2975 Lone Oak Dr Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For, Office t 0 1 Permit s 1 City of Eajan 1 ss I Permit Fee: 00 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1~ I : Eagan MN 55122 C U~ Date R ' 1 Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I S Fax: (651) 675-5694 I 1 2011 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICA N Date: 1 -Q) ° Site Address: i UGC IJVIi tlLl Tenant: K 0 Suite 114 PROPERTY OWNER Name: C fI0 Phone: (CI C6- 7CC CONTRACTOR Name: L l=C Ucense 4 7 (i~ (G'W-N r Address: City:-hYICuState: p:5 JA~l Phone: ((1Q1 ~at- `-U Email: V TYPE OF _ New _ Replacement _ Repair Rebuild _ Modify Space _ Work in R.O.W. WORK Description of work: eez. c_r-ba u a PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL _ New Construction _ Modify Space -y, Irrigation System Oyes / _ no) Ll RPZ PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (Y turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? -Yes _No Flushometers _Yes _No COMMERCIAL FEES: $55.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contract value $ 3~. V` x1% Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems 4 Radio Meter Read - If the Permit P_g is less than $10,010, the surcharge is $5.00 = $ Maker(s) - N the Permit F is > $10,010, the surcharge Increases by .50 for each $1,000 Permit Fee i.e. a Permit F _ ( $110,0110411,000 ee requires a $5.50 surcharge) $ r state surcharge Following fees apply when Installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ Water Permit Call the CWs Engineering Department, (651) 6755646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply s Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES $ 5,. GCS CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 4540002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gooherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information Is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the emcee and codes of the City of Eagan; that 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start with 7 a permit; that will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x cia1 r,4 Applicant's PrInted Name Applicant's Sign re =OR OFFICE USE Approved Sr. Date: Required inspections: -Under Ground Rough-In -Air Test -Gas Tit -Final PRV Required: _ Yes _ No Page 1 767o? 2006 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERNIIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: commerciaVindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate peimits are not required for each dwelling unit Date /U l?'?l?/- _ Site Street Address %G/ 2,h l1, 1P Unit # Tenant Name (if appliceble) G Previous Tenaut Name Property Owner Telep6one # u?a Contractor ???er ? ln•.• ??' ? ? ?? 1r" Street Address zyP/YI "Ji },) City i Sta[e znz Zip ? Telephone# Bona s: 1 C ?] -14- Egpires: 8 1`t o T6e Applicaut is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other Work Type ? New Construction _Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _Processed _Gas Under/Above ground Tank Install Rem ove When insta!ling/removing tank(s), ca!l for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbinglnspector Nature of Work: (L=?//% PermitFeeS: S70.50 UndergroundtankinsisllaUOn/removal $50.50 Min mum (mcludes State Surcharge) Contract Vatue $ or x 1% Permit Fee i ?` ?j"7.? I_«?i L? L??? II II ?.? ? $ State Surcharge dd T 50 h 1 000 ? ? an $ , , a . If oermit fee is less t - - U 2006 If permit fee is more than $1,000, surcharge 0 CT 2 7 is $.50 for every $1,000 owed. $ 16? , '2 Totat Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Permit and aclmowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that tRe worK will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; [hat I understand this is not a permi[, but only an application for a pennit, and work is not to start without a permit; that [he work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? __-- ApplicanYs Prin[ed Name AppJiCanYs nature ApprovedBy: Sd' / b 3.4 e 4- Inspedor Required Inspections: _ U.G. - R1. - Air Test Date: Gas Service Test - Infloor Heat _6nal ? ?? -;? 2006 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications cut sheets an materials and componenks to be used 4?105. SD Date Site Address: ?l?C Ett$ I Tenant/BuildingName: tnc)TS.C=LreC(rJ&'- ? 1,JpTEZ'[7S ?tF?its1?S C?? The Applicant is: _ Owner 1-t Contractor _ Other PROPERTY OWNER aaaress: City: State: Zip: CONTRACTOR Summit Fire Protection MN License #: C-075 Address: 7301 Apollo Court CIty: Lino Lakes State: Minnesota Zip: 55014 Phone #: 651-251-1880 ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: (0 / C)Co FI1tE PERMIT 1'1'PE: ? Sprinkler System (# of heads Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: WORK TYPE: _ New _ Addition X Alterations _ Remodel Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? Commercial _ Residential _ Educational Other: PERMiT FEE: $50.50 Minimum Fee (includes Siate Surchaage) Contract Vatue $(() S?O x.O1 =$ ?Lx?• OC) Pernut Fee • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $50 => $ SD State Surcharge If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per $1.000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $167.00 $ TOTAL FEE: $ I DS• S?D I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pemut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ?tz.? Applicant's Printed Name App i ac n stl Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Hydrostatic _ Flow Alarm _,.Drain Test Rough In _ Trip _ Pump Test _ Central Station ? Final Conditions of Issuance: Permit Approv Date: ) ? 7-6-fJ3 -7 3 v -,S-O 2006 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone 4 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 • Strudural Plans (2) sets • Ciwl Plans (2) • CeRificate of Survey (1) • CodeAnalysis (1) " . ProjectSpecs (1) . Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule " . Soils Report (1) • Meter s2e must be e5[abhshed • SAC determinaUOn - call 651-602-1000 . Architectural Plans (2) sets • Structurel Plans (2) • Civil Plans (2) • Landscaping Plans (2) . CodeAnalysis (1) " . Cedificate of Survey (1) • Spec Insp. 8 Teshng Schedule (1) " . Meter size must 6e established • ProjectSpecs (1) . EnergyCalculations (7) •' • Eleclric Power & Lighting Form (7) " • Master Exit Plan (1) . Emergency Response Sile Plan (1) • SoilsReporf (1) . SAC determinaUOn - ca11 651-602-1 00 0 . Fire Stopping Submittals • Nrcmceaurai rians ke) seu • CodeAnalysis (1) " • ProjedSpecs (1) . Key Plan (1) . Master Exit Plan (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always"' . Elec. Power 8 Lighting Form (1) not always" . Meter size must be established-if applicable ) ) ) J 1 . SACdetertnination-ca11651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at 651-215-0700 for details regurding food & beverage or lotlging Tacaities. _ •• Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required *•* Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. Dute?/3?_/ ConstructionCost SiteAddress o)5 Lo,v? !k- ?'? Unit/Ste # Tenant Name ?el ?.?c-S G?.e > r, "h' ? Former Tenant Name -? uAp:g ?2(62 Description of Work V-S c.14L^+ PJ? "-J i l2 ky- O kla6dAOE my- M Yroperty Owner e/- S?? Telephone #(G Jd ) 8/? ?3 ? 6 6 Applicant is: ? Owner _ Contractor Con[act #: ( ) Contractor Address Cit1' State Zip Telephone # ( ) ? - i ? " . Arch/Engr Registration # Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Licensed plumber installing new sewedwater service: Phone #: C_) f hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge [hat the mformation is complete and accura[e; [hat the work will be m conformance with [he ordinances and wdes of the City oF Eagan and the Sta[e of MN tutes; I understand [his is no[ a pertnit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start wi[hout a permit; that [he work ' e in accordance wi[h pproved plan in [he case of work r uires a revi and approval of plans. S? V2- ? pplicant's Printed Name App. ant's Signature J ) • DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building ? 14 Apartments 2'?27 CommerciaUIndustrial ? 32 Ext Alt-Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon W ork Types ? 31 New 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addilion ? 36 Move Bidg. ? 42 Demolish (FOUndati on) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 ReplaCement 'Demolltion (Entim Bldg only) - Gfve PCA handout to applicant Valuation 5- 0 ?O'Type of Const Width ? PlanRev100%_ 2?/ 5% Occupancy Fi MCESSystem ? SAC Units - ? - Zoning City Water ? Nbr. of Unds Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Bldgs Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered ? Required Inspections _ Footings (new bldg) _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Footings (deck) _ Insulation _ Footings (addition) _ Sheetrock Foundation Final/C.O. _ Drain Tile Final/No C.O. Driveway Apron Other _ Roof Ice Pr Final _ Poo) Ftgs Tnsul Decking Air/Gas Tests Final _ Framing _ _ _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _ Final Windows Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present. _ Yes ?No d B ector W&-Buildin Ins i Pl l y: Approve ----------------------- - ---- ------ g p ann ng . -------- --- --------------------------- ------ ---------------------------- Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review SAC-MCES SAC-City S/W Permit SNV Surcharge Treatment Plant Financial Guarantee Trealment Plant (Irrigation) Storm Sewer Trunk Park Dedicalion Sewer Lateral Sewer Trunk Trail DedicaGon Sireet Water Quality Water Lateral Water Trunk Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Other Total CSM CORPORATION Addendum #1 Project: Holmes Corporation 2975l.one Oak Driue Waters IV Business Center Date Issued: August 7, 2006 Issued By: Paul Kempton This change order form is a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original permit Documents dated 7/20/06. Reference made to the Conuact Divisions, Specifications, and Drawings shall be used as a guide only. Contractor(s) shall determine for themselves the work affected by the addendum items. Below is the formula breakdown to go from a separated to non-separated use building for Waters VI Business Center at 2975 Lone Oak Drive in Eagan. 15,500 x 75% = 11,625 11,625 + 15,000 = 27,125 15,500 x 300°6 = 46,500 46,500 + 27,125 = 73,625 Sq. Ft. This formula indicates that Waters VI Business Center (45,472 Sq. FtJ falls below the required Sq. Ft. to be considered a non-separated building. The existing rated walls labeled on the construcrion documents will remain. End of Addendum EAGAN VI;_=AA/ED BY: DATE: ? RUILDING I P TIONS DMSION C:OOCUments and Settings\cnovacryk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Ftles\OI,K1AWddrndum-Ldoc 08/08/06 -11(_0 (Z5 t 54,LF) I ?l ` 2005 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan Lc" 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 ? ? ? r.` r. ?? Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 Jb? _ . . . ,-...., ..., _ _ . .-? , r1- . _ r_ _V„ „ . . _ _? n f.. o M., , • Structural Plans (2) sets . Civil Plans (2) • Certifcate of Survey (1) • Code Analysis (1) '• . Project5pecs (1) . Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule " • SoilsReport (1) • Meter size must be established 1 l 1 1 1 1 . SACdetermination-ca11651-602-1 000 . Archdectural Plans (2) sets . Structurel Plans (2) . Civil Plans (2) • Landscaping Plans (2) • CodeAnalysis (1) " . Certificate of Survey (1) . Spec. Insp. 8 Testing Schedule (1) " . Meter size must be established . ProjectSpecs (7) • Energy Calculations (1) " . Electric Power 8 Lighting Form (7) " . Master Exit Plan (1) . Emergency Response Site Plan (1) . SoilsReport (1) • SACdetermination-ca11 6 51-60 2-1 000 • Fire Stoooina Su6mittals & beverage orlodging . v,roniieccurai rians kz) sels . CodeAnalysis (1) " • ProJectSpecs (1) . KeyPlan (1) • Master Exit Plan (1) . Energy Calculations (1) not always" • Elec. Power& Lighting Form (1) not always" • Meter size must be eatablished-if applicable l 1 1 1 1 . SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 " Contact Building lnspections for sample and if required *•* Persnit for new building or additlon will not be processed withoutEmagency Response Site Plan. (SHELL PERMIT) Datc 9 / 27 / OS Construction Cost ?-i Coar 000 ? SiteAddress 29 5 LONE OAK DRIVE, EAGAN, MN UnidSte # Tenant Name Former Tenant Name N/A Description of Work NEW OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING Property Owner CSM CORPORATION Telephone #( 612 ) 495-7000 500 WASHINGTON AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 3000 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55415 Contractor h Address City State Zip Tclephonc # ( ) Arch/Engr JOSEPH S. CONTI Registration# 41989 Address CSM CORPORATION City MINNEAPOLIS State 500 WASHINGTON AVE. 50. ZiP 55415 Telephone #( 612) 395-7041 MINNESOTA Licensed plumber installing new sewedwater service: J- L Lee? Phone #: ( ) I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved an in or w ichlreguires ?rd?viTW7,r-a, d approval ofplans. r' r f; 9?1005 ,?I SOSEPH J. CONTI Applicant's Printed Name ppli nt's b Signature tay l3 . OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 14 Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 25 Misccllaneous Wo k Types 31 Ne ? 26 Public FaciliTy ? 27 CommerciaUIndustrial ? 28 Greenhouse ? 29 Antennae ? 30 Accessory Building ? 32 E3ct Alt-Apartrnents ? 34 E?ct Alt-Commercial ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Faciliry ? 37 Nail Salon w ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Adddion ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation 2. 00000 ? Plan Rev 100% ? 25°k Census Cade ? SAC Units Nbr. of Units Nbr. of Bldgs ? Required Inspections ? Footings (new bidg) _ Footings (deck) Footings (addition) ? Foundalion Drain Tile Type of Const -Tre Width /,?P 6 , Occupancy KIS 1 MCES System -C-5 Zoning FID City Water ? GS Stories / Booster Pump - Sq. Ft. L15- S PRV -" Length 36a1 1 Fire Sprinklered -e--5 Insulation ? FinaUC.O. FinaUNo C.O. Other Roof Ice Pr Decking _ Insul Final Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final ? Framing _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows Approved By: Planning Building Inspector 8ase Fee a-5_8, 7s -/ Suroharge 1?0o.00 ? Plan Review 6 . 018. !9 ? SAC-MCES a6,3 Oc) ? SAC-Ciry I _t4ofl. 0o z S1W Permit / 00. DO ? SNV Surcharge , SD Treatment Plant +`F s^? 1sp? svr: a?+«. Treatment Plant (Irtiga n Par1c Dedication Trail Dedcation Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Financial Guarantee Storm Sewer TNnk Sewer Lateral Sewer Trunk Street Water Lateral Water Trunk Other-LanGs 500. 00 ? Ce- Cu n Total ? Ji ? 15'7. r • A ?1 a3?-1 4 U4 5 51 2006 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 K# I01374 Requ'vements: 2 compleie sets of drawings and specifications cut sheets on materials and co_mponents to be used Date 3 site Aaaress: Lane Oa K Oa - &L" Tenant/BuildingName: WAMIQS Vi Cf!(ZPCA.4TS CCNTE?Z The Applicant is: Owner x Contractor _ Other PROPERTYOWNER CSW) CQV0 eAI IQ/J Address: Sf9t) G1Ac 111A9L,7Ti w) AVP S. Su:tP :96)60 city: A'1?nneaa?l?s State: mN Zip: . / CONTRACTOR Summit Fire-Protection MNLicense#: C-075 AddCess: 7301 Apollo Court CIty: Lino Lakes State: Minnesota Zip: 55014 Phone #: 651-251-1880 ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 09_ FIItE PERNIIT TYPE: Sprinkler System (# of heads 6jr_ Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: WORK TYPE: x New Addition Alterations _ Remodel Other: DESCRIPTION OF WOI2K: Commercial Residential _ Educational Other: PERMIT FEE: $SO.SQ Aflnimum Fee (includes State Surc6arge) Contract Value $ "7 ?$C9o x.Ol =$ 147' 5.00 Pernut Fee ,SO • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => $ State Surcharge If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per ? $1.000 Permit Fee ?