1286 Lone Oak RdINS ClTY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 ? SITE ADDRESS: ? ;,,a: Imi1 , t PERMIT SUBTYPE: , ? ..? TYPE OF WORK: 0, . F; ; t,'0 nt Trrra't 11-114 8 (W::! `j MAF:'A t 1 ) INSPECTION .. • .• 1 • ???11 J11 i. t i.;r. N ;CORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: ? si?. / ,??n L f ?V!q Yp ':, 1 APPLICANT: Permit No. Permit Hoider Date Telephone # ELECTRIC PLUMBING Et ? ? ?f c)? if ? - S(o HVAC i Irtspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING P UMBING PLBG AIR TEST 2 Z' C ,E G tiJUGH i'EATING $' i AS SVC IEST INSUL GYP BOAflD FIREPLACE FIFEPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST , BLDGFINAL "?? BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FINAL 1? I CITY OF EA GAN + 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 , %J uv PHONE: 681 -4675 ! y BUILDING PECi??lIF;MITEYAC IAL Receipt # To be used for REMDEL Est. Value :? 9000 Date JAN 30 Site Address 1286 lAt99 OAK ED 1 1 EAGANDAI.E LEY.AY Lot Block SeGSub. OFFICE U5E ONLY FEES Parcel No. ?? ?"Pa"cy - 45 00 i Z . adg. ?R N2me FINA OIL & CHLrHICAL on ng (Actual) Const _ Sur?herge 1.00 w Address 2020 SILVIER S£LL RD ST6 23 (Allowable) - Plan Review ? EAC11Ai 55122 C?Y ? ZP * of stories - tn l en ?m p Phone 4 52-9161 - . g Depth - SAC. Cily cc Nanle E ?H CQ S.F. Total SAC, MCWCC ? ?? 1601 E RiilX 13 STE 204 S.F. Footprints On Site Sewage - water Conn ? sURiiSVI[,LE !QV ?jp 55337 pn Site Well - Water Meter 890-6450 (NI? WN/ILEII) Phone MwCC System _ nccc. oePosit $ City Water V?? ? PRV Required - S/W Permit I hereby acknowlege ihat I have read this application and state that the Booster Pump - S!W Surcharge information is correct and agree lo comply with all epplicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinanpes. Treatment PI Signature ot Permitee ! c?' APPROVALS • Raad Uni1 A Building Pertnit is issued to: E FH CQ Planner - Park Ded. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. g?, pry, _ Cop?es ? .00 Building Ofiicial Variance - TOTAL Permit No. ParmR Holder Date Telephone # SJW - PUJMBING HVAC ELEcTRIc B 8 0 oLEcrRic ktapecHa, am Usp. comments Footings I Foundation Framing Z S Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Hig. Isul. Freplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Plbg. Plbg. Inspectw - Notify Plumber Const. Meter Engr.lPlan eldg. F;nal Dedc Ftg. Dedc Frkl weli Pr. Disp. BUILDING To be used for i CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 SiteAddress 1?tn LRN1. vAf! a: Lot 1 Block i Sec/Sub. TpGA::LA'..i: U!aAY .r 32") Parcel No. a Name 'E "K PI.A7.A LT'D Pi?1iT1i8REMIk' W ? - ? .,...,. z Address :.,?) #5301v v Citv Phone ''52-882` . o Name ';CL CIsNSTiRUC?IWN oQ Address 113?+6 KITEf. ?l; U J.- Ciry F'rr ) Phone 939-882Q yVjW Name VeHTLL AitCHITBCTS ? i:)'709 WAYZATA BLYD Address ? W City Phone 544-3633 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informatfon is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to:_ on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Receipt Date _ 24 19 OF FICE USE ONLY On Site Sewege OccupenCy MWCC System Zoning GB On Site Well (Actual) Const City Water (Allowable) PRV Required it of Storles Booster Pump Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Permit " '?"' • ? { Planner Surcharge . touncil Plan Review 7C.-O' CiQ Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC 'CoTidltioAal US-;,: WaterConn. X C t7[' .' Water Meter Road Unit TreatmentPt 1?428 . a% Parks ' ,6f,4.00{ TOTAL - Permit No. Permit Holdsr Dats TNephone 7t Piumbing io) Cl/ U ? •, : ?? 5?? 318 H.V.A.C. ElectNc Softener • Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings t Footings II Foundation Framing ;? ? {...f. Roofing _?- Raugh Plbg. 77 ' 4 i?f Rough Htg. /a??? %?ej.! Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. 11,G 8 Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert occ. >so "'tfl ? Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final ? Well Pr. Disp. r ?2- . _ ? .. `- ' PERMIT # ' ' ? . ' • ' PLUMBING PERMIT i CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT ? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAO, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: C:ONTRACT PRICE: PHONE: 454-8100 m Name .. . , _ ? Address ? - ??'•4?- -, T" c City + • ; I ?' Phone Name 3 Addre ? p City FEES COMM/IND FEE - 196 OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLiES TOWNHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES CITY OF EAGAN BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. New Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Qther _ • . RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Water Closet - $3.00 s Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 Kitchen Sink - $3.00 Urinat/Bidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 Floor Drains - $1.50 Water Heater - $1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIT) Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Ropgh Openings - $1.50 / ? - -•._,,. L FEE: STATE S/C: GRAND TOTAL: . .. - ' . . :'1:.: . . . q. ., y . . . . r. .. r . U N ? PERMIT # • '? • yi MECHANI CAL PERMIT RECEIPT # . ` CfT11 OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE CONTRACT PRICE P ONE : 454-8100 Site Address BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block Sec/Sub R N ? ew es. m Name M lt Add -on u m Address ' Comm Repair c City - ? Phone . pm er Name FEES c Address RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 p City Phone ? - ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 ADD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU - 12.00 ADDITIONAL 6 M BTU - 6.00 TYPE OF WORK ? GAS OUTLETS - 1.50 EA. Forced Air M BTU COMM/IND FEE -.14'o OF CONTRACT FEE Boiler M BTU MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - 10.00 Unit Heater M BTU MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - 20.00 Air Cond. M BTU STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 ? (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Vent CFM BEYOND $1,000.00) Gas Piping Outlets # ?- Other . • 00, 0?; Y FEE: ? S/C: •?U SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE y. fA TOTAL• FOR: CITY OF EAGAN _ CITY OF EAGAN • •• 3830 Pflot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt ? To be used for ,';ii3Gi•)` FOQ?'IVrS Est Value Date ,19 ? Site Address ? 7!)0 TZ%:Z =lAI: c-7 Lot ' Block I Sec/Sub.F-A«'?A LKMY Parcel No. a Name ?? ??L CO ; Address ??EIN C±R 0 City. EDI14A Phone . o Name P?Titt?LEUli ?lAIHlx1LAlIGt ? ? Address 3172 SfrZtJ4B 5'C ? City a'' PAiTL Phone 484"8264 Name City I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply wilh all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee -- PL?'TRO,'..EiJ??f bAI14T1?lIAFICE A Building Permit is issued to:__ on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. 8uilding Official__ __ _ _ OFFICE U5E ONLY On Ske Sewage Occupancy MWCC System Zoning On Site Well (ACtual) Const Ciry Water (Allowable) PRV Required # of Stories Boaster Pump Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Permit K.. Planner Surcharge Council Plan Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks 50- 4 1 TOTAL ` I : I Permit No. I Permit Holder I Date I Telephons it I I I H.V.A.C. I I Electric Softener Inspactlon Dats insp. Comments Footings I Footings II Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert. Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION q p[? ? See mslruclions Io.compleUng tnis torm on back oi yeliow copy p C,`F 1 4? 2J "X" Below Work Covered by TMs Request '`'?//?o ew Add Rep 7ypeofBmiding AppliancesWired EqwpmentWued Home Range Temporary Service Duplez Water Heater ElecVic Heating Apt Bwitlmg Dryer Load Menegement Comm /Industnal Fumace Othar (Specfij) Farm Air Conditioner pther (syecdy) Gontreclor4 RemeBs Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # ServiceEnfranceSize Fee # Grcuits/Feeders Fee Swimmmg Pool 0 to 200 Amps to 100 Amps Transtormers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps SignS , Inapector's Use Only: TOTAL Irrigahon 8ooms GGG .{S_ ' ' 1 ? 90 Special Inspeotion ? y I - ?J V AlarmlCommunication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE )RD DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rough-in oate certify that the above inspection has been made. Finai o 7? OFFICE USE ONLY ? rms request voia Ve monms trom . S'iCk2AGE R(lCM BUILDING I To be used for CITY OF EAGAN p?? Z Q Q 6 5 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 681-4675 ???D ? ?j AL I . Receipt # << Est.Value $2,000 Date JAN 30 , 79 92- Site Address 1286 LONE OAK RD Lot 1 Black 1 SeGSub. EAGANDALE LEMAY Parcel No. LAKE RD occuPancy Zoning Name FINA OIL & CHEMICAL (pquaqConst Z AddfeSS 2020 SILVER BELL RD STE 23 (alowable) o Cily EAGAN MN Zp 55122 # ol Stofies Langtn Phone 452-9161 oevtn Q N2t718 E F H CO S.F. Tolal ? F Add2ss 1601 E HWY 13 STE 204 S.F. Footpnms on sne Sewa e ? g (?