1555 Lone Oak Rd? Ic - _ `-,???37- a o f_!9? - - -C??.??G ? ? ,v? a ? u ? ? _ _ ? _ ??•-?_? o , ???.? ? 10 i! _ su,6-cled??e IAP r 11 -, - -____ Et/? _ ct.o?vtaac'1'_ ?d Catrrr?T' e??r? --- ?! •??o,vo.?7?y owner,3 -- /'G ?cssr"L?l?i?'? _ aT - / ? - - ?--• -- - i p??'l3?l??rl' (.?i ??j 0'ctc? in ?'f¢ ?eQ . C. -F---- - CITY OF EAGAN Remarks- NO services assessed. ,4ddition ZEHNDER ACRES Loc 20 Rlk 1 Parcel ? Owner Street State Eggan, IrIN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK t(o 1968 100. 8 tkSEWERLATERAL -lp 1970 1? . 68.48 411.Q1 A013062 10-18-83 WATERMAIN • WATER LATERAL 1970 WATER AREA 1977 160.00 10.66 85.38 A013062 10-18-83 STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER 51DEWALK STREET LIGHT 250.00 39167 10-11-83 WATER CONN. 450.00 1# is SUILDING PER. SAC PARK CITY QF EAGAN 3795 Nlo! Knob Raod Eayae, MN SS122 ' PHONE: 454-8100 . BUILDING PERMIT DWG/GAR ReceiPt # $108,000 r", October 11. ,083 Site Addrcu 1»-) LU[IC vaR nve.u Lo?'`, 0 ? BI«k 1 Sec/Sub ettn er .cres _r . Porcel # ? IO 88300 202 00 W Name ?. L S chx?ia? ; Addross --5-910- L Le}_' ncton b ,... `'t I'aul ? -699-0176 o Nome _ ? ?? Mdreu r ra.., Nome _ Nddres3 I hereby ocknowledge thot 1 hove reod this opplicotion ond state that the informotion is correct ond ogree to comply with oll upplicoble State of Minnesota Stotutes ond City of Eagun Ordinonces. Sipnature of Pei /1 8uilding Permit otl work shall be o 8uildir?p Off{tiol - SAME Erect p" Occupuncy R--3 Alrer p Zonin9 R-1 Repoir ? Fire Zone t1? Enlcrge ? T' Type of Contt. ' Move Q # Stories _ Demolish Q Length ?}? ?-6 Grode ? Depth 53 Sq. Ft. Apvrovats Fees Assessment - Water & Sew. Police Firo Erq. Planner Council Bldg. Off. _ APC Permit Surcharpe ?_ Plon check 77 SAC Water Conn. ?.,..,_ Water Meter Rond Unit ` Totul to: on ths express condition that ;cordonce wifh oll opplicoble State of Mlnnesoto Statutes ond City of Eaflon Ordinances. Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Psrmit No. Holder Plumbing k le I 7't ?' H.V.A.C. qc?55 w.u w.c.r Disp. Stwer Eiaetrie (i) 0i 210 /A 1) 5_? 14 P t-tE C (O-2(o 4L2. Irispectiat Date Insp. Other Footinps 0, , oll 'Of Foundation P Framinp - -$ y 71o Rouph Plbp. f Rouyh HVAC Inwlstion Final Plbg. !{ Final HVAC -30 M &'C Final c- Water Desaibe Location: wou Sewsr Pr. Disp. Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. ? I CITY OF EAGAN Fee I FiII in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prrnt /egib/y Tot. 1. Date 2. Installation Cost I I 3. JobAddress F Lot ?0-211Ik. ? Tract I ` 4. Owner 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City +}L State 8. Building Type: Residential ? U Zip Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New 0 Add ? I 10. Describe I 11. iqc Alter ? Repair D iFuel Type No. F.pui2ment 9TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM Air Handlin : Mfg. g Boileri Mech Exhaust Mfg. . Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outleu 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. 5igned : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 Receipt ` PLUMBING PERMIT Parmit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee fill in numbered spaces S/C " Type oi Print legibly Tot. 1. Date 2. Installation Cost • ; ..• 3. Job Address Lot Bik. Tract 4. Owner - 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. CitY 8. Building Type: Residential 12? 9. Work Description: New 10. Describe I 11. State ? Zip Commercial ? Institutional O Add ? Alter ? Repair ? No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner ? Shower Well ? Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other ? / Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : - - for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. 7his is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved `/ ''' CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PH O N E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt# To be used for Est. Value Date ,19 Site Address Lot 099 Block 00 Sec/Sub. Parcel No. -_ Name City Phone °Co Name . ? ` Address ? City Phone Name Address Phone I hereby acknowledge that I heve read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee OFFIGE USE ONLY On Site Sewage _ Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ Type of Const Ciry Water _ (Actual) (Aliowable) # of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Assessments _ Permit Water/Sewer _ Surcharge Police _ Plan Review Fire _ SAC, City Engr. _ SAC. MWCC Planner _ Water Conn. Council _ Water Meter Bldg. Off. _ Road Unit APC _ Treatment Pt Variance _ Parks Copies TOTAL A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable Stete of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinancea Building Official Permlt No. Permit Holdsr Date Telephone s Plumbing ?- H.V.AC. Electric Inspectlon Dste Inip. Comments Footings I Footings II Foundation Framing ? s •IjJ '7 -2 -6-9 Roofing AAO Rough Plbg. ROUgh Htg. 0 Isu1. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. ? Bldg. Final Cert. OCc Temp. LP GL C/?? ? Deck Ftg. Deck Frmg. ,NG Well Pr. Disp. T p "/L ? /d `/'92 ` • r PERMIT # PFi1CE: PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: ? Site Address Sec/Sub Name m Address c Ciry ? . i Phone Name ? 3 Address O City ?? - .. Phone y s f. - ? . , COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES _f, - BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. ? New ? Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL L4 Water Closet - $300 I Bath Tubs - $3.00 _(.._Lavatory - $3.00 --,-_Shower - $3.00 ?. J-Ki!chen Sink - $3.00 Urinal/Bidet - 53.00 I Laundry Tray - $3.00 ? - Floor Drains - $1.50 1 Water Heater - $1.50 -1_Whirlpool - $3.00 i_Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIT) Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 S1- SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE FEE: STATE S1C: • ? ? FOR: CITY OF EAGAN GRAND TOTAL: ?? ?` , , . , . _. ..... . .. - - - - - MECHANIC L PERMIT CITY OF?AGAN RECEIPT# 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAO, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE ?? CONTRACT PRICE: ? d oa PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block Sec/Sub Res. ? New ; Mult Add-on ? Name ? Comm. Repair Address c City K,or Lake- Phone `1`4 -!)1- Other _ ? Name FEES RES HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24 00 . . c Addr@sS ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 ; O City Phone -i030 RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM 1 PER PERMI'n 50 EA 1 - - . . TYPE OF WORK ? COMM/IND FEE - laio OF CONTRACT FEE Forced Air 09-1..M BTU ay ? APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES Boil r M BT TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDOS - AES. RATE APPUES e U MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 Unit Heater M BTU REMODELS - 12.00 Air Cond. M BTU $ MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT Vent. CFM - .50 PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets # BEYOND $1,ppp? Other FEE: ? ?i_ ,.r.?/Le.._.? ? ?? S/C: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL• ? ? . FOR: CITY OF EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 To be used tor GARAGE Est. Value $ZU, (`OQ Site Address 1555 LONE OAK RD Lot 202 Block 00 Sec/Sub. ZEHNDER 11CRES Parcel No. , IName J L SCRNAB ; Address 1555 LC?NE QAK RD ° City BAGAN Phone 452--6573 Zo Name SME OU ` Address ? City Phone ? W W Name ?" Address a W City Phone 1 hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the inlormation is corred and agree to comply with all applicable State oi Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permitee A Building Permit is issued to: J L SCtiWAB on Ihe express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official 18437 Receipt # ' ` - Occupancy 2oning (Actual) Const (Allowable) # ot stories Length Depth S.F. Tolal S.F. Footprints On Site Sewage On Site Well MWCC System Cdy Water PRV Required Booster Pump APPROVALS Planner Council Bidg. Ofi. Veriance OFFICE USE ONLY Pt-1 R-1 FEES 207.00 10.00 13S_?A v'1% Bldg. Permit V-N - Surcharge -YO I Plan Review TO-, SAC, City - SAC, MCWCC Water Conn - Water Meter Acct. Oeposit S/W Permit - S!W Surcharge Treatment PI Foad Unit - Park Ded. ^ copies 1.00 - TOTAL 353.00 Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # WATER SEWER PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC InspecNon Date insp. Comments Footings I Faundatan Fra,,,ng ?z Z v Z4/ Roofiny Rough Plbg. Q - - ?O? ?dr ira Rough Htg. Isul. Rreplace Final Htg. i Final Plbg. Const. Meter Pibg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Engr,lPlan Bldg. Final Deck Flg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN CONTRACT 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN PRI(_F ftunur wrw eJAA ` ..y.... - - - ? Address ? City f' •? ?• ?r -.. Phone City _-r, A- Me Phone FEES COMM./IND. FEE -1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT, BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM.IND.IFEE $20.00 STATE SUFiCHARGE PER PERMIT _50 (ADD $.50 S/C PER EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE) For! PERMIT # _ 55122 RECEI PT # . DATE: ? Res. New Consk Mult. Add-on ? Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLIOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Water Closet - $3.00 $ Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 IGtchen Sink - $3.00 UrinaVBidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 ? Floor Drains - $1.50 Water Heater - $1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM -1 PER PERMIT•NEW CONST.) Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openirgs - $1.50 U. G. Sprinkler System - $12.00 ? PERMIT FEE: ??i' ?"`'?` ,? ? STATES S/C: .jv GRAND TOTAL: LrV, 50 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Zoniny: OWfler: - - _y: AddfESS: Site /lddress: 1 Lotie Jai, ht Plumber MeMr No.. si:e: Reoder No.: I yme h oomolp rritk 11N Ckp of EMWw Ordinesar. By Dote of Insp.: WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: D/1TE: - ? - No. of Units: 1 f res CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road ;P. O. Sox 21199 Eegan, MN 55121 Zonlrq: Owner. ? Addross: Site Addross: 1555 LOne vak i. PlUTbQ/: T.!.1? `T'rF- tC"1 : , .. 1 I yfM 1'O 00111* MIA Ow ,? of BatoA OIdiN11E0l. Connection Charge: 450.00 Du i Accou.,r oeposst: 15 . 00 ,-,a ? Permit Fee: pd Surchorge: Misc. Chorpe:: t`-' t °r , Torol: ? Dote Poid: SEWER SERVICE PERMR PERMIT NO.: DATE: No. of Units: 1 L20 31 Zehnder Acres -..., ,.. Z-. C0171QCt10/1 Q10rpf: 42 •) . C1l) ' i ,i /1t00U11t DOpowt: 15.00 TlQ Pl1T11it F!!: 10.00 :Ld B SUfC?lOfQO: • J? `.77 Y Misc. Chorpea: Date of Irup.: Totnl: Insp.: Dota Pald: J//+'! JCf/c<Jf1 '/ (N3N-S711J ? c? ?V?izac ?roeri ?-c'Y ao: /?i?e Gul?.rf5 c?ssa»z,?ce ?haf i.?sis c? Eiai%/ad/z. /cT c,?nd 11C- LUOK/4 de?iai7`e/j, if /,9/44cl-</ Di? e- C'o?e-ne.// Q.1r2.9c14? 7ue3o?aY ?,?y?ir /4: ye64- Ca?? saJi?y r?". O 112??, he_ /as ->a o% aad he eUi// T ? ? Cirv oF encaN WATER SERVICE PERMR 3830 Pilot Knoh.Road 5379 P. O. Bo# 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55127 DATE: 4 zoniny: Rl No. of units: 1 Owner. _ Address: - $ite Addreu: agm 1e wnvy wilh eha Ctry of Eegon By - Dafe of Connectian Qiarge: /lccount Deposii: _ Permit Fee: - Sureharge: • ?V pu µix, qbrges; 60.00 pd mete Totul: DMa Poid: Insp.: ? %??°-? • D. CTTY OF EAGAN ?a?oe?i? ILeDIIVG PERMiT APPLICATION To Be Used For SF luation If/Q (J O Site Ps3dress ou e _j pE-, ol? Zot ?