-, - 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter -$167.00 „'•:'.' ... ?s , . ._... , ' : TOTAL FEE: $ ? (?NS .Sd I I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System;p$rmit;and acks,owledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conforniance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the I Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understutd this is, nqt a pemut, ;but only an application for a pernut, and work is not to start without a pemut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work wfiich requires a review and approval of pians. ` . ApplicanYs Printed ame Applicant's gignature DO NOT R'RITE BELOW 'FHIS LINE ; J ,,:,... . . . REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? E-Iydrostatic. Flow Alann Drain Test ,.: ? ... ; ; .. ? , Rough In ? .,. ?,.. -. Trip Pwnp Test _ Central Station Fina1 T- _ Conditions ofIssuance: - _ . . . . , .; . , Permit Approvedjjy?-- Date: ? / d ? ?_ ??,zqs.0 2006 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CW4;*e0,1 GITX OF EAGAN 3830 PII,OT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651 675 5675 -+3 ?_-?q Date l,it Site Address Unit # TenantName Former'1'enan[ tvame Pcoperty Owner 6an Telephone # ( _ ) Contractor ` j(A,1)?b_1DL iry Address State Zip Telephone # (?) %C?i?-CJ ?CC V License # Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ Other Work Type New Bldg Modify Space Irrigation System** _ Yes No-?--?'ork in public r-o-w / easement7 ?RPZ _ PVB: ? New _ Repair/Rebuild _ Aeplace ' _? Remove Rain sensors are re uired on irri ation svstems I Description of Work F To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is reqwred on ne?a• sernce, cal! 651-675-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to yCrify that drsost ti?c?co?d?cviry, Ord 5a?cter? t? passed prior to aickine up meter. ? n AAvg GPM T IG Cl Z"?? ? 4' les??er s? allowed 6y Public W orF Irrigation Size & Type ? /? Fire Size & Price 3/4" meter 1$ 67.00 Av GPM Tncludes high demand devices? - Yes _ No Domestic Size & Type g Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Z'es _ No Permit FC¢ 550.50 nzinimum (includes State Surcharge) ?Q. Qo ' Q 1% PermitFee Contract Value $ ? ?1- 6lG $ Meter(s) e? d ?e DAeter o?`?,c ?r?'??Ij -- Radioa 9 Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrieation svstems $ $ ? 5? State Surcharge If nermit fee is less than 51,000, surcharge is $.50 If nertnit fee is more than S1,000, surcharge is 5.50 for each 57,000 owcd. ___"_""""'- ----- """'_"'__'__"_"' Following fees apply when installing new lawn irrigation system Call the Qt}'s Enginuring Department, 651-675-5646, for required fee amounts P?„& $ SD, 01m WaterPermit % $ 'lj(p . ?0 TreatmentPlant $ ? Q N7j , 0 -d Water Supply & Storage ,. $ , 5o State Surchazge $ Total Fee I nereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and acknowledee that the informanon is complete and accumte; that the work will be in coniormance wnn ordinences it, and work is ne and code of the City of Easan and wiffi tk?e Plum6ing Codes; tha: I understand this ?s no: a pean?t, but only ari appl?cation for a penn ich stxR without a permit [hat ihe work wi11 be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of wor,$ wh cquires,a review and approval of plans ,_ y? I L1y017 ?;, ApplicanYs Signature pppii: anPs Printed Name 736P /.3 2005 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please completc for: commerciaUindusVial buildings multi-famity buildings when separate permits are no[ required for each dwelling uni[ ilo•C0 7b/? 4k oS -C)1- OK9 Date j6 / ! / Pr2D6 Site Street Address p"t75- ?nl?2 2,0? d121?!c Unit# Tenant Name (if applicable) C-(?14-7-C-X-5 -5!1- Previous Tenant Name Property Owner C E)'?l Telephone #(&? L) 99G Contractar /47 4 L? ''0*City YGy??"p? "??F Street Address 3`7E?U D Lj 6,-0,V4 ?0 State /YZ Zip SS 11V7 Telephone #(7(-3)S150' 07Z7? Bond Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other ? Work Type - - ?O New Construction Underground Tank Install Remove **see below ? - _ Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _Processed ?Gas Nature of Work: /NS ? C tk", ?t N?'Afi?.?l ?9riO 6,y-, *`When installing/removing underground tank, call for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing Inspector Pel'Otit Fe¢S: $70.50 Underground tank installarion/removal $50.50 Minlmum (includes State Surcharge) or ConuactValue $ 142{ 5v0 x 1% _$ l?s PermitFee • If pe rmit fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 =:> $ > - State Surcharge If permit fee is over $1,000, add $.50 for every $1,000 permit fee $ /K,? 499 Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of [he City of Eagan and with [he Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pe 't hat the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case oFwork which requires a review and approval oF plans. /?dHI 5l??.i/D"F ApplicanYs Printed ame Applicant's gnature Approved By: ?7 IJ' 1?p ? y _ 0 (" , Inspector J,N538 2006 COMNIERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 # 15a ,5o Date 7 / ,27_! O (v siteAaaress Wnters vz Rusrness C& a975 tone cl;.k Drive unna Tenant Name }{OJ!}7P5 Co re o ra fi OY1 Former Tenant Name Na n e PropertyOwner ?SM (phpDYBL'f10Y? Telephone#( ) ?. v Contractor CBY4VY'?fhUYrluillQ ,rYIC Address f3p21 Helmo AVE N City ca koa le stace M N ziP S51 a 8 Telephone q(/o$/ )6 5,3 - 4 3?I b License # 003755 PM Expires: I,2•31-07 T6e Applicsnt is _ Owner _X_ Conlrac[or _ O[her Work Type New Bldg _X Modify Spflce _ Irrigatloo System** Yes No Work in public r-o-w / easement? _ RPZ _ PVB: New Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Remove Rain sensors are r uired oo 'vri floo s stems DescriptiooofWork 'renant Finisl'1- a ADA Ratroor„c 1111tisex W?ADMlrhowe?`. I BrltVcl I.?n4MCeaIP6 To inquue if Prcssure Reducing Valve ?s requved on new se cail 651b75-5646 ? a µn?? Tv y w{? M+r S i 1f Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatic, conduaivity, and 6aaeria tests passed prior to oickine uo meter. irziga[ion Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3!4" meter 1 7.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes -X- No PRV Required _ Yes X, No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ 1$.?, 00 x 1% = $ 1,So?. ? Permi[ Fee -? $ --? Meter(s) Required on all new buildings.@ boulevard irti atlon cystems $ ' Radio Meter Read $ o 50 State Surcharge If rmi is leas [han $1,000, surchqrge is $.50 If cemtit fce is mon thau $1,000, surcha'ge is 5.50 for ncE S1,0DU owed. Following fees appFy when installing new lawu irrigation system Water Petmit Call the Ciry's Engmcering Depnrtmen; 651fi75-5646, Cor requireA Cx amounis a Treatment Plant $ Wazer Supply & Storage $ State Swcharge $ /5 n?. S O Tota? Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Pcrmit and acknowledge that the informetion is complete and accurate; Nat the work waf be m coniomiance wntn me ordinances and codes oC the Ciry of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I undemlend this is wt a perm4 but onty an application for a permi[, and work is not to ste+t wtthout e permrt; that the xrork will be in accordence with the approved plan in the case of work w?hJich requ'ves a review and approval of pla? J amns BI asen0. Yw?rwBD d4aw-A- Applican['s Pnnted Name Ap anYs Signaiure . .1 REQUIREDINSPECTIONS: PLANS SUBMITTED CITY USE ONLY ? U.G. __)(?Air Test _ Gas Test ? Rough In yFinal APPROVED BY: a Q7 , BUILDING [NSPECTOR General Information . Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings. Boulevard irrigation systems may reqwre a radio read - 5141.00 • RPZ's must be tested every year and rebuilt every fwe years Test results should be mailed to Paul Heuer at the Ciry of Eagan. • A minimum fee permit per address is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebuild, repair, remove. . Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REOUIRING 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residencial $130.00 4-120 I-1/2" irrigation syst $ 827.00 ? displacement or mrbine"* Public Works maximum small commercial must approve continuous meter size 10 Z_30 maximum continuous 3/4" displacement lawn irrigation residential or $167.00 4-160 2" mrbine large irrigation sys[cm & production lines $ 1,040.00 15 3-50 maximum continuous 1" displacement smal I commercial large residential bldg to 24 units small commercial & $210.00 1/4 co 160 2" compound bldgs over 65 units & large cotnm bldgs $ 1,962 00 zj irri ation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" 25-64 unit bldgs $515.00 maximum continuous displacement & most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVAIYCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE >-i?0 3" turbine very large irngation 51,394.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs 53,864.00 system & prodaction & very large lines comm. bldgs 1i2-320 i" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,516.00 10-1000 compound +400 unit bldgs 56;436.00 very large very large comm bldgs comm bidgs 15-1000 47turbine very large $2,495.00 irrigation systems & production lines Comments . To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To arrange for water turn-on, call 651-675-5200. ,,,, Un6ty Drvision Systems Malyst January 2006 ? oe? ?s/7s9 ?.?COMMERCIAL BUII,DING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone 4 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 / . .. ? s . ? . . . - ^ (2) sets • Archiledural Plans • SWCtu21 Plans (2) sefs • Architectural Plans (2) sets • CivilPlans (2) • SWCturalPlans (2) • CodeMalysis (1)" . CsrtificateofSurvey (1) • CIvilPlans (2) • ProJec[Specs (1) • Code Malysis (1) " • Landscaping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • PrqeG Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) " • Master Fxit Plan (1) " • Spec. Insp. & Tes4ng Schedule " • Certificale of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always '• • Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. 8 Testlng Schedule (1) • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always • Meter size must be estabiished • Meter size must be esWblished • Meter s(ze must be esWblished-if applicable 1 . ProjectSpecs (1) 1 • EnergyCalculations (1) " y 1 • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) •' 1 1 . Master Ewt Plan (1) 1 y . Emergency Response 5ite Plan (1) 1 . Soils RepoM1 (1) 1 • SAC determinadon - call 651-602-1000 • SAC detertnination - call 651-602-1000 SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health a[ 651-215-0700 for details regarding food & beverage or lodging facilities. •• Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required when it states "not always". '** Pemut for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. D t e; / 17 / 0 6 Construction Cost ?! J f U"? T a e 4 Site Address 7-9 74- C.,/i'Z 6Z-vK 40P • UnitlSte # Tenant Name ?L?i TL e lS? " Former Tenant Name Description ot W ?A4&&. 0 C°l? FOL PropertyOwner r r- Telephone#(E/Z Contractor • - / Address oLvt,f / City State ? 01/ ZiP TelePhone # Arch/Engr /N `.!?M ? f ? r Registration # Address 'J (?C7 WCIAIvl 'il :70 i9fJ City / State Zip ? Telephone # (?L) 71rir"7?D Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: /L Phone #: I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a pemut, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Si ature OFFICE U,SE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building 0 14 Apartments X? 27 Commercial/Induslrial ? 32 Ext Alt-Apaztrnents ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial 0 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New ,?35 Int Improvement O 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Akeration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 ReplaCement 'Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to appliwnt a? Valuation Occupancy -g i 7- MCES System Census Code Zoning ? City Water ?? SAC Units Stories ? Booster Pump Nbr. of Units ? Sq. Ft. G l T 7 PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? ? Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const ?ff ' A Width Required Inspections ? _ Footings (new bldg) Insulation _ Footings(deck) ? FinallC.O. _ Footings (addition) FinallNo C.O. _ Foundation Other Drain Tile Roof Ice Pr / Decking _ Insul Final Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final Framing v Siding Stucco Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows _ A d B ?? pprove y: Planning Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage (WAC) SNV Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Copies Water Trunk Sewer Trunk Other Total I ''/"(o eI. 7 S Z • `.? S? • 3 ZSI? •5-17 1LA??bD 2006 CONIMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for, commerciaVindushiat bui]dings multi-Family buildings when sepazate permits are nQ required for each dwelling unit *;l? Date i = Unit JZIC Previous Tenant Name ?'- Property Owner Telephone #( ) Contractor AwlerN gey.6? StreetAddress ?( 0?Yecp kv `' ?, Ci State A4Q Zip Telephone #( 62 )Z V-- 33 M Bond Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner L6Contractor _ Other Work Type _ New Construction 7?0 Interior Improvement _Install Piping _Processed /-<Gas _ Under/Above ground Tank Install Remove When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspecfion by Fire Marshal and Plumbing lnspector Nature of Work: . ?.*Xl?? k PV ? %?rq ??? (f) ' ^? O T PeITllit FCes: $70.50 Underground tank installauoNremoval $50.50 M'utinwm (includes Sffite Surcharge) 0[ ContractVa]ue $ 1% '? x PermitFee $ St t S h i? ?????? L I ? a e urc azge If cermit fee is less than $7,000, add $.50 Ir I il ?' Ifoermit fee is more than $1,000, surcharge is 5.50 for every $1 000 owed J UL 17 2006 $ , a70 `-'? . ? Total Fee r 6PrPti., ..i., a.._ ----•--? -rry ..., ..-..w.uc..nm ,..vU,al,wai rermit ana acicnowieage tnat tne mformafion is complete and accurate; th8f Th0 WOik will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of [he City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I undetsiand this is not a permit, but only an applicaIion for a permit, and work is not to start wi[hout a permit; t the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? ? ?nnT? A,r`1 Applicant's Pnnted Nam ic. t Sign ur Approved By: Inspector Date: Required Inspec6ons: _ U.G. R.I. _ Air Test YGas Service Test _ Infloox Heat Final :?-L13 1 q ??35 , s o 2006 CONIl?IERCjAL PLUNIBING PERMIT APPLICATION CTTY OF EAGAPi 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date 7 //d / 0 (o 1 n ('L;?'derS SiteAddress L4 976- Lone OGK Drive? Unit# Teoant Name ?? 1 %S Former Teuant Name Property Owoer W 1n Telephone #( ContraMor CPYI +l,i i`)J P' l,imh% Y1!? ? Zn L^ Address 13,)y He`mn qVe- I?+ City oukda e - State C?')tnnfso ?A Zip S5-12g Telephone#((d`jl ) ?oS3-?.3`/? License# 4)0376?5-PN Expires: 1Z-3)`0fo The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other Work Type New Bldg Modify Space _ Irrigation System** _ Yes )(No Work in public r-o-w ! easetnent? _RPZ _ PVB: New _ Repair/Re6uild _ Replace _ Remove Raio senaors arc reuired on irri ation a stems ier.c.v.? b?w\-? o"T 0T P?,Stcoo?..s? Sprec?K r?v^n , ?n„ =wr. Descriptloo of Work ?c A,c l?.ln ?c r??ars c?uS2-k c. A &te..?.?e ?ou ??i To imryire ?f Reducing Valv'e is reqwrcd on new service, ca11651L75-5646 Meters - Cal1651-675-5300 to venTy that hydros[atic, conducfiviry, and bacteria tests passed orior to oickine uo mehr. Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller siie allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3!4" meter 167.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes 6igh demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes X- No PRVRequired _Yes ?iNo Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (inelades State Surcharge) Contrac[ Value $ g60 r? x t% p? 0 0 _ $ ? 3 0 Permit Fee $ -U Meter(s) Required on all new build"mgs & boulevard 'urieation svstems $ - C)^ Radio Metet Read $ ° 5 0 State Surcharge If cecmit fee is kas thae $1,000, eurc6arge is $50 If ornnit fee ic mort than $1,0110, sarcharge is A50 for mch SI,000 owed. -------------------- -------------- Following fees apply whce insfelling new lawe irrigaHon systan $ Water Permit Call lhe Citys Engineermg Depaztmen[, 651-6755646, Car requiled Fce amounis $ Treatrnent Plant $ Wa[er Supply & Srorage $ ---U--Stste 5urcharge $ f 39 - S b Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Pamit and acknowledge lhet the inrf'ormation is comple[e and accurate, Wet the work wiil bc in confomunce with Me mdinances and codes of the City of Fagan and with the Plumbing Codes; t6at I understand ihis is ret a pemtiy but oniy en application fw a permrt, and watk is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the iase of rryp k which requires a review aod approval of plans. j C3\OL-S e?Q ? _ cL.?c, e,5 5l?vr[.rf?