1313 Lone Oak RdCITY OF EAGAN . 3830 Pilot Knob Rosd, P.O. Box 21 •199, Eagan, MN 55121 PH O N E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT To be used for Receipt Est. Valuet 2, 700, 00( Date _ , 19",- Site Address I : 13 Li'" `? 1 A&,. Lot 19161ock ?- Sec/Sub. Parcel No. ? Name flp'L1? ?MRATIODi ; Address Y0X 150 ° City - > Phone ___ ¢ Name SwM:'. .o ? ? Address a City Phone Vj W Name S?V?'- y W Address U g W City Phone I hereby aCknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply wlth all applicable State ot Minnesota Statutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee _=.? __ _.T _ _? :_ •.._'_?= ^'- , A Building Permit is issued to'.-' Rtk 1%-U%= on th8 express condition that afl work shall be done in accordance with all , applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Buitding Official__ OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage Occupancy a"Z MWCCSystem - Zoning On Site Well (AcSuaI) Const City Water (Allowable) PRV Required # of Stories Booster Pump Length Depth .f.3F' S.F. Total 109, 500 Footprint S.F. 1 0y APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Planner Permit Surcharge + ? ? U Council Plan Review ' 3 J7 ? BIdg.Oft. SAC,City ? '-?j- Variance SAC, MWCC - Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 7,752 Parks 12,524 TOTAL ?3'9?? a OCL'UPANT -L HEAT LOSS soLo sY ? Electrleal work Bp OU E HEATING TEST RECORD ?'?'• ?''?#? Zz?L ? APT. f' dOR CITY SUBURB OMMER ? ?Uf 776 71 ITG.INST. ? ?- iMSTALLED BY y / r Gaa Lie* Br TYPE OF HEAT GA ' FA? Nw STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR.7:?QTHER GAS DESIGN CONVERSIO AAAKE ? MAKE OF BURNER Mad.l ? ? •%/.? IAsdel SKial IIwx. BTU Rating INPUT ? ? ? IiAAKE OF FURNACE , i AAod•1 ?,,??ROLS ?? ' THERMO H t Pluo Vent Sis• Volvo ? KIND OF LINER SIZ IONE Lindt ?/a' Drok Heod 4:::" Reoularor ? Limif SeMinq ? - Fllter• SIs• N?r Fon Sottinq ? Oufsid• Chi+nmy Lowtion Jna(? Pilot Trpe ?? Chimner Constwetion l? Pilot Make ? Pilof IiAodel ' " ? Snwke Wirinp Pibt Timinq CfL ?i Oroftf?"/? ?-? Test Tap ? L.W. Cut Off ?`- Doar Pressur. Liyhrinp Inst. v - -? Pnssun Percent CO ' a Dote Teshd Input CFH Z Pereint O? ' . Company Testinq . Sfock T?mp. . PKeenf CO ? Nan» of Tesfor " Fo.m 235 RPAS CU NT/ ? 9?// c4A . CA4, HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD ?? APT. FL R CITY SUBURB OMINER HEAT LOSS b?TE HTG. INST. ? 501.D BY INSTALLED BY ? 'G Eleebieal 1Mwk 8r Gas Lino 8r TYPE OF HEAT G FA?Hw STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. 07HER CAS DESIGN CONVERSION MAKE MAKE OF BURNER / SKial hA,:. BTU RaHng INPUT c7a n MAKE OF FURMACE Medel C ROL S THERMO? t Pl V.nf Sis. Valvo ? KIND OF LINER SIZENONE Limit Droh Hood Rpuloror Limit SoHiny ? G .?- Flltms Si:o,,?? Fan Sottiny Chimner Loeation (nside Oueside Pilot Typ? Qhimney Const?vetlon G Pilot liAok? - Pilot hbdel Smoke oi ?- Wiriny 4- Pilot Timin4 ? C Draff Test Too -? ? L.W. Cw Off Doot Pnssure_____ Liph+iny Inat. Pnssure - Pereent Cd Dete T*sted ?'?,? Input CFN `f ? Perunt 02 Compony Testiny 4- Sfack T?mp. ?Porpnt CO Nan» ef T?sf*r F«m 235 HOUSE HEA7ING TEST RECORD ADDRESS. APT. CITY SUB OCCUPANT ?JFR U HEAT LOSS HTG. INST. / - SOLD BY . INSTALLEO BY - El.etrical Mfwk Bq Ga• Lie. gr ? TYPE OF NEAT G FA HW STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER '-7t,L>,. _ GAS DESIGN CONVERSION MAKE. Modal _ SNiol _ INPUT Valvo -1' Limit lof Limit SeMfny Fan Softinq - Pilot Type _ Pilet Ir4oke _ Pilot Mod•I _ /ef.14, Max. BTU RoNna IAAKE OF FURNACE IiAodel VeM Sise, KiND OF LINE SIZE ON Drah Ho R?p?law " Filters !v ChimMy Location Insidr Outeid• Chimney Construefio?p f?`J__ Smoke Pilot Tim{ny 'U Drof"?l1? L.W. Cw Off Doo. Pressur._ Prsssur? -3r Percont CO2 ? Date Testod _ Inqvt CFH PKCSnt OZ Compony Testii Stack Tomp. ?- PKtenf CO NanM of Tester Wirin9 ? Test Tap ? Llahrtna Inst. Fum 235 '??,;; t??.r ?:• ? . - . HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD AODRESS AP7..,_FLOOR CITY SUBUR O? OCCUPANT ? OMINER G,??v?s HEAT IOSS DATE HT(i. INST. SOLD BY INSTALLED BY Elecnieal Wo.k Bp Gas Line Bp ?I TVPE OF HEAT GA A W STEAIN SPACE HTR. UN1T NTR. OTHER MAKE Model . Sorio I . !?iPU 7 Va Ivs ? Limit L1mtt SoMlnp Fan Setf inp - pilot TrPe ? Model ? Vent Siz• KIND OF LINER SIZE NONE v Dreh Heod ? R"uloror ?? •???' Fi lters Si:s ' ?Numb?r Chimner Locafion {nsidf Ouesidn Ghimmy Constrvction PilotMod.l Sn+oke Bomb - 1Miriny v Pilot Timinq draft ? Ls.aG.C Tes1 Tap L.W, Cut Off Doar Preasw• Liyhfinp Inst. P P f C0 v D t d ? h T rossure oreen 2 es a e Input CFH Pereent 02 Company Testiny Staek 7smp. Perpnf CO Nonm of Test*r Fwm 235 0 A . • • , HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD ? ADDRESS APY. FLQB CITY SUBURB OCCIiPANT ? ONNER v HEAT LOSS ?---- DATE HTG. INST. 50LD BY INSULLED BY ?- I?? EI•etrieal 1llo.k By l!I '' Gvs Line Br Zl TYPE OF HEA7 GA ZFA Hl? STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER MAKE. Model _ ? Seriol _ INPUT INodol Valw Limit ? Limit SeMinq Fon SeMinq - Pilot Type - Pilet Meko - Pilot Mod.l _ Pilot Timinq L.W. Cvt Off Pressure - Input CFH_ Stack T•mp. Fenn 235 ILS PIu9 Venl Sise KIND OF LINER SIZ?NE? , Drah Heed Reyvlaror FIMers Si:lk?1?L'i X'7 pumber L: y Ch{mmy Loeation nside Ovfiid? ZI-l' Chtmn.r Const.uetion(?_!' _ T G 1 Smok. Bomb ,/ ; wi.inp ?? . Door Pressure_ Pereent C02 ?• Date T•ated - P..c•nr 0 2 Companr T.,tiny Pwant CO ?-? NonN of Toster _ Test Ta9 Lf9F?finy inat. G • R ? • ?. HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD r' ADDRESS APT. FLQOR CITY SUBUR r OCCUPANT OMIIiER L'- HEAT LO -"r OATE HTG. INST. SOLD BY?' bz°? '-':.?• C INS7ALLED BY Elechieel 111ork By Gas Line By TYPE OF HEAT GA ---Hw STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER MAKE C?S DESIGN K FBURNER GONVERSION ?u c Model Swial Cy_!57// AAsY. BTU RafHfy INPUT L UAAKE OF FURNACE Mod.l ? ? nHeRMosT vaiv. / Llmlt ? r Limit SoMiny Fan SeHfny - Pilot Type - Pflot Make, _ Pilot IAo" _ Pilot Timinq L.W. Cut OFf LS / pi?p Vent Size L% ? T z KIND OF LINER S1tE NONE Drah Heed Royularor Flltws Si: •?`? 4oa?b?r Chimewy Loeotien Inaide Qutside OL? Qhfmner Consttuetion ? Pressur. Pereent CO Input CFH P«eent 0 Swek TPwant CO F«m 235 Sniok. BombJ_ W;,;np v Oraft Test Tao ? Doer Preasure Liyhtinp Inst. - Date Tesftd / - / / Con"nr T•st+?g NoaN of TastN ? '? ? HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD -- ADDRESS MT. OQR e CITY SUBU OCCUPANT OINNER ? HEAT LOSS AD TE HTG INST 6 '? . . ? SOLO BY _ IHSTALLED El.ct.icei we.k B Gos Lin. Br r TYPE OF HEAT G RA? ?.Hw STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT H TR. OTHER GAS DESIGN CONVERSION ; MAKE ' MAKE OF BURNER ? t Model _ C C Model Se ;al ? Max. BTU Ratlny . INPUT MAKE OF FURNACE, Model CONT S THERAWST ? V t 1 -`"- Vont Siz. Volvo % KIND OF IINER SIZE NONE ? Llndt Dreh Heod Rpulator r : • Limh SoMinp ? a, ' Fiihrs umb?rr . ?' ' pon SeKiny ?• ?Chimnoy Leaation Inside OutNde Pilot T pe Chimmy Constnuetion r Pilot IiAake ? Pilot Model Sewke Bomb M?i.inq Pilot Tlmtnp D.aft ??? PJIr'? Test Ta9 L.W. Cut Off Door Pressure Liphting Inst. 1 Pressuro Percent CO2 Do» T?sted Input CFH Pereent 01 • Cempenr Testina Stack T?mp. PKe?nt CO ? Name of Testo? Fwm 23S ry' ? HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD ? ADDRESS APT. F CITY SUBURB OCCUPAHT ONMER HEAT IOSS DA E hTG. IHST. ? SOLD BV INSTALLED BY Eieelrieal Mlork B lx 4f Ges Line By q TYPE OF HEAT (iA FA STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER 1S DESI aPN CONVERSION MAKE IAAKE OF BURNER Abod•I - Med.l 3eria1 Q IiAex. BTU Rofino INPUT MAKE OF FURNACE ? Model A? C TROL U HER T ?ZIU-.D1 ug Vont Sis• Volw KINO OF IINER SIZ NONE (.Z Limlt Droh Hoed R.yula Limit SipMlnp ???a J ' • " Fl lhrs SI{ Fan S.niny Chimney Loeation leside Outside Pttot Trp. Chimn.y Consmuctton Pitot Mok? ° ? 1 ? Pilot Mod.l ? s SmokoBomb , - _ wirin9 Pilot Timt? -r Droft J"?? / Tost Tog y L.W. Cut Off '?- Dow Pnssw. Liyhtiny lnst. Pres ure ` Percont CO Doh Testod s Z Inpul CFH Pereent OZ ' Compony Testin 7 Stock T•mp. 2 PKC"t CO NonM of TastK , i Fwm 235 : y?- ?ti?iaa.. - •,,.?. , . ?..?:vB??tiV? #'?';?.'U ?'?TFW:? ?4t?`; i ?a;..d+%? t; : ,,,c-. , 6 ? ? « HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD . ? ? ADDRESS APT. EL O R CITY SUBUR OCCUPANT ? ONMER HEAT LOSS S -- DATE TG. INST. SOLD BY INSTALLED BY ? -- Eleetriea) 1Mork B Gas LiM By r TYPE OF HEAT FA ,Hw STEAAA SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER 6AS DESIGN ? CONVER510N MAKE ' MAKE OF 6URNER Mod•t ? IAedel S?riol ABax. BTU Ratln4 INPUT AAAKE OF FURNACE ? . IiAod.l CO/ROL S TNERIrA05 AT H' Pluo Ven? Sis. % Valv. ? KIND OF LINER SIZ NO F v Lindt , Drok Head 414 Rpularor ` Limit SoNiny Fi Ifwi "Sis /Numbsr , Fan Sottiny A r Ghimney Loeetion In ido Oulsld? Pilot Typ. , Chienney ConstrucTion Pilot Mak• Pilot Medel c'r- - Smoke Bom?Wirino L?_ Pilot TlminQ ?. Droft Test Taq L-- . L.W. Cut Off Dow Presswe' Llyhtinp Inst. /w"" Prossuro Percenf COZ ?h Tested f! Inpvt CFH Pe?eenf 0? Componr T.stiny Srock Tomp. ? PKCent CO ? NanN of Tester F«m 235 . . . • c HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD . ApDRESS APT. FLOOR CITY SUBUR OCCUPANT 01NNER ' HEAT LOSS D TE HTG. INST. SOLD BY INSTALLED BY Elechica) Work Br C Goa Une Br / TYPE OF HEAT GA A Hw STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER ?G AS DESIGN CONVERSION MAKE IiAAKE OF BURNER Med?l ' Msd?l SKial AAax. BTU Ratiop INPUT MAKE OF FURNACE Mod.t Valw 4' Llmif ? Limit Seftinq Fan Settinq - Pilot Typo 1 Pilot Make ? Pilot Model _ Pilot Timinq A ? Chimnoy Loeotioe (y?jdo' Outside ? Smoln Bomb Wirinp Draft ? ?/?? T?st Toq L.W. l.ut Vtt - uow rressure_ Pressur? ` Percent C02 Dote Testod - Input CFH 0 Pereont 02 7 Conipanq 7asting Staek Temp. y Pereent CO Nonw of TestK _ insr. Fam 235 C61mrny Conshuetion ? g il+96.. . - - .. ?4;,'?b!'?.?rr . ?.. .. dc.;?;?,???,;?1?'?+F•' . ? -- r. .i4r<a . • . • • t. ? HOUSE liEATING TEST RECORD ADDRESS APT. F O CITY SUBUR OCCUPAM7 01NNER • ? HEAT LOSS ?DA E.HTG. INST. -"l? y SOLD BY 7 IHSTALLED BY j l 2 S ir Eleetrieel Mf?ork Bp Ges Line Br 1 ? - TYPE OF HEAT GA FA _?HMr STEAMI SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER GAS DESiGN CONVERSION µAKE AIAKE OF BURNER Mod.l Aled,l SKial L Me:. BTIJ Rafino ~'?-? ? INPUT MAKE OF FURNACE `- . _ AAedel / ' Cq? L 5 ?? ? -V ?.- THERliA05 T Venf Siz• , • ? t Pluq - Yolvo KINO OF LINER SIZE? NONR1/ Limit Drak MoQd R?qularor ? ' Limll SeHlny ` a Fli?s 'SI ' 4 ?? ? d? Numl+?r?-.?? ? Fan Settiny ' Chimnsy Locotien Ips ide Oufside Pitor TrP. ? Qhin+n.r Con.nuaio Pllot Make Pilot Model - Snwke Bomb Wi?ing v Pflot Tlmin9 D?aft - -? Test Taq 4,1, L.W. Cvt Off Dow Presaun ` Liqhtiny Inst. 4f ? 7/ 17/ ` Z! Presswo 15 , Porcent CD2 Doa Tested Inpv1 CFH Pereent QZ L Company Tesfiny Srock T.m PNaet CO Nan» ef T•ster ?? 4 p. Form 235 .i. .?... .y ef y=C.: v'._%t? , ../? ....1 ? ,?..y _i. 'Y +._'? ?.:.1.. ' .aH? • _ _ ? • • • ? . HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD ?ADDRESS APT. FLOOR CITY SU6UR8 dCCUPANT OMMER HEAT LOSS DATE TG. INST. ?G SOLD BY _ INSTALLED BY Elechieal Work Bp Goa Line By TYPE OF HEAT G R NI STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER GAS DESIGN CONVERSION MAKE MAKE OF BURNER ? Mod•1 Medel SMiol Max. BTU RoHna INPUT A+IAKE OF FURNACE Msd.l CONP lp 4 S THERAAOST T • wr Pluy VeM Sis. Volvo KIND OF LINER SIZ NONEL? Llmit D?ah Heod `1r" _ Repulator ;) Limit SetFit Fon SeNing Pilor Trpe Pilo1 Mek• Pilot Model Pilot Timin Fi lferfr ' Si:?' ChImney Loeation Ohimney Construction Swoke Bomb '`-?-- Drah L.W. cut otf Door P?essv?r Pressure Pereent 2- 7 r Dah Testod ._,L lnput CFH Pwcont 0 2 Company Testiny Sloek T.mp. PKani CO NonN oF Tes1er _ Outside Wirinp v .Test Ta9 . Liphfinp insl. Fwm 235 4k .• l w Ok HOU5E HEATING TEST RECORD ? ADDRESS APT. FLOOR CiTY SUBUR9`' OCCUPANT ? MfNER HEAT LOSS 72 . DA E HTG. INST. - ' ? SOLD BY iHSTALLED BY 7?? Eleet.icol Mrork Bp Gos Line Bp TYPE OF HEAT GA FA NM STEAM SPACE HTR. UHIT HTR. OTHER GAS DEStGN CONVERSION MAKE MAKE OF BURNER Mod?l 73 Ve- ? Med?l Serial ? -? Msx. BTU Ratin? ? INPUT MAKE OF FURNACE Medel __NTROL 5 'Z? ? ( 7 THERMIO? AT t PluO Vent Sis. Yelv* -? KIND OF LINER SIZE NONE ? Limit DroH Hood ? ' Reqularor Umit SoHinq Fi Ifer? 'Sis rX / Number `? . Fon Se?fioy ? Otilmner Location 1 640 Outaid Pilo? Typ. Afimmy Construction ?. P{lot IiAeke Pilof Mo" Swnoko bWi.inp ? Pilot Tl?ninq if_ Droit, g,,, , t/CP T•at Tap ? L.W. Cut OFf Door Presswe (nst. Prosswe Pereent CO ? Doh Tested input CFH ? Pe?eent 02 C-e Companr Testiny - ? Stoek T?n?p. PKCVnt CO HonN of Tester -? Fam 235 , . . . .. . ,, . ., . , . _ ., .. , . . ` ? • w ? • HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD . ? ADDRESS APT. OR CITY SUBUR ? OCd1PANT OMM E R HEAT l0 OTE FITQ INST . , SOl.O BY 1NSTALLED BY Elecfrieel Work 9y Gas Lin• By l' TVPE OF HEAT GA FA STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER 'r GAS DESICN CONVERSION MAKE MAKE OF BURNER Med.l _ 1 O µ,d.l 1\ _ ' S«iol 00 /?Z 7 Me:. BTU Rotln9 ; ? INPUT MAKE OF FURHACE d I I Ao • CO T S ? - THERMOST V.n1 Sis. plu 0 Volv. KtND OF LINER SIZE ON Limif Droh Hood ' Repulator ? Limif Sefl{ny Fil4ar4 Sise. ?Number . Fan SoMieq r Chimney Location side Outside Pilot TrP. 1• '? Cl,imn.y Conatryction - . Pilot Make 4 ? Pilot MAodol 6noke Bom Wiriny Pilet Timinq - Droft Test Too V L.W. Cuf Of( ------ Ooor Pnssure _ Li9htinp Inst. Pressuris F? Date Tested ? Poreent C0 lapvt CFH V 2 PNCent OZ ' Compony T.sting , Stock 7*mp. ` PereeM CO ? Name oi Tosfer Fwm 235 91 ` HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD ADDRESS APT. FLOOR CITY SUBURB"? OtCUPANT ON?NER HEAT LOSS DATE TG. I?ST. .? 50LD BY _ INSTALLED BY Eleefrieal Mfo?k Bq C Gas Lino By ` TYPE OF HEAT GA A HMI STEAM SPACE HTR. UNiT HTR. OTHER GAS DESIGN CONVERSION t AAAKE ? MAKE OF BURNER AAodel Alod,l Swial Alax. BTU Ratinq INPUT MAKE OF FURNACE r I Model - ? ? Vo Ivo Limit Fon Seftinq Ptlot Trp. Pilot Make P11m Med•1 Pilot Tlming ,LS Plug ?- Vont Siz• ' KIND OF LINER ; . _.W&W606i , Droh Hood v Requloh Filtert Sis ' 6_? Numb4 Chimney Locaflon rside Chimner Construcfion - ? -J-`? 5moke Bqmk Wiriny Droft T•st ' L.W. Cut Off Doo? Presswe Liyhfinq Inst. 7 Prossuro PerceM CO2 ' Date Tesftd ? lnpuf CFH_ j L Poreont 02 ' Company Testiny Stock T•mp. Perc•nt CO Nan» of T•st•r Fonn 235 PERMIT # MECNANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # CIT1f OF EAGAN - ? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 QATE CONTRACT PRICE 2 g3 O .00 PHONE 454-8100 Site Addr)ass gLpC,, TYpE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot 81ock Sec/Sub R N N es. ew Name ' M Add f ? Addres,s -on u t ? R i C ??? ? _ ? omm. r epa c City Phone Oth er Name FEES ? ? L 3 Address RES. HVAC 0•100 M BTU -$24.00 0 Ciry EAGA N phone ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 AdD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU - 12.00 TYPE OF WORK ADDITIONAL 6 M BTU - 6.00 GAS OUTLETS - 1.50 EA. Forced Air M BTU COMM/INO FEE - 196 OF CONTRACT FEE Boiler M BTU MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - 10.00 Unit Heater M BTU MINIMUM - COMMlIND FEE - 20.00 Air Cond. M BTU • STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Vent CFM BEYOND $1,000.00) Gas Piping Outlets # Other FEE $28.30 - , ? s?C. ? r r SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL II A/ FOR: CITY OF EAGAN Z44 lg?,A pj - - , OIT ss A/ p ' CITY OF EAGAN ?•? ": 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 - PHONE; 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT To be used for Est. Value +46 5+4010 Site Address ? Lot Block SeclSub. 7hGrir'?? ? ?- ?'??? Parcel No. .rs Y i J m ui Name 3 Address ° City Phone 3f?--4623 ,o Name oQ Address ? City Phone Name _ Add ress Phone I hereby acknawlege that I have read this application and state that the information is correCt and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permitee A Building Permit is issued to: on the expres5 condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Staiutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official 411 162`4 . 1\.PR 14 , 19 r ? Receipt # Occupancy Zoning (Actual) Const (Ailowable) # of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total S.F. Fooiprints On 5ite Sewage On Site Well MWCC System City Water PRV Required Booster Pump APPROVALS Planner Councii Bldg. Off. Variance OFFICE USE ONLY s" ? FEES ? BIdg.Permit 4•47v ? Surcharge 6P, 6 ~ 1 235 Plan Review , SAC, City ? SAC,MCWCC ? Water Conn ? Water Meter Acct. Deposit ' &'W Permit - S%W Surcharge Treatment PI Road Unit - Park Ded. ` Copies - TOTAL -? Permit Na. Permit Holder Date Telephone # WATER C? `I 4 _ Lc '-t?i C h SEIIVER -? PLUMBING c, /Y/ U L.j ,Y"// H.V.A.C. i A 9 ELECTRIC Z31 `J Irtspection Date Insp. Camments Footings I Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Pibg. Rough Htg. IsuL . Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg• Const. Meter ? Pibg. Inspect - Notify PI ber &;V Engr.lPlan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final We11 Pr. Disp• Of CITY OF EAGAN •.3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 • ' PH ON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for Est. Value dt?.' Date ,19 Site Address -13 13: Lot I9-1 Block Sec/Sub. ?t.? i-;' `•;-, ,=? Parcel No. s Name W = Addre ? C;itv ¢ 0 o` u¢ ? ?Q ? W Name _ W W _ g Address u " W City_ I hereby acknowledge that I have read t information is correct and agree to co Minnesota 5tatutes and City of Eagan ( Signature of Permittee _ __ _ _ A Building Permit is issued to Building all applicable State of OFFICE USE ONLY On 5ite Sewage Occupancy MWCC System Zoning On Site Well (ACtual) Const I City Water ? (AllowaWe) I PRV Required * of Stories ? Booster Pump Length I Dapth S.F. Total ' Footprint S.F. I APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Permit " Planner Surcharge .?= Council Plan Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL Permit No. Parmit Holder Dats Tslephona ? Plumbing .: . Je,. '7 7 H.V.A.C. EIBCtfIC ? / 7 3 n' or Sottener Inspectlon Date Insp. Comments Footings i ? j9 G(//g u.°.?C{-Cr?-. Footings 11 ?!?? 8 q/?j Foundation ia we Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. ze, ? [v Rough Htg. r ` , Isul. ?. *ft-OAAw Fireplace Final Htg. .??? ? s,• j.???.?i,y v?s.i•Y Sys?in. Final Pibg. Bldg. Final Cert. Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. CONTRACT PRICE: Y793S Site Address Z ? Lot Biock ` " -- // Name ? Address `?%? ?/t c Ciry Phone IAL Name c Address k' p City Phone ' FEES COMM/IND FEE - 1aY6 OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE 8? CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $2U.OU STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000.00) y i -?-- $I PEFiMITTEE j' Aft-JqAzLe-, .? ? ?O R: PERMIT t? PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN c? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: PHONE: 454-8100 Cc• BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Sec/Sub Res. New i Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO, FIXTURES TOTAL - Water Closet - $3.00 $ Bath Tubs - $3.00 ?Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 ? .? •Kitchen Sink - $3.00 ?._Urinal/8idet - $3.00 = Laundry Tray - $3.00 _TFloor Drains - $1.50 `' Water Heater - $1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIn Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: % y STATE S/C: - GRAND TOTAL: , :? •. MECHANICAL PERMIT . CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT # _ 3830 PILOT KNOB ADAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: _ Site Addr6ff ? ' , L)CL ' A BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block Secl,Syb Res. New ? Mult Add-on ? Name Comm. Re air m Address 1'`,? p c City t'L Phone Other FEES Name Q 0 RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU - $24.OQ c Address `?< `) ?- :-k -7?J? ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 p City Phone (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMI7) - 1.50 EA. TY ?_QF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Force_d A T_ M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPUES Boiler ,. ` M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADd-ON & ?;Unit Heat?r,? M BTU REMODELS - 12.00 ? Air Cond..?.' .?} M BTU $ MINIMUM COMMERGAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 Vent CFM $ (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets # ?_ c??•?_ BEYOND $1,000) Other FEE: .? S/C: SIGNATUfiE OF PERMITTEE/ ? TOSAL: ? FOR: CITY OF EAGAN • .'v . SITE ADDRESS ! 31v ??. ?d C'4 Unit # Permit L g Sect/Sub. ?L`?"?' Li'?G• ?Lb?_ (,Y' ?? INSPECTION DIITE IN8PECTOR OTHER FRAMIM6 ROU6H PLB6. ROU6H HT6. INSUL FlREPLACE FlNAL HTS. FlNAI PLBB. UMIT FINAL -s g$ -7 CEBT/OCC : F-7 4. , .. g !J h INSPECTION dATE INSPECTOR COMMENTS ZI-I /"76 ? L? ` ? .? ? ??? ? f? s ,.}?/ !`rC/ ? vC2?{rcL" ???(?') .,G _ y ? did ?- . ._.,?-. ?-- - , - SITE ADDRESS B Sect/Sub. Unit # Permit INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR OTHER FRAMINB NOU6H PLBB. HOU6N HT6. INSUL FlREPLACE FINAL HT6. FINAL PLBfi. UNIT FINAL CERT/OCC INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR COMMENTS _ S y7 ? GJ ? „G??? _ .-•-?.? . CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PH ON E: 454-8100 BUILDING To be used for Est. Value Site Address 13 13 LOPS Um'- RD Lot _19 1 31ock 4 Sec/Sub.ZA(A1+'s1A.I,F. CS47'R Iffi Parcel No. Receipt ?F ! :, ?-JV' Date UC1OBlsY 28 a Name 3 Addre 0 City - ¢ .o Name ? ` Address t'- City Phone pj WQ Name -- ? W I City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City ot Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to:_ -qk?§._ ???"RATI 0r' on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official OFFICE USE ONLY On Site 5ewage Occupancy rr'Z MWCC System Zoning On Site Well (Actuai) Const City Water (Ailowable) PRV Required # of Storles gopster Pump ? Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES EngrJAssess. Permit Planner Surcharge Council Plan Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance _ SAC, MWCC Water Conn. _ Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL _j '? • ? Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone 7t Plumbing H.V.A.C. Electric --2,?I'1 Sottener Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I v . ,. . c- Footings II /j c n/ y??B•!.cQ ?? 3??? cJ? ? w ??? ? Foundation Framing ?%:?? .,,f • ?!?>-y Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bidg. Final Cert Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. ?-?.., „ ,.. _ .... .. .? , , . _ CITY OF EAGAN 42 17167 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21- 199, Eagan, MN 55121 ?- PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PE RMIT i t?Z'E R It)K Receipt # To be used for T tiR:;Qyf.A':EA'T Est. Value ; 15,'000 Date = 1 2 , 19?fl? Site Address 1313 iANE` WIK AD Lot 1 _ 1 Block 4 Sec/Sub. ?? CIiTR OFFICE USE ONLY Parcel No. occuPancy B'Z FEES ; ? Zoning W Name UTIO?j. .??gR 8?? (Actual) Const - BIdg.Permit ibZ•? 1 Address 1313 ?? 