@ Elocx ( sec./s,ab 2.EkakEr AcrES Frect Parcel #: ld ^ ?6'600 - ,2o„t - bCD Alter Repair Enlarge Nbve Denolish Grade QNRer - ff? F, e f cL WG ? AddYess: ,?cj J S L City/Zip Code: ST, ?? u L m ?v Phone #: fj! (o y?i - o Contractpr: SA CUj ? Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Arch./E1ig. : Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: inci?fXt +nfo 1 site plan w/elev?ations 1 set of energy ca]?g?6? ?I ??? 0 _ Date OFFICE USE ONL OccuPancS' ? zoning Fire Zone 'Iype of Const. # Stories Front Depth 53 ft. APPROVALS FEES Assesstnents Ppa.ntit yS3 Taater/Sewer Surcharge? ? Police Plan Check Fire SAC Fng. Water Conn. Planner Water Meter / p ? council yD i?? Road vnit ? sa g? Bldg. Of ? APC nYI'AL o7-O M I S C) CITY OF EAGAN N? 8565 3793 Pib? Knob Rond Ea9an, MN 55121 .. ' ' PHONE: 434-8100 ?:) BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # - To 6a uwd fer SF DWG/GAR Est.Value $108,000 Date October 11 1983 SIM Address 1555 7.n ne nak Road Erect x Occupancy R-3 LotP 114af_ Block 1 Sec/Sub. Zehnder Acres qlrer ? Zoninq R-1 Parcel # 20 10 $$$00 202 00 Repair p Fire Zone NA l E V T f n arge p ype o Consf. W Nome Move ? # $tories ; Address 390 6? Demolish ?,eaE=??-tan ? Lensth 40-6 - a Ci St Paul phem H-699-0176 Grade ? Depth 53 Sq. Ft.- w N - - Approrols Feea 0 ame ?t Addreu SAME ? Cit Phone V, ww Name 1- _? Address 10 CiN Phone 1 hereby ocknowledge thut 1 hnve read this applicotion ond state thaf fhe informotion Is correct and ogree to compiy with oll opplicable Stote of Minnewta Stotutes and City of Eognn Ordirwnces. Signofure of Pertnittee A Building Permif Is ss ed to: oll work shall be do corda ce wi all oppliwbla Building Officiol Assessment Permit 453.00 Water 8 Sew. Surcharge 54.00 Polite Plan check 226.50 Fire SAC 525.00 Eng. Water Conn. 450.00 Vlonner Water Meter 60.00 Council Rood Unit 250.00 Bldg. Off. APC Totol $2018.50 on the expreu condition 1hm of Minnezotn Staiutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. ' CITY OF EAGAN NO 18437 .,- - 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55127 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # 0? / p (n 0 To be used for GARAGE Esl. Value $20, 000 Date nCT 9 , 1940 Site Address 1555 LONE OAK RD Lot 202 Block 00 Sec/Su6. ZEHNDER ACRES PefCBI N0. Occupancy Zoning w Name J L SCHWAB (Actual) Const ? Address 1555 LONE OAK RD (Allowable) ° City EAGAN Phone 452-6573 aof stories Lengih F Name SAME oePU, i ?g Address S.F. Tofal ? City PhOne S.F. Footprints ? On Site Sewage w Name oo sne wan ?30 AddfeSS MWCCSystem <w City Phone atywacer PRV Required I hereby acknowlege that I have read this applicahon and slate that the Booster Pump informauon is correct and agree to comply with ali applica6le State ol Minnesola StaNtes and City ot Eagan Ordinances. Signalure of PefmilBe APPROVALS A Bwidmg Permit is issued to: J L SCHW B Planner on the express condilion that all work shall be done iry cordance with all Councn apphcable State ol Minnesota Statutes and City of Ea'g n Ordinances. Bldg. Ofl. Buildmg OMicial - ctf f?'01! IJ?A Vanance OFFICE USE ONLV M-1 R-1 FEFS 207.00 10.00 135.00 V-N Bldg. Permit V=N 30' 30' surcnarge Plan Review sac, City SAC,MCWCC Water Conn Water Meter Acel. Deposrt SMI Permil 5!W Sumharge Trealmenl PI Foad Unit Park Ded Copies TOTAL 1.00 R53_ M CITY OF EAGAN N° 13 619 ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ' BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454•8100 Receipt x .-7 q + O? To be used for FIRE REPAIR Est. Value $130,000 Date MAY 13 1987 SiteAddress 1555 LONE OAK RD Lot Z0ZBlock 00 Sec/Sub. ZENNDER ACRES Parcel No. olName JIM SCHWAB I ? Address City phone a IName B.H. GRACE CORP O oQ Address 2004 VIENNA LN U: City EAGAN Phone 456-9030 City OFFICE USE ONLY OnSi[eSewage _ Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ Type of Const CiTywater _ (AduaQ (Allowable) It of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Foofprint S.F. APPROVALS nssessments Water/Sewer Police Fire Engr. Planner CounCil I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state Bldg. Off. _ thattheinformationiscorrectandagre tocomplywithallapplicable I A? - State of Minneaota Statutea Cit of Eagan/ d?yi an ces. Variance _ Signatureof Permittee FEES Permit $ 593.50 Surcharge ?00 PlanReview 296.75 SAC, City SAQ MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road UMt Treatment P7 Perks Copies TOTAL ? A Bwlding Permit is issued to: B• H. GRACE CORP on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicablne ota St utes and City of Eagan Ordinance& Buflding Otticial ? ? C REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION , See instr?etions /or completi?q this fotm on beck of vellow copy. "X" 8elow Work Covered by This ftequest ? 1 ? ? ee-oo?ooC1-os 7?d ,/ S' - A?Id Reo. --- ? Twe oi Buddina 1 Aoolmnees Wiretl Equ ? iument Wiretl 1 10 on p Fee ServiceEMmnceSize tt Fee' Feeders/5ubfeaders N Fee Circmts 0 0 to200qms 0 to30qms 0 tn30Ams Above 200 qm :,s 31 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 q 5 Swimmin Pool Above 100_Am s Above lOD_Am s TrensPormers Irrigation Booms Parual-"Other Fee L_[ Signs I I iSpecial Inspection ? aema?y?s - S ?2-SO TOTA flouBh-in Onie I, the E ical Inaoector, hereby certifv thet tha above Final ie inspeclion hes bean ? ] 10?? mede. TNe requeat mld 18 months Irom This request wid j?/8? J'JLc??/ !Y ? mo?h?rl 91,?_ Raqu/est /Data ?Q[ 3 J97 I Fire No. I qeQghed,insoectio? , ? No o?atly Now Will Nobty InsPec- ?tor When Reedy ih, Licensed Eleclrical Contractor 1 hereby requast inapecbon oi ebove Owner elecirical work installed at: Sveet Atldress, Box or Noute No. City :SS's Lan? 0 /J.K Rp €? ari ecUOn o. TownshiP Name or No. Range o. County Occupant (PIi1NT) $. z/. G?e` e Phone No, S?SIo 91030 Power Su00ber I DA?KoT /+ Address 3PO Ecal Con[ra,c-t.sr/?Company Namel Convacior's Licunse PW. ' ' M z, O E C /e ?fi-) G G??JP6d MadinB /1dJress (Contractor ar Owner Making Instaila[ion) 9' ?4 'et- Lu,<? «- id-f' Auth ized Signature (Contractor Owner MakinB Installationl Phone NumDer MINNESOTA 57ATE BOAPD OF ELECTflICITY THIS INSPECTION PEQ EST WILL NOT Griqqs-MiAVeY Bldq. - floom N-791 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAXD UNLESS VpOPEfl INSPECTION FEE IS 1627 Univeraitv Ave.. St. Peul, MN 55104 Phone167Z1fi42-O800 ENCLOSED. This reque'ot vaid" AC. {C"? ?r??? ? ? 3 7$monNSyrom y?? ;(T sZ.? E9082630ft? LZoz 300Z???rAcr?s 34.60 Request 3nte Fire No. flouph-in Insueruon Re mred? ?Ready Nnw XWIII Noirty Inspec- ? ? Yes ?NO I'lr When ReaAy Licensed Electncal Cantractor I hereby rapuestinsoection of ebova Owner electrical work installed aY Stree[ AAdress, Box or Rou[e No. City S S" ?e9?r? n1 eclion o. Township Name or No. Ran9e No. CountY lGL/Tl? Occupnm (PftINT) Phone No. 5C-Wtj kTts, Pow er Su py lier Atldress n /' ` ' ?•?/ n-P C? Electncal Conttactor (Company Nama) Conbactor"s Lmense No. JOCOWA-hrit-rez EwY: lc. 1.4 Mailmg Atldress onhacmr or Own¢r Moking InstallaboN o? Vi- ssi/ Z eed SiPn re ntre Ownar Fj2j"p InswllaLOn) Phon e Number ' G O -30 THI INSPECTION flEQUEST WILL NOT M NE50T STpTE 80APD OF ELECTRICITY ?ees•Midwey Bldg. - Xoom N•191 BE ACCEPTED 9Y THE STATE BOAND UNLESS PHOPEF INSPECTION FEE IS 7821 Univarsity Ave., S<. Paul. MN 55104 1-1 ,,,, ,, ,,, ENCLOSED _, REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ,Ift ee-ooooi.oa . . ,. n ' Sea insLUChons br complebm [his form on back a1 vellow copv. ?V (J?Qo 26"Jj ' "'k" Se/Ow Work Ca?red by 7his Request 2-7 FAd Rep. Type ol Buildmg Appliancxs Wvetl EquiUment Wved Home : Range ?wj Temporary Service Duple.x Water Heater Liyhtiny Fxtures Apt Building Dryer Electric Heahn Commercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unluader Industnal Bldy. Afr Condrtioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm oiner pe,.i v tner isuemrN c er suoury lnr.. o,n,:. Compute /nspecuan Fee Below # Fee Service ntranceSize # Fae Fneders/SubfeeAers # F Ci rcwtp - 00 0 to 00 m 5 0 to 30 qm s 0 ta 30 Am s Aove 200 qmps 31 to 100 Amps t 61p 31 to 700 Am s Swimming Pool [1 Above 100_Amps Above 100_Am s Transiormer5 Irrigation Booms O Partial: Other Fee Signs Special InspecLUn tgQ, $? TOT He marks AL Hough-in D,?fe ? ??r I, the ElactricT ? f l Inspector, hereby Final D:1La cer"lv that the above i ? {nsoac[ion has baen ? mada. Tmn mnnw_a1 vnln 19 monlna Imm 3P ? S? REOUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ??"`-"??es.ooom-oa ? See insMUCtions tor compleUng this farm on back oF yellow copy 5,3 C? -°°9 4 0 5 -•X" Below Work Covered by This Request ew Add Rep j TypeofBUildmg ApphancesWired EqmpmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heatlng Apt Builtling Dryer Other (Specify) CommJlntlustnal ' Furnace Farm Air Conditioner O[ner (specAy) CoMreciw's Remarks ?i4r?e Compute Inspectian Fee 8e/ow: # Other Fee # ServweEmranceSrze Fee # CircuiGS/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 ta 200 Amps 0 to 10 AM Transformers Above 200 _ Aps Above _ Amps SignS 3 Inepecror5 Use Only TOTAL ,5 Irnganon Booms 00 Special Inspechon niarm/COmmunicanon THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORD DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby J Rou9n-in ? Dete ? - certify that the above inspection has been made. Final ? ' OFFICE USE ONL? This reauest voi0 18 moMM Irom ? 38405 aoa `y? °a c Repuest Date re Fough-in Inspedwn R iretlT y/'' ? ReaCy Now ya?rvAl Not?ly Inspector Ves ? No ?? When Reatly7 C wner hereby request inspection of above elechical work at: 10 licensed contractor )? JoD RGOress (SVeel Bm or Route No ) CM If.i /' H" Oa d ed < w $eclion No. Township Neme or No flenge No CouMy Occupanl (PRINT) PhOne No. :T' L- voMer suvvlier NsR nmress I j ,sr .c kKd EIb'ta1 Conlracbr (COmpeiry Name) ConlratlorS 4cense No. Mading AOOrass (LaMrMOr or Oxner Makmg Insiallatwn) oV{.r Auth i etl SigneNre ICOnVadaI ner Meking I ailBtio I Ovy Phone NumEer / / / /tY TiG?'/`___._. . - / WN SOTIISTATE BORHD OF ELECTNICITY T/IS INSPECTION REQU65T WILL NOiGrl -MlEway BMg. - Noom S7]3 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARO 18 nlvarolry Are., St. Paul. NN SStO{ UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS (81R) 602-0900 ENCLOSEO This repuast void /?J/? mon?hs (rom 9 7 3 0 4 aoa oo ?? ' ?- ??"? Request Da Of-I I o. Roueh-in Inspection / fle uiretl? ?Neatly NowOWill Notity InsDec- ?`, ?Yes ?NO torWhenReady Licensed Electrical Convactor I hereby reQUest inspec<ian ot abova Owner elactricel work installed et: Streec Adtlress, 9ox or Rouce No. C.ty SSs Ze,ze G,o- 20 ,qc.aN 1 ecuon o. Townsh?0 Name or No. Range No. County Occupant IPpINT Phone Nn. 0.G 5?n d n Power SuOVlier Atltlress Af• 5. P. &Cnj Elec ?cal Cont rec tor I COmpany Namel - Cnntracto r"s Lmense No. ? , , r eu r 61Y? C /O d' Z Mai1inB Addrass (Contractor or Owner Making Instailauon) 1 ?/ Y / SSU Auth ized Slure (COnh ctor 10 wner Makine installat Phone Number MINNFSOTA STATE BOARD'DF ELEC7RICITY TMIS INSVECTION HEQUEST WILL NOT Grippe•Midway BIAp. - Room N-191 gE ACCEPTE? BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Universitv Ave.. St. Paul. MN 66704 UNLE55 PPOPER INSPECTION FEE IS vnnnwlfi1216620AOO ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION es-ooaoiq-os , See inatroctiona for tompletim lhis form on beck of yellow coov. V[* Q ? /1 "'X" 8elnw Work Covered by lhis Request ?- c} r? AlwNAdd R.P. Tvoe of Bmld'na_ I Aooliancea Wired Equipmen, Wired I Air N Fee Service Entranee Size p Fee Fexders/Subteaders k Fee Circuits .BO U to 200 qm 5 0 to 30 Am s -Od 0 to 30 Am s Above 200 qmps 31 ta 100 Amps .4p0 31 [0 100 A s Swimmin Pool Abave 100_Am s Above 100_Am s Transiormers Irrigation Booms Partial,'Other Fee L__L ? Signs iSpecial Inspection I5 pemarks S3S0 TOTAy?