- ?-? onQilen,.ac, ApplicanPS Printed Name plicanYs SignaWre CITY USE ONLY J REQUIRED INSPECTTONS: _ U.G. ?Air Test _ Gas Test 'Rough In O Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: :f2' f ?? (4?06f, BMDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Mehr Read (required on all new buildings. Boulevard 'urigation sys[ems may require a radio read -$141.00 • RPZ's must be tested every year and rebuilt every five years. Test results should 6e mailed to Paul Heuer at tlie City of Eagan. . A minimum fee permit per address is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebu11 re ir, remove. • Water meters include copper homisuainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REOUIRING 4HOUR ADYANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO P[CK OP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $130.00 4-120 1-1/2" ln'lgatlon SySt $ 827•00 displacement or turbine"' Public Works maximum small commercial must approve continuous meter eize 10 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigation $167.00 4-160 2" wrbine large imgation $ 1,040.00 maximum displacement residential system & continuous or production lines 15 small commercial 3-50 1" displacement large residential $210.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,962.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum small commercia( & continuous & large comm bldgs 25 irri ion stems 5-100 1-1/2" 25-64 unit bldgs $515.00 ma7cimum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRiOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very large irrigation $1,394.00 6-500 4" coropound +300 unit bldgs $3,864.00 system & produdion & very large lines comm. bldgs 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,516.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,436.00 very latge very lazge comm bldgs comm bldgs I5-1000 4" turbine very lazge $2,495.00 itrigaNon systems & production lines C;omments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11 65 1-6 75-5 6 75. • To arrange for water tum-on, ca11651-675•5200. cc: Utiliry Division SystemsAnalyst ?muarY 2006 ?NS9 -; .oo 2006 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 Requirements: 2 complete sets of dcawings and specificatioos cut sheets on maYerials and components to be used Date '7_ AJ' SiteAddress: ?2 / 7s_?(^? ? ? K ?( ? ?e Tenant / Building Name: _4 (?)e cs C ? The Applicant is: _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other PROPERTY OWNER ? -? / f} Address: Q ? / 7 ? !? (?r?G ?? City: State: Zip: CONTRACTOR Summit Fire Protection MN License #: C-075 Address: 7301 Apollo Court Clty: Lino Lakes State: Minnesota Zip: 55014 Phone #: 651-251-1880 ESTIMA'I'ED COMPLETION DATE: FIItE PERMIT TYPE: ? Sprinkler 5ystem (# of heads s0) _ Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: WORK TYPE: _ New _ Addition _ Alterauons ? Remodel ? Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Commercial _ Residential _ Educational ? Other: PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Minimum Fee (includes Shte Surcbarge) oU Contract Vatue $ r? 5 ? x .01 = $ ?Z• ?? Permit Fee • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 ? $ f 5? State Surcharge If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per $1.000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $167.00 $ , TOTAL FEE: $ I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the otdinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with?the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. i? i ApplicanYs Prii? d Name t4ppicant's Stgnature i DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Hydrostatic Flow Alann Drain Test ? Rough In _ Trip _ Pump Test _ Central Station ? Final Conditions of Issuance: Permit Approved by Date: ?4 IA (., -?ro 2006 CO1VI1VjEF.CIAl. MECHANlCAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: commerciaVindusfial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits ere nQt required for each dwelling unit '?-ZZD.So Date?/?/? Site Street Address [?_l 7? C(?Q ? k .??'t ? Unit # Tenant Name (if applicable) Previous Tenant Name Property Owner ?? YV-" Telephone # ( ) Contractor QjZR? f, R Street Address ts- g? City State -N Zip sr?? & Telephone #((w(?- )7p'?' Bond #: Espires: The Applican[ is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other Work Type _ New Construction KInterior Improvement _,JC?fnstall Piping _Processed _Gas _ UndeNAbove ground Tank Install Remove When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Marshal and P/umbing Inspector Nature of Work: zp&e?o I ?gT Perlltit Fees: 570.50 Underground tank mstallaziodremoval 550.50 Minimum (includes Stafi Smcharge) 0 Contract Value $_ 2 2, bvv x 1% _$ Z?? O permit Fee FY `? D S t 5-0 State Surcharge ? D If oermit fee is less than $1,000, add $.50 if uermit Fee is more than $1,000, surcharge QUG 0 7 ?PnS is$.SOforevery $1,000owed. Total Fee r hP?o6., .,,...i.. -••^-?? -rrv =u, a ?VliiL1?6Ln, inccnamcai rerm¢ ana acKnowletlge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, 6ut only an application for a permit, and work is not [o start with;Sj2n permit; th t the work will be in accordance with the approved?latin the case of work which requires a review and approval of ?Hn lo R p?N ApplicanPs Printed Name Approved By: S? T- t6 ' v? , Inspector Date: ? Required Inspecdons: _ U.G. ? R.I. _ Air Test ?Gas Service Test - Infloor Heat _JFinal , ' -la(.A4 ? 2006 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 £Slr - • Siructural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) . Certificate of Survey (1) . CodeMalysis (1) . ProjectSpecs (1) . Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule " • SoilsReport (1) . Meter size must be established • SACdetermination-ca11 6 51-6 02-iD00 • Nchitecturel Plans (2) sel • Structural Plans (2) • Ciwl Plans (2) • Landscaping Plans (2) . CodeAnalysis (1) " • CertifcaleofSurvey (1) • Spec. Insp. BTesting Schedule (1) " • Meter size musl be established • ProjectSpecs (1) • EnergyCalculations (1) " . Electric Power 8 Lighting Fortn (7) " . MasterEzitPlan (1) . Emergency Response Site Plan (1) . SoilsReporl (1) • SAC delermination - ca11 651-602-1 000 • Fire Stopping Submittals • NchitecWral Plans (2) sels • CodeAnalysis (1) " . ProjectSpecs (1) • KeyPlan (i) • Master Exil Plan (1) • Energy Calculations (7) not always" . Elec. Power 8 Lghling Fortn (1) not always" . Meter size must be established-if applicable • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at 651-215•0700 for de[ails regarding food & beverage or lodging facilities. '• Contact Building iuspections for samplc and if required Pevnit For new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. Date 7 /D I /Ot, Construction Cost 36 1 ? S oo, SiteAddress ?.?-]S LOhr_ 0n,k IJh N? Vi 6uSintS??il+?W UniUSte # Tenant Name 14alynw 6ifrcynaa.; r+, Former Tenant Name ,[VCAt Description of Work (ut 1 S D oom Y?eS ,w loha f: i.c? ?Yt ' t ? T L C C N .Go Proper[y Owner t,.-C,m Telephone k(W'Z ) 3I,,- 700U Applicant is: _ Owner ? Contractor Contact #: (763 ) L? - S?] ?Oda/ Contractor 5k"- 010tt, L7c.i I.?.a?9 ti C• ? J Address ACj)ha C? City LdYa440 State 'Lip 5 S Telephone #(JdS )?171- I30G Arch/Engr ' \[ " Registration # Address ? City - State v .1? ?+ 1 Z006 Telephone # ( ) Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service: Phone #: (_) 1 hereby apply for a Commercial Building Pertnit and acknowledge that the infovnation is comptete ana accura[e; [nat me worK ww ce m conformance wi[h the ordinances and codcs of the City of Eagan and the Sta[e of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a pertnit, bu[ only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a peanit; [hat the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. CCYd\I DPihNmel- Applicant nted Name Applicant's Signatwe a . e, DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building ? 14 Apartmenu 0' 27 Commercial/Industrial ? 32 Ext Alt-Apartments ? IS Lodging 0 28 Greenhouse ? 34 ExtAlt-Commercial ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New lz? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alleration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)` ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDOOrs ? 34 Replacement `Demolition (Entire Bldg anly) - Give PCA handaut to appllcant Valuation -U da0 ? TypeofConst JL - P> Width ? Plan Rev 100% `/ 25°/a Occupancy •?5Z- F! MCES System ? SAC Units 0 Zoning City Water Nbr. of Units a Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Bldgs I Sq. Ft. ZO`L L ?f PRV ? Length Fire Sprinklered Required Inspections _ Footings (new bldg) Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final ? _ Footings (deck) Insulation _ Foo[ings (addition) _ / Sheetrock Foundation ? Fina]/C.O. Drain Tile FinaUNo C.O. Driveway Apron _ Other /Roof Tce Pr Decking Final _ Pool Ftgs AidGas Tests Final Insul V Framing _ _ _ Siding _ SWcco Lath _ Stone Lath _ Final Windows Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present. _ Yes V_-?No ? • Pl i d B ector Ins - Buildin CiAlf ann ng Approve y: / g p 'n Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review SAGMCES SAGCity SIW Permit SNJ Surcharge Treatment Plant TreaUnent Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedirafion Trail Dedicalion Water Quality Water Supply 8 Storage (WAC) Financial Guaranlee Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Lateral Street Water Lateral Other Total Sewer Trunk Water Trunk I 2?Go.gy ? 8 ? • d-O ?sq_q kz Li t Council Enuironmental Services August l, 2006 Dale Schoeppner Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 Dear Mr. Schceppner: The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division has detertnined SAC for the Holmes Corporation- Waters VI Business Center to be located at 2975 Lone Oak Drive within the City of Eagan. This project should be charged no addi[iouai SAC Uni[s, as dzteirnine3 b:,iow. SAC Units Chazges: Office 8808 sq. ft. @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit 3.67 Conference 714 sq. ft. @ 1650 sq. ft./SAC Unit 0.43 Wazehouse 5163 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit 0.74 Production 1937 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit 0.28 Shower 1 shower @ 1 shower/SAC Unit 1.00 Total Charge: 6.12 Credits: Office(05091557) 19,575 sq. ft. @ 60% use @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit 4.89 Wazehouse (05091557) 19,575 sq. ft. @ 40% use @ 7000 sq. ft.lSAC Unit 1.12 Total Credit: 6.01 Net Charge: 0.11 or 0 If you have any questions, call me at 651-602-1378. Since ely, Jessie N? ye Administrative Technician Environmental Services Division JN:kb: 06080 1 A7 cc: S. Selby; MCES Carolyn Krech, City of Eagan, Finance Department David Wanker, CSM Corporation www.metrocouncil.org 390 Ro6ert SVeet North • St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 .(651) 602-1005 • Fax (651) 602-1477 • TI'Y (651) 291-0904 An Fqual Opyortumty Employcr 2006 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL rExMiT arrLicnTiorr City Of Eagan ? ? ?` 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 ?,'vU Telephoue # 651-675-5675 Pleue complete for. commercial/industrial buildings multi-family boildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit 4 Datee6 /i Site Street Address Unit # Tenant Name (if applicable) Previous Tenant Name PropertyOwner Telephone#( ) Contractor - _ ? T ? ? ??• % ?? dd 44 °? ?/j ?/FG - J/?F/? ? «??7 Cit ress i i7 Street A y „ ,• State ZiP / 2Z- Telephone # ((/ Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner --)(/Contractor _ Other Work Type New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Instail _Remove **see below Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _Processed Nature of Work: a '? ) ? .? ? " J _ ? 2??6 ^1'?; 1l t h ! P?llrtSbI- *'When installing/removing undergro nspe c or g a und tank, call for inspection by Fire Mars Permit F¢eS: 570.50 Underground lank installation/removal SSOSO Mininium (includes Sta te Surcharge) or Contract Value $ JrZ? 0(>O ! x 1% _ $ Permi[ Fee $ , j0 State Surcharge If oe rmit fee is less than $1,000, add $.50 If pe rmit fee is more than $1,000, surcharge is $.50 for every $1,000 owed. $ '?J Z , • ??/CD Tatal Ree I hereby apply for a Commercia] Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the inTormation is complete ana accurate; tnat tne worK will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application For a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the app ved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans Applicant's Prip ed Name Applicant's SignaZP ire Approved By: ?j //() O- /?--l) Inspector Date:A??./?e? Required Inspections: _ U.G. _,,rR.1. d'?Air Test _G as Service Test - Infloor Heat ? Final ? 2006 CONIMERCIAL PLUIVIBING PERMTT APPLICATION ?1yqq? CiTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN NIN 55122 651-675-5675 Date g !31! 06 SiteAddress bhaters V( 6usiness Center ?975 Lone Dak brive unitu Tensot Name API DUfS OUYC I l'14 Former Tena¢t Name ui1 b\0u7Y1 Property Owner (',.S M 500 "ih, ,,16+v,, A?e S ?DI S Telephone #((,p f,?, ) 39 `i -700C9 cootractor ?-4 ri U r y P I u m b i n1 2 n c naaress i 3,?`I N e I nt o R v P N ciry Oa k da I e state A1 N ziP 551 a$ Telephone #(6,y 1) 53 -U9 D License # 063755 P M Eapires: I;L- .i 1- 0 4, The Applicant is _ Owner Conhactor _ Other Work Type New Bldg _X Modify Space _ Irrigation System** Yes No Work in public r-o-w / easement? _RPZ _ PVB: New _ Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Remove _ Rain sensors are r uired on irri tion stems DescriptionotWork rp,manfSpQCe nflnndel - 3 ADR Rrstra>ms s;n Vfili?r?"k Wafc?heofvr To inqwre if sure Reduciag Valve is rcquired on new urvim, call 651fi 5646 g; 1r„P I Dri n ki hcir f4h Meters - Call 651-675-5300 ro verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tesis passed rior to iclcin Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2"MF? 1 r s?ze wed by Public Works Fire Size&Price 3!4"meter $167.00 t?,` i ? Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM IncltiMFk high demand devices? _ Yes _ No F7ushometers _ Yes X No PRV Required _ Yes ? No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (inclades State Sorcharge) Contrac[Value $ fq $?, 0-0 x 1% _$ ?yg• 04) PermitFee ? a Meter(s) Required on all new build'vigs & boulevard inieazion svs[ems $ Radio Metef Reed $ e50 State Surchazge If ce`mit fce is lex thm SI,000, sarchaige is $.50 If uemut f'ee is more thao $1,000, surcharge is A50 tor each $1,000 uwed. Following fees appty whea instslling eew lawn irrigation system $ Water permit Cail [he Ciry's Engincering Department, 651-675-5646, tor required fee amounts $ TreavnentPlant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge 5 o Total Fee I here6y apply for a Commerciel Plumbing Perwt and acknowledge that the infommtion is wmplete and accu=ate; that Ihe wark will be in con£omiance with the ordinwices and codes of fhe City of Eagan and wi[A the Plumbing Codes; that I wderstand this is mt a pernut, but only an applicehon for a permiS and woAc is not m start without a perntih; that Ne work will be in accordance witA ihe approved plan in the caee ofwork which reqwres a review and appraval of plans. d F1 H e5 81 ASENp /'<?'