0" ? IAllowable) - 5 7.? ? o urcharge City EACd1ti Phone 6E3-6200 # or siories - 81 00 ; Plan Review . length 00: Name OAIQiDOD EUILDRRS. INC oepin - sAC ca ? t o? Address 12901 PIONEBR TR S.F. Total . y U SAC, MCWCC F CIty EDBIf PRAIxIB Phone 941-9730 S.F. Footprints _ Water Conn On Site 5ewage _ W W Name SAME On Site Well - Wat M t Address MWCC Syslem - er e er a W C i t y Ph0112 City Water _ Acc' DepoS'' S/W P it PRV Required _ erm I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the Booster Pump - SrW Surcharge inlormation is correct and agree to comply with all appticable 5tale ol Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Treatment PI Signature of Permitee k., V APPROVALS Road Urnt BUI?ZRS# TNC A Building Permit is issued to: OAKW06D Planner - park Ded. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordlnances. gidg. pff_ _ Copies Building Official _ Variance - TOTAL 250.50 a J Permft No. Permit Holder Date Telephone 8 WATER SEWEfi PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC Inspection Dale Insp. Comments Footings I Foundation Framing Hoofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Fnal Htg. Final Plbg. Const. Meter Plbg. Inspeclor - NoUty Plumber Engr./Plan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final Q Weii Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Phot Knob Road P.O. Box 21189 Eayan, MN 55121 Permi! No: Meter No: Reader No: nW.,e.- • • Site ., Date: Size: Date: . Conn. Chg: Zoning: Acct Dep: No. of Units: Permit Fea Surcharge: I agree to comply with the City ot Eagan Tr. Plant Ordinances. Meter. By WATER SERVICE PERMIT CI7'Y OF EAGAN "?ermit No: 1131 % Date: -'211' 1AR 3830 Pilot Knab Road B/P Na Date: t 2 IS13/1,^ P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 ::0#2P Site Addi Plumber: MWCC: 1.1 :. "'i Zoning• -?: , - City Chg: No. of Units: Acct. Dep: Permit Fee: I agree to comply with the City of Eagan Surcharge: - - Ordinances. 10178 CITY OF EAGAN Permit No.: 3g30 pilot Knob Road Meter Na: ?.P.O. Box 21199 ? Reader No.: Eagan, uN 55721 'y pwner: Site Ad Plumbe oate: 6-7 69 , Size: Date: - - ? SPRINKLER (water only) METERS W? t? C? pf Eagan ARE TO BE INSTALLED AHEAD OF I agree to comp?Y Ordinances• DOMESTIC METER ON WATER UNE. CREDIT WILL NOT BE GIYEN By ; FOR DEDUCT METERS. .- ? r,a?i IN" sp R TN F.T_ J PERMIT . fO') EAGAN Permil No: Date: N ? " Size:?- --? Pilot Knob Road Meter No: ? B px 2t139 Date: in, MN 5512k-RefferNo: r': ORn 1313 Or. J..rt' iANE OAK i'D. , L7,18, 1.4, T341 Lf. Zoning: Chg: Conn . Acct Dep: No. ot Ur?its: Permit Fee: i L -F3`L nd I agree to comply wflh the City oi Eagan So Surchsrge: - Tr. Plant Meter. 7.75200 P"O Ordinance . ? Misc.: By WATER SERViCE PERMIT N Permit No: 6 88 1 13 Date: ' t EAGA CITY 3830 PUot Knob Road B/ P.O. aou 21194' g J 1?; g, Date: Eagan, MN 55121 /?13 ? "? Owner. -`t'L5 ???P LO14E K. ?'.5. , Site Address: -})WLER C0 Plumber; MWCC: $20.900 pd I,7 R ,J Zoning• City Chg: 3, 800 pd No. of Units: Acct. Dep: I agree to comply wiih the City ol Esgan PermitFee: ??'?d p? " r' Ordinayja". /:, , i .50 pd Surcharge: %: ?? AAicc • By SEWER SERVICE PERMIT NAT?nNAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS CITV OF EAGAN N9 16294 A 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ? BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-8100 Receipt # /5:?? L? ? INTERIOR $1 465 000 APR 14 89 To be used for IMPROVEMENT Est. Value ,. Date , 19 Site Address 1313 LONE OAK RD Lot 191 Block 4 SeGSub. EAGANDALE CNTR OFFice u5E ONLV Parcel No. IND PK 1ST pccupancy B-Z FEES Zaning - W Name OPUS CORPORATION (Actuaq Consl _ Bldg. Permtl 4" 470 Address P 0 BOX 150 (Allowable) - Surchar e 686 o City MINNEAPOLIS Phone 936-4623 rof scorias - g 235 2 Plan Reviaw , Length _ p Name SAME Depth - SAG City , ? AddfBSS S F. Total - ¢ SAC, MCWCC ? Cify Phone S.F. Footprints - Water Conn On SRe Sewage _ r ww NafTle OnSiteWeil - WaterMeter iz Addf@SS PAWCCSystem ? t?? aw City Phone Cnywater ?fX Aat Depasit S/W Pertnit PRV Reqmred _ I here6y acknowlege ihat I have read ihis applicahon and sta[e that the BaosterPump - SiW Surcharge information is correct and agree to comply with all app6cable State of Minnesota Statutes and y of Eaga O na s. Treatment PI ? Signature of Permrtee .La-/ APPNOVALS Road Unit A Bmlding Permrt is issued to: OP11S CORPl1RAT,7,pN Planner - park Ded. on ihe express conditwn that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council - applicable Sta[e of Minnesota StaWtes and Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. Bmg.OH. _ r-oPies 7,391 BuildingOffiaal ? ? Varianca - TOTAL I'NAT' L COMPUTER SYSTEMS CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•199, Eagan, MN 55121 N? 15943 " PH ON E: 454•8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt# To be used for BLDG SHELL Est. Value$2, 700,000 Date DEC 6 Site Address 13 13 LONE OAK RD Lot_121 Block 4 Sec/Sub. EAGANDALE C ?? 1 PK Parcel No. a Name OPUS CORPORATION ; Address P 0 BOX 150 ° City MPLS Phone 936-4623 LEITH o Name SAME , ?a Address : City Phone WW Name SAME z s Address a aW City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application antl state that the mlormation is correct and a ree to compyf'with all applica6le State of Minnesota Statutes ?d: N? oF Eagan O d+inanc¢5. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued QP1IS RPORATID?1 on the express conddion that all work shall be done in accordance wrth all applicable State of Minnesota.(?Statules and City ot Eagan Ordinances Builtling OFFICE USE ONLY On Ske Sewage _ Occupancy B-2 MWCCSystem _$_ Zoning I-1 R-D On Site Well _ (ACtuaq Const II-N SPR cirywater (Allowable) V-N SPR PRV Requved _ u of Stoiies 7 Booster Pump _ Lengfh 34$ ' Depth 3581 S.F. Total 109 , 500 Footprint S.F. 109. 500 APPROVALS FEES Engr/ASSess Permit _72150 Planner Surchar9e 1,110 Council Plan Review 5 3,57 Bltl9. Olf. SAC, City 0 3,80 Vanance SAC, MWCC 20,900 Water Conn. Water Meter RoadUnit __12YL$$ Treatment Pt --7i-7-52 Parks 12,524 TOTAL b8a999 NATIONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21 •199, Eagan, MN 55121 N? 15804 PH ONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt# ? To be used for GRADING & FOIINDATION Est. Value Date OCTOSER 28 ,19._$-- Site Address 1313 LONE OAK RD Lot_ 191 vlock 4 Sec/Sub.EAGANDALE CNTR INl Parcei No, a Name OPUS CORPORATION W z Address 9900 BREN RD E 0 City MTKA phone 936-4623 (LEIGH D o Name_ ?a Address ? City_ FW Name SAME I z,?-? Address aw City Phone I hereby acknowledge Ihat I have read this applicabon and state ihat ihe mformation is correct antl'agre ) to compl .?mtYtiall applicable Slate of Mmnesota Slatutes and i fagan Ortl Snces? ? SignaWreofPermdtee ?>-'-ti •?.??_-_ A ewlmng Permil rs issu6d ta:,-DP?!S_CQRPOBATION on the express cond ition that all work shall be tlone in accordance with ail applicable State of Minnesota StaWtes and City of Ea9an Ortlinances. ewlding OfficialJ"da? OFFICE USE ONLY On Sita Sewage _ Occupency B-2 MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ (Actuep Const Ciry Water _ (Allowable) PRV Fequired _ x of Stories Booster Pump J) _ Length Depth S.F. Total Foatprint S.F APPROVALS FEES Engc/Assess. Permit 100.00 Planner Surcharge Counctl Plan Review Bldg. OIf SAQ City Vanance SAC, MWCC WaterConn. Water Meter Roatl Unit Treatment P 1 Parks TOTAL 100.00 ? CITY OF EAGAN I N-2 17167 , 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21- 199, Eagan, MN 55121 r PHONH:454-8100 -. /? J,?tq4 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # ?l v 6 INTEBIOR To be used for jMpR0 N Est Value $. 15 ,000 Date OCT 12 , 19_&2- Sile Address 1313 LONE OAK RD Loh 191 Black 4 SeGSub. EAGANDALE CNTR OFFICE USE ONLY Parc21 No. IND PK 1 Occupancy B-z FEES Zoning - w Name NATIONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS (ActuaqConst - BIdg.Permil 162.00 o Address 1313 I.ONE OAK RD (Allowable) - 7 50 Surcharge . City F.AGAN Phone 683-6200 aolstories - Plan Review 81.00 Length _ o Name OAKwOOD RllILDERS, INC oepm - snc cny U ? Address 12901 PiONF.FR TR S.F. Tolal . - a SAQ MCWCC " Cify F.DF.N PRATRTF. Phone 941-9730 SF Faotpnnts _ Water Conn On Site Sewage _ Name qAMR On Site Well - Waler Meter N AddfBSS MWCCSystem City Phone cnywaier Acct. Deposil - PRV RBqmred _ S/W Permit I hereby acknowlege that I have read Ihis application and state ihat the Booster Pump - SiW Surcharge information is correct a gree to wmply with all applicable State ol Minneso[a Stalutes and R ot Eaqan Or?mance Treatmenl PI SignaiUre of Permilee APPROVALS Road Unil A Building Permit is issued to: O OD BUILDERS, INC Planner - park Oed. on the express condition ihal all work sha be tlone in acCOrdance with all Council applicable State of Mi nesota Statutes antl City ol Eagan Ordinances gld9, pry _ Copies Building OHicial & Nd. I{I ? ? ? .[ Vanance - TOTAL 250.50 AMD Ammik, C'T"'City of EapIl 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 6755675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 I ----------------- I FoFOffiee Use I i Pertnit - -#: 7;? L4 lH 'I ? , ? ? I Permit Fee: I I ? I ? I Date Received: I I j Staff: e.YO I L -----------------? 2008 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION" Date: '/ Z?4 O g Site Address: Tenant• ?'L}?5?? N G S Sufte #: PROPERTY OWNER Name: Phone: Address/CitylZip: Applicant is: _ Owner X ConVactor TYPEOF WORK Descriptionofwork: ?(il ??G?1 V(i p YJ? ??1"I ValV?/ Construction Cost: 5 1 C} - QD Estimated Completion Date: CONTRACTOR Name: ll ??? Inq ? /? ? rl/l (Cr License #: C? ? S Address:127ol I -/N (e- 41 Jf Zip: 1-7 ?at4 State:14I)n City: _ Phone: ?n '?? ? " ?`??? ???? Contact Person: D01 Id- ?M C/M 1 ( 0 FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE Sprinkler S stem # of heads _ Y ( , New r??(?` ? ?"? ? " IE Fire Pump - Addition ? D ?Alterations _Standpipe Remodel MAR `b R Z?ut) Other: Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: XCommercial _ Residential _ Educational FEES $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contrect Value $?-?I O.OO x 1°/, _ $ Permit Fee - If Perrnit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50. - If Perrnit Fee is >$1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each =$ State SurCharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a$1,001-$2,000 Pertnit Fee requires a$1.00 surcharge). $ i? (.F (p Q TOTAL FEE 314" Displacement Fire Meter- $183.00 $ Fire Meter $ TOTALFEE 'Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I here6y apply for a Fire Suppression System pertnit and acknowledge that the informatlon is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the Cily of Eagan and with the Minnesota BuildinglFre Codes: that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and vrork is not to start without a pertniY, that the work wlll be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. J/ X Vi vi Tk i?6(t V) X 1? IiX1M ?t ApplicanYs Printed Name Ap canY Si9nature FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Hydrostatic _ Flow Alarm _ Drain Test Rough In _ Trip _ Pump Test _ CenVal Station ? Final Conditions of Issuance: Permit Reviewed-by? Date: 3 I ! 0L t 6qyos 2005 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete foc commerciaUindus[rial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit $so.sa Date Site Stieet Address l O?.3C 0AY-? P.oJ?1? Unit # Tenant Name (if applicable) E,{4(.j SpjQ? Previous Tenant Name PropertyOwner tJCS P6y-lRSOfJ Telephone#( ) Contractor ?I L Ut, F- yZT NA EC.HfitJ1C_t4L Street Address '-4 (4 S 1 W a ST 9LCo -1 h S? R€ C-.T City r- (2) M Y4t State yV1N Zip SSLl3S Telephonelt (qS"z- ) 835. 38to Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ O[her Work Type New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove **see below ? fnterior Improvement _ Instail Piping _Processed _Gas Nature of Work: RDittvses? RFPer,?ce RE7YlRAl AiR Fs-.e,-??Avm Grz+u.k5= ? **When insfalling/removing underground tank, call for inspecfion 6y Fire Marshal and Pfumbing Inspecfor P¢Cillli r' ¢¢S: $70.50 Underground lank installatiodremoval 550.50 Minimuirt (includts Stale 8umharge) f/1 ? or ? v Contract Value $ 'Z? OSO -°s x (% _$ Z.12)? Permit Fee • If ep rmit fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 ? $ ?I'r?? • 5 d State Surcharge If ep rmit fee is over $1,000, add $.50 for every $1,000 oe rmit fee $ Total Fee 0 1 I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the inFo'rmation is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to staR without a permit; that the work will he in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. l?. M I Lj--M Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature ?? ? ? ? ? i ?? 7 i Approved By: Inspector Date: i ? ?: 1 3 9 n05 ? II ?,(?? 2005 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ?? CTTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date G /C'` / CL?? __ Site Address I -X ['? Lor'c' o' IC Unit # Tcnant Name ?Ozc_y-t, Gn Former Tenant Name Property Owner Telep6one # ( ) Contractor ? Tan"\ ASplC/r4125 ' Address lo, e City I ? y State / l A1 Zip Telephone# ( J!SX' _ 3 45 License # if 3?? 1 Ezpires: I Z- 3 I- CJ S? The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contrac[or _ Other Wark Typc New Bldg Modify Tenant Space RPZ PVB New Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Irrigation system Work within public right of-way/easement _ Yes _ No Rain sensors are reuired on irriation s stems. Description of Work To inquve iC Ressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, ca11651-675•5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify ttta[ hydrostatic, conduc6vity, and bacteria tests passed prior to picltine uo meter. Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" tuubo req'd wiless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & PriCe 3/4" disolacement $161.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Ycs _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fce $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) / q U ? Contract Value $k p 1 QQ CK? x 1% _$ b Pernut Fee $ Meter(s) Requ'ved on all new buildings & boulevard 'ungation svstems $ Radio Meter Read If permit fee is $1,000 or less, surcharge is 5.50 $ 1 57r) State Surcharge If perntit fee Is over SI,000, surcharge is $.50 per $1,000 of the Petmk Fee Following fees apply only when installing new irrigakon system $ Water PCrrttit Call Jerry W obschall az 651675-5024 for required fee amomris $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surctiarge --------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ------- ----- ---------- ------- ------- -----'- $ --------------- C?JC? Total Fee -----°--------- I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and ac4atowledge that the infoimation ls complete end accurate; tpat..uxe work wvi ce m confomiance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing ; I understand this is rio '- t,?bu ot ?'application for a peani? and work is not to start without a permit; that [he work will in accord ce with the a prov lan the'case of w k wtuch requires a review and approval of plans. 72 5 t?s ?Devi-? : ApplicanCs Pnnted Name pplicanYs Signature I CITY USE ONLY ? REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: U.G. Air Test _ Gas Test Rough In ?Final PLANS STJBMITTED APPROVED BY: BUII.DING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevazd irrigation systems- $141.00 • RPZ's must be tested every yeaz and rebuilt every five years. Test results should be mailed to Paul Heuer a[ the City of Eagan. • A minimum fee permit per address is required for Ihe following RPZ's: new, rebuild, reoair, remove. • W ater meters include copper horn/strainer, rcmote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS RE UIItING 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $125.00 4-120 1-1/2" irrigation syst $ 735.00 displacement sm commercial turbine** Public Works maxi1°um must approve continuous meter size 10 2-30 3/4" lawn imgarion $161.00 4-160 2" turbine lg irrigarion sys[ $ 931.00 maximum displacement residential & continuous sm commercial production lines 15 3-50 1" displacement very lg res $296.00 1/4 [0 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,849.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum sm commercial &. continuous & lg comm bldgs 25 irri tion s[ems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $429.00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REQUIItING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very Ig irrigation $1,182.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,563.00 syst & production very lg comm bldga lines 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit b?dga $2,282.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,076.00 very Ig comm bldgs very Ig comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very Igirrigation $2,226.00 syst & production lines Comments • To schedule inspecUOn of the inside water line and bacldlow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To attange for water turn-on, ca11 6 5 1-675-5 300. ec: Maiutenance Division Clerical Technieian Jarmary 2005 ? q `? G ?''? a. s0 •3 2005 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATTON City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 Requirements: 2 complete se[s of drawings and specifications cut sheets on materials and com onents to bc used Date ___,?L / _3 / g? Site Address: ?,3Z3 Tenant / Building Name' AqrSoit Th li A i /? h e pp cant s: _ Owner . er Contractor _ Ot PROPERTY OWNER c?iAa? Address: City: State: Zip : CONTRACTOR NIN License - CG22T ? Address: City: cv. f qa / State: ?f/f/ Zip: , S'$'//7 Phone #: 6?/-,S'?A- 3zY8 ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 7 / / OS FIRE PERMIT TYPE: ? Sprinkler System (# of heads 43 Fire Pump _ Standpipe Oth 4o A 4 er: ta r- /7ffi WORK T'YPE: _ New _ Addition _ Aherations ? Remodel Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? Commercial Residential Educational Other: . JUN 1 , Please continue on reverse side L PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Minimum Fec (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ ;70CD, Vi' x .01 • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per $1,000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $161.00 TOTAL FEE: 7Q 00 permit Fee so $ State Surcharge $ $ ? :9,a I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. f Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE j ? ., , . . I^?.. ' A ?? . . `? . .?„ . . _. ...._ - . :PertuitApproved f-???T I 6w 5 COMMERCIAL BUII.DING Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone 4 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 S sfr ? Foundation Onl New Buildin Interior Im rovement • Structural Plans (2) Sefs • Architectu2l Plans (2) sets • ArchitecW21 Pfans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) • 5trucNrel Plans (2) • Code Malysis (t) " • Certificate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans (2) • Project Specs (1) • Code Malysis (1) " . Landscaping Plans (2) . Key Plan (1) . Project Specs (1) . Code Analysis (1) " • Masler Ewt Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Tes6ng Schedule " • Certificate of Survey (1) . Energy Calculations (1) not always"' • Soils Report (1) . Spec. Insp. & Tes6ng Schedule (1) " . Elec. Power & Lighting Fortn (9) not always`* . Meter size must be esNablished . Meter size must be established . Meter size must be established-if applicable b . ProjectSpecs (1) i . EnergyCalculations (1) 1 1 . Electric Power & Lighting Form (1)" .l 1 . Master Exit Plan (1) 1 1 • Emergency ResponZe Site Plan (1) °` ' y., , d • Soils Report 1 (t) d • SAC detertnination - call 651-602-1000 . SAC de i - SAC detertninaUon - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at GS ]-215-0700 for details ra?g'arding fb?od!& ti v€'f#ge"p ging facilities. •" Contact Building Inspections for sample and if reqoire$ when it states' not &a?s' "** Permit for new buildinS or addition will not be Processed V4,. tkiput 5q*j?1?5c Re e 5ite Plan. 1 i Da[e Jrl 6 1 ?S fjy Constructi n Cost ?,384 7?j 0, ? site Address /.?/3 L6dL ?Sfjf A,qa ---- UniUSte # Tenant Name l NCS?SBn/ Former Tenant Name Description of Work F-e.nG+AF_L 1??d5 O?d? /jtiAS.4?S Property Owner Ncs Pkm_se..1 Telephone #( 9?Z) wl$l- 3 231% Contractor ?.8?/fJ15?3+?J? GOySN11JC? x,c`dnl SA0P-f'g61rS Address 12901 /'64E£2. 7;a4Ee- City I&£!d ANVW? State Zip Telephone # (9$74 9YJ1-e74?V Arcn/Engr A?TCC *mnlF.613>4t ' Regestration # Z_5732 Address S/rJ /4[7y7r -Ortlt $BdTW City :ZSw/gi?l State J,j T Zip ?°50 Telephone.# (732) SY0429 Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater sarvice: Phone #: (_) I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is cornplete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ord'mances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of wark which requires a review and approval of plans. ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Bidg. ? 14 Aparhnents ,e 27 Commercial/Industrial ? 32 Ext Alt-Apts. ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New Ile 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement •Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation /39e aoG eo? Census Code SAC Units Nbr. of Units ? Nbr. of Bldgs ? Type of Const Occupancy MC/ES System ? Zoning CityWater ? Stories ? Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length ? Fire Sprinklered W idth _ Footings (new 61dg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addiCion) Foundation Drain Tile Roof _ Ice & Water Final ? Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Insulation REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaUC.O. FinaUNo C.O. ? Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Au/Gas Tesu _ Final _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Retaining Wall Approved By (w^' , Building Inspector Base Fee ? Z/ Z./.$r Surcharge (iq• Se Plan Review MC/ES SAC ' City SAC Water Supply & Storage Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant "-' License Search Copies Other Total ce 2005 FII2E SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 Rcquirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications cut sheets on materials and comnonents to be used Date 5- ! 123 / C>s-- Site Address: f 3/,3 t Qak KX Tenant / Building Name: /V '? O?f con The Applicant is: Owner ? Contractor _ Other i--? ,,, 11 T ?.9 11 PROPERTY OWNER?? II i?iv;AY 2? 2005 Address: E?'- City: State: Zip: , CONTRACTOR SAr;44rco. MN License #: eoo.f' ?? I?l II Address: ?3AI 4'06tnT 3ir City: A?t. State /1'J,u Zip: ,$T117 Phone#: gr1-5T8'-33aO ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: pS- , FIi2E PERMIT TYPE: ? Sprinkler System (# of heads Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: ?lo wtG ? ? WORK TYPE: New Addition Alterations _X Remodel i ? Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: X Commercial _ Residential _ Educational Other: Please continue on reverse side PERNIIT FEE: $50.50 Minimum Fee (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $_ibvp,o0 x.O1 =$ '76 Permit Fee • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => $ .5p State 5urchazge IfPermif Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per $1.000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $161.00 $ W/,q TpTAL FEE: $ ']D. Q) I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes, that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. -L.??,L kr4i+ Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE REQCTiREU Il`TSPECTIONS _ I•3ydmstatie Flow A1arm Drain Tssti Rough In T. `t`rip PurapTest ` Central SYaEian Finai Condi#ions oFlssuanice: Permi# Appxo T?a#e: *dtV oF eagan February 5, 2003 • PAT GEAGAIV Mayor MR BRENT KLEIN eECGY cnatsoN LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS CYNDEE FIELDS 3700 74th AVE N BROOKLYN PARK MN 55443 MIKE MAGUIRE Mec TiL[.er 12E: 1313 LONE OAK RD Council Members Dear Mr. Klein: After reviewing plans for interior improvements to the NCS office space at 1313 Lone Oak Road, THOMAS HEDGES I find that the fire alarm system needs to be updated. All visible notification devices will need to Ciry Adminiscramr have a synchronized flash. More visual devices need to be added and tied into the fue sprinkler system to sound an alarm when the flow alarm is activated as referenced in the following code section: Municipal Center. 4-4.4• 1* Spacing in Rooms. 4- 3830 Pifot Knob Road Spacing shall be in aceordance with Tables 4-4.41.1(a) and (b) and Figure 4- Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Visible notification appliances shall be installed in accordance with Table 4-, usireg one of the following: Phone: 651.675.5000 (1) * A single visible natification appliance. Fax: 651.6755012 (Z) Two visible notifcation appliances located on opposite walls. (3) * More than hvo appliances in any field ojview, spaced a minimum of 55 ft (1676 m) fran TDD: 651.454.8535 each other in rooms 80 ft 80 ft (24.4 m 14.4 m) or greater. (4) More than two visible notification appliances in the same room or adjacent space within Main[enanw Faciliry: thQ p ,/•eI(I of view that flash in synchronization. This requirement shall not preclude synchronization of appliances thai are not within the same field of view. 3501 Coachman Poinr Eagan. MN 55122 As always, if you have any question please feel free to contact me at 651-675-5682. Phone: 651.6755300 Sincerely, Faz: 651.675.5360 TDD: 651 454.8535 `1.J v-'-'-? ? :• ? Dale Wegleimer ?.cityofeagan.wm Fire Marshal cc: Dale Schoeppner Chief Building Inspector Craig Novaczyk Senior Inspector THE LONE OAKTRLE Thc symbnl oFstreng[h and gruwdi in our communiry *,cft oF eagan January 3, 2003 PATRICIA E. AWADA Ma}ror MR. BRUCE HAVERLY PAUL BAKKEN OAKWOOD BUILDERS, INC. PEGGY CARLSON 12901 PIONEER TRAIL EDEN PRAIItIE NIN 55347 CINDEE FIELDS MEGT'ILI.EY RE: NCS PEARSON BUILDING REMODEL Coundl Members 1313 LONE OAK ROAD Dear Mr. Haverly: THOMAS HEDGFS c;ry qd,,,;,,;,Trator We have started our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a building permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhaustive and comprehensive report. Unless otherwise noted, all references aze to the 1997 U.B.C. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the mtunicipal Center. applicable codes and we aze, therefore, requesting that the following items be addressed: 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1. The State of Minnesota has not yet adopted the 2000 IBC Code. Subsequently, Eagan, MN 55122-1897 we are stil] enforcing the 1997 UBC Code. Please adjust your code analysis Phone:651.681.4G00 accordingly. Faz: 651.681.4612 Z• Add the type of construction to the code analysis. 3. Please include a plumbing fixture count complying with (Table A.29.A of the TDD: G5?.454.8535 1997 UBC Code). 4. An ambulatory toilet stall is required in the men's toilet room (208). (Chapter Maincenance Faciliry: 1341.0460, Subd. 4 MSBC). 5. The workout room exiting shall not pass through the toilet rooms. (Section 3501 Coachman Poinc 1004.2.2 1997 UBC Code). Fagan, MN 55122 6. Please include all details for accessible showers, complying with (Chapter Phonr. 651.681.4300 1341.0458 MSBC). Fax: 651.681.4360 7• Please provide the total squaze footage and design occupancy load for the existing 1llI1CIlI'OOITI. TDD: 651.454.8535 If you have any questions regazding these requirements, please feel free to call me at 651- ryofeagan.wm 675-5683. wwwd Sincerely, ? THELONEOAKTREE Je, J. Craig Novaczyk The rymbol oF.wengch and grrnvfi in our CN/id mmmuniry • SINGLE FAMILY DftELLIAGS 2 SEiS OF PLAN3 3 REGISTERED 3ITE 3DRYfiYS 1 3fiT OF EFEHGS CtLCS. 1989 BiTILDIAG PEAHIT APPLICA?IOA CITY OF EEG1?N I I I (* l?LiIPLE DYIELLINGS 2 3ST3 OF Pl.?NS BEGISTSAED 32iE SURVET3 - (CBECH iiITH BLDG DIV. ) t SEr flF EMGS CILCS. MILTIPLE DWELLIHGS B6NieL D6IiS FOE SiLB DBITS 0 OF DNITS YOTEt LDDRESSFS FOfl CORNER LOT3 - COHTAICPORBOHEOTiNEA MST DLRIGWATS ii8IC8 IDDRESS IS DESIRED. 80 CAINGFS iiILL BE lLLOfiED ONCE SDILDING PEAlSIT L4 ISSOED.. SEWER 8 iTATER PEFMIT FEES UiD ACCOUNT DEPOSIT l66S iTII.L Bfi INCLDDfiD YITB T8E BIIILDIN6 PEAMIT FEE. PHOCESSIBG 7'I!M POA SBWER AAD i1ATER PEEHITS IS TiTO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT 9A5 BEEIQ COMPLETED IN?ICATIAG A LICSIISED PLOlBER. PENALTY APPLIFS NHENs PEAMIT IS NOT PAID FOR IN 3AME MONTH IT IS REp[JESTED. LOT CEiANGE IS AEQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. -- RL L?gyW -- ECr. aa ?'TERIOF2 ??op To Be Used For: FFtr,E AOir-4 Yaluation: 1444'?, Date: 10-11-$9 Site Address /3/3 4.0nOE OAk 4m ? Lot 101 Block q Pareel/Sub rIA )?J Lrfk-,,t..Yri,? , Owmer NArLe.tlft_ Llo,rrPuTF1i 5y5?-4nS Address !313 Ld? Avlr-A,$A City/Zip Code 06,4ej, />3iV. Phone 66 3-6zma Contraetor 4#&cuao.0 Bvt..?f.Ps??._ Address /290/ AwleE.p- City/Zip Code A!?-? ?,?ti9N. SS7?f7 Phone gYl- 973a Areh. /Engr . NGS zap?u9geQ ?ua?4,E,25 Address Citq/Zip Code f??b? OFFICE OSF Occupaneq Zoning actual Const Allorrable / of atories Length Depth S.F. Total FooLprint S.F. On aite eeuage On aite Weli _ !lWCC Syatem _ City water _ PRV required _ Hooster Pump _ COl7ERCIAL 2 SETS OF 18CST[ECfURAL 8 STEDCTUltIL PLANS 1 SST OF SPECIPICAiIONS 1 SET OF F.NERG2 CALC3. FEF.S Bldg. Permit 162.00 Surcharge '7 -SD Plan Reviex 81.0a SAC, Citq $AC, MIWCC Water Conn Aater Heter Acei. Deposit S/W Permit S/N 3urcharge Treatment P1. Roed Onit Park Ded. Copies SOBTOTAL Penalty n ?OiIL } ,? • ? ? ?- Phone 0 9'f!-17730 IV,Afi.ce.aAt.- 4e,nPVY)62 EAGIIN FACILITY FLOOR PLAN KET ' ? r---- -_-_,--_....?.,- -- ;?----±----?----- F= First Aid Kit ?* Restroom E = Eeiergency Exit ' }--- - } -- I ----r----- -?-- }------ ?? = Fire Extenquisher C= Copier Loation MD = Mail Drop X-1= Fax 612-683-6285 X- T= Fax 612-683-6227 ----- ? YIUtE WSE ? •' ; r-,,,,? , CONFERENCE ROOM ? ---? -- ----r-<#- *, ?., t• il = Northstar Room f2 = GOpller R0m M) 13 = Twfns Roqm --------.r- ------?---- S . i4 = Viking Roow I F srsru?s t?rESaAnox t uttNtres = Timberwolres Rooa ' F vecIurrl sTOwwc LurcxRba FITMESS CE IER LVJ ? . a?l ? E fs TRAI ' ' ?> NINIIMI Nr. COMPUTER E? R i /2I ? i F?' ,.._......?......., - [p -V- - - - - - ?r..? ? IttWru? TMININ ri D 5V TCH MiF?! ? ??? rIoEa uoio ? r - - o? ---? ?/.jf}LIn7fC LoG+4T'•tenl /Yli4? N ' 6:c ? ? ?j.YISITOR EMTqANCE I ?'? ?------ --? ? F:71 ' I , • 1988 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS I § O Oq INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL HE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL UNITS FOR SALE UNITS # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS OPII?RCIA INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: Valuation:? 1313 l? ?JO Site Address muvv ""=-? 0 CT 18 1988 i Date: orYlct; ubt UNLY Lot /3jj Bloek 44_ On site sewage_ 10 Z,2SCAo 191 04 , MWCC system _ Parcel/Su6 (21!.qyDALE C.Onrtg,l&m PARK ' On site well , ,?y,?,' City water Owner (?y.vS PRV required _ 9gao ?? ? ? Booster Pwnp - Address City/Zip Code 9V/? JSJ?3 Phone n M.,4-S ? APPROVALS Contraetor QPU.s Engr/Assess -rPlanner Address 5f Council City/Zip Code Phone -Syr Arch./Engr. 1"9y9(J?j cae:?y7 Address City/Zip Code cr Phone !f Bldg. Off. Variance Occupancy .p'"G- Zoning Actual Const Allowable IF of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footpr3nt S.F. FEES Permit j oo, +P Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOTAL T?tiAti1'j ; NAT1oNAL- GOMPUTEIZ SySTE.1?5 ?W re??? 2 ?-? ? Iq .-' 1988 BIIILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS j q ? INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FON CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MQST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENT9L IINITS FOR SALE UNITS 0 OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COhII?RCIAC INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTUftAL & 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET SURVEY - CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT., STRUCTURAL PLANS, OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: Z+IfF4RR26Valuation: ;2,D00I000 Date: I 3 ? 3 ? ???? ?,-?. ?d i Site Address I i9 I Lot ` Block 4 E,qGn,v Dqt L 10 2LSoo 19 I c7[?. Parcel/Sub (`,Nl'?r2 Owner -T Address ?0. City/Zip Code Phone 90- "14 Z.3 (G?7r]-F ?uM Contractor Address City/Zip Code - Phone Arch./Engr. JAn'c Address City/Zip Code Phone # ??V 1 II 1988 On site sewage_ Occupancy 1.?°'Z. _ MWCC system ? Zoning 2-I R-D On site well Actual Const a-N SPIZ City water r Allowable V+-A) SPk PRV required if of stories Hooster Pump Length ? _ Depth S.F. Total y Sp(? Footprint S.F .l09542? APPROVALS FEES Engr/Assess Permit 711SO Planner Surcharge Council Plan Review 3 Bldg. Off. SAC, City 3800 Variance SAC, MWCC 2 O qoo Water Conn Water Meter - Road Unit 12108 ' Treatment Pl ?'752 Parks Z 2 Copies TOT9L g c?Qp `TL-NAIS', NA7IONNL C(::))?I-PL?L?z uvS`T?MS A*3() i <-e--r oF I ?? Ga?,c S _ .? FCAOs ?ep'm : r. .. -, () =01, U Jo, 0,3 J ? ?oo,N,x SuAGN ApGC-* , yoo t, nno3 XQ7 oo,cloo - 20o r?oaa? = 1110 9-=v?E,,,.) `?i So x so% = 3595 S_? (SASL-'?) oN 38) G ITy 3![5x/oo _ 3?evv rnOC4-, 38XS5O = 20900 TWR _ 3i&,X2oL+= 7752 12,? Ac??:?X °I?S= 121rd8 ------------ !5y`45LN::>5X ? OZ3 = IZS'Z?I = 33zy 38 ZS .--- ??5a ??TIaN-AL Co;vi 1989 HIIILDING PS9MIT APPLICATION - CI'fY OF EAGAH c 3INGLE FA!lILY DWELLING3 ' 4 0 4 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: lDDRESSES F09 CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEONNSR N03T DFSIGNATE MHICH ADDRFSS I3 DESIRED. HO CHANGES flILL BE ALLOWED ONCE B9II.DING PER!!IT I3 I330ED. MITLTIPLE DWELLZNGS BENTAL ONITS FOR SALE ONITS 1 OF ONIT3 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SUHVEY - CHECg WITH BLDG. DEPT.9 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COh4MEACIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ABCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To He Used FOr: Interior Finishing Valuation: Site Addre9s 130Lone Oak Road r- iq I Lot-jjj:L Block 4 Eagandale Center Industrial Pat^cel/Sub Park - 3-f4 (si pymer Opus Corporation Address P.O. Box 150 City/Zip Code Minneapolis, MN 55440 Phone (612)936-4623 (Leith Dumas) ContraCtor Opus Corporation Address P.O. Box 150 i City/Zip Code Minneapolis, MN 55440 Phone (612)936-4623 At`Ch./Engr. Opus Corporation Address P.O. Box 150 City/Zip Code Minneapolis, MN 55440 Oecupancy FE&3 Zoning ~ Actual Const ` Bldg. Permit 4,q70 Allowable Surcharge 66e?_ 9 of stories Plan Review Z 2 35 - Length SAC, City Depth SAC, MWCC S.F. Total Water Conn Footprint S.F. Water Meter Aect. Deposit On site seuage_ S/W Permit On site well 5/W Sureharge MWCC System ? Treatment P1. City water ?' Road Unit PRV required Park Ded. _ Booster Pump Copies _ TOTAL qa i. oa 1lPPR0VAIS Planner _ Council 4 f Bldg. Off. 4 14 Variance Council Phone Y (612)936-4623 NOTE: Sexer & Water Permit fees and aecount deposit fees xill be ineluded in the buildiag permit fee. Processing time for aever and xater permits is tvo days onoe a 1lcensed plumber has applied for a parmit at Citq Aall. 1,465,000.00 Date: 4/10/89 , . ?. VAWAT i ON IST I,O001CDCO . , '-165 l: X 1 ,ao I OL70DDt7 X .ODO-.?= ?-I los'? o0o x, o0o c( ? RIEVIUw xl II ? o K sZ> / _ : I? Zf b 5, OOU'- Z? IF' - 3 syo - 9 30 SD O IK? ?8(0 ZZ35 ^ APFLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIQN oF eagcara 1) PROPEftTY ADDRESS: 1313 Lone Oak Road; Eagan, PSN T.FY:AT. DESCRIPTION; Lot 191 ; Blk 4; Eaganda le Center Indu ., .. , , ? NOTE: PAYYMIIUIP OF FfE AT TiME OF " ; nrrLxcraIoN nofs nxrr car ; ? STI7VI'E AYPRG'JAL OP PEEiKT. ? r ; irSeMMaa oe ses,M nca/ox vu,xm ? y INS1'ALiATIOIIS WIId. NOP HE S['F7]lRxn i I7N1'iL PEI7DIIT HAS B@] AppROVNII. fa?t+:rrf/eewektt?,?te»r??xff wxef?*»i IF EXISTING STRLCTURE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BLILDING P..RMIT ISSLANCE: Nbnt Year PRESENT ZONiNG/PROPOSID LSE: Q COMN]ERCIAL/RETAIL/OFFICE I!J R-1 SINGLE FAMILY Q INDDSTRIAL Q R-2 DLPLEX (Two C'nits) Q INSTITL'TIONAL/GOVERNNIENT Q R-3 TCIWPHOUSE (Three + Units) ( Lnits) Q R-4 APARTMENT/CODIDOMINIUM ( Cnits) 2) ? NAME: Opus Corporation ADDRESS: P.O. Box 150 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Minneapolis, MN 55440 PHONE: 936-4444 3) ' ': w NP.ME : caz'.L co ADDRESS: 3is si cIf < .: sr CITY, STATE, 2IP: r?PC,s iy,d Ss-zFo S PHOP7E: f2-3 6-1.a 3 MASTER LICIIVSE # L0 23 r? 4) NCS ADDRESS: P.O. Box 150 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Plinneavolis, MN 55440 PHONE: 916-6623 (T.o;rh 5) For City Ose Pl erwLicense: (? Active i Expired Not recordec St Ia€fnitial- Q CONNECTION TO CITY SEWER FX-l CONNECTION M CITY WATER O OTHEEt 6) mS?Tu:7? y?' -3,/??'' ****+*.??***.*****?**********???*****?****??**?***********?**?**+*****??*?*?+*,?*?*+.*:****+*****??*r ? THE GOLD COPY OE THE PERNIIT WILL BE SENP DIRFX.'17,Y TO PUBLIC WORKS 1U FPCILITATE ME= PICK-C?P. * PLF.ASE ALS.OW 2SV0 WORKING DAYS FOR PROCFSSING. SONIEOIIE FROM TfiE CITY WILL CONi'AGT YOiJ IF 74ERE * ARE ANY PROBLEMS. s ?****:r********??**??*****??*?**********?*?*??***??**?********??r*+?r**t??*????#***?*,r???,r******,r*+***; .. _ '? PERMIT # ISSUED Pd w/Bldg. Permit s S ? $ $ $ $ $ $ s bd $ $ $ $ s_ 7? 7 S a. $ FOR CITY USE 4NLY FEES: $ /o s_o $ /6 S-0 $ S $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ s . SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SCTRCHARGE) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OOTSIDE READER WATER TAP (INCLODE CORPORATION STOP) SEWER TAP ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER ACCOL'NT DEPOSIT - WATER WAC SAC TRL'NK WATER ASSESSMENT TRUNK SEWER ASSESSMENT LATERAL BENEFIT/TRONK SEWER LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK WATER WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE OTHER: $ $ TOTAL ?? 9ksL g 9a RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQLIRE EXCAVATION IN POBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? Q YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK 4VITHIN PUBLIC Q ROADWAY" MUST BE TSSLED BY THE ENGINEERING NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SLBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: ? TITLE: DATE: _? j ?? December 14, 1988 BOWLER CO 511 E LAKE ST dC?t-^-- C.r.?a MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 ? RE: 1313 LONE OAR RD.t L, 191 t B4, EAGAQi CTR IRD P% #1 W99NING: BEFORE DIGGINGp CALL LOCAL ITf2LITIES - TELEPHONEt ELECTRICp GA3t ETC. - REQIIIRED BY LAW COMMERCIAL PROJECTS 014LY RXXX Your Sewer and Water Permit for the above property has been completed. It will be held at the Puhlie Works Garage (3507 Coaehman Road) until the meter is pieked up. Please come to City Hall to pay for whatever size meter you will need for this project. The s]_ze must be confirmed by either our Publie Works Dept. (454-5220) or Bill Adams (Pliunbing Inspector - 454-8100) before issuance. 5 ncerely, ? 7? Jan Severson Secretary JS / ? CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EA?GAN 3830 PILOT KNOB R0.4D EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55722 0 ?J DATE ?-' ? - -t9 MCE,Wo ), i?.c.,?-? p1t.v,-G-?-n- FRCM AMOUNT 8 / / /Q G"t7 t?? _ g OOLL4RS ?w ? CASN ,CHECK 1-3 „ ,cQ•,,???.?? ???=? '` /- 1-2 N / LLA-Aa 3 l3 FUND O&IECT AMOUNT G1? Thank You , ev -cr?c i ,??CC?n C 2341 '?'?'t?PaVers CoPv Yella?POStrtw3 Copy Pmk-File Copy x ? M ti 41 jj N N O N O ? ? ? °m ? ZZZ E W ? ? O (L a. N o ? a Z a w O Q Y ? 2 U. 0 a ? e s o m ? ? Uwmid W C ? a C) , Z s ? ? y c A m m w O ?.T. ? m ? L 3 ¢ r a `c E :J y V ? ? q ? = C O W ?o m? C ? ? L N ? $ , ? ? ^ 78 U ? LL ? m c c ,, 'E u a ? ? U O < a(n . m H f u . : F 2 I W i a W , m C) > ¢ W N cr w Q ? ? ? N47ioNAL CASH R IPT C E GAi? 3830 PILpT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE 1 IB R? vFO U , / n ?/? j)L0f;tAMOUNT $ /a o o D ?G /7g a ooLuas m ? CASH 6?CHECK "FUND OBJECf AMOUNT v 3 /6, 41V/7 /6 a a ? Thank You er C 1910 ?,eY°??. >o?q,? CITY USE ONLY L 191 BL ? RECEIPT #: 3-- SUBD. C??? ? ?• 1? ?? RECEIPT DATE: / 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55722 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? all commerciaVindustrial huildings. ? mutti-tamily buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit. DATE: /2???97 CONTRACT PRICE: ?(p,? 7C7 ? r ? WORK TYPE: _ NEW CONSTRUCTION ? INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ?,y54/t t/1),,ie? 3 711v i-Nt.s"/ AW Ae G,vrY FEES: ?$25.00 minimum fee or 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of permit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% % 3.20 PROCESSED PIPING ^ 5J STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL ?fO ? Zo SITE ADDRESS: J 3/'3 LoNP O/;V< 4)(7• /3?AJ 5-2-/2 / OWNER NAME: /VL S Com?rllbc?'.e?fcrS?TELEPHONE #: 1012- (o93 -?270 ? TENANT NAME: (mnaROVEnneNrs oNLv) /UC S INSTALLER: piI`je4f ADDRESS: tIqV 1.), CITY: /???NNPqyO/3 STATE: ? ZIP: -??SL/3S `r PHONE#: SIGNATURE: ? SIGNATUR OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR CITY USE ONLY L 1II BL PERMIT#: /-IIA- L SUBD. G d - '? f RECEIPT#: f?a a7?5 APPROVED BY: INSPECTOR RECEIPT DATE: 6--lG?oa 2000 MECHANICAI, PERMIT (CODMRCIAL) CZTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT EQNOB RD EAGAN, hIld 55122 651-681-4675 Please compiete for all commerciaVindustrial buildings mulU-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: (!? ae WORK T'YPE: New construction _ Install U.G. Tank ? Interior Improvement _ Remove U.G. Tank _ Processed Piping Wken installing/removing underground tank, call 651-6$1-4675 for inspection by fre marshal and plumbing inspector s --7-p ?V /'?+A 1"7 T" G? 11 ? 1'Aj<? 7? N-Z3 v.r l 7-e?iZ to Description of work: Fees: 1% of contract price OR $30.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Underground tank removaUinstallation = minimum fee do Conuact price: $ a /j x 1% _$?_?a b- (Base Fee) State surchazge ----?- ? 5 v calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee ? TOTAL $ G Z-?/ SITE ADPRESS: OWNER NAME: / v G J PHONE #: - ^ ??? ? (AREA CODE) TENANT IVAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONL1?: - WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? _ YX_N. NAME: INSTALLER: ADDREss:?0'75?v?t?? ?rrrb PHONE#:GI S?- (AREA CODE) CITY: STATE: M? ZIP: ?SS?T SIGNATURE OF PERMIT7'Efi ,G/9/, ??/, .ta?Gndale` 'Pk. 1 S,r a ?IEMO TO: TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORRS ED RIRSCHT, ENGINEERI27G TECHNICIAN G CRAIG RNUDBEN, ENGINBERING TECHNICIAN JIM STORM, CITY PLANNER BZLL ARINS, SLECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE MERCHAR, CONSTRIICTION ANALYBT UTILITY SILLING CLERR FROM: DOUG REIDf CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAI, DATE: The Protective Inspections Division will he performing a final inspection for occupancy of 1,313 LOn Qzk-?oa? on Nu-1+onal Q mpu{eh sys emS Please return this form within 48 hours indicating your approval or denial. Failure of response within that time frame will be determined as approval. It will be each department's responsibility to contact the construction firm with necessary requirements before final inspection and notifying the Building Inspections Division when all requirements have been met. Thank- you. DR/ j s APPROVAL• &P & DATE : 7 ? DENIAL: DATE: 1,191, -1-nc3f . f k . f S.t MEMO TO: TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORRS ED RZRSCHT, ENGINEERING TECANICZAN ?------- CRAZG RNUDSENi ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN JIM BTURMt CITY PLANNER BILL ARINSt SLECTRICAL INSPECTOR G_a7rJf?o-?'o--• JOE MERCHAR, CONSTRUCTION ANALYBT UTILITY BILL2NG CLERR B FROM: DODG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE : (O?a'?cf?8 J The Protective Inspections Division will be performing a final inspection for occupancy of 1,313 1 On Qak.--Po0.d on ?/& /89 No.d;onwl ' mPute..l^ Sy5 em5 Please return this form within 48 hours indicating your approval or denial. Failure of response within that time frame will be determined as approval. Zt will be each department's responsibility to contact the construction firm with necessary requirements before final inspection and notifying the Building Inspections Division when all requirements have been met. Thank- you. DR/j s APPROVAL: DENIAL: •? DATE: DATE : S£t ?Gi7f?-ti<? 9ccT- 6,cl+a7T < p^'l ""? ? C't-s-? ?n?,/ ?G??.<??'>...L/C?i.A ??iCr? .6?w, .CL[?+^x.?'? /?C . , ?. . : ? ???' ?= ?,P',??. ° ? . ? PROP. NCS BLDG. ? F.F. ELEV. 904.00 x?t?+ ?1OIZ r Ih?V ?r , ;.i i 3 I 1 ?? T/!tc 6APD ?RGO E o .YGT ae ? t ? • A ? / TRraw TrF uisr g .> /hTS \? C 'J} ?? wsrNay •GV.(P{46 ?? ????\. ? . es 111e1A , ???? ?Y'20• uritiTY STH. a+oo [u?E'B' PROP. STMH-7 ? 11 V I _ r \ ? ? % je- , pi E qSETENT ? ? ? p? ?PROP.L/NE O ?p WATER ?w -----__D? - ---- =-?,t - --y ?-- ------- '"` -------------- K B??RB?? T(E ? l B'rb" R6ou[ci i b? ? I nc ~? C ? 1 - ? , ...... o ? PRa 0.< ?I g'o° . i ? eo uricirr ? ?_ ? f ? EFSEAlENT ? /y' nTl i CORPORATION ,JERS - BUILOERS • DEVELOPEAS f00 Opus Cen[er 9900 8ren floatl East Minneronka. Mmnesota 55343 (6121 936-0444 December 1, 1988 Mr. Tom Colber[ City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, NIIQ 55122 Dear Mr. Colbert: RE??I?Y??'.?J ?IL L Madrng Address PO Box 150 Mmneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Enclosed is an executed Waiver of Hearing for the NCS project as required by the City Council approval of the Waiyer of Plat for this project. Our execution of this documettt in no way indicates our agreement with the current City policy and should not be viewed as precedent setCing. It is our understanding that the City Council has agreed to review the City policy with respect to the prepayment of special assessments. If changes are made in the City policy, this stipulation as applied to the National Computer Systems project will be reconsidered. We hope the discussion regarding the City policy can occur in the near future. Sincerely, 17 Tr? G, °F ? TV, 1 Michele Foster L6 t"G/I ? ?( / R -z" Director /7 JL h?? ?'GG?f? Real Estate Development ?/y?/-7 ? MF/ck &1- Q Enclosure ? /G_,l q0ri71, G1/1?71?- bl ? y 40???-y, ?YIG ol G? s? f?J aP ?? ?ar? ?o??ltrv ? f? d by ?'?'a?-? ???r ho c1 w7? 4 cl Opus and Afftliates m Minneapohs • Chicago - Phoenix Milwaukee • Tampa • Pensacola i - i ? WAIVER OF EEAHIftG N0. 