-----) ?r> >v i ' -, - , .( ) ?. ?ne ei-e-eir?ei Inspecbr, he.eby eertify that the nbove ?q?oection hes been 3 ? /7 4 1987 BOIL?ING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS IRGLIIDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SUAVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCOLATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOE CORAER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNEB MQST DESIGNATS WHICH ADDRESS IS DFSIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BQILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS - RESIDEI3TI9L RENT9L IIISITS FOR SALE i1NITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SOEVEY - CHECK iiITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COLMMRCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCAITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND t SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND ' r ??x.?ylti 1' _.? ? To Be Used For:Valuation: ° -- Date: Site Address /s S s ?-onP ?.7,?1 Lot P 6 ? Block ? Pareel/Sub (??L Owner 5/j Address City/Zip Code Phone Contractor /8, J'J, 6I'dCC' Address zpC> Y VI e.hvrv City/Zip Code ? S5-/Zz ehone ? S G - 903U Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone # Z/ f,7 On Site Sewage_ Occupaney F, -3 MWCC System ? Zoning fZ•I On Site Well of Const City Water 5Type (Actual) (Allowable) aISTINI # of Stories Length ? Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. 9PPROVALS FEES Assessments Water/Sewer Police Fire Engr Planner Couneil Bldg Off APC Variance Permit Surcharge CoS, Plan Review L9(?-15 SAC, City ?- SAC! MWCC titlf. Water Conn Nl/a Water Meter ta Road Unit N a Treatment P1 N A Parks Copies TOTAL S I 3?x 33 = l (?gx Iq = ??&?.? I? 313? ?21 ?< r2= 7?8(5 ? ?1 CoCn C- + 17701,4 593•?u,. 6 5•uo+ ? -- 296 •'/7+ 9 55 - 2 >. 1 ?l 1990 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS MULTIPLE DWELLINGS 2 SETS OF PLANS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS _# OF RENTAL UNITS _# OF FOR SALE UNITS COMMERCZAL 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. LOT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. To Be Used For: G*y' ?-h G t Valuation: -ylo'?" Date: -?o Site Address ISSS LaNE.OAK RoA-D Lot ?O.Z Block 00 ID - 88800 -2oZ-00 Parcel/Suh zc? y/?d&2 A' c/L <'J Owner j L, ?c_{t wu 5 ?.i Address /J Ukv e OrfG( rcE City/Zip Code C{`fL /+,v J'J?l L / Phone y1'2 ^ 6 f )'3 (r,t, G3f-^ 653'/) Contractor Si/)ae Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. _ Address City/Zip Code Phone # 20 ?000 ? OFFICE USE ONLY FEES Occupancy M-l Zoning R_ 1 Actual Const V-N Bldg. Permit ,?OrJ,Oa Allowable y-? Surcharge IO1C)C) # of stories Plan Review / ,Oa Length 3a ? SAC, City Depth 3t9' SAC, MWCC S.F. Total Water Conn Footprint S.F. Water Meter Acct. Deposit On site sewage_ S/W Permit On site well S/W Surcharge MWCC System _ Treatment P1. City water _ Road Unit PRV Park Ded. Booster Pump _ Copies = SUBTOTAL APPROVALS Penalty Planner _ TOTAL ? Council Bldg. Off. Variance .. uaT?ar? //A C , . .. ; ? • r, GAaa? ---- ? 3o x3? _ !89`???5= /3Sa-o A it? ? 20K3o C-0tj iv *ra fio .N' w.? '?-?`?" • ?- :2yoia METRO 1875 PLAZA OR. SURVEYORS EAGAN, MN. 55122 INC. Certificate of Survey for: (612)452-7850 JAMES SCHWAB LEGAL DESCRI PT ION: THE EAST 95 FEET OF THE EAST 190 FEET OF LOT 20, ZEHNDER ACRES, ACCORDING TO THE REGORpED PLAT THERESF, DAKOTA CO., MINNESOTA ? Jb U 0 (-DRIVEWAY EASEMENT ' ? k- (,) I ? e2. Q iYoT S/1o&VN I 1c; ../ll',/ ?,?t-•1 ?'c ? Brodley J. M son, Mn. Roq. No. 19233 Datt 1-- o N IWi Q 10 J Ol li ?O Q W W yl WLL ?? U. r ON W Q 2 W J 41 H ? N 30 SCALE I"=30' 0 n 95 95.0 30 ? p ? ?O _ l0 M _11 0`?Ps O 2P PP M LC) N N N O J LL O W 2 J F U) a w 0 n f- G __j LONE OAK ROAD tEGEND INVERT ELEvAT10N AT SERVICE ExTENSION- _ o DENOTES IROFi MONUMEH7 PROPOSED GARpGE FLOOR ELELATtCM o DENOTES WOOD HU8 SET PROPOSED FIhST FLOOR ELEVATION= DENOTES EXISTING SPOT PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ' ELE VATION ELE VATI ON OENOTES PROPOSEO SPOT ELEVATION ? DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION NOTE' VERiFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HWSE PLANS I MrebY certlfy that tAis surveY,Dlon o? roDOrt was prepond py im or un"r my direct superviaian and thaf 1 om a duly Repistered LonA Surveyor undw tM Lows ol the Stofe o} Minnesofa. EEXn<Twra HOA45- eIclN.'k r.s11 or. 4 '_iN ii" C:i:e.'. <?c:ti.( .?iuscryoT i. y, J?. ?A u.1?1 Y? ul llq ??? ?) M.nn?wN I399 E LARPINILUR AVf. • S1.PAUl, MINN yS1U9 Phone 777•6428 SUCYEYOR'S CERTIFICATE . . ...... . . ... I hardby cortlPy thzt ttiis ic r. true and corraot reprecbntation of a s«rvc-y of the bound.rles ofs ?< 1.aEal Deacrlptic.n J+o.l Tho r:ast 9.1.0 fciot ot Lot 20. °,dhndur Acroa. EaEen Tovnship, L..hotu Cc.Lr,ty, MlntAjwute. totetYwr vith aext J4}JjNCL to un Ee?e0mnnt over und ucrocs the North 30 tcat of ull ut Lrla Lnt 20 for Ir,Erus• ur.a EgTUec. Also tuguthnr r+lth and AubJ4,ct Lo rn Huaemunt over and .croae suid Lot 20 for conatruction and nialntulnunce of Ssnltary aewor c:..ln. ?.L:gnl llescrSption No,2 Ti.e w'est 9,'.0 toet of the Ea9t 190,0 fcut of Lot 20, Zehridat' Acras, 4:.,;an Tbwr...hly, D..koLa Cuunty, Hirinccutaii togutt.ur wtth -Ar-d 4ubjuCt to un ?.u,.rment over .,riA acY•o:;e thc K:•r•th 30 fuut of :i11 of oatd Lot 20 fur Lr?;io+.y ..[ii:i 14,resa, e11::o toeethur wlth yiiJ yLuj.ict to an 1's.asbe+unt ov-jr urLi across euid Lut 20 for con?troction iiaA we,int,,ir.k%r.ce of .:..ciitcsy Luwer mblu. Lugul Lcicrlytlon No.3 Ttae t:urth 1C0,0 faet uf Lot 20. "l,.:tir.ior Acraa, excuyt ttia Esat 190.0 fevt thoreof, G.,6xr. `Povnahip. L:.Nota Cw,n1.}•. 111nr,auota. togutheT wtth hr.d uu5jact to an F;ust,rient ovtsr :.c,-i ucrc.:::: tliu L'orth 30 feot ot ftll uf .4.41d Lut 20 fur Iri4reas ancl L6iucj. Alco toF?eGh«?r vith encl subject to an E'userient av(jr an9 ucro::s sLtld Lot 20 fuf coi,ctruction lir,d nuitit:,inur.ce oI :k,niLary 9owr nuir. -lz?ral Lcscrl;?tlon T:o,4 . Lot 20. ZehriAer Acroa, oxcuyt tha Eu:;t 190.0 fuot utid except tt,n North 100,0 fec,t thureof. f:uL?an TownsLiv. LakuC++ Cour,ty, tiiyin-jsota, toj;utb(--r wlth and subjuct to an !.c=sec.ent uvur LnA •.,crocc o:lid Lut 20 tor cct,ctruction end r.,dir,tainoncc+ of Olanttitry sawur r•1rii1rL. r0 As yrepared by pe in January 1969 A.D. ? R.T.Buchan Sur.tyfon 1t - ??7..23 S,ano (•-Tn. ?- U$kOtU COUfIty.Mlnnoeota Mnnt?,-?nPe•aisiwtivnNo.S712 --------- -- . . ? v K ? r h i, --•- ? J .`'IG ,r(, L! '!1 L ? ; ?, ! n ? .SCAL E • / • 60' 1y . ?.. i / i,? / ,µ,,?D 'f ? ` ?_ V r,r"'!.?-? ? 1 ? Kr.M ,' ? (\?? ,'i'? . '?.? y ry ' '_ •_ ' - . r ' ' ' lr v ? k ??.. . ?., ? / ? ".' '_ ? ' ? f . " ?• I `.I I LIt:IV D .l , ? , ir- V o2)* V ? 3,4 Ke ?- o? ? •? '• , SD ?' i'.. -r a ??. . • C/ ? - i i"1' - - ..?•._.. ? ?. -- -?/--- -- ? A{? ? (v? ?AGcGl?-,/ /p r???? ! ? 1 J y, 4 r AL / ? . - i ? /11 ? `;' ? ? ? /• ? ?? ? /? >/ , ? ? 1 ...I ? I , • ' ? . . r_ ., ..... .. ? ". ' / ?\ ? ' ` \? \ ? '' r ?"??`?? ?._ • ?_,.. ? ?- '? ? ( ? / ., __ ,?? 'I?':11 -? l /??_f?? '?._7 ' ? `-_ ,- '?` `a ` •\` ?-.. I J I t ? ? i ?, ? \ ? \' / \`? ? \\ ? f ? y' • ? ?? ? ? . ?,?C? _=-,..,-? ? ? ?;?"-?y /•? ?? ??? . ,?? = ? _? ?.??= _, '?Y { / J ?? ?? i?'? I ??L('- ???•N' •?? ?., ? ? ? I ? ?•,??1` ? `??„ - .- f I,. , _.?=.:? }. j ?^? i' ? , ?" ?'?r""' _? C I i ?i'•? ? '"'"? ''_ ? ? ,. ?. j,1? ,O `???•c?"? I? ?',_ s,,r ?___ - _-- -- l .?\ Y `? \ ? .0 , 1? I !? /. .•.. ?'?.'.'?U ?` , ? ? •?\ - • ._ `1N ? ?z\?? ?yo `? ,' `, 1 •- 1 l?. _ . ' ;?, i , ` "- ?, , G?'----- ??:'?:' ? ? ?j?_ ? ? •? , _????. ? ? .: ?•'? ! ? ??` : ?? --- ??? '? _ l,? ? ? I ? I-. ? ? • ' ' tnI ? f ._?_-.?.,+_._,l ..-- ? _. i . ?; ? i ? .. ,. ? ?• r=? . 1` , ? _ ?: ?-I1) .._.....?.Y- ? ?? r, J ?.------_. '' ,??/ .? ? (?_i ? `? ? - ' f -?r ??:.) ' ; ??, ??, ? ? .' _ _ _?•i _ -- .? . \ . . _ •' ` ?/ - ? ? ? ? ' _-- "-----? . ?' q ? ?/ . \ '` ? `? (:7 ?-r?? • . ?' i " y??--= - • _ _?, ? `f `?'? - - -r x ? ???.` I\? ?r? ._1--.?'i?? . ? `` ?? _ I =- _/ ?•?t:__.?' II? . rJl,.? .? ? ? ? • ? rb7 ? 1 ? ... . ? ; , ? M - , . 1 ,'40 1\\? ? t??_ -? ? ? ?. ?\ v ???? af• 'y,/ y .. ? I I . T r . ., 1 1 ? ?o ? ? - - r x 1? ? ? • - , , '•x 1 ? , w ? ` 1 f T \ l ' ? - -- ?--? ? -- ' - --- --(T f??o.. - - - _ _ ?- ? ?r?---, -?--? -.. LoRa of Soil Barin e i 1 ! ! 1 ? ? ? t 4 ? ? ., Location or Pro]ect i49 Borings made by ,4:LZ? Classlfication System: AuBar used (check two): e --- - ' (Tnified ; other _?- pASHO ?_: USDA-SCS \?+ • other _ ket _,.> T _. ^ Nand ?. a= PoWer _: Plight or Buc ------------ ? Bor1nR number ? Depth, Depth, Boring nvmber in 5urface elevatian -J in Surface elevation ' feet feet ° p,,/< /sGo?,? 0 a S???rc?{ LJA/H. ?1 .:7µ e- 1 -" 1 - s ?7?u e eQ J ri' cl ?sr E! 2 - c ?X<N_ i E cc?/c?r. 2 f"?K G /2 5 ?? oLi C'. 3.- T„r v1..[ ?y f?° S ???1 ?`?? `Y 3 n /?,/y.r ? r?a /c??1 / 3? ? rr • rg u,.c.YVU. u,.i ?z sf d?f' i ? a 4 , ?''a?e ?/ /o5 Y"u z, 5 6 6 -- -y 7- 7 iVc-Yc> ?? ?.?,?r l • f? rjOilr. e. S- 8 -- . ? r? Gs: (? 1.'l?- ? d'?'?v Ni c feet. End of boring ar _ - 5tan31nB Water table: Paesent at feet °`- depch, hours af[er borin(c• _?----- Not present !n boring hole ? .lottled soi1= Observed ac ---- feet of depth. Not presenc in boring hole _.LC,_ Obs.:n+ations and comments: End of boriTst AL feet. --{?-?--- • Standing wates table: Present at _ feet of depth, - hours after borinR. .?---- iNot present 1n boring hole ?_• Mottled so11= '?--- feet of depth. Observed ac ? Not present 1n boring hole ?.• flbeervations and commencs: ??r ?-??r, . _ LoRa of Soil Borln?s • •Location or Project 26 -? / /?`? WV • Horings made bY Date Classification System: AAS}i0 i1SDA-SCS Unlfied ; other Auqar used (check two): Hand or Pover ; F11ght or Bucket ; othei _ _, _ _ Depth, Boring number ?;13, DePth, Borini[ numher /3 y =? f?!l3• I 1a feet Surface elevation ? i° feet . ? Surface elevation 0 ry Lg lZJ c? ?` j? 7iC z e' Z - .i:.?srr2 2 rU'ry,'ai? frr,.. / • 1'it isf 3- 3- ? /?. L'YK/a?cy f G' ?l ?cLr-f C?1 q ?l".Y?z e'f7?1 ?%/ ! ? <? =/ ??% 4 . S? b U Sa.k 7 a ?, ?/? /rs?' y?r??e/• . /v ?.- .S 3r--x c:? ? End of boring at feet. c Er.d of boring at feet. Standing water table: StandinR water table: Present at feet of depth, Present at ?-' feet of depth, I "-` hours after bor.inR. -- hours after horinR. Not present in boring hole ? Not present in boring hole ?_. 'lottled soil: ; Muttled soll: ObseYVed at fee[ of depth. Observed at "- feet of depih. Not presenc in horinR hole Ncc presen[ in boring hole ?_. Obsurvations and comnents: Observations and coffinents. i ? , t ? ? ' • • , • LoRa of Soil Borinus ,i • ' Location or Pro]ect • Horing9 mede by Date Clasaification Sys[em: AASHO USDA-SCS Unified ; other Augez uaed (check two): Hand or Pawer _; Flight or Bucket _; other _ Depth, BoriaR number 115- Depth, Boring numher 1-?e-I ? in Surface elevation .?--- in Surface elevation '`-'?- tcet feet 0 0 1- i041, LC'? 1 - - 2 3- Tvr?c;?z 5- ?v ? l?v?r drx, 3- Sdndy 4 4 - 5 ?arr. ; ??.?al ?f-•ff/ac?? 6 - S^Yhc' cjrc?c?-G? ? 6 - 7 - 7 - 8- 8 - ? - End of boring at feet. End of boring ar feer.. S[anding water table: Standing wate: table: . Ftesent at ? feet of depch, Present at --' feet of depth, ' hours after borinrq. --_ hours af.ter horinyt. No[ pzesent in boring hole Not present in borin,e, hole 4o[[led soil: Mottled soil: Observed ac feet of depch. Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole ' Not present in boring hole OAsQrva[ions and cononents: Obaervations apd cumneats: ? ' _ .? , _. .... . - . . ? . .. ?.. . • , . nuurn: - JI rYl A UJO ?EZtJ 1 GS? 4:?'