`jty BURNSVILLE tIAI Zjp 55337 OnSitewell ? Phone 890-6450 (MIKE WNALEN) MWCCSystem O City Water V Vcefw # PRV Required I hereby acknowlege ihat I have read this application and state that the Booster Pump intormallon is correct and agree o comply wrth all plicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Ctl ol gan Or in s. Signature of Permitee APPROVAlS A Building PBrmit i5 issued lo: E F H CO Planner on the express condition Ihat all work shall be done m accordance wrth all Council applicable State of Minnesota S ta Ntes and City oi Eagan Ordinances. gldy, pfi, ? J Building Ollicial .urla, 144 Variance OFFICE USE ONLY B-2 Bltlg Pertnrt surcharge Plan Review Lkerse snc, cny SAC,MCWCC Water Conn Waler Meter Acct. Deposil S/W Permit S/W Sumharge Traatment PI Faad Unil Park DeO. Copies TOTAL FEES 45.00 i_no an_nn PEOPLES PLUS/ CITY OF EAGAN KUNZ OIL 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.D. Box,21•199, Eagan, MN 55121 ?T 1?? 15914 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-8100 Receipt #!6 9 y S ? To be used for 'A' =ON/ INTER€Wjff Date NOV 29 ,19? DONVIN? SIORE $70.000 Site Address 1286 LONE OAK RD Lot 1 Block 1 Sec/Sub. EAGANDALE LEMAY I,A RD ' Parcel No. c Name LONE OAK PLAZA LTD PARTNERSHIP W 31, ? Address 1660 S HWY 100 #530W o City MPLS Phone 452-8820 '0 Name NCL CONSTRUCTION oa Address 11348 KITEL DR u? City MTKA Phone 933-8820 wwName FTCHTEL ARGHITRCTS ? Fw x? Address 10709 WAVZATA RT.VD gw Ciry MTKA Phone 544-4633 I hereby acknowletlge thal I have read ihis application antl state that the information is correcl and agree to comply wdh all apphca6le State ol Minnesota Statutes and City o Eagan 0 inances ? Signature of Permittee ?- (1 A Bwlding Permit is issued to:-NCJ?9QNSTRILCTION on the express condilion ihat all work shall be done in accordance with al I apphcable Sta[e of M?m,n,e?s?otay?Statutes and Cpity of Eagan Ortlinances BwldingOfficial??.ti{? ?lt--- OFFICE USE ONLY OnSiteSewage _ Occupancy B-Z B'- MWCCSystem _ Zonmg GB On Site Well _ (ACtuap Const Ciry Water _ (Allowable) PRV Required _ # of Stories Booster Pump _ Leng[h DeDth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPHOVALS FEES Engr./ASSess. Permit 454.00 Planner Surcharge 35.00 ;Councd _(?.?_7_/$$ PlanReview _ 227•00 Bldg. Off SAC. City 700•00 Variance SAC,MWCC 3,850.00 *Conditional Use WaterConn Perntit WaterMeter Road Unit 7reatment P1 1_y_42_ 8 _00 Parks TOTAL 6,694.00 . 5/ 2004 Application fbr fireworks Snles And Stornqe City Of £aqnn ?.\ t? j U 3? 3830 Pi1ot iCnob f2ond, £nqan, MN 55122 ? 100 - V Telephone #: 651-675-5675 f'nx #: 651-635-5694 ?Ret'i?rn$'°'a e;T?? Apalicant requirements 1. This appiication must be completed and returned at least 30 days prior to sales and/or storage of fireworks. 2. A letter from the property owner granting permission to the applicant to sell andlor store fireworks on the property shall accompany the application. 3. A floor plan designating the area where the fireworks will be sold and/or stored shall accompariy the application. 4. A list of the fireworks that will be sold andJor stored along with the name, weight, quantity, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) shall be included. 5. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage as per City of Eagan City Ordinance No. 378, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. 6. Fee upon application for retaii sellers selling exclusively consumer fireworks-$350; all other retail seliers-$100 per vendor annually payable to the CiF#*p2c&MG4 7. The fire chief or his/her designee arao ation for selling and/or storing freworks to determine if it is a suitable location. 8 A criminal record check will be do9. A copy of the City of Eagan licensbe displa by the register. Date: ? ? ?v Applicant StreetAddress: ?D8(1? J-Q)YIY' iC?CYCity: State: Zip: S ad Telephone #: ,_ (c k-f- Business Name• (? -LcS l .5 a ? o 2Telephone#: "I w- Display Address: Retaii seller seiling exclusively consumer fireworks: _Yes _ No ?_6_ I ndoor Sales _Outdoor Sales (See of Fireworks) Fee: utdoor Sales -$350.50 All other retail setlers -$100.50 pUAJ c Z'ato'? Fireworks are regulated by MN Statutes 624.20-62425. In addition to these state laws, all displays, sales, storage and use:of fireworks shall comply with City of Eagan Ordinance No. 378, Section works. I understand and agree to comply with all the provisions of this application and Qe, i issuing authority. 1/1 Applicant Signature Fireworks Application Page 2 of 8 TEnnessen Wnrninq LicEnsE Applicntion Minnesota law requires that you be informed of the purposes and intended uses of the information you provide to the City of Eagan (the City) during the license application process. Any information about yourself that you provide to the City during the license application process will be used to identify you as an applicant and to assess your qualifications for selling fireworks within the City. If you wish to be considered for a permit to s works, you are required to provide the information requested in the permit application. If you refuse to supply inform ion uested by the City, it may mean that your application will not be considered. All individuals in tjAw know information will have access. Applicant Signature Date Authorization nnd Consent for Relense of Information 1, Q, . ?_ cn o:? , freely and voluntarily authorize the City of Eagan to conduct an 14ame of individual author i' elease investigation to obtain the following information for the purpose of determining my eligibility for a permit to sell fireworks: Name: ?51575& _P11 A 't ? LbsO First Middle Date of Birth: Driver's License #: ia? I??I I y State ? I also release the City of Eagan from any and all liability for its receipt and use of information and records received pursuant to this consent. I further acknowledge that I have carefully read this release, fully understand its terms and legal significance, and execute it voluntarily. Executed this day of 201P.Q Signature Fireworks Application Page 3 of 8 The Police Department has conducted a criminal background check on the aforementioned applicant. Comments: tWL ? Police Departmeepresentative C9Ce Date Conditions of Issuance Background check completed and approved by EPD: I Yes _ No Zoning approval Yes _ No Facility inspection complete and all violations corrected X{ Yes _ No Insurance policy approved l? Yes _ No License approved by ? L Date approved: (OL.:;1q1O`'C ? • . . 1988 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS ? ? ,? ? • , ? INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTES ADDRESSES FOR COANER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BOILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENT9L QNITS FOR SALE UNITS # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECK WITA BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COP4MERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS LiND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: (;A-D j?tr?UY ? Valuation: ?01af!n Date: rJ) iP-> Site Address Lot I Block I FqGpuaqLC Pareel/Sub -IF-Mqy I-Ak 3RD 4DP17?o1 Owner LCy IE'_ C-UL- ? 1?-hY1?' SYl i (J Address 1191r,0 City/Zip Code (Ywl7,/ nn 'f7Lt I LC Phone "54y - eaz-(?) Contraetor WCi- COY15T(2LlCrIOFJ Address ?1 -?? KI fi? ? ?I'V e City/Zip Code 9 16 no yx) ?c1, CA n Phone Gi33- `ZQ Mch./Engr. ?LLc ? AR _L?? fJ Address ? 01C3?j L?XU-?Za[(?L 151 Jci City/Zip Code lY I I Y IVIC Phone ll J11?1 - 3LC3 On site sewage_ hEdCC system _ On site well _ City water _ PRV required _ Booster Pump _ APPROVALS Engr/Assess Planner kCouncil / -I7. Bldg. Off.?f q 1 Variance A LoN'DiT?oN++?L. 1,???. Pecm?? Oceupancy Zoning Actual Const Allowable Ik of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEES Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SILC, M43CC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOT9L $-2 $-I GG `i54 35 2? rl ''10 395o 114 Z9 ?? Grr? ' ? xioc, ? x ss? _ 3?sb TR?nT, PCquT ')X ZoU= ??-1 ??u' A;Zk Metropolitan Waste Control Commission 4'!o Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 August 30, 1988 612222-8423 Mr. Joe Merchak Construction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Merchak: This letter is to inform you that the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has made a SAC determination for the Kunz Oil to be located at Lone Oak Plaza within the City of Eagan. It has been determined that 7 SAC Units should be assigned to this portion of the building. This determination was made as follows: SAC Units Charges: Retail 3946 sq. ft. @ 3000 sq. ft./SAC Unit 1.32 Service Bays 2 service bays @ 2 service bays/SAC Unit 1.00 Gas Pumping 1.00 Car Wash (Rollover) 6.00 Total Charge: 9.32 Credits: Retail 5740 sq. ft. @ 3000 sq. ft./SAC Unit 1.91 Net Charge: 7.41 or 7 If you have any questions, please call. rely, Donald S. Bluhm Staff Engineer DSB:RWJ cc: S. Selby, MWCC Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Larry, NCL yezIl°s ? 9 3 9 °19 0 0 • • AREA 8o x ro,s = sz.ov 419X 3z __ 15oN b-1 X S?%3_'2- 1F15? 5y85 -/ sov x 3z = 4l? 12X3?= yvy s? gs TA-T?? 33-,4 occuP.aN-rS _.?---° - S'fbRAG7r-- +A'uC-;4= CXO4 = 84 3 ?kg _ ?42 y26 ? ,3oa ` /- y Ki?'c.?rr'nJ ? lo k 30z: 300 1 zoo G,atta-G soL/ 7?00 - --?