00284 Special Assessment Authorization i/,de t:ere6y r=quest and authorize th= City of Ea,an, :1N (Dakota County) to assess the io11o>ring described property owned 'oy me/us: The southerly 217.2 °eet of Lot 6 and the southerly 111.09 feec of Loc 17 all of Lots 7, 18 and 19 all in Block 4, 5agandale Centar Industrial .°ark, according io c:ze recorded plat thareot, Dakota, County, '".ir.nesota, for the benefit receivzd from the following imorovements: ITEEM QUANTITY R9TE .1t90U;1T PHOJECT ?ir.ancial Obligation l.f. $111.70/1.:. a88,243.00 984 'or Lone Osk 3oad Finaneial Obligation 790 l.f. $ 13.00/1.f. $10,270.00 984 °or trail:aay ? _ %?% ? ??? ? r•' ?; v??? ?,i, ?i ?ITOTAL$ 98.513.00 years at an annuai iaterest r3te of 9" against to ba soread over 10 ' sny re:nainiag unpaid balances. ?he undersigned. `or taemselves, their heirs, executo^s, administrators, ;uccessors and assigns, 9ereby consent to the 1=vy of tnese assassments, and further, hereby ?.aaive notice of any and all nearings necessary, and waive objections to any technical defects in any proceedings r=1a`ed to these assessmerits, and further wai•re the ri3ht to object to o^ snpeal f'rcm these assessments made pursuant to this agreement. Datad: December 1, 1988 State of Minnesota OPUS CORPORATION i- 85. 1i I j ? - ? County of Hennepin By: ? le? On this lst day of December 1 1988, before me, a notary public _ within and for said County personally appeared Jeffrey w. Essen and -- to me personally known, caho being *41§i4 'oy me 9u:.V sworn did say that lshey eIle ees#?-etAz`tel-X the vice President aM*==k?ie- General ManaQer -elk Real Estate of the cOrporatioR named in the forergoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument xas signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors arid said Vice President-GeneralRAid Mana er-Real Estate acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corpora'tion. Notary Public County ; af.• J;:d;?:1.,icnmet! My commission expires: y .` -? M1Jp.°: iop- ' "_ •?B'Vd:t,a ? ?. t µy c,cmTis:ian u?ues 1-31A3 ; PI?'ary Plublic U V APPROV -?Ir gan Public Worl s Director .? „ ? ?. ?. ? I ? ?T' IAI? ` ''? ?• i PAR N 7 ? ! ? Y _'R ( J ? q2 Ui . ? j?' ? F ; • ?/ " - W - o: ? r 1 i? 1KT ? _-4 p .47 . ? P ' ,uc+ c ?? ' 14 RE613TERER UWP '?? ? SUa V?Y NQ. ?_ ? I •,.d ?.,. .. „ ? _ . M._. ? ?p,? ? iior r ATWY 8??y ? ?.. .. ...?........P^pT °f aPl?1A ? 16 t E I ? ? * # ? ? m. . . .. . _ ? --e!?r5st_ Ld 4??`.' ? . l11vol j? q ? 11 I 1 ? • .. .._ "_ ' ???. .,.. ?.r ... ....._,. e. ? ? ? ? g ? F I ? ? -aroo 03 nwi rCy ?o, ?? I PART Pe w"T OF ? A „ '. ) : . ,..? ...._._;. : ., ..f :,..?w"'°HWY?. •:4 K1 i?b ? ? ? ?'??' ? l?TtS?tl flt9MI ., ?Y ? i '?9-l? . _?? •?•?, i? - tJW iM 9F-C k"'i,T27. R23 ' .. • ? . as .w am pa ', ''' ??„` l • 4 S.P. 1982-60 (T.H. 35E) Dakota County Mn. I'roj. [ 35L-4 (143) Prorn 0.4 mile S. to 0.6 mile N. of Lone Oak Road City of Cagan Agrecincnt No. 60681 • AGENCY AND R[LOCATIoN AGREEMENT T'Ii1S AGRt:CMCN'i rnade by and between the State of Minnesota, acting by ? U and through its Commissioner of Transportation, fiereinafter called the "State" and the City of Cagan, hereinafter callcd the "Utility", W'1'I NESSL'I'I i "I'l1A'I': 1V'I IEREAS, the State has prcparr.d pians and specifications and proposes to let a contract for the conslruction oF a projec.t on the route of Pederal Aid Interstate Ifighway fJo. 35, wliich ruute forins a part of the National System of IntetState Flighways, said project being identified in the reairds of the Statc as S.P. 1982-60 (T.li. 35-390), and in thc records of the federal Flighway Administration as Mn. Proj. I 35E-11 (143) and thc projcct bcing locater' on Trunk Highway 35 froin 0.4 mile South to 0.6 inifc North o( Lonc Oal< f2nad. `NIIERFAS, authorized officials of the Pederal Highway Adniinistration, n U acting through cippropriate aiRencies and departments, have approved said foregoing pruject; and M r, ? ?- ? y/r ?j c? , INbNSTC?I.bZ 1?AKk '? I of eegen 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P,O, BOX 21199 VIC ELLISON EAGAN, MINNESOIA 55121 M? PHONE (612) 454-8100 THpAMS EGqN DAVID K. GUSiP.FSON PAMEIA McCREA 7HEODORE WACHIER Ma r ch 16 , 1989 C.°`R "'ebe. iHOMAS HEDGES CIN ?Mhobr EUGENE VAN OVFRBEKE Ctty CIBrk DON RUSSETT OPUS CORPORATION 600 OPUS CEN'PER 9900 BREN RD E MINNETONKA, MN 55343 Re: National Computer Systems - Field Servicea Building Dear Mr. Russett: We are in receipt of your letter of March 10 and the accompanying revised plans (sheets A1 through A16) for the above-referenced project. I iiave reviewed these plans for code compliance and I am returning them to you with my comments written thereon. Cer*_ain code deficiencies may not have been noted by these comments, bi.it this shall not be construed as an approval of such co(3e deficiencies nor relieve the responsible parties from compLyinq with said code. Two seta of corrected printa and specifications must be submitted with any permit application. lf yon have any qiiestions, feel free to contact me at city hall. Sincer.ely, -rA?. ?'l4'??,r.?1.n.?: ( doe Merchak Construction Analyst Enclosure JP9/mq cc: Leith Dumas, Project Manager THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF SiRENGiH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY OPUS CORPORATION DESIGNERS • BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS 800 Opus Center 9900 8ren Road East Minneronka, Minnesota 55343 (6121 936-4444 March 10, 1989 Mr. Joe Merchak Conetruction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Rnob Road Eagan, MN 55121 RE: NCS Dear Joe: LdTS"), 1r1-?q gy, eAyaNUaI= cerrrIEK I M A N S'rR 1AL, M*1 Mai6ng Address P 0 Box 150 Minneapohs. Mmnesota 55440 Following is a list of items that you, Leith Dumas, and I discuesed in your offices on February 10, 1989, as well as a subsequent phone conversation on Thursday, February 23. I trust these isauea will meet with your approval. 1. Office Corridor The office area corridor adjacent rooma 144 through 159 will be provided with smoke detection per its listing in lieu of rated walls and ceiling per U.B.C. Sec. 3305 g., Exception 5. 2. Exit from Room 117, Syetems Integration A second exit door from room 117 mill be provided in the south wall ad3acent room 124. This allows for hetter distribution of occupant load from the space. 3. Visitor Reception Area Rating The one-hour wall at reception room 174 and associated exit corridor will be extended to include the dispatch room 175. The large glass lights between rooms 174 and 175 will incorporate safety glaea With 1350 F. aprinkler heads at 61-0" o.c. both sides of the opening. 4. Room 105, Warehouse Occupancy Classification The concern over the appropriatenese of the B-2 occupaney classification for the warehouse has been reviewed and confirmed that it is appropriate. No materials will be stored that would require an H occupancy rating, nor will B-1 be an issue primarily from the fact that there ie no drive-in vehicle access to the space. Opus and Afftliates in Minneapohs • Chicago - Phoemz • Milwaukee • Tampa • Pensacola ? Mr. Joe Merchak Afarch 10, 1989 Page 1two 5. Office to Refurbishing Separation A rated aeparation between these two areas ahould not be required since both areas fall diatinctly into a B-2 occupancy. The refurbishing area is used to dismantle and repair computera and computer components, which falls in to the "workshop's using material not highly flammable or combustible" definition in the B-2 description. The insurance underwriters for NCS also claseify the refurbishing room as light hazard, which ia the same classification used for general office apace. 6. Exiting from Open Office 118 Exiting will be through door 109G to door 109F. A clear eaitway will be ensured by bollards at 3'-6" on center as shown. Per your request, the demising wall between the dock and the balance of the building will have a one-hour rating. Sincerely, 41 "Al- Don Russett Director, Project Architecture /dkz - - - - -- ??-_ _a- i- - --- - - - -- - - -- -- - - .- - cCMp?„?'-?v!LI_I?T3-G -- -- '-?-??-??_P_??NS - --- -- --- --- - - - - - "vH_?T_A'-?- - - - - ------ - - - - --- - -- --- . ---- - ., - - - ? ----- ? H?-?T -N? ?- - - - - - - -- ---- - - + . 12 -- _z4c? _'PRov ? D'? ?' c"7_2_vtc?, S?MK. •. _P? %?158G r?'??. S'_? - -- _2naM_1Z,s -- -- -- -- --- t - - -- - -- -- -----???E????---- - -- ---------- - ----- - ? - -- -- - -- - ---- - -- -- ? ??oaJ2. L7?S_ ,I3_ -? ? I ?•t_R,?T'nt'_?-- - -- - - ii . ..-_ ?. PAUic HDwE; _.orZ _No _ _jL--4't_z4-L _bN DaZ95422_A k-0- -- -- -- -----I.;?_I±?T_i??---------- -- - ------ -- LAC?rtt?_ - ---- - ?{-- - ? N? k A c. ??a_.'?'7 - - --- - -- - - -- - - - - --- -- I ? - -- - - ? ?+?? ?4-?1---- -- -- - - - - - - -- ----- -- --- - - - - -- -- --- ---- ? --- - ----- -- - ----- ---- --------------- - ---- -------- --- -- - - -?P?_? - L6_!l(?L.`?-[lylfc?- w??'I?p-- MS?3L_ l3?Jo? D_,???.?t'??? _ - -- - i ' - -------- -\ - ------ -- -- - -' --- --?J-f FL t l?? _ yP A?r?2 ?s>EA1< -- -- I -?-- - ? - - - - ------- --- - -- - --- ----? ------ ----------------- ------ I ,?- - - -- ---- -- --- - -- -- - - - - - " -- ----------- ---- - - - ---- --- ? - - --- - --- -- -------?------------ --- ------- - ---- - --- -- - - Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Stree[, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612 222-8423 December 20, 1988 Mr. Joe Merchak Construction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Merchak: This letter is to inform you that the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has made a SAC determination for the Field Services Division of the National Computer Systems to be located at Eagandale Blvd. & Lone Oak Road within the City of Eagan. It has been determined that 38 SAC Units should be assigned to this building. This determination was made as follows: SAC Units Charges: office 67,726 sq. ft Exercise Space 3008 sq. ft. Classrooms @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit 28.22 4.30 0.51 0.19 0.06 1.39 2.71 0.29 @ 700 sq. ft./SAC Unit 836 sq. ft. @ 1650 sq. ft./SAC Unit Conference rooms 312 sq. ft. @ 1650 sq. ft./SAC Unit 5torage 420 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit Refurbishinq 9,720 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit Warehouse 18,960 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit Loading Dock 2000 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft.jSAC Unit Total Charqes: 37.67 or 38 If you have any questions, please call. in rely, onald S. Bluhm Staff Engineer DSB:RWJ cc: S. Selby, MWCC Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Leith Dumas, opus Corp. cso yepII°r) R930°?990 i 2- - S ? Re! c R s TNIaGE 2 ? . ?? 2 Ll. LL STA?4? l UC r-XAA! Or- s fi'gi-,?7..0,?3&J? ? s??'D _ i 5 ?au??J dN ' 1'7- I o SA"AMALQ , : ... i i Ni6?= ,? ? '? u8c. ?-T7oN 5a 6 ?b.?l _ I T S ?4S?uNL??{!?'[' '?E .?tk-'tXh[G? w?c.c. B?' -r Mse- :- OF : G I .. - --- - . . -_ - _: :-- . ; - - ? _ - - - . ,_ - . ..: _ . - -- ?. - OPUS CORPORATION DESIGNEAS•BUILDEAS•DEVELDPEAS 800 Opus Center 9900 Bren Road East MmnetOnk2, Mmne50ta 55343 16121 936-4444 Mailing Adtlress P 0 Box 150 Minncapohs, Minnesata 55440 November 18, 1988 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 Attention: Joe Merchak Reference: National Computer Systems Eagan, MN Dear Mr. Merchak: Attached please find the following materials in support of our application for a she11 building permit for the above referenced project: (3) Certified Sets of Plans (2) Certified Specifications (3) Energy Calculations We are requesting a shell building permit because interior space programming has not been completed by NCS and revisions to the interior spaces shown are pro6able. Opus Corporation wi11 meet a11 exiting and other code requirements, including modification of the exterior she11 if required, when resubmitting for final approval of the interior. Please ca11 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, ATION OPU CO;Dumas Project Manager Attachments LTD/aw Dpus and Afftliates in Minneapolis • Chmago • Phoenix • Milwaukee - Tampa Pensacola ? OPUS CORPORATION Project f? UESIGNERS • BUILDEflS • DEVELOPERS Date ?` ?C OHices and AHiliates in Minneapolis • Chicago • Milweukee • Phcenix • Tampa • Pensacola Sheet of ? ? , ; ? :...,.. . .., . . . _. .. ;- ' ' ..._ ; i ` ? ; .. _ ? .._?.?_ ; • ? ? i ? ! I a ? ( + [ ? I ?C S? . ? 5 I 5; t?' G/??/•IR../_?I,q_,. ;T?:sG I?1ex ?rO?Olw:ld? u`R ? I. i ? ! _ ? : ? .€ _ _ ; .;...?l? v?? ?'¢=?. ;_ . ' ; ?z??;sr ? !-_ -'. , 3 ? 4 • ; t i 3 t 1 "_ .?_ .?4 . _ ? ? ! t._. _?..,._ ?.. ?- ___...? { . _.? . ¢' __ ? ... ?...,_? .. ? _ ? _ ?.._.... ? • ? !, ? •, ? I • ? ._. ._y.__. , , -- ? - ? , . i , ?. , 4, J./o?s? . O01-' _.?V40 Jbwer - - ? __ _- -- ? , UA! ...?- ? .,VA? f . f V? f?Fh ? _ . ; .._. , - ? ? . fi i •- ' _ i ?Ii.; f JGI ferpi F- A ? ? fi ??34__ • 1 ? ??i ? yls.. ? ?e_,G.eG-?«? i , ? : I I `• i ? ? , ? { ? .r? t_ ? ? ^j. k.__L' __?'_'? _ , _ S _ _i _•' y' ', ? ? ? ? -? "i ' ; . . ._ { .___ • i - -? -.t- t ? _ . . .? . . - ? . , . ? , . ? , i ? OPUS CORPORATION PrDate ?AIC /fY DESIGNERS • BUILDEflS • DEVELOPERS TA Offices and Affiliates in Minneapolis • Chicago • Milwaukee • Phoenix • Tampa - Pensacola By ?r Sheet L of ? /iANt fA71111 EH/0'// bOalt b.??s?r? fiip J •. ?. /.tJ/,C # x .078 % 961 sV,ti t, x .07 : yolr ?ae?`r 9? s. off' - IG 1 6,tt?r # "? x. ra ; 3i:s VMCrdvaa?I?HV4. ??7 ?W 7?V T x. 1.V • 413 .fmfr. ;/? /.Iry 9A x. og = tio Alp o /' Go 06 si Il, Yg8' r.ess k/...tepoe3 o )r .23 = C17$' So {/?•'/J /.J7Y JJ Y, Oit : 11 a eCpos: A!'oo! 1097VJ)4 x . of ' (SV7 12 $7t i, ww .0 /wsr ,00ftw,; gml4. ? OPUS CORPORATION Project G,s Date DESIGNERS - BUILDEflS • OEVELOPERS By ONices and Affiliates in Minneapolis - Chicago • Milwaukee • Phoenix - Tampa • Pensacola Sheet of "11 .fa64'o.l, 4) ftNAw6soa (/z •??e?vd? 61VV', eal0.11 Sec,1F: s.. o R .4:. P/.w .17 86. :ak vr A:. ,tpxa [ . 9? v "0loc'k. /nt0,144: a.% 11 A;. 1 i:'/a. ..?s?.? ij _ b/aIt Sad:.,. (D N.91. 0All p ,4:. I":Iw. • ?? Ni44s I ?'• 8cit Iws ll 1? : u.y? OPUS CORPORATION Project ? DESIGNERS - BUILDEBS • DEVELOPERS Date Ollices and Affiliates in Minneapolis • Chicago • Milwaukee • Phoenix • Tampa • Pensacola By Zew Sheet of '? (iv?wal.OVJ/??Imli f?7?vJ ? r.rO ?pd r Hf sqa lor '• QNivZ6p,//A4//1., /7QTiOlA?IJ ?irtt?,?a??? !?= . ?? ?,sm+± fvJdiiIL P, JY?w f:7?`?iobJ • \ ? ?i+aw???.o v? // A i Ir-fis.. . /7 U= Yf R ? OP ? /•,??,??? U: , sw ,4,r•• i"/, , r7' d:.. NUjvRr• ? , ?? ?isKJ?4?iir ISrg ?a?1f/YCSI? Yv° /4i/ I.?iH `??? • 6/? tV Af. 70 . &-°/IA - - oic 1 I ' z9' a,?3 ?p ? ?Q.b?iry u4-i I,, a?f f1Lak, s ai- 2. k?-t p No c,d 4o 4,, : S e. ` I ? Ca/( ei ga? Atid aPus w: i ? b Q sA..A, k 04/f 'p S;f?owd u ?I:;?I l??V; s$d PLa-H s ?.u; fE?:.. a Co???e DQyS I71A,eX,l I _ 2 n OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P O BOX 21199 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE (612) 454-8I00 REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTE: NOTZFY DAKOTA COUNTY UTILITY SERVICES OF ADDRESS CFiANGE NAME: N?TlotillaL (0MPuTEF- SY57EM5 ADDRESS: PHONE li: VIC ELLISON mafv h10MAS EGAN DAViD K. GUSTAFSON PAMEIA McCREA iHEODORE WACHTER Couri[II MernDers n+onnns HeoGEs CHy PdmrttlshWa EUGENEVAN OVERBEKE CHy Clark ADDRESS CHANGE REQUESTED FOR: G3?? I-?N? ??? ?D• ADDRESS REASON FOR CAANGE: IVL t) e tZE.FE 1?- S 1 31-?> Ln fJE OAK Q D, -i , ` A (DATE) (SIGNATURE) OFFICE IISE ONLY NEW ADDRESS 1313 LoQE O? I2D, LOT 191 BLOCK 04 - io ZLSoo 191 04 NAME OF PLAT THE IONE OAK TREE. ..THE SVMBOL Of STRENGTH /WD GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNITY 11 city oF eegan l30 1 tDAXr OAX )eD da5" /9l 04 THOMASEGAN Mayor April 14, 1993 VATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members THOMAS HEDGES City AdmininsirafoF CHERYL MOYER OPUS CORPORATION P.O. BOX 150 MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55440 RE: N.C.S. Building/88-TT Release of Bond No. 400 HY 2100 Dear Cheryl: EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CIN Clerk The City of Eagan herein releases Bond No. 400 HY 2100 for the account of Opus Corporation. This release is due to compliance of terms associated with the installation of utilities for National Computer Systems. Enclosed for your records is Bond No. 400 HY 2100. Please contact me at 681-4646 if you have any questions. Sincerel , r'C;ra;ig E. Knudsen Engineering Technician CEK/je MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX (612) 681-4612 iDD: (612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportundy/Atflrmative Action Employer MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD:(612) 454-8535 pAc?. No. 89 TT ? ? . ? ?? ST. PAUL FIRE AIYD 1WARIM?E. lN8URAIYCE COMPAlYY =Uabliry St. Paul, Minnesota A Capital Stock Company PERMIT BOND Bond No. 400 t1Y 2100 Know all men by these presents that we, pp[S ppgppgATION, y MiSplesota CArporatidR, 800 Opus Center, 9900 Bren Road East, P.O. Brni 150, Nfi.nneapolis, Mirmesota 55440 u Principal, and the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota and duly authorized to transact business in the Stare of Mi.tIIl-sota as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 as Obligee, inthesumof FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100------------------------ (?5,000.00)------- DOLLARS, for the payment whereof well and truly to be made, the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed, and dated this 15th, day of December 1988 wxEREas cne PTincipai ?t#?b6/4???/?l/ll/l//ll/lllll//l/lll/l//A??ld?lllll//ll//ll/ll/ll/lll/ll/ll//llllll/lu4/?g/! fb// has agreed to install Watermain within Street Right-of-Way, Eagandale Blvd., Opus Project 995, ldational Computer Systens, 1301 Lane Oak Road, Eagan, MN and Repaix the Street and Blvd. to a satisfactory condition tmder the City of Eagan Project No. 88-TT NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the foregoing obligation is such that if the Principal shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of the Principal's failure to comply with any of the terms of saidPexmit then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in force. Any suit under this bond must be instituted before the expiration oF two (2) years from the date on which final payment falls due. OPUS BY R fl b e r t C. Perkins , Sr c President-Fif4hc ST. PfjUL FIRE A ARINE IN URANCE COMPANY Bruce N. Telander, 10957 Rev 8-84 Printed in U S.A. t•. ... ? ,. i ?M?Wrr? M O?NM r?arY?Y? 1MV "MI , 0s Iib ...... 15th>_...... 4? ?J..._.._December ._............10.88 . • BERE?IN • ' k/w,r rv srpew! _.?bert_,C. Perkins . _...___._. .._.?.. ........_............._._?----__.__..?. b W.r p?eowally known. vho. Miwr by we lr1it wenw6 did wy NW ....... ie ........_____.1e ._...._......... flb..._...... .........?........_.............. _..... . Sr. Vicg....E5'.gs.i.dgnt .__F?1.??___....._...___._._._.__......_..... _...._OPUS _CORPORATION ...... ...... ...... _..... _ . ............... ? a?ps?atfsw, ?/..? .____..._.._............. ....._..._......._.._........_.. __._.._......_.___.... lA?{ fAwe aral sAL=d /r IL Jan/eiw( Lrhuwywl L W ?a'Mrob aal ?/ ?si1 q?Perotiaw. _... ... .. . ......_......__ _..__..._......_....r..?....._ ................._..._._.._____........._._ _.._._.__._..............._.._..... 111 ??M ? Mr. W wr?Y ?t ?rw Y Y?r1ww r1I ?wd UIs1 rsti I?k?wy?t ? ssrrtrd iw BJin!/ e/ ?s(d wysroWw ?Y ?uelle?ity eJ W das?i ?/ Robert C. Perkins .. ...._.. .. .........._.._. ...._..?.._.........._...,........._ w ................ ?rb ?RACHEL THOMAS . . . .._..... C?,?ly, ? ?..... . NOTARY PUBLIC-MINYESOTA ? .. .. . .... HENNEPIN COUNTY IOq1111YJIOLL K??YI .............._ _..........................?... .........._...... My Commrssion Expires May 18. 1992 a • ACBNOWLBDGIi(ENT OF CORPORATE BURbTY *tatt ot........... ...lIINNESQIA......... _.. ) On e1W .... . ... .15th, . ... dsy e%......_..Decerber .__._... ..1?3 .... ...?u. 5r/av sppoar+ed Bruce N. Telander Cww1y oJ__......F?PIIV ._..._. ) sw ..........._.........._.........._......__._..__.... ..............._._ lo sw Fe*sonaiiY kneas?, v1ho, DoJw/ iy wr duly Rsaw, did say ebst ........ . llr..._............L ..... .. .. .......... Ww ... Attoraey-.. ?p-f{RC.R. ' _.......?_..._....__.._.__....___... ? ........... .. ..__........._..w._...?_..___._..............._._.___..............._ e ST:,PAUL.FIRE AND MARIn'E INSURA?tiCE COMPANY / -. ............._.__. ............... .... ......._...._. __......_._. ....., s eorporalinw, ... t1?s! !lu asI e}J[ved to 17w fan&lr?/ iwwtnanwM is tke enrporats uaT eJ wid ao?pontiew..... _....... ard tAal aotd tnrenunwa1 uws wadled iw trUlJ of sald rorperattow by sWkority of ita Board eJ snd A" ?......Bruce.._N....... . elander...` _.._?...._........._...._ aekxmUdj,dwisJd inibuwaw 1e br UU /w 94-Lkj&.d.ydiPl, ^"i9!?.e. /I _....Y...y_..-------- T" ?: ••t...7a...y?..?..fi-:......_,_._.._....._NII?._......._ Xoeary P?bSfo ........................?..........._..... .__.......Co4ney, ...._II?'SOTP'.............. RACHEI r., _: iHOMAS NOiARY PUS!i,--MINNESOTA `'??•'. HENNEP!t: COiiNTY ??.?.....?.......?....._...........?....... .?.... ...._..? Mr COmmisSron Ezpires 1daY 18. 1992 R `MIMMNWV? i INDIVIDVAL ACKNOWLEDGa[SNT Statc of ;Minne$ota, co t?, ua a 1 Ow ". _._..4ay ?/.....,._......?.___r..._.?... ............. DrJw? iw. w.ewsur0ATwua..w. `.?._.. ..._.._ ...__._._. ......__..__. _..... .._.._______..._.._......_.._......_»._ ................ b wd k?oaiw fe 5r 17b D?+?.... dMeslird !+? a?d ?o/w weufed tlb Jors jdw j be?d, ud aeknwrkd/rd lkel ___.......... /nr mi swi iw/. Nelary Pul14, .... .................... . . _. ..... Cersey, .Ylaw. My eo,wntiafew sr/t+w ..... . .. .. . ........ . . • ST. PAUL F[RE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY " CERTIFICAiE OF 385 R'ashington Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . AUTHURITY N0. ForverificauonofLheawhrnudry ofthisPowaofAtrornegyoumaytdephonetollfral-80O326-2169andaskfor the Power of Attorney C7ak. Please rckr tn the Certifuete of AutFwrity No. end the named individual(s). GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY - CERTIFIED COPY 1261822 (Originai on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification.) KNOW ALL MEN BY iFiESE PRFSENTS: That St. Pad Firc and Marine lavoraoa Company, e corporatioa wganized and uisting under the laws of the State of Minnesota, having its principal ofiiee in the City ot St. Paul, Minnesota, doea hereby conaitute and appoint: Richard W. Dunphy, Bruce N. Telandez, R. W. Frank, John P. Martinsen, Gary S. Soderberg, R. Scott Eqginton, Donald R. Olson, Dennic J. I.inder, John E. Tauer, Minneapolis, Minnesota; John W. Walsh, Judith M.'Brickbauer, Madicon, Wisconsin, individually its true and lawtul attomey(s)-in-fact to execute, sesl and delivtt for and on i[s behalf as sumty, any and ell bonds and undertakings, rxogni7snces, contracts of indemniry and other writings obligatory in the nature thermf, which are m may be allowed, required or permined by law, stamte, rule, regulation, cronaact or othmvise, PIOT TO EXCEED IN PENALTY THE SUM OF FIFTY MIIS,ION ($50,000,000) EACH end the execution ot alI such instrument(s) in purauance of theu preunu, shall be es binding upon said St. PaW Firc svd Mufne Ireurann Compang az fully and amply, to all intents and purpous, as if U¢ seme had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly eleMed officers at i[s principal office. This Power of Attorney is execu[ed, and may 6e certlfied to and may be revoked, pursuant ro and by authori[y of Article Y,-Section 6(C), of the By-Laws adoptcd by the Board of Di¢nors of ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY at a mceting called and held on the 23rd day of January,1970, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 6(C): "The President or any Vice President, Assistant Vice President, Secraary or Residmt Secre[ary shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys•in-fac[, and to autAorize them [o execuh on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company [hereto, 6onds and undertakings, rxognirrnces, contracts of indemnity and othv writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint spceial At[orneys-in-fect, who arc haeby authorized to certify to copies of any powtt-oLattorney icsued in pursuantt of this uction and/or any of the By-Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove, at any time, any such Atmrney-in-fact or Special Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given him." Flather, [his Power of Attomey is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to rcsolution of the BoWd of Directors of said Company adopud at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of May, 1959, of which the following is a true excerpt: "Now thttefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixad to any wch power of ettorney or any certificate relating [hereto by facsimile, and any such powtt of attorney or ttr[ifica[e bwring such facsimilc signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so execured and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the fu[ure with respect to any bond or undertaking to w6ich it is attached." aF?RE°14NUH,µ IN "CESTIMONY WHEREOF, S1. Psol Firc and Marix Insonoa Company has caused this instrument to be sigoed and its J? .y1H? corpora[e seal to be affixed by its authorized offittr, this Ist day of March, A.D. 1984. ?§. STATE OF MINNESOTA) 67l PAUL FiRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Covnty of Ramsey SCrqANCE? . Vice President ummxa On this 7th day of July , 19 88 , before me came the individual who executed the preceding iestrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he/she is the thttein described and authotiud officer o( St. Paul Ffre sod Marine losunnce Compaoy; that the seal affued to said insvument is the Corporate &al of said Company; [hat the said Corporatt Seal and his/her signature were duiy affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN 7'EST[MONY W HEREOF,1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the aty ot S[. Paul, Minneso[a, the day and year first above written. , 9 (f . ek.,? I MARY C. CLANCY, Notary Public, Ramaey County, MN My Commission Eapira November 1, 1990 CERTTFICATION t, the undersigned officer of St. Paol Fire and Mxrioe Imarance Company, do hereby ttrtity ttiat } heve rompartd the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the ByLaws ot said Company as set forth in said Powtt of Attorney, wi[h the ORIGNAI.S ON FILE IN THE HOME O£FICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are rorzect transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full torce and effect. flRf b ' / ? IN TESTIMONY WHEREO$ 1 have hereunto ut my hand this ZrJth. dayof D2CPirbPS 119 88 . ? Sare[ary Only a certified copy of Power of A[[orney bearing the Cer[ificate of Authority No. printed in rcd on the uDPet right corner is binding. Photvcopies, wrbon copies or oiher reproductions of this documrnt are invalid and not binding upon the Company. ANY INS7RUMENT 13SUED IN EXCFSS OF iHE PENALTY AMOUNi STATED ABONE IS TOTALLY VOID AND WITHOUT ANV VALIDITY. 29550 Rev. 3-88 Printed in U.S.A 13 L d y- ? Metropolitan Council t Working for the Region, Planning for the Future 7anuary 10, 2000 Dale Schoeppner Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: Environmental Seroices The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division has determined SAC for the S. J. Knight Company Mezzanine Improvements located within the City of Eagan. This project should be charged 1 SAC Unit, as deternvned below. SAC Units Charges: Office 1932 sq. ft. @ 2400 sq, ft./SAC Unit If you have any questions, call me at 602-1113. Sin^cerely, y ???1(JJ?.? ?s?[ V i?' Jodi L. Edwards Staff Specialist Municipal Services Section JLE: (300) 00O110SB cc: S. Selby, MCES Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Earl Gebauer, Swedenborg Shaw 0.81 or 1 230 East Fifth Strect St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1626 (651] 602-1005 Fax 602-1183 TllD/TI'Y'L'l9-s/tio An Gqual Opporlunlty EmpU?er ON OPUS CORPORATION K DESIGNERS•BUILDERS•OEVELOPEAS B00 Opus Cencer 9900 Bren Aoad East Minneronka. Minnesota 55343 (672) 936-4444 November 23, 1988 Ll9/, ,Byi Mailing Address P 0 Box 150 Mmneapuhs, Mmnesota 55440 1988 DEC 0 5 Mr. David R. Zech, P.E. Administrative Design Engineer Dakota Highway Departmenc 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 420 App1e Valley, MN 55124 Re: National Computer Systems (NCS), Eagan, MN Dear Mr. Zech: Please find attached a driveway access permit application which requests County approval and issuance of a permit aLlowing National Computer Systems (NCS) to access Lone Oak Road (CSAH 26) in Eagan at the location and in the manner shown on the revised site plan for that project as attached. As you are aware, the County Board approved the issuance of such a permit at its meeting on November 1, 1988 (Resolution #88-1004) subject to three s[ipulations which were as follows: 1) Dedication of a minimum of 55 ft. of right-of-way. 2) Driveway shall be located opposite Popplar Lane. 3) Access only to be provided to a 30 space visitor parking 1ot with no connection to employee lot. Subsequent to the Board's action, I was able to obtain clarification from Gary Erickson of your department, over the intent and enforceability of stipulation #1 as it relates to the NCS property. Gary, in turn has gone over that stipulation with Dale Runkle, Community Development Director for the City of Eagan, and has proposed amending it to only require that the property owner of those underlying lots of the NCS project which immediately adjoin Lone Oak Road (Lots 7 and 19, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park 4th Addition) deed to the County a ten (10) foot easement for roadway purposes. I am in receipt of the easement description documents prepared by Mr. Jerry Kingrey, Manager of Land and Right-of-Way of your Department, who requests that said documents be appropriately executed and filed with the County as quickly as possible. We will comply with the revised ten (10) foot easement dedication requirement of stipulation #1 as well as the instructions of stipulations #2 and #3 of County Board resolution #88-1004 as adopted on November 1. It is our intent to file the deed for the ten (10) foot easement along with the waiver of plat document after the Eagan City Council acts to approve it on November 15. Opus ann AtLhates in Minneaoohs - ChiCago - Phoemx - Milwaukee • Tampa • Pensacola Mr. David R. Zech, P.E. November 23, 1988 Page -2- Your cooperation in the prompt processing and issuance of the attached driveway access permit wi11 be greatly appreciated. Call if you have any questions (936-4419). Thank you. Sincerely, Robert A. Worthington, AICP Executive Director - Governmental Affairs I'IAR1; URIV[uAY LOCATI0111lIlll STAl:E 011 PROPERiY LINE Pcrmi l Ilo. DAI(OTA COUIIi". ItIG11NAY DEPARTN[Ni llwy AOPLIUi1011 fOR ACC[55 ORIVEIMY ON ENiRAHtE PCRNIT Prtnt oc typa applltation. P111 out'end iuLl tof Onkotn Cwney Illghvay Dep*rtalnt , 7300 W. li)ch Sttcse, bults 402 ApPla Vella), N11 SSlti Skelch praperq, prosent and proposed Orivcx+ys and relKlon ta County Illghway on rererse slde. ltame of MpUu 900 Phoee 936-4419 CI[y inne on a, MN The Northwestern Mutual L1' f2 Insur?nce Co. Minnetonka, MN 4"1 °, n ?ropefty Qmtrt4 Alscr nvestorc AddrHf 9900•Bi'en Rd. E. cityR7onminotnn,MN Joint Venture loutton: Covnly Nead?ln Eagan ?ountyDakotatill ?s N-S-E-N Lone Oak Road & Eagandale Blvd. (CIrCIe ane) Dst t roa , an Mrk or raad tegal CetcrlpUan (a s shoan on your tax ft?tement) . Interacctton) a! iroperty Lots 6-7 & 17-19. Block 4, EaQandale Center Industrial Park iurpose of Industri 1 Ori.eway 0 Pesldeece ?Q61(dWPSl?1 tsDaclh type Office/warehouse-service center is 4 culr:rt necest+ryT (1) Tef [] Ilo 116+t flta uill the butidiny be Q Teaiporary or ElPernunent Is the properly le Q Platted or Q Unplotted ue+ Olstance frora cenler ol h1yMray to fronL of pwp 1sland Is n/a ftet. Is LnaAtgltv7 ar levelt x wlth Alplnr+y. ow ee in nc at uWnero/present drfver+ys to property 1 Gte- propofed driveway wlll be netdad 10/88 Glre e,ut loutton of pro sed drlvevay to prooerty Hor?? and directly across from Poppler Drive(See attached site plan) Give e:ut loutton of presmt drireray to properly See attached plan 1. we, the unJertlyned, herewith mke appllutlon for pondfslon to conslruct the auest drlre- wAr at uie aLore IeuUoe, s+IJ drlreway to 6e conetrucled la confom ulth the sundards o! U-t Illryhway Ol'putucnt +nd te any speci+l prarlslons Intludcd In the Oernlt. Il i$ aareed uwc aU obr4 vlll be done lo the 1+Uffactton of lha Itlghruy Oep+rtment. IC Is Wrlher agreed tnai ne wrt In connectlon wltN this appltcatloe wlll be started uetll the +pPliutton Is +p• Drored and the perait isiued. 11 / 11 / 88 W tc yna ura o pp u ??- for: OPUS Corporat n ' 00 HOi 4qIlE BELON TIIIS IItIE• FU-1-70 ?AL7 ACCESS OPIVCNAY OR EIITRAIKE Y Rltli .IG.yfU u?0 nUaIER[D ?'-' a? t er Pn wliti:on Is Itereby grAnted for the constrveUon of the drlvew+y +s deserlbed In the aOore nlnlluUon, fa1J Jrlveway l0 4c canstwcttd In ucord+nce wllh the Dakota County Illghwy Oe• pa.tmentti Orlvevsy Standard vlate tb. •ttachad and subJecR to the raqulreexati an the rerertit tide anJ the follewlnq sptel& prOV slonfi It 1% r•nrettly vnACrslaad that lhls panall Is conJiUaned upon rcnlueftnt er r¢slariUon o! U.r Covnty Rau to Its arlylnal or to a titltfutary conditlon. It If furlDer undentood lM t tniy pemIt If Iseucd su6Jeat ta the +OProval of laal elty, rlllays er borouqA avthorlties horin9 }olnt svpervlslon ovar sald strett or hlglmay, OAKOTA COUIIiT IIIGINAY DEPARiNCIIT ' REOUIREMENiS 1. Ib wrY under thls applttatlon Is to be ftsrted until +pDllcatlon Is aPDroved and the Oermlt lssutd. 2. roiert wrk on traveled roadway ts necest+ry. «afHe uutt be protetted, aod fl+qi, flares aed Oroper Earrludos nust be placed In +ccordance rfth Lhe sUnJards o( the Nlnnetats 1119hway OaPartaent. ]. IIO foraiqn wterl+l fvch +f dlrt, gravat, or bltusinous oiatvl+l sA+ll be lelt or deposlUd on the road durlnq the tomtrvctlon of drtreNay or Insul- l+tlon of dralnaye facllltles. 4. Noadsl0e owst 0e claned up atter worl If complaud. S. After rnaerolh+t the o WOrk Asspbate etaaplit? armittce shall lorYflo+lCln-tr tspectllgnr&y on [eql and appreval bY the Dakota Wun6y Illqhw+y Depar4nent. 6. Ib cAan9es er aIteratlonf In entr+nces ay !a rrde et any tlw wltlwut rrltten perwisslen frow the Caunty IllylixaY Deparbwnt. SPECIAL PRO\'ISlON CONTINUED No Dcposit Required row Deposit in amount ot S tequlrad and altaehed heoeto. oIsrnIGT ^iske ehecks payable lo Tiessmer, Dakota Counly. use ONIV This deposit mada 6y - Applieanl Addrsu or Patty doin` wak Nom. ? Addrna 5?clcll t`roperty, presenl and pfoposed Drlraways and rel4llon to the nearaet crosaroad. RESIDENTIAL •ENTRANCE FARM ENTRANCE FIELD. ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE IF' WIDE 24' WIDE 24 WIDE 28'WIDE CROSS-SECTION VIEW TYPICAL ENTRANCE VARIABLE ?-161 TO 28? 61 J, -- 0.3' TOPSOIL Vu. , ar sccTW? ENTRANCE CULVERT 0,5' 6:1 Noles Use ui slda slopn ? - iiLt SECiFON CuIwA It Neeefsary CROSS-SECTIONS APPROACHES AND ENTRANCES 0.3' TOPSOIL Nighmar rt NldM+r q. , DETA I L FOR CONCRETE OR B I TUM I NOUS ENTRANCE PAVEMENT VARIABLE 5 1 ? GpM ' `+?!' 1. BE ?ERMITTED ONLY IF A Tb NEIS USED TO CONSTRUCT ;--.ETE CURB. 2.0? L-1-- "A!' AREA WILL BE MEASUREO AS AND PAID FQR UNDER 1TEM . N0. 2531.501, CONCRE7E CURB 8-GUTTER' DESIGN B- 618 -- UNEAR FOOT. - S EC'f' I O N 'Y?-'IA'l ' 6" OR 8° 7p • ? 18„ VARIABLE r OPUS CORPORATION DESIGNERS - BUILDEAS - OEVELOPEAS 800 Opus Center 9300 Bren fload East Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 I6721 936-4444 November 23, 1988 Mr. ,Ierry G. Kingrey Dakota County Highway Department 7300 W. 147th Street, Suite 402 Apple Va11ey, MN 55124 Mai6ng Address P D Box 150 Mmneapolia Mionesora 55440 Re: CSAH 26, Eagandale Center Industrial Park Dear Jerry: cncLosed are revised easement documents pertaining to Lot 7 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. As we discussed, we these documents and would like you to do the same. They returned to my attention so that we may file them with a and other documents that must be filed for this project. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, i Michele Foster Director Rea1 Estate Development MF/km Encs. and 19, Block have executed shouLd then be Waiver of P1at Opus and Affdia[es m Minneapolis - Chicago - Phoenix • Milwaukee - Tampa - Pensacola OPUS TORRENS HIGHWAY EASEMENT File No. C.S.A.H. No. 26 Counc/ ioad No. S.A.Project No. Counry Project No. Parcel No. I{now atl mea by these piesents, that the aodessiped,.lxreinaftet w11ed GRANTOR in considuation of the sum of One and no/100 -------°-------------------------------- Douars(S 1.C0 ) heie6y comeys and wac:ants to t6e COUM'1' OF DAKOTA, a Munidpu Corporation of the State oE Minopota. GR.1.y'I'EE, its successocs and assigns,far tughway pucpaxs, togettter with the uniestcicted right ta impmve the same, fiee aad cleaz cf all encumbcan- as, the following desaibed ieal estate in Ux Comty of Dakota. State of Miauesaa The south ten (10) feet of Lot 7, Block 4 of Eaaandale Center Industrial Park, F'3t of record in Dakota County, Nlinnesota. GRINTOR reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the right to use said easement strip or grant rights to o[hers, for such other purpo=es as GRANTOR may deem necessary; provided, however, [hat such use or rights wi11 no[ be i:consistent with the purposes oE this grant cf easement, and provided further that GRANT"_'S facilities installed pursuant to this gran[ oT easement sha11 not be endangered. And the said GRAN!'OR does cwenant never to cu4 damage, destmy or remove any txee or sheu6 or other oamral growth upon the hereinbefoie deseaabed pmmises fot the condnuaoce of this easemen4 and dces 6exeby gaot aod coovey to the said County of Dakota all stxuctura, tcees, shxubs, grazs, aggcegate, hubage or ot6er mazuials mw eASdng on ot under said lands or that may be haeafterplanted.growvordepoutedthmeoa Nothing in this paragraph contained shall pro:iibit said GRANTOR from installing and maintaining landscaping for any improvements constructed by said GRANTOR or its successors or assigns upon the real estate adjoining said easement premises And Lhe said G1tANI'OR doea hFreby cowey to GRANTEE the a86t ro Baue pexmi.vaoo to Public Utility Carporations to place un er udlity poles aad/or other facilities oaWe above descxibed highway rig6t oi way. And Ux said GRANTOR d«s heieby release the Couary of Datcota, ies sacassois aod assigna from a11 claims for any and all damages msulting to the landc gianted under Uvs easmfent by resson of the loarion, gnding, comwceioo, mtinteaance, and use of a public lrighway mer aad upon and the removal of ma[exials &au the p*ami.ses 6eieby conveyed and fmm the utes incident txreto. Datedtlns 28th dayof Noverber ,19 88. THIS INS'TR1fME11fl DR4FFED P." JERRY G. KINGREY DAKOTA CONNIY MWY• OEPT. Suia 401L != W. 1471h 8treet NoM 1hMr. MN 66124 OPUS CO RATION - Bv /V V Its President Ecempt from dad wc. A1so, ezempt fran 51ing or mconding Cees pursaanc to Mimesota Sumte 1386.77 STATE OF MINNFSOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) This iasuument was acJmowkdged before me oa bY Notary Puolic STtiTE OF 1vII4NESOTA ) HENNEPIN ) SS. COUNTY OF DiUCM-A ) Ibis inswment was aclmowledged befom me on Novembe r 28, 1988 by Gene F:sualand ,ay Presid nr of OPUS CORFTRATION, a corporation under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public 'tREt1E V, A#dDERSOk pOTARY PUBLtC-RYIHME50iA Heroa?ai? couarr ?Y Ganndedon E?P??6e Dae. 3, 19? C? ? w 1-4 m m t0 y m O m " o p ." C] tn 0 > a ; ?gmgl n n ? ? ? Q a ? ? ?? ? n ^ w lzl C ? o ???, o? n d y O Pil p ? .._,•7,t?laUF1??.. = ?P, a -? Y4?- ? 9 > ).YVIi tlTNt10D ttJ'Cl ,o ? ? o ?• •`n T ? ? :;Rat W tXttt r?iCCNhl,t?Y ? > z ? ? a OPUS TORRENS HIGHWAY EASEMENT File No. C.S.A.H. No. 25 Counry Koad No. S.A.Project No. County Project No. Pazcel No. Kuow all men by tbese pceseats, that the undecsigued. 6eteinaftar callod GRANTOR in comideration of the sim of One and no/100 ----------------------------------------- Dollan(S 1.00 ) he:eby conveya and wacrams to the COiJIVTY OF DAKOTA. a Mwidpai Corporatioa of the SWtc of Minoesata. GRANTEE. iu sucassors and assigas,for hig6way pmposes, together with the un:eseicted right ro imptwe the same, [xee and cleaz of all eacumbran- as, the foilowing desaibed seal estate in the County of Dakota. State of Mimesots: The south ten (10) feet of Lot 7, Block 4 of Eagandale Center Industrial Park, Plat of record in Dakota County, Minnesota. GRANTOR reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the right to use said easement strip or grant righ[s to others, for such other purposes as GRANTOR may deem necessary; provided, however, that such use oi cights will not 6e inconsistent with the purposes of this grant of easement, and provided further that GRANTEE'S facilities installed pursuant to thie grant of easement sha11 not be endangered. And the said GRANTOR does cweaant oeva to cuL damage, destcoy or temove any txee or shmb or other aaNrrl growth upon the txreinbefo=e desaibed premises for tbe wntinuance of this eazemen4 and dces hereby gmt and wnvry ro the said County of Dakota all swctuxes, treea, shivbs, grass, aggregate, her4age or othermazerials now eASdng o4 or under said lands or thaz may be heeeafteiplantedgrownordepositedthemoa Nothing in this paragraph contained sha11 prohibit said GRANTOR from installing and maintaining Landscaping for any improvements constructed by said GRANTOR or its successors or assigns upon the real estate adjoining said easemen[ premises. And the eaid GRANTOR does i?Ceby coovey to GRANT'EE tha right to gcaot petmismon to Publlc Utility Corporatioav to place un er utility pola and/or other facilitfes sathe above desctibed lugha'sy rigbt oFway. And the said GRANTOR das has6y micase the Covnty of Dakota, ita sacasaocs end a4signs f:on+ atl claims fos an5' aad all damages resulting to t!x lands ganced under this essemeat by aaton of the loeadaa, gadioB, commeaon, maintanance. and use of a public highway over and upoa and the mmoval of mataials from tlx premises 6exeby coaveyed and Imm ehe uses incident Lhereto. Daoedihis 28th dayofNovafber,l9 88. THlS lNS17t7lllEM DAAF7ED B`,' JERRY G. KINGF2EY DAKGTA OOINt1Y lNW. DEP7. s„n. 401L 7= W. 147fn streW ?Pvu vOW. Wi 55124 OPUS CORPO ON , a y Its President Exemp[ avm aaa tax. nao, exempt from filing or recording Cen pursasnt to Mimesota Sntute 5386.77 STATE OF MINNFSOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OFDAKOTA ) 'Ibis iast:ument was aclmowledged beFwe me on by Notary Public STATE OFMUINFSpTA ) HENNEPIN ) SS. COUN'I'Y OF DAKOTA ) Tbis iasaument was aclmowiedged before me oo Novembe r 28., 1988 by Gene Haugland , yq_ prasidPnt of OPUS CORPORATION, a corooration under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. r ti Notary Public P 0 IREBIE Y. ANDERSON NOTARY PUBLtC-MIHNESOTA HEPoNEPIItl CDU?TY Mr c?? ?a oe6 a. i?se ? ? m ?e "4? 4; n ti 2. a ? ? ? C0 a ??" ' v? ? L' '? ° ? 'to z o C J o ? ? ?j a?-r n G ? y a Y y ? w°, ??*, ?u' `r••n " . YY1N Y'fKWCt ?0'C. UO ? y ? •"' 7?C CrJ :::rat VV oots i:C NM .yMfiV (ID d ? n > y OPUS TORRENS HIGHWAY EASEMENT File No. C.S.A.H. No. 26 County Road No. S.A.Project Counry Pmject No: Pazcel No. Know all men by these pmsents, that the undersigned, ixreinafYer called GRANTOR in coissidexation of the sum of One and no/100 ----------------------------------------- Dollacs(S 1.00 ) Ixreby conveys and wanants eo ttie COUNTY OP DAKOTA, a Municipal Cotporuion of Ilx State of Minnesota, GRANTEE, its successors and assigas,for highway purposes, toget6er with t1x uncestricud xig6t to unQrove the same, Cxee ancl cleu af all encumbran- ces, the following desaibed real estate in the Counry of Datota. State oEMinnessota: The south ten (10) feet of Lot 7, Block 4 of Eagandale Center Industrial Park, Plat of record in Dakota County, Minnesota. GRANTOR reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the right to use said easement strip or grant rights to others, for such other purposes as GRANTOR may deem necessary; provided, however, that such use or rights wi11 not be inconsistent with the purposes of this grant of easement, and provided Further that GRANTEE'S facilities installed pursuant to this grant of easement shall not be endangered. Aud the said GRANS'OR does cwenant cever to cv4 damage, destmy or mmove any tree or shcub or other oamral growth upon the txreiabefoxe descnbed premises for the condnuance of this easement, and dces hereby giant and convey to the said Counry of Dakota all snvctures, vees, shxubs, gcass, aggmgate, heibage or ot6er materials now exosting on or under said lands or that may be heteafterpianted,grownordepositedtheteoa Nothing in this paragraph contained sha11 prohibit said GRANTOR from installing and maintaining landscaping for any improvements constructed by said GRANTOR or its successors or assigns upon the real estate adjoining said easement premises. And the said GRANTOR dces here6y coavey to GRANTEE the right to grant peanission to Public Utility Coeporations to place utility poles and/or otha facilities ?g above descxibed highway right of way. And the said GRANTOR dces heroby reiease the County of Dakota, its saccessoxs and assiguc from al! claims for any aud all damages tesulting to tlx lands granted under this easement by mason of the locadoo, grading, coachuctioo, maintenaoce, and use of a pubiic highway over and upon and the amovai oE materiala f[aa the premises heieby conveyed and from the uses incideat ihe:eto. Damdthis 2 8 t h dayof Novem6er ,19 88. THIS lNSTAIMIENT OR4FTED B`.' JERRY G. KINGREY DAKOTA OOIIMY HWY. DEPT Suita 402, 7M W.147fih Street APWe V+1Mr. IW 68124 OPUS CORBCRATION By Its President ExemQt from deed wc. Also, exempt from filing or iecording tea pursaant ro Mimesota Statute §386.77 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTX OF DAKOTA ) This instxument was acknowledged before me on by Notary Public STATE OF MINNFSOTA ) HENNEPIN ) SS. COUNTY OF EUMM-A ) 'Ibis iatwment was aclmvwledged befoie me on November 28, 1988 by Gene HauQland , yq Prasidenr o£ OPUS CORPORATION, a corporation under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. J61?