-CH«Jin P2 S17E 11DpRE55: L-,O?JE 01A 1c- 1L.0„U Y FaC0 64 N . I?x n*' CON7MC70R: DATE: PHOUE: , DETENIIHC WORKItIf SO,UAItE FOOTAGE OF EACH; ' l. TOTA1. EXPOSED UALL AREA,,,,,,,,, 'tq ft X"WI •1P.J? r' SqS:/ 2. TOl'AL ROOF/CEILING AREA........ Za(?Q sq ft x"uu ?0 w 9Q•T ). 70TAL EXPOSED IfALL AREA CALCULATIOt15: • ' 7ota1 exposed wall .. • , • . ores abovc fioor,,,.,,,. sq ft . a) Yotai* wail windwv aroa: T2t(?l? gta:ed...... :q rc x "U??. . . "f' ? ,. l9'3 5! I COLL? glaxed...... -7 Q fq PC %"ll" u u b) 7ote1 door aroa „',,,,,?, ? "-3 g2. sq ft X. U. c) 7ota1 s11Jinii fllass door arsa: ?laxed...... --- sq ft x .??U" --_ , - glazed....,. sq ft x uUu -? .+ ? d) 7otai fireplaca wall aroa sq ft x "U" • e) Total wall framing aroa ? „ s ' • (Avorage lOR)............ sq Pt x U. . ? ' • ? ??( . f) Total net Nall arca above ?? ? • floor (Insulatod)....... 2sq ft •A "U" / ' • r? g) . . Tocal rim Jaisc aroa...... sq fc x , "U" •?? L ? /2, 2, Total foundaitlon l ' uroa (Expo,¢d).......•..._ ?+ xq ft • h) Total foundatlon r? . ? l pi ?? ? ?Q ` • ?? ._ sq windar aroa ............. v (t x U I) ' 7uta1 nct foundation f "U" ... arca abovo gradn........ sq t x 7ATAL u) thru If Item !g Is thrt sawc as, or la.s than Itr.m pl, you havc mec the lntent of S.Q.G. Sr.u(on G006 (c) 'L. h. XOTAI-EXPqSEO RQAf/CCIL111G CALCULA7IQIIS: '7ata1 cx(ia,ed /?`? ? roof/ccI]Ing rirca.....s.. ?Z? sq ft 1) Total skylinht araa....... ? sq ft x"U" ?_.• - k) 7ota1 roof/celllnq framing 2/L /: AfQA (Averonn )Oy.)...... fCJ sq ft x"U" •??- 1) Total net Tnsulatcd . roof/celllnq arca.......? sq ft x"U" T07AL J) thru 1) If total of 0 Is the sainn as, or lcss tlian P2, you hava met tha intnnt of S.B.C. sccttaR 6606 (c) 1. • . , , . , •.?,. -. •:?:?'L.`..?.. • , . . ' . . . • ?:i; jti' . , ' • .. ?: . . • , , . : . . , ALTERHATE DUILQINf EIlVELOPE DESIGN To ut111zc thn tota) envclope-systcm mcthod, tlic values ustablished by the sum of Iterns 13 and jA shall not be groatcr than the sum of Itcros Pi anJ 02. r + 7 • . .. 3, + h. ? CERTIFIf.ATI•011 I hercby certify tliat I havic ealuilutecl the "U" factors ond "R" volucs hi•roin and that 'tlic huil(linq hcrc dcscrlbcd mcots or'excccAs the Statc of Ninnot.uto Cnargy Conscrvntion Act. Sl nnturc , , _?eez/7/e 3- cna tc) u:. 1 r1 ". , . IAf4I1I13, SCC71UI1: lotcrior air film ? y " incne i ? ? ? l:xtor or a r WAli. tiLCTlOU (IIISULATED) (1 Intcrlur air fllm ?-?, ?. 1N?` i am01.1 I h. 7;?TraKt.?eot7 1rllUC n.6ri Q. TO'fAl R n ' U - 1/R•? • 0.6R U.? ,p. •?4 • r r •r1 . •? . .A ?' s - = •-' . ?•, •,a .. ?' 4 •,°, ?': ; : •.•f...•'n'?' r.n - o.ll 1'0 hL H s U - 1/R ? ? . ` Fouunr';rturi sr.c'i io«: ?--'(1 Intr.riur :?tr film ?_ n.FA ? 3 t1????5 ? ?g 1'i0.17 i';;.•? • - 1'OTt,? n ? -'' U? IIR SlAll 01! Gl;Al)L . r ' li???' ? .' . .? V ? ? V . ?4 •? • .1• ?. , ??? ???1: . 'A•? ?1 : ,.? ,!' •i . •• n•-' ..,•.. . . ? • . •. . i! . ??. ? , •? ? • .,i ? ? ? : j, .•. .' A. . ? ,. . . . . .r \ • , ' . ' ?.? `t? y'?. . ? . / • . , . . . , ?.?.?:.., ;,;n. . ??•? ? ? •?( f' r??' r•? ? '? ?.?? / ? Ii l'.r.irriui :iir film xtcrior oir tilm r;ui .iois•r sEcrinri: --?1 Intorivr alr fllni :???• 11 f,1.?tiJ : ? ......? IP?.'.•,'??,V i .. C1111:'1 1•111. I I l-J CCIl.I11116 SI'CTI(IIJ (IIlS ? hilerlnr alr ? •'.??1 rr- ! 3 ?i l.?trri??r ?Ir It V/\1 lit j • . Ji.nTUI) ? . filrb - 0.f.1 Go _ 1'llm stlll (?.l.1 1(?TAL It ? : 7" 75 U n 1/tl . .O?-.? Cf:ILlrlr, fRN11uG SECTIatI: 2 3 . 5 CflllllG SL'CTI01! (INSUI.ATED): 1' Intcrior air fili-i ?.FI 7. 3 ? Ii lir,cerir,r ulr ri-im still 0.? ? 70'1W R a U- 1/Ro , . ; • ' VCfJ7CD O 4FO, yi.? i.i?. ??;!'_.•':'••%.? ..;. ? ?ZA:.\/. ::.?•_'..1?.? ?s?'?. ?.) ?? .:?" :i .:' :. ?.. : ? ,_•t:. • ? • • `/ y ? y??{•:{?.--:??(j''''.'1'r?'%,?? .t/ CCILINR I"I:AtSIt14 SECTI011: 1• I?ircrlor rir Fllm 0.61 ' .-- 3 ` h I{xtcrlor alr Im (sil I1 ?? . • lnchas snf t r:oo.1 '(Ul'Al Il ? U - 1/R- r 1 In.ldce n1r fiLn ' ?.f•t ? h . 5 Uut•.Idt_,r?ii' (iln n.l% 'to7n4 I. ? . ? ? ? fr?a---17, ?? To Tae? A.?.,? F?f?IAL LoGP. lo?,! oF ?.y?17?IJG? 7a oi ?°?5 ? N?ArE ai ?o N aF ??F' h L? T s? , ? ' '. ? . ? i „ .\ U' ? oa i ? i ; . ; -- - -----? - - - - ? ?,' _-?-----_ ? s?p i r?, La. .?•.?F?- ? n t m i 2/84 I CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PMM2T ' SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTZON (PLEASE PRINT) 1) PROPfRTY ADDRESS : L-n Nk 014- R?• T.FPAT DESCF2IPI'ICN: F +S'% nF 4a7- dU Z,Cit.1AL-"lZ 1Y-C rEf4S (Lot/B1ock/SUbciivision or Tax Parcel I.D. Numiber) I"r STRUCT!,";ZE, DATE 0° ORIGINAL EUILDLIG Pu.`ST ISjUPNCP: PRES,-?..^ ::0`IIi3;/FT?OPpSc"Je iJSE: ZR-1 SuNGLE FP2MSLY 17 R-2 DUPLEX (24%'0 UNITS) O R-3 T04vNH0USE (TFIl2EE + UNITS) ( UNITS) ? R-4 FLp==/CONZDCMEqICM ( Wi ZTS) Q CONIEk2CIAL/REPAI7;/0FFICE ? nMUSTRTAT' Q INSTITUTIONAL/GOVEI2DAENT Z) APpLIGANT (PLEASE PRINT) yccj?&.f? ADDRE$$: S/l.•d S v L£X /.,.C I?i.• crrY, srATE, zrP: 577f35i,,L Piio.E: Gr1? O/7? 3) PIxJMBER . PLEASE PRINi) FOR CITY USE ONLY NAME: c- FXC io'?O PLUMBERS LICENSE: ADDRESS: Active CITY, STATE, ZIP: ?fJ Gy-y yr n/ ?,-5-(a ? ?] Expired T?R MAT Q Not af Record PHONE: PLUMBER LICENSE # (jQ `9y2 y a nttia 4) OCC[Jp71N'P/a,VNER ? . (PIEASE PHINi) tvnME: C '? . .r A- ? ADDRESS. Sv .LC.X I?i t _?a.v CITY, STATE, ZrP: 5 r p4-(J4 Pxorr$: 5) INDICATE WHICH PERMIT IS BEING RDQUESTED: ff-CODINECtION 'In CITY SETr1ER ?' COr]rIfCPIOSI TO CITY WATER ? (7I'['.II2 (PLEASE DFSCRIBE) 6) INDIGATE 0NE: ? PLF?SE HOID APPRUVED PERNLiT FOR PICK-UP BY ONE OF 71B()VE ? PI.EFISE b1AIL APPROVF:D PERNIIT TO 1, 2, 3, 4 P.BOVE (Circle one) 7) SI1'I[JRE: DATE: `? ( - - ?? -7?-?-r ??lRi1jONl.Ja???llal???i?If?Y?!/?li?iia?i? •.. ? C I T Y U S E O N L Y PERMIT ,°-, ISSUED FEES: $ SEWER ?'ERMIT (INCLliDE SUP CHPRGE) , $ WATER PERN1IT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER $ WATER TAP (INCLU?E CORPORATION STOP) $ SEWER TP.P $ ACCOUNT GEPOSIT - SEWER $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATER $ WAC $ SAC $ TRUNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ TRliNK SE44ER ASSESSMENT $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEti9ER $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER $ OTHER $ TOTAL $ AMOUNT PAID/RECEIPT # DOES UTILITY CONNECiION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" MIIST BE ISSUED BY THE [?] NO ENGZNEERING DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUBJECT TO TEIE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: lj - ,?, - - ? ( Z - 044Wrw" "MieINkw?m MR op,-m MEMO TO: Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works FROM: Arnie Erhart, Superintendent of Streets and Equipmern DATE: July 11, 1995 SUB.TECT: Stabilization of Drainage Swale at 1555 Lone Oak Road i o - q$5Un- tcrt- ou 5/25/95 Bob Egan and Ken Bipes of Dakota County Highway Department met with me on-site to evaluate our solution to the erosion problem. We also met with Larry Christensen oF 1539 Lone Oak Road and explained our plans. We informed him of our need to obtain a Right of Entry in order to perform the work. He was very agreeable. 5/31/95 I met with Jim and Bernie Schwab and Bob Egan ofDakota County Highway Department and exp(ained the temporary erosion control improvement that would start at the nearest upstream cutvert and extend to the bottom of the hili at the east tot line of Schwab's property. The Schwabs indicated that they would continue the drainage stabilization across their property after they see how our project performs. We requested a right of entry and liability waiver, which they said would be no problem. 6/21/95 After receiving the right of entries from the Schwabs and Larry Christensen, we called and told them our anticipated construction date would be the last week of June. 6/28/95 Met with utility locators and cleaned brush and small dead trees from the construction area. 6/2995 In a coordinated effort with Dakota County, we graded and cleaned up the side slope area. We instailed a Slter blanket and covered it with 18" rip rap from the culvert to Schwab's property. Dakota County provided a dozer with operator plus two tandem trucks with drivers to haul the rip rap. The City provided one backhoe and operator plus the traffic control signing and one maintenance person. The project was completed by 3:00 P.M. that day. The following is an estimated breakdown of hours for labor and equipment plus direct costs City of E aean Dakota Countv *Supervisor 2 hrs. @ $50 $ 100 *Foreman 1 hr. @ $50 $ 50 *Maintenance Employee 18 hrs. @$20 360 *Maintenance Employee 18 hrs. @$20 360 * 1-ton truck 8 hrs. Q$23 184 *Dozer 8 hrs. @$40 320 *Backhoe 8 hrs. @$35 280 *Tandem truck 12 hrs. @$40 480 Filter fabric 15 x 100 roll 340 Rip Rap (72 tons) 400 $1,264 $1,610 *Using rates from fee schedule a^^? GziLevUQ Arnie Ernart AE/pjm /:IIpmlLoneoakl92 RECEMt; i ? ? 3 m5 February 1, 1995 Mayor Tom Egan and Members of the Eagan City Council Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Boulevard Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Drainage and Erosion Problem James and Bernie Schwab 1555 Lone Oak Road Eagan, MN 55121 Dear Mayor and Members of the City CounciL• We have been trying to address the drainage and erosion problem with Mr. Colbert, the public works director, for the past four or more years. Each time that we meet, Mr. Colbert states that our problem is caused by the natural flow of water. Assuming Mr. Colbert is correct, this raises the question: Why did we not have a problem between 1985 and 1990? Certainly, there has been a change and substantial increase in the natural flow of water which continues to escalate with each passing year. The city's public works committee concludes there has been a shift in the house location from the building permit reviewal to its current location in the drainage way. This conclusion is inconsistent with the absence of a problem from the tune our home was built in 1985 up through and including 1990. Further, we seriously question whether Eagan's building inspectors would have permitted the construction of a residence in the path of the city's storm water drainage system. Our problem needs correction as it seriously affects the marketability, as well as the enjoyment of our home. This is in addition to the damage that has been caused to our property as a result of the erosion and silt deposits. We need the city's assistance. Our problem is directly related to the city's storm water system for which an individual homeowner lacks control or the means to remedy a serious problem. Thank you for your assistance and attention to this matter. Sincerely, ames S wa 6 °° OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P O BOX 27199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (672) 454-8700 February 24, 1987 MR MARK MENKE ST PAUL FIRE & MARINE INS CO UPPER MIDWEST SERVICE CTR 3600 W 80TH ST MINNEAPOLOIS, MN 55431 RE: CLAIM #9566A434322M302 JAI+ES SCHiIAB RESIDENCE 1555 LONE oAg RD Dear Mr. Menke: BEA BLOMQUIST Moyor iHOMAS E6AN JAMES A. SMIiH VIC ELLISON iHEODORE WACHTER Courxil Members 7HOMA5 HEDGES GHy Pdministmbr EUGENE VHN OVERBEKE CM Clerk In reviewing f3re damage to the above referenced property on Sunday, February 15, 1987, total damage to the stucture cannot be fully assessed until the interior wall covering is opened and the framework is examined throughout. At this point, it is my opinion that this residenee is in exeess of 70% fire damagedp should be removed to the foundation, and finished with new construetion. If engineering plans can be submittedv we will give consideration to the existing strueture being rebuilt. ° Sineerely, Doug Reid Aeting Chief Building Official DR/js CC: James Schwab - Homeowner Ken Southorn - Fire Chief THE LONE OAK TREE. .THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIIY fb`dtVoFaagan