+-iv ApplicanPs Printed Name icanPs Signature JJZ?qT`,y /? ?JU 3 755 P? ?or GZu,es-hows eatt JeFE ?lasenct 651-653 R3;o CoFFr,e) bid-loi-isoo (eeh . , CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPEC7'fONS: JI" U.G. ? Air Test _ Gas Test ? Rough In tY Finsl PLANS SUBMI'I'!'ED APPROVED BY: -:51p 'r7,s_oc. , BUQ.DWG INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (tequired on all new buildings. Boulevard ircigation systems may require a radio read -$141.00 • RPZ's must be tested every year and re6uilt every five years. Test results should be mailed to Paul Heuer a[ the City of Eagan. • A minimum fee pertnit per address is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebuild, reoair, remove. • Water meters include copper hom/strainer, remote wire, and [ouch-pad meter. METERS REOUIRING 4HOUR ADVANCE NOT[CE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $130.00 4120 1-1/2" ir[igation syst $ 827.00 displacement or turbine*" Public Works maximum smal] commercial must approve continuous meter size 10 2-30 3/4" lawn imgation $167.00 4-160 2" [urbine large irrigation $ 1,040.00 masimum displacemen[ residential system & continuous or production lines 15 small commercial 3-50 1" displacement large residential $210.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,962.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum small commercial & continuous & large comm bldgs 25 irri ation stems 5-100 1-1/2" 25-64 unit bldgs $515.00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE CPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" nubine very large irrigation $1,394.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs $3,864.00 system & production & very large ]ines comm. bldgs 1/2320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,5I6.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 uni[ bldgs $6,436.00 very lazge very lazge comm bldgs comm bldgs I5-I000 4" turbine very lerge $2,495.00 irrigation systems & production lines Comments • To schedule inspection of [he inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To arrange for water tum-on, call 651-675-5200. cc. Utdity Division Syslems Analyst lenuary 2006 a,?9.@4 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERNIIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone 4 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 • Structural Plans (2) seLs • Architecturel Plans . Civil Plans (2) • SWctural Plans . Certificate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans • Code Malysis (1) " • Landscaping Plans • Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis . Spec. Insp. & TesGng Schedule • Certificate of Survey . Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule • Meter s'¢e must be established • Meter size must be established l • ProJect Specs y • Energy Calculatlons y • Electric Power & LighUng Fortn _ 1 • Master Ezit Plan l . Emergency Response Site Plan y • Soils Report . SAC Aetertnination - call 651-602-70OU i. bHLoecermmanon - Deot of Health at 651-215-0700 for details regazding (2) sets • Architedural PIanS (2) sefs (p) . CodeMalysis (1) " (2) • ProjedSpecs (1) (2) • KeyPlan (1) (1) •? . MasterExitPlan (1) (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always" (1)" • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (t) not always" • Meter size must be esfablished-If applicabie (?) y (1) ° . (? 1 1 l?)»• 1 (1) y n SAC detertnination - call 651-602-1000 or *• Contact Building Tnspections for sample and iFrequired wrten u states 'not aiways . *•* Permit for new building or addition will not be proceued without Emergency Response Site Plan. Date g/ 11?106 Construction Cost a200 ?DO '? Site Address 2/ / J- .9-Yt Unit/Ste # Tenant Name ? Former Tenant Name d', 1 3 '2 1 . tion of Work Descri p Telephone # ((d;Z *."??7Q?o Property Owner I Contractor t^ Address City , ' ? Z'P `Telephone?# (? State % 2( . ?- Ep{ . 2 > Arch/Engr # Registrati/on Address ? C City State Zip ?`Telephone #(i I „? 3?S " 7n O D Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service: Phone #: (_) I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and aclaiowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in.conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand;Ls is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work.'will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approvalofplans. Applicant's Printed Name" .g Applicant' Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 14 Apariments ? 15 L.odging ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 AReratlon ? 34 Replacement OFFICE USE OWLY ? 26 Public Facility LR' 27 CommerciaUIndustrial 0 28 Greenhouse ? 29 Antennae ? 30 Accessory Building ? 32 Ext Alt-Apaztments ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nai] Salon i - . z L9' 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fre Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolitton (Entire Bidg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation ?001000 Od Occupancy k 3_ MCESSystem Census Code Zoning 25 City Water SAC Units '-' Stories ? Booster Pump ? Nbr. of Units ? Sq. Ft. ? PRV ? Nbr. of Bidgs I Length Fire Sprinklered ? Type of Const ,-17W _ yyidth ?-- Required Inspections ? _ Footings (new bldg) Insularion _ Footings(deck) FinallC.O. _ Footings(addition) FinaUNo C.O. _ Foundalion Other Drain Tile Roof Ice Pr ? Decking _ Insu1 Final Pool Ftgs Au/Gas Tests Final Framing Siding Stucco Stone _ F'ueplace _ R.I. AirTest _ Final _ Windows Approved By: ?,. Planning PL- Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC Cify SAC Water Supply & Storage (WAC) S/W Permif SNV Surcharge Treatment Piant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Qualiry Copies Water Trunk Sewer Trunk Other Total i? ss3.7S /oo, o0 /.F Oo9. 9v ; -- , it Metropolitan Council August 31, 2006 Dale Schoeppner Buiiding Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: i?t ?o? The Meuopolitan Council Environmental Services Division has determined 5AC for the Waters VI APi Outsourcing to be lccsted at 2975 Ler.e Oak B:ive with:r. !he City of Eagan. This project should be charged no additional SAC Units, as determined below. SAC Units Charges: Office 4194 sq. ft. @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit 1.75 Conference 870 sq. ft. @ 1650 sq. ft./SAC Unit 0.53 Total Charge: 2.28 Credits: Office (05091557) 8985 sq. ft. x 60% @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit 2•25 Warehouse (05091557) 8985 sq. ft. x 40% @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit 0.51 Total Credit: 2.7 Net Credit: 0.48 or 0 If you have any questions, call me at 651-602-1378. Sincerely, Jessie Nye SAC Technician n ? ? IEFVI? D Environmental Services Division Tu sEP a 5 zaos 7N:kb: 060831131 ca S. Selby, MCES Cazolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan David Wanker, CSM Corporation www.metrocouncil.org 390 Robert Street North . St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 •(651) 602-1000 • Fax (651) 602-1550 • T7'Y (651] 291-0904 A. FqualOPponun«y Empfoyer 2006 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PExMCT arrLrcnTroN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 YILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 ?G7 _?'IS_5f,75 Date_.?/ Sife Address 2 .? Unit # Tenant Name ();?D- ormer Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor ?,LC" j? Addres City ?I_L• ?O?! d??. ??l State /M/V7 Zip ?, Telephone#(?) License # Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ Other _ Work Type ? New Bldg Modify Space _ Irrigation System' _ Yes No Work in public o-o-w / easemer,t7 RPZ PVB New _ Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Remove Rain sensors are reuired on irri ation sVStems Description of Work U/11 ` /1PJ,l sipd To inquire if P? ssure Redumng Valve is requireA on new servi q call 651fi75-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrosYatiq conductiviry, and bacteria tests passed prior to picldne uo meter. Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size atlowed 6y Pu61ic Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" meter 167.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushomefers Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) Conhact Vaiue $ $?L9j oOQ x 1% ?no'ca Permit Fee $ Meter(s) Required on all new 6uildings & boulevard irrieahon svstems $ Radio Metei Read $ o $0 Stzte Surcharge If oertnit fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $ 50 lf petmit fee is more than $1,000, surchargc is $.50 tor eacM1 $1,060 owed. ""'____'_'""_""'____"""""""_____"_""""' "'_" """"____"'_"----------------------- _""""""'_'___'_"'_"""" Following fees applywhen instatling new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Call the Qty's Engineenng Department, 651-675-5646, for required fee amounts $ Treaunent Plant ? g Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge $ ?'j 0,E) ? So Tutal Ree I hereby apply for a Commerclal Plumbing Permit and acknowledge [hat ehe mfovnation is complete and accurate, that the work will 6e m confortnance with the ordinances and codes of Ihe CiTy of Eagan and wrth the Ptumbing Codes; tha[ I understand this is not a pe=mit, but only an app6cation for a permit, and work is not to start wlthout penmt, Ihat the wmk will be in accordance wiih the approved plan m the case of work which roqwres a review and ap of plans .- - Gr/ L o 17 ApplicanYSP tedName ptican' Signature • CTTY USE ONLY REQIIIRED INSPECTIONS: ? U.G. ZAir Test _ Gas Test ? Rough In ? Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: _? H ?? ;3' 0 _a?'$UILDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings. Boulevard iaigation systems may require a radio read -$141.00 • RP'L's must be tested every year and rebuilt every five years. Test resulu should be mailed to Paul Heuer at the Ciry of Eagan. • A minimum fee permit per address is required For the following RPZ's: new, rebaild, renair, remove. • Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REOUIRING 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS IISE PRICE GPM METERS L'SE PRICE 1.20 5/8" residential $130.00 4-120 1-1/Z" ii7igati0n syst ? 827•00 ? displacement or turbine** Public Works maximum smal] commercial must approve continuaus meter size 10 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigation $167.00 4-I60 2" turbine lazge irrigation $ 1,040.00 maximum displacement residential system & continuous or production lines 15 small commercial _ __ 3-50 1" displacement large residential _ $210.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,962.00 bldg to 24 units r 65 units maximum small commercial & continuous & large comm bldgs 25 irri ation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" 25-64 unit bldgs $515_00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bidgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very lazge irrigation $1,594.00 i 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs $3,864.00 system & production & very large lines comm. bldgs 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unitbldgs $2,516.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,4;6.00 very large very large comm bldgs comm bldgs 15-1000 4" hubine very large $2,495.00 irrigation systems & production lines Comments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11 6 5 1-675-5 675. • To arrange for water turn-oq call 651-675-5200. cc. UtiLTy Division Systems Malyst lanuary 2006 Mike Maguire MAYOR Paul Bakken Peggy Carlson Cyndee Fields Meg Tilley COIINCIL MEMBEHS Thomas Hedges CITY ADMINISTRATOR March 19, 2007 CSM Properties ? /J(,';,j C 'EQ . 500 Washinb on Ave S Ste 3000 FU? r, 1/-? S Minneapolis, MN 55415 C, d'('?fSS ('' ) RE: 2975 Lone Oak Dr Deaz Property Owner: Presently, you are in the process of constructing a building at the above referenced address within the City of Eagan under a building permit issued by the City. Your construction activities have also included grading and/or disturbance of the site. An inspection of your site was conducted by City staff on 03/I S/2007. At that time, the following item(s) were found to be out of compliance with Ciry Code and/or the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit goveming your site: MUNICIPAL CENfER 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012 fau 651.454.8535 TDD MAIMENANCE FACILRY 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone 651.675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TD? www.cityofeagan.com • Tnstall/Maint Temp Cover-21 days • Provide Stockpile Protection • Tracking on Street The above item(s) must be addressed within 48 hours of receipt of this notice in order to bring your site into compliance. City staff will conduct a follow-up inspection at the end of the 48 hour grace period. If the site is found to be out of compliance at that time, the City reserves the right to withhold future building inspections and may issue a Stop Work Order for the entire project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Engineering Division at 651-675-5649. Your anticipated cooperation is greatly appreciated by City staff as well as the residents of Eagan. Sincerely, ?-' ?A3 ? eon Weiland City of Eagan Engineering Division c. Russ Matthys, City Engineer Dale Schoeppner, Chief Building Official THE LONE OAK TFEE The symbol of strength and growth in our community. Y ? MESSAGE CONF I RMAT I ON 03i19i2007 10:59 ID=EAGAN ENG+COM DEU DRTE S,R-7IME DISTRNT STRTION ID MODE 03i19 00'29" 612 395 7131 CALLING 03i19i2007 10:58 ERGAN ENG+COM DEV 4 96123957002 4101o city of Eaian Mike Magvire b1AYOR Paul Bakken 'peggy Carlsan CyMee Felds Mep Tflley Caurun MeMeeas Thomas Hetlges Cin AobwsrninoA MuManu COMa 3830 Pllot Knab Raad March 19, 2007 CSM Properties 500 Washington Ave S Ste 3000 Minneapolis, MN 55415 RE: 2975 Lone Oak Dr Dear Property Owner. PRGES RESULT 01 OK 0000 N0.095 Da1 Post4Y FaX Note 7677 ?983 va?b. I UvAJ L?EIc?? D co roeut CS (yi co.G C?! t3F f'i?4 6f ? n) PhpnB tl I f ?o? q SIl4?S S i W FsxY 1( Is7M w FaxY Presently, you are in the process of constructing a building at the above reterenced address within the City of Eagan under a building permit issued by the Ciry. Your conshvction activities have also included grading and/or disturbance of the site. An inspection of your site was conducted 6y City staff on 03/15/2007. At that time, the following item(s) were found to be out of compliance with Ciry Code end/or Uie Nationai Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit goveming yow site: • install/Maint 7'emp Cover-21 days • Provide St4ckpile Protection • Tracking on Street ,.. , . - --. ; ,:.. MEA.:N DU.M. ;: . TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT #39 LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR LANE WEGENER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2005 RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR WATERS VI OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 2975 LONE OAK DRIVE LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLUE RIDGE 6'u ADDITION The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No PRV Required Signature CD/F02MS/DLDG INSP/PLAN REVIEW /MIKE LENCE ZONING? METER SIZE Date REVISED 02/04 December I, 2005 Pat Geagan Mavoa Mr. Joe Conti Peggy Carison , CSM Corporation 500 Washington Avenue South Cyndee Fields Mimieapalis, MN 55415 Mike Magwre Meg Tilley Re: Pennit Application - 2975 Lone Oak Drive (Waters VI) COUNCIL MEMBEflS Dear Mr. Conti: Thomas Hedges CfTY AOMINISTRATOR I am in receipt of your letter via e-mail dated November 29, 2005, regarding the building permit apphcation for the above listed property. I have researched the Planned Development Agreement and building pennit records for the Waters V building, and visited the site to view the building materials on that existing building. I also have discussed this matter with Mike Ridley, City Planner. It appears that an oversight occuned in the review of the building permit application MUNICIPAL CENTER for Waters V that resulled in that buitding being allowed to proceed with the stained 3830 Pilot Kno6 Road plain block material on the rear elevation, as the approved Building Elevations in Eagan, MN 55122-1870 that Planned Development Agreement specified "8" colored CMU." While we 651.675.5000 phone ? understand your desire to match the existing building, we cannot approve continued 651.675.5012 fax use of an unacceptable material on additional buildings in this development. 651.454.8535 TDD Therefore, please revise the buildiug permit plans for Waters VI to use the 8" colored CMU which is specified in the Plamzed Development Agreement. Use of colors that match the Waters V building will provide the desired compatibility between the MAINTENANCE FAQLRV building-s. 