„o. 7I. 4"L,-J? Notary Yublic A88 piml ? w 1.4 m m ? ? m 0 vl G! ?: . R 0.1 ? n °? o y x a n al e `?. ? o Q C? ? x .., ? "8^ ? a ? o x o ag.' oEr F;d ?s n H O " Y?- ? r.4 > ? ; YWH r;urm lprc. u? fA O ? : ;`C?1 .1jr .? • M yWiIFV A y OPUS TORRENS Flle No. C.S.A.H. No. 26 Counry Road No. S.A.Pmject No. Counry Project No. Paml No. 2 Know ati men by thex pcesenn, that the nodersigoed, heneinaRet caUed GRANTOR in cornideratian of the som of One c-:d no/100 ------------------------------------------- Dollus(S 1.00 hece6y comeys and waasnts to the COUNfY OF DAKOTA, a Muoidpal Cacpocation ot the Shte of Miaoesoca, GRAN'iEE, its successors and assiBu.for highwaY pucposes, togaher wiW tht ++uT•t*+cted right to impmve the asme, hee snd desr of all encumbno- ces, the [opoatiag desrnbed mal estate io the Coucry of Dakaa, Sute oF Minoesaa The south ten (10) feet of Lot 19, Biock 4 of Eagandale Center Industrial Park, Plat of record in Dakota County, Minnesota. Grantor reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the right to use said easement strip or grant rights to others, for such other purposes as GRANTOR may deem necessary; provided, however, that such use or rights will not 6e inconsistent with the purposes of this grant of easement, and provided further that GRANTEE'S facilities ins[alled pur- suant to this grant of easement shall not be endangered. And the said GRAIV'fOR does cwenant never to cv4 damage, desaoy or mmove any tree or shrub or other namral gmwt6 upon the hasinbefoR desaibed premisea for the coatinuance of this easemeat, aod does heieby grant and convey ro the said Counry of Dakota aii swctuies, aeu, s6:ubs, grass, aggiegate, habage or other materiais oow eA.vting on or undu said lands or that may bc heiesftetplantedgowoordepm tedtheapp. Nothing in this paragraph contained shall prohibit said GRANTQR from ins[alling and maintaining landscaping for any improvements constructed by said GRANTOR or its successors assigns upon the real estate adjoining said easement premises. Aod the said GRANT'OR doea haeby convey ro GRANTEE the ag6t to gaot pecmismon eo Public Utiliry Cocparatioav to place uuliry poles and/or other facilid? n above dscribed hi ghwaq right of way. And the said GRANTOR does haeby eeleax the Coumy of Dakota, io sucasaon aod assigm frorn a11 daims for any and all damagea resulting to the imdt grantad under tlua easement by :eason of the ]ocation, gtadinB, conewcdon, maintenance, and use oE a pabiie highway aver and upon and the zemovat of mueiiais from the premi.aes hamby conveyed aud from the uses incident thueto. Dated this 28thday of November, 19 8 8. THIS 1NS7A(iMENT DAAF7ED A' JERRY G. KINGREY DAKOTA OOLlNTY NWY. DEP' SWq 102, 7300 W. 147fh Stree Apple Va1Ny. MN 55124 HIGHWAY EASEMENT OPUS CORPOR?cTION By Vice President-General Manager Real Estate Ezemgt from deed wc. ALyo, ezempt fmm S1inc or =ecmding fees pu[susnt to Mimesota Sumte §386.77 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) Zhis :num••••,,• wa4 admoakdged befoie me oa by Notaiy Public STATE OF MINN}:SOTA ) HENNEPIN ) SS. COLiNTY OF BARWA ) 'ISia insnument was admowltdged befine me on November 28, 19 8 8 by .Teffiey W. Essen ?A,q Vice PrPSidPnf-GPnPra1 ManapCr Real Estate Of OPUS CORPORATION, a cornoration under Che laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public .,.....,. . . _._.r_? , ., '39 ,-,.vt..,,,.,.yrv.,vwv?n,.W? tv 1.4 ?I 9 0".1 :0 g! a ? y n n ag O ?r C w Z s ?I ? ?' ?• '? z ? ° ? ?'Oss° ? o ? "C CD (? ? ? ? ^7 02.? O "?' ?y . ., r? Y::lf..ty ? "^L. W ? cc ?... Cb ?:11 .e.? YP?t-' _ y ???, ?' " y?- ? a m w? n Vl °e t;'Tir Y? vG?."? `. ? o ?' ° ,?,' Q 7 :• lSt.E ?a - . ;?.%. v ? E > z ?: ? ..3 OPUS TORRENS HIGHWAY EASEMENT File No. C.S.A.H. No. 26 Couary Road No. S.A.Project No. County Pmject No. Parcei No. 2 Koow ill arca by t6ae pRSmm that the mdeiaiped, haeiaaRer niied GRAIII'OR in unddaation of the am of One and no/100 ----------------°------------------------- Doliars(S 1.00 bereby couveys aod wusmu to the COVNI'Y OP DAKOTA, a Maoidpai Cotpenuoa of the Suro of Miomaa. (3RArREE. its suecmocs and auigm.for highway pw. [ogetha with the umeaciead dgbt to imQmve Ihe sune. fiee sod deu of sIl meumbno- as, the followmg desaibed eeal estau io the CoumtY of Dakata, Slau of Mioonaa: The south ten (10) feet of Lot 19, Block 4 of Eagandale Center Industrial Park, Plat of record in Dakota County, Minnesota. Grantor reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the righ[ to use said easement strip or grant rights to others, for such other purposes as GRANTOR may deem necessary; provided, however, that such use or rights will not be inconsistent with ':he purposes of this grant of easement, and provided further that GRANTEE'S facilities i:::alled pur- suant to this grant of easement shall not be endangered. Aod the aaid GRANI'OR does covemet never to cvt, damage, destmy or ronove aoy teee or siwb or other aatacal giowth upon the haeinbefo?e desaibed premiaea for t6e eontianmx oE this ememw4 aod does haebY gaot and eonvry to the said Couory of Dakota all swcnuu. tceea. shru6s. pass, aBgreSue. 6eibsge or other materiaLv now exisdog on or mda said Iand+ a that may be bacaftap(aetttj,gperpptdeppsiteQtheeepn. Nothing in [his paragraph contained shall prohibi[ said GRANTOR from installing and maintaining Landscaping for any improvemen[s constructed by said GRANTOR or its successors assigns upon the real estate adjoining said easement premises. Aod tbe said GRANiOR does haebq caovey to GRAN'I'FE tbe aght to grAm penniaaon ro Pnblie Utiliry Corponrions to place ?? ? utiliry poies aod/or othv fadlida eraunde r ne '?e ghway aghl of way. Aad t6e said GRANI'OR does heeeby teleaae the Cmmry oLDotom, its suecsasms and anips from aU ctaims for any and all damaga iesuldng to tLe laoda paoted mder thie easemeat by maeon of the london, giadio6, camtenedoa mtintwaoce. and use oF a pubile trigLway over and upou and the iemwal of mueaais t:am the peemises heieby eomeyed and fimn the usa incident ihaeto. Damd this 28thdaq of November, 19 8 8. TH1S INSTAUA1FNf DAAFTED P' JERRY G. KINGREY oawtA oaMrv Nwr. oeP- $Wft 402, 7=1 W. 147M 8tree Apple Wft 1AN 65124 OPUS CORPORATION gy ;'?-? Vice`P,fesident=General Manager Real Estate Eumpe from deed wc. A1m eumpt (rom filia¢ or tewnling [en putacmt to Minoeaora Sunne;386.77 STATE OF MINNE50TA ) ) 3S. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) Thj,S immmwrr W8f aCtOOWjlQ$W bCf01e mG OG by Notazy Public STA'I'E OF MINNFSOTA ) HENNEPIN ) SS. COUNTY OF II6%XGMA ) '!tix iattrument wm acimowledged befote me on November 28. 1988 by_,leffrey W. Essen ,83 VirP PrP iden _r n r^1 Manaper R-1 Estate aj OPUS CDRPORATION_ a corooration under the laws of M3nnesota, on behalf of the corporation. 4??TL2_ '7z' Notary Public r?ERSO- ,,, =?E COilNi??. 3• 1? ? ^ o y•• o A y Fi ? O H I a?&6 ILe a ? tr1 A ^ y? i to o I ? g, x Er ?n ?7 '7 r? O a F? '."''iT'.•'1.f'?M1:;'oqU. 4. ?i;}i .0 YP?'r?_ a ,-?n YV:H rTr:tc* rzt c,. m y ? 5' y '?,'i `7 :;"tL? .IP! OC?."C { oo?? o?? y :•::iz:: NAE.y?iV - ? ° a ? ? ?. ? 4- OPUS TORRENS File No. C.S.A.H. No. 26 Counry Road No. S.A.Pmject No. County Pmjea No. Parcel No. 2 Know all men by these p--ob. lhat the undecsiped, hieinafter called GRAN'I'4R in coasidaaNoo of the sum of One and _,/• ----------------------------------------- Douaca(S 1.00 _ .. . ) 6ae6y eoweya sod wmxaats io me COUM'1' OF DAICOTA, a Muoiapal Cotporadon of the State of Micoesota. GRANTEE, its successors and assi gm,for hi g6way purposet, together with the umestricted right to impnve the same, 6x aod dar of all eacumbrao- as, the tollowing descibed seal estate in the Crnmty of Dakota. State of D9onesaa: The south ten (10) feet of Lot 19, Block 4 of Eagandale Center Industrial Park, Plat of record in Dakota County, Minnesota. Grantor reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the right to use said easement strip or grant rights to others, for such other purposes as GRANTOR may deem necessary; provided, however, that such use or rights will not be inconsistent with the purposes of this grant of easement, and provided further that GRANTEE'S facilities installed pur- suant to this grant of casement shall no[ be endangered. And the said GRANIOR doa cweoaat aever to cut, damage, desaoy or iemove any hee or ahcub or other nam:al growt6 upon the 6aeinbeforo duaibed premixs for the wntiaumx of this eaumeot, and doa 6deby grant aod convey to the said Counry of Dakota all swctum, tmea, slau ba, grasa, aggmgate, 6abage or other mateaaLs oow adsting on or unda said lands or thaz may be 6qeafterplantedgtownordepositedihe:eon. Nothing in this paragraph contained shall prohibit said GRANTOK from installing and maintaining landscaping for any improvements cons[ructed by said GRANTOR or its successors assigns upon the real estate adjoining said easement premises. And the said GRANIOR dxs haeby cawey to GRANTE2 the right to graot pemtismon W pnblic Utility Cocpontiom to place utility poles aad/or o?ha facilitia n abave descdbed hi rigttway ght of way. And the said GRANiOR dxs baeby release t6e Comty o[Dalcota, its suceessms sod assigm trom all daims for any and ali damagea iesultng to the iandt gtanted under Uria eavemeut bq teaaon of the location, gtadin8, cooeuuctio4 maintenance. and use of a publle highway over and upon and the removal of matexiala hcm the premi.us hemby conveyed and hom the uses incideat theieto. Darcd this 28thday of November, 19 8 8. THlS INSTRtiMEM DRAfTED F' JERRY G. KINGREY DAKOTA OOUNTY 11VW. DEP'. Suft 402, 7300 W. 1471h Stree APPle VNNy. MN 55124 HIGHWAY EASEMENT OPUS CORPORA°t30N gy Vice President=General" Manager Real Es[ate PsemQt from dad wc. Also, exempt ftnm 51ias or iecotding few Qurnuat to Mimesota Sumte 3386.77 STATE OF MINNFSOTA ) ) SS. COUN1'Y OF DAKOTA ) 'ILis iosuument was admowkdgcd before me on bY Naacy Public STATE OF MINNFSOTA ) HENNEPIN ) SS. COUNTY OF ?A== ) 'ILii ia+uummt w'as aclmowledged 6efote me on Novembe r 28 . 19 8 8 by Jefftey W. Essen ?gs Vicr PrecidPnr_General M^n°ee R^1 Estate Of OPUS CORPORATION, a cornoration under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. 'lr ?.tiLj Notary Public I •`_r..;:? iS Y . t'y .^cmm:ssma `_xp:;.s ')x i7?9 ?MNNNVWVNWi'v W V W V.; N. :'.` '` h? ? E tv 1.4 ??1 I ? o? 0 9 a ? wl ry o ° o c1. I m a ?' ? ? ? ?•?. ?" 0g ?' ?- .. .. ? ? N n 5 O yI Q ?. N ? ??? 5 J a n n ?° a a 6 x w r? ? ? ? h h?y ?r ? •,- ?, T;.,«..`,, Y1 YNiH YT"UC1.! ::'Ul 1k 00."Z ,iti: NtA ?y14i4V 1 o n fA a a x 0 ?.I Id C;. ? ?% OPUS CORPORATION ?.sctieRs • au«o=.as • .,ev?o?ns :CO ODUS G-ncer ?A.L^ 6ren P.caa East •A.nneXonKa. M:nnes013 55a43 nt2i 93E-sass Ma,i ng Awrass Ffi 3m 1y3 fs:nnenDo:,°. ?.1.nnesC!3 $!740 Vovember 30, 1988 Mr. Soseph P. Ear2ey McMenomy & Severson, P.A. 7300 West 141[h Stteet Appie VaLley, *L"1 55124 Dear Mr. Earley: The Eagan Cicy Council approved a Waiver of Plat far the praposed National Comouter Systems facility on Navember 15th. A stipulacion of che approval as indicated in the enclosed City Council minutes indicace chat we prov?de a utility easement to the City hefore the Waiver of Plat can be filed. Enclosed is a proposed legal description and snrvey showing the easement. Ic is my understanding thac you will draft chis easement on behalf of the City. It is important that we be able to file the wa=ver of Plat as soon as possi6le. Therefore, I would aporeciate your t±melr response. Please let me know if you have any quesc!ons• Sincerely, ^fichele Foscer flirector Real Estate Develop+ner,t MF/ck Enclosure . ... _. ,.?...._.. ?....a.?so - amna - Fanqrnla I20'390d daoD sndo woazi es:s es, 9 D3a ? _ vi?lGu NOV 2 3 1988 OF 930 ?'LOT KNOg POAD. PO 60X 21199 4G:.N. bAINNfSOi.: 55121 iONE (012) 454-8100 November 21. 1988 Mr, 12obert Worthington Opus Corporation 9900 Bren Roaa E. Minnetonka, MN 55434 Re: Wavier o£ Plat #3-W-25-9-88 ,,,c e L+soN •.PW -149MJS LGAIN DAV+D K C' SUF`,.ON c.c:+nEW McCfiEn Tr1EOCORE \4ACh1Ei7 ;?1pMpS}ie?CE5 £{1G"eNE VWN OVSRB'KE _ •, c,H. In official actian taken by the Eagan City Council at their regular meeting held on November 15, 1988 , the City Council fazmaily approvad your .application suaject to the ..canditions refiected in the Staff Report and the City Council minutes. The minutes of the meeting will be ratified at the next City Council meeting. A copy will be sent to you. If you have any questions or ooncerns regarding your approval, please feel f=ee to contact the Planning Depaztment. Please note it is your responsibility to record the proper documents. T1le wsiver ia not cffaotiva uatil su:F timo as the recording is completed. §.?ncerely, , ?? ?/ . /' ?. ?/LG iJ?%"-',-r-'_`c? Mariiyn Wucherpfenri , Planning Aide /mlw enclosure eao•39rd iNE LONE oAK TREE 7lIE 5YM90L OF STRENGiti AND GROWiH IN DUR COI&MAININ daoo sndo WO?J-? 15:8 88, S334 hI, N ' -' N ' . ? g fl ? a OCiR1EP OF i.Of 6 ^?C'r } ?;. a : i• ? ,.}. 7 d r,' 0 a LL $ m m Cri N z J ? ?p WPo1[P oF rn[ 5 LY 01b9IT Oi t?? = ?. :t .:. f :.,. ?:. IIIY 1rE611E51YIIlBFi.OI A i_'? I ? J n, 79QOO OPUS CORPORAT?ION ? I'ROPOSEO U7IL171' EASEMENf i An easement orer, unAer, anU across the easterly 20.00 leet of that 7ar ot Lot 6, 81ock 4, EM1GAMDM1LE CEIIiE0. [NOnn7ill?u.. PFR???9 ° rly sovtheoof ha recorded Dlat thereof, 9akota Coun[y, 71ne described as wmmencing at the southwest corner oF sald Lot 6; thence on en assumed 6earing oF porth 0 degrees 04 minutrs <S secondc Hest along i the Hesterly iine of safd Lat 6 a distanca of 217.26 feet to the 4oint of 6eg1nn5ng ot snid 11ne to be destribed: thence Nortfi 69 deqrees 55 n L C 6 e and asad ,L ?fne chere termtnat?ng? feet to tne eascerly iine of satd Toqether x1th an eesement over, undcr and acraas the eastrrly 20.00 feet of that pert at Loc 7, said 91ock 4, lyfng martherly of dre Kesterlye+ter+- slon of a ltne drewn 91.67 feet northerly uf and verallel with the soutM erly 11ne of Lot 17. SaiJ Blu[1: 4• logether wtth an easement over, under, and across t6r northerly 20.00 teet af the southcrly 111.69 feet of said Lot 17• ? ' Tagether wlttt a 20.00 toot eisement over, under, and across Lots 7, 10 and 19 and the southerly 111.69 feet of sakd lot i?, snld Block 4. The ceaterline of satd 20.90 fooi easement 5s descr5bed as commencing at the v B9r deqreesc 55 Pm1n tesal5 secondsl East'aiony thefnartRerly North O southerly 111.69 feet of Lat 17 a dtstance of 138e5outh Dh tlegrees Of 6e tnnln of sa9d tenterline to be dlSLr16eA; ence 1S? 04 mtnutes 05 seconds fnst a dfstente of 39$.00 feet; thence South 41 degrees 55 m5nutes 15 secoaAS Nest a distnnce of 147.00 teet and said centerl5ne there termLnaUng. a [ hereby certlEy thet thls sKetch, plan or repOrt was prepered by me or under my dlrect supervlston and thac I am a Ou1y RegSStered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State af NSnnesota. ? oated thls 23rd day of Noreaber .1988 $UHDE LAHD SURYETING, INC. Q 6Y: 4_F+-+,-? N. ? .. 5z ¦aro . un c, . eg. o. ? W ? ? iOD?LlbMN^Yt^!?!!!_? 9ande tand 9?arvlsYtnY 213c• U W O Paqe I3/EAGAN CITY COUNCIL 14EET2NG MINUTES November 15, 1988 WAIVEA OF PLAT/NATIaN8L COtiPOTELt SYSTESlS/BAC+AAIDALE Y19DDSTSIAL PARK 15T AADITIdDl Community Developaent Dizector Dale 12us1kle inCroaucea the mat:er L'D LYIE COIlI1G1l. sob jaorthington (Opus) stated he had a concera regarding pzoDosed conaition m mmber 1 regarsung pse-PaymenL oz Lae aasessmem s. Fie stated the ConTty a3lowed the access onto Lone oak and that Opus wouid ceaicate easements. He gresented diagrams oE the site. He sCated Opus would not protest the assessments when the improvement was naae and reauestea neier.-al until thar time. Councilmembe[ Eqan questzoned the County's plan for Lone Oak. Plr. Colbet= stated it was not in the fiv eyedr plan. Mdyor Ellison zelt the Council sisoulci noc play ravorites. Counci2memher bIcCrea s=atec that perhaFs the Council should examine the golioy. McCrea re,ovea, Egan seconfied, the motion to approve the waiver oi p1aL for opus Corporazicn/Northwest Mutual Lite ta spli5 S.ots 6 ana 17, Blask 4, Eagandale Inaustrial Patk 2st Addition, tor SJasiaaal Computer Systems located alang the north side os Lone Oak Roaa ana west •ot Eegancx3e gottievard in the southwest quarter Or Bectioa 3, sub7ect to the following cend3tions: '1. jThe development accept the financial obligations as identif'ied for the benefit receined fzflm Lone Oak Boaa, the benefit receiven fzom the exi.sting sanitary sewet along the north side oE Lone Oak Roaci, anc the construction of an 8' wide bituminous trailway consistent wich exiscing zoning of the praposed developaEnt and in accordance with the City oi Eagan's Comprehensive 2railway Plan. -?? The develapsneat is responsibie for dedi.cating the agpropriate public utiiity easement for the proposed water main system for the Natioaal Computec Systems develognent. 3. The deveiopaent is responsible fox the adjustment of dnd damage tio any existing City utility system associated with site developmenC. C'7 A11 utiiities necessary to pzovide service to this development shall be designea by a registered pro£essional engineer in aaeor6ance with City Codes and engineering standatds and policies and approvea by staff pcior ta buiiding pernsit issuance. ?-g,i A detail gradinq, drainage, erosion and sediment conerol plan must be prepared in accordanCe t+ith City standaxds ana appronen hy staE£ pcior to issuance of the building permic. t70•39ad daoo sndo woa_? as:e ss, s03a ?aae 14/EAGAN CITY CGUNCIL 24EETIVG r1INUTES November 15, 1988 6. If any public improvements are to be znstallen uuaer a City ConLrac:,, the arprcp:ia:.a prajact musL be approved by Cauncil acz-an ?tior to issuanca o= the 5uildirg permit. C7:% The developrent is responsible ior the acquisiz.ian oi a11 zeaulatory agency pesmits in the time irzme :c-cruirea by r::e az=€ctea agency priflz to issnance or the building FerMit. 8. The aeveln{,^meat is zequixea to proV].ce 2 30' par"^.y setDacK fcr a aistance of 300' noctn of Lone oak xoaa. 9. hlo gart of Parcel A May be split or cransferrea without tt:e approval of the City Cauncil. all voted in fcvor, RE-ZONING/PRELI24IrlARX PLAT/T8pF1AS SI.ATER ADDI2'ION Community Deve2oFaaent Cirector Dale Runicle upnated the Counail on the mattes and sLatea that the APC recommended dpproval. Wachtet saoved, Egan seconded, the motion Co approve the re-zoning as 1.58 agricultural acres to an R-1 (single famaly) district in tne Thoatas G. Slater Addition. Al1 voted in tavar. :iachter moved, Gustafson 58COnc3ed, the motion to approve a nreliminary plat oonsisting of 2 lots locatea north ai 8ustea Roac1 ana Stozlenit Aveaue in the sauthwest quarter or Section 31, sub3ect - to the stanuazu Ca11uit1uns uL j?1aL apLJcuval ess atiuLJLeii LJy Cuutiuil action on Sepr.embet 15, 1987, shall he comglied with: B-1, B-21 H-31 3-4, C-1, C-21 C-5r D-11 E-1, F-1, and G-1. All voted in ravor. RE-ZONING/TSOlIAS LASB CENTE$ ADDITION Gustafsan moved, Wachter seconderl, the 3aotion to continue the re-zoning of Lot 11, Hlock 1, Thomas I,ake Ceatet Acl3±t:cn, zram single famiiy to publiC faCiiity for We11 No. 13 to the December 6, 1588, City Council meeting, All voted in f avor. CITY aTTORNEY UPDATE City Attarr.ey 3im Sheldon updated the Ceuncil on the status of pending litigation ana othes legal matters. PROJECT 543/SXYLIN& D&IVE/5I8LEY SILLS DRIVE 2JPGRADING (PRSTTYXAns gEIGHTS) Pub1iC Works DirectoY Tom ColberL briefly reviewed the assessmeslt options to the Council. He also ontliaed the Pormula usea Lo determine the amount of area assessment. Se answered qusstians Erom the Council regarding the benefits, location, ete. Councilmember Sz0'3Dt1d dao3 sndo WOad ES:B 88, s D3Q 9Za'390d 70101 *K ?? '• . '? ? ., I I Lor e (r ; S BIOCXI V ?+ ! I M /?^? 7 ?3 ia5 CI ! ?`V ;,•., ? ?1?? ??? ,.,?? \q,?y '????,I l m • r. . ?• a ,.k. . : ? '. :: at . / ??, 'y N ? . ? ._.r.? ?^ ?r . ? f • REGISTERED L?:0 SURVEY N0. aT _ ••+e . _ _. +' ?••+••. . .? ? ? - . "' ? ?. . ??lS 7R?'"?r?• , ro•, , V p? ? ? ? ? wMX OE9T ? ?RMl9P1'R?GTIQN R?WR OF ?f • .?y? _i . ? ? ??rl M?Y P? ST 4Q 19-}5 . . „• 4 ' ; '?r-' -- - + Jt ? ? ..Q? a?Rt :• >¢Ai `?? ??b •' y? '7 ? 'nl: ? - .2? . 'r ^ II + i I 3 .. Yd. 1 ?1 '.?1Y.Y: • ? ?\ 'sY? 14'Z;},::•Yi}J?rr.si?}i?SCe?i•':•r?.v• ' ? ; ?- e^yK".F,? t.i'y4`'? tif1?• r?••, :•,{-?,f??'•, s S'+; o,?. ?1 ia i r ' _ ,. ?} ?'.v,:ti ?°v'?•?•• «? ?`? . ? - ? i J . . ;• ?1 h ? 6 : ?? y ?.? n4,? { ?wl. •?L'-? ? q,?? ? ?,i?' ?.. \ ? ?4 r• • ?r • 'l? f ?{V ' $ . t• r:??'• I IIi I .? roa'_ • J!? t i i??V. SI• A:•.?V: ?.y??1? 1, . ? 4 4?.< 4 ?4Y J:.?.L ?V.? f! JJ J• I . " I ' x . . . . , :ti4 i. t? :??y? ?? v v:?itii•' ?•yx'•••v ? • ••4 . ti:. ?11 •A'?? N A {1!: VN I ? - S? • •l: ? h .?y?G J r 4YX I ? v.?. ? •.ti?.' . • til.•,' • ' • • ' 're.v ? ?; , .,},.}i'i ?.71r ,y . +•??ti? ?uy tY `h ?.i 1?l).?;: ? 1 ? • • . • "1??1??. ?? 1.'.?.Y. ` ? d ?.x - '•. VA?L::L?? .ti ^ !{ j•?? FX.?:??. . . ??,( ..,? .,?;.,tifs.•? "?{?"? 'tik.rn x?•t„ v. y ?ll ? • '?Y? i?'1' 4??fM1(? ri](C?.} i 4?'`y?'4?t?.?. r?'J Y?? AVy?V?? i?l ' : .t '?'.. ???J'•' t" { 91 vJ11. ??••• ? •a P.? .Rtit;{tiC ?::. ?', }:;h 7hV.?:'??'?'.?.fy'' j '. •vry•'? 1. •.v • -. ? j. ? ? ? •? f5? }f,?,?_ "..??.,x,?.i<• }n ??i• • I : s r }',??.'t y v: ?. . ?'?,x'iti;. A .• ?'+?" ?.yG''' ? hZ? •. i ; . r , 4•? .?,,`..? •X . .;?.yF?v•>.:?frr??;:? •: -o ? . :?, :r a:h. t.•??,j?•. •? ? i !.? r%{tf' •i A V.S.'v ti? I? ' / /. .. "{• !. ? ,., l .y; ?,r.} ` ;?• ?A ' '??' , y??'?y ' •• ? ]Apl OF I MRTQ[ Y ` J j'? •?a 1 0 c:? 9 ? as.x • .w.vs, ....v.,.T,,,r :s.?. ...•s,..: j r- ..' 0.ai ?lo is-35 _ .? ??.a.+w,tl v?x?a«r L '? „ai? r:.nrmxr ••• i?vAtKll..• Y ... Yw?? •[ I 5! N :i Tti. Ft: 4 wlsr I•aaei?oer ' AREA TO BE ASSESSED FINAfVCIAL OBLIGATION FOR LQfVE OAK ROAD . UPGRADING AND TRAILWAY . ,. 9zd'3?Jdd davD sndo woa?i es:e ee, s33a ** ze0•391tld 7Hlol *k 11000 Prairie Lakes Onve. Post OHice Box 9365, Minneapo6s, MN 55440 / Phone 612-829-30U0 WAnONAL COMPUTER ? SY5TIEM5 November 23, 1988 !cEL..El vYttJ The Honorable Vic El.lison NOV 2 8 1988 Mayor of Eagan Esgan City Council Members 3830 Pzlot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 Re: Pub1iC Improvement Prepaymznt Assessment Policy DeaY Mayor E1lison and City Council Members: Thank you for granting approval of the waiver of plat applicaEion request on November 15 which ellows NCS to o£ficislly commence development of its nev industxial facility ae Lona Qak Rosd and Eagsndale Boulevard in your fine City. The Cimely cooperation and suppart demonstrated 6y the City staf£, Planning Commission and Couneil in accommodating our sccelerated construction scheduling requirements, as well as in the resolution of the Lone Oak Road access problem encauntered vith the County is greatly aupreciated by our management. We are looking forvard to [he day when ve vill take occupancy of our new facility and begin the process of becoming a productive part of the Eagan business community. Ne were also delighted to have been informed by Bob Worthington af Dpus CorporaCion that the City will be reviewing its prepeyment of special assessment fee policy within the next month or so Lo determine if adjustments are needed to make fees more correspondent with benefits received hy property owners to whom those Fees are assigned. We have s problem with being required to prepay those assessments xithout knoving if and when the imQrovements which they underwrite wi1Z be installed. We have never encountered that type oE assessment concept in any of the other Minnesots communit3es in xhicri we conduct bus3ness. Please let me know when your review of this maCter will he scheduled for consideration. We, at NCS, would certainly wish to paiCicipate in ChaC discussion with the ebjecCive of making some constructive modiEication to provisions of the City's current policy. Thank you again for your assistenee and support. We are indeed pieased vith the pzospect of becoming an ongoing, visible member of your business community. Sincerely, ???? 