[-ro. tL 4 LIB! - 42(. - 300= 37.!?Y -,' J b - iS ,/ 93 7zsrAL. e o? ?x,?s ?2yW' D rtA-V-Lr-- 5-C ?---- s?RAVe AeE+4 ! 2?a? - -- - - ? ? ?'?Z??cr ?r a?iceJ ISvrc.C:+ 55??('? 4 • ? ?, A .1 ?'j?GWCE S)RJ? r ? ' 1992 BUILDITIG PERMIT APPLICATION " " CITY OF EAGAN REQUIREMENTS: ? ? ? twI SINGLE FAMILY 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS, 1$ET ENERGY CALCS. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS, 1 SEf OF ENERGY CALCS. # OF UNITS RENTAL FOR SALE COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS. PENALTY APPLIES WHEN TYPIIVG OF PERMiT iS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE Qg LOT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. D.?„?p?-- ? ? To Be Used For: Valuation: Z,Ort2- ? Date: 1 2r Rz Site Address Z (. Lot ? Block Parcel/Sub??j,Pe, Owner G,a,4 OkLs ? Address 7,0 ZOt, City/Zip&,A.1- ?4 Phone L??-z,- --i 14. Conuactor 4%(-f Lz Address 14,01 .I CitY/ZP 19 g w ZZ Occupancy ? -z Bldg Permit Zoning Surcharge Actual Const Plan Review Allowable License Fee # of stories SAC, City Length SAC, MWCC Depth Water Conn. S.F. Total Water Meter Footprint S.F. Acct. Deposit S/W Permit On-site sewage S/W Surcharge On-site well Treatment PI. MWCC System Road Unit City water Park Ded. PRV Trail Ded. Booster Pump Copies SUBTOTAL APPROVALS Penalty Planner Lot Change Council TOTAL FEES „11 re Phone (.?J93 Ucense w?t_, Arch./Engr. Address Ciiy/Zip Code Phone # Bidg. Off. Variance Sewer/Water Licensed Contr. . Processing time for sewer w er per its is two ays once area as en approtie . agrees that all work shall be done in accordance with (sigqature o ermittee all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. .a?a visw V ?JIl.17?n?? ?4oT rITS. ?rY n?w ? ?c?° N?M• l-I,r'1. ?,,_M ? - ---- ?.x.,?ss.r ----- - - - -----? . ? ?'? i ? hiC I ?'jQ.? B I T U M I N 0 U S 100,? Ar-RES .' % ,+E4 DESiGNFrEp F w PR,:NUSED Ftf _ •.itdP ? F' n \, 1 ? ? ,,. (IL HC?y__ ? ? ? ? I ? ^ i 1 v? \ ?- \ . . m N i ?C ? . ? L=4/.9T=°0.. ? \\ R= 33. 36 2.296 P A R K I N G ? : ? _ ?--?, u ??? 1, - ; --.? - j i ? ? , ; ? HC I l.._J?j ! . ? . . 1-••--T"^?'^-cr?--•--c-•? ? • ? ? ? I r _ . \ .. . ? . . . . . ?, ` . ? i li PROPOSED BLOCK a BRICK BUII.dING ? (ONE S70RY • 16,012 SQ. FT ) '? N I "7 rRaSH j?- > STALI c I 7; ? ? I I I ?' I ?? y j ol [1RAINAGE 9 UTIU7Y EASFMENT PER PLAT,'. ?.a ?Li OF EAGANOAIE LEMAV LpnE ?kD AGDITION ' W rn s _ v _"___ 0 0 ?_ \ CB 3°E 8200 N A3•46' 9 DIP W - _ - u - ' ??D.• Y?? ?'? 5 ' ? \ . - - ' ?? -- - °==1, _ ?- -?_ - --- ?- ^2 ? ' i m a I p=7'16'57" aX ry . '. ? L= ?W " d ul ? Jr' ??7?? 6QQ0-__ , pi.`,=?._:_?_=-NBBa3B,39„W-i _=2Gpp?_ ?. ffl-k ? 15" PCP5T MH -GhJ ?34 ii `? ?_ CITY USE ONLY Ls SUBD. APPROVED BY: RECE[PT f!: (f 6Z Rg C) (°-?> RECE[PT DAT'E iO - (,- ?-? 199$ PLU1K$IN& PERbIIT (COMM£RCtAL) CITY Of' EAHAN 3$30 PILOT KNOB RD EAsA1v,Mv 55122 (618) 6$1-4675 Please complete for: all commerciaUindustrial buildings multi-family buitdings when separa[e building permiu are not required for each dwelling unit backflow preventer to be installed in commercial areas or residential boulevards Date: Work Type: _ New Bldg. _ Add-on 'epa'u _ U.G. Sprinkler t-?RPZ Description of Work: lx.rjg;- e7z? / 6(/? • ??- a - ??L ? ?? ??' ? a To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on oew service, ca11681-4646. ? FEFS ? ? ? o 1% of contract price or $25.04 minimum Contract Price: $?i O v a x 1/o = $ THIS AREA ONLY IF INSTALLING iINDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM Service: Existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ New Backflower Prevenrer Permit Fee»»»»»»»»»»»»>>>>»>>>>>>>>>>> $ 25.00 Water Flow GPM Water Meterl" @$189.00 or 2" Turbo @$871.00 /f "new service" add Water Permit $ 50.00 = State Surcharge $ .50 = WAC $ 807.00 = WaterTreatment $ 444.00 = Permit Fee State surcharge is 5.50 per $1,000 of ep rmir fee or minimum of $.50 per permit State Surcharge $ U?, !) 5,0 Total Fee s r;P5_ 5 v I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that Ute inforntation is cottect, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanYs responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the Ciry during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City property/right-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: TENANT NAME: 0-oz? ? INSTALLERNAME: 12,'?-?"??? 'i'ELEPHONE#: 7?7 STREET ADDRESS: tl? U r?0 • ? CITY: ??7 STATE: ZIP: ??.Sr//7 TURE OF PERMITT'EE CITY USE ONLY COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT -1998 METER SIZE Domestic ]rrigation UTILITY CONNECTION (APPLIES TO NEW SERV[CE ONLY) To determine meter size PRV _ Yes _ No * See i£ it is indicated on back of Building Inspections card * Enter address in PIMS Screen 301 to obtain S&W permit # * Check PIMS Screens 110 (Remazks) ' If gallons per minute aze less than 25, a 1" meter will be required. If gallons per minute aze more than 25, a 2" turbo with strainer will be required. This information is to be supplied by the designer of the system. Consult with Plumbing inspector if Licensed Plumber does not knaw GPMs. I Before selline meter • Check PIMS Screen 320 for anoroval of inspection results. No meter will be sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete on a new service. If new service lines aze not required, one check may be written for meter and permit costs. Write meter type and size on receipt, code to 3716-9220 (meter portion only), and forward copy to Utiliry Billing Clerk. • Enrer meter size, type, receipt #, date & amount paid on PIMS Screen 110. Copy of receipt should be given to Utiliry Billing Clerk. Miscellaneaus Information • The installer is to contact Building Inspecrions at 681-4675 for inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer. The Central Maintenance Division may be reached at 681-4300 for water tum-on. ' if ineter is over 5/8", notify Central Maintenance so they can tell you if there is one in stock before plumber goes over there. CD/Permit forms/plbg permit (comm) 1998 CITY U3E ONLY CITY OF E1k&AN 3$30 PiLOT KN08 ftD ElkfiAN,1HN 551EE (618) 681-4675 Please complete for all commercial/indusVial buiidings mutti-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: -17 - eIff CONTR.ACT PRICE: 1-5 jd 70 WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ????Oa.? ???J a•sP?.-s.?.s FEES: 1% of contract price OR $25.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Processed piping - $25.00 CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING PERMIT FEE 3TATESURCHARGE TOTAL /s6a° /SC?A a ($.50 per $1,000 ofvermit fee due on all pemiits.) SITEADDRESS: lZg?i GD/JE BAhK 40. OWNERNAME: A?Sfs - hl?ozc> PHONE#: TENANTNAME (nvtPROVEMEN'rs oNL1): INSTALLER: ?'' ADDRESS: 3/22 SP/zvc? S% PHONE#: (?K/ ) I/ ?T?/- g2l, 5' U r?R /l rr?v I? S OF PERMITTEE /? - / q-?'? ! CITY: Lr L? G?N?D /f STATE: l?Tn) ZIP: ?S/ !. ? r/ /Q/!°`Y. LS' f 199$ MECHAP1CAL P£lt14IIT (CO1NbIERC1AL) -?M . _ ? , ! ;i ;; ORs?s s9y ;I ia 86 Laivr- DAk aPD. 7-iIREE ,poducTS F.t,?s7),ve5. ?i x IND?</YfE,9 I r)UWiJ •1_'-'? Sp04TS ?U V 13C-`C ?I po,.?N Sp?v? .i I?T-' TI??S IrocA't?o/J ? I'! ?glz I Fcl , WN?GN Sf0'G ? ON. S?Fc?? ??; sA µl Gu't'f(N?:l ii li !I sRu? G?T ?j N?g0E0 ?? i ' (9 x ?q /NJ'TRLL mo,e : Ru?313[k uuOt?R u AfTtR. Lor:f !•I ? r`x1srWh BuILtvNF,. GxiMu/, wrYNL D)sP. ;0 6E RCvnOJED• ?--- --.- -- - -- ---- --?-- to FL-3 11 r-3 ? CJ l-7 I. ??' _--- - ? --- -- -- - -- , 59' I.` 3- io, ooa Qe?wa Ex?sr??? Linua PY. Tn Kc`mdd'??•i 59 ------ ---- - - ---?-Qe7lwoA l1ti1PRr55i ? CUR?C c?/". L/?t ?b FQERC?ASS S/k' ?02 JYf?RADE • /hPD MPD Moa N n?ELU r5cRUa LAro 17 o)sP. VEKir`k-' ARiok 7b /wSTr}LL . I i.7i n,- ?--1-` ? M - MtD inPO • PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIAUINDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. DATE: ?5/20&7 CONTRACT PRICE: $ /B,6= NEW BUILDING INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT WORK DESCRIPTION: ?71`577?t.? 5;?r7hiN4wss ?vaD ? e'n4Kq- -uP A-r 2 FEES 1% nF ?,?'ru ?rr F E g e ??. .,.. .,.,.r. PROCESSED PIPING: $25.00 MINIMUM FEE: $25.00 STATE SURCHARGE $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERM FEE. TOTAL $ LBd ?:o_ SITE ADDRESS:1,2SCo 044C !CR OWNER NAME: DA-S'/S IVAif t??-S TELEpHONE #: / TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONL7) INSTALLER: S/VEGL ADDRESS: t6k?bZ ljeExi7Zcl027l Z ' S76• CITY:I[&oominJGTDr.I STATE: /lJit1• ZIP CODE: C?5 2n TELEPHONE#: B?ri(o- t361 SI NATURE OF PERMITTEE CTTY INSPECTOR 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 OFFICE USE ONLY C /- ? L / BL RECEIPT #: r? / 7 ?y? r? SUBD. /aolal D +.a?? 3? RECEIPT DATE: Z rI 1997 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 687i675 Please complete tor: . all commerdaVindustrial buildings. • mutti-femily buildings when separate permits are pQ( required for each dweliing unk. • backfiow preventer ta be instslled in commercial areas or residenlial boubverds DATE: WORK TYPE: _ New Const. Wl-*?Add-On DESCRIPTION OF WORK: IS WATER METER REQUIRED? _ Yes _(NO ARE FLUSHOMETERS TO BE INSTALLED? _ Repair _ Yea _ Na INSTALLING METER7 _ Yes _ No. NEW SERVICE7 _ Yes _ No WATER FLOW: GPM. Pressure Reducing VaWe may be required if installing new service - conWCt Citys Engineering Department et 681-4646. FAILURE TO PROVIDE TNE ABOVE INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN A DELAV OF METER ISSUANCE FEES Minimum fee of $25.00 or 1°h of contract price, whichever is greater. Minimum SWte Suroherge of $.50 due on al1 permits. ?