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 with regard to the site lighting, I look forward to seeing a revised photometric site 651.675_5300 phone lighting plan from R7 Ryan to address minimum light levels as identified in my 657.675.5360 fax previous letter. 651.454.8535 TDD jf you have any further questions, please call me at 651-675-5691, or you may e-mail me at pdudziak(c?,cityofeaaan.com. www.cityofeagan.com Sincerely, ? ? / Pamela Dudziak Planner THE LONE OAK TREE The symbol of cc: Mike Lence, Senior Inspector strength and growth Mike Ridley, City Planner in our cammuniry. C(? ?/( SOO Washington Avenue South, Suite 3000 J l??l Minneapolis, MN 55415 ? DEVELOPTNG RRAL ESTATE FOR PROPLE, BUSINESS & COMMiJNITIES November 3, 2005 Mike Lence, Senior Inspector City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 Re: Waters VI Corporate Center 2975 Lone Oak Drive Dear Mc Lence: I am writing in response to your letters dated October 17th and 26", 2005 with regazds to Waters VI construction documents dated October I, 2005. I have attached a copy of the Special Inspections and Testing Schedule with the applicable signatures. Also, a copy of the soils report has been enclosed for your records. With regard to your comments for Ihe construction documents submittal, I will address each item as follows: 1. The construction costs for this project aze $2,002,000 2. The general contrxctor is R.J. Ryan, and our contact there is 7ack Grotkin. 3. The address numbers shall be 12" high on the building and shall be a contrasting color. I have attached a revised shee[ A4A to reflec[ this 4. A guard rail shall be provided at the roof top hatch as noted on the revised sheet A3.0 If you have any questions, please feel Free to contact me. Thank you For your letter and I look forward to working with you as we go into construction. Senior Project Architect CSM Corporation Direct: (612) 395.7041 E-Mail: jconti@csmcorp.net Page 1 of 1 Mike Lence From: Joseph Conti [JConti@csmcorp.net] Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 527 PM To: Mike Lence Subject: Waters VI - Permit Drawings Mike, In follow-up to out telephone com*exsarion on Novembex 9th xegarding the above noted ptoject. I wanted to let you know that I will be zevising the guaxd rail detail at the Toof hatch. The xail shall be placed apptox 8" fxom edge of pazapet to allowing fox a 4'-4" minunum cleaxance from the guard xail to xoof hatch. A 10'- 0" guaxd tail will be pxovided along paxapet cdge. If you have any quesuons, please feel free to contact me ditecdy. Joseph Conti, A.I.A. Senior Project Arehitect 500 Washington Ave. South, Suite 3000 Mmneapolis, MN. 55415 Ditect: (612) 395.7041 Fax: (612) 395.2732 E-Mail: jconti@csmcorp.net 11/14/2005 --_?--- i ?- ; -?,; ---1----i--- ;---- ? ------,-- ---i-- -i---?----?--- - , --?- '?_ ----. --- ! --- --' ------' ? i i i ?--__? .,? ?---? -?- -;---?---- -i--- -? ---i ---i---?---?--- -? - -- ? i° -, 1---?-- ? ? .o- ' F _ B G H ? O EMERGENCY RESPONSE SITE KEY QA FIRE HYDRANT QB KEY BOX QC FIRE ALARM PANEL Qp FIRE SPRINKLER ROOM QE ELECTRICMAINSHUTOFF ? QF GAS METER ? Q WATER SHUTOFF I Q FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION J WATERS VI P5/5 LONE WK D111VE u;rn. - ? 51TE INFORMATION I TYPE Of CONSTRUCTION: IIB OCCUPANCYCLASSIFICATIONS: BIS7 II i BUILDING ADDRESS: 2975 LONE OAK DRIVE ? EAGAN, MN ?.» ? •°? csM ?'EMG.1 City of Eapn Pat Geagan MAYOR Peggy Carlson Cyndee Fields Mike Maguire Meg Tilley COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas Hedges CIfY ADMINISTRATOR MUNICIPAL CEMER 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012fax 651.454.8535 TDD MAINTENANCE FACILfTV 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone 651.675.5360fax 651.454.8535 TDD www.cityofeagan.com THE LONE OAK TREE The symbol of strength and growth in our community. October 26, 2005 Joseph Conti CSM Corporation 500 Washington Ave. S. Suite 3000 Minneapolis, MN 55415 RE: WATER VI CORPORATE CENTER 2975 LONE OAK DRIVE Dear Joe: We have completed our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a building permit for the above- referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhaustive and comprehensive report. Unless otherwise noted, all references are to the 2000 I.B.C. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicable codes and we are, therefore, requesting that the following items be addressed. 1 Provide construction costs for the purpose of determining appropriate fees. 2. Provide name of contractor. 3. Address numbers to be on building in contrasting color, visible from the street. 4. Guardrail to be installed complying with Minnesota rules 1346.0306 and section 304.9 of the International Mechanical Code. Please submit an addendum showing location on roof and detail of guazdrail. If you have any questions please call 651-675-5676 or e-mail mlence@citvofea ag n.com Sincerely, Mike Lence SeniorInspector Cc: Dale Schoeppner, Chief Building Official ML/jh C C?/? 500 Washington Avenue South, 5uite 3000 J l?il Minneapolis, MN 55415 ? DEVELOPING REAL ESTATE FOR PEOPLE, BUSINESS & COMMUNITIES (612) 395-7000 fax (612) 395-7002 ? Letter of Transmittal City of Eagan ra netentiwc Mike Lence, 3830 Pilot Knob Road Senior Inspector Eaqan, MN 55122-1810 Waters VI Re: uate: November 7, 2005 Cc: sent sy: Joseph Conti we are sertdlng you ? attacnea 0 unMer separate eover ? Shop Drawings ? Prinfs ? Computer Disk ? Copy of Letter ? Change Order ? Samples Copies Date Description 15et Signed ievised drawings Sheet A3.0, A4.0 2 sefs civil drawirgs C1-6, Landscape L1-2 1 MPCA - NPDES Subdivision Registration 1 Gty of Eagan - Pertni[ to Work wittrin RigMOf-way These are transmitted as cheeked 6elow: ? For Approval ? Reviewed As Submittad ? For Your Use ? Reviewed - Make Cortectias As Noted ? As Requested These are sent as ehecked below: ? Fed Ex ? Messerger Service: O Hr ? UPS ? Mail • Comments: Thanks Mik Joseph p ? For Bids Due ? ? Fa Distributlon ? To 6e picked up by ? ? Hand Delivered ? Metropolitan Council Building communities that work Environmentai Seruices September 15, 2005 Dale Schoeppner Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: )t!' 2 t Z005 1!U1 The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division has deternuned SAC for the Waters Vl Business Center located within the City of Eagan. This project should be charged 14 SAC Units, as determined below. SAC Units Charges: Office/Warehouse 46602 sq. ft. @ 60% use @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit 11.65 46602 sq, ft. @ 40% use @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit 2.66 Total Charge: 14.31 or 14 Ifyou have any questions, call me at 651-602-1113. Sincerely, Jodi ? Edwards Staff Specialist Municipal Services Section JLE: (425) 05091557 cc: S. Selby, MCES Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan David Walker, CSM www.metrorounml.urg MeMO Infu Line 602-I888 230 E;ast FYRh Street • 51 Puul. Minnesota 55101-1626 • (651) 602-1005 • FaY 602-1138 • TTY 291-0904 An t;yiwl Oyrx?nlfil Emp(oyer 41 City of Ea'pn October 17, 2005 Pat Geagan MAYOF Joseph J Conti Peg9y Carlson CSM Corporation 500 Washington Ave. South cyndee Fieids Minneapolis, MN 55415 Mike Maguire Meg Tilley RE: VyATERS VI CORPORATE CENTER COUNCIL MEMBERS 2975 LONE OAK DRIVE Thomas Hedges Deaz Mr COnti, CITY ADMINISTRATOP We have started our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a building permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhaustive and comprehensive report. Unless otherwise noted, all references aze to t6e 2000 I.B.C. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicable codes and we are, therefore, requesting that the items checked below be addressed: MUNICIPAL CENTER ? 1 Spec. Structural Testing & Inspection ? 1 Soils Report 3830 Pilot Knob Road Program Summary Schedule with signatures from all agencies involved. Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012 fax If you have any questions regazding the above items, please feel free to contact me at 651-675- 651.454.8535 TDD 5676. Sincerely, MAIMTENANCE FACILffV 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 Mike Lence 651.675.5300 phone SeniorInspector 651.675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TDD NIL/,h www.cityofeagan.com - THE LONE OAK TREE The Symbal of CDBIdg Insp/Formslplan review form letter strength and growth in our communiTy. - ° ME.MO ?t A NDiI11x . TO: TOM STRWE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSIIAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT TI3ERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR -------- -LANE WEGENER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR ? - ., ----------- - -? _ _.._. _ __... _ DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2U63---" -"--- -- J? RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR WATERS VI OFFICElWAREHOUSE 2975 LONE OAK DRIVE LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLUE RIDGE 6"' ADDITION The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. #39 Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes X No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes-) ? No PRV Required ? j Signature ZONING? METER SIZE i?L? fJ?: S Date CDfFORMS/BLDG IKSPlPLAN REVIEW /MIKE LENCE REVISED 02/04 MEMf3RA:NAUM,. TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOFIN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR LANE WEGENER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2005 RE: PLAN REVEEW FOR WATERS VI OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 2975 LONE OAK DRIVE LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLUE RIDGE 6"H ADDITION The p;ans ara ir, our p:an review section for your review and comment. #39 D I? ? f P ? d C F 19 2005 Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes No tree dedication ? Yes No( ( PRV Required Signature ZONING? METER SIZE lo Date REVIEW/MIKELERCE I REVISED02/04 ,.. . . :, . TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CTTY ENGINEER, KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR LANE WEGENER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2005 RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR WATERS VI OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 2975 LONE OAK DRNE LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLUE RIDGE 6"' ADDITION The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: 0l< - i ?w r `-e sQ v?'gvv? ???, s-L? • i?f ?D 5- S/? u) 1'rl?041 ia-,tp,e o-F 46l:2 VT"l2-1' ? Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building pernut: AMOUNT i?YeS Trr?9u?'ian i.v??Glu,?e 3Gl2 °-° ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes O'No PRV Required Sjgnature #39 ZONING? METER SIZE I(-z3-o5 Date CD/FORMSBLDG INSP/PLAN REVIEW /MIKE LENCE REVISED 02/04 !* 4 1?? ,.. . ., . ..... ',.. . , ,; TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR LANE WEGENER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2005 , • RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR WATERS VI OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 2975 LONE OAK DRIVE LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLUE RIDGE 6T" ADDITION The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. #39 Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building pemut be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit AMOUNT Yes ? No landscape security required ?/ SOT_ ? Yes -kNo water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes No trail dedication ? Yes No ,'Cg? tree dedication ? Yes ? No PRV Required Signature CD/FOR1MSBLDG INSP/PLAN REVIEW /MIKE LENCE ZONING?_" METER SIZE _ 1%a? Date REVISED 02104 A ? ! V ? Glt, /Le.&/l Z&VP-Vz 6 f e'v c,dL- P-cok 44oac Li/12? dy? ? l?7 ve-e-?06-, sltour<j ?- 2-7(t-74q ? - ?2•?S= 2,? /k3l9 4600 = /7Z319s/0 N d lok cav? ?. ?'ac • ?? ?arx ? 2- s J ? . Pat Geagan MpYQR November 17, 2005 Peggy Carison Mr. Joe Conti Cyndee Fields CSM Cotpoiation Mike Maguire 500 Washington Avenue South MegTilley Minneapolis, MN 55415 COUNCIL MEMBERS Re: Permit Application - 2975 Lone Oak Drive (Waters VI) Thomas Hedges CRY ADMINISTRATOfl Dear Mr. Conti: I have reviewed the building permit plans you submitted for the above property for compliance wi[h zoning regulations and the Planned Development Agreement dated Novetnber 1, 2005. The Building Elevations show the rear elevations utilizing "gray plain block stained MUNICIPAL CEHTER to match `wheat'." Please provide additional information on this material as it does 3830 Pilot Knob Road not appear to be consistent with City Code requirements which prohibit the use of Eagan, MN 55122-1810 plain block. It also is inconsistent with the approved Building Elevations in the 651.675.5000 phone planned Development Agreement which show use of an 8" colored CMU on the rear 651.675.5012 fax elevation. 651.454.8535 TDD The Site Lighting Plan shows several dark spots in the parking lot where (ight levels are less than 0.5 footcandles. These areas do not satisfy the standard of providing MAINTENANCE FACILITV site lighting "as is necessary for security, safety and traffic circulation." One of the 3501 Coachman Point requirements in Exhibit A of the Planned Development Agreement is that the Site Lighting Plan 6e revised to achieve a minimum of 0.5 footcandles throughout the Eagan, MN 55122 Parking lot prior to issuance of a building permit. Piease provide a revised Site 651.675.5300 phone Lighting Plan to meet this standard. 651.675.5360 fau 651.454.8535 TDD If you have any questions, please call me at 651-675-5691. Sincerely, , www.cityofeagan.com Pamela Dudziak Planner THE LONE OAKTflEE cc: Mike Lence, Senior Inspector ' The symbol of strength and growth in our community. TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEII,AND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSAAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR LANE WEGENER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2005 RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR WATERS VI OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 2975 LONE OAK DRIVE LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLUE RIDGE 6"' ADDITION The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. #39 Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication • Yes ? No PRV Required Sign r ZONING? METER SIZE Date CD/FORMSBLDG INSP/PLAN RF,VIEW /MIKE LE\CE REVISEO 02/04 (= 1 Lr- `o -2 Q ? 5 Le) k " L OA:i l"- O?) e'- city oF eegan September 25, 1998 THOMAS EGAN MaYOr PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CounalMembers Gordon & Erwin Dierfeldt rr+onnrs HEDGEs Pty Adminisfrator 10268 199`h St. I,dICCV1110, MN 55044 CiryCe kN O`JERBEKE Re: Application for Grading/Excavation - Permit No. EX-01-188(Outlot K, Lone Oak Addition Dear Property Owner: This letter is to inform you that the City has received an application to alter the existing topography through grading, filling and/or excavating of approximately 20 acres of the above referenced parcel located within 350' of your property. This activity is not associated with any proposed development at the present rime, but rather, site grading for future improvements. If there is any subsequent development proposaUapplication, you will be informed through a formal mailed notice. If you have any questions or concems regarding the City's review and processing of this Grading Permit, please contact the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department at City Hall, 612/681-4646 by October 12, 1998. ?? ??X--`" /?E. Knudsen Engmeering Division CEK/js Cc: Mayor and City Council Tom Hedges, City Administrator Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works Zoning Administration MUNIqPAI CENTER 3830 Pll OT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNE507A 55122-1897 PHONE (651) 681-4600 FAX (651) 681-4612 TDD (551) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equol OpportuniTy Employer MAINTENANCE FACILIN 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE. (651) 681-4300 FAX (651) 681-4360 TOD (651) 4548535 f ---?-, ' i , ?// ~ T1 I % ? --- -- --, --------,-?-- ?G i i? ?O N ?\ I \ ? n( \ ? I V ? ?99tI,O,11 \ `\ I \S? I 4 \ I ?\n ? i I ? I ?NSO 10JB.41' 120' n C.S.A.H. N0. 