THOMASEGAN Mayor 7anuary 24 1995 PATRICIA AWADA , SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACH7ER JIM & BERNIE SCHWAB councetaemcers iSSS IANE OAK ROAD THOMAS HEDGES EAGAN MN 55121 Ciry Adminlstrator E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City CIeB Re: West Lone Oak Road Drainage Concerns =Lot 202-00, Zehnders Acres' ' Dear Mr. & Mrs. Schwab: The zvm9t? of our 3anuarv S meetine, when we reviewed the comments and recommend,:ims of the Public W orks Cc:nmittee, were presented tu the Ciry Covncil on January 17 along with your request that this itern be continued until this 5pring when the snow cover has gone and the Mayor and Public Works Committee can meet with you on the site to further discuss your concerns. Your absence from the January 17 meeting was explained as being due to a previous conflicting commitment. The City Council did not wish to continue this item until this Spring as several members felt they were fanuliar enough with the situation to address your concerns at a regular Council meeting. Subsequently, they continued this item for forrnal discussion and action at a regular Council meeting on February 7, 1995, under Old Business on that meeting's agenda. If you would like to provide any additional information for the CouncIl's consideradon at that meedng, I will forward it to their attention along with their Council packet if it is received by 4:30 p.m on Thursday, February 2. At the February 7 meeting, I will introduce the item by providing a summary of your concerns and meetings to date. You will then have an opportunity to address the City Council prior to their taking action on ttris item. If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help you. Sincere , Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Dave Everds, County Highway Engineer MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 687•4600 FAX: (612) 681•4612 TDD: (612) 454-6535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN Ol1R COMMUNRV Equal OpportunitylAfFlrmative Action Employer MAINTENANCE FACIIITY 3501 COACHMAN POINi EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 GHONE:(612)681-4300 FAX:(612) 681-4360 TDD:(612) 454-8535 Dave: Can someone from the County be in attendance at tlus meeting to respond to any questions or allegations that may involve the County. Tom PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1994 Following are those wha were in attendance for the Public Works Committee meeting held at 6:00 p.m., on Thursday, December 16: Ted Wachter (Chairman) Mayor Tom Egan Tom Colbert (Publlc Works Director) Dave Everds (Cour?ty Highway Engineer) Mark Hanson (BRAA Consuffing Engineer) f O -?8?3G0 y o Z Oo Aevlew Drainage Problem tor 1555 Lcne Oak Ftoad (Proposed ProJect 679 - W. Lone Oak Road Storm Drainage) After a brief review of previous correspondence by the City and the County to the affected property owners (Jim and Bemie Schwab), Dave Everds provided polaroid photos of the drainage ditch, cuiverts and aerial photos further describing the location of the problem and identifying other areas of simiiar drainage and erosion concems along Lone Oak Road (County Road 26). He reviewed the natural (historical) flows basad on topographic contour maps and the previous efforts made by the County Highway Department to stabilize erosion on the side slope in 1990 and, most recently, placement of a bftuminous shoulder aiong the north edge of Lone Oak Road to further stabilize any upstream erosion. The Pubiic Works Director reviewed the historical information in the parcel file relating to the original building permit issuance including an architectural site plan (containing reference: contractor to provide poskive drainage away from residence) and a topographic contour map that showed a proposed house location further to the north out of the historical drainage way. After reviewing this information, the Committee concluded that there appeared to have been a shift in the house location from the buiiding permit reviewal to its current Iocation in the drainage way. In response to questions regarding the proposed timing of upgrading Lone Oak Road, the Public Works Director responded that it is identified in both the Courny and the City's 5-Year CIP as being a"future" project with na defined year. Dave Everds indicated that the Counry wouid ba receptive to a requested year by the City. . Chairman Wachter asked Mark Hanson various questions regarding the drainage shed and temporary versus permanent storm sewer requirements. Mark Hanson responded with various ballpark cost estimates for various scenarios that ranged from $20,000 - $60,000. Mayor Egan indicated that there appeared to be a benefit and abiiiry to assess the costs associated with the tull-fledged storm drainage proJect if R was buiR, but also recognized that it wouldn't solve the internal drainage prob(em that is presenUy being handled by the property owner's sump pump. Chairman Wachter indicated that both the temporary and permanent storm sewer options would be premature and uneconomical ff done in advance of the urban upgrading of Lone Oak Road. Both Committee members Wachter and Egan then questioned what would be involved with temporary erosion control measures in lieu of a storm drainage system installation. Through a collective response by Everds, Colbert, and Hanson, it was determined that the stabilization of the side slope from the nearest upstream culvert to the bottom of the slope could cost approximatety $3,000 in materiai, with design and tabor installation being provided through a concerted joint effort of City and County employees. To continue the erosion control and drainage stabilization across the Schwab's property would cost additional dollars. After a summary review of all information, the Committee recommended that the City and County jointly perform a temporary erosion control improvement from the nearest upstream culvert outlet to the bottom of the hill and offer to continue ft across the Schwab's property if they are willing to pay the related expenses. Further, they indicated that 'rf the properry owners wanted to have a full-fledged storm drainage analysis done, including a permanent storm sewer system, the City should do so 'rf the Schwabs are wiliing to pay the estimated $4,400, or submit a petition of more than 50% of the dawnstream affected properry owners or of all property owners along Lone Oak Road for the proposed street upgrade. Further, this offer to pertorm the temporary erosion control would be subject to the praperty owners granting a right-of-entry to the Ciry and Counry to perform such work and signing a Release of Liability to both agencies. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by, J C, .' Director of Public Works TAC/j 2 / r?, ` r m , ,• ,? . / .f ?Q R _-L • . ?-?-?--„? / . , ? , ' \- ? `, I ? •-• _ ? ? ? ' ? ?. . ?? ' /ii/ u1 •'. : ? r. \. f ?' , 1 ''' •J t I , ?O. ? ?///A r 1 I'? ? ,? ?' ?` ? ?-__"`?}- ? ' ? n • ??:i? ? , ; i , ? ` i? ?? ?_\ ? ? !? r? ? i 0 • . I ? ' „t C?' ? / f ? ! ? ? I \ .?i?• ? ; ? '. r ?? =='--- -? ? ° r , ? ?? , -I , , •?, ? . ?- _ _ }'__ --?c L ,. • ? r?. . ., ??? , I j Zcb- ? ' ... , , ( • -?? . ? ? .. . ? ?J • :?i?:;, ' ? r ? ' . / , 1 ? ? ?: :r,'y';.:,;. ' i? ? • \ ! • _?` ';•>i? ' i ?. 1u i ? ; ? . 1 l533 ? ? . ' : ' ? r? q ,',S ? "% - ?_ _ •:-•?. ' \, `?I .i ? ` ?•tr?; ?"` - -? • \ . `_ :? -? ? L.ONF. DRK ,SO. ? .- G - - . `a ?" '? • ????? ?? ? , ; I , ? • ? ? i ? ' ? 1 Ay • '?^, O , ? ?(;1r1`? ; ?? / r'?? •? ? ? ? • ? `? ? ~ • ?J ^ ,\ ' ?J? O. ? ? ` .' , . , . , I ? --• ---- _ ??- •? ? 1.\?? I,o\?' ? ? ? ??'' ?::?' . r??? ? ' , ?\ • ? ? I ? `J i ? . - ? \ ?--•- ?n _ , _ .. _ ? -'? ?7 ?ntrw. ? ? ? ?e cf??•? ?? F/? w1 EN DA Public Works Committes Meeting Thursday, 72-15-94, 6:00 P.M. Eagan Municipal Center 1. Call To Order/Adopt Agenda 11. Consider Authorization of Feasibility Report (West Lone Oak Road - Storm Drainage) III. Other Business IV. Adjourn PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 12-15-94 11. ProJect 679, Consider Authorization of Feasibiltty RepoR (West Lone Oak Road - Storm Drainage) Councilmember Awada brought to the City staff s attention a complaint and concem she had received from James and Bernice Schwab (1555 Lone Oak Road) regarding an ongang drainage and erosion problem that they are experienang on their property. The stefF has been aware of this problem since at least 1990 and has involved Dakota County in addressing this issue. Endosed Is a topographic represerrtation of tlie property in quesUon showing the relationship of the house to the drainage irom the north rural ditch secGon of Lone Oak Road (Counry Road 26). Also attached are copies of correspondence forwarded to the Schwabs from both the City and the Courity dated July 23 and August 1, 1990, respectively. Also endosed is the most recent correspondence forwarded to the property owners dated July 25, 1994. This item was discussed by the City Council at their regular meetings of November 15 and December 7 with a recommendation that it be forvvarded to the Public Works Committee for further review, discussion and a recommendation for Council consideration at the December 20 Council meeting. The Pubtic Works Director and representatives irom the Courrty Highway Department will be in attendance to provide additional information to assist the Committee in their discussion of this issue. ; . _,. • . PUBUC WORKS COMMITfEE MEETlNG THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1894 Following are those who were in attendance for the Pubiic Works Committee meeting held at 6:00 p.m., on Thursday, December 16: Ted Wachter (Chairman) Mayor Tom Egan Tom Colbert (Public Works Director) Dave Everds (Courity Highway Engineer) Mark Hanson (BRAA Consutting Engineer) Review Drainage Problem for 1555 Lone Oak Road (Proposed ProJect 679 - W. Lane Oak Road Storm Drainage) After a brief review of previous correspondence by the Ciry and the County to the affected property owners (Jim and Bemie Schwab), Dave Everds provided polaroid photos of the drainage ditch, culverts and aerial photos further describing the IocaUon of the problem and identifying other areas of similar drainage and erosion concerns along Lone Oak Road (County Road 26). He reviewed the natural (historical) flows based on topographic contour maps and the previous efforts made by the County Highway Oepartment to stabilize erosion on the side slope in 1990 and, most recently, placement of a bkuminous shoulder along the north edge of Lone Oak Road to further stabilize any upstream erosion. The Public Works Director reviewed the historicai information in the parcel file relating to the originat buifding permit issuance inctuding an srchitectural site plan (containing reference: contractor to provide positive drainage away from residence) and a topographic contour map that showed a proposed house location further to the north out aF the hlstorical drainage way. After reviewing this information, the Committee concluded that tliere appeared to heve beert a shift Pn the house location from ihe building permk reviewal to its currerrt location in the drainage way. In response to questions regarding the proposed timing of upgrading Lone Oak Road, the Public Works Direcior responded that it is identified in both the County and the Ciry's 5-Year CIP as being a"future' project with no defined year. Dave Everds indicated that the County would be receptive to a requested year by the City. Chairman Wachter asked Mark Hanson various questions regarding the drainage shed and temporary versus permanent storm sewer