+ oe CONTRACT PRICE: $ (o. 000 ? x 1% = S i COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF INSTALLING UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM BACKFLOW PREVENTER FEE $ 25.00 = E WATER PERMIT (new service only) 50.00 = $ WAC (new servica only - per eonnection) 780.00 = $ WATER TREATMENT (new aervice only - per conneGion) 420.01) = $ CITY INSTALLED TAP 300.00 = E METER: 1" =$185.00 , 2" TURBO = $846.00 = $ PERMIT FEE f ?p 0 a lD D ' S A flGURE SURC/L4ROE AT EO CEMS FOR EVERY f1,000 OF PERMIT FEE DUE STATE SURCHARGE $ TOTAL $ I Asreby adcnowbdge thet I have read this epplication, state that the Infortnetion is Conect, and apree to compy wNh all applicable Cily of Eagan ordinances. k is the applipnYs responaibilily to notify the proparty ovmer fhat Me City of Eegan assumea no I'iebilily for any damages ceused by dre Cfty during its nortnal operationel and meintenance adivRGies to Ne facil' ' s wnatructed der thi rmit wtthin City propartylri8ht-of-wayleasement. SITE ADDRESS: a "' - TENANT NAME: STE. tk : ` OWNER NAME: INSTALLERNAME: TELEPHONE#: STREET ADDRESS: la sr /J ??,0- CITY: STATE. ZIP: 67-/I7 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE OFFICE U9E ONLY • RlVERSE &DE CITY USE ONLY L ? 8L ? RECEIPT#: 81? / ? SUBD. cd?L a?? RECEIPT DATE: 1997 MECHANICAL P£RMIT (C014IMERCIAL) C1TY OF £AfiAN S$SO P1LOT KNOB RD EAsAN, Mx 55122 (syE) 681-4675 Please complete for: all commercial/industrial buildings m Iti-famil buiidings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: ????< <J77 WORK TYPE: _ NEW CONSTRUCTION ? INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: . .n. FEES: 1% of contract price OR $25.00 minimum fee, whichever X greater. Processed piping - $25.00 CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING PERMIT FEE D S? STATESURCHARGE TOTAL Z S - S? SIT'E ADDRESS: ($.50 per $1,000 of cermit fee due on all permiu J owrrEx rraME: /9? s ? r/4?PHONE #: YS 2 I 2 3 l TENANT NAME (IIvrnxovstvtENTs oxi.r): S 0-1? INSTALLER: .e.DDREss: ?f/(0 ?aUiYI,6LAU--e- xorF#: STATE:ZIP: ? '64 CITY INSPECTOR v+? f.;STY C1P f-_o47,AN CA'.3E-IJI?I?: S 1'F_RMTNAL N(]e E.4 DF1I'F;; C1E,i.3ni??.rr.Mr: 1.5?22?,:12 TLi c NAMFa I._ .'.: Ii NiA.T.NTF"NANCI: CU 3210 9001 086 I_OidE (]F11: fi 412.73 34i:!2 9001 :I.r86 LONI_ OFdI. I,:? 268.,29 i':l:i;a 9[10] 12£36 LDNf: i?AF: fi 16,00 t 7nta:L f'nct.,a.pi; 6amount,y 697.04 CFO i"r:,7' i.0 U;Iii:R Ti?r NANUY >k%Y7d?%yF?fW'MYn>kyFXcM' kyF>k*9(•;;[k:?k?>k;k>kYF?kX?,l'!R?k??:i!%<.8?N'k?'%«t 'A f e CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 a PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: auzLorNG 030325 06J30/97 SITE ADDRESS: ' PERMIT 1286 LONE QAK RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 EA6ANDALE LEMAY LAKE 3RD P.I.N.: 10-22527-010-01 DESCRIPTION: °'?.. (QASIS MARKET) B0?ldi?ny..Permit Type COMM. /IND. MISC. Building 41&rk Type AL7ERATION 'Census.Code ? 437 ALT. NONRES. } . ek?'?. t»£?kj?,'.7 s REMARKS: FEE SUf1AMARY: VALUATION Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Total Fee $412.75 $268.29 $16.00 $697.04 $32,000 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - OWNER: L& D CONTRACTING 24845002 OASIS CORP ' ?172 SPRUCE ST 2020 SILVER BELL RD 5T PAUL MN 55042 EA6AN MN 55122 (612) 484-5002 I hereby? aaknowl dge that 2 hcl ve -,Nead thi4 app,l.iaation arrd state thata the, infiormation is c recC and agree to comply with all applicable State of Mn. StatuGes and C}t qf Eagan Ordinances,? • . `nrx,n R o, 1 ?,? - 'ISSUED B S TUR 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCtAL) 4 (,q q, p4 3 dA CITY OF EAGAN 681-4675 (;Qk?eGt The following are required with appropriate certification for all new construdion: ? 2 each: ardiitectural plans; mech. 8 elec. plans; fre sprinkler plans; strudurel plans, site plans; landseaping plans; grading/drainage/erosion control plan; utility plen • 1 each: sel of specificatians; set oi energy calculations; electrical power & lighdng fortn; Special Inspections 8 Testing Schedule ? letter from MCNVS (phone #222-8423) indicating SAC detarmination ? Code analysis indicating: wdes used, occupancy classifications; satbacks; maximum allowable area as per Building and City Codes aiong wkh sq. ft. per Floor; type of wnstrudion (synopsis of construction components) & any ocwpency or area separetion walls; occupancy bads; exit synopsis with a diagram indicating exi6ng loads from each room or area, travel paths 8 all rated corridors; plumbing foctures; and parking. DATE: WORK TYPE: _ ruew ? REMODEL ? a DESCRIPTION OF WORK: l - CONSTRUCTION COST: TENANT NAME: SITE ADDRESS: l2 ?lo AA/C le& LQT? BLOCKSUBD. P.I.D.# pROPeRrr owNeR CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER CEIVED r;9AY 01 1997 Name: 1?4 S/s COwp. .. . .._. Street Add city: L;!E? Company: Street Add Ma 7 , zip: S?`lzz City: CompanyIA0 M&A"1NI:4 60 Phone #: 12 Name: Registration Street Address: ? ?. City: State: _ Zip: Sewer 8 water licensed plumber (only if installing sewer 8 water): i hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that tho information is correct applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ?1 n? .1 ? Signature of Phone #: to comply with all '?13 0 ' OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation 0 18 Comm./Ind WORK TYPE 0 31 New 0 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ?33 Alterations 0 34 Repair Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft, sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. Footprint sq. ft. Building Engineering Variance ?/37 70 ? 0 Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. 5/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: °h SAC 5AC Units Meter Size Valuation: $ . ,,o 00 ` ? Vy 7 ` Jo L ?G? tsu.?4 i v? C?•??"? Ir /S , ??S " x/0e'c'A'4 ?r- ?f?uC6 yvr- ??. ?Aig ??EKT ?.9Y O,e Traa ?c [ 1. Y . a" `k .. _ .. - . 0 21 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolition MC/WS 5ystem City Water Fire Sprinklered Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg. Census Unit ? t?C-=• x 1/.m. f .I ? - ? H F ?j !l j! ---- I q ?----------?- ? , ` I ! I ' 171- ,.. •. ? . . •. ? ? ? 1 \ I ? ? : .?--. (?c! •r. • , 1??3t1 t iA'd ? r} . I( I ? ? _ .--?•-- e?usir ?•a?. The latfd rafer:ed to bulor !e ¦ltutced in =he C!ey of Eaa,n, CoL:nty o( Dakota, St4tn o[ Mltv?eaotwi ??'r I y?ti y•. 4 ., 4 ?I i?? ?? t?? ?•? ? J ???(SIrs ? Lo[ 1. 82oClC 1, Logd7dale Lc`;ay La;:a 3rQ nGdition, City pt is?sa, ltinnasoc? f ! ??{Rt ?il?(? HOte for intormWon; Prooertr 1s Torren! Certtffcate No.: 81411 L0[drl0tl Of Certiflc-afp- Sont tp Inne f1r4 Dtj%y.A '7)ivi `??NOava S31-LiD TliML dZS=Z-E 46-b2-UnC S ?o ? ?. ? i t„ ? i 111 i _i ? b i ? ! < C ?u ? ..... ? ? --?... -....? 1 .? . 1 , rT? ! ti ?} f 1 ??l ? CITY OF EAGAN FOR CZTY USE ONLY ...•-..?. , 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PERMIT # PHONE: (612) 454-8100 RECEIPT 3€ECHIitY?CAI:.""I1?? DATE: ??Ip$3i'1`?AL;,r PLEASE COMPLETE UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS & TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. -------------------- WORK DESCRIPTION NEW CONST _ ADD ON _ REPAIR _ OWNER NAME: SITE ADDRESS: LOT: BLOCK _ SUBD. INSTALLER: ADDRESS:_ CITY: PHONE #: ZIP: FEES ADD-ON MINIMUM $15.00 HVAC 0-100 M BTU 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS - MINIMUM 3.00 OF 1 PER PERMIT SUBTOTAL: $ STATE SURCHARGE: .50 TOTAL: $ SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE GOMkiERCIW1ND,u51`,K1tlIZ: P'.:Ii:ASE CUMPLE': E TH15 Pu4.rION FOR ALL COMESERCIAL/':NDUSTRIAL BUILDZNGS, APARTMENT SUILDINGS, AND'liJLTZ-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARF NOT REQUIRED F'OR EACH DWELLZNG UNIT. ------ -----------°-°°-- CONTRACT PRICE: ?/?--ocq• ??- FEES OWNER NAME: 18 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE 6 $.50 FOR SITE ADDRESS: I;2?6 ??ti? ??.? IZ? • EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. ? PROCESSED PIPING - $25.00 IAT: ? BLOCK f SUBD?/ ? 3?$25.00 MINIMUM FEE. INSTALLER: ,5?2?.Sc> GCONTRACT PRICE x 18 $?'"f ADDRESS: I2D1 STATE SURCHARGE $ CITY: ST ?iftC/L Zip; TOTA • $ PHONE #: a-r &?? - (SIGNATURE) FOR CITY OF EAGAN 4,c--,5Z57-2F- o.& C/Dov?4E_ w41411_ E ) iAv U.FC ?/?? R6?Q. 3 2 4De?- /S $?2„????6-o /Volzr4 ""qk- 7/T? M AP FiNl) I 2, E3Co Lo-vc oiP`K 27. 