comormance wim the ominances ana cooes oi me uiy ui ceyan, that I unders[antl this m noi a permrt, 6ui only an application for a permi[, and work is not to start vnihwt a permit; ihat the vrork will be in accordance vnlh the approved plan in the case of xrork which requires a review and approval of plans. x Zu,?h 16(f1.1n'CG14i- X Applicant's Printed Name Appli s ignature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough In _Air Test Gas Service Test In-floor Heat Final ~ ~~ts - sass r mGa3r2 , aa3to, ~a~b~ o~a~"cr ~a4g ~i~-~~ U~ Use BLUE or BLACK Ink I ForOffice Usef~ ~ Permit#: 15A------ City of E*n I - ~ . I Permit Foe: I 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: Phone: (661) 676-0676 I Fax: (661) 676-0694 1 Stall' 1 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ~tlttlt ~ ~1 2~ ~ 8 Date: / ( Site Address: Sa)iic;'ri:k;iili(i: Name: Phone: Address / Cit /2i tirt'diir> Y o: IiJ,!:ml:!iYcgUdi~'t~iY:n:..o. m•: in;r'i!': irk; i;+Applicant is: Owner Contractor Description of work: . Construction Cost: y~ Multi-Family Building: (Yes t No ) 777. Company: (contact: ..tin,.1....,.°1 i 1i :::.r.......... i ` Address: 93 2E F---dXd~ ~F4 City: i.L.l•I.ti01Y~r:.l:llf:.'N::a:.if.:~. _.I..;MI;,;i';i l . ° State: zip: `V\ Phone: i iii:{ i i'•'s License iz' Lead Certificate q If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING. In the last 12 months, has the City of Cagan Issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: -i'L-A(0°fEk:;Pl srand._. b f~ :dt~rtYm tt ::t I S= llrt#k1n►~aai!!el:%at»iside} 'cf!ta1~e: rlsl :la ormetipn:_.:P solo s df'! .1.!....... :=N:.„ ............................................P..........•:...::......., i .y r, K ' ffhr3::Gi =to^:: th.~::/n>rfi~cl.retG~nc!~Tp_rt~tr~-,f: w.:u:l~,~&'~•r~l'b~~ d~~F::±e>AsonSti~pt.i : w0 ...:i?mr........... tY........._... . r i. ...u r.• r•~,,,....r. •rr.,r,,.r.rr ia-, r r, r. .r ,:;g;. l.,,..,LM..•...L:..:...•_1 ............:............i.,..;,._r..,.;.,,:..r.l.. e . ttlgi :B~Ql~etS1 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (661) 464-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dlg to receive locates of underground utilities. www.oooherstaleonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate: that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan: that 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an appllcatlon for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterlor ork authorized by a building permit Issued In accordance with the Minnesota S to 11 ng Co a must be com led within 180 days it ssuance. X G~ x Applicant's Printed Name Applicants Signatu Page 1 of 3 City of Eaall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 676-6676 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: I `a dq9 `.IL dO Date Received: Staff. J 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 'D3'3 aay Date: 5- "i " \ 9 Slte Address: t V` Unit #: eside t '. `< owner :.. Name: i tk% Ir 1A Ink I. _1t A i ' Phone: (J'\. `Q�.Q� U \ , Address / City / Zip: ,a/tA, • 1 / .. I / r I A Iia i 'a-- Applicant is: Owner x Contractor :i. ., TYPO Work :