requirements. Mark Hanson responded with various ballpark cost estimates for various scenarios that ranged from $20,000 - $60,000. Mayor Egan indicated that there appeared to be a benefit and ability to assess the costs associated with the fuli-fledged storm drainage project ff it was buiR, but also recognized that it wouldn't solve the iMernal drainage problem that is presently being handled by the property owner's sump pump. Chairman Wachter indicated that both the temporary and permanent storm sewer options would be premature and uneconomical 'rf done in advance of the urban upgrading of Lone Oak Road. Both Committee members Wachter and Egan then questioned what would be irnofved with temporary erosion controi measures in lieu of a storm drainage system installation. Through a collective response by Everds, Colbert, and Hanson, it was determined that the stabilization of the side slope from the nearest upstream auivert to the bottom of the slope could cost approximately $3,000 in material, with design and labor instaliation baing provided through a conoerted joint effort of City and County employees. To continue the erosion control and drainage stabilization across the Schwab's property wouid cost additional doilars. After a summary review of ail information, the Committee recommended that the Ciry and County jointly pertorm a temporary erosion control improvement from the nearest upstream culvert outlet to the bottom of the hill and offer to continue it across the Schwab's property 'rf they are wiiling to pay the related expenses. Further, they indicated that ff the property owners wanted to have a full-fledged storm drainage analysis done, induding a permanerrt storm sewer system, the C'ity should do so ff the Schwabs are willing to pay the estimated $4,400, or submit a petition of more than 50% of the downstream affected property owners or of all property owners along Lone Oak Road for the proposed street upgrade. Further, this offer to perform the temporary erosion corrtrol would be subject to the property owners granting a right-of-entry to the City and Courrty to pertorm such work and signing a Release of Liability to both agencies. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by, Director of Pubiic Works TAC/jj 2 ?, ? r i/ v - ? ? ? ! ? ? ? ( ! ' . % j ..?! ' • ?' ? ? ' ?? + ,; ? , t r _ ? ,?Q f ?. ' .-, ??_?_._'? ...? ti ' ' ?// •<? ?? _ ?, P , \ j ? i ? ? •? • ? \ . ??'? r. Y f, i. ?'-- •: ! ' !i?: ' r/'?/1 `? ; ?+ ,? ` •?. '? / ? ?' .' ? ?\ ? •_1 , 0 ' ?` Ii L` ? r, ? ? r ,,' ?•" , ? ?' ;. r f I ? i { , \ rr(??;r' ? I ? , i ?i , ? J , •, , y- T-- ?? ? ? ', .• / _ _ _ ? ,• • ?-? / -' +? ? ?? ' ? ? ? • ?? 1 ?? ? 200- , 210_ . - .?, ,l ? , I \ , , ' ? -? 5• 6? •:.,``' •' • i `?" / J\ / U ?' '• ? `??? ??k? ? t ,' • i x/'NI533 toN . oAIs' / ^' ?-`? _ ?• .-"'-`i ?' ?? t ?:J? ? ? ? ? ? •?? +; ';F?? I ' n - • ? -?? ? ?- ' - ? ? ? ? ? ? ( . i-'?''/ ? . . Y.. . ? , , !?- ? ? ? ? ? ?c ?/??? .? ? i ? '? t-ti . ? ?y • ,. «.o ; ,,• ; / ,, r , , ?-- ?? -- . o , ? ? ,? `,. .-? ? ??? •, ? "+x ' ? ? , , ? 1 ' ? r ' ?? ? ? ,? •? 1 -.__, ? ?'? , , ? ' . y ` , . .? •. ' ? -- _ -~ ? ?J ? J • ? , , ? ?I? •,i ?.i, ,? .. _ ? .. -a ` ? _ - ' . 1 ` j ???. ?, V ? ? ' • ? ? -•_ __ '? '? ___ - ?? . ?? ,? d . r ? ? ? '?-?.• ?!? 4'??? ? ; ? x - ?; c, ? • - ,? , ._ - ` ?- ?i tytra l p? re ot? ?•?•?.? F/s w.S .?citv oF 3830 PILOi KNpB RDAD 7HOmA5 EGAN EAGAr+, MINNESOTn 55124-1897 AA"S'0' VNONE. (612) 454•6100 wvio K GtmnvsoN FIJ(: (614) I54•8363 0?A VICFA TIM PAVthEMY TffODORF WACHIER Cowicn Members July 23, 1990 ?,,,,,?"E°, os EUC#1$ VNJ OvERBEKE CM Ckrt l+fft JIM SCHWAB 1555 IANE OAK RD EAGAN MN 55121 Re: Lot 202, Zehaders Acres Draiaage From Loae Oak Road (County Road 26) Dear Mr. Schwab: A few weeks ago, I visited with you at your property to review the drainage concerns that you have expressed over the past years regarding the runoff from the north ditch line of County Road 26 (Lone Oak Road). Your initial concerns pertain to the erosion and the subsequent redirecting of the runoff of the water as it leaves the west end of the culvert underneath 1539 Lone Oak Road immediately to the east of your property. As you are aware, based on your concerns, the Dakota County Highway Maintenance Department re-established the drainage line by installing several cubic yards of large "rip-rap" (boulders and stones). Thia will help direct the runoff to the south side around the front your house where it can continue down towards T.H. 13. Enclosed you will find a topographic elevation map showing 2' contour intervals that were taken from an serial photograph in 1966 with the lot lines and your particular house drawn in, based on legal descriptions and aerial photos. As can be seen, the natural topoqraphy has always allowed surface water runoff to discharge primarily across your lot approximately vhere your house was recently built. Based on this pre-existing condition, it is an inherent responsibility of the home builder and/or new property owner to adequately protect their house Prom this pre-existing surface water runoff. During my site visit with you, we discussed the benefits of building a protective landscaped berm across the front of your house (south side) that would help redirect this drainage around your property during hfgh intensity peak rainfall events. While you indicated that the individual who owned the property before you purchased it and built your home stated that they never had a previous drainage problem, it is highly unlikely that any problem would have been noticed in this heavily wooded iHE IONE OAK iREE...iHE SYMBOL OF SiRENGTH AND GRONRH IN OUR COMMUNIiY Equol Opporhmfly/At(frmaNve ACfion Employer Page 2 vacant area without the existence of a structure and landscaped area that is inherently affected by the types of storms that we recently experienced. You indicated a desire and need for the installation of storm sewer facilities along County Road 26 (Lone Oak Road). Sased on the sche8uled Capital improvement Programs for the City and County, it is unlikely that this type of improvement would occur within the aext five years. Therefore, you may wish to investiqate further the protective landscape berminq that we recently discussed. Hopefully, the recent work completed by the Dakota County Hiqhway Department will help minimize any similar future problems associated with erosion and runoff. I ieqret that you experienced the problems that you did with the recent rainfall and hope that the action performed by the County and the information provided by the City will help you in the future. Sincerely, ??t``-`-"-> " r `'" _ " _`" ? ? Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works Tac/ij cc: Bob Egan, Dakota County Maintenance Engineer Parcel File Enclosure i 1r? , ? &-? ? &"w- £ r A - 4 ? a-? ?A,?L?-?-°?°.?'.?-? --?-?a 1 ??-t.v? r?,?.? ?..? ? CI.J ?. ay--"? 40 1>6-0 ? ? Z. i? 'rL ?e. G?j " x?.?,? ,.?j..?.? ??-?..?'" .. . , *1dtV oF aagan TNOMASEGAN Mvyol JtAy25, 1994 PAIRICIA AWADA SMAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CouMB MemDers MS BERNIE SCHWAB 1555 LONE OAK RD TNOMAS NEDGfS cny nummatiator EAGAN MN 55121 E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Re: lot 202, Zehndsn Acres Clry CNrk Drainaye From Lone Oak Road (County Road 26) Desr M5. Schwab: Lest week, you contacted me regarding your continual ongoing problems of erosion and sedimen2ation resuRing from runoff from County Road 26 (Lone Oak Road) on the above-reterenced property. 1 recalled your situation from several years ago and researched the file to find the enclosed letter from the City, dated July 23, 1990, and the Courrty, dated August 1, 199D. I aiso hed an opportunity to do a very quick review of yow property and could see the areas of your concern. Due to a vacation schedule, I will not be able to meet wfth you and Bob Egan, oi Dakota CouMy, until the tbst or second week of August. However, i wanted to share wkh you the file iMormation that we had and to offer some pretiminary observatlons that can be further discussed when we meet wfth you at the site. My 8rst observatton is that the erosion conirol peAormed by Dakota CouMy appears to be effective in preverning any erosion of the bank. However, the 'deflection' berm thet you have constructed along your south property line appears to be eroding and washing out onto your drfveway and the westem portion of your lawn. It appears the mafn problem wRh this runoft is the erosion and sedimentation that it creates. H your diversion berm were to be stabilized with Iarge rip-rap type rxk on top of a filter blanket, It appears you might be able to handle the drainage wkhout any adverse impact. I hope this response provides you with some addkionai inFormation to think about. If I don't contact you 6y Augusi 8, please pJl me and I will make sure to schedule an appointment as requested. S(ncerely, Thomes A. Colbert Oirecta of PuWic Works TAC/jJ CC: Bob Egan, pakota County (W/Enc.) Parcei File Endosure: Letter Dated July 23, 1990 MUNICIMI CENi6! MAINTFNANCE FACIIrtY iB30 P?OT KNDB ROAD THE LONE OAK TREE 3501 CpACMMAN 70INT FA6AN. MQiNESOTA 55122•1807 TNE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTM IN OUR COMMUNRY EA6AN, MmNESOTn 55122 PHDNF. (612)6814600 PNONE: (612)681430p FAX: (e17)681-1614 fQual OPPonunnYlA}fhmaqv! Actbn Fmpbyef FAX(61Y) 081-4M mo: (eiz) 45e.es.+s TDD: (614) e544535 \ 4 1 city oF eagan , THOMAS EGAN Mayor JUIy 25, 1994 PAIRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A, MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CouncilMemhars MS BERNIE SCHWAB THOMAS HEDGES 1555 LONE OAK RD C+Nndminisirator EAGAN MN 55121 E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Ciiy Clerk Re: Lot 202, Zehnders Acres Drainage From Lone Oak Road (County Road 26) Dear Ms. Schwab: Last week, you contacted me regarding your continual ongoing problems of erosion and sedimentation resulting from runoff from County Road 26 (Lone Oak Road) on the above-referenced property. I recalled your situation from several years ago and researched the file to find the enclosed letter trom the City, dated July 23, 7990, and the County, dated August 1, 1990. I also had an opportunity to do a very quick review of your property and could see the areas of your concern. Due to a vacation schedule, I will not be able to meet with you and Bob Egan, of Dakota County, until the first or second week of August. However, I wanted to share with you the file information that we had and to offer some preiiminary observations that can be further discussed when we meet with you at the site. My first observation is that the erosion control pertormed by Dakota County appears to be effective in preventing any erosion of the bank. However, the "deflection" berm that you have constructed along your south property line appears to be eroding and washing out onto your driveway and the western portion of your lawn. It appears the main probiem with this runoff is the erosion and sedimentation that it creates. If your diversion berm were to be stabilized wiih large rip-rap type rock on top of a filter blanket, it appears you might be able to handle the drainage without any adverse impact. I hope this response provides you with some additionai information to think about. If I don't contact you by August 8, please call me and i wiil make sure to schedule an appointment as requested. Sincerely, c-- /? Thomas A. Colbert , Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Bob Egan, Dakota County (W/Enc.) Parcel File Enclosure: Letter Dated July 23, 1990 MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122-1897 THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN FDINi EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX. (672) 681-4612 Equal OpporluNty/Affirmatlve Actlon Employer FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 TDD:(612) 454.8535 88?0o ao? oC) OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55124-1897 PHONE(612) 454-8100 FAX: (612) 454-8363 July 23, 1990 MR JIM SCHWAB 1555 LONE OAK RD EAGAN MN 55121 TFi0AM5 EGAN nwyw DAV1D N CfJSTAF50N DAMELA NtQtEA TIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACHiER Counol MembeR THOMAS HEDGES Crty Admtmstrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Crty Clerk Re: Lot 202, Zehnders Acses Drainage FPOm Lotte Oak RoaB (COUnty Road 26) Dear Mr. Schwab: A few weeks ago, I visited with you at your property to review the drainage concerns that you have expressed over the past years regarding the runoff from the north ditch line of County Road 26 (Lone Oak Road). Your initial concerns pertain to the erosion and the subsequent redirecting of the runoff of the water as it leaves the west end of the culvert underneath 1539 Lone Oak Road immediately to the east of your property. As you are aware, based on your concerns, the Dakota County Highway Maintenance Department re-established the drainage line by installing several cubic yards of large "rip-rap" (boulders and stones). This will help direct the runoff to the south side around the front your house where it can continue down towards T.H. 13. Enclosed you will find a topographic elevation map showing 2' contour intervals that were taken from an aerial photograph in 1966 with the lot lines and your particular house drawn in, based on leqal descriptions and aerial photos. As can be seen, the natural topography has always allowed surface water runoff to discharge primarily across your lot approximately where your house was recently built. Based on this pre-existing condition, it is an inherent responsibility of the home builder and/or new property owner to adequately protect their house from this pre-existing surface water runoff. During my site visit with you, we discussed the benefits of building a protective landscaped berm across the front of your house (south side) that would help redirect this drainage around your property during high intensity peak rainfall events. While you indicated that the individual who owned the property before you purchased it and built your home stated that they never had a previous drainage problem, it is highly unlikely that any problem would have been noticed in this heavily wooded THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunity/AffirmaTive Action Employer Page 2 vacant area without the existence of a structure and landscaped area that is inherently affected by the types of storms that we recently experienced. You indicated a desire and need for the installation of storm sewer facilities along County Road 26 (Lone Oak Road). Based on the scheduled Capital Improvement Programs for the City and County, it is unlikely that this type of improvement would occur within the next five years. Therefore, you may wish to investigate further the protective landscape berming that we recently discussed. Hopefully, the recent work completed by the Dakota County Highway Department will help minimize any similar future problems associated with erosion and runoff. I regret that you experienced the problems that you did with the recent rainfall and hope that the action performed by the County and the information provided by the City will help you in the future. Sincerely, t/ Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Bob Egan, Dakota County Maintenance Engineer Parcel File Enclosure ? , ?-? , ? •\ ?. - ?/-.l?1_ '. ? \ Ll p ' I 1 1 Ii ? ? •? , , l ? - ? 20 - ?• . " / `? _-_" ? X/^'1533 mN LaNE rv ,.; •/ '? \?r'.',? ? n _ ,- - - ' __---?1?-= - - - - - " . _ _ -' ` c _ _ , :-?-` . • ' ; . ;, . i I = ? ? 19 L o N E- DAK R D. ? e wd 0 1- ? 0F - ?O • \ ' I j '\ ? - ? ? . --- _" ` ? ?? ' , ( `?_ 1\?• ? \ ? ?? ` . =1+,? ?__ ` \ \ m ? ? X \ ?\ i : ? I ? ? . ? ? . . . ? ? ..? ? ?- ?7e?tlra.? A1rect?o.?a? /%w.Y DA KOTA COUNT Y August 1, 1990 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 7300 WEST 147Ih STREET, SUITE a402 RECEIVEp qUG DAVID L. ?ERDM. COUNTY I N ,MEER (612) 431-1150 APPIF. VALL EY, MINNESOiA 55174 Mr. Jim Schwab 1555 Lone Oak Road Eagan, MN 55121 Re: Lot 202, Zehnders Acres Drainage From Lone Oak Road (County Road 26) Aear Mr. Schwab: As you requested, I once again reviewed the drainage problem at your home. The rip-rap that we installed at the end of the culvert is Properly diverting the water as you requested. It was roy understanding that you were to then maintain the ditch after it entered your property. The asphalt flumes that we constructed in the ditch will not increase the flow or speed of the runoff. Also from the information I have received from others, I fully agree with the contents of Tom Colbert's, July 23, 1990, letter regarding this matter. Sincerely ? - Robert W. Egan, P.E. ?Construction/Maintenance Engineer RWE/mjl Encl. cc: 'Tom-Colbert_--?, Taud Hoopingarner AN E9UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F _ Zoo-?o BEA BLOMQUIST MAVOR THOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRY THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER LOIINCIL MEMBEFS August 20, 1982 MR JMl SCHMB 590 S LEXINGPON ST PAUL M 55116 L)ear Mr. Scllwab: CITY OF fEAGAN ?r s,. '' w'??+p]195 PIlOT KNOB ROAD " P.O. BOX 21 H9 ` EAGAN;MINNESOTA?3'a° ' . ;_-?sst : :: ? . ..-a .. - ?,? ' .. , PHONE 450•6100 ?. ..?`T•Ni:X -j3y I?l ...i..''z.._._ TNO/MS MEDGES CIiY AOMINISiRAiOP EUGENE VAN OVER9EKE CITY CLEPK nie City has reviewed the survey that you have sutanitted to the City. Cn August 20, 1968, the City CoLmcil did approved Lot 20 to be subdivided for i,ndividual lots. Therefore, the parcel you have requested has beP.n determi.rned tn be a , buildable lot by the City of Eagan. If you have any questions reqardinq City policy, please feel free to oontact me at the Eaqan City Hall. cerel Dale C. Runkle City Planner DCR/jadi cx - Dale Petexson, Chief Building Official THE LONE OAK TREE ... TME $YMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITV. Page 1 , ?, z r? Co nty OT?kota ?=0?R?'C' -DEPARTIulE1T OF HIGHWAYS PERMIT NO. 7?d-7 qV ^_r1 (to be filled 6y County) APPLICATION FOR UTILITY PERMIT on COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY Board of County Commissioners Hastings, Minnesota Attn' Administrative Design Engineer Dakota County Highway Department C.S.A.H. Z4 C. R. APPL[CANT PROJ. NO. Application is hereby made for permission to place, construcr a,nd [hereaf[er maintain a w? hFQ??? along County Highway No. Erom to awd?Le? across County Highway No. at a point L66 feet fmm (give reference to nearest crossroad or land lines) T? in accord nce with the sketch shown on the inside hereof, or attached hereto. The project is located in teworer city of ? .SECTION4 RANGE Z? 1'WP? 1. AERIAL CONSTRUCTION ? Single pole Open Wire Voltage CHECK E] H-Frame CHECK ? Cable ONE ? Single pole &. H-Frame ONE ? Vertical Number of Conductors ? Steel Tower ? Cross-arm ? Other E] Vertical & Cross-arm Size of Conductors Minimum height of conductor. ft. along highway ft. at crossmgs over highway EXTENT & LOCATION OF TREE TRIMMING ANO/OR CLEARING: II. UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION Conduit ? plastic ? Multiple tile [] Sec[ional concrete ? Transite ? Steel pipe ? Clay tile ? ' Other Casing 54Steel pipe ? Sectional concrete j Other Size Conduit Casing Z" I Depth 0 1,i pQ I Voltage Number of Conductors Size of Conductors METHOD OF INSTALLING UNDER ROADBEDS (if open trench, explain why necessary) Open trench ? Boring EXTENT & LOCATION OF TREE CLEARING: 111. Work to start on or after a?PA'L" IZ1 I98&T and to be completed on or 6efore AFV-1 L ' I/ 1752 IV. The applicant in carrying on any and all of the work herein above mentioned or referred to in its application and m the Permit issued herefore, shall strictly conform to the terms of such Pecmit, and the regulations of the Boacd ofCounty Commissioners, as set forth herein together with the Special Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof. The appli- cant specifically agrees to be 6ound hereby. The applicant shall also comply with the regulations of all othec govern- mental agencies for [he protection of the public. The work shall be accomplished in a manner that will not be detrimen- tal to the highway and that will safeguard [he public. , Dated this ?day of ?A ?-- , 19?• u/7-Y OP eW;r*J ? me uoa?.o? Sy ??/L?.Pf'iQ.? q- 4? ;or ' T ..- Namegy d TiLLe Sign N A Address 3830 7'?(?b7 ?QB ? Telephone No. ??`? - eldc) Name artd Telephone No. of person in chacge of construction: J6E 66yge&Y 4J'r9- 6210 Page 2 Rules and Regulations of Board of County Commissioners for Utilities on County Highways DEFINITIONS Uftltty. Under this order "utility" shall mean and indude all pnvatelv, publicly ur cu-operetrvely oumed communication Imes and faciLties, any systems. Imes and facilities for the dishibution and transmission of eleclncal energy, oil, gas, water, sewer, steam and other pipe lines, rail- ways, drtches, flumes or other stmc[ures which under the laws of this State or the ordinance of any village or city may be construcfed, placed oc meintained across, along or on county highway right of way. Dependent upon the meaning m- tended in the context, "Utility" shnll also mean the utility company, inclusive of any wholly owned subsidiary. GENERAL 1. Except as otherwise permitted, utitity con- struction and relocation on county highway right of way shall not be commenced until anapplica- twn for a Permit has been made and such Permit granted. The Permit sketch shall show the lo- cation o( the proposed utility with jeference to county highway center lioe and highway nght of way line. The proper right of way width should 6e indir,ated. A copy of the sketch shall be provided for each copy of such Permit. II. Burnmg or diskmg operations and!or the use of chemicals to control or kill trees, brush and other vegetation is prohi6ited without pnor ap- proval (rom the ('ounty HiBhway Engineer. III. Al] waterways and lices of dramage shall remain operative. IV. P.