513 po Mc/Y/Y ? ? qoS ,c`' SsI? 4 YO 7 R06rF2 /?ix?c - Pc?wtri S ia rtrw otL s cnen. =vcsicnsr • HOOVER GROUP, INC. C O N T A 1 N M E M T $ Y$ T E M S D 1 Y 1$1 O N ? P.O. SOX 398 SEVERNA PARK, MAR`MNO 21146 INSTALLATTON OF ABOYEGROUND STEEL STORAGE TANKS am ...., . ;,wPEI? 301-987-3800 eoo•m-Zezs FAX 301-987-3890 Aboveground Storage ?anks for flaznmable and Combustible Liquids aze manu- facnued and tested by HOOVER GROUP, IIVC. in accordance with the requirr- ments of the Underwriter's Laboralories Siandard UL342. Pzoper instailation is af utmost isnpartance w ensure the expected service and life of the tank. The following instaIlation suggestions are furnished for your consid- eratien: ? r • 1. Handle tank casefully. Use cables or chains of adequate Iength (not more than 90 degrees berween the ciiains) amched to fit lugs provided. Oversize hooks wiIl lear the Iifl lugs - use shackles, if necessary. 2. To insure compliance with applicable codes and regvlations, tank and piping shouid be retested at jobsite before being enCosed, or piaced in use, using 5 ps.i air pressure as soap solution is brushed nver weld seams. lnspect tank contents before filling and replace tin taps wilh pipe piugs or mpped piping beforc test 3. Instali apPropriate Primary and emergency venc connections as indicated on tank nnd drawings. 4. Do not cuc or weld on any tank that contains Rammable or mmbusrible liquids or vnpos. Fue or explosion may result. 5. Concact your locsl Fire Marshail to assure mmpliance with local regulations snd cndcs. ? 6. Be suse all drain piugs are secure by applying teflon tape or pipe dope around • cast iron ptug. Serving the indusiry wlth Oua11ty Tenks antl Systems ??va?i ie: z7 rtrw ot? a o-c?. rriarc?r+3T -, ° HOOVER GROUP, 1NC. C ONTq I NM 8NT $Y87EM S DIYISION ? P.Q. BOX 396 , SEVERNA PARK, MARYLAND 21148 ADDITIONAL INSTALLAT70N J1+ISTRUCI'IONS FOIi U/L DOUBLE WALL TANKS ONLY R= LP..?EI ..I 301-987-3800 800-777-2823 RAX 307-987•3890 When testing a double wall tank the inaer tank should be pressurized to a maximum of 5 p.s.i. then pressurize Uie uuter tank by brinKiiiK the pressure up very siowly to 3 p.s.i. Maximum capadty of the outer lank is very smaIl in n:lation w the prisnary tank Capaczty. Compressors used for iesting can over pressuri2e die outcr tank apacv ut+rc.-ineis causuig serious damage to the tank. All drain fittings should be checkesi ro make sure they am secure and have been installed using tellon tape or equal lo insure that fiitiiigs wilI nvt leak. ? Serving the Intlustry wllh Oueltty Tanks and Systema ia:zo r:rp 011- a cr=. a1K3"C=\`s'r HOOVER GROUP, INC. C Q N T A I n M E N T S Y$ T E M 5 D 1 V I S 1 O N ? P.O. BOX 396 SEVERNA PARK, MARYl.AND 21146 U/L LISTED LUBE CUBE SPEQF7CATIONS aQ4 ....I. LPEI 301-987-3800 800-777-2823 FAX 301-987-3890 U/I. Listed Lube Cubes are bui2t, tested and labelled per U/L 142 (steel aboveground tanksforflammableandmmbustibleliquids.) A25-30PSTHydrotest wasperformed on our tank design m tesc its structural integrity. Our doubie waII tank design must also withstand 15 PSl between the innPS and outer shell. Lube Cube meets all requiresneats of N.F.P.A. 30. ? Each rank is individually tested at 5 PSI air and soap suds are applied m deeect weid seam pinhole lcaks before lenvinp the factory. Our recommended installation instrvctions are that each tank is tested to 3-5 PSI at the sita The iargest opening on top is the emergency relief vent Each tank also has a 2' opesun$ for normal vestling. n Serving the fndustry with Ouellty TankB and Syatsms ? ? .? or ro 04? r° .. IrJ' .-211t' B 1/2' I I 1 ' I I 1 I I I I B I I I I 1 I L---------- J /xo ;+_alf 3f_0-f ?, 6 un. 10 GAU(iE TEST AT b PSI vL 142 SFEEI. ABOYKiROUNO TANKS FOR FLAMMABLE MIU COMBU8718LE U4U?DS !{OIE: ADD 1 1/2' TO NEIGHT FOR SKIDS 4kEtliNLi.4; INNER TANK 1" EMERdENCY VEW T REGUIAH VENT ' 2' (iAU(iE r Fu OUTER TANlC 1' EMEROENC1f VENT x msPEcriow 9 ? ? ? P d ? ? r H 9 t a?roa?-i :o:a_ rtrw 011- a csn• efw/c=vZr. ome U HOOVER GROUP, INC. Containmcnt Syrtrrus Diriyion U it PO Boz 396 Sevaaa Park, 2ND 21146 800 777 2873 Double WaII Above Ground Tanks . Capeclty Dlmenslons (Gellons) (L x 4Y x Hj A Sing1 Ava!labte In Welf UL (L W x H) 120 2' S" x 3' 1" z 3' 4' 2' 2" x G 3' 0' ? 280 S 3" x 3' 1" x 3' 4" 3' 0" z ' 6" x 3' 0" j 480 760 x 3' 17" x 3' 0" • T 3" x x 2' 8" 500 5' 3" x 3' 3" x 5 4" 5' 0" x " z 5 0" 650 74" z 3' 0" x 54" 5 6" x ?' x 5 0" 11000 10'10" z 3'0" x 54" ]0'0' T8" x 5'0" 1,500 15'10" x 3' 0" x 5 4" 15 0" x 2' 8" 5 0' 2.000 t8' 100 x 2' 10" x 54" 18' 0 x 2' 6' S 0' ' 2,000 78'10" z 3' 4" x 54" 18' ° z 3' 0" x 5 0" 3,000 20' 10" x 4' 4" z 5 4' 2 0" x 4' 0" x S 0" Aed1•Irl'rotteipnt(niwrsade AoermnepntMlroraacs Standard Features • Consuucud of 10 gavge shect stcei ,• SF:id mounted to pennit inspeaion • Shop primcd exrcrior . • Siandard NPT fiuiags ? - Opeiungs IaI1Ct T8i1k: CSIft1SCI1Cy VCIII SLb'A18C vCift gauge f AU j Outa tank: { Cmagency vttft inspection • Meeu NFPA-30 ; ? ?;?..:. Optioaai Equipment • Enamel flaish ia yaur choiee of eolor • Cusrom iVFI' fitting paKaa available • fltl Capse • VCiltS ,/ ? I.OCk8b16 FIL HHtCl1 II • Intank Lercl Gaugea ? ! i i M/w:i51 1e:Z1 rtnF OIL E. cr?.. Qvc ut? dn ft *BK&W ? ? S?i ?e fflj-k* HOOVER GROUP, INC. G O N T A I N M E N T S Y S T E M S O iV I 8 1 O N ? P.O. BOX 388 SEVERNA PARK, MARYLAND 21146 LUBE CUBE WEIGHTS NON C!/t WEIrHT 720 GALLON Z'2' L x 3' H x 2'6'W 160p ? 280 GALLON 5 Lx 3' H X 2'5'W 300# 480 GALLON T6'1. x 2'8'H x 3'4'W 3000 500 GALLON S L x 5' H x 218'W 410# 850 GALLON, 6'6' L x S H x Z'8'W 515p 1000 GALLON 70' L X 5' H X 2'B"W '1210F 1500 CiALLON i5'L x 5' H x 2B'W 14009 2000 GALLON 18' L x 6' H x 2'6"W 7900A' 500 GALLON 16'L x 19"H x 32`W 1027 GALLON 181 x 28'!i x 391N CATWALK TANKS 500 CiALLON 16'L x 19'11 x 32'W 1021 GALLON t8'L x 28'H x 39'W z50x 450# 4501f 850# 825$ 1300# 7550# 201 oli ...... •? 301-987-3800 800•777-2823 FAX 301-987-3890 _ -p0f IB( F WA U U/ 485# 850p 8501F 1350p 1'S25# 2400# 3000fF 3790# 1200# t95WF 14751k 2600# i33i# 2125N S683g 2804t1 OBROUND BASEMENT TANK$ 275 GALLONS 2700 BEN! reH-Ta P TANK WEIG HTS flouM ( WAIL , CAPAGITYAGAllOMS ) 1B0 F N? 80' w1T1i 22' NFHT 33 1f2' wnrr i!A !qr=![:!!2 323R f in yyEtGl{T 4380 UA. 833a 240 60' . 30' 7912' 3730 3GW ? 3•..0 600 42' 3312' 4151t 55E0 10560 i 430 78' 42' 33 1? 50oA 673C 1285N soo rr so- 33 srr srss 810s 15230 r?. ?00 RComPLl 72' 30' 33 1!L' 6m 9100 17JO9 Serving the Industry wkh Cualtty Tanks seM Systeme O7r°Ja?71 1e:Z7 rIpW OtL S CnQ't. C46iCOnJT. ? . HOOVER GROUP, (NC. C O N T A I N M G M T $`/ b T C M S D 1 V I S I O PI P.O. BOX 396 SEYEHNA PARK, MARYlA1N0 21146 LUBE CUBE PRICE US7 cirmfe Wap •NON U2 :jfQ, cm •..?? j r: LP.I 301-987-3800 eoo-m-zeza FAX 301 -887-3890 154Y D'cxo.wT. Etrecrtve Dere: rrri91 ???• Wae Fuush Coat (NE77 "vA sb=& 2"d dbublo Wad ? 126 GALLON 2'2'L x 3'H X 2'8'W =6.00 $425.00 $745.00 $20.00 ? 280 CaAL.LON SL x 3'H x 2'b"Vd 440.00 585.00 t.02S.00 25.00 ? 48Q GALLON 7*6'L x 2'8'H X 3'4^w 660.00 870.00 1,795.00 30.00 500 GALLON 's'L x B'H x 218'W ggp,pp 970.00 1,795.00 30.00 ?650 GALLpN 56"l x 5'H x 2'8'1M1f 825.00 1,110.00 2.220.00 35.00 1000 GALLON 10'l x 5'H x 2'8'W 1,2g0.00 1,390.00 2.75C•00 45.00 { 1500 GALLON 151 x 5'H x 2'B'W 1,800.00 1,900•00 3,780.00 60.00 2000 GFLLON 101 x 81H x 2'66W 2,380.00 2,490.00 4,980.00 75.00 2400 CAI,L.f`!N 181L x SN x 3' W 2.440A0 2.550.00 4,995.00 75.00 ? GALLON 20'L x 5'H x 4' W 3,5pp,00 3,625.06 7.050.00 90.00 .• Note: Add 4• to helgM for skida N028: Add 64" to W itltN, 3" to lengtn ana 5.5"ro hetght tor Oouble Wau Tanks up to 500 galbns. Add 4' lo wldth, 9S'to lenpth I antl S.S to netgM tor Oouble Wau Tanks. 65010 3000 Gaflons. tjNQFR TNE GATWALK TANKS i ? 500 GALION 18'L x 19'H X 32'1N WA 51,3u.w ??+•w 1021 GALLON 181 x 26'H X 39'W WA 1,E60.00 3.250-00 i' Note: Add t 12' tc heipht tor dclds. ? SATWALK TANKS ? 500 GALLON 16'l x 18'H x 327W WA $1,575.00 . 52.850•00 i 1021 GALLON 1 B'L x ZB'H x 39"W WA 1,870•00 3,880.00 ?'Note: Add 1 1/2" to Aek3trt tor skids. ` OPT70NAL ' ADD FOA f3RATING & STEPS ON Gl4TWALK TANK ONLY i935A0 ; LEva. Gauces $60.00 ? F.?.B. GUR PLANTS: FoR Worth, Texas; Readlnp, PeruuyWerria; Fort WaY^e. Irdiem CoHeyvme. Kanaas: Battlmore, Maryland: LexbnqtOn, North Carotlna; L.os Mpeles. W°rniR I 08ROUND BASEMENTTANKS 275C,ALLONS $240.00 ? (LEps EXtnt) ? e...,inm ttie tr,du,.e.., wkh Ounliri Tanks and Systsms CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS • WATER SPRAY SYSTEMS /ARf "A" GFNERAL PNOCEDUME UlON COWL[TqM 0/ WOIIR I/OKCTON ANp TLMNNOUId AC MM[ !T LOIR11AlTq1'SOILPIIL/[NTATIYt ANO rRNLpLO ff AM OMNiwY MLMpLprAT1V[, ••.• Yt/[G7/ 8MOYkp S[ COIIIIiRiY AW ff1RLY KR IN 111IOIIYIC9 N[/Ollt NMTIIAlTO11% IRM F1MALL? IiwYi TJK /M. • ? C[11T?MATL MOIILD S[ IILL[Y qIT N10 sION[G 07 110tN 11[FlI[OLIRITNLl. COPRO BMWI.D AC PIILPM[O /0111M?[fTMO AUTYMTp, OWMLII AIO NMTSAQOIL li B U!m[RB100D iXL W'M[II'f IIWIIUL'NTATIY[7 iGNAtU111 IN MO WA7 PIILNOICO 4M CWY AGAIMT [OIRMCM /M IAYL7Y WT9NM+ P0011 w'ORWAM/YP al /YLUIIL TO WYILT MITM IM//LRIMO AU?N011RP@ IILQYN[MLMfIF 011 LOCAL OIIDINAMCU. ?ROlLIITT M1Mi LONE 0Ak,' P A2A: ? ? 7 tvr ? ZSb6C8f i?OPLII 11 EIF' . , .. , 5 o nAr+s, o r E A G A vlu.vu Arm cuE w rMS MW apivrcMr INSiRUC• ?F No, gxrLAIM . ' TIONS xAe A rnvy w I."UCrwN um wurrrcMAncs cwur sccK urt AT ?l,Alff 1?ND, [IpWIM , ?._.,. ?1J L Ar1 ? ? Ysll NO W ' • , tu ?