9-+u...o,(u • ??i,e.a.? omas M. Erickson Director, Administrative 3ervices cc: Tom Hedges, C3ty Manager Tom Colbext. Public Works Director Mzchele Foster, Opus Carporation Sob iiorthingtan, Opus Corporation 300'39tid daoD sndo WoJ-? EE:Ei 68, trz H3J /4/ # 0 August 2, 1989 Mr. Dale Runlcle Cemnunicy Revelo,ment Director City of. Pagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 kE: Assessments; Nalional Computer System Facility Dear P4r. Runkle: !AU6 0 7 1989 I'm pLeaszd to inform you that National Computer SysCem has recently taken occupancy of its new service center at Lone Oak and Yilot Kiiob RoaJ. l,'e are delighted with the facility an!1 wacit again to tiiank you, tlie City Administration, Plaanir.g Commission and Council for your consiuerable assistance over the past few months which has made our timely occuprincy of our new building possi6le. One iroro still remains to be addre,sed, however, and I'd appiecia=e your assistance in bringing it to a close. In November 1988, I wrote a lecter to Mayer Ellison expressing concern about the Gity's current special assessment fee policy requiri.ng a Jevelopmen: project to immediately pay for future improvements providing no direct benefit to its proper[p. We feel that such a policy imposes an illegal tax on projects in a manner. inconsistent with current law. We understood that that policy was to have been reviewed and modified before we took occupancy of our new farili.ty. [de allowed the stipulated amount of special assessments levied against our praject to go into effect w:thout protest wi.th this understaniiing. I['a my uaderstanding frorn conversations with people at Opus that the City has ir.formally agreed to change its oolicy but has yet to hold the pubiic review and hearings needed to implement that change. We therefore request that the amount of special assessments levied against nCS for its new facility for any improvement not of immecli.ate direct benefit to the project be removed as a cost against the property. The October 18, 1988 staff report from the Planning and Engineering Departaients to [he Planning Commission and Council outlines the "financial obl:9ations" imposed as special assessments under the subject pulicy a,F,>ainst the project. Specif.ically, the assessments related to the Iuture upgrading of Lone Oak Road ($88,243) and Trailway ($10,276) are hereby requested to be decertified as costs againsc our proper.ty. 11000 Praine Lakes Drive, Post Ofhce Box 9365, Mmneapohs. MN 55440 / Phone 612-829-3000 NATIONAL (M COMPUTER SYSTEMS Mr. Dale Runkle August 2, 1989 Page -2- Please feel free to call me if you have questions. Thanks again for your assistance in all matters related to the early approval and final occupancy of our new service center facility. Sincerely, J'? mas M. Erickson Director, Aclministrative Services National Computer System BW/kk ..::SEFI cs WdGffA?.,wCN„Wla Zzsoo 191 Da 222Ea5i1riTLECANApA,ppqD5,PAUI,MINNFSOTA55117 612 484-0172 Ootober 31, 3988 RE: Cqunty Road 26 (LOae oak Road) Weat of Eagandale eoulevard Opua Corporation Eagan, Minnesotn SEH File No. 88077 Mr• mom Colbert Direotor oE Publio Works City of 8agsa 3830 Filot Xnob Road Eagan. Mitvnesota 55122 Mr. Peter 8orapson Dakota County Traffic Enginser Aakota County Highway Department 7300 Woat 147th Street Number 402 APDle Vailey, Miruzeaota 55124 Doar Mr. Colbert ana Mr, Sorenaon; We hava been aeked by Dakota review traffic County and the City of Eagan to Opus operations relative to a propoaed Qriveway for }hQ Corpor8tion on the north aide of Lone oak Road weat of loCntionecomgar drto the Da Ota Counton$ relate to the driveway roadwayS ?a ?iveways. Y guideliaes for apacing op Our trassDpr{ation plan indiCatee thet Lone Oak Roed will be heavily travelefl and near capacity east oP Intermtate 35E. West of 1-358, Lone Oak Road aerves the EaganBale induatrial Park, northern pprtions of the Unieye pevelopment, anC a residential area. Theee dreas are also served by Pilot Knob Road with an intaxphan$e at I-494 and by Highway 13. The volumea west of I-36E are ADT o! 14 000 tbetweenc I-35EO year Eags d80 forecast 8oulea d ndand t8,500 betweea $aqandele Soulevard and Piiot Knob Ro a d. SrroRr etuorr L, NFNDRICKSON INC MINNESOTA LH/PPENAF4L4 W+SCOn5iM . Mr. Tom Colbert Mr. pot.r soreneon Ootobor 31, 1988 Page #2 Tho voiwne of traf#io frora the proposed drivewayg would be reintively smali. The driveway wili sarve a emaii visitor parking lot with qniy 30 spaCea. We nnticipate that moet vioitors wouid ute the driveway in the off geak period. The anticipatafl voiume ie approximately 200 vehicles per day. Most traffic wiii agproach the drivewaye from I-358. It a*ould be deairable to oontrol the locatior of the driveway. Tho heet ioaetion would be to 3ine it up with Papplar nrive to provide a fuli interseetion. Poppiar Drive ie approximately 650 foet wast of 8agandale Soulevard. Dakota County intends to widen Lone Oak Road from juet west of I-35B to weet of Eagandale Soulevard. The widening will provide lsft turn laees at Eagandale Boulevard. There axe no current pians for any further widening of Lone oak Road to the weet. ey reiocating the driv6way to Popplar Drive, the Brivaway ahould fali outeide the eonstruction limits and the transition area to the Engandal6 Soulevard interaectiori. If Lone Oak Road were widened in the future, Ponplar arive wouid probnbiy merit a median opening or turn lane. Hy allgning the driveway to Popplar Driva, it will ilot inter#ere with the turn lanes antl would bonefit irom the potentisl median opening. The anticipated volume on Lone Oak Road would permit driveways at 1/8 mile apaCiriqs under county guidelinea. 8opplar Drive 18 at approximptely 1/8 mile. It apgmars that the iocation of a driveway at Poppiar Dzive would meet Dekotn Cpunty guidelines, would work weil with either existing or potentiai widening of Lone Oak Road, anfl wauld not g8narate a eignifiCant traffic volume. The driveway should be permitted oa the condition that it serve only the 30 stall parlting lot. It there£ore appears that the driveway will not Cregte an operational problema. Sincereiy, Gien Vaa Wormgr, Manager Transportation 8ngineering Depa]CtUt6tlt GVW/ms 'IC): GIINE VANOVERBEKE, FITANCE DIRFY.'IOR FfM: TH(kUAS A. COLBERT, DIRElC1C)R OF PUBISC WORKS OATE: MARCH 16, 1982 RE: PARCEL NO. 10-01000-010-03 io-oiooo-oiaoz I[lr 19,- BIOCR-4; -EACANDALE CENPER- INDJ_STRTAL PARK h.r # I PARCEL NO. 10-01000-010-25 PARCEL NO. 10-01000-010-26 NID1D(YI' RIGHT-0F-WAY ACQUISITICN - UNPAID ASSESSNR3VTS NhDOT Plats No. 19-34 and 35 provide for the acxluisition of property as re? ferenced above that have outstanding tnmk area assessments that are requiri ed to be paid in full as they relate to that part being taken, the follaaing is a breakdown of the outstanding assessrents that must be collected before the City can sign off on t1e check issued by MnD(7P to the property aanPYS for aczn,;sition of fee title: PARCII, 10-01000-010-03, 1982 UNPAID BALANCE (NIIVDf7i' PLAT 19-34, PARf.!EL 68A) Water tnmk area (Project 104) $ 546.72 Sani.tary 5evrer tnmk area (Proj. 29) 218.16 Storm Sewer trunlc area (Project 104) 1,149.75 7Y)TAL $1,914.63 PARCEL 10-01000-010-02, 1982 UNPAID BAI.FINCE (NNIDOT PLAT 19-34, PARCEI. 68A) Sanitary Sewer area trimk (Proj.29) $ 864.00 Water area tnmlt (Project 29) 3,504.02 TdPAL $4,368.02 LUr 19, BLOCK 4, FAGADIDALE CINPER IAIDUSPRIAL PARK #2 (M[9DC7P PI,AT 19-35,PAtZCEL 4) All assessrnnts to be respread over the remaining parcel after bhnDCYP taking. PAIEEL 10-01000-010-25, 1982 UNPAID BATANCE (NIIVDUT PLAT 19-34, PAitCII, 69) Ecisting water area assessmQnts to be respread over ranaining parcel. PARCEL 10-01000-010-26, 1982 UNPAID BAIAN(:E (DM7DC7P PIAT 19-34, PARCEL 69A) Existing sewer tnmk and water area assessttient to be respread over remaining parcel. Please insure that the above-referenced outstanding assessmerits are wllected before releasing the City's interests in the check issued by MnDOT for ac- quisition of these parcels. Project nunbers are provided for your accotmtux3 PurPoses. TAC/jach cc - Mr. George X. Connor, P.A., Attorney at Law, 1008 Sioinc Line Bldg, Mpls 55402 Aivi Goers, Special Assessment Clerk . , MWDOTTP-02502-02 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -7a5oo- f S?S E REMITTANCE ADVICE AND CLOSING STATEMENT ??rr _204 ?. ? w????iSR SE7T?MENT QF FOLLOWINO RIGH70P WAY TO PAYEES SHOWN BELOwr[.?; ' _ t CA PAYABLE TO: Alsmr Investors .?oint Venture, a qeneral partnership, Eagan C,itY Treasurers Dakota Cousty Treasurert aad Geo, X. Cpnnors Attortscy F WARRANT Gep.. X. Cp73[IpS, ES(?- S MAILED 1(J06 jpp Lj,ne $ldJ. ro: ;linneapoli8, Hn. 55402 L SEC. UNTV bgkota N FANGE W 1 8?Z C CLOSING STATEMENT DIRECT PURCHASE The amount of this purchase is The following allocation of damages is suggested: disfrlbuted as follows: Land Acres Right of Way Ownere Equity Land Acres Temporary Easement Mortgagees Equiry TOTAL ? DESCRIPTION: ASTRIPTRACTOH REM. ADVICE NO. pqpCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE Part of ?LOt 39, Siodr 4, ; waaanNr No. Eagaadale Center Ia?ial? Buildings acquired (Depreciated Damages to remalning property, TOTAL Eminent Oomain ? ?P->n0 nn Amount of Award DATE S.P. NO. PARCELNO. AREAJOB 2-82 1482 905 4 50.634 Warranty Deed ? State Auditoes • ' Easement ? Reference No. Court Award ? Document Number Other t? ?4+ U Date Recorded UU?tAI°IN?l4J? tJ ?CJ o IS? ACKiVOV1/L.EDGEfViE(VT: THE INDIVIDUAL PAYEE THAT HAS RECEIVED THIS STATEMENT IS REQUESTED TO DETACH AND SIGN THIS STUB AND RETURN IT TO: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FINANCIAL ADMIN. OFFICE 461 RICE STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. 55103 RECEIPTOFTHE CLOSING STATEMENT ON THISTRANSACTION IS HEREBYACKNOWLEDGED. 7pqN VENOOp NUMBBp TYPE Aea 092 47co ooa v INYOICE NUMBER ONGANIZATION 1982 905 4 74050 SEO. NO. SUFF DEPr. P.O./F.O. NO. OBJECT iiasa oi sio AMOUNT OF INVOICE DATE SUB ACT TASK 2 200.00 a-a -s SUB TASK WST/CLIENT CODE FEO REV 2-3€(3-097 I NEPEBY CEPTIFY THIS PAYM ENT TO BE TflUE. GONFECTANO IN CONFOFMANCE WITN TNE CON9IDHXATION WNICH HAS BEEN DULV AGPROYED AND AUTHOA12E0. MINNESOTA DEPT. OP THANSPORTATION .? ,f SYSTEMASSIGNPEF.N . OEPT.AUTH.SIGNATUPE Warrant Attachad [-j Warrant Under Separate Cover F-I ?_ . { ( Parcel 4 S.P. 1982 (35E=390) 405 I' 35E-4 (40) 100 All of the foZlo,aing: A teaporary easement for highcvay purposes fn that part of Lot 19, Block 4, Eagandale Center Indnstrial Park, Shown as Parcel 4 on'the plat designated as 23innesota Departaent of Transportation Right of Way Plat Nusbered 19-35 on #ile and of record in the of€ice of the F.egistrar of Titles in as d for Dakota County, Minnesota, by the temporary easement symbol; the title thereto being registered as evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 34554; said easement shall cease on December 1, 1985, or on such earlier date upon which the Commissioner of Transportation determiaes by fornal order that it is no longer needed for highway purposes. Names of parties interested in the above described land and nature of interest: American Linen Supply Co. Rauenhorst Corporation City of Eagan County of Dakota Fee Mortgage Special Assessments Taxes GEORGE X. CONNOR ATTORNEY AT LAW tOOB SOO LINE BUILOINQ MINNEAPOLI9. MINNESOTA 56401 TRL6PNONE (672) 392-5944 .Tuly 29, 1981 City of Eagan City Hall 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 ATTENTION: Special Assessments Department RE: Eagandale Center Industrial Park Gentlemen: Would you be so kind as to fumish me with the total of the principal balance on unpaid special assessments after payment of the real estate taxes due and payable in the year 1981 on the following parcels: 1. Lot 14, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. 2. Lot 15, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. 3. Lot 16, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. 4. Lot 17, Block 4, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. 5. Lot- 18, -Block 4, Eagandale Center _Industrial Park. 6. ? Lot 19, Block 4, _Eagandale Center. Industrial Park. l 7. Lot 19, Block 5, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No 3. 8. Lot 20, Block 5, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 3. 9. Lot 21, Block 5, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 3. According to my records, the following special assessments were levied and pending as of December 31, 1971, on these parcels: Unpaid Special Assessments Pending Assessments As of 12-31-71 As of 12-31-71 Eagandale Center Industrial Park: 1. Lot 14, Block 4 $ 6,933.63 $ 2,189.00 2. Lot 15, Block 4 6,543.67 2,189.00 3. Lot 16, Block 4 6,933.63 2,189.00 4. Lot 17, Block 4 6,543.67 2,189.00 5. Lot 18, Black 4 6,933.63 2,189.00 6. Lot 19, Block 4 6,544.96 2,185.00 ? . ?,:. City of Eagan July 29, 1981 Page Ttao Unpaid Special Assessments Pending Assessments As of 12-31-71 As af 12-31-71 Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 3: 7. Lot 19, Block 5 $ 5,094.74 $ 980.00 8. Lot 20, Block 5 3,798.20 980.00 9. Lot 21, Block 5 3,946.53 980.00 I would also appreciate a separate statement as to whether there have been any assessments against the above tracts other than those shown in the unpaid or pending column as of December 31, 1971. . You will find enclosed my check in the sum of $45.00 to cover your fee in this matter. I would appreciate receiving this information at your earliest conven- ience and I have enclosed a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you in advance for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter. Very ruly you , -/George X. Connor GXC:b Enclosures City o.` Ea?.in 3795 Pilot f:r.ob [ayzn, }i.`. 531:= (Jh,h4'$- ?CJ"" ?ssrss?qr%- se;ac?i RG• o-:c: Q,v4tj 3, (0lV [nr:oscl ?crci? ;s the sca-ch which you reque>tcu r...,_'e on the a?oce dac::i?•cd F: :?.?r:}•: I-;,: j:enrn; Fun; 6r;;4nnine Orisinal kme..n: 6a! a^cc Duc 5?u, ?kj'Gu?. 30?t 9? k 350. ov ¢? IA? -10 q 0a). ?4m lqlo !c? 9a5. az ?, 345,ry I f?rcter cer.ify that ac:or.sg to the recor.!? of said oifice. the fa::.air.g 1-i??,?.??.°•o aIC cORLc'^.p:;1'.C, Of PCRd:.^,b 3'LCC haC1C.j bcen Jii'Olf°, i[13 ST_ ..Cw in t:e p:c:es; o: plar.nin.g or cor..t lr_ion. A.°..; Oyt /0 Mat'.^r: Nr•t-<r : ?? cr Lj?1n nor its e^p12}ces bulran:ees ;':e 3cLu.^3cy OE the aba•:c i)+; ,,,;; :<yuc<;ed b}• the ,erson or pc:sors ind:ca!ed. \er doo; t'r,c Cit% )f i-: e-^!oyces a;;ume any liabi:ity for the corre:t-ess therec'. In .3r.;i2erit;o? tur the sup^1yir3 of the ir.dicated irf.)r-ation in the atie•.e fo;-, a.^.,: f.)r ai: u:her cor;:2eraLien of ar.y nat::re wha;coe•.er, an.• c1uin agi-^,: :ie C::}• oE it> er., IJ%l'BS rising :here fron is herebp exprzss:%aai:rd. =c.icd as:c;s-rr.-s to bc paid to the Co.:r.:}audi.or a: Ha;tir.;s, SC: 5 33 ti'erY traI) yours, 5; ECI aL AS_L5_S'11:'.;' LEP.ar2T'dE\7 ? , , r. 06/24/86 MLK *I_Mss(or STORM SEWER EASEMENT TO CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA ' ' I?I THIS EASEMENT is made this . day of June, 1986, by ALSCOR INVESTORS JOINT VENTURE, a Minnesota general partnership (hereinafter referred to as "Alscor"), in favor of the CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), with reference to the following facts and circumstances: A. Alscor is the fee owner of the following described tract of land (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Subject Property"): Lots Fouxteen (14) Block Four (4) in according to the County, Minnesota. through Nineteen (19), inclusive, EAGANDALE CENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK, recorded plat thereof, Dakota B. The City has agreed to construct a trunk storm sewer line across a portion of the Subject Property, to provide drainage of surface storm water from the Subject Property and ad7oining lands to LeMay Lake, as the City's Improvement Project No. 458. C. In consideration of the construction of such drainage system, Alscor has agreed to grant to the City a perpetual, non exclusive easement for drainage purposes over, under and across that portion of the Subject Property (hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Area") legally described as follows: That portion of Lots Fourteen (19) through Nineteen (19), inclusive, Block Four (4) in EAGANDALE CENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying easterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on a line 60,00 feet southerly of and parallel with the North line of said Lot 14 distant 25.00 feet westerly of the East line of said Lot 14; thence southerly and parallel with the East lines of said Lots 14, 15 and 16, to the intersection with a line 79.00 feet northerly of and parallel with the South line of said Lot 16; thence southerly to the Northwest corner of the South 30,00 feet of the East 40.00 feet of said Lot 19; thence southerly along the West line of said East 40.00 feet of said Lot 19 to the South line of said Lot 19, and said line there terminating. D. Alscor t,as alsc agreed to grant to the City a temporary easement for the construction and installation of said storm sewer line over, under and across that portion of the Subject Property lying within seventy-five (75) feet of the Easement Area. NOW, THEREFOR.E, in consideration of the foregoing facts and circumstances, and in con5;deration of the sum of One Doliar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suificiency of which is hzreby acl:r.o..ledged by Alsr.or, Alscor does hereby agree to grant said,easement to the City upon the following terms and conditions: 1. Alscor hereby grants to the City a perpetual, non exclusive drainage easement for purposes of constructing, install- ing, operating and maintaining a trunk storm sewer line under, over and across the Easement Area, subject to the drainage and utility easements dedicated in the plat of EAGANDALE CENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK, 2. The City shall construct and install said trunk storm sewer line under the Easement Area, substantially in accordance wi th the plans and speci fica ind Sthepreparey reafter bhe tCity lshalls keep Improvement Project No. 458, a ud arder und repair. In and maintain such public improvements in 9oorder to facilitate construction aand asementtito , u elsand grants to the City the tempor described in Paragraph occupy that portion of the Subject Property por the D above, for such con5'tructind installation only period ending 1Uh?- ? 198? 3. The City shall replace any shrubs or sod removed as a result of its performance of the obligation undertaken in Pacagraph 2 above to as near the con itiible S existed immediately prior to sucY work as is reasonably poss 4. Nothing in this Easement contained shall prohibit Alscor from using the Easement Area for such purposes as Alscor may deem appropriate, including (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) the construction and maintenance of drlv a a such parking lots and the installation of landscaping, Pro t by use by Alscor does not materially interefere with the enjoYmen the City of the ri9hts and easement herein granted. 5. The easement herein granted shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, and shall run with the Subject Property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Alscor has caused this Easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. ALSCOR INVESTORS JOINT VENTURE By Op!ItSfEX Corpotion, ?ts Partner ? / By , .c utiv 'ce President By American Linen Supply Co., Its PaYtner gy Its ACCEPTANCE The City of Eagan, Minnesota, hereby acknowledges receipt of this Easement, and agrees for itself and its successors and assigns to be bound by, and to faithfully keep and perform, the obligations of the City set forth in this Easement. CITY Or °AGAN, MINNESOTA Exempt from Dakota County Deed Tax L'i Iaf'? , Dakola County Treasurer Lt, rI ; I CQUNn'COMSERVATIONF!lf3E0 l i n??r? ppI;pTA COUNTV T(iEn..Ln_i7 ? i. By Jc _. CC:? 1( i.,• - < . eitj, iqanageF mNvo4 Attest: U`)Smn0xre'? 1e-r k -2- USE L ? BL 0 4 CI (LY PERMIT #: 4-il --5 U J SUBD. _?Gl;:" 0--t-Ak- oU,? RECEIPT#: APPROVED BY: INSPECTOR RECEIPT DATE: 2000 bl£CH4PTICAL P£R1HIT (COMM£iiCIAL) CITY OF EAfiAN S$SO PILOT KNOB fiD EAfiAN, biN 55122 651-6$1-4675 Please complete for: all wmmercial/indusVial buildings mu!!i-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: (/ L WORK T'YPE: New construction Install U.G. Tank _ Interior Improvement _ Remove U.G. Tank _ Processed Piping When installing/removing underground tank, ca!! 651-687-4675 jor inspection by fire marshal and plumbing inspectar. n Description of work: Fees: 1% of contract price OR $30.00 minimum fee, whichever is grearec Underground tank removallinstallation = minimum fee Contract price: $ 53, UC) x 1% _$ 5 25• o D (Base Fee) State surcharge calculate at $.50 for each $ 1,000 Base Fee TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: $ 5-76--? OWNERNAME:o',f".(.("L ?? TENANT NAME (IIvTPROVEMENTS ONL1): WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? Y N. NAME: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: ????00 - lO S?G?T^0 fo;?;7 CITY: ,i-T lf CC? STATE: ?? ZIP: S S?? PHONE #: - (AREA CODE) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 2000 BUII.DING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIALI „!1 n C!? _! S d U CITY OF EAGAN ?' ?-KAt?J 651-681-4675 o -J- Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement • SWCturel Plans (2 sets) • ArchitecNrai Plans (2 sets) • Architectural Plans (2 sets) • Civil Plans (2 sets) . SWctural Plans (2 sets) • Code Malysis (1) '• • CerliTcate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans (2 sets) • ProJect Specs (1 set) • Code Analysis (1) " . Landspping Plans (2 sets) . Key Plan (1) • Project Specs (1) • Code Malysis (1) " • Master Exft Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule ^ • Certifipta of Survey (1) . Energy Calwlations . (1) not always" • Sals Report (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) " . Elec. Power & Lighting Fortn (7) not always'• • Meter size must be esfablished . Meter sh[e must be established • Meter size must be established - if applicable . ProjectSpecs (9) ! • EnergyCaiculatlons (1) " j 1 . Electric Power 8 Lightlng Form (1) 1 . Master Exit Plan (1) 1 L • Fire Protection Plan (1) '• 1 1 . Soils Report (1) y • MGES SAC detertnmation letter . MC/ES SAC detertnination letter • MC/ES SAC detertninatlon letter call 651-602-1000 pll 651-602-1000 call 651-602-1000 wnWu owiaing inspecnons ror sample Food & beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must ba submitted to Minnesota Department of Health - cali 651-215-0700 for details. -?