`hexever topsoil and sod are dvstucbed Ihey shall be replaced and maintained satisfactorily until the turf is established. V. The utility facility and installation shall not interfere with any existing utility facilities on the county highway right of way. VI. When necessary, barricades, warning devices and flagmen shall be provided by the Utility during allphases oftheir construction and mainte- nance operations on county highway right of way. All signs, barrir.ades. and other warning devices shall conform to the current n7innesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices on streets and highways. placemen[ of signs, barricades, cones, all other devices and operation of flagman s[ations shall be in accordance with the Minn- esota "4anual on L'niform Tcaffic Control nevices foc streets and highways, Appendix 9 entitled, Traffic Controls for temporary !ane closures street and highway construction, Pqaintenance and pu6lic utility operations. VII. At the time of consGucuon of the utility and at the times o( subsequent main[enance, prior approval shall be obtained from the County High- way Fngineer foc the cutting and tcimming of trees wrthm the county highway right of way. Wherever trees are cut the resulting stumps shall 6e removed unless otherwise provided m the Spec,ial Provivons of the PermiL Anv holes caused oy stump remnval shall be backfilled, the are leveled and all materials associated there- with disposed of outside the county highway cight of way. The utility shall advvse the County High- way Engineer at leest 48 hours in advance of its intent to start c(earing and grubbing operations so that proper supervision can be provided. VIII. The Utility shall noti(ythe County Highway Enginerr of its mtenf to perform service and mainfenance operations which will interfete with the flow of traffic on county highways, and shall obtei^ his apprnval prior to performing such oper aUUn,. Nuwever, the Compan}' may perform serv- ice and maintenance operhons on county high- ways mcluding opening and distuc6ingthe surface of the nght of way without prior approval m those instances where an energency exists that is dangerous to the li(e or safety of the public and which requires immediate :epair.The Utility shall lake all necessary and reasonable safety meas- ures to protect the traveling public and shall notify the County Highway Engineer at the earli- est possible moment. IX. lf at any time Dekota County, actmg through its Board of County Commisaior.ers, shall deem if newssary to make any improvemen[s or chang- es on all or any part of the nght of way of the county highway which affect a utility located on county highway xight of way, then and in such event, the owner of the utility shall within 15 days after written notice from the Board of Counri Commissionecs, or its authorized agent, proceed to alter, change, vacate or remove said utility from the county highwey nght of way so as ro conform to said county highway changes and as directed by the Board of County Commis- sioners. Such work shall be done without any cost whatscever to Dakota County and shall be completed within the date speci6ed in said written notice. The Utility shall assume all liability and save Dakota County harmless from any and all clauns or damage uf any na[ure what- scever occasioned by reason of not having re- moved said utility within the tim? specified in said notice. If work cannot be completed within the dates specified, a wntten request for an ex- tension must be made to the office of the County Highway F,ngineer. X. The Utihty shall assume all liabil3ty for, and save the County, its agents and employees, harmless from, any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action ansmg out of the work to be done hecein and the continuing uses by the Utility, including but not limited to the placmg, construc[ing, reconstructiog, mamtaining and using of said utilify under Ihis application and Permit. XL The Board of CountY Cummissioners may require the Utility, or its contractor, [o fumish a deposit in the form of a certified check, a surety bond or corporate undertaking, m favor of the Board of County Commissioners of Dakota County, for any expense incurred hy the County in the repairing of damage to any por[ion of the county highway right of way wused by work performed under a Permit, mcluding any out of the ordinary engineering supervision and inspec- tion expense provided by the county. In those instaoces wherein a deposit is reyuired, the amount of the deposit shall be specified in the Special provisions of the PermiL If a check is furnished, any monies remaining over the above such expense shall be returned to the applicant. Page4 Dakota County DEPARTMENT OF HI6HWAYS Utility Permit Reference: Project C.S.A.H. C.R. 7 In accordance with the epplication herein, e Utility Permit ia greated to ?-` W place, conetruct and thereafter meinteia on or ecroae, or under the right of way of County Highway No. in the locetion shown on the eketch which ie a part of seid epplication, or in auch location as mey be apecified by the Department of Highwaye in the Special Provieiona hereof. SPECIALPROVISIONS: 1. Dekota County Highwey Department ahall be notified at least 48 houra in advance of ectual eterting time of conetruction. (Phone 437-0398) . 2. If autharized chenges are mede during construction, es built aketch shell be eubmitted to Dekote County Highway Department not later then three weeke after completion of project. 3. ALWAYS attach aeparete locatioa aketch ahowing propoaed facility in reletioa to the center line of the county highwey and other pertinent featurea auch ea right of wey line, ehoulder line, curb line and edge of aurfacing. The fecility ahould elea 6e referenced to edjecent lend linea. 4. Trench eacavetiona in roadway ahell be backHlled and compacted in aceordance with the Specified Density Method for compacting embankmenta, 8pecification 2106 of MdDOT Stendard Specifications for Highway Conatruction, 1878 Edition. 5. inches of Cleae 5 beee ehall be placed and compacted in accordance with MdDOT Specification 2211. Compection ehall be by the apecified deneity method. 8. Situminous aurfacing ahell be repleced with inchea of MdDOT specification 2391 bituminous aurface. Bituminoua materiel for mixture ahell be AC, 851100 penetration. It appeers that thia project will require work witlve the treveRed portion of the roadwey or ehonlder. Prior to proceeding with any work within thia area, the permittee muat aubmit hie treffic management plan to the Caunty 14effic Engineer [or approval. This plan ehould incorporate whatever eigna end/oz Flegmen the Contrector will be required to utilize and the Contrectore proposed work operetion ae it effecte Uaffic on the Caunty Road. This plan must be approved at leeat 24 houra in advance of eny work in the roadway. Any work requiring a detour requires a minimum of two weeks prior notificatioa The permittee must also notify end coordinete thia work with locel Police and F've Departmeata. 7. Copy of permit required on job. Dakote County Highway Department Idatel PercnitNo. Certified Check No. Surety Bond No. Date of S. Bond or C. Check Benk or Bonding Co. Deposit Made Ly _ Page 3 XII. The Permit as issued dces not in any way imply an easement on private property. XIII. The installations shall be made in conform- ity with all applicable laws, regulations and codes covering said installations. All installa- tions shall be made in conlormitywith regulahons of governmental agencies (or the protection of the public. XIV. UPOn compledon of an installalion, fhe U[ilify shall immediately rrstore the counfy high- way right of way to its 4.nginal condiGon. The Utilify sM1all tlien notify me office of the County Nighway Engineer of thr comple4on of fhe woAc so Ihat inspection can b, made to detennine its accepta6ility. AERI AL , I. There shall be only a;mgle pole lme on [he county highway right of way on either side of the center line thereof. II. Longitudinal installations on county highways shall nocmally be located in the outer five feet of the right of way. At ?rossings of the county highway, poles shall br placed at a minimum of thirty fee[ from the shoulder lines of the through roadbeds unless right o[ way widths are prohibi- tive to such location. UNDERGROUND I. AlI crossings of the roadbeds of the county highways shall be made by boring inside a casing or carrier pipe, or by jackmg, unless this pro- cedure is modified in the Special provisions ot [he PermiL The auget shall not lead the casing or carrier pipe by more than one inch. Open trenching shall be restricted to the area from S feet beyond the shwlder to the right of way line except as modified m the Special Provisions of the Permit. H. When pipes with bells or flanges are install ed, the crossings of the roadbeds of the county highway shall be made by boring inside a condui[ as provided in paragraph I of this section or jack- ing a conduit of sufficient diameter to perm:i threading the carrier pipe through it. III. All voids caused by jackmg or boring shall be filled by pressure grouting. The grout material shall consist of a sand-cement slurry of at least two sacks of cement per cubic yard and a mmi- mum of water [o assure satisfactory placement. IV. The underground utilities shall 6e so m- stalled as virtually to preclude any necessity for disturbing the roadbeds to perform mainte- nance operations. III. The location of all brace poles, anchors and anchor poles within the lunits of the county high- way right of way shall bo approved by the Coun[y Highway Engineer. IV. In those instances tn which a U[ility is issued a Permit or Permits for construction on both sides of the countt highway right of way in a given area, such Penmut vs conditioned upon the Util3ty subsequently providing joint use to other Utilities upon rea:,onable tenns mutually agreeable to the Utilities. V. Underground mstallauons shall be accom- plvshed without damaging or destroying the prin- cipal root structure oF specimen tiees. OPEN TRENCH 1. Open trench in roadbeds will be allowed onlv after adequate justification. II. Excacations shall be backfilled with class 5 aggregate (MN/DOT Specification) and tamped for compaction. lll. Bituminous surfaced roadways shall be patch- ed with hot mixed bituminous material of equal oc greater quality than the existing surface. IV. Trenches in roadbeds will not be allowed to remain open overnight. J \ / ? _ _ __ _ _ _ ___-_ ? ? _ " ??? - ? ; ? ? ,? ? f ? ?' ? ? . v , ? N ?/ ,? . J r / ? ?? V' x ? r ??'? ? . ? . ?? ? , ?? ? Ir ? ? /? ?) ? ???_?pp . tiJ ? Vw ? , ? ` '?-` \ ? , ? ' '. .Y- 1 ? ??? ? ? i ? ? ) ?' ? ?1? / - ?? __; _ ' C? ? %? ?? GS ???? ?5+3 ? ? ? '? ??? I ? \ r? ? ' ??rL ^ :?, . , 1 ? ? i: -? ??? ` ' I \ ? \?/ n, x / -. - - - - ' _ '' ., ?` ? ? ?? - 5 " P ' ? ` , ? . 3r9 b _ + ? ? ? ? ? ? ; , ' I ,J,?: 3 7 i 8C ? , „? S'~'?L, ? ?? 12 x6" EE ? I ? ? ' ,? ' , ? e?? -??,.,T? „ , / ' - 0 '' ? ?x ? ?? , Q , , /? . ,' / ,' ? ,. ??,' ; ? ? ? °? ,?,,,., ??4?,? ? , , , ? ??- -- , , ?, _ o , .f . , , , f?% • ? ?' _ , ? , i i ? r - , ? ? ? -- ' O , , , ? -? - ?y? ? , ? _ ? / ' ? _ \? ` ?` ' ? ? 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'J _ ? i / ?1i?53t 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 I-lO o0 New Consiruction Reawrements RemodeVReoav Reomrements o€fice Use OMv 3 registered sde surveys showfng sq, fl, of lot, sq fl of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan Cer# oF Swvey Recd '. _Y_ _N (20% mmimum lot cwere9e allowed) 1 set of Energy Cakulahons for heated addihons VcePtOSPIan Rdctl _Y _tJ, 2 copies ol plan shaxing beam & wmdow sizes; poured found design, etc 1 stle survry for additions & decks T'ree Pres Required° Y..;,.;?N 1 sel of Energy Calculahons Addition - ind'roate d on-site sepfic sysfem OC"ile'SEp1iC 5ysiem Y.' _ N 3 copies of Tree Preservafion Plan rf lot platled afler 711193 Rim .bist Detail Options selechon sheet (buildings with 3 or less umis) Date _?_'_ Site Addmss 1SSS L Oyt e Oa k R Construction Cost 000 °-" d UniUSte # Description of Work ?()- 4 ? tio o 5 r ? a-rcP _ Multi-Family Bidg _ Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0_ 1 _ 2 PmpertyOwner :jiw Sr'kPCA Telephone#(??? ) f/S,:2 Contractor Q d 6? Pa B Ci ?r Address arl,r ?1) State City SO • ? t ga o/ Zip SSO 7_5 Telephone #((3 J) D/S7 i'i 3/?/ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 Minnesota Rulcs 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 7 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Mechanical Conhactor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #( Telephone # ( Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. .f p.c -- l/L jl ct. r c as -ar Applicant's Printed Name licant's Signature \ ? \ ??-? _ --? / i ?' ? { iJ^! / _(?C ? \ ---?._./ ? \ ?? ? ? ? ? t \ \ ? ( / / ? ? \ { \ \ \ (J ? ? ? L ? \ ) \ \ , \ \ ? \ 6? 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