26 (LONE OAK RD.) -? -------------r-------i--- ? ,M 2 i ION 12 city of eagan PUBLIC $ WORKS ° DEPARTME FW REFEMENCE RIfF056_ T1E qTY Oi EhG" 6 NO1 RESKXSINLE fOR NACCIAACES COW? 1EtEM SITE PLAN fSf`+ or?x- To: Page 2 of 2 2012-09-24 13:52:39 (GMT) From: Dering Pierson Group LLC Use LUE ar,BL.ACK Ink ' . For Offico Use j ~n ' fvr` I { a t 'r I Permit ~ o 3.830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Fee: t Eagan MN $6122 i /1 I :Date Received: f Phone: 0651Y67&56751 Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff TM . f 1, 0. C~A .2012 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Dater Site Addross:{r` Tenant Name. E~~ {e~ l I F', i' t> t I Tenant is: _ flew l Existing) Suite Former Tenant:. Name, Sl ~~;lY lt% t Phone PROPERTY OWNER Address % city I Zip: Applicant is Owner Conira= Description ofwork: TYPE OF WORK Construction Cost: Named=t 4"A. rdtf' License /address: City ?d 1'f 9C Alf CONTRACTOR s State. Zip Phone rr 1 -,.6c 1 1' eL a t r Contact 1 4- Email: `vC WWI Name: Registration ARCFlITECTI Address: City_ ENGINEER State. Zip Phone. Contact Person ` Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone E'lans~a~ro'supportane~cfocesrrrents that you submit are ecartsiderecf to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specie reasons that would permit the City to . _ ~ conclude that they are trade secrets CALL BEFORE YOU DfG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651-) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility ~damage. ~ Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities, wrepi.ctoonEr tr,ea c c t rc, J hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate, that the.work will be in ca ante with he ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan: that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for p m(t, d work is not to start without a per_mit• that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the ease of work which luires a view and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's StA(na~ Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ZO" 1 7 SUB TYPES Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commercial / Industrial _ Accessory Building Exterior Alteration-Commercial _,Apartments _ Greenhouse / Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES v' New _ Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation t 1 Occupancy MCES System Plan Review / yZ.y Code Edition a&r7 >:'~SAC Units "("]~A5,q ~ IC (0Sur'-R (25%_ 100% Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings Length - Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) t coal / C.O. Required 11' A ( A Footings A"illien) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation 0 c-t'-. mil'` L L 5 Other: Drain Tile Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Roof: -Decking -Insulation -Ice & Water -Final Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Framing Windows Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: t, Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes V No Reviewed By: k kc , Building Inspector Reviewed By: Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee o1 06 `-5-6 Water Quality Surcharge S. SO Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Plan Review .13 Storm Sewer Trunk MCES SAC Sewer Trunk City SAC Water Trunk S&W Permit & Surcharge Street Lateral Treatment Plant Street Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Water Lateral Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication Water Quality TOTAX!t -?V4- Page 2 of 3 City of Eaaii 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 060 iwl t+_D 414 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use { Permit #: / / Permit Fee: (o5°'• Date Received: 3/6257/y Staff: 2014 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION lease submit two(2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: 2-c I '- J -1 Site Address: t9.17 C? f k. Dr Tenant: E°co 0?4Lorv,. Cock Or; Suite#: )2-0 J Propery Owner Name: � � t Phone: (eta- 3 q'' S- ? 0 ®o Contractor Name: Ce?vy4 )I 2iLtii)4k MC. • License#: %L!'7 ," PCI `` }} j Address: 5�ir6 ��(-G(, 1 `VCity: Carl State: HN Z0:?' 3 /z' Phone: 1P 5-1 — to $' 3—'.3O Email: ti I) Ik €fie Cv�i'®1(�w1.,i 4 .11e+ 6 0€64 .�.P Work New Replacement Repair Rebuild odify Space _ Work in R.O.W. _ Description of work: i( Dov," 4.-e tivioc�- - Permit Type COMMERCIAL New Construction 4odify Space Irrigation System ( yes / no) ( RPZ / PVB) _ _ _ • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to Dickins LID meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? Yes _No Flushometers Yes _No COMMERCIAL FEES $55.00 Permit Fee Contract Value $ (p/ 66e) x .01 Minimum �P *If contract value is *if contract value is ***If the project valuation = $ Permit Fee LESS than $10,010, Surcharge = $5.00 = $ S3 Surcharge* GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 LA --,,o0 is $1 for Surcharge = $ TOTAL FEE over million, please call Following fees apply Contact the City's Engineering when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge _ $ ` J G73 TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. \ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work i not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval x 1;244 \re- etCts-e M� Applicant's Printed Netbe FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: Meter Related Items: x Page 1 of 3 C Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use j lag 11 ID14 1 Permit I -)13q5 I `07~ City of Eajan I Permit Fee. 1 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: 1 Phone: (651) 675-5675 1 I Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: 2013 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 3/5/2014 Site Address: 2975 Lone Oak Drive, Suite 120, Eagan, Minnesota 55121) Q~ Tenant Name: EDCO Products (Tenant is: x New / Existing) Suite 120 White House Custom Colour Former Tenant: Name: CSM Corporation Phone: 612-395-7000 Property Owner Address /City/ Zip: 500 Washington Ave South, Suite 3000, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ii Applicant is: Owner X Contractor - Tenant Improvements Type of Work Description of work: Construction Cost: $25,000.00 CSM Corporation Name: License 500 Washington Ave. S., Suite 3000 Minneapolis Contractor Address: City: State: MN Zip: 55415 Phone: 612-395-7000 Dan Ullom dullom@csmcorp.net Contact: Email: CSM Corporation 46509 Name: Registration 500 Washington Ave. S., Suite 3000 Minneapolis Architect/Engineer Address: City: State: MN Zip: 55415 Phone: 612-395-7000 John Ferrier jferrier@csmcorp.net Contact Person: Email: ®Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are-trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of wpfk.-whiclu quires a review and approval of plans. 1 ~ Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 275 xkt C°,i- 6k-i 1 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commercial / Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial Apartments _ Greenhouse / Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration _ Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION 0- / Valuation 606 Occupancy S-7- MCES System ✓ Plan Review Code Edition ZOD'7msat- SAC Units O li (25%_ 100% Zoning F City Water , ✓ Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) % Sheetrock Footings (Deck) V7~" Final/ C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final l No C.O. Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Roof: -Decking -Insulation -Ice & Water -Final Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Framing Windows Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: ✓ Yes No _ Reviewed By: Building Inspector Reviewed By: L_- _,Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee ¢/3 • oo Water Quality Surcharge /Z .570 Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Plan Review ZGd . VSr Storm Sewer Trunk MCES SAC Sewer Trunk City SAC Water Trunk S&W Permit & Surcharge Street Lateral Treatment Plant Street Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Water Lateral Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication y~ Water Quality TOTAL Page 2 of 3 a 130/ Dale Schoeppner March 18, 2014 Chief Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 III Dear Mr. Schoeppner: The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Division has determined the SAC to be charged for the wastewater capacity demand for EDCO Products to be located at 2975 Lone Oak Drive, Suite 120 within the City of Eagan. The City will be charged no additional SAC Units for this project, as determined below. *The rules allow for this net credit where SAC was actually paid to either be taken city-wide or left site-specific. Any net credits taken city-wide can only be taken if the project is reported to MCES at the time the permit is issued. Otherwise, the net credits remain site-specific. SAC Units Charges: Warehouse 8233 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft. /SAC 1.18 Credits: Office (SAC Paid 12/05) 8441 x 60% @ 2400 sq. it. /SAC 1.06 Warehouse (SAC Paid 12/05) 8441 x 40% @ 7000 sq. ft. /SAC 0.84 Total Credit: 1.90 Net Credit: -0.72 or -1.00* The business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. It is also the City's responsibility to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or size, a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions email me at karon.caggaert(abmetc.state.mn.us. Sincerely, 7 im(11114~ Karon Cappaert SAC Program Technical Specialist KC:fa: 140318A2 Determination expiration: 03/18/2016 cc: File, MCES Amy Griffin, Eagan (email) Dan Ullom, CSM Corporation (email) Paul, 390 Robert Street North I St. Phone 651.602.1000 1 Fax . METROPOLITAN G 4 U N C I L Equal Opportunity Employer Erik Slettedahl From: Erik Slettedahl Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 9:52 AM To: 'John Ferrier' Cc: Andy McIntosh; Dan Ullom; Sara Marlow Subject: RE: 2975 Lone Oak Dr-EDCO Products John, Thanks for the additional information. We typically like to see all tenant uses meet the intent of the zoning but since this building is predominately office, we will let the permit go on to inspections review. It would be very helpful to have a tenant floor plan map to update our records though. Thanks again, Erik Erik Slettedahl I Community Development/GIS Specialist I City of Eagan City Hall 13830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan, MN 55122 1(651)675-5692 1(651) 675-5694 (Fax) I eslettedahlna citvofeaaan.com qty o Ea THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. From: John Ferrier [mailto:jferrier(aacsmcorp.net] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 1:41 PM To: Erik Slettedahl Cc: Andy McIntosh; Dan Ullom; Sara Marlow Subject: RE: 2975 Lone Oak Dr-EDCO Products Erik- The building as a whole is broken down as follows with the subject space as warehouse: Office= 30,526 sf (67%) Warehouse = 14,946 sf (33%) As you can see, the percentage of office in the building (67%) is over double the 30% minimum that is required for the building. In the past, we have been allowed to analyze the office/warehouse square footage for the entire building. This space has been vacant since we built the building in 2006, and I believe the warehouse use is a great use in this space as a heavier office use in the space can be a problem in regards to parking. Furthermore, the restrooms we are building in the space have been placed in anticipation of a future office use in the front part of the space. Let me know if you would like to discuss further or if you would like to see a floor plan breaking down the uses in this building. Thank you, C S M I DEVELOPING REAL ESTATE FOR PEOPLE, '110 - BUSINESS AND COMMUNITIES PROPERTIES JOHN FERRIER, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, CID Director of Architecture CSM Corporation 1 500 Washington Ave. S., Ste. 3000 1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Main: 612.395.7000 1 Direct: 612.395.70371 Mobile: 612.816.1121 1 Fax: 612.395.2731 1 625 Email: iferrier@csmcoro.net I www.csmcoriD.net From: Erik Slettedahl [maiIto: ESlettedahl(cbcityofeagan.com] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:08 AM To: John Ferrier Subject: 2975 Lone Oak Dr-EDCO Products John, We received a building permit for straight warehouse ( use at the Waters VI building on Lone Oak Dr. As you may know, this area is zoned Planned Development allowing Office and Office/Showroom uses only, which require minimum 30% office occupancy. While we have made some exceptions in the past for other Waters buildings when the tenant did not quite meet the minimum, but the overall building and intent of the use did, this proposal is clearly not meeting the intent of the office/showroom use. Please let us know if you have additional information and how you would like to proceed so we can resolve the issue. Thanks, Erik Erik Slettedahl I Community Development/GIS Specialist I City of Eagan nt City Hall 13830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan, MN 55122 I (651) 675-5692 i (651) 675-5694 (Fax) I eslettedahlna.citvofeapan.com M (a U Eap THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. 2 Use BLUE - or BLACK Ink For Office Use I 2j,,z- ity o(~f Eap jn I Permit G 3830 Pilot Knob Road RECEIVED i Permit Fee: V j Eagan MN 55122 / I t I Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Date Received: Fax: (651) 675-5694 APR 0 1 291& I Staff: j L-------- 2014 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. l Date: -Z29- Site Address: J T-15- LJO► 1C OAK DQ `10- Tenant: C:L-JC l/ oDu~-~ Suite ( 20 Resident/Owner Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: Name: t"'[ l Jam. ~~<,1 t S License Contractor Address: State: t-41J Zip: Phone: fl~J ~'~1 3~ Contact: 'S~ `L-i-- Email: New _ Replacement Additional teration Demolition Type of Work Description of work: I NOTE: Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information oil- permitted screening methods. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Furnace _ New Construction nterior Improvement Permit Type -Air Conditioner _ Install Piping _ Processed Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit Heat Pump Under/Above ground Tank L_ Install / _Remove) Other RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) _ $100.00 Residential New (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) _ $ - TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value $ X.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum z $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal Permit Fee *If contract value is LESS than $10,010, Surcharge = $5.00 T- Surcharge* **If contract value is GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 ***If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge $ Z~ ''-'TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conf anc wi the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is n t to s wit ut permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x App s 0 Printed Name pplica S19 vat, FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: pY ed By Date: g Underground ough In Air Test 1 Gas ServiceTest ~ In-floor Heat final HVAC Screen Fng Use BLUE or BLACK Ink - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For Office Use ity ~of Eq ~11 I Permit p~/,, lS!' I I Permit Fee: U~• a~ I 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 i 91 I Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Date Received: Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: ~I 2014 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION' Date: V! Site Address: !R l x/70 1 lL az_-I Tenant Name: E 0 0 1 rrG t~lt G Tit- (Tenant is: jefIf New / Existing) Suite Former Tenant: Name: C.. 5 Phone: - 1 5-1730 Property Owner Address I City / Zip: irr,-~ Applicant is: Owner Contractor ,1,/' Type of Work Description of work: c- 71- ,-cz_ c k /',iQ -11~1/ Construction Cost: G Name: [2 &A -n Kit lrAric ✓1 License Contractor Address: &OC S('G ~iZ vL City: HA /",7 SC~ State: A4 Zip: ` Phone: ` I Contact: PCB X Q V l (°7 Email: a Name: Registration Architect/Engineer Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be/in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x t? el x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 lc~ 7 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES _ Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commercial / Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial Apartments _ Greenhouse / Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES _ New _ Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior v'Alteration _ Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION 70 Valuation '7r Occupancy _ MCES System Plan Review Code Edition SAC Units (25%-100%-) Zoning -FP City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width - REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) / Final / No C.O. Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Roof: -Decking -Insulation -Ice & Water -Final Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Framing Windows Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes ,"/No Reviewed By:/ , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES t Base Fee Water Quality Surcharge 4. 0o Water Sampling Fee Plan Review - Water Supply & Storage (WAC) MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk City SAC Sewer Trunk S&W Permit & Surcharge Water Trunk Treatment Plant Street Lateral Treatment Plant (Irrigation) - Street Park Dedication Water Lateral Trail Dedication Other: Water Quality TOTAL j (p~p~ aS Page 2 of 3 Use or BLACK Ink - For Office Use 4 RECEIVED I Y r'~-`I f ~1c~ n I Permit City 0Ea c~APR 5 .kf j i 2 ~ ~ g I Permit Fee. v° I 3830 Pilot Knob Road ~ I I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: t Phone: (651)675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: 2014 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION* /I Lc D ~-J) ate: `1`T Site Address: .2-q 75 ~-mr Tenant: c o ) 1 (ALI Suite M Name: a)-m Phone: Property Owner r✓~ Address /City / Zip: r Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: L' 6 cct 627Y~: -a' s )d V+1 Construction Cost: _ A Estimated Completion Date:-:~-,21t4 Name: License Contractor Address: City: z J . rid-) - / 2/1 State.- Zip: Phone: 2- Contact: hL^nl ` Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE Sprinkler System of heads - New - Addition - Fire Pump _ Standpipe Alterations Remodel _ Other: Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: - Commercial - Residential - Educational FEES Contract Value $ / X.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum = $ z Permit Fee If contract value is LESS than $10,010, Surcharge = $5.00 cx -if contract value is GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 t 5 , Surcharge* ***lf the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge Crk~ TOTAL FEE 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $260.00 Fire Meter = $ j TOTAL FEE *Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information Ad complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota B ing/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x X Applica is inted Na e A p ant's S nature U FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS` Hydrostatic Flow Alarm Drain Test Rough In r Trip Pump Test Central Station L- __Final Conditions of Issuance: 9 ii I~~ f Permit Reviewed by: Date: a Use BLUE or BLACK Ink - - - - - - - - 1 For Office Us f CEI'Ji1 I Permit ~ City of Ea Permit Fee: / . I _ 3830 Pilot Knob Road MAY 1 3 2014 1 I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: (r'l _ (2/014 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION `.A Date: !3 r ~-T Site Address: Tenant Name: C D~~ r ® GrGfS (Tenant is: I New/ Existing) Suite ' :ZO Former Tenant: Name: C~L~I Phone: 3 l S1 Property Owner Address / City l Zip: !iA.r4"rC v. S 3 t I I Applicant is: Owner Contractor ily~~ /"►aC/iGr/E,,/ ~~p ~'r~'tutt~' fi Type of Work Description of work: , Construction Cost//!i OC®~ G'p I Name: Pc ie, I`~ P tl License ~o~+-, Contractor Address: City: State: 1111jI Zip: S-1IZ Phone: Contact: Email: iy (®Cpce; PlodeLG~S I 4C~yt Name: Registration Architect/Engineer _ Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Persona Email: F Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to L conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Sign re Page 1 of 3 t cj)~75 )-c - oA-1- r .fit t DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments V/ Commercial / Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial _ Apartments _ Greenhouse / Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change 'Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation ~D~ Opa Occupancy g S • / MCES System Plan Review ;;7 Code Edition 20tr7 M515 G SAC Units (25%_ 100%Zoning City Water ✓ Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units G Square Feet >Y&G PRV # of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction • 15 Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Roof: -Decking -Insulation -Ice & Water -Final Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Framing Windows Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: / Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: ✓ Yes No Reviewed By: Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee 4~• TS Water Quality Surcharge S . oa Water Sampling Fee Plan Review Water Supply & Storage (WAC) MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk City SAC Sewer Trunk S&W Permit & Surcharge Water Trunk Treatment Plant Street Lateral Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Street Park Dedication Water Lateral Trail Dedication Other: Water Quality TOTAL 32 •39 Page 2 of 3 Dale Schoeppner June 3, 2014 Chief Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Division has reviewed the SAC assignment for EDCO Products. The original letter for this determination was dated March 18, 2014, letter reference 140318A2. This project is located at 2975 Lone Oak Drive, Suite 120 within the City of Eagan. The City will be charged no additional SAC Units for this project, as determined below. *The rules allow for these net credits where SAC was actually paid to either be taken city-wide or left site-specific. Any net credits taken city-wide can only be taken if the project is reported to MCES at the time the permit is issued. Otherwise, the net credits remain site-specific. SAC Units Charges: Office 905 sq. ft. @ 2400 sq. ft. /SAC 0.38 Warehouse 7333 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft. /SAC 1.05 Total Charge: 1.43 Credits: Office (SAC Paid 12/05) 8441 x 60% @ 2400 sq. ft. /SAC 2.11 Warehouse (SAC Paid 12/05) 8441 x 40% @ 7000 sq. ft. /SAC 0.48 Total Credit: 2.59 Net Credit: -1.16 or -1 * The business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. It is also the City's responsibility to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or size, a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions email me at karo n. ca ppaert(a)metc. state. m n. us. Sincerely, 1~1619c~ Karon Cappaert SAC Program Technical Specialist KC:fa: 140603A9 Determination expiration: 06/03/2016 cc: File, MCES Amy Griffin, Eagan (email)_ m Dan Ullom, CSM Corporation (email) - A •0 Robert Street :1 • 6,51.602.1000 1 Fax 651,602,1550 1914 - • • • • ~':t 7i'c~l I Equal Opportunity Employer t U J t 1 � Use BLUE or BLACK Ink NU /L!�'Al�/�f//�. ��[0�,�.�� j ForOfficeUse ---------I C1t Of�� aIl �� ��'�r v� i Permit#: ` �Lj I l� j � t' I I 3830 Pilot Knob Road 6 JUL 1 7 2014 i Permit Fee: O. `� i Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: � Phone:(651)675-5675 BY: I �� 1 Fax:(651)675-5694 I I � Staff: � �.������� �������J . 2014 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION* Date: '�I-tS-�y Site Address: d� 1 � � �-CJV`� �� �� Tenant: � 1.��� Suite#: Name: ��. Phone: Propel'ty Owner' ' Address!City I Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor Typ@ Of WOI'k Description of work: � P� � y � Construction Cost: ��� Estimated Completion Date: ' � � Name: �L�,.,iM/r\t� r `'P�-���rc-�/' ti. l.icense#: �' d /S � Address: S L� 1 " )i11P1���.-1- �]��) City: ��� .�� � Contractor =- - State:�i��Zip:5'rjf(,L'� Phone: �SLS�- CT�(- I�Cj Contact: t � EmaiL• FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE �Sprinkler System(#of head�) New _Addition _Fire Pump _Standpipe �Alterations _Remodel Other: Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: �Commercial _Residential _Educational FEES Contract Value$ �0� x.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum _ "if contract value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 °$ S Permit Fee **If contract value is GREATER than$10,010,Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$_ ` ! Surcharge" *""If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge _$_�4C�'! TOTAL FEE 3/4"Disp�acement Fire Meter-$260.00 =$ Fire Meter _$ TOTAL FEE *Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in rdance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x�. � lA1ti�l..�„• f�e►�- x ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs ign ture �ti %� �`��� � � � ��� � ; � ��� �s � ;� ��� �� �. � � � ��,���������C���NS � � ,���� �� .: .� . ., :. d�� '. { , �g��f , y. M�� '°' x� �$t�I�C =���W"�l��t �r Ber� .sf`� ���� ���'` '��� ?�'ss�s °'� ,r 3�' �3'�"�"�L+� ��� _ �. "gt��„• 6- �" � � '�''���., '^`'���.`�{°�'���" i �. ''�f' �� 'S "�, � 3 fi� :� � �'�� ,.. , .� :� � .' � _ � �i `t �€ ;'� t•,� °�`�" �'t��e ��.s`7t�� � `� " ,"� r '��r����� � ����� t t ���,��ydi � �v` � �� s ,.��i z� ' °�'� ��,g",._,Y�� .,�'� �' ; }'' S 5.��, z ti'��nTM� �. '% k#2� '�. �px�''ro-`� �'�&'�,�z '�� � ��'°§�..;`#��� s' .° 1"°%t'� �.� `�� �z�. 5a �,' ..� ,�` � �.?. �,�"%,yr�� � �� � ' �, �' ,�� x ,�,` r'a` ,�k z ° ��' �s � s r' � ^'k s � ,�� ,����t'�` �„��. �� �`��� � � �� '�°�` �����`���� �'� '�,�� �� �� � � '�� ���a,w� � � �,�r�"`� �?�""���'��.*'�``a�'� �,� � ��� ��""��� , .. r �-:,��, � `�"� �-�g �?�"�}*>�,`°*� �� �'�?.*>�; '.�.' � a . ,_ • � �- _ ' � x,.,, a. �, .;...��. . a ��r ,"-».�. „ _ , _ . . . °�.- .; �.. aP .,�., , --. ' . '�� r= . � _. ,�� . a -nk .,, .... � c� ... , � ", . �-�� . � �.., � � �. '�-•.� .� �� ' " ��. ,- = >,: �..-. ._ __ ' ,�: . . . u,.. - �g , f �, -- .� �- '. — �z. � .«. ... �- . x. . , �...- �- . . . �. '�� �'�'�`'�`,�" ' '" �`�`"����t�#,Ae..:: � � '� �-�:�� ��,� �� � �> .�y.. �'�'�'`�� ��: �: „� r-k <��. _.�.. . r�2��t; .€s .�».N, �..�. '�.��..,.�,,.� . �','�r`.���<,s'�"�'�.�c=��'���.`;:,�"� �. `.' � � � TJJ 14-1532 $60.00 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink �----------- -----i N� ��� �K.� �g8��a � For Office Use I • ,: �� !i�`� ' i��(��� � � Permit#: � C�t� of ��a� � � ��_� , � Pertnit Fee: � 3830 Pilot Knob Road SEP 0 2 2014 � � � �, i Eagan MN 55122 � Phone:(651)675-5675 � � I Date Received: � Fax: (651)675-5694 �X�� j I � Staff: --------- -------� 2014 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: g�22�14 Site Address: 29'75 Lone Oak Drive Tenant: Edco Products Suite#: 120 '�, Resident/Chnrner Name: Pnone: " Address/City/Zip: ►vame: Yale Mechanical LLC �icense#: MB004822 Contractor Address: 220 West 81 st Street City: Bloomin�ton State: MN Zip: 55420 Phone: 952-884-1661 Contact: Todd Jelle Emai�: accounting�a,valernech.com New Replacement Additional X Alteration Demolition Type O#WqPk Description of work: Install fresh air intake to comply with code. NQ'1'E:t2ocrE rrtote�bed a�r�d�rou�rr�wn�ec!rnechanfc�t eqti�Ep►'�eiirE'ia t�q�uired f�b�e��ereen�ad b�Ci#y ' !Cocte.!Please.��Mechanical��+ewtcrr�ci�'iev�,rrrmati�t�n'p+��ec�scrai�nir�g�r�tl�1�: RESIDENT/AL COMMERCIAL Fumace New Construction X Interiorlmprovement P@t'1'T)It Tj/p@, —Air Conditioner Install Piping _Processed Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit _Heat Pump Under/Above ground Tank �Install/_Remove) X Other Fresh Air Duct RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) $100.00 Residential New(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) _$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ 1,534 x.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal =$ 55.00 Permit Fee "If contract value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 =$ 5.00 Sureharge" ""If contract value is GREATER than$10,010,Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 **"If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ 60.00 TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in confortnance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an appli�ation for a permit,and work is not to staR without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X Todd Jelle X � / '�t'/' "`�i;����� Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Sign�dre �t)�t t?�F1GE��USE � ��� � Required Inspections: R+eview�8�r �,_,, � L,w t�� N l.tfldei�fdUi1C� - �OtIC,��I lll /�1!''��,, ��'�611i1C�,.��8� „����!`� `.;����, ��"�'. :-��'Cl��l��CflC/�C�� �' Use BLUE or BLACK Ink ------- �/�' �`�/����' � For Office Use �, j � i Permit#: � � `-' `�� j Clt of�� �� o,� � . /_��= � � � JUN 0 � 7 Permit Fee: l,e 3830 Pilot Knob Road � � i I Eagan MN 55122 � Date Received: � � �—� � Phone:(651)675-5675 I I Fax:(657)675-5694 � ��7 � � Staff�i� � `���_���_���_�_��J 2015 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION* Date: �'�`�`!� Site Address: � !�� �►'� �f t�U � Tenant: �O'��� f �C' ���•w✓� Suite#: Name: Phone: Property Owner Address/City/Zip: Applicant is: Owner �Contractor Type of Work Description of work: � � _ _ __ P -�1l.t/�f'_ �S� Construction Cost: r�,�('�'�' Estimated Com letion Date: Name: �� `e License#: �' d75 Contractor Address: � t� City: �,�� State: 1�_Zip: SS�O3i Phone: �0 5�- aS f" ��� Contact:�Q-� '� `��� Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE �Sprinkfer System(#of heads�) New _Addition _Fire Pump _Standpipe �Alterations _Remodel Other: Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ,�Commercial _Residentia! _Educatiena! FEES $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value$ (SO� "— x.01 '`If contract value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 *''If contract value is GREATER than$10,010,Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 -$ � r Permit Fee "*''If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge � _$_ �� Surcharge" $100.00 Residential New(inciudes$5.00 State Surcharge) _$ (c,(� '—' '����L FEE 3/4"Displacement Fire Meter-$270.00 =$ Fire Meter _$ TOTAL FEE �i *Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. � x�io� - .�����1� x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature �3j ��3 FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Hydrostatic ' FlowAlarm . Drain Test ',Rough In- Trip_` Pump Test Central Station ��al �Conclitioris of Iss�ance: -: �� � ��� ,- � . � � � � 1 ,�ti� _ Perm�t Reviewed by ._ � �' Date:, ; �/�_/ :.� . . _ � � � �. 1 � � � Use BLUE or BLACK Ink � � -----------� .� r————— I For Office Use � J�� i � � I.,��f C�� �� �� �� � Permit#: �� � ��� � � ��� � � �-�� � Permit Fee: � 3830 Pilot Knob Road ' � Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: ��� � Phone: (651)675-5675 i � Fax: (651�675-5694 � StafF: I I t-----------------� 2015 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION � �i�� r ` C.,-�l,t� �i�T� �/-- ' / !� Date: Site Address: Tenant Name: 1�+=auu-y �i�,�0�s1 -'��"�� (Tenant is:�New I Existing) Suite#:� Former Tenant: ��: Name: Phone: �/�Z` I�^'��b� F����''Q�1 t�` Address/City/Zip: � IL���lll�l,�li�.! /JtIL-� , ��0 i�����/Y�l x Y x c� : Applicant is: � Owner Contractor Pp^g ` Description of work: I �� � � T�p���` �';k'�`�� �� � /,,� � '�� Construction Cost: �Y� � G�1 ���2��/ � ` ������� Name: License#: � - — ����,����, Address:�� � �/� f�,/ ��� City: � f /,, � State: >��Zip: Phone: C��Z�� '"'�� ' ' � � � �� /�.,�,� +w� "'�" ` ���"k �`�°�° Contact: Email: �`�I� r � ; �1 ���� k� :; � ° ��'� Name: ��,�f�� ��%Ir���� Registration#: � � � �� ����� Address��,.� ���/���'�,����• City: �Y� x�+��lte�t�En�i�r '� '`��' State:�Zip: Phone: c.�lT/�,..�'"��'��O ;��� . � �._� ` '����,: .,�: Contact�erson: �� Email: ��) r ��� Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: •Phpne#: 1�T�� P�ans ar�a���air�►`� ��,�++�r� ���c�d�i��r� � ' E P�rtr�r�vf s „s� r^y � . a� i - o§�. m'^�A$'�'� hP�a #�!l�ff.��aL�rr��?II t#1�jI,��'.t+���"�d�� ��{„������ ���+t�+�r"c� ���� ,� �,����� �`t������C� /y1�/�/� �`p'� . }q� } ,i �. . 3,'. 's; . . . �� , .:V1fiT�MI:��Fv, ..,. �� .. ,ti�� ..,, kCT��F� .