/? . ro O ru w ? YLRVLf OLOf/. . . _ . . , . iocArioN E N t n, TESTS I MYDROSTAIIC TES Of AlL PIPING - NEOUIREO ] EOUIPMENT OPERAiION iE3i5 Of All FOUIPMENT SPRINKlERS rea wQocL uss qyAMinr t? ??rimauua OA QI ' 1 u SPpA11 ?e ^ 20 NOZ2lES f? I •1 '- PIPE AND "TCNIAL AND "IO CON1'p1 W i0 ' YrANDMD fIT11NGS ?r HOML, [il1.AIN ALANM VAWE A L A l1 Y O L Y I C[ M.WMUM T1M TOOPLMTL iM11WON TL4 PIR OR FIOW TTrc MAIIL NOOLL WM. aLC, INDICATOR U O/LIIATIMO T[ff 11E21IlTS MAT[II YII iolp TIIi DRY TI4t T(1 TMP PIItM. FlILp. ?OINf rATRR AI.MM MAU ym(L /LII. TIOPOUOM TLR PIK NiACNLO OVLIIATW AM TINY PfiE MD• wrtMOUi witx nro?ERLr Q. o. U. G. o. o. rnir. arr4n VALVES ?A boN, IEC. V,A.1. P,/,1, /.A.1. WM, iEC. Ytt Itl II MO, [71V LAIM FLL !IlINO M'D11OdfATICALLT 1[R[ A ?OII IbUM UI17 IIPINO PMEVMATICALLT TLJTLY •[i 7 - NOEr NOIV E TESTS EGUIlMLNTOiL11AT[?IIOPLIII.V EF TU IU f NO R?T R[AlOM I TLL : IILAOIN00 OAGL LOCATCO XEAp v ATL0 WVVLY T4lT ?IPE: 116SIGUAL P11LSSUIIL V ITN VALYL IM TLiT L OVEN WIDE 6 ATIC PPCSS P[ P51 lLANK MB[R WLD IACAiIOM -. _ .. - _ .. .'_ NYIOL1111LMOYLD ' TESTING A KETS UATE LER IN RIIVICE Mfi'M ALL COMROL YALYL! OPLN. MEMARKS - Oi OPNINiLLII C4NTRALTON N E fOR YP YLHT QMNLR NpMLp! i ?AR .?'C" O.? W F' r l s, har.v??? c o i S?GNAtE1REj w0" w"U" "SP "" I nca) LJ +o. ?sn.., wu W? . r coNh. ro nums 0. pwoor O , ostm rvit O ...-?- ?'..??:.. i ' / ,. ? = I coF eagan 3 iHOMASEGAN March 8, 1993 "'°v°' PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER FINA MART Council Members STORE MANAGER/OWNER THOMAS HEDGES 1286 LONE OAK RD Cify Atlmininsfrator EAGAN MN 55121 EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ciry Clerk Dear Sir/Madam: The Eagan City Council has adopted an ordinance pertaining to outdoor storage and display. As a result, outdoor storage/display is not a permitted use. This ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit for all outdoor storage/display. In an effort to allow existing businesses time to comply with this requirement, the City Council allowed until March 2, 1993 before enforcement would begin. For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy of the new ordinance which defines outdoor storage/display and lists minimum requirements to be met. Conditional Use Permit applications are available at City Hall should you wish to apply for this permit. Until then, please remove all outdoor items within 10 days from the date of this letter as they are in violation of the City Code. Please inform me of your intent and provide a schedule of compliance as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding this matter, feel free to contact me at 681-4685. Sincerely, ?• . Michael . Ridley Zoning Administra /js Enc. cc: The NW Mutual Life Ins. Co., 720 Wisconsin Ave E., Milwaukee, WI 53200 MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOi KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122-1897 PHONE (612) 681-4500 FAX', (612) 681 4612 iDD.(612)454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND Gf20WTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer MAINTENANCE FAqUTY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE. (612) 681•4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD:(612) 454-8535 { CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: RECEIPT DATE: l ? ? ? ? ` Q I CO1NMEiC1AL PLUMSINH PERMTf RPPLICATIOft CITY oF f.ftsSlv 5890 PE.OT KAOB iiD £A6fk1Y,1NN 551EE 861-681-4675 Size & Type Date: 1 I -5- 01 WORK TYPE New Bldg Add-on Repair X RPZ PVB _" Irrigation system • Must camplete reverse side of applicarion also. Required meter size is 2" turbo unles smaller size permitted by Public Works DESCRIPTION OF WORK P Z To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, ca11651-681-4646 METERS - Ca11 65 1-68 1-4300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed arior to oickinQ uo meter Irrigation Fire INCOh9PLETE APPLlCATIONS WfLL NOT BE PROCES_?D Size & Price 3/4" disnlacement Domestic Size & Type Does this include high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Avg GPM $149.00 Avg GPM FLUSHOMETERS Yes No PRV REQLiIRED _ Yes _ No Site Address: IM1? ?ofN2 CCL.K 1?k Tenant Name: -F6jkCl a-k1 Q?????5 - l1-lSlS Telephone #: _?LLQ l (Area Code) Was there a previous Installer Address: Telephone #: \ (Aree code) Zip Code EES Contract price $ x 1% ($50.00 mi 'fim) Conhact Fee $ Meter(s) $ `_---- Required on all new bm mgs 'buntevard'irrigstiea-systems Radio Meter Read $ Swcharge: $.50 Minimum. If contrset fee exceeds $1,000, calculate at ' State Surcharge $ 50 cents per $1,000 contract fee. Total From Reverse New Service $ Total $ 5c)• SO I hereby aclmowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is coaect, and agree ro comply with all applicable Ciry of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanfs responsibiliry,to norify the property owner that the Ciry of Eagan essumes no liabiliry for any demages caused by the City dwing its noimlal, operational and maintenence activiries to the facilities conskucted un r is permit within Ciry property/right-of-way/easement. S I?.U ? ° / L?J i i' ./•O.?YI II ' IGNXTURE OF PERMITTEE '? I ?fj Ig\,_ _ _ I CITYUSEONLY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ A'u Test _ Gas Test _ Rough In _ Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: 1-I 1 11 - ` d 1 , BIDLDING INSPECTOR Name: IRRIGATION SYSTEM (CONT) Service: _ existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ new I,f "newservice", contactJerry Wo6scha!!, Finance Consulrant, to confirm addingfeesfor: Watcr Permit & Surchazge - $ 50.50 $ Water Supply & Storage - $3,165.00/acre $ Water Treatment Plant Charge - $516.00/SAC unit $ Fees to be added to front side of application $ GENERAL INFORMATION go, • Radio Meter Read (requued on all new buildings & 6oulevard irrigation systems- $153.00 (Acct Code # 9220-4509) • Water meters include copperhom/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8"displacement residendal $115.00 4120 1-1/2" irrigationsyst $ 727.00 sm commercial turbine** ""must receive maximum approval from continuous Public Works ]0 2-30 3/4" displacement lawn irrigation $149.00 4-160 2" turbine Ig irrigation syst $ 899.00 tnaximum residenral & continuous sm commercial production lines 15 3-50 1" displacement very lg res $194.00 114 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,757.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum sm commercial g continuous & ]g comm bldgs 25 uri ation s stems 5-100 1-I/2" bldgs 25-64 units $428.00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very Ig imgation syst $1,184.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs Bc $3,476.00 & praduction Iines very lg comm bldgs 1/2-320 3" compound +Zpp unit bldgs $2,212.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $5,711.00 very Ig comm bldgs very lg comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very Ig icrigation syst $2,132.00 & production t'mes i.uuwHciiu • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow prcventer, call 651-681-4675. • To arrange for water tum-on, call 651-681-4300. a: Kris Forster, Mamtenance Division Clericel Tec6nician Updated 9/Ol 2004 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651: 675-5675 Date 1 / 14 /2004 SiteAddress 1286 Lone Oak Road Unit# Tenan[Name Oasis Market Former Tenant Name PropertyOwnerWin Cities Stores Telephone#( 653-457-9161 2020 Silver Bell Rd. Suite 23, Eagaii,7MN 55122 Contractor Roseville Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Address 65 So. Owasso Blvd ' City St. Paul State MN Zip 55117 Telephone#( ) 651-484-4086 The Appticant is _ Owner _ Conuactor x Other WorkType _ NewBldg Add-on X Repair X RPZ PVB Irrigationsystem" * Jer Wobschall to calcula[e fees. Re uired me[er size is 2" turbo unless smallcr size ermit[ed b Public Works DescriptionotWorkRebuild & test RPZ for car wash (5-year rebuild) To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, call 651-675-5646 , Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductiviTy, and bacteria tests passed prior ta oickine uo meter Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" displacement $ I55.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes ? No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) i Contract Value $ x 1% _ $ Base Fee ? Meter(s) Reqmred on all new 6uildings & boulevard irri at?ys[ems $ ? i2 n Radio Meter Read If Uase fee is $1,000 or less, surcharge is $.50 ?? j'? State SurchargC lf base fee is over $1,000, surcharge fe $.50 per $1,000 of [he Base Fee 11 • L ? Following fees apply only when installing new irrigation system '$ Water Pertnit Contac[ Jerry Wobschall at 65I-675-5024 for required fee amounts vu } $ f ?? Treatrnent Plant Water Supply & Storage $ StaCe Surchazge? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 50.50 Total Fee I hereby appty for a Commercial Plum6ing Permit and acknowiedge that the information is complete and accurate; tha[ [he work will be m confotmance wi[h the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; tha[ I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is no[ to start without a pecmih, that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ^ ^ ? ?