-- DATE: p??? ` 8' Q O WORK TYPE: NEW ?C REMODEL CONSTRUCTION COST: _Y DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 04 Q /, L COwp c.t7C-? ??O-t->? TENANTNAME:AL,+TIOK4L ?Q1v1??yT-eR wi 5-t1?111 SUITE#: FORMER TENANT NAME: ? p??I / ' ? SITE ADDRESS: ` / 3?? ?...?? O !t ea(LOT (BLOCK? SUBD G Name: 1-)iR-T(WVFL S^?,Phsne#: (_-) PROPERTY Last First ?s owivEx l3 ? 3 Lo Street Address: q-n, City State: 6"'l r- Zip: •? ,?? a,L CONTRACTOR Company: ?-2fL-?p cT J PU L Phone #: c(o S/ ? ? 3/- a l?-z Street Address: a a 7 7 IA 1 1-? 4. 3.e/ ciry State: zip: S- s113 ARCHrTECT, s?R ENGINEER Company: ,fj- S o1ti ]7'?? C(?T ? phone #: Sheet City Registration #: _ State: Zip: Licensed plum6er Installina sewer/water: Phone #: Meter Size: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the infortnation is corcect, and agree of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. // , _// Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Bidg. ? 74 Apartments jSI27 Commercialllndustrial ? 32 ExtAlt - Apts. ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition X 33 Alterations 0 34 Repair ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 36 Move Bldg. GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code 443 ? SAC Code No. of Units p No. of Bidgs. _L Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy ? 37 Demolish Bldg. ? 43 Reroof ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 42 Demolish (Found) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 46 Windows/Doors Zoning # of Stories Length Width Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq.ft. MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Gas Service Test ? Heating APPROVALS Planning Building sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. MC/ES System City Water Fire Sprinklered ? Insulation ? Plumbing ? Stucco/Stone E6 Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water 5upply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quaiity Other Copies Total aa g?-.9 lo?a_ig VALUATION:$!/S, ()OfI % SAC SAC Units Meter Size 'j- ;, -k- I 'A I ????? C6io Le ?-- ?? t? IC ?" ( COMMERCIAL BUILDING Permit Applicarion City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 C c?.x??-?J 1?' ; o a-- ? Foundation Onl New Buildin Interior Im rovement • Structural Plans (2) se5 • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) . Structural Plans (2) . Code Analysis (1) " • Certificate of Survey (1) • CivilPlans (2) • ProjectSpecs (1) • Code Anatysis (1) . Landscapmg Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • Prqect Specs (1) . Code Analysis (1) " • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule • Certificate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (1) not always" • Soils Report (1) . Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always" • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established-if apphcable 1 • ProjedSpecs (1) ' 1 . EnergyCalculations (1) " 1 1 • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) 1 1 . Master Ezit Plan (7) 1 ! • Emergency Response Site Plan (1) 1 S • Soils Report (7) 1 • SAC determtnation - call 651-602-1 000 • SAC detertnination - rall 651•602-1 000 SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at 651-215-0700 for details regarding food & beverage or lodging facilities. ** Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required when i[ states "no[ always". *'* Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Si[e Plan. Date ?/_? /?? Jc? Construction Cost ? 2 Z Z ?3s, Site Address 1313 kon/er uryg< /? /?A d:6 liniUSte # Tenant Name /uC.s YnL--ARSDnJ Former Tenant Name Description of Work &p p6-L ?N'T€R2d ? Q/ i?.T?'E" ?P?'tC_?" /?'d ?+C7t(/rlNL ???G?S Property Owner N? S /Srr< <Sp// -/97W,' f,T M m d R A-4 Telephone #( JSZ.) 6P/- 3I'o 9 0 Contractor QJ}K(A) DO A & Z-arkS SnIC, Address ? 29gs i 1" m /j eZTZ 'RfF2t- City ?QL`7?f f RF1TR? State ?n3 , Zip 5S3Telephone#(qSZ) 9'7_3o Arch/Engr n % TT -a2l-t Go,ePa aA7 Ro7y^?' ?f}kAJT,?, 7QY7 Registration # , Address 7 Rou-m- On/cs" .5- OUT 4? City _7_5E'L.TT) State /VeJ -,-Ielephone # (`]3 2 ) la 3 ;pp- 0-b" , Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service: ? Phone #: (_) I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Pernnt-and-acknawledge=tYrit the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the 5tate of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to ',,start without a perxnit; that tne work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. u C.e- !7 • /77fUeX L?? a ? O ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types 0 Ol Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 14 Aparhnents X 27 Commercial/Industrial ? 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail5alon Work Types ? 31 New 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Additbn ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement •Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Z2,;5 , bco?' Occupancy d MC/ES System ? Census Code 4,57 Zoning City Water ? SAC Units 3 d Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units ? - Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs T - Length ? Fire Sprinklered ? Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) _ Foundation _ Drain Tile Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final ? Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation ? FinaUC.O FinallNo C.O. ? Plumbing ? HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tesu _ Final _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Retaining Wall Approved By Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total t cI 1?5 a i1 Ff?5 , ?)e.nA,,*wn i 4.?;' ?3??? 04o483?f MECHANICAL (COMMERCIAL) Tr ?lQ ? ( Permit Application C'- City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 Please complete for: commercial/indushial buitdings multi-faxnily buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit Date D2 /I I /0,73 Site Address? LO ? OA-4r, RQA-1 IInit # ti 6l T [ N P i ca e) Tenant Name (if app rev ous enan ame Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor At OC,t ?-M-5 Street Address 1v1, '?J + City State VvLty- Zip SS ? Telephone #(e) 5z (07-- The Applicant is _ Owner ? Conuactor _ Other ? /01; . ?: Work Type 7 Newconstruction Underground Tank _Install _Re ve ? Interior Improvement Call for inspection during installation/rem Yank _ Processed Piping Nature of Work: 6946 ?l L -a 4J- c, " r .4U Permit Fee $50.50 Mrximum Fee (mcludes Stare Sureharge) Con4act Value $ 3500, 00 x.Ol% _$ PernritFee • If permit fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 =:> $ State Surcharge If permrt fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per $1,000 Pemrit Fee $ TotalFee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Pemut and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work wi116e in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a pemvt, and work is not to st zvithout a pernu , t the work will be in accordance wi[h the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and appro ? of plans. , Applicant's Printed Na e Applicanfs Signature ? k- n O Approved By: /2 e 2? 2 I~ , Inspector Date: FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS Permit Apptication City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 ?? • - Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications II cut sheets on materials and components to be used Date -5 Site Address: Tenant / Building Name: The Applicant is: _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other PROPERTY OWNER Address: I? City: State: Zip: CONTRACTOR ?f? MN License Na e? I(J Address: State: Zip: Phone#: LP?? -o?3?J-S J I ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: "3 FIRE PERMIT TYPE: _ Sprinkler System (# of heads igm? - Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: r-- - l WORK TYPE: _ New _ Addition _ Alterations "I. Rgmgdel I ?SZDn Other: 9 ll DESCffiPTION OF WORK: Commercial Residential Educational _ Other: ?? d ci Ir' 2 ( 7)L° ? le- -/--D PLEASE COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE PERMIT FEE: !? C7 ContractValue x .Ol% _ $ PermitFee • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 =:> $ State Surchazge If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $30 per 1 000 Permit Fee 3/4" Dispiacement Fire Meter - $156.00 $ TOTAL FEE: $50.50 Miximum Fee (incWdes State Surcharge) $ I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and wozk is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? r v\ y -b ! ?Q ?--?--? a AJ Applicant's Printed Na e Applicant's Signature `? ? Date ? DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Hydrostatic Flow Alann Drain Test a\?--•?? ? _ Trip _ Pump Test _ Central Station ? Final Conditions of Issuance: Permit Approved by. a6 (,k Date: ? l? l Q? . PLUMBING (COMMERCIAL) • - Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knoh Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 Date 2 p3 Site Address ?? ?? L"E ? pk QU ?p Unit # Tenant Name ?4 pE p s.? i„S c. Former Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone q ( ) Contractor D Q? E- S?2&A3 Sr;-3 60 ft A-NY Address Q Z o I EHs+ ? ic,, pM, ,,,;Zy City fj??y,- ,?.?,? 62.,4 , c State WJ Zip S547? Telephone# (175Z) RA4-11Z3 The Applicant is _ Owner Conhactor Other Work Type _ New Bldg _ Add-on Repair RPZ PVB Irrigafion,system * * Jer Wobschall [o calwlate fees. Re uired meter slze is 2" turbo unless smaller size ermitted b Public Works Description of Work AeIJ WascfL GwSc? }n P- N.D,R. Q?mn.s -2?Ac= La?S 02) - A,1I ° i.Au To mquve if Piessure Reducmg Valve is required on new service, call 651-675-5646 ' al c w 'm Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrosta[ic, conductiviry, and bacteria [ests passed prior to oickine uo meter Imgation Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" disolacement 5156 00 ' Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes , No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) Conpact Value $ 15, eac,x Al% _ $ 1 S D?? Base Fee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrieation svstems $ Radio Meter Read If base fee is $1,000 or les& surcharge is $.50 $ $(3t0 $utCtlaige If base £ee is over $1,000, surcharge is $.50 per $I,000 of the Base Fee Following fees apply only when ins[alting new irrigation sys[em ?Water Pernu[ wW_? Contact Jerry Wobschall at 651-675-5024 for required fee amoun[s $ Treatment Plant $ . ? n i ateriSu?ply & Storage $ '? II?L ii'1 State Surc ge ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------- H -------------- ? J ? $ Total Fee i nereoy appry ior a commerciai Ylumbmg Yermit and acknowledge that the in£orma6on i mplete..a??e work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fagan and with the Plumbing Code ,°`q'?iafT'-tnderstand this is not a pemut, but only an application for a pemtit, and work is not to s[art without a permit that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Pnnted Name Applicant's S re?? ' 2004 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan ` (o ??? (0 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 ??? 5 CJ Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please comptete for: commerciaUindustrial buildings mulri-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit Date,/?/ Site 5treet Address LoY?? 0-a KRa Unit # Tenant Name (if applicable) tJ C. 5 P<-?-a rsan Previous Tenant Name Property Owner L c?, v s-1- u (n- n Telephone #(? ?J C Contractor me ch?an??ca1 Cc?c?4?cAc"ti?c-c Street Address y'-A 5 1 I.a ? 1 City E c) r n r3, state zip 55 Telephone #(qS a)25 3 S-.3 aI O Bond #: Expires: „ The Applicant is _ Owner ? Con4actor _ Other W ork Type New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove "*see 6e(ow Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _Processed _Gas Nature of Work: ?e-p r3? roo7P?P un j 45 6-F5c7r1C Cd? **When insta!ling/removing underground tank, cafl for inspection by Fire Maishal and Plumbing lnspecfor Peimit Fees: $70.50 Underground tank installaUOn/ fJUN $50.50 in' um (mcludes Sta[e Surcor 1 4 2004 Con4act Value $ S? 70o x 1% = Jr ?'? ?. ? 0 P?t Fee • If ermi fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 gy ? State Surc,hazge If nermit fee is over $1,000, add $.50 for Sq-7, every $1,000 nemut fee $ Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Pemut and aclnowledge that the information is comptete and accurate; wat tne worx will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand 8us is not a pemut, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pemut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Pd 4 r' i C i? 0 r- M a Vl Applicant's Printed Name ` ApplicanYs Signahue Approved By: 7? Inspector Date: 2004 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CTTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 ? ?O 651-675-5675 Date So / 0 q ` SiteAddress I 3 I 3 Lo? e Oa? Rr?{ i3nit# Tenant Name Former Tenant Name Property Owner (,Jd 4 O nQ ( Cnm0 J? S y5-?-,M.STelephone #r?,S 1)CP$ Contractor Address y L{S ) (.?,? • `? (e'?'? S'-}` City pji ? i State zip 1'v1 N Telephone#(95a) 2135 -3S 1 o The Applicant is _ Owner _ZC Contractor _ Other WorkType _ NewBldg Add-on _ Repair RPZ ? PVB Irrigatiun system * '.lerp• Wobsehall to calenlate fece. Re nired mefer sizr is ?^ turbo unless smsller size ermitted hv Pnblic Wnrkc DescriptionotWork ?G ??? 1 (4 VdCVUM IF)k-4°r- To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, cail 651-675-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and ba.cteria tests passed urior to oickina un meter Irrigarion Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" disolacement $155.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes ? No Permst Fee $50.50 miniinum (includes Sffite Surcharge) Conffact Value $ x 1% _$ Base Fee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevazd irriag tion systems $ Radio Meter Read If base fee is $1,000 or less, surcherge ia $.50 $ $tate 5711'C}laige Ifbase fee is aver $1,000, wrcharge is $.50 per $I,OW of the Bax Fee Following fees apply only when installing new irrigation system $ ' Water Permit Contact Jerry Wobschail et 651-675-5024 for required fee amounu $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Stonge $ State Swchazge -------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------- $ j 0 . 50 Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plum6ing Pemut and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; thaz the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; tha[ I understand this is not a pemut, bu[ only an applicarion for a pernilt, and work is not to start without a pemut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requues a review and approval of plans. d ++-1 0 - r-, a n ApplicanYs Prffiteb Name ApplicanYs 2 re . *.. 2006 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS rERMiT nrrLicaTioN City Of Eagan 3830 P?Iot I{uob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications cut sheets on materials and components to be used Date-u-/a/---.a,2 Site Address: 1 ?? ? I Lo(' ? Read Tenant / Building Name: ?2v -,W-7 The Applicant is: __ Owner ? Contractor Other PROPERTY OWNER Address: City: State: Zip: CONTRACTOR ., ?OMN License #: 465 Address: ? 2t e City: ?)?, _ /?(.rZ•LC_(i State: ll U`? Zip:6W7-- Phone#:6V,?.W ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: C?o_ FIRE PERMIT TYPr :iC Sprinicler System (# of heads Eire Pump1 r? I^1 i Standpipe _ Other: ? lw1i 1) )nw, ? , j - " UT ' WORK TYPE: New Addition dy ==Remvdsl? ? Alterations _ _ Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? CommerciaT _ Residential _ Educational _ other: Q ?? Please continue on reverse side .1" f PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Miximum Fee (includes S[ate Surcharge) Contract Value x Al If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 ==> If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per _ $ , , W Permit Fee $1,000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $167.00 $ , 5li State Surchazge $ TOTAL FEE: $ ?, S) I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit that the work wall be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans.( . \&n, Applicant' Printed Name Applicao Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW ?---------------, I For Office Use I ? Permit #. JA7 I V? ? I Permit Fee I ? I ? Date Received: I Staff: 2008 SEWER AND WATER REPAIR / DISCONNECT PERMIT Date: Fee: $50.50 _ City Sewer _ City Water ? Repair _ Disconnect Description Of Work: /C?aw, ?••?c.- -? Street Address for Proposed Work e:)AK :m2I OWNER Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is_ Owner _ Contractor ' Licensed Pipelayer ? Master Plumber _ PropeAy Owner _ Name: ZTa Phone: Address / City ! Pipelayer Training Certification Card #: or Master Plumber License #: I acknowledge that the informaEion is complete and accurate and that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes. I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit. . AppI' ant (Print Name) Appli Ys Signature Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use I I I I Permit City of Ea (t~ w I rs~ Permit Fee: I 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 1 i Date Received: Phone: (651) 675! -5675 Staff: 1 Fax: (651) 675-5694 INFLOW & INFILTRATION PERMIT APPLICATION Plumbing Sewer & Water Date: - / 1 / 2, Site Address: ) 3 Ca O a 1 D ol- K Tenant: C d fl 1"~ i'1 Suite M Name: Phone: &Si'C.'3.3 • =.L! RESIDENT / OWNER Address i City / zip: i Irv t2 c ~ca~, w''~/a I Name: 6'+ b - c License © S?i6o M k Address: Ll yS 1 L -7 + City: d CONTRACTOR State: M Zip: !S;5443 S Phone: 9 -33) n Contact: PLUMBING (Within the building envelope) SEWER & WATER (Outside the building envelope) TYPE OF WORK Sump Pump Repair Repair Other: Other: Description of work: (4 6 a c e ~ 5 on 4z;) r -u DESCRIPTION C` 0V,e r` cc)rr ec_+b~ p f-c7't ~c,-+ # /i 3v?3Ca FEES $60.00 / Each (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEE $ *Permit fees will NOT be reimbursed by the City of Eagan. If you plan to submit 1/1 repair costs for reimbursement, two quotes from qualified contractors must accompany this application. A list of contractors can be found by visiting www.citvofeagan.com/inflow, or City Hall at 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x it I c3 4 ✓"1 c s a <2r"rn o ra ~~~-cam: _ ~✓J')'( .(7 /YLJI Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground -Rough-In -Final i~~.3ay s4-k City of Eaau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 r Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use aT i " , �.J �4 Permit #. /061 24 AO -I Permit Fee: Date Received: 1 c-3�1� Staff: '! 2016 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: I /3 7/6 Site Address: Tenant Name: Sca v'{ %FO Y& /31- 1..04.e cele- >2k1, i - >,( /"( ,-),5' 721 (Tenant is: New / ✓Existing) Suite #: Former Tenant: Property Owner Name: j-le,r(a Clailc.j?-. 14 01/ C—p Phone: Address / City / Zip: 1961-7r- V i (+''r .eche ''`'1 Applicant is: Owner ✓ Contractor Type of Description of work: a €--'n!D c9 {- Construction Cost: a,/' `� `� Contract( Name: At 1Q j jvt. C - 63 k 11-1(1,„)).-1Zoe License #: i� e• 3 Address: 9,2(/ ( Q o ). City: D (O'1? vl. J V,`1 14 27 --_.V (, iy.N State: ,, Zip: _SS Phone: Contact: i f'-Lik-e. Email: 'Cal ' o (/ -41" C8r0of, c_G✓vi Architect/Engineer Name: Registration #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: X x*zN° x-.�.• do: m s that u ubmit are considered' to be public inform be classified s`4� on publl • i e spec on b ason h t would conif'.' . u� ��"hey are.#radeecrets. NOTE: plans and supporting the information may CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Pr pp Name x Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 Z-0 /IC SUB TYPES Foundation JCommercial / Industrial Apartments Miscellaneous WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace Salon Owner Change DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25%_ 100%) Census Code #of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction o1 al- DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Public Facility Accessory Building Greenhouse / Tent Antennae Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Drain Tile Roof: _Decking ✓nsulation Ice & Water Final Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Fireplace: _Rough In _Air Test _Final Insulation Sheetrock Windows Exterior Alteration—Apartments Exterior Alteration—Commercial Exterior Alteration—Public Facility Siding Reroof Windows Fire Repair Demolish Building* Demolish Interior Demolish Foundation Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building — give PCA handout to applicant MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklers A(, 4 Final / C.O. Required Final / No C.O. Required Other: Pool: _Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Siding: Stucco Lath _Stone Lath Brick Retaining Wall Erosion Control Concrete Entrance Apron Meter Size: Electronic Plans Required Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes ✓ No Reviewed By: ei'g' , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Z 9Z2 . 75- 26 r • S 2Ds-• ro at, Water Quality Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL: 31 Z g . ZS Page 2 of 3 AGAN ..2551522. 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651) 675-5675 I TDD: (651) 454-8535 I FAX: (651) 675-5694 buildinginsaections ancitvofeaaan.com For Office Use Permit #: /(l/ 90E Permit Fee: LO 0 • CO Date Received: Staff: L CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTIONS PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 7/29/20 Site Address: 1313 Lone Oak Road, Eagan, MN, 55121 Tenant: Scantron Corporation Suite #: J Property Owner Name: Scantron Corp. Kevin Lovstuen Phone: (651) 683-6216 Type of Name: Gilbert Mechanical Contractors License #: PC 769827 Address: 5251 W 74th St City: Edina State: MN Zip: 55439 Phone: (952) 893-2147 Email: koneill@gilbertmech.com New _ Replacement _ Repair Rebuild Description of work: Complete rebuild PVB, serial # 025472. Serving Lawn Irrigation, Located in the Mechanical room on 1st floor C MMERCIAL Irrigation System (L. yes / _ no) ( RPZ / 3( PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2' turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No Flushometers Yes _No Permit Fee $60.00 You may subscribe to receive an electronic nottflcation from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's webslte at www.cltvofeagan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One CaII at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X Kristin O'Neill Applicant's Printed Name Ap • lic nt's S ature