� 'l�Yl . �k �P 3 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qopherstateonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of r hic requires a review and approval of plans. f' i x �--- x Ap licant's Pri ted Name Ap icant's Signature Page 1 of 3 r- �#e�� � .� ��f � �Q/1f- ����� DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ���� � ��=„ SUB TYPES Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-A rtme ts �/` Commercial/Industrial _ Accessory Buiiding _ Exterior Alteration-C � mer,` ia _ Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Pu lic Fa il ty Miscel laneous Antennae WORK TYPES _ New ✓ Interior Improvement _ Siding II De olish ilding* _ Addition _ Exterior Improvement _ Reroof ' De '�olish n erior Alteration Repair Windows � De olisM undation _ Replace _ Water Damage _ Fire Repair �I Re ' ining II _ Salon Owner'Change *Demolition of entir�'buii ng-jlg v PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION � ;' 06lJ ,1 �; Valuation �G� Occupancy �, � MCES yst Plan Review r'� Code Edition 2dr%'�/SJ3 SAC Units '''� d �'T�"�--- (25%_100%� Zoning �"� City Water 'I i �"� Censt�s Code Stories Booster Pu �p I #of Units v Square Feet 7�5"`� PRV ' #of Buildings � Length Fire Sp jinki ' ✓f Type of Construction �'�� Width , i, REQUIRED WSPECTIONS 'I Footings(New Building) Sheetrock Footings(Deck) v'�Final/C.O. Required ', Footings(Addition) Final/No C.O. Requir 'I Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool:_Footings r/Gas sts _Final Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Siding:_Stucco Lath� St n Lath _Brick ✓ Framing Windows I Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final Retaining Wall i li Insulation Erosion Control � � Meter Size: Concrete Entranc Ap n .�_.. ! i�I �d� Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: ✓� Yes No � , (-,�'�f7�� � -'""�'� "" � Plannin Reviewed By: , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , g COMMERCIAL FEES I�I �, Base Fee l°�L'�5� Water Quality ' Surcharge ��, � Water Sampling Fee ' Plan Review fp�,7. 39 Water Supply&Storage(WAC) ��I MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk City SAC Sewer Trunk ' S&W Permit& Surcharge Water Trunk Treatment Plant Street Lateral ' Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Street ' Park Dedication Water Lateral ' Trail Dedication Other: r Water Quality TOTAL � `f�- '� ` I Page 2 of 3 ��" • /�/�-� � Dale Schoeppner June 8, 2015 Chief Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Division has determined the SAC to be charged for the wastewater capacity demand for North American to be located at 2975 Lone Oak Drive, Suite 140 in Waters IV within the City of Eagan. The City will be charged no additional SAC Units for this project, as determined below. SAC Units Charges Office 4407 sq. ft. @ 2400 sq. ft. /SAC 1.84 Warehouse 1159 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft. /SAC 0.17 Meeting 514 sq. ft. @ 1650 sq. ft. /SAC 0.31 Total Charges: 2.32 Credits: Office/Warheouse (SAC 12/05) 7104 sq. ft. x 60% @ 2400 sq. ft. /SAC 1.78 7104 sq. ft. x 40% @ 7000 sq. ft. /SAC 0.41 Total Credits: 2.�1 Net Charge: 0.13 or 0 The business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. It is also the City's responsibility to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or size, a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions email me at iessica.nve(�metc.state.mn.us. Sincerely, . `-�2� Jessie Nye Supervisor, ES Revenue (SAC) JN: 150608A3 (5196, 385285) Determination expiration: 06/08/2017 cc: Peggy Fleck, City of Eagan Amy Griffin, City of Eagan .-- Dan Ullom, CSM Corp. ,,.e..�..---� File, MCES •� •..-� . � :� - . - . � ��� . . .� � . • �•�� - . . . . ���'"Rt}P+('JL1TA� � � u r� c � � To: Fire Alarm Permit Applications Page 7 of 13 2015-12-09 22:08:59(GMT) From:Seth Stiebinger ;, . - � _ . . .. � � ;; : . �� � _. Use.�LI�E BL�4C.iC'Ir►k....... :: . ,, . . ______......��. — :: , y . _�.� ��,. I�For.O�ce ElSE ' I ,. .. ,, . �� ,, . �.� � o . . . .. ,. . . .. , . . . . . . ... ( � �� _ � ,�: i P�r�nik#;.�,.��,�.�-d-��. .� . . . „ . ` ' �. � . .. .���� .. > .. '.., . . . ..... ...U . . : RECEIVED. ,,� � .—�� E , _ t Pe�tt l F�e:...,-- ----_ -T- t .. . . .. 3838 Pilat Knab Road. I I i .. -. E�qan MN 5512Z ��C � �.2��5 ` �... �� I . 7 , <- � Date.Recelwed: _ I . P . . ... . • . . ... �one:(659)6z5-s675 � . � Fax;..(65't)675-5{'i94... �� � I r . ,,.,�--,._ �a�� � Staf�: i , ~ �.. — .--- ,-.-----._....— �.,�... .. ; . ..... <. , : 2aa��t�������� Fo�� ,��AR�I ���.�i-r �►�������r�c�� ' Dat$s ]�109/20I5 Site Add�ess: 2975 Lone Oak Dri��e,Eagan,NiN 55121 Tenae�t: �''�aters VI � Suite#:. .. f:3�;! y�:��6y5�,� :c,.. '1��e0'`• v::f�q:.J: .. . . . , , .. �. ... . i �.. . �}' "�v�i"k�y W� a..�y' � . . . . . .. .. .. , . h� � ;� ; ���k��x.�• 5, �_�, �` Narr�e. �c1�pt�ratiqs� . K�hon.e.; CSIvI � �. � �a���q���h�r.������ti,���� . . . . . ���'�1���'� �' /'.w` ) SU[!Wash6ngCan Ave.S,Ste.3(100 Minneapnlis,��iN 5�41,5 ` . . �:L�4�•?S�,t 4'k"FhY ,2�k f5 d��E'i.�l.T1.1 ti�tyf���. . . � . i . . . �2x3 ,�z.�f�y5�jc. .}if'li c>�� � . � . . . .. . . .... � . . .. .. .... . . . .. .. . . .. ... � ' �'Y..�d X 1 � _..F„+s ": ��i .. . � . .F � ...�..� �"�� �`�' . =�}�,�. Appiicant is: bvanor x Qontractor � ... t�;4siNKll'.'.'n'tT'�Sv��S,�k'J�l�:j:y%:�M1�iy\:��3.;(j�'3z' ' . .. � . � . . � . e�..+.r,j�x .��{-�,�F.�m �'�'�,,'".� .. , ,„ � � , � R� lace Exi:siin*Fi.r.e A.��rm wi4h a 3�t r5� i '�,�����t�, D.escription aF.wark; P ��;,�- „�._ .��f . � � �9�:F,��k5.V���' �"yrn�1�?rM3M . .. �`;;,��.��� ��c,.���'x�,,: Conscructfon Cost: Estimated Completion Date: . . . . �..�, r' Y 7,� �++1:�'`F,�rxsr R.�°6r.d.r..� . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . '. � � � � .. �, �.���'�'���� �'��''�' V4'�llin ozs 5eeurit S st�ms TS,(�fJ0�5� "� ` E3ame: � � � Lice�se�: . ' # � �`�h� ...... .. ' . . . � � F} d.: � � •t4 l�� 'C�. � �'�,��'�" .4�.ast lliamond�ake Road . . . . . � . � . � �,"��� � � ��.�Y�4} �. Addr€�s: Cil'y. �i�n,i]�apO�iS ����r`� s. '. . . . .,. . : Y` ,)>4��F.'4,�''v.;��> r 1 .. ' ¢q7 S�i.L Q�4L-'SV7`%. .. . ' .� ... . . �n' � y� ��3G1 ( � . t �.�?„ ,���X �d81�' ��''J �I�:: Pf10�1�'. ,. . , . ,+'2-r�'s^�4 3» ;`-�.�y x s�,�?��:�. � � . � � �� . .. . . .. � .,..,�_s�r',`;;�T`����a��;,4j�: Gflntact: .Amanda Nelson �maii; �`elsc�n�a Q�i�+�gxnail.com . . � �SN �. .. .. ' .. . � . .. . {�,r r ,�fti r ci 7,'A;: tz�^ i r;,�x�S . . . � . � . ' . . �.. . .. �� U€�frk� �:u �z� ��.s� New . Ftemodel � '�t J�* §� . ��`i�rSn.�,� ' Y �� , ' „� �m����>�'r� ��� _/�ddition 4ther.:. . r�� _ "'} „5 ' � '� 4 z,,.`3A��si��p r'T rK p��'�`�a Ft�E,`�'.'�`,. . .. ... � .. . . . � ' Y �11�c:�W�:.. � ' �'.. . . . . . � . � � �;s� �.�,���,�,�. . x A9tmr�t��n� ' fi.. ..,..:.�ueiisa�a. •� k,es �� ��.w.....�" . ��SCRI�TION OF Wt�FtKt x Comnnerc��l R�.idential Educational FEES ... . .. . .. . Cantract+V�lie�� 1462.�5 �,x,.Ui,_ ' . '. $60,00 Permft Fee Minimum - - • ... �$ �ertnit Fee. Surcharge=Cant[act V�lu�e x$Q.QQ45 . . . . ... ' _ �� .. ��* S�.ircl�a If.•the�sraject valtjaiion is ovAf.$1.rnillion,please call.#4r:Sa�rchar�e . _� SO..UO Tt]TAL�EE `**.R�guirements:Z.�Qmplete.sets ofi drawing�and specifiaafions,�ut sh��t�on rnat�rfals and coErtponents t�a ae.uaed • :.t hereby appty for a Fire Alartn permit e�d acknowledge that fhe information is complele and�ccurate;that the worlc�vill be in conformanoe wi#ti.IItE ordinan�es and�ades+af the City of Eagan and with the Minr�esofa BuildinglFi�e Codes;that t understand this is not a pertnit,but only an ap�rlicatinn�Csr ;.a permi4 and work is�ot lo.slart wlthout.a p.ertmiit;.thet khe.ws�r�C us�:ill.be(n.a�c.ordance H�ikh lhe approved ptan in.the css�e.of work whiah.reqqires a revi�w .. and appra.val af.pians. ,. x Amanda I�Telson % �,,.,�...�.----�`". � � �� � pPPficant's Printed Nam� APPticant's Sl�nature �� .!'.f� ��j/� .�j . n' 4 yp..`.� �': �a r� ..*�t:pM.^u=i' srxu,eF ^v k ' ... �y � N�y�'"Mi}��.�z �� 4'ID' b i . ��'-�., � 2 �'+'R��llR��4 � 4 "��*!x,�M����i.*`�:� ,3b'°v A^. �: :M :�' � � i � a ti .�r 4 �����4��'L �.K H .�. a.�.� r,�. �'4�.t .f.?,iiwA. � Y;:T+:..S�.�d��r�y,. .�;i,lsi•4.wg;w�'�+�;f�x:.2'rx� . .. .. ),�']�p �h��� ,.< M� . r � iEi x }�. r �`�`�r p^,.'/S� �/}'r� ,?�ry,.:�.�s.�' .P L : �``z l x �_.;�'vo-. �`;.;e. �.�"� .?4:��:u: �.� . .Y?i1S1l�M������A�#�Rw.. : .-�,� ����J�r, ��,nAf��. a L:. :i4�^Y1;4!�JpA��"'S•��Dl� ,f, ni�-.m'�h�nR..� .4:;c;:9"�"'``.'„'-4`',,.��i'x �..re'�:b.T . .. ... 4�d` ,„ �� .x:4ff... :•'\�.�`+ ' ' .... .. .. .......... .... .. ... .. .............. .. ... .. .... ........ .. .. ........ . '. � ..... .. .. ...... ... .... .. .. ........... ... ... .. .. .............. .. ... ' ............................................................................................................................................... �............................................................................................................................................. City of Eap 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: 1. 3 7 Lf22_ Permit Fee: (®off Date Received: L Staff: 2016 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: 5/13/16 Site Address: 2975 Lone Oak Drive Tenant: Waters Business Center (CSM Financial) Suite #: J Phone: Name: Metro TestingLicense #: PC646918 Address: 31222 Cedar Creek Rd City: Hinckley State: MN Zip: 55037 Phone: 612.221.5888 Email: metrotesting.11c@gmail.com New _ Replacement _ Repair Rebuild Modify Space Work in R.O.W. Description of work: Rpz rebuild, see attached test form COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space Irrigation System ( yes / _ no) ( RPZ / PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No Flushometers Yes _No COMMERCIAL FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $60.00 PVB/RPZ Permit (includes State Surcharge) 1 Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Contact the City's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Contract Value $ 325.00 $ 60.00 $ .16 _ $ 60.16 x .01 Permit Fee Surcharge TOTAL FEE Water Permit Treatment Plant Water Supply & Storage State Surcharge i = $ 60.16 TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. \ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. xGary Ford Applicant's Printed Name x 0-01 Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD | EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651) 675-5685 | FAX: (651) 675-5694 planning@cityofeagan.com ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION †Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures, and existing conditions. For projects involving significant land disturbance, a Stormwater Management Permit and collection of security may be required. Property Information Site Address: Owner Name: Contact Name:Phone: Address:City/State/Zip: Applicant Signature:Date: Email address: Type of Work †Retaining Wall <4 feet †Patio †Sidewalk †Driveway †Sport Court †Fence †6KHG LIRYHUVTIWLQGLFDWHPDWFKLQJ URRI VW\OHDQGH[WHULRUPDWHULDOVWR KRXVH †Other: _____________Description of work: Planning Setbacks, hard surface coverage, shoreland zoning, bluff zone/setbacks, etc. Approved / Denied Date:Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes / No Date:Staff: Engineering Grading, drainage, utility easements, wetlands, erosion control, improvements in the Right-of-Way, etc. Approved / Denied Date:Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved:Yes / No Date:Staff: Comments You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City’s website at www.cityofeagan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Contact Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 or www.gopherstateonecall.org for protection against underground utility damage. Contact Gopher State One Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. For Office Use Permit #: _____________________ Date Received: ________________ Staff: ________________________ ✔ 2945, 2955, 2965 & 2975 Loan Oak Rd The Waters HM LLC Mike Wardwell 612-308-5255 250 Nicollet Mall, Suite 920 Minneapolis, MN 55401 08/17/2023 mike@hyde-dev.com Exterior Facade Improvements - Stain, Metal, Signage & Lighting Painting of EIFS is acceptable – ensure proper preparation of surface and selection of product designed for that application. Staining of brick and other masonry is acceptable. Ensure proper preparation of surface and selection of product designed for this application. Repaint CMU only where surface was previously painted. Properly prep and use product designed for this application. Replace cap flashing in desired color rather than paint it and wherever possible, other metal flashing to be replaced rather than painted.an Provide product specifications of the box rib metal panels. Ensure ribs of metal cladding are all in same horizontal orientation (drawing shows on place where ribs are vertical) Provide same color treatments to detached trash enclosures at Waters V-VII, 2955, 2965 and 2975 Lone Oak Drive. Building addressing signs do not require a sign permit. Please see Sec. 2.78 of City Code for address number specifications. 9/8/23 186724 D E S I G N G R O U P \\fs01\CAD\38222\23001\09 Drawings\38222-23001_Hyde Development - Waters Buildings.rvt HYDE DEVELOPMENT - WATERS EXTERIORS | MATERIALS & FINISHES EAGAN, MINNESOTA | 05/04/23 | 38222-23001 žÄ žÄ žÄžÄžÄ žÄ žÄžÄžÄžÄžÄžÄžÄžÄžÄžÄžÄ žÄ žÄžÄžÄžÄžÄ žÄžÄ žÄžÄžÄžÄžÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ žÄžÄžÄžÄ žÄ žÄ žÄ ' & % $                   44 &9 .#5'4/#4-+0% 5(  57//+6/'&+%#. 5(  9+</1 5( 8#%#06 5( $#6'58+..' .1)+56+%5 5(  ž ž ž )4#2*+% 5%#.' ':+56+0) &'/+5+0) 9#.. ':+56+0) &4+8'72 4#/2 ':+56+0) 4'56411/5 ':+56+0) 4'56411/5 ':+56+0) 4'56411/5 ':+56+0) 4'56411/5 ':+56+0) 4'56411/5 ':+56+0) 4'56411/5 ':+56+0) &4+8'72 4#/2 ':+56+0) &4+8'72 4#/2 ':+56+0) .1#&+0) #4'# ':+56+0) .1#&+0) #4'# ':+56+0) .1#&+0) #4'# ':+56+0) .1#&+0) #4'# ':+56+0) &'/+5+0) 9#.. ':+56+0) &'/+5+0) 9#.. ':+56+0) &'/+5+0) 9#.. 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Ensure ribs of metal cladding are all in same horizontal orientation (drawing shows on place where ribs are vertical) Provide product specifications of the box rib metal panels. Ensure ribs of metal cladding are all in same horizontal orientation (drawing shows on place where ribs are vertical) REPLACE cap flashing in desired color rather than paint it, and wherever possible other metal flashing to be replaced rather than painted. Staining of brick and other masonry is acceptable. Ensure proper preparation of surface and selection of product designed for this application. Building addressing signs do not require a sign permit. Please see Sec. 2.78 of City Code for address number specifications. NOTE: Provide same color treatments to detached trash enclosures at Waters V-VII, 2955, 2965 and 2975 Lone Oak Drive. REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 09/08/2023 2:35:41 PM Pam Dudziak PLANNING ),567/(9(/   /2:(53$5$3(7   +,*+3$5$3(7   (175<3$5$3(7   67$,1(;,67,1* 0$6215<$7(175< &$123<377<3 :5$3%/2&.&251(5: +25,=217$/%2;5,%0(7$/ 3$1(/ 67$,1(;,67,1*63/,7)$&( &08377<3 67$,1(;,67,1*63/,7)$&(&08 $%29($&&(17/,1(377<3 3$,17(;,67,1*0(7$/ &$3)/$6+,1*377<3%$&./,7%8,/',1*6,*1$*( &225',1$7((/(&75,&$/ 83*5$'((;7(5,25 %8,/',1*/,*+7,1* :67<3 67$,1(;,67,1*$&&(17 0$6215<377<3 ),567/(9(/   /2:(53$5$3(7   +,*+3$5$3(7   (175<3$5$3(7   67$,1(;,67,1*0$6215<$7 (175<&$123<377<3 :5$3%/2&.&251(5: +25,=217$/%2;5,% 0(7$/3$1(/ 3$,17(;,67,1*0(7$/ &$3)/$6+,1*377<3 83*5$'((;7(5,25 %8,/',1*/,*+7,1* :67<3 67$,1(;,67,1*63/,7)$&( &08377<3 67$,1(;,67,1*63/,7)$&(&08 $%29($&&(17/,1(377<3 67$,1(;,67,1*$&&(17 0$6215<377<3 ),567/(9(/   /2:(53$5$3(7   +,*+3$5$3(7   (175<3$5$3(7   3$,17(;,67,1*0(7$/ &$3)/$6+,1*377<3 5(3$,17(;,67,1*&08 377<3 5(3$,17(;,67,1*67$,5 $66(0%/<377<3 5(3$,17(;,67,1*+0 '225 )5$0(377<3 ),567/(9(/   /2:(53$5$3(7   +,*+3$5$3(7   (175<3$5$3(7   5(3$,17(;,67,1*&08 377<3 3$,17(;,67,1*0(7$/ &$3)/$6+,1*377<3 5(3$,17(;,67,1*67$,5 $66(0%/<377<3 5(3$,17(;,67,1*+0 '225 )5$0(377<3 '(6,*1 *5283 &?5HYLW3URMHFWV??B+\GH'HYHORSPHQW:DWHUV%XLOGLQJV 99,BKVFKPLGWBSGJUYW Rè(0(0á0n†©x0zÂٸâÂ0¬´܉âÂ0¬´á0n0áÂX†z´٬áX܀áXX´XxXn¬٭ 'E͕D/EE^KdͮϬϴͬϭϳͬϮϯͮϯϴϮϮϮͲϮϯϬϬϭ   6' 1(&251(5(/(9$7,21   6' 6(&251(5(/(9$7,21   6' 6287+%8,/',1*(/(9$7,21   6' 6287+%8,/',1*(/(9$7,21