-/PJId ParrM Applicant's Printed Nam ApplicanPs Sigiature ' CITY IISE ONLY REQO?RED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test __ Gas Test _ Rough In _ Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: -?P . BUILDING 1NSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevard irrigation systems- $141.00 • RPZ's must he rebuilt every five years. A minimum fee permit per address is required for RPZ rebuilding or repairing. • Water meters include copper hom/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 518" residenaal $121.00 ' 4-120 1-1/2" irrigahon SySt $ 788•00 displacement sr,acommercial turbinz" mustreceive ma? i m am approval cuntinuuas 10 from Puhtic Works 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigation $155.00 4-160 2" turbine lg irrigation syst $ 992.00 maximun displacement residential & continuous sm commercial production lines IS 3-50 1" displacement very Ig res $200.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,880.00 bldg to 24 uniu 65 units maximum sm commercial & cor!inuous & Ig comm bldgs 25 im ation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $488.00 maxunum displacement & coutir.coas most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUII2ING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM 1yfETERS USE PRI.r',E GPi4f METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very Ig irrigation $1,338.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,749.00 syst & production very lg comm bldgs lines 112-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,407.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,124.00 very Ig comm bldgs very lg comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very Ig irrigation $2,384.00 syst & production lines i.ommenrs • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To arrange for water turn-on, call 651-675-5300. cc: Maintenance Division Clerical Technician Updated 8/03 2005 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERNIIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 nate 12 ???? OS ?7 Site Address } a??Q ?,.,O'f?? f?CittG* Unit # Tenant Name O Q SIS Ma( ui-t- Former Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor g0$2v<l-??I2. ?1 u M1?, bi n Address (p5U'?'1"? OLJC1556 ?J?I City f.+? Qv.(?? State ? 1 M JO 1 N Zip ?5117 Telephone #(Ob 'tSi-`/0V-F' License # Pt-t a 3 )q Expires: )2 31 D(p T6e Applicant is _ Owner Contractor Other Work Type New Bldg _ Modify Tenant Space RPZ PVB New Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Irrigation system Work within public right oF-way/easement _ Yes _ No Rain sensors are re uired on irri ation s stems Description of Work fr)S+0.-?k V"P-W I?PZ To inquire if Pressure Reducmg Valve is required on new service, call 651-675-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductiviry, and bacteria tests passed prior to pickina uo meter. Inigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" disnlacement $161.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) ContractValue $ x 1% _ $ PermitPee $ _ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevazd irrieation svscems $ Rad;o Metet Read if pertnit fee is $1,000 or less, sureharge is $.50 $ State Swcl]aige If permit fee is over $1,000, surchflrge is $.50 per $1,000 of the Permi[ Fee Following fees apply only when installing new irrigaUon system ? $' Water Permit Call Jerry Wobschall at 651-675-5024 for required fee amounts $ TreahnentPlant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(--?--------------------------------------------------- $ V Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conforrnance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; thaz I understand this is not a permit, but only an applicanon for a pemrit, and work is not to start without a pemut; that the work will be in acwrdance with the approved plan in the cue of work which requires a review and approval of plans. , ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanPs Si mre ? City of EaiaIl 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fex: (651) 675-5694 ---------, ,------- ? For Office Use ? I ?'j I Permi[ #: ? (?-y / O?-(O I ? j Permit Fee: ? 'v I i i ? Date Received: I i Scan: ------------- 2008 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION oate: I-I osaeaadress: la9(0 1b)D2 aQ.k R& Tenant: Suite#: PROPERTY TIA) 1 11eS SIo(QS N 1 Phone: OWNER . ame: , CONTRACTOR Name: 0$P.V % lP? tt1rh ? License x: S g??01.9 ?? (05 Zi S? ?? S S ity: Address: ?1uT?l tate:l lN P. 1. ?REG DEEB Phone: ContactPe rson: TYPE OF New xReplaceme ir Rebw rk in R.O.W. WORK _ _ Description of work: 11 PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL New Canstruc:ion Modify Space Ir€iga' Har System (_ yes 1_ no) [PZ I _?V8i • .°.ain se.^:ors soquireC or, i:nga!:a^ systems • Avg GF4A {2" ?urbc rCqwreh uniess S mailer Size aunwed by Pu6llC 4VOrks? _!3eters Catl (551; 575-5546 te •;s•;y that tests paws.' oriof m vickxag un meter. Do;nesiic: 5ize g Tflpe F;re: ci-P u Price 314^ merA• c18100 Avt; GPM Ffighde,nanddYViCeS? _Ye5_ No Flushameters Yes tio R=Y Ret}uire" Yes No COR'.MEftCtdlL FEES: ?':SlCiudco Si8:3 surG:; cej -. _n.act ....? 5 :°6 p_rmir FFr Royuired ;,n A"L feeti+ u0cii;.y's and `v'vvi6vai:. :rriy-aiivo, sysiea-i's 4 = a Raaio Wietyr R?aG -'ti oe-rt F? i=!¢gs than $1A06: suriha'°e is 5.50 = v A9eter(5) _ ii A9!Tlr r ? y! •_?. Sli,';'??.'^y-E :rtr.oy? .... 4.SU fa? ,4yCn ? t.lill. _?5 r ^. n. : - . ... .,.. FauIIO`='31.^.y^ SEL'S ap¢IJ YJ::3li S(1Si3II)i5[`j 3 I12W l3:Yl1 IrflRaSlOII St.^s,.im_ .a, :la1P,r Permil C3:i.;..,r,Yg -?mn_.np..9CF,_,-,_.?t 4?'?n9GjEtsfnrmCJ:InqinC=_,•n:_o,ntg E T;83ff.:aF.,°:3^: watv. Sqpp(y r. c-.,ra_P ;; ?reby ocknaxiatlg& ih:.t ihis mlo.'maficn is :Amp'sle arId accufd2e; ihal the wark will 6e in cOnlormanCe wilh the ortlinenCes ana Cocles ol tne (:dy at teg2n; Nai I uriOBl'b[dna trns ? not ? pn,mn, h?ji ,,,ly an a(,ohCation for a 08rmk, antl work i5 rrol to start vnlhoul a Oermit: tla? tlhe work 'A be in aomidance wlh Ihe aPP?a+etl pan in the Use of Mmk r?Atid? ?c2:??rs _ -ITIIn-I'l? ? f Ar,-•rnv. .'= R-??- .,.........«:,:r:,,. , v,( :;.... ,.;, : .?, f!-N:? 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Rim Licensed plumber Installing new 8ewer1watar service: Phone NOTE. Plans and supporting documents that you submit are cposiderad to be public information. Portions of the information may be clessrYled as non-public it you provide specific reasons that would permit the CW to conoiude that they, are trade seprets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG, Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage- Call ae hours before you intend to dig to recelve locates of underground utilities. Mmy.gopherritate.onecall.Qrn I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan, that 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work Is not to start without a CA, permit at work will be in accordance with thrz epprovsd plan in the case of ich requires a nevi and al of plans, X Appllo anted Name Applicants Signature Page 1 of 3 IcMa $r 4, " DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Ild 7675 SUB TYPES Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commercial / Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial Apartments _ Greenhouse / Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New _ Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition % /Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation 4 DB C Occupancy MCES System lAt Plan Review ✓ Code Edition 7,067 A1545G SAC Units (25%_ 100% Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings ' Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction IT. B Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) oral / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) V' Final / No C.O. Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Roof: -Decking -Insulation -ice & Water -Final Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Framing Windows Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes Y No - Reviewed By: Building Inspector Reviewed By: Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee /03 • Z Water Quality Surcharge 'L' o-a Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Plan Review (07.8 Storm Sewer Trunk MCES SAC Sewer Trunk City SAC Water Trunk S&W Permit & Surcharge Street Lateral Treatment Plant Street Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Water Lateral Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication Water Quality TOTAL 7 Page 2 of 3 la 70-5 Lone Shoppinz Center ti fl~fta. mP to 3 SS 16,000 `l'otai Scli:arc Feet s ` Eagan Qay Care r 3,268 sq. Ft. - F- m ac m o C i J Y93 Sq. FL g `cS l ' Ea u u EXHIBIT "A" J7 � Use BLUE or BLACK Ink � r_________________ ' I For Office Use � . � ; �� �� � ' Clby Ol ll���ll < �) � � Permit#: I :�- , � � v � Permit Fee: � 3830 Pilot Knob Road ��..�-°"""� ��S � � i ,�. � � Eagan MN 55122 � ,r � Date Received: � I Phone: (651)675-5675 I � Fax: (651)675-5694 I Staff: ____�"1 __� �--------- T I 2015 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submi o (2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: � - � _ � � Site Address: ��6 n L, ��t�� �� Tenant•_�f1 G �c�2'�'t /''��/-��•f"` Suite#• � �. _ _ � Name: Phone: e - Name: �oc��� Sc���� �''��t���I�1� �icense#: p���7 � —� � � �3 �5 � � y `� � State:!-l� Zip: JrC� Address: '��/��, /1f� Cit :C�S�(��' � Phone: 3� � _ EmaiL• t�JS L �G�,�.. � - � ~ New Replacement <�Repair _Rebuild _Modify Space Work in R.O.W. ��"��— — — Description of work: c r � ��C� • � ('" �1etn ��✓ ���-- r COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space - _Irrigation System(_yes/_no)(_RPZ/_PVB) : � �� � �� � • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems ,. , � • Avg.GPM (2"turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) :� � .� �: _Meters Call(651)675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to aicking ua meter. � � ���- �� 1�- � � ` Domestic:Size&Type Fire: 1 ry �� � ' Avg.GPM High demand devices? Yes No Flushometers_Yes_No ��.�. _. ._ _� �. — — COMMERCIAL FEES '`� Contract Value$ ��� x.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum _$ Permit Fee "If contract value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 =$ Surcharge' *"If contract value is GREATER than$10,010,Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 "'`*If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge -$ TOTAL FEE Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Contact the City's Engineering Department,(651)675-5646,for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply&Storage $ State Surcharge _$ TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. \ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and wdes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. �' cr X Applicant's Printed ame pplic,,a�t's Signature � .., �_ ��_ � 3. - �_ _ �, . ._ . � �F�R� FF� . � _ - _ ; �4 , ? �. .. , Q. ^ . . ?.:. � . .;- Q � ,.. , . ' , _ - . . .. :.- ,. -: , - ....:., =�.� " ,., - t -...., ���:� �. I� � S' -. � i . ~" , Page 1 of 3 C!tyofEaall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 'RECEIVED JAN 0 5 2016 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use 341-7( Permit #: Permit Fee: 6 Date Received: Staff: 2016 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 1/4/2016 Site Address: 1286 Lone Oak Road Tenant: Lone DSK MAKIzet Name: Phone: Suite #: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor Description of work: Re -work of one Ansul R-102 fire suppression system Construction Cost: $1,900.00 Name: J.N. Johnson Fire and Safety Estimated Completion Date: 1/22/2015 License #: TS00324 Address: 4200 West 76th Street City: Edina State: MN Zip: 55435 Phone: 952-835-4700 Contact: Rand Allee Email: rcallee ' 'n'ohnson.com Sprinkler System (# of heads _) Fire Pump _ Standpipe X Other: Ansul R-120 fire suppression system Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge $100.00 Residential New (includes State Surcharge) 3/4" Fire Meter - $280.00 = $ Fire Meter =$ TOTAL FEE **Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Randy Allee Applicant's Printed Name 's Signature /2�(P Lone r5q73 �Il 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Date: k— REC,EIVED \k/ '101 % �pv Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: /?L/ % 7 /4'o Permit Fee: Date Received: L_ Staff: 2016 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 0 Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Site Address: I -?.?:A, L. is est% Tenant: LOAI,L— O A' WlIstfIN Suite #: 4 Phone: Address / City / Zip: Name: (4s-( C',t=— 3 k 2b �l U'i r wi ti r4� tOb 1 kc,_ License #: Address: Z131/41. '1..,0\64.k• State: b,W Zip: S ) 't Contact: New )( Replacement Description of work:?l C)c,t� City: N\OR.4 Phone: 7(3' $186 - s`)zc Email: CV�INC. Ot/� t00 (C. CO Additional Alteration Demolition uis2k1-mc Sad ([' r,wap�st�r� tkS RESIDENTIAL Fumace Air Conditioner _ Air Exchanger _ Heat Pump Other COMMERCIAL New Construction A Interior Improvement Install Piping Processed Gas Exterior HVAC Unit _ Under/Above ground Tank ( Install / _ Remove) RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit, includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New, includes State Surcharge COMMERCIAL FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge = $ TOTAL FEE e► Contract Value $ 1-/qS44 = $ 1 % Permit Fee Surcharge TOTAL FEE x .01 L =$(j0_ q 1 hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Troklam` �CCsj26odJ Applicant's Printed Name x Applicant's Signature v v �` C/ Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r s.5 c<n( ::: ce Use/ 9/�� 4* (� I �] \P• ! � Gly City of Eapn ` : G P (O x . .}� 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Fee: V Eagan MN 55122 Cl.-7'1 1 Phone: (651)675-5675 Date Received: Staff 4-9 2017 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION t I Please submit two(2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. (pi 1/4�' Date: 9/7/2017 Site Address: 1286 Lone Oak Rd. 1 Tenant: Lone Oak Market Suite#: Name: Phone: ._. Resident/Owner Address/City7 Zip: ........... ..... ..� vwwww.�aw.wr.�:.�we ,.«...w�....,.a-��.m...... ....... ... _.,....,,..,...»..,.mm. �w,..�;«,,,..m,«.. �.......,«...»w...,a..,.�«..�...,o...�...«.�....,� ......«»«w,.�....,-.,,, - _ F Name: Wencl Services Inc .i License#: Contractor Address:8148 Pillsbury Ave. S. City: Bloomington State: MN Zip: 55420 Phone: 9528811551,J 3 Contact: Tirn McHugo Jr. Email tmchugo@wenclservices.corn pP k 1 New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition i Type of Work Description of work: Replace (1)-5-ton roof top unit i N©TE:'Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City i Cade."Please contact the-`Mechanical Inspector for information on permitted screening methods. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL t _Furnace New Construction Interior Improvement i Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed Permit Type 1 Air Exchanger 1 Gas 1 Exterior HVAC Unit ( _Heat Pump UnderiAbove ground Tank ( Install i_Remove) 7 Other RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit,includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New,includes State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE ------ FEES, ___ . air,. .__ __ ._„_, . .„_ _ _, ....�._.__... �. .._ __$6500.00 _____.., . COMMERCIAL. �.M. Contract Value x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal, includes State Surcharge =$ 65 Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ 8'25 Surcharge If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ 68.25 TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.cityofeagan.comtsubscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be j.n.acCordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ..---- \\----7 .-/r/"Z.,--L-V'‘__.--• Jim McHugo Jr. X Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE � /✓1 !//1 7Required Inspections: Reviewed By: Date:. +J Underground —Rough In Air Test Gas Service Test In-floor Heat Final HVAC Screening 4._.For Office Use Permit � � e t#�: / : � • , Permit Fee: ' •::• •::i EAGAN c EI VED Staff: �-1 AUG 19 2019 Payment Recvd: Yes No 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 I (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 I Plans: Electronic Paper buildinginspectionstc�cityofeagan.com L - 2019 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPL ATION Date: J2 /9 Site Address: I '5.4 Zone Cy`�k g v Tenant:_1,-dict h 0 k //14"✓4-er Suite#: 0 Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components Name: Phone: • Property Owner Address/City/Zip: A••Iicant is: Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: Construction 6KV7c Cost: Estimated Completion Date: Name: gic'e Sk License#: Address: /5 &1d5€ f/r iOf City: i -.Cf. ioa,z___ Contractor _ State: /rnVZip: cS a 7r Phone: ‘057--4/S 9.--! 3t7/-7r Contact: 62_V'1/ Email: e-6/ it/S/1/E0/1/ FIRE PERMIT TYPE WO K TYPE Sprinkler System(#of heads ) yNew Addition Fire Pump StandpipeAlterations Remodel /4', f&I') MaC Other: G� ro !( 43001 tjl7e Other: Fi r`Q..S uyf(e c )O S�� DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Commercial Residential Educational FEES Contract Value$38 5-V n x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum oti =$ 0 Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ 03 Surcharge $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) =$ (a/o 9 TOTAL FEE 3/4"Fire Meter-$290.00 =$ Fire Meter Radio Read(required with Fire Meters)-$190 =$ TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start 1 without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X ( vpTciR lir x Applicant's Prin Name Applicant's Signature /5- -7 /-5 FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Hydrostatic Flow Alarm Drain Test Rough In Trip Pump Test Central Station X Final Conditions of Issuance: Permit Reviewed by jefDate: 9- I 02v / 19